#spiderman 2 full gameplay
mcknighttimegaming · 6 months
GAME OF THE YEAR - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Part 3
In this third and part of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough, I try to uncover the more Gameplay mechanics and story elements. Is this GAME OF THE YEAR!? So far, honestly? Yeah.
Expect laughs, quirky commentary, and some epic facepalms as we dive headfirst into Spider-Man 2. Stick around for the web-slinging chaos and let's discover if this sequel is a superhero landing or a friendly neighborhood flop. Subscribe, hit that like button, and let the fun begin—because gaming should always be an adventure!
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spiderman2 #GamingAdventure #FunnyWalkthrough #GameReview #WebSlingerLaughs #GamingHumor
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liyawritesss · 5 months
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Characters: Peter Parker, Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson, Harry Osborn, Miles Morales
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: General headcanons for the main protagonists of Insomniac’s Spider Man 2 on PS5.
Warnings: probs some cursing somewhere, and ofc spoilers for the spiderman 2 game! You’ve been warned!!!
A/N: This game is definitely up there as one of the best games I’ve seen/played in 2023, so it wouldn’t be right for me to go into 2024 and still not have much written for it; so I’m correcting that! Take this as a spoiler for those who have not finished playing the game/watching a full gameplay of it to the end.
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Peter Parker
Oh poor Peter, he’s just got so much going on. With Aunt May and the house, him tryna find a stable job, his relationship with MJ, and now prioritizing his friendship with Harry, he’s being pulled in so many different directions it’s honestly dizzying!
There’s so much going on in his life that I wouldn’t be too surprised if he developed some anxiety around it. Like we know Peter for being this quirky, goofy kid who’s got hella jokes and can rock your ass in a science test, but when he’s alone, the turbulence of his life gets to him a little. And it’s not like he can let anyone really know - he’s Spiderman for crying out loud! If he goes down, who knows how the rest will take it.
And of course the Venom Symbiote doesn't make things any better - Pete’s whole acting like an ass thing wasn’t intentional by no means necessary, but I think that would also play into his anxiety as well. He doesn’t want to ever hurt his friends the way he did with that symbiote in him - they’re the last thing he has.
On a completely not depressing note, I feel like having the house to himself gives Peter the opportunity to really figure out his own aesthetic. Sure, he’s the cute nerdy heartthrob guy, but he wants to expand himself! I feel like he wouldn’t be into the super modern high tech home decor that’s been sweeping through every interior designers palette - I see him as a mix of warm country house vibes (courtesy of Aunt May), with a hint of the technological advantages that he’d implement into certain appliances and spaces (*coughcough* at home lab *coughcough*) and a finishing touch of midcentury modern for a pop of color….it won’t stop him from being a bit of a slob though unfortunately.
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Mary-Jane “MJ” Watson
If i were her I’d be one critique away from giving Mr. J.J.Jameson a taste of his own desk, because oh my god the self-centeredness he possesses makes me want to vomit. But it’s a good thing I’m not, and our darling redhead angel has enough patience to deal with him for the sake of a bag - I applaud her for that.
I know a lot of people don’t like the MJ segments in the game but i actually appreciate them! Shows that she’s not just a pretty face that Pete falls in love with you know? And I like to think she actually likes the moments she gets to take down the Hunters because it makes her feel like a badass - which she totally is!
As a destresser from being a prime member of the Spider Team (yes, I’m claiming them as the Spider Team since Spider Squad is already taken) and her journalism job, I’d like to think she’s into something so niche like jewelry making - specifically little charm bracelets that she gifts to the others. Yknow, on some ‘friendship lasts forever’ type shit.
Also in her freetime she has writing projects on the side that she wouldn’t consider viable enough to send in as a story, but just fun little stories she’ll write for the hell of it. There’s nothing too specific about them, but they also serve as a way to track how her writing is progressing, and she’s in a group of beta readers of sorts that give her feedback on how much better she’s getting.
Another poor boy that just has way too much on his hands, good lord. Granted, I never saw the hype around Harry, but I think after this adaptation of him I might be warming up to him a little bit.
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Harry Osborn
Getting on the bandwagon of adopting new hobbies, I see Harry as getting into drawing, especially during the period in which he doesn’t have the suit. Since his health is deteriorating and he isn’t able to be as mobile as he would like, he needs something to keep his mind and hands busy. And drawing does the trick for him. He starts off with just basic drawings like items in his room, but he advances very quickly and starts drawing portraits of himself and MJ, who spends a lot of time taking care of him. He symbalso sketches a picture of him and Peter when they were in highschool over and over again, especially when he runs out of muses.
Harry also spends a lot of his time thinking. Thinking about his life thus far, his friends, the legacy he wants to leave behind. He doesn’t just want his last name attached to something to make it great - he wants to earn his keep and his place in society. It was the whole reason he started the Emily-May Foundation; it would have been his mark on the world, and yet, here he was, tied down to his bed once again. Then again, who knows if the symbiote would have done the same to himself, had he let his own convictions get too far?
Considering what happens at the end of the game, though, I suppose we won’t ever know…until the next installment that is.
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Miles Morales
Why are there so many poor boys in this game? Like I got enough sympathy to go around but Jesus save these guys!!!
He is a HEAVY romantic, especially when it comes to Hailey (so so SO happy he got his girl in the end was rooting for them so hard in his game). He plans their dates according to the mode and vibe of the day, whatever the two are feeling, whatever is mentioned in fleeting conversations, etc. He’s in love and proud of it!
He’s getting better at dividing up the attention to the important people in his life, as well as school and his Spiderman duties. Sundays are for him and his mom to lounge in their pajamas and catch up with each other on the weeks events; he hangs with Ganke throughout the week and sometimes goes out with him to science expo’s every now and then. He’ll pop up on Hailey whenever she’s in the neighborhood and just sits and chills with her (and if she’s working on a street piece, even better! He’s her no. 1 supporter!)
He, Peter and Ganke get into rubix cubes competitions to see who can complete the rubix cube the fastest. Right now Ganke is ranked number one and Peter and Miles are tied for second place, but they’re getting another, more difficult cube to compete again soon.
He’s got a big heart, and knowing the effects of everything that’s happened with Harry, Miles makes it a point to check in with Peter every now and then. He’s lowkey worried that if the older Spiderman’s worry for his best friend doesn’t do him in, then somehow the effects of the Venom symbiote on Peter’s psyche will turn him cold again, and that doesn’t end well at all. He does this well with MJ, and they talk frequently on how they can be better support for Pete and Harry in the aftermath of everything that’s happened.
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invisiblequeen · 4 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 34, Part 2
It start off so innocent. Darrell Parker (@simsinfinitylt) and Donna Richmond (@elysiantrait) were having a date at the bar.
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Darrell waved the bartender over for some drinks immediately. You'll notice that this bartender is none other than Martin Davies (@starjira), but that's because he is currently undercover working a case.
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When their food came out, I tried to get Donna to sit next to Darrell, but at that moment Maike Zambrano (@fl0pera) strutted her way in and plopped right next to Darrell instead!
