#spent the morning getting annoyed by my parents
francisforever2014 · 6 months
i hate christmas so much i’m sorry idccccc it’s boring overdone and annoying if i was walter white i would steal that shit too
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#hhhh my body is tired. i couldnt sleep and then my day was upside down and i spent 4hrs transfering algae#i still have 1 work day until i go home. which is to say i will do 2 days of computer work and 1 day of manual labor in the field before i#go home. bc i have to get these fucking manuscripts done#but i guess it was an ok day. it wasnt yesterday where i left the lab by 12 for fear of bursting into tears. sometimes i just cant stand to#work sitting down. its really annoying#but i did have to say goodbye to our visiting phd student today bc she goes back to spain in the new year#which is sad bc shes really cool but she liked to do snail mail so im excited to be pen pals with her#bc ive never done the snail mail thing. shes like 5 to 10 years older than me? like old enough to have fully formed memories of the 90s#hhhh i still have to order Christmas presents. i just. i wish i could stop the present exchange. no body buy me anything so i dont have to#buy u anything. im so tired.#and i still have to make Christmas presents for my parents and sisters. with what time?#ill have to burn away my vacation time for that. hhhh i shoulf just sleep now#but i wont. ill pack bc i might as well while im being unproductive and i wont make time for it later so ya kno#i just wanna be home not doing anything but also i have many things to do and lots of things to prepare before i can do school visits#assuming i get more than one. and oh fuck thats right i still have that last application. tomorrow morning thsts what ill do. god dammit#the 4 hrs of algae transfering was my break and me being unfocused now#just 3 more days and 2 full day of traveling then i can whine at my parents abt how sad i am lol nah ill do that thing where u go#haha yea im in a lot of pain lmao so no one fully takes u seriously even tho ur saying something fucked up#that my mo bc i cant take my pain seriously. part of my brain detaches itself and thinks its all v funny#bleh. brain is goo#unrelated
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I spent a full 14 hours with my boyfriend yesterday… a aa a a aaa 🥰🥰🥰
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homunculus-argument · 29 days
I don't know if you're ever done being struck by random Adult Hindsight on things about your parents, but pouring my tea this morning it suddenly just struck me just how weird boomers are about things like keeping up appearances and being presentable. I mean don't get me wrong, there definitely are times and places where you need to dress and act appropriately for the occasion, but being appropriate shouldn't take priority over the occasion itself.
My grandfather died in the heart of a remarkably cold winter, in peace with himself and after a long life and a brief illness. It sounds like a bizarre cliché to say, but it was agreed that very few get to pass as well as he did. His funeral was held on the coldest damn day of that winter. I needed to buy new clothes for it, a white scarf and a more simple, understated cap, since my mother thought that my usual winter hat - a big, black, fuzzy ushanka - was too frivolous for the occasion.
The cap didn't cover my ears and didn't offer much protection, but it was better than not having it on. The funeral was held on a freezing cold sunny day that my grandfather would probably have liked very much, but being outdoors at all - not to mention standing in the cold, with no hat on - gave me a headache within minutes, and I would rather have kept my hat on for as much of the ceremony as possible, while my mother kept hissingly whispering me to take it off, not put it back on yet, and when I was allowed to wear it again. My ears were freezing and my head was aching and I was just as annoyed by this tug-of-war as she clearly was.
If you asked her, I'm sure she would say something about how it's unfortunate that I didn't know how to behave appropriately at a funeral - worded in some way of how it's Surely Not My Fault that I wouldn't know any better, but with a strong undercurrent of making it clear that her children not knowing proper manners is not her fault, either. But ma'am what the fuck?
Your father has died and you spent the whole time fussing about my fucking hat??
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sinsirellaxx · 3 months
Okay but how about our toxic Slytherin boys who only have a soft spot for the reader🥺
Slytherin Boys – They only have a soft spot for you
Warning: Honestly ... no warnings!
A/N: Thank you for the request! Enjoy!
Not proofread.
Mattheo …
… whose frown disappeared as soon as he heard your voice or spotted you in the crowd. Who immediately hides his injured fist behind his back in fear of worrying you – he didn’t want to taint you with his darkness. Mattheo who deleted and blocked every single girl’s number after falling for you. Mattheo who stopped skipping classes, just to always be with you and see you several times throughout the day. The young riddle brother who’d rather wear cozy pajamas, with a face mask on his face to watch a movie with you together in his bed instead of getting wasted at a party.
Mattheo who constantly has to bite the inside of his cheeks to keep himself from hurting anyone who’s too close to you.
Mattheo who is actually afraid to scare you away with his true self – so afraid, that he constantly has to put up a mask.
Mattheo who’d burn the whole world down just to be with you.
“I love you more than you know, love. From now on, everything I do is for you. You’re mine and I’ll always be yours.”
Theodore …
… who is known to be a womanizer is suddenly ashamed of his past promiscuous lifestyle.  Theodore who only has eyes for you, ever since you ran into him and ended up pulling him to the floor with you. He had been annoyed at first but the moment your eyes connected his head went completely silent. For the first time in a long while. He saw peace and warmth in your eyes – his peace, that he would run after from that day on.
Theodore who spent most of his time with you after having finally won you over. The only thing that mattered to him were you and if your relationship was getting serious and you loved him just as earnestly as he loved you, he’d even quit smoking.
“There is no one that I want more than you. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Ti amo.”
Lorenzo …
… was surprisingly thoughtful and selfless when with you. Lorenzo had gained himself the title of being the prince of Slytherin, with his charming looks and boyish smile but every girl who had been in an intimate relationship knew how selfish and arrogant Berkshire really was. He is the my-pleasure-only kind of guy, who’d be gone in the morning. Or the guy who leaves girls on read and just sheepishly smiles at them when confronted about it. But with you, Lorenzo can’t help but light up like a small child on Christmas eve whenever you hold his hand let alone are close to him. He’d impatiently wait for your replies and snatch his phone from wherever it was whenever it vibrated in the hopes of it being a message from you. He’d trail after you like a lost puppy, taking advantage of the positive image that he had built for himself and would look at you sadly with his big brown eyes, whenever someone or even you brought up his reputation with the girls.
“Please don’t listen to those rumors … I truly love you so much. So much, it actually hurts me.” Lorenzo brokenly whispers while clutching his chest.
Draco …
… would pamper you with his money – because that is the only love language he knows. He didn’t grow up in a loving, warm household but his parents gave him everything he wanted to compensate for their lack off emotional support. Draco never knew he wanted – no, needed intimacy until he met you. At first, he had been appalled by his feelings for you. You were nothing like the ideal woman his parents expected him to marry one day, but he was lost in your eyes the second you smiled at him – trapped in the warmth that radiated in your orbs. The man completely changed – well, only when it was about you. In the beginning of your relationship, you had to teach him about the other love languages – you had to reassure him, that he didn’t need to spend money on you to express his love. You told him he could touch you, kiss you, hug you and tell you, whenever he wanted or needed something from you. After that, Draco didn’t go a day without hugging you close to his body at least once. He’d kiss you good morning and goodbye, every. Single. Day.
He'd never forget to tell you how much he loved you and how beautiful you were.
“I love you more than I thought I was capable of. My heart is so full. Thank you for being mine.”
Blaise …
… would be – what is nowadays considered as – a simp. He’d go soft for you and only for you. Whatever you want – whatever you need, he’ll get it for you. You want him to straighten or curl your hair? No need to ask twice. You want to apply make-up on his face just for shits and giggles? Anything for his princess – but please don’t take any pictures of him.
Someone looks at you the wrong way and makes you feel uncomfortable? They might go blind soon if they don’t look away asap. Blaise is so infatuated with you, that you wouldn’t even have to ask or mention the idea of a promise ring or matching necklaces – he’d be two steps ahead of you.
“I know it sounds cheesy – but you are the moon of my life. I’d do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours.”
Tom …
… still struggles with showing affection and worries, that it might drive you away. He tries – he really tries hard. Tom Riddle is known for his intelligence, but he soon has to come to terms with the fact that his intelligence won’t help him with romance. He had a lot to learn. When he first started noticing his feelings towards you, he was in complete denial. He outright refused to accept them. He had no time for love. But when another male from his year started flirting with you his resolve to ignore his feelings disappeared into thin air. He couldn’t ignore his feelings any longer – or else he’d have to get rid of many male students and that would not be optimal for his time at Hogwarts. He’d slowly start getting closer to you: Approaching you in the library to help you reach a book from the top shelf, helping you carry your books when one of them fell from your arms. He even had to practically force Snape to assign him as your Potions tutor. You had been intimidated at first, but he slowly grew on you. Tom was very attentive and took mental notes on everything you told him.
Out of respect for you, Tom didn’t want to make use of his legilimency, but he couldn’t help himself. He is still a toxic boy after all.
“I promise to always love you, my love. There is nothing that can stand between us – you are mine forever.”
A/N: Feedback and comments are greatly appreciated! ❤️
If you want to support me and my work: https://ko-fi.com/sinsirella
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strvngeweather · 5 months
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It's All Greek to Me; a one shot.
🕮 PAIRING: collegetutor!jimin x partygirl!reader 🕮 GENRE: College AU, smut 🕮 WORD COUNT: 4.8k 🕮 WARNINGS: Smut, Smut, Smut 🕮 SUMMARY: After failing your college classes, you need a tutor. But if tutor, why so damn hot? 🕮 AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was originally going to be a full-length fanfic, but I decided to make it a short one. I still may expand on it. Let me know what you guys think. Also, my bestie gave me the idea when she said, "Jimin look like he likes ass." LMAO.
Despite your hatred for hangovers, you always ended up with one.
Today was no exception. As the resident party girl at Loren University, there was no way you would ever miss a weekend rager, but as your alarm clock went off for the fifth time that morning, you began cursing at yourself. Maybe going to a party on a Sunday night wasn’t a good idea.
Scheduling a tutoring session at eight in the morning was an even worse idea.
You had many strong suits, but English wasn’t one of them. It was the one subject you had struggled with since you were in high school. Analyzing the words of dead white men from centuries ago was just about as much fun as watching paint dry. Numbers were much more your thing. They were easy and in the words of Cady Heron, ‘Math was the same in every language.’
But you needed to pass. It’s not as if you were here on your parents’ dime like the other kids. You were a scholarship kid and if your grades slipped, so did you. Out the doors and on your ass. So, when you got your last paper back with a big fat ‘D’ written on it, you knew it was time to take action. And that meant getting a tutor.
You just happened to forget that today, on this bright and early morning, with a pounding headache and dry mouth, you were supposed to be meeting him.
Again, you ask, who the fuck schedules a tutoring session at eight in the morning?
With a groan, you grab your phone, hoping to hit the ‘snooze’ button on your alarm one more time before you really had to get up but when your eyes read the time you realize that it’s damn near eight-thirty. How many times have you hit the snooze button? You wonder but realize you’re only wasting more time. Without a second thought, you hop out of bed and into the bathroom, brushing your teeth and running a comb through your curly hair. Your make-up is smudged, and you still have on the shimmering dress from last night but there’s nothing you can do about it now. You grab a hoodie off your desk chair and hightail it to the school’s library.
Inside study room 007, you find a very annoyed, albeit very handsome senior waiting at the table. Laid out in front of him are a stack of books, notebooks, and flash cards. Pens and pencils are lined up neatly in a row. He all but glares at you as enter. Before you can speak, he glances at his watch and then looks back at you. “You’re late.”
“I know,” you say, out of breath. “I got caught up …” you scramble, trying to think of a lie instead of admitting you had spent the night throwing ass to Megan thee Stallion and Cardi B but your folder of excuses in the very back of your brain shows up empty. That might be for the best, you realize as you look over your tutor.
“Partying?” He finishes the sentence for you. His eyes rake over you in judgment. “Maybe that’s why you’re failing English.”
Now wait a damn minute. You scoff, crossing your arms. Your brain is foggy, you desperately need a glass of water – and, not to mention, your skin feels beyond icky. The last thing you can do right now is come up with a proper comeback so the only thing you manage to utter is, “Or maybe English is just hard.”
“You speak it every day, how hard could it be?”
“Whatever,” you say, sitting down across from him.  “Can we just … start?”
Jimin checks his watch again. “We might as well. We’ve got thirty minutes left. Let’s make the most of it.”
“I thought I had you for an hour.”
“Yes, and you were late so that hour has turned into thirty minutes. I’ve got things to do, Ms. L/N. I can’t wait around for you all day,” he replies, picking up a black ballpoint pen. “Let’s get started.”
“I’d much prefer it if you called me, Y/N,” you say, leaning back in your chair. “And you’re Jimin, correct?”
He nods curtly. “Alright, Ms. L/N, your form said you have an upcoming paper that focuses on the themes from Nella Larsen’s Passing. What part of the story are you at?”
You roll your eyes but choose not to correct him about your name and instead just answer his question. “I’m not on any part.”
His eyes brighten. “You mean you’ve already finished? Well, great, let’s jump right into discussion –”
“No,” you cut him off. “I’m not on any part because I haven’t started the book.”
Jimin looks at you as if you grew another head. “Your essay for the book is due next week. The book is less than two hundred pages. What do you mean you haven’t started yet?”
You shrug. “I figured since it’s such a short book I could probably finish it and write the essay in the same day.”
“And what day were you planning on doing that since our study session is right now?”
That day was last night but as you both knew you had gotten caught up with … other things. “I guess I figured we’d start the book together and I’d just get the essay done next week.”
Jimin sighs. “Ms. L/N, whatever you manage to vomit onto paper will not bring your grade up in the slightest if you follow your method. I guarantee that.”
You find yourself rolling your eyes – again. “That’s what you’re here for. You’re my tutor so tutor me in the right direction.” Jimin studies you for a moment and then he begins carefully putting his things away into his messenger bag.  “Wait. What are you doing?”
“Ms. L/N, you can reach out to me once you’ve read the book but until then, we have nothing to discuss. I only meet with students who are serious about their education,” he places his bag over his shoulder and nods toward you. “Have a good day.”
“Um, hello! You can’t just leave,” you say, getting out of your chair.
“I can and I am,” Jimin replies, and with that, he walks out of the study room. You begin to follow him but decide against it. What good would that do? He was rude and had judged you from the moment you walked in the door. You didn’t need a tutor like that.
You decided you were going to go to the campus café, buy a large coffee, and then go home to take a much-needed shower.
. . . .
“He was a jerk,” you tell your best friend, Winter, taking a long sip of your mango-pineapple smoothie. “He left right in the middle of our session.”
Every Tuesday was the same. A morning class and then a lunch date with your bestie, Winter, at your favorite smoothie place about twenty minutes away from campus.
She shakes her head but not at him. “Y/N, I love you, but you were late. You didn’t read the material, and you had the nerve to have an attitude. I would have walked out on you too.”
Harsh but it was the truth. You weren’t quite ready to admit that you were somewhat at fault too. “Okay, but I’m saying, he didn’t have to be rude about it though.”
“What’d he look like?”
“He would be fine as hell if he wasn’t so rude,” you answer honestly.
She shakes her head, amused. “What did you end up getting on your essay anyway?”
After the last encounter with Jimin, you decided you’d find another tutor, but in the meantime, you were going to stick with your tried and true. You did exactly what you had told Jimin you would do. You read most of the book in one evening and managed to type up a paper in the same night, confident that you had aced it. But when you looked online, checking your grade, you realized Jimin had been right. Regardless, you weren’t going back to him.
You sigh. “Does it matter?”
“Yes,” Winter replies. “Because if Jimin is right, then I think you should give him a call.”
“Jimin Parker?”
You and Winter look up to see Jennie Kim hovering above you. Her freshly dyed blonde hair cascaded in waves down her slender face. You may have been the resident party girl, but Jen was the resident party queen.
“Hey Jen,” you say, motioning for her to take a seat. “Yeah, Jimin Parker. You know him?”
She sits between you and Winter. “You mean that gorgeous senior? Ugh, I had him as a tutor last semester.”
“How’d he do?” Winter says, giving you a knowing look.
You lean forward. Jennie was known for many things but having good grades was not one of them. In fact, you wondered how she managed to make it this far without being kicked out. But, if Jimin could manage to get her grades up, then he truly was a miracle worker.
“Amazing,” Jen gushes. “I got an A on my last three papers. I wanted him again this semester but apparently, he’s all booked up.”
You groan as Winter gives you another look. You pull your cell phone out of your pocket and dial Jimin. “Hello?” You reply as he answers. “Hi, yeah, Jimin, it’s Y/N. I was wondering if we could set up a session …”
For his sake (and mostly yours) you schedule an afternoon session and this time, you show up prepared. When he arrives, he’s shocked to see you already in the study room.
“Good afternoon,” he says, rounding the table to sit across from you. You get a whiff of his cedarwood cologne. “I see you’re on time.”
“I’m early,” you correct him. “You’re on time.”
“That I am,” he says, taking a seat. You watch him closely as he carefully takes out various pens and pencils, notebooks, and flashcards. He really is handsome, you think, even if he is an ass. “I see we’re studying Oedipus Rex by Sophocles?”
You nod your head. “I read it. I don’t understand it.”
“What exactly don’t you understand?”
“Not a single word in that book. They might as well be speaking Greek.”
He sighs. “Well, it is a Greek book.”
“Clearly,” you reply. “So where do we start?”
“I guess at the beginning.”
. . . .
Things were going smoothly. You found yourself actually understanding the material and surprisingly, enjoying it. But you also found yourself getting lost in Jimin at times. The more time you spent with him, the more you developed a crush. Your mind would wander as your eyes looked over him. You wondered how soft his full lips were. You wondered what his eyes looked like in moments of passion. You wondered how good it would feel to be wrapped up in his strong arms.
Your eyes were on his arms when he called your name. “Huh?”
“I asked did you want to go over the scene between Antigone and Polynices again?”
You shake your head. “No, I think I understand. Antigone wants him to call off the war, but Polynices’ pride won’t let him.”
“Correct,” Jimin replies with a smile.
Fuck, you think. Jimin had a smile that would make anyone melt. “Jimin,” you begin and mentally kick yourself for what you’re about to ask but you’ve started so you might as well finish. You put on your best flirtatious smile. “What do I get if I ace my next paper?”
He seems to know what you’re hinting at. “You get an A and the satisfaction of knowing your hard work paid off.”
Well, if that wasn’t a blaring rejection, you don’t know what is. “Do you have a girlfriend?” You blurt it out before your brain can even process whether the question was appropriate or not.
He blinks, slightly taken aback. “Yes, yes, I do. Why?”
You shrug, trying to be as nonchalant as possible even though you feel as if you’ve just gotten stung by a million honeybees. “No reason. You just seem so into your academics; I didn’t think you had time for that kind of stuff.”
“Well, a human being still needs a social life to thrive,” he replies coolly. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
You nod. “Yes, and his name is Jose Cuervo.”
He laughs. “I’m sure you have a line of men knocking on your door.”
“Nobody I want though,” you say, mostly to yourself.
. . . .
If crushing on him wasn’t enough, now you were dreaming about him. A week of erotic dreams plagued you. They felt so real. You could smell his signature cologne as he pushed in and out of you, your legs on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around your thick thighs. Each dream ended the same though, just as he was about to finish, your alarm would wake you up and you would spend a good five minutes finishing yourself off before getting ready for the day.
Instead of a study room at the library, Jimin asked you to meet him at his apartment for the study session. He mentioned something about time constraints, appointments, and being unable to book a study room but your brain had been stuck on, “Wanna meet me at my apartment? We can have a quick recap sesh before I have to run out?” He could barely finish his question before you agreed to it.
So, sue you for being curious.
It’s not like anything will happen, you thought as you parked, he has a girlfriend.  You arrived twenty minutes early. Your excitement had gotten the best of you and you knew how much Jimin liked it when you were on time. When you knocked on the door, a man almost as handsome as Jimin answered.
“You must be Y/N?” he asked, sticking out his hand. “I’m Taehyung.”
You nodded, the thought of becoming a Wattpad heroine and having two incredibly attractive men fight over you danced around in your head. You shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Taehyung.”
As he let you in, he explained he had somewhere to be, but that Jimin was in his room and to head right in. You gave the door a light knock but didn’t receive an answer. The door was slightly ajar, giving you the smallest view of a very neat bedroom. You spotted Jimin at his desk, looking at something on his large computer monitor. It looked familiar. Your curiosity ate at you, forcing your hand to ever-so-gently open the door further. This time you could see what Jimin was looking at clearly.
It was you. It was your Instagram feed. He was scrolling through your pictures, pausing at every photo that was a bit risqué.
“Fuck, Y/N …”
That was your name. Leaving his lips. In a moan. Your heart fluttered with excitement. But wait, was he …
As you tilt your head to get a better view, you can see the tip of his elbow on the armrest, bobbing up and down. And up and down. And up and down.
Oh, he definitely was.
You slap a hand over your mouth and tiptoe back to the living room. A few minutes later, you hear a shower turn on and ten minutes after that, you see Jimin emerge in a navy blue V-neck and a pair of grey sweatpants.
“Hey,” Jimin looks at you with a face full of guilt. You can’t help but smile. “How long have you been waiting?”
“I just got here a few minutes ago,” you lie, looking up from your phone that you were pretending to be engrossed in. “I haven’t been waiting long.”
“Good, good,” he says. “Let’s go to the kitchen. The lighting is better in there.”
. . . .
After three weeks of hard work and several study sessions, you submit your paper with all the confidence of Scott Disick. Winter, the best friend that she is, decided that this was the best time to reward your good behavior with a couple of jello shots at your favorite bar. You gobble up the first two and then decide to sip on a blue Long Island iced tea. That’s when you spot him. Sitting in a corner, next to his roommate and another man with tattoos up and down his arms. Instead of his usual tweed blazer and grey slacks, his outfit looks more modern, more casual. A white graphic tee hugs his toned body, and you can’t help but eye his biceps. His cheeks are slightly red, his eyes are glossy and he’s laughing harder than you’ve ever seen him laugh. He looks delicious but you turn around and decide to order another shot from the bar.
You spot Winter getting her mack on with a fellow classmate, Karina, and it’s then you realize that you’re probably going to be alone for the rest of the night. Just as you begin to grab your wallet to pay your tab, a familiar figure approaches you.
“Fancy seeing you here,” he’s wearing a smile you’ve never seen before, and it makes your insides flutter.
“I could say the same thing,” you reply. “I never thought I’d see Jimin Park in a bar.”
“I don’t spend all my time in the library,” Jimin says.
“Could have fooled me,” you tease, taking a sip of your drink. “What brings you out among people?”
He orders a whiskey sour before turning to you. “I, Y/N L/N, am finally a single man. My girlfriend of two years has decided that she no longer wants me.”
He’s smiling but you can see sadness behind his glossy eyes. “I’m sorry,” you say earnestly. “Her loss.”
“Oh definitely,” he says with a slight slur. “You want to know the real reason she broke up with me?”
You shrug. “Lay it on me.”
He leans in close, so close his body is pressed up against yours. He angles his lips to your ear and whispers, “I was too much for her.”
“Oh …”
“Yeah,” his words spill out in a rush, his eyes darkening as they take you in. They pause at your mini-skirt before crawling up your body slowly. You suddenly feel exposed, as if he just completely undressed you, but it would be a lie to say you didn’t love it. His voice lowers to a sultry whisper, “You don’t seem like that though.”
“Seem like that?”
“Like I’d be too much for you.”
“In what way?” You ask, genuinely curious.
He leans toward you, his lips brushing past your ear, forcing every hair on the back of your neck to stand up. “Sexual. You look like a good girl who knows how to take a pounding.”
A million thoughts ran through your head as Jimin broke out into a sardonic laugh. You were called back to that time you caught him masturbating to your pictures. You began to wonder if the prim and proper Jimin was just a façade to hide the sexual deviant he really was. His eyes look over you in a way they never have, and you swore they were clouded with lust. He licks his full lips, and you want nothing more than to kiss them, but you don’t. Instead, you take a step back and laugh, motioning to his roommate. Jimin was drunk and even though it looked like he wanted to bend you over the bar and give it to you, you knew better than to take advantage of a drunk man.
