#sorry for the wait i’ve been exhausted from work lately and wanted to make sure i gave a thorough and thought through response
rysingsun · 1 year
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
Sounds like we’re about the same age! My family is Catholic, but not especially strict. They don’t really “get it” (especially the non-binary part) but I was lucky enough to not be disowned, which not everyone can say. That said, our family environments are different, so my advice is going to be more general rather than religion-specific. I also don’t know if you also live in the U.S, or in a different country, so again, broad advice that speaks specifically to queerness rather than queer intersectionality (it would not be my place, and I will acknowledge that as an able-bodied, white, culturally Christian queer I have a relatively speaking easy flavor of queerness compared to others due to not facing intersectional discrimination).
I know it can be frustrating to hide who you are, but make sure you are prioritizing your safety. I’m not saying not to come out, that’s up to you, but make sure you have at least one backup plan if things go poorly. Know safe resources, such as a physical location that would be safe to move to if your home is ‘compromised’ and friends or relatives that are supportive and willing to help if you’re in trouble financially or otherwise. Even though things turned out alright for me, it would’ve been smart for me to take those precautions even though I thought things would turn out okay. It’s better to have an emergency plan and not use it than to have no plan and things go badly.
There is nothing wrong with who you are and you should celebrate it and be proud that in a world that’s still not fully accepting, you are existing and not in denial of your self. Regardless of whether there is or is not a God, there are too many queer people to be a fluke, we exist as intended. Gay people and sex-repulsed asexuals who want children often raise children who no longer had parents to care for them. Trans people have encouraged science and innovation to discover so much more about how our bodies and brains function, as well as show the world how important identity is. All queer people challenge the norm by existing and show how arbitrary and strange some societal norms are, and how cisheteronormativity caters to cishets, and even then is rigid and limits self-expression for them as well! You are part of something great and worthy of acceptance and love. But we are also still individuals who are worthy of respect regardless of how we may be “useful” to the world, and those ways I listed queer people help the world go round should not be justification but instead fun food for thought. If that isn’t enough to make you proud of queer people, take a look at queer history. We are certainly not the first generation and we will not be the last. We have PRIDE because our predecessors fought for us to live, not just openly, but to live at all. We’ve come far in some places in the world, but still not far enough. And as long as there is that struggle we will celebrate being alive and queer as a middle finger to all who don’t want us to be. You are part of a demographic of people who are strong because they have to be, who survive when they can and then spite those that hate them by daring to be queer and happy.
You are also an individual, not just part of something greater than yourself. YOU are important, and you know your exact situation better than I do. The fact that you said “dangerous” and not just scary for social reasons makes me think you could potentially be at high-risk of harm by coming out. I’ve heard worst case scenario stories, Muslim and otherwise. It can be tricky to find a good balance of safety and freedom of expression, especially when you’re tired of hiding and want to just throw caution to the wind. Again, you know your situation and your family better than I do. Come out if you think now is the best time. But also take precautions to be safe.
I wish you the best and hope things go as well as they can <3 Be you, be proud, but most importantly, be safe.
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chestersturniolo · 26 days
𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩
Chris Sturniolo x fem!reader
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‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚based on chris saying on stream that he can never go to sleep on an argument ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
The argument with Chris had been brewing for days, and tonight it finally erupted. It all started when he came home late. Again. The third time this week. You’d been waiting, dinner cold on the table, frustration simmering.
“Do you even care that I’m here waiting for you?” you asked, your voice laced with hurt. “You didn’t even call, Chris”
“I had to finish filming, I’m sorry I can’t just drop everything because dinner’s ready” he mocked with a fake sincerity.
“That’s not the point-” you said, feeling your anger rising. 
“-It’s not about dinner. It’s about you not letting me know, about making me feel like I don’t matter”
Chris sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
“I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. It’s just been a crazy week. Can’t you cut me some slack?”
“Cut you some slack?-” you echoed,
“-You’re always busy, always too tired, and I’m supposed to just sit here and wait for you to make time for me? I’m tired of feeling like I’m at the bottom of your list!”
“That’s not fair-” Chris shot back, his tone sharpening. 
“-You know how important my job is. I’m doing this for us, to build a future, but you make it sound like I’m just ignoring you!”
“Well, it sure feels like it!” you replied, your voice trembling with emotion. 
Chris fell silent, the tension thick between you. Finally, unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere any longer, you stormed into his bedroom, slamming the door behind you.
You paced back and forth, trying to calm the storm of emotions inside you. Eventually, the emotional exhaustion snowballed into physical exhaustion. You got ready for bed whilst you replayed the argument over in your head.
As you crawled under the covers,the bed felt too big, too empty. You turned off the light, hoping sleep would come quickly and take you away from the mess of the evening.
As you lay in the quiet, you could still hear the faint sound of the TV from the living room where Chris had stayed. The space beside you a reminder of the widening gap between you. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block it all out, and slowly, sleep began to take over.
Sometime later, Chris came into his room, and carefully climbed in beside you. He moved gently, clearly trying not to wake you, but his restless tossing and turning made you stir slightly. After a few minutes, he gave up, sitting up with a heavy sigh.
Then, with a gentle touch, he brushed your cheek, his thumb warm against your skin. 
“Hey-” he whispered, his voice thick with regret as you opened your eyes, adjusting them to the darkness. 
“-I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you, but I can’t… I can’t go to sleep like this”
The memory of your argument came rushing back, and you felt the anger flare up again. But before you could say anything, Chris continued, his voice urgent, almost desperate.
“I know I messed up-” he said, leaning closer, his eyes searching yours in the dim light. 
“-I’ve been so caught up in work that I’ve been neglecting you, and I hate that I made you feel like you don’t matter. You do. You’re the most important thing in my life”
His words were raw, filled with a vulnerability that you rarely saw in him. He reached for your hand, holding it tightly as if afraid you might pull away.
“Please-“ he whispered, his voice cracking. 
“-I know I need to do better. I just… I can’t stand the thought of us going to bed angry. I can’t go to sleep knowing you’re upset with me ma”
You sighed, your heart heavy. The pain of the argument still lingered, but there was no denying the sincerity in his voice. Chris wasn’t the type to beg, and seeing him like this made the anger start to fall away.
“I don’t want to fight either” you finally said, your voice thick with emotion. 
“But I need you to understan-”
“I do” he said quickly, nodding. 
“I’m sorry” he whispers, brushing his thumb across your hand that is still placed in his. Before gently pulling away and laying back down beside you. 
Chris opens one of his arms in the air hesitantly, a silent invite into his embrace. With a small sigh, you scooted over, laying your head onto his chest. You let him hold you, the warmth of his body gradually soothing the last of your anger.
“i love you y/n” Chris mumbles into your hair as he places a kiss to the top of your head.
“i love you” you whisper, letting sleep take over once more. 
‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊
A/N; hope you enjoyed lovessss
spam my inbox with requests!
- 𝑺𝒂𝒈𝒆 ♡
@sturnobsessedwh0re @nayveetbhh @phone4pills @demzzz @dripgodnay
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@brianna-grace12 @blahbel668 @stvrlighht
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Hi! I absolutely love your writing and saw that your requests were open so I thought I’d shoot this over. If you don’t vibe with it don’t worry about skipping it. I was wondering if I could request a James x reader where they are living together and definitely love each other but they’ve kind of slipped into a roommate phase. Like they’re just living around each other and reader starts feeling insecure and scared and doesn’t know how to get back into normalcy. Maybe a little angsty with some fluff at the end
Thanks lovely!
modern au
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 2.4k words
When James comes in the front door, his shoes squelch. You look him up and down, dripping wet and mud caked up to his knees. You wince. 
“Rough practice?” 
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” James says, dropping his bag by the door and heading for the kitchen. 
There’s an exhausted slump to his shoulders, and his shoes leave a muddy trail of footprints, and you hate to do it, but—
“Would you mind taking off your shoes?” 
“Oh.” James looks down. You see him follow the trail with his eyes. “Yeah, sorry.” 
“It’s fine.” 
You hate yourself as soon as it’s out of your mouth, because that’s exactly the sort of thing you’d say if it wasn’t fine. And yeah, you’re a bit peeved that he’d track mud inside after you’d mopped the floors just yesterday, but you know he wasn’t thinking about it and you’d promised yourself just this morning that you were going to be nicer to him and now he’s sitting on the floor looking like his day is getting worse instead of better. 
You try again. 
“Um, I made dinner.” You step over him awkwardly, setting a hand on his head to help yourself. James doesn’t shrink from the touch, but he doesn’t lean into it like you could swear he used to either. The stove turns off like it’s relieved to do it, having idled for close to a half hour while you waited for James to get home. You wanted to try and eat together tonight; you used to do it all the time, but lately you’ve been having too many couch dinners by your lonesome. “Macaroni and cheese, is that alright?” 
“Yeah, thanks.” You jolt a little at James’ hand on your back as he reaches around you for a bowl, and he looks at you, lips quirking like you’re funny. 
You find yourself smiling back by muscle memory, a reflex almost forgotten. It lifts your heart. 
“So, how was practice?” 
James glances up at you, then goes back to filling his bowl. “I’ve already told you,” he says. “Rough.” 
“Oh, right.” You huff out a little laugh. He passes you the spoon, and you take it without really looking at him. “Sorry.” 
His answering smile is weaker this time. More a press of his lips than anything. 
“Don’t be.” He kisses you on the cheek, then goes, pulling out his chair at the table. 
You take your seat, too. A lot of these base routines have begun to feel empty lately. They used to be an assurance for you, like if you always wore your same paths into the carpet you’d become so entrenched in this house, in James’ house, that neither he nor it could ever let you leave. You loved knowing that if he was back from his run when you woke up in the morning, there’d be a glass of orange juice waiting for you on the counter. That when the flowers on your kitchen table started to wilt you’d come home to a fresh bunch, and that if you called and told him you were having a bad day lunch from your favorite sandwich shop would miraculously show up at your work. Those things used to make your heart feel full to bursting, because they meant he was thinking of you. 
Now you’re not sure what they mean. They seem like things James does because he’s supposed to, like part of a script, a routine. Chores. 
As soon as he’s sat down, he’s digging into his dinner. James eats like a boy. Wolfing, like someone’s going to take it away from him. You hope it means he likes it. 
“What’d you do today, m’love?” he asks through a mouthful.
And see, he says things like that. Calls you his love, asks about your day. It’s all started to fall flat. You know he’ll take whatever answer you give him, because you’ve begun to suspect he doesn’t really care. 
“Nothing crazy,” you answer honestly. “Shayna’s baby came early, so I’m taking on a bit more at work until they can find someone to fill in for her. So that’s a bit stressful, but it’s not awful.” 
“Mm.” James nods, but doesn’t offer more than that. His mouth seems to be perpetually full. 
You fork a macaroni noodle, pretending you have more appetite than you do. Truthfully, you’ve felt weird and off and vaguely nauseous all day. 
Last night had been a bit of a breaking point for you. It came on rather suddenly. You’d gone to bed long after James, but you couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t seem to tear your eyes from him, the way the moonlight snuck in through the slats in your blinds to fall across his sleeping face. He was so beautiful, and you loved him so much you didn’t know what to do with it all, and then you were crying. 
You’d wept silently, wishing James would wake up, but you were unwilling to rouse him and he wasn’t going to do it himself. Eventually, you’d fallen asleep with your pillowcase damp and cold under your cheek and woke to find James’ side of the bed empty as usual. Orange juice on the counter. 
“I was wondering if you might want to watch a film tonight,” you say lightly. “I saw they’ve put that sci-fi one you like back on Netflix.” 
“Ah, have they really?” James swallows, forks another bite. “Wish I could, but I’m supposed to meet everyone at Spoons in a few minutes here.” 
Oh. The realization hits you like a dull thud, smack in the center of your chest. He’s not eating quickly because he likes your food; it’s because he wants to leave. 
“Can’t you stay here?” Your voice is small. James looks at you like he’s not sure what to make of it. 
“Not tonight, sweetheart.” He offers you a smile. His fork clinks in the bottom of an empty bowl, and his chair screeches as it’s pushed back. James brushes his lips across your cheek as he goes by. “We’ll have to do it this weekend, though, definitely.” 
You know by now these sorts of promises aren’t meant to keep. They come written in disappearing ink.
He heads upstairs to change, and desperation grips you. It forgets he’ll be home later and puts you hot on his heels, your own dinner left on the table barely touched. 
“Jamie, wait.” He pauses with his shirt half off, looking over at you in the doorway of your bedroom. “Don’t you feel like we’ve not had much time together lately?” you ask. 
The plea is naked in your tone, and James’ eyes soften. He tugs his shirt off, straightens his glasses. “I haven’t had time for much of anything lately,” he says, shrugging good-naturedly. 
It’s true. He’s been busy. His new coach seems to think the team has nothing but time, and as captain James is expected to commit even more than most. When he’s not at training, he’s keeping fit on his own or running errands for his mum or sleeping it all off in your bed. 
“But you should come tonight,” James goes on brightly. “Dorcas and Marlene will be there, it’ll be fun.” 
He tosses his clothes in the laundry bin and makes his way over to the dresser. You cross your arms, then uncross them. Parse your words. “I don’t…I just feel like you hung out with your friends last night, you know?” 
“You could’ve come then, too,” he says, stepping into a pair of jeans. “They all love you, you know that.” 
“I don’t want to hang out with your friends.” It comes out sharper than you intend, though not less sharp than the look James gives you. He’s finished getting dressed but doesn’t make to leave. “That’s not what I mean. I like your friends, but it’s not…the same as spending time with you. It doesn’t count, for me.” Your voice softens on the last two words, knowing that for James, it might very well count. 
For him, you’ve gathered, social time is social time. So long as you’re there, he’ll feel just as connected to you as if you were curled up on the couch together having a private conversation. You wish your brain worked the same way, but it doesn’t. 
He’s looking at you with something like trepidation now, so you state it plainly. 
“I really miss you, Jamie.” A blockage rises in your throat. You swallow it back down. “I feel like…I don’t know what’s going on with us lately.” 
“We’re the same as we have been.” He looks confused, worse when your face pinches painfully. 
“And that’s all?” You try to blink them away, but tears burn in your eyes. “This is just what we do now?” 
“No.” James looks appalled, but you catch the quick glance he gives to the digital clock on his nightstand. “It’s only for now, just until the season’s over and Coach mellows out. Where’s this coming from?” 
You blink hard, angling your head away from him. “Nothing, sorry. I’m just being emotional.” Your breath scrapes on the way in. You pretend it doesn’t. “It’s okay if you have to go.” 
He shakes his head, and when you start back towards the stairs anyway, he says, “No, come on.” In a few long strides, he’s got your elbow. He tugs you gently back into the room. “Let’s sit down, okay? What’s going on?” 
“Sorry.” Your voice is pitchy and tight. You think you hear James inhale softly before he’s drawing you into a hug. It doesn’t feel quite like it used to, but it’s still warm, still nice. 
He sits you both down on the edge of your bed, arms still wrapped loosely around you. “What are you sorry for, baby?” 
“I was going to try not to make your life harder today,” you laugh wetly, pulling back from him to swipe under your eyes. 
“You don’t make my life harder,” James says, somewhere near to dismayed as he slides his hand to your shoulder. “Of course you don’t.” 
You give him a look meant to say, Oh, come on, but you’re not sure how it comes off with your face blotchy and snot starting to run from your nose. You take in a big breath, trying to calm yourself. 
“I think I’ve made it harder more than I’ve made it easier lately,” you admit, looking at your bedcover and also at nothing at all. “I didn’t even really realize until recently, but I’ve just felt so…disconnected from you lately. It’s like even when you’re here, I’m just around you and not with you, and—” Your voice catches, and you inhale again. “And I know you’re really busy, but I’m just trying to find ways to fix it.” 
James’ hand drops from your shoulder, into his lap, and you lift your gaze. He looks crestfallen. “What do you want me to do?” he asks quietly, his own voice starting to sound raw. “I can’t control these things. And we live together, I see you all the time. It doesn’t seem fair to ask me not to see my mates.” 
“I’m not asking you to do that.” You’re horrified. “But that’s just it, Jamie, it’s like we only live together anymore. Saying hi when you come in, waving when you go back out, those don’t count as quality time for me. And I wish I could get the same feelings from being in a big group that you do, but I can’t.” 
James looks at you helplessly. You shrug, just as powerless. 
“I know it’s not your fault,” you tell him, and a tear drips off your chin. “I don’t know what to do, either. I just want you to know that I’m trying, okay?” 
James nods for a minute. Thoughtful, heartbroken. He lets out a big breath. Your arms come around each other at almost the same time, so in sync you can’t be sure who reaches for the other first. You’re trying not to get snot on his fresh shirt, but he palms the back of your head, pressing your face to his shoulder. 
“Okay,” he says quietly. “You’re right, we should both be trying more. I think I’ve let myself get so overwhelmed that I’m not…almost not even thinking throughout the day, but that’s no excuse. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with all of this by yourself.” 
“It’s not your fault,” you repeat, and a little laugh rumbles through James’ chest. He hugs you tighter. 
“It is a little bit, though, isn’t it? I haven’t been paying attention. But okay, let’s make a plan for now.” His hand splays out between your shoulder blades, and you clutch at the material of his shirt, both of you wordlessly trying to get closer as if you can make up for lost time. “Come with me tonight, please.” You go still, but James goes on, “I know it’s not a solution, but I can’t back out and I’d really feel so much better if you were there. Please, angel. And tomorrow, we’ll stay in and watch something. Not a film only I like,” he gives your back a teasing little squeeze, “but something we can both get into. Or we can just talk, or play a game, I don’t care. Tomorrow is our night, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you sniff, nodding and pulling away slightly so you can wipe your face. James joins in, pinching your nose clean for you and wiping the snot on his jeans carelessly. “Yeah, okay. I’ll try to clear my busy schedule.” 
He smiles. It’s like the sun beaming through clouds. “I’d appreciate that. Really hard to get ahold of you these days.” You let out a little laugh, and his grin spreads. “Good, so that’s for now, and at training on Friday I’m going to talk to Coach about cutting down on our hours.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “Jamie, you don’t have to—” 
“I do,” he says. “I’ve been a wuss about it, but everyone on the team is miffed and it’s really my job to handle it. He doesn’t know everything yet, so I can at least give him some advice about how we operate best.” 
James palms the back of your neck, pulling you towards him and meeting you halfway. His forehead presses against yours. 
“I’m really glad you said something. Thanks for being the smart one, as usual.” Your smile is small at first, but James nudges his nose against yours until it blooms in full. “We’re gonna make it better, okay?” 
You swallow thickly. “Okay. Thanks, Jamie.” 
“Don’t thank me.” His voice takes on a tender quality, and you push your forehead into his. He palms your cheeks in response, stamping his lips to your forehead. “Love you, sweetheart.” 
“I love you, too.” 
That was never up for debate. 
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finelinefae · 3 months
Could we please get a check in with the aviator? I love them like no other i swear
synopsis: y/n finds out she's pregnant with Aviator!Hs baby.
wordcount: 2.6 k
a/n: this isn't really a check-in more so something that happens a year into their relationship because i think about this moment a lot and i needed to write about it !!!!
also first one shot for the aviator whoop!!
. . .
It was the middle of the night. 
Y/N had been up since dinner, laying beside the toilet bowl so she could vomit the contents of her stomach every ten minutes. She’d stuck the thermometer under her armpit to check if she had a fever, only to find it at a completely normal temperature. 
She was tired and frustrated and her head hurt from throwing up so much. She hadn’t had a wink of sleep and she still had to get to work in the morning. 
The door swung open and Y/N lifted her tired eyes to find Nancy looking down at her, “You’ve been throwing up since dinner,” She held out a glass of cold water and Y/N gladly took it. 
“Sorry,” Y/N groaned, after taking a sip, “I’ve tried taking medicine but nothing seems to be working.”
Nancy sighed, “You don’t need to apologise, do you want me to call Harry?”
“No,” Y/N shook her head, “He’s been working all week, he’s probably exhausted.”
“Okay well you can’t just sit by the toilet all night, do you want me to warm you up some ginger ale?” Y/N sighed, considering her offer before pushing herself up from the floor and following Nancy to the kitchen.
She sat at the table, clutching her stomach and ignoring the nausea she felt. Nancy took out some ginger ale and began to heat in a saucepan over the stovetop. “I just don’t understand how I can feel like this but not even have a fever,” Y/N huffed. 
Nancy shrugged, “Are you due? Normally I feel pretty sick a week or so before my period starts,”
A dip forms between Y/N’s brows, “I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure-” Y/N paused, thinking back to the last time she had had her period. She had been waiting for it to arrive this week but one glance at the calendar on the kitchen refrigerator revealed that it was already a week late. 
Panic surged through her, “Nancy,” She gasped, looking up at her roommate and friend, “It’s late.”
Nancy’s eyes widened, “Are you sure?”
Y/N’s mind was racing to try and piece together the days but she knew that she was right and her period was over a week late.
Y/N didn’t have to say anything for Nancy to understand what she was thinking. “W-what am I going to do?” Y/N panicked as dread ensued her, “I-I can’t have a baby, I can’t.”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” Nancy crouched down on the floor in front of her and took her hands, “It’s going to be okay. Tomorrow morning we’ll go down to the clinic and ask them to take a test to make sure.”
Y/N shook her head, “Not the morning, Harry will know and he’ll-” She covered her mouth, “Oh God, Harry, what if he hates me?”
Nancy scoffed, “How could he possibly hate you? I’ve never seen someone as in love with somebody as he is with you,”
“But Nancy, a baby. It’s too soon and he’s still got Elise and-” Y/N’s mind was whirring with thoughts as she thought about how her life was about to change if she really was pregnant. Elise was only four and their relationship was still relatively new - they’d only celebrated their year anniversary a month ago which was more than likely to be the reason that got her in this predicament. 
“Y/N, calm down,” Nancy soothed her, “Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll deal with these things after we find out whether you really are pregnant or not. For now, we’ll go to bed and think about it in the morning, okay?”
Y/N nodded slowly, trying to digest the words she was hearing. Nancy was right, she needed to not worry until she had confirmation from the nurse that she really was pregnant. She tried to pause her worries until the morning but not a wink of sleep occurred when her mind was whirring with thoughts about how Harry would react to the possibility of it all. 
. . .
Y/N felt sick to her stomach as she walked to the hangar where she knew Harry would be working. She’d been so many times now that she knew exactly where to go, following the path through the doors and round the back.
“Evening Y/N,” One of the boys said as she walked past, tipping his hat. Y/N forced a smile onto her face in reply.
She walked through the back doors and found Harry outside smoking a cigarette on his own, the sun setting behind him. Unlike how she usually felt whenever she was around him, Y/N began to panic wondering whether she should turn back now before she told him something that would change both their lives forever. 
Harry’s head lifted and a smile carved onto his face when his eyes landed on her. He threw his cigarette on the ground and stubbed it with his foot, “Hi birdy,” He walked over and embraced her in a hug, pressing a kiss to her lips. 
Y/N knew Harry had sensed something was wrong from how stiff she felt in his embrace. He pulled back but his arms stayed looped around her, “Wha’s wrong?” He frowned, “Y’okay?” He cupped her face in his hands and looked her in the eye.
Y/N pulled away, “I’m okay,” She lied and Harry immediately knew something was wrong when she took a step away from him. Usually, whenever they were together there was barely any space between them.  
“Hey, when do y’ lie to me?” He forced a smile, a pit of dread forming in his stomach.
Y/N’s eyes glistened, she sniffled and scrunched her nose to try and prevent herself from crying. “I just missed you is all,” 
“Birdy,” A dip formed between his brows, “M always right here y’ know that. Did something happen at work today?” 
Y/N shook her head, wrapping her arms around herself, “No,” She replied, “I-I need to tell you something.”
This time Harry really did begin to panic. He thought back to the past few months and wondered if he had done anything wrong to upset her in that time but every day had been as blissfully sweet as the last. He was so in love with Y/N and that love continued to grow every passing day. She was the first person he woke up to in the morning and the last person he saw at night - every day it was Y/N, the love of his life. 
