#sorry the compressed quality sucks
flammabel · 7 months
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Cal 'I should have no ribcage left' Kestis
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unit-ssn0va · 1 year
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florencewellch · 8 months
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Me looking for a t*rrent as soon as it drops
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milkweedman · 1 year
hi, sorry if this is something you've answered before, but how did you get started with spinning? and do you have an reccs for beginners? i'm not a fiber arts person (yet) but i think the skills are mind-blowingly cool. i have a few friends that are into crochet also and while i don't do so i think it would be nice to be able to make them yarn etc :)! thank u <3
Hi ! I got started with spinning about 5 years ago now--I ordered a turkish spindle and some andean highland wool from knitpicks, tried it out, and really sucked.
Like. really sucked. couldn't even make bad yarn bc it just kept falling apart (due to undertwisting ! if your yarn is falling apart in your hands, it's undertwisted. there, i just saved you about a month of misery, if you're me lol). Put it away for a while, tried again, was still bad at it, rinse and repeat for about a year. eventually something clicked and i started being able to make more than like, an armspan of yarn before it became disastrous.
not saying it's that hard for everyone (i've watched some people pick it up in like... 5 minutes), or that it'll be that hard for you ! that's just how it went with me.
I do have some recs for beginners which will hopefully help ! (i didn't have this community on tumblr at the time, and didn't know there were forums on ravelry, so i had no community help or knowledge, which did not work in my favor).
Get a basic drop spindle with a hook on the end, if you can. Drop spindles come in many different forms, but the two main categories are top whorl and bottom whorl (meaning, where the circular whorl is placed on the shaft of the spindle). top whorl spindles spin faster but for a shorter period of time and can be more unbalanced. bottom whorl spindles spin slower but for longer, and are typically more balanced (physics, idk). everyone has their own preferences--i tend to recommend bottom whorl spindles to beginners because it kind of slows the process down, which can be helpful. if you've got a little extra money, buying a top whorl and a bottom whorl spindle could be a good idea. they're pretty cheap on etsy, esp if you get a very plain and simple one and just decorate it yourself.
spindle weight matters a lot. the heavier the spindle, the thicker the resulting singles will be. (singles are what you spin first, then you ply them together if desired). the lighter the spindle, the thinner the singles. this means if you get a very heavy spindle and try to spin something fine on it, it'll likely snap under the weight. and if you try to spin something thick on a light spindle, you'll be constantly flicking it and not adding very much twist (so it may just fall apart into sad fluff). my favorite all-purpose spindle for yarns that won't be particularly thin weighs about 2 ounces (55 grams). that will be too heavy for fine yarns, but works well for making like, worsted weight 2 ply. i would recommend a spindle somewhere in the 1-2 ounce range (30-55 grams) for a basic beginner spindle. once you get the hang of it feel free to go for the very light spindles or the heavier plying spindles.
don't buy roving for your first fiber. almost everyone does that, and many people end up with really low quality (and sometimes even compressed or partially felted) roving. roving can be great for spinning once you know what you're doing, but it's kind of... uniquely unsuited for beginners, in my opinion anyway. firstly because it is the most common preparation, it's not really treated with care by many companies when it comes to storage (hence the compression or felting). secondly, it's really easy to felt it in your hands when you're doing the beginner sweaty-hands-deathgrip-drafting-with-all-your-might thing (i'll get to that later). thirdly, again because it's the most common prep, there's a thriving market of garbage shitty roving, and it takes a little experience telling the difference between decent stuff and garbage stuff based on an internet page. I would highly recommend spending a little bit more money on a batt. this is like a large pillow of carded wool, which you pull strips off of to spin. they are sold in a far less-compressed state (which makes for easier spinning) and are, as far as im aware, made by humans with experience, rather than machines.
the breed matters a lot when it comes to spinning. some breeds have finer, more slippery wool, and some have grabby wool. grabby wool is better for learning (it means less of your yarn just slipping apart and breaking). some good beginner breeds are shetland, corriedale, jacob, romney, or other similar wools. the fiber market is inundated with merino (either a great thing or a source of misery, depending on who you ask), which is not a particularly good beginner breed (it's definitely on the slippery, finer side).
once you've got all your materials, it's spinning time ! find a youtube tutorial or a written tutorial (check your library for books on spinning. i have no recommendations--i did not learn from books). you could also check and see if there's a spinner's guild in your area. it depends on the guild (some are kind of, uh... snooty, for lack of a better word ? most seem pretty friendly and happy to help newcomers) but you might be able to show up to a meeting and get some help. ideally get some practice with the spindle first though.
