#sorry this got out of hand! My head is a radio of our characters with the power button snapped off
sunset-a-story · 1 year
Happy STS! If your OCs had social media account, what would they have and what kind of things would they post?
a;slkskdsdgjs OMG thank you so much for this fun STS ask! My first answer is canon! I'll stick the theoreticals under the cut. I tried to answer this straightforwardly but this is what came out.
Penn (head of Cleanup who makes sure the world at large doesn't discover SolCorp exists): Sees report come into his inbox. "Ohmygod." dials with a sigh. "Morning, Marek." "Penne Pasta!" "Marek, I know you are aware that it is against company regulations to have social media accounts, including Instagram." "It's not my Instagram account." Head in hand. "Your hamster can't have an Instagram account either. We've gone over this." "So if Baguette is subject to company regs, are you going on the record that she's a Sol agent?" "Marek." "I'm putting her on payroll. She's entitled company-provided quarters." "Her cage is already bigger than some Manhattan apartments." "Are you head of housing or am I?" "Delete the account."
Penn answering phone: "This is Penn." Marek on the other line: "Pentagon! Hey, did you guys crash Twitter again?" "No, that wasn't Cleanup. It's just that their owner is a Wish.com Thomas Edison except even more evil who--Marek, why do you know Twitter is down?" "…" "Marek." "Porn?" hangs up Penn furiously Googles baguette+hamster site:twitter.com
Hannah would have a TikTok in 10 seconds flat. It would be UNHINGED. Pure Vine energy. Alex would also be on TikTok doing all the dance challenges.
Reeve would have accounts on Reddit and Facebook (because he's an old at heart) to join classic car groups/subreddits, realize he doesn't understand anything being said, and very quickly turn into a lurker/reverse David Attenborough while he tries to observe what normal people are like.
Gareth would be on Tinder looking for hookups.
Darwin would FOR SURE have a Tumblr for fandom stuff. (That boy loves his Pokemon.)
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Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 15
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
All Falls Down (Prequel)
Series Masterlist
~ 1 week later ~ Friday Afternoon
“If you don’t wanna do this, I can call Mel and tell her we changed our minds and she not invited.” Josh voiced, interrupting Kiyana’s thought process. 
Kiyana smiled as she turned her head from looking out the window to looking over at Josh. “No. I’m good. But I'm telling you now. She got one time to say some outta pocket shit. I still owe her from that shit she was talking at Jay-Jay’s birthday party.” 
Josh bit his lip as he remembered how disrespectful he was to Kiyana that day. As she came to a stop at a red light, he turned his gaze to her. “I wanna apologize for that too.” He started, his stomach tightening as he remembered how he let Melvania talk to and about Kiyana.  “I could have stopped her but –” 
“I’m over it.” She cut him off with a flag of her hand.  “I understand why you were so mean” he scoffed and rolled his eyes. “And I really can’t blame you. We technically were divorced already. It’s a lot of shit that I said about you too, so let’s just move on from it.” 
Josh arched his eyebrow at her. “Whatchu say about me?” 
Kiyana bit her lip, trying to suppress a laugh. “I may have told Samara about the um... Forty-five-second incident.”  Josh’s mouth dropped out in shock. He then closed his eyes with a groan, covering his face with his hands. 
“Kiyana…” He groaned out, what happened to taking it to the grave?” 
“I’m sorry!” She laughed. “You pissed me off and I was venting to Mara.” He narrowed his eyes at her, before turning his attention back to the road as the light turned green. “You mad?” 
“No, I’m not mad.” He shook his head. “Little embarrassed, but not mad.” 
“I mean it’s not like you left me high and dry” She tried to make him feel better but Josh sucked his teeth, turning the radio up so he could tune her and her laughing out. 
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Melvania tried to keep the scowl off her face as her brother and Kiyana walked over to the table holding hands. It make her sick to her stomach to see him all happy with Kiyana after everything she did to him. 
“Wassup Sis,” Josh smiles at his sister as he walks around the table to hug her. Melvania hummed as she eyed Kiyana before standing up and hugging her younger brother. 
Kiyana rolled her eyes a little as she picked up the menu and scanned over it. She wasn’t interested in exchanging pleasantries with this woman, all Kiyana wanted was to let her know that there would be no more disrespecting her. 
“Hello, Kiyana.” Melvania managed through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing into slits as Kiyana continued to ignore her. 
“Key..” Josh whispered. 
Melvania watched as Kiyana set the menu down and turned to Josh, they seemed to be having a silent conversation that ended with Kiyana letting out a loud sigh. 
“Hi, Melvania, how are you?” Kiyana asked, with a very obvious forced smile on her face. 
“Good, thanks for asking,” Mel muttered and Kiyana rolled her eyes and dropped her smile, bringing her attention back to the menu in front of her while Mel turned her attention to her brother. “So what's up? Why did y’all call me here?”  Melvania eyed Kiyana as the waiter came over and took their orders. She couldn’t understand why her brother was willingly here with her after sleeping with their cousin. The only logical reason Mel could come up with was, that Josh wanted to be present in the house with his boys and Mel knew that Josh should have followed her advice and filed for full custody from Kiyana. 
“You know Mar is about to turn seven right?” Josh started the conversation as the waiter walked away with their orders. “And I know he wants you there but for that to happen, there needs to be a conversation about how you be disrespecting Kiyana, and that needs to stop.” 
Melvania reared her head back like she had been slapped. “What –” she started but Josh interrupted her. 
“Me and Kiyana are working on our relationship and we’re trying to get back to how things used to be and I should have put a stop to it years ago, but I’m telling you right now sis. There will be no more talking slick to and about Kiyana. She is the mother of my children and whether you like her or not, you have to respect her.” 
“I don’t have to respect shit." Melvania scoffed "What the fuck are you going on about Joshua? Have you forgotten what she did to you?” 
Josh and Kiyana shared a look and then turned their attentions back to Melvania who was looking at them like they both lost their minds. “I haven’t forgotten and me and her have talked about that because it’s our relationship, Mel.” 
Melvania's eyes flashed with disbelief as she let out another scoff, her eyes bouncing between her brother and the devil. “So you’re saying you’re just going to overlook everything? Pretend it never happened?” 
Kiyana huffed and rolled her eyes. “What are you not understanding?” She asked, shrugging off the hand that Josh placed on her shoulder. “Me and Josh are working through our issues and if you want to be in your nephew's lives, you will respect me, especially with them around. All the calling me names at Jayla’s party was uncalled for and unnecessary and will not happen at my son’s party.”  
Both Kiyana and Melvania stared at each other with narrowed eyes and at that moment Josh wished he brought Jon or Sefa along with him because he didn’t know what to do next. 
“What’s the real issue?” Kiyana asked, breaking their staring contest. “You’ve hated me since high school and it’s only got worse when me and Josh got married.” 
“You just too dumb to see it huh?” 
“Mel, what did I just say?” Josh snapped, getting extremely frustrated with his older sister. 
“Y’all not about to sit here and gang up on me. I am not the villain in this damn story!” 
“You’re the villain in my story. I haven’t done shit to you for you to hate me as much as you do!” 
“Chill..” Josh tried to interject as he noticed they started drawing attention to their table with how loud Kiyana and Melvania were getting. “We don’t have to yell at each other.” 
“You haven’t done shit?” Mel scoffed “You ruined my fucking like Kiyana!” 
Now Kiyana was the one who reared her head back like she had been slapped.  She turned to Josh who shared the same look of confusion. “What?” 
“You knew that position was mine! And you just swooped in and took it.” 
“Position – Girl! The damn cheer captain position from high school?” Kiyana scoffed and sat back in the chair, crossing her arms over her chest. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She muttered, rolling her eyes.  Kiyana was beyond done with this conversion. They were grown-ass women now and Mel was still upset about some shit that happened eons ago! “Put on your big girl panties and get over that shit Mel.” 
Josh, increasingly frustrated, rubbed his temples. “Nah, that can’t be the reason. It gotta be another reason. Right sis? All this animosity ain't because of some shit that happened in high school?” 
“Nope. That’s it.” Mel shrugged and Kiyana decided at that point it was time to go. She abruptly stood from her seat and grabbed her bag from the chair next to her. 
“Pointless ass conversation.” She muttered, before turning towards Josh and holding her hand out. “I’m going to sit in the car, can I get the keys please?” Josh nodded and fished the keys out of his shorts pocket and handed them to her. “Can you tell them I want my food to go now?” Josh nodded again. 
“There she goes... Running away, again!” 
“Girl, fuck you.” Kiyana snapped and that’s when all hell broke loose. Melvania stood from her seat and tried to charge around the table to attack Kiyana. Josh caught her though, wrapping his arms around Mel’s waist and pulling her away from Kiyana who honestly didn’t even flinch. 
Kiyana faked a yawn with a roll of her eyes and continued out the door, ignoring the insults Melvania was shouting her way. 
“You stupid bitch! I swear on my momma imma getcho’ ass!” 
“Enjoy your night, Mel. Maybe one day you’ll figure out how to handle your issues like an adult.” Kiyana stated as she walked out of the restaurant. 
“Mel, chill. What the fuck!” Josh shouted as Mel tried to push him out of the way. 
“Sir, two have to leave before I call the cops. I’ve canceled your orders.” Josh sucked his teeth and grabbed Melvania’s bag and all but dragged her out of the restaurant. 
“Where y’all parked at?!” 
“Melvania! Chill.” Josh yelled pushing her back away from him. “I’m not going to let you attack Kiyana. What the hell is wrong with you!?” 
“What the hell is wrong with me? You so lucky you my brother cause I would have smacked you by now! What the hell is wrong with you Joshua?! Her pussy is not that good that you're forgetting everything she did!” 
“No, I didn’t forget! But it’s my damn relationship! If she can forgive me for betraying her then I can forgive her. You need to move the fuck on.” Josh spat, eyes narrowing as he looked at his sister. “And don’t bother showing up to my son's party. I don’t want you there.” 
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Saturday Afternoon
Kamari’s 7th birthday bash was in full swing, He had invited his whole class plus his friends from Karate and Soccer so their house and backyard were almost packed with people, but as long as Kamari was happy, so was Kiyana. 
As Kiyana was walking around the party, she heard one of Josh’s aunties make a sly comment that made her roll her eyes. “Who made this pasta salad? It’s like they didn’t even try. You know who makes a good pasta salad? Melvania.. If only she was allowed to come.”  Kiyana knew that last part was a dig at her and she didn’t care. 
She let out a sigh as she made her way to the grill where Josh and Jon were. “Your auntie keeps taking digs at my pasta salad.” Jon snorted and Josh reached over to smack him on the back of his head. 
“Don’t let it get to your head Key.” 
“I’m not, I’m –” 
“Aw hell. You didn’t say he was going to be here.” 
“Oh my god,” Kiyana muttered, as she started to rub her temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Why wouldn’t he be here Yatta?” 
“Direct that stank ass attitude somewhere else sis.” 
“Kenyatta, stop.” Imani chided as she walked over, giving Jon and Josh hugs much to Kenyatta’s dismay. Just like how Mel and Kiyana had a rivalry in high school, so did Josh and Kenyatta. It just wasn't on some petty shit like how Mel’s and Kiyana’s were. Kenyatta always thought that Kiyana could do better than Josh and he never missed a chance to voice his opinion. 
Josh sucked his teeth and turned his attention back to the burgers that needed to be flipped. Jon – sensing the tense atmosphere, decided it was time for him to skidaddle and go find his wife and mother. 
“Look, y’all can continue to pretend to be a happy family or whatever you call it, but I ain’t forget whatchu’ did to my sister.”  
“Oh my god,” Kiyana muttered again. “Now is not the time.” Josh started laughing. “Josh, please” Kiyana pleaded. “Not right now.” 
Josh's laughter only seemed to further agitate Kenyatta, who took a step closer to the grill. Imani quickly placed herself between the two men, her hands raised in a placating gesture.
"Kenyatta, please. This is Kamari's birthday party. Can we not do this here?" Imani pleaded with her stepson. “Like Kiyana said, now is not the time.” 
“Yeah alright, I’ll be seeing you,” Kenyatta muttered, grilling Josh as he looked him up and down. And Josh, not one to back down from anybody dropped the spatula he was holding. 
“You can see me now, the fuck” 
Kiyana's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Josh step away from the grill, squaring up to Kenyatta. The tension in the air was palpable, and she could see a few nearby parents starting to take notice of the brewing confrontation.
"Josh, please," Kiyana hissed, grabbing his arm. "Think about Kamari." Josh ignored her, his heated gaze locked on Keyannta’s. Kiyana grabbed both sides of his face and made him focus on her.  "This is our son's birthday. Don't do this."
For a moment, Josh's jaw clenched, his eyes still burning with anger. But as he looked into Kiyana's pleading face, his shoulders slowly relaxed. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"You're right," he muttered. "I'm sorry."
Kenyatta scoffed, "Yeah, that's right. Back down like the punk-ass—"
"Kenyatta!" Imani snapped, her voice sharp enough to cut through the tension. "That's enough. You're leaving. Now."
Kenyatta looked like he was about to argue, but Imani's stern gaze silenced him. With a final glare at Josh, he turned and stalked away,
Josh closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down and once he opened them, he did not like what he saw. Kiyana was looking at him with nothing but disappointment in her eyes. 
“Key –” 
“Don’t” She cut him off, dropping her hands from his face. “Let’s just try to finish out this day with no more drama.” She muttered before turning away from him and walking into the house, to calm herself down. 
Josh watched Kiyana walk away, his heart sinking as he realized how much the confrontation had affected her. He was still fuming from the argument, but seeing her disappointment made him feel even worse. He rubbed his temples, trying to push the anger aside and focus on salvaging what was left of Kamari’s birthday party.
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Authors Note: Whew... Mel and Kenyatta, need to get over themselves.
Sooo. How did y'all like this chapter?
I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more chapters left of this...
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
🏷️: @christinabae @empressdede @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @harmshake
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nom-nommmm1 · 6 months
Hi Oli,
I love your Lords Of Chaos stories so much, so could you write one for me? :)
I was thinking about Pelle x Fem reader, where she's Euronymous sister, and they have to keep their relationship a secret.
Xoxo and also I just saw that you write for some niche fandoms I really love, I can't wait for more stories to come
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Masterlist + taglist
AHHH HI ANON!! I’m so happy you like my stories! You’ll never know how much it means to me 🫶 also I’ve had ‘dirty little secret’ by The All-American Rejects stuck in my head FOR A WEEK truly amazing timing anon. But anyways, I look forward to see you request other fandoms soon. Also I didn’t know if you wanted to make this a smut or fluff so I’m gonna do fluff bc I’ve been in such a fluffy mood lol, request another if you’d like smut and I’ll gladly do it ❤️
Content warning !!: sweet!pelle x fem!reader, fluff?? There’s a suggestive part butt they don’t actually do it, kissing, hair pulling
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The doorbell rings as the tussling of keys can be heard from Euronymous’ hands. “I got it!” I shout, opening the door to see Pelle standing there awkwardly. “Hey Pelle! You’re just in time, we’re all about to head to the movies” I say looking at the blonde haired boy, his cheeks turning a slight pink tone. “Oh yea uhm..Euro texted me” he says avoiding my gaze. He shuffles away from the doorway, letting Euronymous and I out. We all proceed to get into Euros car. “So are Faust and the guys meeting us there?” Pelle asks after a few minutes of nothing but the sound of the radio.
“Yeah, they’re just gonna be a minute since traffic’s pretty bad on their side” Euronymous says, putting his foot to the gas as the light turns green. Pelle nods, staring out the window, looking around at all the passing cars. I look at Pelle, he looks..tired? “You alright?” I ask. The blonde looks at me, seeming somewhat surprised by me breaking the silence. “Yea I’m fine y/n” he says looking back out the window to avoid the conversation.
The car pulls into the movie theater parking lot, we all get out walking up to the register. “Hello, what movie are we seeing today folks?” The cashier asks politely. “Three tickets for this movie please” Euronymous says, placing the money on the counter,pointing to a movie. “Of course, the concessions are inside” the cashier says handing us our tickets. Euronymous nods in acknowledgment, holding the door open for Pelle and I.
Walking up to the concessions counter Euro turns to us. “What do you guys want?” He asks pulling out a 20 dollar bill. “Popcorn and a slurpy?” I ask. “Sure sis, what about you Pelle?” He asks turning to the blonde. “Oh- I’m fine with whatever,” he says quickly, almost taken out of a trance. “Alright, you guys can sit down while I pay for this stuff” Euronymous says, pointing to the tables next to the bathrooms.
I nod walking over to the table, Pelle following close behind. We sit down. I look at Pelle, taking in his features as he refuses to look at me. “What’s wrong?” I ask putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Nothing y/n” he says moving out of my touch. Euronymous comes back with a handful of snacks. “Come help me get the rest guys” we all grab our own snacks and drinks. “Sorry you guys are going to have to share popcorn, I was two bucks short to get another” Euro said as we walked down to our designated auditorium. “It’s fine Euro” I say as we take our seats.
The theaters lights dim as music from the projector plays, the movie is finally starting after what feels like an hour of previews. I go to reach for the bag of popcorn accidentally putting my hand on Pelles, immediately pulling away. “Sorry” I say quickly before turning back to the movie. The movie continues on, the main character jumping out into the frame of the projector screen.
The audience chuckles as they say a joke as a criminal swings at them. I take a sip of my slurpy taking a brief glance at Pelle. I look away as I see his eyes look over to me. I lean to Euronymous, whispering in his ear. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’ll be back” he nods as I get up from my seat, walking down the dimly lit movie theater stairs.
I walk into the bathroom, splashing water in my face, starting to sob into my hands. After a few minutes I hear slight knocking on the bathroom wall, a figure slowly coming into my line of vision. The figure comes closer to me, rubbing my back. “I’m sorry we have to do this” the figure says. “What..?” I ask looking up, at first confused but soon my confusion is clarified as I see Pelle, still there rubbing my back.
Pelle frowns, wiping my tears away. “I can’t stand to see you cry, but you know why we have to keep this a secret, right?” He asks coming closer to me. I nod looking into Pelles warm brown eyes. “I know, Euro won’t allow it” I reply sniffling. Pelles frown grows and he wraps his arms around me, putting his head in my neck giving me a small kiss.
“Just wait a little longer, we can convince him” Pelle says brushing my hair out of my face. I nod again looking at him glumly. “Hey it’s okay, I promise” he says smiling, waiting for me to smile back but I don’t. Pelle then puts me into a kiss, my eyes widen in shock but I kiss him back passionately. I wrap my arms around Pelles neck. Pelle kisses me harder, putting his hands on my waist, picking me up. “Pelle!” I yelp feeling his hands on my ass, lifting me up.
Pelle places me on the bathroom counter, pushing me against the mirror as his lips attack mine. “I missed this” he mumbles into my lips, coating them with our saliva. I giggle pulling onto Pelles hair. He moans in my mouth, biting my lip and touching up on my body. He’s about to undo his pants before we hear a voice of a staff member. “Get out of there before I call your mamas!!” The staff member screams banging her mop on the floor. Pelle and I bolt out of the bathroom making out to our movie auditorium. “Remember, keep this between us” Pelle says before opening the door for me.
“Of course” I say walking in. “Alright, I’m gonna wait out here for a few minutes so they don’t think anything” he says giving me a quick kiss before shutting the door, smiling.
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Alt acc: @nom-nommmmworkspace
╰┈➤@mxqlss @roseroseluvrr @bkaulitzz @adellaonly @m3tal-chick
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dianawinchester03 · 26 days
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales
Series Masterlist
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Author's Note: Quick discretion, everything in this chapter is in third person, including the flashback sequences. It was a bit difficult to explain since it’s a lot of backstory but I tried LOL. Bear with me.
Also, if you have a different type of hair texture, imagine a certain part in this chapter however you’d like. You’ll understand when you read it.
Another thing, I know I refer to y/n as her own person. It just makes it easier for me but YOU are still one of the main characters. I just do it because I know people tend to imagine an OC, it’s easier for me and I SUCK at writing from a second person point of view. So don’t take any offense if I refer to y/n as ‘her’ or ‘she’, that’s just me.
Okay, enough of my rambling lol. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!
Third Person POV
Springfield, Ohio
Sam and Y/N sat at the table in the skeevy motel room, ‘Walk Away’ by James Gang blaring through the radio as Dean lounged on Sam’s bed, very messily and noisily eating chili cheese fries. Y/N’s head was pounding from the already sleepless nights she had, glaring at Dean through her large dark sunglasses who seemed to not have a care in the world.
She rubbed her temples through the hoodie that was covering her head before turning back to her papers as Sam’s eyes flickered over to his brother, “Dude, you mind not eating those on my bed?” Sam said annoyed, “No, I don’t mind” Dean said nonchalantly before stuffing his mouth again. Y/N rolled her eyes again as Sam sighed deeply, shaking his head at his idiot brother.
She leaned forward, rubbing her temples, the music on the radio irritating her. “How’s research going?” Dean asked sarcastically, smacking his lips. “You know how it’s going?” Y/N gritted her teeth, slamming the book infront of her shut. “Slow!” She snapped, “You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster?” Sam piped up. “If we had our computers!” He sassed.
“Mm” Dean flashed them a sarcastic smile and nod, making y/n grumble and bury her head into her hands. Sam and Y/N let out frustrated groans, the loud music pounding on their already tired brains. Y/N's head was throbbing. She finally had enough of the music on the radio, “Can you turn that down, please?!” She snapped at Dean. “Yeah, absolutely” Dean muttered, reaching over to the radio, turning it up higher.
Sam and y/n both sat back in frustration as the music blared louder. Dean had a smug smirk on as he continued stuffing his face with the chili cheese fries, which only seemed to anger the pair further while the two side eyed him.
“I’m gonna kill him…I’m gonna kill him” Y/N muttered lowly to herself, shaking her head as she looked up to the sky. “You know what?!” Sam shouted over the music as Dean licked his chili cheese coated fingers, “Maybe you should just go somewhere for a while, huh?!” He yelled.
Dean then turned off the radio, “Hey, I’d love to. That’s a great idea. But unfortunately, my cars all screwed to hell” Dean retorted angrily, shooting an accusatory glare at y/n. “Dean, I told you, I had nothing to do with that!” Y/N defended, still mad at the fact that he thought she would hurt Baby. “It might not seem like it, but I value my life, I’d never lay a finger on Baby”
“Bullshit!” Dean snapped, standing up from his seat, “You were the last one to use my goddamn car, who else would’ve done it?!” Sam was stuck in the middle of the two as Dean got in y/n’s face to glare down at her. He fished out his phone from his pocket, quickly typing on his keypad.
‘They’re going at it again. I’m gonna explode…D:<.’ he texted Jo.
After a moment, Jo responded while on her own hunt with her mom after reconciling.
‘Don’t explode, you’re the mediator of those two. Sorry I can’t be there but keep the peace as always.’ She replied.
“I didn’t do it!” Y/N yelled back, their faces inches away from each other. “Maybe you just can’t accept it was just an accident! Maybe you can’t accept the fact that I care about Baby just as much as you do!” She snapped back at him. Sam watched as his brother and Y/N continued to go at it, both sides shouting profanities at each other.
“Why don’t you believe me!?”
“Because you’re the only one who used my car and then suddenly, all her tires were aired out!”
“And I told you I didn’t do a damn thing to her! Maybe if you weren’t such a dumbass, you would’ve noticed I didn’t do anything!” Y/N retorted, her voice beginning to grow hoarse.
‘Does it look like I wanna get my head chewed off?’ Sam texted back.
‘Don’t be a baby. Be a mediator! xx’ Jo encouraged him.
Sam rolled his eyes at the response, standing up and putting an end to the two. He quickly walked over to the pair. “Both of you, stop it!” He said, separating the two with a shove to both of their shoulders. “We are in a crowded motel room. Please stop shouting at each other before the neighbors notice.” He huffed.
Dean and Y/N’s eyes flickered over to Sam as he got in the way of their glaring contest, they both huffed at the same time. “I’m not done with his ass yet!” Y/N snapped, folding her arms across her chest. “Neither am I.” Dean retorted, mirroring her actions, both with their eyes still narrowed at each other.
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, “Why are you two always arguing like cats and dogs?” He asked in an exasperated tone. “These days. You act like you hate each other one second then the next, you don’t. You barely talk, and when you do, you’re always at each other’s throats! What the fuck is the matter with you two?!”
Dean and Y/N turned their attention to Sam, their eyes still narrowed but this time directed at him. He huffed again, running a hand through his hair.
The sound of knocking at the door caused all their heads to snap in the direction, exchanging angry looks, a little on edge before y/n grumbled to herself and paced towards it. She looked through the peephole to see Bobby and much to her surprise, Jo, shooting the boys another glare before twisting the door knob, pulling it open. “Hey guys” She smiled at the old man and young woman.
He gave y/n a weird look at her attire, the hoodie over her head and large sunglasses seemed out of place but he brushed it off. “Hey, kids” Bobby greeted them with a smile, reaching over to hug y/n. She returned the hug before moving aside to let him in before hugging Jo, who returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around Y/N’s frame before letting go. “Hey, Bobby” Dean said excitedly as Y/N shut the door.
