#sorry i made you explode Ren i love you a lot
oneroomjestershow · 4 months
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wait he's innocent it was the rats
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howlingday · 1 year
Here's a fun prompt!
Every time Pyrrha apologizes for something Jaune inexplicably gets kissed!
Pyrrha almost trips a mom dropping her kid off at school? Cross guard Jaune catches her and gets a smooch to the top of his head.
Pyrrha sorry for bumping into new transfers? A wet smack is heard, as one of the foreign girls gives Jaune a friendly kiss in greeting.
Pyrrha apologizing to Ren for forgetting to bring his sunscreen to the pool? Jaune almost drowns but wakes up to a smoking hot lifeguard lady giving him CPR!
How long until Pyrrha finally explodes (if at all)?
Pyrrha was... not okay. If she were okay, she was on the border between okay and not okay. If she were okay, she would be at her limit before reaching not okay. But that's not the case. She was not okay.
She was not okay.
Pyrrha must have been a mass-murdering racist who delighted in the screams of children in the past life, because it was the only logical explanation for this cursed life of hers.
She was beyond a mere school girl crush on her partner, leader, and best friend, Jaune Arc. What wasn't there to love anout him? He was tall, handsome, kind, sweet, and honest. All good qualities in a man. Unfortunately, he was also clumsy, which is where her curse begins.
Of course, Pyrrha wasn't perfect either. Aside from warped sense of self-worth after years of training in Argus to become an international sports star, Pyrrha was what her manager, her agent, her mother, her friends, and the janitor called "too nice." Jaune never believed such a thing, but even Pyrrha had to admit that she apologized a lot. And again, her curse begins there.
Maybe the curse did originate from a criminal past life. Someone who refused to apologize for their actions, so now her current life is forced to apologize at every slight thought made. And the curse caught Jaune in it's intangible web.
This morning, Pyrrha woke up and used the bathroom first. A quick, cold shower, but she used the last of the shared shampoo and she forgot to replace it with the bottle under the sink. Nora was next in and she was lividly screeching from inside the shower.
"I'm sorry!" Pyrrha cried.
"Don't worry, I got it." Jaune smiled as he walked in with his footie pajamas. Shut up. He looked cute in them. "Here you GOOO-!"
"Oooh~! Leader~! Such a dirty boy, kissing girls while they're naked~. Why don't I scrub that dirt off~?"
"NO THANK YOU!" Jaune ran out, half-soaked from his shower encounter.
Pyrrha was grateful it didn't go further. The hairbrush in her hand was starting crack from the bending. She still had the rest of the day before apologizing to her mother for breaking another hairbrush.
At breakfast, it was the usually chaos. Ren was chattered at by Nora, while Weiss scolded Ruby for this or that. Yang told another terrible pun while Blake read her book. The non-smutty one.
Pyrrha reached for the butter for her toast when her hand briefly touched Jaune's hand. They were freshly calloused hands, a product of his late nights training with her. His thin frame noticably bulked from the exercises, and she was glad to see the physical progress. His hand was warm, and kind, and nurturing, and-
"S-Sorry!" She stumbled out of her daydream.
Her leg struck the underside of the table, causing a cup to leap and spill over. A cascade of orange juice spread far. Pyrrha reached over with napkins in hand, dropping fabric after soaking fabric for damage control. And each paper was dropped, Pyrrha unleashed a torrent of the accursed word.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"
"I'll go grab more napkins!" Jaune exclaimed as he ran from table to table. Pyrrha blindingly continued to pull and place napkins as he left.
"Oh, wow." Pyrrha looked up from her task to find a second-year girl kissing Jaune.
"Nice~." And then a third year.
"Seriously?" Even Velvet gave a peck to Jaune's lips in exchange for a napkin box.
"I'm, uh, I'm back." Jaune said, blushing.
"You sure~?" Yang teased. "Maybe we need some more napkins?"
"NO!" Pyrrha slammed the table, spilling more juice. "S-Sorry."
"I'll give you my napkins if you give me a smooch. Whattaya say~?"
Pyrrha internally screamed.
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Writing request if you have the time: Doc helps Ren get used to having/using prosthetics perhaps (can include repairing them if they break too if you want) :3
cybernetic Ren my beloved <3
“Ren, I love the automatic chicken thing, but I can see one major flaw,” Doc states, staring up at the large building on the island.
Ren slowly nods. “Yeah… a lot of the eggs are missing the funnels.”
“Creating a lot of chickens on and around the island.”
“No worries, I’ll fix it.”
Doc turns away and kneels down to tend to the campfire, leaving Ren standing on the sandy shore. “Oh, there’s a chicken in the water just over there. I’m gonna go get it.”
Doc spins round, realising too late what his friend is about to do. “REN, NO!” he yells.
But Ren has already stepped into the water.
A deafening CRACK causes Doc’s hands to automatically fly to cover his ears. Trying to shield his eyes from the blinding sparks with his arm, Doc dashes over to the water’s edge and grabs blindly.
Thankfully, he feels his arms close around a body and pulls it backwards up the sand, the crackling sound gradually dying down. He lays the semi-conscious Ren down on the sand and turns his attention to his friend’s sparking limb. As he touches Ren’s leg with his cybernetic hand, more sparks fly and a jolt of electricity zaps through Doc.
But Doc is used to shocks like these, so he ignores it and starts to work on Ren’s leg. He knows from experience how to deal with water damage; back in Season 5, all four members of the NHO taught themselves and each other, in case there was ever an emergency involving Doc’s cybernetic limbs. And how to get it done quickly, since Doc also remembers that every second that passes with the limb still sparking and crackling with electricity is another second that electrical shocks are shooting through his whole body.
Finally, Ren’s leg stops sparking and his twitching body settles.
Doc lets out a relieved breath, seeing Ren’s pained expression relax. He hasn’t had to use this knowledge in a long time, so he’s lucky he remembers it.
Leaving Ren outside, he dashes into the RV and brings his tools outside. As he’s working on his friend’s leg, he hears a soft groan.
“Are you okay, Ren?” Doc asks quietly. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” murmurs Ren. “What happened…?”
“You let water touch your cybernetic leg. Shorted out your whole body, not just the cybers.”
Doc glances over at Ren, who lifts his non-cybernetic hand and covers his eyes in shame. “How am I such an idiot?”
“Hey, man, it’s easy to forget,” Doc responds.
“Really? It’s easy to forget half of you is made of metal now?”
“Dude, literally two days after I got MY cybernetics, I deliberately jumped off a waterfall into a lake because I was hot and I completely forgot I’d had my eye and arm replaced by robotics less than forty-eight hours earlier.”
Ren lets out a weak laugh. “Wow. I’m surprised you didn’t explode.”
“Oh, I did,” Doc responds with a grin. “My cybernetics did, anyway. And you would think that it would only take one incident for me to learn, right?”
Ren chuckles again. “Wow. I wouldn’t have thou-.”
He breaks off with a yelp of pain as another jolt of electricity shoots through his whole body.
Doc winces. “Sorry, man. That should fix your leg, though.”
He holds out his hand to Ren, who takes it, and helps him sit up. “I really hope this will make me more careful in future,” he groans. “I feel like I’ve been tossed onto a bed of spikes.”
“Yeah, it’ll feel like that for a while. You should go get some rest.”
Doc carefully lifts Ren to his feet and supports him while he gingerly tests his prosthetic leg. “Can you walk?”
“I-I don’t know…” Ren winces as he tries to put weight on it. “It feels weird.”
“Okay, here, let me take you inside.”
Lifting Ren’s arm over his shoulder, Doc guides him to the RV and carefully helps him lie down on his bed. “Get some rest,” he says gently. “I’ll be outside if you need me.”
Ren gives him a grateful smile. “Thanks, Doc. Seriously. Thank you for taking care of me.”
“No problem, man. No problem.”
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riacte · 3 years
Some thoughts after Joe’s first episode <3
Hermitgals… Stress and False and Gem were hanging out at one point… Pearl was with Joe at spawn…. Joe’s living with Cleo…. Just seeing 3/5 Hermitgals interacting watered my crops it makes me so happy
Mumbo is no longer the youngest on the server but he might as well be because he’s so 🥺, and they made him do the intro instead of good ole Xisuma LMAO
HERMIT CONTINENT???? Season 4 Mesa vibes ngl. I’m so excited!!
Grian dying to an Iron Golem (possible first death) during Mumbo’s scuffed intro was hilarious as fuck
Pearl, Joe and Xisuma being community oriented and setting up spawn 🥺🥺🥺
Stress yelling is always amusing, especially when she yells at X like she’s scolding a child (funny because X is like the dad of the server)
Pearl being upset when Joe ignored her, but Joe thought she was Cleo (Pearl was wearing Cleo’s head), but Joe knew it was Pearl’s voice so he was confused
Gem: I haven’t died yet :O
False: I can fix that 😏
(This is all Hermitgals I’m so sorry but not really)
A huge bunch of people got into murdering each other on first day (Impulse, Cleo, Jevin, Iskall, and probably a lot more that flew past my head) and kept respawning and kept asking Joe (resupply guy) for weapons specifically
Tango, Bdubs, and Keralis going to Joe to murder him for diamonds gave me so much 3rd Life vibes lol. Stop it guys, you’re supposed to be working together!! :D
Someone (probably Iskall): Ren how did you get up on the roof?
Ren: m a g i c
I haven’t realised how much I missed Iskall in HC until I heard his voice 🥺🥺
ARE THE HERMITGALS NEIGHBOURS…. I saw Stress and False hanging out 👀
My mind is exploding, my heart is full, I can’t wait for more POVs, Hermitcraft is love ♡♡♡ also I need a bath
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sofijaeger · 3 years
Felt sad/broke down crying earlier due to having a rough night (plus last few weeks). Can I request an Eren and Reader one-shot or Drabble where Eren sees Reader breaking down crying in bed after he got out of the shower and comforts Reader by wrapping her (Reader sleeps in clothes just an fyi) in his completely bare body she adores/loves, cuddles, whispering kindness to her, and lullabies to make her feel better? Thank you! (I’ll just call myself 🌻 anon if that’s okay with you)
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my sunflower anon,
i’m so so sorry you’ve been having a rough past few weeks, and i was seriously debating on replacing eren’s name in this with my own so i could tell you how much you are loved by me. My dms are open for you always if you ever feel comfortable sharing how you feel, but I hope this can bring a bit of happiness to your day!
warning: thoughts about dignity, some nudity
i use the nickname Er (like air) for him, though i know a lot of people use Ren too. If you’d like me to change it to something else i’d be more than happy to!
i didn’t get to proof read, so apologize for any errors. and yes, Rex Orange County helped me write this:)
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the feeling was back.
This flow of dejection fueling your entire body like it relied on sorrow as its only source of energy, not needing rest or even a good meal to supply it anymore. You could barely remember the reasons for why you felt like this, succumbing to the typical numbness of being down while giving up was an option you hated but found so simple to obey. And after time and time again you felt more content with keeping it here, inside of you where it wouldn’t bother anyone but yourself.
Not even a gleam of joy shone through your eyes as he pulled out of your driveway, one hand rotating the wheel, the other immediately searching for your clammy palm. Not from sweat or nerves, but from the tears you had forgotten to dry off before he arrived. Eren was well aware though. He always seemed to know, to understand.
You were utterly grateful, how could you not be when your escape from reality was right beside you, rescuing you to your safe haven. A place he was quite familiar to all his life, hoping someday you wouldn’t have to be a drive away but could tend to his own heartache for you in the comfort of a home you’d share. But at the moment, your mental state wasn’t the best at supporting your emotions as it usually was, and that was his priority. Apathetically leaning your forehead against the rainy glass window, you just relaxed to his hums of Rex Orange County.
It was funny, really. He chose this song on purpose for you. One that even if you weren’t familiar with it conveyed his feelings in less than five minutes, almost perfect timing to his home.
I don’t wanna see you cry,
you don’t have to feel this emptiness.
And he hummed along, reminding you of how comforting he wanted his presence to be, and how happy it made your heart in return.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower okay babe? I had an extra-long practice today.” Eren huffed with a soft smile, testing if positivity could lighten your mood. He was always so diligent, and you thought of it just about every day. How was it possible to keep a facade so inspiring anyone could feel a surge of power emit from themselves. A morality that made you question what interest he found in someone like yourself who tried to be there for others, but felt helpless, selfish in the end to her own needs.
Even after you could barely respond to his simple conversations he was still trying to make you feel better, and you were too dazed in your own world to comply. “Are you sure you don’t wanna come in with me?” He raised and dropped his eyebrows in that ‘typical flirty’ manner. One you normally agree to with a laugh if you hadn’t bathed in your own tears before he picked you up. So you answer with a light smile, one too fragile he easily sensed a cycle of your tears would be making another round. He hummed, giving your forehead a light kiss before jogging into the bathroom.
A gentle bass of the television played alongside endless questions piercing through your mind. But you didn’t know who to blame, you couldn’t blame anyone. No one but yourself bringing the people down around you when you didn’t even have enough energy to find a solution. Was it finally starting to show? Would you bring everyone into this pain with you? You couldn’t do that, not to Eren.
The water echoing into his bedroom felt like the only alternative to drowning out the second wave of cries you began pouring out that night, praying your boyfriend wouldn’t hear you. How could you concern him when all he ever did was bring you happiness. It wasn’t fair to him.
“Stop, just stop.” you cry out, pressing both your hands down your face as if distorting it for a few seconds could make you toughen up. But attempting to silence yourself was no easy task, between the dialogue of the TV cartoons and the fog seeping into his bedroom you sat in. It was all too much.
This feeling, you wanted it gone, or at least to know it wouldn’t come back, but it was strangling you.
Fortunately, this noose of anxiousness began to loosen, with the creak of the bathroom door and toned, bare arms gripping you in whole. Eren overheard you, he’d never close the door to leave you in your own shell. It practically brought tears to his own eyes listening to you suffer while he bathed, alone.
One-minute baby, give me one more minute. he repeated, sloshing the conditioner out of his hair before patting himself dry, then wrapping a towel around his waist and hurrying towards you.
Eren engulfed you from behind, situating your fragile state into his lap. The little jolts of your chest quickened, so he rested your head against his collarbone with one hand, finding your waist with the other, allowing yourself to breath the fresh steamy air of the shower.
This was easily the highlight of your day. Him, making what had happened before completely unimportant. What mattered now was the thin towel tied around his waist and your sweats being the only separation from a full blend of your bodies. His damp chest would do though, releasing that familiar musky scent you had already begun hypnotizing yourself into.
Eren didn’t say a single word at first, letting your own thoughts to come to terms with your body. By the steadiness of your pulse he placed his fingers upon would he then serenade you with his honest tenderness.
“Baby...” he elongated, beginning to stray pieces of your hair from your sticky skin. He wasn’t even sure what to begin with himself. Between trying to find just one quality of yours he admired so much and the nurture you provided him, even at times like these made him feel in debt. You were his family despite being his love, and the comfort you found in him, the trust you willingly let yourself fall into his arms with, cries you couldn’t bear to keep away made his heart so full.
