#sorry for those who thought they were average height/tall
sandeewithtwoe · 2 months
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Alright here’s my sans (?) height chart (??)
I put fresh at the end for funsies
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moonstruckme · 6 months
hi lovely!! i just had the most amazing 7 hrs of my life just scrolling through your page and reading all of your marauders work!! i never even thought about poly!marauders being a possibility until i found your page and i think you’ve altered my brain chemistry forever???
that being said, i would absolutely be so grateful if you could write a gn!reader with poly!marauders at the start of their relationship, where reader’s a much shorter than average person and the boys (who would be so, so tall) have to learn how to walk slower to make sure they don’t leave them behind. i’m so much shorter than my friends and what i do most of the times is run forward in advance and be in front of the group so i don’t get left behind. i’m totally used to it by now, but it’d be nice to have ppl recognize not everyone can go at the same pace, you know? that was so long, so sorry!! and no worries at all if you don’t wanna write it, totally understand! love u so much 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Hi love!! Omg, 7 hours??? Were your eyes okay after that? Sorry it took me so long to get to this, but thanks a ton for requesting and I hope you like it <3
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 644 words
It’s mainly James and Sirius that are the problem. Remus has learned to hold your hand to temper his own long-legged pace, but much like with talking, when James and Sirius get together they start moving at double the speed. 
“Should we call them?” he asks. 
You consider it. “Let’s see how far they get before they notice.” 
A couple more minutes go by, and Remus can barely see the tops of their heads through the crowded sidewalk. 
“Still no idea?” He searches for notes of dejection in your tone, but finds only amusement. 
“Let’s hide.”
He blinks. “What? No, love…” He sighs reluctantly, but lets you tug him into a nearby coffee shop. 
You buy them each a hot chocolate, and it’s five more minutes before Sirius and James go by in the shop’s window, appearing slightly bemused but otherwise unconcerned. You make to go outside, but this time it’s Remus who holds you back. 
“No, let them stew a minute.” 
The next time they come by, the pair looks noticeably more troubled. Remus knocks on the window, and you both wave when they turn to you, gawping. 
The bell jingles as they come inside. 
“Hey, we’ve been looking for you.” James rubs his hands together, blowing warmth into them. Remus feels a tiny bit guilty and takes them between his. He pretends not to see the toothy grin James shoots him. 
“Oh?” Remus makes his tone casual, and you sip at your hot chocolate to hide your smile. “For how long?” 
“Like, five minutes. You just disappeared,” Sirius complains, scooching into your chair so that you have to share it with him. He peers at your hot chocolate, then Remus’. “Oi, you didn’t get any for us?” 
“Interesting,” Remus goes on, ignoring the question, “because we’ve been in here for nearly fifteen.” 
Sirius blinks, and James cocks his head. “Really?” James asks. 
You nudge Remus’ leg playfully under the table. “No,” you tell them, rolling your eyes. “We just wanted to see how long it would take you guys to notice we weren’t behind you.” 
“You could stand to be a little more considerate,” Remus says primly, sipping his hot chocolate. 
“Aw, baby.” Sirius nestles his freezing nose into your cheek, grinning when you squirm away. “Did those little legs of yours separate us?” 
You roll your eyes, but once again Remus comes to your defense. “Their legs aren’t the problem, yours are. Until you two can learn to be considerate of the less…height privileged” —he pretends not to see the aghast look you send him, and goes on with faux dispassion— “there will be no hot chocolate for either of you.” 
Sirius scoffs, but James is nodding slowly, seeming to mull things over. “Sounds fair,” he says. “However, have you considered that we could simply purchase our own hot chocolate?” 
“Not,” says Remus, “on ethical grounds.” 
James pulls his hands kindly from Remus’ grasp, giving him an almost consoling pat on the shoulder. “C’mon, Pads, let’s go order.” Sirius hops up, and James stops by your chair on his way past to drop a kiss on your head. “We’ll try to keep to your speed from now on, lovie. Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you say, having forgiven them long before they even knew they wanted to be forgiven. 
“Honestly, who should you really be mad at?” Sirius gives you a conspiratorial look. “Your knight in shining armor over there just called you ‘the less height privileged.’” 
“Don’t let him turn us against each other,” Remus says, reaching across the table to clasp your hand firmly. “It’s how he gets his way.” 
“I know,” you stage-whisper back. Then to Sirius, “Go get your hot chocolate, and I’ll decide who I’m mad at depending on whether there’s a slice of pumpkin bread with you when you come back.” 
He scurries towards the counter.
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trash----panda · 4 months
Honestly, this faucility was too big for comfort, built for those who are "normal" size the walls seemed to tower over her, not that she cared. Joey was used to being ignored when it came to archtecture, they figured since she had wings she didnt need a ladder or anything, what about when she was tired? Just walk up the wall. Gods these people are annoying. The pixie stood around 1.5 inches tall, she was in no way large, just below average in height. She had fuzz covering most of her body as well as rounded wings to support her body in the air. She was a type of black fly so they needed to make special accomodations in the canteen. Supposedly it was worth it as pixie agents were in short supply, she knew at this point she was only on boarded as a diversity token.
A soft sigh escaped her as she headed through the hall towards her new dorm, she'd been warned she wouldnt like her roommate, but just like the safety briefs, she'd ignored that. She finally found the room towards the end "109"... She didnt like the number. Whatever she was being paid, they said something about her roommate being a... 'what was it again?' she unlocked the smaller door made for her 'it started with a c didnt it-' she froze as she stepped through the door, making eye contact with the massive, blue, creature.
'Coloratus.... It was a coloratus'
They starred a moment before she took a slow step backward and slammed the door, her hearts racing as she quickly tried to get out of there. 'what were they thinking?! Im going to die in there' she was so caught up in her mind she didnt even notice the other rushing out of the room. He was scared of...well... scaring her, trying to speak softly, little "wait wait wait"s coming from him as he tried to follow, causing the ground to shake when he ran over. She yelped, feeling her face redden with embarrassment at the noise, doing her best to hold her ground
'fuck that was supposed to sound confident'
she watched his eyes, trying to spot even the faintest hint of hunger before he gets a chance to strike, instead just finding worry.
"sorry, i-i know it isnt ideal but we can work something out ok? I-i didnt know you'd be here today or i would've cleaned up, or do flies like dirty rooms? I dont really know, that's kinda why..." he just started rambling, trying to salvage the situation in any way. This was her partner? This is who was supposed to accompany her to battle?.... She could work with this. She did her best to straighten her posture, wanting to at least seem a little bigger.
"i just forgot something at intake" she tried to play it off, knowing that was probably the worse excuse she could pull, at least it shut him up for a moment.
He froze, just kinda starring down at her, his blank expression making her nervous. She even flinched when he finally did move, his sigh washing over her when he did "o-oh ok do you need help moving it? If it's big i can get it? I-it's really no problem at all" well.... at least he seemed to have bought it
"no it's just my scarf, but since you offered" she dropped her bags, figuring she might be able to boss him around a bit "you can put my bags inside"
He perked up immediatly, a soft purr escaping him "o-ok, i can do that!" He scooped them up, getting up to leave before pausing "oh right, my name is Dendro" he smiled at her, still blushing over how stupid he felt right now.
She hesitated, if they were gonna be living together they needed to exchange names at least "Joey"
He tried to keep it hidden but he was obviously excited for this "Nice to meet you Joey!" He hurried back to put it away, leaving the pixie alone with her own thoughts.
'gods why does he have to be so cute'
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boba-beom · 2 years
ᥫ᭡⋆。˚⊹  I Like U (sorry, I never meant to) | teaser — the first meeting
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pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader
genre: fluff, romance | non-idol au, strangers to friends to ???
synopsis: after meeting one of your best friend’s friends, you initially found him attractive and thought he’d be a careless crush that would soon dissipate into nothing. that is, until a series of events proved you wrong and perhaps those feelings lingered longer than they should have. would something become of it?
warning(s): not proof-read, heavy on physical affection, mentions of food, a very tiny suggestive mention but only the sense of checking someone out, let's pretend beomgyu is a leo for future references too lol, inaccurate mentions about starsigns — these are a few inside jokes between me and my best friend but we don't really mean it.
taglist: @bb-eilish @iggynor4 @ericyjun @bluejin0812 @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten  @hyuntaena @itmehc @day6andetcetera @amethysts-1620 @gorechoi-backup @dainsleif-when-playable @choiwrld @yjusei @feyregels @ahnneyong @potaeto-writes-on-wp @wccycc @lizdevorak  @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @fairyoftaehyun @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @vatterie @yunkiwii
wc: ≈ 1k
masterlist || next
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after a long day of travelling around the island — visiting different beaches for only a few minutes before leaving to visit the next — you had been waiting for the moment you'd comfortably lean into the warmth of the leather sofa.
still wrapped up and layered in a pale, grey hoodie and a tan, checked fleece, you stay put whilst watching the rest of your friends sitting side-by-side in front of you. the familiar chime of mario kart's race starts alerting from the large, flat-screen tv; already invested in this grand prix.
"oh hi! I didn't know you'd be here!" your best friend, Tara, greets someone by the front door. you were unsure if there was just one person or more, but nonetheless, you lean a little more to your left without lifting your body off the sofa to figure out who was there.
Tara walks into the living room, mid conversation with her two friends who followed after her. a male who seems to be just a little above average height; hair a light, sandy colour, and a pretty face which adorned a gentle smile once your eyes met. that's when it started. that's the moment you realised your heart had started to pick up its pace.
your attention reverts to your best friend once you hear her laughing and you thought it would only be polite to introduce yourself to her friends. she's always so out-going and bubbly, and you know just how happy it makes her to see you, her child-hood best friend, get along with her friends.
your attention reverts to your best friend once you hear her laughing and you thought it would only be polite to introduce yourself to her friends. she's always so out-going and bubbly, and you know just how happy it makes her to see you, her child-hood best friend, get along with her friends.
patting away the soft creases on your tan trousers, you make your way towards Tara and her two friends, a smile on your face mirroring the tall blonde's. surprised, she notices your arm hooking onto hers and nods her head towards her guests, a small gesture to let you introduce yourself.
"hi guys, how are you doing? I'm y/n." your arm still hooked, but not for much longer, Tara slightly nudges your side and lets go as she makes her way to the kitchen.
the taller one with dark hair introduces himself, holding out his arm for a slightly awkward side hug, "hi y/n, I'm Soobin." he was gentle though. you notice his cute dimples appearing while you exchanged smiles.
stepping closer to you, the blonde male offers an open palm and shakes your hand, "and I'm Beomgyu, Tara's best friend." he made it sound like there was some sort of competition between the two of you, but you scoff it off and watch him raise a brow at you, intrigued.
"have you guys eaten yet? we've just cooked plenty of food, so don't be shy." they nod as you make your way to the kitchen, passing Tara on her way back to them.
"they're fine, huh? would you let them get it?" Soobin teases, nudging Beomgyu's arm as he watches you talk to someone in the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.
"yeah, why not?" beomgyu chuckles and nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders.
"you guys are actually pigs. I didn't let you come in here to check out my friends, behave please." Tara, lightly slaps their arms with the back of her hand paired with her brows faintly scrunched together.
time passed since you last spoke to the both of them, despite them staying for just under an hour. you sat on the arm of the sofa closest to the living room door, noticing the way one of your aunties started to interview the both of them and ask them questions left, right and centre.
"you know, I didn't expect that." Tara started. your eyes still observing the way Beomgyu would make the aunties laugh. you roll your eyes and look at Tara. "he's such a leo, he loves the attention right now." you both giggle at her statement.
"wait, what didn't you expect?"
"I didn't expect you to come over and introduce yourself to them." she stood behind you and wrapped her arms over your shoulders, placing her chin on your left shoulder.
"why not, you know? I might as well be nice to your guests, plus I love meeting your friends. oh, and your best friend." you exaggerate the end of your sentence, clasping your fingers with hers just under your neck.
Tara lets out a light chortle. "I can have more than one best friend, you know."
"tell that to Beomgyu." you, by no means meant for it to make you sound annoyed by his introduction at all, just heavily amused.
"hey, don't be like that. I'm just glad that two of my best friends have finally met. by the way, after you left them, I walked in on their convo of them checking you out." she gave you a tight hug before noticing that the two males were done entertaining the aunties and getting ready to leave. placing the back of your hand against your cheek, you force yourself to think not much of it, yet you were still left dumbfounded with a subtle warmth spreading across your face
your eyes follow her, panning to Soobin who was waving back at you and mouthing a 'nice to meet you.' you give him a quick nod and a wave back before meeting with the same brown eyes you met earlier.
Beomgyu did nothing but look at you over his shoulder, a plain smirk on his face and a single nod in your direction. you let out another light scoff, just knowing how stubborn that guy is and it's only just the first meeting. you keep contact with his eyes until you were looking at the back of his light-coloured locks.
back to sinking into the sofa, your friends have played multiple rounds of mario kart and you still wonder how they're still playing at quarter to midnight. you feel your eyes begin to shut ever so slowly until you hear the sound of a high-pitched notification from your phone. lifting your phone, you open up the compiled notifications and noticed a certain one that found you smiling to yourself.
instagram: xbeomgyuxx has requested to follow you! 1m ago
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© boba-beom ; do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way.
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mushroom-for-art · 8 months
Height tracking lore stuff
Axel - 9'6"~ - due to his unstable genetics from having human genes forcefully spliced into his mew genes a lot of his genetic formation information got screwed resulting in his current mewtwo appearance for one taller humanoid-ish and such unfortunately in the mess of his genes trying to stabilise from the new information and damages the gene for growth in all areas height bone growth muscle growth ect got left on, and by the time Axel even remembered/figured out how to manipulate his own genetic coding to turn those genes off and stabilise himself he was already massively tall and he absolutely hates it. He wishes he was 6 foot odd, the tall hurts both in memory of his past self and also oh god being this tall is suffering, especially when you've got metal armor screwed into your bones causing probably bone fractures and splintering as you grow and the metal fixings don't. Having a horrible time, he's gonna maim me just stupid big mewtwo who wishes he wasn't stupid big
Prototype - 8'8" - it's just a nice number to me fam lmao and also with the slight damages to his dna from being a clone of axel he loses some height and his genes were probably fixed during development to cap his height before he entered the suffering giant height range
Scribe - 7' - due to the Smeargle genes his height got cut otherwise he would've been a similar height to his brother, he is very embarrassed and angry that he's shorter than some of the later generation mewtwo
Dusty - 8' - as an adult he's only a few inches of his papa! Prototype would be so proud of him, not many clever thoughts here just liked him being the same height as Imp
May - 5'4" - #sorry, no height for u it's too iconic your short ass is too iconic May and canonically you are literally stunted because of the tainted with synergy mega stone implanted in development you're physically and power wise stunted I'm afraid assigned runt of genetic litter
Darkness - 7'6" - height restored, this girl has been hassling me for AGES for extra height when she realised 6'9" is probably not actually that big for a mewtwo, like way back since March I think? She realised she was not the big mean bitch she thought she was and she wasn't having it XD so she finally successfully bullied me into giving her extra height and she's quite happy knowing even with Mays souped up Mega evo that adds 2 foot she's still taller than her sister normally
Matt: 6'2" - he came into my office and also bullied me into giving him height, pointing out rightfully that Mays stunted height isn't genetic but was purely environmental soooo he still has the potential to be tol and also lore wise he wasn't immediately terminated for his missing limbs as he was going to be spare parts but if he was only 5'9" his organs would probably be smaller than a normal twos and this kinda shitty spares so he gets height and it also provided him with gender euphoria but in exchange he is losing a kidney reduced to one slightly bigger than average one and losing some eyesight benefits because nope you need more issues from genetic degregation and hes losing his implanted mega stone he's getting a mega stone accessory later in exchange. He tries to get pushed to 6'4" but after being told I'd make him only 6' he shut up
Imp: 8' - big girl!!!! When she first comes out she's fully developed mentally and her body is fully developed organs reproductive system ect but she was intentionally kept in a more cramped tube and kept on strict nutrition which means when she first emerged she was only about 6'3 still rather big but kept smaller easy to handle than say Prototype or Scribe, after she escaping and getting to eat as much as she wanted and not being hungry and having actual space to exist her more prominent fossil mew genes went 'hello!!' and her growing hormones reactivated to let her become her full potential in height and body so she's probably a bit stockier as well that her first image having gained them muscles too
AI: 7'5" - unlike her parents AI is intentionally given access to foods to grow big and strong as an adult (as a teen she's likely about 6'7") with the intent of having her body incubate larger stronger mewtwo offspring that could be transferred to growing tanks or raised, the theory being bigger body bigger womb and growing space and while technically true with Imp having the size and capability to potentially produce a large egg (due to having more other pokemon genes) and MIA likely able to produce a large baby if she desired one AI will obviously be removed from there before they can use her
MIA: 7'9" - being out on the battle fields a lot MIA had room to keep growing and would scavenge food whenever she could devouring down berries and even other pokemon meaning she grew much like her mother had despite the facility trying to restrict her. Also MIA may have been made using Axels dna as well as Imps explaining the coloration change from creams to more purples and the persistence of tall genetics despite them being restricted, this also potentially explains the then jump from purples and pinks to Blue with AI as Axel is a holder of blue gene tho this is usually as a stripe something in Imp/MIAs genes likely had blue stripe gene turned on all the way making it blue fill, this makes MIA Axels daughter as well as Imps.
