#sorry for the mini rant in the tags lol
fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well. Got any other meta about LMK Sun Wukong, the Brotherhood, or of the Stableboys duo, Ao Lie and Wukong? Have a great week, eat your fruits and sleep early regularly. Thank you for your LMK posts!
hey! tbh my week has been shit :) but i’ll have you know that the best place to find stableboys meta is from the account Dr. Chalk on Twitter. literally get my heart ripped out every time (also their art is fire).
[I ended up having a lot to say about SWK under the cut lol]
As for some delectable Sun Wukong meta/headcanons, I’ll have you know that I am a firm believer of this immortal monkey having such shit survival/preservation skills for himself bc of his 7-fold immortality that he will pull suicidal/heroic feats as the “easier solution” (see s3 where this monkey thought it would be a brilliant idea to place the Samadhi Fire INSIDE himself (even when that is like one of his greatest weaknesses as the JTTW book details) as an easy way to ensure none of MK and his friends would get hurt and he could (probably) spare LBD’s host)
Also, notice how the s4 special revealed to us that Sun Wukong feared death so much he went ahead to finding ways to ensure he never dies. Ever. (Not to mention that this fear stemmed from the fear of failing the people he cared about and that since he was the strongest in FFM and their king, if he died, they would be defenseless bc that is literally what happened when Wukong first left to train under Master Subodhi). But now, Wukong has lived for a very long time (longer than he even thought possible). And he is t i r e d (i will NEVER forget that quick cut to Wukong’s face as he said “focusing on the fact that I am an immortal being, who will never die!”)
Although, my theory is that his suicidal tendicies isn’t because he is that suicidal (or maybe not cognizant if it) but because he knows that even with experiencing something super brutal (such as the Samadhi Fire or drowning in Sandy’s sub), better him than anyone else. Like a “I don’t intend to die, but so be it” that I think really concerns me (in a “I wanna study you under a microscope but also give you cocoa” way)
honestly, it doesn’t help that Tripitaka found himself in such dire situations where Wukong would need to save him from, and some of them were suicidal but you kind of brushed it off bc “he is the Monkey King, immortal 7 times over, and crossed his own name out of the underworld” (and I know we definitely did since everything would work out in the end but like…..come on!), so that kind of life risking behavior was met with positive reinforcement so like….I would not put it past Wukong to unintentionally throw himself into these circumstances in order to help or fix an issue (especially if it concerns MK 👀 he will not hesitate and my heart cannot take it T^T)
but yeah
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klaus-goldstein · 2 years
Will you ever update DiSaG? If not, would you ever be willing to let someone else finish it? I’m not a writer, just curious.
Yes I will eventually update disag. I worked on it quite a bit this weekend.
I would never let anyone else touch this story. While this is a fanfiction and the majority of the characters and stuff don't belong to me, there's a heap ton of original characters that do. Those characters haven't been fleshed out yet or developed in a way where I would feel comfortable letting someone else try to write them.
Plus I've poured 185k words into this fic over a span of sevenishh years I want to be the one to finish it. ❤️
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its-a-human-person · 2 years
a rambley ramble-rant
okay but like why are people following me on tumblr??? my heart keeps skipping a beat bc JESUS CHRIST THERE ARE COOL PEOPLE. INTERESTED IN WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. INTO THE VOID OF TUMBLR
dont get me wrong, follow me if u want, i appreciate it very very much just like wOw cOoL iNtErNeT pEoPLe LiKe mE, oR aT LeAsT mY cOnTeNt, tHiS dOeSn'T uSuALlY hApPeN oH bOy
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what-when-why · 2 years
i used to feel weird like reading fanfics for small fandoms cause i was like "ugh people are gonna think i'm cringe" so i wouldn't comment but like... no one is inspecting what all fics i've commented on like?? and the smaller the fandom the more they probably need the comments for support y'know?? not giving feedback nor the extra engagement (cause let's be real here having more reads or kudos/votes/likes doesn't help promote anything on any website, they're just nice gratification for the author) is like the easiest way to no longer get content for that fandom 😭 if one person is keeping the fandom alive with their writing let them know you love them!!
