#sorry it took me like 6 weeks to answer this
tomwambsmilk · 2 years
if somehow shiv and tom had managed to have the open relationship convo BEFORE their actual wedding (like back in new york before they even got to europe) how do you think that would have looked like? do you think tom would have still gone along with it? would it have made their relationship better or worse
Oh, that's such an interesting question...
Fair warning that this answer is very long because I think there are a lot of contributing factors and angles that need to be explored:
First off, I think the timing of the conversation would matter. A conversation had, for instance, shortly after Thanksgiving, before anything has happened with Nate but after the idea of infidelity has been introduced, would go a lot differently than a conversation where Shiv tells Tom about Nate right before they go to Europe. (I think she would tell Tom about Nate because her desire for an open marriage is partly informed by a desire for openness and honesty; she doesn't feel capable of monogamy, and she doesn't want to be sneaking around. So, I don't think there's a world where she asks for an open marriage but hides the thing with Nate from Tom).
For her to have the conversation in advance, though, I think she'd need to be okay with the possibility that Tom would leave. I don't think she intentionally waits until their wedding night to "trap" him - although Tom clearly feels that way by 2.10 - but I do think that being married lowers the chances of him walking away simply under the sunk-cost fallacy.
I also think her desire for an open marriage is not really rooted in sexual desires but emotional ones, which is one of its significant problems. I am not at all an expert on open relationships (it's very much not something that's for me), but from what I understand, it works in situations where there's some sort of sexual disparity that's being addressed through the relationship. (I'm also distinguishing here an open relationship, which is usually just sexual, from a polyamorous one, which usually isn't just sexual and where the relationships are more complex. Again, though, I'm not an expert on either.)
I think we're meant to take at face value that Shiv has not cheated on Tom as of Thanksgiving, and I don't think we're meant to believe that infidelity has been a part of her previous relationships. There's some implication that she's had a lot of sexual partners (although a lot of that is coming from other people and in circumstances where they're trying to shame her, so I take that with a grain of salt) but never an implication that she cheated on any of them. So, I think the desire to not be exclusive is very much connected to their engagement and the prospect of marriage.
There are a couple of theories out there as to what the specific reason is; Sarah Snook said in an interview once that her belief is that Shiv has never seen a marriage that didn't feature infidelity, especially within her family, and that's why she herself feels incapable of monogamy. All of her father's marriages were characterized by cheating, and she is her father's daughter. And likely, she saw the negative impact this had on his marriages, especially on her mother. So, her solution is an open marriage. Maybe if we can codify the infidelity, we can weather the storm. Maybe if we agree in advance that this is okay, and we (I) can be honest about what's going on, it won't break us like it did my parents.
I think there's probably a lot of truth to that. I think another contributing factor is likely just a fear of intimacy, particularly emotional intimacy. I do think her affair with Nate and the open marriage is, in part, a way to create some emotional distance from Tom. She's not a person who feels safe in relationships, in general, and so I think the prospect of being married to one person, and the expectations of physical and emotional exclusivity that generally go along with that, is frightening to her, especially when coupled with that fact that marriages are theoretically supposed to be permanent. She needs some kind of ripcord for when it becomes too much, and I think that's what the open relationship is meant to do: sleeping with someone else, sharing that physical intimacy with someone else, relieves some of the emotional burdens she feels from monogamy. (She doesn't need this before the engagement because, before the engagement, she can theoretically walk away whenever she wants; while the divorce is, of course, an option, I think it's one she probably really wants to avoid, given her own upbringing, and that increases the pressure on her immensely.)
So, with all of that background - I think that if Shiv had the conversation around Thanksgiving, very clearly articulating what it is she wanted rather than hinting with the infidelity thing and hoping Tom would be okay with it...
Well. I think regardless of the timing an the circumstances, Tom's initial, gut reaction would be hurt. And part of this is because Shiv's desire for an open marriage is rooted in insecurity; I don't think she'll be able to frame that desire in a way that doesn't cause Tom to feel like he's personally lacking on some level. Like he's not enough, and this is a personal failing. And his own self-loathing tendencies mean he's going to be inclined to read it that way, even if she was able to present it in a way that was perfectly neutral.
But I think because this is how he would take the request, I don't think he'd be able to articulate his own concerns around it. Tom very much wants to be monogamous, and he isn't going to be happy in any kind of non-monogamous relationship. But - he doesn't have the personal security to be able to say that, and the timing of the conversation isn't going to change this.
So I think he would still agree, because he loves Shiv and wants her to be happy, because he hates and himself and so this makes a sort of tragic sense to him, and because he's afraid that if he loses her he's not going to find anyone else - and, if we're being honest, because walking away from that relationship is going to put his career in jeopardy. I absolutely do not believe this is his primary reason for marrying Shiv, but he's definitely aware of it, and it's just going to be another reason to try and do the "open relationship" thing.
I don't think there's any world in which this is a good thing for either of them, because of Tom's insecurity and because of Shiv's motivations. I also think that Shiv pretty clearly does have some kind of emotional connection with Nate, which means we're already looking at a relationship that sort of breaks the boundaries that get put around "open relationships" - so I just think no matter how you slice it, no matter the timing, it is going to end in disaster.
However. I think if they had this conversation around Thanksgiving, and then were able to use the intervening months as a sort of "trial run", they wouldn't have gotten married - which I think would have been the best outcome for everyone involved. I think there's decent odds Tom would have reached the breaking point of his misery before the wedding, and would have decided to cut his losses and take the career hit and move on - especially because, if they aren't yet married, there's less pressure to stay together and try to make it work. Plus, if this isn't sustainable for him there's an incentive to figure that out definitively before the wedding.
There's an alternative possibility where he goes to leave and Shiv decides to give up the open relationship so he'll stay. But I'm not actually sure she would... I think it's pretty clearly her intent through season 1 to stop sleeping with Nate or anyone else when they get married, and instead, when push comes to shove, she feels she has to ask for the open relationship. Monogamy is not something she believes is sustainable for her. Additionally, I think the open relationship would put so much strain on both of them (especially Tom) that other parts of their relationship would deteriorate as well, and it might not feel like there's much left to save.
If they have the conversation right before they leave for Europe? That's a bit more of a wildcard. Tom is clearly willing to call off the wedding if he thinks Shiv doesn't want it. Finding out about the affair is also going to be a significant emotional blow to him. I think the proximity to the wedding means it'll be hard for Shiv to make the request for an open marriage sound reasonable and well-thought-out - it's going to sound to Tom like she just wants to keep fucking Nate.
On the other hand - would Tom really call off the wedding if Shiv wanted to go through with it? I don't know. Calling off the wedding that close to the date is going to cause a lot of gossip and speculation, and again, we're looking at the career blow. Plus, he does love Shiv, and they've spent months building up to the wedding, and the closer they get to the wedding the more sunk-cost fallacy is involved. Theoretically they could postpone the wedding until they both have more certainty, but I don't think either of them would think to do that.
I've debated with people whether or not Tom believes Shiv the night before the wedding when she says she hasn't slept with anyone else. Personally, I don't think he does, but decides to go through with the marriage anyways, committing to the illusion that it's something that it isn't (monogamous). (I also think that's why he tells Shiv about the cruise documents - to create that intimacy, and to bind her to him a little more with this shared secret.) So this is where I'm torn - I think the key question is, would he call off the wedding if she was honest with him?
Ultimately? I think not. I think at that point, they would have gone through with the wedding no matter what. And maybe, in a certain sense, this would have given them a better chance, since there isn't the baggage of Tom feeling "Shanghai-ed into an open-borders free-fuck trade deal". I think they'd both still be miserable, but there would be more of a feeling on Tom's part that he consented to this misery, and that's going to change the way he approaches the relationship and Shiv. He wouldn't be able to hold it against her quite the same way he does in canon (although I think he still would resent her for it, just... quietly). It definitely wouldn't be a healthy relationship, but... maybe it would be a bit more stable.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 1 month
lil drabble i wrote literal EONS ago that i found in my notes cus i haven’t posted in a bit :3 (fem reader in this one !)
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he grabbed your wrist, stopping you from going back to your house and marking the end of the day. no, the day wasn’t over until katsuki got what he wanted.
you turn back waiting for him to finish, tilting your head curiously. he looks away, brows furrowed so hard you thought he was mad about something until you saw how red his cheeks were and felt how clammy the hand around your wrist was.
katsuki was never good at asking for, well…anything, simply taking whenever he wanted.
but the situation didn’t exactly seem fitting.
you’d recently started dating about a few weeks ago( 6 weeks and 5 days to be exact—no he was NOT counting.) and he deemed that being too forceful wasn’t a good move, girls usually didn’t like that type of stuff. from what he read about on wikihow, anyway.
but he wants a goodnight kiss.
it was sort of funny, really. how stupidly hard he was trying to get himself to form the words to ask for a fucking kiss from his girlfriend, unfortunately his pride (and embarrassment) got in the way.
"katsu ?" you questioned, already reaching a hand up to press it against his forehead though he stopped you before you could, grabbing your hand and gripping it a little tighter than necessary and he hopes you don’t notice how fucking sweaty his hands are.
he looked down at the hand he was holding, mumbling something "hm? sorry, what’d you say?" you asked, stepping closer to him. katsuki felt like he was going to fucking explode, you really didn’t need to make it harder for him.
he took a deep breath, looking up at you with as much intensity as he could muster, though that plan fell flat when you saw the blush coating his neck all the way to his ears.
"k-kiss me.." his eyebrow twitched at the way he stuttered, but he kept his gaze on you, desperately trying to fight off the nervousness in his gut to keep from further embarrassing himself.
nerves taking over, he lowered his head slightly, peeking at you through his bangs. god, this was the pinnacle of embarrassing.
"oh, okay." you answered simply, a soft smile overtaking your face.
huh ?
he looked up, surprised to see you walking closer, closer and closer and your noses were almost touching and katsuki felt his heart beat dangerously hard against his ribcage.
noses bumped against each other and you giggled, a sound that caused his chest to warm even more, his hard gaze melting into something softer.
you both stood there for a second, simply staring at each other before he spoke. "what’re ya waiting for?" he huffed, voice low. you don’t miss the way his voice trembled as he kept his eyes on yours, cheeks still a cute shade of pink.
"you’re not even gonna say please ?" you teased, smiling playfully.
"don’t push it." he immediately answered, grabbing your waist and tugging you closer to him, your foreheads touch now. "kiss me." he repeats.
you sighed lightheartedly, giggling with rolled eyes before placing your hand on his burning cheek, using the other to grab onto his shoulder as leverage to pull yourself up to him.
"you’re too spoiled." you whispered, connecting your lips to his softly before he could respond. he didn’t waste any time, eagerly kissing back, sighing happily into the kiss.
katsuki wasn’t good at asking for, well…anything, but he’d learn. for now, this was good enough.
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taestefully-in-luv · 1 month
Summer Heat
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Summary: You run into your ex Taehyung at a bar and go home with him just to keep hanging out. But perhaps Taehyung wants more. And so do you.
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to lovers, fluff, smut. 
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, dialogue heavy, communication, fingering, mention of oral, unprotected sex.
Notes: An exes to lovers Taehyung drabble request!!!! sorry it took so long...hope you enjoy anon! (and whoever else hehe)
“Why did we break up?”
Did he ask that? Or did you? You aren’t sure who asked that. You just know that it’s been asked by one of you. The question floats in the air, the words growing bigger until they pop next to your ear. Your stomach stirs uncomfortably when the words echo a little, and finally, you realize it sounds a lot like your voice. You gulp.
“You don’t know?” Taehyung leans against the door frame, wood creaking before his arms cross over his chest. “If you don’t know then I definitely don’t know.” He suddenly smiles.
You’re wondering how you two ended up in his guest bedroom at his house. How you find yourself sitting on the edge of the bed, a towel neatly folded in your lap as you wait for Taehyung to leave the room so you can shower. You glance at the dresser where his clothes lay on top, ready for you to borrow. Wearing his clothes is… 
“Sorry.” You look down, “I shouldn’t have asked honestly.”
“Why not?” His voice is teasing.
You look up again, “Because we spent the whole night talking about how the past is the past and I don’t know, it just felt nice to hang out. I don’t want to ruin any,” You motion your hands in the space between you, “Like…vibe we got going on.”
Taehyung laughs, his back relaxing more against the wall. “It has been fun, right? Who would have thought I’d run into you tonight.” 
“I can’t believe its six in the morning.” You glance towards the window, a dark blue sky beginning to light up. “Thanks again for letting me crash here.”
“I’m the one who insisted we stay up.” Taehyung stretches his neck, a small smile still on his face. “We had, what was it? 5? 6 years to catch up on?” 
“Something like that.” You smile back, shrugging a little. “Lucky tomorrow is Saturday and we don’t have to work.”
Taehyung gazes at you, the softness in his eyes hard to miss. “I think I would have stayed up no matter the day of the week.”
Your stomach tightens, “Oh yeah?”
“So why did we break up?”
He asks this time. The question now echoing in his voice.
“I don’t know really.” You answer, “We weren’t ready?”
Taehyung separates his back from the door frame, his legs taking him to the end of the bed where he sits next to you. “We were young?”
“And not ready.” You emphasize this time. “Right person, wrong time.”
“So are you going to let me know when it’s the right time?” Taehyung asks you, his voice quieter as he looks ahead. “Because who knows, maybe it’s still right person.” His eyes slide towards you, curiosity sitting in them. 
You can’t help but quietly gasp to yourself, his curious eyes sharpening the more he gazes at you. You’ve been wondering all night. You’ve been wondering if there’s still something between you, especially because something electric has been bringing you closer the past few hours. But you didn’t know if it was your imagination. 
Taehyung’s gaze drops down to your hand that rests against the mattress. His eyes trail up your bare arm and it feels as if his fingertips are grazing your skin. 
“You think we’re still a good match?” You breathe out your words, your eyes falling to Taehyung’s bottom lip. “Or do your interests only lie in getting laid tonight?”
Taehyung’s eyes grow round, shocked at first before he chuckles, “Can it be both?”
You bite back another smile. “Maybe.”
It’s been five and half years since you and Taehyung called things off—well, since you called things off. In your eyes, it really was right person, wrong time. You aren’t sure if Taehyung agreed at that time because you didn’t really give him the chance to. That still stings a little. Probably more for him than you but seeing how lighthearted he’s been all night, you guess he’s over it.
Are you over it?
You kind of have to be.
“I remember you being a really good kisser.” Taehyung’s fingers crawl over to yours, his skin warm as he subtly touches you. 
You bite down onto your bottom lip, another smile forming. “So this is about getting laid tonight.”
“Not at all. But maybe a part of it.” Taehyung taps his fingers before weaving them through yours. Then he pulls back. “But if you don’t want to do anything…”
“Who said that?” You find his dark eyes, “I might just be teasing you.”
“You’ve always loved teasing me.”
“Maybe I still do?”
“So, some things haven’t changed.” He teases back, shaking his dark hair from his eyes. “I wouldn’t mind if some things were still the same. There’s some things I’m hoping are very different though.”
“Like what?” You can’t help but ask, your hand sliding closer to his again. 
“One, I hope you stopped being such a picky eater. And two, you let me have an opinion about us.”
You feel that sting. It shouldn’t be you who feels it but you do. “Us?”
“Yeah.” He hums, his fingers suddenly between yours again. He leans closer to you, “I want to decide things too.”
“Like what?”
“Like,” Taehyung naturally grows closer to you, his body suddenly pushing up against your side when he leans down and presses his lips against your bare shoulder. “If I should be in your life or not.”
You slowly close your eyes when you feel his warm breath before he places a kiss on your shoulder. Then another. And another.
He continues, “Last time, you decided without me. This time I want a say.” Another kiss.
You feel your stomach turn upside down, his lips confusing you while his words make you feel guilty. 
“Taehyung.” You say his name, your voice uncontrollably insecure. “Are we talking about this now?”
Another kiss. “No.”
You open your eyes, your back straightening when you feel his arm wrap around your waist. It feels good and familiar. Yet you aren’t sure how to react.
“Is it crazy to say I’ve missed you?” Taehyung sighs out, resting his forehead against your shoulder. “It is, isn’t it? I shouldn’t have thought about you so much in these last few years.”
“Did you?”
Your stomach flops again, but this time you feel intrigued. “What did you miss? Me? Or my lips? My mouth? My—”
“—Can’t I say everything?” Taehyung lifts himself, his eyes urging you to look at him. He stays close. “I missed your overthinking too, believe it or not.”
Your lips curl at the thought, his teasing working. “Oh yeah?”
“But I missed your hugs the most. When we hugged earlier…I swear I wanted to give you me right then and there.”
“Your vodka sodas make you chatty, don’t they?”
“Oh yeah.” He chuckles, “You aren’t used to it, right?”
“Considering you didn’t drink when I knew you, no. But it was fun drinking with you tonight.”
“You got kind of chatty too.” Taehyung decides to create space between you both, his body suddenly laying back on the bed. “Never been in love with anyone else since me?” He sounds proud. “Feels like that should have taken longer to admit—”
You hit his thigh with your fist, embarrassment hot on your neck. “Shut up, I didn’t think it was a big deal. Also, it’s the truth and I can’t change it.” 
You’re turned to eye him, but you quickly look away before laying down yourself. You keep your hands together, resting on top of your stomach.
“I’m not sure I’ve really been in love either. Maybe. Maybe not.” Taehyung tells you. “I’ve definitely thought about you over the years though.”
“Like what?”
“Your mouth—”
You hit his thigh again.
He laughs this time, “Okay, okay. Like for example, I saw someone eating skittles a few weeks ago and it reminded me of you. How you eat them all except the purple ones.”
“I still don’t eat the purple ones.”
“Great.” Taehyung huffs out dramatically, “You’re still picky.” He turns his head towards you and you do the same, meeting his eyes. Your stomach flops again when he smirks at you. “Somehow I missed that, too.”
“Liar,” You can’t help but laugh. “You—”
“We still click, you know?” Taehyung cuts you off, his gaze sharp again. “I’d like to hang out again. But not as friends or anything…as…I don’t know,” He turns his head, eyes on the ceiling while he smiles sheepishly. “I want to see if we can make this work. Possibly.”
“Vodka sodas make you so loose-lipped.”
“Thank God, too. I’m saying all the things I want to say so I’m thankful for it.”
“Well….” You turn your body towards him, lifting yourself on you elbow, “What else do you want to say?”
“You’re very pretty. And I want to kiss you.” Taehyung mirrors his body to yours. He looks confident as usual but you see the nerves in his eyes. “I’m not kissing anyone else at the moment, if you’re worried about that.”
“I wasn’t.” You weren’t. 
Taehyung has never been known for being a player, or messing with more than one girl at a time. If he’s showing interest in you then you know you’re the only one.
“I’ve been single for like 8 months already.” He tells you, “So I’m clean, too.” 
“I…yeah, it’s been a little while for me too.” You glance towards the open door, “But also, you sound real hopeful this is going to go in your favor.”
“Please.” He playfully rolls his eyes. “I know the way you’ve been looking at me all night. Catching up has been nice but there’s more going on here, right?”
He’s right.
“Now you’re the liar,” Taehyung smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “But like I said, we don’t have to do anything. But I still want to see you again.”
You’re both sat up on your elbows, the distance small between you before you decide to be brave.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask.
Taehyung blinks at you for a moment, his dark eyes surprised. 
“Just a kiss.” You assure him, your lips curling into a smirk. “One kiss.”
Taehyung holds his breath, seconds that feel like minutes pass. A small laugh finally leaves his mouth and his eyes fall to the bed. “Why am I suddenly nervous?” He admits. “As if I forgot how to kiss.”
“You were so confident earlier?” You tease him but you were positive you saw the nerves in his eyes and you were right. 
“I think the vodka sodas helped and they’ve worn off at this exact moment.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is, isn’t it?” 
You stare at Taehyung, his eyes going from yours to the mattress every few seconds before the strap of your tank top slides off your shoulder and his eyes glue to that extra inch of skin. It was a hot summer night, and a white tank top with some shorts is all the night called for.
You didn’t think you would run into Taehyung at a bar neither of you have been to. A night out with a couple of friends that happily ditched you to catch up with your ex. 
“Why did we break up for real, y/n?” Taehyung’s eyes are back on yours. “I know but sometimes I doubt and question it.” 
“You expect me not to?” He laughs a little but his voice is now the one that sounds uncontrollably insecure. “I was in love with you for so many years of my life. You were my best friend…”
You feel a sharp poke in your heart. 
“I know.” You decide to sit up, your body slumping over a little. “I’m sorry.”
And you are. You’ve wanted to apologize for years. 
“I know you’ve been sorry since the day we broke up.” Taehyung sits up too, his side pushed up against yours. Suddenly space isn’t necessary. “Don’t feel bad. I just want to hear you confirm your reason.”
You glance at Taehyung, eyes studying him. “I got scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“That I didn’t know myself yet. That it would have been better if we were older…more mature. I should have just talked to you. But I thought you’d agree. I just…” You stop, ripping your eyes away from him. “Wanted to make it easier for both of us at that time.”
“Okay.” Taehyung nods to himself. “It wasn’t because you stopped loving me?”
“No.” You don’t find the courage to look at him yet. “I still loved you.”
Taehyung bumps into your shoulder with his and you hear the lightness in his voice again. “We’re older? More mature? You think we could look at one another the way we did before?”
You straighten your back again. “You really want to try this again?”
“I really want to kiss you at the least.” He sounds teasing once more. “But yeah, I’d love to continue getting to know you and see where this might lead.”
“I offered to kiss you already but you chickened out.” You bump into his shoulder now. 
“I know.” He laughs, “But turns out I did want to have the conversation now. Kind of want to kiss you even more now because of it.”
“Then kiss me now, if you want.”
You’re older now. More mature now.
Yet you’re sitting shoulder to shoulder, towel still folded in your lap, eyes on the floor and nerves surrounding you both.
Taehyung’s breath leaves his mouth in a warm puff and you feel it glide over your bare thighs. His nerves make you brave. You grasp the towel in your hands before placing it next to you and you turn your head towards the man you used to love. 
He mirrors you, eyes still unsure. 
“You’re cute.” You murmur. “And—”
Taehyung leans in closer, his eyes stuck on your lips. “It’s okay, right?”
You nod.
The warm breath you felt on your thighs now lingers over your lips. It makes you stop breathing.
He comes closer, his hand softly landing on your lower back, fingers slowly digging into your tank top as he grows closer and finally, you feel the skin of his lips touch yours in a kiss that becomes firmer the longer he stays. His kiss is so familiar that it will haunt you later. 
Taehyung detaches for only a moment, catching his breath before he leans in again more confidently and you finally give him a response. Your lips slowly moving over his as you kiss him back, your hands sliding up his chest. So familiar. His tongue pokes out and you open your mouth just the slightest to grant his wish. You taste him now, and it’s also hauntingly familiar.
You feel your lower belly swirling and swirling, a tension growing between your legs and it makes you ache. You wish a few kisses didn’t make you this desperate already but when Taehyung feels your fingers slide up into his hair, he knows you desire more. 
His tongue explores more freely and you moan into his mouth, the sound quiet and soft but it creates a stirring in Taehyung’s pants. He can feel himself grow harder. So, he kisses you harder. 
You break away for a moment, lips wet and tingly. “You have a condom?”
“Already?” He asks, breathless. “Let me at least eat you out first.”
“I haven’t showered yet.” Your eyes slide to the side, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“I don’t care.” 
“I care.”
His hands go to your shorts, fingers fiddling with the button. “Fingers?”
You think about it for a second, thighs squeezing together at the idea. “Okay.”
And his fingers are quick to undo the button on your shorts, and he pulls down the zipper. You quickly wiggle out of them, kicking them off of you, while they land somewhere on the floor.
“Cute underwear.” He tickles the skin above the band with his fingers, before they slide lower and you gasp. He begins rubbing them over where you ache. Your panties grow damper and damper, making it easy for him to move your underwear to the side, and his fingers dive into your wetness. 
“Ah, Taehyung…” You become tense. Teeth digging into your bottom lip. “I—”
His fingers swirl over your clit, making you sigh out in content. They play here before he uses his middle finger to dive where you really want him. Finger massaging your entrance, before he adds another. Entering you, making you immediately relax once the moment you’ve been anticipating is over. He works to stretch you out, his eyes focused on yours, his tongue wetting his lips as he watches how you start to fall into a daze.
His fingers feel so good. They’re long and reaching the right places. He curls them, making you whine, head falling to his shoulder and he chuckles.
“Feel good?” He whispers, fingers working harder and all you hear is how they fuck into you.
You nod against his shoulder, a breathy laugh leaving your lips. 
“I want you…” You admit, “Now.”
His fingers stop moving, his head suddenly nodding quickly and he slides them out. “Yeah.”
Taehyung brings his fingers to his mouth, licking them proudly and you don’t have it in you to tell him to stop. He wanted your familiar flavor. So, it can haunt him later too. 
You stand, eyes on him as you take your tank top off. He stands too, helping you take off your bra and his eyes are glued to your chest, clouding over with lust. You reach for the bottom of his shirt and he helps you take it off his body. Shorts and boxers are next. You stare at his cock, the head of it throbbing and you feel your mouth water. Another time, you tell yourself. 
You finally slip off your underwear and you stand here, gazing at one another and you both become dizzy. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He tells you, hands reaching for your hips and he guides you to the bed again, laying you down. “I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”
“Me too.” You tell him, breathless and heated. 
Taehyung crawls over your body and you feel how he moves his cock to enter you, moving slowly until he’s snug between your legs. You both sigh. Your walls tightening around him. He feels so good. And so familiar. He pushes himself further into you, your legs wrapping around his waist until you gasp to yourself, eyes shutting in contentment. 
“You feel…” You can’t finish your sentence.
“Yeah.” He agrees, sliding out of you before thrusting back in. He repeats this motion a few, slow times. Letting his cock get soaked and pulled into your sweet core. He can’t remember the last time he felt this entranced. Maybe it was with you. 
He starts fucking into you, the repeated motions are smooth and calculated. He’s trying his best to fuck you at the angle that is going to make you whimper. And he finally finds it. He moans into your neck, his hot breath making your skin moist. He starts kissing your throat. 
You feel yourself growing tighter and tighter the more he firmly pushes in. You’re going to cum. 
Taehyung starts thrusting faster, his kisses growing sloppy and he forces himself to slow down, his body trembling above yours. Oh, he’s really close.
“You’re so pretty…” He moans, his thrusts getting harder. “I fucking missed you, your pussy…everything.”
“Taehyung…” You wrap your arms around him, nails clawing at his back. “Fuck, just like that…I’ll cum.”
“Yeah. I know.” He smirks against your neck before he lifts his head and locks eyes with you. “Let’s cum together, y/n. Fuck,” His pace grows faster and you feel your insides crumble. He feels too good. 
“I’m gonna—” You choke on air when he thrusts particularly hard, pushing into you so deep it makes your stomach tighten. He fucks you so deep you wonder how you could go without this any longer. 
“y/n.” He chants your name, head falling into your neck again, whining against your skin and that’s all it takes for the band inside you to snap. You feel warmth gushing around his cock, dribbling out of you as you cum all around him and his hips thrust forward a few more times before he releases every drop of cum he can offer inside you. 
Your body becomes limp, legs falling from his waist as you catch your breath, silently laughing as the euphoria continues to overtake you. Taehyung laughs too, breathing heavily above you, his eyes shining with happiness. You can’t miss it. 
“We forgot the condom.” He tells you.
“I know.” You bite your lip, hiding another smile. You aren’t worried since you’re on birth control. “Maybe you can shower with me?”
He leans down to kiss you, smile all over his face. “Okay, and then I’m eating you out.”
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underoospeterparker · 3 months
okay i really hope this makes sense because i love your writing - shy!reader x remus <3
reader is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets detention for something she didn’t do - too shy and nervous to speak up for herself. when reader doesn’t meet up on time with remus he begins to worry
thank you for requesting! writing in the actual harry potter universe is tough, but i really like how it turned out!
grumpy!remus lupin x shy!fem!reader, 0.7k words
Remus paced back and forth in the hallway, frantically trying to think of an excuse as to why you might be late. James and Sirius watched him, clearly amused at his antics.
"Moony," James spoke up, "might I remind you that she's only ten minutes late?"
He turned around with an annoyed look on his face, a frown turning the corner of his lips downward. "No, you may not."
Sirius burst into laughter, clutching at James's blazer to steady himself. When he took a look at Remus's face, he fell silent. "Sorry," he murmured, "that was not funny."
"She's never late," he said, mostly to himself rather than to his best friends, "maybe I should check her classroom?" He paused, then answered his own question. "Yes. I'll do that. See you later, guys," Remus added, before heading off in the opposite direction of the Great Hall for lunch.
James sighed in mock disappointment. "Now what'll we do?"
Sirius played along, grin wide on his face. "Well," he said thoughtfully, "we'll have to follow him. I mean, what else could we possibly do?
You sat, hands shaking, in front of your professor. The only sound was the clicking of his pen as he surveyed you. "I don't understand what I did wrong," you managed, looking at your lap because you could not meet his gaze.
Snape stared at you, an incredulous look on his face. "You don't understand what you did wrong?" He repeated your statement. "Well, let me remind you, (Y/N). A student told me that she saw you in the bathroom, attempting to perform an expulso curse."
You didn't say anything. You knew it was Pansy, but if you said anything, which you wouldn't have done anyway, she would do much worse to you. "I'm sorry," you murmured, your voice quiet.
He nodded, a stern look on his face. "Do not let me catch you doing that again," he said, then paused. "Detention, then. Two weeks, starting today. 6'o clock. Don't be late," he added, then motioned for you to leave.
Packing up your things, you left in a hurry. You bumped straight into Remus, who had been making his way to your classroom. He steadied you, setting a hand on your hip. When he spoke, his voice was gentle. "Hey, where've you been? I've been looking for you everywhere, I-"
He was cut off by you promptly bursting into tears, hiding your face in the crook of his blazer. "Oh," he murmured. He wrapped his arms around you, hand going up to soothingly scratch at your scalp. "Oh, angel, you're okay," he murmured softly. "It's okay."
You sniffled, and the sound made his chest hurt as you burrowed your head further into his jacket. Then, you pulled away, bringing your sleeve up to wipe at your eyes hastily.
