#sorry i thought i would end this but then nat was a drama queen
420movies · 10 months
Tangled (2010)
Just lie about Rupunzels birthday?? And she shouldn't even know about the outside world? That brie Larson movie the room or something where the kid escapes in a carpet. When will my life begin?? This is all you know!
If the tower is blocked up how did mother gother get up and down the tower when Rapunzels hair was shorter? Why even teach her the concept of birthdays? Why even teach her how to talk?? Why give her books? Skip the drama stay with mama was so so iconic and ahead of its time. Honestly wow cultural moment it.
Caring about your wanted poster is very One Piece coded.
Did you fancy that horse? I'm sorry what the fuck how dare what how
No but seeing the horse from Tangled is like seeing a god. What he has done for the world and my own mental health cannot be understated. If ever I don't laugh at the horse I am dead. A well isolated tower? This is so easy to find what the fuck. It would definitely be a pokestop or even a gym. Some would say that iron Man Vs Captain America is the best combat fight in modern cinema but it's literally just Rapunzel with the frying pan first meeting Flyn. I refuse to believe that she knows so much about the outside world but doesn't know what a fucking hat is. Kuba thought Rapunzel was Naruto. Why give Rapunzel paint. Packing gothel a very Ghibli lunch.
Not Flyn instantly falling in love with a seventeen year old! Nonce!? Okay she is serving face in that first scene. Yeah what kind of a name is Rapunzel.
How is he not concussed after all of this? Is this whole movie a weird hallucination he's having??
The plan about seeing the lanterns for the crown? Actually genius fair play. She knows she can seduce him in that time too to make him WEAK! Honestly such a queen.
As a rule, the movie tangled as a whole is just like brioche bread.
How does she know that tower is made of bricks and that they can move individualy? Does seeing him get down the tower like that not freak her out? Can only enter or exit with hair. Unless that's how mother gothel did it before? Oh that would make sense but how would she have the upper body strength?
Okay her first reaction to grass is good but how does she even know what grass is?
I'd love to watch mother gothel reacts to tangled. Imagine her seeing Rapunzel escape and she's like no bloody way.
Id love to see a tangled where this plays out. She makes it back from the lanterns and gives the guy the crown back and she just spends the rest of her life sneaking in and out of the tower.
'like a grape' SO ICONIC.
How does she not have hairy legs?? She really is a child ew.
When the horse eats the wanted poster I die.
Can't believe she dropped her basket.
A tangled where mother gothel never found the satchel.
There is no way they animated her hair at the same length in every shot.
One of my favourite breaking into song moments. The hot women that ends up with the ugly guy? Bitch what is wrong with you he is grim as fuck love yourself stop with the charity work.
Wow too bad Rapunzel was socialised so well. What and how.
Maximus! How dare I forget his name.
This relationship is so bong soon and her CEO
What conditioner does she use though.
Why would they make a dam there? There is nothing there? They don't need one?
Dying like that fucking sucks. I would panic attack myself to death before drowning
How does she know what drowning is?
He told his dead name way too easy? He was begging for someone to ask him about his name. Let me tell you my TRAGIC backstory I beg of you I'm actually an orphan uwu
Why she gotta sing so slow and smoochy. Get it over with.
You can't tell anyone about this.. she always calls him Eugene and he always responds? He wants it to happen so badly.
Gothels voice though holy shit she has pipes.
No socks with boots?? Red flag.
Animal handling nat 20.
I love when she first goes to the city. This is the whole reason I love this movie. The music and everything. Her moment of wander and pure joy I want it so bad. I want to feel the pure joy she feels. The girls braiding her hair?? My Roman empire
The joy and happiness she brings people is so so Tohru Honda.
Maybe I love these characters is because I want to be like them but I'm autistic so I don't know how.
Omg and Rapunzel having two parents that love eachother and both want to find her. Yeah I'm jealous that is a flex
The fact that her parents always set off the first lantern chokes me up man.
My stomach is flipping I love this song
Cry time.
This song is how I felt when I was in South Korea. This is where I'm meant to be.
Not Flyn saying he's only fallen in love cuz she turned 18 today.
They definitely fucked in that boat with the lanterns imagine the vibe fuck. Okay maybe not with the chameleon there.
How is she going to let one man ruin the best day she's ever had.
That is the fastest death row I have ever seen. Why even bother celling him?
Omg when she sees the patterns it literally so iconic. What cinema.
Bitch opened her third eye.
Rapunzel what are you doing up there? Mother not now I've reached enlightenment.
The moment with the glass breaking to symbolise the illusion of the towers safety breaking for Rapunzel.
How did he not bust his nuts with that landing.
That horse probably getting such a high honour for this undercover mission to save the princess. Oh wait he literally does. I forgot.
See this is what gothel should have done with rapuzel on day one.
Wait heal him but have him chained up so he'll die slower of starvation.
Gothels deaths keeps up with the older Disney princess tradition of all evil mother deaths must be scary as fuck.
You were my new dream. Iconic I should get a tattoo. No Disney adults are something else what an ick.
Would love to see a Tangled 2 Disney straight to DVD where we see that her kids have inherited her powers! Blonde hair too!
IMAGINE HOW THAT FEELS AS A PARENT! How they did this scene with no talking was genius on Disney's part. I mean what would they even say to each other. How the queen pulled him into the hug too 😭
The ugly guy and his hottie no no no
Yes Max with the promotion.
The lanterns in the day as opposed to the night! They aren't lighting up the night to look for her! They're sending them up in celebration they don't need them for their light! Just aesthetic.
This credit song pops off
0 notes
thestarkerisobvious · 4 years
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inspired by the incredible artwork of
“White.  So white.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.”
Tony only trusted her because everyone trusted her, including Fury.  Well… that wasn’t entirely true.  Nat trusted her, and while Tony Stark never thought he would give a second glance to anyone claiming to “see auras,” still Nat’s word carried a lot with him.
Round and soft and cheery and freckled and grey, she didn’t seem like a witch (although supposedly she had been lean and ravenhaired and darkeyed in her day.  Or so she claimed.  But then she got older “and wiser” and gave it all up as too much effort.)  In any case her ability to see into the future was invaluable in bringing in that last souped-up badguy with the ridiculous name, and so Tony had invited her to the New Year’s Eve party along with the rest of the team.  And if he sidled up to her at said party and tried to subtly get some relationship advice, well, no one had to know.
And if that entire party was just an excuse to get Peter in his arms on New Year’s Eve? 
Well, no one needed to know that either.
And there was the boy now, standing by a window surrounded by the best scientific minds at the Avengers compound, laughing and joking and looking entirely edible.  That crystal glass wasn’t even holding alcohol… even though the kid was well within drinking age.  But when Tony finally got the witch to realize who he was trying to describe (he couldn’t exactly describe him as “the most delectable piece over by the window”) she said the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear.
“Oh, oh.  So white, Tony.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.  It’s like clouds… like flowers… like stars…”
…but then she only got distracted describing the gentleman on Peter’s left who was responsible for adapting some nanotechnology but was apparently having marital troubles.  It wasn’t easy, keeping the witch on topic.  But Tony poured her another glass of Champaign and did his level best.
“And what does it mean… a white aura… exactly?”
“White means purity and virginity, and peace.  Red auras are usually determination and passion… that’s you darling.  That’s you through and through.  The pink is friendship and unconditional love.   The green aura is often the peacemaker, or else someone at harmony with themselves, but more often that not one who can help others harmonize with each other.  Not the purple aura, of course that is one who is far too independent…”
And that was it for the rest of the evening.
He didn’t make his move. Even though he had been planning his move since the moment he realized the boy wanted him to make it.  Even though he had been planning this entire party ever since that moment.  Even though the point of the party was to have Peter there on New Years Eve when the countdown came. 
Even though Peter Parker cornered him when the countdown started.  Even though, at midnight, he suddenly had an armful of Peter and a New Year’s Kiss right on the corner of his mouth.  Even though Peter had held himself there for a moment, just waiting for Tony to move his head a fraction of an inch and close the distance.  Tony could feel the boy waiting.
Could feel the boy’s disappointment when it never came.
He didn’t make his move. Even though Peter must have laid awake all night in the guest-room waiting for him.  Peter had been invited to stay the night on the premise that, after the party, he wouldn’t be safe to drive.  Peter hadn’t had a drop to drink that night, but played along with the premise.
But he played along alone.
Tony wasn’t going to make a move.
How could he, when the witch had laid it out for him so plainly?
Peter was white. Peter was pure.  Peter was virginal.  Peter was unsullied.  
How could Tony possibly be responsible for corrupting that?
                                                     * * *
And so Tony resigned to live in utter misery.  Resigned to never accept that beautiful gift that Peter was making it clear that he was willing to give – a gift that Tony was entirely unworthy to receive.
For years he lived with that misery (okay he was being a drama-queen.  It was six months.)
By day Ironman and Spider-Man still worked together with perfect precision, taking down badguys with a witty quip or clever badinage or  a droll rejoinder, until villain and minion alike raised a flag in surrender.  At night they worked side-by-side or back-to-back in the lab, finishing each other’s thoughts with eerie precision and perfecting technology at lightning speed. Late-night lab sessions often ended with Peter sleeping in the ‘guest room’ rather than webslinging his way home in the early hours of the day.  
Tony still steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though it was very quickly becoming ‘Peter’s room.’  Steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though Peter once joked that more of his clothes were there than in his dorm.  Tony steadfastly referred to it as the “guest room” for the same reason he steadfastly refused to visit the “guest room” no matter how many times Peter slept there.  No matter how many Avengers joked that they were practically living together… no matter how many suspected that they were already a couple.  Tony was steadfast.  Because Peter was too pure for him.  The witch had said so.
He even asked her… once… when she was brought in to consult on a terrorist-cell case that they were considering.  She guessed his name wrong twice, then asked him delicately why he wasn’t with “that beautiful boy” she had met at the party.  “I thought that was your night… he certainly thought it was.”
“Did you see us together? See our auras?”  Tony asked cautiously, daring, for a moment, to hope.
“That lovely, angelic-white aura?  Oh yes sir.  Well, I saw many futures for him, so very very many.  He has such a storied future, that boy.  But I saw the two of you together… oh just for a fleeting moment I caught a glimpse…”
“And it changed, didn’t it,” Tony said, his voice dropping.  His head dropping.  His hopes dropping.  Why did he bother to ask?  He already knew the answer.  Had reminded himself of it night after night after lonely night.
“Oh yes, certainly. You’re very red, Mr. Stark. Very red.  Painfully red.  I knew it the instant I saw it… when I saw you together… together you had become so pink… not subtly pink... vibrantly pink...”
                                                         * * *
In times of weakness, Tony reminded himself of that conversation.  Of a witch who, when she looked at Peter in a roomful of people, saw a white aura so blinding that it took her breath away.  Virgin.  Pure. Unsullied.  And if Tony came anywhere near it he would taint it, like blood on white silk.  
He started trying to avoid the boy, he honestly did.  Stopped scheduling time together in the lab.  Stopped laying awake longing for the boy in the ‘guest room.’  But crime refused to acknowledge Tony’s resolution, and criminals kept throwing them together in the most ridiculous situations.  Alien sex pollen made things so awkward as to be almost unbearable.    Pretending that Peter was his sex-slave when they went undercover to get info on the Mob Boss?  Tony Stark suddenly had the patience of a monk.  When they traveled to Sokovia to investigate the arms deal?  There might only be one bed, but Tony had plenty of floor to sleep on. And when his head injury left Peter with amnesia?  Well the less said about that the better.
Whenever Tony even considered giving into temptation, not for his own sake but for Peter’s (the boy who was making his desires crystal-clear) Tony remembered.  The witch’s words.  White.  Pure.  Tony could only sully him.  Like blood on white silk.
                                                            * * *
Peter graduated early, because of course he did, and Tony gladly accepted the boy’s invitation to his combo-graduation-party-dash-housewarming-soiree in his brand new small apartment that he had rented across the street from Stark Tower.  Was he surprised, when he arrived with wine and a dozen roses, to find he was the only one invited?  Maybe he was. Or maybe he realized it was too late.
Too late to tell the boy “no” when he melted into Peter’s kiss.  When he gave in to those powerful arms and let Peter mold their bodies together. When he obediently let Peter lead him to the couch and sat, pushing the cream cushions aside so Peter could climb into his lap.
“But you have to tell me the truth,” he whispered between kisses.  Whispered as best he could.  “I know you’re a virgin…”  He didn’t whisper how he knew.  How he had been on the phone with a certain woman with a crystal ball the day before he bought the white roses…
“Um, sorry?” Peter said, pulling up, blinking.  Then he grinned. “Tony… no.  Nope.  You missed that boat a while ago.  Sorry.”
He giggled a little at Tony’s expression, then kissed the slack mouth with a chuckle low in his throat.  “Dude… you worry way too much.”
Underneath Peter’s gentle hands, Tony couldn’t deny that it was true.  His worries melted like snow under Peter’s warmth.  Under Peter’s knowing kiss.  They moved together in each other’s arms just as confidently as they fought in the clouds, Tony moving underneath Peter in sure, knowing strokes.  Peter peeled off his shirt and pressed his pale skin to Tony’s mouth, moaning his name.  Holding each other close they moved like moonlight on the water, breathing sighs as soft as feathers as they came in each other’s arms.
And that freezing fear? That chilling panic that always came when the sex was over, that always made Tony cover himself up and pretend to hibernate, all to avoid looking his partner in the face?  That fear melted just like snow in white sunlight.   Tony opened his eyes and looked up into Peter’s own, shining like stars.
“I should have known you would make it easy,” Tony breathed.  He wasn’t sure if his words made any sense, but Peter seemed to understand.  He stroked Tony’s cheek and smiled a knowing smile.
“I told you, you worry too much.”
“Agreed,” Tony chuckled drunkenly (even though that hadn’t touched the chardonnay) and nuzzled his nose into Peter’s hair.  Honey curls tickled his nose, and he was oddly reminded of dandelion fluff, the kind he used to blow away as a child when he made a wish.  He blew now.  He wished now.
“I love you Tony Stark,” Peter whispered, holding him close.  “I wanted to tell you at Christmas.  I wanted to tell you New Year’s Eve.”
“Oh I know, angel,” he said, and when he felt Peter relax in his arms he had no doubt.  
“I’ve always known it,” he murmured as he moved them off the sofa and down to the floor.  “I’ve always known,” he whispered, laying Peter’s back to the floor and bowing his head to lick up the milky-white droplets still clinging to Peter’s stomach.  “Mio angelo, il mio paradiso. I’ve always known.”  He pressed a kiss to the pale skin in the center of Peter’s chest.  What he was thinking should have alarmed him then, but it seemed so simple now.  An hour ago he had been reminding himself of the words of the silver-haired woman, now all he could think about were young men and diamond rings.  
“I love you Peter Parker,” he whispered.  It came so easily…
…and only then did he realize.  Only then did he understand.
“Pure, and virginal.” the witch had told him that night.  “White means purity, and virginity…
                                                 “…and peace.”
                                                      * * *
“Why are you calling me you ridiculous man?” she scolded when Peter was snug in bed in Tony’s bed, even as the white light of dawn lit up the penthouse.  “Listen to your lover.  You worry too much.”
“So you know,” Tony said, even as he struggled to explain why he had dialed her number in the first place.  She was supposed to be advising the Avengers on criminal activity, not relationship advice.
“I’m going to burn white sage over every inch of your domicile.  I’m going to strap a quartz crystal to your forehead,” she groused.  “I’m going to stop toasting to WORLD-peace and start toasting to TONY-peace.”
“But you told me, that night, you told me that when you saw us together you saw stained-white…”
“No, I told you I saw vibrant pink.  Who in heaven’s name thinks of pink as stained-white?  You’re absurd.”
“But you… you never told me what pink meant.”
“Oh for gods’ sake man… pink means friendship.”  She spoke more patiently, as if explaining it to a child.  “That’s why I thought you were so lovely together, that’s why I always thought it.  Because you had been friends for so long…”
“But you said something else that night, I just didn’t remember…”
“…I said several things that night silly man.  I told you I had seen so many futures for him, and one of them was with you.  And that was rose-colored loveliness, if that’s what you wanted to know.  
“And rose is friendship. Friendship.  And unconditional love.”
Mio angelo, il mio paradiso = “My angel, my heaven.”  
with many thanks to @mrstarksbaby​
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Becoming A Stark? (17)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count: 2926
Warnings: Swearing because it’s me. Besides that I think you’re good.
Author Note: Sorry I took a week off from posting. Got hit with an awful allergy attack. Needed a week to be sick. I meant to be back to posting yesterday, but here we are posting on a Monday. Next update will be Wednesday hopefully.
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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B: You should have come to the party. It was fun. Although Spider-Man never came. So I don’t know if Peter was lying or what. Either way it would have been more fun if you were there.
Y:i had family stuff come up. next one.
“Learning all about the party?” Natasha asks from the driver’s seat as you enter back into the city. You had spent the night at the compound, watching horror movies and catching your aunt up on the gossip from school. She had managed to find out that it wasn’t just the fact that you were upset that Peter got to meet Spider-Man first but that you had a somewhat major crush on Peter. A somewhat major crush that was being dampened by his weird behavior.
“Have to know what to tell Happy and Pepper about when I get home.”
“Did Spider-Man show up?”
“No.” You look at the only other notification on your phone. Your Snpchat streaks that you need to answer. You snap a few pictures to answer Betty and Astrid. But you don’t know what to do about Peter. You guys have had a streak going since the day you became friends on Snapchat and you’re not one to give up your streaks. But you’re also a Stark, which apparently means you don’t give up a fight that easily. You open the picture Peter sent you, it says S in the corner. But then it has a text banner across the bottom of the screen.
y/n please don’t be mad at me because i told them about sm
All you do is snap a photo of the passing buildings and draw an S on the screen. You click send before you can change your mind. The moment you hit send your phone goes off, with your dad’s face on your home screen.
“That Papa Stark?” Natasha asks without even looking.
“I wouldn’t send him to voicemail. He’ll track you.” You know she’s right. So you hit accept call and put him on speaker, not minding Natasha hearing the call.
“Hey kiddo, I’m about to board the plane home. But why is your phone pinging in the Bronx?” So he is tracking you.
“Went to a party in the suburbs last night. Heading home.”
“Went to a party? Did you see Spider-Man there?”
“He never showed up. However this really cool blonde chick did though.” Natasha shakes her head at you. She mouths NO at you.
“Really? New friend?”
“She reminds me of someone I already know. Besides the point. Why did you never text me back yesterday?”
“You realize I’m in a completely different time zone than you right?”
“That hasn’t stopped you before. You never sleep.”
“Y/N, I’ll explain what I can when I get home. Can you put Happy on? I need to let him know some stuff.”
“He’s not driving me. Betty’s mom is.”
“Why didn’t you have Happy drive you?”
“Because Betty’s mom is very capable.”
“But Happy is the forehead of security for a reason. I feel like I have dealt with nothing but irresponsible teenagers all weekend.”
“What do you mean all weekend? You’ve been gone and not around teenagers all weekend?”
“It’s nothing. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye Dad.”
“Love you kiddo.” You don’t say anything in response. You know you should, but the teenager in you is feeling particularly stubborn today as you hang up your phone. 
“So this boy…” Natasha trails off as she starts to shift to the highway that will take you back towards Queens.
“Aunt Nat, there’s nothing I can do about him. He’s literally my dad’s intern. Plus I already told you- he’s been acting weird for weeks now. It’s like he’s hiding something. If I didn’t know him, I wouldn’t be shocked if something appeared in the press about our family from him.”
“But you know him. So there’s probably something else. Have you tried talking to him?”
“And say what? Hey Parker you’re acting like a weirdo? Talk to me in front of all our friends or in front of Happy when you miraculously happen to ride with me which is like never?”
“I thought his name was Peter.”
“It is, but long story short, I call him by his last name a lot too.”
“Want me to do some sneaky background searching?”
“You think Dad hasn’t made FRIDAY look already? I could search, but do I want to know?” You ask and know you probably don’t. “I have enough people in my life already keeping secrets from me. I just thought he would be my honest friend.”
“You thought he might be worthy of being a boyfriend?” Natasha raises an eyebrow as she asks.
“It doesn’t matter if I did.” You fiddle with the radio as you try to ignore her question. Had you pictured it, sure. But it was a thought of the past now. “All I want now is for him to go back to the friend that I could have jokes with and sneak off campus when I was having a shitty day because the Avengers decided to be shitty.”
“You seem to sneak out of school too much.”
“I swear I only started doing it since I joined this family. So that says something more about you guys then me.”
“Not helping your case.” But Natasha still smiles. She knows that if it were really a problem your dad would put an end to it. “You’re a smart kid and your dad wouldn’t have fought to keep you at that school if it wasn’t one of the best. Take advantage of it. Because I have to stay under the radar, so I can’t be taking you out of school every other day.”
“I know. I do really appreciate it.”
“It’s what family does.” Your aunt’s hand falls to your shoulder.
“Can you at least stay under the radar and stay in touch? Because this whole going months without seeing you makes me worry.”
“I’ll find a way to let you know I’m alright.” Natasha promises as she pulls up in front of the brownstone. 
“How…?” You hadn’t even told her your new address.
“I keep tabs on important people.” She smiles. “Now get inside before Pepper wonders why you stayed out all night.”
“Happy will have told her I went to a party. That’s the whole point of him being the forehead of security or whatever it is that Dad calls him day to day.”
“Your dad and his nicknames.” Natasha says with a roll of her eyes. “Will he have though? Your dad didn’t know?”
“Dad’s across the world right now. Pepper was at SI yesterday which is where Happy goes when I’m at school. The likelihood that he mentioned it is like 85% or higher I would say.”
“Only 85%? Hmm.” Your aunt teases you. You lean over the console to give your aunt a hug. 
“Don’t stay away for so long next time please.” You say softly. “I think out of everyone you and Pepper are the most sane ones.”
“I won’t disagree with that.” Natasha smiles as she hugs you back. “Get inside.” Although you don’t seem to notice, Natasha sees the strawberry blonde at the window. As you climb out of the car, Natasha makes eye contact with Pepper. 
No matter how either of them feel about how the accords went down, there’s one thing they're in agreement about- keeping you safe and happy is important. So while she knows that Tony wouldn’t be happy to see you getting out of Natasha’s car, she won’t say anything yet. Because Pepper knows that Natasha would and will keep you safe. However, there is something that she will need to address with you, and that’s the fact that you lied about where you were for the last 24 hours.
As you stand outside the car, you wave at Natasha once more before making your way towards the front door of the brownstone. FRIDAY unlocks the door and lets you walk in. “Pepper, I’m home.” You call out. 
“Living room.” Pepper calls back, as if she hasn’t just walked in there a few moments earlier. You walk in to see her scrolling her datapad. “How was the party?” She asks, hoping you’ll just own up to where you actually were. 
“Eh, you know. Normal I guess.” So sticking with the lies it is?
“Certain masked vigilante show up?” Pepper asks, not looking up.
You shake your head. “Nah. Guess a high school party isn’t cool enough for Spider-Man.” Pepper wants to laugh knowing who Spider-Man actually is, but she doesn’t.
“How’s Betty?”
“Good. She had fun last night.” 
“And her mom?”
“Also good.”
“And Natasha?”
“Doing well.” You realize what you said. “Shit.”
“Wanna talk about what actually happened in the past twenty four hours?” 
“If I say no, do I still have to?” Pepper looks up from the datapad.
“You probably should.” So you sit down on the couch next to her and tell her everything, from the lunch conversation yesterday, to texting Aunt Nat, to staying at the compound, your mixed feelings about Peter, to coming home.
“Are you going to tell Dad?”
“That you spent the night at the compound with a Rogue instead of going to a high school party? No. Do I think you should probably tell him? I think that’s a decision you should make for yourself. However, excluding the Accords and all that happened with that, I trust Natasha and I know she would never do anything to hurt you, which is why she is still allowed to take you out of school. But I don’t want you thinking you can do this all the time.”
“I know. I just… Yesterday was a bad day. First Delmar’s, then the Spider-Man drama, and it just felt like everything was piling up on each other and I just couldn’t deal with school.”
“You know you could have called me right?”
“Really? But you wouldn’t let me skip the fitness test yesterday morning.”
“There’s a difference between wanting to skip school because you don’t want to do something I know you can do and needing to leave school because everything is overwhelming you. You need me and I’ll be there for you. That will never change. Hell if you had called your dad and told him that school was too much, he would have sent Happy in a heartbeat. That will always be how we handle school with you, as long as you’re honest with us.” She stresses the honesty part of it all. 
“To be fair, I did text Dad and he wasn’t much help.”
“Did you text him or did you accuse him?” Pepper asks, knowing the hotheadedness you and your dad both get. 
“Maybe more of the second.”
“And he stopped responding?”
“How do you know that?”
“Because he told me, with you, he never wants to get angry or irrational about things that he can preemptively avoid. So maybe he stepped away from the conversation but he’ll probably talk with you about it all once he’s home tomorrow. Because he loves you, a lot. And he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s going to be mad when you come to him with things that may or may not be his fault.”
“Aunt Nat said he probably was keeping Spider-Man from me because of the same reason all the Accords stuff happened.” You pause before adding, “to keep me safe.”
“If I had to guess, I would think so. He does a lot of things to keep you safe. You’re the center of his universe. And he’ll do anything in his power to make sure no harm comes to you.”
“Am I in trouble?” You ask.