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twiliowl · 1 year
I just read through a comic about someone's experiences with gender, and honestly I totally get it. Like, being transgender creates hassles for people in our societies that I wouldn't dream of going through — my heart goes out to you folks!
For me personally though, I don't struggle (much) with the dysphoria of being born male, and I'm blessed to have a friend group who'd totally accept me for who I am, but I've always (since I was a little kid) wished that I was born differently. I wished that I was born a girl. But on other days, I loved being a boy, too.
One day, I might wake up and look in the mirror and think "hey, I haven't shaved in a bit but that's cool, I'm a guy after all".
But the next day, I'll shave immediately! I'll wear a crop top beneath my sweater, shave my legs, paint my nails (I do NOT have that kind of time in the morning but you get the idea-). If I look in the mirror and see "male", I'll stress RIGHT out.
It's not that I don't identify with a particular gender, it's just that I feel closely attached to both! Guys and girls are both super cool, and sometimes I prefer to be seen as one over the other.
But that's complicated.
And while it would not be relatively difficult in my group to come out and say "hey, I am actually a girl!", that doesn't always ring true for me. And I feel as though the constant swapping be too much trouble for people than it's worth. So here I remain, boy-by-day and occasional girl-by-night!
This is also totally why I play a changeling in D&D, I wish shapeshifting was real.
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envious-dior · 1 year
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headcanons if you, a scientist, were apart of grace augustine’s team and managed to score not one, not two, but THREE hotties !! (tsu’tey, neytiri and our favorite colonizer, jake !!)
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i will format this properly and prettily LATER
i have HEADCANONS and THOTS and they need to be released
that’s so emo of me tehe !!! “released”
okay back to one of my previous posts about YOU (but not really you, it’s just an OC without a name really) being on augustine’s team and literally only being there for skincare purposes
you bedazzled your name tag, you have a pink lab coat and bedazzled goggles !!! queen shit
its actually hilarious bc you probably only got recruited after writing a compliant about her book on botany bc it didn’t have the properties on how it does with human skin, is it a natural moisturizer or sunscreen or what auggie ???
and that somehow got you recruited
you are always talking back and need to have the last word she HATES you
jake on the other ??? y’all are BESTIES. he ADORES you to pieces
you call him “meals on wheels” after hearing lyle make a comment about it (again) bc you thought it was hilarious. you are the only he doesn’t mind hearing it from !!
anyways you and jake are besties from day one !!
this will be a fic one day and bc i self project, you now have curly hair (you are tender headed like me :(( )
you are FLABBERGASTED when your avatar has straight hair bro you are LIVID
you went on a rant for like five minutes after seeing your avatar and jake literally went heart eyes on you, baby boy has been crushing since DAY ONE
you, on the other hand, have not !!
he adores it when you complain. you complain a lot.
youre probably a privileged kid, you hate bugs, but adore the floral life of pandora. you are literally sobbing on your uncomfortable bed as you hear, whatever pandora adjacent of a cricket is, making noise near your ears you are trembling and you are complaining to anyone who will listen
jake is listening and has definitely killed more bugs than he could count
you are there when jake runs away to play with the flowers !!
and you look hot, auggie (grace augustine, you call her auggie) forbade you from wearing your skirts but you have jean shirts, a blouse tucked in or whatever, your killing shir !! girl boss girl queen !!
jake decides to fucking KILL YALL but taunting wild animals
you hate white men
you do not have an athletic bone in your body, you are literally whining and he’s telling you to stfu.
do you listen ??? no absolutely not, why listen to a white boy who was in the military ?? there is no good reason too !!!
yea Neytiri hates the absolute both of yall when she’s stalking y’all
you are also going heart eyes on her, as well as jake . jake type of people is people who are way out of his league apparently, or rich heirs(heiresses)
jakes trying to flirt while you’re absolutely silent bc lordy lord SHES SO PRETTY !!!
she had a symmetrical face, wide doe eyes and pretty lips you literally don’t stop thinking about her features, she’s so pretty you cannot look away
she thinks ur the fucking weirdest bro
but tsu’tey ??? TSU’TEY ???
