#spider man x oc
amethystandemma · 4 months
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Redraw/recolor of an X-Men ‘97 screenshot with my OC Sunny Castle
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lxinesux · 30 days
yall remember the reader insert from once i sink my teeth and im holding my breath for you?
she’s based off on an actual oc i have lol
her name is nora osborne and shes my mj variant for the tasm verse
if i started posting more about her/her relationship with peter…would yall mind 👀👀
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selfshippingwhore · 11 months
A/n: Spider-Man 2 has a choke hold on me 😩
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High-School, High-School was the last time Peter had seen her. Brooke, the ever popular cheerleader, the Captain of the debate team and the girl he had the biggest crush on.
She never let popularity go to her head, not like Flash or the others. She was kind to him and Harry and he still remembered that night at the Home Coming dance. She had found out Flash was cheating on her so he did her best to cheer her up.
It was meant to be just one dance, just something to make Brooke smile again but the next thing he new they were talking through out the whole night.
He had his first kiss that day, surprisingly he had lost his virginity to her too and of course he asked her out and she to his surprise said yes.
But of course nothing ever seemed of go right for him because she moved a week later.
He did his best to keep in contact with her over the years and it worked. Up until the point where he had lost his Aunt then it slowly tricked down to a small text.
So much time has passed, Peter would think about Brooke every now and then. He lost Aunt May, had a fling with Black Cat and dated MJ.
It seemed things finally started to go write for him, while his relationship with MK may have ended at least they were still friends. Harry was back and he finally had a good job.
Though his heart stopped once he heard what MJ had to say.
“Brooke is coming back! I hope you two don’t mind! She’s meeting us here”
Peter honestly didn’t know how to react, he didn’t even know that she and MJ kept in contact and he wonder why Brooke never told him.
Henry grins as he nudged Peter. “Hear that, your little crush is coming back.”
“Y-ya.” His hands felt too clammy and suddenly he was back in high school but the question that kept running around in his mind was one thing.
‘Do she still have feelings for him?’
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atlantian-kong · 3 months
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Morrigan x Spider-Man created by the amazing @boyofzoot
Commission info I Patreon
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daydreamvalley · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara reimagined in my mind
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Another Chance
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: You go into labour and all you know is that you need Miguel more than ever.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
Mentions of childbirth. Dad Miguel. Comfort. Fluff. Happy father’s day to the best of the best!
Usually, that sort of threat would send everyone that was standing around you into an uproar. But given the extremely specific set of circumstances, they merely exchanged understanding glances, returning their attention to the task at hand.
“Jess… I’m going to kill him.”
The pain of the contractions felt too unbearable and gritting out empty threats was the only relief you could find right now.
“You have my blessing,” she nodded, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "But for now, we need to deliver the baby."
It was too early. This wasn't supposed to happen right now... not like this.
A spider-nurse approached you with a fetal heart monitor to strap around your belly. Your already accelarated heart nearly imploded at the sight, fearing what the machine might reveal.
"Jess... I can't do this..." your voice broke.
Where is he...
Where is Miguel?
Your friend glared at you with kind eyes, swipping a piece of cloth along your sweat-drenched forehead. "You can and you will."
As another contraction tore through your body, you barely managed to grab the railings of your bed with a huff of pain. The spider-nurse was done setting the monitor and was now probing your arm for a vein.
"Where is Miguel?" you managed through laboured pants. "Lyla... where is he?"
The AI's hologram appeared from the watch on your wrist, that Jess promptly removed. You gave her a confused look, but it was probably for the better.
"He should be here soon. The anomaly is—" Lyla was cut off immediately by Jess.
The heart monitor was switched on and the room went suddenly eerily too quiet, save for your gasps.
Tense seconds rolled by that felt like excrutiating hours, until the sound of a thudding heart was heard.
"Slightly accelerated heartrate going at 191 beats per minute," spider-doctor informed. "The baby might be in distress."
Panic took over. "Do something! Miguel!"
The team attending you were working relentlessly, but no consolation came. The pain was borderline unbearable and your fear for your child's life.
... and Miguel was not here.
"You need to push," one spider-nurse said.
"Push," Jess urged. "You're doing great," she added with a warm smile.