lastly, some tips for spinning. A) keep the fiber supply held loosely in your hand, or better yet, draped over your hand so that the fiber you're drafting is only held in your fingertips. if you hold it tightly you won't be able to draft evenly. you may also compress and/or felt it by holding it, especially if your hands are sweaty. B) try spinning using the 'park and draft' method while you are learning. this is where you add a bunch of extra twist to the already-spun yarn (or leader, for the first length), pinch the twist to hold it in place, and draft fiber, allowing the twist to travel up the wool as you draft it. this is a good technique for learning because it isolates the actions of spinning, letting you focus on one part at a time. trying to keep the spindle going while drafting when you're brand new is not easy, and can lead to a lot of frustration and mistakes. once you've got the hang of drafting, then it's a great time to figure out how to do it all at once. C) work slowly and thoughtfully while you learn. what you're doing at first is twofold: you're figuring out the process and what works and what doesn't, but you're also building muscle memory, which is what spinners (really, pretty much everyone who practices hand crafts or hand work of any kind) rely on. i can get high af and zone out and spin and end up with a usable (sometimes even pretty good) yarn, because even when my brain isn't working, my hands know what to do. this is not the case for someone without the muscle memory. pay attention, step away if you get frustrated, and work slowly. as you build muscle memory, it will become easier and easier. D) your first yarns don't have to be good. they don't even really have to be yarn, as such--if you ended up with something thats rope at one end and thread at another, that's ok ! you're learning ! the purpose of your first yarns is just to teach you how to spin. if they look like shit, it's ok. (mine looked awful, for the record ! i don't think i've seen anything quite as bad as my very first yarn, actually. wish i'd kept it though xD)
hope this was helpful ! there's also this post about how to tell if your yarn is under or over twisted, which might be of use, and this post about finishing your yarn as well. and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or another spinner (the overwhelming majority of us are very happy to help a new spinner) for advice or help !
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c4tb1t · 23 days
Actual intro
Haaiii chat :3 my name is Rena but u can also call me Senti or Teto...whatever u want tbh as long as it isn't mean and ik ur talking to me
How I look with any pronouns in bio
Low quality anime girl jpeg
I draw :3 I draw alot actually I just suck at posting it!!! I have an inconsistent style and it's my silliest art trait ig..I can imagine anything
I don't know my gender I'm just not cis. I love non men ♡
Interests, likes, and boundaries and disclaimers under cut
Special interests: drawing and animals
Interests(the major ones and most notable at least, no particular order): Madoka magica, Arknights, Hi3 and HSR, warrior cats, Touhou, Umineko, Higurashi, Furry community, splatoon, kemono friends, OCs(original characters),
Likes: Celinia Texas , Munching on yummy food, stuffed animals, nature, breakcore, jungle, dnb, atmospheric, electronic, whatever that genre is that has songs that sound like they were compressed and slightly bitcrushed and usually nightcore,, talking abt my ocs and interests,, writing(a little), Celinia Texas
Disclaimers:SOMETIMES MY POSTS R VERY NONSENSICAL if that's a problem uhh..sorry idk. I do have trouble understanding things sometimes and also understanding tone. Some of my posts may be on the darker sides of things! Especially my art! There's dark themes that may be potentially triggering or uncomfortable for some and I try to tag and warn it so please stay safe! Lmk if I miss a warning.
Alot of my art contains the following: Blood(occaisonal gore), artistic nudity, horror, and eyestrain.
Boundaries:please don't vent to me randomly , if you have any problems with me be nice about it with me and be gentle. I don't like being yelled at and you probably don't like yelling so keep it chill. I may block you if I don't like your vibes or if you're just annoying. Btw if you are under 16 I'd prefer if you didn't interact with me. At least not directly. Thank u for understanding !
I think that's it !! Hello everyone!
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rhythmmortis · 4 months
Hi first i want to THANK you for your KH Masterpost. Literally a blessing.
Second I wanna ask if you have this photo it a bit better quality? I'm struggling to read it 🥲🥲 IF NOT ITS OK I WANTED TO ASK AND TY OP FOR THE ENTIRE POST ONCE AGAIN LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE
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hopefully this should be a bit better in quality!! im sorry if it isn't, my screen capture isn't working very well right now but i can always add alt text/image descriptions if there's anything that might be illegible! if you're on mobile, try clicking it and zooming in for better quality, if you don't click it then it shows the compressed version which sucks
and i also apologise for the overall quality of the images, a) they tend to look really bad on mobile for some reason and b) even their normal quality (as viewed on desktop) isn't the best, my main priority when doing it was the text of the book but the images are important too!! i should update them someday thank you for reminding me! the epub versions of the novels have the original quality so if this doesn't work i would recommend using those if you're able
and thank you!! im genuinely always incredibly happy to hear how much people enjoy the kh novels post, i'm so happy that effort was worth it and that more people are able to enjoy them!! i hope you have fun with them :)
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alkaliii · 1 year
WIP results screen
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I feel like i've posted these already. Sorry if the image quality sucks, I'm kinda just copying old stuff I posted on discord so maybe it's getting double compressed. I'm preemptively apologizing cuz the preview looks super blurry but I'm too lazy to do something about it. Maybe I should apologize for that instead.
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xweetok · 1 year
a dissection of King of the Hill Season 4, Episode 1 - Peggy Hill: The Decline and Fall and why it made me feel insane
this episode was so insanely dark & miserable i need to pick it apart and just talk about it or i will never be normal again!
i will now post most of the script with my thoughts added in. some parts were deleted for "brevity" (this is still a longass post i'm sorry)
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[Grave instrumental music]
[Hank exclaiming]
l think my wife.... l think, might be dead.
l'll be right back.
[Luanne screams]
the man thinks his wife is dead which is kinda sad but Luanne is so funny in this ep lol
[Dramatic instrumental music]
[Hank grunting]
HANK: Peggy!
BOBBY: Dangit. Didi. Push!
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MEDICAL STAFF: lt's okay, son. The baby's here.