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The nerve! I just KNOW she was trying to flirt. To her credit, she didn't know he was on a date and took his disinterest in stride, but damn, if Donna was a jealous type of girl, this could have gone ugly!
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But it didn't. It went beautifully. They talked, they laughed, they drank, they ate, and they did it all with a smile. Their date was rising so high in the rank I was sure we'd get full marks by the time it was done.
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Oh, was I wrong.
At some point I didn't even have to do anything; their autonomy kicked in and the flirting leveled up to steamy looks and thinly-veiled innuendos. Look at Donna's goddamn face here.
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If only I had known what that meant.
I was just too innocent. "Oh look, they're getting up to leave, I wonder why?"
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It was to have SEX.
Insert SFW glimpse of what these two HORNDOGS were doing right outside the bar.
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No regard for safety hazards, public decency, NOTHING. They just kept fucking.
Meanwhile everybody in the bar is mingling like NORMAL SIMS. Rain Drop (@riverofjazzsims) was talking to Maike, Kash Monet (@saruin) took a seat to search the menu, and Rhea MOya (@fl0pera) was glaring at a base game townie who I guess was in her way.
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And still they kept fucking.
Dirk Dreamer dropped by and got everyone's attention! As a CELEBRITY! With big clout and exposure!
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And still they kept fucking.
Dirk Dreamer, Wolfgang Wilder and Kalamainu'u Iona were in a weird spiderman meme stand off for no good reason!
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And STILL they kept fucking.
Ronan O'Flannigan (@blackfern) enetered the building looking to get drunk after a long day of experimenting with potions in the Magic Realm.
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I didn't know what to do. Actual tea and drama was brewing inside the bar (Like Kash seemingly flirting with Dirk Dreamer when her soulmate is off to who knows where), and the Two D's made NO indication of caring!
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Mind you, I kept clicking "next" on the WW menu to make it go faster, and every time I thought it was the end, it fucking WASN'T. They so much energy for each other I wondered if it was a soulmate stamina buff I didn't know about.
It took Kash and Rhea to leave the bar (luckily Kash didn't try to take Dirk home) for my two horndogs to cease and desist.
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Look at em standing there, facing opposite of each other. Like they didn't do what they did for an hour and change.
Then I looked at the top menu. THEIR DATE WAS NOT OFFICIALLY OVER YET. There was still a sliver of time left.
And they used that time wisely, I guess.
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Yeah, that's right. All that fucking and they did not kiss ONCE. Unless the official game says they kissed, they didn't fucking kiss.
At least then the date was officially over.
Speaking of fucking, apparently the side of the bar is a hotspot I didn't know about. Because guess who started FUCKING randomly when they walked over to where Darrell and Donna was?
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Apologies for the zoomed in shots, I am NOT saving that filth for posterity lol.
I guess now that the date was over, Darrel and Donna found their sense of shame, because they instantly walked away from the situation. In opposite directions.
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Oh, but that's not all.
Someone else joined in.
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Noemy (@beebeesiims) baby I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry that WW's autonomy settings put you into this public threeway like you don't have common sense.
I just stared at the screen. MORTIFIED.
And so was Darrell I guess, because he started RUNNING AWAY.
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And that's the story of how a First Date with Soulmates ended with an Orgy. Save me.
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aceofwhump · 7 months
Hey Ace! First off: congrats on completing whumptober 🥳. Your gifsets are always lovely to see!
Secondly: if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend checking out some of the gameplay from the Spiderman 2 release on ps5 - it is FULL of very nice Peter Parker whump.
Like w/o going too far into spoilers for those wanting to play…gets slammed into (and through) multiple concrete walls, pinned by debris and almost lit on fire, some symbiote shenanigans. There’s a really good part where MJ has to carry him bc he’s so badly injured.
And props to Peter’s voice actor bc WOW the little noises/groans (and full on screams of pain) were just amazing.
Ok, now I’m done - this has been a PSA for lovers of Spidey whump! Go forth and feast!! -nyctowhump
Thanks nonny!!! I'm really glad I was able to finish all 31 days of whumptober! It was hard!
Thanks for the rec! I'm definitely intrigued to hear the voice acting for those scenes.
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thegamemaster1 · 9 months
Top 5 best games for ps5 in 2023
Hello everyone today I'll explain some of the best games you can play on the PlayStation 5 in this 2023.
5. Horizon Forbidden West
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Aloy's post-apocalyptic adventure that began in Horizon Zero Dawn continues in Horizon Forbidden West, which takes us to the Forbidden West after which this open-world adventure is named. But the sequel goes far beyond exploring new areas of its universe, getting to know the protagonist better, and delving into the interesting background of how the cataclysm that caused the dominance of the machines occurred. The Guerrilla game improves on its predecessor in everything: in the narrative, in the combat, in the graphics and in the production values ​​in general.
4. Spiderman Miles Morales
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Though not a full-blown sequel, this standalone expansion sends Peter Parker on vacation, leaving his young spider apprentice Miles Morales to look after New York. Building on the solid foundations of Insomniac's first game, New York has been covered in snow, holiday cheer, and next-gen polish. The improvements aren't just cosmetic, however - the eponymous hero has a few more spider powers at his disposal than Peter Parker, and these are cleverly accommodated with new gameplay mechanics that, while they don't reinvent the wheel, do put just enough of a twist so it feels fresh.
3. Final Fantasy VII Remake
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Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the best remakes ever made. Square Enix's JRPG adapts a portion of the original work, until the release of Midgar, but doing more than just a simple reinvention of the classic: it's its own game. Of course, seeing the 1997 characters and environments with modern and generally overwhelming graphics is amazing, but even more so is a new, agile and strategic combat system, how the story is self-aware that another Final Fantasy VII exists, the deepening of previously undeveloped characters and the interesting expansion of the plot. All this, with slight visual improvements, is in Intergrade, which also expands the game with a DLC dedicated to Yuffie, who is difficult not to like, who stars in some great sequence and who gives a twist to the confrontations.
2. God of War Ragnarok
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Kratos adventure through the Nordic lands comes to an end in God of War: Ragnarok, a sequel that keeps the level of the previous title at bay by providing a truly remarkable narrative depth and, of course, much more breadth in the playable systems, both in terms of combat and puzzles. The situations that we live with the god of war and his son Atreus are overwhelming, exciting and are up to the closing of a series that has become part of the Olympus of video games.
Elden Ring
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Elden Ring is much more than the adaptation of the FromSoftware formula to the open world. It is one of the best games ever. The Intermediate Lands is an endless and tremendously dense setting, full of dungeons, levels that will remain in our memories as the best Souls settings, with secrets hidden everywhere, and with the capacity to surprise at every turn. All of this complemented by a deeper, more dynamic, fun and also accessible combat system, allowing a wide variety of play styles without detracting from that great feeling of overcoming a challenge that seemed impossible. And for those who want to investigate and pay attention to details, with a plot background that is at the best level of the titles directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki.
Thank you for stopping by, hope you liked the content.
