#speaking of anime vs manga differences
pikahlua · 2 months
Fourteen Days of MHA: Day 3
Light Fades to Rain
Okay, let's gush. Here are my feelings about the anime adaptation of chapters 360-362: season 7 episode 11. This will quickly devolve from eloquent discussion to raging madness I promise.
The opening five minutes are the weakest part of the episode. This is the only section I will lodge any complaints about, and honestly they're not that serious.
The sadomasochism got toned down :P
I kind of expected it, and honestly I get why. Even though it was scaled back, the scene was effective enough for most viewers because there's just something about seeing it animated that makes it feel visceral anyways. The detail was always going to be reduced in the art when adapted to animation, and a lot of that art could've looked really bad without the necessary detail.
But it wouldn't be on brand for me if I didn't mention that it bummed me out lol.
The only other thing I can complain about isn't even an issue with the episode, it's an error in the subtitles.
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"...you're just goldfish poop next to All For One."
a) It should be "One For All," not "All For One."
b) I don't think they should have kept it as "goldfish poop." Sorry to any language purists out there, but the idiomatic meaning of this phrase in Japanese will not get picked up by an English-speaking audience--and that idiom is important. It has an impact on how Katsuki behaves going forward. I think the subtitles should have changed that to something like "a minnow in One For All's wake" or "a tag-along weakling," ANYTHING to get the point across that Tomura is trying to inflict psychological damage by telling Katsuki he'll never amount to anything on the level of One For All. That message informs the rest of the episode!
Now, if that's the only complaint I have about this whole episode--a slightly too-fast-paced-under-detailed opening scene and a bad subtitle--then I'm a happy camper. And indeed that is the only complaint I have.
This episode is a masterpiece of adaptation.
The focus on the Big Three is so good because it does such a good job of masking where the episode is going but it's perfectly in-theme because of the parallels the three of them have with Izuku and Katsuki. IT JUST WORKS MAN. I LOVE IT.
The music that plays when Katsuki mutters is an excellent choice, though I wish they could have done something to hammer the point home more that he was indeed muttering and analyzing like Izuku does. Maybe the little "mutter" text would've been dissonant in tone lol but still I wish there was a way they could've done it. I do think the point does come across in the end still, but it's just more impactful when you get to see the little "mutter" text come full circle. Yeah yeah, manga vs anime and all that.
I didn't expect the tone they went with for Jeanist's reaction to Katsuki's muttering, but it was just different not like bad or anything. I kinda liked the whole "what the fuuuuck" vibe of it. I was thinking more like "Holy shit, I'm a proud dad" tone but this works XD
Jeanist is such a dad.
The animators were SOOOO trying to hide the twist this episode from the anime-only viewers, they didn't even put Katsuki on the commercial bumpers, they didn't want to SPOIL THE SURPRISE. IT'S SO GOOD.
Lost it at Tenko's freak out (damn voice actor wow) and Mirio's "g-gomen." I need the dub of this scene so bad.
Nejire is adorable as hell and everyone in MHA is so easily read as autistic it's remarkable actually.
They really put the typography behind the plasma cannon they actually did that.
Also good job on making the plasma cannon blast look small and precise to contrast Katsuki's attack last episode, because Katsuki definitely has more firepower but Tamaki has the finesse to concentrate the attack for a sustained period.
Everything from BOOTS on is perfection I know you all already know that.
Jeanist's voice acting is underappreciated, I really loved him this episode.
The little special sound effect for his clusters now!!! IT MAKES ME SO EXCITED. I CAN'T WAIT TO SUPERIMPOSE IT OVER KATAMARI DAMACY NEXT SEASON
Present Mic with the La Brava's-Love-quirk soft narration omg [chef's kiss]
The slo-mo shots are so pretty ;_;
Even if this series ends without explaining it, I'm going to come up with my own explanation for that vestige world shit. That cannot just be symbolic afterlife bullcrap. IT MEANS SOMETHING.
He's just a boy ;_; He's just a baby boyyyyyy
he spin thru the air like a meme
It's time for Horikoshi's favorite character: Bakucorpse!
You wanted the blue sky gone, but at what cost?
Oh...oh it hurts a lot to see in color, oh he's so pale...ohhhh no
That horrifying feeling of emptiness at the end :)
The joy of watching others cry over this 👀
Katsuki is the actual symbol of hope I don't care what anyone says. All hope of victory is lost with his death and the only chance of winning comes from reviving him with the literal power of hopes and prayers and wishes. He is Hope Incarnate. A very Sassy (Soft Precious) Hope Incarnate.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 10 months
I was told the little changes/additions put in the anime made the VS siblings' scenes when they come in to help Sanji escape so much better, so I went to look at it (because I don't normally watch the anime).
Oh yes, yes it did.
The light streaks they make seriously just make me think of Powerpuff Girls. Oh good Lord, self, no, stop getting dumb ideas.
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I also find it so funny that they added the above additional bit where they had to Black Bug a bomb out of the sky, because then when Ichiji kabooms Oven with Sparking Valkyrie, he had to come flying back down to do it like a classic superhero saving civilian scene.
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In the manga since he was right behind Sanji, he just turned around and didn't have to do any dramatic swoops.
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He doesn't make additional comments, but I always maintain that Ichiji's "silent stares" speaks more than words, pffft.
Yonji's rescue part is exactly as-is in manga, so they just had him make sarcastic comments at the end.
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I dunno, Toei, it doesn't suit him to be saying this LOL. Like, from the manga, I just don't get the feel like Yonji would go out of his way to say tsundere things like this if Ichiji or Niji doesn't start first.
Anyway. They also had that split second where you can see Niji flying in and grab Sanji mid-air right before the bomb explodes.
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Like, they could've just shown a big explosion and then show Niji flying while carrying Sanji unscathed in the next frame, but they actually put that bit in where he goes NyOooOM:
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I don't know why this just seems so funny to me.
Maybe because in the manga because of the panelling, it looked more like Niji managed to pull Sanji out of there before the bomb hits. Here, the way it's timed and animated made it look like the bomb actually had hit, it just hit Niji on his Germa cloak and didn't do anything anyway.
Niji's part needs to be heard, because it's in the tone of how he talks:
Because it already looks and sounds like a typical sibling bickering. You know.
"Didn't ask you to help". "We'll help even if you don't ask. Dumbass".
(come on, you can just tell that struck out part is the unsaid part XD)
And this:
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It looks like a fond(er) farewell (compared to the manga anyway, where this last bit doesn't happen).
Like, with Reiju it's not really a big difference, because she cares and it was never a question. It's the boys that's funny, because they're all dumb. Every single last one of them.
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hubristicassholefight · 5 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 Part 4b
Cave Johnson (Portal) vs Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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Propaganda Below Cut (Beware Spoilers)
This absolute wildcard of a bastard caused countless deaths with his obsession over pointless & often nonsensical “science” that it even landed him/his company in a senate hearing about the missing astronauts they most likely killed. He’s so egotistical and stubborn about this “science” that he presses his company beyond the bounds of physics and seems to bend it to his whim (such as inventing the portal gun) from sheer refusal to stop believing in himself and not in the limits of reality. In the end, he goes bankrupt (on account of killing all those dudes) and also goes mad in mourning and obsession over the failing company that is his life’s work. He spends more money than he has left on moon rocks and accidentally poisons himself with the dust from grinding them down. Even dying, he has so much ego & obsession for his company that he orders that either he or his assistant (the only other person he trusts to run it) have their brains uploaded to an AI so they can keep it going indefinitely. They scan his assistant bc he dies, which creates GLaDOS. His hubris is literally the catalyst the entire Portal series.
Edward Elric
Punched god in the face
ried to defy the laws of God and man and resurrect their dead mother. As punishment, God took Alphonse's body (which lead to losing his ability to taste, touch, and smell, as well as sleep, cry, and use facial expressions, to name a few) and Edward's leg and younger brother (Alphonse, whose soul he was able to attach to a suit of armor at the cost of one of his arms). Their attempt did not bring back their mother; Fullmetal Alchemist (particularly the manga/Brotherhood anime, I'm less familiar with the 2003 anime that had a different plot and don't feel confident speaking on it) is a great story about overcoming hubris and accepting being just a mortal human, while also showcasing alongside the great evils that humans are capable of the great support, community, care, and forward-thinking enginuity we do.
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Japanese Language and World-building in Ascendance of a Bookworm
I decided to make this post because a conversation with @mesaprotector made me realize that readers experiencing Ascendance of a Bookworm in English (through Quof’s admittedly excellent translations) might not be aware of Kazuki-sensei’s extensive use of Japanese linguistic features in shaping the world and its characters.
Disclaimer: I don’t have any particular credentials that make me an expert in this area. All I can boast is good enough Japanese language skills to notice these features! But, if you’re interested in my explanation, read on...
