#sorry if im coming off too strong or like I'm hating I'm not lmao
cabinofimagines · 2 years
When you’re almost 19 and have never dated before :)
No offense to this anon but this kind of comment piss me off cause it's literally the least important thing in the world whether you date someone before your 20s or not
Do you know what do you want to be for the rest of your life?? What are your dreams ten years from now? Build a circle of people that in the long run will make you just as happy as a significant other and most likely will last longer than a romantic relationship you had in your teens
Learn about yourself as a person instead of overthinking how many people have you touched and how many have touched you, I promise you in the long run it's like a -1 in the scale of things that will matter after you get out of your teens
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sheenashifts1217 · 2 months
hello! ^-^ i just saw your post about shufflemancy, and if you're still taking requests, i would love to get a message from dean winchester (he/him) from my supernatural dr.
my name is ange or angelica (she/her). i don't really have any specific questions. anything that comes through i will be happy with!
tysm for doing this for the community!! getting a reading helps so much with motivation it's crazy 🫶 and i personally LOVE shufflemancy because music means so much to me. if you decide to do this, please take your time, i'm in no rush. take care!! 🫂💕
Hello, pretty!! You’re so kind. I love doing shufflemancy and learning more about it. I love it so much because music means a lot to me as well. Im also really excited to do this reading because I love supernatural!
What Dean wants to say to you:
First song:
Lyrics standing out:
“I’m so glad you made time to see me
Your guard is up
I left them there to die
This is me swallowing my pride
I’m sorry
Nothing but missing you
Wishing I realized
All the time
I haven’t been sleeping
Your birthday passed
Watch you laughing from the passenger side (I literally saw you laughing in his impala while y’all ride with the windows down. Sam sitting in the back seat pouting)
Gave me all your love (he feels that you’re the best thing that has and will ever happen to him. Awww)
Change my own mind
Your sweet smile
So good to me
So right
You saw me cry
I swear I’d love you right
I’d go back in time and change it, but I can’t”
Oh girl, the love this man feels for you is DEEP. I’m picking up on a slow burn between you guys in the past. He hates that his guard was up so high when you guys first met or maybe started getting close and he pushed you away at first. He hates that he did that and he’s so sorry. But, you stayed anyway, even when he did push you away and he’s very grateful for that. He’s almost jealous of you because of how kind hearted and patient you are with him. It pisses him off lmao. He wants to be more like you. He says, “you make me better”. He worries he will ruin you or take away your “Pureness”, but he will never leave you. He doesn’t like that you put yourself in danger for him. He feels like he doesn’t deserve it. He wants you to hold him at night. He has a soft spot for you, but he said “you already know that”. Ever since that day you saw him at his most vulnerable and showed him that it’s okay to be vulnerable and you accept him, he’s felt like he owes you the world. He loves you so much and wants to keep you pure.
Second song:
Lyrics standing out:
“Feeling destructive
Let me break it down
Build it up
Let me be honest
Wanted to protect you
We ain’t that different (he sees himself in you, the part of him that he thought he lost)
Don’t you walk away from me
See the mansions
Falling for weakness
I know you love when I sing
Pray I get through”
Idk why, but I kept seeing that scene of him as a kid at Christmas time. He’s a self destructive person due to the trauma he’s been through. He doesn’t want to put that onto you, but he knows you’re willing to listen. He needs your reassurance. He’s afraid of saying too much and scaring you away. He sees himself in you, the part he locked away because he thought it made him weak. You amaze him because you’re like that part of him but you’re so strong. You make him feel like a kid again. He wants to sheild you from the world and wants you to always come to him and open up. He also LOVES your car rides together and when you tell him he’s a bad singer. He really loves your smile and always wants to be the reason for it. He also really wants to dance with you.
Overall, Dean put up a lot of walls in his past and didn’t know what to do when you broke them down. Im hearing “Heart attack”, by One Direction, playing in my head. That may mean something to you. He’s so happy you tore those walls down. Now he needs you to guide him without him. Like a horse getting used to not having to wear blinders anymore. Like he has so much freedom now, he doesn’t know how to use it. He wants to be able to guide you in the same way. He would give you the world. He loves how you two are playful with each other and have a very “puppy love” relationship.
Happy shifting, my love. I hope this resonates and please give feedback :) 🫶💗
Edit: also, I’m not sure if he is your s/o or not. I picked up on either him being your s/o, but I also kind of felt like a best friend kind of energy. Could be a best friends to lovers? Either way, he loves you deeply and wants you to know that. Whether it be platonically or romantically
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bellysoupset · 5 months
i’ve been acting delulu about the whole wen+vin fight that we all knew was coming up, kinda like completely ignoring it was a thing and all your warnings bc im #notemotionallystrong and i liked pretending it wasn’t gonna happen to cope <3333 BUT AHHHHH after this last fic IM LITERALLY FULL ON SOBBING (IN PUBLIC) WHAT THE FUCKKKK SOUP😭😭😭 you’re so mean (lovingly) 😩 FR IM SO SAD I LOVE MY BABIES SO MUCH THIS IS AWFUL BUT ALSO THE FIGHT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN😭 AND LIKE SO UPSETTING AND UNCOMFY BC OF HOW REAL IT FELT idk how to explain it but it’s like hearing my parents (aka my best friends who’ve been together forever LOL) fight LMAO sobbing 😩😩😩 and also OMG I AUDIBLY GASPED AND HAD TO LOOK AWAY WHEN I READ THE PHONE NOTIFICATIONS THING AND REALISED IT WAS LEO’S TEXT like if there was a terrible way to find out it was THIS 😭😭😭😭😭 BABY GIRL THINKING EVERYONE HAS KNOWN FOR MONTHS???? AND THEN VIN SO DESPERATELY TRYING TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF???? AND JUST TALK??? (a lil too late tho buddy but also I GET IT GOSHHHH) AND THEN BOTH SOBBING GODDDD I CANT I CANT this is so devastating amazing job boo‼️
OMG AND ALSO THE OTHER FICS? i hadn’t commented on them bc i was waiting for this one to react to everything but GODDAMN????? LUKE POOR BUB all feverish spilling everything??? and their reactions🥺🥺🥺🥺 (also side note jon so worried about luke was beautiful and i enjoyed it very much🤭) and OMG leo’s guilt about not noticing the depression symptoms 😩 and the whole thing w bella and kit GOSH I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE‼️
BUT ANYWAYS GOING BACK TO MY BABIES RAAAAAHHHHH I NEED WEN AND VIN TO BE OKAY omfg IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THIS😭😭 you’re so good at writing angst tho like goddamn i’m still crying and will probably continue to cry about this 😩😭 they need to be okay 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ also i know you said you were nervous about luke and wen’s storyline and im SO CURIOUS and excited to read‼️ im sure whatever you choose to do with them is gonna be amazing and you know we all have a beautiful love/hate relationship w angst so i have a feeling we’re gonna eat it up!! (which we will do regardless bc your writing and storytelling is always wonderful!!!)
sending a snotty sobby virtual hug to all my babies and a strong virtual punch to kit <33333
I'm actually cackling at you acting delulu because I remember I dropped many MANY hints of the Wendy/Vince break up and you were in my inbox completely ignoring them and me thinking "damn, am i being too subtle???"
Its so funny (and terrible) to be answering this late, because I can totally say the things I was nervous about. So ORIGINALLY Vin/Wendy didnt get back together, they actually broke it off for good and Wendy feeling very isolated from her friend group relapsed in her eating disorder.
But then Wendy kinda girl bossed her way into getting back with Vince, which was not planned, AND opened up to Bella, that was also not planned at all. So I scrapped that storyline! I still want to do something with her E.D, I remember I got an ask ages ago that was something like "Wendy refuses to eat because she's feeling queasy, Vince thinks she relapsed and tries to push her, only to have it come back up and he realizes she's actually sick", so I'll probably write that! A more mild version of what I originally had in mind!
And I'm SORRY i'm a terrible person but I'm sooo proud of myself for making you cry in public. I need a blog badge just for that #angster
Love you 🦦!
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xilianx · 8 months
AO3 ASK GAME DO THEM ALL DO THEM ALL NEOW ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 (pls)
Just saw these 20 Questions for Fic Writers and decided I wanted to do it so ....... here it is! Lmao.
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,741 words…oh lawd
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I’ve written for Godzilla in the past but now I write just for Bayonetta! More will come eventually…if my hyperfixation can be dethroned lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Witch of Causality (Bayonetta 3 reimaging/re-work)
Some Words Left Unsaid (AncientBayonetta AU where shit almost went reaaaaally bad for BayoJeanne)
Down By The Red Poppies (Sequel fic to “Where the Lobelia Would Grow, more Bayonetta AU)
Where The Lobelia Would Grow (First ever fic I wrote for the Bayonetta fandom!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to at least. I love getting comments on my fics (i mean, what fic author doesn’t???) And I love all the support that’s given and the fact someone takes time to leave me a comment, long or short, just makes my day 😭😭 I’m sorry to those who comment that I hadn’t replied too or haven’t too yet. I promise you I appreciate them so much ❤️
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooooooo….I wanna say either ‘Vessel’ or ‘Forgotten Visage’. Both have pretty harsh endings that only insulate that it leads to more pain later. ‘Vessel’ is just straight up a Soulsbourne boss style fight with all the tragedy of a Soulsbourne boss fight tied in, and ‘Forgotten Visage’ is just sad AU of what evil Balder was doing right after Rosa died…so yay, they don’t go anywhere sad. BUT IF I HAD TO CHOOSE….I’m gonna throw it at Vessel lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Idk if I’m gonna get some hate from certain oomfs from this, but I’m gonna say ‘Down By The Red Poppies’ has one of the happiest BECAUSE of everything that had happened to all the characters throughout the fic (And even the first fic!) and making it in the end. There was def a lot of hurt and pain and angst throughout Lobelia and Poppies, but I think the ending the fic made it all the worthwhile and despite the pain/tragedy, it’s gonna be okay 🥲
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really. Not that I’ve ever seen!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut ONCE!...It was the last half of one chapter out of a 117,000 word fic…HAVE I ATTEMPTED TO WRITE MORE SMUT SINCE, YES AND I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO FINISH IT YET!! The smut in Red Poppies was my first ever smut and it was, like, tender and sweet?? But the Balrosa smut that I have a low simmer is def meant to embarrass that fucking twink lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven’t, and don’t plan to!! Not my thing, to read or write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so, not that I am aware of…
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Another one that’s; if any of them are, I’m not aware of it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t done anything like that yet! Would be cool to do it, if given he chance!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
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15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ohhhhhh hohohho hahaahah AHAHAHAHAAHAHAA!!! There’s so many lmao I have so many that are stuffed in folders and forgotten about. There’s a few multi-chapter ideas I wanted to try and do, but with Witch of Causality going on rn (and going on for awhile now) I doubt I’ll ever start them for long long time… (Chinese BayoJeanne AU fic based off of Causality, etc).