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orchidsangel · 3 months
ooo that’s a tough question, it really depends. favorite game of all time is probably red dead redemption 2, got me all in my feels and i’ve replayed the story (which is long as hell) about 3 times. like i had 700+ hours on that game before i finally got over how much i loved it. the story is beautifully devastating, even after i got the ending spoiled for myself i was thinking “well at least it won’t be that sad when i get to the end right?” yeah no i was bawling when i finished the game for the first time.
the spider-man games are also near and dear to my heart bc he’s been my fave since i was a little kid and i’ve also played those over and over again over a span of 2 years. finished the first game’s story three times, mile’s game three times, and im on my third play of sm2 as we speak. if you’re going “omg do you have a life???” the answer is definitely no.
as for dc, arkham knight is definitely my favorite. love the gameplay, love the story, love how immersive it is. every boss fight with the arkham knight had me quaking in my boots. only thing getting me through it was troy baker’s voice acting and jason’s voice modulator but if i explained why then i’d have to send this to vee 😛 ANYWAY arkham knight is definitely up there in my top games i’ve played. i feel an urge to mention gotham knights and kill the justice league too but i wouldn’t call those my TOP games. i just really like gk bc i get to play as red hood & nightwing, and i like ktjl bc i love anyrhing to do with the suicide squad and harley quinn.
yk one thing i could never play though? survival mode in minecraft. idk what it is but i’d fight batman with my own two hands before trying to survive one night in mc. 🦦
dw i've logged 7982 hours on the sims since i got it so. yeah, i get it. also!! minecraft survival mode is so fucking scary like i would genuinely rather die than play survival mode alone. it's even scary when playing with other people like??? creative mode till the day i die
i have no idea what red dead redemption is about at all. fill me in
i've seen lots of clips of spiderman on twitter and tiktok, and i always like the vids of him swinging around the city. it's so visually pleasing to watch but i'm not sure what the games about exactly. ig my thing with a lot of games is i prefer a game where i have more creative liberty over games where i'm following a timeline/plot to reach an ending. story games! i enjoy watching them but i'm not a big fan of playing them bc it requires a lot of brain power i don't have :(
i've listened to all of troy bakers lines in arkham knight despite never having played the game or watched a full walkthrough. he absolutely ate tho, i hope that check was FAT.
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pm-memeteam · 3 months
Today marked a significant milestone for our project as we convened for our largest team meeting yet, conducted in person. With meticulous attention to detail, we methodically reviewed each shot, meticulously dissecting and discussing our work. Through collaborative efforts, we compiled a comprehensive list of feedback, addressing areas for improvement and refining our approach for the final push.
Moreover, we finalized the asset list, ensuring that all necessary elements are accounted for as we enter the concluding stages of the project. This collective effort underscores our commitment to excellence and sets the stage for a successful culmination of our endeavours.
We brainstormed some enhancements to enrich our project further. Firstly, we unanimously agreed to introduce drones into several shots. Our team member Nidhi had already prepared a model, which we eagerly integrated into our scenes. These drones will dynamically examine and fly past our duo, adding a dynamic and futuristic element to our visuals.
In addition, we explored ways to emphasize the theme of betrayal more effectively. In one of our shots (sh01), we envisioned incorporating a holographic screen featuring the Witch. As she extends an invitation into the mainframe, her voice glitches out, subtly hinting at her deceit and betrayal towards the duo. This clever narrative twist adds depth and suspense to the storyline, engaging our audience on a deeper level.
Our full notes were as follows:
Gameplay 1 (Hammad/Sai)
Character pushes button instead of taking gun out
FPS hud + FPS weapon from camera view
Environment Modelling/Texturing
Lift starting to move down
Lighting/Volumetrics. If possible, spinning maintenance light
Character Anim
Starting position inside structure
Can add buildings to the city, so we maybe see the top of one. If possible, blinking red light on top of it
Drone from nidhi, animating up and examining them
Holographic screen with witch + glitch effect
Pyramid. Decreased size. + Texturing
Buildings added.
Beam, electric effect from Nidhi
Sh02 same
smoke/volumetrics if needed. But hopefully everything from sh02 will work for sh03 automatically
drone flying past
Sh03 (Mainframe)
Sh04 Same
Witch modelling finish.
Witch texturing. (LED's? to make it look more like a life support machine)
Environment Modelling (More details).
Environment Texturing
Lighting/Volumetrics. Could have light coming from bellow, for dramatic/evil effect.
Changed to split view (top/bottom). Top = closeup of reload. Bottom = closeup of witch
Beam effect from previous shot added
same changes from sh02
smoke if necessary
camera change from perspective of dron
a few drones flying around
Gameplay end
Platform coming down while turrets power up, shine spotlights at them, getting ready to fire
As firing starts, characters run into cover. As they are running, cut's to gameplay
pillars could open up to reveal turrets (spiderman kingpin ref)
Intro gameplay room Model/Texture
Elevator model with cover
Screen (plane with witch texture)
Drone model (from Nidhi)
Beam effect (from Nidhi)
Pyramid texturing (lower priority)
Pyramid face texturing (lower priority)
Witch Model/Texture
Mainframe room Model/Texture
Character Pushing Button
sh01, characters subtle look at each other (reacting to the witch), take out weapons
Reloading animation (close up)
sh06 idle animation (lower priority)
Take cover anim/crouch
Music 1 (slow/tense/synth)
Music 2 (combat music)
Witch speaking
Turret 1 firing
Turret 2 firing
Reloading sounds (SMG + pistol)
Drone sound
0 notes
mateslify995 · 2 years
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The Amazing Spider-Man, this all-new third-person action-adventure video game builds on the story of the previous game with an alternative take on the events of the upcoming movie, while also giving players an enhanced, free-roaming web-slinging experience through a greatly expanded New York City.. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Xbox One no-show controversy train? Consider it well and truly derailed. The game is now available to download from Xbox Live, as noticed by Hardcore Gamer - it costs $59.99 in the US, and requires 9.89 GB of hard drive space. I'm sure I speak for all concerned when I say: wat?.
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Sep 06, 2021 · Download Within the action game franchise Grand Theft Auto, Vice City is one of the most acclaimed titles by its fans. To such an extent that this version that was launched on 2002 on Windows PC and video consoles has recently been remastered and published on Android and iPhone. A GTA set in the eighties. 0 12,608. GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition Free Download is a compilation of three iconic studio games from Rockstar Games: Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. These titles, initially released for the sixth generation of consoles, revolutionized the series and achieved unimaginable success.
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SYMBIOTE SUIT UNLOCKED? MARY JANE? - Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Part 5
In this episodes walkthrough of PS5's Spider-Man 2 , we discover that Mary Jane Is BASICALLY a Hero, and the Symbiote Suit is not to be messed with. In this installment, we discuss the significance of the Symbiote Suit, and whether or not Mary Jane is basically a hero!
Get ready for an action-packed adventure in Part 4 of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Gameplay Walkthrough! Join McKnighttime Gaming as we dive into an epic boss battle that will leave you on the edge of your seat!
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
The Spidey Squad Playing Among Us
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Welp, this game is all the rave all of a sudden and irdk how since the game's pretty much been here forever lol but it's still fun so I had to jump on the bandwagon and here we are! Make sure you check go out @chaoticpete's new fic. Anyways here it is! If this gets enough likes I might do an avengers headcanon too.