She kept trying her best to soothe and guide you through the untimely turmoil, but it wasn't until your eyes caught a flash of two sets of claws tearing through the barrier of time and space in the middle of the room that you allowed yourself to slump back into your bed.
A cry of relief broke from deep within you as a fully suited Miguel O'hara emerged through the portal, sprinting to your side. The mask vanished instantly as he framed your face with both hands.
"I'm here."
You started sobbing uncontrollably when he planted a kiss to your forehead.
"Boss, she's fully dilated," spider-doctor spoke. "We really need her to push now."
"Miguel... this wasn't..." you stammered, gritting your teeth as the crescendo of another contraction began. "Where... I—”
He hushed you and anchored you through the pain. "You have to push, okay?"
Compared to a few minutes ago, Miguel's presence was nothing short of absolute comfort. But it wasn't enough the push away the fear that had overtaken you.
Jess was still by your side, whispering encouraging words as the staff worked in between your spread legs. Your vision blurred momentarily and you felt the sudden and overwhelming urge to push.
"This is all your... fault," you seethed at Miguel.
"On that much we can agree," he said softly, his thumbs brushing away the tears that mixed with sweat down your cheeks. "Push."
Blaming him was just a quick way to ease some of the frustration. He wasn't to blame. You had both wanted this.
"I can see the head!" you heard someone announce.
Miguel offered his hand for you to grip as you pushed. "I'll break it," you warned.
"You won't."
"He deserves it," Jess said teasingly.
But Miguel was right. As strong as you were — and the strength that women in labour were capable of mustering — you wouldn't even cause a dent in him. He was strong enough for the both of you.
"What´s taking so long?" his faint voice filled your ears.
"Almost there."
Suddenly, he had cradled your face in his large hands once more, forcing your eyes to fix on his. "You can do this. I'm so proud of you," he said, pecking the tip of your nose.
The air in your lungs was suddenly forced out with a finally throat-ripping grunt.
"It's here!"
You collapsed, feeling Miguel's arm promptly offering support on your back. A screeching sound of distress reverberated through the walls.
"It's a girl," one spider-nurse informed.
Even through your hazy eyes you were able to see Miguel's face, eyes transfixed on the little squirming baby that was being placed on your chest.
She was crying her heart out as someone who has been ripped from all the comfort and security a place could offer.
But now she had you and Miguel.
"She takes after you," you teased with a faint smile. "Already being so dramatic."
He chuckled, eyes permanently glued to the wailing baby. "I'm not dramatic. Just intense."
"Yes. Intensely dramatic.”
Miguel fell silent as he stroked a finger along the back of one soft tiny hand, miniscule fingers wrapping around it reflexively. The cries stopped abruptly.
His face softened and you wondered if he was about to tear up. He had longed for this for such a long time.
"Miguel?" Jessica said, covering your child with a towel.
He seemed too lost in his own thoughts, glaring at his daughter in a way that overwhelmed you. Like it was meant to be.
"I'll be going now," she said, offering you both a warm smile before leaving.
Suddenly, you realised Miguel was inspecting each limb with utmost attention. "What are you doing?"
He cleared his throat, placing a tiny hand on the palm of his. "Oh... uh... just counting how many fingers and toes she has."
"All five?" you offered with a chuckle.
"All five."
"No talons?"
He glared at you as if taken aback, then smiled. "Maybe one day."
"Do you think she'll have your fangs?"
"Oh, I hope not," he said, slowly checking the baby's bare gums. "That would be painful."
You then allowed yourself to take in the sight of your now relaxed daughter that lay on top of you. The wispy beginnings of hair that covered the top of her head were dark. Babies don't tend to resemble either parent when they're born - or so Miguel had once told you - and you couldn't wait to find out.
"What if... she doesn't like me?" he whispered, caressing a puffy cheek.
You almost chuckled, but he was dead serious. "She'll love you."
He leaned to place a kiss to your temple. "Thank you."
"For what?" you asked, feeling your heart bursting with absolute adoration for him.
"For giving me another chance at being a father."
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Y'all wanna see Miguel be the dominant lover.
I wanna see Miguel being that dude's that's slightly afraid of his wife.
He's teasing her jokingly and she starts yelling at him in Spanish. And he's like 'It was a JOKE- dios mío A JOKE' meanwhile this 4'11 woman is yelling and waving her finger in his face (lovingly of course)
Jess asks if he's coming to eat lunch, and he tells her 'no', that he has work to do.
