#spoiler alert: it’s a pegasus
lilislegacy · 4 months
percabeth daughter, to her friend: so this is my house. make yourself at home. luckily my older brothers aren’t home, so it’s actually peaceful for once
friend: that’s goo- oh my god! there are two people in your backyard trying to kill each other!
percabeth daughter: huh? oh, no those are my parents. they’re just sparring, don’t worry
friend: sparring? with… a giant knife and… a sword?
percabeth daughter: well they practice hand to hand combat too, but weapons practice is important
percabeth daughter: come on! let me show you my room
friend: alr- oh my god, is that a horse in your brother’s room?
percabeth daughter, rolling her eyes: ugh mom and dad told him to keep his window closed!
friend: wait, horses just… come into your house? through the second story window?
percabeth daughter: crazy right? they don’t even ask first. like, at least have some manners!
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shallowoak · 4 months
Design Chatter - MLP East Blue Crew!
>> Link to the art here! <<
I've seen some fellow MLP au artists talk through their design ideas, so I thought I'd share my two cents and ramble a bit! Fair warning this will be long and there will be spoilers!
I kept a few simple guidelines for myself in mind:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
Anypony who appeared in the comics as a cameo is not immune and has been redesigned for my selfish needs
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
🌅 Luffy 🌅
"Friendship isn't so much magic but a mandate for those this pony captain likes! This joyful newbie idolises Shanks, a fellow flightless Pegasus pirate. Though rubber wings are useless for flight, his ultra-lightweight body means he is still adept at aerial combat- falling slower and flinging faster. He passes the time between islands gliding by the mast with the gulls."
I'll level with you all; I'm not huge on red and black ponies. It's nothing personal to anyone who uses the scheme; it's just not my bag. The contrast is a bit harsh on my eyes. (And that every brony in 2015 slammed ponies with the scheme, forever ingraining that bias into me)
Rather, Luffy's scheme is based on his shorts! Light blue and white evoke the shoreline and sky, two limitless places where he spends a lot of time. A softer scheme allows me to draw his vest and hat without them becoming lost on his fur, and I feel it gels better with his light n' bright attitude to life. There's no way he's edgy enough for red and black-!
The swirls on his wings (and hoof fluff) are from the G3 depiction of Pegasi. It's such a gosh darn cute way to draw wings. It's also a fun little nod to the pattern on his fruit and Gear 5 form later on. Ponies are always skirting around the idea of destiny. For him to be a Pegasus was an easy pick for me, the wings symbolising both freedom of movement and spirit!
💚 Zoro 💚
"This aloof Zebra spends all year saving for Apple cider season, where he promptly blows all his bits in under a week. He often unknowingly intimidates those he meets; a bias unaided by the three swords he wields with magnets embedded into his front hooves."
I'm weak. I couldn't resist the alliteration of Zebra Zoro. You can blame Zecora for starting that. You can also blame her for the parallel of people misunderstanding Zoro's personality based on first impressions. I Pinkie-promise he's a big softie really.
Before I'm bashed, I'm well aware Zoro is Asian. In this instance, you can view that his being a Zebra just connotes that his ancestry lies outside of the East Blue rather than drawing any real-world correlation.
It's the little things that make this version uniquely Zoro, though. His stripes are sword-shaped, come in threes and neatly avoid his back. Hoof magnets were a popular play feature of G3 ponies before kids kept eating them 😶 But I think it's a fun way for Zoro to retain that Earth Pony-adjacent strength whilst still being able to hold all three swords. His stance has always looked weird, anyway.
🍊 Nami 🍊
"A light-footed, citrus-scented Pegasus who gambles with the best in Klugetown. Nothing escapes her- not even the bits from your purse! After a decade of being on high alert, she's more in tune with the weather than even other Pegasi. The sight of rainbows stretching across the sky makes her think of home."
Honestly, it's nice that we don't know anything about Nami's birth family. When she was adopted, she was just a baby, even younger than Sanji. Belle-Mere (Mare…) and Nojiko shaped her entire life. To that end, I wanted her design to be free of speculation and to focus on what we know for sure.
Her being a Pegasus was influenced by a few things. In G4, Pegasi often have an affinity for the weather and sky. Like Luffy, her wings symbolise the emphasis on freedom in her story. Farming is traditionally an Earth Pony job, so it also shows the disconnect between her passions and current situation.
In this case, the clipping of her wings doesn't stop her from sailing away any more than it does in canon. But it adds to the feeling of control Arlong holds over her, another physical reminder of her duty and self-sacrifice.
Despite what the timeskip art style wants us to believe, Nami is pretty but also really... normal. Normal proportions, face, hair, profession. She's weird for an OP character in that way. To reflect that, I decided that her coat should reflect the colour of the maps she creates. Unique from the pastels around her, but not super stand out, much like her orange mane. The darkened ends of her fur walk the line between showing hard graft and dirtied hooves 🥲 I expanded her tattoo to be a full leg design- 'cuz why shouldn't she show off the symbol of her life truly beginning!?
🎱 Usopp 🎱
"A young, apprehensive Changeling who often lives disguised as a Pony. He uses his transformations to bring stories to life and dazzle those he meets! When danger arises, he shifts into the form of a smaller animal and hides..."
