#sorry i didn't respond earlier i fell asleep-
crowisinthetrash · 2 years
We both have f/os that are green bois from v3 :)
yes we love the green bois
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shaisuki · 11 months
“c'mere megumi. i know you're tired.”
gojo calls out to him but the boy ignores him and continued to walk.
“he won't satoru. you traumatized him.” you quipped at him.
teleportation is fun and all but not to a fourth-grader megumi who got almost dropped mid-air from the teleportation skill gojo have, only to catch him mid-air before he truly drops.
“i catched him before he fell.” the white-haired male pouts.
“catched him before he fell?” scoffing at him. “he's a child, satoru. think before you do something to him. you almost endangered him with your antics and you can't do whatever you please when you want. you're an ass and you know it.” you spat at him and gojo pouts and he's like a child kneeling down while being scolded.
you crouched down to meet the height of megumi. patting his head and you began to speak in a soft voice. “i'll carry you, okay? i promise no funny business.” drawing a cross in your chest to convince megumi. the poor child is sleepy and fighting the urge to not sleep caused by the earlier wrongdoing of an pre-adult.
deciding to trust you, megumi comes closer to you and puts his arms around your neck before carrying his small body in front of you. your arms tucked under his thighs and it turns to snuggle you. his jaw in your shoulder.
megumi blankly stares at the adult behind you. immature, he thought but his eyes are getting heavy and sleep is calling to him. before his eyes closed he reminds himself not to be carried by that weird man.
it took a few seconds before the child snuggling in you fell asleep. you can tell from the lack of movements of his body and the small snores. patting his back before continuing to walk.
gojo followed you. he felt bad and it was like a punch to him in the gut when you scold him but he likes it. loves it when your cheeks puff and your eyes rolling at him in annoyance.
stopping at a bakery to get a few sweets to satisfy his sweet tooth and for the siblings to eat back home. you continued to walk, enjoying the little peace and quiet before a old lady approached at you three.
“oh my! what a cute family.” the old lady commented and your eye twitched at the comment. giving the lady a smile before briefly bowing.
taken a back at the sudden statement before gojo burst out in a laughter. “she called us a family, (y/n).”
“ha-ha-ha. funny.” you dryly responds to him and adjusting your arm to make megumi comfortably settle in you. the child is completely passed out in your grasp and you can't help but to kiss megumi's wild hair in which megumi groans before going back to sleep.
“aww, come on. i didn't mean it, okay?” gojo whines, blocking your way as he walked backwards to meant he really is sorry.
“okay.” you replied back to him. “just don't do it again.”
“okay!” he beams up and once again silence filled in the long way of walking.
dusk is beginning to settle down and the sky turns into orange. the sunlight giving it's final rays before the night falls.
“kind of you to take them both, satoru.” you break the silence and gojo hums. thinking about something.
despite gojo's stubbornness and his lack of tact in things, you like that he's willing to help the children to have a roof over their head and spoiled them like it's his own. even preventing megumi to be taken away from his clan and let him have a normal childhood with his sister.
“say, (y/n). what if we adopt them both?” gojo asks you.
“we? and adopt?” gojo nods. waiting for your answer. “i think it's fine. these two will have two guardians to look them over if the other one's not around and in case something's happen to one of us.”
“don't say that, (y/n).”
you raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.
“it's inevitable, satoru. in this line of work we have.” you said to him. referring how dangerous the jujutsu society is and you'll never know what the future may hold.
“i'll protect you. us”" his bright blue eyes peeking through his dark glasses with sincerity. looking at you and megumi sleeping in your arms.
“satoru....” you call him and his eyes full of sincerity.
“that's nice, satoru.” you smile at him but the expression in his face is anticipating something more.
“i know you will, satoru.” and he grins. pressing a tender kiss in your forehead and patting megumi's head. “stop that, sato. you'll wake him up and don't get too sappy with me. it's not you.” he pouts at that but kisses you again.
he can't wait to be with you forever.
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sweetbans29 · 18 days
Teach Me: The Art of Teasing (iii) - PB
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Pairing: Paige Bueckers x Readers
Previous Part & Next Part
Summary: You and Paige have been best friends for the last 6 years. You trust her completely. And it is because of that trust that you ask her a rather forward question. AKA - You ask Paige to teach you.
Warnings: Mature, I didn't proofread this one, I will eventually 🫠
Word Count: 4.7k
Sweetbans Masterlist & Teach Me Masterlist
AN: Well well well. We meet again 😉
Friday night approached faster than you had expected. You went on the date with the girl from your class and everything went well. Both of you hit it off right at the start and the night ended with her asking to see you again. Overall it was a good time.
You get back from your date to find Paige in her room playing Fortnite. Coming in, you plop on her bed and start scrolling through your phone.
If there was anything that you learned about your best friend it was to not interrupt her while she was gaming. You only made the mistake once but it was enough to never do it again.
It was junior year of high school and you and Paige were heading back to her place after practice. Your dad had put them through a brutal practice and even though you weren't physically involved in it, it was mentally exhausting. Due to the teams' physical exhaustion, their game was off and it was hard to watch.
When you got to Paige's house, she went straight in to take a shower and you fell on her bed - falling asleep almost immediately.
You wake up, the sun already set and the only light source in your best friend's room coming from Paige's computer screen.
Stretching, you let out a low moan, your head still pounding from earlier. You sit up and scoot over the side of the bed closest to where Paige is sitting.
You tap her shoulder, wanting to see if she wants to get food.
She ignores you, eyes glued to the screen. Her headset is on and you know it would be pointless to try and talk to her.
You keep poking her, at one point trying to hold of her hand to get her attention. It isn't until Paige jerks away from you that you realize you may not be wanted there right now. You take the hint, trying not to feel too hurt that your best friend is ignoring you, and make your way home.
It wasn't late enough to be worried about driving but your headache should have been. You get home and immediately open your fridge grabbing something to eat then make your way to your own bed.
Sleep comes a little harder for you this time around - your mind is still on Paige pulling away from you. You watch the practice footage to try and pin down what the team can do to adjust, taking some notes as your eyes begin to feel heavy again. You fall asleep with your phone in your hand.
You are woken up by someone pulling your phone out of your hand.
Your eyes flutter open as you see Paige moving your phone to your nightstand.
"B?" You ask confused as to why she should be here.
She doesn't say anything, but rather gets under the covers next to you and curls up next to you. When she does, you slightly inch away from her still feeling the sting of pulling away from you earlier. She sighs.
"I'm sorry." She says. You don't respond, not really wanting to talk about it right now - not really sure why her pulling away from you affected you as much as it did.
"I get so wrapped up in the game and after the practice today, and I - I don't know," Paige says as she is now tossing in your bed. The frustration evident.
If you were honest with yourself - there is really no reason for you to be upset at the girl. You just watched the practice film again and it is clearly visible how much Paige was off her game. At the end of the day - she has the right to be frustrated even if it comes off on you.
"Noted - don't bug B when she is playing Fortnite," you joke, knowing there is no point in holding a grudge over something so simple.
Paige pushes you, then immediately pulls you back to her.
"I guess I am just not as important as your game," you say jokingly.
"Shut up and go to sleep," she says. You just shake your head and turn over, falling asleep next to your best friend.
That was also the night that you learned Paige doesn't like to sleep alone.
You aren't waiting long before Paige is off her game, jumping on her bed next to you. You don't look up from your phone when you hear her speak.
"So...how was it?" She asks, not fully knowing if she wants to hear the answer.
"It was good, we really hit it off. She wants to go out again next week," you say with a smile.
Paige just nods. She pushes you a little further.
"Did you get to put our first lesson to use?" Paige asks.
"Maybe," you say with a light blush creeping into your cheeks.
You did put your first lesson to use but it wasn't what you had expected. The kiss came after dinner when the two of you went for a walk before she dropped you off.
It was nice, but it wasn't like kissing Paige.
Never in a million years would you admit that to her, you couldn't. She's your best friend. She also goes out and has her own fun, so why couldn't you?
Paige pushes you in a teasing manner.
"Okay okay, we both need to go to bed - it's an early practice tomorrow and you, little miss, need some rest." You say as you bop her nose.
She gives her cute little Paige smile and you get up and begin to head out of her room.
"You aren't staying here tonight?" She asks - trying not to show her disappointment.
"I just need to wash my face and change B, I'll be right back," you say going into your room.
Paige sits on her bed and she feels that nagging at her heart again. She picks up her phone and scrolls through it, finding a familiar name, and shooting them a text. It takes less than a minute for them to respond.
[Come over, I'll be waiting] - 10:33pm
Paige gets up and grabs a jacket, making sure it isn't one of yours and walks out of her room.
You walk out of your room with a clean face and fresh PJs.
"Are you going somewhere?" You ask, ready to curl up in bed.
"Ya...don't worry about waiting up. I'll see you at practice tomorrow morning," she says not making eye contact with you.
"Okay B, be safe." You say, knowing exactly where she is going. There is no hiding the disappointment on your face as she walks past you and out the door.
It looks like you are sleeping in your own bed tonight.
You get to practice early to watch some recent practice films. Since seeing your IQ for the game - Geno invited you to practices which then led to him adding a 'student manager' spot for you on the team. It became a win-win situation. You got to learn from one of the best college basketball coaches and he got to another person to help bring the team to another victory. It also helped that your dad and Geno have been lifelong friends.
You are sitting in the film room - your plan was to watch the practice reels but when you are the first one in you can't help but play older game film.
Putting it on the screen, you kill the lights and sink into one of the chairs.
"My first NCAA championship win," Geno says as he walks into the room. "I can remember it like it was yesterday."
He takes a seat a few away from you and watches just as intently as you are.
"This team was incredible - you went undefeated that season and I can see why." You say, eyes not daring to rip away from the screen.
"Ya, their knowledge of the game was unlike any I have seen before. Their chemistry and willingness to put their head down and work is something that really drove the team dynamic." He says. "I think this team can get there."
You give him a hum.
"How long have you been here?" He asks knowing practice doesn't officially start for another 45 minutes.
"Oh I haven't been here long," you say which was a complete lie. You are into the fourth quarter of the game and Geno knows you never start a film midway.
He just nods, knowing not to push it. Geno has seen you grow up - it wasn't all the time but he is one of the only people who knows you almost as well as your dad. He's the only one at UConn who knows why you stopped playing basketball in the first place and that speaks volumes. He also knows that when there is something on your mind, you pour yourself into the game.
The two of you sit in silence as the game comes to a close.
"I should start watching last practice films," you say as you navigate bringing up the tapes.
"Why don't you go do a shootaround to clear your mind?" He suggests. It has been a while since you have done one and he knows it would do you good.
You nod and he follows you out.
During practices, you mess around with the team but never really put a shot up. And when it comes to working and training with Paige - it is always her. If you were honest with yourself you knew you missed the game - you missed being on the court being a part of the 5.
Geno goes to the baseline and you pick up a ball, beginning to dribble it. You put up your first shot and miss.
Geno hits you with the ball and you do a little step back going up for another. It hits the rim but falls in. You give yourself a nod and Geno hits you again. You make your way around, putting up a variety of shots. On the last one you put up, you hit from deeper than you intended, leaving your hand up as the ball finds its way perfectly into the basket.
You hear clapping come from the back corner of the gym alongside some cheering.
You whip your head around to find Azzi and Aaliyah walking towards you.
"Girl can shoot!" Aaliyah says as she comes over giving you a playful nudge.
"Why have we never seen you shoot?" Azzi asks. "You are actually really good."
"Well duh she is good - she is the reason our team shooting average has gone up 5%," Aaliyah says as if it was a known thing that you could play ball.
The rest of the team begins to arrive and Paige walks up to the three of you.
"Yo P, you just missed it!" Aaliyah says as she goes on about seeing you put up a deep three. Paige turns to you with tired eyes but a surprising look.
Whenever you and Paige would practice, you would rarely put up a shot. She would always encourage you knowing you used to play but you always refused. Paige would try and push it but you would straight up end the practice which then forced Paige to back off. As close of friends as you are - she has never seen you put up a three. Now her teammates have and can't stop raving about it which causes a jealous fire to burn within her. If Paige just would have left and gone home last night (or in the dark hours of the morning) then she would have arrived with Azzi and Aaliyah. But no, she spent the night at that girl's apartment and had to go grab her practice gear before coming.
Paige nods, eyes not leaving you.
You on the other hand were fixated on Azzi and Aaliyah as Geno claps for everyone to get moving.
You make your way to the practice room and Paige runs up to walk with you.
"So you're putting up threes now?" Paige says, trying not to sound hurt because in the grand scheme of things she had no reason to be.
"Just clearing my mind," you say picking up your playbook.
Just as Paige is about to ask why you were clearing your head Geno is yelling at Paige to get geared up for practice so she bites her tongue.
Paige heads in and gets ready.
The team made it through practice - they were getting ready for the toughest game of the season. You are sitting at your desk in the office finishing up some work when Paige walks in and sits across from you.
The whole practice, you couldn't take your eyes off of her. It was painful. The memory of her leaving last night and your imagination creating the plot of what happened after she left had you sick. It wasn't the first time she went out to have a good time with someone who you never asked about but with new feelings stirring in you about your best friend.
"So...clearing your mind?" Paige asks, not dropping the topic from before practice. Similarly to you, Paige's mind was going a mile a minute. She was trying to suppress the jealousy that just continued to build every time she saw Azzi talk to you during practice. Paige had been trying for years to get you to do a shoot around and they got to see you do one without asking. Paige was going to get to the bottom of this if it was the last thing she did today.
"Yep, I didn't sleep well," you say not looking at her. That was as much as you wanted to disclose.
Paige felt her heart fall. You didn't say it but she knew it had to do with her telling you to get ready and then running out last night. She didn't really want to but knew she needed a distraction from you - if Paige was honest with herself, she would have much rather slept by your side.
"I also didn't sleep well," Paige says.
You finally look up at her.
"I'm surprised you slept at all," you say starting to joke with her again.
Paige's hand comes up to her face, rubbing it to hide the blush creeping up her neck and face. She mumbles 'should've stayed home' and you chuckle.
"Well can't change the past but we can both go home and nap," you say packing up your stuff and standing.
Paige stands awkwardly, all her normal confidence drained from her.
You grab her arm and hook yours around it and walk out. Paige tries to shake the feeling of having you so close to her but all she can think about is the feeling of your lips on her. How your skin felt on her fingertips. How her body was on fire when it was pressed up against yours.
