#sorry its so messy its 4am for me .Hi
superbellsubways · 1 year
oh also i thougnr abt this earlier. i rly like how movie maker’s sky changes w hjs emotjons and i thought itd be silly if. like. after crying and sometning makes them happy their sky turns into like. sunny w rainbows or sometning.?? yk because water and sunlight makes. rainbow!!!! ^_^ 🌧️🌧️⛅️☀️🌈
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this concept is sooo cutes to me what if i blew up
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cringefailkralie · 4 months
ridiculously long list of things i’ve noticed about thomas grant and adam wadsworth’s portrayals of albus and scorpius
sorry in advance if this is messy, i wrote this at like 4am
albus flinches away when james steps too close to him!!!
when scorpius asks albus whether he prefers albus or al, he doesn’t have to think about his answer. instead he just looks shocked that someone was actually asking that, like nobody’s ever considered his feelings before. makes me feel like he’d been waiting his entire life for someone to actually ask him that.
tom’s albus doesn’t cry during the fight with harry like i’ve seen a lot of the other actors do. he just stares blankly ahead of him and completely shuts down. i’m head over heels in love with this choice because it really hammers home how hard it is for albus to express his feelings or communicate with anyone.
albus’s reaction to the love potion really really makes me believe that ron intended it to be a mean gay joke. even if ron didn’t intend for it to come across that way, that’s definitely what albus takes it as.
scorpius is just staring vacantly at a wall before he spots albus on the train in their 4th year. not sure if this is a specific acting choice or if i’m just reading into it too much?
they hold hands for a second and stand with their faces an inch away from each other as soon as they duck into their train compartment. their body language in private is so different from their body language in public.
albus squeezes his eyes closed when they hug. he really needed that physical affection but he hates anyone but scorpius being near him.
scorpius puts his hand on albus’s chest when the train starts moving. nothing to say about that its just really gay.
my favorite delivery of “oooo a quiz… WIZZO!!!” i fucking love how he does jazz hands when he says it, especially because it’s the second time he does jazz hands in that scene. he’s so me.
albus does so many little hand gestures in this scene, he’s way more comfortable being expressive around scorpius. he almost mirrors scorpius’s stupid little mannerisms.
bonus- not scorbus related but craig is first seen wearing his beanie on the train during the this sequence (where albus and scorpius decide to run away)!! idk if they don’t do this in other productions or if i just hadn’t ever picked up on it before, but it’s a really cute detail. does anyone know if he canonically got it when he became head boy?
when amos first tells them to leave, scorpius grabs onto albus’s sleeve
not even technically them but the ron and harry actors grab onto each other sooooo much (as albus and scorpius)
in love with how long scorpius hold out his “WIIIIIIIZZZOOOO” and how albus tries to match his energy with the “DOUBLE WIZZO”
delphi steals scorp’s little phrases and his awkward way of speaking and his mannerisms to try and appeal to albus because she knows that he reeeeally likes him- and i hate hate HATEEEE how she makes him feel like a freak for being himself when all the while she’s stealing his personality. scorpius plays with the fabric of his sweater and then fidgets with his hands after she tries to make him feel left out in the forbidden forest and i can FEEL what he’s feeling through the screen.
scorpius is JEALOUS jealous of delphi and when he talks to her his voice is quiet and monotone, which is the most un-scorpius thing ever. i love it. you can feel how much he hates her. i hate her too, this delphi is despicable. (very talented actress!!)
when scorpius tears his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of them to look at albus and say “you’re my best friend” (which is crazy enough on its own) he talks in a really sweet, low voice before returning really quickly to his normal scorp-voice, as if he was afraid to let albus think about what had just happened
albus jumps up and down with excitement when they announce the triwizard tournament. he starts and then has to stop himself from cheering for hogwarts. funny that a guy who was just saying how much he hates hogwarts would do a thing like that.
everyone around scorpius gets startled when he starts cheering for krum because his screaming is so weird lmao
at the end of the scene where albus tells scorpius they’ll be better off without each other, scorpius just slumps over on the steps and stays there for the ENTIRETY of the next scene until he eventually gets wheeled off with the stairs. it looks like he’s fiddling with something? maybe his wand? maybe just his hands?
obviously the staircase ballet is the staircase ballet, but the way they look at each other is just AAAAUUUUGHHHHHHH
at the end of the ballet scorpius steps towards albus first, but albus is the one who reaches his hand out and slinks down onto the steps
obsessed with that gay little purse scorpius carries the time turner in
delphi gets scorpius to let his guard down during their conversation and scorpius starts talking like himself in front of her again!!!
albus does the little puke-gag-joke-thing in the library to try and make scorpius feel better </3
they’re both fidgeting with their hands throughout their whole conversation :(
this isn’t specific to this production but scorpius’s shoes are one of my favorite details. in the normal world, he wears big clunky shoes to showcase his awkwardness, whereas in the dark dimension he wears running shoes!! evil scorp is athletic!!!
the second “im fighting for albus” that comes out of scorpius’s mouth is said almost entirely to himself
their little hug in the water :,)
i LOVE LOVE LOVE that scorpius tries to hug draco and he pushes him away and throws his jacket at him in such a cold manner. it makes their hug near the end feel so much more important to their relationship. as soon as we meet scorpius he immediately refers to himself as having daddy issues and we don’t see nearly enough of that in this play.
bonus p2- one of my favorite parts of this show is the in trouble again number!!! i love the background gang and all of their little scenes like this. craig being a little gossip monger is funny as shit!!!! it gives him so much personality and makes his death that much sadder :(
the delivery of “scorpius….. he matters to me…. you know that don’t you?” is INSANE. tom grant delivers all of the coming out adjacent lines so perfectly.
i love how scorpius moves his body. he waves his arms around in the air so often.
scorpius tickled albus lmao they’re so weird
when scorpius talks about hating the other world, albus throws in “apart from polly chapman fancying you” quite bitterly and scorpius almost completely cuts him off. he doesn’t acknowledge what he said in any way shape or form and albus seems to notice that he’s not interested in polly.
scorpius rubs his socks on the floor while he talks :3
the choice to have scorpius move from his bed to albus’s bed and pull albus’s blanket into his lap when he tells him that he changed himself back for him is so AAAUGHHH
AND SCORPIUS DOES THE SAME THING THAT HE DID EARLIER AGAIN!!! he gets all quiet and sweet when he’s sort of admitting his feelings to albus and then all of a sudden he stands up and goes back to his normal loud voice
delphi mocking scorpius and him immediately tensing up oh he hates her ass so much
scorpius reaches out to try and intercept albus handing delphi the time turner and albus giggles at scorpius because he’s happy she’s not extremely pissed at them
scorpius holds onto the railing right up until he gets his hands bound together because he’s afraid of heights. thought it was cute that adam chose to do this even though his fear of heights isn’t mentioned anywhere in this version.
i LOVE the torture scene in this version. albus is stone faced when delphi is threatening to torture him and then he IMMEDIATELY falls to his knees begging and pleading when she turns toward scorpius.
delphi is quite literally outing albus in this scene. the silence after she says that love is his weakness and points to scorpius is SO long and SO loud omg. it’s quite literally ten whole seconds (i counted) of albus and scorpius just looking at each other. it genuinely feels like she just spilled out what he’s been keeping inside of himself for so long, it’s gutwrenching. i guess they did just watch craig die so they do in fact have bigger problems, but you can see albus’s heart stop beating and its so terrible.
i love how albus turns to scorpius when the stationmaster starts unintelligibly talking to them like “hey, you’re doing the talking rn just so you know”
i’m obsessed with how excited scorpius is to tell albus all about the history of the place they’re in. in love with his little gasps at everything he sees and his jump when he says “SQUEAK!”
albus motioning for scorpius to stop when he’s demonstrating how to scream for help lmaoooo
albus pointing with both hands at scorpius while they try to come up with a plan is so cute. albus believes in him so much.
i love how scorpius keeps hugging draco even as he’s talking
their foreheads are literally brushing against each other my god these bitches gay
albus asks “and thats who you want in your palace?” in an almost panicked way like he’s afraid scorpius doesn’t feel the same way about him.
albus holds onto scorpius’s shoulders while rose tries to reassure them that they didn’t just get walked in on lmao
3rd and final instance of scorpius trying to change the subject- asking immediately about quidditch so albus doesn’t get the chance to say anything related to what just happened
scorpius says “come on” like he’s trying to get albus to come cut a rug with him at a middle school dance
obsessed with their little gagging and puking bit and how they made it a callback to what albus does in the library
maybe my favorite hug moment from any scorbus duo. i love how albus initially reacts with shock but then melts into it and closes his eyes, only pulling away to make sure he’s not reading the situation entirely wrong (he’s not)
my favorite ending scene by far. the coming out hits SO hard. the way albus fiddles with his zipper and scrunches up his sleeve in his hand, you can tell how absolutely terrified he is of saying this to his dad. the line delivery is genuinely fantastic. the more he pauses the longer you have to take it all in- and he pauses a LOT.
okie thanks for reading!!!!!
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Compiling some Peppino-centric hcs i have bc i would like to have something to look back on as a point of reference 😌 (this is so long. SO fucking long. Im sorry)
- starting w the basics: hes a short king; 5’2 (157cm). Hes like late 40s-early 50s to me. Hes got brown eyes i never draw bc i like drawing him w dots lol. Hes particular about his appearance and grooms very consistently. Has literally no issues w balding (exposed to balding bears in his youth; thinks they are hot now 😌) and it helps that he can literally cave someones skull in if they speak ill of him. He does have a couple of comfy hats incase his hair decides to be unruly in bad weather.
- very bulky build; think of olympic strongmen/ highland games but short. Visibly muscular arms and broad shoulder, fat chest and stomach, smoother legs (fat layered over muscle; v thick thighs and calves). Hes got surgery scars on his lower back from a bullet wound (only entry/no exit point). Debated giving him a scar around his sternum from heart surgery or some other crazy injury he had but im not sure yet; the bullet extraction scar is definitely staying tho.
-does NOT work out; he used to wrestle in his late teens/early 20s but otherwise he was (still is) a man who did lots of physical labor around his childhood home and grandparents shop. Continued the cycle when he got his own home and his own restaurant; cheaper to do his own (extensive) repairs than call for specialists/contractors when u are Fucking Poor.
- he DOES exercise; he is fond of jogging. He does this alot postgame, usually in the early mornings before he opens, and at the beach on his days off. He had it drilled in v early in his life that he Needs to stay active, so he will roll out of bed and do this almost daily. On his days off he will have random people come and join him; usually pepperman or noisette. Its too tedious/boring of a task for gus and noise, and vigi is out cold until sunrise at minimum.
- he owns a HOUSE; he does not rent an apartment. This is bc i think it would be reasonable to assume that anyone who OWNS a restaurant was at some point, well off enough to own a house instead of renting. And i like the idea of him using this house as collateral; if the shop goes under, so does his home (more stress for him…). (Ive seen other people treat his shop like a duplex ie shop on the lobby level and an apartment/living space on the second floor. This is ALSO v good and coincides w my want to have his home tied to his restaurant)
- the house is small; two bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, and a basement (where the 1/2 bath is located). BIG kitchen, small livingroom. It is surprisingly well furnished bc of his family donating things to him when he bought the house in his 30s. Lots of older wood based furniture. Hes not grossly messy (like food, bugs, etc) but he is disorganized beyond belief. Lives an ‘organized mess’ lifestyle bc of his high stress. Also extremely apathetic to his living conditions until postgame when his restaurant starts to take in profits again; less stress -> more positive time at home -> aware of the clutter as he spends more time at home.
- drives a beat up lookin car to and from work. Its his BABY; his ol reliable. He has to do lots of work to keep her intact and functioning. Eventually gets a newer car with his profits, but its rlly to help ease the strain on her so that he can take her out for drives occasionally.
-eldest of like 6 siblings; will not try to name them all just know that hes the only boy. Eldest daughter is only a year younger than him. Good relationship w all of them and his immediate family. Very matriarchal immediate family. Only a handful of uncles, his dad, and his grandpappy. Stubbornly cut off contact w everyone after the horrors (war) and refused to accept help w his failing restaurant (prideful). Eventually his (eldest) sister reaches out and he makes amends one at a time. (Gets an earful from his momma)
- works LONG hours. Awake by 4am, in noisettes cafe by 5am, in the shop by 6am. Preps and calls until opening at 9am. Closes at 9pm. Closes up FOR REAL at 10pm. Rinse n repeat. As the shop does better financially, he starts opening later and closing earlier (at the insistence of Gus). He still does his walks and his morning routine, just a little later, and he has enough time at home in the evening to cook for himself.
- on the topic of cooking, he is a good chef all around; pizza is just easier to market and consistently do Correct. Likes food alot. So much…..he isnt picky but he does go 😬 when eating something. Bad. And it happens Often.
- stress baked often. He felt bad about throwing out his food afterwards so he would give it away to his neighbors. No longer stress bakes but he will cook out of boredom which is not as bad but still not the best 😭 luckily he has so many freeloaders that will eat anything he makes (gus and noise)
- this is his second shop; the first one was in a larger city (think similar to pig city). Closed down due to insufficient payments, but reopened on the outskirts of the city (close to the forest) after putting up his house as collateral.
-first shop is where he first meets pizzahead. Hes offered a generous sum of cash to sell the business (which would then be converted into a ph brand shop). Obv declined. Later offered a position in pizzaheads business instead; nearly killed the man when scaring him out of his shop.
- Peppino is NOT some aggressive out of control beast (despite what pizzahead believes). He is vaguely neurotic and it is exacerbated by extreme stress and bouts of anxiety. So funny how removing the extreme stress and sources of anxiety makes him more Normal. (Somewhat encouraged by an official image i saw after i made this hc of peppinos attitude outside and inside the tower. He is relatively apathetic and inside the tower he is borderline manic. More hcs about that too)
- he is relatively fun to be with otherwise. He has some extremely dry humor. Hes incredibly sarcastic. He LIKES customer service…otherwise this would be impossible for him to endure. It helps that he Owns a shop, instead of only being a worker; he can yell at people who are rude and annoying to him and he knows (at least postgame) that he has loyal regulars.
- he is a bit of an asshole; he make snide remarks he shouldnt and hes been in his own fair share of fights bc of it. Has mellowed out drastically as he got a better grip on his emotions postgame. Only the most tolerant could really deal w him prior to postgame (gus) in part due to his anger (response to exacerbated neurosis and ptsd)
- also autistic. Extra stress bc of this. Easily overstimulated and the response to this is anger. Completely undiagnosed lmao but hes like late 40s; he just learned how to deal with it.
-common stress responses: bites on anything, usually his hand (Tried stopping this bc people would TOUCH him if he did that in front of others and that just made shit worse). Grinds his teeth. Jaw clenching. Making A Fist So Tight You Accidentally Cut Urself. Flappy hands, usually w hands balled up into a fist (specifically eyes closed; jaw clenched; head ducked, flappy hands over his ducked head). It looks ‘worse’ than biting but at least the excessive movement deters people from touching him.
- on a more positive note; knows quite a bit of magic tricks. Sleight of hand stuff is his forte. It is good for the anxiety and it keeps his hands busy. He is will consistently say that he is not good w kids but he loves entertaining them; they say the funniest shit and he likes being a bad influence on them 😈. Also teaching them tricks and letting them see behind the curtain is so fun for him; like they are so excited about silly tricks and it makes him feel a little cool….
- he is the kind of person whos like (dad voice) ‘not gettin a damn cat in my house’ and then has blackmail of him passed the fuck out with a cat on his stomach. He feeds the local strays by his shop and he cant help but feed the strays that end up by his house. He doesnt feel confident enough to take care of another animal when its so hard for him to remember to take care of himself so for now he just feeds them. But maybe soon he will take them inside…he also baby talks cats but if u caught him doing that he would kill u i think. (Pov u are the noise)
- silly hc that he has a real last name but he keeps it as spaghetti bc its funny to fuck around w people who ask him. No i dont know what his last name would be but i think it would be funny to have him ‘change’ it for branding and have people believe it. Also i think its funny to think of peppino saying this to ph somehow and he completely runs with it as gospel. Like ‘granny did u KNOW his last name is fucking spaghetti??’
- wrt young peppino, i say that w him being 20-23 in mind. Worked in his grandparents shop during this time. Worked as a line cook for some other restaurants as well (and saved up money to buy his own home while he lived w his parents and sisters). He was generally a sweetheart, just a bit odd (the Autsim and Anxiety), but that was (and still is) his charm point lol
- (SUGGESTIVE) cannot stop thinking of him as a little otter that hung out w older bears in the leather scene. He prob had his best years w them before he had to focus on other shit. He still keeps in contact w some of the peeps that were around his age postgame, and they meet up sometimes to hang along w vigilante. Now that hes older it is a bit surreal to now be the bear he used to look up to in his younger years. But its a bit flattering. Noise and Pepperman are younger than him and they both regard him w the same kind of wonder he used to give older bears. He thinks its cute lol (pepperman bc thats his muse and he sees his body type as PEAK human form, and noise bc i hc him as a bit sheltered despite the fame)
- (STILL SUGGESTIVE BUT THATS IT I SWEAR) adjacent to this; its weird for him to come back to this side of him bc hes been living in survival mode for over a decade. Got his house in his early 30s -> WAR -> comes back traumatized -> leaves family to cope -> dumps money into a restaurant to cope w leaving family. So he kinda missed it alot. Its fun to explore it w gus heehee and sometimes noise when he behaves.
-other things i wanted to mention but didnt know where to fit it. Peppino is a decent artist; he drew the logo for his shop and in general he is good at caricatures (another thing he can do to entertain a crowd; helps w anxiety to know how to not be awkward).
- Peppino is a bit of a mechanic (aka he learned bc he was broke and didnt want to call them for minor problems). Hes not a tinkerer but he likes the joy of creating sm and will make little. Creations. every once in a while. One of these creations is Peshino! He is a wooden windup toy made as a prototype for a more mechanical, mass produced version. He was intended to be sold as a cute little toy to help cement the branding for Peppinos shop but he never got the time or money for it, so peshino is collecting a bit of dust in his basement. Postgame, he takes peshino out and cleans him up; he feels a bit guilty about him….and the Big Peshino found in the tower plays music in Peppinos shop :) He also takes the time to clean him up and keep him functional.
Okay i think thats all i got for now byebye
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psychicequalizer · 2 years
December 1993, Hollywood
It was 3AM and Lani wasn’t home yet, and this left Ryan feeling sick and fidgety. 3AM back in the 80s was nothing; they were out til the sun came up more often than not. But these days, Lani still out past 3AM was fucking dangerous. Ryan was wrapped in a ratty blanket, huddled as far away from the windows as he could get. It was an unusually cold night in Hollywood, and since it usually didn’t get cold, and since they were so broke it wasn’t even funny anymore, they didn’t have heating in the shithole of an apartment they called home. Ryan was fucking freezing. He wasn’t sure how much of it was from the actual temperature and how much was from withdrawals, but either way, he was fucking miserable. And Lani was still out.