“Not this time. Only because you did take responsible steps. You contacted a trusted adult. Now if you had lied and gone to a party instead. We’d be having a different discussion. But you did make fairly smart decisions.” Pepper pulls you in for a hug. “Your dad and I love you a lot. You know that right?” You nod into the hug.
“I love you too Pepper.” You lean into her hold onto you. You know that Pepper will probably be your step-mom one day, whenever your dad finally gets the courage up to ask her finally. But a small part of you wishes that Pepper could have been your mom.
You’re working on homework that’s due tomorrow, when there’s a knock on your door. Without looking up, you say, “come in,” expecting Pepper to walk in, since your dad’s flight isn’t supposed to land for another hour if you’re remembering correctly. 
“Hey kiddo.” Your head flies up at the sound of your dad’s voice.
“I thought you were getting back around dinner time?” 
“When it’s a private jet, you can leave whenever you want. Had them leave a bit earlier so I could get home earlier.” He explains, his hand still resting on your door knob. “What are you working on?” 
“Chemistry.” You grimace. “I don’t think I’m doing right though.” 
“Can I help?” 
“You really want to?”
“I happen to be pretty good at it.” Tony walks across the room to take a seat on your bed. “Before we work on this, can we talk really quick?”
“About?” You have a pretty good feeling you know what about, but the longer you can push it off the better.
“Those texts on Friday?” Wait, Pepper really didn’t tell him?
“I wasn’t ignoring you kiddo. I promise you. But I needed to step back from the conversation before I said something that came across the wrong way. When I was reading your texts I was jet lagged and heading to a wedding I didn’t really want to be at. I was worried I was going to snap at you, come across as… someone I don’t want to be. I promised myself I would reply after I got some sleep, but next thing I knew I was on the phone with you and realized I never did. I’m sorry. I promise you, you were in the right to be upset with me, but it really was that I meant to reply back and it slipped my mind.”
“Ok.” You say after a moment.
“Ok, I forgive you.”
“Really? No telling me I fucked up?”
“Pepper and I talked about it yesterday and she gave me some insight that really helped. So you’re forgiven and all that.”
“What did Pepper say?” Tony wants to know what Pepper said that changed you from when he talked to you.
“That you probably stepped away from the conversation so that we weren’t just two hotheads yelling at each other.” You shrug. “Also something about me being the center of your universe.” Tony smiles at that.
“Well neither of those are wrong. Just don’t get a big head about being the center of my universe.” He leans over to kiss your forehead.
“Wouldn’t think about it.” You smirk. But then you remember the conversation you had with your Aunt Nat about why your dad probably kept Spider-Man away from you. “Dad?”
“Did you keep Spider-Man from me because you didn’t want more superheroes near me after all the Accords stuff happened?”
“Wow, Pepper coming up with so much insight.” Tony smiles and you don’t disagree, knowing that technically you’re lying by not telling him, but you want to hear what he has to say instead of talking about your Friday night. “Yes, partially. With superheroes comes villains and danger. Do I want to keep that as far as possible from you? Yes. If I can only protect two things, it’s you and Pep, hands down. It’s part of the reasons I don’t keep you around the remaining Avengers either. But there’s also another reason with the situation with the Rogues made me realize how dangerous putting my trust in a group of super humans is. They can turn around and shoot you in the back, leaving you crippled for life. I can’t have that happening to you. Not when you’re perfect just the way you are. Like Pep said, you’re the center of my universe, which means I will do anything to make sure that the center of my universe is safe.” 
You think over what your dad says for a moment. Shoot you in the back? Clearly he’s talking about Uncle Rhodey’s injury. The Rogues did that to Uncle Rhodey? Aunt Nat hadn’t said anything about that. And Vision didn’t seem to think anything of seeing her at the Compound. So this is all more confusing. “So you introduced him to Peter instead? Dad that puts Peter in danger-”
“He met Peter because Peter is helping me make some of the Avengers’ tech. I needed Spider-Man to explain some of the specific things he’s looking for in his tech. That was it. I didn’t know they were good enough friends that Peter could invite him to parties, especially ones that you’re going to, and Spider-Man would show up. That’s on me for not paying closer attention. I’ll talk to Peter about that. And remind Spider-Man that he’s not a costume character to show up at parties for fun.” You feel slightly bad about getting Peter in trouble. “But let’s get on your homework.”
“And here I was hoping I could distract you long enough to ignore it.” You grimace throwing your head back.
“Come on kiddo. We’ve got this.”
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick​
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway​  @iamaunicorn4704​  @furiouspockettoad​  @daughter-of-stark​  @eternalharry​  @huntective-kyeo​ @riiis-stuff​ @sunnyoongles  @cosmicqueenieb​ @sovereignparker​ @bbarnestan​ @teenwishes08​ @iamthescarlettwitch​ @skyfallstilinski @cutie1365​ @a-mnd​
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adevotedappraisal · 4 years
The Carter Trilogy, part five of five
Conclusion: We know the pain is real, but you can’t heal what you never reveal
"Marriage,” Joseph Campbell, Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College, once said in an interview with former White House Press Secretary and journalist Bill Moyers, “is not a love affair, it is an ordeal, the sacrifice of the ego to the twoness, which becomes the one,” and anyone can see that sobering, bone-dry realization in the mahogany roots of any failed marriage.
But that realization can come hot and stinging from a reckoning within the marriage too, one that comes out usually some mournful evening, with a mumbled greeting and then slow, prowling questions, until a lie justifying a confession comes, and then shaking hands and voices would report, hitting on shoulders in the same tempo as the judge's gavel one dodged all those years.
In our grandparents time, they got about three or so reckonings before the thing was up and done with, some of them ol' union-man unions kept on after that, but they got all heavy and colossal the more wet transgressions were uncovered. Nowadays, who knows how many you get, so everyone I know is walking around with their nose all clean, and their fist all balled up.
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Well, here we had presented to us in real time, a marriage of black royalty that survived such a reckoning. An under-reported yet typical three act play for marriages that usually played out in hushed, violently whispered conversations behind closed doors.
But remember, these aren’t diary entries, this is a years-spanning narrative, told over numerous time zones and of course, numerous UPC bar codes. These aren’t your friends, but instead are black entertainers that slotted themselves into the black consciousness as the couple of note, the way Nat King and Maria Cole, Ozzie and Ruby Davis, or Will and Jada Pinket-Smith did over the generations. They presented themselves as something larger and blacker than they themselves were, the same way we have to continually present ourselves to the eternal pyre of our own marriages.
Meaning, they won’t always get that expression out right in the studio, the same way we won’t always get the words out right during the anniversary night at the island hotel or whatever. Because that feeling you feel in the song is a feeling they took take after take to get right, that beat after beat was forded towards.
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Jay Z and Beyonce ultimately monetized their best talents, and created a national conversation on the nature and shape of American marriages, but at the same time left some of their wisened observations and most iconic moments ensconced in dated production, like with 4:44s “Moonlight,” and Lemonade's “Sorry." And let’s not forget that Love Is Everything is as mid as their Bonnie and Clyde collaborations throughout the years promised it would've been.
That’s said, I like how pro-black the two first singles from their albums were. “Formation" got your black noses and fists raised, and commanded you into a shucking, trap jive, while “Story of OJ" was a downbeat groove, a chopped-up, Nina Simone-led basement afterparty to Queen Bey's Black Broadway parade.
And I like the duo on the foot-stomping testimony of “Family Feud,” where Jay reaches across hip-hop generations over Beyonce’s swaying harmonies, Jay accenting his “and old niggas, let’s stop acting brand new/ like Tupac ain’t had a nose ring too,” among the ringing piano.
Later on the song, Jay not only struggles with his household crown, he relates his troubles to Michael Corleone in the opening scene of 1974s The Godfather Part II. “My consciousness was Michael’s common sense, I missed the karma that came as a consequence/ niggas bussing off in the curtain cuz she hurtin', Kay losing the baby with the future’s uncertain,” he says, with unencumbered eyes, while Bey's recurring “higher, higher” swirl around him like curling affirmations. They reconcile the song at the end, reminding you of this black cultural wonder they are, the thing we wanted Whitney and Bobby to be throughout the nineties, these stewards to a possible black renaissance if we can all keep the weight up.
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But there’s something that’s missing here across this trilogy. There’s this lack of clarity in the narrative, and that lies mostly with the mercurial Beyoncé. Jay Z is baring his guts here, confessing to affairs, neglect and a lack of empathy from his cold, cold heart, while on the songs across Lemonade and Everything Is Love, there’s a lightness in the confession department, a lack of that one softly thrown line from her that could bare all on the floor.
But you know, maybe I’m being too hard on the Queen, after all, this is just some story being played out of a box by characters that we treat as a couple in the family. When the glowing screen shows me other scenes from a marriage I don't get all constructive and demanding, I just sit back and take it all in. I mean I never really demanded any of this clarity or confession from The Godfather’s Kay Adams, so I shouldn’t from Beyonce Knowles-Carter either.
Although, come to think of it, in those first scenes of The Godfather I always thought it was strange that Kay still fell for Michael after he told her that Johnny Fontane story at the table all calm-like while sipping his drink. She knew he wasn’t gonna go straight right? She knew she was going for a cool ride with this Mafioso didn’t she? I mean why wasn’t she dating one of the other teachers at that school she taught at when he showed up all of a sudden? What was her whole deal in this game? What was she steering Michael to become? Wouldn’t it have been cool to get a couple scenes of her whole side of the plot? I’m just saying though, wouldn’t that have made that classic drama even more grand, even more ill?
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sleepypanda27 · 5 years
The Secret
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: Bucky and reader are hiding their relationship. That is until one of them messes up.
Words: 1,624
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Why did you hide your relationship with Bucky from everyone? 
Well, it wasn’t meant to be a secret at first. It kind of just happened. There never was a good time to say it to others. Did they really have to know about the two of you? Was that so important?
Nah. Maybe later.
It was fun and exciting at times sneaking around others. Stealing kisses while no one is looking, accidental touches, longing looks at long missions when there was no alone time, no place to be together. The thrilling sensation of getting caught was always present. You wanted to see with how much you could get away before anyone caught on what was going on between the two of you.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Now it felt a little too late to say anything at all.
You're sitting in a briefing. Steve is talking about the next missions. You start feeling bored. Bucky is sitting right next to you, slumped in his chair, chin resting on his hand that's placed on the armrest, eyes slowly falling shut.
You place your hand on Bucky’s thigh. He feels your touch and glances at you with caution. You act like nothings happening, keeping your head straight and listening to what Steve had to say about the next job.
“It’s going to be easy, like a walk in a park,” Steve assures.
The warmth radiating from your hand distracts Bucky, even through the material of his pants he can feel it. If that wasn't enough you start tracing circles on his thigh. He can’t think straight. He shifts in his chair, checking if others had noticed anything. 
They haven’t. Sam is on his phone. Natasha flips through the papers in a yellow manila folder that Steve had given her, her feet crossed up on the table. Tony is slumped all the way back in his chair, arms folded on his chest, sunglasses hiding his eyes...is he sleeping? Looks like someone had a long night.
“Romanoff, you're meeting with Barton in Berlin, he's already there,” Steve instructs. “You have all the necessary information in the folder I gave you.”
“Can someone give me a lift?” Nat asks.
“Sure. Me, Sam and Bucky, were meeting by the quinjet in half an hour.”
“What about me?” You ask.
“Sorry, not this time. You can get some rest.” Steve says. “And do I have to remind you I’m still waiting for your report.” He arches a brow.
“But Steve-” You protest.
“Finish report and maybe you can come next time.” He gathers all the documents placing them back in the folder.
“What about Tony? I’m sure he also doesn't want to stay behind.”
“Tony, are you fine with leaving this one out?”
“Yeah, just turn it down my head is pounding.” Tony groans.
“Does that answer your question, Y/n?” Steve smiles at you.
“No fair.” You pout. “I hope you fail the mission.” You murmur under your breath.
“Don't worry Doll, we'll be thinking about you while kicking ass.” Bucky chuckles. You glare at him for a second before looking back at Steve as he continues talking about the task ahead.
“We’ll be back in three days max.”
You move your hand to the inside of Bucky’s thigh, slowly sliding it up to his crotch. He jumps, hitting his knee against the table. Everyone in the rooms turns to him. Including you. Even Tony lifts up his glasses for a second before returning to his slumber.
“Are you alright?” You ask him, holding a straight face, innocently batting your lashes.
“I’m fine,” He peers at you shifting in his chair. “just cramps.” He smiles, massaging his leg.
“Can we go, cause seriously soon we all be getting cramps for sitting so long,” Sam complains, carefully watching the two of you.
“Alright, we can discuss the rest later.” Steve says.
“Please turn off the light on the way out, thanks.” Tony murmurs from his chair.
They leave, but on the way to quinjet, Bucky pats over his body as if he had forgotten something important.
“Fuck, I forgot my gun, I will be right back.” He says, running back inside. He didn’t really have a chance to say a proper goodbye to you earlier, and he didn’t want to leave without doing so.
“Should we say something? His gun is clearly in his holster.” Sam questions arching a brow at Steve.
“You think he’s hiding something?”
“You know if you say it like that…” Sam thinks about it. “He’s acting a little suspicious and so is Y/n.”
Finding you Bucky runs up to you, spinning you around. In the far distance of the corridor, he hears someone's voice and footsteps coming closer to the place where the two of you were standing. He quickly pulls you around a corner. You barely register what's happening.
“Hi, Doll.” He smiles, quickly placing a big, sweet kiss to your lips. The kind of kiss that always makes you laugh. “Bye Doll.” He runs away just as fast as came there.
“What a dork.” You chuckle looking after him as he runs away.
Bucky is tired, he hadn’t slept properly for the last three days. It took a toll on him and his body. Almost too tired to do anything. Almost. He wanted to find you before going to sleep.
You stand in the kitchen when Bucky walks in. Freshly showered and looking like a snack. A smile turns on his face when he sees you bent over a table typing something on your laptop, probably the report you avoided finishing. He feels like floating - tired but happy to see you.
He walks straight up to you not taking off his eyes from you.
“Hi, Buck. How did the mission go?” You ask, standing up leaning against the table.
“Missed you.” He places his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him and kisses you. It feels like home. His safe place where all worries disappear. His hands move to the small of your back, holding you close. You’re surprised by the kiss, but you kiss him back. Your hands on his chest, clutching his shirt in your fist. Finally what feels like forever, but probably was just a few seconds he pulls away, gazing at you.
His eyebrows knit together when he sees your facial expression is shocked and you’re flushed bright red.
“Doll, what’s wrong?” He asks confused.
You look behind him for a second and then back at him. It dawns on him, he didn’t check if someone else was in the room. He was too preoccupied with the thought of you.
“There’s someone behind me, isn’t it?” He whispers wide-eyed.
You slowly nod.
“Fuck me.” He slowly turns around and sees Sam and Steve standing on the other side of the room. They both staring at the two of you with open mouths. Sam is holding a half-eaten sandwich. A slice of tomato slides out of it landing on the floor.
No one is saying anything. It's dead silence not even sound of crickets.
“You owe me twenty.” Sam finally says to Steve breaking the silence, pushing elbow in his side.
“How did you know?” He grumbles, pulling out a twenty-dollar bill from his pocket and gives it to Sam.
“Instincts.” He proudly chuckles. “I have so many questions. How long are you two together? How did it start? And the most important question.” Sam throws the sandwich on the plate and places his hands on his hips, disappointed. “Why the hell didn’t you tell us?”
“Yeah, why? You think we don't deserve to know that-that you two are together after we had to hear you out about how much in love you are with her?” Steve turns to Sam. “For how many months?” They both start thinking and counting on their fingers. “That’s right, four long months.”
“You would think he would tell us something like that, right? Because we’re bros. But no, no sir. We have to find it out like this.” Sam vented.
“I have a feeling that they’re mad at you.” You whisper to Bucky.
“Hide me.” Bucky hides his face in your chest. He's not ready to answer any questions. Especially not right now. The only thing he wants right now is to cuddle with you and get some rest. To feel your body pressed against him. To trace his fingertips over your skin eliciting goosebumps and hear you laugh because it tickles. It all ending in a thousand kisses and wandering touches. Yeah, that’s what he needs, not these two drama queens.
They will talk later about this. Over a bottle of beer or maybe a couple bottles of beer. He has a feeling he won't get away that easily.
“We deserve half the money.” You laugh, protectively wrapping your hands around Bucky's shoulders.
“No way, I earned it fair and square.” Sam laughs, tucking the money in the pocket of his pants.
“If he wouldn’t have kissed me you wouldn’t have it.”
“That’s not how it works…I know what you are doing. You’re trying to distract me so you wouldn’t have to answer the questions.” Sam looks at Steve and smiles wickedly before turning back to you. “By the way, why didn’t you tell us anything, huh? I thought we were friends.”
“Yeah, Y/n. I don’t know what to think about it now.” Steve chimes in.
You and Bucky look at each other, realizing you’re both in trouble. 
Both of you run away as fast as you can, hand in hand, laughing on the way.
“You’ll have to talk about it at some point!” Sam called after. “You can't escape us forever!”
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drkoestersmithrpg · 4 years
“White.  So white.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.”
 Tony only trusted her because everyone trusted her, including Fury.  Well… that’s not entirely true.  Nat trusted her, and while Tony Stark never thought he would give a second glance to anyone claiming to “see auras,” still Nat’s word carried a lot with him.
 Round and soft and cheery and freckled and grey, she didn’t seem like a witch (although supposedly she had been lean and ravenhaired and darkeyed in her day.  Or so she claimed.  But then she got older “and wiser” and gave it all up as too much effort.)  In any case her ability to see into the future was invaluable in bringing in that last souped-up badguy with the ridiculous name, and so Tony had invited her to the New Year’s Eve party along with the rest of the team.  And if he sidled up to her at said party and tried to subtly get some relationship advice out of her, well, no one had to know.
 And if that entire party was just an excuse to get Peter in his arms on New Year’s Eve? Well, no one needed to know that either.
 And there was the boy now, standing by a window surrounded by the best scientific minds at the Avengers compound, laughing and joking and looking entirely edible.  That crystal glass wasn’t even holding alcohol… even though the kid was well within drinking age.  But when Tony finally got the witch to realize who he was trying to describe (he couldn’t exactly describe him as “the most delectable piece over by the window”) she said the exact opposite of what he wanted to hear.
 “Oh, oh.  So white, Tony.  I’ve never seen anyone that shines so white.  It’s like clouds… like flowers… like stars…”
…but then she only got distracted describing the gentleman on Peter’s left who was responsible for adapting some nanotechnology but was apparently having marital troubles.  It wasn’t easy, keeping the witch on topic.  But Tony poured her another glass of Champaign and did his level best.
“And what does it mean… a white aura… exactly?”
“White means pure and virgin, and peace.  Red auras are usually determination and passion… that’s you darling.  That’s you through and through.  The pink is friendship and unconditional love.   The green aura is often the peacemaker, or else someone at harmony with themselves, but more often that not one who can help others harmonize with each other.  Not the purple aura, of course that is one who is far too independent…”
And that was it for the rest of the evening.
He didn’t make his move. Even though he had been planning his move since the moment he realized the boy wanted him to make it.  Even though he had been planning this entire party ever since that moment.  Even though the point of the party was to have Peter there on New Years Eve when the countdown came.  Even though Peter Parker cornered him when the countdown started.  Even though at midnight he suddenly had an armful of Peter and a New Year’s Kiss right on the corner of his mouth.  Even though Peter had held himself there for a moment, just waiting for Tony to move his head a fraction of an inch and close the distance.  Tony could feel the boy waiting.
Could feel the boy’s disappointment when it never came.
He didn’t make his move. Even though Peter must have laid awake all night in the guest-room waiting for him.  Peter had been invited to stay the night on the premise that, after the party, he wouldn’t be safe to drive.  Peter hadn’t had a drop to drink that night, but played along with the premise.
But he played along alone.
Tony wasn’t going to make a move.
How could he, when the witch had laid it out for him so plainly?
Peter was white. Peter was pure.  Peter was virginal.  Peter was unsullied.  
How could Tony possibly be responsible for corrupting that?
 * * *
  And so Tony resigned to live in misery.  Resigned to never accept that beautiful gift that Peter was making it clear that he was willing to give – a gift that Tony was entirely unworthy to receive.
For years he lived with that misery (okay he was being a drama-queen.  It was six months.)
By day Ironman and Spider-Man still worked together with perfect precision, taking down badguys with a witty quip or clever badinage or  a droll rejoinder, until villain and minion alike raised a flag in surrender.  At night they worked side-by-side or back-to-back in the lab, finishing each other’s thoughts with eerie precision and perfecting technology at lightning speed. Late-night lab sessions often ended with Peter sleeping in the ‘guest room’ rather than webslinging his way home in the early hours of the day.  
Tony still steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though it was very quickly becoming ‘Peter’s room.’  Steadfastly called it the ‘guest room’ even though Peter once joked that more of his clothes were there than in his dorm.  Tony steadfastly referred to it as the “guest room” for the same reason he steadfastly refused to visit the “guest room” no matter how many times Peter slept there.  No matter how many Avengers joked that they were practically living together… no matter how many suspected that they were already a couple.  Tony was steadfast.  Because Peter was too pure for him.  The witch had said so.
He even asked her… once… when she was brought in to consult on a terrorist-cell case that they were considering infiltrating.  She guessed his name wrong twice, then asked him delicately why he wasn’t with “that beautiful boy” she had met at the party.  “I thought that was your night… he certainly thought it was.”
“Did you see us together? See our auras?”  Tony asked cautiously, daring, for a moment, to hope.
“That lovely, angelic-white aura?  Oh yes sir.  Well, I saw many futures for him, so very very many.  He has such a storied future, that boy.  But I saw the two of you together… just for a fleeting moment I caught a glimpse…”
“And it changed, didn’t it,” Tony said, his voice dropping.  His head dropping.  His hopes dropping.  Why did he bother to ask?  He already knew the answer.  Had reminded himself of it night after night after lonely night.
“Oh yes, certainly. You’re very red, Mr. Stark. Very red.  Painfully red.  I knew it the instant I saw it… when I saw you together… together you had become so pink…”
* * *
 In times of weakness, Tony reminded himself of that conversation.  Of a witch who, when she looked at Peter in a roomful of people, saw a white aura so blinding that it took her breath away.  Virgin.  Pure. Unsullied.  And if Tony came anywhere near it he would taint it, like blood on white silk.  
He tried to avoid the boy, he honestly did.  But crime refused to acknowledge Tony’s resolution, and criminals kept throwing them together in the most ridiculous situations.  Alien sex pollen made things so awkward as to be almost unbearable.    Pretending that Peter was his sex-slave when they went undercover to get info on the Mob Boss?  Tony Stark suddenly had the patience of a monk.  When they traveled to Sokovia to investigate the arms deal?  There might only be one bed, but Tony had plenty of floor to sleep on. And when his head injury left Peter with amnesia?  Well the less said about that the better.
Whenever Tony even considered giving into temptation, not for his own sake but for Peter’s (the boy who was making his desires crystal-clear) Tony remembered.  The witch’s words.  White.  Pure.  Tony could only sully him.  Like blood on white silk.
 * * *
Peter graduated early, because of course he did, and Tony gladly accepted the boy’s invitation to his combo-graduation-party-dash-housewarming-soiree in his brand new small apartment that he had rented across the street from Stark Tower.  Was he surprised, when he arrived with chardonnay and a dozen roses, to find he was the only one invited?  Maybe he was. Or maybe he realized it was too late.
Too late to tell the boy “no” when he melted into Peter’s kiss.  When he gave in to those powerful arms and let Peter mold their bodies together. When he obediently let Peter lead him to the couch and sat, pushing the cream cushions aside so Peter could climb into his lap.
“But you have to tell me the truth,” he whispered between kisses.  Whispered as best he could.  “I know you’re a virgin…”  He didn’t whisper how he knew.  How he had been on the phone with a certain woman with a crystal ball the day before he bought the white roses…
“Um, sorry?” Peter said, pulling up, blinking.  Then he grinned. “Tony… no.  Nope.  You missed that boat a while ago.  Sorry.”
He giggled a little at Tony’s expression, then kissed the slack mouth with a chuckle that was low in his throat.  “Dude… you worry way too much.”
Underneath Peter’s gentle hands, Tony couldn’t deny that it was true.  His worries melted like snow under Peter’s warmth.  Under Peter’s knowing kiss.  They moved together in each other’s arms just as confidently as they fought in the clouds, Tony moving underneath Peter in sure, knowing strokes.  Peter peeled off his shirt and pressed his pale skin to Tony’s mouth, moaning his name.  Holding each other close they moved like moonlight on the water, breathing sighs as soft as feathers as they came in each other’s arms.
And that freezing fear? That chilling panic that always came when the sex was over, that always made Tony cover himself up and pretend to hibernate, all to avoid looking his partner in the face?  That fear melted just like snow in white sunlight.   Tony opened his eyes and looked up into Peter’s eyes, shining like stars.
“I should have known you would make it easy,” Tony breathed.  He wasn’t sure if his words made any sense, but Peter seemed to understand.  He stroked Tony’s cheek and smiled a knowing smile.
“I told you, you worry too much.”
“Agreed,” Tony chuckled drunkenly (even though that hadn’t touched the chardonnay) and nuzzled his nose into Peter’s hair.  Honey curls tickled his nose, and he was oddly reminded of dandelion fluff, the kind he used to blow away as a child when he made a wish.  He blew now.  He wished now.