But if there is a KING of unfinished WIPS…it’s my now long forgotten Godzilla Final Wars fics from years prior. Sucks because I got to fic 3 out of the trilogy, but I’m just not in it anymore…wish I had the willpower to finish it, but alas, never will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Lots of my oomfs say all my fight scenes actually ‘feel’ like what Bayonetta fights, so I wanna say I write fight scenes pretty well!! I would say characterization, but I’m only comfortable with a few, not all…
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
looks at long list of comments and notes from my beta reader for the the insane amount of grammatical errors, structure errors, and sentences that just make no sense uhhh….so yeah, I kinda fuck up the actual writing aspect a lot asdjkasdsda
But seriously, I think sometimes (at least for recent, larger fics), I’ve had to pull back on the amount of filler that’s not necessary or structure of a chapter to make it actually make sense…(THANK YOU KELS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT, YOU KEEP SAVING MY ASS!!)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think if you’re not super well-versed in the language, definitely consult or check with someone who knows!! Or do a bit of digging, especially if you plan on using quite a bit of it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
GODZILLA!!! Funny enough, I have literally only ever written fics for the Godzilla fandom and Bayonetta fandom. I have read quite a bit for other fandoms, but Godzilla is my dear yee ol faithful!! (Funny enough, it’s specifically only for Godzilla Final Wars as well lol)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
This one is actually hard…hmmm…It would have to be a tie between Lobelia/Red Poppies. I kinda put them in the same box, even tho they are 2 different fics. Honestly, it was just so fun coming in blind to a new fandom and just slapping together whatever I wanted to do because I really wanted to tell the story and had fun with it. I don’t even think it’s my best stuff, but damn nothing beats crashing into the Bayo fic community with a fic that just (spoilers) kills little Cereza in her own story and I have no regrets ASKJDSADHASDHA
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME IN THIS KELS!! I'm so late with this, and I feel like this has been tagged to other oomfs, so I will just leave this open to anyone who wants to do it!!
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wedreamedlove · 10 months
(love and deepspace anon) aksjdjejd of course you can't private reply anon i forgor lmao sorry sorry)
Oooh i hate separate gacha pulls for weapons too and the models do look kinda weird at times... I dunno, for me maybe I'm just not used to 3d otoge LIs?
i don't know what to say about english vas cuz even if i do end up playing the game when released, i will most likely stick with cn voice :p
im also somewhat interested in shen xinghui🤝 bcuz he seems like an airhead lolol. on that note, what do you think of their en names?
hahaha, no worries! your privacy is guaranteed~
there are rumors that more men will be added (potentially the "brother"?), although i'm not sure that's a good idea when it's so late in the development (looking at the complaints for Charlie and Jesse in light and night, to say nothing of the Ling Xiao debacle in love and producer, although i blame most of this on papergames for not setting their foot down...).
3 love interests is certainly on the smaller end though. i think the sweet spot is 4 while 5 should be the highest for a chinese mobile otome game. having 3 means, even if you only bias one character, the rotation of events will happen faster and make you spend, haha. meanwhile, having too many characters means you'll be waiting forever for your bias to appear again (looking at all the joseimuke games in japan).
i was chatting with friends about how Shen Xinghui comes off as a stereotypical knight archetype (like Bai Qi) and so he's like a bland slice of white bread, but this is actually a good thing because it's hard to mess up this archetype and there is endless possibilities of development for him that can add "flavoring" to this white bread, like the jam of star-crossed lovers, etc.
this is in comparison to Li Shen, where it feels like they're forcing his tropes onto you and telling you what to feel. someone said he seems to be the 美强惨 (beautiful, strong, and tragic) character but i would rather come to this conclusion through the game story, instead of them telling me this at the beginning with his trailer showing his illness and whatnot. he's also a childhood friend and i think by now everyone knows i don't really go for childhood friends, haha.
i think their english names are a little excessive, but my greatest complaint is that Xavier and Zayne should be switched!!
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abcdosaka · 6 months
i feel like this was kinda a long time coming but it definitely feels weird to write it down.
having a weird time trying to, i guess, 'solve' my sex life and kinda by extension love life and reconcile it with having an actual relationship with my family. the hilarious part is the thing that brought this on was me shopping for toys lmao. this post is like half sex half depression.
like i was browsing dildos bc i wanna try to experience penetration for once without clenching up like a vise grip like i wanna try to learn to enjoy it bc ngl im getting a bit of fomo of all the other girlies out there. and also ive never really had the opportunity to kinda explore different things sexually like maybe i was just afraid but now that im basically financially independent its like i want to try. the same way i tried last year but this time i dont feel like there's other people or things holding me back. except there kinda is
anyway the entire time i was thinking like wait isnt this kinda like analogous to a man's penis? yeah no shit but its the realistic ones specifically that get me. i'm like wait i really do not like that. it really shoves in your face that like this is a MALE sex organ (which ya ik gender and sex is not real but for all intents and purposes in this case, it’s male). and its weird its like my brain kinda gets that im a lesbian but there's a disconnect with my body somewhere. like ok i know there's a huge thing about this and its like stepping on a minefield but just for me personally. i never thought i had a strong genital preference specifically like i always thought well, i like boobs and i like pussy and if i'm like watching porn or whatever and a dick pops up im like cool fine that is an object thats not a human. sorry to anyone i dehumanized just now. but its not like i HATE dick i think its alright sometimes even great but is it something i want inside me? idk. not really. especially not face to face with a man its just disturbing idk.
but point is im still kinda mentally in denial somewhere like my brain thinks theres some deep trauma or problem or bias against men that needs to be solved so that i can like men. but ive never been through a trauma like that. and obviously im well aware i am a little sexist like i dont vibe well with men. is that why? like i don't like the idea of having to have a relationship with a man bc i need to feel superior somehow? or maybe not superior but just not inferior. like its just more equal between women. yeah i think thats maybe it. but i feel like thats not just it. i also feel like theres some biologic instinct that turns me off to them. or maybe its nature vs nurture and ive nurtured myself so hard that im like well i can't like men now. the weird part about that is that i'd think it should be the other way around. like how straight incels will be like god i wish i was gay but i can't help being attracted to women. its a question ive been trying to solve for a decade and maybe i already know the answer but idk how to feel solid about it
anyway i saw one that was so cute it was like a bunch of pink hearts but its way too girthy. plus it was like $55 which is just. its probably normal for dildo prices that arent the microplastics shein ones but also like seriously. i might wait for if it goes on sale if i think ill like it after i try a smaller one. ill have to order it next week bc i wanna ship it to the post office so theres no chance my upstairs neighbour would get it by accident. but tbh ive experienced enough embarassing things that when i recall them i dont even get embarassed im just numb so i think if that happened itll just go in the numb pile or maybe funny pile.
now to the kinda sad part. how tf do i tell my family? ive always known that im gonna have to tell them sooner or later and id do it after im financially independent but this is the thing in my way that i was talking about. my family is not perfect or even close at all but idk. they kind of are all i got. yeah i have friends but nobody close enough to call in an emergency or whatever. and i feel a bit bad bc they have actually done a lot for me. like the shit before uni was whatever like thats what you do for family but everything they helped me with during uni, even though i hated it, i did need their help. i guess if i had other people to rely on i wouldn't have. but im a really fucking guarded person like i really dont like trusting people like that. at least with my family i believe they wouldn't screw me over bc of something petty. i moved halfway across the country so i could have the sort of privacy i wanted and seems like my mom knows that but i talked to her today and she was like maybe i could come visit in july and i was like alright i guess. but now im like wait so what happens if i start dating.
i actually really dislike that it seems like everyone in my family, extended and all, all of the sudden wants to hang out all the fucking time.
you know i bet they wouldn't even acknowledge it. in which case im not gonna acknowledge that they aren't acknowledging it. like ill just pretend they accept it. i need to make some queer friends here like actually
or maybe it isn't as big a deal as i think it is. i do live pretty far away. wtf are they gonna do from all the way over there lmao. nobody's gonna kill me over it. worst is i probably get disowned or cut off. or ill have to be the villain and cut them off. thatll be interesting
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Hi! Can I get a Lotr ship please? I'm Moon, she/they, bi girl, but would prefer a guy.
I like wearing dark, gothic, or cottagecore clothes and enjoy shopping, video games like Pokémon and cooking, baking. Sharing food is my love language including physical touch. I'm a fantasy nerd and daydream a lot. I also write sometimes. I get frequent migraines but being outside in fresh air helps a lot.
Very silent at first, but after some time I'm my true cheerful and loud self. But I'll adapt to the situation if I need to be more quieter. I learn pretty quick, I'm independent and won't take any disrespect. If someone were to insult my friends I'd go feral and hate when people torment others and abuse their "power.
I can be a little "sneaky" and play small pranks on my friends in real life, if they're fine with it. I'm ambitious and stubborn, but not reckles and actually prefer to do things the safe way. My humor is pretty dry and I adore making my friends laugh. I've often been described as giving off weird, but kind cousin/older sister vibes and I'm definitely a little eccentric (I relate to Luna from HP a lot).
Thank you! Your writing is fabulous🦇💕
im sorry why are you me. why are you me. why. I don't play pokémon but the rest. (also thank you for that compliment, it's always amazing to know people actually like what I do! you've been reblogging sm, it's really sweet) - so just that you know, I might be biased with this because you remind me of, well, me. I might just have given you someone I've fallen head over heels for. feel free to request again tho if you don't like that lmao
I ship you with...
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let me tell you why.
- Eomer is absolutely enamoured the moment he first lays eyes on you. And when someone like him comes along, obviously you are, too. Everyone would be, right? Well, maybe not everyone. But he’s so strong willed and loyal and he follows his heart even when it breaks the rules, and all that just makes it really hard for you not to fall in love with him. 
