#source: wiped twice a couple days ago
fisherrprince · 1 year
the Alexander raids are easy for a first time dps in roulette you can basically fumble through the whole thing and be fine except if you s
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KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL IT NOW !!!!!! LB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNAUTHORIZED METAL THING SHOOT IT DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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spirituallyyellow · 4 months
17/5/24 pt2
I wonder how long I'll keep writing this much.
In high school, I wrote in my livejournal just about every single day - sometimes multiple times a day, and usually really long entries, too. I kinda believe that writing in my LJ was a major factor in surviving my teens and very early twenties. I wrote deeply personal stuff on livejournal, and I had a physical journal that I wrote in often, too, and then on top of that, I had an online friend who was quite a bit older and pretty much filled the role of my Internet Aunt who I could email for advice about boys, friends, school, body stuff, all that. It's such a risky thing in hindsight, but she was lovely and helpful - a really deep source of support.
I stopped updating my LJ every day when I went to the commune at 19 - this was before internet was easy to access and we had to schedule in half hour slots twice a week, and I was nervous about other people there finding it in search history or something. I'd update occasionally and wipe the history, but mostly I just wrote in my physical journal.
Then a weird shift happened where N and I went from being LJ friends to being RL friends, to dating, to being engaged and then married, and it felt strange to write about my thoughts and feelings when I wasn't always telling him about them.
I worked very hard to try to keep my family from ever being able to see my LJ, and I think when N made the shift to family, my brain kinda went, "my private thoughts are off-limits now".
I don't like it when people I see in real life know about my thoughts.
Anyway, eventually Russia bought and killed LJ, and that outlet disappeared completely. And I had kids, so I had less time and energy to write, and then it kind of became a bad association because every time I did write, it was because everything felt so awful I had to get it out, but then it meant that there would be huge gaps of multiple months or years and then a short entry that basically said, "Everything sucks, I don't know how to cope" and that was it. Just unscrewing the cap juuuuust enough to let out the carbonation, not enough to actually relax.
I think what makes this different is that I finally came to the end of what I could bear. And I do like typing and sending my thoughts out into the internet void - that's a strong hardwired positive thing in my brain, just because I had been doing online journalling for pretty much the entirety of my adolescence, to mostly positive results. I'm still in contact with some of my LJ friends, and obviously I'm still married to N.
The only thing I don't like about this is the lack of comment thread function, to be honest. LJ really nailed that.
Anyway, I've given a couple of people this address - I don't know what will come of it. I did it mainly because I didn't want to actually tell them the whole story - I preferred to link them to what I'd written. It's very exhausting to tell people you wanted to kill yourself because then they have feelings and I feel like I need to attend to them and I can't because my feelings are so horrible.
Also, how do you even comfort someone in that situation?
"No, don't be upset, I'm not really that great tbh"
"It's OK, you would have been a little sad for a short time and then you would have gotten on with the rest of your life"
"It's all right, it's just me, I'm not worth all this"
I don't think that would go over very well, even if it does feel true.
I remember a long time ago, the last time I felt suicidal. It wasn't even that bad, more of a hopeless feeling than anything, an "I'd be better off dead" but not really planning anything kind of deal. I went for coffee with someone I was friends with but not like super deep friends with, and she asked me how I was doing as I seemed a little down. I told her, very calmly, and she started crying, and I was one hundred percent bewildered. Like, girl you do not care about me this much, come on. Couldn't fathom it.
I still sort of feel that way, even with the friends I'm very close to. Like when Pam started crying on that phone call, I felt horrible and ashamed of myself, but there was a little feeling of, "but why though?"
And it's also extremely awkward and weird to try to move on from the conversation, I'm finding. Like how do you go from, Hey buddy, just wanted to let you know I almost tried to kill myself recently, no worries to here's this stupid gif I found? You don't.
I hate it when people say reach out or call me anytime. I have no idea how much they mean that. I don't know what their schedules are like. I don't want to be that person who calls when somebody is already having a shitty day and then all of a sudden they have to be on high alert for their suicidal friend. I don't even know what I want to say, 90% of the time.
It does feel like such a huge thing for people to not know about. It makes it hard to connect to people, especially in real life. I don't want to tell a lot of people, I don't want to deal with the reactions, and I don't want to deal with my inner anxiety gremlin constantly clawing at the walls of my brain, desperate to know what they're thinking.
In early 2020, before covid, I told my best friend from uni about my cousin. And because he was also training as a therapist, we were both really comfortable just straight up asking each other, "How do you feel after hearing this? What are you thinking? What's going on for you right now?" and both of us had the emotional intelligence and self-awareness to be able to name those feelings and sit with the complexity without trying to fix it.
Although, when I told him about my cousin, I asked, "What are you thinking right now?" and the answer was extremely simple.
"I'm thinking about how fucking proud of you I am, and how much I want to fucking kill this guy." He smiled at me, but not in a pitying way. In a caring way. Maybe a little sad. I felt too nervous to spend a lot of time looking at him.
"Do you see me differently now?"
"Of course not. Are you okay?" That of course not did so much heavy lifting. Like it was just a complete given that I was still the same person.
I smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm just - really shaky and sweaty," and he passed me his glass full of ice so I could cool my hands down.
R is really good at just moving on from difficult topics. Probably of all the people I could tell, he would handle it the best, but it's really overwhelming to think about letting somebody else in to all of this mess right now.
I need to do something this weekend. I'm kind of sick - one of these super lethargic, coughing, struggling to breathe sometimes kind of bugs. But I think I need to push through this weekend and do something else because I just can sense how easy it would be for me to spiral.
I've spent all day in bed today. To be fair, I really have been sick and I've slept a big chunk of the day, but it did feel appropriate. This has been such a hell of a week that I had no choice but to take to my bed, like in a Tennessee Williams play.
N and I had a really difficult conversation last night and eventually I said, "I just feel like if this was a Jane Austen novel, I could go live in a mansion in the countryside for a month with a kindly aunt and uncle while I recover from my melancholia."
"So we just need to find a rich aunt and uncle in the countryside," he said with a gentle smile.
I laughed, a little bitterly. "I feel like the closest thing I could have to that is going back to [the commune] but like..." and here I did start crying a lot, "I just don't have the energy for that right now."
He rubbed my foot and said, "Just because it's the right answer sometimes doesn't mean it's the right answer all the time. It does take a lot of energy to be there."
And when I think of going back now, honestly, I'm mostly remembering the amount of shame that got dumped on me, that feeling of, I can never do anything right for these people, I always misread everything, I make it too deep, I'm doing it wrong. I'm doing that place wrong, every fucking time. At this point, to be completely honest, I don't know if I'll ever go back. I'm tired of always being told the same old shit: I'm needy, I'm too intense a person, I always go too deep, I always look like I'm desperate for people to love me. And Andrew, years ago, telling me that I am dangerous when wounded, like I was a fucking dog.
I don't know what I did. That's what really upsets me: people tell me all of this every time I go there, but they never tell me what to do differently. I just have to magically figure it out.
And at home, in my normal life, I have literally everyone around me telling me the opposite - that I'm not needy at all, that I'm extremely competent, that I could do with being more needy, that I'm not too intense for people, that I'm kind and funny and make people feel cared for. It's such a wildly different perception of me that I just have no idea where to even start.
It all feels like a trick. Reach out to people, but not like that. Ask for help, but you have to figure things out for yourself.
You know, like, how am I supposed to deal with this anxious-insecure attachment when literally all the feedback I get about my behaviour is so wildly contradictory? I feel fucking paralysed.
I talked about this with J, my friend and office-share person, and my therapist, neither of whom are Christians, and they were both like, "It's crazy that anybody would see you as needy, I don't see that at all."
And then I have M from the commune being like, "I've known you for a long time, Lauren, and you are..." blah blah blah all those negative things.
And you know what actually, how fucking ridiculous is that. She hasn't known me for a long time - she sees a two week glimpse of me, every few years, during what is usually a really turbulent time in my life, and she's hardly ever even been in the house when I've been there. Even when I was there for the full term, seventeen years ago, I don't remember any significant conversations with her. I had a different tutor, who also gave me shit. It honestly makes me feel like I have Punching Bag written across my face.
I don't know if I'll ever go back - I honestly think at this point that I might not, I might just be done with it, but if I do, I can't see how on earth I could ever sit down across from her and get anything productive done.
I wish I'd had the wherewithal to stand up for myself and tell her to shove her tutorials up her ass. And Andrew, too. And I'm using his real first name because I'm done protecting the identity and role of some asshole who told me that being molested by my cousin wasn't significant enough for him and his stupid tutorials.
The only thing I miss about that place right now is sitting in the small study with a fireplace and a board game. But I miss that a lot, even though it's so small and stupid. It was just the only time in such a long time that I can think of feeling okay in. I almost wish I'd never had it because now I wouldn't know what I was missing.
I believe that God put me there, in that place, at that time, for a reason - so many things lined up to just fit perfectly - but damn, sometimes even gifts feel painful.
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ktheist · 4 years
girls like you [don’t] run ‘round with guys like me | m
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characters. popular!reader x shy!jimin
genre. college au. rich kids au. fwb au. eventual ceo au. eventual racer au.
words. 4k
warnings. 18+
note. this is a repost. tumblr messed up my exposure last time. this fic didn’t show up in search and it’s probably a third post of mine that ends up like this. this one probably won’t either but posting bc someone might see it and like it.
It’s easy to tell when Park Jimin is in love.
Unlike Kim Seokjin, his eccentric, dad joke-loving friend, Jimin would only wear the pastel pink when he’s feeling giggly and shy and mushy inside.
The source of said feelings being either the barista he goes to get his daily dose of coffee from, or the girl at the library he studies at during finals or well, right now it’s the girl he’s fucking almost every day of the week - you.
“What are you doing?” Seokjin looks at him like he just dumped a spoonful of salt in a broth that needs a little, teensy bit of sugar.
Or his face seems to say that as he goes on, “she’s a mean girl. She’s mean.”
Jimin isn’t sure if Seokjin’s aware that he’s just repeated the same thing twice.
“She calls you Chim!” The older man reiterates.
“Yeah, it’s…” Jimin trails off, the heartwarming image of you cuddling into him after yet another mindblowing sex, flashing at the back of his mind, “...her pet name for me.”
“Sounds to me like she can’t remember your actual name,” Min Yoongi interjects from the couch he’s claimed for himself ever since they got to their usual hangout.
It’s a penthouse Jimin’s parents bought him on his 18th birthday. Him and the boys would hang around there after they’re done with classes or just need a place to crash whenever they have problems with their girlfriends or boyfriends or parents or any sort of problem that renders their usual room not sleepable.
“I think we can just agree we have different wants,” Jeongguk - or the sanest of them all, as Jimin likes to call him - chirps in, taking a bite of the apple he got from the fridge.
“Exactly,” Jimin throws his hands up as if freed from his elder friends’ judge-filled eyes. The vibration of his phone in his lap gives him even more comfort to know that he finally has an excuse to slip away - he checks his phone, your name flashing in the bubble that says ‘hey, wyd?’
“I have to go, it’s ___.”
A series of groans and hollers equally erupts from the men in the room at the realization of what Jimin’s ‘having to go’ means.
And so it goes. Jimin finds himself under your blanket that smells like fresh laundry - it’s a nude green color compared to the pleated black and white from last time. Your head is on his chest and he’s caressing your hair like it’s the softest thing he’s ever laid his hands on.
Besides your boobs, that is.
“I was thinking… since we have Monday off… maybe we could-”
It’s the way you push yourself off him, eyes that are onto him gazing straight into his soul, “oh shoot, Monday’s a public holiday. I totally forgot! I have to meet my parents. My dad’s been nagging me to come back since I skipped Christmas and New Year.”
And there goes his chance to ask you out on a date.
“Oh yeah, what were you saying about Monday?”
Jimin wears the biggest fake smile he can muster, “just that… me and the boys are gonna hang out and we’re bringing our girlfriends and boyfriends and uh- doesn’t have to be someone you’re exclusively seeing,” he almost chokes at the almost-admittance that he has the fattest crush on you and wants to make it official by inviting you to a couple’s-only hang out, “but like, I don’t think I’m going, it’s boring anyway.”
He waves his hand dismissively, trying to play it cool.
You make a cooing sound, eyebrows knitting together as your lips pout cutely before a playful smile blooms on your face, “I know what you’re trying to say.”
“You do?” Jimin thinks he heard his heart dropping to his stomach.
“Yeah, you’re single and all the boys have someone special they’re gonna bring… it’s gonna be awkward as hell because they’re gonna act different because they’re around their special someone so you thought if I was there, it’d be more fun because at least you have a friend with you that’s not gonna act fake the whole time there but I can’t go so you decided you’re not going too like a minute ago.”
Silence lulls in after your analogy that you sound so sure of when, in fact, he has a whole list of things he’d do on the date which he may or may not have gone over a hundred times in his head.
Doesn’t matter now, since that date is a no-go.
He’s going to delete that list off his phone once he gets to his place and drink himself silly until he wipes it out of his mind.
“Yeah,” Jimin says a moment later, “yeah… I mean, girls in love are cute but boys in love are just… annoying.”
The week flies by without Jimin ever mentioning Monday and you’ve showed him the clothes you’re going to wear to visit your parents because apparently-
“It’s lunch at some five star Michelin restaurant and I think they’re gonna tell me they’re getting a divorce,” your voice drifts into the room from the open, walk-in closet.
“If they’re not in some long, dreadful battle on who gets the holiday house with the pool and the dogs - how do I look?” You step out, in a frilly creme sweater with a black ribbon tied around the collar of your white undershirt with a black pleated skirt that stops mid-thighs, just inches from your black stockings.
A glaring contrast to your collection of washed out skinny jeans, plain t-shirts and sneakers.
“You… look…” Jimin knows he should stop openly ogling at your never-before-seen drip but there’s just something about the creme colored sweater.
“Like a good girl?” You offer with a smile Jimin couldn’t quite put a name to. Somehow he notices a trace of sadness in your eyes, but you disappear into the closet too soon.
“I’ll think about what to wear the morning I need to wear it,” you’re in the middle of pulling off the sweater when Jimin comes up behind you, kissing your neck and grabbing your boobs like they’re his.
The sound of your giggle is music to his ears.
That is, until his boner brushes against your butt and you gasp, “Chim! We just did it.”
“I know but you look so cute in that sweater.” He sounds exactly like Jeongguk. Like a fuckboy.
Like one of the boys you got tired of before you finally noticed him, the quiet, shy guy who’s friends with the outgoing, baby-faced Jeon Jeongguk whom - Jimin hates to admit it but he thinks about this every once so often and gets jealous all on his own - you’ve humped and dumped.
How you and Jeongguk still manage to stay friends and tease each other about the other’s choice of partners, Jimin doesn’t know.
It’s like a twin calling the other ugly.
He wonders if you and him will still stay friends after…
Jimin pushes the thought out of his mind. It’s not hard to forget everything when he’s with you - when he’s kissing you on the mouth like you’re the only girl he’ll want to spend the rest of his college life with and maybe his old days with together too.
“Chim, I can’t get my shirt creased,” you say but you’re already dripping wet and laying down in said shirt that’s half ridden up from him sucking and biting on your nipples.
He stopped you when you tried to take off your clothes.
“I’ll wash it and iron it for you,” he negotiates just as he rolls the condom over his length.
The sound of your giggle makes his heart skip a beat. Or maybe that’s the libido?
Either way, your mouth clamps shut when he pulls you down against him by the dip of your waist.
A different kind of hymn leaves your lips as Jimin throws his head back, relishing in the feeling of you around him.
When Monday rolls around, Jimin’s lying on the bean bag with his two legs sprawled over the floor. The boys are all out with either their significant others, working part-time or at a party.
The worn out baseball Jimin’s been tossing in the air and catching with one hand finally hits him square in the face when he hears the doorbell, signaling the presence of someone at the door and that someone being none of the boys because they would just punch in the code and strut in like they own the place.
Jimin thought maybe it’s Yoongi - the guy couldn’t even remember what he had for dinner and actually forgot the passcode to his own rental room once.
So he didn’t think to check who it was.
When your bright smile and slightly puffy eyes flash in front of him, Jimin thinks his soul just yeeted itself out of his body.
“Hey!” You sing song, holding up two plastic bags of beers and snacks.
It takes a moment for him to snap out of his stupor and grab them from your hands and then stepping aside to let you in.
“Is… everyone late or am I just early?” You sound increasingly confused as you step further into the center of the room, standing right next to the bean bag he was laying in just a moment ago.
“Oh-” he says once before he opens his mouth the second time, ready to spurt out another lie, “oh yeah… we decided not to ‘cause why hang out in a group when you can hang out with your significant other… you know, just the two of you… doing what couples do…”
“Huh,” you say, nodding though not quite believing him but you being you, easily lets it slide, plopping on the bean bag and grabbing the closest thing to you which is the ball that hit Jimin in the face - he’s sure he has a circular mark smack dab in the area on the top of his nose bridge, in between his eyes.
The dress you end up wearing is creme colored and riding up your thighs - Jimin swallows thickly and give extra attention to the bottle opener.
“So… how did lunch go?” He pops two beers open and hands one to you, taking a seat on Yoongi’s favorite couch and admiring how your dress is taking the shape of your body as gravity pulls it down.
“Oh, you know, everyone was being fake and acting like the perfect role in the family,” you put the beer down a few inches above your head so as to not tip it over with the ball you’re waving around but not throwing in the air like Jimin did.
“Sounds suffocating,” Jimin repeats a similar answer he gives whenever you use that dismissive tone while talking about your family.
“...are you okay?” Then he asks - and he’s genuinely asking - about your state of mind while casually downing the beer and feeling the bitterness lessen with every gulp.
The silence that lapses in between you is familiar.
“If I say no, can I get a hug?” It’s the look in your eyes, glimmering like the lake he used to go to in summer.
“Always,” he sets his beer down on the table next to the couch and goes over to you, standing on his knees before bending down and engulfing you in his arm.
You’ve always had a knack for picking yourself up.
When he sees you the next time, which is on instagram and a post of you having lunch with your friends, Jimin could hardly believe that’s the girl who asked him for a hug as if she’s afraid she’ll be putting him in an uncomfortable spot by asking for too much.
But there’s something…
Like an invisible wall made of ice that he can’t thaw through nor can he climb over to get to the other side where you are. Where you keep the people you love the closest. Closer than he’ll ever be.
Jeon Jeongguk is one of them.
In the picture of five people huddled close to fit in the frame, Jeongguk has his arm over you with a peace sign while you lean your head on his neck but not actually resting on it - like it’s an unconscious action you’d do because you’ve done that plenty of times.
Is it when you two were together?
Everyone he knows, knows that you and Jeongguk used to be more than just friends at some point.
Sometimes he still hears people talking about you two in passing.
‘Did ___ and Jeongguk get back together? I saw in Jeongguk’s snapstory - they were in a club or something.’
‘No way. There goes my chance of getting close with Jeongguk.’
‘Girl, with ___ hanging around him 24/7, do you think he’d look at girls like us?’
‘A girl can dream though.’
Jimin wanted to open his mouth and tell them they deserve way better than Jeon Jeongguk - though they’re not prettier than you.
He thinks you’re the loveliest girl on planet earth and if there was another life form on another planet, he’s almost a hundred percent sure you’d still be prettiest being in the universe with your obsession for skinny jeans and the way you’d unconsciously pout when he talks about how things weren’t going his way that day as if you would’ve exchanged your abundance of luck with his shitty one just because you’ve got that big of a heart and how you’d be walking with your friends, laughing and giggling and when you see him, you’d wave at him like you’re good friends.
Second only to Jeongguk and your friend group that you’re always hanging out with.
“Oh, ___? We were childhood friends.”
“Hmm… Gguk and I became friends because our parents are friends.”
The two of them say at different times and settings when Jimin asked, trying to play it cool. Like he isn’t just brimming with jealousy. Like he’s not half-way to losing his mind because the girl of his dreams just went to a retreat with his friend-of-a-friend-turned-actual-friend together when everyone else in the group who was excitedly planning for the trip - couldn’t make it.
The rooms at the inn weren’t even pre-booked. It was owned by Jeongguk’s family and they didn’t deposit any money for the trip for them to rationalize going on that trip anyway despite everyone else not being to go.
“The trip? It was fun, if you want we can go together next time.”
Jimin isn’t sure if you even mean that when he asked how the trip went after you’re glistening with the glow of after sex and scrolling through instagram, liking posts of everyone you know.
But then three months later, on your break, Jimin is hit with a ‘keep your schedule free next week for a whole week!!!’
Then he finds himself at a five star hotel by the beach with the most breathtaking view of the sea.
It wasn’t the inn owned by the Jeon’s but Jimin liked the fact that you brought him to a place - and he hopes his assumptions are true - your friends have never been before. Especially Jeongguk.
“Woah, this place is better than I thought,” a king sized bed lies directly across from the balcony where you’re standing, hair flying behind your back as the seaside breeze blows into the room.
“We can watch the sun rise and set from our bed,” Jimin comments for the sake of saying something.
He’s not sure what this means. He’s not sure if he should be having a boner at the thought of the two of you being together for a whole week without any other person getting in the way. He’s not sure if his heart should be thumping this fast.
For the first time since he’s known you, Park Jimin is the most unsure he’s ever been.
“You know what I wanna watch?” Your hands slip in his as you stand between him  and the open balcony door, “you under me, biting your lips because you’re still shy about the sound you make.”
So when you tug him back into the bedroom just minutes after checking in, naturally, Park Jimin follows like he’s been bewitched by your ungodly beauty.
Once the one week of nothing but heavenly morning wishes and passionate night kisses - oh, there was more than just kissing but Jimin remembers how your lips meld so perfectly together with his the most - Jimin is sure.
‘Something definitely changed.’
He thinks maybe it’s not impossible to dream of a future with you even after college.
“Jimin I-... I’m not at a point in life to be thinking about relationships,” you say, hand gripping your arm, head lowered as if your whole body is saying sorry.
“O-oh,” is all he says, he hearts his heart breaking and his chest caving.
All of a sudden, the lights in Gangnam city doesn’t seem so bright anymore.
You both live your last year pretending like the other doesn’t exist. He doesn’t look at you when he passes you and neither did you. Only talks to Jeongguk even though you’re right next to the aforementioned man - granted you were talking with your other friends like you didn’t even notice him there.
But Jimin’s never felt so invisible in his life than he does now.
Then, graduation rolls around and he thinks finally, he won’t have to walk through the hallway and pretend like he didn’t see you. Don't have to keep a five feet distance whenever you meet up for a group project.
Park Jimin doesn’t need to see your pretty face and starry eyes anymore.
“Jimin… do you have a minute?”
Or so he thought.
“So… congrats on surviving college,” you make small talk while standing just ten feet away from the boys whom he’s sure are speculating on what you’re talking about.
Jimin never got to prove to his friends that you’re not the mean, name-forgetting girl they all thought.
Jeongguk knows you’re not. He’s always backing Jimin up when Jimin’s debunking their passing accusations about you.
“Sometimes things just don’t work out between two people but doesn’t mean one of them is the bad guy.” Jeongguk's words put an end to their debate of whether Jimin deserved better than you or not.
For someone young, Jeongguk spoke his mind decidedly.
Jimin felt ashamed that he’d ever been jealous of Jeongguk’s relationship with you.
“I just… didn’t wanna leave things on a bad note. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings when I said no but I really like spending time with you - whether it’s sex or just staying over and cuddling for hours… I like it all.” You say the word sex and cuddle like they’re used interchangeably and Jimin thinks his heart just fluttered.
And you’d said it in public where your everyone can see or possibly pick up on what you were saying, at that.
Well, one thing’s for sure, you’ve got bigger balls than he does.
“My feelings are the same as six months ago and call me crazy but I don’t think you dislike me either.” He finally says and it feels like a deadweight has been lifted off his shoulders.
There comes that pout, as if something is bothering you and you always ever pout like that when that something concerns him.
“You kidding me? I can never dislike you.”
The Jimin from six months ago would have stared at you with disbelief and a dust of pink on his cheeks. But the Jimin he is now simply smiles, heart thumping in his chest. He nods.
“Thanks for telling me that,” and Jimin knows that’s the closest to an ‘I like you’ he can get with the girl who builds an ice fortress around her heart.
A whole year passes by and Jimin finds himself in different shades of grey every day, working at his dad’s company and attending dinner meetings. Life comes to a standstill while time passes him by.
“So, like, you have a sports car, right? Why don’t you come over to the race circuit after dinner? Everyone’s gonna be there.”
Jeongguk tells him over the phone.
And by ‘everyone’ he means the sons and daughters in the corporate world. It’s networking at its finest.
When he’s there, three cars are already racing in the circuit. The smell of burnt rubber and the sound of tires screeching against asphalt isn’t exactly his favorite but they have cheap booze instead of fine wine and he knows the people here are in for the same thing as he is.
An escape.
Away from the grandeur of fine wine and dinner dresses and the elders breathing down their necks and having to act like the next heir to the legacy they were born to carry.
“That Chevrolet over there,” Jeongguk comes, hand on Jimin’s back as his other one that’s holding a bottle of beer points at a red car that looks like a racing fireball, “everyone’s betting on that one tonight.”
Jimin doesn’t know there’s a bet.
“I’ll skip the bet this time ‘round. Haven’t seen the driver yet,” he shrugs dismissively.
Even in stock investment, he’d learned to study the market first before placing his best bet.
Jeongguk leaves his side when his friends - he’s got new ones now - beckons him over. At the same time, the Chevrolet passes the finish line seconds before the Ford Mustang and McLaren 720s, making it the winner of the night.
The driver seems like a show off with the way the car rolls up to the audience, the sound of its engines revving into the night being met with cheers of half-drunk young adults.
Arrogance is a man’s downfall.
Jimin’s about to turn around and head for the exit when the door of the car gets pushed open. The driver steps out, decked in black and red leather jeans and jackets that seem to match the car.
But it’s the smooth, silken hair that cascades past the helmet that catches his eyes.
