#spoken at the device microphone
mim526 · 1 year
Dignity 'n Duplicity
Robert Jobson in his new book "Our King" reportedly wrote that Charles and William decided they couldn’t be alone with Harry following the Sussexes’ bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview (3/7/21).
Which means William knew as he was walking beside his brother in September 2022 behind the Queen's funeral procession what Harry was doing fiddling with his suit lapel. In this video you can see pretty clearly the small black microphone against the white shirt under Harry's vest.
(Also a longer video with discussion of microphone starting 10:41.)
There's another layer here, I think. Elizabeth II was William's grandmother, but I think in some ways over the years she also became his mother figure. He was mourning a grandmother and the woman who had helped him become the man he is today.
Harry tries to make it all about the Heir and the Spare, but that's a circumstance of birth. This video shows the very different men William and Harry have chosen to be. William's whole bearing reflected a dignity Elizabeth II would have been proud to witness; Harry, the picture of duplicity making sure the not-so-hidden recording device on him was positioned to pick up his family's spoken thoughts without permission.
This video has been making the rounds a few days, and I still cannot get over how rotten what Harry did is. No blaming Meghan for this one...she was elsewhere with what appeared to be her own device hidden under her clothing.
To top it all off, after wearing a recording device the last time he was around them the man has the gall to demand concessions for he and his family before he'll "agree" to attend his father's coronation. #DuplicitousDirtbag
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nixite117 · 5 months
Worldbuilding Brainstorm???
in most scifi settings, there is either a common language or some sort of technology that translates languages.
I like the second one and here’s why:
A common language is too easy. Since everyone knows the same language, everyone speaks with the same grammar structure and similar speech patterns. Sure, everyone has accents and some don’t ever evolve past “broken” common, but a single verbal language isn’t exactly… plausible… to every species.
Think of it like this: birds mimic spoken words and sounds, but rarely ever sound real. Same with ai voices. Sure you can get pretty close, but unless you carefully map out each little inflection in tone and pitch, an ai voice will mess up in inhuman ways. Because it’s not human.
Humans also mimic sounds, but it takes years of practice to make those sounds truly believable because our vocal cords simply aren’t designed to meow and chirp.
So who’s to say every alien creature is physically capable of making the sounds required to speak the common language? That’s awfully presumptuous >;P imagine if humans met aliens and the aliens all speak in a squelching, squeaking and chirping warble? What if they sounded like bears or birds? Many humans have trouble mimicking OTHER HUMANS, even if it’s just an accent. How would we be able to learn a language we physically cannot replicate?
A common language makes more sense for a newly blooming galaxy, one that hasn’t truly connected so much as made contact with each other. As a larger variety of creatures join the stars, however, it simply becomes implausible to continue relying on a “common” language. So they do what everyone in a scifi genre does best! They make technology.
Depending on how far along the timeline you have your story going, the complexity and variety of translation technology would vary. The earliest translation devices would be handheld or digital, and would be limited to simple sentences like our modern translators. The translation would be word to word like google translate, and the only languages available would be the main ones of each planet (for earth, it would be English).
But as technology advances, you go from handheld devices like tablets to headsets and microphones that automatically translate what you say and play it through a speaker. Then the headsets turn into visors and eventually you have a brain implant. Perhaps they work for any species, perhaps they don’t. In my universe, chip translators process any language for you and transmit that information to your brain rather than play it out on a speaker or give you text to read.
The reason I like this distinction is because a brain chip that processes language for you would be a WILD experience for me. You’d be able to hear the things the other person is saying, the exact way they’re saying it, but you’d be comprehending that shit in YOUR OWN LANGUAGE. SHITS CRAZY MAN!
Imagine hearing someone speak Latin, never having known a word of it, but understanding exactly what they want even though you couldn’t translate it word for word. That would be so fuckin trippy.
You could even go further by applying non verbal languages. Of course with any surgery, this would have risks and complications should your translator get damaged, but imagine the possibilities!
Technology isn’t perfect, so obviously it will sometimes be unable to figure out what that person is actually saying. For example, in English, we often repeat things to accentuate the point and make sure people understand what is important. Perhaps some species of alien don’t understand this, leading to confusion and maybe even misunderstandings.
“I have to get this done. I have to.”
“Have to what?”
“Didn’t you hear what I just said?”
“Of course I did! What else do you have to do?”
The thing about this, however, is that verbal language isn’t universal. In fact, most expression from species to species would be different. Each species might have different body language. Different emotional expressions. Different stress responses. Different displays of affection.
This would make room for a lot of things to be learned about humans. I have a handful of little fluff drabbles and humor I came up with on this concept. I just have a feeling there’d be some things aliens just wouldn’t be prepared to deal with about humans and vice versa.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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related works: sfw alphabet | nsfw alphabet
➤ yandere alphabet | karasu
2.2k words | gn!reader | nsfw | dark themes
c/w: mentions of stalking, invasion of privacy, violence/murder, jealousy, obsession, forced imprisonment, self-harm, suggestive content.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He does so many things out of love for you, and most of them you might not even realize at first! He keeps track of your location at all times to make sure you're safe, he turns on your phone's camera or microphone at night so he can listen to you sleep (and he'll know right away if something ever happens). Once he's monitored your shopping habits enough, he surprises you with little gifts and treats at first. Later, he re-purchases your favourite items so that you don't have to buy them yourself, or go to the shops to pick them up either. Physically, he has to build up the courage to spend time with you properly. Being with you in person makes him feel so nervous and wonderful, it's a new feeling for him. But he wants to be close to you so you always know he's there. He likes to walk with his hand on your back, or he'll even hold your hand (his might feel a little clammy). In private, he's going to be more courageous and give you hugs and kisses. He hopes you love him enough to let him undress you and take you to bed and worship your body the way you deserve. He just can't resist you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Oh, he's going to do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy and safe and his. He doesn't mind getting his hands dirty, especially if it means sparing you from having to see or do anything ghastly. He'll take care of everything. You probably won't even realize all those late-night attacks that left unsuspecting victims bloodied and maimed are his doing. Sometimes it's nice being underestimated—no one suspects a thing, and he's careful not to leave any evidence behind.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He would never say anything to hurt you or mock you. He loves you! Hurting you like that would be like hurting himself. He might get frustrated if you resist him, but he'll never resort to trying to belittle you. He speaks to you with kindness because he knows you're smart enough to realize this is all for the best. One day you'll finally understand him, and he can be patient until then.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He does a lot of things you probably don't even realize. If you asked him to stop reading your device history or tracking your gps location, well...he's still going to do it and there's not much you can do about it. He won't ever force himself on you physically in any way. He's not a monster.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Once he loves you and trusts you, he's like an open book. He'll tell you anything and everything about himself that you want to know. He might fudge or withhold some of the grittier details about his past deeds but it's only because he doesn't want to upset you. He's desperate for you to love him back, and he's not afraid to confess how much he thinks about you, or how much he misses you when he hasn't seen you or spoken to you for a while. He'll even tell you how the simplest things you do or innocent touches you offer him arouse him. He might even tell you what he fantasizes about and how he touches himself while he thinks about you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He would be so upset. He's not angry, your tenacity and strength is something he first admired about you. He's sad that you're purposefully trying to hurt him, or trying to get away. He thought you understood by now that all he wants is for you to be happy together. He'll tolerate whatever blows you land on him because you can't hurt him much (physically, anyway) and he responds enough to restrain you but not hurt or punish you. He's scared that you might hurt yourself if you don't calm down.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's not a game. He takes this very seriously. Why would he want to make this more difficult for either of you?
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Finding out the truth about some of the things he's done for you. He tries to keep those secrets from you, but he won't lie if you ask him directly either. It might be difficult for you to reconcile his calm, gentle work demeanor with the bloodthirsty demon that lurks beneath the surface. You might even be terrified of him unless he can convince you that he'd never hurt you that way.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He doesn't ask for much: he wants a simple life with you. Coming home every day knowing you're there waiting for him is more than he could ever hope for.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He didn't think he was the jealous sort of demon until he met you. Knowing you spend so much time with the avatars or the angels or that good-for-nothing sorcerer makes his skin crawl. He reads their private group chats about you and monitors what they post about you on their devilgram pages. It's hard to ignore. His nails dig into his palms when his hands ball into fists in his lap. His jaw clenches so tight that his teeth hurt. Some of them drape their arm across your shoulders or hold you around the waist or they even hug you or kiss your cheek or dance with you at the young prince's parties. Why the hell wouldn't he be jealous of that? Of course, there's only so much he can stomach before he needs to find some way to unwind. He never lashes out at you, never ever at you personally. Probably not your friends either, they're too high-profile and he doubts even in a rampage he can overpower them. He redirects his energy back to his work and keeps his favourite picture of you open on one of his monitors to try and soothe him. Later, he might go looking for a fight outside some seedy club just to blow off some steam.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Your first impressions of him are that he's serious and quiet, maybe a bit shy and awkward. He gets flustered if you focus your attention on him or ask him questions about what he does or if you compliment him. In private, he's much more relaxed. He smiles more and jokes more, and he likes to tease you and make you laugh. It's hard to believe he doesn't have friends because he's so cute and warm and likable when you're together.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
It starts with text messaging. Helpful reminders, check-ins throughout the day to see how you are or if there's anything he can help you with. He talks to you more often after that and tells you about his own day, and the things he did or saw or heard that reminded him of you. When he gets more confident, he might start sending you little gifts, practical things that he knows you use or knows you need. When he thinks you're receptive to the idea, he'll finally ask you out properly. He knows you're interested in the new café that opened downtown, or perhaps you'd like to go shopping together? You know he's serious when he asks you to dinner, or invites you to be his date for a work-related party he can't miss.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No one really knows him outside of the work he does. They assume he's a geek and a loner. He's friendly enough when he needs to be, but he keeps to himself and doesn't go out of his way to make friends. He's extremely intelligent and he's proud without being too condescending. Sometimes he just gives people a bad feeling when they look into his eyes. There are brief moments when looking into his eyes feels sinister, but then he blinks and the sensation of being hunted is gone.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He doesn't think of it as punishment. Correcting their assumptions about reality is a better way of putting it. He talks you through whatever it is you're upset about or why you keep resisting him. He believes he can help you understand by explaining to you in terms of logic and reason. If it upsets you, it's not intentional - it's not easy for him to do this, but sometimes the truth hurts.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The only non-negotiable right he takes from you is your digital privacy. He keeps track of you that way to keep you safe and to make sure that you're happy and unbothered by others. He doesn't want to lock you up or restrict you in any way unless he has to. If he does, it's a result of poor judgement and bad behaviour on your part and he's simply reminding you that he has your best interests in mind.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Oh, he's a demon. He's lived centuries alone without you. He'll spend all the time he needs to convince you that you belong together.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
...you think he's going to let you die? He doesn't even want to think about that happening. Surely there's some sort of magic or ritual he can use...