So he couldn’t understand what had currently gotten her so distant with him or why she was being so vague and secretive whenever she was with Nancy, “Are you…Are you breaking up with me?” Harry voiced his biggest concern out loud.
Y/N almost gasped, reaching for his hand and holding it to her chest, “God Harry, no. No, of course not.”
He relaxed slightly but still wondered what was going on in her head that was so difficult to tell, “Wha’s wrong then baby?”
Y/N released a shuddery breath, looking away from him and down at the hand she was currently holding. She twisted the ring on his pinkie finger, one lone tear rolling down her cheek that she quickly brushed away. “Harry, I'm pregnant.” She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. 
Her heart thudded against her chest when she felt his hand stiffen. She could barely look up at him as she waited for him to say something.
Two rough hands cupped her cheeks and lifted her head up. Her eyes met his, lips parting to see tears rolling down his cheeks and the biggest smile she had ever seen stretched across his face, “We’re havin’ a baby?” He whispered in disbelief.
Y/N nodded slowly, “I found out this afternoon.”
A laugh escaped his lips, “Holy shit,” He let go of her and ran his fingers through his hair before covering his face with his hands and smiling beneath them.
Y/N stood waiting, still a little tense until he took one step towards her and picked her up in his arms, her dress twirling as he spun them round, “Holy shit we’re having a baby.” 
A wave of relief washed over her, Y/N finally mirrored the smile on his face when she saw the excitement on his face. 
He set her back on her feet, “You’re not mad?” Y/N asked. 
“Why would I be mad? This is my dream, I’ve always wanted to be a dad.” Harry was unable to rid himself of the smile on his face.
“I know but we’ve been together a year and-” 
Harry silenced her by smashing their lips together in a messy kiss, “I love you bigger than the whole sky Birdy, there is not a single person in this entire world I would rather have as the mother of my child.”
Y/N’s eyes watered and tears began to fall as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands fell to her tummy, “I can’t believe there’s a tiny human in there,” Harry chuckled in disbelief. 
“I love you so much Harry,” Y/N murmured, wondering why she was ever nervous to tell him in the first place. 
. . .
Safe to say, Harry had become somewhat even more obsessed with Y/N than he had ever been before.
“Tha’s my baby mama!” He whistled, wearing his grease-covered overalls as he slid off the wing of the plane and ran towards Y/N who was only a month pregnant.
Y/N’s cheeks heated, eyes darting around, “Shh, what if someone hears you?” 
They had yet to tell any of their friends or Harry’s brothers that Y/N was pregnant.  Nancy had been sworn to secrecy despite her boyfriend constantly pestering her over telling him what they were always whispering about whenever Y/N refused a drink at a party. Harry struggled to keep such a big secret from his siblings since he had always told them everything, but Y/N wanted to make sure everything was okay before they let the world know another baby would be entering their little family. 
“There’s no one around, don’t worry.” Harry smiled, a dimple carving into his cheek. 
She had the tiniest bump, barely even noticeable unless she was bloated, but he was obsessed all the same. His hands reached for her sides, feeling the small curve of her tiny bump as he held her. “Hi Harry,” Y/N grinned, “Thought we could walk to the clinic together.”
Today they would be having their first appointment together with their assigned midwife. Harry had been close to a kid at Christmas as he counted down the days until he got to hear his baby’s heartbeat. “Yeah, I’ll pack my stuff away and we’ll head on down,” He nodded but stopped to kiss her quickly, “Missed y’,” He murmured. 
Y/N laughed, “You saw me three hours ago,” 
“Much too long,” He countered, slipping away from her and going to pack his things away. 
He returned in a fresh white t-shirt and jeans, reaching for her hand and threading their fingers together as they walked down to the clinic. 
Harry could feel Y/N’s nerves bouncing off of her as they sat in the waiting room of the small office waiting for their midwife to call them in. She fiddled with her fingers in her lap, tapped her foot against the floor and chewed on her bottom lip. Every now and then her eyes would glance to the door like she was desperate to get out. 
He reached for her hand, holding it in his lap and playing with the small ring on her index finger. His thumb traced the mole in the middle of her wrist, her pulse fluttering beneath it. “Y’ okay?” He murmured.
“Jus’ nervous,” She admitted, “I don’t like doctor’s offices all that much.”
“Y’ not having second thoughts about the baby are you? Because if you were there are things we can do and talk about. I-I’d never force y’ to have a baby, y’know that right Birdy?” Harry said. 
Y/N’s eyes softened, she cupped his cheek in her hand, “I want this baby with you more than I want anything ever.”
Harry smiled, “Y’ mean that?” He needed that reassurance from her more than anything. 
“I mean it,” She kissed him quickly. 
The door clicked open and in walked the midwife, “Y/N Y/L/N?” 
Y/N took a deep breath, squeezing Harry’s hand as they stood up. The midwife, an older woman with kind eyes, gestured for them to follow her into a small room. There was a simple examination bed and a tall metal stand with a strange, trumpet-like device hanging from it.
“This is a fetal stethoscope,” the midwife explained, picking up the device. “It’s how we’ll listen to your baby’s heartbeat.”
Y/N climbed onto the bed, her heart racing. Harry stood by her side, never letting go of her hand. The midwife placed the wide end of the stethoscope on Y/N’s abdomen and pressed her ear to the other end.
The room was silent as the midwife concentrated. Then, her face lit up with a smile. “There it is,” she said, turning to the expectant parents. “Your baby’s heartbeat. Would you like to listen?”
Harry’s eyes widened as he nodded eagerly. The midwife handed him the earpiece, and he leaned down, his expression changing from nervousness to awe as he heard the rapid, steady thump of their baby’s heart.
“Our baby,” Harry whispered, his voice thick with emotion. 
Y/N could feel her eyes welling up as she watched him. Her hand reached out to thread through his curls as he pressed his ear to the earpiece once more and listened for the faint sound of a beating heart they had created, “Can y’ hear it?” Y/N smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks. 
“Tha’s our baby,” He repeated like he couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing.
“Tha’s right, H.” Y/N said softly.
Harry reached for her bump, placing both of his big, heavy palms on it. He lowered his head and pressed a small kiss to the spot above her belly button, “Hello baby,” He murmured, “How can I love you this much when all I can hear is y’ heart?” 
Y/N smiled, letting him have his moment, “Promise I’ll take such good care of it,” He continued to speak soft and slow, “Both yours and mamas,”
Harry reached for Y/N’s hand and held it in his own, his other palm resting right over her bump. He felt Y/N give his hand a gentle squeeze and wondered if she could hear just how fast his heart beat for her even without the earpiece.
“Don’t cry,” Harry smiled, reaching to wipe away Y/N’s tears. 
“I’m just happy,” Y/N sniffled, “You’re going to be such a good dad, Harry, I hope you know that.”
The words settled something in him. All his nerves seemed to melt away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and anticipation for the new life they were about to bring into the world together. 
A family of his own. 
“I love you birdy,” He leans down and speaks to the bump once more, “and I love you too, baby birdy.” Y/N laughed and watched as Harry continued in conversation with their baby, hearing nothing but a gentle heartbeat in reply to his voice.
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smileysuh · 1 year
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🌙 staring. Joshua & Jeonghan x afab!Reader
🔮 synopsis. There’s something long and hard rubbing against your ass, and you can’t help but pull away from Joshua to drop your favourite lawyer pickup line to the man behind you; “Is that a gavel in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?” “Both,” Jeonghan practically purs, his mouth hot against your neck. “Think you can handle it?”
tw/cw. threesome, unprotected sex, multiple sex scenes, blow job, shower sex, double penetration, butt stuff, use of a judge's gavel as an anal sex toy, lube, praise, degradation, dirty talk, spanking, cock warming, fingering, hand riding, slight roleplay, beefy/size kink Joshua, polyamory, breast play, masturbation, 'full' kink, etc... I petnames. (hers) gorgeous, baby, filthy little whore.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 6.8k
🍭 aus. Lawyer!Jihan, polyamory, established relationship, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. the Joshua/Jeonghan pairing always does something to me, and now it can do something to you too. special thank you to @junkissed for helping me figure this fic out :)
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It’s nights like these where you have to be very secure in yourself to be in a relationship with not one but two of the top lawyers in your city. Evenings spent cooking dinner in the hope they’ll be able to make it home in time to eat with you often end up with you feeling a little lonely and picking at your food, two seats empty at your table.
You have to remind yourself that this is their job, that they try their best, and when they do finally come home, you have to greet them with a smile. There’s no room for blame on nights like these. 
“Sorry we’re so late, gorgeous,” Jeonghan apologizes immediately when they arrive home, setting down his briefcase and opening his arms to pull you into an embrace. One of his hands moves up to cup your cheek, and the kiss he places on your lips lingers. “The litigation team found an entire file of information that’s applicable to the court hearing tomorrow.”
“We just spent three hours going over it,” Joshua sighs, hanging his coat up in the closet.
The younger of your boyfriends looks much more tired than Jeonghan does, but Joshua’s always had a lower tolerance for unexpected turns in cases. You know he must have been seething when they discovered the file, and your heart goes out to him.
“That sounds rough,” you say sympathetically, turning your attention to the beautiful, exhausted man. “What can I do to help?” you ask as you begin to pepper kisses along his jaw, working your way to his pretty lips. “Are you hungry?”
“We ate at the firm,” Jeonghan tells you. “Soonyoung went out and got us all burgers.”
You smile at the mention of your long time friend, he’s one of their errand boys, and it sounds like none of your close acquaintances have had a good night. Sure, a part of you deflates a little- you’d prepared their meals, and the food is still waiting for them in the kitchen, but you suppose that’s easy clean up.
“I guess you two will be wanting to go to bed,” you sigh. “You’ve both got to get up at six, right?”
“I’m sorry,” Joshua matches your exacerbated tone, and he’s frowning while looking down at you. “I know you hate it when we miss dinner.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, gently smoothing your hands along his broad chest before giving him a small pat and pulling away. “This is part of the job. I’ve got to go put the food away.”
“We should have texted you,” Jeonghan offers, “but it was a mad scramble at the firm.”
“Like I said, it’s alright,” you smile softly. “You’ve had long days, go relax, I’ll meet you in the bedroom when I’m done in the kitchen.”
With a nod, Joshua heads down the hall, but Jeonghan lingers. “I’ll help you clean up,” he tells you after a moment of consideration.
“Thank you.” 
The two of you relocate to the kitchen. It’s late, and like your boyfriends, you’re also moving a little slower than normal. 
It helps to have another set of hands, even if they’re on your hips while Jeonghan presses himself against your back. “Looks like you made a great dinner tonight, gorgeous. I’m extra sorry we missed it.”
“You really don’t have to keep apologizing,” you laugh, carefully putting the food into containers to be put in the fridge. “Besides, you can eat it tomorrow for lunch or something.”
“What would we do without you?” Jeonghan’s lips are on your neck, and the gentle kisses almost tickle, making your smile widen. 
“Eat bad food or starve?” you suggest.
Jeonghan grins against your throat. “Lucky we have you then, hmm?”
“Very lucky,” you agree. 
“Listen, I’m going to go have a shower…” Jeonghan holds you tighter, and you can feel his cock pressing against your ass through his pants. “Want to come join me?”
You push your butt back towards the horny man you call your lover, grinning at his behavior. “What about Joshua?” 
“You know Joshie likes morning showers after the gym. He won’t join us. In fact…” Jeonghan’s nose traces across your throat, his breath hot, “I bet he’s already asleep.”
“You think?”
Jeonghan hums. “He almost passed out in the car ride home. Trust me, we should let him rest.”
“We’ll have to be quiet though,” you point out. “We wouldn’t want to wake him.”
“I can be quiet,” Jeonghan smirks, “can you?” 
You love it when he challenges you like this, and you give a quick nod.
“Good,” he pulls away from your back, giving your ass a light smack. “Meet me in the bathroom, gorgeous.”
You’re just about done in the kitchen, and when you head down the hall to the guest bathroom, Jeonghan already has the shower running. 
The room is filling with steam, and his suit is neatly folded on the sink. Joshua’s forced Jeonghan into the habit of taking care of his clothes, and the sight of your wild boyfriend being neat always makes you giggle.
You’re wearing a cute little ‘housewife dress’ as Jeonghan would call it, and it’s easy enough for you to slip off. The underwear set adorning your body was one you’d chosen with the hope of someone else tearing it off, but you suppose doing it yourself before getting fucked in the shower is a decent compromise. 
Soon, you’re naked and opening the glass door to join Jeonghan in one of his favourite sex locations.
Jeonghan’s always been beautiful, but there’s something almost ethereal about the way he looks when there’s water cascading over his perfect skin. He turns as you enter, eyes scanning over your body as a smile appears on his lips. 
“Hi gorgeous,” he greets you, grabbing your waist to tug you tight to his front, capturing his cock between your bodies.
“I can’t believe you’re already hard,” you giggle, enjoying how easy it is to turn him on.
“I’ve been fighting a stiffy since lunch time when you sent me that picture of the new lingerie Joshua bought you. He might have forgotten about it and gone to sleep, but I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.” 
“Is that so?” you tease, wrapping your arms around his shoulders while he pulls you half under the spray of warm water. “Is this what you were imagining?”
“I was imagining tag teaming you with Joshua, but when work ran late… this is exactly what I started to have in mind.”
“You like having me all to yourself, don’t you, Hannie?” 
“I’m not gonna lie,” his fingers dig into your hips, “as much as sharing you with Joshie is fun, I do enjoy having you to myself every once in a while.” 
“So now that you have me to yourself, what can I do for you, Mister Yoon?” You press your body forward, applying pressure to his cock. “I know you had such a long, hard day-”
“My day isn’t the only thing that’s long and hard,” Jeonghan smirks at you.
“I’m very aware of that, Mister Yoon. Shall I take care of it for you?” You love playing the part of sexy assistant, and he deserves it after the day he’s had.
Jeonghan lets out a groan. “Have I told you how fucking sexy you are today?”
“No, but I’d love to hear it while I suck you off, Mister Yoon,” you grin, pulling away from him so you can get down onto your knees.
“You always love being praised when you have your mouth full, isn’t that right, gorgeous?” Jeonghan’s eyes are fixed on you as you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, and his hand moves down to push your hair out of your face.
“Of course, Mister Yoon, love to be praised by you.” 
“Yeah,” Jeonghan sighs as your tongue teases the head of his cock. “I’m the good one, and Joshua always gets to be the bad one with degradation. Are you sure I can’t call you my wonderful little cockwhore?”
“I think that’s still bordering on praise, Hannie,” you grin, breaking your game of assistant to ‘Mister Yoon’ for a moment to appreciate your boyfriend. Jeonghan can never be that rough with you, and his dirty talk always includes praise, even when he’s trying to be more of an asshole.
“It’s just hard not to compliment you,” he says, groaning when you take him into your mouth. “You always feel so good.”  
With your mouth full, there’s no way to verbally respond, but the moan you let out sends a shiver of pleasure through your lover. 
“Fuck, you feel like magic, gorgeous,” Jeonghan tells you, his voice breathy. “Always so good at sucking me off- who taught you how to be so good at sucking cock?”
Technically, he did. Jeonghan’s never been one to shy away from giving you instructions on what feels best, but to be fair, it’s never taken that much for you to get him to the edge either. 
He likes it when you move your tongue along his shaft, and he goes crazy for the sounds of pleasure you make when Joshua fucks you silly while you suck on him. But Joshua’s not here tonight, so you slip your own hand between your legs, rubbing your wet pussy with eager fingers.
“I guess we’re both horny, huh? I can’t complain. We both know I love watching my gorgeous girl touch herself. I’m not sure where to focus, on your mouth, or your hand.” 
You’re not sure where to focus either. Part of you wants to lean in to blowing Jeonghan, but another part of you feels so good to be touched after so many hours being home alone. It’s clear you’ve both needed this, both needed a release, and you know it won’t be long until both of you are cumming.
“Fuck, keep doing that,” Jeonghan moans when you swirl your tongue around his cock, taking him deeper into your mouth. “Keep doing that for me, good girl, good girl.” 
You whimper at the praise, rubbing circles on your clit that have jitters of pleasure erupting through your body. 
“I’ve been wanting this all day, gorgeous,” Jeonghan tells you, hips rutting forward to push his cock deeper into the back of your throat. “I’m not going to last long, and I don’t want to be in your mouth when I cum.” 
You pull off his cock, free hand stroking his shaft while you continue to rub your pussy. You blink up at Jeonghan. “Are you going to fuck me, Mister Yoon?”
“Of course gorgeous, now stop touching that pretty pussy and stand up for me.” 
You’re on your feet not a moment later, and Jeonghan gently pushes you so your back is against the wall. He kisses you hard, one hand reaching down to hike your thigh onto his hip, spreading you open for the cock that rubs between your pussy lips.
You whimper when his length brushes by your clit, and your boyfriend smiles against your mouth. “Ready for me?” he asks. “You don’t need me to get on my knees and return the favour first?”
“Definitely not,” you say quickly, “just want you inside of me.”
“You got it, gorgeous.” 
With one quick adjustment, the head of his cock is pressing into your entrance and you’re both letting out moans of pleasure, although yours is much louder than Jeonghan’s.  
“Shh!” he reprimands you with a laugh, slapping his hand over your mouth. “Joshie’s sleeping, remember?”
Honestly, part of you had forgotten. You’d been so enraptured in Jeonghan that Joshua hadn’t even been on your mind. 
You can’t help but smile against your boyfriend’s palm, but when he thrusts into you, your eyebrows furrow and another moan slips out of you, this time it’s muffled by Jeonghan.
“Fuck you’re so wet, and I know it’s not just from the shower,” Jeonghan groans. “Who made you this wet?”
His hand makes your response almost unintelligible, but as far as you’re both concerned, it’s a clear ‘you did.’ 
The feeling of Jeonghan’s chest pressing up against your sensitive nipples, the water from the shower making you both slippery- well, it’s absolutely wonderful. You’ve always loved fucking your hotshot lawyer boyfriend in the shower, and you completely lose yourself in the pleasure he provides.
As he fucks you harder, Jeonghan gets tired of muffling your sounds with his hand, and his mouth replaces it on your lips. His tongue invades you, and the whimpers that escape you are eaten up by your boyfriend.
He’s making his own pretty sounds, and they’re music to your ears. You like to know you make Jeonghan feel good, and his moans and groans have always been a huge turn on.
He breaks your kiss much too quickly for your liking, moving his mouth to your throat. “I’m close,” he tells you, teeth dragging by your skin. “Tell me you’re close too-”
“I am,” you confirm, gripping his wet shoulders tighter as you close your eyes and rest your head back against the cold tile. “You fuck me so well, Mister Yoon.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan moans, rutting into you even faster. “Rub your clit, want you to cum as hard as I’m about to.”
One of your hands slips between your bodies, seeking out the sensitive nub that makes your whole body tingle. “Kiss me!” you beg, needing his mouth to muffle the sounds of pleasure that are definitely going to get louder now-
Jeonghan kisses you and takes your breath away. You completely give in to the feeling of euphoria that builds in your core, and the way you moan into each other’s mouths tells you that you’re both getting closer and closer-
You know Jeonghan well enough now to know the pitch of groan he makes when he cums, and you reach your highs together, lip locked in your shower while Joshua rests in the bedroom down the hall.
Jeonghan fucks you through your orgasm, and when you’re both done, he helps you put your foot back down on the floor, steadying you with two hands. 
“You’re amazing,” he tells you, as the two of you wash your bodily fluids from your skin under the hot water.
“No, you are,” you insist. “You had a long day and you still fucked me, I wasn’t sure if I was going to get laid tonight.” 
“I live to serve,” Jeonghan teases, turning you in his arms so your back is to his chest. His lips press kisses against your shoulder. “The court case will be over soon, even though this was fun, I know you usually like more,” - and by more, he means threesomes with Joshua - “I promise we’ll make it up to you when we’re done with the trial.” 
Jeonghan always keeps his promises.
The two of you dry up and head to the bedroom wrapped in towels. 
Joshua’s laying on the mattress, under the duvet. He’s adorned in a silky sleeping shirt, part of a set you’d got him for his birthday last year. There’s a sleep mask over his eyes too, and you think he must be in dreamland-
But as you and Jeonghan tiptoe to the closet to get dressed for bed, Joshua lets out a sigh, and one word slips past his lips that makes you realize he’s been awake this whole time; “Filthy.”
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You feel like a kid on Christmas morning when your boyfriends arrive back from court after the last day of their hearing. Joshua’s visibly more relaxed than he has been in weeks, and his happy expression tells you that they probably won their case, which is good news for you.
He pulls you into an embrace, cupping your face and kissing you. You can practically feel the emotion pouring out of him, his love for you, his need-
And Jeonghan’s just as eager to get a piece of you, pressing his chest up to your back and grabbing at your hips.
There’s something long and hard rubbing against your ass, and you can’t help but pull away from Joshua to drop your favourite lawyer pickup line to the man behind you; “Is that a gavel in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?” 
“Both,” Jeonghan practically purs, his mouth hot against your neck. “Think you can handle it?” 
Joshua watches your expression, and he lets out a small chuckle at the way your eyes widen. “He’s being serious about the gavel.” It must be obvious you’re in shock. “I told him not to do this-”
“Nah, she’s going to love this,” Jeonghan insists, reaching into his pocket to pull out the little wooden hammerlike tool that judges use to maintain order in the court and make rulings. “I can use it to stretch you open, you know, get you prepped to take something bigger.”
Jeonghan rubs his cock against your ass again and you realize what he’s suggesting. 
You’re not sure how, exactly, the routine ended up being the way it is, but Joshua always ends up monopolizing on your pussy while Jeonghan fucks around with your ass. Although he’s never fucked around with your ass using a wooden gavel.
“Come on, gorgeous,” Jeonghan teases the tool along your arm. “What do you say?”
“First…” you swallow thickly, “I wanna know where you even got that thing.” You grab at the gavel and Jeonghan lets you take it, testing the weight in your hand.
“A judge owed my family a favour,” Jeonghan says simply. 
“Won’t they get in trouble?” 
The man behind you shrugs. “Gavels go missing all the time.”
“I told you she wouldn’t like it,” Joshua smirks knowingly. “We don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.”
As much as Joshua can be a bit of a dickhead in the bedroom, he still classifies himself as a gentleman in his day to day life, and giving you the space to make choices for yourself is part of that.
“It’s okay,” you assure them, taking a shaky breath. “He can use it on me… we all know Jeonghan quickly gets tired of using toys.”
“See?” Jeonghan grins, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I told you she’d say yes. What did you call her the other night? Filthy? I told you our filthy girl would let me use the gavel on her.” 
Joshua makes a sound of annoyance in the back of his throat. “I’m pretty sure I called you both filthy. Fucking in the shower while I was trying to sleep- I still haven’t gotten either of you back for that.”
“You’re about to get back at us now,” Jeonghan insists.
“Really?” Joshua’s brows raise. “How’s that?”
“You’re about to be balls deep in the best pussy you’ve ever had.”
“And how does that get back at you?” Joshua presses.
The man behind you shrugs, grinding against your bum. “I only get to enjoy her ass.”
The ‘gentleman’ rolls his eyes. “Key word enjoy. We both know you love her ass.” 
“Okay, I do love her ass,” Jeonghan concedes, “and if we keep talking about it instead of letting me fuck it, I’m gonna be pissed, so how about we take this to the bedroom?”
You look at Joshua, waiting for your more controlling lover to decide what comes next. 
With one final sigh, Joshua bends down and throws you over his shoulder, making you squeal and wrap your hand tighter around the gavel. You thank god for how much he’s been going to the gym before work lately- the manhandling he does always makes you wetter beyond belief, and your panties are already sticking to your core.
Jeonghan follows the two of you to the bedroom with a grin, and you find yourself shaking your head at him. “I can’t believe you brought a gavel home.”
“It’s sexy,” he insists.