"I'm sorry," you whispered. You tried to explain yourself. "I was in the bathroom at the wrong time," you said, and Remus raised an eyebrow. "Snape thought I was trying to do an expulso curse."
"But you weren't," Remus said slowly. "Of course you weren't. Must've been Pansy, the little git." When you nodded, he asked, "Why didn't you say anything?"
You shook your head. "I didn't want to get in more trouble."
You looked up at him, and his eyes softened. "I get it," he said, although if it had been up to him, he would have blamed it on her to get you out of trouble. Remus swung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you back into his chest, which you went into gladly. "So, how many days of detention?"
Wincing, you replied, "two weeks."
He groaned, then said, "how am I supposed to go that long without seeing my best girl?"
You laughed. "You'll see me at lunch, and at Charms."
He pressed a kiss to your head. "Nope. I gotta get into some sort of trouble so I can be in detention with you, sweetheart."
Your eyes widened when James and Sirius popped out from behind the corner, identical mischievous grins on their faces.
Sirius was the first to speak up. "Did someone say trouble?"
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cinnamonmilf · 2 months
✧˖°.☪︎.𖥔 ݁✧:・. rapid eye movement (part ii)
summary: you meet ellie in a dream…or was it at a café now?
cw: nothing, just fluff (repost from old account), you can read part 1 here
"Excuse me, um, I love you"
I know that's not the way to start a conversation
It had been two days since you had seen Ellie. This time she wasn’t accompanied by the yellowish hue and warm ambience of your R.E.M. state, you had actually seen her.
The girl that was driving you crazy was actually flesh and bones, rather than just a lulling mirage, and she had been kind enough to give you the notebook you’d forgotten at your favorite café.
There was no other way to describe it besides bizarre.
You couldn’t even thank her properly, staring at her for what was probably too long with widened eyes. She even asked a concerned “Are you okay?”. And no, you definitely weren’t.
Did she not know who you were? Did she forget about your strolls and your hugs and your deep talks? Had she ever dreamt of you? Was it even possible that it was all true? Or had you maybe seen her before and your brain took her face and made up an entire person?
How are you supposed to explain to a total stranger you’ve dreamt of her and fallen for her in said dreams?
The hair, the face, the tattoo, all of it was the same. Would she be the same, though? Was she an astrophysics major? Did she like the color green and NASA and also laughed at silly puns?
It was like your brain was nothing but a bunch of questions with no answer. None rational, at least.
But there she was. Right in front of you with that mesmerizing aura of hers that made you feel so drawn to her…regardless of the realm you were in. You weren’t one to ask people out. You’d usually wait for them to ask you or flirt with them until they took a hint. But there was no way you could let her go just like that. You couldn’t really tell her you knew her either, but you could just ask for her phone number, right?
And so you did. She smiled and agreed. In her mind, she was happy about the fact that giving you your notebook back had landed her a possible date with such a pretty girl.
Two days. You hadn’t texted her. You didn’t dare. What if she wasn’t like your Ellie? What if for some fucked up reason you dreamt of someone so special but she turned out to be nothing like that? What if the connection wasn’t there? What if she wasn’t sweet and caring and funny and trustworthy?
But it had been enough. Enough questions and enough overthinking. There was no way for you to know if you didn’t text her.
“Hi, it’s the girl whose notebook you saved :)”
“Hey, didn’t think you’d text anymore”
“Oh no! I’m sorry. I just got a little caught up with school”
“I wanted to see if you’d like to hangout sometime?”
“I’d really like that. Is friday cool?”
“Friday’s great <3”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up, yeah?”
“Oh you don’t have to dw”
“No, it’s okay, I want to”
“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking on her own”
You sighed in relief. At least you were done with that part.
Flirty…At least that checks out with your Ellie.
You spent the rest of your week both dreading and anticipating your date on Friday. And, god, were you a mess.
You couldn’t remember ever being so nervous about meeting someone. You spent the next couple days overthinking your outfit choices, how you should do your hair, what you were going to say. More than anything, the thought of this Ellie not being at least a little like your Ellie was nothing short of terrifying. You adored this girl. Her not being real was one thing, but her being real and being the complete opposite was a nightmare.
At 6:36pm your bell rang.
“Coming!” You yelled as you finished putting on your shoe and took one last look in the mirror.
“You got this,” you told yourself. Though the shaking of your hands was slightly contradictory.
You finally opened the door and there she was. She was wearing jeans and an open button-up with the half-up hairdo you liked so much. You can’t help but discreetly pinch yourself just to make sure you weren’t asleep.
“Hi.” You greet her with a smile.
“Hey, you look great.”
“Thank you, you look great too.” She´s smirking now, probably noticing how nervous you were. Well, at least now you knew she was cocky too. “You ready?”
The ride to the restaurant was filled with small talk. You were too nervous to ask her any of the questions you actually needed to ask. You thought to yourself you’d leave them for the restaurant. Having warmed up a little more with each other.
One thing about Ellie, she knew how to treat a girl. She opened the door for you, helped you fasten your seatbelt, let you play your own music on the way there. She was so…well, dreamy.
As you both wait for your food you finally gather the courage to ask. In reality, they were all very basic questions. Not to you, though.
“So, Ellie..”
She hums.
“Are you in college?”
“Yeah, Astrophysics”. Oh, fuck.
“Astrophysics?” Your eyes widen.
“Yeah,” she chuckles, “have always been into all things space.”
You can’t quite believe this is real and not some sort of sick cosmic joke. You try your best to hide your shock. It’s not really a good look for you to audibly gasp every time she says or does something that further proves she’s actually Ellie.
“Oh really? You must be really smart, then.” You tease with a smile.
“Shut up.” She laughs. “Are you in college?”
“Yes, English Literature. Almost done.”
“Really? Suits you.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“Good, of course.”
If this whole thing was bizarre, this moment was just ridiculous. Every other déjà vu was nothing compared to this. It was your Ellie, from the looks down to the way she worded her thoughts.
The rest of your date went great. You learned she indeed was twenty two and liked NASA and comics. She talked the same and she laughed at the same things. She had the same mannerisms: pouts her lips, she fidgets with her hands, smirks a whole lot and oh! such a flirt.
One thing, though - nothing hinted at the fact that she remembered you. You knew most of the things she told you about herself today, not that you minded, but she was actually meeting you for the first time. How could she not remember? Did she even have the same dreams?
You still had many questions, but you were also very relieved. She was Ellie. Your Ellie. Your auburnette with a space obsession and a liking for silly puns. Your funny and sweet friend. Your favorite girl.
She took you back home and walked you to your door. You spin on your heel to face her.
Loose strand of her framing her face, glimmery green eyes staring at you and an eyebrow scar that’s surprisingly attractive on her. Like straight up from your subconscious mind, now right in front of you.
“Can I see you again?” You can tell she’s the nervous one now, not that she lets you see it. You just know her too well.
You smile at her. You thought it was obvious.
“Of course.” You inch closer towards her and press a kiss on her cheek. “Call me, yeah?”
She blushes at this. Trying too hard to contain the huge grin on her lips.
“I will.”
“Goodbye, Ellie.”
The next few days went well. Ellie and you kept texting back and forth, getting to know each other more. You did find out new things about her. About her past, her friendships, her family.
You found yourself constantly checking your phone for her texts. Eagerly waiting for the notification on your screen with her name attached to it. Not that she ever made you wait long, you pretty much had all her attention. You’d smile every time she’d make a dumb joke or she’d call you a sweet name. When you thought you couldn’t love this girl more…
The sun was starting to set. Pink and purple clouds painting the sky. The weather was getting warmer and you didn’t have to carry an obnoxiously big jacket with you anymore. You’d had classes all day, finally ready to unwind and peacefully enjoy your Friday night. Or so you thought.
Your phone starts ringing and it’s none other than the girl who's responsible for your stomach doing somersaults. You quickly drag the phone icon to the right and press the device to your ear.
“Hey, pretty, Are you busy?”
“Nope, just walking home. Had a bunch of classes all day.”
“Are you doing anything later?”
“Ellie Williams, are you trying to ask me out on a date?” You jokingly gasp and earn a laugh from her end.
“Yes, actually. The sky’s supposed to be like super clear tonight and I know a spot where you can really see all the stars and stuff.”
“I’m in.”
“Yeah? I’ll pick you up in an hour. Sounds good?”
“Sounds great. Bye, Ellie.”
“See you in an hour.”
You scurried to your apartment to get ready. You did your hair, changed your clothes, sprayed a sweet vanilla perfume on your pulsing points and quickly touched up your makeup. An hour and eleven minutes later, your bell rang.
This time she was wearing a hoodie with a light jacket on top, her staple jeans and jacket combo. Her hair was up in a low bun. She was such a sight for sore eyes.
“How do you even know this place?” You ask as you both get out of the car. It was higher than the rest of the city, not quite at the top of the mountains but it still had a rather breath-taking view. Pretty quiet yet comforting. A safe haven just for the two of you, at least for tonight.
“Well…” Ellie scrunches her nose.
“Kind of found it by accident once, with my ex.” She nervously scratches the back of her neck.
“Are you serious?” You laugh.
“It was just once!”
“So you bring all your girls here?”
“Just the special ones.”
“Shut up, dork.” You playfully roll your eyes at her and nudge her arm.
You both settle the blanket on the grass. Lying next to each other. Propped heads rested on your respective hands.
“So..ex, huh?”
“Yeah, we broke up a little bit over a year ago.”
“What was her name?”
“Cat.” You hum. “She’s great, we just didn’t really work as a couple.”
“Are you guys still friends?”
“We are on good terms. Talk every now and then. I wouldn’t call it ‘friends’, though.”
“I’m not really supposed to talk about exes until like the fifth date, you know?” She jokes.
“You brought her up!” You laugh.
“Yeah, you are right. Sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
Ellie couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Yes, this was your second date but it felt like it wasn’t. She felt as if she had known you her whole life. Something about talking to you and spending time with you felt just right. More than right. You brought a sense of comfort to her. She was in awe of you.
You both rest your heads and look up at the sky. Ellie was right, it was very clear tonight, you couldn’t recall the last time you had seen so many stars.
“Look, you see that one? The one that looks like a W.”
“Wait, where?”
“Right..” she grabs your index finger and points it towards it, “there.”
“Oh I see it!”
“That’s Cassiopeia.” She explains not letting go of your hand, despite you having already spotted the cluster of stars. “It’s the 25th largest constellation in the night sky.”
“Yeah, and the first to list it was Ptolomy in the second century…” Ellie went on and on about nebulas and exoplanets. It’s not that you didn’t care, it just so happened that the constellations lined up by her freckles were a whole lot more interesting than the ones drawn in the navy blue sky. “I probably sound like such a nerd right now.” She laughed.
“What? No, not at all. It’s cute how excited you get.” You keep on playing with her hand. Locking and unlocking your fingers, twisting them against each other’s, featherly brushes against her knuckles and the soft scraping of your nails against her skin.
“Is it?” She could feel her heart speed up, so much so that it felt like it was trying to break her ribs and find its way to you. You were no better.
“Mhm, you are very smart. I love hearing you talk.”
She smirked. Of course she did. No matter how nervous or excited she was, she wasn’t Ellie without that tinge of cockiness never leaving her side.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes.” You breathed out.
She hovered over you, grabbing your chin to pull you closer to her. She brushed her lips against yours, almost kissing you. Breaths perfectly sync as you feel the air fanning against each other’s mouth. There was no way in hell you could wait one more second, you break first. You crashed your lips into hers.
You had never kissed Ellie, not even in your dreams. You had thought about it many times, but even your imagination’s best efforts couldn’t compare to this.
It was exhilarating, the feeling of her lips rhythmically moving with yours. It just made sense, you two fit. You had kissed people before, but nothing like this. You two were made for each other, and if the otherworldly experience of how you first met didn’t make it painfully obvious, this did.
You moaned into the kiss which she took as an opportunity to explore your mouth with her tongue. Cupping your face to bring you closer, as if you were going anywhere.
She finally breaks the kiss.
You giggle, “I know.”
Crazy to be so infatuated by someone on your second date. But the truth is that’s how Ellie felt and she couldn’t explain the how. You, on the other hand, had an idea or two.
After your second date the two of you only got closer. You were on cloud nine. You two could talk for hours, hangout for hours, laugh for hours, kiss for hours. You had come to terms with the fact that you would never know how it is that you met Ellie first or why she couldn’t remember your slumber induced escapades.
It didn’t make it any less strange, but you were long past the freaking out stage. If anything, you had gotten to know Ellie better and even experienced things you never got the chance to back there. You were meant to find each other. That was the best you could come up with and it was fine with you.
You decided to plan a date for you and Ellie. She was usually the one that did, being the creative one out of the two of you. But you wanted to do something nice for her.
You settled on a picnic. The past few days had been sunny and warm enough for it. You hauled to the kitchen and prepared everything you needed. The snacks, the drinks, the plates and the cutlery, checkered blanket and all. You even got her flowers earlier that morning.
As your girl rang your bell one more time to pick you up, you grabbed the basket and the flowers and opened the door.
“Hey, beautiful.” She said as she pulled you in for a kiss. You hum into the kiss.
“These are for you,” you tell her as you hand her the bouquet.
“Are you serious?” She asks with a grin on her face.
“Of course, I’m serious.”
“God, you are” kiss “so fucking” kiss “cute” kiss
You giggle into her kisses. “I take it you like them?”
“I love them. You are the first girl to give me flowers, you know?”
“I am?” You ask incredulously.
“All the other girls were stupid, then.” She laughs.
She drives to your destination. A pretty forest you had found upon a quick internet search for a good picnic spot. The pictures didn’t lie, the place was beautiful. Green foliage and perfectly cut grass with the perfect amount of sun and shade. You set up the whole thing, enjoying the evening with Ellie.
Ellie was convinced she could stare at you for hours. From how you move your hands when you talk, to how you tilt your head back slightly when you laugh, to how you pout your lips and twist them to the side when you are thinking, you drive her mad.
And maybe it’s the way the sun is hitting your back, making a halo form around your silhouette. Maybe it’s the way the green compliments your skin so beautifully, so familiarly. Maybe the way the warmth of the day and yours mix together and embrace her, making her vision slightly hazy. Maybe the way the sound of the breeze hits the leaves and the sound of the birds chirping mixes with your voice and creates a song she’s sure she’s heard before. But Ellie has lived this before. She has seen you like this before.
She almost gets whiplash from it, all of it coming back to her at once. The day at the cafè wasn’t the first time you two met, and she remembered now.
a/n: second repost while i work on part 3 :)
taglist @s4pphicslutt @fleshunger @whore4abby @astroph1les @eelliesbtch
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spideesenses · 10 months
Heat → Miguel O’Hara
pairing: miguel o’hara x afab!reader
warnings: smut! MDNI! there’s no piv, just dry (wet) hmping. dom!miguel. panty fcking. light degrading. mentions of menstrual cycle.
prompt: Miguel doesn’t take his rapture serum, letting his more animalistic tendencies surface.
note: this has been my brainrot for several days now bc my bf did it to me and i😵‍💫 please practice safe & clean sex! you can mess up your pH balance especially with something like this, so please make sure you know the proper aftercare. love u
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He could smell you. The scent of your wet slick between your thighs sent him in a frenzy, not to mention that you were ovulating. So this intense wave of horniness would hit you randomly. You’d been trying so hard to concentrate on the mission report that Jess was delivering, squeezing your thighs to gain some friction.
As Jess wrapped up the mission report, Miguel dismissed everyone. Everyone except for you. A wave of panic shot through you. You knew there was better choices to be made during the mission, but was it worth getting reprimanded for?
“What is this about?” you spoke softly, stepping forward. The release of your tightened thighs only released the scent of your dripping pussy even more so. As you stepped closer, the scent filled his nostrils and he had to stop his eyes from rolling back.
“You were helping Lyla reproduce my rampage serum earlier this week.” Miguel finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity. He wasn’t asking, he was stating the fact. So you were unsure what he wanted from you.
“Yeah, you had me stay back from a mission because I was feeling unwell.” you period was so crippling that day. You still wanted to make an impact so you asked Miguel for an alternative project to work on. “Is there a problem?”
The question made him chuckle dryly. You felt her pulse at the sound. That, you couldn’t help. He turned giving you what seemed like a grin. A sadistic grin.
“When you updated the inventory,” he waved his hand and a computer monitor came up. Video footage of you storing 6 vials into his cabinet pulled up. You had turned in your rolling chair to lean over as you went to fill out the fields on the computer.
Your name
The date
The serums you were making updates to
The quantity
You squinted your eyes at the footage. Oh. Seemingly enough, you had fatfingered an extra number on the file and saved it carelessly before exiting the lab.
“I was under the impression that I had another 10 vials to last me before I had to make more. I actually would have asked you to assist me in that again, but because of your mistake,” he swiped his hand again, making the video feed disappear and taking a step closer to you, making you instinctively back up. “I am all out.” he wasted no time grabbing you by the neck, forcing you to look up at him. “Do you understand what that means cariño?”
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, wincing as his grip on your throat tightened. You reached up to grab his wrist, giving it a squeeze.
He ignored your apology. “And while Lyla is scrambling to make a new batch, I have sit here and smell you.” if his teeth wasn’t dripping with venom, his voice was. This didn’t help your problem. You could feel the wetness collecting at the crotch of your suit. The way he was manhandling you? Scolding you as a means to humiliate you? He took a whiff of the air once more, blinking a few times before narrowing his eyes at you. “Is this- Are you getting aroused by this?” you didn’t have to answer, he could smell it.
Due to his lack of rampage, his senses seemed to have heightened. He was more aware, he had to be. He was like an animal released in the wild with no limits to his terrain.
He needed you just as much as you needed him. He’d take you as quickly as he could, oh but he knew it would take patience. As mean and broody as he was, he was still a gentleman, when he wanted to be. Images of you being manhandled, moaning with him touching every inch of your body. He blinked a few times realizing you were using your powers on him. You could project thoughts into ones mind.
“Tell me to stop, and I’ll stop.” he nuzzled his face into your neck, peppering kisses there. Miguel teasingly dragged his fangs against the soft skin at your neck, making you whimper.
“Don’t stop,” you huffed out. Your sexual frustrations were agonizing, body heating up quickly as your dripping slick grew warmer. The sounds that were coming from you reminded Miguel of the sounds that a prey would make when it was caught. The primal instinct was to bite you, mark you as his territory.
A sweet little moan escaped passed your lips. Miguel looked down and seen your thumbs caressing your nipple through your suit. He could see the hardened mound, how painful it looked. The thought of you pleasuring yourself underneath him would have been more than okay… if he wasn’t feeling territorial.
Miguel flicked your hand away, grasping your breast in his free hand, his other still tightly around your throat. He palmed over your sensitive bud, the feeling of a more calloused hand over your boob feeling sensational. You didn’t care how needy your mewls had sounded, you were unbelievably turned on out of your mind. Whatever he was willing to give you, you would take. The moans falling passed your lips were caught with his.
You would occasionally buck your hips into his, emitting a growl as he lightly bit your bottom lip. You needed friction. Anything to relieve the growing pain. With control, you bucked your hips slowly, making sure to drag the pool of wetness onto his suit. You’d let out a breathless ‘heh’ as you felt him through his suit.
Oh and he could feel you alright. The one stroke alone had left a wet on his suit. He quickly commanded for his suit to disappear and he was suddenly bare in front of you.
He was mouthwateringly gorgeous. His chiseled chest through his suit was a masterpiece. And now that it was bare right in front of you? He looked too delicious to be consumed. His waist was slim in comparison to his chest, yet bulky and defined. His happy trail lead down to something that you would consider very happy to see you. It wasn’t just the girth that intimidated you, it was the length as well. How the hell was he going to fit that in you without breaking you or tearing you in half?
He wasted no time in tearing at the crotch of your suit.
“Hey!” you whined. You’d made your own suit. You were actually one of the only spider people without an upgraded suit. The first version of your suit was your now ruined suit.
“I’ll program you another suit princesa,” he panted, gasping as your silky red underwear came into view. Though the wet patch of your underwear presented a more maroon color. He lifted you up on his desk, pushing his keyboard and mouse off in the process. He bent down, taking a whiff of your clothed, soaked pussy.
His eyes glossed over crimson. Miguel wasn’t even sure if he had ever been this aroused before. Maybe it was because he couldn’t remember a damn day where he was out of his serum. He pressed your lips together in a hard kiss, jerking his hips forward so the leaky tip of his cock would press against your puffy clit.
“M’gonna fuck you with your panties on,” he mumbled against your lips. He guided his cock underneath your panties, collecting the wetness from your crying pussy. The tightness of your underwear was enough to keep his cock firmly pressed against your slit.
You bucked your hips eagerly, whimpering as the feeling of his cock against your pussy stimulated the most sensitive part of you. He switched hands; one resumed its position at the base of your neck, pinning you down on his desk and the other held your thigh as it was hiked over his hip.
Miguel rutted his hips, letting out a sigh of relief. Although it wasn’t the inside of your plush, wet heat, this would do. The scent of you enveloped him and he could only imagine what your velvety walls would feel like fluttering around him.
“More, please.” you begged, tears brimming your eyes as you could feel yourself wanting more than just the slow rolling of the hips.
“Oh,” Miguel pursed his lips, looking down at you. “Look at you so desperate for my cock.” he was talking down on you again, making your jaw fall slack as he slowly picked up the pace, stimulating your clitoris a little more.
The sounds that were coming from the underside of his cock rubbing against your wet slit were pornographic almost. Slosh, slosh, slosh. If he could drown in your puddles of wetness, he’d be all in you every second of everyday.
“Cock hungry and I haven’t even been inside of you,” he coo’d. He drew his hips back, the tip of his cock slipping past your folds. Miguel’s eyes locked onto yours as he gently prodded past your pussy lips.
At this point, it was like you were the animal. Bucking your hips in desperation, tears spilling from your eyes as you pleaded - as you begged him to break you. He could take you however he wanted, he could make it hurt, you just needed him.
“You’re gonna shut up and take what I give you, like the slut you are. Do you understand me?” his voice was stern enough to pull you from your cock drunk state. You nodded your head. “Use your words, princesa.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes sir,” you answered before he shoved his fingers into your mouth, to which you suckled on with joy.
“That’s my good girl,” he gave you positive reinforcement. Slowly begin to move his hips again, only this time he had his thumb placed on top of the fabric of your panties, so he could keep the placement of his cock over your clit.
His pace was unforgiving. The sound of you begging so desperately for his cock echoing. The image of you crying over not being fucked was glued to the back of his eyelids. You were so cock drunk already, it made him wonder how long you’d been thinking about him fucking you.
Images of you fucking yourself with your fingers, free hand pinching your nipple while moaning his name popped up in his head. Here you were, projecting images into his head once more. As he’s fucking you through your panties, he can feel the grip of your mouth releasing his fingers. Your mouth was ajar as he pistoned his hips against yours, your moans and his grunts filling the room.
“Fuck, Miguel,” you moaned, your hand capturing your breast. “Please, can I come?”
How obedient. Still asking him permission after he told you to take whatever it was he was giving. How much were you wrapped around his finger?
“Yeah baby, you can come. Come for me,” he leaned over, mumbling into your ear, his teeth grazing over the shell of your ear. “Come on, be a good girl for me.” hearing that made you whimper in his ear as you released the knot that was forming in your stomach.
“Fuu-“ you whined, arching your back against him. Your walls clenched around nothing, wishing you could milk him for every drop. You felt your body convulse as euphoria took over you, your cheeks flushed red as your legs shook around Miguel. He could feel your hard nipples on his bare chest. In the frenzy you were in, he had no idea how you were even coherent enough to reach down between you two. Your hand kept his cock in place while your thumb circled around his sensitive tip.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head. He imagined the softness of your hands being as soft as you were on the inside as he pounded you. His hips began to stammer as he released his load into your panties, with a guttural moan. His hips slowed and he rested his forehead against yours.
You could feel how heavy your panties were. They were slicked down from the wetness of your pussy, and now they were filled with Miguel’s cum.
“Fuck, you’re going to be the death of me,” Miguel muttered.
“Huh?” he heard Jess’ voice in confusion.
He blinked and suddenly Jess, Peter, and you surrounded him. Just as you did during the mission report. Jess and Peter were confused to say the least, but not you.
Your smug grin confirmed Miguel’s thoughts. You had been using your powers to project your sexual fantasies in his head.
“Ay coño,” he whispered under his breath. “I’m gonna fucking kill her.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Daughters Will Love Like You Do
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
synopsis: Peter gets hired as Morgan’s babysitter and tries to ease the tension between you and her
Themes: enemies to lovers, modern family references 😳, sibling rivalry
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“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
You screamed when you heard a voice coming from behind the open refrigerator door. You quickly shut the door and saw a boy you didn’t recognize standing in your kitchen.
“Oh my God. Where did you come from?” You asked as you put a hand over your pounding heart to calm it.
“Lower east side of Queens. And you should probably put that back.” Peter said and nodded towards the beer you had just taken from your refrigerator. Once you calmed down from the scare, you threw your guard back up and narrowed your eyes at him.
“Thanks for the advice, random boy in my home, but I think I’ll stick with my original plan of getting drunk by the pool.” You smiled sweetly at him. You started to walk out of the kitchen when Peter grabbed the beer bottle out of your hand without even touching it. He pulled the web he had used off the beer and quickly disposed of it before putting it back in the refrigerator.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that. That’s Mr. Starks beer and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want his underage daughter drinking it.” Peter said, sounding genuinely apologetic
“I’m 20. I’m like 6 months under age.” You rolled your eyes and went back to the refrigerator. You started to pull it open but Peter pushed it closed.
“Then in six months, I won’t stop you.”
“I’d like to see you try and stop me now.” You scoffed and opened the refrigerator again. You took out a bottle of beer and dangled it in his face for a moment to show him you’d won. He reached for it but you yanked it back, making him stumble forward. With your faces close together now, you smirked before pushing him away.
“As fun as this has been, I gotta go.” You said and started to leave again.
“I’m gonna have to tell Mr. Stark that you’re drinking his beer. I wouldn’t want him to think I’m the one doing it.” Peter called after you. You froze in your tracks as you tried to think of a way to get him to keep your secret. You looked down at the silky robe you were wearing over your bathing suit and got an idea. You subtly opened the robe and pushed it open so that Peter could see your boobs in your bikini top.
“Are you sure you have to do that?” You asked as you batted your eyes at him. Peters eyeline didn’t flinch and he didn’t so much as glance down at your busy.
“Nice try.” He chuckled. “But I was raised by an aunt who grew up during the second wave of feminism in the 70s. Your eyes are up there. That’s the only place I’m looking.”
“You have an answer for everything, don’t you? Who even are you?” You grumbled and tied your robe shut.
“I’m Peter. Your dad hired me to babysit Morgan for the week while he’s away.”
“Wait, what? Why wouldn’t he ask me to babysit?” You asked, feeling slightly insulted.
“Probably because you’re irresponsible.” Peter shrugged.
“You don’t even know me. What makes you think I’m irresponsible?”
“The beer bottle in your hand.” Peter said simply and you realized he wasn’t trying to insult you. You sighed and handed him the beer bottle before getting a sinking feeling inside.
“I didn’t even know my dad left.” You mumbled without looking at him. You didn’t want him to know this, but it hurt you that Tony left without saying goodbye.
“He left this morning after his goodbye ceremony with Morgan.”
“After his what?”
“The ceremony where they say goodbye and he gives her enough kisses and hugs for each day he won’t be here.” Peter explained, making you feel even worse.
“Oh.” You said quietly.
“He doesn’t do that with you too?” Peter asked when he saw the disappointment on his face. You quickly threw a sarcastic smile on as you put your guard back up.
“Nope. I’m the first born daughter. He doesn’t do anything with me.” You tried to laugh it off but you couldn’t hide that it hurt you. He was always so quick to shower Morgan with attention but when it came to you, you felt invisible.
“I didn’t even get a text that he was leaving.” You said, mostly to yourself.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Peter asked sincerely and took a step towards you. His tone was so kind that you almost gave in. But instead, you got defensive, just like you always did when someone tried to care about you.
“Yeah. Can you braid my hair too? And maybe we’ll even have a pillow fight?” You said sarcastically before rolling your eyes at him.
“Your words say one thing but your tone says another.” Peter replied. Just then, you heard a crash followed by Morgan crying in the other room.
“Hm. Your boss is calling you.” You snorted and pointed towards Morgan’s bedroom.
“Coming Morgan.” Peter called and ran towards her bedroom.
“Have fun playing dolls. I’ll be out by the pool.” You called after him before grabbing a beer bottle and going out to the pool.
You laid down on one of your sun chairs and had a good fifteen minutes of quiet until you heard the sound of the sliding door.
“Hi Y/n!” Morgans muffled voice pierced through your earbuds. You took and earbud out and lowered your sunglasses to see Morgan and Peter standing by the pool.
“What was that?” You asked.
“I said hi.” Morgan repeated as she nervously played with the goggles in her hand.
“Oh. Hey.” You gave her a quick smile before putting your sunglasses back up. Morgan looked up at Peter for reassurance and he nodded at her to let her know he would handle it.
“Mind if we join you?” Peter asked as he walked up to you. He looked at your body for just a split second before looking back into your eyes.
“I do mind, actually. I came out here to get away from all the baby stuff.” You said and gestured to the floaties in Peters hand. Morgan overheard the comment and looked down at the ground.
“Don’t worry. We’ll stick to the shallow end. Come on Morgie.” Peter said triumphantly and went back to Morgan. You tried to go back to your music but couldn’t help but watch Peter. He tugged his shirt off and dropped it on the ground before putting on some sunblock. With the protection of your sunglasses, you unapologetically checked him out and paused your music so you could focus. Peter then knelt down and applied sunblock all over Morgan’s face. You couldn’t hear them, but Peter was making Morgan laugh louder than you had ever heard her. He then helped her put on her floaties before putting her goggles on her. You couldn’t help but smile at how sweet he was with her, but that fondness quickly dissipated when they started going in the water.
“Peter, wait. Can she even swim?” You called to them as you pulled your earbuds out.