- You don’t talk, at first, but because he’s - not arrogant, no, but certainly not above a little mocking - he soon hears you speak up. That situation does set your impression of him back a bit. He’s just as quick to redeem himself, though; he’d never meant to actually insult someone and he has no problem apologising to you. And he realises instantly that he couldn’t have done anything better because you talk to him after that, you really talk and open up to him and he’s never enjoyed getting to know someone more. 
- He loves your stubborn, your ambitious side, especially because you don’t tend to do reckless things. The way you can stand up for yourself and for others, how you have the perfect plan to keep things safe, a skill that some would call strategic wonder, how it just so happens that you don’t let people step on your toes, he just cannot do anything but fall helplessly for you. Are strong women his type? I guess so. 
- When you play little pranks on him, you realise very quickly that it’s really, really hard to get him to even flinch. He is so not easily scared. So you make it a competition. Of course you refuse to do anything hurtful and most of it is to make him laugh, or maybe it’s because he always wraps you up in his arms after you’ve tried to prank him again, but whatever the reason you don’t stop. And you won’t. Maybe you’ll get him to flinch at least once in your life. 
- He definitely is the number one fan of your baking and cooking, partly because he’s always the first one who gets to eat it and also the one who gets most of it, even when you plan on sharing with others too. Sometimes when he has to go out for the day, he’ll walk up behind you while you take the cookies out of the oven, kiss your head and sneakily steal one that he’s already stuffed into his mouth and run away with before you can scold him - not that you’d mean anything you said, anyway, you always have the biggest grin on your face. Especially because he’ll turn around just before he’s out of the door and shout how good they are. 
- Whenever you get a migraine, he’s the most careful, caring guy you could wish for. He makes sure you have whatever you need, and when the headaches are even worse than usual, he often stays home with you. He definitely joins you on walks or just outside with a book, or he gladly takes you with him for a horseback ride. He’s so gentle, so very gentle, the way he cups your face with such endless softness and care to make sure he doesn’t hurt you....... I’m crying over here, I love him sm. He strokes your head or loosely braids your hair or does literally whatever you ask of him, and he always, always is in range of touch, and unless you’re uncomfortable, he always is touching you in a way, soothing you, just brushing his thumb over your arm sometimes. 
- There simply would be no one in the whole wide world who’d worship you more than he would. 
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iwritemush · 3 years
hi i hope youre well! is it ok if i request a platonic matchup for tfp? :D
i'm pudgy and a little bit on the shorter side, but also very strong!! >:-) i am very unsure of my gender rn but usually i do like to present myself in a feminine way and i use all pronouns!!
i would describe myself as optimistic, cheerful, simple-minded and pretty silly! i do like to have fun and explore cool places, and despite being very shy and awkward around new people, i want to socialize and make new friends!! usually im rather quiet and prefer to listen and observe. im not very good at talking because it makes me nervous so i appreciate when people are ok with that and dont expect me to engage in conversation :^] buuut i can get really talkative when talking about my interests, so i appreciate when people do listen!
i am a big people pleaser and the thought of someone disliking me makes me very sad, so i sometimes get into uncomfy situations just because i cant say no. also i really dont like when people yell at me! it scares me a lot. im very sensitive and cry easily, but it's also very easy for me to laugh x) i laugh at every silly little thing
i really like cute and happy things but i love scary things too >:) horror movies are my favorite and im really interested in dark and supernatural cases!! funny thing is im very skittish and get scared easily. im also kinda stupid and naive oops
i like to draw, paint, sew (i make plushies!!), play the piano, collect pretty shiny things and give them to my friends as gifts! i am a very curious person, and when i find something cool (like a leaf, rock, sea shell, etc) i pick it up right away!! i also like to (gently!!) pick up tiny bugs and caterpillars and show them to others, cause i love insects a lot :-) i try my best to be always kind and polite to everyone, including all the cool creatures of this planet! i rarely get angry or show dislike to anyone and most of the time i go by the "treat everyone nicely because u dont know what they went through" thing
sorry this is so long x[ but thank you for reading all of this and i hope u have a wonderful day/night!!
🌻 <- flower for u !!!
First off I must say you seem so cute and sweet! Ahh! I just wanna hug you!(i also love my flower now-thank you!$
I feel like I’ve had the sweetest anons and asks lately, you all seem so nice and I just love making these for you guys!
And don’t worry if it was too long! Honestly, I didn’t even need to think while reading I just immediately thought of who would be your guardian:))
You will be so annoyed bc I will not be shutting up
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Your personalities are so clashing I love it
At first probably has a love hate relationship with your personality, like there’s something so nice about you but??? You should be in fear right now-also she doesn’t really wanna babysit
After a while probably really starts liking your personality, like?? Something about you just makes things feel more at ease
She becomes over protective real quick tho lmao
Due to the fact that she has lost so many people she was close with, she is very scared for you too meet the same faith
If (hot) spider lady even comes near you she will be facing a new type of pain
You guys probably gonna have an arc(this is an anime now) about how she has to learn that you are not weak and she doesn’t need to be THAT protective
She knows you like cute things so she probably will associate cute things with you
Doesn’t understand the appeal of creepy things really-Lowkey scares her when you like REALLY scary
Like sis??? Why are you interested in this??
If your interested in true crimes you can talk about them together and if it’s one of those unsolved cases you can try and figure who did it
If your into like creepy fantasy creatures PLEASE tell her they are not real, she doesn’t know that much about earth! You might bring up the jersey devil and she will wonder why people even live there.
If yoy get skittish with anything she’s quick to tell you that your okay
Like the smallest thing-creepy noise while your on the drive? She will try and comfort you(though her guard will go up with the surrounding as well)
Even if it’s a big thing like your stuck in an energon mine, she will tell you that she will try her best to keep you safe
Always ask questions about the random things you picked up, really likes it when you get interested and talk more about whatever the ugly lil bug is in your hands
I beg you to draw and show her everything
Draw her
Do it
Okay but she loves your art! She’s not very artistic herself, so she is interested in your artist ability
“Idk what happened to that drawing-it just disappeared” - you probably after she took one of your drawing so she can keep it and think about you when your not there
You guys gotta both work on your emotions
She wants you to show your anger, she can work on showing her softer side
Really tries to teach you not to care about what others think of you
Ignoring the fact that if anyone said anything negative about you she would drop kick them
It’s double standards okay???
I love you guys sm
She usually isn’t that into music but she likes when you play, though it isn’t that often where the both of you are near a piano
Get a recording for her-k??
You being naive KILLS her internally
Like Jesus keep your guard up please
She never becomes THAT mad when you’re naive but she mig scold you or refuse to take you out some where
She just wants to keep you safe
Okay so sorry if it’s not much soriidkf I tried
Also before you go ! 🌹 here!
You seem very rad and I hope you liked this and had a fantastic day!
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emonaculate · 3 years
AOT Freshman v Senior Year headcanons (Eren, Armin, and Mikasa)
❥ AU: Highschool!AU
❥ Genre: Fluff
❥ Rating: Everyone can read
❥ Pairing: hinted at Eren x reader
❥ Warnings Include: Profanity, mentions of violence, manipulation, mention of weed, and slight angst
❥ Author Note: I'm making this an entire series for the main cast or my favorite characters from AOT
Eren Yeager
Freshman year
Extremely fucking loud for no reason
Runs to class and somehow always manages to be late
Tries to pay attention in class but due to his ADHD would always spaces tf out
Despite being loud, only talks to Mikasa and Armin
Smells like nothing but AXE body spray, its not even a bad smell, its just too much
That kid that takes P.E. TOO fucking serious
"Eren you know why you're in trouble right?"
"...You hit your classmate in the face with a ball."
"He could have dodged."
"Eren it was a basketball, you broke his nose and chipped his tooth."
"He shouldn't have gotten so close to me."
Im sorry but totally dresses like this
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Constantly compared to his older brother.
"Yeager... Are you by any chance related to Zeke Yeager?"
"No way, your brother is THE Zeke Yeager?"
Makes a name for himself rather quickly
Listens to heavy rock/metal music
He loves My Chemical Romance and Three Day Grace.
Learned how to play the guitar just so he could play "Teenagers"
Forced Mikasa and Armin to also listen to the bands
They ended up all deciding on making a small little garage band; Miki on vocals and drums, Min on bass, and Eren as lead vocalist and electric guitar.
His style changed randomly but no one questioned it since his personality remained the same.
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Senior year
180 personality
Completely mellowed tf out
Either he is in class on time or not showing up at all
Senioritis is strong within him
Works better when he is completely out of it
This mf always high as shit
Either you love him, hate him, or respect him there is no inbetween
Smart as hell but usually on the low
His music taste has changed a little
J.cole and Kendrick stan; it is not up for debate
His favorite songs are Neighbors by J.Cole and Alright by Kendrick
Listens to throwback RnB when high
Still godly at the guitar
Has a couple stick and poke tattoos; He has one behind his ear matching Min and Miki.
He has the sun, Armin has the ocean waves, Mikasa has the moon
A total of 8; 4 in his left and 2 in his right + the industrial
Has a tongue piercing
A two slices in his eyebrow but only got them as a dare
Most of them minus the industrial piercing was done at home because he has an abnormally high pain tolerance.
Dresses like this
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Doesnt really play sports but is super good at soccer and basketball
He's actually good at most sports just refuses to join because why would he want to support a corrupted system??
Still more of a loner but has a rather nice friend group
Looks mean asf but is actually really nice
Goes the hardest for his friends
You fuck with them = you getting your shit rocked by him
100% the friend that hits you for forgetting to eat
Despite being hot as shit; never really has a girlfriend
Its only because hes oblivious or just not interested
Deathly scary when hes pissed
If you guys got beef; there is no talking
Its on sight bro
Be prepared to get beat the fuck up
A few things that makes him go from 0 to 100 is racism, mocking disabled people, and domestic violence
He's an activist
If you need help organizing a protest; he'll help and somehow manage to get people to come.
Basically a really good guy just hot headed as hell
Armin Arlert
Freshman Year
The kid who looked up those lame videos on how to survive highschool.
Panicked when it came to speaking in class
Stuttered like hell
He's way too advanced like could graduate early but refuses to so he can stay with his friends
Super sweet but extremely naive
People definitely took advantage of him.
"Hey Armin, my dog got in a car accident so I wasnt really focused in class, can you give me the homework answers?"
"Yeah sure its no problem."
Sends them a whole ass powerpoint on the entire lesson and teaches them better than the actual teacher.
