#speedster twins
bryan360 · 1 year
🇵🇷Me: That's really cute "Snow kids" making, you guys. Bet Maxwell, May, and Sam will be joining to make their own snow version of themselves.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Yeah. If fact that yesterday's weather for our creator friend lives in was already snowing. Until it eventually stopped today so we should get going for winter fun activity sake. 🙂👍🏼
🐰👊💥May: Mhm! Can't wait to get started! 😁
🦊⚽️Sam: Don't live me hanging, guys! 👋😄
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miss-eli-starfleet · 1 month
Okay. This post is gonna be about Bart Allen, and all the Thawne-Allen stuff.
Tagged bc we both love Bart’s Thawne Allen problem: @themaybewoman
This is what I’ve gathered so far about his existence is hopefully comic accurate, but maybe not continuity accurate:
It starts with Iris West. Apparently, it’s recently revealed to me (today) that this girl is actually from the 31st century. Because of the semi-dystopian era of her birth, her real parents sent her back in time to the 21st century to keep her safe. She was adopted by the Wests, but she doesn’t know her future origins until later on.
She meets Barry as a news reporter, and they marry. When they were thinking about having kids, Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne comes along and murders her because his likes to make Barry’s life as miserable as possible. But because she’s from the future, her parents found some magic comic book science to “revive” her, thus placing her in the 31st century to live her life.
Barry finds out she’s alive in the future, and basically goes into retirement to live with her in the 31st century. He passes the mantle of The Flash to Wally West. Why he doesn’t just get her and bring her back to the 21st century, I’ll never know. Or he just wanted her to be with her real parents (which i would assume she barely knows lol).
I was trying so hard to find out why Barry decided to raise their children in the 31st century, but we have our answer there. Iris is future girl. Their children, Don and Dawn Allen, later operates as the Tornado Twins much like Barry did as the Flash. In Central City, I’m assuming. There was some clashing with the Legion of Superheroes, basically the 31st century’s version of the Justice League, but whatever. Not really important to Bart’s existence.
Dawn Allen marries Jeven Ognats. They have a daughter named Jenni Ognats, who later joins the Legion of Superheroes as XS. Jenni is Bart’s cousin.
Don Allen marries Meloni Thawne, and that’s where this gets more complicated.
Meloni Thawne is the daughter of Earthgov President Thaddeus Thawne, who irrc is a direct descendant of Eobard Thawne. When President Thawne learned of this marriage, the dude’s pissed because the Thawne-Allen feud is still on in his mind. He disowns his daughter, indirectly has the Tornado Twins killed via Dominators, and then kidnaps Bart.
Idk where Barry is in all this, maybe he went into the Speedforce and just chilled there through all this?
Now Bart had this hyper-accelerated aging thing going on as a side effect of being born a speedster (I think). Like nearly a teen by two yrs I think. Thawne grandfather stuck him in this VR so he can grow up “normally”, intending to make him a living weapon against the Flashfam. I’m pretty sure Meloni was locked up or something during that period of time too? Otherwise she would’ve done something about this.
Iris kidnaps Bart, and takes him to the 21st century via the Flash Museum’s Cosmic Treadmill (how they used that idk), hoping that Bart would have Wally West as a mentor. Instead, Wally ditches him to Max Mercury to be trained, and it plays on his low self esteem. Wally was pretty mean to him at some times, like when he gets recruited for the Teen Titans as Kid Flash.
But, hey, Wally did run him around the world fast enough to fix his accelerated aging problem.
Anyways, he gets some visits from his other cousin, Jenni, and his mom in the Impulse 1995 series, which was so fun to read. It was so cool to read them talking to each other in Interlac he Max being all confused.
This all makes me wonder: was Meloni ever Don’s lightning rod? As to Iris is Barry’s lightning rod?
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mzminola · 11 months
I was thinking "Oh man, I bet Cass is terrible at videogames" because game mechanics do NOT translate well to her skillset, and then I thought "But what about rhythm games like Beat Saber?" and that promptly led to "TIM INTRODUCES CASS TO DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION."
