#sorry this looks kinda poopy
ink--theory · 8 months
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committing the greatest sin of them all
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vikas-room · 2 years
(🔇 no sound)
havent really made anything to use as cool props but here (throws this at you) using a crt shader gracefully stolen from here
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symp4nat · 3 months
Dior and reader act like they're in a relationship and they do things couples do like being touchy and calling each other nicknames which make the other cast members curious if they're dating and that basically makes them both realise that they have feelings for each other
(pretend that they're filming s2 and reader is one of the new characters)
thank youuu
"What are we?"
dior goodjohn x reader
warnings: nicknames, touching (not sexual), stupid idiots in love, fmentionss of making out, bad words
You were sitting on your foldable-director's (actor's) chair with your legs crossed as you watched your castmates all work on set. You had noticed Dior in a slightly bad mood and your eyes followed her as she walked to the bathroom. As you continued watching the team, you felt a hand squeezing your arm.
"Hey, you," a voice rasped. You could recognize that voice from a mile away. "You okay," you questioned as you turned around to face her, your best friend, the love of your life.. stop it, you aren't anything like that..
Dior stood on the side of your chair and ran a hand through your hair. She scoffed and denied, "What are you talking about? I'm fine, I'm all goo-"
You reached a hand up to her face and rubbed her cheek. "No, I mean, I kinda noticed, you looked uncomfortable o- or sad, I dunno."
Her nails gently scratched your scalp as she cooed, "I'm alright, baby, I'll tell you later, 'kay?" You looked down to cover the blush that rose to your face and nodded. "Go film, pretty."
She tucked some hair behind her ear and shook her head. "They asked me to come get you," she gently spoke as she looked down at you lovingly. "C'mon, bro, stop making out and get over here," Charlie teased.
You huffed and intertwined your fingers with hers and pulled her to the set. She admired the smile on your face and laughed. "We're friends, dude!"
Leah snorted, "Okay, big sis." You peered into Dior's dark brown eyes and squeezed her arm. "Go, I'll be on Set 4." Her lips landed on your cheek and said, "'Kay, I'll pick you up later. Stay safe."
When you had returned, a little bit earlier, you noticed Dior's hands on a girls waist, both of them wearing a camp shirt and lighting and a greenscreen behind them. Your eyebrows furrowed but you realized that it was the scene you despised.
Her eyes darted to yours and then back to the girl's. She swallowed the lump in her throat and the girl placed her hand on Dior's cheek. You clenched your jaw as your nails dug into your palms. As you walked away, Dior sighed, but continued with the scene. She placed her lips onto the other girl's and imagined it was you, her girl, standing right in front of her.
authors note: forthesakeoftheplot,lets pretend, sea-of-monsters, hasakisswithclarisseandsomeoneelse
Later, Dior knocked on your trailer. "Out, home time, let's go!" You opened the door and barely glanced at her as you placed a waterbottle in her hands. Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at you confusedly. You got into her car and shut the door as you impatiently waited for her. Once she got in, she played some music quietly as she drove and hummed along with it.
You were drumming your fingers on the side of the car door and Dior groaned, "Please, talk to me, lovey..."
And so you snapped. "What are we? Do you think I'm okay with all of this? I'm okay with you just- just messing around with me and acting like we're in love?! That isn't right; none of this is!"
She parked the car in your driveway, but you wouldn't relent. "I hate it, I hate acting like we're best friends one moment and then lovers the next! Choose something and fucking stick with i-"
Dior pulled you in for a kiss, a gentle, loving kiss. As your lips moved in sync with one another, your eyes fluttered shut in relief. You pulled back, gasping for breath, and Dior said, "There, I love you. I'm in love with you, doofus."
"I like you too, love, I mean love," you said softly. "And um... I gotta go so yeah.." Dior nodded and once you opened the door, she grabbed your face. She pecked your lips and then kissed you longer again.
From the outside, you were beaming as you closed the door and entered your house. On the inside, you were screaming in excitement. You jumped around in your living room and checked your phone as you felt a buzz.
D <3
i can see u, yk?
its cute btw :)
cya tmrw x
A grin formed on your face as you collapsed onto your couch. Maybe this was love, who knew.
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tangyangie · 10 months
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let's be honest. he's still gonna be a jerk to you.
but at first, he'll treat you with the same (fake) kindness as he does everyone else.
even with the personality he puts up in front of everyone, he felt some sort of attraction to you. he doesn't ever really like anyone—so this is definitely new to him. give him a second.
he'd probably still try to put up his front, but the awkwardness would seep through. he's a good enough actor that you can't tell... though, he'd probably try to get away from you as fast as he can so that you don't realize. you notice something, but can't tell what.
as you spend more and more time together, he tries hinting you about him. but, you're so oblivious to them that he gives up on that front.
eventually, you like him, and he can tell. he wants to tell you, but he's worried that you'd leave and never speak to him again—let alone like him.
he wouldn't let you confess to him before he told you, though. he has some dignity, and wouldn't want to make you feel dirty toilet water.
so, he told you very bluntly. if he eases into it, it'd probably be harder for you to believe.
"y/n, i've been faking my personality this entire time."
"sorry, what?"
"sorry, let me say it better for you. i'm a phony. a fake."
"...wait, what?!"
"i give up."
once you acclimate to this information, david probably goes away to give you some time. he doesn't want you to get too overwhelmed before he can tell you he likes you, too. however that happened.
soon enough, you tell him you don't hate him.
you do want to spend some more time together before you can officially say that you like him, but it goes faster than you'd expect.
even with his doggy poopie personality, you end up liking him more than you'd think.
you are hesitant to confess to him, though. with the way he's acting—if you were wrong about him liking you, you'd never see him again. as easy as that would be.
he catches on, and decides to risk his feeling of superiority and be the one in the vulnerable spot. he confesses es very similarly to how he told you about his personality. extremely flatly.
once you guys are officially together, he's very possessive. i'm talking death stares at everyone that gets too close that he doesn't approve of, hand on you at all times, constantly pulling you towards him... he's clingy. doesn't want to admit it.
love language is definitely physical touch. you think he can use his words to tell you?? no. physical touch and quality time.
he lets you play with his hair. it's like turning a shark on its back—he goes completely silent. he doesn't normally fall asleep, but you wouldn't be surprised if he did.
one time, you tied his hair into a small ponytail. he looked really cute, and you made sure to let him know!! he cursed you under his breath, but didn't take it out.
i feel like he'd be a really good cook. i can vividly imagine in in an apron making cookies or cake!! but he makes good food other than baking—but those are like heaven in a single bite.
(lovingly) calls you mean names. and tells you to kys. you know he's joking, but sometimes... it's hard to tell.
plays games with you. he cheats.
"how'd you get the extra thousand monopoly dollars??"
"wow. i really don't know. that's... that's a real head-scratcher, there."
"david, i will stuff the bills down your throat."
"sure, you will. just like you got the boardwalk."
"you stole the boardwalk!!"
"can't steal it if it's not yours, stupid."
"i'm still getting park place."
"i will murder you."
mmmm makeouts.
he loves to make out with you. he's very handsy.
another hair grabber, i think. he's kinda lazy about things, so pulling you in closer in such an intimate but low-effort way makes it really easy for him!!
teases you with his looks, probably. i can imagine him leaning in to kiss you and just looking you right in the eyes with a grin on his face.
and then he grabs you and buries you in a kiss.
he steals blankets on the bed, couch—wherever you are, you'll end up freezing to death. he'll be warm and comfy, dead asleep.
he doesn't apologize verbally, but will try and refrain from taking the warm covers. if that doesn't work, he'll just bring more.
you guys will probably have separate blankets now to prevent him from taking your warmth.
definitely not a morning person. i can see him sleeping till 1 in the afternoon if you'd let him. probably tries to hold you in the bed with him to prevent your escape.
he's pretty muscular, i think. probably lifts you up randomly to mess with you. tosses you onto the couch.
big hands.
you can't help but notice them. if they were an idol, they'd have the best stage presence ever—they just draw your attention so easily.
like i said earlier, he's handsy. drags out his touches to annoy you.
you guys end up watching each other's shows.—i can see the two of you curled up and binging criminal minds, or something.
it was kind of a side effect of getting together... your interests kind of merged.
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notes. there's absolutely no new content for david and i'm going crazy... so here's this for my drdt fans!! and if you're a danganronpa lover and you haven't watched it please do it's so good!! (esp for the nagito stans you're gonna love david)
and the doggy poopie was a while you were sleeping reference because they said that line while i was writing what i was originally going to use, and i decided it was perfect !!
sorry for all the notes, but i'm kind of delusional when it comes to david !! so this is probably a bit ooc...
and finally... i'm so so so so sorry for how long it's been 💔💔 i've had no motivation to write ☹️
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asskickedbygirl · 1 year
Request for smutty and fluffy Johnny fic where fem reader is an actress turned new cast member for Jackass Forever, but grew up having the biggest crush on Johnny. She gets caught on someone’s live saying how hard work is because of how hot she finds Johnny, and it goes viral.
Hot For Knoxville [Johnny Knoxville x F!Reader]
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Desc: Anon covered it but i made it a little more … dirty
A/n: thank you for request! haven’t written any silver foxville but he’s still hot so here is this. sorry there isn’t much fluff til the end i got kinda carried away… lmk if you enjoy! also sorry it took so long i deleted it at first…
Warnings: smut (18+), p in v, age gap, alcohol and drug use, praise kink, oral (m receiving)
2.7k words
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You sat in Rachel’s apartment with her Jasper and Poopies after a long day of press. Being the new cast members, you started a tradition of hanging out after shooting or press and ended up becoming close friends. You and Rachel were on the couch talking and passing round a blunt while the guys sat in the kitchen. “So what were you thinking when Johnny first dmed you?” Rachel asked, inhaling the smoke into her lungs. “Well I mean at first I was kinda hoping it was for reasons other than professional.” Rachel laughed and handed you the joint. “Oh really?” You grinned, “Well who wouldn’t want Johnny Knoxville sliding into their dms?�� Rachel giggled then tilted her head. “Isn’t he a little old for you?” You shrugged. “Hey the silver hair kinda does it for me. It was actually kinda hard to concentrate at work.” Rachel urged you to go on. “Well he was just so hot. I was constantly blushing and stammering around him. I still get all flustered when he talks to me sometimes like who the hell gets to work with their prepubescent sexual awakening?!” The guys began laughing and gasping, clapping their hands over their mouth and turning to face you. Your heart stopped at their reactions. “What?” You asked but feared you already knew the answer. “We’re on live.” Poopies replied, your face immediately turning a bright red.
You dreaded the next day when you’d be doing a full cast interview for some morning show. Naturally, someone had screen-recorded the live and it had done its rounds all over twitter and instagram. You knew Johnny had to know and that drove you crazy. You showed up to press, the crew already tormenting you over the video before Johnny even arrived. “Gonna find work hard today Y/n?” Wee-man teased. “Damn, maybe I should let my hair go gray.” Mocked Steve-o. Your eyes had rolled enough for ten years in the ten minutes you were waiting for your silver fox coworker. And then he waltzed in, immediately beelining for you at the coffee table, a wide grin on his face. “Well hello Y/n.” Your eyes rolled again, not even bothering to respond as you smiled flatly. “And how was your evening yesterday?” He asked as you gritted your teeth. “Very funny Knoxville.” He cackled his typical cackle. “Well hey I’m sorry! I’ll try not to make this hard for you today, I’ll look a little less sexy.” You gave him the stink eye and he laughed again. “Your heads so big right now I’m surprised you could even fit through the door.” He laughed again. “Alright, alright, I’ll leave you alone. I know you get flustered if I talk to you for too long.” You shook your head with disapproval as he walked away, leaving you with bright red cheeks.
Work was harder than usual that day what with all of the guys tormenting you about live stream gate. What was worse was how hot you found Johnny when he was being so cocky. Maybe you didn’t regret boosting his ego after all… Tremaine invited you out with the whole cast that night to celebrate the last day of press before the premiere and you gratefully accepted, never a better day to drink away your shame. You got ready, opting for a shorter dress for a more slutty approach to distract everyone from your embarrassment and headed out.
As soon as you arrived you headed straight for the bar to catch up with everyone else seeing as you arrived sort of late. By the time your first vodka shot poured down your throat a certain southern man had joined you. “Nice of you to join us.” He charmed and you ignored him, throwing back the next shot “Woah, maybe go easy there, don’t wanna be hungover on the red carpet now do we?” You wiped the corners of your mouth. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Johnny bit his lip. “Sorry for today, it’s funny s’all. Not really used to being flattered too much nowadays.” You peered up at him. “Really?” He shrugged. “Glad to know I have one fan of the silver hair.” You smiled. “Alright Silver Foxville.” Johnny gave you a quizzical look and scoffed. “What did you call me?” You laughed heartedly, “Just something I’m trying out.” You gazed up at him, your head sort of reeling at the fact you were kind of actually flirting with Johnny.