-He's beautiful. -What's his name?
MEDICAL STAFF: Here you go Daddy. To cut the umbilical cord.
kinda messed up that they think Bobby is the dad......hes like 12......... but ok
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BOBBY: [Softly] Oh. My uncle.
Hank: Peggy?
[Peggy gasping]
LUANNE: Aunt Peggy?
luanne haters suck my dick she's so silly i love her
[Somber instrumental music]
Hank: Okay (seeing Peggy from afar, on the ground). Think one piece. Peggy?
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Peggy: [Weakly] Hey, hey, hey.
Hank: God! You're all smashed up. Peggy: -l'm alive.
Luanne: Uncle Hank, we're too late.
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TV ANNOUNCER: Aikman takes the snap, a quick pass over the middle to Smith,,,the 20, the 10, Emmitt Smith scores! HANK: Yes!
DOCTOR: Hank Hill? HANK: l wasn't watching.
Just for a second.
l have no idea what the score is. l couldn't tell you.
wait why did he lose interest in his wife's condition..................actually nvm we all deserve a lil stress free moment when experiencing tragedies right?
DR: Your wife is gonna be just fine. Hank: Yes!
DR: Peggy has a compression fracture of the bones in her back.
Thank goodness for the mud.
She would not have survived if she had fallen on concrete...
or a fence.
HANK: But she's okay?
DR: Yes. They're putting her into a body cast to immobilize her while she heals.
HANK: What color is the cast? DR: What does that matter, Mr. Hill?
HANK: l don't know. l've never been through this before.
l'm just trying to ask the right questions.
DR: lt's white. Sponge bath. Bedpan. HANK: -Thank you.
that was a good scene i liked that
[Peggy humming]
-Peggy? -Hank. Come on in.
Look at me. l'm in an ensemble.
My top cast and my bottom cast match.
[Both chuckle]
Yeah. Quality plaster.
[Luanne comes in, immediately leaves sobbing hysterically]
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the voice acting is just so good in these
PEGGY: l'm guessing that was Luanne.
l wish she wouldn't feel sorry for me when l feel so terrific for me.
l have had a near-death experience. Most people never get that,,,
except when it's next to their death experience. Then they can't appreciate it.
You know what's odd? The last thing l remember was deciding not to jump. What or who would have made me change my mind?
HANK: (Lying) l'm not sure. l don't know. l wasn't in the plane. l was on the ground, remember? l'm the one who found you.
gaslight girlboss gatekeep
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-Mom? -Bobby?
-You really fell out of a plane? -Yes, sir. l did.
HANK: Your mom is one of only 16 people who have survived parachutes not opening.
PEGGY: Now, 16 is my estimate. l'll double-check my numbers later.
[Luanne walks in]
LUANNE: l'm sorry about before. l don't know what came over me.
[Starts sobbing]
Oh, God!
[Luanne runs out]
another great luanne moment. W for luanne fans.
[Cotton comes in]
COTTON: What did you do to your wife? l didn't teach you that.
cotton sucks i hate cotton. even when he's speaking up against spousal abuse.
[Door creaking open]
Where's my new dependent? l'm supposed to look at it.
cotton yikes #1
DIDI: Where did l put.... There it is.
BOBBY: Uncle, l present you to your father.
COTTON: Look at him. His shins are perfect. [Cooing] Look at you. You're a handsome little soldier. You wanna kill a Nazi? A Nazi, Nazi-scrazzi.
weird way to talk to a baby. cotton yikes #2
COTTON: Didi, did you name this baby yet? DlDl: What's the use?
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she literally looks so sad... this is where it starts bumming me out a lil
COTTON: l'm calling him Hank. l always wanted a boy named Hank.
HANK: Dad, Hank is my name.
COTTON: Not anymore. l'm taking it back. He's Hank.
HANK: You can't take away a grown man's name.
COTTON: All right. l'll call him G.H. Good Hank.
this was unhinged too but way funnier than the other stuff
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COTTON: Did you see the way my boy looked at that nurse?
Practically slapped her rump then and there.
nvm i'm back to hating cotton. cotton yikes #3
[Thunder cracking]
[Ominous instrumental music. Hank is having a nightmare.]
BAD HANK: Peggy, you've gotta do it. lt's amazing. lt's the best dang feeling in the world.
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evil hank >:)
NURSE: There we go. Okay. Now you try.
COTTON: We'll see about all this.
Okay. (Putting a diaper on the baby) Put this little nipper in here, tuck this little nipper in there.
Close up shop. There. Ready for soiling.
What the.... The kid is leaking out of his chest!
NURSE: That's from his nipples. lt's a form of lactation.
COTTON: Dangit. You said it was a boy.
NURSE: He is. He's simply been ingesting a lot of female hormones from his mother. lt's so common it has a name. Witch's milk.
COTTON: Lord! What did l do? Was it the 50 men l killed?
bro is abandoning his literal newborn bc he's anti-science. cotton yikes #4
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PEGGY: The maternity ward ceiling. lt reminds me of when my son was born.
PEGGY: And l am also reminded of when my next child will be born. Why isn't the baby with his mother? NURSE: Didi Hill has postpartum depression. She couldn't even gather up the strength to put on some lipstick.
And she looks awful.