Sam’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Jo, his heart unconsciously skipping a beat. Sam was caught off guard, his heartbeat quickening as he caught sight of Jo. He couldn’t hold back a small smile as he took in her appearance. “You just- I thought you were-“ Sam stuttered, holding up his phone.
Bobby, Dean and Y/N chuckled at the sight of a flabbergasted Sam. Jo smirked, “Did you miss me that much?” she teased, raising an eyebrow at him. “Finished up my hunt early, figured I’d repay the surprise visit” She added with a shrug and a small smile. Sam’s cheeks tinted pink as he chuckled awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. “It’s uh, good to see you” he admitted, looking down at his feet shyly.
Dean, who was watching the exchange with a smirk, couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Dean and Y/N shared a knowing look, their previous argument forgotten and they smirked at Sam and Jo.
“It’s good to see you again so soon” Bobby broke the silence as Sam recuperated, patting him on the shoulder. “Yeah, uh, thanks for coming” Sam chuckled, “Come on in. Thank god you’re here” Dean added as Sam, Jo and Y/N walked back over to the beds while Dean reached over, putting his hand out to give Bobby a firm handshake, which he returned.
“So, um, what didn’t you wanna talk to me about?” He asked them, concerned. “It’s this job we’re working..we were sure you’d believe us” Sam said sheepishly, earning a chuckle from Bobby. “Well, I can believe a lot” He responded ironically. “No, yeah, yeah. We know, it’s just we- we’ve never seen anything like it-” Y/N chuckled. “Not even close,” Dean added. “And we thought we could use some fresh eyes,” Sam chimed in.
Bobby shrugged, “Well, why don’t you begin at the beginning?” Jo said. They all shared a look at this before Y/N nodded, “Yeah, um, alright, please” She gestured for him to take a seat. Bobby and Y/N sat on Dean's bed while Dean sat on Sam’s bed. Sam pulled a chair for Jo, offering her to sit before settling in the chair next to her.
“So…it all started when we caught wind of an obit, see, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window.” Sam began, “Only, there’s a campus legend that the building’s haunted. So, we all pretexted as reporters from the local paper” Y/N added.
Sam and Y/N’s Version
Sam sat in front of the two college students at a table in a crowded local bar, resting the recorder down on the table. “Yeah, we both have the professor for ethics and morality” Curtis, a jock, told Sam, ripping his beer. “Yeah? So why do you think he did it?” Sam asked casually, “Who knows? He was tenured, wife and kids, his book is like a really big deal” Jen, next to Curtis, gushed, “..But then again, who’s the say it was suicide” She whispered to the younger Winchester.
His brows perked up at this, “Jen, come on” Curtis groaned, “Well, what else could it have been?” Sam chuckled, “Well, you know about Crawford Hall?” Jen began, “No, I don’t actually” Sam pushed himself up in his seat, intrigued, “It’s a bunch of crap. It’s a total urban legend.” Curtis rolled his eyes, “Yeah, well Heather’s mom went to school here and she knew the girl” Jen defended, “Wait, what girl?” Sam chimed in curiously.
“Like, 30 years ago, the girl was having an affair with some professor” Jen began as Sam listened intently while the jock snorted in amusement, “He broke it off. Then she jumped out the window and killed herself.” She finished. “You know her name?” Sam asked urgently, “No. But they say she jumped from Room 669” She whispered, “Get it? You turn the 9 upside down…”
Curtis chuckled while Sam nodded, offering her a small smile. She shot Curtis a side eye before turning back to Sam. “So now she haunts the building, and anyone who sees, they don’t live to tell the tale” Jen finished her story, “Well, if no one lives to tell the tale, then how does the tale get told?” Curtis quipped, “Curtis! Shut up!” Jen snapped at him, “You know what? Uh, thanks a lot, guys. Excuse me” Sam said kindly before taking up his tape recorder, making his way over to y/n.
Y/N sat at the bar sipping on a beer as she leaned onto the counter, flirting with a bartender. Her eyes flickered over to Dean every now and then, clenching her jaw as he flirted with a cute blonde. She cleared her throat before turning back to the bartender.
“Come on, give me another one” she requested with a coy smile as the bartender chuckled, “You sure you can handle it?” He teased, pouring her another shot, “Oh, I can handle it” she smirked, downing the shot as Sam approached her. “Hey” He greeted, taking the seat next to her at the bar and ordering a beer, “Find anything out?” Y/N asked, her eyes glancing briefly back to Dean and the blonde, who now had their heads closer than before, Dean laughing at something she said.
“Yeah, uh, where’s Dean?” Sam informed her, looking around the bar for his brother. Y/N chuckled bitterly, pointing her eyes towards Dean where he was sitting with the blonde, “Right there” she mumbled. Sam followed her eyes, groaning as he realized what was going on, turning his eyes back to y/n with a sympathetic look as he sipped his beer, “Damn it. Come on, let’s go” Sam grabbed her hand, padding towards Dean who was downing a weird looking liquid in a shot glass.
Dean grunted as he took another of the purple shots, slamming the glass down on the counter, banging his head to the music. “Dean, what are you- what are you drinking?” Y/N grimaced as Dean burped loudly in her face, leaning against the counter. “I don’t know, man. I think they’re called purple nurple” Dean slurred drunkenly, a wide smile on his face.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, “Okay, listen. I think maybe we should go check out the professor's office.” Sam suggested but Dean shook his head rapidly, “Oh no no no no no. I can’t right now.” He muttered, his eyes glancing to y/n who raised her brows at him, “Because I’ve got some…uh, I’ve got a feisty wildcat on the hook, I’m bout to-” He made the fishing line noise with his mouth.
“-reel her in. I’ll introduce you” He smirked as their eyes flickered over to the skeevy dressed, cute blonde woman. Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, “Yeah, we’ll pass” she muttered but Dean didn’t care, still smiling at them, “Come on, it’ll be fun” he insisted but Y/N and Sam looked at him unamused.
“Starla. Starla, hey” Dean turned, tapping the woman on her shoulder. “Mm?” She smiled drunkenly, knocking back a shot as she turned to them. “This is my co-pilots, Major Tom and our friend Charlotte” He pointed to Sam and Y/N, using names from the hit movie, Top Gun. “Tom and Charlotte, Starla” Dean pumped his brows as Starla giggled, wrapping her arm around Dean.
“Mmm, Enchanté” She smiled drunkenly, extending her hand out for Y/N to shake. “Hi” Y/N shook the girl’s hand awkwardly, giving a forced closed lips smile, forcing herself to hold back from grimacing at the woman, now practically wrapped around Dean, who was grinning widely, nodding his head before Starla started gagging.
Dean and Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, looking dumbfounded as Sam stepped back in case she vomited over all of them. "Are you okay, hun?” Y/N asked, a worried look in her eyes as Starla’s face went all sweaty but she nodded shakily. Swallowing before smiling at y/n again.
“Sorry. Just trying to keep my liquor down” She giggled, smiling at the hunter. “Yeah. Good job” Dean chuckled, wrapping his arm around Starla’s waist before turning back to Sam and y/n. Sam looked at him in disbelief, shaking his head, “Yeah. Good job” Y/N mimicked Dean’s words mockingly, pursing her lips into a frown. Dean didn’t seem to hear her as he turned back to them.
“Hey. Good news, she’s got a sister” He pumped his eyebrows suggestively at Sam while y/n rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. Starla did the same at Dean, pumping her brows suggestively at Y/N, wrapping her arm around Dean again. “I’ve got a two sisters if you’re into th-”
•Present Time
“Woah woah woah woah. Hold on a minute” Dean interrupted their storytelling, offended, “What?” Sam said as he and Y/N shot him an innocent look, “Come on, guys. That’s not how it happened” Dean defended, “No?” Y/N snorted, pushing her sunglasses further up her face as Bobby eyed the three suspiciously, both him and Jo sharing a skeptical look.
“So, you’ve never drank a purple nurple?” Sam scoffed, “Yeah, maybe that. But I don’t say things like ‘feisty little wildcat’. I’m a feminist, and her name wasn’t Starla” Dean further defended himself as Y/N rolled her eyes. “Then what was her name?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him below her glasses, folding her arms over her chest. Dean thought for a second, stumped. “I don’t know. But she was a classy chick”
Sam snorted in amusement as he and Y/N shared a knowing look, “Some feminist” Y/N mumbled as they shook their heads. Dean shot her an offended side eye but decided to brush her snarky comment off, “She was a grad student. Anthropology and Folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories” Dean began to tell his story.
Dean’s Version
Dean was standing in front of the classily dressed blonde woman, sporting a pair of heels and an almost floor length black dress that clung to her curves, toasting with two shots. “Here’s to…” The woman began, a coy smile on her face. “Here’s to us” Dean smirked, toasting with her before downing the shots, their eyes never leaving each other.
“My God, you are attractive” The woman breathed out lustfully, her eyes roaming over Dean. “Thanks” Dean smirked his eyes glancing over to y/n who was aggressively giggling with a bartender, she threw a shot of whiskey down her throat before slamming onto the counter. Then she took out a pen from her jacket pocket as she flashed the bartender a sultry smile.
Writing something down on a cocktail napkin before reaching over and stuffing it into his pocket. His jaw clenched as his eyes went back to the woman in front of him, “But no time for that now” He cleared his throat, his tone serious and a bit exaggerated.
The woman licked her lips, her lustful gaze intensified as Dean spoke, “You need to tell me about this urban legend. Please, lives are at stake” Dean’s eyes darkened, “I’m sorry, I just- I can’t even concentrate. It’s like staring….” She responded, her voice filled with desire before reaching forward, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck.
Her mouth found his in a slow lust filled kiss as Sam and Y/N approached the two. Sam with a very judgmental look on her face and Y/N seemed as if she couldn’t care less, looking bored as she rolled her eyes as propping herself on the counter beside them. “Dean, what do you think you’re doing?” Sam’s pensive voice broke the two apart.
“Sam, Y/N. Please.” Dean said calmly, wiping his lips. In reality, y/n wanted to reach over and slam that chicks face into the counter but all Dean saw was an annoyed impatient version of her that wanted to get back to that bartender she was flirting with. “If you wouldn’t mind, just give me five minutes here”
“Dean, this is a very important investigation.” Y/N snapped, glaring at him. “Yeah, we don’t have time for your any of your blah-blah-blah-blah” Sam added exasperatedly, “Blah-blah blah-blah” Y/N scoffed as Dean smirked before going back to the woman in front of him, leaning forward to kiss her again, their lips connecting, making y/n’s nostrils flare, that burning feeling in her chest rising again.
She felt sick to her stomach as Sam continued, “Blah, blah blah blah blah!!” Sam rambled on as the two lips moved against each others. Him and Y/N shared an annoyed look before screaming, “BLAHH!!!”
•Present Time
“Right, and that’s how it really happened?!” Sam interrupted Dean’s over exaggeration of a story as Y/N shot daggers at him. Dean just shrugged, a smug look on his face. “We don’t sound like that! I don’t look like that! And I didn’t give that bartender my number!” Y/N shouted defensively, “Bullshit and that’s what you two sound like to me” Dean shot back smugly, “Okay, what’s going on with you three?” Jo cut into their argument, her tone suspicious as Bobby eyed them.
“Nothing. It’s nothing” Sam rolled his eyes, his tone tired. “Come on. Now, you’re bickering like an old married couple” Bobby stated, pointing between Dean and Y/N. “And you’re like their oversized angsty teenage kid” He added, pointing to Sam. “No. See, married couples can get divorced” Dean glared at Y/N, “Me and her, were like uh. Siamese twins, and he’s a jackass” Dean scoffed as he pushed himself up from the bed.
“It’s conjoined twins!” “I’m not a jackass!” Y/N and Sam shouted simultaneously at Dean as he walked to the fridge, “See what I mean?” Dean quipped while looking at Bobby and Jo. Y/N rubbed her temples, tired of it all as Jo took in her attire. “What’s with the getup? You becoming a nun?” Jo asked curiously, nudging towards the hoodie and sunglasses.
“Her? A nun? Please.” Dean snorted amused as her sipped his beer he got from the fridge, throwing his head back as he laughed. “Go to hell!” Y/N growled, snatching a pillow from the bed before tossing it at him. This just made Dean cackle more, “We’ll get to that part” Y/N sighed, shaking her head. “Look, it…” Sam began, taking a deep breath before glaring at his brother from across the room.
“We’ve all just been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don’t worry about it” Sam sighed as Jo gave him a sympathetic look. “Okay” Jo said softly, resting her hand on his lap comfortingly. Sam blushed softly and looked away. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
‘Idiots’ she thought to herself.
Clearing her throat, “So, anyways. We figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime” Y/N began again.
Sam and Y/N’s version
The trio were at the Crawford Hall, “So, how long you been working here?” Sam asked the janitor who they convinced to let them in, disguised as electricians. Y/N’s eyes narrowed at the man’s throat, she could’ve sworn she saw a little white glow right at the base of his throat but it quickly disappeared. She blinked rapidly, shaking her head. Dismissing it as lack of sleep.
“I’ve been mopping this floor for six years” The janitor responded as he turned the key to the deceased office, pushing the door open. The room was dark, so he reached in and flipped the switch. “There you go, guys.” He sighed, walking in as Sam took out his EMF meter.
“What the heck that’s for?” He asked curiously. “Just finding wires in the walls” Y/N chuckled nervously, attempting to snatch the EMF meter away from Sam but he quickly pulled his hand away. “But my partner seems to forget that I can find them without that” She glared at Sam. He returned the glare before huffing. “Ah, well. I’m not sure why you’re wiring up the this office. Not gonna do the professor much good” The janitor shrugged as he leaned against the wall.
Y/N moved around the room, pressing her hand to the wall. Looking for any source of energy or spirit while Sam used the EMF meter just in case. “Why’s that?” Dean asked curiously, “He’s dead” The janitor said simply. “Oh, what happened?” Y/N asked, surprised, walking back over to them as Dean paced towards the desk. “He went out that window, right there” The janitor stated, leaning off the wall, pointing to the window.
“Yeah?” Sam asked, feigning surprise. “Were you working that night?” He questioned, “I’m the one who found him” The janitor stated again as Dean picked up one of the chocolates from the bowl on the professor's table, stuffing it into his mouth. Y/N raised her brow at him but shook her head, turning back to the two men. “You see it happen?” She asked, clearing her throat.
“Nope. I just saw him come up here and, uh…Well..” The janitor trailed off, a sly smile on his face. Sam and Y/N noticed this, sharing a look. “What?” Sam asked, a bit amused, “He wasn’t alone” The janitor explained, causing the two younger hunters to share a look again, putting in faux-amused and intrigued faces.
“Who was he with?” Dean mumbled, approaching them again. His mouth now stuffed with chocolates, the bowl in his hand, cheeks puffed like a bunny. Their eyes widened as Sam’s face paled at Dean’s unprofessionalism. Y/N internally facepalmed before roughly snatching the bowl away from Dean.
•Present Time
“Come on! I ate one, maybe two” Dean interrupted their story defensively, “Just let us tell it, okay?” Sam clapped back.
Sam and Y/N’s version
Dean grumbled at Y/N for snatching away the bowl from him as he chewed, his mouth still filled with the chocolates. “He was with a young lady” The janitor eyed him weirdly. Dean pumped his brows intrigued, “I told the cops about her, but, uh, I guess they never found her” The janitor shrugged.
“You saw this girl go in, huh?” Y/N asked, slapping away Dean’s hand that was reaching into the bowl. He winced, rubbing his sore hand but still stuffed the chocolate he retrieved into his already full mouth. Y/N glared at him, earning a smug smile. Sam glared at his brother before turning back to the janitor.
“Did you ever see her come out?” Sam asked, clearing his throat. “Now that you mention it, no” The janitor thought a bit before responding, “You ever see her before around?” Y/N asked as Dean reached into the bowl again, she slapped his hand away again but this time a bit more roughly. He winced once more, grumbling under his breath about her being ‘violent’ before stuffing his mouth again with the chocolate.
“Well, not her” The janitor said smugly, pumping his brows, giving them a knowing look. “What do you mean?” Dean asked through a stuffed mouth, Sam and Y/N glared at him again. “I don’t mean to cast aspersions on a dead guy…but, uh, Mr. Morality here?” The janitor snorted as Sam and Y/N listened intently.
Amused looks on their faces along with Dean who was still chewing, “He brought a lot of girls up here. Got more ass than a toilet seat” The janitor mused, causing Dean to let out a scandalous laugh. Attempting to take another chocolate from the bowl in Y/N’s hand.
“Hey!” Y/N snapped, smacking his hand again, making him sulk as Sam tried to keep a straight face. Dean huffed, crossing his arms as Y/N and the janitor continued their conversation, laughing at Dean like he was a child being disciplined.
“One more thing. Uh, this building, it only had four stories, right?” Sam asked, “Yeah” The janitor nodded, “So there wouldn’t be a Room 669?” Y/N asked, using her hand to barrier herself from Dean and the bowl of chocolates in her other hand, holding it out of his reach.
“Of course not. Why do you ask?” The janitor chuckled, “Ah, just curious” Sam brushed it off. “Thanks hun” Y/N said sweetly, resting the bowl of chocolates back down on the table as Dean eyed the room, obnoxiously chewing.
The next day, Dean entered the motel room, “Well, no traces of EMF, no feelings, that’s for sure” Sam said as Dean shut the door, Sam was currently hunched over the desk, rubbing his eyes. “And that Room 669 is a load of crap” Dean added, dropping their bag of food on the table. Sam let out a deep breath as Dean took out his phone to call y/n and tell her that he brought back breakfast.
“So, what do you think, the professor’s just a jumper?” Sam asked as Dean took three beers out from the fridge, his phone pressed to his ear. “I mean, the girl the janitor described, that’s pretty weird.” Dean grunted, opening his beer. Suddenly, his phone beeped as the voicemail picked up. “That’s weird,” Dean muttered.
“Yeah” Sam sighed, resting his elbow on the table. “We ought to check out the history of the building” Dean suggested, leaning against the counter, sipping his beer as Sam popped open his beer. “See if any coed ganked herself there” Dean added before resting his beer down on the counter, pacing towards the bathroom. “Yeah, right” Sam mumbled, opening his laptop placed on the desk.
His brows furrowed as he opened the screen to see it frozen on a very….provocative site. He then took up y/n’s computer, which was next to his. To see it frozen on the same site. “Dude, were you on me and y/n’s computers?” Sam bellowed, causing Dean to poke his head out from the bathroom door. “No” He denied, shaking his head. “Oh, really?” Sam scoffed.
“Because it’s frozen now on, uh, busty(your ethnicity)beauties.com?” Dean’s brows knitted together as he grimaced slightly, attempting to feign confusion but he was caught. He didn’t answer and suddenly, a womanly shriek came from y/n’s motel room, next to theirs. The brothers shared a confused look as they heard her door slam shut and feet padding down the hall, sounding rather angry.
“Speak of the devil,” Dean muttered before the room was filled with furious banging on their motel room door. Sam and Dean share a look before Sam groaned, shutting the laptops, moving to open the door. He swung it open to see a veryyy pissed y/n, steam was practically barreling out of her ears. But that wasn’t the only unusual thing, her hair was now a bright color of green and her eyebrows were nowhere to be seen.
Dean let out a bark of laughter as soon as his eyes landed on her, Sam just gaped in shock. “What happened?” Sam asked, clearly holding back any laughter that threatened to bubble. “WHICH ONE OF YOU JACKASSES DID THIS?!?” She shrieked, shoving Sam inwards by his chest before slamming their room door shut.
“What?!” Sam grunted, his back hitting the wall. Dean burst into another fit of laughter. The eldest Winchester held onto the end of the table to support himself as his laughter turned more hysterical.
“I’m gonna kill you, Dean!!” Y/N shouted furiously, charging at Dean. “Whoa, whoa!” Sam quickly grabbed her by her waist. Preventing her from taking a swing at Dean who was still laughing his ass off. “LET ME GO SAMUEL!!” She screamed, thrashing in Sam’s hold. “Hey, hey! Calm down!” Sam tried to calm her as he continued to have a tight grip on her.
The young hunter, still trying to wrestle her way out of his grasp. “Don’t tell me to calm down! HE TURNED MY HAIR GREEN AND SHAVED MY FUCKING EYEBROWS OFF!!!”
“Wha-?!” Sam gaped down at her, still keeping her from getting to his brother. His eyes darted over to Dean who’s laughing had now subsided, only leaving a few chuckles. “As much as I would love to take credit for this” He snorted, gesturing to her very funny appearance.
“I had nothing to do with this” He denied. “Then who did?!” Y/N hissed, still wriggling in Sam’s grip. Her arms thrashing to try and hit him. This just made Dean’s chuckles turn into laughs again. “You?!” She turned to Sam.
“No no no no” Sam immediately denied, eyes widening. The youngest Winchester looked absolutely offended that she would consider him a part of this crime. The sound of Dean’s laughter grew louder again.
“Then who did?!” Y/N repeated again, eyes bouncing between the brothers. Sam just shrugged, trying to control an amused smirk. Dean however was back to clutching the edge of the table, his face reddening as he laughed his ass off again.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Dean and attempted to lunge at him again for his laughing. “Stop!!” Sam exclaimed, grabbing her again. This time, he wrapped his arms completely around her. Using his weight to pin her against him, her back to his chest.
Dean let out another burst of cackles. “I’m gonna kill him!! Let me go!!” She shouted, struggling in his grip. Sam had to quickly put a large hand over her mouth, muffling her enraged threats. Her eyes balled over its flash of white and Sam’s eyes widened when he saw her hands brighten a light shade of aqua blue.
“Don’t you dare use that shit on me, L/N!” He grunted, holding her tightly.
•Present Time
As they explained the story to Jo and Bobby. Jo was cackling at the story as Bobby rolled his eyes at the kids, “So that’s why you’re suddenly a nun!” Jo laughed hysterically, slapping a hand on her knee as Y/N glared at her. “Haha, very funny” Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes. Sam shook his head at the two women, trying to hide his smile. Dean with an amused smile on his face, luckily, y/n didn’t see it because she would’ve lunged at him again.
“Do you know the damage this is gonna do to my hair?! And how long my eyebrows are gonna take to grow back?!” She exclaimed, pulling down the hoodie, taking off the glasses to reveal it again. “Who the hell did it though?” Bobby asked curiously. All the eyes in the room turned to Dean who immediately threw his hands up in surrender.
“I swear it wasn’t me” He held a pleading tone in his voice, trying to prove his innocence. Sam’s shoulders shook, a snicker of laughter threatening to come out of his mouth. But Y/N didn’t believe him, causing her glare to intensify.
Bobby let out a deep sigh, shaking his head. “Did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal coed?” He asked. “No. History’s clean” Sam shook his head, scratching the back of his neck. “Then it’s not a haunting” Jo added. “Nope. Definitely not. To tell you the truth, we’re not really sure” Y/N said honestly.
“What do you mean you’re not sure?” Bobby narrowed his eyes at them confused. “Well, it’s weird” Sam started as Dean and Y/N shrugged. “What’s weird?” Jo asked, leaning forward in her chair. “This next part, we, uh, didn’t see it happen ourselves exactly but….it’s pretty fucking weird. Even for us” Dean stated.
Dean then told the story about Curtis, the jock Sam interviewed in the bar. He explained that Curtis claimed to have been abducted by aliens when walking back to his dorm in the middle of the night. Stating that Curtis claimed he barely made it out alive.
“Aliens?!” Bobby and Jo exclaimed flabbergasted. “Yeah” Sam nodded, “Aliens?!” Bobby exclaimed again as Jo’s jaw hit the ground. “Yeah” Dean and Y/N said in unison, crossing their arms over their chests simultaneously. “Look, even if they are real. They’re such as hell not coming to Earth and swiping people” Bobby stated as if the fact was stupid.
“Hey, believe me. We know” Dean argued, “My whole life, I’ve never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It’s all just cranks and pranks” Bobby stated again. “Yeah, that’s what we thought” Sam said, “But, we figured we’d at least talk to the guy” Y/N added.
Sam, Dean and Y/N’s Version
Sam, Dean and Y/N were back at the bar, Curtis was sat infront of them with a line of shots. Knocking them back, looking disoriented and traumatized. “Hey, you gotta get those purple nurples a shot. Phew” Dean suggested, chuckling. This earned him a glare from Curtis, causing his amused smile to drop as Sam and Y/N cleared their throats.
“So, what happened, Curtis?” Y/N asked him gently, pressing her elbows to the table as she pushed up her sunglasses covering her eyebrow less eyes. He looked at her shyly, “You won’t believe me. Nobody does” He shrugged, his tone raspy as he folded his arms over his chest. “Give us a chance” Sam added softly, “I do not want this in the papers” He pointed firmly at Sam, a shot in his hand.
“Off the record then” Dean assured him, he hesitated for a second before tossing back another shot. Slamming it into the table, “I, uh….I blacked out and….” He began as Dean’s eyes glanced over to Sam and y/n, a unsure look playing in his features. “…and I lost time and when I woke up, I don’t know where I was” Curtis explained.
