#spiderman 2 review
mcknighttimegaming · 6 months
GAME OF THE YEAR - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Part 3
In this third and part of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Walkthrough, I try to uncover the more Gameplay mechanics and story elements. Is this GAME OF THE YEAR!? So far, honestly? Yeah.
Expect laughs, quirky commentary, and some epic facepalms as we dive headfirst into Spider-Man 2. Stick around for the web-slinging chaos and let's discover if this sequel is a superhero landing or a friendly neighborhood flop. Subscribe, hit that like button, and let the fun begin—because gaming should always be an adventure!
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spiderman2 #GamingAdventure #FunnyWalkthrough #GameReview #WebSlingerLaughs #GamingHumor
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kirichiro · 8 months
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episodicnostalgia · 4 months
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Spider-man: The Animated Series, 109 (May 6, 1995) - “The Alien Costume, Part Two”
LAST TIME… On Spider-man:
You can read my review for part one HERE (if you haven’t already), but there was one subplot involving Eddie Brock that I didn’t really get into because my post was already running long.  Basically Eddie was still sore at Spider-man over that time he got fired for being bad at his job.  Consequently, he decides to sell Jonah pictures that make it look like Spider-man stole the Promethium X [*dangerous radioactive space McGuffin] from John Jameson’s space shuttle, instead of correctly laying the blame on Rhino, whom Eddie both witnessed and photographed (that bastard).  As a result, Jonah has bounty placed on Spider-man’s head, and Eddie’s sittin’ pretty with his old job back.
AND NOW… The continuation
The Breakdown
Despite the constant barrage of bounty hunters trying to take him down, Spidey is doing pretty well at staying the-fuck-outta dodge thanks to his enhanced strength (courtesy of the new suit), indeed he seems virtually untouchable.  Still the inconvenience of constantly being attacked is getting on the web-head’s last nerve, leading to an all out confrontation with Jonah that… doesn’t exactly go well (the wall crawler uncharacteristically loses his shit and trashes Jonah’s office), but it does lead Jonah to discovering the truth about Eddie’s deception regarding the Rhino.  And so, Jonah must face humiliation by releasing yet another retraction to Brock’s latest and-most-brazen fuck-up (which of course prompts his immediate re-firing).
MEANWHILE… Wilson Fisk is still on about that whole Promethium X thing (trying to sell it to terrorists or some-such).  The Problem is, Eddie Brock’s public humiliation makes him liability to Fisk since he holds the only photographic evidence of Rhino’s involvement (who I guess can be linked to Fisk through payroll statements or something?). So Fisk sends his latest super-minion, THE SHOCKER, to deal with it using murder.  But of course, just as the Shocker shows up to vibrate Brock to death (Kinky), our less-friendly neighbourhood Wall Crawler arrives on the scene to save the day [also because he wanted to bully Eddie a bit himself, almost as if… SOMEthing is making him more behave more aggressively?  But WHAT, I wonder?].  The ensuing fight ends up with Spidey buried in rubble just long enough for Shocker to think he’s won, and for Eddie to make his escape.
Chuffed at his supposed victory, Shocker rushes to Allistair Smythe’s hideout so he can boast about it, but of course Spider-man just follows him there.  Another fight leads to Spidey stealing back the Promethium X so he can run some tests on it back at his place. Of course this naturally escalates things even further, and Allistair sets another trap with the Shocker using John Jameson as bait (kidnapped straight out of the hospital, no less.  Poor guy is having a rough time).  The deal is simple, Spider-man and Jonah are to meet Allistair at an old church building, where John will be returned to his father in exchange for the Promethium X.
Spider-man may be a little more violent than usual, but he’s still Spider-man, so he willingly hands over the Promethium in exchange for John, which is when Shocker shows up to spring the trap.  While Allistair makes good his escape (as well as the Jamesons), Spidey and his foe have at it, and it does NOT go well for Shocker. 
Like, Spider-man is UNHINGED you guys; it’s truly some meme worthy stuff. 
Eventually Shocker [SHOOOOOCKKKEEEEEERRR!!!!!] gets chased to the top of the building where the belltower is located (oh yeah there’s a bell tower. Now you know), and proceeds to get the living tar beat out of him [YOOUU CAN’T ESCAPE MEEEEEE!!!].  But Just as Spider-man is about to drop the ol’ Shockster to his untimely demise [I’LL CHASE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EEEAARTH!!!], he remembers that Uncle Ben used to have a whole speech about Responsibility (I won’t get into it here, but it involves great power) and resolves not to klll his hapless foe.  Except… the suit has other ideas and autonomously produces a tentacle to force the issue by shoving Shocker off the tower against our hero’s wishes.  Thankfully, the suit still respects Spider-man’s impulse to shoot a life-saving web line, thus sparing Shocker from death-by-impact.
Having finally accepted that the suit is responsible for his new bloodthirsty attitude, Spider-man attempts to remove it, only then realizing that IT has other plans (even though Doc Conners totally warned him about this in an earlier scene). While thrashing around in a fruitless attempt to take his ‘costume’ off, the massive tower-bell starts ringing at such a volume as to drive the suit utterly BANANAS. It’s at this point that Spider-man figures out that sound is the suit’s weakness, after correlating this incident with a bounty hunter’s sonic weapon from earlier.  Considering he has no other viable options, Spidey pretty much just hangs out nearby the ringing bell until the suit gives up and separates from him.  From there it eventually succumbs into a puddle and slithers off into a crack, NEVER TO BE HEARD FROM AGAIN.
[Oh and I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning, but Eddie Brock followed Jonah to the church, where he tried his level best to kill Spider-man while was distracted with the Shocker.  Of course he failed even more miserably than he did at his job, and Spider-man easily wrapped him up into a web cocoon, and strung him up inside the tower chamber beneath the bell.]
Anyways, with the alien symbiote out of the way Spider-man completely forgets to check in on Eddie who is still literally hanging out in the church tower.  At the same time, it turns out the alien symbiote is still very much alive after all (which Spider-man probably should have double checked) and in need of a new host. Since Brock is available for a rebound (not to mention unable resist), the Symbiote helps itself.  Eddie quickly goes from being terrified, to WAY TOO into it, and while we don’t yet see the end result of this new unholy alliance, it seems unlikely that it’ll be good. 
I bet they're gonna be Venom now though.  I just have an instinct about these things.
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The Verdict
Man these episodes are fun.  On the one hand, this show takes a fairly complicated piece of Spider-man’s lore, and streamlines it nicely for children’s television.  On the other hand, it’s still AN OBSCENELY convoluted 20 minutes of unrestrained structured chaos.  I’ve talked about this before in my other posts, but watching this show as an adult is leaves me both constantly impressed and confounded at the same time.  Every choice the characters make are so hilariously unhinged, and yet somehow it all works perfectly within the context of what the show is trying to be.
One element that continues to work especially well, is Spider-man’s transition towards insanity as a consequence of wearing the suit.  The original comics really didn’t lean into this idea as comprehensively back when the symbiote was introduced, mainly because the writers were still figuring it out as they went, and Venom himself was still some years away from even being conceptualized. But It’s telling that virtually every version of the character since this specific adaptation has incorporated the symbiote’s tendency to alter, dominate, and/or consume the host.  It’s a story telling choice that makes sense, and one that this series deserves credit for bringing to the mainstream.
