hidingoutbackstage · 2 months
Why the fuck are hairdressers so fucking reluctant to do the job you’re paying them at least $50 to do? If I’m telling you to go shorter, I’m not telling you to ask me five times in a row “Are you sure?” I’m asking you to go shorter. If I show you a picture of a haircut that I want and say “I want to look like that” I’m not asking you to cut it how you think will look better, I’m asking to look like that picture. If I tell you “I’ve gotten it cut like this before, I know what I want” I’m not asking you to tell me how hesitant you are to cut my hair in the style that I asked you to, I’m asking you to do the fucking service I’m paying you for
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roosterforme · 2 years
I Still Want You | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley had been an idiot when it came to you. He still wanted you, but did you still want him?
Warnings: Smut, maybe a bit of fluff and angst, piv sex without a condom, reader receiving oral, swearing
Length: 2800
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This is in response to a request for @ccbb2222
Check out my masterlist for more
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Bradley was an idiot. Sure, he messed things up on a regular basis, but when it came to you, he had fucked up royally. 
Things had been going great for months, and he was definitely in love with you. His friends liked you, you didn't get clingy when he had to work overtime, and you were funny and interesting. But as soon as you had asked him So, where do you see this going?, he self-destructed in spectacular technicolor. 
He let his own worst fears eat him alive. He was afraid of commitment. He was afraid of rejection. He was afraid of losing anyone else he cared about. And so he became distant with you. He stopped calling and texting you back right away. He avoided making concrete plans of any kind, including planning dates. He intentionally became such a shitty boyfriend, you'd have no choice but to break up with him. He knew you would too, because you were smart, determined, and didn't stand for anybody's bullshit.
And that's exactly why he shouldn't be surprised to see you at the Hard Deck, sitting and laughing with some fucking Pretty Boy who was most likely much better than he could ever be. Bradley's blood was positively boiling in his veins, and he knew he didn't have the right to be jealous. But that wasn't stopping him. 
Bradley's skin prickled in delight as he was able to hear your laugh over the hum of the crowd. He briefly recalled a time when you'd laughed so hard at something he had said, you'd actually had to lay down on the floor to catch your breath. He had loved making you laugh; wore it as a badge of honor every time he was able to do so.
And you didn't just look nice, you looked fucking incredible. You'd changed your hairstyle in the last month since you had grabbed your stuff from his apartment and left for the final time. You had on a little makeup, which Bradley usually didn't prefer, but your eyes looked big and engaging, and the guy you were with was eating it all up. And you were wearing that tight red dress that Bradley loved so much. He would never be able to forget the time when you and he barely made it back to his place before he had it pushed up above your hips, and he fucked you against the living room wall. 
"You gonna sit here and torture yourself all night, Rooster?" Hangman drawled, leaning against a pool cue next to the pool table. "You can drink your beer and wallow in self pity, but you don't have to stare at her and make it worse. She moved on."
"Can you blame her?" Bradley rasped. "I was such a dick. I can't believe I did that to her." To us, Bradley thought to himself.
"You have two options. Move on. Or try to get her back. But sitting here and drooling isn't helping either way," Hangman said. And then Bradley was out of his seat in an instant, his beer bottle slammed on the table. 
The guy you were with brushed your hair away from your neck and leaned in to whisper something while he smiled down at you. Bradley was going to punch him in his fucking Pretty Boy face if he touched you again. He wanted to be the only one who was allowed to touch you. He knew the right way to do it. He knew how to keep you coming back for more.
Bradley watched your expression as you pulled away from Mr. Pretty Boy, and he was pleased to note you didn't look too thrilled with the guy. Good girl. Don't let him touch you again. 
"Yeah, you're definitely not going to be getting over her anytime soon, so maybe go with the 'try to get her back' option?" Hangman suggested with a smirk.
But Bradley was barely listening to Hangman, because Mr. Pretty Boy was at it again. This time he ran his hand up along your neck and cupped your cheek. Bradley was off, stalking around to the other side of the bar, flexing his fingers to keep from tearing the place apart. But you were also quickly out of your seat and heading down the short hallway toward the bathrooms. 
Bradley changed course and caught up to you just before you reached the ladies room door. "Y/N."
You spun to face him, and your brow scrunched up a bit. "Bradley? What do you want?"
He looked at you for a beat, trying to calm his breathing. You were so perfect, and he needed to do this right if he stood any chance at all. 
"I want you."
"What? I don't know what you're talking about right now, but I'm here on a first date. I don't have time for you." 
Bradley growled. "I know. I saw you with him. He looks like a douchebag."
You rolled your eyes and shifted closer to the wall as another woman slipped past you and into the bathroom. "You were watching me?"
"I was playing pool with Jake. And it's hard not to look at you, Honey. Especially in that dress."
Bradley watched as your jaw fell open and a blush crept across your neck. 
"I really don't have time for this right now," you whispered. "I don't even know what you want. You went from hot to cold with me so fast, I had whiplash."
"I made a mistake," he replied. "I should have never done that to you."
You took a few steps closer to him and looked up earnestly. "Then why did you? I still don't understand what I did wrong."
Bradley hated himself so much right now. He had hurt you, and he didn't know if you'd be able to trust him again. "Honey, you didn't do anything wrong. You were perfect. I was an idiot."
"You were pretty perfect too, you know. Until you broke my heart. Why?"
Bradley reached for your hand and you let him take it. "Because I didn't know how to commit to you. I thought you would be better off without all my baggage weighing you down too. And I don't know how to stop being afraid of losing people I love."
"You loved me?"
Bradley pulled you closer to him, lacing your fingers with his. "Of course, Honey. I still do. That's why I was getting ready to punch your date in his pretty face. He touched you. I still want to be the only one who gets to do that."
"Are you jealous?" you whispered, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes. Your lips were parted, as you waited for an answer, and Bradley reached up, running his thumb along your bottom lip.
"Of course I'm fucking jealous, Y/N! He was touching you."
"I'm not yours any longer, Bradley," you said as he stroked your cheek with his fingers. Your eyes fluttered closed as you pressed your face into his palm. 
Bradley took a deep breath. "I lost the best thing I ever had. I want you back. I'll do better this time, Honey. I won't shut you out again. Please?"
You opened your eyes and Bradley pulled you flush against him by your hips, your hands bracing yourself against his shoulders. 
"Bradley," you moaned his name, and he knew he needed to be with you. In every way.
"Didn't I always touch you right? Just the way you liked?"
"Yes," you whispered, your eyes unguarded.
"Can your date touch you like that? Do you even want him to?"
You shook your head, your eyes wide. "No."
"Come on, Honey. What are you doing with him?"
"I'm trying to forget about you," you told Bradley, running your fingers across his shoulders and over his shirt collar to his neck. Your breathing was growing more rapid. "But clearly it's not working."
Bradley felt bold now. He knew he could make you happy again. He'd been doing it for months before he scared himself away from you. And he'd do anything to have the opportunity to show you how good you could be together again. You just needed a reminder.
"You think he can make you laugh all day and then fuck you good all night? You think he can make you come on his fingers while he's driving down the highway? You think he's worth your time?"
"No," you moaned, and then your needy lips were on his, bringing him back to life. Bradley shoved his tongue into your mouth and you moaned again. You worked your mouth against his, and your body molded against him in a way that brought back every good memory he had. Your fingers wound up into his hair as he pushed you back against the wall. 
Bradley could hear other bar patrons walking past and occasionally chuckling, but he didn't care at all. You were running your fingers all over him and he was completely lost in your kisses.
"I love you. Come home with me. Be with me," he begged, his lips connecting with your neck, gently sucking. His fingers slid down your hips and thighs, toying with the bottom of your dress.
"Bradley," you moaned, grinding yourself hard against him.  
His head tipped back, and he had to grab your hips to keep himself grounded. 
"Do you still want me, Y/N?"
"Yes, I still want you. I never stopped."
"Let's go. I'm taking you with me. Your date can fuck himself tonight."
Bradley took you gently by the hand and guided you back into the bar area. He led you back toward your barstool and the Pretty Boy you had come here with. "Don't want to forget your purse," Bradley whispered. You nodded in your haze of lust.
"There you are, I was getting worried," your date said with a smile when you reached for your bag. 
"Um, I'm leaving," you told him, and Bradley felt like he could conquer the world. 
"Oh, you want me to take you home?" Pretty Boy asked you, finally noticing that you and Bradley were holding hands. His pretty face looked so confused, and Bradley was feeling very smug. 
"No, man, that's okay. I can handle her from here. And don't bother calling her for a second date. That's not gonna happen," Bradley told him with a smirk. "You ready to go, Honey?" he asked you loud enough for everyone around you to hear. 
Your exuberant nods were enough of an answer for Bradley, who buried his nose against your neck and kissed you there before leading you to the door. The expression on Pretty Boy's face was enough to put a little extra bounce in Bradley's step. 
"Where's the Bronco?" you asked breathlessly, unstable on your high heels on the gravel. 
"I got you," he replied, scooping you up and carrying you to his car. 
The short ride back to Bradley's apartment was a bit challenging. It was dark out, and you were all over him, kissing him at red lights and unzipping his jeans. As soon as he had the Bronco in park, you were in his lap and your hand was inside his boxers. 
You suddenly giggled and buried your face in his neck. "I can't believe I ditched my date at the bar. Is it wrong that I don't even feel bad?"
Bradley kissed your ear. "It's okay, Honey. He was very ditchable. Do you even remember what his name was?"
"Ummm," you mumbled as you kissed up along the scars on his neck and chin until you reached his lips. "Matt? No, I think it was Mark? Michael? I don't care."
"That's my girl," Bradley said with a grin, hiking your dress up and running his hands up and down your legs. "Can I take you inside? Unless you really want to do this in the Bronco, I'd like to spread you out and take my time."
You moaned and tipped your head back, your grasp on his dick loosening as you said, "Please, take me inside."
Bradley scooped you up and carried you to his door with one hand while holding his jeans up with the other. He sincerely hoped he didn't bump into his sweet, elderly neighbors right now. Once you were both inside, you tried to pull your dress over your head, but Bradley wouldn't let you.
"No, Honey. You keep that on for now," he told you, pulling your hands away from the fabric and up to his chest. He backed you up into his bedroom as you unbuttoned his shirt and kissed him through his undershirt. He yanked both shirts off and tossed them on the floor. "I missed you so fucking much," he told you, pushing you back onto the bed and climbing on top of you. 
"I missed you, too," you whined as he pressed his body weight against you before he slipped his hands under your dress and pushed it up around your hips. Bradley gently pulled the tiny scrap of lacy underwear down your legs, kissing your thighs, knees and calves as he did so.  
You were already writhing around on the bed when he put his mouth to your wet center and gave you a long lick up your seam. 
"Oh, fuuuuck," you mumbled into your hands before they came to tangle in his hair. Bradley smiled against you as you spread your legs wide for him. 
He licked and sucked your clit, teasing you with his mustache. You tasted so good to him as he grabbed your thighs and fucked you with his tongue. First hard and then soft and then hard again, he used his tongue all over your pussy. He buried his nose against your folds and listened to the little gasping noises you were making. He knew how much you loved this, and he loved it too. 
He gently inserted two fingers inside you as he sucked your clit between his lips and caressed it with his tongue. Your breathing seemed to become more shallow with every swipe of his tongue to your swollen bud. "Bradley!" you moaned, trying to ride his face. But then he released you and stood to take his jeans off. "Why did you stop?" you asked breathlessly. 
"I want to be inside you when you come," he grunted, tossing his boxers to the floor. "Need to feel you squeezing me, Honey."
You just moaned as he pulled you down to the bottom of the bed by your ankles until your ass was half hanging over the edge. He wrapped his hands around your calves, held your legs up in the air, and slipped himself inside you. 
Bradley looked at the place where you and he were connected. He watched as he slid himself steadily in and out of your tight, sweet pussy. You were so pretty everywhere, and you looked perfect when he was inside you. Your dress was now bunched up above your waist, and it looked obscene to him.  
Not missing a single thrust, he reached up and pulled the dress out from under you and over your head. "Are you still on the pill, Honey?" he asked, placing gentle kisses to your breasts before palming them hard. 
"Yes," you said to him, your eyes so lust filled as you looked up to where he stood.
"You want me to fill you up?"
"Yes," you whined, bucking up against him.
Bradley played with your tits and fucked you until you were moaning his name incoherently. Then he planted one hand next to your head and pounded into you, railing you while he played with your clit. 
Your eyes slipped closed, and you were shaking your head slowly back and forth as you gripped his hair. You were close now, but so was he, and he absolutely needed to get you there first. He ground into you hard but kept his fingers soft on your clit, and soon you were squeezing around him and coming, your moaning getting louder. 
He knew he wasn't going to last, so he grabbed you by your hips and let his shallow bucking take him to the end. He came inside your pussy making a mess. Then he collapsed half on top of you, and you played with his hair as he caught his breath. 
"Bradley, I missed you so much," you told him when he rolled off of you. 
"Sleep over, Honey. Stay with me." He pulled you on top of him and kissed you sweetly. You just smiled and cuddled against his chest, lacing your fingers with his. 
And Bradley knew he wouldn't fuck this up again. 
Thanks for reading! And thanks to ccbb222 for sending me the jealously prompt!