The choice to make Usopp a Changeling speaks to his insecurity. Why present yourself as a village foal when you could be a great pony of the sea? Or anyone else you could dream up? It also speaks to my own insecurity as an artist, not touching the idea of drawing his nose on a horse face with a 10-foot pole. It's not happening, nuh-uh. It's a horn now for a reason, trust me!
But it also allows for some very literal metamorphosis as he grows throughout the series. His horns grow larger and change shape as the slingshots he uses evolve. (Yes, he absolutely does use his horns to fire things from!) In Pony form, his cutie mark changes to reflect which part of himself he identifies with -or has the most faith in- at any one moment. As an artist, I bet he has great fun drawing up new marks to use.
Rather than becoming a muscly bug after the skip, his wings literally break out from his shell. It isn't the end of his development, but it signifies his change in outlook and newfound faith in himself. Followers of God Usopp view his Pony form as one they, as "common folk" can easily comprehend, rather than his true nature.
He's the only one I drew as his timeskip design, just because it was the most interesting to me. Hyperfixation does strange things to a man.
🍥 Sanji 🍥
"A hot-headed Unicorn who breaks expectations, he fights rude customers with kicks that match the strength of a true Earth Pony! His unusual tail is a hot topic of speculation for off-duty chefs at the Baratie- but he won't speak a word about his past. Maybe try asking about his specials instead?"
Classic Unicorns are calm, refined and beautiful. Everything that Sanji is... on the surface. I love how Sanji constantly plays with our expectations; who says a creative can't kick ass? Further to that, Sanji's magic skills are wholly unimpressive, with a grand repertoire of two spells. It helps separate him from Robin, the actual magic scholar on board. As an Earth Pony unable to teach him, Zeff has always felt guilty.
His blue coat reflects the shirts he often wears, sure, but blue feels so appropriate for someone who loves the sea so much. It also allows for his fluffy black socks to stand out, coining his epithet. (If horse Sanji wore pants, would he wear them like this? Or like t h i s?) Not naming any names, Luffy he's the only fighter sensible enough to wear horseshoes to protect his feet and often visits Farriers when they make port.
His tail isn't hairless, but is covered in a thin layer of fur like his body until it reaches the tip. It's useful for working in the kitchen as it's easy to wrestle into a hair net. In the Baratie, he's often seen with a red bow decorating it, warning customers that he'll kick if provoked. This style of tail is a largely lost trait of old Unicorns, now most commonly seen in nobility who care a little too much about bloodlines. It's not a feature he's proud of, especially when it calls into question the nature of his relationship to Zeff- a pony he otherwise closely resembles.
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certainobjecttyphoon · 9 months
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🎉Yugioh duel monsters birthdays and zodiacs signs🎉:
Yugi muto: 4th of Juny (gemenis)
Yami Yugi/Pharaoh Atem: 27th of July (Leo)
Solomon muto: 4th of octuber (Libra)
Joey Wheeler: 25th of January (Aquarius)
Tea Garden: 18th of august (Leo)
Tristan Taylor: 19th of april (Aries)
Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura: 02th of september (virgo)
The king bakura:27th of octuber (Scorpio)
Marik Ishtar/Yami Marik:23th of december (Capricorn)
Mahad:24th of december (Capricorn)
Seto kaiba:25th of octuber (Scorpio)
Mai Valentine:20th november (Scorpio)
Maxillion pegasus:08th of octuber (libra)
Duke delvin:28th of February (pisces)
Ishizu ishtar:05 of April (aries)
Spoiler alert: There are many Yugioh characters that are. scorpio 👀.
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castor-romeo · 1 year
crcom: kamigami no asobi
episode 1 
- what the fuck is the opening scene 
- no seriously what the fuck?!
- please put on pants
- everyone needs a break from serious stuff and this was my choice, i do not regret it at all
- sword portkey!!
- ~pretty boys with flowers~
- pleasantly surprised by the different mythologies being represented/used 
- i think i found the main love interest, spoiler alert he’s blond 
episode 2 
- do you get on the pegasus with the pretty boy you just met? of course you do this is a romance! 
- can you fuck the teacher? asking for a friend
episode 3 
- beach episode? 
- stripping! because everyone wants to see shirtless anime boys! 
- ah yes fireworks make everything better
- the more i hear apollon’s voice the more it annoys me 
episode 4 
- “going home club” i would join that lol 
- hades is a drama queen 
- something tells me the boys™ don’t want you talking to hades, that was too many accidents to be a coincidence 
- oh my god he likes making puns 
episode 5 
- thoth has some great nicknames for the boys™
- mmmmm plot induced sword fights 
- i spy a tsundere 
- it seems we have entered the one episode per character focus segment 
- why does she have to be in mortal danger so often 
- we made it to the unlocking tragic backstories part
episode 6 
- i’m all for the “physically stuck together until emotions happen” trope, but handcuffs (deathnote style) are more fun than rings 
- haha thoth just,,,kabedon’ed yui while Tsukito was kneeling on the floor
- let me just cross off “stalking friends while they are on a date” cliche 
episode 7
- how did loki miss the entire premise of the show? of course yui is human 
- loki you gotta stop being jealous and flirting with balder by talking about meat
- someone tell loki that seducing your ex’s current crush is not a good idea   
episode 8 
- those are the biggest and creepiest candles ever apollon 
- thoth...is a good business man but what is his obsession with red bean soup 
- of all the characters to have a yandere side, i was not expecting balder 
- ...maybe not ex’s with the amount of be together forever talk between loki and balder 
- wait what??!! cliff hanger much??!! 
