#special ep was sooo cutee
mikuni14 · 2 months
I Hear The Sunspot - Ep 5
I just want to say how special this series is to me. Normally the way this relationship is handled would probably make me drop this series (because I totally read them more like friends, than lovers yet, please don't be mad at me). But here comes something, I don't know how to call it, a simple sincerity? Which is something that happens not that often tbh and which proves how much properly done, honest emotion are needed in BL series not only in general, but which could aslo fill in all the gaps creating a complete whole that in the end makes me unable to tear myself away from the screen 😉
This series touches the heart and mind of the viewer. I really like the fact that the series shows Kohei and his hearing problems from a medical perspective, all this sitting and waiting in hospital waiting rooms, doctors and nurses who take care of him, making appointments, even something like replacing his hearing aid. They show him as a patient and as someone whose life largely revolves around his health problem, who must always take it into account when making every, often the most mundane decisions, as well as the stress and fear associated with the deterioration of his condition. This is not as common as it may seem, because very often illness or disability are treated only as a plot device, something that in romances usually only serves as something to connect lovers in some romantic setting, such as cute caregiving (like in the books that Miho reads), and not something that actively affects the everyday life of the characters. This really appealed to my mind, this respect for Kohei and the viewer's intelligence 🙂 (besides, it would be hypocrisy, calling out Miho for infantilizing and romanticizing Kohei and treating him the same by the plot)
I absolutely love our MLs, their interactions with each other, with their famiy - mom and grandpa, with their friends. How they receive verbal and non-verbal support. Their wide range of emotions, experiences, struggles, reflections, sacrifices. Giving in to emotions on the spur of the moment, but also thinking about them for a long time. Their kindness. And that's what really appealed to my heart 🥺
That's why, despite the fact that I missed a more clear transition from friendship to love with Kohei, I can't bring myself to criticize, because the series makes up for it in other areas.
Kohei is so wonderful, but Taichi steals the show, the actor who plays him is amazing, his appearance, behavior, body language, very pleasant voice. Taichi in his performance, demanding an explanation, crying on those stairs and then appearing as if nothing had happened on the roof to continue his relationship with Kohei and just.. stating the facts matter-of-factly, while Kohei is internally conducting an emotional Olympics… that's Taichi my best boy 🤩
Yep, a special series with a specialest boy who doesn't know his feelings yet, maybe doesn't know how to react to Kohei's kiss and confession, but KNOWS that not reacting at all, that moving away from Kohei even without bad intentions and respecting his wishes, will actually hurt Kohei. And that alone is enough for him to appear by his side, the rest will be figured out along the way. It's his kindness, sincerity and being uncompromising that doesn't allow him to leave Kohei to his despair and dark thoughts.
Kohei's mom remains one of the best in BL series, grandpa is still cool too, because he always gives Taichi space, his friends also show interest, ask questions, and they are completely cool and supportive of Taichi, just like his boss (who with that mustache looks like he's from some anime, I just don't know which one).
It's really nice that Taichi knows about the "Kohei's special burger made with love" (oh, Taichi's face in this scene 🥺), I'm glad it's not a secret anymore. Now I also ask for the "secret" of meeting with Miho to come to light.
Sooo, tbh, I'm a whore for big fan of things like "I can only hear you", or "only your touch can help me", you know the "only you and no one else" trope in love stories. That's why when Kohei said he can only hear Taichi, I was like: oooooh yeah, they're going straight for my throat. Gosh I LOVE IT. This is made just for me lol
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s3 episode 4 thoughts
here we are!!! i actually turned off auto caps on my phone for this; that’s how serious this blog is getting. don't worry, i'll probably remember to turn it back on before i send an important email.
i haven’t seen an ep in a few days and i feel like it has been 80 years. the last episode wasn’t the greatest, so our time apart feels even longer.
this episode is about a guy named clyde. clyde bruckman is a hell of a name. i’m expecting a real cowboy. a guy who knows his way around a horse. he probably spits chew in a certain fashion. we shall see if i’m correct.
(editor's note: op found that clyde was not a cowboy, but something just as special... a friend <3)
we open with a man reading a magazine article on predictions, written by a celebrity psychic. we later learn that this fellow doing the reading is, in fact, clyde bruckman. and elvis being dead but buddy holly being alive has got to be one of the greatest theories i’ve ever heard. i WILL incorporate this into my belief system.
allegedly, buddy holly is going to open at a big music festival. and this is how i learn that lollapalooza was a thing even before chappell roan visited... but we all know that when she steps on that stage in a few short weeks it will blow anything secretly alive buddy holly could have cooked up in his wildest dreams. "the night the music died" <- crazy thing to say about a time before miss roan was even born. anyway...
bruckman ran into someone in the street. feels like a chekov’s gun moment but who knows.
hint: it was!
now the clumsy man is at the psychic. and he says he saw his own future and he seem himself doing things that are “out of character”. now that's suspicious~
OH??? clumsy man just killed the fortune teller and says she should have seen this coming. HUH???? clumsy murder man needs to be punished …our psychics deserve federal protection. 
we are at the scene of a murder. a different murder, because this one did NOT take place in the psychic's room. “they say the eyes capture the last thing a murder victim sees” “so what do they say about the entrails?” “yuck” LMAO i giggled a little….
they’re talking about some guy in vague terms, that he’s “unorthodox” and “a kook”, and then mulder walks in and it looks like they’re talking about him but the investigator says “who the hell are you” HAHAHA that got me as well
so the murderer left behind the eyeballs and scully says that they made a profile for the killer and i’m thinking yaaaaay they worked together <3 i love that spooky mulder, the well-established profiling expert, is willing to collaborate. but with her only.
and also the house is filled with porcelain dolls 
mulder knowing the professional name for the people who read tea leaves… unfortunately i love him so bad.
THEN the real star of the show rolls up. it’s the psychic from the cover of the magazine we saw clyde reading earlier. CROWDED w paparazzi. he's got a vague european accent going on here. hold up is that jon favreau in the background. i received no clarification on if that was him or not.
psychic is describing a guy who could be literally anyone “white man with facial hair… or not” “tattoo somewhere on his body” wow king of specifics. it's like he's in the room with us. /s
the agents are watching him do this and share a glance and i want it on a poster it’s sooo cute <3
celebrity psychic says he lost the vision from negative energy and then gets right up in the agent’s faces. they handle it pretty well, all things considered. because i would be telling him to back tf up. 
he asks mulder to LEAVE!!!! he has been diagnosed with negative energy. she leans in and says “i can’t take you anywhere” LMAOOOO so he stands outside and then the psychic says that skeptics like mulder make him sick. yeah i laughed!!! so what!
description of our guy: “white male, 17-34, with or without a beard, maybe a tattoo, who is impotent” <- wow.
back to the clyde cam. he's selling insurance. telling some guy that he is going to die in a car crash. well this is an effective life insurance sales policy. or not, because he doesn’t close the deal!! sure would have worked on me.
back home, he takes out some moldy cabbage that looks like a guy’s head into the trash. takes out his neighbor’s trash as well, and sees a vision of the dog eating her remains. (sabrina brier voice) oh!!!
(wait i just realized i reference that video all the time and have never cited my sources. if you are unfamiliar with the legendary "oh!" moment please click here)
back to the plot at hand.
clyde asks if his neighbor has enough dog food. thoughtful man. BUT he sees a body in the trash!
this episode is making me giggle <- don't remember what prompted that note but it was true.
clyde, who reported the murder, says that he knew the eyes were cut out, but she was found face down... so. how do you know that. site your sources. “well it just figures”, he says, and it absolutely, and i cannot emphasize this enough, does not
they bring him to… a murder scene. dun dun dun!
he thinks they're pranking him and asks to see their identification again (sees mulder’s badge) “i’m supposed to believe that’s a real name?” yeah get him again for me.
he sees blood at the crime scene and throws up which... yeah. that’s pretty messed up. he emerges from throwing up and starts saying and doing the same things as the earlier psychic. but then he starts getting... a bit more specific. allegedly, the woman was having sex with the killer before she met her end.