I also feel compelled to give Christopher Daniel Barnes a shout-out for this episode.  Spider-man losing his shit over Shocker is (unintentionally) so funny to me.  Shocker has always been a C-list villain at most, and up against the Symbiote-Spider-man he amounts to little more than a mild inconvenience, so the idea that Spider-man JUST HATES this guy to the point of flying into a murderous rage, cracks me up (even though I realize the suit is responsible).  At the same time, Barnes really commits to the role here and, hilarious or otherwise, Spider-man is believably psychotic.  Gotta love it.
3.5 stars (out of 5)
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Additional Observations
There’s a scene where Spider-Man pays Dr. Curt Conners (aka the Lizard) a visit to help him figure out the mystery surrounding his fancy new extra-terrestrial duds.  In order to run his tests Conners tries to take a sample of the organism, only for it to retreat from his grasp when he reaches out with a pair of scissors.  Spider-man helps out by stretching out (pictured above) some of the suit with one hand so the Doc can cut it, which does work, but that still leaves the freshly cut piece of alien ‘material’ loose INSIDE Spider-man’s palm, which is also notably enclosed within the symbiote.  As a kid it always bothered me that the symbiote wouldn’t have just reabsorbed the freshly cut piece back into itself before Peter could hand it over to Conners. Thankfully I’m a well adjusted adult now, so I’ve moved on from such petty concerns.  Haha.  Ha. …ha.
The Promethium x subplot is officially resolved in this chapter, and it’s obvious the writers barely cared about that thread more than I did.  It turns out the substance has a short half life, before becoming inert, thus foiling the Kingpin’s plans and leaving Part 3 with more time to focus on Venom.
Spider-man’s personal microscope and PC must be incredibly advanced!  Within seconds he’s able to determine the Promethium X’s density, structure, and molecular weight, all with sharp colour-coded images rendered directly to his computer in real time!  Remarkable!
Responsibility Count – 2: Uncle Ben’s famous line returns!  I’m actually surprised that it’s been used as infrequently as it has been up to this point.  In my memory, future seasons would start to abuse the “power and responsibility” spiel with increasing regularity.  I suppose we’ll find out as we go.
Spider-man really needs to keep better tabs on his enemies after defeating them. Last episode he just leaves Rhino unrestrained in a military facility that carries sensitive technologies, and in this episode both Shocker AND Brock are just webbed up left behind. A few episodes back (in the Mysterio episode) it’s established that Spider-man’s webbing eventually dissolves, which means Eddie probably would have fallen to his death if the Symbiote hadn’t found him.  Oh well, I guess it all worked out.  Besides, what are the odds of something crazy happening like all three characters returning in the very next episode? Amright!?
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tjreidwrites · 8 months
I used to have a movie review website. I also posted those reviews on Instagram back in 2020. I want to give some of those reviews new life on here. I’ll start with my favorite superhero movie, Spider-Man 2.
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Let’s be honest. The first Spider-Man back in the early early 2000’s was a fun time. Maybe a bit overrated though, right? Sam Rami takes what worked in the first installment, and adds amazing story telling, better action, better special effects, and truly realized characters into the fold. This is the first example of the way a superhero movie should be and holds up today. Nothing has been quite like it.
Spider-Man is revealed to be a burden in so many ways to Peter Parker. So much so, that its ruining his life. This movie does everything right when it comes to characters and character development. So many superhero movies before this took so little time with the people behind the mask. I remember even as a kid first viewing this movie, being taken on a emotional roller coaster I wasn't expecting. Peter’s problems become very real to us. The amount of time he spends as Spider-Man forces him to put his actual life on the back burner. This movie is charming, thought provoking, action packed and heart breaking.
Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina) is working on a dangerous experiment. He needs materials only Harry Osborn can provide. His experiment will either prove fusion can work as a cheap source of energy, or destroy all of New York. To handle all the moving parts, Octavius creates four super powered tentacles that are built into his spine and have intelligence of their own. The chip at the head of the contraption is designed to help him keep control of his thoughts. When the chip is destroyed, we welcome Doc Ock.
Peter Parker’s inner battle is easy to become attached to. He can't love Mary Jane, because her life would be threatened 24/7 from Spider-Man’s enemies. We watch as she gives up on Peter, who can't make time for her. Peter has a lot of heart felt moments with Mary Jane as well as Aunt May (Rosemary Harris), who has a lot of screen time. All while Peter has to deal with Harry, who likes Peter but hates Spider-Man with every fiber of his being. We want Peter to just tell Harry the truth about what happened in the first film, but sympathize with him for not knowing how.
Toby Maguire nails this role. Its true. Say what you want about the first film being cartoony, campy, this one Toby shines. In this movie, he is the true Peter Parker. He did everything right. This movie does an immaculate job keeping the dialogue just as interesting as the action. Sure, some sentences are just cheesy enough to remind us that we are watching a movie, but it works. The drama in this movie steals the show every time you watch.
Every character in this movie takes what happened in the first one, and grows as individuals so much. Mary Jane, Harry, Peter, Aunt Mae all have character arcs that pay off massively. Sam Rami nailed the mechanics of Spidey’s web slinging throughout the city. No longer looking cartoony, but instead honing in on the special effects of the time, and looking amazing on the screen.
I’ve watched this movie countless times and know I will watch it even more. The storylines weaving in and out, and the weight of the situation being more real than any superhero film before its time, they knocked this one out of the park. I love this movie and on an overall scale, It has to be the best superhero movie of all time. I think there's an argument to be had on the topic, but there isn't anything wrong with this film.
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yenneferschaos · 1 year
summer kicked off with a group of familiar webslingers!
i finally saw atvs during a thursday night preview screening and my brain is still processing everything! like i can't even form a proper sentence without stumbling my words lol. it didn't feel real at all that i was watching a sequel i waited five years for. it felt almost nostalgic??? an honest fever dream!
unimportant note: i got a miles morales themed popcorn bucket and it is AMAZING! can't wait to make popcorn and casually fill it up lol.
*returns to main topic* anyway...
this movie did not feel like two hours and sixteen minutes at all. the film itself was too enjoyable to even feel like it. it was worth the wait!
the visuals? don't even get me started! comic book worthy!
the soundtrack? BARS
the movie score? need it ASAP
miles morales i loved you in the first spiderverse film and now? it's increased by 1,000%! protect him at all costs!
the spot? tad bit annoying but an AMAZING villian!
hobbie brown aka spiderpunk ily and you're like... awesome!
LOVED the miles x gwen storyline in this film. they made my heart swoon and break at the same time. won't go into detail but there was one gwen x miles moment that made my heart happily jump even though it was a serious scene happening. you'll know it when you see it!
shameik moore and hailee steinfeld have done it again! our miles and gwen and atvs further solidified it as to why.
i loved everything about this movie and without a doubt will sit through it again! 10/10! part two of a trilogy that is almost complete, but is the perfect piece to an almost complete puzzle. the anticipation for the conclusion has never been higher (people were in an uproar when the cliffhanger happened!) even while the eye popping visual end credits were rolling amongst moviegoers.
THAT plot twist?! i will never recover like... ever!
i have never felt more threatened by a "to be continued" title card like i do right now like the audience reaction was necessary. the movie was incredible enough but yes i felt attacked emotionally.
it's fine really. it's fine! not really but anyway!
to the talented cast, animators, and crew: you DELIVERED and you guys deserve the best animated movie of all time title and all the awards coming you guys' way because you guys DID that!
excuse me while i resist the strong urge to go right back inside the theater after leaving. go see atsv this weekend guys!
