#sorry for combining their posts but there's not really anyway to tell them apart
onepiecebdays · 7 months
february 21st - charlotte dolce and charlotte dragée
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debut chapter: 845
recent chapter: 872
current ages: 9
affiliation: big mom pirates
bounties: unknown
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wiihtigo · 7 months
wiihtigo.tumblr.com/post/743934944739557376/ okay enough about Nell dying. what about that bad ending 2 with Casey dying 👀
grimacing at you sort of mournfully
similar to nell I think it happens during some big event- not as big as a crisis event alien invasion like nell but a citywide threat..(otherwise known as a regular tuesday in gotham), nell is out as ladybug helping out along with some gotham regulars (i imagine batman and nightwing are skulking around) shes not working WITH them exactly. theyre just out and shes also out at the same time and theyre fighting the same things. you see.
casey tags along sometimes when ladybug is out doing her thing because she lowkey doesnt respect nells job and thinks they can just combine patrolling and hanging out, BUT this time she actually stayed home. shes just laying on the couch, maybe scrolling her phone or finding something to watch on tv or dozing off into a nap when something hits their building. For the kind of big show-y jackass-y destruction thats happening in the city ive had it in mind this is a joker stunt. Not that thats super important even, hes not directly involved with casey blowing up. Anyways something hits their building and casey is crushed or...pierced by debris. She manages to fish out to phone (now cracked to shit) and calls nell for help (her reasoning being that nell will treat her as priority and come get her and help her ASAP meanwhile the ambulance's and police in gotham are pretty busy already)
Luckily, Nell picks up and immediately hears something is wrong even though casey (delirious and in shock) does not open with "there is a wooden beam lodged in my ribs come fucking get me" and instead is like "um...are you almost finished with work i think you should come home now. someone broke your window. its cold in here" but her voice is really strained and shes breathing kind of hard.
Nell is already speeding away but hes really far from their apartment and these stupid henchmen just keep getting in the way and its hard to keep casey talking when casey is usually the one DOING THE TALKING. but they do. keep talking together i mean. nell is kind of short with her at first because hes also kind of freaking but once casey starts panicking near the end when hes starting to realize hes cooked he starts lying to him telling him that hes almost there hes almost up the stairs and to just hang on a second more (hes like 20 blocks away)
at first casey was like. freshly in shock. so she wasnt talking about things like they happened. she asks nell to come home and clean up the glass on the floor because if she looked down and sees the blood coming out of her she was going to flip out or something. but the longer nell takes the more she starts to get scared and desperate and whiny (notice how i can find ways to insult her even as shes dying..now thats love) the more nell lies to her the more her solid faith in ladybug saving her ungrateful self is wavering. shes never let her down before! casey always follows nell/ladybug around and gets into trouble and nell always picks up her by the scruff of her neck and drags her back home. its basically what their relationship was built on, nell taking a random criminal home and promising to keep her on the up and up. nell is big and tough and strong and confident and independent and stable. these are all qualities casey really liked about nell right from the get go and its why, aside from being given a rent free place to live in, she stuck around this long even through the less desirable traits of hers and how insufferable she finds her sometimes.
in her fear (and pain) she starts swinging wildly between anger and pleading like "why arent you here yet!??! do you think im gonna die?? are you even coming?? are you doing this on purpose because youre mad at something i did.? WELL IM SORRY! FUCK! WILL YOU PLEASE COME GET ME NOW!!!!!!' (im sure this isnt doing anything to help nells stress levels. can someone tell her to relax?)
Nell.....did the smartest thing anyone has ever done in the history of the world, and before, when he took the call and nightwing noticed his alarm and comes down to say "hey is everything ok--" he brushes him off and speeds off to go deal with casey himself. Because casey is his responsibility and he doesnt really like nightwing. or any of the bats. nell is self sufficient, over confident, and (quoting from marty) "she has tunnel vision and chronic independence syndrome and by viewing caseys wellbeing as her own responsibility she has inadvertently doomed them" (unquote) (crowd booing sfx)
he could have asked for help from someone who could fly, or asked oracle to patch him through to an ambulance to get to the apartment faster than she could, or accepted nightwings offer to help knowing that hes more experienced than she is as a hero or done any number of things that would have to involve swallowing his pride, but he didnt and when he arrives back home casey is already gone
to be fair she wasnt really thinking straight. but wow, way to go nell. you really fucked that one up. can we cancel this heinous heinous bug?
when i compare our intrepid heroes death scenes in my mind i lol bcuz nell is like (coughing up blood) fuuuck i cant believe i loved that stupid girl. oh well. bleh. but casey in her last moments is like NO NO NO NO NO I DONT WANT TO DIE STOOOOP WTF WTF WTF
i think shes so panicked and frantic and scared in her last moments the complete opposite of nell accepting death and feeling content she did everything she could have (at least in regards to crimefighting that day)
she probably didnt even think it was a possibility until the last minute. shes so self confident. too self confident. some might even call it...stupidity.
in the way nell is letting her eyes creak shut thinking about a phantom image of casey and is just filled with regretful sadness, casey is not thinking fondly on ANY memory shes clutching onto her phone and wishing nells voice would jump out of the speakers and be there in front of her and carry her away and keep taking care of her FOREVER i mean keep financially supporting her until shes casted into the new scream film. she cant accept shes going to die. she wont accept it. she did so much hard work for so long to make something of her life and it was all just going to end in one night...she finally found a friend she could stomach the company of, actually enjoyed the company of, and it was all for nothing. AGAIN! these are depths of despair only previously felt when booster FIRED HER! she doesnt ..blame nell, exactly. well she kind of does. but its different than it was with booster. she put the full brunt of blame entirely on booster to shield herself from the possibility .. maybe her own choices and actions have something to do with the outcomes in her life? (NO NOT POSSIBLE) she is angry at nell for not being there. but shes also sad and confused and scared and all these mixed up emotions and even though shes angry at nell Somewhat she also...eugh....CARES about nell, and she thinks that nell also cares about her. (unclear in what way. and now we'll never know..SAD) so she isnt casting hexes on her like she had with booster, who she knew didnt really give her the time of day like ever. she just wishes she wouldve been there with her
but when have i ever given casey anything she wanted.
again, i advise you to go knock down martys door if you want more nell deets but im told ted and michelle support him through this (and isnt that more than casey ever got in the canon end? see..not so bad)
im also told he doesnt tell spider, caseys mom, about casey dying until 8 months after the fact. which im sure just about drives that poor woman over the edge. nell bishop are you ready to die..?
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(spoilers ahead obvi)
so of course I’m excited about the Pat storyline and all that but WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KITTY RIGHT NOW.
she’s playing Cinderella DO YALL KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!?!?!?!?
there are about to be some PARALLELS drawn between the panto and her own stepsister’s cruelty. in that flashback, she wanted desperately to go to the ball, and it was Eleanor’s scheming that stopped her. another facet usually focused on in adaptations of the story is Cinderella’s grief for her mother, which is also touched upon in Kitty’s backstory
I’m guessing this might start out as the other ghosts thinking she just wants to be the center of attention and humoring her as they cast it, but as they rehearse, it’ll start bringing some of that trauma back up for her. and maybe this time the others, instead of shutting down her realizations about her past to maintain her cheeriness, will actually help her work through it.
according to Kiell’s tweet, Lolly’s work in this ep is going to be especially incredible, so I bet we’re going to get to see some SERIOUS growth, and, as self-appointed #1 Kitty Fan, I am ridiculously excited
like. she’s gonna be facing the same situation, except this time, she will triumph. she’ll be seen as the lovely one she truly is. the help and support she’s longed for will finally come to her (oh my god PLEASE let Cap play the fairy godmother that would be pure gold). she’ll dance with the prince-
-WHICH GETS A PARAGRAPH OF ITS OWN because there have been hints of her having a crush on Thomas since THE FIRST DAMN EPISODE. as someone who’s utterly obsessed with picking apart subtle little nuances in camera acting, I’m telling you, seriously, watch her during the whole show. watch her face after he thinks she’s Alison, goes in to kiss her, and then is led off by Pat. watch the way she’s so nervous during the sorry song but almost starts to smile when he goes off script with the rap verse. take it from someone with plenty of experience being in love with a friend and trying to keep it under the radar, THESE ARE THE SIGNS. of course it’s vital for Thomas’ development for him to somehow realize, despite the whole stay-how-you-died thing, that there’s more to life than romance; once that happens, series 4’s genuine friendship and banter laid a really nice foundation for the writers to eventually go in that direction later with them if they so choose (“burgundy, big time”, the WAY he LOOKS at her in that post-poetry-reading scene holy SHIT, etcetera). and now they’re gonna combine their Melodramatic Theatre Kid Powers™️ to play the best fairytale romance Button House has ever SEEN.
ANYWAY. after nearly three centuries of just longing to feel like part of something, to matter, to be seen, especially in the context of a party (watching her follow Alison’s friends around during that one episode was fucking devastating as someone who’s experienced something like that many a time), my beloved girl is finally gonna get to be the belle of the ball. and to that I say, GOOD 👏 FOR 👏 HER👏.
tldr; GO KITTY GO.
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thepixelelf · 8 months
Hi! I've really been enjoying oby and I'd like to ask a question about it if that's ok? As I was reading, I thought about the amount of planning that must go into it. How do you go about planning a long series like that or any fic in general? Do you sit down and plan them or is it more of a you start off with an idea and it develops as it goes? I'm curious because I know whenever I'm doing art, I'll maybe have the vaguest sketch but then the final piece is completely different ahaha. I enjoy learning how other people think, sorry about the random question haha
I love this question!
Fun fact, the initial idea for Oh Baby, You came to me while I was in Taiwan in May/June 2022, about 11 months before the masterlist was finally posted! At the time, I was stuck in a govt mandated covid hotel with my mom for 10 days and unemployed (the best combination for fic ideas to brew). I made all the fake twt profiles in that hotel room, drafted a basic plot summary (like the one on the masterlist), and then let the wip sit for many months.
I was actually pretty scared to try and tackle something like oby-- it's got relatively heavy themes for something like an smau, and I don't exactly have a great record with completing series, but the level of support and love oby has received really helped!! I feel so lucky to have you awesome readers 💕
As for my planning process, it's actually quite simple! I basically start out with keystone moments-- sometimes I write them down, but sometimes I just keep them in mind. For instance, the oby list (in my mind, not in writing) looked a little something like this:
You took Mingyu's scandal baby, resulting in Jihoon misunderstanding the situation and making Wonwoo cut you out of his life
3 years later, Wonwoo moves back and into the apartment across the hall on the same day as Orion's bday party
CEO Cheol sees you at Mingyu's house and starts to suspect you and Mingyu are Orion's parents
Cheol starts going on "dates" with you, and you feel happy and liked in a romantic sense for the first time in years
Confrontation at the concert where everything comes to light
(more but I'm not spoiling <3)
You can probably tell, but I didn't exactly stick to this plan!! While I do have keystone moments in mind, I usually let my character's lead the way. However I think they'd react to a situation, I let them, even if it messes my timeline up a little. Sometimes this leads to things taking a lot longer than I expect, and sometimes actually makes readers hate characters that I think are justified (to an extent) lol
Anyways, I basically write every chapter the night before, always with the next keystone moment in mind, and the overall plot too.
I don't know if you've ever read or plan to read my tbz smau Hood, but that ended up being 100+ parts, and took over a year for me to write (with a couple breaks). Still, I always knew how it was going to end, I just needed to guide my characters there!
I do kind of the same thing with long written fics, just without the whole one chapter per week thing
I hope this answered your curiosities :] feel free to ask me any other questions 💕
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meikostan · 1 year
just solved a mystery that wasn't really mystery and didn't really need solving 👍 anyway i was going insane re:oshi no ko timeline because i forgot how old the twins are and what year this takes place in and needed to put all of my info in one place. in this essay i over-analyze the models of iphone as they differ from each other in the manga vs the anime. warning: very disorganized as i was sourcing all my evidence all this WHILE writing the post.
regular tldr: they're like 15/16 and the manga takes place in 2020 (but like including their childhood as well as their teenage years).
edit: the image formatting is broken :( idk how to fix it, sorry. they're still there, they're just huge and not next to each other for some reason
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compare and contrast ruby in the manga vs the anime. now i will admit i am not an expert of identifying iphones but in the anime she appears to be holding an iphone 4; we can tell because there's only one camera lens, the power button is on the top, as is the headphone jack. it's also a bit rounded on the edges, which seem to have a little bit more meat on them compared to the manga. speaking of, compare with the manga: here, the phone has 3 camera lenses. the angle prevents us from getting a good view of the top of the phone, but there doesn't seem to be either a headphone jack OR a power button. it's a bit harder for me to tell but i think this is supposed to be an iphone 12 pro max.
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compare. left: iphone 4, right: iphone 12 pro max
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL because aqua has an iphone too so of course we're looking at that
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left: aqua seems to be using the same iphone 4 that ruby was using previously
right: looks more like an iphone x judging by the camera? compare:
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ok so moving on. not from phones in general we'll still be talking about those but we also need to consider some other hints shown by the use of technology here. the anime seems to be pushing harder for us to view vol 1 as being set some time around 2010; if you saw my other post re:my thoughts on episode 1 you'll know that i talked about this already, but i'll restate some stuff here for completion's sake (+ add pictures)
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compilation of flip phones being used throughout ai's death montage; while i did find some articles published in 2009 on flip phones dipping in popularity because of smart phones, they were definitely still being commonly used around that time. i know this because i was alive in 2009
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also a wii, which was released in late 2006. it would have been incredibly common in many households, especially for non-gamers, which it was marketed towards. obviously a lone wii does not automatically mean oshi no ko vol 1 is set in the early 2010s/late 00's, but this in combination with the older models of phones does seem to point in that direction. also i have no proof of this but i feel like if it was set in modern day (2020s) that wii would be a nintendo switch instead.
bonus kana with an iphone 4 btw
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you'll notice that these are all anime screenshots, and this is because pretty much none of this is in the manga. apart from the funeral we don't see any crowd shots, or anything of the public; it's all very focused in on aqua and ruby. what we DO see in terms of technology are ruby's iphone 12 pro max and aqua's iphone x, meaning in the manga either vol 1 takes place around late 2020/early 2021, the cast of oshi no ko is stuck in an eternal present, or this was an art oversight brought upon by early installment weirdness.
also, to cover the use of twitter: twitter was launched in late 2006. the website saw a pretty huge boost in popularity in 2008, and the mobile app launched in 2010. it would be very possible for the twins to go twitter viral and become the oshi no ko version of charlie bit my finger.