Lani thought Ryan didn’t know what he did to make the rent, but Ryan knew. Ryan had known for a long time. People who worked at McDonald’s didn’t come home looking broken and fucked out at 4AM, and Lani would never survive in a real job, anyways. Not that Lani was surviving so well as it was. He liked to pretend, but Ryan saw how his face screwed up with nightmares sometimes, or how his shoulders slumped when he walked, or how the sparkle in his eyes had dulled. Ryan knew.
And it was 3AM, and Lani wasn’t home yet, and Ryan couldn’t call the cops even if he never came back.
**** Somehow, when Lani had imagined Hollywood, the picture he’d gotten in his mind was a little more glamorous than this. It was a lot more girls and fancy cars and designer drugs and a lot less being shoved against the wall behind a liquor store, selling his ass to pay the rent. 
Life imitates art, or art imitates life, or whatever they say; rags to parties to evenings in the gutter to sex in a phone booth to heroin thin boyfriends to eviction notices to suicide scars to drunken Sunday mornings on the kitchen floor to streetwalking to rags again. All the poets got it right.
Lani slumped against the wall and zipped up his jeans with cold fingers. It was not a good night. He had $45 in his pocket, which didn’t go very far towards the rent or Ryan’s drug habit. Hollywood looked lifeless at night, these days. He kept his head down as he walked home—his bleached blonde hair was messy and unteased, but he knew everything about him still screamed glam. It wasn’t like it was something you could just get rid of; he would probably wear its scars and marks for the rest of his life. And he had on eyeliner. It was a habit, at this point, and it made him feel pretty. His looks were about all he had and he wasn’t gonna give those up, too.
He knew Ryan was probably worrying. He walked a little faster.
Ryan was still curled miserably on the floor when Lani unlocked the door and threw his jacket over the couch. 
“I thought you were dead!” Ryan said, jolting up and poking Lani’s chest with an accusatory finger. “Jesus, Lani, it’s past four!”
“I know, I know,” Lani sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I was just…worried. I shouldn’t yell.” Ryan leaned in and kissed the corner of Lani’s mouth gently. “I just worry.”
“I know,” Lani said. “Don’t touch me ’til I shower.”
“I don’t care-”
“I said, don’t touch me ’til i shower! I’m…sweaty.”
“Do you wanna take a bath instead? The water’s still on. I’ll wash your hair.”
Lani looked broken as he contemplated under the soft lamplight. Ryan knew he didn’t want to want to, but he also desperately wanted. Lani always wanted; he wanted everything and no one, nothing at all and the entire world at his feet.
“Yeah. That would be nice. Will you get the water going? I need a fucking drink.”
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foryourownbosom · 3 years
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me: at least *try* to stick to the reference as much as possible so he can look authentic
also me: why dont i. handsome squidward-ify him.
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pentechnics · 3 years
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader (no y/n)
Rating: T (for some mild swearing)
Content: mentions of implied intimacy, not specified aside from being in bunks and him taking off his armor; angst with a happy ending
Notes: Okay, I just felt like writing something short so I'm gonna try and make a little thingy as short as possible yet still get the story across. I wrote it in a frenzy so it's very messy and unedited, it's 4am and I'm just scratching an itch heheh. I hope you all enjoy it anyway! ❤️
"Wait- what the hell do you mean you're leaving?"
You pressed the hatch release with way more force than was necessary, clenching your free hand in and out of a fist as you waited for the ramp to descend. Din was making his way down the hull, the faint plop of his boot on the durasteel being his only tangible feature. You marched down the ramp once it was low enough to support you, refusing to acknowledge his question.
This was the last time. The last time you tolerated the arguments. The anger. The strain on your heart. Just when it seemed like it was getting better between you two, the glass would shatter all over again, and he'd get angry when you asked why.
It didn't matter that your heart wanted him. It deserved better. And surely you'd be able to find something better on this random planet he'd docked on.
"What about the kid?"
Din's voice was closer than you liked. You bit down a grunt and picked up the pace, careful not to trip on the dirt surface below your soles.
"You've made it perfectly clear, he only needs you."
The words hurt you to say. Maybe more than they did to hear. It felt like you were allowing them to become factual, and it made the mental image of the little guy that now floated before you sting.
"Wait, let me jus-"
"Stop, Din."
You halted mid-step and twisted around to face him. A shock ran through you to find him almost directly behind you, forcing you to take a step back. How the hell does he keep sneaking up on you like that? You took a deep breath and tried to steady the wavers in your throat.
"I can't take this anymore. I don't understand you, one moment you're pleasant and normal to be around, and then the next you're treating me like I'm nothing. I'm not an object, Din. I'm not going to let you treat me like one."
You gulped down the sobs that threatened to escape. You and Din had been working together for over a year, and it didn't take long for the chemistry between you to bloom.
But even then, there wasn't much of a change in his behavior outside of the bunks -- you thought he was just reserved. Quiet. That you could've handled, even when your feelings for him began to grow.
But this? The off-handed remarks? The judging, empty glares you could feel behind his visor and cruel shut-downs? And then him expecting to still be able to be with you whenever he wanted? You didn't sign up for that. You couldn't believe someone like him had stolen your heart.
Din was silent. You stared down at his boots, memorizing the pattern of the pulse charges lining his calves, and the way the leather weaved together into the rest of his boots. They slid across the dirt the slightest bit when he shifted his weight.
He sighed. You forced your eyes up, but couldn't quite make it to his helmet. You stopped at his chest, taking in the details on his cuirass. Memories of helping him slip it off in the darkness of your sleeping area, along with the rest of his beskar puzzle, flashed through your mind.
"What do you want from me, Din? You can't expect me to want to stay if you're going to keep this up."
You met his visor then, anger heating your blood.
"I don't know what I did to deserve any of that, and you obviously won't ever tell me. And you just shut off whenever I try to ask-"
You shook your head as your throat began to dry out, your body unable to hold back its pain any longer.
"I'm sorry."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, shivers running through you despite the heat from the sun beaming onto you.
"You're right, you don't deserve that. I want to do better by you, please let me try-"
"Just tell me why, Din. Why do any of that in the first place?"
"I've... never been with anyone the way I am with you. It's hard to say, bec-"
"Hard to say?" you asked, voice rising.
"I'm trying to-"
"Hard to say this, but not hard to say all those other things, I get it."
He said your name with a firmness you'd never heard before. You bit down a flinch and carried on.
"Tell it how it really is, Din, don't hold back on my accou-"
"I love you."
That finally silenced you. A white chill cascaded through your veins, prickling your skin and setting it aflame. Your eyes slowly glid back up to his visor.
"I... I'm not good with this. I've never felt it before. I don't know what to do with it."
He stepped closer to you, until he was close enough to take up your entire field of vision.
"Everything you do, it... drives me crazy. In ways I didn't know were possible," he unhooked one of your arms from around you with a gentle, apprehensive touch, and took your hand. "But I like it. And I want to feel it more."
You looked at your intertwined hands, confusion swirling in your mind. What in hell was happening?
"What I did wasn't right. Nothing excuses it. But... but I want you to see, I'm..."
He paused, his chest inflating with his breath. You met his gaze.
"I'm in love with you."
The words hit you like a blaster shot to the gut. Were you imagining this? You had to be. This had to be too good to be true. You blinked a few times to make sure he'd still be standing there when you opened your eyes.
As if he could tell what you were thinking, his free hand came up and cupped your cheek.
"As much as I don't want to lose you... I'll understand if you still want to leave. But... please, give me a chance to treat you better."
A surge of warmth flew through you. You leaned into his hand and shut your eyes. A sharp cold touched your forehead; he'd placed his against it. You wrapped your free hand around his neck and pulled him closer.
"I love you, Din," you whispered, "I have for a while now."
A small huff pressed through his modulator, as if he were deflating. He wrapped his arm around you and you fell into his embrace.
"I'll be better to you. I promise."
You pressed yourself closer to him, your heart feeling lighter with each uninterrupted breath you took.
When the two of you made your way back to the Crest, Grogu was waiting at the top of the hatch. You ran the rest of the way to him and scooped him up in your arms.
"Did you really think I could stay away from you, bud?" you asked, booping his little nose. He smiled and reached his hands up toward your face.
Din joined you in the hull moments later, wrapping his arms around you both and sandwiching Grogu between you. When Grogu looked between you and his dad, he let out a happy coo and snuggled into the group cuddle.
And for the first time, the path you walked was no longer made of glass.
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northsoulss · 3 years
4am - ʙᴀɴɢ ᴄʜᴀɴ
(timestamp 1)
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fluff, angst
you laid back on the sofa behind bang chan, his hands clicking his keyboard tirelessly. his figure covered the light emitting from his laptop, giving him a pale glow.
you glanced up from my phone to look at him, watching as his head occasionally tilt upwards to look at the larger monitor on the wall in front of him. the unfinished track he was working on was playing through the large speakers on either side of his monitor, it’s calm and quaint melody lulling you to sleep.
you shook your head in desperation to stay awake with chan, suppressing a yawn whilst swaying slowly to the music. you stood up from the sofa, standing to brace your arms against the back of his headrest.
he scanned through the song he was working on, eyes narrowing ever so slightly out of sheer concentration. his brows furrowed, a grimace etched almost permanently onto his face. you stared at the clock, vision blurring from the lack of light before realising it was 4am.
“chris”, it was soft, but loud enough to be heard over the melody in the background. however, he only continues to work, as if you never spoke to him at all.
“chris.” you spoke again, this time a bit louder. yet again, he does not hear you, the clicking of his mouse filling the air instead.
“chris!” you half yelled, causing him to flinch in his seat and yell out of shock.
“AH- what!” he spun around quickly to face you, mild disbelief written on his face. his hands gripped his chair tightly, veins popping in his arms. it already pained you to see him working so hard without taking any breaks, but what made it worse was the fact that this was not unusual for him, working from dusk to dawn.
“hey, its just me”, you said softly, with a slight smile on your face while doing a small wave. his slumped shoulders again, his hands releasing his rigid grip on the chair.
“im so sorry love, i got a bit carried away today.” he spoke, clearly drained. taking in his features, you notice the bags under his eyes were a dark greenish purple hue, his cheekbones were accentuated by the light, causing his face to look more hollow than how it usually is.
your heart weighed heavy in your chest, watching him take a big yawn, his hands clearly itching to continue working. you gently take his face into your hands and squeezed it slightly making his lips to pucker — a small grumble escaping his pouty lips. you lean over to give him a light kiss on the lips and then on his forehead, causing him to close his eyes and sigh out of contentment.
“its late, love.” you say softly, resting your forehead against his, pressing another kiss to his nose.
“i know but-” he replied, but you cut him off saying, “yes, i know as well, but you need to rest.” his eyes pleaded with you to let him stay for a while longer, but you shook your head, ruffling his already messy hair.
“c’mon. lets go home, wolfboy”, you grab his hands and pull on them, causing him to stand up him his seat. he giggled quietly at the sudden nickname, allowing you to pull him out of the studio.
my masterlist !
© northsoulss 2021, all rights reserved
hope this doesn’t feel rushed
slight grammar errors here and there
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sweetcathedral · 3 years
♠️Jujutsu Kaisen — Nanami♠️
(Ft. Gojo)
Note: Had to get this out of my system. It’s been affecting my dreams lately, waking me up at 3-4AM where I’m not able to go back to sleep for an hour or two (I like having a perfect 8hrs of sleep before I login for work). So, here we go!
⚠️: blowjobs, gagging, dom, cnc, breeding, exhibitionism/voyeurism, light bondage, threesome, “bunny” calling (once)
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He keeps his breath steady on the phone as he thrusts his cock down your throat. Your mascara streaking down your cheeks & smudged lipstick leaving marks and imprints of your lips on his cock. He loves seeing you cry about it. Something about your messy, sloppy face just riles him up inside.
You tease him while he’s taking a call by doing your normal things around the house without your panties on. Showing off your already glistening folds & pert breasts, the shape of your erect nipples poking through the thin fabric of your tiny top. It’s pissing him off cause he knows what you’re doing—and it’s working. Before you know it, you’re bent over the bathtub clamping your hands over your mouth. Trying to keep yourself from making any sounds, but the way he’s thrusting inside of you is making it hard to stay quiet. The tip of his cock kisses your cervix as he shoves every inch deeper into you, filling you up with his warm semen.
Sometimes those business calls become virtual meetings, and you’re all tied up under his desk. One time Gojo caught on from the other side of the screen & thought it’d be fun to join in. Nanami didn’t like the idea as much as you do, but he ended up fucking you while Gojo watched. No matter how many times you told him to stop and slow down, he just thrusted into you harder. You couldn’t tell if your orgasms were so good that it felt painful, or so painful that it felt good. Nanami’s holding you up with your legs spread apart & his cum dripping from your swollen cunt. And Gojo watched as you trembled in ecstasy with a sly grin plastered across his face. You didn’t notice how tightly Nanami was gripping your thighs at the time, until you saw the hand-shaped bruises around them the next day.
Nanami stuffs your mouth full of his cock to keep you quiet. You work your tongue up and down, flicking the tip, trying to get a reaction out of him, but it only gets him to thrust deeper into your mouth. Grabbing a fist full of your hair, he shoves his cock down your throat and keeps you there. He grunts as you can feel him twitching in your mouth, his warm cum dribbling from your lips with the satisfying feeling filling you with pride.
Ashamed of your new found fetish from Gojo watching you, you confront Nanami about it, asking if he’d be willing to do it again. When you met his eyes, the look of disgust was prominent. He didn’t even give you a straight answer like usually does, he just sighed and walked away without saying a word. You took it as a ‘no’ feeling as if you’ve offended him.
After a while, a knock from the window of your room startled you—it was Gojo. At first, you ignored him, which only prompted him to invite himself inside. Confused as to why he’s here, you assume it was in regards to another mission to pass on to Nanami. Instead, you were put down on your knees within seconds by Gojo. “Sorry bunny, but Nanami told me everything,” he whispered into your ear, a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth.
He removes his blindfold, letting his hair fall over his face as he ties it around your head. With your sight taken away, your other senses heightened and you can feel another set of footsteps walk into the room. “This was what you wanted, right?” Nanami’s voice reverberates down the nape of your neck, wrapping your arms behind you and holding them in place. There was a hint of anger in his silence that made you knew what was coming next. He slips his hand down your panties teasing your clit, making your legs tremble for more as you softly moan.
Seconds later, you’re engulfed in ecstasy not knowing whose hands were placed where. All you know is that your tongue was tangled with one, while the other is in between your thighs. “That’s a good girl,” Gojo murmurs, his praise giving you a sense of pride. With your eyes blindfolded & your arms tied behind you, there was no point in trying to guess who was who.
“Haa!” you gasp at the feeling of something stretching you from behind. Before you could get used to it, the feeling of another cock brushes its tip up and down your slit. “Wait, it’s too—mmph!” You can feel it pushing against your swollen walls. The blindfold starts to come off loose, draping over the bridge of your nose as a wave of pleasure shudders throughout your body.
You flutter your wet lashes, adjusting your sight to the sudden brightness of the room. There, in front of you, was Gojo—your legs hitched over his shoulders as your back is up against Nanami. Everything clicks into place: Nanami’s leaving his mark along your shoulders as Gojo leaves his mark along your neck & collarbones.
Getting closer to hitting your climax, your hips begin to buck, begging to feel the release burn through your veins. Nanami’s thrusts are getting faster, hitting you in all the right places. He leans into your neck, feeling his rough & ragged breaths, holding you down on him with your arms. “Not yet,” Gojo mutters, pulling out from you. “No, please,” you gasp, whining to be satisfied.
You’re carried to the bed and placed on top of Nanami. This time their positions reversed with Gojo taking you from behind. You yelp at the force he thrusted into you, the same time as Nanami’s cock filled your swollen cunt, feeling like you’re about to burst. Their rhythm was in sync with each other and it felt like you couldn’t take it anymore. “Don’t pass out now, you wanted this,” Nanami lifts your head so that you’re forced to look at him. Unable to control your desires, you pull him into a messy kiss, bringing out his deepest urge to latch at your throat, keeping you from parting your lips away from him.
Gojo starts to hit deeper into you, feeling the warmth of his cum fill you up inside and making your walls flutter around Nanami’s cock. It was only then that he let go of your kiss, gripping your head to his chest as he released himself inside of you. The three of you laid in bed, panting and catching your breaths. 
Nanami dozes off, his forehead touching yours and his hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he thumbs your hips. While Gojo is already fast sleep from dwindling with your hair between his fingers and tracing over your thigh in soft circular motions. Without any energy left to wiggle your way out, you decided that you’d clean yourself up after a quick nap—hoping that not too much of their cum spills on the sheets.
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channoticedmeuwu · 4 years
`°dates with na jaemin
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holy holy holy holy HOLY NA JAEMIN
this babie is seXshEeeee
Ok sorry about that
So I feel like jaemin and dates would be adorable.
He's usually one to take you on midnight food dates or midnight drives
Or maybe just even eating ramen together on a lazy 4am night
He'd consider that as a date
Because the small moments with you is what he treasures, not what you're doing or where you are
It's more like "oh she's with me", rather than, "oh we're at the movies" uknow?
like he'd wake you up just to gaze at stars
That's the na jaemin for you
Dates in general would be chill and not very extravagant
Just calm, still, and only depend on each other to lighten the mood
And honestly, with a laid back personality like his, he enjoys those better
But obviously y'all are a power couple, am I right?
The cheerful bitches that you are
You surE LOOOOVE the amusement park, am I right?
Imagine going on a date with Jaemin at Disney Land
when you both are at a chill date
Jaemin is just very very very calm and chill
Most of your dates are chill actually
Just getting in bed after a shower, hair still messy and damp, clothes kinda wet, and just his warm cheeks leaning next to yours as you watch Toy Story
yes, I said Toy Story, its my comfort movie ok leave me alone
So yes, just watching a movie and smiling together, maybe adding small comments in here and there
Lazy pecks and tight hugs
And chuckling
Slowly either one of you just you actually would fall asleep and the other just jaemin actually would be cooing over the other you
most of it would just be alot of touching and pecking and hugging
Just feeling safe in each other's arms
Sometimes Jaemin wouldn't even focus on the movie, just watch your beautiful, glassy eyes stare at the screen with such interest like WOW he's in love
He'd find himself tearing your face away from the screen and just kissing you
You'd be like "damn is everything ok?"
"yeah, everything is fine, why?"
"that was sudden, jaemie."