A week later, when you enter the study room, the moment you and Jimin exchange glances, you feel awkward. He looks embarrassed as he gestures for you to sit down.
“We need to talk,” he says. “I want to apologize about the other night at the bar.”
“It’s okay, I barely even gave it a second thought,” you lie. You had thought about that moment ever since it happened.
“No, it was inappropriate, and I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”
“Jimin, you were drunk, it’s fine. Besides, it was nice to see a different side to you,” you reassured him with a smile.
“That’s not a side that I would like to be representative of who I am,” Jimin admits. “I don’t want to be known as the guy who makes people uncomfortable.”
You laugh. “Believe me, I was the farthest thing from uncomfortable.”
He locks eyes with you for a moment before clearing his throat and motioning toward your phone. “Have you checked your grades yet?”
You gasp, suddenly remembering the paper you had submitted a week earlier. You quickly bring up your most recent webpage, searching for the most recent grade listing. As your eyes glance over your paper and the notes, you realize that Jimin lived up to his reputation. You get up, shoving the phone in his face, squealing.
His eyes brighten, and he gets up as well. “You got an A!”
Without thinking, you throw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Jimin, to your surprise, doesn’t push away. Instead, he pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. You take the moment to breathe in his intoxicating scent. The both of you remain intertwined far longer than you both know is appropriate but for some reason, neither one of you makes the move to let go.
Finally, Jimin relents first. He stares you in the face and says quietly, “I knew you could do it.”
You let out a small laugh. “I couldn’t do it without you. Thank you, Jimin”
“As a reward, we can end the session ten minutes early today,” Jimin replies and sits back down.
You find yourself shaking your head. “Can I request a different reward?”
Jimin looks up at you and nods. You look around the small study space. The room you chose was in the back, the library was relatively empty today and the small window the room provided was on the door and could easily be covered up the shade provided. You mentally prepare yourself for what you’re about to say next. Things could go downhill, fast, depending on his reaction. Still, you steady yourself, look Jimin in the eyes and say, “I want a kiss.”
“A kiss,” you repeat confidently. “I want you to kiss me as a reward.”
“I can’t kiss you,” he replies back, taking study materials out of his messenger bag. “That would be highly ina –”
“Jimin, if you don’t want to kiss me, just say so but don’t use the tutor-student relationship as a reason.”
He sighs. “I …” You watch as he struggles to find the right words.
“You were right about me,” you say, giving him a flirtatious smirk. “At the bar. I can take a good pounding.”
His face turns a beet-red, but he quickly recovers. He stands, walking to stand in front of you. “Just one kiss?”
“One kiss,” you repeat.
He leans in and places a soft kiss on your lips, lingering for only a few seconds before breaking the kiss. “That good?”
You shake your head. “I hardly think that’s worth all the work I put in.”
He smiles, genuinely amused, and says, “Really?”
You nod. “Maybe if it was longer …”
Jimin sighs. “Y/N, if it’s longer, you know what that will lead to …”
“Then let it lead to that,” you challenge, you push. “I don’t know why you have to act so anal-retentive all the time. Not everything has to be perfect. Just k—”
He cuts you off with a deeper kiss. It’s slow and sensual. His hands wrap around your waist, one of them running down the curve of your ass as he palms it slowly, indulging in the fleshy softness. You can feel his dick hardening on your thigh as he slips a tongue into your mouth.
Jimin is using both hands to palm your ass now, his dick grinding into you and a low, deep, moan leaves his mouth forcing an electric sensation to shoot down your spine and vibrate in your core.
“You sure you want this?” he asks through a searing kiss.
“Yes,” you think you say but you’re not sure. Your head is spinning that this is actually happening.
He responds by lifting your pleated skirt and smacking your ass, the sound echoing throughout the room. Fingertips dance between your ass crack, and he uses a knee to part your legs slightly further. You break the kiss, throwing your head back as you feel Jimin’s fingertips slowly rub your pussy from the back. He slips a finger into your underwear, running it up and down your slit.
“How long have you wanted this?” He asks, nipping at your neck. “You’re already so fucking wet.” You try to answer but all that comes out is a moan as he slips another finger inside. “Shh,” he tells you. “You want the whole library to hear you?”
He gives you a bit of a reprieve when his hands slip away. You watch as he pulls out one of the chairs and sits, beckoning for you to stand in front of him. Your skirt is still at your waist, so he pulls your underwear down before pulling you close. You feel his large hands grope your ass again, peppering kisses up and down your hips. Another smack echoes through the room before he uses a hand to caress clit. You move your hips in response, holding on to the table for balance.
He pauses. “Turn around and bend over.” He doesn’t have to ask you twice. You obey, and not a second later, you feel him placing one of your legs up on the study table. “Arch that back, baby.” Your ass juts out just a little more as you follow his directions. A moment later you feel a cool, wet, sensation going up and down the slit of your core. It’s slow at first, as if he’s taking the time to let the taste of you marinate on his tongue but he quickly picks up his pace. The tip of his tongue flickering over your clit. Meanwhile, you can feel his thumb, massaging your anus.
Jimin was an ass man, and he was making that very clear.
Both hands were gripping your ass now as he guided your pussy over his tongue. You work your hips in tandem, stifling a loud moan as your world begins to go white.
But he wasn’t done with you yet.
He moves his tongue from your pussy up to your anus, and you jerk, having never quite felt something like this before. You can hear an amused laugh leave Jimin’s throat as he begins to massage your ass with his tongue. His fingers working your pussy, begging for another orgasm. You oblige, your wetness dripping all over his fingertips.
“Don’t move,” he demands. You can hear his belt unbuckling, followed by the tips of his dick moving up and down your incredibly wet slit. He slides it in with the patience of a saint, excruciatingly slow, forcing whimpers out of you, begging him to go faster. “You sure you want it faster?”
“Please,” you moan.
“Please, what?”
“Please, Jimin,” you manage to utter out.
He gives you your wish and begins to pound you like he said he would. His pace quickens and you can feel every inch of him inside of you. Your pussy wraps around him which causes him to smack your ass, and a deep moan leaves his lips.
You realize he can’t have all the fun though and you begin to throw it back on him, your ass bouncing against him, and he lets you. You can hear your wetness as you begin to drain his dick. You can hear his low grunts of satisfaction as you pick up your pace and when you look back, you can see his dark eyes looking at you in a way you never wanted to stop. “Good fucking girl,” he whispers in a low voice.
You make eye contact which forces him to grip your hips and pound into you harder, faster (stronger).  “One more time baby,” he says to you, maintaining eye contact. “Cum on this dick.” You had already been close, and his words only sent you over the edge further than you had ever gone. You close your eyes, your body shaking in pleasure as you have your third orgasm on his dick.
He follows suit, his cum shooting deep inside of you. You feel his body on top of yours as you both try to catch your breath.
“Was that worth all your hard work?’ He asks.
“I think I’ll have to get A’s for the rest of the year,” you reply.
“The rest of your life.”
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neostrayteez · 1 year
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PAIRING. mark lee x female reader
SUMMARY. you never met a guy you couldn’t score and church boy Mark is no exception, but he may end up surprising you.
WARNINGS. smut, profanity
PLAYLIST. “serial lover” by kehlani
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The moment you saw Mark, you knew you had to have him.
Not because he was cute, which he definitely was. And not because he laughed at all your jokes, even the bad ones. But because he was a good little Christian boy, yet there was something in his eyes that told you he would burn down everything he believed in for the right girl.
Mark thanked God for everything - the food his mother spent hours preparing, the clothes his father paid for, even the goddamn sunny weather when rain was expected. It was annoying and made your eyes roll back in your head.
You, on the other hand, despised everything about religion. Especially its misogynistic rules on what you could and couldn’t do with your own body. Sitting through a sermon on chastity (or any subject, for that matter) was far worse than sitting in hell beside the devil himself, you mused.
So, when you excitedly asked to go to church camp, your parents could hardly believe it. A whole week of preaching and bible thumping? Maybe one message would finally get through to you.
Little did they know, you were a girl on a mission.
First, you wanted to know if Mark actually believed the bullshit he so fervently said. Secondly, and much more importantly, you wanted to know if getting him between your thighs would be as much of a fun challenge as you hoped.
From the moment camp kicked off, you had every innocent excuse ready to be near Mark. You needed a prayer partner, because you weren’t very good at asking God for things. You needed a peer to counsel you, because you were struggling in your faith, but the older leaders were too intimidating.
Mark was all too happy to be everything you needed.
You were careful not to be too clingy, avoiding and ignoring Mark in between your moments together, creating a push and pull dynamic that definitely caught his attention, because Mark would start searching for you when you weren’t leaning on him for guidance.
And by day four, you had him.
Mark moaned as he slid inside you, fingers digging painfully into your hips.
You sucked in a breath, feeling yourself stretching around him, and tightened your fist in his hair, your arms around his shoulders. “Just like that, baby,” you purred, nibbling at his ear. “Doesn’t it feel good?”
Mark braced a hand on the wall behind you and groaned, “So good.”
If you had told Mark that morning he would be having sex in a tiny closet crammed full with craft materials and weird stuffed animals staring at him, he would have laughed in your face. But there was no resisting you.
Mark was hooked to the sound of your laugh, to the twinkle in your eye when you smiled at him. He knew deep down you didn’t give a shit about God, but he would eat up any opportunity to be near you, to feel even the slightest brush of your skin against his.
When you took him by the hand and asked him to follow you, Mark’s body was already moving before his brain could comprehend what it all meant.
You had kissed him with a passion Mark wasn’t familiar with, because he’d never known it. He’d kissed girls before, little pecks here and there, but this was something entirely different. You were kissing him like there would be nothing left of him when you were done.
Mark had groaned when you palmed him over his jeans and he didn’t stop you when you began unfastening his belt. The taste of you on his tongue was too addicting; he didn’t want it to end. The warmth of your body against his was more intoxicating than any alcohol he’d tried. Just the feeling of your breasts pushed against his chest as you kissed him was enough to get him hard.
The moment Mark sheathed himself to the hilt inside you, he knew he was fucked. Literally, but also in every other definition of the word.
You knew the chances of an orgasm on your part were slim, but you didn’t care. You were getting off in other ways. You wanted Mark to come and you wanted it to break him.
The closet was dimly lit. Your naked ass was propped on a cabinet against the wall, your skirt hiked around your waist as Mark tentatively thrust inside you again, your thighs hooked on his hips. You found purchase in his shoulders as you tucked your face in the crook of his neck and let a sound of pleasure escape you.
“Fuck,” Mark said, his voice low and raspy in your ear. The heat of your breath on his skin sent a shiver down his spine. He moved slowly inside you, drawing his hips back to push in again. He was trying to savor it, make it last.
You smiled, a little smug and even more surprised. You expected him to go hard and fast, too fucked out by the vice of your body. A pleasure he had never felt before.
Mark snapped his hips harder and liked the noise you made when he did. So he did it again and again, until the cabinet beneath you started to creak with his movements. He shifted his footing, cursing his pants pooled too snugly around his ankles that threw him off rhythm.
“Mark,” you whined, grazing your teeth at the base of his shoulder. You felt his body tensing under your hands and you smoothed them down his back to calm him.
Mark lifted his head and tossed the hair out of his eyes, staring into your face and wondering what the fuck someone as beautiful as you saw in him that you would let him be inside you like this.
“What’s wrong?” you asked softly. The look on his face was something you hadn’t seen before. You didn’t recognize it. It wasn’t the lust you’d come to expect from boys that got to touch you.
It was more like reverence.
Rather than get into all the feelings rushing through him with the same intensity his pulse was pounding through his body, Mark said, “You promise you’re on birth control?”
You snorted. “Mark, I would not be letting you hit it raw right now if I didn’t have an IUD inside me.”
“Does it hurt?”
“My doctor was nice enough to numb my cervix before putting it in.”
You assumed, since Mark was still sinking his cock in and out of you at a languid pace, that the sudden need for conversation was to distract himself from how close he was and you wouldn’t hold it against him.
Mark bottomed out inside your wet, tight sex and stilled. He wanted so badly to kiss you, but he was a coward. “No, I mean, me,” he said, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Am I hurting you?”
You blinked. Tilting your head, you asked, “Do you want it to hurt?”
Some boys did. You knew that. But Mark shook his head immediately.
You dragged your nails down his spine, getting ahold of his hips and drawing him flush against you, chest to chest, nose to nose. Kissing the corner of his mouth, you whispered, “It’s deep. And tight.”
“Fuck,” Mark huffed, smashing his lips on yours. He couldn’t resist anymore.
You closed your eyes and let yourself feel him, whimpering into his mouth when he started thrusting into you again, smooth but hard. Mark swallowed every sound you made, holding you to him so tightly it was almost painful.
This was what made life worth living - the toe-curling pleasure of him fitting so perfectly inside you, completing you and making you whole again. His cock dragging against your sweet spot almost rivaled the high that came with knowing you had conquered another boy.
Mark moaned into your mouth and broke from your kisses. His gaze fell to your swollen lips. They were parted, endless soft noises of pleasure rolling off your tongue with every stroke of his cock. He shivered at that, knowing he made you feel good.
You grabbed Mark’s arms for dear life when he began fucking into you like he would never get the chance again. A victorious grin spread across your lips when his groans pitched higher and higher, his pace jarring you on the cabinet as he lost himself to the euphoria that was your body.
“Come for me, baby,” you crooned in his ear and Mark shattered in your arms.
He released inside you with a mangled cry, a groan catching in his chest, hips smacking into you messily to empty his load until he was totally spent.
Mark’s mind went blank except for pleasure. He couldn’t think and he sure as hell couldn’t breathe. The high took over every inch of his body and ruined him, making him shake down to his very core.
You snickered quietly, tempted to tease him for how hard he came, but held your tongue. Mark slumped against you, burying his face in your breasts, hands braced on opposite sides of your hips as he panted for oxygen. You kept running your fingers over his hot skin, soothing him, and whispered, “My sweet little virgin no more.”
Mark was relieved you were still holding onto him, even as he went soft inside you. He wasn’t ready to be parted yet. From this feeling. From you.
Get it together, he told himself and finally staggered out of your arms to begin fixing his clothes.
Mark couldn’t meet your eyes, because he’d realized that thanks to the intensity of his climax, he wasn’t sure if you’d finished too. He did shyly ask if you were alright and you told him you were fine. He didn’t need to know you were fighting a giggle at his expense. The boy was so fucked out. Mark was seeing you - and probably his life - though brand new eyes.
It was all a lie. He didn’t get struck by a bolt of lighting from heaven for having sex. Though whether or not he would burst into flames when he walked into church remained to be seen.
After finding your panties on the floor, slipping them on and adjusting your skirt, you sauntered out of the closet without a word and went about your day. You didn’t like to linger and began the long walk to your cabin for a well-deserved shower.
You weren’t surprised that instead of afterglow, there was awkwardness on Mark’s part. It was to be expected for someone who had surrendered their precious virtue. What did surprise you, however, was that you kept thinking about Mark after you left him. That wasn’t like you. You assumed the attraction to him would go away once you’d gotten what you wanted, but no - you found yourself eyeing him from across the way.
Wanting him.
No one had ever looked at you the way Mark did. Other boys focused on your body and all its power, but Mark stared into your eyes. He kissed you recklessly, driven within an inch of madness. Like he was fighting for his life and only you could save him.
Get a grip, you told yourself, the low monotone of another preacher humming like static in your ears as you replayed the memory of Mark fucking you in your head. It made the evening sermon easier to get through.
Mark, despite being at the other end of the row of chairs, could hardly breathe with the heavy tension in his chest. He wanted to stand up and shout at the top of his lungs, “What are we?!”
But he already knew. Out of the two of you, he was the only one thinking about that closet and the secrets it kept inside. You had already moved on and Mark felt totally discarded. He fell asleep that night to a fantasy of you sleeping in his arms.
Ever a loner, you kept to yourself. You had two more days to get through of this stupid camp, but you were satisfied. You’d accomplished what you came there to do.
Sitting at one of the tables outside, the pages of your bible that you had never opened flapping in the wind, you played on your phone and nearly jumped out of your skin when someone slid unannounced into the spot beside you.
“Jesus Christ, Mark,” you exclaimed, setting down your phone. The anger swiftly left your face when you realized how close he was to you and goddamn, why did he smell so good? Your heart was dancing in your chest, much to your annoyance.
Mark had been watching you from afar, catching himself smiling at the way you tucked your hair behind your ear as it swept up in the breeze and how you kept nibbling on your lip as you concentrated on your phone. He decided, at the sight of you, that he wasn’t happy with being discarded.
And he didn’t like that he was falling apart at the seams while you went along like nothing happened.
“I think we should pray together,” Mark said under his breath. You didn’t come to him anymore, for prayer or guidance or advice. Mark felt invisible now and for someone that had been inside you, that seemed unfair.
The anger instantly returned to your face. You rolled your eyes and focused on your phone again. “I think you should suck my dick,” you deadpanned.
If you had one, Mark probably would. He’d never felt about anyone the way he felt about you, but he persisted. “What we did was wrong.”
Like hell it was, you wanted to say. If it was wrong, why did it feel so right? Why were you craving for it like an addict after a high?
You didn’t look up and said in the most disinterested tone you could muster, “Give me one non-religious reason that having sex with me was wrong.”
“We’re not married.”
“Marriage is a piece of paper used by the government for tax purposes.”
“We don’t even love each other.”
“Love and sex are two different things. They are not mutually exclusive.”
Mark knew he would lose this argument, if he hadn’t already. You would have an answer for everything, because you were a girl set in your ways after years of experience. You were the total opposite of him and yet, you were what Mark wanted.
And what he wanted to be - free.
“I’m thinking about you,” Mark confessed in a soft whisper, because it rebelled against everything he’d been taught. “Constantly and in very bad ways.”
That made you finally lift your head and look at him, lips pulling into a devilish grin. “Glad to be of service.”
Mark scowled. “This isn’t funny.”
“I think it’s fucking hilarious,” you shot back, turning toward him more directly. He was already wilting beside you. You knew exactly how a boy looked when he wanted to fuck you. “You’re having an existential crisis about getting your cherry popped, aren’t you?”
Rather than get angry or annoyed, Mark looked sad. His expression sank and he asked, “Didn’t you? Don’t you feel even the tiniest bit of shame?”
That made you bristle. They always resorted to shaming after they had their way with you. You wouldn’t relent. “No. Why should I?”
You expected him to quote the bible. You expected him to rant about purity. You fully believed he would chide you for stealing his virginity. You were prepared for that. It would bounce off you like arrows on a wall, because you’d heard it all before and you would never let a boy’s words hurt you.
Instead, Mark sighed, “Because it’s supposed to be a sacred thing between two people.”
Your eyes flickered. Your mind scrambled for a witty retort, but for the first time in your young adult life, you came up empty. That’s when you realized you were looking at Mark differently.
This wasn’t purity culture talking. It was just a boy wanting to be loved.
At your silence, Mark seemed to gather he had you on the ropes and he leaned in closer, close enough to kiss you, but he didn’t dare. Not out in the open like this. But he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t want to kiss you until you fell in love with him.
“I took advantage of you and I’m sorry,” Mark started.
Anger reared its ugly head again and you glared at him, snapping, “You did not take advantage of me, Mark. I’ve been trying to fuck you since the moment I met you.”
Mark’s jaw dropped and his eyes went wide.
You smiled at getting the upper hand again. “What if I told you that after you filled me up, I got in the shower and touched myself to thoughts of you, and came so hard I screamed your name?”
Mark swallowed the lump in his throat. He really was an idiot to think he could ever beat you at your own game. “...Stop.”
“No,” you said, staring him down. “I’m trying to save you from a lifetime of being made to feel guilty about sex. About intimacy. They want you to feel guilty about being a goddamn human. Don’t you get that?”
Mark opened his mouth to answer. To tell you that you were winning. You were shaking him down to his foundation.
Something that felt so good couldn’t be bad.
Both of you turned to see one of the youth leaders, his arms folded tightly across his chest. Given how close you and Mark were to each other, you should have known it would draw some unwanted attention.
“That’s my cue,” you said, packing up your stuff and leaving Mark alone with his thoughts.
Mark hung his head. Being close to you made him feel whole again. You’d taken a piece of him and it went with you whenever you parted.
“Jezebel,” the leader hissed as you walked by.
“In the flesh,” you retorted proudly.
But the moment you were hidden in your cabin and sitting on the edge of your bed, tears pricked at your eyes.
It’s supposed to be a sacred thing between two people, Mark said. You were thinking about the way he’d looked at you. It hadn’t left your mind since you left that damn closet with him.
For once, you felt like a thief. You’d stolen something precious from him. Mark just wanted a connection with you, a connection with the person he was intimate with.
But a connection was what you’d learned to avoid most, because boys always ended up changing their mind once you’d given all you had to give.
Except Mark. You’d given him your body and he still wanted more. Boys weren’t interested in your heart or your mind, but Mark was. You thought about all the times you talked with him. Even though you had ulterior motives for it, Mark listened to you. He never interrupted or spoke over you.
Mark cared.
I’m thinking about you - constantly. Mark had said that too. It would seem both of you were in the same boat about each other. Confused and lonely boats adrift at sea, passing in the night.
You skipped dinner and feigned stomach problems when the evening service rolled around, because you didn’t trust yourself to lay eyes on Mark and not burst into tears. You’d hurt a sweet boy that didn’t deserve it, who deserved much better than the likes of you.
The counselors didn’t argue. One look at you curled up in fetal position in your bunk and staring at the wall was enough for them to leave you alone.
It was nice being the only person outside while everyone was in church. You sat on the front steps of the cabin with your arms around your knees and watched the beautiful sunset, enjoying the quiet and trying not to think about Mark. To no avail.
You wondered if he noticed your absence and if he cared. If Mark came looking for you to ask if you were okay, you would probably crumble. It was hard accepting someone cared about you after all you’d ever done was take care of yourself.
Yes, Mark noticed. Yes, he felt like dying. He regretted confronting you that afternoon, but he’d wanted to apologize. It felt empty and worthless now, honestly. Like all he’d done was make things worse.
Mark asked one of the girls in your cabin about you and she told him you were refusing to get out of bed. That told Mark all he needed to know and it made hope spark in his chest that maybe you were down bad for him like he was for you.
The next morning, you were deemed well enough to attend the early service. Unfortunately, because you’d spent all night thinking about Mark - or trying desperately not to think about the feelings you were growing for him - you fell asleep barely ten minutes into it.
Turns out, youth leaders got really peeved when someone was caught either sleeping or playing on their phone during a sermon. If they only knew you’d had sex too. You sat through a stern scolding, which you gleefully ignored, and then you were sentenced to an hour of solitary time in the chapel.
Hurt me some more, you thought with a chuckle. So, you sat on the front row, leaned back and made yourself comfortable, and zoned out. Once again, enjoying the peace and quiet of being alone.
At this point, you wondered if they would hold a gun to your head to try and make you talk to God.
Toward the end of your delightful punishment, a familiar voice called your name.
You opened your eyes and sat up sharply, gathering your things. “What do you want, Mark?” Your tone had an edge. You weren’t in the mood for a lecture.
You glanced up at him as he approached you, hinged on whatever he said next like your heart depended on it.
Mark looked like he hadn’t slept a wink either. “I just want you,” he whispered softly.
You smiled. The first real smile to grace your lips in years. “I’m all yours.”
Back in that same closet, you cried out when Mark shoved you against the wall and slipped his tongue into your mouth.
You liked this hungry, impatient side to him. The one that couldn’t go without you for one more second.
Maybe you were his god now.