“And then what?” Y/N asked in a soft tone, offering him a small smile. “They did tests on me..” Curtis croaked, tearing up. “And, um..” He hesitated, picking up another shot before knocking it back down his throat. He took a deep breath, “They, um….They probed me”. All of their eyebrows shot up at this, Y/N’s jaw hitting the ground as Sam held back an amused smile, scratching the back of his head.
“They probed you?” Dean repeated, his brows knitting together. “Yeah, they probed me” Curtis nodded, his tone a bit angrier now. “Again and again and again, and….” He teared up, his voice cracking before knocking back another shot. Y/N’s jaw was still in the ground as Dean’s brows furrowed even more.
The three hunters gave each other unsure and amused looks, trying to bite back their smiles. All forcing serious faces, “And again and again, and again, and then one more time” Curtis slurred, putting up a finger. “Yikes” Y/N muttered, forcing her gaze on her hands, grimacing at the thought of getting probed.
“You know, that’s not even the worst part of it.” Curtis croaked, “How could it get any worse? I mean, some alien made you his bitch” Dean snorted, his words leaving his mouth before he could think. This earned him another glare from Curtis while y/n reached up and smacked the elder Winchester at the back of his head.
“Ow!” Dean exclaimed, reaching up to rub the spot Y/N hit. She shot him a warning look through her glasses, which he didn’t see but he already knew that look she always gave him whenever he couldn’t keep his trap shut, causing him to hold up his hands in surrender. Sam quickly cleared his throat, shifting his gaze to Curtis who was glaring at Dean with tear filled eyes.
“Curtis, forget about him. What’s the worst part?” Sam asked, giving Dean a side glare. “They…they made me slow dance” Curtis stammered.
‘Lady in Redddddd…is dancing with meee…cheek to cheek’
The music filled the room as Curtis awkwardly danced with the gray alien, half his height, under the sparkly disco ball. The alien wrapped its hands around Curtis’ waist, the jock stiff with feet as the extraterrestrial creature and he slowly danced to ‘The Lady In Red’ by Chris De Burgh.
‘There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me’
The alien looked up at Curtis, as if it was lovingly gazing at the jock, who was grimacing.
The trio gaped at Curtis, their lips parting as they tried to hold back their laughter from seeing this image in their heads. Y/N and Sam were holding back chuckles while Dean was biting his tongue, holding his mouth tightly shut. The three hunters bit their lips as Curtis explained the story. Sam and Y/N nodding understandably.
•Present Time
The trio was now sitting on the couch, Y/N sandwiched between the two Winchester brothers, her feet kicked up in the coffee table as she took a drag from her cigarette. “You guys are exaggerating again, huh?” Jo questioned as she and Bobby paced the room. “No” They all deadpanned in unison.
“Then this frat boy is just nuts” Bobby said unconvinced, “We’re not so sure” Dean shook his head.
Dean’s Version
They were in front of Crawford Hall, the crowd of students chattering, heading to classes as the hunters stared at the gaping round brown patch of grass in the middle of the ground, directly where Curtis said he got abducted. “I’m telling you, guys. This was made by some kind of jet engine” Sam insisted.
Y/N’s hands were buried in her hoodie pockets, tucking in a piece of her green hair into the dark hood. “What, you mean some saucer-shaped jet engine?” Dean scoffed. “Well, what else could it be?” Y/N retorted snippy. “What the fuck?” Dean muttered, “We don’t know” Sam sighed. “No, seriously, dude. What the fuck?” Dean grunted again, frustrated.
“We don’t know!” Y/N snapped, “I mean, first the fake haunting, now this? The timing alone, there’s gotta be some kind of connection here” Sam added, equally frustrated. “What, you mean, between the fake angry spirit and the sexed-up ET?” Dean sassed as Sam and Y/N shrugged. “What could the connection possibly be?” He scoffed.
•Present Time
“But what could we do? We just kept on digging” Dean stated before he continued his story.
Dean’s Version
“So, you and this guy Curtis, you’re in the same house?” Sam asked the young college boy, “Yeah” The guy nodded. “You heard of what happened to him, right?” Dean asked, “Yeah, he said it was aliens, but, you know, whatever” The guys shrugged. Y/N pouted at this as Sam sighed heavily, “Look, hun, I know this all has to be so hard..” She said sympathetically.
“Um, not so much” The guy shook his head, seemingly okay and nonchalant. “But I want you to know…” Sam cut in, glancing over at Y/N before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “We want you to know…we’re here for you” Sam flashed him his classic big puppy dog eyes as y/n nodded frantically in agreement, the guy looked around awkwardly
“You brave little soldier” Y/N cooed as tears welled up in both her and Sam’s eyes. “We acknowledge your pain” Sam added exasperatedly as the college boy looked freaked out by them, “Come here” Sam said before pulling the guy into a hug. Y/N placed a hand over her heart, doing the same. Giving the college boy a big group hug.
The college boy looked very confused as Dean stood off to the side, watching the hug and trying to hold back his laughter. “You’re too precious for this world” Sam grunted, taking a deep breath.
•Present Time
“We never said that!” Sam and Y/N exclaimed in unison, glaring at Dean. “Well, you two are always saying pansy stuff like that” Dean snorted as Bobby and Jo continued to look at them inquisitively.
Dean’s Version
Sam and Y/N were clutching onto the college boy, arms wrapped tightly around him as they breathed heavily, “Well, um….thanks. Thanks for the hug” The college boy mumbled awkwardly into y/n’s chest, which his head was buried in. “Yeah” Sam said, “Sure thing hun” Y/N smiled at him, letting go, her hand caressing his cheek.
“But, uh, I’m okay. Really” The boy assured them, Dean snorted from behind them, clearly holding back his laughter as Sam and Y/N shot another glare at him over their shoulders as Sam tapped the boy’s shoulder comfortingly. “To tell you the truth, Curtis. He had it coming” The boy said honestly, “Why's that?” Dean asked curiously.
“He’s our pledge master. Put us through hell this semester.” He explained, “Man, he got off on it. So now he knows how we feel” The boy said sadly as Sam and Y/N pouted, sympathizing with the boy. “Huh” Dean nodded. “It’s okay, sweetheart” Dean patted her and Sam’s shoulders comfortingly as tears sprung from their eyes.
“It still doesn’t make a lick of sense.” Dean grunted as they entered the motel room. “But hey, at least there’s one connection” Y/N said optimistically as Dean stripped his jacket off. “Between what?” Sam asked, “The victims. The professor and the frat guy” Dean added as he sat on the chair near the table along with y/n and Sam settled on the bed. “They’re both dicks,” Dean snorted, tossing his feet up and Y/N’s lap.
“That’s a connection?” Sam huffed, “You got anything better to go on, we’d love to hear it” Y/N retorted as Sam dug through his laptop bag. “Where’s my laptop?” He asked, shooting an accusatory look at Dean. “I don’t know” Dean mumbled as Y/N raised her brows. She tossed his feet off roughly and began looking for her own as Dean rambled on.
“I mean, think about it. A philandering professor gets a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed.” Dean continued as the room was being littered with tossed pillows, mattresses and cushions, all discarded in a mess as Y/N and Sam searched for their laptops. “I left our laptops in here,” Sam grunted. “I mean, you guys obviously didn’t” Dean stated back, y/n rolled her eyes at him before continuing to look.
Stripping off her hoodie, her green hair bunched up in a bun. Dean held back a laugh again at the sight as she placed the sunglasses back on her face to cover her eyebrow less eyes. “I mean, these punishments, they’re almost poetic. Actually, it’d be more of a limerick, but still-” Dean muttered as Y/N tossed a pillow angrily at him, knocking him square in his stomach.
“Oww” Dean muttered, holding his stomach as Y/N narrowed her eyes through the lenses of her glasses, giving him another glare. “Okay, hilarious. Ha, ha. Where’d you hide them?” Sam deadpanned at Dean. “What? Your computers?” Dean asked, confused. “Yeah. Where’d you hide them?” Y/N huffed, her fists clenching at her sides. “Why would I take your computers?!” Dean yelled at them.
“Because no one else could have, Dean!” Sam shouted back. “We keep the door locked. We never let any maids in!” Y/N added, “Looks like you lost it then Poindexter” Dean smirked. Her fists clenching tighter at her sides. Her irritation grew as Dean and Sam continued to argue. As Sam ran his tongue along his top teeth, annoyance and anger pumping through his veins.
“Dude, you know something. We put up with a lot from you!” Sam shouted at the two. “What are you talking about? I’m a joy to be around” Dean retorted smugly. “Yeah? Your dirty socks in the sink?!” Y/N yelled in a motherly tone, “Your food in the fridge!” Sam added angrily, “What's wrong with my food?” Dean mumbled, furrowing his brows.
“It’s not food anymore, Dean. It’s Darwinism!” Sam retorted, “I like it,” Dean shrugged. “You know, all we ask from you, the one thing, is that you don’t mess with our stuff!!” Y/N growled, her fists clenching at her sides as her nostrils flared. Dean smirked at her, his eyes narrowed in amusement, “You done, She-Hulk?” He quipped.
Y/N was about to say something else when Dean’s nickname for her caught her off guard. She stood there for a moment, blinking furiously as her face began reddening. Her clenched hands trembled at her sides, her fists beginning to turn white from how tightly she was clenching her hands. She could feel the heat rising from the tip of her feet to her head, her face contorting in anger.
“Why you-!” She yelled between clenched teeth as she tried to launch herself at the snarky, smirking hunter. Sam managed to quickly grab her by the sides, holding her back before she could lay a finger on his brother, who honestly, kinda deserved to get his ass kicked for that.
“Whoa!” Sam exclaimed, holding Y/N back by the arms. Grabbing them tightly, holding her arms to her sides as she attempted to break free from his tight grip. “Ugh! I hate you so much!” She snarled at Dean. “Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows, a cocky, irritating, and smug look on his face.
“Right back at ya, She-Hulk” He replied, his smirk not faltering as he continued to taunt her. Her eyes went white, “LET ME GO SAMUEL!! LET ME FUCK THIS SHITHEAD UP!” Y/N struggled in Sam’s grip, his hand was wrapped tightly around her waist. “No can do,” Sam replied firmly, still holding a tight grip on her.
“You might murder him if I let you go” He muttered, struggling to keep her still as she continued to thrash about in his grip. “Uh oh” Sam mumbled when he saw her hands changing color, her fingers twitching as the palms in her hands turned completely blue. He tightened his grip at her waist, “Y/N, stop trying to use your powers!” Sam warned her, his tone firm.
•Present Time
Dean, Y/N, Sam and Jo were all now sitting by the table. Jo and Y/N in the middle while Dean sat next to Y/N and Jo sat next to Sam. Y/N and Dean had their beers in their hands while Jo and Sam placed theirs on the table. “Did you take their computers?” Bobby asked, standing in front of the four young hunters, his hands buried in his pockets.
“Serves ‘em right, but no” Dean mumbled, “Well we didn’t lose it, because we don’t lose things!” Sam defended. “Oh, that’s right, yeah, because they’re Mr. Perfect and Mrs. Perfect” Dean sassed, causing Jo, Sam and Y/N to cringe in disgust. “Okay, okay. Why don’t you just tell me what happened next?” Bobby cut off their squabble.
“There was one more victim,” Dean began. “Right. Now, we didn’t see this one ourselves either.” Y/N added. “Yeah. We kinda put it together from evidence, but this guy, he was, uh..a research scientist. Animal testing” Sam chimed in. “Oh my god” Jo gasped, her heart hurting. “Yeah” Y/N frowned, placing her hand on Jo’s comfortingly.
“Yeah, you know, a dick. Which fits the pattern” Dean added. He then explained how the scientist was found in literal chewed pieces. “Cops didn’t release a cause of death because they had no clue what the cause was” Y/N added, “So, we checked it out ourselves” Sam stated.
Sam, Dean and Y/N snuck into the morgue. Sam stuck his knife between the louvers, pushing the lock aside. After getting it unlocked, the younger Winchester crawled through the window. Y/N followed behind, receiving a helpful boast from Dean. His hands gripped the sides over her hips, lifting her up into the window. She stumbled forward, her foot knocking over a couple of trash cans.
Luckily, she had managed to be quick enough to hold the cans in place before she could make too much noise. Y/N shot a look at the brothers, who were holding back their laughter. “Shut up” She hissed at them before turning on her flashlight.
Dean latched the window as y/n made her way over to the body fridges. Opening one of the chambers to reveal a bin. “This ought to be quick” She mumbled, grimacing as she put her flashlight away. Sam flashed his inwards as she reached in, retrieving the bin.
The bin was heavy as Y/N managed to haul it up, setting it down on a table with a loud thump. The smell of death immediately hit them all as soon as y/n peeled the blood soaked blue sheet the bin. “Bleh!” Y/N exclaimed, struggling not to gag, “Gross” Dean grimaced when they saw the bin was filled with the deceased man’s body parts.
Both Winchester boys groaned in disgust. “Okay. That is just nasty” Dean commented as Sam and Y/N covered their noses, “Uh, yeah” Sam grunted, trying not to puke. “You know, I really hate my life sometimes” Y/N said, trying to hold back the urge to puke as she forced herself to get closer to the chomped on body.
She grimaced as she started examining the body parts, her eyes scanning it as she turned it in different directions, trying to look at all the pieces. Y/N’s lips curled downward as she leaned in, “Looks to me like something was hungry” She stated.
“They identify him yet?” Dean asked, “Yeah, a research assistant at the college” Sam answered, his face contorting in more disgust as Y/N leaned in. “Guess where his office was, by the way,” He added. “Mm?” Y/N hummed in question. “Crawford Hall, same as the professor” Sam stated. “That’s right where the frat boy had his close encounter” Y/N mumbled, her eye zooming in on something familiar that was on the part.
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. “Hey, grab me that thing, would you sweetie?” Y/N said to Dean, pointing to the large magnifying glass. “Yeah, sure, thing,” Dean said as he grabbed the magnifier, handing it to her. Y/N took it mumbling a quick, “Thanks” and looked back into the bin, studying more of the body parts.
The brothers both stood behind her, trying to look over her shoulder, watching intently to see what she was looking at. “What is it?” Sam asked, “See for yourself” She handed him the magnifying glass. “That looks like a…a belly scale?” Sam's brows shot up. “That’s what I was thinking” Y/N agreed.
“A belly scale? From what?” Dean asked, confused and surprised. “Uh…an alligator?” Sam mumbled. “An alligator in the sewer? Come on” Dean scoffed. “What? Well, Dean, it’s a classic urban legend” Y/N defended, pushing her glasses up further. “Yeah, a kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet and it grows huge in the tunnels” Sam agreed.
“Yeah, but no one’s really ever found one. They’re not real” Dean shook his head. “Well, neither is alien abduction but something chomped on this guy” Y/N stated as Dean shook his head in bewilderment again. “This couldn’t get any weirder” Dean grumbled. “Maybe we should get some help. I’ll call Bobby. Maybe he’s run into something like this before” Sam sighed.
“Oh, I’m sure he has. Just your typical fake haunted-campus, alien abduction, alligator-in-a-sewer gig” Dean sassed, causing y/n to snort in amusement.
•Present Time
“We decided to search the sewer anyway. So we split up. Each taking different ends of the campus” Y/N told Bobby and Jo. “Did you find anything?” Jo asked, sipping her beer. “Yeah, I found something. Just not in the sewer” Dean quipped, glaring at Y/N who rolled her eyes again.
Dean’s Version
Dean grunted heavily as he pushed the metal cover for the sewer upwards. Police sirens and the honking of car horns filled his ears as he pushed himself up, crawling out back into civilization.
Dean bent the corner to where he parked Baby, his heart sank, anger pumping through his veins when he saw that all her tires were aired out. “Son of a bitch!” Dean cursed as he walked closer, to the side of the back tire, was a pack of Dunhill cigarettes. He reached down and grabbed it, his jaw clenching as he tucked his bottom lip into his mouth. “Y/N!!!” He shouted.
Sam and Y/N were in his motel room, Sam was reading a book while Y/N laid sprawled out on Dean’s bed. She laid on her stomach, her legs bent so her ankles were crossed as her bare feet remained in the air. The hoodie didn’t help the heat of the day so she was currently in her regular attire, her green hair out in the open but the sunglasses still framed her face.
She was flipping through a Playboy magazine as she hummed along to the song ‘Can’t Fight This Feeling’ softly. The motel room door opened, both Sam and Y/N’s eyes flickered to it to see Dean, “Find anything?” Y/N asked casually, he narrowed his gaze at her. “You think this is funny?” He growled, slamming the door shut.
“Depends. What?” She asked confused, closing the magazine and sitting up. Dean mumbled sarcastically before shouting, “The car!” As he walked over to her, stopping right in front of her. She tilted her head as she met his cold gaze. “What about the car?” She asked again, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You can’t let the air out of the tires, you idiot. You’re gonna bend the rims!” Dean yelled, “Woah, wait a minute” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head, pushing herself from the bed. “I didn’t go near Baby.” She stated firmly. Sam’s eyebrows snapped together as his eyes darted back and forth between the two. He sat the book down and quickly shot up from his seat.
“Hey, hey, hey, guys, calm down” Sam interjected, holding his hands up. Dean ignored him, “Oh yeah, huh. Then, how’d I find this?” Dean scoffed as he fished out the pack of cigarettes he found next to Baby, holding it up to her face. Her heart sank, quickly checking her pockets before turning back to Dean, who’s back was now facing the bed.
“Hey, give me back my cigarettes” She put her hand out calmly, Dean chuckled, shaking his head. “Oh, no. No. Consider it reparations for, uh, emotional trauma” Dean sassed. “You don’t even smoke!” Y/N exclaimed, balling up her fist as Sam walked over to the two, standing in between them. “That’s my last pack too! Now give it back!” She complained again.
Causing Dean to let out another chuckle, his eyes narrowing at her in the process as he stripped his jacket off. Y/N moved around Sam and tried to snatch it away from him before he smacked her arm away gently. “No!” He huffed. She gritted her teeth at him. “First you turn my hair green, shave my eyes off and now you’re blaming me for hurting Baby?!” She scoffed angrily.
“Dean, I have had it up to here with you!” She growled, gesturing to his height with her hand. “Yeah, well right back at you She-Hulk!” Dean shouted back, she scoffed, shaking her head before attempting to snatch it away again before Dean flicked his arm back. Y/N missed again, nearly crashing into Sam. “Damnit Dean, if you don’t give back my cigarettes, I’ll kick your ass!” She threatened, narrowing her gaze.
“Yeah, like you can,” Dean mocked, shaking his head as he smirked widely, finding her amusing. She narrowed her eyes at him again, not God himself could stop her this time. So she jumped him, quickly gripping onto his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his waist.
Attacking the elder Winchester, sending him tumbling backwards into the bed, his back hitting the bed first. Her hands gripped his wrists as she tried to get the pack from him, “Give it to me, you asshat!” Y/N shouted as she pinned his wrists on either side of his head. Dean grunted, his body lying flat against the bed, Y/N now straddling him as he struggled in her grip.
When I imagined her jumping me, this is NOT what I pictured. Dean thought to himself.
“Stop it! Stop it you two!” Sam exclaimed as he snaked his arms around Y/N’s waist, trying to pry her off of Dean. “Just give it to her, Dean!” Sam yelled above the sound of the struggling. “No way!” Dean shouted back firmly, squirming under her. “Get off of me you nutcase!!”
Y/N kept a tight grip on his wrists, her thighs squeezing his hips. She ignored him and Sam’s words as she continued to fight for his grasp, “You’re such a dick, Winchester! Just gimme my damn cigarettes back! I had nothing to do with your car!” She shouted back in his face.
Dean grunted, trying to buck his hips to loosen her grip, but it didn’t work as she only responded by squeezing her thighs tighter around him. Sam still attempted to pry her off but she quickly pushed him away, sending it tumbling next to Dean as they continued wrestling.
He hit the bedframe with a loud, “Oof!” Knocking his head into the wooden frame. “Get Off Me!” Dean shouted in her face as he tried to push himself up from the bed, but found it rather difficult as she continued holding him down by his wrists, “Not until you give me back my last pack of cigarettes, you asshat!” She shouted in his face.
God, I’m mad at her right now, why does she have to smell so good? Dean thought to himself as her face was merely inches from his.
Damnit. He’s so hot, even when he’s being such a pain in the ass. Y/N’s mind said as she found it hard to focus on her task, the smell of his cologne and shampoo filling her nostrils as she straddled him.
•Present Time
“Okay, I’ve heard enough” Bobby cut into their story, already knowing what’s going on as Jo laughed her ass off. “If Sam wasn’t there, she would’ve dragged you dude!” Jo cackled. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Dean grumbled, refusing to look at anyone as if he was embarrassed, which everyone knew that he was.
Sam let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his head besides Jo as Y/N snickered next to Dean. “Anyway, you two showed up about an hour after that” Dean changed the topic, gesturing between Bobby and Jo. “I’m surprised at you kids, I really am” Bobby scoffed like a disappointed parent, “Sam, Y/N. First off, Dean did not steal your computers.” Bobby stated.
“But I- There’s-!” Sam and Y/N tried to defend himself but Bobby put his hand out. “Shhh” He shushed them as Dean grinned triumphantly. “And Dean did not do…that.. to your head or your eyebrows” Bobby turned to Y/N pointing to her hair and sunglasses. “But I-!“ Y/N tried to defend herself again.
“I said shush, young lady” Bobby stopped her again as he pointed a thick finger at Y/N who huffed as she sank back into her chair. “And Dean, Y/N did not touch your car” Bobby stated firmly to Dean, who rolled his eyes. “Yeah!” Y/N scoffed, glaring at Dean. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, boy” Bobby stated to Dean sternly before looking at the three of them again.
“Y’all are family, you need to stop acting like children or I’ll kick all of y’all’s asses, ya understand?” He questioned, staring at the trio until they nodded in unison as Jo tucked her lips into her mouth to stop herself from laughing. “And as for you, Joanna Beth.” Bobby now turned his gaze to Jo.
“Stop encouraging them!” He demanded, pointing at her sternly. “But I just got here!” Jo defended, putting her hands up in surrender. “Don’t try to weasel your way out of this one, young lady” Bobby stated firmly before crossing his arms over his chest, causing her mouth to snap shut and her to sink in her seat, mirroring y/n’s actions.
“And if you three bothered to pull your heads out of your asses, it all would’ve been pretty clear” Bobby sassed them all. “What?” Dean raised a confused brow, “What you’re dealing with” Bobby stated as if it’s obvious but they all still looked confused. “Uh…” Sam muttered stumped, “I got nothing” Dean admitted with a grunt. “Me neither” Y/N mumbled, “Amen” Jo agreed.
“You got a trickster on your hands” Bobby revealed, rolling his eyes. Dean snapped his fingers, pointing at the veteran hunter. “That’s what I thought” He chuckled, lying through his teeth. “What? No you didn’t!” Sam, Jo and Y/N yelled in unison, side eyeing the elder Winchester. “Well, I gotta tell ya, you guys were the biggest clue” Bobby snorted, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked. “These things create chaos and mischief as easy as breathing. And it’s got you so turned around and at each other's throats, you can’t even think straight” Bobby explained as realization dawned on them. “The laptop” Sam muttered, “The tires” Dean added, “My hair” Y/N pouted.
“It knows you’re into him. And it’s been playing you three like fiddles” Bobby stated as they all shook their heads in shame. “So, what is it? Wha- can’t be a spirit or a demon. Then what is it?” Jo asked. “Well, more like demigods, really” Bobby sighed, burying his hands in his pockets. All of their eyes popped out of their heads as he continued.
“There’s Loki in Scandinavia, there’s Anansi in West Africa. Dozens of them. They’re immortal and they can create things out of thin air. Things as real as you and me. Make them vanish just as quick.” Bobby further reiterated. “You mean, like an angry spirit or an alien, or an alligator, or…” Dean gestured to y/n’s head. “That” He bit back a chuckle as Y/N glared at him.
Dean cleared his throat, “The victims fit the m.o. too” Bobby nodded. “Tricksters target the high and the mighty. Knock ‘em down a peg, usually with a sense of humor. Deadly pranks, things like that” Bobby added as they all nodded, “Bobby, what do these things look like?” Y/N asked.
“Lots of things, but human mostly” Bobby shrugged, thinking for a second as he paced the room. Realization dawned in Dean and y/n, both sharing a look. “And what human do we know who’s been at ground zero this whole time?” Dean asked knowingly, turning to Sam. His mouth creases into a frown in confusion before it dawned on him also, rolling his eyes.
“That fucking janitor” Sam grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Jo raised her brow at him as Dean and Y/N nodded.
Later that day, Sam, Jo, Dean and Y/N disguised themselves as electricians again. “Sorry I’m dragging a little ass today, guys” The Trickster apologized as he locked the door to the storage compartment. “I haven’t seen you before” He smiled at Jo. “I’m a trainee” Jo smiled tightly, “Okie-dokie” The Trickster smirked before turning to Y/N.