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Leon Kennedy headcanons part 2nd
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- Due to the lack of control in his life, Leon seeks control in other things such as his diet, his daily routine, weekly schedule, and even what he buys
- Gets paid a lot since he works for the government but rarely uses it
- He literally lives in a shitty and small apartment that isn’t decorated and sleeps on a bare mattress on the floor
- Cannot relax like ever unless he’s alone in his apartment, but he’s close to relaxed if he’s alone with a trusted person like Chris, Claire, Jill, and Rebecca. Hunnigan would be included but they usually only meet to discuss a new mission for Leon
- Doesn’t listen to new music, but will listen to recommendations from friends and new releases from bands/artists he already listens to
- Bro canonically listens to dad rock and metal and was born in the late 70’s so his music taste can be…interesting
- I know a lot of people say that he would have one-night stands or whatever but not only is this man the most awkward person ever and Cannot Pull, he’s also severely paranoid and closed-off around unknown people, drunk and sober. He most likely doesn’t get any action whatsoever
- He’s super sweet towards kids. Just has the biggest soft spot for them and can’t stand to say no to them 99% of the time
- He gives off Midwest energy so bad, he probably spent a significant amount of his childhood living there (if we’re going off his original backstory n shit he probably got moved there while in foster care and remained in that area until he aged out)
- He can’t stand change (autism and desperation for control) and it’s why his hairstyle remains the same. It’s one of the few constants in his life and he physically cannot have his hair in any other style
- He’s an alcoholic in the sense that he’s almost always drinking. He doesn’t really do binge drinking, just a constant flow of alcohol in his system throughout the day
- Dissociates a lot. After Spain, he was stuck in a dissociative episode for over 3 months, just going on autopilot
- Prefers off-brand items over brand names, mostly due to growing up without a lot of money. It’s more comforting
- Hates being dirty or smelling bad. He showers religiously and throughly, always making sure to apply cologne afterwards even if he’s just going to bed
- No phone case. It would be helpful since he has pretty big hands and long fingers but he just lets his phone rawdog the world
- Leon is a trans man !! Government pays for his T shots and paid for his top surgery (though it was mostly so they could make Leon feel more indebted to them)
- Leon is just so extremely touch-starved it’s actually incredibly sad. Even if it’s just a medic touching him to patch him up, his skin prickles and his eyes sting
- Doesn’t mind sugary things, but if he’s going to drink soda, it has to be diet. He tends to stick with water and unsweetened juice, though
- If he’s going to use pet-names for someone (such as Chris perchance), he sticks with “baby”, “sweet thing”, “doll”, and “sweetheart”. He doesn’t usually use pet-names though, mostly because he thinks it sounds awkward coming from his mouth
Chreon stuff because homosexuality
- Leon absolutely adores hugging, snuggling, and cuddling with Chris. The man is bigger than him and makes the perfect pillow
- Finds it hot that Chris can easily manhandle him
- Favorite thing to do is cuddle with Chris on the couch or lay his head on Chris’ thighs or chest and watch movies with him
- Instead of rings, they have matching watches (canon)
- Leon can get needy and whiny when sleepy, especially after a mission, and will cling to Chris like a leech
- He feels comfortable and safe enough with Chris to relinquish control to him. He knows his husband will keep him safe and has his comfort in mind
- Claire had a fucking field day with them when she found out they were together. Literally got teased relentlessly, and she jokingly gave her blessing
- Leon found it amusing when she gave Chris the shovel talk, not him
- Leon teases Chris about his smoking habit but Chris never really does the same with Leon’s drinking, knowing it’s a sensitive subject and instead just makes sure his husband doesn’t drink too much
May post another part, who knows?
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davenswitcher · 3 months
I got tagged by the wonderful @cinnamontails-ff for WIP Wednesday!
I'll be showing two wips that I have.
WIP Wednesday:
To be or not to be
TW: parents are shitty, heartbreak, maybe unhealthy coping mechanism, parents dictate their sons future
Chapter 1: The Stage Is Yours
Astarion loved the theatre. The creativity, the beauty of witnessing a live performance and forgetting any problems he currently has for a few hours. So, it came to no surprise when he joined a theatre club back in high school to the disappointment of his parents. His parents loathed the idea of him eventually becoming an actor. Acting does not pay bills and leisure, they said, and hoped it’s just a phase.
So, when he graduated and told them his plans and what he wants to study, his parents couldn’t believe their ears. He and his parents never fought badly, mind you. But this must be the most heated argument he ever had with his parents in his 22 years of living.
“You can’t be serious Astarion! Acting is a poor man’s profession! Do you want to ruin our reputation? Our family consists of a long line of magistrates and doctors. So, naturally, you will study law. End of discussion!” His father scowled. His anger could rival that of a barbarian.
“Father, please.” Astarion pleaded, “I can not see myself locked in an office overseeing cases and making judgments for the rest of my life. I’m a free-spirited, individualist. I’m not made for a profession like that.”
“Listen to your father, Astarion. He knows what’s best for you. Besides, your job is not supposed to be fun. It’s for the purpose of financing your life and societal status. Our family’s status was built on hard-working academics.”
“I’m going to my room.”
“Son, manners.”
With a sigh, Astarion replies: “May I retire to my room, please.”
His father replies stoically: You may. And son? Your grades have been lacking the past months. It’s not up to par with what we’ve come to expect from you. We might discuss this later, though.”
As he enters his room, he slams the door shut and locks it lest his parents come in uninvited. Why can’t his parents understand? Why can’t they accept his choice?
He sits down at his desk and takes out his diary. It has become a habit for him to write his feelings and thoughts down. Ever since his puberty, the constant turmoil of feelings and the ever-growing expectations of his parents, he found it easier to write his thoughts down than to talk about them with his parents. Which is a huge shift because he used to be very close to them. Especially his mother, who understood him and even talked him through his first heartbreak. It was painful to see her little angel go through the pains of a heartbreak. He loved them so much. He and Quinn planned to move to Baldur’s Gate together and study. Astarion would study the arts of theatre, while Quinn would become a doctor. They had a bleeding heart and wanted to help and heal beyond Baldur’s Gate. Until Astarion caught Quinn having a quickie behind the school's gym with his classmate Sheila. He wordlessly went away, lest he say anything hurtful to them. Quinn tried to talk to Astarion, but how are you going to justify cheating on your partner? Especially with someone your partner hates to the bone? The next day, after the cheating incident, Astarion and Quinn talked it out in their lunch break and Quinn broke up with Astarion. They were his first love. Together for three years, from fifteen to eighteen years old.
The following two weeks were very hard for him. He missed classes and stayed home the whole time. Crying and blaming himself how he couldn’t have foreseen the signs. They were there, weren’t they? Cheaters drop signs all the time they cheat, don’t they? One night, in a fit of sadness and self loathing, he sneaked into his bathroom and cut his hair. From hip length locks to neck length curls. He loved his long hair. It was always decorated in the finest elven jewellery, but not any more. He’ll keep the short hairstyle for years to come.
The Rockstar and The Groupie
Chapter 1
It was Friday afternoon. Just three more hours and Estellé would be free for the week, and she could finally go to the concert she had booked the tickets for. Fourth row and VIP. She was going to meet him! The most famous rockstar of their generation and everybody's favourite bad boy. Estellé saved up half a year for the tickets. VIP tickets were even more expensive than regular. Well, makes sense you're going to meet THE star, after all. Astarion Ancunín. Rockstar, bad boy, sexiest man alive 3 times in a row.
Estellé worked over time a few times to even afford to save up. As a college student in linguistics and philosophy, you don't get paid like the trained hotel workers do. She lived in a small flat that costs what feels like more than it's worth, the university fees have gone up (not by much, but it still hurts) and has to buy expensive textbooks every new semester. The least she could do was reward herself with a good time. Especially if it's her favourite singer and songwriter.
“ESTELLÉ!” Estellé was startled out of her stupor by her least favourite colleague. “Where did you put the guest list for the coming season? I told you it needs to be visible for us. Always. Lest we let in someone who didn’t rent a room here.” The “Swords Of The Sword Coast”, where Estellé was working at, prided themselves for being exclusive and luxurious. The hotel had a list of guests and if you didn’t rent in time you had to wait a season. Maybe two if a certain rockstar rented multiple floors to have privacy. Astarion was a frequent guest in the hotel thanks to his manager. Apparently his manager knew the founder of the hotel. It used to be a motel for pirates around three to four centuries ago, he told him.
According to a colleague he arrived four days ago, but she hasn’t seen him come out of his room yet, and he orders his breakfast and dinner to his room. His manager said to her, “it’s one of his moods again.” She shrugged it off as rockstar eccentrics, although being so reclusive doesn’t match his stage persona, she thought. Astarions manager creeped her out a lot. He’s rather tall and has a piercing stare. Does he ever blink? His hair is slicked back and he talks as if he’s the star not Astarion. Most of the stars requests she receives are through his manager. Cazador Szarr is his name. He has been working for the Crimson Label for a few decades now. He took Astarion Ancunín under his wing when he used to play indie rock and grunge in small taverns. His look was not as glamorous and his hair was shorter and unkempt. A far cry from today. His usual stage wear nowadays is black, leather, fishnet and a bandana. His makeup is either smudged around the eyes or perfectly done with eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow that is black with a hint of silver. Thus, his blue, gold flecked eyes seem to pierce you even more.
“Miss….?” Estellé was rearranging a few things behind desk to leave the desk for the next colleague who'd take the next shift when she was startled by a soft voice. “Miss, I have a request to make.”
“Oh, Mr. I didn't see-” When she turned around she saw who was standing in front of her. Dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants, hair tugged in a bun and yet still manages to look good.
“Mr. Ancunín I'm so sorry. What can I do for you?”
“Don't call me Mr. please. Mr. Ancunín is my father.” He leans forward and reads her name tag. “Estellé… what a beautiful name. Estellé, would you be so kind to send dinner a little later to my room? The show starts in a few hours and I'll be at the hotel at 1am or 2am at the latest. Would this be possible, darling?”
He called her darling and Estellé might think she's melting and heating up at the same time.
“I'm sure this can be arranged! I'll tell the staff that takes the next shift to send your dinner to your room when you've come back.” She answered in a higher pitch than intended.
“Thank you very much.” he does a little appreciative bow and leaves.
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itlovesinthewoods · 8 months
ILITW!MC Profile
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I saw quite a few MC character profiles floating around and decided to make my own. And ofc I made it for MC of all-time.
More headcanons under the cut
-ENFJ, 6w7
-Dating Noah Marshall
-He has a Peruvian Father and Indian (Tamil specifically) Mother
-Doesn't have a super close relationship with parents. He loves them of course, and vice versa but they're often busy and don't have much time for him. Even apart from that, they struggle to understand him and he gets the impression that they're disappointed in how he turned out.
-Is clever, intuitive and quick-witted and has picked up many skills (first aid, hair-dressing, photography, sewing, sketching) but has never truly excelled in any particular area and lacks academic intelligence
-Lacks passion which is a source of insecurity for him and feels he'll never get anywhere in life
-Loves gifts, both giving and getting, and really gets into trying to select the perfect gift for friends
-Alternates between soft grunge and goth aesthetic, and is rather particular about clothing
-has dyed hair several times and experimented with different hairstyles, to the point most people forgot how it actually looks. After ILW, he finally let's it grow out
-Has multiple piercings (tongue, eyebrows, navel, several on ear, including helix, industrial and tragus)
-Has several beauty marks scattered across face and dimples
-Has a nice singing voice and has performed small-time gigs, but doesn't consider it seriously
-Had a small crush on Noah when they were younger which dies out after Jane's death (although some feelings resurface after they become friends again)
-Alternatively, every friend except for Lily, has had a crush on Devon at some point. They revealed this during a game of Never Have I Ever, and joke it's basically a rite of passage
-When Jane died, a kid joked about her death, implying that one of Devon's friends killed her, which led to Devon punching them and being suspended for a week. That incident cemented him as a social outcast and his peers completely stopped interacting with him afterwards
-Has a savior complex where he thinks it's his duty to save everyone, and take on any hurt if it meant sparing others. However, this leads to him having little regard for himself and often deciding what's the best for others even if they wouldn't want him to be hurt on their behalf
-Stubborn, sarcastic and sharp-tongued, all traits which get him into trouble, or make troublesome situations even worse. Can best be described as a 'would look Death in the face and spit at it' type of person
-More in tune with others' feelings than his own, always knowing just what to say and is great at giving advice. However, can often be hypocritical in this regard (example: telling Noah he can't blame himself for Jane's death)
-Chose to become the shadow monster both because he felt like he needed to make up for not saving Jane in the past and Noah needed to live, in his eyes, actually live and become someone more than the brother of a dead girl
-Has multiple scars, on his wrist and neck from his encounter with Redfield!Jane, a shallow but long cut from when possessed!Noah tried to kill him, and some marks that appeared after his resurrection
-has a rather weak heart post-ressurection (due to died by heart-related reasons by Jane)
-Has a rather messed up sleeping schedule, which only becomes more shitty post-resurrection
-Jocelyn and Devon had a tense relationship even after ILW, but slowly became more civil and friendly after a few months of working together.
-Apart from Noah, ILW!MC and Connor, Devon gets along most with Lincoln due to being rather similar (both didn't/don't go to college, have a similar sense of humor, Lincoln gives him advice on how to control power). Lincoln also did several tattoos for Devon (tree branches on shoulders, Noah's name on wrist)
-He and Noah aren't sure they'd ever actually marry, that they're already partners in every way they can be and don't need a ceremony for it, but that doesn't mean it's not a possibility in the future
-Likes: The woods, friends, trying out new things, Noah's cooking, collections, animals, music, podcasts, rain, jewelry and accessories
-Dislikes: Bullies, loneliness, cooking, closed spaces, certain fashion trends, over-thinking, fights, strange textures, studying
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year
Want to go to Pride this year but know that if I say that my family (mostly my mom) will be weird about it and make me feel uncomfortable to the point where it’ll make me not go even though I actually have people I can go with for once and I would like to! Ugh 😒.
More info if you want:
(For further context my being a lesbian is firmly NOT discussed despite me coming out two years ago, but it will be alluded to occasionally in ways to make me feel bad about myself.
Example 1:
Setting- a holiday this year.
(Further context: day before we had same relatives we were seeing on the holiday over the night before. Shitty family members were discussing the Bud Light boycott. My cousin tried to leave the room after making a face and my grandpa made a comment and she was like ‘well I’m damned if i do damned if i don’t, cause I’m either the snowflake lib or the bitchy aggressor, so I can’t win!” And he ended making her cry. (i heard the words bud light come out of my (different) cousin’s mouth from the kitchen and I immediately went back outside to continue watching what was happening out there because I know where he stands and I knew it wasn’t worth the fight or my own sanity to hear the bullshit he was gonna say, so I was not there for the argument that led to her crying. Neither was my mom, cause she was outside with me.)
I have my hair in two high space buns. I have shoulder length hair that is half purple and an undercut. I finally get the buns even, I think I look I cute, I go downstairs.
My mom: 🤨 “that’s how you’re going to wear your hair?”
Me: “Yes. Why are they not even?”
Her: “No, no they are. But…” *sucks in air through her teeth* “I just… with the purple and the undercut, I mean I don’t know that anyone knows you have that. I don’t want anyone to say anything.”
Me: “I’ve had it since last June. They saw me during the summer.”
My fucking sister from the next room chiming in: “Well you do wear hats A LOT in the summer!”*
My mom: “Yea I don’t think your aunts realized. I just don’t want anyone saying anything about you.”
Me, frustrated as fuck at this point: “Okay well it took me twenty minutes to do this and now I don’t have time to do something else.”
My mom, already sitting down with a brush: “Here, I’ll do it half up half down you”
And she changed my hair. And like… yea I let her, and yea I’m an adult (a financially dependent one, so meh, and definitely not to my parents), but this left me with a pit in my stomach all day. And the fight to keep the hairstyle would just have ruined both of our days, but this just ruined mine and made me sick to my stomach.
* On my sister’s comment: 🙄 yea thanks a lot for the help. AND this is the sibling who actually will at least mention it with me! I thought she was on my side when I’m not home, but she’s not even on my side in FRONT of me apparently! A second example of my family being…weird… is that she got me the ugly campy as hell target ‘Live Laugh Lesbian’ shirt and I loved that she did but then as she threw it at me she said “Well idk where you’re going to wear that though because mom will DIE if you wear it around ~hometown~” And I just kind of looked at her with my jaw dropped because HUH? Even though I know she’s absolutely correct, I couldn’t believe SHE was saying it to me! As if giving me a fucking heads up?? And then she goes… “Oh i guess you can wear it ~where i live for school~” and like… I couldn’t even be like “hey that’s fucked up that you actually live at home all the time and know that’s how mom feels about my sexuality, maybe help convince her to NOT?” because she’d just given me a gift and I would not have said it as nice as I just did, and no one responds well when I’m aggressive in my tone.