OK on to guessing how old they are in the present, which for now only exists in the manga!
so, we know that ai had the twins when she was 16, and died a week before she turned 20. for simplicity's sake we'll just say she died when she was 20. that means the twins would be about 4 years old at this point.
what we're interested in is figuring out their age at present day. chapter 11 opens up with ruby filling out her idol applications; she list her age as being 14.
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however, we know that she's been filling out multiple applications for a good while now, and aqua has continually been sabotaging her. this might not even be an application from present day. speaking of aqua, he mentions right after this panel high school entrance exams:
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in japan, students enter high school (upper secondary school) around the time they're 15-16 years old. of course, aqua says they're "coming up", not that they're soon or currently happening. they could be on the lower end of 15 around here, or the higher end of 14.
additionally, in the next chapter, aqua is seen wearing what looks to be a gakuran (basically, middle school boy's uniform; middle school takes place ages 12/13 to 14/15).
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from this we can guess that around 10 to 11 years have passed since ai died; they're about 14 to 15 here.
if we pretend that their childhood in the manga also took place in 2010, that means present day oshi no ko takes place around 2020.
mystery solved! but i like digging deeper this is fun. so let's continue.
skipping to the next volume!
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lovenow time! here they outright state aqua's grade; high school 1st year, aka 10th grader, aka like 15/16.
can't grab screenshots of where 15 years of lies was established because mangaplus hates me and has locked the relevant chapters behind an app >:(
have to stop it here bc i don't remember as much as i thought i did and i also don't have access to chapters 95 thru 114 (thanks mangaplus👍) so uh yeah thank you for sticking with my rambles. again this was just me logicking through stuff because i forgot how old they are & is for personal reference. next time i do a reread i'll add more ^_^
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Question (and I think I may know the answer but I’m going to ask anyway because why not?!): can you rank the BTS members visually (face and body) according to your personal preference. Feel free to include past opinions that have now changed.
In my opinion I found Jungkook to be the most good looking…but then I started looking at Jimin and Jesus needs to now come save me. Wahala. I don’t think I will be the same. Okthanksbye.
LMAO at "Wahala". Are you West African by any chance? Come say hi if you are! 💜
Hi Anon,
This is the sort of ask I would normally read once, chuckle, read again, then delete. Because what the fuck? Have you seen what they look like?? What kind of question is "rank the BTS members visually"? And then you specified "face and body"? Ma je kin sepe fun ehn o ahn ahn now kilode? Si je te maudis maintenant, je jure sur tout ce qui est saint et sur le prochain album de Beyoncé, que tes arrières petits-enfants ressentiront cette malédiction. Ne me teste pas.
But you said "wahala" and I'm feeling sentimental so here's the list for you to tear apart:
7. Kim Taehyung - He's got a nice-looking face. Like the Indian Brad Pitt, but he's Korean, which is somehow even better if you're into k-pop, apparently. I can tell on a cerebral level that he is handsome, but my heart doesn't know it... you know what I mean? His slim build is okay, but even he knows it can be better. I'm very interested in seeing what Taehyung looks like in 2025. I suspect he could go several levels up in my ranking, but we'll see.
6. Jeon Jungkook - The fact I'm ranking Jung Kook sixth should tell people the caliber of visual that is in BTS. All seven of them are mind numbingly hot. No cap. JK is ranked here because despite how hot he is, despite how peculiarly pretty he is, he is still the most baby-faced out of the guys. In my opinion.
5. Kim Seokjin - The shoulders give him several points I'm sorry. I mean, yeah his build is a bit lanky and he could fill out a bit more but still, the shoulders are wide af. I count it towards his overall visual and Jin does have a very Korean handsomeness to him. He's the sort of guy my grandma would want for me... and I know I'm not the only person from my background who has thought so.
4. Kim Namjoon - Joon has the prettiest eyes in BTS. Maybe Jimin ties with him, but Joon's dragon eyes are definitely ranked first in any case. He's worked on his physique too in recent years which has bumped him up my list. I wish he was more coordinated in his motor skills, but he's still pretty decent.
3. Jung Hoseok - Hobi is such a dreamboat. He's lanky but it works for him. The way Tyler Joseph's does for him. But even better than that, J-Hope has stamina. This man is fit. And he is beautiful. Definitively masculine but so delicately pretty. Like y'all don't know what platinum blonde Hobi did to me in 2021. This man is hot and capable and that is a very dangerous combination take it from me.
2. Min Yoongi - Nobody is surprised. I don't even know what to say because I actually bias him. Like I just typed his name out and had to pause to take a breath. I'm keeping it real with y'all rn. I'm that gone. I like that he's a bulldog the whole fandom sees as a cat because that's what he is. I love the music he makes. The way he mixes bass and toplines in all his tracks is incredible. Like, all the lyrics to the chorus of Beyonce's EGO, apply to Yoongi in spades.
...just saying.
Park Jimin - I've said before, he could seem gamine + serpentine + feline + cute all at the same time. It's just fun looking at a face capable of showing so much at once. It's fun looking at Jimin. That's the sort of visual he has. His face is interesting. It is odd in the most benign ways. And by that I mean, most people typically have one definitive facial feature, one that stands out, like a strong browbone, high cheekbones, etc. Really pretty people have maybe two, three tops. For Jimin, his entire face is constructed from distinctive features. I don't want to completely objectify the man by spelling it out for you but Jimin is ridiculously beautiful.
It's just facts.
Jimin has looks. You know what I mean? Jimin has looks where he accentuates certain things. My favourite Jimin looks are some when he looks serpentine, a bit like a snake. Like this:
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(The first time I saw this photoshoot I remember I thought, "this is the look of a guy who will go there if there's need to." It's never made sense to underestimate him.)
I'm not sure it needs to be said but I also like his physique the best, whether it's leaner or bigger. Whatever weight he has he carries it well, he moves easily and that certainly adds to his visual. Jungkook too has recently mastered moving through space with ease, I hope what I mean can be communicated, but what I'm trying to say is: a very easy motion with no wasted movements. Anyway, Jimin is best at this, and maybe at a sub-conscious level it adds to his visual for me.
Lol, that's the ranking Anon.
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squeamishnerd · 5 months
The Original Ahriman
Chapter 15: Echoes of the Past, Part 1
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Ahriman: Hey, Ethren…
Ethren: Mmm?
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Ahriman: How's The Realm holding up?
Ethren: We noticed a disturbance a few weeks ago, but it's stable again.
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Ethren: Did no one tell you?
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Ahriman: No one ever tells me anything.
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Ethren: Any particular reason to why you're asking about the state of The Realm?
Ahriman: Yes, but I should talk with Áine about it. It's about a spell combination, with Untamed magic at its root.
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Ethren: You know, I could help if you don't want to talk with her, even if it's about a spell I know nothing about.
Ahriman: I know, but this time I really should talk with her specifically.
Ethren: Sorry to hear. Good luck.
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Ahriman: Áine, I need talk with you about something. Please don't get mad.
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Áine: What did you do?
Ahriman: I created a permanent duplicate and sent them to a parallel universe.
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Áine: You did what?
Ahriman: Sorry… And, um… I realised that there's an "exchange rate" for sending people to parallel universes. So, someone spawned at the ley line in my backyard, and then I lost them.
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Áine: Ugh, you're hopeless!
Ahriman: Hey, I'm trying to ask you for advice and make sure that I don't need to fix something. It's not like I want The Realm to tear apart.
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Áine: I can't believe you! You're the most immature, impulsive, and selfish person I know, and you never think of the consequences.
Ahriman: Okay, let me just take a few deep breaths…
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Ahriman: Seriously, Áine, what's your problem!? I'm trying to ask you for help. Why are you always like this towards me? As if you aren't all of those things you just called me! Guess who I took after!
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Áine: But I'm not-
Ahriman: Look at yourself! You asked me to be the next Sage on a whim! Speak of being impulsive! And blaming it on feeling biased because you got a crush on your apprentice! You raised me! If you really cared about me you would've felt biased for asking me too!
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Áine: Of course I care, I was the one coming up with the idea of us Sages raising you in the first place.
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Áine: But you were a lot to deal with, you never listened to us.
Ahriman: You're wrong. I listened to Ethren and Keisha, but I never listened to you, because you never listens to me.
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Ahriman: And while we're at it, you never answer any of my questions. When I was a teen and asked you about love and woohoo you told me to go talk with Ethren and Keisha instead. Like, make it make sense. You just didn't want to deal with any of my questions.
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Áine: But they're a couple, I thought they'd know.
Ahriman: How do you not know that they're not a "couple" in that sense? They're platonic life partners, they've been for ages. Are you really that egocentric? Do you really care that little about others?
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Áine: That's enough.
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Ahriman: No, I have more to say… Another thing you do is that you never explain things even when I ask you to. You just tell me to try things on my own and then you get mad at me for not doing them the way you would.
Áine: Because you're doing them wrong!
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Ahriman: I knew I should've brought this up with Ethren instead. I just thought you could've given me advice since it's about Untamed magic. But Ethren always gets to clean up your and my messes anyway.
Áine: Leave.
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Ahriman: Sure, I don't want to be here anymore anyway.
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Morgyn: Ahriman… Were all of those things you said really true?
Ahriman: Leave me alone.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
take it off || k.mg x reader
Pairing: mob!mingyu x fem reader
Summary: as much as you hate to admit it, jealousy looks good on your fiancé 
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
“Mingyu, slow down,” you said with a sigh, trying not to roll your eyes.
“What was he thinking?” Mingyu spat, not acknowledging what you had just said. He gripped the steering wheel even harder.
You watched as his knuckles began to turn white and rubbed his arm soothingly. “Baby, take a deep breath. Relax.”
He just shrugged you off and cursed at the car in front of him.
“Don’t fucking tell me to relax.”
“It’s not a big deal, Gyu.”
He actually turned his head towards you and looked at you this time. “You’re joking.”
You shrugged sheepishly. “I’ve had worse.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
You winced, knowing you’d probably made it worse and that Mingyu was likely now picturing the grimy hands of ill-intentioned strangers all over your body.
“I should have him killed,” he snarled.
To most, that threat would sound completely ridiculous or utterly insane, but your fiancé was the head of the Seoul mob-the South West branch anyway- and he was no stranger to violence. Having someone killed would be as easy as snapping his fingers.
You scoffed to call his bluff.
“You think I won’t?” he challenged and you groaned.
“You promised you were done with that.”
It’s true, one of the conditions of your engagement had been that Mingyu agree to put the more sinister side of his business to rest, and although you trusted him, in all honesty, you weren’t sure how well he was upholding his end of the deal.
“I’d make an exception.”
“Well don’t. I don’t want some poor guy’s blood on my hands.”
At that, the car screeched to a stop right in the middle of the freeway. The cars behind you honked and flashed their lights at Mingyu as they maneuvered to avoid a collision.
You huffed in frustration, wanting to bang your head against the dashboard. This was exactly why you didn’t like for Mingyu to drive himself: he pulled dangerous shit all the time like this. Literally, all of his other men had drivers who took them places and you desperately wished Mingyu would hire someone, but he insisted that it was safest if he was the one driving (yet here you were in the middle of the highway).
“You could’ve fucking killed us!” you shouted, more annoyed than anything.
Mingyu took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. But y/n, he’s not just some poor guy.”
“He was trying to get a rise out of you, Gyu. He fucking hates you, of course, he’d go after me, and he was drunk.”
Mingyu narrowed his eyes at you, foot still pressed firmly on the brake. “That’s not a fucking excuse, you of all people should know that. Why are you trying to defend him?”
“I’m not trying to defend him, I’m just saying he doesn’t deserve to die. Can we please just get home?”
Mingyu relented and put the car back into motion making you breathe a sigh of relief.
Even though he didn’t say anything else you could tell his mind was still going a thousand miles a minute. You watched him chew at his lip in silence and wondered what was going on in that beautiful head of his. Nothing good, you could be sure of that.
Mingyu’s mind was darker than most. Occupational hazard. He carried so much pain that you hadn’t known about when you first met him. He’d let you in slowly, keeping you at arm’s length for months, until he almost lost you. And then he knew he couldn’t keep things from you anymore. It was still a challenge to understand his thought process sometimes, but you liked it that way. How could a ruthless, power-hungry mobster also be the most loving, family-oriented person you’d ever met in your life? How could someone who dropped a grand on a dinner like it was nothing secretly rather spend one more night picnicking with crappy Chinese food on the bedroom floor in your old apartment? You couldn’t think of an answer, and you didn’t want to.
The guy at the bar tonight had been some rival of Mingyu’s. You hadn’t seen him before, but you could tell because when Mingyu got up to get the two of you more drinks he swooped in and laid it on heavy. He looped one arm around your waist and placed his other hand on your knee and began attempting to seduce you. Sure, you were uncomfortable but more than anything you were angry. And tired. Tired of being used as bait, something to get to Mingyu.
You didn’t want to make a scene so you listened to the asshole talk about how much better he’d treat you than Mingyu until your fiancé eventually returned with your drinks in hand, face beet red, eyes dark with anger.