UM??????? it's giving HIPAA violation. also she has POSRPARTUM DEPRESSION. that was simply..not nice
COTTON: You did this to my son. There's no milk coming out of these (groping his bare chest, shirtless)
cotton verbally abusing his depressed wife. this guy is the WORST. yikes #5
PEGGY: Cotton, stop it. You should be comforting her. COTTON: Comfort her? Comfort me.
NURSE: Mr. Hill, your insurance company's automated voice says you have to leave the hospital today, in 85 minutes.
COTTON: But l can't take care of a dripping witch-child. Can't we just stay hospitaling until Didi gets her brains back?
NURSE: [Laughing] Maybe if you were the richest man in America.
lots to unpack here. america's failure of a medical system. cotton being a dick about his lactating newborn, unsympathetic abt didi's condition - but at least advocating for a longer hospital stay isn't a bad idea...................BUT THEN WHY DID THE NURSE LAUGH AT HIM LOL she doesn't care abt people
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DR: You and your wife and those flowers are going home today.
HANK: Yeah. But Peggy's got a broken back.
DR: l know. l told you that. But she wants to be discharged.
l'm not so worried about her back. l'm worried about her emotional state.
HANK: Yeah. But she seems so happy.
DR: Once the thrill of surviving wears off...and it does, trust me, Jetski, July '94...she may experience a second crash when she feels her own limitations.
HANK: There won't be any second crash. As long as l'm around, l won't let her feel any limitations.
DR: There's no need for you to feel this guilty. You didn't make her jump.
HANK: Yeah. Do you think you could put that on her chart?
sus hank with 0 emotional intelligence. unsurprising tho.
HANK: Peggy, l'm here. PEGGY: Hey! We're going home today.
l have packed myself up without any help from the nurses,
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this was sad to me idk she's so delusional
[Hank sighs]
HANK: Are you sure you're ready? PEGGY: Honey, ready or not, l have got to go.
l invited Cotton and Didi and the baby to stay with me...until they can take care of him on their own.
HANK: You think you can help them take care of a baby?
PEGGY: lf that poor farm boy, whose arms were ripped off by a thresher...could dial 91 1 with his nose...then l think Peggy Hill can take care of that baby.
like, you obvs can tell she's gonna break soon. kind of a bummer.
HANK: (Unloading Peggy from the ambulance into the neighborhood) Back off. Back off, everybody.
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(They bump Peggy into the doorframe when wheeling her inside the house)
HANK: That's our fault, Peggy, not your fault.
PEGGY: Try the back door. lt'll fit.
[Balloon pops. They keep bumping Peggy into the sliding door walls.)]
PEGGY: Am l in a very wide bed?
HANK: Maybe we can get her in at an angle. Come on, guys. All right. On three.
BOOMHAUER: lf you lift on three, you mean one, two, dang ol' three and then go...or do you kind of, like, lift her on three?
HANK: Just lift now, okay?
HANK: Now.
HANK: Tilt towards me. No. Toward....
HANK: Fine. Away from me.
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peggy looks really uncomfortable in this scene 🥲
[All grunting]
BlLL: Hi, Peggy. PEGGY: Hello, Bill.
DALE: l think a ''thank you'' would be in order.
HANK: Dale, get the hell out of here.
this was so unhinged i love dale
(Minh, Nancy, & Peggy inside the house)
MINH: Cast make you look good for Peggy Hill. Like you mummy, museum piece, but with attitude. Mummy for the '90s.
NANCY: Sug', you ain't helping.
(to Peggy) People spend hundreds of dollars at a spa to get wrapped up like that.
PEGGY: Yes. lt's very refreshing.
NANCY: l just can't believe your attitude. Who would have thought?
Didi's depressed and you're not.
LIKE..........the neighbor's don't have any sympathy for didi either??? THEYRE SO MEAN??
[Car horn honking]
The baby's here. [NANCY & MINGH leave)
PEGGY: Good. The baby's here. Okay. Minh, make sure Didi puts a hat on him. Nancy, you make sure he takes it off when he gets inside the house.
peggy's just talking to herself until she realizes her friends have LEFT and its????? SO QUIET??? LIKE, THIS IS SO SAD WTF
[Scene with Peggy and Hank]
PEGGY: l feel so stupid for jumping. lt wasn't worth this. Why did l do it? Do you remember? This is really bugging me. [...] Wait, wait, wait. l just remembered something. On the plane, l was talking to you on a phone, Do planes have phones?
HANK: That's a good one. l'll look into that.
PEGGY: No. l remember now. l was talking to you. But what did we say?
HANK: lt sounds familiar. But with all the noise from the engines...and then you falling and all, l'm not sure we'll ever know.
PEGGY: Please, Hank. You are gonna have to be my memory...because l don't have one anymore.
HANK: Deal.
like i get that hank is feeling guilty and it's like hahaha funny but...................................gaslighter 😒
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HANK: You don't have to yell. We can hear you just fine through the baby monitor.
PEGGY: Why am l being fed with a bottle? HANK: We're out of straws.
PEGGY: l do not want to be fed with a bottle.
HANK: lt's just easier, okay? Please?
and then he like...PUTS THE BOTTLE IN HER MOUTH. like i'm SORRY to be a joykill but that's literally so dehumanizing & wrong?? THE WOMAN WAS IN A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT you could at least treat her like a person & LISTEN TO HER. she is uncomfortable & in pain!!!!!!!