The two of you make your way back to the apartment and you immediately fall onto your bed.
"B, come lay down and nap with me." You say, eyes closed. Paige is just standing in your room, slowly pacing.
"B, come here." You say.
She sighs and sits on your bed, not lying down yet.
"Why haven't you ever done a shoot around with me?" Paige asks.
"B, you know I don't want to talk about it," you say with a groan.
"You never want to talk about it," she says almost mad that you won't talk to her about the most dramatic time of your life.
"When I am ready, I will," you say sitting up. "Where is this coming from?" You say coming to sit next to her.
She shakes her head and suddenly feels silly about how much missing you shoot a basketball is affecting her. She looks down at her hands picking at her nails.
You grab her hands and bring them to your lap.
"B, what's up? Talk to me." You say begging her.
"I didn't get to see it," she says. "It is so dumb to think about how much not seeing you shoot a basketball is making me feel but I have known you for how long now and I haven't seen you do what I love. I have bugged you so much to get you to shoot with me and you never do. Now Azzi and Aaliyah have seen something I have waiting so long to see and," Paige tries to find the words.
"Hey, B. No one was supposed to see it. That was for me and no one else. They just happened to get to practice early, which usually includes you..." you say trying to get her to get out of her head over the matter.
"When I am ready, I will tell you, I promise." You say looking at your best friend.
She just nods, looking into your eyes. She slowly begins to lean in, her eyes flickering in between your eyes and your lips. You try to maintain your breathing as Paige moves closer to you.
Her hands remove from yours, one of them coming to your face, caressing it in the softest manner. This is the complete opposite of what Paige was doing last night. Any time Paige goes and meets some random girl it is always fast and needy, always self-focused. This is different. You are different.
You lick your lip and lightly bite down on it. Paige's eyes nearly roll back at the sight. Her thumb comes up and removes your lip from your bite, yet again.
"I should shower," Paige says just above a whisper, her eyes not leaving your lips. Her breathing is uneven. You are right in front of her, she could take you right here, right now and you would be hers. You are willing to let her do anything she wants and you want to tell her that but you just nod.
"When I am out, we will start your next lesson," Paige says as she rubs your bottom lip with her thumb. "The art of teasing."
Paige then gets up and makes her way to take a shower, leaving you there stunned and excited for what is to come.
You lay down and begin scrolling on your phone. After waiting about 20 minutes and still hearing the shower on, you close your eyes to rest.
When you realize you have fallen asleep, you shoot up. Looking around, you see Paige asleep next to you. Her arms wrapped around one of your pillows, her phone right next to her hand. You smile when you see her and lay back down. This is your normal. You missed this.
You lay and scroll on your phone a little longer before getting up and deciding to work on some homework. You grab your laptop, sit on your side of your bed, and begin working. You are deep into a paper when you feel the bed shift.
"Mmmmmm," Paige groans and stretches out knocking your laptop off your lap.
"Hey!" You say grabbing it before it falls on the floor.
"Put it away," she says. "Time for a lesson," she is now making her way to a sitting position as she rubs her eyes.
You listen and close your computer, putting it on the floor next to your bed, and sit to face her.
"I'm ready," you say more excited than you are ready to admit.
"When you are getting ready to start something with your partner - you don't just want to rush into things. You want to make sure that you are getting her ready and making sure she feels good." Paige says as you hang on to every word.
"I am going to need you to be very verbal okay? I need you to tell me everything you are thinking." She says.
"Okay," you respond.
"First I am going to try things on you and you need to tell me if they feel good okay? Then it will be your turn." Paige says as she takes your hand and stands up, taking you with her.
"Got it," you say now standing to face her.
"Close your eyes," Paige says and you give her a questioning look. "Just do it ma."
You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
You hear Paige shuffle around and you feel her move your hair to one side of your neck.
Her hands make their way to your waist, almost as if to keep you where you are (or more like keep her grounded). She begins whispering in your ear, lips ever so slightly grazing the shell of your earlobe.
"You look so hot standing here waiting for me to touch you." She says sending chills down your spine. Her lips hover over your shoulder as she kisses it. You hum at the contact.
Paige's lips pepper kisses up your neck. Her hand comes up and tilts your neck to the side, giving her more access.
You groan when her lips hit the sweet spot right under your ear.
"Feels...so good B," you moan as she continues on your neck.
Her hand which is still on your hip, wraps around and makes its way under your shirt, resting on your stomach. Her fingers take in the feeling of your skin on them.
You lean back into her as you feel yourself wanting more.
Her hands make their way to the bottom of your shirt, "Can I take this off, babe?"
"Yes," is the only thing you trust yourself to say.
She lifts your shirt over your head. You suddenly feel like Paige can see everything but you are still in your shorts and bra. Your arms come around to try and cover your front but Paige just grabs them, putting them down and making her way to stand in front of you.
"Don't you dare hide from me, ma. You are gorgeous." Paige says looking into your eyes. You nod and blush.
"Thanks, B."
Your hand is the first to move as it comes up to her cheek and you pull her in. You know she is leading but you have been dying to feel her lips on yours again.
Your lips find hers and she is immediately fighting you for dominance. You cave and give it to her, knowing it is going to be hard to not bend to her will every single time whenever you are in these lessons.
Paige hooks her fingers in your shorts bringing your hips to hers then pushing you down on the bed.
She takes a second to take you in, wanting to remember this even if it is only to teach you.
"Is everything okay?" You ask, confused as to why she stopped.
"Couldn't be better," she says as she makes her way to you.
"So with teasing, you want to get the other riled up. You want to turn them on and get them ready for what is to come. Or should I say to get them to come," Paige jokes and you just roll your eyes.
"You are unbelievable," you say now laughing at your best friend.
One of her hands draws shape on your inner thigh and her lips come to hover above your torso.
"But I'm right, and that is what I will show you," she says as she is now peppering kissing on your stomach.
Her lips make their way up to your chest, then eventually your neck again. Your breath picks up and becomes uneven.
"Your lips feel so good," you say squeezing your eyes shut. She hums against your skin and begins to make her way back down your body. Your hands come up to her head as you run your fingers through her hair.
Paige uses her hands to push your shorts up a little then places a kiss on your thigh and you let out the loudest moan yet. This causes a pool to form both in your center and hers. She moves one of your legs to continue placing kisses on your inner thigh, lightly sucking on your sensitive skin.
"Paige!" You yell, not knowing what else to do. You have never felt this good before and she hasn't even truly touched you. She stops immediately and looks up at you. You are panting now, looking into her eyes.
Her pupils are dilated. Hearing you yell her name does something to her that she can't explain.
"I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from," you say embarrassed.
She shakes her head no, "Don't ever apologize for such a beautiful sound."
She crawls up to hover above you.
"Okay babe, you got a glimpse of areas that feel good, do you think you want to give it a go?" She asks and you nod.
"Come on babe, you know I need to hear you," she says.
"I can try," you say.
Paige lays next to you as you shift to hover above her.
"I am going to kiss your neck," you say a little nervous but lean in and lightly press your lips to her neck. You bring one of your legs in between Paige's and let your weight rest on her.
"Is this okay?" You ask her.
"More than okay ma," she says. "Use your hand to hold my head to the side to give you more access to my neck." She directs and you follow her instructions.
Your lips come back to her neck as you begin to kiss and suck on certain parts of her neck. You hear her let out the quietest moan and you take that as a sign that you are doing a good job.
"Can I take this off?" You ask as you pinch at her shirt.
"Shit, of course, baby," she says and you lift it above her head and toss it to the side of your bed.
Your lips come and kiss the center of her sports bra and begin to kiss lower on her stomach. You take your time kissing every ab. This is what gets a louder moan to escape from Paige's lips as her fingers go to grip your sheets. You continue further down and do exactly what she did to you, pushing her shorts up and kissing along her inner thigh.
Paige has never had someone spend this kind of time on her. It is usually her pleasing other girls and she typically takes pride in that. It is usually her ability to make girls feel good that is enough for her but here she is, sprawled out in front of her best friend - the girl she loves but would never admit to, feeling the best she has ever felt and this was only your first time.
"Feels so good," she moans as you continue to kiss her skin. Her hand comes up to your head. Your hand comes to hers and brings it around so you can kiss the inside of her wrist.
"You are something else," Paige says almost out of breath. You just chuckle and continue to kiss up her arm.
"Am I doing good B?" You ask as you are once again hovering above her.
Her hand comes to your face stroking your cheek.
She wants to tell you how incredible you are and how she wants you to be hers. She wants to tell you not to date that girl from your class and that she'll stop seeing other girls. That she is all yours if you will have her. She wants to tell you how she can't stop thinking about you or the way your lips belong to her. She wants to tell you she loves you and has for years now. But none of that comes out and she takes a deep breath and settles for something that won't expose her love for you.
AN: Please let me know what you think, I have mixed feelings about this one. You guys have been awesome in this series, I truly appreciate it! And as always, thank you for you love and support 💙
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iikatsukii · 1 year
the lost sully
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synopsis: there was one rule…
pairings: sully family x sibling!reader 
warnings: angst no comfort
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i'm taking a hiatus. Idk for how long but i will not be posting or responding to anyone or anything unless we are mutuals and i’ve told you what happened. Please don't pry all i will say is someone very close to me died today. this will be the last thing i post for a while so sorry if its halfassed.
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"now they'll never find me," you said as you laughed, feeling the rush of the wind blowing on your face. you had broken the only rule you and your siblings had when playing hide and seek.
no ikrans
you figured it wouldn't be a problem because you knew the forests like the back of your hand and weren't going far anyway. you spotted a clearing near high camp where neteyam was counting, giving you guys 20 seconds to hide around the nearby area. you, on the other hand, were feeling daring today. you hadn't won a hide-and-seek game in years, and your siblings continuously rubbed it in your face. 
of course, as you guys grew up, you had less and less time to play games, but recently, with you finally completing your rites, you were able to hang out with your siblings more. you would find yourself tagging along with lo'ak, kiri, and neteyam when they went to hang out with other na'vi your age. 
thinking about your siblings made you laugh as you finally settled into your hiding spot. you were hiding inside a log in the clearing you had found earlier, waiting for your eldest brother to find you. you placed your palms flat on each other, facing the ground, and rested your face on your hands, allowing them to act as a pillow as you drifted off to sleep, knowing you would be the last one found. a little victory nap wouldn't hurt.
you would rest here amongst the flora and fauna of your home. a little fan lizard scampered into the log, snuggling up to you, seemingly joining your nap. then you felt another running up the back of your leg, coming up to cuddle into the small of your back. you giggled as a few more gathered around you, packing into your little hiding spot. you loved moments like this. moments that you could share with the fauna that eywa has blessed your home with. 
much like kiri, you were very in touch with the great mother, but while kiri leaned more toward the flora, you were more in tune with the animals of pandora. always being able to steer away an angry mama palulukan rather than having to fight. you sighed as you felt sleep consume you. who knew sleeping in a log would be so comfortable? was the last thought to cross your mind before you allowed your dreams to consume you. 
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waking at the sound of an ikrans screech was startling, to say the least. unfortunately, you forgot where you fell asleep, so when you jumped up, you hit your head pretty hard against the top of the log. 
"OW- ow. oh my god, ow…." you whimpered out, being in so much pain that the only thing you could do was just sit there and process what the actual fuck was happening. so much was happening so fast that you didn't have a moment to collect yourself. your blood was rushing thanks to your little alarm clock, so you slipped your body halfway out the log, looking up at your ikran, txep, with a glare. he returned your look with a mischievous glare of his own.
"oh, you think it's funny." you sneered at your companion. he screeched in response as if he was antagonizing you. 
"well, i'm glad you do because now we're both gonna have a headache while flying back, you skxawng." you groaned as you pulled the rest of your body out the log, wincing as you stretched. you brought your hand to the back of your head, which was now a dull pain. you decided to sit down for a second to give yourself a minute to gather. 
and then everything came back to you, the hide and seek game, your ikran ride, your "victory nap"...
you looked to the sky, wincing as you noticed it's been eclipse for a while now. 
mom and dad are gonna kill me…
you were honestly scared. you were never one to get into huge trouble like your brother lo'ak, but you knew that you would definitely be getting into huge trouble when you got home. you sighed as you stood and looked over at your ikran, still coddling the back of your head. 
"come on. let's go home," you said as you made tsaheylu and mounted your saddle. txep made soft noises of uncomfortability as he now felt the effects of your pain through the bond.
"sorry, buddy, but you can only blame yourself here." you managed a laugh in times of grave fear. taking off in the direction of home, you knew you were only 5 minutes away from the scolding of a lifetime. at least, you thought you were until 5 minutes turned into 20. then suddenly, 20 minutes became 40, and 40 minutes became an hour. you felt like you were flying in circles. you couldn't find high camp, your headache worsened, and your vision blurred. txep could barely fly straight.
you decided it would be best to land somewhere to avoid getting hurt while flying around with an injury like this. the time between when you were in the air and landed on the ground was a blur. but as soon as your feet touched the ground, you passed out. the exhaustion and pain was too much.
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as you awoke again, you heard strange sounds disrupting your sleep. you groaned, assuming it was your brothers messing with you, but once you opened your eyes, you saw a roof above your head. but the architecture isn't that of the omatikaya, and the air smelled of salt water and sea life. you shielded your eyes as you were met with the sun gazing through a… window?
"oh, thank eywa, you are awake. my mother began worrying when you had not woken up after a week."
A WEEK?!?!
she noticed the panicked look on your face and quickly settled beside you, rubbing your shoulders as a comfort method. 
"do not worry. you are safe. your ikran is safe. you had a head injury and were passed out on an island just outside the reefs. i am going to ask you some questions. is that okay?" the girl asked. she had teal skin, and her arm, legs, and tail were thicker than your own. 
"what is your name?" she spoke softly like she didn't want to scare you. 
"y/n," you replied, barely above a whisper. you didn't even feel your mouth move.
"hi, y/n. my name is tsireya. how old are you?"
"i'm 13. i just got my ikran… i just completed my rites… i–" your voice was shaking. 