Cue his wife storming into his office, yelling his name, and shoving a plate of arroz con pollo at him and demanding they eat together. And of course he wouldn't dream of telling her no.
So he sits there while she's like 'Make sure you finish. You always eat dinner late. You need to finish so you won't be hungry. I don't know how you always want to train and workout but you don't want to stop and EAT. You hear me?? Are you listening-'
And he's just happily listening to her nagging while he eats and fights back a smile.
-- Imma give him a wife who looks makes him look relatively calm and sarcastic meanwhile she's a busy-body constantly checking on him and everything in the Society so it doesn't fall apart.
-- Miguel being afraid to even COUGH around her cause god help him, if she thinks he's sick she'll forcefully BABY him to death.
Like tucking him into bed ridiculously tight with a rag on his head and soup on the stove and if he even thinks about getting up he gets scolded for 'stressing out his body'
-- A wife that when Miguel brings up the idea of having kids she's like 'Of course! I want six... What's wrong, why do you look like you've seen a ghost? It's six not enough for you?'
Meanwhile Miguel is trying not to faint at the idea of SIX WHOLE KIDS to look after. (The end up with eight in the end)
-- And she has weekly brunches with MJ where they talk about how much of a mess their loving husbands are
-- When they train together she takes it SO serious. She's the worlds toughest trainer ever. Yelling at him in Spanish 'Is that all you got! Christ, I know you can do more than that!! We're running 6 miles together on the treadmill next. DRINK SOME WATER!!!'
And then after she's like 'You did great, babe 😊 My strong man, love you 🧡🧡🧡.'
Meanwhile he's panting for dear life
Like DO YOU SEE THE DYNAMIC I'M GOING FOR not the 'i hate my wife' kinda vibe, the 'my wife is gonna fucking kill me if I stay up until three again' kinda vibe.
I'm gonna give him the most firey fierce wife ever. That's him and Inca-Spider Moche. When they argue she stands on his desk cause she's not gonna having him looking down at her. She's like 'You think you wouldn't eat lunch cause the breakfast I cooked was too big? Say that to my face!!' *climbs up on the nearest chair*
A calm sarcastic giant and his 4'11 wife that will rain hellfire if he works late cause he needs his sleep and she'll be DAMNED if he doesn't get it
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starz-mind · 1 year
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Some self indulgent ghostflower to end my summer 🫶💚
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hrhmimieucliffe · 10 months
⚠️⚠️🔞W H O R E 🔞⚠️⚠️
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I'm projecting, I just want him between my legs and I wanna pounce between his legs and-
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I want to be those tentacles so bad
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hexeyduh · 3 months
He was the guest of honor-
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He wanted action (?)
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amethystandemma · 6 days
A Sunny Castle and Peter Parker one-shot
TW: somewhat descriptive depiction of a teen’s death. The paragraphs that could be potentially triggering are separated from the rest by a series of dashes.
Please tell me what y’all think!
. . . . .
Living in NYC means that you get used to the city being threatened pretty quickly. Between Green Goblin blowing up the Brooklyn Bridge to aliens invading to find the perfect cucumber sandwich recipe (long story), it becomes normal that something weird will happen daily.
Dating Spider-Man didn't help either. He regularly fought insane maniacs like Electro or Mysterio while on his way to and from work. Occasionally, he needed help, which is when Sunny as Halo would show up.
Mostly, criminals attacked buildings or civilians, regardless of what they looked like or were. Mostly.
And then you have the anti-mutants.
"I'm here outside Sasha's Supreme Steaks where a Sentinel just attacked the restaurant looking for mutants," the young newscaster, Bette Brant, reported. She stood in front of the smoldering remains of the restaurant while firefighters desperately tried to get control of the situation. "Amateur footage recorded the attack. We are about to show it now, but please be advised, the video you are about to see can be disturbing."
I should turn it off, Sunny thought.
But she couldn't. No matter how disgusting the images she was about to see were going to be, she couldn't help but watch. This was happening to people like her, people who were just born different. They didn't ask for this.