You both returned to the group and spent the rest of the night drinking and getting progressively more touchy with your childhood crush. Although you were almost two decades younger than your costar, he still made your heart skip a thousand beats and his sudden surge in flirty behaviour was making your head swarm. “So, I was your sexual awakening huh?” Johnny asked, raising his brows suggestively. You laughed, getting more comfortable with the scandal now his arm was draped around your shoulders. “God don’t even. I remember watching Jackass when I was like 12 and it was the bit where you had a bunch of bees as your underwear and I was just obsessed with you from that point on, you were like my sex icon.” He cackled loudly again, another proper Johnny, hand on belly cackle. “Good to know, good to know. And has much changed?” You rolled your eyes. “Not answering that.” Johnny looked smug then, “Oh really?” Your demeanour changed as Johnny wet his lips, his almost lustful eyes boring into you. “You wanna get out of here?” He asked and your heart stopped. You hesitated, shocked at the underlying intention of his question but agreed anyways.
Johnny made up some lame excuse that you were both tired and would get an uber together but you knew they didn’t buy it, not that you cared. The ride to yours was intense, you sat close together and tried to make normal conversation but the butterflies in your tummy were running rampant. He just looked at you with these almost knowing eyes and would bite his lip every now and again. You eventually arrived at yours as you unlocked the door and encouraged Johnny to sit while you got yourselves beers. He leaned back on your couch and had his legs spread wide, fuck. You handed him the beer and intended in launching into some irrelevant conversation to deflect from your nerves but he had other ideas. “Rachel’s right you know, I’m too old for you.” You sighed and took a sip from your beer. “Are we still on this?” Johnny took the bottle from your hands and set it down. You knitted your brows together but your face softened when you saw your crushes blown out pupils. “You got a thing for older guys?” You swallowed. “Maybe.” He smiled. “You got a thing for me though don’t you?” You bit your lip.
Johnny stood up from his position and looked down at you, hand reaching up to stroke your cheek gently, a look of wonder in your eyes. “You think about me?” You nodded as his thumb brushed against your lips. “Think about me when you’re touching yourself?” His thumb slipped into your mouth then, his words and actions making your panties pool. You sucked on his thumb obediently, lightly nodding. “Good girl.” You whimpered and his eyes lit up. “You like when I call you a good girl?” You pressed your thighs together tightly and nodded again. Usually you wouldn’t be into this stuff, but when it was Johnny you’d be wet at anything he did. He removed his thumb from your lips and grabbed your chin. “Open.” He muttered and you complied, allowing him to spit into your mouth. He scoffed as you swallowed it. “Jesus. I could do anything to you right now and you’d let me. Wouldn’t you?” You bit your lip again, your pleading eyes still looking up at him. He grabbed your chin more forcefully this time, “Wouldn’t you?” You verbally answered, voice wavering.
Your cheeks were a splotchy red as your eyes gazed up at him innocently, willing to submit to this act Johnny had put on. He lifted his arm down to pick up your hand that was lying on your lap, bringing it towards his ‘Knoxville’ belt. You complied with his wishes, undoing it as quickly as possible. You zipped his pants down and reached right into his boxers, taking his semi-hard cock out. You grabbed it by its shaft and looked up at PJ, waiting for instructions obediently. He smiled and nodded, “Go on.” You began pumping him slowly then before licking his tip gently. He groaned at the contact, his cock becoming fully erect. You got to work swirling your tongue around the tip, tasting his precum and moving your hand up and down the shaft. Eventually Johnny’s hand found it’s way to the back of your head, pushing it lightly to encourage you to take him in fully. You did as he urged, struggling to get half way down but sucking him nevertheless. He groaned while did so, beginning to move your head up and down himself now, his hips slightly bucking. “God you’re good at that,” He moaned, your eyes fluttering up to meet his lustful ones. “So pretty with my cock in your mouth baby.” You shut your thighs tightly at the praise and Johnny smiled when he noticed.
“You wanna touch yourself?” You nodded, pulling your tight dress up to fold at your waist, giving PJ a teasing glance at your panties. He bit his lip and continued pushing you down to take more of him in while your hands slipped under the band, fingers moving to rub your clit. You moaned softly against Johnny’s cock, the vibrations causing him to mirror your noise. That’s when he began gathering your hair up to hold a firm grip on you, the pushing and pulling getting rougher. Your pace with your fingers quickened as you began gagging on Johnny’s cock, the tip hitting the back of your throat. “Put a finger inside of yourself.” Johnny panted. You moved your ass to allow yourself better access, slipping a finger in while saliva began dripping down your chin. “There you go, good girl.” The praise caused you to moan again and add an extra finger. Johnnys pace increased so forcefully your motions inside of yourself stopped, only concentrating on breathing through your nose as the older man face fucked you. It got to a point you figured he had to come before he pulled your mouth off of him, strings of saliva still connecting you.
You wiped your chin with your hand, taking your other one out of your panties while Johnny took his pants completely off, his shirt with it. You bit your lip and pulled off the rest of your dress as well as your panties, admiring Johnny’s toned body despite his age. He grinned seductively when he saw you bare in front of him and at his mercy. He took your chin between his index and his thumb once again to tilt your head up towards him. “You’re too pretty for your own good. You know that?” You blushed like a schoolgirl even though you had just sucked the man’s dick thirty seconds prior. He took a seat next to you on the couch and pulled you to straddle his lap, seating you just above his cock. He rubbed his hand against your mound as he leaned in and kissed you roughly. It became apparent that that was the first time the two of you had even kissed and boy you were not wasting it. Lips and teeth clashing, tongues battling for dominance, soft whimpers let out as he continued to rub your clit. You pulled away, “I need you Johnny.” He smiled and leaned his head back, “Then get me.” He motioned towards his dick and you realised he wanted you to fuck him. You complied but were initially skeptical at his willingness to give up control for a moment, but maybe he had an ulterior motive.
You reached back and took his dick in your hand, already wet with your spit and his pre-cum and began lowering yourself. You whimpered as he breached into you, gripping his shoulder to steady yourself but noticed he made no efforts to help. In fact, Johnny had his arms up, leaning his head against his interlocked hands. “Go on.” He spoke, biting his lip and pushing his hips up lightly, teasing you. It became clear he was doing this on purpose, letting you do all the pathetic work to degrade you, and you weren’t even mad about it. You did as you were told, eventually getting down all the way before lifting again. It was hard to get a proper pace going when it was a one man job, just you fucking yourself with Johnnys cock while he watched on with delight. You whimpered and panted as you began bouncing, still steadying yourself with his shoulders. “Does that feel good?” He asked, taunting you. You looked him in the eyes and nodded, “Yeah.” He smiled back. “Hmmm. You like fucking yourself or do you want me to help?” You sighed, “Can you help?” He laughed, “Why didn’t you ask in the first place?”
Johnny grabbed your hips and pulled you down so you were fully seated on his cock, causing you to moan out before he pulled you off once more, slamming you back down immediately after. His pace became relentless, your mind fogging up as you let him fuck you. “You gonna find it hard to work tomorrow? Hmmm? Gonna find it hard to walk maybe.” You couldn’t reply, fucked out of your mind. You didn’t expect Knoxville to be such a dom in bed, certainly didn’t expect him to fuck you so well either. You moaned out louder than usual when he hit that spot inside of you. “Right there.” You managed to croak out, head leaning into Johnnys neck now, “Oh right there huh?” Johnny matched his stroke from before, hitting the spot with every thrust. Not before long he had brought you to the very edge, your moans hindering as you held your breath, trying not to release the loud noises that wished to be let out. You subconsciously bit his neck softly. “Let me hear you.” He muttered, continuing his pace. You pulled away and moaned pornographically as you fell off the edge, feeling your orgasm wash over you as you came on his cock. Johnny continued to plow into you, overstimulation making you convulse and whimper. “S’okay. I’m gonna cum inside you now sweetheart. That okay?” You nodded with your eyes shut, still whimpering. Johnny’s hips started stuttering until he grabbed your hips and pulled you all the way down forcefully, spilling inside of you as deep as he could. He moaned loudly as he finished, a sound you wish could be replayed in your head over and over.
“Fuck.” He muttered, panting heavily. You grinded your hips gently against him before pulling off, using his shoulders to do so. He groaned as he saw the cum spilling out of you, making a mess on your thighs. “God, let me clean you up.” He lifted you off his lap and made you lay down on the couch before putting his boxers back on and wandering around your tiny apartment to find your bathroom. He returned with a towel and began wiping your core gently. You admired him as he did it so meticulously, with such care despite ruining you a few minutes before. You tangled your fingers in his hair and passed him a gentle smile. “You alright?” He asked and you nodded. “Didn’t expect you to fuck so well old man.” He laughed at your snarky remark, clambering on top of you. “Old man?” He nipped you on the neck and you giggled. “Coming from the woman creaming her pants when I call her a good girl.” You pushed his face gently, acting as if your cheeks weren’t flushing at just the mention of the words. “You think the guys will know we fucked?” You asked, pushing Johnny’s silver hair off his forehead. He smiled, “Well maybe they’ll have an idea when you start walking all funny down the red carpet.” You covered your mouth as you laughed wholeheartedly.
@gnarkillknoxville @steve-osahottie @izzaaaaaa @jackassvivalabam03 @kristinee @ckygetsjobs @jackussy420 @spoookyberry @lovexjoe
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eta--piscium · 6 months
✨️This is an appreciation post for my one and only love @schattensaenger ✨️
The year is about to end and we're still together and going stronger than ever. Yes, we may fight as if we're Tom & Jerry, but at the end of the day, we still make up and love each other even more. We can't even stay mad at each other and ignore each other for more than 20mins. Lol. Even if we're both still kinda grumpy, we still stay on a call together and just casually look at the other and then a few mins later, we start sending kisses to each other and we're okay again. Hahaha. You, my love, is something else.
You are the person that I never knew I needed in my life. *yes I know, it sound cliche but it's true* I have made friends with lots of people but nobody can ever compare to you. The way you love me is so different from everyone else. You don't just love me because I'm your girlfriend, you don't just love me because I'm ur person, ur duo, ur potato, ur annoying potato, ur very sassy and loves to tease u so much gf, you love me for me. You told me and showed me that you love me for who I am. You made me comfortable with myself. You made me feel secure. You made me feel so loved. You love me unconditionally.
Honestly, I once thought to myself back then that the person for me would never come. That maybe I'll just be another person. Maybe I'll just serve as a chapter in someone else's story. But, you came. You proved me wrong. You have taught me many many things in life. You taught me all the ways that I could love and be loved. You taught me that it's okay to be vulnerable, that it's okay to cry, that it's perfectly fine and normal to let myself feel things and just let my emotions out. Not keep them in a jar and store it somewhere until they overflow and explode. You taught me how to be patient. To be more understanding. I thought I was open minded enough but you showed me things that I was keeping a blind eye to. You opened up my mind even more. You made me into a better person. You are the only person that came in my life that made me wanna better myself. You made me wanna be the best version of myself.
I'm sorry if I always push your buttons. It's fun to tease u all the time. heh 😏
Okay but seriously now. I'm sorry for all of the things I have done to you. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry for being so stupid at times that I just can't understand what I should do. I'm sorry for all of the times that I accidentally make u doubt my love for you. I'm sorry for being a huge pain in the ass for you. You still love me tho heh😏 u like me in ur butt. NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY! HAHAHA
I just want to say that you are loved by me and not just by me but by many other people including our friends too.
I also want to say that I am very very thankful that you exist and that you came into my life. Thank you for existing. Thank you for staying. I love you so so so much.