About Japanese
Japanese is a language that allows people to easily express their relationship to others through their choice of words. This is likely rooted in Japan’s feudal past, when social roles were much more strictly defined and enforced. Some features that allow this are:
Masculine vs. Feminine Speech: Men and women can (and often still do) use completely different vocabulary as a form of gender expression.
Use of Different Titles: Most manga and anime fans are familiar with titles like -san and -sama used to refer to others politely. Not using a title for someone is also a way to express your perceived relationship to them.
Polite vs. Informal Speech: You use polite speech when speaking to people you perceive as being of a higher social ranking than you, or people you are not close enough to use informal speech with. There are varying levels of politeness. For example, “aru” is casual, “arimasu” is polite, and “gozaimasu” is ultra-super-polite.
Pronouns in Ascendance of a Bookworm
I (first person singular pronoun)
Commoner women, like Tuuli and Effa, use わたし(watashi, written in hiragana) to say I. Commoner men, like Gunther, use オレ(ore, written in katakana) to say I.
Noble women, like Florencia and Elvira, use わたくし(watakushi, written in hiragana) to say I. Noble men, like Damuel and Sylvester, use 私 (watashi, written in kanji) to say I.
There are some commoner women who exclusively use “watakushi,” like noble women do. Frieda does, and so do all of the gray shrine maidens in the temple. Similarly, the gray priests in the temple use “watashi” instead of “ore.”
Well-trained commoner men who are interacting with nobles (e.g. - Benno when he gets fancified) will switch to “watashi” as well.
Even after becoming a noble and referring to herself as “watakushi” when speaking, Myne still calls herself “watashi” in her inner monologue. This is not the case for other women who have been trained to use “watakushi” since birth, so it’s a sign that Myne's inner self is unchanged despite the new, noble veneer.
You (second person singular pronoun)
Commoner women almost never use any version of the pronoun “you.” Instead, they will call a person by their name, either with or without a title depending on their relationship to that person, or by a title only. Commoner men use おまえ(omae, written in hiragana) to say “you.”
Noble women also will usually refer to others by their name, though when they do use a pronoun, they use 貴方/貴女 (anata, either in masculine or feminine form depending on the gender of the person they are addressing, written in kanji). Noble men use 其方 (sonata, written in kanji) when speaking to people of equal or lower rank and 貴方/貴女 when speaking to those of a higher rank.
And then we have 君 (kimi, written in kanji), which I have only seen Ferdinand use, though I believe other men in the temple use it when referring to someone of a lower rank than they are (e.g., the former High Bishop Bezewanst uses it to refer to Myne in the anime, so I’m guessing he used it in the LN as well, though I have not read part 1 in Japanese). Ferdinand normally uses “anata” and “sonata” like any noble man--except when speaking to Rozemyne, who he calls “kimi.” It’s a regular reminder that their relationship began in the temple, not in noble society, and that he feels differently toward her than he does toward any other noble.
Titles in Ascendance of a Bookworm
No Title
This is used among commoners to indicate someone with whom the speaker has a close relationship. For example, Lutz just calls Myne “Myne” with no title attached. Among nobles, it is used when referring to someone of lower rank. For example, Sylvester calls Ferdinand just “Ferdinand” because he is his younger brother and a lower-ranking noble than Sylvester. Noble men will also use it to refer to those of equal rank, and retainers serving the same lord or lady use it regardless of rank to facilitate quick communication. 
-san (-さん)
This title only gets used within commoner society. It indicates distance in relationship between the two people interacting as well as a desire to speak politely. For example, Myne calls Benno “Benno-san” until she becomes a noble. Afterward, she drops the title to indicate that he is of a lower rank than she is, except when they are in the hidden room together and she reverts to her commoner speech patterns.
-sama (-様)
This title is used by commoners when speaking to nobles. It is also used by nobles. Noble men use it when referring to someone of a higher rank than they are. Noble women use it when referring to someone of higher or equal rank to themselves, including their husbands. For example, Cornelius calls Rozemyne “Rozemyne-sama” when he is on the job as her retainer, but when they are speaking as siblings, he just calls her “Rozemyne” because she is his younger sister and therefore lower in the family hierarchy. Rozemyne and Hannelore always refer to one another as “Rozemyne-sama” and “Hannelore-sama” despite their close friendship and equal rank. Eglantine refers to Anastasius as “Anastasius-sama” both before and after they are married.
Family Titles
These are used among both commoners and nobles, though they use different ones. Myne refers to Gunther as 父さん (tou-san, written in a combo of kanji and hiragana) and Effa as 母さん (kaa-san, written in a combo of kanji and hiragana). Lutz refers to them as Gunther-ojisan (Uncle Gunther) and Effa-obasan (Aunt Effa). Myne and Tuuli refer to one another with their names only, no family titles required, indicating that commoners are more relaxed about the hierarchy among siblings.
In noble society, different titles are used by men and women. Noble men use the following: 
Father = 父上 (chichi-ue, written in kanji) and Mother = 母上 (haha-ue, written in kanji)
Older Brother = 兄上 (ani-ue, written in kanji) and Older Sister = 姉上 (ane-ue, written in kanji)
Uncle = 叔父上 (oji-ue) and Aunt = 叔母上 (obaue) 
Grandfather = お祖父上 (ojii-ue, written in a combo of hiragana and kanji) and Grandmother = お祖母上 (obaa-ue, written in a combo of hiragana and katakana)
Noble women use:
Father = お父様 (otou-sama, combo of hiragana and kanji) and Mother = お母様 (okaa-sama, hiragana and kanji) 
Older Brother = お兄様 (onii-sama, hiragana and kanji) and Older Sister = お姉様 (onee-sama, hiragana and kanji)
Uncle = 叔父様 (oji-sama, kanji) and Aunt = 叔母様 (oba-sama, kanji) 
Grandfather = お祖父様 (ojii-sama, hiragana and kanji) and Grandmother = お祖母様 (obaa-sama, hiragana and kanji).
Myne also uses yet another set of family titles to refer to her adoptive family! Sylvester is 養父様 (tou-sama, literally “adoptive father-sama,” written in kanji) and Florencia is 養母様 (kaa-sama, literally “adoptive mother-sama,” written in kanji). She also often calls her older brothers by their names with nii-sama attached, such as Wilfried-nii-sama, as opposed to just by onii-sama. This is probably to distinguish among her multiple older brothers.
Other Titles
A variety of other titles get used in place of calling people by their name or pronouns, both in commoner and noble society. For example, Mark exclusively refers to Benno as 旦那様 (danna-sama, kanji), a title that Lutz begins calling Benno as well once he begins working for him. 
Myne refers to Ferdinand as 神官長 (shinkancho, “High Priest,” kanji) almost exclusively until she becomes a noble. Then she refers to him as Ferdinand-sama when they are outside the temple but still shinkancho when they are in the temple, up until he stops being the High Priest (;_;). She also usually drops the -sama when referring to him in her inner monologue, further indication that while she can walk the noble walk, she doesn’t really believe in the hierarchy.
Professors of the royal academy get called -sensei. Giebes, Aubs, and the Zent also get called by their titles sometimes in place of their names, sometimes in addition to their names. 
Formal vs. Informal Registers in AoAB
I’m not going to list every single word that is different between different registers here because that would be way too long. However, I’ll give some examples. 
Commoners generally speak in an informal register all the time, unless they have been trained to speak politely to people of higher-rank. They use contractions such as -って (-tte, written in hiragana) to mean “said,” and they also often drop the ends of sentences entirely. When they do use verbs, they use the simple dictionary form, e.g. - aru instead of arimasu. Male commoners will often use interjections such as “na” or “ze” or “zo,” which makes their speech sound manlier and rougher. They also tend to use “da” instead of “desu.”
Any commoner who has been trained to use polite language will tend to use the politest forms when speaking to nobles, e.g. - gozaimasu instead of arimasu.
Nobles in general will use politer forms of verbs except in very private, relaxed situations. For example, 参ります (mairimasu, kanji and hiragana) instead of 来る (kuru) or おっしゃる (ossharu, hiragana) instead of 言う (iu, kanji and hiragana).
Noble women have extremely restricted speech patterns. They always speak in the polite or politest registers. For example, a noble woman speaking to a social equal or inferior might use “arimasu,” but when speaking to a social superior, she will use “gozaimasu” or “irasshaimasu.” They also say えぇ(ee, hiragana) to say “yes” instead of the more familiar “hai.” Noble men will use あぁ (aa, hiragana) to say “yes.”