episode 9 
- haha the comments on crunchyroll for this episode (and most of the others) are talking about thoth and his wall slams 
closing remarks
- not my favorite reverse harem/romance anime (it’s kinda bland?) but it has funny and cute moments 
- if you like pretty boy fanservice, you will probably like this  
- the op and ed are pretty too 
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spectralarchers · 2 years
@crisis-response-specialist tagged me in a "Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️"
so here goes:
"Nothing Burns like the Cold" is my absolute favorite fic that I've ever written. It's only about 45k long, but the journey of figuring out all the historical things for a fic which had a setting of "Hawkeye goes to Greeland with the Sirius Patrol to find Captain America" was such an incredible one. I love this fic so much too because the friendship between Steve Rogers and Clint Barton got really cemented in my head here. It's just such a wonderful, down to earth, fic and I wish I could make an actual comic book based on it because the illustrations of Greenland in my mind... *chef's kiss*
"Swallow Your Soul" is my second favourite fic I've written, and it's also the longest thing I've ever spit out, bonging out at 114k. I still have no idea how the hell that monster of a fic became so big as it was, I only remember thinking that I needed to write something set between Age of Ultron and Civil War with Ronin as a focus. One of my favorite characters in this story is actually Buck Chisholm, whom I pictured in the likeness of Woody Harrelson as I was writing, and Barney, of course.
"Five Times Clint Barton Spoke with Steve Rogers about Growing Old and the One Time He Didn't" is my third favourite thing I've ever written, and it's one of those short 6k fics I've written punctually. The reason why this fic means so damn much to me is because older Steve Rogers in the story is based so much on my own grandfather. I loved that man so very much, and his life was so full of anecdotes and experience, and I wrote this fic in May of 2019. My grandfather passed at the age of 93 in August of 2019, and even though I miss him every single day, whenever I read this fic again, I am reminded of how kind he was and how I apparently managed to transform some of my fondest memories of my grandfather into old man Steve Rogers.
"'til the skies bleed ashes" is my 2019 NaNoWriMo, which came out at a grand total of 84k words. It's what I imagined would have canonically happened after Infinity War, before Endgame came out and surprised all of it. I remember the kicker being "what if Clint became Director of SHIELD after Fury got dusted?" and then sprinkling some Ronin on top of that, and trying to make things work out. One of my absolute favourite scenes I've ever written is from this fic, and it's the one where Thor is given the heart-shaped herb from Ramonda and T'Challa and goes to his home in Bilskirnir and sees his family together before being brought back to the battlefield atop Sleipnir, flanked by Valkyrie on her Pegasus, Hela on Fenris and Carol Danvers glowing in the sky. Sending the personification of death from the MCU after Thanos made the most sense to me, since that's what he went after in the comics.
"a mausoleum fit for me" is my only non-Marvel fic on this list, but it is my second longest fic ever, at 104k. I remember watching The Old Guard in 2020 and being absolutely mesmerized by this sad, depressed French immortal, and thinking "I have to dissect how he came to be" and originally, the story was going to follow him throughout his life. Eventually, I decided to make a cut by (spoiler alert) Booker's first death in Russia and then continue the rest of the story post-immortality in another fic, which is how this monster of a fic happened. I had my entire living room plastered with post-its and dates and events and someone once told me that "they learned more about the French Revolution through this fic than they did at school" and that's about the greatest compliment anyone could ever give me.
I'm going to send some asks around, but if you feel like self-reccing based on this, consider yourselves tagged <3
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ok buckle up because I'm going to go on a Stargate Atlantis gush so long I'm not going to bother turning it pink
this series is EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN NEEDING ok ok listen yes it has scary monsters and fight scenes and blowing stuff up BUT it also has substantial fluff
we get to see the characters making a home in small ways from a favourite food in the cafeteria to rc car races in an unused hallway
the words "we can't tear this family apart" in life threatening situations give me life and they are said a bunch of times
the creators hate killing characters off as much as we hate losing them so a lot of mc deaths get "well, actually"d in a way that made sense (such as getting really upset that my fave Carson died only to have his clone be rescued half a season later and be reintegrated into the mc circulation)
and the series finale was AMAZING. spoiler alert skip this paragraph if you don't wanna read details about the finale. it gave a reasonably hefty threat for a finale, but everyone survived (other fave Ronan got well-actually'd and I'm thankful because he's the teddy bear protector and I would've cried) and found a home. atlantis is on earth, the family is together, and it ends with the well-loved all mc's are on a balcony overlooking a beautiful view and saying that theyre each other's home and there are always going to be other adventures. - end finale spoilers -
even the bad guys are personified. you mightve seen my post about Todd, and Todd is The Original Funnyman. this guy has the best sense of humour in the whole show. then there's Michael, and you feel for him. the replicators... uhh... yeah most of the replicators are unremarkable personality-wise, but hey they're robots.
