#spooky otome
lichtluv · 1 year
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𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙙, 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧
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𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝙨𝙤𝙣, 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲'𝐬 𝙙𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧.
༄ 𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒗𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅.
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foxdriftstudios · 2 months
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Boba Monsters is a bubble tea crafting dating sim. Play as a human trapped in the "Below" and make spooky boba recipes in your very own boba shop. Fall in love with the resident monsters and try to get back to the human world before it's too late!
Wishlist Boba Monsters
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moonlit-sweet-dreams · 3 months
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I'm so in love with @kamil-a 's gender bend Ace design that I blacked out and spent the next 24 hours drawing this. So, here we are!! Hopefully I captured her well!
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studioghostlegs · 11 months
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🎃Happy Halloween from the super spooky crew at Pearlglow Cafe!🎃
Art is from the eternally wonderful Skolaztika!
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2-dsimp · 1 year
Next step! —> [Choose the Starting location]
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bibixpgames · 11 months
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Happy Halloween everyone, from me and my "The Faithfulness of the Universe" crew! I hope everyone has the Halloween they want, whether that be trick or treating, partying, or just chilling out at home with candy.
I think you all can tell what "The Faithfulness of the Universe" characters would pick! :D
While I'll probably be hanging out at home. Still good! :3
Plus... this is the October monthly art, I've finally gotten back on schedule, and I'll hopefully stay on schedule from now on! Dev logs are going to be posted too, but I'll post about those after Halloween!
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lovebirdgames · 11 months
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Sad to see summer go, but still want to play a spooky game in which you struggle to stay alive?
Love marching band, but wish it came with even more near-death scrapes than it already does?
Or do you just wanna curl up with a warm drink and smooch some cute boys on this cold, autumn night while ignoring the trick-or-treaters who are ringing your doorbell?
If the answer is yes, Band Camp Boyfriend is the game for you! Play the full game on Steam or Itch.io for spooks, or try out the free demo for laughs.
Happy Halloween!
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terraessencedreams · 1 year
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#TwistedCarnival's Demo is up for the 2023 #SpooktoberVNJam ! [The full game will come out mid-late October~]
Like carnivals and dark romance? Go check it out and follow for updates on the impending full game release!
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clowningclownn · 11 months
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this game was supposed to be out for halloween, but i literally started it days before halloween so here we are
i finished the writing a day before actual halloween day, but i still need to do the art
its a horror dating sim and the woman you romance is weird
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title screen is pretty basic, i didnt want to mess with the ui too much because i want to make a simple game
anyway! ill probably finish this in a couple days or so and itll be going up on itchio for free! its super short and i hope people decide to check it out!!!
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snowhavenstudios · 1 year
Please just let me date a ghost. Oh wait, I can... 👻
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In The Last Act, Silas is a ghost AND an eligible bachelor!
Click here to play The Last Act on Steam.
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fisheito · 1 year
Bonus times my broskis tried to convince me something was hella attractive
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sweetlittleneptune · 2 years
🎃Never shake hands with the devil (Isaac)
Let's greet the start of this spooky season with a first halloween fanfic!!
⚠️Trigger warning: Death⚠️
Guilt was eating you from the inside and you couldn’t stop it from ruining your days. You woke up every morning thinking about what you had done, and you went to sleep thinking about it too. But it was only an apple! One tiny little apple that you’d stolen so you could stop your stomach from grumbling constantly. There were still plenty in the tree, the family wouldn’t miss this one, and no one had even seen you! So how come you felt so terrible about such a little thing? Why couldn’t you let go of it?
That night, like every night since you’d stolen that stupid little apple, you found yourself sinking in the guilt and wondering what the punishment would be for your sin. You weren’t religious per say, but you believed in karma, and karma was most definitely a bitch.
“God.” you sighed. “Why can’t my brain just shut up for once? It was just an apple! Nothing’s going to happen to me!”
The words left your mouth so suddenly and aggressively that you surprised yourself with how much conviction you said them. But the wildest part was that whatever part of your brain had produced this thought was right. Nothing would happen to you because of one stupid apple!
And just as you were starting to convince yourself of that fact, a small laugh erupted from the empty armchair in your living room.
There was a man in strange clothes with a playful grin plastered on his face. He sat on the chair, his legs crossed and his elbows on the arms of the chair, way too comfortable for someone who had come uninvited in a stranger’s house. And he had some strange tool in his hand (or a weapon for all you knew) which worried you even more.
An armed man, dressed weirdly, in my living room… that’s a recipe for a disaster, you thought.
You couldn’t move or get out a word, fear paralyzed you. He didn’t seem mean, with his cheeky smile and slender figure, but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t. You stood in your place, ogling at him and trying to figure out who he was and how he had gotten into your house. However, he’d gotten in, now the goal was to make him leave, or find a way to leave yourself.
As if he could read your mind, the man shook his hand as if to shoo your worries away.
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I’m here to talk.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry sir… you can’t be here. I’m going to ask you to leave please.”
You tried your best to sound confident, but fear showed through every word of your sentence and it did nothing to deter the stranger before you.
“You wouldn’t dare to refuse my help now, would you? You don’t even know what the subject of my visit is yet!” He chuckled.
You didn’t say anything in return. It was of no use. He clearly didn’t care about your demand and pushing it would have been a bad idea. He was the one with a weapon, he was the one in charge.
“Well? Sit down! There’s no need to stand there like that, I told you I won’t hurt you.”