Eren would always be indebted to your love.
He guided you down onto the bed, slowly flipping your positions in the process. His hair displayed tiny droplets onto your collarbone while his nose found your neck, nuzzling just a little closer to your ear with every rub.
“I can’t Er I-” you made out of your shaky breathes, sniffing in future sobs. But Eren wouldn’t let you hold it in, not for him at the very least. He shifted up your neck and pressed his body right on top of yours. “Let it out for me, please,” he whispered, begging that his weight could squeeze out any last ties holding you together. And they did untie, for your throat broke down, emerging into weeks of tension and built up hopelessness.
“It’s all too much Eren, I can’t do this anymore!” You wept, pulling him closer to you with every inhale. You didn’t want to let him go, let this moment slip away. And he would listen, not beginning to interfere until you were exhausted of your own thoughts, leaving your mind empty for his to infiltrate wholeheartedly.
He pressed further into you, squeezing all your thoughts out like an aura. His calloused hands found their way to your head, caressing it tenderly, and he kept his head by your lips, drowning himself deep into the voice of what possibly the most perfect girl in his life had to say for herself.
And while you tired yourself in your tears, he raised his head, kissing each one that spilled away, listening to every word wailed from your heart. He couldn’t be the one to change how you felt, for that solely relied on you, but he would guide you in every direction until you’d be able to smile on your own again.
Your half-lidded eyes following a slightly open jaw signified no more words could come out, and no tears were left to cry. It was his turn now, to make you feel loved, just like the one and only you are in his life, who he strives to become better for every day.
“Is there anything else you need to let out?” He cooed, brushing his knuckles up against your cheek. You melted into his touch, silencing yourself from the way he looked at you. The way his eyes exploded in a mesmerizing turquoise, full of admiration for you below him. He calmly smiled, examining each of your adorable features. Your heated complexion, disheveled hair, and shallow exhales made him bashful in your presence. He adored you.
“I wish you didn’t have to feel like this, you don’t deserve this pain.” He begun, ignoring your head shakes of disagreement. He felt awful, watching you side with your dark thoughts. It made him furious seeing them hold that light inside of you hostage.
“I love you. I love you for everything you are, and you better know my love for you will never weaken. You have my whole heart.” he took your palm, pushing it up against his warm, bare chest. That special heartbeat echoed through you like it was your own. “You feel that? It’s beating for you, and it will continue to.” He smiled down at you, radiating warmth you never wanted to let go of ever again.
“You’re my necessity, love. That will never change.”
If your tears could fall again they would, your mouth opening to say something, anything to share the love you felt for him. But Eren silenced you, emptying your mind again with a sweet kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened before relaxing into him, him wrapping a strong arm to your hips, caressing the soft skin with his thumb as the other guided your head closer to his. You pursed your lips loosely, for the feeling of his hand grazing your jaw made your nerves explode into a frenzy, his tongue peeked in every now and then to suck on your own before retracting back, extracting a few pleasureful whimpers and making you needier for him by the minute. He pulled back slowly, of course, letting the tease of himself end your kiss as he watched your eyes twitch in confusion from the loss of contact, before opening them with a pleading look to continue.
He just chuckled, meeting your nose with his in an Eskimo-like gesture.
“Eren I-“
“Shhh, let me take care of you,” he murmured, assisting you in removing your shirt to place you in his own. He was captivated by you, the little jolt your breasts made from the subtle movement, the effortless way your hair fell after being pulled up by the fabric. He watched you in awe. Though it wasn’t the time to fawn over your appeal, he couldn’t help it.
“Beautiful-“ he breathed, practically drooling in your existence as he crouched to meet the top of your chest, letting a few open mouth kisses slip out and down your figure as he reached your navel. He appreciated every little hitch in your breath, trying its hardest to become that little giggle he knew wonderfully. Making each other feel treasured was no difficult task when both of you could be valued as one another’s.
Before laying you down once more, he gave your lips a final peck, holding you beside his still bare skin. You didn’t mind the proximity and neither did he. You shifted to your side resting your head in the crease of his neck, smelling a woodsy mint release from his moist locks and look up, meeting his jawline to place a silent peck of thanks, for the affirmations now sunken deep into your heart, for entrancing you with his stunning physique and for being your other half to which no one else could complete.
“You’re mean everything to me_______, I mean that with nothing but the truth,” he responded, tickling his hand down your side, his lips meeting at your temple. He felt so homely, the coziness in his words, his touch. It was all so pure of him. Sure his feverish temper made you fall for him, but his mellowness kept your love unbroken.
A few gentle hums enhanced your sleepiness, slowly lagging behind his own as your eyes lidded shut. He was singing Sunflower again, you figured. The song could describe your relationship in a matter of minutes, the bond you two had shared for years transitioning from best friends to lovers. It was truly beautiful to think about, Eren was beautiful to think about.
And so he continued to hum until your soft, sleeping figure was well in its rest, a tiny raise in your frown guaranteeing he achieved what he wanted most, to make you smile.
“You know you need to get yourself to sleep and dream a dream of you and I. There’s no need to keep an open eye, I promise I’m the one for you just let me hold you in these arms tonight.”
Eren was beyond lucky to be himself, you could see it in his face. And after all the problems that had dragged you down, he was your boy, your reason to forget it all.
You honestly didn’t remember why, you let yourself get down in the first place.
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visd3stele · 3 years
magic and kids
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A/N: I really hope you like it. Thank you for your requests. Loved writing it.
art credit: @phantomrin
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TW: none
@britishbookworm2 requested (if you want to leave a request as well, click)
It's been four years since Taryn decided the mortal world would be a more suitable place to raise her child than Elfhame. Even if her sister was now High Queen, the fairies would still make life hard for her and her baby. Maybe not on purpose, she admits it. But magic runs wild, free and unstoppable. Used to it, the Fae Folk barely notices the dangers. And frankly, they don't care. Not allowed to use it on humans as cruelly as before, some meaner courts claim innocent ignorance. How can an entire society of enchanted beings change overnight? How could they be expected to adjust to human fragility all of a sudden?
So Taryn took her baby, promised her sister to visit and fled to Heather and Vivi's. It wasn't as hard as she'd thought. Getting used to the mortal world, that's it. And if her baby had longer canine than normal, or his ears sharpened to pointy edges to the top, it passed unnoticed. Her son certainly didn't stood out the way Vivi did, even with light brown eyes that looked orange in the sun and rusty red hair. He didn't need much glamouring either, not like Oak, Oriana or Madoc. By the time she sent him to preschool his hair was long enough to cover the ears and no one seemed to notice the teeth even without magic.
For all the talk Taryn did on how she wanted her son to be free of his father in all ways, snapping at Oak when the boy tried to teach him magic before he knew how to properly walk and forbidding her family to bring Fairyland up, she named him Renard.
Fitting, though not what she should have done. Maybe part of her can't let Locke go, not entirely. She knew he didn't particularly wanted the baby, that everything he promised her were pretty lies. But for a few months, it has been real. Their marriage, their love, their lives. She saw her dreams come true, one after another: the mistress of an important household, throwing parties for courtiers, motherhood.
Now that everything she wanted snaped broken in tiny little pieces carried away by harsh winter wind, Taryn Duarte couldn't phantom having her child become like his father.
"It has nothing to do with magic, for fuck's sake!" Vivi exploded once, after Taryn better than not threw Oak and Oriana - who came to visit - out of the apartment for trying to reach Renard's magic. "He won't become a sly, selfish fox if he can change appearance or grow horses out of leaves. It's all about his up-bringing!"
"I want him to be normal, Vivi! That's why I took him here!"
Renard has been barely one year old when the argument happened. But it was enough to take his mother's words to heart.
Four years old Renard and twelve years old Oak played outside, jumping in crusty piles of autumn leaves. The princeling hadn't given up his plans to teach his cousin magic. He refused to let go of such opportunity: a friend he didn't have to hide of, one he could play with like he used to in Elfhame.
"Hey, Ren-Ren," Oak said, "check this out!" The older boy held up his hand, brows furrowed in concentration, lip grazed between his teeth. Nothing happened for an alarming amount of time. And then... the leaves twirl around the two cousins, splashing then with guts of wind and scarce dew as it swept them up in a friendly tornado.
Renard chuckled in delight, stretching to catch some of the closer leaves. But as soon as he touched one, the whole thing fell apart. "No!" Do it again, Oak. Do it again."
"I'm sorry, Ren-Ren," Oak faked a yawned and laid on the ground. "Magic is very serious business. Very consuming. I'm too tired to even move." He let his eyes close dramatically, watching Renard between his lashes. Truth be told, every time he did magic Oak felt good. Vibrant. As if the earth itself reached out and gave him life. But Renard didn't need to know that yet. He can definitely learn it by himself if Oak's plan works out.
The younger boy pouted and dropped on the ground. "Not fair," he muttered to himself.
"You know, Ren-Ren, you're half fae. That means there's a pretty good chance you're magic too."
"No, I'm not."
"You can't know that. Come on, give it a try!"
"No, Oak! I'm not magic. I'm not like Father, I'm like Mom. Like Mom, just like that."
Oak straightened himself, but didn't rose from the ground. "Ok, Ren-Ren. Listen up. Magic is not bad. It's fun. Don't you think it's fun?"
"Yes!" Renard nodded enthusiastically. "It's super fun. When you do it, Oak." At that the named boy own enthusiasm faded away in an instant.
"Thank you, Ren-Ren," he deadpanned. "But do you know what's more fun than watching me practice magic?" Not giving the kid a chance to answer, to even take in the question, really, Oak said "To do it yourself."
"Do you really think I should try, Oak?" Clearly, the little boy was attracted to magic. And clearly something was stopping him. But his older cousin slowly made whatever that was seem less big and scary, dragging him along in his qualms.
Renard pushed his lips forward with his tongue, sticking it out through the gap in his teeth. Caramel eyes shone with desire, his red hair flown around by a cold, pleasant wind. "Ok," he gave in, as expected. "How do I do it?"
The smirk that lightened up Oak's face can only be describes as evil. Though no ill intention hid behind it. Only the knowledge his plan worked out, just like his sister, Jude's.
"Listen to me very carefully, alright? There is not just one way to make magic, Ren-Ren. You have to find your own. But for now, try the basics. Think really hard on what you want to happen. Something easy. Got anything in mind?" Renard frowned, then his eyes landed on a tree which still had some green leaves on its branches and nodded.
"Perfect! Now, imagine whatever you want to happen. Imagine it happening. Are you imagining?"
"No!" Oak groaned. "If you're paying attention to me, then it means you're not focusing on magic."
"But how will I know what to do if I don't listen to you?"
"I told you! Magic is your own, Ren-Ren. It comes naturally. So, dig it up. Use your imagination."
Renard tried to shut out the world around him, picturing the sole tree in his mind. A warm pull tugged at him and he followed. His magic, he tried not to dwell on the joy, but instead focusing on his practice. His magic reaching out. Because he reached out first.
The boy allowed the warmth to take control, guiding him through it. The tree now carved in his mind by detail wasn't enough. He needed action. But just imagining the leaves to fall wouldn't do. Renard couldn't say how exactly he knew it. He just did. Something more tender was needed. The half fae kid had to imply what he wants and trust his magic to follow his lead.
So Renard made himself cold. Chilly. Feeling a breeze of wind creeping inside his clothes, whipping his skin gently. Enough to rip a leaf off a tree, though. Which it did. The wind he summoned couldn't be felt, not really. Only by himself and the green leaves that departed one by one from their branch as if plucked by an invisible hand.
Oak gasped. Then grinned. And then he laughed. Renard broke free of his concentration, pleased to see his magic didn't falter. Not until every and each green leaf from his chosen tree didn't fall. The sight made him still in awe for a couple of seconds. But soon enough he joined his cousin with a bubble laugh, jumping up and down and running to tackle Oak in a tight hug.
"I did it, Oak! I did it!"
"Yes, you did, Rem-Ren. Indeed, you did. Congrats!"
"Can we show auntie Vivi? And auntie Oriana?"
When Madoc and Oriana first came in the mortal world, Taryn wanted nothing to do with them. But years of being cared for by the blue skinned, white haired, pink eyes woman showed their tale. She agreed to see her, but only her. She could be part of her child life, if she wanted.
"Sure. But don't you want to show your mom first?"
"Mom and auntie Heather work a lot. We can show them later." Renard said, but he felt his magic shrinking at the thought of his mother. His Mom didn't like his father. And his magic comes from his father. Is that why his magic doesn't want to reveal itself near Taryn? He hoped it was just him overthinking it, because he loves his Mom and wants to share this with her.
Oak stayed with auntie Oriana, who was his mother, so Renard couldn't bring himself to be upset over it. He would want to be with his mother as much as he can as well. So he did a little trick for auntie Vivi, who told him to stay where he was, brought a camera and ordered him to glamour the tea cups again. Renard made them look like pumpkins, since the Halloween being over the corner made him impossibly anxious - in a good way.
Turns out even mortal technology can be fooled by fae's magic. Vivi showed the clip to Heather, who coed over him until Taryn came home.
"Hello, treasure. How was your day? Wanna give mommy a kiss?"
Renard jumped into his mother's arms, pressing a strong kiss on her cheek before starting to tell her about all the fun he had with cousin Oak. "And then he said I should try magic too."
Tamryn stilled. "And?"
"Look, Mom!"
Renard broke a vase, then, with a twitch of his fingers put it back together. "Auntie Vivi says I'm a natural."
"Does she? That's amazing, sweetheart."
But his mother didn't sound thrilled. In fact, her smile wasn't even a smile at all, but a thin line. "I'm sorry, mommy. I knew I shouldn't've done it, but I didn't know why. Now I know: you don't want me using my magic. It'll make me bad, like father."
Renard pushed his lips up front, scrunched his nose up, wiggled his toes, all in an atempt to stop the tears hurting his eyes from falling. When he realized it was in vain, he took off running to his room.
When Taryn entered minutes later she found her son curled on his left side in the middle of the bed, hugging a black goat plushie his uncle Cardan gave him on his birthday tight to his chest. She hated herself for causing the pain struck look on her son's face.
"Hey, sweetie."
"Hi, Mom." Renard wiped his nose with his jumper's sleeve.
"I'm so sorry, sweetie. Mommy was just scared, but that's not your fault. You could never be bad. Magic is not bad. Of course you can practice all you want, but we'll settle some ground, basic rules first. Ok?"
"Rules you can never, ever break. Really."
"Thank you, Mommy! You're the best! Just wait until Oak hears about it."