Band nerd
Can play the Piano, Bass, and Trumpet
Listens to Mother Mother and Queen religiously
Only joined Eren's garage band after he agreed to watch Bohemian Rhapsody
Dresses like this
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Moved in with Ren and Miki after he went through some shit with his family; he came out as bisexual after realizing he was attracted to one of his classmates.
Sometimes worries that Eren gets uncomfortable but relaxes after he remembers who Eren really is.
Wouldn't trade his friends for the world
Senior Year
His glow up took awhile because he didnt really feel the need to change
He was always rather cute; just shy and timid
Slightly because he manipulated his runner up into become a burnout gifted kid lmao
Everyone has his Snapchat and Instagram so they can get help
Now he knows when people are using him and he still lets them; the only difference is you fuck with him and he can make you end up repeating the same grade.
Lets people copy his test and at the last minute pauses and erases all his answers before putting the correct ones.
No one has realized his plan.
His fashion sense changed a lot
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Subconsciously tries to match Eren all the time
The only person that noticed was Mikasa; she thinks its cute
Is in love with Russian foreign exchange student, Annie.
He talks to her from time to time before gathering enough courage to ask her out
Doesnt realize how popular he is.
Oftentimes volunteers at the aquarium to study the ocean life as well as help out.
Helps plenty of organizations clean up the ocean.
A total of four piercings and the tattoo that matches his friends.
Two in his ears and nipple piercings.
It was a dare he sobbed through
Mikasa Ackerman
Freshman year
Follows Eren and Armin around
Super quiet
Doesn't really have much of a personality
She is cute though
Dresses like this
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Like I said no real personality at all
Well except she was the girl who thought she was in a romance novel
Especially when Eren would get into a fight.
"Eren look at me... This isnt you."
"Mikasa move."
Most times it wouldnt work.
It was just cringy man...
Can play the violin, flute, piano, and cello
Only learned the drums so she could play with Eren and Armin
A secret pop stan
Loves Ariana Grande and Doja Cat
Thank god she manages to grow out of that yucky phase.
Senior Year
Track, Gymnast, and female basketball player
She mellowed out as well and became her own person
Still heavily in love with Eren
Confessed to him during a karaoke session to the song Baby I by Ariana Grande; he didnt realize.
Sang her heart out and was a blushing mess but still got no where
Has deep down accepted that she may never be more than just his friend
Is okay with it and NOT toxic when he's crushing on someone else
Just wants him to be happy
Saw how he looked at some girl during a fundraiser to raise money for animal shelters and realized that he may never look at her like that.
Turned a guy down because Armin had a crush on him
The ultimate wing girl
Introduced Eren to her opponent after a track meet after realizing it was the girl from the fundraiser.
Dresses like this
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Super sweet despite her look
However pick on her friends and you're fucked
CAN and WILL whoop your ass
The only person who can get Eren to not fight.
Pissed them both off at the same time and you're screwed
Has a total of three piercings
Her ears and nose
Loves her boys more than anything
Stays with Eren while her parents travel to help with natural disasters
Noticed that Armin's ideal type is Eren but never mentioned it because she knows Armin would overract
Very observant
Just wants the best for her friends even if she is the one who ends up happy
Eventually falls for the guy that asked her out junior year.
Still close to her boys because they come before anyone.
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . i'm happy that your requests are open ! and for dad headcanons?? i am right here to serve my braincells for you ma'am. what about dad! sugawara & kenma? thank you in advance 🤓😘
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
✎ . . . will you please write about oikawa, bokuto, and sugawara as dads?? :>
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sugawara koushi & oikawa tooru <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . reposted because tumblr took it off?? ugh n e ways happy birthday again to my boy sugawara😔✋
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➜ before the arrival of your daughter, mans was totally cool about it; also ecstatic to say the least, he wanted to have a family for you for a long, long time, and when he finally has the chance to start it with you ─ he couldn't help but cry and be so soft on the spot with just the thought of it
➜ but he also couldn't help but be doubtful, doubtful of himself ─ will be a good enough father? will he be able to teach his daughter the important virtues in life? will his daughter even love him?
➜ but in the midst of those thoughts were you, reassuring him multiple times, that, if there was any man that you could think of, of being the father of your children ─ that man would be him, and only him
➜ ngl right now, mans wanted to give you another one after you said that 💀
➜ and when your first child was delivered, he was so encouraging and supportive of you, would whisper reassurance and words of affermations saying how great you were, how he was so blessed for having you.
➜ remember those doubts he had? all those thoughts fully dissapeared when your baby wrapped her fingers around his thumb for the first time, and suga couldn't help but cry ─ from joy? definitely, from satisfaction that you guys created this angel? of course. and relief? yeah, probably.
➜ sugawara doesn't want to spoil your daughter since he wants your daughter to know the importance of money and doesn't want her to end up being a brat
➜ but sometimes ,,, he couldn't just help it okay? ☹
➜ in the first months of parenting with sugawara, he was anything but the perfect dad but you could really see the parental instincts in him
“ kohana, come to daddy ” your husband, koushi, stretched his arms towards your daughter of five years; kneeling on the floor as you sat across from him, kneeling as well.
➜ as your daughter slowly waddled over to sugawara with a blank yet adorable chubby face, sugawara was overjoyed, to say the least.
“ yes waddle over to daddy ─ ”
➜ well, until your daughter cheekily ran across the opposite side, to you. as if flowers of many kinds surrounded her, she glided onto your surprised arms as you instinctively open tour arms out for her, a shocked laugh was heard from you.
➜ 💀💀💀
➜ your husband's jaw DROPPED Y'ALL😭✋ LET ME JUST AHHH
➜ kohana definitely got her wittiness and cheekiness from her koushi, and maybe some from you as well.
➜ sugawara let out an offended scoff as he got up so fast to chase your daughter around the house, as your daughter shrieked in fear and excitement as she waddled all over the place
➜ and when kohana was out with her with her aunty kiyoko and uncles daichi and asahi, sugawara was feeling a bit ,,, spicy that night that hey, why not create another one with you👉👈
➜ let's just say, while your daughter was eating caramel apples with her aunt & uncles, you were getting dic ked down by sugawara phew chile
➜ and after a few months, your son, shin was born & damn did sugawara love him
➜ unlike your daughter, your son is such a sweetie uGHHHH
➜ and loved his dad so much, is the calm and collected one while he had your hair and suga's eyes
➜ while the squad™ ; daichi, kiyoko & asahi would come to your house with every chance they get just to see your little ones and maybe even bring theirs as a playdate for shin & kohana
➜ ugh next gen typa thingz💅
➜ would play volleyball with them, but with a softer one that's a bit more kid-friendly
➜ being almost total opposites, shin and kohana would often bicker, kohana being the one to provock the fight and shin just straight up spitting facts, 6/10 of the time would win over his older sister
➜ periodt
➜ and if fights would get too much, sugawara would bONKK💥🔨 your children ( like those times where suga just fu cking bOnKs his teammates. )
➜ yeah that
➜ mans rarely gets mad and phew ,, if he ever does i just have nothin, NOTHIN to say😶
➜ he'll never be angry at them for too long though
➜ but mostly, he'll just be disappointed rather than mad
➜ and honestly that hurts more
➜ since sugawara is an elementary school teacher, he'd often tell stories about your guys' children with his students
➜ it became an actual thing with his students that they would every now and then ask about them
➜ would have such a strong foundation built from trust, respect and just love with his children
➜ honestly you'd fallen all over again with him BECAUSE HE'S SO UGSHHSHSH
➜ baking !!
➜ this is one of suga's past times, and even before you guys were even married, y'all would have at-home dates and just bake
➜ and it just gradually became a thing with your children every time anyone just wants to bake something.
➜ and most of the time would end up messing up the kitchen and covered in flour
➜ 11/10 dad, may not be the most perfect dad but your kids could never ask for anyone else but him.
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➜ it started off as a joke, he couldn't really remember when it all started but he would always say that you would be such a good mother whenever you would take care of him when he's injured himself or just scold him whenever he keeps over working himself
➜ but after a few years and oikawa would never have thought that he wanted to actually have a child or two with you, it started off when he would spend a few hours until pass midnight to watch cute baby videos
➜ and his eyes would linger onto your sleeping figure ontop of his body, face nuzzled as he could feel your nose tickle his torso.
➜ he couldn't help but play along with the thoughts of having a child with you ─ to start a family with you.
➜ you guys were already living together at argentina, and you've support him through and through with everything he has pursued in his life, and what else was stopping him from starting a family with you?
➜ yes, his schedule may be a bit busy but he had always given more than enough time to you, what hurt may it cause if he had another person to dedicate his attention as well? someone that's the perfect mixture of the love of his life and himself.
➜ and when oikawa has already set something on his mind ─ mans would always get what he wants
➜ if i were you, i'd give him anything he wants ngl
➜ just saying y'all😳✋
➜ it didn't take him a hot second to make you agree to it, and before he knew it he fell in love all over again on the bundle of joy he held on his hands
➜ would pepper you with kisses even if you were tired from giving birth, saying how proud he was of you and how beautiful the child you both created
➜ like duh, it was yours and tooru's child, your guys' baby will be a HEARTBREAKER WITH THOSE LOOKS😡
“ tooru !! ” you exclaimed as you saw your husband hold out a strawberry lollipop to your daughter while holding her with his other arm, as your daughter was ready to bite it ─ MANS REALLY SAID NO❌ RIGHTS✅😤 AND PULLED IT AWAY WHILE LAUGHING BEFORE PUTTING IT IN HIS MOUTH
➜ i'm so sorry i just ─
➜ before your daughter just straight up cried right then and there while tooru's eyes widdened and tried apologizing to his daughter
“ aiko baby i'm so sorry ─  ” until your daughter slapped the lollipop from his mouth
➜ while oikawa just had that blank stare
➜ while you're trying not laugh so much because you KNOW his ego was shattered as she held her arms out for you, making grabby hands until you took her off from her father's hold
➜ oikawa : i hate it here😙😍💅
➜ aiko : it's what he deserves :)
➜ but when your daughter grew up, she ADORED HER FATHER, she would be the first to to the door whenever her father comes back from tournaments, your two younger sons, akiro and haruki would follower right after her chasing each other out
➜ oikawa still dresses her up even if she wasn't a seven year old anymore
➜ aiko is a daddy's girl and that's on periodt😡💅
➜ while aiko had tooru's playful and big dumb b energy, and your your hair and his eyes
➜ your oldest son, akiro, got your personality, and eyes but his father's hair
➜ and your youngest son, haruki, has both your eyes and hair and is a mix of yours and tooru's personality
➜ and it wasn't only aiko which held her father at such a good light that if she told him that ─ mans will be over the moon
➜ but also your two sons which found themselves loving and dedicating their love towards volleyball just like their father
➜ watching his games is a must !!