Important note: Imp and Axel share no genetic relation from their mew donors or human gene donors, though later they may refer to each other as Cousins which will then become siblings as Imp longs for familial connection with anyone like her and Axel can see she needs that and isn't gonna be a "well actually," jerk to her about it. He sees no harm in saying they're family even if by all means they're not. When they find out about MIAs existence and shared genetic relation to them both neither of them see it as weird cause they know there's no relation, despite the hatred of his kin Axel is probably a bit more open to acting as father with MIA (until he realises she doesn't want that in which cause he quickly steps off). So don't be weird about it alright
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ronandreams · 1 year
15 qs / 15 mutuals
tagged by @targaryeirene, thanks irene! 🥰
are you named after anyone?
nope! most people don't have my name lol
2. when was the last time you cried?
today. i usually do cry at least once a day but sometimes i don't, sometimes it's a quick one, sometimes long lol
3. do you have kids?
nope. i might never, but who knows. if i do it will be adoption.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
not much. only with, like, one person. sarcasm feels mean (coming from me, i mean. idk why) and i can't bring myself to do it to someone i'm not close with lol
5. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i think i notice eyes first, then voice. and like irene said, i pick up on a person's vibe as soon as i can (social anxiety and general anxiety will make ya do that lmao) so i try to sus out if they seem kind, if they seem interested in talking to me, what their body language is like, if they are someone to trust & be honest with.
6. what's your eye color?
brown! brown like coffee, as my mom has said lol they are dark but not superrr dark. not light brown either, just in between those two.
7. scary movies or happy endings?
i must ask this question - why not both? horror movies with happy endings are SO much fun. i think technically my answer is scary movies. i often feel that "happy endings" are forced, or not done right, it can ruin a whole movie. i'd prefer a tragic ending over a unrealistically happy one. that being said, there's a lot of movies with happy endings that i love. i think it just depends on what mood i'm in lol
8. any special talents?
no lol i don't think so.
9. where were you born?
michigan, in the U.S.
10. what are your hobbies?
reading, the occasional writing, listening to music, taking walks and hikes (absolutely love forest walks), watching tv shows & movies & getting obsessed with them, sleeping in, drinking coffee (can i be annoying and count that as a hobby? the way i do it, it basically has become my life's purpose 😂) hanging out with my boyfriend, visiting cats until i can have my own cat again, and that's basically all i do.
11. have you any pets?
used to! not anymore. my landlord doesn't allow them. maybe one day again! i want 2 cats and a dog lol
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
no :) i will say this tho - i always thought frisbee throwing would be a cool sport to get into. if it counts. same with badminton, it's pretty cool.
13. how tall are you?
5'4", i think i'm a pretty average height for a woman, but i have been called short before. not much though.
14. favorite subject in school?
literature for sure :) i also enjoyed history and choir, psychology was interesting also
15. dream job?
i don't really know lol. i can't answer this question anymore. i just have no idea what would be a dream to me if it's also a job lmfao. maybe one day i'll figure it out.
sorry this got so long lol. i'm tagging (no pressure as always): @nordstars, @nina-sayers, @starsbythepocketful, @obsessedx, @afterssun, @tommishelby, @hellshee, @benantis, @sherlockig, @und0miels, @annacoleman, @padme-amidala, @daisyjvnes, @crowleyaj, @kazsbrekkerz, @haillily, @merrypembertons, @elenas, @camila-morrones, @ohmoriartea, @strawdogs, @leaiorganas, @jellicoe-roads, @diegoshargreevs, @undomiels.
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thehalfwayhostess · 1 year
The Halfway Hostess: On High heels
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There is a question I am asked an on almost daily basis. 
I can imagine that you would guess that it would be: who do you think Harry's father is? But no, the answer to that one is too obvious. A photo does after all say a 1000 words.
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Is the question "how do you manage to run an independent business in such  challenging times?"  No, the answer to that is,I don't. My tea room is like a bumble bee. It shouldn't be able to fly but some how it does.
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No,  what I get asked most frequently is: "how do you manage to work all day in high heels?" 
Yes,  if I had a euro for every time I get asked that question I would be able to afford a shoe collection the size of Imelda Marco's. Frankly I consider my ability to walk in high heels to be the least remarkable thing I do, but it does lead me to an interesting question. Why do I do it? Why have I been squeezing my feet into 10cm plus heels for more than four decades?
Before I answer this,  for those of you that don't know the history of the high heel let me enlighten you.
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This distinctive type of shoe can be traced back to 10th century Persia and the cavalry, who wore high heels to keep their feet in their stirrups whilst riding. So is it because I am a keen horsewoman that I insist on wearing high heels? No, although I am partial to riding it is only in my boudoir and not on horses, though the right stallion is always welcome. Aha, I hear you cry, "you wear high heels because they are sexy!!!" There is an element of truth in this. High heels are seductive because they change one's posture and exentuate curves. I am unfashionably built like a 1950's house wife so I choose to show my double d's and derriere in their best light, a magical feat which my Gucci's do perfectly. However, I can assure you that there is nothing remotely X rated about me after an eight hour shift in the tea room.
So back to the drawing board on the answer to the question of "why do I torture my feet on a daily basis? ". You would be forgiven for thinking that it is so I am able to look my Dutch customers in the eye, they after all are thought to be the tallest people in Europe. But again this is not the reason. First according to www.bigthink.com, it is the not the Dutch but the Montenegrins that are the giants of Europe, with an average male height of 190cms. Furthermore, if the Dutch were the tallest people in Europe, with my diminutive 165cms height my 10cm stilletos mean that I am still unable to see eye to eye with them when it comes to how strong a cup of tea should be.
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"Then why the high heels Sarah?", I hear you ask. 
It took some real soul searching to come up with the honest answer. It is true that like Persian soldiers my shoes are part of my armour. Along with my dresses and red lipstick, they are the battle gear that tells me that I am ready for what the world will throw at me on any particular given day. But my heels serve an additional purpose. When asked if my feet hurt I always retort with, "I feel no pain in my feet or my heart"' and I smile with my ruby lips. If you look closely my eyes do not tell the same tall tale. They will show you that I feel great pain in my heart.  I use the aching of my feet to distract me from losses I have suffered. These days I am sorry to say that the discomfort in my feet no longer camouflages my heart ache.  My heels are no more effective at distracting me from my pain than nail polish is at covering horse manure. So I have set myself a new challenge, far more arduous than a stint serving tea. 
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On the 4th to the 11th of November this year I am going to trek through the Sahara desert to raise money for cancer research. I will walk 100km,  sleep outside under a stary sky and dream that science will stop others feeling the pain that cancer causes. And just in case some of the loss creeps through the cracks in my heart, I will  be walking some of my journey in high heels to distract me from the real pain I feel. To sponsor me please use my pay pal account [email protected]. Donations of any size welcome. And please watch my progress by following me on Instagram at inherhighheeledshoes. My journey will be a slow one, but I will get there. Love Sarah Babette Hawkin, your half way hostess. 
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bluepenguinstories · 2 years
Duck, Duck, Goose Issue #2
Lilypad Academy: a large marble structure which looked like multiple mansions connected together. There were little cherub sculptures in fountains which spat out water and koi fish which swam about in said fountains.
Nemesis entered the campus overwhelmed by its massive size. Not only that, but the crowds of students who hung about. Many of them held hands. Boys with boys, girls with girls.
Am I the only single person here? If I’m not careful, I’ll be swallowed up by this crowd, she thought. No longer the small child she was of the past, Nemesis was taller than many of her fellow classmates, and she was just entering her first year, at 15 years old, to boot. She stood at 175 centimeters tall, and she might not have finished growing, either. As it was a brisk, September, easing into autumn early, she shivered a little. Not helped by the fact that all she had to cover her upper half was a thin, pink midriff hoodie.
She looked over her schedule. First, she had to locate the room where her homeroom was at. While walking, she bumped into the back of a guy who was taller and wider than her. She backed up and rubbed her nose.
“Oof, sorry,” she said in a nasally voice as she held tight to her nose. The guy turned around. Rather than mad, he looked surprised, then smiled wide.
“Oh, yo. We got a new butch girl!” He hollered. Nemesis, confused, tilted her head.
“Uh. Thanks?” She replied.
“Don’t mention it. See you around, butch!” He waved, then ran off to his class.
“Butch? Is it because of my short hair? I really don’t get it, but he seemed friendly enough. Maybe this place isn’t so bad,” she commented as she headed to her class.
As she attended her classes, she didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. Everyone seemed well behaved and focused on each class they had. If there was anything she had to comment on, it was the lack of conflict. Refreshing, when she came from such a harsh middle school by comparison. She still remembered the times when she would pin others down on the grass and beat them senseless due to them saying nasty things about other students. At her new high school, however, it seemed like nobody had anything bad to say to each other. There was no bullying, no shoving or teasing of any kind. For the first time, Nemesis felt relief.
However, there was still the matter of finding her sister.
In between classes, she would run about and try to find Eleos to make sure she was okay. But the campus was huge, and with all the crowds, it became hard to pick her out. At last, however, at lunch time, as she waded through the halls, she found her sister, walking next to a couple of other girls.
Right. Apparently Eleos is queer. And her kindness is something which would lead anyone to fall for her. But she’s the one who likes other girls, right? So I wonder if there’s someone here she has her eyes on, Nemesis thought as she watched her sister walk down the hall. Then, the unspeakable happened: a couple of girls in front of her started to make fun of her in a mocking voice.
‘I forgiiiive you sooo much,’ they sneered. One of them looked ready to poke her in the back. Nemesis wasn’t about to stand by and let such a thing happened. She tried to open her mouth to shout at them, but before she could, one of the girls beside Eleos turned around. She was about average height, short, black hair in a ponytail. She wore a suit with floral print shoulder pads. She grabbed onto the wrist of the girl who was about to poke Eleos and warned her.
“Don’t you dare touch my girlfriend – or you’ll hear from the principal,” she warned. Nemesis was stunned to hear those words.
What? Girlfriend? She thought.
“S-Sorry, Dike! I didn’t know you were there!” The girl who was behind Nemesis’s sister panicked. Dike, Eleos’s supposed girlfriend, let go of the girl’s wrist.
“That is no excuse, Cantal. You know not to do such things, especially not without someone’s express permission. So what if my girlfriend talks a certain way? She’s cute, and she’s not harming anyone. So don’t go trying to harm her,” Dike lectured the girl, apparently named Cantal.
“It’s okay, Dike,” Eleos turned around and smiled. “I forgive her. And of course, I forgive you,” she nuzzled Dike’s cheek.
Dike sighed.
“Well, if Eleos forgives you, I have no choice but to as well,” Dike said to Cantal.
Cantal’s eyes filled with pools of tears.
“Thank you!” She wailed as she ran off in the direction of Nemesis. Before she could run past, Nemesis grabbed onto the girl’s arm. Startled, Cantal looked up at the imposing figure.
“Who was that just now?” Nemesis asked, pointing to Dike, who walked hand in hand with Eleos.
“Who? Dike? You mean you don’t know?” Cantal asked while she sniffled.
“I’m a freshman. I just started here. Cut me some slack,” Nemesis explained.
“She’s the prince of this school. She’s just underneath the school’s crowned queen. She does her best to uphold the order of the school. Everyone looks up to her. Isn’t she charming?” Cantal asked.
“Eh. I couldn’t care less. Why does this school have a hierarchy to begin with? Shouldn’t everone be equal?”
“You really are new here, aren’t you? This whole city runs on hierarchy,” Cantal snorted, then sneered.
“Yes. But this school? Ugh, never mind. I won’t punish you, as it seems you’ve learned your lesson, but why were you teasing that girl next to Dike?” Nemesis then asked.
“She’s always saying she forgives people, and nothing ever seems to get her down. It’s so weird, don’t you think?”
“That’s my sister,” Nemesis growled.
“O-oh. My condolences. Well, don’t worry. You have nothing to worry about from me!”
“And about others?”
“I’ll try to tell people not to mess with her, either. Besides, Dike already made that clear. Really, your sister got lucky. Most girls here would kill to get with Dike.”
“There will be no killing at this school,” Nemesis vowed.
“Right. Well, I gotta go have lunch with my besties. We’re thinking of turning our friend group into a group of lovers,” Cantal explained, then ran off. Nemesis walked forth and shook her head. There was so much wrong with the school she had entered, and just after thinking she was in a much more peaceful place, too.
Before she entered, the cafeteria, she threw herself into a single stall restroom and locked the door. Once in, she pounded her fist on one of the walls. Cracks formed around where her fist lay, while she sat at the toilet, hunched over, with quivering lips. Tears spilled out as she began to mutter to herself.
“Damn it. Someone’s already here to protect my sister. I should have known. I should have asked. Why did I even come here in the first place? Is it too late to transfer schools?”
Wait. If my sister was being teased, who’s to say other students aren’t? And I’m sure Dike can’t stop everyone alone. Maybe I should become a prince as well.
So, when Nemesis wiped up her face, she brought herself to the cafeteria. Even with the sea of students, it didn’t take her long to spot Eleos with her big, poofy hair. Seated beside, arm around Eleos’s shoulders, was Dike.
“Hey. I’m your girlfriend’s sister,” Nemesis introduced herself as she stood behind the two girls.
Dike and Eleos turned around. Eleos, with a big smile on her face, while Dike had a smaller, but still just as warm of a smile.
“Why hello, nice to meet you,” Dike introduced herself, “I’m Dike Mimolette. Eleos has told me much about you.”
“She has?” Nemesis was surprised to hear such a thing.
“Yes. I forgive you,” Eleos gestured to Nemesis, then gestured to the girl beside her, “and I forgive Dike. Both of you are very forgivable. I’m pleased to hear you’ve heard of my girlfriend. I’ll have to tell you more about her when we’re home!”
“Right…” Nemesis looked around, then looked down at Dike, “I’d like to be a prince too.”
“You would? What for?” Dike placed a hand over her chest and gave an astonished look.
“Because everyone deserves to feel safe and treated with respect,” Nemesis answered.
“Well, I’m sorry to tell you,” Dike chuckled against her fist, “but we’re not currently accepting applications. There’s only one prince of this school and that’s me. But if you happen to see anyone not feeling safe or not being treated well, feel free to tell me or one of the staff here. They’ll be able to do something about it.”
“But...but that’s not good enough,” Nemesis stammered. “What if something is going wrong at that very moment and there’s no one around to do anything? What then?”
“There’s always someone around you can reach. If not me, there should be a staff member nearby.”
“What if it’s after school? What if it happens off campus? What then?”
“We can only deal with things that happen here. We can’t do everything.”
“But if it’s someone attending this school, shouldn’t they be able to feel safe here?”
“Of course. And we’ll do our best to ensure that in a way that resolves the matter diplomatically.”
“So if you don’t see someone being mistreated, you stop caring?”
“What?” Dike scowled and leaned forward, “how did you come up with that? I do my best to resolve any and all conflicts, but I also know my limits.”
“Please, I forgive both of you! Let’s get along!” Eleos urged.
Dike and Nemesis both sighed at the same time.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. We got off on the wrong foot,” Dike said, and offered her hand. Nemesis took it and shook Dike’s hand, even as a sour expression pervaded Nemesis’s face.
Eleos spotted Nemesis’s expression and she puffed her cheeks in response.
“Big little sis! You don’t have to forgive Dike too, but I do want you to be nice to her!” Eleos scolded.
“Ah, sorry!” Nemesis relaxed and let go.
“You got that gorilla grip, too,” Dike pointed out and chuckled. Nemesis grew more embarrassed and backed away.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to squeeze so hard. I was just lost in thought.”
“It’s okay. See you around!” Dike waved as Nemesis walked away to grab some food.
She ate her lunch alone and in silence as she simmered on what Dike had said to her.