now for mc's. this is a no-rodney mckay-hate blog, so if you say anything hateful about him I'll stab u. yes he's arrogant and a know-it-all and he thinks he's better than everyone and has the social skills of a stale cracker BUT he has GROWTH and is slowly RECOGNIZING AND TRYING TO TREAT PEOPLE BETTER and he's My Boi so fite me 9/10
Sheppard is hilarious and is responsible for the awful placeholder names for individual wraith. he has serious Burnt Out Gifted Kid Vibes and is definitely smarter than he lets on. atlantis crew is definitely the first Family he's had and feels safe with. I love him 11/10
Teyla is awesome and would absolutely kill for her adopted earth family. also turns out to be Best Mum 10/10
Ronan. my beloved puppy Ronan. played by the absolute unit that is Jason mamoa. he is a man of few words and many guns. atlantis crew saved him and he's the last of his people and now the base is His Home. Sheppard calls him "chewie" affectionately and Ronan smiles every time. 20/10 I would absolutely feel safe with him around
Dr Carson beckett. a Scotsman who will even try to heal his enemies. besties with Rodney McKay and keeps him in check. he's so lovable and sweet 11/10 his clone goes away for the Pegasus galaxy version of doctors without borders 9/10 I'm just glad he's back
Radek zelenka. his most common subtitle is [mutters in Czech] he's so soft and squishy I love him. he shares a braincell with Rodney and they finish each other's sentences it's like they're very competitive twins 10/10
Elizabeth weir. not quite the Mum but definitely the Older Sister In Charge. I miss you so much. rip 11/10
there are a lot more that I love but I'm just gonna leave it here. you should absolutely go watch it.
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I got an idea of how to keep Hercules and Meg together when he eventually has to die and ascend to Olympus. How about Hercules finds a way to make her immortal and she becomes the goddess Hebe, who married Hercules once he got into Olympus and thus Meg and him can stay together and she's in a new form and name.
That’s an awesome idea!!!
Actually, fun fact, in the Disney Twisted Tale book “Go The Distance” (spoiler alert) Meg becomes the goddess of vulnerability after going on a big journey for Hera.
I believe it took place at the end of the movie where everyone was welcoming Hercules back to Olympus now that he was a god and Hercules decides he wants to stay on Earth with Meg but instead of Zeus understanding, he gets angry and refuses to let Hercules go back to Earth after all the work he’s done to come back (and the fact that he was stuck on Earth as a demigod for 18 years, so he really wanted his son to stay with him). So, Hera decides to send Meg on a journey to retrieve Athena’s lost flute then journey to the Underworld to retrieve the soul of her ex’s wife, Katerina. Of course, Meg is able to finish her journey with the help of Phil and Pegasus and stays on Olympus with Hercules as the Goddess of Vulnerability.
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doodlefoxart · 2 years
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Miorine! Time for her au info lol:
- A born alicorn who lacks wings (as well as other things), due to her father being a controlling and manipulative jackass he has done everything in his power to keep her under his hoof. As such she has been told by him since she was a filly that all alicorns must “earn” their wings, but she eventually found out that he placed a “spell” (read: curse) on her that both heavily dampens her magic and prevents her wings and feathers from growing in, with no idea of how to break his spell. Despite this and all the other bs he throws at her she, like in show, is determined to run away and live her own life, going to be a bit harder to do that with a certain Pegasus as a groom though...
- She is shamed for her cutiemark and special talent; gardening, despite the sneers and jabs she finds joy in getting her hooves dirty, preening vegetables and flowers alike and all the works of running a garden. But due to her position as dellings daughter she studies in the management strategy department, she doesn’t particularly hate it but she’d certainly like it a lot more if she wasn’t forced to take those classes.
Also her cutiemark is a tomato plant not because of suletta (sorry guys lol) but because of her mother’s tomato’s that i imagine sparked her love for gardening
Anyways i was gonna do guel next (spoiler alert hes a dragon) but because of the most recent episode i think elan deserves to be next, both elans that is (and im not gonna do as many pose sketches for these next ones sorry again)
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devilstearsofficial · 6 years
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"RED SWAN" is done!🦢
You can find the tutorial video on my YouTube channel.
So, which version of my artworks do you like more? Comment below!👇
Sorry for delay but these days I've been very busy and I'm working so hard so I'm very tired, very sleepy but I can't sleep now lool.😅
And if you like my artworks? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ARTLOVER FOLLOW ME!🔥
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don-quixotine · 3 years
Mari goes like "who's dora? another one of your imaginary friends like in the 6th grade"
Rose explains Dora is the last name of the dr. that keeps up with her headaches
"Send a kiss to mary from me... To the infirMARY"
Hawkmoth akumatizes Juleka basically on the same grounds that had Mari breaking down at the beginning of the seaason and I-
Adrinette interaction before finding juleka
Mari apologizes for being a clutz and says that she's really worried about juleka and that's why she's all spacey
Adrien says that the things Mari says not always make sense, but they're never cruel, so he understands
The strategies Mari and Adrien use to handle crisis are SO different and SO interesting and I'm def gonna be ranting abt this.