"oh, no, you're just pretty"
And obviously you'd start blushing, and he'd start blushing, and it's just two cute morons staring at each other all heart eyes
Get a room smh
so yes, he's very much into falling for your cute aura
When you both go to fun, exciting dates
So, like I mentioned, Jaemin doesn't care where you both are
As long as you're together, he's happy
But, your happiness matters to him, too
So occasionally, you'd suggest where you want to go
This time, you said amusement park, and he said "AHAHAHAH WHY NOT BITCH"
So here you two are, standing together, hand in hand, with your eyes the size of golf balls as you stare at the incREDIBLY fast dollar coaster whOOSHING here and there
Not to mention the scREAMING AAAAA
but, since you're ready for this shit to go down, and so is he, y'all are in line
At first, he's all like "oH yEaH bAbY yOu cAn hOlD mY hAnD iF yOUre scArEd uKnow??"
And you're like 👁️👄👁️👍
But as soon as it's your turn to sit in, he's all, "actually uknow what, this is a bad idea."
And you're just laughing
In the end he kinda just was literally DROWNING in your chest BECAUSE HES SO MF SCARED
But it was literally all worth it because the smILE you gave him after you both hopped out
He MELTED let me tell you MELTED
Into pink shaded, orange scented glitter
and he's like "oh wOW"
Eventually you'd go on smaller rides too
Like the carousel and ferris wheel
And you two may or may not have stopped at the veRY top of the ferris wheel
And he's holding your arms and you're holding his
and you're just like "wow look at these stars"
And he's looking
Correction : he's TRYing to look
But he can't when the literal UNIVERSE is sitting right infront of him, holding his hands
He kind of taps your cheek and says "yn."
Really serious
"look at me."
You look down and fuCK
He just leans in and gives you a quick yet meaningful kiss on your lips
After a while, when the wheel is moving again, he's smacking his lips all suspiciously
And when you ask what's up, he's like "oh, just a question, but, did you put on cherry flavoured chapstick?"
in the end, you're standing down, hand in hand, staring at the fireworks
And wow the world really meant something then and there for both of you
Staring at fireworks and your reason together? Seems like a pretty good combo
Jaemin would absolutely aDORE moments like these with you
At the end of the day, he'd enjoy a day out
Especially with someone like you
His one and only :D
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nct dream : masterlist
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Jay White x Female Reader Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1337 Warnings: Flufflity, fluffy, fluff. Sexual innuendos, cursing, friends to fwb to lovers, mutual pining. Summary: Jay is super tired after his flight back from Japan. A/N: Yeah, yeah, another one inspired by another Lana Del Rey song, what about it??? Again, doesn’t have much to do about the lyrics, it’s much more related to the vibes it gives off to me.
Jay uses the spare keys she gave him to get into her home. The house looked exactly the same from the previous times he visited: tidy, plants scattered around, the green foliage she loves so much taking space in every room. The colourful throw over blanket she kept on her cream couch was neatly folded and placed on its back rest. The house smelled like lavender and fresh baked cookies, and just like he suspected, a still warm batch of chocolate chip cookies waited for them on her kitchen counter. Things were too quiet though; he couldn’t hear the radio playing and her characteristic singing. He roamed around her one store home, looking for her. The bedroom? Empty. Bathroom? Empty. The laundry room? Empty, but the washer was working and still, nothing, no sign of her and her two dogs. 
He ran her schedule in his head. Saturday. 01:30pm. She probably already had lunch and would be watching something on Netflix or reading, maybe painting. Then it clicked, it is a sunny summer day. Go to the patio, Jay. 
There she was. In a loose t-shirt that she cut off the sleeves, jeans shorts, hair up in a messy up-do that knowing her like he did, was made in an angry state. She had a canvas in front of her, a brush in one hand and a paint palette in the other, softly stroking the canvas with a mint green paint. 
Bonnie and Clyde, her two italian greyhounds came running to him, their tails happily wagging. 
“Hello, children. I’ve missed you too. Let’s not make any noise, I wanna surprise your mother.” he crouched to greet them, and noticed she was wearing her airpods, probably lost in her own world with whatever song she was listening to. 
He kept looking at her, and the same thought he always had whenever he came back home from Japan ran through his head: “I’m a coward.”
See, to the eyes of a stranger, they could easily pass as a couple. Hell, even some of their closest friends thought they were a couple. 
They met during their ROH days, Jay, of course, a rising wrestler and her, a backstage interviewer. They hit it off instantly, turning into best friends in no time. One night after a few drinks in, some flirting happened, and that flirting turned into a kiss, that turned into mind-blowing sex. In the next morning, after a long conversation, they decided to become friends with benefits, since both of them had busy schedules, Jay now spending most of his time in Japan and her now a NXT backstage interviewer, they didn’t feel like getting into serious relationships, and what’s better than fucking their best friend, right? An easy going, drama free relationship that only benefited the them both and they could pursue other people if they wanted to. Win/win situation. 
The thing is, Jay was already head over heels for her and it only made his feelings grow bigger, but he decided to bury them deep, thinking it wasn’t reciprocated.
Spoiler alert: it was. 
He sets Clyde back down on the patio floor and slowly makes his way to her, being careful not make any sound to not ruin his surprise. 
“Hello, love.” he murmurs to her neck as he snakes his arms around waist, making her shriek and push him away. 
“What the fuck, Jay?! You scared me.” she tells him, pulling her airpods off. 
He laughs at her pained expression, holding one of her hands to her chest. 
“I’m sorry, darling, I wanted to surprise you.” he makes his way to her. 
“Colour me surprised, bastard.” she says and kiss him. “When did you arrive? I thought you were coming home tomorrow.”
“Well, pulled some strings and changed my flight, landed around 4am so I went straight to my place. Just got here though.”
“You look so tired.” she noticed the black circles around his eyes, a sign of multiple days of wrestling nonstop, a long flight and a probably poorly slept night. 
“Yeah, I woke up around 8:30 and couldn’t sleep anymore so I went to the gym. What are you doing over there?” he motions at the canvas. 
“You know this is not healthy, you should’ve had slept a bit before coming here. And I don’t know what I am doing. I was trying to just let it come to me but all I got is this sea of mint green.”
“It looks nice, calming. And I knew you could tire me up enough to knock me out.”
“Jay, seriously?” he laughed at her reaction, sitting down on the big, padded bench that they shared and slept on together several times before. 
She looked at him, really looked him. The beard was longer than the last time they saw each other, his hair had grown so much that the black had faded, and his greyish blonde roots were showing. He positioned his elbows on his knees, holding his head on his hands, with a tired, but satisfied look on his face. He looked almost childish, and she loved that this was a side of Jay the only her got to see. 
“I got an idea.” she suddenly said, grabbing some paint and a few brushes. “Take your shirt off and lie down on your stomach.”
“You know you don’t need to plot if you want to see me naked, just ask.”
She stopped what she was doing, looking him dead in the eyes. “Jay, lie down with your back facing up, please.”
“Fine. What are you doing?”
“You’re my canvas now.” she told him as she sat on his butt, positioning her legs on his sides. 
“You are painting me?”
“Yeah, I had a friend from the art course, and she would always do this to me when I had trouble sleeping or when my anxiety was off the roof. It’s very soothing.”
“Well, this feels very sexual. Fuck, that’s cold.” he exclaimed when he felt the first stroke down his back. 
“Sorry! But yeah, not gonna lie we did have sex a couple times after it.”
“You with a girl huh?”
“Don’t be gross, Jay.”
“Sorry, I’ll shut up now.”
He did and not even ten minutes later, he fell asleep. It took her a while to get the work done on his rather large back. She kept her strokes soft, as light as possible to not disturb him. Almost an hour later and his back was covered in blues, oranges, blacks, and yellows. She made sure to get off of him as slow as possible, to not wake him from his deep slumber. She gave him a few more minutes and got inside, to check in on her cookies and to take her clothes from the dryer. 
She got back to him about thirty minutes later, caressing his hair and calling his name to wake him up. 
“Are you done?” he asked. 
“How long was I out?”
“I don’t know, probably over one and a half hours.”
“What did you paint?” he asked turning his head trying to see what decorated his back now. 
“Look.” she showed him the picture she took on her phone. 
“You painted The Scream?!” his voice reaching that high pitched tone he used on his promos. 
“Yeah! It’s a beautiful Edvard Munch painting. And, you scream a lot so it’s very fitting.”
“I scream a lot? You think that I scream a lot?!” his tone rising up in a joking tone, as he pulled her to his lap, both of them laughing. 
His hands cradled her face and pulled her in, kissing her with all the love he could muster, hoping he would tell her everything he felt through his kiss. She’s the one to pull away, resting her forehead in his. 
“I love you.” he whispers, afraid of her reaction.
“I love you too.”
“I know we have an agreement and our schedules are crazy and–“
“It’s okay, Jay. We will figure it out.”
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
Hello! I recently read your azul's ficlet and i'm close to crying at how beautiful it is (its 4am emo hours). If its okay, may I request a ficlet of Jade with a gn!reader with the word 'sleep' or 'rest' (pick whichever suits better!). Thank you in advance! 💖
CW: Spoilers for the movie Your Name (Kimi no na wa), character death, body switching, angst with a happy ending, and slow burn (sort of)
Feedback in greatly appreciated!
Thank you to @opalmaplehibiscus , @jellyfishstuckinwonderland , and @raven-at-the-writing-desk for the input in the making of this fic. I greatly appreciate your help.
The Possibilities are Endless
“My name is..”
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“Please remember me...!”
The crowds on the train pushed them apart, a braided bracelet was tossed towards Jade. A lifeline connecting both of them together, a connection between two souls; the face of one that was desperate to keep holding on, they yelled one last time just as the doors of the train closed and their grip on the bracelet wrap loosened.
“My name is—!”
Jade opened his eyes and he was in his room, his very dark room.  To his side was his closet and to the other a white wall. The sound of bubbling water churned behind the window of his dorm room and with one slow blink, he pulled himself up and hunched over.
The same dream, the same voice, the same bracelet tossed to him.
He craned his head to his lamp stand where the colorful wrap lay next to his earring, he doesn’t remember where he got it nor does he remember why he wanted to keep it for so long. He took the bracelet and looked at it and thought back to the voice in his dream.
“Please remember me...!”
Pushing himself off he moved to the mirror to fix his appearance, with his brush and hair gel in hand he let out a gasp when the lights of vanity shined light on a note. A note written on his cheek with a marker, a message he didn’t remember writing.
“Who are you?”
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It was during breakfast that Jade began to notice the strange happenings around him, how Azul asked if he was feeling better or how Floyd said he was wearing his earring again. “What do you mean,” Jade questioned. “I always wear it.”
“You weren’t yesterday. And you looked so lost like some little guppy, you even forget how to get to class yesterday morning.” Floyd complained, eating his breakfast with a huff. “Was it a prank? Cuz’ you got me good.”
What was he doing yesterday?
He woke up, went to school...No. That wasn’t what happened. He didn’t recall anything from the previous day. In fact, he remembered being at  a different place.
In a city full of buildings and faraway from the sea, the familiar smell of white roses, the smile of an unfamiliar fellow and a bento box he had no recollection of him cooking or making.
His uniform wasn’t black but a cream with a tint of yellow, his magical pen was nowhere to be seen and was instead replaced with a pen nib brooch.  He touches his cheek, remembering the message written on his cheek. “Who are you?”
“C’mon, you gotta tell me.” Floyd pestered, his arm over Jade’s neck “Was it a prank?”
“Perhaps.” The twins laughed, Floyd pulling close but in his mind he thought of the message, his incapability to remember the previous day. He needed more answers but only questions filled his head.
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His notes were a mess and full of sketches. There were sketches of Night Raven’s facade and the students, his classmates. A slew of messy messages on paper, the handwriting worrying as if the person writing was stressed beyond belief.
“The uniforms are black, the gems are pens.”
“Nothing but roses for miles.”
“Wishing well???”
“Where am I?”
“Mr Leech, please read the next line.”
“Yes, sir.”
Trein’s brow raised and he blinked. “Well, today you actually remember your name. Perhaps you were just feeling ill.” A hum of laughter passed through the class. “And your hair is fixed as well; I was beginning to think you and your brother switched places when you came into class with a messy bed head.”
Jade blinked, tilting his head. “I...see. I’ll make sure to not make that mistake again, professor.”
“Good. Continue on reading.”
“Magic transcends all meaning when twilight occurs, when the sun and the moon share the sky for a single moment.” Trein explained, using a magical pointer. “The word twilight means ‘half-light’ when the light of the sun glows and causes refraction in the atmosphere and signaling the end of the morning and welcoming of night or visa versa. At times like this does magic become unpredictable and free-forming and when realities begin to overlap each other for the time twilight occurs. This was used to the advantage of the earliest magician in recorded history.”
Trein faced his students. “Nowadays, these times of day are known as dusk and dawn as the world twilight has fallen out of favor in recent years.”
“It’s probably because of that one book.” A student yelled from the rows behind and Trein nodded his head. “Ah, yes, ten years ago was an odd time for the word ‘twilight’.” Trein blinked, shaking his head slightly. “Who would have thought the human body produced so much diamonds but that is beside the point.” The bell rang and the students began taking their books. “Be sure to read up on your lesson today, we will be having a quiz tomorrow on the topic.”
Jade stayed in his seat for some time and stared at the diagram on the board.
In the back of his mind, a flash of a memory comes to him. He remembers a train stopping by and the droves of people coming in and out. Jade was alone that time, buying something some seeds or fungi. The sun was setting at the time, the yellow sun turning orange and the sky dimming to a nightly violet.
He didn’t know the person who called out his name nor did he remember what they looked like but he did remember the smile they had, as if they were looking for him for a long time, it was a  face relief. 
“It’s me.”
He didn’t know who this person was nor did he ever remember their face and yet, at that instant he seemed to have known them his entire life. In his heart was a feeling of warmth, of glee, of content and relief; he was confused by it all. A strike of panic pierced his heart when that smile turned into a confused and upset frown. “You don’t...remember me..?”
The next stop came and people began filing out, pushing the two of them away from each other. “Jade, please remember me!” They said as they were pushed out by the crowd. Reaching up, they pulled the braided tie from their hair and threw it out of him. “Please remember me..!”
He caught the braided tie just as the other let go and doors began to close.
“My name is—!”
“Is there something wrong, Mr Leech?” He blinked, looking to Trein with confusion. He had missed the door and stood by the wall of the classroom. “Ah—I’m sorry.” There was a hissy laugh from Lucius as Trein set him down on the table to collect his papers. “You seem to be in deep thought, is there something on your mind?”
“No, professor, I was just thinking about our topic today.” Jade lied through his teeth and Trein took it with a huff. “I know twilight is a regular phenomenon but I didn’t know that it was an important time of day for mages and magicians.” A nod came from his professor. “Many people nowadays don’t see its importance as magical materials and magic itself have grown and changed over time. With the new technology and the new breakthroughs we have, the archaic practices of the past have since then been abandoned.”
Trein looked to the window and Jade followed his gaze, the sun began to set and the color of orange and violet painted the sky. “Twilight has begun.” Picking up his beloved cat, Trein stretched his back and moved to face the student in front of him. “It’s best to get back to your dorm, you might miss the curfew.”
“Professor, have you ever experienced anything during twilight? Like the way you’ve explained it during class?” Jade asked suddenly, his professor’s eyes widened then looking to the side to think for a moment. “I have but they were more of dreams than the otherworldly claims of recording happenings. I would often see myself in another person’s shoes, seeing a world I did not know about, it wasn’t a pleasant experience but...It was interesting, for a dream at least.”
“I see. Thank you very much, professor. I’ll be on my way.”
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He stared at his messy notebook unblinking, the messy handwriting and the sketches were foreign to him. He drew a few doodles but he never put any detail to it nor was he able to do sketches of his peers in movement.
“Where am I?”
Taking his pen, Jade wrote a message. What had happened to him wasn’t a dream, he knew that and he knew that what he was about to do wasn’t a sure fire guarantee that whoever wrote this will see it but the unpredictability of the situation allowed him to push through with an eagerness to see the end results.
“You are in Night Raven College. My name is Jade.”
The night loomed over the dorm, the once blue waters a dark purple and tinge of black. Twilight has ended. Jade closes his eyes for a moment and sighed, thinking back about the lesson and to the confused glances of his peers.
“Please remember me...!” The voice begged, the image of a braided bracelet flowing through the air as it flew towards him. Tugging his sleeve, the bracelet was wrapped around his wrist snugly; its design was simple and bright mix of blue, yellow, and red.
“Please remember me...!”
Jade tugs his sleeves back down, only stepping out of to his bed when he felt tired. The bracelet was removed from his wrist and sat next to him.
“My name is—!”
The voice echoed through his mind, he felt that he should remember it,  he felt like he should know who it was, and all he felt was frustration and eagerness to see this unpredictable situation through. He closed his eyes wanting to rest his eyes rather than sleep.
“So this is what Night Raven College looks like. It’s very pretty, your uniforms are very pretty too but I’m not used to the environment there. It’s probably because of the walls or the silence.”
It had been a few days since the messaging through the notebook began with Jade and his pen pal, of sorts.  It seemed that his new pen pal had been observing weird happenings to them too. Their classmates telling them of their weird behaviors, one time all they ate were mushrooms.
“I don’t even like mushrooms and because of you I ate a whole lot of them in just one day!”
It seemed that his odd dreams of seeing another world unlike his own weren’t dreams after all. The white and yellow uniforms, the sweet smell of lilies, and the pen nib brooch all pointed to Royal Swords Academy. Apparently the person he switched bodies with studied there.
“And I was told that I ate eel for lunch and it upset my brother. It seems both of us are even on this regard.”
He always wrote messages on his notebook the moment he got home and he preferred it that way rather than waking up to writings on his face and arms. The marker ink was hard to wash off, even with large amounts of sudsy soaps.
“We have a notebook to communicate for a reason, please use that.”
“I like writing on your hand, Jade.”
There were moments that he expressed frustration with them, even anger but that soon dissipated into childish antics of messages written on skin, eating disgusting foods they came to like, and a bond that transcended physical reality. They were from two different worlds and yet, here they were being friends.
All this was just like a dream to him.
“Hey, about that braided bracelet...Where did you get it? I had one just like it before it disappeared; I used to wear it on my hair.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that. It just came with me, I suppose. I couldn’t part with it for some reason so I’ve been wearing it ever since.”
“I guess we just so happened to have the same braided tie, huh? Hehehe!”
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After class, Jade went to experience the twilight hour for once and see the students filter out of school and run about. It was the end of the week and it was a time for fun, brooms flew overhead and magical swirls of dust were thrown about by fun-loving students.
“What I like about your school is that none of you are afraid to get dirty and have fun.” He remembered his pen pal writing. “I love RSA but the uniforms and the rules we live by stop us from having fun like all of you there in NRC.”
He couldn’t blame them, RSA had some rules to go by and the uniforms really stopped them from having fun too. The chaos that he saw in RSA wasn’t like those in NRC, not by a long shot but he could see the charm it had in it despite the difference in school life.