Noble men have a little more freedom in their forms of speech. Many will use informal masculine speech when speaking to social equals or inferiors while still using slightly different vocabulary choice. For example, Ferdinand often says 解せぬ (gesenu, kanji and hiragana) instead of 知らない (shiranai) to say “I don’t know.” They will switch to the polite (but not necessarily politest) forms when speaking to someone slightly above them in rank and reserve the politest forms for those very high above them. However, some men will choose to use polite language all the time, even when speaking to social inferiors.
This is especially notable in the speech patterns of Anastasius vs. Sigiswald. Anastasius chooses to use more stripped-down, rougher language when speaking to social inferiors, whereas Sigiswald still uses “anata” and -masu endings when speaking to social inferiors such as Adolphine and Rozemyne. It demonstrates a stark difference between the two princes’ personalities and how they wish to present themselves to the world.
Another notable use of informal vs. formal is when Myne is in a hidden room with someone who knows of her commoner past. She’ll revert to how she spoke as a commoner. My favorite instance of this is in Part 4 volume 8 when she and Ferdinand are in his hidden room just after she learned he is leaving. As she grows more and more emotional with her threats, she loses the ability to speak in noble speech patterns and starts speaking to him the same way she would Lutz or Tuuli (</3).
In Conclusion
I know this has been a very long post, but hopefully those who are as in love with Bookworm as I am will find it interesting and useful. Kazuki-sensei does a masterful job of exploiting the Japanese language’s unique features to make this world and its characters come alive, and it’s unfortunate that English lacks easy equivalents to allow us to appreciate these effects in translation. When reading the text in Japanese, as long as you know which characters are present and what situation they are in, you can almost always guess who is speaking just from their speech patterns. 
In the English version, Quof will often insert a character’s name to let us know, and also will sometimes add clues such as “spoke in a very stiff manner” to replace the linguistic features lost in translation. I encourage those reading in English to keep their eyes peeled for these little insertions.
My hope is that the above can serve as a window into this aspect of world-building for some English-speaking readers!
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TMM Character Bios over All Versions
At long last, my collection of TMM bios, both transcribed and translated.
Sorted by source here. Sorted by person here. Collection of pictures of chara bio stickers, mostly from (expired) auction/sale listings online here.
List of sources:
Manga character info page: that page that appears at the beginning of each volume of the manga. Very short. Does not change over time (with one exception), so sometimes it doesn't highlight the character's main personality trait…
Manga character info page (a La Mode): Same as above, but for a La Mode. Only appears in volume 2. (Note: Re-Turn does not have one of these)
A La Mode Intro Boxes: the little character bio charts that Berry and Tasuku get in A La Mode chapter 1
PS game manual: manual from the PS game. Contains the most direct ages for all characters and the only info on game-exclusive characters.
2002 Anime-related:
Profile stickers: square stickers with a picture of the girl on the front and a little chart of character info on the back. Comes in 2 distinct styles: One with a headshot of the character inside a heart on the front and the back printed in the character's theme color, and the other with a sparkly full-body shot + closeup of their head on the front and the back printed in red/hot pink.
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2002 Anime Fanbook: artbook/fan guide for the original anime. Character pages have 2 taglines, a short bio, and a chart containing information similar to the stickers. Not well edited, so there's some inconsistent formatting/punctuation.
2002 Anime Insert from the TMM New Artbook: small section on the original anime within the New season 1 artbook. Character pages have a tagline, a short bio, and a chart containing information almost identical to the 2002 fanbook. The text for the bios are similar to the 2002 fanbook, but with more kanji and some editing for consistent style.
TMM New-related:
TMM New website character page: page on the official TMM site that has designs, birthdays, and short bios for all major characters. The one source that lists Seiji as a major character.
TMM New season 1 artbook: artbook with background information on season 1 of New. Only contains info on what appears in season 1, but the 2002 insert has spoilers for that whole series. Character pages have a tagline and a short bio which is very similar but not identical to the bio from the website.
If you want to see some of my thoughts on the info here + interesting changes/differences I noticed, that's below the cut!
It's obvious the original anime was aimed at kids and the new one is aimed at adults because sources related to the original manga and anime use lots of kana instead of kanji and have furigana on all kanji they do use. New-related sources use way more kanji and have no furigana.
Possibly related to this, older TMM stuff tends to use ミュウプロジェクト (Mew Project) vs New, which uses 「μ」プロジェクト (μ Project).
The original TMM fanbook has spotty editing which is especially visible in the charts. There's lots of small inconsistencies, like some words being spelled slightly differently (e.g., らっきょ instead of らっきょう for Pudding's least favorite food) and punctuation being inconsistent between the girls (e.g., items in lists being separated by interpuncts ・ except for Pudding's special skills, where it's inexplicably a comma 、). The biggest, most glaring issue is actually with a section I'll be posting slightly later, but I'll go ahead and list it here too: out of all official sources, the TMM Fanbook is the ONLY one who lists the Mew Mews' attacks as begining with リボン (ribon) instead of リボーン (riboon). This would be conclusive evidence in the Ribbon/Reborn debate if I didn't have the suspicion it's just a typo no one double-checked…
The stickers are in a slightly weird place continuity-wise since they have anime art on the front but refer to some manga-only information on the girls (e.g., Pudding having a pet monkey).
Speaking of the monkey, apparently at the time the stickers were coming out, Mia Ikumi had yet to finalize Annin's name, since here the monkey is called Mapo (i.e., mapo tofu)
The sticker bios have some otherwise-unseen info on character backstories: specifically, we find out that Mint's dad is a CEO and her mom runs a school, Zakuro's father is a producer and her mother is a model, and that Keiichirou is an orphan taken in by the Shiroganes at age 14. Also, apparently Ryou lives in the room above the cafe and Keiichirou lives in the secret basement.
Keiichirou seems to get way more impressive intros as time goes on. The manga bio comically undersells him, calling him "a waiter", and the PS game book only calls out his cooking skills, although Masha's bio drops the bomb that Keiichirou's the one who built him for Ryou. The 2002 fanbook mostly makes a point of how considerate he is, in contrast to the 2002 insert in the New artbook, where he's explicitly referred to as a researcher on cryptids/UMA. The New bios on the website and artbook go one step further and call him a "leading" researcher in the field!
Moe and Miwa's personalities seem to have changed or even reversed between the OG anime and New. Originally both Moe and Miwa are mostly defined by how they react to Ichigo. I.e., Ichigo says/does something weird (usually related to Mew Mew stuff or Aoyama), then Moe calls her out and Miwa either plays peacemaker or ends up joining in with Moe. So Moe snarky, Miwa gentler. New attempts to give them goals/personalities outside of this, so Moe becomes a "soothing" person with an interest in psychology and Miwa becomes a practical aspiring writer. I can only assume the writer thing is based on her writing Keiichirou a poem in the one episode where she and Moe get crushes on him and Shirogane, but I have no idea where Moe's career goal came from, much less how she became the "nice" one… I have to assume it's from her cutesy name??? Or maybe they thought that the one with blond curls looked "nicer/gentler" than the brunette with very short hair??? Weird.
The girls + Masaya (and Seiji, who is now in college so that he remains an older brother!) are aged up for New, but Ryou still seems to be the same age, which kind of makes the whole situation much funnier. Ichigo already had zero respect when he was slightly older, but now he's basically just one of her classmates. …of course, there's still room for him to be 16-17 instead of 15…
Sidenote: Ryou is consistently referred to as shonen/boy, which strikes me as funny despite making sense for his age. The narrator also doesn't respect him. Keiichirou gets seinen/young man, which trends a little older.
Ichigo gets referred to as ドジ (doji) in the '02 Fanbook which made me double-take since I'd usually associate it much more with Lettuce… I'd usually translate it to "clumsy", but in this case it's clearly going more for ditsy, flighty, disorganized, etc. so I went with "scatter-brained". The New bios do call Lettuceドジ, and I just used clumsy there.
Buling knowing kenpo/martial arts sure shows up more than I expected considering how little relevance it has to the actual show…
Zakuro, at least in the '02 anime, is supposed to be good with computers apparently! It shows up in her Fanbook bio as well as in one of the stickers (hobby: the internet). The internet being framed as a cool and mysterious thing for a smart character to know feels very 90s to early oughts, so maybe that's why it got dropped from her New characterization once everyone has smart phones… Saying someone's hobby is "the internet" reads more as neet or maybe influencer nowadays, as opposed to Cool Hacker or whatever. But I guess you could argue this is precedent for he inexplicable technological/manufacturing skills when she helps Minto make the prototype windmill thing?
In the stickers, there's a split between the Mew Mews favorite foods vs favorite sweet, but later on the sweets get lumped into favorite foods, which is how it's listed in the Fanbook and '02 Insert. But this does obscure the fact that Lettuce is the only one of them who just straight out has sweets as her favorite foods (shortcake, crepe cake), probably related to the fact that "cooking" and "making sweets" are listed as her special skills. 煮物/nimono (boiled or stewed food) is only added to her list of favorites in the Fanbook.