you love a man whose holding a literal blade to your queue !!!! jake has an awkward hard on he doesn’t know whether to be jealous of you or tsu’tey
your probably semi-fluent in navi bc… ur actually meant to be on pandora lol
you tug on jake’s ear when he tries to approach etyukan (??? idk how to spell his name yall sorry) and now ensures a mini argument between the two of you
i wholeheartedly believe in jake sully’s full name being jacob timothy sully
it’s just right i cannot explain it he looks like a jacob timothy sully
ur mini dispute is only interrupted by mo’at whose touching all over you
you ??? heart eyes. you love her voice, the way she speaks, how she pronounces certain words !!!
i love mo’at and her voice she’s amazing she’s everything to me
she probably hates you
“im apart of the jarhead clan 🤓” you are stifling GIGGLED
you explain that ur a scientist, but ur not just any scientist, youre a cool scientist !! skincare RAAAAAH !!
they are not impressed with you. tsu’tey, who you decided that you will marry one day, is snorting at your words and calls you an idiot.
jake is now stifling his own giggles
he doesn’t laugh he GIGGLES he’s my lil meowmeow
mo’at decides neytiri will have to teach jake and you their ways, you are definitely complaining bc you can’t run without bursting a lung but she shoots you a look and you instantly quiet down
because it’s mo’at if she tells me to stfu, im shutting the fuck up what can i say
neytiri has to deal with two dimbasses and tsu’tey laughs until mo’at decides he’s also helping
yea that’s all i got im so tired imma head to sleep yall goodnight
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empress-of-snark · 11 months
Rewatching s4 of ST with my brother cause he hasn’t seen it yet (on episode two), and when I told him about Steve’s “six little nuggets” monologue that comes up later, he brought up a good point.
(mini rant incoming)
When Jonathan talks to Argyle about his and Nancy’s relationship, he says he’s worried that Nancy will give up on her dreams for him and would end up resenting him for it later on. He doesn’t want to be the reason she doesn’t go to her dream school.
Whereas Steve wants her to marry him and have six kids which, even if he’s the primary caretaker, would require her to make a lot of career sacrifices or risk being a mostly absent parent. Not to mention the physical toll it would take for her to get pregnant that many times, cause Steve sure as hell won’t be the one giving birth.
(Plus, where would the money even come from to raise that many children? If Steve’s a stay-at-home dad, then that makes Nancy the sole breadwinner, which means she’d have to be working pretty much 24/7 to make enough money for a family that big, especially considering women’s salaries in the 80’s/90’s. Is Steve expecting to live off his parents’ money forever? Cause something tells me Nancy wouldn’t go for that.)
Point is, Jonathan is thinking about the future that Nancy wants. Steve absolutely is not. If he knew her at all, he’d know how career-oriented she is, and that she very likely does not want anywhere near that many kids.
Now Jonathan obviously needs to work on communication, that’s very clear. And I’m not even necessarily saying that Jancy is endgame—I could easily see them breaking up before college (or one of them being killed off, honestly). But there’s no endgame for Steve and Nancy that makes sense for their characters. They just want different things, and one of them would end up giving up on their dream for the other.
Sorry for the rant, I just have a lot of strong opinions about this lol. I do love Steve, and that’s why I wish they’d just let him move on from Nancy. No hate to St*ncy shippers (censoring so it doesn’t show up in the tag), this is just my personal opinion. Everyone’s free to ship what they want.
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hype-blue-fixation · 6 months
yeah no we uh
we do NOT claim the goofy ahh overly sexualized fetish shit ☹️☹️
that post genuinely made me laugh so hard I found that shit at like. Maybe 1 am and I couldn't stop laughing 😭
I honestly see why they thought it's fetish shit for some of us, because if you see an account who's just tickle gimmick without any context you're gonna assume the worst 😭 some sfw tk art can look fetishy if it's more intense/uses tools like feathers n stuff so
But in this case not ALL of the hazbin tk stuff on tumblr looks anything like that, if you look at the tag majority of it is jusr silly fluff things so at the same time I'm very confused where they got some of that from 😭 (sorry for the mini rant also I love your stuff ok bye)
I fully agree with you there. The internet is a dark and scary place. But the tickle community is out here serving up a little bit of everything. Like literally I've never seen another community that can provide such a buffet of options. You've got fluff, torture, romance, cheer up, horror, flustering, tickle battles, and pretty much anything else you could ever want lol.