"hey, y/n, it is okay. i just have one more question for you," she said as she continued to comfort you. you sighed, not wanting to speak anymore as your reality came crashing down on you. 
you don't know where you are.
you had broken the only hide-and-seek rule you guys had, and now you're lost. stranded on the islands of pandora, not knowing how to get home
"do you know where you are?" you didn't respond as you felt your tears escape the corners of your eyes. whimpers and sobs creep out of your throat as you shake your head in response to her question. she sighed, her ears pinned to her head as she could only feel sad for you. 
she decided to lay down, holding you in her embrace until she felt your breathing even out. she wigged herself out of the cot you were lying on as she left the pod. tsireya assumed that you had fallen asleep, but she was wrong. the second she left, your tears returned tenfold, but you managed to hold in your sobs. your thoughts were loud in your mind, but one sentence silenced them all. 
one sentence that had intensified your cries, now having to use the cushion under your head to muffle your cries.
now they'll never find me.
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sunsetsimon · 7 months
i have a secret. (request)
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
mentions of the club, cheating, angsty with happy ending
okay so this is way longer than a drabble but i just sat down and this came out so who's complaining???? also im so proud i literally wrote this in less than an hour and a half omg - sun
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he arrives in your town late at night. his mission had ended earlier than expected and he decided to come surprise you with a visit, knowing you’d have no clue. it's past one in the morning, the lights off in your house. simon figures you're asleep as you stopped replying to his texts a few hours prior. he pulls the spare key out from the flower pot near your front door, digging it from the 2 inches of dirt you made sure to cover it with.
unlocking the door, it's eerily quiet, something in simon's gut telling him to be on alert. reaching under his hoodie, he unholsters his gun tucked into his pants, gripping it tight in his hands as he surveys the house. the small dim light on the stove illuminates the kitchen, and he sets his bag on the table.
his steps are silent as he checks every room, coming to the realization that no one was there, even you. simon was confused, wondering where you'd be this late without letting him know your plans. anxiety pools in his stomach, wondering if you were doing something you would keep from him.
you're just finishing up your shift, collecting all of your belongings and changing into your normal sweats and sweatshirt. security escorts you to your car, just as a safety measure. bidding your goodbye's, you shut the door and start your car. your phone vibrates, a text from simon:
"what are you up to, love?" - simon, 1:32am
feeling guilty, you toss your phone onto the passenger seat, choosing to respond once you get home. your relationship with simon had only been official for a few months and he'd been out of the country for most of the time. it didn't feel right to keep things from him, but you worried that telling the truth about your night job would push him away.
once you arrive home, you sit in your car for a minute before replying to simon:
"sorry si, i fell asleep on the couch again. going to bed now, text you when i'm up xx" - you, 1:45am
heading inside, you drop your bags on the couch, slipping off your shoes and heading to get ready for your shower. you push open the cracked bedroom door, turning on the light as you walk inside. you jump with a yelp when you see simon seated in the chair in the corner, his head resting on his propped up arm, phone in his other hand.
"fell asleep on the couch, huh?" he asks, voice low, laced with something like anger.
"when did you get here?" you ask, extremely confused on what he's doing in the corner of your room at 2 in the morning.
his blond eyebrows furrow, face twisting in displeasure at your obvious deflection, "i asked you a question." simon leans forward, body seeming to grow with intimidation, making you feel small and cornered. the words slip from your tongue, a proper sentence failing to form and explain your whereabouts.
"were you out with someone?" he asks, noting your eye makeup and styled hair. simon can feel his heart breaking in his chest with your silence, trying to come up with an answer. he shakes his head, clearing his throat as he walks past you, grabbing his bag from the kitchen table.
"wait!" you cry, running after him and grabbing onto his arm but he snatches it away. "simon, listen i can explain."
though he wants to run, leave you here and never speak to you again, he stays. his chest burns, squeezing tight with hurt, never imagining you'd do anything to hurt him. simon wasn't one to catch feelings or have a committed relationship.
"i have a night job at the club, jimmy's. i didn't want to tell you because i wasn't sure how you'd take it," you explain, holding onto his wrist as if that'd stop him from moving.
"you're a bartender?"
"a dancer. a stripper..." you trail off, cheeks burning with shame. you're met with silence, his brown eyes distant as he stares at the ground, brain failing to process what you just confessed. an erotic dancer? that was definitely not on the list of things simon guessed you were doing.
"and you've been at this for how long..? as work?"
"i started a little after we started dating, when you were gone for those three weeks. it's good money, and i'm good at it-" you explain, grabbing your bag from the couch to reveal it to him. unzipping it, the bag is filled with all different bills, "i made this tonight."
"dunno what t'say," simon finally says, shaking his head in disbelief.
"are you mad at me?"
"not that you dance. but you still lied to me, i wouldn't do that to you. we're partners, y'can tell me anything."
"i'm sorry si," you say. he reaches for you, pulling you into his embrace.
his body is warm and he smells like a new cologne, holding you against his chest before pulling back, his large hands cupping your face, "don't lie t'me again, got it?"
and you nod eagerly, "i promise."
"now why don't you show me some of these dances you've been keeping from me," simon offers, kissing your puffy lips from his hands squishing your face. you huff against him and he chuckles, giving you one last wet kiss, just to tease you even more.
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onyxmilk · 6 months
Hi! Could I have a one shot of Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu kaisen where he comes home after a brutal mission. Where the reader is sleeping in the middle of the night and hears Yuji coming back from a mission and going to the bathroom to take a bath. The reader goes to see him and noticed how quiet he is and how his clothes are a bit bloody. She would ask him if he’s okay but he wouldn’t say anything. So instead in a way to comfort him she would just help him comfort him by helping him wash his hair and face. Then soon eventually he would start to open up. So it’s some angst with some fluff mixed in <3
Also if it’s okay, I have an idea for a kazuki x reader one shot or dabble so is it okay for me to send that as well? If not then that’s okay!
Yuji Itadori x f!Reader; "Baths and Comfort"
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notes; sorry this took so long TwT tw; reader is referred with she/her pronouns!, wc; 0.9k
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[YourName] sighed, poking at her food in front of her. She didn't exactly know what she was expecting, for Yuji to come home early? That was ridiculous. She isn't upset, just disappointed in herself for having such high hopes- she knew Yuji was doing his best to keep people safe from the things most people couldn't see, but it still stung when she had to go to lie in a cold bed.
With a little bit of sadness in her step, [YourName] threw out what was on her plate and then moved to make Yuji a plate. She put the plate into the microwave and then put leftovers away in the fridge. Afterwards, [YourName] made her way toward the bedroom where she slipped off her day clothing and changed into her night clothing, having no motivation to shower or bathe currently- she knew her boyfriend wouldn’t mind either, it’s not like she worked up a sweat today anyway. [YourName] would fall asleep, but an hour into her slumber she heard something or someone turn on their bathroom shower. In a panic [YourName] sat up and observed her surroundings to try and see if there were clues to who this mystery person could be, the bathroom was connected to the shared room anyway. After taking a peek into the bathroom and being able to determine that it simply was just Yuji, she sighed in relief.
With some hesitation, [YourName] laid back down and attempted to go back to sleep- but the soft cusses from the bathroom made her stir in her spot. Yuji wasn’t usually the type to curse, so that was odd and unexpected behavior from her boyfriend. [YourName] bit her lip before getting up, shaking the sleep from her form and gently knocking on the door. “Babe?” [YourName] asked despite her tiredness leaking from her voice, “[YourName]? You should head back to bed..” Yuji replied with a little shake in his voice. [YourName] debated for a second about actually listening to her boyfriend- but there was something about the way that he responded that felt uneasy. Yuji never pushed her away, he was never one to be so unenthused whenever he was able to come home. So she decided against it, the worry for her boyfriend much stronger than her willingness to comply. “I’m coming in.” She says with a slight sternness to her tone, her hand met the door knob and she opened the bathroom door. The shower was on, but Yuji had yet to enter the tub. His top half of his clothing was discarded and the poor man had scratches, cuts, and bruises slowly forming scattered all over his body. [YourName]’s face fell into sadness at the sight. “Truly, you don’t need to-” Yuji began, wanting his girlfriend to get the beauty rest she deserves. “No, I want to..” [YourName] interrupts him, making her way over to the shower and testing the temperature with her hand. She then admired her battered boyfriend for a moment, “I don’t want you to be alone, not right now,” [YourName] says gently. “I don’t want to be alone..” Yuji said, tearing up. It must have been a harder mission on him than Yuji had expected, because he was shining bright as the sun earlier at breakfast that morning. 
[YourName] stripped off her pajamas, allowing Yuji to also take off the rest of his clothing before the two hopped into the shower. [YourName] gently ran the warm water over Yuji, letting him get used to the water and making sure he washed up before moving to a bath. [YourName] sat behind Yuji for once so that she could hold him and be the one to comfort him, allowing the tub to fill up before dropping a few drops of soap into the bath to make it soapy. Yuji relaxed against his girlfriend’s touch, only stiffening when [YourName] brushed against a fresh cut or two. “You know I love you..” [YourName] whispered gently, pressing a kiss to Yuji’s shoulder. “I love you too,” Yuji replied with his eyes shut. It was like all the negative energy that had come home with Yuji from his mission had washed away within that shower and those gentle touches of his girlfriend really was the cherry on top for relaxation. “What happened?” [YourName] asks, running her wet fingers through Yuji’s pink damp hair. “I'd rather not say..” he mumbled, making [YourName] sigh. “If you keep it bottled up- it won’t end well.” [YourName] reminded her boyfriend softly, brushing his hair away from his face. In response, Yuji could only stare at the water in front of him, “I know, I just.. I don’t want to scare you away..” Yuji mentioned. “You wouldn’t scare me away, I’m here to listen, it’s a part of being your girlfriend..” [YourName] replied. Yuji sighed, debating on his next words before going into light detail about his work. 
[YourName] sat there and listened to every single detail, allowing her boyfriend to get everything out of his system and be able to destress after such a long mission. Soon enough, it felt as though the tension in Yuji’s shoulders had faded, simply leaning into his girlfriend’s touch as he sighed in relief. He had missed this, having been so pent up from the mission of the day that he forgot he could always lean back on his girlfriend for support. He would be reminded of that once again tonight, and forever more into the future.
Eventually, all good things must come to an end and the bath water was starting to get cold along with the skin on Yuji and [YourName]’s getting pruney. Both of them dried off and got dressed before crawling into bed. Yuji felt a lot better now, bringing [YourName] in closer. “Thank you..” Yuji says softly as he pressed a kiss to the crown of [YourName]’s head, she just smiled and shook her head as she drifted off to sleep “You’re welcome..” she mumbled. 
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sunvmars · 8 months
sickeningly sweet | s.r. [5]
pairing: steve rogers x fem/afab reader.
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word count: 4.6k summary: just steve trying his best to prove himself to you warnings: swearing, smut implications/mentions a/n: this fic is not actively on hiatus, however i've recently broken my elbow and have a full arm cast which makes it hard to type. i've been having brief writers block as well, but the upload schedule will become more regular soon, enjoy! :)
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Warm, soft yellow rays from the sun peer through your curtains. The light catches your eyes perfectly and wakes you up from your slumber. You blink slowly, squinting at the sudden bright intrusion as you adjust to the new day. It only takes you a moment to become fully aware of your surroundings. Then a wave of confusion washes over you.
The first thing you notice is that you're not laid out in your usual sleeping position. Instead, you find yourself curled against a warm and soft, yet solid, presence. Your head cranes back to rest on an all-too-familiar chest. The soothing rise and fall of the person's chest behind you is recognizable too.
It becomes increasingly obvious that there's only one person it could be behind you.
You lift your head and turn carefully to see Steve fast asleep with his arm securely wrapped around you. He's usually got a stoic or rugged expression, but he looks calm in his sleep- like he always has. His grip is tight as you're flush against him. His eyes are closed, lips are parted slightly, and strands of his blond, messy hair fall onto his face. The soft glow of the morning sunlight illuminates his features elegantly.
How did you end up like this?
You simply lie still and watch him for a moment, taking in the sight of the man you fell in love with. He must've fallen asleep because he's still got on the same thing from last night. The faint thumping of his heart provides a soothing melody that makes your heart swell with affection. As safe and comforted as you feel in his embrace, which threatens to put you back to sleep, you're well aware that you have a long day ahead.
You shift around slowly in his arms. You're able to almost wiggle free, but then he stirs again. A low, hardly audible groan slips from between his lips before he's pulling you against him tightly. He doesn't realize it, but he nuzzles his face into your shoulder before pulling back and loosening his grip a little.
"Morning," he murmurs, his voice soft but husky.
When you turn to look at him you see his thick lashes fluttering. He attempts to adjust to the bright light, just as you did earlier, and then his eyes peel open. His mesmerizing blue eyes glance up from behind you to meet yours. The corners of his lips turn up tenderly at you.
"Morning," you reply with a voice equally as soft.
It's then that he realizes he's still got you held under his arm. "I'm sorry, do you want me to move?"
Your brain goes blank causing you to hesitate; finding yourself torn between leftover bits of your anger and the undeniable comfort of his presence. The last thing you want is to make this into some confusing relationship, but it is confusing, so what's the arm in a comfortable cuddle every now and then?
"No, this is fine," you respond after a few seconds.
Steve's expression softens. "Are you sure?" he questions, his thumb stroking your arm slowly.
You answer him before you get the chance to second-guess yourself. "I'm sure, this is...perfect, actually. I haven't slept that well in weeks."
He smiles gratefully and pulls you back in. "Good, I didn't want to let go yet."
"We do need to get up soon, though. When did we even fall asleep?"
"You started falling asleep while we were talking. You were exhausted in every sense of the word so I laid you down and tucked you in. I wanted to respect your boundaries, so I got up to leave. But you got restless every time I tried to go, no matter how long I sat down next to you."
He pauses as if trying to gather his words. He contemplates for a moment, then continues.
"I remembered that, when we were together, you'd always fall asleep easier when I would hold you and trace little patterns on your arm," he says. "So, I thought, just for tonight, that I'd do that until you were asleep and then I'd leave. But then..." He trails off and a hint of embarrassment shows on his face, his cheeks growing the lightest shade of pink.
"But then you fell asleep too?" you finish for him.
Steve nods. "Yeah. I didn't plan on it, but it was comfortable being so close to you again."
You can't help but crack a small smile at his confession. Being wrapped in his arms after so long is comforting, confusing, and frustrating all at once. The hurt he'd caused you should be making you want nothing to do with him. For the time being, though, the ache for things to be how they were before trumps it; the security and warmth that only Steve himself can provide overtakes you.
"It has been a long time since we've been this close," you say, your voice filled with reminiscence.
"Yeah, it has." His gaze meets yours and there's a vulnerability in his eyes that you missed desperately. "I miss this and you and... I just miss us," he admits, his voice hardly above a whisper.