So as you all can tell, Rose used to have a bad illness when she was younger and Juleka is scared that she might fall ill again. She doesn't want the others to treat her differently and so the miracuclass promises they'll keep their cool
Spoiler alert, THEY DON'T, lol
Adrien tells Juleka that he understands why she kept the secret but that it is not necessary to do it anymore because it's better to talk about these things instead of dealing with them alone (SUPER ROUGH TRANSLATION)
That's when mari says "That's what friends are for"
Also the miracuclass just having absolutely no chill ahahahaha THEY ARE SO CUTE THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH LIFEEEE
Also the WAY Rose is literally MEANT to be a miraculous holder ahfakfhakjdagh
Rose says that Juleka shouldn't feel guilty, it's her fault she kept the secret. So she says she will clear everything out so that everyone stops treating her like she's made of glass
"I never told you because it's not the problems that matter, it's (how you overcome them). I always want to be that Rose, I want to be able to joke with you guys. I don't want you to worry about me because there's no one happier than me, alright?"
"See? I told you everything would be alright"
Mrs. Mendeleiev really said "I'm a science teacher, not a super hero" lol lady WHO HURT YOU.
Ivan: Everyone was captured because of me
Chat: Oh, Nino.... This is all our fault. If we had defeated Shadowmoth already they wouldn't be here.
LB: Oh no, this can't be happening
Chat: Cataclysm :))))
Lb: You are right we couldn't defeat such a powerful akuma and sentimonster alone
Rose: This was all my fault, I shouldn't have told Juleka, I am a bad friend... No. I shouldn't think this way. It's good that I told her, they are my friends.
LB @ CN: Chat Noir think positive! You're the best partner anyone could have!
CN: You really think so?
LB: Yes! I know I don't always say it, but I could never do the things I do without you! Besides, it would be a lot less fun to be Ladybug without you!
CN: That's meowrvelus m'lady! I have to say you are also perfect, m'lady.
Rose has the power of joy/positivity
The power word is "Gift" and Juleka's biggest wish is to see everyone treat Rose normally
sgjkahgakj I AM CRY
CN: Aren't you going to follow her to get the miraculous back, m'lady?
LB: She already did
CN: That girl is amazing!
LB: She didn't need a miraculous to be a heroine
Marinette: You're going to get your cushion for your birthday, you'll have to wait like everyone else. What? she's not made of glass.
Rose: Oh no, this is going to make me faint, can someone take me to the infirmary??
Chloe: Why does no one laugh when I complain?/when i insult (something like this)
Adrien: Because in your case, you always mean it
Chloe: true.
WE LOVE A SASSY KINGGG AOHFAHGAIHGIA @sugarcube-stinkysock @pegasus-anarchy @sketchy-panda @thesquipproject @inimoo @unreliable-trash @sparklylovegiverYOU ARE SERVED MY QUEENS
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13leaguestories · 3 years
Hey so I was playing Winter in Rivali and I really enjoyed it! So the topic of having an heir/children came up during one of the scenes so it got me wondering, I found an old ask about the Dragons have surrogates coming forward to make sure a proper heir is born when the ruler is in a same sex relationship, but how does that work exactly? Will magic be involved? Will the children still be chimera in Phoenix’s case?
1. A dragon surrogate will always come forward unless the spouse is the same dragon. Traditionally speaking.
2. Same sex couples can have children together using magic, that's what Ozara's mothers did as they are both her birth mothers. This article covers information on that.
3. If Ruben and Phoenix had children then yes they would be chimeras. Again, like Ozara's mother, if they use the ritual for a 'proper heir' (spoiler alert, they don't) then they could use most of Ruben's genes to make a dragon as Ozara is pure pegasus.
I think I answered all your questions *squints*
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magicaththedemigod · 4 years
an extensive analysis of “the song of achilles” by madeline miller
Or: things I noticed and couldn't keep to myself.
Because I just finished reading it and have many feelings about it, I've decided to compile all of them into a very lengthy Tumblr post.
This will be broken up into three parts:
1. Foreshadowing
2. Dramatic (and regular) Irony
3. Fatal Flaws
1. Foreshadowing
Miller does such a delightful job with foreshadowing. The number of quotes I could be spitting at you right now... but I digress. The main job of foreshadowing, especially in a tragedy like "The Song of Achilles," is to set the characters up for their tragedy.
What I like most about how Miller goes about it in this book is that she doesn't attempt to pull a shocking twist out of nowhere; instead, she takes an approach which allows the reader to fully marinate in their despair.
For example, this quote:
Achilles shook his head, impatiently. "But this was a greater punishment for her. It was not fair of them." "There is no law that gods must be fair, Achilles," Chiron said. "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?"
Let's take a moment and unpack some of this. For context, this is a conversation between Patroclus, Achilles, and their mentor Chiron. They're discussing the tale of Heracles, who's driven to madness and ends up killing his own wife and kids.
From reading the book, (SPOILER ALERT) you know that Achilles' own pride and honor end up forcing Patroclus to impersonate him in order to save the Greek army, and in doing so is killed by Hector. The fact that Chiron directs this question, "And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone. Do you think?" to Achilles, who is left behind after Patroclus' death is such delightful foreshadowing that I almost threw the book across the room when I first read it.
Achilles slumps into such a depression after Patroclus dies (really, after he kills Patroclus with his own fatal flaw), that he even loses the ability to care about his fame or honor anymore. He feels the greater grief, so to speak.