“well then, what’s wrong?” “sometimes, it just seems that everyone’s having sex except for me” LMAOOOOOOOOO clyde you are too real
scully looks soooo confused and i love it
all of a sudden, he sees one of the many dolls as a bloated corpse head, and announces where they’ll find the body then… hands the doll to mulder. which is not the first time we have seen him holding a doll. it is an interesting visual. what are they trying to tell us??
scully isn’t buying it. why does clyde know all this stuff? “i don’t believe he’s the killer”, says mulder, and she responds with, “i don’t believe he’s psychic” yeah that’s the dynamic i love. and she is sooooo pretty. 
mulder goes to the dude’s house and he knows exactly what is going on. but then clyde seems shocked it's him so we are getting mixed messages here.
he asks mulder if he wants to know how he’s going to die, and mulder says yes after stuttering a little and i’m like WOAH where is this going… but clyde responds with “no you don’t”, which, okay yeah, i don’t think i could handle that either
(he goes on to try and sell mulder insurance)
clyde says the future is inevitable. or if he does get involved… what if there is the whole butterfly effect thing? and then he immediately agrees to going along with the investigation. king of not having an answer. the indecisive representation we deserve.
mulder you’re so pretttttyy... look at him watching clyde touch some brass frogs and base conclusions off of them.
scully arrived at the door as mulder has his head FLAT ON THE TABLE lmaoooo 
so, it appears that clyde can ONLY tell how people are going to die. nothing else. now is that useful to this investigation? it's arguable. maybe they can find an angle.
clyde says that the scrap of fabric he’s holding comes from mulder’s new york knick’s t shirt (which was a thing that happened in 1x13 when he was testing that other psychic!!!! ohhhh i remember! do not think i forgot!! and i was confused as to why he would have a knick’s shirt if he was from new england... perhaps he knows no loyalty to geography when it comes to sport)
but mulder denies that it is his shirt anyway, so.
they found keychains on the bodies, and clyde is going on about all the personal information of whoever owned said keychains. it turns out he just sold the guy an insurance policy a few months ago lmaooo... but he knows he was murdered! the death power strikes again.
scully is driving. clyde is in the passenger seat. mulder is sticking his head in between them, asking how he receives his psychic transmissions. it's funny. he wants to know how being a psychic works! so is it like, visions, or dreams or something?
he then implies that mulder will die by autoerotic asphyxiation <- HELLO????? he looks at scully after receiving this news. as if she can possibly defend him against such an accusation.
they’re in the forest looking for a body and clyde explains he knew “the big bopper” was going to die.
scully says she doesn’t believe in that stuff, and even if she did, she wouldn’t believe that story. damn, just really going for his throat, huh. he seems to believe her indignation is over the fact that he liked the big bopper better than buddy holly and he defends himself.
they try to get the car out and mulder’s suit gets all dirty (this is sad to me, a mulder suit enjoyer) but gasp!!! the car is RIGHT OVER THE BODY. that has to be bad for finding evidence. so he did know exactly where it was!!!!
they have a thread from the scene, and have presented it to clyde. “but don’t you have crime labs that analyze these things for you?” he asks scully “yes. yes we do” (pointed glare at mulder) LMAOOOO but he says it takes time!!! and they still haven't analyzed the other thread. so please please please just give your powers a go.
he doesn’t want to help out, but mulder says he wants some insurance. on the fiber, not actual life insurance :( clyde was so excited to tell him the benefits of general mutual!!!
clyde is describing mulder being stalked by the killer sometime in the future, and all of a sudden scully’s up and asking him for more details like she believes it. awww. it’s sweet in a way. does she believe in psychics? no. is she still gonna take detailed notes when one says mulder is in any slight danger? yeah. and don't worry about that seeming to contradict her belief system. she is complicated beyond simple characterizations of skeptic or believer.
he seems to think that the killer will slit mulder’s throat at the investigation, but he doesn’t want to tell him. he DOES tell him that he will step on a pie before whatever happens to him, happens to him.
thank you to the subtitles for clarifying that clyde was imitating johnny carson because they reference would have been lost on me. i know, i’m uncultured, i’m sorry. i’ll google it though. okay, as i thought, he was a late night host. see? we get an exchange of knowledge on this blog, i learn about johnny carson's way of pronouncing the word "killer" and you can use sabrina brier's "oh" in conversation now.
it seems the killer sent clyde a letter saying he’ll kill him. and he’ll be dead before they can get him help :( noooo i like mr bruckman!!! :(
back to the killer. he’s getting a tarot reading and says he’s looking for a guy he’s gonna kill. the man doing the tarot reading smiles nervously, because what do you say in such a situation.
they seem to have bought clyde a pie after his earlier ramblings on the subject, and he kindly asks scully if she wants some, but she denies because she must study background checks instead of relying upon visions. he asks if she is jealous. a good banter between them.
back at the tarot place, the reader mentions a woman. MAYBE A REDHEAD...? stay away from her…
clyde is going on about seeing himself in bed with scully. HELLO??? “it’s just a very special moment neither of us will ever forget” huh. laughs nervously. what the fuck. is she gonna find him dead or do we need to call HR.
(cries editing this, now that i know how the episode ends)
it seems the tarot card guy is about to get murdered. but back at the hotel room with clyde and scully, they’re playing cards and she’s talking about moby dick and macbeth misinterpreting prophecies...
but despite the denial, SHE ASKS HIM HOW SHE DIES??? he says “you don’t” and that is exactly what i like to hear <3
she seemed really serious about it too, like she didn’t want to admit that she was curious, initially deflecting. oh best believe i WILL psychoanalyze that.
LMAOOO okay so this is the episode where mulder says the “chantilly lace” line and she makes that face. he's referring to another thread found at a murder scene, but i saw it in a gif and i have been thinking about it since then.
she slaps his chest with the file and says good luck as he goes to babysit the old man psychic. it was very affectionate. do it again.
mulder is in bed. it’s sleepover time with the old man. “you’re not one of those people that turns everything into a sexual symbol, are you?”, clyde asks, seemingly self-conscious about revealing his recurring dream. mulder says no, but i’m unconvinced.
anyway, he talks about seeing himself dead, and how his body fades away. we see a cgi decomposing body and it’s quite gnarly. maybe it's clay? and all his skin faded away and he becomes bones. kinda gross tbh. but he says he feels at peace.
there’s been another murder, so another guy is gonna babysit our clyde, and i’m thinking noooo don’t trust this other guy!!
scully says she feels bad, that clyde has convinced himself he is a psychic and it’s taken all the joy out of his life :(
okay, the guy babysitting him seems to be telling him jokes. clyde says he won’t die of lung cancer so he lights up. and i'm thinking, buddy, he did not rule out emphysema.
hang on. that is a lighter we have seen before. in the hands of old lady who shall be eaten by dogs. now is this a mass produced object or are we about to witness the end of clyde!!!!
“don’t open that door for anybody”, says the babysitter, and clyde then immediately proceeds to do so. and who is it knocking but the psychic killer delivering their room service!!!
killer is asking clyde why he does these things and it’s “because you’re a homicidal maniac” well that would explain it! and then he stabs the babysitter. but clyde has delayed his fate by telling the murder he doesn’t kill him now. seems he believes him. clever thinking.
scully realizes that the killer is the bellhop at the hotel after seeing some more lace. which mulder describes as “woman’s intuition” yea <3
back at the hotel. mulder is in the kitchen. he sees the killer with the knife. it is all going down as clyde described it. now if there really is a pie do NOT BE DISTRACTED. OH there is a pie. and he knows he has to turn around, so he turns THE OTHER WAY. noooo!!!!!
they get in a struggle!!! mulder’s bleeding, and scully gets off the elevator just in time. she shoots the murderer. no hesitation on taking a life, she will kill a motherfucker for mulder. i love that about her. 
and scully only got there because she took the wrong elevator!!! more pondering on the meaning of fate!!!!!
i love when one of these bitches is on the floor in pain and the other comes over and comforts them. i think i need that in my life just once. it would heal me.
but the question is: where is bruckman?
they go to find him and they only find a dog tied to the door?? and a letter to scully. it’s the dog from before, the neighbor's pet. the letter from clyde says to take care of his neighbor's remains. and he asks if she wants a dog, and that you can’t blame him for the dog’s actions. so they go into the room.
BUT IT IS BRUCKMAN THAT IS DEAD IN THERE. it looks he took pills and suffocated himself. scully looks so so so so so sad.
so that must be why he say a head in a bag at the start of the episode, it was his own death... and the killer was right, he did get to clyde before he was caught, he just didn't attack him. huh. funny how prophecies play out.
cutscene to her on the couch WITH THE DOG IN HER LAP. and an ad from the earlier eastern european psychic is on the tv. she throws the phone at him.