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legion1227 · 5 months
Games Played/Beaten in 2023: Ranked!
28. Dynasty Warriors 9- 2/5,
As a big fan of Musou games and the Dynasty Warriors franchise, I'm deeply upset at how disappointing and underwhelming the last major entry in the DW franchise was. With a boring open world, dull gameplay, and a monotonous story, there is little to no reason to divulge as much time in the game as they want you to do.
27. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Mode.- 2.5/5.
As someone who does not play COD Warzone whatsoever, the levels playing Warzone-esque are no bother to me and are welcome. Other levels garner minimal intrigue and I wish there were more intriguing stakes in a story that ends way too soon and abruptly.
26. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order- 3/5
I wanted to like this game more than I did, and while it's in no way bad, I realized after 8 hours that this game wasn't for me. With level traversing as confusing and nerve-wracking as it is, coupled with gameplay that's not as stimulating as I'd like, I feel better off watching someone play through the story instead of playing myself.
25. Prey- 3.5/5
Gifted to me as a present years ago, it took time before I finally gave Prey the good ol college try. Trapped on a space station with shape-shifting aliens, you are tasked with self-destructing the station before the aliens can reach Earth. The stakes are there, and exploring the station is engaging, but the combat falls a bit short to my liking.
24. Granblue Fantasy Versus. 3.5/5
As a fighting game casual fan, I could stand to have more single-player content in my fighting games. Before Granblue dropped its sequel last month, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, I dived into the previous game back in the early Fall. The character designs are quite anime-esque, and the RPG mode is quite fun, especially with a companion, but the fighting game itself lacked weight that other fighting games I played this past year harbored. Other games simply felt better to play than Granblue.
23. Final Fantasy XV- 3.5/5.
While Final Fantasy XVI was on the cusp of dropping this year, I thought it appropriate to replay the previous entry for the first time in years. The main character, Noctis, and his group of royal guards are mostly enjoyable. The rest of the cast, the gameplay, and the open world itself all fell into the same territory of being decent but could've been even stronger if more time was dedicated to each facet. To be fair, both playthroughs I've done have lacked the DLC so I'm unsure how much of a difference it makes on my overall enjoyment of the game. Next time I play, we'll have to see if it does, and maybe I'll rank it higher then.
22. Lego Harry Potter- 3.5/5.
As Playstation Plus made Lego HP one of the free monthly games, it was only a matter of time before I gave it a try as I have a moderate enjoyment of the HP series and a stronger attachment to Lego games in general. Bringing the magical wizard world of HP into Lego opened up many possibilities for endearing storytelling in its usual Lego charm upon replaying all eight movies across the game. Blowing the more recent HP game, Hogwarts Legacy, out of the water, it doesn't hold up as much as another Lego game I played this year that we'll get to later.
21. Attack on Titan- 3.5/5.
Released in August 2016, the Attack on Titan game was developed and produced by Omega Force and Koei Tecmo respectively, the same companies behind the Dynasty Warrior games and numerous other Musou games, AOT covers the first season of the show in game form. It does a good job at capturing the feeling of exhaustively slaughtering titan after titan as a human fighting for humanity, but as a Musou fan, I prefer their other titles immensely.
20. Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2- 3.5/5
I am unbelievably hyped for the next entry in this franchise. As someone who's played BT3 to death for years, I never got too much time with its predecessor for complex reasons. After snagging a copy for the Wii years ago and completing the story mode just this year, I can say that BT2 is fun and captures the feel of a DBZ fight you see in the show, but it's a much lesser version of BT3 that I can't help but feel after playing that one for years. BT2 has plenty of characters but still lacks against BT3, and many of the fighters have the same rush moves and lack distinction, again, unlike in BT3. The only aspect I enjoy much more in BT2 over BT3 is the execution of the story mode and the What If scenarios at our disposal. And even then, there was room for improvement in some aspects.
19. One Piece Pirate Warriors 4- 3.5/5
My second favorite anime after Dragon Ball Z has two of my favorite Musou games in Pirate Warriors 2 and 3. Pirate Warriors 4 skips plenty of arcs, but still tells the major story beats in the One Piece story with flashy gameplay as you mow down hundreds of enemy fodder with the unique cast at your disposal. Too many characters that were playable in the last Pirate Warriors were axed for newer characters, of only a few feel really fun to play. After a while, Pirate Warriors 4 can become a bit monotonous with its objectives or story beats with the characters accompanied by its gameplay, which is fair to say with almost any Musou game, but it feels more apparent with Pirate Warriors 4 than others.
18. Doki Doki Literature Club- 4/5
Visual novels are not my cup of tea and neither are horror games, but this one was too great. Of course, it's been out for years and I've known some of what happened in the events of the game, but as you have the option to go through different story routes at this high school, the twists and turns and creepy imagery were intriguing enough to make me want to continue. Doki Doki Literature Club deserved the praise it got at the time and still deserves praise for its writing and creativity.
17. Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate- 4/5
This is the last Musou game listed here I swear. Warriors Orochi is peak when it comes to the Musou format. Between hundreds of characters to choose from the Dynasty Warriors franchise, Samurai Warriors, and many original characters and guest characters, the variety at your hand while getting to pick any team of three and mow down enemies is a treat. Character interactions are endearing to any Dynasty or Samurai Warriors fan, the combat is more flashy than other games in its genres, and combined with a more traditional fighting game mode and a mode where you traverse a dungeon with a team of five, WO3U is one of the best games in its genre for certain.
16. South Park: The Stick of Truth- 4/5
The raunchy RPG based on the classic TV show really started picking up steam for me in the last few hours. Playing as a new kid who's moved into South Park, getting to create your combat class, pick up gear, and travel around the town of South Park to interact with the iconic cast or indulge in references and easter eggs as a fan of the series was hilarity incarnate. Performance issues plagued my run that stem mostly from playing on a PS3 for this. I wished the game utilized having more than one companion accompany you in combat, but Stick of Truth is a must-have, or maybe must-replay since its ten years old at this point, for RPG fans or South Park fans.
15. Dokapon Kingdom- 4/5
An underrated PS2 game that combines RPG elements to a classic Mario Party style. In the story of Dokapon, the fictional land is attacked by an army of monsters. The king offers his daughter, Princess Penny, to marry whichever player can finish the game with the most amount of money. It can induce the same amount of rage you would get playing Mario Party with friends, but it's also just as fun. The combat is simple yet thought-provoking, the random encounter events are entertaining with amusing characters, and the art style is cute to look at. It can be hard to obtain the original game these days, but I know a remake titled Dokapon Kingdom: Connect on the Switch exists that is almost exactly like the original, so I would recommend trying it out there if you can and play with friends.
14. Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate- 4/5.
In anticipation of Mortal Kombat 1 releasing, I bought a physical copy of MK11 to play for a time. The ultimate edition of MK11 separated itself by adding all DLC content such as characters like The Terminator, Spawn, Shang Tsung, etc., and the story mode "The Aftermath." Mortal Kombat 11 continues to be one of the prime examples of what I would like in my fighting games as a casual. The story mode is a stellar cinematic romp to play through, with an amusing option of picking one of two characters at some points when I can. Coupled with an arcade mode worth plowing through with characters having epilogue after completion, the Krypt being a fully explorable place, and a constantly changing tower of fighters to compete against, the single-player aspect is the basis of something I would like to see in future fighting games for people like myself who don't really want to hop online and fight others.