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He would only regret the distress or sadness you feel while you adjust to things, but he knows logically this is the best for both of you. (No, he won't let you go.)
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Underestimating a demon is always a mistake. Maybe he was always this way and didn't know it. He knows he's attuned to greed, but he never realized what that meant until he found something he needed as much as he needs you.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Your pain is his pain. He wants to comfort you and stay close to you and do whatever it takes to make you happy again. He'll do anything in his power to make you feel better.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
His tech savvy gives him an edge, and he's stronger and faster and deadlier than any human could hope to be. That might not be enough if the powers of the young prince or the avatars of sin come down on him though. He would be willing to compromise with them rather than losing you completely.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
He's a little too relaxed once he believes your feelings for him are genuine. You have too much freedom to move about in his house. He's most vulnerable at night, especially after you've been intimate. He wouldn't suspect you would try anything, not after the way you kissed him and touched him and let him touch you. (He knows it's not an act, not completely, and you hate that he's right.)
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
No. He'd rather hurt himself.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He wants you more than anything he's ever wanted before. He's comfortable and successful but he'd be willing to give up more than anyone realizes if it meant a chance being with you. He doesn't want to hurt your closest friends because he knows you'd never forgive him if he did, but aside from hurting you, there's not much he won't consider doing.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He's already monitoring you and feeling an unusual sense of attachment to you. He starts to worry about your safety and gets jealous of the others you spend time with. By the time he figures out what that means, he's already too deep.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
No. He wants you whole and unharmed. He'd still love you no matter what, but your intelligence and free spirit and the way you make him feel when you talk to him like a friend, or a lover, are what make you addictive. Breaking you would ruin the parts of you he loves the most.
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overthesteamutau · 7 months
Over the Steam: Character Design.
A collection of information on the Over the Steam character's design. Mainly consisting of the main casts, it's very simple. I am neither an artist nor a character designer, so most of this is very simple.
Suggestions are welcome!
Papyrus: Papyrus wears a red formal Shirt with a large brown Pirate coat covered in bone patterns atop, with formal black trousers too. Atop his head, he wears an aviator hat with Skull and Crossbones patterns and aviator goggles. Around his neck, he wears a red scarf.
Sans: Sans wears a white shirt with a dark blue vest on top, with black trousers and simple black shoes.
Griblly: Grillby wears a piece of machinery like a fish bowl or an astronaut helmet but more skinny, with a vent on top which constantly produces smoke from his constant fire. He also wears prosthetic hands over his own when he leaves his shop, to avoid accidentally bumping into someone and burning them. His clothes consist of a formal Black Vest with a Red Undershirt with a light grey steam pattern woven into it. His vest has two separate parts at the end which curl up.
Alphys: Alphys normally wears a Long brown coat with Golden Clogs sewn into it, With baggy brown trousers. Around her waist is a toolbelt filled with a variety of different tools. Upon her head, she wears the usual steampunk Goggles.
Undyne: Undyne wears a large open blue captain coat that hangs loosely like a cape with the sleeves ripped off, With light leather armour underneath with wave patterns going from her shoulders to her legs. On her right arm, She wears a large exoskeleton arm. She also has a prosthetic eye that glows with magic, allowing her to see.
Toriel: Toriel normally wears a Dark Purple Coat with Matching trousers, With a Delta Ruin patch on the left shoulder. On certain days, She wears a long purple Gothic Dress. 
Asgore: His formal attire consists of a purple cloak, covered in cog patterns near the chest with steam-like patterns rising from the bottom. Underneath he wears a large metal exo-suit that protects him from danger, boosts his magic and gives him immense strength. The suit constantly emits steam and every movement causes loud whirring sounds. In his free time, He wears a simple white shirt with brown trousers held up by suspenders.
Mettaton: Ghost.
Mettaton EX Basic Bodyily outline would be the usual EX form. The main Colour scheme is Copper with Pink. On his legs, he would wear long Riding Boots with a Pinke buckle.. The Heart on his waist is replaced by a Magic Stone in the shape of a heart. A radio-esque device replaces the Upperchest area with a microphone handle attached to it, if spoken into it broadcasts to all radios. The shoulder pads are less sharp and look more like small half-cogs. The Face is mainly the same, except the eye hidden under the hair is actually a pocket watch. (radio-themed)
ART BY @mettatonsblog CHEEECK THEM OUUUT!!!!
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rkaji · 2 months
Kaji :(( I know I said I was gonna be cheerin you on so you could win but :((
‘M havin a little bit of trouble :(( im sorry :((
I was trying to figure out how this thing worked but :(( get some practice in :(( idk tell me if im doin something wrong :((
Wait! Ah! No! Okay, don’t watch this until you win, okay? I’m trying to be supportive here!!
*1 video attachment.*
cw. nsfw
The camera is slightly shaky, the angle on a bit askew as she holds her phone. The camera shows half of her face, a concentrated little expression across her features. Tongue between her teeth as she makes sure the device is turned on, orange hair fanned out around her head.
“Okay…” She mumbles quietly, so softly the microphone almost isn’t able to pick it up. Whether it be for encouragement or assurance, no one can ever be sure. Never-the-less, the camera is flipped around, showing the complete opposite of the picture of innocence that was displayed before.
Shaky thighs holding themselves up, a cute pair of panties covering everything important. Her other hand, holding a soft pink vibrator, gently tracing along her inner thigh. Messy bed sheets, feet kicking against the sheets as she tries to get comfortable. The opposite of the girl who dresses in tool and likes to play good girl.
“Ah!” Her hips kick up slightly, a gentle buck as she moves the toy even closer to where she needs it. A quiet whine leaving her throat as the camera shakes with the rise and fall of her breath.
Slowly, she calms herself down. Too sensitive already without anything being done. “A-and then I just… like th-this… r-right Ji…?” Her voice is almost too quiet, too nervous and filled with emotion. Moving the toy closer, and closer to where her clit stays covered. Thighs shaking, awaiting the feeling that is soon to come.
And right before it makes contact, right before the small bunny shaped toy can touch her– the video cuts off.
— @luvlils
Ren Kaji is not a patient man.
He never has been. He’s never cared to be. Sees no point in it; patient for what? He’s Kaji. He can get what he wants, and if he can’t, he’ll live without it or find a workaround. He doesn’t need to sit back and deal with that pesky, irritable, pointless little thing called patience.
Not unless it works in his favor.
On occasion, on rare occasion Kaji finds incentive in the practice. Times where it’s a means to an end, like when money is involved. And for as much money as Kaji makes because he’s certainly well off, ten million dollars is a lot of money.
He could open up his own recording studio with that.
So, Kaji elects to wait. It’s easy for him; he’s not tempted with much anyway. He’s quick to scroll his feed and then toss his phone, bored, uninterested. His solace is found in games and beat making — in the few hours that the bet’s taken place, Kaji’s managed to finish a beat and find a buyer. He celebrated his victory with a game of Sekiro — a game that tested what little patience Kaji can stand to have.
And then he starts getting notifications on his phone. And they’re from Lily.
Lily makes Kaji feel things. Or, more accurately, she makes him feel. A faux bratty little red head wrapped up in the cutest package he’s ever seen. He wishes that he hated it, but he doesn’t. He’s a little daft but he can recognize a crush when he sees one. Lily definitely has one on him, and fortunately for her, he reciprocates the emotion.
Unfortunately for him, this made ignoring her harder.
The pictures make him frown, but he’s always frowning, so it’s easy to move past it. The things she said afterwards? A little harder but nothing he couldn’t manage. He had a goal, after all. He intended to reach it no matter what.