“No. That’s why we have floaties.” Peter said as he held Morgan’s hand and walked down the pool steps with her. You chewed your bottom lip as you watched them go fully into the water. They started to splash each other but all you could think about was how little she was compared to how deep the water was. You got off your chair and walked over to them.
“Wait. I don’t like this. It’s one thing when there’s a lifeguard but it’s making me anxious for her to go in the pool with just me and you here. If something happens…” You trailed off and looked to Peter for help.
“Nothings gonna happen. Don’t worry. I have super quick reflexes and I’ll be with her the whole time.” Peter assured you.
“But she��s so little.” You said nervously as you looked at Morgan.
“Watch this.” Peter said and grabbed one of the diving rings. He dropped it but shot a web at it before it could touch the water. Your eyebrows went up and you found yourself impressed with Peter.
“I’ll be even quicker if it’s her. I promise. She’ll be safe.” Peter assured you. Curious of him now, you sat down on the edge of the pool and put your feet in the water.
“How did you do that?” You asked him. “You did it before too.”
“I’m Spiderman.” He shrugged.
“You’re what man?”
“Spiderman? So you have spider powers?” You laughed and expected him to say no.
“Yes. And it’s not-“
You cut Peter off by covering your mouth and bursting out laughing. Peter couldn’t even be upset because he was too charmed from hearing your real laugh for the first time.
“How did you possibly get spider powers? We’re you bitten by a super spider or something?” You laughed and leaned your chin on your hand to look at him.
“Yes.” Peter sheepishly admitted.
“WHAT?!” You burst out laughing again and clapped your hands.
“Shut up. Your dad doesn’t even have powers. He just has a metal suit that does all the work.”
“It’s an iron suit, genius. Not metal.” You said and tapped the side of your head. Peter gave you a look and you realized your mistake.
“Iron is a metal, isn’t it?” You asked him.
“Yeah. It is.”
“Whatever. Go play mermaids with your boss.” You snorted and stood up.
“Fine. I will. But it’s really sweet that you were so worried about her.” Peter said with a teasing smile.
“I wasn’t worried about her. She’s not even my sister.” You said in a quiet voice so Morgan couldn’t hear.
“She’s your half sister. Is there a difference?”
“My dad had her while I was a floating around as a pile of dust for five years. I don’t even know her.” You shrugged and gestured to Morgan, who was sitting on the pool step with some mermaid dolls.
“Then why don’t you come in the pool with us and get to know her?” Peter whispered to you.
“Pass. I don’t babysit.”
“It’s not babysitting if it’s family.”
“You’re right. At least with babysitting, you get paid.” You said and started to walk back to your chair. Peter sighed in disappointment to see you leaving.
“Come in if you change your mind.” Peter called after you. You gave him a sarcastic thumbs up before putting your earbuds back in.
Peter played in the pool with Morgan while you laid in the sun. You snuck glances at them every so often and Peter caught it every time.
“You know, the pools a lot more fun when you go in it.” Peter shouted to you.
“Boys are a lot more fun when they’re silent.” You shouted back.
“Come play with us Y/n!” Morgan called to you.
“Sorry. Can’t hear you.” You said and pointed to your earbuds. Peter saw the disappointment on Morgan’s face and quickly reassured her.
“She wants to play with you. She’s just busy.” Peter told her.
“She’s always busy. She never wants to play with me.” Morgan said quietly.
“Maybe it’s just because you guys are so far apart in age. She’s a little too old to play.” Peter tried to convince her.
“I guess so.” Morgan sighed. Peter looked back over at you and made it a personal mission to get you two to connect before the week was over.
Peter didn’t see you at all the next day but caught you when you came in from a night out. You came stumbling through the front door and immediately took your heels off to ease the pain. You looked up to see Peter in his pajamas on with Morgan on his hip. He was humming something in her ear as he bounced her up and down.
“Oh my God. Are you gonna breastfeed her too?” You laughed at the sight in front of you.
“Shh. I finally got her to sleep.” Peter hushed you and checked to make sure Morgan was still asleep.
“How? Did you tell her the story of all the girls you’ve dated and she felt so uncomfortable in the silence that she fell asleep?” You asked him.
“Very funny.” Peter narrowed his eyes. “And what makes you think I haven’t dated any girls?”
“Everything about this makes me think you haven’t dated any girls.” You said and gestured to Peter and Morgan.
“You may be right. But that doesn’t mean I can’t date them if I wanted to.” Peter whispered.
“It absolutely does.” You whispered back and wandered into the kitchen. When you got in there, you saw a cup of water, a plate of toast, and some ibuprofen. You smiled at the kind gesture from Peter before downing the ibuprofen. He wandered into the kitchen after putting Morgan in her bed and smiled to himself when he saw you eating the toast he made for you.
“So what about you? How many heirs and princes have you dated?” He asked you teasingly.
“None. I don’t date.”
“Really? Why not?”
“Because boys are stupid and not worth my time.” You shrugged and took another bite.
“I mean, that’s absolutely true on all counts, but don’t you want somebody to love?”
“No. I have me.” You shrugged as you looked down at the plate of toast Peter had made you. You felt like you had let him in just a little too much and started to get defensive again.
“How come its powerful when you don’t date but lame when I don’t?” Peter asked as he walked closer to you.
“Because mines a choice. Yours is sad.” You replied. You didn’t like that you were being mean to Peter, but it was your natural instinct to push people away when they were kind to you. You looked into Peters eyes and decided to fight against your nature.
“Thank you for the toast. And the water. You didn’t have to do that.” You smiled sheepishly at him.
“No problem. Can you just do me a favor and let me know when you’re going out next time? I don’t want to be a nag but I am the babysitter, so I kind a need to know where the babies are.”
“Fine. But just so we’re clear, you’re Morgans babysitter. Not mine.”
“Got it.” Peter chuckled. “And I’m sorry if it feels like I’m smothering you. It’s just that my natural instinct is to take care of people.”
“Aw. You’ll make a great mother one day.” You smirked and patted his chest.
“Thanks.” He blushed. “So where were you tonight?”
“A party.” You shrugged.
“Ooo. Fun.” He clicked his tongue. “Did you meet anybody worth mentioning?”
“I just told you. I don’t date.”
“Ever?” He asked with a teasing smile.
“Never.” You said simply. Peter looked down at the ground and shook his head.
“Huh. That’s too bad.” He smiled softly as he looked up into your eyes.
“Why is that too bad?” You wondered.
“No reason. Goodnight.” Peter smiled sweetly at you before heading off to bed. You frowned in confusion but shrugged it off and went to bed as well.
The next morning, you went down to the kitchen to follow the smell of pancakes. You walked into the kitchen to find Morgan sitting at the table with a high stack of pancakes in front of her. Peter was busy giving her pancakes a face using whip cream before squirting some whip cream into his mouth. When he looked up, he made eye contact with you and quickly put his mouth over his hand.
“Y/n. Hi.” He said with a mouthful of whip cream.
“Hey Peter. Having fun?” You laughed and raised your eyebrows at him.
“Good morning. Breakfast?” Peter asked and handed you a plate of pancakes.
“Thanks. You make a pretty good housewife.” You winked at him and took the plate.
“You mean that?” Peter blushed and pretended to tuck hair behind his ear. You laughed and rolled your eyes at him before taking a seat at the kitchen counter. He sat across from you before talking some pancakes for himself.
“So how come you’re staying here for the week? Shouldn’t you be in school or something?”
“I’m off this week. Spring break.” Peter told you.
“Hold on. You’re spending your spring break babysitting a five year old? Exactly how much is my dad paying you?”
“Nothing. He said he needed a babysitter on short notice and I want him to know I’m as reliable as I am responsible.” Peter shrugged and took a sip from his coffee. You raised a skeptical eyebrow at him and he looked away from you.
“Plus, he pays for my tuition.” He mumbled.
“Ah, there it is.” You snorted. “I’m just saying, he pays for my tuition too but that doesn’t mean I’d willingly change a diaper.”
“I go on the big girl potty now.” Morgan said, making you roll your eyes.
“Congrats. Same.” You said sarcastically. You thought Peter would laugh but he just looked at Morgan to see if she was okay.
“You just don’t see the appeal because you’ve lived in a place like this your entire life. I live in a s-h-i-t-t-y apartment that’s the size of your walk in closet. Plus, I love kids. So why wouldn’t I spend a week living in mansion with a great kid?” Peter shrugged, making sure Morgan overheard.
“Because you have no friends to hang out with instead?” You asked sarcastically.
“Funny.” He rolled his eyes. “What about you? You’ve been home most of the week too.”
“I don’t feel like going out.” You shrugged and took a bite of your pancake.
“Why not? Don’t you have daddy’s credit card to spend?” Peter teased you right back.
“Don’t you have your virginity to keep forever?” You whispered so Morgan couldn’t hear.
“Listen, since you’re asking nicely, I’ll give it to you.” Peter said and held up his hands.
“Woah. What would your feminist aunt say to that?” You laughed.
“She’d tell me I was the most handsome and special boy in the world.” Peter shrugged, making you laugh again.
“You know what, I think she may be right.” You humored him, making Peter blush. You were enjoying the time you got to spend with him, only to be interrupted but Morgan tugging on his sleeve.
“Peter, can we go play now?” She asked.
“We’re talking, Morgan.” You said, a little coldly.
“Oh. I can go play by myself.” She said sadly and took a step back.
“No, it’s okay. Go head to your room. I’ll be there in a minute.” Peter quickly assured her. You couldn’t hide the disappointment on your face as Peter chose her over you. You knew it was silly, but it hurt you to see him get up. You’d been having a nice conversation and now he was gonna run off the second Morgan needed attention. It reminded you of your relationship with your dad and that made hot tears of frustration come to your eyes. You got out of your seat before Peter could see you cry but he stopped you.
“Y/n, wait. Please stay.” He said, sounding a little desperate. You stopped and turned to him wigh folded arms.
“Why don’t you join us? We can all hang out together.” Peter suggested. He was feeling the same connection you were and didn’t want to leave, but his job was to be with Morgan. Deep down, you knew that, but it still hurt to see him leave you at a moments notice. You looked between him and Morgan as a familiar sinking feeling set in.
“I already told you. I don’t babysit.” You said and started to walk away.
“Maybe we can talk later?” He called after you, but you didn’t respond. Peter sighed before putting on a happy face for Morgan.
After sulking in your room for a little bit, you decided to go check on Peter and Morgan. You couldn’t help but overhear the constant laughter coming from Morgan’s room and wanted to see what could possibly be that funny. But most of all, you felt guilty for the way you behaved in the kitchen and wanted to say hi to show them you were sorry.
You pushed open Morgan’s door and burst out laughing when you saw Peter in sparkly red lipstick, messy blue eyeshadow, and hot pink blush. All this was topped off by the three curlers he had in his hair.
“Oh. This is good.” You laughed and took out your phone to take a picture.
“See Morgie? I told you you were a natural at makeup.” Peter said, making her smile.
“Can I give you a makeover Y/n?” Morgan asked hopefully.
“Hard pass. I’m not trying to look like that.” You laughed and pointed to Peter, making Morgan’s smile fall.
“If you didn’t come for a makeover then why are you here?” Peter asked you.
“I just wanted to see what you two dorks were doing.” You shrugged. “And I wanted to tell you I’m going out tonight. Since you asked me to tell you.”
“Oh. Okay.” Peter nodded as his disappointment set in. He hoped to get to talk to you some more after Morgan went to bed, but now he knew he’d spend the night alone.
“See you later, Pete.” You waved to him before shutting the door.
“Bye Y/n! I love you.” Morgan called after you.
“You too.” You unenthusiastically called back.
Tensions were high the next day when you didn’t come down for breakfast. You didn’t feel like seeing Morgan or Peter so you stayed in your room until you needed to eat. You got a snack from kitchen but got distracted by Morgan’s voice in the other room.
“Oops.” Morgan said following the sound of glass shattering. You ran into the room and saw a picture frame on the floor in many pieces.
“What happened?” You gasped and pulled her away from the frame so she wouldn’t get cut by the glass. Once she was safely away, you went to go inspect the frame.
“I’m sorry. It was an accident.” Morgan apologized. When you saw the picture she had broken was the only picture of you and Tony in the entire house, you felt something snap inside. You had to walk by wall after wall that was covered in pictures of Morgan from the years you were snapped away. There were family portraits that you weren’t in all over the place but the one photo that Tony hung up of the two of you when you were five now laid in pieces on the ground. You looked to the side and saw the one of million of Morgan’s toys that had done the damage.
“Ugh! You did this on purpose you little brat.” You stamped your foot and felt more like the brat yourself.
“Woah. What’s going on in here?” Peter ran into the room when he heard the shouting.
“She broke a picture frame.” You said and picked the picture of out of the glass.
“On accident!” Morgan quickly explained.
“Oh please.” You scoffed and folded your arms. Peter knelt down beside Morgan and pulled her into his arms.
“Y/n, she’s five. I really don’t think it was on purpose.” Peter said in a kind tone.
“It’s the one picture hanging up around here that she’s not in. How could it not be on purpose?”
“I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.” Morgan whined.
“You know what? Things were so much better before you got here.” You snapped and stormed out of the room with the picture still in your hand.
You sat in your room for a little while until you heard a knock at your door. You hoped it was Morgan so you could tell her you were sorry for overreacting, but it was Peter that opened your door.
“Hey. Any interest in some hot coco?” Peter asked as he peaked his head into your room. You were sitting on your bed with your chin resting on your knees as you stared at the picture of you and Tony.
“Don’t. Don’t be nice to me right now. I don’t deserve it.”
“If it makes you feel any better, she cried the other day because she didn’t like the spoon I gave her for her ice cream. Five year olds don’t really have control over their emotions yet.” Peter said as he took a seat on your bed.
“Neither do 20 year olds.” You mumbled and turned away from him.
“Do you think we could talk?” He asked and set the hot chocolate down on your nightstand.
“What do you want, Peter? An explanation?” You sighed. “I have nothing to tell you. I don’t know why I’m so angry all the time. I wish I knew but I don’t. So just go away before I snap at you too.”
“I don’t need an explanation. I just want to know what you’re thinking. I hate it when things are unbeknownst to me.”
You laughed at his choice of words and reluctantly looked at him. He looked like he genuinely wanted to know what was bothering you, so you let your guard down.
“I disappear for a couple years and when I come back, my dad is married and has another daughter. And I wasn’t there for any of it. He dated my mom for years but always told her he wasn’t the marriage type. Then all the sudden, I get blipped and gets married to his assistant and has a kid with her? He doesn’t even talk to my mom anymore. And he barely makes time for me.” You said for the first time out loud. Peter stayed silent as he listened to you but put his hand over yours to let you know he understood. You felt tears come to your eyes the more you thought about it.
“I just…I just feel like he completely moved on to his new family. I’m the only part of his life that still hangs around and sometimes…”
“Sometimes what?” Peter asked when you trailed off.
“I feel like he doesn’t want me anymore. I think he wishes I wasn’t around.” You admitted as your tears spilled onto your cheeks.
“What? That’s crazy.”
“Is it? I feel like I’m just his random adult kid from an old relationship that hangs around his house while he raises his new kid with his new wife.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t feel that way. You’re his firstborn. You’re irreplaceable.”
“I thought I was. Until he replaced me.” You said as you stared at the picture of you and Tony. Peter looked at the picture too and smiled a little. You were about Morgan’s age in it and smiling wider than he had ever seen before. You traced the outline of your dad with your fingernail and let out a sigh.
“I know I could be nicer to her. I know she’s just a kid. But she was already five by the time I first met her. I never saw her grow up. We never had a chance to bond because I wasn’t there. Now I’m here and I have no idea how to connect with her so I don’t even bother trying. I’m not good with kids like you are. I have no idea how to talk to them.”
“Is that the only reason you won’t play with her?” Peter wondered. You looked him in the eyes and smirked a little, knowing he saw right through you.
“I resent her.” You admitted. “I resent her for replacing me. My dad missed me so much that he had another kid and now, I’m nothing to him. I’m just Morgan’s older sister. I can never measure up to her.”
“You’re a lot more than that. You’re you. And there is nothing replaceable about that.” Peter said as he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. You looked at your intertwined hands and smiled a little.
“Plus I had to teach Morgan how to put her hands in her pockets yesterday. She didn’t even know how. So there’s not much to measure up to.” Peter added, making you laugh.
“Why are you so good at this?”
“Because. It’s my job to take care of Tony Starks daughters.” Peter shrugged.
“Wait, he didn’t actually ask you to look after me, did he?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Here. Why don’t you read the text.” Peter offered as he handed you his phone. You looked at him skeptically before taking his phone to read his texts.
“Hey Penis Pecker tell me what you got for number seven on the geometry homework or I will stick my finger up your-“
“Oops. Wrong text.” Peter quickly grabbed the phone. “That’s my friend Flash. Here.”
You laughed at him before looking at the new text he had pulled up.
“Hey Pete the treat. Thanks again for offering to babysit. I’m sure you’ll have your hands full with my youngest, but please keep an eye on my Y/n too. She seems distant lately and I’m not sure if she’s a typically youth raging against the machine or if there’s really something bothering her. Her door is always closed when I try to go talk to her so maybe you can get through to her in a way I can’t with your youthful boyishness.” You read off Peters phone. You felt tears come to your eyes to see all your fears put to rest.
“He’s right. You are very boyish.” You laughed softly and wiped your face.
“He cares about you. He just doesn’t know how to show it.” Peter assured you as he brushed some of your hair off your forehead.
“I guess I don’t really give him a chance. But he could still try harder. He didn’t even say goodbye to me before he left.” You pointed out.
“That’s my fault. He was about to go into your room to say goodbye and I kinda told him not to.” Peter sheepishly confessed.
“What? Why?”
“I sorta gave him the idea that if he gave you some space, you’d come to him. I told him not to try so hard.” He admitted.
“You’re giving my dad parenting advice?” You chuckled.
“Yeah. And clearly I should stop because it didn’t work. I tried to help him out but I just ended up hurting you.” Peter sighed and shook his head in embarrassment.
“I don’t know. I think it’s sweet you tried to help him.” You said as you played with his fingers. Peter blushed all the way to his ears as he looked up into your eyes.
“You’re sweet in general.” You smiled softly. “You’re a really nice guy, Peter. I don’t know why I’m so mean to you. I don’t know why I’m so mean to everyone.”
“That’s okay. I know why.” Peter said and nudged you a little.
“You do?”
“Yeah. It’s probably because you’re on your period.” Peter said sweetly. You narrowed your eyes at him before cracking a smile.
“Oh really?” You humored him.
“Yep. Women are really overemotional. It’s not your fault. If you learned to plug it up-“
“It’s less funny and more offensive now.” You cut him off.
“I’ll stop.” He said immediately. You laughed and looked into his eyes again. This time, you didn’t feel the urge to push him away. Instead, you wanted him closer.
“Do you think me, you, and Morgan could hang out tonight?” You asked him.
“I don’t know which one of us would love that more. Me or her.” Peter grinned.
“Probably you, perv.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“Yeah. Who am I kidding? Its definitely me.” Peter chuckled. You looked down at your intertwined hands again before giving Peters hand a squeeze.
“What if I’m not good at talking to her?” You asked without looking at him.
“Kids are easy to talk to. All kids really want is two things, to be happy and to make you happy. So just match their excitement when they speak and say what you think will make them feel special.”
“You think I can do it? I’m kinda a bitch.”
“I know you can do it. Come on. Let’s go see what she’s up to.” Peter said and led you out of the room with his hand. You got to Morgans room and knocked on her door without ever dropping Peters hand.
“Hey Morgan. Mind if I join?” You asked as you entered her room.
“Really? You wanna?” She asked excitedly.
“Of course. Where can I sit?” You asked when you saw the tea party she had set up with some of her stuffed animals.
“Right here. Next to me.” Morgan patted the spot next to her that was conveniently left empty. When you sat down beside her, you saw there was a place card with your name on it that Morgan had made. Your name was sloppily written in crayon with hearts all around it.
“This is so cute. How’d you know I was coming?” You asked and picked up the card to see it better.
“I always leave this seat open for you in case you ever want to play with me.” Morgan explained as she poured you some pretend tea. You froze and looked up at Peter, who gave you a reassuring smile. The urge to shut her out went away and instead, you wrapped and arm around her.
“Thanks, Morgan. That was really sweet of you. It’s the best seat in the house.” You said and hugged her to your side. Morgan eagerly hugged you back before turning to Peter.
“Peter, can you get a tiara for Y/n please?”
“Gems or feathers?” Peter asked her. Morgan looked at you and you seemed to read each others mind.
“Feathers.” You said in unison. Peter smirked and got a tiara with pink feathers out of Morgans toy box.
“Ooo. Just my style.” You danced a little as you put the tiara on your head. While you did that, Morgan placed a sparky blue tiara on Peters head.
“How do I look?” He asked you.
“Very handsome. Like a prince.” You answered, making him blush.
“Peter is Queen of Spiderlandia.” Morgan explained to you.
“Is he now? Very impressive. And what are you the queen of?” You asked Morgan.
“I’m not the queen. I’m the princess.” Morgan replied as she pulled a drawing out from under her teacup. She handed it to you and you saw a stick figure of a girl with your colored hair in a poorly drawn tower. Down below, a stick figure with Morgan’s hair color stood on the ground with a sword in her hand.
“You’re the queen. But you’ve been locked in your room by an evil force that Peter said was called “puberty”. And that’s why you never leave your room.” Morgan explained her drawing to you. You felt sad inside to hear the explanation she had made for herself to justify why you never left your room, but you kept on a happy face for her.
“Aw. Did Peter say that?” You smiled sarcastically at him.
“I don’t think Peter said that.” Peter said quickly.
“I’m the princess. And it’s my job to set you free.” Morgan continued as she pointed to her stick figure at the bottom of the drawing.
“Well thank you, princess. Your work here is done. You set me free. Now I can come to your tea parties.” You smiled softly at her as you tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Really? You will?” She asked hopefully.
“I will. So I can come hang out with my sister.” You nodded and she threw her arms around you. You stiffened at first, then hugged her back. Peter watched with a proud smile as the two of you finally connected.
“One sugar cube or two?” Peter asked you and held up the bowl of pretend sugar cubes.
“Two please.” You said and held up your tea cup.
“One for me.” Peter said out loud as he pretended to put a sugar cube in his cup. You couldn’t help but laugh at how dedicated he was to the performance.
“And eight for Princess Morgan.” He said and pretended to put exactly eight cubes into her cup.
“Eight?” You laughed in surprise.
“I’m five. Give me a break.” She shrugged and took a sip of her pretend tea.
“You sound just like dad.” You laughed again and Morgan smiled proudly.
“Speaking of dad. Mr. Stark just texted me.” Peter said as he checked his phone.
“What did he say?” You wondered.
“Oh wow. He’s home early.” Peter read off his screen.
“He is?” Morgan asked.
“He is.” Tony said from the doorway, making you all jump.
“Well look at that. My girls are getting along. Isn’t that something?” Tony smiled fondly and leaned against the doorframe.
“Daddy!” Morgan cheered and ran to hug him. Tony scooped her up and kissed her cheek before looking at you.
“Hey Y/n.” Tony said in a low voice and threw up a peace sign.
“You’re so weird.” You laughed and got up to hug him. Tony froze in surprise and looked at Peter for answers. Peter gave him a double thumbs up so Tony hugged you back tightly.
“I missed you.” You said as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you more, sour patch. Is this the part where you’re sweet again?” Tony smiled teasing at you but sounded genuinely curious.
“Nope. Now get out. I’m spending time with my sister.” You said playfully and pointed out the door.
“So Peter can stay but I can’t?” Tony pretended to be offended.
“Yep. Girls only.” You replied. Peter cleared his throat and you gave him an apologetic smile.
“Sorry.” You mumbled. Tony kissed your cheek before leaving Morgan’s room. You took her hand and sat back down at the little table to continue your tea party.
“Hey Morgan, do you think you could do my makeup after this?” You asked as you pretended to pour her some more tea.
“Yeah! Do you have somewhere special to go?” Morgan asked excitedly.
“I do. After this, Peter and I are going on a date.” You said simply, making Peter choke on his fake tea.
“Really?” Morgan gushed.
“Really?” Peter asked hopefully.
“Yeah. So make me look really pretty, okay?” You said and tapped Morgan’s nose.
“Okay.” She grinned and went to get her makeup kit.
“A date, huh? I thought I couldn’t get those.” Peter said
“Yeah, well.” You shrugged and sipped your tea. “Never say never.”
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revasserium · 5 months
hiii i'm a new follower and i love your writing so much
ik u said no requests in ur bio but i just finished reading ur sanji fic.. so even if ur still not taking requests i'd just like to throw in an idea that u may or may not feel like using in the future, up to you (i'm requesting this with opla sanji in mind but if u wanna use it for zoro that's cool too)
k so imagine reader being invited to a friend's wedding, & being excited to go until they find out their ex is coming too (with their partner of some amt of yrs). so now reader is pressured to bring someone w/ them & ends up asking their best friend sanji bc they don't want others thinking they're still hung up on the past.
wedding dress
opla!sanji; 6,544 words, pining with a happy ending, fluff and a tad of angst, flirting, lovesick!sanji, whipped!!!!sanji, no "y/n", zeff is a whole mood, confessions, sanji-appropriate nickname usage, modern!au?
summary: you invite sanji to be your plus 1 at a wedding
a/n: im so sorry this took so long. but. better late than? never? also, there is a tiny bit of rehashing for ep 6 of the live action for sanji and zeff's relationship so... spoilers?
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It’s a chilly, overcast kind of day when the call comes in. And in retrospect, Sanji thinks he should’ve known better when he’d seen your name on the caller ID. He’d hesitated, because by god if it wasn’t his New Year's Resolution to get the hell over you this year, but it’s almost December again and he still can’t help the way his heart races at the sound of your voice.
“Hey sweetheart — long time no talk!” he answers after a brief moment of contemplating his entire life, dusting his flour-covered hands on his apron.
“Hey! Sorry for calling so… out of the blue…” your voice is still as sweet as ever, and the way his stomach twists at the tinkle of your nervous laughter makes him want to kick himself. Still, he forces himself to stay calm, clearing his throat as he checks the oven — it’s almost done pre-heating.
“Now you know what I said about actin’ a stranger — just because you moved halfway across the entire world doesn’t mean we ain’t best friends anymore, right?”
It’s what you’d said when he’d been standing at the airport, three seconds from dropping to his knees and begging you not to go. But he hadn’t, because he knew how hard you’d worked for this — for this opportunity abroad, to study art in the birthplace of the Renaissance itself, in the heart of Italy.
“And… you might be able to come visit me, right?” you’d said, rocking on the balls of your feet, your eyes full of what Sanji could only call false hope — which is always, always the worst and most painful kind.
Sanji had swallowed and nodded and said something or other about Europe and fine dining, but there’s a terrible, prickling heat eating up the back of his neck and a voice that’s screaming at him to pull you to him and kiss you. He doesn’t. And he regrets it to this day.
“Ah — right… I’m actually calling because… I’ll be in the area in about a week and…”
Your voice pulls him out of his reverie and he clears his throat, hitches a smile to his face that he knows you can’t see but he’s sure you can hear.
“Oh! That’s great, darling! You’ve gotta come for a drink, I’ll whip up all your favorites — we can make a night —”
“It’s actually for a wedding.”
There are a few moments in everyone’s lives when they learn the true meaning of a thing for the very first time — elation, pride, stomach-twisting guilt, and… fear. True fear, the kind of fear that shakes the muscle from your bones and sends them tingling, threatens to overwhelm you with numbness. Fear, that pushes adrenaline through you like a drug, forces the world into a terrifying, all-consuming focus.
Sanji feels the fear coursing through him, wild and contentious at your words.
A wedding.
Your wedding? Perhaps?
He can’t bear to think of it; he’s so terrified he can barely breathe.
Then comes the moment after, the wave of everything else that the fear had washed away — confusion, anger, guilt (always guilt, for some reason), because isn’t he supposed to be happy for you? For you, the person he loves most in this entire world, to find love, to know happiness. He should. He should.
Sanji sags back against the hard, metal counter. Almost mindlessly, he reaches into his pockets with shaking hands, digging around for a smoke.
Your breath is soft in his ear, too far across the phone line and a thousand miles of ocean.
“I originally wasn’t even planning on going — she’s not a very close friend — we had like one class together but —”
And within the span of a minute, Sanji also learns relief. The kind that melts the world around you into sizzling butter and champagne bubbles. The kind that makes you want to lie down on the ground and scream.
“— it was so close to your restaurant so I said yes but I didn’t know he was gonna be there and —”
You’re still talking, rambling like you do. And it takes nearly everything inside Sanji to pull himself back to the conversation.
“Sorry, love, who did you say was gonna be there?”
“My ex — you know the one —”
Sanji grimaces, flicking on his lighter with still-shaking fingers.
“Mm, yeah I do. The tall, dark-haired bastard who —”
“Yeah well — he’s gonna be there too and I just —” he hears you swallow hard and take a long, steadying breath. An unnameable something is calcifying in the depths of his stomach as he waits for you to collect yourself.
Curiosity? Why had you called like this, so suddenly, about a wedding where your ex was going to be? Concern? Were you thinking of going back to him?
But slowly, as you stutter through your next few words, the unnameable thing obtains a name — dread.
“— I just don’t think I could do it myself, y’know? And — and you were the one who got me out of it wh-when I decided to break it off with him so…”
Sanji takes a long drag of his cigarette and casts his eyes up at the high, white-slabbed ceiling of the kitchen, scored with long strips of bright, fluorescent lighting that floods the entire room in a direct, unforgiving glow.
He closes his eyes and counts to three.
“Course I’ll come with you, darlin’. It —” he wets his lips, taps off a bit of ash from his cigarette, and sucks in through his nose, clearing his throat of the words still lodged there, “— it’d be my honor.”
Relief — he hears it in your voice, and by gods he can almost see it — the way your whole face would light up, washed as if by the setting sun, your eyes wide and dark, your cheeks flushing his favorite fucking shade of pink and —
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really owe you for this one —”
Sanji makes a valiant effort at a nonchalant chuckle; it comes out sounding like a dog with a bit of bone stuck in its throat instead.
“Nonsense — what are best friends for, anyway?”