Jade wanted them to experience this first hand one day. In their own body, of course.
 He went back to his room when the sun had disappeared and the moon stood in its place. Sitting by the notebook, he took his magical pen from his pocket and began writing his response to his pen pal’s recent message. 
“RSA has beautiful scenery, there’s no doubt about it. It’s a nice change of pace from the gothic feel NRC has, I find it rather peaceful. Though the sudden music lessons do tend to throw me off but that is something I will eventually come to get used to.
He tapped his pen on his desk, humming at his short reply. He looked at his wrist; the braid coiled around his wrist and was vibrant under the yellow light of his lamp. Unlike them, he never really gave hints of what his school life was about nor did he give details of what it was like to spend a day in RSA.
“We had a lesson about the magical phenomena known as Twilight. Apparently around that time, magic becomes different and realities begin to overlap...Do you think that’s what’s causing us to switch bodies?”
 “Twilight...I’ve heard of that phenomenon too! It actually makes sense, maybe that’s what's causing it but if it’s really true then that’s some real strong magic!” 
Jade slept that late that night, the braided tie next to his forehead. For once, he didn’t dream of the train station but of a hand coming up to take his own. No, it wasn’t his hand, it was his pen pal’s hand, and it grasped softly then tugged for him to follow. 
He was on a mountain, the sky glittering with millions upon millions of stars. It was a beautiful sight, his eyes widening as the stars grew closer and closer, the heat around him rising and rising; burning his skin and singing his hair. The world around him was destroyed and the last thing he heard was the terrified scream of someone he was beginning to hold dear. 
He awoke with a gasp, his eyes tearful and his lungs out of breath. Next to him were a concerned Azul and his brother Floyd. “We could hear you gasping from the hallway.” Azul explained but Jade kicked off his covers and ran to his desk, his notebook, their means of communication was empty. The messages he had collected with them were gone and only his own remained.
His brother tugged at his shoulder. “Look at me.” He was whirled around, their foreheads touching. “Breathe. You’re gonna give yourself an attack if you don’t breathe.” 
He closed his eyes, leaning against his brother to breathe harshly. A pair of hands pats his back, Azul’s and Floyd’s, in an act of comfort but none of their touches reached Jade. He was too confused, too shaken up, too anxious. “It was just a bad dream.”
A dream...
What he had seen in the eyes of his pen pal was all a dream...?
Pen pal?
“It’s best that you get some more rest.” Azul said, pulling Jade back to his bed. “I’ll explain to the teachers what happened to you.” Floyd nudged him down and pulled the covers up until his brother’s chin. “We need you well rested, Jade. We’ll have the others check on you every once in a while.”
He forced himself to breathe slowly and carefully, his eyes screwed shut and thoughts in a whirlwind. His memories scrambling and confusing, he tries to remember the train station, the lake that was on RSA’s sloping hills and the falling meteorite.
Had there been a meteor shower? There was no news of it, no indication.
A hand caressed his head, shushing his sounds to silence. 
“Sleep, Jade.”
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The next day, Jade spent all his time in the library with books about stars and meteors and sleep being the furthest thing from his mind. He poured through the articles about meteor showers, checking online news sites, and pouring through scientific documents.
No recent reports of a meteor shower anywhere near the area of RSA or NRC. 
A frustrated sigh left Jade’s lips and he held his head with a huff, burying his fingers into his hair when a fluffy tail rubbed and pawed against his arm. “Good to see you’re up and about, Mr Leech.” Trein stood over him as Lucius stepped over the articles to sit on one of the books. 
“I didn’t know you were taking a liking to astronomy.” The professor commented, taking an article and reading through it. “Meteor showers, eh? I haven’t seen those for some time. The last one was beautiful but also very tragic.”
“What do you mean, professor?” Jade stared up at his teacher, slightly surprised.
“You weren’t in NRC at the time this happened but there was a meteor shower that passed by Twisted Wonderland, it was a festive time...But that soon became a tragedy when a fragment broke off from one of the passing meteorites.” He sighed, closing his eyes and setting the paper down. “Though NRC and RSA have been rivals for a long time, I can’t bear to think such a catastrophic event would happen to them.”
His heart skipped a beat, eyes wide in surprise. “You mean to say...”
“A meteorite fragment fell on RSA three years ago, specifically on the field just outside the school where some students were watching the shower. Those poor children...” 
The white crystal of his magical pen glowed bright and Jade pushed himself off his chair, figure hunched forward and head hung low. Lucius let out a meow as he scrambled away from the student. “Mr Leech, what are you doing?” Trein demanded but his voice fell on deaf ears, Jade remembers his last dream, the last time he switched bodies. He remembers the falling meteorite, the scream that wasn’t his own, he remembers them.
His pen pal.
In a burst of magic, Jade disappeared from his position leaving a scared Lucius and a confused and upset Mozus Trein.
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The landscape around him was heavy, the crater left by the meteorite was massive and no traces of life were seen within the impact zone. The memory of the meteorite fragment falling right on top of his pen pal, killing them instantly played again and again in his head. Jade, normally so aloof and calm, fell to his knees.
They died. 
They died where he stood.
For the first time in a long while, Jade screamed his heart out. A wail of agony loud enough to echo through the empty void that was essentially his pen pal resting place. He sunk to his knees and continued crying until his throat became hoarse and painful.
He laid on his side as the sun went down, the braided tie peeked out of his blazer. 
“Please remember me—!”
The train station...Was that a dream too? What had he been doing when he was in there? What was he there for?
Who was calling out his name.
The sun set over him, the sky turning orange and violet. It was twilight hour.
 There was a touch to his shoulder and a soft shake. His head turned, his eyes widened. A student from RSA stood over him. They smelled of white lilies, uniform a mix of white and yellow, and their magical crystal a pen nib brooch. There was a familiar gleam in their eyes, a smile he came to know from the many days they had switched bodies. 
His pen pal smiled at him, offering their hand for him to take. “It’s really you, Jade. It’s actually you.” 
They laughed, pulling Jade into a hug; his tall figure dwarfing them easily as they hugged his chest. Jade sighed, returning the hug soon after and rocking each other back and forth for a few moments the sun shined in the horizon.
“I thought I lost you, y’know?” They said, looking up at him. “I just...I suddenly couldn’t reach you.” 
“I thought you had died. I saw the meteor fall on you.”
They looked at each other for a moment and a laugh was shared, their foreheads linked together soon after. “I know but...somehow, maybe...I don’t really know what happened to me. I just couldn’t reach you to tell you what happened on that day. I nearly forgot about you and I cried for days wondering why.”
Pulling away, they looked down to Jade’s wrist. “Hey, that bracelet...”
“You gave it to me in the train station.”
It was all coming back to him now. This person, his pen pal, was someone he held dear for a long time.
He felt comfort.
“Oh yeah! I did, didn’t I?”
“Do you want it back?”
“No. Keep it.”
The two held hands for some time but were immediately thwarted by them pulling out a marker. “Hey, why don’t we write our names? That way, if we ever forget each other there’ll always be a reminder. Ah, but I don’t have any paper with me...”
Jade offered his palm, his smile teasing and knowing. “You always liked writing on my skin.”
They shared another laugh and the marker’s cap was pulled off, Jade looking over the horizon as they wrote their name on his palm. “Your turn.” 
He took the pen from them and as soon as he wrote the starting strokes of his name, the marker fell from his grasp.
The twilight hour had ended and the moon took over the sky.
“Eh...? What am I...doing...?” 
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Jade was found by his peers not long after, taking him in and letting him rest as they descended the crater near RSA. Mozus Trein was their chaperone, explaining to the staff of the rival school and covering his own students.
“Someone he knew died here,” He explained, looking at Jade being covered with a blanket by his brother. Jade’s eyes were closed and he leaned against him, clearly exhausted from the ordeal and exposure to the elements.
“I’m very sorry to hear that, professor.” Said one RSA’s employees, brows upturned and frowning deep. “The meteorite crash was a very tragic event for all schools. I can’t imagine how much grief that young boy has gone through knowing that a friend of his died that day.”
“I hope you can look the other way on this. I know we shouldn’t come into each other’s premises without proper—“ 
“It’s quite alright. I’ll explain the situation to the headmaster once everything has settled.”
Floyd pulled his brother to his chest and stood up, Azul placing a hand on his back. 
“Let’s go home, Jade.” 
Jade wasn’t alone that night, Floyd and Azul wouldn’t allow him to be alone. They slept next to him, keeping him company but while the two slept, he couldn’t. The moon shone against his window and gave his room a very soft blue glow. He raised his hand to his face, the message from someone he held dear was still visible but slightly smudged.
“Thank you.”
Bitterness rose in his chest and to his throat, his brows furrowed in frustration. The tears forming stung his eyes.
“You idiot,” he brought his palm to his face, sniffling. “I can’t remember you this way.”
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A year had passed and the dreams stopped coming after that night. Jade had picked up the habit of sitting outside during twilight hour, watching the set and holding the bracelet that never left his wrist for more than a second. He wore it everywhere he went but when asked; he never had a proper reason for it.
“I feel complete wearing it.”
The yearly magical shift festival brought troves of customers and onlookers, Jade and his brother sat on a bench and let their legs rest after a long day. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. You want anything?”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll buy some myself.” 
Jade was left alone after that and he closed his eyes for a moment, his nose taking in the different smells of food and perfumes.
There was a familiar smell of white lilies.
“Excuse me.” 
A person stood in front of him, holding a brochure. They were a uniform of white and yellow and a pen nib brooch. They smiled at him and familiar warmth bloomed in his chest. “I don’t mean to disturb you or anything.” 
Their smile was sheepish but it felt as if he’d seen it somewhere before.
“Do we know each other by any chance?”
“I think so.” Jade’s smile was easy and suddenly their eyes began to water. “I had a feeling we did.”
“Hey,” Jade reached over and intertwined their hands, the bracelet’s colors were vibrant against his skin and theirs.
“May I…”
“Can I…”
“...Know your name?”
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simpsiren · 4 years
coffee or me?
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na jaemin x reader
description: you thought your life was getting boring when all you did was worked as a barista at your father’s coffee shop, that is until you met the med student na jaemin who keeps ordering an unhealthy amount of coffee everyday.
genre: barista!fem reader, med student! jaemin FLUFF!!
warnings: none
word count: 5,105
a/n: so i saw this post on instagram by @/pandawithnojams and decided to write a fanfic on jaemin hehe enjoy :D
your life was a little different from others. instead of further studying your interest, which was architecture after high school, your father immediately asks you to work at his 24 hour coffee shop, Anders, just beside a college. to make you feel worse, the college that was beside Anders was one of the colleges you thought of attending before being told to work.
althought you were not too happy with your father’s decision, you accepted it willingly. your father is the only family member you have left after your mother passed away 3 years ago and you wanted to help your father as much as possible so as to lighten his burden of taking care of himself and you.
“help me clear the tables, princess!” your father shouted from the back of the shop as you moved out of the counter to clear the empty cups on the tables. to be honest, you were starting to like working with your father. you worked as a cashier while you father would be at the back making the drinks, well that is during the day shifts. your father had the idea of you taking on the night shift as well so that you can practice making drinks while not getting stressed over the huge flow of orders that the shop would usually get during the day. you agreed to the idea as you thought of how your father would be able to rest during the night so that he would get plenty of rest for his aging body.
you shook your head with a soft smile as heard your father calling you princess. you were embarrassed that your father kept calling you that but you started finding it cute and you felt the care in his voice everytime he calls you that.
it was 7pm and your father was getting ready to get off his shift before you start your night shift at 7:30. you rushed to your father at the back with the stack of cups in your arms, being cautious of not dropping them. “let me help you clean up.” you said as you saw your father packing up his things. “i can do this myself, please. you dont have to worry.”
you placed the cups in the large sunk and walked over to your father and jerked his side with your elbow. “make sure you rest once you get home alright?” you started to pick up his items on the table, snatching your father’s bag from his hands and putting the items in. you felt his hand resting on your head. you looked up to see his wide and happy grin. “thank you for helping me, elizebeth.” he grabbed you by your shoulders to turn your body to face his before landing a loving kiss on your forehead. you smiled and hugged him tightly. you and your father stayed there away, fully embracing each other’s love. you pulled away shortly after, handing him his bag. he waved you goodbye one last time and you see him off.
you took your phone out of your pocket and one quick look at it and it told you that it was 7:45. you heard the bell on top of the door ringing and immediately went out from the back to attend to the customers.
you have been working till 3am now. it became less and less busy as time went on and you now only had two customers in the shop who were chilling and doing their own thing. fortunately, it finally gave you time to take a break. you pulled a wooden stool beside you and took a seat. you stretched your arms up, interlocking your fingers while doing so and stretching your back in the process, letting out a soft groan. you sighed as you let your arms fall onto your lap and slouched your body.
you leaned forward and rested your head on the palm of your hand, with your elbow on the counter. without you realising, you have drifted off to sleep. well, it was only a short nap. you were able to get some shut eye for about 20 minutes when you heard the ringing of the bell once more. you fluttered your eyes open and turned your attention from the counter top to the door, your eyes were only half open as you watch a figure walking towards the counter.
you heard the footsteps of the person coming closer and finally stopped. “what may i get you?” you asked in a lazy tone, not even bothering to sound like a happy and cheerful cashier at this point as you were not fully awake. you looked at the person standing across the counter, who was looking up at the menu board above the counter. he had round glasses and beautiful blonde hair that was very messy and edgy. a stack of papers were in his arms along with a laptop below it. he wore a large brown cardigan with a white turtle neck, and he looked about your age. with all the observations you made, it was no doubt that the guy was a collage student, and you guessed that he was from the collage nearby.
“can i please get a venti size iced black coffee with 4 shots of espresso? dont add the water, just ice.” his voice sounded as if he was sleepy or exhausted. you clicked your tongue and batted your eyes as you keyed in the order into the machine. you glazed your eyes over the order and sat up straight, tilting your head up to properly look at the man. “woah are you sure that is safe? its going to be very strong.” you warned the person. you have never known anyone who would order something this strong and intense of a coffee ever.
“its fine. i can handle it.” you told him the price and waited for him to give you the money. you placed the money you were given into the cash register and as you were about to give him the change and receipt, he snatches the receipt out of your hand. “keep the change.” with that, he walked away. you raised an eyebrow at him in awe and shrugged, watching him take a seat near the window and placing his stack of papers and laptop on the table.
you took one deep breathe before standing up and going to the back to get his drink ready. it didn’t take you long to make the drink since you were practically an expert in making black coffee, and since he didn’t ask for anything more, you were able to whip it up in a matter of 4 minutes. you poured the drink into a cup along with settling it on top of a small plate before walking out to serve it to him.
you went out and as you were walking towards the table the man was at, you gaped your mouth with shock and tried your best not to spill his drink. the table was scattered and covered with tons of papers and his laptop was placed in front of him, with his fingers typing away from the keyboard. you gulped as you reached there. “your drink.” you said, trying to sound polite as you waited for him to take the drink. you would have placed it down for him but you did not see the slightest bit of space that was not covered with papers. “oh sorry about the mess” he said in a quirky tone.
it took him awhile to realise you were standing there before he reacted though. you eyes were glued to his fingers for that short moment since you were impressed by how fast his typing was. he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and ruffled his hair before quickly running his arm over the table to push some of the papers aside. you placed the cup on the table and said a soft “enjoy your drink.” before going back to take your seat behind the counter.
you went back to the same position you were before, but this time, you were awake and wasnt able to sleep. you looked around the shop and realised that there were cups lying around due to the two customers who were in just now. you didn’t even realise they left you were that tired. you whined to yourself, realising that you have to get back up again to do work just when you took your seat.
you gathered up the strength you have left to stand up once more to clean up the tables. as you were picking up the cup and wiping the table clean with the cloth that was slung over your shoulder, you looked over at the one customer who was still here.
he was writing something on what looks like a worksheet, or perhaps notes. you couldn’t exactly decipher what major he was in based on the sheets of paper laying around the table. you were impressed that he could even fit that many stuff on a small table. he ruffled his hair and scratched his head, tugging on his turtle neck as he stretched his neck from left to right.
it made you chuckle softly in amusement. college really does seem stressful, but maybe he took a major that was difficult. from what your friends told you who did went to college unlike you, there are some majors that are more tiring and energy draining than others.
once you were done cleaning up the tables, you went to the back to clean all the excess dishes that was in the sink, which piled up to quite a height. after awhile, you were finally done with cleaning the dishes and you smiled softly as you thought of how you could finally rest, not entirely but it was still something.
you went back out to take a seat behind the counter and as you were about to close your eyes, you felt the presence of someone standing in front of you. you sighed and looked up to see who it was. “its you again?” you yawned as you took your phone out to check the time. 4am?! and he’s still here? “can i get the same thing i ordered just now?” you furrowed your eyebrows and rubbed your temples. “could’ve told me that before i cleaned all the dishes..” you murmured under your breathe, unaware that he was completely able to hear what you said since it was just you and him in the huge coffee shop.
“im sorry if its troubling you then its fine. although its a 24 hour coffee shop, to which there should always be somebody working.” you heard him say in a sleepy voice, you took this chance to look at his face once more, he looked cute to your surprise. you thought about all the guys that your friends met during college, partying in their dorms and shit. you wished you could experience that. although it sounds depressing, you were living a peaceful content life, not the stressful one that you see his customer experiencing. “um hello?” he asked as you shake your mind out of your thoughts and to reality, realising that you were probably staring at his face like a weird.
“shit sorry sorry ill get your drink ready.” as you were walking to the back, you turned around to see if he was still there, since you completely forgot about asking him to pay. instead, you saw him walking back to the table. you looked down to the counter and saw that there was money on it. you shrugged, assuming that he allowed you the keep the change just like his previous order.
you got his drink ready and went to his table. you saw him laying his head on the keyboard of his laptop, which his arms covering his face completely. you tilted your head as you thought about what to do. should you wake him up? just the drink on the table. you weren’t exactly sure. you let out a soft ‘uh’ as you reached out a finger to poke his shoulder to get him to wake up. “excuse me? your drink is here” you leaned forward slightly and whispered.
you watch the guy lifting his head up and licking his lips, taking off his glasses and wiping his eyes. he looked at his surroundings before looking up to see you with his drink in hand. he didn’t say anything to you and just took the cup out of the hand. you scoffed and went back to the back of the counter. you played with your phone for awhile, realising it was getting pretty late and yet you see the same person typing away on his laptop and resumed working diligently. you let out a sigh and waited for him to get out the shop.
it was about 5am when you finally see him packing up his things, stacking the pieces of paper and laptop, along with packing his stationery into his white tote bag. he doesn’t look back and went straight to the exit, opening the door and left in the blink of an eye. you took this time to shut your eyes just until your father came and resumed working just like any other day.
a few days have passed now and you realised that it was the same guy who keeps coming in during your night shift to do his work till 5am. and everyday, he would order the same thing. tonight was no different.