Even after he dies, Patroclus is left behind, unable to rest properly because they never put his name on the tomb. In that sense, Patroclus is then the one left behind, experiencing loneliness and grief.
The book is full of little hints like this, and that's part of why it's almost torture to read as someone who knows how the Iliad goes. As I said before: the foreshadowing in this book is meant to have the reader in pain from the beginning because you know nothing is going to work out in the end.
2. Dramatic (and regular) Irony
Yes, that's right. I'm about to rip into your soul.
Probably one of the biggest parts of classical Greek myths is dramatic irony (the audience knowing something the characters don't). In plays, the ending is almost always announced before the play begins. In fact, the audience most likely already knows the story from previous tellings or just general knowledge. It makes sense that it would be one of the biggest players in "The Song of Achilles."
As usual, let's start with a quote:
His eyes opened. "Name one hero who was happy." I considered. Heracles went mad and killed his family; Theseus lost his bride and father; Jason's children and new wife were murdered by his old; Bellerophon killed the Chimera but was crippled by the fall from Pegasus' back. "You can't." He was sitting up now, leaning forward. "I can't." "I know. They never let you be famous and happy." He lifted an eyebrow. "I'll tell you a secret." "Tell me." I loved it when he was like this. "I'm going to be the first." He took my palm and held it to his. "Swear it." "Why me?" "Because you're the reason. Swear it." "I swear it," I said, lost in the high color of his cheeks, the flame in his eyes. "I swear it," he echoed. We sat like that a moment, hands touching. He grinned. "I feel like I could eat the world raw."
First of all: cute. Second of all: wow, so much pain.
As you know, Achilles is the opposite of happy at the end of the book (well, maybe after they die, but we'll get to that later). Though he swears it here with Patroclus, the two of them make decisions that ultimately lead to their downfall: Achilles decides to abandon the Greeks after they slighted his honor, Patroclus decides to help them even if it means risking his life, and Achilles lets him do it.
So let's talk about dramatic irony. The irony here is that you know, maybe just from this exchange alone, that Achilles isn't going to be the first happy hero. You know there is a war coming, know that Achilles and his famous heel will get himself killed. You might also know at this point that Patroclus will die first and send Achilles spiraling into grief before that happens.
It's painful, truly. Achilles spends his last days in utter agony, wanting to die but unable to kill himself, and Patroclus can only watch on as a ghost (spirit?). Even when Achilles does die and his ashes are put into their urn (seriously, how did any scholar ever think they weren't lovers?), they still have to wait to be reunited.
But there's still more. Consider these lines:
Hector's eyes are wide, but he will run no longer. He says, "Grant me this. Give my body to my family, when you have killed me." Achilles makes a sound like choking. "There are no bargains between lions and men. I will kill you and eat you raw."
Sound familiar? That's right: "I will kill you and eat you raw" sounds an awful lot like "I feel like I could eat the world raw," doesn't it? Another parallel from Miller: one from a time of happiness, the other from a time of extreme grief. However painful it is, I really live for connections like that.
And I've got one more for you:
Achilles shook his head. "Never. He is brave and strong, but that is all. He would break against Hector like water on a rock. So. It is me, or no one." "You will not do it." I tried not to let it sound like begging. "No." He was quiet a moment. "But I can see it. That's the strange thing. Like in a dream. I can see myself throwing the spear, see him fall. I walk up to the body and stand over it." Dread rose in my chest. I took a breath, forced it away. "And then what?" "That's the strangest of all. I look down at his blood and know my death is coming. But in the dream I do not mind. What I feel, most of all, is relief." "Do you think it can be prophecy?" The questions seemed to make him self-conscious. He shook his head. "No. I think it is nothing at all. A daydream." I forced my voice to match his in lightness. "I'm sure you're right. After all, Hector hasn't done anything to you."
See where I'm going with this? I don't think I need to explain this one.
3. Fatal Flaws
That's right, one of the most essential pieces for a tragedy: hamartia. For those who might not know, hamartia is the fatal flaw that ultimately leads to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine. In every single piece of classical greek writing, if the story is a tragedy, the main character will have a fatal flaw that makes it so.
Take Achilles:
I looked at the stone of his face, and despaired. “If you love me-”
“No!” His face was stiff with tension. “I cannot! If I yield, Agamemnon can dishonor me whenever he wishes. The kings will not respect me, nor the men!” He was breathless, as though he had run far. “Do you think I wish them all to die? But I cannot. I cannot! I will not let them take this from me!”
You probably already know what his fatal flaw is: pride. He needs the fame, needs the glorious memory of his deeds to live on forever, so badly that he is willing to sacrifice his life and what might’ve been a fulfilling and long life with Patroclus out of the limelight. His fatal flaw is what spurs each of his actions in the later half of the book, including the moment where he decides to leave the Greeks to their deaths for slandering him.
Even Patroclus has a fatal flaw: his love for Achilles.
That night I lay in bed beside Achilles. His face is innocent, sleep-smoothed and sweetly boyish. I love to see it. This is his truest self, earnest and guileless, full of mischief but without malice. He is lost in Agamemnon and Odysseus’ wily double meanings, their lies and games of power. They have confounded him, tied him to a stake and baited him. I stroke the soft skin of his forehead. I would untie him if I could. If he would let me.