Sunny watched in horror as a giant hand ripped through the roof of the restaurant, sending patrons into a screaming frenzy. The person recording leapt beneath a table, making the film shaky. It didn't prevent the camera from catching a mutant, a green male with fish scales, being crushed into a bloody pulp.
He couldn't have been over fifteen years old.
"I'm heading out."
She had been so focused on the news that she didn't even see Peter walk into the room. He already had his Spider-Man suit on, the only thing missing was the mask.
He'd once told her he wears the mask so no one could tell he was afraid. Some people are able to hide it pretty well, but Peter's blue eyes always gave away his alarm. As they did now.
"I'm going with you," Sunny replied, heading towards their room.
"Sun, you can't."
The young man grabbed onto her elbow and turned her around, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Sunny realized he wasn't scared for his sake, he was scared for her's.
“Those things are targeting mutants. If you go out, you're at an even higher risk of being hurt. Or worse."
She tried to get free from his grip, but it was too strong.
"I'm not losing you." He whispered.
They stared, her green eyes meeting his blue ones. The air was charged around them; the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Ding dong.
The doorbell once. Neither one of them broke eye contact.
The door opened before the bell finished ringing. Jubilation Lee, the mutant better known as Jubilee, stepped in through the open entryway, holding Roberto da Costa up with an arm around his shoulders. Both were bleeding from multiple spots with cuts all over their bodies.
"Hey, there is a situation going on out there and we need a doctor," she snapped, her normal bubbly personality nowhere to be seen. "Kitty is on her way. She's bringing some kids along with her."
Jubilee dropped Roberto on the loveseat with a grunt from both of them. She turned back to the couple who were still in the same position.
"We need a safe space. You're the only one we got," she continued. Her voice wavered, the cracks beginning to show on how much pain she was in. "Are you in?"
Sunny turned back to Peter. The two exchanged a look that said what a thousand words could not. No matter what was going to happen; they were going to help those in need, and they were going to stick together.
"We're in." Sunny confirmed.
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Tired of “bunny” readers. I want FOX readers that are clever and aren’t able to be MANIPULATED!!! Give me “I knew he was playing a game, but he didn’t know he fell right into my trap!” Readers dangit! Give the smart neurospicy girls fics without infantilising them!
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mercynguyen · 23 days
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"You look like u could need some company..."
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r0ttingj3lly · 1 year
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Miguel is so damn hot. AND THE MOVIE HOLY SHIT!
anyways I’m his wife it’s canon
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tonixe · 1 year
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n.o.t.e.s - I'm just really bored and thought of this.
w.a.r.n - crackfic, fluff, and reader being a menace.
p.a.i.ri.n.g - various!spider-verse characters x reader
w.c. - 346
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Gwen Stacy
☆ She thought of the trend as funny and thought it was kinda creepy. She would definitely be interested in doing the trend with you.
☆ When you did the trend first, she thought it was creepy like you first did it as a prank, but she was really scared she lost you.
☆ I feel like you would both do the trend on miles to scare him.
Hobie Brown
☆ He would think of the trend as funny. Lowkey would be down to do with you.
☆ When he first saw you doing the trend, he thought it was weird.
☆ He would love to prank Pavitr with this trend.
Miles Morales
☆ Miles would be scared of this together; he probably hates the trend of how creepy it is.
☆ When he first saw you doing it, he was scared, like shaking that he had lost you, just like a picture of you running to him, just saying it's a prank, while you were literally covered in the purple milkshake.
☆ He would do the trend with you, but with expecting, he doesn't have to get covered with the milkshake.
Pavitr Prabhakar
☆ I feel bad for him like he would be petrified to see literally on the floor covered in the liquid.
☆ I feel just like what you did to Miles; you would just pause everything and run to him, just trying to comfort him, apologizing to him repeatedly.
☆ This poor bb, he would do the trend with you, but you gotta beg him.
Miguel O'hara
☆ He thinks of the trend as just plain weird, like, why would you make a video of you spasming on the floor for views.
☆ When he first saw you did the trend, he was horrified that you were literally passed out on the floor, convulsing on the floor. You would just say it was just a prank; he would likely be pissed off at you for doing it.
☆ No, he wouldn't do the trend with you; he is just too srs.
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cupajoscafe · 3 months
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idk if this is in character for miguel but i couldnt stop thinking about it 😭😭 full on my twitter
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