Mark cradled your head, kissing you deeper, making you moan a little. You would have been content to kiss him for the rest of the day, but you knew time was of the essence. People would come looking eventually.
“Mark,” you stammered, sucking in a breath when he latched his lips to your neck, his hands now palming your breasts over your shirt. “We don’t have long.”
Mark seemed determined to kiss and suck every inch of your neck, in a silent competition with the boys that came before him, but he should have known he’d already won.
“I wanna make you feel good,” Mark growled in your ear. “Like you did for me.”
“Then fuck me.”
Mark spun you around roughly, crowding your back, and kneaded your breasts, kissing down the column of your throat. Your eyes fluttered closed and you moaned softly, rocking a little to brush your ass against his crotch. He was grinding against you, searching for friction, but stopped to unfasten his pants.
You bent over the cabinet, lifted your skirt and shimmied your panties down around your thighs, not getting a chance to take them off completely because Mark was on you again, wrapping his arms around your waist in a vice grip and spreading your legs with his knee.
Mark groaned when his hand cupped your sex, running his fingers between your slit and feeling your arousal. “Do you always get this wet?”
You chuckled at the shock in his voice and answered honestly, “Definitely not. This is all for you.”
Sweet little sounds fell from your lips as Mark played with your entrance with two fingers. His hard cock followed, having been rubbing eagerly against your ass. You gasped and grabbed the edges of the cabinet when he impaled you on his length, your pussy fluttering and stretching around him.
Mark had only a string of curses to say. Any other words escaped him. The heat of you knocked the wind out of him, just like the first time.
Your legs trembled as he bottomed out, immediately drawing back to sink into you again slowly. You bit your lip to hide a smile at how hard he was inside you, but how gently he moved.
Mark felt you relax once you’d adjusted, hyper aware of every little move you made. He slipped his hand into yours and said, “Put me on your clit.”
That was definitely unexpected, but you did as told. Steering him down, you helped his fingers find your bundle of nerves and he rubbed at it curiously.
“Yes,” you sighed in pleasure.
Mark was salivating at how sensitive you were to his touches, thrusting into you eagerly for good measure. “It feels good?”
“So good.”
“It’s making you tighter,” he said, stroking his cock inside you deep.
You taunted, “If you really wanna feel how tight I get, make me come.”
Mark swallowed loudly. Pressing a kiss beneath your ear, he said, “Tell me how to do it,” with a tone that left no room for argument.
“When you feel close, slow down,” you told him, brushing your hands over his arms affectionately, coaxing him. “Edge yourself for me. Until we come together.”
With a nod, Mark kissed your cheek, which felt both intimate and possessive, and released your waist in favor of your hips.
You were too fucking tight and warm. Mark was humiliated at being so close to orgasm already when he’d only just begun and the sound of his hips colliding with your plump ass turned him on so bad he kept biting his lip to stifle a groan. He was ready to sell his soul to you just for the chance to empty himself inside you again, but he wanted to feel you come.
Mark stilled, body trembling a little with restraint. You smirked, knowing he was close to finishing.
You purred, “Good boy. That’s it.”
Mark’s jaw went slack and he moaned as you started rolling your hips, grinding back against him. You knew exactly what you were doing. There was no thrusting. You weren’t pushing him back to the edge. Your pace wasn’t fast enough. But your pussy clenched on his cock, so wet with arousal the insides of your thighs were slick with it.
You giggled when Mark reeled a hand back and slapped your ass. He just couldn’t resist. You wiggled your hips from side to side to make your ass bounce for him, working yourself on his stiff cock.
“You like being balls deep in me, baby?”
Mark groaned. Girls weren’t supposed to talk like that. But fuck, it turned him on.
“Say it,” you hissed, throwing yourself back on him, sending a loud, wet slap echoing through the tiny closet.
“It’s good,” Mark said hurriedly, wanting to please you. He squeezed your hips in his hands to the point of bruising and watched you take his cock. “You feel so fucking good. I can’t… fucking…”
That made you fuck him harder, arching your back.
“Fuck!” Mark snapped, folding himself over you, pinning you to the cabinet and throttling his cock into you, drilling your pussy at a brutal pace.
Your eyes rolled back, your toes curled and you moaned at the top of your lungs for him. The angle was just right. He was hitting your sweet spot, making you suck in a breath and beg him, “Don’t stop, Mark. Please, don’t stop.”
Unfortunately, hearing you moan like that and beg him to keep pounding you made Mark’s cock twitch with warning. Mark let out a mangled groan, stilling inside you abruptly, because he was there - again. “Shit. I’m sorry,” he stammered, kneading your clothed breasts. “I was close.”
You steered his fingers to your clit again and made circles with your hips with him sheathed inside, trying not to lose the edge he was bringing you toward. “I’m close too, baby,” you assured him. “Hang in there a little bit longer.”
Mark’s heart skipped a beat. He rolled your clit with his fingertips, peppering kisses on your neck, tasting the salt of your sweat on his tongue. He was pressed so tightly against you and locked inside you.
He could feel your labored breaths, just like his. He could feel your racing pulse beneath his fingers. It moved at the same furious pace as his own. Your skin was hot and sticky with sweat. His too. He could feel it running down his back.
It hit Mark like a ton of bricks. This was what intimacy felt like. Tangled together with another person, not knowing where he ended and you began.
And Mark knew then and there he didn’t want to live without it. Nor did he ever want to let someone tell him he couldn’t have it.
Mark lifted you up, your shoulders against his chest. He cradled your jaw in his hand, tilting your head so he could kiss your cheek and the corner of your mouth. You sighed at the affection, both of you still moving hungrily but gently in tandem with each other.
“You were right,” Mark said breathlessly. “There’s nothing wrong about this.”
You smiled. Not from victory this time, but acceptance. Maybe he was right too. Maybe sex could also be treated as a special thing between two people. There was a connection between you and Mark, and you were done fighting it.
Mark desperately wanted you to say something. Deep down, he hoped that he was more than another quick fuck for you. Though to his credit, there was nothing quick about this time.
“You were right too,” you finally whispered, making Mark’s eyes flicker. “Maybe it should be treated with more respect.”
Mark turned your head and smashed his lips on yours, kissing you with such intensity your heart stopped beating in your chest for a moment. At least you thought it did. It was rapturous and made your legs weak.
If not for Mark holding you to him, you would have fallen to your knees.
Mark broke from the kiss, but held you in place, making you stare into his eyes as he took you, as he started thrusting hard and deep again. Your mouth was open, panting for air, because you knew you weren’t in control anymore.
You had surrendered to him.
And Mark knew what to do now. His body followed instinct. He lost himself in your eyes, no thought in his head except how perfectly you wrapped around his cock and how he wouldn’t stop until you came for him. On him. With him.
You’d broken him. He was ready to break you back.
“Mark…,” you choked out, scraping your nails over the cabinet. “I’m coming.”
Music to Mark’s ears. He tightened his grip on your neck, making sure you knew that you were his now. His breath was hot on your cheek, rapid like the pace of his cock slamming into you. He pinched your clit with his fingers, feeling your walls pulse around his dick.
You squirmed. You couldn’t help it. Your body arched into him involuntarily, warmth spilling over between your legs. His touch on your bundle of nerves teetered dangerously toward overstimulation, but it was that perfect cock hitting your sweet spot that finished you.
“Come with me,” you barely managed to say before crying out in ecstasy, your core tightening and your legs shaking.
Mark kept burying his cock inside you to the very end, his hips smacking into your ass. You could hear him grunting and swearing past the ringing in your ears, his thrusts turning ragged with how tightly your cunt gripped him.
“Holy shit,” Mark growled, struggling to keep his hold on you as you writhed. Then with a shudder, Mark came, bottoming out and releasing with a moan that rivaled yours, painting your walls with his release.
As you drifted back down, you undulated as best you could, kneading every drop out of him. You let the cabinet support your weight, catching your breath while Mark went soft inside you.
Mark clung to you, but at this point, you weren’t surprised. And you kinda liked it.
Okay, you really liked it. Finally, you felt like you could belong somewhere. Tangled up with Mark.
With a kiss to your temple, Mark stepped back, his cock slipping out of you, and you sighed at the loss of him, feeling both of your releases dripping from your folds.
Mark’s eyes were on your sex and seeing his cum mingle with your juices made him want to kill any man that dared lay eyes on you. He tried not to think about how he would walk out of there like nothing happened, but you would be carrying the evidence between your legs.
It should not have turned him on the way it did.
The two of you dressed in silence, occasionally stealing glances of each other, but there was no awkwardness this time. Instead, tension settled over the room.
Where did you go from here?
Mark was the first boy you’d fucked a second time. You weren’t usually one for encore performances. He was also the first boy you couldn’t get off your mind. And given what Mark had said to you - to say nothing of how he looked at you - the feeling was mutual.
“What’s wrong?” you asked sweetly, though you had some idea.
Conflicted emotions were colliding in both of you for totally different reasons.
Mark had fully dressed, but made no moves to leave. He stared at you, wishing he could put into words how you made him feel.
“I want to hold you.”
You blinked and your heart clenched in your chest. For a moment, you studied him. Cautious. But you knew from the start it was a losing battle. “Hold me,” you said, reaching for him.
Mark closed the distance between you and swept you up in his arms. You closed your eyes and tucked your head beneath his chin, breathing him in. Mark’s hand was lost in your hair, the other resting at the small of your back.
You didn’t realize how hard you were holding onto him until it was too late to stop.
“Maybe we could see each other again,” Mark said in a low voice.
You fought the tears as they burned your eyes.
Mark tugged at your hair, searching your face. “You could teach me more about intimacy and being human.”
You allowed yourself to smile at him, appreciating his efforts to diffuse the tension. “Okay.”
“And I could teach you about trust and commitment?”
Two things you staunchly avoided, but you recognized the soft lilt in his voice, framing it as a request and not a demand. Too many people had tried to force you to see the error of your ways and they were met with resistance.
You would never let anyone conquer you, but maybe you could make a little window in the walls around your heart so Mark could sneak inside from time to time.
Maybe he’d make a home there.
Either way, you wanted to watch him try.
“Alright, Mark. You win this time,” you whispered, rising to your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
Mark grinned and kissed you back.
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strawberrymochin · 2 months
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Dentist :- Gojo suggests going to the dentist to pull out Megumi's loose tooth.
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A lot of things bother Megumi fushiguro. The zenin kid has beef with pretty much everything, such as socializing, loud people, and gojo satoru.
He recently developed a new ick for anything sweet, after gojo's repeated attacks on his candies.
From the past few days, this list of megumi's discommodes has added a new hassle to deal with.
One of his teeth from his upper jaw has been annoying him for quite a while. First of all it was mild, almost not noticeable, thus he shrugged it off. Then, it got slightly inconvenient, the tingly sensation he would feel while eating or having a cold drink was irritating.
Though he still didn't inform anything about it to you, he thought the pain would go away naturally and it's maybe because he ain't brushing that hard.
And as the thought process of a 7 year kid suggests, last night he brushed his teeth extra hard thinking it might help and subsequently this morning he woke up with a pain even more worse.
Megumi came out of his room, which he shares with Tsumiki, he has been in his room for half of the morning pretending to be asleep, debating with himself whether he should go and inform you or maybe wait a bit more for the pain to magically disappear.
And when he finally couldn't handle it anymore, wanting you to get his of his problem he couldn't find you.
'Whatcha doin' kid?' asks gojo, closing the refrigerator, after taking out a bottle of water to sip. He had been noticing megumi for a while, going in and out of your bedroom. He assumes Megumi wants breakfast, opening the refrigerator once again to take out the carton of milk, the loaf of bread and the jar of jam.
'brush your teeth if you haven't, till then I will get your breakfast ready.' he says, winking at the kid proudly, thinking he's such a good guardian, picking up on megumi's necessities. After all he had spent $531 on buying all those parenting books aren't worthless. So what if, he had only read 6 out of those 57 books? He would have scoffed at toji, teasing him how he knows megumi better than him.
'I don't want breakfast.' said Megumi plainly, what? An invisible arrow passes through gojo's heart, how can he be wrong? He turns around with a swift motion, discarding the breads on the counter, which he was about to put in the toaster.
Megumi isn't even looking at him, he's busy staring at the clock. 'why won't you have breakfast? Are you implying that I can't even toast a bread?'
'maybe. Where are y/n san and tsumiki?'
'out for grocery—wait don't change the topic, what do you mean by mayb—' he was about to ramble on when he noticed megumi a little more clearly.
He walked up to him, bending himself to his level, pulling at his blindfold, eyeing him as he removes them completely. Megumi's one hand is cupping his cheek, while the other is curled into a tight fist.
'You've got a teeth problem?'
'how do you kno—ah—hurts...'
'yes! I knew it. My days of reading those books aren't useless.' he felt pleased at himself, wanting to perform a ballet right now. However he calmed himself, taking a look at megumi glowering at him.
'open your mouth wide, lemme see. Which one? This?' megumi nods at him, as he figures out, he has a loose teeth.
The first one.
'you've a loose teeth. It will fall out on its own.'
'it's normal. A new one will grow out from the bare spot.' He said pushing a bit at the teeth to see how loose it is.
'ahh hurts!'
'can't do much about that.'
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Megumi tucks at his sleeve, it's only been 15 minutes since gojo announced his teeth will fall out. 'what now?'
He stays quiet for a while, head low, then slowly murmurs, 'it hurts, can't you do something about it?'
'well then, open your mouth, lemme pull it out.'
'what! No!'
'you want it out right? This is the only option then.' gojo shrugs.
'or else....'
'or else?'
'we have to go to the dentist. They will take it out with a tool, like an big sized tweezer. Let's go, shall we?'
'Hell no.'
'then lemme pull it out. Won't hurt much i swear. Open your mouth wide.'
'aaa—' Megumi opens his mouth hesitatingly, unsure what his Sensei might do, but he definitely doesn't want to pull it out with a tweezer.
'Megumi, what do you want for lunch?' gojo asks diverting megumi's attention, and before he could answer, gojo slowly pressures his index and thumb on his teeth plucking it out with little effort and a 'ow' from megumi.
'see here you go.' standing up proudly handing up his teeth in the air in victory, when megumi kicks him, 'ahh, what was that for?' he asks.
'you said it wouldn't hurt. Moreover it feels weird and blood is coming out.'
'you will get used to it. There's still a whole set of teeth to fall.'
Megumi's mouth fall wide open, at his sensei's words, he wishes the next time its you getting rid of it gently, like you do for other things. And not gojo coming up with more ideas to pluck his teeth off.
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You came home to a proud gojo, flexing megumi's first loose tooth, he pulled out. He even suggested preserving it with raisin as a memory. You chuckle as Megumi shows you the gap between his teeths and how weird it feels.
'hey babe! You know what, the next time he gets another loose tooth lemme use my cursed energy to get it out.'
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livingformintyoongi · 1 month
hello author!!! been loving your work!!!
my request is : enemies to lovers yoongi / oc
They could be former classmates, always fighting for being the class #1. Been rivals through college, and now ended up working for the same company. They get teemed up for the same project and end up working late at the company building (they could be at yoongi's office) .yn and him start bikering about some dumb shit, tension builds up and they fuck on top of his work desk (bj, back shots?, doggy? fucking raw?)
thank you in advanceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Work night
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a/n: Thank you for loving my works and for making the request 💕💕, I wrote this with the most depressing songs I could find from Taylor's ttpd album, I hope the effect was anything but depressing. I used the name of the oc I have for Yoongi because in the request it says it's Yoongi/oc, I hope you don't mind :( in any case it only says her name two or three times. warnings: doggystyle, back shot, unprotected sex, bj (m receiving), fucking raw, hair pulling, wc: 3.6k
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"Move away" you whispered once your boss got out of the elevator. Noticing that Yoongi had no intention of moving from your side, you nudged him with your elbow.
"What's your problem?" he turned to look at you, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He didn't understand why you had just hit him so hard.
"What's your problem?" you said while stressing the "your", looking at Yoongi with a frown, "You have the whole elevator to stand on to wait for your floor, why are you sticking to my side?" you snorted, crossing your arms over your chest and trying to count to 10 so you wouldn't throw yourself on top of him and pull at his hair until you pulled out a large lock.  
"There were more people here, I had no choice" he rolled his eyes, setting his briefcase on the floor and shaking out his hair. He was aware that next to you there were always fights, but he figured that, if your boss gave this project to both of them, you would be considerably less. 
"There's the rub, Min, there were people here, there aren't any more, they left, so keep your distance," you looked at the red number above the door indicating which floor they were on. Only three more and they would finally arrive at Yoongi's office. You didn't know why it had to be his, but you preferred it that way, yours was a total mess.
"You are so annoying."
"Look who's talking" you pulled out your cell phone, not wanting to put up with Yoongi anymore. You checked your messages and calls, everything was empty, except for a message from your granny asking you not to skip any meals.
"What? Your boyfriend didn't text you "good luck at your job" this morning?" whispered Yoongi teasingly, looking at your cell phone out of the corner of his eye. He lightly squeezed his briefcase when he saw the name you had for your boyfriend.
"We broke up a few weeks ago" you stowed your cell phone in the back pocket of your pants, your gaze fixed on the elevator door. "Apparently his parents didn't like the idea of someone like me dating him."
"And he dumped you because of that?" he frowned slightly, staring at your profile. You looked more depressed than usual, but he was sure it was due to work stress, not some jerk you had to put up with for almost a year and a half, "How stupid, I can tell you have bad taste in everything."
"Excuse me?" you turned your head in his direction, frowning as you saw him flash you that cocky grin he gave you every time he wanted to annoy you
"Honey, that wouldn't happen to you if you had a more critical eye and dated real men."
"And what's a real man to you?" you raised your eyebrows, knowing he'd say something stupid that you'd then hang on to make his life miserable. That's how you've spent the last thirteen years living it.
"A real man wouldn't leave you waiting for his message for hours, he would remember that your birthday is November twenty-fifth, he would know that you love desserts and hate too bitter food, he would be aware that you love the color red and hate the color gray because it depresses you" with every word he gave he would get one step closer to you, and, with every step he took towards you, you backed away, "if he were a real man, he wouldn't give a shit what his parents said because he would love you enough to leave them and fight for you, because he would know that he would be worth it just to have a life by your side," you bumped into the elevator wall, shrinking in place the moment Yoongi rested his forearm on the side of your face. "Tell me, Chaeyoung, was he able to do any of all that?".
"Why did you get so close?" you swallowed saliva, staring into Yoongi's eyes. For some reason, you felt like you were incapable of looking at anything other than them. 
"Why are you avoiding my question?" he whispered in front of your face, close enough to almost brush your noses.
"I'm not-" the sound of the elevator doors opening threw you completely out of focus. You pushed Yoongi away and quickly stepped out, fixing your hair awkwardly, "Let's go to your office, I'm tired, I want to finish this quickly."
"Fine" he sighed in response, stepping out of the elevator and walking to his office. "Did you bring the papers?".
"Yes" you mumbled, walking behind him. Your gaze was fixed on his back, and you couldn't help but think about how he knew so many things about you. Yes, you had known each other for thirteen years, but you only spoke to each other to argue, there literally wasn't a conversation where one of you hadn't raised your voice to the other. 
"Okay, let's get this over with as soon as possible," he said as he opened the door to his office, waiting for you to enter.
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You stared at your laptop screen for a few seconds, trying to clear your head without letting sleep take over. You had been working for more than ten hours, your head was starting to hurt and your stomach was twisting because of the hunger you felt. There were only a few details left to finish, so you thought it might be a good idea to take a coffee break.
You looked at Yoongi, who seemed to be too focused on reading the papers you had brought earlier to pay any attention to you. You brought your thumbnail to your mouth, biting it lightly. Would it be okay for you to go get a cup of coffee when he's still working on the project? 
"Stop biting your nail" he muttered with his eyes still fixed on the papers.
You rolled your eyes, getting up from the red velvet chair in his office and walking to the door. 
"Where are you going?" Yoongi's view rises just enough to see your back stop in front of the glass door that separated his office from the hallway.
"Do you mind?" you turn to see him, raising your eyebrows. The situation earlier had made you completely forget that the idiot standing in front of you was Min fucking Yoongi, the same one who made your life miserable in school, the same one who chose the same career as you, and the same one who had gotten a job at the same fucking company.
"Yes, I need to know where you're going because this is a job that belongs to both of us," he rose from his chair, both hands resting on his impeccably neat and clean desk. You hated that he kept everything in order, it reminded you of how disorganized you were in your daily life. "I'm not doing your part for free."
"And I don't need you to do it" you snorted, approaching him firmly. You were sick of his shitty behavior. "I will come back here and finish that fucking report without your help, do you understand?".
Yoongi was silent for a few seconds, rounding his desk and standing in front of you, "You're always so rude, shouldn't you watch your vocabulary at work?".
Your legs trembled slightly at having him stand in front of you, but you did your best to keep him from noticing. You took a couple more steps toward him, wanting him to feel just as intimidated as you had felt in the elevator. Your stomach did a flip as you remembered how close he had been to you.
"We're off the clock, so I don't have the need to mind my vocabulary" you whispered, keeping your gaze locked on Yoongi's. You weren't sure what you wanted to gain from this, but what you wanted to gain, you wanted. 
"Being off the clock allows you to treat your coworkers like this?" you noticed how his eyes lowered to stop on your lips.
You tried to ignore that, but it was tricky when you were so close to him, when you could smell his perfume, feel his breath crash against yours. You seriously tried to be strong and control your biological urges, but he wasn't helping.
"Shut the fuck up" you pressed your index finger into his chest with the intention of pushing him back. To your surprise, the instant your finger touched his chest, his hand grabbed your wrist hard enough to stop you without hurting you. 
"I was hoping you'd say that," he gave you the sexiest shit-eating grin you could have ever seen in your life, only to, seconds later, tug on your arm and kiss you.
You weren't sure what surprised you more, the fact that he kissed you, or the fact that you kissed him back almost instantly, clinging to his neck with your arms while he did the same with your waist. You'd like to say that you never imagined this would happen, that you never subconsciously (and consciously) dreamed about how Yoongi's lips would feel on yours, but if you said that you'd be lying to yourself, because, shit, the amount of times you'd dreamed about something like this were too many.
If your mouth wasn't too busy sucking on Yoongi's bottom lip, you'd probably ask him if the same thing had happened to him and that's why he was now kissing you like his life depended on it. It's not like you were going to complain anyway.
Yoongi's hands were quick to unbutton your shirt as his tongue enjoyed exploring and licking every corner of your mouth it could reach. You decided to focus on stroking and pulling his hair until he moaned from the burning in his head. You could become addicted to the hoarse sound of his moans.
"Shit, did you wear a lace bra to come to work?" he whispered against your lips, focusing his gaze on your breasts wrapped in red lace fabric. In fact, it was your favorite outfit.
"It's just that it was the only clean one" you followed his gaze, looking at your breasts, "my dryer went bad and it's difficult to get them dry in the middle of winter".
"Bless your dryer" he began to form a path of kisses starting at your jaw and ending at your shoulder. Your shirt by this point was already lying somewhere in the room, and it really wasn't something you cared too much about. 
You tilted your head to the side, closing your eyes and enjoying the sensations of Yoongi's wet kisses against your skin. His veiny hands soon stopped on your tits, giving gentle squeezes on the fabric. You shivered as you felt his cool fingers on your barely covered nipples.
"Is your mouth as good at sucking cock as it is at insulting me?" he whispered close to your ear, caressing the curve of your ass with one hand and your breasts with the other. 
"Just so you know, I'm pretty good at giving blowjobs" you said between gasps, pulling on his hair as you felt his teeth bury themselves on your skin.
A shiver ran down your back as you heard the sound of his belt clacking against the floor. 
"Don't say it, show it" he unzipped his pants, but without removing them completely. He slipped a hand inside his boxers so he could pull out his cock. You almost gagged at the sight of it.
You didn't expect it to be so big.