A DOG!!! a dog. okay, a lot to think about, but first and foremost we have scully with a dog <3 and it sits in her lap while she watches TV. and it MAY have tasted human flesh, which i feel is a hard thing to get past, but clearly she has done it. she has done the emotional labor of knowing that fuzzball knows what human meat feels like. and she has faith that this dog will not do the same to her. that is an awful lot of trust for a new dog. but we do know she loves animals. so perhaps she trusts the puppy.
i always pictured her with a big ol mutt from the pound. but a little dog can be just as good of a friend. and it WAS a rescue. that is important!
okay. back to the episode at hand, dog aside. even though it is a BIG deal to me and i'm honestly being so brave by not going on a monologue about what scully having a dog means to me. this episode was definitely comedic, and like the earlier comedic episode, i liked it a lot! but the ending made me so sad :( it was a pretty abrupt tone shift. 
still. the episode was SO good. i kept pausing every few seconds to write things down because they made me laugh or otherwise intrigued me (thinking of scully playing cards and explaining macbeth. or chantilly lace line. or "i can't take you anywhere". i will try not to think of mulder's potential death by choking himself for my own sanity)
and i liked clyde a lot. we get a lot of one time characters who we will never see again and so it’s good when those characters make an impact in the short amount of time we share with them. 
and i’m always gonna take a light-hearted episode, as light-hearted as a show where serial killing is a daily occurrence can be. it does go to show though that there wasn’t always a consistent tone throughout the story. and i do find that interesting. i am part of a generation where we typically get 6 hour long episodes of a tv show per season, and they’re so condensed there is very little time for exploration with genre or tone. in general, i have loathed this about modern television; the death of the filler episode has been lamented by people far more eloquent than myself.
the only thing i dislike about this format- doing a silly episode- is that if the next episode ends up being really dark it’s like, woah man, the whimsy, where did it go? last season we got humbug, which was SO fresh and funny, and then within the first 3 minutes of the next episode, a baby was killed by a train. so i lowkey got whiplash. but then again, i watched those episodes back to back, so maybe having a week between them seeing them air as they hit TV would have softened the blow. feel free to chime in with your theories on the nature of genre and how pacing of episode viewing effects that experience.
overall, a very good episode. i rank it up with humbug as one of my favorites, which is again funny, because i love the extreme angst and the silly. i paused to take so many notes because i liked so many things that i think i should someday rewatch it again and get a smoother experience haha
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lutawolf · 11 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 3
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I know this asshole did not really say, "you're with this guy again." Bestie's opinion matters more than anyone else's, but he hasn't even met the dude! He's acting more like a parent than a best friend. Hahaha! Tew remembers who Wahl is, and he appears to not be happy about meeting him.
I didn't want to dislike Wahl, but he is pissing me off. Talking to Guy like Guy isn't allowed to make his own decisions. Not cool. This isn't concern, this is controlling. I'm about to smack a bitch. I'm not happy with you Wahl and I don't know if you can redeem yourself.
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I have to hand it to Tew. He is being really calm and honestly respectful despite Wahl being a douche to him. Guy, pick the one actually giving you a choice!
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I love these bitches. Especially the one in the middle. Muffin is such a cutie too. An apparently lonely cutie. HAHAHA! Way to cock block Guy. I'm here for it. If you stop the time at 6:04 you can catch Guy smirking.
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Is anyone surprised that he has to go after making a scene? Suddenly he isn't so concerned he has to take Guy home. Tom is cute, I like him.
That's right Guy! Tell of Wahl!
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Did one of them really call him baby face??? I predict Tew showing up.
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Called it! OMG, I'm Dead. Guy works up the nerve to ask Tew about what he does for a living. That the gang members seemed scared of him. "Nah, I'm just scary looking." "No. You're pretty good-looking."
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This is Tew's reaction.
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This is my reaction.
Did dumbass really say he owned a shabu restaurant. He had to know that Guy would then say he'd want to go. Seriously, driver/underling is me. Between his cough, giggle and the way he looks at Guy sleeping on Tew's shoulder.
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Tew is so gone. These two dumbasses are so gone for each other. Really asking him if he wants him to wash the shirt. Yes, strip right now. I'll wait. They are adorkable.
Dude is going to buy a restaurant to cover the story he gave his crush. Boy is gone gone.
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My reaction to that.
Did home dude really take a nap on some chairs. Hell to the naw. That makes my back hurt just watching it.
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Oh! I think we have a secondary couple.
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I already like them.
Discount Lennon is at it again. So home chick is not dead, but might as well be. Lawd, how are they not dead with that much white powder. Though I'm not sure it's the same girl. Specially since there are two now.
Did Wahl really ask Guy how he got home??? Guy doesn't tell the full truth, but doesn't lie either. Damn Wahl. You got some nerve. One month anniversary. Why don't you pay more attention to your gf Wahl?
Yay for game friends!
I would punch someone if they talked in my ear like that. HAHAH the look Wahl is giving Guy. I really want to like Wahl, but he ruined it for me. Now I'm just amused.
Tew looking scary and sexy. Niiiiiiice. Villains do it better.
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What's this face? Is he shocked? Is he turned on? A bit of both?
So cute! He brought him a cake.
The elevator sequence was weird. Guy concerned because he sees blood. Tew giving crazy eyes. Guy completely forgetting about the blood and turning to mush because Tew is holding his hand. But honestly, some things are worth ignoring for cake and a doting boyfriend.
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I mean, these pictures say it all. 🤣🤣🤣 So he beats people up until he is covered in blood. Minor detail in comparison to how he treats you Guy.
You ever heard the quote that an evil queen is just a princess that didn't get rescued. Tew gives me that vibe. The wounded and just wanting love vibe.
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Hahaha Tew totally outing them. Oh! Tew was about to make his move. Too slow Tew. Tew, you know you are in love right. Guy is acting like a total dork and you are charmed. That is love.
Oh, the fall troupe again! Though with Guy being the way he is, it's totally believable. The slow mow lean forward like there will be a kiss, but instead he wipes off frosting from Guy's lip. Totally troupe and sooo good. And Guy runs away.
The guild is super cute. I like how frank Tew is. He just lays out his feelings about Wahl to Guy. Throwing down some valid facts, my friend. Ahhh Guy! Why did you let him leave like that? Oh, yay! He chased after him.
Oh, these two idiots are adorkable. So awkward and yet cute.
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Not gonna lie. It broke my heart when he didn't hug him back.
The restaurant kills me. Tew is like, it looks crappy. Underling is like, dude, it's not real. Oh lawd, sweet baby Jezebel. You are not normal about that boy, Tew. Not normal about him at all. And I'm okay with that.
Secondary couple. Not over shadowing but still cute.
Guy packing. Bet Wahl ditches him for his gf.
Guys, I'm in love with Tew. He gets it. Life is short, so important people are priority.
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How much is that puppy in the window.
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I love that Tew isn't shy to show his concern and affection. I adore that Guy didn't care about Wahl and turned around to wave at Tew. He even defends Tew. I mean, he is wrong, but that's not the point here.
Tew's excitement that Guy texted him is adorable.
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This is me again.
Ahhh… I'm dead. When he goes, "I'm down bad."
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Yes, hunny you are, but I, for one, appreciate that.
Oh, that went sideways fast. *We will talk when I get back.*
I really do enjoy Tul. He is really enjoying Tew and Guy. Me too my dude, me too. Willing to risk the wrath of his boss to tease. Love it.
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This face isn't making me feel secure.
In comparison, look at this puppy dog face. So excited for Guy to be back.
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OH no... They aren't going to leave us like this, are they?!?! Assholes!!! Nobody talk to me till next Thursday. I am not okay.
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strawberry-selfships · 4 months
🍋🍋🍋 can i see three of them?
send me a 🍋 and I'll tell you a character I crushed on that never became an f/o
ok one of them is this fella named lester parnell from a film called saltwater moose . i havent started shipping with him yet because i only saw the movie once and the plot was like.. baffling (in a silly way like a What Is Happening Hello) so nothing ended up happening because i was like.. so goofily dumbfounded by the movie itself . HES SOOOOOOOO CUTE THOUGH.
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and yes i did make that gif of him. (and yes hes played by dalton who is.. rassilon . among other blorbos of mine)
OK the other two will be from DW because youre you and you get it
my most recent DW crush is kazran...... thats the latest DW ep/special ive seen (besides fifteen's new eps and besides the later ones my friends have showed me individually like the mr clever ep) and i just..... its so unfair bc i already crush on a version of scrooge so u give me a scrooge-inspired guy AND make him from DW its just . not faiiiiiirrrr thats oscar baiiiiit !!! idk what the likelihood of me coming back to him and selfshipping with him is tho . bc i have sooo much DW to still watch.