She was right. If I see a student being mistreated, that shouldn’t be my cue to intervene. I should inform someone in charge right away, as they would be better equipped to handle it, she thought, and recited such thoughts as a means of easing her restless mind.
It came to a head when later that day, after school when everyone else had gone home, and she stayed behind, as she was still trying to finish up on one of her assignments. Once she had finished writing things down, she handed in the assignment and headed out of the classroom and into the empty halls. Or at least, they should have been empty:
Up ahead and around the corner, she saw two burly guys in beanies and tie-dye shirts stand against a scrawny guy with shaggy hair. They both had the boy backed into a corner, at the end of a row of lockers. If one were to pass by, they may not have even noticed the boy.
“You better stop making passes at my boyfriend,” one of the guys in tie-dye grunted.
“I-I wasn’t!” Squeaked the scrawny boy.
“Are you callin’ me a liar?” One of the guys in tie-dye asked.
“Yeah. You calling my boy a liar?” The other one echoed.
“No! Nothing like that!” The boy seemed to plead now, but it was too late: one of the guys in tie dye lifted him up by his collar and slammed him against the wall.
She took a step forward, readied herself to sprint and stop the fight, but then thought better of it.
No. This isn’t my fight.
“Teacher! Somebody!” She cupped her hands against her mouth and yelled out. At the same time, she hid herself against the corner wall, so as not to be spotted by those three.
“Huh? Who’s there?” She heard one of the guys ask.
Nemesis waited around for a teacher, or some staff member to come out and see what all the commotion was about. Seconds passed, and none of the classroom doors opened. Her heart sank, and meanwhile…
“It probably wasn’t about us,” she heard one of the guys say. “Here, let’s just give this guy a black eye and get out of here.”
Black eye? No, Nemesis thought, then rushed out from where she hid.
“Hey!” She yelled from across the hall as she saw one of the boys ready their fist.
Both of the burly guys turned in her direction as Nemesis walked down the hall. Each step was steady, and she drew slow, but heavy breaths.
Okay. Just because those two are resorting to violence doesn’t mean I will. I can at least try to talk them down, she told herself.
“What do you want?” One of the boys shouted her way.
“I want to know what’s going on. Simple as that,” her voice turned low, but she still kept her cool, “because it seems to me like you were about to assault someone.”
“Paulie over here was hitting on my boy Beck. Isn’t that right, Paulie?” The unnamed guy who held up Paulie answered with a toothy grin. The fact that both of the boys who had Paulie pinned looked identical frustrated Nemesis. There was little to differentiate the two.
When she walked closer, she saw Paulie nod slowly.
That seems forced, she noted.
“Is that so? Or is that what you think they want to hear?” Nemesis asked Paulie instead, who was still being held up against the wall. Paulie gulped, then nodded his head.
“I see. Well, the truth is, it doesn’t matter whether he was or not: it still gives you no right to assault him,” Nemesis said.
“What?” Both of the burly lovers balked. Beck, the one who stood aside, added in:
“This is none of your business, anyway!”
“I would like it to be none of my business. But I can’t just let you harm a classmate,” Nemesis shook her head. She tried to call out, in hopes that the fabled ‘prince’ would appear, “Dike!”
“Ha! You must be new! The school prince doesn’t show up past school hours!” Beck and his boyfriend chortled. “Here. Let me teach you a lesson, newbie: don’t interfere with things that don’t concern you!”
Beck stomped forth with his heavy boots and threw the first punch, only to be met with air when Nemesis swerved out of the way. She swept her leg across the slick floor and knocked Beck down flat on his face. She turned her head and looked down while he struggled up.
“Don’t make it concern me,” she rasped out a warning. “Got it?”
Beck let out a whimper, but nodded.
“Good. Go,” she told him, and he obeyed, dashing toward the exit. As he left, she saw a trickle of blood run down his forehead. Once Beck was out of sight, she turned her attention toward his lover.
“Put the boy down,” Nemesis commanded. Unlike Beck, his boyfriend wasn’t so deterred, opting instead to scoff.
“Make me,” he dared.
“I don’t think you want me to do that,” she warned.
“I can put up more of a fight than Beck. After all, I’m the reason why others know not to even so much as look at him,” he boasted.
“Did you see his face? I don’t think anyone will want to look at him anymore. Not that he was much of a looker to begin with.”
“Hey!” He shouted. “No one talks about him that way!”
“I wonder: how many students have you two driven fear into? Is this boy here just another one of your victims?” Nemesis asked.
“Oh, you’ve got it all wrong, girlie: Paulie here, he’s into this sort of thing. He’s a bit of a masochist that way,” he sneered.
“What about you? Or is that just something you say to justify the beatings you inflict upon others?”
“Argh! I’ve had enough! You think you know everything?” He let go of Paulie and the kid took the opportunity to dart out of there.
“No,” she shook her head. “But I don’t need to know everything.”
He was blinded by how fast it all happened as she shoved him into the wall where Paulie was and held her forearm against his neck. He rasped, but didn’t dare speak. He tried to move his arms and break free and she pressed into him further. There was a moment reprieve as she let go, but that relief faded when she gripped onto his collar and lifted him up while his back dragged against the wall. He squirmed about, but he couldn’t pry her off.
She opened her mouth, prepared to make him swear not to harm another student. Before she could utter her first sound, however, she herd someone’s light footsteps approach.
“Why are you pinning a boy against the wall? I thought you were gay,” announced Dike, who was busy in the student council room and failed to her any commotion.
“It disgusts me that you think this is something romantic,” Nemesis replied, not releasing the boy from her grip.
“So what’s going on, then? You decided to bully someone?”
“Quite the opposite: I’m trying to make sure he never bullies another student again. I tried calling for a teacher, or somebody. I tried calling for you. But it was an urgent matter and I wasn’t about to let someone get beat up, especially not over a misunderstanding.”
“That doesn’t give you the right to beat others up to solve your problems. You can’t stop bullying by bullying others. Doing such things will only get you into trouble. Is it really worth being suspended or expelled over?”
Nemesis growled and released the boy from her grip. He flailed about while reaching for the nearest exit. Dike shook her head at Nemesis.
“I appreciate that you want to help, but violence does not solve anything. There are always other ways to go about things,” Dike said.
“What if there isn’t? What if all other options are blocked and the only thing you can do is fight? What then?” Nemesis asked, a deep scowl etched its way through as her face turned red.
“I...I don’t know. But I just know that this isn’t right, and if a faculty member catches you doing something like that, you’ll be the one in trouble.”
Nemesis sighed and walked away.
“Fine. You win,” she told Dike.
The lesson she learned that day was to practice discretion when making sure that justice was served.
Days went by with little activity. She spent her time in classes thinking over how to make sure she wouldn’t be caught. Whether it was to bait bullies and wrongdoers outside of the campus, or make them vow not to harm another student where the school’s cameras weren’t watching.
Maybe that was a one time occurrence? She wondered during her history class one day. Even if I take this responsibility upon myself, I’m not looking to give myself a nasty reputation. I really do need to be careful.
“Nemesis!” Shouted the teacher and the clouds that swirled around her head popped and disappeared.
“Huh? Oh, sorry. I was thinking...uh...about girls?” She knew it was obvious she wasn’t paying attention, but she just couldn’t find a good excuse, either.
“Yeah, yeah. We’ve all been there,” the teacher replied, “but the topic is the Byzantine Empire!”
Even as she stared at the blackboard, her mind continued to drift toward what to do about any potential troublemakers.
Luck would be on her side when just a couple of days later, during her last class of the day, she overheard some commotion in the back. She glanced behind her and saw a chubby boy with glasses in a plaid turtleneck hooded sweater hold up a wad of cash and he started flipping through it while mumbling to himself.
“Need to make sure I have enough or else I’m done for,” she thought she heard him say. While it could have been something innocent enough, the dread that dripped from his voice made her think otherwise.
At the very least, I think I’ll tail him after school to make sure, she vowed, then paid full attention to the teacher’s lecture on imaginary numbers.
After class got over, she trailed behind the boy and watched as he paced about n a nervous, uneven fashion. She tried to keep enough of a distance to keep out of sight, and the crowds helped as well. However, once the crowd dissipated, the boy stood at the entrance door. Rather than walk outside, he turned around.
“Why are you following me?” He asked, and both his legs and voice quivered.
She was hidden behind a trash can, and she thought that if she stayed still, he would walk out. There was no way she could have been caught, was there…?
“Come on. I see you. You’re too big,” he didn’t give up, and that time, she knew she was caught. She stood up and addressed him.
“I, uh, overheard something about money,” she tried to explain. “I was worried.”
“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” he said to her while rolling his eyes.
“You just seemed really nervous, and I thought maybe I could help in some way.”
“By stalking me?”
Crap. He’s got a point, she thought.
“Look, I’ve heard about your reputation. You’re a first year, like me, yet there’s already word spreading about how you beat people up.”
“I don’t, uh, much,” she admitted. “It’s an exaggeration, surely.”
“I heard about what you were like in middle school. Picking fights left and right. Getting yourself into trouble. I don’t want any of that. If you’re looking to beat me up, I’m sure I’m an easy target, and I won’t put up much of a fight, but I’d rather you didn’t. I have enough on my plate as it is.”
“Like what?” She leaned forward.
“Worry about yourself,” he shook his head.
He walked out the door and into the bright rays of the outside world. For a second, she hesitated as she thought about what to do next. As soon as that second passed, she sprinted after him.
“Hey, wait up!” She caught up with him outside, halfway down the school grounds. He peered up at her and scowled.
“What is your problem?” He asked.
“Sorry. I’m just really worried about you. At least say you’re using it to buy some computer parts or whatever it is you’re into. Even if it’s a lie, I’ll at least be less worried,” she pleaded with him.
“You want me to lie…?” He asked, confused. Realizing what he said, he sighed. “I shouldn’t say. Because as soon as I say, you’ll want to beat people up, and you could get us both in trouble.”
“Why? Are they students here?”
“No. But we’re students, and outside of campus, we’re also subject to the law.”
A knot formed in her stomach and she felt like gagging, but suppressed it.
“What do you mean? Is it that serious?”
He nodded.
“Well, how about we go to the cops about it?” She suggested.
“Are you nuts?! I need to stay in school, I can’t risk that. Nothing good ever comes from those goons, don’t you know?”
“No, sorry.”
“Well, sooner you know the better. If they catch you beating people up, even if you think they deserve it, they’ll put you away.”
“So the lesson is, don’t get caught, right?”
“Yes! I mean...argh!” He scrunched up his face and stomped. “You’re breaking my concentration!”
By then, they were outside of the campus and were down the sidewalk, headed toward an industrial district.
“What are we doing here, by the way?” She asked.
“You’re still following me?” He balked.
“Yes. You can hate me later, but I think it would be better to know the situation before we both arrive at our destination.”
He stopped and shuffled his feet as he faced toward a broken down chain link fence leading into an abandoned factory.
“Well...if I tell you, you’ll hate me,” he hushed his voice.
“You don’t know that.”
“Promise you won’t beat people up and cause trouble?” He begged.
“I can’t make any promises without knowing, sorry.”
Another sigh from the boy.
“Okay. So a few weeks ago, I was having trouble concentrating on work. Both my schoolwork and my personal projects. I would fall asleep in the middle of working on assignments, or have half-finished gadgets built and wake up having rested on a pile of screws,” he explained.
“That doesn’t sound fun.”
“No, it’s not. So I’d go to school feeling like a zombie. Someone noticed, a cute looking boy in a leather jacket named Emmental, though most people call him Emmy. He said he had similar problems until his friend told him about a product that’s said to not only keep people awake, but improves concentration, and without the feeling of crash after the effects wear off. He told me where to go and said that these guys would give me the product for free. So I went. And they did.
The product worked like a charm. Then I went to them again, they gave me some more. It worked just as well, but a little less well. I needed more, so I went to them, and they said it would cost me. I was hooked, and I gave them all the money I had, but soon enough, they demanded more and the effects of the product had lost its effect. I told them I didn’t have any money, and they gave me a black eye. One of the dealers showed up on the way to school a few days ago, said I owed them and that because I haven’t paid up, I owe them more than before. I scrounged up as much money as I could, doing odd jobs. If this isn’t enough, well...I’m done for.”
Throughout his explanation, she clenched her fists harder and harder and the idea of popping a blood vessel was close to being a reality.
“This drug, whatever it’s called, are you still on it?”
“Moo-Moo, and no. I’ve stopped taking Moo-Moo because I couldn’t afford to pay them any more and I’d need to take a lot more than I originally did just to get the same effect. The withdrawals were intense, and I’m still dealing with some of the side-effects, but I’m done with it, I swear.”
“I believe you,” she rasped. A deep-seated scowl was across her face, but it wasn’t for the boy in front of her. “I’m Nemesis, by the way.”
“Mac,” he replied, “Mac Enchies.”
“Well, Mac. I’m glad I didn’t promise you, because you’re right: I’m going to get myself into trouble. I suggest you run home.”
“What?! You’re planning on taking those guys?! They might have guns or knives, or knifeguns!”
She shrugged, then ducked down into the hole in the fence and crossed through. Mac gulped as he watched her disappear.
I really should go home. I’ll be safer and in a lot less trouble that way. But for some reason, I can’t move, he thought.
Nemesis walked through the thick, vinegary scent of the abandoned property. Garbage was strewn about in a haphazard fashion, piles of broken appliances, toys, and furniture formed miniature mountains with how high they were stacked.
A light, but chilly breeze passed over her and she found herself shivering with each step.
I wish I remembered to layer up more, she thought, having only worn a pink t-shirt and a black leather jacket over it.
She looked about. Her heart beats were loud enough to make their own symphony. She thought it would give her away before any movements of her legs did. So far, she hadn’t seen anyone, but as she passed around the corner, she spotted a small hideaway, with tall granite walls to block off any unwanted attention. Three men, tall and thin with black leather jackets of their own and baggy jeans stared at her. She had been spotted as well.
“Who are you?” One of them, with a green mohawk and a metallic visor over his eyes asked.
“Yeah. And where’s Little Mac?” Another, bald, and piercings over his eyelids, joined in.
“I thought he was Big Mac,” the third, with pink braided hair, snickered.
I ought to punch that guy first, she thought, but kept her cool for the time being and instead smiled.
“Hey!” She greeted them, “Mac told me you guys could hook me up with some Moo-Moo.”
“You? Moo-Moo. No, we don’t got Moo-Moo for ya,” green mohawk answered.
“Yo. We got some Meow-Meow, though,” the one with pink hair offered instead.
“Cool. I’ll take that, and in exchange, I’ll give you guys…” She reached into her pocket before lunging at the one with pink braids and socked him right in the cheek. He was knocked back and if not for the wall catching him, he would have fallen.
“Hey!” Bald and mohawk yelled, then joined in, both of them trying to punch her in the face. She blocked them both, arms raised over her face, and retaliated with a swift kick to the bald one’s side.
The bald one knocked into the mohawk guy and the two stumbled about. Mohawk shoved bald away and pulled out a switchblade while the bald one went in for another punch.
While Nemesis blocked, she didn’t notice the switchblade in time, and it slashed her right across her forearm. She hissed and dropped her guard, allowing the bald one to get a punch in and knock her back. Meanwhile, the one with pink braids ran toward her and also had a switchblade in hand.
This time, she noticed, and leaned back as he tried to swipe in haphazard motions in her direction. She grabbed onto his wrist and clamped her teeth down. With a shrill yell, the man in pink braids dropped his switchblade, and in that same moment, Nemesis let go and shoved him into the mohawked man. As the two stumbled, she charged and dug her fists into both of their stomachs. They both spat out and coughed, but she paid it no mind as they fell to the ground.
As they lay, she brought herself down and grabbed onto both of their shirt collars.
“Now. Consider Mac’s debt paid,” she growled.
“No way,” the one with the green mohawk groaned.
“Uh, maybe a little paid?” Suggested the one with the pink braids.
With both fists, she punched them both in the face.
“Is that payment enough?” She rasped.
While she was trying to work something out with those two, she didn’t notice the bald one approaching behind, as he had both fists joined together and was prepared to slam them down into her back. Before he could, a hand reached out and grabbed both of his wrists. Surprised, the bald man turned around, only to be whacked upside the head with a swift uppercut.
The bald man stumbled about and Nemesis turned to meet the bald man’s gaze. Fear was in his eyes, and the three men in their leather jackets turned and ran. Once they were gone, she stood face to face with a middle aged man in a top hat with long, shaggy, gray hair and a lazy eye.
“Your form was off,” he said to her in a gruff voice.
“When you kicked, you almost lost your balance,” he pointed to her leg. “You ought to have proper form when you kick. Wouldn’t wanna pull a muscle in the middle of a fight, would ya?”