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PEGGY: (drinking the bottle) What is that?
HANK: lt should be Carnation lnstant Breakfast.
PEGGY: lt tastes like formula.
HANK: (at Bobby, chuckling) You took Peggy's bottle, and l took the baby's bottle? Now, that's funny.
also bobby is the one taking care of the baby and he is EXHAUSTED. literally child neglect for both kids idk what to tell you...
PEGGY: (being wiped with a baby wipe) What are you doing? Look, l do not want a bottle, okay?
HANK: Shhh.
PEGGY: l'm not hungry. HANK: Shhh.
PEGGY: l want eggs. HANK: Shhh.
[Peggy crying]
[Peggy and baby crying]
at this point they have stopped listening to peggy entirely. so much that she breaks down crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the woman is deadass psychologically broken or something!!!!!! i found this uncomfortable to watch
BOBBY: Maybe Mom just needs to burp.
HANK: Bobby, could you give us a moment?
(to Peggy) What's wrong?
PEGGY: [Sobbing] My life is ruined. l had to jump out of a plane for our anniversary. l'm sorry, Hank. l ruined both of our lives.
[Peggy sobbing hysterically]
HANK: Okay. Look. lt wasn't your fault. lt was my fault.
hank confesses to his evil sins of hyping up sky diving. peggy says the real reason she jumped is bc she's jealous of didi & cotton for having a baby.
PEGGY: Do you know what torture that is? l was once one of the finest mothers in the state of Texas... and now l can't even wipe a baby. And l have to watch those two, Cotton and Stupid...with their beautiful new baby that they don't even want.
PEGGY: What are you smiling about? HANK: lt wasn't my fault. lt's just such a load off my mind. l feel lighter than air.
l mean, l feel bad in a new way, for you...because what you were just saying. That stuff.
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PEGGY: Just leave me alone, okay?
HANK: You just want me to leave? PEGGY: Yes.
HANK: So the right thing for me to do is leave, even though you're crying.
HANK: l'm skeptical, but okay.
at this point i start wondering if hank is neurodivergent & a minor. jk jk this part was funny
[Bobby signing to the baby, exhausted]
COTTON: Bobby, since you're doing all the woman's work around here...be a woman and get me my shin jelly.
BOBBY: G.H. kind of needs me right now. COTTON: So, take him along.Just get the jelly and lather me up.
child abuse, neglect, sexism, etc etc but the biggest crime is making me look at cotton again. LESS COTTON, MORE LUANNE!
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DIDI: Bobby, Could you buy me some lottery tickets?
BOBBY: [Screaming] l am a 12-year-old boy. l am this child's nephew. l cannot do this. l cannot do this! [Gives Didi the baby] lf anybody makes any dinner, l'll eat. But that's it. All l'll do is eat!
not gonna say bobby was in the wrong for screaming at didi, since he is just a child & should NOT have been doing any of these things, but DAMN DID THEY REALLY HAVE TO PUT DOWN DIDI EVEN MORE????!?!??
[Baby crying]
DIDI: Baby, stop crying. l.... Oh....l'm tired. [She walks over to Peggy, put the baby on her bed, and leaves]
PEGGY: Didi, are you leaving? No, please. Someone has to watch the baby. Because unless it's flying above my head, l cannot do it,
All right, Help! Will somebody come,,,, Hank!
What? What's wrong?
HANK: l shouldn't have left, right? l had a feeling....
PEGGY: The baby. HANK: Yeah?
PEGGY: lt's crying. HANK: lt's always crying. The baby hasn't stopped crying since it got here.
PEGGY: Just do something!
hank's emotional intelligence is so low that he literally didn't even think there was anything abnormal about a baby that cries 24/7. GUYS, IF UR BABY IS CRYING ALL THE TIME, IT COULD BE IN PAIN OR DYING OR SOMETHING. DON'T BE LIKE HANK.
HANK: [Goes to Cotton] All right. l've had enough, Dad. There's a baby crying in the house.
COTTON: Go fix it. HANK: You go fix it.
COTTON: l ain't getting near that child. He's possessed.
HANK: He's just leaking a little milk. Sure, it's disturbing, but he'll grow out of it.
COTTON: How do you know? Are you a leaker? Are you leaking on me right now, Leaky?
cotton literally does not want this child. child neglect, abandonment. JAIL JAIL JAIL. wait i forgot the cotton yikes counter. what number were we on???????
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HANK: You hear that, that silence?
COTTON: G.H. HANK: Something's wrong.
[Dramatic instrumental music. They run back to the room with Peggy and GH]
[Both gasp]
[Baby cooing. Peggy is rocking GH with her toe]
[Gentle instrumental music]
PEGGY: Isn't it amazing? It's the greatest dang feeling in the world.