Weird that we never see Tasuku and Buling interact since he's explicitly compared to a monkey lmao.
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katarh-mest · 8 months
the real overarching theme of Apothecary Diaries
It's anti-primogeniture: The first son isn't necessarily the one that should inherit everything.
(Spoilers for the novels released into English up to volume 10-ish, with some speculation beyond that, so I'm putting this all behind a cut to keep those who are anime only or manga only safe unless they wanna read it.)
The idea that the "first son should inherit it all" in some cultures (although ironically, more often in Western than Eastern cultures) fails to take into account a lot of different variables.
Sometimes the first son (or only son) isn't suited to the job and there is no one else who can do it. (See: the former Emperor.) That's why his mom ended up becoming Empress Regent and ruling in his name, and doing the unspeakable in the hopes that one of the young girls might still bear her a grandson. (In any other clan, she could have just adopted a branch family member, but doing so with distant relatives in the Ka clan would have probably caused a civil war, since they were all in other named families.)
Sometimes the second son is far more suitable to the job, and the first son has talents that would be better placed elsewhere (Lahan vs Lahan's Older Brother.) The oldest brother might be in denial about it, but it's clear to everyone around them that that boy belongs on a farm, not trying to arrange family members like pieces on a shogi board like Lakan or Lahan are capable of doing.
Sometimes there's only a daughter, and she is perfectly suited to take over the job, if only someone would give her the proper training and the opportunity! (I believe that eventually Maomao will be the head doctor of the Rear Palace, taking over Luomen's original family business, so to speak. Even if she's also forced to become a princess consort in the process. The two positions are not incompatible.)
Sometimes the oldest son is suited to some parts of the family business, but not other parts. (Jinshi would probably be okay as an actual ruler, but as a monogamist to the core, finds the idea of a harem of concubines repulsive.) And so he wants no part of it and wants out of the line of succession.
Sometimes the family business really should be handled by the ENTIRE FAMILY - see the three sons of the metalworker. Only the youngest son had the talent of their father, but the two older sons had their own roles within the family business, and between the three of them, the business will thrive.
It's really an examination of the family version of the Peter Principle - it's entirely possible to force a family into extinction by making people unsuited to govern fail upward.
Speculation time:
The Yi clans and the Shi clans fell because their families got too ambitious. They wanted to rule for the sake of ruling, instead of focusing their talents on their historical strengths, and supporting the family that did currently rule.
Now, when the former emperor and the empress regnant were still in power, it made sense to consider trying to seize the throne - the succession hinged on a lone surviving male (the current Emperor) and it appeared that the Ka clan was in danger of dying out because of the "curse" that kept killing his children (leaded facepaint.) The Yi clan were wipe out by the Empress Regnant (still waiting for the details on that in the next volume or two) and the Shi clan plotted to take out the last surviving threat, the Moon Prince. That plot failed because of Maomao.
Unfortunately for them, the current Emperor is suited for the job of ruling the country, and knew what shogi pieces to send to stop them from their rebellion.
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ecargmura · 5 months
Wind Breaker Episode 6 Review - The Fox Leaves The False Holly
Now, THIS is a well-animated fight of pure hand-to-hand combat. No flashy magics or powers needed. It’s just two delinquents going at it. Cloverworks did an amazing job giving us a fight scene as impactful as Sakura’s brawl from the premiere. I love how it was animated! Sako uses a lot of spin-kicks and punches while Hiiragi is more powerful kicks and punches. I think my favorite aspect of the fight was when Sako was going to kick Hiiragi, but faked it by grabbing his leg. That was so cool! I also really liked Hiiragi utilizing his tall height and long legs by kicking Sako from behind. It shows that the animators know how to get creative with these fight.
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Hiiragi and Sako have history with each other. They used to be friends since elementary school when the former saved the latter from bullies. This was when Sako asked Hiiragi to teach him how to fight. When they were in middle school, Sako was keen on following him for the rest of his life and believed he’d be at the top in Furin. However, Hiiragi said that he was going to work under Umemiya and not take the top spot for himself. The moment he told Sako to not follow him anymore and get a new goal in life was when the rift between them happened. It seems it could be an asinine story for some viewers, but I see it as more of Hiiragi trying to help Sako avoid a potential toxic codependent relationship. He was clearly attached to Hiiragi sort of like how Sugishita holds Umemiya in high regard. However, the only difference between Sako and Sugishita is that Umemiya is already at the top so he is someone already respected while Hiiragi is someone who doesn’t want to take that position for himself. Sako could’ve been someone who could’ve been spiteful of Umemiya or Hiiragi because of this because had Sako gone to Furin, there would be a lot of tension. This was why Sako drifted away from Hiiragi and decided to join Shishitoren after Togame and Choji scouted him. Sako believes that power comes from doing things on your own, without the need to depend on anyone. The fact that Hiiragi chooses to be a follower and not a leader was what irked him.
As someone who read the manga last weekend, I want to say that there’s a very interesting theming with Bofurin and Shishitoren. All of the Bofurin members are named after plants, hence why their team’s image color is green and why Umemiya likes gardening. For example, Sakura’s name uses the kanji for Cherry Blossom. In Hiiragi’s case, his name comes from the Japanese word for Osmanthus heterophyllus, or false holly. The “ko” in Sako’s name is the kanji for fox. By extension, all of Shishitoren are named after animals. The To in Tomiyama stands for rabbit. The Game in Togame stands for turtle. The Ma in Arima stands for horse. The Ka in Kanuma stands for deer. It also helps that Shishitoren means Lion’s Head, hence the animal themed names. I think it’s super creative from a writer’s standpoint.
Speaking of Sako, I have to say that I really like his design. Wind Breaker’s character designs are so intricate. Sako stands out a lot to me. While he’s not as pretty as Suo, I still consider him a beauty. He stands out, hence why I think he’s pretty. It also helps that he does look like a fox like his namesake. No, it’s not weird to call male anime characters pretty and I’ll keep doing it.
I also liked the little banter Sakura, Nirei and Suo usually have as an audience member. Sakura’s shit talking actually gets his allies motivated. Suo’s fighting style is supposed a hodgepodge of different martial arts as his instructor was self taught. Hmmm, this does support my Suo being a successor theory…
As a manga reader, the Hiiragi and Sako fight was animated superbly. However, I honestly cannot wait for Sakura vs Togame, which will happen next week. All I can say is that Hiiragi’s words towards Togame, “You don’t know what’s going to happen” is foreshadowing the results of the match. Who do you think will win?
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 2 years
BSD Anime vs. Manga
S4 Episode 7 & Chapters 59-61
This is mostly going to be a compilation of the ADA moments, focused on Kunikida in particular, since Bones seems to freely pluck out parts from his characterization that takes away a lot from his personal arc. They have done it before, but in this arc, where each detail sensitive to his entire arc, I find it is quite a shame they were excluded.
Here are some moments that didn't make it to the anime, or simply didn't translate well into the episode because of a number of reasons.
A short disclaimer: I've never written any kind of analysis posts or even theories so I'd say this is more of my personal thoughts rather than a very objective comparison, since I hold Kunikida and the ADA very close to my heart. Buckle up for a really long post because oh boy, I have a lot of thoughts.
1. First signs of despair
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(BSD Chapter 59)
Quite contrary to how Kunikida is perceived as emotionless, among all the characters in the room, we get a close up into his mind and thoughts first. They have been just declared as national criminals, and Ranpo, the most vital pillar of their agency was just shot and presumably out of commission. The all-knowing Ranpo who has gotten them out of trouble numerous times has been cut off. They sit there in shock as the realisation sinks in. They have no way out. Kunikida looks at his notebook, pondering out loud, "Is this where...my ideals come to an end?"
2. Kunikida retaliates back
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(BSD Chapter 59)
This is one of the sides of Kunikida we may rarely get to see. While he is a character with a strong moral compass compared to the other BSD characters, there are moments when he prioritizes to protect himself and would go to any lengths to to prevent harm to his comrades, sometimes at the cost of his own well being. He wouldn't kill anyone, but should the circumstances call for it, he wouldn't hesitate to remove that obstacle. This is similar to how he shoots a little kid who was firing at him and Atsushi in the cannibalism arc. However the circumstances are entirely different in both scenarios. At that time, his inner conflict was more evident, since the children had been lied to, and instructed to shoot and didn't know any better. He had to protect himself and Atsushi. Over here, he is more or less wrongly being accused, which would explain his actions.
Before this, there's also a gentle look that passes over his eyes, as he reminisces about working along with them, and the fact that they see him as an enemy now.
I do however, appreciate that in the anime, his voice is softer, and not rude or mean to the soldiers they just defeated.