Thanks to @angelsparkers for helping me realize I wasn't writing complete garbage and helping me to get through it even though she didn't even know she was doing that. So yeah thanks for that.
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Crewmate: Peter is that crewmate that will 100% call you out on your bs, because he knows the game a little too well for you to be able to pull anything over him(because of all that free time waiting on patrol). You think all that stuff with the avengers didn't teach him strategy? Ha! This guy is PEAK detective. Gets his tasks done fast and when he's done is probably spending his time monitoring people on security or vitals. It only took him like 2 weeks to memorize all the maps and where everything is, so if you say you were in navigation, you better believe he's gonna ask you what task you were doing there. And if you don't answer to his liking, Peter will sound the "sus" alarm on you in two point five seconds and have everyone voting you out. He's probably the only person that could figure out MJ when she's the impostor. So if you're the impostor, watch your words and make sure your alibis are strong cuz little Petey ain't playin' no games. Definitely gets attacked from time to time by those people that are always like "sMaRt PpL rUiN tHe GaMe"
Impostor: He's pretty much the most average impostor. Sometimes he doesn't know what to say when people call him sus and he'll get voted out because he's being "too quiet" or because Ned keeps defending him. He'll mess up every now and then but for the most part, he's pretty decent. His style is usually to stay in the vents most of the game and kill when only one person's around. He probably bribes Ned to not rat him out by promising him that he won't kill him.
Name: It used to be just Peter, but soon he wanted an actual cool name so he chose Sherlock because of all the times when he was "too smart" and won the game too quickly and people would go "pack it up Sherlock" and vote him out.
Favorite color to be: It used to be red, but he quickly found that the more he was red the more people found him "sus" so now he's usually either blue or cyan
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Crewmate: Pretty average crewmate. 80% of the time is covering for Peter, even if Peter is the impostor. Won't do much calling people out unless he's absolutely sure that he saw a kill or vent. Pretty chill and easily persuadable. You'd definitely want him on your team. If he ever gets wrongfully ejected he's the one that pitifully tries to plead his case saying stuff like "what???" and "guys it's not me!!!!" which doesn't really convince anyone and just makes him look more guilty. He'll still do his tasks after though.
Impostor: He's the impostor that doesn't want to be the impostor. If you're texting then maybe he can hold his own, but if you're doing voice chats, there's no way this guy is getting past ANYONE. He has so many tells that it's ridiculous. Is actually scared to vent too much because he's always paranoid that someone's gonna be right there when he jumps out. 8/10 the crewmates win when he's the imposter because he'll just kill like only two people the entire time or gets caught really early on.
Name: Probably some sci-fi reference like r2d2 or Potter
Favorite color to be: Yellow or white because he says those are the most "innocent" colors and he'll be less likely to get voted if he's those (not true but we'll let him believe it)
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Crewmate: Suspicion times 100. Her motto: trust no one. Will get you kicked out in a heartbeat with a quick "trust me. if it's not them vote me next." An absolute unit but will never be caught getting emotional over a game. If she's ever wrongfully ejected her last words will be "whatever. go ahead. vote me and lose." She'll just come back in the next game with a vengeance and false accusations ready, not caring if the entire team loses because of it. She's especially dangerous to have because people usually trust her word. She always finds a way to seem the least suspicious. Though sometimes she'll get suspected because of her quiet nature. There's always that one guy that's ready to go "uR qUiEt ThAt'S sUs!!"
Impostor: If MJ is the impostor, you can just throw your whole phone away. You're not winning that game. Like, ever. She will do whatever it takes to win, even sell out her own her partner. On the off chance that you catch her being suspicious, she'll sabotage a bunch of things so that you can't call meetings and then she'll kill you when no one's around. She is ruthless and will hurt your feelings with the way that she will own everyone in the game. Hardly anyone ever expects her. Thrives on venting. You won't see her you'll just be doing a task and suddenly you'll be dead.
Name: Used to be just MJ but she got annoyed with all the people in the messages who always assumed she meant Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan so she changed it to Michelle
Favorite color to be: She literally doesn't care either way. Won't change the gameplay so why bother? Whatever color she ends up with she'll be fine.
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Crewmate & Impostor: The most average player of them all. She wins some, she loses some. Nice partner to have though, because she'll never give you away. Probably the first to die most times. If she ever gets wrongfully ejected she's the one that uses her last words to say who she thinks it and doesn't even try to plead her case once it starts to look bad for her. She just finished the rest of her tasks.
Name: Probably either her name or some nickname or inside joke. Idk she just seems like the type of person to have a reference to something that absolutely nobody knows
Favorite color to be: Pink. Just because she likes pink.
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Crewmate: Claims things are sus even if they aren't. Will totally be biased based on names. Anybody who knows him will never count him as a credible source. Gets voted out quickly alot because of how annoying he is in the game.
Impostor: He's the easiest to figure out. He's the impostor that obnoxiously accuses literally everyone else. And in all capital letters too. "ITS RED I STG. IF IT'S NOT HIM VOTE ME NEXT!" Calls everyone sus and always claims he's seen people running from the body. He usually self-reports and goes for the easy marks in electrical. He's not that good (even though he thinks he is) and it takes anyone with a brain to figure him out. Peter and MJ are bane of his existence in that game. If he gets wrongfully ejected he'll rage and probably leave the game like the little crybaby he is.
Name: Spideys#1 because he's really just THAT obsessed. Or when he's really feeling "teenage boy" he'll be cOchieman
Favorite color to be: Red because sPiDeRmAn'S hIs BeSt FrIeNd (ahahaha if only he knew)
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She didn't know this game at all until Peter introduced her to it one day because he was bored. She LOVED it. He had to pry it out of her hands after she kept repeating "Hold on, one more!" So she downloaded on her phone and now she plays it whenever she's bored.
Crewmate: Average. Same as Betty.
Impostor: The way May can actually dominate being the impostor is sort of scary. And she'd always be the last person you'd expect because she just has that trusting vibe about her. Sometimes she'll mess up and give herself away, but for the most part, she's pretty good. Doesn't vent much. Just like Ned, she doesn't trust it.
Name: Madonna
Favorite color to be: She doesn't care much but she prefers to be purple, cyan, or orange
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Funny Moment
《Peter calls an emergency meeting 10 seconds into the game》
- Michelle: what
- Betty: what
- Michelle: skip
- r2d2: bro already?
- Sherlock: okay everyone just listen
- k0chieman: bruh
- Michelle: okay listen to what
- Sherlock: flash what task are you doing
- Betty: alright were listening
- k0chieman: the divert thingy in navi
- r2d2: pete what is this
- Sherlock: yeah dude that diverty thingy is the second of two steps
- Sherlock: u never did the first
- Sherlock: which means ur an impostor faking
- Michelle: flash?
- k0chieman: no
- k0chieman: i did do it
- r2d2: the times low we gotta decide guys
- Sherlock: if you did it wouldve taken you 12-15 seconds to get there and were not that far in the game
- Sherlock: u cant already be doing it
- Sherlock: everybody vote flash
- r2d2: petes on x games mode
- Michelle: damn dude
- k0chieman: wtf parker
- Sherlock: bye dude
- Sherlock: worlds greatest detective strikes again
- Michelle: okay calm down pete
《couple seconds later》
.    。    •   ゚  。   .