[Theme music]
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everything is ok now because peggy has proven that she is able to serve, hence she has worth again!! the neglect isn't relevant anymore!!! who cares that she was gaslit & manipulated & treated like garbage throughout the whole episode!!!! no one had any genuine care about her health after an almost fatal accident but that's fine!!!!! FUCK DIDI SHE HAS DEPRESSION!!!!
anyway that was a Not Very Nice episode in terms of human decency. the script alone doesn't really capture how heavy it felt; there was lots of ill-fitting music over the scenes that i found disturbing, it was wild! there were some good parts tho. i'm not sure if the writers just hate women with depression, or if it was all intentionally written as an absurdist portrayal of genuine human misery, like an existentialist play. regardless of intent, it was MASTERFUL as the latter. it was a piece of media written with no shred of emotional empathy towards the suffering of its cast. hbo can recreate this episode with the same script & create something incredibly gritty & dark.
anyway 4/10 needed more luanne
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Im sorry for the spam, i love your art! 💟💕how do you get that glow effect? Do you blur your line art?
PLS DONT APOLOGIZE FOR LIKE SPAM I have a fragile artist ego and need the attention/validation <3 /j
And ooh what do you mean? I actually havent used filters or effects on my recent art for a while 😯 but when I first started drawing crk fanart I was addicted to using SNOW app filters such as the 90s pink glow one... and then later i stopped using glowy filters but kept adding chromatic aberration... I stopped bc the app updated and got worse and also bc the app ruins the quality/heavily compresses ur art, also bc i didnt want to rely on it anymore, and also bc i actually prefer the clean simple look now KFJSK (i miss their chromatic aberration filter tho🥲 they changed it and it sucks now)
comparison... (w filters + without)
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and if ur talking about that (old😬) milk piece i saw u rb(i cant link fsr😭) then yes i did blur! I gaussian blurred the entire image on another layer + lowered the opacity!! but again i havent done that in a while...i only did that like twice...
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audio-luddite · 10 months
Vinyl Sound
I love the word ineffable. The sound of vinyl is like that.
I have said many times that convenience and quality are inversely proportional. That I use that term will tell you I am technically educated. Things that are easy just aint that good.
I read somewhere in the tumblr-verse that some guy did not understand the attraction of vinyl. High rez digital is all over the place and easy to get, blah blah blah. Hey if it works for him....
Geekdom likes to quote two parameters for sound quality. One is resolution in bits per second. The other is dynamic range in bits. More bits per second is better. Every bit you add to dynamic range doubles it. 17 is double 16 and on and on. Easy peasy. The bit rates keep going up as do the size of the digital numbers.
But converting strings of bits of numbers to sound is not easy and depends on changing (developing) standards and algorithms. The hardware is intrinsically complex and variable in quality. The best is very good, the rest aint so much.
Vinyl does not have the dynamic range of many digital formats, but it does surpass the most common ones. Mp3s please get away from me. Vinyl records have a dynamic range of 55 to 65 db. Take 60 as the middle and think that 60 db is a ratio of a million times. The quietest is one millionth of the loudest. Not enough for you?
To be totally fair many LPs are compressed to get more on them, or to sound better in bad systems. We don't buy those. (much)
True believers adhere to the idea of pure analog from performance to speaker is best and they are not sure why. Hey that is what faith is for. Believe something for reasons you forgot or never knew. There are two ways to have pure analog in your home one is tape the other is vinyl. So the faithful have only two options. ( Yes FM radio if they play LPs or tapes on air)
Tape has a possible dynamic range of 60 to 70 db at consumer level.
Resolution gets interesting.
Resolution is a bit tricky as it is based on a high frequency modulated signal to put the sound on the tape. For simplicity lets just say that tape will reliably respond from 20Hz of 20 kHz which is all us humans can hear. Tape is pretty good. In the golden age all albums were recorded with tape with a very few exceptions.
Resolution in vinyl is hard to pin down. As it is a continuous analog signal it can be claimed that the resolution is infinite. Beat that high bit rate boys. But I have heard that like tape the cutting of master disks uses a high frequency modulation to help with the cutting process. Be that as it may frequencies up to 45 kHz have been cut into vinyl records and successfully played back. Suck on that bandwidth fans.
(45 kHz was used to encode 4 track sound on LPs back in the "Quadraphonic" days)
My Current Grado phono pickup claims response fro 10 Hz to 60 kHz. Need more?
infinite resolution and bandwidth of 45 to 60kHz. Sorry digital. OK I am being more than a bit facetious. You do not see this in the real world often, but when debating technical capacities look out for the old ways.
Above I said "with very few exceptions" I have a few such albums in my stash. In the 70s a method called direct to disc was used. In that Musicians would get together and play a set that went right on to a cutting lathe. There were back up tapes, but the discs you bought were purest analog with no intermediate media at all. These sound amazing! They have to be experienced.
Now to be absolutely fair some of my favorite albums were recorded "digitally". One is "Famous Blue Raincoat" Jennifer Warnes. Another is "Trinity Sessions" by Cowboy Junkies. Interesting that in both examples tape recorders had a hard time with the bandwidth of the digital signal so they used video recorders. Computers were just not fast enough. An advantage of recording a digital signal with analog is the digital data can be reconstructed even with analog losses. Digital bits are all square waves.
I have both CD and LP versions of both of those albums. And to my ear I prefer the vinyl copies.
I do find it fun that digital recordings had to be recorded with analog tapes. Har har har.
Since the early days digital recording has improved. Computer hardware is now fast enough to capture very high bit rate digital streams so tape is not needed. There was a recent scandal when MOFI started to record precious master tapes on to DSD streams. The purity is VIOLATED.
DSD is very good, and fun fact it is ONE BIT. As a former computer geek who could do assembler code I actually understand how it works.