“black coff-“
“black coffee with 4 shots of espresso. i know.” you simply said. “and you can pay me once i add your order of the same thing later when you get out.”
you wouldn’t consider him a regular customer but since he has only been coming in for a few days, but you felt that it would be easier if you just remembered his drink, to make it easy on the both of you. so, you head to the back to whip up the drink that you have already memorised and have it embedded into your mind.
you got out with the drink in hand, walking over to the same table that he always sat at everyday. “dont you think i should know your name if your going to be coming in here everyday?” you realised that he made an empty spot that wasnt covered with papers on the table, placing the cup down and folding your arms with your weight placed on your right leg.
“its jaemin.. na jaemin.” he gazes his eyes up to you while taking the cup of coffee and taking a sip, maintaining eye contact with you. you hummed and nodded your head. “well im elizebeth. elizebeth riza.” the man who you now know as jaemin nodded his head in response. he twirled his pen around his fingers before placing it down. jaemin ran his hand through his hair before resting his chin on top of his fingers interlocked together, with his elbows on the table. “im majoring in the medical field. if that’s what you’re wondering.” he said, gesturing his head to the papers scattered on the table. you looked at the papers, leaning in to get a closer look, and indeed, it was all related to the medical industry, which was not in your interest at all.
“i also go to the college just next beside the shop, if that’s also what your wondering.” jaemin emphasised on the ‘also’.
“you’re so... observant.” you looked out to the window behind jaemin. you saw the college being dimly light. you looked back down, only to see jaemin tilting his head down and writing something on his paper. “i need to be. its a requirement for my major afterall.” jaemin shrugged as he responded to you, not looking up at all. instead of walking back to your chair behind the counter, you took a seat in front of jaemin. the action made jaemin look up at you with a raised brow, clearly in confusion. “why are you sitting here?” jaemin mumbled as he pushed his round glasses up his nose and typed something into his laptop.
“well i dont really have to work. since you’re the only customer here at this hour.” you simply replied, slouching into the chair as you folded on leg over the other. “wont youre boss be mad or something?” he asked as he scratched the back of his head with his pen. you shrugged and chuckled softly, folding your arms. “my father doesnt mind.” jaemin nodded his head slowly as he was able to catch up quick to know that your father is your boss. “anyways im guessing you’re going to be a regular customer here since you’ve been coming for a few days now and i always take the liberty to know the regular customers of the shop.” you stated
that fact was wrong, clearly. you wanted to get to know him just so maybe you could get someone he knows form the college who majors in architecture to teach you about it. well, it may be because he was cute too, but you focus more on the other objective. despite what you just said, jaemin doesn’t respond. he continued working with full concentration. you hummed as you watch him work, wondering if you should even continue talking to him. you continued watching him work, occasionally scrolling through your phone and looking at the door once in awhile to check if any customers came.
you heard him took a sip of his drink and wrote something down. “your coffee tastes good by the way.” he complimented, again not looking up at you. although it didnt really sound like a compliment since his voice was very monotone and lazy, probably from the tiredness of working. “i used to go to another 24 hour coffee shop that wasnt so popular, but it closed down. so i headed here instead.” you put your phone faced down on the table and looked up to face him. this time however, his eyes were off his work and glued to you. you bit your lip and nodded your head. “that’s nice to hear. but why cant you work in your dorm or at the campus somewhere?” you were curious as to why he would want to come to a place like this rather than having an actually learning facility to do his work at.”
“my roommate always has someone over at my dorm so i cant really concentrate. its just something about coffee shops, you know? like the smell of the place helps to keep me awake, and the coffee of course.” he looked out to the window, admiring the night sky and the dimly lighted city. you did the same as well, but you also admired the person in front of you. he really was good looking and you couldn’t help but stare at his perfect features. “you really do have the same mindset as my father.” you whispered, peering over to the cup to see that it was empty. jaemin saw your. eyes and coughed lightly to get your attention. “can i get another cup?” he asked. you could tell he was draining of exhaustion and looked like he was trying his best to stay awake by breathing in the smell of coffee that was all over the place.
“sure. but im added only 2 shots of espresso thid time. you know its very dangerous for you to be drinking that strong of a coffee. more than 1 cup even. aren’t you a medical student? shouldnt you know this is bad?” you pushed the chair back and stood up, walking over to his side to take the cup. “i used to drink 6 cups a day when i went to the previous coffee shop. dont underestimate my tolerance.” you gaped your mouth in shock. “6 cups?! who the hell is that psychotic to pump that much coffee into their blood!” you furrowed your eyebrows as you looked down at jaemin, who seemed calm and had an innocent looking face despite your reaction. “medical students, dear.” jaemin said sarcastically in a sing song tone, you saw him rolled his eyes as well. you let out a soft ‘tch’ and left to do his drink.
“as promised. 2 shots of- jaemin?” you weren’t surprised to see him falling asleep in the shop once more. you stood beside him, realising that you see a post it note on his now black screened laptop that. you leaned forward, now getting closer to jaemin so as to read the note. dont wake me up. thanks.
you tilted your head and raised an eyebrow. dont wake him up? is he going to sleep here till dawn? why cant he just sleep at his dorm? you scratched your head as you think of what to do. you never had someone sleep overnight at the shop before. you know its open 24 hour but does it mean that you allow people to full on sleep here? you checked the time on your phone and realised that your father should be here any minute now. you shrugged and walked to sit behind the counter, thinking that you can just ask him once he’s here.
you waited for awhile till you see your father coming through the door. you immediately stood up and waited for your father to go to the counter to greet you. “morning, princess!” you father greeted with a smile and walked to the back. you greeted and followed your father. “father im not sure if its allowed but one of the customers who came to the shop at night id currently sleeping.” you said in an unquestionable tone. your father stopped walking and turns around to face you. “i would allow it if there arent many customers so if its gets crowded just wake him up alright?” your father replied to you with a soft smile. he’s always kind, and maybe too kind, but that’s what you love about your father. you gave a quick smile and rushed to the front when you heard customers starting to flow in since it was morning.
it was 9am and your father allowed you to take a break for awhile. you took this chance to sit in front on jaemin, who still had his head resting on his arms and his hoodie over his head. he looked like he was wrapped in a cocoon or something. you giggled softly. you picked up one of his pens that you saw scattered around and took off his hood and poking his hair with the pen.
you hear a soft groan as jaemin lifts his head up, yawning as his eyes fluttered open to look at you. “what time is it?” you blinked when you heard his voice. you keep seeing on the internet about how guys’ “morning voices” sound hot and wow did you experience it the first time when you heard jaemin, not gonna lie, he sounded hot. “uh its 9am. i think you should just sleep at your dorm.” you answered, trying to keep your cool. jaemin sat up straight and ran his hand through his blonde hair a few time before looking at you. “alright. thanks, for letting me sleep here.” he stood up and looked around. the both of you realising that there were a lot of customers. he quickly stood up to gather his things. bit by bit, you helped him stack up his papers and such.
“will i see you again tonight?” you asked as you handed him the stack of papers. he pushes his glasses and smiled softly. “sure.” was all he said before he walked past you and headed out the door.
weeks turn into months of jaemin coming to Anders and you began talking to him more. slowly but surely, you were getting pretty close to him and you felt like close friends. you would occasionally go out to dinner with him when he wants to take a break from work. by dinner you meant a random 24 hour food restaurant. it didn’t have to be all that fancy since every time you spend with jaemin, he was able to fill your time with smiles and laughs. you got to know him a lot more and well, the friendship just blossomed between you two.
“guess what?! its our 1 year friendship anniversary!” you shouted as you twirled your way to jaemin who seemed stress with his work. you frowned as you took a seat in front of him. “hey you good?” you questioned him with concern in your tone. “i have an exam next week. just a lil stress.” jeamin knocked his pen against his head a few times before writing something down. “anything i can help with? this is the most stressed ive seen you, its worrying me.” you leaned forward, pushing aside the laptop to see his face. jaemin looked up to you, pouting cutely. “6 cups of coffee?” you giggled as you stood up walking over to him and running your hand through his hair before flicking his forehead with your middle finger. “in your dreams, jae. im making you regular black coffee.” jaemin whined. you raised an eyebrow and gave him a disgusted look. “dont look at me like that. regular black coffee, just a lil bit strong alright?” jaemin nodded in approval. you smiled at him and made his drink.
you placed the coffee down on the table and sat down across jaemin. you yawned as you placed your chin on the table and watched jaemin drink his coffee. “how the fuck can you stay up everyday to do work? i can never.” you closed your eyes for a moment. “its what i need to do, love.” you always thought that the nicknames jaemin called you like ‘love’ or ‘dear’ felt as though the two of you were in a relationship but you tried to only think of it in a friendly manner.
“yeah well im gonna take a nap. if any customer comes in just wake me up alright?” jaemin hums and watches you fall asleep. he admired your sleeping state for awhile, feeling his heart flutter for a moment before resuming with his work. after about 30 minutes, jaemin sighed in satisfaction. at least he was able to complete almost half of his work. he realised that you were still sleeping. jaemin smiled gently and reaches his hand out to pat your head, running his hand over your head a few times. he rested his chin on his free hand, admiring you once more.
“jae?” jaemin jerked back a little when he saw your opened your eyes, gazing up at him. blood rushed to his cheeks. he felt his face getting hot, out of nervousness he chuckled sheepishly. “your hair felt soft.” he blurted out. you laughed as you sat up straight and rubbed your eyes. “sure it is, jae. yours is way softer.” you rolled your eyes and glanced at the table before making eye contact with jaemin. “are you done with your work?” you leaned forward a little. “hm? i can take a break.” jaemin said as he yawned while covering his mouth.
“hey el? come here for a sec.” you raised your eyebrow in suspicion, blinking at him a few times before standing up and walking over to his side of the table. you stood there, looking down at him for at least 30 seconds. “jae what do you wa-“
you let out a soft gasp when jaemin grabbed you by your waist, making you fall down onto him, your body pressed against his. you lay your hands on his shoulders as you widened your eyes at him. “i never got to tell you this. maybe its my tiredness, or maybe i cant hold it in anymore...” your body froze when he places his head on your neck, feeling his breathe against your skin as you shivered at his touch. you felt his hand that wasnt around your waist slowly creeping up to your chin, holding it gently as he guides your face to meet his.
“but i like you, so much, for so long.” you slowly but surely placed yourself on top of jaemin, sitting on his lap with your hand remaining still on his shoulders. “jae..” you whispered, intentionally going close to his ear. his head moves away from your neck and up to face you. “you think i didnt know that?” you giggled softly as your hands slide down from his shoulder to his chest, making him flinch slightly. “all the times we hung out and spent time together, all the cuddles and shit. it’s very obvious we like each other, jae. i was just waiting for you to make a move.” your murmured.
“shall i make a move now then?” you see the side of jaemin’s mouth curving up slightly. you tilted your head and batted your eyelashes at him teasingly. “technically you already did by pulling me to you but another move wouldn’t hurt.” you teased and waited for a moment. jaemin leaned his face close to yours, his grip on your waist tightens as he pulls you in closer. he looked at your eyes before looking down to your lips. you didn’t move an inch, but you were
so nervous. it was nerve wrecking. you’ve cuddled with jaemin plenty of times as friends, physical touch wasnt new in your friendship. but this, this felt so different. it was intense.
jaemin slowly connected his lips with yours. he brings his hand up to the back on your head and through your hair. you kissed his back slowly as you closed your eyes in satisfaction. feeling his soft lips on yours. although you thought that he wouldn’t be comfortable with kissing you since your lips were pretty chapped, you felt that the way his kisses you was gentle and filled with love.
you made out with him for awhile. his hands roaming around your back while you wrapped your arms around his neck and through his hair. the two of you pulled away at the same time, a string of saliva appeared as you two gasped for air.
“can i have coffee?” jaemin breathed out. you made a thinking face to tease him as you watch him pouting cutely. “coffee or me, na jaemin?” you laughed and swiped all your hair to the front. “you make me choose? how rude.” immediately jaemin pulled you in for another long kiss.
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acuteagawa · 4 years
Writing a 8K smut fic instead for my university stuff? Sure, here it is uwu. Jokes aside, I love this man with all my heart and I hope I did him justice, I feel like he'd be extremely demanding and such a TEASE when it comes to sex. Please, let me know if you want more BSD smut because I will GLADLY write more QwQ I'm sorry for any typos here, I wrote this at 4AM! Hope you like it and please leave me a comment if you feel like it TwT <3
You didn’t really comprehend what he was asking you to do at first. You stared at him for a couple of seconds, a blank expression plastered on your face as your eyes blinked cluelessly. 
“Here?” You managed with a flushed face, the question unsure and your voice filled with pure embarrassment. He chuckled lowly at your delayed answer, making it harder for your knees to keep your body straight. You took a deep breath to steady you wobbly posture, and looked towards the windowed wall, towards him.
Chuuya was staring back at you, his blue eyes almost menacing as he looked up at you from his sitting position. The lights in his office were dim, the orange tint of sunset echoed throughout the whole room; he was glowing, honestly. He knew exactly how to play that game, he knew what to do to push all the right buttons and make you a flustered mess with the mere use of his words. You knew he was enjoying this, the bastard. Humor was clearly written all over that handsome face of his.
“Why not. It’ll be fun.” He almost groaned as he straightened up, placing his elbows on his desk and getting a better look of your blushing expression. You didn’t even dare to look at him now, you knew better, but you could still feel his unforgiving, grinning gaze heaving on you. Your resistance and your shyness seemed to only entice him more, he loved that side of you because he was the only one allowed to see it. He made sure to remind you of that every waking moment. 
It’s not like the two of you were new to that sort of things. He had taken his time breaking you nicely, after all. But you were a quick learner, much to his approval. It has been a couple of months since Chuuya had the balls to finally confess his interest in you; he asked you out right after he came back from an important mission in the West, one that had kept him busy for weeks. It was during those long, lonely weeks that he realised how deeply the thought of you had planted its roots in his mind. He just couldn’t deny himself any longer; all he could think about was how good you’d look between his legs, sucking him off like the good girl you always were with him. It was your fault, honestly. You and those damned tight skirts of yours. He kept saying this to himself, trying to justify his weakness for you; truth is, he was really a goner the first time he saw you enter his office as one of the new Port Mafia secretaries many months before. For him, seeing you everyday had been worse than torture itself: watching you swerve your hips around the office without being able to claim you like he wanted had been both his salvation and his demise. Low curses emitted from his lips every single time he witnessed some other guy trying to flirt his way into your panties, because honestly he blamed himself and his cowardice for not securing himself around you soon enough. All he could do during that time was to sit back and let his groans subdue within his chest without being able to properly call you his. 
But that was not the case anymore.
Now, you were his and his only. He was the only one allowed to make you blush like this, his name was the only one you where allowed to scream. He was the only man on this earth who was allowed to find refuge in the warmth between your legs. No one else. 
“There’s still people around.” You retorted, hugging the stack of files tighter around your chest as to cover yourself better from his hooded, piercing eyes. 
“That’s what makes it fun, Y/N.” His lips curved in a languid smirk, his honeyed voice ringed in your ears, sending shivers down the entirety of your spine. The idea of doing something so… intimate in a place so crowded was totally new for the two of you. Well, at least for you it was. Chuuya had been your first in many, many things, and you trusted him wholeheartedly, but this was really pushing all your boundaries. 
You heard him shuffle in his leather armchair, probably growing tired of your insecurity. Chuuya always gets what he wants, you learned it the hard way during these past months. It’s not like he ever forced you to do anything you were not comfortable with, he just liked to experiment with you. He’s constantly trying his best to understand you, unravel what’s in your head, decipher what feels good and what doesn’t. Chuuya always puts you and your pleasure first, he was a true gentleman at heart, and for that you were extremely grateful. It just surprised you at first when you heard him whisper those filthy words only a few moments ago, but you trusted him and his vision.
“I need to fuck you so bad right now, Y/N.” You shivered again, remembering how sultry his voice sounded as you spoke for the first time that day. 
He had been extremely busy these past days, it had been almost impossible to get a hold of him even via text, but that didn’t surprise you since he was the executive with the best records in all of Port Mafia’s history. He was really popular in the field and there was a really high demand for him and his services. Time periods in which he was totally unavailable were not unusual, which was something that had frightened you at first. You thought he had grown tired of you the first time you tried to get in contact with him to no avail, he didn’t answer your texts or calls for exactly four days. Needless to say, you were over the moon when he knocked at your door on the fifth night, begging for you to let him in so that he could help you forgive him. It was one of the best nights with him to date, he’d been so needy for your touch and so focused on making you cum all night long, until you had begged him to stop, filled to the brim with his gift. The mere memory of his long, sharp thrusts plunging deep within your drenched core with each raw drag of his hips made your head spin. 
“Y/N. Come here.” Chuuya noticed how lost in your thoughts you had become, so he regained your full attention by patting his hand gently on his lap, encouraging you to get closer to his desk. You snapped out of it immediately, and slowly but surely you started walking towards him; the soft clicking of your heels echoed through the room, now completely silent. As you reached him, you clumsily placed the files you’d been clutching on the marble table. Your hands were shaking slightly and he noticed: Chuuya quickly took hold of your right hand, making you gasp in surprise. He took this small window of opportunity and dragged you down so that you were sitting across his strong thighs.
“You don’t trust me?” He smiled at you with hooded eyes, so much darker than usual. He slowly pulled your delicate hands towards his smooth lips, kissing each and every knuckle like his life depended on it. You were his queen, after all. He never failed to make you remember that either. 
“It’s not that. You know it’s not that, Chuuya.” You blushed again, the mere thought of what he was proposing was making you weak in your knees once again, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were almost straddling him you’d be on the floor by now. You couldn’t deny that you missed him and his ministrations too, all of this was making you extremely sensitive, your panties felt a tad damp by now. 
But you would never admit that to him directly. The man was already so full of himself.
“Hmm. So what is it about? Are you scared someone will see us? Hear us?” He chuckled once again, hoisting your body up so that he could drape your legs to each side of his thighs, making you straddle him completely now. You hissed at the feeling of his already hardening length brushing against your inner thigh. 
“Chuuya...” You panted, eyes hooded with lust as his skilled digits started travelling down from your hips to your thighs, so conveniently bare and at his mercy. 
“Yes, kitten? Changed your mind?” He smirked, his lips now locked against the soft skin of your neck. He angled himself so that he was resting his forehead right inside the crook of your neck, where your sweet scent was stronger and where he knew exactly how to torture you with his skilled lips. He immediately started nibbling and licking the soft expand up until he reached your sweet spot, the spot he knew would make you mewl and beg. The combination of his plush lips and his nibbling teeth made you moan softy against your will, your hands finding their place in his hair as you gently grazed at his skull. He groaned at the feeling, a primal sound rumbling in his chest at the sensation of you tugging his messy locks. 