Park Jimin’s seen many arrogant men in his life but he’s only ever seen one woman with balls and looks good wearing them.
“___! ___! ___!” The crowd starts cheering as you pull off the helmet, holding it underneath your arm and waist.
Your eyes are as brilliant as the night sky full of stars. They’re tinged with shock and then recognition. And finally, you smile that gorgeous smile that gets you misunderstood often as a woman who doesn’t need anything or anyone but uses them as they come.
But Park Jimin knows better than anyone, how wholeheartedly happy that smile looks when you see him.
Like meeting a good friend after a long time.
Seven months down the road, Jimin finds himself with just a blanket draped over his waist while you’re taking a shower in his bathroom to get ready to head to Hong Kong for a business trip.
He hears the sound of the shower head being turned off. The tapping of your foot around his bedroom as you pick up your clothes that are strewn all over the floor.
Then the bed dips ever so gently under your weight as you climb over to him, the fresh scent of shower get filling his senses.  Lips press a deep, lingering kiss on his. As if you don’t want to go to a place where he won’t be.
A few socials and midnight races after his first meeting with you after a long time, you asked him if he’s seeing someone.
“If I say yes, what will you do?” It’s playful at first, because Jimin didn’t want to get himself hurt the second time.
But it’s the way you tilted your head, a finger tapping on your chin as you pondered on his words, “that’s a problem because I don’t want to be that girl that steals another girl’s man,” then you looked at him like you know he’s the one you want to wake up to every morning and the last face you see when you sleep at night and if you can’t have that. then-
“Can you be mine… just for tonight?”
“I don’t think I can.” The crestfallen expression you wear makes his own heart break, even if it’s just for a split second-
“Because I’m not seeing anyone but I’m in that point in life where I want a serious relationship or nothing at all.”
But what he doesn’t tell you is how he doesn’t want a relationship if it’s not with the girl who still haunts his dreams even after all this time.
Just like how you’d turned him down because you weren’t looking to be in a relationship before, you’d courted Jimin like you’d want to spend your whole life with him now.
Flowers got sent to his office everyday until it smells nothing short of floral. You’d be there, waving at him like he’s your savior in that dreadful social you were both attending. Every week, you’d plan dinner dates under the guise of catching up.
Before you race, you’d look over to where he’s standing, as if saying ‘this one’s for you’ before slipping into your car and coming out first every single time.
As if you were making up for every month of the year that you’d let life pass you by.
Now you’ve won a total of 36 races since he met you and the metal band you gifted him on the night of your 12th win feels warm against his skin. As if it’s absorbed all the love and adoration you poured into it.
And you’re wearing that ring he got you on your birthday on your finger that’s resting on his chest where his heart is as he kisses you back just as reluctant to let you leave.
But Park Jimin knows wherever you are, wherever you will be - you will always find your way back to each other.
Back home.
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mishirak · 3 years
Beauty in Everything [2/2]
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Pairing: Gaston(Beauty and the Beast) x F!Reader
Ratings: General
Warnings: Death of a loved one, depression, angst with a happy ending and final part
A/N: I did not expect people to like this fic or people like Gaston in 2021. What a pleasant surprise! I redid the ending, I’m way happier with the ending as a terato fan.
Word count: 2.4k
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> Part One! | Alternate Ending
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That was nearly a week ago. The Beast drops you off near the town after wrapping your ankle. You understand why he wouldn't enter the town. You don't get a chance to say goodbye when you hear your name being called. The town folks were searching for you, and he promptly left after that. You limp towards the noise, making sure not to place too much pressure on your injured ankle.
Apparently, Josephine was okay, she ran towards home, and your mother was frightened that you were not with Josephine. There were many questions from folks. You informed them everything and left the Beast out of it; you don't think they will be happy to hear a beast anywhere near them.
Since then, you've been stuck in your house for a couple of days, your mother making sure your ankle is fine and healing properly. You sighed as you continued sewing the clothes. The good thing is that your ankle is starting to feel better, so you can start moving around without your mother pestering you. It also means you can go to the next town to buy her medicine. You remind yourself not to take shortcuts in places you aren't familiar with without any guidance.
"Ma! I'm going to buy medicine! Do you want anything before I go?" You said as you are getting ready for the ride, you hear your mother's footsteps behind you. "No, just come back home safe." You sighed as you turned around to look at her, "mama, it was just a one-time thing. I promise I won't get hurt again." You told her as you gave her a reassuring smile and hugged her. You pull away and climb on Josephine. You looked towards the direction of your mother and waved goodbye to her; once you both bid your goodbyes, you're off.
As Josephine walks you both through the forest, you were in deep thoughts, thinking about your mother and the Beast. The Beast has been plaguing your mind for a while now; you wonder if you will meet him ever again. There is so much you want to ask him, to know more about him. "Why are you here again?" You jumped at the voice; you looked around and saw Beast.
"I didn't expect to see you again!" You said with enthusiasm in your voice. You smile at him; you're glad to see him again. "I'm going to the next town to buy my mother's medication." You continued; he scratched the back of his neck, looking unsure how to answer you. "...Do you want to company me there? If you don't mind, that is." You offered, hoping that he takes on the offer.
You smile brightly as he accepts the offer and the two of you continue your trip to the next town.
And your friendship with Beast blossoms after that; since then, he has been accompanying you throughout your trip. While he's isn't too keen on talking about himself, you figured that he isn't comfortable talking about it yet. You decided to talk about the forest he resides in, what happens in the town, and you.
You'll be lying if you say you don't fall in love with the Beast; he gives you comfort that your mother can't provide. Especially since your mother's health has been deteriorating as time went by. The aunts around you and even Agathe said there's nothing you can do to stop the inevitable death of your mother.
Beast no longer just accompanying you through your trips; he was becoming your source of comfort, your friend. There will be times where you visit him just to sit together in silence.
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You didn't think you would lose your mother 3 years after your father's death. Your family meant the world to you, especially your mother, who teaches everything you know. The house feels too quiet now; without your mother's coughing, the reality starts to sets in. Your mother is no longer here with you.
You didn't visit Beast after your mother's death; you don't have any energy to stand up and do anything in general. Once your food runs out, you realized you need to get out. Using this reason, you go straight to the place you and Beast usually meet.
The walk towards there, you don't know if Beast were still there, was he angry or was he worried? What if he wasn't there? Your thoughts and doubts immediately wash away when you saw his silhouette. Your slow walks suddenly became fast-paced as you run towards him, Beast quickly turned around as he was startled to hear footsteps behind him.
When he saw it was your footsteps, he catches you as you throw yourself to hug him. The feeling of his fur, his arms hugging your frame, being safe and protected in his arms. You remember the times he comforts you while being in his arms.
He never saw you cry this hard, not over things or anyone else other than your mother. He knew the worst has happened; he hugged you a bit tighter, burying his head in your hair. "I'm sorry." That's all he can say as you cry in his arms.
You didn't think you have more tears to shed after days of crying; you felt so tired afterwards. You close your eyes and steady your breathing. After a while, you look at Beast and give him a smile. "Thank you," you said as you dry your face with your hands.
"I didn't do much, you should... go home, it's going to be dark." He said, but you shake your head. "I don't want to; it's too quiet. I have no one," you said, and you look down at your lap. You saw his large hand taking one of your tiny hands. "Then let's go to mine," he said, pulling you up making you both stand up.
You both walk in the direction of his house, which is a hunter's hut that he can barely fit through the door. You never stay too long in his place; there wasn't much to do in the hut, so the two of you spend most of the time outside. 
As the two of you went inside his house, you awkwardly standing in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do. "You take the bed. You must be tired. I will be here when you wake up, don't worry." He said and push you to the only bed. You were about to protest about you taking the floor, but you immediately realize he doesn't fit the bed at all.
You lay down on the bed and lay on your side, looking at Beast. There was a bit of silence as you two look at each other until he decided to turn around, his back facing you. You giggled and finally close your eyes, letting sleep taking over you.
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You technically still live in the village; however, you rarely return to your home. Returning to only clean the house and wash your clothes. You haven't retired from your work, you just don't work twice as hard, there weren't any medications you need to buy. You found out that Beast hunts for his food, which saves up some money.
You panicked a bit when one of the aunts asked about you, asking why you were rarely at home. You lied to her, saying that you moved to the forest that's not connected to the main path. The aunts were a bit suspicious about you, but Agathe was there for you and to soothe the gossiping people.
But that wasn't enough.
When one of the villagers found out where you lived and saw Beast. You didn't know anything about it until the next time you went back to the village. The people start to surround you, telling you that you've been hiding a beast.
After hearing those words, you try to escape from the people. A man catches your arm, trying to hold you down. By some miracle, you manage to pull away and escape the mob. You ran towards the hut to warn Beast and to escape from the place together.
You saw Beast's large form as you ran towards him before you can say anything, "there they are! Get your weapons ready!" You froze in fear when you heard a man's booming voice. You turn your head and saw the mob with their weapons ready. You grip on Beast's fur; you never felt this scared before.
Without warning, a shot was fired, and Beast started running away from them. It was happening so fast, you didn't even register what had happened. You suddenly felt pain behind your back; you finally realized that you were shot.
"Beast-" you call out to him; he didn't acknowledge you and keep on running. You winced in pain as you felt his big hand putting pressure on the gunshot wound. "Don't fall asleep on me. Please." He begged desperately and look down at you; you never hear or see him this desperate. It hurts your heart.
"I won't." You lied as you smile at him. You felt yourself getting exhausted, you know it's due to blood loss, but you still want to reassure and comfort him. Like the many times, he did to you before. You try to keep your eyes open.
Suddenly he stopped and put you down, making you sit on his lap while he's holding your back, "talk to me. Anything." he said out of nowhere. You look at him, trying to think, but he continued. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, you wouldn't be like this if it weren't for me" Your expression changed to anger when you hear that.
"No, it's not. It's those stupid villagers' fault. We never harm them, and yet, their minds come to that conclusion. Don't ever think it's your fault." You argue weakly. If you could, you would yell at him, but you don't have the energy to. Beast just huff at you while his other hand caressed your head. You lean towards it, smiling as you do so.
"I wish we could do this more."
"Once you heal, we can do it however much you want." He said, continuing playing your hair. You hummed in delight as you snuggle closer towards his chest. "I love you, Beast. Thank you for being there for me. These past 3 years, I have so much fun, experience things I've never have before meeting you." You confessed, your voice was weak that Beast can hardly hear it.
"I love you too" You felt him hugging you closer, feeling something wet on your face, you see him crying; however, you don't have the strength to wipe his tears away. You let sleep take you; it was getting harder to open your eyes.
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Beast stays in his place for a while, continues playing with the dead girl's hair. He was too focused on the girl and didn't realize that someone was approaching him. Once he did, he roars at the stranger and jumps back with the girl in his arms to avoid them getting closer to him and the girl. His eyes widen as he soon realizes it was the same enchantress that cursed him.
"...Please bring her back. She's all that I have after you've cursed me. I will stay as a beast forever if it means that she's brought back to life," he begged to the Enchantress. The Enchantress was taken by surprise; she expected him to lash out at her, not just that, he offered to stay as a beast. During her stay as Agathe in Villeneuve, knowing Gaston, his appearance and his ego were huge factors of who Gaston was.
"Are you sure? You do know that you still have a lot of time to break your curse, right? There will be more people that can break-" "I DON'T WANT OTHER PEOPLE!" The Enchantress jumped as he cuts her off and slams his hand on the ground; Gaston continues. "She's not like any other people. No one can be like her."
The Enchantress smiles at that and walks towards Gaston and [Y/N]. She crouches down to the girl, waving her wand around the girl as the bright light appeared and blinded the beast. He closed his eyes.
After a few seconds, he opens his eyes to see that the Enchantress wasn't here anymore. He looks down at [Y/N], grabbing her face. Noticing that her body felt warm, unlike a few minutes ago where her body was cold. The girl shakes her head and blinks a couple of times. "Beast? What happened?" she asked.
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You woke up suddenly, not remembering what exactly happened. You look at Beast, he has a surprising look on his face, but you don't know why. You were about to ask again until he engulfs you in his hug. You went along and hug him back.
"Let's go home..." he said and smiles at you. He stands up with you in his arms. "I can walk on my own, Beast!" You playfully kick around in his arms but still wrap your arms around his neck. "I never tell you my name, have I?" He changed the subject as he walks towards his hut. You quickly change your position and sit on his forearm and wrap your arms around his neck again. Which makes you two's heads close to each other.
"Oooh! What's with the sudden change of mind?" You teased him. Beast huffed and stopped talking. "Wait! I'm sorry! Please tell me your name! It's not fair that I don't know yours for 3 years!" You keep on pestering him, shaking his shoulders to change his mind.
"Gaston. That's my name." Gaston said. You stopped your pestering and think about it. "That's a nice name. I thought it's going to be more... different. Now that I know your name, will you tell me more about you?" You asked him. All these years of waiting to know more about Beast finally felt worth it. Even if it's just his name.
"Hmm, soon." He answered and smiled at you. You smile back when hearing that.
"I love you. Like romantic way kind of love." You said it out loud, suddenly feeling confident. "I know, and I love you too." He replied back casually. He leans in towards you and plants a kiss near your lips. Before he can pull back, you kiss him on the lips this time.
"Wrong place, Gaston." You said playfully and giggled. Gaston hummed and continue walking back home.
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dazai-fics · 3 years
Stargazing – Dazai Osamu
Pairing: Dazai x Reader (high school au)
Word Count: 2.6k*
Warnings: slight cursing, smut/nsfw- oral, fingering
Summary: Having Osamu Dazai as your boyfriend has never been boring.
A/n: This has been stuck in my head for a while and I finally was able to sit down and write it out so I hope you guys enjoy and don’t judge me too much because this is my first time writing out smut !
Inspired by: Stargazing*- The NBHD
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You could feel the cool of the evening seep into your bones as you groggily sat up in your plush bed. Once, then twice, did you blink to remove any bit of remaining sleep as you looked over to the source of your annoyance.
Your phone lit up with a string of messages from only one contact; a contact that as of late had made your heart pound in a way that was indescribable in every sense of the word. Sighing, you picked up the phone and began to read over the messages your extremely clingy boyfriend woke you up with.
‘Samu ♡:
1:04 AM
hey baby i can’t sleep u up?
Belladonna ? :(
I’m coming over, have a surprise for us :)
He’s what?
You were now fully awake at this point and groaned at the spontaneity and impulsiveness of your brunette lover. Knowing you had no choice but to go along with his antics, you got out of your bed and quickly ran to your closet hoping the faster you went, the quicker the chills would go away as they flared your arms and legs up with goosebumps.
You were already wearing sweatpants, so you decided to just throw on a black hoodie that was suspiciously too big on your figure.
You inhaled deeply as the smell of vanilla and mint overcame your senses causing a serene smile to overcome your features. Yes, this was indeed the sweatshirt of the Osamu Dazai; a man that in the last couple of months has invaded your every waking thought and had claim over any flush in your cheeks, dimple in your smile, and crinkle in your eyes as they closed shut-tight over the unbearable laughter released at one of his cheesy jokes.
Of course that didn’t mean everything was all raised heart beats and shared smiles with the boy as dating Dazai also meant caring for him and all his dark thoughts and emotions. As well as vise versa since your life by no means was easy and perfect. However, no matter how bad things got; or who left or entered your life, you could always count on Dazai, and him you, to be there whenever life caught you both in it’s gloomy and seemingly inescapable hold.
Another smile escaped your lips and you once again inhaled the calming scent; now thinking back to how you met the lanky, mysterious, goofball.
You had moved to your new town back in your freshman year of high school which of course meant having to make new friends and basically start a whole new life in a time that was so important and vital.
You remember your first day at ADA highschool so vividly; the sweat that built in your palms, and the barely visible motion of your toes curling into your shoes from anxiety. You had thought making friends would be impossible no matter how many times your parents assured you that your “charming” personality would help you make friends so very easily.
It was the end of the day and you were sure that your still very much lack of friends would mean that would be the truth for the rest of your four years in this high school you were very much forced to attend. You felt a tear quickly escape your eye as the anxiety started to take physical form; quickly you ran to a quiet corner and began to wipe furiously and harshly at your eyes as you reprimanded your sensitivity.
“What am I five? Why am I crying so hard?”
You jumped suddenly as you heard quiet giggles next to your ear.
You felt embarrassment flood your body as you wiped even harder to stop the tears. He was a bit blurry, but you could faintly make out the long, curly, brunette hair; dark chocolate eyes, and white bandages that wrapped around his long, lanky, figure. He also wore casual clothes which consisted of jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers.
Your first thought, of course besides the initial embarrassment and anger, was why he was wrapped in those seemingly endless rolls of bandages.
“Who is this weird banaged guy?” You scoffed to yourself as your sniffles came to an end.
“Done crying?” He asked teasingly, that stupid smug smile still on his face.
“I don’t remember asking for your help or comfort,” you said defensively, the venom not really reaching your still red and glossy face.
The boy laughed again good-naturedly; not intentionally trying to rile you up but he couldn’t help but think your anxiety was misplaced.
“Well then, why don’t you come walk home with my friend Atsushi and I, could be fun~,” he offered, his hand held out to you in an act of trying to make you feel comforted.
Your eyes widened as you hesitantly accepted his offer; the boy rushing you along as soon as your hands made contact, going into a rant over another boy named Kunikida mothering the absolute shit out of him.
Four years had gone by and you were both in your senior year;  nothing really changing between you except the now official titles of ‘boyfriend’ and ‘partner’ which you had longed for since as long as you could remember.
Since that fateful day, you had become a part of the best group of friends you could ask for consisting of Atsushi, Kunikida, Yosano, Kenji, Ranpo, kyouka, and of course Dazai.
However, you knew you wanted something more with Dazai since freshman year and although you two were… close, he never seemed interested in more. He seemingly always had a new girl on his arm bragging about the various amounts of… sexual interactions he would have with them and each time it broke your heart a little more.
Despite all that, he would hold you whenever you were down, wiped your tears whenever they fell, and held you close when you couldn’t sleep; pressing gentle kisses when he thought you were knocked out by exhaustion finally hitting you.
Dazai had intimacy issues and fears you knew were holding him back from officially committing to you which is why you never pressed anything and kept your feelings locked up nice and tight… until a couple of months ago when it all came to a head.
Harsh words; honest words were shared by you both in an argument you thought would rip the person you had come to love and rely on most from you forever. Luckily it did the exact opposite as Dazai decided he was done with denying himself from your pure and warm love that made his dark world just a bit brighter everyday.
And now you two were inseparable; lips never too far from each other, limbs entangled whenever chance allowed. Your other friends were definitely sick of it but you both didn’t care as you denied each other from this comfort for too long to let any time go to waste.
You were snapped out of your reverie by gentle tapping at your window. You quickly turned your head to see the man of your thoughts sitting patiently on the ledge, a goofy smile etched into his pretty, pink lips.
You scoffed playfully as you made your way across the room to open the window for him. Immediately, he placed his lips on yours in a passionate kiss as his hands came up to cup your face lovingly.
“Mmm missed you so much,” he mumbled against your lips causing you to giggle.
“We saw each other, like, six hours ago!” You exclaimed slapping him playfully, causing him to release a laugh himself.
“Exactly! Now c’mon I’m taking you somewhere,” Dazai commanded you gently, grabbing your hand as he guided you out the window.
“‘Samu it’s one in the morning, where are we going?” You groaned in annoyance wanting your boyfriend to join you in bed and cuddle you back to sleep.
“Nuh uh uh~ It’s a surprise!” He exclaimed playfully booping you on the nose as you both made your way to his black range rover.
“Alright, whatever, can I at least get a hint?”
“Hmm, okay, okay, fine,” Dazai relented as he began to type away on his phone playing a song from his spotify that came out on his connected bluetooth, touch screen.
Take it from the top, if I start I just can’t stop…
You giggled silently as you shook your head, your boyfriend rolling down both of your windows and turning up the music for what he likes to call ‘the full midnight drive experience.’
“So are we going stargazing?!” You yelled over the wind and music.
“Yep!” He yelled back cheerily taking one hand off of the wheel to rub at your thigh comfortingly.
“Pull it out of park put in drive, I can feel your heart beating with mine, underneath the stars, lookin' for a sign glowin' in the dark 'til the sun shines, made it pretty far on the first try, might've set the bar a little too high, started with a spark, now we're on fire-”
You both yelled together which winded up with you both laughing uncontrollably. Dazai continued to sing along with the neighborhood as you took this as a chance to examine how gorgeous this man truly was.
His silky, curly brunette hair went everywhere as the wind entangled with it, his dark chocolate eyes shined with the headlights from the cars going on the opposite side of the freeway, his bandaged hands gripped at the wheel allowing you to see every vein and bone from his knuckles, and his face was flushed pink from the yelling and wind.
You laughed freely as you once again joined in with his singing; utter and complete joy filling you both which was rare.
Eventually, you both reached a secluded park with a hill; perfect for sitting and stargazing. Once you both got out, Dazai layed out a towel for you both to cuddle on without getting soaked from the freshly sprayed grass.
You both giggled loudly like the teenagers in love you were as you made yourself comfortable on your boyfriend’s chest; his lanky arms coming to wrap themselves around you, one occasionally letting go to point out the constellations or meteors blinking past in the inky sky.
You had to hold in your snickers whenever he would wrongly name a constellation but nonetheless; you would place a soft kiss on his cheek and thank him for teaching them to you.
Soon, the soft kisses on the cheek would turn to passionate kisses on the lips as Dazai changed his position to where he was on top of you. He began to leave a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck; the juxtaposition of his warm kisses to the cold air surrounding you both caused small whimpers of pleasure to leave your lips.
“‘Samu…” you called breathily causing your boyfriend to look up from the dark hickeys he was ever-so-carefully placing on your collarbone.
“What is it, my belladonna?” He asked teasingly, returning to his methodically placed kisses.
“More…” you whined as arousal began to pool in your gut.
“As you wish.”
Dazai kissed lower down your belly to the elastic band of your panties. After leaving a couple small kisses on your hip bone, he looked up into your eyes for confirmation it was okay to go further. You nodded urgently and placed your hand in his soft locks as if to urge him on.  He let out a chuckle at your eagerness but complied nonetheless; you were his princess and whatever you asked of him he would do, even at the cost of his own wellbeing.
After pulling down your sweatpants and panties, he immediately attached his tongue to your clit; moving it in small circles he knew would make you fall apart. Your whines and whimpers fuled him on as your fingers harshly pulled on his locks.
“‘Samu… want your fingers” You ordered in between moans.
“Where baby, tell me,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss on your clit.
“As you wish.”
Dazai slowly placed his ring and middle fingers into your tight cunt, “Fuck belladonna, so wet for me,” he all but moaned as he gently moved his fingers around trying to find the spot that would have you fall apart all over him.
“‘Samu there! Please!” You gasped as he found your G-spot; not letting up until your back arched and you cummed all over his fingers.
“Good girl; my good, pretty girl that’s it,” he whispered gently as he coaxed you down from your high.
He licked away all the wetness from his fingers as he came back up to meet your lips in a passionate kiss filled with lust and love.
“‘Samu, want more..” you begged softly against his lips.
“Mmm what could you possibly mean~” your boyfriend teased causing you to groan.
“Oh like you don’t want the same thing I can see your hard-on from here,” you teased back looking down to see he was indeed impossibly hard in well fitted grey sweatpants.
“Ha-ha touché, belladonna.”
You both shared a loving laugh as you once again met in a kiss, your hand cupping the back of his head to bring him even closer. Dazai separated for a second to take off his pants and underwear letting his painfully hard cock hit against his abdomen, Dazai letting out a hiss from the cold hair hitting it.
“Need you baby, please,” you whined as your boyfriend soothed you with a kiss to the neck as he began to line his dick up with your wet pussy.
“Almost in, tell me if it ‘urts,” he mumbled as he began to fill you up.
You gasped, never truly used to his size but feeling complete nevertheless.
“Okay?” He asked gently and you nodded kissing his cheek giving him the silent permission to keep going.
“Feels so good ‘Samu!” You moaned as he picked up speed.
“Fuck you’re so tight baby, always so good and tight for me,” your boyfriend praised as he kept up a gentle pace trying to bring you both to your respective highs.
“Gonna cum ‘Samu,'' you whimpered as you felt the coil in your abdomen beginning to snap.
“Go on belladonna, cum for me,” he praised as you did just that; the fast tightening of your warm cunt milking Dazai’s cock as he began to cum with you.
Dazai collapsed on top of you, burying his head in your warm neck and you wrapped your smaller arms around his waist.
“Love you so much ‘Samu,'' you whispered as you felt soft kisses being placed on the dark hickeys your boyfriend left prior.
“Love you more, belladonna; thank you for always being by my side,” he whispered back.
After indulging in each other’s warmth and comfort for a while longer, Dazai cleaned you both up with the towel and dressed you both as he then gently picked you up and placed you in the back seat to lay down as you had fallen asleep.
He took a warm blanket he always kept for you in the trunk and tucked and buckled you in as he took his place in the driver’s seat and drove you both back to your house.
Once you both arrived he took you in arms and walked you both up to the front door where he used the key you gave him to let you in.  As quietly as possible, he then took you both upstairs to your room where he tucked you in again and then got comfortable in the bed next to you; gathering you in his arms and then pressing a kiss to your head.
“Good night, my love sleep well.”
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Flower Pedals Hisoka x reader Part 2
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Part 1
As the day went on, Hisoka volunteered as a chaperone to your younger cousins. They wanted to play in the water while Hisoka sat under a coconut tree, sipping on a strawberry margarita. It would be pointless for an intoxicated man to be a chaperone but he is quite immune to heavy alcohol. Somehow, the sun’s beautiful reflection made Hisoka look like the man you slowly fell for. His job as a bodyguard for the most dangerous mafia in the country, his ability to speak French like a flipped switch, and of course his bulging muscles. Seeing him interact well with your cousins made him seem father-like. But why did he have to act so egotistical? Why couldn’t he be like the guys you saw on the Hallmark channel? Is being loved that hard to ask for? Then the hurtful incident earlier that day entered your mind once again. You didn’t want to break up with Hisoka but it was the only choice.
