#spider spectra
xannador · 5 months
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Mostly (h)Armless, a Hi-Fi Rush fan comic: page 41
Updates every Sunday! Read from the beginning:
If you want to read the next 6 pages right now, please consider joining my Patreon! You will get exclusive access to WIPs of pages and bonus/concept art.
"But it did get worse."
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unicornlandsposts · 19 days
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Monster High: Power Ghouls
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thepartyneverdies · 9 months
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Part 2 of Monster High characters as pokemon gym leaders!
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fl4mingh0e · 1 year
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❥ [ Monster High ] Power Ghouls icons
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please like or reblog if you save/use!! ♡
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loveaquariuslove · 4 months
Horoscope as Monster High
Aries-Toralei Stripe
Taurus-Rochelle Goyle
Gemini-Robecca Steam
Leo-Cleo De Nile
Virgo-Wydowna Spider
Libra-Venus McFlytrap
Scorpio-Spectra Vondergeist
Sagittarius-Jane Bolittle
Capricorn-Abbey Bominable
Aquarius-Lagoona Blue
Pisces-Gigi Grant
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corelliaxdreaming · 2 years
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Color-picked Monster High Pride Flags 2/5 - Asexual Spectrum Identities
Elissabat - asexual Spectra Vondergeist - acespec Twyla - non-SAM ace Clawdeen Wolf - alloace Holt Hyde - alloace Sirena Von Boo - demisexual Catrine DeMew - cupiosexual Wydowna Spider - placiosexual Operetta - nonlibidoist
Flag choices are based solely on character color schemes and are picked from the entire picture rather than just what is shown in the final edit. Feel free to send requests if I missed something you'd like to see.
Arospec | Acespec | Gender | Mspec | Aroacespec & Misc
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
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Meet Dr. Penelope Spectra🕷
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Made my own version of Spectra. Be careful not to get caught up in her webs🕸🕷😈
For anyone interested on the idea behind the spider motif🕷
What do you think? I'd love to know💖
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sheepalmighty · 7 days
Chai's application form from the first cutscene says " I am dope". The final fight music is The Perfect Drug (I interpret the licensed songs as being from the bosses' perspectives). He wasn't kidding
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 20 - "This better be good."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A green Vortex swirled in front of them and Constantine held his breath. This was not like any of the summonses he usually did. He looked over his shoulder at the others present, wondering if he could somehow bullshit his way out of this. But one thing was clear, whatever he had summoned was not one of his demons.
The Vortex continued to swirl before them, slowly greenish smoke started to rise out of him. Then suddenly a melody started to echo around them and Constantine felt like face palming.
"Uh… isn't this the Melody of This is Halloween?" The Flash asked aloud, exchanging glances with the others present.
"Constantine." Great Bats was getting grumpy, the JL Dark member thought, refusing to turn around to face any of the heroes. Ignoring them might make them stop questioning what was happening with this summon. It wasn't like there were any pressing situations, forcing this summon in hopes to prevent whatever interdimensional war Trigon was about to start. No, they hadn't forced him out and away from the curse he had been working on. Not like there were other members of the JL Dark, Constantine clearly knew the big bad Bat liked to work more with than him.
Humming resounded from the vortex now too, clearly depicting the chorus of the well known Halloween song, and John's eye twitched. The fuck kinda demon spirit did he summon now? Was whatever he summoned making fun of him just because that being got summoned in October? The rising smoke started to move, taking on a shape that appeared more humanoid as the humming started to become clearer though it sounded like it was filtered through static as it still sounded somewhat distorted.
"Shadow is the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing green! Spectra is the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in her hair."
The voice echoed sounding like a mix of static and white noise but became clearer the more or the green smoke escaped from the vortex. None of them really knew what was going on and Constantine was cursing up a storm in his mind. What the hell was happening right now, he just wanted to get the Spirit of Balance to help them out with Trigon? They were supposed to symbolize balance, surely they would have the easiest time to fix that imbalance the demon was about to wreck across dimensions.
"In this zone we call home, everyone hails to the ghost-like song! In this zone, don't we love it now? Clockworks' waiting for the next surprise!" The smoke was twirling around and moving like they were picking something up from inside the vortex, its shape still smokey but slowly Constantine was able to make out certain shapes of the head and arms as the voice continued to hum and then sing the static was more and more receding.