3. Remorse
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(BSD Chapter 60)
Just as they are able to escape and catch their breaths, Kunikida is immediately filled with remorse for his actions. There is the special emphasis on the "light in the eyes" that Kunikida refers to, something which is very important to a character in Harukawa sensei's art style. He struck down a person, who was someone just like him, someone who was simply holding up his own ideals for the "good" of the nation, something Kunikida himself resonates with. He questions the justness of his own actions, and is in an inner dilemma about everything he stands for. Despite his "tough" exterior, Kunikida is inherently a person who is deeply vulnerable. He puts up his walls, but these walls even seem to break too easily, caused by his own self doubt.
This internal conflict is completely missing in the anime, and while it may seem inconsequential to the overall plot, it takes away a lot of impact that comes ahead. There is a lack of a dramatic pause that this scene gives, as the horror sinks in not just for us, but our characters as well.
4. Ray of hope
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(BSD Chapter 60)
Before everyone, especially Kunikida sinks into complete despair, Kenji speaks up, starting on a completely unrelated and seemingly pointless note. He offers everyone some rice balls, surprising everyone.
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(BSD Chapter 60)
Kenji is just such a precious boy. Kenji's logic is eating = happiness so by offering the rice balls, he's literally saying "please don't feel dejected!! I want you all to stay healthy and be happy!!"
Kunikida tries to reason, initially feeling that Kenji was making light of the situation. But Kenji is clearly having none of it and stops him immediately. We unfortunately missed this absolutely hilarious scene of Kenji shutting up Kunikida by shoving a rice ball into his mouth LMAO.
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In hindsight, as I rewatch the anime, Kenji's speech is a nice optimistic boost in very Kenji fashion, but it comes across as a touch too happy go lucky in the anime and you can't deny how much more impactful it is when instead of just a random speech, he's purposefully uplifting everyone's spirits.
He isn't just being optimistic and is aware of the grim situation. He understands that he would need to use his ability for the obstacles they may face ahead and forgoes eating the rice balls (as Kenji cannot use his skill if his stomach is full). That's when even Kunikida realises that he is being serious. He understands how everyone feels, and reassures them, essentially saying that the agency will get through, rebuild, and continue on their path no matter how many difficulties come their way.
I have to say, this moment here is even more touching with his backstory that was recently revealed a few chapters ago. Kenji actually comes across as very mature for his age with his outlook on life and his kind and humble nature.
There is an immediate change in Kunikida's demeanor after this. He acknowledges Kenji's words and bites into the rice ball, accepting his 'unique' way of encouraging them with gratitude. And hereforth emerges the leader within Kunikida. I'm working on another post related to Kunikida and his role as the future ADA leader, but Kunikida is truly a people's leader. He spurs into action when he has the trust and support of his comrades and is the most confident when backed and reassured by the ones near him.
Unfortunately I find that this moment completely fell flat in the anime. They included Tanizaki's line about being criminals and it's in response to that that Kenji gives his speech which isn't bad per se....but doesn't give the same impact as the manga. They added some sparkles ✨ as he was speaking which made it a tad bit animated whereas in the manga it seems like the sun is shining on him...which makes me wonder how the anime would've looked if they actually showed a progression of time instead of just sticking to twilight hues...
5. Just your friendly neighborhood terrorist gang...
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(BSD manga chapter 61)
And here is the most iconic and probably the greatest scene of all times, which was only partly animated. I'll let this one slide, but imagine how much funnier it would have been if they did include the first part. The fact that they are being pursued right now as the most wanted criminals, and how every second is extremely precious to them if they want to escape safely, and yet, Kunikida would steal someone's vehicle only after confirming they have an insurance for it (and letting them go if they don't).
Even him choosing to take a private vehicle rather than public transport to avoid jeopardizing other's lives...Kunikida is just so good. I love him so much you don't understand 🥹💕
6. Comprehensive personality analysis by Jouno Saigiku (Kunikida edition)
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Okay sorry this is just me being salty but like....did they seriously give us an extended fish eye cut for this entire scene??!! I was so shocked I couldn't even focus on the weight and symbolism of the dialogue. I get the fish eye potential of this scene but like why....just why.
It's such a pivotal revelation about Kunikida, not just to us, the audience, but even to Kunikida himself, his deepest and innermost thoughts and fears laid out in the open like that. Jouno tears him down effectively, making him question himself and his ideals.
This part makes me crazy emotional in the manga, because the whole thing about Kunikida's ideals is that it actually weighs so heavily on him that he doesn't really realise that he is crumbling under the pressure of it. Deep inside, he is aware about the futility of pursuing them, as seen from how he admits it himself in Chapter 40 to Katsura, but instead of letting go, he keeps pushing himself. His ideals are not for others to follow, but something he demands of himself, in order to create a better world. And if the people whom he wants to protect are taken away, his ideals would come to an end, hence he'll be "free" from the heavy burden of his ideals.
Reducing all of this into a mere fish eye moment....bones I will remember this 😭😤
However, I do appreciate that they added a scene of Kunikida shielding Yosano from Tecchou, a nice parallel to when Yosano takes a bullet for Kunikida. It was just very heart warming to see all of them protect each other. There's also a small panel that was not animated, one where Jouno kicks Kenji out of the moving car and asks Kunikida and the others to go ahead, and there's a look of uncertainty and despair that passes on Kunikida's face, another instance of his internal conflict not included.
(also what is with all of Kunikida's enemies reading up on him and studying him?? Like I'm no different from these guys tbh I get it, I'm obsessed with him too but back off will ya...🙄)
I'm only considering this fan-made video by cocoa as the true anime scene because wth were they thinking 😭
Additional thoughts Episode 8
Kunikida's final answer
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I would recommend going and reading the full manga for better reading experience, but in case you're feeling too lazy, I included the screenshots. I'm mostly satisfied with how this part was animated, but here are some of my thoughts about it anyways. Looking back to this chapter in the manga, it's definitely much more dramatic than its counterpart.
There's a panel where they just show him with his back hunched all alone as he ponders over what Jouno said which is really neat. The look of horror that passes over his face as he sees Kenji being stabbed is much more dramatic. In the anime, Kenji being stabbed was even more horrifying, and obviously more realistic of a reaction than him just going "huh?" as if it was nothing much.
There's even a panel of Kunikida gritting his teeth, until he realises what he needs to do. I loved the way he swung off the helicopter in the anime, it kinda lives rent free in my brain ngl. When Kunikida jumps off and kicks Tecchou, there's a close up of his face, full of determination and light in his eyes... it's just so beautiful because he's no longer hindered by self doubt. This light in his eyes remains the brightest in all the three panels.
While originally I was under the impression that this would be a very sad scene, the anime and the choice of music made it seem more of a heroic moment instead, which the more I think about, the more I feel was a good choice. After a series of unfortunate events and near death situations, Kunikida is faced with the choice to either give up or save everyone. His choice to sacrifice himself was one stemming from his role as a leader and also, most importantly to protect anyone else from getting hurt. This is also his firm answer back to Jouno's words, that he would continue striving for his ideals, even when sacrificing his own life.
And also, spoilers alert: he doesn't exactly die, so I think it was alright if they didn't make it too dramatic or melancholic. Still made me cry buckets nevertheless lol.
I'm not very good at character analyses so I would recommend reading this one over here. It's one of the best character breakdown I've ever seen for Kunikida and they have covered this part of the manga as well!
Of course, another amazing explanation of this scene is by Asagiri-sensei themselves, which you can find here.
Yet another deleted scene...
Kyouka decides to go save Atsushi
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(BSD Chapter 63)
If you're curious about when Kyouka decided to go and save Atsushi instead and how they concealed themselves so well in that hole, here's an extended explanation in a flashback that was skipped in the anime. It's no surprise this was deleted, and I was pretty much expecting it as it's not that important of a detail. The most significant part of this scene of course would be the sheer determination in Kyouka's eyes to save Atsushi. I think it is a neat parallel to Atsushi back in s1 who insisted on saving Kyouka, even after Kunikida told him not to. In both instances, Kunikida tries to protest, but eventually relents and acknowledges their will and determination, lending them his aid. The anime also kinda missed giving us a cool render of that page in which Kyouka stands heroically before the military when she comes to save Atsushi (unfortunately I'm unable to add the image because of Tumblr's ten image limit...sigh).
Final thoughts
I've said this before, but I understand that anime has time constraints and other production matters that I'm unaware about, but the number of details that were removed while not surprising, was surely disappointing. My major problem was mostly with episode 7 with how rushed it was. By removing the build up, there's a certain lack of emotional depth in a number of scenes. There are many who did not find the episodes fast paced and rather consider it quite alright considering the theme of the arc, which is totally valid. However it's natural for manga readers to go into the anime with preconceived ideas about how they think the scene will go down. I'm personally just a little sad because firstly, Kunikida is my favourite character and secondly, I think he's one of the best written characters in all of BSD. He is one of the core characters in BSD, so I'm obviously disappointed that many of his parts just get removed since he's not one of the greater "fan favourites".