   .      .     。   。 .  
.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •
  ゚   Flash was An Impostor.  。 .
  '    1 Impostor remains     。
  ゚   .   . ,    .  .
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Best Imposter Combos
Peter & Ned: Goes without saying. Nine times out of ten they're in the same room while playing this so they can just talk strategy to each other and take everyone out really quickly. Really annoying for everybody else, but they'll win so they're happy.
MJ & Peter: These two together are a force to be reckoned with. The second they see that they're both impostors they call each other up and get to business like they're on a mission. This stuff is serious. (More for Peter than MJ. She has to keep telling him that it's just a game.) He stays on security stuff, telling her when it's safe, and she racks up the kills. When things get heavy, they sabotage and then go on a spree. These two hardly ever lose. (When the whole squad is together whoever's in charge [if it's not Pete or MJ] usually puts the kill cooldown at max just in case these two get that they can't be at full power)
MJ & Betty: Betty isn't afraid to sacrifice herself so that they'll win and MJ is ruthless and quick with her kills. Both have the smarts to be able to be extremely persuasive and you'd hate for them to pick you to frame. Because being put against those two in the chatroom will lead you nowhere but abyss of space.
May & Peter: Parkers united. 'Nough said.
Tagging: @spideyyeet, @soft-petey, @spidey-reids-2003, @spidey-boy-89, @sovereignparker, @bubblebucky, @underoosjae
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Okay, it’s time for some deep nerdery to speculate about Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 has 30+ characters. That’s one hell of a large ensemble. If Blizzard had any brain cells, they would probably try and take a similar approach to how Marvel handled their large cast in Avengers: Infinity War.
Remember Infinity War? It functioned as a movie by keeping its groups of characters small (at most five people per group) but also by choosing ‘main characters’ that it focused most of its emotional energy on (most notably, Ironman, Dr. Strange, Vision, Thor, Thanos, and Gamora). The main characters were the ones with emotional arcs and therefore had the most screentime. The rest of the cast was quite static. Also, characters in different groups rarely, if ever got to interact with any characters outside of their group, with the rare exception of a quip or two.
My suspicion is that Overwatch 2 is going to do a VERY similar thing. This means that the roster of Overwatch heroes are going to be divided up into groups and assigned either main character or side character status.
So who’s going to be in each group? That I can’t tell you. As Marvel has shown, characters are grouped up not based on character compatibility, or even arc potential, but instead on what would best make the plot go forward. (For example, raise your hand if you predicted that Ironman, Spiderman, and Dr. Strange would team up with Starlord, Mantis, and Drax for the climax. No one? That’s what I thought.)
What I can predict, however, is whether each Overwatch hero is going to be given main character status or not. My predictions are going to be based on lore importance and current emotional arcs that have been set up the Overwatch continuity. Unfortunately, fan favoritism or previous screen time is not a good indicator (again, as shown in Infinity War.: raise your hand if you predicted that Captain F*cking America would have less than fifteen minutes screentime?) and therefore will not be counted in my evaluation.
NOTE: It is assumed that the plot of Overwatch 2 will be the plot that was introduced in the Zero Hour short, along with the gameplay trailer.
I’ll go tank/damage/support, alphabetically through each section.
D.va- Oh, poor D.va. Unfortunately, I think she’s just going to be a side character. Being so unconnected with the rest of the cast is a death sentence for plot importance. The only way I can see her being a major player is in an indirect way- if Blizzard decides to focus on the “Omnic From the Sea” they teased at in the short Shooting Star.
Orisa- Orisa is not so cleanly cut. Given that she was created to defeat Doomfist, she has potential to be the one who takes him down. They’re narrative and thematic rivals (an analysis of which could be a whole other post) which made me finally decide that she’ll be main character status. I know that seems like a cop-out, but given how Doomfist is the main face of villainy, her connection with him makes her important.
Reinhardt- I’m going to be massacred for this, but I don’t see any universe where Reinhardt is a main character. His character is static, his connection with old Overwatch is the most flimsy out of the oldies, and most of his backstory has already been explored. He’s going to be a side character, relegated to a mentor to Brigitte.
Roadhog- Nope. Side character. He and Junkrat fall into the same boat. Not being a part of Overwatch and having no connections to any characters in Overwatch makes more than passing screentime impossible.
Sigma- OUR BOY SIGMA is going to get no screentime, calling it right now. He’s going to be firmly relegated to side character status. Why? Although he might be a serious fan favorite, his lore and the conflict it introduces (the cosmic horror of the universe) doesn’t really apply to the rest of Overwatch. We know he’s affiliated with Talon, but more like a weapon than a character. He’s got serious redemption potential, but the arc would be very. . . simple. As soon as he gets to Overwatch the arc would be over. 
Winston- MAIN CHARACTER. Our mans is currently the driving force behind the majority of the plot (that isn’t whatever Talon’s doing). He’s the one who recalled Overwatch. Enough said. If he doesn’t get an arc about learning how to be a leader, I am going to be shocked.
Wrecking Ball- lol side character. Given how Blizzard hasn’t made any attempt to treat him more than a walking gimmick, he’s going to be such a side character that he might blend into the background.
Zarya- This is another character that makes me hesitate. At first glance, she’s in the same boat as D.va in that she has no personal connections with the lore or the main cast. HOWVER, she’s directly involved in the conflict of Overwatch 2 because she is currently fighting Omnics in Russia AND has been trying to track down Talon on her own for a while now. Plus, she also has a very juicy potential character arc: she’s racist towards Omnics. Her comic touched on the fact that she has the potential to outgrow her prejudice. This leads me to believe that Zarya is going to be one of the main characters, if a more minor one than the rest.
Ashe- Side character. Her connection to McCree ensures that she’ll get some juicy interactions, but not enough to be considered a main character. More than likely she’ll be contacted to help out with the plot conflict, but she’s not going to have any sort of arc or emotional connection with other characters beyond snarky one-liners.
Bastion- . . . I hate this, but I don’t trust Blizzard to give Bastion the relevance they deserve as a character. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bastion will be important to the plot of stopping the rogue Omnics, but I think Bastion themselves will be treated as a McGuffin. They’re mute and prone to acting naively, which is not conducive to character agency. I’m going treat McGuffin as a third category to my predictions.
Doomfist- literally the Thanos of this conflict. He’s going to be a main character, but I doubt he’ll get any character development, because that’s what Reaper is for.
Echo- Main character. It’s pretty much guaranteed by the fact that McCree sought her out in his animated short and that she was once the payload of Route 66. The Overwatch narrative also treats her as the “sPeCiAl OmNiC” that’s somehow more advanced/better/more sentient than the rest of the Omnic cast. As much as I think the role that they’re going to give her would be better suited for Bastion or Zenyatta, I just know that Blizzard is going to give her the full main character treatment. She’s going to be the magical bridge between Omnics and humans. Count me mad about it.
