#sorry to cut this one short
twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
once upon silvers dreams
sweet silver stuff, hopefuly i wrote him ok, I don't know his character very well.
Another assignment by professor crewel for the dream potion led to mc sitting next to a tree by the forest thinking over who would be ok going into their dream. They know sometimes their dreams were odd due to being from another world. And as an extra part of the assignment was to try and connect more to someone they are aquatinted with but not really friends with.
It was an interesting conundrum for Mc since they knew and had a lot of friends but didn’t have many people that they did know but weren’t friends with. They continued to sit for a while, their thoughts drifting here and there. Then they noticed a few animals around. even more strange were 2 birds carrying a dark jacket to the other side of the tree they were leaning against.
They watched the birds gently drape the jacket over a man with silvery hair, sleeping aginst the tree. The immage reminded them of an old movie they watched a long time ago. They smiled as they hummed a song from it and sat back down, mind wandering. in theri haze they reached for their water bottle but grabbed and drank their potion. They realised once they swallowed then sighed. Quickly writing a note to the man, remembering his name from one of the 2nd and first year mixed classes. Silver.
They quickly fell asleep as they set the note next to him along with the other potion bottle. Silver woke shortly after to his animal friends gently nudging him. Ne hoticed the note and potion.
"dear silver, sorry about the suddenness of this note, I need your help with a dream potion assignment. If you are ok with it, could you drink it and join me in my dreams? I'll owe you a favor. Hope to see you soon Mc"
He looked down at the potion and shrugged, he knew his master was fond of the kind, magicless human, and this potion was just to be a part of their dream. It couldn't hurt to help. So he quickly downed the pink potion and drifted off to sleep once more.
He woke up against a tree his dark coat and hat missing from his uniform. He had his batton out and it nseemed he was practicing against an old dead tree, if the grooves were anything to go by. He felt the need to look for his missing uniform pieces so he started to wander around, until he heard soft singing. Something that felt familiar yet alien to him.
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem"
He moved a bush out of the way and noticed Mc danging with some ghosts near the edge of the forest, the ghosts wearing his dorm outfit giggling as they danced around Mc as they sang that intriguing song. "But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream"
they happily hummed as they continued to dance. The entire situation felt familiar yet not to silver as he watched. He suddenly felt the dram push him toward them as they spun toward him.
"But if I know you, I know what you do You love me at once" They sang before Silver started to sing with them. "The way you did once upon a dream" He finished alone sinc eth Mc stopped singing due to their surprise at a new and unfamiliar voice. They looked at the ghost with silver at their back and the ghosts just shrugged before disappearing, letting the clothes they borrowed fall to the ground.
"Oh!" They said now looking at silver and pulling away from him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He said. Moving to grab his stuff.
"Well, it's not that. it's just that you're a... a" They stammered now embarrassed at being caught singing.
"A stranger?" he finished for them. They nodded and looked away back toward where ramshackle would be.
"But don't you remember? We've meet before." he said turning to them, now in his full uniform.
"we-we have?" they said now looking back at him, surprised.
"well of course, you said so yourself, once upon a dream." he finished with a small smile. they smiled back, before moving toward ramshackle. They were about to say something but he started to sing. He as a bit supprised himself but didn't fight as the dream led him along.
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam" he sang, catching up to them before leading them in a dance through a small field of wildflowers. they looked surprised before they joined his singing. "And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream" they finish together. They both snapped out of the strange memory/ scene the dream had them do. Silver quickly pulled away, sighing.
"I'm sorry about that, I don't really know what over came me. forgive me if I confused or startled you." he apologised.
"no, it's ok. I remember that scene. it's from a movie I haven't seen in a while. I think I was thinking about it as I fell asleep... So this is somewhat my fault you had to do that." They said. awkwardly patting his back. He chuckled before looking around at the familiar, yet slightly distorted dream world.
"I hope you got the data you needed for the assignment, I'm unsure how else I can help," he said now looking back at them. They smiled at his kind words and smile.
"All i really needed to know is that it can add someone to my dreams to interact with, so it worked perfectly. Thank you silver." the world started to fade around them both.
"it seems that our dream is ending. Thank you for the experience Mc. Ill try and remember ho we knew each other once upon a dream." he said before they both woke up.