And I'm glad you like my blog, it means a lot :>
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nikethestatue · 8 months
Hi!! I have read all your elriel fics and I absolutely love them, thank you so much for feeding us more content!! I’m fairly new to the fandom itself but I was instantly hooked on the soft girl x emo boy trope lol and I just love the way you write them!! I didn’t even know there was this much contention over ships with azriel since this man has said maybe like 5 sentences total across the entire series but lol ok… I remember seeing ships of him and Gwyn online before I finished the books and once she was introduced in acosf I was so excited lowkey for him to get ANY love interest… only to get like maybe 3 barely friendly interactions between them?? Gwyn is great - do not get me wrong - but I’m sorry I just don’t see any scrap of relationship between them and I cannot believe this is the hill people are dying on.
I am just waiting for elriel to happen because god they’re so adorable!! I can only read ffics until their book comes next but I feel like so betrayed by even ffics lately because there have been so many new fics I’ve started that have Elriel has the main relationship tag but then 17 chapters in they decide to have Az go after gwyn or god forbid Eris randomly and I just cannot….. like why have a fic have the first pairing as elriel if you’re gonna do that?? Anyways sorry that turned into a mini rant but ugh just please keep writing I love your writing style and your updates are always the highlight of my day!
Thank you so much! This has made my day.
I am so happy that you are enjoying my little stories and takes on my favourite couple. I do agree--they are so adorable. You are so right, I love how soft and gentle they are with each other, especially Azriel, who is so seemingly tough and inscrutable being all 'omg, take my hand, let me take you to the garden!'
I love it. I love them together. I think they are such a departure for SJM and my biggest fear is that she won't do them justice and will write them badly. That everything that makes them special will be given up for some ridiculous training or some such nonsense that nobody needs anymore.
Yeah, it was pretty quiet on Azriel front until ACOSF, until he was randomly paired with a random character and then suddenly all hell broke loose.
Well, I aint ever gonna be a Gwynriel. So no worries. THough I like to keep everyone on edge from time to time. :)
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susandsnell · 1 year
You're so right about Katniss! Her feelings for Peeta always felt like obligation - because he was kind, because he loved her and he deserved to be loved back, because he was what she was supposed to want and she'd be crazy not to - and she had mad vibes with Joanna. (The Katniss thing is also why I hated all of the MCU Natasha ships with guys. She's my second pick after Nina for character I am convinced is a lesbian.)
Thank you so much for articulating all this and sending it my way because I've felt nuts for years reading it this way (+ it's a pleasure to hear from you)! And that's with Joniss as a relatively popular ship, lolol.
I won't deny that him saving her from starving and later all they did for one another during the Games isn't meaningful, but you put it perfectly; the text keeps telling us he deserved to be loved back, he's what she ought to want. It makes a point about why she doesn't owe Gale, but wholly kind of sells us on her owing Peeta. The text makes a point of how Katniss, very realistically, has hang-ups about debt, and how the nature of Panem's totalitarianism is such that all kind acts are viewed as transactional rather than genuine, but then completely undermines this by providing little to no meat to how Katniss' real feelings developed from the ones staged for the Games. It's one of those cases where even if the guy isn't a Nice Guy, there's textual Nice Guying going on lolol. (I do also acknowledge that these books were products of the aughts and queer characters in YA were almost nonexistent, but having recently read Moth Diaries from 2002 which actively engages with comphet, I'm feeling spoiled lol.)
Likewise, the having children thing is like -- I get it, people can change their minds and her not wanting to be a mother was a product of the dystopian society they subsequently rebuilt as well as her own experience of maternal neglect, but given what the real world has always been wrt reproductive rights and just in general treating female queerness/nonconformity as a "phase you'll outgrow"/"you'll find the right guy and want kids eventually", I don't think I'll ever not feel gross about a character who does not want kids eventually ~embracing motherhood~ lmao. It could happen, but when the characters are fictional and hence in the author's control...it feels like propaganda, especially coupled with her repeatedly stating she didn't want a husband. And the quote from the epilogue is literally "It took five, ten, fifteen years for me to agree. But Peeta wanted them so badly." Which. Ew.