“Are you sure about that?” You jokingly bring the gavel down on your hand and Jeonghan audibly moans.
“Yes, your honour, absolutely positive.” 
Joshua snickers below you, and you find yourself grinning at Jeonghan. It really doesn’t take much to get him turned on, and you should have known he’d have a thing for you being a naughty judge of sorts.
“Careful, Counsel,” you tut, using more lawyer lingo on him, “or I’ll sentence you to eating me out before you get your dick wet.”
“Sentence me then, I’m guilty, and I need to be punished.” 
You and Jeonghan release giggles, enjoying the playful banter, but Joshua doesn’t seem so impressed. He tosses you onto the bed, looking down at you with an exasperated expression. “Neither of you take law seriously.”
“We’re off the clock, Josh,” Jeonghan grins, patting his friend on the shoulder. “Lighten up a little.”
“I’m never going to be able to look at a gavel the same way again after this,” Joshua sighs.
Jeonghan’s grin only widens. “That’s the point, popping stiffies in the court room is good for your exhibitionism kink. Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re wrong.”  
“Joshua,” you lock eyes with the more stoic of your lovers, “I’ve missed you.”
The lawyer visibly relaxes, shoulders falling as he takes a deep breath. “I’ve missed you too,” he confesses, putting a knee onto the bed between your legs, hands finding the mattress on either side of your head while he presses his lips to your own.
He’s always been a fabulous kisser, and you hadn’t realized how much you’ve needed him in the past few weeks. Sure, he’s fucked you a number of times, but part of his head is always somewhere else, somewhere working.
There’s nothing in the world like having Joshua Hong’s full attention, especially when he’s pinning you beneath his large body-
“So I guess I’m just standing here and watching tonight?” Jeonghan’s voice is laced with annoyance, and Joshua matches the sentiment when he pulls his lips from your own, looking over his shoulder at his friend.
“Be patient,” Joshua snaps. “And I thought you were a vouyer, don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this.”
“Fine,” Jeonghan swings the gavel in his hand. “Maybe I’m enjoying this a little, but I’m tired from working too, and we don’t have all night.”
“We do have all night,” Joshua insists. “It’s not my fault you insisted on waking up early to eat out your precious, little miss gorgeous while I got more rest. If you’re tired you can have a nap.”
Jeonghan narrows his eyes at the man still pinning you to the bed. Then he swings the gavel again. “I’m going to go grab the lube.”
“You do that.” Joshua’s lips are back on yours a moment later, and you find yourself smiling into the kiss. 
You’ve always enjoyed their unique dynamic, the push and pull between the men who have captured your heart. If someone asked you which of the two you like better, you’d tell them it’s impossible to choose, and that’s the truth.
With your legs around Joshua’s hips, it’s as easy as ever for him to grind down against you, and you moan at the feeling. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging gently to work pretty sounds out of him as well.
“I need you naked,” Joshua tells you, grabbing at the pretty dress you’d worn to celebrate the closing of their high stress case. 
“Then take this off of me,” you suggest, “but please be gentle.”
Your boyfriend smirks. “Only with the dress.” His large hands smooth up your thighs, pushing the fabric up to your hips. “And these cute panties.” His fingers tug gently at the waistband of your thong, letting the material snap back against your skin before he continues lifting the dress from your body. 
Now all that stands between him and you is the set you’d worn, and he takes a moment to appreciate it. A sigh passes from between his lips, and Joshua’s eyes take in your form, hands going to caress your breasts through your bra.
“Look at our pretty little present,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your collar bone before moving down. “It would be a shame to take this off before Jeonghan sees it.”
As much as the two of your boyfriends bicker, they can still be quite considerate of each other, and it makes your panties even wetter against your core.
“Flavoured lube or regu-” Jeonghan’s returned from where you keep all your sex paraphernalia, and his question cuts off. You can tell he’s as bewitched by your bra and pantie set as Joshua is, and it makes your heart swell with pride. “Fuck, gorgeous, you look…”
“Perfect,” Joshua groans, biting at the lacey detailing of your bra. “How’d we ever get so lucky?”
“Well, I brought her around after a date and you decided you wanted in on the situation,” Jeonghan retorts, making you smile, “that’s how we got lucky.”
“I’m still not going to apologize for it,” Joshua breathes, smiling as he presses more chaste kisses to the swell of your breasts. “It’s not my fault you weren’t satisfying her.”
“Hey!” you and Jeonghan both protest, and with one harsh push at Joshua’s shoulders, he allows you to roll so you’re now on top of him.
“What?” he grins, as if he hadn’t just said anything wrong.
“You know what,” you chastise him, trailing your fingers along his chest before moving to the buttons of his shirt. “Don’t be rude.”
“Sorry, baby, you know I’m only playing.”
“So she gets an apology but I don’t?” Jeonghan tuts, approaching the bed.
“And don’t pretend you’re only playing,” you scold Joshua. “Those were fighting words.”
“Fighting words.” The man beneath you only smiles wider, but he doesn’t try to argue. 
The mattress dips as Jeonghan joins behind you, his lips seeking out your shoulder. “I brought regular lube,” he tells you, going back to the matter at hand. “Unless you want me to get the cherry one and eat your ass.”
When he’d first started saying lines like this one, you’d thought he was joking, then it had seemed something of a threat, but now, you think Jeonghan might actually want to eat your ass, something you’re not particularly interested in tonight.
“Hannie,” you sigh, ditching your task with Joshua’s shirt buttons to reach behind you and thread your fingers through your other lover’s hair. 
“What?” Jeonghan smiles against your shoulder, and you find it almost comical how he and Joshua have so many of the same mannerisms. They’re two sides of the same coin, and you’re so lucky you don’t have to ever choose head or tails.
“Just help me with my bra,” you instruct, grinding down against Joshua and feeling needy beyond belief. 
“You got it, gorgeous.” Jeonghan’s fingers undo the clasp, and the material goes slack. Two sets of hands work to pull it off your body, and then those hands are clashing to get a good grip on your boobs.
Joshua ends up grabbing your left one, and Jeonghan settles for the right. In unison, they go to pinch your nipples, and you throw your head back, releasing a moan of delight. 
“You both feel so good,” you tell them, grinding down on Joshua even harder. 
“Going to feel even better in a minute,” Jeonghan promises, “but we’ve got to get your panties off first.”
You’re in a very difficult position to follow through removing your underwear, as you’re still straddling Joshua, and you go to lift yourself up- only for Jeonghan to reach down and grab onto your thong. 
You begin to tell him off with a “Don’t-” but Jeonghan’s already tearing the flimsy fabric off your body, ruining the panties forever. 
Disappointment floods through you, and Joshua immediately sits up in an attempt to sooth you. 
“You warned me to be gentle with your clothes, but you never warned him,” Joshua reminds you, pressing a kiss to your nipple. “We’ll buy you new ones.”
“Promise?” you pout, steadying your hands on his shoulders.
“Promise,” Jeonghan confirms, reaching around you so he can cup your pussy, fingers teasing past your clit. “You just look so sexy and needy on top of Josh, I didn’t want to make any of us wait any longer.”
“That’s because you’re impatient,” Joshua reprimands him, and it’s a common statement made in your household. 
Jeonghan doesn’t even bother to defend himself, instead slipping two fingers into your wet core. “Ride my hand, gorgeous?”
You let out a frustrated groan, but do as you’re told. 
There’s something so insanely sexy about straddling Joshua while he sucks on your nipples and Jeonghan’s hand presses between your bodies, long fingers buried deep inside of you-
You swivel your hips and moans begin to slip out of you. 
When Jeonghan begins rutting against your ass, aiding you in grinding against his hand, it almost becomes too much, and you whimper loudly.
“Close already? Jeonghan asks, lips ghosting by your throat.
“I’ve missed being between you like this,” you admit, focusing on the pleasure that surges through you at being in the exact position you’ve been deprived of for a little over a week. Their schedules simply haven’t lined up lately, and it feels like heaven to finally be exactly where you’ve always wanted to be; pressed between Joshua and Jeonghan.
“That’s our filthy girl,” Joshua grins, large hand coming up to grope your breast and tease your nipple again. “You look so good like this.”
“Joshie-” you whimper, his praise going straight to your core.
“Love the way you squeeze my fingers when he talks dirty to you like this,” Jeonghan moans, licking at your sweet spot and sending a shiver up your spine. 
“Come on, baby,” Joshua encourages you, “I want you to cum while riding his hand.”
“While he sucks on your perfect nipples,” Jeonghan adds. “I’ve got such a good view.”
You’re so lucky they’re both voyeurs who enjoy watching you get pleased by each other, and you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling. Jeonghan continues to rut against your ass, helping you grind down on his hand while he applies more pressure to your clit with his palm.
More moans of pleasure escape you, and you can feel both men smiling at the sounds. “That’s it,” Joshua breathes, “let go for us, the quicker you cum, the quicker I can be inside you. You want me inside, right?”
“Uh huh,” you whimper, eyes closed as you work your way closer and closer-
“Just like that,” Jeonghan tells you, “you’re so perfect for us-”
It’s the final line of praise that makes the cord in your stomach snap, and you let out a gasp as you find your release. You quiver between your boyfriends, motions faltering, but Jeonghan takes over for you, thrusting his fingers into your core and rubbing at your clit to work you through your high.
All you can do is latch onto Joshua’s shoulders as an anchor and enjoy the feeling of being worshipped, the feeling of being pressed between two men who love you more than almost anything in the world. 
Some part of you is a little bitter that their work still comes first, but this is proof enough that as soon as a case is over, you get to cum too. 
As far as orgasms go, however, this is just an appetizer. Jeonghan’s fingers are great, but they’re nothing compared to having two cocks buried inside of you, and as soon as you’re done cumming, you’re pushing at Joshua’s shoulders for space.
“Lay down,” you tell him, “I need to get your dick out.”
Joshua laughs but does as he’s told, tearing his shirt off before resting back against the bed with a smile. 
“You get his dick out,” Jeonghan says, “and I’m going to lube up the handle of this gavel.”
He can be such a weirdo, but he’s your weirdo, and you love him endlessly.
You’re attention is focused on Joshua, who lifts his hips a little to help you get his pants down, and you let out a moan when his cock slaps up against his abdomen.
You’re not sure what you ever did to deserve two men with such pretty cocks, and it’s almost a shame that in this position you can’t blow him. You promise yourself to give him good head another time soon, for his benefit or your own, you’re not quite sure.
Wrapping your hand around Joshua, you guide him to your wet core. 
Sinking down on him makes you both groan loudly, and as soon as he’s inside, you collapse against his strong chest to press your lips to his.
Joshua grabs your hips, fingers digging into your skin. 
If it was just the two of you, you have no doubt he’d be fucking you already, that he’d be rutting up to meet you and helping you bounce on his cock- but you’re both highly aware of Jeonghan at your rear. 
Any time Jeonghan does butt stuff with you, Joshua settles for cock warming while his friend works you open, and it gives you lots of time to enjoy his pretty lips and the tongue that glides by your own.
“I’ve gotta say it, gorgeous,” Jeonghan sighs, “you’ve got the prettiest ass I’ve ever seen.” 
Coming from an assman like Jeonghan, it’s a huge compliment, and you always appreciate his praise. No man has ever made you feel as proud of your asshole as Jeonghan has, and it’s always a somewhat comical experience, but one you love nonetheless.
“I’m about to ruin this gavel,” the assman at your rear tells you, giving you the space to back out, but you’re much too deep in this to go back now. 
When you respond with a loud moan, still lip locked with Joshua, Jeonghan brings the lubed up tip of the handle to your hole, gently pressing it inside.
You’ve become accustomed to butt stuff while dating these two men, and the feeling is one that you’ve learned to love. Even though it’s just the first inch of the handle, slowly teasing your hole, it feels amazing to have Jeonghan working your ass open while Joshua’s buried balls deep in your pussy.
“Fuck, this looks-” Jeonghan groans, “insane. Joshie, you’re really missing out.”
Joshua only chuckles against your lips, and you wonder if he’s thinking the same thing about Jeonghan missing out on your pussy. 
The handle of the gavel presses deeper into your ass and you feel yourself clench around both of your intrusions. 
Joshua lets out a groan, reaching to cup your bum and spread your cheeks for his friend.
“Shit, yeah, that’s good,” Jeonghan tells you. “This looks-”
“Insane,” Joshua finishes for his friend, pulling away from your mouth to glare over your shoulder, “we know. Hurry up so I can actually start fucking her.”
“I want to play a little more though,” you can hear the pout on Jeonghan’s words. “It’s only two inches deep.”
“Hannie,” you groan. “Please-”
“Just a little more,” Jeonghan insists, pulling the gavel out of your ass only to press it back in. The feeling makes your toes curl, and Joshua lets out a grunt below you when your pussy clenches around him again.
“Fuck,” Joshua cusses, releasing one of your ass cheeks only to bring his hand down on it with a harsh slap. All three of you moan and the flash of pain makes your toes curl again. 
“Joshie-” you whimper, burying your face against his neck.
“Another?” Joshua asks, not bothering for an answer before he’s spanking you again.
Jeonghan moans. “Holy shit-” The gavel is toyed around your ass, and then it’s being removed. “Fine, have it your way.”
You feel the gavel being tossed onto the bed, and then there’s a scuffle of pants and a cap being clicked. You can hear Jeonghan lubing up his cock, and he lets out a hiss at the sensation. “Ready for me, gorgeous?”
“Yes, please,” you whimper, arching your back to make things easier for the assman behind you.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again,” Joshua groans, spreading your asscheeks with two large, warm hands, “You’re both filthy.” 
“Don’t act as if you don’t love this,” Jeonghan tuts, pressing the head of his cock to your hole. The tip slips into you and you cry out, earning a soothing touch of Jeonghan’s hand over your spine. “Relax, gorgeous, this is going to feel amazing.”
It already does, but you focus on your breathing as Jeonghan slides his lubed cock deeper into your ass.
“Okay, okay,” Jeonghan swallows thickly, “let’s start to move.”
“Thank fuck,” Joshua groans, grabbing onto your hips to anchor you above him for his first real thrust-
They move in unison, and the feeling of being stuffed makes you cry out in pleasure, grabbing onto Joshua’s shoulders. 
You love how you don’t have to do anything. Pressed between Jeonghan and Joshua, you give up all control. Their push pull relationship is never more evident as it is now, and they wordlessly work together in a way that has your toes curling and your eyes clenching shut.
“Fuck, fuck-” you whimper loudly and it only makes your boyfriends laugh.
“Hang in there, gorgeous, we just started,” Jeonghan warns you.
“You’re so tight, baby,” Joshua groans, “such a filthy little whore for being stuffed.”
You kind of love it when he calls you a filthy little whore, and your pussy throbs with pleasure-
“Shit, are you going to cum?” Joshua laughs. “Our filthy little whore is going to cum already?”
“It just feels so good,” you whimper. “Feels so full-”
“That’s the way you like it,” Jeonghan says, and you can hear him smiling. Then his hand comes down on your ass and you let out a yelp, clenching again-
“Fuck-” Joshua groans loudly. “If you keep squeezing me like that, I’m not going to last either-”
“Aw,” Jeonghan teases, “is our stoic little lawyer boy going to cum already?”
“Fuck off,” Joshua growls, fingers digging into your hips while he fucks up into you even faster. 
“It was just a question,” Jeonghan insists, but you can hear his own voice faltering with effort. 
“Unlike you, I’ve been focused on the case,” the man below you argues. “Excuse me for being sensitive after not being in this perfect pussy for three days.”
“You chose sleep over fucking, not my fault,” Jeonghan retorts. 
“Please,” you groan, “stop arguing.” 
“We both know if she cums, we cum,” Joshua continues, disregarding your plea. “Don’t act like you’d be able to stop yourself-”
“Hannie-” You turn your attention to the man in your ass, hoping he’ll see reason and end this bickering, but of course he wants the last word. 
“Be patient, Joshie.” 
“Fuck,” Joshua groans loudly, bucking up into you wildly.
“I’m so close-” you whine, needing to draw their attention to you somehow. Besides, it’s the truth, and you can feel your orgasm rising in your core again-
“Shit,” Jeonghan grabs your ass roughly. “Can you hold it?”
“I don’t think so-” you admit, pressing your lips against Joshua’s throat in an effort to distract yourself.
The man under you shudders, and you know he’s just as close as you are to reaching his end. 
“Please, Hannie,” you moan desperately, “I want to be full, please fill me up, please-”
Jeonghan lets out a shaky breath, and when he speaks, his voice is near a whisper; “Order in the court.” 
“Fuck order,” Joshua says, a major statement coming from him, “cum with me baby, come on, cum with me.” 
That’s all it takes for your orgasm to take over, and you let out a strangled gasp as it slams into you. You feel yourself clamp down on both men, and Joshua moans loudly in your ear as he reaches his own high.
His hips falter ever so slightly, and you can feel him filling you up with his cum while Jeonghan releases cusses behind you, fingers digging into your hips as he’s thrown over the edge too.
Being double stuffed is one thing, but being double filled is another, and it feels like absolute heaven. If there’s ever a night to get noise complaints, it’s going to be tonight, as the sound of three people reaching cloud nine together rings through the room.
The two men fuck you until they can’t anymore, until you’re all breathing heavily and nearly overstimulated. 
You’re already collapsed against Joshua’s chest, and Jeonghan slumps down against your back, breath hot against your neck. 
The three of you lay there for a short while, trying to slow your racing hearts. Then Joshua lets out a sigh. “Did you really say ‘order in the court’ during sex?”
“Did you really say ‘fuck order’?” Jeonghan retorts.
God, you love these men.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! the banter between Jeonghan and Joshua always gets me 😂
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🔮 preview. Maybe Joshua calling you filthy had some merit, only a filthy filthy girl would be in a situation like this. Jacking off your boyfriend, rubbing your clit under his desk while your other boyfriend hides his own cock from your friend in the doorway-
cw/ tw. exhibitionism/sex in their workplace, blowjob, masturbation, Soonyoung walks in during y/n blowing Joshua, head petting, praise, degradation, hand job, voyeurism, mentions of this not being the first time someone’s walked in on them, cum swallowing, finger licking, etc…
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.6k I teaser wc. 500
🌙 staring. Joshua & Jeonghan x afab!Reader  
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You’d guessed there was a plan brewing when Joshua messaged you around lunch time to let you know he’d forgotten the meal you’d prepped for him. Out of your two boyfriends, Joshua’s not the type to forget things, least of all lunch, and especially not on a day where he’s not completely overwhelmed by a case.
It would be as easy as anything for him to send Soonyoung out to grab him food, so the fact that he’s messaged you to ask you to come down to the office tells you there will be more to your lunchour than just being an errand girl.
You don’t mind taking a trip down to the lawfirm, and you adorn yourself in a cute dress Joshua always loves fucking you in. Your makeup is simple yet pretty, and you’re confident in yourself when you walk into the tall building your boyfriends work at.
It feels nice to get a few appreciative looks as you head through the lobby, and you even run into another attorney your boyfriend’s work with in the elevator. Seungcheol does his best not to look at your chest, but you catch his gaze dipping once or twice while you make simple conversation and explain to him that “Silly Joshie forgot his lunch” which is why you’re here to visit.
Seungcheol is even so nice as to walk you to Joshua’s office, and you can’t help but think it’s an excuse to look at your ass while you walk in front of him, side stepping litigation team members and waving to your acquaintance Vernon at his desk.  
When you reach Joshua’s luxurious corner office, you and Seungcheol are both a little shocked to find both of your boyfriends inside waiting for you. Joshua and Jeonghan look just as surprised to find Cheol as your escort.
“I uh, bumped into her in the elevator,” Seungcheol explains. “Wanted to make sure she found your office alright.”
You’re all aware that you’ve been here before, you know where your boyfriend’s office is, and Joshua cocks a brow at his friend. Instead of questioning Seungcheol’s motives, however, Joshua simply nods. “Thank you for showing her the way. Is that all?”
“Yeah,” Seungcheol coughs nervously, “I’ll see you both in the boardroom in an hour for our case debrief.”
“See you then,” Joshua confirms.
“Bye, Cheol,” Jeonghan lifts a few fingers to wave at his friend as he leaves you, shutting the office door firmly behind him. “Hi, gorgeous.”
“Hi, you two,” you laugh, practically skipping up to Joshua’s desk to set his lunch down and press a kiss to his lips. “Didn’t expect you both to be here.”
“Originally, I was going to try to get you alone,” Joshua admits, smiling down at you before his gaze shifts to Jeonghan. “But when he heard you were coming with lunch, he insisted on staying.”
“We all know you never ‘forget lunch,’ Joshie,” Jeonghan says simply. “I figured if there was a show going on in here, I’d want to see it. For a man who claims we’re the filthy ones, it’s awfully daring of you to invite our girlfriend to the firm to get your dick wet at lunchtime on a Tuesday.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Gojo recklessly flirting with Choso's little sister at Shibuya
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Pairing: Gojo x Choso's sister! reader
Word Count: 1,5k
Synopsis: After being set in Shibuya to distract and exhaust none other than Satoru Gojo, Choso's little sister soon learns that the rumors about his charm are true.
Warnings: This has no major plot, basically just a fic to tease y'all, Gojo being a smooth operator, furious Choso lol
Tags: @celestair
„You‘re late“
Your sweet voice echoes through the hallway, figure unseen by Satoru Gojo in your hiding spot on the ceiling. Urgh, you’ve been sitting here for what feels like hours, the voice of your big brother lingering through your mind.
“Don’t cause trouble, (y/n). I’m serious, we have a mission to fulfill.”
“Yeah, whatever. Working with that idiots won’t bring back our brothers tho.”
He stepped closer to you, eyes glistering so deadly that you had to swallow.
“Don’t forget why you’re here.”
“I’m here because you forced me to”, you remembered him.
“If Satoru Gojo is half as strong as that guy told us, he’ll kill me. I’m nothing but a bait, you know that right?”
“I won’t let any harm come over you, (y/n). I promise. Also, you have immense powers, just use them. I’ll meet up with you again later.”
One last hug. One last hug before he sent you away.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting, I was expecting a larger reception committee to be honest”, he comments dryly.
Your eyes roam over his body in the dark. Rumors were true as it seems, Satoru Gojo is indeed a handsome man for being human. Tall and quite muscular, an undercut to die for and that blindfold that holds the mystery of his powerful orbs. You crane your neck to catch a better glimpse of him. Interesting appearance.
“Be assured that I am more than enough for you.”
With a swift motion, you lower yourself onto the ground, feet landing elegantly right in front of him.
Your breath hitches when your gaze meets his. How is this man so good-looking even though a blindfold covers half of his face? He smells absolutely intoxicating, the way his cocky smile decorates his face makes your heart beat a little faster.
Stop. You shake your head, trying to get these thoughts out of your head. None of this matters. You are here to distract him, to drain him, to lead him to the others. Satoru Gojo is nothing more than a mission you have to fulfill.
“Oh, and you are?”, he questions, putting an arm casually on his hip.
“The villain”, you clarify with a satisfied grin.
“Too bad. You look way too good for being a villain.”
He really wants to play with you, cute. You’ve been walking on this earth long enough to know how men work, especially those like him. Always so sure of themselves, convinced that they can get any woman. Way too easy to manipulate, though.
“Yeah? Let me show you what I’ve got in store, then.”
Blood manipulation makes it easy for you to attack him from a distance over and over again. You aren’t a fool, though. The way your attacks simply bounce off him shows you more than any words could specify how fucking strong the man in front of you is. When using his technique, there’s absolutely no chance for you to win this fight. But still, you promised. You promised Choso to distract and tire Gojo out. The sooner he’s gone, the sooner you can take revenge for the death of your brothers.
“Blood manipulation, huh? Interesting, so you’re a descendant of the Kamo family.”
The amusement that radiates from his voice irritates you. It’s like he isn’t bothered by your powerful technique at all, making fun of you instead of fighting back.
“You know I could just kill you on the spot, right? Why are you here on your own?”
“Maybe to fight you, maybe to seduce you. Who knows?”, you remark, now trying to land a hit on him in close combat.