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ducktracy · 10 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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toypretend · 1 year
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twitter really liked this, so i’ll post it here too :))
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codacheetah · 4 months
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The start of the Loop segment of the Siffrin & friends twitter QNA, and the message that flipped Loop's answers from silly to dodgy and blatantly upset.
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Loopchat from speaking to Loop 20+ times.
Certified Loop dysphoria post
#isat loop#isat spoilers#i was gonna make a whole semisilly post abt how i think the public perception of loop as 'cunty' is kind of funny#(has bought into it before)#but to be honest it just made me start thinking more abt how loop perceives themself.#loop telling siffrin not to die too early so they have more time to go :( at siffrin's drawing. or well i guess it'd be :#man.#it does....interest me#siffrin seems to not be particularly dysphoric in like a gender sense. expresses interest in body craft but thinks#(You dont mind inhabiting this meat prison for the time being.) as well so#but by becoming a star loop kind of. simultaneously loses the freedom to Change the way they want to. no guarantee bodycraft works on stars#and loses the comfort of inhabiting their own body#congrats on the new body loop! sorry about the dysphoria#for as much as it's fun to poke at loop for being very obvious once you Know#it does. resonate something with me i guess that of all things this is one of the few things that loop isn't very good at deflecting about.#(in the sense of cutting the conversation short before it becomes capital o Obvious they are upset anyways)#i'm aware they were already transgender before becoming a star. but very transgender of you loop#oh! i guess i can say on the topic of cunty loop#it's kind of funny. like im not immune to drawing Cute Loops or making them silly and dramatic and flirty#and i think the thread of Drama they show on top of their not-typically-masculine (ig???) demeanor and flirting with siffrin#makes the perception of them as like. there has to be a better word than cunty but. cunty. somewhat understandable#once more the loop has deceived you. i mean i do think the drama is a little bit real they are a hashtag theater kid#but they have deceived you. you have fallen into their spiderweb of believing they are anything other than the world's most miserable beast#with your help we can crowdfund enough silver coins to buy loop a dysphoria hoodie. if we hit our stretch goal it can have a print on it
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n4rval · 9 months
hi I just wanted to say your tags on the gaster poll posts are so correct yessss (always enjoy your takes just in general). thank you for being one of the seemingly very few people out there who also believes there's no way the timeline works for gaster and alphys to have been colleagues. however, him haunting her benevolently is something I'm 1000% here for <3 (also I hope your finals went well and you get to have a nice relaxing break!)
HII HELLO HI im glad you like them!!! knowing you read these motivates me to keep being Absolutely Very Normal About Him on the internet
personally it's less of a believing thing and more of a come on it's written right there thing, but since we're here.
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behold! dingus timeline. (and the hottest of takes with freshly baked personal headcanons otherwise what am i doing)
Not a skeleton?
Isn't 201X too early?
Indeed, not a skeleton, but rather, some guy. Something about how monster's bodies are manifestations of their SOUL, and him oddly resembling a strange looking man does well to represent his insatiable curiosity and love for creating. (things humans are known for in a better light)
On the other hand, you will be pleased with how fascinated he is by "FLESHLINGS AND THEIR CALCIUM DEPOSITS".
And then they fucking died.
201X is the year the first human fell into the underground, and shortly after, the royal family has moved to New Home. This means some decent exploration of the cavern has already been made. Scientists could very well already have been working on optimizing life underground, with special attention to the large and ever growing new capital.
My idea? As this idiot has been aiding exploration with his antics, Gerson was the one to appoint him to Asgore. Something about his talent with turning garbage into non-garbage. With a little patience and getting familiar with his odd manerisms, it was not too long until he got to be the prince's weird godfather.
Cracking already?
And everyone was devastated, mainly the close family. Not only that, but amidst your mourning, the one couple responsible for your unrealistically high standards for romance just divorced. Is love even real anymore. You eat ants with your cereal and your work consists mainly of convenience improvements and absolutely nothing groundbreaking. What's the point of breaking that pesky barrier again? Child murder? Come on.
That's the Wingdings PATIENCE and BRAVERY encountered in their adventure. Dear god, you're lame. Aren't you some kind of genius? Get yourself together! And together he got his self, now, he has children to look after. Surely there must be some other way. He must stop coming up with new flavours for chips and find some other way.
... Dear god, the King is going to kill them.