His resolve all but nearly flies out of the window the second she starts playing rough.
A video?
What a little minx.
A video is different. Here he’s able to see something he loves about her on display; the fact that despite how sticky her tongue could be, she’s no fighter after all. She’s a soft spoken, shy, needy little thing who desperately could do well with having something fat sat thick inside her. It’s evident with the way she talks, even more when he observes the way she toys with herself.
It takes Kaji no less than thirty seconds to come to his resolve.
The bet was no sex. Sex meant oral sex, vaginal sex, phone sex and anal sex.
Didn’t say shit about making somebody feel good.
He’s tugging on his forces and stuffing his keys in his hoodie pockets in seconds, one thumb swiping up the voice record button as he moves.
“I’m coming over.” He says. His voice is in a lower octave, low enough that he recognizes it. He looks down; the loose fitting basketball pants do nothing to shield the growing bulge. “Unlock the door. Now.”
Message sent.
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learning-robotics · 3 months
Robotics Project Ideas for All Skill Levels: From Beginner to Advanced
Beginner Projects
Line Following Robot
Description: A robot that follows a pre-defined path marked by a line on the floor. The line can be of any color, but black on a white background is commonly used.
Components: Microcontroller (like Arduino), IR sensors, DC motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Basic electronics, sensor integration, and motor control.
Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Description: A robot designed to navigate its environment and avoid obstacles. It uses sensors to detect objects in its path and changes direction to avoid collisions.
Components: Ultrasonic sensors, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Understanding of sensor data processing, basic programming, and control systems.
Bluetooth-Controlled Robot
Description: A robot that can be controlled via a smartphone or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. Commands are sent wirelessly to move the robot in different directions.
Components: Bluetooth module, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Wireless communication, mobile app development, microcontroller programming.
Voice-Controlled Robot
Description: A robot that responds to voice commands, allowing you to control its movements through spoken instructions.
Components: Microphone, speech recognition module, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Introduction to speech recognition, interfacing sensors, and control mechanisms.
Light Following Robot
Description: A robot that follows a light source. It can be used to follow a flashlight or navigate toward a lighted area.
Components: Light sensors, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Sensor integration, basic electronics, programming.
Before next read this Robotic Revolution
Intermediate Projects
Self-Balancing Robot
Description: A robot that maintains its balance on two wheels, similar to a Segway. It uses sensors to detect its tilt and adjusts the motors to stay upright.
Components: Gyroscope, accelerometer, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Understanding of feedback control systems, sensor fusion, and motor control.
Robotic Arm
Description: A robotic arm capable of performing simple tasks like picking and placing objects. It can be controlled manually or programmed to follow a sequence of movements.
Components: Servo motors, microcontroller, various sensors (like pressure or touch), structural components.
Learning Outcomes: Kinematics, servo control, programming for sequential tasks.
Maze-Solving Robot
Description: A robot that can navigate through a maze and find the exit. It uses algorithms to decide the best path and avoid dead ends.
Components: IR or ultrasonic sensors, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Algorithm implementation, sensor data interpretation, navigation strategies.
Remote-Controlled Spy Robot
Description: A small robot equipped with a camera that can be controlled remotely to explore and send live video feed.
Components: Wireless camera, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels, remote control.
Learning Outcomes: Wireless video transmission, remote control systems, motor and sensor integration.
Line Following Robot with Obstacle Detection
Description: A robot that not only follows a line but also detects and avoids obstacles on its path. It combines line following and obstacle avoidance features.
Components: IR sensors, ultrasonic sensors, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Integration of multiple sensor data, complex programming logic, advanced control systems.
Advanced Projects
Humanoid Robot
Description: A robot designed to resemble a human body. It can perform tasks like walking, speaking, and interacting with its environment.
Components: Servo motors, microcontroller, sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope), structural components.
Learning Outcomes: Advanced kinematics, complex control algorithms, humanoid robotics.
Autonomous Delivery Robot
Description: A robot that can autonomously navigate to deliver packages within a designated area. It uses GPS and other sensors to determine its location and avoid obstacles.
Components: GPS module, ultrasonic sensors, camera, microcontroller, motors, motor driver, chassis, wheels.
Learning Outcomes: Autonomous navigation, path planning, integration of multiple sensors.
Robotic Exoskeleton
Description: A wearable robotic suit that can assist with movement, enhancing the strength and endurance of the user.
Components: Servo motors, sensors (like pressure, motion), microcontroller, structural components.
Learning Outcomes: Biomechanics, actuator control, wearable robotics.
Quadruped Robot
Description: A four-legged robot capable of walking, running, and navigating various terrains. It mimics the movement of animals like dogs or cats.
Components: Servo motors, microcontroller, sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope), structural components.
Learning Outcomes: Gait analysis, dynamic stability, complex movement programming.
Swarm Robotics
Description: A group of small robots that work together to complete tasks. They communicate and coordinate to achieve goals like collective exploration or object transport.
Components: Multiple small robots, communication modules, microcontroller, various sensors.
Learning Outcomes: Distributed systems, communication protocols, cooperative robotics.
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raisindave · 4 months
[Chapter 37] Seeing the World Through Ballistic-Tinted Glasses
Content Warning: Descriptions of violence and death.
All six of those faces met you seconds after you climbed those metal stairs you rose from on your first day at the observatory. All six of those faces impatiently waited for your debrief. Lucky for you, Laswell's communication device she placed in your ear happened to work both ways. You've long since come to terms with the fact that the listening devices and cameras she bears will never be perceptible unless she specifically points them out. If you, the one equipped with them, can't see them, neither will an enemy unit. Audio processing gives you a handful of minutes to drown your thirst in a plastic water bottle's worth of liquid and hone your body temperature back into a cooled state. The scarf that shielded your head from the heat left your hair to spill over your shoulders. 
The rapid succession of events and information churning in your mind forced you to remember to switch your speech patterns back into English, back from your subconscious Arabic monologue. With an occupied mind, you were seconds away from shedding the thick navy and black gown Farah had provided you before the thought struck you that you were scarcely clothed underneath. Spared of a heart attack, you found a seat where Laswell was ushering you to sit, turning a laptop to face you. 
Once again, here's another familiar situation. On diplomatic missions like this, your role as a linguist means being equipped with a recording device during a discussion and returning to base for a debrief. In this case, you're respeaking hour-old dialogue in a new language, sharing devastating intel with the task force. Glimmers of shame and doubt were quashed after it occurred to you that all six of these faces have unquestionably seen worse. Still, that doesn't stop you from having to heave deep, self-soothing breaths before pressing play. 
For the first while, the dialogue was silent. Devoid of anything besides that crumbling sound of wind in an open microphone and crunching gravel under the loafers you still wore. To make use of idle time and fill the silence that made the air feel sickeningly stale, you scribbled the visual notes you had gathered into a fresh notebook. This would be the first replay of many, just an initial brief to relay the time-sensitive info to the crew. After one listen-through, it's time to surrender into that office you've called home, transcribing and editing your findings and serving a polished report to Laswell. 
As the recording started approaching the cafe where you met Basmala, a sense of bashfulness washed over you for reasons beyond your understanding. You'd scarcely worked in a setting where you're presenting information live to this team. Sure, you've done your work in front of them before, but something about having them all stare right into your face as you work these words through your mind makes your shirt collar tight. Like you need to prove yourself to these people who are already more than familiar with working with you. Maybe it's Farah's tilted look at you as you explain every syllable spoken between you and the stranger at the cafe. Maybe she's translating what you're saying in her own mind, judging your iteration of the events. Maybe Ghost is judging your movements with those splitting eyes. You could only hope your face wasn't registering these swirling emotions because every ounce of brainpower actively went to changing the language in the audio. 
Six pairs of eyes watched you with attentive posture, not even fluctuating when the conversation with Basmala shifted into the delicate subject matter. Soap did you the courtesy of furrowing his brows, confirming in your mind that you weren't just speaking into the void, especially when your companion's voice grew more despondent. After all, it wasn't your role to make sense of the information; you only relayed it. You'll feed that pretty little transcript you'll write into the machine, and they'll churn out a solution to this, and you're onto the next mission. You made the mistake of catching Farah's hard gaze as the topic in the recording mentioned child soldiers, as a smouldering inferno simmered behind those dark eyes. 
You couldn't stand meeting Farah's gaze toward the end of the recording, not because of any shame or anything of the sort. You couldn't will yourself to look at that expression she held, so stoic, but with a tinge of raw hate that chilled you to the bone. It's no wonder why she's so personally invested in this, and it took you biting the bullet and returning with civilian conversation for the rest of the team to connect with her. The cloak you wore felt like it was radiating the scalding body heat you created with each passing second, feeling bile and sweet spit pool under your tongue. Bright white lights felt more and more like stage lights toward the end of the presentation. More than anything, you wanted to slip back to that chilled office and hide under the non-existent sheets on your squeaky cot. 
Luckily, there were no remaining questions for you, letting you slink away as they immediately broke into exchanging words and strategy, letting you slip past those squealing metal double doors. Your boots thumped over the thin metal of the catwalk, opening the squeaky door to your office and pressing your back to the plywood barrier with a heaving sigh. You couldn't strip out of these heavy clothes fast enough, opting to switch it up by equipping that standard black tee and green-grey pants. Even though you're inside, the air felt so much less stagnant than it did outside, though that could have easily been because of the blistering heat. Could your face burn after scarcely ten minutes in indirect sunlight? 