13. Spider-Man: Miles Morales. 4/5
A perfect appetizer that served while waiting in anticipation for Spider-Man 2. Taking the role of Miles Morales as Spider-Man instead of Peter Parker, Miles' story laid a solid foundation following his idle beginning in the first game and before exploring him somewhat further in the sequel. His dynamic with friend turned-enemy Phin is a decent precursor for a more explored friendship in Spider-Man 2 with Peter and Harry, but Miles' arc and assuming his great power AND responsibility is interesting. Miles Morales is short but great from a gameplay perspective more than the story, but it's also hard to go back to this game after playing Spider-Man 2.
12. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. 4/5
Released back in October 2020, Crash Bandicoot 4 was the first original entry in the Bandicoot franchise in over ten years. Combining the gameplay from the classic games and remakes, but updating it with a futuristic gloss, has helped concoct a supreme platformer. The option to turn either on or off lives helps supply gamers with whether or not they want a challenge, which I appreciate. It's About Time is not only clever with its double entendre name, being literally about time, and also being a well-overdue sequel, but clever in its boss fights, and presentation, adding up to a platformer that was more than worth the time.
11. Doom Eternal- 4/5
Gameplay-wise Doom Eternal is an improvement upon its predecessor, Doom 2016, in almost every way. Between the vast array of weapons and power-ups, there are almost too many ways to rip and tear through the armies of Hell. Traversing level through level with boosters and platforming combined with fast-paced action makes Doom Eternal a triumph in its genre. Story-wise, I prefer the simplicity of Doom 2016 over this, but Eternal is still stunning.
10. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2- 4/5.
Guilty Gear may not have the amount of single-player content that Mortal Kombat 11 does that I like, but there are some things Arcsys' anime fighter does that I have to give them respect. The character designs are much more unique and stand out more and the gameplay harbors a quicker place that lends to more frantic, fun fights. Its story is confusing and a tad convoluted, but luckily, its characters, in terms of personality /and/ how they play, more than make up the nonsensical anime bullshit that shows up on the screen. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 is a balanced, hard-hitting affair that absolutely is entertaining in is own right.
9. Kingdom Hearts- 4/5
For years, I have tried completing this game, but thanks to the help of a friend, I finally managed to do so. Square Enix and Disney coming together to make its first collaborative effort will forever be iconic. Playing as a young child named Sora and traveling to different Disney worlds like Agrabah from Aladdin, the Coliseum from Hercules, and Wonderland to fight dastardly enemies like the Heartless is sensational. Not every world is made equal, (the jungle world from Tarzan is an awful, confusing mess), but the vibe is immaculate. Working together with Donald Duck and Goofy and enjoying the least confusing KH games is sometimes hard, with boss fights like Sephiroth or definitely the final boss, but it's an easy classic.
8. Final Fantasy X- 4/5.
Possibly my favorite Final Fantasy game to date, or at least on par with the FF7 remake. The cast of characters you play is likable and interesting in gameplay, with their abilities that separate each person from one another. The sphere grid, the system that centers around how you can build and level your character by maxing out their stats or magic, is a system I prefer over the usual level build-up you see in most RPGs. The depth of the story is engaging but comes secondary to the turn-based gameplay that I'm more fascinated by.
7. Persona 5- 4/5
The only RPG played this year I like slightly more than FFX. Persona's sense of style is mesmerizing and helps enhance the experience of a playthrough. As a group of high schoolers look to change the hearts of criminals in over-the-top setpieces that involve the cast diving deep into lavish worlds, the turn-based combat is more bombastic than any other of its kind. I put over 100 hours into Persona and didn't even accomplish everything I wanted. I cannot wait for a replay, but I need to get Persona 5 Royal some day as it has even more content than its vanilla version.
6. Uncharted 2- 4/5
Nathan Drake's second adventure improved upon the first game in so many ways I can't believe. As Drake is tasked with finding the entrance to the lost city of Shambhala, the stakes were as high as ever at that point. As I steadily make my way through the Uncharted franchise, the 2nd game improved from the first with its shooting, level design, and character work with Drake, Sully, and the introduced Chloe among others. From the opening scene where you control Drake trying to escape a train dangling over a cliff, I understood almost immediately how some consider this the best Uncharted game in the series.
5. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga- 4/5
As someone who played plenty of Lego games growing up with friends and family, one replay after years revealed how this is one of the best Lego games out there. The Complete Saga's name is outdated now, but at the time you had every Star Wars movie from the Prequels and Original Trilogy to go through in Lego form with 160 characters for you to choose from, including overpowered Jedi ghosts and Indiana Jones. Lego Harry Potter is fun but pales in comparison to the weight of swinging a lightsaber around or shooting droids and clones with your blaster. The newest Lego Star War game, The Skywalker Saga, I have not touched, but I know that the original Complete Saga is another classic etched into the echoes of video game history.
4. King Of Fighters 2002- 4/5
This game is not so much for a fighting game casual like myself, but I can't help but be roped into something so special. The KOF series is something I've had a soft spot for since my godparent's son showed me the franchise as a child. It's rough, it's hard, it's unforgiving, it's a classic fighting game in every sense. The characters are special to play and I wanted to learn most of them and see what combination of characters benefit me the most. There really isn't much single-player content to offer and this is a game for the hardcore fighting game fan-based, but there's just a feeling....a sensation to this that's hard to describe or replicate. I never hopped online, but I kept going back to fighting the CPU over and over again with different characters and just playing for several hours. KOF 2002 is an outstanding achievement that captures that feeling of playing fighting games in an arcade in the old days that you can't recapture these days.
3. The Last of Us: Remastered.
After the first season of the Last of Us Show dropped, I dived into the game for the first time in years. The Remastered version, as opposed to "The Last of Us: Part 1" is Naughty Dog's crown jewel. It's quite grounded for a zombie game, it's characters, especially Joel and Ellie, are rich, the ways to take down zombies and fellow survivors alike is gratifying, there's solid reasons why Last of Us is an achievement for Playstation, but these next two games amplify that mindset.
2. Spider-Man 2- 4.5/5
One of the few games I played this year that actually came out in 2023. Everything that made the first Spider-Man game and Spider-Man: Miles Morales so great is improved upon in this in almost every facet. The combat is sublime, being able to switch between both Peter and Miles is excellent, the story may lack in a few areas surrounding Miles, but it's still massive and overwhelming in the best sense. But the definitive aspect of the game has to be traversal. Swinging around the city feels so weighty and impressive- do you know how good it has to be to move around in a world when there is a fast travel option but you don't want to use it because you WANT to swing around the city, or in some cases glide? Spider-Man 2 is a spectacle in so many ways that it will be hard to go back to the previous games. As far as games that came out in 2023, it's my game of the year then. But if we are to take into account every game I played this year, regardless of what year it came out, then there's only 1 game I preferred over Spider-Man 2...