So have I actually said anything about how vinyl sounds? This is the hardest part. Recall that word at the top? My analog playback system is several times more expensive than my CD player which also does my Apple Music Streaming. More money spent there, so probably a lot better? But what do I hear.
My old ears top out at 12 kHz last time I checked. Still I hear a delicate cymbal strike or the edge of a high note on a string. On most music I hear a convincing image of a performance digital or analog. On vinyl it feels different, more comfortable. I am not doing double blind tests, but when visitors hear my system they always prefer the vinyl to the digital. It just sounds better.
I can hear Diana Krall open her mouth to sing on her "Live in Paris" album. There is that word palatable I am almost reluctant to use. It was used to death by the old team at "Absolute Sound".
In the end I prefer it. That is all you can really say.
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shadowed-dancer · 3 years
Cool details with the scars! (How did Jiro get hers? Was it from Dabi's flames?)
Yup! From chapter 279
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paquerettedreams · 5 years
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aleniksimmer · 2 years
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Sorry in advance for the quality of the pics, I'm posting from my phone and I don't know how much the app compressed them.
Anyway I "finished" Luka. I made the hair more voluminous as suggested (I really suck at proportions) and fixed all the strands together, in the end they're around 14k.
Next, when I have free time, I'll create the LODs of everything, the hat chops and add the black cutouts on the shirt.
As usual, I'm asking for feedback. Since I've been working on the hair the whole day, I can't tell if they look okay and if everything looks like it belongs together. I put all the characters together for this. Especially Alya were my first hair from scratch, and Luka's are my second. Do you see improvement? But most importantly, do they blend well with EA frankmeshes? Is the color okay? Does it look too blue? Do you like the final result? Since this is basically the "final form", would you like to download Luka set looking like this?
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Don’t Treat My Love Like a Habit Part Two
Part One | Next Part | Masterlist
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x Reader Rating: Mature (this may change) Warnings: Cursing
Notes: Set before the movie. Not beta-read. Reina is Spanish for Queen. Also I am not a native Spanish speaker, so I am sorry for any mistakes! *We’ll let you know what we think as soon as we can. **Make it quick, Garcia, we need to move on this.-- Don't let her sway you too hard, huh? ***Sweet dreams
Summary: Pope needed this. You could see it on his face.
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“You alive?” Pope’s voice crackled over your phone. You grunted in return, and he laughed, knowing it was as close as he was getting to a yes. “We got a call from Diego, he wants us to look over plans for a bust. Hernandez has been spotted.” Well that sure as fuck woke you up. You sat up in bed, scrubbing at your eyes. “Wha’ time is it?” You mumbled. “Almost noon. Meet me at the office in an hour. Diego’s gonna come by, give us the run-down.” You nodded. “Okay. Okay, an hour,” You agreed. “I’ll bring coffee,” Pope added. “You fucking better,” You said before hanging up. --
Pope needed this. You could see it on his face. After Isabella had disappeared, he’d been kicking himself. You’d eased up on berating him, even if you would still find yourself seething about it from time to time. The last month had been spent digging into leads that you knew would take you nowhere. But this bust that Diego was laying out... You were trying not to interject, keeping your face carefully schooled into a neutral set as he laid it out for the two of you. He’d sent you files, layouts, pictures of Hernandez that seemed off -- too perfect, almost. You were trying to keep an open mind, but you smelled a rat. 
“*Le haremos saber lo que pensamos tan pronto como podamos,” You heard Pope promising Diego to let him know what you thought as he led the man out. “**Hazlo rápido, García, tenemos que seguir adelante con esto. No dejes que ella te influya demasiado, ¿eh?” You watched Diego’s back, eyes narrowing as he told Pope not let you ‘sway him too hard’. You saw Pope’s head turn back toward you a bit. He knew that you spoke and understood more Spanish than you’d let on to the team that he worked with frequently. Had they already talked this out without you? Had Pope already made some kind of commitment to the plan? You sure as hell hoped not. You pulled up the most recent picture of Hernandez that Diego’s team had gotten, scrutinizing it. There was something wrong about it; you could feel it in the pit of your stomach. You reached out, pulling the printed layout of Hernandez’ last known location, and the proposed sight for the bust toward you for another look. The last bit of information that Isabella had given Pope was that Hernandez had an operation that he was trying to set up in Mocoa, in the Putumayo region near the mouth of the Amazon. What the hell would bring him to Suseca? The town was a little over an hour from Bogota-- that was an eleven hour drive from Mocoa-- "So? What do you think?” You looked up to see Pope standing in front of you. He was trying not look too eager, and you felt your stomach drop. Pope needed this. You couldn’t give it to him. -- ”You’re killing me here, Reina.” The words were muffled. You glanced over at Pope to find his head in his hands. He took a deep breath before he lifted his head. “Just...Tell my why it’s such a bad idea,” He requested. “C’mere,” You said, waving him around to your desk. He pushed himself out of his seat, rounding to your desk. He frowned at the negative, pixelated image he was faced with on your computer. “What am I looking at?” He asked, eyes sweeping the screen. “I put the image of Hernandez through forensic photo software. Think of a jpeg as ... the erosion of a shoreline. Every time a wave washes up on a beach, it removes some sand, it’s a loss. In that same way, every time you save a jpeg file, it loses data and quality from the original image. The more you save an image--” You waved toward Pope. “The less quality there’ll be,” Pope finished nodding, “So?” “So,” You turned back to the screen, “this software identifies any modified areas on an image. You have to think of each pixel on a jpeg as a single grain of sand-- each pixel is independently compressed, okay? So if a picture hasn’t been touched up or changed at all, every single one of these pixels should have the same error potential. Do you see,” You raised a pen, pointing to the chunked fragments of pixelation around Hernandez’s frame, “All of this? And look--” You pulled up another screen to tourist site for Suseca, showing the background.  “I don’t think this is authentic.” “Or maybe he’s just in the same place, that doesn’t mean--” Pope started, and you turned on him, disbelieving. “I don’t know if you’re not reading me or if you’re choosing not to, but there is something wrong with this. And it’s not just the photograph, alright, it’s the whole fucking thing! Diego’s plan is way too loose,” You turned back to the print-out for emphasis and Santiago stepped away from your desk, “It makes no sense that Hernandez would just surface this far north-- After three months of radio silence? It makes no sense.” “People slip up--” Pope began to rationalize. “He doesn’t. If he did, he wouldn’t be so close to Lorea.” You leaned back in your seat, watching as Santiago paced back and forth in front of your desks. You weighed your words carefully for a moment before you said, “Santi... I know you wanna get this guy. I wanna get him, too. But not like this. Something is wrong here.” Santiago turned to look at you, conflict twisting his features. For a split-second, panic surged through you - you were sure Santiago was going to tell you that you were off-base, that this bust was going down with him anyway. He took a deep breath, fist clenching as he muttered, “Fuck.” He grabbed his phone off of the desk and turned away, heading for the door. “Where are you going?” You asked, half-rising out of your chair. “To tell Diego that I’m not in and that his intel sucks,” Pope snapped before slamming the door behind himself. You lowered yourself back into your seat, raking a hand through your hair. You glanced back at the photo of Hernandez, frowning.  -- ”You still in the office?” Was Pope’s way of greeting you this time. “Uh-huh,” You confirmed, tacking on, “What’s up?” “Diego circled back with me. The bust went down-- It was a set-up,” Pope relayed, “He’s fine, but two of his guys are hurt pretty bad.” “Shit,” You hissed quietly, resting your head on your hand. You’d been hoping that what Pope had imparted to Diego would’ve been enough to stop him from going through with the bust, but you’d been wrong. “...Where do we go from here?” You asked. “Well, you go home,” Pope said, “And we go back to figuring it out tomorrow.” You rolled your eyes a little bit. “I’m almost done,” You grumbled defensively. Pope chuckled. “You’re never ‘almost done’,” He teased. He paused. “Thank you,” he added quietly. You smiled. “I should be thanking you for trusting me,” You argued. “Hey, you know your shit. That’s why I hired you,” Pope retorted. You chuckled. “Alright, lemme finish up here and I’ll... Eventually make it home.” “Yeesh,” Pope mumbled. You could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “Night, Santi,” You murmured. “***Dulces sueños, Reina.”
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djarin · 2 years
Hey, I know you probably won't answer this type of question but I'm getting anxious... can I ask you what is the size and width and height of your blog banner gif? I'm trying to make one but in the end in the mobile app everything looks pixelated and I don't understand it, I'm using the 640x360 size that had worked for me until recently.
Or if I have to do something to the gif to make it look better? idk but I don't understand why everything looks with low quality when on pc it looks good.
hi, it's no worries at all! i don't mind helping out, it's just that i might not have the answer :( i wasn't sure why that was happening for you (especially since you're using the right dimensions) so i asked some people in @/pscentral, and basically the general consensus that we came up with was:
tumblr sucks. especially mobile tumblr, which tends to compress the quality of our stuff
your phone ratio might matter??? i.e. your header will look different on a tablet vs a phone, same for different types of phones
might be the internet connection
sometimes it becomes pixelated/blurry, sometimes it becomes clear - some of my friends said this happens to them, where it'll switch back and forth!
the only other thing i can really think of is your gif itself i guess? like, if it's 1080p, if you brightened a dark scene a lot, if you did a lot of colour manipulation, etc... but you did say it looks good on pc, so maybe this isn't the issue :/ sorry this wasn't any more helpful, i hope it works out :(
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aegir-emblem · 3 years
Chapter Eight is Up!!!
Chapter Eight (official chapter 7) of the road to StrangeFrost 100k is up!!! “Across All Realities (That is Our Constant)” has a new chapter!
Stephen ponders coffee, Loki gets annoyed, and those two meet in a park! They sure do ask a lot of questions of each other, don’t they? Golly!
In this chapter: Stephen stayed up all night reading about Loki; his families, his past, all that had been scribed to this point. Then, he finds Loki on a morning stroll.
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Listen up, y’all. Since the start of this story, I've had the worst writer's block a person can imagine, school has absolutely sucked the soul out of me... I’ve been a dry raisin, sweet and yearning to expand, but shriveled and compressed to the bottom of a paper can. And I'm so sorry for the slow chapter and the quality of the previous ones. I hope this one betrays that I've regained a scrap of inspiration, and thank you to those who waited!
Anyways though, CHECK IT OUT HERE ON AO3!!!
But for now, here’s a little excerpt! (Click for better quality!)
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