A tear ran down your face, something you hadn’t done in a while. A silent weep is something everyone needs to do once in a while but weeping in front of others can feel humiliating. Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door and someone enters without your permission. You quickly wiped your tears away and turned around quickly expecting it to be Hisoka. Instead, it was your beloved uncle smiling with a DVD in one hand and popcorn in the other but once he got a quick glimpse of your sad face, his smile disappeared. This time he didn’t run to your rescue but rather asked what’s wrong from a distance. He already knew it had to do with Hisoka but he was curious to hear more.
“Is it about your boyfriend?”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Physically, no. Emotionally, yes. He has flirted with many people and disregards that I am there. He used to be all over me and now he acts as if I do not exist!”
“That’s horrible. But I have to break it to you. Some men like it when their significant others are jealous. It’s thrilling to them. If you dislike that, you should tell him.”
“I have! He will not listen to me!”
Your uncle grunted in anger and shook his head. He placed his index finger and thumb under his chin, thinking hard about something. Tears rolled from your eyes and felt like they could not stop.
“Come with me, darling.”
Following behind your uncle like a 5-year-old, he led the way to his newly renovated basement, and in that basement stood something that mimicked a lab. He removed a large blanket that covered a table full of glass test tubes and pink liquid. You were hopelessly confused as to why your uncle was smiling at his little creation.
“Uncle…what is all this?”
“Can you guess?”
“Sorry. I have no idea what it is.”
“It’s a love potion!”
You gasp and step back rather far from him. You frowned, not believing what your uncle has told you. Love potions were depicted and always fictional; they simply don’t exist. Hell, Cupid DOES NOT exist and yet he claims that he has made a love potion?! You have always known your uncle to be a wacky man but NOT THIS wacky! Not only did he have a small test tube of this love potion but he had at least 100 small bottles of it too!
“Uncle….don’t tell me…”
“Maybe Hisoka can take a shot of this…”
“U/N! No! That’s wrong!”
“If he doesn’t love me anymore, I’ll break up with him. Plain and simple.”
“But y/n!-“
“No buts!”
Gosh, you sound like your aunt!
“Why do you have that anyway? I could have sworn you and auntie madly in love anyway.”
“We are….” He stopped talking for a brief moment as he made his way to the door. He did not want your aunt to overhear him speak or else she’d have his head.
“We’ve had a few tiffs lately and she is being distant. I was thinking of giving her this potion.”
“You can’t just…give her that! What if she’s allergic to any ingredient you put in there?”
“SHHH! It’s not a drug, ok darling? It’s essentially a cupid’s arrow in liquid form.”
“Oh yeah! And Santa Claus is real, right? Come on Unc. I’m going to sleep now.”
“Y/N wait! Wait!” Your uncle ran up the stairs after you to try and have an actual heart-to-heart conversation with you. In reality, The love potion wasn’t anything that would harm Hisoka or your auntie; it was something that everyone had. This “love potion” has many variants in the market already. It has its own juice, pop, and merchandise line. When people gave testimonies about them falling madly in love with their partners, you thought it was an absolute joke!
The day had reached 11 PM. The sun had set for the day and the bright stars shined brightly against the beach. Chrollo and the others had left hours ago probably forgetting that you and Hisoka had tagged along. As you cleared the dinner table, the love potion sat there, in its small slender glass frame. This had been extracted so it could be digested but still, you didn’t go anywhere near it.
“Don’t leave this unattended. If a person drinks too much, they’ll become a fool for you and as romantic as that sounds, it can be VERY overwhelming.”
As you turned the lights off downstairs, the front door barreled open. Your eyes had been adjusted to light for the last few hours; seeing in the dark was nearly impossible. But one thing is for sure, that infamous bubble gum small dashed towards your nostrils.
The lights turned on once again and this time, they began to flicker a little. Hisoka’s piercing golden eyes were able to grab a hold of yours instantly. It felt like you were paralyzed with sudden fear and anger. So many emotions raged throughout your body; your brain sending many signals to the various parts of your body. Both of your cousins come running in, arms stuck out like airplanes zooming all through the living room. One flew underneath Hisoka’s legs and the other flew many times around you. Their sudden joy made you smile a little; they were so full of joy and hope…that is until they grow up.
“I like your boyfriend, y/n!”
“Yeah! He’s so fun! He taught me how to play Poker!”
“You what?!”
“Hey! She needs to know in case she needs to make some cash.”
“Ok, you two. Up to bed. Mom and Dad are waiting for you.”
Both of your cousins zoom into their rooms making loud airplane noises.
“I must admit, I see potential in those kids. They made their own marshmallows, mingled amongst people their age, and even reminded me when their bedtime was.”
He looked from the staircase to you. “Thank you for—“ he stopped as he looked at your angry face.
“—Are you still mad about earlier?”
“What do you think, jerk?”
“Would you stop playing hard to get? You haven’t given me a kiss today.” He bent down and puckered his lips, expecting you to respond. Instead, you turn the lights off leaving a kiss-less Hisoka in the dark. Hisoka stood in the middle of the dark living room beyond confused at your actions.
Finally! Alone at last. No one to interrupt your thoughts or sleep, just you in your auntie’s guest room. The bed was extra comfy! It was so fluffy that it almost made you get up and inside Hisoka to sleep with you.
“No. He needs to learn his lesson,” you thought to yourself. Besides, a non-married couple sleeping in the same bed together was NOT going to fly in this house. Before you knew it, your eyes were closed for what felt like 20 minutes but were actually 8 hours. The sun beamed through the curtains acting as your silent alarm clock. Stretching your muscles and yawing felt amazing after a good night’s sleep. Checking your phone was a reflex but feeling an odd source of shadows made you freeze. As you slowly turned around, Hisoka was laying in your bed, with his boxers on, smiling, and gawking at you; something he’d never done. You thought rubbing your eyes twice would make him go away, but he was still there in the flesh. Still angry about yesterday's encounter, you stare at him plainly.
“What in the world are you doing here, Hisoka?”
“To be with you, of course, my dear.” His tone was much softer; it felt as if he was barely moving his tongue. His lips slightly puckered as he spoke. Your boyfriend was always mysterious but it can be said that he was never predictable.
“What are you talking about?”
He scoots closer to you; his bare chest rubbing against your right arm. He places his left arm around your neck pulling you closer. So close that you could feel the heat radiating from his body. He took his index knuckle, placed it under your chin, and lifted.
“Oh, how I missed your face…the sound of your voice…my heart aches for you.”
You blink twice.
Am I dreaming? What is going on here?!
He placed his index finger over your lips; his long nail gently scratches the top part. “Shhh….” Quickly but softly, Hisoka gives you a kiss but not just an ordinary kiss, one that is very breathtaking. His lips were much softer than you remember and a lot moister. He didn’t force anything; he gently moved his lips to make you more comfortable. What felt like a lifetime was truly only 10 seconds and on the 11th, he parted. Gazing into his golden eyes this time made your heart skip a beat. You remained silent, slightly afraid to say a word as he stared into your eyes deeply. This was not his blood-lust look at all but awfully similar. His eyes were half-lidded but they were soft, much softer than you had seen before. Just as you were about to say something, he gently grabs your face and begins to kiss you all around without remorse. This overwhelming amount of affection not only made you bluff but be utterly embarrassed if your aunt and uncle caught you two in this state. It’s more of the family “aww’ ing” than anything else.
“How did Hisoka suddenly do a 360 from last night?”
“Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.”
Hisoka continued to place soft kisses. He began to pepper your lower jaw with them, earning a slightly satisfied grunt from yourself. He then professed his love for you as he kissed you in between phrases. The magician himself was as red as an apple while you were a giggling mess. He moved his lips to another part of your body. His hand kisses felt amazing once more. He moved his way up your arm and to your shoulder.
“You smell terrific, kitten,” he said in a lower huskier voice.
You growl in response; something so embarrassing that you are happy your nosy little cousins did not hear.
“You’re so adorable, kitten. So delicate that I’d be afraid to touch. So beautiful like the colors and aroma omitting from a blossom tree.”
“I love you to the moon and back.”
Before Hisoka said another word, he placed his right hand where the bottom of your head and neck met. He gently caressed it as he pressed his forehead against yours. The soft feeling of his nose moving swiftly against yours felt like ecstasy. Nothing could ruin this moment.
“Hisoka’s a simp!”
Both of you jerked your heads to the door. Through the crack, you could see two curious pairs of eyes, staring into your room. Before Hisoka could leave the bed, you jump over him and march to the door.
“You know, it’s rude to stalk people in their bedrooms.”
“And? It’s rude for you to be staying the night in my beach house and not giving us any money. Hand it over sis.”
You close the door and jump back into bed with your new boyfriend. Hisoka practically had hearts in his eyes. It’s as if he saw no one but you.
Maybe he has changed….
Your uncle’s voice could be heard a distance away and that’s when it hit you.
“Don’t leave this unattended. If a person drinks too much, they’ll become a fool for you and as romantic as that sounds, it can be VERY overwhelming.”
Oh shit! Where is the potion?! No! It was left on the table last night!”
"Really, Unc? I think I can deal with this. After all, he is less insufferable. I’ve always wanted my beau back and I hope he remains this way…falling on his knees before me."
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To be continued....
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10yrsyart · 3 years
Signs of Jesus return
i felt lead recently to compile some of the signs and current events pointing to Jesus’ soon return. i don’t know who this is meant for, but i know it’s for someone. so i hope that whoever reads this finds it helpful and informative 💙 (this is not complete either, as there are too many to list)
The Fig Tree Generation:
Jesus often used a fig tree to describe the country of Israel in His prophecies. “Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.” (Matthew 24:32-34)
In Psalm 90, Moses describes a generation being “70-80 years,' and Isaiah 66:7-8 says, “Before the birth pains even begin, Jerusalem gives birth to a son. Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?” This did happen. In 1948, Israel became a nation in a day, after almost 2000 years. Israel needed to be a nation to fulfill its part in the Tribulation, so the countdown couldn't start without them. The imagery of birth pains is used in the Bible to describe the troubles that the world will go through before the Day of the Lord, meaning Israel must become a nation before the Lord's return.
1948+80 year generation= 2028. But since Jesus said “everything” (Rapture and Tribulation) would happen before the fig tree generation passed away (turns 81), we have to take away 7 years from the 2028 final count. That leads us to 2021-May 2022 approximately (right before they turn 74).
The Jewish Temple:
The book of Daniel speaks of the time during the 7 year Tribulation, when the Antichrist will come and take over Israel. “The ruler will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the (daily) sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” (Daniel 9:27) “The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about- the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.” (Matthew 24:15)
The second Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., and hasn't been rebuilt since. The Holy Place is a specific spot inside the Temple, and the daily sacrifices and offerings that go along with the Jewish Law are only performed with the Temple in use.
As of 2021, the preparations for the Third Temple are nearly complete. The plans are laid out, the priests have been trained in the rules and rituals, the materials are all gathered. One source even says that theoretically the Temple could be built in a matter of 3-6 months. All they are waiting for is the go ahead. Those of the Jewish faith don't believe that Jesus is their Messiah, and many expect that the building of Third Temple will coincide with their own messiah making his appearance.. It's noteworthy that they're so close to building it after all this time.
The Abraham Accords:
In September 2020 the Abraham Accords were officially signed, setting up a peace deal with multiple Middle Eastern countries, including the United States. Since then other countries have added themselves to the peace treaty. There hasn't been a deal like this in the Middle East in a long time, much less centered around Israel. When the Antichrist comes to power, he strengthens a treaty or proposal of peace that already exists, and so the Abraham Accords have come at a significant time.
“Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom (ethnicity) against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.” (Luke 10-11)
So many of the great wars in history have been within the last hundred years. War is not an uncommon thing for humanity, but the impact is much greater now, as is the frequency of wars on the horizon. Currently, many of the World Powers are already declaring war and/or making preparations. China threatening war against Taiwan and it's allies, Iran desiring to destroy the US and wipe Israel out as a nation, and many more threatened. It's not a question of if but of when.
The frequency of earthquakes has drastically gone up over the last couple years, not only in numbers but also in magnitude power. As I'm writing this (8/22/2021), we've had over twelve 7.0+ earthquakes in the last two weeks. That's not a normal level, not even taking into account all the earthquakes of lower magnitudes. Volcanic activity is rising as well. Many volcanoes that were previously thought to be dormant are awakening, some even erupting. Iceland's volcano Fagradalsfjall was thought to be dormant for 6000 years, until it erupted last March. (“Dutchsinse” on Youtube is a good source for seismic activity.)
Because of the change in weather patterns, with flooding and wildfires and droughts, many of the worlds “bread baskets” (where a large portion of their food is grown) are not producing enough food. A shortage is already coming on America, not to mention all the other nations that are in the midst of one. Greece, Turkey, Australia, Italy, California and Oregon (US) are all burning at record rates. And mass  flooding is impacting just as much area, like Indonesia, China, New York (US), Haiti, Germany, and more.
Plagues/ Diseases:
Everyone is aware of the effect of the C Virus on the world, and now a new variant is appearing. Diseases like Ebola and the Bubonic Plague are re-emerging. Animals are experiencing these effects as well. Massive animal die offs are happening all over the world, from mysterious diseases and unknown causes. Various plagues have swarmed countries, for instance the mass attacks of locusts that have eaten through parts of Africa, and the infestation of billions of mice in Australia.
Signs in the Heavens:
“And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth- blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives.” (Joel 2:30-31)  
As I mentioned earlier, volcanoes all over the world are waking up and erupting at an alarming rate. The super volcano centered in Yellowstone Wyoming (US) has been showing worrying signs of stirring as well.
In 2014, two Blood Moons landed on two of God's Feasts, which carry significance. Then in 2015 there was a Solar Eclipse, followed by another two Blood Moons that landed on the same Feasts as the previous year. In 2017, the Great American Solar Eclipse drew a line across the US. In 2020, the “Bethlehem Star” made an appearance as Jupiter and Saturn almost merged in the sky. Though it's not the same cosmic event as the true “Star” that heralded Christ's birth, its rarity and symbolism is important. This August 2021 we just had a rare Blue Moon.
The Revelation 12 Sign:
“Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant, and she cried out because of her labor pains and the agony of giving birth.” (Revelation 12:1-2)
In September 2017, this sign appeared in the sky for the first time ever. The constellation Virgo represents the woman, and the nine stars of Leo plus 3 wandering stars lined up as her crown. The moon was near her feet in the constellation and the sun was at her shoulder shining on her “clothes.” Then Jupiter entered the middle of the constellation (her stomach) and stayed there for nine months and left. Jupiter is generally considered to represent a ruler, and the child in Revelation is believed to represent the Church (Jesus' Body). The rest of Revelation 12: 3-5 speaks of the child being snatched away from the Dragon (the devil), which represents the Rapture of the Church before the Tribulation. So it's incredibly significant that the first part of this prophecy was fulfilled in the stars. (There's also a type of 4 year grace period before judgment in scripture (Luke 13:6-9), so 2017+ 4 years warning = 2021).
The Vaxx System:
“He required everyone- small and great, rich and poor, free and slave- to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing the name.” (Revelation 13:16-17)
This is not about whether or not to take the vaxx, it's about the mentality around it. The animosity in the world media keeps growing towards those who don't wish to take it. The results don't add up to how single minded they are becoming, and it's easily paving the way for regulations to be carried out by brute force. There are stricter and stricter limitations to those who don't feel safe taking it, like being unable to shop at a grocery story or go to work... In the future, the world won't blink twice about a universal Mark of much greater magnitude and greater consequences. The consequences of refusing won't just mean an inability to buy or sell, but death.  
Alien Disclosure:
As of 2021, the US government has released the information they have on Unidentified Flying Objects, confirming the possibility of aliens. The first main stream event involving the alien conspiracy was the Roswell Incident of 1947, about a year before Israel became a nation. The reason why this is so significant is because 1) the Fig Tree prophecy was about to start when Israel revived, beginning the End Times countdown and 2) 2 Thessalonians 2:11 says the people left after the Rapture will believe a “Great Delusion.” Even a couple years ago, the thought of aliens coming down and taking people away would have been laughed at, but not now. Satan is the Prince of the Air; he uses his demons and spirits to appear as other things, so as to lead people away from the Truth of God. He knew when Israel became a nation the clock was ticking for the need of a believable lie. Now people could easily believe that all the Christians that disappeared were “beamed up” by aliens. (We don't know specifically what the Delusion will be yet, but this is certainly a possibility.)
Dreams and Visions:
“ 'In the Last Days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out My Spirit even on my servants- men and women alike- and they will prophecy.' “ (Acts 2:17-18)
Around the end of 2019 to the beginning of 2020, End Times dreams skyrocketed. The sheer amount that can be found on Youtube is astounding and it continues to grow. Dreams about the Rapture, dreams from Jesus, dreams about disasters that are coming; people from all over the world are sounding the alarm. And these aren't internet celebrities or self proclaimed prophets; these are every day normal people, some of which weren't even Christian to begin with. The amount of non-Believers that have had Jesus appear to them to save them continues to grow as well.
I personally felt an awakening through the Holy Spirit sometime around early 2020, that Jesus was returning soon. And the more I've studied Bible prophecies and current events I know that it's fast approaching. Although it's important to test the spirits of dreams to see if it's really from God or not, the message of the majority is clear. Time is short.
(This was just a small selection of the MANY signs that God continues to send as warnings. The frequency and intensity is rising like it never has before. A more in depth list can be found, along with Bible references and news sources, at https://www.ithasbeenwritten.com/ )
To You:
For those of you who are un-Believers, I am not writing this to be a fear monger. When evidence and reports come in that there's a bomb in a building, the people inside need to know about it. Even if it ends up being fake, the risk isn't worth it. This isn't just one fanatic Christian with a dream trying to convince everyone the end is near, this is the whole world. No matter what you believe about Bible prophecies, these current events are real things that are happening, and show no signs of slowing down. The good news is that Jesus died to save you from all this. He died to clear our sin debt and give us the hope of Heaven, a place we could never get to on our own. And His signs are saying He's coming soon to rescue everyone who accepted His sacrifice and entered His family.
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
For those Believers that don't think Jesus is returning soon, please pray about it and study His word. He was angry at the Pharisees of the generation of His first coming, because He said, “You know how to interpret the weather signs in the sky, but you don't know the how to interpret the signs of the times!” (Matthew 16:3).
Matthew 24's “no one knows the day/hour” is not saying that we won't know the season in which He will return. If it were, He wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of giving so many signs of the closeness of the event. “So you, too, must keep watch! For you don't know what day your Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42) “But you aren't in the dark about these things (signs), dear brothers and sisters, and you won't be surprised when the Day of the Lord comes like a thief.” (1 Thessalonians 5:4) Are you watching? Let's do our best to be a light as much as possible before it's too late.
“So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation draws near!” (Luke 21:28)
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Blood Lust
silverlightqueen’s SKZ Scarefest
vampire!hyunjin x human!reader - smutty smut smut lmao, fluff, a little bit of angst ig, fwb type vibe except the benefits include Hyunjin feeding on y/n lol
Word Count: 10.4k+ (I got carried away, I’m sorry lmao)
Summary - Having a part time job whilst at university is standard, right? Babysitting, bartending, retail, hospitality? Well, y/n’s job is a little… different. Or maybe a lot different. Depends on whether you find being a hot vampire’s personal blood bag weird or not.
Warnings: biting, blood, blood consumption, unrequited love, possessiveness, toxicity in a not-relationship, unprotected sex, intercourse, rough sex and softish sex, softdom!hyunjin x sub!reader, very brief sub!hyunjin, very explicit dirty talk, asphyxiation, slight body worship, fingering, oral sex (m and f receiving), hair pulling, teasing, mouth fucking, begging, praise, hickeys, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, lots of soft aftercare, sexual and non-sexual nudity, I think that’s it but please let me know if you notice that I missed something!
a/n: and here is the fourth (and my favourite) instalment of my SKZ Scarefest! I had so much fun writing this absolute filth and I hope you guys enjoy reading it! thank you @silverlightprincess​ for proofreading, I love you! please be sure to check out the previous parts and keep an eye out for the next parts x
taglist: @kodzu-ken​ @cloudsgathering​ @silverlightprincess
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‘Took you long enough,’ Hyunjin says when I answer the door, and I give him an apologetic smile, making my eyes wide the way he can never resist, and I can see him fighting to keep the smile off his face. ‘Sorry. I was just… doing something,’ I say as I move aside to let him in, and he raises an eyebrow, slipping off his shoes. ‘Doing what?’ he asks, suspicious, and I avoid his gaze, locking the door after him. ‘I… um-’ ‘Let me guess. You forgot to have your iron supplements and remembered when I knocked on the door?’ he asks dryly, and I give him a weak smile, making him let out an annoyed huff.
‘y/n, I’m hungry. It’s been over a week,’ he complains, and I roll my eyes, trying to hide how endeared I always get at his complaining – he might be a big bad vampire to his clan, but he’s just a whiny little baby when he’s with me. ‘I’m sorry, Jinnie. It’s hard to remember, because I never used to take them,’ I say in my softest voice, knowing he won’t stay annoyed at me, and he just sighs, heading into the living room of my apartment. ‘And you used to wonder why you fainted all the time,’ he says exasperatedly, throwing himself down on my sofa.
When I first started at university, I was – to put it simply – broke as hell. My student loan funded my school supplies and my travel costs, and the money I earned working at my uncle’s restaurant paid for my driving lessons. I had no spare income to spend on anything else – I was still living with my parents, so I wasn’t homeless or hungry or anything. But I had no money for clothes, or nights out, or… anything other than the basic necessities.
When it got to the start of second year, and my uncle had to close his restaurant because he was getting a few customers a night if he was lucky (at every family gathering, he gets drunk and rambles about how Uber Eats murdered his business), I was desperate; I couldn’t pay for my driving lessons anymore, and I was having to buy a lot more supplies for school. One of my friends, Yeji, knew that I was struggling with money, and decided to confide in me about an arrangement she had with a friend of hers.
Her friend, Chan, was the leader of a vampire clan, she’d told me, and she was his blood donor. They’d meet a couple times a week, and he’d feed on her and pay her for it. I was fascinated – I knew vampires existed, but I never knew one personally, or knew anyone that knew one either, so to hear about Yeji’s arrangement astounded me. According to Yeji, vampires tend to drink from blood bags rather than from humans these days, but they still prefer blood from the source. So when Chan had offhandedly mentioned to Yeji that he was looking for a blood donor, she asked how much he was willing to pay. When she heard, she instantly offered to be his donor, knowing that that much money per feed would fund the rest of her university life after just a couple weeks.
I’d had so many questions for her. When I asked if it hurt, she told me the initial puncture felt a little like an injection, and then after that, she wouldn’t really feel anything other than it being a little uncomfortable to hold her neck at such an awkward angle. It would leave her feeling drowsy and weak, but Chan would feed her a little of his blood, just to strengthen her, and she would feel back to herself within no time. The two little scars on her neck would take a while to fade, but she said they were easy enough to cover up with makeup. I’d heard that being fed on was pleasurable, and almost sexual, but when I mentioned that to Yeji, she grimaced and said that it wasn’t at all like that. For her and Chan, it was a business transaction between good friends, and nothing more.
I was intrigued, to say the least, and I’d gone home that night thinking about the possibility of becoming a blood donor to a vampire. The next day, Yeji had run up to me excitedly, to tell me that one of Chan’s clan members was looking for a donor. Only a week later, I was waiting to meet him at a coffee shop, as though it was a blind date. I felt so nervous, worried that he’d take one look at me and walk straight back out. But the second he walked in and his eyes met mine, my heart stopped.
He was adorable, painfully so – with his soft brown hair falling over his cute glasses, and his light academia boyfriend aesthetic. He looked around my own age, but Yeji had told me that he was, in fact, 318 years old at the time (we celebrated his 320th birthday just a few months ago). He sat down with a shy smile, and I was lost for words. He had none of the pale skin or brooding moody looks or all black outfits – he was quite tanned with a friendly face and dressed in soft neutrals. I couldn’t believe that this harmless looking soft boy was a blood-sucking vampire. There was no way.
He bought us a coffee each, and bought me a caramel shortbread because, he told me shyly, it looked as sweet as me. We spoke for hours, our conversation quickly changing from generic and awkward, to comfortable and deep. I explained how difficult it was to fund life at university without putting pressure on my low-income parents to support me, and he explained his life as a vampire. We left the coffee shop at closing time, Hyunjin insisting on walking me home, and we parted with the decision that I would become his blood donor.
We met again, only a week later, with the same shy smiles and slightly awkward conversation. This time, I’d gone to the house that he shared with some of the clan members, but nobody else was at home. It was just us. We’d slowly worked up to it, and when Hyunjin was stood before me, neck bent so that his mouth brushed against the skin of my throat, I felt relaxed and prepared due to his gentle comforting and support. I tried my hardest not to tense when I felt his fangs puncture my skin, wincing a little at the sharp pain, but before I had time to get used to the feeling of someone drinking my blood, Hyunjin had pulled away, coughing up all my blood over his hoodie.
‘What’s the matter? Are you okay?’ I’d asked, and Hyunjin had wiped at his mouth, face twisted in disgust. ‘y/n, I’m really sorry, but your blood is… gross,’ he’d said bluntly, still coughing between each word. This had hurt more than you’d expect – somehow, it’s not a nice feeling to hear that a vampire finds your blood disgusting enough to cough it all back up. ‘Oh. I’m really sorry,’ I’d said, feeling humiliated, and Hyunjin had waved his hand in the air, swigging down some water. ‘No, don’t apologise. I just… I was just surprised. Do you not know you’re anaemic?’ he’d asked, and I’d blinked at him in surprise. ‘Anaemic?’ I’d echoed, and he’d nodded, an amused smile playing at his lips. ‘Your blood has, like, no iron in it. Drinking your blood was like… drinking bitter coffee. Just how you’d add milk and sugar to coffee, your blood needs iron.’