Contrast with Johanna, where things felt a lot more organic, less based on a sense of debt and more on some classic rivalry tropes that evolved into a sweet balance between an organic camaraderie and Stupid Sexy Flanders (I mean, the elevator scene? Straight girls do not react like that! "Johanna's motivational insults" and the relationship shift?)
Anyhow, thanks again for the message and sorry for the mini-essay/rant this turned into, haha. I'd be mega interested to hear your MCU Natasha thoughts, though, since your Nina tags were so accurate! (Equally biased because she was an early sapphic crush for me, haha.)
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ragnarokhound · 10 months
re: your tags on the jason’s anger post~
hard agree!! i will read reconciliation fics bc like… i do enjoy them getting to be a happy family/group but ultimately, i am firmly in the Jason Todd Was Right camp, &. serious work would need to be done for him to ever actually be part of the family again, bc the actual roots of his issues run DEEP. (and again! he has points!!)
and also same again on like… if i mention the batfamily dynamics in my fics, with the exception of au’s, jason’s relationship with bruce especially is still at least a little strained. he’s a member but also kind of an outsider and maybe he has complicated feelings on that sometimes but ultimately it’s bc his convictions / beliefs run deeper than his need /want of acceptance / belonging.
anyway sorry to dump a rant in your inbox but, i loved your tags & wanted to reply 💞
(I'm about to have a mini-rant of my own, and disclaimer, it's largely informed by my terrible foundation of the UTRH movie + fandom osmosis + the occasional page/panel drop/arguments from other fans skdndndj sO GRAIN OF SALT THE SIZE OF RHODE ISLAND: )
Because yes yes absolutely! It would take serious work on Both sides for Jason to be brought back into the fold. They would both need to want it, and someone would have to be willing to bend on what they are ok with letting slide. Bruce would have to allow Jason his independence and divergence in philosophy; Jason would have to make concessions to Bruce's hard anti-murder stance.
There would have to be compromise, and reparations of some kind. They would have to actually talk and be able to listen. Apologies exchanged (mostly from Bruce because lmao) and a bunch of stuff people with the whole picture could probably tell me better lmao. ALL HARD ASKS
Because yes yes yes!! Jason's convictions and his beliefs ABSOLUTELY run deeper than his desire for acceptance. That's not-so-low-key the biggest obstacle for both him and Bruce in their ever reconciling. It's why Talia was able to manipulate him at all (idk the specifics of that, but details), it's why he hatched a deeply convoluted plan to get back at Bruce and the Joker and fuck over Black Mask in one fell swoop.
He wanted to confront Bruce with the consequences of letting Joker run around even after committing a deeply heinous and personal crime. Show him that taking a more intense and hands on approach and cracking down HARD on the crime families in Gotham would have more immediate results than what Bruce did. And that's not even getting into the Robin stuff yet lol
I don't personally agree per se with Jason's stance on murder and crime fighting lmao - but I also think he has a goddamn point, especially in this universe. In the world of batman, where death can be impermanent and supervillains pull all kinds of heinous, torturous bullshit, Jason has a lot of righteous and justified anger about how Bruce does things, on top of his hurt and betrayal over how both he and his death were treated.
Bruce's stance makes sense to me too, in a 'everyone deserves a second chance' and 'no one is beyond redemption' and 'its a slippery slope' perspective. But at some point you have to wonder about accountability. About what's acceptable. When the Joker is an unrepentant, murderous, sadistic criminal who has demonstrated that he cannot be adequately jailed or rehabilitated, what do you do? Do you ever give up on him? When is enough enough? Is the death penalty ever justifiable?
It's what makes Jason vs Bruce's arguments interesting and tragic to me, because from Jason's perspective, he is seeking retribution for himself as a victim. He is an avenger for victims failed by the system as it stands. And the system fails a lot of people. It needs to change. (And it's something being felt very strongly by a lot of people rn IRL which makes Jason's ideals v sympathetic.)