A/N: Renard means fox in french. Also: oops, guess I finished it earlier than expected and didn't really felt like waiting days to post it 😅
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol 23
It's the final banquet babyyyy
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(i hate how blurry that picture is but my camera just wouldn't fucking focus)(also yeah i colored in the speech bubbles, they were kinda confusing without context and didn't have anything to do with this specific frame)
So everyone's gathered in the main Sohma house, and no one really knows what's going on. They have no idea what to expect. Hiro notes that the grown-ups are "the ones who can't sit still today". Some miscellaneous stuff happens but I'm not sure if it's worth talking about? After the miscellaneous stuff, it is announced that Akito is ready for everyone to see, and out she steps in a kimono (I bet it's red; she'd look great in red, I think) and asks where Shigure is, because he apparently dipped out. Ritsu is in complete awe, does Akito partake in the same hobby he does? No, Ritsu, this is who she is.
There's a brief flashback to the previous book, where Shigure gave her something, and said "I guess you could call it a farewell present." Akito did not take kindly to that at all, and lashed out, accusing him of being the first to abandon her. He asks where she got that idea, he meant that she's finally becoming her own person, rather than the person her father wanted her to be, and his gift was something to commemorate that. Welcome in the new Akito, and all that.
Back to the present, Akito explains that the rest of the Juunishi were able to become their true selves, beyond the curse, and so she decided to as well. She tries to apologize, but she can't-- she knows that won't make up for anything that she did, at all.
It goes back to that memory with Shigure (this chapter is just a series of flashbacks and flashpresents) and he teases her, saying that he didn't know he was so important to her, and Akito insists that wasn't the case, that he was the one that she was most afraid of, the one that strayed the furtherest from her, bond or not. He says he had to keep his cool, be nonchalant, because otherwise he'd explode (ka-blooey). He says that he's childish, and doesn't like getting hurt, he hates losing, and he can't stand sharing things. This causes Akito to basically go Ó///Ò in realization, and he confirms that realization (the realization being that he likes her as well, in case you didn't catch it. It kinda took me a second on first reading, and I'm not exactly explaining this the best), and says that if Akito wants to reject him, now's the time, that if she comes to him again, it'll become a Thing. They'll become a Thing.
Back to the meeting, Akito says that she still wants to live with the Sohma family, because there are still things she feels she needs to do. She still is, at the end of the day, the head of the family, it's her duty (probably). She plans on talking to Ren, which I imagine will go well. After the meeting (I think, I don't think it's before, though timey wimey stuff is difficult), Akito is with Shigure, and he's asking if she wants him to stay at the main Sohma house, and she asks if he's angry about it. The vibe I get from him is "yesn't", honestly, but hey if they're happy, I guess it's fine.
Next chapter!
So there are two exposition characters (I'm sorry but that's really all they are) at school, and one of them sees Kyo. She gets excited, maybe she can go talk to him, and the other thinks he's waiting for Tohru, his girlfriend, to finish up with her tests. The first girl goes, "Whaaa?? When did that happen??", and the second says that it happened shortly after Tohru came back from the hospital. The first girl's hopes and dreams are apparently destroyed, I guess she liked Kyo.
It pans back to Tohru, now finished with her test, and the teacher, Mayu, wishing her a good summer vacation, it'll be her last. She also asks if something happened in the Sohma family, because a certain He seemed a little happier when she saw him yesterday. Tohru took "he" to mean Kyo and Yuki, and was basically like "yeah I guess so". Mayu played it off, yeah yeah those two that's definitely who she meant yeah totally see you next school term byeeee.
At the house (Shigure's house), Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru are talking about the meeting, and how it felt like it came out of nowhere. They were surprised that Tohru already knew about Akito, but she had to pretend she didn't for Akito's privacy (you don't just out people, that's rude). She asks if it was that much of a shock, and Yuki says he's mostly dumbfounded, though there has been a lot going on lately, a lot to think about. Kyo says he feels weird about it, simply because now he knows he's been violent with a woman all this time, but also says something about if Akito was a man, Kyo would be in trouble if there was another guy who liked Tohru. I'm not really sure where he got that idea, but Yuki thought it was pretty funny. It made Tohru realize that the air between Kyo and Yuki had cooled off significantly, and they seemed to be more at ease with each other than they ever had before (i mean in the beginning yuki would sneeze and kyo would be like "and i took that personally", so yeah they've changed a lot). She asked Kyo what had caused that change, and he told her that Yuki beat the crap out of him, and knocked some screws loose, but it was okay. They needed to be loosened.
Later, it seems that Kyo and Tohru went to Kazuma's house, where Kazuma said "I have no regrets. At this point, I'm prepared for death at any time.", because he's happy, y'know? But Tohru and (that other guy whose name completely escapes me wtf) protest at that, saying that you can't say things like that, it's not true! The other whispers to Kazuma that he can't die yet, because when they get married and have kids, he'll be a grandparent, which he seems to like the idea of. He tells Tohru that he eagerly awaits that time, but since Tohru didn't overhear it, she just awkwardly agrees that she also can't wait. (Kyo kinda caught on though)
Izusu comes in, says, "This is stupid, by the way", then walks out before anyone can respond. Tohru follows after her, and Kyo asks what Izusu was saying. Kazuma says that a lot has happened recently, and not everyone is going through the same thing.
Going with Tohru, she finds Izusu in another room, saying that she doesn't get it, how can he (Kyo, presumably) act like nothing's wrong, after all that's happened, and how Tohru can do the same, after she got so hurt?! Those kinds of hurt don't go away easily. Izusu continues, and says that if she had to choose to forgive Akito or not, she wouldn't, because she can't. She doesn't want Akito to apologize, and she can't help but feel like she's doing something wrong, because she can't make herself accept everything and move on. Tohru reassures her that there's nothing wrong with her, she didn't do anything wrong. Izusu wonders if her demeanor will turn Haru away, if it will disappoint him. Tohru says that there's no way that Haru could hate her.
The scene changes to Akito, who is talking to that one old lady who pops up every now and then, but I've never seen her name, who says that Akito went to see Ren again, but heard that she wasn't able to really talk to her. She says it would be faster to chase her out of the house, but it's also possible that Akito complicated things by staying at the house. She continues, saying how it must be nice being young, and being able to change your life so easily. She notes that she was born with the Sohma family, and raised with them, and has lived at the house for sixty years, she couldn't change her life now. Akito says that no one can change every thing, and no one would be asking her to. Maybe all she needs is a helping hand. In the end, the maid simply walks away, but y'know, not everyone wants to change, or feels like they can, it's fine.
In the next chapter, it seems like it's the date with Tohru and Kyo that Uotani and Hanajima decided to tag along with. Kyo is thinking back to that moment when he tore off his bracelet, and how afterward, Tohru picked up all the beads. She put them in a little bowl in her room, next to the picture of her mom. In the moment, he could only watch as she did it, and in all honesty he wouldn't have minded if she had tossed them into a fire, but it also occurred to him that he might regret not having them. As he watched Tohru pick up the beads, he thought of it like she was "protecting both the me of now and the me of the future". Alternatively, and this one is a bit spoopy, she was gathering the memories of the people over the (many, many, many) years that had worn that bracelet. Either way, he realized that loving someone isn't just about loving the person as they currently are, but as they were, and as they will be.
That's what he thinks anyway.
I mentioned the date but I didn't talk about it at all. They went to a zoo, Uotani got excited about seeing elephants, and they went to a place with cats, and the cats did not care either way about Kyo. It was neat. By the end of the day, Tohru went off to use the bathroom, leaving Kyo with Hanajima and Uotani. This is when Hanajima asks Kyo if he's going to take Tohru away with him. She knew the time would come, eventually, when she, Uotani, and Tohru, would part ways, but it still hurts to think about. Uotani says that, despite how they might act, they do like Kyo, even if they think he's a bit of a dumbass (Uotani's words, btw), and it's because they both think he's a good guy. He just has to take care of Tohru, because she's like family to them, so he'd best not fuck up.
When Tohru comes back, Kyo says there's a place that he wants to take Tohru before going home. Can we go see what Yuki's up to first? Okay yeah we're going to do that now, we'll get back to Tohru and Kyo, don't worry.
So Yuki's at Kakeru's place, and it seems that they're talking about their college plans. Apparently Yuki's going to a college pretty far away from where they're currently at, but if they have subjects that he's interested in, it's fine. (I don't think it's ever said what exactly those subjects are. Like, what's his major? Do I really care? Eh. But it's still nice to know. Same thing for Kakeru, what is he doing?) When Yuki says he'll be living on his own, Kakeru asks if he can manage, he doesn't want to go for a visit and see an emaciated Yuki (living on like,, partially-cooked instant ramen noodles, and several scattered half-empty water bottles in a nest of laundry and schoolwork). Yuki is more optimistic, saying he's going to learn by doing (so that means those cups of instant ramen will be completely cooked). Apparently he told Machi about it and she's fine with it, though she would not be fine if she heard Kakeru saying that anyone is "climbing the stairway to adulthood" which honestly I wouldn't be fine with that either, that just sounds stupid.
Komaki asks how Yuki's going to get the money to live somewhere, and Yuki says that he considered asking his parents, but in the end he asked Ayame to help. Ayame was overjoyed to help, and went nuts to find a place that would suit Yuki's needs (Or be the foundation of his "empire", as he phrased it).
When asked about college, Kakeru said he'd go, not because he really wants to, but mostly because people keep telling him to. He was planning on taking over Komaki's family business (they run a laundry service), but he supposes he'll go anyway.
Later, Machi shows up with a package of meat, which Komaki was very excited about. Kakeru trotted out his "stairway to adulthood" line on Machi, and Machi punched him in the face along with the meat, she somehow balanced the meat on her fist to smash into Kakeru's face, much to Komaki's distress (over the meat, not Kakeru).
Anyway, let's go back to Tohru and Kyo.
Kyo took Tohru to the graveyard, and they're standing at the Honda's family tombstone(memorial? thingie? idk), and he says that after he graduates, he wants to leave, because he's spent his whole life up until pretty recently avoiding life, and not letting himself get involved in things. But now that he's a normal person, he wants to live in the world as a normal person, with Tohru, and because of all of this, he wants to go outside of this place that he's been his whole life. Tohru asks where he's planning to go, and he says that Kazuma knows someone with a dojo, but it's really far from where they presently live. He says he's planning on going there first, attending the dojo while he works, and then one day, he'll inherit Kazuma's dojo, using the experience from the first dojo. He hesitates on asking Tohru to break away from everything and everyone she's known to go off with him, but Tohru agrees, and says she wants to go with him, as soon as possible.
There is one thing that Tohru wants to tell Kyo, and it's that she's sure that her mom never hated him. Even if she did say that she would never forgive him, Tohru is confident that she didn't say it out of hate, she knows it. She will go along with Kyo, even if it hurts to leave everyone else, because it would hurt her more to be apart from him (🥺). To end this section, Kyo says that he'll keep the promise he made to Kyoko about Tohru, all that while back, and he'll keep it for his whole life.
(don't mind me i'm just screeching and wheezing simultaneously this shit is too much i'm gonna die)
Onto the next section, it actually has to do with Kyoko and Katsuya. Mostly Kyoko, and her last thoughts before she died. At first, it was weird. What's going on? She can't hear anything, she doesn't even really hurt. Why is it so dark? Oh crap, Tohru! She can't leave yet, she doesn't want to leave Tohru alone, she only just got into high school. She hopes that she loved her enough, and that Tohru knew that, though she wished she could have had more time to love Tohru. She finally understands, though, that leaving people behind and being left behind, they're both so hard. She hopes that someone can be there for Tohru, to protect her, stay with her as she cries.
She then sees Kyo, and recognizes him as the little orange-haired kiddo she used to talk to sometimes, and hopes that even if he forgets about her, that the next time Tohru gets lost, Kyoko wants him to find her, even just once. If he doesn't do that, she'll never forgive him(that's what she meant, out of what he heard, by the way). She hopes that he can somehow take her place, and protect Tohru, and let her be happy, let her be loved by lots of people. Even if she gets lost or makes a mistake, Kyoko wants Tohru to be proud of the life she lived.
Then she wakes up in a place. I don't really know what the place looks like, but I imagine it as a light blue shimmery place, and she can see someone walking towards her, from a distance. Katsuya. Suddenly she's young again, with her long hair and uniform, and she can be with the man she loves again. (🥺😭 dissolves in my tears)
There's a time skip, now Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, Hanajima, and Uotani have graduated, and it soon after shows Tohru and Kyo cleaning up their rooms, and reminiscing about when Tohru first arrived. A lot has changed in that time, it's incredible. Tohru thinks on how she will miss everyone, and all the things that have happened (in the span of a year, right? This all mostly happened within a year or two?). Kyo then says that everyone loves and appreciates her, and it's not like she'll never see any of them again, it's just the start of something new. Then Tohru's stomach grumbles and she gets embarrassed (oh no im hungry how embarrassing 😖)
We then jump to Yuki and Machi, and Yuki gives Machi a key to his new place, because he doesn't want her to think that he's cheating on her (why would she think that???) and then nearly fuckin yeets it out the window when she says that she's not worried that he'd do that. (So he does want her to have trust issues? Yuki, dude, you're confusing me on this) I think that Machi is a year behind Yuki, so she won't be starting college the same time as he will, but she promises that she'll follow after him and be back with him as soon as she can, which is very sweet.
This whole section is mostly jumping from one group of people to the next, so I think I'll try to summarize:
Ritsu and Kagura are talking, it seems that Ritsu is giving Kagura his old kimonos. He's cut his hair shorter, and he mentions how Shigure apparently has quit being an author, much to the relief of his editor, Mitsuru. Kagura asks if Ritsu is going to marry Mitsuru, which leaves him very flustered. Kagura still is hung up on Kyo, and says that she'll see Kyo and Tohru go just to see Kyo. She won't well wish them, because she knows that they'll be happy regardless.
Hiro and Kisa are walking past Shigure's old house, speculating on what is going to happen to it. Hiro says he thinks it will stay as it is for a while, which makes Kisa happy. She hopes that it can stay up and that a new household can live in it. She then starts crying, thinking about Kyo and Tohru leaving, but she says that she will smile when she sees them go, on the next day. Hiro tells her to not be upset over crying, that she can cry as much as she wants, because he knows how much Tohru means to Kisa.
Haru, Izusu, and Momiji are talking, and Haru mentions how Hatori said that eventually, Shigure's gonna get punched in the face, but he never did. Momiji says that it didn't happen because they are all more mature than Shigure. He says as an aside that he doesn't think it should be allowed that Kyo is "taking away" Tohru, because he's being selfish, and that he wants to pinch Kyo. Haru asks why he shouldn't do it tomorrow, and Momiji says that he can't do it in front of Tohru, but this whole thing has given Momiji a new sense of motivation, to find the best girlfriend in the world, and then he'll show her off to Kyo (not the best motivation to find a partner but okay). Izusu pops up by saying that she thinks Tohru should break up with Kyo. I'm not sure why though.
It's shown that Hanajima is working at Kazuma's place as a cook, which is something that Kyo was not pleased to find out, but despite his best efforts, The Guy Who is Also There at the Dojo Whose Name I Cannot Remember can't figure out how to get her to leave. Kazuma says that he will miss Kyo, but he won't worry about him. He's in good hands now.