Genji- I love our ninja boy, and he’s an honorary mascot of the game, but as far as arcs go he just finished his. He’s finally found inner peace. That’s not a good sign for main-character-ism. However, he has tons and tons of connections to the rest of the cast and the lore. . . but I don’t think it’s enough. I think he’s going to end up as the character that other characters are able to bounce off of. Everybody knows him, so they’ll be talking to him a lot, but he isn’t going to drive the plot with his own struggles. He’s a side character. His brother, however. . .
Hanzo- As one of the two people in the Overwatch roster actively undergoing a serious life crisis, I suspect that Hanzo is going to be a main character. The fact that he and his goals are not connected to Talon or Overwatch is a detractor, but his emotional turmoil as established in the short Dragons is too important too ignore. His decisions, however reckless and hot-headed they will be, will significantly impact the plot. Why? Because his potential for redemption is such juicy story bait. Also, he could bring in an entire other faction, the Shimada Clan, into the plot, and that could be a game-changer.
Junkrat- Side character. The same reasoning for Roadhog applies here. He’s not connected in any way to the cast. The only potential mystery about him is the ‘treasure’ that’s been alluded to over and over again. If he has this story bait, why am I calling him a side character? Unfortunately, it’s because his ‘treasure’, whatever it is, is going to be a McGuffin. Junkrat’s going to be lucky if he avoids the same status.
McCree- A side character, but an important one. This decision was a difficult one. He’s got the lore and the connections to the other characters but not the internal character arc. He was an active player in unleashing Echo, but it’s also hinted at that he isn’t going to join the recalled Overwatch, instead striking out to do his own thing. That’s not conducive to being a major player in the story. However, his connections and conversations with other characters might, in the same way I’ve predicted Genji’s might, motivate other characters to drive the plot forward.
Mei- Side character. Nothing much else to say. Her focus on climate science isn’t going to be super relevant to the Omnic plot. She’s got only a very loose connection with other characters in the form of her Overwatch membership.
Pharah- I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, but she’s going to be a side character, calling it right now. She’s got so much potential because of her relationship with her mom, but that’s about it. Ana is her only connection to the rest of the cast. It’s important that they reconcile, but their reconciliation has nothing to do with any other plot point. It’s isolated. That’s not a good sign for her screen time, especially considering that she’s not looking for Ana and Ana is not looking for her.
Reaper- MAIN CHARACTER. You should have seen this coming. As the primary instigator of the plot (aka the reason Winston recalled Overwatch,) it should be meta-textually obvious why he’s going to have a lot of screentime. He’s directly responsible for a significant chunk of the unresolved lore conflict within old Overwatch. In order to resolve it, we’re going to be seeing him, a lot.
Soldier 76- Main character, for exactly the reasons listed above. As Reaper’s foil and the person who’s hunting him down, Soldier is going to be pretty important in concluding that unresolved conflict. It’s destiny. Like in a murder-soulmates kinda way.
Sombra- Tricky, tricky, tricky. . . it’s difficult to say. It all depends, I think, on the amount of emphasis Blizzard places on her conspiracy. If she’s the only character who knows exactly what’s going on, that could set her up to be very plot relevant. However, her relationship with other characters and to the rest of the Overwatch lore is shaky at best. I’m going to leave this one blank. There’s just too much we don’t know.
Symmetra- Here we have the other person in the Overwatch roster that is actively undergoing a serious life crisis that I alluded to. Symmetra might at first seem unrelated to everything- the lore, the characters, etc, but Blizzard has set up a surefire redemption arc for her that needs to be resolved. She is going to realize that Vishkar and Talon are connected, and she is going to make the decision to either go full villain (unlikely) or to turn over all the information she knows to Overwatch. Either way, she’s going to get involved, and she’s going to grow as a character. Main character material.
Torbjorn- Torbjorn, oh Torbjorn. Here’s a case that makes me upset. For all intents and purposes, he should be a main character. He’s the one who helped develop the Omnics, and he’s got an active character arc where he’s trying to undo the damage Omnics have caused. This ties him pretty damn directly to what we know of the plot of Overwatch 2. However, Blizzard lately has refused to treat him with respect, reducing him to a joke character because of his height and accent. Not only that, but they diminished his importance in the lore with the invention of Mina Liao and Echo. I could write and entire post about how the Mina Liao/Echo introduction was made to replace Torbjorn and Bastion’s importance in the potential plot, but all of three people would read it.
Tracer- As the literal face of Overwatch it’s pretty damn obvious that she’s going to be a main character. If you need a reminder, look at the London Calling comics and then the cover art for your copy of Overwatch.
Widowmaker- Widowmaker has literally zero character agency and only very very very loose connections with the lore/characters. HOWEVER, she does have the potential to be redeemed by death (I could make a whole other post on this) but it’s not enough to bring her into major character territory. Side character.
Ana- Side character. Given that she’s avoiding her potential emotional arc by avoiding Pharah and the rest of recalled Overwatch, she’s flat out of luck for main-character-ism. She’s going to be very important to Soldier 76 and Reaper but she won’t be the one instigating any plot points. Unfortunate.
Baptiste- Another tally for the side characters. The fact that it took him a year to even get voice interactions with the rest of the cast reflects this. His arc of leaving Talon is already done, the idea of Mauga being added to the game is history by now, and he has few connections with the current cast and plot. Big F, my dude.
Brigitte- With both her dad and her mentor being important former Overwatch members, it makes sense that she should be a main character, right? Right? Unfortunately, I think she falls into the same pitfalls as Reinhardt. Her backstory is already mostly explored and her dad is better at any plot-relevant mechanics that might be needed. She’ll help her dad, no doubt, but she’s a side character.
Lucio- I really want Lucio to be a main, really, I do, but he’s a side character. He suffers the same exact problem that D.va does. He has very little to involve him with the rest of the main caste. He’ll join Overwatch, sure, but I think it’ll be more of a decorative declaration than anything. His connection with Symmetra is his only saving grace, but even that just relegates him as a side character in her emotional arc.
Mercy- I think she’s going to be a side character, because all of her current content has her separated from everyone else and unsure about going back to recalled Overwatch. I don’t see the narrative following her inner emotional turmoil about this decision very much. She also doesn’t add anything to the potential plot.
Moira- Okay, Moira is tricky, so hear me out: her lore importance is off the CHARTS, and she’s a lot like Doomfist in the aspect that she is quite clearly villainous. She brainwashed Widowmaker. She turned Reaper into what he is today (physically, mind you,) and she probably has something to do with manipulating Sigma. But is being a villain enough? She’s not the one directly orchestrating Talon’s plan, like Doomfist is. And she’s not so directly connected to the fall of Overwatch like Reaper is. I hesitate to call her a main. Narratively, she’s going to get her comeuppance, but. . . (I’m going to leave this one blank.)
Zenyatta- The only true wild card on this list. Sure, I’ve left Sombra and Moira blank, but Zenny boy? He’s literally got nothing. There’s nothing to base predictions off of. No lore to speak of. We know that he mentored Genji. We know that he knew Mondatta. We know that he defends Omnics’ rights to exist. However, I doubt Blizzard has the nuance to tackle his perspective on the impending Omnic war in Overwatch 2. He could be a seriously major player if he was treated with the respect that his character deserves, though! He could potentially have an active role in trying to figure out what’s making the Omnic uprising occur and stopping it in its tracks! There is so much potential there! It’s all in Blizzard’s hands. It’s all about how Blizzard chooses to finally flesh out his character. . . IF they flesh out his character at all.