Although the transcript in its entirety was no more than 45 minutes, only about 15 was meaningful dialogue. Every time you reached to flip the page in the notebook to start a new line, the orange floral chair made its presence known with a whining creak. Every time you reached that pause, where Basmala was seconds away from leaving, your face contorted into a winge. At times, you'd scrub your eyes with your fists, cringing at the sound of your own voice, though your sense of pride was second to your workplace obligations. 
There was a gentle tap at the door—so gentle that you had to lift your headphone pad off your ear just in case it was imaginary. It gave you a chance to spark life back into your feet, which prickled with pain due to limited blood flow. Another tap, but this time, it came with a voice.
"Lua," Gaz's voice, weirdly soft, came from the other side of the plywood, "you might want to come see this."
"Alright," you were unsettled that he called you by your first name. You'd already said you were not hungry when he offered an MRE, so maybe there was a question about your presentation earlier. 
You met him gesturing with a follow motion as soon as you opened the door, hearing the echoing click of the door clasp behind you reverberate through the open complex. That view over the aluminum railing, probably a 60-foot drop, was particularly discomposing as Gaz wasn't filling the walk with his usual chatter. His speed was barely above your standard pace, forcing you to take bounding steps to maintain a decent following distance. Before you knew it, he was pushing past those steel double doors that opened into the computer room where the rest of the crew had set up command. 
They were all crowded around the broad monitor of a portable display, and all six of them turned in sync, including Laswell. Most of them had their standard blank faces, but it was Farah who gave you the most social context. She looked so disgusted, and her upper lip scrunched ever-so-slightly in a way that made your skin crawl. 
"Is everything alright?" you breathed, settling into a semicircle around the screen that illuminated the dim room. 
Someone responded, but it was hard to say who exactly it was because, at that moment, your senses were entirely locked up. The screen displayed CCTV footage. A grainy and wavy view of that gaudy marble and jade fountain you saw earlier. Your stomach heaved like it was urging you to vomit, and a pang of ice in your throat concurred with that sentiment. A man you'd specifically seen earlier on your walk kneeling on his stoop was heaving a tarp over it, but it was too late. You saw those yellow mary-janes laying face up on that dusty soil. You saw the pool of dark crimson that sprawled under the crinkling tarp. You saw the cylindrical mass that was being shielded from your eyes despite the blue cover's intervention. No, no no. Your knees felt weak, and you felt all the heat slide from your face. It's not real. What you see on that screen isn't real, it's just not.
"All our cameras went dark for about 15 minutes," Laswell's voice broke you out of the deafening uproar in your brain. "They just came back on..."
"I take it that's Basmala," Price sniffed, being the only person in the room who did you the courtesy of not boring through you with their stare. 
"It is- was." Instinctive compliance swept over, overriding any emotions that might threaten to cloud your judgment in this mission.  
Price turned to speak lowly to Laswell about something, but in his stepping aside, it let you spot something more up close. You knelt before the screen, feeling numb knees connect with the cool tile. Even with the grainy footage, you spotted words on a sign on a piece of paper above the body, one that wasn't there before. Your face was pressed so close to the screen that you felt the device's heat radiate on your nose, squinting and blinking to make sense of the words. 
"There's a sign," you began. 
"What does it say?" Price stepped behind you as the rest of the crew's attention fell back onto you. 
The letters were so grainy, but what's the most odd was that they weren't in the swirling abjad script that you'd expect of an Arabic written note. You could only squint at the dark black lines that occupied the billowing white paper that was occasionally obscured by passing panicking civilians. 
"It says- It says za nashe obshcheye delo," your eyes trembled due to the strain. 
You turned on the pads of your boots to look up at the crew as you steadied yourself on the desk. Everyone shared a furrowed look except for Price, who shared a look of seriousness with you that solidified your dread. If the world couldn't get more foggy, it just did, even with the numbing electricity that cracked through your aching muscles. 
"It means 'for our common cause' in… Russian," your voice came out like a croak. 
Soap was rocking on his ankles as soon as you finished speaking, his look to Ghost gave you every bit of reassurance you needed that this was deadly serious. It's impossible to know what details the rest of them are processing behind those stern looks. Ghost was shouting some command to Gaz, and Soap was throwing his hands up in frustration, though all the voices were drowned out. This situation just went from an already strenuous pace to the kind of speed that makes your kneck burn from the G-force. Your heart felt like it could pound out of your chest, but you insisted on remaining composed outwardly. The door swinging shut with a clambering ringing made your eyes jolt up to see the tail end of Farah surging down the hall. 
"Grant, we need those reports done," Price pointed to you, meeting your gaze with those horrifying, piercing eyes that clarified his seriousness. 
In an instant, you were pushing the cold tile away from you, clambering to your feet and feeling trickling anxiety fizzle down your thighs. The boys were now crowded around a circular table, pointing at documents or maybe maps, but it's hard to tell. You had your role, and they had theirs. With the door swinging shut behind your ankles, you heard the tail end of a heated discussion and names you didn't recognize being thrown around hotly. By the time that orange chair creaked below you, you'd nearly crushed the laptop screen with the force of your panic. It's time to slow it down. Time to focus.  
The rest of the transcription was a blur. You had to do this thing where you pretend everything that's happened was just a bad Hollywood movie. Pretend that the corpse that hemorrhaged blood on the sandy gravel was a mannequin and the panicking civilians were a meandering camera crew. The movie will be in theatres for a week before another better picture comes out, and it'll briefly entertain snacking moviegoers until they're back to their mundane lives. Maybe it'd get nominated for an award at some glitzy award show where actors are dressed to the nines in glittering dresses and prim suits, but it probably wouldn't win; the story is too predictable. Anything you could do to distract yourself from the prickling mist that manifested on your waterline and complete the task at hand. Anything to distract yourself from the fact that you're listening to the voice of a dead woman, a ghost, and you were the last person who spoke to her.  
"Excellent," Laswell flipped the booklet into her pale fingers once you're returned to the command room.
She began waving it to Price until it caught his attention, and he nodded before returning to his discussion with the rest of the crew. The room was tense, that much goes without saying, but an unholy cacophony of emotions overrode any perceptive skills you might have. It's an odd, unsynergized mix of fear, rage, numbing apathy, and a twinge of nausea. It made you wonder if this observatory was a good enough hiding spot, seeing as this had happened only minutes away. You can only hope she's had a nice burial, maybe somewhere next to the empty graves of her husband and daughter. 
"Get some sleep, Lua," Laswell's calm voice brought your eyes up from their void stare. 
You nodded and smiled politely, putting every molecule of composure into manifesting a calm demeanour. By the time you were back in your room, the cot was squealing under your added weight, and you fell into a pensive trance. Cracked grey ceilings hosted flowering brown rings, showing a rich history of water damage and a lack of maintenance. Nighttime came in a blink, though you didn't bother to crack alight that camping lantern Price provided. The world moved around you, and not you it. 
In this line of work, it will always be hard to rank the mental difficulty of a job. Often, you're making impossible choices under brutal conditions that will regularly test your moral compass and push your ethics to the limit. This one really got to you. Yes, it's your job to be impartial. Not to get frazzled, and just do your duty. Having your emotions get in the way of missions has happened more times than you'd like to admit, and you refuse to let that happen again. These emotions will just have to be digested in a few weeks or months or whenever you end up on home soil, and you can only pray it won't be in a coffin. This one will take more than a few mandated therapy sessions to pry out of your nightmares. 
It makes you wonder if she knew she was putting a bounty on her head. The more you dwelled on the thought, the more it made sense. Though you weren't sure if that was comforting or inspired a deeper dread. The best thing you could do for Basmala is follow orders and hope that the powers that be have some scheme to make this warlord group come undone. It's the only way you could have a meaningful impact without ending up in those dunes. It's a type of terror that no gunfight or sheer cliff could come close to inspiring, like it could freeze the marrow in your bones and make your nerves snap. 
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wolfliving · 2 years
Bad Alexa publicity
*When you’re reduced to saying stuff like this, you’ve probably already lost.
We’re clearing up common misconceptions about how Alexa works, from how your privacy is protected to managing your experience.
In the 1950s, a movie executive predicted that interest in a new technology—the television—would dwindle after six months. In the 1970s, the chairman of a computer manufacturing company asserted that no one would actually want a computer in their home. And in the 1990s, one economist declared that the impact of the internet would be no greater than that of fax machines.
Emerging technologies often face scepticism, especially if it isn’t immediately clear how they work or what benefit they serve. The same goes for voice assistants like Alexa. Aspects of how they work are sometimes still misunderstood.
We’re addressing a few common myths and demystifying how Alexa works. Here’s what you need to know:
Myth 1: Alexa is recording everything I say, all the time.
Fact: By default, Echo devices are designed to record audio only after the device detects your chosen wake word (or if the action button is pushed).