➜ his ego would not only be ASTRONOMICAL
➜ and just the overall overwhelming motivation had him serving 4 service aces in a row on periodttt
➜ your three kids would fight over who could scream the loudest in the stands for their father
➜ when he's away and your children would have those missing him hours™😔✋ oikawa would always try and contact you guys three times a day and everynight he'd be telling you guys how practice was and would also ask you guys how your days was.
➜ would teach his kids to FLIRT LMAO💀
➜ but will never fail teaching them that they should treat woman with RESPEKT ( and just overall everyone?? not just of their gender it's just because of idk??MANNERS ? )
➜ oikawa : *drinks his respect wamen juice.*
➜ ohoho but if his daughter ever starts having boy crushes MANS WOULD BE ALL POUTY
“ but loovveee ,, ” tooru drags out
“ our daughter is starting to date, what happened to marrying daddy one day? ”
“ tooru we're already married. ”
➜ you : i should have gone for the best friend instead
➜ beach volleyball !!
➜ after seeing how good beach volleyball taught hinata, giving him advantages in the indoor court, he wanted his child to as well
➜ or normal backyard volleyball will do
➜ just like with his teammates, oikawa is able to bring out the best in your children
➜ just a 11/10 dad, he may not always be with you guys because of volleyball but he'd always make time for you guys and would never neglect and forsake you guys
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sukirichi · 3 years
hi suki! wanted to tell you this bc i have no one else to talk about it with ><
( you can answer this when the English chapter releases! i was able to read it because my friend bought the WSJ issue)
I was trying to udnerstand Naoy's character, so I was reding everything from CH138-151 again. I'm kinda sad at how people just calls Naoya a Toji fanboy (though true LMAO) and not realizing how Toji really influenced his persona. Like the admiration Naoya held for Toji is so deeply engraved in him that he, who was called a genius sorcerer as a child, looks up to a man who was called a failure. Toji is probably the only man in the clan that he respected, that's why toji's level of strength became his "picture" to follow. And I think a lot of who Naoya has become is because the Zen'ins literally groomed the decency out of him. Still, though groomed to be everything he is, he himself chose not to change anything about it.
(wait but also?? little naoya looks cute like he would guide old ladies on the ped xing so what the fuck happened after that)
I guess one major reason why he does not respect anyone else in the clan (besides his superiority complex) is because of the Zen'in's concept of what is marked as strong. Like, the way they see and treated him as if he's the best sorcerer in the making, yet failing to see Toji's powers and rejecting him fully. It's something similar to Mai when she said "Maki has talent that I don't. And the clan rejected that; that talent that I lacked", except Naoya is raised to be a confident (arrogant?) child, thus he takes it as a challenge instead and works to achieve it.
So, when Maki reached the level of Toji, I think his reaction wasn't simply stemmed on his "fanboy" antics, but his desperation of being part of that level of strength. I think he's more irritated in the fact that Maki, someone who he does not see anywhere near as strong as he is (though he does say Maki is strong in chapter 138), reached a level of strength that he hasn't; that he is trying hard to achieve. It's also the same with having your favorite superhero getting defeated. And Naoya's in denial that there is someone else who could be the same as Toji.
I like how he's an antagonist that was not build under the foundation of a sob backstory (though it was a v small sneak peak of his background and was mainly centered with his admiration for toji, plus I think people forget that Naoya is an antagonist), how he acknowledges that he has not reached that level of strength. Of course, I'm angsty about his misogynistic ideals. I get that he's from a very traditionalist clan so... yeah. I mean, no child is born evil. Children learn from those around them (I've seen many people say he's trash since he was a kid when he said that "i wonder what miserable face he has", but like he's a kid, he doesn't know what he's saying AHSJFJWJQ8QR he was either taught that or he just learned it from others. Funnily enough, he does say toji has a pretty face now LMAO). Maybe it stems from something else, maybe it didn't.
I'm not saying him trying to kill Megumi is forgotten (Though, the Jujutsu Society is a place where teens get executed for the simple fact that they are too strong, so im not surprised. Just like Noritoshi said, age does not matter in Jujutsu Society). I see now why he was really pissed about Megumi being the head, since Naoya has been promised the position since he was young, only to loose of a 15 year old who is the son of the man he admires :')) However, still, none of it excuses the shit he did. He still has a shitty personality, but it's nice to know a bit of a background.
Anyway, that's all for now. My English is bad so that might be all over the place •`,`• That's just my take on it so I could be wrong or maybe seeing him wrong since we still don't know much abt him. I'm always scared to talk about naoya because the last time i did (on twt) i got a backlash of hate (ppl really do get hate just from admiring someone's characterization). Your blog is like a safe haven for naoya stans, so i thank you for that hehe.
Have a nice day suki!! kisses~
(also this is a PSPSPSPS to a naoya childhood friends au fic pls 👁👁)
bestie omg I am so sorry, I found this deep in my inbox and I am *shakes* and yes yes let’s talk about naoya, I would be more than glad to and I’m sorry I didn’t see this any sooner!! more rants and simping under the cut
I'm kinda sad at how people just calls Naoya a Toji fanboy (though true LMAO) and not realizing how Toji really influenced his persona. Like the admiration Naoya held for Toji is so deeply engraved in him that he, who was called a genius sorcerer as a child, looks up to a man who was called a failure. Toji is probably the only man in the clan that he respected, that's why toji's level of strength became his "picture" to follow. And I think a lot of who Naoya has become is because the Zen'ins literally groomed the decency out of him. Still, though groomed to be everything he is, he himself chose not to change anything about it.
omg for this…I’m actually like…like I love the detail that naoya admires toji? as we can see from the panel of little naoya, it’s like people have already planted in his head that no cursed energy = loser, yet he ended up admiring him and I am,,,my heart is just soft! exactly! just think of naoya born as a genius sorcerer yet his admiration for toji, who is painted as the clan’s failure, helped shape him into who he is! idk but I just really love the fact that naoya, who is like born with the pressure and role of being clan leader, somewhat strays from tradition and ends up finding strength into toji and even strives to follow him or “stand by him” someday. for me, it just shows that perhaps naoya isn’t really half as bad as he should be in an honest sense, meaning that he’s evil or morally corrupt because he was born that way or because he chose to be that way. I do agree that perhaps he is the way he is now because he’s groomed to be like that, but of course, I’m not going to disregard the fact that somewhere along the way, Naoya could’ve matured to choose himself to not embody the misogynistic tradition of the zen’in clan.
This could just be me, but my interpretation of it is that Naoya seems more like the perfect product or embodiment of how the clan shaped him to be, blinded him with false morals and the patriarchy presiding into them. Rather than Naoya being just “a misogynistic arrogant man” in my perspective and my opinion, I see him more into the bigger picture of his toxic upbringing to begin with. Like, no child is born evil unless there’s like a predetermined curse deciding their fate for them, so its partly the Zen’in clan’s fault he’s that way. But Gege showing that Naoya admiring someone the Zen’in clan disregarded, it shows that he is capable of being himself without the clause of his clan enforcing things to him once again, like the whole “he’s gonna be the future clan leader” thing, though that is still heavily embedded within him.
(wait but also?? little naoya looks cute like he would guide old ladies on the ped xing so what the fuck happened after that)
I guess one major reason why he does not respect anyone else in the clan (besides his superiority complex) is because of the Zen'in's concept of what is marked as strong. Like, the way they see and treated him as if he's the best sorcerer in the making, yet failing to see Toji's powers and rejecting him fully. It's something similar to Mai when she said "Maki has talent that I don't. And the clan rejected that; that talent that I lacked",except Naoya is raised to be a confident (arrogant?) child, thus he takes it as a challenge instead and works to achieve it.
Anon, is it just me or like…was his superiority complex also enforced on him by the Zen’in clan as well? Again this could just be me going all psychologist mode on Naoya but the nature of superiority complex is quite interesting, you know! As a psych student, I perfectly understand that superiority complex either stems from several things like a) wanting to live up to one’s or others expectations, b) masking it with a deep stem of insecurity, or c) it’s a coping mechanism. See, I could go on and on about but then I’d have to link all my past studies lmao so let’s just put it on layman’s terms that my interpretation of Naoya’s superiority complex is once again, influenced by the clan. Imagine being a kid born into a clan where people remind you again and again that you’re the future leader, that you would be the one to guide them or protect them or discuss the clan’s future and status once you grow, and you’re quite groomed for it.
For such pressure to be put on a child’s shoulders, it kind of strips off his youth and instead of him enjoying his youth, I can imagine that it took a toll on little Naoya, and the reason he grew his superiority complex is his way to cope and reach the standards and expectations that is given to him. Of course, he’s a kid, he might start to wonder, “Can I even do all of that?” but seeing as the Zen’in clan highly measures strength and growth based on abilities, cursed energy, and overall just to conform into the image they’ve held for years, it’s quite obvious that Naoya can’t exactly voice out his worries over this, so instead, he masks it with a superiority complex that absolutely boosts him to a higher level, thus giving him the confidence he needed to carry out his tasks and the reassurance that, “Yes, I am worthy and I will be the clan leader.” As for your theory that he takes it as a challenge, I can see where you’re coming from! I think Naoya is the type of person who definitely likes to challenge himself, but one of the reasons I love his character so much is because he’s not completely a brainless “head on straight to war” type of person too.
He knows his limits and knows which side he should be in, as showed when Yuuta came and mans surrendered easily. Idk why but to me, Naoya, who is such an arrogant confident man who has high trust in abilities, but at the same time can admit when someone is stronger than him (like him admiring Toji and Gojo) just makes him more human and a little more beautifully flawed. Like, he’s not perfect and he’s most definitely an irritating character, but the way he was written is just *chef’s kiss*
So, when Maki reached the level of Toji, I think his reaction wasn't simply stemmed on his "fanboy" antics, but his desperation of being part of that level of strength. I think he's more irritated in the fact that Maki, someone who he does not see anywhere near as strong as he is (though he does say Maki is strong in chapter 138), reached a level of strength that he hasn't; that he is trying hard to achieve. It's also the same with having your favorite superhero getting defeated. And Naoya's in denial that there is someone else who could be the same as Toji.