“What’s it to you?” She asked.
“Nothing. Just giving you a few pointers. I was trying to get a good sleep when I hear this sudden commotion. You think I wouldn’t check it out?”
“I don’t even know who you are. I was just helping out a friend.”
“Name’s Trey Cherry,” he snapped his fingers. “As for you, whatever your reason may be, it seems to me like you had a lot of rage you wanted to unload.”
“Only the normal amount,” she countered.
“Eh. Rage is good. Just gotta know when to use it and how much. If you go all out, you end up reckless, and then it’s just embarrassing for everyone.”
“Ugh. Talk about embarrassing. Getting lectured by some creepy old man,” she groaned.
“Hey, take my advice or leave it! But if you wanna fight proper, you come give this creepy old man a visit.” “Why would you want to help me anyway?”
“I’ve been bored,” he shrugged, “also that gang you picked a fight with was really annoying me. They thought they could just set up shop here just because it’s abandoned, even though I was squatting here first!”
She shook her head.
“I gotta get home,” she said, then walked past him.
Her arm stung where she had gotten slashed, and her face was sore, but such wounds would have been considered a blessing had she known what was to come.
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asakiooi · 2 years
Overtime - Josiah Headcanons 4am Thoughts
Sorry everyone but I need to get my thoughts out I will never stop talking about Josiah.
He’s lax asf. Shy?? Sorry I don’t even see an ounce of that. (Maybe a little if you manage to get him flustered).
He’s just a “dude…” “bro…” kind of guy ya know? (What he may refer to you has nothing to do with your gender).
Yandere for you. I may be over looking this but the way he casually murders the people that were on your back or those you interacted with, you CANNOT BREAK MY HEART AND SAY HE ISNT.
Dry humor is his go to. Joke along with him or if you genuinely find them funny he will always recall those moments to himself.
Teases you as well. Nothing too harsh and will call himself out if he sees you’re uncomfortable.
He knows he’s making an awkward moment. He does it on purpose sometimes.
Might be a “if I can’t have them no one can” kind of yandere idk.
If you are a gamer PLAY WITH HIM. He can and will teach you how to play a particular game. Once you get used to it though no more hand holding he will bully you.
If you are not don’t worry you can just sit on his lap and watch him play lovingly.
Speaking of gaming, quality time is something I’d see him value in a relationship.
He would spend 100% percent of his time with you if he could. Unfortunately he’s got other “things” to plan out if things don’t go his way.
I’ve thought about this but I can’t really see him as someone who will offer himself 100% quickly. He definitely would take his time to open up or reveal more of himself to you as long as you make yourself trustworthy.
Not as unaware/impulsive as others may think. I mean cmon he managed to murder three(?) people in the HR office and was hinted on cleaning up his “mess” before you came in, meaning he could probably get things under wrap in a short amount of time.
When he’s with you there is no such thing as personal space. Unless you make a comment he will not care about how close he is with you.
Good listener. He will always hear about what you’re talking about from a 999 mile radius. Rant, vent, etc to him, he will listen even when he’s on his games.
Also a good observer. Sees the object that you want from a particular store? Casually buys it and give it to you on your birthday or something. This varies based on the price though. I don’t really see him buying random expensive stuff.
He likes looking at you. Has staring problems. It’s like he’s cherishing the very moment you are blessing him with.
Wear his cap and he’ll just stare at you like a cat. No blinking at all. No one knows how he’s feeling rn.
Ruffle his hair? Ruffle his hair. At first he’d make a comment, a humorous invitation from him really. But when you make this a routine, it’s his comfort. Even if he doesn’t say it.
Pet names are a eh from me. I can’t see him using “my love”, “love”, or “dearest”. Rather I think he’d prefer to call you by your name and by modern pet names like “babe”.
Strong. Could lift up the average man with one hand. I can imagine him slamming a body down the ground after he’s finished with them, muah.
I’d say he would be pretty tall or slightly above the average height. Nothing too crazy.
I don’t think he would worship the very ground you walk on however I do think he will treat you more specially.
Not very emotional in terms of sensitivity. He’s in tune with yours but god, you will never hear this man talk about his own wants or needs. Would probably freeze up for a second whenever you hug him if you’re affectionate like that.
If he were to ever get into a argument with you ahem, say you think he’s being a bit overbearing, he might just manipulate you into thinking that he’s doing this for your own good in his usual “dude…” “bro…” voice (voiced by ManlyBad obvi). This would be a very conflicting area.
He ain’t much of a talker but when he needs to use more words he will. Even so he prefers to shorten his sentences up. Straight to the point.
Anger? On this man? Oh you wouldn’t even be able to tell. If he was angry at you, he would take some time to himself and for you to cool down. If he got angry at his target, he would be more violent than usual however he still does this with his calm esque. You would be able to tell depending on how much blood was spilled.
He takes a long time to get truly angry. Sure, when he’s out here murdering HR it’s only a sliver of his anger. If you want him to get angry, you should have another co-worker berate you and embarrass you in front of everyone. Josiah doesn’t like seeing you unhappy.
A sad Josiah is a rare sight to see. I’m not sure how to write this out in honesty. In general if you asked him to vent to you he would just tell you about his past (that doesn’t involve murder) and he would be done with that. If you somehow got him to vent about his “experiences” and trauma in a healthy way, he might just tear up. Nothing more than a shed of it though.
Two outcomes for this one. A jealous Josiah would be prevalent but you wouldn’t notice this. Death stares and scoffs anyone flirting with you. Or he’s the type to not worry bc he can easily murder them later anyways.
Bro is kinda emotionally dead from loops good luck.
At the end of his rope, if you somehow escaped from his grasps too many times or if you did something to make him desperate, he’d kill you. He has no hesitation. Not too sure about the game twist loop at the ending but I believe if he were to kill you the cycle would reset and repeat itself. You’d had vague memory of what happened but he will remember. This time he would do anything to keep you in his clutches. He can do this as many times as he can, he will learn everything that you may do if you ever found out. It’s hopeless to escape. Who knows how many times he’s done this.
The whole loop thing is probably why he’s so relaxed about everything. He knows what might happen and he is prepared for the ones he doesn’t know. He most likely saw your death many times and was likely the cause of most of it. At this point if you die whether by his hands or by an outside force he has no problem in restarting again. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t care though. He will do everything in his power to make sure this loop lasts for a long time.
In the ending of the game where you have the option to tell him about your “dream”, he will take note of this and will be more secretive in his risky “plans”. However you wouldn’t even know since at the beginning of the game you have always viewed him a your non suspicious co-worker.
Somehow if you were to ever live in a loop where you are truly happy with him and his flaws, he would want to keep that loop alive forever and ever. If you die not by him, I can see him becoming Homura 2.0.
Finished at 6am. Wow.
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lovely-echoo · 3 years
Sleepy Bois Inc x FranBow!Reader
In-game AU
Part 1/? Pt.2
Plantonic!SBI x Young!Reader
(10/11 years old)
Genderneutral reader (they/them) 💜
INFO; If you haven't played or seen game play of Fran Bow then you can skip this if you'd like. If you don't care then go ahead.
Summary; Basically if you've seen/played the game you should know how this goes, you take place of Fran. So you go/went through the same things she did and you still have Mr. Midnight. This takes place while Fran is still in the mental hospital and then got teleported near the SBI.
Honestly I kept thinking about this but was afraid to request it to anyone so I'm doing it my myself-
If I get any info wrong, I'm sorry! I rewatched Markiplier's game play so it shouldn't be way off.
P.s not everything is described the same.
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(^ art by sunquids on twt)
CW/TW: mentions/includes of cussing, gore, death, blood, consumption of medication, sexual assault (brief mentions of Damian/The King)
(Angst if you squint)
How you ended up there - How you met Philza and Technoblade
As you were walking around the hospital, you decided to take a pill to see if it'll help.
You watched as your vision blurred and some sort of demonic noises rang in your ears.
After a few seconds your vision cleared up, you took a look around the front desk.
The once dull and lifeless room had turned into this even duller and just plain deathly like room.
Blood was everywhere, random body parts of babies where thrown around. A skeletal figure was hung with what looked like an umbilical cord wrapped around its thin bones, it was connected to this baby covered by a blue blanket.
Just about everything looked grotesque.
Suddenly the floor ahead of you opened and this slimy black tentacle like arm grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in.
It seemed you may have passed out during your fall because you woke up to the sounds of hissing and supposedly two men.
Oh and let's not forget the killer headache causing the ringing in your ears. :)
You rubbed your eyes as you sat up, the light around you seemed much brighter than before.
You looked at the two men in front of you and then glanced down, you spotted Mr. Midnight!
His fur was spiked up and his ears were flat against his head. He seemed to be trying to protect you from the men.
Ignoring their presence you immediately scooped up your precious fur baby in your arms.
Your mind completely forgot about the fact there are two strange looking men in front of you.
A few droplets of water dripped down your (S/C) cheeks onto your (F/C) shirt/dress.
You started crying, so much happened in a short period of time and you found your cat you oh so desperately tried to find.
It panicked one of the adults. Said adult was an average tall man with slightly longer blond hair than average, he also had a green and white striped bucket hat. But what stuck out the most was the large pair of wings behind his back.
At first you thought that it was your pills fault but everywhere around you looked….
It seemed like your meds wore off while you supposedly passed out.
But that doesn’t help or ease you at all. If the side effects wore off then how the hell did he have wings?!
The blond walked towards you slowly, like you were an injured puppy. His blue eyes roamed around your body, as if studying your every mouvements.
The other man who was beside him earlier seemed to tense up and looked at him as if he grew another head. He was on edge you assumed.
But he looked even weirder to you. He had long pink hair tied into a loose braid falling over his shoulder. Was it natural? He also had tusks peeking out from his bottom lip, they were large but not enough to be in the way. His skin seemed to be on the pinker side, it was roughed up with scars and calloused in certain areas. You noticed he had pig ears poking out his crown. Is he a king of sorts? Wait, that reminds you of someome... Oh! The king of course!
Ah yes, the king. You quite missed him actually, he was playful and let you use his cane- sword to get a key. But he didn't know about that part. You wonder if he's doing alright right know, the asylum sucks. And the shadow thing next to him said weird things to. Who exactly is the holy man? Why'd the shadow say he took off his clothes?
You couldn't dwell on it to much as you got distracted by the approaching man.
He reached out his hand to stop the winged male. “Phil-”
But the man named ‘Phil’ interrupted the crowned male by putting up his hand. He stopped his hand and let it limp to his side.
“It’s alright Tech, they seem harmless.” ‘Phil’ reassured, though ‘Tech’ nodded his head with a stern expression. There was still hesitance in his sharp red eyes.
‘Phil’ took the same hand he put up and reached it out to you. A soft and kind look in his eyes, you could’ve gotten lost in them if you weren’t careful.
“You alright there kid?” He asked, crouching down to meet your height from where you sat.
“Y-yeah, I think so…” You winced, your throat was hoarse and dry. You peered at ‘Phil’ as he took out this glass bottle with what you assumed was water.
He handed you the fragile bottle, he saw the look of hesitance in your childlike eyes. But something about them set off alarms in his head, they were dull. There’s nothing wrong with that of course! But they were too dull, at least for a mere kid.
He recognized a glint of trauma in your (Eye Shape) eyes, those beautiful (E/C) orbs had seen something they shouldn’t have. Haven’t they?
“Don’t worry mate, it’s fresh water.” He examined the way you handled the cork, you were inexperienced. He could tell you’ve never needed to do it, but why? It’s really the only way so far to keep water with you.
Did you not have any?
While he was lost in thought, you just had noticed he had an accent of sorts. Nothing wrong with it, you've just never heard of someone with it.
(^ Ignore that if you are british)
While the winged male was off in his own world the piglin hybrid watched as you sniffed the clear liquid in suspicion before letting your cat smell it as if you were looking for their approval.
To his surprise they did give it to you, the black cat nodded it’s head and squeaked out a meow. That strangely sounded like a yes- but he dismissed the thought. Probably was just the voices fucking with him.
You gulped down the water as if you hadn’t had any for months.
‘Why tf are they so desperate-’ ‘lowkey kinda concerned lmao’ ‘they look like they’d be an orphan tho’ ‘lmao maybe’ ‘idc about the kid, i want the cat’ ‘absolutely-’ ‘Nah fuck the cat, im allergic.’ ‘lol and?’ 'PFT ANY ASKERS???'
Those were all different voices speaking and overlapping each other.
Technoblade sighed as he glanced at his father, he knew him on the back of his hand. He let him be and slowly walked next to Phil and kneeled down.
“What’s your name kid?” he asked, taking the empty bottle you had handed him. “(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)/Bow.” You bluntly answered, looking at him in the eyes. He noticed how bloodshot they were, I mean you did cry not even 5 minutes ago.
"What's yours?" You questioned tilting your head a bit in the process.
Unbeknownst to you, some voices in a certain someone's head were losing their shit, squealing and chanting ‘protecc tiny bean’ over and over again.
"The name's Technoblade, but you can call me Techno." Strange name in your book but your not the one to judge. You simply nodded your head in acknowledgement.
"That guy is Philza, but you can call him Phil." He pointed his thumb to the unfocused man. Technoblade or Techno- cleared his throat.
“You’ve got somewhere to stay? Where are your parents?” “Why can’t you mind your business?”
Techno’s eyes twitched in annoyance and his teeth clenched to hold back any crude words.
Although he noticed the flash of pain in those dull (E/C) orbs of the mentions of your parents.
He sighed once again, something you noticed he did a lot. At least, so far he did.
“Look kid, do you have a place to stay or not?”
And that's how you ended up meeting your new family. . . <3
I may include a taglist if anyone's up to be tagged lmao
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danghyuk · 3 years
BTS having a tall but timid boyfriend
A/N: Request by: @awkfanboy, this is really long (like 2,6k words oof) and I’m sorry it took ages to finish. ​​
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Namjoon is the tallest member in BTS, and though he’s not used to be the smaller person for once, it’s not a bad thing at all. It’s not before one of his fellow members points it out, that Namjoon starts to notice the slight difference in your heights.
With the slight teasing about how Namjoon isn’t the tallest anymore, especially from the youngest, the older members like Seokjin also starts to hint about and assume your bedroom situation. 
Though Namjoon never comments on it. He’s mature about the teasing and he knows to keep your private matters to himself. In fact, he often refrains himself from smiling due to the rest of the members being so clueless and assuming that your height defines who’s the more dominant. The two of you are not your average heteronormative couple, starting with the both of you not being straight, so why do the same social expectations apply to you in every aspect?
They just continue with the teasing, taking it for granted since Namjoon never says or does anything against their claims. He wants the members to see for themselves rather than correcting them for judging a book by its cover. Because he also assumed that you would take the lead when it came to sex, and Namjoon doesn’t want to appear as a hypocrite. 
So, when he finally introduces you to his fellow band members, he refrains himself from laughing as their expressions one by one changes into pure surprise. None of them can tear their eyes away from the two of you, and being shy, you naturally hide your face into Namjoon’s neck, to which he just smiles and pulls you closer. There’s not really a distinct height difference between the two of you, but it’s still surprising to see your taller and longer frame sitting on Namjoon’s lap. 
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No one, not even Namjoon believes that you – Seokjin’s tall and intimidating boyfriend, are as shy and cute as he describes you as. “What do I have to do, huh? Drag my small baby to meet all of you hyper kids at the same time?” “Hyung, I’m sure [Name] is a lot of things, but small is not one of them…”
It takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of persuasion (and diversity of bribery) from Jin’s side to make you finally accept the fact that you were going to meet them all at once. A pep talk, murmurs of sweet nothings and loving kisses is a big part of it (and it never fails to make you blush, which Seokjin takes great pleasure in – that sadistic bastard).
Seokjin reassures the rest of his bandmates that he under no circumstances was trying to hide you, but then again no one believes that you’re as shy as he makes you out to be. On the other hand, he resonates with you that he wants the most important people in his life to meet. 
On the big day, neither of you can tell who’s the most nervous judging by both of your clammy hands (Seokjin simply refuses to let go of your hand). He steers you right away towards the couch when you’re done taking off your outerwear because he knows for a fact that you’re not going to be left alone for the entire evening. The couch is therefor the perfect limbo, he can press himself into your taller and warmer frame at the same time as the members can join you.
 Meeting them isn’t as chaotic as you thought it would be, and the members (especially the younger ones) are perplexed, which quickly turns to giddiness. They do not pry much (thanks to Jin’s warning looks and Yoongi’s sharp elbow into Jeongguk’s stomach), but their curious eyes bulge every time your cheeks flush due to Seokjin’s flirty antics, and whenever your hand unconsciously searches for Seokjin’s calming touch. By the end of the day, your boyfriend is wearing a permanent smirk and your ears have never felt warmer due to Seokjin ‘accidentally showing off the long scratch marks on his back. 