Thank you for all the help you've ever given me. Thank you for helping me learn many things. Thank you for always being very patient with me. Especially when it comes to coding and math. What can I do, the moment I see numbers and formulas my brain immediately goes to sleep. Hahahah I'm sowwy But seriously, thank you for always finding time to teach my bobo ass how to code and all. Thank you for helping with my homework and projects too!! Speaking of project, you have been the greatest help for this website project of mine. You have done waaaaay more than my groupmates. You basically did the whole entire thing on ur own and you're not even getting graded. I am. But you always want the best for me that's why I can't even stop you becaue you get poopy and be like "UR CLASSMATES WILL JUST RUIN EVERYTHING AND HALF-ASS EVERYTHING!!" Cutie u are. I can't blame you tho bec you really made it so pretty and the suggestions u hear from them are just potato. Lol. But really tho, thank you so much for everything. The fact that you are the one that wants to help me with my schoolwork and u get poopy whenever I don't tell u that I have an assignment or quizzes or whatever, I find that adorable. Because it's just you being you. You love to help people. You love to help me. I adore that. But also because I get to secretly stare at u while u do some of my coding stuff bec you look sooooo stunning and beautiful whenever you're too focused on smth. I love it whenever you're so serious and focused, with ur eyeglasses on and ur hair tied in a bun. Oooooofff my heartttttt.😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
I hope our love never grows old, I hope that fifty years down the road you are still the face I see when I wake for the day on a cold monday morning. I hope you are the last person I see after one too many drinks and I hope your laugh is the soundtrack to all of my stories. I hope your body is always beside me and I hope my life is spent loving the only one that could ever find me. I hope that every day of the rest our lives are spent loving each other cause not a single thing in this world could ever convince me to love another, and I hope that the love growing between us two is nurtured by all of the days I will spend loving you.
Ps. I'm sorry this took so long for me to post. I really just have so many things I wanna say but felt like words are never enough. Writing this down on my notepad always makes me giddy and emotional. Lowkey crying rn but u can't see. Lol. Oh and I keep rewriting and adding stuff to it too. Hehehe
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missjoolee · 2 years
(This is very messy but I assure you, I cleaned it up from what it was. my brain does not think linear when it spirals so i had to move everything around haha.)
a time travel fic but it’s luke and the guys going back to the 90s and living (just barely)��
they all go back to when they were supposed to have died but this time live.(that includes Willie who died in like…in 94 originally. he buys a ticket for their orpheum show. hoping that they also go back to their og time and don’t die and they don’t but since they are still hospitalized, it takes a bit to get the willex reunion) but luke has memories of being dead and julie and he knows that magic/ghosts are real so he tries to find a way back to the future.
all the while he’s been looking to for ways to go back forward, alex and reggie are just making do. Sunset Curve is on hiatus which is ruining everything they worked towards before the orpheum but things cant be as they were with what they know. that Bobby is capable of being a poopy human, Alex’s parents weren’t cool. Reggie’s were also not great to be around. The band is family and julie is a part of that now. honestly, luke making up with his parents would be the main thing probably keeping them in the 90s, but maybe he’d like. make amends but then be like. I know what i need and it’s not here. “you’ve always raised me to fight for what i want and to get that, i have to leave” or something
They find a way back to the future but alive this time, and when they arrive, the the year is 2020 and they immediately go searching for julie. only it’s not the same time of year that they originally met her and it’s later in the year and she never had her revelation to stay and they’ve moved. though, instead of selling the house, Ray decides to rent it out so they have to sleuth (aka learn how to smartphone) to find her. Willie would have the knowledge of 2020 so he’d help them know to buy a pay as you go phone from Wal-mart or something. (they brought all of their savings with them) so they have to find julie, only she doesn’t remember them because they didn’t die and become ghosts. the first meeting is awful because they don’t realize she doesn’t remember them at first and Willie is the one to jump in all “they thought you were my cousin, sorry for the confusion” and drags them away before the scenario can brand it’s way into her brain they have figure out how to casually casually infiltrate her life so that she can start healing and they can be a band, a family, again. basically they have to help her find music again... again.
to luke’s chagrin, it’s reggie or alex that get them in the door At some volunteer thing, Reggie tries to bond via crafts and glitter and is hella awkward trying not to give it away and Julie is like “teenage boys do be awkward sometimes” but the glitter shaker lid is clogged so he takes the lid off and turns too quicikly and BOOM glitter all over the both of them. and Alex who had just left for a second comes over and starts apologizing for his friend and attempts to help julie clean up. (they leave reggie to sort himself out. but he’s happily a sparkly boy and clueless when julie makes a twilight joke) and that really just breaks the ice for friendship
and then Julie’s like “are you on insta?” 
but alex is like “uh. maybe?” and then he reaches into his fanny pack and pulls out their cheap smart phone and he’s obviously not used to it so while she waits, she asks reggie the same thing
and he’s like “Alex? do i have that?”
and that’s how it comes out that they are sharing a phone. then she realizes that these guys are probably runaways, living on the streets. Julie asks to meet their two friends not with them and that’s how she meets luke and willie officially. and luke is grumpy a la “it’s not the strip” because he had a taste of something more with Julie and he has to start it all over so he’s just… bouncy. can’t sit still Julie thinks they are strange boys that act kinda like they know her but don’t go to her school or anything and it’s weird but it’s starting to feel weird at how not weirded out she is by them. She doesn’t know why but there is something about these boys. and she wants to help them, so she sneaks them into her mom’s old studio. (it’s either still not in use, or it’s off limits to the renters)
queue the montage of hanging out and growing closer and suddenly having the courage to play the piano again. Luke being her number 1 cheerleader. writing with her, growing closer. and despite knowing that they felt the same for each other before, he’s HELLA nervous that things have changed this time around. the stuttering is twice as bad whenever he attempts to bring it up and Julie finds it adorable.
also “YOU HAVE FOUR BOYS HIDING OUT IN YOUR STUDIO?!?!” “Shhh flynn! not so loud, would ya?”
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dausy · 2 years
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We had a crappy week I guess. I feel kinda guilty. Husbands current assignment was supposed to be finished last thursday and he was supposed to be home for a little bit. Took vacation from Aug1st-10th-(ish). Army told him no and extended his assignment another 2 months and cancelled his vacation. So he semi rage quit and came home early on Tuesday with the intention of the long 4 hour trek back to work today (Sunday). Unfortunately, I had already agreed to work last week. So he spent a lot of time pouting at home alone. I did leave work super early on Thursday and probably looked like a douche doing so. But I did tell my boss that my husband would be coming home that day so I wouldn't be able to stay all day anyway (before I knew he'd come home tuesday instead). I feel guilty I always have to balance work and husband and I'm mad at work for reasons and this is a primary reason. The good news is we only have a short time of this left. I'm not unsupportive, I just wasn't surprised this happened to him. In fact I knew it was going to happen and I'm sorry he's upset and theres nothing I can do to fix it.
We had some other minor daytrip plans for his original vacation dates but we can't do those anymore. We did drive down to Birmingham Alabama and he was in a poopy mood the whole time so I'm not even sure if it was worth it. The good news is the weather was really despite the weather radar saying 100% thunderstorms..we didn't see that. I'd never been to Birmingham before so I don't know what I was expecting it to look like. Looked a lot like Asheville NC tbh. I did find these twintone pastel markers. I'd seen these every day at all the stores and never got them because...whatm I going to use them for? now I have an obsession with decorative art pens and I want them and can't find them anymore! I found them and got them now. I also ordered another custom journal to test another companies products to see how I like them. I'm thinking spring next year I want to buy some products in bulk and try my own boothe at a farmers market..so I'm just testing products right now. I like the other ones that I got before better. But I like the paper in this one better. Either way, personally I plan on using this one for my self-taught spanish studies.
Anyway, I haven't been able to paint or even go to the gym all week. I've been out of the house or probably having not been sympathetic enough to my husbands plight..and I don't know what to do with him.
I am 1/3rd way done with another project I'm making a video on but its going to take me a while to finish it.
I have a little drawing I keep staring at. Its the best I got for painting but its anatomy is not what I wanted so I may work on it some. But I gotta go back to work this week also so...I'm being forced to do an overnight on call shift which is against the contract I have...so thats nice.
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thatyamiguy-blog · 1 year
Back to babyhood (Kingdom hearts)
Sora woke with a start as his Micky mouse alarm went off. Looking around wildly and figuring out it wasn't a attack of some sort (he was kinda a dork for the first few minutes he was awake) he reached over and shut the alarm off and then sat there for a second, closing his eyes and building up for a reveal. He'd managed to keep his bed and pants clean for a whole 29 days so far, and if he was dry and clean, this would make it 30 and Rikku had promised to let him back in the master bedroom if he could prove he wasn't a big baby anymore. 'Moment of truth..' Sora thought and pulled the blankets back and then opened his left eye slowly and looked down, then both eyes. a big silly grin broke out over his face, he was all good! his white dino  print jammies weren't brown or wet and there was NO stains on the bed. "YES! HAHAHAHA! I AM KING OF THE BIG BOYS!" Sora cheered and jumped up and down on his bed, pumping his fists into the air. "would the king of the big boys like to get dressed and come out for pancakes?" Came his boyfriend/daddies voice and sora stopped jumping and locked eyes with Rikku, then jumped off the bed and ran over. "I did it! no poopie or pee and that means I get to sleep in bed with you tonight!" Sora said, super excited. "Mhmmm..as long as you stay clean during the day..and you know what happens when you get too excited. go get dressed and use the can, I'll go and finish making breakfast for my king." Rikku chuckled and winked, then ruffling Sora's hair he took off. 'hmmff..Of course I can keep my pants clean during the day! that's not even a concern anymore!' Sora thought with a huff. still, it was better to do what Rikku wanted then argue with him, just because he was out of diapers and pull ups didn't mean he couldn't take a trip over rikku's lap. Since he had to work in a little under a hour Sora decided to put on his uniform and save time. It wasn't as fun or colorful as a lot of his other outfits but it wasn't suppose to be. A pale blue shirt with the general store on the corners logo on it, and a pair of black dress pants..it wasn't even like he actually needed the job with all the money him and Rikku had made while saving the world. Rikku though controlled the money as back when Sora had been..well ok, a total big baby in a big boys body, he hadn't exactly been responsible with money. or much of anything. That's not to say that Sora really wanted for much, but Rikku would only dole out the cash in allowances with this month marking the first time he'd trusted sora to hold the money himself. The Job at the store was more about teaching responsibility to Sora as well as give him something to focus on and keep him from slipping back into baby mood. Getting him the job had been touch and go, as Sora was well known enough around town as a big baby no one was really willing to hire him. Rikku had pointed out to the store manger, Malcore, That with all the diapers and other stuff they had bought there over the years Sora deserved a chance.
Rikku smirked at how damn proud Sora looked as he walked out, and then chuckled as the so called big boy started to drool seeing the spread on the table. Don't get Rikku wrong, he was glad that Sora was finally returning to adulthood such as it was (the boy had never been the most mature 18 year old even before the diapers) but the constant dirty diaper smell in the house and having to change a minuim of 4 dirty diapers a day wasn't as fun as one might think. "heh, watch the drool buddy." Rikku said and came over with a dish towel and wiped sora's chin anyways for him. "O-Oh yeah..ehehe sorry..just..yowie wowie! Were you up all night cooking?" Sora asked. on the table there was a stack of pancakes, a dish with bacon, some slices of ham, a dish filled with scrambled eggs and of course two pitchers of Milk and OJ. "No, I just got up a little early and assumed you'd be a big boy and wanted to celebrate." Rikku said and kissed Sora's cheek. "And it's all for me?" Sora asked. "Well, I'd like to have SOME of it,guessing I should make my plate first?" Rikku laughed then added "Just don't go too hog wild, you don't wanna stuff yourself and be on the can all day at work..again." "O-Oh Malcore called you about that huh?" Sora said sheepishly. "Well Roxas complained about having to work the floor alone..Speaking of which, is roxas coming over again today after work?" "IIIII dunno. I'll ask him when i get there." Sora said and took a seat. Rikku let it drop and fixed himself a plate and then tried to look away as Sora wolfed down the food with such gusto you were swear he hadn't eaten for days. He wasn't the biggest fan of Roxas for a few reasons, the first one being that he was trying to encourage Sora to baby out. the second was that he knew for a fact Roxas was getting into the stash of left over diapers at the house, and helping himself. Rikku had been semi sure that Roxas was a little diaper thief back before Sora got out of his huggies, though it was hard to keep track of back then.. but with no new diapers coming in to replace missing ones he'd kept count. Still he was Sora's best friend and as long as he didn't end up making sora land back in diapers just so he didn't have to buy his own, Rikku would let it slide.
Roxas whined as he looked though his underwear drawer, and then under his bed..there was no two ways about it: he was out of diapers again. It just wasn't fair (at least in his twisted little mind) that Sora had to go and screw him over like this.Like, he put up with how toxic and stinky Sora could be, and watched the dumb baby shows with him (never mind Roxas actually liked the shows just as much and wasn't exactly a rosebush when he loaded his diapers) and now Sora had to go and ruin it all by trying to become a stupid big boy and cut him off from his supply of diapers! sure Roxas COULD of gone and brought his own diapers, but he'd seen the smirks and snickers everyone gave when Sora had been getting his and didn't wanna risk that. He did after all have a reputation to keep. So naturally like any clever baby, Roxas decided to do the only thing he could do..which meant turn sora back into a diaper baby so he could go back to stealing diapers from him without worrying about Rikku noticing. To THAT end he made a special lunch just for Sora, and had prepped some video's for his bestie to watch, and he'd have him loading his pants like a CHAMP in no time. Any guilt he might of felt over turning Sora back into a diaper filling baby was taken away by the anger of Sora making him have to go days at a time without a diaper to wear at home..and the belief that Sora would be happier in diapers. Really, more people needed friends like him.