"Freakshow is the clown with the thermos to his face, sucked up in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the who when you call, 'Who's there?'. Dani is the wind blowing through your hair. Dan is the shadow on the moon at night, Frighty filling your dreams to the brim with fright!" The voice was now very clear, no interference, the smoke had fully formed a human-like body and appeared to be a white haired teen boy, though John noted, his summon was turned with his back to them appearing not to notice him or the heroes in the room and holding… Was that a Halloween party garland?
"This is Halloween, this is Hallo- who the fuck are you guys?" Mid lyrics the kid appeared to have turned around his arms raised like he was going to hang the garland of cut out pumpkins on a wall. White green eyes stared at them before the summoned eyes went to the garland in his hands that were then quickly hidden behind the teens back.
"Spirit of balance-"
"It's Ancient actually."
The spirit, ancient, cut in and Constantine hurried to correct his mistake. "Ancient of balance, we are the Justice League and have summoned you to seek your help…" Constantine started his usual spiel, ignoring Green Lantern's mutter of if that kid really was the spirit of balance as well as the judging looks and burning glare he felt on his back from Batman. He was not going over with them again about the fact that demon, spirits, ghost and the likes can look like whatever the fuck they wanted.
"Okay, stop!" The summoned teen held up a hand before John could continue. "I was in the middle of an important Halloween themed stabilization party preparation! To finally celebrate Dan after Dani pestered him for months! So this better be good, to get in the way of my first fight free weekend in years!"
"A war with demons is about to start." Constantine's head whipped around to glare at Batman, does he need to hold another course of how to properly communicate with interdimensional beings?
"That's Demon Realm Issues, not Ghost related. Could you humans stop mixing us up? I am not even from the same dimension as them and we have enough troubles with them breaching the Ghost Zone borders every month!" The summoned teen arched an eyebrow at them, crossing his arms and bringing that damned Halloween garland back into view again. They clearly didn't want to be here and if Constantine knew anything about unwilling summons then one wrong world could screw them all over right now.
"Trigon is the one starting it." Batman added and once more the JL Dark member sent the Dark knight a seething glare. That hypocrite put him through a lecture about hero behavior and cautions before, John would return the favor once the crisis was handled.
"Trigon?" His head whipped around to look at the suddenly very interested ancient of balance floating over to Batman.
"What did that big toddler do now?" It appeared like the Ancient was talking to themselves more than them as he crossed his arms completely forgetting about the wall decoration in his hands as they tilted their head in thoughts and started to ignore them. They were mumbling something John couldn't hear, for once he wished Superman was around so he could tell them with his super hearing.
"I have no idea who you guys are but, fine! I will help but only because Dan mentioned wanting to fight that overgrown toddler again. That's going to be his stabilizing day present! He can't complain this way that I got him something lame."
Constantine was about to sigh a breath of relief until he noticed the Ancient of Balance opening a good damn vortex and pulling out a snarling, red glowing eyed and blue flamed haired spirit by the neck. He paled then realizing that the being of balance just pulled the Spirit er Ancient of Wrath into their dimension. John then also noticed what appeared to be a little girl hanging like a koala of Wrath's back and then remembered a passage in the summoning text of the Spirit of Balance, he apparently had carelessly ignored.
Summoning Balance, Wrath and Mischief always stuck together. Sweating heavily, Constntine ignored any and all looks sent his way, because he was sure he might have just doomed their Dimension or at least plunged them into chaos for the time being.
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toastydoll · 3 months
My Favorite G1'rs that Need to Come Back
I'm loving the new season of g3 so far, so to celebrate I'm making a list of my personal faves from g1 that I'd love to see in g3 again!! Plus at the end I'm gonna include the monsters I don't personally need but think will probably be back somehow :3
Gooliope Jellington! My late addition queen. I love her goopy design, I love that she's so giant compared to the other boos, I love her circus aesthetic!! Ideally her doll would be ginormous again, plus I think they could integrate some novi stars moonbow slime so she's lava lampish. At her giant size, she could probably even still have articulation plus goo! Her character could also be potentially fascinating in g3--is she the daughter of the Blob? Or are her parents mad human scientists, creating experiment 8108?
Wydowna Spider. Her design is PEAK. A doll with six arms would be so cool to see again, especially since the varying body types mean the clothes aren't meant to be swapped like before (so her unique shape shouldn't be much of an issue!). In this gen she might even be a were-spider?
River Styxx! Ever since Draculaura brought up pastel goth aesthetics in Nightmare Nightmore I've been seriously missing River. Yes, she was only in one movie, yes, it was for like thirty seconds, but her design is so creepy cute! Plus her ghost design, semitranslucent with bones peeking through, is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe more focus on her candy love?