Though riding into the center of the fighting, especially dressed as Achilles, will make Patroclus the prime target, he decides to do it anyway. And not out of fear for Achilles’s life; he knows how important his pride and reputation is to him, and out of desperation will do anything to keep Achilles from being devastated when it doesn’t work out for him.
(Honestly, this is the part where I start to hate Achilles for doing this to Patroclus... it’s like he doesn’t even consider Patroclus his equal and does everything without consulting him.)
Of course, Agamemnon has a fatal flaw as well. He is like the mirror image of Achilles, so proud and stubborn, righteous and arrogant. However, he is the darker image, the one that revels in taking things by force and, of course, raping women like Briseis. He serves as a poignant foil for Achilles, highlighting all the ways the traits they share can easily become corrupted. It’s part of why this novel works so well.
I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did. Truthfully, I did have a few problems with it, but I wanted to trying picking it apart anyway. And if you haven’t read the song of achilles... what are you doing reading these spoilers?? 
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awthredestim · 3 years
Tumblr media
Commission for Triple Sharp.
Name: Triple Sharp / "Trip"
Age: 27
Species: Pegasus Pony
Sex: Male
Residence: Reino, Neighvada
Occupation: Independent Songwriter / Composer
Proficiencies: Electric guitar, bass guitar, some drums, some vocals, audio mixing, writing harmonies
Deficiencies: Writing melodies, writing lyrics, meeting deadlines, messy workflow, troubleshooting DAW issues
Family: Mother, stepdad, several sisters, several nieces and nephews
Personality: Introverted, makes liberal use of "colorful" language, tends to ramble and go on tangents, dark sense of humor, jaded, existential dread
Misc.: "Everything aches constantly", slow/short-distance flier, prone to accidental spoonerisms, restless legs, borderline thalassophobia
Likes: Heavy/fast/experimental music, polyrhythms, atypical time signatures, liquor, greasy food, sweets, other music nerds, ladylike mares and "tomcolts" alike
Dislikes: Pop/dance/overly happy music, noisy neighbors, moralizers, censorship, authoritarianism, self-entitlement, excuse making, blind conformity, wannabes, pompadours
"Want in one hoof and shit in the other, see which one fills up first. Spoiler alert, that's gonna be the shit-hoof...but at least you have a perfectly good turd to fling at a well deserving target!"
· - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · This one was drawn quite a while ago, as I finally figured out how to properly shade ref. sheets. Very, very lightly. Another Friday, another Ref. Sheet. You can check the Making of Post right here. I hope you guys enjoy the picture! Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate and every single one I receive. Thank you!
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aiyaar · 4 years
Moments that I liked in Tower of Nero (mostly solangelo moments)
‘The son of Hades, cavern-runners’ friend,
Must show the secret way unto the throne.
On Nero’s own your lives do now depend.’
Because it's a prophecy about Nico and it made my heart skip a beat
You know that meme with the honey bear and the caption honey, he gay ? Yes, I created that. And in Ganymede’s case, it was hardly news.
This was hilarious. And Rick is finally using the word "gay"
My beautiful son, with his kind eyes, his healer’s hands, his sun-warm demeanour.
Because this is exactly how you describe Will Solace
His boyfriend, Nico di Angelo, hovered at the edge of our reunion – observing, keeping to the shadows, as children of Hades tend to do. His dark hair had grown longer. He was barefoot, in tattered jeans and a black version of the camp’s standard T-shirt, with a skeletal pegasus on the front above the words CABIN 13 .
Nico's Camp Half-blood t-shirt gives me live. Where can I get one?
He didn’t look angry, exactly. He looked as if he’d been hit in the gut not just once but so many times over the course of so many years that he was beginning to lose perspective on what it meant to be in pain. He swayed on his feet. He blinked. Then he flinched, jerking his hands away from Meg’s as if he’d just remembered his own touch was poison.
Heartbreak. Once again.
‘I …’ he faltered. ‘Scusatemi .’
‘He only slips into Italian when he’s really upset.’
My headcanon that Nico slips to Italian when feeling very emotional is a canon now
My son Will emerged from the bathroom in a billow of steam, his blond hair dripping wet and a towel around his waist. On his left pectoral was a stylized sun tattoo, which seemed unnecessary to me – as if he could be mistaken for anything but a child of the sun god.
Will fresh from the shower. Water dripping from his hair. He has a tattoo. I think I just had a heart attack.
‘Yeah,’ Will agreed, his face drawn with worry. ‘They’ve been eating most meals together, though Nico doesn’t eat much these days. Nico has been having … I guess you’d call it post-traumatic stress disorder. He gets flashbacks. He has waking dreams. Dionysus is trying to help him make sense of it all. The worst part is the voices.’
Nico's PTSD is canon.
‘Nico won’t tell me much. Just … someone in Tartarus keeps calling his name. Someone needs his help. It’s been all I could do to stop him from storming down into the Underworld by himself. I told him: talk to Dionysus first. Figure out what’s real and what’s not. Then, if he has to go … we’ll go together.’
Hints to Nico and Will's novel
Will sat next to Nico and put an apple on his empty plate. ‘Eat something.’
‘Hmph,’ Nico said, though he leaned into Will ever so slightly.