Of course, I have to give the anime credit where it's due. The animation is amazing this season and the voice acting is simply phenomenal. The OST is also pretty good and I desperately want that track they played for the hunting dogs introduction. They've truly given their heart and soul for this season, and I couldn't be happier as a BSD fan!! I'm super excited for the upcoming episodes!
Welp that's all from me! Thank you for coming to my ted talk! This was initially going to be just a simple compilation, until I started talking and couldn't shut up. I'm really grateful for anyone who reads this. Thank you very much!! If you've come this far, please do drop a comment because I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
Lastly, please go read the manga if you haven't already! Who knows, maybe you'll find some other missing detail of your favourite character!
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russenoire · 2 years
here, i'm gonna spill some more ink over studio bones' decisions adapting ???% in mob psycho 100's confession arc... in a lighter color, perhaps.
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some manga readers are upset at the lack of separation between '???%' and 'mob' in the anime vs the clear separation in the manga. that separation doesn't exist in the original japanese.
mob's 声優 (seiyuu) setsuo itō's voice acting in this scene from MP100's first season is by turns startling and visceral (tbh, most of the VA work in this scene is amazing, but i'm only referring to mob here).
given the above, i expected a voice come up from the depths of hell for ???% in the confession arc, but bones and itō-san did not indulge my whims here. what they gave us instead...
...actually reflects the source material.
while there is an audible distinction between ???%'s nonchalant contempt and mob's considerably-more-animated (thanks to all that emotional growth we've seen over the course of the story!) upset, they sound like the same person in the anime... because they are. i thought this a tidy way to convey that fact, and this subtle distinction is not that different in feel from what we see on the page in the original language.
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inside the teenager's mind, shigeo (???%) and mob quarrel in the same font. tails on their speech bubbles eventually disappear as they continue to argue with each other. i found this pointed lack of separation a little confusing on first read, but eventually became used to it.
(for a breakdown of this full conversation in the manga, check out @exilepurify's awesome translation post.)
shigeo chafes at the thought of considering others' needs. he scorns mob for bending himself into a shape he thinks will suit tsubomi, mocks mob's desire to blend into the background and somehow escape notice. his own wish for tsubomi to accept him in all his explosive vainglory doesn't take her wishes into account, either.
and yet. his desires are subordinate to mob's.
he wants what mob wants -- only without that whole pesky 'consideration for other people' thing -- and he wants to keep mob alive. their full conversation reveals just how much shigeo actually loves mob.
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for all practical purposes, any distinctions between shigeo and mob -- private vs public, subconscious vs conscious -- only exist in the boy's head. even then, they have been unfairly imposed... by mob himself.
the teenager laying waste to seasoning city? the teenager his friends and family love? one and the same.
his loved ones and allies address him with the names by which they know him; they assume he's the same person, just experiencing an involuntary loss of control and in need of some help. it's important to emphasize that. drastically different voices for shigeo and mob would have drawn a hard line between them where there is none.
studio bones removed and/or internalized ???%'s lines, apparently robbing him of speech. but ???% is talking to himself, and no one else can hear him.
in the manga, shigeo seizes control of the boy's speech centers and speaks out loud as ???%, in a scratchy, rough font meant to evoke a harsh voice. (it's the same font used for ???%'s last brief, conscious takeover when mob discovers the crispy fried corpses of his family in their merrily crackling home! you can hear itō-san's delightful interpretation of it in episode 9 from the second season.)
he says:
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「僕の好きにやらせてもらう。」 boku no s'ki ni yarasete morau. 'i'll be free to do whatever i want.' or more literally: 'i will take [from you] the allowance to do as i please.' his use of 貰う here emphasizes that he is forcing mob's hand.
this line and the shift in viewpoint serve to highlight the exact moment where shigeo gains the advantage in his argument with mob.
mob and shigeo squabble for external control for a while; ONE shows this by letting them both speak aloud in this same rough voice. both sides of the fight between the two (at least after 'i'll be free to do whatever i want') can actually be heard from the outside. we only get a few small panels of this as it's happening, but it's unnerving.
shigeo, who is winning this battle, not only gets far more lines as seen from without, but his harsh rasp even colors mob's external speech. this is mob's only line the mangaka lets us see in that font, and it's heartbreaking:
「だって… もしこれが本当の僕の姿だっていうなら…」 datte... mosh' kore ga hontou no boku no sugata datte iu nara... 'because... if this [???%] is what i really am, as you say...
the line continues within:
「本当の僕になんて誰も近寄らない。誰も… 誰も助けてくれない。そんなの嫌いだ。」 hontou no boku ni nante daremo ch'kayoranai. daremo... daremo tas'kete kurenai. sonna no kirai da. 'no one will come anywhere near the real me. no one... no one will be there for me. i won't have that.'
the full takeover, which happens a bit later, is marked by:
shigeo's dissolution of and absorption of mob's consciousness into himself;
reigen's 「すまない」 (sumanai, 'i'm sorry') for not knowing the nature of what his deshi was struggling to contain;
???%'s last glance back at the man before pressing on towards his goal... as reigen begs him to wait, running after him.
thereafter, we see ???% from without. we get two short glimpses of shigeo's internal perspective before dimple's reappearance, then rejoin him inside for his last explosion with mob.
the anime depicts the moment of full takeover thusly:
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shigeo's dissolution of and absorption of mob's consciousness into himself;
a 「すまない」 from reigen, who senses something has gone even more wrong with the boy and renews his pursuit... begging him to wait;
shigeo's turning his back on reigen and walking on. we see him spurning his mentor from the inside, his face hardening against a stark black backdrop.
the outward shift happens on-screen too. while it eventually returns to an internal view just as the manga does, it largely stays there, owing to a serious expansion of the scene where shigeo indulges his thirst for revenge on reigen.
except for an audible sigh when teru remarks on how normal his friend's losing control of himself actually makes him, anime shigeo speaks to no one.
???% is alone when he speaks in the manga; reigen is nowhere within earshot and shigeo is only addressing mob. in other words, he's talking to himself. shigeo never utters a word to anyone else in either manga or anime, as if he owes no one an explanation for the choice to sack his hometown or injure his friends.
as bone-chilling and unsettling as ???% speaking out loud is on the page, as much as it enhances the reading experience... in my opinion, it adds nothing new to our understanding of this situation on the screen. viewers can see for themselves that:
an internal takeover has occurred in this boy's mind,
???% is sentient and human and ever so divinely enraged at having been chained up for so long;
???% is finally free.
so why should studio bones belabor this point by having him shout, in the middle of a tornado, to no one in particular? if a boy speaks in a tornado, and there is no one around to hear it, does he make a sound... ?
i also don't know that this would translate well to film. in real life, talking to oneself like that usually carries connotations of psychosis, and resolving it as is done here would honestly be an insult to real-life sufferers. i love it to pieces in the manga but understand why this was cut.
the only things removing ???%'s outward speech loses for me are:
one last opportunity for itō-san to flex that audible jump-scare STOMACH-TWISTING SNARL (oh, i will miss it so);
a slightly-less-vague sense of how shigeo might make his wishes known to tsubomi, were he to present himself to her like this... he wants her approval so badly, and is terrified of not getting it. would he be able to speak to her at all? in the manga the question becomes what would he even say to her?
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strayg0dss · 8 months
Tecchou vs Tetchou: on spelling and romanization
Have you ever wondered why the official English manga uses "Tetchou"? And official merch from Japan "Tecchou"? Why is the fandom so split on spelling? What is correct?
I'm hoping to answer some questions here :)
[Tl;dr at the very end]
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Please note: I'm not a native Japanese speaker. I am, however, a linguist. I've dealt with Japanese linguistics (everything from spelling and syntax to phonology) on an academic level and I'm actively learning Japanese at university. Okay? Okay. Then let's dive into this!
1) Romanization?
Romanization is the act of translating Japanese words that are originally in kana/kanji into the Latin alphabet. The romanization that's mostly used (in English manga & anime) is the Hepburn romanization. It's based on English spelling and pronunciation!
This mostly goes for consonants, meaning the J in Jouno is pronounced like the J in Jungle. Vowels are a bit different but we won't get into that now. Important is: based on English spelling and pronunciation.
2) The っち in Tet/cchou?