Sora got a text from Roxas partway though his munching and smirked. "Don't worry about packing me a lunch today, Roxas made me one to make up for being a brat when i kicked his butt at chocobo racing on Sunday." Sora giggled. "heh, well at least he admits it..I thought he was gonna smash the controller before I told him to knock it off before I'd have to spank his butt." Rikku chuckled. "Anyways, I should go brush my teeth and start walking for work." Sora said, belching one last time and wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Breakfast was AWESOME, thanks da- Rikku." Sora blushed a little, catching himself at calling his boyfriend daddy, since that was what he did as a big BABY, but it wasn't always easy. Rikku just smiled and tapped his left cheek and tilted his head, and Sora took the hint. walking over he planted a big old smooch on Rikku's cheek then went off to finish getting ready for anther glorious day in retail.
Malcore yawned, he'd had to pull the night shift due to DT going back to collage and was mostly getting though on coffee. In truth if it hadn't of been for the fact  that Josh and DT had been forced to cut back on their hours he would of never hired Sora or Roxas. Lord knows what head office would of thought if they had seen what a massive diaper dork Sora had been before, and it wasn't hard to see Roxas was a diaper dork just waiting to happen, if he wasn't just one at home. Still, faced with risking coming into find the two playing in diapers in the baby section or covering all the hours himself, Malcore had made his choice. That didn't mean though as Sora and Roxas came in and went to clock in he didn't give them a once over..Sniffling the air and making sure there was no baby powder or 'other' baby smells, and of course eyeing their butts to see if they were padded. truthfully it wasn't hard to tell on that front, the diapers these two seemed to favor, or at least he'd seen sora wear/Roxas eyeball on the shelf, tended to be super thick diapers that left nothing to the imagination. assured that they weren't padded, Malcore went over what had to get done, and assigned Roxas on cleaning duty (As in sweeping the floors once a hour, and checking on the public bathroom) which, of course got a face from Roxas.. and then assigned Sora to handling all shipping and receiving stuff, in case any shipments came in. His work done, malcore walked out mentally praying that they could keep being big boys, he just didn't have it in him today to come in and have to put up with poopie diaper boys.
The boys handled the first part of the shift fine, they had a mild early morning rush of people stopping off for coffee or snackage on their way into work, not to mention a few kids/teenagers in school stopping off for the same. Of course a lot of these kids had seen Sora back in his diapered baby days and half of them seemed to be there least to pick up something, and more to see if he was back to being a big baby. (this of course made Sora huffy, But as Malcore pointed out, it brought in customers so Sora had better just suck it up buttercup.) with the morning rush over, the boys decide that despite what malcore had said, they would split their duties with each other, and So after best two out of three of rock scissors paper lizard Spock Roxas swept the floor while sora cleaned the bathroom, complaining the whole time. "Dear god, are they even TRYING to get it in the bowl! And they think -I'M- the one who should be in diapers!" came sora's wail from the bathroom, making Roxas snicker. "now now, don't be a sore loser..if you would pick something besides Spock you might of won a round." Roxas called back. "I call hack's!" Sora whined, but finished cleaning and came out. "would you feel better if we took our break early? I got some video's I wanna show you." Roxas said. "HECK YEAH!" Sora said, and despite himself, he wiggled his butt..a hold over from his little guy days.
they didn't go to the break room since well, with two of them on, one of them had to stay upfront anyways, so the boy's plopped down behind the front counter and Roxas took out some of the homemade chocolate chip cookies he'd made, trying to make sure he gave the tainted ones with ex-lax chocolate used for the chips to Sora, while pulling up the special video's he'd prepped for Sora to watch. what Roxas didn't know was that while he had taken the time to prep two batches of the cookies, one which was sure to have a boy fudging his pants and one without, he'd gotten distracted thinking about all the diapers he was gonna steal and had only packed his laxative laced baked goods. there was no way to tell from the taste alone, and as they munched away, Sora watched the let's play video's Roxas had sent hours mixing with subliminal messages that would encourage the return of big baby Sora. "oh man! these guys are SO good at mega-man! I never even KNEW about some of these paths they're taking! Roxas, come see this!" Sora squealed excitedly, bouncing up and down in his seat, cookie crumbs goes down the front of his shirt as ate like a piggy despite his big breakfast, if there was one thing you could count on, no matter HOW full Sora got, he'd always have room for sweets. "I'm good, I already watched it. You watch that and I'll keep a eye on the door." Roxas said, finishing the last of his cookies too. "your the bestest friend ever!" Sora coo'ed, and wiggled like a happy toddler. clearly the messages were going to work already. 'Like sandblasting a soup cracker.' Roxas thought with a smirk. "heh, and don't you forget it."
Sora just couldn't stop smiling and giggling as he watched, and found himself re-watching certain parts of the same video over and over again. it never even dawned on him once that the happy giddy feeling he was experiencing could be traced back to the video, or that his bestest buddy in the whoooole world was setting him up to be a derpy diaper boy. he was kicking his legs and moving his head back and forth, though found himself getting bored with the let's play video's and since Roxas was dealing with a couple of collage students who had came in, he put in some headphones and switched over to YouTube and started to watch some Barney. he was just past the intro of the episode he had brought up when he looked up and noticed the two guys, and Roxas looking at him, and all three were smiling big time. Pausing the video and taking the headphones out, Sora looked back. "uhhh, can i help you?" he asked. "heh, no no, but you have a lovely singing voice." one of the students said and started laughing. "I loved just how into you got." the other said. "I-I wasn't singing!" sora huffed and blushed hotly. "Uh buddy? we know your watching barney, or at least the intro." Roxas said, smirking and shaking his head. "you can go back to it, but indoor voice please." he added. "o-oh.." Sora said in a soft voice, and put the headphones back and and glued his eyes to the screen, though now it was less a desire to watch the show and more just to block out the collage guys.
"heh, so are you like looking after him ot something or does he really work here?" The bigger of the two collage guys asked, sporting a brown crew cut. Just a few inches shorter, but with more of a barrel chest was a blond who was rocking a ponytail. "he's cute either way." the blond chimed in. "Yeah, he works here, but he's just a total dork. he gets paid in diapers." Roxas said, thinking up the lie on the spot. but his calculations, the cookies should be starting to kick in any second now, so he wagged his eyebrows. "in fact, any second now he's likely gonna start going off so we better get you two checked out befo-" he started when a super loud booming fart filled the store. only problem was it hadn't come from Sora, but Roxas who turned crimson. "heh, looks like there's more then one big baby in the store!" Blondie laughed. "Holy hell, did that hurt?" Crew cut asked, though he was holding his nose as a less then pleasure aroma had followed the blast of gas. "I uh..I er.." Roxas stammered, then quickly made his way behind the check out. "I-I think we b-better get you out of here b-before-" he tried to say only for anther back door blast to come out from his butt, a little wetter this time. as if taking it as a challenge, though he was engrossed in his show, Sora leaned to the side and while never taking his eyes off of the screen added to the hurricane of farts that was quickly rendering the store a toxic zone. "uh..I think we'll..get out drinks and snacks somewhere else.." Crew cut said, gagging a little and wiping at his eyes. "Yeahhh clearly the food here is tainted if you guys have been snacking on it." Blondie said, and the two guys left quick.
Sora drifted out of the zone he was in, when the smell finally hit him. he'd of course let out anther two farts before being knocked out of it, and Roxas had added in twice as many and was doing baby steps as he headed for the bathroom. "Hey Roxas, who cut the cheese?" Sora asked, clueless and was answered by a super gross and wet sounding fart from Roxas who froze in place, and had one hand on his tummy, and one on his butt, hunching over. "I guess that answers that." Sora said and slid out of his chair, on his way over to help his bestest buddy. or he was when a powerful cramp hit him and he hunched over, letting out a fart that sounded more like a foghorn then something that should of been possible for a human. "OWIE!" Sora cried out as it wasn't all that pleasant to let out, and Roxas whined and answered with a even worse sounding fart. "oh gawd, S-Sora..I think I'm gonna..gonna..." Roxas whined. "G-Gonna what?" the clueless Sora asked, shuffling slowly and getting up next to Roxas and then leaning on him, ending ANY shot Roxas might of had to get to the bathroom. "I'm gonna crap my pants!" Roxas wailed and then proceed to do so, bawling as the back of his undies puffed out and the back of his jeans showed what was happening. "M-me too!" Sora whimpered, and then bawled too as his bowels cut loose too and his own pants were ruined.
Being Sora's emergency contract and fairly responsible, Rikku always had his cell with him in case he was needed. Hence why even though he was relaxing in the tub, reading a novel he was quick to answer the phone when a call came though from the general store. It was hard to understand what was going on at first, though the wails and the sobbing, and Rikku had been cut off before he could even say hello, but soon enough he got the general idea of what had happened. It took about five minutes, during which time he got dried off and started to get dressed, but Rikku got both of the not so big boys calmed down to just gentle whimpers. "Sora, Buddy, You and Roxas get in the bathroom, I'll be down there as soon as possible with some clean pants..among other things. Ok?" "I..I..I DIDN'T MEAN TOOO! WAHHHHH!" Sora sobbed loudly, and in the back round Rikku could hear that he'd started Roxas up again. and so anther five minutes were used up as Rikku packed a diaper bag, there was only two of sora's diapers left. getting off the phone with the big babies he went out the door and right next door to where Roxas was living, and found the spare key under a flower pot right where Roxas had left it. he could of just just grabbed two pairs of Sora's pants but figured if a leak happened, he'd prefer it happen in Roxas's pants, not Sora's. he noticed a pink notice on the floor that had been put though the mail slot, but ignored it as he went into Roxas's room and while getting a pair of his pants, confirmed his belief that the brat was stealing diapers as he had a few wet ones in a trash can by his bed. "I'll have to put him on time out for that." Rikku said to himself and was heading back out the door when something on the kitchen counter caught his eye. coming into the kitchen he found a wrapper for some chocolate ex-ax, and there were cookies on the counter. recalling how sora had mentioned all they'd had were some cookies Roxas brought from home Rikku put 1 and 1 together. "..Forget a time out, he's getting his buns blistered!" Rikku growled. Storming out Rikku made his way double time to the store, now knowing he was gonna have to for SURE buy more diapers, there was no way those two weren't gonna be pooping their brains out al day.
Thankfully there was more then one potty in the bathroom, and Sora and Roxas were each on one, poopie undies and pants in the trash and holding onto the side of the potties while going again. "Oh gawd how do I still have bones left!?!" Roxas cried out. "I'm pooping lava!" Sora whined and whimpered. of course while Sora was clueless as to way he was pooping up a storm, Roxas knew full well why it was happening, and that this wasn't ending any time soon as he flushed. monkey see monkey do, Sora flushed too though even as they finished, both boys stayed seated, panting and gasping and exhausted. "Roxas..I dun think i want yer cookies anymore." Sora whined. "heh..fair..fair enough.." Roxas said, letting it go that Sora thought he was just a bad baker and not that this had been all by design, at least till he'd eaten them too. the boys sat there, willing their butt holes to close and suffered in silence, mostly. Roxas could hear the soft slurping noise of sora sucking his thumb. 'I hope that wasn't the hand he was wiping with..' Roxas thought and wrinkled his nose.