God Of War: Ragnarok
Like many of the other games on this list, GOWR is a sequel that surpasses its predecessors in almost every way. Ragnarok continues the story of Kratos and his son Atreus in a meaningful way as Kratos continues to evolve as a character and an older Atreus grows into his own. What is there to say about the game that hasn't been said already? The voice-acting performances are phenomenal across the board, the combat is righteous and immensely satisfying, and the design of each of the realms are awe-inspiring with top-notch graphics. And with GOWR dropping FREE story DLC in Valhalla, which incorporates a dungeon-like style into the open-world hack-and-slash style only cemented itself as my game of the year. Valhalla not only gives a unique, fun mode for players to lose themselves in for hours but tells a story basically of Kratos going through therapy after the heinous acts he committed in the original three games. The only fault in all of GOWR I had was one section with Atreus, but besides that I adore this game to pieces. And with that, GOWR is absolutely my favorite game I played in 2023.
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novacritica77 · 11 months
Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse es una tremenda obra de arte (Parte 2).
Continuaré a través de esta nota la primera parte de la review de SMAtS.
Por si no la han visto vallan a verla.
Como dije en la anterior nota, esto contendrá spoilers importantes sobre la película, así que te recomiendo que si aún no la has visto, no la leas más.
Ahora, empezaremos esta segunda parte hablando específicamente del Spider-Man 2099, también conocido como Miguel O’hara o algo así.
Por cierto... Pobrecillo.
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He notado que últimamente el internet lo ha estado SOBREEXPLOTANDO de una manera muy... rara xd.
¿Enserio no se han dado cuenta la cantidad de imágenes y dibujos ilustrándolo a él como un pinche femboy vestido de maid?
Esto se ha salido de control muchachos, pobre tipo.
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Bueno, prosiguiendo con mi opinión sobre este personaje, él me parece un Spider-Man muy respetable, ya que él vio morir a un universo entero literalmente y peleó en muchas batallas, las suficientes como para darse cuenta de que no podía mantener el control él solo, y fue por eso que creo a todo ese grupo de Spider-Man’s multiversales, por el bien de todos los universos, para que no les suceda lo mismo que al otro. Lo único malo de este personaje está muy traumado y eso no lo deja avanzar como persona en su vida. Tantas cosas malas que le han sucedido lo han dejado hasta el punto en el que es casi inexpresivo, y eso es muy triste.
Otra cosa que debo tomar en cuenta es que aún no nos han mostrado mucho sobre él, un claro ejemplo es lo de que halla mostrado sus colmillos de lo que parece ser un vampiro. Estos solo han salido una vez en toda la película, y eso nos da a entender que aún hay mucho por descubrir de este personaje.
Además, él es muy exigente con los eventos canon y es por eso que hay muchos memes por ahí sobre eso.
Esperemos que en la próxima entrega muestren todo lo que necesitamos saber sobre él y que muestren todo su potencial como... ¿Anti-heroe se podría decir? Creo que sí.
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Mención especial para Spider-Punk y para Pavitr Prabhakar.
Me cayeron muy bien ellos dos, fueron muy buen complemento para Miles y Gwen.
En el caso de Spider-Punk, se vio muy cool, además de que parece que en algún momento también tuvo conflictos morales acerca de los eventos canónicos y es por eso que comprende mucho más a Miles que cualquier otro personaje. 
Se ve que el también ha tratado de cambiar la situación pero no ha podido porque o no tenía un buen equipo formado, o no veía que era realmente el momento o tal vez porque le llamaron la atención ya una vez y se quedó quieto por eso hasta ahora que conoció a Miles.
Otro punto a destacar es su tan buen estilo de animación. Se me hace muy original. Es como si viniera de un universo de papel. Literal como si hubiera salido de un cómic.
En el caso de Pavitr, aunque yo le digo Spider-Man hindú, también me cayó muy bien, y me gustó mucho su universo. La subtrama de su crush de el papá de su crush que tenía que morirse pero Miles no lo dejó, por un lado me resultó muy gracioso por la manera en la que Pavitr se comportaba cuando estaba con la muchacha, cosa que me hizo identificarme mucho con él. Pero por otro lado el hecho de que el haber salvado al Sheriff (el cuál era el papá de la muchacha) significó que el mundo de Pavitr podría desaparecer por ese evento canónico que nunca sucedió gracias a Miles.
Esto nos da a entender lo tan cruel que puede llegar a ser ser Spider-Man, ya que una vida, en este caso, se tiene que sacrificar para mantenerlo todo bajo control, pero si cambias la más mínima cosa, muchas más vidas podrían morir a costa de evitar que se pierda solo una.
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También se tiene que hablar sí o sí de la banda sonora y el soundtrack, ya que... Enserio... en esta película se pasaron.
Como había dicho en la primera parte de la review, cuando mencioné a la mancha, mencioné también las partes en las que absorbe la energía y se vuelva negro y todo se pone turbio. En esas escenas la música del fondo formó parte MUY importante en las escenas, para que así sentir todavía más escalofríos.
A eso me refiero.
También hay muchos otros soundtracks muy buenos.
Otro de los mejores es el del 2099, el cuál se ha vuelto un meme y todo.
Por más meme que sea, esta canción me da escalofríos.
Into the Spiderverse tenía buena música, pero en esta mejoraron bastante.
Para terminar les pongo unas cuántas otras canciones para que las disfruten y las pongan en sus playlists si gustan.
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Creo que haré una tercera parte acerca de todos los cameos y los demás Spider-Man’s que aparecieron.
Por si se preguntan por qué no he hablado sobre Spider-Woman,de Peter B. Parker y su hija, además de Miles Morales Prowler, pues hablaré de ellos en la siguiente parte.
Hablamos luego señores B)
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imperotenebre · 7 months
Marvel Spider-Man 2 PS5 gameplay 4K - Opinione dopo il platino
Qualche considerazione sul gioco dopo averlo platinato
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mcknighttimegaming · 7 months
SYMBIOTE SUIT UNLOCKED? MARY JANE? - Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Gameplay Part 5
In this episodes walkthrough of PS5's Spider-Man 2 , we discover that Mary Jane Is BASICALLY a Hero, and the Symbiote Suit is not to be messed with. In this installment, we discuss the significance of the Symbiote Suit, and whether or not Mary Jane is basically a hero!
Get ready for an action-packed adventure in Part 4 of our Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Gameplay Walkthrough! Join McKnighttime Gaming as we dive into an epic boss battle that will leave you on the edge of your seat!
Don't forget to smash that like button if you enjoy the video, and leave a comment sharing your favorite moment from this epic showdown! Remember to subscribe to McKnighttime Gaming for more thrilling gaming content and walkthroughs!
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
i did it. i published a podcast. you can listen to it here if you'd like. please enjoy my (surprisingly) nasal voice and my cool friend Elijah as we talk about the first two Spiderman movies.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 months
Spider-Man 2 - A Monumental Achievement by Chris Stuckmann
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hardcoregamer · 8 months
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Review: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is one of the most cinematic superhero games ever created. It’s a little shorter than its predecessor, but it includes a memorable main story and some of the best side quests found in an open world game.
Read more!
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esportopedia · 1 year
About the size of the map and the symbiote in Marvel's Spider-Man 2
After the first gameplay footage from Spiderman 2 by Marvel other important information comes into play. Already in the movie with Craven, we could see on the tablet that the map would be larger. This assumption is now confirmed by the developers themselves from the studio Insomniac Games. Map in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 about twice as much than the original 2018 game. Together with Peter Parker and…
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legion1227 · 8 months
Spider-Man 2: Game Review. (Spoilers Below)
Wow….where to begin?