He grabs your hand faster than you are able to react, making your eyes widen. Fuck, this isn’t good. His radiant touch alone would be enough to kill you on the spot.
“I have to admit, you are a decent jujutsu sorcerer, maybe a semi grade 1. Could make you a grade 1 if you ask nicely.”
Gojo hates to admit it, but it’s way too easy to get lost in your mesmerizing orbs. Are you a curse? No, your skin feels too real and soft for that against his palm. You are human. Maybe reincarnated, but you are human. A striking human, to be exact.
Even though he is very aware of the fact that you are here to distract him from something bigger, he just can’t help but play your little game.
“You know I could make you kneel just by touching you, right?”, you purr, head tilted to the side.
“Oh believe me honey, I could do the same without using any technique.”
For the split of a second you can feel your cheeks heat up, heart pounding hard against your ribcage. What the hell is this strange feeling? You are reincarnated, you aren’t supposed to feel anything. But why…Why does the way he hold your arm so close against his body and the way he smiles down at you send shivers down your spine? You’ve been alive for so damn long, meeting countless men on the way. What makes him so different?
“I know you’re here to distract me. I gotta say that’s pretty rude considering I’m the strongest. Do they want to get rid of you?”
“Maybe I’m a good match and they know that”, you reply with a sweet grin.
“You’re fighting on the wrong side. When this is over, I’ll show you that you’re capable of so much more. With the right motivation, of course”, he hushes.
“Is this an offer?”, you question.
He can tell by the look in your eyes that your mind is racing. To be honest, he isn’t asking exclusively because of your striking powers.
Softly, his touch traces along your arm, up your shoulder, over your back. Gojo’s other hand joins, brushing over your waist. You see stars, it’s like you’ve forgot how to function. Even though it was part of the job many times to wrap a man around your finger, it never really bothered you when they touched you. If you felt something, it was nothing but disgust and anger. But that right now, that isn’t anger or disgust. This is a completely different feeling, foreign in the way it makes your knees weak. No, not even the emotions you hold towards Choso can compare to that.
Is this what attraction feels like?
“You’re dangerous, Satoru Gojo.”
Your voice is as cold and calculating as ever while you feel like dying and flying internally.
“What’s your name?”
“(y/n), can you hear me?”
Fuck. The voice of your brother inside your ear makes you tear away from him in an instant.
“Yeah. What is it”, you mumble.
“So your name is (y/n), huh? What a beautiful name. Fits you perfectly”, Gojo coos behind you.
“Did that guy just flirt with you, (y/n)? Bring him here. Right now”, Choso hisses.
“Sure. Already on the way.”
“You heard him. Get your ass moving”, you instruct the man in front of you while rolling your eyes in annoyance and moving towards the main hall.
“What a bummer, I thought we had more time alone."
“Don’t say that out loud when my brother is here. He’ll kill you right on the spot and I want to have this honor”, you warn him.
The way you walk in front of him with your delicate hips swinging from side to side makes him smile into himself. You’re a feisty woman, not that easy to get, unapproachable at first glance. But oh how you caught his attention. Not only with your immense powers, but also your sharp tongue and striking looks.
“You’re too good looking to be one of the bad guys”, he comments before he can stop yourself.
“And you’re too good looking to fight for the wrong side”, you reply dryly.
“And how do you know I’m on the wrong side and you’re on the right?”
“Because your students killed my brothers without flinching.”
“And the people you are working with killed thousands of innocent humans with countless brothers and sisters still grieving them.”
You turn around slowly, just about to reach the meeting spot you agreed on with Choso.
“I would recommend to not say something like that to my brother”, you hiss.
“Choso, I’m here!”, you announce loudly.
Another figure appears out of the shadow.
“I hope you didn’t hurt her, Satoru Gojo. Otherwise I will have to kill you right on the spot.”
“I guess sneaking up to other people is like a family thing”, he notes.
“Don’t worry, she was really nice company. Made me almost forget that this is a trap.”
“Gojo”, you warn him.
“Watch your mouth”, Choso hisses through gritted teeth.
“Tell me you didn’t flirt with him”, he continues whispering in your ear.
“Oh, I absolutely did”, you reply without thinking twice.
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isak-dot-gov · 1 month
Balancing Act
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader
Word count: 1018
My masterlist :)
In the world of WWE, Rhea was a powerhouse. Her presence in the ring was commanding, and her dedication to her career was unwavering. It was one of the things you admire most about her. However, lately, her focus on her work has begun to overshadow your relationship. The late nights, the constant travel, and the endless commitments were starting to take their toll, and you felt like you were being left behind.
It had been weeks since you had had a meaningful conversation with her. Every evening was spent waiting for her to come home from a gruelling schedule, only for her to arrive exhausted and barely able to stay awake. The time you did spend together was often cut short by urgent phone calls or unexpected obligations. You tried to be understanding, to support her through the demanding nature of her job, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore the growing distance between you.
One evening, after Rhea had come home later than usual, you found yourself at your wit’s end. She walked through the door, her face drawn with fatigue, and you could see the frustration simmering just below the surface. You had been trying to keep the peace, but it was clear that you needed to address the issue before it spiralled further out of control.
“Baby, we need to talk,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the tension in your chest.
Rhea looked up from where she had been shedding her gear. “Baby, can it wait? I’m really tired.”
“No, it can’t,” you replied, frustration edging into your voice. “This has been building up for a while. I feel like you’re never around anymore. You’re always working, and when you are here, you’re too exhausted to be present. It’s like I’m invisible.”
Rhea’s expression hardened, a mixture of guilt and defensiveness crossing her features. “I’m doing this for us, you know. I’m trying to build a future, make sure we have everything we need.”
“I get that, Rhea,” you said, your voice softening but still firm. “But right now, it feels like your work is coming before everything else. Including me. I’m not asking for everything, just some time. I feel neglected, and it’s really starting to hurt.”
Rhea’s shoulders slumped, her eyes clouded with frustration and exhaustion. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realise it had gotten this bad.”
“Yeah, well, it has,” you said, your emotions catching up with you. “I think we need to take a break.”
The words hung heavy in the air, and Rhea’s eyes widened in shock. “A break? Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady even as your heart ached. “I need some space to figure out what’s going on with us. It’s not just about you being busy—it’s about priorities. I feel like I’m always on the back burner.”
Rhea’s face fell, and she took a step towards you, her eyes pleading. “Please, don’t say that. I know I’ve been distant, but I didn’t mean to push you away. I’m just so caught up in everything, and I didn’t realise how it was affecting you.”
“I know you didn’t mean to,” you said softly, your resolve wavering slightly. “But it’s been really hard for me. I need to know that our relationship matters as much as your career does. Otherwise, I don’t know how we can keep going like this.”
Rhea looked down, her shoulders trembling as she tried to hold back her tears. “I don’t want to lose you. You’re the most important thing in my life. I just didn’t know how to balance everything.”
“Maybe we need to figure that out,” you said, your voice trembling with the weight of your words. “Maybe some time apart will help us both see things more clearly.”
Rhea reached out, taking your hand in hers, her touch almost desperate. “Please, don’t make this decision right now. Give me a chance to show you that I can make this work. I’ll find a way to balance things better. I promise.”
You looked at her, seeing the raw emotion in her eyes. “I want to believe that. I really do. But I need to see it, too. We can take some time apart, and if we can work through this, then maybe we can find our way back to each other.”
Rhea’s grip tightened on your hand, her voice breaking as she spoke. “I’m begging you. I need you to trust me. I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this. I don’t want us to end like this.”
The pain in her voice mirrored the ache in your chest. “It’s not about ending things,” you said softly, struggling to hold back your own tears. “It’s about figuring out how we can both be happy. We can’t keep going like this. I need to see that you’re willing to make changes, just as much as I need to find out what’s best for me.”
Rhea nodded, her face flushed with a mix of sadness and determination. “Okay. I understand. Just know that I’m going to work on this. I don’t want to lose you.”
With a heavy heart, you nodded and gave her a final, lingering look before turning to leave. As you walked away, you felt a pang of sadness, but also a glimmer of hope. Sometimes, space was needed to rediscover what truly mattered, and you hoped that this break would give you both the clarity you needed.
Rhea watched you go, her mind racing with thoughts of how to make things right. She knew she had to reevaluate her priorities and make a real effort to balance her career and her relationship. The house felt emptier as the door closed behind you, the silence a stark reminder of the distance that had grown between you. As the quiet settled around her, Rhea vowed to herself that she would do whatever it took to prove that her love for you was worth fighting for, even if it meant confronting the parts of herself she had been avoiding.
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7-wonders · 2 years
Sick Day
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x gn!Reader
Summary: You're sick, and the absolute last thing that you want is for an overprotective King of Dreams to find out. Of course, you should know by now that it's impossible to keep anything from Morpheus, and when it comes to you, there's nothing that he won't do to make sure that you're safe and well.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I've been sick the past couple days and wrote an entirely self-indulgent sick fic. Yes, I am a full-on simp for this anthropomorphic personification. Fight me. No use of pronouns or Y/n in this :)
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You’re sick.
You had tried to deny it when you felt a tickle in your throat days ago, one that wouldn’t go away no matter how much water you drank. Allergies, you thought. There was no way you were getting sick, because you’re far too busy lately to actually get sick.
When you woke up yesterday with your head feeling like it was stuffed full of cotton, you still tried to brush it off as nothing more than a mere nuisance. And it was just a nuisance, until the day dragged on longer and you started to feel worse and worse until all that you wanted to do was just go home. You were freezing even though you were wearing a heavy coat, your limbs ached, and the exhaustion that clouded your senses made everything feel slow and jerky. You had left work early, which is something that you almost never do, and had fallen into bed upon returning home with the hopes of sleeping this bug off.
Unfortunately, the fever that you’re dealing with makes it impossible for you to actually rest. You hover on the precipice of sleep and waking, reality seeming to melt around you when you think that you’re finally asleep. There are times where you’re sure that you’ve slept for days, only to check the dimmed light of your phone and see that it’s been merely an hour. This sickness is really trying to make you miserable, then; you can’t even escape into dreams to see your own Dream, your Morpheus.
At some point, there’s a tapping on your window that brings you back to full awareness. You wish you could say that it wakes you up, but you can’t. You groan, blearily pushing your bedroom curtains open to see what it is disturbing you. After wincing from the sunlight and having to wait for your vision to clear, you make eye contact with a large, black raven sitting on the windowsill. You were wondering when Matthew would finally come looking for you, considering you haven’t left your bedroom since yesterday. Morpheus is nothing if not overly protective of you and your safety, which means frequent visits to the Waking by his raven.
Fumbling with the latches on your window, you finally unlock them and push the window open to allow Matthew to hop in. Early on in your relationship with Morpheus, you had taken the screens out of your windows to allow Matthew easy entrance whenever he was tasked with coming to check in on you. Once he’s in safely and you close the window behind him, you fall back against your pillows, the exertion too much for your weakened body.
“Hi, Matthew,” you mumble, looking over at him.
“You look rough, kiddo. I don’t need hands to know that you’ve got a fever.”
“Thanks,” you say bitterly.
“I was wondering why you hadn’t left your home for a day. Guess I got my answer.” He hops closer to you, and you have to turn your head so you don’t sneeze all over him. “One nice thing about being a raven now is that I don’t have to deal with getting sick.”
“Just keep rubbing it in, why don’t you.”
“Sorry,” Matthew apologizes. You wave him off, letting him know you’re not actually offended at his actions. “Do you need anything? There’s not a lot I can help you with, but I can do some things.”
“I’m okay, I’ve got the essentials.” Gesturing towards your nightstand, you name it off, “Water, meds, thermometer, crackers in case I finally get hungry.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Matthew doesn’t sound like he’s too assured by you, but if you say that you don’t need anything, he’s not going to try and force you to name something you need.
You lay in silence for a bit, your fingers lightly petting along Matthew’s silky feathers as you near that almost-sleep you’ve been in and out of for almost a day. When a thought actually forms in your foggy brain, you force your eyes open again. “Matthew?”
“Don’t tell Morpheus I’m sick, okay?”
His body stiffens beneath your fingers. “Are…you sure?”
“He’s gonna freak out, because he doesn’t understand how mortal illnesses work. I’m gonna be fine, I just need to rest.”
If you weren’t sick, you’d probably remember that Morpheus has the ability to see through Matthew’s eyes, and thus it’s only a matter of time until he finds out. In fact, Matthew can literally feel the King of Dreams in the back of his mind right now. But since Matthew’s a good friend and he doesn’t want you to work yourself up when you’re already not feeling well, he just nods. “Okay, I won’t tell him.”
You smile and pat his head. “Thanks.”
“Hey, I gotta get going. Think you can open up the window for me before you doze off?”
You do as he asks, bidding him farewell before closing and locking the window. Pulling the covers up over your head, you burrow into the pillows and hope that you can finally get some rest…your lungs, of course, choose that moment to spasm and make you cough harshly. Groaning miserably, you mentally count the hours and sigh when you realize that you have to wait another four hours before you can take another dose of cold medicine.
It’s impossible for you to determine how much time has passed between when Matthew leaves and when a cold hand sneaks under your blankets to rest on your cheek. It feels so blissfully cool that you lean into it before remembering that you live alone and there shouldn’t be anybody touching your cheek. Tossing the blankets off of you, you try to ready yourself for a fight until you make eye contact with Morpheus, who looks like he’s teetering between chastising you and fussing over you. 
Logically, it makes sense that he would be the one here. But considering you’re sick, running on no good sleep, and have some heavy cold medicine in your system, logic has basically abandoned you.
“Hi,” you say guiltily, like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. “Matthew snitched?”
“No, Matthew did not…’snitch’.” You giggle at how odd the word sounds coming from Morpheus’s prim and proper vocabulary. “I wish he would have, though. You’re ill.”
“It’s just a flu bug.” You sneeze harshly. “I may look like I’m dying, and I may feel like I’m dying, but I promise I’m not dying.”
“It does not matter that you’re not dying. You’re unwell, and I wish you would have called upon me when you realized you were feeling poorly.”
Morpheus looks affronted. “So that I can take care of you, of course.”
“You have more important things to do than take care of a sick human.”
He removes his shoes, knowing how much you hate when he sits on your non-magical furniture while wearing shoes, and places his coat on the chair in your room before sitting next to you on the bed. You shuffle over to allow him room, feeling too tired to even bother to sit up. Instead, you look up at him as he begins to trace his fingers over the planes of your face. “You are not just a sick human. You are my sick human, and nothing is more important to me than you.”
If you weren’t already flushed from the fever, your skin would be blazing hot from the sweet words that just came from Morpheus. He can make the most mundane sentence sound like a line of poetry, and there’s something about the fact that this all-powerful king is shirking his responsibilities so he can sit in your normal, Waking bedroom with you that makes you feel extremely, undeservedly special.
“Will you let me take care of you, then?”
You nod, shoulders shaking as you try to hold back a cough. “There’s not much you can do for me, though. I really just have to wait it out.”
“Then I shall wait it out with you.”
You laugh again. “I love whenever you say modern verbiage. Sounds so funny.”
He hums, which is basically his version of a laugh, so you’ll count it as a win. Your eyes begin to close against your will as you quickly lose the small amount of energy you had gathered. When Morpheus pulls you into his arms and against his chest, you snuggle into his embrace before you remember that you’re sick and begin to push at him.
“Wait, no,” you say, “‘m gonna get you sick.”
Morpheus stares at you like you’ve lost your mind. Considering how hazy everything is, it’s not really that far off. “My beloved, I am Endless. I do not get sick.”
“...Oh.” You feel stupid for not realizing that. Obviously an immortal being who's been around for longer than you can even fathom doesn’t get struck down by the flu. Morpheus, for his part, doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just continues to hold you.
“You need not worry about anything beyond resting and recovering. I will handle everything else.”
Begrudgingly, you nod. The longer that you’re within Morpheus’s embrace, the more tired you seem to get. It wouldn’t surprise you if he were using some of his powers to actually get you to sleep; if it wasn’t Matthew that had alerted him that you were sick, it was probably the fact that you hadn’t properly been in the Dreaming for over a day now.
Before his power does fully send you to the Dreaming, you clutch just a bit tighter onto his shoulder to keep yourself tethered to the Waking. You look up at him through eyes that can only open halfway due to how heavy they are. “Love you, Morpheus.”
You think you see him smile as well before your eyes shut again and you allow yourself to be pulled to the Dreaming. “I love you as well, my starshine.”
In the safety of Morpheus’s arms, you finally have a restful, dreamless sleep; a sleep free of pain and sickness, a sleep that allows you to heal. Despite your concerns, Morpheus is more than content to simply sit with you and ensure that you remain safe, protected, and well. He would never lie to you, but especially not when he said that you are the most important thing to him.
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tbyfandoms · 2 years
I’ve Got You | JJ Maybank x Reader
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Pairing: jj maybank x f!reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: struggling with financial burdens, y/n starts to crumble under the pressure. jj notices the girl he loves is hard on her luck, so he does everything he can to help fix it (requested)
Warnings: descriptions of financial struggles and depression, mild swearing
Masterlist/Request Form | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: hello everybody! it feels great to finally get out my first fic of the new year! things have been kinda crazy irl so I haven't had a ton of time to write, but I just wanna say I appreciate all of your support and patience. when I got this request it really hit home, so I hope the user who requested this enjoys! in other words, I can't wait for s3 of obx to drop this month, I've missed my blondie <3
It was all beginning to be too much. You aren’t quite sure how much more of this you could handle.
Flopping onto your bed, you try your best to not fall asleep right then and there. You’ve just gotten home from a long shift at work, and to say you're drained would be an understatement.
You're not really sure where it all started. At one point you were fine, dealing with finances and typical life whatsits, when suddenly it all came crashing down.
Bills and necessities started pilling up and for some reason everything seemed to be getting more and more expensive. You were doing everything you could; taking on another job, spending less, even selling things you no longer needed. None of it seemed to help, though. You feel like you're being buried under all the pressure, and it doesn't help that it's starting to take a toll on your mental health.
Days and days went by where you would do nothing but go from one job to the next, come home and do what you needed, and then fall asleep. It was all starting to blur, you can't even remember what life was like before this all began. It makes you feel so sad and stressed, but you're not quite sure what else to do.
You're supposed to be hanging out with the Pogues tonight, and you'd promised you'd go since you've missed the last three hangouts to either work or catch up on sleep, but you're struggling to even keep your eyes open right now. Honestly with everything going on lately, you haven’t been one to want to socialize anyways. You can feel yourself pulling away from your friends more and more, but you feel as if you can’t do anything to stop it.
Turning over on your side, you grab your phone and check what time it is. It's early-ish. You could totally rest your eyes for a bit before you get up. Today was just so exhausting, it felt like you pulled a double because one of your co-workers called off and you had to do all their work as well as your own. The whole thing was a total nightmare.
It wouldn't hurt to drift off for a while. If you're a little late to the hangout later it won't be the end of the world. Everyone would probably just brush it off. So far no one's caught on to what's happening in your life and somehow that soothes you. You'd hate to worry any of them, they each have their own problems to deal with and you're not gonna add to the list.
Everything would be fine eventually. Although, from what you can see, it all seems far from fine.
There's a rapid and consistent buzzing coming from your left side, and the feeling has you bolting out of bed.
It takes you a second to regain your balance and whereabouts, but as soon as you do you find yourself filled with panic. It’s darker out now, much darker than it was earlier.
When your eyes adjust to the brightness of your phone you see notifications on top of notifications of missed calls and texts. They’re all from the Pogues wondering where in the hell you are. You were supposed to meet with them hours ago. Shit.
Quickly, you open the groupchat you have with everyone and send a simple but honest text.
Had work today and passed out as soon as I got home. Didn’t realize how late it was. Promise I’ll be at the next hang, sorry!
Hopefully it’s enough to ease their minds. It’s not like you lied either, you really did have work and passed out. Just because you didn’t wanna go in the first place doesn’t mean it’s any less valid.
The thought sort of jars you. You can’t ever think of a time where you didn’t want to spend every moment with your friends, whether it be to surf, party, or just sit with each other. You frown at how much things have changed. You miss-what feels like-the old days, you miss the old you.
Your phone lights up with countless more messages from the Pogues as they take in your response. It's all a bit overwhelming. So, too tired to care you silence your phone and toss it aside. Just like everything else that isn't work, sleep, or bills; you could deal with it later.
Stomach growling, you decide you should get up and try to find something to eat. Making your way to the kitchen you think over everything you have to choose from, which isn't much.
Opening the fridge, your thoughts are further confirmed. It's practically a ghost town in this thing. You haven't had a chance to stop at the grocery store lately so there's not a whole lot to make. It's not like you have the money to go anyways.
Sighing, you close the fridge door and try to be creative with your limited options. Before you can even start to brainstorm though, there's several knocks at the front door.
Your eyebrows knit in confusion as you wonder who in the world it could be. You're definitely not expecting anyone, especially this late at night.
Slowly creeping to the front door, you nearly jump as more incessant knocking rings out through the house. Looking through the peephole your nerves both settle and start up again at the sight.
It's JJ. You know exactly why he's here before you even open the door, and that thought alone makes you nervous. You really don't feel like explaining yourself any further than what you sent in the groupchat, but it looks like that's finally starting to be unavoidable.
"JJ,' you say as you open the door, feigning as much joy as possible to try and throw him off. "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? Y/N, what are you doing here? You were supposed to meet us hours ago and you never showed up."
The blonde lets himself in as he brushes past you. Blinking several times at the sudden intrusion, you close the door and begin to repeat yet again why you weren't there. "I told you-"
"No, don't. I don't want to her that bullshit excuse you sent in the groupchat because that's exactly what it is; bullshit."
Irritation flutters through your body as you take in JJ's words. "It's not bullshit, JJ! I did work today and just like I told you I passed out afterwards because of how exhausted I was! I can show you my damn timecard if you don't believe me."
Rolling your eyes you start to open the front door again, thinking it's high time JJ left. He's definitely overstayed his welcome if this is how he's gonna act.
"You know what? I think I would like to see your timecard. How about you show me all your timecards from the past week, month even!? Because it seems like all you do now is work."
The boy's words stop you in your tracks, hand on the doorknob. "I-I do not work all the time." You wince at your lack of confidence. You don't dare to turn towards JJ, knowing he'll instantly be able to tell you're lying.
"Yes you do, either that or you're lying to us, to me, about where you are every time we try to hang out or when I'm just checking in with you. There's clearly something going on." JJ's tone goes soft, concern seeping through his words as he continues. "Please look at me, Y/N."
Slowly, you turn towards him. You're trying your best to fight back tears, every instance of JJ or the others texting you flooding your mind. Every time you told them you had work when they tried to plan something or when you would cancel on them at the last minute when an extra shift opened up.
You thought you were doing good with hiding your problems and your excessive work and sleep schedule, but clearly you were wrong.
"There's nothing going on, J. I just get a lot of shifts at work, it's no big deal." Your voice gives at the end and you clear your throat to try and cover it up, but from the look on JJ's face, he's not believing any of it.
"C'mon, don't you think I know when there's something wrong with my girl?" The endearment has your eyes shooting to his, another sudden rush of emotion clogging your system. It's all too much to hold in, and you can feel the dam about to burst.
JJ apparently notices this too, because not a second later he's rushing forwards, his arms wrapping around you instantly. His warmth and familiar scent circling you.
The tears fall freely down your cheeks, soaking into JJ's soft, cotton shirt. Weeks worth of pent up emotion ravages your body, leaving you shaking and drained.
JJ leads you to the couch, sitting you both down but not letting go of you for even a moment. "Tell me what's wrong. I can't stand to see you like this."
Looking up at JJ, you try to regain your composure as he wipes away the tears on your cheeks. The subtle brush of his thumbs across your skin has you feeling warm and safe.
It's evident by the look on his face that the blonde isn't going to let this go. He'll sit here all night with you if he has to, that's how much he cares and how much he's worried about you.