She still had her sunglasses on but left her hair out in the open, “I like your style, peanut” He smirked at y/n mischievously, gesturing to her hair. “Thanks, a friend of mine chose it” Y/N smiled tightly, gritting her teeth as she glared at the trickster through her glasses.
“You probably had quite the night last night” Jo chimed in, pointing to her neck, indicating the red spot on the Trickster's neck as they walked up the stairs. “Lots of sex, you get it” He winked at Jo over his shoulder, causing her to grimace along with y/n. Sam and Dean mirrored their expressions as they walked behind them up the stairs.
“Yeah, hard not to. Listen, we won’t be long. We just need to check a couple of offices up on three.” Dean chimed in, “No problem” The trickster rolled his eyes, Jo shot Sam a look over her shoulders, indicating to put the plan in action. “Oh, damn, I, uh, forgot something in the truck.” Sam facepalmed himself, “Not again” Jo shook her head, “You know what. We’ll catch up with you guys.” She turned to Dean and Y/N.
“Okay” Dean shrugged as Y/N nodded. The trickster eyed them suspiciously before shrugging, Dean and Y/N following behind him again as Sam and Jo made their way down the stairs.
Jo was picking the lock to the storage unit that the trickster was locking up earlier. “Come on” Sam coaxed, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. “Just give me a damn second” Jo grumbled, fiddling with the lock pick. “Hurry up” Sam urged, “You rushing me is not helping, Sammy. Shut up” Jo shushed him.
This earned an eyeroll from the younger Winchester as he held back the urge to correct her by saying, ‘It’s Sam’ but he let it be, oddly liking her calling him Sammy. The lock finally opened with a click. “See” She smirked, “Now, let’s see if we can find something that can end this bastard” She muttered as Sam nodded.
Sam pushed open the door, cringing at the creaking sound it made as they both stepped into the small storage area. Files and boxes of supplies were stacked along the walls, a few boxes sat in the middle of the room. There were a line of lockers on one side, so Jo immediately started searching through them thoroughly.
Her eyes widened when she found a newspaper labeled, ‘Aliens Abduct Cheerleaders’, she let out a scoff before handing the paper to Sam. Taking the paper out of her hands, Sam scrunched up his face a little as he read the headline. “Wow” He let out jokingly as he shook his head, scanning the article.
“Just because he reads the Weekly World News, doesn’t mean he’s our guy” Sam argued as the four hunters made their way down the stairs leading up to the college entrance. “Yeah, I mean. You guys read it too” Jo defended Sam’s point. “We’re telling you, it’s him,” Dean shook his head.
“Look, we just think we need some hard proof. That’s all” Jo protested, gesturing between her and Sam. “Okay, another thing Bobby mentioned was that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect. Alright? A real sweet tooth” Y/N shot back, narrowing her eyes at Jo, crossing her arms over her chest as she stepped closer to her.
“Well, we didn’t find any candy bars or sugar. Not even equal” Sam retorted, “Yeah, that’s probably because you two missed something” Dean rolled his eyes. “We don’t miss things” Sam gritted his teeth. “Oh, right. Because you two at Mr. Perfect and Mrs. Perfect” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head as she chuckled dryly.
“Hey, nobody’s perfect,” Jo admitted, raising her hands in defense. “It's just, you two have a very…violent way of dealing with things” She chuckled as she looked between Y/N and Dean, who rolled his eyes again. “Excuse me, bitch” Y/N growled at Jo, clenching her jaw as the Trickster peered through the windows, having a front row seat of their ‘fight’.
“What did you just call me?” Jo challenged as she stepped closer to Y/N, who mirrored her steps. “You heard me” Y/N snapped as they now stood chest to chest, their faces inches apart as they scowled at each other. “Girls, girls! That's enough!” Sam stepped between them, holding a hand on each chest, pushing them away.
“How can you two still be pissed at me for what the Trickster did?!” Sam scowled at Dean and Y/N. “Oh, come on, man. You've been a tight ass long before that trickster showed up” Dean shot back. “It’s that you’re so damn serious all the time!” Y/N pointed a finger at Sam before crossing her arms once again, narrowing her eyes at him.
“He doesn’t have a stick up his ass, you two just love picking fights!” Jo defended Sam, tiptoeing to shout over Sam’s shoulders, who was using his hand as a barrier to separate the heated women. Y/N threw her head back laughing at this, “Oh, I’m sure you'd like to pull something out of his behind” Y/N retorted as she sneered.
Making Dean choke back a snort of laughter, resulting in Sam turning around and glaring at him instead. Jo feigned a look of rage, attempting to lunge at Y/N, she instantly reacted, attempting to lunge at Jo but both Winchester boys quickly held the girls back.
“Come on, you Sherk looking slut!” Jo shouted, thrashing in Sam’s arms. “Anytime, you skinny-ass skank!” Y/N yelled, jerking in Dean’s arms, trying to wiggle from Dean’s grasp who struggled to keep her in place.
Sam’s body was practically pressed up against Jo’s back, his arms around her as best he could, making him a little flustered while Dean had to bend down, wrapping his arms tightly around Y/N’s waist, his chest against her back. He hated to admit that he felt a little bit of excitement when she squirmed against him.
“Hey, hey, hey! You guys need to chill the hell out!” Sam scolded them, trying to keep Jo from lashing out. His heart was beating out of his chest as Jo’s back was pressed flush against him, he was sure he felt it while Y/N tried to kick, elbow and punch Dean off of her.
“Why don’t you put me down, jackass?!” Y/N yelled over her shoulder, trying to swing a kick behind her to hit him in the shins, but it came across as a weird backward hip jerk, and she let out a snarl in frustration. “Calm. Down. Now.” Dean grunted as he struggled to hold her thrashing body in place, he tapped her hip, indicating that the Trickster was watching and the plan was working.
He shot Sam a quick wink, telling him with his eyes to do the same to Jo. “Hey, relax” Sam murmured to Jo, his breath tickling the back of her ear. A shiver ran down her spine but she fought the urge to melt at that, but this was her signal. Both women calmed down subsequently, sharing a quick sly look before Sam turned back in the act.
“Look, you two just stay here. Keep an eye on the janitor. Well go to his place, see if we can find any actual evidence before you two go bathing in and staking the man!” Sam huffed, trying to remain calm. Dean and Y/N rolled their eyes at this, their arms were still wrapped around the girls however, “Just wait till we get back” Jo spat.
“Yeah, you better come back with something good this time” Y/N added, shooting Sam a challenging glare. Sam rolled his eyes before finally releasing his hold on Jo, gently dragging her away. Dean loosened his grip on Y/N, allowing her to pull herself from his embrace.
The Trickster's gaze remained on Dean and Y/N who made their way into the building, his eyes tracing Sam and Jo, who were hopping into the Impala.
“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Jo questioned cautiously, giving Sam a wary glance. “They’ll be fine, angel,” Sam assured her with a small smile before putting the Impala in drive. Jo felt her heart flutter as Sam called her an angel, she tried to fight back the smile that was creeping at the corner of her lips as she ducked her head down as she smiled at his words, hoping he didn’t see how flustered his little nickname for her made her feel.
It was now nightfall, Dean was pacing outside the building, both growing impatient, still waiting on Sam and Jo to get back as Y/N sat on the stairs, smoking a cigarette. “They’re taking too long” Y/N spoke up, blowing out a thin tendril of smoke. Dean stopped in his tracks, looking down at Y/N, who was sitting on the bottom stair, puffing away.
He sighed and sat down next to her, gesturing for her to pass him the bud. Taking it from her, he placed it between his lips and inhaled the smoke. The tension between them was thick as he let the smoke pass through his lips, trying to ignore the heat of her body so close to him. She glanced over at him, taking a moment taking in his profile, her eyes tracing his face and body before he caught her staring.
“Screw this” Y/N muttered, fixing her sunglasses, running a hand through her green hair before pushing herself up from the stairs. Then grabbing Dean’s hand. He didn’t protest, instead he followed behind her as she dragged him into the building:
The two padded down the staircase, flashing their lights down the dark hall, their footsteps heavy on the wooden case. Their lights flashed over the door to the room Sam and Jo investigated earlier. Heading back up the stairs, they huffed in annoyance. Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration as she handed Dean her flashlight.
She took out the wooden stake from her jacket, then suddenly, ‘Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love’ by Barry White started playing from a distance. The two shared a startled look, “The fuck…” Dean muttered. Y/N shrugged before stuffing the stake back into her jacket. They both followed the sound, making sure to glance over their shoulders.
The music led them to the college’s auditorium. All the stage lights were shining onto the stage where a round bed was in the middle. Along with two gorgeous, sexy and seductive model looking women laid to the sides. Dressed in red lingerie, shooting lustful gazes at Dean and Y/N. “It doesn’t seem to me like it’s enough” The sensual music blared.
Dean and Y/N shared an inquisitive look as her eyes flicker up to the disco ball and back down to the two women. “What the hell?” She mouthed to Dean as they inched closer, but Dean just shook his head, giving a brief shrug, just as confused as she was.
The two sexy women looked at them, the corners of their lips curled into a smile as they sat up from the bed. “We’ve been waiting for you Dean and Y/N” One of the women purred, both crawling to the edge of the bed. They shared a perplexed look before looking back at the women. Dean turned to Y/N, “Y-you guys aren’t real” He stuttered.
The women’s grins grew wider as they leaned back on their hands, giving the hunters full view of their bodies, “Trust me sugars, it’s gonna feel real” The other woman responded in a sultry tone, warning a nervous chuckle from Dean. A shiver ran down Y/N’s spine as she let her eyes wander over both women, they were very much her type, but they were clearly being set up.
“Come on, sexy. Let us give you a massage” One of the women said in a lustful tone, biting her lip. Y/N chuckled, her eyes lingering over the model’s body. The women didn’t hesitate to drink in Dean and Y/N’s bodies themselves. “Wha..” Dean’s mouth was dry, his eyes flickering back to Y/N as he gulped.
“You know, I’m a sucker for a happy ending. Really, I am but, we’re gonna have to pass” Y/N snorted in amusement, shaking her head as she tore her gazes away from the women, hating the fact that she had to pass. “Even to me?” A deep voice besides the women said, the voice was revealed to be Randy Orton, a long time celebrity crush is y/n.
Y/N did a double take as her breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened in shock when she recognized the voice. She bit her inner cheek, holding back the urge to squeal as she tried to keep her cool demeanor intact as her eyes roamed over his shirtless, muscular torso as her heart thrummed in her chest.
Dean’s head snapped towards the man so fast that he almost got whiplash doing so. His green eyes wide as he recognized the celebrity as he swallowed. His gaze darkened as Y/N’s gaping look, “They’re not real, y/n. He’s not real” Dean grunted, his nostrils flaring, that familiar burning feeling rising in his chest again.
Y/N couldn’t take her eyes off the man’s body, his muscles flexing perfectly, making her bite her lip as she fought the urge to salivate when her tongue snaked out to lick the corner of her lips.
She felt her knees growing a bit weaker, a warm, fluttery feeling stirring in her lower core. She forced her eyes to look away as she shifted on her feet slightly. “I-I know he’s not real” She muttered breathlessly to Dean. “They’re a peace offering” A familiar voice behind them said, they snapped their heads behind them to see the Trickster sitting in one of the rows nearby.
“I know what you two, your brother and his girlfriend do” The Trickster smirked, tossing his feet up on one of the seats, leaning back into the chair. “I’ve been around a while, run into your kind before” He grinned, “Well, then you know I can’t just let you keep hurting people” Dean quipped back.
“Before we get into that” Y/N snapped, glaring at the Trickster, she snatched off her glasses and pointed to her green head. “Fix.This.Shit.” She demanded firmly. A low chuckle left the Trickster’s lips as he took in Y/N’s appearance. He gave her a once over, eyeing the jeans that hung off her hips, the tight black leather leather jacket layering the red flannel that clung to her chest, with the dark brown top underneath and combat boots.
“Oh I don’t know, you look pretty hot like this, dollface” He chuckled as he looked down at her with a smirk. Tucking his lips into his mouth as he took in the green hair and browless eyes which he caused. “Fix it, dick!” Y/N yelled. The Trickster’s green eyes moved over to her fuming face, he chuckled again as he tilted his head.
His eyes flicked back to Dean, who’s gaze was glued to her. His jaw clenching slightly before he shot a glare at the trickster. He looked back at Y/N with a playful yet mischievous smile, “Ohhh, you’re even hotter when mad. That little catfight was sexy, I must say” He teased. He snapped his fingers.
“There, you’re welcome” He said with a smirk, and just like that, her hair was back to normal, and her eyebrows grew back. Her fingers instantly moved to feel her hair, the familiar shade and texture greeted her touch as she ran her fingers through the strands. Her hand moved to her face as she traced over her now newly returned eyebrows, a sigh of relief left her lips.
Dean’s shoulders sagged with relief as he watched Y/N’s hands move over her face, silently thanking the trickster for restoring her looks. The Trickster winked at her, “Anyway, back to topic. Come on, guys” He groaned. “Those people got what was coming to them. Hoisted on their own petards” He mused, pointing his finger upwards.
“But, you two, Sam and Jo….I like you. I do.” The Trickster smiled, pointing at them, their eyes flickered back to the women and Randy Orton. The Apex Predator shot y/n a sly lustful wink, a cocky smirk spreading across his face. Y/N bit her lip as a small shiver ran down her spine, her cheeks flushed as she felt a tingly sensation spread in the pit of her stomach.
She shifted on her feet again, trying to maintain her composure and not react to Randy, who was still looking very much real and very much half naked. Dean, on the other hand, was starting to grow agitated by the sight of Orton. His jaw clenched again as jealousy seethed through him at the sight of the man looking at her like that.
“So treat yourselves, as long as you want” The Trickster offered in an enticing tone. “Just long enough for me to move on to the next town” He added, pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket. “Yeah, I don’t think we can let you do that” Dean clicked his tongue, glaring at the trickster. “I don’t wanna hurt you two. And you know that I can” The Trickster shrugged, ripping open the chocolate bar before biting into it.
“Look, man. I gotta tell you, I dig your style. Alright? I mean…” Y/N chuckled, pointing to Orton and the women before letting out a low whistle. Dean rolled his eyes at this, running his tongue along his top teeth. “..I do, I mean, phew. And the slow dancing alien?” She giggled, nudging Dean by his arm to laugh along.
He did exactly that, clutching his stomach as he and the Trickster threw their heads back laughing. “One of my personal favorites. Yeah” The Trickster snorted, fanning himself as he bragged. “But, we can’t let you go,” Dean added calmly. “Too bad. Like I said, I liked you two. Sam and Jo were right, you shouldn’t have come alone” The Trickster smirked, his tone dark.
Dean and Y/N exchange a sly look at this, “Well, I’ll agree with you there, sugarbear” Y/N mused in a mocking sweet tone. The Tricksters smirk flattered when suddenly the doors at the top of the auditorium opened. Revealing Sam and Jo through one door and then Bobby through another. All wielding wooden stakes.
A cocky smirk crept across Y/N’s lips as her eyes watched the look of surprise on the trickster’s face when the other hunters marched closer. Her eyes flicked to Randy Orton and the women, who were still sitting on the bed, watching the scene unfold.
“You were saying?” She teased, tilting her head to the side in a mock gesture. Bobby’s eyes narrowed on the trickster, clutching a shotgun in his arms and a wooden stake resting in his palm. He turned back to Dean and Y/N, looking impressed. “So, that hot catfight you two had, that was a trick?” The Trickster raised his brows at them. Dean and Y/N shrugged as Jo and Y/N shared a sly smile.
“Guilty as charged” Jo snorted, a smug smile spreading across her face as her eyes darted to Y/N. Y/N smirked and gave her a wink back, Jo returned the sly wink to her friend. “Hmm..Not bad” He admitted, nodding impressed at the two women. Meanwhile, Dean had his eyes locked firmly on Randy Orton, his eyes narrowing at him.
He watched the man’s gaze linger over Y/N, as if sizing her up. Y/N then pulled out the wooden stake from her jacket, Dean pulling out his own. “But you wanna see a real trick?” He smirked at them, he snapped his finger and suddenly, the sound of a chainsaw revving started sounding behind Jo and Sam. Startling them both, they turned, eyes wide to see Jason Voorhees, wielding a chainsaw at them.
Sam instinctively tackled Jo out of the way before he could attack them. As Dean and Y/N charge at the Trickster. One of the models held Dean’s hand back as Randy Orton snatched Y/N from around her waist.
Dean grunted, attempting to shake the model off his arm, “Get off!” He yelled, trying to free his arm from her grasp. The model just held him in place, a dark smile playing on her lips as her eyes raked over his body. Y/N writhed in Orton’s grip as he wrapped his large arm around her waist, her back flush against his chest, his chin sitting comfortably on her shoulder.
“When I imagined getting held by you, this is NOT what I pictured!” Y/N grunted, elbowing the wrestler in his nose as Dean got tossed across the auditorium by the model screaming, “AHHHHHH!” The Trickster was in hysterics as he watched the chaos unfold.
Randy grunted in pain as he was jabbed in the nose, “Ow!” He growled as he pulled her tighter against him. Her back flushed against his chest as he hooked his chin over her shoulder. The hunter writhed against his grip, trying to break free. It’s no use, his hands held her in place as if they were made of steel.
Y/N focused her energy in her body, her eyes flashing white as her hands turned that familiar light shade of aqua blue. The Trickster’s eyes widened, “Now, that’s new.” He chuckled.
Meanwhile, Jason attempted to chainsaw massacre Sam and Jo again. Both ducking narrowly, the chainsaw getting driven into the drywall. Bobby rushed over to help Sam and Jo but when he held out his stake, Jason ran his chainsaw through it, cutting it in half.
Randy smirked, catching a glimpse of her glowing hands as he chuckled. He kicked her to the ground, straddling her. Randy straddled her, his knee pinned against hips as he held her wrists against the floor, her legs writhing as she fought against him.
His smirk widened as his eyes raked over her body, pinned helplessly under his solid weight. “You can struggle all you want, darlin” He mocked, his voice deep and sultry, sending a chill down her spine. “Fuck you, Viper” She spat, in a blast, she sent the Apex Predator flying across the room with a wave of her hand and a flick of her head.
“Damn…” The Trickster mused as Randy’s back hit a wall with a heavy thud. A sly smile creeping over her lips at the sight of Randy lying limp against a wall across the room. Her eyes flashed with satisfaction, reverting back to its usual color, she sat up from the ground before rushing over to help Dean who was getting battered and beaten by the two models.
Jason was now after Bobby at the front of the stage, attempting to chainsaw the old man. Sam and Jo shared a look, nodding firmly before both charging at the large killer, spearing their bodies straight into him as Y/N did the same with one of the models.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Of. HIM!” She punched one of the chicks repeatedly with each word as Dean tried ducking from punches from the other model. But she gripped him and tossed him into the seats, near to the Trickster. “Ha! Nice toss” He cackled, throwing his head back laughing, clapping as Dean grunted in pain.
Sam’s eyes flickered to the stake on the ground next to him. “Dean, Dean, Dean. I did not wanna have to do this- The Trickster mused, standing up but he’s cut short when Sam tossed Dean the stake, the elder Winchester swiftly stabbed the Trickster in his gut. The Trickster stumbled back in pain, his hand clutching the wooden stake protruding from his abdomen, his eyes widening in shock.
“Me neither” Dean smirked as the Trickster wheezed, stumbling to clutch onto one of the seats. Jason was still wielding the chainsaw behind Sam and Jo but he then disapparated into thin air, along with the two models and a limp Randy Orton across the room. Dean grinned darkly as he twisted the stake in his gut.
The Tricksters face contorting with agony, Dean grunted heavily before extracting it back, shoving the now ‘dead trickster’ into the seat. As the Trickster’s body slumped limp in the seat of the auditorium, there was silence. Both brothers, Jo, Bobby and Y/N all stood staring at the now defeated trickster.
Panting, the five hunters all stared in anticipation for a few seconds before Y/N rushed down the stage and spoke up, “Are you okay?” She asked Dean concerned, taking his face into her hands. Running her thumb along the corner of his lip where blood was flowing from.
“Yeaaah, I’m just peachy” he huffed, a faint grin tugging at the corner of his lips. Her hands on his face felt like bliss to him as he leaned into her touch, his large hand gently grabbing her wrist to keep her hand there.
Y/N’s concerned eyes roamed over his face for a minute, “You’re bleeding” she mumbled, licking her thumb and gently wiping away the smudge of blood on the corner of his mouth. Sam and Jo shared a tired look at this with a roll of their eyes, “You kids alright?” Bobby spoke up in concern.
“Yeah. I guess” Sam and Jo nodded in unison. “Well, I gotta say, he had style” Dean huffed weakly, groaning from the pain in his back and mouth. Y/N was still tenderly running her thumb over his lip while the others spoke, “Style and taste, yeah” Jo snorted, earning an eye roll from Sam and a grunt from Bobby.
“Bobby, Jo, thanks a lot. We couldn’t have-” Sam thanked them as they all rushed out of the building. “Save it. Let’s just get the hell out of Dodge before somebody finds that body” Bobby grunted, waving him off as they rushed over to the Impala. “Look, guys. I just wanna say that I’m uh-” Sam started, his gaze softening as y/n and dean shared a look.
“Hey, me too,” Dean assured him. “Same” Y/N added, offering her best friend a soft smile. Bobby and Jo looked between them annoyed, “You guys are breaking my heart. Could we just leave?” She grumbled, hopping in the back. They all chuckled, the Winchesters hopping into their respective seats as Bobby, Jo and Y/N piled into the back.
As Dean started the Impala and peeled out of the parking lot in a hurry. Y/N wrapped her arm around Jo as the younger girl sat in the middle of her and Bobby. “You’re not really mad at me, are you, skank?” Y/N joked, Jo chuckled at Y/N’s words, nudging her friend’s with her elbow. “Nah, it’s all good, slut” she teased, sticking her tongue out at her.
Meanwhile, back in the auditorium, the trickster laid ‘dead’ in the seat where they left him. When the actual Trickster peered over his body, the illusion of his dead body disapparating into thin air as he smirked, biting into a chocolate bar.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
It was a couple days later and the four younger hunters were all hanging out in a local pub in SD. Their usual spot, of course. Sam was on his second drink while Jo and Y/N had lost count, both giggling and sharing old stories. Dean isn't drinking much since he was the designated driver, so he was sipping a beer bottle.
Y/N was lounging next to Dean while Jo resided next to Sam, “I will NEVER forget the first time this one..” She pointed firmly to Sam. “..punched me for the first time in my sleep” Y/N shot a mock glare at Sam as she slurred. “Hey, it was an accident,” Sam grumbled. “You snore and twitch in your sleep” He justified as Jo and Y/N cackled, the latter of the two throwing her head back in laughter.
“It happened MULTIPLE times, Sammy” Y/N exaggerated, rolling her eyes as she finished her beer. “Good luck” She whispered to Jo with a sly wink. “I told you, it’s an accident,” Sam grumbled again, rolling his eyes. “You’re really not helping yourself, dude” Jo cackled, patting his cheek.
Dean shook his head in amusement at their antics, a smirk playing on his lips before he raised the beer bottle to his lips. His eyes flicked to Y/N, who was pressed up next to him. “I gotta pee” Jo announced, pushing herself up from the booth, wobbling slightly. Sam held out his hands instinctively, incase she fell over.
“I’ll go with you” Y/N grinned, standing up from her seat beside Dean, almost losing her balance and tripping over her own feet. Dean did the same, holding out his hands instinctively incase she fell. She snickered at herself, her face flushed as her limbs felt like jelly.
Both girls held onto each other, wobbling slightly. “You two alright?” Sam snorted at the sight of their unstable feet. Y/N shot him a lazy middle finger in response, “We’re fineeeee” she slurred, staggering towards the restrooms with Jo, linking arms with the blonde, practically using each other as crutches.
Once they got into the restroom, the girls stumbled over the sink counter, Y/N bracing her hands on it to stop herself collapsing and Jo gripping the counter to pull herself up onto it. “Damn, how much did we even have?” Y/N laughed, bracing herself against the counter.
“I dunno man, I lost count like an hour ago” Jo snickered, looking into the mirror before making her way into the empty stall. Y/N giggled, glancing at her own reflection. “We look like a hot mess” The h/c haired hunter chuckled, running her fingers through the mess.
“We look hot, period” Jo called from the stall as Y/N continued to admire her reflection. “Amen, sister” She drunkenly pumped her fist into the air. The blonde reappeared a minute later, stumbling over to the other sink to wash her hands.
Y/N was still admiring herself in the mirror, fixing her hair when she glanced over at Jo, a smirk playing on her lips. “Hey, y/n. We’re friends right?” Jo started. Y/N snickered at the other girl’s drunken question. She turned to face her friend, leaning against the counter. “Of course, we’re friends” she chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Then as your friend, I gotta ask. What’s taking you and dean so long?” Jo slurred, crossing her arms over her chest as she raised a brow, leaning against the cold tiled wall. Y/N’s face flushed a darker shade of red, and it wasn’t just from the alcohol. “I- what?” She stuttered, turning back to face the mirror, trying to avoid Jo’s gaze, as she feigned fiddling with her hair.