Rikku made it into the shop and was glad no one was inside, and nothing looked like it had been stolen. There was a awful stench in the air from the boys accidents and Rikku mused that it was likely the smell more then anything else had scared off any potential looters. He knew the place like the back of his hand, Sora had given him a grand tour (with permission from malcore) of the entire store after his first week, eager to show off, and besides that there was only the one bathroom for whole store that was shared by the customers and the staff alike. Making his way to the bathroom and taking shallow breath, Rikku paused to grab a few can's of air freshener. 'I doubt Malcore will mind me using these..better then coming into a store that smells like a diaper pail.' Rikku reasoned mentally, and then used up all of one can and half of the second. with THAT taken care of Rikku made his way into the bathroom and announced his arrival by making use of the second can and putting a arm to his mouth and nose. if it had smelled like a diaper pail out front, in the bathroom it was a dumpster of dirty diapers. "whew, you boys ok in here? you didn't break the potties did you?" he called. From the stall closet to him Roxas's voice started to answer he was ok, but it was drowned out by Sora's voice in the stall closet to the window. "Daddy!" Sora whimpered out, and the door open and the naked from the waist down save for his socks and shoes Sora ran out and glomped Rikku. Rikku smiled and set the can down on the sink, then wrapped one arm around Sora and used the other to pat the boys head. "Daddy I'm sowwy! I don't know why but my bum won't l-listen to me and i just wanna wear my diapies and hug you and and I don't think I'm a big boy anymore and i just wanna be your babbbby!" Sora whimpered and wailed, nuzzling his head into Rikku's chest and getting his shirt damp with tears. "shhh it's ok Sora..it's oook. We're just gonna get you and Roxas dressed, and then we'll finish out your shift, all three of us ok? Then I'll talk with malcore and let him know you'll be quitting." Rikku said and rubbed the big babies back, then tilted his head up and kissed his forehead. Switching his gaze to the stall that roxas was in, Rikku cleared his throat. "are you just gonna hide in there, or you wanna come out too? I can give you a hug if you need one as well." rikku said. he'd been half joking when he made the offer of course, but wasn't shocked when the door opened and Roxas took a spot on the side of Rikku and whimpered and sobbed too.
Getting both boys fully cleaned up, Rikku wasn't shocked when neither one of them protested to the diapers he'd brought (in fact both of them had gotten a little 'exited' while he was powdering them) but then there came a problem that Rikku for all his skills as a daddy hadn't foreseen. the pants barely fit over the diapers, and there was no way to button them or zip them up. "er..who wants to go pants-less for the rest of their shift?" Rikku asked, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly after the tenth attempt to get either of them zipped up failed. "oh oh! Me! MEEEE!" Sora said, holding up his left hand and giggling. now that he had been told it was ok to go back to being a baby, he'd grabbed it with both hands so to speak and gladly kicked off his pants. "Now everyone can see how cute my diapies are daddy!" he giggled and wiggled his butt. Roxas on the other hand, turned pale. "No! no no no no no!" he whined and as if it was somehow Rikku's fault for not trying hard enough, hopped up and down tugging on the dress pants trying to force them up. "Come onnn work with me you stupid things!" Roxas whined, looking like a huffy toddler and Sora giggled and snuggled into daddy watching the show. "er..Roxas..i don't think it's gonna work. you might as well give up before you-" Rikku started. he was cut off as a loud rip was hear and the ass of the pants ripped open, along with the crotch of them. "..rip them." Rikku finished, trying not to laugh at the look of shock and embarrassment on Roxas face. "I..but..DAMN IT!" Roxas yelled and grabbed at the rip and tore it all, venting his frustrations at the poor pants while Sora gasped and covered his ears. "Daddy! he said a bad word!" Sora cried out. "I think we'll let him have a mulligan on that one buddy." Rikku said and gave Sora a side hug. A side hug that apparently helped whatever was left in the boys system come out because Sora yelped and then hugged Rikku tight and buried his face into his side as he started to load his diaper. not to be out done and with the remains of his pant's in his hands, Roxas dropped to a squat and used one hand to brace himself on the floor as the other arm clutched at his tummy. the back of both boy's white and chocobo print diapers puffed out rapidly and the chocobo's vanished from the back and front as they wet themselves while loading their diapers. '..oh good. because one stinky baby wasn't enough.' Rikku thought sweat dropping as the wails started again. "DADDDDY!" Came the twin cries, at the same time and Rikku wondered if maybe, just maybe..the two had practiced to nail such perfect timing.
Helping himself to a pack of the extra thick nighttime diapers off the shelf, and keeping track of what he'd owe Malcore, Rikku got the big babies changed even as they hiccuped and whined. the sobs and complaints about the design of the diapers (have just generic moons and stars on them) were muffled as Rikku also snagged a package of pacifiers from the shelf and popped one in each boys mouth. red mouth guard for Sora, yellow for Roxas. the big babies sucked on their paci's and wiped at their tears with one hand, but also were (Squeal!) holding each others hands for support while Rikku got them changed. He tried to get them to stand up and find something for them to do once they were nice and safe in their diapers, but the boys legs were shaken and they both looked wiped. considering how much they had pooped out and how fast it had happened, it wasn't really all that surprising though really. Rikku added to his mental tab and got a couple of baby bottle off of the shelf and then some Gatorade and filled the bottles up. the electrolyte's in the juice would help them feel better in a bit, though they were both falling asleep. Looking around the store, Rikku spotted a play pen that was on display in the back and tilted his head. 'It'll be a little cramped..but it's the best I can do.' he thought. With the big babies fading fast and rubbing their eyes even as they sucked on their ba-ba's (Rikku had made use of paci clips and ribbons so the paci's just hung from the boys work shirts)  Rikku got them both up and set on either hip and carried them down to the playpen. "Ok sleepyheads, you two are gonna go night night for awhile ok? Daddy will be here when you wake up. I know the play pen is gonna be a little cramped, but it's the best I can do on short notice." Rikku said. there was no fight left in the big babies and they just slowly nodded. 'If they were only so cute and agreeable ALL the time.' Rikku thought to himself. of course just because Roxas was all cute and helpless NOW didn't mean he wasn't going to get punished later. it just meant Rikku was willing to let him work this this if for no other reason then bare bottom spanking a oversized big baby when they have the runs will ALWAYS end badly. Gently setting them in the playpen, Rikku couldn't help but grin like a fool and lean over the edge and watch as the more asleep then awake baby snuggled right into each other and let the ba-ba's drop and then (BIG squeal!) popped each others paci in the others mouth as they went off to dream land.'...OK..maybe having two big babies is gonna be worth the extra stink.' Rikku mentally gushed. grabbing a blanket he put it over the sleeping babies, and then went to work cleaning up.
Malcore was NOT happy as he made his way back to the store. the manger had been woken up from a dead sleep by a deliver man bringing certain ..packages.. to his place but when malcore had gone to take his wallet out to show ID he'd realized he'd forgotten it back at the store. Thankfully the guy cut him a break and let him get his packages but now the half asleep and grumpy Manger had to walk ALL the way to and ALL the way back to the store, because he'd been a dumb ass and let his next door neighbor borrow his car. "No good deed goes fucking unpunished." Malcore grumbled. walking into the shop he noticed a heavy fruity scent in the air and groaned. "Roxas, Sora, I swear if you two were playing fart war again Il.." Malcore started and then blinked as it was Rikku who was behind the counter, not one of his employee's. "oh uh..Hey Malcore." Rikku said. "is there a reason your behind the counter right now and not one of the two dorks i pay to be hind the counter?" Malcore asked. before Rikku could answer however there was a loud snore from the back of the shop. Holding a hand up to shush Rikku, Malcore walked over and looked down to the back of the store and yup, there was Sora and Roxas, asleep in a playpen. "..Do I wanna know the full details or do I wanna just save the head ache and fire them both and pray I can get someone else in to cover their shift?" malcore asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "..if it helps you've made about a $100 bucks off of them from everything I've had to buy and plan to leave with." Rikku said sheepishly. "Uh-huh.. I'll just be keeping their last pay checks, and you can sit here till I convince DT or Josh or Lute to come in. flip side, you can load up on what you need for them on the way out after I get a replacement in here." "heh, deal." 'And they wonder why I need my stress relief so much.' Malcore thought and headed for the office.
after about 45 minutes DT came into the store, looking pouty and smelling of baby power but dressed and ready for work. he did stop to gush and coo at how cute the big babies looked even if by that point Roxas and Sora had been changed into clean diapers and put into a black mage print onesie for Roxas, and a chocobo print one for Sora. they were also in a double stroller with lots of diapers packed in the undercarriage. Sora giggled and coo'ed as DT baby talked and tickled his chin while Roxas was red faced and sucking on his paci, hugging a teddy bear after finding out he'd been canned. "Who's a widdle cutie, who's a cute widdle big baby?" DT gushed and coo'ed. "hehehehe Meeee!" Sora gurgled in babyish tone and clapped his hands. "That's right! such a clever boy!" DT said and tapped Sora on the nose, then turned his attention to Roxas."Awww don't look so grumpy, your a big baby t-" DT started to say but Roxas shot him a look and DT gulped and moved away from the front of the stroller. "Er..yeah..so..I think that cuteness makes up for getting woken up." DT said, squeaking a little as he talked to Rikku "Right. you were were sleeping." Rikku said, giving a knowing look to the clerk. After all a professional daddy like Rikku knew a big baby when he saw one.
Wheeling the babies out of the shop they headed home with Sora going out of his way to wave hi to people and get attention from anyone they came across, the video had fried any sense of modesty from him and Roxas could only try and hide behind his stuffed bear as he thought he had a reputation to protect. Of course everyone on the block knew he was just as much of a big baby as Sora, but for the most part no one said anything because when confronted he had a habit of going into a high pitched whining denial speech and the whine could get SO high pitched dogs would howl. Making it back to Rikku and Sora's place first, Rikku got the stroller inside and then let the babies out while he unloaded everything from it. "Look uh..I'm glad you bailed us out and everything..but..I'm gonna go home." Roxas said, huffing a little as he stood there dressed like a big baby. "Well before you go, I figured you might want these..and know that I know what you did." Rikku Said, handing two of the large packs of diapers to Roxas and giving the big baby a look. The color drained from the big babies face and he stammered and whined a little as Sora who had been crawling over to go and play with some toys turned around and looked confused. "what did he do daddy?" the big aby asked. "Oh, nothing you need to worry about little guy. but he'll be coming over later to get punished for it. right Roxas?" Rikku said and looked Roxas right in the eyes. a wet fart escaped the blond and he gave a weak smile. "I.I..Uh..Yes sir." he said meekly. he briefly wondered about just trying to put it off and avoid contract with Rikku for like a week or so and see if this would just blow over. "And you know the longer you wait to take your licks, the worse it's going to be right?" Rikku added. 'Well shit.' Roxas thought. "I-I Understand sir." Roxas said, anther wet fart coming out and some bubbly ones coming from sora too. "if I was you, I'd either get my butt home before you end up unloading on the front lawn or just stay in here for anther diaper change." Rikku advised. Roxas went to say something but a bubbling fart had him change his mind and dash out the door, racing home.
Luck was on Roxas side, or so it seemed at first as he made it to his place and got inside before the churning in his tummy tum had him drop to his knees and start filling out the seat of his diaper once again. by this point he was basically used to the helpless feeling of crapping himself, though it still kinda hurt and burned. As he groaned and grunted and loaded his huggies, the door closed thankfully, he noticed the pink paper on the floor and gulped. even before he picked it up to read it he had a fairly good idea what it was going to say. he was maybe a month or two..ok 4 months behind on rent and had kept promising to make payments but then would go ahead and blow all his money on video games and the like. this mean he was the envy of every other boy on the block but as he looked the notice over, it also meant he had a week to move his stuff out. He was being evicted. "what did I do to deserve all of this!" Roxas cried out loud as he finished pooping his pampers and slowly got up to his feet using the wall for balance. a quick look in the kitchen and seeing the chocolate ex-lax wrapper reminded him. "..DAMN IT!"
Rikku was in the middle of changing Sora, who was busy sucking on his paci and playing with a stuffie as Rikku handled the the dirty deed, when the door bell rang. Since Sora was all clean and just waiting on a fresh diaper Rikku rubbed his belly. "you gonna be ok here for a second champ while I answer the door?" he asked. Sora nodded and went back to playing with his stuffie and Rikku made his way to the door quickly. It wasn't that he didn't trust Sora to stay put, it was more of he didn't wanna come back and find out he had peed all over himself. Opening the door Rikku was semi shocked to find Roxas back already, he hadn't been gone that long. A strong breeze blew and even if Roxas's diaper hadn't of been sagging in his onesie Rikku would of been able to tell that he was a stinky boy. "heh, you know, I'm not gonna change EVERY poo-" Rikku started, but was cut off. "I-I'm getting evicted..and..and..Can I move in with you guys for awhile?" Roxas asked, bottom lip trembling. "J-just till I get back on my feet!" Rikku thought about how Roxas had turned Sora back into a big baby, and gotten them both fired (though Sora again WAS gonna quit) and toyed with saying no. but in the end seeing the big baby scared and upset, he just couldn't bring himself to be mean. "I suppose so..but there are going to be some rules..but we'll go over them in a bit. first, let's get you changed into a clean diaper." Rikku said and ruffled Roxas hair. the big baby glomped him and Rikku just smiled.