There’s a tiny pause where Sanji can feel the words best friend scraping along the insides of his mouth, barbed and harsh, leaving his tongue feeling raw and metallic.
“You really are the best friend anyone could ask for,” your voice is soft and honest and Sanji wants nothing more than to chuck his phone into the industrial blender.
You tell him that you’ll send him the details, that you can’t wait to see him soon, that you’ve got a world and a half of catching up to do, that you’ll buy him so, so many drinks, and that you’ll come bearing presents. He laughs at the right times, makes soft noises of consent and agreement, and when finally, finally you tell him goodbye, he clicks off the phone and takes another long drag of his smoke.
And then, he whips his hand back and throws the cigarette butt into the large sink, where it tinks against the metal and sizzles sadly in the murky dishwater.
“Real sucker for punishment, aren’tcha, lil’ eggplant?”
Sanji groans, turning around to find Zeff with his arms folded, the hip to his bad leg propped against a counter.
“Will you fuck kindly off — can’t you see I’m going through a thing here?”
Zeff snorts, clunking unevenly towards him.
“You been going through that thing for the last year and a half since you chickened outta askin’ her to stay so —”
“I didn’t chicken out — I — it was her dream to go to Florence and study —”
“And what was your dream then, ey?”
Sanji bangs his palm against the counter and sighs, “It’s not like I could leave you here with —”
“With what? A thriving restaurant business that I started? A guest list out the door and round the corner —”
“I — I helped!”
Zeff rolls his eyes, “Ah sure ya did, but I never asked you to, did I?”
Sanji huffs, pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth to stop the torrent of horrible, sad, acrid things he could say and could never mean, so he swallows them back down. When he looks up next, Zeff is still standing there, but there’s a softness around his eyes.
He opens his mouth a few times, but eventually, all he says is, “The oven’s over heatin’.”
Sanji swears and jumps up to tug open the oven door. A wave of hot air whooshes out and nearly catches him in the face. Behind him, he can hear Zeff’s dark, gravelly chuckle, and the dull clunk of his wooden leg.
“You burn the kitchen down, you pay for it.”
And then he’s gone again, leaving the door swinging behind him, and Sanji very much alone with the too-hot oven and a counter full of things he can’t really remember the recipes for anymore.
Nearly a week later, Sanji finds himself standing at the airport, rocking on the balls of his feet, nearly in the exact same place as he’d been a year and a half prior. Except this time, you’re not walking away from him. You’re walking back towards him. He wonders if there’s a name for deja-vu in reverse and comes to the realization that that’s just called… a memory.
And memory seems to work in strange ways now, images superimposing themselves on top of one another — the flicker of a film lens, the bat of an eyelash, the shadow of a smile crimping the corner of your lips. All of this, he sees in the here and now, but he sees it in the air around you too, shimmering and mirage-like — all his memories and dreams of you layered over the shape of you. Your memory like a ghost of itself, trailing behind you as you walk towards him, a shy smile on your face, your cheeks flushed from travel and the cold and —
He doesn’t let himself hope. Not this time.
“Hey!” your voice is just as bell-like as he remembers it, pitched a little higher than it usually is, probably out of nervousness. But it still feels like a kick to the guts. Sanji forces himself to smile.
“Hi, love,” he says, leaning down as you reach him, but the motion aborts halfway because — is it still appropriate to hug you like he’d always done? To press his lips to your cheek or your hairline and revel in the bright citrus of your shampoo, to soak in the butter and cream of your skin like he used to?
There’s an awkward half-second pause before you’re standing up on tip-toe and Sanji’s heart nearly drops out of his ass as you lean in. But then — your lips skim by his cheek and your arms are around him, and stupid, stupid, stupid heart — thundering in his chest like horses or hooves or fists or thumping rabbit’s feet — leaping into his throat and pattering against the base of his tongue as he wraps his arms around you and holds you close. But it’s not close enough. It’s never close enough.
He breathes and distantly, a part of him notes that you still use the same shampoo.
“Hi…” your voice is warm by his ear, a bit muffled, but he can’t help the way it makes him shiver, “It’s… so good to see you.”
He nods, not trusting his own voice to do the normal thing and, oh, you know — work.
“I’ve — I’ve missed you.”
He makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a cough as he nods again. He feels your arms slackening around him and a fierce, terrifying thing is flapping its wings in his stomach, screeching at him not to let you go. But he does — like he did before.
“I — I missed you too,” he says, though his voice sounds flat and scratchy and he clears his throat again.
A dozen different expressions flicker across the lovely planes of your face and finally, it settles on endeared exasperation.
“Please don’t tell me you still work through like three packs of smokes a day.”
Sanji laughs then, shaking his head as he reaches over for your luggage, “Nah — well, maybe not three but —”
You whack him softly on the arm.
“I actually tried to quit right after you left.”
“You did?”
Sanji shrugs as the pair of you start to make for the exit. He feels your gaze go slanted and shrewd.
“How long’d that last?”
He smirks, “Few hours.”
You whack him again and this time, he dodges out of the way just to bask in the bright spark of your laughter as you chase after him.
“Seriously though, you know how terrible they are for you!”
“Sure do,” he says, tugging one out of his pocket as soon as he clears the airport doors, pivoting left towards the parking garage. You have to jog to keep up with his longer strides, your breaths misting the air between you in silvery puffs.
He makes no move to light it as he helps toss your luggage into the trunk of his car, sliding into the driver’s seat. You huff as you wiggle into the passenger’s side.
“Then why —”
Sanji waits patiently for you to buckle your seatbelt before pulling out of the parking space, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting soft against the middle console. He slates you a glance.
“Cause,” he says, fixing his eyes back on the road, an easy smirk twisting his lips, “it’s a metaphor.”
You groan, sinking into the seat, “Just because you read John Green one time —”
“Oi, I’ll have you know I read his entire bibliography after you showed him to me.”
“Ugh, whatever you manic-pixie-dreamgirl-loving ass.”
“Yeah, whatever — you actual manic pixie dreamgirl.”
You smile and Sanji allows himself the brief and aching delusion that the past year and a half didn’t happen, that you never left, and that you’d never leave. That you’d always be here, warm and laughing and just within reach.
The rest of the car ride is spent in mundane conversation, in how was your flight and tell me about Florence and how’s Zeff doing these days and I wanna know about your latest dish. It’s light and easy, and Sanji lets it warm the air around him. By the time he pulls into the front of your hotel, all the unsaid words from the past year and a half have soaked through his socks and into his shoes. It sloshes out onto the pale pavement as he opens the car door.
He helps you roll your luggage up into the lobby and tells you he’ll be here at 3PM to pick you up tomorrow. The venue’s just three blocks away.
“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” you say, pursing your lips, waving as he backpedals towards the automatic doors.
“You’ve still gotta send me pictures of the dress you’re wearing — I gotta find a matching tie.”
You laugh, a bit embarrassed, “Right — and here I thought I might surprise you.”
Sanji freezes, eyes wide.
“O-oh! Er — well, you can just — just tell me what color or —” he waves vaguely, “send a picture of a corner of the dress — just so I have something to color match against —”
You nod, eyes glittering, eager once more, “Oh! That’s a good idea — I’ll do that.”
“Great,” Sanji says.
“Great!” you echo, perhaps a bit too chipper.
He gives you one last smile before turning and striding from the hotel, firing up the engine as calmly as he can, forcing himself not to turn and check if you’re still watching him through the brightly lit, sliding glass doors. He allows himself a glance through the rear-view mirror as he pulls away from the drive and his heart skips a beat when he realizes you’re still standing there, right in the middle of the lobby, fingers wrapped around the handle of your suitcase, your eyes fixed on the shadow of his retreating car.
He lights the smoke the second he turns the corner, your shadow no longer in his rear-view mirror.
That night, Sanji dreams in fits and leaps, flashing images and long, sticky streams of could-have-beens —
He dreams of your laughter in a white-tiled kitchen, of powdered sugar and eggshells cracked and leaking on an exposed wood counter, chopsticks clinking against a thick glass mixing bowl. He dreams of your voice echoing off the shower tiles as you sing off-key, the way you used to when you’d sneak into his college dorm for movie night and a midnight snack. He dreams of coffee mugs and errant rose petals and dandelion seeds blowing in the wind. He dreams of dancing with you in his arms in a darkened dorm room that morphs into a bigger room with a softer carpet, one that he’d never seen before but he knows implicitly (like bodies know) is his home — it has pictures on the walls, trinkets lining the far bookshelf, your favorite scarf draped over the back of the well-worn sofa.
In the dream, you pull your head back from where it's pillowed against his shoulder and smile up at him. He leans down to kiss you, his lips hovering half an inch from yours.
Sanji jerks awake to the sound of his alarm, fingers fumbling for his phone, groaning as he smashes the orange snooze button and flips over to bury his face back into his lumpy pillow.
“Ah… fuck.”
It’s not the first time he’s had that dream, and he knows it won’t be the last. But it’d been so real that night, real enough to make him wonder if it just might come true.
He rubs at his sleep-crusted eyes and peers blearily at all the notifications on his screen. There’s a text from you with a picture attached. He clicks it open to find a short message attached to the picture — I really did want to surprise you…
He blinks for three seconds at what looks like a blurry picture of studded black silk before he remembers —
“Send me a picture of a corner of the dress — just so I have something to color match against.”
He allows himself a laugh, swinging his feet out of bed even as he types back — you coulda just told me it was black…
He watches the three little dots appear and disappear a few times, chewing on his bottom lip, before the text appears — well there are different shades of black, right???
Sanji laughs, shaking his head.
sure there are.
A string of tongue-out emojis, followed by an equally long string of middle-finger emojis.
He spends the rest of the morning fussing over which specific black tie to wear before settling on one that he’s quite sure is the exact same shade of black as your dress (and yes, he does have quite the collection of black ties), before tugging his best suit out to press.
It shouldn’t feel so easy, slipping back into the rhythm of things, of texting and smiling and hearing your voice in his head when he reads your texts. It shouldn’t feel so easy to forget the months of radio silence and guilt, the oppressive, resonant weight of what might have been if either of you had done a single thing different that day at the airport — he wonders if he should’ve reached for your hand, he wonders if you’d ever looked back.
He hadn’t. He couldn’t let himself.
He is waiting for you in the lobby at 2:45, wearing a hole into the plush Persian carpet, collecting strained looks from the concierge who had assured him three times in the last four minutes that he’d already rung up to your room and that you’d said you were on your way.
“Wow, you’re early — sorry I took a while — I couldn’t figure out what to do with my hair and —“
Sanji lifts his head and thinks distantly that all those rom-com cliches of a guy looking up, time itself slackening, the room smearing sideways around him, the music going slow, the lighting soft — all of it is painfully, startlingly true after all.
Because there you are, walking towards him, still saying something, but he can’t make out the words anymore because time isn’t really a thing anymore, is it? He can’t focus on that and also the dark glimmer of your dress, the way the neckline skates just beneath your collarbones, barely skimming the skin there before it slips down along the slope of your shoulders in a way that makes his breath unspool inside his chest like loose threads.
And in the slanted, ethereal light of the winter afternoon, your dress looks like it’s cut from a swath of darkest midnight, moonless and scattered with stars.
You blush as Sanji attempts to pick his jaw up off the floor and hitch his lips into something resembling a smile.
“W-wow… you look…”
Your smile is shy as you press your palms against the dress, looking down, “Thanks… you don’t think it’s… too much?”
Sanji shakes his head, feeling dazed.
“No! I mean — it’s —“ his mouth is dry, drier than he ever remembers it being, and suddenly it’s very hard to swallow and Sanji isn’t even sure the muscles in his neck know how to perform the action, let alone force words out alongside it. He struggles for another few seconds, his jaw working furiously as his eyes skitter down and back up the shape of you.
“You look… perfect,” he says, finally, because the word has been ricocheting around his chest like a stray bullet and he had to let it out somehow.
“Thanks — you don’t look so bad yourself,” you say, your voice breathy in a way that makes Sanji’s stomach squeeze.
He offers you his arm, and you glide forward to take it.
He drives the three blocks to the wedding venue in a daze, his mind spinning slow and off-axis, tilted so by the gentle waft of your perfume, the lullaby of your voice as you chatter nervously about this and that and the weather, I mean, can you believe it’s gonna be an outdoor wedding in the winter? He wonders briefly why you’re so nervous, and then he’s reminded of the reason he’s even here at all — your ex will be here. Ah. Right.
“Ready?” he asks, offering you his arm again as the both of you follow the meandering stream of arriving guests toward the paved outdoor garden area where the ceremony is due to take place.
“No, but… you’re here so…” you let out a breath and for a second, Sanji almost thinks he hears the hint of an ache in your voice. An ache like an old scab picked at too many times, like unrequited love, perhaps. It’s an ache with which Sanji is so intimately familiar that he immediately tamps it down and vows not to think about it again for the rest of the night.
There are stiff-backed waiters wandering around with plates of hors d’oeuvres and thin flutes of bubbling pink champagne.
Sanji grabs two glasses and hands you one.
“Cheers, then.”
“Bottoms up,” you say, tossing back the entire flute in one.
Sanji cocks his eyebrows, grinning as he follows suit, smacking his lips.
“Alright then, I guess if that’s how you’re playin’ —”
Your laughter is light, if a little strained, but he remembers how quickly bubbly drinks tend to go to your head and makes a concerted effort to slow down. You make it all the way through the actual ceremony without bumping into your ex, though you do lean over and grab Sanji’s hand as the bride and groom exchange vows — something about love being a choice, one that they promise to make every morning of every day for the rest of their lives — and he looks over to find you misty-eyed, bottom lip caught beneath your teeth.
“Sap,” he whispers, leaning over. It earns him a choked laugh and a half-hearted elbow in the ribs, but it’s worth it to see the tension melt from your shoulders.
Sanji turns back towards the bride and groom, exchanging rings now, and unbidden comes the images of you and him standing where they are — you in a dazzling white gown, him still in a dark suit, but one perhaps of more expensive material and much better tailoring. He thinks about all the things he might promise you, wonders at what you might promise him in return —
“I promise to love and cherish you —” you might say.
“I promise to make all your favorite foods,” he might say.
“I promise not to touch your emotional support le creuset pans.”
“I promise not to make you taste all my experimental dishes —”
“Okay, but what if I want to —”
He imagines the way the crowd would titter, how the officiator would affectionately clear his throat. He imagines Zeff’s warm, well-worn laughter, rough and a little torn at the edges because he’s just as sentimental as the next guy behind all the beard and gruffness. He imagines the crowd smiling up at the pair of you, the way you’d squeeze his hands to get the both of you back on track —
He jerks out of his reverie as you tug your hand away from his to clap, and it takes him a beat to realize that everyone else is clapping and cheering too. He blinks — the bride and groom are kissing, pulling apart as the music swells around them and they link hands to walk back down the aisle.
Sanji clears his throat and hurriedly gets up to clap as well, his eyes trailing the radiant smiles on both the newlyweds’ faces. Another sharp ache sings through him but he feels your hand in his again and he can’t tell if he wants to grip you tighter or pull away. They’d both hurt just as much, wouldn’t they?
“C’mon, let’s get inside — I wanna judge the catering with you,” you whisper, your breath tickling his cheek, and he knows without having to look that you’re standing on your tiptoes, your chin almost propped on his shoulder.
He fights down a bout of shivers and smiles, “My favorite part of any formal event, honestly.”
You laugh, “I know — me too.”
So you spend the entire dinner service whispering to each other about the food —
“God, this steak is so well done I think it just might dislocate my jaw —”
“What’s in this sauce?”
Sanji chews thoughtfully before making a face, “Dunno, but it’s got oregano.”
“Oh the cake looks good though.”
“Yeah, but we both know how much sugar and butter goes into that right?”
You nudge him with an elbow, “Weird, cause I’m pretty sure happiness is also made of sugar and butter.”
“Well for me, it’s always been…” but Sanji trails off, biting his tongue. No. He can’t say that — not now. Not here.
Because for him, happiness has always just been you.
So instead, he swallows passed his own mouthful of regrets and attempts a lopsided grin. And thankfully, your attention is drawn elsewhere by a loud peal of laughter before he has to make a shitty joke about happiness being a well-lit kitchen and a gas-lit stove.
You’re both at least a bottle of champagne deep when it finally happens, inevitable as a summer storm — your ex saunters up to you on the dance floor, sporting a grease-slick grin, eyeing you up and down like a piece of well-cut meat. Sanji is at the bar, grabbing more drinks and you’re catching a breath of fresh air just outside the dance hall.
“Well, well, well — look who it is.”
Sanji turns sharply at the sound of the voice, his eyes narrowing — Asshat. Fantastic. The bartender is putting the finishing touches on two custom cocktails but blinks, confused, as Sanji swipes both drinks out from the bar and casts him a hurried grin.
“Thanks mate, these look great,” Sanji raises the cocktail glasses at the bewildered bartender before hurrying off, slowing ever so slightly as he reaches you, straightening his spine and smoothing out his shoulders.
“Here, got them special-made for you,” he says, pressing the cocktail into your hand, cutting into something that Asshat is saying.
“Oh! Thanks — oh wow, this looks so good!” you beam up at him, taking a sip.
“Oh wow, didn’t know you were still hangin’ out with this guy,” Asshat says, hooking his thumbs into his belt-hoops and jutting out his chin.
You frown, pressing your lips, “Excuse me?”
Asshat scoffs, posturing, “I mean, when we broke up, it was cause o’him right? So I just thought you might’ve realized what a mistake that was and —”
Sanji barely has the time to feel offended before Asshat is gasping and stumbling back. You’d tossed the remainder of your drink straight into his face.
“What the —” Asshat sputters, his fists clenching, but quick as anything, Sanji swipes out a leg that catches him right in the shins and makes him stumble. In one fluid movement, Sanji pushes his own drink into your hand before reaching out the other arm to steady the now flailing Asshat, catching him around the shoulders.
“Whoa there! Seems like you’ve had a bit too much to drink, my friend!” he says, loud enough for the people around you to hear. He thumps Asshat on the back in a would-be kind gesture before tugging him close, still coughing, and hissing in his ear —
“Listen here, you asswipe — you’re gonna turn around and walk away and stay the fuck away from us for the rest of this wedding, you understand? I’ve got plenty more o’this for ya if you don’t, got it?”
Sanji scuffs his foot along the gravel-covered ground in a motion that could easily be mistaken as fidgeting, but you know better. And so, it seems, does Asshat, who scoffs and shoves Sanji off him with a glare, but after another second, straightens his drink-soaked jacket, turns, and stalks away.
You let out a long breath, swallowing hard.
“Hey darlin’… you alright?” Sanji turns and bends down to level his eyes with yours.
“Y-yeah — thanks — you didn’t need to —”
“Nah. Course I did — it’s why you invited me, right?” he allows himself a lopsided grin that borders on self-deprecating and you look up, eyes wide.
“No! I — that’s not —”
“It’s okay, love — I promise I’m not offended —” Sanji’s babbling, he knows he is — but he has to, because the alternative of letting you speak, of letting you confirm what he already knows to be true (that you’ve only ever seen him as a best friend, that you love him in all the ways except for the one way he wants you to, in the one way he loves you) is too much. He tucks his hands in his pockets and shrugs up his shoulders, pulling them up towards his ears like armor.
And then you lean in and kiss him, and every single word he’s ever thought of saying just to fill the silence turns to mist and mornings on his tongue. His mind turns blissfully blank and when he regains consciousness (or has he? Because isn’t this the dream he’s dreamt every waking moment of his life for the past… however many years?), he thanks every god he can name that he feels his fingers in your hair, his other hand cupping the soft curve of your jaw. He tastes your uncertainty against his lips and presses in, hoping, praying that if he just kissed you hard enough you might understand.
When you pull away, he can’t help the satisfied purr that curls up his chest at the pinkness in your cheeks and the slightly glazed-over look in your eyes.
“O-oh — sorry I —”
Sanji shakes his head, leaning in to push his forehead against yours.
“Nah, nah, nah — if you tell me that was a mistake now I might just turn around and never speak to you ever again — because don’t you dare —”
You let out a helpless laugh, shaking your head as you reach up to cover his hands with yours. It’s only then that he realizes they’d been shaking. He swallows and he thinks he can taste every single morning after for the rest of his goddamn life in the whisper of your breath.
“It — it’s not, I wasn’t —” you close your eyes and Sanji holds you still, foreheads still pressed. Distantly, Sanji is aware that people are cheering, that more drinks are being poured, that the dance floor is probably a mess. But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t think he’ll care about anything else ever again — why would he? Now that he’s got you.
“Shh… take your time, love… we’ve got all the time in the world.”
He feels the relief take you, and then you’re falling into him, burying your face in the lapel of his suit jacket, probably smearing it with your foundation. Vaguely, Sanji considers framing it when he gets home.
“I’m… I’m sorry it took so long — I’m sorry I didn’t — that I wasn’t…” you curl your fist into the material of his shirt and thump him lightly on the chest, even as he laughs and wraps his arms around you.
“I know, darlin’… I know.” Sanji presses his lips into your hair and can’t help a smile.
Finally. Finally.
Your hair smells like citrus shampoo.
“I thought about you every single day,” you admit, your voice small when you finally pull back to look at him again. He thinks there might be tears in your eyes, or maybe it’s just the starlight caught in the thick night sky of your lashes.
“Did you now?” he asks, fumbling for some semblance of normalcy amidst this night of revelations.
You nod, fervently, and god he wants to kiss you again. Briefly, he wonders if he should, if he’s allowed to now. Instead, he smiles and cocks his head.
“So? What changed?” and he can’t help the tiny note of hurt out of his voice, the slightest shiver of disbelief. After all, cynicism is a hard habit to break.
Especially after so many years of practice.
You shrug, sighing, “Nothing — everything. I mean — I’d always… but then I thought — you had your career as a chef and I didn’t even know what I wanted to do with my life. But it —” you lick your lips, and Sanji nearly breaks when you tear your eyes away from his. He wants to force you back, to soak in the dark and bright of your gaze till he can see the world exactly as you see it.
“It’s always been you…” you say.
At this, Sanji does break. He tips your face towards him with a thumb and a forefinger and leans in, waiting for you to pull back, bracing for it. But you don’t — instead, you press in and close the space between you again, and again, and then again.
He wants to tell you — he needs to tell you that it’s always been you too, that there’s never been anyone else. From the moment he first laid eyes on you, he’s known, even though both of you were children back then, and neither of you had any idea what “love” actually meant. He knew then, too.
“Love…” his voice trails off, but you smile, and he knows you know, knows that you can hear it in the rawness behind his voice, in the softness of his breath, in the way it shakes.
You make to kiss him again. But your lips hover half an inch from his and you stop. Sanji sighs.
“What — why’d you stop?”
Your smile is sweet and sharp, honey glinting on a razor’s edge, and he knows that he has you. And maybe that he’s always had you and was just too blind, too terrified, to see it.
“Haven’t you heard? It’s a metaphor.”
Sanji groans, “Fuck your metaphors.”
You bat your lashes, pulling an expression of mock affront onto your face.
“Well at least wine me and dine me first —”
Sanji licks his lips, “What’dyou think I’ve been trying to do for the last ten years?”
Your breath catches.
Sanji smirks and kisses you again, slowly this time, languid and deep. Unhurried. He luxuriates in the way you go soft in his arms, in the way he can feel the gentle hitch of your breath as he runs his tongue along the edges of your teeth, coaxing you towards him, closer and closer and closer.
The hardest, angriest part of him wants to swallow you whole, bite down just to hear you hiss, to taste your blood on his tongue. To make you feel even a sliver of the pain he’d felt. He tamps it back down — there’s time for that later.
Instead, he forces himself to pull back and allows himself the satisfaction of watching you chase him, pursing your own lips with a bashful look away, your cheeks dark.
“So,” Sanji takes half a step back, puffing out his chest in the best imitation of a fuckboy at a wedding party, “wanna get outta here?”
You let out a helpless laugh, falling into his side. He lets the sound ring through him like so many silver bells.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
He chuckles, looping an arm around your middle and leaning towards your ear.
“Your place, or mine?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m pretty sure I still have a toothbrush at your place.”
Sanji hums, “You still have a whole drawer at my place.”
You smile up at him, open and happy and sincere, “Then… I guess that’s your answer then.”
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hyunniesgirl · 6 months
Another Love | Part 4
Summary: you've been hopelessly in love with Han since you were children. One night you confess your feelings to him.
Words count: 6,639
Warnings for this chapter: angst(as usual)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
A/N: I'm sorry it took me a bit longer to write this part, I'm just in a weird place right now. I'm doubting a lot about my skills as a writer and that leads me to believe everything I write sucks so this was a bit harder to write, I hope you all like it though.
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Jisung has been dreaming about you lately. Going back to every little memory he has with you, watching all the signs you gave him while he was oblivious to you, to your feelings.
It's been almost a week since Han ended things with Lia. The things she said are still stuck in his head, he can't be in love with you. Not after rejecting you. Not after everything you went through to get over him. Not now, when you're happy with someone else.
Things are going back to the way they were before, except that now your roles are reversed, he's the one hanging on your every word and movement, all the little details about you look fascinating to him. He's never felt this way before.
You're not avoiding him anymore. Things fell into place slowly, you started having dinner together again, talking about your day. Then you got back to making coffee for him in the morning, waking him up with the nice scent so he wouldn't be too grumpy woking up so early.
He has a mission now: to stop these strange thoughts he's having. Even if he is indeed feeling this way about you, he lost his chance. He knows he did. Right now, he wants to focus on being a good friend to you, the same as he was before the confession happened.
Jisung just didn't expect how he would feel seeing you with Jeongho again. You invited all your friends to dinner in a nice restaurant, to officially introduce your boyfriend to everyone.
This must be how you felt seeing him with all his previous partners, you must have felt this ache in your chest, as if someone was holding your heart and squeezing it to their heart's content.
You look pretty, hair tied in a ponytail and a dress he never saw before, maybe it's a gift from your boyfriend, he wouldn't know. He avoids talking about your relationship, too selfish to handle the same pain you did for so many years.
Your friendship is getting back to what it was, even though he screwed up really badly, you were the bigger person and forgave him, so he has no right feeling this way about you.
Jisung knows it would be better for you and for him if you didn't come back to the apartment but he's too greedy, he wants you close to him.
This whole problem began because he was greedy, afterall. He didn't want to stay away from you, then he hurt you again and again trying to fix things. Now he just wants to make things right, he just wants you to be happy.
You're smiling so brightly it actually makes his heart skip a beat. He sips from his drink, trying to calm his heart a bit and watch as the others try to make small talk.
“So how did you meet y/n?” Chan asks Jeongho.
“I had the biggest crush on her in middle school but she mercilessly rejected me”, Jeongho answers, looking at you and smiling playfully.
“I thought he had lost a bet or something”, you defend yourself.
“Why would you think that?” Han asks, surprised and you stare at him for a second before shrugging. Of course Jisung was not the only reason for you to reject Jeongho, you were just learning about your feelings at that time. You just couldn't get your head around why someone older and handsome like Jeongho would want to have anything to do with you.
“Y/N was one of the prettiest girls in our school”, Han comments, not understanding why you would feel like that.
He always thought you were pretty, that's why he always complimented you and gave you clothes saying they would look good on you.
“I think teenagers are just insecure. I guess it's part of growing up”, you sip from your wine glass.
Jisung never thought you were insecure about anything by the way you carried yourself with your head high, always so sure about everything you put your mind into. Maybe there's too much he doesn't know about you.
The rest of the dinner goes well, your friends are being nice and trying to make Jeongho comfortable, you're happy about it. Everything seems to be falling into place with your best friend by your side being his normal self and your boyfriend, the guy you're falling in love with being just perfect. Your heart is finally healing, you're moving on, things are working out. You couldn't wish for anything else, you just want things to stay like this forever.
“Are you happy?” Jisung asks when you're outside the restaurant, Jeongho stepped out to take a call from work and left you and your friends alone. One by one they called it a night, saying their goodbyes and leaving you and Han alone.
You stare at him for a moment before answering.
“Yes, I am”, you're not sure why he wants to know and not even sure why you're thinking so much before answering.
Jisung smiles, a sincere and bright smile.
“I'm glad”, he says, “I want you to be happy”
You are a bit taken aback, you didn't expect him to react this way, he almost sounds like a grown up now.
“Thanks, I-”
“I'm sorry I kept you waiting”, Jeongho's voice cuts you out. He slides his arm over your shoulders pulling you closer.
“I should get going”, Jisung says, turning his gaze away from you and your boyfriend.
“Aren't you going home?” You ask and he shakes his head, he's not sure if he can stay at the same place with you two for much longer. “Oh, are you going to Lia's?”
There's not a bit of discomfort in your face, so he just nods. He's not sure if now is the best moment to tell you about his situation with Lia.
“Okay, see you tomorrow then”, you hesitate, not sure if it's appropriate, but you try not thinking too much, throwing your arms around him, squeezing him into a hug. You would never think twice about hugging him before your confession, there's no need for you to make it awkward now.
You're trying to get things back to the way they were and Jisung notices that, he's grateful. So the only thing he can do is wrap his arms around your waist, hugging you back.
Jisung didn't want to lie, but he's afraid it may be uncomfortable to you if he says he's not with Lia anymore. And he's afraid you'll be able to see right through him, see that he is giving in to the strange feelings he's trying so hard to avoid.
He ends up sleeping on Chan's couch, if he could call that ‘sleeping’. Everytime he closes his eyes, you show up in his mind, smiling, making a joke, just looking at him. Everytime he finally managed to fall asleep, you would be there, together with your boyfriend, giggling and kissing him while Jisung just watched. He would wake up sweating and stare at the ceiling for at least ten minutes before trying to sleep again.
After pondering what he wanted to do from now on, Jisung decided he should have some closure with Lia. He didn't like the way things ended with her, he really liked her until a certain point and above all, she is a good person. Even though he didn't want to, he ended up hurting her and he should apologize for that.
Awkward. That's the best word to explain the situation that Jisung finds himself in right now. Lia is on the other side of the table, glaring at him like she could kill him with the power of her mind.
“What is it that you want?” She asks, coldly.
He clears his throat, trying to gather some courage.