“I should ask you the same about you and Sam” Y/N shot back slyly. This time, it was Jo’s turn to go red in the cheeks. She stuttered for a moment, trying (and failing) to find the right words before throwing her hands up, “Yeah, yeah. You got me…” she grumbled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “Seriously though, dude”
Y/N signed deeply before giving Jo the rundown about the past few months. Jo listened intently as Y/N explained the whole situation, her alcohol clouded brain trying it’s best to keep up with her drunk friend’s story. Jo listened intently, taking it all in without a word.
She nodded when Y/N finished, placing a hand on her shoulder with a serious expression on her face. “Girl, you both are idiots” she announced firmly. Y/N raised a brow, raising a hand to her chest in mock offense, “Excuse me?” She demanded, but a sly smile crept onto her lips.
"Whatever, we're friends and it's remaining like that. I'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not have him at all" She admitted drunkenly. "Yeah, yeah. But have you like... thought about dating him?" Jo pushed, the alcohol loosening her tongue with her judgement and thoughts slipping.
“Trust me sweetie. Dean is not the dating type” Y/N snorted, tucking a blonde lock of Jo’s hair behind her ear. “I guess, neither am I” She shrugged, wrapping her arm around her waist. “Thanks for listening, man”
“That’s fair,” she hummed with a nod, leaning into Y/N’s touch. “No worries, dude” she chuckled, resting her head on the other girl’s shoulder. Jo smiled softly, the alcohol making her feel slightly more vulnerable and emotional. She chuckled, wrapping her own arm around her friend.
“Come here” Jo whispered, pulling the hunter into a tight squeeze. Tears welled up in both of their eyes as they spontaneously burst into tears, the alcohol fully absorbing their emotions.
Both girls stood in the middle of the dingy bathroom holding each other tightly, sniffling and crying over nothing in particular. “God… I love you” Y/N sobbed, burying her face into Jo’s neck, tears staining the fabric of her shirt.
“I love you too, idiot” Jo sniffled, tightening her hold on her friend, burying her own face in Y/N’s shoulder. The two girls were so drunk at that moment, they’d started crying at the mere thought of not having each other.
“What the fuck is wrong with us?!” Y/N sniffled and laughed into the hug before pulling away. There was laughter in both of their voices as they laughed through the tears, “I don’t know!!!” Jo chuckled, wiping away the tears that had smeared her mascara. They were both a mess at this point, but they didn’t care.
Both girls were slightly clingy at that moment. Jo grabbed the crook of Y/N’s elbow, linking them together. “Come on, let’s go back to the boys, before they think we’re dead and send out a search party,” She teased.
Meanwhile, the Winchester boys outside, “Jesus, how long does it take to pee?” Sam mused, glancing over in the direction where the girls had disappeared to. “Forever, probably” Dean joked, finishing the rest of his beer.
“I wouldn’t be shocked if they’d both fallen in,” Sam added with a smirk. The jukebox started playing ‘Genie In A Bottle’ by Christina Agulliera second before the older hunter snickered at his brother’s words.
Both women emerged from the bathroom, instantly into the song as it played. They made their way to the crowded dance floor as it was a late Friday night and it was crawling with people. They stumbled their way onto the dancefloor, both giggling again at their own efforts trying not to fall over in their drunken state.
The majority of the people there were couples dancing closely together, but Y/N and Jo didn’t give two shits. Jo began swaying her hips to the flow of the beat, her hand gripping Y/N’s wrist as she began flailing her arms around. Y/N chuckled at her friend’s efforts, copying her exaggerated dance style as they stumbled around and bumped into several people.
The Winchester brothers' eyes landed on the pair, Dean looked amused, watching Y/N dance like that from a distance, his emerald eyes sparkling as the corners of his lips tugged into a smirk. “Jesus, they look like they’re two seconds away from falling over” Sam huffed in amusement, covering his mouth while also looking over at the girls dancing amongst the other couples.
“This is pretty entertaining” Dean snickered, leaning back in his seat as he glanced in the direction of the girls on the dance floor. He watched Y/N swaying her hips to the music, tripping over her feet and swaying like a newborn fawn. It was honestly cute to him.
His eyes traced down to her lower back, that sinful anti possession tattoo peeking out from the bottom of her shirt. He cleared his throat, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts as Sam’s eyes remained on Jo.
“Your eyes gonna stay stuck like that if you keep staring” Dean teased, noticing the way Sam was ogling at the younger girl from a distance. Sam snapped out of his daze and tore his gaze away, a blush creeping up on his neck.
“Shut up, dick” he grumbled, chugging his beer. “Dude, why don’t you ask her out already?” Dean pressed, arching his eyebrow slightly at his younger brother. Sam’s blush deepened at the question, “We’re friends, that would be weird” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
“You both very clearly like each other, it’s not rocket science Sammy” Dean pointed out bluntly, sipping his beer as he glanced back at the girls on the dance floor again. “You like her, just ask her out” he encouraged and gave Sam a slight nudge.
“Take your own damn advice, dude” Sam shot back at Dean with a roll of his eyes. Dean’s head snapped back to look at his cheeky brother, “Shut up” he hissed, his freckled nose and cheeks slightly flushed, though thankfully it was covered by the dim lighting.
Author's Note: Hi beauties! I hope you guys liked my interpretation of this episode🥰
The part with Jo and Y/N in the bathroom is based on my own real drunken experiences with my best friends so I hope everyone liked that!
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
@iloveyou2mia @thelittlelightinthedarkness @lmhf1 @littletomboy2
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thenasoneshots · 8 months
Lucifer/Alastor Oneshot - A Tale of Two Dads
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff/Angst
Reader's Relations: Alastor’s ex-girlfriend
Warnings: Spoilers for eps 7-8 of season 1! This was written the say those two came out
Other notes: Don’t ask how I thought of this…Somehow, my brain fixated on these two, and well oneshots is what happens when my brain gets fixated on characters.
“You absolute bastard, Alastor!” I shouted once he’d shown up at Charlie’s hotel, seven years after leaving, “You leave for seven years and all you have to say is ‘hi’?! Someone hold me back before I fuck his face up!”
“Hello, My Dear, it’s good to see you too.”
“Fuck you,” I retorted, making eye contact with him, in an easy feat due to the fact I was the same height as him. He just smirked at me, using his microphone to lift my chin, an unnecessary thing due to the fact I was already looking at him, “Now now, that’s not the right way to talk to me, is it, My Dear?” I didn’t respond, instead I just growled and tried to punch him continuously, him dodging every blow I attempted to make.
“You should know that’s not going to work, (Y/n).”
“Fuck. Off. Before. I. Kill. You. Myself. Bastard. I’ve had to deal with a child that you-”
“Mama? What’s going on?”
My head immediately shot around to see Alianna standing at the bottom of the stairs, the seven-year-old rubbing her eyes as if she’d just been woken up. I gave Alastor another glare before rushing over, “It’s okay, Sweetie. Nothing you need to worry about,” I spoke, ruffling her red hair.
“You always say that!”
“I say that because most of the time, you don’t need to worry ab-”
Alianna cut me off, asking the question I had wished she would never have to ask, “Is he my Papa?”
If I’d been drinking something, I would definitely have spat it out in shock, “Now now, Ali, that’s something you don’t need to worry about you. You can learn more about your father when you are older.”
She pouted for a few seconds before, “Okay, I’m older!”
I chuckled, “I meant in a few years, now back to bed with you.”
Alianna sighed and nodded, running off back upstairs towards our room in the hotel. I let out a sigh of relief and stood up, turning around, only to have Alastor directly in my face, “For fuck sake, stop doing that, you bastard,” I shouted, punching him in the arm.
“Why should I stop when I get-”
“Were you listening to our conversation?”
“It was kind of hard not to, (Y/n)... I think you owe some people an explanation, and I’d be happy to loosen up your strings a bit if you know what I mean,” I heard Angel’s voice saying before I saw one of his arms dangling in front of my face and, what I guessed was another, on my head.
I rolled my eyes, “How many times, Angel? I’m not interested in you. Stop trying,” I growled, shoving him off me, “But, I guess you’re right about the explanation. This Radio Demon Bastard here,” I paused and pointed over in Alastor’s direction, “Is Alianna’s father. She doesn’t know, so please keep it quiet. I’m begging you.”
“You can always beg more, (Y/n). If you catch me drift…”
“Angel, shut up for once. Not the time for your sexual fantasies.”
“Alianna. No. Get back here right now!” I shouted, running up and pulling her off Lucifer gently, “I am so sorry, Sir. She got out of my sight. I apologise again.”
“It’s alright. She’s cute anyway. Much like her mother.”
I felt my face turn red as I looked away, but before I could say anything, Alastor was in front of me, glaring down at the Short King of Hell, “She’s mine. Get away.”
“Oh really?” Lucifer questioned, before walking around the Radio Demon and up to me, taking my hand in his, “Because there’s nothing on her hand to show she belongs to anyone,” he finished, bringing my hand up with his and kissing it, “But if she really is ‘yours’, she has had ample opportunity to stop my advances, and isn’t so…”
“I do not belong to anyone. You,” I turned and glared at Alastor, “May be Alianna’s father, but it doesn’t mean that I am ‘yours’. As a matter of fact, you lost all rights to even seeing her when you left, so you can just go away and leave me alone!” I shouted.
A few days later, I found a(n) (F/c) rubber duck sitting on my bed, along with a note. “I wasn’t messing around when I said you were cute, I meant it. Call me? L.” there was a phone number at the bottom and I giggled. I knew it was probably wrong as he was Charlie’s dad, who was my best friend… But he’d made an impression on me. So I added the number to my phone under the nickname ‘Short King’, and sent a message, “I got your note. Thanks for the duck. How’d you know (F/c) is my favourite colour?”
I groaned in pain as I lay on the ruins of the hotel, after having come face to face with one of the angels, blood seeping from my side. It was just as I was losing consciousness, that I saw a flash of white in front of me, fighting off the angel.
Once the angels had retreated, I turned back to (Y/n) to see her unconscious, with blood surrounding her. Immediately, I retracted my wings and knelt beside her, realising she’s been severely wounded, “(Y/n)? Please wake up. You have to. (Y/n), please. I- love you.”
I looked up to see Charlie standing there, a saddened smile on her face, “You can’t bring her back.”
“Is there nothing?! No one can bring her back?” I asked, despair wreaking through my voice, as I felt tears cascading down my cheeks.
“I’ve got one idea… but it’s a long shot, so don’t get your hopes up,” Charlie replied, running off. She came back a few minutes later, dragging a girl behind her, who seemed to be complaining, “Charlie! I told you, I can heal, but I can’t combat the second death!”
“Just try. For me? Please?”
“I’m telling you, this isn’t going to work if she’s dead, Charlie!”
“Try though? Please, Brianna?”
“Fine, I’ll try, but no one get their hopes up,” the brunette replied as Charlie pulled her over. I noticed Brianna take a deep breath before kneeling on (Y/n)’s other side, cracking her knuckles, “I’ll say it again if she’s truly dead, then this isn’t going to work, but I’m going to need help,” she paused and turned her attention towards me, “May I ask for your help, Sir? This will only work if I have the help of someone she loves.”
“M-me? I-Isn’t there someone else that she loves? Like her daughter?”
The brown-haired demon just chuckled in response, “I mean it’s got to be romantic love, not platonic love.”
“Oh... Wait a minute, do you still want me to help? As much as I hate to say this, shouldn’t you be getting that Radio Demon to help? In the sense that he’s the father of her daughter, therefore she must love him.”
“As a matter of fact. I know she hates me. She lit-”
“Alastor’s right, Dad. You may not have realised, but that duck you gave her has pride of place in her room. Every day she makes a point of dusting it, and no one’s allowed near it. I’m surprised it’s not in a locked box that only she has access to. She wouldn’t have kept it if you didn’t mean anything to her. Plus you deserve to be happy as well,” Charlie spoke, placing a hand on my shoulder and kneeling beside me, “Trust me. You’re the one we need to bring (Y/n) back.”
“Well? Are you going to do this or not? We don’t have much time left.”
With a final boost of confidence from Charlie, I nodded, turning to Brianna, “Okay.”
She smiled, “Okay. In that case, I need you to place both your hands above where her heart is and keep your eyes closed. Can you do that?” I nodded, doing as she asked me, remembering to close my eyes.
I woke up with a start, and I lifted my head in shock, but before I could say anything, I’d been wrapped in a hug, “(Y/n)!”
“O-oh.. hello, Mr Lucifer. I-It’s good to see you too,” I replied as he continued to squeeze the living Hell out of me, “C-can you let me go though? Personal space.”
“Sorry! I’m just glad you’re okay,” he started, letting me go as his face turned the same colour as his waistcoat, but before I could mention it, Charlie had spoken up, “See, Dad? Told you it was you that she loved.”
“CHARLIE!” I all but screamed, “HOW IN THE ACTUAL HELL DID YOU KNOW THAT?! You better start running. I don’t care if you’re the Princess of Hell, telling someone that your friend has a crush on them is not funny!” I continued, standing up and starting to chase after her, but before I could get too far I felt a gloved hand wrap around my wrist and pull me backwards, spinning me around, before I felt pressure on my lips. It took me a second to process, but once I did I wrapped my arms around the King of Hell’s neck and kissed him back.
“You have nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/n).”
I grinned widely, “Still embarrassing that it took your daughter to get us together though.”
“I have something for you, (Y/n)...”
“Let me guess… is it another rubber duck?” I asked, my voice laden with sarcasm. Lucifer’s face turned red as he looked at me a shocked expression on his face before out of thin air, a small box appeared. Lucifer took it in his hands before handing it to me, “I-I’ve been working on them since I left you the first one… I hope you like them.” I smiled and took the lid off, my eyes widening with glee at the sight of the small family of ducks. Two adults, one a light yellow, the other a (H/c) colour with lashes painted around the eyes, with two baby ducks, one the same colour yellow as the adult, also with eyelashes, and the other a red colour. I giggled at the meaning behind the colours, the adult ducks supposed to represent me and Lucifer, and the two baby ones representing Charlie and Alianna, and hugged the blonde male in front of me, “I love them, thank you. I know exactly where these are going,” I spoke, pecking Lucifer on the cheek after leaning down to do so, whispering in his ear, “Short King.”
“I am not that short!”
“Hmmm. Compared to me, you are,” I smirked, “Now, who wants to rebuild this hotel?”
—------------------------------END OF ONESHOT
The ending was not how I imagined it, but at least it didn’t go over 2000 words… This was originally supposed to have more Alastor x Reader in too, but it didn’t fit with the plot I was going with.
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101flavoursofweird · 6 months
How about "It's not your choice." for Husk/Angeldust?
((Thank you for giving me the chance to write about these two!))
Warnings: References to character death, drinking and abuse… and cursing. (Sera’s not here to censor anyone like in my previous Hazbin fic)
Spoilers: For most of the series, including the finale
Set: After the final battle but before the hotel has been fully restored
Title: Anchor
Summary: Even in Alastor’s absence, something keeps Husk tied to the hotel.
“Those angelic bitches owe me a new bar,” Husk grumbled.
He pulled his once-gleaming ‘Concierge’ sign from the wreckage of the lobby. Between ‘Con’ and ‘cierge’, a crack had formed.
That’s what this had been all along, right? 
Another con from Alastor. A calculated show of power. A way to keep Husk in line, stuck on a leash…
The ironic part? Husk had actually started to like it at the Hazbin Hotel. Then, Alastor had finally— finally— fucked off, and it had all come crashing down.
As destructive and sadistic as Alastor could be, he hadn’t done this just to spite Husk. (Though, Husk definitely wouldn’t put it past him!)
No— Alastor, along with whatever deity controlled his leash, were far too invested in Charlie’s hotel.
The almighty Radio Demon hadn’t intended to get his ass kicked by that dickhead Adam… 
Alastor hadn’t made some heroic sacrifice like Sir Pentious.
Hell, Alastor wasn’t even dead! He couldn’t be.
Husk would have felt it otherwise. He would be free…
The sign broke in two as Husk lifted it up. Huffing, Husk tossed the pieces aside and continued sweeping through the rubble; splinters of wood, fragments of bone decor, shards of glass…
Husk dragged his claws over his head and groaned. “All that good booze— gone!”
“If you’ve got a problem,” a voice sang behind him, “you ain’t gonna find it at the end of a bottle… or something.”
Turning around, Husk found the one feature of his bar that was (thankfully) still in tact: His most regular patron. 
Angel Dust— battle-worn and bloodied— beamed at him.
Despite himself, Husk snorted. “Where did you hear that one?”
“Some drunk old loser…” Angel Dust shrugged, somehow making the casual movement seem theatrical.
He watched as Husk resumed his sorry attempt at a clear-up. Husk bent down to pick up a bag of peanuts.
“You gonna stand there or help?” Husk called over his shoulder.
“I’m enjoying the view,” drawled Angel Dust.
Frowning, Husk faced him again. Husk threw his hands out. “Not much to look at in this dump…”
“Here’s a bright idea!” Slinking closer to Husk, Angel Dust raised all four of his arms. “Why don’t we just ask Daddy Lucifer to make us new bar?”
Husky growled, “It wouldn’t be the same.”
Husk didn’t want a brand spanking new set-up. He wanted his old bar with the counter stains from spilt drinks and the scuff-marks from shoving people aside (mainly Angel Dust) and the stray cat hairs. He wanted it to smell of cheap alcohol and roasted peanuts.
He wanted the soft orange lighting and the squeaky bar stools and the sound of laughter… like last night, when they had all celebrated just being alive. (Husk hadn’t felt that alive in years.)
The last thing Husk wanted was to be indebted to another ruler.
Husk ground his teeth together. The peanut bag nearly exploded in his fist.
“Whoa— easy, tiger!” Angel Dust patted down the bristling fur on Husk’s back. “Fine, we’ll fix it withoutFallen Angel magic… Might just take us a little longer—“
“I’ve got time.” A sigh escaped Husk.
“Yeah, you do!” Angel Dust slung an arm around Husk’s shoulders. “And right now, it’s time to unwind! There has to be one club in town the Exorcists didn’t destroy—“
Husk ducked out of Angel Dust’s embrace. “I… I can’t. Not till I’ve fixed things here.” He tossed the peanut bag away. His attention returned to the ruins of lobby.
“C’mon, Whiskers…” Angel Dust rolled his eyes. “We’ve just survived a battle! Don’t you want to relax? Maybe raise a toast to our departed pal—?”
“‘Course I do—“ Husk grunted as he shifted a hunk of rubble, “—but I can do that in my own bar—“ The rubble was heavier than he’d realised. “Shit…!” Husk stumbled under its weight, until Angel Dust caught the other side.
“It’s your soul, isn’t it?” Angel Dust breathed. “It belongs to Alastor, and since he ordered you to work at the hotel… Your soul’s tied to this bar.”
“What?” Husk scoffed, dropping his end of the rubble. “I can leave here whenever I like! You’ve seen me—“
“Sure—“ Angel Dust spun around and chucked the rubble away, “—but you can’t leave permanently. You have to come back, sooner to later. Just like…” 
He gazed down at the dust on his hands, before clenching them into fists. “Like me and Valentino.”
“It’s not… that bad,” Husk muttered, with a slight wince.
For the most part, Alastor had kept Husk on a light leash, only tightening the chains if Husk dared to act up. Alastor had threatened him in private, but he hadn’t followed through on those threats (so far).
On seldom occasions, he had even saved Husk’s ass…
Contrary to Valentino, who took pleasure in violating Angel Dust whenever he could.
Angel Dust was staring down at the ravaged ground.
Husk gestured to him. “Any chance, uh, Valentino got exterminated?”
“I wish!” Angel Dust exhaled. He flexed his limbs, pushing against invisible bonds. “I don’t feel any different…” He looked up at Husk. “What about you? Is Smiles gone for good?”
“Nah!” Husk’s gaze roved around the ruins. Alastor would pop up at any moment. “He’ll be back before we know it.”
“And you’ll still be here,” murmured Angel Dust, “even if it’s not your choice.”
“Eh.” Husk shrugged. 
Running the front desk and the bar wasn’t the worst job in Hell. Maybe Husk was tied to the hotel… compelled to stay there and maintain it by Alastor…
Husk would complain about having to listen to everyone’s moaning, but honestly? He’d had grown quite fond of their company. (Plus— the booze was free!)
A smile slipped across Angel Dust’s face. “What about when— if— I ascend to Heaven?”
“Seriously? You still wanna go up there, after how they treated us?”
“We could take ‘em…” Angel Dust pursed his lips. He caught Husk’s hand. “Come with me?”
“I don’t give a shit about Heaven...” Still, Husk didn’t pull away. He coughed. “But, if the whole hotel happens to ascend, somehow? I’ll see you up there.” He gave Angel Dust’s hand a squeeze.
It wasn’t a contract, or a promise, or an aspiration binding them together… but something filled with hope. A gamble. A shot in the dark… and some other third thing. (Husk had run out of hopeful metaphors.)
Deviously, Angel Dust grinned. “You might need to get in line— Charlie said Heaven’s full of hot people.”
“Ha!” Husk laughed as Angel lifted his arm and twirled Husk around on the spot. “I’ll wait… Now, help me find the front desk, will you? Then, maybe I can take a quick break in town…”
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nostalgic-woodwind · 4 months
why don't you write a oneshot of kid regressed Angel and baby regressed Alastor having a playdate but Alastor starts crying and Angel tries his hardest to cheer him up-🐑🎀
(my name is @ innocentlittlelambsnursery btw)
A Playdate Gone Wrong (Then Better Again)
CG!Husk, Regressor!Angel Dust, and Regressor!Alastor
Plot: During a playdate, a TV show scares baby Alastor.
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Request by @innocentlittlelambsnursery
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Angel—mentally regressed to six—was having a playdate with Alastor, whose mindset had regressed to one year old. Husk was watching the two color peacefully together in the lounge.
Angel, being mischievous, wrote a little A on the table he and Alastor were coloring on.
"Ooooh, cowor on 'able," Alastor called out.
"Nuh-uh, you did it," Angel blamed the radio demon.
"No didn't."
"Alright, kids, that's enough. Angel, we don't color on furniture and blame others for our mistakes," Husk scolded. "If we can't play nice, I'm gonna have to take the coloring stuff away."
"I'm sorry..." Angel huffed.
"That's better. Now, I'm gonna grab your snacks. I'll be right back, and play nice with Al, okay?"
"Okay, Papa."
Husk walked away from the lounge and into the kitchen. Angel looked over at Alastor, who went back to coloring. He then sighed as he boredly scribbled on his piece of paper. The spider was already bored of coloring and wanted to do something else. His face lightened up as he got an idea.
"Hey, Al, wanna watch TV?" Angel suggested.
Angel turned the TV on and flipped through the channels until he stopped at the Nickelodeon channel. Much to his delight, one of his favorite shows, Invader Zim, was on.
"You've gotta see this, Al! This is called 'Invader Zim'. It's about an alien who tries to rule Earth while going to school like a human kid. Gir's my favorite character."
The TV show was playing an episode where one of the characters, Dib, was confronting the lice queen after the school was infested with lice. It frightened Alastor so bad that he started crying and covering his eyes with his deer blanket.
Angel saw this and felt bad. He didn't mean to scare Alastor - he just wanted to show his friend one of the best cartoons ever.
"Hey, don't be scared. It's just a cartoon," Angel reassured.
Angel picked up Alastor's stuffed deer and gave it to him, but it didn't work. He tried giving Alastor his pacis, but that didn't work either. Angel tried everything to his ability to calm the baby down from singing to playing peekaboo, but to no avail.
"Aw, man, what do I do?" Angel panicked. He thought about going to tell Husk, but he was scared that he was going to be in big trouble for making Alastor cry.
Angel heard footsteps approaching the lounge and hid behind the chair. Having heard the radio demon's wailing, Husk came in from the kitchen and saw him tearfully cowering in fear.
"What's wrong, Al? It's okay, don't cry. I'm right here," Husk soothed as he picked Alastor up and swayed from side to side. "What happened, Angel?"
However, Angel was nowhere to be found. Husk set Alastor down in his playpen after handing him a pacifier and looked for the spider. After searching around and behind the couches, he looked behind the chair, where Angel was curled up into a ball, his hands hiding his face.
"Angel, what happened with Alastor?" Husk asked as he came down to Angel's eye level.
"Well... I, uh..." Angel gulped.
"I'm not mad at you. I just want to know why Alastor's crying."
After a minute of deliberation, Angel sighed heavily.
"I got bored from coloring and wanted to watch TV, so I showed Al one of my favorite-tist shows of all time, Invader Zim," Angel confessed.
"The one with the aliens?" Husk questioned.
"Yeah. I didn't think it would upset Al, I swear."
"I know, and I bet you were excited to show him the show, weren't you?"
Angel nodded his head.
"However, Alastor's a baby, Angel, and you’re a big kid. He's too young to be watching big kid stuff like Invader Zim. It can give him nightmares. Plus, he doesn’t really like to watch TV."