Uotani is on the phone with Kureno, saying that she'll send his regards to Tohru and Kyo. She also says that she will miss Tohru, but she's also excited for her, for the both of them. She asks if the cherry blossoms are blooming yet, and that she'll have to make her way out to see them (and Kureno) soon.
Ayame and Mine are sending well wishes gifts in the form of big flouncy dresses, for Tohru (who I imagine would be flattered but I doubt she would wear them). Mine says that now that the time has come, she finds this sensation of "children leaving the nest" to be lonely, and Ayame agrees, and says that's exactly why adults put obnoxious amounts of love into cardboard boxes with instant ramen, socks, maid outfits, what have you. (They then say that they're going to send similarly flouncy dresses to Yuki, who I doubt will respond kindly)
Mayu and Hatori are on a date, and he offers to take her with him on a summer vacation to Okinawa. He says he's never been on a "decent" vacation, and that he wants to see the country. Mayu starts cracking up at the idea of Hatori in a swimsuit, then sobers quickly at the idea of herself in one, saying that her figure isn't ideal for a swimsuit (from the way she talked about herself I think she'd be all the rage in early 2000's Western fashion).
Akito says that she's not going to see Tohru and Kyo leave, saying that if she wants to visit Tohru, she'll go and see her, but I imagine it's also for the sake of everyone else that would be there.
Finally, we end with Yuki going to talk to Tohru. He tells her that he's happy about all that has happened, and that he's glad that he has gotten to this point. He says that he was weak, that he couldn't handle being around people, but he wanted to be loved, and be needed. All he ever did, he says, is want. But during that crucial time, Tohru appeared, and fulfilled that wish without even trying. He learned so much from her, and she gave him what he needed, and that's how he is able to be the person he presently is. And he also finally says that she was basically his mother, in a way. He wonders if she was like that to everyone, with how warm, welcome, and gentle she is to everyone she meets. He goes on to say that in this time, when everyone is parting ways, everyone is thinking of Tohru, wondering if she's happy, if she's crying, if she's doing well. Finally, he thanks her, and says that he's so glad that he got to meet her, and that she was there for him, and for all of them. (He also actually says her name, which he's never done, I don't think. It's always been "Honda-san", but never "Tohru", but now he's said it. There's really not an English version of that, as far as I'm aware, but from what I know, it is a pretty significant thing.)
There's a little bit of an epilogue, showing a child walking into a house, asking where Tohru and Kyo are. A woman replies saying, "That's Grandma and Grandpa to you!", but the child pouts and says that Grandma said she could call her by her name, and that they left her behind again on their walk. The woman tells her to not get in the way of their "lovey-dovey alone time", and there's a final establishing shot of Tohru and Kyo walking together, holding hands, with Kyoko's words: "Repeat the good, and the bad. Do it all, and pile on the years."
And that's the end!
I think I'm heartless, because I didn't cry at the end. I wanted to, but I didn't. Overall, I really liked this series! It was a lot of fun to read, a lot of shit goes down, it was a rollercoaster. Thinking back on how the story started, knowing some of the events that occurred before the story started, it all kinda leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (mainly the teasing that Kyo gets about him "training in the mountains", and knowing what was actually going on, it's kinda hard to laugh now 😬). One thing that I was kinda expecting the story to mention, but never did, was Izusu's mark on her back. It looks like some kinda of scar, but I never saw anything addressing it. Now that I think about it, it could have been from a number of things, but it was never said explicitly, which I think is weird. I think I'm gonna leave it here (I'm typing this last portion on my phone at 3:45am so it could be better).
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chocolateslatte · 5 years
🚨The Rise of Skywalker Detailed Review and Spoilers Ahead🚨
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George Lucas: “If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office”
The “fairytale” we got: A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a curse of pain and death in a family that just went on and on.  They were never able to break it and they all die, the end. 
Well, you did it JJ, you little punk...you ruined 40 years of cinema. Kids are coming out of theatres crying, they can’t understand. I guess this was the “fun and hopeful ending” you were speaking of during the press tours.  Are you on crack or something, or just sadistic....why would you promote it like that!? Did you forget Star Wars at its core is a story of hope, light, a fairytale in space for children? They did it...they united Reylo’s and Fanboys through hate. 
JJ you do realize tragical romances are only tragically romantic if there was romantic buildup? Romeo and Juliet married in secret, Anidala did as well and flirted in the fields. How was this supposed to be satisfying? A five-second beginning, middle, and end. How this went through multiple execs is beyond me.... I would have understood if Reylo was Rian’s creation. BUT JJ LITERALLY was the one who told Rian to go forth with it...he created Reylo so you can’t say the last Jedi derailed things on that front. JJ wasn’t brave enough for his own vision. This movie was like “the crimes of Grindlewald”, a lot of stuff happening that made me feel nothing. 
Okay, first things first. The OG trilogy was necessary, the prequels were necessary to set up that Vader did not start off bad. What was necessary about the sequels? They just dismantled everything the Skywalker family worked for. Why did we have to see ALL of our favorite characters die? Was the aim that a villain can only be redeemed through death? How original. I’m convinced what they were planning for since force awakens was a journey from villain to hero...but instead we got this a 10min redemption resulting in death a la Vader. Why call Adam Driver’s character a “Disney Prince”?When did Happy endings become so controversial? We go to the movies to feel hope, to escape reality...George Lucas understood that. JJ’s trilogy is uninspired, bland and contributes nothing to the saga. JJ went as far as to recon his own “The Force Awakens”.It had the chance to define generations but no. Literal and utter garbage. Rian made some odd choices but he was bold, unafraid and had the vision. HE knew emotion was at the heart of Star Wars.
BUT my problem is not with the ending, it’s the bloody entire movie. This movie made me realize that it's not Reylo that I am a fan of, it was Ben, Leia, Han, Ani, Padme, and all those other characters. I’m upset because this movie is not my Star Wars: of family, love and above all else hope. This is just a 2.5-hour video game with no emotions. This trilogy was all angst with NO payoff.
Okay, you will never ever convince me Palpatine was planned the whole time. This whole movie was retcon for the Last Jedi that pissed off the fanboys. Lucas films did not have an outline for the three films and Rian derailed whatever they wanted to do....except they didn’t even tell him what they wanted! This should be a cautionary tale of why you need to plan. Kylo ain’t bad, Snoke is gone....well pull out Palpatine I guess. This whole film is JJ’s mad scrambling.  Alright, I will humor you, tell me how Palpatine came back when he fell down a shaft and exploded....not *boom boom because of force*. The force in this movie is not canon George Lucas force, it’s just an easy out whenever JJ wants one. 
1. Opening Crawl: As soon as I saw this I knew all the leaks were true, I wanted to bolt from the theatre. When I saw them in August I laughed cause it was so ridiculous it couldn’t be true. How could Disney let a whole movie leak? The plot seemed like a bad fan-fiction. Actually, fanfics are way more true to lore. Anyway, so Palpatine “announces” that he’s back. Is this the shrewd Chancellor Palpatine we know? Certainly, not...why in the world would he announce it rather than keep on the DL and just attack. Yo Palps ain’t this dumb why would you let them (the resistance) prepare?? Because of plot...well okay. 
2. Did Last Jedi even happen:  this film is the sequel to the force awakens, like TLJ never happened...except it’s acting like there was some movie in between that JJ made. Okay, so why is Kylo trying to run Rey over with his tie fighter...he doesn’t really want to kill her. It’s just meaningless action shots.  And don’t get me started on exposition, the dialogue: “hey look its the Knights of Ren”. Except they do nothing. Cool cool.  Kylo’s character goes back to Force awakens era like no development had occurred...except he’s not even there he’s just messing around not even being a real villain.  JJ’s specialty is set-up and he does this beautifully....but he can not wrap up and follow through. 
3. Rose Tico: yup last Jedi never happened, she has nothing to do. She and Finn are irrelevant. Finn has reverted to being obsessed with Rey. Cool Cool.  I honestly feel so bad for the lovely Kelly Marie Tran. How did you relegate a relatively big character into the sidelines?? Why introduce two new characters this late. Rose could have filmed in for them...but alas we must snub Rian at every turn because that’s just how petty JJ Abrams is. ( don’t get me wrong Jannah was cool)
4. The Rise Of Poe Dameron: Finn has been relegated to a side character who does nothing and just yells “REY!”. It was a great setup, a stormtrooper who was force sensitive but doesn’t want his life to be fighting for nothing. You could have explored trauma, the discovery of the light but nope nada. Tell me the point of his character journey. So flat and static. And with Jannah and the ex stormtroopers they could have gone with the arc of these lost, sad kids coming together to find family. 
5. Leia:  Okay you’re telling me our Princess would give up on her son before he was born, just throw away her lightsaber and accept Ben’s fate? Cool alright. And she knew about Rey Palpatine and didn’t say anything...my princess would never.
6. Mary Sue Rey: Ahh Rey this girl feels no emotion in this movie...just like the audience. Sure she’s trained but she can just do stuff with the “force” that even Jedi masters can’t. Stopping a whole starship, something even Yoda could barely do...yup she can do it. Beat Kylo all the time except one, yup she can. Manipulate the force in mind-boggling ways, heal people...sure Luke couldn’t but Rey certainly can.  Cause she is the chosen one...hell even Ani wasn’t this talented and he had years of training. Poe and Finn have a genuine connection, Rey just seems disjointed (totally understandable why)...but if so the ending is even worse. She doesn’t even find peace with her friends. She’s not realistic and human like Luke and Leia were. 
 Force sensitivity in the galaxy:  What a perfect setup, the boy with the broom at the end of TLJ that was force sensitive. The message is that the power to use the force was spreading through the galaxy. No longer confined to the elite. People were hearing of Luke’s battle of Crate and rising.
7. Kylo/Ben: I still maintain that he, other than Ani was the most nuanced character in the whole saga. His arc from Force Awakens to Last Jedi had progressed. How great that even someone from the legendary line of skywalker and solo could fall to the dark again. He wasn’t flat, he was a tortured boy that was conflicted since the first movie. How great would it have been to see him as a conflicted supreme leader, which was set up in TLJ. But *gasps* a plot of his very own, no can do, this is the nature of JJ’s crush on Rey and Daisy. 
Disney released comics that made us sympathize with him, to see that all along he was manipulated by Snoke, and Palpatine the voices in his head. Neglected by those who were supposed to love him. Adam Driver was cast perfectly, he had almost no lines that weren’t related to Rey’s charcater arc. If he were a woman I’m sure everyone would be offended. That single line’s delivery “Dad-”
Come on Poe had more lines than him, and Driver according to JJ was half of the protagonist. He was pitched an arc opposite that of Darth Vader that’s why he signed. Man JJ really did do everyone dirty. 
8. Ben had no lines while redeemed other than “ow”...I am so sorry ADAM that this nasty ass JJ did this to you...this part was 100% improv by Adam, I am willing to bet my life on it. You know why “ow” was brilliant? Cause it meant he felt pain and emotion, he was no longer hiding behind the hardness of Kylo REN. Adam’s performance as Ben left me speechless, he was convincing as Kylo, intimidating...but as BEN he shines in the way only Solo’s can. The way his eyes become determined once he accepts he must give his life, and he does so happily for the love of his life. His soulmate. Star Wars and JJ never deserved the talent that is Adam Driver.
9. They are supposed to be equals in the force yet they missed the opportunity to fight Snoke together. Tell me how they are equals. He existed only to further Rey’s plotline. 
Oh and the other Jedi including Anakin whisper and help Rey...when his own grandson has been asking for help in distress for like 30years. Nice real nice.
10. Finally Reylo:  it felt unearned cause there was no buildup, JJ just threw it in for kicks forgetting all the P&P parallels he was shooting for. An afterthought. Driver and Ridley’s acting saved the day, they had no lines.  Adam Driver is truly one of the finest actors. You could see the difference between Ben and Kylo in his subtle gestures...the sass was pure Han Solo.  
11. And then the death: I wouldn’t even say we won, but at what cost. We won in no way. Had he died fighting I would have understood, but this death was so unnecessary and put in just for the fanboys. Let me say again I would have been okay with death had it been justified.  How is this any different than Vader x Luke. JJ can only copy not create. How crazy that you can just bring people back from the dead...Anakin is here like, am I joke to you? I could have brought Padme back say what???? What was the point of his whole fall to the dark. The force is infinite, that’s the whole point...once you know how to use it you can’t run out of it like juice. Oh, and Ben did not become one with Rey but rather the Force according to the Disney website. So why pray tell did he not appear as a force ghost? I’m convinced JJ was on crack.  
12. No Mourning BEN no acknowledgment:  5 seconds! And then she moves on from losing her soulmate, half of her soul. She loses it over Chewie but nothing, no emotion not even a second over her other half. Seriously? No one ever knows Ben came back...nada. JJ set up Reylo, time and time again he has said that he crafted the story around the romance. He was left scrambling after Last Jedi and this was a last-ditch shock ending. No Reylo theme song, no across the stars
13. Last Jedi told us you don’t have to come from a powerful family to be important. THE WHOLE thing was that you could be force-sensitive and be a nobody. Nobodies can become somebody. A Hero is not born but made. The force lives in all beings, not just powerful families. It inspired me, what a great message to young guys and gals. Kylo’s line, “you come from nothing, you are nothing...you have no place in this story” finally turns out true. You have to come from something to have a part in the Star Wars story. And Rey had darkness inside her cause she was human. Because none of us are pure, we are shades of grey. But no, it’s cause darkness only runs in families. In the Last Jedi when she wants to see her family all she sees is herself and a shadow (Ben) who joins with her. Please do explain this JJ. And if this granddaughter thing was set up I would have had no problem...but they pulled it from their asses. You can have nothing but mean something. But no pander to the fanboys. In the end, a Palpatine lived and all the skywalkers ended....and we are supposed to have hope. Palpatine really did win. 
14. Rey’s biggest fear was ending up in the desert alone, we were told “the belonging she seeks is ahead not behind” and “there’s someone who could still come back”. They mentioned she felt just as alone with the resistance. Only the other half of her soul understood her. This is truly tragic and sad...I am so heartbroken for her. And don’t tell me she isn’t there to stay...the soundtrack is called “a new home”. Enjoy the rest of your days being exactly where you started Rey....but hey at least you got a droid boo. I’m convinced this is not the balance JJ envisioned in the first movie. At one point in TFA Rey looks up sees an old woman alone, scavenging in the desert. This rattles her to the core and it starts her journey of wanting a better, different life. I am so sorry Rey. Okay so you may say she has the resistance and her friends...but let’s consult the last Jedi. In the end when everyone is on the ship...Rey is surrounded by friends yet looks more alone than ever. No one but Ben, maybe Luke, Leia, and Han understood her pull to the dark.