“I want to apologize”, he says, “I shouldn't have lead you on even though I already knew something was not right”, sighing he looks at her, biting his lower lip, “I'm just… confused, I ended up hurting you in the middle of this mess and I'm really sorry”
Lia looks at his eyes, staring deeply. She can feel his sincerity but she's not sure if only an apology is enough to make up for the pain he caused. She's not crazy, she knows people can't control how they feel most of the time. Maybe if he just admits he likes you, she'll feel at ease.
“So, have you finally accepted that you're in love with y/n?”
Jisung thinks for a bit, trying to put what he is feeling into words.
“I don't know if love is the right word”, he says, fidgeting with his fingers, “but I'm feeling some weird things around her, when she smiles or laughs, or even when she's doing nothing”, he covers his mouth with his hand in a slap, wide eyes, realizing he is talking about being in love with someone else with the girl that likes him.
Lia chuckles.
“It's alright, I'm pretty sure that's the definition of love though”, she sighs looking at Jisung. “Maybe you never felt that before”
It's not easy for her to be kind and comprehensive at the moment, but it's not like being mean is going to make him like her back. She's not actually even sure if she wants that anymore. Maybe her heart just accepted things ended, maybe she was already preparing herself for this since Han started acting differently, but the pain is not as great as she thought it would be. Maybe seeing him naively admitting his feelings made her have some sympathy for the mess he made of his relationship with you, maybe she didn't like him as much as she thought.
Since the beginning, there were too many maybes in this relationship. Lia knows she deserves better, she deserves someone who's sure about her, no maybes.
“I think I can forgive you, yeah”, she chuckles seeing Jisungs shocked face, “not now, obviously”, with a sigh, she looks deeply into his eyes, “you were always great to me before things started going wrong and I know you're not a bad person”, she stands up, “I'm actually feeling bad for you, with the mess you created I have no idea how you're going to fix it, but I'll cheer for you”, she puts her hand in his shoulder, squeezing it in reassurance. Lia leaves Jisung there, stuck in his head once more. At least that is something they both have in common, because he sure doesn't know how he's going to keep these strange feelings under control while fixing his relationship with you.
If Jisung had to rate his acting skills, he would be proud to say he deserves an award. He's succeeding at pretending not to be in love with you while maintaining a healthy friendship.
It's almost the same as it was before, except Jisung has to watch his every move. He's trying to act normal while trying to crush the onslaught of feelings in his chest everytime you laugh at one of his jokes, or when you just talk about your very normal day.
You both do your things during the day, have dinner together and talk or watch something before sleeping, that's your routine when Jeongho is not visiting.
You've been watching your phone lately, more than usual, is there something wrong? He's sure you're just waiting for Jeongho's call. Jisung has lost count of how many nights he spent listening to your laughs on the phone with your boyfriend, wishing it was him making you happy like that.
It's true, he's struggling. He's not sure how you managed to like him for so long without freaking out, because he's about to collapse and it's been just about a month since he came to terms with his feelings.
He feels bad just thinking about how much you must have suffered because of him, before and after your confession. Guilt is eating him alive, along with heartbreak.
He's been watching you for a while now, you are washing the dishes while talking about these kids you tutor and how smart they are, he's staring at you with heart eyes—you're not seeing—while he dries the dishes.
“I'm sure they can only learn so fast because it's you teaching them”, Jisung says.
You giggle to his compliment, bumping a shoulder into his.
“Should we watch a movie before going to bed?” You ask, drying your hands on your apron.
“I'm actually kinda sleepy”, Jisung laughs, he can only keep his feeling bottled for so long, he doesn't want to get careless and blurt out everything. He knows that if he gets too comfortable he'll feel at ease and you were always too good at making him tell you what's on his mind.
“Let's do it another time then”, you shrug, taking your phone out of your pocket and smiling when the screen brightens with Jeongho's name.
Han feels his chest tighten, he wants to throw up, he wants to cry, he wants to plead for you to not like someone else. But he can't do any of those things, not when you're so happy. So he won't be selfish, he'll think about you first and keep his distance.
It's been almost a month since the last time you saw Jeongho. He was not able to come by on the usual weekends because the company he works for is opening a new branch somewhere and he is involved in the project.
He's been busy, texting less and not even calling, so you start getting insecure. What if he's getting cold feet about your relationship? Maybe he met someone more interesting who's near him.
No. Jeongho wouldn't be like that. He would break up if he didn't like you anymore, you know him enough to know that.
When he calls saying he's coming to see you, you feel excited once again. You knew you were mistaken, it's not right to presume the worst just because he's a bit more busy. It must be nothing.
You just can't shake the feeling that you were going through the calm before the storm and now the bad weather is finally coming.
He's waiting for you at the restaurant of the hotel he's staying in, Jeongho is fidgeting with his fingers nervously, looking around until his eyes land on you. You smile at him, waving at him but he doesn't smile back.
“Hey”, you say, dropping your bag on the chair and sitting, “is there something wrong?”
“I received a promotion”, he says suddenly, he doesn't look happy about it.
“That's great”, you smile, taking his hand into yours to hold it, not really understanding his reaction.
He stares at your hands together, taking a deep breath before speaking again.
“Actually, the company wants me to go to Europe”, Jeongho says, fidgeting with his hands.
“Oh”, you frown, “for how long?”
“They are not sure about the exact period, but-”, he clears his throat, looking around, “they are projecting it to be between five and eight years”, he replies, feeling his breathing quickening.
“They want you to move there?” You repeat it to yourself, trying to absorb the information.
“They are trying to make an entry in the European market, so a team is needed there to develop the new branch”
“Okay, yeah”, you feel dizzy, “we can work with that, hm, I can- we can visit each other”, you nod, trying to organize your thoughts.
“Y/N-”, Jeongho starts, his voice fails and he stops for a moment before continuing. “Long distance works right now because we are a 2 hour flight away from each other, not 12 hours”
“What are you saying?” You feel all the air in your lungs escape, knowing exactly what he means but choosing not to believe it.
“I don't think we can keep doing this, I'm not sure our relationship is going to survive and-”, he sighs, running his hand through his hair, “I won't ask you to come with me”
“Why not? Why won't you ask me?” You plead, feeling tears brimming in your eyes. It's not logical what you're asking of him, but you don't want to hurt anymore, not again.
“How could I? I can't make you leave your whole life here, your family, your friends or college to go to a country where you know no one but me”, he explains, “I’ll be in charge of a large project, I'll have to stay late probably everyday and you're going to stay alone, how could I do that to you?”
“Don't you think that's for me to decide?” You ask, feeling your hands shaking. You put them in between your legs, trying not to show him the sight of your broken heart.
“I can't- I can't carry that guilt with me”, he says, “not knowing how happy you are here, if you go with me and things end up not working out I could never forgive myself”
“What if things work out? What if we are happy together forever? Did you consider it for a moment?” You ask, he's not looking at you. Jeongho is trying to hold his own tears, trying to be strong for you, “I guess this relationship is not worth you considering it”, you stand up, grabbing your bag.
He lifts his eyes to look at him, finding your quivering lips and the tears flooding from your eyes.
“Well, good luck then”, you tell him, turning around and walking out.
After walking far enough from the hotel, you let yourself crouch on the floor, scaring the people walking by. You are sobbing, trying to wipe the tears from your eyes, but they keep coming continuously.
You stand up again, walking, what are you supposed to do now? When are things going to finally get better for you? Since you confessed to Jisung things got worse over and over, you should have never told him about your feelings, maybe your life would have stayed the same.
The hurt you felt seeing him with other people was a pain you were already used to, but this? This is excruciating, it's the same all over again, the same as when Jisung rejected you. Will you ever feel complete again?
It's 3 a.m, Jisung went to the studio to work for a bit and to try to forget about everything else. His phone buzzes in his pocket, when he looks at the screen, your name is there. He doesn't think twice about answering, just to find your drunk voice on the other side of the call. He can't understand a thing you're saying just that you'll share your location with him.
He grabs the keys to his car, running to the parking lot, he drives for about thirty minutes until arriving where you are. The bar is empty, there are only employees cleaning and you're laying on the counter, unconscious.
“It's been a while since we closed, but we let her stay inside since it looks like she went through something”, the bartender tells Han when he gets closer.
“Thank you”, Jisung says, before trying to wake you up with no success. He sighs, looking around and thinking about what to do.
He slides one of your arms around his neck, putting one of his hands behind your back for support and the other underneath your knees, lifting you up.
Your face is puffy, he can see it now that he's looking so closely, you probably cried a lot but what would make you cry like that?
Jisung glances at you a few times during the ride home. You groan, whining something in your sleep, even crying a bit. That makes him even more worried.
He repeats the process of picking you up when he parks in front of your apartment, carrying you inside. You whimper all the way to the apartment, he knows you can wake up at any moment.
Han sits you on your bed, taking your coat off and helping you lay down, covering you with a blanket after taking off your shoes. Your makeup is all smeared, so he picks a wet tissue and starts rubbing your face, trying to take off everything he can.
You open your eyes slowly, seeing Jisung with a focused expression while whipping your face.
“What are you doing?” You ask, making him jump. He was so concentrated he didn't even see you waking up.
“I was trying to take your makeup off”, he says, “it's not good for you to sleep with it on your face”
“How did I come home?” You look around, stumbling a bit over your words.
“You don't remember calling me?” He asks and you shake your head. “I went to the bar to pick you up”
Jisung is still whipping your face while he talks, that's when you remember why you were in the bar in the first place and tears run out of your eyes again.
“What happened? Why are you crying like this?” He asks worriedly, helping you sit on the bed.
“I don't- everything goes wrong for me”, you say, sobbing. “Maybe I'm the problem”
Jisung sighs, pulling you into a hug and holding you tightly, feeling your tears soak his shirt. He's worried and doesn't know what to do, should he call Hannah? Or Jeongho? Jisung knows you went to meet with him earlier… wait, did that guy do this to you?
After you stop sobbing for a while, Jisung realizes you fell asleep in his embrace. He lies you on the bed, covering you with the blanket once more. He leaves a glass of water and some hangover medicine on your nightstand so you can take in the morning and prepares his bed on the floor.
You wake up to the bright sunlight coming from the window, your head hurts like crazy and you're so thirsty it seems like a thousand years since you last drank something.
You take the hangover medicine and the water, while sitting down, still a bit dizzy. When your feet touch the floor, it's not the hard ground they meet but something soft. Why is Jisung sleeping by your bedside?
He doesn't look a bit comfortable, although he seems fast asleep. You start poking him, trying to make him wake up, causing your friend to jump and hold your arm.
“Are you alright?” He asks, eyes widened.
You frown at the sight, it's been a while since you last saw Jisung this startled.
“Yeah”, you answer and he can finally let out the breath he didn't even notice was being held. “Why are you sleeping on the floor?”
He looks around for a bit as if he didn't understand why you were asking such a thing.
“Oh, I- hm- I was afraid you would need something so I stayed here just in case”, he tells you and you nod.
It's not an uncommon occurrence for you two to do this kind of thing, even when you were living with your parents. When one of you got sick, it was a tradition to stay by each other's side until the other felt better.
When you moved in with him, naturally, your drinking habits grew since you didn't have to worry about your parents anymore. Jisung was responsible for taking care of you when you came home wasted after partying with Hannah or even when you drunk with him and the boys, he made sure to stay sober enough to still be able to take you home and help you get to your room safely.
“Oh”, you answer, “thank you”
He kept staring at you, waiting for something you're not sure what is.
“Do you want to talk about the reason you got wasted last night?” He asks, awkwardly and the pain comes back all at once.
It was so nice, the period of numbness after waking up from a deep sleep, you wish you could keep feeling that way. Now, your hands are trembling again, just like last night, tears are brimming in your eyes and your lips are quivering. It's obvious to Jisung, you're trying not to cry.
He gets up, collecting the things he used to sleep, without looking at you, he doesn't want to make you any more uncomfortable.
“We don't have to talk about it”, he says, putting the blanket and pillow back in your wardrobe. “Do you want me to call Hannah?” He asks and you stare at him for a moment, nodding to his question, not really wanting to look at your phone.
You're scared Jeongho contacted you, you don't want to see him. But more than anything, you're scared he didn't try talking to you at all, because that means everything is really over.
It's pathetic, you know that break ups happen. But Jeongho was the first guy to ever make you feel the closest to what you ever felt for Jisung, no other could do that and you're scared no one ever will.
Hannah gets to your place about an hour after Jisung called her. She's huffing, hair messed up and puffy face.
“Were you sleeping?” You ask her and she takes a deep breath, seeing that you're okay.
“I'm going to kill that guy”, she yells out of the door to your room, “he made it seems like you were dying or something”
“If I was dying I'm pretty sure he would have taken me to the hospital”, you point out.
Hannah rolls her eyes, dropping her bag on the floor. Closing the door, she walks slowly to sit on your bed, she can clearly see that you cried a lot.
“So, did something happen?” She asks, you avoid her gaze, looking at anything but her face. You find your fingers much more interesting than any part of this conversation, actually. So you pay attention to them, playing on your lap.
“It's nothing”, you answer.
Hannah sighs, if you don't want to talk about it, it means it's bad.
“We don't have to talk about it right now”, she stretches her hand, taking yours and squeezing it. “But you will have to talk about it eventually”
It's your time to sigh now, she's right, you know that, but talking about it makes it real and you don't want it to be real.
“Jeongho broke up with me”, you rip the bandaid all at once.
Hannah gasps, she's speechless. How can this be? She thought he was head over heels for you, so why?
“His company is sending him to Europe and he doesn't want to do long distance”, you feel the tears brimming into your eyes again, voice cracking, “or take me with him”
It's the first time in her life Hannah doesn't know what to say. Your love life is such a mess, worse than hers, so she doesn't have any advice or any comfort to give you.
“Honey, I…”, she tries, but what is she supposed to say? ‘I am sorry?’, that's not it, ‘he is an asshole?’ nothing of the sort.
Looking from outside the situation, Jeongho is being logical, they still are in their honeymoon phase of the relationship, everything is perfect at that time. For most people, problems start to arise after some time. However, when you're in love, you don't want logical outputs, you want what your heart wants.
Hannah is saved by a knock on the door. Han's head pops inside the room and he observes for a moment trying to assess the situation.
“I bought some things you like”, he says, “I'll be going out, so you have the apartment all to yourselves”
He wants you to feel comfortable right now, he doesn't know exactly what happened but you're sad. Jisung knows just letting you enjoy your afternoon with Hannah in the apartment is not going to make things better for whatever is making you feel so down, but he knows you are going to feel livelier after some time with Hannah.
He goes out with Hyunjin, who's buying a present for his mother. It's hot, so if his friend didn't ask very nicely he wouldn't have accepted to go to the mall, since they have to wear hoods and masks. The fact that you're home, crying your eyes out for something he has no clue about, made him want to go out too. It hurts seeing you sad and it's even worse because he can't do anything about it, not when he doesn't know what's happening.
They are looking at bags, maybe he should get you something? You are not really a materialistic person, he's not sure if giving you an expensive present is going to help at all, maybe he should get you that webtoon print you've been talking about, they should definitely have it in the bookstore next door.
When Jisung turns around to tell Hyunjin they should stop at the bookstore, he sees Jeongho. He's looking at bags too, trying to figure out which one he should choose.
Is he giving you a gift too? Maybe he did something and you fought, that's why you were crying so much. Even remembering the way you cried as soon as you woke up makes his heart ache.
Jisung walks to Jeongho, not sure how to initiate a conversation but he feels like he should try and help in some way.
“Hey”, he says, watching Jeongho turn around and look at him.
“Jisung, how are you doing?” He asks, arms crossed in front of chest.
“Fine, are you choosing a gift for y/n?” He asks, awkwardly, “I don't think she likes purple”, he points out observing the bags Jeongho was looking at.
“It's actually for my mother”, he clears his throat, frowning, “didn't y/n tell you?”
“Tell me what?” Jisung asks, confused and Jeongho nods.
“So she didn't”, he sighs, “we broke up”, he struggles to say it.
Jisung's eyes dart directly to Jeongho's face, now he can see the eyebags on his face and how tired he looks.
“Why?” Jisung panics, you shouldn't have to go through another heartbreak.
“I don't think it's something you should know about, if she didn't tell you”, Jeongho shrugs.
“Well, can't you fix it? Whatever it is that is wrong?” He asks, carefully.
Jeongho sighs, he wishes there was something he could do about it, but he's a coward who's too afraid of taking such a big step in the beginning of a relationship.
“I’m afraid I can't”, he says, “take care of her”
Jisung is speechless, he has no idea what to do, so he just watches as Jeongho chooses a gift and walks tiredly out of the store.
Jisung arrives after killing some time outside, he was out for almost the entire day and hopes that you could enjoy a bit of your day with Hannah. He doesn't know if he should bring up his encounter with Jeongho or if he should talk about what your, now ex, boyfriend told him.
He shouldn't mention it, if you didn't tell him about it, it's because you're not ready for you to know and he gets that. Han is not sure about what he's feeling. It hurts his heart to see you in so much pain but he doesn't want to overstep the boundaries you're setting.
So when he enters the house, he sees you and Hannah watching a movie, he greets you both and goes to his room. You clearly cried more since he left and he won't be able to stay in your presence without trying to comfort you.
Things are difficult for you at the moment. Even though your love for Jeongho never got to its full potential, it's still love. You're mourning what you could have had with him had things been different, you wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep anymore, feeling your chest hurting and remembering it's over.
It all sank in when he didn't contact you anymore, you're sure he's hurting too but you had hoped that you two could find a solution around this cruel puzzle.
“Should we go out?” Hannah asks while you're watching a drama, burying your sorrows in ice cream.
“I'm not really in the mood”, you say. You haven't cried for some time now, you're too tired, maybe your tears finally dried up.
“I know you don't feel like it”, Hannah sighs, looking at your apathetic face, worriedly, “but I think you should have some fresh air, you have been stuck in this apartment for a week now, it's not healthy”
You sigh, she's right, you know she is, but you can't really find the strength to doll up and go out.
“We don't have to go to a party or anything crowded”, she says, seeing the resigned look on your face. “We can just go to a cafe or something, anything”, she pleads.
You nod, sighing in defeat, maybe a walk can really lift your mood a bit.
Hannah jumps out of the sofa, taking the ice cream from your hands. She talks excitedly about what kind of things you two can do but can't really follow what she's saying, your head is still numb.
You walk around for a bit, looking at clothes in the stores nearby, doing just about anything to think of anything but your break up.
It's already night when you two decide to eat something, there's this restaurant that's kinda hidden so there's not many people eating when you arrive. It's not the first time you eat there, it's a nice and cozy place so you come by when you're needing a little bit of peace.
“Y/N?” You hear a familiar voice calling you, making you turn around to find Lia. She's smiling, there's a man accompanying her. “It's been a while”, she says after telling the man to look for a place for them to sit.
“Hey, yeah it does”, you smile politely. Lia can see the huge eyebags you have and the wide eyes your friend has looking at her.
“Are you alright?” She asks, noticing you barely touched your food.
“Yeah”, you lie, “what about you?” You ask, eyeing the guy who's now looking at his phone while waiting for Lia.
“I'm okay”, she smiles shyly, “it's not easy, you know? But I'm trying to move on, meet new people”
You frown, not really understanding what she's talking about.
“I hope we can still be on friendly terms even though Jisung and I are over”, Lia says, regrets immediately when she sees your eyes widen. He didn't tell you. Shit.
“I didn't know you guys were not together anymore”, Hannah is the one to talk, stealing Lia's attention from your shocked face.
“Yeah, hm, it's been a while actually. I thought he would have already told you everything by now”, she says apologetically. “Well, Han Jisung, let's say that now we are even”, she thinks.
“I should probably go!” Lia points out to the man who's staring impatiently. She waves goodbye to you and walks towards him, afraid she'll tell you something more she's not supposed to.
You find yourself in the dark, seated at the sofa, arms crossed in front of your chest. You can't believe you had to hear from someone other than Jisung about his relationship status. You're mad at him, you were making an effort so things could go back to the way they were so why isn't he acting like he wants that too?
Before, he would tell you everything about his romantic endeavors and even though it hurted, you felt special, knowing every little thing about him. Now, you feel like you know nothing, he's spending less time with you and every time you try doing anything just the two of you, he avoids it like you would jump his bones or something if you stay alone with him for more than two hours.
You may have not gotten over him completely, but you're fine now and for years you could behave yourself, so you're not sure why he's acting like that.
You hear the door being open, Han’s voice comes out in a discussion, he's on the phone. He walks in, putting his phone in his pocket while trying to find his way in the dark. He jumps at the sight of you on the sofa, staring at him with a scowl.
“Jesus christ, y/n”, he says, putting his hand above his heart, “what the hell are you doing there in the dark?”
He turns on the light, turning back at you. You're still staring at him in silence.
“Why didn't you tell me you and Lia are not together anymore?” You stand up, waiting for his answer.
“W-what?” His standing falters and he takes a step back. “How did you know?”
“Clearly I didn't find out from my best friend”, you scoff. “Did you think I would try making a move on you if you are single?”
Jisung frowns, how the hell did you get to that conclusion?
“No, I-”
“I'm sure you already figured Jeongho and I broke up”, you point out, “but you rejected me, I'm over that already”
“I can see why you would think that”, Jisung says carefully, “considering the way I acted when you confessed, but it's not that, I can assure you”
“I'm trying to have a normal relationship with you, you know, but you're just not the same. You don't spend time with me anymore, you don't talk to me about what's on your mind, the only thing I can think is that you're scared of me”
“I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I'm trying to act normally too, it's just-” Jisung cuts himself off, not sure what to say. At the same time he doesn't know what to say to make you stop thinking like that, he's not sure things will get any better if he tells you the truth.
“What's it? Just tell me so I can fix it, please I-”
“I'm in love with you”, he blurts out, hand instantly going to his chest and clenching the place above his heart. “I'm so in love with you it hurts”
You stumble back, almost falling. Did you hear it right?
“I don't think I understand”, you say, frowning, trying to make sense of his words.
“I feel terrible, I rejected you and made you suffer just for me to feel like this now?” He scoffs, “I'm sorry I made you think you are the problem again, but you're not, I am. I'm the one who can't stay close to you because I'm afraid I'll do something that will ruin our friendship”
You get up, trying to function properly after this sudden confession. Never, in your wildest dreams did you think there would come a day when Jisung would actually love you in the way you most desperately once wanted. You fantasized about it for years but you never really thought it would happen for real.
“I can't do this right now”, you say to him, seeing his shoulders slump. The sad look in your face is what he most feared. Jisung didn't expect you to still like him, but it would be a lie to say he didn't have any hope of you telling him he still has a chance.
“I don't expect you to like me back”, he says, voice cracking a bit when he tries to say the words he least want to, “I just don't want you to think I'm avoiding you because of you, it's because of me”
You nod slowly, still not fully recovered from the shock. You walk past him, not saying anything anymore, just entering your room and closing the door silently. This was definitely unexpected.
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A/N: If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback give me motivation to keep writing. Also, you can buy me a coffee.
@hhwangsmoon @weareapackofstrays @shycreationdreamland @adestayskz @skizmee @ca11me3mily @realviviboss @sofix-hc7 @starsandrqindrops @its-hannjisung @redstayrosie @mae-is-cute98 @blithevix @astro-doll-the-star @vlctorriaa @captainchrisstan @rag-iii @notastraykid @jisunghannie @applepie-macaroon @stayingdelulu @sundayysunshine @kidrauhlschik @wolfennracha @meloncremesoda @hanschimpmunk @realrintaro @teejisung @maexc @gyustarzzi @ivaneedssleep @chaeryred @daemon-bunny @broken-glowsticks @ch4nniebang @sleepyleeji @seukijeuxq @luvbangchan @lovesunshinefelix @hyunjins-dimples @castielsfrillywhiteknickers @armystay89 @literallyjustwanttoread @jisunghannie @jungkookies1002 @diorggukie @channieandhisgoonsquad @mamabymychem @ladylexis @bmnyy
811 notes · View notes
Bruce Wayne and some kind of fluff thing please?
Top-down in a convertible, sunshine, and a beautiful woman in a sundress next to him- it almost made him forget that he was older than you were.
Until he looked in the mirror and saw the grey at his temples when he glanced behind him.
Still. It was... Intoxicating. He couldn't help it as you sang the love songs on your play list at him. It didn't matter that earlier in the week when you were dressed down and taking the kids shopping a reporter mistook you FOR A NEW KID.
It wasn't exactly a May-December romance but... still. The constant implication he was a cradle robber was getting to him. You had a career before he married you and you had to quit. You'd been a model and an actress. But- now you were a housewife. An unconventional one, sure but-
He pulled off on to an over look and turned the radio down so you could admire the view and the sunset for a moment, "Sweetheart," he started, taking your hand to kiss it, "Are you happy?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" you ask him, turning his hand over to kiss his palm.
He smiled a little and tilted your chin up smoothing wind blown hair out of your face before he took off your sun glasses, "Is that a press-facing answer or how you really feel?"
"Bruce," you laugh, "the only thing I want more of is laid. But we have a house full of kids and you have a whole double life to deal with- I'll just have to cope."
"My poor neglected wife," he purred, nipping your lip before he kissed you. "I'd like to remind you we don't have kids tonight."
"We didn't have kids last night and you were brooding-"
Bruce smiled ruefully, "I was too busy feeling old and sorry for myself," he admitted.
"Is that all?"
"All?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"I could have spent the night reminding you it didn't bother me when we got married-"
"It might someday," he pointed out.
"Bruce," you snort, "My grandma married someone old enough to be her dad and they were happily married until he died and had like 6 kids. No one thinks you're my dad. People are just really concerned about what goes on in our bedroom."
"6 kids?"
"Listen Brucie," you pout, "This was before birth control. You keep bringing them home. The most you're getting out of me is one and then I'm getting a mommy makeover."
"Two would-"
"You're out all night," you remind him, "and if you're not sleeping all day you're-"
"Okay," he said holding his hands up in surrender as he stole another kiss, grinning. "Point taken."
"But back to my only complaint. We don't have kids tonight at all and I want-"
"And I want a happy wife," he promised, "pulling out his phone to cancel the reservations. Room service and champagne in the jacuzzi it is."
209 notes · View notes
sweetyluvs · 10 months
27 with doctor! abby au please 🙏!!
abby anderson x fem! reader - drabble
sorry this literally took me a millennium.. i kept getting it wrong and having to rewrite 😭 .
anon left a second note, it read: “same anon who requested 27 with doctor abby! i forgot to add i want angst with fluff at the end if possible. thanks:)”
tags - angsty 🥀, mentions of light loneliness, relationship problems.. fluff at the end!!!
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Abby having late night shifts was nothing knew.
She was a surgeon, staying late was apart of her job. but sometimes you wished it wasn’t.
she always came back extremely exhausted, only having the strength to mutter a few ‘thank you’s’ when she eats the food you made her before she goes to sleep. resting all night and getting up at the crack of dawn. You barely see her, and when you do, it’s not for long.
you do miss her, you miss really being around her and having her eyes and attention and love on you, but with her job… it wasn’t that simple. you had your own job, yeah, you were the owner of a small bakery downtown. but you ran that business, you had employees and assistant managers to cover for when you couldn’t make it, and abby didn’t.
you sigh deeply, shutting your eyes upon the refreshing feeling of the cold air flushing out your lungs. Abby was most likely working another late shift at the Hospital. No surprise, you loved her, and her job, but she’d said she would be back by 6:30 to have the promised dinner you were thrilled to make. you’d been going on about it for weeks, asking when she would swear to be free, and she had pinky swore that this wednesday— today— would be perfect.
but, here you sat. alone at the table, your plate empty as the one across from you was full, the once warm food now cold. You weren’t angry, no, you understood. Obviously, she’d come back if she could, obviously she’d stay with you if she could. but she couldn’t. being a doctor was hard, and you understood.
You stood up, taking your plate and utensils with you to the sink. overlooking all the dishes you’d dirtied to try and perfect this dish for her. You rinsed your dishes and placed them in the dishwasher, going to gather the other ones and wash them, putting the plates, bowls, spoons and such in the washer. Your thoughts went back to the day you’d told her. she walked through the door at her usual retuning time, smiling at you when you ran up to her for a hug. You’d asked her the usuals; ‘how was your day?’ ‘anything exciting happen?’ ‘was dina as smart as she usually is?’ ‘were jesse and ellie as weird as usual?’ she’d laughed at your dumb questions, answering them as she took off her shoes and placed down her bag, walking with you to the kitchen. then, you be brought it up.
“abs, i found this super cool, almost gourmet recipe, and i thought i could make it for us to have for dinner on a night that works for you.” you offered, watching as she practically inhaled the spaghetti and meatballs you’d made for dinner. She chewed for a moment, smiling at your words. she swallowed, looking at you. “that sounds great, baby. what is it?”
“can’t tell ya! have to kill ya.” you teased, leaning on the counter and grinning at her eye roll. “okay, whatver.”
“what day works for you? i want you to actually have it free so you don’t miss the freshness of the food.” you inquired, watching as she squinted her eyes in thought. “next wednesday. some construction is going on at the hospital and me and a few others are being let of early.. around 6:30, so that’s perfect.” she replied, twisting her spoon to gather some noodles. you beamed, leaned closer “you pinky swear?.”
“i pinky swear.”
you bit your bottom lip, gnawing at the now raw flesh at the reminiscence of the memory. You always tried to be open, not upset— but you were hurt. You hadn’t actually, really had dinner with her for months.
it wasn’t her fault. you’d told yourself, knowing it wasn’t. You didn’t want to take her work schedule to heart.. but something inside you cracked every time she broke a promise. You huffed angrily, brows furrowing harshly as you aggressively scrubbed the pan you’d used. the dish had took you most of the day, calling ahead to your employees yesterday to let them know you wouldn’t be there, you spent seven hours perfecting this recipe.
even the name of the dish took you time to read. ‘Prosciutto-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin with Crispy Sage, a side of Salade Niçoise (from france) and a side dish of duchess potatoes.’
you knew abby would fall to her knees from joy upon hearing those food titles. she’d love to have it with you, and that’s why you made it. so she’d love it. but she’s not here to have it with you like she said.
before you knew it, the kitchen was clean. stepping to the dinner table, you scooped up her plate of food and nicely wrapped it in plastic wrap. taking a piece of paper from the notepad on the fridge and writing her a small note. You weren’t trying to be rude, in fact, you tried everything in you to he as kind as possible— but after being bailed on four times in the past three months, you were at the edge of a line. you put the paper on the plate, leaving it on the counter for her alongside some water before storming off to your shared bedroom— barely, shared bedroom. you made it, cleaned it, kept it tidy, rearranged it, etcetera.
tearing off your nice shirt, you tossed it to the floor. usually, you’d wear one of abby’s shirts during her night shifts, the lingering smell bringing you comfort— but now, the thought of her made you internally irk.
you took a shirt from your drawer , tossing it over your head and shoulders, sliding it on. You didn’t same with your pants, taking off the nice linen fabric and fuming as you put on crappy old shorts.