You swallow hard as you try to keep down the tears that brim your eyes. You're more than sure that you miss it too. You miss all of him, actually; the intimate nights and loving days, the feeling of being truly understood and cared for, the shared dreams for your future.
"I miss us too, Steve," you confess, trying to hide your weak-sounding voice.
Steve's grip on you tightens again. The pair of you lie there basking in the fresh morning rays, the gravity of your shared longing floating around in the air. You know that this doesn't solve everything and there's still more to be mapped out, but you find your peace in his arms and he finds his in holding you. So, maybe, just maybe, you can find your way back to each other.
"How are you feeling today?" he asks, breaking the momentary silence.
You take a moment to assess yourself. How were you feeling? You felt like you hardly knew yourself at the moment. Everything you feel conflicts with each other. Confused would be the perfect word for it, but it's so much more than that.
"Overwhelmed," you sigh deeply. "I feel like I'm supposed to be hating you but I can't find it in me to do it. I'm supposed to be so fucking angry with you that I can't stand to look at you, and part of me is, but mostly I just want to waste away in this bed with you. And, fuck, I feel horrible for bringing a baby into this whole mess."
He feels a pang in his heart upon taking your words in. "Please don't feel like any of this is your fault. Had I told you earlier, maybe we could've had this fixed already- that's on me," he says reassuringly. "And please don't tell yourself you need to feel a certain way; you're allowed to feel nothing or everything all at once. We'll figure all of this out, I promise. I'm here to protect you and our baby, dove."
Your heart hums at the new pet name and the usage of 'our baby,' again, but you can't conjure up a response. All you give him is a brief nod before turning your head away from him.
"You remember what I used to tell you when you felt unsure of yourself?" he asks, hooking a finger under your chin to turn your face towards him. "You are remarkable and resilient, honey, and your path is yours to make."
You smile lightly at the sentiment. It was a simple notion, almost corny with how cliche it sounded. He had drilled the idea into your mind whenever you felt less than during the first few months of dating. It started as something he'd say to help you get back on your feet, but he repeated it so often it turned into your personal mantra. He'd told you to keep it as a reminder whenever you forget who you are, and you did.
"Repeat it out loud for me, dove."
"Steve, I don't think I need-"
His eyes narrow at you, effectively cutting you off. "Wasn't a question, love. I know you, and I know it won't stick unless you say it too."
You inhale and exhale deeply with a dramatized eye-roll at his persistence. "I am remarkable and resilient and my path is mine," you recite.
Steve smiles warmly at your perfect recital. "That's right," he coos gently. "There's my girl."
He leans down to brush your hair back, allowing him room to place a soft kiss behind your ear. An electric shiver runs down your spine when Steve's lips touch your skin. Your eyes close and you hum in satisfaction at the sensation. The affectionate gesture is so achingly familiar but it feels like something you've just discovered. Both of you know where this is going, and you stop it before things get too confusing.
"Steve, we can't," you mutter before rolling on your opposite side to face him. "If we keep acting like us then it has to mean something, right? I just...I don't want this to get frustrating for either of us."
He looks into your eyes longingly but you turn away under the intensity of the moment. His hand raises to cup your cheek in an attempt to sway your gaze to him. His thumb traces slow patterns on your cheekbone to soothe your overdriven brain.
"What do you want it to mean, poppet?"
You ponder for a second. What did you want the two of you to mean? Did you want it at all? Is it really a good idea to be this close again already?
"Promise," you respond, eyes finally locking with his. "A promise for us, our future, and our family."
The movements of his thumb on your cheek pause briefly while he dwells on the word. "Promise, hm?" he repeats, tasting the syllables on his tongue as they roll off. "I quite like the sound of that, dove."
A soft smile tugs at the corners of your lips. You're pulled in by the vibrant, yet soft, eyes staring back at you as they twinkle under the rays of the sun. And he must feel it this time too, that same longing from last night, because he leans in towards you. His lips ghost just centimeters over yours and his warm breath fans over your mouth.
His glance flickers from your eyes to your mouth then back again. "Does this promise for our future include me being able to kiss you again?" he asks lowly.
Your heart races, torn between the fresh wounds of your past and the undeniable temptation of the present. "Maybe just this once it does," you mutter. "And maybe there's some room for a little more now and then."
A smile graces his lips. "Good."
Steve leans in to close the minuscule gap between your lips. The kiss is tender, warm, and chock-full with a quiet longing. An enveloping sense of familiarity washes over you as your lips work against his. His lips mold with yours perfectly like they're meant to be there. You melt into the kiss, completely forgetting everything that's not him.
His hand trails from your cheek to the back of your neck. Long, thick fingers grasp your neck with a small amount of pressure. A hardly audible squeak falls from between your lips and into his mouth. Your hands find his chest to rest on as he deepens the kiss. He pours all of him into the kiss, surrendering himself to you as he always does.
Gently, his teeth tug your bottom lip between them as he pulls away. "I'm never letting go of you again," he breathes out, his forehead resting against yours.
It's your turn to smile this time, a warmth spreading throughout your chest. You press yourself closer to him to rest your head on his chest. The grip of his arm around you tightens, your heart now beating against his. A few soft kisses are peppered on the top of your head as you revel in the moment.
"We should probably get out of bed," you say, voice almost completely muffled by his chest.
"After I just said I'm never letting go of you again?" he jokes. He chuckles softly, his fingers idly tracing lines on your back. "As tempting as it is just to stay right here all day, I suppose you're right, poppet."
A lingering kiss is placed on the top of your head before his hold on you is slowly released. You, rather reluctantly, untangle yourself from his embrace to sit up in bed. The comforting warmth that had wrapped you up only moments ago has you regretting your words. You glance around the room as Steve sits up beside you, his expression unreadable as he looks at you.
"I hope you believe me when I say I'm going to fix this."
Your hand comes to rest on his cheek momentarily. "I do," you reassure him.
After a few seconds, you get off the bed and pick out clothes from your closet. You grab underwear from your dresser then step in front of your mirror beside it to begin getting dressed. There's no need to go to the bathroom to change; you were engaged and are currently carrying his baby after all. He watches you slide your clothes off with upturned lips and an odd sense of pride. While you weren't officially his again yet, he was more than proud that it was you he was starting a family with.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, y'know that?"
"Is that so?"
Sea-blue eyes track your movements as you slide your panties up your legs and thighs and over your ass. He sucks in a deep breath at the sight. He'd certainly be lying if he said the view wasn't one he missed.
"There's no doubt about it, poppet," he admits, trying to hide the growing desperation in his voice.
Your gaze stays glued to yourself in the mirror, brows furrowing together as you cringe at the lacey texture of the fabric. Bending over, you slide the panties back off before leaning to the side to shuffle through the drawer again. It takes all of him to hold in the arousal he feels building up when he catches a glimpse of your bare ass for the second time. He gets out of bed quickly and then comes to stand directly behind you. He knows he probably shouldn't, but his hands hover above the sides of your thighs.
"Can I?"
His voice and sudden presence behind you make you jump. Your body straightens and your eyes lock with him behind you in the mirror. He rests his hands on your thighs as soon as you nod at him and rough, strong hands trace your curves. You shudder as his palms glide up your body with ease, his fingers occasionally digging into your flesh. The movement comes to a stop on your waist before sliding back down to your hips.
"So fuckin' pretty." Hesitantly, he leans down to whisper into your ear, "I love you, dove."
Your breath hitches upon hearing Steve's words in your ear. The sensation of his touch on your skin and his whispered affection have you swooning all over again. It's like time hadn't passed at all and instead picked back up on your past relationship.
"I love you too, Steve," you whisper back.
He ponders on his thoughts for a moment. "You think there's room for some of that 'a little more' right now too?"
Just like him, you know you shouldn't, but you give in. You're still not completely sure if it's hormones or just how badly you've missed his touch, but you need his hands on you.
You nod briefly and urgently, "Yes."
His lips attach to your neck and start to plant soft kisses on the sensitive skin. Instinctively, your head tilts to the side to give him better access. One hand rests on your hip and the other moves torturously slowly back up your body as he places tender kisses on your skin. He explores the familiar terrain of your body, grasping and savoring every single inch he brushes over. Your head tips back against his shoulder, eyes closing when he allows his fingers to brush the underside of your breasts.
Slightly rougher kisses are placed along the path to your shoulder before making their way back up. He locates the sweet spot on your throat fairly quickly seeing as he'd remembered everything about your body. His tongue darts out across the skin after he bites gently on it. You gasp when he cups your breast harshly, his fingers digging into your hips to pull you closer to him.
His voice comes out as a husky rumble in your ear. "You don't know how horribly I've ached to see you like this for me again, dove. Being this close to you, it's driving me crazy."
Your eyes peel open to meet his in the reflection of the mirror. You reach behind you, your fingers tangling in his soft, blond hair. His fingers find your nipple and begin rolling it between his digits. He sucks on the side of the base of your throat. The resolve you held can be felt slipping by the second. Only minutes ago you were telling him why you couldn't take things so fast, yet now you find yourself more than willing to on it.
He moves down to your shoulder again and, carefully, his teeth sink into the skin. His hand removes itself from your breast to return to your other hip. His grip tightens as he places a chaste kiss on the bite mark.
"Stevie," you whine.
Steve tsks at you with a smirk plastered on his face. "'We can't'," he mocks teasingly. "Your rules, darlin', and I'm not going to give you what you need until we're an us again. Of course, there's no pressure, but I can't go making things complicated for my doll, now can I?"
You wiggle in his grasp, your ass accidentally brushing over his clothed length. "But 'm giving you permission- please, Stevie," you beg with a pout.
A low growl emits from his chest and his hands pull your hips backward so your ass grinds down onto his cock. "This what you wanted, poppet?"
You squeal at the quick movement, a whimper falling from your lips. The only thing you manage to get out is a hum of approval. He's so, so close to giving in like you have, but he won't let you do something you'll regret. So, almost as soon as the sensation is there, he removes it. He lets his hands drop as he takes a step back.
"No," he growls lowly. "I'm not giving anything to you until you're begging me for it."
Irritation and disappointment seep through you. "Fuck you, Steven," you pout again.
"Don't worry, I'll fuck you eventually," he says, lips now turned up into a grin as he places an arm around your waist. He places a kiss on the side of your head before whispering in your ear, "And I'll take my time with you when I do."
His words send a chill through you. However, that electric shiver doesn't replace the annoyance coursing through you.
"I hate you," you grumble, "You came over here just to tease me?"
"I came over here with every intention of teasing you as far as you'd let me, yes," he says with a smirk. "You almost had me willing to give it to you, but I know you'll only kick yourself for it later."
You frown upon realizing he's probably right. As badly as you did want him, you know it would trouble things within you.
"Fine," you mumble, fake defeat laced in your tone. "Whatever."
Steve then spins you around to face him. His hands raise to gently cup your face. He smiles down at you warmly, planting a kiss to your forehead before speaking up.
"Come on, don't be so upset," he coos, eyes never leaving yours. "I'll make you sing for me soon, dove."
Amongst the desire, you can see a hint of playfulness in his eyes as he speaks. Despite your lingering frustration with him, a soft pull tugs at the corners of your lips and forces you to smile. Steve has always had a way of getting under your skin and probably always will. Yet, you can't deny that his presence, touch, and teasing are all things you've missed like no other.
"Alright, fine," you reply with a sigh. "But you better make damn good on that promise, Rogers."
He chuckles in response to your dramatic act and places a fleeting kiss on your lips. The quick kiss is a promise in itself, a promise that there's still something between you that's completely worth exploring. He removes his touch reluctantly to help you finish getting dressed. There's a comfortable and well-known silence in the room as he helps you get ready.
You follow Steve to the kitchen and plop down on a stool at the kitchen bar. Your eyes stay glued on him as you watch him with a fond expression. He opens the fridge and reaches in as if to grab something, but he retracts his hand almost immediately. A warm sensation spreads through your chest when he turns to face you.
"What are we feeling for breakfast this morning, love?"
You cock your head to the side, thinking about it for a moment. "Pancakes," you sigh deeply, your stomach growling in response.
He chuckles, offering a smile in return. "Fruity or sweet?" he asks.
"Surprise me," you beam.
"My favorite answer," he grins before turning to grab certain ingredients from the fridge.
He whips together the ingredients in a large bowl. You occupy yourself with games on your phone and the occasional small talk as he cooks. Only a few minutes into his cooking, a siren sounds from inside the building. It was the mission siren signaling that the jet was there, but there weren't any missions coming up, and-
"Fuck," you groan quietly, rising from your stool. "Steve, why didn't you remind me about our mission today? Now we're gonna be late."
He turns to face you with his eyebrow cocked up in confusion. "I'm sorry? Love, neither you nor I are going on that mission today. I reassigned it last night."
"You did...?"
A chuckle slips from his lips. "Of course I did," he says, refocusing his attention on the pancake batter he was making. "You think I'd let you go out there with the danger you're in and with our baby in you?"
A wave of emotion swells in your chest, tears welling up in your eyes. Your child's father keeping you out of life-threatening situations is the bare minimum, so now you're sure it's the hormones talking. You walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his mid-section with your head resting on his back.
"Thank you," you murmur into his shirt.
"It is quite literally the least I could do, dove," he laughs.
He pulls away from the stove and wiggles in your grasp to turn around. His fingers coax your chin up so that your eyes meet his. Delicately, he lays his free hand on your stomach. This time, you make the first move. Your lips meet his in a quick and loving kiss.
Steve smiles against your lips again, the warmth of the morning sun washing over the two of you. The soft glow bathes the kitchen as it did your bedroom, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. His lips work on yours as he deepens the kiss, yet another silent promise to protect you and your growing family.
You hesitantly pull away, the smell of the pancakes cooking on the stove overtaking your senses. "I appreciate you looking out for us," you coo, your voice filled with affection.
Steve's eyes gleam with affection as he replies, "I'll always protect both of you, no matter what, love. That's a promise I intend to keep."
His touch lingers on your cheek before he releases you and turns around to face the stove. You step away and take a moment to appreciate the domestic scene in front of you; the man you so helplessly love cooking breakfast for you and your unborn baby.
"I guess that means we have some time to ourselves today," you muse, your eyes locked with his.
He nods briefly, a grin on his face. "Seems like it."
As the pancakes continue to cook on the stove, you and Steve somehow find yourselves wrapped up in each other's arms minutes later. You allow yourself to bask in the comfort of his presence. You've already let yourself do more with him than you thought you would want, what's the harm in appreciating the smaller things?