How sad that these two hopeless souls who had never known a moment of belonging and true love, found it for all but a few seconds.
I will quote: “preventing female characters with strong, compelling narratives from experiencing love, intimacy, and affection is just as regressive as reducing them down to sexual accessories. Assumes that women must choose between a romantic interest and depth of character”
Men really can not write good female characters, can they? A woman really can’t be a badass and end up with the love of her life
15. The Skywalker’s and Redemption: How truly truly sad that Han and Leia gave their life for their son who also died at a young age. ALL the Skywalkers and Solo’s have a tragic end. This is not what George Lucas wanted. What a tragic way to end this saga...they weren't able to break the curse. AND to all those troubled kids out there that lashed out and made terrible mistakes in their youth....doesn’t matter what you do dying is the only way out. You could have exiled him, made him pay in other ways. Nothing can be done to make up for your sins but death, no amount of good means that you can come home. To the young boys that get wrapped up in terror organizations, sorry the only way you can be redeemed is death...don’t bother changing and coming back. They could have exiled him, had him start an academy with Rey for Jedi kids. He could have spent the rest of his days redeeming himself. Why tell us he was literally preyed upon, haunted, and manipulated as a child. Even in a fantasy world, a victim of mental illness and abuse can not catch a break. Ben as a child could not fall asleep due to the demon-like voices in his mind. Everyone abandoned him in his time of need. Ben never desired power like Anakin, he went over to the dark because “the voice” of his grandfather promised belonging. I am shocked that this is the message Disney sends us. Oh and yeah you can totally take on the Skywalker name for kicks...the disrespect I swear
16. The worst bit is that I am 90% sure there was another ending that was scrapped.  There was a promo shot of Jannah in a field, soft lighting, lush planet. It was exactly like P&P. Daisy Ridley said the lasts scene was known to only Her, Jannah on that panel (Driver was away). Convinced Jannah was looking at Rey and Ben starting a new life away from the desert which she and Luke hate so much. Hence the production of “A New Home” soundtrack. Hence why the “Farewell” song played behind Reylo kiss was hopeful. Why Luke’s soundtrack when he became part of the force was not triumphant. Why the death scene was sudden and cut weird and no sorrow from Rey. CAUSE THEY SCRAPPED THE ORIGINAL ENDING LAST MINUTE.  Everyone knows JJ was still editing one month before. The concept art which was supposed to be released this month has been pushed to March. Why you ask? They need to remove the pages with a happy ending. He just didn’t have the guts, pandered to everyone and yet no one. He was successful in creating a beautifully filmed action-filled movie with none of the heart of Star Wars.
And then she goes and buries Anakin’s saber on freaking TATOOINE. He HATES Sand and Luke wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. Of course, a Palpatine would torture them that way. But nostalgia is the cash cow so. JJ can only generate nostalgia, not create original stories. IF he had any creativity she would have buried it at Padme’s grave.
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The fanboys say “leave the romance for the romance movies”....have you seen the original trilogy or the prequels? Star Wars has always had hope and romance entwined with it. 
...and people thought the prequels were bad 
JJ you also said that your goal was for people to come out of the movie feeling more hopeful and happy then they went in...yet here I am. My roommate literally had to console me and buy me ice cream. I am just so numb. I am sure the casual fan will enjoy this, as seen from the rotten tomatoes ratings. I think the critics were too generous with this one, 
Star Wars is very simple at its core, Good vs Bad and Dark vs Light. The kids are expected to understand that a Palpatine being the only one who lives is hopeful? That is the conclusion of three generations of Skywalker sacrifice...
This is how the Skywalkers are remembered...In Tragedy and Curse??
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littlerabidfox · 3 years
Mizusei AU
In an alternative universe where they could rescue Sei before his mind collapsed.
-Are you sure this is okay?- Mizuki asked, not knowing exactly if what they were doing was supposed to happen. –Of course, she said she was going to arrive late today and my brother is at work so we have the house for ourselves- Sei was the one to answer with a big smile on his face, something that was not abnormal after he recovered mentally and physically. After all the time he spent with Toue, it was hard for him at first to do even the most basic things like walking or eating by himself, he was basically a lifeless puppet that needed help with everything. But Tae and Aoba were patient, as well as the hospital nurses and doctors. Little by little Sei could start his recovery, learning again how to walk and be by himself. Of course, Mizuki was there the whole time also doing his best so that Aoba’s brother could gain back what was taken from him, his freedom. They spent a lot of time together at the hospital, after all, they were both there, the older one still needing some time after coming back from the comma he was put in due to Scrap. At first, they developed a very tight friendship, sharing a lot of interests with each other and having both been under Toue’s command. This went through all their recovery, both getting out of the hospital almost at the same time, of course, Mizuki leaving first because Sei’s condition was far worse than his’.
But a year passed and that friendship started turning into something else, something deeper that only the two of them realized was happening, everyone else was just focused on themselves to notice what was happening between the Ribster and the sweet “prince”. Even Aoba didn’t noticed when his brother started to ask to spend more time with Mizuki, just thinking it was the friendship they developed, but in reality what was happening is that Sei and the Dry Juice’s leader were getting into a romance that ended up in them dating secret from everyone. They had very few moments just for themselves, but they didn’t need to try hard to enjoy them to the fullest. That day it was one of them, Tae told his new grandson that she needed to leave the house for a few hours, this with Aoba working left Sei all by himself in the house, not taking him long before he called Mizuki to get some company. But the prince had a little surprise for his lover.
-Stay here, I have something for you.- Said Sei with a lot of excitement on his usually soft voice. Mizuki had no idea what could it be, but knowing that they had several hours ahead just for the two of them he was also starting to get excited. A few minutes after Sei went upstairs, footsteps were heard signaling he was going down but with different shoes, maybe heels? No, it was crazy for Mizuki to think about it, but he wasn’t that far off. Before his eyes, widened by the surprise with the scene he had in front of him, Sei was sporting a full maid dress, all the way from his head to his heels, playing with his own fingers and with a deep blush on his face. –Do… do you like it…?- the younger one asked raising his eyes from the ground they were pointing at. –I… why do you… where did you get something like this?- Mizuki swears he is romantic most of the time, but the words coming out of his mouth were those at a time like that one. –I got it from a store, my brother doesn’t know I have it- Sei replied, feeling more and more embarrassed by the second- Don’t you like it? I can change ba- -he was then interrupted, Mizuki trying to keep himself calm as well as that now very awake part of his body –No! I’m sorry, I didn’t knew what to say, you look… fantastic on that.- after recovering for a moment, he could finally answer to his boyfriend, stepping closer to him and wrapping his hands around his waist, pulling him closer so they could share a light kiss. –I love it, thanks for this surprise.- The ribster’s face pulled a big smile, not knowing for real how to react to such a treat from the person he liked. After that, they went to the sofa to start making out, spending some quality time together as the happy couple they were, still on the honeymoon stage.
But after a few minutes kissing and laughing together, a deep “Oh” brought them to a halt on their actions. They stared at each other for a moment after turning their heads to the side, but swallowing saliva and with a look of deep fear on both their faces. Of course, in front of them was Aoba, who was released from work early and was in the company of Ren, the one responsible for what made them stop. So there it was, the two brothers staring at each other while one of them wore a full maid costume and was sitting on the other’s best friend’s lap. –I… we… welcome home… brother…- Sei just wanted to be swallowed by the carpet at that time, Aoba still not recovering from the shock of his findings, all of that while Mizuki just covered his face with his hand, the red being seen even on his ears, the same red that covered all of Sei’s face. –Aoba I can explain- the Ribster finally said something, uncovering his face and helping his boyfriend to stand on his heels. – I… think I need an explanation? What the hell were you two doing?!- From shock, Aoba’s face turned into rage, frowning deeply while crossing both his arms. –Well…- Mizuki was about to start to say some lame excuse, but Sei encouraged himself to interrupt him, taking his lover’s hand and entwining his fingers –We’re dating!- And again, shock filled his brother’s expression, shaking his head from side to side, Ren wagging his tail softly looking at everyone from time to time, but finally focusing on his master. –Aoba, are you okay? Your heart is racing- The blue haired boy took a second to recover before glaring directly at his friend, frowning again before being glared at by his brother – It was mutual, he didn’t do anything I didn’t want!- Sei was not gonna leave Mizuki on his own defending himself against Aoba who was clearly not happy with what he was hearing. –Sei, you don’t have time for this, you still need to focus on your recovery- he was interrupted then by the one he was talking to and about, not letting him finish what he was saying- But I like him! We like each other. I… I know I’m not 100% okay yet but… he has helped me a lot with feeling like myself finally- Aoba raises an eyebrow at this words, looking back at the flustered Mizuki that still wanted to die then and there- How long have you been together? –his tone started to calm down more, making him seem less threatening- 1 month, but we’ve been seeing each other for a while before that- Mizuki answers, finally looking straight at Aoba’s eyes- This just happened… we really don’t know how but one day we started liking each other more and more and… yeah, this happened- Sei’s brother takes a deep breath, massaging his frown to loosen it up a bit, but then pinching the bridge of his nose- And tell me… why is my brother in a maid costume… -Of course Sei got flustered again, looking everywhere not to meet the other’s eyes, even biting his lower lip- I… um… this is… I bought it for him… - Sei whispered that last part softly, the poor Aoba just trying not to explode against his friend, but he was learning to control his temper. – Go change, and we’ll wait until grandma gets home-. There was an awkward silence between them for a moment before Sei went upstairs to change, leaving the two best friends alone for a few minutes- My brother? Seriously Mizuki? Out of all the people on this island… out of all the people in the world, my brother. – his friend could notice the disappointment on Aoba’s tone and face, knowing that it was going to be an awkward afternoon before Tae arrived.
And Mizuki wasn’t wrong, the afternoon went by really slow between small talks and Sei trying to convince his brother it wasn’t a bad thing that they were dating, but when Tae arrived, she found everyone sitting on the kitchen table, Aoba being the first one to stand up. – Grandma!- he raised his voice, Tae looking at the faces of the other two and smiling softly- Did Mizuki finally came to introduce himself as Sei’s boyfriend?- Everyone froze on their place, Sei raising his head and looking the most surprised of them all- You… you knew grandma?- he asked finally, not knowing if to be relieved or scared- Of course. I might be old but I am not blind- answered Tae crossing her arms, looking back at Aoba raising an eyebrow- You didn’t know, right? It was really obvious- the blue haired one only shook his head, feeling now a bit behind and an idiot.- Well, I’ll make dinner for all of you, Aoba! Help me with the groceries. Mizuki… welcome to the family, even when you were already a part of it.- After a long afternoon of deep conversations and questions, the Ribster was happy he was finally accepted, even when it was known that Aoba was going to take some time to get used to everything. He just looked at his boyfriend and smiled, giving him a small kiss on the lips followed by a scream from his lover’s brother- DON’T TOUCH HIM- Yeah, there was still a long path before full acceptance was done by Aoba.
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melon-wing · 4 years
A Confession of Love 3/3
[Fanfiction Masterlist] It took Grian a few days and he felt emotionally drained each time he was done. He felt like he was pouring all of his feelings and emotions into this and maybe it wasn‘t really healthy. Mumbo and Iskall would probably frown at him if they knew how much sleep he missed over getting everything done. Impulse had dropped by a few times, cheering Grian on, making him believe that this might really work out.
To say Grian was nervous would be an understatement. He had the coordinates already typed into his communicator in a private chat with Ren, but he kept pulling his finger from the send button.
“Oh come on! Just do it! You really need to know! Or should I press it for you?“ Grian turned to look at Impulse, who was still with him, just in case he needed some mental support. And Grian was kind of glad he was here. Especially when he realised that while turning around to Impulse he had accidentally hit the send button. Well, that gave him one less thing to worry about…
Wait! Fuck! He had sent it and Ren was going to come over and that meant he‘d know, which meant Grian was maybe minutes or hours away from being gently let down. Oh god, he wasn‘t ready. He really wasn‘t ready. Impulse started laughing at Grian’s panicked face and when Grian glared at him that laugh made room for a fond smile. “It’ll be alright, Grian. And I’ll be here with you all the way, okay? No matter what happens tonight, you still got me, don't forget that. I might not be as cuddly as Ren, but Zed always tells me I give one hell of a hug."
Grian looked at Impulse and just like that his heart seemed to calm down at least a bit and he felt like he could actually do this. So what if Ren wasn't feeling the same way? What if Ren only liked him as a friend. He liked his friendship with Ren. Staying friends wouldn't be the end of the world and he'd be finally able to move on from those feelings that had been getting him down lately. He'd be able to go back to his comfortable single life that he had never wanted to leave anyways.
"Yeah I guess it's alright. I'm just... nervous. This isn't some romance novel. Stupid grand romantic gestures never work in real life." Grian laughed joylessly and pushed a few loose strands of hair out of his face. "But that's alright. And I won't be here forever anyways. The season is coming to an end soon, I can tell. I don't have much longer with you guys."
"You know you could ask Xisuma to-"
"I know. I could. I won't. I've got friends waiting for me to return. I can't just stay here. And if he's saying no there's no reason for me to stay here anyways. Not that I don't like all of you guys... But yeah. I think I'm not ready to fully commit yet. And moving on will definitely be easier once I'm off world."
Impulse looked at him sadly and Grian avoided his gaze. Mumbo and Iskall had already tried to convince him to stay as well. Heck, even Taurtis - who he was supposed to return to after Hermitcraft was done - kept urging him on to stay, to find happiness.
"Can we not talk about this while I'm freaking out about getting my heart broken?"
Impulse sighed once more and put an arm over Grian's shoulder, pulling him into a half hug. "I'm sure it’ll work out. Don't worry too much. It doesn't help anyways."
Grian nodded and, taking a deep breath stepped back once more. "So you saw what I did, right? You think he'll get it?"
Impulse laughed again, shaking his head. "Grian. He will know. Dude. You practically turned your Infinity room into a love confession."
Grian blushed a little as his mind went to the small room below his base, thousands of blocks away. It had taken him forever, but armed with some black dye and a brush he'd poured out his love over the walls. The room had been turned into a corridor, and with the help of a few armour stands (Cleo had luckily agreed to teach him a few things about creating them) it now told their story and the way Grian had fallen. Or well... He'd put it more in terms of Red Riding Hood falling for the Wolf. He would have felt weird putting his own face onto those armour stands and his own name into the story.
But he was sure Ren would get it. Hell, there were lines out of their private conversations written over the wall. He would get it... wouldn't he?
A loud beep rang from his communicator and Grian almost dropped it in a hurry to get it out.
<Ren> I'm there now! I'm very excited for the surprise!
"Oh... Oh fuck. I don't know if I'm ready for this", Grian mumbled and then kept walking in circles around the campfire, Impulse's eyes following him. He couldn't handle this. Minutes passed and every noise made him jump as he anticipated the communicator going off.