The man, you never caught his name, left the bar with a broken nose. Mingyu left with bruised knuckles. You’d thought it would end at that, but of course, once Mingyu got started it was hard for him to stop. It was a gift in the bedroom, but a curse in the rest of your life.
Then, so softly you almost didn’t hear it, Mingyu broke the silence in the car and said “I know what he said to you,” and it all clicked.
Normally, a hand on your shoulder, thigh, ass was enough to set Mingyu off, but combine that with the filthy words he’d undoubtedly overheard spilling from the man’s lips… no wonder all he could see was red.
“Mingyu, I-“
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to start something.”
“Start something? Is that true? Or do you think he’s right?”
“No, of course not.”
“Do you think he can satisfy you better than I can?”
“Well do you?”
You shook your head and rubbed your thighs together, fighting a shiver. As irritating as Mingyu’s jealousy could be, the effect it had on you was even more infuriating. The man could already turn you on without doing anything and whenever he started acting a little jealous it was game over for you. It was pathetic, really.
“Why the fuck did he even think it was okay to look at you, let alone touch you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged finally settling in to play the game. “These big dudes with huge muscles just think they can have whoever they want.”
Mingyu whipped his head back towards you. “What did you say?”
You ignored him. “I mean he definitely wouldn’t be as good as you, but he could do some damage.” Mingyu was full-on glaring at you now, and you wanted to tell him to keep his eyes on the road, but you couldn’t give up so fast. “I mean, just one of his hands could probably wrap around my whole neck. Like they were giant, and you know what they say about guys with big hands-“
“Do you think this is funny?”
Any sane person wouldn’t even think about taunting Mingyu like this, not with his reputation, but you couldn’t be sane to be with someone like Mingyu anyway, and besides, you knew he was a big softie at heart.
“A little,” you admitted. “You look really hot right now.”
He really did. His hair was tousled with silver highlights from the moonlight streaming in through the windshield, his tan skin was flushed with adrenaline, and his white button-up was unbuttoned just a few times to show off his collarbone. You bit your lip. You were so fucking weak.
“That’s not going to work.”
“No?” You quirked an eyebrow and leaned over the console to see that he was already more than half hard in his dress pants. “Because it looks like it’s working.” You reached over and began to palm him through his trousers, smirking when he cursed and rolled his neck at the contact.
“Y/n, if I have to pull over, you’re not going to be able to walk for the next week.”
Oh no, that’d be horrible you thought to yourself and rolled your eyes. He had to know that’s what you secretly wanted, right? Right? Why were men so stupid?
Either way, you took your hand back and moved it up under the hem of your dress to where you were feeling a little desperate for some friction. You sighed deeply when you rubbed yourself over your panties, not even surprised at how wet you were.
“Fuck,” you hissed out and hiked your legs up onto the seat so you could give Mingyu a better view.
“Stop that.”
He said it so forcefully that you froze, fingers hovering over your panties, about to pull them to the side. Then you smiled.
“No.” You went ahead and did it anyway, slipping two fingers inside of yourself easily.
You weren’t one to defy Mingyu often, especially when it came to what he asked of you in the bedroom, but you knew how crazy it drove him and just couldn’t resist.
Mingyu groaned, trying and failing to maintain an angry expression. His eyes betrayed an absolutely sinful lust that made you want to melt and you wished more than anything he’d just pull the fucking car over.
“Fuck, Gyu,” you gasped, “I wish these were your fingers, you’re so good with your fingers.”
“Yeah? You sure you wish they’re my fingers? Not someone else’s?”
You shook your head vigorously. “Never. You’re the only one who knows how to make me cum that hard.”
“Is that what you want? To cum hard?”
“God, yes,” you moaned, pumping your fingers in and out of you faster.
“Take off your dress.”
“What?” you weren’t sure if you’d heard him right, you were still driving down the highway after all.
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
Not wanting to push your luck any further you didn’t hesitate to listen this time and pulled the loose fabric up and over your head.
“Good girl,” he praised and you whined. You were still wearing your bra and underwear and as much as you’d love to flash oncoming traffic, you hoped Mingyu wouldn’t ask you to take them off.
“You can touch yourself,” he said and you complied, knowing it was more of an instruction than an allowance.
It felt good, really good, but you still wished it was him instead of you.
“Fuck, darling you look so beautiful like that, God, I can’t believe I get to marry you.”
“If, you stop, killing people,” you managed to get out through gritted teeth and Mingyu laughed.
“I’m not going to kill him, baby. I made a promise. You’re too important to risk losing, even if he is a fucking prick.”
You whimpered, the mixture of complete head-over-heels love you felt for Mingyu and pleasure making you crumble.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he said, reaching over and taking you by the wrist, stalling your movements just as you were about to fall over the edge. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget you ever met that asshole.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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divinefireangel · 3 years
They Just Don't Know You
Soft Yandere! Seo Moon-Jo x F! Reader
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Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. If this piece of fan fiction is offensive to any celebrity, fandom or culture please let me know so I can take it down. Also note that this is my version of a character or celeb, which will vary from person to person.
Author's Note: A 2nd longer fic for our lovely cannibalistic psychopath. I hate that I'm attracted to him. Someone please be my therapist. Or psychiatrist. Honestly doesn't matter. My brain is fucked anyway.
Copyright: Please note that this is my work and if you want to publish this on any other platform, take my permission before doing so. Taking an author's work and posting it somewhere else without any intimation is just disrespectful. I readily welcome suggestions and criticisms. That being said, Happy reading! 🤍
Warnings: 16+ and written for female reader, but all can read. (nothing specified with respect to appearance, etc of reader). Except that I've mentioned reader is short, cuz LDW is tall 🥰. There is a brief mention of sex, but no actual smut. Reader kinda highkey hates on her parents and younger sister. Read it to know. Age gap between reader and Moon-Jo. Slight obsessive thoughts. Manipulative words. I tried to put plot twist in the end, probably you won't notice it 💀. Please please tell me if I need to add more warnings. Do not read if you start to feel uncomfortable. I apologize in advance 🥺
Pre-Requisite / Summary: Just a fic based on the song They Just Don't Know You by Little Mix. After watching Strangers from hell I related this song to him for some reason. Reader and Moon-Jo are in an established relationship. And reader's loved ones don't approve.
2.3k ish words My longest fic till date 🥳
" You know that he's too old for you. You can settle for younger, much younger guys for your age sweetheart. If you can't find anyone eligible enough, we will find one for you. And you don't even know if he has intentions of marrying you. What if all he wants is just a fling or some time pass relationship. Hmm? What are you going to do then? "
Sipping her tea silently, Y/N sat next to her dad on the porch swing, listening to all the criticisms he had about Moon-Jo. All his words did was boil her blood. But what could she do when they don't walk in her shoes? They don't know how safe and content she feels when he kisses her like she's the only girl for him in the entire universe. And no point in explaining that to her father anyway. She's tried. And failed. Multiple times.
"Are you done with your tea?" She asks her dad, in desperate attempt to try and get away from him and his words because she knows, and even he knows that it's going to end up in a fight if they continue to speak on the same topic.
Humming yes, he hands her his tea cup which she takes to the kitchen so she can help her mom with dinner. Placing them in the sink upon entering the kitchen, Y/N drags her palms down her face in frustration.
" I could hear what he said you know. Your dad. He's not wrong. Seo Moon-Jo seems like he'll break your heart in three. And we're only looking out for you Y/N. You don't have to go through heartbreak when you can very well avoid it." Her mom finished slowly.
" Why. Why is it so difficult for you to accept the fact that I'm actually in a happy relationship for once in my life. So what if he's much older than I am? He's a dentist. A doctor. A very good profession and he's known and well respected in his neighbourhood too. " Y/N said loud enough for her dad also to hear.
Huffing in annoyance she left the kitchen to go upstairs to her room. Or rather the room she shares with her sister. Of course the door is wide open. The younger rascal is always here for the drama.
Ever since Y/N came out to her family about her relationship with Moon-Jo, her sister has become the favourite child, for obvious reasons. And now eavesdropping with the door wide open? That's a new low. But what else can Y/N expect from such a low life who is literally thriving off her own sister's pain and suffering.
When entering the room, Y/N realizes how big a mistake it was to visit her family. And she did not need such snark from a younger, less experienced child.
"Are you that blinded by " Love " that you don't even see how weird his hair is? A man who isn't an idol or actor doesn't need such long hair. He's clearly a fuckboy. Or man whore. Whichever is right. " She said with disgust.
'She's just jealous. She's just a jealous bitch. They all are.' Y/N thinks to herself.
" At least one of us gets laid regularly. And just so you know, it's absolutely heavenly when he makes me cum over and over on his fingers and his dick-" Y/N said as her tone slowly got lower and darker and her emotion angrier.
Screaming and covering her ears, the younger girl ran downstairs to her mother, no doubt to tattle on her older sister. Rolling her eyes, Y/N started packing her things, all of them, in a bag she took down from the top shelf of the wardrobe.
It's really difficult to leave one's family, but it is clearly getting more and more tiresome to love them nowadays. If it's so wrong to date him, why does Y/N herself not see it? She's a logical and smart young lady. Does her family hate that man so much that they don't even want her to be happy? No matter who she's with. And is it so bad to date a man who's older? Richer? And cares more about her than all of her family members combined?
Wiping the fallen tear stains from her cheek, she just thinks to herself ' They just don't know him. They just don't know him like I do. '
Sending a text to her lover, saying that she misses him and that she's coming back home sooner than planned, Y/N carries her bag through the front door, her parents and sister ignoring her as she leaves and walks out that door one final time.
Once reaching their shared apartment, Y/N collapsed into her lover's arms the moment he opens the door, crying her eyes out. Seeing his lover in turmoil, shedding a tear or two of his own, Moon-Jo carries her to the living room couch to cradle her like a child who needs attention.
" They- They said -"
" Shh my darling. I know. " Moon-Jo said, shushing his girlfriend and giving her a shoulder to cry on. Once she's calmed a little, her sobs turning to sniffs, she lifts her head to meet his gaze.
Seeing her sad, tear stained eyes always upset him. More than anything in the world. Running his long slender fingers across her cheeks and jaw, he removes her hair from her ponytail with his free hand and rests it on her thigh.
" Tell me. Please tell me that you won't break my heart like them. That you won't try to tear my world apart like them. " Y/N looked desperately at him, wanting so badly to know that he's not just using her.
Those words, that slipped out her mouth, shocked Moon-Jo, to say the least. What did he do wrong? What did her family fill her head with?
Tilting his head to a little, he looks into her red eyes, trying to read her mind for a moment, all the while she just looked at him with the same desperate expression.
"Please tell me that you will be there when I need you the most. " Y/N whispered so softly, she herself barely heard it. But the end of the sentence, she started crying all over again.
Taking her head to his neck, he stroked her hair and her sides, trying to calm her down.
" Darling. I promise with my everything, that I will never leave you, I will never ever let you go. That I will do anything, anything necessary to prove my love to you. "
"No, oh dear no. That's not, you don't have- have to do anything at all to make me believe you love me. I'm sorry I asked such a stupid question. " She sobbed out.
Shushing her softly again, he rocks their bodies back and forth, till she's calmed and fallen asleep there, in his arms. Knowing that his arms are her only safe place for her from now on, he takes her delicate figure to the bedroom.
Placing her on her side of the bed, he lays down on his. Staring at her stunning face, he feather touches her face with his fingertips, memorizing every curve, every little detail on her, like a sculptor admiring his work and giving it the finishing touches.
" So, I did a little digging on your sugar daddy. "
" Why?! And he's not my sugar daddy. " Y/N said in disbelief. No. Not her dear best friend too.
" I know you said not to and I'm sorry. But I am worried about you. He made you leave your family Y/N. " They stated with worry and sympathy.
" No. He didn't make me leave them. I left them by choice. They don't see him like I do. And clearly, they hate that I'm happy with him. " Y/N finished as they sat down at the lunch table.
" Y/N..... "
" What? Even you don't want me to be happy? " She questioned her friend in disbelief. Laughing sarcastically Y/N shook her head.
" I've heard rumours! Okay? He was in the orphanage that had that severe fire explosion. And most of the culprits from that incident are MIA. What if he's one of the people who caused it?! " They said in a whisper, worried that the neighbouring people can hear their conversation.
" Do you really think that? All of that is just a rumour. And he's told me about it. He's told me everything. Unlike my parents who so desperately tried to tie me down to an arranged marriage. "
" He's not good for you. I know you deserve better. Okay he may make happy and all but what if he leaves? What if he just uses you and drops you like you were nothing? We're just trying to make sure you don't get hurt Y/N. Physically and emotionally. " They finished.
" This, all what you said, is cheap talk. But it'll eventually wear down because when we get married and have kids and all that in the future, you're all going to look like fools. And I will proudly say ' I told you so '. "
" If that's the case then I am the happiest person for you. Hopefully I won't have to be the one to say ' I told you so'. "
" Wow. I, just- hah. Wow. Just wow. " She paused.
" You know, I really hoped you would be more supportive or at least tolerant enough to have patience and support me with my decision for my love. " Y/N said loud enough for eavesdroppers to hear audibly.
Of all the people she would have to drop, never even in her nightmares had she fathomed that her best friend would be one.
Getting up from the table, she picks up her bag and leaves without another word, and goes to the only place that has love for her and that accepts her.
Reaching home, Y/N notices the place empty. Maybe he's at the clinic?
Shrugging off her bag and jacket she sits on the couch for a moment, before her restlessness takes over and she begins pacing in the living room.
Why are people being like this? Do they hate her so much? They barely know him. Why are they treating and accusing him to be such a criminal! He's not. He takes care of Y/N so much. He loves her so much. He provides for her. He's affectionate with her, more than he's told he thought capable. He's become her ride or die. And she, his.