You didn’t even know when your hips had started to involuntarily buck against his on the chair, your clothed cores colliding slightly with each move; feeling your warmth radiating through his tight dress pants and against his painfully hard cock made him grit his teeth, hard. He’d been hard all day thinking about this, about you straddling his cock and taking him in so perfectly in your tight little pussy. Man, he loved how tight you felt against his pulsing, throbbing length just before you cummed, he couldn’t wait to finally plunge himself inside you and fill you up nicely. You were making him loose all his cool.
Without a single word, he snaked one arm around your tiny waist to support you better while his free hand travelled from your thighs to your skirt, hiking it up just enough to reveal your damp panties to his hungry, hooded eyes. He smirked teasingly at you, one eyebrow shooting up just to mock your current state. He then pressed his solid cock against you experimentally, sucking in a sharp breath at the sight of his clothed length nestled tightly against your folds, but more importantly watching how your chest rose up in shock from the sudden contact. Fuck, he could cum just by looking at your flushed face right now. Your tiny whimpers and moans were music to his ears, hands down his favourite sound in the whole world: they never failed to set his groin on fire, knowing that you were feeling this good because of him, and him only. 
Chuuya rolled his hips a couple more times, the both of you panting and grinding against the other like two horny teenagers who didn’t know better. The dry and rough feeling of your panties and his dress pants against your most sensitive area made you whimper his name with each one of his slow, yet precise thrusts. 
“You like this, uh? You fucking love it, don’t you? Look at you, humping my thighs to get yourself off. Tsk, I thought you were a good girl, Y/N.” His dirty talking did nothing to help your current situation, it only made the unbearable ache between your legs burn and sting deeper. You opened your eyes briefly just to stare at him, noticing how he wasn’t in a better state than you where. He looked just as desperate as you did, his bangs falling messily across his face, teeth gritting with purpose and eyes focused on the place where your bodies connected. Well, should connect. The feeling of your clothing was almost unbearable now, you wanted to touch him so badly, to feel his warm skin under your fingers, to caress his muscles and leave marks on that pretty back of his. 
“Chuuya, please...” You whined, not really sure what you were asking him to do but you needed some sort of relief. Anything would do, really. 
“Please what, Y/N? Aren’t you going to be a good girl for me and cum all over my leg? I want to feel you drench my pants.” He groaned, his blue eyes completely filled with the pure black of his blown out irises. Fuck, he was so hot, asking you to do that so he could simply enjoy the view. And with that, one of his fingers hooked your panties just enough to pull them to the side; your glistening core was finally able to directly brush against the clothed muscles of his thigh and to occasionally bump against his painfully solid erection. You heard Chuuya curse beneath his breath at the mere sight of your drenched pussy dragging over and staining his work pants. 
“Chuu- Fuck!” You bucked your hips a couple more times, grinding down harshly against him in order to reach your limit and finally give him what he wanted to see. You opened your glazed eyes, hands shooting right back at his hair and pulling it softly so that he understood the signal. You wanted him to look at you, to see how desperate he had made you. How hungry you were for him and his touch. His dark eyes met your hooded ones, sharp canines revealing under his satisfied grin. The way you were grinding your hips against his was making it hard for him to focus on anything but your core, but fuck he loved to see you cum. To see those pretty eyes of yours roll back in ecstasy and to hear his name though your moans.
“Fuck Y/N... That’s it. Cum on me, let me hear you, princess.” He roared, the grip of his arm tightening around your waist and helping you move against him better, now that your legs were spasming and growing tired. He dragged your lower half against him a couple of times more before you felt the knot in your lower belly unravel, almost painfully. His words coaxed you to reach your limit, the idea of his hungry eyes fixed on your convulsing form turned your legs into jelly. You came hard, really hard, moaning his name loudly, almost desperately. The strength of his arms never leaving you as he continued bucking his hips against yours, prolonging your orgasm by tenfold. Then the so familiar overstimulation came, and everything felt too much for you, so you gently pushed his chest away and rested your back against the edge of the desk, trying to distanziate your core from his body as best as the position allowed you. You experimentally opened your eyes: all you saw was his usual smug grin wide on his face, and his hungry eyes. 
You almost felt yourself coming undone again. 
“Such a sight to behold.” He grinned at you, a tingle of something oddly sweet laced in his voice. You smiled back at him, your breath was still ragged and uneven but you craved more. You always did when it came to him.
“Look at the mess you made, princess. My dress pants are ruined for good. Such a nasty little girl, aren’t you?” He continued, knowing exactly how to get under your skin. He knew how flustered the whole ordeal would make you, yet he decided to torture even further with his dirty comments. You looked down at his pants, noticing the big, wet splotch that was turning the grey material of his expensive pants black and moist. You blushed heavily at the sight of your desire for him so clearly evident on his clothes and fingers.
“My, my. What to do about this reckless behaviour of yours, uhm? You certainly enjoyed yourself a lot.” 
“Quit the crap, Chuuya. You asked for this.” You honestly weren’t good at reacting to his dirty talk, it made you fluster badly and it sometimes embarrassed you to the point that your ears turned red. He loved seeing you like that though, all shy and prudish after what you had just done. 
“Tsk. Who taught you to talk like that?” His brows knitted together with fake annoyance and shock, while his arm snaked back to his original place around your waist, pulling you closer against his chest, demanding a kiss.
“You did.” You leaned closer and kissed him on the cheek instead, mockingly. He clearly wasn’t happy with it, so he immediately trapped your face between his hands, fingers tilting your chin so that he could have easy access to those pretty lips of yours and finally devour them. 
The kiss was rough and dry at first. Teeth colliding together messily as his tongue fought to enter your lips but you sealed them tightly, making him groan with anger. When did his little angel turn into the stubborn demon that was straddling him just now? Was it his fault that she became so skilled in making him loose his cool? 
Chuuya knew how to play that game, though. His hands travelled down to your plump backside that he so eagerly worshipped, grabbing handfuls of it, roughly. You gasped in surprise, his raw touch enough to set you ablaze again as you felt his tongue finally colliding against yours in a fight for dominance you knew you couldn’t win. He was everywhere around you; his musky scent was so strong you honestly thought you could just pass out from it. 
“Why don’t you put that pretty mouth of yours to a better use instead of babbling profanities, my love?” He questioned lowly, your bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he pulled it slightly and bit on it until you sensed the coppery taste of blood on your tongue. You hissed at the sharp pain, wincing away from his hold. Looking right back at him, his hands started to softly circle patterns across the bare skin of your legs, up until his fingers reached under your shirt. You moaned at the feeling of his strong, calloused hands feeling you up and kneading your tender breasts, pinching your nipples from underneath your lacy bra. 
You slowly removed yourself from him, the awkward position had left your legs sore and weak from how roughly you were pressing down into his hard body. His eyes never stopped following your every movement, curious to see if you’d actually accept his challenge and blow him in his office. Out in the open. 
As you kneeled before him underneath the desk you didn’t fail to notice the way he was grinning from ear to ear, his hands still glued to your chest, cupping you from beneath. Fucking bastard, you couldn’t wait to make him beg for it. With a swift motion of your hands, you pushed his arms away to grant yourself a better access to his clothed lower half. His tight pants did nothing to conceal the evident bulge of erection, which was straining painfully near his thighs. Slowly, your tiny hands palmed him through his clothes, stroking him gently and experimentally; you almost chuckled at his sudden reaction, his hips instantly bucking into your hands looking for any sort of relief, his eyes glazed and semi-closed but still fixed on yours, a sharp inhale of breath through his gritted teeth echoed to your ears. The sight of him completely lost in your touch and so needy for you to continue was something that will always occupy a special place in your mind. Gods, he was so handsome.
You slowly grazed the entire outline of his cock with your fingers while your other hands continued palming and fondling his base, making him groan loudly with eagerness. Chuuya loved foreplay: he especially loved receiving it, having your lips encase his whole length tightly while choking because of his girth, but today you noticed a tinge of impatience in his every movement. From the strong grasp of his hands on your head, to the unsatisfied groans he was so desperately trying to suppress, while he twisted and turned in his armchair with knitted brows… Everything seemed to indicate that he wasn’t up for any of it today.
“Y/N…” The tone of his voice seemed almost menacing, and you smiled at how desperate he already sounded. You loved how his eyes dared you to continue your little game; but you were a smart girl, you quickly learned not to challenge him or else he’d deny you any form of release until you begged and screamed his name. Shuddering at the mere memory of one long and evenful night, when he had punished your teasing by fucking your throat raw, your hands quickly grabbed his belt to undo it. As soon as you were able to unfasten his leather belt, you hooked your tiny fingers into the loops of his pants, while your other hands worked fast to unzip him. His eyes were deeply focused towards your hands, which were working desperately to free him from his expensive dress pants, his head was hanging low so that your foreheads were almost touching. Finally, you started pulling down his slacks, eager to release his cock and please him: with one single pull he was left in his tight boxer briefs, which you skilfully pulled down as well, just enough for his throbbing cock to spring free and rest on his clothed stomach. 
“F-Fuck.” He hissed, his head lolled back to rest against the plush leather of his armchair. The feeling of cold air finally caressing his painful erection was pure bliss. You smiled at his reaction and took the opportunity to admire his cock in all his glory.
He was definitely well packed down there, your eyes always grew to the size of saucers every time you saw his cock spring free of his confinements. The first time you two had been intimate with each other you asked him if he was sure it could fit inside of you, honestly clueless about all of this. You remembered his low chuckles, how they made you tremble with anticipation as he answered in your ear that yes, it would fit because your body was made for him. Time has passed, sure, but you would never grow tired of the sight of his leaking, red tip and angry pulsing veins waiting for your touch. You licked your lips while your delicate fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft, pumping him slowly but firmly. You knew the exact amount of pressure that he liked to be touched with; you knew that he much preferred to be squeezed tightly at the base but gently at his tip, all of it while your other hand gently fumbled with his balls. Chuuya hissed and groaned as soon as he felt your warm hands on him, head still lolled back and breath coming out in harsh pants, cursing from time to time. He was really a goner for your delicate but skilled touch.
He trained you well, after all. 
You quickly established a slow but consistent pace of your pumps, making him shiver each time your fingers would graze against his enraged, velvety tip. Your lips found their place at his neck, nibbling and biting along the thick vein up to his sharp jawline, possibly leaving some love bites across his pale skin. He roared loudly when a particular snap of your wrist engulfed his whole leaky tip in a firm grasp, making him wince and spasm under you. He was so sticky and wet already, the mere thought made you clench around nothing. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Coming already?” You teased him, licking the shell of his ear and biting his lobe mockingly. You removed your hand from his tight balls and ran it under his shirt, your nails scratching along his toned abs up to his solid chest while your other hand was still pumping around his cock. He finally looked at you: his eyes were now completely black and filled with liquid lust, a sheer layer of sweat was making his skin glow under the sunset light; he was grinning at you while his hot breath fanned across your face in incoherent pants. 
“I thought I asked you to use your pretty mouth, Y/N.” He suddenly pushed away your hand from his cock, harshly, almost making you loose your already precarious balance. His strong hands grabbed hold of your frail shoulders, pushing you back down under his desk with a big toothy grin. You were now back on your knees, the sweet prospect of dominance shuttered in just a few seconds; you hummed softly at the delicious sight before you: his cock was completely slicked with his own precum, which was even dribbling down onto his smooth balls and boxers, while the thick veins along the entirety of his shaft pulsed and throbbed from your previous ministrations. You felt a sharp clench again. Your hands found their place on his knees and thighs as you positioned yourself to get a better access over his cock, taking it back into your hands and slowly dipping your face down to plant a first soft kiss on the tip. He felt velvety and smooth on your lips as you started placing kisses all over it, making his hips buck in response. How he loved when you worshipped his cock like this. 
Your tongue darted out, tracing along his sensitive slit where precum was already oozing out in thick bubbles, the salty taste that you loved coating your wet muscle as you finally closed your lips around his tip and started circling it skilfully. You heard him moan above you, his hands found mercy in your long, silky hair as he kept your head steady between his legs with a strong hold, pulling it into a loose ponytail so that he could see you blow him better. He flinched and spasmed again as you started bobbing your head slowly, taking him wholly inside your mouth until his tip reached the back of your tight, warm throat. The hands that were still glued to his knees moved: with one, you started massaging his balls again, loving how smooth and soft they felt and knowing how much he liked that kind of stimulation, while the other hand travelled to hike his shirt up, revealing his lower abs to your hungry eyes. Your nails grazed at the expanse of his lower stomach, a faint trace of hair trailed from under his navel down to frame the pretty cock inside your mouth. You hummed around him, he vibrations coursing through his length made him hum in response too.
“Fuck… You look so beautiful between my legs. With your mouth full of my cock like this… Fuck baby… You’re so good to me.” He kept cursing and moaning above you as he praised you and your mouth. His nails were massaging the sides of your skull lovingly, hips bucking slightly to meet your pace halfway. 
All kinds of fluids, yours and his, were dribbling down the sides of your mouth to your chin as you choked and gulped around him, his pants and boxers messy with new splotches and stains. He didn’t seem to care in the slightest though, too enamoured with the sight and with the feeling of you choking and struggling around his angry length. He was now starting to fuck your throat: it was a bad habit of his that you were slowly growing accustomed to, but it always hurt at the beginning no matter how many times he did it before. The discomfort of his cock plunging deep inside your throat repeatedly mixed with the loss of air induced by the fact that he was keeping your head steady with his hands almost made you pass out. He was that intense when it came to chase down his own release. You struggled under him, his breath hot and loud above you making you slick with arousal for him again. He sounded oh so desperate to cum, to spill his load deep down your convulsing throat and make you swallow all of his seed like you were hungry for it. Feeling his legs and thighs twitch under your hands, you relaxed your throat: he was so close. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He groaned loudly, his hips giving a couple more thrusts inside your mouth until you felt the underside of his cock tremble on your tongue, coating your throat with thick spurts of his cum. You eagerly swallowed everything he was willing to give you, until he stilled and panted loudly above you. His hands were still caressing your head and hair, his hold releasing almost all of its pressure and giving you room to breathe, to relax around him. Looking up, you saw that his head was still reversed back into the armchair, his Adam’s apple bobbing fast as he tried to recover as much air as possible after his climax. You licked his cock clean, and finally released it with a loud pop; your eyes followed it, watching how it now rested limply over his toned lower abs, red and spent but somehow still hard and twitching. Chuuya was still lost in his afterglow bliss, his chest was rising a bit more steadily now while he hummed his approval, opening his glazed eyes to finally lock his loving gaze with yours. His hand connected with your left cheek, massaging it tenderly while watching you with hooded, grateful eyes; his finger collected a small drop of cum that managed to escape your lips and dribble down your chin, pushing it back into your mouth with a low groan rumbling in his chest as you sucked on his finger and cleaned it up thoroughly. 
Then, your shy gaze averted from his heavy, sultry one; it was so amusing to him that you still managed to feel embarrassed after taking his cock so perfectly deep inside your mouth, after everything the two of you had done together, but nevertheless he loved that side of you to pieces. At that, he gripped your arm strongly and pulled you up to sit back onto his lap once again, making you shudder. His lips connected with yours immediately, massaging them with a slow, sweet pace; it was so abruptly different from the way he was using your mouth just moments before. Your bruised lips danced with his smooth ones, his taste was still lingering on your tongue and it mixed with his strong, musky scent, making you whimper into the kiss. 
“I’m not done with you, just so you know.” Chuuya nibbled your bottom lip and travelled back to your neck, his statement making you hungry all over again. Your gaze fell down between your bodies, the sight of his cock resting hard and heavy against both of your stomachs made your insides flutter. His clothes were completely soiled with cum, spit and sweat, your panties ruined and sticking to your core once again. You briefly wondered how the two of you would manage to exit his office and the building without anyone noticing the sticky mess on your clothes.
You were suddenly brought back to the current situation when you felt his skilled fingers rub circles over your clit from outside your drenched panties. You winced, still a bit sensitive from your previous orgasm, but melted to his touch as soon as he slipped his fingers inside the flimsy material of your lacy undergarments and started rubbing your slick folds gently, probing at your entrance with his middle finger, teasingly. 
“Chuuya… Please, don’t tease me now… I can’t anymore.” Your voice sounded so pathetically weak right now, it was a mix between a plea and a cry. Instantly, you felt his lips curl into a wicked smile across the sensitive skin of your neck. 
“You know it will hurt if I don’t prepare you well enough, baby.” He whispered in your ear, his low voice making you shiver above him while his middle finger entered your tight core. Of course you knew, he had been rough with you before, it mainly happened when he was too horny or angry to bother with foreplay. The painfully dry drag of his cock inside your tight core only added to the turmoil inside of you though, you secretly loved when he was rough and needy with you. You loved everything about him.
“I don’t care… Please just- Please Chuuya…” You whined, stopping his hands by placing yours around his wrist, stilling his slow movements. Your pleading eyes were now fixed to his hungry ones, almost as if you were trying to convince that you really wanted it, that you meant it.
“Very well. Whatever you want, princess.” His tongue clicked, strong arms swiftly grabbing you and pulling your body flushed to his. He proceeded in pulling down your skirt and panties with a single swift motion, doing the exact same with his own pants and boxers. With his free arm, he tossed everything that was lying on his desk to the floor, not caring about the stacks of documents and files flying everywhere. He needed to fuck you out of his system, now. He laid you on the cold marble beneath him, standing on his feet and towering over your petite figure; your legs instantly laced behind his back, pulling him even closer to you and securing him against your dripping core.
Chuuya placed one of his hands right next to your face on the marble desk, to avoid crushing you with his weight; his other hand draped down around his shaft, pumping himself a couple of times with his hooded eyes glued into your demanding ones. He slowly rubbed his shaft between your folds, your slick coating his cock nicely so that it would slide in without any pain. The tip of his cock brushed against your neglected clit with each and every gentle thrust, making you whine for more. Your hands travelled to his toned arms and laced behind his strong neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. He gladly obliged, lowering his face enough for you to peck him and lick his lips before you felt the head of his solid erection push inside of you. You both moaned into the kiss, exchanging your breaths; the feeling of him stretching you so fucking nicely was to die for. 