He’d left me in his room whilst he went to get me some iron supplements, and I’d eaten two of the gummy vitamins when he’d handed them to me. We’d waited for half an hour, and then we’d tried it again, sat on his bed this time. His fangs slid into the two little holes they’d made earlier, not as painful this time around, and he didn’t pull away this time either, instead pulling me closer with his strong arms. It was a weird sensation, not a… nasty one, but just weird. With each hungry gulp he took, I’d felt myself getting drowsier and drowsier, head becoming light, and my eyes slid shut after around thirty seconds.
I’d felt Hyunjin pull away only a few moments after that, and he’d shook me lightly, just to keep me awake. ‘Let me feed you some of my blood,’ he’d murmured gently, lifting his wrist to his mouth and piercing the skin. He’d held his wrist to my mouth then, and I’d gently sucked at his skin, tasting the metallic tang of his blood on my tongue. Seconds later, I felt wide awake, like nothing had happened at all.
For the next year, I went to his house twice a week for a few hours at a time. We’d usually watch a film or play a video game or just sit on our phones together in his room, when he wasn’t drinking my blood, of course. It didn’t take me long to realise he wasn’t exactly the shy soft boy I met that first day. Don’t get me wrong – he was still a little quiet sometimes, awkward and clumsy, a total scaredy cat, and he’d be shy around new people. But after a few weeks, once he was much more comfortable around me, different elements of his personality came out too. He was flirty and bratty and sassy and he could be a total whore – he loved his loose comfy clothes, but he also loved his tighter-than-skin jeans and slightly see-through shirts, leather and silk and expensive cotton blends, in black and navy tones. But he was also sensitive and emotional, thoughtful and sweet. It was soon obvious to me that he was multi-dimensional as a person, complex with so many levels, and I’d wanted nothing more than to get to know them all.
I met the majority of his clan members over that time, and they were all just as nice as Hyunjin. I spent a lot of time with them, because Yeji and our friends were friends with them too. We went to parties together, had a lot of movie nights or ordered takeout together at their clan house, meaning I spent more time with Hyunjin than I did with anyone else, which did nothing for my hopeless crush on him. But I didn’t mind that my attraction to him wasn’t reciprocated because we were slowly becoming best friends.
He was always so careful with me, so gentle, like I was an antique vase or a fine china teacup. He’d hold me close to him with a firm grip, and he’d take slow and steady gulps, never making more than two punctures in my skin when he fed on me. He would never have us sitting in one position for too long or feed on me for more than two minutes at a time – when he was particularly hungry, he’d feed on me three or four times in one sitting, but only for two minutes at a time. When he’d pull away, there was never any blood around his mouth like you see in the films, and no blood staining my neck either. He was clean and careful, always cautious of hurting me, and I was so grateful for that. Sometimes I’d run into Yeji at the house, after Chan had fed on her, and every now and then, she’d have blood all over her neck and shoulder or her clothes and hair would be a mess from Chan losing his composure and being a little rougher with her than usual. I would thank God each time, so lucky that Hyunjin treated me like a fragile doll.
After a year, I’d made enough money from being his donor – or, as Jisung loved to call me, Hyunjin’s personal blood bag – that I could put a deposit down on an apartment. I’d told my parents that I was working as an assistant at an accountancy firm when I didn’t have any lectures or seminars at university, which is why I was making so much money, and that Hyunjin was the only co-worker my own age, which is why I was with him so much. I moved into an apartment block around ten minutes from the clan house, on the same floor as Chaeryeong, and Hyunjin helped me move in. A couple of the other clan boys chipped in too so that, and I quote, ‘you have to let us stay with you when we want a break from the clan’.
Only a month after living at the apartment, I’d woken up in the middle of the night to someone hammering at the door. I’d jumped out of bed, dressed in just a little vest and satin shorts, arms and legs bare, stepping into my slippers as I rushed to the door. I’d had my phone in my hand and had typed in the number for the emergency services, ready to phone them if this was someone trying to rob me, and I’d opened the door carefully. Before I could even process what was going on, Hyunjin had burst in and thrown himself at me, pulling me into his arms and burying his head in my neck, my legs instinctually wrapping around his waist to keep myself steady.
‘Jin, are you oka-’ ‘I’m really fucking drunk, and all I could think about was you, and how hot you are, and how fucking amazing your blood is, and how much I wanna drain you dry, so I ditched the boys because I missed you too fucking much,’ he’d growled in my ear, making my eyes widen in shock and my underwear dampen embarrassingly quickly. He’d chuckled, taking a deep breath, before whispering, ‘judging by the sweet smell coming from your pussy, doll, I think you like the sound of that too.’
He’d kicked the door shut behind him and, with his vamp speed, we were in my bedroom only a few moments later, the vampire boy dropping me onto the bed and climbing over me instantly. ‘Listen, y/n, I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m really, really drunk. Like… I’m wasted,’ he’d murmured into the skin of my neck, hands roughly trailing up and down the sides of my body. ‘I can tell,’ I’d replied breathlessly, hands tangled into his soft black locks, fluffy and messy around his forehead. ‘Which means… I’m not gonna be able to hold back. I probably won’t be gentle like I always am, because that always takes a lot of self-control, which I don’t… really have at the moment. So if you need me to stop, say… werewolf,’ he’d said against my skin, saying the last word with disdain. The werewolves and vampires had always had a long-standing rivalry, and he was obviously aware that the word would pull him out of any desire-filled reverie.
He hadn’t even given me a moment to reply before he’d sunk his teeth into my neck, rough and harsh, and I’d let out a gasp into his ear, his hands gripping onto my waist. He’d sucked at my neck, drinking my blood desperately, and I could feel it dripping down my shoulder and chest. And usually, when I wouldn’t be able to feel anything because of how gentle he was, all I could feel was pleasure, pure hot pleasure flooding through my veins. It was heavenly, and I’d let out little moans and whimpers into his ear, making him even more desperate, with my hands on his back, nails digging in through his thin white shirt.
It wasn’t long before his big veiny hands were wandering eagerly around my body, one palming at my breast and rolling the hard nipple between his fingertips, the other slipping under my shorts and pressing against my clothed core, my wetness having seeped through my underwear. He’d moved away from my neck and looked down at me with ruby red eyes, his jet black hair a sweaty mess and my blood dripping down his chin in harsh red lines. ‘Fuck, y/n, you’re so fucking hot. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,’ he’d growled, his pointed fangs on full display, making my chest tighten with desire. ‘Can I fuck you, doll? I need you so fucking bad right now,’ he’d asked lowly, hands both stilling against my body, and I’d instantly replied, ‘yes, Hyunjin, please.’
Now, another year later, it’s pretty common that we fuck when he feeds on me. I found out that it was so difficult for him to feed on me as gently as he used to, desperate to just throw me against a wall and drain me of every drop. But when I’d look at him nervously with my ‘big innocent eyes’, he knew he couldn’t hurt me. But that night, we’d found out that messy and rough feeding just felt… so much better. We’d also found out a lot of other things since that night; Hyunjin loves biting me in places other than my neck – my boobs and the insides of my thighs are his personal favourites – and I love it when he’s fucking me and bites me just as I’m about to cum – it heightens the pleasure a thousand times, making me see white and scream his name out like it’s being torn from my throat.
But, to my slight disappointment, sex is all it is. We’re like friends with benefits, but the benefits include feeding on me as well as sex. A lot of other things have changed though. Hyunjin practically lives at the apartment now – he sleeps here 4 or 5 nights a week. It’s like we share the apartment; he’s got as many of his belongings here as I do. I don’t mind it, though. He is pretty much my best friend, so spending time together is enjoyable, even if it means I’m falling more and more for him. Hyunjin’s paid me enough over the past couple years for me to be able to do my master’s degree, and I also managed to get a part time job at the coffee shop where Hyunjin and I first met, so it doesn’t feel like I’m solely relying on the money he gives me (it’s enough to fund me, but I don’t want him to think I’m like his little blood bag and nothing more – I basically am but we won’t talk about that).
This last week, though, I went away with the girls for a little last minute break to Rome (we’d planned to go for two weeks but then we would’ve missed Jackson’s Halloween party in a few days, and it’s already being called the party of the year, so we decided to just go for a week), and so he’s had to drink from blood bags whilst I was gone. He was sending me all these sad snapchats of him pouting with a straw in his mouth, wishing he was drinking from me instead – I think he wanted me to react to it with pity, but instead it was just turning me on. I landed back a couple hours ago, and I forgot to have my iron supplement vitamins when I arrived at the apartment, so he’s right – I had them when he knocked on the door.
I look down at him, sprawled out on his side of the sofa, his black locks a stark contrast against the grey cushions. He looks like such a boyfriend, dressed in a thin white t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers, white socks on his feet, glasses on his face and a silver chain around his neck. He looks up at me with a small grin on his face, eyes scanning my body. ‘You look hot, doll,’ he smirks, and I feel my cheeks heating up. I’m only in comfy travel clothes but he’s looking at me like I’m dressed up to the nines. ‘Thank you, Jin,’ I reply, sitting down beside him and letting him pull my legs across his lap.
‘I’m being serious. You look all glowy. And you’ve tanned a little. Did you have fun?’ he asks, hands skimming up and down my legs. ‘I loved it, Jin. We should go together. Everything was so beautiful. The sights are amazing, the weather is gorgeous, the food is delicious, the people are so lovely. The vibes there are just perfect. You’d love it,’ I tell him, and he just watches me as I speak, a small smile on his plump lips. ‘You’ll have to take me one day, angel,’ he murmurs, and I nod, unable to keep the shy smile from my face.
‘I saw on Ryujin’s story,’ he begins, and I knew this was coming, my heart sinking a little as he continues, ‘that you guys made friends with the people staying in the hotel room next to you. What were they like?’ ‘They were nice. We didn’t actually speak to them ‘til the fourth day, then we had dinner and drinks together on the fifth day, went sightseeing together on the sixth, and shopping together on the seventh. But, yeah, they were okay. They were a bit too… boisterous and noisy for my liking, but the girls got on with them, so I didn’t mind spending time with them,’ I explain honestly, and he just nods, looking like he still has more questions. ‘How many of them were there?’ ‘There were eight boys, and four of them brought their girlfriends. I got along better with their girlfriends than them, to be honest,’ I say lightly, Hyunjin just looking at me unreadably. ‘So you spent a few days in Rome with four single guys?’ he asks, voice tight, and I let out a gentle sigh.
‘Jin, do-’ ‘Answer the question, y/n.’ ‘Yes, we did. Is that a problem, Jin?’ ‘No, y/n, it’s not. Or, at least, it wouldn’t be, if you weren’t covered in a scent that isn’t yours,’ he says evenly, and my eyes widen. ‘I’m covered in someone else’s scent? Well… it must be Yuna’s, because we shared a bed. Or Lia’s – I wore her hoodie on the flight ba-’ ‘No, y/n. I’ve spent enough time with Yuna and Lia to know what they smell like. That’s not the scent on you. You smell like a human boy. So stop lying and tell me why,’ he says, voice tight, and I sigh. ‘Jin, I’m not lying. I didn’t, like, sleep with any of them, if that’s what you’re worried about.’ ‘Then why do you smell like a human boy?’ he asks slowly, obviously trying to keep his composure, and I take a deep breath.
‘I was sat next to one of them on the flight back, and he fell asleep. His head fell on my shoulder a couple times, and I felt bad to wake him up, so I just le-’ ‘You just what, y/n? You let a random human boy sleep on you? Get his scent all over you?’ he demands, hands tightening on my legs and veins protruding from beneath his honey skin. ‘Are you being serious right now, Jin?’ ‘Yes, I am. You can’t just let random human boys get their scent all over you.’ ‘And why not?’ I demand, voice shaky with anger as I take my legs off his lap, and he glares at me. ‘Because I pay you a lot of money to feed on you, and I don’t want anyone else getting near what’s mine,’ he growls, butterflies exploding in my stomach when his eyes glow red.
‘But I’m not yours, Jin. You pay me to feed on me. That’s all. There was no agreement that I would stay away from any other boy!’ I exclaim, shocked at how ridiculous he’s being and trying to ignore how much my body is aching for him, and he scoffs. ‘You don’t need any other boy. I give you all the companionship you need, I fund you so you buy anything you want, and I keep you satisfied. That’s all you need,’ he says simply, and my mouth falls open slightly. ‘What if I wanted a boyfriend? An actual relationship with a boy who loves me?’ I ask, giving him a chance to say what I so want him to say, and his eyes flash momentarily before he says, ‘you don’t want a relationship.’ ‘What if I did?’ ‘We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. But, for now, you’re mine, y/n, and you know it. I don’t want you getting any other boys’ scents on you again, understood?’ he asks, and I just stare at him in shock, unable to believe how unreasonably he’s behaving.
He gives me a few seconds to reply and when I don’t, he moves so quickly I don’t even realise what’s happened until he’s hovering over me, my back pressing into the sofa, and his hand is pressed to my throat tightly. ‘I asked you if you understand,’ he says lowly, eyes glowing red and fangs glinting in the mellow light of the lamp, threateningly sharp. ‘No, Jin, I don’t. I don’t understand why I should have to stay away from other boys,’ I whisper, heart nearly beating out of my chest, and he lets out a harsh scoff. ‘Because you don’t need them. You only need me,’ he growls, tightening his grip on my throat, and I let out a little gasp of surprise, already feeling a slight dizziness in my head.
‘You only want me, too,’ he whispers, ducking his head so that his soft lips move against the skin over my collarbones, releasing my throat and moving his hand to hold my waist instead. ‘You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t know how much you want me, doll? You forget how well I know you, much better than you can ever know yourself. I can sense your every thought, your every feeling – I can smell it on you. The way the serotonin rolls off you in waves when you look at me, the way you drip with dopamine when we touch, the way I feel like I’m drunk on your endorphins whenever I’m around. My presence makes you want me, angel, and we both know it,’ he murmurs softly between gentle kisses, fluffy hair tickling against my cheek, and all I can feel, more with each word, is complete and utter humiliation. Never once has he – or any of the other vampires I see on a daily basis – told me that they can do that – can sense humans’ emotions.
He lets out a gentle chuckle, pushing himself up on one forearm to look down at me with a half-smirk. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, doll. I love it – I really fucking love it – that you want me as much as I want you. As much as I’ve always wanted you, since the first moment I set eyes on you. It consumes me, angel, how much I want you,’ he admits, not looking me in the eyes as his hand slowly makes its way up from my waist to brush my hair back from my face, and the butterflies in my stomach are unbearable. ‘How much do you want me?’ I ask without thinking, the words coming out as a whisper, and his eyes flit up to meet mine, both of us silent as I wait for him to speak, hoping to God he’s going to say he wants me just as much as I want him – more than just sexually. ‘More than you can ever know, princess,’ he murmurs, sparkly brown eyes locking with mine, and my heart jumps at the nickname he so rarely calls me – I’m doll every day, angel when he’s in the mood, but I’m only princess every now and then, when his eyes sparkle the way they are now, like he’s looking at the universe and it’s reflected back in those beautiful brown eyes.
‘Let me… let me show you?’ he whispers, the words coming out slightly questioning, and I can’t help the small smile that spreads across my lips, despite not hearing quite what I wanted to. I slide my hand around the back of his neck, fingers pressing into his soft skin as I pull him down to me, eyes sliding shut as his lips meet mine. I never used to understand the hype over kissing. I never had any of the fireworks, the passion, the clashing tongues and teeth like you read in books and see in films. I only ever kissed one boy, once, and it was quite awkward – he practically tried to suck off my face from the get-go, his hands clamped on my shoulders. But Hyunjin, god, is he good at kissing? I could kiss him for the rest of my life, with his soft plump lips and his hands trailing all over my body.
He barely waits a second before parting my lips with his, tongue sliding into my mouth without a moment of hesitation and his big hand pressing against my waist. I tangle my hands into his hair, soft locks sliding between my fingers, and I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me, as close as physically possible. Before I even have a chance to start feeling uncomfortable, I feel a rush a movement, and not even a few seconds later, I’m on my bed beneath him, our lips still pressed together.
He turns us over, my body laid on top of his, and I forget momentarily that my weight atop him is nothing in comparison to the kind of weight he can carry. I practically melt into him, my body melding into the curves and contours of his body, fitting us together like puzzle pieces. He slides his hands into my hair, the feeling of his fingers against my scalp making me let out a soft whine. ‘You’re fucking perfect, doll,’ he groans against my lips, my entire body tingling as our mouths move in sync, slow and passionate, not nearly as rushed and desperate as usual. His touches are gentle, careful and tender, where he usually holds me in a bruisingly tight grip, rough and possessive.
I slide my hands under his t-shirt tentatively, and he doesn’t even hesitate to sit up, breaking away from me momentarily as I pull the top over his head, throwing it over my shoulder as he reattaches his lips to mine. I slide my hands over his torso, fingers roaming over the ridges of his hard abs, his skin radiating heat. Vampires might have no circulation but the rumour about them being freezing cold all the time is false – their body temperature automatically regulates to the temperature around them, meaning he’s just as hot as I am right now.
His hands slide under my shirt, and we break apart again for him to pull it over my head, instantly leaning down to suck at the exposed skin of my breasts as he cups them, big hands covering them completely. I let out gentle whines, head falling back, and one of his hands comes to rest at the base of my exposed throat, asserting his dominance – I might be on top of him right now, but we both know who’s in charge here.
He doesn’t wait long before turning us over, kissing me for a few more moments before he climbs off me, standing at the foot of the bed. He gently grabs my ankles, pulling me down the bed, and I let out a gentle giggle, a smile on his face at the sound. He pulls off my socks, momentarily tickling the underside of one foot, and a startled laugh is forced out of me as I kick at his hand to make him stop. He reaches for the drawstring of my joggers with a grin, tugging it open deftly and pulling them down my legs swiftly.
My black underwear isn’t anything special, just a plain cotton bra and my high-waisted comfy granny pants, but his eyes trawl over my body like I’m in the finest lingerie, the bulge in his joggers becoming a little more noticeable, making my mouth water embarrassingly quickly – I could live on my knees for Hyunjin if that’s what he wanted me to do. His eyes meet mine, a small smirk on his lips as he drops to his knees, pulling me further down the bed so that my legs are slung over his broad shoulders, heels resting against his strong back.
His hands grab at my pants, ripping them away from my body effortlessly, reminding me again of just how strong he is – he could literally crush my neck without a single hair of his moving out of place. He spreads my legs further, eyes locked onto my core, and he lets out a gentle groan. ‘Fuck, so wet for me, angel,’ he murmurs, running a finger over my slit, a desperate whimper falling from my lips. ‘I don’t need prepping – just want you, Jin,’ I murmur, and he lets out a gentle chuckle. ‘That’s the spirit, doll, but I don’t wanna rip you in half. We’ll see how well you take my fingers first,’ he says amusedly, not giving me a second to reply before he plunges a finger into me.
I gasp loudly, but the pleasure disappears with his finger which he lifts to his lips, eyes locked with mine as he licks his finger clean of my essence. His eyes flutter shut momentarily as he lets out a low moan, my pussy flooding at the sound. ‘You taste amazing, so fucking sweet. This pussy was made for me to eat, wasn’t it, angel?’ he asks, and when I take a second to reply, he raises an eyebrow, prompting me. ‘Yes, Jin, only for you,’ I reply hastily, and a satisfied smile spreads across his lips.
His finger slips between my folds again, and he doesn’t give me a second to react before he adds another, trying to work me open a little. ‘You’re so tight, doll. And you said you didn’t need prepping,’ he laughs, curling his long fingers inside me, making me clench around him. He slowly pumps in and out of me, rocking his hand against me gently, and I let out moan after moan at this completely foreign feeling. He’s always so quick, so desperate to have me fall apart on his hand as fast as I could, but this? This is different, this is slow, heavenly, like he wants me to enjoy this blissful feeling.
He adds another finger, just about fitting inside me, and I throw my head back against the bed, back arching up as I let out a loud moan of his name. ‘Fuck, angel, you’re killing me. Love your pretty moans,’ I hear him murmur, his voice just about breaking through the pleasure that rolls over me like waves crashing, and his thumb appears at my clit, rubbing slow circles that make me whimper desperately. I look down at him, stomach turning when I realise he’s been watching me, eyes studying my face for my reactions as his fingers work their magic, and I can barely maintain his eye contact, hearing him chuckle when my head falls back, mouth falling open in a moan.
His fingers disappear from inside me after a few minutes, giving me a momentary reprieve from the overwhelming pleasure as he moves closer to me, warm breath fanning out over my core. ‘Oh, god,’ I moan out when he licks a long stripe up my slit without warning. My hands instantly reach down to tangle into his hair, tugging at the locks as he sucks at my clit with his plump lips, making my toes curl. He flicks his tongue over my folds, whimpers spilling from my lips as I squirm, and Hyunjin puts one arm over my waist, pressing down to hold me in place.
He pokes his tongue between my folds, gently pushing into my core, and my mouth falls open into a silent scream when he begins to slowly rub at my clit with his thumb, my legs slamming into his back and pulling him even closer, as close as possible, his head completely buried between my legs. Wet and obscene slurping sounds drown out my desperate moans, and Hyunjin begins to let out grunts and groans against me, lapping at me like a man possessed.
I feel myself getting closer, the knot in my stomach tightening as Hyunjin sucks at my clit, pushing two fingers into me and pumping them at a mind-numbing pace. ‘Gonna cum for me, angel?’ he hums against me, and I can’t even muster up the sanity to reply, just moaning out his name, and he lets out a low chuckle before flicking his tongue over my sensitive bud, fingers curling against the spongy spot inside me. I tense up completely, head pressed back into the bed as I call out his name in a moan, releasing all over his hand and tongue. He works me through my orgasm, gently rocking his hand against me as he laps at my folds. ‘God, you taste amazing,’ he murmurs once I’ve come down from my high, licking the last bit of my release from his fingers, and it takes all my effort to lock my eyes with his as he does so, his lips quirking up into a smirk.
And then he lifts his wrist to his mouth, and I know what’s coming, stomach turning with excitement as he bites down into the skin. When he pulls his wrist away from his mouth, I push myself up onto my hands shakily, leaning forward to his wrist that he holds out to me, blood blooming from the smallest little wounds in his skin. I hold his arm to my mouth, sucking at the dots of blood, the metallic taste exploding on my tongue, and not a second after swallowing it down, I feel my energy coming back, regaining my strength quickly.
He pulls his arm away after a few seconds, his focus returning to between my legs, but when he lowers his head, his lips land on my inner thigh rather than my pussy, and I brace myself for the initial sting. His sharp fangs puncture into my soft thigh, the smallest sharp pain making me wince, but it quickly disappears when he hungrily gulps down my blood, messy and desperate. He lets out groans against my thigh, my blood dripping down my skin as he drinks me like a man starved, and I can already feel myself weakening, the pleasure making my head light and dizzy. He lifts his arm up again after a few moments, the two tiny puncture wounds still bleeding, and I lick it up, the weakness disappearing instantly.
He pulls away after around a minute, my blood dripping down his chin in two lines from the corners of his mouth, as though he’s greedily taken more of me into his mouth than he could handle, and he smirks at me as I wipe it up, putting my now bloodstained finger to his lips. He licks my finger in one swift motion, eyes closing as he savours the taste. ‘It’s not fair, angel. You shouldn’t have such a sweet pussy and delicious blood. You’ve got the whole package,’ he murmurs lightly, making me laugh as he rises from his knees, a small smile playing at his lips.
He looks down at me, dark eyes flitting over my body, and I feel conscious under his intimidating gaze. He seems to sense that I want to curl in on myself, shield my body from his view, and he gives me a soft smile. ‘You’re so fucking beautiful, y/n, and you don’t even know it. You’re heavenly, angel,’ he murmurs softly, holding out a hand to me, and I take it, letting him pull me up from the bed and into his arms. He holds me so tenderly, so gently, that I can’t help but bury my head into his chest, his soft and floral scent flooding my senses.
‘Gonna let me fuck you, angel?’ he asks, voice low, and I take a step back from him, a small smile on my face. ‘Wanna suck your dick first,’ I reply, his eyes darkening instantly, and I can’t help the grin on my face when he groans, ‘you’re one of a fucking kind.’ I take his hand into mine, pulling him around to the side of the bed. I kneel on the bed, hands on his shoulders to steady myself, and once I’m comfortable, I pull the drawstring on his joggers open, slipping my hands under to push them halfway down his thighs. He’s wearing a pair of plain black boxers, his bulge straining against the material, but I don’t pull them down just yet, instead moving my attention to his torso.
He’s so perfect, sculpted by the Gods, and I can’t help but admire his body every time I see it, hands running up his stomach and chest, and over his big shoulders. I bring my lips up to his collarbone, kissing and sucking to leave a mark, threading my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck. He waits patiently, hands on my waist, lips letting out gentle sighs every now and then, and I can’t help but respect his self-control. He’s always so patient, putting me before himself, and I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for him.
I take pity on him after a little while, moving from his neck and looking up at him with a small smile as my hands trail down to his underwear. I slip my hands beneath the waistband, pulling his boxers down just enough for his hard length to spring up against his stomach, Hyunjin letting out a gentle hiss. He’s so long with a perfect curve (he has the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen), and his head is painfully swollen and red, the tip leaking with milky white precum. My mouth waters at the sight.
I lean down and press a kiss to the tip, tongue sliding out to taste some of his precum, and he lets out a shaky breath. I spread his wetness down his length with one hand, his hands coming to tangle into my hair. I place my tongue at the base, licking up to the tip against the vein on the underside of his cock, and he tenses as I do so, gripping my hair tightly. I take his head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him as my hands slowly rub the rest of his length. I look up at him through my lashes as I take him further into my mouth, feeling him hit the back of my throat, and his head falls back, a soft moan falling from his lips.
I gradually build my pace, steadily bobbing my head on him and taking him as far in as possible. ‘Such a good girl, doll,’ he groans, gentle moans falling from his lips more and more often now, and I know it isn’t going to be long before he loses all control. I’m just beginning to adjust to having him hit the back of my throat with each bob of my head when his hips start twitching, and he begins thrusting into my mouth, controlling my head movements with his hands fisted into my hair. All I can do I grab onto the backs of his thighs as he fucks my mouth, my eyes beginning to water. His tip hits the back of my throat harshly, and I gag around him loudly, making him curse as he bucks into my throat.