They don't know him like I do. They will never love me like he does.
They don't know about the love they have. The just see what they want to see. Bloody society dictating whom to love and whom to not. Is it so hard to see the love they have for each other? Can't they just let it be. They don't know the turmoil she's gone through recently; they don't know how well he's taken care of her, kept her happy and same enough to not let her intrusive thoughts get the best of her.
Her thoughts interrupted by the door clicking open. Smiling, Moon-Jo enters with a box, surely containing sweets from her favourite bakery. How can you not love someone so considerate, who does things for you without even having to ask.
Seeing the sad look upon his lover's face, Moon-Jo's smile fades into a frown.
" What's wrong my dear? "
Smiling sadly Y/N just shakes her head, conveying that she doesn't want to talk about it.
Placing the box of sweets on the coffee table, the two hug each other, feeling of comfort taking over them both. She can just stay here, forever, in his arms till the world ends.
" Babe. What's wrong? You can tell me anything. Anything at all. I'll take care of the problem. " Delicately Moon-Jo cradles Y/N's head in his palms, making her face up to him, their height difference evident.
Sighing, she moves to sit on the couch, motioning him to do the same. " It's just people. And what they say. My family was one thing, but my best friend, the person I chose as my family " Pausing Y/N breathers the tears back in, " They were doubtful of you today. How can I live knowing that no one will approve of us? " Y/N questioned looking at him.
" Does their opinion really matter that much? So much so that you are skeptical of my affection to you? " Coldly, he moved back from his seat on the couch.
" No! No. Gosh that is not what I mean. Not at all. I love you and I know that you love me. So much. So much so I would die for you. But there are other people whom I care about. Who's opinions matter to me. And I don't want to let them go. As happy as I am with you, I need them too. They give me joy in a different way, that is important. "
" Do I not make you happy? Are you not content with the love I give you? Is it not enough? " He asks carefully.
" That's not what I meant! You love me more than anyone I've known. "
"Then what's the problem? You don't need those people who don't love you. You have me. You will have me forever and ever. I will never leave you. And you will never leave me either. We'll be with each other till the end of the world darling. "
Nodding with a small smile you looked down at your feet.
Unhappy with your action, Moon-Jo pulls your face up by your chin to look at him with such force, it scared you a little, making your heart skip a beat in fear.
" Do you not love me, babe? " He asked tilting his head to a side, his expression mildly offended.
" I do! I love you. So much. " You finished with a soft tone, cupping his face with your hands.
Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, Moon-Jo leaned down to capture your lips with his. Reacting immediately, you kissed him with as much energy and sincerity you could muster, as you head filled with thoughts of doubt.
Had your parents been right? Had for friend been right? Had they all been right all along and you too blind to see?
No. It can't be. He loves you. He's said that so many times. And you love him.
You love him.
Do you love him, or have you been illusioned into loving him?
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
HI SORRY FOR SOUNDING INSANE PROBABLY but yr writing is. so good, u write everyone so in character and yr posts r easy for my poor peabrain to read cuz theyre formatted so well
this is a really specific request BUT I WAS FROTHING THINKIN ABOUT IT AND i wanted to see yr take on it.... SO andre and his s/o try out like. aaphrodisiacs together. iiiiiii might write smthin about it with my oc who knows but ANYWAYS thank you yr so swag uhh godspeed andre enjoyers <3<3<3
NSFT BELOW BC THIS IDEA MAKES ME FERAL, minors dni. Tw : drugs, drug use
IM such a sucker for the Mutual Aphrodisiac Trope. TYSM ANON
Andre will make it himself, ffs this is right up his alley lmao. Drugs that make you horny? Holy fuck???
His S/O already trusts his concoctions 100% - Andre would never think of giving his partner smth that would harm them. He’s an ass, but hes not THAT kind of ass. That’s some Rand shit smdnsd
HONESTLY?? hes surprised at how Intense of a reaction his body has to it?? he kinda expects it to just be a slight buzz or smth bc,, hes taking mass amounts of drugs every day?? like shouldnt he be entirely desensitized??
NOPE this shit hits him like a fucking SEMI. 
he’s not sure if its bc he added a little of Myc’s Goo for spice ( not enough for it to wipe memories  moreso to just give you two a nice Extra Buzz on top of everything?), or just the CONCEPT of an aphrodisiac is giving him a Placebo(ner),, but LORD,,
it feels like his head is swaddled in a hot, wet cloth? it takes so much energy to even think?? His whole body is,, just shaking itself apart and its the best feeling in the world?
From your perspective he looks ruined? Like you two haven’t even started doing anything yet and he’s already whimpering? you aren’t even sure if he realizes he’s making noise?
It hits you just as hard lmao - your core feels like just,, hot molasses in a stand-mixer. This lovely, hot swirling feeling <3
The kisses are hot. Not just sexually - like,, physically there’s heat? You’re pretty sure his entire body is Feverish? Maybe it’s just bc he’s blushing so hard <3
When he’s kissing your neck it feels like,, a warm shower? The feeling just spreads Out and Out and Out from each kiss?? It’s all very messy bc he barely has coordination when he isn’t on Horny Drugs (tm)
Andre really should have had the forethought to take off his pants first because,, his hands are shaking way too hard to even properly grasp the button?? You might be able to catch him begging a bit under his breath?
he just,, straight up gives up eventually and starts grinding against your thigh. sndbs if neither of you have the coordination to get clothes off? it’s gonna be a lot of very needy dry-humping!
Surprisingly?? If the two of you are nude he doesn’t actually take initiative??
You’d kinda expect him to be,, more dominant but tbh he’s just laying back and letting you take control at this point?
When you actually take him in?? he looks like he’s dying?? But like a happy dying smdns this man has the Dopeyest Smile on his face.
His eyes go wide like a deer in headlights,, and his head just,, slowly falls back into the pillows? Every muscle in his body tenses up before going slack. You’re pretty sure he just saw god smdmsnds???
it barely last for a second before he’s writhing under you, half-thrusting, half Wriggling To Get Friction!!
You two definitely find more of a pattern once you start bouncing!!
and my pattern, i mean Andre lays completely limp, begging like his life is one the line while you do all the work smnds
Sometimes he manages a few thrusts but mostly?? Just the combination of sensations and feelings is enough that he just,, lets himself enjoy it.
Its very difficult to tell when he starts to cum bc,,
he’s leaking the entire time, making an absolute mess of everything.
after a while he just Stops making loud noises?? He melts down into,, these Heavy Gasps and Sporadic Shouts. He’ll absolutely talk if you need him to, but he’d rather just let his brain shut off and enjoy it!!
Mostly he just seems to be in a state of pure bliss the entire time? The only time he gets Really Loud again is when you cum - feeling your insides get tight? <3 he’s a mess
Once you two come down from the high?? honestly everything feels a bit sticky, and wet, and you feel a little dizzy?? You’re both exhausted and happy and <3 Andre can’t stop giggling bc of how soft he feels all over??
expect his limbs to be lazily draped over you <3 and some very mushy ramblings about how nice it was to share that experience with you before he Passes The Fuck Out <3
in any case he is,, absolutely using that shit again. Even just in his own free time, if you don’t wanna use them again. Those aphrodisiacs might be his new favorite thing smds.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 6}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A @snelbz x @tacmc collaboration.
Word Count: 3080
** N S F W **
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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– Goddess of love, beauty, and desire
The second Aelin stepped into Rowan’s apartment, silence ensued. With the door shut behind them, Aelin felt like his apartment had significantly shrunk in size since the last time she had been there. 
Granted, everything looked the same. The blanket that was draped across his leather sectional in his living room still laid in the same spot, his television was still quietly playing a hockey game, and his laptop sat on his coffee table. Only, this time, there wasn’t a mug of coffee next to it but a nearly-empty bottle of beer. 
“So,” Aelin began, just as Rowan said, “Sorry, it’s a mess.”
Aelin blinked, looking around at his pristine apartment. “This is what you consider a mess?”
Rowan looked around before chuckling, nervously. “Yeah, well, there’s….dust.” 
Aelin nodded, slowly, continuing to look around. “Well, here’s your clothes,” she said, at last, holding out the bag.
“Thanks,” Rowan muttered, taking the bag from her outstretched hand before tossing it aside. “Do you…want a drink or something? I was just doing some grading.”
“Grading and drinking?” Aelin asked. “Quite the combination.” 
Rowan shrugged. “Only makes the shitty papers a little bit better to read.”
“Have you read mine yet?” Aelin asked, before she could think better of it. Rowan hesitated, and Aelin shook her head. “Wow, that was an inappropriate question. Sorry.” 
“No, it’s fine,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You could have asked me that in class and I’d have answered it. I have.”
When he didn’t go on, Aelin cleared her throat awkwardly. “I’ve never taken a mythology course, so I don’t know much about it, save for what Disney taught me. Which apparently was all wrong, anyways.” She tucked a loose hair behind her ear and cleared her throat again. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. “But music, I do know a lot about, so Apollo seemed like a safe bet. Even if I’m sure I sounded stupid and-.”
“You didn’t,” he interrupted, leaning against the counter. “Your essay is the only one I’ve read that seemed like a real opinion piece, and not like you’re trying to blow smoke up my ass and impress me with your knowledge. This is an introduction class, remember? You aren’t supposed to be a scholar of mythology yet. I liked how honest it was.” 
Aelin blinked. “Really?”
Rowan nodded, his eyes remaining on hers. It made Aelin’s heart beat a little bit faster. “Yeah, it was great. I love to hear your thoughts, and I’m excited to hear more of them.”
Aelin nodded and took a deep breath. She should have turned and walked out, told him goodbye, but she couldn’t. Her feet were glued to the floor, her heart nearly ready to beat out of her chest. Her thoughts trailed to the last time she was here, when she’d met the most abundant amount of pleasure she had ever received, and left smitten and wanting more. 
From the way the light in his eyes shifted, Aelin knew that Rowan was thinking the same thing. 
“I should go,” Aelin said, quietly. 
“Yeah,” Rowan agreed.
Neither of them moved. 
“You could’ve kept the clothes,” Rowan continued, swallowing. “You didn’t have to come all the way here.”
“I thought you’d want them back,” Aelin said, even though she wasn’t really sure that she even truly believed that. 
Every second more that Rowan stared at her, and she stared back, a throbbing formed between her thighs. Rowan said, “You look better in them than I do.” 
Aelin swallowed. “I should go,” she repeated.
“Do you want to go?” Rowan asked, hardly more than a whisper.
Aelin remained where she was, watching him, her chest rising and falling, rapidly, with each heavy breath she took. 
She slowly shook her head, and before she could form an intelligible thought, Rowan was coming toward her, taking her waist into his hands, and claiming her mouth with his.
She melted into his touch, her hands diving into his hair, holding her against him. He wasted no time, lifting her and setting her on the counter behind her, and stepping between her legs. Aelin gently nibbled on his lip and he opened for her, his tongue sweeping into her mouth just as hers did the same. His hands were still sitting on her waist, but hers were less than idle.
Finding the hem of his shirt, her fingers ran over the abdomen muscles she couldn’t get out of her head. He pulled his lips from hers as a shudder wracked through him and he let out a shaking breath.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you,” he admitted, pulling her to the edge of the counter and grinding against her.
Aelin’s lashes fluttered as she let out a soft moan. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, either.”
His lips were on hers again, hungrily, longingly, and all conversation faded away as Aelin pulled off Rowan’s shirt and ran her hands through his messy, short silvery hair. 
Rowan muttered a curse against Aelin’s mouth, and she felt a fire ignite within her core. She wanted it. Gods, she wanted it, wanted him. She knew it was wrong, knew there were boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed, knew the schools had rules, knew employers had rules, but as his mouth trailed from her lips to her neck, just beneath her jaw, Aelin had a really, really hard time caring about any of that. 
His hands slid beneath her top, feeling cool and needy against her skin. 
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop,” he murmured between the kisses that trailed down her neck. She knew he would, too. One word, and it was done, over.
But, despite the rules, she begged, “Don’t fucking stop.” 
That was all Rowan needed to hear. He pulled her shirt over her head, his lips immediately finding her skin again. His kisses trailed from her neck to her shoulder and he pushed the strap of her bra down. His hand did the same with the other and as soon as the straps were free, he reached behind her and unclasped it.
Dropping his head, his mouth closed around her nipple and his tongue circled the sensitive peak. Aelin’s moan was louder than she meant for it to be, but Rowan didn’t try to stifle it. Instead his hand found her breast, rolling her other nipple between his fingers.
Aelin swore, and it had Rowan moaning, muffled, palming her breast as his teeth tugged on her nipple as his free hand made its way into the back of her leggings. 
When he realized that she wore no panties, he was about to combust. 
Aelin’s hands dove into his hair and she pulled his head back. “I need you. Now.”
Rowan’s only response was finding Aelin’s mouth again with his own, and shoving his sweatpants down onto the kitchen floor. His hard length was on perfect display inside of his boxer-briefs. When Aelin palmed him, he grabbed her off of the counter and carried her into the living room, dropping her down onto the couch. Before he covered his body with hers, he yanked off her leggings and tossed them aside. 
He groaned as she continued to rub him through his underwear until he finally couldn’t take it anymore, needing to feel her skin on his. He intended to take them off, but only got as far as freeing his length before she wrapped her hand around him and stroked once, twice. His head fell into the crook of her neck and he did his best not to look like an inexperienced teenager, but he bucked his hips into her hands, groaning again.
This was all he’d been able to think of for the past few days, ever since he saw her in his classroom. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of taking her against every free surface in the hall, as well as in his office. He didn’t have a chance to explain that to her though, as she shifted beneath him and lined him up at her entrance.