The longer it went on, the more nervous Grian got. After ten minutes he had taken off his flower crown and started fidgeting around with it, leaves and pallets dropping to the ground. His hands were shaking, he needed to keep them busy. Ren sure as hell must have finished by now, right? He couldn't still be in the room. Why was it taking so long? Maybe he wasn't getting the message after all? No, if that was the case he would have messaged Grian by now. That left only two options. Either Ren was still down there and looking at Grian's work or he knew exactly what it was about and didn't know how to let Grian down gently. The last option was way more likely.
Another ten minutes seemed to pass by agonizingly slow and Grian knew he was a nervous mess. He couldn't handle this pressure. He just couldn't. 
Finally, his communicator beeped. A message. He just knew it was from Ren without even having to look at the display. A second ago he had thought he wanted nothing more than to see a message, now he was frozen, unable to even look at the tiny screen. His heart was racing, he was sweating and he had the urge to vomit.
It took him a minute or two to calm down enough, but his fingers were still shaking when he opened up the communicator and then Ren‘s message.
<Ren> Grian? You there?
Grian was pretty sure by now he was going to vomit. Why had he thought again this might be a good idea? It wasn‘t. It had never been. Ren surely had gotten the message going from just those two sentences. And now? Was he really ready for this?
He just knew what was coming. Ren would let him down, trying to be gentle, but still crushing his heart in the progress. It had always been like this. Sam, Taurtis, Mumbo… It had always been the same. He had fallen hard and thought he might have a chance only to be disappointed once more. Only for them to tell him that he was such a nice guy and a good friend, but really, there was nothing there. No feelings.
Despite that, Grian replied. He still had Impulse to cry to later. He needed to get this done - rip it off like a bandaid.
<Grian> Yeah.
<Ren> You know I‘m a coward sometimes and a bit dumb…
Grian had to giggle a bit at that though he felt like sobbing even more, his heart racing. 
<Ren> But I was really wondering if this thing you made for me… Is it based on real life?
Grian‘s hands were shaking so much he could barely type a reply. He settled on something short instead of some long winded explanation.
<Grian> Yes. Sorry.
Grian put the communicator down again, closing his eyes, taking a few deep and shaking breaths. He wanted to turn back time. He didn‘t want to be in this situation he had put himself in. It was frightening. It was all too much. Why had he done this to himself? He wasn‘t brave enough to face the disappointment. He wasn‘t ready to have his heart broken once more and watch Ren be happy with someone else. He couldn‘t bear it. Not again. Especially not with Ren.
There was no reply. No beeping noise. Nothing.
Grian knew what that meant. After all, there was only one logical explanation. Ren didn‘t return his feelings. He had put Ren into a corner, pressured him to reply to his feelings and now Ren opted to not say anything at all. Minutes passed without anything at all happening.
Grian gave a sigh, feeling his heart rate return to normal, a cold feeling spreading in his chest as he typed the next message. 
<Grian> I like you. A lot. More than a friend should. But if you don‘t, that is totally fine and I‘m totally chill with that. No worries, really. No pressure.
His communicator stayed silent again for a long time. Grian kept staring at it, tears forming in his eyes and then slowly dropping down onto his hands. This had been so stupid. He didn‘t deserve to be loved by someone as bright and amazing as Ren. Ren could have anyone on the server, so why should he even settle for Grian. It had been dumb to think all those love declarations meant something special. They never did. He had been delusional, blinded by his love.
The communicator beeped and knowing that it would be something to let him down gently, Grian steeled himself to read the message.
<Ren> Goibve mee a mimute. Flyng rn.
Grian looked at the jumbled message for a few times, blinking in confusion. Ren was… flying? What was that supposed to even mean?
And just when it slowly dawned on Grian what it meant, there was already the sound of exploding rockets fired in a far quicker succession than absolutely necessary drawing closer. Nobody would waste resources like that unless it was an absolute emergency.
Grian raised his head and the moment he did something or rather someone collided with him at such a high speed they both fell to the floor. Luckily enough, the landing was rather soft with the grass below them. Warm arms wrapped around Grian, his face buried in someone neck and just taking a short breath he felt a familiar scent filling him.
Still, Grian felt hesitant about returning the hug until Ren drew back a little, arms staying around Grian, but now able to look at him. And his eyes were shining brighter than Grian had ever seen them.
“Ren, what- Why did you come?”
“Of course I’d come.” Ren let out a laugh and the way it made his eyes just sparkle more made Grian’s heart skip a beat. “After what you did - what you said.”
“Does that mean-” Grian started, but broke off, his throat suddenly feeling tight, his heart only racing faster as all the hope he’d constantly pushed down rose up all at once, overwhelming him. This was it. This was the moment of truth and he was more hopeful than he‘d ever been before. Surely Ren wouldn‘t have come over if he wanted to let Grian down, right?
“I’m feeling the same way. I love you. I want to be with you.”
Grian couldn’t help it. All his emotions came out all at once and with a small giggle a tear slipped down his face as well. He was just too happy.
“I love you too, Ren. So very much. I’ve loved you for so long. I just… I didn’t think this would happen. I don’t even know where to go from here. Can I-” Grian stopped, licking his lips and looking up at Ren. “Can I kiss you?” And when their lips met Grian was glad he had stopped hiding how he truly felt, glad that he hadn’t kept on pretending until it was too late. This was perfect. This was what he had always dreamed off and he wanted this moment to go on forever.
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annabethy · 4 years
“don’t lie to me” + percabeth if u are up to!!!
“Don’t lie to me.” Percabeth teacher au!! <3
Annabeth couldn’t think of a better way to spend her mornings than with Percy. He was always so sweet and warm when he first woke up, making him the perfect person to snuggle up to in the middle of a New York winter.
The ride to work was no less lovely with her sitting in the passenger seat, a steaming cup of coffee that Percy had made “with love” in her right hand, and her left hand intertwined with his. Watching the snow fall in a comfortable silence was so delicate and magical, and it’s truly the best way to start her day.
As she’s walking into the school with him, hand in hand, she leans closer to him, using his arm as a buffer from the biting wind. Percy just gives her a lopsided smile, something akin to adoration in his eyes, and pulled her into his side. There weren’t many students around this early in the morning, so she doesn’t bother trying to separate herself from him. She doesn’t even know if she could because he’s acting as her personal heater, and that may be too good to give up.
“You look adorable,” Percy comments as he holds open the door to the school. “The red nose really tops off your whole look.”
Annabeth sniffles, trying to subtly wipe her nose with the hand that’s still holding a travel cup of coffee. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m being serious,” he whispers playfully, bumping her arm with his elbow and prompting her to roll her eyes fondly. He guides her through the halls of the front office, reaching for her hand and lacing them back together. “You always look pretty, but right now you look so huggable.”
She can feel the flush still on her cheeks, but she doesn’t know if it was from the cold or his kind words. Almost a year of dating and he still made her feel just as giddy as she did on day one. “I love you.”
“Couldn’t possibly love me as much as I love you,” he quips, but he presses a kiss to her temple before changing the subject. “So, I was thinking. After work, cuddles and a movie?”
“Only if we can get snacks first,” she says, biting her lip in a smile. If there’s anything she loves more than waking up next to the love of her life, it’s getting to spend Friday night with just the two of them. There were no kids to bother them or tests to grade. It was a time for the two of them to just exist with one another, and she cherished every week when she got to go home with him.
“We can stop for snacks, but then we’re watching Finding Nemo.”
“What’s with your obsession with the ocean?”
“I think clownfish are cute,” he answers, because of course he thinks clownfish are cute. “All fish are cute. That’s why I teach marine.”
Annabeth expected nothing less of him, and she decides to humor him. “Did you know I once had two goldfish and I named them Ren and Nephr?”
“Unique names,” Percy says, sidestepping a kid frantically making their way down the hall.
“They both mean kidney.”
“You would, Chase.”
“I also had a fish named Ornith.”
“That means bird,” Percy states.
“I liked the irony,” she tells him, taking a sip of her coffee. It’s still steaming in the cup, and it burns her tongue slightly. “Regardless, I think your obsession with the ocean is alarming.”
“At least I don’t go around screaming law of cosines,” Percy says, pointedly looking at her. “I didn’t even know what that was until you started crying about how stupid they were last week when you were grading papers.”
“That’s because they are stupid, I swear to god. They were all I-don’t-know-when-to-use-law-of-sines-versus-law-of-cosines like it’s hard!”
“I’m sure it’s so easy,” he says, but his laugh gives his sarcasm away. “You just have to accept that you were a fluke in the system, and no one will ever be a smart as you.”
Annabeth smacks him upside the head with her cup of coffee lightly but she’s still smiling. It’s moments like this that really get to her. She could just be herself around him, and they could tease each other but know that they love those things about each other at the same time.
She loved him.
Annabeth bites at the inside of her cheek, loving the way he looks at her out of the corner of his eyes, before she slowly pops the lid of the coffee off to try and get it to cool down faster.
Percy’s arm is snug around her waist, so she doesn’t look up as she continues walking. She blows around the rim of the cup, the steam swirling up in the air. It smells mouthwateringly delicious and it’s starting to cool off, so she brings it to her lips just as they round a corner, and—
Someone slams into them, and suddenly the only thing Annabeth can register is pain.
“Shit.” The scalding coffee seeps through her shirt almost immediately, and her skin feels like it’s on fire. The cup falls from her hand, the rest of the contents splattering on the floor, but she can’t be bothered to care as she tries to break the shirt’s contact with her blistering torso.
“—you okay?”
Annabeth’s mind comes reeling back as Percy’s voice reach her ears, and she can pick up the frantic edge to it.
“Annabeth,” he prompts again, his hand sliding down her shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Instead of answering him, she glances to the person cowering in front of her, and her skin is on fire for a completely different reason.
Octavian stares back at her, terror clear as day on his face, and she is about to explode. This kid was always the center of something, causing problems with every single breath he takes. He had no shame, and he always had the audacity to do whatever it is he wants to do, and now he’s ruined her favorite part of the day, and she can’t breathe.
“Octavian,” she says tightly, scrunching her nose in mock politeness. “Did you maybe think it would be a good idea to check where you’re going?”
The kid stammers.
“It would be smart not to go running around the halls and bumping into people carrying hot drinks,” she says, her voice dangerously steady. “God, you’re so—” There’s so much she wants to say, to scream, at him, but even in her heightened sense of rage, she knows she can’t, so she clenches her fist hard enough for her nails to indent her skin and she pauses for a second before she storms off in the direction of her room.
She doesn’t look to make sure Percy is behind her, too busy trying to hold back rising tears, and she really doesn’t know why she feels this way. All she knows is everything was perfect, and now it’s not.
As she unlocks her classroom door, Percy’s hand is settling over the dip in her waist. She steps inside the room, and she doesn’t know what exactly she was going to do except perhaps have a meltdown, but she never got the chance because Percy wastes no time before pulling his sweater over his head and holding it out towards her.
“What are you doing?” she asks miserably, still forcing back her frustrated tears.
“Take it,” he says, gazing at her earnestly.
Annabeth bites her lip, her eyes glossing over. He was too good for her. “I’m sorry,” she chokes out. She doesn’t know how to express what she was sorry for, but she has a feeling he knows.
“Don’t be sorry.” Percy’s arms seek out the bottom of the sweater so he can help her into it. He slides it over her and once it’s on, he reaches forward to tilt her head towards him so he can give her a forehead kiss. “It was an accident.”
“Octavian was an accident,” she whimpers, dropping her head against his chest.
She doesn’t understand why she feels so upset. She just knows that she doesn’t like the hole in the pit of her stomach or the tightness of her throat.
“Why are you so sad?” Percy asks, cupping her cheeks and pouting.
“Today was going so well,” she complains, wincing away from his fingers that go to wipe her tears.
And maybe she does know why she’s so upset. Mornings were her favorite time of day because she got to be with Percy. She got to see him in ways that no one else did and listen to his words that he doesn’t say when anyone else is around. When they’re at work five days a week surrounded by children, he didn’t get to show her affection in the ways he does outside of school. Morning was her chance to see that.
Never had something interrupted those perfect moments before. Not until now.
The moment had been so perfect, so private and loving, and it was destroyed.
“You told me I looked adorable,” she says, sniffling. It was the only way she knew how to explain the torrent of emotions she was feeling. “Now I have a big coffee stain on my shirt, and I look disgusting.”
“You still look adorable.”
“Don’t lie to me,” she chides.
“I’m not lying,” he says softly. “You always look adorable.”
She just drops her forehead back against him pitifully.
“You’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen,” Percy says. “I tell you that all the time.”
“You’re a big fat liar.”
Percy’s lips tilt up in a smile. “I’m not. In fact, you actually look even better right now, all cute and warm in my hoodie.”
Annabeth looks down as though for the first time realizing she was wearing it. It was too big on her, but it smelled like him, the picture of a sunny day at the beach, warm on the sand.
“You’re so so so pretty, especially when you’re wearing my clothes.” Percy’s arms wrap around her squeezing tightly, and she feels secure in his embrace. “Don’t let this ruin your day. Octavian’s stupid. This isn’t new information.”
“But our morning is ruined.”
Percy squeezes her tighter, slightly swaying back and forth. “Lucky for you, it’s Friday. We can go home and pretend it’s morning again and take lots of naps.”
“And watch Finding Nemo?”
“Oh, yes. That part’s nonnegotiable.”
Annabeth’s lips pull up at that as she nestles deeper against him. “I love you.”
Percy’s response is an affirmative hum and a kiss on the top of her head.
So maybe her morning hadn’t gone quite as planned, and maybe she was overreacting just a bit, but there’s always tomorrow, and there’s always their Friday night snuggles.
As long as she has Percy, she figures everything would be alright.
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Dogwarts Angst prompt: With so many out for his blood, Martyn needs power and protection so, what does he do? Mutiny, he slays his king in a way that gets him no suspicions and claims it was another faction (prob the desert given they have a gunpowder farm). Then, uses Ren as a martyr and symbol ("for our fallen king!") to gain the loyalty of the Red Army...HIS army...
this was so painful to write asdfghjkl not because it’s bad but bc i love loyal Martyn too much and the idea of him betraying Ren is horrible lol
It’s nearing sunset and Martyn and Ren are out for a walk near their base. Martyn is sweating a little; he has a plan and everything has to go just right or his life will be over. Ren has already asked a few questions but at least he seemed mostly satisfied with Martyn’s answers.
“You alright, there, Martyn?” says Ren after a while. “You seem to be looking around a lot.”
“Having a bounty on my head is making me a little nervous,” responds Martyn. “I love being wanted but it really makes a guy paranoid.”
Ren smiles sympathetically at him. “Understandable. I never thought-.”
“Wait!” Martyn gasps involuntarily, spotting the thin tripwire he set up, only just visible through the trees. “I-I think I see someone. Quickly!”
He takes off towards the trees, with Ren just behind him. Hopping over the tripwire, he hides behind another tree a few blocks away until he hears Ren yelp, “Martyn, I just tripped on something!”