Until your Echo device detects your chosen wake word—current options include “Alexa,” “Amazon,” “Echo,” “Ziggy,” and “Computer”—Alexa does not record or store what you or any other person in the room has said. This is made possible by built-in technology called “keyword spotting” that matches spoken audio to the wake word’s acoustic patterns. Echo devices are designed to listen for the sound waves of the wake word while ignoring everything else. This is why your device can detect the wake word without listening in on your personal conversations.
Customers will always know when Alexa is listening to their request. Echo smart speakers have a blue light indicator that glows when the device is listening and an optional audio tone. In the Alexa app, a blue light indicator bar appears at the bottom of the phone screen when Alexa is listening.
For added peace of mind, the microphones can be manually turned off on all Echo devices. A red light will appear when the microphones have been disconnected and cannot detect audio. Learn more: Explore how Alexa works.
Myth 2: There’s no way for me to know what Alexa is recording.  
Fact: You can review your voice history in the Alexa app or online, and you have several options to manage your recordings.
When you speak to Alexa, your request is sent to Amazon’s secure cloud so that Alexa can respond to you. Customers are in control of their voice recordings. You can see exactly what Alexa heard and sent to Amazon’s cloud in the Alexa app by visiting Settings > Alexa Privacy > Review Voice History. Or you can look online at your Alexa privacy settings. Listen to the actual audio recorded or manage your voice history by choosing to delete specific recordings—sorting by date, device, or profile. You can delete them all at once, have them deleted on an ongoing basis, or not have them saved at all.
Beyond managing your voice recordings, use the Alexa app to control how your Alexa data is used, manage your Amazon Skills permissions, and review smart home device history (like if you’ve used Alexa to turn your smart lightbulbs on or off).
Customers can also visit the Alexa Privacy Hub for helpful information about how we’ve designed Alexa and our Echo devices with privacy in mind. The hub also offers an easy way to access the most important Alexa privacy settings. If you don’t want to pull out your phone or go online, just say: “Alexa, what are my privacy settings?” You’ll get a reminder of how long your voice recordings are saved and whether they can be used to help improve Alexa. Learn more: Use this step-by-step guide to personalise your Alexa privacy settings and find privacy controls and features you can access by simply asking Alexa.
Myth 3: The information I share with Alexa is not secure, and hackers can spy on me or gain access to my data through my device.
Fact: Data encryption, rigorous security reviews, and regular automatic updates to your Alexa-enabled devices work together to help ensure they operate as securely as possible.
Beyond designing all of our devices and services with security in mind, we dedicate significant resources and people power to test and maintain the safety of our devices. This includes setting and validating the hardware requirements of our devices; performing application security reviews; automated security scanning to quickly identify vulnerabilities and roll-out updates; conducting rigorous security testing; and ongoing verification to ensure Amazon software updates are authentic—meaning they’re approved and coming directly from Amazon. We also partner with internal and external security experts to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.
All data streamed between an Alexa-enabled device and the cloud is encrypted. Devices also regularly receive security updates with the latest protections against possible threats and vulnerabilities until at least four years after the device is last available for purchase as a new unit on Amazon.com, it happens automatically when the devices are connected.
Learn more: For added protection, we make two-step verification (also known as 2SV) available to customers wanting to further secure their accounts.
Myth 4: Anyone can use Drop In to eavesdrop on my home.
Fact: By default, Drop In is turned off. When you choose to turn on this feature, you must first grant Drop In permissions to your contacts—which you can manage at any time.
Drop In is a two-way, intercom-like feature that makes it easier for family and friends to check in with one another with their Alexa-enabled devices, no matter where they are. In order to use Drop In, you have to manually enable the feature and explicitly grant permissions to specific contacts within your contact list through the Alexa app. Those customers, whether family, friends, or neighbours, must also be saved in your contacts. (This means you can only Drop In on yourself and your household until you grant access to other contacts.)
Assign names to your devices in different rooms of your house and have intercom-like conversations by saying something like, “Alexa, Drop In on kitchen.” Communicate with friends and family who have Alexa-enabled devices by saying something like, “Alexa, Drop In on grandma.”
Learn more: You can turn on Do Not Disturb for one (or all) of your Echo devices by saying, “Alexa, turn on Do Not Disturb.” The feature blocks notifications like calls, Drop Ins, and messages to that device.
Learn more about privacy features and settings for your Alexa-enabled devices.
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drstonetrivia · 9 months
Chapter 228 Trivia
This was me thinking about all the possibilities this chapter gives us for the finale. What an epic reveal!
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We got to have a better look at the naming on the space suits: it actually says "KOHAKU11" instead of "KOHAKO11", and we can confirm it does in fact say "SENKU11".
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It appears the Medusas can hover at will. While previously it seemed like they only hovered when activated (unconfirmed, given we only have still images), the ability may not be tied to the wave of force the petri-beam gives out as expected.
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Hints of the Medusa's ability to speak may have began as far back as chapter 146, where Matsukaze offhandedly mentions the voice that accompanied the devices potentially explaining how to work them.
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It's unclear if these phrases are spoken in English, or if they're Morse. There's no comment about the voice they're using so it may still be Senku's, but there's also "KZT" which could indicate Morse. The speech bubbles are formatted the same as the original times in chp 95/201.
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While in English the Medusas seem to speak with the words slightly out of order, and possibly unusual word choice in the case of the Medusa outside the capsule, in Japanese they're not conjugating properly instead.
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A quick example: here it says "yamero nasai", literally "stop please" in English. The translation I've used here isn't perfect though, because "yamero" is the root form, the equivalent of using "to be" rather than "I am" in a phrase. The proper Japanese would be "yame nasai".
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As you've probably noticed, "(to) stop" is both the root form and conjugated present form in English, so this difference would be missed if left as-is.
If they go forward with fitting the Medusas with new batteries, the value of diamonds may go up a lot. Though, It should be noted that their worth nowadays is inflated via advertising campaigns and artificial scarcity.
There may also be alternative power sources to be found too.
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Speaking of batteries, we have a nice close-up shot of the diamond battery in the Medusa. It appears located on the surface, but it's still not definite if it's part of the structure resembling an LED that was noted way back in chapter 139.
(But really, where else could it be?)
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How did Stanley react to the activation click? It's not like you'd be able to see that, and I doubt the Medusa has a microphone listening to it, only a speaker in the capsule, and they're in space…
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It's hard to be benevolent and parasites simultaneously; it's possible they had multiple motives to petrify people. Parasites specifically derive benefits at the expense of their host, so if the Medusa is agreeing to what Xeno said over the radio, it may not be a good thing.
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For one, it's possible they're only here because they used up all the resources of their previous host, and ultimately they'll destroy humanity and potentially the Earth as well.
It's also unclear whether or not they're still being made and how they appeared on the moon the first place, but Senku seems to conclude that they are unable to self-replicate/breed without a host.
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In the case that the Medusa is agreeing to what Senku said here instead, then the devices may not be as bad as expected, though I'll have to say petrifying all of humanity at once probably wasn't a great idea if they wanted our help.
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It also seems odd how many of the devices effectively sacrificed themselves, resulting in the pyramid in South America. It would have made more sense to do what they did on Treasure Island and have the humans experience the devices without hitting them all with the beam at once.
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If I'm misunderstanding Senku's words here, and activating the beam extends their life somehow, the relationship formed may be more symbiotic than parasitic.
Maybe they decay while unused, but firing drains their batteries?
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I can't wait!! Do they know their creator? Will they explain how the beam works? Why South America? How do the birds come into play? Does each device have their own personality? Do they share information, or are they individuals? Are they inert in an atmosphere?
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(I'm also really curious if the "Rendezvous with Rama" book Senku was reading in one of the WSJ banners will come up more, given that the book's plot now has several points in common with Dr. Stone. Maybe the Medusas are biots?)
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93890045 · 1 year
☆   ––   ( oliver   jackson-cohen   ,   he/him   ,   cismale   )   who   is   JOSEPH   SABAN   anyways   ?   ew   .   you   don’t   know   about   HIM   ,   we’ll   bet   you   want   to   .   they’re   feeling   32   and   MAKING   MUSIC   feels   like   a   perfect   night   to   them   .   rumor   has   it   they’re   OVER   IMAGINATIVE   and   CLINGY   because   they   care   ,   but   they’re   also   PLACID   and   CORDIAL   in   the   best   way   .   HE   works   to   make   a   little   money   as   a   DETECTIVE   .   they’ve   rented   a   place   on   cornelia   street   in   the   form   of   BROWNSTONE   #10   .   NEW   ROMANTICS   is   the   song   they   could   dance   to   the   beat   of   forevermore   .