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and one more ahhhhhh THE NEXT DOCTOR AHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!! (idk what else to call him...) i can hardly even think about him without nerding out . HES SO WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!! i actually wish i did properly start selfshipping with him after i saw his episode but ah well . maybe ill make that day our anniversary when i do start selfshipping with him . AND ALSO HIS ACTOR PLAYS ANOTEHR ONE OF MY ROMANTIC F/OS SO THATS MORE OSCAR BAIT AAAHHH
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HES SOOOO CUUUUTE RAAAHHHHHHHHH runs circles around him really fast
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collarbjt · 5 months
SPN 1002
01 special ep
Sam is torturing an anonymous demon to find out where Dean is. Maybe he turned into a demon so ran away from his bro?😢
Cas said “I miss him”😭😭😭 Where are you Dean, your little brother and your angel are missing you
What……the…..it seemed that he enjoyed his demon life 100% now. Oh rolling Dean, shutup
Get a room you two, lol love this line. Anne Marie, I love her name. Also the famous musician’s name it is, isn’t it? Now Crowley and Dean are besties? What a nuts!🤣
I’m Sooooo proud of you guys live a rolling life, bravo(it‘s sarcasm, you idiots)
Seeing Dean through the cctv is quiet thrilled. And uh-oh… Sam recognized that Dean is Demon now
Saymyname! Saymaname!!! Lol that store clerk is soo cute
Sam is sooo mad about Crowley because he is jealous about Crowley and Dean’s relationship, and wow, Crowley is always a great provocateur! Oh, and his words makes sense in some part, that the Winchesters and himself are all demon-like
The first murderer’s mark, aka the Cain’s mark is really..strong! I’m impressive
You guys pub the flicker album together??? Amazing!!! Oh Crowley suggests Dean to rule the new hell together! 
Well, this Dean reminds me the s4’s Dean. Famine said that Dean is empty… I also thought even Crowley is being a longer as a demon, He has some purposes about his demonic life, but Dean seems he doesn’t have any of them.
Dean’s singing is awful🤣 and Demon Dean is not a badass, just a sucker
Oh…stop killing each other, you angels!!!!!
Now Sam is in danger, I wonder how the demon Dean acts. He seems calm compared to human Dean
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vestaclinicpod · 1 year
Audio Drama Sunday - 13th August ✨
Happy #AudioDramaSunday, lovely people! I’ve listened to so much audio drama this week and my house is so clean as a result 🫧 
🌲@hellofromthehallowoods Starcrossed Gods!! I felt so brave daring to listen to this again. My heart 💔 Marolmar is written so well! Every sentence contains something to flinch at, it makes me sick to hear it all again. I’d also repressed the memory of how gut-wrenching Nikignik’s shouting at the end was, and how much it hurts to hear people trying to sing with a closed up throat. ANYWAY, I’m fine, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if the live show was released early due to logistical reasons, but I am fearful that it’s to provide context for what’s about to happen in the regular episodes (AKA tears and tears and tears for me). 
🦀 What an absolute delight to hear from the @thesiltverses cast again! These season recaps are so funny and it’s so heart warming to hear it when the cast of a show are clearly also its biggest fans. I’m SO excited for S3!!
🦮 @malevolentcast (34) what an episode!! If I recall correctly, this is the first time we’ve had an episode entirely without Arthur & John’s perspective? The Butcher is a worthy character to hold that mantle. Do I feel like I understand him more? No. Did I love being along for the ride? Absolutely. It’s also so weird to hear Arthur talking to John out loud when he thinks no-one can hear. I hope he makes it out in time! 
📻 @monstrousagonies (107) So thrilled to have this show back and I hope Hero is feeling much better! The first letter was so cute!! I’m sure there are lots of us who can relate to choosing love and kindness when we’re used to the opposite! Whichever bridge that little one finds, I’m sure it’ll be the loveliest by far!! 
🌒 @monkeymanproductions gave us the low-down on just how incredibly talented the Moonbase Theta, Out cast are in their Cast Special. Spoiler: Very. It was very wholesome to hear DJ Sylvis hyping everyone up and the episode is full of great AD and other recommendations! 
🎙Welcome to Night Vale is back!! I felt particularly targeted by the ad copy in this episode, but I’m sure that was their intention! This ep’s weather was particularly up my street too! I loved the harmonies! 
🎞 Tiny Terrors OOF hey so I found out what was up with Angela… and I didn’t like it one bit! I also need to know what the hell was happening at the end there. Jess, girl, you’ve got to stop getting yourself in these situations. It’s too much (for me to listen to)! 
🌍 @lastechoespod (8) I can’t believe it’s the last episode! Ishani Kanetkar was wonderful as Trast. I wish we could hear the final decision, but I guess I’ll just have to relisten and try decide for myself . . . 
🧛‍♂️ @re-dracula Uhoh, someone’s arrived in Whitby . . . I love Mina so much and Isabel AdomakohYoung is doing amazing job as her VA. She captures the good-hearted intelligence I love so much about the character!
 💫 Wolf 359 (38-46 + Special!) Oh MAN this podcast has my entire heart. Isn’t Memoria one of the best episodes of anything ever? Oh, Hera, I love you sooo much!!!!! I also loved the Lovelace cliffhanger at the end of 46 and the special was so different but so good! (Although listening to 2 hours of anything is a challenge!! I need a 20-30 min ep or I can’t fit it into my life) 
🎩 @ethicstownpod (7) OH MY GOD. January fans are looking a little bit bloody silly right now! What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On???? Please, if you haven’t yet started listening to this show, now is your time! It’s SO good and has so many twists and turns!! 
🥾@doyoucopypod (5) oh my GOD, imagine how horrifying it would be to be out in the woods to grieve your partner, only to hear their voice in the middle of the night. Nope. Absolutely not. Get out of the dead zone!! Wilson remains the goodest boy, even if his growls give me goosebumps! 
🎧 In this week’s The First Episode Of, W Keith Tims talks to the creator of Untrue Stories! These interviews are always fantastic and this show sounds so interesting for fans of sci-fi!! 
Thanks for reading! I’m so excited for more Regina Prime and to catch up with happenings in the Hallowoods next week! Hope you all have a restful weekend ✨
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teddybeartoji · 12 days
hi mickey!! here with a selfship question for misho!!
what does a night together look like for the both of you? do you guys have any rituals, or routines?
sending love and i hope your week has been treating you well x
shoko my beloved........... omfg i love her so fucking bad...... since she goes to work early in the morning the nights are when we get to spend the most time together and we love it!!!!!!!!!!!! after she comes home we eat a little something and usually take like an hour just to recharge by just lounging on the couch with out legs all tangled together while we watch a couple eps of some kind of a crime show. i play with her hair and it's just like a nice quiet little moment before we do anything else.
and then we move onto the bathroom. it's like a special place for us. yes i realize that sounds a bit funny lmao but it's the truth okay. we always do our skincare together, the nightly routine. and the thing is that our relationship has always been like a very mm open one in the sense of that nudity is very casual. it was like that even when we were just friends,, like it's very normal for one of us to idk go and take a piss while the other is literally right there lmao
anyway sometimes we shower together but since i'm the one that get a bit fussy over that, sometimes she showers alone but i'm still always there either sitting on the bathroom counter and yapping about my day or serenading her with my god awful singing voice. and after we've both changed into our pjs, we put on our cute little headbands and get to all the face washing and the skincare hehehe we usually light a few candles and dim the lights so it's a bit more cozy!!!!!!!!!!!!! sometimes we apply creams and moisturizers onto each other's faces while laughing softly it's really fucking nice:(((((((( sometimes i brush her teeth for her just for the fun of it too lmao i just want to take care of her after a long day yk? aaand if we wanna take more time, we hop in the bath instead. that's another favourite of ours - it's just so good to sit with her there, to relax together.
and after all of that, when we finally actually move to the bedroom we're both pretty tired already and so sleep comes rather fast which is good. we both used to have problems with falling asleep but after we started doing this little nighttime routine, it's gotten sooo much better. sure, there are still bad days where we just kind of lay there in silence, dragging shapes into each other's skin in the moonlight but most of the time, we manage to knock out very fast hehehehe
BUT WAHHHHH OUR NIGHTS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US!!!!!!!! very simple stuff but it's just what we both need so it's perfect<333333 I LOVE HERRRRRRR:((((((((((( i wanna play with her so bad oh my fucking god..... ANYWAYYY RO MY SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SOOOO SO SO MUCH FOR DROPPING BY TO INDULGE ME WITH THIS I LOVE YOU SOOOOO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! and i hope you're doing sooo fucking good i hope you're eating well and sleeping well MWAH MWAH MWAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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feuqueerfire · 25 days
Love Sea + Special Live Blogging
I was pretty invested in Prapai/Sky in Love In The Air even when I was frustrated by their storyline, so I'm really curious to see how this show is for them. I know bits and pieces of this show (writer with a writer's block, puppy Fort..., a side GL that everybody was annoyed with and that apparently didn't get resolution?) and I'm curious to see how it goes, I think I've seen generally good reception even if people think the story's a bit of a mess.
