whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Sioux Chief Spotted Tail (Eastman's Biography)
Spotted Tail (Sinte Galeska, l. 1823-1881) was a Brule Lakota Sioux chief best known for choosing diplomacy over military conflict in dealing with the US government's policy of expansion in the 19th century. Although he became a respected warrior in his youth, he came to see military resistance to Euro-American expansion across Native lands as futile.
He was the uncle of Crazy Horse (l. c. 1840-1877) and contemporary of Red Cloud (l. 1822-1909) and Sitting Bull (l. c. 1837-1890) and, like Red Cloud, signed the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868 ending Red Cloud's War (1866-1868), although he had not taken part in it. Spotted Tail and Red Cloud then pursued diplomatic means of dealing with the US government, while Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull continued armed resistance up through the Great Sioux War of 1876.
Spotted Tail (so named for the raccoon tail he wore in his war bonnet) surrendered himself to authorities in 1854 after the Grattan Fight (Grattan Massacre) to spare his people any further casualties and, after two years in prison, returned to them as a hero and was made a chief. While imprisoned, he learned to speak and write English, making him, later, a significant emissary to the US government. After his release, he was made a chief and helped to negotiate terms for the future of his people.
His role in the surrender of Crazy Horse in 1877, which resulted in the latter's murder that same year by US authorities, turned some of his people against him, although many already distrusted him because of his apparently friendly relations with the white authorities. He was murdered by the Lakota warrior Crow Dog (l. 1833-1912) in 1881, possibly over a woman, but more likely because of the policies he had encouraged of cooperation with Euro-American authorities.
The Sioux physician and author Charles A. Eastman (also known as Ohiyesa, l. 1858-1939) includes Spotted Tail in his Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains (1916), considered an accurate biography of the Sioux chief. The following version comes from the 1939 edition, republished in 2016, and is edited for space. The unabridged version will be found in the External Links section below.
Among the Sioux chiefs of the "transition period" only one was shrewd enough to read coming events in their true light…Spotted Tail was an orphan, reared by his grandparents, and at an early age compelled to shift for himself. Thus he was somewhat at a disadvantage among the other boys; yet even this fact may have helped to develop in him courage and ingenuity…Upon the whole, his boyhood is not so well remembered as is that of most of his leading contemporaries, probably because he had no parents to bring him frequently before the people, as was the custom with the wellborn, whose every step in their progress toward manhood was publicly announced at a feast given in their honor.
It is known, however, that he began at an early age to carve out a position for himself. It is personal qualities alone that tell among our people, and the youthful Spotted Tail gained at every turn. At the age of seventeen, he had become a sure shot and a clever hunter; but, above all, he had already shown that he possessed a superior mind. He had come into contact with white people at the various trading posts and, according to his own story, had made a careful study of the white man's habits and modes of thought, especially of his peculiar trait of economy and intense desire to accumulate property. He was accustomed to watch closely and listen attentively whenever any of this strange race had dealings with his people. When a council was held, and the other young men stood at a distance with their robes over their faces so as to avoid recognition, Spotted Tail always put himself in a position to hear all that was said on either side, and weighed all the arguments in his mind.
When he first went upon the warpath, it appears that he was, if anything, overzealous to establish himself in the eye of his people; and as a matter of fact, it was especially hard for him to gain an assured position among the Brule, with whom he lived, both because he was an orphan, and because his father had been of another band. Yet it was not long before he had achieved his ambition, though in doing so he received several ugly wounds. It was in a battle with the Utes that he first notably served his people and their cause.
The Utes were the attacking party and far outnumbered the Sioux on this occasion. Many of their bravest young men had fallen, and the Brule were face to face with utter annihilation, when Spotted Tail, with a handful of daring horsemen, dodged around the enemy's flank and fell upon them from the rear with so much spirit that they supposed that strong reinforcements had arrived, and retreated in confusion. The Sioux pursued on horseback; and it was in this pursuit that the noted chief Two Strike gained his historical name. But the chief honors of the fight belonged to Spotted Tail. The old chiefs, Conquering Bear and the rest, thanked him and at once made him a war chief.
It had been the firm belief of Spotted Tail that it was unwise to allow the white man so much freedom in our country, long before the older chiefs saw any harm in it. After the opening of the Oregon Trail he, above all the others, was watchful of the conduct of the Americans as they journeyed toward the setting sun, and more than once he remarked in council that these white men were not like the French and the Spanish, with whom our old chiefs had been used to deal. He was not fully satisfied with the agreement with General Harney; but as a young warrior who had only just gained his position in the council, he could not force his views upon the older men.