Of course, this doesn't fix things. The breakfast, the heavy petting, and the affection are nice, but you don't forget why you're angry. However, this doesn't feel like the same relationship you'd had a few weeks ago. It feels new and refined, healthy and fresh- and that's why you allow it.
Eventually, the pancakes are ready and Steve forces you onto the stool you'd previously sat on, insisting that he makes your plate. It's chocolate chip pancakes with a side of fruit and a glass of water and God it smells fucking good.
"Thank you, Stevie, for doing all this for me."
"Anything for you, you know that, hm?" he says with a smile.
He takes the seat next to you as you quickly cut a piece of your top pancake and shovel it into your mouth. The chocolate melts in your mouth causing you to moan lowly.
"When did you get so good at this, huh?" you inquire, face lighting up at the delicious flavor in your mouth.
"I've been practicing," he replies before popping a blueberry from his plate in his mouth.
"Very impressive," you tease playfully.
You both enjoy your meal at the kitchen bar, soaking in both the taste of your breakfast and each other's company. The atmosphere, when it isn't filled with small talk or quips, fills itself with a comfortable silence. The ability to look at him, talk to him, and not immediately feel sick already feels like an improvement from just two days ago.
After finishing your meal, Steve takes care of the dishes while you sit in the dining room chair he'd made you move to.
"Please? You need to support your back," he'd said with a false pout.
You lean into your chair and watch him again with a soft smile. He moves with a grace and ease that's abnormally captivating, and you can't help but admire him and all he is. Everything always seems like it's second nature to him and you almost envy it.
"What time do we need to go see Stark?" he asks, setting the last dish on the drying rack.
"Maybe here in the next half an hour?"
A hum and nod is all he gives as a response. He dries his hands before sauntering over to you. His arms slip around your neck to carefully crane your head backward against his abdomen.
"I'm glad we have this time together," he confesses as he looks down at you.
"So am I," you agree, your fingers resting on his arms. "It feels like a step in the right direction."
And it is- it's the start of something fresh, something untainted.
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per usual, if I forgot your tag, or you want to be added to or removed from the tag list for this series, leave a comment or message me :)
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andillneverbethesame · 4 months
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒏𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒔.
❥ harry potter x fem!reader
❥ summary; you didn't want to break his heart but you had to
❥ warnings; none really
❥ a/n; 99% based off champagne problems by taylor swift!!
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"your ticket, please," said the ticket collector. it was loud enough for the young man to hear but he remained still, staring out of the window. "sir?"
harry's head snapped to the man's direction. "oh, yes, sorry." his hand quickly found it 's way into the pocket of his jacket. unconsiously, while grabbing the little paper, his fingers also wrapped around a tiny box and when he gave opened his hand to give the collector his ticket, it fell onto the floor.
harry stared at it for a moment and the man chuckled, realising what was inside.
"i can see why you're so lost in your thoughts," said the man. "i'm sure she'll say yes. good luck!"
"she said—" before harry could finish the sentence, the door of the compartment closed, "no."
he sighed and glanced back at the black box between his feet, wondering if it would matter if he simply left it there. maybe some man finds it and will be lucky, not like me, he thought. but he bent and picked it up anyway. it was his mother's ring after all.
the way back to london was endless.
earlier that night, harry was joined by two young men and women who seemed that they couldn't shut their mouths no matter what. harry wanted to pack his things and find another compartment. he wanted to sleep and let himself dream that things went differently.
but now, that everyone but him was asleep, harry wanted nothing more but to be a part of a conversation that didn't involve relationships, marriage, kids or anyone named y/n. his thoughts didn't let him fall asleep no matter how much he tried.
"want to go somewhere more quiet?" harry whispered in your ear, making you shiver and at the same time, setting your skin on fire under his warm touch on your upper arm.
you turned around and smiled. "now, harry, that would be so inappropriate from me," you pointed at the small tiara ginny put on your head earlier. "it's my birthday party."
your boyfriend put on a puppy face. "please?"
you rolled your eyes and chuckled. you put your hand in his open one. "how could i say no to that face?" you glanced back at your friends who were sitting at the same table as you. "excuse me, everyone."
ron, hermione and luna all sniggered and then winked at you. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but you blamed it at the alcohol.
harry lead you outside on the driveway in front of your parents's house. his other hand travelled to your lower back and you put yours on his shoulder.
"have i told you how beautiful you look tonight?" harry stared into your eyes. blood rushed into your cheeks and you only hoped the dim light from the lamp post wasn't bright enough for him to see how he makes you feel.
"about a million times," you responded. "but it won't hurt to hear it again."
"you really look enchanting. i don't know how i got this lucky." before you could respond, harry pulled you into a deep kiss, leaving you breathless.
"what's gotten into you, huh?" you asked after catching you breath. "not that i don't like it."
"it's a special day."
you shrugged. "only my birthday."
"maybe not only that."
you raised your eyebrow. "huh? what?"
instead of responding verbally, harry lowered himself and got on one knee.
you snorted. "babe, what are you doing? get up!" he didn't. he pulled a tiny black box out of the pocket of his suit and opened it.
a gasp left your mouth at the sight of a ring you recognised. you've seen it before. it was his mother's.
"harry. . ." in all the shock, it felt impossible to say anything else.
the boy couldn't hear the tone in your voice. the one that obviously said, "please, don't continue, i don't want to break your heart."
"y/n, i've said it before and here i am kneeling before you, saying it again; the years we've spent together were the best years of my life. and i want to feel this way until my last day. because only with you, i can die happy. so. . . y/n y/l/n, will you marry me?"
you stared at him, wide eyed with your mouth open. you definitely didn't see this coming when he lead you outside. however, you were sure of your answer.
"y/n?" the smile he had before was slowly fading away from his face with every passing second you took to answer.
you shook your head. "no, harry, not now."
the look in his eyes broke your heart. "what? what do you mean?"
you sighed, turned around and started walking away from him. he got up and you heard him running to you. he got a hold of your hand, making you turn around once again.
"you can't just reject me and leave like that without any explanation, y/n."
"i'm sorry, harry, i really am!" tears threatened to fall out of your eyes.
"i don't want to hear you're sorry," harry was crying by this point. "i want to hear why you don't want to marry me."
"we're too young, harry, i am not ready for this kind of commitment yet!" you explained.
"young?" harry repeated loudly. "we're twenty. my parents got engaged straight after finishing their n.e.w.t.s exams!"
"and that's great if that worked for them, but i am not your mum and you, as much as you look like him, are not your dad. we are not them, harry! i'm sorry if you don't want to hear that but that's the truth!"
"i can't believe this," harry retorted. "were you ever even planning on marrying me? was i even in the image when you imagined your future?"
"of course, you were," you tried to calm him down. you reached for his hand but he backed away before your fingers could even connect. "it's just too early."
"it's never early when it's the one," he claimed. "i'm gonna ask you a question and i want a brutally honest answer. am i the one for you?"
"yes! yes, you are!" you cried out. by this moment, your mascara was smudged and you were having trouble seeing clearly through the tears. "never in my life have i had any doubts about that. harry, i do want to spend the rest of my life with you. and we will get married, but just not now."
"well," harry put the ring back into his pocket. "i don't want to wait." and with that, he left you out there standing.
when he was out of sight, you, very slowly, made your way back into the house.
cheering was the first thing you heard when you walked into the living room. hermione splashed out on the bottle. but after everyone got a good look at the state you were in, everyone stopped celebrating.
"y/n? what happened? where's harry?" ron asked.
"he's gone. forever."
"so, she just said. . . no?" lily, harry's mum, asked for what felt like millionth time.
"yes, mum," harry mumbled, his fork playing with the potatoes on his plate.
"but i just don't understand. why?"
"she said she wasn't ready."
james potter snorted. "what a stupid excuse."
lily still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that you won't be her daughter in law. "but she would've made such a lovely bride."
"yeah," sirius black agreed. "what a shame she 's fucked in the head."
"sirius," harry glared at him.
"what?" the man put his hands up in defense. "i'm just saying, if she had a common sense, she would've said yes in a heartbeat."
harry shrugged. "maybe, it's for the best. guess it wouldn't work when we both want something else."
2 years & 7 months later.
this was the worst date of your life.
you weren't even listening to the man sitting in front of you. all he did was talk about himself. he didn't even ask you a question. he doesn't know a thing about you while you knew everything about him. even the name of his grandma.
"y/n, if you excuse me, i'll go use the toilet."
you faked a smile and nodded. "alright."
"be right back."
"oh, you don't have to be," you said under your breath while you watched him leave.
you looked around the restaurant, thinking and searching for something that could get you out of the situation. just then, you heard it. the voice you haven't heard in almost three years.
he looked the same like the night you broke up, just a bit older. he wore the same glasses that made his eyes bigger. he was dressed in a black suit and he looked so charming as always.
what caught you off guard was the girl who was standing next to him. ginny looked so much more mature now. her red hair was in braid. she wore long dark green dress that almost matched her eyes. she looked magnificent.
they looked magnificent together.
"wow, harry, ginny," you were speechless. "hi."
you hadn't seen anyone from harry's friend group for a while. you and hermione occasionally called but that was it. interesting she didn't mention this.
"what are you doing here?" harry asked but before you could answer, your date came back.
"um, martin, meet old friends of mine — harry and ginny. harry, ginny, this is martin."
after they all shook the other's hands and exchanged all their "nice to meet you"'s, the couple excused themselves and went to sit down so they could order their dinner. suddenly, you didn't want to leave the restaurant so much anymore. something kept you there.
while martin went on to talk about his job, you pretended to listen while keeping an eye at the table harry and ginny sat at.
you couldn't help but wonder how the hell did this happen. questions came flooding into your brain. how? when? is it serious? are they engaged? how long after you shattered harry's heart did they start dating? do harry's parents like her more than they liked you? is he happier with her than he was with you?
about an hour later, you saw harry getting on one knee for the second time in his life.
you couldn't see ginny's face but you knew by the look in harry's eyes that this proposal is going a different way than when he proposed to you. you also couldn't help but to notice that it was the same tiny black box and the same ring.
but everything was different.
ginny nodded and pulled harry into a deep kiss.
you hoped that she'll patch up the tapestry you shred, that she stitches his heart right back up. and that he won't remember all your champagne problems.
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maleyhae · 9 months
billy loomis x fem!reader :P
summary: reader complains about her boyfriend to her friend since kindergarten and he's had enough.
Tw- cheating i do not condone cheating as it is not right, cussing, and abuse in a way maybe idk (readers bf) angsty?
yesterdays work!!
i don't consent to my work being copied, translated, or posted on any other website thank you <3
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I listen to her ramble about how her boyfriend is a dick head but when I tell her to leave him, she always says no. Stu's told me to just kill him and comfort her and get her as mine finally. I've thought about it or show her that he's a stupid excuse of a boy. "Billy are you even listening?" she asked annoyed i did zoned out but still her what she had said. "Yes, princess I heard you." I said annoyed as I just wanted to watch Halloween with her but clearly it isn't happening.
I was telling Billy about how my boyfriend was talking to Cassey and how I was afraid of her taking him but that's what he said I was talking about even though her and my ex was dead. Though I actually didn't care. I understand it's weird, but I wanted Billy Loomis the same man that's in my room hands on my waist and looking up at me. holy fuck he was a beautiful but him and Sidney where on and off so i didn't want to ruin their relationship and my friendships with them...you get it right ? He then stood up holy hell I forgot how tall he was. Said something about a curfew strange he never had one but then again with Ghostface being around I have gotten one too just much earlier than my old one before ghosty. I watch the breakfast club.
Then I got a call was it or it was Billy say he got home early safely. "Hello ?" i said expecting a hi love or hey princess as though were the nicknames the two boys have given me but then I got a "Hello who's this?" just like what happen to Cassey. omg. I'm next I hung up and called Billy stupid I know then i went downstairs' before he got in and kill me but as I got downstairs, I saw the Ghostface mask. I ran to my room and open the window and jumped out of the window. I broke something I know I had to but i didn't notice as I ran to Billy house who was just down the street. I saw Ghostface running behind me as I ran faster and since I knew where the key was, I got the key and got in and screamed "BILLY PLEASE HELP ME GHOSTFACE IS HERE AND HE IS TRYING TO KILL ME" I wasn't getting a respond did he go to Sidney's omg I'm fucked I started crying as I called 911.
I heard sirens as Billy walked into his house, I jumped into his arms just sobbing. "___ a-are you okay? why are you here?" he asked worried "G-Ghostface got into my house a-a-and tried to get me I jumped out my window and ran here!" i yelled stuttering more than I did while just full out sobbing.
I didn't have an attack planned on her what was going on ? Then I realized Stu did this. That fucking dick. what was he thinking and then I realized this was to see who she went to first me or her boyfriend who was just next door to her. holy hell she thought of me more. I kissed her not on the head like I would usually do. "it's alright princess I'm here now I'm so sorry I couldn't be there sooner." I said truly sorry and she wishiper a its okay as she kissed me back. dear lord.
this was really a deadly love wasn't? i thought to myself and then I took her to my bed gave her some of my clothes and we fell asleep.
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bellascool · 1 year
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request on my profile
posted : 08/02/23 (European date)
how will our spanish player react when his girlfriend doesn't show up to his match?
"Pedri where is she?" I asked my bestfriend looking everywhere for my girlfriend's silhouette but didn't find her
"Pablo calm down, she's probably just late" he told me while doing his exercises
I furrowed my eyebrows and kept exercising before the match begins.
The match started and Y/n still wasn't seen. I brushed it off and kept playing.
But oh if only he  knew earlier that he couldn't play properly when she wasn't there yelling his name in a, for once, cheerful way.
He kept pushing the players and almost got a red card for insolence.
"Looks like the number 6 is really angry tonight!" the commentator said
"Apparently his girlfriend didn't come to see him, maybe they broke up?" the second one said laughing making Pablo even more mad
"Púdrete! (fuck you)" he yelled while walking off the pitch since it was half time
He took his phone and tried to text Y/n, hoping she would answer fast enough
Y/n where are you?
Why aren't you here?
Please answer.
After 10 minutes of no answer, he started getting worried when she didn't respond his, at least, 10 calls when she never miss his calls
The match ended and Pablo went to the locker room without saying anything, a mix of anger and sadness filling his body as he changed while his teammates were dancing and celebrating.