I'm watching this right now because I have a week of iQiyi free VIP, though I'm sure that I'll have to just note the timestamps of NC scenes and watch those later, not trying to watch it all on the subway lol
Ep 1 (Aug 22) - Chapter 1: Love Begins with the Flick of a Pen
watching their inital interaction like :D ^-^
oh, Ja! I didn't know he was in this, is it a cameo or a recurring side character?
lmao crying at the nong trying to relay his P'Mut's coolness to Tongrak
but also I hope so badly that Mut is younger than Rak by a couple years plsssss I know in LITA Prapai was older than Sky but I feel like their dynamic would be even more delicious if the age gap is like their irl one
Mut is known and beloved across the island
ahh they're really leaning into the cat Rak thing. and we've got dog Mut coming up hehe
oh yeah, I also heard something about the skin tone comments, especially in the earlier episodes. (though it seems like it's meant to be funny/satire and not actually serious here)
The Vi and Mook beginning shenanigans are kinda cute, sad to know that they apparently don't get resolved and aren't well-liked
ah, Rak's gotta have sex to write about sex lol
a dramatic reaction to Mut going into the water early on in the series to hint at trauma but also to get the couple close even though they're not in their relationship journey to do it on their own yet. but yknow what? it worked on me. they're cute
After watching this episode, I must say... how tragic to me that Peat's surgery changed some key features of his face that make him look quite different (to me at least) because I really like Peat's face and look here. At least we'll always have his face in LITA and here (glad he didn't get it done before this show). but maybe that's just me because I've seen other people talk about how it was money well spent lol
the cinematography is so pretty, gorgeous island and beach, I wish I could go to Thailand bruh. and I'm giddy watching FortPeat-MutRak, they're so good as a pair fr.
Ep 2 (Aug 23) - Chapter 2: Echoes Across the Endless Blue
I watched the sex scene before going to sleep last night because I was like I'm gonna have to skip this when watching the episode on my commute to work, might as well watch it now. However, I only watched a few minutes of this on my commute, so I didn't even get to the NC scene to skip it.
I stopped around the time Rak started sucking on Mut's finger lol
As usual, I'm kinda disgusted by all this licking and tongue but somehow I can handle a lot more with this pair than in general
Fort looks sooo cute at Mut being all confused and annoyed about sitting on Rak's bed instead of having sex while Rak writes
Unfortunately I am nothing if not an enjoyer of someone making their crush run around and do errands and chores for them so I like VieMook for now, even though Vee is rude and entitled and thoughtless - that kinda comes with this trope territory. I'm more worried about them apparently not getting resolved by the end
The money and buying Mut think is a repeating theme
the forehead kiss from Vie didn't actually do anything for me hm
not this lmfao. and Mut being dense like "what hurts?"
ah, Mut's estranged from his father, disowned since he was 15 years old. His dad has a boat but it looks like a regular-looking boat, not a rich ppl one
Palm calls Mut Phi just in a general familiar way right? Not actual familial way.
Why did Rak jump off to do diving without informing Mut when just a day or two ago he got scared when Mut jumped off the boat without telling him... smh
oh, in this trauma flashback where he's consoling his crying pregnant friend, Rak/Peats looks like Sky a lot
I think Fort reminds me a little tiny bit of Park Gunwook
[Linguistics] Mut -> Rak: Khun. Rak about himself with Mut: Chan. Rak -> Mut: Nai
Ep 3 (Aug 24)
I like learning more about the rumours Vie faces as a female lead and how she’s faking being unaware of them + how she was doing the “oh don’t you know I’m a fragile female lead” schtick with Mook
Oh, Rak has an older sister
and his dad is hanging around presumably for money
rude as fuck Rak omg though I get he doesn't wanna do whatever Mut's planning
not the paid boyfriendship while on the island
fake dating girlfriends? well not right now it seems but maybe in the future
"Possessive of my owner too. In case you didn't know" is so akldsfjlkasdfjlk;ajdsf l;kjasdf
a little coral education
ah, Vie's forcing the fake gf thing on Mook. rip. "rumoured to be boobing my way to the top" is so funny though
Vie saying "I'm not bi" and Mook probably thinking she's straight but just has fake gf but Vie likely means she's a lesbian
environmentalist Mut
"If I'm a good boy, could you use your mouth on me next time?" i'm sooaklsdfjalksdjf
omg why is the "stay on the island" convo so good and like emotional considering we're on ep 3. it reveals so much about the characters though, the way Rak's desperate to be asked and Mut's so afraid of asking
not Mut crying omg
aw, Rak has to go even though he said he'd stay
I'm nervous about them going back to the city because people said they liked the island episodes but not the city ones. hmm
Ep 4 (Aug 24) - Ch 4: From Seaside to Skyline
"If you can't bear to say goodbye, just buy and take the guy with you" lol
they really are doing the money and sex thing hmm
poor Mook lmfao they can't stop talking about fucking, these menaces. i'm torn between she's too naive/prudish vs you actually shouldn't have to hear about your boss's sex life at work
a whole contract goddamn and the clause of it ending whenever Rak wants which like yknow obviously it should end when either party wants but there should be like a "but you still get living expenses for 1 more month afterward to sort yourself out/figure out new income" or whatever
I can't read Mut right now. is he annoyed? frustrated? feels disrespected? still into it?
sugar daddy sugar baby i would actually be cringing so hard usually but yknow what... here it's somehow ok even though it's (purposefully?) a little uncomfortable
I don't fully understand their relationship because the asking to stay and island stuff was so full of emotion but now it's like contracts and money and also apparently Only Sex No Feelings (from Rak at least)
Vie/Mook are cute here
Ep 5 (Aug 25)
the thing with the making your crush run around doing errands thing is that there’s supposed to be a breaking point where the person actually listens to their crush’s complaints and hurts or whatever. whereas it's ep 5 and Vie is still ordering Mook around
damn, so much drama with Prin. and apparently everybody in their family is obsessed with men lol. it was actually an interesting argument because Prin was clearly getting to Rak and somehow... Rak and Prin are similar?
ah, the changing room talk is good
Ep 6 (Aug 25/26)
more of Ram’s backstory and Mut’s understanding
I like it when the supposed “top” and “bottom” in different ships are friends (Kom and Mut) bc it sometimes feels like only the semes can be friends with each other and the ukes with each other lol
aw pouty jealous babies lol
childish fight lolll
Rak going to Vie after the fight is so cute. he knows that Mut caring about him feels fucking fantastic and that he’s also got too much of an ego to say sorry
Vie needs to just grow a backbone and decide to confess to Mook or smth because there’s gotta be a limit to the manipulation smh
Meena is so funny lol
damn, is Mut supposed to tell little child Meena that Rak paid for Mut's company?
finally the blowjob that Mut's been asking for for like 3? eps already. also Rak putting Mut's hand on his head multiple times was killing me omg
oh that's crazy, face fucking in my thai bl
oh, Vie speaks French?
Ep 7 (Aug 27)
I have no patience for the Prin drama
oh Boss and Noeul cameo
can’t they see that Rak’s glass is full while the glass in front of Prin is empty and it’d be difficult for Rak to reach for it?
The Boy Next World is a novel within Love Sea? ah, so Boss Noeul are also actors within this show who will be adapting TBNW as well as in real life (they’re filming right now i think?)
9-10 years age diff? lol i thought like 4-5
Ep 8 (Aug 27)
“That’s fiction. This is real life. Don’t mix them up.” Mame @ us lol
Prin and Rak’s dad teaming up how annoying
So Meena’s 13 (she really gives like 9/10), Mut is 20-21, Rak is ~30
we literally have “practicing lines” + kiss for acting trope for the lesbians oh my god. and you’re telling me they don’t get resolved after this kiss? are you kidding. also i feel like people were doing too much with the “they’re so annoying i skip the gl side plot” bc we’ve def had worse/more boring/more annoying side BL couples but alsoooo I don't understand this couple and why Vie hasn't already come clean/confessed/apologized for making Mook do all the things.
yeah Mut going along to have a chat with the dad was indeed a waste of your time and you shouldn’t have done it
the dad killed some Uncle Doctor???