Total tally out of 32
Main characters: 11
Side characters: 17
Undecided: 3
McGuffin: 1 (poor Bastion)
And that’s the results! It’s important to note that I am far from infallible and that these are just my opinions/speculations on the future. Please please please argue with me in the tags/reblogs. That would make my day.
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migstheruler · 4 years
PLaystation 5 Event
initially great, despite the horrible pre-orders ordeal.
On Sept. 16, 2020, Sony pulled back the curtain on another slew of details regarding the PS5.
1.       The PlayStation 5 releases on November 12th, 2020 in Japan, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United States (why these states, only Sony knows even though I think it’s because of their distinct market in each of these countries).
2.       The PlayStation 5 releases everywhere else on November 19, 2020.
3.       The PlayStation 5 launches at $399.99 for the digital edition and $499.99 for the disc-based edition.
*IF backward compatibility with the PS4 is important to you, I’d recommend the disc-based PS5. Sony execs have confirmed 99% of PS4 games are compatible with their new Flagship console.
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   The event also gave us a look into some new games coming to the PS5 for launch as well as games we can expect during the first year of the PlayStation 5’s life cycle. Honestly tho, I think some of those games indicating they were launching during 2021 is a lie. You mean to tell me you’re going to launch Horizon, God of War 2, Final Fantasy 16 all in one year…..really… If these games were dique going to launch in 2021, you would think they would have had at least a working demo or something, instead of a teaser trailer with the games logo…but I digress, I’ll touch on this later.
 Below are a few games showed that caught my eye and I just had to write about them.
Overall, Sony’s PS5 presentation was a good one, with all the information we as consumers were asking for since June and 10/10 would watch again (I’ve seen the presentation 4 times already (twice to write this piece 😊)).  
The presentations started with a trailer showing a slew of different games coming to the PlayStation five system, most games we covered in https://migstheruler.com/post/620830163010240512/ps5-reveal-event but just when you thought this was another trailer, boom!!!
Final Fantasy 16
A nice mix of old and new: as if the folks from Final Fantasy 11 and 12 made a 15 esque type game.
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Shiva the ice goddess is back, and looking deadlier than ever throwing out chilly ice crystals sure to cause anyone level seven frostbite
Who´s a good boy? This little pup looks ready to be pet and given treats.
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 It looks like our trusty steeds the Chocobos are back, hopefully, they are more useful this time around )I’m looking at you final fantasy seven episode one)
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Marlboros are looking as menacing as ever.
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 Final Fantasy 16 was pretty unexpected to be honest, especially given final fantasy seven episodes one releasing a few months ago. However, it’s a nice surprise to see Square Soft jk Square Enix working on a new Final Fantasy game, especially one that likes to expand upon the action RPG elements (Think kingdom hearts series or final fantasy 15 and even 7).  Aesthetically, this is giving me hardcore fantasy elements with realism thrown in there.
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Either way, what a great way to start off the presentation.
  Spiderman Miles Morales:
Next up, Sony gives us a seven-minute look into Spiderman Miles Morales, which expands upon 2018’s PS4 Spiderman. Sony has said this is not a direct sequel but instead a look to further expand upon the world through the eyes of Miles Morales. The graphics and presentation of this game are sure to entice any spiderman man. The lighting coupled with Mile’s powers makes this game a visual PS5 treat.
 Last time we saw Miles, he had just shown Peter Parker he too had powers to which Peter Parker joined him upon the ceiling, it was a bonding moment the two spider-men would have. Fast forward maybe a year (I’m not sure how much time has passed since the last spiderman game) we are thrusted into the shoes of Miles Morales.
  “Mom I’m home” Can we take a moment to appreciate my man’s line up here, dam that shit looks crispy.
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Walking through Harlem, music playing, and folks dancing Salsa in the street. I’m not going to lie, this made me cheese from ear to ear.
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This is what I expect to encounter when I have to mediate between clients ready to rip each other apart in a gory fashion (above).  
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 Okay, knowing how strong spiderman is, I fully expect the dude’s Jaw to be broken after this power punch.
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I forgot to mention (above) Miles can turn Invisible and has access to electric powers (below) sure to spruce up and affect the way Miles plays. I can only imagine a focus less on gadgets and more of an emphasis on Miles’ powers.
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Although I know this game stars a new spiderman aka Miles Morales, the developers sure are making sure we know  we’re not playing with Peter Parker anymore.
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“Insert obligatory spiderman being pulled from different directions trope here” I’m not even going to front; this image is pretty cool.
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Lastly, how dope is this launch title? It is one of the first games I plan to beat on my PS5.
-          I do want to say one thing regarding this title. I think it’s pretty great from a representation perspective to see a Black and Puerto Rican spiderman. Representation matters. I’m not Puerto Rican but am Latino and I do appreciate the flags littered throughout the trailer, folks dancing salsa and overall, Miles Morales as a character.
One gripe I have with this game unfortunately is Sony’s anti-consumer stance regarding those that purchased 2018’s Spiderman. Folks that purchase the Deluxe Spiderman Miles Morales edition for $79.99 get both Spiderman Miles Morales and a supped-up version of 2018’s spiderman for the PS5, yet Sony hasn’t extended an olive branch to those of us that supported their 2018 game (even making it one of their best sellers). IF you want to play Spiderman Miles Morales, you can cop it for a cool $49.99 which is dope but doesn’t include any type of upgrade for those of us with the PS4 version of spiderman. Honestly, as someone that doesn’t plan on playing the game again but it’s pretty anti-consumer to not even offer some type of benefit to those PS4 supporters. Here’s to hoping they offer some type of upgrade via a patch to the PS4 spiderman.
·       Turns out the game will run natively better on the PS5 given the consoles superior power but for a truly next gen 2018 Spiderman experience, you gotta pay those $69.99 duckats.  
   Looks Like we’re going back to Hogwarts and I’m not talking about Fantastic Beasts or Harry Potter. We received our first look (aside from the leak that was released last year). In Hogwarts Legacy, we go back to the late 1800s to visit the Wizards of the Waverly place (I think I said this right, I’ve only seen the Harry Potter movies once all the way through). Either way, it looks like they managed to capture the magic of Hogwatz. The walls of Hogwarts look alive, books flying all over the place and magic spewing from cauldrons of unknown potions.
 Our journey begins going back to Hogwarts with a cool looking Owl to boot.    
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 The sorting hat is back babi, it seems like this is a create your own character adventure, where we as the player will get to customize our very own character, sure to get into whatever wizardly fun is to be found.  Team Slytherin all day!! JK, I’m team Gryffindor babi. But really tho, I have no idea what school I’d be assigned too.
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  In both of these pictures, its quite remarkable the little details you see; the more you look, the more you see. Did you see the candles above, or the candlelight below
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Looks like our boys are cooking up work in the kitchen aka cauldron. I’d also like to bring attention to the lighting, truly impressive.  Time to eat some delicious grub with my fellow wizards!! (Below)
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 Looks like we’ll be facing a litany of different monsters and foes. I know with my Avada Kedavra, I’ll be blasting fools like the one below away.