Luna Mothews. She was done SO DIRTY in the original (sorry to those who loved her she just was not for me). As a mothman (and Mr. Mothmanson) stan, I need a mothier, West Virginian Luna. Maybe she bonds with Scarah over their shared bad luck prophecy powers. Speaking of...
Scarah Screams. I feel like we're getting a banshee in Mrs. O'Shriek considering her name (and a throwaway line about her yelling), but Scarah was such a sweet and lovely character that I'd just love to see her again. And more Irish this time too! An episode explaining the history of bian sidh lore, complete with explaining the Anglicized spelling, would be super cool!
Sirena von Boo. This is almost purely on design alone. The ghostly mermaid tail, the shadowy finned hands, the chain detailing?? She is so iconic in her design (plus her characterization was p cute). Her color scheme is similar to Spectra, so maybe an update for that. Her character could be a really interesting foray into monster afterlife this gen (aka maybe she's the ghost of a teen mermaid, not a ghost-mermaid hybrid).
Kiyomi Haunterly! Yeah, I loved the ghosts lmao. She was such a cool concept! I loved that her face was barely visible yet still there, her lesbian moments w Drac were all ADORABLE, and it was super cool to see ghost lore from Japan. If they bring back monster exchange I think she'd be so fun to see again through that route.
C.A. Cupid!! Chariclo Arganthone, we've all been missing you since 2013. Please come home to Monster High!! Absolutely adored the concept of a bone elemental, for one, plus her radio persona was so fun! I could see her hosting a matchmaking podcast in g3, plus a missed connections EekTok. Since I hc aro Deuce for g3, I think they'd make really great friends. Plus he could teach her that romantic love/matchmaking isn't for everyone!
Elissabat! With all the focus on the were-ruler this season, plus the focus last season on Dracula's PFFT title and what it meant for Draculaura, I think it could be really interesting to see the traditional Vampire Queen return to Monster High. How do tradition-dependent vampires deal with a power struggle between the original vampire royalty and the premiere, first and foremost top monster? Also getting a GOTH goth character might finally get people to stop griping about how g1 was "way gother!!"
Honey Swamp. Okay yes, same as River, she was in one (1) movie for about forty five seconds, but her crocodilian design was one of my favorites in the entire generation. I always thought she was particularly cool since Lagoona ended up more sea monster than "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Honey was the actual swamp monster!! Plus we've already got New Orleans through Apollo, so why not a little New Goreleans as well? More exploration of human cities and their monster counterparts please!
Robecca Steam. She's so far down the list, but I cannot emphasize how much I need my steampunk queen back. More goggles, more gears, more copper and steam! I loved that her father was human, which frankly could be a really cool idea to explore in g3. What are the ethics of monsters created by humans? If humans are monsters too, was Hexiciah alive during a time of peace?
Rochelle Goyle. Her design was always so classic and chic. We've seen some gargoyles in the series so far, but none of them have been animate (or made their sentience known). Plus she could be great friends with Deuce, and maybe even save the day if his gorgon gaze gets out of control.
Hoodude. I'll be honest: as much as I like the idea of a living Voodou doll, the first generation handled him like garbage. Having Frankie practice rituals from a closed religion to make herself a boyfriend was uh...yeah. G3 could take Hoodude in two interesting directions. For one, they could get a consultant who actually practices Voodou to help design the character. He would be a living doll created by a Voodou practitioner, introducing kids to the idea that Voodou is a real religion currently practiced today that isn't evil, isn't witchcraft, and is deeply culturally important. If they're not willing to put the work in (which, honestly, they've been so much better about in g3), he could also make a really fun renamed living doll/plush.
Vandala Doubloons. Another ghost who showed up for thirty seconds in Haunted? In my list? It's more likely than you'd think lmao. This is solely bc I love pirates and I love ghosts, and think a pirate ghost character is always fun. I prefer her design to Dayna Jones's, but I like the daughter of Davey Jones aspect.
Operetta. Last but absolutely not least, I need the phantom of the oprey back again! Her rockabilly pin up style was so cute and her origin story is so batty (her dad is a human, guys). Honestly she'd work so well in g3 with her "monstrous" human father!
And there they all are! My personal faves from g1, brought back into g3. Some of them are just there for the peak design, some for how their lore could work really really well w g3, all bc I love them :3
Bonus list of characters who should probably come back too (due to importance in g1/popularity):
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (hello human monster conflict!)
Casta Fierce (and Spelldon) (maybe from witch camp?)