Pedri came next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder rubbing it gently
"I'm sure everything is okay Pablo don't worry" he tried to assure his friend
"I don't know Pedri, she never missed any match of mine" the boy said while putting on his shirt
"We're going out to celebrate the night, maybe you should come and relax, Y/n is probably sleeping" he asked
"No, I'm not going anywhere without being 100% sure that my girlfriend is okay." he said coldly, disappointed that his friend tried to sneak him away before walking out without saying a single word
He came out and was surrounded by paparazzis and fans, making him almost go blind.
He covered his eyes with his hand and tried to go away but it didn't work, the crowd just grew bigger.
"Gavi is it true that you broke up with your girlfriend?"
"Gavi can I take a picture with you?"
"Gavi do you believe the rumors about .."
He couldn't even hear what they were saying, he just kept walking but of course it didn't do shit.
Luckily, the team came out of the stadium and now everyone's attention was on them, making Pablo almost go invisible.
He reached his car and drove to his girlfriend's house as fast as he could, rapidly parking his car and almost running.
He opened the door of her apartment since he had the keys and was welcomed by darkness which made him even more worried.
"Y/n?" He yelled but no answer so he tried the living room but nothing.
His last choice was her bedroom and when he came in, he was relieved to see her figure curled up in the bed but quickly became worried again when he saw multiple bloody tissues on the floor.
He sat on the bed as she turned after feeling a weight next to her.
Pov switch 😍
"Y/n?" he whispered as I lazily opened her eyes
"Oh Pablo, what time is it?" I tried to speak but my throat was really dry which made it difficult
"It's almost midnight, what's wrong?"
"Oh Pablo I'm so sorry I missed your match, I discovered that my dad was in the hospital and my nose started bleeding, I felt deezy so I laid down but it was a really, really bad idea because my nose kept bleeding even more and I suddenly got a headache and when I cried I fell asleep without even noticing I'm so sorry I didn't wanted to skip your match" I said in a single phrase
He didn't say anything which made me feel even more bad, he's probably so mad at me and it brakes my heart.
I felt tears filling up my eyes and I turned around to not watch him be disappointed of my selfishness.
Instead of leaving, he wrapped his arms around body and rubbed his cheek against mine.
"Oh Y/n I don't care if you missed the match, the principal is that you're okay and I'm so sorry for not being there for you" he said hugging me tightly "Is your dad okay though?" he asked kissing my cheek
"Yes, he broke his wrist but everything is okay now" I stated turning around so my face was facing his chest
"I'm glad to hear that, do you want to come celebrate our victory and you being fine with me hermosa?"
"Sure but I need to clean the mess first" I said getting up but he pushed me back against him
"No no no, you stay here while I clean the mess." he firmly said getting up and wrapping me around the comforter
"But I did that.." I tried to say but he threw a pillow at me, signaling that he wasn't open to any contestation
I growled while getting to the bathroom to take a shower and getting ready.
I got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body as I sat down the chair of the dressing table
The door suddenly opened and not short after I felt lips on my neck and arms around my covered chest
"I missed you today" he said against my skin making me chuckle
"Pablo let me get ready or else we will be late" I said trying to get him off but he only tightened his grip
"I don't care" he whispered as his lips trailed to my collarbone which caused me to slightly moan making him smile
"You'll have to take a second shower after we're done, amor" he whispered next to my ear making my lower stomach go crazy as he gently took off the towel
Hi long time no see, don't forget you can always request on my profile for any player, that's it bye 💞
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luneengene2 · 5 months
Would you do a part two of &team’s hyung line accidentally hurting you during an argument? Like the aftermath of it? I’m really curious and I really liked it!
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&Team Hyung Line : Accidentally Hurt/Injure (Verbally or Physically) You During an Argument || Atmosphere Cooling
• Warnings : having sex at the ending in EJ's part, ANGST content, Contains grammatical errors
• Previous Part is Here.
• EJ
After a painful argument with EJ and you crying in his chest for a long time, you fell asleep in his arms because you were tired of crying for more than an hour.
When he saw you sleeping on his chest, EJ closed his eyes and bit his lip quite hard, as if to suppress the excruciating pain. He also felt the pain of having said hurtful words to you without realizing it.
EJ carried you to his room, placing you gently on his bed. He took off your clothes to change into his pajamas. Don't forget, he put socks on you so you don't get cold. He also covers you slowly. After handling you, EJ kissed your forehead for a long time then joined you on the bed. Slowly holding you tightly, trying not to wake you.
~The next morning~
EJ woke up to the sound of his alarm, when he turned off the alarm, he didn't find you in his bed. He hurriedly got out of bed and came out of his room to see and hope you didn't go home.
Just coming down the stairs of his house, he saw you pouring orange juice and boxed milk on the table. The tempting aroma of toast also smelled warm. EJ was relieved when he thought you weren't coming home.
EJ walked over to you towards the dining table. When you saw EJ, you were still nervous because of the unpleasant incident last night. "I'm sorry for touching your kitchen, EJ. I just don't want to be a burden guest in your house, therefore, I took the initiative to make you breakfast, even though it's simple," Seeing that you were still nervous about him, EJ smiled bitterly and thought he was that bad last night. ""I wouldn't be angry if you also burned down my kitchen," EJ said jokingly while gently stroking your hair. Even though EJ looks fine, you still feel guilty for him. "I'm sorry about what happened last night, EJ. I should have understood, but I was being childish," EJ actually responded to your apology with a long kiss on your lips. Making you quite tense. After giving you a kiss EJ smiled slightly. "You don't need to apologize, I learned that you always want attention from me, and I don't mind that. I should be the one apologizing for hurting you and feeling superior," EJ kissed you again gently, this time you also kissed him back.
The kiss turns into a hot make-out session, and over time the two of you feel passionate. And it leads to hot sex in the kitchen when EJ corners you near the counter.
Fuma grimaced in pain as you cleaned the blood from his torn lip. Meanwhile, you cried while you were treating him. Your blind blow made you lose control of course and ended up hitting Fuma's lips as hard as possible with the Nintendo that you were holding.
The blow resulted in his lip being torn and bleeding quite a lot, maybe he was hit by a rather sharp part on this Nintendo, what's more, your punch was really that strong.
"Sorry sorry sorry and sorry, Fuma! I'm sorry, I was mean to you," You were sobbing and your hands were shaking quite a lot while treating him. Seeing you cry like that, Fuma felt even more guilty and hurt. "Honey, no need to apologize. I'm okay, I should be the one apologizing. I was the one who hurt you earlier, you were also hurt because of my actions," Fuma said softly, but you still felt very guilty. "No, I shouldn't have hurt you until you bled, Fuma. I hurt you," Fuma smiled bitterly because you were really blaming yourself, even though you were just fighting back. Fuma sighed, he slowly held your left arm which was sprained by him earlier. "This is what I did, right? I hurt you too, what you did earlier was just fighting back. Even if you push me until I get hurt in other areas, it doesn't matter, darling," Fuma said softly, you who also looked weak immediately fell into his arms. You cried quite hysterically into his chest.
Fuma closed his eyes because this was the first time you could cry this hard, and the first person to do that to you was your own boyfriend, himself.
Don't forget, Fuma also treats your left arm. He even took you to a therapy doctor to make sure your hands were fine.
• KEI (K)
You were treated for several days at the Hybe health clinic. And the one who is almost 100% looking after you there is Kei, your parents can't always be in the Hybe building. So, they entrusted you to Kei.
"Tomorrow I will ask for a letter of resignation as a trainee," Kei, who was cutting fruit for you, immediately looked at you. He sighed. "Y/N, are you still thinking about what I said, darling? You hate me so much that you don't want to continue your dream?" Hearing Kei's question, you shook your head. "I just don't want to throw myself into a place that isn't really for my success. You're right, I would only embarrass those closest to me if I still persisted," Kei felt very insulted when you said that. He was the first to say that he was embarrassed that you were his girlfriend who might fail to debut. "I never hated you either, Kei. I think stopping chasing my dream of becoming an idol was the right decision. I also don't want to waste another opportunity," You said that with a faint smile.
Deep inside your heart, you still want to achieve your dream. But if you are really persistent and reckless, it can cause harm to those around you. "Even though I won't be a trainee anymore, I will live a normal life and still support you, Kei. Supporting you as a successful idol, one day if our relationship is made public, I will show you that I am proud of you. Vice versa, I hope it's like that," Your words immediately made Kei sob softly. He felt very guilty because he had made you back away from your dream. Even though you were also hurt by him, you still supported him with your love. Even your hope that you can make him proud is enough to make his heart ache. Your dreams stop because of it.
You sat Nicholas on the sofa at his house after the two of you had just arrived from the hospital. You were the one who initially hit Nicholas, resulting in an almost fatal incident. It was all because of your increasingly explosive emotions. You pushed Nicholas as hard as you could until he hit the wall and his head was bleeding. Of course it required hospital treatment, his head was immediately bandaged and thankfully it was not fatal.
"I'll get you some water," you said fearfully to him, but before you could actually leave, Nicholas grabbed your hand, and you fell in his lap. When he fell in his lap, Nicholas' eyes were very sad and full of regret. He caressed your cheek. "You're very hurt, but why are you paying more attention to my wound, Angel?" Nicholas said hoarsely, he was really hurt and angry at himself for slapping you. "I hurt you more than that, Nicholas. Your head was injured because of me, I should have been handed over to the authorit—"
"SHHH!—" Nicholas immediately cut you off because you said that. "What are you saying?! You will always be with me here, no one can do that. Including me," Instead of answering Nicholas' question, you hugged him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder. Saying sorry words that made him even more hurt. If only he hadn't slapped you, you wouldn't be in this pain, you even blamed yourself.
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Love Langauge
There was something about the way that Harry always knelt down to greet Scorpius with a hug that Draco couldn't take. It was too much, too precious, it made him feel like his whole world was narrowed down to just two people, heart too full.
“Daddy told Auntie Pansy that people getting shit done is his love language.” Scorpius informed Harry primly and Draco promptly wished that he could just sink through the floor as Harry’s eyes, twinkling with mischief, found his over his son’s shoulder. He knew he shouldn't have had that floo call with Pansy about work while Scorpius was in the house.
“Did he?” Harry asked, before turning his attention back to Scorpius. “Sounds like acts of service is it for your dad.”
He shook his head, "Scorpius, it's your bedtime."
His 4-year-old turned and pouted at him, "But Harry just got here."
"I know," he said, understanding completely the desire to simply exist in the other man's orbit. "But it's past your bedtime already."
"Can I see you tomorrow?" he asked Harry, turning his pout on the other man, whom, Draco knew from experience, had no defenses against a pouting Malfoy.
"I would like that very much," Harry said sincerely, looking up at Draco, "if it's alright with your dad."
They didn't do this. Harry didn't stay overnight, he wasn't there in the morning when Scorpius woke up, as far as Scorpius was concerned, they were just friends. He'd been too afraid of his son getting attached, and how it would affect him when (if) Harry left. "Maybe Harry would like to meet us for ice cream at Fortescue's," he replied.
Scorpius spun around to look at him, literally jumping for joy, but Draco didn't miss the way that Harry's face fell before he caught himself.
"That sounds great," he said, smiling at both of them.
"Do you want to give Harry a hug good night?" Draco asked.
Scorpius nodded and Harry knelt down again, wrapping his arms around Scorpius. "Night, buddy," Harry said.
"Night, night, Harry," he replied. "I love you."
"Love you too, bud," he responded easily, and Draco's heart shattered in his chest.
He cleared his throat, "Come on, Scorp," he said softly, "bedtime."
His son's arms wrapped around Harry's shoulders tighter for a moment, then he was off, dashing toward the stairs. "I'm gonna beat you!" he called to Draco over his shoulder.
"Be right there, teeth first," Draco called back. He turned to Harry who was standing from the floor once more, "Hey," he exhaled.
"Hi," Harry replied, smiling at him and leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his cheek.
"I'll be back soon. Sorry that nothing went quite according to plan tonight and he's not down yet."
"It's fine," Harry said, shaking his head, "You don't have to apologize. If you'd wanted an extra set of hands, you could have owled and asked me to come earlier."
"That's not your job," he protested. "Harry, the lines-"
"Daddy!" Scorpius called, mouth sounding full of what Draco suspected was toothpaste.
"Go," Harry said, nudging him toward the stairs. "I'll be here when you're done."
Draco nodded and turned, leaving everything with Harry until after bedtime. Bedtime was his favorite time of day, stories and singing, quiet reflection, cuddles in the rocker, before tucking his child in for the night and stroking his hair until his was fast asleep.
He lingered for a few extra moments in Scorpius' doorway, watching his son sleeping. He planned the whole speech in his head: Scorpius was the most important person in his life, his world revolved around his child, he wanted Harry but he couldn't put Scorpius' heart in danger. Bad enough to be putting his own heart in such a precarious position, he thought as he closed the door and headed downstairs again.
When he reached the living room, Harry was nowhere to be seen, so he wandered through to the kitchen imagining that Harry might be uncorking the bottle of wine that Draco had seen tucked in his coat pocket.
What he found instead, was Harry standing at the sink, up to his elbows in water as he washed the veritable mountain of dishes that Draco hadn't had the time or energy to take care of. That seemed to be the case with more and more things lately, he just didn't have the capacity to work and be a single parent.
"You don't have to do that," he said, embarrassment flooding his whole body.
Harry glanced over his shoulder and smiled at him, "I don't mind." Before Draco could protest, he continued, "I'm almost done anyway. Do you want to pour us some wine? I picked up that Merlot that you were fond of at that Italian place we ate at last month."
"I can't do this," Draco breathed, feeling like the air had been punched out of him. He stumbled back to lean against the doorway.
"Draco?" Harry said softly, voice full of concern, and Draco looked up to see him drying his hands on the towel as he looked at him.
And Draco wanted to cry. The image of Harry standing there, sleeves rolled up from washing the dishes for him, brows drawn in concern, was burned into his brain. Because this was it. It had to be. "I can't," he managed, shaking his head.
"Can't what?" Harry asked gently, moving a few steps closer but leaving space in between them.
Space that Draco wished he would close, wished that Harry would crowd him into the wall and make him forget everything else.
"Sweetheart," Harry murmured, "tell me?"
"I can't do it," he said and a tear slid down his cheek. "I'm so fucking tired," he added. "I can't be a good dad and run a business when no one is doing what they're supposed to be," he shook his head, "I'm a complete shit boyfriend-"
"You're not-" Harry started to protest.