"What's that face?" he cocked his head slightly, trying to meet your gaze.
"It's the same face you've always seen" you muttered, grabbing your hair and forming a bun with your hands. It was bigger than you were used to, but that wasn't going to stop you from doing a good job. This was more for your pride than to satisfy him.
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Yoongi never imagined he would end up having you kneeling in front of him, grabbing your hair so it wouldn't stick to your face, touching his cock with your fingertips, seeing it as if it was the first time you'd ever seen one. Yes, that sight was something Yoongi had only allowed himself to imagine since he first saw you, but to make that vision a reality thirteen years later? He wasn't sure what he had done to have this luck, but he was truly grateful.
"Well, at least now I understand why you were throwing so many flowers at yourself" you whispered, licking his cleft with the tip of your tongue. "Your cock is nice" you looked at Yoongi, running your hand up the length of his member, stopping at his head to draw circles over his cleft.
He wasn't sure what kind of response you wanted to those comments, he wouldn't have been able to respond to them anyway, at least not in this position. 
You left a trail of kisses from the head to the base of his cock only to return upward with a long lick. You smiled proudly as you heard him sigh heavily. It was only until you reached the tip of his member again that you decided to take him into your mouth.
Yoongi almost choked as he noticed that you got it all the way in in one go.
"Shit, Chaeyoung" he moaned, reaching down his hand to grab your hair between his fingers.
You hummed still with him inside your mouth, eliciting another hoarse moan from him. 
You tried to keep a slow pace, not because you couldn't do it faster, but because you seriously thought that's what he wanted. To you Yoongi was always a lazy person, someone who always seemed to move slow, so it made the most sense that he would be that way in sex too.
You knew you were wrong when his grip on your hair became firmer, leaving your head static as he took it upon himself to grind his hips against your mouth. 
"Fuck, you were right, your mouth feels so good," he said huskily, letting his head fall back, his hips grinding faster and harder against your face.
By this point it was impossible for your eyes not to release a tear or two and a trickle of saliva to escape your lips. This man was a brute, you thought to yourself. Somehow that turned you on even more.
Yoongi's brow furrowed as he felt your throat quiver at your soft moans. This felt so much better than any wet dream he'd had in the past with you. He couldn't help but look down to see how you looked sucking his cock. If he had had a camera handy he would have taken a picture of you. This was the first time he had ever seen you cry, and while it's likely that in another context he would have even felt sorry for you, right now all he could think about was how badly he wanted to ravage you like this every chance he got.
You raised your hands, clinging to Yoongi's hips as you closed your eyes and tried not to think about how deep he was thrusting into your mouth. You had to bury your fingernails in his pants when he thrust too hard. You would have a terrible pain in your jaw after that.
After giving you that lunge he let go of your hair and pulled his cock out of your mouth, allowing you to breathe easy. You brought your hand to your throat, rubbing it gently, it hurt a little, but it was totally worth it. 
"Come here" Yoongi said, lifting you up easily and leaning you against the desk. He caressed your still clothed hips, pausing for a few seconds to contemplate your back, the shape of your body, the line of your lingerie. He wanted to taste every nook and cranny. He was determined to taste every little bit of skin in front of him, even if it took weeks. "I like your back" he whispered, bringing his hand up to touch your lower back.
"Thank you" you murmured, turning your head so you could see him, "now would you, I don't know, shut your fucking mouth and do something with me? You owe me."
"You always ruin the moment" he rolled his eyes, unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down. He couldn't help but take your buttocks in his hands, squeezing them lightly. They looked good with the red lace over them. For a second he thought maybe red would be his new favorite color.
His fingers dug in between the lace, seeking your entrance. He almost moaned as he felt how wet you were. He always thought you'd be someone sensitive in bed, but he never thought you'd get like this just from giving him a blowjob.
"You're so wet" he whispered, collecting your juices with his fingers and slipping it back into your pussy. He smiled as he heard you squeal. "And so sensitive, are you sure you can handle my cock?".
He didn't wait for an answer from you, he simply placed the head of his member over your entrance, moving it up and down, barely opening your pussy, all with the intention of teasing you. 
You moaned helplessly as you noticed he had no intention of fucking you. To your luck that was quickly fixed. You held onto the table and, just as his cock brushed your entrance, you pushed your hips back. You had to bury your fingernails in your palms to keep from letting out a scream. You were aware that his cock wasn't even halfway in yet, but it still felt so big.
"Shit, you seriously are a desperate bitch" he growled under his breath, resting his hand on your lower back. He was already inside, what else could he do but fuck you?
 You screamed as Yoongi pushed his entire member inside you, causing your hips to crash against the desk and one of your heels to fall to the floor. Just as he did when you gave him the blowjob, Yoongi didn't go with games. He rested his chest against your back, hugging your waist so he could give himself momentum and make his lunges harder and deeper.
"Yoongi" you gasped, resting your forehead against the wood of his desk. This man had no mercy, and you were beginning to wonder if he was trying to get even for all the bad times you put him through in the past. 
He just hid his face in your neck, leaving wet kisses down your bare skin. His cock stirred slightly inside you as he heard his name leave your lips. He had waited for this moment for so many years.  
As if that were possible, his onslaught grew faster, hitting all the right spots to make you gasp and moan uncontrollably. Your whole body trembled as his cock hit your G-spot with too much force. This time you couldn't hold back the scream that wanted to escape your lips.  
"What was that?" he said in a mocking voice, hitting the same spot again, this time harder. He didn't expect you to tighten around him as he did so. "God, you're so tight, so wet."  
You let your weight fall onto the desk, closing your eyes and keeping your mouth open so you could moan freely. Little tears were leaking from your eyes from the intense pleasure you were feeling. Yoongi made you feel so full, he knew so well where to touch, at what pace to go. You loved how fast he learned to read you.  
"Stop pounding there" you said between moans, trying to keep the knot in your belly from loosening, not so soon at least. "I don't want to come yet."  
Yoongi left a mark near your shoulder, pushing your hair aside to get a better look at it. It felt so good to finally mark you as his. "It’s okay, babe, do it, we have plenty of time to indulge in a long sex session."  
The idea that the two of you would repeat tonight made you quite excited, much more excited than you'd like to say out loud. To your bad luck, your brain didn't seem to want to grasp that idea, leaving your body to show how much you had liked the idea, letting the knot in your center untie and you came on Yoongi's cock with a loud moan. 
Yoongi almost lost his mind watching you decompensate under him, but he was still aware enough of the situation to cum inside you. He quickly pulled out of your pussy, masturbating at the same pace he had kept while he had been fucking you, letting his release fall onto your back, sending shivers down your spine.   
You took a moment to regulate your breathing before you turned to look at Yoongi, "There better not be cum in my hair."  
"Stop whining" he whispered, bending down to your face level and leaving a soft kiss on your lips. "Better get up and get dressed, let's take the stuff to my place and finish the job there, so you can take the opportunity to clean your back well." He fixed his pants and grabbed your clothes from the floor, "In the drawer there are some tissues, give me one, I'll clean your back."  
"Ugh, it feels strange that you treat me decently" you laughed under your breath, fixing your underwear as you took the tissues he asked for.  
"You should get used to it" he pulled one out, gently running it down your back, trying not to get any trace of his seed on you.  
"I will" you smiled, closing your eyes at Yoongi's touch on your back, and almost melted as you felt his lips kiss your head.  
Yes, you were definitely willing to get used to this.
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laurfilijames · 6 months
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All I Want...
Pairing: Will Miller x reader
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst. Swearing. PTSD. Panic attack. Mentions of an unhappy childhood, military service, personnel being KIA. Tom's death. Grief. People being unhappy at Christmas. (There's some fluff too, bear with me!)
Summary: Will tries to fight off a panic attack early on Christmas morning, his unenthusiastic feelings toward the holiday making him feel guilty on top of everything else on his mind, only to be reminded that it's okay to not feel festive and that he's not alone.
A/N: I'll be the first one to admit that Christmas isn't all it's cracked up to be sometimes. People often call me Scrooge, but I've learned over the years to prioritize my mental health around the holidays and take it all in stride. To those who struggle in any kind of way this time of year, I see you, and this is for you.
This fic follows some of my headcanons about the Miller brothers in that they didn't have a great upbringing, and that Will often suffers from poor sleep and panic attacks.
Scrooge. The Grinch.
These were some of the names bestowed upon Will over the years, his less than enthusiastic feelings toward Christmas noticed and pointed out as often as possible during the holiday season by those closest to him, mainly Benny.
It was innocent enough, his brother, Fish and Pope all aware and understanding to the reasons why Will wasn’t overly excited, but sometimes it got under his skin and the temptation to tell Ben to fuck off sat on the tip of his tongue on more than one occasion when he got going on a roll of teasing him.
He always tried his best to keep his opinions to himself, not caring to bring it up in order to avoid the shock and disbelief that someone could hate Christmas, having to stand and painfully listen to whoever was scolding his humbug ways try to convert him and preach all the reasons why it was so magical.
He had been this way for as long as he could remember, the earliest memories of an unhappy Christmas morning tucked away in the back of his mind until they inevitably were pushed back to the surface each time the radio stations turned their usual music to all the annoying holiday songs and people started asking the mundane “Are you ready for Christmas?” questions to everyone who never wanted to give an honest answer. He could always see the stress most people carried with them this time of year, the worry of spending money they didn’t have and not meeting expectations evident on their faces as they frantically rushed around to get all the things ticked off their lists to make the day ‘perfect’.
Perfect was never a word Will would use to describe any of his past Christmases, the thought making him scoff and shake his head as he looked up at the night sky, counting the stars as a way to try to clear the persistent thoughts that had gotten him out of bed at 3:26 AM.
Vivid images that he had tried to blur and forget always reappeared no matter how hard he tried; his parents yelling from the kitchen loud enough he had to peel Benny and his one toy from under the tree to go outside to get away from the anger, not to mention the countless Christmas mornings he woke up to gunfire or spent the day trudging through the rain and freezing cold, or had sweat clinging to his back in the heat of the desert, more often than not spending December 25th on tour and deployed somewhere that mimicked hell.
Will couldn’t help but feel guilt more than usual on days like today, thinking of all the families whose sons or daughters, husbands or wives and everything between never made it home to celebrate another Christmas with them, that shame becoming part of the reason he tended to make sure he was always off serving somewhere, not feeling like he deserved to be in the warm comforts of home with those he loved.
Add that to the long list of things his ex resented him for, one more thing he could never do right, and something else she refused to make an effort to understand despite him trying to explain it.
Today it seemed to all weigh more than it normally did.
Tom’s death was still fresh in all their minds, this being the first Christmas Molly and the girls would have to spend without him, and the thought of their irreparable grief made Will want to crumble.
He exhaled a long breath, blowing it out shakily from his lungs, his chest feeling tight as his heart pounded inside it like a caged animal.
He inhaled as slowly as he could manage, one, two, three, counting in his head to gain control over the quickly rising panic.
Exhaling out, one, two, three, his heart still hammering, his pulse furiously thrumming in his neck.
His hand shook as he lifted it up to rub the back of his neck roughly, feeling sweat accumulating on it and dampening his palm that was equally wet.
The steadiness of the number of seconds between each laboured breath was doing little to keep him calm, the thoughts of his conversation with you a couple of days prior echoing in his mind to drown them out along with the ringing in his ears.
You swore up and down a hundred times that you were fine with not celebrating, assuring him that you were relieved to not make a fuss over Christmas and reminding him that your own views of it were also plagued by unhappy memories; that being alone with him was more a gift than anything wrapped in paper and bows under a tree. He knew you meant it when you said you wanted to hide away with him until the madness of it all was over, but now his mind was playing tricks on him, making him doubt your words and sending him into a tailspin over projecting his attitude toward it on you.
But he knew you wouldn’t lie to him.
He kept on that train of thought as his fingers wrapped around the railing on the deck, gripping into the wood as hard as he could, feeling the splintered pieces from years of weather digging into his skin. Drawing in another short breath and gasping slightly, he did his best to remember why he came outside in the first place, seeking fresh air that ironically had become suffocating.
One, two, three, he repeated to himself again, closing his eyes to better focus on slowing his breathing down.
A minute and thirty-seven seconds had passed with him concentrating, able to let the consistency of the numbers aid him as he continued to count, the feel of your warm hands slipping up his cold, clammy back allowing him to finally release the tension he had been holding in his shoulders.
“I’m okay,” he muttered, his voice lacking the conviction he hoped it had.
“I never thought you weren’t,” you whispered, your hands still pressing reassuringly on his torso as you moved beside him, your lips meeting his shoulder to kiss it twice.
Will smiled, grateful for your belief in him, never making him feel weak or like he needed saving, simply there with a love and empathy he had sought his whole life.
He released his grip on the rail and glanced over at you, shooting you a weak smile gathering you in his arms for a hug, kissing the top of your head appreciatively while you continued to rub your hands in a calming, languid pattern across his skin.
“I love you,” he murmured, feeling his heart beat in a stronger rhythm different from how it had moments ago.
“I love you too, Will,” your lips moved against his chest, your arms squeezing him a little tighter as you pressed yourself closer to his body.
“You’re sure you’re happy to spend Christmas this way?”
“More than happy,” you reiterated, pulling your face away to look at him, his blue eyes like flames against the deep navy of the night sky.
“Okay,” he sighed, leaning in to kiss you.
“You know there’s that song, ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’,” you smiled, watching his expression change, his grin stretching out to form the creases in his cheeks as he shook his head.
“Please don’t sing it.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Will chuckled and kissed you again, slowly, his tongue slipping into your mouth with a gentle demand.
“Let’s get back to bed,” he said quietly, nodding toward the house after he broke the seal of your lips.
As he led you into the house, your fingers laced with his, he thought how maybe he could find ways to celebrate Christmas with you that wouldn’t make it all seem so terrible, the idea of creating your own traditions somewhat exciting to him.
He smiled at you over his shoulder, stopping in the middle of the hallway where he clasped your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, his body pressing into yours with a need to show you just how much you meant to him, knowing that as long as he was with you he could face anything.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 11 months
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Summary: You get kidnapped by ghost face
Warnings: torture but it doesn’t really go into detail, angst
WC; 5.1k
Author note: not proofread, English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes in advanced. hope you enjoy:)
"Tara I'll only be gone for the weekend. I'll be back Monday morning."
"But why can't I go with you."
"You have that exam tomorrow and you can't miss it. I'll be back before you know it." You zipped up your bag and turned around to see the adorable pouty of face of your best friend. You smiled and walked towards her.
"You won't even notice I'm gone. Plus didn't Mindy say she set you up on a date with someone?" You tried to hid the sadness in your voice at the mere thought of Tara going on a date with someone. You spent most of your friendship with Tara hiding your feelings from her. And you had to give your self credit. You were great at hiding your feelings.
"Ugh yes. She's setting me up with this guy from one of her classes." She rolled her eyes as she helped you with your bag. Packing the spare of glasses you had, she knew how you'd always tended to misplace them. "But I don't have to go. I haven't said yes. And I'd also rather spend my time with you. Your parents love me"
"I would like for you come with but Sam would probably kill me if you miss that final tomorrow. You can come with me next time." You offered ignoring the way your heart thumped in your ears at mention of her rather spending her time with you.
"I called you an Uber so you didn't have to take a taxi. And it's five minutes away." Quinn said as she stood next your open door. Leaning on the door as she smiled at you.
"Thanks Quinn. You didn't have t-Don't worry about it babe. You know you got a special place in my heart." You took a glance at Tara only to see her smile no longer there, replaced with a scowl as she looked at your guys roommate.
"Okay well thanks Quinn. I'll be down in a bit."
She smiled and winked at you, "It's a black SUV Cadillac." Then she walked away. Leaving you and Tara in what felt like awkward silence.
"Come on. Walk me out?"
"You sure you don't want Quinn to do that. You two have grown close." She spoke in an annoyed tone. Her eyes still starting at the spot where Quinn once stood.
"Tara." You sighed gently taking the your bag that Tara still held and slinging it over your shoulder. "Come on. I want you to walk me out." You held out your hand for her to take. You watched as her annoyance melted away, she took your hand and led you out of your room with a huff.
"Bye guys. I'll see on Monday. Where's Ethan?" You waved only to stop when your best friend wasn't in the room. You had met Ethan at the very start of the year and grew close, having the same hobbies. You two bonded for your shared love over video games.
"He said he had a study group he couldn't miss. He told me to tell you he'll miss you and to bring him something." Quinn spoke from her spot on the couch where she sat in between Chad and Anika. Sam and Mindy were in the kitchen making dinner.
"Bye Y/nn have a safe trip." Sam smiled sharing quick hug. She had known you for quite a while. She also cared deeply about you, seeing as she knew you from such a young age. She also knew how you were in love with her younger sister. She had promised not to say anything but she had tried to push you into telling her. Even going as far as trying to get her sister to tell you about her feelings. After the murders of Woodsboro 2022 not only had she become protective of her family. But so did you. Especially over Tara. She had watched how you watched over Tara after she was attacked. Going as far as staying at the hospital. She watched how you did everything in your power to make sure Tara was safe.
The rest of your friends said their goodbyes and you made your way out of the apartment with Tara. The short brunette kept your hand in hers as she lead you down the steps on to the side walk in front the of apartment complex. You saw the black SUV a man wearing a black yankee hat and a black face mask was in the driver seat with the passenger seat window down.
"For Y/n?"
"Yea that's me. Can I get a second?" You asked the man, he nodded and shot you a thumbs up.
"I don't want you to go." You heard Tara mumble as she leaned into the arm she was still holding.
"Tar it's only three days." You pulled her into a hug, she buried her face into your chest her arms wrapping tightly around your waist. You both stayed there for what felt like forever. Before pulling away. She looked up at you through her eyelashes.
"I'll always notice when you're gone." She said in a soft voice.
"I'll be back first thing Monday morning. I have to go. I'll be back before you know it." Without thinking you leaned down kissed the top of her head. You watched as her eyes widen and her cheeks turn pink. Yours for sure doing the same.
"Uh bye Tar."
You sat in the back of suv with your cheeks still feeling warm. You leaned back in the seat and looked down at your phone. The lock screen being of Tara and you at Disney land, Tara had the Mickey Mouse ears and you had your Goofy hat. Both of you smiling at the camera as Sam took the picture. The ping coming your phone notifying you of a new message
Tara: I miss you already :(
A smiled made its way on to your face. You opened the message and typed out response but before you can hit send. The driver spoke up.
"So Y/n, what's your favorite scary movie?"
You were snapped out of your thoughts, your head almost getting whiplash at how fast you looked at the driver.
"E-Excuse me? What did-Mmh!!" You were cut off by someone emerging from the back seat. You tried to fight him off only for you freeze momentarily when you saw who it was.
He jumped over the seat making you unfreeze as you tried to fight him off. Your glasses flying off your face with punches you were receiving, making your vision impaired. The blurry figure of ghost face moved fast. The driver continued to drive like like nothing was wrong. You noticed that the ghostface didn't have his knife which had you confused but you didn't stop fighting. He punched you repeatedly. You were growing weaker by the second. With a final punch to your face you were knocked out.
As you came to, you felt the throb of pain shooting through out your skull. Your blurry vision in no way helping the pain in your head. The panic settled in when you remembered what happened. Ghostface was back.
"Wakey. Wakey Y/n. You don't want to miss all the fun. Do you?"
You registered that you were tied to chair and tape was covering your mouth. There were two ghost faces standing in front of you. You breathing became quicker as your eyes filled with tears.
You pulled on the restraints that held your wrists the handles of the chair. But the rope that had you tied down only tighten the more you moved. One of the figures moved towards, you tried to move away from the knife he held but it was no use.
You couldn't do anything but cry in pain when the knife was brought down.
I miss you already :(
Read 5:39pm
Three hours passed since you left and Tara kept looking at her phone. You had yet to respond to her message, you clearly read it she had seen the bubbles appear. Meaning you were going to respond but the message never came. It wasn't like you to not respond. She sat back in her seat, her friends and herself had a movie night and she couldn't take her mind off you.
"I'm sure she'll answer once she gets off the plane. You know how paranoid she gets when she's on a plane. Phone is in airplane mode and her headphones on full blast. Swear that girl says hates planes cause of final destination but still gets on them." Chad joked as he ate the popcorn Sam had made.
"Oh my god remember when there was turbulence on flight here?" Mindy laughed at the thought of how scared you were. Tara couldn't help but giggle.
"Man who knew she had such a strong grip. Swear my hand hasn't been the same since." Chad shook his hand that you once had in a death grip. He remembered how much it hurt. But you had been so scared, and he wanted to comfort his best friend.
"Chad you literally had tears in your eyes." Mindy laughed even harder. "That's what you get for stealing Tara's seat."
Tara finally relaxed in her seat, she knew exactly how you get when you'd go on a plane. By the time she wakes up Friday morning she'd have a text from you.
When she woke the first thing she did was reach for her phone. Expecting a text from you but when she saw that she had no notification from you she sat up. Her concern coming in ten fold. She pressed on your contact and waited for you to pick up your phone.
"Hey this is Y/n sorry I can't get to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the-Hey just wanted to know if you got home safe. Call me when you get a chance."
It has been approximately 15 hours since you left. The flight was only going to be a six hour flight. You had more than enough time to text her back.
"Still no response?"
Tara looked up from her phone to see her sister standing at the door way of her room. Tara went to respond when her phone binged. Her eyes snapping to the phone in her hand.
Y/nn<3: hey sorry I didn't call. I crashed as soon as I got home and my phone was dead when I got home. My parents say hi but I can't really talk right now. I'll call as soon as I can. Good luck on the exam today. I know you'll do great :) ps I miss you more <3
Tara smiled letting her shoulders drop and the concern she felt before wash away.
Okay call me when you get a chance and tell your parents I said hi as well. Ps not possible I miss you way more
"Great she responded, now get ready for school. You have an exam today." With that Tara got ready for the day. The day would be a long one since you weren't there with her.
After the fight with her sister Tara had dropped in her bed with a deep sigh. She hated fighting with her sister. But sometimes Sam was just a bit over protective. It was something that she understood but if annoyed her just the same.
She wanted nothing more than to have you here. You were not even gone for a day and she missed you way too much already.
You had felt pain before. You were stabbed the year before by Sam's crazy boyfriend. He only got to stab you once before you got the upper hand and kicked his knee in. But this pain. It was a type of pain that had your vision go dark, but then it felt like lights in this old place seem way too bright.
"You will the same pain you made him feel."
The voice behind the mask said. You didn't have the slightest clue on what he was talking about. From the lights you could see you noticed that one of figures was shorter than the other two. It's exactly what you needed, there were three of them.
"-Okay. You're alibis check out. You're friends as well. You have another roommate correct? Y/n Y/ln." Detective Bailey said as he sorted out his paperwork that was in front of him.
"Yea but she left to visit family for the weekend." Tara said leaning forward. Not understanding why the detective was bringing you up. You were no where near New York to be brought up and she was grateful. That she knew you were safe and nowhere ear this again.
"A flight to California is that right?"
"Yes, why are you bringing her up. She's not even in the same state right now?" Sam stared down the detective.
"How well do you know Ms.Y/ln?"
"Since grade school. Now tell us what does Y/n have to do with this." Tara demanded to know.
"Her dna was found in the bodega. Y/n never arrived at the airport, she wasn't on flight Thursday afternoon. So I ask again. How well do you know her?"
"W-What? No no she texted me said that she was already in California. She wouldn't lie to me." The young Carpenter rejected the mere thought of you wanting to kill Sam, your friends, her. No you wouldn't.
"Well then where is she Sam. I just got off the phone with her mom. They haven't seen her. She wasn't on the plane heading back home." Tara paced in the safety of her living room. After being attacked they settled in their apartment. They searched your room for any sign of where you could be but came up empty handed. Everyone had tried to call you but you never answered your phone. It would go straight to voicemail.