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Yoongi can be blunt when he wants to, not to mention honest, but there are some aspects of his private life he values too much. One of those being you, of course. The other members know he has a boyfriend of some sort; however, they are rather bad at getting any type of information out of him. Jimin and Seokjin are the nosiest, being two different menaces – one nagging and one too curious for his own good.
From what they have gathered, they know that you are younger than Yoongi and that’s about it. Despite Yoongi rarely opening up when it comes to the boyfriend topic, he does sometimes slip up. Like that one time you changed his lock screen to the two of you and he forgot to change it back.
Despite his fellow band members constantly begging him to introduce you to them, Yoongi declines every time with no room for any argument. What his members don’t know is his reasons for not wanting to introduce you to them just yet. Even after being together for almost four months, you’re still extremely shy and nervous around large groups of people, especially nosy ones. BTS is exactly that and because they’re considered as his second family, he just knows you will be way more nervous meeting them and to give them a good impression of yourself. 
When they do meet you, it is just by accident and poor miscalculations. Yoongi had texted you earlier to come over and with a clear signal that the dorm was empty except him. However, it is not your boyfriend who opens the door for you when you arrive. Jimin, who wasn’t expecting anyone, mirrors your shocked expression as you both stare at each other for a while. He figures out who you are immediately seeing as Yoongi was everything but subtle when he pulled you after him in a hurried manner towards his room, and he doesn’t waste a single second to text everyone about his discovery. 
When the rest of the members arrive back home, they are met with a pretty funny and slightly pathetic sight. You, a 190cm tall male, trying your best to hide behind your much smaller boyfriend. Your much taller form next to the smallest idols in BTS is a sight to take in. Just like Jimin, all of them are shocked by your height, but also how you behave around Yoongi. With looks as sharp as knives from Yoongi, no one dares to look at the two of you too long nor ask the question at the tip of everyone’s tongue. This lasts until Yoongi, by accident again, manages to tug your sweater down and expose your hickey covered throat. 
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When Hoseok starts to date you, everybody knows it. Before they have even met you, BTS knows what your favourite colour is, how you look when you sleep and how many plants you have. He can’t particularly help it since you’re his favourite topic and honestly, everyone is rather amazed at him not having exposed your relationship. The weird thing, which Yoongi pinpoints every time you are brought up in a conversation, is that they have yet to meet you.
Being constantly reminded by the other’s and not having a good answer as to why they haven’t met you, makes them slightly annoyed. You are already a huge part of Hoseok’s life and it’s not hard to see how much you affect him in every aspect. A single text from you can make his entire day and he wears the same dreamy smile whenever he returns from a date with you. 
There’s nothing else Hoseok wants to do other than introduce you to them, but he respects your comfort zone and takes your feelings into consideration. If you don’t feel ready meeting them, then he’ll wait for you 100%. You’re his adorable boyfriend after all, even with your taller and bigger build, he adores how easy he can make you flush and writhe underneath him.
“Yah! When are you going to introduce your boyfriend to us?” “Soon, I hope. He’s just… really shy.” Whenever Hoseok uses that specific word to describe you, the others have a hard time believing him due to his other stories about you. Luckily, they do not have to wait long before you agree to meet them all.
The first introduction goes like dream, except for the many times you hit your head in the door frames. They are all in awe of your height, whether they voice it out loud or not (like Taehyung asking you if he could get a piggyback ride). Some of them feel slightly guilty for not believing the rapper earlier, though those feelings are quickly brushed away by their curiosity. How come someone so tall has a personality resembling that of a fragile flower? Another thing they learn, to their surprise, is Hoseok’s new favourite hobby – teasing you until you’re hiding in his embrace.
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The first thing Jimin had noticed when he saw you was your undeniable height, but it wasn’t what drew him towards you. He can’t deny that you look absolutely stunning, with your long legs wrapped in skinny jeans or slacks that make your figure seem as if you’re sculpted by the gods, but he simply can’t enough of your flushed cheeks and you averting your eyes whenever the two of you lock eyes for more than five seconds.
He simply thrives on how completely different you are compared to your looks. Even though he is the smallest in BTS and is relentlessly teased for it, he has absolutely no problem standing at the tip of his toes just to whisper something dirty in your ear, kiss your nape or just tug you down by your collar to meet your lips in a deep kiss. 
Because of Jimin’s never-ending PDA, you’ve gotten quite used to being showered in affection and more used to ignore prying looks, though you can’t stop yourself from blushing whenever he decides he wants to kiss you. And you just know he does it on purpose, that’s a no-brainer because your boyfriend will always, without a doubt, burst out in a cute high-pitched giggle every single time he manages to make you hide behind your own hands. 
Jimin is pretty quick to introduce you to his friends and the first thing they immediately point out are your ridiculous differences in height as if you weren’t aware of it yourselves. Your boyfriend is used to comments like that, but you aren’t and causes you to step behind Jimin- using him as a shield. You’re practically digging your own grave by trying to hide behind your boyfriend, BTS are ruthless and they tease you even more after laughing at your attempt at hiding. 
BTS thinks it’s cute how the two of you compliment yet contrast each other in your relationship. With your tall build and shy nature, it’s easy to imagine your personality as cold and stoic, so, until now you’ve done nothing but turning the other member’s expectations upside down. They still can’t phantom the image of you turning towards Jimin for permission someone asks you to do something or join them. 
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Like Namjoon, he isn’t really aware of height until he has a hard time kissing you, messing with your hair or jumping at your back for you to carry him. He also tends to forget how tall you actually are because he is a rather spontaneous and impulsive person. It doesn’t bother him even if he has to ask you to bend down time after time, Taehyung just huffs in fake annoyance and simply tugs your head downwards.
Due to your own awkward and timid personality, you feel bad whenever he has to ask you to bend down. Taehyung thinks you’re being ridiculous when you tell him and shows you just how hot he thinks your taller frame really is. That certain event made Taehyung realise in which direction your relationship was establishing and unfolding, and he realised how little he cared whether you took control or not.
The discovery makes him more aware of your sheepish habits and your reserved way of accepting his affections. From how your neck would turn darker whenever he does something you really like or display your relationship – to how you would try to make yourself smaller next to him in the public (he always scolds you for doing so because he’s worried about your posture). 
The two of you have spun your own net of habits around you and your relationship, which you often are unaware of, but when you meet his bandmates, they’re a little thrown off at how you and Taehyung’s dynamics work. You are completely used to your boyfriend making the decisions and don’t think much of it until the rest of BTS, especially Jimin and Hoseok, catch on to who’s really in charge. 
Suddenly you find yourself in the middle of a sexual innuendos and joke battle, and your face feeling as if it’s on fire does anything but defuse the situation. Even after getting Taehyung to save you and sitting in his lap, it’s Seokjin and Jeongguk’s turn to laugh seeing as you’re trapping your smaller boyfriend between you and the couch. Having the build like an intimidating basketball player doesn’t help your case when a little kiss makes into a stuttering and flustered mess. 
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Your height is something Jeongguk was jealous of originally before you got together and before he knew that your ‘tall, mysterious and handsome’ appearance is you being too reserved for socialising in large groups of people. Now he just relishes and finds pride in being able to push you down on your couch, bed, floor, whatever to start a heavy makeout session, knowing you love it as much as he does.
He loves to show you off to everyone, everywhere. “Look at my boyfriend, isn’t he gorgeous?” “He’s legit a tree, Jeongguk, but sure.” Having him constantly spewing out compliments and bragging left and right, doesn’t help your shy persona at all and makes you pull out of social interactions more often than not.
Thus, portraying yourself as unapproachable and standoffish to others. BTS has a hard time warming up to you since the first few introductions were brief and pretty awkward for both parts. Even though they’re all impressed by your height, it just adds to your ‘tough guy’ image. Jeongguk doesn’t give up however and tries harder to include you in the group activities. 
Whenever you try to excuse yourself or go somewhere quieter, your boyfriend hurries to pull you back in even if he has to haul your tall ass over his shoulder. It’s quite the sight to see the youngest member dragging his way taller boyfriend after him as if he has no worries. Your flushed expression makes them ponder a bit before they all realise the same. Seokjin even apologies for not being the most welcoming, they just found you slightly intimidating, and of course, that makes you even more flustered as you accept their apology. 
After the big revelation, Jeongguk’s friends watch your interactions with your boyfriend wide-eyed, disappointed in themselves for not having noticed your constant flustered expressions, how you seem to lean on Jeongguk and the fact that it’s the youngest BTS member who initiates all physical contact like kissing you and placing his hands on your thighs. The two of you fit together like a puzzle even if some stereotypical roles are reversed. 
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writingssummit · 3 years
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐬 !
haikyuu as dads!
find the mha version here - bnha as dads !
content: fluff, the boys with children. mentions pregnancy. aged up!
characters: bokuto, daichi, sugawara, lev, and kuroo.
a/n: i’ve been feeling very soft and even though i don’t even really like kids lol, this prompt make me so warm and happy :’) keep in mind that I’m not super far into haikyuu, so i don’t know a lot about the timeskip- sorry !! also a bit messy and unorganized.
so without further ado, here are some soft scenarios and headcanons for each :D
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bokuto !
Pleaseeee, we all know he’d be such a good dad!!
You’re tired? Don’t worry, he can watch them while you rest!
Can and WILL play with them for hours.
And of course, he has the energy to keep them preoccupied. This man has more energy than I ever will on 2 cups of coffee with 3 shots of espresso in each.
Mans probably would want a bigger family, but of course as long as you were fine with it.
Thinking maybe 3+. He just wants to have that big family to share with you :’) aww
When you’re pregnant, he’s all over you. Protective to the point of it being a little overwhelming, but he means well.
Pokes your belly a little. Not harshly, but in a loving, gentle way.
“That’s my baby. Right in there.”
Probably cries a little when your baby bump shows.
More so during your first pregnancy, but he still holds that same emotion with the others.
He does NOT know what to do the first time.
When the kid/s start getting older, oh lord. He’s such a sucker for them.
Probably gives them ice cream or sneaks candy when you aren’t in the room, even though IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR BED.
I’m sorry, but he cannot and will not be able to help with homework. I’m sorry but it’s true.
If your kid/s have a passion, he’s 100% for it.
Dance? He’ll go to all of the recitals he can make. Volleyball? Even better. Writing? He’ll sit in front of them and have them read it out to him like it’s a bedtime story.
I don’t think he’d be a good cook, so whenever he takes over for dinner, everyone is like “Oh no. Dad’s cooking again.”
Overall, 100/10 dad. Supportive, and does his best. Good boyo <3
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daichi !
I think he’d be a good dad too :D
He was kind of just a natural father, so it’s expected.
I think that he originally wanted to bring up the topic of kids to you at some point, but he was hesitant since he didn’t know if you were ready.
So of course, you beat him to the conversation.
He’s very happy that you want to start a family too. :)
I think he’d want a smaller family, maybe 1-2 kids.
When you test positive, he’s kind of in shock for a moment.
“We’re going to have a kid-”
Like duh lmao he put it in you
Definitely calls Suga up to tell him the news.
Is actually very interested in shopping for a baby. He needs a few pointers but he’s got the enthusiasm, so A for effort bby
He’s decently used to having a small child running around him screaming, he had little siblings so yeah
Has a bit more structure than bokuto, but he’s still able to break.
He’d do damn near anything for his kid/s.
He has his moments where he wants to spend alone time with just you.
Decent homework helper, but I feel like he’d be that one parent who goes “This wasn’t how I was taught to do this”, or “Why did they change that??”
Again again, supportive dad.
But also supportive of you <3
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sugawara !
Being a teacher, he’s surrounded by kids all the time.
Basically, he is also used to having screaming children within his vicinity
I could never omg how do you do that Suga
At first he didn’t put much thought into a family, he and you were content just the two of you. Also. CHILDREN HE TEACHES.
But something just switches in his brain, probably after he had a really wholesome moment with a student, or maybe even just witnessing a parent + student interaction.
He’s like, “I kind of want that..”
Another small fam kinda guy <3
Suga brings it up, and you’re all for it, you’ve been wanting to start a family with him.
He’s so excited and happy!! oml :’)
Like, he finally gets to start a whole new chapter of your lives together he hadn’t really thought about until now.
When you get a baby bump, he plants soft kisses to your tummy and talks gently to it.
My heart ksjshd
This will be a nightly occurrence now.
He is reading all those articles for raising kids. He’s also at your beck and call, even the baby’s.
He just wants everything for the baby, they end up being a huge daddy’s kid.
Late nights after the kid/s go to bed is prime time for you both.
You enjoy being together after a long day, you snuggle up together in your bed, maybe drink some wine later.
PLEASE. Breakfasts in bed. He and the kid/s will TOTALLY MAKE YOU B in B.
So proud of your kid/s. Has pictures in frames on his desk at school, and when his students ask, he has plenty of stories to tell.
Knows when something is off. Like, he can just tell-
Kid is sad? He’s there. Tissues, ice cream, take them out somewhere.
Probably a teaser.
You already know he gets himself and that kid/those kids into mischief.
“Shhh, don’t tell mom!”
He has deep conversations with them. He cares a lot.
He just loves them <3
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kuroo !
it’ssss kuroo time babyyy
He definitely wanted kids. Strikes me as the guy who just knew, as soon as you got married.
When that test came up positive, he had a dorky smirk on his face.
He’s very proud to know you will have his kid.
This dude is always checking up on you. Morning sickness? He’s there to hold your hair back. 
Feeling clingy or upset? Wraps his arms around you.
Lazy pats on your stomach when it’s late.
Why does he seem like he’d play mozart around you because he read somewhere that fetsuses liked that
Sir please we don’t need to listen to Alla Turca (Allegretto) for 12 hours straight
He’s 100000/10 homework helper. Mans is smart af, it’s not even surprising.
“I forgot how smart you were” 
“Shut up”
You both are probably so mushy with each other that your kid/s are like “Ew gross”
He encourages and pushes them to do their best. 
Helps them find what they’re passionate about. <3
Dad jokes. I’m serious.
“Please stop, dad!”
“One more, one more-”
Enjoys making them suffer with terrible jokes.
In a nice way of course.
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lev !
saved the funny one for last!
Okay maybe not super funny, but I had fun writing this
He and you did NOT plan to get pregnant. At ALL.
“Lev the test is positive”
Promptly falls off of chair.
Like this dude was not ready for that information
Tbh he would make even me anxious about it
“..do I have to give them the talk?”
Lev please it hurts me
As soon as he gets used to it though, he’s excited like he usually is. 
But this is different. This is a whole HUMAN. 
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad, Y/N?”
“Do you want me to be honest?”
Jkjk that was a joke.
I think Lev has the potential to be a good dad. He’s energetic, passionate and dumb, but in a good way <3
Sorry again, no homework help with him LMAO
Your kid will probably be tall. Or at least average height.
After the original surprise pregnancy, he wants to try again but when you both are actually ready.
He would totally take these kids out everywhere. A show off dad for sure
“Hey, did you know my kid did xyz?” 
“Look, here’s a picture!”
Lev we get it you love your kids 
He would love to have a volleyball loving kid I feel like, but he wouldn’t be too disappointed if they didn’t like it. Would probably propose other sports though, he always loved playing himself, even if it was only volleyball so he wants them to have the same good experiences
If he’s watching the kids while you’re shopping, he doesn’t really know how the first few times- even though you left him A LIST.
Probably then calls his friends up for advice
If it comes down to it...consults WikiHow
and that’s it!! hope you enjoyed, some were harder to write but yk what- i had fun :D as much as i am suga brainrot i literally had a hard time writing his section :’( 
but anyways yuh B)
asks/requests are open ! check yay’s and nay’s in basics for this blog !