No sooner had the Oregon Trail been secured from the Sioux than Fort Laramie and other frontier posts were strengthened, and the soldiers became more insolent and overbearing than ever. It was soon discovered that the whites were prepared to violate most of the articles of their treaty as the Indians understood it…
By , Spotted Tail had proved his courage both abroad and at home. He had fought a duel with one of the lesser chiefs, by whom he was attacked. He killed his opponent with an arrow, but himself received upon his head a blow from a battle-axe which brought him senseless to the ground. He was left for dead, but fortunately revived just as the men were preparing his body for burial.
The Brule sustained him in this quarrel, as he had acted in self-defense; and for a few years he led them in bloody raids against the whites along the historic trail. He ambushed many stagecoaches and emigrant trains and was responsible for waylaying the Kincaid coach with twenty thousand dollars. This relentless harrying of travelers soon brought General Harney to the Brule Sioux to demand explanations and reparation.
The old chiefs of the Brule now appealed to Spotted Tail and his young warriors not to bring any general calamity upon the tribe. To the surprise of all, Spotted Tail declared that he would give himself up. He said that he had defended the rights of his people to the best of his ability, that he had avenged the blood of their chief, Conquering Bear, and that he was not afraid to accept the consequences. He therefore voluntarily surrendered to General Harney, and two of his lieutenants, Red Leaf and Old Woman, followed his example…
Thus, suddenly he found himself in prison, a hostage for the good behavior of his followers. There were many rumors as to the punishment reserved for him; but luckily for Spotted Tail, the promises of General Harney to the Brule chiefs in respect to him were faithfully kept. One of his fellow-prisoners committed suicide, but the other held out bravely for the two-year term of his imprisonment. During the second year, it was well understood that neither of the men sought to escape, and they were given much freedom. It was fine schooling for Spotted Tail, that tireless observer of the ways of the white man! It is a fact that his engaging personal qualities won for him kindness and sympathy at the fort before the time came for his release…
Soon after this, he was returned to his own people, who honored him by making him the successor of the old chief, Conquering Bear, whose blood he had avenged, for which act he had taken upon himself the full responsibility. He had made good use of his two years at the fort and completed his studies of civilization to his own satisfaction. From this time on he was desirous of reconciling the Indian and the white man, thoroughly understanding the uselessness of opposition…
In 1860-1864 the Southern Cheyenne and Comanches were at war with the whites, and some of the Brule and Ogallala, who were their neighbors and intimates, were suspected of complicity with the hostiles. Doubtless a few of their young men may have been involved; at any rate, Thunder Bear and Two Face, together with a few others who were roving with the warring tribes, purchased two captive white women and brought them to Fort Laramie. It was, however, reported at the post that these two men had maltreated the women while under their care.
Of course, the commander demanded of Spotted Tail, then head chief, that he give up the guilty ones, and accordingly he had the two men arrested and delivered at the fort. At this there was an outcry among his own people; but he argued that if the charges were true, the men deserved punishment, and if false, they should be tried and cleared by process of law. The Indians never quite knew what evidence was produced at the court-martial, but at all events the two men were hanged, and as they had many influential connections, their relatives lost no time in fomenting trouble. The Sioux were then camping close by the fort, and it was midwinter, which facts held them in check for a month or two; but as soon as spring came, they removed their camp across the river and rose in rebellion. A pitched battle was fought, in which the soldiers got the worst of it. Even the associate chief, Big Mouth, was against Spotted Tail, who was practically forced against his will and judgment to take up arms once more.
At this juncture came the sudden and bloody uprising in the east among the Minnesota Sioux and Sitting Bull's campaign in the north had begun in earnest; while to the south the Southern Cheyenne, Comanches, and Kiowas were all upon the warpath. Spotted Tail at about this time seems to have conceived the idea of uniting all the Rocky Mountain Indians in a great confederacy. He once said: "Our cause is as a child's cause, in comparison with the power of the white man, unless we can stop quarreling among ourselves and unite our energies for the common good." But old-time antagonisms were too strong; and he was probably held back also by his consciousness of the fact that the Indians called him "the white man's friend", while the military still had some faith in him which he did not care to lose. He was undoubtedly one of the brainiest and most brilliant Sioux who ever lived; and while he could not help being, to a large extent, in sympathy with the feeling of his race against the invader, yet he alone foresaw the inevitable outcome, and the problem as it presented itself to him was simply this: "What is the best policy to pursue in the existing situation?"
Here is his speech as it has been given to me, delivered at the great council on the Powder River, just before the attack on Fort Phil Kearny. We can imagine that he threw all his wonderful tact and personal magnetism into this last effort at conciliation.