Yes, ah I really do love this theory that he’s more irritated because in his mind, he’s like, “I’m a genius sorcerer! I was meant to be clan leader! This is my rightful spot to be a strong one, so how come Maki, who is a woman, with no zero cursed energy has reached the level of the person I looked up most to?” again, Naoya didn’t say that and those are just my opinions and brainrot so don’t come at me for it uwu, but yeah I do think that he’s very aggravated that he didn’t react that level first. Because I guess you could say, he’s probably alluding that Maki reaching Toji’s strength = them being equals, and ofc Naoya wanted to be the one standing beside them. It probably hit his superiority complex that he wasn’t the one in Maki’s spot especially when he tried so hard to achieve it, and considering the gifts he was given (same cursed technique as his dad and him having cursed energy) it threw him off.
Yeah, Naoya is most likely in denial and becomes aggressive over it, although I don’t really mean physically aggressive because Naoya is actually quite calm and ‘composed.’ If ever he did go on a rampage, he does it in such a suave, calculated manner with this silent confidence that he will win. It kind of makes you root for him because he even fools the audience (by audience I mean ME) that he’s going to OWN that fight but whoop, he got his ass kicked. Plus ten points for confidence and a bonus thousand points for being sexy though!!! Yeah, omg he’s probably in disbelief that a woman of all people could be like the person he admired most.
I like how he's an antagonist that was not build under the foundation of a sob backstory (though it was a v small sneak peak of his background and was mainly centered with his admiration for toji, plus I think people forget that Naoya is an antagonist), how he acknowledges that he has not reached that level of strength. Of course, I'm angsty about his misogynistic ideals. I get that he's from a very traditionalist clan so... yeah. I mean, no child is born evil. Children learn from those around them (I've seen many people say he's trash since he was a kid when he said that "i wonder what miserable face he has", but like he's a kid, he doesn't know what he's saying AHSJFJWJQ8QR he was either taught that or he just learned it from others. Funnily enough, he does say toji has a pretty face now LMAO). Maybe it stems from something else, maybe it didn't.
OMG YESSSS ANON YES YES YES *slams down simping button angrily* That’s what I like about him too! Even though Naoya is cocky and wayyyy too arrogant for his own good, I also like that he acknowledges he’s not quite in a level he wants to be in yet. And hah, his backstory, it wasn’t totally sob because it’s obvious he was much too doted on, but I still hate how they made him like that. True, if he’s still carrying the same misogynistic ideals as he is now in an age where he has the mental capacity to improve and be different, then the belief has become more of a choice than something engraved into him, which I am really disappointed and not really into because of course, he’d be much better if he wasn’t like that in the first place. LOLOLOLOL yes yes he’s a kid, it sure as hell doesn’t excuse the way he is now but like just think !!
if a kid was spouting out such mean words and CLEARLY no one is correcting him, who really is the problem here? A child has a harder time deciphering what is right and wrong by himself without proper guidance. And he didn’t have proper guidance, they really just let him be like that and it’s because the clan!! sucks !! ass !! YEAH he probably called toji with a miserable face because he hasn’t seen him before but after seeing the iconic dilf, Naoya gone be like, “anyways, I lied, moving on—”
I'm not saying him trying to kill Megumi is forgotten (Though, the Jujutsu Society isa place where teens get executed for the simple fact that they are too strong, so im not surprised. Just like Noritoshi said, age does not matter in Jujutsu Society). I see now why he was really pissed about Megumi being the head, since Naoya has been promised the position since he was young, only to loose of a 15 year old who is the son of the man he admires :')) However, still, none of it excuses the shit he did. He still has a shitty personality, but it's nice to know a bit of a background.
yeah no of course, no worries! even as a hardcore naoya stan, I can admit this dude is TERRIBLE for so many reasons! yeah I mean that could be pretty irritating because he was born for it, raised to be clan leader, groomed and expected he’d have that role, but nah someone else took his throne. yeah I’m with you on that, naoya has a shitty personality and I would totally smack him if he was real because he makes my eyes roll to the back of my head, but knowing his background and theorizing (read: me going all psychologist mode because he’s the only character I ever cared about to apply my studies into) his character is quite fun. I wish we had more scenes with Naoya though, I really hoped he’d play a bigger role but he just…died, I guess, though I’m starting to believe that maybe he really isn’t dead! Gege did him dirty omg I’ll cry again if it’s really GENUINELY confirmed my baby is gone.
Anyway, that's all for now. My English is bad so that might be all over the place •`,`• That's just my take on it so I could be wrong or maybe seeing him wrong since we still don't know much abt him. I'm always scared to talk about naoya because the last time i did (on twt) i got a backlash of hate (ppl really do get hate just from admiring someone's characterization). Your blog is like a safe haven for naoya stans, so i thank you for that hehe.
ah no worries about your English, I didn’t really notice anything wrong with it tbh! And I understand, these are all just our opinions/theories/perspectives, we could be wrong or not, we don’t really know because we’re not Gege (⋟﹏⋞) NOOOO PEOPLE HATED YOU ON THAT? ISTG I’VE NEVER SEEN A FANDOM CANCEL SOMEONE AS MUCH AS JJK FANDOM CANCELS NAOYA AND NAOYA STANS LIKE – he’s just a fictional character omg, cancelling naoya is understandable because I would too but attacking his fans? or generally anyone who talks about him in a neutral or not in a way that goes, “yeah I would punch this mfer” is just?? doesn’t make sense to me bestie, people really choose to do that with their time yikes.
AND AWWW THANK YOU YES I PROTECT ALL MY FELLOW NAOYA STANS HERE, I respect who people simp for because if it’s what you enjoy and as long as you’re not hurting anybody, then it really doesn’t matter and it’s not a big deal! and you’re always welcome here uwu. have an even nicer day bestie and I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner AAAA I really loved talking about this tho HEHEHEH I’m not actually too much of a JJK theorist since I’m not smart enough to pay attention or infer from all the details but NAOYA HMMMMM also childhood friends fic? hmu let’s hear it!! also ahh hmm idk but i get really happy whenever people talk to me freely about naoya bcos even tho i have been a naoya simp for like three months, it was not until recently that people came to me about him and i have just been simping alone (bcos people MADDDD) spsppsps okay rant over thank you anon i love you kith kith <3
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levis-hazelnut · 3 years
This is a vent.
You can do what you want with this post but please do read the part from where your name starts in bold and pink.
I have decided it's okay for me to type my thoughts out here In tumblr. Safer than my journal at least lol
So I'm doing okay but I also feel like shit for the past few days lol. To the point where I cried myself to sleep. Ever felt like crying badly but the tears won't come out but you can't even act frustrated? Yeah that too.
I'll be honest. I changed schools so now I have about 3 supportive friends but we haven't interacted much.
My friends from my previous school are really very cool and supportive and it is because of them, I had a thought of exploring me and thinking about my sexuality and everything.
I have a lot of friendship problems. Im kinda losing touch with My friends from the previous school and i saw it coming almost 1 years ago. But I still talk to them bc I like them. I have been betrayed and neglected and taken for granted by loads of people who were my friends. We're still in touch but there is a disconnection.
I really considered them my friends. I trusted them. I was looking for a special bond with them. But it never happened. Half of them betrayed and verbally bullied me. Some of them strayed away. Some were Influenced by other bullies. Some took me for granted.
I'm awkward at voicing out my true feelings. I wanted them to know through my actions how much they meant to me, how I bragged about how nice they were, how I loved it when we went on little adventures and screamed and laughed. But they just had to go away.
My one and only lovely best friend moved away and now we live about 2000 kms apart but we still talk and she supports me (and simple for me lol) and she is kinda like one of the top reasons I'm sane rn. I'm very grateful to have her.She sometimes visits my blog through Google and reads my fics.
I've been having depressive episodes since last year. It's definitely better than last year bc back then, I used to cry in secret like- every single day. Including my birthday. I've actually kinda mastered the art of masking my feelings.
On top of that I have family problems. My dad is not really emotionally present. I hate to say this but my mom kinda victimizes herself. Evertime they have fights, I hear and notice this. It pisses me off but the points they make about themselves make sense. Eventually they make up and they sat down and made me under stand that nothing is gonna happen but it mentally affects me a lot.
Believe me when I say that I love my parents. But I'm growing distant. On top of that there is some toxic advice and they are homophobic oof.
I know there are millions of people with more worse conditions than mine and when I think about this, I get sad and start to invalidate my feelings but with the help of some motivational people, I understand that my problems are valid and I'm allowed to feel sad. At this point I'm like my own supporter. I'm proud of it.
Every time I see jean, I relate to him a lot. Putting a strong front for others but your terrified inside. (Also thighs mm)
So Hazel. Listen to me
When I found out of tumblr and fanfics, I was overjoyed. I spend weeks reading comfort fics by many different authors including yours and it made me feel safe.
I finally decided to make an account and follow people. I mostly interacted with you. There are so many blogs and moots that I follow now, and now I'm not shy or scared to interact with them.
You know why? Because of you.
It is from your blog I first felt like I could feel safe. I never felt weird about going in your inbox more than once. Everytime you responded I felt butterflies. After that when you followed me back, I actually almost cried. Every single time I saw you in my dash, inbox or responding to me, or just interacting with your fellow moots, I felt happy.
And after that I met amber, izzy, and so many cool moots. If we ever met In real love I wouldn't hesitate to give you a big hug and thank you.
Hazel baby when I say I love you, I fucking mean it.
I love you. I love you so much
I love all of my moots, and people who I interact with every day. I found so many supportive people and people from the lgbtq and people who share the same thoughts here.
Thank you for being you.
