georges-dufrenoy · 4 months
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Georges Dufrenoy (1870-1943)
"Nature morte à la soupière et au choux"
Huile sur carton Collection privée
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frankensteincest · 6 months
love it when books complain about hot, humid weather, especially conferring it with the ability to muddle or dull the mind. so true.
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fbwzoo · 2 years
We're just over 2 weeks in with switching Phoebe and Shilo to a wet food only diet so they can both lose some weight.
We had a few days of an attempt at striking in protest last week, but they seem to have given up on that, thankfully for my anxiety. Fingers crossed that we're over the main hurdle!
So far their preferences are for shreds or chunks in gravy. They've never liked pate any time I've tried it, and while they liked soupy foods before, they seem offended by it now. Out of what I have & can remember so far -
First tier (favorite): Weruva, Made By Nacho, Stella & Chewy
Second tier: Fancy feast, Friskies, Sheba perfect portions, Soulistic stews (I think)
Third tier: Canidae, Tiki Cat, Tiny Tiger
Fourth tier (how dare you serve us this): OMG BFF, The Honest Kitchen (rehydrated stuff, not canned)
I think that's everything we currently have. Their next food order is already put together and I'm grabbing more Sheba, Weruva, Made By Nacho, Fancy Feast, Friskies, and also adding Merrick, Wellness, & American Journey. They've had the last two before, but it's been a bit.
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thisbibliomaniac · 2 years
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pistachio-croissant · 2 years
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Sunday minestrone: beans, canned tomatini, aromatics, veggie stock, kale, and whole wheat pasta 🌾 🥬 cozy cozy cozy
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@steddieangstyaugust Day 14 - Wordy Wednesday: Lake
i’m challenging myself to keep all these at either 127 or 1,270 words each, see day one for more of an explanation!
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The last time Eddie visits his Uncle Wayne, he meets a mermaid.
He’d gone under the water to fish up a bright coral pink rock he’d spotted from above, and happened to glance up, looking out into the lake from under the surface, only to meet a pale face dotted with what looked like freckles.
Inhaling the clear lake water, sputtering as he stands, the pale face joins him above the surface.
“He–” another cough, “Hello…?” he greets, questioningly.
The face only studies him further, looking him over from head to toe. 
Eddie squats back down into the water, it’s much colder above the surface now that he’s used to the water’s chilly temperature.
A bright shimmering blue tail skims past his knee.
“Wow! You’re a mermaid!” he says, astonished, finally noticing the rest of the boy’s freckled torso just under the crystal clear water. “I’m Eddie, what’s your name?”
“Eee–” the boy frowns, “Eeadding?”
Eddie points to his chest, “Ed-dee.”
“Yeah! I’m Eddie,” he points to himself again, “You are…?” points to the mermaid (merboy?)
“Ssst–” his face scrunches, he squeals some sort of noise under his breath, “SteeEEE–” He cuts himself off again, shrinking from the pained look on Eddie’s face.
“Sorry, that was just loud.. Is it Steeee…” Eddie wracks his brain, “Fin?” He completes the only name that comes to mind, wincing at ‘fin’ being the only syllable he possibly could’ve imagined while in the presence of a literal finned person.
Maybe Stefin giggles, lifting his tailfins out of the water.
Eddie grins back, “Stee-fin?”
Even More Possibly Stefin nods, a sharp-toothed grin stretching from ear to ear.
“Well Stefin, wanna help me look for rocks?”
Together, they scour the shallows of the water behind Wayne’s cabin for hours
They fill the whole grocery bag Eddie’d been toting around with him by time Wayne calls for him at sundown.
“I’m leaving for home tomorrow,” he tells Stefin, not knowing that would be the last time he’d ever see his friend, telling the beautiful creature “I’ll see you next year though! We come back at least once every summer, promise.”
The merboy had smiled so brilliantly at him, the freckles Eddie had just then realized were tiny blue scales shining in the evening sun. He didn’t want to leave.
But he had to. Eddie left.
Elizabeth got sick.
Al got arrested. 
And in the time between the state of Tennessee gaining custody of him and being placed with Uncle Wayne permanently, Wayne sold his little homestead, settling in a two bedroom trailer in the heart of Indiana.
He understands it all now, of course, Wayne making the decision to move where he knew he’d have consistent work year-round was a necessity, but that first week, an already confused Eddie had asked after only a couple days in the trailer when they’d be going home to the lake.