Third example in case it was needed: I went to a gay bar with my roommates last month and told my mom the name of the bar but didn’t mention it was a gay bar (cause i didn’t think i needed to?) and I KNOW she googled it because she did not ask any further questions about my night out the next day beyond how I felt after drinking when normally she would grill me about it.
It’s just frustrating. I just want to be able to go to a fucking celebration of queerness, something I’m constantly being told I’m wrong for, but I don’t even know how to fucking bring it up because I KNOW what response I’ll get.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #166
Are you interested in any reality TV shows? I like some like cooking shows or other competitions when I'm watching TV with others, which is the only time I ever watch television anyway. Historically I've fucking adored animal documentary series, like Meerkat Manor or Orangutan Island, and I remember I loved one featuring rhesus macaques as well, I just don't remember its name. I am VERY interested in watching animals just live their lives.
What’s your favourite thing to have on toast? Light butter, cinnamon, and sugar. Childhood delicacy, man.
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to deal with at your job? So much social anxiety that I would end up in the bathroom having a total meltdown regularly. For external things though, just impatient people.
Do you think being born was a mistake? No.
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? We currently only have the smallest species of dog lol, but we've had a boxer mix before. I'm not afraid of them at all, I love big dogs.
What is something you used to always do but don’t anymore? Once upon a time I lived off of soda, like it was ALL I drank for many years, but I've cut back immensely, I'm working towards getting to a point where I'll only drink one personal-sized (not a two liter) bottle a week. I enjoy soda more than I do eating, and I've absolutely noted that it can bump my mood up quite a bit, so getting to where I am now is a big fucking deal if you know me.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? Yes, that's when I realized things had gone too far.
What’s your favorite hairstyle on the opposite sex? I sincerely love emo hair help 😭
Have you ever done a Mason jar craft? No, but I find those SUPER cute.
Who is your favorite photographer? Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya tops the list, her work is SO dreamy, and the animals featured are all humanely owned.
Were you shy in high school? Yes, but I'm way worse now.
Do you wish karma were real, or are you glad that it isn’t? Oh I very much wish it was real, but it's quite obvious to me that it's unfortunately not.
Who are the cutest babies in your Facebook newsfeed? None lol, I only have one friend with a child who is truly a baby instead of at least a toddler and god I love this person but the baby is NOT cute lol, but I very rarely find very young babies to be cute anyway.
Are your ears pierced more than once, if at all? Yes, I have two on each earlobe, and my right tragus is pierced. I want more.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? Nah, he's not into piercings for himself personally.
Do you actually love your parents? I most certainly do.
Do you know anyone autistic? My niece, and I am FINALLY being evaluated for it myself I want to say next month. I know I have at least one autistic acquaintance, too.
How about someone bipolar? That I'm already diagnosed with, type two. My oldest sibling is also bipolar, but she has type one.
Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries? I celebrate yearly ones, yes.
What was your very first pet like? He was a long-haired (I'm pretty sure silkie breed) orange and white guinea pig named Squeak. <3 He loved attention and was such a character, always gentle and we'd do excited guinea pig squeaks back to each other haha. <3 He was sadly kept in an inadequate cage (you know, the shitty rectangle ones you find at chain pet stores that are actually horrible for them), but I of course didn't know better with how young I was, but he was always a good boy. I'm thankful he lived the proper lifespan for the little guys, I just wish I'd been aware enough to give him a more enriched life.
What’s the coolest hobby one of your friends has? I actually really find D&D to be super interesting; I have multiple friends who do it and wish I had that level of comfort to do stuff like that without being embarrassed by it, I NEVER could do it, I'm way too fuckin awkward.
Have you ever pet a cow, a sheep or a pig? I've pet a small pig. <3 I'd love to pet a cow and sheep too, though!
What is the wallpaper on your best friend's cell phone? IT'S LITERALLY JUST FUCKING GRAY I DON'T UNDERSTAND HIM LIKE WHY
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? I adore his mother, she's such a fucking sweetheart with a ginormous heart and is SO damn accepting. She's been an absolute darling to me ever since she met me. I never met his dad, he died of a very sudden heart attack or something similar like over ten years ago, so I'm not comfortable making a judgment about him. I know Girt's always explained him as having been a hardass, but a very caring one that loved his family to death. He's mentioned that me and him are quite different, primarily politically, so we might've butted heads but he was ultimately pretty confident that he would've loved me. I really like hearing stories about him, and pictures are always super cool because holy SHIT Donald Sr. put his fuckin face through a copying machine and plastered it onto his son lmfao, like it's unreal.
Do you like Polaroid photography? YES, I find it super super aesthetically pleasing and so nostalgic; I myself would really like to have one to take fun little pictures with it sometimes.
Is there a friend of yours who curses nonstop? Who would that be? Haha you mean me? Girt's even worse than I am though, he's one of those people that will curse freely in public, not to be rude or provoke people, but because he just straight-up doesn't realize he does it. He's the person who has more than once gone "SHIT I shouldn't be cursing" NOT quietly in public lmao, I've sometimes just had to give him a lil nudge for him to realize when in public or around kids. Girt is extremely intelligent, he really really is, but he will often just do things very mindlessly and without evening beginning to realize that he's doing them.
What internet browser do you use? Chrome.
What do you usually do to let your feelings out? Listen (usually very loudly) to music, vent to people I trust, sometimes do artistic stuff like write or draw. I cry very easily, and sometimes doing that will help relieve stress. On VERY few occasions I've screamed into a pillow, and boy does it feel good when I'm REALLY upset enough, even though I absolutely hate doing it. Even though I know factually it's harmless and is even a good way to ease frustration in a way that doesn't hurt others or property, I feel like an aggressive person the few times I've let myself do it and just really don't like that.
What was the last thing you uploaded/plugged into the computer? Uploaded, a picture from my phone. I last plugged in my phone to charge; it fits the charger for my mouse so I can use it when I'm in here.
Are you participating in Project 365 (you take a picture of you/something every day of the year and post it)? I've considered doing this with photography, and I'm certain it would further train my artistic eye, I just... haven't. I'm not really one to take pictures with my real camera unless I really desire to take a certain picture, I don't just trash it up with random things. I honestly should let myself do this though, I KNOW it would be beneficial as an artist.
Do you have a Flickr? If so, post the link. Yeah, it's Ozzkat on there, but I don't use it very much at all. It's a lower-priority art platform for me, I mainly focus on deviantART despite the fact I quite dislike the website now for how aggressively and unabashedly it endorses AI "art." I've just been there the longest and have the biggest following there by far, so...
Do you think it’s dumb when a band smashes their instruments, or do you find it totally radical? I honestly do find it dumb, like... why. Why destroy what is generally a great quality instrument if you're a band playing it on stage to an audience. If you want a new guitar or some shit, just donate or even SELL the damn thing, don't break and waste it.
Have you ever made a gif? If not, do you think it’d be interesting to make one? I've made many over the years for various purposes, yeah. I tend to go through episodes of making them and then not.
When you feel uninspired, do you feel like you need to go somewhere to become inspired? Not really, actually. I tend to become inspired by observing others' artwork and stuff. It is very much about the content I surround myself with.
Have you ever lived on a university campus? No.
Do you play any games on your phone? Only Pokemon GO. I would like to be able to play more, but my phone is trash with VERY limited memory, I've had to delete plenty of things just to keep that one game updated and therefore playable, lol.
Have you ever shaved your face? Yes, there's this tool I use that's not quite a razor, it's a vibrating tube thing that looks almost like a lipstick case, but I use it on my upper lip, chin, and I've started to use it between my eyebrows too.
What was the last vaccination you got? It was a tetanus vaccine refresher, I think?
Who’s your favorite rapper? And your favorite song by this favorite rapper? Eminem, and probably "Love the Way You Lie," I was OBSESSED with that song when it was new. I also like "Space Bound" a lot, though.
How about your favorite band? And your favorite song by this band? Oh fuck. For Ozzy it's proooobably "Trap Door," but I'm also very much adoring of "See You on the Other Side" (actually listened to it today) and "Mama I'm Comin' Home." The Rammstein song I enjoy the most in terms of catchiness/most often in the mood to listen to is "Zick Zack," however I consider my ultimate favorite by them to be "Stein um Stein" because it's a fucking artistic storytelling masterpiece imo.
Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they’d change? Who? Juan probably did at some point in high school.
Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? Oh yes, I wasn't afraid of the dentist until recent times when I was finally paying for neglecting my teeth due to depression and I now realize also executive dysfunction issues later in the timeline. I had a lot of cavities, a few that were quite severe, and fixing one required me to get a numbing shot THROUGH THE ROOF OF MY FUCKING MOUTH, like I could FEEL the needle go through and deep into my fucking gums, and it was my worst EVER experience with a needle, that shit HURT. I'm finally getting better with taking care of them, thank fuck; I think seeing how severe the consequences were becoming really kicked my ass into gear. It doesn't matter if I hate my body, it's my responsibility and I'm going to do all I can to make it better and comfortable to live in. I also had braces for a large chunk of growing up, and getting them tightened always commenced a very painful few days afterwards for all of my teeth. I recently had a wisdom tooth yanked out, and while the numbing shots did suck, they definitely used an adequate amount of it 'cuz I sure didn't feel anything other than pressure. I only got scared when the tooth broke, the sound made me jump.
Is there anyone you’d like to apologize to? Jason. I doubt I'll ever get the chance, but god do I wish I could express how sorry I am to his face. I also want to apologize to Sara for how I severed our friendship, I should have been more direct (I had my honest reasons for thinking it was better not to be so confrontational, but I know now that I was wrong in that part), but I know it's better that I don't stir up settled dust. It's better for both of us that we just don't have contact with each other. Like yes, I think it would help me to just get my apology off my chest, but when you consider I don't seek reconciliation with her whatsoever, it'd be a pointless amount of possible upset.
Could you go a month without talking to your best friend? HELL NO, we're dating and serious with each other so even going a day without some amount of contact is out of the question for us. A month without talking to him would be MISERABLE.
How has your style changed since you were in high school? Well back then I was your average emo kid, still pretty emo at heart but a bitch is wearing comfortable shit these days, lol.
What was the last new drink you discovered that was delicious? Strawberry banana smoothies.
What is your favorite way your hair has ever looked? Probably how it is now, but when it was newly dyed a seaweed-y green.
Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No, neither of my parents grew up in NC. Well actually, during my last college attempt I DID have an English teacher that previously taught my mother like a semester prior; she got her degree only a few years ago.
Where’s the nearest GameStop near you? Shit bro, probably not even three minutes. It's in the same complex where our Wal-Mart is.
What was the last thing you took a video of? Probably either Roman or Cookie being silly.
What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? Overdosing on cold medicine.
Do you believe your ex cares about you? No. Maybe he does, but I'm not so sure about that.
What was the last compliment you received from the opposite sex? Girt said something about me being a positive influence, which meant a lot.
Have you ever been to an orchard? No, but I'd REALLY like to.
Who was the last family member of yours that died? My maternal grandmother, that I know of.
What is your favorite color for cars? Pinks, of course. I am also a big lover of burnt orange cars.
Do you have any gay family members? I know I have at least one on Mom's side, it's like her distant cousin or something, I'm not entirely sure on what he is to her.
Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? She instigated the breakup, so her.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No, I know I'm an extreme minority that gets zero enjoyment out of porn. I'd only be bothered if my partner seemed more into watching that than doing things with me, his actual girlfriend. I don't know or care if this is something he does when I'm not around, and if he does okay cool, I don't feel like I'm actually competing with a porn star or whatever. I suppose maybe this would depend on who my partner IS too, like I deeply trust Girt and what he feels for me so the idea of him watching it does nothing to me. It's not like he'd actually pursue his favorite porn star or whatever.
Have you ever had crabs, turtles, or lobsters? I've had a few hermit crabs in my life and very briefly a turtle that I shouldn't have even had.
What is your favorite type of cat? Oriental shorthairs!!!!!!! I REALLY want one of these one day.
What if a friend asked you to go with her to get an abortion? I'm walking in there right beside her and holding her hand if she's fine with it. She will have NO doubts that she is loved and supported.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Either Jason or Girt, depending. The night of the breakup when Jason very briefly came over to check on me because of shit I said, I was FUCK-ING HYSTERICAL, but Girt came to the ER following my suicide attempt because I tagged him as someone I directly wanted to say thanks and bye to, and I feel like that was truly my lowest point ever in life, in that hospital bed with an IV in me wearing scrubs. I was ready to die and was so done with existence, I was dirty and hideous and crying but he stayed for a while anyway.
Are you sitting in a spinning chair? Yes.
Are you one of those people who will not use a public washroom? I definitely avoid them if I can, but I'm more comfortable going depending on how well-kept the place is. For example, I'm WAY more comfortable using the restroom in like The Cheesecake Factory versus a gas station, haha. If I gotta go though, I gotta go, I just do the thing where you place toilet paper over the seat.
Have your parents ever disapproved of the person you’re dating? Like, the person I'm CURRENTLY dating, or any partner I've ever had? Either way I think no; I know they've always approved of Girt, but I suppose Dad might have not been thrilled about me dating a girl once, but I really have no idea what exactly he felt. As it turned out Mom didn't like Sara either, but it had nothing to do with her being another woman, she was fine with me dating a girl.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Vacuumed.
What is your favorite jungle animal? Very close call between tigers and clouded leopards. I'm also quite fond of kinkajous!
Is your father injured? He has a bad back and has for a very long time, but I don't think he has any noteworthy, current true "injuries."
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? Roman, Venus, and Cookie.
Have you ever worked two jobs? No, I can pretty fucking much GUARANTEE I would never be able to do that.
Who is the oldest sibling in your family? Katie.
What are some of your happy thoughts? Being with Girt, a hopeful happy and content future together, the idea of being a successful photographer who gets to travel a good amount, having a poetry book published, be surrounded by well-provided-for and loved pets one day... just a lot of visions of the future I want.
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? Trigger, Angel, Teddy, Dale, Delilah, Harley (maybe? I can't remember if she only stayed with Ashley?), Cali, Bentley, I think her name was Lola (we had her very briefly), and now Cookie. Maybe one more in there somewhere, I feel like Mom's mentioned a dog's name that I don't remember at all before.
Would you ever get a face tattoo? I'd NEVER get a big one, but I'm doubtful I'll even get a tiny one. I'm quite sure I don't want any on my face.
How much was the rent/mortgage at the cheapest place you’ve ever lived? I have no way of knowing that because I've never been involved in the finances of anywhere I've lived.
Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? Uhhhh... that's hard? There are multiple people who come to mind, all in different sorta ways, but I SUPPOSE the absolute strongest would ultimately be for my older sister's three kids. I would fucking kill for them, with ZERO hesitation.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? I really, really enjoyed being called a spineless, weak-willed deadweight that exaggerates her trauma, that was super cool.