-> Te "sokuon" chi "yōon" u
Let's break it down: the first hiragana is a small tsu っ (called sokuon). It makes the following consonant, in this case, the ch of chi ち longer. Usually, it simply doubles the consonant in writing:
っこ -> kko
っし -> sshi
But for っち, according to Hepburn, not cch is used. But tch. Why? ...🤷‍♂️ (the actual explanation given on Wikipedia is "because the perceived consonant that's doubled is [t]" but then why is the s of shi doubled, and not shsh? But I digress...)
If you're not familiar with this specific rule, it wouldn't occur to you to use tch and not cch! Because it usually doubles the written consonant!
According to strict Hepburn romanization, Tetchou is more correct:
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But there's more!
3) Tetchō? (A small detour on ou vs ō)
According to Hepburn, vowels presented in Hiragana (as in ちょう chou) can be translated separately as ou, or using ō. There are more variations of this that are correct. But these are the most common ones.
But then... wouldn't Tecchou be wrong? Well...
4) Spelling (and fandom)
As I mentioned, the spelling is based on English pronunciation. tch and cch are the same in that sense. You would pronounce them the exact same way. And, as mentioned, cch is the more intuitive translation. Japanese publications use it. Fans use it. And that's okay!
Fans have always chosen spellings selectively. When did you last read Gojou instead of Gojo? Chousou instead of Choso? Both are more "correct" according to the Hepburn used.
Essentially, it doesn't matter if people use Tetchou/Tecchou/Tetchō or any variant. As long as you don't use Techou. Because that means notebook (てちょう). Don't do that. The っ does very much make a distinction in meaning here and must be translated one way or another.
5) Romanization and linguistics
Japanese linguists (those who speak Japanese natively and write about Japanese) often write their academic papers in English. They tend to use different romanization methods depending on the paper. And they're inconsistent as hell.
You can read a paper on Japanese morpho-syntax and a word can be transcribed a certain way on one page, then in a slightly different way on the next!
This is just to put into perspective that romanization is simply a tool that people tend to use however they want. Even scholars!
As long as the meaning doesn't get lost, cch vs tch doesn't matter that much. Again, Japanese publications use cch! English ones use tch. It's okay!
There are cases where it matters for the distinction of meaning!!! But Tecchou vs Tetchou isn't one of them.
According to strict Hepburn romanization, Tetchou is correct. But Tecchou is a more intuitive translation when you follow most Hepburn rules except for this special one, which is why lots of people and Japanese publishers use cch. The double consonant tch/cch is a meaning distinction from other words, so it must be used. But which one you use doesn't really matter, it has the same outcome.
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themattress · 1 month
Sailor Moon: Dream - Original vs. Toei Adaptation
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- The Dead Moon Circus arriving on Earth during a solar eclipse is retained.
- The captive Helios astral-projecting to Chibiusa as Pegasus is retained.
- Queen Nehelenia attacking Elysian and plunging it into darkness is retained.
- Queen Nehelenia existing beyond a mirror into the dreamscape and constantly speaking to her living splintered reflection Zirconia who actively runs the Dead Moon Circus is retained.
- PallaPalla swapping Usagi and Chibiusa's ages is adapted in Episode 158.
- The Amazon Trio's psychological traps for the Inner Senshi, primarily the Hall of Mirrors that was used on Rei, is adapted in episode 163 as Zirconia's trap for them during the climax.
- Mamoru falling ill bafflingly doesn't happen until the climax in the anime, with his talk with Helios now being in a dream that transpires in episode 165, the penultimate episode. Between this and the Golden Crystal not being in Mamoru's soul, Mamoru got screwed!
- Queen Nehelenia plunging Tokyo into darkness and nightmares is retained.
- Zirconia lethally turning on the Amazoness Quartet when they fail her is retained.
- Queen Nehelenia's defeat exposing her true form as an ugly old crone is retained.
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Some things that neglected to be adapted in SuperS ended up being adapted in the opening Nehelenia arc of Sailor Stars instead even though it made precious little sense to do so.
- The Outer Senshi's return, including Hotaru's rapid age-up, is included here.
- Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi Moon fighting side by side is included here.
- The Sailor Senshi being trapped in illusionary nightmares is included here.
- Queen Nehelenia coveting Mamoru/Endymion is included here, although the motivations differ: in the manga it was because of his connection to the Golden Crystal and its power that she wanted to rule Earth with, while in the anime it's to spite Usagi whom she rabidly hates.
- Most ridiculously of all, every Sailor Senshi and Mamoru joining their powers together is changed from a way to teleport into Elysian to...kill Nehelenia and teleport her soul into a dream where she's a child again and can finally make friends? 'Cause that's what she really wanted the whole time? Yeah, this story arc sucks and it never should have happened.
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cherryys · 3 months
an interesting thing i saw while i was rereading the JJK manga is the fact that rarely ever are Cursed Techniques seen as a seperate thing from the User themselves, which is the complete opposite of how the JJK community & especially powerscalers see it.
The biggest example I could think of is how people view Megumi as a seperate entity from the 10 Shadows Technique, and by extentsion, his shikigami (Mahoraga specifically)
Because Sukuna used his technique better, it stopped really being Megumi's Technique, so to speak, and whenever people try to rank him in terms of power, they count him and Mahoraga as a seperate thing, even though by all means, Mahoraga belongs to him.
(I could go on a seperate rant about how differently Megumi and Sukuna use the technique but that's a post for another day)
But what's so interesting is, Sukuna doesn't view it that way. From the start, Sukuna viewed the 10 Shadows Technique and Megumi as the same entity, because his technique is a part of him.
In CH.30, Sukuna says, "only one person holds his interest"
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He didn't say "power" or "technique", he said person. Because he doesn't count the user and the technique as two seperate things.
Another instance is during his fight vs. Mahoraga.
He says, "you showed me the way, Fushiguro Megumi!"
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He didn't yell out Mahoraga's name. Because, again, he doesn't count Mahoraga as a seperate entity from Megumi. The 10 Shadows is Fushiguro Megumi and Fushiguro Megumi is The 10 Shadows.
(Also, in the anime during his Malevolent Shrine, there's this transition animation from Megumi's figure to Mahoraga's that I think also enhances this idea. They are one in the same.)
And this dialogue box during his fight VS. Gojo cements this idea.
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He never counted Mahoraga as a seperate thing from Megumi; he expressely calls it "Fushiguro Megumi's shadow".
I thought it was a pretty neat detail. Goes to show you small things like these make a difference in the narrative
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13eyond13 · 11 months
for the headcanon asks, lawlight + 20? just any hc for them you have that you’d like a chance to share :3
Oooh this is fun! Here's my topic! The moment Light started having a crush on L VS. the moment he would actually acknowledge that to himself: I think there was an actual emotional turning point for Light in canon during the "first ever friend" scene (in the manga! It's a bit different in the anime, so I'm just talking about the manga here!). I wrote a post about this before a few months ago, and at the time I put it like this:
I think the moment Light's crush on L first smacked him in the manga was when L was like "you're my first ever friend" whilst smirking into his teacup. And not because Light fully believed L was being sincere, but because he KNEW L was slyly teasing him and speaking to him on more than one level at once. Nothing more unexpected funny flattering and intriguing than that for him right then! And then I added a HUGE tag ramble to it explaining further what I meant:
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I don't think at this stage in the manga that Light would EVER admit to himself or anyone else (certainly not Ryuk/the audience!) that he was starting to have feels for L. But I DO think that by the time he's at the Yellowbox Warehouse in the manga he definitely would have become self-aware enough and maybe comfortable enough with his own sexuality to realize and accept the fact in retrospect and be like, "omg I actually had a massive fricking crush on him basically the entire time, didn't I?" I see it as kind of happening in parallel with him silently agreeing with Near about the entire Kira saga having always been a one-on-one battle with L in his own mind.
[ask meme]
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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Who You Are:
Jasper || She/he
I am an artist and writer, and I'm always pushing to do bigger and better things with my work.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Psychological. New Adult and Adult
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
Fantasy because there's so much you can do in a fantasy setting. You don't even need to have a "high fantasy/ high magic" world for it to be considered fantasy. It's an extremely versatile genre.
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
I cannot write contemporary.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
I don't have a concrete audience in mind-- I suppose my writing is for people like myself: those who enjoy experimental writing and those who've been disillusioned by everyday life.
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
My writing tends to focus on what it means to be human, and what defines the human experience. I don't know why I'm particularly drawn to this subject. Perhaps I simply enjoy exploring what others define as human characteristics.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
I'm not one for "us vs. them" narratives; it's always left a sour taste in my mouth when I read works with that thematic framing. Other than that, I'm fairly open to different themes and tropes-- if you can tell a good story, I'll probably read it.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
The current project I am working on is "An Immortal Laid to Rest" (or Project : Desert for those who've been around long enough). It's a story about freedom and reconciling one's past. Come the end of June, I'll have been working on the project for three years.