“I don’t live there anymore Teddy. Live here now, in Indiana.”
“But what about the cabin?”
“Sold it, kiddo. Bought this place instead.”
Eddie’s eyes welled up for what felt like the zillionth time in a month. “But what about the stove? What about the bonfires? What about all the rocks I haven’t found?” What about Stefin? He thought to himself.
“Now son–kiddo, s’alright! We can always plan a trip to the UP if y’wanna.”
“Back to the cabin?” Eddie had asked, hopeful.
Wayne shook his head, “Probably camp at McLain instead.”
“That’s on Lake Soupier?”
Wayne snorts, “Yah bud, s’on Superior.”
Eddie took a moment to consider it, then nodded resolutely. “Okay Uncle Wayne.”
They never went back up to Michigan, let alone all the way up to the UP.
The first summer in Indiana was the only time Eddie asked.
“Sorry kiddo, can’t swing it this year. Maybe next time.” Wayne had said, and Eddie watched.
The whole rest of summer, into the fall, especially in the winter, the red-stamped envelopes would stack, then disappear whenever they would go into what Wayne liked to call ‘broke mode’.
Clearance aisle canned goods, store-brand everything, sandwiches packed into brown paper bags with little else.
Eddie grew up, failed his senior year once, twice, managing things the third, and leaving Hawkins for Chicago, hoping to make it big somewhere, somehow.
He manages to, but not in the way he originally thought, falling into club ownership after the man he’d been working for passed, leaving his business to Eddie.
Wayne gets sick when Eddie’s only 28; he drives down to Hawkins and stays with him about a month before he’s gone.
Eddie goes back to Chicago one Uncle short, goes back to work.
A week after Wayne is cremated, a notification pops up in his inbox. An alert he doesn’t remember setting.
Eddie grins, “You sneaky bastard.”
Wayne’s cabin and surrounding acreage have come up for sale.
It’s not even a thought, there’s no decision to be made. Eddie offers over asking and gets the keys handed to him on his 29th birthday.
He’s still a part owner of his club, gets a check every month that pays the mortgage, but his new day to day consists of fixing the cabin, wandering in the woods, and strolling along the shallows of Lake Superior, looking for rocks.
One day, while walking north along the shore, he stumbles across a hidden little alcove.
The rock face juts in from the shoreline, behind a trickling waterfall. It’s not huge by any means, but it looks like someone’s already came by and carved the sand here away, making a knee-high pool that connects the rocky face of the shore with the lake.
He skirts around the little pool, walking along a narrow strip of sand to the sparkling waterfall.
A shocked scream is yanked from his throat as soon as he peers into the alcove properly though, because there, doing a very astute impression of a dead fuckin’ body, is a merman, leant casually back against the wall of the cave Eddie’d just approached from, snoozing away.
The creature whips its head around at Eddie’s yell, teeth bared and a hissing screech slithering out from between his lips.
“Holy Shit! You’re a—”
The merman stops hissing, “Eddie?”
Eddie blinks at him. “Jesus H. Christ.. Stefin?” The blue tail, the shimmering freckle-like scales, the still horribly beautiful face. “You’re real.”
“You’re back— real?” Stefin asks, incredulous, “You didn’t think I was real?”
“I was a kid with an astounding sense of imagination, sue me.”
Stefin rolls his eyes, “Figures why you never came back to see me.”
Eddie blinks at him again, “What? No! No, I couldn’t! My mom— my dad– Wayne— It’s a long story, okay?”
Stefin harrumphs, sitting back against the stone wall. 
“I still can’t believe this, I always thought I’d imagined you.”
“Well you didn’t.”
“Yeahh, I can see that now, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Wha— nevermind, So, how’ve you been?”
Stefin’s head lolls around, he had to’ve just rolled his eyes. He stands up, “Why do you care? You’ll probably just leave again.”
 “No, I bought the house my uncl—” Hang on, what?
Stefin shoves past Eddie to hop down onto the sand, avoiding landing on his feet in the water.
“You’re walking.”
“Amazing observation skills.”
“You’re naked.” And super hot, holy shit. Eddie averts his eyes politely.
“Again, very astute.” He grabs a bundle of cloth, pulling on a pair of shorts.
“How— Can I take you to dinner?”
“Why.” He pulls a shirt on over his head.
“To explain properly. And also because I missed you.”
Stefin turns, looks him over. His gaze softens minutely. “Sure. I’d like that.”
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also, this kinda got away from me, so it's really only light angst 😅
see the collection on ao3!