Listen. He's old. You got your wrinkles, he's got his cracking. What? You meant to point out some major event of injury must have been responsible for his current state of deformity? Well, he's old AND heartbroken. That's a direct blow to the SOUL, okay.
Jokes aside (kind of), doing any lasting damage to a monster is quite difficult given their magic forms can easily be healed through, well, magic. They can, however, eventually "fall" (wink wink) and dust away with age - which cannot, however, be fixed with magic.
With a little determination however ...
Something about the anomaly.
He found it, the other way. It was the bones all along, the so needed sustainance for channelling such a high concentration of that power. Well, not necessarily, but a boney structure will endure much more and last much longer than a meaty one. Also, it looks so cool.
You know this guy, he gets first dibs on any and all dubious substances that might or might not deal the last hit to the nail on his coffin dust urn(?). And when it all works out (dubious), he might as well play a little. What kind of things can he make? With the material properties of these calcified remains infused with his own magic, animated with determination.
Some new, powerful magic tricks?
A new kind of monster, maybe?
There is a lot of interesting things one can do with isolated DT, aside from making bones rattle with life - for example, peeking onto the complex layers and ramifications of what composes reality. This is when the already kooky scientist grows a little mad; manic, if you will. This is the Wingdings sans was familiar with.
Time travel this, resets that, blah blah blah alpha timeline, the anomaly, the angel, the anomaly again, all things that only make sense to him and his illegible mess on the black board. The lack of detail is killing him, he needs to know what it is - what it does, why it does, how it does. Not to stop it, no, there is no stopping it.
Rather, an overwhelming need to understand it.
He falls somewhere in recent history, details of it left ambiguous. The shattering, combined with the amount of DT running in his magical... mathematical physiology, rendered all of his self but an espectator of his reality; confined to the code and unable to do anything but watch, powerless before the nature of his very being, like a corrupted program.
It is all rather frustrating, besides the burden that is coming to terms with simply not existing anymore, watching was pretty much all this research was and now ever will be. That is, until something interacts with him. It is different from the tragic prince, whom no matter how much DT he's accumulated, he is just as confined to this world's rules as other elements. Not this one, not the force from beyond. Not "YOU".
He makes it a mission to reach out, despite the limits of the code, to give away bits and pieces of him and see if you bite. But not too much, he's seen how you tend to exhaust a world for knowledge, something he can oddly sympathize with. I mean, what will you do once you find everything? One cannot fully know a person.
Maybe in another world, prophetized by a cute, little white dog. A much better world for everyone, without so much as war or disease, his greatest creation yet. And he could invite you to it, to experience bewilderment, to be reminded of wonder. If it could even help you, wherever you are, to deem your own world worth of partaking ... then the experiment was a success.
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yippee-optimistically · 4 months
from this concept:
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I now have a very cool, very soft, and entirely hand-made 2017 Louie plush !!!!!!
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Very silly tail ⬇️
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He has a completely functional pull-apart jacket zipper !!!
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Also completely functional: the pockets 😼
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And here is also a closeup on the little phone
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He is made up almost entirely of fleece, all hand-sewn. His shirt and some of his eyes are felt (also the scar on his foot). He's stuffed with polyfill . He's weighed down with lentils 😭 His pattern is made custom by me :) I'm not sure exactly how long he took, but I'd guess some amount of months. Maybe 2, but maybe only a few weeks of collective actual work days
He does also have a dog toy type squeaker in him
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torchickentacos · 25 days
If anyone else's windows device taskbar has been giving them too much world health news and prompting anxiety spirals, you can turn this thing off:
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by right-clicking any blank part of the task bar, hitting this:
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and turning this off.
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Signed, 'oh my god I already mask indoors every day and live in constant fear of my jacked up immune system leading to my untimely demise, please stop telling me about fun new diseases'.
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
I desperately want to see Ivan with longer hair like in the one child flashback if anything could turn Till gay it would be that
I had a draft on here about Ivan joining the rebellion and growing his hair out long!! ROUND 6 released and absolutely DASHED my hopes of course but it was nice to look back on how blindly optimistic I was haha.... ha....
Anyways. Yes. Ivan with long hair. I think he'd look good with it in a low ponytail maybe... or braided hair.... I've seen AUs where Ivan stayed in the slums and he absolutely rocks a mullet. It's a shame Unsha and Nigeh are so keen on keeping their pets well groomed and proper (Ivan and Sua's hair is so perfectly cut and it stayed that way for basically their whole lives). Ivan with a mullet... Sua with the same hair length she had in the angel/devil art with Mizi.... wah..... they'd look so good.