"Oh..." Angel's face dropped in guilt. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay, buddy. You just have to be more mindful, that’s all. How about after you and Al eat, we can come up with something fun for all of us to do?”
Angel nodded his head as he and Husk went back to the table. Alastor was feeling a bit better after crying, but he was still sniffling and rubbing his eyes. He was also clutching onto his deer stuffie and suckling on his pacifier.
“I’m sorry I scared you, Al,” Angel apologized. “Forgive me?”
Alastor crawled over to Angel and gave him a hug, accepting the spider’s apology.
“Alright, what should we do?” Husk said after Angel and Alastor ate their snacks.
“What if we played with my Octonauts toys and sea animals?” Angel suggested. “You know, that’s actually a good idea! You like that idea, Al?”
Alastor—now feeling much better—nodded his head as he offered his deer stuffie.
“Yeah, maybe the deer can be a part of the Octonauts team! She can be our substitute photographer while Dashi’s out sick.”
“Ooh, I like that!” Husk beamed as the radio demon nodded his head again.
The rest of the play date was spent with Husk and the littles playing as Octonauts and rescuing the sea animals. Angel shared his toys and gave amazing facts about each animal toy they rescued. He even showed Alastor how to pretend to take pictures with a camera! Overall, the play date was a big success.
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eddiesgorlie · 2 years
so, austin and reader act together in a movie in which he is a villain, so their relationship is abusive, and he feels so bad seeing his girlfriend miserable (even though she is acting) that after recording he spoils her being super kind and doing everything to please her
Love this idea! I’m so sorry it took so long for me to post it.
Unneeded Apologies
Warnings: Movie violence, cursing.
Word count: 832
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“Go to hell, you asshole!” I yelled. “What did you say?” He spat. “I said, go to hell, you asshole!” I yelled again as I grabbed my duffel bag of my items. “No one treats me like that.” I mumble as I go to open the motel door. “Get back here.” He said as he not so aggressively grabbed me by my hair. “Cut! Austin come on, you’ve got to try to make it a little more realistic, you don’t have to hurt her of course but don’t barely touch her.” The director sighed. This was about the 17th time we’ve had to reshoot this scene for Bikeriders because of this moment, he was scared to hurt me so he was being too gentle for the abusive boyfriend role. “Lets go from the top again.” The director said.
“Let me go! Please.” I cried as he carefully held me by my neck. “You don’t ever talk to me like that again, you hear me?” He yelled. “Yes!” I yelled, clawing my hands between my neck and his hand. “Good.” He said, dropping me and I fell into a ball on the floor. “Cut! That looked perfect, great job. Take 5.” The director said. Austin quickly kneeled onto the floor to help me up. “Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you, right?” He asked, moving the hair that was over my eyes. “I’m doing great! Let’s go take our break, a sandwich is calling my name.” I said strutting towards our trailer.
“This is amazing.” I said almost inhaling my sandwich, when you’ve got 5 minutes you have to do what you’ve gotta do. Austin was sitting across from me on the couch, looking mopey as he ate his soup. “What’s wrong babe?” I asked. “I’m ok, is your sandwich good?” He asked, putting on a fake smile. “I know you better than anyone, Austin. Tell me whats wrong.” I said, reaching for his hand. “I don’t want to have to act out these abusive scenes anymore, I’m too scared I’m going to hurt you.” He said. “Austin, you could never hurt me.” I said. He opened his mouth to talk when the trailer door was thrown open. “Come on, we’re shooting the bar scene.” A man said.
Austin seemed to be happier the rest of the day, sneaking over to hug or kiss me, holding my hand at any chance. “Last scene of the night!” The director yelled. It was the big fight scene, just about the only scene where Austin’s character protects mine. “It’s pretty early, let me take you to dinner after this.” Austin whispered. “Early? Its 11pm.” I laughed. “Early for waffle house.” He said, smirking. “You know I love hash browns.” I said kissing him before the scene started.
Finally after what felt like years, we were done at 12:15. “Let’s get changed and head to our fancy dinner.” He said, grabbing my hand as we walked to our trailer. We both changed into comfy sweatpants and t-shirts and got into the car. “Y/n, you promise you’d tell me if you’re uncomfortable with a scene?” He asked, looking between me and the road. “I promise, Austin.” I said. “Thank you.” He said as he stroked my hand. “I’m so tired.” I said, leaning my head against the seat. “Do you want me to grab take-out?” “Take-out from Waffle House? Is that a thing?” I asked. “I mean, I think so. Hash browns and blueberry crepes?” He asked. “You got it.” I said, smiling at the fact he has my order memorized. He got out of the car and walked into Waffle House. I pressed the button to lay my seat back and turned on the seat warmer, closing my eyes.
My eyes flickered open as he tried to quietly get into the car with a take-out bag. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry.” He sighed. “No, I was just resting my eyes.” I lied. The drive back to set was quiet, just Austin humming to the radio. “Those boots are killing me!” I say as we walk into our trailer, referring to the boots my character wears. “Here, let me rub your feet.” He said. “No, it’s ok Austin. Lets eat.” I said, setting the bags on the table. “Come here, babe.” He said. I sighed and grabbed the take-out containers, sat on the couch and put my feet into Austins lap. He was damn good at massages. He got to work and I picked up a piece of bacon and stuck it in his mouth. “Thank you.” He said once he was done chewing. “I love you.” I said. “I love you.” He said smiling.
Finally at around 2am, we were full and my feet weren’t aching. “We have a 6am call time, don’t we?” I sighed. “That we do.” He sighed. We tiredly walked to bed curled up under the sheets. “Goodnight, I love you.” He said kissing my head. “I love you.” I said.
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Mine | Chapter 14
Colson x Original Female Character
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Synopsis: Presley may look sinful on the outside, but deep down, she's innocent, guarded, and terrified of intimacy. Colson, on the other hand, is living up to his womanizer reputation as a way to cope with heartbreak. When his new guitarist invites his twin sister to join them on tour, Colson discovers that he's actually capable of feeling. Will Presley and Colson be able to push past all of the barriers trying to prevent them from happening?
Warnings/Content: Smut (18+), angst, sad col & presley, cash being lovable again, emotions & crying, makeup sex, swearing
Tags: Let me know if you want to be added/removed from being tagged :) @triplexdoublex @jaxbreaker @mgklove99xx @jinx-on-mars-19xx @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @missamericanaxx @anonymousme86 @whiteleoqueen
I’m lost. 
A big part of me misses Colson so much that it physically hurts. It’s even worse having to be around him all the time. But another part of me is so shaken from him leaving. I haven’t felt ready to go back to him. What if he does it again? What if he abandons me?
I learned something when Colson left: I’m terrifyingly attached to him.
They say you become attached when you lose your virginity, but I think it’s more than that. I’m attached to our emotional connection. The sex is amazing, yes, but we connected so deeply before that. Colson was the first person who got me to open up about my fear of intimacy. He’s the first person who’s ever taken the time to really look into me, to give me a chance to explain myself. And he loved me for it anyway. 
I know he still loves me. He’s been patient and sweet, but I can tell this is hurting him, too. He only has a few shows left, and the thought of this ruining the end of his tour makes me sick. He doesn’t deserve that. He doesn’t deserve the radio silence I’ve given him. I don’t know if he and Cash have talked, but all I know is I’m miserable. But for some reason, I can’t bring myself to talk to him. 
I’m curled around a pillow in my hotel room when a knock at the door startles me. Quietly, I tiptoe over to the door and peek out the peephole, relaxing when I see that it’s Cash. I open the door and he slides in. I grimace. “You smell like cigarettes,” I say.
“I know, sorry,” he says, walking past me to sit on the couch in my hotel room. 
“Can I help you?” I ask.
Cash looks me up and down disapprovingly. “Jesus. You sick?” he asks.
“Fuck you,” I mutter, plopping onto the bed. Sure, I’ve looked better. Sweatpants, giant t-shirt, greasy hair in a bun isn’t my best look. Paired with the mascara that’s probably streaked on my face from crying, I’m sure I look downright scary. But he doesn’t have to be a dick. “Why are you even here?”
“Good to see you, too, dear sister,” he says dryly.
I stare at him. “Why are you in such a good mood?”
Cash shrugs, pushing back his curls. “Kells and I made up,” he explains. The sound of Colson’s name is like a knife to my gut, but at the mention of their making up, my heart rises a little. 
“Oh,” I say. 
“Pres,” he says. “You know I approve of you two together, right?”
I lift my head, looking at him warily. “I mean, I know you feel bad, but you mean that?” I ask. “You actually approve?”
Cash nods. “I’ve never seen you so happy,” he says. “Well, not right now.” I flip him off. “But I mean it. Since you’ve been here with us, you’ve been so happy, and now I know why.”
I bite my lip hard, throat tightening. “He makes me really happy, Cash,” I say tightly, trying not to cry but tears well up in my eyes. I swallow hard. “I’m so scared.”
Cash frowns and gets up, coming over to sit next to me. He wraps an arm around me and pulls my head to his shoulder. “Of what?” he asks softly. 
I sniff, tears starting to fall. “Our lives are so different,” I sob. 
“Not really,” Cash says.
“Oh really?” I ask, lifting my head to look at him. “I’m a piercer. A homebody. Colson travels the world and makes music and goes to award shows and parties and shit.”
“So why can’t you do all those things, too?” Cash asks, pulling my head back to his shoulder.
I sigh. “I don’t know,” I mutter. “I can’t just…not work.”
“Who says you wouldn’t work?” Cash asks. “I’m sure we could find something for you.”
“Cash, I don’t even know if Colson wants that,” I say, but I know it’s a lie, deep down. Colson wants me with him, no matter how that looks. “Fuck,” I mutter.
“You guys need to talk,” he says. “He was scared, too, Pres. That's why he ran. Aren’t you doing the same thing to him?”
I consider this for a second, and then I groan. “I hate when you’re right,” I mutter unhappily.
Cash actually giggles. “I love when I’m right,” he says. I shove him away from me but my tears are slowing. I wipe off my face and stand up. 
“Fine,” I say. “I’ll talk to him.”
Cash winces. “Pres?”
“You should probably shower first.”
“Yeah. On it.” My tone is flat and I flip him off once more before turning to head towards the bathroom. I pause, glancing back at him. “Cash?” He looks up at me. “Thanks.”
Cash grins crookedly. “Love you. Good luck,” he says, getting up to leave. “Just don’t give me any mini Machine Gun nieces or nephews yet.”
“Bye, Cash,” I say firmly, and the sounds of his laughter follow him down the hall. 
My shower is long, luxurious, and much needed.
I shave. I deep condition my hair. I slather on sweet smelling lotion after, brush my teeth, and run a blow dryer through my hair until it’s not soaking wet. I don’t bother with makeup, opting for moisturizer only. Colson likes me with or without makeup. Loves me with or without it. 
From my suitcase, I pull out a simple pair of black panties, then slip on a pair of sweats over them. I put on a tank, check my appearance one more time, then text Colson with shaky hands to come to my room. I’m half convinced that he’ll ignore me, that this is it for us, and when he doesn’t respond, my heart sinks. 
Until I hear a knock on my door. 
I try not to sprint to the peephole, and when I see Colson outside, my heart could just about burst with affection. I open the door and look right up into those gorgeous blue eyes. He looks a little surprised when I open the door and he gives me a crooked little smile.
“Hey,” he breathes.
“Hi,” I say, smiling softly. “Come in?”
He nods and walks in as I step aside. I let the door close behind us and watch him as he lopes into my room, hands in the pockets of his sweats. He looks so cozy in his sweats and hoodie, slippers on his feet. He turns around and looks at me.
“Were you about to go to bed?” I ask.
He shrugs. “I guess,” he says. He finally takes a second to look me up and down and he swallows. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” I say quietly, biting my lip. 
“Look–” “Pres–”
We speak in unison and we both laugh nervously. “Colson,” I say. 
“Pres, I’m so fucking sorry for leaving,” he interrupts. He takes a tentative step closer to me, and it’s then that I really see just how red his eyes are. It breaks me. “I got scared. I thought you’d pick Cash over me and we’d be done and that was too much for me to handle, I guess,” he explains.
I nod. “I was scared, too,” I say. “I still am.” I shake my head. “But I did the same thing to you. I ran.”
“I understand,” he says, but his voice is so full of pain and my fingers twitch at my sides, desperate to touch him. 
“Colson, I’m so sorry,” I say thickly. His jaw clenches and his eyes look a little wet when they meet mine. 
“Pres,” he says tightly. “Please. Just. Come here?” 
I look up at him and stare for a second, and finally, I nod. I walk closer to him and I can tell he wants to embrace me as much as I want to do the same to him, but he’s scared. Guarded. I did that. This is my fault. My face crumples and I hang my head, but then Colson is pulling me into his arms and I completely shatter. 
It’s ugly. These aren’t delicate tears that stream seamlessly down my cheeks. No, this is snot-filled, swollen eyed, full-body sobbing that makes it hard to breathe. But if Colson can’t handle me like this, then he isn’t the one for me. 
But of course he can handle it. Because he’s Colson. He’s the man I fell in love with, the best friend I made in such a short time. The person I trust most in this world, who made me love myself. And I almost lost him. Colson scoops me up effortlessly and sits on the bed, placing me on his lap. I curl in on myself and let it all out, the feeling of his arms around me a comfort that I so desperately need. 
“Shh, I’ve got you,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Let it out, Pres, I’m not going anywhere.”
“M-m-me neither,” I manage wetly. “I’m s-sorry I left.”
“Me too,” Colson whispers, squeezing me a little tighter. “Pres…” He’s quiet but I can hear his heart racing. I don’t move a muscle. “Presley, I love you,” he says finally, and the pieces of heart start to fuse back together. 
Slowly, my sobs start to subside into just tears, and I catch my breath. “I love you, too, Colson,” I tell him, reaching up to touch his cheek. It’s slightly scruffy and I scrape my nails lightly over the scruff. Colson shivers. “Cols…”
“We have a lot to figure out,” I say quietly. As I unwind myself from his arms, Colson lets me go, and he’s silent and stiff as I sit on the bed beside him, folding my legs. He turns to face me and his expression is one of so much worry and anxiety. I put my hand on his knee and squeeze gently. “Relax.”
His throat bobs and he studies my face. “Talk to me,” he croaks.
I wet my lips. “We need to talk about what this is going to look like,” I say finally. “The tour ends soon.”
Colson nods, pushing a hand through his fluffy hair. “I know,” he mutters. He looks into my eyes. “Pres, don’t go home.” He sits up a little straighter, as if this is the most important thing he’s ever had to say. “Please. Stay with me,” he pleads, taking both my hands. “I’ll take care of you. We can find you a piercing job here or you can be a stay-at-home girlfriend slash go-on-tour girlfriend. I don’t care. I just want you here with me.” Icy blue eyes wander my face desperately.
I let out a shaky breath. “What if–”
“We could ask that question until we die,” he interrupts, and hesitantly, I nod. “If it doesn’t work out,” he says, “then we cross that bridge when we come to it. You know who else lives in LA and is a part of this band? Your brother.”
“I could always move in with him if I had to,” I say, and he nods.
“Exactly.” He lifts a big hand to cup my cheek, and I feel so vulnerable and raw and exhausted and scared and elated. I could move to LA and be with Colson. Who says I can’t? It’s not like I’m leaving all that much behind in Michigan. 
“Okay,” I say finally, nodding.
Colson’s eyes light up and that beautiful smile, the one I love so much, lights up his face. “Okay?” he asks. “You’ll move to LA?”
“Yes,” I say, and I can’t hold back from beaming. 
Colson laughs and hauls me back into his arms, hugging my waist so tightly that it nearly takes my breath away. I breathe him in, clinging to the man I love, my legs wrapping around his waist. Our foreheads are pressed together and we’re laughing, so full of joy and excitement, and then we’re no longer laughing because we’re kissing, and time stands still. 
God, I missed this mouth. 
Nothing melts me quite like a kiss from Colson. His lips are so gentle and warm and soft and he tastes so good and smells even better. I hold his face so he can’t pull back, but I don’t think there was ever a risk of that. He kisses me desperately, hands splaying across my back, and within seconds, I’m turned on. 
Colson sighs into my mouth, and shit, I missed his sounds. I push a hand into his hair and tug, drawing a moan from his throat. I do it again, seeking the same sound, and he moans louder, sliding his hands up under my tank. 
“Colson,” I whimper softly, my heart pattering in my chest. 
“Pres?” he asks, his eyes on mine, and his pupils are blown with arousal. 
“Please,” I say, touching his lips. “Make love to me?”
Colson makes a helpless little sound and leans in again, kissing me hard. I moan as his teeth sink into my lip and tug. “Fuck,” he breathes. “You know I will, baby.”
Moments later, I’m on my back and Colson is on top of me, his sweatshirt and t-shirt discarded onto the floor. One of his big hands is creeping up under my tank top, warm fingertips skimming my stomach, and I shiver, arching at the sensation. I’ve read about makeup sex, seen it in many movies and shows, but nothing compares to it actually happening. Colson and I are going to reconnect, and I have a feeling we’ll be even closer when it’s over. 
I lift my arms as he removes my tank top, and then his eyes are on my chest, rememorizing. I bite my lip as he eyes me, and he slides an arm beneath my back, which pushes my chest up. Then, my nipple is in his hot mouth, and the wet roughness of his tongue has me moaning, my head falling back. My panties dampen immediately. I’m so reactive to him and I think I always will be. 
He takes his time on my chest, and when he pulls back, going up onto his knees, I practically salivate at the sight of his rigid cock through his sweats. He reaches down to adjust himself and I swear I could start panting.  I’ve never wanted anything as badly as I want Colson right now. He catches my expression and smirks, squeezing his cock for me again. “Shit,” I squeak out. “Take them off.”
Colson’s smirk grows and he hops off the bed, letting his sweats pool around his ankles. He steps out of them and grips himself again, this time the only barrier between his hand and his dick a pair of thin boxer briefs. And I can’t help myself. I roll off the bed and sink to my knees.
“Fuck,” Colson says lowly as I slide my hands up his thighs. He looks so dominant and sexy above me, and I admire as much of his body as I can see. He removes his hand, placing it in my hair instead, and I lean in to rest my head against his thigh, my own trembling hand coming up to take the place of where his had just been. Colson grunts softly as I squeeze, finding the shape of him through the black material, and pleasure zips through me at the thought of having him inside me again. 
Hastily, I tug down his boxers and he kicks out of them, but I’m so impatient that he’s in my mouth before the boxers are even fully off. His moan is loud and tortured and his hips jerk, which presses him to the back of my throat. I gag and I start to pull off, embarrassed, but a gentle hand falls to the back of my head. “Oh shit,” he whimpers. “Baby…do that again?”
I look up at him, surprised, and blink before moving forward again, taking him all the way to the back of my throat once more. I gag again, and drool leaks from my mouth, but Colson seems to love it. He’s moaning like I’ve never heard before, and even though gagging isn’t the most pleasant feeling, I’d do it for the rest of my life to keep hearing him moan like that. After a moment, he gently starts to thrust his hips, pushing his cock deep every single time, and my eyes water, nails digging into his thighs, but I love it. 
“Ohhhh god,” Colson moans shakily, head falling back. “Baby, give me your hand.” I do as I’m told and he bends slightly, urging me to wrap my fingers gently around his balls. “Yeah, fuck, just like that. Squeeze ‘em, baby, lightly.” I follow his direction and I feel them tighten in my hand. His moan is shaky and his thighs tremble. As he continues thrusting, I keep applying gentle pressure, and as his moans grow higher and more needy, his balls tighten up so hard that it seems like it must hurt, but then he’s pulling his hips back as hot cum spills from his cock. 
It bursts onto my tongue and chin, immediately dripping down onto my breasts and I sit back on my heels, watching Colson. His eyes are wide, mouth hanging open when he watches his release trickle onto arguably his favorite part of my body, and I don’t know what comes over me, but suddenly, I’m rubbing his cum into my chest, bringing it down to my nipples. “Holy fuck,” he rasps, hand still curled around his dick. “That’s a good fucking girl.” 
Finally, he pants, sinking to his knees in front of me. I watch as he swipes two fingers through his cum and brings them to my mouth. I open up, allowing his fingers entrance, and suck his release off his thick fingers. He moans again, brow furrowing, and I love the power I have over him right now. He does it again until I’m all clean, and by the time he’s done, he’s either hard again or he never went soft in the first place. 
“Clothes off. On the bed,” he demands, and I do as I’m told, settling with my head on the pillows. “Nah,” he says, shaking his head. He lays down and pulls me on top of him. “Get that pussy in my mouth. Now,” he says firmly, and he’s being so direct and bossy and it makes me ache. 
“Wh-what?” I ask.
“Come ride my face,” he insists, pulling my waist. I let him pull me up over his face, and it feels so weird but so hot at the same time. I steady myself on the headboard with my thighs on either side of his head, and when his big hands go to my ass and pull my pussy to his mouth, the moan I release is unfamiliar to my own ears. Pleasure shoots through me and my thighs automatically clench around his head. He moans, digging his fingertips into my ass, keeping me there. 
I can physically feel my body react: my nipples stiffening, my spine going rigid, my hands clenching on the headboard. I give into the pleasure, and after a moment, I can’t help but roll my hips. Colson moans again and lets go of my ass with one hand to reach down and squeeze his dick. He loves this, and that turns me on even more, to the point where I can feel my own desire on my thighs and on his cheeks. But I’m not embarrassed. Not with Colson.
His hand returns to my ass, and I gasp, entire body stiffening when his middle fingers grazes between my cheeks. “Cols,” I manage, confused but not mad about it. He just hums against me and lets his finger circle a part of me that I never associated with sexual pleasure. But something about it is erotic and I give into the pleasure, arching my back to open myself up more for him. His finger moves down, gathering some of my slick, and uses it as lubricant to gently ease a finger inside my ass. 
My cheeks are beet red, and I take back what I said about not being embarrassed. This is scary, but it feels good, and I’m embarrassed by how much I’m enjoying it, embarrassed at the fact that with one simple motion, I’m all of a sudden hovering on the threshold of coming. Colson teases me, his tongue working wonders against my clit as his finger moves slowly, and with a broken cry, my hips jerk and I come hard. 
I whine and roll and circle my hips through my peak, my eyes squeezing so tightly shut that I see stars. Finally, I slump, and he eases his finger out of me, gently pulling my hips back so he can breathe. He pants and smirks up at me, licking his lips. Shakily, I climb off him and lie beside him, panting. “Shit, Cols,” I manage, and he chuckles. 
“Was that okay?” he asks, resting a hand on my belly. 
I look at him and nod. He grins and kisses me softly, and I should hate that I can taste myself, but I don’t. Colson kisses me for a long few minutes, and then his hand is back between my legs. “Need to be inside of you,” he murmurs, and I moan, nodding quickly. “Can we try something new?” he asks. 
“Of course,” I say. He rolls onto his back again and pulls me on top of him. I raise a brow. “Y-you want me to ride you?” I ask.
Colson smirks. “Fuck yeah, baby. That okay?”
I nod and swallow hard, nervous that I’ll be bad, but I trust Colson. He maneuvers me right where I need to be and lifts my hips so I hover over him. With one hand on my hip and the other holding his cock, he guides me down on him, and my jaw drops at the way he feels sliding through my walls until he’s home. I gasp at the depth, at the way the head of his cock rests right against my spot, and my legs tremble on either side of him.
“Want you to move your hips just like you did on my face, okay?” he says tightly, cheeks flushed with pleasure. I nod and wet my lips, placing my hands on his chest before rolling my hips experimentally. Pleasure explodes when his cock rubs perfectly against my spot, and the stuttered moan that leaves me surprises both of us. “Good?” Colson asks, blue eyes dancing in the low light. 
“Good,” I whimper, doing it again. This time, Colson moans, too, and his sounds encourage me to keep moving, to keep rolling my hips forward so he can grind against the spot that makes my skin tingle. “H-holy shit, baby,” I whine.
Colson’s hands go to my ass and he helps me move faster, harder. I just came, and it’s not going to take long for it to happen again. “Fuck, come here,” he begs, pulling me down so we’re chest to chest and kissing. I kiss him hard, bitingly, and he moans into my mouth, his hands caressing my ass and hips and waist. He starts to lift his hips in time with mine, and my spot is so deliciously abused that the whines and whimpers that leave me are almost constant and totally uncontrollable. 
“Cols,” I manage, and that’s all I can do before I break. Pleasure explodes deep inside of me, rushing down to my curling toes and bringing goosebumps to every inch of my flesh. My hips jerk and roll and rut and Colson holds me tightly, his face buried in my neck. 
“Fuck,” he gasps against my skin, and he tries to lift my hips but I force them back down, tightening my muscles to stay on him. Colson curses and his hips jerk as he comes, too, and the sensation is strange and new but nice. He pulses inside me, and his release is warm against where I’m still throbbing. Our hips jerk against one another’s and our noises mingle in the room, and at the same time, we finally go still. 
Colson’s face is still buried against my neck and he’s gone quiet, his body trembling. I hold him close, tracing my nails gently up and down his arm as I come down, but then, my neck is wet. I freeze when I realize what’s happening.
Colson is crying.