“I love you Tony Stark,” Peter whispered, holding him close.  “I wanted to tell you at Christmas.  I wanted to tell you New Year’s Eve.”
“Oh I know, angel,” he said, and when he felt Peter relax in his arms he had no doubt.  
“I’ve always known it,” he murmured as he moved them off the sofa and down to the floor.  “I’ve always known,” he whispered, laying Peter’s back to the floor and licking up the milky-white droplets still clinging to Peter’s stomach.  “Mio angelo, il mio paradiso. I’ve always known.”  He pressed a kiss to the pale skin in the center of Peter’s chest.  What he was thinking should have alarmed him then, but it seemed so simple now.  An hour ago he had been reminding himself of the words of the silver-haired woman, now all he could think about were young men and diamond rings.  
“I love you Peter Parker,” he whispered.  It came so easily…
…and only then did he realize.  Only then did he understand.
“Pure, and virginal.” the witch had told him that night.  “White means pure, and virgin…
                                                  “…and peace.”
 * * *
 “Why are you calling me you ridiculous man?” she scolded when Peter was snug in bed in Tony’s bed, even as the white light of dawn lit up the penthouse.  “Listen to your lover.  You worry too much.”
“So you know,” Tony said, even as he struggled to explain why he had dialed her number in the first place.  She was supposed to be advising the Avengers on criminal activity, not relationship advice.
“I’m going to burn white sage over every inch of your domicile.  I’m going to strap a quartz crystal to your forehead,” she groused.  “I’m going to stop toasting to WORLD-peace and start toasting to Tony-peace.”
“But you told me, that night, you told me that when you saw us together you saw stained-white…”
“No, I told you I saw pink.  Who in heaven’s name thinks of pink as stained-white?  You’re absurd.”
“But you… you never told me what pink meant.”
“Oh for gods’ sake man… pink means friendship.”  She spoke more patiently, as if explaining it to a child.  “That’s why I thought you were so lovely together, that’s why I always thought it.  Because you had been friends for so long…”
“But you said something else that night, I just didn’t remember…”
“…I said several things that night silly man.  I told you I had seen so many futures for him, and one of them was with you.  And that was rose-colored loveliness, if that’s what you wanted to know.  
“And rose is friendship. Friendship.  And unconditional love.”
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
Cuts and Confessions
Request/Synopsis: The reader and Bucky are good friends and one day, she overhears some Shield agents talking badly about her and Bucky comforts her, confessing his feelings in the process.
Warnings: some swearing, barely anything
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
A/N: So.... how beautiful is this gif? This man does things to me. As always, it’s not mine! xx 
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“Ouch,” you winced as Tony applied more pressure to the cut on your cheek. You had gotten injured on the last day of the two week mission you were on with Tony, Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Wanda, and you were glad it was the last day because you were finally on your way back to HQ, where you could get medical attention.
“Quit being a drama queen,” Tony rolled his eyes at you, pouring a little bit of alcohol into the wound, making you grit your teeth and ball your hands into fists. You felt the sting throughout your entire body, so much that you could feel your toes tense up as well.
“Hey, here, hold my hand,” Bucky’s soft voice came from beside you, but you couldn’t open your eyes, feeling that squeezing them shut would help you deal with the pain better.
“No,” you groaned, “I’m going to leave bloody nail marks in your skin.”
Bucky chuckled, “No skin on this hand, doll.”
You felt his cold, metal fingers intertwine with your right hand, and you instantly relaxed, opening your eyes slightly to see Tony dabbing a wet cloth on your cheek, the pain lessening by the second. You felt your body relax instantly and even though you knew it was because of Bucky, you didn’t want to admit it. 
“It should be alright for now,” Tony said, throwing the cloth into a bucket, “Don’t smile until we land,” he threw you a wink, causing you to hold back a smile.
You thanked him silently, letting go of Bucky’s hand, but when you tried to pull your fingers away, he gave you a confused look, tightening his grip. You felt your face heat up and your heartbeat become irregular as you saw his expression change from confused to playful.
“I think you should hold on a little longer,” he smirked, “You know, for the pain.”
A laugh bubbled through your throat but you tried not to affect the cut on your cheek, so you simply nodded at him, a playful expression on your face as Steve smiled at the two of you. You had a thing for Bucky, there was no denying it. He was charming, extremely good looking, and ever since he got The Winter Soldier out of his head and joined the Avengers, the two of you had an instant connection. You were almost sure everyone knew about it, including him, but it didn’t seem to repel him, and that gave you a boost of confidence. 
The steady rumble of the Quinjet’s engine came to a halt as Clint landed smoothly, a couple of bumps on the landing strip nearly causing you to lose your balance. When you guys came to a stop, you and Bucky let go of each other’s hands and you stood up, grabbing your guns and putting them in your holster. You couldn’t wait to get this bodysuit off of you. You were thankful Tony designed it the way that he did, but it’s been two weeks. 
The back of the jet opened up and Fury stood there to greet you guys, hands behind his back and Agent Hill by his side. 
“Welcome back,” Fury nodded to the team as you guys stepped off the jet, approaching him with all the files you gathered while away, “Good work you guys.”
“We need to get her stitched up,” Tony nodded in your direction and Fury agreed when he saw your cheek, letting Helen Cho approach you and analyze it quickly.
“Come with me, Agent (Y/L/N),” Helen smiled at you, greeting the team quickly before leading you to the entrance of the med lab. You looked behind you and noticed Fury leading the team the other direction, Bucky looking at you as he flashed you a smile, turning back to the team. You smiled to yourself as Helen let you into the lab, leading you to a chair. She motioned for you to take a seat, which you did, and pulled up a tray of tools. 
“I’m just going to patch up the wound, it seems Stark already cleaned it out,” she smiled at you and you nodded, leaning your head back on the chair and closing your eyes. You were thankful for Tony Stark and his gigantic brain in times like this, because thanks to him, Helen could patch your wound shut without a single stitch, just a cell regenerator. 
You felt the cold sensation of the small machine on your face and the buzzing of the regeneration working on your skin. It stung slightly, but it was nothing compared to getting the wound itself. It lasted for about a minute, and when Helen pulled the machine away from your face, you felt yourself smiling.
“God bless Tony Stark,” you mumbled, bringing your fingers up to feel your face, noticing only a tiny scratch in the place of the wound, the skin still slightly sensitive. 
“I can’t do much about the bruising on your jaw,” Helen said, placing the machine back down on her tray, “But it’s nothing serious so I’m not worried.”
“Thank you so much,” you smiled at her kindly, standing up off of the chair, as she allowed you to leave.
“If you feel any discomfort in the skin, let me know,” she advised you before you stepped out the door. You weren’t familiar with this area of the building, having never really been to the medical lab on that many occasions. You followed the long hallway, a slight skip in your step when you thought about going back to your room at the compound, changing into sweats and a t-shirt, taking a shower, and finally getting to eat a proper meal. Right before you were about to turn a corner, you heard voices, none of which you recognized, mention your name. You stopped and leaned up against the wall, listening in.
“We heard Agent (Y/L/N) was the only one to get injured on the mission,” one voice said, and you could tell it was a female.
“Are you surprised?” Another one said, also female. A feeling in your gut told you you weren’t about to enjoy this conversation, but you couldn’t pull away. You tried to make as little noise as possible as the voices seemed to retreat down the hallway slowly.
“Not really, I’m surprised Fury picked her for the team,” the first voice said with a small chuckle. 
The second voice laughed, “Right? Honestly, how do you manage to be the only one to get injured?”
It took everything in you not to snap around the corner and give the two women an earful. Sure, you were the only one to get injured on the team, but you saved Wanda and Bucky’s lives. One of the men you were stealing information from threw a knife at the two of them, who were facing away, and you jumped in front to take the blow, shooting at the man. The knife went through your cheek, getting stuck there before you pulled it out, Bucky’s head right behind you. It was instinctive, you were trained here to risk your life to protect your team, and you did. 
Your stomach felt like it had been tied in knots and you leaned your head against the wall, hating how these two women thought so little of you.
“Anyways, I’ve already got bets on when she’s going to be kicked off the team,” one of the two voices sassed. You weren’t able to tell which voice was which anymore, too bothered to differentiate these two. You heard their voices disappear with a slam of a door and you took that as your chance to speed walk down the hallway, wanting nothing more than to go to your room and get out of this. 
You opened the door at the end of the hallway and charged up the stairs to the third floor, where most of the residential rooms were, one for each member of the Avengers. You wanted to go home home, but tomorrow morning you had a briefing and didn’t feel like driving two hours tonight and two more to get back tomorrow morning, so you all decided it was best to stay here. 
“Woah, slow down, ninja,” a soft voice spoke up when you felt yourself run into a body. You glanced over and saw Natasha standing there, sweaty and panting. You could only assume she just came from training.
“Sorry, Nat,” you mumbled and walked down the hallway towards your room.
“Hey, hey, hold up,” she jogged up to you, “We haven’t seen each other in two weeks and you’re just going to brush me off like that?” She joked with a small smirk on her face, “What’s wrong?”
You groaned slightly, knowing you couldn’t hide anything from her. She was a spy, after all, but also your best friend. But right now, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone.
“Sorry, not in the mood, I want to go change,” you gave her a small smile and she nodded, respecting your space. You opened the door to your room and locked it behind you, throwing yourself down on the large queen-sized bed that sat next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. You took this as your chance to rid your body of your suit, removing the guns and weapons, placing them on the table, and throwing on your sweatpants and a large t-shirt. You plopped back down on the bed and almost jumped out of your skin when a loud knock came from the door.
You huffed and got out of bed, walking over to it and swinging it open, revealing a grinning Steve Rogers.
“Movie night tonight at 8, wanna join?” He asked, a hint of excitement in his voice. One of the biggest traditions that came with being an Avenger was movie night. You loved them, without a doubt, but it came to the point where you guys couldn’t decide what movies to watch anymore since you’ve practically seen them all together.
“Sure, I’ll be there,” you smiled and he gave you a thumbs up, taking off down the hallway to knock on Nat’s door. You laughed, closing the door behind him and looked over the clock, noticing it said 4:30. You decided taking a shower would feel amazing, so you went and did just that. After what was probably the most satisfying shower anyone has ever had, you decided to go get something to munch on. You still felt a sour feeling in your gut from before, but you tried your best to push past it.
You walked into the kitchen and got a whiff of something cheesy. You peered around the corner and noticed Bucky making a grilled cheese. Your stomach involuntarily gurgled, giving you away as the soldier turned around a smiled at you. Your heart did summersaults as his eyes lit up upon seeing you.
“Hungry?” He joked, “You can have this one.”
“No, no,” you smiled, “You can have it, I’m going to snack a bit before dinner.” He nodded at you and turned off the stove, putting the grilled cheese on a plate before turning to you.
He walked over to you and placed his right hand on your cheek, thumb tracing over your cut, his finger igniting a small trail of sparks in it’s path, making your breath hitch, 
“I can’t believe you put your face in front of an oncoming knife to save me,” he spoke softly, eyes raking your face, meeting your eyes. You could see so many different emotions flash through the icy blue - guilt, regret, awe, disbelief, and gratitude. 
The comments from earlier rung through your mind again and you pulled away from him, regretting it instantly when the warmth of his palm left your cheek.
“It’s fine, whatever,” you mumbled, turning to the fridge to get something to drink to ease the scratching feeling in your throat. Bucky immediately sensed a change in your tone and placed a firm hand on your forearm. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to cause you to turn around and scan the worried expression on his face.
“What - What’s wrong?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper. You felt a shiver go down your spine at how close the two of you were, and how intense his gaze was.
“It’s nothing, forget it,” you said, a little harsher than you intended, turning back to face the fridge, opening it up and grabbing a soft drink. You were surprised Fury even kept these in the kitchen, on the same floor as the team, but you were grateful that he let you guys do whatever you wanted.
“Hey, look at me,” Bucky said, a little more demanding this time, and you turned to face him, feeling guilty about the way you were talking to him, but you felt so humiliated and stupid. Of course, without doing what you did, Bucky would have been dead, but you couldn’t help but think that if you noticed the guy before he noticed you and done your job correctly, he wouldn’t have been able to attack. You were supposed to have their back.
“Stop asking about the cheek, I’m fine,” you sighed, sitting down on one of the bar stools around the kitchen, not wanting to meet Bucky’s eyes.
He twirled the bar seat around raised an eyebrow at you, a small smile on his face, “You can’t lie to me, (Y/N).”
You looked up at him and let out a deep breath, “I overheard some people talking about how clumsy I was, being the only one getting injured on this mission, and it’s true. I was supposed to keep an eye out while you and Wanda downloaded files, but I missed something and the next thing I know, a knife was being thrown at your head. If it had been a bullet, you’d be dead.”
You looked down, remembering the panic that flowed through your body when you saw the knife aimed towards him, not even thinking twice before jumping in front of him. Bucky placed his metal hand under your chin, forcing your face up, before looking right into your eyes.
“Look, if it was a bullet, I’d be dead, yeah,” he admitted and you felt your heart sink, “But look, you sacrificed yourself to save me, I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am. I’m sorry it had to be you, I want nothing more than to have you safe and untouched, and seeing that knife stuck in your face made me panic more than I thought I could’ve, but you didn’t do anything wrong. Ignore what those people were saying, you’re the toughest one on the team.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when he stepped closer to you and you instinctively spread your legs apart to let him stand between them.
“Please, please don’t doubt yourself, you amaze me,” he said softly, his eyes falling to your lips and you swore your heart stopped, “You always amaze me.” 
You wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on yours and to melt away any worries that you had about what happened, and that’s just what happened. Bucky’s hand made it’s way to the back of your neck and closed the space between you two, fireworks going off in your stomach, replacing any bad feelings you had before. He stood closer, your bodies almost flush, and you could feel his heartbeat against your chest. His lips felt perfect against yours, they were so soft and you could feel so many emotions being poured into this kiss. You ran your hand through his long hair, pulling it out of his face before pulling away, making him pout slightly.
“Well,” you took a deep breath, admiring his now slightly swollen lips, “If I had known that saving your life would have led to this, I might have done it a long time ago.”
He let out a small chuckle, “Believe me, I’ve been wanting to do that for months now.”
Your eyes widened, “What? Really?”
He nodded his head, “Oh, my god, yes. I’m crazy about you, it’s driving Steve insane, he keeps trying to get me to make a move on you.”
You laughed, a feeling of warmth running through you at his confession, realizing maybe this could be something. You had been captivated by this man for a long time, and you couldn’t express how happy you were right now, in his arms, your head against his chest as you listened to his heartbeat, realizing you both felt the same way about each other.
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say I’m crazy about you too,” you smirked, feeling so comfortable around him, all your previous worries going away.
“Oh, thank god,” Bucky mumbled, “Or else this would be extremely awkward.” He leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a loving kiss, the way his touch ignited your skin was driving you wild. His arms wrapped around your waist, colliding your bodies together once again.
“It’s movie night, really?!” Steve’s voice broke you two apart, both of your cheeks going slightly rosy when you looked over to the blond who had his eyes covered.
“We’ll finish this later,” Bucky whispered to you, moving his body away from you, his warmth disappearing as he walked over to Steve, who had a huge grin on his face. You stepped down from the stool and walked over the to the two, Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to the couch to wait for the rest of the team.
You couldn’t contain your happiness and right now, the only reason your cheek hurt was because you were wearing the world’s biggest smile.
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lils420 · 4 years
A lil something for the kids - Part 14
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: Steve and Bucky stop fighting, y/n gets invited to a wedding. A night has passed since Part 13.
This is Part 1
Warnings: Swearing
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“Stability, you say?”, Shuri had crossed her arms and was leaning against one of the tables in her lab. “Interesting.” Y/n had told her about what happened with Bucky last night, and after Shuri had stopped geeking about the aftermath, she had returned the topic back to her use of power. She pulled out a piece of paper. It had a drawing of a person in the middle, and four arrows, one going in each direction. Two of them were labeled, Fire and Air. Under Fire, Shuri had scribbled In moderation: Strength and warmth. Too much: Destruction and power. Y/n grimaced before looking at air. In moderation: Freedom and relief. Too much: Recklessness and disregard. She had never so clearly realized that both her powers brought good and bad with them, although she had experienced the two in each case. With a pencil, Shuri added Earth to the third arrow, followed by In moderation: Stability and Grounding. Y/n eyed the paper for a little longer. “How do you know it’s earth?”
“Well, water is hardly going to feel like stability. I imagine it to be calming. And also, I have this theory, that it is going to be the hardest for you to learn. Because it’s the opposite of your ‘natural’ element. So I’m guessing you’ll learn it last.”
Y/n raised one eyebrow and muttered, “This feels all a little too much like Avatar.”
Shuri shot her a questioning look, but she didn’t elaborate. Instead she glanced at the pile of pebbles Shuri had arranged before her. Concentrating on the feeling of stability, she closed her eyes. Automatically, she adjusted her stance, grounding her more. This was another warm element, she noticed, not as hot as fire, merely comfortable. She opened her eyes and pushed forward with one hand. The pebbles went with her. She moved her hand back, and once again, the pebbles moved. Y/n smiled. “So this is earth.” Upon her command, the pebbles danced through the air, intertwined with her fingers and formed one rock. “Crazy.”
“Oh, we must tell T’Challa”, Shuri exclaimed before thoughtfully adding, “I hope he doesn’t make you work in the Vibranium mines. Although, you would be very useful.”
Y/n laughed and put the rock back on the table. “Vibranium is metal though.”
“Basically the same thing”, Shuri protested. In that moment, y/n’s new cellphone rang. She picked up to hear Steve’s voice. “Hey, Steve”, she was surprised he had called, “Are you okay?”
“Oh yes, I’m just calling for two things. Firstly, Natasha is here and she has brought some news with her which she’s being babbling on about forever and she really wants to tell you.”
“Nat?”, y/n couldn’t hide her excitement. After learning about all the Avengers, she had secretly proclaimed the Black Widow to be her favourite. A female voice spoke at the other end of the line. “Hi, y/n”, y/n could practically hear her smile, “Guess what!”
“Tony’s getting married!”
“What! No way!”, Shuri send her another questioning look and she mouthed the words at her. “That is so great! When?”
“Pretty soon. I think he said August 23rd, might be the 24th though.”
“That’s in like two weeks.”
“They planned it for a while. Anyway, I wanted to ask whether you’d like to be my plus one.”
Y/n felt her jaw drop. “Really? But I don’t even know Mr. Stark that well.”
There was a light laugh. “But, you see, at the moment you’re my best option. Steve and Tony don’t talk anymore, I could hardly take Bucky and Clint got his own invite.”
For a moment, y/n felt her stomach knot. “Clint is going to be there?”, she asked hesitantly. There was a sigh. “Yeah. I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I think I will be.”
Steve interrupted. “Really? Clint got an invite? He didn’t sign the accords!”
“I don’t know, I guess Tony just likes him. Unlike you.”
Y/n grinned. “Yeah, Steve, you’re really hard to like.”
“Oh fuck off, both of you”, he groaned, which earned a dramatic gasp from y/n and a “Language”, from Nat.
“I’ll send Shuri the details later, but it would be great if you could come. Also, I think it would be a good idea for you to get more familiar with us”, Nat elaborated. Y/n could hear an agreeing mumbling from Steve, followed by, “Yeah. With everything Shuri has been telling us, you’d might make a good Avenger one day.” An Avenger? Y/n’s heart started beating faster and she looked at Shuri. The princess had given up on trying to understand the call and was working on something again. What had she told them? After all, all she could do was a little magic. She cleared her voice. “What’s the other thing?”
“Uhm, I was wondering whether I could speak to Bucky”, Steve’s voice was anxious. Y/n bit her lip. “He isn’t here at the moment.”
“I could tell him to call you back?”
“That’d be great”, Steve sighed, “and could you also tell him I’m sorry?”
“You’re apologizing?”, y/n made her voice as light as possible, “Must’ve done something pretty bad.”
Steve didn’t pick up on the humorous tone. “You could say that.”
“I’ll tell him.” Y/n remembered the pain she had felt last night. How painful it was for Bucky to think that his friendship with Steve wasn’t as stable as he had thought. But she also remembered all the happiness Steve had given him. “And Steve?”
“It’s going to be okay. He’ll forgive you in a heartbeat.”
There was a pause. “God, I hope so.”
Later, y/n couldn’t say why she hadn’t told Steve about her going through Bucky’s memories. Maybe it was because Nat had been present, and although she loved her, she wasn’t exactly best friends with her yet. May e it was because Steve had sound so hopeful, like he had believed she could make his pain stop, which she couldn’t. She found Bucky that afternoon in the kitchen. He was standing at the counter, the back to the door, making some coffee. To her surprise, y/n noticed he was humming. He had never done that before. For a few, sweet moments, she just stood in the doorframe and watched him. She wasn’t sure she had ever seen him this calm. Then, she gave herself a little push. “Hey Bucky”, she hugged him from behind, putting her head on his shoulder. Bucky poured his coffee into a mug. “Do you want some?”
Y/n grimaced. She hated coffee. “You can keep your drinkable death.”
“Thanks, I will.” Bucky turned to y/n, kissed her on her forehead and sat down. Y/n took her usual place across him. For a moment, she enjoyed the silence and used it to study Bucky’s face thoroughly. His soft hair framed his face, and some strands fell into his face. She was reminded of the day at the pond, and smiled. Bucky glanced over his mug to look at her. “Are you okay?”
Y/n sighed. “Steve called today.” He looked back down on his mug, visibly tense, but without word. “He asked me to tell you to call him back. And he apologized.”
Bucky grunted. “Yeah, right.”
“Bucky. He said he’s sorry. You should at least call him back.”
“Well, maybe saying sorry isn’t enough.”
“You should have hear him, he really regrets what he did.”
“You don’t know what he did”, Bucky’s voice was low and bitter. What a drama queen, y/n thought to herself.
“That’s right, I don’t”, she was surprised at her cold tone, and evidently, so was he, “But I do know that you both mean a lot to each other and one stupid fight cannot change that.” When Bucky looked at her now, there was a glimpse of hope in his eyes. Y/n leaned foreword and tucked the strands of hair behind his ear, to then pull him closer and kiss him. “Call him. If not for him, then for yourself”, she put the phone on the table and left the room.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: after the too convenient disappearance of Natasha Romanoff, the Avengers —a local biker gang— search for help in the most unexpected place in order to get their friend back. Will it help, or will the situation just get more twisted and dangerous?
Pairing: biker!Bucky Barnes x reader
Genre: angst-ish (biker gang au)
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff: @shirukitsune @retrxbarnes @montypythonsholysnail
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language
A/N: I've been kinda missing for quite a while, posting something here and there, but I kinda miss writing regularly so I'll try come back to posting twice-thrice a week, but you gotta give me a bit to get some shit rearranged and written for that schedule to be possible. Meanwhile, enjoy this part of the series and if you wanna be added to the taglist, send an ask <3.
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff masterlist
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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I took a deep breath and threw myself against the backrest, waiting for the first location to load while my hands ran through up my face and through my hair.
A yawn escaped my lips as I checked the laptop's clock first, and the timer for the code to do its magic second.
Leaving the laptop over the chair where I had been sitting, I walked my way to the kitchen and poured myself what would be the fourth coffee of that morning.
As soon as I finished, I made my way to the balcony were I used to spend those early mornings with my mug held between my palms.
I took a sip of my coffee, resting my elbows over the small balcony's railing. My were eyes closed as I breathed in the forest morning breeze.
"So much for saying it was a one-night stand." A teasing voice behind me asked, and a grin tugged the corners of my lips. "You still here?"
"It's been two weeks since that." I taunted him, taking a sip. "get over it."
"can't get over you." He dramatically stated in his morning husky voice, which made the sentence seem way more romantic than I thought it was.
"So fucking cheesy." I laughed.
"Bare with me, doll." feeling his lips against my temple made my smile wider while a pair of hands traveled from behind me to rest on my hips. "this is mine." he tugged the hem of his jacket, which I was wearing.
I hummed in response, leaning my back against his chest. "It's chilly out here. I didn't wanna get cold."
He tugged the hem of his jacket eagerly, feathery kisses tracing a path from my shoulder to my neck "come back to bed" I chuckled at his eagerness . " it's still warm."
"I got work to do" I replied noctant with the sole goal of sort-of upsetting him in a playful way. "No time for cuddling."
"Please, Y/n." he whined, slowly pulling me away from the balcony to take me back to the bed. "Just ten minutes."
"It's not gonna be ten minutes." I retorted playfully, turning around to kiss his lips as we entered the bedroom once more. "You're not fooling anyone with those puppy eyes, Barnes."
He let out a subtle laugh "at least you won't get cold."
I shivered.
It was always a little bit too chilly during the morning in that balcony.
I felt the urge to squeal when a jacket was suddenly thrown over my shoulders as a reply to my subtle shiver.
I held it back, though, and instead, grabbed the lapels clothing offered and put it on while a tall figure made its way to my side "Drop the coffee, yunky." Sam teased, resting his elbows over the railing without sparing me more than a subtle glance. "it's like the tenth one I see you with this mornin'."
"It's just the fourth one." I responded, looking before me to avoid eye contact with him as I took a sip of the coffee. "It's nice to see your level of drama hasn't changed at all."
"it's good to see your level of sarcasm is still the same, too." I shook my head with a smirk I couldn't hold back. "I kinda missed that annoying sass."