I think a lot about the fact that Till is so fixated on Mizi's long hair and I wonder if he'd start growing fond of Ivan's hair too if he grew it out (Till braiding flowers into Ivan's hair and insisting it's just practice even though he adjusts the style into something he thinks would fit Ivan specifically... Ivan feeling warm at the touch of Till's hands in his hair.... aauuuuooiighhh)
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veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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sucker for big sister sailor dee and baby brother bandana who had a Tragic Sibling Fallout during revenge of meta knight (who later reunited because i can't handle angst)
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"she is thriving" - @the-blind-assassin-12
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hidingoutbackstage · 5 months
Why the fuck are hairdressers so fucking reluctant to do the job you’re paying them at least $50 to do? If I’m telling you to go shorter, I’m not telling you to ask me five times in a row “Are you sure?” I’m asking you to go shorter. If I show you a picture of a haircut that I want and say “I want to look like that” I’m not asking you to cut it how you think will look better, I’m asking to look like that picture. If I tell you “I’ve gotten it cut like this before, I know what I want” I’m not asking you to tell me how hesitant you are to cut my hair in the style that I asked you to, I’m asking you to do the fucking service I’m paying you for
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Chinese Grand Prix - Sebastian Vettel(ft. Mark Webber & Jenson Button)(not pictured: Parc Fermé )
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calciferstims · 3 months
tiktokers be like “I am going to create the most beautiful, relaxing, aesthetically pleasing video ever, with gorgeous lighting, and deeply satisfying content”. …….. “and then I’m going to cut the video fifty thousand times in thirty seconds-”
#chatting tag#WHY. WHY. PLEASE.#I swear like every gifset I ever see that comes from tiktok is like the most gorgeous shit I’ve ever seen in my life#(specifically those videos of food that have really sunny lighting. OUGH that’s my SHIT)#but then EVERY TIME there’s like 5 cuts in every single individual gif. and it drives me crazy#don’t get me wrong they are good gifsets and it is not the gif makers fault. and obviously I know why the tiktok makers do that#bc there’s such a short time limit on the videos and they want to keep their attention and what not#but I swear to god they will make cuts that are SO FUCKING UNNECESSARY like just cutting literal milliseconds out of a satisfying shot.#which makes it no longer as satisfying. why. why do you do this to me.#listen I just have this secret rule that I never use gifs that have any cuts in them at all in my boards#unless they’re like really really nice. but even then like only two cuts max or I go crazy. I don’t like how weird and choppy it looks!!!!#so then like all of the prettiest gifs ever. I can’t use. BC THERES SO MANY GIDDAMN CUTS#like there’s so many videos I’d want to make gifs of but you can’t even get like a millisecond long gif out of it without including cuts 😭😭#ugh. anyways. that was my unnecessarily petty and extensive rant that I’ve just been holding in for a while. sorry.#also sorry but the other thing that bothers me is that stupid logo taking up half the gif.#one of my othe hyper specific secret rules is that I cannot use any gif that has a visible logo or watermark on it bc it drives me nuts#and like. not to rag on gif makers. bc gif makers are the most wondrous thing in the entire world and everything they do is great.#but I DO know a REALLLYYY easy way to download TikTok’s without the watermark it’s so simple it would take like two seconds. please. for me#just look up tiktok video downloader there’s like four good functional websites immediately. it’s so easy#let’s all start doing this pls we could make the most perfect gifsets ever without that ugly ass logo#(again not mad at gifmakers. I love u gifmakers. muah.)
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
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PK: "...Kid..."
PV: "What? I'm just pointing out the obvious."
PK: "You're being a little shit is what you are."
WL: "Well, they're not wrong–"
PK: "Don't enable this."
(ID start: A picture of The Pale King, The White Lady and the Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight as humans. They're all wearing matching golden roses, a pin for Pure Vessel, a hair clip for the Pale King and a corsage for the White Lady. The Pure Vessel has their hand at the head height of their father, laughing about his height with their mother, much to the displeasure of the king. End ID.)
They're making fun of the monochronic manlet
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lovingaeth · 25 days
god bless and protect queer elders
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