‘Swallow,’ he instructs, voice not nearly as gentle and soft as a few minutes ago, and I try my best to do so, my throat contracting around him in noisy gags. ‘Come on, doll, you can take me further than that,’ he says teasingly, before pulling my head forward, his cock pushing down my throat and my lips wrapped around the base of his cock, and he can barely thrust back and forth because of how tight my throat is around him, desperately gagging to push him back out. Tears stream down my face, saliva running down my chin, and my choked gags and desperate breaths mingling with his soft grunts and whispered words of comfort in the air.
I can feel him getting closer, his cock twitching in my throat, and I ready myself to feel his hot release hit the back of my throat, but he pulls me off him with a loud sigh, looking down at me with tender eyes. He wipes the saliva from my face with gentle fingers, tilting my head up to kiss away the tear tracks that stain my skin, hand stroking my hair soothingly. ‘Always so good for me, angel. Gonna let me fuck you now?’ he asks, our eyes locked together, and I nod eagerly. ‘Please, Jin, want you,’ I breathe out, throat hoarse, and he grins, pressing his lips to mine in a brief kiss.
‘Lie down for me,’ he says, and I do so, watching as he pulls his joggers and boxers down his legs and kicking them away impatiently before he joins me on the bed, hovering over me. ‘You’re still in your bra, doll. This won’t do,’ he grins, slipping a hand beneath my body to expertly unclasp my bra. I pull it off me quickly, throwing it off to the side as Hyunjin ducks his head, flicking his tongue across one nipple as he rolls the other between his fingers, toying and tugging at it gently. I let out a gentle whimper, tangling my fingers into his hair, and he lets out a gentle chuckle. ‘Want me to bite you, angel?’ he asks teasingly, and I let out a low moan as confirmation, feeling his sharp fangs slide into the soft flesh of my breast not a moment later.
I gasp loudly, pleasure flooding through my veins as he swallows down my blood hungrily, the heady haze of bliss settling over me more and more with each gulp. Whimpers and moans fall from my lips every few seconds, my hands in his hair pulling him closer and closer, one of his big hands gripping onto my waist, fingers rubbing against my skin comfortingly. He doesn’t drink a lot this time, having had more than enough from my thigh, so I don’t feel too weak, but he still feeds me a little of his blood when he’s done, making me smile up at him.
‘Are you sure you still want me to fuck you? Have you got enough energy?’ he asks softly, brushing my hair back from my face, and I nod, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. ‘I want it, Jinnie. I want you,’ I whisper against his lips, and I feel him grin, resting on one forearm as he rubs his head against my folds teasingly. ‘Jin… please,’ I breathe out, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and he lets out a low chuckle. ‘I like hearing you beg, doll,’ he murmurs, smile playing at his lips as he continues running his head up and down my folds, tapping the tip against my clit every few seconds, the wetness gushing from my core soaking him. ‘Please, Jin, need you to fuck me, fill me up with your cock, bite me and drain me dry, need it so bad,’ I plead pathetically, and his eyes darken at my words, the boy letting out a gentle ‘fuck’.
He sinks into me slowly, and I gasp as he inches in, enjoying the burning stretch and gripping onto his strong shoulders as I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me with my ankles locked together. He lets out a low groan when he bottoms out, our bodies lined up perfectly, and he brings his hand up to my mouth, slipping two fingers past my lips. I roll my tongue around them as he gives me a moment to stop clenching around him and adjust to the stretch. He pushes his fingers a little further in, making me gag around them, and I shoot him evils, Hyunjin trying to look apologetic, but failing miserably and looking amused instead.
‘Can I- fuck, angel, you gotta stop clenching, gonna make me cum. Can I move? Doll, please, I need to move,’ he pleads, the words coming out as a low whine, and I feel a thrill in my stomach. I can’t help but feel pride at being able to make Hyunjin – someone so dominant – whiny and submissive because he’s that desperate to fuck me. I hum out permission around his fingers, and he pulls all the way out before pushing back in, slow and deep, the drag of his cock against my walls making us both moan. ‘Fuck, so tight, angel. So wet and tight. Fucking love this pussy, doll,’ he growls as he fucks into me, dark eyes locked with mine as I moan around his fingers.
‘How’d you want it, y/n? Want me to fuck you slow, doll, or so hard you can’t walk tomorrow?’ he asks in a low voice, hips stilling as he pulls his fingers out of my mouth, and I let out a gentle whine, not quite sure what I want. ‘Anything, Jin, just need you,’ I whisper breathlessly, and he grins a cocky grin, his ego satisfied. His hand comes to the base of my throat, pads of his fingers resting against my blood vessels, and he pulls out, leaving me feeling empty, before slamming all the way back in, knocking all of the air out of me in a desperate moan, his balls slapping against my ass.
‘You were only gone a week but, fuck, I missed you so fucking much. Missed your sweet pussy and your sweet blood, angel. Couldn’t stop myself from jacking off to the thought of this tight, wet little cunt, doll,’ he growls against my ear, his hand at my throat tightening just a little, and I let out a pathetic whimper in reply, his words sending a fresh wave of arousal gushing out of me, coating his thighs and abdomen. ‘So wet, doll, gushing around me. Did you miss my cock, angel?’ he asks between thrusts, my hands tangling into his soft locks, gripping tightly. ‘Missed your cock so much, Jin. Wanted you so fucking bad while I was gone. Never wanna leave you again,’ I try to say, half of it coming out as garbled nonsense and moans, and he lets out a low groan, his thrusts becoming even harder and deeper, his silver chain brushing against my chin with each thrust.
His hand tightens even more, completely cutting off my airflow, and my head instantly starts to become light, the pleasure increasing endlessly with each second. ‘More,’ I barely manage to breathe out, and he lets out a gentle chuckle, doing as I say, fucking me so hard that the bed creaks with each thrust. ‘My dirty little girl. Can’t even handle what I’m already giving you, and you’re asking for more. You forget how strong I am. I’m gonna tear you in half as this rate, angel,’ he murmurs against my ear, hand still tight at my throat, silver rings digging into my skin, and I don’t even feel fear, like I probably should. All I can feel is pure, hot need.
He moves one of my legs from around his waist, bringing it up between us so that my ankle rests on his shoulder, the new position allowing him to go deeper, so much deeper, and his tip scrapes against the spot inside me that makes me scream. He reaches down to rub at my clit, bringing me closer to my climax, and I can feel my vision beginning to go blank when he ducks his head to suck at my neck with his plump lips. The mixed sensations of his hand at my throat, his cock filling me up perfectly, his thumb at my clit and his mouth sucking marks onto my skin makes my eyes flutter shut, the pleasure overwhelming me.
‘Look at me, angel. Wanna see those pretty eyes while I fuck you,’ he growls, cock dragging against my walls, and it takes all my energy to open my eyes. His jaw is clenched, sweat dripping down his face, lips swollen, eyes dark and dilated, glinting red every few seconds, his chain dangling in my face. He looks like sin incarnate. ‘Fuck, you’re so pretty. So fucking pretty,’ he groans, releasing my throat from his tight grip, and I take a deep gasping breath, not even realising how much I needed to breathe. He holds his wrist to his mouth, biting at it again and pushing it against my mouth. I lick up the small drops of blood, quickly regaining my strength, and he presses his lips to mine once I’m done, in a brief passionate and sloppy kiss.
He breaks away from me with a grin, continuing to fuck me hard and deep, swollen tip scraping against the spongy spot inside me, and I let out desperate moans and whimpers of his name, Hyunjin grunting and groaning sinfully softly as tears stream down my face, blurring my vision. I clench around him sporadically, knowing my high is nearing, and he knows it too, his hand slipping down to my clit and rubbing slow circles with his thumb, making me call out his name. ‘Gonna cum for me, doll?’ he asks, and I can’t even bring myself to reply, just nodding along with loud moan, and he grins, his cock still hammering into me.
‘Want you to cum for me, angel. Cum on my cock, y/n, soak it up like a good little girl. So good for me, angel, wanna feel you cum around me,’ he prompts, pushing me closer and closer, the knot in stomach becoming tighter and tighter, and I’m so close, practically there, hanging on the precipice of my high. He grins at me, his lethal fangs sliding out and his eyes glowing red before he ducks his head, biting into the soft flesh of my neck and pushing me over the edge. I scream out his name as he gulps down my blood, numbing bliss flowing through me like morphine, his cock still rocking into me and his thumb toying with my clit. My vision is completely blank, neither white nor black, just… blank, pleasure exploding within me, and I feel my consciousness slipping away until Hyunjin’s finger slips between my lips. He must have bitten it because I taste his blood on my tongue, bringing me back to this moment with him.
He breaks away from my neck when I’ve come down from my high, lips and chin covered in my blood and his eyes still flickering red as he grins, both hands digging into the mattress on either side of my head, the pace of his thrusts increasing once more, his cock slamming into me as he chases his high. I wrap my legs around his waist tightly, arms around his shoulders and nails digging into his skin, hard enough to leave marks. I try not to let the overstimulation stop me from getting him to his climax, my pussy clenching around him with sensitivity, and when I feel his cock twitching inside me, desperate moans falling from his lips and face scrunching up with desperate desire, I know he’s about to cum. I dig my heels into his back to hold him deep inside me, and his head drops down to my neck.
‘Cum in me, Jin. Wanna feel you cum in me, please. Fill me up, Jin. Cum for me, baby,’ I murmur into his ear and he does as I ask, moaning my name loudly against my neck as his entire body tenses up. He bites into me again as he releases inside me, his hot thick cum painting my insides as he slowly moves his hips against me, leisurely sucking my blood. He gently rocks into me until he’s finished and I’m completely out of breath, both of us covered in blood, sweat, tears and cum.
‘God, you’re so good for me, angel,’ he murmurs gently after pulling away from my neck, his fangs retracting before he presses kisses to the skin he’s just bitten, sucking and nipping to leave marks. I play with his hair, body still tensing with aftershocks, and he runs his hands up and down my body, caressing my sweaty skin. Every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of his is so comforting, so tender, that I feel like I can stay here with him forever, letting him worship my body so gently like this, my hands playing with his soft, fluffy locks.
But after a while, I can feel myself drifting away, and I know I can’t sleep like this – covered in various… liquids, with completely soiled sheets and a vampire practically drunk on my blood lying on top of me. ‘Jin… I gotta get up. Clean myself up before I sleep,’ I murmur, and he whines, making me smile at his bratty behaviour. ‘No, wanna stay like this,’ he mumbles against my breast, having ventured down to leave marks on the soft flesh beside my nipple. ‘We can after. Just let me have a quick shower and change the sheets,’ I say softly, and he sighs, waiting a few moments before he pulls out of me and gets up off me, standing up beside the bed.
‘Wait here a second,’ he says before heading towards the bathroom, giving me a view of his cute little ass as he goes. I lie there in silence for a couple minutes, focused on the feeling of his thick cum trickling out of me, before he reappears with a smile, making my heart stop momentarily. His hair is pasted to his forehead with sweat, the bottom half of his face is covered in blood, his lips are swollen and his eyes are lidded with the drunken tiredness of being full on blood, but he looks like the most beautiful man in the world to me.
He scoops me up into his arms, bridal style, and carries me into the bathroom, my eyes on his face the entire time, a small smile on his lips because he knows I’m watching him and admiring him. When we walk into the bathroom, my eyes flit to the bathtub, which is now full. I realise he’s drawn me a bath, my heart swelling when he gently puts me down, not letting go until my feet are firmly on the floor. ‘Go to the toilet first. Don’t want you getting a UTI,’ he says, and I let out a bratty whine, making him raise an eyebrow. ‘Toilet. Now,’ he says, and I pout, stomping to the toilet. His eyes stay locked with mine as I piss, and I let out a laugh after a few seconds – the fact that he’s stood there naked and covered in blood watching me as I wee naked and covered in blood is just so funny to my sleep deprived and jet-lagged mind – and he just rolls his eyes with an amused smile.
Once I’m done washing my hands, I practically bound to the bath eagerly, and he helps me to climb in. I sigh happily as sit in the tub, the temperature of the water perfect to cool down my burning hot skin. I lean back against the edge, my eyelids drooping with tiredness as I watch him wash his face in the sink, cleaning away all the blood. ‘What a waste,’ he murmurs as he watches the red-tinted water wash down the sinkhole, making me let out a little laugh, and he smiles softly at the sound. He climbs into the shower and I watch as he turns the dial, the glass fogging up as the water rains down over him, soaking his honey skin and his pitch black hair.
I love watching Hyunjin do anything, my eyes not leaving his face as he gently scrubs at his skin with my passionfruit-scented shower gel, but I’m so tired that, without even realising it, I fall asleep after a few minutes. Hyunjin wakes me with a tender smile, once he’s out of the shower, wearing fresh underwear and joggers, his chest bare and a towel around his neck to gather the water that drips from his dark hair. I’m too tired to even speak as he washes me, soft hands rubbing gently at my skin, cleaning away the sweat on my body, the blood stains around where he bit me, the dried release around my thighs and the echoes of tear tracks on my face. Neither of us speak the entire time, but we don’t really have to – his touches on my body say everything he wants to say, and my gaze locked onto his face says anything I want to say.
He drains the bath, drying me carefully and carrying me back into the bedroom once he’s done, redressing me in a clean pair of underwear and a soft t-shirt of his that I’ve claimed as my own. He must have changed the sheets whilst I was asleep in the bath, and we climb into my bed together, his arms holding me close. I almost fall asleep the instant my head lands on the pillow, eyes fluttering shut as my body lines up with Hyunjin’s, his front pressed to my back and his arms around my waist. I stay awake just long enough to hear him whisper something, something that sounds suspiciously like what I’ve wanted to hear from him for nearly as long as I���ve known him, but sleep takes me before I can reply.
When I wake in the morning, the other side of the bed is empty, and his bedroom is empty too. And when I see that his shoes are gone from beside the door, I realise he must have left whilst I was asleep. I practically turn the apartment upside down, but he hasn’t left me a note. I check my phone, but he hasn’t texted or called. I can barely make it back into bed before I dissolve into tears, sobbing as though my heart would break.
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cyber3lf · 4 years
in another world
say it back sequel
˖⋆࿐໋₊ ✎ synopsis: it has been two years since your last encounter with oikawa. you thought he was gone for good, buried deep in the past, and will just live in your mind as a faint memory but unfortunately, you were far from being right with that statement.
pairing: oikawa x fem. reader
genre: angst angst angst
word count: 2.4k
warnings: cringe, sappy stuff LOL don’t come @ me
you didn’t know how you got yourself into this mess. how you let kuroo drag you to his dumb party that he hosted. who throws a reunion party and invites their team’s rivals? besides the point, there were more people than you had expected. you scanned your eyes observing the room filled with people having a good time. the flashing lights were hurting your eyes a bit but you got used to it. although, it was hard to make out the people’s faces since of the horrible flickering colored lights.
“cmon, let me introduce you to some people,” kuroo grabbed you by the wrist so you wouldn’t lose your way in the crowd. you gave in at first and let him drag you around but as the bright tinted illumination beamed across the room your eyes widened when the source hit a nostalgic figure you thought would be long gone from your world, let alone be in the same room as you. you stopped in your tracks, eyes widened in horror and a rush of anxiousness ran down your body.
“what the hell is he doing here?” you couldn’t help but think to yourself. you have been content for two years and suddenly your ex appeared out of nowhere. ever since your last contact with oikawa, you had been miserable for a long time. nothing was able to bring you out of your misery. you despised him and felt bitterness in your nerves when someone would mention his name in a conversation. you hated him. but you couldn’t blame him for everything he has done. of course you had to take some credit. your foolishness and feelings has gotten the best of you. even after that date you thought maybe he would come up to you and apologize. yet you were so far from that concept. however, the universe eventually showed sympathy towards you and gave you signs that you were better off without him. in other words, you were just hit with a fat reality check that you and oikawa were never meant to be. conceivably in another world or in other cases just a figment of your imagination.
“and this is lev. you know lev right…” kuroo’s voice trailed off, noticing that you weren’t paying attention to what he was saying for the past 10 minutes. “y/n what the hell. did you listen to what i was just saying?”
“huh?” you snapped back, your attention turning back on kuroo who had a very irritated look on his face, crossing his arms and tapping his finger. “yes i was.” you retorted to your tall friend.
“ok who was the last person i just introduced you to?” kuroo bickered back.
“tori nakamoto?” kuroo kicked you in the leg, “ow! what was that for?”
“what is the matter with you? why are you so off tonight? loosen up.” kuroo complained. at times you would act like this, not listening to what your best friend was saying and wandering off to dreamland or play vigorous, humiliating thoughts from your past. like just now.
you rolled your eyes and apologized under your breath. you hoped that whatever you just saw was just your imagination. nevertheless, you still glanced over in the direction you last saw the figure. you were about to turn your head away and a let out a small gasp but you weren’t quick enough to turn your attention back to what kuroo was saying. and as cheesy as this sounds, your eyes locked with him for three lengthy seconds. “it was like the room was lit up again” is what you would have thought two years ago.
oikawa was in much shock as you were. probably even more shocked. he couldn’t believe he would ever see you again. and quite frankly, he wanted to see you again. more than anything in this world. after your guys’ last encounter, he brushed off the feeling of these perplexed thoughts of not pulling you back in, holding you tightly and kiss you. anywhere. even if it wasn’t on your soft, full lips. but needless to say, there were more fishes in the sea. hundreds of them and he attracted a lot of them. and obviously, like the guy oikawa was, he took as many girls out as he could until he felt the satisfying warm energy they equally radiated as you did when he was with you. it was one after another and no one could meet the expectation he held. oikawa was a determined man however, and he was not about to give up. and no matter how many girls he came up to ask them out, oikawa couldn’t bring himself to even spare you a glance let alone talk to you. he wanted to explain himself. about how shitty of a boyfriend he was in the past couple weeks, why he treated you the way he did, and how he was wrong for taking his anger out all on you and pushed you away especially times when you needed him the most.
he didn’t realize it until the day of graduation day that he wanted nothing more in this world but to be with you, wake up by your side, hugging you and smell your rose-like scent, comb your hair with his hands, taking out all of the tangles and listen to everything you had to say whether it was you ranting about something ridiculous or about how great your day went. oikawa had to talk to you, even if he had to think twice about what he was getting himself into.
“kuroo… uh,” you started, looking back to see if oikawa was staying where he was at and just to your dismay, the lean figure was walking in your direction. “kuroo, kuroo, kuroo,” you tapped your friend’s shoulder, eagerly trying to get his attention.
“what the hell do you want woman,” kuroo almost spat out his drink.
“where’s the bathroom?” you asked smiling at him innocently but also in a hurry. you have not been near oikawa since forever and you had planned on keeping it that way.
“around the corner on your left…” kuroo described suspiciously. “hurry though, i have more people i want you to meet.”
“in your dreams kuroo,” you rolled your eyes and sped through the crowds almost tripping three times on your way to the restroom. man was this party packed or what? on your way, you grabbed a slice of cake and locked yourself in the tight, small room. you waited for a solid 10 minutes until you couldn’t handle the claustrophobic atmosphere and opened the door quickly while checking both ways for any brunette with shaggy like hair before you could come out of your hiding.
“are you gonna plan on avoiding from me forever?” a familiar cocky voice piped up. oikawa.
“i had to use the restroom,” you muttered under your breath, not looking in his direction, and wanting to roll your eyes in disgust. you got up quickly and headed in the opposite direction from where he came from but you weren’t quick enough. he grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you towards the direction you were just about to head towards. you were stubborn and tried to loosen his grip but he was stronger.
“oikawa let go,” you pleaded, trying not to sound weak but more rather annoyed and irritated. he wanted nothing to do with you and now he’s trying to get you alone with him. after more fussing about letting you go, oikawa did. but he lead you guys up to a room and shut the door. “what the hell do you want?” your question sounded more like an order, although you rather much not want to hear about it and move on from here. but before you could say anything else, your former lover sat down on the bed and pulled you into a hug making you sit down next to him. your heart raced at an incredible speed.
“please,” oikawa started, “can we stay like this for a bit?” he buried his face in the crook of your neck. although you were very upset that a jerk like him who happened to date you in highschool, ghosted you out of nowhere, and now just started to talk to you out of nowhere, you decided to stay for his sake.
“i’m sorry,” oikawa apologized, “i missed you so much.” he looked up at you, now cupping your face with his hands examining all the details on your face with the moonlight shining in through the windows with meticulousness and held it with so much care like you were fragile.
“bullshit,” you snapped back at him, striking lightly at his hands to get him to stop touching you. if he was really sorry, he would’ve stopped you from leaving on the day at the amusement park. you know. if he was really sorry, he would’ve texted back that night. if he was really sorry, he would’ve called and asked for a reschedule for another date. if he was really sorry, he would’ve changed his poor attitude towards you as a boyfriend and acted like a real one. you wanted the oikawa you first fell in love with again. but nothing is perfect and will go as planned in life. and your relationship with him was one of them.
“i mean it, y/n” oikawa said, lifting his head up and meeting your eyes, his tone of voice getting more and more serious as he spoke, “ever since you left i couldn’t stop thinking about you. and i know this is so sappy and mushy for you to hear but i really, really mean it. and i know i haven’t been the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for yet i still want to be with you. i miss your touch and voice--”
“then why didn’t you say so sooner?” you asked quietly. this time, wanting to know the answer. you looked down at your feet while saying this to hold back tears. you were frustrated to say at the very least. who wouldn’t be?
“huh? i’m sorry i couldn’t catch what you were trying to say--”
“THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO SOONER, OIKAWA?” along with shouting, tears streamed down at your face, making the mascara you were wearing, run a little around your eyes while you were wiping it. and as for oikawa, he was startled by your blaring attitude. you weren’t ever like this especially not towards him. but what could he have expected? and although you were physically the one who left him, he emotionally left you first which hurts just as much, if not more.
“you know what, if you ARE really sorry you wouldn’t have shut me out when i’m trying to talk to you. if you ARE really sorry, you would’ve texted me back that night after i left, if you ARE really sorry and want anything to do with me again you would’ve tried to hold our relationship together, if you ARE really sorry--” but you didn’t get the chance to finish as you were ranting on about how dense and ignorant he was in the past and how he still is because now, you felt a pair of soft, delicate lips crashed onto yours.
you wanted to resist. push back and slap him for doing what he did but you couldn’t bring yourself to it. instead, you closed your eyes and kissed him back and found yourself wanting more of this forbidden fruit you thought you would and should never get to taste again. you slowly brought your hands to his neck and hinted at him that he can continue. you don’t know if the act of you kissing him back was through lust or love. but it didn’t matter to you at that very moment. you just wanted him. your lips were moving in sync to his movements. abruptly, he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer until you were on his lap. every second, your breath was shared between one another as he bit your bottom lip every now and then, the both of your guys’ hands tangled up in one another’s touch. you ran your hands through his thick brown toned hair and a tear slipped down on your cheek. you missed his touch so much, yet after some time of repeated, heated actions, you couldn’t bear this anymore. you knew it was wrong. if anything, doing any more intimate stuff with him could lead you back to square one. you worked so hard trying to bring your mental health back up and you weren’t going to let him ruin it again. you had to cut him off and right now is the right time.
“oikawa,” you tried pulling away from his touch but his grip on your waist increased. “oikawa stop. really,” you said again, raising your tone of voice. the kiss deepened. “oikawa.” your harsh voice came out like a snap rather than a warning. this time, oikawa stopped and stared right into your glossy orbs giving you the sign that he has his full attention on you. you noticed that in the corner of his eyes there was a small tear merely planted on his lashes. he wanted to cry which made you more guilty saying what you had to say, “i can't do this,”
“no. oikawa. move on. you know staying together is only going to hurt the both of us. so please just move on,” now it was you again with tears in your eyes.
“please just give me another chance. i want to do better for you. you’re the only who can truly make me happy please y/n.” during your two years of maturing mentally, you could tell the words that rolled off of his lips meant nothing but lies.
“i have to go. it’s getting late,” you got up and walked out of the door without looking back and somewhere deep down, you were hoping he would pull you back and stop you unlike two years ago. and sure enough he never stopped you this time either. but nothing would anyways. not even after he finally said “i love you” as you closed the door on your way out.
“maybe in another world we were meant to be. just not this one.”
edit: also privating this if it flops until i find the motivation to undergo MAJOR editingT_T
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astrodances · 4 years
**SLIGHT SPOILERS for “The Fight for Castle McDuck!” ahead!**
Because writing Goldie and Louie texting is so much fun.
Yet Another Secret of Clan McDuck!
Goldie both loves and hates room service.
She loves the anticipation of knowing that a nice, hot meal that she didn’t have to make herself can and will arrive at any minute, ready for her to dig into after a long day of going after her next mark. But at the same time...she hates the actual waiting.
Still, it gives her time to freshen up, relax a bit. Maybe get a movie started on the TV, or text a certain green...nephew.
Only a week ago now, Goldie found out from her sources (while heading down to the Underworld to get a certain fallen wreath) that Louie had been at The Spice-A-Torium in Instanbull the week before that, facing off against Rockerduck himself, with the help of yet another kid to add to the family list (how many did that make now?). Of course, Goldie had texted him right after hearing that to see how he fared (she knew things could get spicy at those dealings), but what she didn’t tell him is that her source had said that Louie had used her as a reference in a couple of side deals, calling her “Aunt Goldie,” and that now, people were identifying him as “O’Gilt’s nephew.”
She really should’ve reminded him not to throw out ties that casually, that people could use it against him, or even her, but...they both have reputations that protect them (and if not, well, they’d be messing with the wrong aunt then). And, if she’s being honest with herself...she likes the way “O’Gilt’s nephew” sounds.
Not that she’s going to tell him that anytime soon.