Who do you think was the worst criminal in history? Probably Adolf Hitler, but idk. There have been many sick people, but Hitler definitely left the biggest impact with I'm assuming the largest casualty numbers in his name.
Which laws would you most like to change? Abortion needs to be a GLOBAL right, heightened gun control is FUCKING mandatory, LGBTQ+ rights should be a guarantee everywhere under the sun, capitalism should fucking burn to the ground, and I know there are SO many more, I'm just drawing a blank atm while knowing I'm missing very obvious shit.
Who is the person you most wanted to have an affair with but didn’t? I can confidently say I've never wanted that.
Who have you most feared in your life? My dad.
What is your strongest reason for your opinion on abortion? The being that already has a novel's worth of thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, and memories comes WAAAAAAY fucking before the developing cells that have none of those. Full fucking stop.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? Aurora borealis.
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
Second years when you get a bad haircut
TW/CW: crack, GN!Reader, headcanons
extra; ive been crying over mine for two days there's no reason my hairdresser fucked uo such a sinple style bro crying emoji and i will also find any excuse to write about the octotrio anyway i hope u enjoy!!
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You wanted to change up your current hairstyle, it was simple really– just a little off what you already had. But no! The hairdresser just had to find some way to fuck the entire thing up. You really thought that everything would be different, especially in another universe; but at this point you can't tell if you aren't being clear enough, or it’s truly in the veins of a hairdresser to do everything wrong. Your eyes are puffy from crying all night but time isn’t going to stop for you. You wear a hoodie over your uniform, as well as a hat underneath– you were not going to take any chances, especially being in a school full of rowdy boys who know no limits.
Riddle Rosehearts
Homeboy quite literally does not give a fuck, or so it seems.
Riddle is sheltered, and has not seen the many of the wonders of the world. So seeing your hair in such an eyesore of a state– he had to take 5.
But of course he is a gentleman and definitely isn’t one to disregard your feelings.
Need a better coverup in place of your hat? He has a shitload and will not hesitate to spend money if necessary.
“It’s not as bad as you think I prom- What do you mean my face is red!?”
Ruggie Bucchi
He’s seen worse, from where he’s from.
A little bad haircut won’t change how he sees you anyway, even if he might be teasing about it and snicker while looking at you  from time to time.
It’s all in good fun though… unless you’re sensitive, but he can’t promise he’ll put a complete stop to it! He just wants to lighten the mood, I promise.
Hair grows back eventually, right? Don’t let one shitty haircut ruin your entire week.
“...Anyway have I told you about that one time where I was getting chased by stallholders and accidentally ripped a chunk of my hair off? Yeah, had a bald spot for months.”
Azul Ashengrotto
Wanna sign your life away to him?
Is what he’s implying when he says that “he makes a mean hairstylist.”
Well unless he’s feeling nice, he might just offer to cover your absences from school and write notes for what you missed out on.
But there’s only a slim chance that he will not be asking for payment after this whole phase passes.
Azul will try to reassure you, though he isn’t the best at it.
“It’s… unique..! Some people would love your hairstyle. Eh- to have? Well…”
Floyd Leech
He knows no mercy.
He is going to rip your hood off or either snatch your hat and put it in highest corners he knows you won't be able to reach.
However, even if you do, by chance, get it back, your joy will only be short lived. He can easily sneak up on someone and running away will be no big deal with those long legs of his.  
One upside to this, is that he doesn’t bother to snap any shots of your very vulnerable state; reason being that he enjoys watching the raw, sheer terror on your face whenever you sense his presence nearby. 
As sadistic and twisted– in its own way– as it is, seeing his blinding smile and hearing his boyish laugh can’t help but make you smile and have fun alongside him. 
So maybe the bad haircut isn’t that bad after all.
“Shrimpy! Catch me if you can… If you feel like touring the whole school of your fresh cut, heheh!”
Jade Leech
He’s trying his best to reassure you that you’re being much too harsh on yourself, I promise… Even if that means he’s trying his best to bite back a grin whenever you bring it up.
It’s not that you look bad, it’s just the way that you’re so obsessed with it reminds him of him when he was younger– once he got a bad haircut and cried about it for a week.
He does try to steer your attention away from the bad haircut to the best of his abilities; perhaps it’s the feeling of dejavu that he wants nothing more than to protect you from self doubt.
You’re his wittle bittwle precious gemstone and will make sure that you never hear of a bad haircut ever again!
“It’s alright Dear, I promise. I’ll take you to a much better, extravagant salon. Unless you are able to put your trust in my unrefined talent? Fufufu…”
Kalim Al-Asim
In all honesty, he doesn’t see an issue with it. He just can’t understand why you think it’s so horrible.
But if you really insist and won’t shut up about it, he’ll snag this opportunity to introduce you some of the most glamorous or simple headpieces back from his hometown!
He has everything to cater to your wants and needs, and you best expect that he milk every opportunity, especially for his beloved.
Even if it means giving Jamil more work to prevent him from overspending… but hey! It's the thought that counts
“Hey hey! Look at this, I think it's really gonna help to accentuate your features! Of course it’ll cover your hair… :(“ 
Jamil Viper
He doesn’t really care, or is let alone even free enough to notice.
But if you make enough noise about it, he might not even bat an eye towards it. 
He assures you that you look fine, and might even place a chaste kiss on your cheek to get you to shut up if you whine too much about it.
Maybe he’ll try to fix it, maybe he won’t, perhaps he’ll even spare you a glance for a good heart chuckle every once in a while.
“Please stop making such a mes- FINE you have my attention.”
Does not care now, and I don't think he ever will.
Hair will grow back, but if you really want, you could hide under his shirt or something…
He’s practically half asleep all the time, so your hair will be back to normal before he even knows it.
He’ll draw his sword to protect you from any potential teasing if you really dislike it, granted that he’s fully awake at the time.
“Just lie down for a bit, I don't like seeing a frown on such a pretty face.”
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tsumtsumland · 2 years
"try again"| k.tetsurou x reader
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genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
a/n: this is for @momochimo since I somehow can't finish your Christmas drabble but finished this <3 I hope you like it!
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Valentine’s Day, or, just another day at the office for you. Another day of drowning in paperwork, and being so exhausted by the end of it that you just collapse into a dreamless slumber. But today, you welcomed it, it’s just another commercialized holiday fueled by capitalism and you have no interest in partaking. Also, living in Japan meant that Valentine’s was heavily male-centric with guys receiving gifts on February 14th and reciprocating the next month on March 14th, White Day. Things had been steadily changing but it was still mostly that way, and as one of the few single women your age, it made you scoff and roll your eyes in disdain.
Your boss’ head pokes into your office, jolting you out of your angry internal rant about the misogyny of Valentine’s in your country.
“Y/n, can you handle this meeting for me? It seems I’ve double booked and I can’t manage to get out of either one,” he places a file in front of you, leaving no room for refusal.
“Oh it’s in half hour,” he adds before turning to leave.
You bite back a sigh as he saunters out of the room and grab the file quickly scanning through it.
Japan Volleyball Association, Sports Promotion Division. Proposal for marketing collaboration.
You’re not in any mood to deal with the fossils that may be coming for this meeting but you perk up a little at the thought of your boss actually trusting you enough to allow you to spearhead this meeting.
After some meticulous but quick planning, you’re more than sure that you’re ready to kick ass at this meeting…until you open the door.
The signature rooster hairstyle poking out from the top of the high backed chair has your heart and feet stuttering. It can’t be…
Kuroo Tetsurō.
In the flesh.
After he ghosted you a year ago.
On Valentine’s Day.
The universe really had the nerve. Truly.
Luckily, seems just as shocked to see you there, his golden complexion going slightly paler, and his eyes widening a bit. You do an inner victory dance.
“Kuroo-san,” you cut him off swiftly and slip seamlessly into work mode.
“It says here that you will be doing a presentation for us today about why this collaboration will be beneficial to both parties, please begin,” you smile tightly and take your seat at the head of the boardroom.
He begins his presentation and you have to admit that he’s good, it’s a really good pitch but you can definitely tell you’ve rattled him by the few mistakes he’s made. Nothing to jeopardize the presentation but after dating the man for over a year before, you knew he didn’t make little mistakes like that.
You wanted so badly to say it was a shitty presentation and refuse him the collaboration but, 1. It was really beneficial to both sides, and 2. Your boss would have your head.
“I’ll pass these notes on to my seniors, and we’ll get back to you and reconvene at a later date,” you finish up the meeting and close your binder.
Standing up quickly you make a beeline for the door, but he steps in front off you quickly, damn those long legs of his.
“Y/n, can we talk? Please?” Kuroo glances at the clock.
“Your lunch hour starts now, doesn’t it?” he asks.
“There’s nothing to talk about Kuroo-san,” your tone is clipped.
“Please, just, come out to lunch with me, I need to explain,” he pleads, so much unlike him.
You sigh impatiently, knowing the longer you stand there and argue with him, the more of your lunch break is shortened. Also, you were a bit curious as to his reasons for being a total dickhead.
“Fine,” you sigh, “Just let me tell my boss.”
He leads you into a fairly upscale restaurant on the top floor of a nearby hotel. Very reminiscent of your time spent with him, except this time, the entire restaurant is covered in lavish decor consisting of red roses and heart-shaped, foiled red balloons.
You cringe inwardly having forgotten the date.
Kuroo looks at you across the table and there’s something in his eyes that makes you shift uncomfortably in your seat, you don’t like it.
“What is it?” you snap in annoyance.
He shakes his head, “Nothing…look y/n, I owe you an apology…”
“No shit,” you mutter, simmering down when he gives you a look. “Fine fine, continue.”
“I deserved that,” he sighs, “I shouldn’t have done what I did, and I want to explain.”
You nod your head for him to continue.
“I was in a really bad place at the time, and I didn’t know how to talk to you about it, you always put me on this pedestal and I started to feel like I couldn’t live up to it, and then you got this huge promotion, but things at work got really rough and they laid me off on Valentine’s Day last year,” he sighs, you can tell that he was regretful, but it also made you angry.
“Why couldn’t you just talk to me? We were together!” you frown, looking at him.
“How could I? You were so happy and I just felt like I was dragging you down, and then you were talking about a future, but for me, there was no future without a stable job,” he glances out the window wistfully. “I knew it was coming but that day when they told me that I’d been laid off, I couldn’t think straight, all the solutions in my brain and I couldn’t come up with a single one to make it better. I wanted you to find someone who could be good enough for you, and at that time I wasn’t.”
You can’t help the burning in your throat, and the tears gathering in your eyes, “If you’d just told me…I would’ve understood…you didn’t have to do that,” you whisper.
Kuroo feels his heart clench painfully when he sees the tears steadily making their way down your face. He reaches out to wipe them away but you beat him to it, hastily patting them dry as they came with the cloth napkin.
“I couldn’t tell you, I don’t know why, I just felt so backed into a corner,” his hand clenches around the glass of water in front of him.
“Believe me y/n, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” his voice is earnest. “I know I did wrong, but by the time I got it together, well by the time Kenma managed to get me back together, and I landed this job and got back on my feet, you’d moved out of your old place, and your number changed. I even asked your neighbors and they said they didn’t know where you moved to, I thought—I thought it was better this way, that you moved on with your life.”
You shake your head, “How could I move on when you were ‘it’ for me?”
The admission feels like it socked him in the gut.
Kuroo gasps softly and looks at you, grasping your hands across the table.
“Do you…still mean that?” he asks, and there’s a tilt of uncertainty to his voice.
Your eyes meet his and you can see, even through your blurred vision that he’s pleading with you to say yes, for it to still be the truth.
And it is.
You sniffle and nod.
You’re confused when he makes his way over to your side of the table and is down in one knee, still holding one of your hands in one of his as he fishes around in his wallet for something with the other.
There are stunned gasps and many chatters scattered around the room, and you are so confused right now.
Until you see it, the brilliantly sparkling solitaire diamond smack dab in the middle of a white gold ring grasped between his fingers.
“I know this is sudden, and rushed, and we have a lot to talk about and you can say no of course, but, y/n, if you give me this chance, I promise I will be the best I can be for you, for the rest of our lives,” his stumbled and rushed proposal has you wide-eyed in shock.
You can hear the blood rushing to your ears and your tears come even faster, you don’t even process when you frantically nod your head, yes.
The entire restaurant erupts in applause and congratulations as Kuroo stands and pulls you up, leaning down and kissing you to seal the deal.
Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t just another day after all.
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bakudekushimasimp · 3 years
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Picture credit to: @Milmil21229 and @BrttPaige on Twitter
Pairing: KatsukiBakugouxreader
Summary: you and Bakugou are ex’s (yay plot twist) bad break up involving another female. Both your bands show up to a battle of the bands, you both get to watch each other perform. In the end your band wins and his is runner up. both your bands go out to celebrate..
A/N: I actually ended this very abruptly after the smut part, I’m sorry if this isn’t as good as my other ones I just really fantasized over drummer Bakugo. I would definitely say this is Bakugo fluff. He is not even half as rude as usually portrayed. Side note: your band~ misery business;paramore His band~ can you feel my heart; BMTH
You push threw sweaty bodies making a path for your band to get backstage, and to your dressing room. You elbow and shove people creating a commotion as people start to recognize you and your group. You finally break through the crowd and you wait for your band members to emerge from the pit. Shinsou, Amajiki, and Jirou all stumble forward. Amajiki rams into you and you somewhat catch him before you both land in a pile on the ground. He looks down apologizing but you stand straight brushing off your skirt and fixing your thigh high boots. “You’re fine, I’m fine. We’re good then.” You show him a gentle smile before your resting bitch face is plastered back on. You look around at the different bands making their way to their rooms, and grabbing various things getting set up for their performance. You find the closest person with ‘Stagehand’ printed on their shirt. You sauntered over to him his arms crossed right below the words he’s directing people in different directions. You walk up and glance at his name tag ‘Tokoyami’. “Hey Tokyo, can you point us in the direction of The Shadows dressing room.” He looks at you seemingly annoyed at his nickname you gave him as he looks at your group before pointing you in the right direction. Your band makes it to the door of your dressing room, but right before you get the chance to enter you see a bright flash of red in the style of spikes. You only know one single person to have that hairstyle meaning there was someone you’ve been avoiding not to far behind him. Shinso seems to notice and he looks at you, “just ignore it, we came here to perform and win.” He puts his hand on the small of your back and you turn into the room.
Bakugou is following behind Kirishima as the are a few feet away from their dressing room. Multiple people had stopped them on their way recognizing the attractive band members, trying to get pictures and congratulating them on their recent release. Kirishima pushes the door open and they all start to flood in. Denki quickly grabs Bakugou pulling him back and pointing a couple doors down. “That’s Jirou isn’t it! From the Shadows?” Bakugou’s hands spark knowing that could only mean one thing. His ex was here to perform. He shoved denki’s hand off his arm and stomped into the dressing room. “What’s your problem?” Denki looks confused. “Shut up, Pikachu!” Bakugou screams at him. The door closing behind him.