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jeanbeaux · 3 years
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jean kirstein x f!reader
wc: 4.6k
warnings: alcohol consumption (not underage bc everyone is a college senior) and of w**d mentions, frat boy antics, and sexual jokes (no actual smut tho!). Mentions of a tiktok audio and references to Naruto. Canon-typical horse face jokes. Author does not have a real idea of how frats work so all knowledge is gathered from Neighbors (2014). i tried to be as inclusive as posssible but there are height jokes bc author is short, so to my queens built like megan thee stallion i love u but we know jean he would still try and make fun of your height affectionately. (please let me know if I miss anything!)
a/n:  eee so this is like my first fic ever, so i’m happy I finished in time for daddy jean’s birthday. special shout out to @welcometotheclubhoe for bribing me to write this with a juicy kiss and allowing me to yell about fratboy!jean in her inbox and @aiiishiiiteru​ for beta-ing and sending me jean tiktoks to feed the brainrot much luv <3 <3 
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It’s a dingy basement with a ceiling lined with LED lights, but then again, you can’t exactly expect gala-level ambiance when it comes to the decor choices of your average frat house. The only thing that had separated the last one from this house was the fact that the ceiling remained glowing green as opposed to the irritating strobe of the Alpha Nu House. Otherwise, it was the same throbbing bass that flowed through the house, the same games of Beer Pong that occurred out in the backyards, just with different players. You and your sorority had been at this for what had felt like hours: hitting up house after house on Frat Row as a part of your Welcome Week tradition. A tradition that always starts with the tipsy promise at the pregame of sticking the whole night together and ending up at a tattered vinyl booth in the back of Sawney & Beans. 
A promise, which, has never been kept during your four years at the University of Sina. 
After Sasha had insisted on staying behind with the cute blonde who had the recipe to the ultimate munchies snack, the group was now down to four. Hitch and Historia were enjoying themselves on the makeshift dance floor, Ymir had gone drink hunting, and you were standing in the corner, waiting for your social battery to recharge as you nursed the soft buzz in your body with whatever the house had come up with as a passible drink. The numbers 12:30 glared back up at you as you glanced at your phone, tucking it back into your pocket with a sigh. Just thirty more minutes, Hitch had begged. Let's just stop by at one more house, she said, and you found yourself caving when she promised you your meal was on her. 
However, judging by how she had begun to cling on the flustered boy with a bowl cut that had approached her, you resigned yourself to the thought that those loaded skillet huevos rancheros were going to be on your dime. So that must be Marlo, you thought, snorting into your cup at how the face to the name Hitch had been raving about all summer had not matched up at all. He didn’t seem like her type at all but then again —
“You’re in my spot.” A voice announced, pulling you from your silent appraisal. You looked up toward the owner, who responded to your confused gaze with a shit-eating smirk. He was tall, almost annoyingly so, with broad shoulders illuminated by green glow of the party lights. He had tucked his ash brown hair in a backward baseball cap, his amusement at the predicament apparent in caramel eyes. 
“Sorry?” you blinked back.
“Yeah, this is my spot,” he repeated, gesturing to a piece of paper that hung above you that read “Cirstein’s Charging Corner” in a scrawl comparable to a kindergartener's. 
“So did you want to charge your phone or something because I can just hold on to it while you do whatever or —” 
He laughs, cutting you off before he explains, “This is just where I normally hang out when I’m tired out with the party. Judging by your face right now, it seems like you're doing the same thing.”
“You’re not wrong on that,” you remark, shuffling over to the side so he can join you against the wall. “How long have you been doing this for you to get a place card to make it all official?”
“Oh, since about the third party they threw freshman year. And since it looks like I have a squatter, I might as well introduce myself — I’m Jean Kirstein,” he says with a teasing smile, “With a K, not a C. My buddy Connie took one English class and decided to force alliteration by bastardizing my last name.”
You introduce yourself back with a giggle. “Honestly, I’ve got to respect the effort he put into that. But I’ve got a question for you, Kirstein. If you get so tired of these parties, why not just go back to your room?”
“Excellent question, mon ami,” he replies, pausing to take a swig of his beer, “You see, my room lies between the guy who fucks obnoxiously loud and the guy who enjoys hosting drunk Rock Band competitions until four in the morning. Not exactly the best place to seek some R&R. But this corner right here? Best place to people watch. Well, from my height at least. You meet the smirk he gives you by sticking out your tongue. “Alright, I’ve decided to let you stay here under one condition: tell me what you see.” 
You turn your attention back to the party scene before you. “Well, I can tell you this much, if that guy over there is your friend, do him a favor and pull him out of there cause he’s gonna strike out pretty fast.” You nudge your drink in the general direction of Historia, who was nodding politely at the broad-chested blonde chatting animatedly with her. 
“Oh, come on now, that’s a bit harsh. Sure, Reiner’s a little thick sometimes when it comes to talking to girls but that doesn’t mean he’s totally helpless.”
“That’s not why I’m saying that it’s because —” You pause as you catch Ymir in the corner of your eye, and decide to forgo an explanation. “Actually, just watch, it will make sense soon enough.” Jean shifts attention back towards the scene, catching Ymir splash Reiner with her drink with a dry “Whoops!” — no indication of regret on her face before turning to hand Historia a White Claw. Reiner stood frozen, mouth agape; while Historia was simultaneously apologizing profusely to the drenched boy and scolding her girlfriend for being so extreme. 
Jean dissolves into laughter as he whips out his phone to take a picture of Reiner’s misfortune. “I’m never letting him live this one down, oh my god,” he manages between breaths. “You aren’t bad at this, what else you’ve got?”
You bring the red Solo cup back your lips in an attempt to hide the smile growing on your face. Perhaps this tree in a black bomber jacket wouldn’t be the worst company for the rest of the night. You survey the basement again, letting out a groan when you see it. “Possibly the most tragic observation of them all, my meal ticket is getting laid tonight.” He follows your gaze back to the middle of the dance floor, where Hitch had been grinding on an incredibly flushed Marlo. Beet red and visibly conflicted between matching Hitch’s motions or upholding her honor, his eyes flitted from her to the various partygoers. As soon as he caught you and Jean looking back at him from the corner he panicked, grabbing Hitch’s wrist to whisk her away to a more secluded spot.
“Hold on,” Jean began, “Are you telling me that’s who Rock Lee bagged at his internship?”
“Rock Lee? I thought his name was Marlo?”
“Well it is, hold on, it’s easier if I just show you, come with me.” He offers his hand as he strides off the wall, guiding you through the crowd of sticky and sweaty bodies till you reach the kitchen, stopping by the wall where their class photo hung. The professional headshots of the 15 boys smiling in their suits rather seemed out of place in a room that repurposed a cracked bong as a condom jar, but it seemed that the sticky noted nicknames that had been crudely plastered to the glass was their attempt at making the ornate frame match the frat-core aesthetic.
"Allow me to introduce you to the Epsilon Class of Rho Omicron Zeta. The random greek letter assignment wasn’t exactly for us, so we came up with new names. Marlo over here was named for his resemblance to this icon from Naruto over here," Jean explained, handing you his phone to show you a picture of an anime character with bushy brows and a bowl-cut on his phone. "Even acts a bit like him too."
“If this Rock Lee guy has a stick up his ass but in an almost endearing way then you’ve nailed it.”
“That’s our Marlo,” he grins, “I came up with that nickname so I’m pretty proud of it.”
“Did you come up with Birth Control too?” You ask, pointing towards the picture of a dark-haired boy with a timid smile. “You’ve gotta give me the back story on that one.”
Jean reaches over your head, flicking the sticky note under the picture with long fingers to reveal the words Bertholdt Hoover in gothic script. “How do you think you say his name?”
You pause, contemplating where this could possibly go. “Bertolt.” 
“How did you forget to use two of the letters in his name?”
“They look like they don’t belong there!” you protested. Silent letters and all that jazz. How do you even pronounce it?”
“Truthfully? We don’t exactly know,” Jean admitted. “Poor kid had his professor call him Burthold for half a semester before he finally corrected him. And during a smoke session, we all decided to play Benedict Cumberbatch with his name, and thus, he was henceforth known as Birth Control.”
“Huh, it’s not bad. Personally, I would have gone with Bear Turtle.”
“Hmmm,” he muses, making a show out of tapping his chin thoughtfully. “I’ll bring your suggestion up with the high council, you’ll hear back in 3 to 5 business days to see if we approve. They still aren't over the blow of not being able to use Big Dick Berty on account of him nearly choking on his water at the suggestion of it.”
“You guys are such children,” you laugh, earning another one of Jean’s warm smiles. “Was Freckle Dick and Jaeger Dong not enough for the penile-themed nicknames?”
“When is two ever enough?”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the photo. “I’m not going to dignify that with a response, Ponyboy,” you tease, finally finding his picture. “Are you just a big fan of The Outsiders?”
For the first time tonight, Jean’s sunny disposition dims for a minute, embarrassment flitting across his features. “Well, if you must know, they call me that cause —”
“Cause of his big oleee horse-face!” A boy behind you slurs, knocking you into the wall as he barrels headfirst into Jean’s chest. He reaches up to cup Jean’s jaw with one hand, cheeks squishing under his fingers. “Don’t you agree?” he asks, turning to face you as he moves Jean’s face from side to side with drunk amusement. You look back at him bewildered, not sure as to how to respond to the situation, but that doesn’t seem to deter the newest member of your party from continuing on.
“Ya know, I tell him all the time, Jean boy!” He emphasizes with a smack to Jean’s chest. “Just cause your face is long, it doesn’t mean women think it’s ugly! I’m sure plenty of people find that attractive! And if you don’t like his horse face, I’ve walked in on this guy in the bathroom a couple of times, and trust me, does he have the horseco—”
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Jean peels off the hand holding his face hostage, “I’m cutting you off for the rest of the night, Connie, time for you to go.”
“But Jeaaaaannn,” he whines into his shoulder, “you haven’t even introduced me to your pretty lady friend here!”
“(Y/N), this is Connie,” Jean sighs, trying to stabilize the swaying boy, “Connie, (Y/N).”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Connie says, shooting his hand forward.
“Likewise, Cueball,” you reply, offering your hand, which Connie begins to swing back and forth.
“Jean!” he gasps, “How did she know my name?”
“Because you’re practically bald, Connie.”
“I am?” Connie breaks the handshake to frantically run his hands through his buzzcut. “Oh my god, I AM! Jean! Where did my hair go?”
“We trimmed it this morning, remember?”
“Well give it back!”
 “Will you excuse me for a minute?” Jean turns to you with an apologetic look, holding Connie by the elbow.  “I’ve got to take this dumbass to bed before he poisons his liver any further.”
“No! I can’t leave! I had to tell you something, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Connie hiccups. “You won’t believe how far Rock Lee’s been going to keep up the story of him getting a girl. He interrupted the Rock Band session to ask for some lube. Lube! While I was jamming out to The Go-Go’s! Who asks a man for lube as he’s trying to play We Got The Beat on the drums?”
You and Jean exchange a glance before you begin snickering loudly. 
“Whaddam I missing? What’re you hiding? Tell me!” Connie grabs Jean by his jacket in a futile attempt to shake the answer out of him.
“Marlo’s actually got a girlfriend,” you explain, “She’s a part of the SNA srat, like me.”
“Bro!” Connie’s eyes go wide. “Do you know what this means?”
“That you and Eren owe me $10?” Jean offers.
“That Rock Lee — hic! — FUCKS!” Connie retorts. “Who would have thought?”
“Me, which is why you got to pay up, Cueball,”  Connie grumbles as he reaches for his wallet, pulling out a crumpled bill to smack in Jean’s awaiting palm. 
“Also, please don’t tell Eren now, Jean. I may or may not have told him you and I would be on clean-up duty for the next 3 weekends if we could beat him at Flip Cup.” Connie admits sheepishly. “He also may or may not be waiting for us to show up outside soon.”
“Why on earth would you tell him that?” Jean pinches the bridge of his nose, groaning in exasperation.
“Because I know we could!”
“Then couldn’t you have at least stayed a little closer to sober? God, Connie, who else am I supposed to team up with?”
“Well, there’s Marco, and Armin and —”
“Armin? He can’t even hold a full cup without the guarantee of dropping it, how am I supposed to expect him to flip an empty one?”
“And you have her!” Connie whips his arm in your direction, pointer finger dangerously close to your nose. “You can play, right?”
“Well I wouldn’t say I’m amazing at it, but —” you begin.
“See! She can play! We got this Jean,” he beams, satisfied at how he’s managed to salvage the situation.
“She didn’t agree to anything!”
“But she’ll do it, right?”
Both boys turn to you expectantly. Jean’s face unsure, trying to convey that you didn’t have any obligation to go through with Connie’s hair-brained ideas; the look Connie gives you is pleading, large hazel puppy eyes desperate for you to absolve him from Jean’s impending wrath. You look back at them, then look at your cup, finishing its contents with a gulp before responding.
“Oh, why not. Can’t make any promises I’ll save you from clean up duty, though.”
“Yes!” Connie exclaims, fist-pumping the air. “If Jean wasn’t in love with you I’d kiss you right now.”
Jean smacks Connie upside the head as you feel the heat begin to rise in your cheeks. “Connie, please remind me to kill you tomorrow.”
“Aye aye Captain, one second,” he fishes for his phone. “Hey Siri, set a reminder for Jean to kill me tomorrow.”
“Oh for the love of — let’s go already,” Jean leads you once again as he pulls Connie by the ear out the door. The cool autumn air is a respite from the sweltering atmosphere of the packed house, cooling you down as you approach the battered folding table set up in the front lawn. The opposing team seemed to have already gathered, comprising of a ginger with a poor imitation of a Ken doll hair cut, a slicked backed dirty blonde, Reiner, who was sporting a new set of clothes, and a green-eyed brunette whose hair was tucked in a low bun.
“So, you finally showed, Ponyboy,” the man bunned brunette grins. “I’ve been waiting out here for over 30 minutes, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, Jaeger, relax, your messenger got himself drunk along the way, don’t blame me,” Jean dismisses. “Had to go and find myself a new teammate,” he adds, gesturing to you.
“Sup, I’m Eren,” he waves; the rest of his teammates mumble their hellos and introductions soon after. “You familiar with the rules?”
“Uh, just drink, flip the cup and be the team to have all four members do it first?”
“Bingo,” he says, popping the o. “Decide the order of your team, Jean, and we start from there.”
Jean brings you into a huddle with Connie, a sweet-looking guy who you recognize to be Freckle Dick, and a nervous blonde that you figure to be Armin. “Alright, Armin, you can start the chain. (Y/N), you go after Armin, and Marco, you follow her, and. I’ll end us off. Sound good?”
“You got this team! Go us!” Connie cheers, extending two thumbs up into the middle of the circle. The other two nod in confirmation and the huddle breaks to line up in position in front of their cups. A small crowd of spectators had gathered around the table, lighting your nerves on fire. Jean picks up on your nervousness and softly taps your shoulder.
“Hey, don’t freak out, it will be okay however it turns out,” he says reassuringly, that easy smile back on his face. “And if you never see me and Connie again after this, it’s because he’s in various dumpsters across the city and I’ve died of Neisseria.”
“I’ll try not to let it come to that,” you crack a smile of your own in return. “For Connie’s safety, of course.”
“Is each team ready?”Eren asks, bringing your attention back to the table.
“It’s now or never.”
Eren begins the countdown. “Three, two, one, go!”
Armin and the ginger, Floch, grab their drinks as the crowd begins to roar. Armin finishes his just a hair faster than Floch, hurriedly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he sets the cup at the edge of the table to be flipped. The cup rattles dully as it flips onto the table, and when it finally lands on its rim after the fourth try, you see Armin let out a breath of relief. The knot in your stomach twists as you watch him, tightening and tightening till it’s finally your turn, and when all eyes turn to you, you feel time stop. You reach for your drink and you gulp, trying your hardest to ignore the taste as you drain the cup, putting it down to the edge and giving it a soft flick at its base, watching with bated breath as it lands face down with a soft “thwack!”
“(Y/N)’s got gaaaameee!” You pick out Connie’s voice screaming from the crowd.
You should be happy. Ecstatic, even. But you can’t bring yourself to think about anything other than the burn in the back of your throat. “That’s not beer,” you sputter, scrunching up your nose in disgust.
“Yeah, its what Eren likes to call the Paradise Punch,” Armin explains. “It’s the jungle juice from inside with an extra shot of vodka.”
“What is he, a sadist or something?”
You look back to the table’s end where Jean and Eren are finishing their drinks. Both slam their cups on the table at the same time, Jean flipping his cup on the second try with lithe hands. The crowd cheers on as Connie runs up to high five you all, Eren crushing his cup under black painted fingernails.
“What do you say, horse-face, how about a round two?” He challenges.
Jean looks over at you and the others for approval before agreeing.
“Bring it.”
Round two eventually turns into round three, which then gets followed by round four. The buzz in your veins blooms into a fuzzy warmth that fills your body, leaving your brain slightly hazy, but you’re happy. The score ends up tied, Eren arguing for a speed round to determine the winner. “Listen, one round with one cup, me and anyone on your team, that’s how we settle this.”
“I volunteer!” You blurt, shooting your hand up in the air. “Pick me, Jean, pretty please!” You don’t even give him time to respond as you bound back to the table to face across from Eren. “Set the cups up, big boy, let’s go.”