Immediately, right off the bat, this game has made the previous two harder to return to from a gameplay standpoint. Everything from the combat to traversing throughout New York is improved upon overall in this game from both Spider-Man (2018) and Spider-Man: Miles Morales. There's weight to every hit as you're fighting various goons and thugs, and the combos and special moves are impressive. The new ways to incapacitate enemies with gadgets, tech, venom powers, and the symbiote…crime fighting in New York is at a peak here.
The added feature of being able to control and switch back and forth between Peter Parker and Miles Morales, who both feel stellar to play with their unique set of skills, is insane and purely sublime. It's wild how the switch from playing Peter to Miles and vice versa is nearly instantaneous. The scope of the game is ambitious and pays off immensely. Visuals and combat are an absolute triumph for Insomniac, and they should be proud.
Story-wise, we have something engaging. The main story focuses on the Spider-men Peter and Miles. Peter is overwhelmed as he faces some of his most challenging villains in the game, including Kraven, Venom, Sandman, Lizard, and others. Meanwhile, his personal life is hectic in its own way as he tries to grapple with Aunt May's death in the first game, struggling to hold down another substantial job that's not being Spider-Man and being there for those he cares for, like his girlfriend Mary Jane and best friend, Harry Osborn. As for the other Spider-Man, Miles, he faces a similar issue to Peter as he tries to perform his Spider-Man duties after the loss of his father, Jefferson Davis, and basically tries his hardest at multiple points in the game not to straight up get revenge and kill the man responsible for his murder, Martin Li, A.K.A, Negative Man. On top of that, he has his own girl he's crushing on hard, a deaf graffiti artist named Hailey, and he tries hard on multiple occasions, though neglects a lot to work on an essay to help get him into an esteemed college.
Both Spider-Men have plenty on their plates in the main story, but even more so when you take into account the side missions, which are greatly improved upon from the previous two games. The story of the cult and Peter working with Yuri that ends with a tease of another classic Spider-Man villain for the next game towards the end of the story is exciting, the Mysterio challenges with Miles are a fun test of skill, and other missions are different enough to provide a variety of entertainment.
The game has nailed it in so many different apartments. The boss battles are solid, two side missions, one involving an old man reflecting on his long-departed wife, and the second, involving Howard, the homeless man who owns many pigeons, who appeared in the last two games, evoke the strongest emotions and are some of the best-written portions of the game, and swinging through New York has never been more fun. The animations and speed for swinging, the tricks you can perform mid-air, the ability to run along buildings, and the ability to fucking GLIDE have provided one of the best games ever in terms of traversing an open world. It's telling when you put a fast travel system into the game, and you don't ever use it because it's too fun to travel manually.
Do I have gripes with the game? Some. A couple things here that prevent the game from being a complete 5-star game. I mentioned earlier that both Spider-Men have plenty on their plate but truthfully, it feels more emphasized with Peter than with Miles. Peter's relationship with Mary Jane and Harry, and his arc with the Symbiote is more engaging than most of what Miles has going. Miles' most intriguing story, I believe, is his struggle not to snuff the life out of Negative Man, who robbed him of more time with his father. (Though I love Martin's arc from start to finish in this game, and I'm happy he survives to see the end and possibly better himself in the future). It feels the writers and developers gave a bit more of the good story bits to Peter than Miles.
I also don't like how a good chunk of iconic Spider-Man villains established and seen in previous games was murdered by Kraven. I understand adapting Kraven's last hunt needed to establish Kraven as a threat by terminating people that the Spider-Men have struggled with before, but it's a shame we won't see the return of fun, faithful portrayals of Electro, Shocker, Vulture, or Scorpion. However, by the end of the game, it seems to set up a return of Doc Ock and teases of Green Goblin, Carnage, and Chameleon for the third one, which should be a solid roster of villains. But I would've liked to see the return of the aforementioned ones even in minor roles for side missions.
Also, the Miles Morales original suit is ass.
Besides that, it's still an excellent game. Possibly GOTY material. In regards to games that came out in 2023, it's definitely my favorite. (And also the only game I played that came out this year but that's beside the point lmao). I look forward to future DLC, the next game in the series, and hopefully patches of little things in the future like changing the time of day. Overall, 4.5/5.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! I am SOO sorry that I have been cramping you with asks, so feel as free as you can be to push this one alll the way back, or deny it, I am not desperate at all. I just want to type this before I forget this. So after the Megatron with a daughter who was his opposite post, I, too, am in love with this opposite personality daughter series. Like just all of our favourite men as fathers of daughters with individual personalities of themselves but also more or less all resonated their fathers one way or another, or someone they knew! I LOVE IT! And I realized how this formed a perfect trilogy now.
So I am real curious. What if the three daughters exist in the same universe? And, may or may not interact? (would we need individual names for them all? Or Buddy 1 and 2 and 3 like Spider-Man: No Way Home and no one questions it?)
I've actually been thinking about continuing the 'daughter with different personality' thing. Maybe in the future you'll see more!
Originally the plan was to have all the Buddy's to be in the same universe, but I ended up scrapping the idea and decided to create separate universes for each one (unless the plot tells me otherwise :))
When I saw the Spiderman part my mind went to this.
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(Who knows for the future)
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus Prime, Ratchet, and Megatron's daughters meeting each other for the first time.
SFW, Platonic, Familial, groundbridge and relic shenanigans, Cybertronain reader
In TFP Rats universe.
Buddy was just minding her own business cleaning and wiping down her father’s tools.
It’s a nice day on base.
There was low Decepticon activity for the past few days, the children were playing their games, Bulkhead and Smokescreen were trying to get Bumblebee and Arcee to play Lob with them, Ultra Magnus and Optimus were reviewing plans for something, and her father, Ratchet, was with Wheeljack looking at a new relic they found in the Artic.
“It’s not another scraplet trap, right?”--Raf
“Nope! Completely checked it with the scanner. We should be good now.”--Buddy
“We ‘should’ be good?”--Bulkhead
“There is always a percentage of things blowing up, I’m not counting that out.”--Buddy
Without warning, the relic whirled to life jumping and shaking onto the floor.
Everyone jumped and backed away from the whirling sound it made. Bright light came out of it as the shaking intensified. The noise was loud enough to get everyone to come to the main room.
The machine scanned the closest bot, Buddy, and opened a portal, shooting out tons of air.
The children nearly flew back, but thanks to Ultra Magnus and Optimus, they were caught before they flew off the ledge.
“Hey Ratchet! What’s it doing?!”--Bulkhead
“Oh, it’s putting on a rock concert. OBVIOUSLY, I DON’T KNOW!”--Ratchet
Machine whirls louder.
“Buddy! Hide behind the med slab!”--Wheeljack
Buddy already behind the slab, clutching onto dear life.
“With all due respect, WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M DOING?!”--Buddy
Meanwhile in megs dimension
Buddy calmly walking down the halls of the Nemesis with some data pads.
“Hmm… wonder why they need so many data pads…”--Buddy
Sudden portal pops up on the wall next to them.
“What in the—”--Buddy
Portal starts sucking her in.
Portal sucks Buddy in leaving the discarded data pads sprawled in the middle of the hallway.
In op dimension
Buddy is resting her arm on the handrail while talking with Miko.