You and your band are ready to perform, and your up next. You’re waiting off stage watching the band come to a close, the crowd erupting into cheers. Jirou slings an arm around you grinning. “You ready?” You turn to her, “More than ever.” Shinsou smirks knowing now that you knew he was here you were going to give it your all even more so than before. Especially with your song choice. You were going to perform your cover of ‘Misery Business’ by paramore. Which always killed the crowds. You abruptly turn around to face him and catch his smirk. You look into his deep purple eyes, “how do I look?” Amajiki answers before he can in a quiet whisper, “amazing..” You look to him and hug him noticing how nervous he is, “Thank you Jiki, let’s kill this.” You squeeze his shoulders and turn around. The band that was once on stage is now gone and the stagehands quickly adjust everything for your band to perform. You fix your skirt that is just long enough to cover your round ass, and your crop top that has several tears on the shoulders. Your curls are sticking to your forehead already from the heat. You swing your hair over your shoulder so it falls down your back. You shift side to side in your thigh high boots loving the way they made your legs look and how they hugged your thighs. You took a deep breath as you hear your introduction and the lights dim. You look up through your lashes with a grin on your face, and start to walk out onto stage with your band mates. You listen to the crowd chant your band name, and occasionally you hear different fans shouting out for their favorite band member. You all take your places on the stage that now had fog spreading over it swallowing your feet, and only dim purple lights shining enough to give the illusion of you and your band only being shadows. You hear Shinso start to tap his drumsticks and that’s when the performance begins.
Bakugou’s band made its way to the side of the stage as they were told to get ready, they were on next. As he got nearer he could hear the current band playing. All his band mates slowed their steps until they finally came to the clearing. The crowd was going insane, the pit was a blur of movement. There was bands on both sides of the stage watching as the band onstage performed. His band mates slowly looked to Bakugou as they realized the person in the middle of the stage singing standing between a guy and girl strumming their lives out onto their guitars. Bakugou’s face turned red as he knew that voice anywhere, the lyrics shaking his whole body.
“She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock! It's a matter of time before we all run out, when I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouth! I waited eight long months, she finally set him free, I told him I couldn't lie, he was the only one for me. Two weeks and we had caught on fire, she’s got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smile!”
Kirishima put his hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, “it’s just a song bro-“
“She looks.. so good.” Bakugou was entranced by the emotion you put into the song and how happy you looked to be performing. He couldn’t believe it was your band getting this big of a reaction out of the crowd and the other bands. The heat in his face quickly rushed to his lower body as you started to walk away from your other band mates and he got an actual look at you. Your skirt was just the kind that use to drive him so crazy he would have to take you wherever he could back when you were together. His muscles tensed as you walked back to your drummer, looking at him and running your hand down his chest as he hit played. As you ran your hand down seductively and slowly you sang out your part, “but god does it feel sooo goood!” Bakugou’s hands sparked and he took a step forward just for Kirishima to grab him by his bicep. With his fist clenched he stepped back into his place, he knew why you chose this song. He knew who you sang about when you screamed the lyrics, “once a whore, you’re nothing more-“ into the microphone. It was his fault. He should’ve never messed around with the groupie he did. Back when he first started performing shows with his band. Dismissing you not believing your potential to be a lead in a band yourself. And here he was eating his words. Your song came to a close, and all he could do was decide to show you just the way you showed him, through his performance.
“We’re changing the song.” He growled out.
“Wait- what.” Denki and Sero said together.
“Bro are your sure that’s a good idea we’ve been rehearsing for weeks over this song.” Kirishima spoke out. “Shut up shitty hair I know what I’m doing, we’re doing the cover!” Bakugou snapped. Kirishima looked at the other boys and shrugged, “Okay bro- if you’re ready to perform it.”
You stood in the middle of the stage your curls sticking all over your face. You beamed in the lights shining on you and your bandmates. The crowd drank every bit of your performance in, they couldn’t get enough. The screams drowned out everything, making your ears ring. You all took a bow and walked off the other side of the stage. Other bands clapped you on the back and beamed at you explaining how amazing your performance was and they’ve never seen the crowd so alive. Some back stage helpers handed your group towels and water bottles, which you all gladly accepted. You showered your bandmates in compliments making sure they knew how well they did. You were so wrapped up in everything going on you completely missed the next band being introduced. Jirou and Amajiki went to stand off stage to watch the rest of the performances. Shinsou moved over to you and placed his hand on the small of your back where it comfortably rest. He eyed you, “how do you always still look so amazing after a performance like that,” You stomach tied in a knot and you smiled down at your boots. Shinsou had been there for you since your rough break up a couple months ago, he was there when you first started your band up. He happily offered to be your drummer, after he fell in love with your voice. You felt as if someone was staring at you so you stepped away looking around to see the culprit. Your eyes never met with anyone else’s everyone seemed occupied with their own things. You took another drink of your water bottle and wiped your face and neck. “Let’s go watch the last few performances, see if they’re really any competition.” You dragged him off to the side stage meeting Jirou and Amajiki. Jirou held her hand out stopping you from moving all the way to the front of the crowd of bands. You stopped in your tracks looking confused at Jirou then peering over to see who exactly was performing. That’s when red vermillion eyes met yours.
Bakugou’s anger was soaring through the roof as he watch Shinsou place his hand right above your perfectly round ass, at the small of your back as he whispered in your ear. He almost snapped his drumsticks in two as he watch the interaction, with only himself to blame. He kicked himself again, as he watch you take his hand pulling your new drummer to watch HIM play. His friends started preparing for their performance, getting their instruments tuned and ready. Until you finally looked up and met his eyes. His face still holding a scowl as he watched your close actions with your drummer boy. Kirishima stepped up beside him and softly spoke to him, “it’s time to start bro..”
Bakugou tore his eyes away from yours after sending a threatening glare to the lavender hair man hovering behind you who only smirked in response. His hands tightened around his drumsticks as he walked back to his set and got ready. His knee was already bouncing in irritation. He was ready to play all his anger and mixed emotions into this song, even if that meant leaving a pile of wreck in replace of this drum set. The song started and it was time to show you exactly how he felt, and to show pretty boy who was the real drummer.
You stood frozen in place as you realized the eyes you felt staring at you watching your every movement belonged to no other than your ex-boyfriends. You watched as he ripped his eyes from yours and stomped to his place. Once the stage came alive you couldn’t help but only watch him. You felt weak, giving him all your attention like this. You should have walked away and not even stayed for his performance, but you were intrigued just by the song choice. Anyone who was here at the battle of the bands would recognize this song. Kirishima had started the song, instantly grabbing the attention of the crowd. But that’s when the next verse came and your attention was snatched from you.
“Can you help the hopeless?
Well, I'm begging on my knees
Can you save my bastard soul?
Will you wait for me?
I'm sorry, brothers, so sorry, lover
Forgive me, father, I love you, mother.”
Your gut wrenched at the thought of him pouring his emotions into the lyrics of this song. Showing you just how he felt. Here he was usually boarding up his heart and hiding his true feelings, but now he was on stage in front of hundreds of people pouring out everything into one song. You were mesmerized by the way he so effortlessly played the drums. The crowd loved the drop dead boy band group, they looked just as alive as when your band performed. You looked to your bandmates as Jirou had her eyes set on one of Bakugou’s band mates, known as Denki. They were basically eye fucking across the stage his whole body shifted in her direction. Amajiki was hidden between other bands but still looked interested, you remember him saying he enjoyed this song before. Shinsou who was now besides you instead of behind you looked at you, as you looked at him. He mouthed, “are you okay?” You nodded your head. The other bands buzzed and vibed enjoying the performance just as much as the audience. The song was coming to an end and your eyes couldn’t help but fall back onto the drummer who you used to call your own. Tears threatened to prick your eyes as he closed the song,
“I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone, I long for that feeling to not feel at all
The higher I get, the lower I'll sink
I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim!
Can you feel my heart?
Can you hear the silence?
Can you see the dark?
Can you fix the broken?
Can you feel, can you feel my heart!”
The song ended and your heart was aching, you had so many different emotions running through you your mind was spinning. The crowd cheered screaming their band name. You were still looking at Bakugou who’s head was hung and eyes still closed. You wanted to go to him but everything inside you was fighting it. He finally looked up. He stood walking around the drum set emotionless. He tucked his drumstick into his pocket and the band threw their fists up. They all then dispersed off the stage. You felt suffocated and turned and walked away from the side of the stage your group following behind.
The battle continued to go on as you stayed cooped up in your dressing room. It was pretty much silence as no one knew what to say after the performance. You had teased Jirou for a little but everything went back to quiet. You all just sat on your phones scrolling through trying to distract yourselves until the end of the battles. A notification pops up at the top of your screen, you pull it down to see it was on Shinsou texting you. You peek over your phone to meet his purple ones. You smile and sigh setting your phone down. Just as your about to say something there’s a knock on the door. Jirou jumps up to crack it open until she swings it open. “Tokyo!” You say. He grunts, “they’re about to announce the winner.” You chuckle and look at your friends and gesture towards the door indicating you should go. You all stand up and walk to the stage where all the bands stand. You take your place among a few other groups on one side. You catch yourself innocently looking for the blonde hair sticking in different directions until you feel an arm sling over your shoulder. You look over to see your band members anxious yet excited to hear the winner.
“The winner of tonight’s battle of the bands is..” everyone on stage holds their breath, it’s the quietest it’s been the whole night. You could even hear a pen drop.
“ THE SHADOWS” the crowd erupts into a crazy frenzy and Jirou jumps up and down her ear jacks going everywhere. Amajiki looks shocked beyond relief as Jirou shakes him back and forth. Shinso squeezes your shoulders, “we should probably step forward.”
You’re in a daze as your all walk to the front of the stage. “Runner up, they almost knocked them right out of the first place spot..”
“Explosive Riots!!” The crowd goes even crazier jumping and screaming the boys names. Everything starts ringing in your ears as you look over and watch the band make their way to the front. Kirishima walks ahead of the others as Bakugou is right behind him stalking up towards the announcer. He’s glaring in your direction but his face softens and he just looks at his feet. The announcer hands the trophy to you and you gingerly take it but then remember the nights you stayed awake, the hard work you put in, the tears the pain and you grab that award and you lift it into the air stepping forward more proud of yourself than anyone. The bring the check out and hand it to your bandmates. They then bring the last award out and hand it to the other band. “Congratulations to both bands!” You step forward to shake hands with Kirishima as they’re about to take a picture but Shinso steps in front of you first placing his hand right into the same place he always rest it. Bakugou notices immediately and yanks kirishima back grabbing Shinsou’s hand roughly then letting a small explosive go off into his hand. Shinsou only grins and steps back. Everyone starts to disperse off stage and out of the building. There’s a couple more photos taken and you and your band make your way backstage. Your standing talking to some other bands as everyone is leaving as it’s already late at night. You suggest going out to celebrate your win with your band when you see people being dispersed in a bee line headed straight for your band. You look over to see a seething Bakugou headed straight at you. Or you thought he was coming for you until his hands are balled up in Shinsou’s shirt. Kirishima and the rest of his band coming quickly behind him. Just as Bakugou goes to shoot a blast off in Shinsou’s face, Kirishima grabs his arm once again pulling him back making him drop Shinsou. Both bands facing each other you step in front of Shinsou.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” You shout.
Kirishima gingerly chuckles and steps in front of Bakugou shoving him back.
“We were just on our way over here to invite you to come celebrate our wins together. There’s a club down the road, we occasionally hit after shows.” He rubs his hand behind his neck. You’re looking between his band and your band, Jirou and Denki making small talk she’s twisting her ear jacks around one finger. Amajiki and Sero are discussing their cords. It’s just you four facing each other. You cross your arms and stand back a little closer to Shinso. “So what do you say?” Kirishima pushes the question further. Shinsou flashes a toothy grin and throws and arm around your shoulders, “we’d love to join you.. if you can keep your Pomeranian on a leash.” Bakugou fights to get around Kirishima, “oi, move it shitty hair!” You sigh rolling your eyes walking past all the boys making sure to sway your hips and barely brush against Bakugou as you pass by him. “If we’re going let’s go, before I change my mind.” Bakugou’s full attention has shifted to you as he watches you in your short skirt walking away. He’s like a Lion watching his prey as he walks after you before Kirishima then grabs him by the collar of his shirt holding him back. He watches as Shinso passes by smirking and shrugging. Jogging to catch up to you, the rest of the bands following after.
Bakugou follows behind the two groups down the road, walking beside Kirishima. He kicks rocks as he walks groan and grumbling as he goes. Kirishima laughs and nudges him, “you know you can’t exactly be mad when you’re the one who got yourself in this mess.”
“Shut. Up. Shitty hair.” He grumbles. He’s angry because he knows it’s his fault, he’s very aware and has been every cold lonely night since you left his sorry ass. All he wanted was to make things right with you. He missed you in his bed, at his performances, standing in his kitchen with just his shirt to cover that delicious figure of yours. He missed your crazy sex sessions. He missed everything about you. He couldn’t help himself but be upset when he saw Shinsou do those things, it’s like he knew it got under his skin. He looked up the sidewalk to see you both walking beside each other, Shinsou had just said something to make you laugh, and add that to the many things he missed. Your laugh. Echoing through his ears. He slouched his shoulders. “Man, cheer up you can always tell her how you feel. Without the song. Tell her tonight or just simply congratulate her. Shit, she did damn good tonight.” Kirishima boasted. “Tch- I already know this.”
You walk up to the club doors going inside and making your way to the bar. The two bands find a booth area to share and sit down. Some order drinks from the waitress walking around, but you chose to order straight from the bar. Shinso had sat down with the others. You took a breath an image of Bakugou performing earlier crossing your mind. It made your cheeks warm remember the unknown emotion spilling out of him. That warmth spread straight to your core remember his face and the sweat. His muscle contracting as he drummed his heart out. His tattoos danced on his skin. You licked your lips and ordered your drink. As soon as you got it gulping it down. If you were going to face your ex tonight you’d definitely need a couple drinks first. You get a refill and head back to the booth area everyone is chilling at. Jirou is already deep in conversation with Denki whispering in her ear and her giggling. Amajiki continued to converse with Sero as Kirishima chimes in every now and then. Then there was Bakugou sitting with his arms crossed on his chest legs planted apart you followed his state to Shinsou who sat with his arms behind his head, relaxed back. If looks could kill. The waitress comes up with a round of shots and you quickly take that moment to break the tension. “Shots everybody!” You clear your throat and everyone starts grabbing one. You take two in your hand, handing one to Shinso who happily takes it. Then you turn to Bakugou and lean down letting your crop top pool away from your body revealing your black lace bra to him as you hand the shot out to him. His eyes quick Avery to your breast that are practically spilling out of your bra and you smirk, “eyes up here Katsuki.” He looks up to you and takes the shot. “Cheers for tonight’s performances and winning the battles!” You shout already feeling good from your two drinks. The bands shout cheers and tilt their drinks back.