"'Hay, hay, hay! Alas, alas!' Thus speaks the old man, when he knows that his former vigor and freedom is gone from him forever. So we may exclaim to-day, Alas! There is a time appointed to all things. Think for a moment how many multitudes of the animal tribes we ourselves have destroyed! Look upon the snow that appears to-day—to-morrow it is water! Listen to the dirge of the dry leaves, that were green and vigorous but a few moons before! We are a part of this life and it seems that our time is come.
"Yet note how the decay of one nation invigorates another. This strange white man—consider him, his gifts are manifold! His tireless brain, his busy hand, do wonders for his race. Those things which we despise he holds as treasures; yet he is so great and so flourishing that there must be some virtue and truth in his philosophy. I wish to say to you, my friends: Be not moved alone by heated arguments and thoughts of revenge! These are for the young. We are young no longer; let us think well and give counsel as old men!"
These words were greeted with an ominous silence. Not even the customary "How!" of assent followed the speech, and Sitting Bull immediately got up and replied in the celebrated harangue which will be introduced under his own name in another chapter. The situation was critical for Spotted Tail—the only man present to advocate submission to the stronger race whose ultimate supremacy he recognized as certain. The decision to attack Fort Phil Kearny was unanimous without him, and in order to hold his position among his tribesmen he joined in the charge. Several bullets passed through his war bonnet, and he was slightly wounded.
When the commission of 1867-1868 was sent out to negotiate with the Sioux, Spotted Tail was ready to meet them, and eager to obtain for his people the very best terms that he could. He often puzzled and embarrassed them by his remarkable speeches, the pointed questions that he put, and his telling allusions to former negotiations. Meanwhile Red Cloud would not come into the council until after several deputations of Indians had been sent to him, and Sitting Bull did not come at all.
The famous treaty was signed, and from this time on Spotted Tail never again took up arms against the whites. On the contrary, it was mainly attributed to his influence that the hostiles were subdued much sooner than might have been expected. He came into the reservation with his band, urged his young men to enlist as government scouts, and assisted materially in all negotiations. The hostile chiefs no longer influenced his action, and as soon as they had all been brought under military control, General Crook named Spotted Tail head chief of the Sioux, thus humiliating Red Cloud and arousing jealousy and ill-feeling among the Ogallala. In order to avoid trouble, he prudently separated himself from the other bands, and moved to the new agency on Beaver Creek (Fort Sheridan, Nebraska), which was called "Spotted Tail Agency."
Just before the daring war leader, Crazy Horse, surrendered to the military, he went down to the agency and roundly rebuked Spotted Tail for signing away the freedom of his people. From the point of view of the irreconcilables, the diplomatic chief was a "trimmer" and a traitor; and many of the Sioux have tried to implicate him in the conspiracy against Crazy Horse which led to his assassination, but I hold that the facts do not bear out this charge.
The name of Spotted Tail was prominently before the people during the rest of his life. An obscure orphan, he had achieved distinction by his bravery and sagacity; but he copied the white politician too closely after he entered the reservation. He became a good manipulator and was made conceited and overbearing by the attentions of the military and of the general public. Furthermore, there was an old feud in his immediate band which affected him closely. Against him for many years were the followers of Big Mouth, whom he had killed in a duel; and also a party led by a son and a nephew of the old chief, Conquering Bear, whom Spotted Tail had succeeded at his death. These two men had hoped that one or the other of them might obtain the succession.
Crow Dog, the nephew of Conquering Bear, more than once taunted Spotted Tail with the fact that he was chief not by the will of the tribe, but by the help of the white soldiers, and told him that he would "keep a bullet for him" in case he ever disgraced his high position. Thus, retribution lay in wait for him while at the height of his fame. Several high-handed actions of his at this time, including his elopement with another man's wife, increased his unpopularity with a large element of his own tribe. On the eve of the chief's departure for Washington, to negotiate (or so they suspected) for the sale of more of their land, Crow Dog took up his gun and fulfilled his threat, regarding himself, and regarded by his supporters, not as a murderer, but as an executioner.
Such was the end of the man who may justly be called the Pontiac of the west. He possessed a remarkable mind and extraordinary foresight for an untutored savage; and yet he is the only one of our great men to be remembered with more honor by the white man, perhaps, than by his own people.
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nyan-1233 · 1 year
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First batch of my pride kitties!🏳️‍🌈❤️
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splotchtail · 1 year
Splotchtail frowned, looking at the herbs she had left. So many cats had been sick, and she needed to restock, but how? Everything was low, even the poppy seeds. She started to look over everything again when a warrior came through the entrance. "Hello, Splotchtail. Is now a bad time?"