Amanita Nightshade (unless Frankie smushed her when they dropped a gargoyle on the corpse flower)
Moanica D'cay (not g1 but a really cool zombie)
Slomo (more zombies!)
Neighthan Rot (more zombie unicorns!)
AstraNova (love an alien)
Catrine DeMew (a solid Scarisian were-cat)
Valentine (I mean. Come on.)
Gigi and Whisp Grant (except less Orientalist this time)
Inivisi-Billy (is he a ghost? is he a normie?)
Lorna MacNessie (her dad is iconic and so is she)
Ari Hauntington (again not g1, but interesting in the g3 politics)
Garrott (I just want gargoyles)
Isi Dawndancer (please hire a cultural consultant this time)
Kiersti Trollson (loved the literal troll who games)
Batsy Claro (a were-bat would be so funny guys come on please)
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gloombeaches · 10 months
This is part two of a list of archived and currently playable dress up games from StarSue. You can find part 1 HERE.
Glowsome Ghoulfish Toralei
Haunted Spectra Vondergeist Dress Up
How Do You Boo? Cleo
13 Wishes Howleen Dress Up
Freak du Chic Jinafire Dress Up
Madison Fear Dress Up
Ari Hauntington Dress Up
Batsy Claro Dress Up
Isi Dawndancer Dress Up
Electrified Ari Hauntington Dress Up
Art Class Robecca Steam Dress Up
Black Carpet Clawdeen Dress Up
Black Carpet Draculaura Dress Up
Chibi C.A. Cupid Dress Up
Chibi Jinafire Dress Up
Clawdeen Wolf Scaris Style
Ghouls Night Out Ghoulia Dress Up
Maul Session Lagoona Dress Up
Astranova Dress Up
Luna Mothews Dress Up
Kjersti Trollson Dress Up
Clawdia Wolf Dress Up
Kiyomi Haunterly Dress Up
Moanica D'Kay Dress Up
Lorna McNessie Dress Up
Vandala Doubloons Dress Up
Music Festival Venus Dress Up
New Scaremester Clawdeen Dress Up
Scarily Ever After Draculaura Dress Up
I Love Fashion Venus Dress Up
Power Ghouls Frankie Dress Up
Gloom and Bloom Cleo Dress Up
Electrified Venus Dress Up
Elissabat Dress Up
Glowsome Ghoulfish Draculaura Dress Up
I Love Fashion Wydowna Spider Dress Up
Mouscedes King Dress Up
River Stixx Dress Up
Twyla Dress Up
Music Festival Draculaura Dress Up
Picture Day Lagoona Dress Up
Skelita Calaveras Dress Up
Skultimate Roller Maze Abbey Dress Up
Swim Class Frankie Stein Dress Up
Freak du Chic Toralei Dress Up
Skull Shores Cleo Dress Up
Dot Dead Gorgeous Operetta Dress Up
Abbey Scaris Style
Aery Evenfall Dress Up
Day at the Maul Frankie Dress Up
New Scaremester Gigi Grant Dress Up
New Scaremester Jinafire Dress Up
Power Ghouls Wydowna Dress Up
Chibi Purrsephone & Meowlody Dress Up
Frets Quartzmane Dress Up
Electrified Cleo Dress Up
Ghoulia Yelps Scaris Style
Honey Swamp Dress Up
Chibi Rochelle Dress Up
Ghostbusters Frankie Dress Up
Music Festival Clawdeen Dress Up
Viperine Gorgon Dress Up
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dustbunnybell · 5 months
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⋆。°✩EII & IEI + Enneagram Subtypes⋆。°✩
Names under the cut
EII sp4:
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Fyodor Dostoevsky (Writer)
August "Auggie" Pullman (Wonder)
Dr. Kenzo Tenma (Monster)
Taeko Okajima (Omoide Poroporo)
Hayao Miyazaki (Movie Director)
Sufjan Stevens (Singer)
Kanade Yoishaku (Project Sekai Colorful Stage)
EII sp6:
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
J.R.R. Tolkien (Writer)
Armin Arlert (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Fear (Inside Out)
Cal Kestis (Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Charlie Brown (Peanuts)
Izuku "Deku" Midoriya (Boku no Hiro Akademia)
EII sx9
Wall-e (Wall-e)
Robbie Daniel Skinner "Cavetown" (Singer)
Legoshi (Beastars)
Mantis (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Mafuyu Sato (Given)
Eleanor Crain (The Haunting of Hill House)
Suzu Naito "Belle" (Ryu to Sobakasu no Hime)
Shion (no.6)
EII so9:
Fred Rogers (Television Host)
Padmé Amidala (Star Wars Prequels)
Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Lucy Pevensie (Narnia Chronicles)
Tanjiro Kamado (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
IEI sx4:
Lana del Rey (Singer)
Gaara (Naruto)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Musa (Winx Club)
Gerard Way (Singer)
Johan Liebert (Monster)
Searan Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Jason "J.D." Dean (Heathers the Musical)
IEI so4:
Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horseman)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Writer)
The Little Prince (The Little Prince)
Guillermo del Toro (Movie Director)