She was all slick skin and warm, soft wetness and he pushed into her. With a breathy sigh, her head fell back, eyes rolling back, and he took advantage of her attention elsewhere to look down at where they were joined. Watching as his hips rocked into hers, he breathed her name, gripping her hip and fighting the urge to press her down into the cushions with his weight.
Aelin’s hands snaked around the back of Rowan’s neck and she pulled him against her, kissing him, urgently. Rowan pulled out slowly before thrusting himself back into her, over and over and over again, relentlessly. It felt so good, so right. He kept his pace, pushing into her harder each time, until she was screaming, his name falling from her lips continuously. 
Rowan’s moan became muffled against her neck as her knees began to quiver around him. As he felt her come, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
When he came, Aelin was clinging to him, still coming down from her high.
Rowan’s body fell against hers, and her body remained wrapped around his as they caught their breaths. 
She was unable to stop herself from running her fingers up and down his back, even going so far as to brush them through the short hair at the nap of his neck. There was no question what he would say after he pulled out and cleaned her up.
This was a mistake.
We shouldn’t have done that.
You need to go.
Aelin wasn’t sure which it would be or if it would be some mixture of the three. All she knew is that it would hurt.
Seeing him in class every day, knowing that this connection existed between them, aside from just sex, was going to hurt.
Pulling back, his green eyes found hers and she braced herself for him to ask her to leave.
But then he kissed her again.
“I was going to order dinner,” he said, lips still brushing hers. “If you want to stay.”
Aelin hesitated, but not because she didn’t want to stay. 
Rowan picked up on it, though. “Or, if you don’t want to…” he began, pushing himself up off of her.
Aelin shook her head and held onto him, pulling him back down on top of her. “No, it’s not that, it’s the opposite.” She laughed, quietly. “I was just…preparing myself for you to say…anything but that.”
Rowan’s eyes softened as he nodded, slowly. “So…you do want to stay, then?”
Aelin brushed his damp hair off of his forehead. “Am I allowed to stay?”
“Right now, what we’re allowed to do is the last thing on my mind,” Rowan breathed, leaning down to kiss her softly. “Right now, all I’m thinking about is ordering dinner and having you here with me.”
She nodded, smiling softly. “That sounds nice.”
“Okay,” he replied, returning her smile. “Stay here. I’ll be back.”
Just as he did the last time, he returned with a warm rag, wiping her off and cleaning her up. He also returned with his shirt, the one she’d intended to return, rather than her clothes.
“I’m on the pill, by the way,” she said, glancing over at him as he pulled his own sweatpants back on.
He blinked once, as if he’d just realized they hadn’t used a condom.
And he’d come inside her.
“I…really should have asked before I just assumed.” He rubbed at the back of his neck again. “I’m sorry.”
Aelin chuckled, quietly. “Don’t worry. If I wasn’t prepared, I wouldn’t have let you inside of me to begin with.”
“Fair enough,” Rowan said, sitting next to her on the couch. “In my defense, our last…encounter is still a little fuzzy when it comes to the little details.”
When they’d been together last, there had been a lot of alcohol…and Rowan couldn’t remember if he’d used a condom then, but he couldn’t imagine that he had.
He sent up a quick thank you to the gods for the creation of birth control.
Now, he put his arm around Aelin as he pulled up the menu to a little local Mexican restaurant a block down the road. “What’re you in the mood for?”
Aelin hummed and looked through the menu as Rowan scrolled through it. “Chimichanga. And a taco. Make it two. With a side of rice. And a bowl of queso.”
Rowan gave her an amused glance as he entered all of her requests into the cart.
“What?” She asked, huffing a laugh. “You’re the reason I worked up an appetite.” 
“Fair enough,” he laughed and pressed a kiss to her temple. He ordered their food, thankful that his favorite restaurant down the road was still serving margaritas to-go, and then set his phone aside.
It was quiet for a minute and when he glanced over at Aelin, she was brushing the end of a lock of her hair over her lips.
He loosened it from her fingers and she looked over at him. “What’s on your mind?”
She shrugged. “I’m trying to figure out where we’re going from here, what we’re doing…”
She was still only wearing his shirt, her leggings and own shirt still strewn somewhere around his kitchen. He turned to face her, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “It’s been less than a week and I can’t get you off my mind. I’ve tried, but… I don’t want to.”
Aelin hesitated. “I feel the same way. But….your job-.”
“I’ll keep my job-.”
“And my future-.”
“I won’t ask you to do this if you don’t want to do this,” Rowan said. “I’m more than willing to keep us a secret. I just want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you, too,” Aelin breathed. “But is it really a relationship if we have to hide all the time?”
“You won’t be in school forever,” he said, taking her face into his hands. “Soon, you’ll graduate and then we won’t have to hide anymore.”
She was quiet for another moment, so he added, “You wanted to date me before you found out who I was. If you’re not interested anymore because of that, I get it—.”
“It’s not that,” she replied, leaning into his palm. “I just worry about the consequences.”
“Damn the consequences,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss her. “And we’ll be careful, to make sure nobody knows. Not a soul.”
She made a face and for a second, he got worried, but she said, “I may have gotten wine drunk on Tuesday and told my roommate. But she’s my best friend, and she wouldn’t tell anyone.”
Chuckling, he nodded. “I got whiskey drunk and told mine. So we’re even.”
That made her laugh and the sight and sound loosened the strain in his chest,
“How do we do this?” She asked, covering one of his hands with hers.
“Carefully,” he said, and kissed her, slowly. “And one day at a time.”
“I can do that,” she said, and climbed into his lap, straddling his waist.
“Me too,” he promised.
“We’ll have to lay down some ground rules,” he replied, his hands immediately finding her ass. He hadn’t forgotten she wasn’t wearing underwear. “Like minimal contact in class. We can’t seem too…familiar.”
She nodded. “That’s reasonable. And no special treatment from you. I’m still your student, whether we’re having sex or not.”
“Special treatment?” He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, like you can’t grade my papers or exams easier because we’re sleeping together.” She was running her hands over his bare chest, following the lines of his tattoo. Her eyes met his and went wide. “Or harder. Not unless you’re willing to give extra tutor sessions.”
Rowan rolled his eyes, but leaned up, capturing her lips in a kiss. “I promise, I’ll treat you just like every other student I have. Except for the fact that we’re having sex. That is just for you.”
“So,” she mumbled, acting shy all of a sudden. Rowan thought it was adorable. “You’re saying we’re exclusive?”
Rowan’s eyes softened. “I sure as hell don’t want to be seeing anyone else.”
“Pretty sure that’s the definition of exclusive,” she said.
Rowan huffed a laugh, his fingers gripping her ass a little tighter. “Then yes, smart ass.”
Aelin’s grin widened. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
Rowan pulled her closer into him before kissing her, yet again.
He liked kissing Aelin.
He didn’t think he would ever grow tired of kissing Aelin.
“So what excuse should I give to women when they throw themselves at me?” Rowan asked. “You know, since I can’t tell anyone that you’re my girlfriend.”
She snorted. “Do women throw themselves at you often?” His raised eyebrow was enough of an answer. That and Aelin was living proof that, yes, women did throw themselves at him. Chuckling, she said, “Right. Maybe the old, generic excuse of I’m working on myself right now. Don’t really have time for a girlfriend.”
She dropped her voice an octave when she said it, doing a horrible impression of Rowan’s deep voice, but he laughed. “I guess that would work. And you’re obviously so focused on your studies, 
since it’s your last semester, that you don’t even have time to think about dating.”
“I do take my studies seriously,” Aelin said, and though her tone was stark, her eyes were playful.
“I can tell you do.” Rowan was leaning in to kiss her again when there was a knock on the front door.
They both jumped, Aelin going so far as to climb off of his lap, when Rowan realized it was their dinner.
She blushed as he went to retrieve it, grabbing two glasses for the margaritas.
“Are you going to jump every time we order food?” Rowan asked, sitting next to her with a pile of to-go boxes. He handed her a margarita.
Aelin chuckled as she took it. “Are you?”
Rowan sipped from his glass as he grinned. When he set it on the coffee table, he said, “I guess this will just take some getting used to.”
“I guess it will,” Aelin agreed, pulling her knees up on the couch as she began to flip open the boxes. “But I’m okay with that.”
Rowan leaned over to kiss her, softly, as he said, “Me too.”
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 13
Hello friends we have come to the end of Cult Girl. Thank you all for hyping me up throughout this story and giving me the confidence to actually post my work. Y/n and Hannibal throw a dinner party.
The sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating the entire kitchen in that homey mid-morning glow. You were enjoying your coffee and scrolling through an article on your phone.
"Senator Hatch reportedly coughed up his late wife's toe on the floor of the precinct." You read out loud. "Huh. Wonder how that could have happened."
You side-eyed Hannibal, who was contentedly sharpening his knives. Placing a rather large meat cleaver to the side, he met your gaze. "I have my ways."
You finished off your coffee and brought the mug to the sink. "There was no way Theresa was going to survive that night, was there?"
"Clever girl." Hannibal praised.
"You were going to kill her if I didn't, were you?" You felt a smile coming on. "Did everything turn out as expected?"
"Darling, this all went much better than I could have ever hoped for." He smirked. "See, I had the whole evening mapped out. I was hoping you'd be the one to deliver justice and kill her, but I had to prepare for the possibility that you wouldn't."
You folded your arms and leaned against the island. "Is that why I was so sick that day?"
You could have sworn you saw some hesitation in Hannibal's face. Maybe even a touch of regret. "Yes. You needed an alibi. It was as easy as removing a single birth control pill from your packet. You'd see it was missing and think you'd already taken your medicine-"
"So I'd neglect to take my focus meds." You cut in. "Yeah, I knew something was off."
"By the end of the day, you'd be experiencing full withdrawal symptoms." Hannibal nodded. "I don't take any pleasure in upsetting the delicate balance of your brain chemistry, and for that I am sorry. I did what I had to."
"Yeah, don't ever do that again." You ordered, no disarming smile in sight. "I need those meds to function."
"I promise you, darling," Hannibal said, sincerely. "I would never keep you from being anything but your very best. I was just looking after you."
"I suppose now that all this is out in the open, you won't need to pull any shit like that again." You muttered. "But I'm still going to keep my pills at my apartment."
"That reminds me." He said. "Would you like to invite your roommates for dinner tonight? I've prepared a wonderful Spanish-inspired menu that's perfect for entertaining."
"I'd love for you to meet my friends, but, they all keep such weird hours I doubt they'll all be free tonight." You shrugged. "I'll give them a call though."
"Wonderful." He smiled. "You make arrangements while I prepare the kitchen."
You stepped into the office and called up Pilar. She answered within the minute.
"[F/N]!" She near shouted. "Holy fuck, how are you doing?"
"I'm actually doing..." you looked back into the kitchen, watching your beloved Hannibal in his element. "Really well."
"I heard about your cousin." Pilar cut in. "One down, two to go."
You snorted. "No fucking shit."
"Sorry, was that okay for me to say?" She apologized. "I know you said Theresa was a bitch, but it's your trauma and I-"
"No, you're fine." You laughed. "She was a bitch. Hey, do you have any plans tonight?"
"Uh, no. I don't think so." She answered. "Why?"
"Hannibal wants to invite you all for dinner tonight." You said with an audible smile. "Y'know, to celebrate the bitch's death."
"Yo! Steph!" Pilar shouted across the room. "Wake Randy up! We're having dinner at [F/N]'s rich boyfriend's house!"
You could make out Stephanie's voice in the background. "It's about damn time. We've been waiting for her to redistribute the wealth."
"She means thank you for the invitation." Pilar corrected.
"It's not like I had to twist his arm or anything. It was his idea." You chuckled. "He loves having guests. And excuses to dress up."
"Oh so we're getting fancy, huh?" Pilar's voice turned up in excitement.
"Hey [F/N]!" Randy snatched the phone from Pilar. "Text me the menu for tonight. My girlfriend'll steal a nice bottle of wine to pair. She's a pro, she works over at Cavatappi's wine and spirits."
"Much obliged, Randy." You said. "I'll see you guys at seven."
You returned to the kitchen with a smile. "They're coming."
"Well, we don’t have a moment to lose, then." Hannibal placed something wrapped in butcher paper on the counter. "Come now. Let me show you how to properly prepare a heart.
You and Hannibal spent the rest of the morning and the whole afternoon preparing a bountiful meal. You reveled in the irony of finally finding a space for Theresa in your life. That space just so happened to be on the stove.
Seven came far too quickly, but your friends were always a welcome sight. You greeted them at the door with hugs, Hannibal watching with stoic adoration.
"Guys, this is Hannibal Lecter, my partner." You introduced. "Hannibal, this is Pilar, Stephanie and Miranda."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ladies." Hannibal greeted. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.”
"Here you go, Dr. Lecter." Randy handed him a bottle of wine. "Thank you for inviting us."
Hannibal examined the bottle. "Yes, this will pair quite nicely with our meal. Thank you very much. [F/N], could you show our guests to the dining room?"
You nodded and accepted the bottle, given the extra responsibility of pouring. You led your friends to the dining room and wasted no time distributing the alcohol.
"A toast." Stephanie rose her glass. "Too many of history's worst have had the privilege of dying on their own terms. Today, we celebrate the death of one who didn't: Theresa [L/N]."
"She will join her sisters Nancy Reagan and Madame Nhu in hell tonight." You concurred, tapping your glasses together with a series of satisfying clinks.
"Okay, you need to spill." Randy scooted her chair up and leaned towards you. "How the hell did you get away with it?"
"Well, it helped a lot that her husband was already a felon." You teased. "If I didn't kill her, he was going to eventually."
Pilar made a face. "I can't believe it took actual murder to get that latter-day lump thrown in prison."
"Well, the LDS church is a very influential organization with a stronghold on all of Utah." You explained. "There's a long history of legitimizing sex abuse there."
"We know, cult girl." Stephanie laughed. "You remind us every time your pedophile cousin-in-law comes up. Relax and take your victories where you can get them.” 