Martyn immediately dashes for cover, leaving Ren behind.
The last thing he hears is Ren yelling his name, before the world explodes around him.
Luckily, Martyn is far enough away that the explosions only knock him lightly off his feet. Hurriedly getting back up, he rushes back the way he came, to find Ren lying in the centre of the large crater on his back, a small puddle of blood under his head.
Martyn kneels down beside Ren and cradles his head in his lap. Despite his plans, he can’t help feeling a twinge of guilt.
“M-Martyn…” coughs Ren, eyelids fluttering. “Wh…”
“I’m sorry, My Liege,” Martyn starts quietly, before abruptly changing what he was going to say. “I shouldn’t have left your side.”
“It’s okay,” Ren whispers, giving a weak smile, as he reaches up with a shaky hand to touch Martyn’s shoulder. “T-Take my crown. D-Dogwarts is yours, o-okay? Take c-care of it.”
Martyn nods as he carefully takes the crown from Ren. “Of course.”
Ren’s eyes slowly close for the final time and his body disappears.
Renthedog blew up
Martyn sits back on his ankles, allowing himself a minute to cry. He doesn’t hate his plan - he chose this path after all - but he does hate not being honest. He’d been planning to reveal his treachery to Ren just before he died but when it came down to it, he just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t quite force himself to admit that he’d betrayed the man who gave him shelter, a purpose, and the position to be able to take control of arguably the most powerful alliance on the server.
He has made the decision to let Ren go to his grave believing that his dedicated friend was loyal to the end.
And now Martyn must live with that.
He stays there for a while, until he hears a distant voice yelling his name. It’s a friendly voice, so Martyn doesn’t move. This is his chance to start the performance of his life.
Sure enough, Skizz soon appears through the trees, followed closely by Etho. The two skid to a halt as they register the scene: Martyn kneeling in the crater with Ren’s crown in his lap.
“No!” Skizz gasps, rushing to Martyn’s side. “Oh no, are you okay?! What happened?!”
“I… The D-Desert Alliance must’ve trapped the area,” Martyn croaks, forcing himself to act shell-shocked. “I was stupid; I-I left Ren’s side to scout ahead. By the time I heard the TNT hissing, it was t-too late to save him.”
“Oh my god…” Skizz hugs Martyn tightly. “I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?”
“N-No, I was far enough away from the explosion.” Martyn clutches the crown as if his life depends on it. “I… What do we do now…?”
“Now, you gotta take over as the red king,” Skizz says, exactly as Martyn hoped. “Ren gave you his crown, right? He wanted you to take over for him.”
Martyn clears his throat. “Yeah… you’re right. We have to avenge Ren.”
Skizz nods, his eyes flashing red. “They gotta pay for what they did to our king, Martyn. I need to make them pay.”
“Me too,” responds Martyn. “For Ren."
When they get back to Dogwarts, the sun has long since set. Martyn is standing on the altar, holding Ren’s sword. He can’t stop thinking about Ren, as he’s sure none of his team can. But he knows it’s for very different reasons.
“Hey,” says Skizz’s voice gently from behind him. “You should get some sleep. It’s been a rough day.”
Martyn nods slowly. “I know, I just… I’m a little nervous.”
Skizz moves to his side and places his hand on Martyn’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Martyn. You know we’ll all protect you, right? You’re our new king; we’ll protect you with our lives, no matter how many stupid bounties are on your head.”
“Thanks, Skizz. I appreciate that.” Martyn can’t quite manage a smile. “Get some sleep. We’re gonna attack the Desert Alliance tomorrow at dawn.”
“Really?” Skizz stares at him. “Do you have a plan?”
“I’ll address everyone properly first thing in the morning.”
“Okay. Night, buddy. I mean… My Liege.”
Martyn carefully watches Skizz go into the building, before heading out towards the gate. His plan is working better than he could have ever imagined. Nobody suspects him. The only person who would even have the capacity to suspect him is-.
“Hey, Martyn.”
Martyn freezes as he hears Etho’s voice. Turning slowly, he spots his ally leaning against the wall, arms folded. “Hi. You startled me.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Etho’s expression is friendly but there’s something underneath, something that makes Martyn uneasy. “I just had a question for you, if that’s okay?”
Martyn turns fully to face Etho. “Shoot.”
“Did you see anyone around when you and Ren were out there, just before the trap went off?” Etho asks. “Anyone at all?”
This feels like a trap to Martyn. The easy thing to do would be to say yes, to tell Etho that he saw someone lurking around. But at the same time, maybe Etho is expecting him to say no. Either way, Martyn risks elevating Etho’s suspicions.
After taking a few seconds to think, he replies, “I thought I did, but I can’t be sure. That’s part of the reason I went ahead; I thought maybe someone was waiting to ambush us.”
“Right, I see.” Etho seems neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with his response. “So. An attack on the Desert Alliance at dawn, huh?”
Martyn nods, realising that Etho heard what he said to Skizz. “My reasoning is they’ll probably be expecting us to be weak and have to spend a few days to regroup after Ren’s loss. They won’t expect an immediate attack.”
“I see. That makes sense. I guess we’d better all get some rest, huh? Including you.”
“Yeah, I’ve just gotta do one thing before I turn in. But by all means, you go ahead.”
“I will,” Etho says. “Night, Martyn.”
Martyn watches Etho go back inside, before heading out to the grave Skizz made for Ren. He kneels in front of it and lays a flower on it.
“Sorry, Ren,” he murmurs. “There’s a new red king now.”
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pink-imagines · 4 years
she has your beauty
request: I’d like to request a Bakugo x reader where the reader is in labor and Katsuki is in the room with them. And then the moment he sees his child/ren for the first time. You can choose the gender but I’d like the baby to look similar to Katsuki and him reacting to it.
a/n: i’m posting this soooo fucking late and i’m sorry but i lost the request in my drafts
warnings: none
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When you were wheeled into the room where you were going to give birth, Katsuki was right beside you. This is how you wanted it to be for the rest of this pain enducing experience. It’s not that you needed your husband to be there, it was more that you wanted him to be there.  But in the last few hours sparks started flying from Katsuki’s hands, he was so nervous and he hated seeing you in pain like this without being able to do something. Therefore, despite your protests, he was sent outside. Katsuki only missed the last part of it all.
He couldn’t think of any other time where he had been more worried, except when you had gotten hurt during a fight. The room was spinning, it felt like he was falling down and through the floor.
The baby was delivered and you were fine, so he was told. You just needed time alone with the baby before Katsuki could get to meet his newborn child. Every single time the waiting room door open his eyes met the receptionist’s and she shook her head before calling on the right person.
Finally, she said his name to the group of people waiting. He was quick to stand up and walked over to the door.
“How is she? Is she alright? Is the baby okay?”, he asked her.
“Follow me.”, she smiled and walked him to the door and opened it.
There you were, a sleeping baby on your chest. You looked up at him with tired eyes, but still managed to smile. His heart exploded in his chest when he saw you and he wanted nothing more than to embrace you.
“She’s sleeping...”, you whispered. It had been a girl afterall. You never got to know the gender, since you didn’t really want to.
“... she’s beautiful...”, he whispered as he crouched down beside the bed. Katsuki couldn’t believe it when he actually felt a tear falling down his cheek.
“She looks a lot like you.”, you muttered, “She has your hair, your nose, your eyes...”
“But she has your beauty.”, he smiled, “You look tired, love. You should get some rest.”
“Do you want to hold her?”, you asked him sweetly.
“Can I?”, he grinned.
“She’s your child too.”, you chuckled breathily.
Katsuki sat down in a chair as a nurse carefully helped you give him the baby after he had wiped his palms on his pants.
“Hold the head like this.”, the nurse calmly instructed and Katsuki nodded, “Have you two decided on a name yet?”
“No, but we have some options.”, you smiled tiredly.
“Alright. Then I’ll leave you two for a while, just call if you need anything.”, she smiled. As soon as the door closed behind her, Katsuki stood up carefully and slowly walked towards you.
“You’re one hell of a woman.”, he chuckled, “Have I ever told you that?”
“If I know you right it was probably in your vows.”, you joked as he handed you back your daughter, “She looks like an Ichika, don’t you think?”
“Hmm... I like Akari more.”, he crouched down beside your bed.
“Yeah... I guess I can see that.”, you admitted, “But we have a lot of time to figure that out.”
“Yeah... you should really get that rest, then.”, he stood back up.
“Wait... I think you can lie next to me.”, you made some space from him.
“Baby, I don’t want to make it uncomfortable for you.”, he said.
“You won’t.”, you smiled and patted beside you, “Now, c’mere daddy.” A laugh escaped your lips as you watched him freeze before marching over to the bed and laying down next to you.
“Go to sleep, darling.”, he said between his teeth.
“Fine.”, you chuckled.
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aros001 · 3 years
Read through light novel vol. 16. Random thoughts.
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"Who is this OC looking f**kboy?"
Those were genuinely my first thoughts upon seeing the art of Takt on the throne. And it would seem my immediate dislike was not unfounded.
Seriously though, everything about him is like someone's self-insert original character for their shitty power fantasy Shield Hero fanfic.
"He dresses really cool, like all modern with jeans and pockets, and he can use all the holy weapons and vassal weapons, and his level is above 300, and he has a harem of totally hot powerful women, and he's the king of his own country, and he can counter everything that people use against him, and he can steal powers he doesn't have, and he can beat Naofumi and all the other heroes with, like, no sweat at all!"
I want All For One to come in and kick this little twerp's ass. Show him what a real OP villain who can steal powers is like.
This isn't a critique of the writing by the way. It feels like Takt is supposed to feel like that kind of character who plays to those tropes and is REALLY easy to hate.
I both do and don't like how Naofumi is acting in the prologue. Obviously I don't like specifically what he's doing because it's creepy and uncomfortable, but I really like the reasons for why. The dude is fried from everything that's happened and unlike Itsuki it's not because of a curse. He's grieving from a heavy loss, easily the biggest he's had since coming to this world, and unlike with Ost's death he has no one he can yet focus his anger on, so he's feeling completely lost and mixed up. Another great moment from Sadeena in helping him regain at least some of his sanity. Sex is a common way people try to find comfort after a terrible loss and if that had been the case I think she would have slept with him or even encouraged Raphtalia to be the one for that. But she could see pretty clearly that wasn't the case. Naofumi wasn't looking for comfort. He was practically a zombie, just going through the motions.
“It seems that from among the four holy heroes, the Shield and Bow have been most active over there. Based on their level of activity, there’s also a bias in the legends about the seven star heroes. They mainly talk about the Hammer, Claws, and Whip.” A bias. The Shield and Bow did complement each other well, that was true.
F**k that! Sword and Shield, BroTP!
“Putting that together with what we learned in Kizuna’s world, it sounds like the effects of the fusing of worlds,” I pondered. There was a wave that had combined the Shield world with the Bow world, and then the Shield and Bow world had been fused with the Sword and Spear world to create the current one. It was only natural that a bias in the legends would arise.
"Worlds lived, worlds died. And nothing will ever be the same."
I've talked before that I'm a big fan of the concept of a Multiverse in fiction, especially in superhero comics. Right away I liked that the four Holy Heroes came from different parallel universes and then getting Glass and L'Arc showed that there were also parallel fantasy universes also fighting the waves. And now we get this theory from the characters that Raphtalia's universe is an amalgam, made up of other previous universes that fused through the waves. It's very Crisis on Infinite Earths and JLA/Avengers.
Reading Queen Melromarc describe the king of Faubrey and I'm just remember a scene that I and many Overlord fans love to the depths of our hearts, of Sebas the butler encountering a naked little fat man who got his sexual thrills off beating the women the brothel provided him. Sebas, like any true gentleman, kicked him in the dick so hard he exploded. Is there some to hope that a similar fate befell the king whom apparently married and killed (and probably even worse than that) 9,999 women? Not even Witch deserves that. Nobody deserves that.
Even though it'd probably take him to a dark place he shouldn't go, part of me was hoping for some karma to occur when Witch revealed herself as Takt's ally to Naofumi. He no longer had the shield, meaning he could attack her like he never could before, meaning he could kill her with his bare hands. I'm glad he used the defense rating attack on Takt, because there's been great long-time set-up for that, but yeah, I wanted Naofumi to at least get to break Witch's nose after everything he's been through. And if Witch wasn't irredemable before, she most certainly is now, proving she has no loyalty to anyone other than herself. She used Naofumi and the other heroes from the beginning for her own goals. Her mother had enough control that she couldn't just do whatever she wanted. And Melty was standing in the way of her getting the throne. She's still a terrible person but there were at least reasons for her to be against these people. But Trash? Her father, who has been loyal and on her side since the beginning, who doted and spoiled her from a young age because of how much he loved her? She had no hesitation in ordering him killed along with everyone else. There was no reason behind it. It was just pure cruelly, greed, and self-satisfaction.
And then...there's the Queen. ...F**k. Y'all bastards were really good at keeping that spoiler hidden. I was accidentally spoiled that Alta was going to die but not through this site. I had no idea the Queen was going to die. Of course Naofumi couldn't have the Shield during that part. If he made Mirellia into a shield like he did Ost and Alta he probably would be unstoppable, because she was just that f**king awesome.
We're pouring one out for you, your majesty. May your youngest daughter inherit your great wisdom and unbelievably hilarious slapping ability.
I'm really glad with Trash's development in this book. Like I've said in past posts, I can feel basic empathy for him given his backstory, but feeling sorry for him was not enough to actually put me on his side, because he was not putting in any work to actually be better or redeem himself. He was just acting angry and crazy and then just sad and withered. Here? While he had to be shaken and roused into it (can't blame him for that as he just lost the love of his life), he puts in the effort to make use of himself and holds himself accountable for his past actions. I really like that he wants to continue being called Trash. That is his penance. Not more feeling sorry for himself or blaming the rest of the world. It's time for him to be the man he knows he's supposed to be.
With all that though, Melty was definitely the person I felt the worst for after the death. Of all the younger characters, despite being royalty and mature for her age, she is the person who feels the most like a real kid, and her crying her eyes out while clinging to Naofumi hurt just like it should, because this little girl just lost her mom. No idea what the expectation is in Melromarc for when Melty should take the throne but for her it's always going to feel too soon, because how could it not?
“Daddy . . . thank you for approving my marriage. You’ve finally agreed to let me marry Ollie,” she said dreamily.
“I’ll make you forget this ‘Ollie’ soon enough, although his keeping you a virgin for so long is something to be thankful for!” Takt cackled. It was clear that he was using some kind of illusion to make her think he was her beloved. “Those who don’t give proper thought to their daughters’ happiness have no right to live!”
Oh good! He's a rapist too!