There's a part of you, albeit small, that knows you should've confided in your friends about everything going on, should've confided in JJ at the very least. After everything you've been through together it should've been a given that you couldn't keep something from him for long.
Shaking your head, you try to think of where the hell to start. How do you just come out and tell someone you care so deeply for that you're struggling financially? Mentally? And that you have been for months?
Considering you don't even know where everything began, you just try you best to recount when it all started weighing heavily on you. You tell JJ about all the bills, about taking on a second job just to barely make ends meet. You tell him how depressed you've felt, how closed off, how tired.
It makes your heart hurt how JJ's eyes gloss over, how he shakes his head and scoffs in disbelief over everything. You know you're struggling badly right now, but to see how it effects someone when you finally say it all out loud makes it seem so much more real.
"I can't believe you've had to deal with all that, that you're still dealing with it." The blonde takes off the red hat he's wearing and runs his fingers through the waves that have been hidden there. "Why-Why didn't you tell me?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you bite your bottom lip to try and hold back the tears threatening to spill again. "I guess I just thought it wasn't worth it. I know you guys have things of your own to deal with, especially you, and I didn't want to add on any more burdens."
"Hey, no, none of that." JJ shakes his head and reaches out to hold your face within his hands. "Don't ever think that you can't come to me with something like this. Sure I've got a dead beat dad to deal with, but that's nothing I can't handle. I wouldn't let anything come between me being there for you. You're not a burden, not even a little bit. Especially not when you're dealing with something like this."
Overcome with emotions, all you can manage is a nod along with a smile, your heart feeing so full and so unlike what's it felt like for ages. Although everything is far from being solved, it's nice to know you have people to lean on, that there's someone who would do anything for you when it feels like you've been alone for so long.
Removing his hands from your face and wrapping them around you once more, JJ hums into the side of your head and you can't help but to let out a long sigh, trying to let go for just a moment and be here. It feels good to be wrapped in the Pogue's arms. To be honest, you could stay like this forever.
Before long, your mind is back to worrying about everything going on, about your difficult situation and how there seems to be no end in sight. "What am I gonna do, JJ?" You whisper while holding the boy a little closer, needing to feel grounded somehow.
Devastated by the broken sound of your voice and heartbreaking situation, JJ does his best to rack his mind of what he could do to help you. He'd offer you all the money he's got, but he knows you'd never accept it, not even as a gift. You're too proud and selfless to ever take money from anyone, especially not your best friends.
The boy grows restless, frustration and sorrow coursing through his body as your story replays in his mind. He can't wrap his head around how this has happened to you. Sure, it's not uncommon for those who live in Outer Banks, but the fact it's you rips him to shreds.
JJ thinks back on what he did when he was strapped for cash. Back to when he had to pick up the slack every time his old man went on a weeklong binge and didn't go to work for weeks on end. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind and the blonde rushes to offer it to you.
"What if-what if I talked to my boss to see if we can get you a serving gig or something where I work?"
You look up at JJ with skeptical eyes, not sure if what he's saying could really happen. "I don't know, J. I mean, are you sure? I tried to get in there when I was looking for a better job, but they weren't hiring."
"Yeah! I know I'm shit for a busboy but my word is good, and with your references you'd definitely get in! One of our servers just quit to go back to the mainland because she couldn't handle island life anymore, so it's perfect!"
You can't help the giggle that slips past your lips. This one sure has a way with words.
"C'mon, Y/N, it would be great for you. The pay is way better than the jobs you have now and the servers even get tips. You wouldn't have to have two jobs anymore and could worry a little less about bringing in money. The worst thing you'd have to deal with is the Kooks, but you know how to handle them better than anyone." A coy smile plays at the edge of JJ's pink lips. "Plus, you'd be able to see me a lot more too."
"Okay, I'd love that, thank you" you reply shyly. Looking away from JJ for a minute, you can't help the doubt creeping in all over again. "What if it doesn't work out, though? What if your boss already found someone. I can't be without a job, JJ. I need to make sure-"
JJ grabs your face, holding it in his hands just like he did earlier. The warmth instantly filling in the cold spots the fear began to create. "They didn't and you won't be. No matter what happens you still have the two jobs you've got now, but hell I'd quit and let you have my job if it means you can stop struggling with those. I mean it when I say, I've got you."
The boy flashes you a smile before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your forehead, doing anything to try and get you to feel better. Luckily, it works. You smile back and lean into one of his hands as heat rushes to your face.
"You really know how to make a girl feel better don't you, Maybank?" There's a hint of teasing in your tone, but you truly mean it as well. People may say JJ is a lot of things, but they can never say he's not a good friend.
"Anything for you, baby," he winks. Rolling your eyes, you push away from the blonde before he can get too cocky over the way he makes you feel. There's a smirk on your lips as you walk back towards the kitchen, stomach fluttering for more reasons than just being hungry.
Opening the fridge, you try to scrounge up an idea for what you can offer JJ. "You want anything to eat or drink? There's not much but I'm sure we can think of something."
"Yeah, starved! Forget cooking, though, you don't need to do all that. Let's go to The Wreck, you know I would die for one of Mr. C's burgers."
Laughing, you nod your head as you close the fridge and make your way to the front door. "That actually sounds amazing, let's go."
"Hey," JJ says, stopping you as you put your shoes on. "And don't worry, it's on me."
Tilting your head to the side, you look quizzically at the boy in front of you. "Kie's parents don't even charge us when we eat there?"
"Okay, yeah, but it's the thought that counts, right?"
"You're such an idiot," you laugh. JJ smiles at the sound and at the sight of your eyes gaining back a little bit of that sparkle he hasn't seen in a long time.
"But you still love me, though," he replies, not even needing to ask if that's true as he opens the door for you.
"I sure do."
As you make yourself comfortable behind JJ on his motorbike, you do your best to try and get your mind off everything. It's been hard to feel any sort of ease for as long as you've been dealing with this stuff, but with JJ it feels like for once you can just settle.
You have no idea if JJ's serving idea is gonna work out or what's gonna happen tomorrow. But you know at the end of the day you'll still have him, still have your friends, to help you figure it all out.
It's hard to open up about it all, but there's a part of you that knows it was the right thing to do with JJ. He's the greatest person you've ever met, and you wouldn't trade him for the world. And just like he said earlier, he's got you, and that's all that really matters.
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stvolanis · 11 months
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Broken Heartstrings
(one shot)
warnings : dom & sub dynamics, Elvis is kinda abusive, age gap, INACCURATE TIME LINE, angst, Elvis is suspected of cheating,pet-names (baby, doll, darlin’, satin), a hint jealousy (Elvis and OC), manipulation, toxic relationship, OC is naive and kinda (not really) innocent, smut includes degradation (slut, brat), praising, dubcon-ish I guess, spitting, p in v sex, oral (f receiving),size kink, slapping (not hard enough to hurt), man handling, overstimulation, spitting, house wife kink (if you squint), stomach bulge, make-up sex, and overall rough sex. Sorry if I missed anything <3
this is my first story I’ve written for Tumblr, so it won’t be the greatest and might be poorly written to some, but I had fun writing it so enjoy to those who are interested :)
˚ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ˚
the days grew longer as the nights seemed to be getting unbearably shorter. Lucy was sitting on a tall bar stool swinging her little frilly sock covered feet back n’ forth as she waited for her husband to get to their shared home. It was late, ‘round 12:30 and he hadn’t shown up to the dinner she had graciously prepared for the both of them. The food was getting cold and her appetite was fading, being replaced by a feeling in the pit of her stomach she couldn’t seem to pin.
The couple had their ups and downs, as any other, but lately it seemed to be more downs. he’d come home late, his hair and clothes disheveled. sometimes he’d smell like cheap women’s perfume and other times he’d smell like gin and whiskey. he’d come home with an attitude, and take it out on Lucy since she was the closest one around. She knew he was struggling, but Elvis Presley was not one for opening up and receiving help.
the drinking and coming home late started happening after his mother passed away. he didn’t know how else to cope, so he did what he’d see his father do. he’d been chasing a high he’d never be able to reach, but his determined mind wouldn’t falter. one more drink. one more show. one more hit of whatever he was on in the moment or could get his hands on. anything to help relive the aching in his chest. It was like a poison that spread through his body, draining his energy and overtaking him. but he kept on falling deeper and deeper
but there was her. Lucy. the sweet little 20 year old who kissed his worries and pains away. Lucy, who made him feel like a young school boy all over again. Lucy , who batted her pretty eyelashes up at him when she needed some loving. Lucy, who’d perch herself on his lap and whisper sweet nothings into his ear when he was exhausted from shows, telling him everything he already knew, but it was coming from her, so he’d hear it a million more times if he could. Lucy, who was so sickeningly sweet and naive, she didn’t realize that not everyone wanted wanted to be just her friend.
Elvis didn’t like that.
Elvis knew he scored with Lucy. He knew that she was the purest thing he’d ever be able to obtain in his lousy life. the freshest, kindest and most beautiful little daisy in a field of weeds. Sure, people were throwing themselves at him left and right, but they weren’t real. Girls always on his arm, yet they only cared for his charm, fame and money. Only cared about fucking their way to the top just to be a nice trophy wife on the arm of some rich piece of shit. Running them dry. But Lucy was never like that.
Lucy was from a small town. A southern bell, and a hard worker who took care of her sick mother for as long as she could remember. She always seen the good in people, even when it seemed invisible to others. Her hearts too big for her delicate body, or at least that’s what her momma used to tell her. Lucy worked at a busy diner on the outskirts of her town, and traveling people were always in and out. So it was no surprise to her when Elvis Presley had shown up in a white button down, dark jeans and polished dress shoes with his friends following behind him.
Ever since that day, Elvis made it his mission to be with her. attached at the hip since they laid eyes on each other, and neither of them would have it any other way. But once her husband started touring again, their honeymoon phase was soon ending and arose more arguments, aggression and finger-pointing.
Elvis had promised to have a nice, civilized dinner with his wife as long as she cooked the food and not one of the maids. For hours, Lucy had been feeling waves of excitement as she cooked all day, creating a nice big meal for them to enjoy together for once. It had been so long since they sat down for dinner together. But alas, he was no where to be found.
She looked down at her hands that were between her thighs as she felt her eyes begin to water and her breathing uneven. of course he wouldn’t have come. what was she thinking? as tears began to fall, it seemed as though they wouldn’t stop. The girl wept as she began to throw away the food she had worked so hard to make.
Soon, that sadness and disappointment turned into a bubbling anger in her core. How could he do this to her? Why did she always have to be the one waiting around? She hated feeling reliant on him for the smallest things. Time, attention, love. Things no one else had ever cared to give her, but Elvis had so happily. She hated that they always fell into this routine of cat and mouse. And always, just when she’s about to call it quits, he smooth talks his way back into her arms.
Mumbling words of affirmation to her. How much he loves and cares for her, and how no one else will ever love her as much as he does. How she’s such a good housewife for him, always keeping the house together and waiting for his return like a good girl. How beautiful she is, and the things he loves most about her.
as the anger bubbled in her stomach, she could hear the booming laugh of Elvis through the halls as he cracked jokes with his choice of friends for the nights and all Lucy could feel was disgust. how could she have been so dumb?
In that moment, Lucy decided she’d had enough. She slammed the door open to the kitchen and marched her way through the long halls till she got to the entrance of the house where Elvis stood in all his glory. Oh, how pretty he looked. His smile becoming bigger as he laid eyes on his wife who wore a white, off the shoulder sundress and frilly white socks. she seemed so small and frail compared to him.
But his smile soon faded as he took notice of her puffy red eyes, red nose and trembling lips and worry consumed him. “Woah, darlin’, what’s goin on?” He asked as he took off his coat and laid it on a small round table. Lucy scoffed. “Are you fuckin’ serious, Elvis?” She said dryly as she squinted her eyes.
Elvis clenched his jaw, clearly displeased. “Watch ya mouth when ya talk to me, ya hear?” He said sternly as he pointed a finger at her. Lucy rolled her pretty green eyes. “Where were you? Huh? You were out with women, weren’t you? I can smell them on you Elvis!” She shouted as fresh tears fell from her eyes.
He groaned as he lazily dragged a hand down his perfectly sculpted face. “What the hell are ya talkin’ ‘bout, Lucy? I ain’t been with no women other than you!” He shouted back as he flared his arms out with a dry laugh. “I’m done with your lies, Elvis.” She said as she harshly wiped her tears and turned to leave.
Elvis made quick work of grabbing her arm and spinning her back around, harshly pushing her against the wall as his hand snaked up and snugly wrapped around her neck. Lucy was taken aback, Elvis had never put his hands on her in a way she didn’t like before.
“Dammit, woman, what’s it gonna take for you to calm down and stop accusin’ me of bullshit every damn day?!” He yelled out in her face. Lucy’s body wracked with sobs, and only then did Elvis realize what he’d done. He shakily removed his hands, but didn’t move away from her and instead caged her body in with his slender arms.
Lucy pushed harshly against his chest, trying to create some distance between them but Elvis wasn’t having it as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. “Let me go, Elvis!” She said, her voice hoarse and broken. “Need ya to calm down first, baby.” He replied as he watched her body tremble
“Oh I need to calm down? How fucking funny coming from the man who just choked me out!” She laughed out dryly as she shot him a look of disgust and anger. “I’ve fuckin’ had it with this attitude you got. After everything I do for you, this is how you wanna act?! Huh?!” He yelled as he began dragging her up the stairs to their shared bedroom.
“Stop it Elvis, you’re hurting me!” Lucy weakly yelled as his grip tightened around her wrists, surely to leave marks the next morning. Elvis played deaf as he harshly threw her onto their bed, slamming the door shut and swiftly locking it. Lucy’s body bounced as she made contact with the bed before sitting up, ready to speak again till Elvis cut her off.
“Strip.” Was all Elvis said. His voice thick, deep and velvety. Such a sweet sound. If only the words coming out weren’t laced with disappointment and dissatisfaction towards the helpless girl on the bed. Her eyes widened and her words got caught in her throat. Again. Why does this always happen? right when she’s about to stand up for herself, she always backs down the very last second and the cycle continues and worsens each time. But it’s addicting.
Sickeningly enough, she thrives in it. She’s become so accustomed to it, she wouldn’t remember how to live like a normal couple again. The toxicity of their relationship kept her on her toes, and deep down inside, she knew she wouldn’t want it any other way. How boring it would be. She knew Elvis wasn’t with other Women, because if he was it would be the cover of every times magazine and she wouldn’t hear the end of it from her friends and family. She knew the perfume she smelled on him was his mommas favorite.
As her shakey hands met the fabric of her white dress and began pulling it off of her body, Elvis rolled up his sleeves and drunk in the sight in front of him. almond green eyes, plump lips and a cute button nose that’s still slightly reddened from her crying. long chocolate brown hair. Full breasts with perky, sensitive nipples that sat ever so perfectly. slim hips and meaty thighs with a round ass to top it all off. But god, how he adored how small she is compared to him.
How tiny she is, is one of his favorite parts about her, and oh, how he used it to his advantage in the most vile ways. it was so easy for someone as big as him to completely destroy her. and that’s exactly what he does.
“Please,Elvis, m’ sor-” she tried, but Elvis wasn’t having it. “I don’t wanna hear a fuckin’ thing from ya, baby.” He said roughly as he gripped her hair at the base and craned her neck up to look at him. her hands gripped his shirt and she felt her slick between her thighs at his tone.
Elvis brought his hand up to her mouth and Lucy stuck her tongue out, welcoming her husbands fingers that harshly hit the back of her throat, making her gag and eyes water. Elvis clicked his tongue. “How can ya take my cock when ya can’t even take my fingers, darlin’?” He chuckled out.
Her mouth closed around his fingers and she began to suck them seductively and Elvis felt his pants tighten at the sight. Pretty eyes staring back up with him, trying to prove she can.
Always a hard worker, huh?
Elvis smirked at the thought as he removed his fingers and instead harshly pushed her upper body down onto the bed, spreading her legs as he dropped to his knees. his mouth watered at the sight. Her cunt was puffy and pink, bud swollen with need and begging for attention. Her slick was seeping out, and there was a wet patch on the sheets of the bed where she had been sitting that was dark and visible. It was such a pretty sight for a starving man.
He spread her lower lips and dragged his tongue between the welt folds, gathering all of her essence. He hummed at the taste of her on his tongue before savoring it for a moment. Then, he sucked her clit into his mouth with such force, her back painfully arched. His tongue skillfully played with her overly-sensitive bud, teasing and sucking as her thighs closed in around his head.
Elvis was pussy drunk. He couldn’t seem to get enough of the taste of his sweet girl. He didn’t care if he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t care about anything besides making Lucy come as many times as she could on his tongue. He prodded a finger at her sopping entrance before slowly sinking them in, letting them sit before pulling out and harshly slamming back in. Lucy let out a gasp at the intrusion as he began to finger fuck her tight cunt with no remorse.
The small girl felt the coil in her stomach tighten as her fingers gripped his mop of disheveled hair as she pushed her cunt further into the dazed mans face. Elvis curled his fingers in her before sucking her clit harshly one last time, and that’s when it snapped. “Oh my god—Elvis!” She moaned out as she tried to shove his head away from her overstimulated clit, but Elvis wasn’t listening.
“Sucha good girl, satin.” He mumbled against her clit as he felt her juices drip down his chin. God, how sweet she tasted. His entire chin and chest were covered in her, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d fuck up a million more times if it meant he could come back home to this.
Lucy panted, out of breath underneath him as he crawled above her sweaty body. He laid the gentlest kisses upon her skin, so tender and sweet. The flutter of his lips against her stomach had her insecurities seeping away into the cracks of the floor boards. The suckle of her nipples, and the releasing ‘pop’, followed by the countless hickies laid where they both knew only he would be able to see had her blushing madly. The caressing of her neck and the soft kiss against her lips made her forget the reason this all started to begin with.
“Ya with me, baby?” He asked. “Yes, Elvis. ‘M here.” She softly replied. Elvis took that as his sign to tighten his hold around Lucy’s neck, lifting her slightly to better look her in the eye. “Good, ‘cause I’m gon’ show ya what happens to ungrateful brats when I’m done with ya.” He said harshly as he slapped the side of her cheek with his free hand, but not hard enough to actually hurt. Just hard enough to know he was gonna fuck her into oblivion.
He spread Lucy’s legs, slapping her puffy, over-sensitive cunt. She softly moaned at the impact, making Elvis chuckle. “Fuckin’ slut.” He muttered as he lined his throbbing cock to her entrance. Elvis inhaled deeply as he slowly pushed his tip in, teasingly pulling it in and out a few times. Lucy whined. “Elvis-” she began. “Shut up, ya take what I give ya, brat.” He said sternly as he gripped her hair. Lucy nodded I obediently as she whimpered out a small ‘sorry’.
Suddenly, the larger man bullied his way inside her wet cunt and she could feel his hair against her throbbing clit. She moaned out as her hand grabbed the arm Elvis was holding her leg up with to ready herself. Elvis spared no mercy as he ruthlessly began bucking his hips into hers, not waiting for her to adjust to his size. She felt like heaven to him, after all, he’d trained her pussy to perfectly fit his cock since the night of their wedding, but after so long of going without being inside of her, she’d tightened up again. Elvis hissed as her walls squeezed him before throwing his head back and letting out a deep groan.
Lucy gripped the sheets below her, desperately trying to hold onto something as the beast on top of her used her cunt like she was a rag-doll solely for his pleasure. “Tight fuckin’ cunt, all for me, mama. Takin’ my dick so well, just like I taught ya, baby.” He said between breaths. Her chest fluttered at his praise, and her cunt squeezed tighter around him. “Ya like that, hm? Like when I tell ya how good you are to me. How nice you fit around my cock. My good girl.” He muttered against your lips as his hands squeezed her hips with such force, they’d be sure to leave a mark.
“Yes, Yes, fuck—yes Elvis. ‘M your good girl. All yours.” Lucy replied through loud moans, her breasts bouncing with ever rough thrust he planted. Something snapped in Elvis at that, and he threw her legs over his shoulder, hitting a new angle. Just the right spot to make her vision blurry and seeing stars. Her back arched as his fingers found her clit, rolling it between his fingers before rubbing it just the right way that made that familiar coil tighten again.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum, Elvis! p-please mm- lemme cu-cum!” She stuttered out through moans. Elvis reveled in her satisfying sounds, every thrust sent him into orbit as he became pussy drunk, completely consumed in her. He could feel her everywhere. Her soft hands all over him. Her cunt squeezing the life out of him as she was on the brink of an orgasm. the pleas of her crying aloud. Her eyes watering as she stared up at him, overstimulated.
“Hold it, ‘m almost there, baby. Doin’ so good f’me.” Elvis replied as his hips shot further into hers. The sound of their sweaty skin echoed through the room, and surely could be heard through the halls. Elvis took notice of the prominent bulge on her stomach, groaning at the sight of him filling her to the brim. He pressed his hand against it. “Feel that? ‘M right here, doll.” He said, his voice laced with desire. Lucy merely whimpered, still trying to hold back on her orgasm.
The sudden pressure on her lower stomach made her eyes roll to the back of her head as she felt the coil once again snap, releasing all her juices on Elvis’ lower stomach for a second time. But Elvis wasn’t done yet as he kept his pace of pounding into her. “Please, I can’t-” she moaned out, Elvis slapped her cheek. “I told ya to fuckin’ wait, but you just hadda be a slut, huh? you’re done when I say ya are.” He hissed. Lucy moaned at the contact of his hand against her cheek before nodding her head vigorously.
Elvis felt his stomach grow tighter as he was closer and closer to finishing. “‘M almost there, j-just ho-hold on f’me, mama.” He stuttered out through the waves of euphoric feelings. All of his senses were overwhelmed and his body felt hot to the touch like it was on fire as sweat dripped down him. He slammed his cock into Lucys overstimulated cunt a few more times sloppily before his hips stilled inside of her.
Elvis soon pulled out and watched as cum dripped out of her sopping, pulsing hole before taking two of his slender fingers and stuffing it back in. “Don’t want it to go to waste, now do we?” He said with a smirk as Lucy’s body wracked with spasms as his fingers penetrated her. Lucy’s hand reached out and stilled his movements with a small whimper. “No more Elvis, ‘s too much.” She whined.
Elvis sighed. “Alright, satin, let’s get you cleaned up.” He said as he got up and went into their shared bedroom to retrieve a wet cloth before coming back and gently wiping off both of their juices from her sore cunt. Lucy sighed contently as Elvis pressed a few lingering kisses on her thighs and stomach. “You did so good.” Elvis said against her lips before softly kissing her.
“Want you to hold me, please, Elvis.” She muttered back with a cheeky smile. Elvis let out a small laugh, eyes gleaming with something she couldn’t quite decipher. “Whatever you want, Lucy.” He replied as he laid in bed next to her, bringing her closer and wrapping his arms around the smaller girl. She drew small patterns on his naked chest and smiled contently when she felt his hands begin to massage her scalp.
“Yknow I love ya, right?” Elvis said as he glanced down at her in his arms.
“I know, Elvis. I love you too.”
˚ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ˚
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Chapter Seven - La Douleur Exquise
the exquisite pain of the feeling of wanting someone that you know you can never have, and knowing that you still want to be with them.
♡ Mick Schumacher x Reader, Best friend!Danny Ricc x reader
♡ TW: Swearing, inaccurate timeline of F1/F2/F3, badly translated German using Google, alcohol consumption, talking about being drunk, uhhhh there are really none in this chapter?? none really glaring ones at least. angst, self doubt, anxiety, etc. not proofread
♡ She/Her pronouns are used, nothing descriptive about reader except that her hair is long enough to pull back into a ponytail or braid, no reader insert, timeline skips. ALSO: WARNING!!!! I will barely be mentioning Michael Schumacher. I do not presume to know what he is thinking, or would say in these fictional scenarios. I am trying to be respectful of their privacy and not make any assumptions!!!!!! He will be mentioned here and there, but I do not believe any dialogue will be associated with him. If you do not like that, then do not read it. :)
♡ 4.8k words
♡A/N: After some very intense and long chapters, I just wanted something softer and lighter. Of course, there is still substance, but i really enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it’s late. I’ve been working six days a week and i was just too exhausted yesterday. * Posted on mobile, will format on my laptop later
There were few times in your life that you could remember that you were truly at peace with yourself and your surroundings. It seldom came with your own home life, but instead with your lifelong friend. Your memories were all askew and your thoughts could hardly keep up to the present, but there was a certain familiarity to the person who took you in, and vowed to protect you.
