#source: thefakeredhead.com
Hardcase: Today's just a light recon day. Rex: Then why are you carrying 5 pounds of explosives? Hardcase: I want to be prepared.
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Li Yun: I have a solution.
Yan Zhengming: Thank goodness.
Li Yun: It involves fire.
Yan Zhengming: Absolutely not.
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fr3aky-fand0ms · 5 years
Spinel: "I have a solution." Y/N: "Thank goodness." Spinel: "It involves fire." Y/N: "Absolutely not."
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Magnus: Clary isn't as bad as you described her to be
Alec: You're right. She's much worse
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pink-lemonadey · 6 years
Sophie: Tam isn't as bad as you described him to be.
Keefe: You're right. He's much worse.
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mikie925 · 7 years
Lapis: I don't know if I want to kiss you or throw you off a cliff right now
Peridot: Can I pick?
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Road: You can't just turn into a cat and run away when you don't want to deal with things!
Lulubell: Watch me!
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dreamingmanip · 3 years
It’s me, sorry for not being active this past month but it was crazy. Being an adult it’s not like how I’ve imagined it haha. But I made this two prompt list you can use to request me some imagines while I write the next story I’m working on.
As always, I only write for Jay Halstead.
It can take sometime but I hope not too long to get it posted. You can request here.
So here yo go.
You will find a mix of fluff, angsty,sad prompts.
 “Didn’t I kick you out?” “Yes, but-” “No. Out”.
 “You know you’re my favorite, right?” “I better be”.
 “I had a thought” “Oh no” “I swear it’s a good one this time”.
 “Damn right I’m pretty” “I said petty”.
 “You know you’re in love with her, right?” “Since when?” “Since pretty much always. That’s why I’m breaking up with you”.
 “What the hell are you doing here?” “Yeah, in this situation you’re not allowed to ask that question”.
 “It’s pointless to count stars” “It’s also pointless to count freckles, but I know you have 24 on the edge of your right hand”.
 “I need to de-stress” “Where are you going?” “To demolish the living room”.
 “I don’t think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl” “I didn’t either”.
 “This is the biggest decision of your lives and you’re going to arm wrestle for it?” “Why not?”.
 “I’ve discovered I love you” “When did you discover this?” “Since all my decisions started to revolve around you”.
 “You look…” “Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?”.
 “I’m with you. No matter what else you have in your head I’m with you”.
 “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”.
 “Whatever possessed you to do that should possess you more often”.
 “You dreamt of this?” “Yes. Don’t judge me” “I’m not” “Yes you are, those are your judging eyes”.
 “Look at you, using fancy words at me. you’ve certainly grown up, haven’t you”.
 “Did any of these assholes mess with you” “No. You’ve marked your territory so hard they’re scared to even say ‘hello’”.
 “Why are your hands purple?” “That’s a very good question”.
 “Right now, I don’t know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge” “Can I pick?”
 “I didn't have a choice then, so I’m making it now”.
 “Stop that. It’s too early for you to be in such a good mood” ''It’s four-thirty in the afternoon”.
 “I don’t give a damn” “You give so many damns they’ve visible from space”.
 “Really? A farm?” “Don’t judge me, I like the quiet”.
 “That’s definitely not true” “Of course it is. I read it on Wikipedia”.
 “I love you” “So, you finally admit it?”
 “Why are you still here?” “Because I care about you, you asshole”.
 “You tell me how it’s your fault, and I’ll tell you how you’re wrong”.
 “I don’t understand” “Do you trust me?” “Yes” “Then you know enough”.
 “What can I do to make you feel as beautiful as you look to me?”
Sources: Pinterest
thefakeredheadwrites (thefakeredhead.com)
“I mean, yeah, I didn’t need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks?”
“I was just kind of hoping that you’d, you know… fall in love with me”.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to love me”.
“Were you ever going to tell me?”.
“Sorry doesn’t fix everything”.
“It isn’t up for debate”.
“I don’t know what’s wrong, okay? I’m just… really tired”.
“I’m fine. Stop asking”.
“Pack your shit and go. Get the fuck out of my sight!”
“Is this how little you think of me?”
“Are you happy now? Huh? DOES THIS MAKE YOU HAPPY?”
“You said you’d always be there for me… so how did this happen? Why weren’t you there?”
“Did it ever occur to you that you’re hurting me too?”
“I’d rather leave than deal with you right now”.
“I did care. I used to care”.
“I’ve really had enough with your shit”.
“I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!”
“Why do you run away from your problems all the time?”
“You can’t keep it all inside, you know? Bottling up won’t do any good”.
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression”.
“I never stood a chance, did I? That’s the sad part, you did once”.
“Don’t you see I’m trying?”
“It 's okay. You can leave. They all do”.
“I wasn’t ready to say goodbye”.
“Stop pushing everyone away”.
“Don’t make this already harder than it already is”.
“Are you even listening?”
“What are you so afraid of?” “You!”
“This is all your fault”.
Oh, so you have a heart now?”
Sources: Pinterest
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my-secret-shame · 3 years
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[ID: Three panel photo from the tv show Lost with a quote from thefakeredhead.com over the top. 1st: Kate, text reads, “what’s our exit strategy?”. 2nd: Jack, text reads, “our what?” 3rd: Kate, text reads, “oh my god, we’re all going to die.” End ID]
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nordrascavern · 4 years
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Source: https://thefakeredhead.com/
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Rex literally every time Ahsoka and Anakin do some weird Force crap: Dang it, why aren't you obeying the laws of physics?
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Lan Wangji: Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge.
Wei Wuxian: Can I pick?
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fr3aky-fand0ms · 5 years
Y/N: "Is that a dead body." Spinel: "Maybe?" Y/N: "It is. I can see it right in front of me." Spinel: "I promise I'll clean it up before dinner!"
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Rex (to Tup probably): That's disgusting. You're lucky you're cute.
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Jiang Wanyin: Did you have to hit me with a corpse's leg? Was that really necessary?
Wei Wuxian: Necessary, no. Hilarious, yes.
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I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.
Wei Wuxian, at any given time
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