I hope you never forget how much I admire you. I'm almost tearing up as I write this. All of you guys give me so much motivation to move forward in my life.
himani please the way you had me crying because of this i love you so so so much i cant stress it enough
(imma put a read more cos this got kinda long lol)
im so happy that you found a safe space and you feel comfortable enough to tell me all of this too. you have me on discord as well and i'd always be happy to listen to you if you need to talk or just to simply simp over 2d people lmao
and im so sorry that you've been feeling terrible, it honestly breaks my heart and i wish there was something i could do. i'd hold you and be there to fight everyone for you if i could. if those friends dont keep in touch with you, they'll be missing out and they'd be losing such a precious and amazing person. but once you lose something you always gain something - thats something i've realised so you will find the right people that will stick by you for a very long time ❤❤ i'm so glad you have your best friend there to support you and sticking by you because even when you feel like everything's just going to shit i know they'd be there for you and im happy about that
your feelings are completely valid and im glad you realised that. just know that im always going to be here too to support you and to just be there for you whenever you need it
bye the way you have my heart himani, it makes me so happy that you feel safe here and that you never felt weird about interacting with me. please you give me butterflies all the time, how could i not follow a beautiful person like you. honestly the same goes to you - i love seeing you on my dash and i love seeing you have a great time and interacting with people especially with my moots it makes me so happy i cant describe it 😭
if we ever meet im not letting you leave my side, you're gonna permanently be in my arms
i love you so much more i wish there was a way i could show just how much... im glad you found people you love and those that support you and that give you motivation. and im always going to be here to support you and for anything else you need
thank you for being comfortable enough to talk to me and to share this. you're an amazing person never doubt that 🥺🥰💖
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adhd-wifi · 4 years
i'm at the airport and there's nothing here to watch except CNN which is showing either the conservatives being hypocrites/lying or *golf tips* which makes me want to just chuck my boots at the screen so so that I don't commit much money in property damage may I please have some angsty wangxian or like literally anything plz im begging you
I’m sorry this took so long aksjakjskjdsakd but here’s an angsty fic outline about WangXian and their son!!!
Content Warning: Near-drowning, mental breakdown due to heavy guilt+phobia resulted from trauma
Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi were accompanying the Lan juniors on a night hunt, which was supposedly a mid-level threat but they aren’t sure what the actual threat is
They go into the forest surrounding the village being threatened, and split into two groups, one led by Wei WuXian and the other led by Lan WangJi
SiZhui and JingYi are both with Wei WuXian
They go to an area near a slow but deep river, and for a while they couldn’t find anything, but then they heard something in the water
Wei WuXian freaks out, hiding behind JingYi who was the closest, shaking like a leaf, as SiZhui, on his sword, approach the tiny puppy hanging onto a rock in the water
No one questions how a tiny puppy got into the middle of the river on its own like that (Wei WuXian has the excuse of fear)
SiZhui manages to grab the puppy, but is unable to pull it out of the water
The puppy suddenly growls, turning into a massive growling dog (VERY much like the vicious stray dogs of Wei WuXian’s childhood), yanking SiZhui off his sword and into the waters
JingYi panics, rushing forward to try and help SiZhui, leaving Wei WuXian there alone, unable to move due to the knowledge of the demon dog in the water, despite screaming at himself to move
There is a lot of screaming as SiZhui struggles to fight off the unknown creature in the water while keeping both himself afloat
JingYi is unable to grab SiZhui, who’s close to drowning at this point as the demon dog continues to pull him into the waters
Wei WuXian manages to take out ChenQing, but he’s shaking too much to play properly and unable to focus on channeling the resentful energy 
At this point, BiChen appears overhead and plunges into the water, stabbing the demon dog which bursts out of the water with a bloodcurdling howl, releasing SiZhui
Lan WangJi and the other juniors come to help, and they manage to pull SiZhui from the waters, his arm bleeding badly, having been seized by the dog
Unfortunately, the demon dog escapes as they do this, rushing to shore and turning into a brown snake and slithering into the forest
Lan WangJi instructs them all to head back to the village to treat SiZhui, who has his arm wrapped up in one of the junior’s spare robe, saying they will continue the hunt the following day 
Wei WuXian collapses, feeling utterly ashamed and pathetic, and furious upon knowing that thing wasn’t even a dog
They return to the inn, the innkeeper calling the local doctor for them at once as Lan WangJi tells the others to rest while he and Wei WuXian stayed with SiZhui. JingYi stays as well
Once they were alone, Wei WuXian apologises to SiZhui, who tries to play it off as “it’s fine I know you have your fear and I’m not judging, Senior Wei”
Wei WuXian however snaps at him, acting almost exactly like Jiang Cheng
“It’s not fine! You almost died and I just stood there like a coward!”
Everyone is shocked at him, and Wei WuXian recoils upon seeing their shock. He feels even more guilty and excuses himself
JingYi quickly tells Lan WangJi to go after him, but even though Lan WangJi desperately wants to, he has to be responsible and wait with SiZhui until the doctor comes
JingYi offers to stay instead with promises to care for SiZhui, and SiZhui promising he was fine, and both juniors soon convince Lan WangJi to go after Wei WuXian
Lan WangJi finds Wei WuXian pacing about a short walk away from the inn and cussing at himself under his breath, acting uncharacteristically upset
He asks Lan WangJi to leave him alone for a bit, telling him to go back  but Lan WangJi refuses, knowing Wei WuXian was prone to spiralling into intense depreciation otherwise 
Wei WuXian, being in a bad mental state at the moment, snaps again, yelling at him to leave him alone, but Lan WangJi doesn’t
Instead he goes up to Wei WuXian, who has turned away from him, and gently takes his hand
Wei WuXian doesn’t turn around, but Lan WangJi can feel him trembling and wouldn’t be surprised if Wei WuXian was crying
He was right
Wei WuXian begins to speak, his voice coming out in broken sobs, saying he was pathetic, he was a coward, clearly broken up about almost “letting A-Yuan die right in front of him” and how “he almost lost their son a second time”
He was definitely crying, and out came more sobs about how he hated how his fear crippled him so badly sometimes, and how he was more concerned for his own safety away from the dog, THAT WASN’T EVEN A DOG, over the safety of his son
Lan WangJi lets him cry, saying nothing as he listens to Wei WuXian vent his frustrations, before finally descending into full on sobbing
At this point, Lan WangJi pulls him closer, hugging him from behind, softly telling him it wasn’t his fault
Lan WangJi: “SiZhui understands, Wei Ying. He knows you would never leave him behind again if you can help it.”
Wei WuXian: “But A-Yuan was right there…right in front of me…I’m a strong swimmer…if it was anything else I…”
Lan WangJi: “But it was something that’s a serious fear of yours. You cannot help your fears, Wei Ying.”
Wei WuXian just cries more, and Lan WangJi just holds him close as he lets out all his frustrations
After a long time, Wei WuXian calms down, and Lan WangJi asks him if he was ready to go back and see SiZhui
Wei WuXian agrees and they head back
The doctor looks at them disapprovingly when they return, but Lan WangJi, SiZhui and JingYi all give the doctor sharp glares, so he says nothing
Wei WuXian noticed though
Luckily, the wound was not infected and it was SiZhui’s non-dominant arm, but he was not to fight just in case
Wei WuXian feels more bad
Once the doctor leaves, he once again apologises to SiZhui, but this time SiZhui reaches out with his good arm and in a rare show of blatant affection, he wraps his good arm around Wei WuXian
“I understand, I promise. Please, don’t blame yourself Dad.”
Wei WuXian comes close to crying again, as he hugs SiZhui back, whispering more apologises
Later that night, Wei WuXian is lying beside Lan WangJi, still shaken by the night’s events
“I don’t deserve you and A-Yuan” he says
Lan WangJi sits up, gives him a soft glare, before reaching up and tenderly brushing a hair away from Wei WuXian’s face
“You don’t have to deserve us, but even so, you will have us by your side” he replies
Wei WuXian smiles weakly, snuggling closer
“You’re too good to me…both of you”
Welp it’s like 6am right now I need to sleep Camie so have this for now LMAO
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
(my matchup info)) i'm bi, a londoner and i have loong dark brown hair, bright blue eyes and pale-ish kinda skin with light brown freckles on my cheeks and nose. i like playing sims 4, playing w my cats and binge watching Netflix. i love!! music and have a pretty good voice, my favourite artist is Lana Del Rey but i also like Lady Gaga, die antwoord, and 00s pop girl music e.g Britney Spears (don't shame me lolol). im quite smart but peaked a few years ago which is quite depressing lol. p1
pt. 2 speaking of I have depression and anxiety and take meds for both. im sarcastic, quiet, easily annoyed, funny and am a top tier shitposter. fr my feed is constantly full of memes. I’m almost always on some form of social media. im drawn to darker people and villainous characters despite being the opposite lmao. i put on a confident, independent front but inwardly im v insecure and easily manipulated if u can get past my front. i use humour/disinterest as a defence and hate looking weak. thank u!
Fandoms asked for (over two combined requests): Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, Yuri!!! On Ice, American Horror Story, Twilight, Death Note, The Vampire Diaries. 
Death Note: Mello (Mihael Keehl)
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Mello games and you play Sims 4 so sitting next to each other on your individual consoles would be how the two of you spend lazy days and quiet evenings together. You have a varied taste in music which is actually quite dark (Lana Del Ray) and inspiring/iconic (Lady Gaga) whereas Mello just likes heavy music which, when played at peak volume, thrums through your rib cage and echoes in your heartbeat. Between Mello’s explosive temper and your depression and anxiety, things can be tense. He snaps at you sometimes without thinking and you may retreat from him all together as a result. Show him your latest memes, though, and he’ll huff a reluctant laugh through his nose, breaking the ice. He’s not big on apologies even when he’s wrong but even so he’ll silently apologise in only one way: he’ll give (not just share) you one of his most expensive, preferred chocolate bars. Overall, he’d be one of your biggest comforts and vice versa. Just knowing that he’s watching the CCTV live of you walking down a dark or isolated street to make sure that you get home okay makes you feel a little warmer. Even when he’s pissed as hell at you or something else, he won’t let you go to bed feeling alone in a bad way. It’d be an explosive kinda love ;) [inappropriate death joke lmao not sorry]
American Horror Story (AHS): Violet Harmon
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Violet would adore you. There would be some tensions because she’s quite abrasive (and rightly so, in some cases) but also because you both have depression, though you also have anxiety and you both put up fronts to hide yourselves. That’s likely how you bond - with Violet confessing to you one hot summer’s day that she “hates everything” and the whole situation with her parents. She can rant for hours when you leave her to it, just listening. Sometimes you share a part of yourself. You’re quite a talkative couple, but only in private. If there are people around, it’s obvious you’re together but there’s no set reason that they can see. Vivien and Ben have, generally, never seen their daughter so animated; you only bring good to Violet’s life. You’re both sarcastic and easily annoyed so any arguments are basically just really accurate roasting sessions until one of you hits a nerve (and then it stops because Violet just leaves to go somewhere - you never know where) or you’re both laughing. In this way, there are moments in your relationship that are hard to stomach. Watching mindless TV shows on Netflix and cuddling is a good way to break any ice that lays between you; Violet would make acerbic comments about something the lead has done and you’d listen, always able to tell if something more is under the surface. The similarities between the two of you creates your relationship; you see yourselves in each other and only want to help as best as you can.