You basically threw yourself into bed, putting a pillow between your side, and abbys side of the bed. hoping she’d get the message. i mean, it’s not like she’ll have the time to talk to you about it tomorrow anyways, right?
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
abby sigh as the door to your shared apartment opened, her hand pulling out the key she’d used to unlock it. you don’t usually lock the door.
She knew she’d fucked up.
you’d been so excited for this, chatting about it and reminding her to not be late. and she was late. four hours late.
Abbys dropped her bag by the door as she usually does, sliding off her work shoes and sliding on her slippers before walking to the kitchen.
the lights were out, it was cleaned nicely. her eyes met a plate on the white marble counter, a lazily folded piece of paper on top.
She smiled lightly, knowing you’d be the kind to leave her a note. she reached for it, unfolding it.
“Hope the construction workers weren’t in your way. Enjoy.” abby’s smile fell, guilt flooded her every atom at the words. fuck.
she knew you’d be upset, she doesn’t know what she was expecting— she’d bailed on you four times, and she swore to be on time this one. but, she wasn’t.
Abby was getting ready to head out at 6:25 to be able to make it home early, the biggest grin tugged at her lips as she told all her co-workers about the meal you were preparing.
she was about to leave when an emergency was called in. It was bad, but she’d seen worse. this poor girls bone was completely shattered, a bad case of compartment syndrome. unluckily, her and mel were the only two true professionals still clocked in, leading to a four and a half hour long surgery.
by the time abby got out of the hospital, she basically ran to her car and sped home— praying that by some miracle you were still awake and waiting for her.
you weren’t.
She put the note down, eyes landing on the plate of food you’d left her.
it was beautiful.
the potatoes shaped perfectly, the prosciutto-wrapped tenderloin looked amazing; cooked to perfection, the salad beside it was also stunning.
Each course of the meal was placed individually and carefully on her plate. Abby’s stomach fell with guilt upon imagining you sitting alone, eating your meal without her.
Abby was mad at herself. not because of this single instance, but because she feels as if she’s choosing her career over you— and she would never, ever do such a thing.
Her life revolves around you, so much.. she’d been planning a little something with a ring.
but for some terrifying reason, she felt that you would refuse. why would you marry someone who you’d never be around? nausea ate at her stomach due to the thought, hoping it was only her crazy nighttime, overworked imagination.
Abby unwrapped the food, putting it in the microwave for a minute. You weren’t anywhere in sight, and so she assumed you’d gone to sleep. alone. again.
“fuck..” she murmured, regret running through her veins. She leaned on the counter, her muscular figure easily keeping her upright.
you were the love of her life— her light in the darkness, her jam to her bread, her peanut butter to her jelly— without you, she doesn’t know where she’d be, and thanks to her stupid work schedule, she’s beginning to think that’s starting to happen.
the timer went off, a loud beep ripping her from her thoughts. “oh shit— shh, shh— loud ass microwave.” she complained, taking out the food. The potatoes were now soft, the salad unfortunately warm do to being in the heat, but the rest of the meal was good temperature. Abby got a fork, quickly snagging a bite of the tenderloin. It was even better than you swore it would be. The juice of the meat flooded her mouth like the sea to the shore, accompanied with the small amount of potatoes that gathered on her fork; they were magnificent.
Abby had inhaled the meal, it being gone in a matter of inhuman minutes. She rinsed her dish, going to load it in the dishwasher— but seeing that you had ran it. she frown. you always made sure to never do that, claiming you ‘wanted to get the love she deserves, and love is definitely not having to do your own dish.’
she cleaned her dishes and walked across the house and down the hall to your shared bedroom, pushing the door open she saw you. laying on your side, hair lightly messy as it always was when you slept (she loved it.) and.. a pillow between your side and her side. she wondered what else she’d missed that you’d done.
Abby striped her pants, throwing on some sweats and a hoodie, sliding in bed beside you. She gripped the pillow and threw it so hard she was surprised it didn’t pop, and wrapped her ams around your wait.
you shuffled, grabbing her hand before it could do a full 360 and ripped it off you, harshly turning your back to her.
“babe,” she whispered softly, sadness coating her vocals.
you were reluctant, eyes snapped shut even though she knows your awake.
“I’m sorry, i’m so sorry. i really tried to be here, something unexpected came up, i swear i would have had been here.”
your silence had her itching at her skin.
“please say something.” she pleaded, her frown only deepening.
“whatever you say, abigail.”
abby grabbed the top of her head, ‘fuck’ running in her mind a thousand miles per hour. she really was in deep shit.
“i’m sorry, y/n, i don’t even think sorry can describe how sorry i am— i just, i wanted do come back, i couldn’t though. i couldn’t just leave the hospital, they needed me.” you clenched your jaw. her points were decent, great even— but you were petty.
“i’m sure they did.”
your little-word replies had abby at edge of her seat, suspense and fear building up.
“that’s all? nothing else?” she poked, confusion flooding her, anger starting to appear as well.
she scoffed, sitting against the headboard. “You don’t have anything else to say? at all? i came back, yeah, i was late and i’m sorry, but—
“late?” you bit back, interrupting her. “you’ve bailed on me four times for dinner. You’ve always put your job before me, you’ve always had more time for your career— is this even working?”
those words were the ones abby feared the most. When you two began dating, she had told you about her passion, and where she worked. you found it fascinating, understanding completely. but, that was also when she used to spend genuine time with you.
“ i love you abby, i really do— but i can’t be with someone who puts a career before a person. I support your passions, and i wish nothing but the best for you, but I don’t want to be stood up by the person i’m dating anymore. fuck, abby, i took work off today to spend seven fucking hours making a meal you couldn’t even text me to say you couldn’t even show up for!” before you knew it, you’d sat up and looked at her, voice raising in a way she’d never heard.
“i know its not your choice, but you could at least find five fucking seconds to reply to my text.”
guild flooded her like a tsunami once again, a frown growing at the look on your face.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered out, watching as you sigh deeply.
“Don’t apologize, abby. it’s past that.” your reply scared her, fearing the worst; a break up. were you going to break up with her? were you going to leave her behind? she didn’t know, and she didn’t want to find out.
“how can i make it up to you?”
“i don’t even know if you can do that anymore.” you turned away, laying on your side, the pillow you’d somehow slipped between you both felt like a rock wall, each side of the bed you slept on cold; missing one another’s warmth.
abby stayed silent, internally scolding herself for being such a bad girlfriend and, frankly, not trying harder to be better.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you woke up with a sore neck, probably from sleeping in a way you never do.
you didn’t need to look over to abby’s side of the bed to know she was gone. sitting up, you crack your once resting bones and stand up. Shuffling on your slippers, you walk to your bedroom door, twisting the cold handle and walking out.
Every morning you wake up after abby, she always kisses you goodbye before she leaves (or so she claims to.), grabs a quick bite to eat from the fridge and you are left to make breakfast for yourself. it was second nature, to wake up and immediately crack and egg or two.
but, something was off. It smelled almost.. good in the house. you ignored it, labeling it as your desperate imagination.
Your feet hobbled across the house, yawning deeply and shutting the bathroom door. looking in the mirror, you grimace. the eye bags on your face were not your strong suite, you noted.
quickly rinsing off your sleep, you brush your teeth along with your hair. each and every yawning that stole itself from your lips reminded you how much you needed your coffee. rubbing your eyes you opened the bathroom door and began your journey to the kitchen.
when you round the familiar corner, what you hadn’t expected was to see Abby in the room.
your eyes flew wide, her blonde hair was still down from sleeping, she had her glasses on and was hovering over the stove.
brows furrowing, you stepped forward. “aren’t you supposed to be at work? isn’t thursday one of the most important ones?” you genuinely ask, catching her off guard attention, her head snapping up.
the big, sweet smile that encased her beautiful lips made you feel bad for your harshness the previous night. She pushed her arms off the counter, fixing something by the stove quickly before walking over to the bar, pulling out the two chairs and revealing two sets of plates.
“Yeah— but it’s not as important as you.” Abby affirmed, a light pink coating her cheeks. You wanted to stay angry, to stay mad at her lies and broken promises. But, your ice heart thawed quickly, revealing the warmth you still posses for her.
“abby.. you didn’t have to. I know i was harsh last night but— it’s your passion, i didn’t.. actually expect you to not go.” you confessed, walking to her cautiously, as if she’d vanish from existence.
she gave you a small smile, “I know. but, i would rather be with you. I love you way more than any hobby.” Her words were the validation you’ve been craving all these months, the words you’ve been seeking to hear. You instantly complied.
“i’m glad to hear that.” you laughed, approaching her and gingerly placing a kiss to her cheek as you sat at your chair she pointed to.
she rushed back to the stove, flipping over whatever had been on their previously before motioning for you to give her your plate. you obliged, handing it to her.
“I love you, baby. I always will and.. even though i’m not a baker, i tried to make you those pancakes you like so much.” oh did her words make you fall for her all over again. “you didn’t have to, abs.” you grinned, ear to ear. something abby hadn’t seen you do since.. since a while.
“i did. i hope you like them.” she placed the plate in front of you, beautiful, fluffy pancakes alongside fresh bacon and eggs with syrup drizzled over them placed nicely on the dish.
“wow! abby, you might want to reconsider your career and come work for me.” you joked, smiling wildly at the wholehearted laugh she let out.
“who knows, maybe i will.”
you rolled your eyes, cutting a piece of the pancake and dipping it in the puddled syrup.
your eyes widened, “mhm!” you expressed, eyes shutting in satisfaction.
although abby was a very high ranked doctor, she was still nervous to get her professional baker girlfriends opinion on first time pancakes.
“Abigail, you are a natural.”
“only for you, babe.”
she put food on her own plate, turning off the stove and coming to sit beside you.
“I’m going to call my supervisor and ask for some more free hours from now on. So i can start to have breakfast and dinner with you. and maybe a couple free days, too.” abby announced, causing your heart to beat happily.
“that makes me so unbelievably happy, abby. you deserve it.”
you kissed her cheek, syrup sticking from your lips to her skin. you laughed, and she did too.
“I love you. more than anything.” you said, chewing softly. she wiped some food from your face, a loving smile tracing her features.
“i love you more.”
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yeonzzzn · 7 months
🌀dark waters: park jay
a vampires bleeding series: two / seven
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pairing: jay x afab!reader word count: 6k
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synopsis: after the events following jungwon and dorian, the seven boys fight to protect jungwon's mate and find dorian and stop his games. jay witnesses your near-death experience by the hands of dorian and having no choice but to pull you into protection.
genre: strangers to lovers, vampire!jay, doctor!jay, human!reader, some spice, angst
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, y/n almost drowning, some spice, cute but hella stubborn jay ♡
☾ jungwon(1) | jay(2) | jake(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | heeseung(7) ☽
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jay: got this weeks shipment. you? heeseung: ours just came as well. how much extra? jay: about two boxes worth.  heeseung: we have one. has jungwon checked in yet? jay: no. fixing to give him a call.  heeseung: 👍🏼
Jay scoffed, “I hate when he replies back in just emojis.” 
Jay tossed his phone onto his desk, running a hand through his silver hair. The two boxes of blood bags sat at his feet. 
He released a sign, hanging his head low. 
Jay quickly picked up the boxes, and was out the window of his office and to his car, tossing the boxes in the back and was back in the office before a second even passed. 
A nurse walked into the room right when Jay was closing the window.
“Doctor Park?” her soft voice spoke as she tapped her knuckle to the door.
“Yes?” Jay said, giving her a soft smile. 
“Your next appointment is here, they are in room 1130.” 
Jay nodded, “I will be right there, I have to call my brother for a second.” 
The nurse smiled with a giggle, “Which one?” 
“The one causing me the most problems right now.” 
She giggles again, “That’s what happens when they start dating.” 
Jay nodded in agreement, “You have no idea.” 
Except it wasn’t even the fact Jungwon was dating. He found his mate. One that is human and is being targeted by another vampire. Which made Jay stress more than normal. 
 “I’ll be there in a second,” Jay confirmed again with the nurse before dialing Jungwon’s number. 
But no answer. 
Jay then calls Jungwon’s mate. 
“Hello?” she answers right away.
“Where is your mate?” Jay softly snapped, trying to not drop his frustration on her. 
“Geez, Wonnie! Jay is upset with you!” 
Jungwon mumbled something in the background before coming onto the line, “Yes, Hyung?”
“What is the point of having a phone if you’re not going to answer it damnit!” Jay clenched his jaw, “If neither of you would have answered.”
“Hyung,” Jungwon breathed out, “We are fine. I am sorry I didn’t check in.” 
Jay dropped his head into his hand, took a deep breath, and out, “How is everything going?” 
“Niki just left, today has also been normal. Nothing out of the blue.” 
“Okay, Heeseung and I will be there later to drop off bags.”
“Sounds good.”
“And Jungwon?” 
Jungwon sat and waited for Jay. 
“No funny business.” 
“No promises.” and the line cut. 
Jay smirked, standing up and grabbing his doctor's coat. 
You dropped your head to the desk. This lecture was draining you. Class has also been in session for thirty minutes and you already wanted to throw yourself in front of a moving bus. 
You tilted your head to look out the window. The sky was getting darker, was there a chance of rain today?
Your cell phone buzzed in your pocket, pulling it out you see you’ve received some texts from a guy you’ve been talking to through an app. 
sharpdart32: when can I finally meet you? :(
sharpdart32: facetime calling you isn’t enough. 
A smile formed on your face. 
fate622: matt, I’m in class rn…how about afterwards?
sharpdart32: sounds perfect. there is an amazing place with a beautiful view of a lake. you’ll love it. 
fate622: it looks like it’ll rain though.
sharpdart32: don’t worry! everything will be fine. trust me. 
fate622: I trust you. 
sharpdart32: :) 
sharpdart32: see you soon. 
You waited by the entrance to the park, double-checking the address Matt sent you, and sure enough, it’s the right place. 
The sky was getting darker and the air smelt of rain. You wrap your jacket tighter around your body. Thankful to yourself for choosing your cargo pants to help keep your legs warm.
You checked the time, Matt was running late. 
Thinking you got stood up, you decided it was time to leave. You walked back to your car, opening the door. 
“I just got here, leaving already?” 
The familiar voice sent happiness. You whipped around, seeing Matt’s beautiful smile. 
“I thought you stood me up!” you laughed, closing your car door and making your way towards him. 
He pulled you into a tight hug, “Gosh, it’s finally nice to see you in person.”
You smiled into his shoulder, “Yes it really is.” 
Matt took a deep breath in, “You smell so…so good.” 
Your face flushed, you spent so long in the college’s bathroom to make yourself presentable and it seemed to have paid off. 
“Thank you, I'm glad I decided on this perfume.” 
Matt pulled away, his hands resting on your shoulders, “Well it smells fantastic. Shall we?” 
You nodded, taking his hand and following him into the park. 
“Where is this view at, Matt?” you asked, excited to see how breathtaking this lake has to be. 
“It’s not too far, you’ll see!” 
As you both continue your hike through the park, Matt talks about his day and asks how school is going for you. It helped pass the time until the breeze from the lake caught your attention. 
“Oh! Are we here?!” 
Matt nodded, “Of course!” 
You released his hand from yours, rushing over to see the lake, but quickly stopped when you noticed the cliff. 
“You didn’t say anything about a cliff.” 
“Scared of heights?” Matt teased. 
You scrunch your nose at him, “Absolutely not! Just a detail I expected you to have told me is all.” 
You carefully walk closer to the edge, looking at how far of a drop it is. Deciding to take a few steps back was best. 
“You like the view, Y/N?” Matt whispered in your ear as he wrapped an arm around your waist. 
You leaned into him, nodding, “I do, it really is beautiful like you said.” 
Matt breathed you in again, “Y/N, you smell so good.” 
“You told me that already,” you turned to look at him. 
Your heart stopped at the change of his facial expression, the color of his eyes such a dark crimson. 
“Matt…? Your eyes…” 
He chuckled, “What's wrong with them? Hmm?” He smiled as he continued his chuckle, fangs now appearing. 
You tried to run from him, but his grip was all too tight. 
“What’s wrong Y/N? You were having so much fun just a second ago.” 
You continued trying to escape, but he was way too strong. 
“Stop fighting me, Y/N. I’m starving, and your blood is what I’m craving.” 
Matt took your chin between his fingers, forcing you to look at him. 
“What are you…” You whispered. 
“You already know the answer, sweet thing. And you fell right into my trap.”
He was going to kill you. There was no denying it. 
Matt tilted your head and dug his fangs into your skin. 
You felt the blood leaving your body. Your skin is growing cold and pale. 
Your eyelids become heavy as the dizziness sets in. Try to focus as much as you can to stay conscious. 
The rain finally came down. Your feet losing their traction on the ground from the rain, Matt keeping his grip on you as you lost feeling in your legs. 
He finally released his fangs, licking his lips. Whatever blood you had left in your body pooled out of your neck and down your clothes.
You barely were able to look at him and the shit-eating grin he had. 
“It was fun, Y/N.”
“They’ll find you, my family. Friends. The police. They’ll find you.”
He threw his head back in laughter and took a deep breath, “No they won’t. And they won’t find you either.” 
He dropped you over the edge, gravity taking you down until the cold water claimed you. 
Heeseung and Jay one by one placed the blood bags into the fridge at the safe house. 
“I think we have enough to last years.” Jake’s Australian accent chipped in, “Why are you two planting so much?” 
Jay sighed, “Because we don’t know how long we have to hide the love birds here for.��� 
“It’s been two months,” Sunoo rolled his eyes, “We haven’t found any traces of Dorian or any hints that he’s formed a pack.” 
“Yeah, but he also knows we are after him!” Sunghoon snapped, “He’s going to be on his toes.” 
Heeseung hung his head down, “Can we not fight in front of __.”
Everyone glances over at Jungwon and his mate, and then quickly looks back at each other. 
“They are too in Lalaland to even notice.” Niki jokes. 
Jay looked back over at his younger brother, seeing the smile on his face as he pushed her hair behind her ears. 
“We have to protect them.” Jay said, looking between the other five, “Jungwon might have his strength back, but if Dorian ever showed up for her, Jungwon would get desperate to protect her and he would need us.” 
Everyone nodded in agreement. 
“Who is next on watch?” Heeseung asked, “Niki just finished, right?” 
Niki nodded. 
Jay raised his hand, “My duty turn, I’ll go now.” 
Jay took one last look at Jungwon, the younger giving him a glance back, “Behave.” 
Jungwon raised his eyebrow, “Okay, mom.” 
With a roll of his eyes, Jay was out the door, running to the edge of the perimeter. A good couple hours worth of distance between himself and the safe house. 
The end of the perimeter was on the edge of a cliff with a beautiful view of a lake. 
Jay knelt down, taking in the fall lake breeze and the smell of the lake. 
This used to be one of his favorite places anytime the seven of them would be at the safe house. It always helped calm his nerves. 
Jay looked up at the dark sky, “It’s about to rain soon.” 
And as if on command, rain fell down. 
Jay clenched his jaw, “Fuck…should have brou-“ 
The smell of blood filled his nostrils, shooting Jay back up to his feet, looking in every direction the smell could be coming from. 
His heart raced against his chest. Jay smells blood all the time at the clinic, but to smell it out here when it’s not an animal? Something was wrong. 
Laughter echoed across the lake. Jay pinpointed where it was coming from, narrowing his vision to see a man and woman standing on the edge. 
Blood flowed from her neck.
“Vampire..” Jay whispered, looking closer at the man, “Dorian!!” 
Dorian took the girl and dropped her over the edge. 
“Dorian!!!” Jay yelled louder.
Dorian’s eyes locked with Jay’s, a smile played wide on Dorian’s face, but faded and quickly ran. 
Jay knew why too, the others sensed Jay’s distress, and Dorian felt it too. 
Jay started to run after him but stopped as your body hit the water. 
You were still alive, Jay could feel it. You tried with whatever strength you had to keep from sinking, but eventually, you gave out, the water filling your lungs. 
Heeseung ran past Jay, “Come on! He’s getting away!” 
Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki also ran past. 
Jay whipped around, seeing Jungwon with __ standing behind him, pressed to his back. 
“Damnit Jungwon get her out of here!” Jay snapped, pointing back towards the safe house. 
Jungwon tightened his grip on __, looking down at the lake, “That woman is drowning!” 
Jay groaned, “Won I know!” Jay took steps back, “Get her out of here! Now!” Jay then turned and ran off the cliff. 
The cold water sent chills down him as he pushed himself through to get to you. Your faint heartbeat playing in his ears. 
The cool air and rain hit your face as you came to. 
“Hey!” a male voice said, “Hey, I need you to tell me how many fingers I am holding up?” 
“…a peace sign?” 
Jay rolled his eyes, “Close enough. Can you sit up?” 
You nodded, slowly trying to move your body. 
“Woah woah, easy.” Jay wrapped his arms around you, helping you sit up. Coughing up the remaining water in your lungs. 
The rain finally came to a stop, but the pain in your body continued. 
You groaned as you touched your hand to your neck. 
“Hey, don’t touch that.” He said quickly, taking your hand away from your neck, “We need to get you to a hospital so it doesn’t get infected.” 
You recognized the warmth of his skin. It felt the exact same as Matt’s. 
You pushed the man away from you, scooting back away from him. 
“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you, I saved you from drowning.”
You studied him as his chocolate eyes studied you. His silver hair was slicked back and his clothes tightly fit him from the rain. You could lie, it had your heart racing. This man was beautiful. 
“The last vampire that told me that ended up draining me of my blood and pushing me off the fucking cliff! You snapped. 
Jay’s hard eyes soften, “You know, you’re the first person to recognize the monster that I am so quickly.” He glances away from you. 
Your heartbeat slowed, the way he said those words…They were filled with hurt. 
“Anyways,” He said looking back at you, “This is the thanks I get for saving your life? It took almost ten minutes of CPR to save you.”
Your fingers went to your lips, face flushing, “What if I had a DNR!!” you snapped, giving him the same attitude back. 
He rolled his eyes, “You don’t have a DNR. I’m not stupid. Plus I am a doctor, I know what I’m doing.” 
You raised an eyebrow, “A vampire…doctor?” 
He nodded, “Well yeah, we have to make money too.” 
Your body relaxed, “You said I needed to go to a hospital?” 
He nodded again. 
You agreed to go, “I swear if I put my trust in one more vampire and you break it…”
He chuckled, “I’m not like the one that hurt you.” 
The drive to the hospital was long and awkward but finally arrived. 
You followed him around the building, “This is a clinic?” 
He nodded, “Of course.” 
“No hospital?” 
You followed him to a window and watched as he opened it. 
“We are breaking into a clinic?!” 
He stared back at you, “Not breaking in.” He fully climbed through the window, helping you inside after. 
“Sit on the bed, I have to grab some supplies.” 
You nodded, doing as you were told. 
You looked around the room. It was pretty bland. Had a small tv in the corner of the wall with a table underneath and some flowers with a tag that read, “To: Doctor Park, thank you for everything you do! -♡ Nurse Kay.” 
You giggled at the note, someone had a small crush on the vampire doctor. 
You continued looking around the room, setting your eyes on the desk. 
Pictures of him with six other boys filled with frames around the desk, along with a photo of himself and what looks like his parents. The photo was very old and looks like it has been reprinted multiple times. 
Your heart sank, just how long has he been alive? 
Jay came back into the room, with bandages, medicine, ointments, a blood bag, and an IV pole. 
“You don’t know what blood time I am?” you said. 
“I know your blood type based on its smell.” He said, setting everyone down on the bed beside you. 
That made sense, he is a vampire after all. 
“I am going to do a blood transfusion,” he set the blood bag onto the rack, hooking up the tubes to it, “Your body is still trying to recover from the blood loss, so we are just going to go ahead and do the transfusion.” 
He took your arm and turned it over, wiping the alcohol pad over your skin, “Are you ready for the needle?” 
You looked away and nodded. 
You felt the prick of the needle and bandages being wrapped around your arm, your body taking in the blood back into your body. 
“Now time for the ointment.” he knelt down in front of you, dabbing a small amount of the cream to his finger and applying it to your neck wounds. 
“Dorian really dug his fangs deep.” 
“Dorian? His name is Matt?” 
Jay shook his head, “He is smart, that’s for sure. Known the man for so long, it doesn't surprise me that he did a name change.” 
“You know him?” panic started to set in. 
“Well, used to. It’s a long story. Don’t associate with him anymore.” 
You could tell he didn’t want to talk about Dorian anymore. Glancing back at the flowers, you had another idea. 
“Nurse Kay seems to have a crush on you, Doctor Park.” 
He softly smiled, “She’s been trying to jump my bones since I’ve been here, and please just call me Jay.” 
Jay grabbed the bandage and slowly wrapped it around your neck, “I’m Y/N. And thank you, Jay.”
Jay’s eyes meet yours. The thread tangled into a knot, tying together perfectly just from one look. 
You felt it too, this pull to him. Something clicking together. Your heart raced being inches away from him. 
Jay looked away from you, “Yeah, you’re welcome.” 
He stood up, gathering the leftover items and setting them into a cabinet. 
Jay’s softness went back into his tough core. You wondered what made him so tough?
Jay sat down at his desk, letting out a deep sigh. 
“Once your bag is finished I’ll take you ho-“
Before Jay could finish, the door opened, and five men followed all of them talking at once. 
“Hey hey! Quiet!” Jay snapped, “This is a clinic for fucksakes.” He covered his face with his hands. 
“I told them that, but…” Heeseung mumbled. 
Jay stood up, facing the four of them. 
“Back at the safe house,” Heeseung said. 
“Good, but we need to get them out of there.” Jay sighed. 
Niki nodded, “After noticing you, Hyung, he has an idea where the house is. He’ll be coming for __.”
Jake agreed, “We need another safe place.” 
Sunghoon gave suggestions and the others agreed or disagreed. 
Jay glances over at you, giving you an “Are you okay?” look. 
You nodded back at him.
Heeseung glanced between Jay and you, “Whose this?” 
“This is Y/N,” Jay scratched the back of his head, “Y/N, this is Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki.” 
You slowly waved a hand at them. These were the boys from the pictures, only one is missing and you assumed it was Jungwon, the one they all mentioned earlier. 
“Why is she here?” Sunoo asked.
“I didn’t realize someone else was in here either…” Sunghoon admitted. 
“She was Dorian’s meal.” Jay shrugged. 
You rolled your eyes, “You don’t have to put it like that you jerk.” 
Jay rolled his eyes back, “Could have left you to die.” 
“Might as well have, asshole.” 
Jay hung his head low and softly groaned. 
Heeseung smiled between the two of you, but the smile faded just as fast, “Does Dorian know she’s alive?” 
“I don’t know.” Jay sighed, sitting back in his chair, “I jumped in to save her after he took off.” 
“Well,” Jake started, “He left town, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have eyes and ears around. He has Y/N’s scent, he’ll know she’s alive the minute he goes back to the area.” 
“Jay,” Heeseung called for him. Jay looks up at his only hyung, “We have to protect her too now.” 
Jay looks at you and nods, “Yes we do.” 
You look at the two of them confused, “Is there another person you’re protecting from Dorian?” 
They all nodded, “Jungwon’s mate.” Niki sang. 
“Mate?” You’re even more confused. 
Heeseung continues staring between Jay and yourself, “You felt it, didn’t you?” 
Jay immediately shakes his head, “No. Absolutely not.” 
“Jongseong…” Heeseung said using Jay’s real name. 
“No! Drop it.” Jay snapped, “We need to get Jungwon and __ to a new safe place and Y/N somewhere too.” 
“I want to be wherever Jay goes.” You spoke up, causing all six of them to look at you. 
Heeseung smirked at Jay, causing Jay to shove his older. 
“I have an idea where to take Jungwon and __,” Jake said, “But I’ll need help to lose our scents at the safe house and to transport the bags.” 
The boys cooked up a plan and were all in agreement. 
“What about me?” You asked. 
“You’ll stay with me…”Jay mumbled, “At my apartment.”
“Will it be safe?” 
“Trust me,” Sunoo sassed, “Out of all of us, he has the most security at his apartment.” 
You giggled at the embarrassment on Jay’s face. You could tell he was having a hard time holding onto his tough shell. 
A knock sounded on the door, and a female walked in, “Oh hello boys! Long time no see! And hello Doctor Lee, nice to see you again.” 
You immediately knew it was Nurse Kay by how she glanced over at Jay, and then at you. 
“Oh, I didn’t know you had a patient…” 
Jay shook his head, “It was last minute.” 
She nodded, giving you one final glance, “I don’t  think your brothers should be in this room with a patient.”
You rolled your eyes, could her jealousy be any more obvious?
“We were just finishing up,” Jay said, walking to you. Releasing IV from your arm. “Thank you, Nurse.” 
She closed the door, leaving the room silent. 
After one more decision, you all left the clinic. Jay at your side and the other five surrounding the both of you. 
“This is embarrassing.” Jay scoffed. 
You smiled, “I have my own personal bodyguards, this is fun!” 
Jay couldn’t help but smile after you looked away. His heart pulling to you, and him trying to shove it down. Trying to cut the knot. 
The drive to Jay’s apartment was short. You also expected a vampire who is god knows how old with however much money, he would be living in a bigger apartment space. 
You stood in the doorway, looking into the studio apartment. 
“What’s wrong? Go inside!” Jay gently pushed you forward. 
“Just expected like a massive luxurious apartment.” 
Jay raised a brow, “I don’t have that kind of money.” 
You glared at him, “There’s no way you don’t.” 
Jay rolled his eyes, “I like this small space.” 