Goldie sinks into her room’s couch, her phone already out and opened to her texts, and wills her heart to ignore that increasingly-familiar familial warmth bubbling up once again. Scrooge and the kids are staying in Dismal Downs for a couple of days, and it’s bad enough that she’s planning on sneaking into McDuck Manor before they get back not to steal something, but to surprise Scrooge and Louie when they get there.
But that doesn’t mean her heart has to make a big deal out of it.
Goldie: How’s the castle, kid?
It’s getting close to midnight in Scotland, so Goldie won’t be surprised if she doesn’t hear from Louie until tomorrow on the half-chance he’s already asleep. She drops her phone to her side and picks up her water bottle from the end table, taking sip after sip.
After a minute, her phone buzzes with a message, then another, making her smile more than she has any right to.
Sharpie: Cold as ever. And y’know, we found some magical bagpipes, saved them from some bad guys, and had some statues of our ancestors come to life. Typical day. 😝
Sharpie: Also we met our Aunt Matilda.
Goldie smiles again, this time though over Scrooge’s sister. She’s met her exactly twice, both times by circumstance (her past self would never have let her get close enough to Scrooge to willingly want to meet his family), but each time ended up being a riot as Matilda would tease Scrooge for having a girlfriend, thus helping her give him hell (yet another trait of her past self). Looking back between those meetings and the first night she met the triplets, Goldie now knows exactly where the boys get their teasing gene from.
Goldie: I like her. Give her my regards.
Goldie looks up and finally takes stock of what’s on TV. Whatever channel she put it on has delved into a new movie, some comedy from the forties. She can live with it, so she turns her attention to the time on her phone just as a new message comes in.
Any minute now. Food.
But for now, she’s looking at a selfie of Louie with Matilda leaning over his shoulder, waving at the camera. They’re surrounded by bits of concrete and other debris, with their sleeves rolled up and their clothes covered in dust, and Goldie can just make out the back of Scrooge’s broadcloth coat in the background as he lifts something onto a pedestal of some sort.
Sharpie: She’s right here. She says hi!
Goldie grins and nods silently at her phone, happy to see both of them looking well, but surprised at how...awake everyone seems to be in the castle at their hour.
Goldie: Hi Matilda!
Goldie: Also: did a twister take a wrong turn in Glasgow?
Sharpie: Right. The statues? They kinda made a mess of things, so we have to fix them. There was...a lot of fighting here tonight.
She doesn’t press it, not now. She’s about to eat, and everyone there seems to be happy for now. Luckily for her, Louie saves her from having to think of something to say in response.
Sharpie: Wait, oh man, hang on.
Goldie does as told, watching with renewed interest as a few seconds pass before those three little typing bubbles pop up. Briefly, she considers that the statues have come back to life.
After more than a minute of on-again/off-again bubbles, she finds herself getting interested in the movie and drinking her water again. Just as she takes a long sip, a new text chimes in.
Sharpie: Aunt Matilda wants me to ask you, how are things in Goldieburg?
Goldie does a spit take, her water spraying out into the room and all over her phone screen. Whatever brain cells she has left are used to automatically wipe her screen across her sleeve to dry it, because she’s otherwise occupied with her face heating up and Louie’s last word echoing through her head.
Matilda’s teasing. It must be her teasing, though...Goldieburg...is definitely a new one. One she can’t even begin to imagine the origins of, though she suspects that Scrooge’s face is probably just as red as hers right now. She also suspects that another fight is starting up, and judging by the fact that Louie was able to send his last text, she’d wager that Matilda is winning.
A knock on her door draws Goldie’s attention away from her phone, but does little to calm the growing turmoil within her. Of course her food would arrive at this moment. She spares a final gawk at her phone before getting up and throwing it to the couch cushions.
It takes all remaining ounces of her self-control for Goldie to ignore the bellboy’s questioning stares at her frenzied appearance as he pushes her room service table into the room, pops open the wine for her, and tells her that she can call the front desk at anytime for them to come get the table when she’s done. She doesn’t know how much she actually tips him, but judging by the wide, bubbly grin that replaces his stare as he rushes out, her mind was far from her wallet when she opened it.
Food. Also far from her mind, for now.
Goldie snatches up her phone as soon as the door is locked again, hoping that there’ll be some explanation waiting for her.
It’s not that she’s embarrassed by the teasing - heaven knows that she’ll be the first to tease Scrooge, for any number of reasons - but this one seems so...personal. So specific. She supposed she should be flattered to affect Scrooge so much that he came up with this, whatever the circumstances. And perhaps that’s it - maybe it’s not the shock of the...uniqueness of “Goldieburg,” but rather it’s that stupid schoolgirl-crush-like warmth creeping through her veins at the idea of Scrooge getting flustered about her around his family, of him telling them about her - however involuntarily or distractedly, it seems - in a way other than a cautionary warning.
That, and Louie knows about it. Somehow, she has the feeling that this is going to be so much worse than him - any of the kids, really - calling her “aunt.”
There are notifications for seven new texts and a photo.
Sharpie: Uncle Scrooge says for you to totally read that last text and to definitely bring it up next time you see him
Sharpie: And that Goldieburg is his favorite place in the whole wide world
Sharpie: and that I should stop texting if I wanna stay in the will
Sharpie: wait what??
Goldie notices a time jump between the last text and the next.
Sharpie: Good news, I’m still in the will, thanks to Aunt Matilda.
A picture follows, of Matilda holding Scrooge back with one arm looped under his shoulder and the other holding him in a headlock. There’s a dead-seriousness in Matilda’s eyes but otherwise she looks like she just won the sibling battle to end all sibling battles. Scrooge, meanwhile, is redder than his coat, missing his hat, and looks ready to break Louie’s phone, even though there’s no way in hell he’s getting out of his current predicament, especially considering that an emu is holding one of his legs in its beak. Still, the photo seems to have been taken from a safe distance away.
(Goldie will have to ask about the emu later, when things aren’t so....chaotic.)
Sharpie: Sooooo...does this make you the mayor of Goldieburg? Or is Scrooge the mayor and you’re the leading citizen? 😂
Sharpie: Oh! Apparently there’s a Goldiesota, too!
Goldie is now very certain that she is on fire, especially with that penultimate text. It seems that she and Scrooge are both definite victims of teasing here now. She buries her head into her free hand and rubs it down her face, pausing to type out the only response she can manage right now.
Goldie: I no longer like Matilda.
Louie’s response is immediate.
Sharpie: Awww
Sharpie: But she likes you! In fact, she says she would *love* to live in Goldieburg.
Sharpie: I would, too! I can just imagine it - cons and schemes widespread, with no laws getting in the way. Infinite gold that holds its value. It’d be paradise!
Sharpie: Though I’m sure Uncle Scrooge has something different in mind.
Sharpie: Wait ew. No. Nevermind.
Sharpie: But you know what I mean.
Sharpie: 💛💛💛💛💛
Goldie rolls her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Suddenly her appetite is back, and the movie seems very captivating. She needs a distraction right now, anything to quell the butterflies. She may be warming up to the idea of family, but right now, she feels like she’s being pulled straight into the heart of the castle across the ocean, and that’s a little too much.
So she throws her phone on silent and wanders over to the room service table, taking a swig of wine straight from the bottle before lifting the tray cover on the center plate to see the juiciest-looking steak one could ever hope for, still steaming.
Culinary bliss.
By the time she finishes eating, Goldie is certain that all of Castle McDuck is asleep, or that they should be. She saw enough debris in those pictures, they’ll need the rest to finish cleaning up tomorrow. So she dares to turn her phone face-up again and take it off silent mode.
Handfuls of texts from multiple people, and several missed calls.
She delves into those from Scrooge first. As much as she doesn’t want to talk to him yet about all this - and she’s sure he feels the same way - if he tried to reach out to her, then she knows he’s going to at least provide the basic facts, without any teasing. An anchor point for her to refer to in her other texts.
Sourdough: Don’t listen to any of them, the hellions! I swear it’s not what you think. Whatever it is you’re thinking.
Sourdough: We can talk this over if you want, dear. Whenever you want.
Sourdough: Or not talk it over. I personally would like to forget Matilda ever opened her big dumb mouth.
Sourdough: Correction. Matilda does “not have a big dumb mouth and tell her that I am the best sister you could ever hope for, or I’ll serve Emu-tilda her breakfast in your hat.”
That text earns a particularly amused snicker from Goldie. She can just imagine the giant bird she saw in the picture earlier staring Scrooge down as he typed that.
Sourdough: Look, can I call you?
Goldie surmises the missed calls from Scrooge happened here.
Sourdough: Never mind. We’ll catch up after this trip. When I’m *not* surrounded by these...troublemakers. Good night, love.
The butterflies have moved from Goldie’s stomach to her heart, and an entirely new anticipation fills her with excitement. If she was a schoolgirl in this situation, she imagines this would be like having to wait over the weekend to talk to her crush on the playground on Monday. Never mind the fact that she’s not even trying to figure out how to get out of this, at least not yet, she realizes belatedly.
There’s one more text from Scrooge, sent after a time jump.
Sourdough: Do NOT believe anything you hear about Clan McScrooge!
Goldie has to stifle a laugh at that, and guesses that she’ll definitely be seeing more of “Clan McScrooge” in her other text messages. But first...
Goldie: Good night, Scroogey. 😘
She’s so tempted to send “Scroogey McScroogey,” but between that and “Goldieburg,” she really shouldn’t tempt fate when they’re all each other has in a boat surrounded by teasing family.
It takes all of five seconds for Scrooge to send back a response, one that’s so simple but enough to tune out the night’s noise for a few moments.
Sourdough: ❤️
She imagines him fumbling to put his phone back on his nightstand next to some big ornate medieval-style bed, his mind already luring him back to a deep sleep. Never mind the whole “Goldieburg” thing, it sounds like he already had an exhausting night between the fighting and the statues and the bagpipes. And the emu.
As she swipes back to see her conversations, Goldie immediately notices an unknown number with a few texts waiting for her. After reading the first one, she makes a contact for it.
Emu-tilda: Goldie! This is Matilda, Scrooge’s favorite sister.
Emu-tilda: Louie gave me your phone number to help make sure you’re okay.
Okay? Goldie pauses, a wave of uninvited guilt washing over her, and she fights every instinct to immediately switch to Louie’s texts. Instead, she wills herself to read through Matilda’s, if at a faster speed.
Emu-tilda: I’m sorry about Goldieburg and all. When I saw that it was you that Louie was talking to, I wanted to get under Scroogey’s skin a bit, so I told the bairns a tale from ages ago.
Emu-tilda: I’m sure Scrooge will fill you in, and if not, I’ll be more than happy to.
Goldie makes a mental note of the offer, and of the ensuing picture of a smiling, somewhat frazzled-looking Matilda with her arm wrapped around her emu, posing for the camera. She’ll respond to her texts later, but for now, she switches to her conversation with Louie, having to scroll back up to where he left off.
Sharpie: An update: Uncle Scrooge got out of the headlock, and is now chasing Aunt Matilda on her emu around the room.
Sharpie: Matilda’s on the emu, that is. Scrooge can’t catch his breath.
Sharpie: Oh! Now they’re in the hallways!
Sharpie: And Scrooge has a sword from the wall.
Sharpie: He’s totally defending your honor.
A blurry picture follows of Scrooge from behind, wielding a sword as he runs after his sister, a scowl clear on the visible side of his face. Goldie saves the photo - she can definitely use this later.
Sharpie: Wait no, now the emu has the sword!
Another picture, this one much more stable, follows again. Indeed, the emu has  somehow gotten ahold of Scrooge’s sword and is now chasing him through some sort of dining hall. Matilda herself even looks surprised and worried as she clutches at the feathers on the bird’s back.
Another keeper for the camera roll, if only for the sheer hilarity of it all.
Sharpie: Ok, Great-Grandma Downy is awesome. She totally just yanked the sword right out of the emu’s mouth while she was still running. Emu’s confined to Matilda’s room for the rest of the night. We’re all having some hot chocolate around a fire.
Sharpie: So, all’s well that end’s well.
There’s another time jump before the last batch of texts.
Sharpie: Right...?
Sharpie: Aunt Goldie?
Sharpie: You’re not mad about all this, are you? We’re all sorry for teasing you and Uncle Scrooge, and I know he didn’t mean anything bad by Goldieburg.
Sharpie: Are you ok?
Judging from the next few texts, Goldie guesses that this is when the missed calls from Louie came in.
Sharpie: I’m guessing you’re busy. At least, I hope so.
Sharpie: Again, it was all just some family teasing. Y’know how it is.
Sharpie: If it makes you feel any better, you can bring up Clan McScrooge the next time you talk to him.
Sharpie: Goldie?
Goldie blinks up from her phone, overwhelmed by the growing panic radiating from the texts and the guilt rekindled in herself. The idea of Louie, let alone anyone in Scrooge’s family, being this worried about her, even if there’s no actual cause for it, makes it hard to swallow and she finds herself quickly reaching for her water, chugging down the last third of it.
Y’know how it is.
She can’t say that she does. Her own family was never this close, never bounced back this easily after fights. They never...cared like this.
Maybe her heart’s right in making a big deal out of this.
After a few deep breaths, Goldie finally answers Louie.
Goldie: I’m ok, Sharpie. Was just eating dinner, had my phone on silent. Didn’t mean to scare you.
She’s very much surprised and totally-not-touched when he immediately texts back. He should definitely be asleep at this point.
Sharpie: Oh good. So, you’re not mad?
Goldie: Mad? No. Curious about the emu? Most definitely.
Sharpie: 😂😂 Understandable.
Goldie: You should be in bed though.
Sharpie: Oh I am! Couldn’t sleep yet though.
Goldie: Uh-huh. Love you too. Now go to sleep.
Sharpie: 🥰😴💛
Goldie: 💚
Not even half an hour ago, Goldie would have sworn off her impending trip to McDuck Manor in the name of not wanting to face Scrooge after the revelation of Goldieburg. But now the trip is back on, and she can’t deny to herself that she’s eager to see the ones she cares about.
That, and pay a visit to Scrooge McScrooge, mayor of Goldieburg.
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arrow-guy · 4 years
Author and Auror (4/??)
Synopsis: Eleanore Vaughan has never been one for the spotlight. Her cousin, Rosaline, is the one best suited to the limelight, and is happier for the attention. Though Nora is most comfortable tucked away in her book shop, what happens when Grindelwald’s sudden takeover flips her world upside-down and thrusts her into the inner circle?
A/N: Back at it again with another chapter in my collaboration with @thorne93​. This is a little shorter than the past chapters, but what it lacks in length it makes up for in the relationship growth with Nora, Newt, and Theseus. Anyway, please enjoy!
Page dividers by @carryonmyswansong​
Previously, with Rosaline…
Pairing: Theseus ScamanderxOFC
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None
Part 3
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“Theseus, we need to talk.”
“Of course,” he brushes his hands off on his trousers and walks up to the counter, leaning on his elbows. “What is it?”
“You know I like working with you, right?”
“I would hope so.”
“Okay, well…” I sigh. “I think you should go back to work at the Ministry.”
“Please don’t take this the wrong way! I’m not trying to chase you out! But I don’t think it’s healthy for you to keep running away from your responsibilities.” He doesn’t answer and I feel my heart begin to pound. “It’s been weeks, Theseus. You’re my friend, and I care about you, but I can’t watch you seclude yourself like this any longer.”
“I’m doing fine!”
“No! You’re not! You’ve been avoiding the places you would have seen Leta before, and it’s wearing on you, and your brother, and it’s wearing on me because I don’t know how I’m supposed to help you. I understand wanting to bury your feelings, but you can’t, Theseus. And I can’t keep hiding you from the Aurors showing up on my doorstep. You need to go back because those idiots you’re in charge of are scared of the threat that Grindelwald poses to our community, and you’re the only one who can keep the order.”
He lets out a shaky breath and I immediately rush around the counter to pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me and shakes his head.
“You’re right,” he says.
“You’re damn right, I am.”
He laughs. “Do you suppose I’ll actually have a job when I go back?”
“Considering I told them to sod off and let you grieve, I think you might, yeah.” I hug him tighter before pulling back and reaching up to wipe away a tear that rolled down his cheek. “I’m not saying that going back to work means you have to forget her. But going back will help you learn to live without her.”
He nods. “What would I do without you?”
“Sit alone in the dark, probably.” He laughs and pulls me to his chest again. “Maybe you would have gotten lost in the moors or walked off a cliff, I don’t know. Aurors aren’t the brightest bunch.”
“You’re terrible.”
“And yet, you keep me around anyway.”
The door slams open and I jump away from Theseus.
“Nora!” Newt jogs through the stacks and pauses when he sees Theseus and I. “Did I interrupt something?”
I sigh as Theseus steps away from me and moves to inspect the books that had been returned earlier. “No, not at all. Did you need something?”
“Has Theseus been working with you?” Newt asks. “Aurors have been showing up on my doorstep, and he’s been hiding here the whole time?”
I snap my fingers twice to refocus him. “Let’s not worry about that right now. What’s wrong, Newt?”
“Right! I believe I’ve found a companion for the kelpie!”
“Wait, really?”
“Yes!” He grins. “It’s been hiding in the middle of a lake in Norway. Scared the life out of a couple of fishermen four days ago.”
“Newt, that’s wonderful!”
“I was hoping you might come with me to collect it,” he says softly.
“I thought you had Bunty working for you full time now, though.”
“I do, but… the kelpie I’ve got now doesn’t exactly like her. As I remember, it took to you quite easily.”
I smile. “So you need me because I’m the kelpie whisperer, eh?”
He laughs. “Not solely, but yes.”
I glance back at Theseus and he nods. “You should go. Tessa and James can call on me if they need help.”
“Of course. Nothing will fall to pieces if you’re gone for a few days.” He smiles. “Go have an adventure.”
“I’ll go, but only if you promise you’ll go into work while I’m gone.”
He laughs and crosses his heart. “I promise. Suit and everything.”
I grin and turn back to Newt.
“So, Norway, huh?”
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“It seems like you and Theseus have gotten closer,” Newt comments.
“Yeah, I think we have.” I smile and look out across the lake. “I don’t know… after everything that’s happened, I’m just glad I still have you two.”
“I think both of us would be lost without you,” he says. “Especially Theseus.”
I snort. “He would, honestly. I think he mostly feels helpless, though. ‘S probably why he’s been avoiding work for nearly a month. Hasn’t really been back to his own flat either.”
Newt nods. “Has he been staying with you?”
“Yes. Tina is staying with my parents till we can figure out a better solution so my guest room has been open for him to use.”
“At least someone’s looking after him.”
“Mmm, yeah. But who’s looking after you?”
Newt shrugs. “Bunty helps distract me a little.”
“Is that what I asked you?”
He lays back in the grass. “No.”
“Okay then.” We sit in silence, waiting for our sources to show. “You are allowed to talk to me, you know. Processing the tough stuff on your own has never been your strong suit.”
He laughs. “I appreciate that. I just… everything happened so fast between the French ministry and the mausoleum, I’m not sure where to even begin processing.”
“What’s the thing that you’re stalling on the most?”
I watch him squeeze his eyes shut and his nose scrunches up. “Rosaline told me that she loved me,” he says softly.
“I know.”
“Did… did she actually mean that?”
I nod slowly. “She did.”
“Yes. She really, really meant it, Newt. Merlin…” I pick at the grass between my legs. “She wanted to tell you sooner, but you came back from the states, and you had just met Tina and you were just so excited to talk about her. She didn’t tell you because she wanted you to be happy, and she thought you’d have that happiness with Tina.”
“How long?”
I shrug. “Three, maybe four years?”
Newt covers his face with his hands and sighs. “Circe, I’m an idiot.”
“Because I… care about her in the same way she cares for me.”
“Oh, Newt, how long?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know… maybe three years? We were working one day and I just realized how I felt when I looked over and she was chastising the niffler.” I can see him smile between his hands. “She was so angry with him and she was shaking her finger and her brows were pulled together and her nose was all scrunched up.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell her?”
“It’s quite stupid, really.”
“Newt,” I say, an edge of warning to my voice.
He sighs heavily. “When we first started working together she said something about not letting people outside of her family in. That she didn’t want someone close enough to her heart that they could break it.”
“How long ago was that?”
“Nearly six years.”
“Merlin, Newt! And you didn’t think her mind might change between then and now?”
“I think you and I both know change isn’t exactly what Rosaline does.”
I laugh. “It seems that you’re the one thing that inspires her to change, though. I told her you were looking for a full time assistant, and that just cemented her plans to leave ministry work for good.”
“You’re lying.”
“When have I ever lied to you?”
“Four years back, when you told me you didn’t have a Cornish pixie in the box you handed me, and there was a Cornish pixie in it!”
“Pranks don’t count, dear.”
“Fine. Then you’ve never lied to me.”
“Bloody right I haven’t.” I place a hand on his arm. “It’s fine, you know. The way you feel about her.”
“But she was so hurt when I didn’t respond when we were in Flamel’s home. How could I not say anything?”
“Because you need a little longer to process that sort of information. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. And it’s not as if you’ve only got one opportunity in life to tell someone how you feel.”
“Is that why you haven’t told Theseus how you feel?” he asks.
I shake my head. “No, that’s not it.”
“Am I allowed to ask why?”
I sigh. “Yes, Newt, you are.”
“Why haven’t you told him?”
“I haven’t told him because I’m scared, and not because he won’t feel the same, but because I’m terrified of what could happen if he does. I don’t really like uncertainty. I like to have a plan, and Theseus does too. I don’t think we fit into each other’s plans in that way.”
“I don’t know…”
I lay back in the grass. “There’s just too much up in the air. Trying to add Theseus to that right now… It’d just complicate everything. We’re trying to find Rosaline, Theseus just lost Leta. Anything more than working through that would be too much.”
“Yeah. Maybe.”
“Newt, I’ve already gone round in circles with Rosaline about this. I’m certainly not going to do it with you too.”
Newt opens his mouth to say something, but he’s caught off by a splash and a chorus of yells and screams.
“I’ll be that’s our kelpie,” he says.
We haul ourselves to our feet and head to the edge of the water.
Part 5
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this chapter, please reblog, comment, and/or shoot me ask! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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charlesoberonn · 5 years
The Truth Always Comes Out
Words: 2,875
Genre: science fiction, romance
Summary: On August 15th, 1929, Harry Hanover cheats on his wife. For the next 90 years, he is unstuck in time and watches as his life slides past him.
On August 15th, 1929, Harry Hanover cheated on his wife Margaret.
Her name was Annie Wesburner. She knew he was married.
It started a few months beforehand when she and her college friends visited the resort town of Munsee, New Jersey -Where Harry lived happily with Margaret and their two children- for the spring break. She caught his eye immediately. She was beautiful, and barely older than Margaret was when they got married after Harry returned from the war.
She and Harry hit it off, but nothing happened between them on that trip. Two week later she returned to her home in upstate New York. They continued writing letters in secret for a number of months before they decided to meet up again. She was going to Paris soon to complete her studies there, and they would not have the opportunity to meet again for many years. They decided the place of their meeting to be New York City.
Harry reserved two rooms in the Plaza Hotel, one for himself and Margaret, and the other for Annie. On the night between the 14th and the 15th, when Margaret was fast asleep, Harry went down to the 6th floor and had sex with Annie. It was quiet and almost wordless, as though the sleeping Margaret could hear them from 10 stories above them. When they were done, Harry felt nothing. She wanted him to stay, but he told her to checkout as soon as she could and never speak to him again.
The next morning, Harry pretended to wake up next to Margaret. He kissed her and whispered to her ear “Happy 10th anniversary.”
He never told her what happened that night. He decided to spend the rest of his life making it up to Margaret.
On August 15, 1930, Harry and Margaret Hanover celebrated their 10th year anniversary again. It confused Harry at first. He asked Margaret if she was mistaken. She told him she would never forget such an important milestone. Harry thought his mind was slipping. The times were hard, and Munsee was experiencing the brunt of the depression as fewer and fewer people could afford vacations at the beach town.
Harry decided to investigate the matter. He looked at the filing cabinet to find their marriage certificate and indeed, it now said that they wed in 1920, when before it said 1919. And weirder than that, he looked at his birth certificate which now said he was born in February of 1898, as opposed to 1897.
It soon was made clear that this is no practical joke, as even strangers all confirmed the story of his and Margaret’s wedding in the summer of 1920. He tried to take his mind off of it, and enjoy the modest celebration the now much poorer family could afford in the local Munsee family diner.
By their 10th time they celebrated their 10th anniversary in August of 1939, Harry was used to it, though not disturbed any less. Things were better now in the world, though in two weeks the war would start and things will once again get worse.
According to records and his family’s memories, they were now wed on 1929. Their wedding, ironically enough, was held in the Plaza Hotel in New York City. He seemed to recall the event in his memory, alongside his memory of the original wedding in the local baptist church in Munsee in 1919.
The same thing happened with memories of his childhood. He remembered his original boyhood in the turn of the century alongside his “new” childhood in the 1910s, while his older cousins were off in Europe, fighting in the war he was too young to fight. Their stories from that war upon their return were very similar to his memories of his own war experience.
His son and daughter, who were born in 1922 and 1926 respectively, were no longer his own, but from a previous husband of Margaret. He found that bit of fate to be particularly cruel, but he had no soul to vent to about the injustice, lest he be hospitalized. He met that supposed first husband a number of years ago. He was nice enough of a man, though he broke it off with Margaret fairly soon after their second child was born, which infuriated Harry.
Margaret decided to celebrate the anniversary in the Plaza Hotel again, although Harry was very much against the idea. He looked at his wife’s face. Though his birthday kept being pushed forward, hers remained the same, and she has grown older and older in front of his forever young eyes. When they married, she was two years younger than him, now she was eight years older.
They celebrated in the Plaza Hotel despite his protests. And for a second he thought he saw Annie among the guests, though that would’ve been impossible.
Harry and Margaret celebrated their 10th year anniversary again on August 15, 1959. For Harry, it was their 40th. Harry had known this old woman for most of their life, but she had known him for barely a decade and some. It was discouraging, as every fact about him which was older than a few decades would be swept away from her memory and all records.