"I am!" he exploded, throwing his arms in the air. "You're here and you're cleaning my house for me, and you brought me wine that you remembered that I enjoyed a month ago! And what have I-"
"Draco," Harry said, voice very calm as he closed the distance between them and cupped Draco's face in his palms. "Take a breath, love."
He shook his head, hot tears spilling down his cheeks.
"Sweetheart," he murmured, pressing kisses to Draco's forehead, his nose, his cheeks.
"I don't have anything to give you," he said, closing his eyes so he didn't have to watch the realization of that truth dawn on Harry's face.
"You are not what you do," Harry said softly. "Your value as a person isn't defined by what you give."
"But I can't give you anything."
"That isn't even true," Harry argued, pulling Draco into his arms. "Choosing to spend your free time with me when you could be doing a thousand other things is a gift. You give me your affection. You make me laugh, and you tease me, and you listen to me rant about my day. You open your home to me, your bed to me," he added softly, voice wrapping around Draco's fragile, bleeding heart. "You give me yourself, you let me see you, let me touch you, and hold you. You accept me in return. Circe, Draco, what more could I even ask for?"
"Harry," he whispered, wanting so badly to believe him.
"Your love language may be acts of service," he said, laughing a little and Draco huffed and rolled his eyes, "but mine isn't. Mine's quality time," he added. "And your secondary love language might be gifts, but my second is physical touch. We aren't the same," he said. "And that's a good thing," he added.
He gave in and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, dropping his head to his boyfriend's shoulder. "I'm afraid," he whispered.
"Of what?" Harry asked, letting his hands slide up and down his back.
"Of getting in too deep," he said. "That I'm going to fall for you completely and I won't be able to recover when you leave."
Harry hummed and kissed his temple, "Who says I'm going to leave?"
"It's hard to imagine that you want to stay when I'm such a mess, when I'm too afraid of you leaving to let you spend the night, when-"
"Draco," he tried to interrupt, squeezing him.
"-when I am constantly pushing you away," he finished.
Harry was quiet for a minute, then he said, "you aren't really pushing, you know." He let his fingers tangle in Draco's hair, "I hear what you're saying, but I'm not going anywhere, Draco. You can push and I won't leave."
He laughed, short and bitter, "You say that now but you haven't seen me at my worst."
Harry laughed at that, "I think we both know that's not true." He pulled back, "Sorry, but pretty much nothing you can do now will compare to the time you smashed my nose with the heel of your boot and left me under my invisibility cloak. And," he added, "there's not really much that I can do that would be worse than literally cutting you apart with my magic-"
"Because I was trying to crucio you," he inserted.
He shook his head, and pressed their foreheads together, "If you want me to leave, now or ever, you will have to say the actual words. I won't read those words in your actions or in your other words. You pushing right now actually just feels like you're trying to love me, so," he shrugged. "I'm pretty stubborn." He nudged Draco's nose with his, "I'm here for good."
"Do you promise?" Draco breathed before he could stop himself.
Harry pulled back, just far enough that he could look Draco in the eyes. He reached up and tucked Draco's hair behind his ear, "I love you," he said softly. "We've been together for over a year," he said, "but Draco, I've loved you for so much longer. I fell in love with you over pub nights, and consults for work, and watching you with your child," he shook his head. "You're amazing and I don't want to go anywhere." He cupped Draco's face in his palm, stroking his thumb over Draco's cheek, "I promise, love. I'm in this."
He exhaled, closed his eyes, and tried to let himself believe that, believe that he got to keep this.
"Draco," he said softly, "I," he swallowed, "I want to give you stability, whatever I can to show you that I mean it. I've wanted to ask you if you wanted to move in together," he said, sounding nervous. "But it seems presumptuous since me moving in with you makes the most sense logistically. And I've wanted to ask if you wanted to get married, but I know you've said-"
"You want to marry me?" he interrupted, eyes flying open to search Harry's face.
He nodded, earnest and dear, "Of course I do. I just," he shrugged, "you said marriage was the worst thing that ever happened to you and that Scorp was the only good thing-"
"Stop," he said, kissing Harry because he couldn't quite help himself. "Harry, I meant political marriages," he kissed him again because this felt like a proposal, like a huge declaration. "My marriage to Astoria where she just fucked off after she got her inheritance that had been contingent on having an heir, that marriage was shit. And I wouldn't trade Scorp, but I wanted a partner-" he broke off.
"Draco, I-" he broke off, shaking his head, "I want to be your partner, I would do anything for him, I would be anything-"
"Harry," he breathed because this couldn't be real, this couldn’t be happening.
Harry shook his head, "I know that I can't just jump in and be his dad, but Draco I love him so much, I would do anything."
He stared at Harry for a long moment before he leaned in and kissed him.
The other man kissed him back, pressing him back against the wall and caging him in with his body.
"I love you," Draco managed against Harry's mouth. "Salazar. Yes, Harry," he gasped. "Yes to any of it, to all of it. Whatever you'll have of me."
"I'll have all of you," he murmured, "Any bit that you'll give me." He pulled back and Draco almost tipped over. Harry steadied him with his hands around his waist, "Stay right here," he murmured, giddy and breathless, dimpled-smile so bright that Draco was nearly overcome. "Don't move," he repeated before leaving the kitchen.
Draco heard the closet in the entry way opening, then Harry was skidding back into the kitchen. He fell to his knees in front of Draco, opening a ring box and displaying a simple silver band.
"Marry me?" Harry whispered, eyes wet and smile bright.
Draco nodded and Harry's trembling fingers held out the band to him, slipping it over Draco's ring finger. Once it was in place, Draco fell to his knees in front of Harry and cupped his face in his palms.
"Thank you," he whispered and Draco found himself wiping the tears spilling from his eyes.
"I think I'm really getting the better end of the bargain here," he whispered back with a little laugh.
Harry shook his head and more tears spilled out, Draco's heart felt like it was bursting in his chest. "This is everything I've ever wanted," he replied.
Draco wrapped him up in his arms and hoped that he'd be worthy of that love, worthy of that claim. "Stay," he whispered.
Harry nodded back, "Always."
written for the @hdcandyheartsfest prompt 'love language'
Read more of my 2023 hdcandyhearts ficlets here.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
fyodor with a s/o he genuinely cares about- they have a powerful ability and are mentally strong BUT what he doesn’t know is that their ability has painful side effects and his s/o always went somewhere to hide so no one would see them in agony;could you write fyodor accidentally seeing his s/o in that state?
Thank you for your request!
'•.¸♡ side effects ♡¸.•'
Fyodor x gn!reader
Fluff with a hint of angst
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You had just used your ability and left without a word. You always left after using your ability, Fyodor always assumed it was because you had other things to do or you didn't want to see what resulted from your ability.
You were in the bathroom standing above the sink with your hand wrapped around your abdomen with tears in your eyes, you've used your ability so many times that you thought you would have gotten used to the pain by now but it was so unbearable everytime that tears would always find their way to your eyes. You sat down on the floor carefully, usually the pain lasted around ten minutes but this time you used your ability longer so the pain lasted longer.
You don't know how much time had passed but now your head was pounding. You heard a knock on the door but payed it no mind, another knock followed and Fyodor's voice was heard. 'Can I come in?' A hint of worry in his voice brought you back into reality but you felt too weak to answer at the moment and sat there staring at the wall. The door opened slowly and in came Fyodor.
He quickly ran up to you and held your hand asking what happened. 'It's nothing, it should go away soon.' You could feel head ache slowly dying out. 'Let me take you to bed dear.' The worry in his voice grew and you glanced at his face to see it washed over with worry. You only sigh in agreement and let him take you bridle style to bed and gently placed on top of the covers.
'Do you need pain killers or something to drink?' Fyodor asked holding your hand in his as he stared at your weak state. 'Some pain killers maybe.' You weak voice broke his heart but he left to get them anyway. He came back with a glass of water and two pills. You took them from him, wincing from the pain which was agonisingly slow at leaving your body. You gave him the glass of water back and laid your head back down and stared at the ceiling.
You could feel a hand on yours once more.
Sometime went by and you could feel the medicine kicking in, the pain was still there but it was manageable. 'Fyodor, I'm tired, can we take a nap?' You felt a bit light as if on a weird cloud. 'Whatever you need Myshka.' He gave you a slight smile while pulling the covers back for you. You rolled into the uncovered space and weakly tired to pull the covers over you. You successful attempt made you giggle slightly.
You wear laying facing Fyodor, giving him a big hug in bed while drifting off to sleep. Fyodor held you in his arms, softly running his fingers through your hair until you fell asleep. Once you were asleep Fyodor could feel himself drifting off to sleep as well and so the two of you took an hour long nap.
When you woke up the pain was fully gone and the drugs wore off. You kissed Fyodor lightly on the forehead to wake him up worked. 'Do you feel better now?' He sincerely before returning the kiss. 'Yes and it's all thanks to you dear.' You answered with a smile. 'I'm happy to hear that.' He responded 'now, would you mind getting off of me?'. With a dramatised sigh you rolled off and got out of bed as he did the same. 'Can you tell me what happened earlier?' His tone changed dramatically from light and joyful to overflowing with worry.
You looked at him and then at the floor as you responded 'it was because of my ability.' You avoided looking into his eyes but you knew they were filled with regret. He had asked you to use your ability previously but he never knew of the side effects, he felt guilt and regret, how could he cause you so much pain? 'I'm sorry, I will never ask you to use your ability again, will you ever forgive me?' His voice struggled to not break while he spoke.
'Of course I forgive you, now can we please forget what happened? I'm getting hungry.' You responded cheerfully and headed for the kitchen, getting a hold of Fyodor's hand on your way out. A wait so heavy has never left Fyodor's shoulders as it had just now.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I hope it's ok.
Have a wonderful day/night and enjoy your evening (to anyone reading during the evening ig)
-love, Az
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oillydiya · 3 months
Things Between Us | Cillian Murphy x OC
Chapter 13 : Mine Alone!
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Warnings: This fic contains explicit content related to sexuality and various age relationships. The content is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. *The entire story is a work of fiction. All characters, time periods, and places in the story are purely imaginary.
"Damn!" Sansa jolted awake in the bathtub.
“Oh my! How long did I accidentally fall asleep here?" she mumbled, disoriented.
Sansa felt exceptionally drained today. It had been several nights since she had a proper rest, primarily due to the exhibition stress. Coming back from the gallery today, she was so tired that she dozed off unintentionally. Now, stepping out of the bathroom, she went straight to her phone. The screen showed five missed calls and two texts.
"What are you doing? - Cillian"
"Can you please pick up? - Cillian"
Then, another message popped up, "I’m waiting outside your apartment - Cillian."
Sansa immediately called Cillian back, and indeed, he was waiting for her downstairs. "Damn it! I shouldn’t have fallen asleep," she scolded herself, feeling guilty for not answering his calls and making him wait. Quickly throwing on some clothes, she rushed down to meet him.
Descending to the lobby, she saw Cillian waiting for her already. He appeared significantly drunk, his face flushed, eyes half-closed, and the distinct smell of beer emanating from him. Cillian's expression was troubled, to say the least.
On the elevator ride up, he said nothing to her. Sansa noticed Cillian seemed unusually anxious, as if he was in a hurry to get to the apartment. Ding! The elevator doors opened, and Cillian rushed into her apartment, heading straight to check every nook and cranny—the bathroom, the dressing room, seeming to search for something or someone.
"What are you doing?" Sansa asked, puzzled and alarmed by his behavior.
"That bastard! Where is he? Where?" He shouted, anger in his voice.
Sansa was taken aback by his tone and demeanor, "What are you talking about? I don't understand," she furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Him! The French guy you met today. You were with him, weren't you? That's why you didn't answer my calls!" He ranted, walking around frantically as if he'd lost his senses. "Where is he? Where have you hidden him!" He repeated, approaching Sansa. He grabbed her arm, shaking her. Sansa was shocked by his actions and the force of his grip caused her pain.
“Cill, stop! You're hurting me!" Tears welled up in her eyes. In that moment, as if snapping back to reality, Cillian's expression softened, and he quickly released her arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," Cillian repeated, his voice quivering as if he were on the verge of tears. He embraced her, resting his face on her shoulder, deeply regretting his actions just moments before. Sansa was initially shocked by the turn of events and struggled to grasp what was happening. 'What's going on?' she wondered, feeling bewildered.
Once she collected herself, she guided Cillian to sit with her at the counter bar to talk.
"Calm down, Cill, you're drunk," she told him, gently touching his cheek to soothe him.
"I didn't answer your calls because I accidentally fell asleep in the bathtub. There's nothing to worry about. Why would you think I was with someone else?" Sansa explained the truth, hoping to calm him down.
"I'm sorry, are you hurt?" Cillian asked, taking her hand, carefully inspecting her arm for any harm his earlier actions might have caused.
"I thought...you were with someone else," Cillian admitted with a heavy heart. "They kept talking, and I got scared."
Sansa frowned, confused. "Who was talking?" She asked, trying to understand. 
Cillian didn't respond to the question. He slid his arm around, pulling Sansa to sit down on the chair. Both of his hands touched Sansa's face gently. He used his fingertips to touch from the forehead, down to the eyebrows, passing the nose, and trailing down to her soft, delicate lips.
"This is mine," his husky voice spoke lowly, echoing into her ears seductively. Cillian leaned in to kiss the person in front of him. . Sansa thought this kiss wasn't like all the others before. It was filled with a strong pressing and sucking. It felt as though he was sucking as if afraid her lips would disappear somewhere. Cillian put his tongue in and out, swirling around her mouth. He licked down her neck, the man deeply inhales the scent of her neck to ease his longing. Cillian knelt down, his face between her chest curves. He began to touch and massage both of Sansa's breasts. He squeezed and fondled them with a horny face, his ocean blue eyes peering deeply into hers.
"This is mine," Cillian shifted his body, pressing his lips softly, tracing his tongue around Sansa's nipple like a toddler.
He was possessive of her! Damn it! Sansa gasped. She had completely forgotten all the unpleasant feelings she had experienced previously. They were now replaced by the overwhelming desire that Cillian instigated, as he licked two beads on her chest.
Cillian began to shift his tongue's movements from her chest down to her flat, smooth stomach. He licked around her waist before descending further down towards the softly rising mound. He separated and spread her trembling legs apart. Cillian lifted two fingers and offered them for Sansa to lick. She pressed his two fingers into her mouth eagerly and hungrily. She sucked, licked, and worshipped the two fingers passionately, immersing herself in the belief that it was his dick!