With all blame for the murders not only falling on Sam's shoulders but yours as well. The situation was becoming even more stressful.
"I don't know Tara. I don't know."
The five in the room jumped at the sound of Tara's phone ringing. They looked at her phone and saw the contact picture of you popping up. Tara wasted no time to answer the phone.
"Y/n! Where the hell are you-Oh Tara, you dumb little thing. Y/n isn't here or maybe she is and she's been stringing you along. Or maybe I'm Y/n. It wouldn't be the first time someone you love tries to kill you, now would it."
"Y/n wouldn't do this."
"You sure about that."
Tara looked down at the phone when ghostface hung up. Everything in her was telling her that you would never do this to her. You wouldn't. But there was little part of her that was telling her that it was true.
"Hey we've known Y/n since we were babies. She loves you too much to do this. No, there has to be a different explanation for why ghostface has her phone." Chad said in not believing for one second you could be part of this deranged persons team.
"Wait doesn't-Guys, what the hell."
The four walked out of the kitchen, towards the living room where Anika turned up the volume. The five watched how the blame for the murders where placed on Sam and Y/n. And how Sam almost attacked a girl the night before. How the murders of Woodsboro 2022 were also blamed on Sam. They watched how the reporter not only victimized Richie but dragged Sam's and Y/n's name as well.
Sam took the control away from Anika and turned off the tv. She stormed away and sat the kitchen table.
The three teens watched how Tara tried her best to comfort her sister. Trying to push the worry she felt for you aside.
The five in room not aware of the danger lurking in the room across the hall.
The throbbing pain coming from your knee was becoming worse. One of the ghost faces had broken your knee. They had the cut you and beat you but the worst pain of it all was the knee.
"Are you ready Y/n. You won't believe it but your group of friends has become unfortunately small."
"Leave them alone you bitch! I'll kill you. I'll-You won't do anything. Want to know why. Cause when they find you. You will be dead. Just another name added to my list. But don't worry. They'll see your final moments after all."
You didn't know they had been recording, but all you cared for was your friends. Tara. You felt your eyes fill with tears. You hated not being there for her or Sam. You only hoped that they were okay.
You could only hope.
The group watched how all the ghost face costumes were on display. They had made it an abandoned movie theater. All the evidence collected from past attacks.
"What's in the box? It's huge." Ethan walked up towards the wooden large box. "You think we could get it open?" He looked around trying to find something to open the box with. "I mean we don't know where Y/n is. She could be behind th-Don't you fucking dare." Tara stared daggers at the taller boy.
"I'm just saying Tara. Has anyone seen or heard from her? She's gone completely M.I.A. I love her but it's weird. The cops can't find her, her parents don't know where she's at. And to top it all off she goes missing the day the killings start. The knifes go missing from the kitchen, a kitchen Y/n used frequently. It's-Stop talking Ethan." This time it was Sam that cut him off. Sam loved you dearly, she had known you since you were a kid. You were too sweet of a kid to do something like this.
But the question still stood. Where were you.
"You know you always had a special spot in my heart."
The words rang through your head. Your blurry vision became cleared when the figure put something on your face. Your eyes widen in disbelief at who was standing in front of you. They had taken off their mask and were now just standing there.
She swung the pipe hitting you in the head before you could actually say anything.
You weren't sure how much time passed. When you woke up you were somewhere dark. You couldn't see anything. You could still feel the cloth tide over your mouth, the pain coming from the side of your head. But now you could also feel something covering your whole face. You could barely feel the your leg and you were afraid on what that could mean.
You could faintly hear muffled voices. And then gunshots. Making you flinch at the loud noise. You heard noises around you and then suddenly, light that you were able to see through the bag since it wasn't that thick.
"We have a few more surprises for you both actually. It was so easy. Having the blame not only on Sam but also her."
You felt someone touch your shoulder making you flinch harder than before. The bag than lifted from your head making squint your eyes a bit at the bright lights. You wheezed out, when they roughly grabbed you by the hair making you look up.
At the sudden voice your eyes connected to the deep brown eyes that you loved so much. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to get to you.
"Q-Qui-Now Now don't spoil the surprise." You watched as Sam and Tara's eyes widen at the site of you. They looked at the person behind you gasped when you only assumed that they took off their mask.
"Mindy was right." You looked up only to a person you considered a best friend. Heart breaking when Ethan ranted about killing Chad. "I mean it was fun. But it was more fun torturing you." You hissed when he pulled your hair harder, head tilted back as he taunted you with the knife.
"Get away from her." Tara lunged forward but was stopped by Sam. She cried at the sight of you. You were covered in blood, cuts, bruises. And she could see how bad you leg looked.
"Speaking of Families. My name isn't Ethan Landry. Is it dad?"
"Hey roomies. You didn't see that one coming " Quinn smiled evilly. A chuckle escaped her mouth at the shocked expressions on the Carpenters sister's face.
You watched as they argued, Ethan..or what ever his name was no longer behind you. While they did their monologue, you tried to use this time to escape the ropes. The little fight you had left growing just a bit, when the three insane killers circled the two sisters. You had known that they were going to avenge their dead brother. You didn't know that it was Richie they were talking about. You looked to your side to faintly see a blonde woman crawling towards you.
She slowly and quietly cut the ropes tying your legs. Careful not to touch your bad leg. She then moved to your wrists. Slipping something medal in your hands.
"Hide it. I'm gonna try to distract them. Oh and here figured these could help. They're broken but it'll have to do." Kirby put the glasses on your face. She had found them laying around. She knew they belonged to you the moment she saw them. She has seen the pictures of you and your friends. The frames being way too similar for them not to be yours. The glass was cracked and scratched.
You tried to move but you had to stop at the pain coming from your leg. Your head snapping up when you heard gun shots. You watched as the detective was shot, Quinn was hit in the face with a brick by Tara. Who then tried to run towards you but was tripped when a hand grabbed her ankles.
"Tara! Sam!" Sam looked up from stabbing Ethan, towards you. She then moved to you. Stopping when you shook your head, "Help Tara, I can't move. Here." You threw her the gun Kirby gave you. She looked uncertain of leaving you but with a yelp coming from her sister she turned and ran towards her.
You attempted once again to move. Using the arm rests of the chair to pull yourself up. Biting your lip at the pain coursing through your body. From the corner of your eye you saw the detective get up, picking up his gun and then aiming at Tara and Sam. You had failed to notice that they had made it on the top balcony. You could only watch as Tara dangled from the top, Sam trying her best to pull her back up. Ethan was just below Tara swiping his knife at her. You limped your way to him. Using anything to to put your weight on. Picking up the a pipe on the way. Once you were right behind him you swung it as hard you can, Tara falling at the same moment. With the force of the swing causing you fall. Tara used the knife Sam gave her to stab Ethan through the mouth.
"Now die a fucking virgin."
"Baby." She quickly shifted toward you. Cupping your cheeks as she cried. Looking over your body at the damage done by people she trusted. "Oh y/n. You're going to be okay. Just-just keep your eyes open."
"Tara...y-you're bleeding."
Letting a tearful chuckle the brunette wiped your tears away. "So are you dumbass."
With a painful laugh you reached up wiping her tears away. "I m-missed you." You mumbled, your eyes growing heavy by the second. The energy you once had fading away. The exhaustion from the passed days coming to in waves.
"No no keep your eyes open. Come on baby. Look at me. Please."
Both of you flinching at the sound of glass and wood breaking. You moved your head slightly to see Sam and Quinn's dad on the floor.
"Go-go help her."
"You keep your fucking eyes open. You hear me. Please keep them open. I'll be right back." She leaned down kissing you the lips. Even in this light when she pulled away from you, you saw the blush on her cheeks. You cracked a smile at the sight.
"Yes ma'am."
Tara had been pissed when she returned to you to find you unconscious. Worried but pissed. So angry that she bursted into tears. Sam had to pull her away from your body letting the paramedics help you. Sam had watched as they rushed you away. Sam held Tara tighter as her sister tried to get to you. Her arm burning as she held her younger sister.
Now they sat in the waiting room. Waiting for any news on you and Chad. They both had gotten stitches on their wounds. Mindy and Danny sat with them. Sidney had called them to make sure they were alright. At the news that they were alright Sidney was on the next flight to New York. The older woman wanted to be there but she also had her own family to look after.
"Family of Y/n Y/ln and Chad Meeks Martin?"
The four shot up from their seats. "Please tell me they're okay." Tara begged, tears streaming down her cheeks
"Yes. They'll pull through."
The group of friends cheered tears of joy and pure relief. Danny pulled the three girls in a big bear hug. The three woman cried in the mans chest.
"The good news for Mr.Meeks is that the knife missed all the vital organs. He'll make a speedy recovery once all the stitches are out." The group nodded taking every word in. Thankful that Chad would be alright.
"Ms.Y/ln on the other hand and multiple cuts and bruises. She has minor concussion as well. But that's not what we were worried about. When Ms.Y/ln was brought her left leg was in horrible shape. Her knee was broken for at least two days. When she was brought in it was deeply infected due to the lack of treatment. Due to the infection, it had stopped blood flow to the that leg. Which caused what we call tissue death..requiring an amputation."
The bright lights form the ceiling were the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. You felt nauseous, dizzy and numb all around. It felt like you couldn't move. The pain you once felt, you barely feel now. The more you came to, the more you realized that you were on a hospital. You also now felt a hand holding yours. It was warm and small. You recognized the hand instantly. Looking towards the direction of the hand, a small smile made its way to your face at what you saw. She was bit blurry due to you not having your glasses, but nevertheless she was still beautiful. You could tell that she was sleeping and not knowing what she's been through, you didn't want to wake her.
"Hey, you're awake." You heard the older Carpenter's voice. You turned to the sound of her voice and saw her figure standing by the bed. You saw her dig in her bag, pulling out a black box.
You smiled when she put on your spare glasses. "Thanks Sammy."
She chuckled and shook her head. "You're welcome. Now how are you feeling?" She realized that you haven't noticed that your leg wasn't, well there. And she didn't know how to tell you. She looked at her sister who was still asleep. For the past 24 hours that you've been unconscious Tara did not want to leave your side. Sam didn't want to leave her sister so she had Danny go to her place and pack them a change of clothes and other things they could possibly need. She knew she could trust him. He had tried so hard to make sure they were all okay.
"I'm feel a little sore and loopy but other than that I feel okay." You whispered back. "What about you guys. Are you guys okay?"
"Everyone is okay. Chad is a floor down with Mindy. Hell pull through. Tara and I are fine just a few stitches and bruises. You just focus on yourself. I'm going go get a doctor. I'll be right back. I'm so glad you're okay." She leaned down and kissed the top of your head. You offered a small smile. Your mind hazy from the drugs pumping into your blood stream.
"Hey you're awake." At the sound of the sudden voice. You looked at Tara who was now wide awake. She looked at you with tears in her eyes. The relief shown in her face at sight of you awake. "Thank god you're awake. I was so scared." She held your hand tightly as she brought it up to her lips.
"I'm-Ms.Y/ln you're awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor came in with a smile as he looked at you. Sam was close behind him as she moved to stand behind Tara.
"Sore, a little loopy. My leg kinda hurts but it's more of a sting." Your hand moved to touch your left leg but was stopped by Tara. You furrowed your eyebrows at her and she didn't meet your eyes.
"Y/n, you had a broken knee from what we saw the broken bone was left untreated for quite awhile. It was left unclean which led to an infection, this caused blood flow to stop traveling to your knee. Ms.Y/ln we had to amputate your left leg due to the dead tissue-"
You sat up ignoring the pain at the movement. The stitches on your stomach pulling. The three in front of you tried to stop you but couldn't. The doctor called for a nurse to get a sedative. Your eyes widen in shock and horror when you pulled back the blanket to see the leg stump. You could faintly hear the heart monitor connected to you pick up. Then followed a tiny sting coming from your arm. You looked to your side to see a nurse, you looked back at Tara who looked at you with so much guilt and sadness. Your world faded once again.
Tara stood as she watched as you fall in to unconsciousness. She knew things wouldn't be the same for you. She knew that it'd take time for you to heal mentally and physically.
She planned to be by your side throughout the journey.
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colourblind [paul lahote x reader]
AN:// this pushes all of the wolves and new moon plot to summer.
summary: based on this post of how the shift Paul and the others experience would give them physical attributes akin to a wolf, which is being colourblind. Which Paul finds himself in, until of course, he sees you for the first time in months on the first day of summer.
warnings- mature language and themes. one suggestive scene. 18+ word count 10k.
“La Push baby! Its LaPush!”
“Do you have to say that every time we go to LaPush?” I asked, staring at the back of Mike and Eric’s heads in the van. They were singing and screaming into the warm air as we drove down to First Beach.
“He said that to me when I first came to LaPush,” Bella added, meekly. I laughed, lightly pushing against her. She was wearing a white blouse and tan shorts, opposing my dark shorts and tight blue shirt, Angela had gotten me it when she went to the Grand Canyon with her family. It read “visit the Grand Canyon today!” on the back, so ugly I loved it.
“He’s been saying it since we were five and our parents would carpool us in the summer.” I whispered to Bella; we were both laughing at the terrifying attempt from Mike to sing ‘Wanna Be’ by Spice Girls. Butchering the lines didn’t matter to Mike, it was summer. First day of it. Bella was finally out of the pit she had found herself in.
I’d spent almost every Friday and Saturday night of the past seven months sleeping over at the Swan house, waiting for Bella to come through. At first it was scary, the screaming and the vacancy of her mind, but she’s better now. At least I hope she is, Charlie thinks so, but I’m worried she’s becoming dependent on our friend Jacob. Coming to First Beach did mean a far chance we could run into Jacob, but it also means she’s surrounded by other people, and as annoying as Mikes singing is, I can tell she’s enjoying it.
“Are you okay?” I heard Bella say, we’d parked, and the boys were getting their surfing gear on. I hadn’t even noticed; Bella was wide eyed like a little deer and grasping onto my shoulder. “Is it to do with Paul?”
“No,” I laughed uncomfortably shaking her off as I got out of the seat into the back, taking of my clothes to reveal my favourite bikini underneath. “Not even thinking about him.” Which was true, to an extent. I had been thinking about Paul Lahote all morning and all last night and the day before, and every day since three weeks ago but that wasn’t in this moment. So technically… not a lie!
She watched me in clear disbelief but didn’t push it. She knew some rumours about Paul from Jacob, not kind ones but as the days go on, I’m starting to believe them myself. Hall monitors on steroids. “What book are you bringing?” Bella asked, changing the subject.
“The Metamorphosis by Kafka, are you rereading Austen again?” I said, searching through my bag for suncream. The only way id gotten Bella to agree to coming today was to promise I’d stay by her side all day and we can just read on the beach. Which worked out well for me, I always hated getting changed after leaving the ocean, everything stuck to you; clothes, sand, everything. She nodded and sheepishly pulled Persuasion out of her bag. Bella grabbed the towels we were going to lay on as I surveyed the beach for the best spot, there were a lot more people than usual but it’s what I expected. The remote spot in the south corner seemed perfect. Setting down camp, I heard laughter and colliding footsteps coming towards us, Mike, Eric and now Tyler ran to our spot, and all jumped over one another to lay on the sand. Not a single cloud in the sky, not that the boys noticed, too busy apologising to Bella for covering her towel with sand. Laughing it off quietly she shook the towel and threw all the sand on the boys. She stopped laughing as she looked over my shoulder. Standing up I saw, Sam Uley talking with Jared, Paul and Embry? But Embry was huge and at least half a foot taller than when I last saw him. They began kicking a ball around until Paul suddenly turned in my direction. Swivelling quickly, I stared into the sea. Sitting down on my towel that I was apparently sharing with Jess, I looked over at Bella. Giving me a comforting smile, she nodded towards our books that sat in the bag at the foot of her towel.
A few hours had passed when Jacob and Quil had made their way over to us, Jess, Angela, and the boys had all decided to go on an impromptu adventure leaving Bella and I in peace, that is until Quil collapsed on my towel and Jacob calmly sat next to Bella.
“See how normal Jake is?” I asked kicking Quil with my foot, “Be more like Jake.” They all laughed as the fiend on my towel rolled over.
“Figured you needed protecting.” He said, puffing his chest put lightly with a boyish smile.
“From what?” Bella laughed.
“Lahote’s been staring at you for a while,” Jacob said staring at me. Turning around I saw Paul from a distance, I could barely make out his face but saw that he definitely wasn’t happy.
“Well thank you gentlemen, but we can handle ourselves.” I said, laughing when Quil got hit with a rouge baseball.
We spoke for a while, making jokes at each other’s expense and avoiding the subject of Embry completely. Bella and I had come to an unspoken agreement that if they wanted to talk about it, they would. I looked around the beach and saw a stall on the pavement beyond the pavilion, an old lady selling handmade jewellery. I told Bella, Jake, and Quil that I was going to see what she was selling and grabbed my purse from my bag. Making my way over across the hot sand I regretted not grabbing a shirt from Quil or Jake or even making a detour to the van, so many people were looking at me, even if they were wearing the same thing, I felt so exposed.
“Hello dear, having a good day?” The lady asked as I finally reached her stand. We spoke about the weather and then about her creations, one with a beautiful orange crystal in the middle had caught my eye. “Citrine, they bring positivity and happiness” she winked once she caught where I was looking. I grabbed my purse but before I could hand over the $5 someone else passed it to her. Following the tan hand, I saw Paul; he was looking at the lady and explained he’d buy it for me. She smiled and accepted the money, handing him the necklace over. Paul looked at the necklace in his hand and squinted, looking oddly heartbroken.
“I can buy it myself.” I said as he walked a few steps out of earshot of the old lady. He still hadn’t actually looked me in the eye yet. It was infuriating. “You know its super fucking rude of you to ignore me for weeks, replace me with new friends, act like I don’t exist and then pretend like nothings happened.” He tensed at this; I kept going. “And now you won’t even look me in the eye!” I laughed, his large shoulders straightened, God when did he get so big.
As he turned around something shifted, I’m not sure what but it was definitely something. He stared at me wide eyed, speechless and I saw tension fall from him. But I had no patience for him.
“Are you going to give me the necklace or should I just go and buy one for myself.” This seemed to snap him out of it, he passed me the necklace and kept looking at me. Not staring anymore, more of a gaze. Not voyeuristic as the other gazes from men on the beach but an intimate one, one I wanted to avoid. His eyes are a stunning brown, I think to my painting at home, I’d made him sit for hours, waiting for the result when I’d spent twenty minutes alone painting half an eye, he waited.
Tearing myself away from him I look down at the necklace, it was beautiful. I had to not owe him this. I took the $5 out of my purse and pressed it to his chest. He finally caught on and gently pushed my hand away.
“Take it.” I demanded.
“It’s a gift.” He whispered, the way he used to.
“Please take it.” I begged lightly; I couldn’t owe him for this.
“What is going on?” A harsh voice interrupted us. Quil had stood in front of my right shoulder, not hiding me completely but being a clear attempt to shield me. He didn’t know any of the details of what happened between Paul and I, but honestly, I didn’t either. He just knew how broken I was, crying to him when Bella, Jake, and Embry weren’t around. Knowing I couldn’t handle their silent looks.
“None of your fucking business, Ateara.” Paul snapped, his body tightening. Quil pushed him, suddenly Jared was holding Paul back and Sam had appeared in front of us. He had whispered something to Paul that I couldn’t catch but it looked more like a demand. One I wasn’t entirely sure was in Quil and I’s favour or not.
Jacob had arrived by this point, staring at Embry in disbelief who had told Quil to ‘back off’, Embry was normally so sweet and quiet. The way he was acting as he was influenced by the others was a clear sign to the mentality that I didn’t want anything to do with. Paul had caught my eye from over Sam’s shoulder, a pleading sense to him. I looked away, staring at Quil’s back. I couldn’t do this, get caught up in whatever teenage boy bullshit was going on. I was 18, Paul 19, Quil 17. I had no fucking interest. Ignoring the yells of my name I walked back to Bella who had watched the whole affair in bewilderment. I walked back to Bella in more confidence then when I had left, I couldn’t explain it, but I knew the people looking know, weren’t looking at me and if they were it, was a good thing. Sitting on the towel I thanked Bella for staying with the stuff and picked up my book. Not before placing the Citrine necklace in my bag. She watched me as I lied back down but I couldn’t care, knowing I’d have to tell her every detail later anyway. Jess practically ran to us, monopolising my towel once again and demanding to know what she had seen from across the beach.
“I mean not only was he completely eye-fucking you but who were all his friends?!” She practically screamed, I hit her shoulder lightly with my book for ‘eye-fucking’ as Bella blushed, but explained who the boys were.
“Oh, they’re coming over!” Jess said, elated with the drama unfolding right in front of her. My legs slid over Jess so she wouldn’t leave and who ever was coming wouldn’t stay, which thankfully she understood as she grabbed my legs lightly with a comforting rub.
“Can you believe the nerve of Embry?” I heard Jake yell as he was approaching us, Bella’s cheeks were as pink as Jess’ bikini. Jess’ jaw dropped as she ate up Quil and Jake’s physique, I watched her over my book, smirking as she stared at the long haired boys.
Quil called my name, and I looked up, with my head laid down I saw him as a giant, which made me laugh.
“What the fuck was he saying to you.” Quil demanded, staring at me.
“It’s over, don’t worry about it.” I said calmly.
“Don’t worry? He’s a fucked-up dude! Literally almost exploded on me, again!” he gave Jess context, that Paul had almost ‘attacked’ Quil in a convenience store a few weeks ago. She looked down at me in surprise. I still read my book.
“As hot as he is,” Jess said with Quil and Jake protesting as she ignored them, “no boy is worth it if he has anger like that.” She said with the older sister tone she normally used on her younger siblings. Quil and Jake agreed with her, but Bella stayed silent, I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw her staring at the pavilion.
“Honestly, if you go back to him, I can’t be your fucking friend.” I caught Quil saying. I stood up so quick I dropped my book on the towel, loosing the page. Where did this come from? Bella, Jake and even Jess went quiet. Quil had snapped, he never snapped at me.
“First of all, that would be my decision, second, I wasn’t ‘with’ him in the first place and thirdly you don’t get to be so fucking rude to me.” I snapped, pointing a finger at his chest.
“He’s a bad fucking person and you know it.” His eyes stared into mine, harsh and true.
“You don’t know him how I know him.” I defended Paul, for some unknown reason. I didn’t even fully believe myself I was just so hurt with how Quil was acting everything was blurring out of anger.
“After everything he did, you’re defending him!” Quil yelled, desperation in his eyes, he was looking at me as if I was crazy, which I was beginning to feel.
“You don’t fucking care about me.” I yelled back. Storming away, grabbing only my bag and purse, leaving my book and towel. All but Quil yelled after me.
Opening the van, Mike was sat in the back struggling to get the sand of his feet. “Pass me my clothes.” I said, I couldn’t hear myself due to the anger raising and blurring everything, but I could tell I was being rude, Mike’s smile dropped into a worried expression as he gave me my clothes. I dressed in silence as he asked me if someone did something, like the protective older brother he always acted like. I shook my head, unable to fathom words that weren’t a string of swears. Did Quil really think that lowly of me? Did he think he could just give me an ultimatum like that, and I’d accept it? Fuck this and fuck him.
I told Mike I was going home and as he asked if I wanted a lift, I slammed the door of the van shut too hard and made my way to the back streets of first beach. I knew if I got to the centre of LaPush that I could find the bus stops I used to use when I’d hang out with Paul. Led hit me over the head when I thought about him. I suddenly had an urge to sit by his side unlike the recent weeks where id sworn him off and cried and cried.
A truck pulled up beside me, old and worn I recognised it as Sam Uley’s. I looked over to see him sat in the driver’s seat looking at me.