It isn’t just teary eyes this time. It’s real, and his breath is shaky and his hands tremble against my back. “Cols,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Baby, it’s okay, I’m not going anywhere.”
He doesn’t say anything, just keeps crying silently, and I think I should probably be startled, but for some reason, it makes sense to me. I cried the first night he touched me. Emotional release, he called it. Now it’s his turn. 
We’re still locked together, as close as two people can be, and though I can feel that he’s not as hard anymore, I don’t move. I can’t move. The thought of being away from him makes me feel a little sick. But finally, he starts to calm down, his breathing evening out. He presses a kiss to my neck. “You need to go clean up,” he rasps.
“It’s okay, baby,” I insist. “I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”
“Nah, baby,” he says. “Go pee. Clean up and come back to me.”
I nod and he helps me to lift my hips, both of us hissing as we disconnect. I grimace as I feel his cum dripping down my thighs, and I shove my hand between my legs to try and catch it while I waddle into the bathroom. After peeing and cleaning up like I was told, I return to find Colson tucked under the blanket, his bare, colorful chest on display, and the sight of his slightly swollen eyes breaks me. 
I hurry back into bed, snuggling right up to him, our legs tangling as strong arms envelop me. We’re quiet for a beat, my head on his warm chest, and all of a sudden, I’m drowsy. I haven’t been sleeping well without him, and I’m sure he’s in the same boat. He reaches over and turns off the light.
“Hey,” I whisper. “I love you. You know that, right?”
Colson hums and finds my lips in the dark. “I love you, Pres,” he murmurs. “I won’t leave again. I promise.”
“Me neither,” I assure him. “You tired?” “Fucking exhausted,” he admits. “You?”
“Yes,” I agree. “Let’s go to sleep, baby.”
With that, we snuggle closer, our limbs intertwined, and we fall into oblivion quickly, finally feeling safe again.
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When You Know, You Know
Pairing: Stuart Scola x Reader
Word count: 1,525
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Summary: You and Stuart had been dating for quite a while when it was finally time to tie the knot. Marriage imagine.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the FBI shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first Stuart Scola fic and I can only hope that it isn’t too bad. Feel free to send feedback! 
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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As he took in your figure in that gorgeous wedding dress, your fiancé — soon-to-be-husband — couldn't help but drop his jaw.
Stuart Scola had faced a lot throughout his life. From getting to succeed in the Wall Street jungle, to facing his family's judgment for his career change — and losing all of his so-called friends —, to making it in the FBI, with all the mockery that followed him everywhere. Not to mention the job itself, deliberately putting himself in harm's way every day… But nothing had scared or got him as nervous as asking you out for the first time.
It wasn't that you were a scary person or anything because you weren't. He just looked at you like there was no one else from day one, and, because of that, you seemed too good, too much, to ever wanna go out with him of all people. And, somehow, he just knew that you were his only shot, because you'd ruined him for anyone else without even trying.
It was a hot, sunny day when the two of you met: Stuart was working on a case that had him chasing a perp through the streets of New York City, as usual. Everything was going by the same old way until he disastrously bumped into — more like fell on top of — someone, correcting his own thoughts, as he took a look at you beneath him, he began to think of you as the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and, of course, that had to had happened while he was on the job and shamefully on top of, who hadn’t banged your head in the cement solely because the agent’s reflexes had kicked in and he’d quickly put his hand under it. Right as he’d started to lift himself, Scola had a jumpscare out of his admiration trance when his radio sounded, awfully loud: it was OA telling the other agents that he’d caught the criminal, so everybody could stop the chase and head back to HQ. A minute too long after the radio message came through and Stuart didn’t make another move to leave the awkward position the two of you were into, you decided it was time you’d reacted:
“So, um, you’re really not planning on going anywhere, officer?” You asked, mistaking his bulletproof vest for one regular cops would wear.
“Y- yeah, of course, ma’am, I’m so- sorry for the inconvenience,” he started, already the most nervous he’d ever been. “I’m actually an FBI agent but that’s a common mistake.” He said already standing up and helping you up before people stopped going around your lying figure to start going over you. “Are you okay, though?” He asked, truly worried as you hadn’t stated anything else.
“Yeah, I- I think so. My butt took most of our fall though!” You attempted at a joke, only then starting to realize how handsome the guy standing in front of you was. And you’d already found his nervousness cute. The actual thought in your head was: handsome, cute, employed, and polite in NYC? What a catch — okay, maybe your expectations were a tad low. Still, you’d never really had the opportunity to meet one of those in the city you’d moved into not long ago. But what really settled your delight for the man was how flustered he’d looked as he said:
“Maybe I can help with that, back at HQ!” A moment later, he added: “Not in that way! Of c- course, I don’t mean any disrespect of any kind! I just thought that maybe, maybe-”
“It’s okay, agent, um,” you started stopping to read the nametag on his vest, “Scola. I’ll be fine!”
“Oh, please, call me Stuart. If you’d like, of course…”
“Stuart it is, then! I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).” You answered, as a small smile started forming on your lips, mirroring his own smile. That was when he heard in his ear comm the gruff voice of Jubal shouting to his agent:
“Ask her out and get back here already, Scola!” In agreement with the boss, Stuart heard basically his entire FBI team shout:
“Ask her! Ask her!”
So he gulped down and said: “Listen, (y/n), I, uh, was wondering if you may consider going out with me any of these days?” He phrased it so politely that you were barely sure what he was asking but you, obviously, already knew your answer.
“Yes, Stuart, I’d very much like that.”
“Well- Well, I, uh, I’m very glad to hear that! But now I have to go back to work…” He said, starting to turn around but your voice stopped his movements:
“Okay but aren’t you gonna ask for my number?” You asked amused as hell by the man in front of you.
“Ah, yes! Yes, of course!” He said taking out his phone so you could put your number in it.
So, now — as you walked down the church's decorated aisle —, all he kept thinking was that, somehow, you managed to become more perfect every day, and, that he was damn lucky to get to love you. With those thoughts on repeat and with his mouth still open was how you met him at the altar.
"Stuart!" You hissed, "close your mouth or the photos will look awful!" He did as you told him, very slowly. You being that closer to him… Your smell along with all of that princess-like production… How could he possibly think?
"Sorry, darling…" He started to say, still looking very much taken aback. "It's just that… I still can't believe that I'm actually marrying you…" Hearing that, you gave him a bright knowing smile. Same old Stu…
"Huh… Well, then, maybe you'd like to confirm with the priest?" You asked him playfully, just to try and get him back to Earth.
"Uh? Priest, yeah. That sounds good!" But when he turned to the man in the robe, you realized he was actually doing it. “Excuse me, um, sir, but can you confirm that I really am marrying this gorgeous woman?” For God’s sake, you wanted to slap him. To look outraged. To pretend you didn’t know him. But all you could do was grin even more widely than you were already doing. Your stupid, romantic man…
“Yes, my son, I can confirm that. If it’s what you both desire, of course.” The priest answered with a kind smile.
“I can only hope that is what she desires cause there’s nothing I’d want more!” He shot back, giving you a wink.
“Okay, I think we can get on with the ceremony now that you’re no longer looking like a codfish.” You said, trying to sound annoyed while hiding your smile. 
That seemed to convince the priest, who took the chance to salute the guests and the two of you, properly starting your wedding.
Now, you would be lying if you tried to say that most of his words made it to your ears. Just like your soon-to-be husband, you had completely zoned out. He was really going to be yours for the rest of your lives. Stuart Scola. That magnetic force of man was going to be your lover for the ages to come.
And, with that on your mind, you were somehow awakened from your trail of thoughts when the priest asked:
“Miss (y/n) (y/l/n), will you take mister Stuart Scola to be your husband?” To which you happily responded with a sonorous:
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes!” So it was time for your fiancé to answer his question.
“Mister Stuart Scola, will you take Miss (y/n) (y/l/n) to be your wife?”
“Of course I will, sir!”
“Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
And, so, your husband did as he was told. Giving you your first kiss as a married woman. And what a kiss! It was a good thing he was holding you, otherwise, your legs might have succumbed.
Following that was the applause from all of your guests and the reception party. All of which seemed to go by in a blur, as much as you kept trying to make lasting memories, and, next thing you knew, it was just you and Stuart at the hotel where you were spending your honeymoon. As you reached the room, before you could barely think about anything, your husband surprised you by taking your feet off the ground, and carrying you bridal-style through the door. About which he just said:
“Traditions are traditions, honey!”
“Oh, Stu!” You squealed out, not caring that the other guests might hear you.
Then, he walked you both to the bed, where he gently laid you, only to start tickling you, who, obviously, burst out in laughter.
“Stu! Stuart, please stop! I can’t breathe!” Hearing that, he immediately stopped.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” He asked, his voice filled with concern. The moment he asked it though, you took the opportunity to start tickling him back, which only got you both into an established tickle fight intercaled with quick kisses here and there.
Yeah, it was gonna be a long night…
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fandoms-in-law · 1 year
Stories Chapter 7
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6
Summary: You can ask someone out anyway you like, even by accident with a chair.
There was no doubt that this was all positive change, but it felt unreal. From the colour on the walls to the furniture in some of the rooms, something just wasn't fitting in Steve's mind. 
So he wrote. 
He wrote himself a story on a night when he was just at home alone, half an ear listening for the radio as he thought he always would. He wrote of a character being an outsider where everyone insists they belong and of trying to make changes to the place only to find that making a space fit them was even more unsettling as something they aren't used to. 
And he wrote of them finding ways to accept their home could be safe and could be theirs through the people they care about. 
It was both a fantasy and a way of figuring out how he and this family they'd made could help him move past his parents shadows,painted over as he now imagined them to be. 
"THIS WAS NOT YOUR PARENTS DOING!!" The yell rang through the house, overpowering the stunned yells of what that were underneath it and Steve was laughing as he hurried from his kitchen to the dining room. 
"Sorry Dustin, I don't think the people three streets away heard you. Did you need to call your mum or something?" He laughed, looking between Dustin, Mike and Lucas as they all stared from the mural to Eddie's painting to the throne at the head of the table. 
"This is your house! You must own it to have done any of this." Dustin insisted, gesturing wildly at the pictures. "What the hell was Will painting elsewhere? Don't deny that's what he was doing when his artwork is right there!" 
Steve shrugs. "You're right, Will did another mural for me upstairs but on that thought where is Will, or your dungeon master for that matter?"
"Eddie insisted on bringing sweets and cakes for a movie night after this and Will offered to help carry them through. Didn't you pass them out of the kitchen?" Lucas explained. "Guessing that's to celebrate your redecoration."
Mike huffed, moving to sit down at the table and start setting his stuff for DnD out. "We are still playing tonight right? This was meant to be the end of our campaign."
"You are, and it's not quite finished so I'm not sure why we're celebrating now." Steve confirmed, falling quiet as he was draped over from behind.
There was only a moment of the relaxed posture before the rings hands around him tensed and Eddie's arms momentarily felt cage like. "You got me that? Steve! If this is how you're asking me out I definitely accept!"
Steve blinked for a second before grinning, leaning his head back on Eddie's shoulder to attempt to see his expression. "Wasn't my intention, cause then I'd have made sure you saw it without the audience, but it beats anything I would come up with. So I'll plan our date while you torment the kids."
A cough from behind them got snickers from said kids. "Not sure we agree with being included with the brats even if Eddie torments us constantly." Jeff said, nudging the pair out of the way to get set up for DnD. Gareth and Grant following behind him. 
"True, you have self-preservation instincts they're still trying to discover."
With a grin Steve wandered out of his dining room to join the others setting up a film to watch. 
Given he'd basically just asked Eddie out and been accepted before doing so kept him from focusing on the film however. Steve wanted the perfect date for them and was struggling to figure out what that could be. 
He had plenty of ideas for dates Eddie would love and he'd enjoy being with him and seeing his reactions but that's not the same as a shared experience. What he really wanted was a date they could work together for something while just chatting. 
And Steve was not going to have a first date be moving furniture around his house. 
The answer came when laughing with Robin over the worst of the customers they dealt with. He could let Eddie teach him a little about DnD just by asking what people would be in it and bake or cook dinner with him. 
It's private so they'll be safe but doesn't focus on anything happening outside of them. Not even the house or the kids would be stealing their focus and it would combine their interests enough they'd both be getting to know each other better. 
And Eddie turning up at Family Video while he was trying to explain and perfect his date idea with Robin just made it easier to plan. 
"You two are giggling over something. What trouble are the kids in now?" Eddie asked walking over to the counter immediately. 
Steve tilted his head to one side. "I'm trying not to ask. They haven't been in here yet today at least. We were planning our date. All I need is for when you're free so it can happen." 
"That was serious? I actually get to date you?" Eddie blinked for a moment. "I should have confirmed after Hellfire cause I wasn't certain you meant it after my comment thanking you for my throne." 
Robin groaned. "Yes. Steve is and was serious. Now when are you free to actually have your date with Steve?"
"Any evening there isn't Hellfire or some party get together. Which includes tonight." He answered now, grinning so widely it seemed to split his face. 
"I get off at 7 so meet me at mine at half past?" Steve suggests. "I'll need to buy a few things on the way home so can't do sooner." 
"See you there Sunshine."
"This is an apron." Eddie stated, looking from Steve unlocking his door to the fabric just shoved into his arms and then to the bag at Steve's feet. 
"Correct. We're making dinner together and going to find out if there's a way for me to understand more about DnD while doing so. Questions?" he explains smiling and leading the way inside. 
Eddie let out an amused huff, following. "Many, but most prominent is why this? I mean I had no idea what you'd come up with but expected something closer to the dates those girls in school gossiped about having with king Steve." 
"In Hawkins? Yeah we don't need to get hate crimed on our first date. Besides this gets us to share our interests together. That's all I try to include when planning dates." Steve shrugged, unloading the bags before glancing over his shoulder uncertain. "Is this okay?" 
Eddie shook his head but his words were soft, "Sweetheart, you care so much. It's perfect." 
chapter 8
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4town4lyfe · 1 year
feelings at the cabin, chapter one - Escape 2 Solitude
so some clarifying things, this story is in imanis pov
my age 4 the band
jesse - 26
aaron z - 23
aaron t - 23
robaire - 22
imani - 22
tae young - 18
Aaron Z is referred to as 'Z'
Aaron T is referred to as 'Aaron'
dont wanna spoil so early but this is gonna turn into aaron t x imani x aaron z, kk?
also, this is set in modern times, the band concept is y2k and late 90s early 00s, so nothing changed about them except the time period
aaron t and imani r in an established relationship already, so i gotta do something to that lol
let me know if there r any mistakes or if u want me to either add something or take it out
ill only be writing on here cuz this is the only place i can find with active 4town lovrz lol
sorry if anything is out of character, i gotta do what i gotta do
enjoy reading :)
Every December, we go to the cabin to get away from the fame and prying eyes of the paparazzi and crazed fans, spend time with one another, and have a sense of peace.
As much as I love our fans, it gets overwhelming, and our trips each year give us some solace among one another.
This year was supposed to be like every year. But it wasn’t. Something was threatening to tear us apart, and I couldn’t help but feel it would be my fault. 
As we drive farther and farther away from the city, I can feel my heart pounding. Why do I feel so nervous? 
I turn my music up in my ears to drown out the worry I feel. I glance over at Aaron T, who is  already staring at me. Staring at me with a loving look, he places his hand on mine and pecks me on my cheek. 
He starts to tell me a joke, and I can’t help but to laugh. He was always so funny and kind. He still is, I’ll never not think that. As he nods off to sleep, I look at him, his freckles more apparent and his cute curly hair that is slightly messy. 
But I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Something is wrong with me? But what? I.. I don’t know. Maybe it’s this bus, with all six of us in here, it’s a little cramped, maybe that’s it. 
I feel my stomach growl. Maybe I’m just hungry. Or tired. “Everything’s fine.” I tell myself as I admire my boyfriend as he snoozes away, snoring softly. My eyes wander around the bus. 
There’s Tae Young, making his little stuffed bunny dance to the music on the radio. He always takes Byeol on our trips, she’s like a comfort to him, I guess. Nothing wrong with that. 
Tae loves these trips, mainly because he can get away from his father. His father doesn’t deserve Tae Young as a son, he’s so sweet and kind, but all his father sees is the nail polish and the singing.
I don’t like his father, his mother either. They don’t like the idea of their son being a singer, but I’m so proud of him for continuing to pursue his dreams and follow his heart.
I glance at Jesse, his hair slightly blowing in the wind since he has his window down, before Robaire tells him to roll it up. I don’t know why Jesse likes the cold, it’s like he’s Elsa in disguise. 
Jesse is like the father of the group, mainly to Tae, but also me. Me and Robaire never had a father in our life, having walked out, not wanting his kids to be singers.
So, our mother tried to make us be anything but singers, neglecting the love and attention you need from your mother. 
Then the money came in once we got signed as 4*TOWN, then she was all with it. But she’s always treated me different then Robaire.
I zone out for a little bit, thinking about my childhood, when I feel someone tapping my knee, I look up and it’s Aaron Z, nodding his head toward Robaire, who is turned toward me. Wait, so is Jesse and Tae, why are they staring? 
I take off my headphones and put them down beside me. “What’s wrong?” I question, confused as to why everyone, except Aaron T of course since he’s such a heavy sleeper, is looking at me.
“I called you like four times!” Robaire says with a hint of annoyance to his voice. “What? You know I had my headphones on.” I say, I always tell people I can’t hear them with my headphones on, and they don’t seem to get it.
“Someones gotta go into grab snacks? You’re the designated one, you hit your head or something?” Robaire says as if it was obvious, gesturing to the gas station we stopped at. 
“I didn’t hit my head.’’ I say, I don’t know why he thinks I hit my head, if I did, I wouldn’t be talking. Would I? I didn’t even realize we stopped anyways. “What do you guys want?” I ask, hesitantly ripping out a sheet from my sketchbook.
I look out to get a closer look at the gas station, this is a different one than what we usually stop at. Why do we have to go to a new place? I don’t even know what they have here!
But I know they won’t just leave because I don't like it, so I get everyones requests down with a small frown, my day feeling a little worse than before. I pull on my disguise, just a hoodie, a toque, and sunglasses, and climb over Aaron Z to get out, he leans back a little so it’s easier.
I look down at my list as I walk into the gas station, the door automatically opening with a welcoming ding. I go down one by one, first is Aaron T, I already know what he wants so I didn’t have to wake him up, it’s a hassle to. 
I walk down the aisles, he usually gets the big bag of nacho Doritos, a Mountain Dew, and a bag of… I reach up to a shelf, got them, Dubble Bubble bubblegum, I always steal some of his, so I grab the biggest bag I can. I drop them in the basket. 
Next is Z. He’s a simple guy, salted plantains and a Coke. Hard to find plaintains, especially in a gas station, but I surprisingly find them. I drop them in my basket and think about what I want. Wait, gotta go through the list.
Next up is… I glance back down at my list. Tae. Haribo Berries, Hi-Chews, and a Minute Maid, pink lemonade flavor. He really likes fruit flavored things, I can’t judge, but I'm more of a chocolate girl. I place them in my basket and look down at my list, when I notice two women about my age, oddly close to me beginning to whisper. 
I walk out of that aisle as quick as I can, looking back down at my list. Next up is Jesse. He’s like an old man sometimes, all he wants is beef jerky, and a diet Pepsi. Not my taste, but again, I cant judge. I know Robaire is next, all he wants is a big bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles, and a Coke.
Yay, my turn! I always get the same thing at gas stations, a Pepsi, a bag of chips I’m feeling in that moment, tonight will be… I scan the rows and rows of chips, before landing on a bag of Takis. Spice is nice. I grab them, before going back to the candy aisle to grab me a Hershey's chocolate bar. 
As I grab the chocolate bar and set my basket on the counter, I feel a finger tap me on my shoulder. I turn to see those two girls from earlier, but as I turn, their faces distort from excitement to disappointment.
“Can I help you?” I say, waiting for the seemingly dumbfounded girls to say something so I can leave and I can get away. 
One of the girls look at me with a weird expression, seemingly disgusted. The other girl speaks up. “Sorry, we thought you were Robaire.” She says, her voice seeming disappointed with a hint of frustration. 
I don’t see it when people say me and Robaire look alike, we only have similar eye color, but thats about it. I have two beauty marks, he has one, I have thinner eyebrows, and he has thicker.
“Where is he, anyways? He's here somewhere, don’t lie. We want to see Robaire, not you.” The other girl says, her voice coming off as stuck up and rude. The other girl jabs her arm into the mean girls shoulder, causing her to wince.
“Sasha, don't be rude!” She says as her face contorts into an angry one. “Oh, hush, Rebecca. You know we only like 4*TOWN for the guys, not her! Theyre called boy bands for a reason!” Sasha says, as if I'm not even here.
Just when I thought my night couldnt get any worse. I don't understand why they don’t like me, I didn’t even do anything to them…
I begin to zone out as the two argue. But then something snaps me out of my thoughts, just to put me down in another set of thoights.
“Aaron T should've broken up with you on your birthday!” Sasha yells out as the store owner shoos them out, quickly coming up to me to apologize, telling me that everything is on the house as he scans my items and bags them.
I start thinking about that day, how my anxiety got worse by just a little bit. Everything between me and Aaron started this year, August 4th, my 22nd birthday. It was a surprise party at our clubhouse, I got sent to pick up pizza, I though they had forgotten my birthday.
When I came back, I saw the Happy Birthday banner that made me momentarily happy, before I saw Aaron and our now former manager, Hailey, kissing.
Though now I should've known it wasn't consensual, seeing that Aaron had his eyes wide open in shock before gently but forcefully pushing her away, but in the moment, I couldn't tell if it was real or a nightmare.
I quickly dropped the pizza box on the coffee table before storming out, my shoes clacking, which alerted the guys, and also Aaron, who ran after me before being stopped by Robaire, asking what happened.
I felt a hand grabbing mine, it was Z. At ifrst, I couldn't talk at all, feeling too overwhelmed to do so, but as he engulfed me in his warm embrace, I began to calm down and explain what I saw. As I talked, he looked at me with an expression that made me feel something weird inside.
He was shocked and a little hurt to say the least, and was about to go get Aaron so he could get his side of the story, when i caught a glimpse of Aaron, watching me and Z hug with an unreadable expression. 
Aaron ran over and began to explain himself, although I can usually keep up with his sometimes fast talking, I couldnt this time and Z had to tell him to breath and slow down. They locked eyes for a second, and that weird feeling came back, though it felt a little different. I don't know why.
Why did I feel like that?
As Aaron explained and Hailey rudely told the truth, that she came on to him and not vice versa as he would never do such a thing in the first place, I still felt a pang in my chest. I felt hurt, even though Aaron would never hurt me, and it was just a misunderstanding.
Now it's December 1st, and me and Aaron are going great again, we got a new manager named Paul, he's radical. Although we should have fired Hailey right after that concert in Toronto with the crazy giant talking red panda women and the other talking red panda ladies, plus the smaller yet taller than me talking one, Meilin Lee was her name.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the cashier, and I feel embarrassed. I pay and quickly walk out. Why did she have to bring that up, why would she say that? My day is terrible and I just want to get to the cabin so I can cry in peace.
I go back to the van and hop in the backseat, before being instantly bombarded with questions like “What took you so long?’’ and “What's wrong?”
I quietly hand everyone their correct snacks, giving out a weak “I’m fine, I'm just tired.” and hoping they will get that I don't want to talk right now. I then notice that Aaron is awake, looking at me with a slightly concerned expression, and he holds my face and wipes away my tears.
I didn't realize that I was crying.
“What happened?” he asks me, his voice soft as he looks at me with wide eyes and furrowed brows. I just lean into him, handing him the bag with his snacks. “I dont want to talk about it right now.’’ i say, hoping I'm not coming off as rude.
I seemingly don't, as he pecks my forehead and holds me close. I decide to spend the rest of this drive sleeping, not feeling hungry for my snacks now after everything that has happened.
I can hear the faint Michael Buble playing on the radio as I rest my head on Aaron’s chest and drift away to the world of wondrous sleep.
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crinkled-emotions · 9 months
Day 13: "You and me. Now."
Ship: Hangman x OC (Sav)
Take a shot every time I put a character in trouble with their significant other
Team I fuckin hate Christmas in the city people are straight up awful. I'm outta here to hug my dog and see a kangaroo in the bushes
(that sounds like a euphemism)
(I swear it wasn't)
(did anyone else see that photo with Glen wearing glasses?? Send help that was hot)
I've written day 13 and 14, but then I'm heading for 15 and potentially 16 by the end of the day because I am actually leaving the city tomorrow to be with my family for the holiday break!
Savannah was on a mission. Straight through the group of aviators standing at the collection point and into Jake’s arms, reaching up to kiss him. He didn’t even hesitate, brushing his thumb over her hip. They separated and Savannah glanced over her shoulder to watch the others find their families. Shifting slightly she saw Coyote scoop up his daughter when the little girl walked to him. The look of surprise on his face told her it was the first time he’d seen her walk. She felt Jake’s hand on her back and turned back to hug him again.
“You okay?” She murmured. He smiled into her shoulder.