“Ladies,” Hannibal entered. You rushed to his side to help him with the dinner plates. “Have we ever tried organ meat before?” 
Everyone’s eyes found Pilar. 
“Braised liver is delicious and you guys are just cowards.” Pilar protested. “I will die on this hill.” 
Hannibal smiled and presented your friends with their plates. “You are a woman of good tastes, Pilar. Our first course is Riñones al Jerez.” 
“Kidneys.” Randy translated. “Who’s kidneys are we eating today, Dr. Lecter?” 
He tilted his head. “Theresa’s, of course.” 
“I don’t care whose organs you harvested.” Stephanie said, her eyes rolling back into her head. “This is delicious.” 
You and Hannibal shared a glance and a smile. 
You and your roommates devoured the Riñones al Jerez, then dug into the next serving of heart stewed with chickpeas and olives. You finished off the evening with natillas de leche and a bottle of Sauternes Hannibal just happened to have lying around. 
“This is the first time since like, Keith Raniere got sentenced that I’ve seen [F/N] happy-drunk.” Stephanie observed.
“Or even just... happy." Pilar said, looking at Hannibal. "I'll have some of whatever she's having, please."
"My pleasure." Hannibal poured her another glass of wine.
Your phone began to buzz on the table, capturing the attention of your guests. You didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who it was. Nobody else in the world had such horrid timing.
"Shit, you've got to answer it here!" Stephanie pleaded. "So we can all give her a piece of our mind!"
You looked over to Hannibal, who you knew was just as curious.
You dragged the answer icon across the screen and put it on speaker. You gestured for your friends to be quiet. "Yeah?"
"Well look who finally decided to pick up." Grandma said. "Thank you for gracing me with your attention. I know you have so much going on right now, you're just too busy to pick up the phone and talk to your grieving grandmother."
"For your information..." you stumbled over your words. "I was interrogated by the police yesterday. I think that counts as having something going on."
"Are you drunk?" Her voice was laced with a disproportionate level of disgust.
"I'm grieving too, Beatrice." You counter. "What, suddenly you're the only one who can drink the pain away? That's not very democratic of you."
"In your state, you shouldn't even be thinking of alcohol!" Grandma scolded. "You of all people should know the effects alcohol has on an unborn baby."
You smacked yourself on the head. Of course Theresa would plant a seed to fuck you over one last time. "Did Theresa actually tell you I was pregnant?"
"It was her last message to me, actually. Anyway, you're coming home." Grandma said, without so much as waiting for a response. "I won't have my great grandchild living in that dangerous city that your cousin was killed in."
You exchanged looks with your friends, who were going through the same combination of emotions as you were. Grandma's words just seemed to fade out as you shared an entire nonverbal conversation with the people around you.
"And you're leaving that terrible, terrible man."
Hannibal raised an eyebrow and looked at you, waiting to see how you'd respond. You knew what you had to do. It was finally time. You did something you should have done a long time ago.
"No." You said, your nerves loosened by the wine.
"No. And I mean it." A big smile crossed your lips. "Theresa lied to you. I'm not pregnant. And you have to live with the fact that your granddaughter's last words to you were a blatant lie."
Hannibal looked at you with pride and your friends began to silently gas you up with encouraging gestures. "
"...And that you're the only one to blame for her deception." You continued. "You raised her in your own image."
"This is why I refuse to let you raise my great grandchild with that man!" She wailed. "He's twisted your mind against me! He's made you cruel!"
"Hannibal made me see clearly that you made me cruel." You said with absolute certainty. "You'll never see me again."
"Don't be like your mother, [F/N]." Grandma snarled. "Don't cut people out for trying to help."
"You'll never see me again." You repeated and decided to leave it at that. You ended the call and blocked the number, joined by an eruption of excitement from your friends.
It was finally over. Your life could truly begin.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 3 years
This is so long and so angsty, and I am so sorry! Also, I took the “Music” prompt a bit loosely and based this off music lyrics? Hope that counts. Song is I Do by Wild Rivers :) @nessianweek
My sweater on your bedroom floor, you can take that // You don’t want my love no more, honey I can shake that
Cassian swallows down a sigh as he opens up the trash bag in his hands. The crinkle of it as he shakes it out is especially loud in the quiet of his bedroom, like a crack of thunder ringing in his ears. Leave it to Mor to demand that he “spring clean” and “finally get rid of that shit you hoard” only to bustle out of his apartment without even an offer to help. 
The living room had been an easy place to start. The photos had been one of the first things he had removed post-breakup, so there wasn’t much left out there anyways. But his bedroom. Well, he isn’t sure the last time he'd really gone through his closet. 
He opens the doors to find various clothing and items strewn about haphazardly. Some are on hangers, some are stuffed onto the shelf above, and a good chunk litter the floor. He tries to organize as he goes, pulling out and sorting through the different items to decide which to keep and which to donate. He’s sifting through the pile on the floor when his hand brushes against something soft and somehow familiar. With a tug, he comes face to face with a small cream colored sweater. The sight of it has him falling back onto his ass, his breath hitching as he runs his thumb along the cable knit pattern. 
If he closes his eyes, he can see them here, see her in this very sweater. He can feel the sweater under his palms as he slides his hands over her waist, feel the delicious warmth of her skin as slips his fingers under the hem. He can hear her laughter in his ear, like a favorite song he wants to bottle up and play on loop, as he presses kisses to her neck and behind her ear. 
Cassian digs the palms of his hands into his eyes like he can scrub the image from behind them, but all it does it make his chest ache. Like a damn full of splintering cracks, barely held together with tape. He can feel that familiar thickness clawing its way into his throat, and he can’t take it. He tosses the sweater into the trash bag and heads for the kitchen, desperate for a beer. 
I come, you go, back around back around // I see your ghost on a train downtown
Downtown is a mess as always. All Nesta can think about is a glass of wine, the chocolate cake in her fridge that she picked up from Trader Joe’s, and the next chapter of her book waiting for her on her nightstand. But instead, she’s weaving her way through busybodies and tourists who don’t know how to stand on the right and walk on the left. 
Once she gets through the crowds, she walks with practiced ease to the platform she needs, scrolling aimlessly through the array of texts from her sisters and friends from earlier today. She sends off a quick reply to Gwyn and Emerie before sliding her phone back into her bag. She turns to look at the board above the platform to check the wait time of the next train when her eyes catch on something else. Someone else. 
The sight of broad shoulders and a tangle of curls corralled into a top bun has Nesta’s heart stuttering to a painful stop and clenching hard deep between her ribs. She can already feel that all too familiar prick pressing in behind her eyes, threatening release. She can practically hear his laughter from here, loud and booming and so full of life, as he throws his head back.  
All it takes is one thought to send her spiraling back. Back to a calloused hand sliding against her own, fingers curled firmly around hers. Warm. Safe. It takes her back to a nose brushing against her hair at her temple, that laughter in her ear, a promise that screaming at passing trains is the best form of therapy. 
Nesta has to turn away and press a hand over her mouth to keep in the choked sound trying to spill forth. When she looks back down the platform, he’s gone, and all Nesta feels is the hollowness pressing in on all sides. 
It’s just a baseball cap, I ain’t even missing // And a Springsteen track, I don’t listen 
Cassian’s late. He knows it. Azriel is going to kill him if he’s not out the door soon. He does another quick check around his room, pulling out drawers in his dresser and even checking under his bed. And then it hits him, a flash behind his eyes harder than a slap across the face. 
It’s the hat being placed on a head of golden brown waves. It’s a soft press of lips against his own and lithe arms winding around his neck. It’s a mumble of “it looks better on me anyways” and clear eyes piercing into his own, deep and smokey blue and glinting like the roiling ocean under a setting sun. 
Cassian has to clench and unclench his fists a few times to get his head right, but then he’s pulling open his closet doors and digging out a different hat to throw over his mess of hair. He snags his keys and sails out the door to his car. When he turns the key in the ignition, the radio hums to life, the familiar lyrics of Springsteen flooding out of the speakers. Cassian almost wants to laugh at his luck. It would be this song. 
Even with Springsteen’s vocals blaring, all Cassian can hear is his own voice singing along, purposefully off-key, her laughter-filled pleas for him to stop as she reaches across and tries to stifle the sounds with her hand over his mouth. With a hard jam of his finger, the radio cuts out. Cassian takes a deep breath, throws the car in reverse, and drives in silence the rest of the way. 
It's just an old habit, I don't gotta kick // Or your best friends' pictures, I don't check 'em
The pile of blankets atop Nesta is the only armor she needs. She curls her body and burrows deeper into them as she opens Instagram on her phone, the small rectangle the only light in her otherwise dark bedroom. She takes a few moments to scroll through the posts on her feed and click through some Stories, but there’s no beating around the bush. She knows why she’s here. 
Her finger hesitates for only a moment over the search button at the bottom of her screen, but then she’s selecting it. It only takes her typing in the “A” before the page comes up, and Nesta refuses to let the shame threatening to heat her skin win at what that means. She clicks on the first picture, taking in the wide smiles, the arms slung casually over shoulders. Nesta bites her lip so hard, that tangy metallic taste floods her tongue. 
She shuts her phone off abruptly, tossing it onto her nightstand before rolling over. She curls her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms tightly around herself, focusing on the phantom feel of different arms holding her close and warm breath ghosting across her shoulder. If she closes her eyes tight enough, she can feel the press against her back with each breath he took, feel the words “I love you” whispered against her spine. 
Now I'm driving by the place we met // Could you go there?
Cassian’s so distracted, he doesn’t even realize he missed the turn for his apartment. He’s not even fully sure where he’s going until the familiarity starts to sink in. It’s too easy to pull up alongside and throw his car into park. At this hour, it’s all dark through the large windows, but there’s no mistaking the small wooden tables with the chairs stacked atop them. The register and the glass display case. The chalkboard declaring the seasonal drink specials in bright colors and swirling writing. 
Cassian can still taste the sweetness of her drink against his tongue. Can still see her pointedly raised eyebrow and unimpressed frown like it’s branded at the molecular level of his brain. Those eyes cutting through him from the minute they locked with his own. That lilting voice of hers still ringing in his ears and asking him what he thought he was doing with her drink.  
Cassian grips the steering wheel of his car until his knuckles turn white, letting his head drop until his forehead meets the leather. He takes a few deep breaths, then he’s throwing the car back into drive, letting the coffeeshop fade away in the rearview mirror. 
Now you wanna talk? // Babe I don't care
It’s a simple sound. Just her name. But in that soft timbre, in that voice that Nesta’s heard rumble through his chest, it makes her blood freeze over. She knew she never should have agreed to come to this garden party. As soon as the text came through from Feyre, she should have declined. But that voice in the back of her mind, it had niggled, it had gnawed, it had climbed to the forefront, and now she’s standing in Feyre’s backyard, a cup of some sort of punch clutched between her hands and Cassian approaching her.  
“You look good,” he says once in front of her. 
Nesta is sure that has to be a lie. All she feels is weighed down, like every second of every day is spent trudging through thick mud. Concealer can work wonders, but it’s no miracle worker. And with him standing this close, close enough for Nesta to feel the warmth that always seemed to radiate off his frame, to smell that combination of fabric softener, cologne, and just him. All she can think about is the air stuttering through her lungs. 
At her silence, Cassian clears his throat awkwardly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “So, how have you been?” 
It’s casual, and Cassian throws an easy grin her way as he says it. Nesta hates it. She hates the way that he does look good. Hates the happy ease he didn’t even have to try to muster or pretend when he arrived, hugging and laughing with their families. Hates that she can tell the laughter lines around his eyes have gotten deeper. 
“No,” Nesta says, turning on her heel abruptly and heading back toward the house. 
She hears Cassian call after her, but she doesn’t stop. She’s surprised the whole backyard doesn’t hear the crack resounding from her chest, leaving shards of glass embedded deep in the skin. 
I see you out in a bar downtown, but you look so different like you don't go thinking, but I do
Cassian watches the ice cubes bubble and clink in his glass of whiskey. He gives the glass another swirl before throwing the amber liquid back, reveling in the burn against his throat. He tosses a couple bills onto the bar-top and slides off the stool with a sigh. He turns toward the exit but his eyes catch on the other end of the bar. 
Nesta is there, and Cassian’s entire body feels like it’s been set on fire as he takes her in, the gentle waves tumbling over her shoulders, the small black dress clinging to her every curve. He recognizes Gwyn and Emerie standing with her. He sees her laugh at something one of them says. Over the music and the crowds of the bar, he can't hear it, but it still rips through his chest like an arrow. Before he can even make a conscious decision, his legs are carrying him toward her, always toward her, like a ship brought home to safety by a lighthouse. 
“Nesta,” Cassian says once he steps up behind her. 
She turns and looks up at him, and his breath hitches in his chest all over again. His fingers itch to brush the hair away from her face, tuck it behind her ear and run the pads of his fingers through the ends. Her eyes are guarded and it makes his gut twist, urging him to press his lips against her skin until that look melts away like it used to. Maybe if he’d had another glass of whiskey he’d be feeling more brave. But the alcohol thrumming in his veins gives him enough courage to ask the question that’s been burning a hole through his head and heart. 
“Do you ever think about us?” he asks, voice quiet and just for them. 
A silence settles between them, but it’s charged, like even in this crowded downtown bar, everyone is holding their breath, waiting with baited anticipation. As the seconds tick by, Cassian begins to wonder if she’ll even answer, if he’s made a mistake, but then her hand is reaching up, smoothing a stray lock of hair away from his eyes. 
“I do.”