“I’ll give you a ride.” He said, in a way I felt oddly comforted by as I got in. Normally, I would’ve told him to fuck off, but I felt way too emotional to walk the twenty minute walk to the centre of town. We sat in silence for ten minuets after I’d told him my address. I wanted to ask him about Paul, even about Emily and Leah but it didn’t feel right. This would be the fifth time I’d been near him let alone speak to him, so it just felt wrong. But he must’ve been thinking the same thing.
“It’s not Paul’s fault.”
“What?” I asked, looking at him. He was staring intensely into the road, it was weird, it felt like Sam was effortlessly the comforting older brother figure Mike had tried to be. Yet he seemed guilty like he’d made a mistake, not know but before.  
“I told him to stay away from you, it was my fault. He had no choice.” I decided to listen, to make sense of what he was saying. “There’s somethings you need to know, do you remember Emily?” I nodded, unable to speak in fear he’d stop speaking. “I’ll write her address down for you, visit any time and she’ll help you.” How cryptic could one person be.
“Why did Paul listen to you?” I questioned, staring at him. His dark brown hair was swooped back so he could see the road.
“He had no choice, you’ll understand.”
“I don’t understand anything.” He laughed.
“You will.” He pulled over and stopped driving, we’d reached my house. He pulled a notebook from the glove compartment. “Here’s her address and my number if you need a ride.”
“I can get Bella to drive me.”
“No, Bella can’t know about this, it doesn’t involve her. I’m sorry but you must trust me.”
“I tell Bella everything.” I said, taking the sheet of paper from him.
“But does she tell you everything?” he asked, his tone wasn’t accusatory like Quil’s had been, no Sam asked me like he was genuinely worried about me. He was right, I knew Bella wasn’t telling me something. I couldn’t ask, hoping she’d finally tell me.
“I guess this means don’t tell Jake or… Quil.” He nodded, I got out of the truck, thanking him for the ride.
“You hike a lot, right?” It was my turn to nod. “Take a break for a while, with all those attacks it really isn’t safe.” I agreed, sadly, and went inside, after thanking him again for the ride. “Ever need a lift, just let me know, I’ll sort one out for you.”
I was glad it was summer break. All my free time had been spent on art, painting, sketching, and avoiding literally everything else. I’d been missing all of Bella’s calls and thankfully when she came over to my house I was working. Sam had been giving me lifts to work since I normally did a small hike there. I worked on the other side of Forks at a plant shop and nowhere near Bella. Whatever she was hiding from me had been eating away at me for a while. Summer break had also given me an escape from running into Jess, I loved her, but I had literally no answers for her. And the theories I had were so bat-shit crazy I had feeling no one would believe them.
Quil had called seventeen times. I couldn’t call him back, still angry at the way he spoke to me. Maybe he was right about Paul, but a small voice in the back of my head I’d nicknamed ‘stupid consciousness’ told me I should give Paul a fair chance and listen to Sam. Maybe it was some crazy mastermind ploy to pull down my defences, but id started to befriend Sam, and Emily as she’d joined him a few times to take me to work. I couldn’t figure out why they’d decided to help me out suddenly, but I decided to just go with it, I felt safer, loved and they never brought up Paul.
8:30am on a Tuesday morning I sat in the garden waiting for Sam. My headphones blasting Noah Kahan’s new album. It was chiller then it would be for this time of year, so a loose fleece hung around my body. We had another month of beautiful sun until the constant hood of clouds and rain returned to Forks. I had started worrying this morning that Sam driving me to and from work was an inconvenience, I hadn’t been insecure about this before, but it was daunting on me now. What if I was just pushing him out of his way and annoying him? Annoying Emily? I felt suddenly sick. But the truck in front of me pulled me out of the haze. Sam’s brotherly grin made me smile, my older brother was away at college, and I missed him. He opened my door form his side and I got in, the fear of inconvenience looming over me. Taking off my headphones I heard the soft folk music playing form the old truck. It was a twenty-minute drive to my work; we made nice conversation till Sam said something that struck me.
“Come to Ems tonight, I’ll finally explain it to you.” Weeks had passed since Sam initially asked me, it was clear I didn’t want to ask, so he’d decided to tell me. I nodded, silently looking out the window. Five minutes till we got there.
“Will he be there?”
“Yes.” He was short, sweet, and blunt. I knew I couldn’t hide from this, so I decided to ask what had been looming over me all morning.
“Why do you drive me? You work on the res; this is completely out of your way.” I still held my gaze out of the window. But I heard him grin as he told me.
“Well, I like your company, I always wanted a baby sister,” I scoffed at ‘baby’ which he caught and laughed, “plus it really is not safe if you walk to work, you walk through the bush, it isn’t safe.” His tone was serious at the end. I knew he was telling the truth. When we arrived, he looked over at me, smiling he passed me a brown bag. Holding back a laugh he told me “Em’s worried you aren’t eating enough”.
“She does know I’m an adult right?” I laughed, taking the bag.
“Well do you have any lunch today?” the silence from me made him laugh as I clearly did not, infact, have lunch. I threw a piece of card from the car door at him as I mumbled in protest.
“Pick me up at four?” I asked, putting the brown bag in my own. He nodded, as he drove away, I realised how long today was going to be.
I was right. So annoyingly, right. The day dragged, it felt that five hours had passed when in fact it was only two and I couldn’t even go for my lunch yet. If one more old lady asked me to point her in the direction of the roses, I was going to lose my mind. Not only was it weird that roses were extremely popular among old ladies but that they couldn’t see that the roses were at the front of the store, they were the first things you saw as you walked in.
At 1:25pm I heard a familiar gruff voice echo in the small shop. Charlie Swan. I was praying he was talking to a friend, or that there had been a horrible crime and the shop was under investigation. But as I heard a small, feminine voice I knew I wouldn’t have such luck. Of course, when I was working Chief Swan would decide to finally re-do his front garden. My lunch break was in five minutes if I could just hide here then my 60-year-old co-worker Henry would serve them. Henry was a true one, he’d help me in my hour of need. I hid behind the seeds, staring at Iris in its many forms as I heard Bella ask Henry if I was working too, I wasn’t sure if Henry and I had some super cool intuition or if he had genuinely forgotten I was working as he told her I wasn’t today. As I snuck away for my lunch break, I internally praised Henry for being the best co-worker that has ever lived.
Checking my phone, I noticed a missed call from Sam and a text.
“Can’t pick you up, Em is going to, she’ll be using her truck- its blue same make as Bella’s. Will be there when you arrive. Sorry.”
As weird as that was, I was just thankful I had a ride, I didn’t trust Henry behind the wheel.
The afternoon had passed quicker than the morning, the lunch Emily had made me was embarrassingly good and oddly comforting. As I finished my shift I gave Henry a fist bump, he laughed the way old people do, as a reflex showing that they’ve been laughing all their life. Emily’s blue truck pulled up; it was in a better paint job then Sam’s but I had a feeling Sam worked on her truck more than his own.
“How was your day?” Em gleamed as I got into the car.
“Dull but the lunch was amazing, thank you.” I laughed as she grinned like a fool.
“I knew you’d like it! Paul told me you were vegetarian, and I’ve been dying to pull out those veggie cookbooks! The boys always avoid vegetables, it’s ridiculous!” she laughed as I wound the window down, warm air sifting through. My fleece cocooned in my bag form this morning, abandoned in the heat. I smiled, feeling warm at the casual mentioning of Paul. I’d assumed Sam’s business was something to do with work and that it wasn’t my business but at Em’s odd avoidance of it, something felt different.
I’d told her about Henry and Bella, talking more about Henry then Bella, Em laughed so hard she coughed. Pulling up to her house, I was shocked. It was beautiful. When we got out, I stared at the cabin, two stories and covered in flowers and plants. Wooden furniture, big windows, and open doors. It was beautiful. Em pulled me in, it was even more perfect inside. Bright colours and paintings everywhere. Sitting at a round, wooden table Em beckoned me to join her.
“Your home is… wow just amazing,” I was still looking at everything, the open kitchen and dining room was so homely and comforting. She smiled and grabbed my hand.
Emily was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. The scar on her face to her arm didn’t change that. She was even more beautiful; she wore it proudly. When she smiled part of the scar creased at her eye. Her long black hair hung over her shoulders, bangs perfectly trimmed. My hair was almost as long as hers, but she had a few inches on me.
“How are you feeling?” her caring tone standing through.
“Nervous, I have no idea what is about to happen.”
She nodded, squeezing my hand. “I’ll be here the whole time, if you don’t want to be here at any moment just say and we’ll go, no questions asked.” She must’ve noticed the apprehension in my face. “Nothings going to hurt you, Sam and Paul have made sure of that.” I trusted her, more than I trusted the people I grew up with. I knew for certain there was something going on, that involved Paul and Sam, probably Jared and Embry too. Whatever it was I hoped it didn’t involve Quil and Jake too.
Voices came through the door behind us that led out to Emily’s extensive garden. Sam and Paul came in. Both shirtless and only wearing shorts. Which was weird but I guess they felt the heat more than Emily and I, Emily was wearing a stunning white sundress and I white pants and black shirt, my apron from work stuffed in my bag along side the fleece.
Paul looked at me, he looked horrible, dark bags under his eyes, and it looked as if he had to hold himself back from me. Not in a threatening way, not the relief in his eyes told me this was good, that I was safe. Sam rubbed my shoulder as he passed me to Emily. As they hugged and kissed, I saw Paul still watching me, turning back to him I saw the weight in his eyes.
“Are you joining us?” I asked him, an olive branch being thrown in his direction.
He took a moment to process what I asked then silently nodded and sat a chair away from me, which did hurt. But I ignored it and looked to Sam and Emily who had both sat back down. Emily’s hand was once again in mine, Paul looked with an odd… jealousy? Till his eyes trailed up my arm to my neck, where the necklace laid. I’d worn it every day since the beach that I didn’t even think about it anymore.
“So,” Sam started, “there are some things we have to tell you, but I think it’ll be easier if we show you then explain.” Emily’s head snapped to him as Pauls hung in shame. He smiled at her reassuringly and guided us all to the garden where Jared and Embry were talking. They both greeted me with a relaxed voice I was deeply confused as to what was going to happen.
Sam and Paul stood slightly in front of me, Emily’s grip tightened as she held onto my arm. Without warning Jared had… disappeared? And there was a wolf in his place. I looked in frozen shock to Embry who was grinning ear to ear and then his body contorted itself into another oversized wolf. Both started chasing each other and I couldn’t find it in myself to be scared. Instead, I found it hilarious, two boys had just turned into great big wolves, and I was worried about my friend not liking me anymore! All my problems felt so small as I watched them both. Emily pinched me, whipping my head to her in pain I asked her what’s wrong.
“What is wrong? What is wrong! They just shifted into wolves and you’re acting like it’s the most normal thing in the world!” She yelled, trying to grasp anything from me.
“Let’s go inside.” Sam said, leaving Embry and Jared to playfight in the garden. Emily dragged me in, I couldn’t stop watching them. Enamoured by how small it made my problems feel. Everything had been feeling so all-consuming as I experienced every little emotion, it was awesome to feel so insignificant.
“How familiar are you with the tribe’s history?” Sam asked, trying to read me as we sat back in Emily’s kitchen. I finally turned away from the wolves in the garden to face him.
It all hit me, everything Paul had told me growing up and Quil had been telling me before the beach. About the vampires, about the three bloodlines that became protectors. Quil was in that bloodline. So was Jake. Fuck.
“I know a fair bit.” I said. The next ten minutes were spent by Sam monologuing everything they knew so far but I could tell he was leaving something out. Something I knew that I knew. Paul or Quil must have mentioned it. After he had finished, I sat processing, knowing there was something else. The leaches. Was it just the one Sam had mentioned. Oh god. I dropped the glass of water I was holding, Paul caught it.
“The Cullen’s.” I breathed, looking at Sam and Paul in horror.
“You caught that quicker than I thought you would,” Sam laughed, “the treaty doesn’t allow us to tell people what they are.”
“I sat next to them in classes… Bella dated one!” silence. “She knew?” I was bewildered. She knew that Edward Cullen was an ancient old man murderer and dated him? What is wrong with her. I can’t judge her completely, as gross and weirdly necrophiliac as that is, I didn’t know her story. I’m glad Sam warned me that she wasn’t telling me everything.
“Does she know about you guys?” Sam shook his head.
“Only the people in this room, Jared and Embry and the tribe’s elders know. Its safer that way.” I nodded. Embry was 17. He must’ve been so scared.
Suddenly it hit me how cruel I’ve been to Paul; Sam had explained the gag order he’d put on Paul. Thinking about him, I knew there was something else, but I couldn’t help but just feel horrible for how I acted. The way I spoke about him to Quil, not meaning a single word but loving how good it made me feel. Without looking at him I let go of Emily’s hand and held his. He squeezed in and I could practically feel the smile radiating of him. I knew I shouldn’t feel too bad for how I acted; I didn’t know. But I wish I did. Sam explained lightly how his transformation was, how painful and terrified he was. I didn’t want to imagine a similar story leaving Paul’s mouth.
“I’m thankful you told me but why exactly are you telling me?” I asked, Paul stiffened, my thumb absent and idly ran circles around the back of hand as I stared at Sam. He shifted uneasily under my gaze. Which felt wrong, Sam was never uncomfortable. What was he avoiding? What am I forgetting?
A ring ran through the silent kitchen, and I dropped Paul’s hand to look at my phone. Jakes name read across the screen, which was weird. Jake never called me. He texted me when he was picking me up to come hang out and that was it. It’d been radio silence on both ends since I had that argument with Quil.
“Erm, I’m gonna get this.” I went outside to Emily’s front porch rather than the open garden.
“Jake?” I asked to the empty phone line.
“Hello?” He panted; his breaths disjointed.
“Jake what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, something-” he was cut of by a pained groan. “Somethings wrong.” He sounded like a child, one who couldn’t understand the pain of a broken arm or where a relative had gone and why they wouldn’t come back.
“Jake? Is Quil there?”
“No, I just got back from the movies with Bella.” He screamed again. Then began pleading with me. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly two wolves ran past me into the Woodline, I turned back to see Sam telling Paul and Emily something as he shifted into the clearly biggest wolf.
“Listen to me okay. Deep breaths Jake, help is coming. You just gotta keep calm. Please, okay?” I asked, figuring out what was going on. Jake was shifting. I was panicking and felt like crying at his screams of pain.
“How are you feeling?” a pained yell was all I got in reply, Emily came to the porch behind me and put a hand to my back, ‘keep going’ she mouthed.
“Focus on- Bella! Think of her okay. Bella she’s going to be an anchor for you. Think about her okay. What shirt was she wearing today?” I asked keeping my voice as calm and steady as I could.
“She was wearing-” another scream through gritted teeth.
“a green jacket, and a white blouse.” I heard crashing through the call, Sam’s voice, more screaming. I hung up the phone. This was too much. Too soon. Emily’s hand ran up and down my back, I was breathing heavily. I only found out about this an hour ago, how was this happening to Jake? Bella had once called him “earthbound sun” and now all I was hearing was his screams of pain playing on repeat.
“Everything will be okay.” She whispered, taking me upstairs into a bedroom. The walls were wooden, and the large bed was plush, and it smelt of lavender when I sat on it. Emily leant in front of me, both my hands in hers as we breathed together, she must’ve gone threw this a few times now. I couldn’t even pinpoint why I was so worried. The idea of Jake or any of them making a mistake and Paul getting hurt was eating me up. As my eyes fell into Emily’s and my breathing matched hers, I remembered the last bit of the story Paul told me years ago.
We were 15, sat cross legged on his lawn. I was making daisy chains as he told the legends to me. He blushed as he mentioned imprinting. The two souls who were destined to meet brought together by fate. How the shifter devotes themselves to their imprint even at the cost of themselves. At the time we both couldn’t comprehend the power of it, we thought it was ludicrous. And it was, a complete lack of agency. But in a selfish way, it was fantastical. My breathing was normal, and Emily sat next to me.
“Did Paul… did he imprint on me?” I asked quietly, scared if I said it any louder id be ridiculed. Emily didn’t say anything, she just squeezed my hands gently.
“Why don’t you stay here tonight? I have some spare pyjamas; I can wash your uniform for tomorrow.” She asked, eyes searching my own. Nodding I waited as she left the room. She told me to start getting changed as she left, stripping down to my underwear I became oddly aware of how insane this was, but I trusted Emily. And I knew now, I was safe. She came in holding a brown tank top and white shorts, they were so soft as I put them on. I was still dazed as the panic left my system; every movement was a cloud in my mind.
“Would you like to join me?” she asked, as I lifted my head up in confusion she continued “I’m going to watch a film, we can watch it together, if you’d like.”
“I’d like that.” I replied, Emily put my clothes in the wash with some of her own and we got comfy on the sofa, I’d learnt the room with the lavender smelling bed was a guest room, and I was welcome to stay over whenever. Emily’s room was just down the hall. Her Gran had left her this house and she spent two years renovating it. She always made sure anyone was welcome here. I texted my parents to let them know I wouldn’t be home tonight, they told me to stay safe and call them if something is wrong. I was an adult, and I knew they liked knowing I was okay.
“Paul stays over most nights,” she said, braiding my hair, “but he sleeps on the couch. I can’t get him to take a room.” I was laying half on her chest half on her the sofa. I felt like a child. It was the most comforting experience of my life. We watched 2005 Pride and Prejudice. Laughing and swooning the whole time. We cried at the love in the film, the hand moments making us kick our feet, giggling. It was relaxing, to be with a friend. One that wasn’t hiding anything. I guess I would be the friend that was hiding something now to all my friends, to Jess, Bella, and Angela. But I couldn’t dwell on that. I told Emily about how I was feeling with Bella, and she told me about Leah, my stomach dropped when she told me Sam gave her that scar.
“I couldn’t be angry at him, what happened to him, to all the boys, it takes away their agency in emotional moments. I forgive him.” She told me, watching the film. Like this was second nature. Merely an afterthought. I knew I was safe here but was that just hysterics? Was I in danger and too naive to notice? No. Sam and Paul care for me. But Sam loves Emily? No. I reassure myself as I fall into a drowsy slumber as Emily ran her fingers through my hair. Sam can control it, so can Paul and Jared and Embry and Jake will be able to.
Warm arms lifted me, I felt the soft plush of the bed beneath me. I wanted to grab onto to the body holding me, my eyes wouldn’t open but I tried. A light chuckle sifted through the air as I finally let go.
A pink sunrise fell over me. I was drenched in the colours. Walking through the house I saw Paul, asleep on the sofa. The pink and purple began to fall onto him, he shifted awake as I made my way to the kitchen.
“Did I wake you?” I froze, looking at him through sleep festered eyes. He shook his head, smiling. We made coffee and cereal in silence, I the coffee and Paul the cereal. As we ate, I asked about Jake.
“He’s better now, the first shift is always the worst. What you did on the phone really helped.”
“All I did was keep him talking till you guys got there,” I said, finishing my cereal.
“He mentioned you called Bella an anchor, that helps more than you know.” He was looking at me intently. Suddenly I remembered my conversation with Emily last night.
“Paul…” Emily and Sam walked in, laughing with each other. I didn’t want to ask Paul with others around. He seemed brighter though, maybe he’d finally had a full night of sleep. Sleep, id fallen asleep with Emily on the couch and woken up in bed. Looking back at Paul, he was already watching me, waiting. “Did you take me to bed last night? You could’ve just woken me.” I laughed, trying to play off my feelings.
Sam laughed, sitting down with a coffee, “You were both sound asleep when we got back, no use waking you.” Emily looked at me, asking if id said anything, lightly shaking my head I pulled myself away from the conversation as they updated Emily on Jacob. From the window I saw the orange sun dance across the green summer leaves, sway through the crisp morning grass. The sun had risen by now, but the early morning was still prevalent in its colourful glory.
Sam called my name, pulling me out of my thoughts. “When do you start work?”
“9am,” I lied. Well, it wasn’t an actual lie, but I had decided. I wasn’t going to go to work today, Henry had been telling me I need to take advantage of the paid sick days we get, so today I will. I need to process what the hell just happened. Alone. As much as I want to be here, I don’t know how much more I can handle. Sam had told us he hadn’t expected Jake to shift so soon and Quil’s grandfather has noticed he has a fever. It’s happening too fast and is still don’t really know why I am involved. Expect I do, which makes it so much worse. I would get dropped of at work, and then catch a bus to First Beach, which yes was counter intuitive, but it felt wrong to tell the people who immediately accepted me I didn’t want to be around them right now. I’d tell them id get a ride home from Henry and just walk back home. No, I shouldn’t walk. I promised Sam I wouldn’t walk. I’ll get the bus home or ask Bella as awkward as it might be.
Paul eyed me, brow furrowing. Sam and Emily didn’t notice but I couldn’t help feeling like Paul could read my mind. It feels weird being known so well. I sat with them for an hour or so before going to get a shower and then get dressed, Emily had layed my clothes on my bed while I was in the shower, and I suddenly felt insanely sick at the thought of lying to her.
Wandering back into the kitchen I saw Paul wearing worker pants that were just wow. I looked away before he caught my gaze. My heart beating in my throat.
“Where are you working?” I asked, he was looking for a job before all of this.
“Sam’s construction, he let Jared and I join after we shifted, he runs the business you know?” he said looking at my clothes. Wide legged white pants and black shirt, I was holding my apron, the ugly thing.
“Actually, Sam’s gone in early, so can I drive you to work?”
I nod, grabbing my bag and kissing Emily’s cheek goodbye as she started working on a wooden chair. Emily sold wooden furniture, I made sure to make note of that since my parents were looking at getting a new kitchen done. As we left, I noticed Sam had taken Emily’s truck and left his own for Paul. Fuckers had planned this.
“you’re a horrible liar, you know.” Paul said as we drove away from Emily’s. Is he psychic? “Sam told me you normally finish early on Wednesday’s, right?”
“Me too. I finish at 12, ill pick you up and explain everything.” I decided to play dumb.
“I thought you explained everything?” his laugh echoed in the car.
“We both know you’re too smart to think that.” The conversation ended, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Not the same feeling as when Sam drove me, this was new.
“You can meet Henry when you pick me up.” I added, laughing at the thought.
“Who?” Paul said, the familiar jealousy peaking in his voice.
“Oh, he’s a real catch, total ladies’ man. I have a conspiracy that we’re psychically linked.” I said nonchalantly, absolutely doing it on purpose.
“That’s cool.” He said, sharply. These three hours were gonna go smoothly.
And they did. I was so excited for Paul to come pick me up I was practically jumping the whole three-hour shift. Henry had been side eyeing me all day, possibly worried I was on drugs or something.
“So, Paul’s going to pick me up and I’d like for you to meet him.” I told Henry as we stocked the shelves, or as I stocked them, and he micromanaged me.
“Eh okay.” He grumbled, I smiled, excited.
As 12 came I was practically glued to the window. Seeing Sam’s truck pull up my chest had a weight lifted off that I didn’t know was there. Pauls stocky figure walked up to the front door, and I beckoned him over to where I stood.
“Where’s this Henry then?” he asked, trying to seem calm.
“This way!” he must’ve been taken back by my excitement as he gasped slightly as I dragged him to the back of the store. “Henry! This is Paul.”
I watched as Pauls deflated face turned quickly into annoyance and relief as he saw Henry, who looked him up and down, grumbled and asked him if he could pick up some boxes for him. Paul agreed, but it didn’t feel like he had much choice in the matter. After ten minutes of Paul moving boxes around for Henry, I finally got him away, saying goodbye we left the store.
“You minx.” He laughed, opening my door for me.
Laughing I asked him what he was talking about.
“All morning. All morning! I spent worrying some hot bachelor called Henry had stolen your heart! Jared was getting annoyed at how pissy I was acting!” he whined, driving to LaPush.
We made it to first beach without Paul ripping my head off from annoyance. I tried not to dwell too hard on his blatant admission to his jealousy. But it made my head spin.