In fact, that person had always been there for you. From the first time you showed up to their house with a black eye, to the last time they saw you beaten and broken so much so that the only thing you could do was shelter in the safety of their own mind. And even then, you were brutalized by the sport you dedicated your life to. In such a manner, that you were forgetful of all the things you accomplished and could accomplish on your own. You were reliant on one person, and that one person’s memories of you. Yet, every morning since as you woke, you pondered the thought of thinking the same things too. They were kind, gentle, and patient with you. They were all of the things you were not, nonetheless fitting seamlessly with your spirit and fortitude.
Still, in the silence of the home you didn’t know, you awaited their arrival like a shark waiting to stake its claim.
It wasn’t a lie though. You were tired. You were exhausted. These last few days absolutely drained you and made you feel like even less than half of the person you were before you had left the hospital. You had to have help just making a stupid sandwich if you were hungry. It was humiliating. But still, when you heard the keys jingle in its lock and the familiar voice calling out to you only the name they reserved for you, you felt immediately calm and ready to be in their care. Yet, in the stillness of isolation and the solace you could have easily found, you wound up in the most (un)likely of places.
Mick opened the front door eagerly awaiting the respite of his bed. Tired from all the press, fittings, and training he had to accomplish before his next race, all he wanted to do was have a snack and flop on his bed and take a nap (Or a very long awaited sleep). The blue eyed boy you had so little recent memory of, but so full adoration for made his way around the living space growing increasingly worrisome as he called out for you.
“Smidge, I am home!”
First, he checked the usual places you could’ve gone on crutches. And then, he wondered to himself if you were more mobile than he might have thought with just a boot on your leg now. Having made sure you weren’t in the shared living space or your own bedroom, the Mercedes driver began to panic.
As burnt out as he was, he dashed outside to see if you were in the pool house and maybe were too tired to walk back, but no such luck happened for him. His next attempt landed him caught in den. He knew you liked to cuddle up in there and watch TV, but you were nowhere to be found. Pulling out his phone, he began to dial the security detail he had hired to be there for you around the clock. The Swiss-German driver had one more idea though. Tiptoeing, he creeped to the room he had been staying in, the door being ajar making it seem as though someone had been in there. He knew for a fact he had shut it close before he had left this morning. Pushing the door ever so quietly, Mick stumbled upon one of the greatest sights he had ever seen.
You were tangled up in his sheets with one of his shirts hanging off your body loosely, as you held one of the pillows close to your body. Mick couldn’t help but relish in the view in front of him. He didn’t even care that you didn’t have your boot on, and he very much cared about that. But, as he watched your shoulders rise and fall with a calming rhythm, he realized that he’d either have to wake you to move you, or climb in bed with you. He secretly hoped that the sound of his shower going would stir you enough, but after about 15 minutes of him rinsing off the day, you were still dead asleep in the same position. His bright blue eyes searched you and the bed up and down for a reasonable and not creepy way for him to climb into bed with you, as he dawned a white t shirt and blue pajama pants.
Mick just hummed confusedly as he debated leaving you where you slept and sleeping in your room or on the couch, or biting the bullet and sleeping in his bed with you by his side. Letting out a deep breath, he ran a hand through his blond hair and decided to slip into the bed with you.
You whined happily in your sleep when you felt the extra warmth join you. Mick lay frozen where he lay though, trying not to disturb the much needed sleep you needed. You eventually began to scoot backwards, your backside against his torso. Overcome with tiredness, Mick turned and was behind you now. Lazily, he threw an arm around your waist and pulled you as close as he could to his body. Soon thereafter, the two of you drifted off into what maybe was the best sleep of your life.
You awoke with confusion in the middle of the night as you inhaled the scent someone who wasn’t yourself. Turning your head, you saw that the boy who had rescued you lay peacefully on his back as he lightly snored to the rhythm of his heart beating. You tried your best to get up without disturbing him - but to no avail, the next thing you could hear was incoherent German babbling and something about staying there.
“I need to go back to my own room.” You pleaded as you tried to pry him off of you.
“But why? You are comfortable here.”
You sat up and sighed, looking around at the unfamiliar place.
“I shouldn’t have come, this is your room…” You managed to mumble.
The boy who you sort of knew, but didn’t really know lay in front of you - his tired blue eyes searching for any kind of sign of life. And as his eyes searched and searched for some kind of indicator that you were still there, you reached out and stroked his cheek. The two of you lay on your sides, face to face on his bed while you caressed his cheek. Mick couldn’t help but lean into the welcomed touch as your fingers ventured the rest of his face for answers.
“Why are you in here, Schätzen?”
He didn’t sound accusatory, no, but he did sound throughly confused.
Since moving into the house he rented for the two of you a few days ago, he made it clear that he had his own room and that you had yours. He didn’t want to you feel pressured or scared to be by yourself. And despite all of the nights before the accident that you two did share a bed, he knew that you needed your own space to learn and to recover.
“My room doesn’t smell like yours.” You further nuzzled your face into the pillow beneath you as his fingers snaked around your waist to find yours.
“And what does my room smell like?”
You happily sighed, the wave of sleepiness yet again coming over you as you squeezed his hand tightly. Sure, you two may be cuddling but those are just semantics.
The next morning you awoke to an empty bed, the sheets and blankets that were previously tangled around Mick’s body now covered you completely. Sitting up, you find a piece of paper on his pillow addressed to you.
I had to go out to train again before tomorrow’s FP. Relax, sleep, and rest in here as long as you would like. I will be back in the afternoon.
PS - Please put the boot back on your leg. Otherwise, I will have to start carrying you everywhere because you will have a bum leg… Or maybe do not put the boot on, now? I quite like the idea of carrying you everywhere…
You smiled softly at the note as you got up and out of bed. Slipping your boot back on, you slowly made your way to the kitchen. The house was littered with photos of you and Mick. From childhood to what you guessed was more recently, memories scattered throughout your new home were a nice reminder that someone did in fact care for you the way you always longed for. And of course, there were other pictures too. You assumed the pictures of you that you didn’t recognize were more current, and that they were of other drivers. Mick had slowly been reminding you of your career before the crash, but to no avail you couldn’t recollect anyone’s face.
After getting a snack, you moved to the den where there was a cozy couch and big blankets. Taking your boot off, you hopped onto the couch and got comfortable. Mick knew you so well that he knew that you’d be in there most of the day. So much so that he had your favorites already in there, and your two notebooks there as well.
The blue notebook was meant to be for things you maybe suddenly remembered, whether that be a smell, a memory, or really anything. And then the purple notebook was meant to be for recall. Mick filled it out with more pictures and things you have been interested in the past. The mental image of Mick staying up late and working hard at making this notebook (which was more of a scrapbook, but for some reason he bought a notebook and not a scrapbook) for you filled your stomach with butterflies.
Grabbing the TV remote, you found some random show to play in the background while you decided which notebook to go with today. As you were scooting further into the couch, you suddenly felt something poking you in your back. Moving slightly, you reached behind you to find an even tinier notebook like journal stuck in between the cushions. It didn’t look at all familiar to you, the leather bound cover worn and cracked at its spine, yet loved ever so apparent by the filled out pages.
Curiosity got the best of you though, as you gently opened the tiny booklet. Mick’s chicken scratch he calls his handwriting littered the pages in a nonsensical manner. Yet, there was one thing that stood out to you.
Your name.
Your name was written everywhere; sometimes messily and sometimes with the fondness only a lover could have for their partner. He was writing down every little thing about you since you had woken up from your coma. He was jotting down when you’d typically fall asleep and wake up, how much medicine to give you, and what interesting things you might’ve said that day.
Mick Schumacher was making sure he didn’t miss a thing when it came to you and your recovery.
You closed the booklet and put it back where you found it, unable to focus on the TV now. You put your boot back on and wobbled out and into your own bedroom. You sighed at the room, the bed made neatly still. It was a simple bedroom with only a few pictures on a bookshelf. It had a desk and presumably your laptop or one that was on loan for you to use. Even if you were to use it, you wouldn’t even know where to begin. You didn’t know how long you were standing in the doorway either, because the sound of the Mick’s truck pulling into the driveway pulled you out of your own head. As quickly as you could, you hurried over to his room, trying your best to make his bed before he came back into the house. You had totally forgotten to do that and you knew that he was a stickler for it.
“Smidge! I am home, finally!” Mick’s sing-songy voice echoed through the home.
“Welcome back!” You yelled back while you were still trying to tuck in his sheets under the mattress. Making a bed was very difficult with a boot on one of your legs.
Surely, you were huffing and puffing, out of breath and out of shape as you did your best to finish it time. You must’ve been distracted by the uneven corners that your hearing went and died.
“You know, you do not have to make the bed up for me.” Mick cleared his throat, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
Your eyes slowly gazed up and met his amused face as you stood to your feet. With a nervous laugh, you scratched the back of your neck and breathed out.
“I wasn’t doing it for you. I was doing it for me.”
“Ah, yes… Because you are such a big fan of making up the bed?”
You rolled your eyes trying not to show him how much of an effect he had on you. Sighing with defeat, you walked over to him in the doorway and waited for the next thing.
“How was your day, Schätzen?” Mick’s face was pointed downwards at you, his blond hair messier than usual. He looked exhausted.
“It was fine, I didn’t do much. How was your, uh, thingy?” The two of you strode out to the shared living space - Mick offering his arm for more support.
“My thingy was good, but very tiring. I am ready to wind down and relax for the night.” He helped you onto the couch, taking your boot off and propping your leg back on some pillows. “Ich habe dich heute vermisst (I missed you today).”
“Well, you know where to find me these days.” Mick sat beside you trying to gauge your emotions. Even for him, sometimes you were hard to read.
“I know it is difficult being cooped up in here. I am sorry for that, Schätzen.” His tone was honest, his voice slightly hoarse probably from the day he had. All you could do was shrug in response.
Minutes of silence between the two of you wasted away as you stared blankly at the wall in front of you, Mick staring at the ceiling himself.
“Can you tell me a story?” You finally interjected. Mick turned his head towards you and lifted an eyebrow.
“A story? What kind of story?” Turning your head to meet his gaze, your eyes flickered up and down taking in as much detail as you could about his face.
“A story about us, or about that driving thing you said I did. I don’t know, just maybe thought it would help.” The boy’s mouth upturned into a large grin as he straightened his posture in excitement. Licking his lips, he ran a hand through his hair and gave you one last look. You tilted your head to the side in great anticipation.
“When we scored our first podium together, that night after celebrating with everyone… I was having trouble finding you at the end of the evening. You always have a tendency to run off when the crowd gets too overwhelming.” Mick hummed in interim as he fiddled with the hem of his white Mercedes shirt.
“That sounds like me. I’ve always hated big crowds.” You glanced down and noticed him fidgeting. Unconsciously, you grabbed his hand and interlocked it with your own. Giving it a small squeeze, you smiled and gestured for him to continue.
“Well, I guess I started to panic - Maybe it was the alcohol as well, but I was searching and searching for you. I even was tempted to bust into the women’s washroom and look for you.” Mick’s cheeks flushed to a faint pink as he recalled the memory. He truly was going to go insane that evening. “Daniel had to stop me from tearing the building apart that night.”
“And did end up finding me?” Mick brought the hand that was holding yours up to his mouth, placing a chaste kiss to your knuckle. His lips still lingering on the soft skin where your fingers bend, he mumbled into your hand the words you always will want to hear, even if you couldn’t believe them.
“In jedem Leben werde ich dich immer finden (In every lifetime, I will always find you).”
The music was blaring and shaking the club where you stood to celebrate your first podium. The crowd was also flying high with excitement because their own Monegasque had secured the first place win in his hometown. It was a thrilling day for everyone and the thrills didn’t stop there, as you were deep into the night continuing to make memories of already great day. But soon, the urge to escape to find some air and to not be swarmed by loads of people filled your lungs. You looked around for the nearest exit and downed your last shot of tequila, before making your way to the exit. You were definitely tipsy. You could feel it in the way you were stepping, but you did your best to make it to the door. Escaping to the alley, the cool night air gave you a sense of calm and serenity you hadn’t felt since you got to the club. All you wanted to do was go back to your hotel room.
This was different from the last time you were Monaco with Mick Schumacher. You were just visiting him while he drove for F2. But this time, you both were winners and you both had reason to celebrate a magnificent race. You were also older, you both were. The relationship between you now was evolving now that you were teammates, too. They was a level of professionalism that had to be evident everywhere the two of you went now. And of course while the two of you are both driver’s for Mercedes and both are trying to score points for your team, it was a bleak reminder every Sunday that you two in fact were racing against each other. That wasn’t to say that at the end of the day you two would hate each other, but now there was more tension in your professional life, that was seemingly seeping into your personal life.
You pulled out your phone and tried to stare at the screen long enough for the letters to stop floating. Maybe the last shot of tequila was a bad idea. Nevertheless, you attempted to call someone to come pick you up and take you back to your hotel. You would’ve called Mick, but if the two of you were seen leaving the club together and then going to your hotel room… That could mean very bad rumors and terrible press to follow. You sighed, weighing your options in your tipsy-probably now drunken stupor.
“What’re y’doin out here by yourself?” Your eyes widened in fear as your fingers hovered over your phone screen. You didn’t want to look up, but you knew exactly whose voice that was.
“I’m…. Uh, just getting some air, that’s all.” Your eyes remained focused on your phone.
“Out here? In the cold?” You knew the was a losing battle, so with that you looked up with your guilt ridden face to meet the confused Australian. “Mick’s absolutely losing his shit looking for you, ya know?”
“I can imagine, but he’s a big boy. He can handle it.” Daniel let out a scoff, followed by roll of his big brown eyes.
“Yeah, I don’t think ‘handling it,’ and ‘you,’ go very well together for Mick.” The two of you were leaned up against a dirty wall, Daniel lending his jacket to you. “He turns into like, a lovesick puppy when it comes to you.”
You only hummed in response. Daniel was definitely thinking that the two of you spend way too much time together. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he swiped to answer the incoming call.
“Yeah, mate. I found her, don’t worry. She’s fine,” You could hear Mick’s voice go from 60-0 in seconds once Daniel relayed the message. “She just wanted some fresh air, so we’re - No, you don’t have to come out here… I promise she’s fine…. Yes. Yes. I know, Schu. Okay, fine.” Daniel handed the phone to you with a deadpan look.
Popping your lips to make small bubbling noises, you finally worked up the courage to speak to Mick.
“Hi, Mickey.”
“Are you crazy? Going outside by yourself? Why did you not come find me? I would love to go outside with you! Outside with you is the best place to be, Schätzen. Not inside by myself. Are you insane?” You could tell he was very intoxicated. He was slurring a bit, but what definitely confirmed it was he was a lot more chatty than usual.
“Mickey, I’m fine. I just wanted some fresh air. It’s okay.”
“It is not okay! You could have gotten killed!”
You could see the Aussie looking down at his feet, trying to hold in a laugh. Mick was never going to beat the lovesick puppy allegations.
“Mick, calm down. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Was auch immer Sie sagen, Liebling (whatever you say, darling).”
You hung up the phone and handed it back to your friend. Sighing again, you glanced up at the night sky. Closing your eyes, you took in the crisp air and exhaled trying to calm your nerves.
“So why aren’t you a couple? You already love each other, disgustingly so.” You didn’t answer the Aussie. “He’ll wait for you forever, ya know. Don’t you think… That’s… Kind of…”
“Kind of what?” You made eye contact with the other driver, his expression mimicking the gears turning in his head as he searched for the right word.
“Cruel? It seems kind cruel that you keep leading him on, like y’do.” Pressing your lips into a tight line, you shook your head.
“I’ve given Mick an out, plenty of times. I’ve told him that we can’t be together, and that we’re better as friends.” You were frustrated with the situation at hand. What others perceived as cruel, you saw as something normal between you and Mick. He always knew how you felt about him, but he always knew how you felt about relationships too.
“But, he’s just so… In love with you. Fuck, if someone was that in love with me, it would be hard for me not to like… Fall for them either.”
“I never said I didn’t love him, or hadn’t fallen in love with Mick.” You quickly corrected him. His eyes brows moved up his face in surprise, the realization settling in as he slowly nodded his head. “We just can’t be together like that.”
“Why not, though? He knows about your dad, and everything. I don’t see how-“
The pair of you were interrupted by someone else yelling your name. You both turned your heads to find a very, very drunk Mick hanging off of his best friend Esteban. Saved by the bell, you gave Daniel his jacket back and walked over to the other drivers.
“For fuck’s sake, you’d think being German he could handle his Jäger.”
“That sounded dirty.” Daniel replied, bursting out laughing as he helped Esteban with Mick. There was already an Uber on the way so as the four of you waited for it, you could hear Mick ranting in German.
Mick was going on and on about the bar service in his native tongue, while Esteban was presumably cursing his friendship in his own native tongue. The mix of languages alongside various alcohols consumed, probably made for a very interesting sight. Daniel didn’t speak German or French, though. He just stood, awkwardly trying to catch what he could of the conversation. Finally, the car service pulled up and the boys loaded your friend into the back. The French and Australian drivers looked back at you with confusion.
“Not it.”
“Not it.”
The two boys in front of you called out simultaneously. You felt like it was your new hobby rolling your eyes at dumb men in front of you. Climbing into the backseat with Mick, you gave the other two shit eating grinning boys a glare that immediately made their smiles fall.
“Did we really think it was going to be anyone else, but me to drag his drunk German ass back to his house? Exactly. Now, go away!” You shooed them playfully as you shut the door.
Mick was humming to himself as he was slumped over against the window. His eyes were shut, but he held a tiny smile on his very pink lips. Sloppily, he reached for you and groaned like a baby when he couldn’t find you. You scooted closer to him in the back of the car, and soon his hand found yours. His big hand was covering yours as the two of you silently rode back to his apartment. Upon reaching the complex, you thanked the driver and exited the vehicle. Mick’s security detail was already there and you were able to hand him off to them. You didn’t want to be seen with him anymore than you already had been. Turning your heel to get back into the vehicle you arrived in, you could hear Mick’s voice calling out for you.
“Smidge! Smidge! Wait… Noooooo, they are going to take me away!!! Nooooo, no thank you!” You were sure in his head he was being a lot more aggressive with his security detail, but to you it just looked like a kitten trying to defend itself against a lion.
Walking back to him, you politely asked the security detail to move away just for a moment. You sat him down on the steps of his apartment building, crouching down to meet his eye level. You so desperately wanted to go inside with him, but knew that even this was going to be too much to handle tomorrow. With a sad smile, you stroked his cheek a few times before standing to your feet. His hand gripped yours when you turned to leave, making it impossible to do so.
“Smidge, please do not leave me tonight.” You could barely him as he whispered.
“I have to. I can’t be seen spending the night at your apartment, Mickey.” He gained groaned very loudly. You tried to shush the inebriated boy. “Mick, I need to go. It’s late, and you need to get some sleep.”
Without another word, you released his grip from your fingers and trudged your way over to the car. You hated how it had to be this way, but there was a job to do and before anything else, the two of you were teammates. Teammates who didn’t sleep over at each other’s apartments, and teammates who definitely didn’t love each other. You took one final look back, trying to see if you could break your own heart even further. But as you looked back over your shoulder, you only caught the door of the building closing, and Mick nowhere to be found.
You got into the back of the car and held back your oncoming tears. The driver began to head to your hotel as you pulled out your phone. Your fingers danced nervously over the keys as you debated whether or not you should text him. For better or for worse, you pulled up your guys’ text message thread and began to type.
And if the gods were not cruel enough to you, as you were typing, he sent you a message first… Making it that much more difficult to not fall more in love, and to keep that distance you always held between you. After all, that was the way it was meant to be… It was the way it was supposed to be, anyway.
Mickey 🐭: Text me when you get back to your room so I know that you made it there safely, please. You hold my heart in your hands. I love you, Smidge.
You: I will, Mickey. Get some sleep.
Mickey 🐭: In jedem Leben werde ich dich lieben. Aber in diesem Leben werde ich darauf warten, dass auch du mich liebst (In every lifetime, I will love you. But during this lifetime, I will wait for you to love me too).”
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
A Trade Off
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Summary: Desperate to finally get some sleep, Y/N goes to Joel in hopes of getting some pills to help her. 
Characters: Joel Miller & the reader (OC, third person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45693934
Warnings: Swearing, smut, cheating, a small amount of coercion, etc.
Notes: I kind of wrote this very quickly this morning. It’s a short little one-shot with no plot really just smut. So I hope you enjoy it. Y/N obviously means your name or whatever name you choose to use. 
Exhaustion had become a well-known friend for Y/N these days. To say she was lacking sleep would be an understatement. Between her fear of the infected and FEDRA working her to the bone, she couldn’t shut her brain down to get some sleep. The only form of relief she could get these days was the kind that came in the shape of a pill and she hoped she would be able to get the same thing again.
Heading through the narrow, damp hallways of the apartment building she was in, she was praying that Joel or Tess would be home. The smugglers that were known on the streets to help get you anything that you needed. A few times in the past they had given her samples to test out their stash of medication. Joel more times than Tess. Tess was strict on how much she was willing to hand out, while Joel had been a little more understanding and lenient with her.
Stopping before their door, she knocked once and heard nothing on the other end. Waiting, she knew that she should have just turned around, but she was so tired and she knew that she needed some help. Knocking harder this time, she heard a grumble at the other end followed by the sound of something falling over behind the door.
“Dammit, I’m coming,” Joel’s deep voice rumbled making her thankful to know that he was actually home. She didn’t realize just how desperate she actually was to get some sleep. When the door pulled open, she felt her throat go dry seeing Joel’s dark eyes falling upon her. His arm rest against the doorframe while his other hand clung tightly to the door. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry for bothering you, but I was hoping that you could help me with something,” she whispered looking down the hallways making sure that they were alone. With a grumble, Joel held the door open further for her allowing her into the apartment. Once she entered, she waited at the center of the living room area while Joel limped into the room. With his disheveled appearance, she assumed that meant that he was sleeping when she knocked. “I’ve been having some trouble sleeping lately…”
“We all have trouble sleeping,” Joel scoffed, folding his arms out in front of his chest while he waited to hear directly what it was that she wanted. “What are you looking for?”
“I was hoping to get a few pills to help me sleep,” she pushed her hands into her pockets knowing that she felt she was doing something shady coming to Joel to get medication that only he and Tess were capable of getting.
“Okay, but you have to pay for them. No more freebies,” Joel reached back to caress his fingers over the back of his neck and then up through his messy hair making her nod her head. She knew that was coming. There was only so many free samples that she would be able to get. “How many did you want?”
“I don’t know, ten?�� she came up with a random number making Joel’s eyes narrow out at her before nodding. Joel headed into a different room leaving her to herself to eye over the things in their apartment before she cleared her throat. “Where is Tess?”
“She’s on a supply run,” Joel’s southern drawl called out from the other room making her swallow down hard. Joel returned with a bag of something and when he stepped before her she couldn’t help but eye over the ruggedly good looking man that had drawn her eye on more than one occasion. “We’re running low on some things, so she’s out there getting it for us.”
Clearing her throat, she saw Joel hold the bag up and she gave him a nod, “I can’t give you the bag, so whatever you take you have to carry in your pocket.”
“How much are they?” she reached inside her pocket to pull out her ration cards making Joel shrug his shoulders.
“For ten hydro? Fifty rations,” Joel answered hearing her let out an overwhelmed sound when she counted what she had. When she counted it and realized she didn’t have enough, she raised her stare up at him to see Joel shrug.
“I only have forty-five and I still need to eat,” she reasoned with Joel who simply shook his head, his stare cold showing that he wasn’t breaking on the price.