Bakugou watches you over his shot as you down your shot. Everyone goes back to socializing but in a brighter mood. Soon they start to disperse and make their way to other areas of the club. Shinsou stands up and whispers something into your ear and a blush creeps across your face. Bakugou watches intently as he walks away and leaves just you two. You look down at him and he picks up another shot tilting it to you. You sit across from him and grab another picking it up and tossing it back. You’re now feeling tipsy. And you cross your legs giving him a clear view of the barely there lace between your cushiony thighs. He was in the middle of taking his shot when he slightly chokes then roughly swallows the rest of the liquor. “There’s something I need to say-“ Bakugou clears his throat. Your eyes haven’t left him as you raise and eyebrow. You get up and walk over to him sitting next to him. “Speak then.” You whisper into his ear as he clutches his knee with his hand shivers run through his body. He takes another shot and he word vomits.
“I know I hurt you, and I know there’s nothing I can do to change that. But I wanted to let you know I see you. I see how much better you’re doing without me. How much your striving. You killed shit tonight. I was so impressed, I knew you could sing but you surprised me when you owned the stage like that. I should’ve never doubted you. I should’ve never let those groupies get in between us and ruin the amazing thing we had. None of them could compare to you. You’re literally everything anyone could want and more. I guess that’s why I’m so jealous of Shinsou, being close to you. Being in the spot I used to be in. The way he touches you and makes you laugh. That should be me, I miss you. I miss everything about you, your entire presence. I-“ You slip your hand on his thigh. His cock twitches in his pants and he looks up to you. You’re already looking at him, you lick your lips and smile. His eyes follow your tongue as it drags across your lips. You tilt your head. “Katsuki, Shinsou isn’t your replacement. But he was there for me. When you did what you did. And he helped me learn that I can forgive you. But I needed to stop thinking about you and think about me. And now I’ve become stronger, and more confident and resilient. I’m me. I’m not the same person I was when I was with you. But.. I’m willing to work on things if you are. But you actually have to try. That doesn’t mean things will go back to the way they were but it’s a start.” He just looks into your eyes for a while not believing you are actually willing to start things anew with him. He pushes one of your stray hairs behind your ear and you lean into his touch. Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling, how much you’ve missed his intimate touch. Bakugo takes the opportunity to lean forward and capture your lips in his. You pull back and open your eyes. He pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth, “should I not have done that?” Heat is pooling in your core right now, you chuckle. “You’re still a cocky son of a bitch.”
You wrap your hands in his blonde tresses pulling him into a heated kisses moaning into his mouth. He shoves his tongue into your mouth his stud hitting your teeth then exploring your mouth. Your hand moves up his thigh and rubs his hard on. He groans into the kiss and pulls away leaning his head on your neck. “Want to get out of here?” He leans back and looks at you. I’ll probably regret this in the morning you think to yourself but the alcohol in your mind shoves the answer out of your mouth, “yes.” He links his fingers between yours as he basically drags you out of the club. He calls a cab over and you both slide into the back seat. You both steal kisses here and there until you get to a familiar apartment building. He pays the taxi and you both get out dashing to the door. You stumble through already locked back into a passionate kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck pulling him deeper in and he kicks his door shut, locking as it closes. He breaks the kiss and you look around. He’s definitely switched it up since you left but not even in a bad way. It looked a lot nicer, you took a deep breath in taking in his sent as it surrounded you completely. Bakugou already had his shoes kicked off and his shirt ripped up off his shoulders. You went to take the skirt off but he growled, “leave it on.” You smiled knowing what these skirts did to you. He pulled you back into him crashing your lips together then trailing down to your neck. He nipped and sucked at your skin leaving love bites everywhere. He knew all the places to make your pussy so wet your underwear were soaked. He lifted you up and set you on the counter pulling your shirt up and over your head. You trailed your hands up his tattoo arms then down his chest to his abs. You kisses his collarbone and rubbed him through his pants. “Mmm” He tilted his head back. You unbuttoned his pants as he I clipped your bra. You let the bra slide down your arms as you flung it somewhere into the room next to where you sat on the counter. He shuffled out of his pants putting the pitched tent in his pants on full display. He wedged himself between your thighs gently laying you back, he pulled your panties off from underneath your skirt. “Damn princess, are you that wet already? You haven’t been taking care of yourself have you..” he ran his hands down your body grabbing your below the knee and spreading you open so he could see just how wet you were for him. “The toys just don’t do it for me-“ you breath out shakily as the cool are hits you. Bakugo runs his hard length along your slick, only to pull away. “Do not tease me Katsuki.” He tightens his grip on your legs. He loved when you addressed him by his first name. He planted kisses along your thighs until he reached your core. He blew cold air onto your wetness. You clenched around nothing and arched your back. He looked up at you from between your thighs, you squirming already. He let your legs rest on his shoulders as his hands reached for your hardened peaks. Twisting and pulling your nipples as he licked up your slit. You gasped taking in the sheer pleasure feeling as if you’d reach your climax right then. He took your clit into his mouth and hollowed out his cheeks sucking on it before flicking his tongue over it. “Katsuki,” you moaned out for him ready to fall apart. He let go of your right bud to bring his hand down to where he was feasting on you. He slowly rubbed circles around your entrance with his middle finger as he licked viciously at your clit, his tongue piercing rolling against your swollen bud of nerves. “You like that teddy bear?” You reeled in the bliss of him using your pet name from when you were together. It made you even wetter. He caught on right away as you pushed your wetness onto his finger, he took his ring finger and collected your slick with his fingers before slipping them gently into you. He pinched your nipple as he start to thrust his fingers in and out of your core, letting the lewd sounds fill his apartment once again. How he missed the sounds of your moans ringing through his empty apartment.
His cock throbbed, pre cum dripping from the tip. He hooked his fingers inside of you feeling you clenching around his fingers, your release approaching quickly. He released your clit and stood connecting his lips to yours. You moaned into his mouth as he muted you with his tongue. You tasted yourself on him, he pulled away from you a long string of saliva still connecting your mouths as you let your tongue hang out of your mouth with your eyes glazed over with lust. Bakugou loved seeing you melt under his touch, being so open and vulnerable to him. He plunged his fingers in and out of you at a quicker speed pressing against your g-spot everytime. He looked into your eyes as your mouth still open for him with drool running down your chin and the corners of your mouth. He collected the saliva and juices in his mouth and grabbed your throat with his hand he had occupied with your nipple. He didn’t want to spat into your mouth but let the string of spit drip down into your mouth as you happily let it intrude your mouth dripping onto your tongue and you swallowing. He then took your nipple into his mouth shoving his fingers into your mouth to replace his tongue. You sucked on his fingers as you went over the edge squirting on his hand. He let go of your nipple with a pop and watched as you squirted up his forearm. “That’s right teddy bear, cum for me” Your back arched off the counter as you finished your legs quaking. He eased you out of your orgasm. He scooped you up your skirt wet sticking to your ass as he walked into his living room and dropped onto the couch you straddling his hips. He kissed your jaw and your neck as you caught your breath. You grabbed both sides of his face kissing him, then trailed your kisses down his neck biting his collar bone and moving down his chest. You licked one of his buds pulling it into his mouth as he moaned and moved to his other repeating the action you then, licked his abs leaving a trail of marks down then until you reached his massive cock. You grabbed it wrapping both your hands around it and started stroking it. His hands gripped the couch cushions, he leaned his head back eyes closed in ecstasy. You took his engorged head into your mouth swirling your tongue around the tip. He wrapped one hand into your hair as you slowly bobbed your head making your way down his entire length. It had been a while since you’ve performed on him so you couldn’t go all the way before he hit the back of your throat triggering your gag reflex. He slightly chuckled moving your curls away from your face wrapping them in his big hand, “take your time teddy bear” you look at him through your lashes with your big doe eyes. “You’re so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth.” Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you tried to force more of him down your throat. His hips bucked into you causing him to shove more down your throat. You swallowed and it aloud you to take more of him. You cupped his balls massaging them and he couldn’t help himself to continue to fuck your pretty face. “Mmm, just like that teddy bear. You’re doing so good for me.” He shoved his cock into your mouth repeatedly until he couldn’t take it anymore.
He pulled you up to him by your hair and flipped you over so your knees were on the cushions and your arms were resting on the back of the couch. He rubbed his head at your entrance, “are you ready teddy bear” you nodded quickly confirming this is what you wanted. He ran one of his hands down your back to the small of it right about your skirt. He unzipped it and let it fall onto the couch. He slapped your ass and slowly eased his head into your entrance. You whimpered as he stretched you. He grabbed your shoulder while the other hand rest on your hip and slowly eased himself in. He bottomed out letting you adjust to him. You slowly shifted yourself and starting to move front and backwards rocking yourself on your knees fucking yourself on his cock. “Fuck- baby.. your so tight.” He started thrusting into you and you hesitantly looked back over your shoulder. Bakugo was staring at where you both met, as he was entering you enjoying the view of his cock splitting you apart. You’re cheeks reddened as he looked up and caught you watching him. He smirked at you and slapped your ass leaving a pink handprint. He pulled you back onto his cock picking up his pace fucking you hard showing you just how much he missed you wrapped around him. You faced forward now moaning crazy almost positive any of his neighbors could hear you. He grabbed your hair and rutted into you slamming himself into you hitting your soft spot as your gummy walls sucked him in. He felts himself coming closer to his finish. You started to throw it back at the same time he was thrusting in and he groaned loudly, “fuck teddy bear you like throwing that ass back on this fat fucking cock don’t you” another rough smack landed against your opposite cheek, your ass now a pink on both sides. You both moved in sync and he grabbed both your hips. “I’m about to cu-“ he slammed into you hitting your cervix as you screamed out, “Katsuki.” He grinded against you riding his finish out. He then pulled out watching as his seed dripped out of you onto your skirt. “So sexy” he rubbed circles on your ass. You lay slumped over the side of the couch. He grabs a throw blanket from one of the chairs sitting off to the side and wraps it around you picking you up bridal style. You lay your head against his shoulder. “You can rest, I’ll clean you up teddy bear. Don’t worry.” You relaxed into him and let your eyes close, not sure if you’d regret it anymore in the morning.
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New Start
For Maribat March day 15 theme new start
Master List
Marinette was lucky, she could admit that. Not because of the pocket-sized goddess of creation and luck she carried in her purse, but because of where she is. Sure, living with a magical emotional terrorist isn’t ideal, but it’s better than what her fate would have been had she never been found. 
Growing up on the streets of Gotham had been rough to put it lightly. Very lightly. In her time she had seen many good souls come and go, some to their deaths, some to better lives. She was grateful she was the latter, not many she knew had the opportunity she had to have a new start.
In other circumstances, Tom and Sabine would be horrible parents. After all 90 percent of the time they left her to her own devices. However in this case, it’s fine. For one, she was once a street kid, she knows how to take care of herself. And she is also Scarlet Luck, protector of Paris, wielder of the Ladybug miraculous, and newly appointed guardian of the miraculous. So them turning a blind eye to her sudden disappearances did wonders for her. 
All she needed in this life was a roof over her head and some decent food. Having her adoptive parents be bakers was a plus too. 
The only downside to this life was school. Not because she hated learning or the places school provided. No, she loved sitting in the silence of the library and doing her schoolwork or reading a book. And she especially loved the art room, where she found her love of designing and sewing. 
The problem was the people, the staff that mattered to her and her future, were all pushovers and she wasn’t allowed to transfer into Ms. Mendeleiev’s class. Ms. Bustier was the type to let the kids figure it out on their own, rather than step in when she was most needed. And Principal Damocles shouldn’t even be a principal with how much he caves in when it comes to the Mayor’s daughter or Rossi. 
She was thankful, however, that within her first month the students at Francoise Dupont learned not to mess with her. Or speak to her. Or be near her in general. And she was perfectly okay with that. She quite liked her spot in the back with Nathaniel, one of the only people she considered a friend. 
They had a silent agreement, which was to be silent and leave the other alone. Nathaniel would draw while Marinette would sketch and the 2 had each other's backs. Like when Marinette would whisper Nathaniel the answers during English and he would do the same with history. 
He along with Marc, Ondine, Aurore, Mireillie, and Kagami were the only ones she considered friends. Which means they were the only ones that knew why she was so on edge with the Wayne family being in Paris. Not only did none of them know how to control their emotions, but she was sure that Jason Todd-Wayne was bound to be akumatized. Why? Because every kid that was ever on the streets of Gotham knew his story. 
He was street smart, a dork, but most importantly aggressive. On the streets he picked fights with any who tried to cross him, and when he was adopted he fought the rich kids that went to Gotham Academy. That was another thing everyone knew, he hit it big when he got adopted by the billionaire that was Bruce Wayne. While she wasn’t on the street when he was she knew he was trouble. The whole Wayne family was, whether they knew it or not. 
She already had to deal with Chat every battle, she did not want to have to deal with one of the Waynes becoming an akuma. Not only would it cause an international affair considering how important they are to America, but it could get the attention of American reporters and then the Justice League might want to get involved. She didn't want to deal with the Justice League. 
Kagami was the only one brave enough to point out how she might be afraid that people from her hometown were coming to Paris. But she was wrong and Marinette made sure she never brought it up again. Through whatever means necessary.
Now one reason that Kagami was her best friend was because they agreed on something. Never hesitate. If you have an opportunity, take it. Something important that every street kid knows. 
Well here she was, standing in front of her classroom, hesitating. She could hear her classmates talking away, whichever Waynes were here trying to gain control of the situation. She guessed her teacher was either doing something out of the classroom or not bothering to get the class in check. 
With one final wish that today wouldn't be as shitty as she hoped she opened the door. According to Nathaniel she threw it open. 
And she was right, at the front of the classroom were 3 Wayne's trying to get her class to quiet down. Buster was nowhere in sight. 
Since Nino and Adrien were closest to the door they noticed her first, stopping their conversation and trying to 'subtly' stare at her. The others quickly following their lead. All eyes, including the Waynes, were staring at her. Wonderful.
Literally all she had to do was roll her eyes and everyone averted their eyes. It was always like something out of a movie. She made her way up the stairs up to Nathaniel and her seats. Grabbing a couple of macarons out of her bag she handed them over to him before setting her notebook and pencil on her desk. 
It looked like Lila was about to say something, but a glare had her swallowing her words back down her throat. Staring straight ahead she raised her eyebrow at the Waynes that were still staring, wondering if they were going to try and continue what they were originally trying to discuss. 
After a moment the oldest among them started talking again, the other two joined in, however she could tell when they would all cast her glances. She simply acted blissfully unaware, writing notes down for her and Nathaniel while he drew. She had no idea what his grades would be like if it weren't for her. 
This whole week had been full of surprises for Bruce. First the League finds out that there has been a magical terrorist in Paris for 3 years that they didn't know about, and these past 3 years children have been fighting him. 
So his family being detectives, they were sent to try and get information on the ‘akuma class’. He wanted it to just be him, Dick, Tim, and maybe Cass, but of course Dick wanted the whole family to come. Try to make a family vacation out of it despite the fact that there was a magical emotional terrorist that they were trying to track down and they needed to keep their emotions in check. He means no offense but that is something neither Jason nor Damian can do. 