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thelcsdaily · 1 year
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Shrimp in Coconut Milk (Ginataang Hipon)
I enjoy cooking and eating. I've got a delicious pescatarian Filipino comfort food with shrimp cooked in coconut milk. The way I make it and the things I use are determined by my mood. I used string beans, kabocha squash, and red bell peppers in this recipe. I wanted to keep things simple and fuss-free, so I went with peeled shrimp. I made it soupier than normal since I like it poured over steaming, sticky Japanese rice.
“I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food” ― Erma Bombeck
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envyenvys · 10 months
Stobin Mandalorian AU part 1
(aka s3 stobin accidentally acquire a magic baby)
[You Are Here] [2] [3] [4]
It’s Robin that first hears the baby crying. She insists it’s coming from the vents on her right side — Steve’s left — but the concussion’s left everything kind of soupy so it takes him a few minutes to pick it out from the ever-present hum of the gate-laser and the rush of blood through his own ears. Once he notices it though, it’s hard to stop.
It’s a sad, lonely sort of crying that makes his heart ache. Robin makes a dubious sort of noise when he mentions this and insists that it’s probably just hungry — which Steve has to admit is likely, none of the Russians they’ve met so far can really be described as ‘nurturing’ — but something in his gut tells him that’s not it.
He doesn’t get the chance to say anything before the Russians come back with the doctor, and then they have a whole new set of problems to worry about.
The mysterious blue goop makes everything a million times soupier and having pliers around his fingernail is not great, but then Dustin and Erica are there and everything’s great again. Super great, even.
“Can you two hurry up?” Dustin hisses, pulling Steve upright when he starts to list to the side.
It’s a little difficult to navigate when your head is soup and your bones are blue and goopy and you’re bleeding from at least three places you weren’t bleeding from this morning, and Steve makes a valiant attempt to tell Dustin this because it’s important information he needs to know. He starts, then stops because he can barely hear himself over the siren and honestly this is just like earlier when he was trying to hear the— oh right.
“Baby,” Steve says, and Robin whips her head around in slow motion to stare at the vent.
“Did you just call me a baby?” Dustin demands, shoving them into the hallway.
“Nooo, no, no,” Steve insists. He takes two steps in the direction Dustin is going, then checks to see where the vent leads. It’s going in the other direction. He turns around. “Baby. The baby. Gotta get the baby.”
“It’s hungry,” Robin says decisively, even though Steve’s almost positive that’s not the problem.
“I don’t know why these two idiots are so focused on it but I did hear a baby,” Erica says, and Dustin groans.
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“I didn’t think I was the only one around here with working ears,” she says scathingly. “Clearly I was wrong.”
Steve and Robin are already halfway down the hall. Robin stops, cocking her head like a bird, and gasps.
“I hear it! This way!”
She books it around a corner, and she might be only going half as fast as she usually does but she’s still a lot faster than Steve. He stumbles after her, clutching at the weird tubes on the wall for support.
“Get back here!” Dustin hisses, tugging at Steve’s arm. “We have to go!”
“Steve!” Robin shouts at the top of her lungs. “I found the baby!”
Steve manages to drag both himself and Dustin around the corner and into a small room with a metal door. Clearly he needs to start making Dustin exercise because he should not be weaker than Steve is when his bones are soup. Dustin should have solid bones — he drinks a lot of milk, and it’s like, scientifically proven that milk makes your bones stronger. It’s that vitamin — or is it a mineral? Ca— Cancer? No, wrong one. Ca-something. Robin would know.
Anyway Dustin has strong bones so obviously it’s a muscle thing that’s the reason why his arms are really weak and Steve should make him play basketball about it.
Robin’s holding a baby.
“Put that down,” Dustin insists, letting go of Steve to gesture at Robin. She pouts and cuddles the baby closer.
It’s such a cute, perfect baby too. Steve stumbles closer so he can look at the perfect baby. It has soft wisps of brown hair and squishy pink cheeks, and when Robin smooths a thumb over those squishy baby cheeks it stops crying and opens its big brown eyes.
“Steve,” Robin says, staring at him with her own wide eyes, “it’s a girl baby.”
“She’s perfect,” Steve whispers, and he wants to hold her so so bad but he can’t even hold himself up right now and the only thing worse than not holding her is dropping her so he has to leave her with Robin even though it kind of makes him want to cry.
He’s always wanted a baby.