You looked around as you walked in, seeing his bed in the corner, a couch and TV in the other. A small dining table with the kitchen on the other side and a hole in the wall for the bathroom. 
Jay handed you a pair of his clothes, “I’ll wash the ones you’re wearing now, the shower is ready, please freshen up.” 
You take the clothes, “What about you?” 
“I’ll shower after you.” 
You took your time in the shower, trying to process everything that happened today and what it means going forward. 
Will you have to run for the rest of your life? Always hiding? Will Jay be by your side? 
So many more questions filtered through your brain. It hurt trying to wrap everything around it. 
Once out of the shower, you pulled on the basketball shorts and shirt he gave you to wear. They were both oversized, but comfortable. They even smelled like him. 
You stood in the mirror and ran your fingers through your hair, only to stop and notice the puncture holes in your neck. You leaned forward to get a better look, noticing how bruised your skin was around the scabs. 
Tears slowly fell down your face. You survived an attack. These wounds will turn into scars and show proof of how you survived. But they will also hold all the trauma. 
You decided to wrap more bandages around wounds, hiding it was what you wanted for the moment. 
You walked out of the bathroom, seeing Jay fast asleep on the couch, his bed unmade for you. 
The sun shining through the window was enough to wake you up. 
The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the small studio apartment. 
You crawled out of bed, only to see you were alone. 
Your bare feet hit the floor as you walked over to the kitchen, a plate of food and a note waiting for you. 
Y/N,  I got called into the clinic. There was an emergency surgery that needed my attention. I made this breakfast for you, so please eat it. Niki and Sunoo will be taking turns checking in on you while I am gone. So if you try to leave, they will stop you. There’s a number on the fridge for a pizza place down the street you can use for lunch. I should be home by dinner. Make yourself at home. Oh, there is also a fresh toothbrush and other toiletries in the bathroom for you as well. Remember do NOT leave…I mean it.  -Jay
You rolled your eyes at the last part and dug into the food. 
After your meal, you freshen up in the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth. 
Since you’d be stuck here all day, you explored more of the apartment. Looking at what other food he could possibly have and then remembering he was a vampire when you opened the fridge to only find blood bags. 
You watched some TV, only to fall asleep an hour later. A knock on the door waking you from your nap. 
You looked through the peephole to see Sunoo standing outside. 
You opened the door and confirmed you were okay. Sunoo patted your head and went on his way. 
You finally decided to order pizza, and to your surprise, it was free all because the owner personally knows Jay. Which hey, free pizza is always a win. 
A couple of hours later Niki stopped by, confirming you were still in fact okay, stole one of Jay’s blood bags, talked to you about the one time Jay was scared of a “ghost” and forced Niki to shower with him, and then went on his own way. 
For the rest of the time you flipped through TV channels or read one of the many anatomy books Jay had. 
You found yourself back in the bathroom staring at the two small holes on your neck, a massive sigh leaving your mouth. 
The front door opens followed by, “I’m back.” 
You walked from the bathroom, “It’s almost 11 p.m., that’s so way past dinner time.” 
Jay glared at you as he took off his coat, “Don’t start with me.” 
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “I am assuming the surgery took longer than expected?” 
Jay nodded, “It was a lot worse than we thought it was.” 
Jay dropped his coat on the kitchen table and kicked off his shoes.
You could see how tired he was. How stressed he must be trying to deal with a normal human life on top of hiding who he really is and also trying to keep you safe. 
Your face softened, the knot pulling you to him. You stood beside him, taking his hand into yours, “I am sorry it was a rough day.” 
Jay tried to calm his heart rate, not wanting to show the effect you had on him. Shoving away the knot that was pulling him to you. 
“Yeah, it’s been a long day,” he pulled you closer to him, wrapping you in a hug, “I’m going to shower, don’t stay awake for me.” 
Before you could protest, Jay gently kissed the top of your head, and then walked away, closing the bathroom room behind him. 
Jay gripped the sink, face flushed, “What did I just do???” he whispered. 
The knot is just growing tighter. 
After his shower, Jay threw on his favorite black t-shirt and shorts, finally happy to rest. 
Only to see you still awake, sitting on the couch. 
“I told you to not wait up for me!” Jay snapped, “It’s 12 a.m.!”
You rolled your eyes, “Just sit down grumpy ass.” 
Jay threw himself onto the couch, resting his legs at your side. 
“You want to share the couch?” You sassed. 
Jay scoffed, “My couch, I bought it. Stop being sassy.” 
You sighed, knowing you weren’t getting anywhere with it. 
“Tell me more about Dorian, and how he’s related to Jungwon and his…girlfriend?” 
Jay took a deep breath in, “Dorian himself is a longer story,” he started, “And his girlfriend is actually his mate.” 
You turned to face him, “That’s the second time I have heard her being called mate.” 
Jay continued and ignored your comment, “Jungwon and his mate ran into Dorian. Dorian is a solo hunter, versus us who are in a pack. Dorian hunts not to just feed but to kill. He could smell __ blood from miles away and he wanted her. Jungwon fought to keep Dorian away, but the problem was Jungwon tested his limits and didn’t drink any blood for months, he was weaker than normal.”
You nodded, taking in the information. 
Jay continued, “When you’re in a pack, you feel everything the others feel,” Jay placed his hand over his heart, “Their happiness, sadness and when they are hurt. It’s the knot of fate that ties us all together. So when we sensed Jungwon was in danger, we rushed to him. Dorian ran off knowing he couldn’t take all seven of us. He made it clear he was coming for Jungwon’s mate. And Dorian won’t stop until he has her.” 
“And since she is Jungwon’s mate, she is now a part of the pack?” 
Jay nodded, “Vampires mate for life. Once one finds their mate, they get tied into the same fate knot. Jungwon and her knot are obviously different from the one the pack shares as a whole, but it’s still there.” 
“How do you guys find your mates? Is Jungwon the only one?” 
Jay nodded, “The rest of us don’t have one. And finding mates isn't that easy. It’s a feeling both yourself and your mate will feel. That knot tangled together, making everything clear. In that moment you see only them, and that maybe this monstrous life is actually worth living.” 
You tilted your head, pulling your knees to your chest, “That is the second time you’ve called yourself a monster.” 
Jay looked into your eyes, “What else am I? There’s a reason I followed in Heeseung’s footsteps and became a doctor. To put some good back into the world at all the bad I have done.” 
“We’ve done some terrible things, Y/N. There’s a reason we took to drinking blood bags and not directly from humans.” 
You placed your hand on his knee, waiting for him to continue. 
“We weren’t born vampires, but the ones who turned us were very terrible people. We did terrible things to others in our first hundred years, but we hated it. Every moment of it. Life got better once we made the change. Once we each found other passions and drank from blood bags, life did get better. Everyone else has forgiven themselves for the past but…” 
“But you never did?” 
Jay nodded. 
“Jay, look at me.” 
And he did. He stared deeply back into your doe eyes. His heart strings aching for you, the knot pulling tighter and him shoving it down. 
You crawled over to him, wanting nothing more than to kiss him. To show him how worthy he is. How he deserves so much more than what he gives himself. The knot you felt, praying he feels it too. 
Jay places his hands on your shoulders, stopping you from moving closer. 
“Y/N, please don’t, I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve you. I’m trying so hard to cut this knot from you.” 
Tears fill your eyes, your soulmate is sitting in front of you as he tries to push you away. You could feel his hurt. Feel the pain he’s feeling as he tries to cut the knot that’s already been tied. You’re his mate, and he’s doing everything to stop it. 
But you’ve had enough, “Stop denying yourself the possibility of love just because you see yourself as a monster!” Jay’s grip on your shoulders loosened, narrowing his eyes at you, “I don’t see you as a monster, Jongseong! From the moment we met I never once saw you as a monster. I was scared, yes, but never have I ever felt so safe being by your side.”
Jay took a deep breath in, studying your face. 
“I don’t know much about how mates work for vampires, but I felt that knot you talked about. The moment we looked into each other's eyes at the clinic, I felt that knot. My whole life became yours.” 
Jay folded at your words, releasing his hands from your shoulders, one reaching for your neck, and the other on your hip. 
Jay accepted his fate, accepted the knot, and accepted you. 
His lips connected to yours, breathing you in as if he was running out of oxygen. 
His hands gripped your hips tighter, pulling you closer to him. 
Jay pulled himself up on the couch, pulling you into his lap, deepening the kiss more. 
You ran your hands in his dyed hair, causing Jay to send soft moans against your lips. His shorts hardening underneath you. 
Jay rests his hands on your lower back, slowly pushing you down onto him with every moment you make. 
The sensation you felt being completely connected to him sent butterflies to your stomach. 
Every inch of pleasure Jay was feeling was amplified because of your bond. Every movement Jay made that turned you on, turned him on more. 
It made you dizzy at his very touch. If making out with him felt like this, you could only imagine how sex would feel with him. 
Jay released his lips from yours, resting his forehead against yours. 
You both took deep breaths in, smiling and laughing. 
“There’s that smile I love,” You whispered, “Smiling looks better on you than being Mr. Grumpy Pants.” 
Jay chuckled, “You really irritate the fuck out of me.” 
“And you’re stuck with me for life, right? Mates?” 
Jay pulled your hair behind your ears, finally truly feeling every ounce of love Jungwon felt for his mate, towards you. 
“Yes, beautiful,” Jay said, taking your face between his hands, “You're stuck with me just as much as I am stuck with you.” 
He planted one last kiss on your lips, before tossing you off him. 
“You really are an asshole.” You stuck your tongue out at him. 
Jay rolled his eyes, “Go to bed, we have a big day tomor-“ 
You sat up on the couch, feeling the worry that he was feeling. 
“Jay? Jongseong? What’s wrong?” 
He pulls you towards him and behind him, away from the window.
The glass shatters, and a woman with dark red hair, steps through. 
“Oh isn’t this a sight to see, Dorian will be excited to know his lovely friends rescued his lunch.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I am so sick of hearing that.” 
Jay clenched his jaw, his grip on you becoming even tighter. 
“Didn’t think you were much for being in a pack, Lilly.” Jay hissed. 
“Oh, we aren’t in a pack. Let's just say we are in an agreement.”
“He still wants __ doesn’t he?” Jay asked, already knowing the answer. 
“He doesn’t just want Jungwon’s mate,” she sang, looking around Jay and directly at you, “He wants your mate as well.” 
Your heart sank, the man responsible for almost killing you knows you’re still alive. You gripped onto the back of Jay’s shirt, pulling yourself closer. 
“Why does he want Y/N and __?! There’s plenty of other people out there!” 
“Now now, Jongseong, that’s not something a doctor should say.” 
Lilly walked closer, studying the two of you. 
“I’m not here to hurt you or take your mate from you, I just had to come to confirm Dorian’s suspensions.”
“What is he planning?”
Lilly laughed, “I don’t have the time nor patience to tell you, plus your pack just arrived, don’t want to be torn to pieces.” 
With a wave, Lilly jumped out the window. 
Jay pulled you to his chest, wrapping his arms tighter around you. Your whole body shakes with fear. 
“Don’t be scared baby, I have you.” Jay ran his hand through your long hair, “And I won’t let them touch you.”
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419 notes · View notes
zepskies · 2 months
Take Me Home - Part 6
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
AN: Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions…
Word Count: 4.6K
Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, tinge of spice~
❤️ Series Masterlist
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“Michael?! What are you doing here?” you asked. 
He stood there with determination set across his face.
“We really need to talk.”
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“We already did! Just leave me the hell alone,” you said. If your day hadn’t been long already, you knew it was about to be even longer. 
Because just as you began to close the door, Michael slapped a hand on the center of it and pushed his way into your apartment.
You gasped and had to back up a couple of steps. “What are you doing?”
“Just hear me out, and then I’ll leave,” Michael said, staring down into your eyes. “That’s all I want.”
He pushed the door closed behind him, but it swung open, just a crack. In his heated state, he hadn’t even noticed. Neither did you. You stepped back further into the center of the living room and crossed your arms with an angry frown. 
“I don’t care!” you snapped. Your patience quota for the day had run out a long time ago. “I just want to be done. Don’t you get that?”
“I know,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. He looked tired as hell; like he hadn’t been sleeping well for weeks. Now in the light of day and not a dusky bar, you could see the darkness under his eyes and the stubble on his cheeks, though he was usually clean-shaven. 
“I know and I’m sorry. I hurt you badly, and I never even told you why,” he said.
You tilted your head in contemplation. Because he was right. For all these months, you’d been so incensed at the bare facts of what he’d done, you’d never looked too deeply into the why.
The one time you’d asked him (while throwing his clothes and possessions out of your shared apartment at the time), he’d never given you a good answer.
“Okay, fine. Why did you do it then?” you asked. “Why did you betray me in the worst way possible, and still try to marry me?”
Michael sighed, his shoulders sinking. “The truth?”
That sparked your anger once more.
“No, keep lying to me like you’ve done from the very start!” you retorted.
“It wasn’t from the start!” he barked back. “It was around six months in, when we were dating. You and I had argued about something stupid. Kate came over to talk it out with me…just to talk. I swear to God. But we were drinking and…”
You let out a sigh, casting your gaze upwards. You really didn’t think you wanted to hear this after all. Michael earned your attention back though, when he took a step forward into your orbit.
“She got pregnant,” he admitted.
Your mouth fell open as your breath left your lungs. Your hands went to your temples in disbelief, and you made a sound of pure shock and distress.
“But she lost the baby early on,” he said. “She was devastated. I was too, but…I tried to help her through it. And it became this, this thing that wouldn’t let go of me. She wouldn’t let me go.”
You shook your head as furious tears welled up in your eyes. This was just too ridiculous and upsetting to compute. You didn’t even recognize the man that was standing in front of you anymore.
How could he blame Kate for what they’d done to you, and for clinging to him after losing her baby? How could he keep that from you, even when he asked you to marry him?
And how could he tell you all of this now and expect you to forgive him?
You didn’t have the words, but you held out a hand against him when he tried to take another step toward you.
“I know I fucked up. I fucked everything up. But you don’t have to come all the way here to run away,” he said. “Your parents miss you. Our friends…they all love you. And most of them rightly don’t want anything to do with me.”
He looked down then, with shame coloring his features. 
Through your tears and the struggle of collecting yourself, you studied him closely with your arms crossed.
You’d known Michael for several years. Even considering the months you two had been apart, you knew he was the same—stubborn and hot-headed and full of audacity as ever. But…he also seemed genuinely remorseful. And desperate.
“If you give me one more chance, I promise I won’t mess it up again. I’ll be the man you deserve,” he said, taking your hand and uncrossing your arms in the process. “Believe it or not, I took a week off without pay, just to be here and get a chance to say this to you: I love you. I love you. And I know now that it’s meant to be you.”
You hesitated, and even made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. They were a crisp dark blue, and yet, not the warm green you’d come to crave. You shook your head.  
“I get it, Michael. I really do…but I can’t do this anymore,” you said. “It’s too damn much.”
You began to slip your hand out of his, but he held you a fraction tighter. He frowned. 
“Are you seeing someone? Is it that guy from the other night? That cop?” Michael asked. 
“Stop it,” you warned in anger. Beau was part of the reason your heart held pain, but it wasn’t the main reason you wanted to be done with Michael Hadley.
You tried to twist your wrist out of his grip. He wouldn’t let you, instead, trying to bring you closer. 
“That’s not an answer,” he said in frustration. “Please, we can start over—”
“Let go!” you demanded. You yanked your hand out of his, and the rest came on instinct. 
Your slap was loud against his cheek, and it made your hand sting too. You also pushed him hard in the chest. Michael was forced to step back while holding his reddening face. He looked back at you in disbelief. 
You were breathing hard, shocked even at yourself. You’d never done that before in your life, but then again, never had you felt the panic of a man holding you against your will. 
Michael’s brows furrowed. He called to you in a pleading tone, and he reached for your arm to placate you.
You quickly stepped back again on reflex. Your heel tripped on the tile floor and you gasped as you felt yourself careening back…onto the glass coffee table behind you.
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After putting his investigation of Avery to bed for the night, Beau felt drained on all counts.
He punctuated the end of his day by calling to check up on Frank Davis, the local firehouse chief, and the father of one of the firefighters who was killed a few months back. Brett, one of the other victims, had carried the guilt of his best friend’s death to his grave. 
Inevitably, that case brought up old memories for Beau. It also reminded him of you, and the situation with your firefighter ex-boyfriend. ‘Scuse me, ex-fiancé.
He also felt bad about how things ended with you in his office. He knew he wasn’t being fair to you. 
As his daughter reminded him the other night, if he’d just been a bit more “open” and honest, maybe he could’ve saved his marriage.
Now with Michael likely trailing you, he didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t come to him, or even call him for that matter.
He seemed to be a bit of a hothead too, Beau thought. While he climbed into his truck and peeled out of the station, he debated stopping by to see you. Carla and Emily wouldn’t be getting over to his place for a couple of hours. That did give him some time. 
And when it came down to it, was he a man, or was he a coward?
He knew it wouldn’t sit right with him if he didn’t try to make this right, in whatever small way.
So with that decision made in his mind, he drove over to your apartment complex. When he parked in one of the guest spots, he noticed another one occupied by a rental car, a gray sedan.
A small tingling of unease buzzed in the back of his mind. Beau approached your building, went inside, and started up the stairs. When he began to hear raised voices, a man and a woman who sounded too much like you, that gut feeling became a red hot alarm making his chest tighten.
He took the stairs nearly two at a time to get up to the second floor, where he saw that the door to your apartment unit was cracked open. He could hear glass shattering from inside.
He sprinted down the hall, and with a hand on his gun at his belt, he swung the door open.
The first thing he saw was Michael’s tall frame standing over you, frozen in shock. You were lying on your side amidst a shattered coffee table, fallen through the wooden frame. There was glass everywhere and underneath you, with magazines and pictures and other knickknacks strewn across the floor.
“What the hell’s going on here?!” Beau barked out.
Michael had turned at the sound of the door banging open. He met the sheriff with wide eyes. Beau’s expression set with a grim, angry frown. Though he willed himself to hold his temper in check, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Michael’s shoulder, pushing him back and creating space between him and you.
“Step back,” the sheriff snapped.
“Beau,” you uttered in disbelief. You had tears in your eyes at the sight of him.
“Hey, darlin’,” said Beau. His voice was still rough, but more gentle for you. He knelt down at your side and carefully wrapped an arm around your waist to help lift you off the glass.
“You okay?” he asked you.
“Y-Yeah.” Though you raised one of your hands from the ground and blanched at the sight of a sizable piece of glass embedded in your palm. Beau’s lips flattened into a line.
He paused for a moment, turning his head back towards Michael.
“Stay exactly where you are,” he ordered, in a tone that boded no argument.
And Michael offered none. He stood there with furrowed brows. He even looked on at you in worry and frustration, knowing he couldn’t help you. He could only watch the sheriff make slow movements to help you out of the glass.
“Okay, slow for me,” Beau said. He spoke to you in low, calming tones whenever you made a sound of pain. He hooked an arm under your knees and lifted you out of the coffee table’s remains.
“Easy, I gotcha,” he murmured, helping you sit on the couch. You folded your legs off to the side, so you weren’t continuing to step in the glass on bare feet. Besides your right palm, your arm and right thigh had a few bleeding cuts of various degrees.  
After making a short glance at a still concerned Michael, Beau turned to you.
“Did he push you?” he asked.
“No, I didn’t fucking push her!” Michael said. 
“He didn’t,” you confirmed. “But he did shove his way into my apartment.”
Beau’s jaw tightened. He looked back at Michael, and his gaze demanded an answer. 
“I just—I just wanted to talk! Obviously I didn’t mean for this. Goddamn it,” Michael said, wiping a frustrated hand over his face. “Are you okay?”
You sighed. Beau set a hand on your shoulder. 
“Do you want to press charges for trespassing?” Beau asked you.
“Oh, come on!” Michael exclaimed. Beau pointed at him with a hard stare.
“You pipe the hell down,” he said tersely. “And don’t you move a damn inch. Because if you do, so help me, it’ll just about make my day.”
He flashed the other man a look at the handcuffs (and the gun) on his belt.
Beau then returned his attention to you. You were attempting to pick the glass out of your hand. He stilled your movements with a gentle hand on your wrist. 
“Hey, hey, wait on that for me, okay?” he asked. You looked up at him tiredly. 
“It’s okay. Just let him go,” you said. You shifted your gaze to Michael. “Go back to Chicago, for real this time. I’m not going anywhere.”
Michael’s face became disheartened, but his eyes fell to your injured hand. Blood was streaming all the way down your forearm and dripping on the tile floor, along with the other smears of blood amongst glass. 
He knew what he’d done. It made him even more sick with himself.
He turned to leave.
You watched him go, and you could no longer hold in your quiet tears. It wasn’t for him leaving. You just couldn’t believe it had all come to this. 
Beau lightly squeezed your shoulder. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back, okay?” he said. “Do me a favor and don’t move.”
“Okay,” you said, in an uncharacteristically small voice.
Beau tried to give you a reassuring smile. He gave into the desire to sweep a stray lock of hair away from your eyes, allowing him to brush your cheek with his fingers. You gave him a small smile back, despite your watery eyes.
Beau nodded and got up from the couch. He made swift strides out of the apartment, making sure to close the door behind him. He then hastened down the hall and the stairs to catch up with Michael in the parking lot. Beau was hot on his trail to the rental car.
“Hey!” he called out.
Michael paused in his gait. He turned to face the sheriff, sporting a look of frustration.
“What?” he shot back.
“You better take her warning for the gift it is,” Beau said. He closed the distance between him and Michael, but resisted the urge to grab the other man and hurl him against the car.
“It’s time for you to go home,” Beau said. “I don’t want to see you in town. I don’t want to hear that you’re following her around or blowing up her phone. Do you hear me?”
Michael stood straighter, his jaw working in anger.
“Are you threatening me, Sheriff?” he asked.
“No. I’m thinking you’ll be smart enough to take some friendly advice,” Beau said, but his eyes were sharp. “If I have to threaten you, then we really will have a problem.”
Michael was younger, leaner, probably faster, but Beau edged him out by a couple of inches, on both height and build.
“Just let her get on with her life,” said Beau.
Fortunately, the standoff didn’t last long.
Michael’s anger soon relented, letting the guilt and shame shine through.
“Make sure she’s okay,” he said. “Tell her…that I’m sorry.”
Then he turned and walked away. Beau watched him get into his car and leave the premises.
It wasn’t until the rumble of the engine faded away that Beau released the clenched fists at his sides. He pivoted slowly on his heel and made his way back up to your apartment.
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And your door was locked.
On one hand, he understood your fears. On the other hand, he’d asked you not to move from the couch.
“Who is it?” you asked, after he knocked.
“It’s just me, don’t worry,” Beau answered. You opened the door with your good hand and let him in, while holding up your bloody one with a bunch of crumpled gauze and medical tape hanging down your arm. It looked like you got the glass shard out, but you were struggling on the “wrapping it up” part.
“Oh, sweetheart, I asked you to wait for me,” he said. His brows furrowed as he took your wrist and elbow to steady you.
“Yeah, well, I got impatient,” you replied, but your attempt at a smile lightened him too. 
Beau followed you to the kitchen sink and grasped your hand carefully. You’d already cleaned and sterilized the wound, so all he had to do was wrap it for you with some gauze and medical tape. 
“This is kind of deep. You might wanna go to the ER,” he said. “I could take you.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s really not that deep,” you replied.
“You sure?” Beau asked, frowning at you. “How you doin’? You okay?”
Your face had been tight with pain while he tried to get the wrapping right with deft hands. At his questioning, you softened with a wry smile. 
“I’m fine, more or less,” you said. “But…how…why were you here to begin with? How’d you know I was in trouble?”
Beau met your gaze for a moment. He was able to delay answering your question until he finished wrapping your hand. Afterwards, he sighed.
“I came to apologize,” he admitted. “But first, can I help you clean up around here? You just sit and relax. I’ll sweep up all this glass and mop the floor.”
You let out a long breath, your shoulders sinking. “Oh, Beau, don’t. You don’t have to do all that.”
“But see, I actually want to,” he said, giving you one of those grins you’ve come to know and expect. You couldn’t help but smile back.
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A thorough sweep, vacuum, and mopping, then a couple of cracked open beers and an order of Chinese later (plus cleaning and patching up the rest of your cuts), Beau sat next to you at the dining table and officially made his apology.
“I’m sorry for how things turned out today at the precinct,” he said.
You shook your head. You’d had some time to think about all of that, and there were things you could’ve handled better too.
“Beau, look. I get it,” you said. “You’re dealing with a lot at work, with Carla and Emily too, and…really, we haven’t known each other all that long. It wasn’t fair of me to expect you to open up on something that clearly still hurts you. Especially in the middle of your office.”
Beau let out a breath through his nose. He smiled and laid a gentle hand over your uninjured one, earning your widened gaze.
“You’re a sweetheart for that, but the truth is, you had a point today,” he said. “I’m a difficult man to know. It’s a flaw of mine that my ex-wife has pointed out several times. And even my daughter. Sometimes she looks at me like she can’t understand me.”
You bit the inside of your lip. You debated asking the question you wanted to ask. With his hand over yours, brushing his thumb over the back of your hand, you were able to gather your courage.
“Does it have something to do with the reason you were in grief counseling?” you asked. “About your partner on the job?”
Beau nodded, his smile fading. “Yeah, it does. It has a lot to do with Randy.”
He took a moment, but you gave him the time he needed to find his words. Eventually he began to explain to you what happened in Houston.
How he’d been an upper-level officer dealing with a narcotics case. His partner, Randy Santos, had volunteered to infiltrate a drug cartel undercover. He stayed in the field for a few months longer than protocol, but he was so close, he’d claimed. One bust, and they could arrest the kingpin. The entire cartel would crumble.
Beau had backed him up with the Chief, against his better judgment. When the time came that Randy had helped arrange a drug deal, Beau was the one leading the squad on the bust.
“It went south so fast,” he said.
And he paused in his story for a moment. His eyes were far away, lost in memories.
You squeezed his hand over yours to bring him back. He met your gaze.
“When it got down to it, I had two choices,” he said. “Take out the boss, or take out the guy right in front of me, Dante. Now, Dante had his back turned. He couldn’t see me. Would’ve been fish in a barrel…but I went for the head of the snake. I shot the kingpin. I didn’t realize that Dante had already burned Randy. Knew he was a cop.”
Beau met your gaze then. “Dante shot Randy in the head, point blank.”
Your mouth fell open in disheartened shock. Beau took a long sip of his beer, wishing it was whiskey.
“I saw it all…in slow motion. Just like the movies,” he said. “I see it almost every night, without fail.”
You shook your head helplessly. “Beau. It’s not—”
“Not my fault?” Beau gave you a sad smile. “Oh, but it was. Nothing else to it. Bad leadership. bad police work. Bad friend.”
He continued to drink his beer.
“And I checked out,” he said. “My wife and daughter paid the price of my absence. Picking myself off the bottom of whatever crusty bar would have me that night. Refusing to go to counseling. Generally making an ass of myself.”
You covered his hand with your bandaged one. It got him to look at you and forget his beer for a moment.
“It was a hard call,” you said. “Anyone could’ve made the same one you did.”
“Yeah. And it got my best friend killed,” Beau said. “His wife, his ten-year-old boy, his parents. They’ll never be the same because I messed up. I can’t abide that.” 
He sucked in an unsteady breath. “It still…sometimes I wake out of a dead sleep, and I see his face. I see the body they brought back.”
His eyes were red and shining. The emotion in his voice choked you up as well, making your eyes sting. 
You raised a hand to touch his cheek, your thumb drifting tenderly across his chin. 
“You’re not a difficult man to know,” you said. A tear found its way down your cheek, and then another. You didn’t bother to wipe them away. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about you, it’s that you care. About your team, your family, everyone…even messy, accident-prone women.”
You gave him a smile at the last bit. He was able to give you one back, through his own unsteady breath.
“Especially those,” he agreed. Your hand moved down to his shoulder. 
“And you also like to eat. A lot,” you quipped. “I think you’ve got about three stomachs.”
“Probably four, realistically,” he said with a tearful laugh. He wiped at his face with both hands. You waited for him to meet your gaze again before you continued.  
“You’re also an old-fashioned cowboy,” you said, with a brighter smile. Your hand slid down, this time to his chest, over his heart. “But you’re a good man, Beau. That, I knew from the very beginning.”
Beau clasped your hand where it lay on his chest, almost on reflex. He was sure you could feel his heart tripping up, double timing. He reached out for your cheek, guiding your face up to his. He leaned over slowly, giving you time to say no, whether with words or with actions.
But your eyes, though still a bit shiny from tears, were nothing but beautifully welcoming. So he took a shot. He began to cross the distance between your lips and his.
And his phone buzzed on the table, making both of you jolt. 
It was just a text message. Frowning, Beau looked over and read the preview. When he saw Emily’s name, he cursed under his breath. He reached for his phone and opened up the message.
Hey, where are you?
“Shit,” he said. “Emily’s been staying with me all week and Carla’s joining us tonight, to be safe. They’re there already, asking where I am.”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed beyond measure, but you nodded.
“Then you should go,” you said.
You squeezed his hand before you released him. Beau wasn’t happy about it either, but he did the same. He helped you clean up the dining table and gathered up his wallet and keys. You walked him over to the front door, where Beau debated how he should leave this.
The door was open, literally and figuratively as you leaned against its frame. You couldn’t hide your unease. You didn’t know where this left the two of you either.
Beau sighed and propped a curled finger under your chin, earning your gaze.
“I need to settle some things. After…” he trailed. You nodded at what he was trying to say.
“When Carla and Emily have stability again, we can talk,” you finished for him. “I’ll be here.” 
He looked at you in wonder. 
“You’ll really wait for that?” he asked. His brows creased, and he truly marveled at your patience with him. “You know you don’t have to.”
A smile curved your lips. “Something tells me you’re worth waiting for, Sheriff Arlen.”
Beau grinned at you fondly. He cupped the side of your face and pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Well, thank God for that,” he said. “Really, thank you…”
Lord help him, but he couldn’t help himself. He finally crossed the distance and kissed you.
Your chest rose with your breath, but when your eyes fell shut, you couldn’t help but melt against him. You gripped the front of his buttoned-down shirt for stability while his fingers tangled in your hair. It all grew with heat when he tilted his head, tasting you deeper with each new kiss.