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 Dam son, we fighting Dragons out here too, sheesh.
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Looks like combat will be a big portion of gameplay as the video showed of a created character fighting some pretty large beasts.
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Looks like we’ll be playing quidditch in this game, and I honestly can’t wait.
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I sure do hope we’re able to feed these little cuties and pet them.
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Looks like this game is open world, as the characters are seen flying on Griffins across the vista. They draw distances in this game are spectacular.
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Hogwarts Legacy launches in 2021.
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 *JK Rowling has no involvement with this game and that’s a good thing given her recent problematic statements.
  Demon Souls
Full disclosure, I bought demon souls for the PS3 back in the day but unfortunately, did not stick with the game. It was fun and I would proceed to play other From Software and souls genre games in the future such as Sekiro, Bloodborne and Nioh to name a few. But here we have Bluepoint games remaking the PS3 Cult Classic and precursor to the Souls Genre. I for one am super excited to jump back in and try my hand again at Demon Souls.
 This place here is the game’s main hub that allows you to access other portions of the world map. IT’s nice to see it in all it’s HD Glory.
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Our Player is borne anew: Rise from your grave!!! JK, this isn’t a Sega title.
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The environments look super luscious and literal indistinguishable from concept art. The leaves, lighting, and armor are truly a beautiful sight to see.  (Below) 
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Nothing like chilling by a bonfire, although if you’re new to the genre, every time you heal at these bon fires, all the enemies you spent tirelessly fighting repopulate.
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Call me crazy but in the original, players from other games could leave each other messages written in blood, as a way to help each other out. It looks like this concept is making a comeback this time around.  
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 Dragons are so hot right now…. (insert Zoolander Gif here)
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If you have ever played a souls game, you know this is something you can expect to see even in your dreams. I remember going to bed thinking how an enemy boss had beaten me 13-times in a row, only to go to bed thinking and imaging different strategies on how I could kill the foe standing between me and the game's progress.
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The gameplay looks faster than the original but the difficult elements remain prevalent. The player is seen mowing down enemies which seems a bit off given the extreme difficulty of the PS3 game. But this could be Bluepoint addressing the sometimes-outrageous difficulty by making it more appealing to casuals.
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Launch Title!!!!
 God of War Ragnarök:
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Last time we saw our heroes, Kratos and Atreus were shacked up in their home when they receive a visit from a mysterious visitor brandishing what looks like Mjolnir on his waist.  The game ended in a great cliff hanger and is sure to improve on the many aspects the PS4 game
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Get the fuck out of here. Sony decided to drop a nuclear ton warhead on us with the teaser trailer of God of War Ragnarok, a sequel to the PS4’s God of War.  Although they did not show any game play, they did manage to build the hype with the screen below:  
And then to top off the trailer the list the following with a supposed 2021 release date which I think is highly unlikely but, we will see. Either way, “we must prepare”.
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   Sadly, when the presentation ended, pre-orders went live . We were told by Sony that we would have ample time to prepare to pre-order, nothing but the contrary occured. I was one of the unlucky folks who failed to obtain his PS5 preorder despite having the funds to do so. Here’s to hoping I’m able to secure a pre-order prior to the Nov 12 launch. I did manage to get a PS5 camera which is a must for me since I like to stream games online, it’s really quite addicting. Check out my channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiazQqSufhmIGo2a7odLOpQ?view_as=subscriber.
I do want to say one thing, I am very fortunate to have the things i’ve accumulated over the years. I know there are people in the world that lack even basic necessities. If you’re reading this, please donate to  cause/fund or organization you beleive in. I know my life’s work is to improve the living conditions of everyone regardless of their creed and that keeps me plenty busy.  
  All images used in this piece were obtained from the source below: 
Credit: IGN 
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mod2amaryllis · 5 years
listen. I've mainly heard two kinds of opinions on kingdom hearts: the people who are annoyed and make fun of it because the story is so confusing; and the people who defend it because duh, it's a sequel, of course you need context from past games. and I just...neither of these arguments really pin down the Bad thing about kingdom hearts for me?
the Bad thing about kingdom hearts is that the thirteen or so games span....
ten platforms,
and they are all, every single one of them....
relevant to the main story.
and maybe you're into this which is totally cool, I can see the appeal for a lot of people. but like......honestly, the more I think about it, the more I think this is Definitely A Bad Story Thing To Do.
like of course it's easy to look up a video explaining the story without having to play the games but I LIKE PLAYING THE GAMES SO! IT GETS!! A LIL FRUSTRATING!!!!!!! that if I wanted to enjoy the video game story by actually playing the video game I'd have to not only purchase every game, but EVERY PLATFORM THEY'VE JUMPED ACROSS. it's just....not! good! from a fan perspective!
and yes I KNOW they've released remixes, enabling me to play every game on one platform, but I GREW UP with this shit and didn't have that luxury! the time when I was most interested in the kingdom hearts story--back when I was playing 1 and then 2 when they came out--just owning the ps2 was a huge deal, there's no way I could've afforded every other platform I'd need! by the time the remixes had come out, other video games were doing a way better job of serving me their story in satisfying ways, so my interests shifted.
which leads me to my other big grievance (((and I'm genuinely sorry this has turned into a rant I'm feeling punchy this weekend))):
kingdom hearts didn't try to grow up with me.
AGAIN! CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH! I know that for many people, this is a GOOD thing. you want the experience you had as a kid, and kh3 gives you that with fucking gorgeous visuals. but for ME, like....it's been over a decade. they coulda found a way to make cutscenes more integrated instead of these knockoff Disney movie reshoots. they coulda fixed the clunky magic system. they did a GREAT job sprucing up melee combat, I love how flashy it gets and how there's basically every type of gameplay you could imagine, I love that. but the combat is so fun that as soon as you're interrupted for another long cutscene, I'm disappointed, the momentum is ruined.
and this is in retrospect exactly what I liked about kh when I was a kid. the cut scenes were my payment for slogging through combat, cuz I was a lil baby bitch who wanted to watch a story unfold instead of play it. but now I'm a
who actually enjoys pushing the buttons to make the anime boy dance, sora, dance, and many modern games have totally rolled with this. god of war, amazing spiderman, breath of the wild, red dead, they all have fluid or minimal cutscenes with no loading screens that bleed seamlessly into active gameplay and it makes you feel SO ENGAGED.
kh hasn't tried to catch up to modern gaming, and honestly, it doesn't need to. I'm just one player in an audience that loves, and has always loved, kh's formula. I'm the minority for sure.
so I'm not really angry at kh3 for the convoluted story, or the outdated cut scene heavy style, or the frame for frame reshoots of Disney movies. I'm just kinda bummed that I'm an adult with a full time job and a mortgage who can't enjoy this game the same way I did when I was a twelve year old in my parents basement, hungry for cut scenes and racing my brother to see who could beat it first (spoiler: he could. every time.)
me losing interest in kh is indicative of me growing up, and it's a little sad.
guess I'll go play red dead 2 about it.
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