Chuuya entered you slowly, making sure that you were able to feel each and every inch of his dick dragging across the ridges of your tight cunt, filling you up completely until he was buried balls deep into your heat, hips stilled against your plush ass. He cursed beneath his breath at how deliciously your pussy wrapped around him, sucking him in, almost. Low profanities were leaving his mouth as he waited for you to adjust and stop clenching around him, or else he’d cum in a matter of minutes. You moaned underneath him, trying to undo the buttons his shirt so that you could finally claw your back and watch his abs contract as he drilled mercilessly inside of you. Chuuya got the hint and raised his torso away from yours, without actually pulling out, and unfastened the buttons for you. His shirt opened up, finally revealing his toned mid section to your hungry gaze and nails. The sight of his naked torso, except for the presence of his black leather choker wrapped tightly around his viscous neck, made tears swell up in your eyes. Fuck, you don’t recall ever being this hungry and horny for him. Chuuya smirked, knowing how much you loved to see him like this all too well, and he almost ripped your shirt open: you trembled as you heard a couple of buttons hit the floor and flying across the office. His calloused hands shot up to cup your breasts immediately, kneading them gently while uncovering them haphazardly from your damned bra. You held his head lovingly as he nestled his face down over you, latching his lips to your nipple while rolling the other between his fingers; he sloppily kissed and marked your chest with small love bites that you knew would turn purple for weeks. 
“Chuuya… Please move… I can take it now.” You whimpered, having adjusted to the size and feeling of him inside of you. The stretch was no longer painful, it only stung a little but it added to the amazing feeling of him filling you up to the hilt. He nodded, thrusting out of you and pushing back in immediately after, experimentally. He didn’t want to hurt you, not today, you had been so nice to him and you deserved every ounce of pleasure he was able to gift you. 
The heels of your feet pushed at his backside, urging him to fuck you harder, to which he quickly obliged. Chuuya set a steady and harsh pace, drilling his cock into your warmth with an unforgiving force. The desk dragged against the hardwood floor with each thrust of his hips, but none of you seemed to care. He hid his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your maddening scent sharply as he kept rutting hard inside of you; your loud moans in his ear only coaxed him to go faster, deeper. Your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, the idea of you wanting him so damn close made butterflies dance in his stomach, loins set on fire. He grabbed one of your legs and pulled it closer to his chest, angling you so that he was hitting it even deeper, making you cry as tears formed in your eyes from how good you were being fucked. 
“God Y/N, you’re so fucking tight… You want me dead.” He groaned, placing a couple of kisses on your ankle as he kept his pace hard and steady. The sound of skin slapping and of your moans echoing through the room were making him drunk and hazy. He wouldn’t last long.
You hummed, unable to answer with words anymore. He felt just so good, so thick and deep inside of you, reaching places you never thought he was able to reach. This position allowed the tip of his cock to brush against your sweet spot with each thrust, making you clench around his throbbing shaft uncontrollably. A familiar bubble in your lower belly began to form, you could feel your high approaching with every snap of his hips.
“Chu-Chuuya… I’m so close… Please!” You cried, tugging his hair and asking him to come back down so that you could kiss him. So that you could watch him in the eyes and express how grateful you were for his ministrations. So that you could praise him.
“I know, love. I can feel you sucking me in… How do you want me?” He whispered between harsh hisses as he finally came back to you, body flushed against yours. His rutting became even faster and more desperate, if possible. Your nipples brushed against his solid chest, only adding to the pleasure of spiralling down because of his unforgiving, precise thrusts. 
“I don’t care baby, just please make me cum…” Your voice was now a mess of pleas and moans but somehow you still managed to form a coherent sentence. Your hands cupped his cheeks, kissing him like a starved woman while he groaned into the kiss. You knew he loved when you left the choice to him, when you submitted yourself completely to his will. He hugged you, his large hands cupping behind your head in order to prevent you from bumping against something and  actually hurt yourself because of his hard pace. You hugged him back, your chin rested against his shoulder while his was hidden in the crook of your neck; your nails dragged across the large expanse of his toned back, marking him up and trying desperately to steady yourself as he pounded inside of you restlessly. All you could hear were his grunts and hisses mingling with your own screams, and the sound of his poor desk dragging harshly against the stone floor. 
Chuuya was a strong man. The force he was using to pin you down and to fuck your brains out was almost scary, but you were used to this by now. He wasn’t even using his ability today, but all the pent up lust and desire allowed him to be just as strong and raw with you. 
It all came crushing down on you when you felt one of his hands leave your head and snake down between your legs, finding your clit and rolling it between his rough fingertips, matching the rhythm of his hips. He wanted you to come undone first, as always. Well, when he felt like you deserved it. Your left hand clutched his arm desperately, but his touch never faltered: he kept brushing over your sensitive nub, using the slick of your arousal to get you off.
“Come on…” He hissed, teeth gritting with the sole purpose of making you cum before he did. It was really hard for him to deny himself any longer, but he was trying his best.
“Chuuya… Baby!” You whined, a high pitched moan following your pleas as you felt his cock hit your spot repeatedly while his skilled fingers rubbed you gently. You opened your eyes just to look for his own pair, mouth agape as he pounded the living light out of you. His jaw was clenched, tense, and you knew he was on the verge of heaven too. 
A couple more of those flicks were all it took for you to spasm harshly beneath his weight, legs wrapping around his waist and gripping him like a vice. You screamed his name loudly, eyes rolling back as he fucked you through it, prolonging your high with the sharp rut of his hips, balls slapping your ass with every thrust. Your hands grip his arm and back, anchoring yourself and marking him up badly because your release was too strong, he was too strong. Your mouth was open but nothing seemed to come out, the tears that had collected in your eyes rolling down to wet your cheeks and chin. It was too much, all of it was simply too much, you honestly thought you were about to pass out on that desk.
Chuuya gritted his teeth and inhaled sharply, the feeling of your drenched cunt convulsing around him, trying to milk his cock of all its worth, was making his thrusts sloppy. He fucked you through your orgasm, his fingers never stopping rubbing your clit. He looks down to your shuddering form, the blissful expression plastered on your face was a sight to die for, more valuable than any piece of art he owned. He felt your hand trying to stop his own, a weak try because he knew he could coax another orgasm right out of you before he’s allowed to cum and spill his seed inside of you. And before you were able to stop him you were already clenching again, crying over of the force of your second orgasm. It was mind-blowing, almost painful, your walls spasmed around him so hard that you could feel his cock twitch inside of you. Chuuya allowed himself a couple more of those sloppy, incoherent thrusts before he came inside, a loud roar rumbling in his chest. You hummed at the feeling of his warm cum spurting deeply inside of you, painting your walls and filling you up to the brim with his gift. He moved sloppily until he was sure he was completely empty and collapsed on top of your body moments after. 
Both of your breaths were irregular, chests heaving against the other’s in a futile attempt to regain some composure after your highs crushed down on you full force. You aimlessly caressed his hair and back, keeping him close and flush to your form as he rested his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. It took him a couple of seconds before he regained enough energy to stop crushing you with his weight, peeling himself off of you with a satisfied grunt. Chuuya looked down between your legs, where your bodies connected and where his cock was still nestled inside your folds. His hooded gaze watched as you still clenched around him slightly, cum dripping down on both of your thighs, pooling all over the desk. He hissed at the sight, gods he really came hard, his seed was overflowing everywhere, making a hell of a mess. He pulled out a bit, a streak of cum following his tip as cum oozed out of your abused cunt, only to push himself back in seconds after, plunging his cum back into you. Chuuya heard you whimper lightly and his eyes shot up to your face, taking in the blissed glory of your fucked out expression and tear stained eyes. He had really fucked you good. He grinned, placing a soft kiss on you red, abused lips and removing some stray strands of your long hair from your beautiful face. Honestly, he was all for aftercare: he loved taking care of you after a good fuck, kissing you softly before both of you fell asleep in a tangled mess of limbs was one of this favourite things in the universe, but his office desk was not as comfortable as your shared bed. He finally pulled his cock out of your tight warmth, one last shared moan echoing through the room.
“Can you stand?” He offered you his hand, which you grabbed immediately as you were quite unsure you were able to. His hand grasped yours tightly in order to pull yourself back into a sitting position. You back screamed in pain, the hard surface of his marble left some nasty bruises all over your shoulders and back.
“Fuck, I made a mess.” Chuuya continued, his eyes focused on the sticky pools of cum and what not that were sputtered all over his work space. You grabbed his shoulders and pulled yourself on your feet, your legs wobbled at first but he was quick to catch you by securing his strong arm around your tiny waist. 
“Hey, careful now…” He chuckled. The sight of your shuddering figure and the fact that he was the one who wrecked you this good caused a primal surge of pride to swell in his chest. You nodded at him, blushing heavily. Your hair was a mess, and so was his: both of you looked like you just had the best sex of your life. The air in his office was heavy and humid, the sun had finally settled so you were left standing in the dim, warm lights of his expensive table lamps. He placed you in his leather armchair before pulling his pants up roughly to go and open a window, the fresh night breeze helping you focus and ponder on what had just happened.
You adjusted your shirt and skirt, cursing at the sight of three missing buttons and a sticky cum stain on your skirt. You really made a mess this time, you honestly didn’t know what possessed the two of you to indulge in such a messy ordeal in a place like this. 
“We should do this more often, don’t you think?” You heard him chuckle behind you, his body was leaning against the opened window just to light up a cigarette and blow the smoke outside.
“If it wasn’t for the mess, then yes, maybe.” You smiled at him, he hummed at your answer. That was true, the feeling of stickiness and sweat clinging to your bodies was somewhat unpleasant, the convenience of showering together right after sex was something he truly cherished. Mainly because he always gets to fuck you in there too.
“I guess you’re right. What do you say we clean up a bit and go straight back home earlier tonight?” He grinned, his usual twisted smile sending shivers down your spine, a trail of smoke coming from his bruised lips.
You nodded your head softly, the everlasting crave you felt for this man was going to be the end of you, you were sure of it. And yet, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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harringtonstudios · 5 years
baby oh baby. (part II)
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plot: your due date arrives and things get just a little hectic. part 1!
A/N: i’ve had like the worst two days ever :/ this took me a while to write so i hope ya’ll like this hehee. requested by @kellysimagines​! gif is from casie’s actual birth that kells posted :)
taglist: @iamdorka @no-shxt-sherl @bakerkells @lovemythsworld @rosegoldrichie​
send requests here! (i need inspo.)
Almost nine months into your pregnancy and you were glowing. You also looked like a blown-up beach ball, swollen in places you didn’t even know you could be. One of the best things about being so pregnant though, was the fact that you had Colson hovering over you constantly. Usually, you hated when people worried over you, but having your boyfriend try and tend to your every need was a blessing in disguise. 
You had kept up with a certain filming schedule until it had been harder for you to make appearances. After seven months, you had switched all your vlogs to more indoor ones, trying to show fun content in the Baker house. 
There had been a video where you and Casie had played around with choosing a paint color for the nursery. Another vlog, one of the fan favorites, was when the guys had all come over to set up and decorate the nursery as a surprise. You hadn’t been aware of what was happening, only that Rook had run in to grab a camera from your bedroom. Hours later, they led you into the room, a pale mint-green with a mural painting and a black chalkboard wall on one side. It had been everything you wanted, and watching the footage of them goofing around all day to make it had made the entire experience better.
You had been going to regular gyno appointments, keeping in check with your prenatal vitamins and trying to record every new milestone that happened. 
One of the first milestones was when you felt your baby kick. You had never been through pregnancy, and the feeling of something moving in around you was so foreign that you hadn’t even recognized it. Colson had been the one, hands laying on your stomach as you were editing one of your older vlogs. He had immediately frozen in his movements, looking up at you with the warmest eyes. You hadn’t paid much attention, so he got up, bringing your camera, aiming it towards you before saying, “So, here we have Y/N. And here, we have baby Baker just kicking around.” Your reaction was priceless and it was still one of the funniest things he had caught on camera. 
Another milestone had been hearing the baby’s heartbeat. You had promised Casie that she would be the first person to hear baby Baker’s heart, so you held the camera in your hands as the nurse spread cool jelly on your stomach. Within seconds, soft thuds filled up the emptiness of the room. Casie had dropped open her mouth, instinctively reaching for your hand. There had been such love filling inside of you at that moment, holding her hand and hearing the heartbeat of your new baby. Tears started falling down onto your cheeks and you wiped them away hastily, smiling at Casie’s little face as she grinned up at you.
Your favorite milestone so far though had been when Colson had caught you sitting on the kitchen floor, refrigerator open. There was a mess in front of you, different foods you’d been craving half opened. You were aiming a whip cream can straight down on your throat when he walked down the stairs. He laughed loudly, startling you, sending whip cream all over your face instead of your mouth. 
“Fuck, Colson!” you scolded him, reaching for something to wipe your face with. 
“Baby, I couldn’t help it. What are you doing, its 4am,” he rationalized, passing you paper towels. After wiping most of the whip cream off, you shrugged, motioning at all the foods surrounding you. 
“Baby Baker got hungry,” you tried and he gave you a look, before grinning. 
Picking up the half-eaten carton of cheese cubes, he murmured, “And they wanted cheddar?”
You nodded, before laughing yourself. It was kinda crazy. You had eaten so many different flavor profiles that you couldn’t actually taste anything anymore. Colson came closer, before motioning for your hand. Pulling you up, he reached over, grabbing your face. Licking up the side of your cheek, he whispered, “You got something on your face.”
You pushed him away, snickering at his words. “I wonder why,” you spoke back, tongue sticking out. Moving back into his arms, he kissed your forehead, before looking down to stare straight into your eyes. Making eye contact, he muttered, “Lemme put something else down your throat.”
Your eyes widen immediately and you let out a deep belly-laugh. He smirked and you moved out of his embrace, whacking him, “Do you see the kitchen right now?”
“We can do it right here, I promise I’ll help clean up after,” he murmured, hands back on you, trailing up and down your bare arms. It took two more seconds, and then you were kissing him before awkwardly getting on your knees, belly in the way. 
He cleaned up the entire kitchen afterwards, even using the fancy wipes you had bought to kill germs on the countertops. It was heaven, you sat on the couch, watching him move around, keeping him in check every time he missed a spot. 
Sooner than later, you were near the ending days of your nine months. Things had been hectic in the Baker household. With your due date upcoming, the guys had decided to start cooking for the next few days. There was half-eaten food everywhere, pans stacked up on counters, and dishes that no one had bothered to clean up. It was getting a little too crazy, with everyone celebrating the pre-arrival of the baby. You weren’t in the best shape to be cleaning up the house, especially since your doctor had asked you to move as little as possible right before the due date, but you couldn’t just sit back in this messy house. 
Slowly moving into the kitchen, you grabbed one of the plastic bags from under the sink. Sweeping through the counters, you dumped in wrappers, empty cans, and the hundreds of paper plates scattered around the surfaces. You were just reaching for the empty pizza box when suddenly, you felt a sharp pain rise up in your stomach.
Gasping, you leaned against the counter, trying to ride through the wave of pain. Spacing your feet apart, you steadied yourself, breathing slowly. Another sharp pain came through and you dropped the garbage bag, reaching for the marble top. A third pain rode in and you let out a little scream, bringing your head against the surface, trying to breathe through the pain. 
A few seconds later, you felt something wet gush down your legs, and you silently cursed all the heavens to come. Your water had broken. You could hear the commotion going on in the game room and you hesitated before yelling, “SOMEONE DRIVE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!”
For a second, there was silence and then Colson started screaming at the guys. Slim ran past you, going upstairs to get your delivery bag that your best friend had packed for you. Rook was on the phone and as he came to stand near you, you could hear Casie on the other end, mumbling through her sleep. You let out another scream, the pain unbearable. Just as you were about to fall, Colson came up right behind you. He put his arms around you, pushing you to stand back up. 
“Let’s go baby, let’s get in the car,” he murmured and you tuned everyone else out, focusing on your boyfriend’s reassuring voice. As you waddled towards the door, Slim came back, carrying the red leather bag with all your essentials in it. There was a camera you had tossed in there, back when you were still debating filming the birth. Colson had sat down with you one night, and you both had discussed what would be the best option. Finally, you had decided on not exactly filming the birth, but having Colson have the camera before and after, so that he could capture as many moments as possible. 
Sitting in the passenger seat, you pushed it back, almost lying down as Colson started the car. You picked up your phone, facetiming your best friend to get her ass to the hospital just as a sharp turn came up on the road. 
“Colson! What the fuck,” you shouted.
“Shit, I’m sorry, oh fuck, I’m nervous,” he yelled back, running a hand through his hair and you grimaced as you felt a tinge of pain.
 Hanging up the facetime, you murmured out, “We’re fine. Listen, it’s ok. Let’s just get to the hospital yeah?” You saw him nod out of your peripheral, and you reached for his hand, squeezing it just a little as the emergency room came into sight. 
An hour later, Colson was sitting next to your hospital bed in the blue scrubs they made him put on. He was talking into the camera, occasionally panning over to you. You were in pain, but the doctors had decided you weren’t dilated enough yet. They wanted to wait longer, just so that the birth could be natural and easier for both parties. They had given you an epidural shot, which had hurt like all fucking hell, but at least you were feeling a little bit better now. Your friend had bought you fruit snacks and you popped another one into your mouth as Colson asked, “How’s mama feeling?”
“I am on many drugs right now,” you responded, waving a fruit grape gummy around in the air. He laughed before turning the camera back on himself. 
“How are you actually doing?” your friend asked, dragging a chair over to sit on the other side of the bed. 
“I just want this fucking baby out of me already. Like I love that I grew this human inside of me, but I can’t do it anymore. And why don’t guys have to deal with this? Can you imagine if this one had a baby inside of him, he’d be going berserk right now!” you ranted, pointing over to Colson as he chatted away on the vlog. 
Three hours later, and the nurses had informed you that you were perfectly dilated. Pushing through the slight pain, you gripped Colson’s hand as you focused. He was mumbling jokes out into the air, but at the first sounds of your screams, he quickly shut up. You were pretty sure you were breaking the bones in his hand, but he deserved it for making you go through all this pain, so you closed your eyes, letting out another scream.
“You’re doing good Y/N. Keep pushing,” the doctor stated and you let the tears fall as you put in all the strength you had left. 
“Come on sweetie, one more push,” the nurse next to you mumbled, wiping your forehead. You grunted and then your body instantly relaxed. The sounds of a cry filled the room and you collapsed backwards, crying silently. You felt Colson kiss your forehead before he dropped your hand, moving over to see your baby. 
“Congratulations guys, it’s a boy,” the doctor exclaimed and you let out a soft laugh. Colson had wanted a baby boy, you both had chosen not to know the gender and you looked over to see the excitement on his face. 
“Here mom, why don’t you hold him,” the nurse said, gently picking up your baby from the bassinet. You reached out as she put him into your arms. He was so warm, small body, mouth twisting as he let out another cry. His eyes were a murky blue and you looked up at the love of your life, staring at you both from across the bed with his own blue eyes. There were tears gathering and he reached up to wipe his own away before you murmured, “Come here.”
“Fuck, I’m so happy right now. I love you Y/N. I love you so much,” he whispered as he stood closer next to you, reaching out a hand to put on your baby boy. 
“I love you,” you mumbled back and you turned your head up just a little to give him a kiss. Your baby let out another cry and you sighed, resting your forehead on Colson’s shoulder. 