You truly don’t remember how you won. All you know is that by the end of it, you’re holding that Red Solo Cup like it’s a Wimbledon Trophy, Eren’s face in his hands in defeat. And then you take a step on the uneven ground before and you fall, only to be caught by Jean’s strong arms before you could eat grass.
“Whoa there, you doing alright?” Jean chuckles as he helps you stand up.
“We won, Jean, look!” You wave the cup in front of his face. “Connie’s gonna live! Oh and, Jaeger Dong!” You call out to Eren, earning a puzzled look from the aforementioned. “You owe Jean $10!”
“Cause Rock Lee FUCCCCKKS!”
“Yeah! That’s right!” Connie joins in. He turns to the crowd to begin a chant “Rock Lee Fucks! Rock Lee Fucks!” gathering enough energy to get Marlo to open his window, only for him to slam it shut the minute he could make out what was being said. You take in the chaos around you with a drunken smile, and gesture to the scene before you to Jean saying, “I think he started a riot, how’s that for a people-watching opportunity?”
“I think it means that I’m doing my best to keep him away from liquor for the rest of the semester if this is what I’m going to have to deal with.”
“Aw you’re like his babysitter,” you tease.
“An incredibly underpaid one,” he sighs, “But I’m willing to hand that role off to Marco if you need someone to walk you home,” Jean offers, “It’s getting pretty late.”
You glance at your phone again, the clock now reading 2:30. Ymir and Historia had texted you that they were at the house already, and Hitch, well, was currently in the middle of convincing Marlo to open the window and wave to his fans. “I think I can walk back myself, it’s not too far from here! Thank you, though.” You take a step away with a wave, only to stumble again for Jean to catch you under the armpits, hoisting you up tenderly.
“It’s no trouble, seriously,” he assures you, “You’re tripping over yourself, and my babysitting instincts are just screaming that leaving you unattended is just a bad idea. Here,” he shrugs off his jacket, handing it over to you, “You’re getting cold, give me a minute to grab my keys and we can head out, okay?”
You nod in understanding and he moves back towards the house. You take the opportunity away from him to put on his black bomber, and it absolutely swallows you, the fabric ending mid-thigh. It’s a heavy material, but comforting, and you tug it closer to your chest so you can inhale the subtle scent of woodsy cologne. You spot him heading back to you and wave, the sleeve falling down your forearm with the motion. 
“How is this so big,” you say when he finally reaches you. “Why are you built like a giraffe?” 
“Hah! It’s not my fault you’re built like a baked bean.”
“Rude!” You playfully flip him off, and you notice that he really wasn’t built like a giraffe. Somehow, his shoulders looked even bigger in that fitted white tee than they did in the bomber, sleeves cuffing around defined golden biceps and stretching across a toned chest. “Are you not cold?”
“Nah, I tend to run warm anyways.”
“And you have a hat on.”
“How is that supposed to help?”
“It covers your ears. And if they don’t get cold, you won’t,” you conclude.
“Do you want to take a look at my hat again?” he asks, and you oblige. Looking up to him to see that stupid smirk make its return, because his baseball cap did not, in fact, cover his ears, keeping his silver piercings visible as they glinted under the light of the street lamps. 
“You know what, I’m tipsy, I’ve decided I don’t have to make sense now,” you huff. 
The rest of the walk home goes by smoothly, as you talk about your majors and what you did over the summer. You find out he’s pre law, originally wanting to become a prosecutor but he recently had a change of heart after interning the public defender’s office. He likes historical fiction and the color green and thinks that the Game of Thrones finale was one of the top ten worst betrayals he’s experienced in his life, second only to the time his mom told everyone his middle name on Parent’s Day freshman year. He listens to every word you say with attention, commenting about how Sasha’s antics are comparable to Connie’s and how he too would rather all parties stop at 11:30 sometimes so he can go to bed. 
“I’m telling you, sometimes, it’s alright for everyone to sleep by 12!” he states as you approach your house.
“Hey, all you’re doing is preaching to the choir here,” you agree, turning to face him. “Well, this is me! Thanks for walking me home tonight.” 
“It was nothing really. Do you mind if I use your bathroom before I head back?”
“Sure, come on in.” You fumble with your keys, nearly losing your grip on the cup you had been carrying on the way home.
“You really carried that all the way back home?”
“Why not? It’s the start of my Flip Cup trophy collection.” You shove the door open with your shoulder, beckoning him inside. “The bathroom is the first door on the left.” You decide to stay in the living room till he left to properly say goodbye, but something about sinking into the couch just pulled your eyelids shut. 
“Are you planning to sleep out here?” Jean asks with mirth as your eyes flutter open lazily.
“Mmm? Yes.” You stretch yourself out on the loveseat, snuggling your face into a throw pillow.
“Your back’s going to hate you for that, you know.” 
“I’ll deal with her tomorrow. For now, she’s quiet, and I’m going to enjoy that.” You lift your head up from the pillow and smile back at him. “Good night, Jean. I had fun tonight, maybe I should keep squatting in corners to see if I’ll find you.” 
If it were a little brighter, and if your eyes were more open, you would have noticed the light blush that dusted his cheeks at the statement. 
“Maybe you should,” he says softly, cockiness absent in his tone. “Good night, (Y/N).” You fall into the pillow again, closing your eyes and drift off to the sound of his receding footsteps.
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It’s bright when you wake up. 
Too bright. 
You groan as you rise from the couch as a response to the sunlight from the windows and the increased tension in your back. “That tall bastard is never gonna let me live this down,” you grumble internally as you rub your bleary eyes. 
The room begins to come into focus again, and you notice the dimpled red disposable cup left at the edge of the coffee table. You reached over for it, and note the additions made in Sharpie as you slept.
“Cirstein’s Charging Corner - currently seeking tenants. People watching skills required, Flip Cup Champions preferred. Call if interested?”
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thx u for reading!! <3
© all rights reserved JEANBEAUX 2021. please do not copy, modify or repost my work.
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gojology · 3 years
Job Benefits. (Part 4)
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CONSPIRING. - Chapter Four
you can find part three here :
part three : routines
pairing : ceo! gojo x female reader warnings : cursing, no proof reading, no editing wordcount : 2494 a/n :  this is so bad, i... i am so sorry. in my defense i haven’t written in a while, but i hope u guys still like this regardless </3
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     Almost immediately after stepping foot into the room, you’re greeted with a minimalist, yet clean looking interior. Large window panes with Tokyo’s beautiful sunlight filtering into the already lively room.     There’s a few co-workers you can see sitting by the vending machines on plush arm-rest chairs, the cushions colored a beautiful tan alongside oak wood arm rests and chair legs. Others are on their phone, texting and furiously tapping and a feeling of anxiety immediately eats you up whole. You were seriously starting to regret coming down here, what was the point other then to make Gojo jealous? You could’ve very well eaten in your office- and what you were doing was childish anyways.      You stood in the entrance way of the room, nervously fidgeting, eyes scanning for Keto Sugaeru amongst the faces that were starting to blend in. You can only vaguely remember how he looks like from the few visits he had made to Gojo’s office, jet black hair, usually tied in a bun, always a kind, yet careless smirk on his face. He was handsome, which would be a definitive beacon amongst the rather disgruntled looking office workers.     “Hey, are you gonna move or what? Blocking the damn way.”     You hear a gruff impatient voice behind you, and you twist around, stumbling with the newfound height of your high heels as you did so. A man’s eyes bored into your own, glaring at you with a mix of hatred and annoyance. You gulp, finding yourself unable to respond, instead averting your gaze to the floor meekly.    “You gonna talk? We don’t have all day, sheesh, they’re hiring anyone into the workforce nowadays huh-”      “I’m sorry- I uh, I’m r-really new here so...” modestly giving the man a kind smile, but he seemed to have no patience for you.     As if a divine being heard his rude comment and immediately swept down with some karma, a firm, large hand is placed onto the man’s shoulder that you hadn’t seen prior. It gripped the flesh tightly, and the mysterious man glared directly down at the now squeaking rude one.      “Did I hear that right?” is all he says, a few co-workers are twisting their heads towards the altercation, now you’re sweating bullets. You grip onto your lunch so tightly you’re afraid it might burst, and those incredibly long fingers of his are inching towards the stout man’s collar.     Eventually, the perplexing man smiles kindly, retracting his hands to his sides, now lifeless and slack. “Please, Nishima, refrain from picking on people. We don’t tolerate this in the office, and don’t be dumb enough to do it in front of someone who has direct connections to the Gojo family. Run along now, I’ll leave you off at a warning. You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.”     The man grumbled a few times, kicking at the floor before heading out, you turn your head to thank the man, looking at him with an admirable gaze, but you realize something-      He has the jet black long hair you were searching for before any of this happened, it’s tied up in a bun, and it looked ridiculously smooth and soft. Something you’d pay to drag your hands through and play with. He has that carefree grin displayed on his handsome features, shamelessly showing off his good looks. Tall, and he definitely had a familiar voice that took you a while to put a finger on it.     This had to be him.      “You frozen girlie? I haven’t seen you around in the lunch room- here go sit there, that seat’s super comfy.” he gestures to one chair, and you snap out of your trance, nodding in response, yet still unable to fully register what just happened to you.      “Sugaeru?” you blurt out, your eyes wide while stumbling like a just born fawn towards the spotless table. How good was your luck today? He came to you.      “Suguru.” he corrects, looking back at you, a teasing curve to his lips. “Holy, you completely butchered my name, I think I know you from somewhere-” for a second, he looks like he’s seriously thinking before he beams. “You’re Gojo’s secretary, Y/N, aren’t you? What brings you down here? Gojo told me that you’re usually reserved in your own little world and you do everything in your office.”      You stammer, still unable to believe your luck, but your shoulders are relaxing and the tension has completely evaporated into thin air. “Uh, yeah I’m Satoru’s secretary. I- Um, I wanted to... Get some water?” that was a horrible lie, even for you.      “Rookie mistake.” Suguru pulls out the aforementioned chair for you before walking to the other side of the table to place his lunch on the tabletop carefully. “Water here is super overpriced. You should bring some from your own house if that’s the case! Colleague to colleague, just don’t tell anyone I said that, or else I’ll get in trouble.” winking at you, he twists the lid to his container presumably holding his food, instantaneously a cloud of steam emerges and a delicious scent wafts through the room.     After a moment of silence between the two of you as you both opened your lunches, you clear your throat, meaning to make conversation. “Thank you for saving me back there.” sheepishly, you smile at him. “It’s really appreciated, I just couldn’t believe how rude a person could be, especially since u-uh... You know, he could’ve, like, just walked around me?” stuttering, you grab your utensils in an effort to look relaxed and comfortable, even though you had no idea how to speak to him.     “Atta girl, no problem.” he responds warmly. You feel safe in his shadow. “Hey, if your Gojo’s friend, you’re my friend. Don’t worry about it. I heard you’re new to the office.” he pauses, looking around the now bustling room before covering the sides of his mouth and whispering towards you. “Secretary position was open for a while because no sane person in Tokyo wants to be Gojo’s secretary.” sitting back down while snickering, he takes a bite out of his lunch.      Giggling, you finally ease up. As opposed to Gojo, Suguru’s more sincere and straight to the point. He’s funny in his own way without being obnoxious.      You scoff. “Yeah, I can see how anyone could go insane from working with the guy. It was the only good secretary position open, though...” you muse aloud.      Suguru crosses his arm over his chest, your eyes carefully surveying his attractive figure as he does so, a thoughtful smile on his face. “Well, imagine being friends with him for more than 15 years. I’m sure I’ve gotten a few screws loose.” he says suggestively, wriggling his eyebrows.      You cover your mouth, trying not to laugh- but it just spills out of your lips, and you forget that you just met the guy, that’s just how friendly he was. “Don’t say that!”      ���What? It’s true!”     You didn’t quite know it just that, but a seed was planted that day- you and Geto’s relationship, and it would only blossom from there.  ‧₊˚✩彡.     Gojo’s paranoid.     It seems like there’s a secret that he’s not in on, he realizes that Geto’s visits to his office are growing more and more frequent, yet he spends less time at his office, rather, spends all of his time at yours. Feeling left out was never a positive emotion. In response, Gojo would increase his visiting between the two of you, “accidentally” walking in on the both of you casually chatting, but it’s like he’s a ghost in the room. He’d get a few lukewarm stares and a few polite greetings, but that was that.     He’s not sure if it’s jealousy, or what.      He knows he should be supportive of his best friend potentially getting a girlfriend, and he tries to be- but something about Geto and you together really pissed him off, he just doesn’t know why. Maybe it’s the way the pairing between you two seemed so natural, it would be almost sure that a relationship would occur soon that angered him. Having dating co-workers was almost never a good thing.      Deep down he knows that’s not it.      As the weeks past by, the visiting grew almost unbearable, hearing your laughter- your giggles- from jokes that weren’t from him was infuriating. Listening to the repetitive clicking of your heels down the stairs into the break room was driving him insane, and eventually he can’t even open an email or do anything involved with work. You and Geto were constantly on his mind, and he’s morbidly curious as to when the friendship occurred- or if it was possibly more than that.    His first attempt at getting to the bottom of things was bringing it up between the two of them, him and Geto, just as casual chit-chat, but it didn’t go exactly as planned.      Geto would have a sympathetic, almost mocking grin on his lips, but those eyes of his were telling enough. It was a whole other book of lust and need, for you. Brushing the topic off with a wave of dismissal, he’d chuckle and put a mask of friendliness on, but Gojo’s known Geto enough to see where this was going.      He couldn’t have this, everything was brought to him on a silver platter, so it was only natural for him to feel like he needs you, even if he didn’t. Perhaps you were another trophy to his endless collection to him, he just didn’t know. He’d never felt so strongly of a woman, much less his secretary, something was brewing inside of him.    One thing he doesn’t understand is why Geto. He’s flawless in appearance, restless, impossibly good at sex, why weren’t you stroking his ego? Whatever, this was another topic of conversation, what he needed to do now was win you back.     He calculated in his office the average time in which Geto would visit, music drowning out the muffled talking, and finally he’s ready and absolutely certain that this would be a good time to chat you up. Having everything planned out, an aura of confidence radiated from him.      “Y/N!” you hear a chirp from the door, lifting your head up in excitement, you realize it’s not your beloved Suguru, rather, it’s Gojo. Gluing your eyes back on your computer screen, not even bothering to peel them away, you clear your throat in acknowledgement. “Sir?”      A smug grin flickers across his face for just a second before he pulls out one of the chairs across from your desk, scooching it a bit further away for some extra leg room before promptly sitting down. “Knew you’d remember to call me sir, I knew I hired well when you stepped into the interview room, so sharp.”     You don’t detect a shred of sarcasm in his compliment, and finally you turn your gaze upon his face. This was certainly out of the ordinary for you, as he hadn’t visited as often with Geto in the picture now. Gojo’s not wearing the iconic black shades that concealed his cerulean eyes, now, they’re out for you- his private audience.     His eyes are brimming with energy and mischief, almost like a child’s. They’re transfixing, like diamonds handpicked and placed into his eyes. You’re overwhelmed from your work once again- a direct consequence of Gojo neglecting his own, yet something about this greeting reminded you of one of the first few times he had visited you, when he stole your carrot pen. Thus, causing you to direct your undivided attention towards him, he seemed promising, after all, what was the worst that could happen?     “That’s besides the point, Mr. Satoru. Is there any reason why you came here? I’m actually finishing up a report right now and the deadline is in two days.” taking your coffee mug up from it’s usual spot on the tabletop, you sigh in relief as the warm liquid goes down your throat and set it back down, anticipating his answer.     In usual fashion, Gojo chuckles good-heartedly. “It’s your fourth month anniversary you’ve been working here, or third, or second, fuck like I remember. This is a cause for celebration and you’re worrying about finishing up a report?”    “You’d know better then to come to me with an offer of slacking off if you knew my fourth month anniversary of working here was coming up.” you respond coolly.     His eyes slightly widen, before he lets out a dry chuckle. “Ah, I missed my sassy secretary, say, why don’t we celebrate? We can go out for a staff dinner in celebration. I’ll pay, no need to worry. It’ll be confidential information between the two of us.” tugging at his collar, he quirks an eyebrow, you’re visibly thinking.      “Does this imply you want this dinner to only be between the two of us? Why’s that?” you pry, a tinge of hesitance in your pitch.     Ah, shit. This was going off the tracks.     Gojo taking a hand to his chest defensively, he loudly announced, “It’s important to build a positive connection between the two of us! We’ll be working together for years to come, of course. So skeptical of you, why do you look so down?” the retort was cheeky, and good at that, as it left you speechless.     “I’m not sad, or anything-” you pause, your mind had gone blank. “I- Um... I-” attempting to return to your work instead, you give him a dirty look, but he stares back with such intensity you don’t know how to feel. “I’m doing work, don’t screw up my train of thought, please?”    “You definitely weren’t saying that when I offered to take you out to eat, come on, spit it out.” he tsks. Utterly defeated, you sigh.     “I wanted to invite someone.” you spit out, obviously embarrassed.     Gojo pretends to act shocked, before excitedly inquiring, “And who might that be?”     “G-Geto.” there was no point in lying now.    He oohs, looking down at your shaking hands and back up at your face. “Ooooh, Y/N has a crush on my best bud? Who woulda thought!?”    Your cheeks going warm, you shake your head furiously. “No I don’t! I- Mr. S- Sir! This is so unprofessional of you!” stuttering, you drop your head on the desk, arms pillowing the sides of your head and groaning.     “How cute. Anyways, you accept that dinner date?”     You lift your head back up, sniffling. “It’s not a date!”    Giving you a shit-eating grin again, his eyes twinkle. “Oh, but it is.”    “I- Aghhhhh!” putting your head back down on the desk, this time without your arms, you don’t know how to respond, so instead you make a mockery of yourself.    Laughing, Gojo decides not to tease and you and instead says, “Meet me in Shibuya district, there’s a super nice restaurant, I’ll drive to your house, no need to worry about transportation. 9 PM, see you there!” his voice grew more distant down the hallway, you can still hear the clicking of his shoes and his deep humming.     So you had a date tonight,     Now how would that go?