Ep 9 (Aug 28)
oh my iQiyi VIP is over (~12 hours ago) but my downloaded episodes are still here? I should’ve downloaded more stuff if I’d known.
I was finding typing out Uncle Doctor a bit funny but once I heard them say Na Maw, it reminded me that in Bangla too I might call somebody Daktar-Auntie/Dentist-Uncle etc lol
nooo Rak begging on his knees in front of his dad for Mut
Kwon doesn’t seem to think that he dad actually killed Doctor Uncle but rather just took credit of an accident the doctor was in
oh yes I’ve seen multiple gifsets of Mut beating the shit of the dad after the contract is torn. “You took off my collar, are you ready to face me?”
it’s November now and apparently Mut’s been here for a couple months
Ep 10 (Aug 28)
I can watch my downloaded thing even after ~20 hours later.
bit over 1h20 minutes
Ah, they’ve gotta deal with this being a whole contract thing and Rak not being ready to face his feelings
It’s a little satisfying to see Mut be harsh with Rak at the beach after he’s just taken so many insults from Rak
I took a break and have ~25 minutes left and I think it's been a day since my VIP expired and I can't access the downloads anymore.
cute enough ending
Mahasamut and Park Gunwook are not the same, they don't have the same personalities, but some of Mut's puppy behaviours and general mannerisms... also his age gap relationship with an older person... cute round face with built body... oh man.
A fine enough show, I think the dynamic and characters were interesting and the show/relationships threads were good for the main couple, especially the class difference rich/poor conversations and how their dynamic evolved. I think my SkyPrapai might still be my preferred FortPeat roles, which again makes no sense, but this one was a welcome addition, especially because during LITA I kept thinking Sky should've been the older one while Pai was supposed to be a younger puppy. On that note, thank you forever for all the puppy/dog Mut.
Unlike most people who were so over the side-GL, I was actually quite into Vie/Mook (esp because they have some tropes I enjoy, such as celeb/non-celeb and one person makes their crush do chores/errands) and kept hoping for... something to happen, for their dynamic to progress. Was there a scene of them making up cut in the last episode or something?? They didn't get a proper ending, which is sad. Vie was also such a good friend to Rak, I don't know why she was such a terror with Mook and then never progressed past it.
Loved Meena, what a cutie.
The drama of it was... okay, I guess. I get why Rak's father was such a menace (greedy bastard) but why was Prin doing all that beyond just jealousy? I do agree with the general consensus that the island episodes were better.
I keep debating 6 or 6.5 but I'll go with 6 for now because the show's writing was wobbly at some places + I didn't really get brainworms.
Rating: 6/10
Special (Aug 29)
So are Vie and Mook just supposedly dating now? Or like what?
wait, it's so fun that Rak's the one trying to do the "ooh can I get a little kiss" thing because in BL dynamics, I'd expect Mut to be the one pulling that while Rak's like noooo as if they don't fuck on the regular
It's cute to see Rak try hard with the speaking his feelings + doing things for Mut like making breakfast. a reciprocal relationship
Vie and Mook are so cute when they're clear about this being flirting or whatever
gorgeous, gorgeous girls of the world
more dog references
I'm gonna ignore Vie saying that about Mook drinking. their kiss is good though, their ep 10 kiss was also good
I love whiny4whiny when Rak's whining about wanting AC when camping vs Mut's whining that it'll ruin the experience
A cute special overall. It's about Rak and Mut's progress and lives together in the future and how they've met each other in the middle rather than random drama. Vie and Mook are cute too, it makes me sad that their story wasn't given a proper conclusion in the original series. Also, I wanna go on vacation so bad.
Rating: 6/10
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electricgaunt · 6 months
Live Blog of Interstitial Infinity #11 - The People At Home:
power plays are already happening in the introductions, we love to hear it
oh god, we just got Al's body back, and now he's totally missing hhhhhhhh
I'm appreciating everyone getting a chance to ask, "hey, what about this person's reaction to them being missing?", that's fun
hearing all the different "tension-building-music" from everyone's shows is good, I love that
I've got a really messy and disconnected word cloud going on in my head that's just, like:
The Mirror Figure at the Truth Gate
Lake/MJ/Chrome Car denizens
Shadow The Hedgehog/being a clone of Shadow The Hedgehog/Metal Sonic
Interstitial's The Other playbook
Kingdom Hearts and Nobodies
Bath & Butler (^& Borges) Works
and now I'm laughing at the idea of seeing this entire word cloud on a T-shirt lmao
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure... man... those adventures certainly are bizarre, huh?
does Trish just go to regular high school??? excuse me??????
interior...Cannolo...Murolo...I drive a Chevrolet...movie......rococo? (that doesn't quite work, ah well, gonna be tumbling that JoJo name around in my head like a nice rock, very cellar door quality name)
part of this ep is dedicated to me learning things about JoJo lol 😄
thinking about if mob and ritsu universe swapped or role swapped with ed and al...the brother vibes are just sooo different in certain ways
I think Tome asked akinator where mob is
suddenly getting flashbacks to reading a cute ot3 fancomic with reigen/mob's parents a long, long time ago
GOOD FOR HER!!! (Rouge-style Mephiles 🖤)
if there was a character ask meme for developing your interstitial infinity character, I feel like "what made you want to get on the train?" is great
"aS a PoDcAsTeR"
Ed annoying Ling again by doing the brother hair antenna telepathy, like he did in the gluttony dimension
special delivery to Ling!!! congratulations! it's a diplomatic incident!!! :D
I'm laughing at the difference between FMA and most of the other universes where in FMA it's just like, basically EVERYONE knows Al is gone!!! but! shhh!!! we can't tell!!! or else his brother (infamous for fighting SCIENCE & GOD to bring his brother back) will. Lose. His. Shit. (and even worse!!! he'll be sooo Annoying until his brother is back)
this episode was such a treat aaaaa, this show y'all 💚💚💚
and now: we shift to Not Worrying about this arc's name 🙂🙂🙂
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riacte · 7 months
rria . ria dont convert the timestamp of receiving this ask to est but i finished false episodes and i get it i understand the devotion and the homies and the protectiveness hoyljjy fuck save me 🦅🐕save me. beware of dog reapers watch out rendogss about false false false you won💥💥💥😺💥💥💥💥💥💥
When I was watching the first part I was like ohhh she sounds SO soggy when he’s not talking to her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this soggy. And then it was slowly building and oh we’re really in it now.
BUT THE REUNION SCENE IS SO!!!!!! They’re so happy for each other 😭😭😭 False saying he deserves the win even though it’s her who won 😭😭 Ren coming in like YOU WON!! YOU WON!! :DDDDD
And I was already screaming and dying. But you can really tell how fond they are of each other. And False being more excited for the cool hat than the Demise prize and he literally promised to give it to her tomorrow when things had calmed down— and she won!! All the dots are connected.
And the end. MAN. “Watch out, Rendog is about” in all caps. Her putting his name and head on her build. And the giggle before the cut. And I’m left sitting here like OKAY THAT JUST HAPPENED. WOW.
I feel slightly insane because it’s like …??? It’s so obvious how core and special their friendship is to both of their contents on HC. Take a quick scroll through their thumbnails and they pop up every now and then. All the collabs. AND STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER IN GROUP RECORDINGS (this always happens). We even have major standout events like Blue9 and BRR and S6 neighbours. And now Demise because DUDE. THAT WAS CRAZY.
And still Tumblr (and both of their Twitch chats) seems to be the only site in which people majorly care about their bond? Does that make sense. Tumblrinas screaming and crying and filling up the main tags. Actually Twitch chat is the mvp here because I feel like every single stream of theirs has a mention of the other and chat is like :DDD we love you and the other person :DD. They’re invisible on blue bird site and THANK GOD and STAY AWAY. Orange app is a bit better bc at least the Mc Championship guys recognise them but you know when there was a post back in HC Reddit then asking for “underrated” duos and we had to post FalseRen because other people weren’t. Are they underrated? Do other people think they’re popular. Like Ren isn’t usually paired with False in fanon but I think most people have the awareness to include bits about their friendship? But still? I would’ve expected more… why aren’t they more popular like some other duos even after the five million obvious / dramatic / cute / wholesome stuff 😭 Ren’s favouritism gets worse every time I check in 😭
(I know. It’s because fandoms tend to like same gender pairs. But it does notttt explain why everyone happily pairs up Stress+Iskall and Joe+Cleo and it’s all recognised and these two are like …? oh yeah they’re friends. Right. They’re friends.)