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uswntxfootball · 4 years
i get a little bit stressed out (when i think about you) (jill roord x arsenal!reader)
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how were you supposed to ask her out when just thinking about her made you nervous?
word count: 3342 ish
rated: F for flirtation sugar daddy
title- nervous by shawn mendes
your eyes followed her even when you didn’t mean for them to.
there was just something about the way she carried herself… you really just couldn’t get enough of it and-
“hello? y/n?”
you really really really had it bad. it really didn’t help that she was talking adamantly about something to viv, the other dutch forward having a relatively hard time keeping up with the taller girl.
its only when daan claps in your face that you turn and look at her.
“sorry what?”
daan face palms before saying:
“you know if you stare any harder you’re going to strain your eyes.”
you blush a little.
“i’m not staring….i’m-”
daan’s pointed look shuts you up.
you blush harder and look down at your cleats, adamantly avoiding the midfielder’s gaze.
her tone softens a little when she sees you.
“you really should just ask her out y/n. its been like two years.”
you scoff a little.
“it has not been two years what are you-“
daan cuts you off with a matter-of-fact tone:
“she joined the team in 2019 buddy.”
“yeah but that doesn’t mea-“
“and exactly how many words have you exchanged with her?”
you think before saying with an air of false confidence:
“like a lo-“
“not counting on the field.”
you sigh and hang your head in defeat before whispering:
“like two.”
the dutch midfielder hums and asks again:
“mhmm now what was that?”
you roll your eyes and say it a little louder, still with that air of defeat:
“like two words.”
daan patted your shoulder encouragingly before the whistle blew, indicating the end of break, and training picked up once again.
jill was talking about you during the break, actually.
to viv across the field from you.
the dutch forward had slowly realized that you were different around her, that you didn’t speak as much, and actually that you avoided her at all costs.
this she found out because there were instances, such as during team dinners, where if there was an open seat next to her, you didn’t take it, opting to stand or sit on the floor as far away from her as possible.
or that whenever she sat down next to you you shot up out of your seat almost instantly.
or that when you saw her coming down the hall you immediately turned and walked the way you came from.
or- you get the point.
she couldn’t tell if you hated her, because frankly that’s what it looked like.
so that’s what she was speaking to viv about.
and to lisa about.
and really anyone who would really listen.
of course, everyone knew your predicament, as you weren’t exactly subtle in your staring and stuttering.
they all assured jill that you didn’t hate her, that maybe you were just shy, something jill had a hard time believing since she watched you hold confident eye contact and conversations with literally everyone else but her.
if you were someone else maybe she would care less.
but you weren’t.
see, this is only how you acted off the field.
but on the field, you were a completely different person.
you had a confident, almost authoritative tone when you spoke, one that made everyone stop and listen, and was something that ultimately landed you the role of captain for every team you’ve ever played for, with arsenal being no exception.
you spoke to her that way too, and it was really the only time you made eye contact with her and spoke to her.
granted it was more like you giving orders and directions, but same difference really.
it was also something jill found really really hot.
so safe to say she cared about what you thought of her.
jill eventually decided that if you weren’t going to talk to her first, she’d do it instead.
and so began her quest, getting y/n y/ln to talk to her and hopefully become her friend.
you noticed the change in jill immediately.
it seemed as though the dutch forward was tailing you every chance she got.
every corner you took she seemed to appear right in front of you, every time you glanced at her it seemed as if her eyes were already on you.
it got so bad that you tried even harder to avoid her.
for instance,
one day before training you were out on the pitch shooting from midfield and muttering game analysis under your breath when you heard a familiar, heavy dutch accent making its way through the halls.
you panicked and-
daan found you ten minutes later inside a trashcan.
needless to say you had a pretty hard time trying to explain the smell and stains on your jersey to joe later that day.
in your defense because the field was so empty, that was the only plausible option in your mind.
as time went on, it really didn’t get any better.
there was another day during training where you turned to catch a glimpse of jill only to see her eyes already on you, and you turned back so abruptly that you knocked down the entire weight rack in front of you.
jill giggled, and the rest of your teammates were rolling their eyes and collectively face palming at your stupidity.
it all came to a climax when you were on the bus to your first match of the year, and jill plopped down in the seat right by you.
your eyes widened and cheeks flushed immediately, and you trained your eyes on the seat in front of you, not daring to turn and look at the girl beside you.
“hey how are you?”
you gulped and slowly looked up at her, and you cursed internally.
she was just so unfairly attractive.
the slightly shy smile and arched eyebrow was a combination you swear only she could pull off and-
“i’m doing okay, how are you?” you managed to force out.
at least you didn’t stutter.
jill gave you a lopsided smile that made your heart skip a beat, and went on talking.
she knew you weren’t much of a talker around her, and subsequently filled up all the gaps with her rambling, something that you both appreciated and hated, as it really didn’t help the queasy feeling in your stomach.
when the bus pulled to a halt you felt like you were going to puke, and shot up out of your seat wanting to run off before you freak out, only to remember that you were in the inside seat.
jill moved slightly without hesitation, something you were more than thankful for.
she whispers a little dejectedly when you get off:
“are you sure she doesn’t hate me?”
lisa gives her a sympathetic look and smile.
“she doesn’t jill.”
“but she just-“
“trust us, she doesn’t.”
jill nods a little apprehensively, and gets up and grabs her stuff, making her way off the bus along with everyone else.
during the game, jill was so distracted that she almost ran in the wrong direction.
“jill! press! now go!”
you were yelling at her from midfield, glancing all over the place as you watched every player’s movement and stance.
jill almost stumbled upon hearing your voice.
you note that she’s acting weirdly, and bring it up during a quick break while the ref is assessing a potential foul.
you catch her arm when she walks by you, an action that catches her entirely by surprise.
“hey you alright? your head is all over the place.”
jill swallows a little bit before smiling weakly and replying:
“yeah yeah i’ll be okay.”
“alright well get your head in it, you’re really talented and we really need you right now.”
you give her arm a reassuring squeeze and move to take the free kick which had just been given.
jill still stood there a little dumbfounded, its only when you snap loudly and point in the direction of the box that she remembers there’s a game going on and moves into position.
all in all, arsenal wins with an emphatic victory of 5-1.
after your duties as captain were fulfilled and you gave your post game talk, you quickly fell back into your off field self.
now why was the previous bus interaction the climax?
simply put, it had been the last straw for a lot of your teammates, who were now fed up with your idiotic gay panic, and decided to do something about it.
you should’ve known something was weird when you get a text from viv reading:
“URGENT- team meeting in 15 min at me & lisa’s apartment”
you furrowed your brows in confusion.
you were the team captain and the one who called team meetings, so what was up?
also it was saturday night, couldn’t it wait?
you texted kim, the vice captain, and pretty much the only responsible adult on the team, to double check.
she replied with:
“yes- joe told us about it.”
you furrow your eyebrows again because you took your job of captain seriously and you honestly didn’t remember joe mentioning an impromptu meeting on saturday night at viv’s house.
but you made your way there just in case anyways.
when you make your way inside you glance suspiciously around the apartment and only get more confused when you see less than half the team there.
the only people there besides viv and lisa were daan and beth, caitlin and lia, leah and jordan, and katie.
by this point you should’ve known.
you open your mouth to speak but you’re cut off when daan shoves you down into a chair.
you shoot back up and fight her back a little bit before asking:
“guys guys guys what is going on?”
leah calmly looked at you and said:
“sit down and we’ll tell you.”
and so you begrudgingly take a seat.
lisa starts.
“alright so collectively as a group, we decided that watching you deal with jill is making us all lose brain cells.”
the group in front of you nods adamantly in agreement.
“and so we’re here to help you. to teach you how to flirt.”
you cross your arms and snort a little.
“and how are you going to do that exactly?”
beth piped in here.
“we’re going to employ katie and have her flirt with you and teach you for the next week or so.”
you shake your head.
“katie? no i would rather go on my own thank you very-“
katie cuts in here with an offended look.
“what do you mean no?! i’m obviously the best here and-“
the room quickly broke into a loud cacophony of sound, as they began debating about katie’s comment.
its only when lisa yells for silence that everyone quiets again.
“wait how many people are in on this?” you ask suddenly.
“the whole team with the exception of jill,” leah replies offhandedly.
your eyes nearly bugged out of your head when you heard this.
“is it really that bad?”
lia snorts.
“can birds fly?”
you let out a sigh.
you turn to katie and very adamantly say:
“but don’t you dare make it weird.”
katie holds her hands up in surrender.
and so it began, your “training” as they called it.
katie, surprisingly was pretty good at what she did.
she did unfortunately call herself your flirtation sugar daddy, but that really made you uncomfortable so you avoided those terms at all costs.
so day after day, katie stuck by you and flirted with you 24/7, with occasional performance evaluations from lisa and caitlin, all who approved thus far.
on the downside, jill, who had been kept out of the loop from everything, saw this as you being interested in katie.
she wanted to tell you that katie had a girlfriend, but didn’t really know how to start that conversation without making it weird.
she couldn’t just go up to you and say, “hey i’ve been watching you flirt with katie for the last few days and just so you know she’s taken.”
so she just stood by and watched.
she did ask viv about it one day though.
“does y/n know katie has a girlfriend?”
to which viv replied:
“so why is she flirting with her?”
“its just for fun.”
“it doesn’t look like its for fun to me.”
viv turns and looks at her dutch teammate.
“are you jealous?”
jill almost sputters out her answer.
“wh-what no of course not! why would i be jealous?!”
viv turns to hide her smile.
“sure jill. whatever you say.”
two weeks went by, and katie was delighted by your performance.
next saturday, the ten of you met up at viv and lisa’s apartment again.
“alright so you might be asking why we’ve gathered you here today!” lisa proclaimed with a very poor attempt at victorian english.
“we’re gathered here today to-“
“oh just get on with it,” viv butts in.
lisa turns to her with a glare.
“all right all right,” viv relents.
“we’re going to assess y/n’s flirtation capabilities.”
you quirk an eyebrow.
“how are you going to do that exactly?”
“ooh we didn’t actually think that far. we’re going to ask you questions?”
“what like ask me to finish the line? like ooh girl are you from tennesse cuz you’re the only ten i see?”
lia cringes a little at that line.
“what ever you do, don’t say that.”
“mhm yeah wasn’t going t-.”
leah cuts in.
“alright the point is. just be yourself y/n. you exude confidence on the field so just bring it out when you talk to her. that’s all”
the others all nod in agreement.
“that’s it really. you can do it y/n, we all believe in you.”
“thanks guys i really appreciate it.”
“wait but i can still be your flirtation sugar da-ow! you didn’t have to all hit me!”
the next day at training you were shoved and funneled in jill’s direction by almost half the team.
a particularly hard shove from daan had you slamming directly into jill.
the dutch forward turned and grabbed your waist in lightning fast speed to steady you.
your arms immediately fell to rest on hers, and you took a shallow breath in when you saw her concerned look.
“are you alright?”
“yeah i am thanks to you…”
well here goes nothing.
“…though i have to say if this is what it takes to get you to hold me i’ll gladly fall for you again.”
jill’s face was worth the burning on your cheeks.
you had to admit, jill’s stutter only made her cuter.
you just gave her a wink and reluctantly pulled her arms off you.
“come on jill, we have a training session to get to.”
you gave her a final wave before you made your way out of the locker room.
jill still stood there, shocked and a little confused.
viv rolled her eyes.
“come on jill.”
and when jill didn’t move, viv just grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the room.
later during training almost the exact same thing happens.
except this time it was more jill’s fault than yours.
she wasn’t watching where she was going and ran right into you.
your hands found their way immediately on her waist.
“is this how we’re going to meet and talk from now on?”
jill blushed and mumbled a “sorry.”
you grinned.
“don’t be, i’m kind of enjoying it, though…”
you stopped to fake pondering something.
“…i don’t know what we should do now that we’ve both fallen for each other.”
you finished your sentence with another wink, essentially rendering jill speechless.
and so, this became a trend.
you would flirt with jill, and the dutch girl would essentially just freeze up and stare at you in shock.
you thought it was cute.
jill thought it was mortifying.
she complained to viv later on.
“i can’t even flirt back what is happening to me?”
viv just gave her a reassuring pat on the back.
“that’s what we call gay panic my friend.”
jill groaned and buried her face further into her hands.
“what’s a pretty lady like you doing all by yourself?”
you ask, plopping down in the empty bus seat beside her.
jill blushes and looks down at the seat in front of her.
she could barely see your playful grin out of the corner of her eye and it was enough to kick the butterflies in her stomach to a higher gear.
you had a little deja vu during the bus ride, except that in the previous predicament the roles were switched.
jill somehow managed to hold it together for the remainder of the bus ride.
it was on the pitch when jill really couldn’t take it anymore.
you didn’t even do anything, except fulfill your captain duties.
you were standing on the sideline, watching a scrimmage between lia’s team and kim’s team.
joe had asked you to sit out and assess every player’s strengths and basically coach them.
and coach them you did.
“caitlin! daan’s open on your left! and malin! cover daan better so she’s not wide open!”
you looked down to scribble notes in your note pad, and when you looked up you saw jill staring at you on the field.
“jill! focus!”
her gaze snapped back onto the game.
before the second round, you gave a bunch of pointers to both teams.
“okay so you guys are doing pretty well, just make sure to keep up your back line, don’t make it sloppy.”
and to the other:
“alright so pass accuracy is something you need to work on, because half of your passes are being intercepted at the moment which probably isn’t something you want.”
after a few minutes the teams took their places back onto the pitch and you began scribbling down a few more notes.
a pair of cleats makes their way before you, and you look up.
“what’s wr-“
jill leans down and kisses you.
you drop your notepad in surprise.
she pulls back quickly and searches your face for any sign of disgust or repulsion, and finding none, she leans in again.
this time, you met her halfway.
it was electric and a little needy, really everything you wanted a first kiss to be.
you briefly heard the cheers and clapping of your teammates, too caught up in the moment to care about anything else.
jill’s hands fell to your waist and yours rested on her cheeks.
you pulled back after what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a couple of seconds.