"Oh boy, ain't I aware of that."
His amused yet brief chuckle preceeded a surprisingly soothing silence between the two of us.
"So" I looked over to him and, by the knowing half smile in his face as he watched me intently, I just knew what he was going to mention. "a boyfriend?"
"Hell no," I denied with a scoff. "we're not talking 'bout that."
"C'mon, Y/n." he whined, turning to face my side. "I won't tell Barnes."
"Sam" I pinched the bridge of my nose as all the bad memories from those last days with them came back around, as if they had been summoned by Bucky’s last name. "I still don't trust you. Any of you."
"Uh... Sorry."
"Like-- I appreciate you tryin" I explained the best way I could. "but we're not there yet, and I don't know if we ever will."
"Yeah I'm-"
I shut my eyes as the self-awareness of how rude I might have sounded hit me. "I'm sorry I-"
"No, no, I'm sorry, you're right." he sighed, rubbing is hands together in an anxious manner. "And... I know it's not my place to ask any of this, but-" he took a split second to measure his words before speaking. "You're happy with him, right?"
I frowned, not at the question itself, but at what was carefully hidden behind it. "what d'ya mean?"
"I mean, you're with him because he makes you happy, right?"
"Wilson, why the fuck would I be with him if he didn't?" I inquired, now turning around to face him as my tone turned more hostile each passing second.
"I shouldn't be sayin' this but-"
"But you're gonna say it anyway." I finished. He opened his mouth a couple of times but nothing came out. "C'mon, what d'ya mean?"
"Listen-" he glanced around before continuing the sentence he had just started. "I'm just sayin I hope it's 'cause you're happy together and not 'cause of Bucky."
We eyeballed each other for a hot second while the anger built up inside me, making it so damn hard for me not to explode.
"Y'know what? I'm not havin' it." I stated, stepping away from the balcony in order to reach the living room.
"That's not an answer."
"You don't fuckin' deserve one." I hissed, grabbing the laptop to finish what was left to do as quickly as I could, now eager to flee out of there.
How dare him? I thought to myself. Who the fuck gave him the right to say shit like that.
The moment I was done with the laptop, I smacked it shut and, picking up my jacket, I rushed downstairs.
I was so inside my thoughts that I ended up bumping into Bucky on my way out, which left us both with barely enough balance to avoid falling down the stairs.
"Shit- sorry."
"Don't worry." he let go of my forearms, which I didn't know he was holding, and I shockingly enough, had to do the same, since I gripped his arms to avoid falling. "You okay?"
"Yeah- I mean..." I puffed, affirming with my head. "I'm fine."
"I..." I stared into his eyes for a moment, watching him trying to read me in order to find out what was wrong. "You sure?" I only nodded as his worried irises observed me. "you finished?"
"Yeah, everything's set in the laptop already." he mumbled an 'alright' and stepped aside, freeing the way for me to exit. "I... I really hope you find her."
"I'll call you if I need your help again." he answered, and, right after, attempted to climb upstairs.
"Bucky wait!" I followed him just to be close enough to be able to grab his hand, which made his whole body tense. "I changed my number." I explained whilst getting a pen out of my pocket to scribble my new number on his palm. "there it goes." I let go of him with a pang of sadness that I wouldn't even admit to myself. "keep me updated." I requested, trying my best to ignore the tinge of red creeping up his neck and ears.
"Okay. Have a good time with your boyfriend." what was meant to be a smile ended up as a pursed lip, and I couldn't blame him since I felt my mouth doing the same gesture as I climbed downstairs to the door.
I double checked Natasha's phone's latest locations, which Y/n had managed to get before leaving, before going back to the map in order to revise which were areas out of New Jersey and Queens.
"Hey" I spun my head to the door frame, against where Sam's side was now resting. "How's it going?"
"Uh... I think we have something." I informed him, pointing at one small area near the center of Manhattan. "I called Carter— I know, Steve's gonna kill me." I stated, anticipating whatever Sam must have thought of saying out loud. "She said Hydra's boys have been seen in this area for a while and--"
"I wasn't asking 'bout Nat." he cut me off, tilting his head to the side slightly while the faintest tinge of worry showed up in his eyes. "I meant-- y'know what I meant."
"What d'ya want me to say?" I questioned with a wannabe-careless shrug. "It's going. Just like it's been goin' for 'bout year already."
I took a peek at his face and I just knew he was about to explain to me how different it had been today from the rest of that year of me drowning in self-pity.
"She got a boyfriend."
"Yeah, I heard that too." I replied sarcastically, getting up in order to reach for the phone again.
"What I mean-"
"She moved on, I know." I finished his sentence, starting to mark Peggy's number once again. "Can you focus on-"
Sam teared the phone away from me in a swift movement, which left me shocked for a couple of seconds.
"what the hell, Wilson?"
"Don't call Peggy," he warned me, locking the phone and placing it in his pocket. "Steve's gonna end you. And-"
"I swear if it's 'bout-"
"I wasn't gonna say that she moved on, you idiot." he snapped. "I was gonna say, don't do anything fucking stupid."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means she's not single." my friend warned me with arms crossed, no longer resting against the door frame. "It means that if somethin' happens and she doesn't stop it-"
"Nothin'll happen," I assured him with a sting of pain in my heart.
He sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "I'm just sayin'..."
"I'm tryna help, man." his reply sounded as a desperate whine. "If you do something stupid and her relationship goes south, the blame's gonna be on you."
"It wouldn't-"
"It will," he argued, lowering the voice before continuing. " 'cause it's easier to blame the ex who fucked her up."
"We're all adults."
"Yeah" he agreed. "but you're my friend and I don't wanna see you bawling and weeping for another year."
"I'll be just fine."
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
If Only You Knew - 15/19
Description: You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him, and everything else that happened on that horrible night. Who would have knew that your prom would end up being a total disaster, and the very last night you’d spend in Buckhannon for the next 7 years? you certainly didn’t. That’s for sure.
Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 5,210 ish.
Pairing: Modern!Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence. Drinking. Bad and offensive jokes. Possible triggering thoughts, feelings and emotions. Moments of bullying and harsh name calling. Lots of curse words. And a very sloooow burn.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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July 2018 - Present.
You stand in your room, giving yourself a final once over. Tonight was Nat and Bucky’s Bachelor/Bachelorette party. They had both opted to leave it to the last minute so you could be apart of it. And as Buckhannon really wasn’t that big, they’d also decided to just have a joint party as well. Make it one big, final hurrah to the unmarried life for them both.
You glance at the clock on the wall quickly, checking to see just how much time you had left before Hilde, Nat and Wanda arrived to pick you up. 15 minutes. You walk over to your desk and grab your lipstick, it was your favourite shade and you never went anywhere without it. You stand back in front of the full length mirror and apply it, that being the final touch you needed. Then you pick up your clutch off the bed and put the lipstick inside before closing it and heading downstairs to wait for them.
Your heels click on the floor as you make your way into the kitchen, where your dad is sitting at the island counter. Paperwork spread out in front of him, clearly working on the shop’s accounts. If his mumbled curse words and dramatic sighs are anything to go off of. He hated, with every fibre of this being, having to deal with all the background stuff to do with the shop. All he really wanted to do was work on cars, but he was far too stubborn for his own good.
“You know,” you start off slowly, “there are these wonderful things called ‘assistants’. All you have to do is hire them, pay and treat them well, and they will actually handle most—if not all—of the background stuff.” You finish just as you come to stand in front of him.
He scoffs, “please. I don’t need an assistant, they’d have nothing to do.”
“They’d have a ton to do, if you’d just stop being a control freak and delegate tasks off to them.” You shrug, but can’t contain the cheeky grin.
“I am not a control freak,” he laughs, “I just like things done a certain way.”
“Yup,” you pop the p, “that is exactly what a control freak would say.”
He goes to talk then notices your outfit, “you look beautiful, kiddo. Do you have a ride home from High Life?”
“Good conversation change,” you shake your head, fondly, “and I’ll just cab back.” You glance down at your outfit, “think it’s too casual?”
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“No, not at all,” he shakes his head, “but you’re taking a jacket though, right?”
“Dad, it’s the middle of July, in Virginia. I’ll be fine without one.”
He shrugs, “it’s my job as a dad to worry about you getting cold.” He pauses, “so you’re taking a jacket, yeah?”
You laugh, “fine, fine.” And walk over to the entry closet, pulling out a lightweight cream bomber jacket, then head back into the kitchen. Showing the jacket to your ridiculous dad once you get there, “happy?”
He hums his approval and nods. “So, when are the ladies getting here?”
And as if on queue, your phone buzzes and you take it out of your clutch to quickly check the message. Seeing ‘We’re outside, sexy.’ From Hilde. You laugh to yourself then walk towards your dad, “now,” you say as you give him a quick side hug and a kiss on the cheek, then head towards the front door. “I’ll see you later.”
“Be safe, and text me if you need anything!” He calls from his place in the kitchen.
“Will do!” You say back as you do a quick check of your clutch, making sure you have everything then head out to the car.
“Get in loser,” Nat says from the passenger seat, “we’re going to the bar!” Then she bursts out laughing at her own joke.
“A Mean Girls reference, really?” You laugh and shake your head, then pull open the back door, and climb in. “I’m guessing Nat is already into the sauce?”
Wanda and Hilde laugh, as the latter pulls away from the curb, glancing in the rear view mirror at you quickly while she says, “try damn near bathing in it.”
“Oh God,” you mumble, “she’s gonna be fall down drunk in no time.”
“You do know I’m sitting right here, correct?” Nat glances back at you with a raised eyebrow.
You pat her head affectionately from your spot behind her, “of course we do, silly. We just don’t care.” Then you, Hilde and Wanda burst out laughing.
“Bitches,” Nat mumbles and swats your hand away. “I need new friends.”
“Oh please, you love us,” Wanda scoffs and shakes her head, disbelievingly.
“We just have to pick Rebecca up then we can head to High Life,” Hilde says as she shoulder checks and switches lanes.
“Sounds good,” you reply.
You all chat and joke the whole way to Clint’s house—where Rebecca, Barney and James Jr are currently staying—to scoop Rebecca and then onwards to the bar.
Once Hilde is parked you all hop out and head in, finding a large table near the back and ordering appies and drinks. You learned the boys hadn’t arrived yet as they were pre-drinking at Steve’s place and would be heading over shortly. They’d wanted to give the girls a little bit on their own. To chat, gossip and catch up. Which is exactly what you all do. Emphasis on ‘gossip’.
“So what the hell is this Madeleine and Tony bullshit?” You ask the question that has been bouncing around in your mind since the bridal party, as you glance around at the 3 ladies.
“Oh God,” Wanda groans, “where do we even start?” She looks over at Nat and Hilde.
“Now I’m not sure if this is true or not,” Nat starts, “but from what I’ve heard from Bucky it started out as a fling. They were both at some function together. Liquor was involved, obviously, and they,” she cringes, “slept together. And then things just sort of went from there.”
“Yeah, my guess is he was the closest she could get to Steve, so she took it,” Hilde adds with a cringe of her own.
“I also heard Tony always liked her, and that she is only with him for his money,” Rebecca says as she takes a sip of her drink.
“I see Buckhannon’s drama has reached New York now,” you laugh.
Rebecca winks at you, “only because I’m friends with Penelope’s little sister.”
“Oh shit, that’s right! How is Lizzy?” You ask her.
She shrugs, “good. Married now.”
“Damn,” you turn to glance around the table at the others. “Looks like I’m a dying breed now. The only single one left in the group,” you pause, then mumble, “maybe even the whole damn town.”
“No, not the only one,” Nat looks at you with a cheeky as fuck expression on her face, and you know the next words out of her mouth are going to be fucking hilarious—note the sarcasm. She takes a smug sip of her drink, which you didn’t even know was possible to do, then she adds with a wink, “Steve’s still very single.”
You gape at her for just a moment, because you didn’t expect those words to leave her mouth—wait, who are you kidding? You knew damn well she was going to say something involving Steve, because it’s Nat. Let’s be real, she never misses a chance to try to push Steve on you. It’s rather frustrating because you’d honestly love nothing more then to have Steve entirely to yourself. But the reality is, he sees you as just a friend, maybe even still like a little sister? Who even knows anymore, honestly.
Now don’t get this wrong, you know you’re a pretty woman, you aren’t blind to the attention you get now. But you also aren’t stupid, you know that it’s really damn hard to get out of the friends zone. Shit, you are like the Queen of the damn friend zone. You’ve only been in Steve’s friend zone for like 9 years, no big deal or anything.
You snort at Nat’s words, “yeah, okay, but that doesn’t really help me,” you gesture to yourself, then a thought crosses your mind, “what I don’t get is why?”
“Why?” Hilde asks, confused.
“Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant why the hell is someone like Steve still single?” You look around at the women in front of you, “I don’t get why no one has snatched him up yet. It makes no sense.”
The girls all share a strange look, as if having a non verbal conversation about something. Something you clearly aren’t in the loop for, which is odd. You’re always in the loop with these girls, even with living 11 hours away for the last 7 years.
Wanda is the first to break the weird awkward silence, when she looks to you and says, “he’s just been waiting for the right one.”
You nod, slowly, “that makes sense, I guess.” And it does, sort of—“But how does he expect to find ‘the right one’ if he isn’t even looking?”
Hilde speaks up this time, “because he already knows exactly what he wants, so now he just needs to lock that down.”
Okay, this whole conversation is confusing as hell. Everything they are saying sounds like a double meaning. Which is fucking weird. “What does that even mean?” You mumble then a realization hits you. “Wait, are you saying there is a woman in town that he likes? One he wants to actually be with?”
And wait, why the hell does saying those words hurt so much? I mean, yeah, when you thought Steve was engaged to Madi you may have flipped out a little—okay, that’s a lie, you flipped out a lot—but you assumed that was because it was Madi. Because you feared he would be forever tied to that she-witch. And you desperately want him to be happy in life, that is the honest to God truth.
But then why do you feel this odd feeling? Like your heart is constricting, yet your blood is boiling. Are you fucking jealous right now? Oh girl, you have no right to be jealous. Seriously. You don’t even really have a right to ask about his love life. Let alone be upset by the fact he actually has one. You were the one who left him behind all those years ago. You were the one who stripped your rights to know and be privy to his life. Give your damn head a shake, woman. Ridiculous.
“I wouldn’t say ‘likes’, it’s a little more than that,” Nat says, and you swear she’s eyeing you, carefully? “But yeah, there is.”
Okay yup, yeah, that was for sure the feeling of jealousy. Now you know that for sure. You feel your heart break just a little, and you’re sure your lips twitched into a frown before you could correct it and force a smile on your face. “Well, I’m ah, I’m happy for him,” you nod once as if to trick them into believing your words are true. “I hope he doesn’t wait around too long though. He might miss out on her.”
Nat scoffs, and you just barely hear her mumble what sounds a lot like a very sarcastic, “‘now’s not really a good time.’”
Wanda lightly elbows Nat’s side under the table, and you assume she didn’t want anyone to notice, but you saw it. You furrow your brows at that but decide to just leave it there, you really want to enjoy this night and if you have to be subjected to anymore ‘Steve’s in love with someone’ talk, you know for a fact your mood will be ruined for the night. And there won’t be any hope of salvaging it.
But before anyone can fix the now awkward tension lingering in the air around you all, Wanda adds, “we all hope so to. They’d honestly be perfect for each other.”
And yup, hearing that sucked. A lot. But you’ll live. Mostly.
And then Hilde—that beautiful fucking woman, who you could honestly kiss in this very moment—swiftly changes the subject, “I say we do some shots!”
Amazing idea, Hilde! And this is exactly why she’s your favourite.
“I second that!” You cheerfully say as you flag the waitress down to order a round of shots.
You all then just continue to drink and catch up, talking about life and work for a while, and ordering a few more rounds of drinks as you do.
About 45 minutes after you’d all arrive at the bar Nat mumbles, “well fuck,” out of nowhere as she stares at something behind you. “Okay, now don’t all look at once, but guess who just fucking walked in.”
Completely disregarding her warning you all look, at the same time, “I said not all at once!” She hisses. But it’s too late. Your eyes land on Brock walking into the bar with Johann and Baron. You quickly spin back around, hoping he hadn’t seen you.
“Fuck,” you murmur and take a long swig of your drink, finishing it off, “of all the fucking people.”
“Are you gunna be okay, Y/N?” Wanda leans in to ask you quietly.
“We can go somewhere else if you want?” Hilde offers.
Then Nat adds, “yeah, it’s really no bother to us. We’d just have to give the guys a heads up that there is a change in plans.”
You wave them off, “no, no. I’ll be fine. I’m sure he won’t even notice us.”
“Okay,” Wanda says reluctantly, “if you’re sure.”
“I am,” you nod. Buuuuut it’s a lie, you just don’t want to inconvenience everyone by forcing them to relocate because of your past drama. Plus there isn’t really anywhere else in town to go, besides a few small lounges and a seedy, roadside truck stop. Where you’d all probably end up in a far worst situation. Nope, no, we will stay right here. It’s been 7 fucking years, time to get over the past. Once and for all.
The girls all nod then pick up their conversations again, however just seeing him drags up old memories and you find yourself zoning out. Remembering the last time Brock unexpectedly showed up at a party you were at…
July 2011 - 7 years ago.
It was Independence Day and Steve’s 18th birthday party, and Clint’s house was freaking PACKED with damn near the whole school—And yes, you said Clint’s house. Sam had started planning Steve’s party like always, and then quickly learned that Clint’s parents would actually be away over that weekend, so he commandeered Clint’s place. That’s a lie, he did get Barney’s permission first, so I guess that’s not so much commandeering but more like borrowing? Can one even actually borrow a house? Who knows.
But either way, here you were, surrounded by your whole damn school. And honestly you didn’t think it was even possible to fit this many people into one house. But then again, the Barton house wasn’t exactly a normal sized home. There was a reason it was called The Barton Estate. The place was freaking massive.
You’d arrived with the usual suspects, the birthday boy included—shocker, I know!—but within minutes of arriving Steve had been dragged off by his football buddies to play beer pong. As per usual.
You kept tabs on where Steve was, which was also ‘as per usual’, but let him just have time with his teammates. Mainly because trying to prevent a whole damn football team from stealing your best friend was actually impossible. You knew that. Plus he had promised to come find you ‘all’ later, though you knew he’d directed that comment mainly at you.
But regardless of that you had been having a wonderful night with the rest of your friends, so far. That is, until Nat elbowed you gently and subtly nodded her head towards the front door. You turned and watched as Madi, Penelope and Kiara all entered the home.
You cringed then quickly turned back to your friends, “who the fuck invited them?” You pointedly glared at Sam.
Who, in turn, put his hands up defensively, “don’t look at me! This isn’t my house and I didn’t invite her.”
You narrowed your eyes at him for a few more seconds then shifted your heated glare towards Clint, who also put his hands up in defence, “I didn’t invite her either.”
“She probably just heard about the party from someone else. Seeing as the whole damn school is here, after all,” Bucky mumbled and also shot a glare pointedly at Sam. Buck was never a fan of large crowds.
“I can’t help it if everyone loves Steve,” Sam shakes his head. “You try telling people they can’t come to his party. They get all pouty and shit, man. And I don’t know how to handle pouty people!” He throws his hands up in defeat, “they always just look so damn sad, like little lost puppies and it breaks my heart! Okay! I’m sorry!”
“Sammy, it’s fine,” Hilde says through a laugh. “No one’s mad at you.”
“Ah,” you pipe up and raise a finger in the air, “I am.” But your barely contained smirk gives away that you’re joking.
“That’s fine, you’re always mad. So that’s nothing new,” Sam shrugs but then bursts out laughing, “shit, I tried to keep a straight face there. But I just couldn’t.”
“So rude!” You pout.
“Way to go, asshole,” Bucky pats him on the back, but it’s not in comfort.
“Oh shit!” Sam says as he lunges for you and pulls you into a bear hug. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was only joking! You’re never really mad,” he pauses, “it’s actually kinda weird,” he notes as he trails off.
“You totally do have a weakness to the pout!” You laugh loudly, “I need to remember this for the future.”
He pulls back from the hug and gasps, “you tricked me?!” You nod enthusiastically and he releases you fully, “now that was rude!”
“Oh you’ll live!” You giggle but it quickly dies in your throat as you watch Madi approach Steve on the other side of the room. Your stomach is instantly in knots as she whispers something in his ear and he nods then leads her out of the room.
“The fuck,” you mumble and everyone turns to see them exiting the room together.
“Where the hell are they going?” Nat says from beside you.
“What could they possibly have to talk about?” Hilde adds.
You swallow down the bile climbing up your throat and attempt a nonchalant shrug, which probably didn’t come off as that, at all. Considering you were freaking the fuck out on the inside. “Beats me,”
you say as you peel your eyes away from the door they had just walked through, and notice everyone now staring at you. “What?” You ask and they all mumble a, “nothing,” in unison.
They all continue talking about Steve and Madi going off together, alone, but you do your best to ignore the conversation. As just listening to it is making it worse for you. So you decide to people watch instead. At least it’s better then just standing there in stunned silence, staring at the door, waiting for them to walk back through it.
Once your friends move on to a different topic, you tune back in, slightly. Enough to add in here and there at least, and to keep them from noticing your complete change in demeanour. Though you figured they’d probably all noticed it anyways, but being the amazing friends they were, none of them mentioned it.
After what felt like days, but was probably only 15 minutes, they still hadn’t come back. And your gut was in even more knots with every passing minute. Where the fuck are they? “I’m gonna go get another drink,” you abruptly say and then walk off before anyone can say a word.
You look around the whole way to the kitchen, searching for that giant everywhere. But then you reach the kitchen, without so much as a glimpse of him, anywhere. And now you are even more worried and upset. You numbly make a drink and then chug it. Only to then make another drink. But before you can chug that one you feel a tap on your shoulder and you swing around, hoping it’s Steve.
However, the second you see who it actually is, your heart drops more. It’s not that you’re upset to see Brock standing there, it’s just that you were hoping it was your favourite giant, more.
“Hey,” he smiles.
“Hey,” you return the gesture as best you can.
“How’s your night going?” He asks as he takes a sip of his drink.
“Good. Good. Fine,” you say quickly and nod, causing him to laugh. “You?”
“Better now,” he gives you a wink and a once over, and it’s strange for you to have a guy seemingly interested in you. But you’re not gonna lie, it’s a nice feeling.
“Ah,” you pause, “you excited for prom?” Really? That’s you making small talk?! You internally facepalm at how awkward you are around guys.
“It’s funny you should ask, as I was just coming over here to see if you had a date to prom?”
“Me?” You question, slightly caught off guard. He nods and you shake your head, “ah, nope. No. No date to prom yet.”
“Well, what would you say to me taking you?”
“You?” You gape, now utterly caught off guard.
He laughs, “yeah, me.”
“Ah,” you pause, you’d secretly been hoping Steve would ask you, even just as a friend, as he’d yet to ask anyone and he’d made such a big deal out of you being his date for the winter formal. But with prom being 2 weeks away now, you were assuming if he was going to ask, that he’d ask soon. Hopefully.
“Can I get back to you on that?” You ask then kick yourself internally. How rude was that! You quickly add, “not that I wouldn’t like going with you, I just wasn’t really planning on going and ah,” you search for an excuse, “I don’t have a dress for it.” Horrible excuse. Do better. “Plus, I’d have to talk to my dad,” you pause. This isn’t going well. At all. “About going, I mean. Make sure he’s okay with it,” you say as you finally clamp your mouth shut. Wow, way to go, Y/N. Cause that wasn’t awkward as fuck. Damnit.
He just stares at you for a moment, then a smirk graces his lips, “that’s fine. Ask your dad and get back to me.”
“Yup. Will do.”
“Well, have a fun night, Y/N. I hope to hear from you soon,” he winks and then walks away. Leaving you standing there like a fish out of water. What the fuck just happened?! You shake your head and take a few giant gulps of your drink before topping it up and heading back to your friends.
“Where’d you run off to?” Nat questions, with a smirk on her face. You swear she can read body language like a damn spy. Though you’d bet you look like you’d just seen a freaking ghost.
“Ah, just went to get a drink,” you reply.
“Was that Brock we saw chatting with you?” Wanda asks.
“Just now?”
“No, Y/N, last week,” Hilde says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes, “yes, just now.”
“Ah, yup. Mhmm,” you hum, “he ah, he asked me to prom.”
“What?!” They all exclaim at the same time then glance around at each other, as if they all know something you don’t before turning back to you.
“What did you say back?!” Nat damn near yells.
“How did he ask?!” Wanda questions.
“Did you accept?!” Bucky says at the same time.
“Are you going with him?!” Hilde says directly after. Clint and Sam both don’t say a word, and instead they just gape at you, like you’d just told them superheroes were real.
“Jesus, guys. One at a time,” you shake your head. “I didn’t accept yet,” you pause. Shit, you can’t exactly tell them the reason behind why you didn’t accept. Sooo looks like you’re going to reuse excuses here. “I have to talk to my dad first. Plus I don’t even have a dress.”
“Do you want to go with him?” Sam asks after a moment, when no one else has even so much as uttered a word.
You shrug, “I duno, I don’t exactly have suitors lining up at my door. He will probably be the only person to ask me, and I guess going with him is better then going to prom alone. So yeah, maybe I do want to go with him.”