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penguinlovestowrite · 3 years
♥️🔥- um can you do a black reader who is taller than fred and is insecure that fred will leave her for someone shorter
Omg a reader taller than Fred??? Well... I'll try my best since I'm short person so I don't really know how if feels TwT Plus, I'm not going write to about reader being black Because I don't feel comfortable also I don't know how to put it in this story. Thank you for understanding. Enjoy! <3
Your Height Doesn't Matter
Genre : Fluff/Angst
Fred Weasley x Tall! Reader
Words : 934
Summary : Summary : Reader is taller than Fred. They feel insecure and scare about the possibility of Fred leaving them for someone shorter.
Warning(s) : Insecurities, Snape being a bully, kissing
It has become a fact that you were one of the tallest student in Hogwarts. Probably the tallest students in general but being tall is not the only problem. It was your gender. You are a girl and you're tall. Not just average tall or the perfect tall... but even taller than the famous Weasley twins.
It was hard enough for you to have a date let alone a boyfriend. So seeing your boyfriend, Fred Weasley talking to a girl who was obviously shorter than you can't help make you feel envy and insecure about your relationship with Fred.
Of course you love Fred and you know that Fred loves you too but you often found your mind wandering that leads to you over thinking about the possibility of Fred leaving you for someone shorter. The sight in front of you doesn't make you feel any better as you watch them talking.
Today was already bad enough for you as professor Snape keeps on bullying you in potions telling you how you couldn't use your brains due to your height and it was enough for you to make you feel humiliated. As soon as the lessons ends, you made your way out of the class to the great hall for lunch, hoping to see Fred because he always make you feel better but seeing Fred happily talking with the girl and the rest of the gryffindors made you change your mind. With that you decided to ignore him and everyone for the rest of the day.
Fred Weasley couldn't help but notice the lack of his girlfriend. He haven't seen her ever since breakfast and he misses her. Even though she was slightly taller than him he love her regardless and he doesn't even care about her height. He knows how insecure you are about your height so after hearing about what had happened in potions he was mad about it and he wants to find you badly just to comfort you.
After searching you for hours he finally found you reading what he guessing your favourite muggle storybook while sitting by the black lake with your back resting on a tree. He can't help but take his time to admire you. He loves watching you, not in a creepy way of course but he loves watching you read, how peaceful you look and honestly what's not there to love?
You feel a presence as someone sit beside you. Turning your head to see, you were greeted by the face of your boyfriend. He grinned at you slowly pulling you to his side so you are resting on his chest. Both of you soon got comfortable and fell into a comfortable silent.
Fred sigh finally breaking the silent and your concentrations as you look to see his face. "(Y/n)..."
"Hm?" you hummed softly.
"Were you avoiding me?" his question caught you off guard 'was it obvious?'
As if he can hear your thoughts he said "It was obvious."
Pulling yourself away from, you sit up. Your eyes didn't meet him as you sigh, picking the grass as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"I think you would be better without me... You are better with.." you sigh, Fred waiting patiently for you to finish "... I know it sounded ridiculous but with someone who's shorter than me... than you"
Slowly he brought his hand to your chin, tilting your head so your eyes meeting him. His eyes were brown- lovely, dreamy... melted chocolate-brown? rabbit fur brown?
His right hand cupped your face as his thumb grazing your skin. A soft smile appear on his face without any notice he leaned down capturing your lips as you melted into the kiss. The kiss was short and gentle, making you feel secure.
"Listen, I want you and only YOU. Understood?" you were about to reply when he cut you off.
"No. I'm not finish yet." you nodded letting him continue.
"I know you have felt insecure about your height but please know no matter how tall you are I still love you, and no, I'm not leaving you for someone shorter. Heck I feel proud having you as my girl! what I'm saying is, You're perfect for me. So you're not going to get rid of me that easily miss." he finished with somewhat proud grin on his face making you laughed.
"I didn't say you were lying, you idiot" you said still trying to stop yourself from laughing.
Once your laughter slow down you grabbed his hand still smiling as you studied his face. His looks so sincere and it really did convince you that Fred really loves you and won't leave you.
Taking a deep breath you let out a sight, "I'm sorry... For saying those things and for avoiding you instead of talking to you..."
" it's okay, Love... Just please don't ignore and avoid me. Merlin, I thought I was going to die earlier because I didn't see you for a whole day." Fred said in a dramatic tone making you rolled your eyes at his antics.
"Stop being so dramatic..." He pulls you closer so he was cuddling you.
" I think I know how you can make it up to me" he said while wiggling his eyebrows and you slapped his chest.
"NO. You pervert." He rolled his eyes.
"I didn't say anything! you're the one whose pervert" his statement making your face turn red.
"I want a kiss"
"Kiss. Now."
"Whatever you say, Weasley" you said pulling him down for a kiss feeling him smiling through the kiss.
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
Normal girl (3)
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note: okay! So after talking with someone, they helped me with a lot of things about college/university, since I'm only in high school—I do not know how they function. I was told there wasn't a comestic major offered in college but since this is a fanFICTION, Maria University is just gonna be a school for everything.
they suggested I change their major to fashion since its similar to comestics but there's already a fanfic on wattapad that consists of a black y/n being a fashion designer and I don't want to be accuse of stealing their work or idea. Not to mention, it'll mess up with the whole plot I had a in mind, so please bare with me.
Basically what I'm saying is, things regarding the school and different majors etc; will be different. But everything other than that will be how it'll work in modern times. Also a big thank you to @coconutxraikage I really appreciate you ♡ I'm going to add this note everytime I upload a chapter, just to make things clear. I'm also going to be adding links  anytime I describe an outfit or an area, just incase readers enjoy seeing than reading. For me, I'm more of an visual person.
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Chapter 3:
Stepping into the room, everyone was already at their seats. All eyes stopped and stared at you, you stood there awkwardly for a second before you quickly walked towards the bag of the classroom.
You searched for an empty chair and luckily you found one. It was next to girl, she had a resting bitch face which made you unsure if she wanted anyone to sit next to her. But you had no time to spare and sat down next to her.
The girl was obviously black as well, you can tell from her features. She had long black hair with her edges slayed, you weren't sure if it was a lace front or her real hair but it didn't matter—she looked really pretty. She had long false eyelashes which went well with her eyeshadow and lipgloss. She had two golden necklaces around her chest, one was a snake with little daggers along the side and the other was a simple pendant, in addition with her cross earings. You couldn't see her full outfit but she had on a long sleeve white top and checkered skirt? You couldn't tell.
You looked ahead and saw there wasn't a teacher, was this the wrong class again? You were so tired and wanted this day to be over already. You decided to ask the girl next to you,
"The teacher Mr.Fargo, right?" You looked at her.
"Yeah but his ass ain't here, imagine being late on the first day of class." She replied.
All the anxiety you had before came to a closure, you were in the right room.
"okay good, cause I was running around this building like I was stupid."
She looked back at you with a smile,
"Girl same! I did not know where to go, but i got here earlier so I wasn't late like you." She said the last part with a laugh, she was obviously just messing with you.
"shut up, we both didn't know where we was. Look at us twinin' already." You rolled your eyes as she placed her forehead on the back of her hand and laughed.
"My name's Daniyah, you?" Daniyah, she was definitely black. Mom's have a thing for ending their child's name with a "niyah". But the name fit her, she was a pretty lightskin.
"Oh— I'm y/n." You responded.
"Awwn, that name cute and I like your shoes." she glanced down at your feet.
"Thank you." Looking around the room, you noticed it was a decent of twenty students. Most of them were white, you only spotted a few poc here and there.
"Why am I in a room with a bunch of crackas..." you said to yourself.
Daniyah seems to heard you,
"Oh my gosh!!! You can't say that, it's a slur to white people." She was joking and you decided to go along.
"Sorry! You're right, I meant Klans membe—I mean! massa—wait no colonizers."
Daniyah burst into laughter, lightly nudging you. You followed along and started to laugh as well.
"Sis pleaasee, talking about some klans member," she continued on, lightly muffling her laugh.
"But we are in a room full of massa's, I think the teacher's white too."
You kinda expected that. You didn't think a poc could have the last name 'fargo'. You just prayed they didn't overly use AAVE, it always made you uncomfortable when non-poc did that.
"he's hella lat—" cutting you off, a large thud sound of the door hitting the wall was made as a tall guy with starbucks and his laptop walks in.
"Sorry guys! I'm really late, traffic was annoying." It was Mr. Fargo, he was wearing black pants, with a tucked in black n white striped short sleeved shirt. Under his shirt he wore black long sleeves, it went well with his slender body. To finish the outfit, he simply wore black combat boots. Awooga, He could dress good—go white boy, go!
He stopped by his desk in the front and dropped off his stuff, he also placed his long trench coat on his seat.
The blonde man leaned against his desk and took a good look at the class—he clapped his hands together and spoke,
"Okay class! Hello, my name is Derek Fargo but you all may call me Mr.Fargo— or Derek, whichever you prefer. I'm not too big on sir names." He said with a smile.
Pulling out the office chair, he took a seat and opened his laptop. He began calling names for attendance as others answered "here" or a simple greeting.
"Y/n L/n?" He spoke.
You lifted your head and said,
Daniyah snickered next to you,
"Yo!" She mocked you in a male voice, trying to sound like those annoying boys who thought they were cool.
You nudged her arm in response and whined for her to stop.
"Here sir." Daniyah raised her hand slightly as Mr.Fargo nodded and typed into his computer.
Once he was done taking attendance, he started class. He talked about the curriculum and other activities that'll be going this semester.
"By the way, we'll be working with other majors. Especially photography and graphic designs." He continued on,
"We have a few modeling agencies that comes here often and uses one of the empty rooms in the next door building. Usually, students in the photography major use these opportunities to get a job at these agencies and take photos of models,"
"This goes for us too. Most modeling agency hire cosmetologist to help prepare their models for photo shoots or runways."
Next door building? Wait was it—? Nah, it couldn't be. You blocked out your own thoughts and continued to listen.
"They also have amateur models, ones who are new to the business. Those are the ones we'll be working with most of the time."
He continued on talking about the different opportunities and things you'll be experiencing.
After finishing Mr. Fargo's class and long ass lecture hall, it was time for lunch.
Immediately you pulled out your phone and messaged yumi, to see if she was free.
"Aw shii, I forgot to get Daniyah's number. Hopefully I get to run into that lighskin again." You said to yourself, you continued to contact yumi.
                  colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
                               What you eatin for lunch?
Idk, I was going to ask u what you wanted to eat
                                Girl, if you don't flip a coin
and pick a place.
Let's just to the food court
& see what they have 🦲
Awe okay, I'll go there
and wait for you🤨
Read at 11:35
You were already in the halls and decided to head towards the food court, since you saw it earlier on your way to the lecture hall.
The halls were pretty packed since most people lunches were around this time, a few people bumped into you and you glared at them in response as they muttered apologies.
Halfway at the food court, an average height male bumps into you—making you drop your phone as the the case comes off as well.
"What the fuck?!" You said outloud but only for him to hear, since you didn't want to make a scene.
"ah! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I  was going." He bent down and picked up your phone along with the case, popping it back In place.
You took your phone from him and decided to get a good look at this asshole who bumped into you. The boy was blonde with an undercut, along with basic blue eyes. He seemed around 5'10? He had on brown cuff pants with long black jacket that stopped at his knees, he topped it off with a black sleeved top and a bag wrapped around his torso.
What was up with everyone and knowing how to dress? The blonde broke your train of thought and spoke,
"Um...do you know where the food court is?" He said softly
"You made me dropped my phone, why would I tell you?" You responded in an annoyed tone.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't know... if there's a crack, I  can pay fo—" he was cut off by the motion of you already walking away. He just stood there in awe and guilt.
"Come on, or do you not want food?" You continued on walking but at a slower space for the male could catch up. This bought a small smile to his face and followed behind you.
"What you smiling for? Did you purposely bump into me to ask me this? Withcho' evil ass." You turned your heard to look at the blonde, he was panicking—you guessed he didn't catch on to your joke/sarcasm.
"No?! I really didn't mean to, I was—" he was getting defensive, you were only fucking with him.
"Boy I'm joking, no need to get defensive." You let out a giggle.
"Oh..." he responded back with an awkward smile.
You guys were already at your destination. bzzzt, bzzt it was coming from your phone, you looked at the screen and saw it was your best friend, you picked up.
"Where are you?" The background was loud and her voice was a bit muffled.
"I'm next to chick–flil–a" you looked to your left, just to make sure you were correct. The man besides you just stood there next to you and watched you. "Wasn't this man suppose to go eat?" You thought to yourself.
"Oop— I see you, look up." you did what yume said and saw her waving at you from across the area. She did a little jog towards you as you placed your back into your pocket. Once she reached you, you pulled her into the a hug as she returned it back.
"Hiiii! How was your day kiddo?" She joked.
"Shitty,  but at least you're here so I can complain about it."
The male laughed at your remark, which cause both of you to look at him.
"Whos this? You catching men already?" Yume raised a brow at you then glanced at him.
"Dunno, he just started to follow me." You replied in jokingly manner, of course yume caught on.
"Yo? What the hell, you're weird." She said in a serious tone, trying her best to hide her laughter.
"That's not true! You know that's not true," he turned towards you direction.
"I bumped into her on accident and asked her to show me food court." At that exact moment, you and yume started cackling like crazy. You loved this about her, she always caught your vibe.
"We're just messing with ya!" Yume was covering her smile with the back of her hand. The boy just stood there and nodded uncomfortably, since he wasn't the only one laughing.
"I'm Yume, and you?"
"I'm Armin" he flashed her a small smile.
"Armin? That's a cute name, awwn. It totally fits you." Yume returned the smile, a small blush spreaded across his cheek at the girl's remark.
"Naahh, yall ain't gonna sit up here and flirt." You shook your head.
Yume giggled as Armin scratched his head.
"Did you decide on a place to eat?" The question was directed at yume.
"Uhh, no? I didn't have a coin to flip."
"Girl— goodbye." You turned to armin,
"You got any places?" He placed his hand on his chin, looking up trying to recall food place that he knows they'll have.
He suggested a fast food place as you guys both agreed with his choice. The three of you trailed over to the place and stood in line.
Once it was you guys turn, yume and armin ordered and you did the same. After grabbing your food, you all sat at a table and ate. Yume and Armin were hitting up and chatting; soon after she asked about your day since you didn't know what building you were in. You went on and explain, you included all the things Mr. Fargo said as well, which caught Armin's attention.
"Wait you're in that Major? I'm taking fashion, I plan to be a designer."
"The name's y/n but yeah. You look like a future designer." You referring to his outfit, it was really nice.
"Armin!" A voice called out to him, all three of you guys turned to see who it was. Your face dropped at the realization, it the was boy from this morning.
"Oh Eren! Come over here and eat with us." You wanted to kick him, how dare he just invite someone without asking you or yume. You glanced over at yume but she was too busy eating.
The brunette boy was now at the table and gave armin a fist bump. He looked at the table and seemed to notice you,
"Hey beautiful." He was talking to you, you wanted to melt right there and then.
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