You did as he told you and sat on the chair next to him. If you could avoid angering him, maybe your life would be spared. You didn’t believe him one bit when he told you he wouldn’t hurt you, but you wouldn’t push his buttons on purpose, that was for sure.
You saw, as you sat down, something you hadn’t seen yet: Horns on your guest’s head and wings on his back. A cold shiver ran down at the though that your guest could be… No. There was no way. He was simply dressed up, that was all. Why? You didn’t know.
“They’re not fake.” He said, like he could guess what you thought again. And to prove his point, he flapped his wings and pulled on one of his horns, which didn’t budge one bit.
“What… what are you?”
“WHO am I, you mean? I think you know Y/N.” He smirked. “But you can skip all the fancy names and call me Isaac.”
“You’re the devil…”
“You could say that. But I do insist, call me Isaac.”
Isaac’s eyes gleamed at the title. The quiet fear in your voice was like a treat to him, a proof that he had power. He loved knowing that humans feared him just as much as they did when his name was first known. You would make a perfect victim to his temptation, you just had to let go of that ‘goody two-shoes’ attitude.
You stood still, silent.
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here? Come on, I know you want to know…” He teased.
“Why are you here?” You managed to ask, with the weakest voice.
“I am here to reassure you, little one. Your sin did not buy you a ticket to hell! All that guilt building up in that sweet little head of yours… is for nothing. I don’t care for trivial things such as a stolen apple.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. It simply didn’t make sense to you. How could the Devil come to visit you just to tell you that there was no reason to be so worried? Wasn’t he supposed to be scary? To frighten and threaten you with an eternity spent in Hell?
But then again, he was also known for is lying and deceiving. Was he lying then? God, everything about this situation was confusing you, and you could feel a headache coming on too.
“Is it so hard to believe that I could be telling the truth?”
“I-… yes, it is actually.” You finally said. Because it was! Isaac being nice went against everything you had been told about him!
“Well, I guess it had to be expected!” Isaac laughed. “Being the Devil and all, my reputation does paint a rather... ruthless picture of me.”
He seemed to think for a few seconds before speaking again. Calculating his words, maybe? Before long, he came back to you with a smile so sweet that you caught yourself smiling back at him. You stopped as soon as you realized what you were doing, but you had given the man what he wanted: a sign of your weakening defenses.
It surprised Isaac how easy it had been to get to you. He thought, because of that terrible guilt you carried for all those days, that your morals would have stopped you from accepting his reassuring words. But on the contrary, it seemed you were thankful that he had lifted that heavy load off you. How strange…but how lucky also! Less wariness on your side meant less work on his, and he definitely had a thing for sloth.
“You know, it would take much more than that poor irrelevant apple of yours to push your soul towards me.” He started again, pacing around the room as he talked. “But I must admit that your fear flatters me quite a bit!”
You weren’t sure where this was going, but you kept quiet. It was much too early to guess if all of this was just a ruse or if he truly was nicer than legends made him to be.
“I could feel it, you know? I could feel the guilt floating around in your head. It was like a heavy dark cloud, and it ruined every nice thought that came to you. Like a plague, no?”
You nodded.
“People say that I prey on the weak, and I guess I do, in some way. But wouldn’t it be better to see it as another solution? You can either fight through the storm alone, and risk to not make it. Or you could ask for my help, give me a little something in return, and I will make sure that you make it through that storm. And… I dare say I saved you from that storm, didn’t I Y/N?”
Isaac’s eyes were practically sparkling as he spoke, and it worried you more than anything. His excitement resembled one of an animal who had finally caught its prey.
He must have noticed the expression on your face, for he stopped his speech at once and apologised for his eagerness.
“I’m sorry, I must stay on tracks.” He chuckled. “But wouldn’t you agree?”
“Agree on what?”
“That I helped you, saved you from the storm!”
“I mean…” you fumbled. “I guess you did.”
You didn’t like saying it, not at all. It sounded as if you had asked for his help in the first place, and that certainly wasn’t the case! And he looked way too happy to hear you say it.
Maybe you should have listened to him a bit better when he talked about helping people go through their problems. To the part about the ‘little something in return’. Maybe then you would have been able to escape his trap, but it was too late now. You had said it, you had said you agreed.
“And that means you have to honor your part of the deal, doesn’t it?”
“What?” You asked, confused and scared. “What do you mean? I don’t-”
“I helped you; you said you agreed. And now I get something in return.”
“No! I didn’t ask for your hel- Ah!”
But before you could really defend your point or yourself, Isaac had plunged his weapon in your stomach and took the ‘little something’ you owed him for his services. It was a quick and surprisingly painless death, but it was filled with remorse and fright. Your soul would lay down in hell for the rest of eternity, all because of one stupid little apple.
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gongonstudio · 2 years
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Eye Can See You | Fact #1
Aiya's psychic powers act as a portal between the human and spirit dimensions.
She exists in both realms and can interact with everything in both.
This includes the ability to see and touch things.
But (and there's a big BUT) this also means that things from these realms can also interact with her...
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roseybunlucy · 2 years
I had an absolute BLAST making this video!
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lucytopaz · 2 years
I decided to give voice acting a try! If anyone wants to watch a quick snip of my latest video and leaving a like i’d be so happy! I’m so proud of this one and I had so much fun!!
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ttloveco · 11 months
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Celebrate the fall season with this cute fall sticker! Who doesn’t love pumpkins and ghosts together. 🎃
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