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melonlthawne · 1 year
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3 generations of falling asleep on the couch at weird times.
addition of don helpfully suggested by @biterflies
if its hard to see, barry's shirt says: i <3 my nephew
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zeroducks-2 · 2 days
Doesn't Wally have three kids already? smh smh someone get himm a vasectomy for his birthday /hj more serious though omegaverse WallyBarry babies could make for delicious angst if Iris knows they aren't hers and breaks up with Barry over it but Wally doesn't take responsibility...because boy have three kids already. 👀
It would be indeed super angsty.
I can picture two scenarios - a more cutesy one in which Barry decides to just go away and get some friends' help in raising the pups, namely Hal which would be a very good surrogate parent and would be good to Barry in general.
A bit of a darker one, in which Hal is somewhere in outer space and Barry is just too depressed to be proactive, and so Eobard takes the chance to pop up and point out that running away with him was actually the best choice, but he's magnanimous, he will extend the same offer once again. And at this point it's not like Barry has any other choice, hasn't he?
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
Bruce having tea and chatting with Barry.
Dick and Wally messing around and being obnoxious to everyone else.
Tim and Bart playing video games together.
Damian is entertaining the twins and Wallace like a good host.
-Meanwhile in Gotham City-
Spoiler, clinging on to dear life trying to stop Slipstream: THIS IS SOME €£¥#ING BULL$&%#!!!
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000marie198 · 1 year
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"They're air shoes"
Sir who gave you permission to break the Damn Fourth Wall?
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fastestb-tchalive · 1 year
Damian: How old are you, five?
Irey: Months, yeah!
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Is it messed up that I'm desperate for a Young Justice (show) and DC (comics) crossover fanfiction where it's just the YJ crew learning how absolutely screwed over they've been?
The story that I've got in my head (but that I'll probably never write) is all or some of the og team getting thrown into the main DC universe. Finding themselves lost in a strange world, the team is instantly wary that this is a mental simulation or a magical illusion.
They separate to gather intel. Dick and Conner head off to the batcave to shut down any programs that would detect their presence, Kaldur and Artemis sneak into the watchtower to download the League's files and M'gann and Zatanna stay behind to experiment/test the world.
I just want to see the absolute gut punch of
A) Dick coming across a living adult version of Jason
B) Artemis stalling for Kaldur when the plan inevitably goes south and distracting Leaguers when the Flash suddenly speaks with Wally's voice
C) Tim immediately noticing something's up with Conner and Dick and Tim immediately calling Bart cause Tim knows multiversal shenanigans when he sees it. Bart then immediately mentions Wally and Dick further spirals because holy fuck Wally is alive here, too?!?
D) Wally having no fucking clue who Artemis is and saying that he has to run (pun intended) because he has to pick up his kids from school. Artemis further spiralling because this is the life she always wanted with Wally and here he is and she can't have it
E) Zatanna and M'gann realizing that they're the most powerful people in their respective fields in their world but they can't compete in this world. The metahuman power levels are off the charts compared to their world.
F) Dick calling Wally, saying there's an emergency and he needs Wally's help. Dick knowing that Wally always comes when he calls. Dick seeing Wally, alive, healthy and apparently a dad as he makes it clear that he isn't happy he had to ask Ace to pick up his kids when Dick wasn't even actually in danger
And anyway I can keep going on and on. I don't really have an ending in mind. I don't think there would be a happy ending tbh. It'd just be the YJ characters realizing that their world kinda sucks power level wise and history wise.
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ankhkheperure · 8 months
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Day 29: Double
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galaxofmuses · 8 months
"Are you supposed ta be my long-lost brother or somethin'?" The youthful hedgehog questioned, scrutinizing his apparent doppelganger. Clenching onto his oversized flight jacket with anticipation and nervousness. "Longclaw never mentioned another brother... unless- Yer not a clone Robotnik made, aren't ya?" /Shoves a smol Sonic at Lil Sky for funzies X3
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Skyler just stands there with an innocent look. Blinking at the hedgehog and then get's absolutely distracted by his flight jacket. He finally gets back to the other Sonic in confusion.