But somehow Dick was able to get the whole family to come because only Dick can do that. And now he had Tim and Dick with him to try to talk to the akuma class about a presentation on starting a business a ploy to try and subtly get information out of them. 
They had already done background checks on them all and their families just to be safe and were thoroughly impressed by what they saw. Many of them were gifted in sports, arts, and academics, so perhaps they were just unlucky. 
The only one that concerned him was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Only Alfred was aware that the girl was from Gotham, she was specifically a street kid. Adopted 6 years ago by Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain the girl seemed quite bright. She had excellent grades and was in the art club. However he feared what his children might do with this information. And if another reason was because she had black hair, blue eyes, and a guaranteed tragic backstory being from Gotham that set his adoption instincts on fire NO ONE HAD TO KNOW! 
So here he was with Dick and Tim, trying to get this ‘akuma class’ to quiet down so they could start the presentation. The teacher has stepped out of the room to check something with the principal and ‘give them the floor’. She probably wanted to get a reason to escape this class, he might try to get an investigation done on this school and their faculty. 
From what he observed, Marinette seemed to be absent while most of the class had seemed to be paying attention to this one girl with brown hair in a sausage hairstyle, Lila Rossi, a pathological liar, although the class didn’t seem to know that. All except a redheaded boy in the back, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, a pink haired girl on the second row, Alixandra Kubdel, and a boy with a green shirt and glasses on the third row, Maxton Kante. There was also a blond boy, Adrien Agreste, who seemed to be listening to what the girl was saying with a fake smile he knew all too well. Poor boy. 
His sons weren’t having much more luck trying to gain the attention of the class. The redhead looked to be drawing, the green shirt and glasses boy was working on what appeared to be a robot, while the pink haired girl was on her phone. Every once in a while it seemed like she sent them a sympathetic glance, the other two boys too involved in what they were doing to give them any sympathy. 
Just as he was sure his kids were about to reach their breaking points in walked the one person he hoped not to see. She slammed the door open and suddenly the whole class quieted down immediately. Now his sons were looking at her as well. She couldn’t have been more than 5’3 and she was only 16, yet she managed to silence this whole class just by appearing. 
The class also seemed to be staring at her before she rolled her eyes and they all averted their gazes. It was one of the most movie-like things he had ever witnessed. 
She walked up the steps to the back, with each step she seemed to command attention before digging into her bag and handing Nathaniel who had once been doodling a bag of macarons. He seemed to appreciate them as he gave her a small smile before proceeding to munch on one. 
Lila who had once had the attention of the class seemed to be fuming now that the attention was off of her. It seemed like she was about to say something but stopped when she caught sight of the glare Marinette was giving her. 
Marinette then proceeded to turn her attention to him and his sons, raising an eyebrow as if to ask if they were going to start. Out of the corner of his eye he could see his sons exchange a look he knew all too well, before starting the presentation. And if he or his sons casted looks over to Marinette one too many times, no one noticed. 
Bonus - 
“WE FOUND A NEW WAYNE!” Dick shouted, far too happy with his discovery. 
“Tt, what are you on about Grayson?” Damian scoffed, curiosity and jealousy bubbling in his mind at the thought of a new Wayne. 
“There’s a girl in the akuma class, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She had black hair and blue eyes, both things needed to be adopted by Bruce.” Tim stated. 
“Does she have a tragic backstory?” Jason jokingly asked. 
“Do not look up anything on Ms. Dupain-Cheng. She has a family and I will not be adopting her. Am I clear?” Bruce demanded, waiting for everyone to agree before going to take a shower. 
“Babs?” Cass questioned, knowing the girl had to have found something. 
“Looking,” Babs replied, “Oh.” She stopped typing and just stared at the screen. 
“What’d you find?” Steph asked the question they were all wondering from Babs’ unusual reaction. 
“Guys,” Babs started, turning the screen to face them, “She’s from Gotham.” 
And from there all hell broke loose.
Inspired by this post I saw a while back: 
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Marinette being a street kid from Gotham but had no previous connection to any of the Waynes was intriguing so I did it. I’m probably going to do a backstory chapter later on, just unsure which day I’ll do it on. 
Of course yesterday I was early so today I was late. The universe needs its balance. So sorry for the late post guys, I blame the universe. 
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A Real Family (Miss Venable x reader)
hiyaa :3 This was a really cute request, thank you! Its kinda short i guess, but there we go..
request: (by anon) Hey hi, may I suggest something where reader and Wilhemina have a doughter, and one day she comes at home after school crying, because some kids made fun of her because she has two moms, so they have to comfort their doughter, and Mina, at first, wants to call the kids parents and shout at them, but reader will calm her down and make her change her mind. 👉🏻👈🏻
google translate whoop.. ohh and i guess the end is a bit sudden, i am sorry ://
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"What about Levi?"
"We can't call him Levin while we always call Olivia Liv ... Levi and Liv sound ugly together .."
"Then suggest a name if you always find my ideas shitty ..".
You sighed as you leaned back to lean your back against Mina's upper body. It was Wednesday afternoon and you were sitting on the couch in your girlfriend's lap while you discussed the name of your second child who was already on the way (you were five months pregnant).
Mina was sitting behind you and had both hands on the round curve of your stomach, while absently stroking it with her thumbs.
"What about Theodore?" She finally asked as she rested her chin on your shoulder.
"My cousin's name is like that. And I don't like him .."
"Okay", she muttered thoughtfully. "And what about Benjamin?"
"Mhh....", you hummed. "Liv and Ben, that sounds nice."
"I seem to be good at choosing my names", Mina said softly and gently bit your earlobe.
"Olivia was my idea too.."
"No way!" You shouted loudly.
"It was my idea! Dont you remember? It was 4 o'clock in the morning when I had the idea of the name and then I woke you up and-"
"The name you woke me up for was Samantha..", Mina interrupted you and you could see in the corner of your eye how she smiled smugly.
You shook your head.
"Samantha was your idea! You-"
The ringing of the doorbell interrupted you.
"That's Liv..", you squeaked excitedly and pressed a quick kiss against her jaw before you jumped up to run quickly out of the living room.
You heard Mina laughing behind you.
"In your condition you should stop jumping around like a monkey."
You just rolled your eyes at her words and opened the front door to greet your daughter beaming with joy.
"Hey baby, how was- What the hell, Liv ??"
You looked confused into the sobbing face of your 8 year old daughter.
"What happened? Are you injured?", You asked desperately and crouched down to examine her for injuries. She was unharmed, thank God.
You brushed the red strands of hair from her tear-stuck face.
"Please talk to me, Liv..No matter what it is, I won't be angry .."
"T-they said our family is not real .." your daughter sobbed.
You frowned.
"What do you mean baby? Who said that?"
"And they say that you are sick, because you are lesbians ..", she continued to cry and you uttered a soft "Oh" when you suddenly understood what she was talking about. You looked sadly into her y / e / c eyes. One of your biggest fears became true.
"First let's go inside .." you mumbled and took the hand of your still crying daughter to go inside with her. In the hallway you took her backpack and jacket to hang on the wardrobe.
"What happened?", Mina asked worried when she limped into the hallway and saw Liv crying.
"Mommy, I don't want you to be sick .." Liv sobbed and ran to Mina to hug her legs. Your wife looked down on Liv in confusion, as she put her hand on her head and stroked her red hair.
"Sick? Baby what are you talking about?" She mumbled, looking desperately at you, who was staring at the child with concern.
"Okay Liv ..", you finally said when you walked over to her and took her hand again to walk into the living room with her. You sat on the sofa and Liv instinctively climbed onto your lap without injuring the baby.
"Can you please explain what's going on here?" Mina hissed after she sat down next to you.
"Liv baby, just tell us everything that happened .." you cooed gently as you started to play with the loose strands of hair, that had fallen out of the hairstyle Mina had done for her that morning.
"Uhm, today we had to introduce the family trees that we made ..", Liv began hesitantly.
"And then?"
Mina still looked confused.
"The others thought it was weird, that I have two mothers and said that we can't be a real family, because I don't have a father. And you can't have children without a father. And they said that you both were sick and going to hell .. But I don't want that!", said Liv excitedly.
For a few seconds you looked down sadly at the child in your lap, who had puffy eyes from crying.
"Oh baby .." you sighed.
"Of course we are a real family..Look!"
You pointed at the photos on the mantelpiece with your fingers outstretched.
"On the photo on the edge you can see me 8 years ago when I was pregnant with you. There's a photo of Mommy and me at our wedding next to it. And here you can feel your little brother ..", you muttered and grabbed her little hands to put them on your stomach.
"Mina and I are so happy together and we love you so much. How could we not be a real family?"
"B-but why did they say you are sick? ", Liv stuttered as she stared down at her hands that were on your stomach.
"Well .. you know, it confuses them, that you have two mothers because they don't know it any other way. Do you remember,  when you slept at Jennys House for the first time and how confused you were when you met father?" You asked and Liv nodded.
"It's the same for them. It's not unusual to have two moms anymore, but having one mom and a dad is still what most people know. You know, there are even children who have two dads and no mom at all and they are a real and happy family too."
Liv looked at you carefully.
"Really?" She asked, and you hummed in agreement.
"The only important thing is, that we all love each other okay?”
You smiled gently at the child in your lap and watched with satisfaction as she nodded.
"Who were the children who said that to you?", Mina suddenly asked and you had to frown when you saw how angry she looked.
"Uhm..Brian and Melinda.." Liv muttered.
"Brian? The ugly one with the glasses?"
"Mina!" You shouted, staring at her reproachfully.
"M'sorry ..", she replied curtly while still staring expectantly at Liv, who nodded shyly.
"Okay then, excuse me for a minute.." Mina mumbled and got up to leave the room.
"What are you doing, honey?" You asked confused  and you looked after her. When your girlfriend didn't answer, you got scared.
"Is everything okay again, Liv?", You looked nervously at your daughter, who nodded in agreement
"Well, do me a favor and go to your room to play, okay?"
Liv jumped off your lap after kissing you on the cheek and ran out of the room and you could go after Mina.
"Mina, honey?" You asked when you came into her workspace and saw Mina with the phone in her hand.
"What's that supposed to be?"
"What does it look like? I'm calling the parents of these kids.." she growled while angrily pressing the buttons on the phone.
"You shouldn't do that .." you said and quickly reached for the phone to take it from her hand. Mina raised her head to you and glared at you.
"Give me the phone, Y / N! It's not fair, that we kept telling Olivia that all people were equal and raised her up that way, just to get some kids to talk her out of it. And besides, imagine Olivia would have asked further questions, because women actually can't have children together, thats a fact. We would have had to explain the whole thing with the sperm donation to her right now, just because a couple of parents couldn't raise their children properly. This is unfair and you know that!", she scolded and clutched her cane tightly in both hands.
"Honey, let me call the children's parents...they are nice people, they will understand..." you tried to appease her and put your hands on hers after you put the phone on your desk.
"They told her, we weren't a real family .." she croaked hurt.
"I know, honey .." you mumbled sadly and rubbed the back of her hands with your thumbs. "But thats are children, they don't know any better ..".
"You know, when I was as old as Liv, I was bullied about my scoliosis. I don't want her to go through the same thing just because of us, her family. I dont want her to end like me.."
You looked confused into her injured eyes, in which tears glittered.
"To end like you, honey? What do you mean?"
"I mean my attitude towards people ..", she growled and looked away from you.
"Oh Mina .." you sighed and put a hand on her cheek to force her gaze back to you.
"In case you haven't noticed yet, Liv is already much more like you than you think.. And by that I mean your positive qualities. Olivia is just as smart as you and has the self-confidence that you have today, but that you didnt have, when you were 8. She can handle it and as long as we don't give her the feeling that something is wrong with our family, everything will be fine.
It will certainly not be the last time that we will be confronted with something like this, especially now when Benjamin arrives soon, but together we can do it.. "
Mina looked at you thoughtfully for a moment before slowly nodding.
"Maybe you're right .." she muttered and you smiled gently at her.
"I'm always right .." you teased her and before she could protest you pulled her close to kiss her.
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bisluthq · 3 years
Honestly anyone who thinks Taylor became lowkey because of Joe either didn’t actually live through that ✨unprecedented, unparalleled, life-changingly magical ✨1989 era or just refuses to ever listen to that lady speak. You’d think they’d actually consume the endless array of media they so romanticize they existence of, but alas.
Let me just say this: Taylor said like 838383 times, starting from summer 2015, that she was going to take a break after 1989. She had lots of emotional issues she had to work through, and that resulted in writer’s block. She kept saying she had no idea what to make after 1989 because she didn’t know how to top it. At the 2016 iHearts she said this was going to be her last award show appearance for a while. The implications were similar during her 2015 Zane Lowe interview, her phone call w Kanye, the closing scenes of the 1989 tour movie, and basically every bit of press she did after late summer 2015. As recently as lover era, she said she felt ‘stifled’ by 1989. And like… can you blame her? She was in a shitty relationship that was unraveling (~insiders~ speculated about the potential demise of the relationship months before they actually broke up). Her eating disorder reached its lowest point after years of suffering on and off (and it was honestly pretty clear even before she explicitly admitted to it in 2019: listen to her 2015 teen vogue interview, her 73 questions video, the 1989 tour interview outtakes in the closing scenes to name a few - remember how you mentioned that Karlie always talks/thinks about food? This is the same thing but x100). She wore heels so often on a super steep stage while dancing around every night that she got tendinitis… and yet she continued to wear those same heels but with an ✨ankle brace✨ (idk if she thought that shit was magical or something but yeah it won’t singlehandedly cure you if you still wear 6-inch heels bestie). She was an absolute insomniac lol; she would come on tumblr till 4 am after each tour show. When she did sleep, she had nightmares about paps photographing her baby and/or lining up in her bedroom, so she would smile in her sleep. That’s hardly a surprise to anyone who knows what the Australian leg of the 1989 tour looked like. Just watch her Zane Lowe interview from that tour, I beg of you; there are literal helicopters flying over the stadium as she’s rehearsing. The same thing happened when she was filming the out of the woods music video in New Zealand, as evidenced by the behind the scenes clips. She literally TOLD KANYE WEST SHE WAS GOING TO LAY LOW. I know y’all think bleachella was hinting at a new era, but if you actually read the 2016 us vogue cover story, which was the origin of that hairstyle, she reiterates that she’s going to take a break. She was headed to a very dark place if she continued like this, and she knew it. Her plans to take a break weren’t the result of summer 2016; if anything, they were derailed by it.
I’m sorry, but the only way you can think that Taylor Swift wants to replicate a 1989 era and is being held emotionally hostage by Joe is if you completely ignore absolutely everything that woman said during that time and obviously since.
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 8.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, angst
Word Count: 1,520
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
Kirishima was walking to the cafe to meet up with Bakugo. God he hoped Bakugo was actually wanting to apologize. He hated that he hated him. He wished he could hate him, but being his best friend for years, and *maybe* wanting to be more than friends with him just make it impossible to hate him. Yes, he was furious for treating you like he did because he loved you too.