But he went silent as we walked to the rocks on the southside of the beach. Whatever he was about to tell me was very serious, and I was ready to hear. As we sat down, he looked at the necklace I was wearing, the citrine he bought me.
“You know when I bought you that necklace, I had no idea how beautiful it was.” He said, slowly looking up into my eyes.
“What do you mean? The lady handed it to you, I saw you look down at it.” I asked, searching his eyes for whatever he was trying to tell me.
“What do you remember about imprinting?” he asked, his hand lightly holding onto mine, the other splayed against the rocks. He took me off guard which must be visible on my face as he laughed at my expression.
“I remember you telling me about the imprint who saved the tribe from the vampires by sacrificing herself.” It was a harrowing tale, one that even as children Paul and I treaded on lightly.
“Uh huh, anything else?” he probed.
“I know how the elders described the imprint to feel.” At his silence I continued “that the universe centres around them,” I was whispering to him now, “that it is a love of the souls, bonded and combined.” He nodded.
“Anything else?”
“Paul why are you asking me this?” dread filled me, what if he had imprinted on someone else, I would respect it and understand but telling me like this had to be some form of torture. Deep down I knew that wasn’t the case.
“I imprinted on you.” My head whirled. Everything else became singular as I looked at Paul Lahote who became a multitude. “I was scared I’d imprint on someone else, and it’d be me loosing my agency in life you know,” I did, it was what I was worried about. “But I imprinted on you, at the beach. And I’ve always been in love with you. When we were kids and you would always climb the highest tree, never scared if you fell. When we’d braid each other’s hair. It’s always been you, even the fates agree.” The wind was knocked out of his lungs as I practically jumped onto him. My arms around his neck, his around my waist.
I pulled away. Remembering how this conversation started. “What did you mean, when you said you didn’t know how beautiful the necklace was?”
“That’s the other thing, turns out when we shift for the first time, we go colourblind.”
“Wolves, they are naturally colourblind, Sam thinks that’s why we lose it, Jared and I used to think it was just another way the fates could steal life from us.” I listened intently. “That was until Sam imprinted on Emily. He said it was the most overwhelming experience of his life, not only because of the horrible family drama but because it was the first time in months, he had seen colour. We realised then that the only way we could see truly again was when we imprinted. You have to understand how terrifying it was after we’d first shifted, I thought I was dying” He took a deep, steadying breath. “After I first shifted you sent me a picture, do you remember?”
“Not really.” I admitted.
“It was of that cloud with the colours on it.” I nodded, remembering. It was a pileus cloud I’d seen in my back garden; he pulled out his phone. Scrolling sheepishly past the texts from him asking to talk to me and then texts from me, begging for an answer. He landed on a picture I sent, on the pileus cloud, they have colours sitting on them, rainbows laying on the soft clouds of the sky. Had I been taking my sight for granted? Spending my whole life gazing while he had it stolen from him?
“I cried for hours when you sent me this, I couldn’t see it, Sam had told me to cut off all contact with you and all I needed was you to- I don’t know- explain the colours to me since I couldn’t see them.” He breathed heavily; I could see the anger weighing on his shoulders once more. I didn’t interrupt him, just placed a hand on his thigh as an attempt to soothe. He smiled gently at this, still looking at the cloud. “It was two days after I’d shifted for the first time, and I was always so overwhelmed. I kept snapping and shifting in a fit of rage.”
As he waited for a response from me, I finally formed a semi-coherent sentence.
“I would’ve done the same. I can’t imagine how it- losing that- I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be. If it’s anyone’s fault it’s those bloodsuckers.” He laughed. Smiling at me. We spoke for what felt like hours, it probably was but I didn’t mind. “I’m sorry to unload all of this onto you. I didn’t want to drag you into it, but you have to realise you call the shots, all you.”
“Is this why Sam didn’t pick me up yesterday?” I asked, remembering the hasty text Sam had sent me yesterday afternoon.
“Yeah,” he blushed, “I got angry at him, and he spent the whole day trying to convince me.”
“Couldn’t he just demand it?” the authority Sam had over the boys couldn’t be questioned, but it was a natural thing to him I felt it too.
“Yeah, but I know that he wanted me to make the choice, you’re my imprint after all.” He smiled, putting a hair behind my ear.
The sun had begun to set when Paul and I stopped talking, we’d spoke for hours. Catching up on each other’s lives, I told him about my fight with Quil and how I was feeling about Bella, and he listened. He told me about his dad, who’d decided to go work down south for a few months, leaving Paul the house to himself. That even though he gets the entire one-story building to himself he prefers to stay at Emily’s, he’d always hated being alone. He watched the sun set and I watched him. How it reflected on his clear skin, how his short hair was growing back. He’d explained that they’d all cut their hair after their first shift as to now only be practical but because they were grieving, grieving themselves. Paul was growing his hair again, determined to have a piece of himself back again, the hair length only mattered on the first few shifts. No one was sure why.
Going back to Sam’s truck I hold onto Paul’s hand, pulling him to a stop halfway across the beach. Getting closer to him I felt the warmth radiate from him, he couldn’t help but become the sun. The confused look on his face amused me, as I pulled him in and kissed him. His hand let go of mine as he wove his arms around my waist. My hands going to his back and his hair. He didn’t drive back to Emily’s. We spent the night in his house, the blue walls of his bedroom were known better than my own. Making out on his bed I sat on his lap, pulling his shirt of and then my own he grinned up at me.
“You’re so beautiful.” I didn’t say anything as I unhooked my bra, his jaw dropped slightly, and I blushed. He pulled his own jeans off and then switched our positions, so I was on my back as he took my white trousers of, discarding them somewhere in the room. I felt his lips on mine again which stopped me from staring at his well-defined chest, my hands felt him completely. I reached into his boxers as he whined slightly into my mouth at my slow and teasing actions.
“Don’t play with me.” He whispered into my ears as he ripped his boxers off, slowly taking my underwear off. As I felt him align himself, I looked into his eyes, seeing nothing but love.
Three weeks had passed since I found out about Paul’s imprint. Summer had begun to spread itself thinly and form into fall. I’d spoken to Quil, but he could tell I was hiding something. Especially since Jake had abandoned him without word and so did I. I knew he wanted to be apart of whatever was going on, but we all hoped he would never have to know, never feel the pain they all went through.
I spent most nights at Emily’s and some at Pauls but few and few at home. I wasn’t sure why my parents trusted my choices so much, but I figured they trusted Paul and I’d been a well-behaved teen. They did, however, begin to question why Bella Swan was constantly coming over asking for me. I couldn’t tell her. I still wasn’t over her not telling me anything. But Jake had ghosted her, just after I did. After the Cullen did. She had other friends, but it felt like a really shitty thing to do, I knew if I saw her, I’d just tell her everything. Even if she wouldn’t do the same for me.
I was at Emily’s when Embry, Jared, and Bella Swan herself came into the kitchen. She looked at me in shock and I gestured to the seat beside me, she shook her head. As Emily and I were informed on how Bella found herself in this predicament I laughed at the thought of Jake and Paul fighting, it didn’t surprise me. But I was shocked at Bella slapping him, she defended herself explaining she was angry and didn’t know we’d made up at this point. She didn’t know much. Jared told her that the pack was faster and better than the leaches, Bella seemed to feel more comfortable.
Sam, Jake, and Paul came into the house, Bella seemed to stow herself away in the corner. Her face went bright red after Paul apologised to her and kissed me, Sam complimented how well she took seeing two men turn into wolves in front of her and she laughed it off.
“How are you feeling?” Paul asked as I climbed into bed beside him.
“Tired, Bella gave me a hard time about me ignoring her, she’s right I guess.” Facing him in bed I tried to savour how the moon bounced off him. How he seemed to glow in the blue moonlight. He disagreed, but I knew Paul was biased he’d never really trusted Bella.
“What about Quil have you made up your mind on what you’re going to do?” He asked, kissing my nose as he pulled me to his chest.
“I’m going to go to his house tomorrow. I can’t tell him anything, but I need him to know I’m still his friend and I still love him. He’s one of my closest friends, his love is tough but its true you know?”
“I know.”
“How are you feeling?”
“everything’s getting calmer, but the red leech is still circling, these hikers need to learn to stay on the trail for their own sake.” He laughed; it wasn’t a happy laugh but an exhausted one. “Plus, Quil really might shift soon, I’m not sure how I feel about you going to see him in person.”
“I’ll be okay.”
“Doesn’t make me worry any less.” He was holding me so close, our legs intertwined.
“He knows me better than anyone, which is scary but I won’t talk to him about the fight it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I can’t not have him in my life, it feels so good to be known so well. And not in the way you know me,” I clarified, “he knows me in a way that is tried and true, its not as intimate as how you know me, Quil challenges me, I challenge him. I can’t stand ignoring him.”
Paul nodded, he understood. He just hoped he didn’t shift in front of me.
“I love you.” He whispered into my hair.
“I love you more.” I whispered back, falling into a perfect sleep.
“Are you happy being with Paul?” Quil asked, grey hoodie swamping his tall figure.
“Yes.” I replied, arms crossed over my chest.
“I’m not surprised.” He sighed. Then, crossing the front room he looked out of his front window. “You really hurt me, you know.”
“I know.”
“And you can’t even tell me why!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You, Embry and Jake can’t tell me a single thing!” he yelled, still not looking at me. I had prepared for this, for him to hate me. I just didn’t expect it to feel so horrible.
“I’m sorry, Quil, I really am.” He looked at me, eyes desperate.
“I’ve missed you.” He whispered. Tears in my eyes I ran to him, colliding with his chest we both cried on each other. “Remember we’re not keeping score, no arguments-”
“No winners.” I finished; we didn’t keep score.
As he pulled away, we both wiped at the tears streaming down our faces.
“Lahote? Really?” he laughed; I punched him in the arm. “Ow! Okay, okay.”
For now, everything was okay. I could handle okay.
pauls pinterest board
an:// i hoped you all loved reading this as much as i loved writing it! you can see why its taken me so long to actually write this :') Tumblr always gets rid of my paragraph spacing it kills me:( the word doc for this fic is 19 pages long! this is the longest fic i've written, im very proud of it!! requests are open, take care of yourself. i love you- em x
@ribbons-in-your-hair @notperfect-justme @thebestrouge [you guys asked me to tag you if i wrote anything about this headcannon! i hope you enjoy it!]
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madebyrolo · 2 months
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Holding me and holding back pt.3
Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
summary: Kook vs pouge still exists on the mainland.
obx master list (find mini series here!)
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
As you finished doing your hair Rafe finally arrives back from breakfast.
“Good morning princess” Rafe says as he enters the room with just keys.
“Hey babe, where’s breakfast?” You ask as you place a kiss on his cheek in search of your jewelry.
“Change of plans, had the little altercation with Maybank. Thought we go out mainland.” He says with a guilty smile.
You sigh “What happened?”
“Well I was getting coffee and jj happened to be working in the cafe. I order your signature iced cameral macchiato 3 creamers and when I went to go pick it up jj said “hmm got the same coffee order as y/n. are you wearing her black lace pantees too?” hes lucky i didn’t punch him.”
“Rafe come on we talked about this.”
“How does he know what panties you wear? I bough those for you?” He asked as his tounge swiped his lips.
“Rafe we’ve spent days at the chateau and he just probably saw them with my laundry or something calm down” you say putting on a gold necklace.
“You’re right. beside he couldn’t even get in your pants if he wanted too.” He chuckled as he went into the bathroom.
“Oh and I threw the drink at him.”
𐙚 -time skip- 𐙚
You and Rafe are sitting on the ferry, hand in hand with matching outfits he insisted on wearing.
“Remember the time when we went to Charlotte too see The Weeknd?” Rafe said looking at you.
“Yeah it was really fun, though it was hard to cover up to the pouges” you say scrunching your face as the sun hit it.
“Ugh why do they get suspicious of your happiness?” He playful rolled his eyes.
“Maybe it’s the fact that they all work 3 jobs a week to survive and I went on a thousand dollar trip for ‘funsies’ but hashtag idk Rafe.” you blanky stated.
“I bet jj had a lot to say”
“Oh the mouth on that boy- wait Rafe enough with the jj jealousy!l
“Not jealous.” He said not even convincing himself.
“What is it then. Love? Obsession?” You joke
“Okay fine jealously…” he said under his breath
“Aww Rafe Cameron’s a bitch??” You gasp dramatically.
“Okay whatever, besides im on the date with you right now”
“Yeah well now believe it.”you go in for a kiss.
“Oh by the way Sarah is on mainland shopping so she’s gonna meet us for brunch.” Rafe said as He pulled away.
“Wait so I’m official meeting your sister?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Duh you’re my girlfriend”
Hearing him say it had butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“And you already met my parents, and wheez. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything to Sarah” he said with a small smile.
“You don’t think she’ll like hate me?”
“Why would she hate you?”
“ you know kook, pouge, you practillay started the so called war yourself.”
“Well you're different” Rafe said pushing hair behind your hair.
His comment left you confused, but you just brushed it off.
“Also her and Kiara have some beef. I don’t know what went down but she they don't seem to hide their hatred. ”you say worried.
“And if she hates kie, how do you think she’s gonna react to meeting her bestfriend?” You began hugging yourself in a comforting manner.
“i know how Sarah gets with their drama or whatever, but if you get caught in the crossfire I’ll be there to put it out.” Rafe wrapped a arm around you.
You sat in his embrace trying to save this memory. This is the Rafe you knew.
As you guys exit the ferry, Rafe has a Uber waiting already.
“Okay so we’re doing brunch, then a little sight seeing and shopping. And if all goes well maybe with Sarah.” He said opening the car door falling you in.
“Hopefully with a full stomach it’ll be less intimidating.” You say putting your seatbelt on.
“Giving the fact you both love shopping, and annoying me, the odds may be in your favor.”
“Ha ha very funny” you side eye him.
“In fact I don’t love shopping, you just fueled an addiction.”
“Call me your sugar daddy”
“Oh I will.”
Soon enough you guys arrive to the restaurant.
As you guys enter the restaurant you sit a table. The waiter hands 2 menus, soon asking for a third. You order a waters for now until Sarah arrives.
“So you think we can hit up Victor secret for a new set? Because jj seen my hopefully now old ones” you said with a fake grimace.
“I’ll buy you as many as you want if we can burn all the ones he’s seen.” He said looking through the menu.
“So why today am i meeting Sarah?” you ask Rafe taking a gulp of your water.
“Why not? Besides plans were ruined cause of your friends.” he smirked
His comment pissed you off a bit. You hate when he talks shit about the pouges, your best friends.
“Maybe if you didn't assualt them we wouldn't have a problem.” you scoff
“They don't know a ounce of respect, so why should I?” Rafe crossed his arms
“Because your a good person Rafe” you put down your glass.
“So you're agreeing with me, they terrible people?” he says
“Not even a little bit. I'm just saying be the bigger person.”
“I mean I got the big dick so I pretty much am-”
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom I’ll be right back.” You cut him off, sliding your now empty water glass.
You get up walking around the back to the restroom.
As you wash your hands you pull your phone and check the messages you’ve gotten practically spammed with.
⌞ Pope hitting the Dougie. ⌝
What does the j stand for: Rafe just threw coffee in my face😍
Kiki do you love me: omg what!?
Johnathan: wow can’t tell if should laugh or ?
What does the j stand for: why is there a or.
Hope 🥺: Since I’m a good person I won’t be laughing in this group chat.
Kiki do you love me: I see him giggling at the table while im working at the wreck.
What does the j stand for: wow okay I see where I stand in this friendship 🕳️ 🚶🏼‍♂️
Johnathan: he did say group chat…
Kiki do you love me: what even happened ?
Hope 🥺: open his mouth ♡ hearted by 2 people
What does the j stand for: to sum it all up I called him a sissy because he had the same coffee order as y/n
Johnathan: LMFAOOO
Kiki do you love me: wow okay that’s kinda funny 😭
Hope 🥺:ohh now I want a iced caramel macchiato
Johnathan: that’s like the most basic order jj. I’m gonna laugh because you yourself in that position.
What does the j stand for: no but like he even got the extra 3 creamers….
Kiki do you love me: y/n has good coffee orders you can’t blame her 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope 🥺: omg Twinem!!
Johnathan: okay pope has been too funny and it’s only 8am
What does the j stand for: I quit before I could get fired 🤞🏼
Johnathan: you lasted 2 months. That’s the longest you held a job!!!
Kiki do you love me: woohh the bear minimum !!
Hope 🥺: how’d you know you would get fired
What does the j stand for: it’s Rafe.
Johnathan: I’m assuming you’re coming over?
What does the j stand for: yes master.
Kiki do you love me: count me and pope in. I’m gonna try to leave early then I’ll pick him up.
What does the j stand for: y/n you in?
Kiki so you love me: is she even alive, she hasn’t texted all morning.
Hope 🥺: so that’s why the birds are singing
Johnathan: you’re killing me pope.
What does the j stand for: y/n wya.
Kiki do you love me: I swear if ur still sleeping…
Hope 🥺: hate to admit it but kinda want you here. Jjs yapping away
Johnathan: #missingyou 🩷🩷
Hope 🥺: #wakeup
God you completely forgot about the pouges.
What do you tell them? This is like your 6th trip to the mainland, they’re gonna start to get suspicious.
Y/n: I had to go with my mom to see my aunt sorry guys :(
Hope 🥺: I thought you went last week?
Damn you pope.
Y/n: she’s old pope.
Now that isn’t a lie.
You put your phone away, quickly recollecting yourself in the mirror and heading back out.
As you walk towards the table you see the second blonde Cameron.
Ohh things just got real.
Rafe spots you soon getting up before you can reach the table.
“So Sarah I want you to meet y/n, my girlfriend.” He said with a genuine smile.
He wraps he arm around your waist as she also gets up.
She looks you up and down, analyzing you like an fbi angent.
“Hey Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.” You say breaking the ice. Very cold ice.
“Nice to meet you too y/n” she said reaching her hand out for a handshake.
You took it, her grip somewhat firm but you couldn’t help but notice how aware she was.
“so let’s sit! I’m starving the ferry ride was long!” Rafe said trying to ease the tension.
“Oh the menu looks good” Rafe says examining it thoroughly.
“Rafe we’ve been here before” Sarah say looking up at him through her menu.
The waitress comes up with a notepad before Rafe can argue back.
“Welcome to sunny kitchen, my names Anne I will be your server for today. What can I get started for you?” The waiter said in fake happiness.
“Ice cameral macchito.” You and Sarah both say in unison.
“Oh sorry you go first” Sarah smiles
“Uh ice cameral macchiato with 3 creams” you tell the waitress
“Same for me” Sarah says
“I’ll take an orange juice” Rafe says as the waitress writes it all down.
“Alright I’ll be back with your drinks!”
“Didn’t know you guys had the same coffee order” Rafe spoke up.
“Cameral macchiatos are literally my babies.” You say throwing your head back
“Ugh they’re so good I made our dad buy me whole coffee set up. Expreso machine, the syrups everything.” Sarah agrees
“Ive noticed, I love making rafe make me one. It's like playing barista”
“You force me.” Rafe hits you with the menu
You both giggle at the annoyance of Rafe. So far so good.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” You ask Sarah.
“Hmm maybe like the sunny platter, how about you?”
“Chicken and waffles, they have the best waffles here I swear, there so fluffy.” You smile at her.
Ice starting to melt.
“I think I’m gonna get a salad.” Rafe joked putting the teacher's finger in front of his lips.
You guys all giggle as the waitress comes and drops off your drinks.
“Are you guys ready to order?”
you guys order tator-tots for appetizers and you out in your orders. You guys have been chating away, you and Sarah not had one bad interaction so far.
“Wait so Rafe accidentally knocked on your parent's window thinking it was yours?” Sarah asked completely losing it.
“Yes and it was like 2 am too, he was waiting and my dad went outside and chased him with a bat” you guys are in a laughing fit while Rafe is sitting arms crossed.
“Glad you guys find my trama funny. It was terrifying it was pitch black and all I can hear is his screaming” he said rolling his eyes.
“don’t try sneak out at 2am maybe?” Sarah commented.
“He was wearing all back too, he genuinely looked like he was gonna cause a home invasion!”
The waitress soon brought your plates.
“Here’s the chicken and waffles, sunny platter, and sunny side. Enjoy your meal!”
You all began to dig in, sharing small comments about the food being absolutely amazing.
“Why can’t there be food like this on the banks” you say practically moaning.
“Honestly I would pay for a sunny kitchen franchise” Rafe agreed
“we need to do this more” Sarah smiled at you.
We now have a watered down caramel macchiato. Wooh!! 
Soon you guys are walking around town, window shopping, photo ops, small talk.
You and Sarah and hitting it off, you guys like the same music, clothes, coffee order.
Rafe is glad your guys are getting along and you were too.
“I wanna find a cute sundress, my mom’s forces me to go to church with my grandma and I want to at least look cute before she stuffs me into floral hell.” You say walking into a boutique.
“Get whatever you want, all on me.”’Rafe says planting a kiss on your head.
“I’ll seat here, you girls go crazy.” He says sitting on the small couch.
“Since you’re getting a dress I guess have to get a dress. I don’t wanna be the weirdo who doesn’t get a dress you know?” Sarah jokes are you began flipping through racks.
As you go through dress after dress, you feel vibrations coming for your phone. You know it’s the pouges but you refuse to check. You feel bad for ditching them for the Cameron’s and it doesn’t help that you’re dress shopping with Sarah. You were just doing the same with Kie.
“Y/n this would look so good on you!” Sarah said showing you a blue floral bustier sun dress.
“Oh my god that’s so cute!” You say grabbing it.
Soon you guys are both in the dressing room showing your items giving each other a fashion show.
“You think this tops cute” you ask Sarah looking in the mirror.
“Yeah it’s cute and casual, you can wear it anywhere.” She answered.
“What about this skirt?” Sarah asks adjusting the length.
“If you dont get it I will.” You comment.
“Are you girls done it’s been like almost 2 hours?” Rafe yells from the dressing room entrance.
“Rafe if you want us counting your girlfriend, to look cute, you should shut up.” Sarah tells him earning giggles from you.
“We should hurry up though it’s getting late and I don’t wanna miss the ferry like last time. It was hard making up an excuse to the pouges.” You say changing back into your regular clothes waiting for Sarah to finish up.
“I don’t understand how you can be friend with them” Sarah tells you leaving the dressing room.
“That’s what Rafe says too. Were like sardines, always together.” You smile to yourself.
“What do they think about you and Rafe?” She asks.
“Uh they don’t actually know.” You say putting your things on the counter.
Soon Rafe takes a notice goes up to the counter to begin to pay. You and Sarah sit on the couch counting your conversation.
“Why haven't you told them?” she asked.
“Because I know they’ll freak. They don’t exactly like the your family let alone any kook. Jj and Rafe were at each other throats all the time and I know you and Kiara have your history.” A flat smile forms on your lips.
“Honestly why do you care what they think? If you’re happy they should accept that”
“I know but we’ve been with each other since diapers, knowing they could throw our entire friendship away just because of a boy doesn’t make it any easier,” you say looking at Rafe.
“Honestly y/n I’ve seen the way you and Rafe have an effect on each other, that’s actual love. I know we’ve just met not even 4 hours ago but you're respectful, caring, and kind, like one of the most genuine persons I’ve known. If the pouges throw you to the side of the road just because of my bother they don’t seem like the perfect people you paint them to be.” She says
“And with Kiara, what happened is she called the cops on my party after I didn’t invite her. I know it was wrong of me but she didn’t have the right to ruin my birthday. I think she was and is a very shellfish person, and if you think that’s the way they would treat you just because you’re in love that makes them all shellfish.” Sarah says with kind eyes.
“If I can be honest with you Sarah, I think you’re right. I’m just scared to admit it. I know it’s wrong for me to say it but sometimes I can’t help but to think if I were to grow up on the other side how different I would be. Me and Pope are the only ones who actually think about our future while the rest think about the moment. They wanna do fun spontaneous things but I want to at least have a safety plan.”