Will caring about Nico will never get old. Also I headcanon that nico has an eating disorder along with PTSD. How he's eating is not healthy.
Nico caught my gaze across the table. His dark eyes swam with anger and worry. On his plate, the apple started to wither.
Will squeezed his hand. ‘Hey, stop.’
Will being Nico's emotional support. It just makes my heart melt.
He was deceptively quiet. He appeared anaemic and frail. He kept himself on the periphery. But Will was right about how much Nico had been through. He had been born in Mussolini’s Italy. He had survived decades in the time-warp reality of the Lotus Casino. He’d emerged in modern times disoriented and culture-shocked, arrived at Camp Half-Blood, and promptly lost his sister Bianca to a dangerous quest. He had wandered the Labyrinth in self-imposed exile, being tortured and brainwashed by a malevolent ghost. He’d overcome everyone’s distrust and emerged from the Battle of Manhattan as a hero. He’d been captured by giants during the rise of Gaia. He’d wandered Tartarus alone and somehow managed to come out alive. And, through it all, he’d struggled with his upbringing as a conservative Catholic Italian male from the 1930s and finally learned to accept himself as a young gay man.
All the pain that Nico has been through just breaks my heart. I want to protect him so much. Hope he'll be happy.
Like I might take you out for pizza this weekend,’ Will offered, ‘if you’re not too annoying.’
‘Exactly.’ Nico’s smile was a bit of winter sun breaking between snow flurries.
Solangelo flirting shamelessly. I want to write the fanfic about they date now.
‘William Andrew Solace,’ Nico said, ‘do you have something to confess?’
Will's full name, guys. Nico calling Will by his full name. It's just perfect.
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ask-wiggles · 4 years
that is a GOOD ONE
also related to this: last session (tuesday), i used almost ALL your fuggin name suggestions all at once because of ONE PUZZLE
there’s a locked door that requires a password!! what’s the password? there’s a gallery with 10 paintings on it on each side and spoiler alert, the trick was that there were two identical portraits at the very end of the first Captain and her name was the password.
these motherfuckers made me go down every single portrait and give the name and physical description of the horses in them. they were like *LARGE SMIRKS* SO WHAT’S ON THE NAME PLAQUE OF THE FIRST ONE, DM BAD-AT-NAMES and i was like ha HA time to RATTLE OFF 8 UNIQUE NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS because i actually PREPARED this time YOU ASSHOLES 
it was one of those classic “dm screams internally because the players are WAY overthinking this very simple puzzle” moments, love ‘em
“let’s take the first letters of each name” “wait what color was the third portrait on the left??”  “you said the seventh one was a non-binary pegasus, right??”
me: *immediately has forgotten every single horse i made up on the spot* yup you got it
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uniarycode · 4 years
Digimon Adventure Episode 32
My little pony edition?  (spoilers I guess.)
-        Pretty short recap this time.
-        Has Patamon ever run before, as opposed to being carried or flying?
-        Patamon digivole toooo…fatigue mon
-        Good pup bodies naughty pup
-        Yamato being a good big bro?
-        Mimi has the best offscreen adventures
-        And Jou just Jous
-        Let’s trust Gomamon, not like Jou’s one of the important characters anyway.
-        Urgent alert, people are telling lies online.
-        Lopmon is a jedi
-        So Pata-Tail are the last real holy Digimon? Is that’s what’s happening?
-        Lopmon has shown at least as much power as Patamon, so what are the holy Digimon’s real strengths?
-        Learning to Digivolve is like learning to swim: sometimes your brother just throws you into the deep end and you either learn or you die.
-        That’s Cerberumon, he could be a threat, so long as we don’t bust out Wargreymon.
-        It’s a good thing Fangmon bit a flesh arm this time, less people will complain about greymon feeling pain.
-        Komondomon the real mvp
-        This would also be a good time for Wargreymon, guess Taichi is just not feeling brave enough
-        Oh so now explosions can hurt kids, but Taichi can ride a missile into a tree sixty feet of the ground and it does nothing.
-        Is the implication here, after nominally winning the ancient war, Seraphimon got captured, submerged in the miasma for eons, (the miasma that burned metalgreymon to the touch and was even able to weaken El Dradimon), and was able to endure it all based on the pure thought he might meet Takeru someday?  Talk about the embodiment of hope
-        Yes I noticed the slight shift to Shadowseraphimon before he rejected it and devolved.
-        This feels more impactful than the mega evolution
-        Also more courageous, Takeru is clearly scared, Sora tells him to run, Patamon can’t take on one Fangmon, let alone a pack and Cerberumon but they still press on.
-        Dang, they didn’t go patamon Soaring mode ☹
-        You may thing Pegasus mon looks bigger, but no, Reboot Takeru’s just that small.
-        Did Pegasmon deal with those fangmon easier than Garudamon-Metalgreymon?
-        Those aerial summersaults
-        “Aim for the mouth.” Works 100% of the time, 60% of the time.
-        How is Takeru not sick?  Stomach of cast iron that one.
-        Can’t even let Pegasmon beat the Monster of the week in his one debut /s
-        Komondomon has 8 legs, so I guess they are norse puppies.
-        “The Hikari of Dawn” is a terrible title, “The Light of Dawn” is only moderately better.     
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