Hans Christian Andersen (Writer)
Napstablook (Undertale)
Sadness (Inside Out)
Bingo Heeler (Bluey)
IEI sx5:
Amélie Poulain (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)
Aurora Aksnes "AURORA" (Singer)
Lemon (Bullet Train)
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Philosopher)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Spectra Wondergeist (Monster High)
Elsa Korr (Jojo Rabbit)
IEI sp6:
Mitski Miyawaki (Singer)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Carrie White (Carrie)
Yoon Bum (Killing Stalking)
Yoosung Kim (Mystic Messenger)
Spider Demon Mother (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers the Musical)
James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
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lialia0213 · 28 days
Hi sweetie. Can you tell us more, like random facts, about Vasi? 🥰
Her height, her favourite place, music, hobbies.... 👉🏻👈🏻
Of course! ☺️☺️
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* Vasilisa is about 5’5 ft tall!
* I haven’t figured out her weight yet but her body type she has an Average hourglass thick tone. She has hip dips and a small round belly (so think of Nani (Lilo and Stich), American singer Tyla, and Twyla (monster high).
*Has a lot of beauty marks.
* since her race is elf/vampire her nationality is Afro-latina! But to simplify it she’s Afro-Brazilian (like myself 😌)
* She has a nose ring, belly piercing and others.
* She has a small fairy wing in one of the back of her ears.
* Her voice VA is a mix between Spectra vondergeist (Monster High) and Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
* She has a kind, understanding, outgoing, shy, quiet personality. She RARELY ever gets mad but when she does.. she can be pretty scary.
* Her best friends are Amber Orlock, Gytha Demona, Nerys Blyssen ( which they are in the working process 😅)
* She occasionally plays the Quest of Yore with Barely and goes on Quests with him. That is of course dressing up as well! 😂
*She sometimes floats like Marceline (adventure, Time) and Spectra (monster high)
* She loves to go on day and night strolls. In the daytime for favorite places are the park, the Manticore! Tavern, and the Labyrinth mall. In the night time she likes to go on her land to look at the stars and of course ride along with Barley 😁.
* She likes poetry, drawing landscapes, spells and mythical creatures, fajitas, and rice pudding.
* Her Dislikes though are dishonest and cruel people, being taken advantage of, being an out cast, bullies, colt Branco (at times), spiders.
* She listens to a lot of variety of music. But her absolute favorites are 2000s rock, rock folklore ( like Barely lmaoo 😭) j-pop and k-pop!
* Her favorite movies are Twilight, all Saw movies, Harry Potter, Let Me In (2010), Kill Bil volume 1 and 2, and the grudge.
* She makes jewelry as a hobby.
* She wears a lot of her mother’s jewelry and clothes to always have her by her side.
* Can speak MANY different languages ( including sign language)
* Wears a bunch of goth clothes ( so like corsets and a bunch of medieval dresses) and other wears!
* She’s a Mage and does a lot of magic such as healing, reading people’s minds, and Telekinesis.
* One of her strengths are Shapeshifting, healing, using any form of magic. But her downsides are that she has to drink and eat more than a normal being can do. She can also get sick easily.
* Whenever she’s available she’ll help Ian with some magic stuff and teach him different spells and potions and honestly how to maintain it better!
* Now since she’s half elf and vampire blood doesn’t have an effect on her only because she took majority of her mother’s side. But every once in awhile she does get the cravings often. So she drinks pigs blood and makes it into boba 🧋 (I’m assuming there’s such thing as pigs in the universe 😭)
*Since she has a lot of her mother’s traits she will have longer ears and eyebrows when she gets older. 
* She owns a Phoenix as a pet (I name her Fawkes after professor Dumbledores from Harry Potter 😁😁)
* She Keeps a lot of charms and crystals in her room from Barley  
* Loves to cook and bake!
* She reads a spell book that her mother left for her.
* Knows how to figure Skate and do ballet and Plays the violin and the piano (so I guess you can say she was very active)
I think that’s pretty much all of it! I hope you enjoy! ☺️
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