Sora was more then a little excited at the prospect of having a brother to share his nursery with and babbled on and on about all the fun stuff the two of them were gonna do together as he sat on the floor in just a diaper and socks while Rikku changed Roxas. Rikku explained it was going to be din din time soon, the boys needed to get something in their systems and it was just easier to have big babies in diapers and socks while they ate. He also explained that as long as Roxas lived under his roof, he'd be treated JUST like Sora, which meant treated JUST like a big silly baby. no changing his own diapers, no using the potty, 7:30 pm bedtimes and the whole nine yards. If at any point Roxas had had enough and didn't wanna do it, he was always free to walk out the door. Sniffling as he heard the rules, Roxas thought about how all of this had started just so he could steal some diapers and pretend to BE a baby. Now he was trapped, with no job and no money..he was STUCK as a baby, It was a fitting punishment and fitting end for the blonds plans, and he STILL had a spanking to look forward to.  
THE END...For now.
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simbience · 5 years
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I am obsessed w/these pants ;c LOOK AT THEM!!!!ahhhhh!!!!!!!
                            ˗ˏˋ Shirt | Layered T | Bottoms | Shoes ˎˊ˗
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poicyss · 3 years
Made a flipnote for my friend Darkia’s OCs lol Youtube Link
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javajuicedraws · 4 years
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Here’s a lil batch of doodle requests form Instagram! And my first post with my tablet, yay!!!
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biisexualemma · 3 years
unrequited pt.2. peter parker
word count: 3.6k
warnings: anxiety, panic attack? i guess kind of
requested: yea a few people asked for this lol
plot: you haven’t seen peter for weeks and start to worry about him
a/n: i finished re-writing this late last night and i’ll be honest with you i haven’t checked it over so sorry if there are any mistakes but i’m tired sis goodnight! lmk if you like this! pls comment / share!
pt.1 / marvel masterlist / multi-fandom masterlist
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"ned... you're so wrong for so many reasons," m.j.'s expression was flat, her eyes rolling before she continued to fight ned on who was really the strongest avenger. you were supposed to be working on a group project for your history class but somehow the topic of the avengers came up and the conversation derailed. ned was making a, somewhat, compelling case for the hulk but m.j. was clearly winning with her argument for wanda.
"nobody even knows the full extent of her powers... and the hulk? what? he's gonna smash some more?"
you sat quietly, chin in the palm of your hand, listening in and out of the conversation. you didn't really feel much like contributing. you would occasionally chime in to support m.j. but mostly you just heard the noise of their bickering and let it happen.
you didn't want to be that person, but your mind was (much to your frustration) completely consumed with thoughts of peter. and at the worst time, you had so many tests coming up, and essay deadlines were also creeping up on you. usually you were on top of this stuff, but your mind was preoccupied almost all the time.
because of peter, who was no where to be seen. in the past few weeks he had stopped showing up to school all together. ned said it was something to do with tony stark but you had a feeling it was more than that. you didn't know how to explain it.
you hadn't spoken to him in a long time now, and you didn't exactly leave things on good terms. it was the longest you'd gone without talking since peter called you a poopy head in the third grade.
you just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. especially since you had no idea what he was getting up to, peter was known to get himself into some messes when he was left to his own devices. and you just knew ned was lying to cover for his best friend but that only made you feel even more out of the loop.
everything felt a bit off without peter around, like something was missing. that, on top of the guilt and worry you were feeling, was turning your head to mush. last time you'd spoken to peter, he was erratic and wounded and desperate. something bad had to have happened for him to be gone this long.
the bell rang, signalling the end of your last period for the day, and the rest of the week seeing as it was a friday. you snapped out of your daze, jolting as your eyes focused back on your surroundings.
"what time did you say again, y/n?" your eyes drifted to m.j. who was collecting her notes on her desk, her eyes meetings yours, waiting for your answer. a crease formed between your eyebrows, you hadn't heard a word of the conversation before right now. m.j. seemed to realise this, rolling her eyes at you with a playful smile. you did this a lot lately, she was getting used to it. "homecoming? what time did you want to meet tonight?"
"oh," you nodded, still sitting at your desk as your classmates hustled around you. "right, homecoming— i— uh—"
"tell me you're still coming," ned interrupted, his eyes wide suddenly, clearly desperate that your answer was anything but no. "c'mon we've had this planned for ages!"
"no— yeah— of course i am," you nodded quickly to reassure him. "yeah— sorry— i just spaced. is seven good for you guys?"
they hummed in response, nodding.
you packed up your books, shoving them into your bag, still in a slight haze with all these thoughts running through your head about peter. you couldn't think about homecoming, it seemed trivial now compared to the worst case scenarios running through your mind. maybe you could try to call peter again? you thought to yourself as you quickly left the classroom, forgetting about m.j. and ned and homecoming, your muscle memory alone leading you to your locker.
you swapped out your books from your bag with the ones you needed to study from for your biology test next week. after slamming the locker door shut, a familiar face was met with yours.
"jesus," you muttered as he stood inches away from your face, your heart racing from the shock. clutching your books to your chest, after nearly having a heart attack, you let out a loud sigh and furrowed your eyebrows. "peter? where the hell have you been?" you regained some of your composure, enough to find some anger in you towards him. he was the last person you were expecting to see today.
"you're ok?" his usual soft brown eyes looked sunken and tired, his hair was scruffier than usual and his lips chapped as they hung open, his eyes scanning over you.
your mouth hung open to speak but he just shook his head as if answering his own question. he gripped your forearm, urging you to walk with him. you dug in your heels, yanking your arm back, wanting him to slow down and explain before you went anywhere with him. "will you just walk," he muttered sharply when you tried to resist him. "please," he softened quickly, his eyes meeting yours.
you frowned, uncomfortably shifting the stack of books in your arms as peter pulled you along behind him hastily. you watched his eyes shifting about the hallway as students weaved around the two of you, his grip not loosening for a second. he was definitely up to something stupid and dangerous that he absolutely should not be involved in.
he'd dragged you all the way out into the parking lot, pulling you aside and away from the crowd of people.
"what's going on? why do you look like— i mean no offence but— you look like crap," you couldn't help but show some level of concern. no matter how complicated your feelings were for him at the moment, he was still your best friend, and he looked like hell. you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him.
"i need you to just— stop talking and listen to me," the look in his eyes made your heart beat a bit faster, your eyes darting between his trying to understand his urgency. "you're not safe—"
"no— i'm fine—" you were never very good at doing what you were told. you glanced down at yourself, perfectly safe and standing in front of him. "see?—"
"no— no you're not," he gulped, his eyes darting away from yours for a split second. "i'm taking you home and you have to stay there. ok? please."
his voice was horse, cracking when he spoke. you didn't understand any of it. peter was the friendly neighbourhood spider-man, what the hell had he gotten himself into that had him this worked up?
you tilted your head slightly, he couldn't think you'd blindly do whatever he said. you needed some answers. "pete," you mumbled, shaking your head with a faint frown. "can't you just tell me what's going on? you're kinda' scaring me."
"i screwed up," his face contorted, his eyes screwing shut for a second and his nose scrunching. you were glued to him, following his mixed expressions trying to understand what was going through his head. he took a deep, shaky breath, running a hand through his hair. "and i know you— you hate me and the last thing you wanna' do is listen to me but i need you to do this for me."
"alright," you said after a moments hesitation. you just wanted him to relax. all your pent up anger and hurt that you'd felt over peter had dissipated quite quickly. you were too occupied with trying to ease some of his stress, and if that meant becoming a homebody for a few days, you would do it. "alright— don't worry. i've been putting off my english essay for a week now anyway, it's about time i cracked down on it."
you tried to ease the tension, act like he wasn't asking much of you. he let out a heavy sigh, looking over at you with those brown eyes. "it's homecoming tonight, i know w—"
"is it?" you feigned forgetfulness, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he already did. you shrugged. "i was never one for socialising anyway."
peter knew you better than that. he knew what he was asking you to give up. "i'm sorry," he took a step closer to you, his hands hovering in front of you, unsure that you wanted him to touch you. "i'm sorry you got dragged into this."
your eyes lingered on his hands before you pulled back up to his stare. you pursed your lips and shrugged. "i'd feel better about it if i knew what i was getting dragged into," you pulled away from your conversation for a second to slip your books into your bag. "walk me home and you can explain everything."
and he did. he told you all about the vulture, the weapons, what really happened during the decathlon trip. all of it. right up to when the vulture figured out his identity— which lead to him finding out about aunt may, about his friends, and about you. he told you about how he'd spent the past few weeks figuring out where the vulture's next major deal was being held, how he'd messed up so bad and how mr stark had taken his suit.
by the time he'd finished, your mouth hung open slightly. you didn't know how he'd been dealing with all of this by himself. spider-man helped old ladies cross the street and returned stolen bicycles, he didn't fight men in bird costumes to stop illegal sales of dangerous advanced weapon tech.
"peter, this sounds pretty dangerous," you spoke up after he told you about his plan to intercept the vulture's airplane heist. "don't you think you should just call happy? or tony? this sounds like iron man territory."
"i can't do that," he sighed. "besides, i already tried happy— he's not taking my calls right now. something about a time out."
you let out a heavy sigh, having taken everything in that he'd told you. you had reached your door, peter standing behind you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. you motioned for him to come in but he hesitated, opening his mouth to decline. "c'mon," you grabbed his arm and tugged gently. "this heist isn't happening 'til late tonight. you can keep me company 'til then."
"maybe, get some rest, too, you really do look like hell," he let you pull him inside, following behind you. he ignored the second dig you had now made about his appearance.
"may must've been pretty mad when she found out you'd been skipping school?" you collapsed onto your bed, crossing your legs over and watching peter perch himself on the edge of your bed. he leaned forward, his hand running over his face with sheer exhaustion.
"you have no idea," he groaned, holding his head up with the palm of his hand now. "i'm pretty much grounded for the rest of the year. and i have to send her a pic' of me sitting in every one of my classes from now on," you nodded, pursing your lips because that sounded about right. "but mainly she was worried."
"well, she wasn't the only one," he glanced at you over his shoulder, his eyes lingering there for a while. you breathed through your nose, looking away from him and down to your hands to give yourself a moment. you'd forgotten how difficult it was to have him look at you like that. "you just took off with no word, peter."
he turned his gaze away from you, focusing on the wall in front of him, his eyes glossy. for weeks that last conversation with you had been sitting at the back of his mind. he knew he'd handled everything in the worse possible way. he tried to protect you, hurt you by doing so, and then had everything he tried to protect you from blow up in his face anyway.
"i haven't been able to think clearly for weeks," you gulped, scared to meet his gaze again, in fear that you might lose your confidence. "i missed you. and i was worried out of my mind about you."
"y/n—" his voice was quiet.
"and i know i was the one who told you to leave. but i was hurt and sad. i'd convinced myself that you felt the same way, and when you—" you closed your eyes for a second, feeling him watching you. you hadn't been able to say any of this out loud for weeks and now it was just spilling out of you. "anyway— i shouldn't've punished you for that. they are my feelings i need to get over. it wasn't your fault and i'm sorry i made it seem like it was."
he shook his head faintly, sniffling slightly, catching your attention. "i screwed up," he shook his head a little harder, pushing himself up off your bed, his back turned to you. "i screwed up so bad," he ran his hand over his face, his thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of his nose. your eyebrows knitted. "it wasn't supposed to turn out like this."
"don't," you shook your head, willing him to stop. "it's not your fault. i shouldn't have—"
he cut you off, turning to face you as he did. "i'm in love with you," his mouth hung open slightly, his eyes now stinging red. "i was in love with you then, and i'm in love with you now. i think i always will be."
your eyebrows unknitted, your mouth opening to speak but nothing came out. you watched his hand tug on the ends of his curls, his eyes locked onto you the entire time, trying to read your expression.
"i was trying to protect you and it went completely wrong—" his breathing was erratic. "i thought you'd be safer if i distanced myself—" the look on his face was breaking your heart. he knew how stupid it all sounded now he explained it out loud. "i screwed everything up— and now you're in more danger than ever— because of me."
"you— you—" your brain was trying to keep up. you shook your head. you had spent the past month telling yourself that everything you thought he'd felt for you wasn't real, that you'd over thought everything he'd ever done for you. you'd been telling yourself for a month to move on. "you didn't screw up, pete. i know you. whatever you did, you did for the right reasons."
the lump in your throat was growing as you tried to keep some kind of composure. it wouldn't do either of you any good to get upset with him when he was worked up like this. he didn't need to be told he'd made a mistake, he was already painfully aware.
"you don't— you—but— i—" he was hyperventilating, completely vulnerable as he fell apart in front of you.