He pressed you into the doorframe, trapping your body with his. You held onto him like a lifeline.
While his hands drifted down your back and rested on your hips, bunching the material of your pretty yellow sundress, you twined your arms around his neck, pulling him flush against you. He felt your every curve, soft breasts and thighs and sweet sighs.
He released a sound of pleasure, deep in his throat. His lips veered away from yours to burn a slow trail down to your neck. He was satisfied by the way you moaned and struggled to catch your breath at his ministrations.
Your fingers wound up sweeping through his hair. It both soothed and aroused him, somehow. But Beau knew if he didn’t stop here, he wouldn’t be able to again.
He laid one last kiss under your ear that hinted with teeth, making you shudder. He pulled away just enough to rest his forehead against yours. You two breathed together for a moment, just existing here, hearts racing.
“I gotta go,” he said. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
You nodded, biting your lip. He pulled back further and thumbed at your lower lip. 
“Don’t do that, or I just might have to go back on my word,” he said, giving you a smirk.
You smiled in amusement. “Promise?”
Beau chuckled. He stole one more heated kiss before he withdrew from you, his hand lingering on your cheek. Heaving a sigh, you turned him around by his broad shoulders and reluctantly sent him on his way. 
Halfway down the hall, he slowed to look back at you. Seeing you leaning against your door, still catching your breath, all hot and bothered…it nearly broke his resolve.
“Nope,” he muttered.
He shook his head and forced himself to keep walking until he hit the stairwell for the umpteenth time today. 
He would stop three more times on the way to his car before he actually left your building.
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AN: 😘 So, how'd you like the official "end" of Michael Hadley? And finally, finally, we get to a first kiss. In Part 7, we enter some even deeper waters...
Next Time:
“I’m actually glad you’re here,” she said. “I’ve kinda got a question for you.”
“Kinda?” you echoed with a smile, but you pat her on the knee. “What’s on your mind, honey?”
Emily looked a little unsure. It had you giving her your undivided attention.
“It’s about my dad,” she began. Your smile slowly fell, but now you were really listening.
“Okay,” you nodded.
Emily opened her mouth to reply, but before she could, the lights in the entire office went out.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 7
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Series Masterlist
Big Sky Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @globetrotter28 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog @ades106
@charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989 @deans-baby-momma @tabsluvsu @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons
@antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @deans-daydream @deans-spinster-witch @agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @iprobablyshipit91 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @lostin-jensenseyes @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow
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svngiem-remade · 1 year
HI IM BACK sorry for spamming lysm anyways CAR SEX WITH MINHO!? like imagine riding him but ur too slow for his liking so he just fucks u onto him !? seeing the windows fog up and feeling the car literally shake from the momentum that hes gathering i need to be spayed or something im not normal
sorry it took me like two weeks to answer this 💔
contains. lots of smut, dom!minho, semi-public sex, use of pet names, penetration, unprotected sex, mentions of voyeurism, reader rides minho, and gets degraded by him, i'm so jealous.
“But there’s— there’s people o—outsi—” you muffled against Minho’s neck, though at the sound of him clicking his tongue you immediately shut up.
“Did I fucking stutter?” Minho hissed in your ear, the palm of his hand landing on your half-clothed asscheek with a loud smack, before pulling your head back by your hair with his other hand to bring your face in front of his, “I said faster.” he spat out, staring into your clouded eyes as you slowly rode him on the driver’s seat.
“I— Min, people will kn—” you tried to protest, but a sudden upward buck of his hips that hit you right in your gummy spot caused you to squeeze your eyes shut and hold back a loud moan, your hands quickly moving from his waist to grip his shoulders like your life depended on it.
However, you never stopped grinding on his length, which made him smirk, “Make up your mind then. You don’t want people to find out we’re fucking in broad daylight, but you’re still riding my cock like a slut.” he scoffed, resting his hands on your hips before bringing his lips to your left ear, giving it a soft nibble while he slowly slipped out of you, just to slam back inside with a low grunt, “Drop the innocent act, it’s starting to piss me off.”
Then the air inside the vehicle became hot, stuffy as he started fucking up into you, his cock stretching your hole wide with every harsh thrust as your lips crashed against each other in a wet kiss, “Ah— fuck.” you moaned in his mouth, feeling your high approach quickly.
Your eyes fluttered shut once again as Minho’s hands tensed around your hips, the knot in your stomach tightening by the second, “You were so against the idea of us fucking h—here because you said we could get caught, but you’re drenched as shit.” he teased with a smirk before pulling out until only his tip was in, “Were you just afraid I’d find out you’re actually into this? Into letting people see how good I’m fucking your pathetic little hole?” he snuck a hand under the skirt you were still wearing and traced your stretched hole with his finger as stuffed you full with his cock, repeating his action over and over again, it becoming more desperate with every thrust.
The sound of your sexes meeting on his groin, which was completely drenched with both your arousals, made you (both) pant and whine, causing the windows of your small car to fog up— the frantic way he fucked you onto him making the car shake in the random parking lot you’d pulled up into about fifteen minutes earlier, the excuse being that you needed to rest from the rather long roadtrip to his parents house, which was about 6 hours away from Seoul.
“I need to— to… shit—” he stuttered, a rare sight which made you smile, “— to fuck you more, you’re still so tight—” Minho moaned, attaching his lips to your exposed neck and roughly sucking on it, the wet tips of his long hair sticking to your sweaty skin, “Stop fucking clenching—” he grunted, his hands travelling from your hips to your buttcheeks, squeezing them while his hot tongue coated with saliva the trail of hickies he’d left on your chest and neck. When he felt satisfied, his eyes slowly fluttered shut as he leaned his head back on the head rest of the driver’s seat.
He hummed when you ground left and right on him, his eyes blinking open when you moaned loudly, so loud it could be probably heard outside of the car. Minho looked up at you, his red cheeks and hazy eyes fixed on yours, his biceps flexing as he still slammed you onto him restlessly; though, his serious, almost innocent, expression morphed into a smirk when you started meeting his thrusts eagerly by trying to bounce on him, “Not so shy anymore, huh?”
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© SVNGIEM, 2023.
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multifandomgirl08 · 4 months
Tu me promets (Daniel's POV) - D.R. #3
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Sugar Daddy!Daniel Ricciardo x Fem!Reader
Summary: He was sorry, for not calling, for sleeping with you, and then running as if you meant nothing to him.
Warning(s): Implied sexual content
A/N: As per pole results this will get published first. The Reader's POV will be up next week. The title translates to you promise me. Points to anyone who can spot the Gossip Girl reference from season 6.
Words: 3.3k
Previous Part ← Reader POV The Arrangement Masterlist
Daniel knew he was being a coward, not texting you back after you had gotten home, not calling you for two months. It was a lot for him to process all while being back in Formula 1 driving for AlphaTauri. It wasn’t Red Bull but Christian and Helmut through it would be a good stepping stone for him after last year.
Yet here he was showing up at your apartment building to try to talk to you. He was pretty sure that you would slam the door in his face before he was even able to get a word out. He waved at the security guard before going up the elevator to your floor.
He knocked once he was at your door. He didn’t have to, he did have a key to your apartment but he wouldn’t do that. He may have bought the apartment but it was your space and he wasn’t just going to let himself in after not talking to you.
It took a few moments for the door to open. There was something punishing in that silence of waiting. It wasn’t long before you stood in front of him in his pink Enchanté jumper, black shorts, and thigh-high socks. The bouquet of white Japanese Camellia flowers that were in his hands suddenly felt heavy, like it was weighing down his arm.
“Can I come in?” He asked.
You eventually let him through the door not saying anything. Daniel couldn’t help but take in the apartment after not having been here for a while. It was very well lived in, you had candles, books, and photos set up all around. This had become home for you. He saw a throw from Hermés over the back of the armchair he helped you pick out. He knew he was the only one to sit on it.
There was a container of takeaway on the glass and silver coffee table, and you were watching Gossip Girl on the TV.
“I’m sorry.” He blurted. He was sorry, for not calling, for sleeping with you, and then running as if you meant nothing to him. It was wrong and you deserved better, not just from him but in general.
He tried to hand you the flowers but you wouldn’t take them from him. His eyes fell on an empty vase by one of the windows that looked like a handbag. He walked over in small steps and placed the flowers in there, just happy for them to be out of his hands.
He walked closer to you but kept the distance between you, leaning against the back of the cream couch, his legs folded on top of one another.
“Look,” He started to say. He could feel your eyes on him, running up and down what he was wearing probably tuning out his words just to not seem rude or something. “I know I shouldn’t have left the morning after. I just…”
Come on mate, out with it. She won’t hear you out all damn day. He thought to himself.
“It was a lot for me, to know how I felt and then do that. Be with you.” It was the only thing he felt he could say. It was his truth. He never expected that he would get a chance to be with you or that you would even want him like that.
“So, what does that mean?” It was fair of you to ask him that. What did that mean?
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I pay you… to spend time with me, in gifts, and clothes, and all this other stuff.”
He hated bringing up the money. Money bought him things, it wasn’t meant to be used on people.
“I won’t pay you to sleep with me. It’s not right.” He blurted out. Daniel had always tried to be a nice guy, and he just couldn’t use you like that.
“Who says that you’d be paying me to sleep with you?” You asked as if there was nothing wrong with that. He can’t do that to you. He can’t treat you like you mean nothing to him. “Maybe I just want to.”
Daniel can’t help but shut his eyes at those words. “But you shouldn’t.”
“What I mean is… I can’t keep doing this because of the money.” It was never about the money when it came to you. Yes, he liked buying you things and spending money on you. But there was more in it for him. “I care too much for you now, for it to be about the money.”
“Can you think about our relationship for a second… without the money.” You asked him.
Think about their “relationship” without the money. Their whole arrangement started because of money.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
"What would we do while you were in town? And I don't mean the shopping." Your question puzzled him a little.
Without the money? He thought. That wasn’t shopping?
"Dinner, and we'd go out to hang out with my friends, maybe watch a movie or something." He finally managed to get out.
Come to think of it he had never met your friends, he never tried to insert himself into your life thinking that there was no way that he would fit. Always busy with his career, media obligations, and his friends. It was easier for him to try to find a way to pull you into his world, without inserting himself into yours.
"What am I to you Daniel? What do you call me in all your notes?" You asked. It was like there was an odd shift in the room. Everything felt slower, almost hazy with how dark it felt in the apartment.
"You... you're my girl." He struggled to get the words out. He had only said those words out loud once, before that, it was always either writing them down on paper or in a text message. Saying it now felt strange on his tongue. 
"Why do you call me that?" You drew out of him.
As you walked closer Daniel couldn’t help but swallow down his breath. His hands felt hot like he had just gotten out of the car after an intense session on the track.
"Because you’re mine." He whispered, "I like spoiling what's mine." He still didn’t know what that meant for the two of them. Calling you his was one thing, but he knew that he had no ownership of you whatsoever.
Feeling the press of your body against his chest made him nervous. All he wanted was to get out of the hoodie that he was wearing. It would make him less hot, and make it easier for him to breathe. He felt you moving his hands to your hips, just laying them over the soft fabric of your shorts.
"It's okay, Daniel." You whispered brushing their noses together. "You can have me." The invitation felt too good to be true.
It was too easy to pull you to the couch and let himself get lost in the feeling of your lips. Two months without it. You were a drug in the best way, the best high he could ever get. How had he let himself believe that he could live without the feeling of you in his arms and the taste of your lips on his?
Coherent thoughts and feelings didn’t matter while he held you to his chest.
“You’re perfect for me,” He praised you letting his lips trail over your neck. You were trouble and he knew that he was done for.
At some point in the evening, both of you had moved to the bedroom. He was leaning back against the headboard, letting his eyes wander around the room taking in the contrast of soft creams and dark black accent pieces. A phone charger and a few jewelry pieces cluttered the nightstand to his left.
His fingers fiddled with the silver Tiffany bracelet that you were wearing, letting himself get lost in the feeling of your skin against his, seeing your hair a mess, and light bruises start to show on your neck.
"Can you promise me something?" You asked him.
He gave you a slight nod. He wasn’t sure what he could promise you. A wonderful life, a diamond ring one day? Okay, maybe he was getting ahead of himself by thinking about a diamond ring.
"If we keep doing this," You said, pointing at the two of you. "Promise me that you know it's not about the money."
So it hadn’t been about the money for her? He couldn’t help but question. He still paid for things for you, food, clothes, even if he was the one who was picking things out to give to you. Money was the thing that held them together. 
"But isn't that why this all started for you," He asked. "Because of the money."
"Yes, when I was in school." You said. School. Right. You had been in college when you met. How could he forget? "But I'm out of college now, I can find a job.”
Find a job? He didn’t like the sound of that. That would mean that if they kept this, even if it was in some small way he would have to work around not just his schedule but yours as well. There was no way.
“Maybe even take over paying the rent on this place." You continued.
Pay rent. He didn’t pay rent on this place. He had bought it. He always saw it as an investment, he put down the 5 million on it, and if this hadn’t worked out he could always rent it out to someone. It wasn’t like he needed the extra income.
"I don't pay rent on it." He admitted, scratching at the back of his neck. "I bought it."
He looked over at you to see that you were a little shocked at his confession. Maybe he should have told you that when he had gotten you the place.
"What about you?" You asked changing the subject. "What started all this for you?"
That was a hard question to answer without going into too much detail. Everything in his career felt like it was falling apart and in some ways his life as well.
"I needed a change, something to make me feel like I was worth something. A priority if you will." That felt like the easy way to explain it. He hadn’t felt like he made himself a priority in a long time. Being with you made him feel like he was worth something. It was always time and energy well spent. You made him feel like he was worth everything after just a few hours together.
He felt you move closer to him in the sheets, sitting on his lap as your bare thighs brushed against each other. Your hair pooled around your face a bit as he tried to stop himself from pulling you closer. You may have just been wearing only his hoodie in bed but he could only control himself so much.
"You are worth so much." You said to him. He felt you lean closer to him. Touching your foreheads together. "All the money in the world can't compare."
God, that was cheesy. He couldn’t stop himself from laughing even if he tried.
Daniel let himself enjoy the feeling of you against him. The supple feel of your hands on his skin, the way your hair was just slightly brushing over his arm. Small things he hadn’t let himself enjoy before.
"I think that if we keep doing this," He started to say. He was slow to pull back from you. A the same time he wanted to cherish feeling you against him. "You need to know that it'll be more for me than it was."
He was making this choice for you. He couldn’t do this if you wanted to keep it casual. He needed it to be all or nothing. Full relationship. He couldn’t live with just having pieces and moments with you anymore.
"I understand." You said as he felt your fingers running over the skin close to his collarbone.
"No, like, I have feelings for you. Real feelings. And I can't do this if you don't feel anything for me in return." He stopped your hand where it was. 
He wasn’t willing to say the words I love you. He didn’t want you to shut him down if you heard them, he couldn’t handle it.
"I do have feelings for you, but I never thought that you would let me get close enough to see if there was more than attraction." Wait? What? He thought… it wasn’t just him then. He didn’t have to treat this like it was only based on what he felt for you.
“When did it become more for you? Italy? Meeting Scotty and my friends?” He couldn’t help but wonder. Why had you fallen for him if it wasn’t to do with the money? 
When you brought up the story of him insisting on walking closer to the curb on the street he couldn’t help but feel a light blush make his cheeks warm. He was just being a gentleman. Doing what he thought he should since it was late at night and they were in New York. He didn’t want you walking close to the sidewalk in case something happened. Who knew what could happen if you did?
“That’s when I knew it was more, I knew that I couldn’t make you give me more, so I let you give me what you could, until Monaco.” He appreciated that for a while she had been understanding of the fact that he didn’t want to just jump into something. “By then I was sick of waiting. I needed more… So I took it.”
Hearing that being in Monaco made you want more had made him see that it was more gradual for you than it was for him. He had been apprehensive to share his feelings for you, but now that he knew that you felt something for him, he wanted to be with you more than ever.
"I guess that means that we're both in this." You half asked.
"This means," He said, quickly flipping you onto your back. He made sure to rest his arms against the mattress to keep most of his weight off you. You let out a loud laugh. "That since you’re mine, I get to keep taking care of you."
You were quick to lock your legs around his back while he lightly trailed his lips over your neck.
"Know what that means?" He whispered, nudging your neck with his nose before moving up your neck. You felt perfect underneath him.
"There is... no way... I'm letting you... get a job." He admitted between moving to the other side of your neck lightly digging his teeth into the skin. Nope, not happening ever. You were his and he didn’t want you working if he could help it. Damn the fact that you paid for your schooling.
Daniel had let his eyes pear over to the window to see that it had grown dark at some point. Between the talking, the couch, and ending you in your bed. You had turned the lights off and Daniel had settled in against one of the pillows that you had on your bed. He had felt you move closer to him in bed, he turned over onto his side instead of his normal sleeping position on his stomach.
“Don’t worry, babe.” He put his arm around your waist, muttering into your hair before kissing your forehead. “I’m not going anywhere.”
It was a promise that he intended to keep. He let the sound of your breathing settle him to sleep. It had been the first time since Monaco that he had been able to fall asleep without the sound of a podcast or music filling his ears.
The feeling of the sun in Daniel’s face had woken him up. He was under a thick duvet, his pillow crushed in his arms, and a warm body settled against his side. Daniel was careful to roll over in bed. He knew that this wasn’t his bedroom on the farm in Perth, his bedroom in his Monaco apartment, or the house in LA. However, waking up here didn’t seem out of place.
He looked over to the other side of the bed, past messed-up white sheets, and saw strands of hair gracefully falling over a pillow. You were still asleep, turned towards him.
He didn’t want to leave the bed, but he thought maybe it would be nice if he at least made you a cup of coffee. He pulled himself out from under the warm sheets, letting the cold air of your apartment hit his chest.
As he moved through the apartment he couldn’t help but rub his eyes. He looked through some of the books that were on your shelves, pictures of you with your friends that he didn’t recognize at parties and out at dinner.
Eventually, he makes his way to the kitchen, looking through cabinets and opening drawers before finding the coffee mug you always use. His eyes fall on the built-in coffee maker and he can’t help but think that it looks complicated. Buttons and screen. Are there instructions lying around somewhere?
“How do you work this damn thing?” He asks no one. He’s on his last try using the machine before giving up and just using Uber Eats to order Starbucks or something. He’s washed the mug and it’s still dripping wet when he hears what can only be your feet against the light hardwood floors.
He looks up seeing you and can’t help but smile. You look gorgeous in the pink dress that you’re wearing. He places the cup down trying to avoid one of the bigger puddles of water by the sink that is facing the living room.
“How's my girl this morning?” He asks. As you get closer Daniel can’t help but reach for you. Now that he can touch you as much as he wants, he’s not sure if he’ll ever stop.
He leans down to press a light kiss on your cheek.
“Pretty good.” He can feel the smile in your words.
Everything after that feels easy, like the whole time he’s known you this is what the relationship has been like. He can’t help but stand there for a few moments, in awe of being here with you. He pulls his hand away from your cheeks, looking down at you as you peek up at him through your eyelashes.
“I know I bought the place, but can you please show me how to use this thing?” He says gesturing to the coffee maker.
You laugh pulling away from him just a bit before kissing his cheek. He can’t help the smile that creeps through. God, does this feel right. He watches as you roam around the kitchen making both of you coffee. The little sound of you humming to yourself, as he takes in the thought of being able to enjoy this all the time, not just when he lets himself indulge in his selfish whims.
As he’s watching you, he’s surprised to see you pull out oat milk from the fridge and put it into what he can only assume is his cup of coffee.
You quickly give it to him and all he can say is, “Thanks, babe,” Taking the cup from you.
He lets himself pull you to the couch needing to feel you close. It’s always been easy to talk to you, never having to miss a beat with anything that either of you brings up. Movies, music, anything. It just flows for both of you. He’s holding his coffee cup in one hand while the other is running over your skin, making little invisible patterns that he’s not paying attention to.
He can’t believe that some part of him thought it would be right to leave and run from this. It felt right, talking to you that night by the bar. From the moment he met you, he knew that he was done for.
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SD!Danny Ric Series: @hc-dutch, @taylorslovesswifties13, @thatsusbitch, @laneyspaulding19, @basicallyric, @divya14, @zafetycar, @brekkers-whore, @cixrosie, @taytaylala12
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gojo-enthusiast · 3 months
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One Week Away
Series — My Husband Toji Zenin
Mature Content— 18+
*I’ve been detoxing life lmao— also I have a girlfriend now yay hehe.*
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Toji had a work trip that was mandatory, he had tried to convince you to go with him, but when you weighed out all the options, and knew you would spend 99% of the time there alone, it just was something you weren’t up for. So you took this time out to invite your sister to stay the week with you. Maybe you wouldn’t miss your darling husband too much then.
It has officially been 6 days into your husband being gone, your sister is now on her way back home, and you are officially home alone.
“I miss Toji. I wonder if he would pick up my call? Is he busy?” You think to yourself. Taking the chance to call him.
As the phone rings, you go to press the end call button after three rings, figuring he was too busy to talk on the phone, but then hearing a woman voice answering, “Hello?” She says confused. “Um… Who is this?” You question, “Uh, that should be my line. Who are you?” She said snarky. At this rate, within a couple of seconds your head is fuming, and your heart feels like it had just been stomped on. “Was all that marriage counseling for nothing?” You think to yourself. Then you hear your husband. “Where the fuck is my phone?” You begin to hear other people in the back, one of them being Satoru. “You lost it old man?” He chuckles. “Shut the fuck up, and help me find my phone, I haven’t talked to my wife today.” He says in an agitated tone. “Wait why do you have my phone?” He questions, getting closer to what you think is the woman who answered the phone. “What?” She says, your heart is beating out of your chest. “Thats my phone, who are you talking to on my phone?” He says in an almost growl. “Oh shit, I’m sorry Toji, I thought this was my phone.” She nervously laughs, handing the phone to him. As soon as his phones are placed in his hands, he sees your name and photo. “Fuck. Baby?” He says into the phone. You had already started crying, because of course you assumed the worst, you couldn’t help it. “H-hey T-toji.” You stutter, feeling the tears rolling down. “Fuck, baby… are you crying?” He groans, you hear him walking away from the crowd, hearing Satoru in the background say. “Fuck, what did you say when you answered that phone?”
“I’m fine Toji, h-hows your trip?” You try to brush off like everything is fine. “Baby, she is just a fellow colleague. She grabbed my phone by accident. Are you okay?” He questions concerning. “I-I’m fine. I-I was just a little surprised.” You said with a shaky voice. You knew your husband wasn’t cheating on you, but what can you expect? It wasn’t always easy, especially with being apart. “I-I don’t want to be at home alone anymore. I sh-should have g-gone with yo-you.” You burst into tears, realizing how much you miss your husband. “Doll, I’m sorry. I’ll be home soon. ‘Aight?” He reassures you on the phone.
You both stayed on the phone for a few minutes, before he had to go back to his company dinner, and you fell asleep snuggled up to one of his hoodies. “I miss you.” You whisper into his hoodie, smelling his cologne, and his overall scent. It had been 6PM, and you drifted to sleep.
Toji became distressed with the thought of you being alone, he was ready to see his wife, to remind her that she was his, and he was yours. He had said his goodbyes, and grabbed his bag from the upstairs hotel. The drive was 6 hours, yet he made it back home in 5. Checking his watch, it was 12:36AM. Toji knew you would have been sound asleep, which was perfect for him, he knew how much you loved waking up to his head in between your legs, reminding you how much he loves and adores you. You also knew how much he worshipped your cunt, it had him making laps until your orgasms were almost painful. Toji loosened his tie, flinging across the room, seeing you in your little laced blue panties, and his hoodie, it only made his cock throb with just the mere sight of seeing you laid like that, he always loved how your ass was thick that your panties would almost get swallowed by them, there was so many times, he wanted to beg you to let him fuck your little ass, yet he knew how hard that would be, especially since it was hard to even take him vaginally, but he sure did fantasize about it. Toji took his belt off, unbuttoning his pants, letting them drop to the floor, popping the buttons off of his shirt, throwing it to the corner of the room. He had become a hungry tiger, wanting to devour you, until you shuttered at his touch. Toji was a kind and gentle man to you, but sexually, he could be ruthless, he loved to watch your pretty big eyes cry, whining for him to keep going, then to stop.
Toji crawled into bed, and gently turned you from your side, to your back, and slowly spread your legs apart. You were a bit of a deep sleeper, especially after you had cried. He saw the way your eyes were puffy, he placed a kiss on your eyelids, moving down to your lips, then licking you down your neck, lifting up the hoodie, he lightly sucked on your nipples, light enough to not wake you up, but enough for your nipples to harden. He traced his tongue down your stomach, then to your heat, pulling your panties down swiftly. He eyed your pussy, spreading your labia apart, lapping his tongue, sucking on your clit immediately. He knew your body more than you did, he sucked and licked, feeling your arousal start to come out, and his tongue got the first taste. He dipped his index finger inside of you, feeling your walls. Your moans started to fill the room, while you were slowly waking up. He kept lapping his tongue in your cunt, switching from your hole, to your clit, tasting you inside out. You woke up, wide eyed, seeing your husbands straight black hair between your legs. “T-Toji?” You croak out then moan. “Hmm?” He hum’s, as he continues to suck on your clit. “Ah- w-what are you do-doing h-here? Ah- T-TTojiiii?” You moan loudly. “Hmm you taste so good.” he slurps. He then inserted two fingers, beginning to pump in and out of you slow and agonizing, pulling moan and whimper out of you.
"To-Toji, please.." You whimpered, tears welling up in your eyes, your body feeling overstimulated. "You're so tight doll." He groans, feeling his throbbing cock leak pre-cum. "I need you." You cry silently, tears flowing out of your sweet eyes. "Do you love me?" You question, feeling a sense of insecurity. "Hmm?" He half questions, but he heard you plain and clear. "D-do y-you lo-love me?" You whimper as he continues to pump into you, but his dark eyes were peering into yours as he leaned up and his face was right in front of yours, "Do I love you?" He questions back to you. Your blood turning cold, and goosebumps covering your skin, "Is that what you're asking me? You're asking me if I love you?" He questions you again. "Y-yeah." You stutter, pulling at your bottom lip, biting it. "What makes you think I don't?" He whispers into your ear, curling his fingers inside your squelching cunt. "Ugh- I-I just w-want to h-hear y-you say you l-lo-love me." You whimper out, feeling an orgasm approach. "Hmm? Is that so?" He groans in your ear, his groin dry humping the air, his body was twitching at the sight of your thick tears. "Fuck, I could just fuck that pretty little face of yours, see those tears soak my cock." He groans, pushing you over the edge, you spasming and creaming all around his fingers.
"Toji!" You moan loudly, cumming all over his fingers, feeling that high he had brought you too. Toji removed his fingers, drinking in your arousal, licking his fingers clean. "I love you." He says to you, as he pecks your lips lightly. Tears welling up in your eyes again, pulling your husband into your embrace. "You only love me, right?" You question, pulling down his boxers, watching his throbbing cock slap his stomach. "I want you inside of me." You whimper, touching the tip of his throbbing cock with the pads of your index and middle finger. "F-Fuck. Doll. Wait-" He pushes your hand away. "I do love you, only you." He coos, lifting your chin to look at him, then crashing his lips onto yours, pulling you into his embrace. You felt him wrap his hand around the swollen member, and felt him glide it up your sopping core, slightly pushing it in. The slow stretch, Toji had prepped you as much as he could, he was on the verge of snapping. "Take a deep breath for me doll." He groans, you do as he instructs, taking that deep breath, and you feel him push himself into you, causing your breath to get caught in your throat. No matter how many years you two had been married, you still could never get used to his size. Tears slipped from your eyes, and you felt his tongue lick them up. Thrusting in and out, already pulling an early orgasm. “Toji, s-stop.” You moan. "Can't. You're gon' have to take it." He grunts. Thrusting into you in a Godlike pace, crushing you underneath him. You felt his strong arms pull your legs to wrap around his waist, and him push even deeper into you. "Do you feel how we are connected?" He groaned. Toji lifting your head, sitting up, he had you looking at the way you two were connected, you saw the way he pushed into you, and the way your arousal was mixing with his, foaming at the base of his cock. "Watch how I fill you." He growls into your ear, "Watch how my love spills into you." He adds, "After I'm done with you, you'll never ask if I love you again." He grunts into your ear. He had completley pulled you on top of him, gripping your hips, lifting you up and down, bouncing you on his twitching cock. He thrusted up into you, chasing your release, and his too. Toji pulls you to his chest, your head thrown back, he nussled his head on your shoulder blade, pounding you from underneath. "Fuck- Gon' cum." He grunts into your ear, then putting his hand on the back of your head, pushing your head to his, smashing his lips on yours. He fought for dominance, his tongue exploring your mouth. He quickly detached, sucking on your neck, leaving love bites. "I'm gon' cum, you're gonna have t' take it." He growls into your ear. After a couple sloppy fast strokes, his hot cum shot deep inside of you, slowing his pace, he still continued to pump into you until every last drop had entered into you. "We just created a love child, doll." He groaned in your ear, slipping you off of him, and pulling you into his embrace. "Oh-" You moaned as he slipped out of you. "Let me take you once more." He said into your ear, spreading your legs, and pushing his once again hard member back into you, stroking in you slow and steady.
"Tojiiii- I can't anymore." You moaned, your legs spasming in overstimulation, and your toes curled. "Just a little bit more, let me fill you up, I need you to give me a baby." He groaned, throwing his head back. His cock was twitching already, so senstive from just finishing, he did not want to stop, he wanted to keep feeling this ecstacy that your cunt offered him. Within a couple of minuets, he came again, finally pulling you to lay on your side, and he stayed inside of you. "Toji, take it out." You groan, feeling your womahood tender and swollen.
"Mm Mm, I have to make sure you give me a child." He says with a smirk, nuzzling down to the crook of your neck, leaving pecks.
Eventually you had fallen asleep, and your husband, pulled out of you, going and grabbing a warm wet towel, cleaning you up. He bent down to your stomach and whispered, "This was it, I know it." He smiles, kissing your stomach while you're sound asleep.
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