When he arrives at the cafe, he takes a deep breath before entering. When he’s inside he looks for him but cant find him. Not until he sees a hobo looking man with oddly familiar hairstyle. He approaches Bakugo and notices he was not in the best place, mentally and physically.
“Bakugo” kirishima’s voice is soft but still causes Bakugo to jump.
“Oh its you Kirishima.”
“Yeah, what did you want to talk about?”
“Right to the point I see...
I- I just want to apologize for the pain Uraraka and I caused Y/n-“
“Shouldn’t you be saying this to Y/n?”
“I- yes but I wanted to talk to you first... Look, the day of the baby shower after I left I saw Uraraka fucking another guy in my house.”
“Seems like you got what you deserve then. Is this why you’re apologizing?”
“Kirishima! Let me fucking talk shitty hair”
“Fine. Continue.”
“THANK YOU! Anyways, I yell at her to leave and before she does, she said something about manipulating me into cheating on y/n. I asked how she did it but she said it was a secret. I was confused because i don’t fucking remember being manipulated in any way. But anyway, She said she only slept with me to hurt Y/n. And then she was the anonymous tip that told the news and everyone y/n was cheating on me. To hurt her.”
“Wait- URARAKA WAS THE LEAK-“ Kirishima looks pissed of as hell.
“Yes, and I did not know anything about it. After she left I fell into a depression.” Bakugo looks embarrassed to admit that.
“Shit Bakugo, is that why you look like shit?”
“I don’t look like shit, thank you very much.”
“You do.” Kirishima feels bad for Bakugo, and without thinking he asks,
“Why don’t you come live with us for a while?”
Bakugo looks taken aback and hesitates.
“Are you sure Y/N would even want me there?”
“I don’t know... but I doubt she would refuse you, especially in your state.”
Bakugo looks conflicted about the offer but finally speaks up.
“I’ll go... but only if she agrees first.” Bakugo says in hopes to be able to talk to you and apologize and take him back. No, you won’t you have Kirishima...
Kirishima, the man who stuck with him through thick and thin, until he didn’t. He really did miss you and he also missed his best friend. He knew that if he never knew you, he would have dated Kirishima, but Kirishima doesn’t like guys. And now he has you and his kid.
Kirishima nods and nervously dials your number.
When you pick up both men perk up at your voice,
“Hello? Kirishima? What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N! How was the appointment? Is Mina there? MINA WHATS THE GENDER?”
You laugh and shake your head, “What’s up Kiri, why’d you call?”
He’s silent and sighs, and he hears your voice ask nervously,
“Y/n.. I need to ask something of you.”
He hears silence and thinks you’ve hung up but soon hear a response,
“What is it?” You ask shakily fearing the worst.
“I- I don’t know how to phrase this but I finished talking to Bakugo.”
“How’d that go.”
“Well he told me a few things. And he does not look like he is in a good place right now...”
“Oh no...” he hears sadness in your voice.
“And I suggested him live with us for a while....”
He hears your hushed voice talking to someone else, who he assumes is Mina.
After a minute of silence he hears you speak up again and Bakugo listens closely for your response.
“Kiri... I- I- yeah, its fine...” you sound unsure.
“Y/n if you dont want him there you can say so...”
“No no, its fine...”
Bakugo’s face falls at her answer sensing how sad and unsure you sound.
“T-thank you so much Y/n” Bakugo says.
There’s silence but again you speak up, “Y-yeah anytime.”
“I gotta go Kirishima. I’ll see you and Bakugo when you both get home then”
“Bye y/n, love you and see you soon. Tell Mina I said good bye as well”
You hum in response and hang up.
Kirishima and Bakugo get up and leave the cafe and head to Bakugo’s house to pick up a few things.
When Kirishima enters his house, he notices how overwhelmingly pink it is, “I didn’t know you liked pink...”
“I hate the fucking color. That bitch decorated the house like this.”
“Oh, okay. Well if you want me to help you pack a few bags?”
“Sure, make yourself useful”
Kirishima sighs but goes into the bedroom and helps him pack clothes.
After a moment of silence Bakugo speaks up
“Thank you.”
Kirishima looks up confused and bakugo elaborates more
“Thank you for hearing me out and taking me in”
“Oh- yeah anytime”
“Did- did taking me in bother y/n?”
Kirishima thinks for a while before answering,
“I don’t think she was bothered but more taken aback by the news.”
Bakugo hums, “You asked about the gender of the baby?”
“Oh yeah- Mina and her were going today to find out the gender but Mina won’t tell us. She’s hosting a gender reveal party. But only because she wants to one up Izuku and Shoto, since they’re the god parents.”
Bakugo nods sad that you’re building a life with out him. He really misses you and misses Kirishima.
After finishing packing they head home. Bakugo pays close attention to where they turn so he remembers where you live and sees the apartments right ahead.
As they reach the apartment and walk inside, it looks two times bigger than it should.
“Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we knocked down the wall separating mine and her apartment so now its one huge apartment.”
Bakugo just nods and stares at you as you come out of the kitchen. He notices your wobbling a bit and thinks again about how you’re way to big to only be 4-5 months pregnant, but that would mean you were pregnant with his child.
“Hey guys. Do you guys want anything specific for dinner?” You ask maintaining eye contact with Kirishima.
“Um, I don’t know yet, Bakugo?”
“Huh- oh whatever you guys want...”
You purse your lips but speak again, “Here then, I’ll help take your things to your room”
As you reach for his bags he pulls them away, you glare and Kirishima hands you a bag, “Best not argue or resist against her Bakugo. She’s in the mood swing stage” Kirishima jokes and you send him a fake glare.
“Wow- Kirishima so fucking mean.”
You grab the bag and head to Bakugo’s room. Both follow you and notice you had already fixed up the room for him to his liking. You set the bag down on the bed and head out.
“I’m going to lay down for a bit Kiri, and then I’ll start dinner.”
“Take your time babe”
Both men begin to unpack and put away Bakugo’s things and once they finish they smell food and head out to see you setting the plate down.
“Good, you both are here. Dinners ready.”
They are about to sit but you stop them. “Did any of you wash your fucking hands?”
The look on their face as they get up and clean up is hilarious
As soon as they are done, the three of you sit and eat in silence.
After dinner you pick up the dishes but Bakugo insists on cleaning them as a thank you, you finally relent and sit on the couch with Kirishima. Once Bakugo finishes he lets you both know he is retiring to bed.
As soon as he walks out, you look over at Kirishima when he clears his throat.
As soon as Bakugo heard kirishima clear his throat he stands still and listened to what they were saying.
“So, Y/N does it bother you that he is here?”
You stay silent for a while before answering with a simple no.
“Y/n, are you sure? I can always tell when something is wrong...”
“It doesn’t bother me Kiri, I’m just afraid he will find out the fucking truth. I mean its not long before i POP out the kid. He will know that I lied about how far along I am... I don’t want him to know he is the fucking father-“ you says kinda loudly.
“I get it y/n, but he looked so vulnerable and alone, I couldn’t leave him like that...”
“I know baby, I wouldn’t either...”
Bakugo freezes when he hears your words
Tumblr media
A/N- three chapters in one day? Granted, one was supposed to be posted yesterday, but anyways- i HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER. I hope you guys tell me what you think- its spicy- anyways
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :)
@hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69 , @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008 , @sam-i-am-1025 , @purple--nebula , @curiouslilbeast , @httpswwwtbhkcom , @setup-the-ace
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comradelup · 4 years
clouds and operas
Kravitz is waiting for him when he gets there. He smiles at Taako as he approaches and looks his outfit up and down.
“You certainly know how to dress up,” he says, then meets Taako’s face again. “I feel underdressed.”
“Because you wear suits all the time. You gotta learn to dress down.”
An opera. What a nerd. Who knew the grim reaper was such a nerd? Well, Taako knows now. And now he’s on a date with him. His second, to be specific.
After he heard that conductor comment he demanded to know more about it, since it was surprising to hear Mr. Work Accent was apparently so classy. Kravitz told Taako to dress formally for it, so he did.
His suit has a tailcoat jacket and it matches his pants. Powder blue and patterned with little white clouds. To drive it home, he’s wearing a yellow bow tie to represent the sun. It would make that shitty train wizard so jealous and is fancy as all hell. His hair… he doesn’t really know what to do with it. He cut it after, y’know, Glamour Springs, so it’s shorter now. It’s had time to grow back, no doubt, but it still isn’t at Taako Brand Length™. He pulls it into a low but tight ponytail at the base of his skull. The tail end of it barely reaches the bottom of his neck, but it’s the most “formal” hairstyle he knows. Plus it’s not like he can’t pull it off.
Kravitz is waiting for him when he gets there. He’s dressed in a fancy black suit like he always is, but it’s appropriate for this setting. He smiles at Taako as he approaches and looks his outfit up and down.
“You certainly know how to dress up,” he says, then meets Taako’s face again. “I feel underdressed.”
“Because you wear suits all the time. You gotta learn to dress down,” Taako says, using his umbrella as a cane as he starts up the stairs with Kravitz at his side. (Apparently the skeleton he lifted it off of had taste, because the umbrella’s fabric changes at the user’s will. Tonight it’s the same blue shade as his suit.) They join a steady flow of others into the building which is good, they aren’t late.
Kravitz has the tickets and hands them to the attendant, who gives Taako’s suit an impressed look. Taako doesn’t notice though, because—
“Why are you wearing gloves?” he asks Kravitz as they walk into the building. It’s fancy and has crystal chandeliers, but he’s giving Kravitz his attention.
“Oh!” Kravitz says as if just noticing them. It’s fair, Taako randomly brought it up. “I thought it’d be a little fancier? And uh,” He looks nervous as he says, “last time you said my hands were cold.”
Taako laughs and Kravitz looks more nervous. “That’s fair! That’s fair, I’ll give you that, Bones.”
Now Kravitz chuckles. “Bones?”
“Yeah, you’re a skelling-ton. You’re all bones under there.” Taako gestures to Kravitz with his free hand.
“So are you,” Kravitz says.
“Yeah but I’m not the grim reaper,” Taako says. They reach a grand staircase and start ascending.
“Fair enough.”
On their way up Taako gets a good look at the building. Dark green carpets and walls with gold accents, and hanging golden chandeliers that twinkle. It’s beautiful.
Kravitz says, “I’ve always loved this hall. It’s gorgeous.”
“Oh I’ve been around way longer than this place,” Kravitz says.
“Right, you’re immortal, aren’t you?”
“Kind of. After I died The Raven Queen let my soul live on as a bounty hunter under her rule.”
“So… immortal?” Taako asks, earning a small laugh from Kravitz.
“Guess so.”
They get into the actual concert hall and get to their seats. The seats are comfortable and pretty close to the stage, which is nice. Taako has no idea what operas are like though, so he doesn’t know what to expect.
Something must have shown on his face, because Kravitz asks, “Have you ever been to an opera before?”
“Nope,” Taako admits, trying to sound nonchalant. Part of him worries that he’ll look like an idiot here.
Instead of a joke or a look, Kravitz says, “Oh, then you’re in for a treat, this show is amazing.” He’s smiling like he’s excited. Huh.
“I’ll be the judge of that, Bones,” Taako says.
“…Alright.” Kravitz leans back into his seat, giving Taako a look. A daring and playful look. A look that says, go ahead and judge.
Taako feels his face darken, just a bit, and tries to match it with a look of his own. He says, “Alright.”
The show starts and Kravitz is right: it’s amazing. He’s not surprised, a place this pretty can’t pump out bad performance. Although Taako can barely make out what’s being said. Halfway through the show, he feels a hand grab his own and looks down to see Kravitz’s gloved hand holding his. The fabric is black, and it dampens the coolness of his skin. Not completely, Taako can still feel a lack of warmth, but it’s nice. He finds himself smiling at brown skin against black velvet before looking back up to the stage.
If he thought he couldn’t keep up before, Kravtiz laying his head on Taako’s shoulder made his brain blue-screen. Almost immediately he leans his head on Kravitz’s in return, and the show suddenly becomes even more enjoyable. As the big finale approaches, he can feel Kravitz squeezing his hand in anticipation and Taako squeezes back. They have death grips on each other’s hands until the show ends and they’re on their feet applauding with the rest of the audience.
Kravitz is practically floating with giddiness after they leave. They haven’t let go of each other’s hands, which Taako likes most of all. They’re walking… somewhere, Taako isn’t sure. He just wants to stretch his legs after sitting still for so long. Getting to listen to Kravitz talk about the show is a bonus.
“I know you said this is your first one so I don’t know what your expectations were, but that was phenomenal, even by my opera standards. And I’m not saying that to brag— I’ve been around long enough to see months worth of shows.” Kravitz sighs, shaking his head a little. “It really is a shame that that was your first show. Any other show you see will completely pale in comparison.”
“Well you better pick a good show next time then, Bones,” Taako says, and wow he didn’t mean for his voice to come out that soft. When he sees Kravitz’s slightly flustered expression, he ends up not regretting it.
“Next time?” Kravitz asks.
“Hell yeah next time,” Taako says. Duh, obviously. “That was fucking cool, I gotta see more.”
Kravitz just lights up. Who knew Death could look so lively? “Yeah, yeah I agree.” He brushes a dreadlock behind his ear. “I’ll look out for a show to top this one. Although I doubt there is one.”
“I trust you can surprise me,” Taako says, bumping his shoulder against Kravitz’s.
“I could say the same to you.” Kravitz bumps back. Then he stops and he turns to face Taako.
“What’s up?” he asks. Kravitz is looking away from him, at the ground or their intertwined hands.
“I just,” Kravitz looks up, into Taako’s eyes. “I’ve had a great time tonight. Thank you for joining me.”
Taako chuckles. “Course. I had fun too. Although,” he says, dragging out the word. For added dramatic effect, he taps a finger against his chin as he says, “this date could be even better if you ask me.”
Kravitz quirks an eyebrow, clear confusion written all over his face. “What do you mean?”
“This,” Taako says, then he closes the distance between them to kiss Kravitz. The hand not holding Kravitz’s goes to hold his shoulder. Kravitz instantly kisses back, his own free hand moving to Taako’s waist. It doesn’t last long though because Taako is soon breaking it, laughing a little as he moves away just slightly.
“What?” Kravitz asks.
“I… I forgot you were cold,” Taako admits. Instantly Kravitz looks super embarrassed and it makes Taako laugh.
Kravitz starts to stutter out an apology and Taako waves him off. He’s laughing with Kravitz, not at him, though he’s not sure if Kravitz can tell the difference.
“Wait, let me just…” Kravitz moves his hands off Taako to bring them to his face. Taako laughs again as Kravitz starts blowing into his hands to warm up his face. Kravitz starts laughing too, though it’s muffled by the hands over his mouth.
When they collect themselves Taako gently moves his hands away from his face. Holding both hands in both of his own, he says, “Let’s try this again,” and they do.
It’s much nicer. Taako could get used to this.
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