“Forty-five gets you nine,” Joel pointed out with a bob of his head, lowering the bag at his side. “I can’t give you any breaks here Y/N. Tess is paying attention to our inventory here and I can’t be handing out any more samples for you.”
“I thought they were two a piece before,” she thought back to when Tess tried selling her more of the pills in the past and she turned them down knowing that she wanted to save her money to live better, but there would be no living at this point if she didn’t finally sleep.
“Low inventory, price goes up. So they are five a piece now,” Joel declared with another shrug of his shoulders. Y/N was taking her time to try to figure out what she should get and Joel dramatically exhaled. “Listen, are you going to get any or not?”
“I guess I’ll go with five,” she knew how much money she had and knew that she still needed to have enough to make it through her normal life as well. Hopefully with five, it would help reset her system and get her to start sleeping again. Joel started to open the bag before thinking something over and closing the bag back up to put them in his pocket. “What is it?”
“You really want those ten?” Joel pushed making her stand before him, not quite sure how she could even get them to begin with. “I’ll give them to you for thirty-five as long as you do something for me to make up for the rest you don’t have.”
“What could I possibly do for you?” her eyebrow arched in curiosity feeling Joel moving around her and she heard him drop down on the couch behind her. Turning on her heel, her eyebrow arched and she let out a shuddering breath. Joel was looking up at her with his chocolate brown eyes. His right arm draped across the back of the couch, while his left hand laid across the center of his groin almost in a suggestive manner. His eyebrows bounced up and she felt her heartrate quicken. “Are you saying…?”
“I reckon it’s pretty obvious what I’m saying,” Joel’s fingers stretched out enough for him to palm in over the front of his pants.
“What about Tess?” she inquired seeing him sliding further down on the couch, pushing his thighs further apart.
“What about Tess? She’s not here,” Joel pointed out, tossing his hand up for a moment before smirking. “Plus, knowing about Tess didn’t stop you that one night.”
“Oh, so now you’re acknowledging that something happened between us that night?” she threw out there making Joel’s head tip to the side. “Because as far as I was aware, when I woke up in the morning you were gone and you never acted like that night happened.”
“What was there to say? It happened, we went on with our lives,” Joel’s face twisted in contemplation, “and now I want it again.”
“How much do you want exactly?” she inquired making Joel smirk when she folded her arms out in front of her chest.
“How many pills do you want?” Joel’s expression didn’t change much when she thought about the whole situation. “You want your five, you can take your five. You want your ten, I’ll give it to you if you work that mouth of yours and if you want fourteen, well…I’m sure you could figure out a way to persuade me.”
“And when Tess notices that the supply is lower than it should be?” she quipped back making Joel sigh loudly.
“Then I tell Tess I went on a bit of a binge. It wouldn’t be the first time,” Joel grumbled under his breath watching her slowly lowered down to her knees making his dark eyes narrow. Gradually, she moved across the floor moving between his legs. Raising up higher, her palms slid in over his knees before sliding up over the lengths of his thighs making Joel let out a tight breath. “Now make it good…”
“I’m always good,” she claimed with a shake of her head, caressing over his thighs giving them a tight squeeze. Adjusting her body, she slid her right hand up toward the center of his pants. Finding the root to his masculinity, she palmed over his body through the material of his jeans feeling him hardening beneath her touch. Squeezing faintly made a small rumble fall from his throat with his lips parting while she teased him.
“You must really want those pills, don’t you?” Joel watched her fingers slide up toward the button in his pants pulling it open with ease. When her fingertips dragged down the zipper, he lifted his hand up to drag his thumb in over her bottom lip. With a purr, she kissed at the pad of his thumb before taking it between her lips making him grunt. Her tongue lapped at his flesh before pulling her head back with a wet sound.
“It’s not like I’m going to have a problem doing this,” she replied with a slur, working to pull apart the material of his pants. When they were separated enough, she worked her hand into his pants. Arching his hips up, Joel helped her pull his erection from behind the denim prison it was confined in. The way her eyes surveyed over his length sent a chill through his entire body. She looked at it with such awe before her fingers delicately wrapped around his girthy length to take her time to stroke over it. “You have such a beautiful cock.”
Leaning over his lap, she pressed faint kisses at the underside of the tip making Joel hum out in approval. Involuntarily, his hips arched up when her grasp got tighter and she started to pump her hand over the length of his shaft while her tongue dragged out over the tip. Purring out, the taste of him lingered on her tongue. Raising her eyes, she stared out at Joel for a moment longer before grabbing a firm hold of the base of his cock. Taking Joel between her parted lips made a grunt escape him when the warmth of her mouth surrounded him.
This was something she was enjoying. The way her tongue lapped at the ridges of his manhood and the sounds she made drove Joel wild with desire. Between her tongue and the wet kisses she would place at the swollen tip, she had him eager for more. Tangling his fingers into her hair, Joel helped lead her to his length knowing that he wanted a bit more than this teasing she was giving him.
With a proud smirk, she allowed Joel to push her further down his length having his tip hit the back of her throat making her let out a wet sound before pulling back. Joel set a tempo of her head bobbing over his length having her drag her tongue along the underside of his cock with every pull back. Her blowjob was something that he had been thinking about since the first night they had spent together. It was something he never thought he would have again with her, but when the opportunity arose, he couldn’t turn it down.
Closing his eyes and dropping his head back against the couch, Joel couldn’t help but enjoy himself with her pleasuring him. And she was certainly working hard for it making his abdomen tense up. By the sounds she was making while giving him a blowjob, he wondered who was actually enjoying this more. Him…or her. Regardless, he couldn’t help but enjoy getting the time to be pampered upon.
Tightening his grasp in her hair, Joel led her further down his length making her tense up when she took him as far back into her throat as she could. After a few seconds, he loosened his grasp and allowed her to pull back for a breath. When her wet lips pulled from his cock, her fingers still caressed over his body coating him in her saliva before she licked her lips.
Returning to her previous place over his lap, she wrapped her lips around the tip and the way she varied between using her tongue over him and her mouth had him twitching forward, his hand sliding down between her shoulders when his breathing grew louder. He was right on the edge of coming and he knew it. Closing his eyes, his whole body tensed up only for him to let out an unpleasant sound when she pulled her mouth away from him and licked her lips.
“What are you doing?” Joel grumbled looking down at his straining cock. It was solid and eager to get its release that she had stolen from him. Lifting his head, he watched as she pulled open her pants and eagerly tugged the material down her body after kicking out of her shoes. Swallowing down hard, Joel’s eyebrows furrowed when he watched her shimmy out of her panties making him lick his lips.
“Getting something out of this for me too,” she breathed out moving back to the couch to reach for Joel’s pants to tug the material further down his body. They finally dropped at his ankles when she crawled in over his lap. Resting her knees at each side of him, she felt Joel adjusting beneath her with his hands sliding up and over her bare hips.
“So none of that was for you?” Joel muttered, his right eyebrow arching while her fingers worked to open the blue denim shirt that he was wearing. After getting the material separated, she took her time to palm up and over the lengths of his abdomen toward his chest. It made Joel growl out, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat when he looked up at her with his dark stare. “It sounded like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Maybe a little bit,” she snickered, biting down into her bottom lip before reaching between the two of them to grab a hold of his solid cock, stroking it a few times to prepare him for her. “Try not to come too fast. I know you were right there when I stopped.”
“I’ll do my best,” he rumbled when she lined the tip of his body up with her already wet entrance. Pleasuring him earlier undoubtedly turned her on with how wet she already was with him. Lowering her hips over his length had her clutching tightly to his shoulders, a whimper falling from her full lips while she took him slowly into her. With her body parting to him, Joel couldn’t help feeling chills while she got adjusted to his size. Clutching tightly to her bare thighs, Joel knew that his grasp was strong enough that it was going to leave a mark on her, but she didn’t seem to care. When he filled her completely, she paused making Joel groan out with her surrounding him. Pushing his fingers up over her sides, he tugged at the material of her shirt and pulled it off to drop it onto the couch beside them. With his hands returning, he caressed up and over her ribcage before cupping her breasts making her purr out and drop her head back. “You’re something else.”
Joel’s rough thumbs circled over her nipples making her shudder against his touch before his head dropped forward to start pressing wet kisses down the side of her neck toward her collarbone. It was more personal than Y/N thought he was willing to go, but she liked it. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she purred out and started to raise her hips up almost all the way to the tip before dropping her hips back down. It made Joel moan out against her flesh sending a chill down her spine. One of Joel’s hands settled at the small of her back while she started to rock her hips over his length. The tip of his tongue circled her nipple before taking it between his lips with a faint sucking motion. The more animated her movements became over him had him letting out winces against her body. Dropping his head back against the back of the couch, his other hand fell to her hips to help her bounce over his length.
“Your big cock feels so good inside of me,” she whimpered out, digging her fingers into his shoulders while she had her way with him. Even exhausted, she found herself absolutely loving this. Being with Joel was addictive and she was eager for each movement she made over him. Having him inside of her was the sweetest stretching full feeling that she could have asked for. “Joel.”
“Fuck…” his moan was faint, but with his eyebrows furrowing and his head tipped down to watch the way his cock disappeared inside of her time and time again, it fueled her. Getting him off would be a present to her. Whether she got five pills or ten, she didn’t care. All that mattered was this moment right here with Joel. For so long she knew that Joel belonged to Tess so she never thought getting to be with him again would even be a possibility for her. Joel’s fingers curled around the side of her neck bringing her forward with a hum. “Come here…”
Joel’s lips covered hers, surprising her and slowing down her movements over him while his lips caressed over hers in the most demanding hungry sweep. The last time they were together, Joel didn’t kiss her so this was sensational for her. It made her body feel like it was on fire with him deep inside of her. The throbbing of Joel’s cock inside of her to his lips claiming her in the most animalistic of ways had the room spinning around her.
“Keep going,” he nipped at her bottom lip, his hands finding their way back to her hips to get her moving over him again. This time he led her over him in strong, swift movements knowing that he was searching for that release she had kept from him previously. Joel’s hips were now meeting her movements, arching up from the couch leaving a smacking sound surround them with each thrust he made beneath her. “Good girl.”
Hearing him praise her like that kickstarted her heart. She liked it. Taking it as encouragement, she started to roll her hips over him harder, her lips hovering over his while she took as much control of the situation as she could. Her cries fell from her lips while Joel watched her facial expressions. He wanted to witness what this was doing to her. It was an arrogance thing, but it turned her on all the more. His lips parted and a muscle at the corner of his jaw flexed.
“Yes,” she kissed him this time finding a fire growing at the pit of her stomach. They were both so close to their breaking points. Joel winced against her lips and she could feel his cock twitching inside of her. The warmth of his release started to fill her. Hot strands of his cum poured out into her making her purr against his mouth. Keeping up with her steady movements, she felt Joel’s tongue press between her lips and it drew a fire throughout her. Even after he came, she was looking for that release herself until she finally got it with her eyes slamming shut tightly. Falling in against Joel, she buried her head against the side of his neck and felt her heart pounding inside of her chest.
Joel’s hand caressed in over her hip before his hand found its way to her bottom. A gasp filled the air after he firmly smacked over her bottom making her arch forward toward him with him still inside of her, “Good girl. Very good girl.”
Licking her lips, she pulled back enough to look between them. Easing her hips up from his length, she watched it smack up against his lower abdomen when it pulled from her. His release slid down her thighs making him smirk when he reached between them to sweep some of it away with his thumb. Reaching up, he dragged his thumb coated in his release over her bottom lip making her purr when she took his finger between her lips cleaning his cum from his finger. It made Joel growl before pulling her down to him to get her to kiss him once more.
With a final firm smack over her bottom, she felt Joel adjusting her over him and moving her next to him on the couch. It took a while for her to gather herself while she watched Joel pulling his pants back up his legs. Her throat went dry watching him push his softening cock back into his pants before buckling them back together. Joel left his shirt open while he walked through the apartment. He went over to the counter to drop out the pills that she had come for.
Shakily reaching for her clothes, she pulled each garment on one by one. Standing on unsteady legs, she headed beside him seeing that he counted out fourteen pills for her and pushed them toward the corner of the counter.
“Thirty-five,” Joel held his hand out watching her smirk and shake her head. Grabbing her ration tickets from her pocket, she counted out what he asked from her and handed them over. Joel shoved the ration tickets into his pocket before glancing over at the pills. “They are all there.”
“So that’s it?” she watched him head over toward the bottle of whiskey that was there to pull the lid from the bottle. Joel’s eyebrow arched in amusement before he took a long swig of the burning liquid. “So I take my pills and leave? We never do this again?”
“I mean, it all depends on what you need next and if you have enough rations to pay for it,” Joel gave her a wink starting to button up his shirt.
“Or if Tess is home,” she pointed out watching Joel tip his head from side to side.
“That too,” Joel agreed biting at his bottom lip before nodding to his door. “Which is for another week or so. So if you think about something you are going to need more of, feel free to come back at any time. I hope you finally get that sleep you were looking for Y/N.”
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starksbabie · 8 months
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The Ink That Binds Us - Chapter 5
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Summary: In the weeks following your heat Roy has been keeping Gator extra busy, so you're missing your Alpha. Gator takes it upon himself to make sure you know he'd do anything for you, give you anything you want because you are his.
Tags/Warnings: Soulmates AU, A/B/O, smut, 18+ mdni, soulmates have matching tattoos, Gator Tillman (he’s his own warning). p in v, creampie, oral (fem receiving), breeding kink, reader takes a pregnancy test, use of pet names.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: It's here! Sorry for the delay I have been wrapped up in a Prince Steve AU so be on the lookout for that coming soon!
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Once again, you woke up alone in your nest. It has been two weeks since your heat, and you’ve barely seen your new mate. 
Gator slinks out of bed before dawn, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder before he goes, and does not return until long after dark if he returns at all. 
Sometimes he’s been opting to stay at his father’s ranch since most of his belongings still reside there, and it leaves him closer to be at Roy’s beck and call. 
You climb out of bed to begin your day, heading to the kitchen and wondering if Gator even made it home last night. 
Blossom 🌸 8:02 am: I miss you. The nest is beginning to smell wrong. Like you’re missing. 
His reply comes just a few minutes later. 
Gator 🐊 8:09 am: Dad’s got a lot going on so I have to be in charge for a while. I’ll be home for dinner tonight. I promise. 
You smile and bounce on the balls of your feet looking around the kitchen, you’re going to make the best dinner you can, your alpha’s been working hard. He deserves this. 
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Gator pulls into the drive long after dark. He’s absolutely, overwhelmingly, exhausted, but he’s surprised to see lights still on in the house. Usually, you’ve been asleep for hours by this point. That’s when he remembers. He promised to be home for dinner. 
“Shit.” He curses under his breath. 
He hops out of the truck and quickly walks up the path, jumping the stairs before letting himself in. 
What he finds there nearly breaks his heart. 
You’re lying on the couch, wearing his favorite dress, it’s obvious you fell asleep waiting on him. 
And he can smell fresh-baked oatmeal-raisin cookies, and steak and potatoes. He knows you must have worked hard all day for him and he couldn’t even show up when he said he would. 
‘Deserves better’ his alpha snaps from the back of his mind. 
He pushes that down, walks over to the couch kneels, and softly runs his hand over your hair. 
“Blossom, wake up, baby.” He mumbles, gently shaking you. 
“Hmm?” You groan softly, waking up. 
You blink up at him, your eyes half-lidded and tired. 
“You’re home,” you smile sleepily, “I missed you.” 
You sit up and wrap your arms around his neck pulling him close. He buries his face in your neck as he climbs up onto the couch with you, lying down on top of you, inhaling your scent. 
“Missed you too, Omega. M’sorry, I’m late.” 
You gently run your fingers through his hair, softening the slicked-back locks into the soft tendrils you love. 
“S’okay-“ you begin.
“No, it’s not. It’s not okay. Fuck…” he groans softly, arguing with his Alpha. 
You hold him for a long moment. Letting him gently crush you into the couch cushions. 
“I’ve been a shit Alpha. You deserve someone who takes care of you. Who takes you out on dates? Who is good to you? Not me… not this fuck up.” He mumbles into your neck. 
“Gator, look at me.” You say softly. 
He refuses, sinking further into your scent and his self-doubt. 
You sink your fingers into his hair and gently tug at the roots. 
“Gator Tillman. Look at me.” You say, using the sternest tone he’s ever heard from you. 
He raises his head and looks at you, a little perplexed by that tone. 
“You are not a shit Alpha, and I never want to hear those words ever again. You’re my Alpha. Mine. I don’t care about going out on dates, and you’re very good to me.” You say, looking directly into his eyes, refusing to be the one to look away first. 
He leans in and rests his forehead against yours, basking in your words, for a moment. 
“But what about-“ 
“Gator, I swear,” you say, effectively cutting him off. 
He lets out a soft little laugh. 
“Don’t go turning into a brat now.” He says softly, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. 
“Then don’t act like a knothead.” You mumble softly, spreading your legs so he can slot between them. 
The two of you fit together like puzzle pieces, completing one another as he presses his lips against yours in a slow, gentle drag, his chapped lips against your pillow-soft ones. 
You pull away and press a small, soft kiss on his head. 
“My Alpha, perfect for me.” You whisper against his skin. 
He wraps his arms around you and buries his face back into the crook of your neck, softly kissing your mating mark as he falls asleep. 
You hold him close and close your eyes as well, letting yourself relax and be lulled into sleep. Comforted by your Alpha. 
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You wake up the next morning and groan softly, stiff from having slept on the couch but feeling more at peace and well-rested than you have in days. 
You softly card your fingers through Gator’s soft hair, relishing the sleepy sounds he makes as he wakes up. 
“Good morning, handsome.” You whisper. 
“Mornin’ Blossom.” He mumbles, his voice still thick with sleep. 
You smile, you relish this, this softness, that no one else gets to be privy to. Something that is only between the two of you. 
“You want me to make ya some breakfast before your shift?” You ask, as you softly run your hand up and down his spine, unable to keep your hands off him. 
He relaxes into you a little more. 
“You don’t mind?” 
“Not at all, handsome. C’mon. Get up. You get ready, and I’ll fix you something to eat.” You kiss his cheek before dropping your arms from around him. 
He rolls off the couch, less than gracefully, before popping up and helping you stand. 
He drops a kiss to the top of your head, before heading off to the shower. 
You step into the kitchen and begin to fix him some breakfast. 
Eggs, toast, bacon. Doing your very best to have it all finished at the same time. 
Gator steps into the kitchen, hair slicked back, holster around his thigh, and the rest of his gear situated just right.
You both sit to eat, and you watch as he devours his food, as always. Light conversation about plans for the day. 
As per usual, Gator can’t tell you much about anything. You try to not let it bother you. Even though it does. 
You hold onto his vest as he kisses you hard before he leaves. His tongue slid alongside yours, his hands squeezing your hips, pulling you flush against him, making sure you’ll think about nothing but him all day long. 
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After your shift at the diner, you stop at the pharmacy to pick up a few things. You walk past the pads and tampons and pause. You do the mental math and your eyes go a little wide. 
Your hand instinctually rests on your lower belly. 
“Oh my god…” you bite your lip and glance at the tests next to you. You grab one and toss it in your basket before you can think too hard about it. 
Once you get home, you sit in the bathroom on top of the closed toilet lid and stare at the package. 
“This is silly… it was one heat. There’s no way…” you toss the test into the drawer and head back into the living room to watch some mindless television. 
However, it’s like the test is mocking you from the other room. 
Soon you find yourself back in the bathroom, the foil ripped open, and you take the test. You sit on the floor with the test on the edge of the tub as you wait for the results. 
Your hand once again goes to rest on your lower belly. 
“You’re going to be so loved…” you smile softly. 
A few minutes later you lift the test and it’s like a rock develops where your heart should be.  
Only one line. 
You suddenly feel so silly and stupid for your behavior. You quickly toss everything in the trash bin as your eyes well with tears. 
You’re not even sure why you’re so upset. It’s not even something you were really thinking about, but now that it’s not happening you’re crushed. 
You move to the bedroom and crawl into your next hiding yourself under your blankets as the tears begin to fall. ‘Bad Omega, failure.’ Your omega whispers in the back of your mind. That’s where Gator finds you. 
He’d come home expecting to find you in the kitchen making dinner, or at least in the living room watching something on the TV. When he doesn’t see you he begins looking around calling out for you, becoming a little more panicked when you don’t respond. 
When he finally finds you buried in your nest he’s concerned. 
“Blossom? What’s wrong, Omega?” He sits next to you softly cupping your cheek, his thumb wiping away your tears. 
You turn your head away from him hiding yourself from his gaze. 
“Don’t. Look at me,” He says, “Omega, what is going on? Talk to me.” 
“It’s s-stupid.” You mumble into the sheets
“It’s not stupid if it’s made you this upset. C’mon little one. Tell me what’s wrong.” He says, lifting your chin so he can look at you. 
You pause for a long moment looking up at him, thinking about how you want to tell him.
“I took a pregnancy test.” You finally say. The words slipping out easier than you thought they would. 
His face lights up, and that joy you see on his face, it kills you. It makes you feel even worse because you know what you have to say next, but he interrupts you before you can get the words out. 
“Omega mine. Why would you be upset about that? A baby is amazing.” He smiles and he moves to put his hand on your belly but you know if he touches you there you’ll scream. 
“It was negative.” you choke out.
“Oh…” he pauses and lays down pulling you close, letting you rest your head on his chest. 
You hold onto him nuzzling your face into his scent gland, calming yourself. 
“I didn’t know you wanted a baby so badly.” He whispers. 
“Neither did I.” You say, your lips softly brushing against his skin. 
He tries to contain the shiver that runs through him at the feeling of your lips on him. 
“But I do,” you whisper, “please Alpha?” 
He groans and rolls over on top of you pinning you to the mattress. 
“You’re killing me, Omega,” He softly rolls his hips against yours as he kisses you, “I’ll give you a pup. Fuck one into this cute belly of yours. Make you a mommy.”
He takes his time, slowly peeling away each layer of clothing. Pressing kisses to every inch of newly revealed skin. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful. I’m the luckiest Alpha alive.” He growls as he slips your panties off, and situates himself between your thighs, inhaling deeply. 
You blush at his actions, lying back in your nest. 
“Fuck, you smell so sweet for me. M’gonna get you nice and wet. So ready to take my cock, okay?” He slowly trails kisses up your inner thigh before burying his face in your cunt, tracing his tongue up and down your slit as his large hands hook under your thighs and settle on your hips. 
You gasp softly and close your eyes, settling more into the feelings. The softness of your nest, the roughness of Gator’s hands on your hips, the soft wet sounds of his tongue between your thighs, and the pleasure he brings you. 
He begins to softly suck on your clit as you begin to get wetter, he moans and the vibrations cause you to arch your back. 
“Good girl, Blossom. That’s right. Grind on my tongue, sweet girl.” He moans again. 
You thread your fingers in his hair, tugging lightly as you gasp out his name, the flames of pleasure licking up your spine. 
He slips two fingers into your entrance, your wetness making it easy, as he curls them and massages the soft spongy spot he knows drives you insane. 
You dig your heels into his back trying to scramble away from him as you reach that precipice. Your Alpha only holds you tighter refusing to let you run from your own pleasure. 
You scream out his name as you come apart on his tongue. 
He laps up your essence before pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand smirking. 
“Fuckin’ delicious, Omega.” 
You blush and hide your face in the crook of your elbow. 
He grabs your hand and uncovers your face smirking down at you. 
“Hey there pretty girl.” 
“Hi.” You smile softly looking up at him. 
He holds your hands down on either side of your head and kisses you softly as you wrap your legs around his hips, the head of his cock nudging gently against your clit once, twice, before he presses into you. 
He groans softly against your lips, “holy shit, Omega… how are you always so fuckin’ tight?” 
He gives you a moment to adjust before he begins slowly rolling his hips against yours. Each thrust was measured, slow and deep. 