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
I write because I want to share my thoughts and experiences through the lens of a fictitious world of my creation. It's an art that's become something very personal as I've gotten older, and it's my hope that my writing can help lift the spirits of someone who's gone through similar hardships.
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
I've been writing since the small, small age of 10, but I've only been writing seriously since I started college. As a kid, I got really into anime and manga, and I always wanted to tell a story like the things that inspired me. However, I hated drawing comics (I still do) and writing became the happy medium between my art and my knack for storytelling.
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
I get my inspiration from other pieces of media I enjoy; this becomes more obvious to those who are familiar with my likes and interests, and I don't try to hide that fact. For my current project, one of the big pieces of inspiration is the game "NieR: Automata". It explores many of the themes I'm interested, and I look up to Yoko Taro as a storyteller.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
It would have to be "An Immortal Laid to Rest". I probably would have lost interest in the project were it not for my friends who've stuck with me during its development. I look forward to the day I will finally be able to publish it.
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
I actually do have a poem that got into a publication! I can't speak much more about it until it comes out, but it's my intent to publish more of my poetry in the coming year.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
I have time set aside to write, and I try to write 3-4 times a week in short bursts. After a writing session, I will record what I accomplished that day and my current word count.
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
I've been actively part of writeblr for about a year and a half, maybe two years. Frankly, I feel like I was absorbed into the community rather than actively seeking it out. I simply started following other writing blogs and before I knew it, I became part of the community.
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
@ashen-crest - I think they were one of the first writeblrs I actively interacted with, and it's been so awesome watching them publish two books in such a short time. @theboarsbride - It's been a ride watching them grow and I love it when I see their art cross my dashboard. The gothic romanticism is something I don't see often, and I'm here for it.
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
I personally enjoy the community events like Worldbuilding Wednesday. I enjoy the moments when I'm able to peak into the world of another writer as they're working.
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
This is more of a gripe with the tumblr community as a whole, but I think we could learn to reblog others' work more often. Tumblr thrives off reblogs; it's how we help our fellow creators.
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
I interact with art more often than not.
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
I mainly post my artwork and excerpts from my project. Sometimes a meme or two.
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
You can find me on Artstation and Youtube @jasperygrace.
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cursedvibes · 9 months
I found this by one of my (ex) moots who have unfollow me, cause now they're anti -JJK :
"JJK really went from a loved manga to a mid-to-bad story with insufferable fans 🙏 may more of us hate it in the future. It snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows and its another case of "general shonen fan will call any trash 'goat' if the fight is well animated".
I used to be a fan, until the start of the culling game. And after this controversial, inconsistent and inhumane adaptation of shibuya, im glad that I have no interest in both manga and show anymore"
Do you think Culling game is hard to understand, cause several of my (ex) moots also start dislike JJK after that arc?
I can't speak for everyone who dislikes jjk, but I think for most people who dislike the Culling Games, it's a sort of recency bias (except in the opposite way it's usually used). Many criticisms levied against the Culling Game were also said during the Shibuya arc as it was coming out and are showing up again, now that it has been animated. Things like "too many fights", "I don't care about these new characters", "the pacing is shit", "killing too many main characters makes deaths meaningless", "Yuuji isn't even the main character anymore" are often said for the Culling Game arcs, but also something I now see a lot from anime-onlys for the Shibuya arc. It's just how Gege writes and either you like it or you don't. A lot has also to do with binge-reading something and reading it weekly (especially if you don't reread chapters). The flow of action and payoffs are much more apparent when you binge something than when you have to wait for little titbits of the story to come out and stew for weeks over setups for later plot points. Any minor grievances you have are also easier forgotten when you read the full story. Problems like "I don't know what's going on or who these characters are and therefore I don't care" show up a lot when you aren't used to or don't like reading something weekly. There are people who complain that they don't know who Higuruma or Kashimo are, when it is very easy to remember that if you just keep the story in mind, reread past chapters or only read full arcs. They certainly don't lack characterization. Gege's writing definitely has flaws, especially recently, but we got to know plenty about Higuruma, Kashimo, Takaba etc.. Someone might not like them or isn't interested in their stories because of personal taste, but that's not Gege's fault. I for example like the Culling Game much more than Shibuya or Hidden Inventory and I think Shibuya can drag a lot at certain parts, but the highlights still make it a good arc. Perfect Preparation and Culling Game just has more to offer to me because it focuses on different characters and I like the new ones generally much more than say the Kyoto school group. Each of the new characters have tons more depth than any of the curse users that worked for Kenjaku previously and thereby liven things up a lot. Not to mention more lore. Thing is, if your favourite characters appear less and you don't like the new ones much, that will inevitably turn you off the story. That's valid, but personal taste is subjective, it's not what makes the story bad.
There are plenty criticisms to be made and you can clearly tell that Gege is rushing some parts of the story now, so I can understand if people stop reading because of that, but it's a matter of if the highs outweigh the lows. As whole arcs, I definitely don't think Culling Game is any worse than Shibuya. Or that Perfect Preparation is worse than Hidden Inventory (I think those are better to compare, since HI has a very different focus and is much shorter than Shibuya or CG). I'm a bit sceptical about the final fight against Sukuna in Shinjuku (excluding Kenjaku's part and Hakari vs Uraume from this for now, I liked those), but there's enough there to keep me invested and continue reading. I can understand though if that's not the case for others. Similar for the controversial timeskip and don't even get me started on Sukuna vs Gojo. Some criticism I don't agree with (sorry but Takaba vs Kenjaku was actually good), but there are other valid points to be made. For example, I recently saw a discussion on twt about how we are barely shown Gojo interacting with the students he supposedly cares about. I can totally understand that, especially when we are given more flashbacks to what happened during the timeskip and Gojo isn't in any of them and apparently not invested in what his students and friends are gonna do in case he dies. It does give the impression that he just doesn't give a shit about any of them anymore and it doesn't help his lack of characterization and character development post-unsealing.
Generally, I think it's best for these people who are "anti-jjk" to just drop the show if they can't enjoy anything about it at all. There are many more mangas, animes or other stories out there they could read/watch, instead of forcing themselves through something they don't like. I do that with plenty of stories as well. So if your ex moot decides to drop the manga and anime because they don't like it anymore, good. Find something else.
I think their criticism that jjk "snatches the spotlight from genuinely good shows" makes no sense though. That isn't even the case within the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump. If something is good, people will read it. Look at the boom for Kagurabachi, a series that just started and is already loved and continuously in the top 10 of the Jump App. People can read multiple stories at the same time, that's the whole reason these magazines don't just feature one manga. Sure, some really good stories out there are less popular, but that's not because of jjk. JJK being popular doesn't stop me from reading Houseki no Kuni or Monster, mangas that aren't as well known. One Piece or Pokemon aren't stealing anything from jjk, so why would that be the case for jjk and some lesser known manga. There are more complicated reasons for why something is getting less traction than just "series x has gained popularity". And I don't like powerscalers or your average blue checkmark anime fan on twt either, but then just ignore them. They are in every shonen fandom (and seinen and shoujo, although in case of shoujo it's a little different but not less obnoxious). Other fans having shit tastes isn't new or unique to jjk. That's just fandom.
Either way, glad this person moved on to another series, may they be happier there.
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w2beastars · 10 months
Fan trans VS official trans: The Spotted Seal And The Wolf
Sorry it took a while to get back to the comparing of translations.
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When an octopus asks Legoshi and Zaguan to help her find her kidnapped daughter, Zaguan says in the fan translation that they are better than the sea police.
But in the official trans, he says that Legoshi is better than the sea police. It actually makes sense for him to say that since Legoshi has experience and training in how to handle this sort of situation due to his training with Gohin and experience hunting Melon with Yafta. Also, he is a wolf, he is pretty great at tracking animals down.
Oh, and not sure I ever pointed it out, but Zaguan's name in the official manga is Sagwan.
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When they find the girl octopus... or what is left of her... the goat seller advertise it and says it is served with sweet and spicy sause.
In the official translation, he says "sweet and savory."
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The official translation is less harsh. In fan he says a prevert would come dressed to a sea funeral but in official trans he says "weirdo."
Somewhat same sentence, the difference being level of harshness.
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The words are more or less the same in both translations, but in the fan trans the letters in the octopus mother's speech balloon are different from the ones normally used to show she doesn't speak the same language as Legoshi. That's a very nice detail, so point to fan trans.
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When Zaguan tells Legoshi what the octo-mom said, he says she told them to make themselves at home in the fan trans.
In official trans, he says she hoped they would enjoy the funeral ceremony.
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Legoshi says the ceremony doesn't feel like a funeral in the fan trans, but in the official trans he says the ceremony is practical and unsentimental. The latter almost feels judgmental.
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