“But it’s Brock,” Bucky mumbles and receives an elbow to the side from Nat. They share a weird look between them and then Nat turns to you and smiles as she says, “well, if you want to go with him, then I say do it.”
You nod, “I’m going to get back to him later, ah, after I talk to my dad. Brock said that was fine.”
Everyone nods, but mostly all stay quiet. It’s fucking awkward as hell, and for the first time since joining this group of friends, you feel utterly lost and completely left out. They all seem to know something you don’t and that bugs the hell out of you. “What am I missing?” You question them all as you glance between them.
“Nothing,” they all say in unison, again.
“I’m gonna go make another drink,” Bucky says abruptly, which causes you to narrow your eyes at him. Like you didn’t know what that action meant. Shit, you’d just pulled the same move on them not even 20 minutes ago. He was hiding something. Now you knew it for sure.
“I’ll join you,” Nat adds, Hilde and Sam nod that they will as well, and then they all head off towards the kitchen. Leaving you even more confused, and skeptical that it isn’t just ‘nothing’ like they all claimed.
You turn to Wanda and Clint, with a ‘the fuck was that?’ look and they both just shrug. You can’t shake this weird gut feeling, and it puts you on edge.
You glance around the room and finally catch a glimpse of Steve, and instantly you start to feel a little better.
That is, until you then notice Madi directly beside him. They were standing side by side, and Madi keeps putting her hands all over Steve, and that was the final straw for you. Without a word you turned and headed for the front door, chugging the last of your drink as you go then placing your empty cup on a side table along the way.
Fuck this party, you just want to go home. So without even telling anyone, you leave. If they can all keep shit from you, then you can too. And by the time you made it out the front door you were pissed off, hurt and utterly over this stupid night. You ended up walking the whole way home as you needed the fresh air to help clear your head. It didn’t work, but it was worth a shot.
Once home, you got into PJ’s and checked your phone. You had a bunch of missed texts and calls from everyone, except Steve. All of them were basically just your friends wondering where you went. You texted Wanda saying you were fine and had just gone home, then texted Steve to wish him a happy birthday one last time, and to say goodnight. As was your thing. And even though you were upset at him, you couldn’t not. It was his birthday, after all.
You woke up the next morning to more messages from your friends, but still nothing from Steve. Which was odd as he always texted you to say goodnight. No matter what. Even if he was halfway around the world, or had only just dropped you off 20 minutes before, he’d still always text you. It wasn’t like him to not text. Nor was it like him to not thank someone for birthday wishes. He was always polite, sometimes to a ridiculous level. But to not even say anything back?! That wasn’t like him at all.
But you’d learn just how much he’d changed that night soon enough.
Present - July 2018.
“Shit, incoming,” Nat whispers loudly, pulling you back to the present. And you didn’t even need to turn to know what she meant by that.
You stand abruptly, “I’m gonna go get a drink.” Then you damn near run to the bar, in the hopes you could avoid an encounter with Brock and his gang of friends.
Once you reached the bar, and ordered a drink, you glance over your shoulder and see them still standing by your table talking to the girls. Looks like they hadn’t noticed you, or if they did, they hadn’t followed you, which is all you could have hoped for. Honestly.
The bartender puts the drink on the counter and you turn back to accept it. You decide to hang at the bar till they leave your table and head back to their own. Shouldn’t take long with Hilde there, she’d tell them to fuck off shortly.
You keep your back to them and sip your drink, glancing behind you every few minutes to see if they were gone yet.
“Long time no see,” you hear a nasty voice coo behind you. A voice that would forever be etched into your mind, no matter how hard you tried to forget it.
You cringe then turn around, “not long enough though.”
His eyes drag down then back up your body, until they reach yours and then he smirks that vile smirk you also remember, completely. “Oh, don’t be like that,” he takes a step closer to you, “especially not when you look this fucking good. Damn, Y/N, you grew up nicely.”
He places his hand on the bar beside you, effectively caging you in between him, the bar and a stool. Not really giving you an escape route, which triggers flashbacks of prom to begin running through your head, and then your blood runs cold. Causing a chill to rip down your spin and the hairs on the back of your neck to stand tall.
You attempt to push the stool back to gain some distance from him, but it only moves about an inch. Basically until it bumps in to the stool beside it and then refuses to go any further. Which doesn’t really give you anymore room to work with. “Can you back the fuck up.”
“You’re more feisty then I remember,” he leans in a bit to whisper, “I like em feisty.”
You freeze, completely lost for words and, and, and, the fucking nerve on this guy. How fucking dare he! You were just about to slap him—or something, you hadn’t quite figured that part out just yet—for his vile comments, when a growled voice behind him both startles you and calms you.
“I believe she asked you to step away from her.”
Steve. It was Steve.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@hopefulmoonobject @caps-lockdown @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @tessvillegas @boxofteenageideas @wangdeasang @giggleberts @casuallydarktiger @theonelittleone @agentbadbitch @ratwrites @starrystellars @bandsandanimefreak @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lovvliies @cuffski @icesoccerer @alwaysright4 @lilsthethrills @imdiegohargreeves @zombiepotterfour @mu-mu-rs @ledandan1244 @straightforwardly @badassbeckettswan @denzmallows @xremember-me-notx @gwynethjodie @lollipopdomination @capstopavenger @jemimah-b99 @rcvenqers @justkending @marvel13princess @alagalaska @silent-loucidity
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
The Bodyguard’s Tale -Chapter 3
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Chapter 3
Lance’s next excursion wasn’t any better; he somehow got it into his head that he wanted to try hunting ducat. Whatever that was. Apparently, some guy named Coran told him all about them and where to find them. However, after a full day of tromping through the Altean jungle, he and Keith didn’t find anything. And when a tired, muddy, bedraggled Keith asked Shiro about it later, the man had laughed and suggested snipe hunting instead.
He was fairly certain they were being played. So was Lance.
In retaliation, Lance convinced him to help with a little prank. Somehow, the Altean prince had gotten ahold of a couple-dozen half-feral klanmüirls. Keith, openly shaking his head and secretly snickering for the sheer brilliance of it, had the task of putting a collar on each one that clearly stated that the beast was one of 25. There were only 24 klanmüirls. Then they set them loose in the Grand Hall, just before the High Council was called into session.
Keith had never seen such mayhem.
It was glorious.
Uptight lords ran around, panicking, yelling, and trying to catch the stray animals; women were screaming shrilly as several beasts mistook their shiny jewelry for a snack—Lotor had a huge one chasing him that was sure his hair was something edible—even Shiro’s calmer efforts to corral them was hilarious in its own way.
Keith and Lance were literally unable to stand, they were laughing so hard.
Unfortunately, their fun came to an end when Allura caught them hiding behind some draperies. Keith thought for sure they were doomed, but in exchange for her silence, the princess decided to have a bit of her own fun instead.
The next day, Lance and Keith looked at each other miserably as they were forced to try on dress after dress for the princess’s amusement. (She did not, as a small mercy, make them leave her quarters in the dresses, which Keith was eternally grateful for.)
“Does this one make my butt look big?” Lance asked, looking in the mirror while his sister was off trying to find accessories for them. The apparent reasoning behind this whole fiasco was that she wanted to see how different outfits looked side-by-side.
Why she couldn’t use her own ladies….
“I don’t think you have the hips for it,” a voice by the door laughed before Keith could reply. They both whirled around to see Shiro standing there, snickering. “Or the chest!”
“What are you doing here?!” Keith hissed, attempting to cover himself with another dress. Embarrassing himself in front of his best friend was not in the job description!
“Ah, Shiro! You have those documents I needed signed?” Allura said, handing her brother some jewelry as she crossed the room to the ambassador. Keith narrowed his eyes at her. So, she’d arranged this, the scheming little—
“Right here, princess,” Shiro said cheerfully, handing her some forms. “And I—uh, love your new models.”
Keith growled and Lance freed a hand long enough to give Shiro a rude hand gesture.
“Aww, did Lotor not come with you?” Allura pouted, looking behind the ambassador. Keith gaped at her in horror. His brother? Seeing him like this?! She was EVIL!!
“Unfortunately, Prince Lotor had some pressing business to take care of,” Shiro said, grimacing. Keith snorted. Undoubtedly, his brother simply hadn’t seen how a visit to see his betrothed would benefit him and had brushed off Allura’s invitation. “He swears he’ll make it up to you later.” Shiro glanced at the two boys again, and barely hid his laughter behind his hand.
“Of course, if he’d known what was waiting for him, I’m sure he’d have come,” he added, grinning at Keith.
“Don’t you dare tell him!” Keith hissed, trying to wiggle out of his dress to go threaten Shiro properly.
“And now, Princess, I have some pressing business of my own… That’s a good color on you, Keith!”
“Shiro! Get back here!!” Keith yelled, struggling harder. He ended up stumbling around and crashing into Lance, who yelped when they went down in a pile of limbs.
“Ow, mullet-head!”
“Shut up and get off me!”
“Excuse you! You’re the one on me!” Lance shouted.
“Move your leg!”
“Hey, watch the heel! Watch the heel!!”
“WHY are you wearing heels, Lance?” Keith asked, completely exasperated and still tangled up on the floor in what could be considered a very compromising position.
“Hey, if I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do it right!” The Altean prince had the nerve to pose.
“Ugh, you idiot!”
“Oh yeah? I’m not the one who—OOF!” Lance groaned. Keith winced. He’d accidently kneed the other boy in the stomach.
“You Galra, always so violent!” Lance cried dramatically, throwing a hand over his eyes for effect. “Sister-dear, did you see how he brutalized me?!”
“My poor brother,” Allura gushed, joining in the drama effortlessly. “You must be traumatized! Facial masks for both of you!!”
Lance cheered. Keith suppressed his urge to bang his head on the floor. The royal siblings were two of a kind, and a royal pain in his—
“C’mon, Keith, let’s get you exfoliated!!”
The next few weeks were more of the same. Lance got into more bar fights (which Keith had to step in and defend him for, even if the prince had a pretty good right hook himself) and attempted to learn how to play some sort of wind instrument (Keith chucked it out the window after the third day and claimed it must be in Lance’s messy room somewhere. Win-win for him; Lance had to clean his room, finally, and Keith was no longer subjected to the sound of a dying cat).
The best times were when Lance decided to hang out with Allura, usually studying spellcasting or playing Monsters and Mana. (Keith decided to forgive her for the dress debacle, since those few hours were the most peace he had these days. Still, he swore Lance cheated at that game, there was no way anyone could roll that many Nat 20s.)
Lance also attempted to learn how to use a sword, which Keith had to help him with. The prince was surprisingly light on his feet, but he was no match for Keith’s strength, even if he was Altean. Still, he was stubborn, and those practice matches were very enjoyable for Keith. Especially the way Lance’s eyes would sparkle every time he learned a new move or managed to land a hit….
NOPE! Nope. That was just the adrenaline talking. Keith loved the adrenaline rush. That was all.
Finally, the king and queen deemed Lance worthy of representing Altea on another world. Keith was apprehensive until he found out the mission wasn’t going to take long; it was just a festival that the locals called Clear Day. Shiro even offered to accompany them and make sure Lance didn’t get into too much trouble.
Keith regretted it the moment they touched down. So many lights and noises and smells—
“It’s a carnival,” Shiro exclaimed softly, his eyes wide. “We used to have them on Earth all the time!”
“Really?” Keith asked, interested in learning more about that part of himself. And honestly, watching Shiro was easier on his eyes than all these flashing lights….
“Hey, where’d Lance go?” Shiro suddenly asked.
Keith spun around, looking for the prince who had just been at his side.
They searched for nearly an hour before they found him at the shooting games, entertaining several females with his ability to get them some cheap little stuffed animals.
“Lance!” Keith roared. “You know you’re not supposed to go off on your own!!”
Lance took one look at the rage on his face and, to Keith’s astonishment, he ran. What the quiznak?! Where did he think—?
“Get back here!” he yelled after the wayward prince, only vaguely aware of Shiro laughing behind him as he chased the other boy. Shiro could laugh, but it was going to be Keith’s ass if something happened to the prince!
Lance was darting left and right, trying to lose him in the crowd, but Keith was quicker. He tackled Lance right into a line of people. Keith pulled them both to their feet, and was about to start laying into the Altean when—
“Fine, fine, you can go first,” a bored, nasally voice said. The next thing they knew, they had been strapped into a ride and told to have a “blissfully burrowful time.”
All Keith could do was glare at Lance, which intensified when the animatronics all around them began to sing. Lance looked interested (for all of two tiks) and then he chanced a glance at his bodyguard.
“Just remember, if you kill me, you fail your mission,” he sang, grinning sheepishly.
“I remind myself that every day.”
The ride broke, right when they were in the middle of it. Keith groaned in despair and buried his face in his hands.
It took him less than five minutes to get fed up with the idiotic song and slash his way to freedom, dragging a laughing Lance behind him. The prince promised to pay for damages to the irate carny, but also pointed out that the ride had already been broken. Then Keith chimed in about how it could’ve been a trap to harm Lance’s royal person, blah-de-blah, and the worker quickly let them go with hasty apology for their troubles.
They were never coming back to Clear Day. Keith would beg Lance’s other bodyguards on his knees if he had to.
Now, they couldn’t find Shiro.
Some of the locals said something about a human being in the arm-wrestling tournament, but to get there, they had to pass the shooting games again. And of course, Lance wheedled and whined until Keith finally gave in and stopped to let him play for awhile.
It wasn’t like he was actually going to win anything… those things were totally rigged.
So, when Lance presented him with a stuffed red lion, Keith took it out of sheer disbelief—and ignored his flaming cheeks.
It was just to say sorry for that whole ride debacle. It’s not like it meant anything. Besides, they were both quickly distracted by the fact that Shiro was now the center of a cheering crowd of fans.
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ofheroesandvillains · 6 years
A Series of (Un)Fortunate Events - Bucky Barnes/Reader
Hi everyone! Just want to wish a Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it, and I hope those who don’t have a great break! You’re all awesome, and if I don’t post in the next week, I hope 2019 is the best darn year of your lives! :D 
Words: 6.2k Warnings: None Summary: Bucky is finding it hard to tell you how he feels, so he takes it upon himself to sabotage your dates until he no longer can. Basically, Bucky is a little shit. I was reading The Bad Beginning and I couldn’t help myself.
Please let me know if you see any mistakes, I’m too lazy to read through it a third time! My bad. 
(Gif not mine!)
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It had been a long week.
Work was always busier around the holiday period, and your already lacking social life was threatening to become non-existent if things continued at this rate. But that’s what being an adult was, wasn’t it? Working all day and praying no one would bother you so you could chill in your underwear and watch TV all night. Maybe that was just you…
But today was different. The first weekend you had off in three weeks and you were finally catching up with the overgrown toddlers you called friends. You had to hand it to them though, they were the most supportive friends you could ask for, and you didn’t think you’d have the patience to listen to them rant about their shitty co-workers the way you did.
Bucky and Sam argued like an old married couple most of the time, but at least they knew how to make you laugh and take your mind off of things for a while. It was early in the afternoon and you were all sitting in your usual spots in the lounge room, drinks in hand. Sam always sat in one of the armchairs, he claimed it was the comfier of the two, despite the fact that they were identical. So naturally, Bucky would always steal it whenever he got the chance and Sam would end up grumbling under his breath about it for a solid half hour.
On the days that Bucky was feeling generous, he’d sit beside you on the couch instead. Today was one of those days.
“Look, all I’m saying is that without the serum, it wouldn’t even be a contest.”
Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Oh please, the serum enhances the good and the bad. You’re bad enough without it, with it you’d be pathetic.”
Sam scoffed, jerking his head back in disbelief. “We both know that’s a lie. Help me out here, Y/N.”
You looked up wide-eyed at the mention of your name to find both of them staring at you expectantly.
“Uh…I-I-“ Your gaze flickered between them, as if an answer would miraculously dangle itself in front of you.
“You weren’t even paying attention.” Sam pursed his lips with a faux glare.
“I’m sorry!” You laughed, shoving Bucky’s shoulder when he shot you a tsk tsk. “Hey, you can’t blame me for zoning out whenever you two bicker like children.”
Sam cocked a brow. “You’re really gonna sit there and pretend you weren’t thinking about work?”
“Insulting our intelligence like that…” Bucky trailed off with a severe shake of his head, but the way his lips eventually twitched up cancelled it out.
You smiled, hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I know. I’m the worst, I’m sorry!”
Sam opened his mouth, no doubt ready to reassure you that you were, in fact, the worst. But it snapped shut just as quickly, and he appraised you for a moment. Your brows furrowed, and all Bucky could offer when you looked to him for help was an equally confused shrug.
A sudden idea had struck Sam, and he did well to keep the glee off of his face.
“You know what you need to do?”
You hesitated. “What’s that?”
“Go on a date.”
Frowning in contemplation, you missed the high-browed look Sam sent a scowling Bucky over the rim of his cup.
“A date?”
“Yeah!” Sam smiled, it looked reassuring, but you had no idea how much joy he was taking in seeing Bucky so livid.
“Think about it, you’re always working, don’t you deserve a night out on the town with some good company?”
“Or,” Bucky emphasised, “maybe a night in with good company, watch some movies and eat some takeout? Nat did mention that new mov-“
“Ah, come on, man! Let the girl live a little!” Sam winked with a smile. “You’re cooped up inside all day, go out, have fun…” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“You don’t need to go out to have fun.” Bucky added with a nonchalant shrug, but Sam was waiting for his white-knuckled grip to finally shatter his glass.
“True,” Sam nodded slowly in agreement, “but at least think about it? You gotta have guys trippin’ over their feet just to ask you out.”
“Oh yeah, I practically have to tear them off me.“ You rolled your eyes with a small smile.
“Alright, smartass. All I’m saying is that you deserve a good guy, and any man would be lucky to have you.” Sam pointed out, putting his jokes aside for a moment.
You considered his words with a silent sigh. Any man, huh? You didn’t want any man, you just wanted one in particular. But you couldn’t keep hiding yourself away in the hopes that he would one day magically sprout feelings for you.
“You know what?” You clapped your hands together with a newfound determination. “You’re right. I’m going to go call the girls and see if they’re up for a night out.”
Sam watched you leave with a self-satisfied smile, before turning to look at Bucky. He’d been glaring at Sam ever since he made the suggestion.
“You know what.” Bucky shot back with a scoff. “That was low and you know it.”
Sam raised his hands in surrender. “Hey man, you don’t want her finding a random guy to hook up with-“
“Hook up with?!” Bucky spluttered, wide-eyed.
“-then you better go tell her how you feel.”
“You’re an asshole, you know that?”
“It’s why they pay me the big bucks.”
Bucky rolled his eyes.
“It’s not that easy.”
“C’mon man, how hard can it be? You walk up to her and you tell her you like her, damn.” Sam tsked with a shake of his head.
“There’s got to be another way…” Bucky squinted in thought.
“There’s no other way.” Sam rolled his eyes but Bucky was already planning, ignoring the ‘such a drama queen’ comment Sam mumbled into his glass before taking another sip.
He paused, glass hovering just before his lips when he noticed the way Bucky straightened. Oh man, he knew that look.
“Whatever it is, no.”
A lazy smirk answered his pointed look.
“You don’t even know what I’m thinking.”
“I don’t need to know, that stupid look on your face tells me everything.”
Bucky scoffed.
“I’m telling you, man, it’s a bad idea.” Sam warned.
“I got this.”
Bucky shot up from the couch with a new bounce in his step.
“Wha- Hey! Come on!” Sam jumped in his seat at the sudden movement, his drink sloshing over the sides of his glass. “At least tell me what it is!”
But Bucky was already out the door. Sam shook his head in exasperation, this wasn’t what he intended to happen when he suggested you go out. He just wanted to help his friend muster up the courage to finally tell you how he felt. Bucky wasn’t even a shy guy so he had no idea why this was such a big deal for him. Either way, he had a feeling he had just made your life a hell of a lot harder.
With a scoff, he threw back the rest of his drink.
“Damn dumbass.”
That had been two days ago and things didn’t quite go according to plan. The girls were busy but Natasha reassured your that she’d make it up to you. Today you were preparing to head out once more. You had a date. Your first date in a long time, but somehow Natasha had convinced you to go to dinner with the barista that worked in the cafe you always dragged Bucky to before work.
The redhead had seen first hand the way the barista would light up at the sight of you, only to dim when he noticed the pale glare pinned on him whenever he even attempted to flirt or flatter.
There were two things you were completely unaware of though…
The first was that Natasha had been the one to visit the cafe and casually mention that you were single as soon as he - Brian, he told her his name was - asked her how you were doing. He recognised your friends and always asked about you no matter what, it didn’t take a genius to figure out he was very interested. The only thing that had been stopping him was Bucky Barnes. The man he was certain you were dating, at least until Natasha reassured him. He asked you out the very next day, despite the fact that a tense Bucky was standing right beside you as he did so.
Brian could have sworn that for a minute there, Bucky was mentally picturing all of the ways he’d like to kill him, but he must have been imagining it. Why else would the man offer to help him?
That was the second thing you were unaware of. The moment you stepped into the bathroom, Bucky had swiftly headed over to Brian and offered him a charming -albeit, entirely fake- smile.
“Look, you seem like a nice guy, Brandon-“
“So I feel like I should tell you before your date…”
“Tell me what?” He looked concerned. Good, Bucky thought.
“Y/N, she’s a great girl, really…” Bucky trailed off with a forced grimace. “But she can be a little, overwhelming.”
“She has this habit,” he shook his head fondly, “likes to plan things real early, weddings, kids, the whole nine yards, ya know?”
“What?” Misinterpreting Brian’s surprise as dismay, Bucky felt his lips turn in a satisfied smile. “No way! I do the exact same thing.”
“You- you do?” Bucky faltered, and he couldn’t figure out if Brian was genuinely gushing or if he was just messing with him. The very idea made Bucky want to cringe.
Brian nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! I like to be prepared, you know, just in case? I mean, my last girlfriend dumped me because she said it was way too soon, but two months quickly turns into two years, right?”
“…right.” Bucky nodded slowly.
“But thanks, man. For a second there I thought you were…you know…” He shot Bucky a pointed look.
“I mean, she’s beautiful, and you’re always with her,” Brian shrugged, “I thought you might get jealous or something and stake your claim, but thanks for the tip!” He grinned.
Now Bucky thought of himself as a relatively nice guy, and even though Brian wasn’t wrong about his jealousy, hearing him mention it had done him absolutely no favours. After realising that his plans for foiling your date had backfired and that Brian wouldn’t go running if he thought you were some clingy girlfriend, Bucky was willing to walk away and reassess the situation. Maybe he would even let the little punk take you out. But the mere mention of jealousy was enough to have it rear its ugly head, and he could not let his pride take that hit.
So he forced a wide smile. “No problem, man. Y/N loves guys that aren’t afraid to share, the sooner the better!”
Brian’s attention peaked. “You think so?”
“Sure do. Hell, I wouldn’t even bother waiting. Bring it up during your date if you can,” Bucky urged, “you don’t want her thinking you’re not on the same page.”
Brian nodded as if it made perfect sense. Bucky had no idea how anyone could think so. One thing was for certain, if he couldn’t take Brian out of the equation, he’d take you out of it instead.  
So here you were, sitting in a dimly lit restaurant with Brian the Barista. It was a nice place, somewhere you hadn’t been before, but with a cosiness that calmed your nerves. It helped that the food was also great. Brian had been easy to talk to so far, asking all sorts of questions about you - some of which you had tactfully dodged, but overall it was going relatively well.
Until it wasn’t.
Brian had been looking forward to your date all day. Despite his nerves, he was glad that he finally had a chance to win you over. His ex only broke up with him a few weeks ago, but he told himself it wasn’t cheating or anything if he just appreciated you from afar. For months he’d watch you come and go with your friends, usually Bucky, and he could never really gather the courage to talk to you when your silent protector was present. So he was more than surprised that Bucky himself had given him advice to win you over.  
“So, do you, uh, like kids?”
You paused mid-bite, looking at him in confusion.
“Kids?” The question caught you off guard. “Yeah, I guess, I mean-“
“Me too! I love kids, they’re great.” He shot you a knowing smile that you couldn’t quite decipher. Why the hell was he looking at you like he was in on some big secret?
“I always told my grandma that I’d name my first daughter after her - Marlene. What do you think?”
You stared at him blankly for a moment, dread creeping up on you when you realised the direction this conversation was going in.
“Oh, um, that’s really…something.” You forced a smile, nodding at his enthusiasm.
“Right!” He agreed, “I actually have a list of names if you want to see them, wait, I know I have it here somewhere…”
Your smiled melted away into horror as soon as he started digging into the pockets of his jacket.
“Nope, that’s the honeymoon destinations…” He jokingly rolled his eyes at his own silliness.
Your forced chuckle sounded a little hysterical even to your own ears. “Honeymoon destinations…in your left pocket. Of course.”
You downed your glass of wine in one go.
The crinkle of paper and the accompanying ‘Aha!’ was all it took for you to understand that it was going to be a loooong night.
The slamming of the front door alerted Sam and Bucky that you’d returned from your date, and a glance at the clock told Sam that you were a lot earlier than expected. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to hang out in your apartment, someone had to babysit your cat and they were always more than willing to raid your fridge and watch TV.
“How’d it go?” Sam shouted from his usual armchair, but you breezed past with a groan. “That well, huh?”
The door to your room snapped shut, and Sam’s attention shot over to Bucky, chuckling in his spot on the couch.
“Man, you are stone cold, you know that?”