So Naofumi was the Shield's first choice and the other three were the Bow, Sword, and Spear's third choices. I like the credit that's given that the first choice is not guaranteed to be the best, as they can become just as corrupt or egotistical, or the third choices are not guaranteed to be the worst, as they can grow into real heroes. I'm just wondering how the selection process worked and why they all couldn't get their first choices. The Holy Weapons apparently have some sway over the universes they pulled them from, given the promise of granting wishes if they want to return to them. My immediate theory is that the weapons all set up paths that'd lead their choices to being summoned but just through sheer coincidence and randomness all the first choices, save for Naofumi, kept missing the path. Going down the list, the weapons become more desperate and thus are more willing to use more extremes to get their choices, thus why Ren, Motoyasu, and Itsuki had to be killed in order to be summoned. They missed their window with their first and second choices so now they absolutely have to guarantee they get their third, even if the methods are less than ethical.
With the big final boss, the World Eater as Naofumi called it, I'm theorizing that he/she/it is using the waves to fuse multiple universes into one so that he/she/it can eat it all in one go.
I only have two issues with this volume and they're both kind of nitpicks. The first is with Trash's plan, specifically with the Glawick ore. I don't remember it ever being established before in the series. I really liked the Rucolu fruit being used in the Cal Mira wave battle because it was set up way beforehand, so it feels like a lot less of a Deus ex Machina. Same with Naofumi using defense rating attacks after his battle with Glass. That's good set-up. The ore doesn't break the story, it just feels very convenient that such a thing happened to exist. If I'm mistaken and it was set-up before and I just forgot, please let me know.
The second is Naofumi and Raphtalia being separated again after a trip into another universe. The story next volume seems like it'll be very different from last time but that part does feel like a repeat of what we've already seen. Plus, with the new status quo of Naofumi knowing how she feels about him, I want to see their interactions now that he's recovered a bit from the loss of Alta. Again, it's a nitpick, since I'm certain they'll find each other again, but I don't like feeling like I'm being deliberately kept away from what I want to see.
“The source of your power, the one true hero, now orders you. Reconsider the state of all things once more and bring down a storm of flame upon my target! Drifa Firestorm!” Takt completed the spell.
“The source of your power, just a hero, now orders you. Reconsider the state of all things once more and scatter the storm that would burn its target! Anti Drifa Firestorm!” I read the magic Takt had incanted and activated magic to nullify it. With that, the fire tornado scattered into nothing, as though it had never existed.
“I’m here to destroy everything you possess,” I menaced quietly. “Your pride, your dignity, everything you treasure. I’ve already half-destroyed your composure and your arrogance. Now it’s time for the other half. False hero, possessing six of the seven star weapons and the shield from the four holy weapons! Now face the reality of being defeated by a regular guy who holds none of the legendary weapons!”
No wonder Raphtalia couldn't be in this part. After hearing that line I don't think she'd be able to hold herself back and would have tackled him like a wild Albedo in heat right then and there.
I am so looking forward to when this volume's final battle is animated, especially the part where Naofumi gets his shield back. That is going to feel like such an epic, heroic moment.
So Rishia unlocked Pay-to-Win. ...I don't really know what to say to that. What do ancient magical relics care about money? ("What does God need with a starship?")
So the person Malty had Ren give a sword lesson to back in vol. 11, was that Takt, King Faubrey, or someone we don't know yet, like the mastermind behind everything?
Is Kizuna marked for death now? From how Fitora made it sound to Naofumi, when a Holy Hero dies a new one can't be summoned if the others are still around. If Kizuna's world works similarly, she might have to die or there'll be no Holy Heroes other than her.
Naofumi really likes his Dragon Ball Z, doesn't he? Which is appropriate given I just realized that the Energy Blast from the Spirit Tortoise Shield is almost literally the Kamehameha. Seriously, Kamehameha translates to "Turtle Destruction Wave".
So...what the heck do I do now? I've spent about a month reading through 16 volumes of Naofumi's rise and I know there are at least 6 other volumes that haven't been translated to english yet. I'll probably go find another LN series to read until vol. 17 comes out in July. Though I am curious if RoTSH has a fan translation site like Overlord and Konosuba do.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shieldbro/comments/fot3tj/read_through_light_novel_vol_16_random_thoughts/
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gffa · 5 years
The whole "Rey is a Mary Sue" crap has never made sense to me. We know belief is a big part of using the Force, lhence kids are taught, and why Luke couldn't lift his X-Wing. Both are strong with the Force but he had parental figures to help him mature Rey didn't have that. So despite her street smarts she retains her innocent outlook.
The dumbest criticism against her “She knows things just because!” is not only a lazy explaination but incorrect. We see her: Fixing up ships which equals mechanic/pilot. Seen her tussle with rival salvagers making her a good Fighter. She may be a fast learner, but she’s not an instant expert. First flying the Falcon: Rough. Fighting Kylo. Nearly died. Some say she shouldn’t have been able to fix a glitch the Falcon has, forgetting Han hadn’t flown it for years, and had been patched up by othersSorry for the rant but it just irks me that even years since. Her critics are continuing to circulate the same transparently unoriginal not-facts that many casual viewers buy into because they happen to be loud. 
I’m completely with you on this, that female characters who are shown to have reasons for why they’re skilled the way they are–in addition to the Force makes you good at stuff–they still get crap in ways male characters don’t.If we want to defend Rey with how she’s established to be running pilot programs, we see her fighting off other scavengers, we see her having a ton of free time to learn things on her own because there’s nothing else for her to do, as well as the Force makes you naturally good at stuff.We also know in supplementary material that, through the Force bond, she was basically copying Kylo Ren’s skills with the lightsaber, so she had an extra advantage, in addition to her natural skills with fighting that she developed on Jakku.  Also, the Force makes you naturally good at stuff.We can compare her to Luke, who went from Empire Strikes Back to Return of the Jedi which has less than a year of time, he went from being unable to lift the X-Wing out of the swamp, getting his ass handed to him by Vader, to someone who can stand against Vader in less than a year.  He does a bunch of flips, he knows how to do Force-chokes, he’s good with a lightsaber, etc.   In less than a year.  Plus, you know, literally the grandson of the Force itself.  Also, the Force makes you naturally good at stuff.We can point out that the thing about the Force is that learning the flashy stuff isn’t the hard part, that’s the easier half.  It’s the learning to control yourself and your connection to the Force, the mental discipline that it takes, so that you don’t emotionally explode and hurt people, that’s the real part that’s hard.But also consider:  I don’t care if Rey is magically good at everything for some explained reason!  How many super powered dudes have I loved and will continue to love, without explanations for this kind of stuff?  LOTS.  AND NOW I WANT SOME SUPER POWERED LADIES WHO JUST ARE SUPER POWERED LADIES.  WHO JUST ARE THAT GOOD JUST BECAUSE.  :D
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sneezehq · 4 years
Turns out you can only keep everything bottled up for so long before you explode.
Fill for a request by stardoesnthaveaname, who requested Ruby having an emotional outburst a la Ren after the events of Gravity. Please check them out on AO3! Their writing is amazing.
I immediately fell in love with this prompt and jumped at the chance to write it, but I won't deny that I struggled with it quite a bit. Firstly, because I loved the idea and wanted to make sure I was doing it justice, I was very nervous while writing it because I wanted everything to be perfect. And second, because writing an angry Ruby is very very challenging without making her completely out of character, but I think I eventually established a good balance. While it didn't turn out perfectly, I'm happy with how it ended up, and I did have a lot of fun writing it.
This is set after the end of volume 7. Enjoy!
"Ruby? Are you feeling okay?"
Ruby stifles a groan. The last thing she wants to do right now is talk about how she's feeling. Their encounter with Salem left her feeling disoriented, her emotions a tangled mess. It feels like something reached into her head and stirred around her thoughts, bringing her fear and anger worry and hurt and grief to the surface from where she had carefully hidden them away. Salem's words about her mother's fate keep echoing in her ears, filling her mind with terror. She's honestly not sure if she can make it through a conversation without crying or embarrassing herself with some other outburst.
Her head is still pounding angrily, and all she wants to do is sleep until everything goes away. But the best she's going to get right now is a few minutes to collect herself before she's forced to step up to the plate again and come up with a plan to get them out of this. She's the leader, after all. There's not exactly time for her to be wallowing right now.
Belatedly, she realizes that Blake is still staring at her, waiting for an answer. She shakes her head and forces a pleasant smile on her face, hoping that it looks less strained than it feels. "I'm fine, Blake."
"Are you sure?" Weiss asks, a concerned frown creasing her face.
"Yeah, you seemed pretty shaken up earlier." Yang folds her arm across her chest. "I'm worried about you, sis. I've never you freak out like that before."
"I said I'm fine," Ruby snaps, more harshly than she intended. She bites back a sigh. She's so on edge right now that if she tries to talk about it, everything will come out wrong, twisted. Best to just bottle it up, shove it down, and ignore it until it goes away. That's worked out for her fine so far. "I really don't want to talk about it."
She glances around at her teammates' worried faces. They don't seem convinced. And her attempt at hiding out in the corner of the airship to get some time to herself has backfired—Blake, Weiss, and Yang have surrounded her, cutting off any escape from this conversation. Can't they take a hint?
"You know that you can talk about things that are bothering you, right, Ruby?" Blake says quietly, her tone gentle and soothing.
Ruby refuses to be soothed. Now they want to talk, after everything that's happened? Could they have picked any worse timing to decide they want to communicate?
She scoffs at the suggestion. "Yeah, right."
Blake looks hurt. "Ruby?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" snaps Weiss.
Ruby laughs, but it's dull and hollow, not a happy sound by any means. "I mean that you guys refuse to talk to me about your problems, so why should I come to you with mine?"
Now Yang looks angry. "What are you talking about?"
"Well, let's see." Ruby is angry too, poisonous rage seeping out of the cracks of the happy mask she's been wearing for so long. "Every time you guys have a problem with what's going on, you never come to me about it. Instead, you go behind my back and try to undermine my attempts to deal with things, or you snap at me for trying to help. And that's if you don't just run off as soon as things start to go wrong." Blake flinches at her last comment, but the words won't stop spilling out now that she's gotten started. "So, tell me, why should I trust you with my problems when you won't trust me with yours? Do you know how much it hurts to see my friends suffering and not be able to help?"
She looks up. Her teammates are staring at her in shocked silence. Yang is the first to recover. "Ruby, come on. Don't be ridiculous." Her sister is scowling fiercely now. "You know it's not like that."
"But it is!" Ruby snaps back. "Just because you don't want to see it doesn't mean that it's not true. You should know that better than anyone—you start snapping at the rest of us the second things don't go your way." Yang opens her mouth to retort, looking absolutely furious, but Ruby ignores her. A part of her is dimly aware that she should stop talking, that she's making things worse, but she can't. Now that she's gotten started, the words tumble out of her like an unstoppable flood. "Plus, if I let you guys see that I'm not sure what to do, I know you'll just give up."
"That's not true," Weiss argues. "What are you talking about, Ruby?"
"After Jinn showed us the truth about Salem, did any of you think that maybe I was scared too? That I had no idea what the right thing to do was either? But you all gave up the second you heard that she couldn't be killed, so I had to keep pretending like I had a plan, or we never would have been able to keep moving forwards."
"None of us were thinking clearly," Weiss points out, looking slightly ashamed. "We were being influenced by the Apathy."
"You gave up well before we got to the farmhouse." Ruby refuses to back down. "And if had let myself waver for more than a few seconds, we'd all be dead. So no, I can't come to you with my problems, because I've seen what'll happen if I fall apart."
She's breathing hard when she finishes her rant. The pressure in her chest has eased slightly, but it still feels like there's a weight sitting there, slowly suffocating her. At some point, she must have started shouting, because she realizes that the quiet of the airship has shattered. She can feel everyone's eyes on her.
"Ruby?" Nora's eyes are wide.
"Ruby, are you okay?" Penny fidgets nervously with the hem of her dress.
Panic surges in her, and her throat feels tight. Not only did she just reveal her deepest fears and secrets that she's managed to keep buried for so long, she did it loud enough for everyone to hear her. Her breathing picks up as she racks her brain for a way to fix the damage she just did, to move past this without revealing any more of her shattered pieces. Dark spots dance in front of her eyes.
She startles when she feels a hand on her wrist, and whirls around to come face-to-face with Ren. He's trying to use his semblance on her, to make her calm down. She rips her arm away, jerking herself roughly out of his grip. "Don't touch me!"
Ren flinches at her harsh tone, and Ruby immediately feels guilty. Why does it seem like everything she does lately just makes everything worse? "I'm sorry," she mumbles, fury fading away, quickly replaced by exhaustion. Her head throbs angrily. She's so tired, tired of fighting, tired of losing people, tired of not being able to help anyone—
"No, we're sorry, Ruby." Weis' soft voice interrupts her train of thought. "We should have realized how you felt sooner." What?
"I—no, I—"
"We should have noticed how much this was affecting you before things got this bad." Blake. "We should have talked about this a long time ago."
"We're sorry for hurting you, for pushing you away." She hasn't heard Yang sound this gentle since her sister came to her in tears and explained that her mother was gone. "We'll do better from now on, I promise."
"I—" She wants to say that she's fine, to shove them away, to ease their concern, fix the mess she's made of everything, but the words get stuck behind the sob lodged in her throat. "I'm not okay," she says finally. The admission makes her eyes sting harshly, and tears quickly blur her vision. "I haven't been okay for a long time."
She starts to cry in earnest as her sister steps forward, pulling her in to a tight hug. Ruby feels herself melting into the warm embrace. "It's okay," she murmurs, tightening her arms when Ruby sobs loudly in response.
They're quickly joined by Weiss and Blake. Ruby finds herself enveloped by her teammates, arms surrounding her on all sides. But this time she doesn't feel trapped or exposed, just loved.
"It's going to be okay, Ruby," Weiss says, her voice choked with tears of her own.
"We're here for you," Blake murmurs.
For the first time in a while, Ruby lets herself believe them.
It doesn't take long for Ruby to cry herself to sleep, slumping bonelessly against Yang, utterly exhausted from her outburst. They huddle around the sleeping girl, as if to protect her from anyone who might disturb her. Even with her eyes shut, half-curled in Yang's lap and snoring quietly, Ruby still doesn't look peaceful, her face still marred with an anguished frown.
Her teammates feel unsettled as well, plagued with guilt and worry.
"How did we not notice this sooner?" Blake asks, ears pinned flat back in distress. "How did we let things get this bad?"
"Ruby has always been good at keeping things to herself, bottling everything up until she can't take it anymore," Yang says, running a gentle hand through her sister's hair. "But still, we all know that, and we still didn't do anything about it. This is on us."
"We'll do better next time," Weiss vows, voice quiet but full of determination. "But the most important thing to focus on is how can we help her now?"
"We stay by her side." Blake's reply is immediate. "Make sure she knows that we're here for her. That she can come to us when she has a problem."
Yang nods. "We talk to her, make sure that things don't get this bad ever again."
Weiss smiles sadly. "Then let's prepare to do our jobs. To be a real team. For Ruby."
"For Ruby," the other girls echo her.
Things are looking bleak, but they're always better off when they face their problems together.
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