"No? J-Just me....Um.....What does those patches mean??" //hhhnnnggfff smol twin bros ;A;
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quicksllver · 2 years
crying shaking throwing up trying to find content of pietro and tommy in their own tags
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starheavenly · 1 month
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Part 2 to this comic And yes the speedster twins are betting on everyone's love life
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whatwooshkai · 4 months
"put this guy in earthspark" "put that guy in earthspark" I think you are all correct but I've been thinking about it so here's who I would love to see in earthspark and why:
-sunstreaker and sideswipe (this show is all about family when was the last time the twins were on screen together huh. they are speedster twins twitch and thrash would love them)
-ironhide (would be plotting megatron's demise the second he saw him. like optimus' scary dog who barks every time megatron gets too close "he don't bite" "YES HE DO")
-jazz and prowl (I think they should show up together. I think prowl needs someone to handle people for him because if he showed up by himself it would not end well. also I love jazz and find their dynamic fun, plus jazz would love the terrans)
-ratchet and deadlock (specifically deadlock. it would be so funny. imagine ratchet comes into camp and they're like "holy shit thank god finally an actual medic who can help us" but look he's got the cybtertronian equivalent of a feral attack dog following him that adores him and hates everyone else and he's not doing anything about it)
-thundercracker and buster (GIVE HIM HIS DOG!! bonus points if skywarp and starscream are like "oh we don't know about thundercracker. we lost him years ago. we hope one day to find him and welcome him with open arms" and this whole time he's had a dog and been writing screenplays like "oh they know I'm fine" [they don't])
-first aid (I love ratchet but bro's been dominating the medical field. put first aid in. or literally any other medic actually. put fucking pharma in and let him go wild. that would be fun. but back to first aid I love his character and I think his "I'm a medic, but..." attitude would fit perfectly, and he'd love the terrans)
-whirl (do it you fucking cowards. and don't do it like cyberverse. make him unhinged. he would be such a bad influence it would be great)
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Settling into marital bliss with Wanda was amazing. The firsts, the achievements and then of course came the boys.
Billy and Tommy were the apples of yours and Wanda’s eyes. They were loved equally. No jealousy between the twins.
At least at first. Then they started to develop their powers at age seven. Billy developed magical abilities on par with his mother. Tommy developed super speed, much like his late uncle. Wanda was ecstatic to be able to train one of her sons in all the way of sorcery and witchcraft.
This led to Wanda spending more time with Billy, helping her boy harness his powers. You of course were there to help supervise the lessons, just hoping that they didn’t blow up the house. But for Tommy, a deep pit was beginning to develop his heart. An aching at seeing how happy Wanda was with Billy.
It all came to a head the day when Billy mastered plasma bolts. Wanda was so happy, she wrapped the little wiccan in a hug, “that’s my boy!”
You looked over and saw Tommy’s eyes just fill with tears as he bolted from his spot on the porch, running into the house and up the stairs.
You quickly run up to your son’s room to find him crying on his bed. “Tommy?” You approach him, “buddy?”
“Is Billy the golden child?” He tries to ask thru his tears.
“N-no” you whisper as you wrap the young boy in a hug.
“Detka? What’s wrong?” Wanda’s psychic voice sounded in your skull.
“Your little speedster needs you” you think back to your wife. “He thinks you don’t love him as much as Billy”
“I’m on my way!” Wanda was up the stairs in a flash. She ran in and fell to her knees before Tommy’s bed.
“Oh my little podarok,” she whispers, gently stroking the little boy’s hair.
“I know,” he whispers back. “Billy’s so much cooler and neater than me and-“
“No my little podarok,” she rocks her boy back and forth. “You and Billy are amazing in so many different ways. I’m so sorry for ever making you feel less loved.”
You wrap Tommy in a hug too, “you are amazing. I can’t even keep up with you when you run.”
Tommy actually giggles. Billy walks in and hugs his brother too.
“Bro I love you.” Billy reassures his brother, “you’re like coolest, fastest out there!”
You and Wanda look to each other and share a little smile. Your family is a strong one. Sometimes each member just needs a little reassurance of how much you love them, you and Wanda are more than happy to reassure your kids and each other of that love.
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