Anyways this got long. That vid makes me soooo happy and it’s sooo good. I know Ren is probably going to make his next ep thumbnail his really cute hut but if False is also on there or it’s titled after something like “WE DID IT FALSE” I would further explode into millions of pieces. 🥺
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jjks-dodo · 1 year
no drawing/doodles just simple answers for the asks i've got
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these 2 questions answer each other out lmao but they'd be sooo cute... like while geto and cato just sitting at the couch doing their own thing, satoru and catoru having a chaotic moment would be so funny lol satoru yelling at catoru puking hairball (and it's all black because he's been grooming cato every so often) on his bed lol.. maybe i'll doodle them at some point...
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that'd be really cute but at the same time poor thing... geto will have to break the fence to save him..and give catoru a treat uwu...
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sorry anon, i didn't fully understand your question but thanks for loving my art <3
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thank you for loving the animal au <33 the last question really made me wanna draw something and i'm kinda working on it but we'll see if i finish it.. lol i like to think geto being venomous since he is still one of the strongest duo uwu.
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i knoww especially riko and satoru have such a strong sibling vibes... and the way they are treated similarly as special in jujutsu society is so (chef kiss).. if they were to stay together, geto and gojo prob had to ask riko's opinion before they leave okinawa...and just leave japan entirely instead of going back to the school. this means becoming curse users all together, but at least they might be still together :c..
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sorry anon, i couldn't control the wind blowing but you got his boob lol
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LOL i love 'make it everyone's problem' part lollol but for real tho... in jjk universe, it's basically, "there were THEM in the beginning." and it all started... lol i still remember when I first watched jjk 0 in the movie theater, a random audience laughed when gojo killed geto... i hope she now knew what it meant for gojo to do that now we got the past arc animated.... anyway the funny thing is even in the anime, we only got like....less than 3 ep that are actually them being happy, and it's been a cycle of suffering. but we all forget about it because op and ed always depicts how happy they are??? ugh.. idk... i don't want the op and ed to change tbh ;m;... Well GOOD JOB propagating them lol now we can all suffer together as a team..
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oldsargasso · 2 months
4 Minutes ep 1
4MINUTES!!! I am soooo excited for this it's almost obnoxious. liveblogging and posting here mostly in the hopes that it will help remember what went on.
loving the whole vibe immediately. that little sob was SOOO REAL.
CAT!!!!! already this show is the best (looks a lot like my first kitty who was also a gigantic stripey-grey monster lol)
this feels shot like a movie if you know what I mean? I love ittttt
that's just how I feel every time I stand up you're not special Great
this will sound insane BUT that colour orange of the elevator/parking building is one of the colours I imagine/visualise whenever I write something set in a city and it's sooo surreal for me to see it like this
love this dude's dads cardigan
idk who this lady is but I love her and I think she should maybe marry me
backup calculator?? lmaoooo. nerd.
oh danggggggg he drove off!! we love a morally reprehensible main character
LOVE THE SCIFI god this is so good for meeeee
this is actually a PSA against speeding. he STILL hit her? girl learn to drive
I adore Bee omg "don't disrespect it even if you don't believe it"
"you can die wherever you want just not here" yessss doc
my guy was like "actually I'm planning on getting paid but thank you for the offer" you love to see it!
we were robbed of getting to see that guy (oh, Korn okay) trying to get in and out of the boat in a suit lol. I know he struggled.
exactly as underwhelming as you would expect gambling to be
I'm gonna need at least ONE of these dudes to have a different haircut
okay these two are cute!! okayyyy…good for them. give him what he wants smh. this feels like a LOT for ep 1 lmao I love it (are we supposed to know who the younger guy is yet or no)
is that cat a hallucination
lmaoooo great is just. the perfect bitch I love him. oh the lady is great's mum? ….we love a MILF.
of COURSE he's the younger brother. you know they're related because they're both allergic to doing up their shirts
tentative theory that great is a psychopath just because he has his bed in the middle of the room
the clocks…chef's kiss
they're really good at building an atmosphere that's just so heavy with dread like my skin is crawling
the visions! not the first time someone has seen dr tyme and imagined themselves getting hot and heavy with him tbh
so great just has awful spatial awareness? so relatable. we love a terrible meetcute!!
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atlaskrr · 3 months
webtoons I've read recently that i enjoy!
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I finally read our walk home! its rlly sweet and i cant wait for it to come off hiatus. i instantly got hooked by the characters. i like how its a they get eo thing and not an actual rivals to lovers thing. idk it feels more special. and the characters mentalities being explored is sooo good man. im also curious on the lot abt the angel and devil + akis brother. on a side note if i were either of them id fold so quickly cause why they both so pretty. their interactions are so cute man. its soft, genuine. i like it.
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peace restaurant. love it. was reading it and i was like damn fknally something that gives me what yohaji did (tho not the same obvi) it is only starting on en ver (7 free chaps iirc) and i was so hooked i ended up reading all the kr released chaps on aggregator sites. im so confused and sad bcs it stopped at chap 28 back in nov 2023. still its really good. i love the dynamic between sua, belial and nhedhuk. they are so found fam to me. like nhedhuk is obvi the younger sibling and belial is her older brother. sua is their unconventional mom. speaking of belial his development was really nice. the way his fear was all the ppl he cared abt dying (INCLUDING SUA AND NHEDHUK) im scared abt whats gonna happen with him with how 28 ended off tho 😅 i think i have a thing for op female mcs (ty bofuri) and also this is why for one of the very few times the mc is my fav chara followed closely by the 2 deuteragonists. comedy that grows plot gotta be my new fav thing. in the beginning tho i love how every time you think smth serious will happen its just another gag. anws the whole dimension ordeal is also cool.
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ok this thing had me clicking from its artstyle. i think yohaji made me a comedy person cause this is a comedy as well. i continued reading the few short chaps cause it was silly and sweet. this ghost truly is just a kind and pathetic thing. the fact shes mute is also really nice as the creator actually competed twice and placed in silent manga competitions (which were really good btw. go check out volpee). when the managers were introduced i thought plot was coming but nope! but also i was even more hooked cause the design for mr. h??? love. the vibes and style is immaculate. the ghost of cloth is also really silly and has a nice design lol. there was no ep last month but its back on now! oh yeah the toy ghost is really cool as well. somehow they can still make it expressive despite its still face. the whole remote control car situation had me cackling tho lmao.
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OH MY GOD PROJECT CAMELLIA HAS LIKE 6 EPS AND ONE IS A AUTHORS NOTE THING BUT DO I CARE??? NO. the pretty boy cover enticed me and im so glad it did bcs it seems so promising. the author note had stuff about their process and the future and the way they thought it through, how the 2 mcs change eo and it shows PHYSICALLY. in love. the way they plan to change the main mc throughout the story has me scared and excited. it seems like they can handle chara development well which is something i value highly as i read for charas most of the time. the art style is also really nice. if you check out the creators insta you can really see how skilled they are like the art there looks majestic (theyre a danmei fan). apparently therell also be a yuri side couple 👀 basically, the future seems bright for this webtoon.
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i hust finished catching up to the tl ver of the students of illip arts high cause the en is new to webtoon just like peace restaurant. i was hooked by the unique style used for the vr game and how so yi and han sol bonded and allat. their relationship is so ough to me. dakyung is also a fun chara and for seiun idk she seems kinda pretentious. i dont like how they dealt with eppys chara either. still its early on so even though the charas besides mc seem to not have as much impact as they could it has much room to grow.
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juzorei · 1 year
This Ep was soooo sooo good. Actually I admit that I was worried if we wont get any more PatPran. But P'Aof just slapped my face and said "surprise mf!"😭🤌🏼❤ Thats why I love that man. WE CANT EXPECT HIS MOVES I SWEAR!
This was so cute scene. Them making breakfast and all. PRAN MADE OMLETE FOR PAT. YOU GUYS GET IT?! JUST LIKE NON MADE OMLETE FOR OHM IN SAFE HOUSE. Oh my god I dont know if it's sound crazy of me but I AM NOT LEAVING THE TINIEST BIT OF SIMILARITY OF PATPRAN AND OHMNON.
Planting and naming it Pat and Pran's love sprout and fist bumbing. I LOVE THEM. THEY ARE SO AAAHHHHHHH!!!! PatPran is simple yet they are very special. They have this something that only they have. I dont even make sense now. GOD I even doubt my existence after this.