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FULL   NAME      .      joseph   david   saban
NICKNAME(S)      .      joe
AGE      .      32
DATE   OF   BIRTH      .      december   27th
HOMETOWN      .      portland   ,   oregon
NATIONALITY      .      american
GENDER      .      cismale
PRONOUNS      .      he/him
ORIENTATIONS      .      heterosexual
RELIGION      .      jewish
OCCUPATION(S)      .      detective
LANGUAGES         SPOKEN      .      english   ,   french   ,   spanish
TATTOOS      .      none
SLEEPING   HABITS      .      5/10
EMOTIONAL   STABILITY      .      8/10
ALCOHOL   USE      .      occasionally
HOBBIES      .      piano   playing   and   learning   to   play   bass ,   wants   to   be   a   good   cook   but   isn’t   
HABITS      .      chews   on   his   bottom   lip   ,   cough   in   distress   ,   coffee   before   breakfast
FAVORITE   WEATHER      .      sunny   cold   days
FAVORITE   COLOR      .      green
FAVORITE   BEVERAGE      .      beer
FAVORITE   FOOD      .      beef   stew
FAVORITE   SONG      .      how   you   remind   me   – nickleback   
CHARACTER   INSPO      .      logan   thibault   (   the   lucky   one   )   ,   steve   rogers   (   captain   america   )   ,   thorin   oakenshield   (   the   hobbit   )
BIO      .      tw   car   accident   –  the   memory   of   when   his   mother   had   called   him   was   still   very   present   on   his   mind   .   the   way   her   voice   had   vibrated   in   a   mixture   of   distress   and   fear   .   how   her   lips   had   been   too   close   to   the   microphone   of   her   mobile   ,   leaving   a   scratching   noise   lingering   between   them   each   time   her   mouth   touched   the   device   .   and   maybe   it   was   this   small   insignificant   detail   which   he   chose   to   remember   because   all   that   had   followed   after   still   felt   too   drastic   to   think   of   it   again   .   ‘ben   has   been   in   a   car   accident   .   he   …’   the   memory   ripped   off   .   each   time   .   it   ripped   off   because   there   was   no   answer   to   the   question   that   arose   from   the   consequence   that   was   losing   his   younger   brother   in   a   hit   and   run   car   accident   .   
no   answers   .   so   joe   chose   to   become   the   answer   ,   to   do   what   the   officers   and   detectives   couldn’t   do   for   his   family   .
his   career   path   lead   him   to   cornelia   street   .   not   for   investigation   .   but   to   settle   .   away   from   crimes   and   away   from   brutality   .   that   was   just   one   part   of   his   life   .   the   other   would   be   a   warm   home   ,   a   chance   for   the   childhood   dream   of   making   music   –   show   his   skills   on   the   piano   .   late   night   music   sessions   by   candle   light   and   cigarettes   ,   lazy   mornings   ,   breakfast   in   bed   ,   walks   in   the   park   and   coffee   with   friends   to   keep   that   musical   creativity   growing   .   perhaps   ,   if   it   grew   enough   the   new   romantics   would   attract   more   than   just   the   cornelia   street   crowds   into   the   pubs   .   perhaps   ,   it   was   good   for   him   to   have   more   to   look   forward   to   than   just   the   bitter   sweet   hope   to   make   other   family   tragedies   more   bearable   .
blind   date   turned   into   good   friends   (   0/2   )   –   a   connection   in   which   they   met   through   tinder   ,   or   got   set   up   by   mutual   friends   and   realized   after   the   first   few   dates   that   romance   wasn’t   where   this   was   headed ex   hook-ups   /   friendzoned   (   0/2   )   –   can   have   ended   bc   of   either   muse    negative   influence   (   0/1   )   –   someone   who   tries   to   tempt   and   influence   joe   off   his   usual   ways   ,   maybe   he   even   slips   for   a   while   and   finds   himself   in   a   toxic   cycle   that   leads   to   other   connections   and   his   private   life   suffering   from   it ex-spouse   (   0/1   )   –   they   were   married   for   only   two   or   three   years   after   getting   married   in   the   heat   of   the   moment   ,   reasons   for   the   divorce   are   open   for   discussion    fwb/ons   (   0/2   )   – no   strings   attached   ,   just   helping   each   other   out gym   buddies   (   0/3   )   –   friends   ,   buddies   ,   girlies   ,   who   he   meets   at   his   regular   gym   every   now   and   then   ,   can   be   turned   into   a   proper   friendship   throughout   time siblings   (   0/1   )   – they’re   three   siblings   of   which   one   unalived   in   the   accident   ,   give   him   a   sibling   (   any   gender   )   who   he   can   still   be   close   to  
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myfriscoseocompany · 15 days
Speech Recognition In Travel and Hospitality
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The global tourism industry earns trillions of dollars a year and it continues to recover fast after a steep fall during the COVID pandemic. At the same time, the problems of language barriers and the proper level of service for people with physical disabilities persist.
That coincides with the rise of speech recognition technology which can greatly contribute to solving both problems.
More info Translation SDK
In this article we will discuss the current state of speech recognition technology and its future within the global Travel and Hospitality sector.
Global Tourism Industry and non-English speaking countries
The global tourism market size was worth around USD 11.39 trillion in 2023 and is predicted to grow to around USD 18.44 trillion by 2032 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of roughly 5.5% between 2024 and 2032, says Zion Market Research. International tourism is expected to grow at higher rates than domestic tourism, say analytics. As English remains an international lingua franca, more and more tourist destinations are opened not in the English speaking countries. The same with the guests themselves — an increasing share of tourists come from non-English speaking countries. Based on the travel purpose, the medical tourism segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast period. The Medical Tourism Association estimates that every year, over 14 million individuals worldwide travel abroad to receive medical care. All these factors contribute to growing demand in the Travel and Hospitality industry not only for the machine translation services but also for the machine speech recognising services.
What is Speech Recognition?
Machine speech recognition is a technology based on artificial intelligence and machine learning that allows computer programmes to understand audio signals. Inextricably linked to this technology is transcribing, as the process of transforming speech into written form, specifically a textual transcript that captures spoken words and phrases.
Types of Speech Recognition
Machine speech recognition is divided into three types depending on the operating technology.  
Streaming speech recognition transcribes speech in real time. For example, there's a video conference going on, and you need to use automatic subtitles for your colleague with moderate hearing loss. The same technology works in software for voice-controlled devices — while you tell your smart home what to do, the software recognises your speech and translates it into machine-understandable commands.
Synchronous speech recognition is mainly used in messengers to translate pre-recorded short audio messages into text. It works very fast, but the message duration is usually less than 1 minute.
Asynchronous speech recognition is used to translate already completed audio recordings of virtually unlimited duration into text. Both recording and transcription can last for hours. This technology is used when the speed of recognition is not so crucial.
How does the speech recognition process work?
The process of automatic speech recognition includes the following stages:  
audio capture — the audio signal is recorded through a microphone or other audio recording device:
audio processing — the audio file is divided into fragments to facilitate work with it, noise is removed, and the quality of the recording is improved in order to further transform it;
conversion into text and interpretation — with the help of decoding algorithms and machine learning neural networks, the resulting text should be understood by the computer taking into account the context and language structure, and then output as a document, on the device screen or executed as a command.
Benefits of Speech Recognition in Traveling and Hospitality Sector
Enhancing Multilingual Communication: Speech recognition technology for travel can instantly understand, identify and translate speech spoken in dozens of languages, allowing travelers and hospitality staff to communicate more effectively regardless of language barriers. This improves the overall guest experience by making it easier for non-native speakers to ask questions and receive information in their preferred language. Multilingual support helps attract a more diverse range of international customers.
Improving Customer Service: By utilizing speech recognition, customer service representatives can quickly understand and respond to guest inquiries, even during busy times. This speech recognition for customer support allows faster resolution of issues and more efficient handling of requests, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Automated systems can handle routine queries, freeing up staff to focus on more complex interactions.
Streamlining Operations: Speech recognition can automate various administrative tasks, such as making reservations, checking in guests, and processing payments. This reduces the workload on staff and minimizes human error, leading to more efficient and accurate operations. Automation through real-time speech recognition ensures that repetitive tasks are handled swiftly, improving overall operational efficiency.
Enhancing Accessibility: Speech recognition technology assists individuals with disabilities by providing voice-activated controls and services. For example, visually impaired guests can use voice commands to navigate facilities or access information without needing to rely on visual aids. This technology ensures that services are more inclusive, catering to the needs of all guests.
Personalizing Guest Experiences: Speech recognition technology can be used to gather data about guest preferences and behaviors, allowing for a more tailored experience. For instance, voice-activated room controls can remember a guest's preferred settings, enhancing their comfort during their stay. Personalization based on voice interactions helps create a more memorable and enjoyable experience for guests.
Ensuring Data Security: Advanced real-time speech recognition systems often come with robust security features, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. On-Premise Speech Recognition Software such as developed by Lingvanex can be used to guarantee that no information at all leaves a client’s servers. This technology helps in maintaining the privacy and security of guest data, fostering trust in the hospitality services provided. This is especially important for the medical tourism industry.
Facilitating Training and Development: Automatic speech recognition can be integrated into training programs for staff, providing interactive and real-time feedback. This technology allows for more effective training sessions, as staff can practice interactions and receive instant corrections. Enhanced training through real-time speech recognition helps improve the skills and efficiency of employees, leading to better overall service quality.
Future Trends
There are no reasons not to foresee further advancements in AI and Machine Learning enhancing Speech Recognition. Here are just a few of them:  
Improved Accuracy and Contextual Understanding. Future advancements in AI and machine learning will significantly boost the accuracy of real-time speech recognition systems, enabling them to better understand accents, dialects, and nuances in speech. Enhanced contextual understanding will allow these systems to interpret and respond to complex queries more effectively, providing more precise and relevant responses.
Natural Language Processing (NLP). AI advancements in NLP will enable automatic speech recognition systems to better comprehend the intent behind spoken words, not just the literal meaning. This will lead to more intuitive and conversational interactions, where the technology can anticipate needs and provide proactive assistance, much like a human concierge.