But from Bruce's perspective, Jason has given up. He has lost hope in the inherent goodness of people. He no longer seeks to find the good in people; he has decided that there exists instead a sharp dichotomy, that there is such thing as a bad person who deserves to die for what they've done, and for being bad. As opposed to seeing deeply injured people who need help, even when you find them repulsive. Rotten work, that.
Bruce sees the end of the path that Jason is on, and it's a bullet that Jason puts in his own brain - because if there are good people and bad people, and bad people deserve to die... won't Jason lump himself in with the bad people eventually? (I am once again standing on my 'Jason Todd wants to die on some level' soapbox)
Anyway, all this to say - there is a sharp divide in Bruce and Jason's methods/beliefs that makes their reconciliation impossible if neither of them is willing to budge. And when they both see budging as a terrible thing to do, a failure to the very people they are dedicating their lives to protecting...well.
It's gonna take a lot of angst and a lot of work.
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tkachunk · 1 year
No no wait hold on. About fucking brady and his little German boyfriend. I don’t go here. I have a soft spot for the sens but still I didn’t really go here at first. Untill all of a sudden I got obsessed with these two and their dynamic and that only grew when I followed you. So excuse me for this rant but I never thought that two hockey players would ignite a mini crisis within me so you may ignore this if you want.
When I saw how people drew these two in fics, especially brady, I took to it like a fish in water. I basically went through their whole tag on ao3 and never really understood or never actually though or concerned myself to why? Why did I get obsessed with them this much?? Until I realized the reason recently.
So I’m in my mid 20s and never been in a relationship (by choice, just never been interested) until I got into one a month ago. And I pretty much followed my instincts to how to show my love to my girlfriend; I’ll surprise her and pick her up from work if I got out from mine early cause otherwise she take the bus, I’ll grab her favorite coffee, get her desserts, flowers, eat my food slower in case hers wasn’t enough so I’ll give her mine, you know, the whole shebang of realizing that acts of service is a love language of mine lol. Then once she went “you know you don’t have to court me, right?” And when I looked confused she explained that she does enjoy the attention but felt guilty about it and will only accept it if i did it because i want to, not because i felt like i have to. Everything went back smoothly when that got clarified and that no i also enjoy romancing her and am not doing it because i feel obligated to do so, but a little light bulb flickered in my head saying ‘huh, this feels familiar’
Only realized the actual truth that APPARENTLY I’m an embodiment of our characterization of bardy fricking tkachuk when (and this’s a bit of a tmi if you don’t want to read it) when my gf held my face in bed and said “I love this already but you don’t have to hold back, I won’t break. You can go harder” and all I can think of is that fucking fic of tim having a crisis bc brady is so fucking nice and won’t go harder on him. I was like oh God is that why i loved their dynamic so much?? Bc i’m brady? Bc I express love the way brady does???
But at least my girlfriend can actually communicate unlike tim
Yeah, sorry about *gestures vaguely* all of this, but that really was a ‘Oh My God’ out loud moment for me.
omg you're living in that bropunzeling fic (also kind of that iceguy fic) genuinely love that for you
but also ashgdskjdsghjd BARDY TKACHUK
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
ugh, the bucketload of untagged smut on this site is so bizzare. how hard is it to tag 'nsfw' 'nsft' or 'smut'.
not to mention all of those people who specify afab/amab reader.....which .. what does that even mean?????? are we really going back to 'your agab determines your genitals' again? (and some ppl just use it to mean female/male reader anyway. not great)
aaa sorry for the mini rant lol, hope yours days been good
so real. it's literally not that hard to tag your work appropriately. i have all three of those filtered, plus a million other tags, and yet i STILL am unfortunate enough to see smut? like. tag your fucking work, dude. not hard at all. the "curate your own experience" website does not work if you don't use the tagging system???