His children were now adults with their own children. And even though he tried to be a part of their lives, they clearly didn’t care much for this man who married their aging mom when they were in their teens. That broke his heart most of all. He tried to be active in the lives of his young grandchildren, but knowing he was too young to be their “real” grandfather, they too didn’t connect with him as much as he’d like.
Only Margaret was the constant in his life. He doted on her and loved her no matter how much she changed. He saw her through wars and through hardships, both financial and physical. As her health waned, he doted on her even harder, nursing her to health, or as close to health as he could. But it was clear she wasn’t in her best.
Sometimes he’d be thinking back to who she was 10 years ago, and who he was 40 years ago, and he wondered if that young man would’ve married that old woman, like everyone remembers it happening. He’d clear those thoughts out of his mind and focus on the now. Though he knew that this now would soon slip away from him.
The American landscape was always changing, and it was hard to adjust. He’d get comments about how he doesn’t act according to his age, and how he’s like an old man, so it’s not surprise he married a woman almost twice his age.. He’d often jokingly comment to his aging friends about how he wished he was born in their generation, hoping that maybe he could make them remember, or least suspect about what’s happening to him. But alas, it never worked.
Right now, all he wanted was to give Margaret a good 10th wedding anniversary celebration in their house with their friends and their reluctant children and grandchildren.
On February 23rd, 1989, a few months before their 10th year anniversary, Margaret died at age 90. She lived a good life, he hoped. Many people said that she got to live this long because in her last 10 years she had him. His grandchildren were older than him and they had their own children and even, and they all came to the funeral.
He looked down as his wife of 70 years was being lowered into the grave in their backyard, and he cried.
Their own old house in Munsee was too old and too expensive to live in, so after the funeral Harry took what little he inherited from his wife, sold it and bought a small apartment in San Francisco. He wanted to be as far away from New York and the Plaza hotel as possible.
In the weeks counting up to August 15th, he wondered what would happen. Would his wife return to life, would he be thrown back in time. Was there even a significance to their 10th anniversary that made it return every year, wiping another year from his past in its wake?
He thought about what else happened on the night of August 15. He could barely remember Annie’s face, but her name ringed his ears every year when he contemplated his fate. Was she responsible? Was he responsible? He went back and forth between thinking he was being punished to thinking he was being cursed. Eventually, he thought nothing at all.
On August 15, he was the only one who noted their 10ths year anniversary. Margaret was still dead, he was still in San Francisco. He wondered if that meant it was over. It wasn’t.
The more time went on, the shorter their marriage was. Every year, on the 10th anniversary, his friends and aging grandchildren would think less and less of him. Some still saw him as somebody who doted on Margaret and made her happy in the last years of her life, others thought of him as an opportunist taking advantage of a dying woman to inherit her wealth.
On August 15, 1999, his marriage was wiped from history. The documents disappeared, his family didn’t recognize him. He was still in his early 30s.
He tried to ignore the feeling inside him at first. He wondered about trivial things, like how his new co-workers in the tech company he worked on remembered his life, and where the money for his apartment 10 years ago came from. It came from his parents, the original Hanovers, which had changed identities so many times in the passing decades he didn’t even bother to remember who they were now or to maintain a relationship with them.
It was only after a couple of weeks that the pain of this loss really got to him.
For the next couple of decades his mind was weary. He was over 100 years old. A century of memories and alternate memories stored in his brain. He had to distract himself every day to stop himself from endless reminiscing that could go on for hours. He had difficulty making sense of his own life, and often had to rely on outside sources to figure out where and who he was at this point in his life. He wondered if that’s what people with Alzheimer's felt like inside their head. Fortunately, Margaret never had to suffer through that awful disease in her final days.
Funnily enough, people started referring to him as a millennial again, just like they did in his original childhood in the turn of the previous century.
He never married again, of course. There was no point experiencing that anguish all over again. He doubted he could even retain a relationship when they’d always be dating for less than a year in her mind. He didn’t have as much difficulty keeping up with new technology and trends anymore. He didn’t have Margaret to keep him grounded anyway. He was as free-flowing in his own life as he was in the memories of others.
He checked up on his great-great-great-grandchildren from time to time, wondering what they were up to. They lived relatively normal lives, had dates, went to college. Some of them served in the military like him. Some of them were Hanovers again, much to his surprise. By the time of the 1950s they had the surname of Margaret’s “first” husband who she married long before he was even born. Looking back at their and his publicly-available genealogy, he saw that his great-grandaughter married a descendant of one of his original cousins. It was nice knowing that in some way they were family again.
Recently he started wondering if he made it all up. If he was insane. If he just picked a random woman who died decades ago and imagined an elaborate decades long marriage with her on a sliding timescale that kept pushing him forward in time. Maybe none of it was real, and he was in a mental asylum, still in 1929, imagining he’d gone to the future.
It was April 2019. He wanted to visit Margaret’s grave for the 30th anniversary of her death. She was dead at this point for almost as long as he was alive according to the outside world. His family probably wouldn’t like it. At least he was just a stranger to them now instead of the man who took advantage of their elderly matriarch.
April passed and he didn’t regret the decision, though pangs of guilt occasionally tormented him, but never for longer than a couple of minutes.
On August 16th, he was barely thinking about the anniversary that happened the day before. It’s been too long. On that morning, he received a message on Facebook. It was from Annie Westburner. For the first 10 seconds he was shocked. 10 seconds after that he was looking through her pictures. All of them were recent, in all of them she looked the same age she did 90 years ago.
Memories of their affair all those decades ago flooded his brain. He cried out in pain. The regret and guilt panged his heart as much as the memory ached his head.
They agreed to meet up again. In Munsee, now renamed Aquaton Beach.
They found each other at the location of his old house, which was converted into a small graveyard for the community. It was surrounded by high rise condos which were built in recent years. Their long shadows provided nice shade for the slightly unkempt cemetery.
“You look the same.” he said to her. They were the only two in the place.
Before she could answer him, he looked down and saw Margaret’s tombstone. She wasn’t a Hanover, hasn’t been for 20 years. Or really, has never been. Next to her was his son’s grave, which he didn’t realize had died a couple of years prior. He felt like a fool.
“You look pretty good, too.” Annie answered.
“How has the last 90 years been for you?” he asked.
“It’s only been a few days for me, actually.”
“I see.” That surprised Harry, but he didn’t react. He just sighed and looked down.
At Margaret.
“I was born in this era.” Annie explained. “1998.” she looked at Harry, he didn’t look back.
“Last year I found out I could travel back and forward through time. I could implant myself into the era like I was always there.”
“Is that when you met me?”
“Yeah…” he sighed. “I looked for you. Numerous times. In Paris. But you weren’t in Paris. I thought you lied to me. I thought your name was fake. You did lie to me. You didn’t go to Paris.” he didn’t sound angry.
“No, I returned to 2019.”
“Why did you contact me?”
“I looked you up.” she smiled, though her smile didn’t last. “I wanted to see what kind of life you had, after me. I couldn’t find you in the records. Then I looked you up on Facebook. That’s when I realized I must’ve dragged you into the present with me.”
“Did it happen to you before?”
“Yeah. With a few guys. But never for longer than 10-15 years. Certainly not anywhere as long as you.”
Harry paused. He clenched his fist, but then loosened it. He didn’t have the strength. Despite how he looked, he was over 120 years old.
“Do you know what it’s been like for me?”
“Listen, I didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just that it sometimes happens. Especially when I want somebody to stay with me. My power has a way to bring them to me.”
“I’m not looking for excuses. I’m asking if you know.”
“I don’t. I never really asked.”
Harry looked down again, this time at the ground. He paused for a long time. “So now what?”
“There’re a couple of options:” she started counting on her fingers. “I can free you, so you’ll start aging again. I can even erase the last 90 years from your memory, so your memory will match that of the outside world. I can even take you with me next time I travel.” she grabbed onto his hand. “If you want.”
He looked at her hand. He wanted to swat her away, but he just loosely let go. “Can you put me back?” he looked at Margaret.
“Yes. I can. I can put you back before we met. You can retain your memories or not.”
“Put me back in the Plaza Hotel. After you left.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I want to come clean to her. I want to make it up to her, for real.”
“Okay.” Annie looked saddened. She sighed and closed her eyes.
When she opened them again, Harry Hanover was no longer there. Not in life, at least.
She looked back at Margaret’s headstone, which now had a different name.
“Margaret Hanover, Mother to many, 1899-1989”
Next to her was another grave, with a slightly newer headstone.
“Harry Hanover, Loving Husband, 1897-1989”
On August 19th, 2019, Annie Westburner turned around and left the cemetery.
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28. Em
Author’s Note/Table of Contents
MCs/OCs featured: 
Nora Magnus [ @dat-silvers-girl ]
Sarahi Silvers [ @dat-silvers-girl ]
There was something about the pumpkin juice at Hogwarts that brought a smile to my face despite all that was happening. Perhaps it was the flavour of the drink, fresh in any temperature, or the bright orange colour that looked a bit like liquid fire. Whatever the case, it was something I wouldn't turn down for the world, even as things got bad.
And I knew things were about to get really, really bad.
I couldn't get Jacob's words out of my head, insistent as he told me to not get involved with he trouble he dragged our family into. The look on his face was enough for me to feel guilty, not only for him and his predicament, but for me and my reckless behaviour. If I dove too deep into this, they feared that I wouldn't surface again. I knew Jacob already took too deep of the plunge to even bother coming back up for air, but he couldn't control the people he took in tow. Clara was already caught on the line--what did it matter if I joined in? Even if I was just a first-year who knew only the most rudimentary stuff, I knew I had to help my siblings. Not knowing them well enough when I was younger was no excuse.
The sweet tang of the pumpkin juice coated my tongue as I swallowed it down, imagining it drowning down the worries and fears I had for my older siblings. I just hoped that neither of them suffered from horrible repercussions that could potentially arise.
"Oi, leave her alone, will you?" I heard someone pipe up from behind me. "The only reason she doesn't want to speak to you is because you've already injured her enough!"
I turned around now to see Dawn and Nora face Eunice and Travis with daggers in their eyes, eyebrows narrowed as they stared the two Slytherins down. What was going on here?
"It was just a lousy Flipendo," Eunice drawled. "I didn't ask for her to break her elbow."
"Does it matter? First her nose, then her elbow--not even Nora would hurt her intentionally!" Dawn cried. "Whatever trick you two have up your sleeves this time, we're not interested in seeing it. I'll even tell Professor Snape what you've been up just to stop you both from bullying anyone else."
"She's another source of disgrace!" Travis added on, not even sparing me a glance. "I'm surprised you two would rather roll around in 'cursed kid' scum. No thanks. We'd rather squash her out before she infests everyone with her disgusting--"
The resounding crack of cartilage made me blink as Nora's fist connected with Travis' nose, punching deep into his face. Blood slowly began to trickle out of his nostrils, the scarlet carving a path over his pale face; the sneer suddenly dropped, and his expression morphed into one of horror.
"You--you wouldn't--" Travis muttered wildly.
"Key word: intentionally," Nora repeated, eyebrows narrowing further. "Now scram before I do something even worse."
The two Slytherins didn't have to think twice. With one last horrified look at Nora, they turned on their heels and hightailed out of there.
"What did they want with me this time?" I asked Nora and Dawn then, wiping my mouth with my napkin as they sat down by the Hufflepuff table. "And why bother you two about it?"
"Your guess is as good as ours," Nora responded grimly, twisting her fist decisively against her robes. "I'd assume they'd want to pick a fight with you after hearing that you've learned and somehow perfected the Disarming Charm way before Professor Flitwick taught it to us."
"Though it did surprise us, I'll say that!" Dawn added. "How did you learn the Disarming Charm so quickly?"
I didn't tell anyone about my involvement with Clara's friends. Well, Nora saw me and Diego working together, and Hillary saw me with the Weasleys, but no one else knew much about the people I spend time with. I don't even think they know about the fact that I've attended a few of Bill's Defence Against the Dark Arts tutoring lessons sometimes.
"Diego taught it to me," I eventually replied. "He taught me while we were in the Duelling Club one night."
"Not to be rude, but...who's Diego?" Nora asked, tilting her head slightly at the name. "Not one of us first-years, right?"
"You mean Diego Caplan?" Dawn interjected. "He's one of the strongest duellers at Hogwarts! Not to mention he's good-looking. He's a sixth year Hufflepuff," she added to Nora, who only nodded in slight confusion and acknowledgement.
"And he's one of my sister's friends," I said. "They've been looking out for me quite a lot since the start-of-term feast. They've always had my best interest at heart."
"So that's who your sister introduced you to, then!" Nora finally realized. "No wonder you've already gotten quite a few friends."
"I can't always rely on them, though. They'll be graduating soon, and who would I be left with once they're gone?" I pointed out. "I'll admit, though, you guys are a good bunch to hang out with too."
"Aww!" Dawn gushed then, pulling me into a brief side hug. "I mean, why not? You're a student just like any of us. There's really no reason to treat you differently because of who your brother is."
For all the bullying and attacks that Eunice and Travis had beset on me, it was a relief to see that there were a lot of people who still cared about me and my well-being. I nodded and smiled at the two of them, a warm fuzzy feeling radiating within me. "Thank you both."
The two girls just smiled back as they grabbed a sandwich each, and we shared our dinner together that night.
As Halloween started to roll around, the excitement for the spookiest day of the year began to spark in bursts like heated embers by the fireplace. Professor Dumbledore eventually called on a few student volunteers to help with decorating for the season a few days prior, and not to my surprise, a lot of students actually signed on.
"You should join too!" Dawn encouraged me, pointing to the sign up sheet. "We need someone of your creative calibre, after all! I'm sure you'll do a great job leading us."
"This isn't like creating flower hairpieces, Dawn," I warned her. "I can make a few basic crafts, but to lead students into making them?"
"It should be cake!" Hillary chirruped beside me. "Please?"
"Not to mention, we'll even get to work with Hagrid's giant pumpkins!" Nora added. "And I bet we'll create some awesome Jack-O-Lanterns with your help!"
Next thing I knew, Dawn grabbed the quill and signed my name on the sheet before I could say anything, and everyone wheeled me into the Great Hall to help with the decorating process.
"Ahh, Miss Lin," Professor Dumbledore greeted me with a serene smile. "And I see your friends convinced you to help, is that right?"
"That's right, Professor!" Hillary agreed. "She's actually pretty talented with crafts."
"Then I see you'll be a wonderful asset to our team," Professor Dumbledore said with an approving nod. "Very well. You four can go take a seat over there, and we'll get started shortly."
I normally wasn't a fan of Halloween. When I was much younger, my mother once scared me with a banshee mask on her face and a short loud "boo!" that made me cry in fright. I was wary of scary faces from that point on, but here it seemed very different. There were no masks around, no scary faces to be pulled--just floating Jack-O-Lanterns and dark candles that Professor Flitwick levitated with the recently taught Levitation Charm, and a couple of streamers and banners for us to hang around the Great Hall. Everyone had different tasks to do--the younger students had the job of making the streamers and banners, while the older students handled the knives and carved the Jack-O-Lanterns. I remembered offering one of my designs to one of Clara's other friends who signed on--Liz, I think her name was--and in no time she and a boy sporting Gryffindor coloured face paint carved out the Hogwarts castle on the biggest pumpkin in the room.
"Whoa! That looks amazing!" I heard one of the Weasley twins suddenly exclaim behind me, and I turned to see the two of them grin at the giant Hogwarts castle silhouette on the giant pumpkin.
"Now that is what I call an impressive Jack-O-Lantern!" George agreed with Fred. "Who came up with the design for it, by the way?"
"I did," I said, waving a hand.
Now Fred beamed at me and shook my hand excitedly. "Well, I'll say, you got quite some potential!" he said.
"Right?! We all played a part in the decorating, but I think her Hogwarts pumpkin is going to be the ultimate highlight," Dawn said, joining us with a huge grin on her face. "If I had any say in this, I'd say she should start an arts and crafts club of her own."
"What?" At the sound of that, I shook my head. "Dawn, you can't be serious--"
"I'm serious! You can literally turn something into anything!" Dawn said. "Like your flowers--you can turn them into crowns! I've seen you do that in our dormitory a few nights ago. And you even turned a Sickle into a pendant--and a button into a charm--"
"I figured we could all use that kind of extracurricular," I nodded thoughtfully. "I mean, if everyone loves and appreciates that, I guess I can foster their interest in that."
Just then, I saw Sarahi enter the Great Hall with a few books in her arms. The moment she saw me, she quickly ran over to me.
"Em!" she called out.
I quickly waved her over just as she approached, a tired smile on her face. "Hello, Sarahi."
"I know I meant to reach out to you much earlier, but how are you doing?" she asked. "You know, with Eunice and Travis messing around with you and all."
"Managing," I managed to respond with a sheepish laugh. "I mean, at least they haven't had the urge to injure me again. A bloody nose and a fractured elbow is enough for me for one year. Let's just hope I don't get petrified next."
"Oh, yeah. I wouldn't want to think about the Petrification Curse either," Sarahi mumbled darkly.
"I just hope my sister and brother know what they're doing," I eventually said. "They recently just told me to have at least one normal year at Hogwarts. How can things be normal when they're pulling themselves deeper and deeper into danger every year? All I can do in the meanwhile is try to dodge Eunice and Travis every chance I get."
Beside me, Dawn wrapped an arm around me and squeezed my shoulder with a hand. Sarahi just nodded at the mention of my older siblings.
"Em, you know that when it comes to family matters...I'm not exactly the best person to turn to for advice," Sarahi said. "But know that when it comes to bullies, I'll protect you with everything I have. If I have to, I will Depulso Eunice and Travis into the sun, and I don't care how young they are. If they only act to hurt, that's not okay at all."
"Better than throwing a Dungbomb at them?" Fred countered, slightly disappointed.
"Lots of problems can be solved without Dungbombs, Fred," Nora warned him as she caught up to us. "And besides, I think we have gotten enough of your stinky pranks."
"Speak for yourself. Come Halloween, though..." George winked at Fred and chuckled. "You may have yet to see our first big heist."
"Oh, I'm looking forward to it, alright," Nora mumbled while everyone else laughed.
The sounds tumbling out of my mouth made my heart light again, and I thought back to the time I helped Hagrid with making rock cakes in his hut a few weeks ago. I had never really felt this happy since then. I suppose that was all a part of life--the happy times, the sad times, the scary times that would detach us from what we used to call 'normal'.
If only life was just as sweet as the pumpkin juice here. I wouldn't hesitate to drink it down every day if I had the option to.
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odanurr87 · 4 years
Flash Review: Witch’s Love
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Hyun Woo as Ma Sung-Tae, and Yoon So-Hee as Kang Cho-Hong.
Release Date: July 25 - August 30, 2018
Episodes: 12
Available on: Viki
Summary: Kang Cho-Hong is a young witch living with her grandmas, running a restaurant by day and performing magic rituals by night, who soon finds herself losing her powers. Ma Sung-Tae is a wealthy businessman trying to solve a traumatic puzzle from his childhood who buys the building where the trio of witches live and operate, effectively becoming their landlord overnight. Initially keen on getting rid of this rude individual who intruded on their lives, the witches soon change their tune when they learn he might be the key to restoring Cho-Hong’s powers. But there is more to Sung-Tae’s story than meets the eye...
WARNING! I’m gonna spoil the living shit out of this show. Proceed at your own risk.
What works:
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Yoon So-Hee as Kang Cho-Hong. She was really the only reason I decided to watch this kdrama in the first place as I really liked her in One More Time and felt she had the acting chops for another main role. I feel she was the standout here again, delivering the more interesting performance, or at the very least trying to show more emotional range than her co-stars. She was feisty, happy, confused, sad, angry, in love, pretty much what you’d expect from a woman who finds herself falling in love for a guy who starts off (and some would argue largely remains) as a jerk. You can’t help but fall in love with her, what’s kinda the point and the reason why I watched all 12 episodes of this show.
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The concept... kinda. I’ll admit the idea of witches living in 21st century Korea as restaurant owners intrigued me, and the thought of seeing a reenactment of a mortal falling for Bewitched’s Samantha had its charm, although the show never makes the most of this premise. The grandmas that care for Cho-Hong can be pretty funny when they choose to be and their meddling works more often than not, certainly when they’re trying to play cupid, but it is less welcome when you realize they have prevented Cho-Hong from having any real, meaningful, lasting relationship with anyone throughout her entire life and remain intent on doing so. Why? Because one of them got burnt for it, though not literally like Joan of Arc. Incidentally, I feel the show never fully embraced the idea of making the grannies appear to be serial murderers hiding their business behind a restaurant facade, though admittedly that would have perhaps required a radical transformation of the character of Sung-Tae to make it work. It’s a shame because that one scene where they’re shown “getting rid of the body” was hilarious.
What doesn’t work:
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The male leads. I’m sorry but they really don’t. On the one hand we have Hwang Jae-Wook (played by Lee Hong-Bin), a webtoon artist and apparently Cho-Hong’s childhood friend. I say “apparently” because as far as I could tell she doesn’t remember him. He’s the kind friend (and should’ve remained so) who, naturally, is nursing a crush for Cho-Hong that she clearly doesn’t reciprocate, what is all the better given they have zero chemistry, but the show still tries to showcase him as a potential love interest. Then we have Sung-Tae, a character who didn’t have a bad start but soon showed himself to be a jerk (it fluctuates throughout the series) and rather too possessive for my tastes. He’s also fairly consistent in his stiff and one-note performance, only loosening up when allowed to act cute with Cho-Hong a couple of times. Was the script to blame, the direction, or maybe he just wasn’t into it? He has some good scenes, but I feel like they were few and far between, and usually more of a credit to So-Hee’s character. I was left with the sensation that, if there was any more chemistry between Cho-Hong and Sung-Tae than between Cho-Hong and Jae-Wook, it was probably because the former had more screen time than the latter and that can’t be good. For all I know, the male actors are good actors, as this is the first time I’ve seen them, but they just don’t make it work here.
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Missing plot threads. This is probably the only show I’ve watched in recent memory that completely forgets about a plot thread and character. Early on we’re introduced to Sung-Tae’s friend, an actress who’s struggling in her career and may have romantic feelings for the male lead. The show was definitely setting them up as a media couple, and also incidentally ensured she cross path with Cho-Hong. In a later episode, there is a scene where Cho-Hong sees a magazine featuring Sung-Tae that was clearly devised for her to find out about this fake relationship, become jealous, demand explanations, that sort of thing. It’s possible this actress friend would’ve become the love interest for the second male lead, but she just disappears. Why this much build up for a character who just vanishes? If I were to give the writers the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn’t just forget about her, then I can only surmise this show was supposed to (or hoped to) have more than 12 episodes, but when that wasn’t the case the writers started making some deep cuts. Another possibly missing plot thread is related to the purpose of the CCTV camera installed in Sung-Tae’s bedroom... and promptly forgotten. It is never used meaningfully in the show when there is at least one event for which it seems tailored-fit.
The inconsistent de-powering rule. At the start of the show, Cho-Hong has her heart broken by her then boyfriend cheating on her. It was a good riddance, since the guy was only after her because he thought she had money, but this betrayal leaves her depressed and saddened, causing her to lose her witch powers. Thus, the show has established that the source of a witch’s powers is apparently tied to her emotional state, and experiencing a shock of this magnitude will result in a witch losing her powers, leading to her losing her youth, beauty, and mind, living a tragic, homeless life in the streets. Not particularly keen on this future, Cho-Hong takes it into her hands to consult a recluse witch who practices black magic for a solution. The witch hands her an “artifact” and tells her she needs to use it to find her fated man, saying she need only “capture his heart” in order to avoid her fate. In order words, if she finds her “one true love,” she will be able to reverse the loss, what seems to be consistent with the earlier rule of a witch’s power being tied to her emotional state. Fast forward a fair bit. Cho-Hong having regained her powers, her grandmas now decide to wipe Sung-Tae’s memories. I’ll explain the why later. Cho-Hong is dead set against this, as she loves him, but the grandmas carry out the procedure anyway, leaving a broken and despondent Cho-Hong in the process. How is it then that Cho-Hong doesn’t lose her powers? We established that the source of a witch’s powers is tied to her emotional state, and Cho-Hong gave the impression of being even more distraught by this act than by his former boyfriend’s cheating, so how come there are no consequences this time around? Did the writers miss this? As if the show hadn’t forgotten enough things, it is stated at one point that one of the grandmas had once lost her powers in a similar situation but managed to avoid her tragic fate. Um, hello, mind sharing how you did that so you can save your adopted granddaughter? Nope, it never occurs to her to share this crucial information, pushing Cho-Hong to continue to seek the dark witch’s counsel, something both grandmas clearly disapprove. Sigh.
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The confusing “fated man” plot and the dark witch’s agenda. I’ve never been more confused by a villain’s agenda in a kdrama before, for twice in this show the villain actually helps the protagonists. Surely this must be part of some dastardly plot of hers, right? Sure. Probably. Maybe. I guess? The show is as confused as I am. Apparently, the dark witch wants to ruin Cho-Hong because of some beef she had with her mother or something. I suppose she could’ve just let her meet her fate but she wants to harvest her magical power first (the show is never clear on how this is done). Going by facts alone, we know that: 1) the dark witch helped seal Sung-Tae’s death when he was young, but she didn’t stop it so he’s bound to die sooner or later; 2) she gave an artifact to Cho-Hong so she could find her “one true love” and regain her powers, both of which she did; 3) the dark witch appears confused, saying the man Cho-Hong is in love with is not her fated man; 4) the dark witch is convinced Cho-Hong will come to her to prevent the death of her loved one (what she does), something she intends to capitalize on, probably by harvesting her magical power. If the dark witch had somehow foreseen this situation 25 years ago, deciding to help save Sung-Tae then in order to use him to get Cho-Hong’s power later, that would make more sense. However, the dark witch didn’t know Cho-Hong existed at the time, and, for all we know, Cho-Hong was never supposed to fall for Sung-Tae. Was she supposed to fall for Jae-Wook instead? The show certainly does its best to muddle the issue but, if so, there are no traces left in the plot as to how the dark witch was going to use Jae-Wook to harvest Cho-Hong’s power, as the former certainly isn’t dying. And why would the dark witch be concerned about Cho-Hong falling in love with someone else so long as she gets her powers back? It’s not like she’s supposed to be looking out for her, right? In fact, Cho-Hong falling in love with Sung-Tae is surprisingly convenient for the dark witch’s “agenda.” Nothing about this plot makes sense.