“I’m just doing what has to be done for the greater good.” Bucky held his hands up like he was doing the world some big favour, earning a scoff from Sam.
“Greater good, my ass.”
“Oh come on, she would have hated him in the end anyway, I was just saving them both from future heartbreak.”
“You don���t know that.” Sam pointed out matter-off-factly.
Bucky’s brows shot up knowingly, as if to say ‘really?’ and Sam didn’t even bother commenting because as much as he hated to admit it, Bucky was right. He had told Sam all about Brandon the clingy Barista, and as much as he didn’t agree with Bucky’s methods, exposing the man’s clinginess was probably for the best.
The door to your room was thrown open, and their attention was quick to turn to you instead of Bucky’s scheming. Long gone was the pretty dress and make-up, making way for sweatpants and the maroon shirt Bucky had been trying to find for the past month.
You heaved a loud sigh, slumping on the couch beside him and letting your head fall onto his shoulder. Sam was shaking his head as soon as your eyes slipped shut and Bucky’s arm slipped around your waist. He shrugged innocently, and you finally decided to speak up.
“You were right. That was terrible, I should’ve just stayed in.”
Never one to back down from a challenge, Sam was quick to reply before Bucky could agree with you.
“What? No way, one bad date doesn’t mean anything. Girl, you get back on that horse and try again.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed dangerously, but Sam simply returned his innocent shrug with a smug smile.  
“Ugh, I don’t want to think about it right now. What are we watching?”
You tried to stay positive, knowing that Sam had a point, you couldn’t quit after one bad date. You couldn’t expect to find Mr Right straight away. Even though you’d already convinced yourself that Mr Right had been found long ago, he just didn’t think you were his Miss Right. Either way, things did not get any better in the dating department. In fact, they only got worse.  
After Brian the Barista, came Jim, who was (much to Bucky’s amusement) the owner of a local gym. He seemed nice at first, if a little self-centred, but he made up for it with a wicked sense of humour. Not to mention, he was pretty great to look at. Jim’s downfall was his competitive nature.
He’d taken you to a fair and was hellbent on winning you the biggest stuffed toy available. Even if it meant snatching it out of a 6-year-old’s hands. The kid’s dad was a former marine, and when he and Jim had finished their shooting game at the same time, they both wanted the same toy. The marine for his kid, and Jim for you - because for some wild reason, he was convinced that you loved a winner. You said it was absolutely fine, there was nothing you could do with a giant stuffed Captain America anyway (he was also convinced you loved Captain America - you had no idea where he got all of these ideas), and you definitely weren’t keen on letting Sam and Bucky see a plush of their best friend sitting in your room. You’d absolutely never hear the end of it.
But Jim wouldn’t relent. He earned that toy and he was one hell of a sore loser. When he snatched Plush Cap out of the kid’s hands you knew it was over (and it was all going so well, you mentally lamented), and you spent the rest of your date waiting at the hospital to see if the marine’s right hook did any permanent damage.
After Gym owner Jim, came Rebound Robert.
He was an accountant for some big firm in Manhattan. Robert was a smart guy, offering fun facts and intelligent conversation that you really appreciated, but he was also a little too serious. He barely had a sense of humour, and the cute little bar you’d taken him to didn’t impress him one bit - you could tell by the way he grimaced as his eyes flickered around the room, but he was too polite to outwardly say anything. You always came here with Bucky (who was the one who suggested the bar in the first place - after all, ‘who doesn’t like a drink or two?’) and Sam, sometimes even Steve when he wasn’t busy, it was a place that had become close to your heart, even if it wasn’t some flashy high-end bar in the centre of Manhattan.
But you knew that everyone had their own tastes, and it wasn’t entirely fair to judge Robert for his - not when you were annoyed about him doing the same thing to you.
After an hour or so you realised that there was a sadness to him that he did well to hide, until he no longer could.
He was a lightweight it seemed, and two drinks was all it took to have him divulging all of his secrets. Including the ex he was caught up on. You listened to him reveal that she was the love of his life and that he missed her so much, offering a light pat on the back and a ‘there, there’ when necessary. Just as he was starting to pull himself together, wiping his nose on his sleeve and taking a deep, shuddering breath, against absolutely all odds, the very woman in question strolled into the bar.
Robert bawled at the sight of her, and you were suddenly entirely sure that someone out there had it out for you. Love just wasn’t on the cards.
After making sure Rebound Robert got home safely, you made your way home and slipped into bed. If you couldn’t find love, you thought, you’d have to just wait for it to find you.  
Nat finally organised a night out for everyone a week later. You were surprised that she invited the boys after Wanda kept mentioning how excited she was for a girl’s night out. But you didn’t really mind. You weren’t looking for another date any time soon, so you were looking forward to spending time with your friends, regardless.
Natasha had naturally kept the details of the evening to herself. Even Sam had no idea what she was planning.
“Has he finally caved?”
Sam jumped at the sound of her voice beside him.
“Damn, lady. You can’t sneak up on a man like that!” He scolded, eyes wide.
Natasha simply smirked.
“To answer your question: hell no.” Sam scoffed. “He’s been sabotaging all of her dates.”
Natasha snorted in amusement. It was amazing to see Bucky Barnes, local ladies man, reduced to a nervous teenager because of a woman.
“So much for your grand plan.” She cocked a brow and Sam looked back at her, affronted.
“Hey, how was I supposed to know? He was meant to freak out, get jealous, then tell her - like any normal person would. Not my fault he’s a stubborn asshole.” Sam shook his head at the very thought of the lengths Bucky was going to.
Misleading the Barista.
Telling the Gym Junkie that you loved a man who would fight for you.
Paying the Accountant’s ex just to walk into a damn bar, of all things.
Sam really had no idea how Bucky managed to find out the apparent flaws that all of these guys had, but if anyone could do it, it was Bucky Barnes. Or Natasha Romanoff, now that he thought about it. But he knew this was all Barnes.
“Fair.” Natasha conceded. “If you’re done scheming, how about you let me take the lead this time?”
Sam perked up at the offer. Her plans usually worked, sure they were morally ambiguous most of the time, but these were desperate times and Bucky wasn’t exactly acting like a saint where your dates were involved.
“You have a plan?”
Natasha shot him her characteristic smirk.
“Something like that.”
Sam only realised just how far Nat was willing to go when she invited Steve and Bucky along with them to the bar. It was one of the most amusing things he’d seen in a long time. Bucky Barnes was not one to panic. He’d been through too much in his long life to be surprised by anything nowadays, but this was something else.
“Steve? I thought you were in Bulgaria?”
Sam, Steve and Nat had already been waiting in a booth when Bucky arrived, all nursing beers.
Steve greeted his best friend with a smile. “Got back this morning. Thought I’d join you tonight.”
Bucky grinned at the prospect, sliding into the booth beside him as Sam and Nat chatted across from them. They saw each other all the time, but missions had been taking Steve away an awful lot recently. It gave him more time to bond (bicker) with Sam, and spend with you. So he was excited to see Steve after weeks of no contact. That was, until he asked a question Bucky never thought he would hear him ask.
“Hey, I know you know Y/N better than most, I was just wondering if you could tell me what kind of food she likes best?” Steve asked lowly.
Bucky’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Food? Uh, she not that fussy, really…why?”
Steve looked somewhat sheepish and Bucky felt a red flag go up in his mind.
“I was thinking of asking her out on a date.”
The words just weren’t registering and all chatter at the table suddenly stopped. Natasha and Sam shared a look as Bucky opened and closed his mouth like a fish.
“Wha…d-date?” Bucky felt his heart race, hoping no one noticed the way his breathing picked up. “You? You and- and Y/N? On a date?”
Steve frowned in concern, reaching out to grasp Bucky’s shoulder. “You okay, Buck?”
The question seemed to snap Bucky out of his little episode, and he forced a smile. “Huh? Yeah, yeah of course. I’m great. Listen, I’m gonna go get a drink, anyone need a refill?”
He was out of his seat in a split second.
Steve sighed, sending a flat glare across the table when he heard the snickering.
“You two are insane, you know that? I can’t believe I agreed to this, did you see his face?” Steve frowned at the thought. Bucky looked devastated, and while Nat’s idea of finally forcing him to pluck up the courage and ask you on a date sounded effective earlier, he was regretting agreeing to it after that reaction.
“Relax, Steve. That just proves that it’s working.” Natasha offered a half-shrug. She knew Bucky would never ruin one of Steve’s dates, the only chance he had of doing so was to prevent it from happening in the first place.
On the other side of the room, you and Wanda had just arrived.
Honestly, the longer you were there, the more relieved you were that Bucky, Sam and Steve were too. Wanda had always been a lightweight, and even if you knew Natasha could handle any drunken assholes heading her way, there was an extra sense of safety that the boys offered. You knew they wouldn’t let anything happen to any of you as long as they were around.
So you really shouldn’t have been surprised that at the first sign of trouble, Bucky was storming his way over to you like a steam train. You’d just gone up to order another round when you felt a hand on the small of your back. At first you smiled, looking over your shoulder and expecting to see either one of the girls or Bucky. Steve would blush ten different shades before touching a woman he wasn’t ‘going steady with’, as he called it, and Sam was too lazy to leave his seat.  
But that smile was wiped a way as quick as it had come the moment you noticed a stranger standing beside you. He was decent-looking, but that didn’t excuse the fact that he was making you uncomfortable. He didn’t quite seem to understand that.
“You can put her drink on my tab.”
You turned, hoping his hand would drop as you backed out of his reach. Apparently he couldn’t take a hint, letting it slip to your waist instead.
“Oh, um, that’s not necessary…”
“Please, I insist.”
“No, really, I-“
He held up a hand to cut you off, and you blinked, wide-eyed at the audacity.
“Tell you what, you can make it up to me by joining me at my table.” He offered with a charming smile.
Apparently your loud scoff wasn’t what he was expecting.
“Are you kidding?” You knocked his arm away from you, finally losing your patience with playing nice. What the hell was it with all the men in this city?!
You turned back to the bartender with an apologetic smile. “You can leave those on my tab, thanks.”
Opting for a hasty retreat before Mr Control Freak decided he didn’t like your tone, you turned to head back to the girls. You yelped when your forearm was jerked back by his harsh grip, and he looked absolutely thunderous when you were forced to face him. His hold only tightened when you tried to jerk away, and you winced at the feeling of his fingers digging into your bones.
“You listen to me, you little - ahh!”
A strong hand clamped down on his wrist, and he quickly dropped your own as if it had burnt him. Thank god for Bucky Barnes, you thought, rubbing the sore skin of your arm. It was rare to see Bucky angry. He was a level-headed person most days, and he never took his anger out on those who hadn’t earned it. The worst he had let you see was his irritation, which usually appeared whenever Sam joined you.
If that chilling glare was pinned on you, you’d do anything and everything he asked of you. It was strange to see eyes that completely captivated you so full of threat - so cold and distant and dangerous.
“W-what?” Mr Control Freak was already grimacing at the pain shooting through his arm, but you could see his knees buckle when Bucky’s cybernetic arm whirred.
“I said, apologise.” He replied lowly.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Bucky’s jaw clenched when he noticed the way you were clutching your arm to your chest, eyes glassy and frowning, but he wouldn’t let you see his rage. No, not you.
“Why don’t you head on over to Steve, doll, I’ll be there in a minute.” He offered softly with a warm smile but his eyes were hard as steel when they flickered back over to Mr Control Freak.
Bucky realised that the incident hadn’t gone unnoticed, the whole table was on its feet with Natasha weaving her way over. She wrapped an arm around your shoulders and sent a dark glare the asshole’s way before shepherding you away.
Bucky’s smile fell the moment you left.
“I’m gonna be real honest with you man, I’d kill every last person in this bar for that woman.” The man’s eyes widened. “You touch her or any other woman like that again, hell, you ever even think about it, and you’ll be the first on my list. Understand?”
It was the closest to polite that Bucky could get right now, and considering he wanted to break this guy in half for laying his hands on you, he knew the repercussions would be severe in such a public place. The best he could do was make sure it never happened again.
“Yes, I-I understand.”
“Good. Go,” Bucky pushed the man’s arm away a little harsher than necessary, “I don’t want to see you here again.”
He stumbled over his own feet in his rush to leave.
Bucky found you on the balcony of the two-storey bar. It wasn’t anything too special, the chaos of New York’s streets could be heard wherever you sat, and the skyscrapers blocked any kind of view you might have, but it was a nice place to just sit and breathe.
It was also a great place for Bucky to calm down after the altercation inside. Steve had sent him your way as soon as Nat had returned to the table. Apparently you wanted some alone time.
That surprised Bucky. Not that you wanted to be alone, but that Steve wasn’t offering to go find you instead. The look he shared with Sam and Natasha raised his suspicion, but that wasn’t Bucky’s priority at the time.
“Go get her, pal.” Steve had said.
And he did.
You didn’t send him away, choosing instead to thank him and release all of the pent up emotion you’d been storing for the past month. He listened, guilt hitting for the first time, as you questioned your self-worth after a line of crappy dates. That was never his intention. He never wanted you to doubt yourself, he just wanted to show you that none of those guys deserved you. Did he? Probably not, but there wasn’t a damn person in the world who loved you more than he did.    
“I just don’t get it! Is there even a single guy in New York who isn’t a low-key asshole? Or just…just- ugh! I mean, am I asking too much? Am I the problem?” You threw your hands up in exasperation, but Bucky didn’t even get the chance to reply before you continued. “I just want to find a good guy, someone that gets me, and makes me happy. Someone like-!” Your brain managed to catch up with your mouth just in time, and you snapped it shut.
Bucky’s eyes were on you as quick as a whip, never one to miss any of the details.
“Like…?” He prompted.
Your shoulders slumped at the question. Like you, you dork.
“Like…Ryan Reynolds.” You threw out the first name you could think of with a shrug, earning an amused snort from Bucky.  
He knew you weren’t exactly telling the truth, despite your genuine love for Ryan Reynolds, but you were grateful he didn’t call you out on it.
“Believe it or not, there are still some good guys out there.” Bucky offered a soft smile. “Take Steve for example…”
Your brows furrowed. “Steve?”
Bucky chuckled at the way your face scrunched up in confusion. “Yeah, I mean, can you name a guy nicer than Steve?”
He didn’t even know why he was asking. There was no one better than Steve, he knew that and he’d fight anyone who ever dared to disagree. Despite not wanting to hear you tell him how great you thought Steve was, especially after finding out Steve was interested in pursuing you (his chest tightened at the very thought), he needed to know. All this time he had spent believing Sam, believing that you may have returned his feelings. Only to what? Find out that perhaps you didn’t want someone like him at all. Why would you, when you could have someone like Steve instead?
There was even a selfish part of him that wanted you to disagree, to tell him that there was only one man for you and that it wasn’t Steve. Right now it didn’t seem as unlikely as he would have originally thought, not if he was reading you right.
“Well, no…but he’s not-“ You shook your head, cutting yourself off once more.
“Not what?”
“Not…Ryan Reynolds.” You finished lamely, drawing another laugh from Bucky.
“Y’know, doll, I’m starting to think ‘Ryan Reynolds’ is code for something.” He cocked a knowing brow, peeking at you from the corner of his eye and smiling when you scowled.
A beat of silence passed between the two of you, both content to just enjoy the fresh (or as fresh as New York could offer) air and each other’s presence. There was a strange sense of anticipation within you, one that burned just as bright as the newfound hope in Bucky.
“I should head back inside, the girls are probably wondering where I am.”
If she goes in there, she’s Steve’s, he reminded himself. 
He listened as you got up to leave, each step reverberating in his head and urging him to say something. 
“We should go out some time.” Oh geez, not that.
You came to an abrupt halt and though he wasn’t looking at you, he just knew you’d turned to look at him, wondering if you had heard him right. With a silent sigh, he turned in his seat to face you. No more running, Barnes.
Maybe there really wasn’t any other way.
“We- we are out?”
He cracked a fond smile, and shook his head. Only you could ask what he meant without actually asking what he meant.
“I was thinking something a little more…private.” His eyes darted to the floor, nerves finally settling in. 
“Maybe a night in with good company, finally watch that movie Nat keeps raving about?” His voice had dropped lower, suddenly unsure of how you’d reply, but hoping you’d understand what he was trying to tell you. His eyes met your own and you felt like someone had knocked the air out of you.
A night in with good company - you remembered the conversation you had with Sam weeks ago. The way Bucky seemed to disapprove when he suggested you start dating. You never would have guessed that there was a reason for it, at least not this reason.
“Just…me and you?”
“Yeah, just us.” He nodded with a small smile.
“I-I’d like that.” You bit your lip to keep your grin in check, but the warm look in his eyes as he watched you, told you that you hadn’t quite succeeded.
His smile quickly turned into a smug smirk as he walked over. “You can tell me all about your crush on ‘Ryan Reynolds’,” he shot you a knowing look, “and I might just show you that there’s one man left in New York that can make you happy.”
You rolled your eyes at his teasing, giving his shoulder a light shove. He took it in stride, throwing an arm around your shoulders with a laugh.
“You’re a jerk, you know that?”
“You kidding? Steve only tells me every day.”
You joined him in laughing as you made your way back to your friends. 
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buckycheri-blog · 6 years
Revenge || Bucky x reader AU || Part One
Summary : You hate Bucky Barnes and he hates you back, but what happens when you have to team up against someone you both hate even more ? Pairing : Bucky x reader
Word count : 2541
A/N : This is the first part of the Revenge series and I’m super excited ! I hope you will enjoy it, tell me what you think. English is not my mother tongue, sorry for the potential mistakes. 🖤   There will be more relationship development and dialogue in the next parts!
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This party had just begun but you already wanted to go back to your place, far from all these people who seemed to have nothing in common with you. The music was extremely loud yet you could hear uninteresting conversations from here and there, but the only person you were looking for was nowhere to be seen. You were about to give up when a warm hand grabbed your wrist, making you turn around. The sight of this way too familiar face was enough to make your eyes roll, and now you were a hundred percent sure of this : this party was a nightmare.  
  « What do you want, Barnes ?» you sighed, not even trying to be polite. « You’re always so lovely to me Y/N » he said with his usual sarcasm « Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to be a part of my revenge plan. »
  As long as you remembered, you always hated James Barnes. His audacity, his pretentious behavior, the way he talked, the way he laughed at everything and everyone. Sadly you and him had the same friends and this meant that you had to spend time together. Tonight was no different, your friend Nat invited you to this huge party along with Wanda, Sharon, Steve, Thor and his antipathetic brother, Bucky and last but not least, your boyfriend Pietro. You were searching for him when the despicable and annoying James Buchanan Barnes caught your attention.  
« Your revenge plan ? What kind of silly project is that and why would you want my help, out of all these people ? » you complained, gesturing towards the dozens of persons surrounding you two. « I want your help » he declared, getting closer « because when you’re gonna hear what I have to say, you’ll probably want to get that revenge just as much as I do. »  
This caught you off guard. He was angry. He was very, very angry. You hadn’t payed attention to it because you were focusing on finding Pietro, but Bucky looked mad. You frowned, clearly intrigued and you knew he could feel it.
  « What are you talking about, Barnes ? What happened ? »
  He laughed. Yet he wasn’t amused, not a single bit. It was a strangely unsettling laugh, full of irony and now you were not sure if you really wanted to know the answer to your question.
  « My girl just cheated on me » he said, looking straight into your eyes « and she cheated with Pietro. »
  Bucky didn’t let you any time to answer or even think about it. He spoke again, calmly but with insurance and a clear rage.
  « So, are you in ? »
 Six days had passed since that disastrous party, and you had spent those six days locked up in your apartment thinking about all this mess. How could everything have gone wrong in so little time? At first, you thought that Bucky had lied but even James Barnes would never do something so awful, and you had doubted Pietro’s loyalty for a few weeks but you chose to trust him. Idiot. He had tried to call you several times and even came knocking on your door, but you never answered. Then sorrow left and anger came, making you reconsider Bucky’s offer. On the one hand it seemed childish and useless, but on the other hand, the idea of making Pietro suffer just like he made you suffer was tempting.  You slowly got out of your bed, which had been your refuge for the last few days and went to take a shower. The hot water running on your body awakened your sleeping muscles, giving you enough strength to finally decide to go to Barnes'. You then put on the first clothes you found in your closet and a big coat while texting the guy. 
  To : Barnes 💀 At : 11:05 a.m I'm in, Barnes. Will be at your place in 10, you better be there. 
Nat had dragged you to a party at Bucky’s once, his apartment was only a few blocks from yours. You attended the same college but you were not sudying the same things, he was a history student just like Steve. He didn’t answer your text but you kept walking anyway, until you got to his building. 
  « Damn Y/N you look awful, I don't know if I want to let you in now. » you heard the familiar voice coming from above you, making you look up to the third floor's balcony. Here he was, a cigarette between his lips. « You could have at least tried to look human, anyway I’m in a generous mood. I’ll let you in, come on hurry up. »
  Fucking asshole. You were probably going to kill him in the next five minutes if he didn't calm down quickly. You climbed the stairs only to find his door already open, so you went in without bothering to knock. The place was, well, just like Bucky. A mess. There were several clothes on the floor and you noticed the cigarette smell almost immediatly. Apart from that it was quite nice, the decoration was minimalist but the place felt cosy. He finally pulled you out of your thoughts when he slammed the door behind you. You jumped slightly, then silently took off your coat. « Let's make this quick, right ? I thought about what you said and, well, I'm in. They deserve that. » you stated, trying to convince yourself at the same time. He stared at you for a second without saying anything and finally nodded, sitting on the couch.
  « Alright then. Sit down, you look stupid standing there. » You sighed at his usual kindness and then sat at the other end of the sofa. « Did you break up with him yet ? » he asked, and you felt his blue eyes scanning your face but you didn't look back, rather staring at an imaginary point on the wall. You hadn't even thought about it. « I haven't spoken to him since the party, actually. So I guess we're still together, officially at least... »
   You heard him sigh and he sank deeper into the couch, crossing his arms behind his head. When you turned to him, he had closed his eyes and seemed to think peacefully. « Good. That's good. » he finally stated, turning his head so that he could look at you again. « You must not tell him about it, just pretend everything is fine right ? That way it'll be easier to really get him, at least if that's what you really want. » there was defiance in his eyes, just like when he came to talk to you during the party. He was obviously hurt and determined to make them pay for their betrayal. You had thousands of reasons to despise him but you knew one thing, when Bucky Barnes got involved in something, he went all the way till the end. Now there was only one thing to do, prove to him that you always kept your promises too.
  « Of course I do. When do we start ? »
  He smiled, one of those smiles that reflect neither joy nor pleasure, one of those that announce a storm is coming and tells you to get away from it if you want to stay safe. But now you were also part of the storm and it was just the beginning. « We have to establish our plan first, it will probably not be easy and it will take time. I haven’t broken up with Charlotte yet either, I thought it could be the first step. Something big, something she’ll remember for a long time, but she mustn’t understand why because otherwise she might talk to Pietro. » He suggested.
  « Wait a minute, Barnes. Why would you be the one that gets to leave his girlfriend and me, the one that has to stay with her cheating boyfriend? It’s not fair! » you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief. This guy had nerve, in addition to being a douche. « Because it was my idea and if you accept my plan, you accept my terms, doll. » He shrugged, as if it were obvious. He really had no intention of making an effort so it seemed you were going to have to get used to it.   You spent the next two hours developing a plan and as a true drama queen, he insisted that you both signed a contract, probably because he still doubted your will to hurt Pietro back. It was understandable, you were very attached to this boy and everyone knew it. But he had betrayed your trust and now nothing was stopping you from signing the damn contract, so you did.
  « I think we're good here. See you tomorrow for step one, partner. » He said in his deep and warm voice, standing in front of you next to the front door. His blue eyes were once again immersed in yours, both intimidating and expecting. He held his hand out, and you squeezed it without breaking eye contact.  
You could not manage to find sleep that night, tossing and turning in your bed. You'd never done this kind of stuff before and it seemed completely crazy, but it was too late to give up. You sent a message to Pietro telling him you had been sick and that you had spent a few days with your parents, you apologized for not telling him sooner. It was hard, having to say sorry to the boy who had hurt you so much. But you did not have a choice, it was the plan. You spent several hours like that, lying on your back staring at the ceiling, alone with the little voice in your head that told you again and again that it was the worst idea of your life. Screw you and your ideas, Bucky Barnes.
  You were still awake when your alarm went off, you got up and got ready for what was going to be the first part of the plan. Step one : the breakup. You did your best to hide what tiredness had done to your face, then left for college where Bucky was probably waiting for you already. You had an appointment at nine o'clock, so you had to skip your first class to put your plan into action. Eventually, you had to contact Loki for he worked here as a librarian. It was quite ironic knowing that he was the most mischievous person you'd ever met, but right now that was just what you needed. He had agreed to give you the key to the reception office in exchange for some information about Tony, that he would probably use to get take revenge on him for his latest prank. You felt really bad but hey, that wasn’t really your main problem right now. 