“I guess he doesn’t like that too much,” you joked and you felt Colson shake with laughter. Your little family had just grown by one, and nothing could have felt better than holding your baby boy in your arms with your boyfriend right by your side.
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slaveformingi · 5 years
The Silent Treatment (M)
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READER (y/n) X KIM HONGJOONG (Ateez) Genre: Smut, DOM!Hongjoong, Angst, Slight Fluff Word Count: 2503 Words Summary:  Your anniversary was coming up soon and you had so much planned and prepared for the special date but your boyfriend suddenly reveals that he had an unexpected schedule pop up. An argument breaks out between the two of you and you decide to give him the silent treatment. Little did you know it would turn to something more heated. 
(Author’s Note: Fix On! Once again, it’s 4am and I finally finished writing this piece. Hopefully you like it, I have 5 smut drafts (1 Seonghwa, 1 Woosan, 1 Wooyoung, 1 Yeosang and 1 Yunho) right now but I keep on getting sidetracked or writers block. I guess I’ll upload them when I’m finished with them. Till then, I hope you guys enjoy this one C: )
You were pissed.
No, wait.
You were beyond pissed.
You miss the times when things were small and simple, before it all turned complicated and messy. Big things had made its way to bother your relationship but something about tonight was just too much.
There had been many times (too many to count on your fingers) where you had planned for a date with your boyfriend only for him to cancel on you last minute due to an unexpected schedule. Sometimes it was a photoshoot, sometimes it was a fan meeting, sometimes it was a variety show shooting. There also had been times where your boyfriend had to fly to another country to perform with his group mates.
You understood the consequences of dating an idol even before you had gotten into this relationship; always needing to expect the unexpected and to keep the relationship a secret from the public, and somehow, you always managed to pull through it.
But today, you really couldn't keep your cool. It was going to be your 5 year anniversary soon. You had been spent months planning for it. Hongjoong didn't know anything about your plans and you had even made sure with his manager that he was free for the weekend.
You had been in the clear for weeks. But suddenly out of nowhere your boyfriend announces that his company made plans for him, his groupmates and Eden to go to Japan to find inspiration for their next album.
You were arguing about how he should find a way to get out of it. You weren't  telling him specifically why he shouldn't  go for the trip and that made him angry cause you were keeping things from him, which triggered you to get angry at the way he was pressuring you to tell him. 
In the end you were screaming at him because the little things were taking a toll on you and everything just blew out of proportion. It eventually boiled down to the fact he was stressed because there was a lot of things on his plate and you were getting out your emotions at how much you actually missed him, and instead of telling him what you really feel, you ended up screaming things you didn't even mean.
And finally he snapped.
“Could you just please shut the fuck up?!” Hongjoong roared.
You watched the fire in his eyes while you were reeling from the shock of his words. You swallowed your words, seething in anger. 
He had crossed the line. 
There had been more than one occasion in your relationship where you had stressed to Hongjoong about how much you hated hearing someone tell you to shut up. 
When you were younger, you were bullied a lot in school and everyone used to tell you to shut up. Hearing Hongjoong telling you to shut up triggered you.
“Fine!” you fired back, your insides were boiling.
You shot him a disappointed look before you stormed into your shared bedroom, slamming the door behind you and locking it. If he wanted you to shut up so badly, then you were going to give him exactly what he asked for.
You undressed yourself and put on your pyjamas. You threw yourself onto the bed and slowly sobbed into your pillow. You heard music playing in the living room, it was Hongjoong’s way off cooling down and getting things off his mind.
About an hour passed by, the music turned off. You heard Hongjoong’s footsteps approaching the bedroom door and trying to open it.
“Baby, come on.” you heard his voice from outside the door. “I need to go to sleep.”
You remained quiet.
“Look y/n, I’m sorry but I can't clear up my schedule for our anniversary. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Now please babe, just open the door.”
After trying to open the door a few more times and getting no response from you, he eventually gave up and you heard him collapse again onto the couch with a loud sigh. 
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You woke up the next morning feeling like shit and got yourself ready for college in silence. Hongjoong was still asleep on the couch, his mouth slightly open as soft snores came out.
It was really hard to stay mad at someone like Hongjoong, but you were still pissed at him.
You grabbed your keys from the countertop and left your apartment. You didn't bother to make coffee or breakfast for the both of you. You just wanted to make sure he didn't hear from you till you wanted him to.
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It was almost 3pm, you were in class when you got a text from him. 
{ Hey, you want to talk about last night? }
You choose to ignore his message. It was around 6pm, when your class was over. “Hey y/n.” said one of you friend, “Me and a few others are gonna go get some drinks. Do you want to join us?” 
You hesitated at first before you remembered Hongjoong’s words; “Could you just please shut the fuck up?!”
“You know what. Sure.” You decided to let Hongjoong pay the price of his words for a little. Plus, drinks were exactly what you needed right now.
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A few drinks in and you received a call from Hongjoong but instead of answering, you turned your phone off and ordered another round of shots.  
By the time you got home, it was very late and you were barely sober. You unlocked the door and walk in without even looking at Hongjoong who was on the couch waiting for you.
“Where were you? Why was your phone off? I WAS FUCKING WORRIED Y/N!” he said as he leaped off the couch. He grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him.
You looked him dead in the eyes, not showing him a hint of emotion. You pulled your hand away from him and walked towards the bedroom, nonchalantly untying your hair and taking off your cardigan as you heard him storming in behind you.
“What the fuck y/n?! Fucking answer me! Where the fuck were you?!”
You didn't bother to turn around to look at him, instead you walk towards the bathroom so you could take a shower but before you could, Hongjoong grabbed you by the arm and turned you around to face him.
He stared at you intensely, searching for something, anything. Anything that would give him an answer. Suddenly he caught a whiff of your s mell, alcohol.
“Did you go to a bar or something? Who were you with?!” 
You could see the anger In his eyes, the veins in his neck were visible. It scared you to see him like this, you’ve never seen him so angry before.
You looked him right in the eyes and kept quiet. Not making a single noise. You could still see the shimmer of concern in his furrowed brows but the burn of his eyes was sticking. 
You suddenly realised that you were getting slightly turned on, Hongjoong looked attractive when he was angry but you were not ready to back down and give him an answer.
He was furious.
His teeth were gritted.
His breathing got heavier.
His fingers dug into your arms.
You looked up into his eyes still not saying a word. The situation was getting too much for Hongjoong to bear.
He let out a growl before smashing his lips into yours, kissing you angrily. Your body instantly burned with desire. He looked so angry and frustrated, you could tell he was hungry for you. He turned and slammed you into the wall.
He ripped off your skirt as if he was angry with it. He pulled down your panties and lifted you up, supporting you using one arm as he slammed his hips into yours.
You could feel the power he had over you. Your lips crashed again, he bit your lower lip and forced his tongue into your mouth. 
You let out a gasp when you felt his two fingers thrust into you, his fingers thrusting in you so forcefully, each thrust sent waves of pleasure to your body.
You could feel yourself getting weak from how amazing it felt. You bit his lip and he pulled his face back with a growl.
“Fucking bitch.” he snarled at you.
Something about the way he said it turned you on even more. He never used that kind of language with you before, cursing wasn't his thing. He only cursed when he was really upset, just like earlier that night. Something about him cursing at you made your pussy throbbed. A loud moan escaped your mouth as his fingers mercilessly pounded into you. 
“You like that don't you?” he said as his thumb started to rub your clit, his two fingers still pounding into you. You gasped as your head snapped back.
You were desperately clinging onto his tensed arms to keep yourself from falling. He ruthlessly crashed his lips onto your exposed neck, leaving hickeys all over your neck. The sensation sending goosebumps all over your body. Another moan escaped your lips.
“What was that babe? You finally want to say something?” he said against your neck as he thrusted another finger into you.
It took you ever single strength into your power not to say a word. You wanted to make him work for it but to your despair, he pulled his fingers out of you, you whimpered at the lost of his fingers. A smirk slowly appearing on his face. 
He lifted you up from the wall and threw you onto the bed. He ripped off your t-shirt and tore off your bra, snapping it free from your arms.
You helped free his hard member from it’s “confinements”. He took off his hoodie and throws it across the room. Once you were both naked, he pulls you by your legs down the bed and into his arms again. He brought you up and lowered you onto his member, thrusting fiercely into you.
You bit your lips to suppress your scream, still not wanting to say a word to him. He kept thrusting into you fiercely and hitting your g-spot every time. Loud groans escape his mouth every time he thrusts into you.
He pushed you onto the bed and spread your legs wide. You gasped as he bit your nipple with his teeth. He proceeded to play with your nipple as his other hand messages your other breast. You ran your fingers through his hair as you came. He lets out a groan as he feels your walls tightened around his member.
“It fells good doesn't it?” he said with a smirk on his face. “Well, we’re not done yet.”
He smirks as he looks down at you, you were helpless under him. You had never seen this side of him before. You could tell that by his face that he really wasn't done with you yet. He still hadn't gotten you to talk to him.
He lifted you once again as if you weighed like nothing, rapidly moving you to the centre of the bed, pushing your pillows out of the way. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you into a kiss. 
“I’m going to make you scream my name. Make every single person in the apartment know who you belong to and who’s making you feel this good.” he growled “I want you to scream my name until you have no voice left.”
Your could see the flames in his eyes. His teeth gritted once again. Your body was so heated and full of pleasure. You felt as if you were going to pass out soon and it looked as if that’’s exactly what he intended to do. 
He position his member in front of your entrance and slammed his member into you again, instantly hitting your g-spot. He brought your hands above your head and pinned them onto the headboard with one of his hands. The other hand massaging your clit as his thrusts into you, his face buried in your neck as he left hickeys all over it. 
At this point, you were already a moaning mess. The pleasure was too much for you to handle, you could feel your climax coming. You started whimpering with each of his thrust. You could see from his face that he was close too. 
His thrust got faster, beads of sweat forming on his face. You could feel yourself loosing your strength to keep yourself quiet.
“Yes baby? You want to tell me something?” He said thrusting into you faster, hitting your g-spot every single time. You were going to come, you were so so close.
“Fu-- Fucking hell, Joong-- Please don’t fucking stop! OHMYGOD!OH--iM GOING TO--CUM!!” You screamed his name as you came undone on him. A few final thrust and he came into your hard. Hongjoong letting out a satisfied moan right into your ear.
He pulled out of you after a few minutes and rolled himself off you. Your body trembled, both of you took time to steady your breathing. A few moments later, Hongjoong pulled you into his arms.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry baby. I didn't mean to tell you to shut up. Pleas--Please dont do it again. I was so worried the whole time. I’m -- I’m so sorry baby.” he said choking up on his own words, sounding like he was about to burst into tears.
“No Joong, I’m sorry. I shouldn't have made you suffer. I was being immature and I'm so sorry we had this fight. I guessed I got too caught up in wanting you to be here for our anniversary that I forgot that you don’t really have any control over your schedule. We can wait till your break to celebrate it.” you said as you turned to him and caressed his cheek. He smiled as he pulled you into a sweet and passionate kiss.
“I know our anniversary is this Saturday but I have tomorrow off, we can go for an early anniversary date or something like that.” he said looking into your eyes.
“I would like that, thank you baby.” you said smiling. “Also baby, you look really hot when you’re angry. Maybe I should give you the silent treatment more often.”
He chuckled as he leaves a kiss on your forehead.
“Promise me you won't give me the silent treatment ever again. That really sucked.” 
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cadence-talle · 4 years
All That Glitters (Could Be Gold)
Pairing: Keefe Sencen/Fitz Vacker
Wordcount: 1,400
For @vibing-in-the-void! I love you so much, Erica, and I hope you enjoy this. (Sorry if it’s a bit messy- I wrote it in a single hour.)
A lamp shines soft light upon his desk as Fitz slips his suit jacket on, glancing in the mirror to fix his hair one last time. Biana swings open the door and places a bouquet on the table, looking at him with her trademark “little sister” stare. 
“You nervous?” she asks. Fitz shrugs. 
“Yeah. But that’s normal, isn’t it.”
Biana snorts, reaching forward to pat down a stray lock of hair that’s sticking up. “Pretty much. You’ll be fine, though. You two have been practically married for years- you can’t exactly fuck it all up now.”
“Thanks,” Fitz says dryly. “Real vote of confidence there.”
Shooting him a wink, Biana turns towards the exit. “Ten minutes,” she says. “Try not to freak out.”
Fitz rolls his eyes and glances back at the lamp, lightbulb inside flickering quietly as he lets out a small sigh. 
The fire in front of them is built up high, flames twisting this way and that and providing warmth for about five feet in every direction. Fitz and Keefe are the only ones still up, marshmallow skewers long discarded and any attempts at conversation carried away by the wind. Fitz glances at his best friend, hesitant to break the fragile quiet that hangs in the air. 
Things have been… weird, between them, lately. Neither is really able to accept that the other has forgiven them, and they both are stunned that they don’t seem to care about Sophie’s announcement. 
(“So, uh,” Sophie says, stumbling over her words in the way she does when she’s nervous. Fitz can practically see her stopping herself from pulling out an eyelash. “I need to tell you guys something.”
“Go ahead,” Keefe encourages. “We’ve got your back, whatever it is.”
“Yeah.” Fitz nods along. 
“I, um-” Sophie takes a deep breath. “I’m gay.”
The room is silent for a moment before Fitz speaks. “Okay.”
Both Keefe and Sophie give him looks of complete surprise, mouths hanging open. Keefe blinks and shakes his head. 
“You’re not upset?” 
“No,” Fitz says. “Why would I be? Sophie and I already broke up. Are you upset?”
“No!” Keefe’s eyebrows shoot up. “No. I’m really happy for you, Sophie.” Fitz lets out a small, almost unintelligible snort at that.
Sophie smiles, seeming to miss the hostile looks that are crossing the room. 
“Thanks, guys. You two are the best.”)
In any case, they’ve been walking a thin line between confusion and anger recently. Tonight is the first night that almost feels normal, like all the antagonism of the past few months has started to fade away. He doesn’t want to ruin it. 
Keefe shifts next to him, stretching his arms above his head and yawning. “What time is it?” He asks. Fitz lifts one shoulder. 
“Late, probably. You should go to sleep.”
Keefe makes a “mhm” noise and scoots closer to Fitz, leaning his head on the other boy’s shoulder. Fitz freezes, but Keefe doesn’t seem to notice. 
“I don’t hate you, you know,” he mumbles. Fitz frowns. 
“You keep acting like I hate you. I don’t.”
“Oh.” Fitz bites his lip, trying to think. He’s too tired for this conversation. “Well, I don’t hate you either.”
“Good.” The word is muffled by Keefe snuggling closer. “I’m glad. I love you.”
Fitz’s eyes go wide, but he forces himself to relax. Keefe is tired, he reminds himself. He won’t even remember this in the morning. 
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s three am. Maybe it’s the fire, flames moving in the wind. Maybe it’s the woods around them, so still, like everything in the world is holding its breath. Or maybe Fitz has been waiting to hear those words for his whole life.
Whatever it is, nothing can stop him from leaning down and pressing a tiny kiss to the crown of Keefe’s head.  
“I love you too.”
Water casts an odd light along the ceiling of the huge room, shifting and shimmering in greens and blues. Fitz sets the end of his mini-golf club against the fake grass, meeting Keefe’s eyes with what he hopes is a menacing glare. 
“You’re going down.”
Keefe leans on his club, offering a sunny smile. 
“Try me.”
Which would be a lot more threatening if his club didn’t slip out from under him and make him trip directly into the fake river. 
He surfaces thirty seconds later, sopping wet from the waist up and sputtering water. “Gah! Do they ever clean that thing?”
“I would assume not,” Fitz deadpans, “since its primary purpose is to be an obstacle in mini golf, and not a wading pool for a gremlin trapped in the body of an eighteen-year-old boy.”
“You think you’re funny, don’t you-” Keefe lunges for him, forgetting too late where he’s standing and tripping over the edge of the river. He falls directly on top of Fitz, covering both of them in very unclean water. 
The water is the least of Fitz’s problems right now, though, since his face is approximately three inches away from Keefe’s. 
They’ve been… closer, since the camping trip; testing the boundaries of their hastily-repaired friendship. This- whatever it is- is quickly growing past the confines of “best friends,” and Fitz has no idea what to do. 
Neither does Keefe, apparently, because they stay there for a full minute. Just staring at each other, fixed in some sort of staring contest, until Fitz thinks fuck it and smashes their mouths together. 
The reflection of water on the ceiling twinkles merrily as they’re kicked out of the mini golf place for “indecent conduct”. Fitz can’t find it in himself to care. 
The diamonds in the display case shimmer in a rainbow of colors, taunting him as Fitz twirls the ring in his fingers. It’s nice- heavy, solid gold, a simple band without decoration. In any other circumstances, Fitz would just buy it and be done. It’s good enough. 
Good enough, though, isn’t what he’s looking for. No, this needs to be perfect. 
Something in the very back of the case catches his eye, a flash of purple. He points towards it and the man behind the counter pulls it out. 
It’s beautiful- two gold bands, twisted around each other and around a deep purple gem. Fitz thinks it’s an amethyst, but he’s not sure; darker on the outside, a glimmer of a lighter shade at the center. It’s elegant and pretty and perfect.  
“I’ll take this one,” he says. The man raises an eyebrow. 
“That ring is quite expensive, sir.” 
Fitz reaches into his pocket and pulls out a slim black credit card, the name Alden Vacker emblazoned on it in silver letters. His father’s card, left behind after he was arrested. Fitz likes to use it to buy things sometimes; ice cream at 4am, once, or a giant panda pillow that they gave to Linh and Biana’s kids. He imagines his father looking at the receipts and being utterly stunned. 
He’s petty like that. 
Carefully, the man behind the counter places the ring into a box and hands it over. Fitz takes a deep breath, holding it close for a minute before depositing it in his bag. 
“Thank you,” he says, and exits, leaving the shimmering store behind him. 
Fitz walks out of his room, bouquet in hand. Biana, Linh, and Sophie are standing at the back of the aisle- Marella’s up front with the rest of the groomsmen. He glances around, seeing familiar faces in every seat. 
There are lights everywhere. 
Along the backs of the chairs, hidden among the flowers, strung on lines hanging over the crowd. Everything is illuminated in a golden light, like they’re in an ethereal fairy world. 
Vaguely, he registers the bridesmaids moving down the aisle, hears the strains of music. But he only snaps back to reality when someone takes his arm, blond hair and teasing smile immediately recognizable. 
“Hey,” Keefe murmurs. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“I love you,” Fitz says bluntly. “I should be saving that for the end of the ceremony, but you need to know.”
Keefe snorts, hand taking Fitz’s and squeezing. “I do know. We’re getting married, remember.”
Fitz can’t even come up with a good response, he’s so in love with this man. So he just tugs them forward, down the aisle and towards their friends, their family. Towards their future.
The lights around them seem to shine even brighter. 
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