"pete," you mumbled carefully, climbing over to where he was stood, hand in his hair and he pulled on the loose curls, his eyes wide with anxiety and stress. you moved your hands to his, pulling them down to his side and giving them a small squeeze. "calm down," you cooed. "everything will be ok."
you trailed your hands up to his shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze before pulling him into a tight hug. you wrapped your arms 'round his shoulders, one hand moving to the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair. his head ducked, burying into your neck, his arms wrapping around your waist in a desperate grip. his breathing was heavy at first, uneven and jagged as he clung onto you. your heart was beating out of your chest, you were sure he could hear it, but you held onto him as tight as you could, pressing your whole body against his trying to offer him as much comfort as you could.
after a while of standing around, holding each other, peter's breathing began to grow softer and slower. he began to notice the sweet scent lingering on your skin. his lips innocently hovering over the curve of your neck, breath fanning against your skin. you could feel goosebumps growing on your skin, the hair of your arms standing on end.
"better?" you mumbled softly. he gave you a faint nod in response, his lips leaving your skin as he pulled himself back from you. your hand slipped from in between his curls and down to the neck, your thumb brushing over his skin as he looked straight into your eyes. you gulped, eyelids fluttering.
he was a state to behold. his nose was pink, under eyes wet, your eyes trailed down to where his lips parted. he hiccuped a breath. you tried to push away the impulse to kiss him because he was clearly vulnerable. you didn't want him to later regret anything. "thanks," he mumbled breathlessly. "i don't know what happened there."
you pouted your lips, about to reply when peters eyes fluttered down your face, catching you off guard. his eyes lingered and you noticed his head tilting down and nearer, his lips catching onto yours before you could register what was happening. it was soft, gentle and didn't last longer than a couple seconds before you had to force yourself to pull away.
"peter— you're overwhelmed right now so maybe we shouldn—"
your whispers against his lips where cut short, he pressed his lips to yours again. unable to resist now he'd had a taste. his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you back flush against his chest. you swallowed a gasp, feeling his full weight behind the second kiss. his lips pushed against yours a little more desperately this time, you fell back a step, peter's arms where the only thing keeping you upright at this point.
both your hands where either side of his neck, trailing up into his hair where you pulled softly at the roots of his messy curls. he let out a soft moan against your lips, and you stumbled back once more, your thighs hitting your bed.
your hands quickly slipped down to his chest as you gently pried him off you. your head was spinning a little, his lips were plump and pink and the way he looked at you, with pure love and obsession, made you want to kiss him again and again.
"did you mean it?" you muttered breathlessly.
his eyes trailed back up from your lips, his gaze locking with yours again. he noticed the vulnerability and fear in your eyes now that he was paying you his full attention. he felt a wave of guilt hit him, knowing he was the one that put that look there.
"yeah," he hummed. "i did," he said with his chest. "i do. always will," he was breathless.
"you're not just saying it 'cause you've missed me?"
he shook his head quickly, shutting down any traces of doubt in your mind. "i have been in love with you since that summer we took that trip to coney island when you threw up after you ate too much cotton candy."
your scrunched up your nose at the memory. "gross."
he shrugged. "i don't know what to tell you. that's just when i knew."
your lips twitched into a small smile. "you should probably get some rest," you diverted the topic, trying hard not to kiss him again. he looked so tired. he had poured out months worth of anxiety and stress all in the past ten minutes. "you can't chase bad guys if you're half asleep."
he wore a half-hearted smile, his mind clearly flickering back to the task he had to take on later tonight.
"you can crash here if you want," you motioned to your bed.
"y'sure? i don't wanna get you in trouble."
"mom's working late, so you're good. plus she loves you, pete," your hands slipped down to his, giving them a quick squeeze of reassurance.
"sure she'll still love me when she finds out about us?" he quirked an eyebrow, the small smile on his lips was sloped and tired.
"m'sure," you hummed, biting back your growing smile at the word us. you moved him to sit on your bed again, his hands lazily holding yours. his eyelids fluttered as he looked up at you, a small crease forming between his eyebrows again. you could tell his mind was wandering again. "lie down, you need to rest or you're no good to anyone."
he nodded hesitantly and followed your instruction. "i'll sleep better with you next to me."
his voice was soft after you'd turned your back on him to leave him to rest. you rolled your eyes faintly, smile tugging your lips again. "is that right?"
he hummed, his arms outstretched, waiting for you to fall into them. you dragged your feet back over to him, biting the inside of your cheek, the corner of your lip twitching upwards. "there's a scientific reason behind it but my brain's too sleepy to think right now, so you'll have to take my word for it."
his words slurred together, his eyes rolling slightly the longer he forced them open. you just nodded. "alright, spidey, just this once."
"hm," he hummed as you climbed in next to him, his arms wrapping around you and immediately pulling you against his chest. "thanks," he muttered, his lips pressed against the top of your head. "don't know what i'd do without you."
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iwaisuke · 3 years
calling them nicknames... that progressively get weirder each time
ft. timeskip!bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou x fem!reader
genre: fluff
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» "hi baby!" you called out to your manchild of a boyfriend, who was running around the gym with hinata after practice. "you ready to go?"
» bokuto's turned around at the sound of your voice. "BUB! YOU'RE HERE!" Pure joy radiated through his body as he saw you. running and picking you up in the process.
» the two of you had to go grocery shopping before heading home. you were gonna make one of kou's favorite foods for dinner tonight.
» you walked around the store and picked up some veggies to put in your basket. of course, bokuto on the other hand had another mission: snacks priorities i tell you
» "pumpkin! you said you'd wait for me" you pouted. "sorry love i just saw a new snack and i just had to go look at it" bokuto's arms were full. giggling at how cute he was, bokuto dumped his raid of snacks he got into the basket and offered to carry it.
» at home, you began to cook dinner. meat in your hands, you couldnt move your hair out of your face. "meat bun!!!" you yelled. kou peeked his head into the kitchen. "baby? did you call me?" he questioned. "yeah can you tie my hair for me real quick. it's kind of in the way"
» sitting at the table eating dinner, you watched as bokuto took the first bite of the meal. eyes lighting up he groaned in delight. "so? how is it spoon?" you looked at him expectantly. "... spoon?" bokuto looked confused. "yeah! how is it?" "its... good..."
» with dinner finished and everything cleaned up, the two of you decided it was time to go to sleep. "im so tired babe" bokuto tried to glomp you who was already in bed.
» "eww you're still sweaty from practice" you laughed "go take a shower first clothes hanger" bokuto's hair now totally deflated, he sadly dragged himself to the bathroom.
» fresh out of the shower, bokuto laid next to you in bed, his back turned to you.
» "you ok?" you asked
» "i dont know. you tell me" bokuto said with some sass
» "you're sulking"
» "am not"
» yes he was
» "alright. suit yourself then. good night sock"
» immediately, bokuto turned over to you. "did i do something wrong baby? something so wrong that i was called a spoon" he looked at you with puppy eyes. "im sorry i didnt wait for you to look at snacks with earlier, and for not showering righy away-"
» you couldnt contain your laughter anymore. bokuto, genuinely confused at your actions. cupping his face with your hands, you gently placed a kiss on the spikers lips. "it was just a joke bubs. you did nothing wrong. you're my perfect boy after all"
» hearing a more normal name, a smile was brought back to his face. "you mean it baby?"
» "of course love"
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» Kuroo and you usually always play pranks on each other, but today you figured you’d try to be a little more subtle with the pranks today to see how long it takes for him to pick up on it
» “Woah your bedhead is worse than mine today” kuroo chuckled as he continued to make breakfast for the two of you that morning. “Well good morning to you too egg mcmuffin” you retorted back. “Ou, new nickname i hear? I kinda like the sound of that” he joked
» Kuroo pls
» 9am hit and it was now off to work for kuroo. “Bye kitten. I’ll see you later.” kuroo kissed your forehead, nose and then your lips. “Don’t miss me too much now”
» “Wouldn't dream of it. Have a good day at work water bottle” pecking his lips one more time
» “Water bottle???” “hurry! You’re gonna be late!” shoving kuroo out the door. “Wait kitten-” “bye!!!”
» Noon hit and kuroo was on his lunch break. He’d usually call you during this time just to see how your day has been going so far. “Hey love.” “hi hole puncher”
» You were met with silence on the other side. “Hole puncher?” “please tell me you didn't just call me a hole puncher” “what? Would you rather be called a spatula instead?” you tried to hold in your laughter the best you could.
» 5pm rolled around and kuroo finally came home. “Highlighter!!! You’re finally home!!!” glomping him into a big hug, he pried you off
» “What’s wrong?” you questioned kuroo. “Oh nothing… toothpick”
» His iconic grin was displayed across his face. He caught onto your little prank you were doing today and now it was making it's full way back to you
» The two of you went through the evening calling each other random things
» “Telephone. Can you reach this for me!!!”
» “I forgot a towel, shoelace!”
» Everything was all fun and games until kuroo took it out of hand. Not that he meant to do it-
» “Go turn off the lights trash” whipping your head around, kuroo took his opportunity to egg you on for starting this whole thing. “Yeah you heard me. Go turn the lights off”
» “Well excuse you, you SNAKE.”
» Kuroo gasped. “How could you say that when you know I got beef with daishou, toilet water!”
» “Poopy head!”
» “Moldy rice!”
» Ah yes, the list went on. It came to the point where the two of you couldn’t help but laugh at the names each of you could come up with.
» Now in bed, both kuroo and you apologized to one another for everything said that day while laughing. “Sorry for calling you trash, kitten.” “it's ok baby. Sorry for calling you a snake.” you chuckled. He gave you a kiss goodnight and snuggled into your chest.
» “I love you toothpick”
» “I love you too egg mcmuffin”
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
enjoy your order! have a wonderful day~!
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hexagonmoment · 3 years
can u draw human hex x whitty ^w^
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You want gays? I'll give you the gays☆
Also sorry if it looks kinda poopy I did this on my phone bc my laptop is broken☆
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 8
a/n: okay so since my halloween special was a flop ill write this instead but uwuwuwuwu its also my birthday today so hehe this is kinda a special request too :D
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- IF IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY! omg :0 i think we can all agree that the ramen shop will get GOOD BUSINESS that day. but it was a total surprise when the upperclassmen basically JUMP you after exiting your last class. vball practice? deliberately cancelled cuz today is YOUR day. kyo leading you, iwa making sure your eyes are closed while oikawa keeps teasing you on how you’re letting a group of men take you BLIND (cue the PUNCH). your smile is worth the XXX amount spent c,:
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okay yay happy birthday to me uwu
i kinda put this request off since my borfday was right around the corner so hahaha to the anon who requested this, here it is!!!
okay anyways!!!
so today is your borfday
obvs this could be any day lmao it doesnt have to be today but it can be any day just pretend the calendar was different lmao
you were born today and your parents and natsu obvs celebrated it the morning you woke up
like you were peacefully holding your squirtle plushie and snuggling close to get more sleep bc it was still early
but natsu quite literally kicked your door down and your parents walked in with a large cake with candles
okay ill stop now
ofc you were startled bc what the hek 
like you were so surprised that you rolled off the bed and landed harshly on the floor
instead of being yanno ‘yey! its my borfday!’ you were like ‘dear asahi kill me’
waking you up at the buttcrack of dawn?
lmao 10/10 not recommend
natsu felt really bad and he pulled you up from the floor and situated you back on the bed while your parents backtracked back downstairs
‘ohmygosh babygirl im so sorry i didnt mean to hulk smash you to the floor’
im sorry sir what 💀
this whore
you waved him off but he still felt guilty so he just pressed kisses to your forehead to soothe it
meanwhile youre just leaning against him, eyes closed, bc you grew up with natsu always doing this whenever you got hurt so it was such a soff moment for you
eventually, he was able to bring you downstairs and your parents were lowkey scared lmao but you smiled at them
‘thank you for the cake’
they breathed a sigh of relief and you sat down on the chair to eat breakfast
‘here darling’
you accepted the bowl of rice from your madre and you ate your birthday breakfast with them while yall are saving the cake for later during dinner
when you finished, you were getting up and shouting up the stairs that you were showering first
hehe natsu was all like ‘lmao why? its like 4 in the morning’
you froze, foot hovering over a step and you sighed
‘excuse me what 💀‘
yea no
you were dragged back to the kitchen and you were all pouty bc duh who the hek wants to wake up that early but your parents saved themselves by giving you your parents early
(literally anything you guys want they gave you okay? but only like 3 lmao not a bajillion things)
you were still grateful for everything and you felt very much appreciated
since it was still early, you just decided to screw it and got ready to go to school early and set up the gym for early morning practice
natsu volunteered to go with you to school but you shook your head
‘nah, im okay. the walk is peaceful’
he huffed, crossing his arms, but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because its your birthday’
hehehehe the amount of freedom during your day of birth
you were of course the first one in the gym but you didnt mind bc you actually liked the quietness that was so rare inside there
you turned on some (f/m) (lmao favorite/music) and you were sweeping, unknowingly swaying and dancing slightly
at around 5:40, the third years have arrived and since theyre the eldest, they usually get there first
omg the blush explosion on their faces when they saw you twirling around with the mop and ofc oikawa being the little poopie head he is, he swooped in and held your waist
you got startled but seeing the soft brown eyes of your captain made a soft smile appear on your face
‘hello, oikawa-san’
you whispered and he nuzzled his face to the side of your head softly
‘morning, y/n-chan’
before he could go on, iwa threw him away behind him and you giggled
mattsun raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior
‘hm? why are you so happy today, y/n-chan?’