AND YEAH???? I DON'T CARE ABOUT AGAB PLEASE JUST TELL ME WHAT PRONOUNS YOU'RE USING FOR THE READER??????? that's why i just put "they/them pronouns for reader" with no mention of the agab. because it Does Not Matter (in the case of my content specifically--i understand why it might matter a lot more for romantic or sexual works). agab ≠ gender ≠ pronouns. PLEASE specify the pronouns. "afab" is not a sufficient description. if i am hit unexpectedly with a she/her one more time i will lose my mind
(and my lack of care for the agab relates to my specific and personal identity as a nonbinary person, i believe, because if it were up to me? i would have no reproductive organs at all. none. there would be NOTHING!!!! /lh)
some fic writers make me so furious. they're absolutely insufferable. my blocklist is... very extensive at this point.
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solar-halos · 1 year
okay i need to stop posting in the middle of the night bc the last two times i did that i was doing entirely too much in the tags + posted a torso reveal (as if i’m not a pic of snoopy walking around going 👍) but i need to keep talking about lucy grays rainbow dress. so here’s an unasked for progress check + the inspo for the top i wanna crochet in case i wanna connect the skirt to the shirt to actually make it a dress lol:
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okay i put a cutoff here bc i wanna rant but don’t wanna put such a long post on anyone’s dash <3. but for the top it was a toss up between a puff sleeve and a corset but i decided to go with the puff sleeves for a few reasons
1) it’s giving 1890s. not to sound like a nerd but i had a huge historical fashion phase when i was younger and i’m in love with the idea of lucy gray’s puff sleeves representing a different era (since, yk, ballad in general represents a diff era)
2) i’ve never crocheted a puff sleeve top before so it would be fun to try hehe (but i have crocheted a corset top and it does not Stay Up so, in the event that lucy gray was performing in an all-yarn outfit, that would not be very practical for her)
3) okay wouldnt the sleeves subtly fluffing around as she performs be kinda cute? obviously they’re not gonna be super fluffy or anything (just the amount of floofiness in the pic) but it’s kinda like a less intense version of the skirt ruffling
speaking of the skirt:
ohhhh my good. i alternate between loving and hating the white panels but tbh there’s nothing i can do unless i wanna drop an ungodly amount of money on a skirt that’s not even my style. but good thing it’s my sisters style (actually it might not be she looked at it and went “omg omg it’s so cuteee <3” and when i asked if she herself would wear it she went “o.o welll..” so maybe i’ll just have to do my hair and makeup entirely different to sell that this is in fact my style bc no way am i not wearing something i spent literal money + time on). sorry that was a tangent but it’s around knee length rn and i think i have enough yarn (of the rainbow color scheme and scrap yarn) to make it a bit longer. i’ve always envisioned lucy grays dress as a maxi, so maybe i’ll get one more skein of yarn at the end of the month since they’re having a sale. but the whimsy when it comes to wearing this skirt is unreal. like when i put it on i always gotta do a little spin to see the ruffles shift. and that’s actually another thing that makes me convinced that lucy grays skirt is a maxi bc making it into a mini skirt was atrocious. and that’s saying something bc if my entire ass isn’t hanging out of a skirt then what the fuck am i even wearing it for. but it just looked a bit strange and i thought it was bc there was SO much volume on top and it made me a look a bit disproportional, but once my mom stopped going “that’s a lot of colors going on” she had an answer that (while very crude.. and maybe a bit problematic) explained things:
“you look like a pedophile’s dream”
yeah. to be clear i don’t agree that women who dress in ruffles and pastels and things that are considered “childish” are trying to appeal to pedophiles, but keeping the skirt so short and colorful and ruffly made it look very Young. also making it longer added to the whimsy since there’s more fabric that swooshes around when you spin
okay i think i’m done. so thankful that i have tumblr now bc where else was i gonna rant about rainbow dress omg. but tbh i think i’m gonna take a break from making this before i get burnt out and finish a chapter for a fic bc the hg grind never stops. bye!!