“How’s the playlist going?”--Miko
“Haven’t been working too much on it. Patrol has been up my tailpipe lately. Do you have any more recommendations?”--Buddy
“Yeah! How about—”—Miko
A sudden portal opens.
“Umm, I don’t remember Ratchet opening up a groundbridge.”--Miko
Buddy grabbing a grenade from her subspace.
“That’s because he hasn’t!”--Buddy
Buddy chucks a grenade at the portal.
Nothing happens to the portal.
“What!”—Miko and Buddy
The portal starts sucking them in.
Buddy grabs Miko as she starts to get dragged in, pounds a hole in the ledge and places her in there.
“Buddy? Buddy what are you—”--Miko
Buddy groans as she tries to keep her footing but gets sucked in and the portal closes.
In Rats dimension
Two figures pop out of the portal and slam into Ratchet’s daughter.
The portal closes.
The two figures groaned.
Op Buddy sits up rubbing her helm.
Meg Buddy sliding off the med slab and onto the floor on her back.
“Urgh… my aching helm…”—Megs Buddy
Rat Buddy gently massaging her helm before looking at the two strangers.
“Who are you?”—Rat Buddy
Op Buddy looks at the others.
“Who are you?!”—Op Buddy
Meg Buddy looking at all the Autobots in the area.
“WHERE AM I?!”—Meg Buddy
Optimus carefully approaches the younglings.
Megs Buddy quickly moves back while the other two just stare widely.
“Yes?”—All Buddy’s
All Buddy’s turn around and point at each other.
“Your name is Buddy! I’m Buddy!”—All Buddy’s
Meg Buddy standing up pacing a bit.
“Maybe this is some alternate universe…I always thought something like this was possible from what he said… It’s the only logical explanation for this…”—Megs Buddy
“That seems to check out. Which explains why Dad hasn’t started giving me the ‘speech’ again.”—Op Buddy
“… Oh, this is going to be fun.”—Op Buddy
“This is not going to be fun…”—Meg Buddy
Everyone is confused.
Come to find the relic would scan someone and find ‘alternatives’ of them. It could mean alternative of the bot or by their names.
To avoid confusion the Buddy’s are labeled.
Op’s Buddy would be known as Buddy 1.
Rats Buddy would be known as Buddy 2.
Megs Buddy would be known as Buddy 3.
“How come she’s Buddy 1? Why not our Buddy? She was hear before you guys showed up.”--Miko
“Cause I’m older and cooler.”—Buddy 1
“Yeah right.”--Miko
“Don’t believe me Miko? Watch this.”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 transforms into a monster truck.
“I take it back! That’s so cool! Can I ride you!?”--Miko
“Of course!”—Buddy 1
“Miko no!”--Bulkhead
“Miko yes!”--Miko
“Then why is our Buddy number two?”--Raf
“Because I’m the second oldest. Three is the youngest one here.”—Buddy 2
“Guess it makes sense. You she is kind a smaller than you two.”--Jack
“Hey! I’m a minicon! Of course, I’m smaller than everyone here!”—Buddy 3
“You’re a minicon?”--Arcee
Buddy 3 shrinks back a bit at Arcee’s gaze nodding.
Buddy 1 made the Team guess who her father was, bets were on the table and ready to be thrown. Buddy 1 managed to get Buddy 3 to get in on the guessing part. Buddy 3 guaranteed that no one would guess her creator.
A part of her didn’t want them to know either.
“All right we are ready.”--Miko
“Wow so soon?”—Buddy 3
“Too soon if you asked me.”—Buddy 1
“We’ve narrowed down three bots for each. If we win, 1 needs to take me out dune bashing in her alt mode.”--Miko
“I can stand by that.”—Buddy 1
“And if you don’t guess right?”—Buddy 2
“You’ll have to tell us.”--Miko
“…”—Buddy 3
“Lets get started!”--Miko
“Okay these ones are for Buddy 1.”--Smokescreen
“Got it, lets hear them.”—Buddy 1
“First one… Wheeljack!”--Miko
Buddy 1 laughing at the response.
“HAHAHAHA, Sorry, its just, just that Jackie here is more like my Uncle. Definitely not my dad.”—Buddy 1
“All righty then… Bulkhead!”--Miko
Buddy starts laughing at that one too.
“Nope! Bulks also like my Uncle!”—Buddy 1
“The last one… Smokescreen!”—Miko
Buddy is now on the floor laughing her tanks and near crying.
“…I’ll take that as a no then…”--Raf
Buddy finally stops laughing.
“You lose.”—Buddy 1
“Got that. Now spill it! Who’s your Dad?!”--Miko
Buddy stands up rather stoically.
“One shall stand, one shall fall.”—Buddy 1
Everyone stares at Optimus, who looks equally as surprised.
“Your—your Boss Bots kid!? How!?”--Miko
“A question everyone has been asking since we met.”—Buddy 1
Miko turns to Buddy 3.
She hoped that they would have forgotten her, but alas here she was.
“Your turn!”--Miko
Buddy 3 nervously sits next to Prime and Ratchet
“First one… Arcee!”--Miko
Buddy 3 looking terrified.
“NO! I mean no.”--Buddy 3
“How about… Ultra Magnus!”--Miko
Buddy shakes her helm while looking at Magnus.
“Sorry try again.”—Buddy 3
“Okay… Optimus!”--Miko
Buddy 1 looks at Buddy 3.
“Are we siblings!?”—Buddy 1
“I mean aren’t we all in a way?”—Buddy 3
“Sorry, the answer is no.”—Buddy 3
“Dang it!”--Miko
“Then who is your Dad?”--Raf
“…Megatron…”—Buddy 3
Buddy shrinks back at the sudden movements.
Buddy 1 and Buddy 2 immediately stand by Buddy 3
“Hold it now. Just because 3 dad is Bucket head, no offense.”—Buddy 1
“None taken.”—Buddy 3
“Doesn’t mean she’s bad. Right?”—Buddy 2
“No, no I’m not.”—Buddy 3
“Really and how can you prove it?”--Arcee
“Arcee—”—Buddy 2
“Well think about this. If I was truly bad, why haven’t I hurt you.”—Buddy 3
“Because your short?”--Smokescreen
“… Okay that one’s asking for it… but beside the point, I could have easily hurt the kids, yet I haven’t. I could have attacked or given any other hint that I had malicious intentions. But I haven’t, have I?”—Buddy 3
“I stand by 3.”—Buddy 1
“And I stand with 1 and 3.”—Buddy 2
“I will stand by her as well.”--Optimus
“Prime!”—Most of the team
“Prime?”—Buddy 3
“She is our guest and so is 1. We must treat them with the respect they deserve.”--Optimus
“…Thank you Prime.”—Buddy 3
After the confrontation a little more research is done on the machine.
Thanks to Buddy 3’s expert decoding skills, she was able to read the full effects of the machine as well as how to reverse it.
The good news was that the effects were reversable.
The bad news was that the machine needed time to recuperate before usage again.
The Buddy’s decided to kill time by hanging out with each other and the team in the meantime.
Aka shenanigan time.
1 tries to start a conversation with her alternate family especially with Prime.
She is curious to see if there are any differences between her father and her alternative father.
“You always did have a thing for the Halls, didn’t you?”—Buddy 1
“The Halls of Iacon was where I worked.”--Optimus
“You mean, where Orion worked.”—Buddy 1
“Sorry, but I see Orion and Optimus as two separate bots sometimes.”—Buddy 1
“It is understandable.”--Optimus
3 tended to stay with 2 for the most part.