Is what you would’ve said to her. But all that came out of your mouth was
“you don’t know them like I do”
Soon Rafe comes up drowning in shopping bags.
“A little help wouldn’t hurt,” he says trying to balance 10 bags.
You all are sitting in the ferry, you and Rafe are sitting together while Sarah on a different side. Rafe is scrolling on his phone while you’re looking into the harbor.
You get up to find Sarah, you couldn’t let the day end without having one last conversation.
“Hey Sarah” you greet as she looks up from her phone.
“Hey y/n” she smiles
“I just want to say it was spending the day with you. You’re really cool and like the best and worst person to shop with” you both giggle “and I wanna thank you for listening to me, I gunesilly like the advice you gave me. I can admit I’m scared of confronting them and we both have a good idea of what would happen if I do, but I just can’t help but feel torn between these two worlds.” You confess.
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks
“I’m mean we’ve been seeing eachother for like almost 5 months, it’s too soon-”
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks one more time.
“Yes” you sigh “But please don’t say anything-”
“Im not going too. But if you love him you should be with him. It’s not them who are kissing Rafe it’s you.”
“Yeah you’re right. They should be happy for me, I’m always there when jj survives night surfing or when Kiara ‘got her revenge’.” you and Sarah smile
“But if all goes wrong you got Rafe and me. i can agree today has been a wonderful day and if there is more of this in the future.”
“Enough with me, I've heard you have a little thing with Topper huh? Spill!” you asked Sarah who had faint blush on her cheeks.
“Well i guess you can say we're official, Topper’s sweet and kind. He's not like the others who always want more.” she said playing with her fingers.
“Aww you're blushing!”
“Whatever, but sometimes he just feels like, i dont know. Clingy?”
“Oh tell me about it, the first month with Rafe he wouldn't keep his hands off of me, always spamming me with stupid memes” you began blushing.
“But once time passed we got more comfortable, our friendship grew. he was and is my best friend now. Sometimes we fight like friends too but at the end of the day we still have each other”
“I want what you and Rafe have, i hate to admit it but I'm jealous of him. Never repeat those words to anyone.” she pointed her finger at You “You guys are like perfect!” she groaned
“I wouldn't say perfect but maybe with time you and Topper will be your perfect.”
“Yeah but, i dont know. Like he's great and all but-” she made a face no boy would understand but only a girl would.
“You just don't want it with him.” you finish for her.
“Oh god, am I a bad person?” she says laying her head on the ship wall.
“No no, you just know what you want. If you lead him on that's a mess you don't wanna clean up.”
You looked at Sarah and she had a very unfaithful look.
“But you never know, maybe one day you'll feel something that makes sense you know? Like he's the one.”
“With topper?”
“With anyone. I knew it with your brother when he randomly picked me up and surprised me with the perfect date. He got my favorite flowers, went to my favorite dinner, he for everything write and I didn't tell him a thing.”
“So he just knew”
“Yeah, he knew” just as you finished, you turned too see Rafe walking up to you guys.
“There's my girl,” he says placing a kiss on your forehead and handing you a Cherry Coke he got from a vending machine.
“Ugh that is what I mean!” Sarah complains
“Just give it time, you don't have to worry about love right now you're just 16. ‘Got your whole life ahead of you. It can be now, next year, hell even next week.” you sat giving her a hopeful smile.
“What is she whining about now?” Rafe jerks his head towards his sister.
“Boy stuff” Rafe fakes gagged.
You and Sarah shared a small side hug.
You guys sat together the whole ride back
Never in your life, did you expect to be this close to the Camerons.
Sarah was refreshing, she wasn't silently judging, she understood your jokes, she cared about what you had to say, didn't laugh or call you a pussy for showing your emotions. You both were excited for back to school season (for the shopping only though) and even planned study dates. all the guilt washed away.
Sarah was now one of your closest friends, spilling deep secrets, cracking jokes, endless selfies.
Now you guys are in Rafe's truck, he's driving you home with the gifts he got you and your mom (obviously she loves him)
You get out of the truck, Rafe following behind grabbing your bags. Before you shut your door Sarah says goodbye.
“Remember sleepover next weekend alright? Don't let Rafe take you away.” she smiles as you say your goodbyes and shit the door.
Rafe puts the bags in your room also saying his goodbyes and hello to your parents.
You slide into your duvet covers, scrolling through your massages and finally replying to your friends after such a good day, even meeting your new best friend.
Who knows? Maybe next week you and Sarah will be buying matching jewelry. Let's just hope the pouges dont get suspicious.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
Part three :))
Thanks for the love on this story <33
excuse any typos
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beautifulfuckup99 · 7 months
Arranged marriage where reader is in love with him but he didnt have feelings for her. Reader tries to make him fall in love with her but it never worked. Then something happens and he gets head over heels for reader. Smutty of course
Could be yoongi or JK or V
You know what? Taehyung barely gets love on this page. This is a V Smut!
Title: Why Can't You Be Mine?
Warning(s): One sided love for a bit, Enemies to Lovers, SMUT!, Angry S!X.
Author's Note: Enjoy...
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"Please, enjoy the rest of the banquet." Taehyung says, voice as smooth and soft as his skin that glowed effortlessly thanks to the royal suit he was stuck into by your parents, the king and queen. Your eyes roamed his body like it was second nature for your brain. You couldn't help it...
Your sweaty hands smooth out your silk white dress you'd changed into after the wedding ceremony. This, the man standing next to you, was your husband. How flattering, right? The man not giving you a second glance, not even trying to make it look like he was joyful about today. Yes, he was now your husband. For the sake of the Kim Dynasty Kingdom and your kingdom, the Fye Kingdom, you agreed to join the two.
"At least hold my hand." You finally whisper. You two were at the front door of the castle, greeting guests together after the garden wedding earlier this morning. Taehyung gives you a side glance.
"Why? I need both hands to greet guests." He says as you frown and grab his hand, making him sigh heavily.
"I'm sorry, your majesty, I didn't know my skin burned your royal hand." You whisper and he stays silent. God, why did you find him so... Perfect? He was terrible suiter, but he'd make a wonderful king. You knew that for sure. You'd heard all about his ideas to better his people's lives...
"Why must you always be sarcastic?" He mutters finally and you can't help but put on a fake smirk.
"What? I find it charming." You state and he looks you in the eyes. There's a second. One second... Where... There! There it is. His eyes soften for that one second, and it makes your heart flutter, only to have him look away, as if annoyed by you. You hum softly.
"If we're going to share a bed, you need to try and look at me for longer than a second." You say and he scoffs.
"We will not share a bed." He states shortly and you pause.
"Wha-" He cuts you off as he spots Sargent Yoongi of the Daegu military.
"Sargent!" He calls. "Greet our guests, will you." He says before leaving you alone, walking towards Yoongi as he tries to escape. You frown a bit before letting it go.
On the first day of you two officially being married, you bring breakfast to his room out of good spirits. Even though he made it clear he wanted you two in different rooms, you still wanted to show you could be a good partner.
Walking in with the tray of food, you find him already awake and just looking out the window. "Morning." You say gently as he turns to you, eyes narrowing at the tray in your grasp.
"Not hungry." He states, not returning your greeting. You shift a bit at his already cold demeanor.
"You're welcome." You mutter with a small eye roll that he quickens a brow at.
"Why are you here?" He asks as he crosses his arms.
"Well, if I couldn't fall asleep next to my husband, at least let me wake him with food." You state as he scoffs softly at the request.
"As stated, Y/N, not hungry." He says before walking past you to the bathroom. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
"But if I chuck this tray at his head, I'm wrong..." You mutter to yourself.
"What was that?" Taehyung asks from the bathroom.
"Nothing." You say before walking out of his room.
The day is spent with Taehyung far away from you. He's off to meetings without you because, according to the message he'd left with the castle guards, you didn't have to "concern yourself" with any kingdom issues. It made you blood boil...
You busy yourself with volunteering around the village. Which is hard to do with guards following you, but you manage to keep a smile on your face. Your heart was hurt all day though. How could he be so damn cold to you? What had you truly done to piss him off?
That night, you're informed you'll be having dinner alone. "Prince Taehyung is in his study. Says he'll be too busy. My apologies, princess." The guard says. You hum.
"Don't apologize." You assure quietly before walking off to the dining hall. You wait for your food and when it's placed in front of you, you get up and grab it. You walk to the study and find Taehyung sat at the desk, head in his hands as if tired by something. Possibly the paper in front of him.
"I did not tell you to enter." Taehyung says before looking up and seeing you. "No. No, didn't the guard tell you? I need to be alone. You may eat dinner by yourself." He says sternly.
"I may? How nice of you to give me permission." You say bitterly before sitting in the chair in front of his desk and setting the plate down on his papers.
"Y/N! I-" You cut him off.
"I don't feel like eating away from my husband. You've been avoiding me all day long. And I will not eat dinner alone too. So, we can sit here until nightfall, or we can eat, and you can tell me what's giving you white hairs." You say shortly as you lean back and wait.
He eyes you before sighing, as if knowing he won't win this. 'Smart boy...' You think. You slowly lean forward as he begins to speak, voice coming out dry as if he's been exhausted all day.
"Next week... We will officially be crowned the rulers of this kingdom. We will officially unite both your people and mine." He says. You nod as you grab the fork to poke the food a bit.
"And?" You ask, eyes staying on the plate in front of you. "That is why we did this. Is it not?" You question gently and he pauses at your comment before he scoffs breathily and then shakes his head, as if annoyed.
"Never mind. I... It's just hard. My parents are no longer here." He says softly. You look down. You were only here because this kingdom needed Taehyung to step up and become a king. And every king needs a queen. Don't they? That's what your mother had told you as you grew up, but with how Taehyung was acting... Was that even true?
"I'm so sorry." You say gently as you look up to meet his eyes. God, those eyes were like ones from a viper snake. He'd wrap around you and suffocate you if he had the chance, but if those eyes were the last thing you saw... It'd be worth the death. Maybe.
"Yeah." Is all he sighs and you sheepishly hold the forkful of food in front of him, watching as he slowly eyes the fork and then moves away.
"I have to read." He mutters, shutting down again, much to your dismay.
'So close.' You think before shoving food into your mouth.
********************ONE WEEK LATER********************
"Let. Me. Go! Let me go!" You shout in pure anger as the guards basically carry you into Taehyung's study. He stops his pacing to watch you struggle.
"Put her down!" Taehyung says, voice loud and sharp. It even makes you pause. The guards are just as stunned. Taehyung was never one to raise his voice to anyone about anything.
But this wasn't just 'anything'. No. You knew why he was mad. You'd lost track of time at the village library and had missed the official crowning. Of course, the one-time Taehyung expects SOMETHING from you, you lose track of time.
"Out." He orders, eyes darkening as he watches you fix your dress. The guards are fast to bow and obey, leaving the room and shutting the heavy door behind them. You force in a deep breath.
"They didn't have to snatch me and drag me all the way here. I am their queen." You state, knowing they only did that because they were more than likely ordered to do so by Taehyung.
"You snuck away." He says lowly. "The guards are there to keep you safe-" You cut him off.
"I am more than capable of protecting myself. And they knew that. I didn't sneak away. I told them to hold back." You correct as you glare at him. How dare his perfect face be morphed into a stern frown at you!
"You don't order that! I do! I order that!" He snaps and it takes you aback before you finally let your tongue loose from between your teeth.
"I am your queen! And you will speak to me as such! You will not talk to me like I'm a servant here!" You snap back and he clenches his jaw.
"I told them to stay back so I can have a break! Lord knows I've earned one, being your damn lamb all the time." You say.
"My lamb?!" He asks in shock.
"Don't use that tone with me. Yes, your lamb! Following you everywhere you go in hopes of making this marriage work." You say angrily. He opens his mouth, but you're on a roll now. "Tell me something, your majesty," You begin, voice dripping with venom at the word 'majesty'. "Why did you marry me? Hm? For the throne? If that's the case, then why the hell does it matter where I was?!" You rant on until you're brought back by a loud slam.
The sound makes you gasp, unable to believe that it had come from Taehyung hitting the desk behind him.
"You think I'm that shallow?!" He snaps. "Do not ever question my intentions." He says as he looks you dead on. "You informed the guards you'd be at the shops and you were not found when it was time to come back. You had snuck off to the library instead. You... I need to know where you are!" He says as he walks closer to you, making you shrink back only slightly.
"Please. As if you truly care..." You growl and he eyes you with a fire in his eyes before grabbing you hard. He yanks you towards him and he's so strong that you practically fall into his chest. You gasp and raise your hand, blind in your anger. You weren't as angry at him as you were at yourself, feeling your heart race from being this close to him. It wasn't fair!
As you swing your hand back to slap him away from you, his hands grab your face. In an instant, you feel his lips crash into yours. You're in a moment of shock. This is the first time he's kissed you since your wedding. All these days avoiding you, and yet here he was. Kissing you as if he'd been starved of you...
You slowly begin to kiss back when you feel him pull away only by an inch or so, so he could bit your bottom lip. It makes you shiver and he's quick to pick you up and place you on his desk.
"Tae-" He cuts you off.
"Shut. Don't talk." He pants before kissing you just as intensely as the last. You return the gesture as his hands roam under your dress. You feel your cheeks heat up in this moment.
This is everything you’ve ever fantasized about and here it was…
You pull back from his lips as he grips your ass firmly, making you gasp a bit at the feel of his nails digging into your soft skin. His lips move against yours as he grinds against you until he realizes you’re not kissing back, too busy panting at the attention…
He trails his lips down your neck and to the tops of your breasts, biting along your skin as you lay fully back on the hard oak desk.
“Tae…” You pant, eyes shut as his hand moves lower down your body and under your dress, yanking your underwear down.
“I said no talking. I married you for the throne, right?” He whispers against your open mouth before pulling his hands back. Your underwear is in his grasp and before you can say anything, it's put in your mouth. You glare at him but the expression melts away at the feel of his fingers working over your wet slot, brushing along your clit as if you were one of his precious paintings you’d watch him work on in the garden.
Your head rolls back off the desk as you get lost in this pleasure, his slender fingers entering you slowly and when you pick your head up to watch him, you see him already looking at you with intense and dark eyes, slightly covered by his shaggy black hair. “Look at me. Look at me...” He pants as he finger fucks you faster.
You whine loudly. It’s muffled by the underwear in your mouth as he watches you with a smirk that begins to irk you to the core. You force yourself to sit up and grab his shoulders as your legs tighten around him. He smirks wider at that as you take out the underwear from your mouth. “I need more.” You whisper as you grab his chin, moving his head to face downward to hint at what you needed.
“And if I don’t?” He challenges, but you see on his face that it’s tempting.
“You will.” You state as you spread your legs more. He groans softly at that. He picks up your gown to bunch at your hips and slowly kneels in front of you, making you shiver at the sight.
“Worship your queen…” You pant as you place both hands on the desk to lean on them. You watch him start to tongue at your clit while his fingers glide in and out of you. You moan softly as you roll your hips at the attention. You weren’t going to last long, you already felt it building…
And just when you're on the edge...
He stops.
"Tae-" He cuts you off.
"You'll cum with me." He whispers in your ear as you shiver at the edge in his voice.
"Make. Me." You growl softly and he takes that challenge happily.
He kisses you deeply and you melt against his lips. "My pain..." He mumbles against your lips as he undoes his buckle, making you giggle.
"My pain..." You return softly as he slowly rubs his tip against your wet slot, making you pant hard.
"I love you..." He whispers, and before you can even react, he slides into you.
********************FOUR YEARS LATER********************
"Mommy? Mommy?" You little girl asks gently as you blink yourself back into reality, now sat in the garden on a beautiful Spring Day. Enjoying a much-needed picnic.
"Hm? What... What was the question again?" You ask gently as Taehyung smirks knowingly at you.
"I said..." The four-year-old looks down at her doll, getting distracted by the toy's beautifully curled hair for a moment. "I said when did you and daddy fall in love?" She repeats as she looks up at you.
Taehyung chuckles softly as you blink a bit. "Eh... When he and I got married." You say slowly.
"Oh, come on, Y/N." Taehyung says gently as he waves his hand at your answer. You raise an eyebrow at his statement. "I loved you even before the wedding." He says gently. You pause at that and open your mouth, but he keeps talking.
"I didn't say it then. But your daddy," Taehyung pulls your little girl on to his lap as you slowly cross your arms to watch him. "When grandma and grandpa passed... Our people looked to me to lead. But... I couldn't do that alone. It... It scared daddy. He didn't want to mess up, you know..." He says to your daughter, and she chuckles softly.
"You were scared?" She asks as if not believing it.
"Oh yeah! Big time. But... I had to step up. So... I decided... To marry the strongest princess I knew of. Someone smart and kind and who could handle someone like me. I sent for your mommy." He says and you freeze, never knowing that. You always thought your royal advisor had set this whole thing up with his. "And she came the second she got the proposal. But... See, your daddy thought... Your mommy wasn't... Into him. He overheard her talking to a royal advisor one day and saying that this marriage would be good for the people. It made daddy think mommy was forced into this. So..." Taehyung looks at you.
"Admittedly..." He says sheepishly. "Daddy acted mean towards mommy." He says and you hum softly as your heart beats a bit faster now with that new confession.
"But you love each other now!" Your daughter Lily says with a bright smile and you eye your husband as he gives you a shy smile.
"Sometimes..." You joke as you look at your husband with love in your eyes.
Hope you liked it!!
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httpsleclerc · 7 months
Hi bestie :) it's me :) there's no prompt or anything but can I request George and Russell!reader (younger sister) always trying to spend time together whenever they can when it's during the season,, something like getting lunch/dinner or having movie nights?? Thank ya ✨🩷
big brother George im literally curled up in a ball on the floor pulling my hair out.
You giggled as you heard George groan as you flopped down on the couch beside him, you acted offended - How dare he be so offended at your, now often rare company, while it was his home race and he was home visiting his family; which included you, his annoying, yet admittedly lovable little sister.
You were 7 years younger than George, and had turned 18 earlier in the year, unfortunately, your birthday fell on the weekend of the Monaco Grand Prix, and your brother had missed out on all the festivities. He felt guiltier when your parents had told him that you didn't enjoy your birthday as much as they had thought you would, and when they asked you about it, you said that you just missed your brother. Since you had moved away to attend university, yours and Georges schedules never seemed to match up anymore, but since this was his home race, you decided it would be rude of you not to at least attempt to attend it.
"Don't act like you didn't miss me, Georgie," He hated that nickname, well, from anyone but you who called him by it. George smiled at you as you leant against him, the TV in front of you playing the newest Spider-Man movie on Netflix. "Are you nervous for your race?" You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Let's not talk about the race, we're just having a movie night," He changed the subject, he already spent enough time away from you due to racing, so he didn't want to spend the little time he had with you talking about it. "How's uni going?" George asked you, knowing that you were a bit stressed out by all of your upcoming assignments for a while.
"It's fine, I passed all my first semester classes, which I didn't think I would," You mumbled quietly, fidgeting with your hands. "it's just really stressful." You admitted. George frowned at your admission - He knew how smart you were, and he knew what you were capable off.
"I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress about it, okay? You don't need to be thinking about uni right now," You relaxed as you realised that your brother was capable of speaking sense, and you leaned into him as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side. "I have missed you." George told you, although he wasn't lying, at this point he just wanted to see you smile - But apparently, his confession of sibling affection made you sleepy.
"Sorry, it was a long train journey this morning," You sleepily apologised, resting your head on your brothers chest as you found yourself getting more and more relaxed. George smiled, kissing the top of your head and continuing to watch the movie that played on the TV.
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starvi-boi · 2 months
yall asked me how i did it so here we go:
first of all, if you dont struggle with an ed or are in recovery than dont interact or read this. i am pro recovery for everyone except myself. stay safe everyone!!
my situation:
im 167 cm tall
i started at 67.7kgs and now im 43kgs, (bmi 24.3 -> 15.4)
i live with my parents and they after two months noticed and now they watch what i eat
it took me around 5 months but during 2 of them i was just maintaining because of miscalculations and binges
1) meals:
i do omads, its really effective, keep it around 350 - 900 cals a day, i used to fast for few days every now and then but omads work wonders
heres how my week looks:
mon: 400-700
tue: 400-800
wen: 400-600
thu: 350-650
fri: 400-800
sat: 900-1200
sun: 850-1250
omading dinner works quite well and so does omading breakfast, but i prefer dinners, i can keep my morning skinny all day and i dont have to walk outside being bloated af
2) exercise:
i do around 5 hours climbing a week, after 3 months i added a 20 minute workout every day that i dont climb, also sometimes i spent whole days climbing on rocks outside
i also have 2 hours of pe a week
i try to get at least 5k steps, mostly i get around 6k a day
im not a try hard in exercise, sometimes i go inline skating but its for fun
i dont distract burnt cals from the days total. i dont.
3) pürging:
i used to pürge anything that was over 500 cals, but it was useless, dont do it, its not helping, i did this only the first 2 months because of guilt
4) binging:
before i began eating less, i used to binge like 4 times a week (around 4k cals), it used to be my coping mechanism
at first i didnt binge at all, i didnt eat because of guilt, i hated food
lately ive been binging on low-cal stuff which is bad, but at least its not as high cal (i actually crave low-cal things), but now i tell myself this: 'enjoy the emptiness, nothing can fill in the void inside, especially not food' and it has helped a lot
but im not rlly sure what to do about it- it just sometimes happens
5) weight ins:
i do them everyday in the evening before dinner, i dont drink water during the day (dont do this, i forget to drink and am used to that, stay hydrated), which makes me not want to eat because id gain the food and water weight, if i knew i was having two meals id weight in in the morning
6) metab days:
since i live with my parents who now check on me, i do them on weekends - both days, i mostly binge on those days (sometimes even 3k cals) lol
i aim for 900-1100 cals on them because on other days i try to restrict as much as possible and my bmr is around 1200
even though they seem scary, theyre very much needed!!
7) rituals:
i dont snack, only gum - it works amazing (i go through like 30 a day :'))
i always plan my cals for the day in the morning and always add in the food before eating it
i spend a lot of time on edblr and edtwt and edtt, motivating
i always have an emergency snack on me and water, im allowed to eat it if im too dizzy or too weak
8) my tips:
never eat alone. never.
eat only at the table - it makes it really annoying to sit there while eating which makes me not wanna eat
romanticize hunger (not the best but ykyk), be a good ana, be pure, be pretty
wear layers, youre gonna be freezing all the time
vaping/smoking can help if youre already into it, dont start with it just because i said it might work
be patient.
skip any meal you can, fake eating, empty packages, hiding food in clothes, taking in to your room, dirty plates, sitting and staring at an empty cup licking the clean spoon over and over as if the cup was full so you seem like youre eating... anything
dont obsess over food, obsess over being skinny and over fasting!!
dont eat more than 2 meals a day
prepare your own food so you can calculate it right
high volume low cal stuff and high protein stuff are your new best friends (lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, pickles, rice cakes, tomatoes, melons, coldfish, chicken breasts, cottage cheese)
warm water fills you up, so does coffee and tea
be nice to yourself, reward yourself when you do good, make it a game - points for being good -> rewards you can buy with your points, when you mess up you have to extract few points
take it slow, one day at a time or one week at a time, you have plenty of time, messing up is okay (one binge doesnt make you fat just as one fast doesnt make you skinny, but doing it repeatedly will)
if youre getting weak -> increase your cals, its better to get your energy back but maintain for few weeks than it is to be weak and passing out
9) do what works for you
i cant do longer fasts because of my family, just because this worked for me doesnt mean its gonna work for you, find what you can do and stick with it
i really suck at portion control so i omad, its way easier for me to not eat than to eat small amounts through out the day
thats it for now!! thanks for reading, if i think of something more ill write it down!!
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