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I kinda had an idea that Pat and Pran will play themselves in the play as Tian and Chief. BUT HELL I HAD NO IDEA THEY WILL CHANGE THE ROLE. But common again!! ITS PATPRAN!!! Once again they just broke everything and said there is no top bottom in our relationship!! Sheesh I love that fucking so much!! AND MY BEST BOYS KORN AND WAI!! I am now sure that they are the biggest PatPran shippers. They volunteered to make sure that we are fed well with PatPran kiss.🤣❤ I love how Korn's and Wai's relationship got better to the point they became the besties🤣😂❤ Look at them giving a demo of kiss to PatPran😏😌❤
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Yes I miss them so much already and Im gonna miss them forever. But Im so happy. This journey of love has been the best thing happened in my life. Sometimes ill wonder what if I never came across this BL world. I can't imagine that cuz I cant imagine a life without PatPran. I was at my worst when I met PatPran. They became my comfort zone and still they are. They will always be my comfort zone. I am happy that we got to see PatPran story. Im happy and thankful that they allowed us to experience everything with them. We laughed, cried, smiled, screamed and did so many things with them. They gave us a whole lifetime memory. And im gonna hold that memory close to my heart, forever.
Now it's time to send PatPran back to their own world. It's a goodbye yet not a goodbye. Thank you P'Aof, Ohm, Nanon, Jimmy, Drake, Love, Milk, Mark and every single one that made Bad Buddy happen. Everyone!
Ohm and Nanon made PatPran come to life at its best. Like perfectly. The best version of PatPran. Im saying this again that only they can do PatPran. No one else.
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prisonguards · 2 years
FR!!! Like oh my GOD I didnt even ship smallidarity before likeeeee I was just your average flower husbands fan, and I wanted to stick hard to the whole boundary compliance thing because I was part of dsmp twt for a year and. Well. That should say enough, iykyk. But then Joel just kept obsessing over Jimmy, Jimmy kept simping for Joel, and then the entire thing with the "he's just sooo cuuuute" and "can we just compare the size difference again, its my favorite thing ever" and whatever the fuck fixating on the noise Jimmy made was and it was like. Well. Bro. BRO. THEEEEN the having a CHILD together thing happened and I just fell into shipping them immediately from E2 alone. And now I'm watching E1 and I'm gonna rewatch 100h hardcore because your blog has just made it Worse.
This has been an entire tangent but the tldr is I didn't ship smallidarity until Joel was absolutely unbearable and obvious over just how much the cuteness aggression he gets over Jimmy Gets To Him.
Also I see your tags and I bring you this: in watching E1, am I insane or is the whole "Katherine was his first ally but I am his BEST ally, I will call her a coward and get genuinely angry at her for not going to the lengths I will to protect Jimmy" give off possessiveness. Not possessiveness as in jealousy, ownership, or anything like that but more in the sense that he takes great pride in being the one who takes care of Jimmy best, so to speak and to be the one who protects him when he needs it. This isn't really related at all to what you said but I'm doing my best and it's 6 AM as I write this, I have not slept and I should cut myself off before I spout even more nonsense.
- life series anon
ANON I LUV YOU AUSGEUE. I hope you get some good sleep friend aaueghd
I think that happened to a lot of people :3 smallidarity like was ramping up all season thanks to enemies to lovers being such a popular trope/dynamic but its Exploded in popularity lately and Im so thankful for that!!! whether it be from Joels fawning or their. insanity inducing innuendoes. the more fans the merrier ^—^
IM SO GLAD MY MADNESS HAS GOTTEN U TO WANNA REWATCH 100 HOURS :3c !!! its a comfort series for me for sure. and the episodes with Jimmy in them are. absolutely the best. ep 4 is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever. and if you want more Joel fawning over Jimmys cuteness…
YESSSSSS YES.. I ADORE THEM IN EMP S1!!! their dynamic is so unique there because of how wholly and overwhelmingly soft/positive it is. theyre allies from the start and BEST allies… auuughh.. yesshh Joel gets sooo defensive over Jimmy in s1 its beautiful. how quick he is to go absolutely murder mode for Jimmy. but how quick he is to be soft for him too. SIGGHHHHH. its my dream fr. the possessiveness.. YES.. theyre just SO important to eachother and it drives me crazy. he treats Jimmy so special. the way that he has little rooms for just Jimmy and Lizzie in his palace… the special roles they both hold… his wife and his best friend… there is def such a special connection there. and the possessiveness, Jimmy has so many more allies and close allies than Joel does. Joel just enforcing and affirming his station and specialness to Jimmy every once and a while.. by insulting his other allies augshs.. augh.. I just love them
also, for anyone else mulling over boundaries still; if you want specifics he just said he finds it “a bit weird” and iirc he didnt really say you cant do it. he just doesnt get it cause hes such a wifeguy. if youre concerned you can still tag it properly/keep it out of main tags. but if he was Really upset by it he would Not be encouraging and escalating it, and making the jokes he does, and putting them in his videos, and liking comments people make about them, and the tweets he makes, and and and and… if people are harassing u on behalf of him, they dont really care about what hes comfortable with, they just wanna punch down at someone. I get wanting to be respectful, but Ive also seen it used for such cruelty 💔 so I think the most important thing to keeping everyone, including the creators themselves, happy is to keep things to the right tags and spaces and being kind to yourself and others and blocking what you need and keeping out of peoples business.
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carebearscomfort · 1 year
No spoilers
Loved that SOOO much more than the last one, by LEAPS!
Though it definitely takes place early on in the show, like REALLY early
Range to give? At LEAST before The Grumpy Effect, at the absolute latest it’s before that episode
Everyone’s development and dynamics with each other completely correlates with that point in the show, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Robbie and Bluster! But I’ll talk about them later
Togetherness was so cute!! She didn’t play a major role in the episode, but what time she did have was pretty fun and I liked her character! Her voice was also really nice!
Speaking of voices, I can hear Grumpy and Tendy’s voices definitely improving from the previous special, which I’m glad to see! Still not major on them, I like both of their old ones more still, but it’s improving. Which I’ll fully congratulate!
Despite seeming to be set early on in the show, the writing is on par with later episodes, which was VERY fun to see!! Again, especially with Bluster and Rob. But again again, I’ll get to them later
The bears were really fun in this one as well, I caught myself laughing at them a lot more this time. I thought Bedtime would take a bigger role than he did, him being on the poster and all, but his role didn’t last for too long in the episode. Which was somewhat disappointing, but I love the rest of it so much I can like, honestly forgive it tbh. Like he was still there and played his part, it just wasn’t the full ep, so the Bedtime food is still pretty good!
I liked Cheer’s character here, you can definitely tell she’s in that early on “I’m the leader I’ve gotta know what I’m doing and handle the issues on my own” phase in this ep! Which again, reminds me a lot of her earlier character back when the imposter syndrome she has kicks in!
The rest of the gang was also really funny, nothing major character wise there, just great to watch. Grumpy and Funshine’s lil hug bit was cute and Share thinking Bluster and Rob were funny and cool was a FEAST for me
Speaking of which I’m gonna finally talk about those two
ANYWAYS, they’re the biggest reason I believe so firmly that the episode takes place really early on in the show. ESPECIALLY because of Robbie herself, I assumed it pretty quickly after she started speaking at all.
Her character arc in the show starts pretty damn early on, like episode 14 early on, and was a pretty big part of style shows small narrative. Heck, I’d argue THE biggest part of it! Anyways, what I’m saying is her character was something the show really took care of and slowburned with, and by the last episode she’s changed a lot. Her motives and behavior changes, but so does her relationship with Bluster and the bears. Her dynamic with Bluster is horrifically strained to the point they almost hate each other, and she gets along with and likes the bears. She’s not like that at ALL here. And the bears? Don’t like her either
What I’m saying is, the show REALLY cares about Robbie’s character and growth,,,and I don’t think they’d actually throw that away for this special. Especially her development with the bears themselves
So it’s gonna be near impossible to convince me that this doesn’t take place after like, pffff,, I’d say close to A Yoorg Awakening perhaps
Cause her and Bluster get along, but they still bicker, which is very reminiscent of their characters in THAT period of the show
Hell I’d say this episode could be put like, RIGHT after Yoorg Awakening and it’d fit right in
So no I don’t believe they botched the character growth, it’s just early on in the show
Anyways, LOVED this episode so much, aaaand this is my favorite image ever now
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