“Happy to be back with you.”
“Nerd,” Savannah snorted, “but I’m glad too.”
“Hey Bagman, we’re going to hang out at Coyote’s once everyone’s had a nap. You down?”
Savannah turned in her husband’s arms, eyebrow raised when Phoenix walked past them. Jake hummed, running a hand down Savannah’s back to check with her.
“What do you think, baby? Wanna go get drunk?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Jake nodded at Phoenix and she grinned.
“See you there.”
“Starts at seven!” Coyote called. Everyone cheered.
Savannah didn’t usually go and meet Jake when he got off a carrier in another state, but something told her this one was different. He’d been radio silent until the day before and she’d taken the first flight from Texas to San Diego to see him. By the time they got back to the hotel he was subtly yawning and Savannah felt like she’d been wired for almost twenty-four hours. They took one look at each other and stripped off, collapsing on the bed. Savannah went to set an alarm but Jake stopped her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“C’mon; let’s just sleep. If we sleep till ten it’s no big deal.”
“What about tomorrow morning?”
“I’ll be starving and I might be in trouble with my CO for missing debrief but at least we’ll be well rested.”
Savannah hummed.
“Let’s not get you into any more trouble than usual. Go to sleep, Seresin.”
Jake flopped on to his back and Savannah sat up beside him. As much as he could pretty much fall asleep anywhere at this point, Savannah hadn’t quite adjusted to the Navy life and sometimes she needed a moment to just be grateful he was back and a-okay save a couple bruises on his chest and back. When Jake rolled on to his side he put a hand on her leg and she squeezed it before reaching for her book. Knowing her, she’d be out before she finished the chapter.
Somewhere during the night Savannah found herself separated from Jake and joining Rooster at the bonfire. She didn’t know him all that well, having met and married Jake in the time they weren’t friends, but something told her he was an alright guy.
“Bagman told you, huh?”
“Told me what?”
“Look; I’m really sorry. I already apologised to him, but-“
Savannah frowned. She scooted forward on her seat, flicking Rooster’s knee.
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes widened; he put his beer down and cleared his throat.
“Hangman and I... we stopped being friends years ago but he said something I had no idea he knew about and I flew off the handles.”
Savannah’s head shot up, dread building in her stomach.
“What did he say?”
“It’s not important, I-“
“-what did he say, Bradshaw- wait. Did you punch him?”
“I may have... uh. Yeah, I tried to- I wasn’t thinking... damn, Savannah, I’m sorry.”
“What did he say that was so fucking awful?”
“The man who’s been our commanding officer for this detachment flew with my father... they had an accident when I was two and my dad... didn’t make it. I don’t like it being shared around, y’know, sometimes I tell people and they think I got into the Navy as a nepo baby.”
“I’m confused.”
“Your husband broadcasted it to our squad and I guess I stopped thinking.”
Savannah sucked in a breath. Finally, she stood and took his beer.
“I hope you can go home and tell your wife that. Now excuse me, I have to go deal with mine.”
She stormed off, leaving Rooster with his brows furrowed.
“Hangman... isn’t a... hm.”
He shrugged.
“Hangman the wife. Well, if he wants he will.”
“You and me. Now.”
Jake whipped around when he felt Savannah tug at the end of his shirt, frowning when she gestured toward a quieter corner of Javy’s backyard.
“Everything okay, baby?”
“Now, Jake.”
He handed his beer to his best friend, letting his wife lead him away from the group. The first thing she did was gently turn his head from side to side, inspecting his face for any marks or bruises remaining from Rooster’s attempt. Then she put her hands on her hips.
“Tell me what you said to Rooster.”
“Did you seriously bring up his dad? I know you can be an asshole at work but fuck me, that is straight up awful!”
“-did you even think for a fucking second that you could trigger him? Rooster is a ball of anxiety buried under his super cool exterior at the best of times! Why do you think he’s here right now, not halfway back to Virginia Beach? He could be home, with his wife and kids-“
“-he nearly fucking wasn’t!”
Savannah’s lips pressed together, snapped shut in surprise. Jake took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair.
“You didn’t see him during training, Sav. He was getting through the course but he was so slow. If he flew like that in the mission... god, I wasn’t going to be the one to tell Dee. Or his kids.”
Savannah watched him for a moment. Finally, she reached for his hand.
“You were scared.”
“No, I was terrified.”
“Whatever you said to him wasn’t okay, and you know that is not the way to tell him you’re worried about him, but... Jake, look at me.”
As much as he was exasperated, he was also doing his best impression of a kicked puppy.
“I’m glad he’s okay, I’m glad you’re okay, and I’m really glad your face is okay. I kind of like it.”
That made him snort, and he reached for her hand.
“I already told him I was sorry, we talked it out on the transport flight. We’re cool.”
“I can’t believe how fucking bitchy you two can be... c’mere.”
She pushed off her back foot, straight into Jake’s arms. His shoulders relaxed and Savannah gave him a little tap on the back.
“Still mean.”
“I know.”
“Why didn’t you just talk to him?”
“I was scared it wasn’t goin’ to work.”
“Not talking to me.”
“You may have deserved that, honey.”
“Stop bein’ the voice of reason.”
They separated, Jake kissing her nose. Savannah brushed a hand over his cheek, then subtly tilted her head toward the back gate.
“We should... get some sleep.”
“Totally; debrief and then the flight home, we’re gonna be... uh, busy.”
The pair exchanged a look, then took off to make hasty goodbyes.
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wanderlust1979 · 1 year
The Rookie
Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford Lucy Chen John Nolan
It’s a Tuesday like any other, except it isn’t. Lucy has an OB appointment in a couple hours. The Dr.’s going to check everything is progressing as it should. They are also going to find out if they are having a boy or a girl. They talked about not finding out, like Angela and Wesley did, but they’ve both decided to forgo waiting and find out now.
Tim’s nerves are on edge. He and Lucy haven’t told anyone yet. Well besides Grey, who was ridiculously happy for them and has had Lucy on special assignment since her 6 week checkup when Dr.s suggested a lighter work load for her pregnancy. Everything had been good, not great, with the pregnancy and they were listening to their Dr. and taking advise seriously.
There was a high profile political figure in town this week so it was all hands on deck. Tim was going to have to miss the appointment today and it was killing him. Lucy assured him it would be fine and deep down he knew it would be, but he hates not being there for her. Not being by her side and holding her hand when the Dr reveales their child’s sex to them.
Tim was pulled from him thoughts when he and Nolan got a call over the shops radio. Shot fired, officers in distress and RA requested to scene, along with additional units. Tim and Nolan jumped into action.
3 hours went by in a flash. Once things had calmed down enough for Tim to take stock of how much time had passed. “Damn” Tim cursed as he realized he has missed a call from Lucy.
“You good?” Nolan asked as he looked over at Tim after he had spoke.
“Yeah,” Tim said in frustration “just missed a call from Lucy.” He was annoyed with today.
“How is Lucy? Feels like I haven’t seen her in weeks.” Nolan asked
Tim smiled to himself “She’s good. Killing it on special assignment.” Their own private joke, him and Lucy. Yeah she was on special assignment, but the real special assignment was their baby.
“Hey give me 10 minutes, I’m gonna give Lucy a quick call before we head back out.” Nolan nodded to Tim as he walked off towards the shop to wait for Tim.
Tim pulled up his FaceTime app to call Lucy. After a couple rings her beautiful face came up on his screen. “Hey baby, sorry I missed your call, we were on call.” He quickly followed up with “it’s all clear, Nolan and I just came in at the end to help clean up a little mess. All good!”
He didn’t miss the quick look of relieve that passed Lucy’s face. She worries when she wasn’t on his 6.
A soft smile speeded across her face as she held up an envelop in front of her face. “What you got there?” Tim asked with excitement in his voice.
“I didn’t want to know 1st. I had the Dr write down the sex of our baby so we could find out together.” She watched Tim’s save go through a range of emotions.
“I love you!” Was his response.
A smile to match his own appeared on her face. “I love you too!” She waved the envelop around. “Should we look?” She arched her eyebrow in question.
“YES!” He said with a bit too much excitement, but he didn’t care. He was dying to know.
Lucy used her phone hand to help hold the envelope as she opened the envelope. “You know it doesn’t matter, either way, boy or girl, we’ll love this baby,”
“But?” Tim prompted.
“But, do you have a preference? Do you want a boy vs a girl or vice verses?” Lucy bit her lip nervously as she waited for his answer.
He gave her a smile that said, she was a silly women, “No. whatever this child is, girl or boy, it’s ours. It’s a piece of each of us. I will love it with every fiber of my soul.” His mind is flashing images of him and Lucy and this unknown baby. The future they will have. The love and life they will share. He can feel himself tearing up. He shacks his head to get his focus back. “Ok, so open it. I’m dying to know.”
Lucy smiles at him, following his train of thought. Wanting what the same things he does. Knowing what he’s thinking, where his mind had gone. She pulls the slip of paper from the envelope and tears of joy spring to her eyes as she registers what she’s reading. She turns the piece of paper she’s holding towards Tim. “Our little girl is going to be the luckiest little girl having you as a daddy.” Tears are streaming down her face.
His breath catches in his throat. A girl. He’s gonna be a dad to a little girl. His little girl. His and Lucy’s child. He knew, he just knew this little girl was going to be beautiful like her mother. He could see her now. His heart was growing in his chest, in excitement and in love.
“Sergeant Bradford we’ve got a call!” Nolan called from the shop.
Tim grimaced, “Baby I gotta run, we’ve got a call. I love you. I’ll see you tonight and we will celebrate!” Tim’s rushing now, knowing he has to take the call. “I love you baby. You have made me the happiest man alive!” He smiled at her, it’s filled with so much love he thinks he might burst.
Lucy is smiling at him like a dope, “I love you too Tim,” she sobers slight, “be careful. Tell Nolan I’ll kick his ass if anything happens to you, even a small scratch.” She’s smiling at him at the end of the conversation.
He’s smiling at her now too. “I always am!” He sends her a wink before ending the call and walking to the shop.
As he slides into the drivers seat of the shop and turns the vehicle on he absently says to Nolan “ Hey, when you thought about learning how to braid hair.” He sees confusion on John’s face. “Before you knew if Henry was a boy or girl” a look crosses John’s face as he remembers a comment he once made to Tim as they were riding together his rookie year. John nods his head in affirmation. “How does one go about learning to braid hair?”
Tim is pulling out into traffic as John begins to speak. “Back then, I’d probably have had to have my wife teach me.” John continues to think fondly of that memory and the possibilities that could have been.
Tim is focus in the here and now, “yeah but today I’m sure there’s some video online I could watch” he says forgetting he isn’t with someone who know about Lucy’s pregnancy.
John looks over at Tim in confusion, “I guess. But why would you need to learn how to…” realization washes over John. “Oh, my, sir, congratulations!” John finishes with a smile on his lips.
Tim looks over a John and smiles. Probably the biggest smile Tim has ever shown in his whole life. “Thanks man!”
Don’t worry he will continue to smile like that from now on.
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neonbrutalism · 2 years
For the 2023 DDE Prompt Fest hosted by @daredevilexchange I wrote a remix of @inkforhumanhands's Do Me A Favor, Baby, Don't Reply.
I'd Arrest You If I Had Handcuffs
Rating - Teen And Up Audiences
Category: M/M
Fandom: Daredevil (Comics)
Relationship: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
Characters: Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson
Additional Tags: Getting Together, Apologies, Idiots in Love, Comedy, Matt's Chained Up but it's not in a sexy way
“I’m not saying I handled it well, Foggy…”
“Oh, I’d say you handled it just about as terribly as it was possible to do so.”
“This is still a little extreme.”
Matt jingled the cuff attached to his ankle, the other side of which was attached to his office’s radiator. 
“I’m not saying I handled it well, Foggy…”
“Oh, I’d say you handled it just about as terribly as it was possible to do so.”
“This is still a little extreme.”
Matt jingled the cuff attached to his ankle, the other side of which was attached to his office’s radiator. 
“Is it?” Foggy said, mildly, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee, “I think locking you in place is a pretty good idea. Now, I’ll know where you are. At all times. And don’t get any ideas about picking the lock or breaking the cuff, I’m borrowing them from Pym and they’re some kind of nanomachine self-repairing super lock.”
“This is…”
“Matthew. If you say I’m overreacting, I’m going to cuff your arms down too. I guess that’ll teach you for falling asleep at the office.”
“Switching my coffee out for decaf is dirty pool.”
“You’re the one who didn’t notice, Mr. Super-Taster.”
“You said it was a new brand. And you drowned it in that horrific hazelnut syrup you like. I may never taste anything but that syrup again.”
“It is a new brand. Of decaf. And you can smell that syrup a mile away, so why’d you drink it?”
“I was trying to not upset you further.”
“But you agree that I have a right to be upset?”
Matt’s mouth snapped shut. And then opened again. 
“Okay. I’m sorry I stood you up for our… date.”
Foggy crossed his arms, “Standing up implies you never showed. What you did, Matt, was come to the restaurant, hand me flowers and then run like your ass was on fire.”
“Okay, I’m sorry I – did that.”
“And then didn’t answer my calls for the entire weekend.”
“That too.”
Foggy sat down in the chair in front of Matt’s desk and put his feet up on the desktop. 
Matt scowled.
Foggy ignored it, “You know, it wasn’t even humiliating. The waitress even saw you come in, give me the flowers, and flee. I didn’t even have to give her some story about how you would be here any minute - she was witness to you being an idiot.”
Matt sighed, ”Foggy…”
“She actually gave me a free glass of wine as a “sorry your boyfriend is insane” gift.”
“You’re… welcome?” 
Foggy crossed his arms over his chest.
“Do you have an explanation for this extremely stupid chain of events, Matthew?”
“Something came up, suddenly.”
“If that was the case, you probably would have told me later, instead of radio silence,” said Foggy.
“What I think happened is that you got in your own head about fucking everything up. And ruining our friendship. And that Man Without Fear label only applies to hurtling into gunfire and not anything remotely to do with intimacy and you worry because of what happened to anyone you’re close to. But… you also really, really want to suck my dick.”
Matt choked. Foggy continued like he hadn't noticed. 
“Hence the flowers and then the running for the hills like my dad is gonna come after you with a shotgun to force you to make an honest woman out of me. That sound about right?”
Matt frowned, “… Maybe.”
Foggy sighed, “Being your friend is about as dangerous as dating you, for one, so nothing new there. As for the rest… I don’t know. Get therapy about it.”
Matt stayed quiet.
“So, cards on the table, Matt. You are obviously interested in me.”
“I – not that obviously.”
“No, the dropping-off flowers and then running makes you pretty obvious. You’re not a subtle man,” said Foggy.
“Fine. Yes, okay, I am, uh… interested,” said Matt, spreading his hands on his desk, “And if you still are, after … uh, everything…”
Foggy hummed, noncommittally. Matt swallowed.
“Let me make it up to you,” Matt said, “Lunch. Dinner. Community theater musical.”
“Boy, you must really want my dick.”
“Fog, come on…”
“Okay, okay,” Foggy said, relenting, “Dinner, tonight. Here. Greek, so I’ll be nice and garlicky for you.”
Matt suppressed a wince.
“Sure, okay.”
“And you’ll order me some more flowers. Big bouquet. Obnoxiously big.”
Foggy stood, “Great. So, it’s a date.”
And with that, Foggy leaned over the desk and kissed Matt on the cheek. 
“See you at 7,” he said as he headed for the door to the office. 
“Wait — Foggy, I’m still — what about the cuff?” Matt said, jangling the metal chain around his ankle.
Foggy paused, “Oh, right. Don’t let any of our clients see it. And let me know if you have to use the toilet.”
Matt gaped, “Wh — Foggy! Come on!”
Foggy just hummed as he walked into the hall, closing Matt’s office door behind him.
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dragonbinx · 1 year
With Love From
Part of my New Year’s series from last winter.  Posted on Ao3 here.
Series: Dawson’s Creek
Ship: Joey/Pacey
Characters: Pacey Witter, Joey Potter
A phone ringing woke Pacey from a near catatonic sleep. It took him one ring to wake up, two more to realize it was his cell phone, and it was midway through its fifth and final ring when he picked it up. “H’lo?”
“Hey, Pacey.”
He sat up, not completely awake, but certainly more aware than he had been. He hadn’t heard her voice in months. “Hey, Jo.”
“Doug gave me your new number.”
“He did?”
“Well, Jack did. I guess they’ve been hanging out?”
“Ah. Yes, they have. So is this an early Christmas present for me?”
“Might be more of a present for me.”
“Is that so? Well, that’s flattering."
“I just mean, I won’t be able to see you. Not any of you. I can’t make it home for Christmas. The dorms are open through the holiday, and the plane ride is expensive, my French isn’t good enough to wait tables and I just couldn’t make it happen.”
“I heard. I still see Bessie around, y’know.”
“Right. Of course.” There was a moment of silence on the line. “I’m sorry, Pace.”
“For what?”
“For ditching you with a letter and going radio silent until I needed someone to talk to. You deserve better than that.”
“Doesn’t seem that different from me taking off on a boat before graduation. Trust me, I know what it’s like to need to cut ties sometimes.”
“How did you do it?”
He shifted the phone, frowning in the dark of his room. “Leave? The same way you did, just on a boat instead of a plane.”
“No, I mean …” she trailed off.
“I haven’t made any friends here. I’m getting better at French, but I still can’t have a conversation without having to ask people to repeat themselves over and over, and I’m the only one, because I’m the only one who came to Paris on a whim instead of it being planned, or because my parents are rich, and what was I thinking? I’ve never been impulsive, and this is what I started with.”
“Whoa, hold on, you’ve absolutely been impulsive before. Or do you not remember how our relationship started?”
“That was different,” she said, exasperated but somehow soft at the same time.
“Why, because it worked out? Because if you remember, you didn’t like the boat so much the first couple weeks when we couldn’t find you new clothes and you couldn’t fall asleep in the hammock and you fell off the side on the third day.”
“And you laughed at me.”
“After I got you out of the water, and to be fair, it was very funny.”
“I miss you.”
He smiled to himself, happier than he probably should be at such a simple confession. “Good thing you have my phone number, then.”
“Good thing.”
“Oh, and Potter? Maybe figure out the time differences for next time.”
There was another pause and he practically hear her doing the math in her head. Then a small, disbelieving, guilty, “Damn it.”
“I’m doing Easter.”
Joey’s voice was slurred with sleep. “Pacey? Whassit?”
Pacey paced around the small room of his studio apartment, too agitated to feel guilty. “I’m sorry, I know it’s late there, but Joey, they gave me the Easter menu at my restaurant. The place is booked, and it’s the one holiday the head chef takes off, and the sous chef just called in with a family emergency, and somehow they decided to give it to me.”
“That’s amazing!”
“No, it’s not, because I am Pacey Witter, screw up. I might be able to do the basics now, but if I get handed something big like this, I’m gonna mess it up. You know, you’ve seen me do it.”
“Well, that’s just stupid.”
He took a sharp breath in. “Excuse me?”
“Look, I’m tired, so I’m giving you the tough love speech. You have proven time and time again that you are talented and capable and the only thing getting in the way of your inevitable success is you. I’m sorry your family was awful, I really am, and if you want to talk about it at length at a reasonable hour, I am more than willing to do so. But you are Pacey Witter, the guy with friends who love and respect you and clearly bosses who think you can do this, so forget what your dad thought you were capable of when you were fifteen. I know what you’re capable of now, and you’ve got this. And if you need to be reminded, and Jack or Jen or Grams or Doug or even Bessie, aren’t available to say the same, because you know they will, you can call me. At a normal time. Goodnight.”
The dial tone sounded in his ear, leaving him gaping and speechless. Leave it to Joey to give him the most supportive speech in more irritated tone of voice that he’d ever heard.
“I hate Halloween.”
Pacey nodded to himself as he hung up a motion activated ghost in Doug’s yard. It went well with the inflatable Frankenstein and giant skeleton. “I know.”
“It’s stupid. What does everyone want a holiday just to scare people for anyway?”
“Absolutely ridiculous.”
“Not the holiday, you.”
“What’s going on? I know you’ve never been into Halloween or anything, but this seems excessive.”
“It isn’t a big holiday in Paris. And I told that to my coworkers, and now they want to take me out to some haunted house thing for my big return to American Halloween. And maybe … I’m a little freaked out.” Her voice was small and a little embarrassed, and Pacey felt so fond he could barely stand it.
“Of course you are. You are my favorite skittish kitten, Potter.”
“I think I’m old enough to just be a scaredy cat now, Witter.”
“Never. It lacks flair.”
She groaned. “This is exactly the comfort from a dear friend that I was hoping for.”
“You want something comforting? Then just look in the mirror. You are the most intimidating person I know. I’ve seen you ruin people’s days with a single withering stare. You recently came back from an international adventure, living somewhere you didn’t know the language, and Jack told me about the French creep you kneed in the balls.”
“He deserved it.”
“I have no doubt,” Pacey chuckled, sticking devil horns on Doug’s mailbox. “Jo, anything that is in that house should be scared of you, not the other way around.”
“That does actually help. Thanks, Pace.”
“You’re very welcome.” He sighed wistfully. “Think now that you’re back in the State I’ll get to see that gorgeous face of yours again?”
“I hope so. I need to make sure you didn’t grow back that mustache when I was gone.”
“It’s a handlebar now.”
“Of course it is.”
“Uh, I gotta go.” He put the cell phone down and held his hands up in a pacifying gesture as Doug, who had just pulled up to the house, got out of his car with a mixture of shock, horror, and growing fury on his face. “Now, let me explain …”
“Do you know what today is?”
Rain thrummed against the window as Pacey lay on his couch, trying to think past the fog his brain was constantly in these days. “Um … Tuesday?”
“Not what I … wait, no, it’s Wednesday.”
“Is it?” He stifled a yawn. “Sorry, opening the restaurant is even more time consuming than everyone warned me it would be. What’s up?”
There was quiet on the other end of the line, and some sense of foreboding tingled the back of his neck. “What’s today?”
“My mom’s been dead for ten years.”
“Oh, Jo …”
“Bessie doesn’t want to talk about it, and … I haven’t spoken to Dawson since I left for Paris.” Her breath shuddered in his ear, and more than ever, he wished they were in the same place. How was he supposed to have this conversation and not be holding her? “You’re the only one I could think of who knew her, and I just needed … I don’t know.”
“She used to play checkers with me.”
He heard Joey sniffle, but she sounded better when she asked, “She did?”
“Yeah. Doug was just starting as a cop and Gretchen was getting popular in school and they wouldn’t play with me anymore. Dawson thought that checkers were below him or something, and we played one time and you got mad when you lost and flipped the board.”
She laughed wetly. “I think I remember that. Sorry.”
“So your mom would play with me. I mean, I wasn’t at your house much, so we only played a handful of times before I decided I was too old for it. But it was nice of her. I never forgot.”
“Checkers, huh?”
“Is that judgement of my choice of childhood game I’m hearing?”
“No, no, of course not.”
“It’s perfect,” she told him, sincere in a way that made him feel warm.  He was relieved that he could still help her when she needed him most.
“Maybe we can play next time you’re in town. Y’know, if you can promise you won’t flip the board again when you lose.”
“You wish, Witter.”
“You don’t have to yell, Pace, I can hear you.”
“SORRY - sorry, Joey Potter.”
“I take it Doug’s Fourth of July barbecue went well.”
“Didja know?”
“About him and Jack? Yeah, Jack told me. Asked me how he should tell you.”
“Y’told ‘em to be making out when I got there?”
“No, I’m pretty sure that was an accident.”
“My friends hafta stop kissing my siblings.”
“I’ll make a note.”
“Well, you can’t. Only have sisters besides Doug n’ Doug’s gay, he told me. Unless y’like my sisters, I guess.”
“Uh-huh. Did this really require getting drunk?”
“Yup. Doug’s pants were off.”
“… oh.”
“I’ll be happy for them tomorrow.”
“That’s fair. Promise me you’ll drink some water.”
“Okay. I miss seeing your face, Joey Potter.”
“I miss you too, Pace. You have no idea.”
“Aw, tha’s nice. I’m gonna throw up now.”
The beginning of the end of 2008 was at hand. Five minutes until the best, worst, and most surreal year of his life was over. Jen and Grams were gone, he was a character on a teen drama and basically a third parent to a two-year-old, and Joey Potter was curled up on his couch next to him.
“A whole holiday season spent together instead of on the phone. I don’t know if I’ll get used to it.”
“I could go into the other room and call you if you’re feeling nostalgic.” Joey snuggled further into his chest, so he was pretty sure it wasn’t a real offer.
“No, no. I’ll learn to deal with it somehow.”
“I mean, in a couple minutes, we get to kiss at midnight, that’s pretty nice. And then after that, we can play checkers.”
“You want to start your year with a loss?”
He could only see her hair from this angle, but he could feel her scowl. “Oh, it’s on, Witter.”
“If you say so, dear.” He kissed the top of her head and pulled her as close as he could. He hadn’t been kidding; part of him did miss those phone calls. But this was so much better. This was how he wanted to spend all of his holidays for the rest of his life.
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