  After getting the keys, you had joined Bucky who was waiting for you in front of the office's door, leaning against the wall. He was dressed all in black, wearing that aviator jacket that made him look super badass. It was really unfair that such an asshole could be so hot.  « You got the keys ? » he asked, his voice more determined than ever and you just nodded. For you it was different, your survival instinct told you to get out of here, that it was madness and you really wanted to listen to it. You were not as serene as he was, after all it was the first time that you were going to break the rules. « I sure do, Barnes. Now just do your part of the job, will you ? » You handed him the keys with a trembling hand. You could have sworn you saw a small smile on his lips at that moment and he finally opened the door. « I'm impressed Y/N. Right, let's do this. »     In the lecture halls, the students were soon surprised to hear a deep masculine voice coming from the speakers. The teachers stopped talking, and everyone was wondering the same thing: what could the reception office have to announce in the middle of class? It was usually closed in the morning and nobody seemed to understand, regarding the questioning looks that everyone exchanged, including Charlotte and Pietro who were sitting on the same row.
  « Students, teachers, this is a special announcement. Important informations have just been sent to us, please listen attentively.  »
  You couldn't help but smirk seeing Bucky so proud, talking in the mic. He spoke with a louder voice so that people would not recognize him, and it was very convincing. You just hoped Charlotte was ready to live the most humiliating moment of her life but still, you felt a little sorry for her cause you knew what was coming.
   « It appears that one of our students, miss Charlotte Peterson, has had a bad, bad behavior. Indeed, witnesses saw her tagging the Head Master's car earlier this morning, writing -and I quote-  "Suck my dick mr Allen”. Not very classy, Charlotte.  »
   You bit your lips as you stared at Bucky's fingers, still covered in red spray paint. He went and found the car while you were getting Loki's keys, and everybody knew how much Mr Allen loved his car. The worst part was that it was your idea. He didn’t say it, but you knew he loved it. Not only did he ruin the 1966 Ford Mustang, but he also made a trip to the cheerleaders' locker room on his way back. How did he get in ? Well you had no idea and he would't tell you. His eyes met yours for a second and he winked, looking like a proud kid.
  «I'm not finished. Other testimonies tell us that earlier this year, Miss Peterson developed an addiction to alcohol and hid some in her locker. I'm sure your coach will love this. And finally, the last piece of information we have just received is this one: besides being an alcoholic vandal, Charlotte Peterson is now also single. »
  For the first time, James Barnes gave you a smile. Not a smirk or a petty grin, a true sincere smile. He was proud, satisfied with this beginning of this revenge but also simply happy. It was probably because of the adrenaline, but it was sincere. He cut the mic and got up from the chair, raising his hand up for a high five. You rolled your eyes before slapping your hand against his, he then grabbed your wrist to leave quickly before someone from the security could find you here. You took the keys and ran off, while in the lecture halls, everyone was shocked and rumors were already spreading everywhere. It was chaos for Charlotte who ran away to escape from the hundreds of eyes staring at her. It was cruel, but she had played with the wrong people, and she just started to loose. 
     Your race stopped in the parking lot where the two of you climbed into Bucky's car. This marked the end of the first stage, and many more awaited you both. Oh you still hated Bucky Barnes, but looking at him from the passenger seat, you couldn't help but love the idea of new adventures together.       •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• And that’s it for the first part ! Tell me if you liked it, tell me if you didn’t and why ♥ The relationship between Bucky & reader will of course develop more in the next parts !    It’s been a long time since most of you asked to be in the taglist so please tell me if you want me to remove your tag ! 
  I hope no one is named Charlotte Peterson here    @itsquies @miss-i-ship-it @shaboibucky @daniellajocelyn  @just-add-butter @baby-daughter @tuliptx @blue-flavor  @n7siha @nakxmadeofiron @readanotherfic @problematicpastry @emiliehelstrom @aweways  @xcrawlerwood @footballimaginessss @milladagirl  @dugan365 @janeyboo @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @starkxpotts @xlostinureyesx @dreamingofonceuponatime @buckyr00s @urlindah @5sos-wdw @yafriendlyfangirl @lokigreyvatore  @emilysallysmith @bloodiedskirtts
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Let Me Carry Your Burden (one-shot)
Synopsys: The Reader has just come back after being away for almost half a year on a mission. To her surprise (and delight) there is a new addition to the team- Loki. As the two get to know one another, they grow closer and closer until one day past comes knocking at the Reader’s door, making her choose between love and revenge.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Genre: fluff/ angst
Word count: 5238
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   Loki Laufeyson had been living with the Avengers in the New York tower for around three months now. He had somewhat redeemed himself as the God had been a key part in defeating Thanos and reversing the effects of what had now become known as Infinity War. Of course, there was the majority who didn’t trust him, yet slowly, gradually the society started to warm up to the idea of him staying on Earth and being a part of their mightiest heroes. But the glint of mischief never vanished from his eyes.    Right now, as the morning sun washed the city in yellows and pinks, the people who had become his little dysfunctional family started to pile into the kitchen.    “Good morning, Natasha,” he said as his blue eyes scanned the pages of a Midgardian novel. Her only response was a tired grunt, but that was to be expected from most of them, as they had only just returned from a mission he himself had decided to stay out of, in favour of training with Wanda. Yes, she was incredibly powerful, but he had centuries of experience with magic and in the last mission Scarlet Witch had gone on, things had not ended the way they were supposed to.    The smell of bitter coffee filled the air and he joined the ex-assassin pouring a cup himself.    “That bad?” Loki questioned as he took a sip of the hot liquid.    “Bucky and Sam wouldn’t stop bickering all the way back. I can usually tune those two children out quite well, but this time… it was like all the sounds were amplified up to the thousands. I threatened to set their beds on fire at night if they didn’t stop,” she looked at Loki,“not even that worked.”    The Trickster was just about to offer a revenge plan, to play some jokes on the pair, but the noise of shuffling feet invaded the room. Or three pairs of them. Clint was dragging behind Cap and Tony, who looked practically dead.    “I’m putting your kids up for adoption,” Nat stated.
   “I only have one and I know Pete may be annoying sometimes, but no one’s touching my child,” Tony replied propping himself up next to Nat.    “No, not him. I like having another spider in the family. I’m talking about your husband’s.”    Steve sighed, hugging the Widow from behind. “ ‘M sorry, but it’s not my fault those two were acting like idiots.” He kissed her shoulder and went to make some oatmeal.    “Still blaming you.”    The captain could only chuckle as they all fell into a comfortable silence. Clint had fallen asleep on the counter and was drooling all over while Steve, having made his breakfast leaned his cheek on Nat’s shoulder, who hugged his side.    Tony softly interrupted the early morning silence. “How is Wanda?”    Loki cupped the coffee mug as he leaned against the counter. “She’s doing alright. Yesterday we did some mental exercises, so it is no surprise the Witch is still asleep. But she seems to be getting better.”    “I’ll talk to her a bit later,” Steve chimed in and then groaned in pleasure as Natasha’s nails scraped his skull. “Maybe we could call up Pietro and allow them to talk. I don’t think they’ve been able to communicate since he took up that miss-“    “Guys, guys, guys!” Peter Parker’s voice suddenly jarred the people sitting in the kitchen, startling everyone so much Hawkeye fell off the chair. “You’ll never believe who I just found!” He was in his Spidey suit pulling the mask off while running from Tony’s landing strip into the living room.    “Kid, it’s way too early for your level of excitement,” Stark replied looking down at the newspaper.    “Not when you say ‘hi’ to this person.”    Everyone’s eyes went to the woman standing behind the very happy teen.    “Morning, everyone.”    Her tone was soft as if speaking any louder would be a crime at 5 AM, but the cheers and yelps that escaped from the Avengers, one louder than the other, made it seem so out of place.    “When did you get back?” Nat cupped her cheeks looking her friend over from top to bottom searching for any wounds or scrapes, “I thought the mission was going to last five more months. Oh, never mind. I’m just so fucking happy to have you back.” She had a death grip on the girl, but strong arms were peeling her away.    “Mine, mine, mine,” Steve enveloped her in a giant hug, lifting her off the ground. “Please, don’t ever leave us ever again. Bucky was becoming insufferable.”    The Y/H/C haired beauty chuckled and returned the hug just as tightly. “Not planning to. For at least a good while now. Not without at least one of you.”    Loki was standing to the side watching the interactions. He didn’t know who she was, but his heart leapt at the thought that he would have the possibility to get to know her. How someone could enthral a person so instantly was beyond him, but he would be damned if he didn’t do his best to discover who she was.    When Tony and Clint finally got to hug her as well, Loki stepped forward. “I don’t think we have met.”    “Neither do I.” She extended a hand. “My name is Y/N.”    “It’s an honour to meet you. I’m Loki.”    A spark of recognition went through her eyes and it made him a bit uneasy. Who knows what kind of perception she would have of the man. “Oh, I think Thor has mentioned you before. You’re brothers, right? God of Mischief?”    “Indeed.”    “Huh…” she seemed like she was pondering over something before a wicked smile split her face as Y/N turned to look at her teammates. “I’m gonna have so much fun pranking you all, now that I have the expert in the house.”    “Y/N, no, please, we talke-“ but Steve’s pleading was cut short by a high pitched squeal of delight.    “Doll!” In an instant, she was taken down by 200 pounds of muscle and dishevelled brown hair, a bionic vibranium arm softening their fall. “When did you come back?” the question was muffled as Bucky hid his face in the crook of her neck.    “Ten minutes ago. Peter saw me waking on the street and offered a lift. Literally. Like he swung us up here.”    “And you didn’t come to my room first because?” There was an adorable pout on the super soldier’s face, making Y/N poke his bottom lip.    “Blame everyone else. I couldn’t get out of the hug zone.”    “Assholes,” Bucky mumbled, “not waking me up and telling me my best friend is here.”    Steve gasped in fake horror. “Buck, I thought we had something.”    “I’d take Y/N over any of you all day any day..”    That made the girl shake with laughter as Bucky stood up and Y/N took the hands he was offering to help her off the ground. “You don’t have to be mean.”    “Sorry, but you took all the nice with you when you left for half a year.”    “Yes, well I’m back. Half a year early, might I add,” she poked his side and the ex-assassin couldn’t contain the grin.    “We have a lot of shows to catch up on,” swinging an arm around the woman’s shoulders he led Y/N into the kitchen and set off to make her breakfast.    “Heard ‘The Good Place’ has a new season. If you’ve watched even a single episode without me, I will strangle you in your sleep, Barnes,” she softly smiled as Natasha put a steaming cup of coffee in front of her.    Bucky flipped a pancake and threw her a smirk. “Wouldn’t dream of it, doll.”    Loki had slipped next to Y/N, sitting down on one of the long barstool chairs and placing the book on the counter. He was completely fascinated by the new woman and couldn’t help the want to be near her.    “Oh my god,” the Y/E/C eyes which Loki had already fallen for were glued to the piece of literature. “Les Thanatonautes. That is one of my favourites!”    Her irises glimmered in the early morning sun, allowing the god to observe tiny gold speckles shine through. Loki heard Tony groan from his other side and threw him a dirty glance, that had the underlying meaning of  ‘how can you disrespect anything this beauty loves’.    “Is that the one about the dead people?” the genius asked.    “No,” Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. “Well, yes, but no. It’s about discovering the content of death.” Her attention turned back to Loki, eyes blazing with interest so much so it took the god’s breath away. “How are you liking it so far?”    For a second there he was at a loss for words, which Thor, who had just entered the room, noticed and it made the other Asgardian chuckle, bringing Loki back to the present. “It’s… interesting. Even though we know what happens after death, the idea of this is fascinating.”    “Well, you do. Us, normal mortals don’t,” Y/N shrugged, “it’s the last mystery everybody has to discover for themselves. And let’s just say- no one has ever come back to tell about it.”    Muffled groans came from all across the room and Tony almost slammed his head against the marble counter, making the girl huff a laugh.    “Why do you have to be so morbid all the time?” Natasha huffed, but a small smile was playing on her pink lips.    “Oh you, drama queens,” Y/N jovially said while stepping off of the stool, “get your coffees in your systems while I go put my stuff away. Then we can just be lazy and watch movies all day.”    “Paperwork,” Tony grumbled outright as the God of Thunder made his presence known.    “Lady Y/N!” he exclaimed going over to the girl and sweeping her up in a hug. “It’s a pleasure to have you back. How was your mission?”    “Good, Thor, good,” she patted his bicep and quietly thanked Bucky as he set a plate of fluffy pancakes before her. “Not as fun as it would’ve been with you there, but it was fine.”    He nodded before looking over to Loki who had been uncharacteristically friendly. “Have you met my brother?”    “Yeah,” Y/N nodded, giving the raven-haired man a minute smile. “We just did.”    The look Loki gave the girl didn’t go unnoticed by Thor and a realisation went through his body as his brother’s interest remained solely on the stranger.    “Lady Y/N, how would you feel about a sparring session? To get back into the routine of fighting opponents worthy of you?” Thor suggested, a hand on his hip while eyeing Loki and his reaction.    “It’s five in the morning, Point Break,” Tony snickered, “give the girl a break. She’s been fighting bad guys non-stop for almost half a year.”    Y/N pointed a finger at the Thunder God. “Tony’s sorta got a point, but I’ll take the challenge. You and me, twenty minutes, the gym.”    Thor leaned in, their noses almost touching. “Get ready to go down Y/L/N.”    “You wish.”
   “My soul has left my body. Everything is turning dark. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Burn me like the ancient traditions demand and scatter my ashes over the ocean so I can become one with nature as we used to be.”    Thor chuckled extending an arm for Y/N to grab. "It was not that bad Lady Y/N,” he easily pulled the girl up from the ground, as if she weighed nothing.    “Dude you just body slammed me onto the ground. I think you broke a rib or two,” she rubbed across her torso and winced, “scratch that- you pulverised them.”    “You big oaf!” there was an angry yell from the other side of the gym. Y/N’s head snapped to where the sound came from and to her own surprise just as much as Thor’s it was Loki.    “Do you not realise not everybody is as strong as you or has metal armour? You could’ve hurt her!”    “Brother, I would never harm Lady Y/N. I know how much she is capable of,” Thor interjected, but there was a gleam in his eyes when he saw true concern flash over the trickster’s face.    Suddenly Loki felt a palm resting against his shoulder and when green eyes turned to the side it was Y/N’s warm touch that had brought him back from seeing nothing but red.    “Hey, I’m okay. Thor got a bit too intense, but it’s nothing I can’t take.”    And that’s when he knew- Loki was deeply in love with this girl after having spent less than a day in her presence. He was fucked. His green eyes could only see how her mouth moved, not hearing the actual words. It was only after she left and Thor had come to stand next to his brother, a smirk very much so present on his face, did the raven-haired man snap out of it.    “You like her, don’t you?”    “Shut it, brother,” Loki said, exiting the room, but he couldn’t deny the warm feeling that spread throughout his body.
   A knock on the door woke Y/N up from her peaceful slumber. She hadn’t slept in her own bed for what felt like a decade, so the fact that someone was rudely interrupting her irritated the girl to no end. Her sore muscles from the sparring match with Thor didn’t help either. And seeing how it was probably their dear Captain America, already pulling her back into the routine of waking up at six and going for a two-hour run, didn’t better her mood. With a deep sigh, she untangled herself from the cocoon of blankets and sauntered over to the door.    “Steve, I love you, but I swear to everything you hold dear, I’ll punch you back to the 40’s- oh” Y/N stopped her rambling as she saw that it wasn’t Steve waking her up in the unholy morning hours, but Loki with a steaming cup of coffee and a plate full of food.    “Not Steve, darling. And I’m sorry for waking you, but you didn’t attend dinner, nor breakfast, so I thought you might want some lunch.”    “Lunch?” Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion. “It’s 2:43... PM” she read the clock. “Is it the next day already?”    “Have you truly been sleeping all this time?”    The girl threw him a defensive look. “Try going out on a mission with constant danger on your toes and then have a God, might I add, pummel you into the ground.”    Loki smiled, setting down a tray that had what looked like a slice of freshly cooked lasagna on her mantelpiece. Just the sight of familiar and home-made food made the girl’s stomach rumble and mouth water.    “To be fair, you did accept his offer," he rebuffed the statement.    “To be fair,” she mocked him, but there was no malice in her words, “I never say no to a challenge. Also, it was a very bad idea from my part because everything hurts and I should not have been that cocky. But oh well. At least I came out of it alive.”    The trickster's smirk widened, eyes fluttering to the ground. “I could help. With the pain that is. I know some healing magic and it would alleviate the soreness. “    “That is very kind of you,” Y/N pulled on the hood of the hoodie she had snatched from Bucky before a long yawn escaped the girl. “But I think I’m just gonna sleep it off for now. Maybe it will serve me as a lesson. God knows I don’t take advice. But thank you for the food. I haven’t had a normal meal in what seems like forever.”    “Well, then I expect to see you at dinner.”    “You can count on that,” Y/N grabbed the plate and stuffed a piece of what she referred to as 'pasta cake' in her mouth. “Better yet, I’m making it, so I expect you,” she pointed a fork at him, “to be there.”    He saw her plop down onto her bed and flick on the TV which Loki took as his cue to leave, a permanent grin present on his face.
   A few hours later, the trickster made his way towards the living quarters when he saw Y/N’s back turned to him, her hips swaying to the soft music that played throughout the house as a sauce sizzled in a pot while the smell of boiling pasta invaded his nose.    “No,” the little word made Loki stop dead in his tracks, the girl having not even turned her face to look at him. “You cannot come in here.”    The god put up his hands in mock surrender. “And why is that? As an honorary member of this team, I can quite confidently say that this is my kitchen as well.”    “Because I heard you today while I was getting ready to spar with Thor, refer to knives as 'sharp pointy things'.” Y/N’s face was split by a smirk as she directed her look at Loki. “So I ain’t letting you anywhere near the 'sharp pointy things' nor the 'hot orange waves'.”    For the first time in what seemed like centuries the trickster laughed. A real, pure full-hearted laugh. It seeped into his bones making his insides feel warm and fuzzy, happiness ebbing out of every pore and consuming his mind.    Y/N glanced over at Loki, seeing how his green eyes had gotten soft, and it made her shiver under his gaze. It was almost like he was caressing her skin with just a look and the girl hadn’t experienced such strong attraction to someone in a very long time.    She cleared her throat returning back to cutting up the onions. "But uh, if you want you can help me with the pasta. It just needs to have salt added to the water.”    Loki went over to the counter, his palm reaching for the little container when he couldn’t help himself and glanced at the girl. His eyes traced her profile, how little hairs stood unruly from the uniform of her eyebrows to where her cupid’s bow dipped and her lips plumped up. He was being insane, that much the god knew, but it was like his arms had a mind of their own when they cupped Y/N’s cheek.    Confusion washed over the girl’s face when a cold palm settled on her skin, but it was when their eyes met, all the wind got knocked out of her. Loki’s green orbs were almost non-existent as his pupils had dilated so much. Slowly, tentatively she felt him move closer, noses brushing before freezing lips settled on her own. But contrary to what Y/N though her reaction would be, her whole body moulded to his, mouth parting to allow his tongue to sweep in and engage in a passionate dance.    Her own boldness surprised the girl, even more, when she bit down onto Loki’s now kiss-swollen lips and dragged the bottom one between her teeth. The groan that escaped from him was borderline pornographic and Y/N felt instantly hot all over.    “You know, I have never kissed anyone who, while reciprocating as you seemed to be, would not touch me,” Loki breathed, noting how while she was completely pressed against him, chest to chest, hips to hips, her arms were almost resting on his pectoral muscles, if not for the palms which were bent as far from the man as possible.    “Then you clearly haven’t kissed anyone whose fingers sink of onions.”    The god could only smile before leaning in for another kiss.
   And their relationship blossomed from then on. People all around them noticed an incredible shift in their attitudes, mostly Loki’s. He was softer, more gentle and forgiving. Obviously being the God of Mischief and Lies he was going to retain the fun and snarky side of his persona, but around Y/N he never took it as far as he used to. She and her happiness always came first.    Their time spent together was filled with hushed giggles and the feeling of content. Usually, they just curled up side by side and watched a movie or a show, Y/N trying to help the trickster catch up on what was trendy and beloved in the mortal world. Or they would listen to music from different time periods, with steaming cups of tea clutched between their palms, small conversations fluttering through the air. One time Thor walked in on them while in the living room. Y/N was fast asleep, head hidden in the crook of Loki’s neck as ‘Magnificent’ by Hurts played in the background.    “You love her, don’t you?” Thor spoke quietly, but still, he had startled his brother who had lost himself while examining every little freckle and tiny scar on the girl’s face, while her soft snores reverberated in his chest.    There was no point in lying because it had become so obvious a blind person could see it. “I didn’t think I was capable of love. But she proved me wrong,” a pale slender finger traced her cheekbone. “And I have never been happier to have someone show me how incorrect I was.”    But then one day things changed. After returning from a small reconnaissance mission, Y/N got distant, her smile didn’t reach her eyes anymore and any time Loki proposed to have a what mortals called ‘date night’ she declined, saying there was paperwork to do or that she was simply tired. But then came a moment that broke the trickster completely.    She disappeared in the dead of night leaving Loki’s bed perpetually cold. Not that he should’ve minded, with frost giant’s blood rushing through his veins he was used to the freezing sheets. But there was something about how he used to be able to just reach over and find her warmth, feel his fingers curl around the soft skin of her stomach and pull the girl closer to his own. He used to feel her shudder from the sudden intrusion until she would literally melt against him, moulding every atom to his. And now all of that was gone.    There was no explanation, she didn’t leave any behind. Only a note with seven words- ‘I’m sorry. It had to be done.’ Those words have been haunting him for two months now. At first, it was terror that flushed through his veins. He knew how damaged Y/N truly was, how incredibly hard she had fought for a place in the world. Her own father had sold Y/N for less than a dime to HYDRA just so he could have enough for the next dose. Loki himself was an expert in daddy-issues, but what he wasn’t an expert in was how to deal with the trauma after such events. He didn’t know how to ease the pain the girl still went through. Fear was his first reaction because there had been a time where she had been gravely injured in a mission. But instead of being grateful of the chance she had been granted while cracking a joke like she used to, Y/N had just blankly looked at Loki and said that she would’ve been better off left for dead.    That was the moment the god had known he would do anything to make the girl smile, to vanquish those dark thoughts, to make the sun appear behind the black clouds. And for two years he was able to. They grew closer, not only physically but mentally as well. Y/N opened up to him, spending nights crying her heart out on his cold shoulder. Loki’s fingers had woven through the Y/H/C locks and gently he would whisper sweet nothings into her ear, his voice would lull the woman to sleep until her body safely rested in his touch.    Disbelief froze his veins next when his mind truly grasped onto the fact that Y/N had left. For a while, he just thought it was a sick joke, a prank by someone from the team who still despised the trickster, but when he saw Steve’s fallen face, the dark circles underneath Bucky’s eyes and Peter’s hollow gaze, Loki knew it had been her decision to leave and leave undetected. Even FRIDAY couldn’t tell what had happened nor could she track the girl as it seemed every piece of evidence, that Y/N had ever existed was wiped out of the universe.    Anger came next. For two months now he had been seething, utilising Tony’s new gym equipment to shred it with knives and his powers of ice. He scolded himself for being so stupid, so idiotic. How could he have allowed to give away his heart like that? Of course, she wouldn’t have loved him. Not for real.    His fingers skimmed the empty black satin sheets as his mind veered. With a huff, Loki got out of bed and padded to the kitchen. He was just about to go and find himself a glass to pour water in when a stranger’s form caught his eye right by the giant windows by Tony’s landing strip    The silhouette overlooked the New York city skyline. The person wore black jeans, a leather jacket and white converse. So simple, so common, but unique for it was without a doubt Y/N’s form by the window.    “Y/N?” he didn’t think he would ever get to see the woman again, so the little name was more an exclamation of surprise than a question.    She turned around, obviously not having intended that anybody would know she had been here.    “FRIDAY told me all of you were asleep, that you just came back from a mission.”    “The Avengers did. I haven’t gone on a mission since you left.”    “Oh,” her voice was small, shame and guilt clearly written across her features.    “Why did you leave?” Loki’s question startled her. Y/N had expected yelling, screaming, not the calmness of his temper and that terrified her more than anything. “You didn’t give me anything and that little piece of paper you left is not the explanation I deserve.”    “Y- you’re right,” the girl hung her head as if looking at the ground would give her the answers she so desperately searched for. Then she took a deep sigh and glanced back at the tall man standing a few feet away. “Honestly, I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about my dad or anything HYDRA did to me in years, I hadn’t given them a second of my time, because in truth- I thought I was over it. I had left it all behind, focusing on being an Avenger and doing good by the world. But then you came into my life. You made me feel safe, loved, you,” Y/N chuckled, wringing her fingers together, “you made me feel like I could have a future. A normal one. That maybe one day we could start a family and have a home. I was in heaven. But when I went on that mission, the last one before I left, I met somebody I never thought I would. It- uh- it was one of the scientists who experimented on me, the one who helped to ruin my childhood. He said something, that just… I didn’t know how to deal with…”    Loki was cautiously moving closer to the woman, treading the waters carefully. “What did he say?”    He heard her sniffle and wanted to reach out, to pull Y/N into his chest, but restrained himself. She turned her head to the side, Y/E/C orbs overlooking New York’s twinkling lights. “That my dad was alive and now… fully working for them. Working to get me back. That he knew about the Avengers, but most importantly he knew about me and you, about our relationship. I couldn’t let him destroy everything I had worked for, everything I had tried to build. So… I took revenge over simply telling someone, telling you what was going on. I tracked him down and for the past two months, I was on a hunt. And now I’m back.”    Loki cleared his throat. “Why are you here?”    “Because I love you and I was hoping we could start again,” he could hear the crack in Y/N’s voice even though she tried to mask it, there was no denying the break.    “What makes you think I do?” Loki himself didn’t know where the words came from as the only thing he wished was to wrap his arms around Y/N’s body and bury his nose in the Y/H/C locks.    “I-I don’t… I don’t know if you do,” she shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t expect you to. Not after how I left… without an explanation. I guess there was just this underlying hope that you would. I um… I thought I was doing the right thing, I was acting the right way. I was being selfish, not wanting to share or drag you into this mess. My mess. But throughout these eight weeks, I realised how idiotic that was of me. How if I had called for help people wouldn’t see it as a weakness, they wouldn’t think less of me. I just… I didn’t want to hurt you, but inadvertently I guess I hurt you more with doing what I did… so if you tell me to go, I will. I’ll leave and won’t come back.”    Loki’s throat felt like it was being constricted, like a palm made up of all of the emotions swirling inside had clamped down onto his airways and was now squeezing it closed.    “What about the team? Your friends? Don’t you think you owe them an apology?”    “I know them. They’d try and make me stay, try and convince me that everything can go back to normal, to how it used to be. But it can’t.”    “And why is that so?”    “Because I hurt the one person who meant more to me than life itself. And I can’t even pretend to be okay with moving forward as if nothing happened. I wouldn’t be able to look at myself. That’s why right now it’s your call.”    He stepped closer, eyes down onto the ground, deliberating every word that was about to come out of his mouth.    “So if I tell you that I never wish to see you again?”    Loki saw Y/N gulp, how her jaw clenched and eyes started to water, her voice wavering as she replied. “Then I’d go and you would never see me again.”    “Okay,” he whispered, palms cradling her cheeks as tears slid down her soft skin. “Then remind me to ask Thor to punch me in the face if I ever do so. Because now that I have you back, I am never letting you go.”    Hope instantly sparkled in her Y/E/C orbs as she gazed at Loki, eyes so full of love his own heart felt like it would combust. Y/N’s arms locked around the nape of his neck, pulling the god’s face closer to hers, until their mouths were almost touching, their breaths mixing together. And when they melted against one another, when every puzzle piece once again found its rightful place, there was no need for the starts in the sky when with a simple touch of his lips a galaxy exploded behind her lids.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take, sorry): @marvels-queen-bee @julierousing98 @maggiesimps @horrorx570ximagines @luluthegreatandterrible @bambamwolf87 @drakesfiance @artbysteph87 @nerissa98 @happyseagrill @asguardiansoftheavengers  @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @pizzarollpatrol @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger
A/N: this whole story started out as four-five different ideas, actually :D Feedback is always appreciated :)
P.S. if you wanna be tagged or have any requests, drop a message :)
P.S.S. please, don’t repost without credit :)
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
About Damn Time
Request/Synopsis: Steve and reader have gone on a few dates, but every time they try to kiss, something interrupts them. Then one night when they’re alone, the realize that now’s their chance.