2 was a soft soul and was quiet for the most part.
2 did entertain 3 with the occasional story here and there.
Buddy 2 and 3 talking to each other near the med bay.
“What do you think they’re talking about?”--Smokescreen
“Beep boop bep bop boop. (Probably about medical stuff.)”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, probably.”--Smokescreen
“So, then Arcee raised her blasters at the wannabe Cybertronians and started blasting.”—Buddy 2
Buddy 3 listening intently.
1 likes to place 2 and 3 on her shoulders.
1 being the tallest and bulkiest of the Buddy’s could support the weight, not that they did weigh anything to her.
The other two Buddy’s liked feeling tall.
“Hey! Hey! Look at this!”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 supporting Buddy 2 on her shoulders while Buddy 3 was on top.
“We are Buddy Supreme!”—Buddy 2
Buddy 1 has a bright smile on her face.
Buddy 2 has a wobbly smile trying not to laugh while carrying 3.
Buddy 3 is just staring in amazement.
“So, this is what it’s like to be tall… this is nice.”—Buddy 3
Soon it was time for them to leave.
3 really doesn’t want to leave her new friends behind.
She certainly doesn’t want to go back to the dark halls of the Nemesis.
But this pleasant experience was soon to be the spark to ignite the flame for peace between the two fractions again.
She was going to do everything she could to end this war with peace.
Whether Megatron liked it or not.
“It was lovely seeing you all and knowing there are alternative versions of myself out there. I hope we meet again on much pleasanter terms in the future.”—Buddy 3
“Same goes to you 3!”—Buddy 1 and 2
Buddy 3 walks through the portal.
A flash of purple shines before returning to its natural color.
“It’s your turn kid—”--Wheeljack
“SEE YA!”—Buddy 1
Buddy 1 back flips into the portal before a flash of blue shines.
The portal turns off and all is still.
“…Well, wasn’t that an eventful Wednesday afternoon?”—Buddy
In megs universe
Buddy bounces off the wall of the Nemesis.
“For once I’d wish for a smooth landing…”--Buddy
Buddy looks up to see Soundwave.
Buddy waves.
“Hey Soundwave.”--Buddy
Soundwave starts walking forward.
“Sorry about the data pads—”--Buddy
Soundwave is in front of Buddy.
“I swear I meant to go straight to the room when—”--Buddy
Soundwave gets down on his knees and pulls Buddy in a tight hug.
Buddy freezes for a moment before hugging back.
None say anything, just holding onto each other in one of the empty halls of the Nemesis.
In op universe
Buddy gets thrown at Bumblebee and Smokescreen.
“BEEP! (BUDDY!)”--Bumblebee
Both bots hugging Buddy’s sides tightly.
“We heard from Miko that you go sucked into some groundbridge or something!”--Smokescreen
Buddy patting both bots helms.
Bumblebee digs his helm further in Buddy’s neck cables whirling in concern and relief.
“Boy, do I have a story to tell you guys. But let’s wait till everyone gets here, I can’t wait to see Doc bot’s reaction to his daughter.”--Buddy
“HIS WHAT!?”—Smokescreen and Bumblebee
“MY WHAT!”--Ratchet
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sinclairstarz · 3 months
for the cinephile byler truthers. i made the party’s modern au letterboxd accounts
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in my head mike wheeler is the film bro cinephile of the party. hes a big brad pitt fan and fincher is his favorite director if you even care.. dirty dancing would be in his top 4 if he was honest. he went to see dune cause hes a scifi nerd, ended up hating it so much and complained about it to will but still gave it 2 stars cause it was pretty. did leave a very mean review. very critical rater but mostly leaves high ratings because he just doesn’t watch things he doesnt wanna see.
alternative movies i considered putting: pulp fiction (5 stars), the killer (1 star), se7en (5 stars), across the spiderverse (5 stars), nope (5 stars) , the batman 2022 (4 stars), once upon a time in hollywood (5 stars), inglorious basterds (5 stars), the matrix (half a star)
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the thing is so good and he has a poster of it on his wall in canon so it felt right. it just feels wrong not to do ghostbusters (plus its one of my favorite movies…) and yall need to hear me out on brokeback 😭😭😭 ur telling me he wouldnt bawl his eyes out??? ur wrong. will byers is a jake gyllenhaal lover. he watches dirty dancing a lot for mike, and loves ghibli movies a lot. he cried during rain man. honest rater but doesnt take it too seriously, mostly 4/5 star ratings
alternatives: saltburn (half a star), asteroid city (5 stars), blackkklansman (5 stars), the force awakens (3.5 stars), the perks of being a wallflower (4.5 stars), back to the future (5 stars)
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rogue one because lucas has taste. its the best star wars movie, if u care. he would love how fun and goofy ghostbusters 2 is. in my head Wes Anderson is like the party’s claimed director and they all watch his movies together and do marathons because the weirdness, comedy, and emotional commentary is a perfect mix for them. so. bottle rocket. lucas’ favorite wes anderson is the grand budapest hotel if u wanted to know. he rates things pretty highly and isn’t super critical.
alternatives: dodgeball (5 stars), scream 5 (4 stars), the matrix (3 stars), good will hunting (5 stars), jurassic park (5 stars), die hard (5 stars),
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likes making lucas watch gone girl on valentines day and telling him shes gonna do that to him next time he annoys her. v for vendetta is her favorite romance movie and shes a big marvel fan (in a cool way. kind of .) but thor ragnarok is probably one of her fav marvels, along with spiderman far from home and iron man. i just know she watches Casino Royale and decided she hated James Bond and then ended up watching all the Daniel Craig Bonds with Mike and loved Skyfall so much. the song is on her playlist and she did cry after No Time To Die.
Alternatives: Superbad (5 stars), baby driver (5 stars), bottoms (5 stars), 10 things i hate about you (3.5 stars), scream (5 stars), kill bill (5 stars), lord of the rings: the return of the king (1.5 stars)
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also a bit of a film nerd. i considered giving him a star wars and i know in my heart he’d probably have empire somewhere in his top 4. but star wars is lame and i wanted to give him se7en so he fucking gets se7en. he knows john wick is objectively dumb but he doesnt care hes just here for a good time. the party probably watched saltburn together and all fucking hated it. I just know hes a kurosawa nerd and always goes when the local theatres do very rare special showings of his movies.
alternatives: baby driver (4 stars), the ewok adventure (5 stars) hot fuzz (5 stars) harry potter and the sorcerers stone (4 stars) legally blonde (5 stars) spirited away (5 stars) dazed and confused (5 stars)
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she likes movies that make her feel all warm and fuzzy and hopeful. i wanted to give her breakfast club, but i think she’d honestly like sixteen candles more (even though breakfast club’s better). she cried at almost every movie in her top 4 and makes max rewatch juno with her like once a month. she gives most movies 5 stars unless she really hates them, and loves any movie thats fun to watch, even if its bad. she likes movies with pretty girls and fun colors.
alternatives: barbie (5 stars), legally blonde (5 stars), inception (2 stars), heathers (5 stars) pretty in pink (4.5 stars (she was mad andi didn’t end up with ducky)) my neighbor totoro (5 stars)
in conclusion if you haven’t seen They Cloned Tyron (2023) go watch it it deserved the oscar
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