“Okay,” he turns back to Dustin, who’s looking very stressed. “Now we can go.”
“What do you mean ‘now we can go’?”
“We have the baby, let’s go!”
“We can’t just steal a baby!”
“Yes we can,” Robin says, and starts walking out the door. “See? We’re stealing her. Easy peasy.”
“Let’s go, nerd!” Erica says, shoving them all out of the room. “Cry about it later, we need to leave!”
Steve stops to grab a few baby things, though there isn’t much. A white blanket, a few cloth diapers, and a thick stack of folders — the last of which aren’t baby things, but he assumes they’ll be important anyway. The stitching on the corner of the blanket reads ‘Два’, the same as the label on her metal crib.
“Aba,” he mutters, following them to the weird red car. “Like the band?”
Well, it’s probably a beautiful name for a baby girl. In Russian.
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nightmarist · 1 year
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Add to water:
Oil, salt, thyme, white pepper, crushed/dried bay leaves
Boil spaghetti
Add 1 tbsp butter and mix until melted
In a bowl:
Add 1 tbsp flour
1 cup Parmesan
Salt, basil, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder
Mix with fork
Add 1/3 cup milk and mix well
Add to spagghet
You can eat it when it gets warm, or keep stirring on low-medium heat until it gets to desired thickness.
You can add pretty much any additional cheeses as long as its shredded so it doesnt get clumped u. Mozerella and Cheddar are some favorite go tos. Mozerella would be great if you add a cup of tomato sauce, but it will make it soupier.
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jadestormcloud2 · 2 months
I decided to try to make (vegan) versions of the Dungeon Meshi meals. I don't know how many of them I'll actually manage to adapt.
Chapter 1: Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hot Pot
Most people are subbing lobster for the scorpion, and since online sites seem to recommend using heart of palm as a vegan lobster substitute, that's what I went with. The rest of my substitutes are probably not too crazy. One unforeseen issue was that the seaweed salad I added dyed EVERYTHING green. Green in the noodles probably just made them better slime surrogates, but I also had green potatoes and green mushrooms, green heart of palm.... It'd be a good St. Patrick's Day meal, I suppose. Anyway, even though it looked a bit odd, the flavor was great. Which is fortunate because I ended up with ~4-5 servings.
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My Ingredients:
1 small jar of Heart of Palm
8 oz White mushrooms
1 serving of seaweed salad + 9 oz of baby bok choy in place of those leafy greens he used
9 oz of diced red potatoes
4 oz rice noodles
1.5 cups water & 1.5 cups veg bouillon (ended up being rather stew-like. Might add more liquid next time, if I want it soupier)
Additional seasonings: 1 TBSP vegan butter, and some lemon juice & garlic powder.
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cazort · 8 months
Life Hack: Red Lentils Improve Your Physical & Financial Health
If you do not regularly eat red lentils and you are not allergic to them or otherwise unable to eat them, and you want to experience an immediate improvement in your quality of life, health, and financial situation, you need to know about red lentils.
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You can buy these dried for like $2.20 for a pound, or cheaper.
But here's the kicker. They are so easy to cook, even easier than regular green or brown lentils. They are a great lazy food, so easy that they are almost like an instant meal.
Unlike most dried beans, you don't need to soak them. Like, you need to rinse them, but that's it. Like put some in a bowl, cover with water and mix them until they all sink to the bottom, then pour off as much of the water as you can without spilling them. That's it. You rinsed them. They are now ready to cook.
Now you cook them by boiling them in a pot. They cook in 10 minutes. Unlike green lentils which take more like 40 minutes if not soaked. Only 10 minutes and they're soft. If you want them firmer you can cook them shorter, like 8 minutes.
They are so forgiving. I don't even measure the water, like if you put more water in, they come out thinner and soupier. Less water, they come out thicker like a stew. You can cook them less than 10 minutes or more and they will still taste great.
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They are incredibly nutritious. If I'm having them as the main thing for dinner, I eat about 1/2 cup dried which turns into maybe about a cup cooked, depending on how much water I added. This much has:
23 grams of protein
36% of your fiber
41% of your B1
23% B6
49% of your Folate / B9
139% Copper
39% Iron
13% Magnesium
14% Potassium
31% Zinc
240mg Omega 3 fat (ALA) or about 15-22%
Pretty much no unhealthy things for most people.