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A witch’s fate and the harvesting of magic. Talk about things that don’t make sense. The dark witch has apparently been harvesting witches’ magic for a while, yet the fact no one seems to be aware of it until the end, when one of the grandmas and Cho-Hong had been to her shop multiple times previously, strikes me as oddly convenient. Cho-Hong actually says at one point in the show, “I can’t believe no one ever thought of doing this” before proceeding to smash the flasks containing the harvested magical power, almost as if the writers were letting us know the plot had got the better of them. Even the dark witch appears confused, as if thinking, “This is not what’s supposed to happen.” And what happens when the flasks are destroyed? Well, all those homeless witches we had seen previously suddenly regain their powers and minds (but not their youth and good looks) in perhaps the most laughably bad scene in the show. What irks me is that this came entirely out of the left field, there was absolutely no setup whatsoever that there was a relationship between these women and the dark witch’s flasks. It just happened. Would it have killed the writers to show us some witch, or a police officer, or a journalist, investigating this sudden increase in homeless people and slowly tie it back to the dark witch to find their life promptly terminated at worst, or their memories erased at best? In fact, you could’ve made that person one of the secondary leads (the second male lead probably, given his interest in witches) so that the main leads are invested in finding out what happened to him/her. I guess not.
OTP: With Sung-Tae acting like a jerk most of the time, very rarely showing any vulnerability or tenderness around Cho-Hong, it was quite difficult to find any chemistry between the main leads. I suppose this gets a little better when they start dating, but barely, and it’s ironic that some of the better scenes between the two occur when they are pretending their relationship never took place. It’s really a shame they didn’t drop the hardass Sung-Tae act sooner and gave some time to exploring what their relationship would look like once Sung-Tae learned Cho-Hong’s a witch (it was a poor decision to take away his memories after the revelation). Imagine seeing Cho-Hong using her powers to help out her boyfriend in some capacity, like Do Bong-Soon in Strong Woman Do Bong-Soon, or abusing her powers in a fit of jealousy upon learning of his (fake) relationship with his actress friend. Sigh, so many untapped comedic possibilities.
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One of the few cute scenes in the show. Easier to find water in Arrakis. You’re welcome.
Verdict: There is very little that works for me in this kdrama, but I suppose one could argue there is something at least. Where other, better, shows like Goblin and Hotel del Luna fully capitalize on the mythology they set up, Witch’s Love never fully exploits the fact that there are witches living among humans in 21st century Korea, opting to tell a smaller story centered around a family of three witches, what could’ve worked if the execution of the plot hadn’t been so haphazard and the male leads had delivered more interesting performances. Ultimately, that’s what this show amounts to: a source of untapped potential and missed opportunities wrapped up in uneven storytelling. However, a second season would not be outside the realm of possibility, were the show to embrace its similarities with Bewitched and explore what Cho-Hong and Sung-Tae’s relationship now looks like. Doubt that will ever happen though.
Rewatch meter: Low to Medium
PS: Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention the show suffers from audio issues in some episodes, as the characters’ words are sometimes drown by the music or the volume is simply lowered to oblivion. Shrugs.
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ravenforce · 5 years
Best Decision Ever
Prompt: “Hi do u think u can do an Alex x Reader where fem!Reader was investigating an alien crime scene and brought her daughter/son to the scene. Both bump into each other, daughter/son instantly liked Alex and continuously see each other. Start dating and eventually married. Thanks if u can.”
Requested by: whitecanary444
Pairing: Alex Danvers x Reader
Word Count: 2253
Warning/s: None. Except for Fluff.
A/N: I enjoyed writing this one. At this point, I’m not even going to apologize for the word count. LMAO. I hope you guys enjoy. x
Moving from Gotham to National City is literally the change of scene you needed. You love Gotham but with your son growing, you felt like it wasn’t really the best city to raise a child. When you were offered to transfer to National City, you didn’t think twice. Today is your first day on the job.
“(Y/L/N)!” you heard your captain shouting.
“Yes?” you heard your son’s soft amused voice. Your captain chuckled.
“Not you, Milo. The other (Y/L/N),” your captain said ruffling your son’s hair. Moving to a new city, and starting a job so soon after meant having trouble finding someone you trust with your son. You walked up to your boss then.
“I’m here,” you said. Winking at your son.
“Your first case to get you acquainted with what we deal with in this city,” he said while handing you a folder with the case details. You looked at the file, and then Milo.
“Take him, but only today (Y/L/N),” he warned.
“Yes, sir!” you said. Milo neatly put his things on his backpack and held your outstretched hand. He’s a very charming boy; charming enough to be allowed in your workplace for now. Charming enough to get away with anything if he wants to but he’s not one to take advantage. He’s only 6 but he’s smart and sensitive.
The drive to the crime scene wasn’t long. When you arrived you asked Milo to stay in the car, which he easily agreed to. You walked to a woman with red hair and a lean figure. She looks like she’s in charge.
“Hi, I’m Detective (Y/L/N), I’m the NCPD assigned to this case,” you greeted.
“Alex Danvers, FBI,” she said a little automatically. You smiled at her and asked her details about the crime scene. That seems to put Alex Danvers out of her trance and started filling you in. You were in the middle of discussing the case with Alex when someone landed in front of you.
“Supergirl,” Alex said in lieu of a greeting.
“What do we have here?” Supergirl asked but before anyone can answer, another cop arrived with Milo walking beside him.
“This kid said his mom is a detective. I found him outside the yellow tape,” he informed everyone.
You gave Milo a look he knows as the we-will-have-a-talk-later. Before you can even claim him, he’s already apologizing.
“Sorry, mom. I got bored in the car, and I heard the other cops talking about aliens. Are there really aliens here mom?” he said. You sighed, nothing piques your sons’ interest more than extraterrestrial life forms.
Before you can answer, Alex Danvers squats in front of your son. “Hi, I’m Alex Danvers. I work with your mom now. To answer your question, yes there are really aliens in this city. This one you wouldn’t want to see through. It’s all messed up and ugly,” she said animatedly while leading him away from the crime scene.
“Are all alien blood green, or do they vary depending on species?” you can faintly hear him ask Alex.
Supergirl and you looked at each other and chuckled. In an instant, badass Alex Danvers is wrapped around your son's tiny fingers. It amazes you because Milo is as skeptical as you when it comes to people. You take it that Alex Danvers is a good person, after all, Milo is an excellent judge of character.  
To your disappointment, working that case with Alex was a breeze; which means there’s no reason for you to see her every day, and hang out with her after hours. When you officially filed your report on your joint assignment, Alex bid you goodbye with a simple, “see you around, (Y/L/N).”
A few weeks after your assignment with Alex, you’re on your first weekend off. You decided to take Milo out to explore your new home base. National City on a Saturday morning is buzzing. You decided to wear skinny jeans, an old band shirt, a light jacket, and trainers. Milo, on the other hand, is dressed in his favorite pants, an FBI shirt he found on a flee market downtown a couple of days ago, a black cap, and high tops.
You decide to treat him to brunch before anything else. Thankfully he’s not a picky eater. You found a quaint restaurant not far from your apartment. He settled to have a club sandwich, and share a portion of your chicken salad. After brunch, both of you decided to see the science museum.
On the way, Milo bumped into someone else back causing him to fall flat on his bum and the other person to lose a grip on their coffee. You helped your son up before looking at the stranger.
“Alex?” you said, unsure if it’s really her because she’s looking down at her spilled coffee. You followed her line of sight, Milo picked up the cup before looking up at Alex. He has unshed tears in his eyes.
“Hey, buddy! Are you hurt? I’m so sorry I was in the way,” Alex said, genuinely concerned.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you spill your coffee,” he said crying. Alex hugged her and at that moment, you’re slightly in love with Alex Danvers. Milo looked up at you and asked if he could borrow money to buy Alex coffee. Alex declined profusely but Milo wasn’t having it.
“Oh! OH! You can just join us. Mommy and I are going to the science museum,” he said enthusiastically while wiping his face off his tears. Alex looked at you.
“It’s that or he buys you coffee,” you shrugged. Alex agreed to join you instead.
The next time you saw Alex was three days after she joined you in the science museum. You were in the grocery with Milo. When you rounded the produce section, he immediately spotted Alex with her sister Kara. You chatted a bit before you went your own way.
The next time was at the alien bar. After investigating some more alien cases (without Alex), you’ve been invited by one of your alien source to the bar. At first, you were reluctant but you’re open for new experiences anyway. Milo was away for a school trip then, which gives you the time. When you arrived at the bar, you were amazed by the number of different alien races inside. To your surprise, Kara rushed to your side the moment you walk in. She’s with Alex and a few of their friends.
The next time was at Kara’s apartment. After your encounter at the alien bar, Kara and her friends invited you to game night. You initially refused because you still haven’t found Milo a sitter but Kara was adamant that you bring him. So you did. When you arrived at Kara’s place, all of her friends were there. You felt awkward.
“Hey, sorry we’re late. Someone decided to change t-shirt three times. I think he might be trying to impress somebody,” you told everyone. You handed Kara a bottle of Moscato.
"Don’t worry mommy, Alex only has eyes for you,” he said very seriously causing Alex to choke on his draft beer and everyone to laugh. You tried not to die on the spot.
“I like this kid,” James said.
Ever since you joined game night, you have been an honorary member of the super friends. One day, you got caught up with too much paperwork you had to ask your friends if they can pick up Milo from school. Lena easily agreed on picking him up with Kara. A few minutes after, you received a text that Milo wanted to go to the carnival near the pier and to meet them there. You didn’t really think too much about it because this isn’t the first time your friends are picking up your son and having said son charm his way to getting what he wants. Lena and Alex being the worst, they’ll give everything and anything he asks.
You decided it’s best to go home and freshen up before meeting everyone at the carnival.
“Meet at the entrance,” Lena texted.
When you arrived at the entrance, you were confused because there’s no Lena, no Kara, and no Milo; just Alex. When she turned around and saw you, she beamed.
“Hey, are we the first to arrive?” you asked. Before Alex can answer, both of your phones notified you of a new message. You look at it at the same time.
“Sorry, Milo changed his mind. Have fun, (Y/N),” Lena texted you.
“Milo just wants to watch a movie. Have fun, Alex,” Kara texted her sister.
Both of you sighed before pocketing your phones. “I guess it’s just us,” you said.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” she said. You looked around. It’s been a while since you’ve been out and about at night that doesn’t involve stakeouts and patrol duties. The carnival lights cast a colorful shadow on Alex’s face, making her look soft.
“And miss out on not sharing you to my son? No way!” you teased. She laughed at you before grabbing your hand and leading you around the carnival. You played games and got Milo a few new toys as a prize.
A little before midnight, you and Alex are relaxing on the quieter side of the carnival. You spotted a vintage photo booth and dragged Alex inside. You fed the machine some bills and started posing for pictures. The first outtakes were hilarious and blurry, Alex kept on moving around. The second outtake was better, you figured the best way to fit in the photos is to sit in Alex’s lap. On the last outtake, you felt the burning desire to kiss her and you did. The photo strip was the proof.
You rolled to your side of the bed and still marvel at Alex’s sleeping face. Without the weight of the world on her shoulder she looks so much younger. You lightly traced the lines on her face. She caught your hand and smiled without opening her eyes.
“Good morning,” she murmured. You smiled at her.
“Marry me,” you blurted out. Alex opened her eyes. She rolled over to be able to look at you better. You held her eyes, you’re not backing out now or ever. It's only been a year since you started dating Alex but you're sure you want her. You love her and want to keep her for the rest of your life.
“Yes,” she said before pulling you into the kind of kiss that says she’s in love with you. The kind of kisses Alex Danvers gives to let you know she wants you. She pulls you on top of her, you giggled.
“Alex,” you moaned as quietly as you could because Milo is in the other room. You opened your mouth to let her tongue in, her hand roaming your legs, palming your ass, and scratching down your back. She groaned when you involuntarily ground your hips on her.
She sat up and was just going to rip your sleep shirt off when your son pushed the door open and charges in your room. Alex held you closer and puts her head on your chest. You laughed before turning to your son who just plopped down in your bed.
“Knock much?” you admonished softly. Milo for his part look apologetic.
“Morning moms,” he said yawning. Alex stilled in your arms. She turned her head in Milo’s direction before looking at you. You just shrugged and kiss her again.
“When you’re done being gross, can we make pancakes please,” Milo said. So much sass for seven years old. You and Alex looked at him grinning.
“Wow, your son is sassy,” you teased Alex.
“When he’s like this, he’s my son. When he’s docile, he’s yours?” Alex shot back. Both of you laughed. You climbed off Alex lap and gave Milo a look.
“Oh no,” he whispered before trying to get away from you. He runs towards the living room, with you and Alex hot on his heels. When Alex caught him in her arms, she started tickling him. You just watched them from the kitchen while you gather the ingredients for pancakes.
Moving to National City was the best decision you ever made. 
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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There’s Something Strange A Reader/Sam Winchester Series
When Y/N Y/L/N escapes to the upper Midwest for a weekend of inspiration to begin her tenth paranormal thriller novel, she never imagined the source of that inspiration to be her own life. Between the old mansion, two peculiar men posing as antiquers, and the mysterious death of the heiress of Hill Manor one-hundred and fifty years ago, Y/N learns the truth about far more than the paranormal.
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Part V - The Haunting
Summary: With a poltergeist on the loose, Sam, Dean, and Y/N work together to investigate. Warnings/Tags: More hunting, more fluff, some mature discussion of sexual preferences Square filled: Author AU Characters/Pairings: Reader/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Word Count: 2,449 A/N: For @spnfluffbingo2019, this entire series fills the Author AU square. Super giant huge thank you to @atc74 who beta’d this giant thing for me.
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Watery eyes spilled over as she squeezed them against the pain that throbbed in her skull and dragged Y/N up from the nothingness in which she drifted. One eye cracked open and found pale moonlight glowed in angular lines across her bed where she lay on hear back. She could hardly remember how she had gotten there, or much of anything from the last two days. The hours blurred together the harder she thought, and the stress served little but to exacerbate her aching head.
And then she saw him. That familiar face, no longer bathed in eerie green light, hovered beside her, a nervous grind in his jaw twitching as he stared at his shoes.
When she sat up on her elbows, Sam startled and leaped from the bed. “Hey, you’re awake! Are you okay? How do you feel?”
He knelt beside her, one hand grasping hers and the other cupping her cheek. He pressed her fingers to his lips where he placed kisses on each one until she spoke.
“I’m okay,” she managed. The softness of his lips washed away her worry, and the endless empathy in his eyes soothed her pain. “What happened?”
“You were attacked,” he started, then paused as a look of consternation pinched his face. “How much do you remember from earlier today?”
Attacked? She swallowed a thick gulp, her tongue sticking to her mouth and throat dry. “I… got to the mansion,” she choked. Sam handed her a glass of water on the bedside table, and from it she drew a long swallow. “I had dinner with the guests. You… walked me back to my room.” Y/N hesitated, a familiar sting prickling her cheeks.
He smiled a shy grin as he glanced to the bed. “What else?” he asked as he returned to her, his hand atop her hand and gently stroking her hair. “What else do you remember?”
A flood of memories returned all at once, replaying rapidly. “Spirits. You hunt spirits. You told me. In the library,” Y/N stated.
“Okay, that’s good,” Sam said as he breathed in deep. “Earlier tonight, after we left your room, we found you in the library. A uh… poltergeist had you about dead to rights.”
The tears came then, unbidden and uncontrollable. Fucking hell, a poltergeist.
“Y/N, it’s okay, you’re fine,” Sam soothed.
She wiped the tears from her eyes as her anger subsided. “Did you save me?”
Sam shook his head. “No. We’re not sure what happened,” he explained. “We got to the back of the library just in time to see the poltergeist take off.”
At least she still had some sense of dignity left. The last thing she needed was to be the idiot damsel in her own fucked up haunting. But, dammit, why? Why had she rushed off to the library like some god damn hero ready to take on the world the second she had learned she truly knew half a thing about the paranormal? Her impulsive streak had gotten the better of her again, and once she got a hold of a couple clues, she thought she could solve the puzzle on her own. And with her writer’s block taken care of by that pen…
The pen.
She sat up in a rush and Sam squawked his protests as he grasped her shoulders. “Y/N, it’s okay, I’m here,” he said as he attempted to calm her, but Y/N had a mission. “What’s… what are you doing?”
Her pockets came up empty, but her bag sat on the writing table at the foot of her bed. “Where’s the pen?” she asked as she scrambled from Sam’s hands.
Sam let her go as another scoff of indignation burst from his lips. “What pen?”
“The pen!” she pointed at the writing desk. “The one Dean found earlier,” she continued as she dove into her bag and scraped the bottom. “Where is it?!”
The helpless look on Sam’s face broke her heart. “I… didn’t see it. You had it?”
“Yes!” Y/N shouted as she upended her bag. From its depths the pen fell, along with her hand-torch, and clattered to the floor. “Oh, thank god.”
“What does the pen—”
“This,” she interrupted as she brandished the pen, “has been holding Y/N Hillstead’s spirit for one-hundred fifty years.”
Sam withdrew his purple cloth from his back pocket and took the pen from her. “That explains… so much.”
Y/N slumped back onto the bed. “Yeah, and I let her out.”
“But now we know what happened,” Sam said in a rush of air. He knelt before her, edging his way between her knees. “How did you do it? What opened the trap?”
God, but he was so close. How did he expect her to focus with his ridiculously pretty face inches away from hers? “It—it’s an old fountain pen, right?” She paused as she waited for Sam to put it together but when he raised a curious brow at her, she continued. “It needs ink. It was bone dry when Dean tried it.”
He looked at the pen again, then back to her. “That’s fucking brilliant,” he breathed. “God, I don’t think I’d have thought of that, Y/N, that’s—”
Impulsive streak be damned, Y/N wanted him all to herself. Her lips landed on his, and her hands found his hair, delving deep to grasp at the back of his head as she kissed him. Sam responded without hesitation, his arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly to his chest. Constricted so, she could hardly move, but what a glorious sensation. To be so profoundly consumed by another, in body and mind, she thanked whatever gods existed for such luck. And how lucky she was to find that sort of connection in Sam, brilliant and kind and sweet and hotter than the surface of the sun.
The smooth taste of alcohol on his tongue—a particular hoppy beer—filled her mouth as he teased her lips apart. Not that he had to try very hard. She opened up to him like a summer flower on a bright morning, mouth and legs and arms all wide for him to press into with his enormous shoulders and narrow hips and—
Pressed firmly to her core, Sam’s hips rolled, grinding his erection along her sex. Though Y/N moaned, their lips never parted, long kisses and eager tongues devouring one another as Sam laid her on the bed and settled atop her.
Against his lips, she sighed his name, repeated pleas for more of him, his hands, his lips, his everything. And Sam acquiesced with equal fervor, eager as she.
The door to her room exploded as Dean damn near tore it off the hinges and burst through it. “Sam, we’ve got—oh, son of a bitch!”
Sam froze as his head whipped to the door, hair askew and mouth agape. Dean shielded his eyes as he stuttered his apologies and pulled the door halfway closed. When Y/N prodded Sam in the chest, he scrambled off her and sat on the end of the bed. She righted her shirt as Dean peeked through the door and laughed when he spotted Sam.
“Sam,” Y/N whispered as she pointed to her hair then his, “your… it’s…”
He ran his fingers through the long brown locks and brushed them straight, tucked behind his ears. The crimson blush on his cheeks depended to his neck, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. Her own frustrated arousal ached between her thighs, and Sam's palpable want compounded the problem. Twice, they had found themselves alone, and twice, Dean had interrupted them.
Sam interrupted her thoughts when he stood and approached Dean. “What happened?”
Dean's face contorted as he asked, “You didn't hear that scream?”
Scream? “No,” Y/N stated as Sam regarded her and shook his head. “We didn't hear anything.”
Dean’s expressions cycled through emotions faster than a rollercoaster. “Damn.” He scratched the back of his head, then said, “Well, about fifteen minutes ago there was a scream loud enough to wake the dead. I went to the kitchen to figure out what happened. When you two didn’t show up, I came here.”
She hadn’t heard a thing but Sam’s breath and insistent moans. Christ, was that how bad she had it for him? Y/N shook her head to clear her thoughts and asked, “What happened?”
Dean motioned them into the hallways as he talked over his shoulder. “I think the poltergeist has attacked two people, possibly killed one,” he said. “We need to get these people out of here.”
Easier said than done. But Y/N followed Dean nonetheless, and Sam fell in step behind her. When Dean turned over his shoulder once more, he lowered his voice.
“So,” he started, “you and Sammy, huh?”
“I… uh,” she stuttered as she looked over her shoulder to find Sam's flat glare.
“Please, don't, dude,” he groaned. “Focus on the case.”
“Oh, I am focused on the case. It's you who isn't,” Dean retorted, but then turned his knowing smirk to Y/N. “Although, I can't blame you. I enjoy a naughty librarian every once in a while, too.”
Y/N cocked an eyebrow at him. “First off, I’m an author, and second, Dean, you wouldn’t last five minutes in a bed with me.”
“Yeah, but you don’t know what I can do in five minutes,” he said with a wink.
Y/N had another retort readied, poised on the tip of her tongue when Sam set a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Please, let him get the last word in. I’m mortified enough as it is.”
Down the grand staircase, Y/N slowed to allow some distance between Dean and the two of them. “Does dirty talk bother you, Sam?”
A vehement shake of his head loosened his hair from behind his ears. “Quite the opposite,” he muttered as he glanced to his feet.
Before her eyes made it that far, Y/N saw the stiff ridge of his erection straining against his pants. “Can I promise to take care of you later? How long has it been?”
He urged Y/N to keep up with Dean as he breathed his reply. “Months. I… relieve myself every other day, but it’s not enough. Nothing I’ve got back at the Bunker compares to a real person.”
Bunker? She logged that question away on her growing list in the back of her mind and instead asked, “Person?”
Sam turned a shade of crimson she wasn’t sure existed before then. “My partners aren’t exclusively women,” he stated.
“Are some of them men?”
He nodded.
“Are some of them silicone and shaped like a flashlight?”
He nodded again.
“Are some of them silicone and phallus shaped?”
He nodded a third time as they stopped outside the kitchen.
When she opened her mouth to ask another question, Dean interrupted her. “Alright, I officially know too much,” he paused. “The body is here, behind the island. No sign of a struggle. Groundskeeper found her on the floor after he heard her scream.”
“You get a read on him?” Sam asked as he strode past them both.
“Nope,” Dean stated as he followed. Y/N brought up the rear as she listened. “He looked like he went ten rounds with Mohammed Ali.” He paused, then added, “If Mohammad Ali had claws.”
In the kitchen, Sam stood at the feet of the body, then knelt as he shuffled to her shoulders. “There’s something here. In her ears.”
If the night had not been weird enough by then, the look Sam and Dean both shot Y/N had officially shoved it violently into something out of the Twilight Zone. She might as well have sprouted a second head and spoken to it. “What?”
Sam grabbed a cloth from the counter and wiped the cook's ear. He stepped over the body and handed the rag to Dean. “Ectoplasm.”
“How do you know all this stuff?” Sam asked.
She grabbed the rag from Dean and examined it. “I thought it would be green. Not black.”
“Okay, look, this isn’t that kind of poltergeist,” Dean started, “and this isn’t the Gho—”
A bone chilling scream rent the air and interrupted Dean. Y/N dropped the rag and bolted for the door, Sam and Dean hot on her heels. In the entry, the scream repeated, and she took the stairs two at a time as she headed for the western wing of the mansion.
In the furthest hallway, lights flickered and an icy chill slammed deep into her chest, sucking the air from her lungs. But she pressed on, charging headlong to the furthest room at the darkest end of the hallway to come upon the traveling woman and the distorted ghost of Y/N Hillstead, hideously transformed into a terrifying poltergeist. She had both of her hands wrapped around the poor woman’s throat and held three feet in the air, her legs kicking furiously as she struggled.
Sam and Dean skidded to a halt in front of her, arms spread to protect. But Y/N had a plan and she wasn’t about to abandon it to chivalry. She shoved past them as she brandished the pen and shouted, “Hey, Hillstead!”
Sam wrapped an arm around her waist and tried to pull her back, but he was too late. The poltergeist turned as she dropped the woman and rushed Y/N, but she had come prepared. The small hand-torch ignited with a sharp click, hissing bright blue flame to an orange point a scant inch shy of the pen. “I'll fucking do it! Leave! Last chance, asshole!”
The same scream they had heard earlier sounded again, emanating from Y/N Hillstead's unhinged mouth. In a swirl of dust and dirt, she vanished into thin air, taking with her the unearthly chill. The lamps flared to life as Sam rushed into the room and attended to the woman who stirred on the floor, thankfully alive.
“Do I want to even ask how you knew that would work?” Dean gasped.
Shit. Y/N shrugged for time as she came up with something. “I ah… I had a hunch.”
“Hunches are good,” Dean agreed as he clasped her shoulder and turned her to face him with flush cheeks. “But for the love of…” he paused, consternation contorting his face. “For the love of Cas, lie to Sam when he asks you the same question. Make something up, I don't care what, but do not tell him you ran in with a half-cocked plan. I do that enough for three people…”
He parted from her and headed back down the hallway as she called after him. “Where are you going?”
“To find a proton pack and a ghost trap!”
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The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @plaided-ani-on-hiatus  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @wonderfulworldofwinchester @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @depressed-moose-78 @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @scarletluvscas @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology @sister-winchesters99
Sam’s Sasstresses:
@morganas-pendragons @karouwinchester
There’s Something Strange:
@peridottea91 @amanda-teaches
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