you stopped then chuckled
‘nothing much, mattsun-san’
you didnt really want to tell them it was your birthday bc tbh you didnt think it was a big deal or anything
the others werent complaining bc they rarely see you so lively and upbeat and they loved it
you were humming under your breath for gods sake
the other boys have trickled in and again, they also went ‘?’
your soft smiles, giggles, and joy was everything to them 
god bless for this beautiful morning
poor kindaichi cowered in fright as he braced himself for a scolding from you for missing a block but he got even more scared when you just patted his head
‘its okay, yuu-kun. there’s always a next time’
yea there was something wrong
unfortunately, school was starting and they weren’t able to start questioning you and there aint no way kindaichi and kunimi were going to do that themselves without the upperclassmen who could calm you down if you got too defensive
you were skipping down the hallway and you even looped your arms around your first year friends and they shared a confused look before being dragged by you
during class, darling kunimi was too busy and distracted by your quiet singing of some show that takeru watched when you were over
yes, yes it is
but he didnt say that and instead turned away so fast that you felt the wind beside you
DID A 180 CRAZY~~~
he texted the separate bros group chat about you still being all happy and they were all curious as to what makes you so happy
during lunch time, kindaichi usually went over to go eat with you and kunimi right?
but he was surprised when he just saw kunimi there without you
‘i dont know’
‘what do you mean you dont know?!’
nah fam we not dying yet
natsu texted you earlier that he had a bento for you that he made himself and he wanted you to eat it instead of the one your mom made
you were passing by the building entrance door thingy and caught the attention of the third years who were at the rooftop eating their lunch
there was also other students outside and they watched your flowery aura skip over to the equally attractive hiroshi natsu
he cooed and you smiled up at him
curse him and his tall height
he let you hold the f/c cloth covered box so he could cup your face and kiss over your booboo again
‘wo mow, matsu-’
translation: no more, natsu!
you whined as he kept kissing your forehead and you were turning red at the attention from the other students
dang oikawa crushed his juice box at the sight even though he knew natsu was just a cousin
‘ill save you, y/n-chan!’
he shouted, already flying down the stairs towards you and the other third years after him to keep him from doing something stupid
but they also lowkey wanna see you too
but by the time they reached the entrance, you were already walking away and even passed by the quartet, giving them a close-eyed smile and a cute ‘hello!’
the 3 were distracted by you and were coddling you while oikawa ran out and shouted after natsu’s retreating form
‘natsu! oi, natsu!’
as if the boy was purposely ignoring him, natsu kept walking forward
his scream finally made him turn around and natsu’s face held a teasing smirk
‘oya? chibi-chan?’
oikawa huffed and panted as he firmly walked over to natsu
‘tell me, hiroshi natsu. why is y/n-chan all cutesy and happy today?’
then the smirk fell, replaced by an actual, genuine annoyed look
oikawa blinked
‘what do you mean ‘hah’?’
natsu waved his hands around in a frenzy of shock
‘so you mean to tell me, you, oikawa tooru, the dude who literally woke up the neighborhood at the buttcrack of dawn a few weeks ago, in love with my cousin, doesn’t know what today is?’
‘was i supposed to,,,, know?’
natsu’s face became a meme and the guy was so disappointed that he just turned around and continued walking
oikawa gasped and clutched natsu’s arm, begging and pleading to tell him
ofc the little shite natsu is, he smirked down at oikawa’s kneeling form
‘hmm, gotta say, chibi-kun. i like this view~’
‘tell me, natsu-chan!’
the puppy eyes of oikawa tooru not only affected girls but also boys fully socked homosexual boys so natsu had to turn away, fighting down a blush
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
wait, no, probably tetsu
or kenma
or both
or keiji
‘-me! natsu-chan!’
that snapped the pink-haired boy out of his thoughts and crossed his arms, glaring down at oikawa
‘hm, why do you wanna know so bad? youre on your knees, begging me for information you shouldve already known since you claim to like her so much’
oikawa pouted and he sniffled
‘i wanna know everything about y/n-chan. i wanna know what today is so i can make her as happy as she is today forever!’
‘youre so cheesy’
natsu chided and oikawa pouted even harder causing natsu to sigh and pinch his nose
‘the girl was born today’
oikawa’s face lit up and he hurriedly stood on his feet, hands on natsu’s biceps since he could barely reach natsu’s shoulders bc of his 6′5 height
‘its her birthday today?!’
‘i literally just said that-’
‘oh my gosh! we need to plan something!’
oikawa started but then frowned
‘but we’re in school so it would be too late to do a surprise when we finish’
his mumbles 
filled their vicinity and natsu finally realized where exactly they were so he tugged the still mumbling boy over to the side out of people’s view
ohmygosh if i saw 2 handsome, tall, hot boys there, id be staring too omg
‘oi, oikawa’
he still didnt budge until natsu had to kick him at the leg
rip not his knee yall
tooru flinched and hatefully glared at the boy but natsu pointedly glared at him right back
‘before you start bitching to me, i was just gonna suggest i can help you and your little plan to woo my baby cousin’
as if he wasn’t irritated in the first place, tooru lit up and he excitedly clung onto natsu
‘really? you’ll really help me?’
natsu rolled his eyes and tried to pry the brunette off of him but he felt the grip tighten
‘listen, oikawa, as much as i like having pretty boys hang on to me, i’d really appreciate if you just back off a bit and actually understand what im saying’
can i just say how long their lunch break is?
and not at natsu trying to get with oikawa and oikawa completely missing it
‘you can go do your education scam system thing while i can go set things up over at that one noodle place she likes’
natsu explained
oikawa was about to smile until he paused and leaned away
‘theres a catch. i know theres a catch’
then natsu smirked, confirming oikawa’s suspicion
‘ill think about what i really want but for now, i just wanna see that one doggie boy you guys have. also, your friend with the big arms’
lmao imagine the surprise in oikawa’s face
‘why? you want me to?’
‘YES! i mean, well-no but YES!’
thats how oikawa ended up telling the boys about the last minute birthday surprise for you and the help from natsu
‘yea, apparently its her birthday. also, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, you need to talk to natsu-chan’
‘hah?! why?!’
you were minding your own business during class until you saw kunimi raise his hand
‘yes, kunimi-kun?’
normally, you wouldve just looked away but you noticed him grab his bag when the teacher wasn’t looking which prompted you to sigh since he was skipping class
i mean, whats the point of skipping class when the day is about to be over in like 15 minutes anyways?
‘make sure to come to practice’
you whispered when he passed and he smiled, making you raise an eyebrow bc that was a smile you knew that had a hidden meaning behind it
when the bell rang, everyone nyoomed themselves out of there and you were just walking past the door when a body came crashing to you which made you distracted and allowed a chance of vulnerability
there was a pair of hands covered your eyes from behind, hands grabbed your own from in front, and an arm around your waist started to guide you forward
‘um, just so you know, i have the power of god, anime, and iwa-san by my side and i wont hesitate to kick you in the di-’
‘its so cute when y/n-chan threatens us’
a voice from in front of you hums and you smiled
‘you wont think im really cute once youre on the floor clutching your di-’
‘oi, y/n, ill wash your tongue with soap’
‘yes, iwa-san’
you continued to walk, completely trusting at the hands of your boys, when you felt yourself being pulled to turn a corner
‘iwa-san? aren’t we going to the gym? why are we exiting the gates?’
the boys exchanged a look of amazement at your sense of intuition and the accuracy of your guess despite being deprived of your senses
‘dont think you can lie to us, y/n-chan! how could you not tell us its your birthday today?!’
you heard mattsun a few feet in front of you whine and you giggled
‘its not important’
then kyotani scoffed, you knowing it was him by feeling him twitch by the arm around your waist
‘boke, of course its important’
‘so your punishment for lying to us, we’re kidnapping you’
makki teased and you rolled your eyes beneath iwa’s hands
‘oh, shiver me timbers’
the walk continued, you still being dragged around, and you heard oikawa laugh
‘oh dear, its a sight to see, ain’t it? if only you can see the looks people are giving us, y/n-chan~ a group of boys taking a little girl like you? how could you trust us to not do something to you-ACK!’
you cut him off when you lifted your foot to kick right where it hurts the most
forget his weewee
its the knee
poor child crumbled to the floor and had to be picked up by baby watari
‘oh wata-cchi, youre the only one who cares about oikawa-san!’
you heavily sighed at the exagerrated theatrics of your captain
‘the one day. the one day when he could be a normal person for once’
you grumbled but stopped when you heard iwa laugh by your ear
‘he’s right you know. you technically lied to us when we asked if there was something special’
you shivered and you leaned your head back
‘its okay, iwa-san. we can talk about it after this event. make sure to give me my present, okay?’
but iwa chuckled and he promised you that you would love his present
kyotani’s arm tightened around you, as if prompting you that he was still there and he wanted your attention too
‘careful there, pup’
he warned when you almost tripped over air
‘hehe, i know ill always be safe when youre next to me, kyo-san’
you teased and he was lucky your eyes were covered bc you would see the way his cheeks tinted red
‘s-shut up, idiot! maybe i shouldve just let you fall and hit your head! not like its gonna do damage since theres nothing there anyways!’
you just giggled and he retaliated by pinching your waist to which you squealed and gripped his hands
then the smell of the ramen broth entered your nose
‘are we-?’
‘nope! not there yet, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice made you whine and complain but then he stopped, making everyone else stop too
‘okay, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, release her!’
both grumbled something about you being treated like a pokemon but stopped when your eyes widened and contorted into confusion
oikawa grinned and your eyes met to see the way his eyes crinkled, a tell-tale sign that this one was a rare genuine smile
‘come on! lets go!’
you let him take you inside the restaurant until your feet stopped, eyes wide when you noticed the streamers and the cake by the corner
your parents stood with natsu by the table and a large smile decorated your face
‘you,, you did this for me?’
you whispered and the team made noises of agreement
‘we had to do something for you to celebrate the day you were born. its a special day because you came into the world and we were able to meet you’
yahaba grinned and you gave him a big hug but you leaned back a bit so that the others would know you’re talking to them too
‘everyone, thank you. i love you’
they all scoffed a bit to hide their flustered state but they still smiled and each gave you a hug
‘oi! come here and eat the food! oikawa’s paying today!’
natsu shouted, which caught the attention of some customers in the restaurant, but they just ignored it bc theyve seen you and the team so many times that yall practically lived there
‘what?! i didnt-’
oikawa started but your mother came up to him and clasped her hands to his, sharing the same exact grin you have
‘you must be oikawa tooru. y/n has told me loads about you’
excuse him while he descends to heaven bc your mother is practically another you
iwa was already acquainted with your dad so they started talking and you just stood back, observing your two families interact with each other
you were so unbelievably happy that it hurts
kindaichi noticed you and he slinked away from the debate between makki and mattsun to go sling an arm around you
‘so? what do you think?’
you turned to him with glassy eyes
‘im so blessed. so blessed to have these amazing people with me’
poor babie panicked a bit bc he didnt really know how to comfort a crying girl but he just wrapped his arms around you
‘hehe, its kinda the other way around actually. we’re blessed to have someone like you’
he whispered and you giggled then playfully hit his shoulder
‘so cheesy, yuu-kun’
he leaned away from the hug and gave you an offended look
‘but its true! i dont know what we did to have-’
oikawa shouted from the other side, cutting off your soft moment with kindaichi
‘what are you doing, natsu?’
you noticed your cousin wrapping his arms around your captain and trying to drag him away but poor tooru was scrambling to escape
‘we made a deal, didnt we, darling~? i know what i want now and youre going to have to give me you’
oikawa screamed
a/n: can we please pretend i posted this on november 3? bc i was dumb and forgot to post this and KLDJLSDKFJDSKD IM SO ANGRY but its okay at least i am able to publish this haha
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