Multimodal Interaction. Integration of speech recognition with other AI technologies, such as computer vision and gesture recognition, will create multimodal interaction systems. These systems will allow users to interact with devices and services through a combination of voice, visual cues, and gestures, creating a more seamless and immersive experience.
Virtual Concierges. AI-powered virtual concierges will provide guests with 24/7 assistance, answering questions, making reservations, and offering personalized recommendations based on guest preferences. These virtual assistants will use advanced speech recognition and AI to interact naturally and intelligently, enhancing the overall guest experience.
Automated Translation Services. Real-time, automated translation services will break down language barriers, allowing travelers to communicate effortlessly with staff and locals. These services will be integrated into various touchpoints, such as hotel check-in counters, in-room devices, and mobile apps, providing instant translation for spoken and written communications.
Voice-Activated Room Controls. Future hotel rooms will feature advanced voice-activated controls for lighting, temperature, entertainment systems, and more. Guests will be able to customize their room environment simply by speaking, creating a more comfortable and convenient stay. Integration with personal virtual assistants will further enhance this experience.
AI-Driven Customer Insights. Real-time speech recognition technology will collect and analyze data from guest interactions to provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors. This data will enable hospitality providers to tailor their services and marketing efforts, offering highly personalized experiences that cater to individual needs and preferences.
Understanding On-Premise Speech Recognition Software
On-premise speech recognition software is developed by one company but then is installed and works on the server of another company. So it ensures all spectrum of speech recognition services on any of the company's devices connected to the server (tablets, desktop computers on Windows and Mac OS, Android and iPhone mobile phones). On-premise speech recognition software is completely safe as it eliminates the need of sending and processing a company's audio recordings to someone else's servers, which guarantees the security of the information. And you can not overrate the question of safety when we talk about private medical records and medical tourism. That’s where Lingvanex On-Premise Speech Recognition Software comes into play. In addition to complete security Lingvanex offers a fixed price with no limits on the amount of audio information processed. That is, for 400 euros a month, the buyer can transcribe a thousand, 5 thousand or 50 thousand hours of audio. The software itself places punctuation marks and can make time stamps in the text. Both real-time speech and already recorded FLV, AVI, MP4, MOV, MKV, WAV, WMA, MP3, OGG and M4A files can be transcribed. Lingvanex On-premise Speech Recognition Software can also be seamlessly integrated with On-Premise Machine Translation Software, whereupon the recognised text can be translated in real-time or post facto into 109 languages, again with no limit on the amount of translation. Lingvanex offers a free trial period to test the quality of speech recognition performance.
Conclusion: Global Growth on both Markets
The global market for automatic speech recognition technology is expected to grow rapidly, driven by increasing adoption in various industries, including travel and hospitality. Hotels, airlines, travel agencies and medical institutions will invest heavily in these technologies. Analysts predict significant growth in this sector, with speech recognition becoming a standard feature in many travel-related services. In summary, the travel and hospitality industry is poised to benefit immensely from advancements in AI and machine learning, particularly in the realm of speech recognition. These technologies will drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and create new opportunities for growth and differentiation.
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voice-search · 24 days
Voice Command Registration
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, voice command technology has emerged as a cornerstone of modern convenience. From controlling smart home devices to simplifying daily tasks, the ability to use one's voice for various functions is becoming increasingly indispensable.
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of voice command registration and provide you with valuable insights on harnessing this powerful technology for your needs.
Understanding Voice Command Technology
Voice command technology enables users to interact with devices using spoken language instead of traditional input methods such as keyboards or touchscreens. This innovative approach leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to interpret and execute spoken commands accurately.
The primary goal of voice command technology is to enhance user experience by providing a more natural and efficient way of interacting with digital systems. It eliminates the need for physical interaction, making it particularly beneficial for individuals with disabilities or those seeking hands-free operation.
As this technology continues to evolve, its applications are expanding across various domains including healthcare, automotive industry, consumer electronics, and more. Understanding the underlying principles of voice command technology is essential for optimizing its usage and unlocking its full potential.
The Basics of Voice Recognition Systems
A key component of voice command technology is the voice recognition system which converts spoken words into text or actionable commands. These systems typically consist of several stages:
Audio signal processing: Involves capturing the user's speech through a microphone and converting it into a digital format that can be analyzed by the system.
Feature extraction: Identifies unique characteristics within the audio signal that distinguish different phonemes – the smallest units of sound in speech.
Pattern matching or classification: Utilizes machine learning models trained on vast datasets to recognize specific words or phrases based on their extracted features.
Output generation: The final stage involves generating an appropriate response or executing a corresponding action based on recognized input.
Setting Up Your Voice Command Devices
The initial setup process for various voice-command devices varies depending on brand and model but generally follows similar steps aimed at ensuring optimal performance from day one onwards while minimizing potential issues later down line during regular usage periods too!
Select Your Device
Amazon Echo Series with Alexa: Offers a range of smart speaker options, from the compact Echo Dot to the high-fidelity Echo Studio. Alexa provides voice control for a variety of tasks, from playing music to controlling smart home devices.
Google Nest Hub: Combines a smart display with Google Assistant, allowing you to view information, watch videos, and control your smart home with voice commands.
Apple HomePod with Siri: Apple's smart speaker offering, featuring high-quality audio and integration with the Apple ecosystem, including HomeKit for smart home control.
When selecting a device, consider factors such as:
Features: Assess the specific capabilities you need, such as music playback, smart home control, or video streaming.
Size and Layout: Ensure the device fits well in your desired location and complements the aesthetics of your space.
Budget: Determine your spending limit and compare the features and value offered by different models.
Assistant Preferences: Consider which voice assistant (Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri) best suits your needs and preferences.
Voice Search in SEO
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Voice search has become an increasingly important factor in search engine optimization (SEO) as more and more users are turning to voice-activated assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant to find information and complete tasks. Optimizing your website and content for voice search can help you improve your visibility and reach in the growing voice search landscape.
Get tips to get your business found on voice and local search. Here are some key considerations for optimizing your website and content for voice search:
Optimize for Local Search: Voice searches often involve local intent, such as "Where is the nearest coffee shop?" or "What time does the grocery store close?" Ensure your website is properly optimized for local search by including accurate and up-to-date NAP (name, address, phone number) information, and utilizing local keywords and schema markup.
Focus on Natural Language: Voice searches tend to be more conversational and use natural language, rather than the short, keyword-focused queries typical of text-based searches. Adapt your content to answer questions and address the user's intent in a natural, conversational tone.
Prioritize Featured Snippets: Featured snippets, or "position zero" results, are often the preferred output for voice search queries. Optimize your content to increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets by providing clear, concise, and structured answers to common questions.
Leverage Long-Tail Keywords: Voice searches are typically longer and more specific than text-based searches. Identify and target relevant long-tail keywords that align with the way users are likely to phrase their voice queries.
Improve Site Speed and Mobile Optimization: Voice search is often performed on mobile devices, so ensure your website is optimized for fast loading times and a responsive, mobile-friendly design.
Utilize Schema Markup: Structured data markup, such as schema.org, can help search engines better understand the content and context of your web pages, improving your chances of appearing in voice search results.
Monitor and Analyze Voice Search Data: Track and analyze your website's performance in voice search through tools like Google Search Console, as well as user behavior data, to identify opportunities for improvement and refine your voice search optimization strategy.
By implementing these strategies and continuously monitoring and adapting your approach, you can improve your visibility and performance in voice search, helping to get your business found on voice and local search.
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janicefer-2021 · 1 month
Protect Your Investment in Hearing Devices: Five Essential Tips
Hearing devices play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for people with hearing impairments. Here is a breakdown of the different types of hearing devices and their importance:
 Hearing Aids
Function: Hearing aids in Sri Lanka amplify sound and are typically used for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss. They consist of a microphone (to pick up sound), an amplifier (to boost sound), and a speaker (to deliver sound to the ear). You can find analogue and digital hearing aids online in Sri Lanka.
Importance: They help users hear more clearly in various situations, such as conversations, television, or public places. This can greatly enhance communication, social interactions, and overall quality of life.
Cochlear Implants
Function: Cochlear implants are electronic devices surgically implanted into the inner ear. They convert sound into electrical signals that stimulate the auditory nerve directly, bypassing damaged parts of the ear.
Importance: They are used for individuals with severe to profound hearing loss who do not benefit sufficiently from hearing aids. Cochlear implants can significantly improve the ability to understand speech and environmental sounds.
Bone-Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHAs)
Function: BAHAs are surgically implanted devices that use bone conduction to transmit sound vibrations directly to the inner ear. They are suitable for people with conductive hearing loss or single-sided deafness.
Importance: BAHAs help individuals with issues like ear canal abnormalities or chronic ear infections, enabling them to hear through the vibrations transmitted through the skull bone.
Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)
Function: ALDs enhance sound in specific situations, such as in noisy environments or large spaces. They include devices like FM systems, infrared systems, and induction loop systems.
Importance: ALDs help users hear more clearly in challenging environments, improving their ability to participate in activities such as lectures, meetings, and conversations in noisy places.