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shinwoonoh · 1 year
“honestly i’m more afraid/apprehensive of fandom’s reaction than what happened in these eps lol” SAME this usually happens to me with shows too, like it’s pretty standard angst (and really effective!) but people get so dramatic about it and make it a competition between team one and team another and it makes me defeated lol i hate it bc it does affect my enjoyment when i am watching it, something happens and i think ‘oh people are gonna unbearable about this’ my problem i know haha
sorry for this rant, you can ignore me! haha
LOL @ "oh people are going to be unbearable about this"
literally me right before i clicked into the tags. it's not too bad honestly but the fact that it's there already tells me it's happening and tumblr is usually pretty tame so it's probably worse elsewhere and like you said, happens in almost every show
and i totally understand it dampening your enjoyment of a show! that's why i think it's healthy to rant it out in a safe space with like-minded people. not everyone will agree with each other but finding your familiars can be HEALING so don't apologize for this rant :D
also my own mini rant under:
the moment people talk about a character needing to beg for forgiveness is when i'm walking out the door. nobody needs to beg for anything if we truly care for our people. i think all we really need is to hear out both sides, like jihyun said, so we can build empathy and sympathy for our loved ones
also keywords are our people and loved ones. like there's no going back with taehyung and eunji for me. they're not my loved ones or even jaewon's anymore. they can do despicable shit and be loved by someone else but it's not gonna be by jaewon (OR ME)
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
Han, my dear, if it wasn't for you, then none of us would give much attention to Heidegger (at least I know it would be my case). He was a character I remember from the OG and which I thought was nicely designed in the FFVIIR and... I stopped there. 'Nice, they kept his laugh', I thought when the trailer got out.
And then I met you and - honestly, I cannot stress this enough - you have essentially removed this veil from my eyes and I saw Heidegger for the first time as you do: a multi-layered individual with deep-rooted issues, fiercely loyal to company & country and with so many other traumas and details that make him only human (and not a monster).
I am always in awe at all the sources of inspiration you have for him, at how insanely credible your thoughts his PTSD and other war-related issues are, the way he was brought up, came to marry and then divorce - honestly, for me, your Heidegger portrayal is THE Heidegger portrayal. I don't mean this to dunk on anyone else (or even SE), but because the way you have put him together makes so much _sense_ in my mind that I have a hard time disconnecting your Heidegger from canon.
As far as I'm concerned - his first name is Magnar, he comes from Junon, he has a rivalry with Godo, a behemoth gave him the trademark scar, he has two daughters and a divorce wife. I love everything about your timeline for him and always will. If anything, SE should give you royalties for the superb work. <3
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(( mari ♡
i messaged you already kinda buggin out a lil over this but i want it on my blog (ALONG WITH ALL YOUR LOVE CAUSE YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS & THE BEST) just so i can keep that tag open whenever im feeling stale on my writing or a little crispy with my portrayal. it always means so much to me how much time you've given me and my heid (i say my heid because at this point, i don't know how much is canon aside from his abusive streak to his soldiers & his shinra simping lmao).
but honestly, ive said it before - i'll say it again. i wouldn't be writing him without the support from yourself and others. like, i always talk about how hard it is writing a hated character. he isn't a villain in the same sense as sephi/roth / the turks. they're 'likable'. everything they do is okay because they're young & hot. i know they're more complex than that and personally, i like them a lot too! but it's difficult fighting the battle of there being zero fanart for the character. zero fanfics (aside from ooc / fetish fics). it's tough seeing people make jokes constantly about the character that you like & when i say jokes, i don't mean 'lol seph is a cat' i mean 'lmao could you imagine if him and shinra were GAY lol GROSS' (it's so immature it makes my eyeballs strain).
i know that was a mini rant then, but it always makes me feel a little embarrassed to have such a fixation on such a generally disliked character. makes me feel weird & unwelcome in the fandom haha.
but to know that there are people like you - people who haven't only said 'haha ok, this crazy cookie is doing something w/THIS character' but people who have actively allowed me to explore elements of his character? to get him married? to allow him fatherhood? like BRUH-
it makes my heart warm & fuzzy. i'm sorry i don't always show it & i'm sorry i sometimes get all weepy on the dash about things but it honestly does mean a lot to me.
mari - yourself and others absolutely contributed to me bringing him back & despite any hangups or embarrassment i have over the character. fuck, even in squeenix do some fucked up shit like make him about stolen valour (i REALLY hope they don't) or turn him into a coward (which im prepping for with pre-emptive unwritten headcanons) - he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
not because of playing him but because of the people i've played him with. ♡
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