“Feels so good, Alpha. Always feels so good.” You whisper, wrapping your arms around him, clinging to him. 
He presses his forehead to yours, taking his time as the pace of his thrusts speeds up, still just as deep, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix each time he presses into the hilt. 
“You feel like heaven, my love. I’m gonna give you a baby sweet Omega. Gonna give you everything you want. I promise.” He kisses you deeply as he gets closer, picking up speed as he gets closer.  
You gasp softly at his words, “I’m close Alpha, please.” 
“I know, Omega. I can feel you squeezing me. I’m almost there. Gonna fill you up. Gonna give you all of me. Fuck… wait for me, baby.” He growls softly. 
He holds you close and kisses you deeply the curly hairs at the base of his cock stimulating your clit in just the right way as he grinds his hips into yours. 
He thrusts a couple more times as he cums deep inside you, his thick spend painting your inner walls as you gasp and come hard around him. 
“That’s right, Omega. Doing so good for me. Taking me so well. Love you so much.” He holds you close as you both come down from your euphoria. 
“Love you too, Alpha. Thank you… thank you.” 
You press soft kisses everywhere you can reach, keeping your legs up and wrapped around him. 
He presses his hand down on your lower belly.
“This is where my pups will grow. Just give it time, Omega mine. Just give it time.”
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lynnlovesspidahman · 1 year
this is me trying.
peter parker x reader
part 1. || part 2.
warnings : None really, except for a few curse words here and there
word count : 1.5k
summary : Peter breaks up with you, randomly.
Also, I just want to make note that any Peter will work for this story, I just love the Insomniac’s version currently so I based it off of him 😭
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You searched your pantry for something to eat.
You haven’t gone grocery shopping in a bit. You usually can count on Peter to take care of it for you, but he’s been extra busy lately.
Too busy, you thought. He was always so tired and seemed so overwhelmed. Sure, he’d been skipping out on some of your planned hangouts but you didn’t mind. He needed time to himself, and you fully respected that.
“Ooh, spaghetti..” You spoke to yourself.
You grabbed the box of angel hair and the tomato sauce from your pantry before closing it back up.
You bent down to grab the big pot from your bottom cabinet and filled it up with a decent amount of water.
You turned the heat on your oven and scrolled on your phone while leaning on the counter while waiting for it to boil.
“Hey, beautiful.” Peter appeared — literally — out of nowhere (a common occurrence, much to your disliking).
“Holy fuck-“ You gasped. “Okay, actually. Where do you come from? And how do you get in here so quietly?” You giggled as you approached him.
You stood on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.
“So? How are you?” You ask.
“Well.. Y’know, tired.”
“Trust me, I know.” It wasn’t hard to miss his recent demeanor, he was so much more exhausted lately. You felt bad that you couldn’t help him more than you did.
“Yeah,” He let out a breathy laugh.
You turned around to check if the water was boiling; it was. You poured the angel hair into the pot.
“Well,” You dropped your hands to your sides, “I’m cooking pasta, if you want some.” You smiled up at him.
“I can’t stay for long, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, okay. You can take some home if you’d like?” You offered, you didn’t want him going home hungry (he literally would only ever have toast at his place).
“Nah, I just wanted to talk to you real quick. I’m gonna be gone before it’s ready.”
“Oh? What’s up?” You raised your eyebrows. You can’t name the last time he had to talk to you about something (Never, ever was it something good).
“I’ve been thinking,” He started.
“That’s a first.” You joked.
“I’m being serious,” He spat.
This time you stayed quiet. What is up with him?
“I’ve been thinking,” He bit the inside of his cheek.
“Stop biting your cheek, Pete. Spit it out.”
“I dunno if we should be together anymore.”
You turned back towards him, absolutely confused.
“Haha,” You sarcastically commented, “Real funny, Pete. You know I don’t like when you joke like that.”
“I told you, I’m being serious.”
“What? Why? Where is this coming from?” You had so many questions for him, this was all so sudden.
“I- I don’t-” He sighed, before continuing on, “I’m sorry, beautiful.”
“No. You can’t just say sorry and not explain this to me. Where the hell did this come from, Peter? I don’t understand,” Tears already starting to well up in your eyes.
“We feel like a chore. It’s like I have to be here every night, I have to text you everyday.”
“Peter, what the fuck? I’ve never once thought we were a chore,” You almost laughed, but you couldn’t. More tears had quickly followed.
“I didn’t say you did.” He spat at you. When did he become so attitude-y?
“I know, but I didn’t do anything is my point. I’ve never forced you to come over, if anything I stay up every night waiting for you. I text you. I make sure you’re okay everyday,” You were so angry. He had absolutely no reason to break it off.
“It’s just- That’s my point. You do everything. And I can’t even try.” He sat down in one of your stools at the kitchen island.
“I can’t be my best around you, and when I try to it just feels like I’m forcing myself to. And I can’t do that.” He put his head down on the counter.
“I don’t need your best, I just want you,” You were perfectly content with your relationship, nothing was wrong with taking care of him.
“Are you even listening?” He shot his head back up and scowled at you.
“Let me put it this way, I can’t enjoy loving you, and I don’t know why. How ‘bout that? Is that what you want me to say?” He finally snapped.
You didn’t want to be around him anymore. It was becoming unbearable. If he wanted to leave you, then so be it.
“I’m-“ He sighed as he pushed his hair back with his hand, “I have to go.”
He got up from the stool, and walked out. He didn’t even spare you a glance.
You stared at that door for God knows how long, but were suddenly interrupted by the water overflowing the pot.
You overcooked the noodles, leaving them gummy and mushy. Nothing could save this meal.
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He never makes any sense.
You sat there, on your couch. Blanket draped over your lap, not even able to pay attention to your favorite show on the TV.
It’s been two and a half weeks. Since that Tuesday. The Tuesday Peter broke your relationship off. It’s all you’ve been thinking about.
His reasons (?) didn’t make any sense. I mean, was he just trying to come up with something that sounded valid? You couldn’t tell.
There was one thing you couldn’t question though.
“I can’t enjoy loving you.”
It’s like it was unable to leave your brain. Were you so unloveable?
You knew it couldn’t have been the end of you and Peter completely, there was still things left unresolved. Sure, you might not get back together, but you couldn’t live without Peter in your life. You could settle for friends (Right?).
But even if you did come back to him (again), would he care?
Your relationship was going so well too.
There was only one fight before Tuesday.
Your relationship with Peter had rusted, permanently. No matter if it would resolve in the near future (if that was even possible). This one would stick around.
It didn’t just ruin the two of you, you felt it everywhere else in your life as well.
It felt so hard to even hang out with your friends, while the wounds Peter had dug into you were still open.
It was hard to be anywhere, when all you wanted was to be with him again.
He brought you comfort, safety. It felt like you were constantly missing something.
You tried to call him. A lot.
Straight to voicemail every time, though.
You just wanted to fix the strained relationship, you didn’t have to be with him again (maybe).
You still loved him, no denying that. And you told him, in those voicemails.
But you doubt he listened to a single one. He didn’t care about your relationship, or you anymore. You had to live with that.
You tried. You really fucking did. You tried to get ahead of the curve, and you did. But the curve became a sphere.
It had been 5 weeks after Tuesday, you were back to square one. You decided to clean your apartment. You found the Spidey plush. Peter bought it for you on your eighth month anniversary date. You hadn’t been able to find him for a while, and eventually you forgot you even had it. But when you checked under your bed for any missed laundry, it was the first thing you saw.
It hit you, hard. When you first found him you grabbed and squeezed him and sat on the floor, crying uncontrollably. You gave up on the deep clean, you were too upset. So you sat on your couch and felt like an absolute failure.
How could a fucking plush cut you so deep? The wounds you had started to finally live with, started to hurt just as bad as when Peter carved them into you.
You caved into your old ways. You called Peter. Each time it would ring, it gave you hope. Each time it would ring, would mean he still had a chance to pick up the phone.
But he didn’t. Straight to voicemail. You didn’t know what else you expected.
“Hey, Pete.” You sniffled, looking up at the ceiling so your tears would fall out of your eyes.
“I know, I know I keep calling. I’m sorry. But I-” You paused to catch a breath. “I can’t. I hate missing you, knowing you don’t feel the same. I hate that I continue to love you the same, to this day.”
“This will probably be the last call, so you can stop worrying about that. At first I wanted to fix us, one less thing to get worked up about. But now, I think I just want to learn how to live without you.”
(You lied through your teeth. You really didn’t. But admitting it to him was probably your best shot at being able to understand that for yourself.)
“I-I’m sorry. Goodbye, Pete.”
You ended the voicemail. You sat there, on your couch, with Spidey next to you, staring at nothing.
You wanted to at least let him know you were trying, maybe then you wouldn’t seem as pathetic as you actually were.
Your phone unexpectedly pinged, interrupting your ongoing thoughts.
9:52 PM
Peter 🕸️ : Hey, beautiful.
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Hi, if you’re just so happening to be re-reading this story, you’ll notice I changed up literally everything. The first version was literal ass and I hated it. So I’m hoping you’ve enjoyed it!
But if you’ve just read this for the first time, be glad you didn’t see the other one, lol.
I love you all and all of the support you’ve been giving me 🥹💗
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!!
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theewritingroomm · 2 years
A Friendly Favor - Part 5
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Summary: As his best friend you are required to help Eddie when he needs it. Especially for everything girl related, including helping him impress Chrissy Cunningham. The only down side… you are hopelessly in love with Eddie Munson.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader (platonic), mentions of Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Word Count: 966
Warnings: slow burn, friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of unrequited feelings, angst,
A/N: ONE more part after this! Sorry that it took so long to get out, life has been crazy.
I do NOT consent to my work being translated or published onto third party sites - including AO3 and Wattpad. 
Previously on...
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“So you finally told him?” Robin asked, laying on her stomach on your bed as you sat on the floor facing her. 
After you left the school that afternoon you just went home and waited until you knew Robin would be home. Once you knew it would be safe to call her house, you did. Three times before Robin finally picked up. You could hear her intake of breath as she went to say something. Though you quickly cut her off, not with your words but with your tears as they began to fall freely upon hearing your friend pick up the phone. 
That is how you found yourself here, with Robin laying on her stomach on your bed while you laid on the floor looking up at your ceiling. You had told Robin all about what had happened between you and Eddie at his trailer that day weeks ago, you had also told her about what you saw at school today. The emotions that you had shoved down for so long coming to the surface and staining your cheeks as the tears rolled down your face. 
“Yeah, and we see how well that worked out.” You mumbled, running a hand down your face. Frustration and exhaustion are beginning to take over. Making your head heavy; you could lay on here all night. 
“It’s not that bad, he’s still your friend. I’m sure he’ll talk to you if you give him the chance.” 
At Robin’s words you pushed yourself up on your elbows. You knew she didn’t mean anything by it, only trying to help in the only way she felt she could. It admittedly frustrated you but you would never take it out on Robin, not when she’s been the only constant since your blow up with Eddie. 
“I would love to try, but he didn’t try to talk to me that day. I doubt he’d talk to me about it now.” 
 Robin was silent for a moment. You could tell that she was contemplating something. Which always terrified you, her plans had a tendency to backfire even when she had different intentions. But you let her sit in quiet contemplation for a moment. Simply watching as she thought things over, wishing that you could peek inside her head sometimes. Though you didn't have to wait long to get a glimpse inside.
Robin jumped up from your bed, and joined you on the floor. Her eyes shining with a look you had come to call her “By golly I’ve got it” look. Robin grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to her, nearly making your noses touch. It was startling to you though it did bring a small smile to your face to see her theatrics. 
“You said Henderson told you they’re going to prom together?” 
You nodded, no words coming out of your mouth as close as Robin was you were. 
“Then you go to prom. Take Steve, dress like you own the fucking place and make him eat it.” 
A smile grew on Robin’s face as she finished telling you her idea. But you grew skeptical. It was a plan, you could give her that, and yeah it wasn’t a terrible plan. But you didn’t want to make him jealous. That never ended up the way it did in the movies. One of you would still end up hurt in the end, and with your luck lately you’d put money on it coming back to bite you in the ass. 
However, getting out of the house, dressing in a killer dress and being able to party with some of your other friends DID sound pretty nice. It sounded like the perfect opportunity to get your mind off of the guy that was plaguing it. 
“I’ll go to prom,” Robin squealed, excited that you were going with her plan. “However, I’m not doing it to make Eddie jealous. I just want a fun night with you and Steve. If Eddie doesn’t want to talk to me then so be it. I can have fun on my own.” 
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Across town Eddie was sitting in his own bedroom, staring at the tux hung up on his closet door. A red tie hung from the hanger, perfectly matching the shade of red that made up Chrissy’s dress. It had taken three hours at the mall for the pair to find. Chrissy made it a point that they needed to match perfectly, dragging Eddie into a plethora of stores before finding it. 
Overall the day hadn’t been bad, Eddie had enjoyed the time he and Chirssy had spent together. But he felt like something was missing. Like, he could laugh with Chirssy but he found himself missing the way he would laugh with you; the full bellied, leave you in stitches type of laughter. He enjoyed movie nights with Chrissy, relishing in the way he could pull her close and let his hands wander. But he found himself missing the horror movies the two of you would watch together and the junk food and marijuana you would consume. Oftentimes the night would end with the two of you cuddling close, much like he and Chrissy would. He loved having Chrissy at Hellfire meeting and introducing her to the complexities of the game. But damn, he missed being able to play with you and watch as you figured out each of his traps and set ups. He thought it was nice to have a girlfriend, especially one like Chrissy who he had mooned over for years. But he missed being able to talk to his best friend about anything and everything. 
It took a second as his mind wandered off. But realization dawned on Eddie. 
He missed you. He missed his best friend. And he needed to fix it.
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TAGS: @wolfstarsimpxx @jaceblack @gloryekaterina @intoanothermind @vxmpfreak @girlsvvish @ogoc-19 @jisungxident @sunflowerabyss @athenxt @aurumbelis @whisperingsarah @tlclick73 @k-1-ll-em-all @lokiofasgard616 @bibieddiesgf @digital-charlie @rach5ive @sidthedollface2 @fckyeahlames @its-quinns-bread @tayhar811 @myrcellavonswartzschild @venisvendetta @ajkamins @goldstars-to-all @harrys-tittie @phantomxoxo @adaydreamaway08 @angelina16torres-blog @coryisagee @foreveranexpatsposts @skulzombiw @sadbitchfangirl @lelenikki @mmvnsons @sinczir @cherrytree69 @parmawiolets @disrespectfully-ira
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evan4ever · 2 years
Hi. Loved your last fanfic so much and wanted to request smt. You are in a relationship with evan and in the last couple of months you didn’t have any sexual contact with him. One day you plan a romantic night and confront him with your desperation and recommend something new you both could try. He likes the idea and yeah. Hope you like the idea 🥹💕
Warnings: insecurities, mentions of cheating, being ate out, p in v penetration, lighter smut
a/n: I kind of switched it up a bit, I hope you still like it! 🤍
The atmosphere between you and your boyfriend, Evan, has been off lately. Not your relationship in general, you still hugged and kissed and cuddled and it all felt right, but Evan seemed less than interested in any further action. It’s been months since he’s last touched you intimately, since he’d deepen a kiss even when you tried so hard, he never seemed to notice when you’d wear shorter shorts or cleavage-revealing shirts, he didn’t even acknowledge you when you stripped naked and tried to recommend him taking a shower with you. You felt at a loss and you were desperate for him. You couldn’t even stop the negative feelings and thoughts that began consuming your mind.
Was he not attracted to you anymore?
Did he not want you anymore?
Was there someone else he was giving all the lacking intimacy to?
What we’re you doing wrong?
You laid in bed tonight after being denied affection from Evan who was in the living room watching a movie. He had told you he was too tired and “maybe later” when you tried to initiate wanting some affection. The immediate tears in your eyes made you back off and go lay down where you now snuggled into your comforter and allowed yourself to cry into your pillow, not wanting him to hear you or see what he had caused. You didn’t want to make him feel bad, you knew he was busy with work and that it was exhausting at times. But the last few months of receiving nothing even when you tried so hard was enough to take a toll on your confidence. You didn’t know what to do anymore.
You raised your head to look out your bedroom door when you heard him in the kitchen assuming putting together a late dinner, rolled your eyes at the thought and laid your head back down. You noticed your white pillowcase was stained with your mascara from your tears as well as under your eyes and your cheeks, but you didn’t care anymore.
“Babe? I’m making this frozen lasagna, do you want some?” You heard him call out to you but you stayed silent and in bed hoping he’d think you’d fallen asleep, but heard him call out again. “Baaaabe?” You groaned and threw the covers off of yourself and made your way out to him, considering you were a little hungry yourself. He smiled when his eyes landed on you and you only sent him a quick half smile and sat at the table while he put the frozen meal in the oven.
“Sorry, I should’ve made it earlier. I forgot.” You said quietly while you watched him. He waved a hand and shrugged.
“Late meals are fun sometimes.” He smiled as he made his way to the table and sat across from you, only now noticing your smeared makeup and seemingly weak body language and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
You nearly glared at him in disbelief when he asked, wondering if he truly didn’t see what was going on or if he just didn’t care. He seemed sincere, reaching across the small table and taking your hand in his and giving it a squeeze while he waited for you to answer, but you weren’t even sure how to go about this.
“I-“ you started and glared even more, retrieving your hand from his and sitting straight in the chair, him mirroring your action wondering what’s gotten into you. “What’s wrong? Really? You don’t.. I don’t know.. you don’t think it might have something to do with the lack of affection and intimacy you’ve been giving me? I mean you don’t see how hard I’ve been trying to get you to touch me somehow? Seriously?” You scoffed and shook your head looking away from him. You felt bad, but you needed something from him. Acknowledgement, at least.
“Y/n I told you I’ve been exhausted lately.” His face dropped, not seeing why you’re so upset about it. “I didn’t realize you’ve been trying so hard I’m.. im sorry.”
You knew he was trying to make it better but it only made you feel worse, it made you feel invisible to him. You were at a loss of words, wondering if it was even worth it to continue having this agonizingly hard conversation.
“I mean.. Ev? Are you not.. attracted to me anymore? Do you have no desire to.. touch me, at all?” He quickly shook his head and opened his mouth to deny what you’d just asked, thinking how absolutely insane you must be yo think he’d ever stop being attracted or wanting to touch you, but you started again before he could speak. “Is there someone else?” Your last sentence came out in a squeak as your eyes filled with tears again, quickly wiping them away as soon as they fell.
His eyebrows shot up and he sat wide eyed at your question now. “Baby no. No god no.” He stood from his chair across from you and sat at the one next to you, turning you to face him. “No, I promise you that isn’t the case. I… I only want you. I fucking love you y/n.” His voice held more sincerity and a slight tint of hurt that you’d actually think that, but he quickly realized that it was his own doings that caused you to think such a thing. “Babe I’m so sorry that I’ve made you feel this way. I would never intentionally hurt you or make you feel less than what you are. You are everything to me and more. Of course I’m attracted to you and of course I want to touch you and be intimate with you. I’ve just been so busy, I wasn’t realizing I’d been denying it from you.”
“But it’s not just about denying me Evan. Do you not want it for yourself either? Do you not crave it sometimes just like I do? I don’t get it and I don’t know what else to do. I feel like I’m dying to feel you and it hurts me.” Your eyes burned into his with such seriousness that he had to look away from them, looking down at his hands that were grasping yours.
It’s not that he didn’t want it, his job and his schedule, interviews and events — they were all adding up and he was exhausted, like he had said. He wanted you, he just had to find time and he understood that wasn’t fair to you.
“I do. I do want it babe. I’m so sorry for not focusing on you and engaging in you. For making you feel this way. It’s not true at all, I promise you.” He squeezed your hands reassuringly, your eyes flickering down to them then back up to his gaze that was on you again. You stayed quiet for a moment as you contemplated your next words or move.
“Then please…” you whispered out desperately, trailing off not wanting to pathetically be rejected again but hoping he would get it.
And he did, wasting no time in grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you to him crashing his lips on yours in a deep, passionate kiss. This was the most you’ve felt of him in months, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck and him pulling you to your feet with him. His hands scooped under your thighs and lifted you up, carrying you to the kitchen counter and setting you down, his hands then roaming every inch of your body while yours reached down and helped him pull his shirt off. He quickly connected his lips to your neck pulling your body against his with an arch of your back, leaving perfect marks down to your chest while your head fell back to grant him more access. He pulled your own shirt off and his hands were right back on your waist, gripping tightly, finally feeling his own desperation for you.
You were filled with so many emotions, desperation, need, the frustration and hurt you felt before dissipating into pure lust and a hunger for the man you’ve been dying to be intimate with. It felt better than you’d remembered, his lips and hands on your skin while yours were all over him, probably because you’d never been this horny or needy before. You knew you wouldn’t last long, and neither would he.
His mouth was currently on one of your tits, sucking and piping around your sensitive nipple while his other hand trailed down your stomach and began playing with your waistband.
“Evan…” you breathed a moan out, your hands entangled in his dark hair. He opened his eyes and looked up at you, never taking his mouth away from your nipple unless it was to switch to the other, sure to give it the same attention. You moaned again as he held eye contact, the sight nearly making you explode right there. “Please babe, I need you. I need to feel you inside me” you squeaked out, your eyes shutting and head falling back again. He quickly parted his mouth from your chest and pulled his sweatpants down, not wearing any boxers under, and you took the chance to slip your shorts off.
Without warning, be hooked your legs over his shoulders and immediately delved into you pussy, a loud gasp leaving your mouth as your hands went back into his hair. He licked you up and down, flicking your clit with his tongue a few times before fully eating you out. He didn’t stop, even when it was overstimulating your throbbing heat, only wrapping his arms around your thighs and holding you in place while he tasted as much if you as he could, you breathing uneven and multiple moans and profanities leaving from your mouth.
“Evan, fuck I’m going to cum already” you panted out, looking down at the beautiful picture in front of you. “I can’t take anymore” you groaned, him only looking up to meet your eyes as he continued tongue fucking you and playing with your sensitive bud, sending you over the edge. Your back arched as you hit your climax, pulling at his hair and cursing some more in high pitched squeaks. He slowed his tongue down as you rode out your high before letting your already shaking legs drop and placing himself between them again.
“Fuck..” you cried out quietly as you caught your breath. He grabbed your cheeks in his hand and made you look up at him, your eyes meeting again and finally feeling the spark you have missed between them.
“You are all I want and more, okay? You never have to question yourself, ever.” He reassured you, pushing some of your hair back from your face. You smiled lightly and let out a relieved breath, nodding to him. He returned the nod knowing you believe him and understand, then let his hands drop your waist again and grip them, pulling your ass closer to the edge for easier access.
You watched as he lined himself up with your entrance before slowly inserting himself into you, both of you moaning out in pleasure while his forehead fell against yours. After a few slow thrusts, he allowed himself to speed up, fucking you harder and so desperately, never wanting to let you go and let you feel like this again.
You gripped his back, holding onto him tightly while your head rested now against his shoulder. You dug your nails into him earning you a beautiful, throaty groan from him, a sound you’ve been dying to hear. You smiled against his skin as he continued fucking you, his arms wrapping you up tightly and your legs wrapping around his waist. Realizing you were reaching your second climax, you bit down into his shoulder and maimed into it and felt his thrusts become sloppier and uneven as he reached his climax, his hand quickly making its way in between your bodies and reaching down to rub your clit again to be sure you’d orgasm the same time as he did.
“You’re so… fucking.. beautiful..” he groaned out, your eyes fluttering shut as he pushed you over the edge and sending himself over with you. Another gasp left from you as you crumbled in his hold, your orgasm stringer this time than before and feeling him let himself go inside of you.
“Oh god Evan” you sucked a sharp breath in as he thrusted a few more times before sliding out, still holding you to be sure you wouldn’t fall.
“I love you.” He whispered, pecking your lips then your forehead, your eyes closing again as you relaxed in his hold, feeling satisfied and safe. “I love you, so much.”
@evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl @submissiveforahsmen
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