The Vampire Diaries (TVD): Damon Salvatore 
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Damon would be very protective of you. You don’t like appearing weak but even when you’re down and sobbing on your knees, your body unable to hold you up anymore, Damon’s never thought you looked stronger. It takes strength to show weakness, even when you’re alone. If you ever forgot to take your meds, Damon would stand over you in with a glass of water in one hand and your meds in the other, that passive-aggressive look on his face. He’d watch you take them, arms folded, and then he’d give you a steamy kiss that leaves your toes curling for the rest of the day. Damon pretends to have no feelings because it’s easier and you put up a front. However, because Damon can’t shut off his humanity without forgetting his love for you, so he has to face his humanity which means he begins to feel guilt and everything that’s already there if he wants to feel it, which he doesn’t but… He does eventually. Because of you. You are the good in his life.You have similar defence mechanisms so it’s not unusual for one of you to walk into a room, see the other and immediately say “stop doing that” or “don’t do that” - no one else can tell that Damon is pretending, except you and Stefan. Similarly, it’ll be the brothers who can tell that you’re pretending. The contrast of your long dark hair and your bright blue eyes would be what drew Damon to you and I feel like he’d call you his “little siren” because of that. As such, he comes to understand that it wasn’t Katherine he’s been looking for all this time…
… It was you.
Twilight: Edward Cullen 
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You caught Edward’s attention by singing one day. He was just passing by, skipping Biology (blood work) and he heard you singing. He hadn’t meant to tune in to your radio station but sometimes he couldn’t help it. And you did have a lovely voice. He would likely buy some of the same albums that you own so that he could get to know you through music. Over time, he would learn to just intuitively tune in to your radio station and he’d hear your thoughts - this is a promise he would make to himself to not do once you’re friends and then dating and he’d definitely stick to it. He’s conveniently free on sunny days so you’d spend those days watching Netflix with a blanket around your body to protect you from his ice cold one (it’d be really hard to explain away catching a cold during a heatwave) and he’d press kisses into your hair, your kitty purring away just above your shoulders. Though Edward would do his best to not listen to your thoughts, on your worst days some of them drift through his mind and he’d take your hand tightly and say “Don’t” or “That’s not true.” He’d try so hard to help you; I think, pre-Bella, he also has depression so he’d do his best to help you because he knows what it’s like, and not just because he can hear you.
Yuri!!! On Ice: Victor Nikiforov
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Victor would have such a loving relationship with you. Ohh, he’d try so hard to make you smile each and every day. When he’s not on the ice competing or eating way more food than he should be able to consume in one sitting (seriously, where does it go? Does his stomach start in his toes?), he’s curled up with you on the sofa watching something you want to watch on Netflix, Hulu or whatever else you use. He doesn’t mind what you watch, so long as you do it together. You love to shitpost and you love memes, and Victor loves taking pictures of the most obscure things so between the two of you, your followers are well fed! You’re always texting each other memes, jokes and sending pictures to each other with cryptic captions or song lyrics attached, making the other person burst out laughing in strange places like the ice rink or a classroom. You have more of a jokey relationship than a serious one, though that’s in abundance when either of you have depression or anxiety flare up. In any case, bed time is always met with gentle touches, soft smiles and careful reassurances. Even, and most especially, when you’re angry at each other. Love is never so important as it is during the bad times.
Once Upon A Time (OUAT): Regina Mills
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It would be really touch and go to date Regina for a while. It would be very challenging and many people, including her and in your darkest times, yourself, would tell you that she’s not worth it. That you’re not worth it. But you’re all wrong. She is so, so worth it. Once she splits from the Evil Queen, once she grows into herself and grows into the Charming family, once she overcomes her abusive childhood and comes to love herself, she is a ray of sunshine and she glows. I’ve always loved and been so proud of Regina, and you would be too. You both put on fronts to protect yourself and you’re both very convincing so a lot of the time, the two of you have to mentally step back and see what the other is really thinking. Luckily, you know each other very well so it’s not hard to see when either of you are feeling especially insecure or unwell. Regina would literally rip her heart in half if it meant saving you, and at times she’s risked her life for you. She lives for your cuddles, especially when her many duties as a mum, a mayor etc. get on top of her and she just needs a break. You bring her back to herself time and again, and she will always do her utmost to return the favour to you. You have a strong, loving relationship underneath it all. It just takes patience and a special bond to be able to see it from the outside.
Game Of Thrones (GOT): Joffrey Baratheon
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Joffrey is the most villainous person on this matchup. I was very hesitant to match you with him, I really was, but some of the others on this list are almost as bad. So. I think your personality would have a more positive effect on him. Cersei got her claws as far into him as she could, but even once she tried to reason with him and keep him reined in, he was too far gone for her to be able to help. But you... Mm. I think you’d have a similar impact on him to Margaery. You put on a front to protect yourself and this would be what Joffrey would listen to... to begin with. Once you’re properly courting and Joffrey is able to see what you don’t say; he would soften. He would still kill and be an utterly evil piece of work, but he would exercise more mercy. He would still wrongfully torment Tyrion, but he would draw a line when you start anxiously tugging on his sleeve. He doesn’t cuddle, mocking the action all together, but then one day he walks in on you curled up in bed reading a book and he just can’t resist curling around you, an arm slung over your shoulders to possessively keep you beside him. It would be a tumultuous, dangerous relationship but then... it’s Westeros, what do you expect?
There!!!! I hope you enjoyed!
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artsyeti · 6 years
Hi, I hope you don't mind me asking this, but I'm curious. I'm an australian studying a course on race and ethnicity for my assignment i was considering doing multiculturalism in aus. I feel that for most of my life people have DRILLED into me that Aus is a successful multicultural nation with everyone mingling together in harmony etc etc. However, some people i talk to including think this is not the case at all - that we're actually a little racist. Im really interested to know ur thoughts?
I don’t mind at all, I’m honored you’d even be bothered to hear my dumb opinions !
Personally I feel like Australia is FAR ahead of other countries when it comes to the legal aspects of racism within the country, and similarily progressive when it comes to educating primary and highschool students on other cultures. but socially we have a LITTLE bit more to go, and i think we’ll get there in about 20 years when the older generation…. dies off lol… If you take a little look into our laws, you’ll find a LOT of things to protect minority (and specifically Indigenous rights), one of the most controversial being section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act which essentially condemns hate speech to a HELLA strong degree (like…. a little too strong if you ask me, like it literally says it’s illegal to say things that could ‘offend’ but moVING ON).We have a lot of publicised fear of ‘boat people’ but I genuinely do not believe that this countries fear of immigrants is intrinsically tied to a fear of POC like it *appears* to be in other countries. (Obviously, I am an Australian citizen and don’t know the inner-workings of anywhere but Australia - if that - those countries could be racism free.) A lot of the language politicians and news outlets use to describe immigrants are NOT race specific or racially coded, I’ve found. We have a bit of a fear of muslims, but I think this is more central to the religion (and ofc, brought on by a fear of terrorists) than is tied to the race, so I wouldn’t exactly put it as racist? more… prejudice? I’m arabic, not muslim, and people usually find out these facts together so aside from my friends purposefully racist jokes I don’t hear much about islam from people.(Also yeah, maybe thats worth mentioning, AUSSIES HAVE A REALLY DARK SENSE OF HUMOUR and if you’re a minority coming from other western countries, you might think the jokes are racist but they never intend to be. And when youre raised here, you don’t take it that way, you usually make the jokes more than your friends. One of my mates is just a whole mix of different darker skinned races??? literally i don’t even know what exactly, but every time he see’s a POC on tv he goes ‘thaTS ME’ for some fucking reason, its so dumb but it makes us laugh.)
I’m not sure about you, but I know in my childhood I was taught that the colonisation of Australia was a violent and kind of disgusting event in our history. To me, this seems like a given, but from what I’ve read not every country condemns colonisation like that, and I think and important part of ensuring children don’t develop racist tendencies from their parents is teaching them history from a critical standpoint (this way we don’t get any of that ‘Make Australia Great Again’ garbage). From a VERY young age I was well educated on the culture and history of Indigenous Australians (I can literally still quote to you the Mabo Case) and it was treated with the same amount of respect that, say, Catholic studies were. This might vary across state lines though. I spent my primary school years in FAR North Queensland (Townsville and above) where there is a much larger % of Indigenous students than say Ipswich. Something about focusing on ensuring there is no racial tension between white and indigenous students, kind of limited all kinds of racial tension. I’m half afro-arab, half white, and I never felt subjected to racism or bullying from the other kids at all. The most annoying thing I had to deal with is people fucking touching my hair and telling me to ‘brush it’… but that’s not really a racism thing because the filo kids did it just as much as everyone else ksjsks. When I got into highschool I moved to a rural school (it was like 85% white which was SOOOOO weird, and i think contributed to me experiencing the racism i did). Racism in students was rare, and the racists were bullied for their beliefs, ostrazised even. Instead of the other way around. The biggest issue in children, I think is when poorer kids see the sheer amount of benefits AUS provides to indigenous students. The biggest issues in adults is when they see Australia letting overseas chinese billionaires buying up land to rent out here. Either way, I think ‘racists’ blame the government, not the people more than anything.
Now, I’m in university (Studing law and psychology which btw both have EXTENSIVE units on race and racial discrimination, literally everything here does). I live in Brisbane, I walk past signs in chinese, arabic and korean every day. Some specific areas don’t even have english-speaking shop workers and no one bats an eye. The university lecturer’s read of a spiel about honoring the traditional owners of the land (they did that in my senior year of highschool too btw) BASICALLY, yeah in Brisbane it’s incredibly multi-cultural, and the government doesn’t really care if you like that or not. And i think that’s the best way to sum up australia’s multi-culturalism. It’s forced upon the older generation, but embraced by the younger. The most ‘racist’ of the new generation see themselves as victims and are usually poor or homeschooled or something, but they’re honestly REALLY rare, in my experience. 
ALSO lol in this whole spiel I kept refering to australia’s history as ‘my history’ in my head. But lmao,,, i’m first generation Australian, the white half of me is Irish for gods sakes BUT I have never doubted my identity as an Australian first and foremost before anything else and neither has anyone else. A huge difference between AUS and like the US is that. American people tend to hyphenate, yknow? african-american. asian-american. that doesn’t happen in australia, were just AUSSIE, and to me that means we’re doing something right in terms of multi-culturalism.
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sorikkung · 7 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
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