Alerting Devices
Function: These devices help individuals with hearing loss to detect important sounds, like doorbells, smoke alarms, or alarm clocks, through visual signals (flashing lights) or vibrations.
Importance: Alerting devices ensure that individuals with hearing impairments are aware of important sounds in their environment, enhancing safety and daily functioning.
Captioning Services
Function: Although not a device, captioning services provide text versions of spoken dialogue in real-time or through recorded media.
Importance: Captioning makes audiovisual content accessible to individuals with hearing impairments, allowing them to follow along with TV shows, movies, and online videos.
These devices and services are essential because they bridge communication gaps, enhance safety, and improve the overall quality of life for those with hearing impairments. The hearing aid price in Sri Lanka varies depending on brand, features and vendor, and also the availability of accessories and hearing aid batteries online in Sri Lanka.
How to protect your hearing device: Five essential tips
Protecting your hearing device is crucial for ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. Here are five essential tips to keep your hearing aids or other devices in good condition:
Keep Them Dry
Tip: Avoid exposing your hearing devices to moisture. Remove them before swimming, showering, or engaging in activities that involve water. If they do get wet, let them dry completely before using them again.
Why: Moisture can damage the electronic components and affect the functionality of your hearing devices.
Clean Regularly
Tip: Clean your hearing devices according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe them down, and make sure to clean the microphone and receiver openings with a brush or tool designed for hearing aids.
Why: Regular cleaning prevents the buildup of earwax, dirt, and other debris that can affect performance and cause damage.
Store Properly
Tip: When not in use, store your hearing devices in a dry, cool place. Use a storage case or a dehumidifier box specifically designed for hearing aids to keep them protected from dust and moisture.
Why: Proper storage prevents physical damage and exposure to environmental factors that could harm the device.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures
Tip: Do not expose your hearing devices to extreme heat or cold. Avoid leaving them in hot places like a car or near a heater, and keep them away from direct sunlight.
Why: Extreme temperatures can affect the battery life and overall functionality of your hearing devices.
Handle with Care
Tip: Handle your hearing devices gently. Avoid dropping them or applying excessive pressure, and always remove and insert them carefully.
Why: Rough handling can cause physical damage to the delicate components of the device.
Importance of protecting your hearing device
Protecting your hearing device is essential because:
Longevity and Durability: Proper care and protection can extend the lifespan of your hearing device. By avoiding moisture, extreme temperatures, and physical damage, you reduce the risk of wear and tear, ensuring that your device lasts longer.
Optimal Performance: Hearing devices are finely tuned electronic instruments. Regular maintenance and protection help ensure they function correctly, providing clear and accurate sound. Preventing dirt, wax buildup, and moisture-related issues keeps the device performing at its best.
Cost Efficiency: Hearing devices can be expensive, and repairs or replacements can be costly. Protecting your device helps prevent damage, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements and saving you money in the long run.
Consistent Hearing Quality: Consistent care ensures that your hearing device continues to meet your hearing needs effectively. When devices are well-maintained, you are more likely to experience stable and reliable hearing performance, which is crucial for daily communication and quality of life.
Safety: Protecting your hearing device also protects your safety. For instance, ensuring that devices are in good working condition helps you stay aware of your surroundings, which is important for navigating safely in various environments.
Comfort: Well-maintained hearing devices are more comfortable to wear. Regular cleaning and proper storage help avoid issues like itching, irritation, or discomfort caused by debris or moisture buildup.
Protecting your hearing device is about maintaining its functionality, extending its life, and ensuring that it continues to meet your hearing needs effectively.
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aidorobot · 4 months
These AI robots mark the beginning of a new tech era
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All of us have dreamt of futuristic robots since the time we got introduced to Robot B-9 in the movie Lost in Space. We wish to have helper-bots to assist with our needs and relieve us from our everyday monotonous chain of errands. Technological developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision have driven the innovation further to bring
the best results. Today, it seems plausible that robots will soon become an integral part of everyday technology. Some robot prototypes, showcased this year at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, were a glimpse into that future. Here we bring to you a list of futuristic robots that will soon take centre stage in industrial and domestic settings.
PILLO Pillo is a healthcare friendly robot which features voice and face recognition technology to hear, see and understand the specific needs of the user. It keeps a track of medication, supplements and personal data. Pillo stores up to four weeks of vitamins or medication in tamper proof containers within the device. The robotic device also syncs with wearable and wireless gadgets to keep with the physical activity of the user. Pillo is powered by ARM based processor, seven-inch touchscreen display, HD camera, multiple microphones, speaker, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. The robot also comes with auxiliary lithium-ion battery to ensure that important functionality can remain active in the event of a temporary power outage. Pillo features an HD camera to see the activities of the user, Omni-dimensional microphones to hear the user, 7-inch touch screen, Text to Speech software to speak to the user and Artificial Intelligence to learn the behavior of the user.
Ingen Dynamics is an interactive personal home robot which comes with an interactive projector that visually aids through the task, feels touch and displays information. The device balances itself on a ball and can move around complex spaces. Aido also comes with a multimedia projector that can convert any wall into a movie or game screen. The robot is also compatible to control electronic appliances and lighting of the house, and also keeps track of your schedule throughout the day. With its Smart intruder alerts, powerful sensors and synchronization it also keep your home safe. Aido comes with microphones, environmental sensors 3 kinds of camera- 5MP camera, 1 MP 30 FPS Infrared vision and 0.3 MP Camera, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, USB and Universal IR Remote. The robot is also powered by Quad Core ARM7 1.6 Ghz, 1GB DDR3 RAM and 32GB MicroSD storage.
ZENBO ZenBo is developed by a Taiwan-based Company, ASUS, which is a smart companion powered by Intel. Zenbo moves around and assists the user in day-to-day work, gives alerts about important information and reminders, responds to spoken questions and requests, takes photos, videos and makes video calls, connects and controls smart home devices, learns user behavior with artificial intelligence, plays high quality music with built-in stereo speakers and expresses emotions with facial expressions. ZenBo’s face screen acts as a touchpad interface. The robot can play games or read out stories for kids and alert users if an elderly relative is in trouble.
Jibo reacts with surprisingly thoughtful movements and responses. The robot features two high- resolution cameras to recognize and track faces, capture photos and make video calls. It also features 360 degree microphones and natural language processing that lets users talk to the robot from anywhere. It is integrated with artificial intelligence through which Jibo learns and adapts to the user’s lifestyle. It also helps in day-to-day work and alerts about important reminders and messages. Jibo also communicates and expresses using natural social and emotive cues to understand the user better. Jibo also connects to smart devices like smartphones and personal computers.
Read Also
Tapia is a robot that learns from the user’s lifestyle. Tapia monitors users’ health and keeps users connected with their loved ones. The device is IoT integrated which means it can be connected to all smart devices and has the ability to control it. The robot features voice and facial recognition through which it can talk to the user and even respond. It can also recognize you by seeing or hearing. Tapia is also has the ability to make calls, get latest news, weather forecast, play music, and take photos and videos. It can also read printed media aloud and read stories to the children. It is powered by android 5.1. It comes with Touchpanel, Camera, Microphone, speakers, Micro SIM, Micro SD,Micro USB and Wi-Fi.
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dankusner · 5 months
Transcribe anything for free with this privacy-respecting AI tool
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There are so many fascinating AI tools out there these days.
But most of them rely on a far-off powerful server to do all the hard work.
It’s no surprise they frequently require accounts and subscriptions to pay the bills.
Today’s Cool Tool is exactly the opposite: an AI tool that runs completely on a web page in your browser.
It’s useful, too.
There’s no account needed, and your data doesn’t leave your own device—so you don’t have to worry about privacy.
It’s the kind of thing that demonstrates why so many companies want AI applications to run on our own phones and computers in the future.
And it’s available for you to use right this minute, today—if you know where to look.
Once, audio transcription was done the hard way.
Someone would have to listen to an audio file and type it into text.
Now, there are so many great ways to turn the spoken word into text—including the free, open-source AI tool we’re about to go over.
➜ Named Whisper Web, this application actually downloads and runs OpenAI’s Whisper AI model in your browser while you’re viewing the web page.
The work isn’t happening on some distant cloud server—it’s happening right on your computer or phone.
⌚ You can try this out in about 10 seconds.
Whether you have a recording of a meeting or you’d just like to speak into your microphone and turn whatever you say into text, it’s easy:
First, open the Whisper Web website and provide some audio.
Click “Record” to record audio from your microphone, tap “From file” to upload an existing audio file, or choose “From URL” if you’d like to import an audio file from somewhere else on the web.
You can choose from recording, uploading, or importing an audio file to get started.
Then, click “Transcribe.”
This is when the magic happens:
Whisper Web will download a version of OpenAI’s Whisper model and run it in your browser, whether you’re using an Android phone, Windows PC, Mac, Chromebook, iPad, or whatever else.
Since your device is doing all the work, the speed will depend on how fast your computer or phone is.
Free and easy transcription, without any privacy asterisks.
You can see the text from the audio you provided, and you can copy-paste it or download a text file containing it.
Whisper Web runs entire in your browser, so no installation is required. It’s completely free to use.
You don’t need any accounts, and your data never leaves your phone, computer, or tablet.
If only all things could be so simple.
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hearfit · 5 months
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