"Cill!" a loud moan come up as the wet fingers from her mouth were slid into her pussy. He began to move his two wet fingers, pressing into the soft, tiny hole. Slipping in and out until her juices nearly gushed out. It was so intense that her mind blanked out."
"This is mine, mine alone." He raised his head and said. Before flicking his tongue, and licking the drop of sweetness around her love hole. He sucked and fucked her hard with his fingers and tongue. She don't know why...the more Cillian became possessive of her, Sansa only felt more and more excited! Sansa now clearly understands what it feels like to have sex after a fight. It was a mix of hunger, yearning, and every forceful impact, filled with a desire to tear someone apart, not in pain but with hot passion and love. Cillian's intoxication escalated, and his sexual dominance grew fiercer. Sansa felt like he was arousing him the entire time he penetrated her.
Cillian gazed intently at the beautiful face before him. The woman lifted her face, her eyes meeting his. Her eyebrows arched slightly, puzzled by the intensity of his stare, unable to decipher his thoughts.
"You belong to me. You're my possession, and no one else can touch what's mine," he said as he putted his dick into her pussy. If it's during normal times Sansa probably doesn't like what Cillian treats like she's an object. But when he said it during sex like this, dammit! It was a whole other level. It's like she’s slipping into another dimension! Now her brain is racing far away while her pussy shakes wildly from within and the squeezing and twitching that make Cillian cum! Her pussy clenching Cillian dick so tight that he could feel his veins beating with his heart. Thump..thump.
“Fuck! I can't hold it anymore!”
After a moment of exhaustion, the two collapsed onto the bed, embracing tightly. Cillian caressed and stroked, his arms enveloping the person on his chest. He breathed in Sansa's scent, not wanting to let her even a centimeter away from him.
"This Sunday, you're coming to New York with me," Cillian whispered to Sansa while gently stroking her cheek. "Are you talking about this upcoming Sunday?" she asked.
"Yes, I have a movie promotion there. I miss you and don’t want to be apart from you... Please come with me, Sansa," Cillian said, gazing down at the woman nestling against him, wanting her to accompany him earnestly.
"Hmm!" Sansa took a moment to think... It was quite sudden for her. "I’d love to come with you, but I need to wrap up the exhibition. It’s the last day of my show," she said sadly.
"Let’s meet back here then. I’ll be with you for a long time," Sansa gently nudged his chin to console him.
"I’m afraid someone will steal you away from me!"
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gatorlovebot · 7 months
nsfw. mdni. more vampire gaz stuff inspired by this post
cw: major bloodplay, all consensual though! (biting, blood used as lube)
you awoke to a buzz coming from your phone on your night stand. you fell asleep easily after your night spent with kyle, a special night for the both of you. you knew it wasn't the first time he had feed from a human partner, but he still made you feel like it was one of the most important moments of his life.
he talked you through it and held you as you got dizzy after he licked the puncture wounds clean and closed. feed you little morsels of chocolate and held a cup of juice up to your lips until you felt like yourself again. he bundled you up in your bed, pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead before seeing himself out of your apartment. you weren't all that happy when he declined to stay the night, but you were nodding off to sleep before he was out the door.
your mind goes back to your phone, screen still bright with a new notification. your eyes squint to adjust to the light in the dark of your room, punching in your pin to unlock the screen. it was a text from kyle. at 4:36 in the morning.
"i'm really sorry if this wakes you up. it's 4:36 and all i can do is think about you"
even in your groggy state you couldn't help but smile down at the bright screen, tapping out a response.
"come back over then"
you were expecting him to decline your offer, as he was so stubborn in giving you time and space to yourself tonight. and yet moments later he's messaging you back, telling you he'll be over soon.
you lie back in the sheets, phone tossed to the side, feeling absolutely giddy with excitement at seeing him again. who cares that it was barely 5am, you wished to be back in his presence than in your bed alone.
you must have started to doze off at some point, being startled awake by the feeling of cold hands against your bare skin and a quick chuckle close to your ear. kyle had come back to you.
you melt against him as he presses himself close to you under the covers, a contented sigh leaving your lips when leaves a kiss against your hair, "i'm sorry i woke you."
you smile with your face tucked up to his chest, "no you aren't, you wouldn't have sent it if you really didn't want to wake me."
you can tell he's smiling when he responds, "you're right, i was hoping you'd be up thinking about me."
you pull away from him just a little bit, so you can see his face in the low light of your bedroom. he was just too fucking pretty sometimes. "hate to break it to you," you can barely contain your smirk, "but your text actually woke me up from a delectable slumber."
he tips himself onto his back, bringing his hand over his heart, dramatically choking out, "you wound me, my love."
you can't help but giggle at him, taking his hand from his chest and turning it over to kiss his palm. "i'm really happy you came back." all he does is quirk his eyebrow in response, a sign for you to keep going, "i didn't want you to leave in the first place." you whine against his skin.
"i know, i know," he sighs, shoulders sagging against your pillows. he looks like he belongs in your bed. "the first time can be very intense for some people, i didn't want you to feel suffocated by me."
kyle garrick was an interesting guy. he could be sweet as sugar, like he was being now, but he knew the hold he could have over people. the way he could easily get people addicted to him. like he got you addicted to him.
“kyle, i could never get sick of you,” you confess, adjusting so your chin was resting against his sternum, looking up into his eyes. “so, maybe we could try it again?”
his eyes go dark at your proposition, the corners of his lips quirking up into a barely there smirk. he reaches down to card his fingers through your hair, “baby, after tonight i don’t have to feed for a few more days.”
that’s what he had told you earlier, that he could go a few days between feeding, especially from a human source. he had explained that he hadn’t had a consistent human food source in years and you had to quell down the little prideful part of yourself that reared up inside of you at his words.
he had explained that he wanted to ease you in to the whole thing, wanted to take it slow so you could get better acclimated to the process. but you were more than willing to be his consistent food source, he could come to you whenever he wanted. "yeah, you mentioned that earlier, but you just seemed to like it so much."
"well of course, a sweet thing like you," he compliments easily, fingers caressing the supple fat of your cheek. you tried not to shiver under his gaze when his eyes flashed red for a moment. "but i could tell how much you liked it, could smell it on you."
the smile on your face drops at his assertion, you can't help but feel self conscious, he could smell it on you? he must have been able to tell you were about to spiral because he's quick to reassure you.
"could smell your pussy the second i brought my fangs out, hottest thing ever, baby, promise." he clarified, sitting up to meet your lips for a hot kiss.
you're no longer completely mortified, but your voice is still small when you confide, "how could i not get wet? everything you do is hot, kyle."
"ahh sweetheart," he chides, flashing his gorgeous smile. "you're gonna give me a big head."
he was trying to be bashful but you knew he fucking loved how easy you were for him. and you weren't going to try to hide your feelings. "come on, kyle, you like, i like it," you say it like it's obvious, because it is. nothing was ever going to make you forget the moan he let out when his fangs finally punctured your flesh and the warmth of your blood filled his mouth. or the way his eyes had looked up at your's, dark and unfocused. "let's do it again."
"baby, i'm sorry, but i'm not going to feed from you twice in one night. it's not goo-"
"ok, i know," you interrupt, "so what if you just bite me a little bit, just enou-"
"just enough to get you messy with your own blood? you want me to fuck you too while i'm at it?" he teases, voice dripping in condescension at how needy you were being. all you could do was nod.
and that's how you end up on your back, sleep shirt pushed up to your neck as kyle bullied his way between your thighs. he leaned down to give your nipple a tug with his teeth before trailing his tongue over the sensitive skin of your breast. he looked up at you as his fangs became more prominent, the tilt of his head clearly looking for your permission. you gave him a nod, letting out a hiss of pain as his sharp fangs nipped at your tender flesh. he pulled back to watch the way the blood beaded at the surface, before finally running down to settle in the valley between your breasts.
his eyes were transfixed on every inch of skin he pierced, at every bit of blood that came to the surface. they were all superficial cuts, nothing for you to worry about, he would lick your wounds clean and closed once this was over.
he made his way down your stomach, nipping and biting at the soft, tender flesh, little rivulets of blood falling this way and that, before sliding himself farther down the bed. he urged your thighs wider a part to accommodate the broad width of his shoulders. he blew cool air across your bare cunt just to chuckle at the way it made you squirm in his grasp, before reaching up one his hands to your stomach. you watched the way he dragged one of thumbs through your blood, bringing it back down to press against your clit, smooth circles making you sigh.
you couldn't take your eyes off of him, couldn't stop your body from burning at the way he looked at you. like he wanted to consume you whole. no one had ever made you feel like that before. he finally leaned down to suck your clit into his mouth, groaning at the taste of you, his eyes slipping shut.
one of his fingers was quick to follow, stroking over your wet folds before plunging inside of your heat. you had marveled at his ability to learn your body so quickly at the beginning of your relationship, constantly paying attention to your reactions and asking if things felt good or not. it didn't mean he had you cumming in seconds, but it did mean that you were cumming.
he sucked on your clit hard like he knew you liked and the digit inside of you was rubbing against that spot inside of you that always had you gripping the sheets. as you got closer you couldn't help but grind your hips against his tongue, his noises encouraging your sloppy movements. with a jolt you were cumming around his finger, clenching around the digit and coating it in your cream.
he lets you catch your breathe for only a moment before he's crawling up your body, tongue swiping through the blood pooling over your tummy and your tits, staining your skin red. when your lips finally meet you taste the tang of your juices and the metallic taste of your own blood, the taste brings you back to reality for a moment. you were really doing this. kyle eventually pulled back and all you could focus on was the wetness of his lips, the wonderful red color to them. you knew your mouth looked the same.
"taste so fucking good, baby." he praised, leaning down to kiss over your cheeks as you blushed. you feel his hand between you, swiping through the pools of blood again, then you hear the slick sounds of his hand jerking his wet cock. "you ready for me, baby?" the red of his lips make his teeth look so white in the moonlight. he had a smile that would make you do anything he said, fangs or not.
all he needs is your nod and then he's guiding the thick head of his cock to your sensitive hole. your wet folds are colored red, blood smearing across his dark shaft as he pushes himself inside of you. you groan at the stretch, his finger nowhere near comparing to the girth of his pretty cock.
when he bottoms out, he nuzzles his head underneath your chin, lips ghosting your skin. it makes you still for a moment. you had told him that you weren't comfortable with him biting your neck, it just felt too risky to your little human brain. he was a man who always honored your wishes, but you couldn't help but feel a flash of fear at his fucked out state.
but all he does is press a tender kiss to your flesh before he's sitting back up, big frame looming over you. his smile is filthy as his thrusts deepen. "you look so fucking pretty like this, skin all red just for me, baby." that's how things usually went between you two, kyle's mouth spewing absolute filth while you just squirmed on the bed, taking everything he gave you.
you shudder and whine as his cock grinds against your spot. "there you go, baby, you've been perfect for me all night. do you think you can cum for me again, sweetheart?"
you nod your head dumbly, barely able to hold eye contact as you approach your high. "that's a good fucking girl." he praises, lowering himself so he can lap his tongue across your breasts, licking up your blood as his thrust turn sloppy. you hold him close as you finally reach your peak, cunt clenching against his cock, tears threatening to spills from your eyes at the intensity.
he almost growls as he empties his balls into your oversensitive cunt, head shoved between your breasts to inhale your scent. you two lie like that for a few long moments before he sits up again, pulling his spent cock from your dripping hole.
he reaches down, fingertips massaging the junctures of your hips, sore from being splayed open for so long. he has a small smile on his face as he looks down at your body. you nudge him to try and get him to talk.
he shakes his head, "i know it's wrong of me, but i don't want to clean you up. i just wanna lie here with you and cover myself in your scent."
you think for a moment at how in a few hours you'll be pissy about being sticky from your blood and his spit, but you can't help but open your arms for him.
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kakyoinswifey · 8 months
Kakyoin headcanons !! .。⁠*⁠♡
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author note: i'm so sorry for not sharing this earlier, i think i'm a bit rusty but i'm going to be more active.
@zydrateenthusiast for you with all my love♡
Kakyoin is someone sensitive, maybe not for all the people surrounding him, but he is for the people he loves the most.
He fell for you quickly, you shared that kind of sensibility, but you were a bit rare for him, not in the bad way, but he couldn't read you the way he actually did with anyone else.
So, he wanted and did spent more time with you, just being by your side, and that's when he finally understood some things he didn't before. You did not like your voice at all.
"Why?" He was asking to himself. He got the idea when he heard you talking to yourself and trying to modulate the sound of your pretty voice, struggling to find an actual good tone for it.
"What are you doing?" He asked finally a couple of days later, when you were on your frequently task. You blushed because you didn't expected to be caught.
"Well, it's just... I don't know." You looked at him in the violet eyes. You were friends, good friends, in fact you had a big crush on him, he knew it and you knew it was reciprocated, but you didn't wanted to be so exposed about your insecurity, even when those kind eyes let you know you were safe, he wouldn't do anything to make the things akward. "I was trying to modulate my voice." You admitted.
"Yeah, but why?" He asked again with a funny but gentle smirk. You gained more confidence about the topic, so you responded. "Well, I don't like it. It's kinda weird, don't you think?" Like, it's noisy, shrill, out of tune or not very me, you understand me, right?"
Kakyoin was freezed. That was unexpected.
"You serious?" You nodded. He talked again. "You have the prettiest voice I've ever heard."
He didn't want to tell that. He meant it, but he couldn't stand the idea of you thinking it was just told for pity and make you feel better. You blushed again. "Really?" But that was told with a bit of sarcasm. "I spent most of the time saying nonsenses and screaming at Jojo and Pol, that's not exactly what you have in mind when you think about a pretty voice."
"I mean it. Even when you yell at Polnareff or when you are just babbling around." He reassured. "And it's perfectly sweet when I hear you sing. Maybe you don't notice, but I can hear you from the other side of the wall when you sleep in your room."
You felt embarassed, but in a weird (and very beautiful) way. "So you think I don't need to improve my voice tone?" He walked to you, approaching enough to embrace you. "It's yours. And I love every single part of you."
You felt more relieved, knowing the person you love loved even what you didn't like about yourself. Every since then, he asked for you to sing to him all the nights you could. It was like a need, he loved to fall asleep hearing you just singing for him.
Sometimes, he would confess he actually loves hear you talking because it makes him feel relieved and safe. Your voice was calm and that brings him peace, he would say.
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