“so i guess i don’t have to fall for you to hold me like that again,” you whisper.
jill giggles.
“definitely not.”
you’re silent for a few seconds, but jill beats you and breaks it first.
“you know, i thought you liked katie.”
your eyes widen in surprise, and your face quickly contorts into disgust.
“oh god no way.”
“oh that’s good.”
you ask her a little teasingly:
“why, were you jealous?”
jill scoffs a little.
“shut up.”
you arch your brow a little in challenge.
“make me then.”
jill’s eyes flash back onto your face dangerously but before she can do anything you give her a little shove back.
“now go back to your scrimmage, we’ve had them wait long enough.”
she rolls her eyes and turns back towards the pitch, and towards a hoard of your giddy teammates.
“flirtation sugar daddy for the wi-ow!”
your perfectly struck ball hits katie square in the chest and your glare cuts eliminates any objections.
still you hear her mutter:
“still if anyone needs any help with flirting i’ll be free to-“
“sorry sorry i’ll stop.”
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it-fits-i-ships · 3 years
Combing through every single episode of Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous for Yasammy moments to write meta analysis about part 4 (parts 1, 2, and 3)
Once Yaz is inside the lab we see her frantically looking for the antidote, getting more and more panicked the longer it takes her, we even see her get so frustrated that she starts throwing things and when she sinks to the floor she looks ready to have a full-on breakdown, it’s only when she notices the medical case and has that spark of hope that she gets up to continue her search, this combined with the sheer relief she experiences when she doubtfully opens the case to find that it does in fact hold the antidote really goes to show just how seriously Yaz takes this mission, I think that Yaz would take this kind of mission seriously if it were any other member of the group as well but not to this degree, it’s clear she cares very deeply about Sammy, she collapses in on herself and starts crying a little bit as she clutches that case to her chest, her world has been in danger of completely falling apart and she just found the one thing that can save it Yaz is a real ride-or-die, especially when it comes to Sammy, she is willing to put herself in so much danger just to make sure that Sammy is safe, she jumps the river in one go (despite the realized risk of her landing wrong on her bad ankle), as she’s sitting there cradling her injured ankle she remembers the first time Sammy offered her meaningful support, encouragement, and affection, she remembers how Sammy says she never gives up when it comes to friendship, Yaz knows deep down that Sammy would never give up on her and she sure as hell isn’t going to give up on Sammy, this reminds her what she’s fighting for and she gets back up, Yaz yells at the scorpius rex, basically telling it, “Come at me, bro,” Yaz is done taking shit from anyone, nothing is going to stop her from getting back to Sammy with that antidote, not even a freak of nature franken-dino with venomous spikes, during the final stretch of her journey, tired, injured, and terrified, Yaz trips and has several more flashes of memory in a row of moments where Sammy was saving her or hugging her or telling her that she’s her best friend in the whole world As I said in the last post, the term best friend is often used in children’s media to reference closer relationships between same-gender pairings in a way that adds queer subtext so it makes sense that this last part of Yaz’s flashbacks feels like a love confession from Sammy (albeit an indirect one) Yaz clearly loves Sammy too (even if she hasn’t consciously realized it yet) as she is willing to risk everything to save her and fix their relationship, when she gets back near the fort and sees how grim and somber the atmosphere is she musters every last bit of strength she has and pushes herself to the finish line, she is immeasurably worried that she will be (or already is) too late and she’ll lose Sammy forever, even after Brooklyn administers the antidote it takes a while for Sammy to show any kind of improvement so Yaz gets even more anxious and desperate, she even admits that she really does care about Sammy and she didn’t mean what she said before, she needs Sammy to know that, this scene reminds me a lot of the scenes in shows and movies where someone’s significant other is in the hospital and the healthy one gets very upset and refuses to leave the injured/sick one’s side When Sammy does wake up we are again treated to her perspective, the first person she looks over to is Yaz and the first thing she does is casually great Yaz (which is just adorable, as is Yaz’s genuine relieved smile after finding out that Sammy’s going to live), Yaz does everything she can to help and support Sammy, from checking on her when she first starts sitting up to supporting her while she’s walking to trying (and failing) to improve general morale in Sammy’s stead, ultimately Yaz’s plan to improve morale just freaks everyone out but the fact that she’s trying for Sammy’s sake is really sweet Also, can we just talk about the fact that Yaz has her hand fully on Sammy’s thigh when she asks how Sammy’s feeling? Or the way Yaz practically melts into the hug Sammy gives her?
Or the way she keeps taking, like, every opportunity to touch Sammy (rubbing her shoulder and her back, wiping the extra water off her face, etc.)? I’m sorry, there’s no heterosexual explanation for that combo The way that Yaz holds and protects Sammy during the stampede, the way that Sammy clings to Yaz with both hands (fingers tense and digging into Yaz’s arm), and the way they huddle close to each other suggest that they are both dealing with some direct trauma, Sammy just narrowly escaped the clutches of death at the hands (spikes?) of a dinosaur and now here they are possibly about get trampled (again), she still doesn’t feel good and she turns to Yaz for comfort, likewise Yaz is still very much aware that she almost lost Sammy and she had to leave her in order to get the antidote so she wants to make double damn sure that Sammy knows she’s there and that she’ll protect her, when it comes time for them to run Sammy has a moment of self-doubt, Yaz knows that Sammy needs her to snap her out of it in her own Yaz way (as opposed to trying to be overly cheery and positive like she was earlier) Yaz continues to offer gentle touches to comfort Sammy on the boat and when Sammy finds out that Ben plans to stay on the island instead of coming with them on the boat, she also uses physical touch to share Sammy’s excitement when Ben decides he actually does want to come with the rest of them on the boat, she also continues to protect Sammy from the onslaught of dinosaurs they have to unleash to get rid of the shady guy working with Dr. Wu who made them leave the boat, Yaz pulls Sammy out of the way of multiple dinos and holds her close Last but certainly not least, when they finally get back to the boat and leave the island we get this absolutely precious moment where Sammy is sleeping and Yaz comes over, looks at her, gives a contented/relieved sigh, and smiles one of the warmest smiles we have ever seen her smile, if that’s not the face of someone in love I don’t know what is, here they are finally safe, Sammy can rest, Yaz doesn’t have to worry about being immediately by Sammy’s side all the time to protect her from danger and she can just enjoy being around her I suspect that in season 4 we will likely see their relationship develop further because of them having some time and space on the boat (and possibly wherever they go next) to process and confront their feelings and, given that Brooklyn canonically asked if Sammy has a crush on Yaz, I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that they might even canonically end up in a romantic relationship Anyway, Yaz and Sammy are in love, thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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sakurology · 4 years
queen, how about a kenma nsfw alphabet if you haven’t 👀
Haha- hah- yeah 😌 yeah let’s do that....
NSFW Alphabet: Kozume Kenma
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Gn!Reader like always
Nsfw below the cut, you should know this drill by now... 😘
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
He needs it just as much as you do. He has a tendency to drop afterwards, so he finds it comforting to spend time coming down from it all with you. Lots of cuddling and definitely food and knocking out together, both making sure to constantly reassure each other.
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
Does- does hair count as a body part? You know what fuck it its my blog I make the rules. He’s into hair pulling, both doing the pulling and having his pulled. He’ll give it a rough tug when he's behind you, but also expects you to take hold of his hair from time to time as well- with a very tight grip.
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Facials. That’s really it. It’s facials. He isn’t a fan of super messy, but he always makes an exception when it comes to painting your pretty face. It;s a reminder that you belong to him so intimately in this sense.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
Kenma doesn’t only spend his money on video games. He actually has spent a significant amount of money on a very lavish collection of lingerie and little costumes for you to wear around the house. He’s always buying new pieces and adding them to your playroom- oh yeah... you have a playroom.
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
I feel like Kenma’s experience comes solely from porn and stories Kuroo has told him that he never wanted to hear in the first place. But- that is a good enough teacher. He knows enough of what he’s doing to get you there, and prefers the challenge of trying various things on you until he realizes what really works to get you there fastest- like a game.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
8/10 times he’s going to want you on top. It doesn’t matter how. He likes you on top because of the pressure your weight provides. Since he’s so little he likes to feel surrounded.
He also loves to fuck your face. The sight of your face getting lost in his pubes while you gag and get all teary-eyed as you struggle to meet his gaze drives him insane.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
He’s not really the type to make jokes or anything in the moment. He’s focused on making sure you feel good and nothing else.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
I’m so sorry- but like…. no lol. It’s almost a jungle. It’s not that he doesn’t care but he can’t be bothered. If you ask him he’ll definitely clean up, but you have to ask him or it’s just gonna stay that way.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞
Likes cockwarming for the closeness. You two can be laying in bed or chilling on the couch and he’ll just slip in, rutting into you every once in a while but mostly staying still and enjoying your warmth and tightness. You both enjoy it when you’re to tired to have sex, but still want to feel something
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
He doesn’t like to do it himself, but instead opts for you to do so sometimes while he streams. You mostly do so because you want to though, he’s pretty indifferent. It’s just not really his thing. When he feels like he just has to- he’s 100% a pillow humper.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Roleplay: Anything that’s an escape from his normal he enjoys, and that also comes with your sex life too.
Breath Play: Kenma is 300% into breath play, and no I will not explain it he just is and I won’t take criticism. He holds his breath when he feels you start to get close- he doesn’t allow himself to breathe until you cum all over him- he’d rather let his lungs completely burn out before he leaves you unsatisfied. He holds his breath when he cums too, it intensifies his high.
Edging: that being said, you also have to work for it. If he's in a more domming mood, he’ll bring you to the brink and rip it away for hours… sometimes even days. If he’s being really mean, he’ll fuck you until you’re practically sobbing, but he won’t let you cum. He’ll cum and just leave you there, and don’t you dare touch yourself or you’ll just add to your punishment later
Voyeurism: you love letting him listen to/ watch you shower. He thinks you don’t know he’s there, but you can faintly hear the way his breath shudders over the water hitting the tiled walls. You can only imagine what he’s thinking of doing to you, and it turns you both on.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
If you think he’s going to do it anywhere but a space with a bed/something to sleep on after- you’re wrong. Sadly this limits you to the confines of your home or the occasional hotel. The baby just exhausts himself too easily and needs to recharge after you’re done.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He’s encouraged by you begging for him. Every time you moan out his name- every time you plead for him to let you cum- it makes him feel powerful. He’s not just a subby baby! He gets off on the power dynamic between you. He knows how apathetic he comes off at times and he uses that to his advantage- loving nothing more than for you to beg for him to touch you. He likes to ignore you on purpose to build up the tension.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
Ken loves to watch, but that’s it. That being said, he doesn’t like being watched. So he’s not much of an exhibitionist. You’re the only real exception to the rule.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
He never lasts long when you do go down on him, so he prefers to wait it out until he’s close, or he’ll let you suck him off when he really needs to cum. He loves it but he can’t control himself, so he doesn’t ask super often, but he does like an occasional morning surprise bj- it’s made him a morning person
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
If he’s fucking you- its so slow its painful at first. Since he wants you to beg, he’ll coax it out of you slowly, building you up until you’re a hot mess, but he never goes faster until the last second. If he’s the one getting fucked, he’s all about you being even and setting a good pace for him. He prefers it when you start slow and gradually get faster, slowing down again once he gets close, and milking it out of him.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
Absolutely not. He wants to be able to take his time. Like any gamer, he’s not going to be satisfied until he gets a perfect score. So that means he needs time. Its the same thing when you take control. He wants you to take your time exploring him, he wants you to take the time and care to make him fall apart slowly and meticulously. If you’re particularly needy, he’ll give in to hold you over- but expect it to be lazy and sloppy, and a bit unsatisfying. He’s going to leave you wanting more.
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
Again, not much to see here. He’s not vanilla in the slightest, but he knows what he likes, and he knows what works. Instead of trying a bunch of new things, he prefers to try different combinations of his tried-and-trues, with a sprinkle of something else here or there- that’s how he keeps you on your toes.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Prefers quality over quantity, so most of the time his rounds are one and done. But that one and done can last hours- he has a lot of control over himself and will hold off until he’s sure you’re spent. He’ll give in to a few more rounds of you ask him nicely- he can’t resist when you bat your pretty eyes his way… but he’ll probably get you off with toys or his hands instead.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
Likes to use toys on you, especially when he’s tired or feeling particularly lazy that day. He likes the fact that you can still get off by his hand without him having to do much. He will use it to his advantage though, which means you need to be prepared to be edged for awhile most days...
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
He’s VERY easy to tease. Gets flustered by the smallest actions, no matter how innocent they are. Can’t really control his boners so you have to be careful with him. He hates being teased but lives to tease you.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Very breathy, very shaky. He’s not necessarily super quiet, but there’s a lot of deep breathing and exhaling as opposed to outright moans. When he does actually moan it’s so delicate and pretty. He does talk to you as well, he tells you how pretty you look in your lace, and how much he likes pretty things like you.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
His favorite post fuck meal is mac n cheese. Kuroo fed it to him in celebration when Kenma lost his virginity and he has now been essentially pavloved to associate sex with the Kraft blue box.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
It's not like, pretty- it's cute- Under the mess of hair anyway. Very uwu cute. He’s not a shower but he has maybe 5-6 when he’s ready to go. It's pink all around and chubby. Honestly it looks like those adorable little smiling mushroom plushies- you know the ones.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
His sex drive isn’t low, but instead its moderate. You’re a lot more needy than he is, so you tend to always be the one initiating- but he’ll also never be shy about asking you when he wants you.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
He’s out before he even hits the pillow most times. He loves to fall asleep in your arms, resting his head on your chest to time his own breaths with your heartbeat. The only drawback of how cute this sight is is that kenma snores like a 70-year old man in dangerous need of a cpap.
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