Warnings: swearing (barely), a lil steamy
Pairings: Steve x Reader
A/N: Gif not mine, credits to the maker! x
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“You know, I used to come to this place a lot when I was growing up,” Steve dragged your attention away from the lights of New York City when he pointed to a small bowling alley on the corner of the street. 
“Really? They had bowling alleys in the 1600s?” You joked, poking his cheek as he let out a small laugh, rolling his eyes playfully. Every time you and Steve went on a date, you got more and more comfortable joking around with him, especially about his past. His name in your phone was even ‘the hot 200 year old man.’ 
“Haha, very funny,” Steve grinned, lacing his fingers with you as you continued walking back from dinner. He had taken you to an incredible Greek restaurant in the heart of downtown Manhattan. It had been your fourth date, and every time you felt so much more comfortable around him than the last. When you first met him, he had been bruised and bloody after a mission, and quite grumpy you can add, but the connection you felt with him was instantaneous. You had been hired by Helen Cho to join the medical team, and that’s how you got to know the supersoldier. It had now been five months that you worked there, and they were quite possibly the most exciting five months of your life. 
“Are you staying at the tower tonight?” Steve cut you from your thoughts as the infamous Stark Tower came into view. 
“Yup,” you nodded, “Nat, Clint and Banner get back at the crack of dawn so Helen wants me to cover for her while she’s away.”
Steve nodded, continuing to walk towards your destination. The walk to Stark Tower was peaceful, relaxing, and holding Steve’s hand made you feel almost invincible, and without a doubt, safe. He kept throwing you little glances every now and then, causing your heart to flutter. Maybe tonight was the night. Although it was your fourth date, you haven’t kissed yet. You had tried quite a few times, but without success.
The first time, Steve dropped you off at your apartment and as he left you at your door, he leaned in to kiss you right as your neighbours stepped out with their noisy kids, resulting in both of you pulling away from each other at lighting speed.
After the second date, you had stayed at Stark Tower for the night, and as Steve said goodnight to you at your room, Sam and Bucky ran down the hall yelling at each other and dragging Steve into it, causing you to smile and kiss him on the cheek, wishing him a good night.
After the third date, Steve said goodbye to you at your car outside of the cinema, and as the both of you leaned in to kiss, a couple of kids came up to ask for pictures with him, telling him they admired him and dragged him away to meet their parents as you waved at him, giggling, before leaving without a kiss.
And now, after your fourth date, you were just hoping tonight was going to be the night. Steve was undeniably attractive, and you had been waiting to feel his lips on yours since the moment you met, and Steve had felt the same way about you. Ever since he met you, he had been captivated by your lively spirit, wanting nothing more than to make you smile and take you out for nice dates.
As you walked into Stark Tower and got to your floor, Steve walked out with you to bring you to your room.
“I really had a good time tonight, Steve, thank you,” you smiled at him as he gave your hand a little squeeze, making your heart flutter.
“So did I,” Steve said, looking right into your eyes as you stopped in front of your room, “I always have a good time with you, I feel so good around you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up and you smiled up at him, “Then that means I should be expecting another date, yes?”
Steve nodded, placing his arms around your waist as he pulled you into him, blue eyes looking into yours as they fluttered closed, his head dipping down to yours. The butterflies in your stomach took flight as you leaned up, eyes closing as well, and his hot breath fell on your lips. 
“Dr. (Y/L/N), the mission arrived back earlier than expected, you’re needed in the med-lab,” FRIDAY’s voice broke through the hallway, causing the both of you to groan. Another interruption, you couldn’t believe it. You gave Steve a sad smile and rushed into your room, changing into your work clothes and better shoes, tying your hair up and rushing down to the medical lab. You didn’t see Steve on the way over so you had assumed he went to bed, it was pretty late.
Once you got to the lab, you were directed to Natasha who had a large wound on her forehead. You smiled at her and began cleaning it up, making sure not to apply too much pressure to hurt her.
“Mission go well?” You asked, continuing to clean it up, being able to see the open gash right along her hairline. She winched slightly as you dabbed alcohol on it, but managed to keep her composure.
“Yeah, we got what we needed, and although Clint’s being a drama queen, we got out with minimal injuries,” she pointed to the corner of the room where Clint was struggling to hold in his cries of pain as another medic poured alcohol over the gunshot wound in his foot. 
“That’s good, I believe in you, Clint, be strong,” you joked, and he threw you a shaky thumbs up.
“So,” Nat smirked, looking up at you as your started slowly closing the wound with some of Stark’s medical technology, “How was the date with Rogers?”
You felt your cheeks heat up and you hid your face behind your hair to cover up your embarrassment, “It was good.”
She looked at you knowingly, “Did you kiss? It was the fifth date, did you frick frackle in bed?”
“Oh, my god!” You pulled away from her forehead, eyes wide as Clint chuckled in the corner, “No, we didn’t, Nat.”
She shrugged, “What? There’s clear tension in the room whenever the two of you are there, it’s bound to happen.”
You took off your latex gloves and put your hands on your hips, embarrassed, “You’re patched up, and good to go, Romanoff.”
She laughed and got off the chair she was laying on, giving you a small pat on the back before stepping out of the room, shaking her head with a smile.
“You didn’t deny the tension,” your head snapped to Clint who was now smirking, giving you a teasing look. You rolled your eyes at him and shook your head.
“Keep your nose out of my business, Barton.”
After you helped patch up Clint’s foot, it had been over and hour since your date ended, and you felt wide away. The clock flashed 1:30AM and you quietly tip-toed over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and maybe a snack before going to bed. You almost debated going over to Steve’s room to properly say good night, Nat’s words floating around your mind, but you decided against it.
It was dark when you rounded the corner, so you turned the light on, cursing at how bright it was down the hallways. You walked over to the fridge and poured yourself a glass of water and grabbed an apple, closing the door.
“Dinner wasn’t filling enough?” Your heart jumped out of your chest and you dropped the apple, turning to face a grinning Steve leaning against the wall. 
“My god,” you clutched your heart, “you scared the shit out of me, Rogers.” He laughed as your eyes raked his form. He was dressed in sweatpants and a black t-shirt, a really good look on him that you hadn’t seen before. You had to admit, he looked really good.
“Sorry,” he smiled, walking over to you as you picked up the apple, “I waited up to see if you were going to come see me when you were done.”
Your heart swelled at his words, “Oh, I didn’t come by because I figured you were asleep.”
He walked up to you and you felt your breathing pick up pace, noticing your close proximity. You placed the apple down on the counter as your bodies were practically touching. You didn’t know what to do with yourself in the moment, wanting nothing more than to press your lips up against his and keep it going all through the night. You were usually composed, but something about Steve made you throw all that out the window. 
He placed his hands on your hips and brought you close to him as you looked deep into his gorgeous eyes.
“You know,” he mumbled, eyes dropping down to your lips, “We didn’t properly get to say goodnight.”
By now you could feel his breath on your face and your heart practically stopped. He was so beautiful, and he held so much passion, you just wanted him. And only him. 
Before you knew it, one of Steve’s hands slid up to behind your neck and pulled you to him, pressing your lips together slowly. You had always imagined kissing him would send fireworks and butterflies through you, but it didn’t. It didn’t send anything, because the only thing you could feel was how right your lips felt against his. Your lips moved in perfect harmony as your hands found their way up to his hair, giving a slight tug which made him deepen the kiss.
His hands slid down to your thighs, lifting you up and placing you on the counter as he separated your legs, standing between them, not wanting to break the kiss.
He brought his hands up to your waist, giving you a small squeeze as you let our a squeal, causing him to grin into the kiss before pulling his lips away from yours to kiss from your lips to your jaw, down to your neck. You kept your eyes closed, loving the feeling of his lips on your neck, leaving tingling sensations all over you.
You felt him work his way around your neck until he found that spot right below your ear, causing you to let out a small moan as you tugged at his hair lightly. He knew that was your sweet spot, so he pulled your skin between his lips and started sucking lightly, making you let out another moan. He smirked on your neck before working his way back up to your lips, his being quite warm after their assault on your neck. He kissed you deeply, his breathing much quicker than before, and yours as well. 
After a good minute, you pulled away slowly, making him pout. He tried to pull you back in, but you placed a hand on his lip to prevent them from touching again. You looked over his face, and his eyes went a couple shades darker, his lips now dark red and swollen, and your neck tingling in that one spot he sucked on, and you knew a little love bite had been left there.
“About damn time, huh?” Steve smirked, causing laughter to erupt through your body, nodding your head as he leaned in to press his lips lightly against yours once again, giving you a light peck before pulling away.
“Listen, uh, I was going to ask you something tonight,” he mumbled, his voice raspy. You nodded, encouraging him to go on.
“We’ve been on a few dates, but do you want to make this more official?” His cheeks went slightly pink. Even after your hot makeout session, he was still embarrassed to ask you something like this.
“I do,” you grinned and his face instantly relaxed, closing his eyes as he pulled your lips to his once again. Guess you’d be doing this a lot more often. You couldn’t complain.
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mydaydreams · 7 years
“I love you and your tears”
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Sum: you were having the worst possible day ever. your best friend was trying to ruin your life but when she tried to ruin your relationship you snapped. 
Warning: Talk of Sexual abuse, Drama,Fluffy fluff fluff, NO Smut, fist fight, panic attack, Bucky making you feel better.
The Day started relatively normal. it was an alright day, you know till shit hit the fan.i was at work when a friend of mine Snapped chatted me. I smiled seeing it was Zakk. He’s a good friend of mine. He and my other friend Maddy just went through a break up. it was really hard on the both of them. I was honestly happy if finally officially happened. Maddy didn’t cheat but she sure did work around te loop holes to mess around with her ex boyfriend. Maddy is an interesting Character. 
I knew she was messing with her Ex. That’s why when Zakk Snapped me, I got instant guilt. I had promised Maddy I wouldn’t say anything and when he called crying I let it slip about a few times in the passed when Maddy had fucked me over. it didn’t make him feel any better but I felt obligated to tell him. it wasn’t like I outed her. I just told him about old shit when she was still with her ex. 
She was dating this Guy Tyler he was some computer programing guy with his own car and his own place. a Guy I thought would be good for her. I was wrong but after the whole thing I didn’t know who to believe. Maddy or Tyler. 
Maddy was sexually abused when she was younger. the people that did things to her had a “Signature move” I guess you would call it. when they were done with her the would finished all over her and she would have to walk home after. it was humiliating for her. and that happened to her at 14 years old. 
she had told Tyler all of the vile and disgusting things they did to her. he was informed. he 100% knew that she wasn’t into anything like that. one night while she was sleeping he jerked off to her body and finished all over her sleeping form. she called me crying. 
a few weeks later she was back with him. she had started going over to his house, he would buy things for her,and take her to places. I had no Idea. she promised me she wouldn’t go back to him after what he did to her. she said it scared her and she would never go back. she Fucking lied to me. this wasn't the first time she lied. when after she was rapped. we stopped being friends. she just dropped all contact with me. of course we were young and I had no idea what had happened to her and we were kids I just thought she might have moved away. we weren’t that close back then.
come to find out when we got close again in highschool she had actually started doing drugs and got into a buntch of really bad stuff. she ended up in rehab and finally recovered when she got to our second year of highschool. we had gotten close again and she told me everything. she also told me she went through a “Hoe Faze” where she slept with a lot of people and she was also in rehab for that. I was shocked but I didn’t love her any less. while getting close again I started noticing the differences from her. she started lying. just stupid lies that didn’t even need to be lied about. I caught her in a few and confronted her and just more lies came out. I didn’t really care much about it. I learned to live with her random lies. after a while though it was getting hard deciphering the lies from the truth. After a Big Fight we agreed we would never lie to each other again. thats how Maddy finished arguments. she would act like the victim most times or act like me and her both did something wrong to justify her actions. So even when I did nothing wrong to her (you know besides confronting her about it) I would have to apologize to her as well to make everything right again. it started getting annoying. Maddy was great Though. always fun to be around. it was never a bored day when I was with her. we were like sisters.
after promising me she would never lie again she didn’t. no lies came from her mouth to me. that's why when I found out she was back with Tyler I was Pissed. and of course when we fought she was expecting me to apologize. I didn’t and we weren’t friend for 4 mouths. she called me crying one day about Tyler. they had broken up again because of a pregnancy scare and how he made her feel about having kids, then when they broke up he went and found a girlfriend who already had a kid. she was devastated. I dropped everything and went to pick her up. we acted liked nothing happened. 
that's when she finally found Zakk. Zakk was Absolutely Perfect for her. he worshiped the ground she walked on. he treated her like a queen and all she gave him was Drama. every week it was something different she didn’t like this, she didn’t want that, how dare he do this, she cant believe he did Whatever... it was tiring. but he was putting up with it. just like I was because in between the drama there was this perfect and beautiful, fun, bright, and happy girl.  
when Zakk called me crying I told him why we fought. my day went down hill when she sent me a text Flipping out. she Cursed at me, Called me a Fake Fucking Cunt Bitch, for talking shit about her to Zakk. she said it was all my fault for ruining her relationship with Zakk. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. she then posted a huge picture of me with a caption explain what a fucked up person I was for fucking up her relation SHIT! I became Fucking Livid. 
I all but Stomped into the tower I couldn’t believe this. all I do if try and be neutral with everyone. I didn’t want to fight when Zakk and I defiantly didn’t want to fight with Maddy. through everything she had been my ride or die. well actually now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I always tried to help her. I actually don't think she has ever tried to help me. 
when I got Upstairs I sighed thanking god I was finally home. after about a year into dating Bucky things got hard. we were spending to much time apart and when he would go on missions it would be much worse. he arranged with Tony to have all of my belongings moved to the tower with him. Tony even let us move floors so we would have a bigger room. Rooms in the tower weren't really rooms. it was like a full set up apartment. I loved it. he surprised me on our year anniversary. that was the first night he had told me he loved me. I couldn't say it back and it was okay with that. he knew what happened the last time I let myself love someone. I was scared of the words.
he took us out to a fancy diner and some dancing and then when we got back to the tower things got a little frisky in the elevator. but when we got into the room I had dropped everything looking around. he had said surprise and we made hott sweaty love that night. it was Amazing. we have been together for a year and a half now.
I loved living in the tower. I especially loved getting to know all the other agents. me and Nat were starting to get really close and I loved It. right now I was actually on my way up to the main lounge to talk with Bucky and Nat about what happened. I was so pissed I could barley comprehend...anything. I looked at the post while I was in the elevator and almost started to cry when i watched the doors opened and watched the scene play out in front of me.
Maddy was sitting at the bar next to Steve and Sam. Bucky was making her a drink while Nat was helping him. “yea. honestly its always something different with her. I have been with Y/N for like 15 years. she's a compulsive liar and I'm not surprised that she would do this. I just cant believe she would actually go thought with it. especially after everything I have done for her. you know she still owns me 2000$ for helping her into her first apartment.” Maddy said looking Bucky right in the eyes. WHAT THE FUCK. “I just cant wrap my head around this. I'm sorry, she’s my girl I just. I should talk to her about all of this.” Bucky said looking at Nat. she had her eyebrows raised. “well I mean. we all don't really know that much about her. she usually keeps to her self.” Sam said taking a sip of a scotch. my mouth hung open. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. she wasn't just trying to humiliate me. now she was trying to ruin my life. “Ya she started keeping to her self after she slept with my Ex Boyfriend.” Maddy spoke. I choked but held back the sound so I could keep listening. my blood boiled, my face was hot and I began to shake. I never slept with her Boyfriend. Bucky’s eyes widened as well as the other. Bucky coughed his body language looked as if he was nervous. “W-when was this?” he asked Maddy flipped her hair back and perked her boobs up before answering. “about 3 months ago. its what started all of Zakk and i’s fights, that's why we broke up.” he voice began to shake and she whipped he face like she was crying. Bucky took a step back and held his hand out in defense. “she still talks to him. every day.” she finished. my mouth hit the ground. “I-I thought they were just friends.” he started. he held his forehead in his hands and shook his head. “b-but this doesn't add up.” he said looking to Nat. his face had sadness written all over it. it made my heart break. “Buck, we should talk to her before...” Maddy interrupted her. “ she had a thing in high school about sleeping with her friends boyfriends. she had this friend Amanda. it broke her heart.” I couldn't’ take it any more. 
I stomped over to them. their heads snapped up to look at me. I stood behind Maddy and grabbed her shoulder and turned her around in her chair. I had Zero time for an explanations so I just went for it. plus I knew if we started arguing it wouldn't’ t get anywhere. when I turned her around in her chair she began to speak my name. I didn’t let her get to the first 3 letters before I decked her in the face making her fall from her chair and hit the ground hard.
 “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!” I screamed. F.R.I.D.A.Y’s intercom system went of speaking ‘acts of foul pay In the common area. All Avengers have been paged.’ it spoke. I ignored it and looked down at her. she was about to speak before I bent down and wrapped a hand around her throat and lifted her body off the ground and then slammed it back down. “ you know I really cant fucking believe you. I have been there for you for 17 FUCKING YEARS MADDY. I have done nothing but help you out and make sure you had everything you needed. YOU STILL OWE FUCKIG ME 2586 dollars and Fucking 45 God DAMN CENTS. “Who was fucking there for you when Tyler fucked you over on multiple occasions. FUCKING ME. I Took you in when your mom kicked you out. I fucking fed you every night and worked double shifts at work to pay your fucking half of the fucking bills because you decided you didn’t want a FUCKING JOB. I have been here for you for 17 fucking years and you cheat on your boyfriend and turn the whole situation around on me. WHAT THE FUCK. 17 years is all your fucking getting from me. I'm done being your fucking care taker. and What the Fuck is up with your Toxic ass post. Fuck I should make one about fucking you only it would actually be More Fucking accurate. First you try to humiliate me all over fucking social Media, then try to ruin my life, then you Fucking COME DOWN HERE AND TELL THE LOVE OF MY FUCKING LIFE THAT I’M THE FUCKING CHEATER. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT SLEPED WITH MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND! I was engaged for 2 weeks. 2 fucking weeks when you decided to fuck he literal brains out. BUT NOW YOU WANNA ACT LIKE IT WAS ME. WHAT THE FUCK. WE ARE DONE! AND YOU CAN GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING APARTMENT IM LETTING YOU FUCKING SUBLET. YOU HAVE 17 FUCKING HOURS.” I screamed making it ironic. She made he way to her feet while I spoke but didn’t utter a word. her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open while I spoke. she looked at me and took a step forward. I took one as well and bumped her chest with mine. she gave me another challenging look. “What the fuck do you think your going to do to me?” I asked. she raised her hand to hip me. I grabbed it and twisted it around and kicked her leg under. as she fell I jumped on top of her and held her on the ground. she wiggled her way on top of me and got a good hit in my face. I lifted my foot to her chest and pushed her off of me. she flew up about 5 feet into the air. I rolled out of the way and she hit the ground. I stood up and I looked down at her. she shot up and went to hit me. I punched her in her left eye. “Remember that fake snap you posted with yourself covered in bruised make up? remember how you made everyone in town think that Zakk beat you?” I asked as she swung at me. I dodged it and tried to kick me. I hit her food down and punched her again. “the bruises are real this time!” I said back handing her. she fell on her ass and looked up at me. “Fucking get out! you have 16 hours and 45minutes to get the fuck out of that apartment and then I never want to see you again.” she stood up and started walking towards the elevator. “Oh.” I yelled after her. she turned to look at me again., I grabbed her drink and poured it all over her. “If you ever come near My man again. you will take more then just a beating!” I threated. 
I felt powerful. I had never stood up to her before. I felt like I was being to harsh but after a while the words and the punches were just out of my control. they needed to me thrown. she deserved everything I had just done. I know she had a bad life and I know that her traumas reflected on her character but after a few years you need to take a step back and realize you need help. 
when the elevator doors closed I sunk to the floor. I was on my knees with my hands on the floor in front of me. even though she deserved that. I was I was throwing away almost 20 years of my life.my breath was shaky and my face was red. I tried not to but I couldn't help the tear that slipped. I took a deep breath and tried to suck it up. I stood up and turned around. 
“oh my god!” I gasped taking a step back. everyone was there watching me. Bucky, Natasha, Steve, Sam,And Wanda. Clint, Thor, and Bruce stood there battle ready. Tony stood with his arms crossed over his chest. vison has a concerned look on his face as he watched me. I closed my eyes and looked to Bucky. I ran my fingers through my hair and coughed “ I-I'm sorry.” I whispered putting my hand over my heart. I broke hot tears started streaming down my face. I turned around so they didn’t see me. “ill leave.” I said walking out of the room and down the hall. I went to the extra Elevator and hit ur floor number. when the doors closed and I started moving up my breathing stopped and my body shook. I hit the emergency stop and sunk to the ground and wrapped my arms around my knees. I cried hard into myself as my vison went splotchy. I couldn’t control my breathing. my heart started beating out of my chest and y body stretched out on the floor. I started scratching my nails against the ground. my body started to panic when I realized I couldn’t feel anything. my heart started beating faster and my breathing came out shaky. I was having a panic attack. I all of a sudden felt arms around my body pulling me up so I was cradled. I tried to moved my head over and press it into there welcoming form. I put my ear in the middle of his chest and took in a breath. I tried to match my heart beat with there’s as they picked me up. I knew it was Bucky when his metal arm held my legs and butt. the cool metal made goose bumps appear on the skin under my skirt. I took a long intake of breath through my nose and then out through my mouth. I could feel again. I fell slack against his body and let him walk me to our room. 
he laid me down on the bed and pulled my shoes off. he crawled up next to me and wrapped his arms around me. my breathing was back t normal and my heart wasn't beating as fat anymore but my body did shake while ore tears streamed down my face. I turned to face him. he pushed his body more into mine while we laid there. he knew I needed the comfort of another body. of him. I looked up at him. he wiped tears from my face as I began speaking. “I-i swear I n-never cheated on you!” I said resting my hand in between his pecks. “don’t Worry Doll. I know!” he said running his fingers through my hair and kissing my forehead. I gave him a questioning look. “H-how?” I asked as he pulled his shirt off and pulled the blankets over us. he smiled at me. “you called me the love of your life. you have never said that before!” he said I took a breath and blushed. “And then you told her if she ever came near me again you would basically rip her head off.” he chuckled. I laughed a little bit as he leaned in to kiss me. I missed hi back and said “I Do, Love you. I Do!” I said against his lips. “your the only man I want.” I said pulling back. he smiled “you know...I love you too!” he said I bushed again. “even when I embarrass you and cry in front of the whole team?” I asked he nodded. “Yes, Besides, I love you and every tear you shed!” he said sweetly. I kissed him. “I love you too!” 
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