These nutrients are a big deal. A lot of people are deficient in folate, iron, magnesium, zinc, and some in copper, so these are hitting a bunch of common nutritional deficiencies. And they're so high in iron and Folate, B1, and Zinc that if you eat these you're unlikely to end up with a deficiency in any of these nutrients.
And just to let this sink in, this is more protein than 3oz of chicken. And that $2.20 container? It contains 5 servings like the one above. The protein cost about 2 cents per gram which is incredibly cheap as protein sources go. The protein quality (in terms of balance of amino acids) is better than some beans too, i.e. it is relatively more complete than a number of types of beans.
I also love how I feel after eating these. Like sometimes eating too many beans gives me gas. But not these, when I buy dried red lentils and cook them like described above, I feel light and energetic and have no problem with gas.
There is strong evidence that eating lentils is protective against heart disease and cancer so they can help you live longer too.
You can also add so many things to them. The basic thing is to add just the right amount of salt, but when I'm cooking them, I like to add olive oil, spices, herbs, and also dice up some carrots and other vegetables, even something like broccoli. Because they cook fast, you want to dice stuff up into small cubes if you throw it in, so the other ingredients will also cook fast.
I wish I had discovered this food earlier in life. I have been eating lentils for years but for some reason never tried the red ones and never realized they are so much easier to cook. Yeah, other ones are great too but they cook much slower and thus require much more time/effort.
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rillette · 5 months
Hi soup long time no chat ^.^ thought I’d drop in and say hi and also had broccoli cheddar soup for dinner today 🥰hope you’re doing well friend!! <3
OMG HIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! oomfie milftigress it's been 10000 years it's so nice to hear from you <3 <3 <3 broccoli cheddar soup sounds so fucking good rn I'm jealous...... I had curried chicken leftovers for dinner and it was p good but we ran out of rice so it was a little soupier than normal. It counts as soup for dinner too I think 😌👍
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fattributes · 1 year
when you wrote 'Tomato Soup with Pasta and Grated Parmesan' did you mean 'tomato sauce with pasta and grated parmesan'? OR is tomato soup with a side of pasta a secretly delicious meal that i've never tried?
It’s tiny pasta noodles (pastina!) that are cooked in a tomato soup broth. When I make it, I use star-shaped pasta noodles, and it takes me back to being a little kid. If you've had spaghettio’s, it's like a fancier, soupier version of that.
Thank you for asking!
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tricitymonsters · 28 days
As i, and a large portion of the states, are suffering from heat index warnings, i have to ask if Akello is okay.
He will crack melting jokes but real talk his form is a lot harder to control when it's disgusting and hot out. He tends to start transforming without intending to without concentration if he's starting to overheat so staying cool is pretty important to him. Even when he transforms with intent his slime form tends to get a little soupier with the heat and holding a solid state or his ferrofluid style clusters requires more energy on his part. Please get your man some ice cream and keep him indoors during the worst parts of the day!
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anzu2snow · 1 month
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Went to the Olive Garden for dinner last night. I got their chicken and gnocchi soup. Wish there were more gnocchi this time. Had it all with a breadstick. To me, besides not enough gnocchi, it was just about the right size for a soup. Then, a create your own pasta dish: rigatoni, 5-cheese marinara, and broccoli. The sauce was even soupier than last time. It was good, it just seems watered down this way. Doesn’t stick to the pasta very well, either. Huge pieces of broccoli! Had half of it, and the other half for lunch today. Had their black tie chocolate cake for dessert. Had about half of that. It was all very filling.
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Homemade Mac n Cheese in three easy steps:
It’s super simple. You only need 3 things.
1.) Approximately 2 cups of macaroni noodles of your choosing
2.) 8oz of tomato juice/vegetable juice (I use the canned V8)
3.) appx 2 cups of shredded cheese of your choice. Me recommendation is sharp white cheddar (this can be adjusted to your preference)
-Boil water and cook the noodles according to the directions on the package.
-Once the noodles are done and have been strained, add the v8 and the cheese and stir until the cheese is totally melted
And that’s it! You’re done! Takes about 15 minutes in total and feeds 4-6 people. Additional toppings that can be added for flavor include garlic salt, lemon pepper, pepperonis, crumbled bacon, and bread crumbs. Butter or olive oil can be mixed in with the noodles if you like.
Like this it’ll be somewhat soupy (that’s how I prefer it). You can make it soupier by adding more tomato juice and more solid by mixing in extra cheese.
Excellent for people who don’t have energy for baked homemade Mac n Cheese but don’t like the boxed stuff like Kraft!
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