She shook her head. "What do you need?"
"I was coming to see about poppy seeds. Gingerpelt sent me" The creme colored cat flicked his tail towards the elders den when he spoke.
Splotchtail sighed "I'm sorry Lionclaw. I've seen so many sick cats lately I'm surprised to even have catnip left." Her eyes looking worried. "Would you be willing to fetch me some poppy seeds? I also need some herbs if you can get another warrior to go with." Her green eyes meeting Lionclaws. He could see the worry in her eyes.
"Absolutely Splotchtail!" The creme colored warrior slipped through the den entrance before Spottedtail had a chance to give a thankful nudge.
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Warriors of some Native American tribes would only cut their hair as a display of grief or shame. #didyouknow #hair #nativeamericanhair #siouxhair #blackfoothair #hairgrief #spottedtail New! Desert ➡️ Desert Botanicals® announces the launch of their new db Hair Restoration Serum incorporating German Trichogen™ Technology. db Hair Restoration Serum combines the best of Eastern and Western medicine to stimulate the hair growth cycle without the troublesome side-effects inherent to products that use Minoxidil, drying alcohols and potentially discoloring caffeine. Visit➡️ www.dbhair.tech 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Vitamin nutrition including panthenol for hair rejuvenation, cactus and nut oils for shine, frizz protection and cuticle coating with healthy omega3 🌱🌰🌵🏜 Celebrating hairstylists everywhere for their artwork, initiative and independence! #idahohair #oregonhair #washingtonhair #boisestylist #meridianstylist #portlandstylist #salemstylist #eugenestylist #greshamstylist #hillsborostylist #seattleastylist #spokanestylist #tacomahair #vancouverhair #tacomastylist #idahostylist #washingtonstylist #idahostylist Everything we do is➡️➡️➡️ Paraben Free and Cruelty Free 🐰🐭 👨‍🔬Formulated in #scottsdale ⚗️ 🏜Proudly made in #arizona. 🌅 Learn more at➡️ www.dbotanicals.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXyeg8LabB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Twistedfoot - black tabby tom
Family: Darkbrindle (mother, dead) Gender / Sexuality: tom / evil Personality: evil, cruel, ambitious, powerful Backstory: Twistedfoot was ambitious even as a kit. Apprenticed at his fourth moon, Twistedfoot was a rough and tumble warrior, often taking sparring too far during practice as an apprentice. Still, his skills didnt lack so when time came he was given his warrior name. Shortly after, the leader allowed him an apprentice, thinking having responsibility will help calm the rough edged warrior. It didnt help, and Spottedpaw became Spottedtail, and her crush on her mentor evolved into a relationship, and soon after she earned her warrior name, she was pregnant with his kits.  Proud of his upcoming heirs, Twistedfoot knew the time was now to make his move. He wanted to be leader for his kits, and train them to be strong warriors just like him. Twistedfoot wanted to take over Smokeclan, making it four clans in the forest rather than five. He killed Halfwhisker, the clans deputy, one late night, and demanded the leader give him the deputy position. He threatened the leader saying “i’ll kill you nine times over if that what it takes to become leader”. Luckily, senior warriors were soon upon Twistedfoot, and the warrior escaped with his life. He was taken in by Smokeclan has a prisoner, and with Thrushclan’s approval, he remains there to live out the rest of his days being cared for by apprentices.  Ideal Partner: none, hes evil pls Position | Clan: Exiled Thrushclan Warrior, Prisoner | Smokeclan
Spottedtail - pale calico shecat
Family: Oakfang (father, deceased), Cinderstep (mother, deceased), Dustfleck (brother, estranged) Gender / Sexuality: Shecat / pansexual  Personality: reserved, untrusted, defensive, secluded, quiet, snappy Backstory: Mentored by a then young Twistedfoot, when Spottedtail became his mate is first when eyes went to Twistedfoot. He had a small gaggle of young warriors at his attention, and his eyes on the deputy position were obvious. Spottedtail saw a strong warrior who would give her strong kits. She of course had a crush on her mentor so it wasnt so surprising that within six moons of being a warrior, she had moved to the nursery. It was only after the birth of her kits, that trouble came. Twistedfoot murdered their deputy in cold blood, and threatened the leader for the deputy position. Twistedfoot’s words still haunt the Thrushclan warriors.  Now a young mother, Spottedtail was fiercely protective of her kits, snapping at anyone who dared to say anything bad about them. When her then three kits became apprentices, and Witheredpaw said he wanted to leave the clan, Spottedtail was heartbroken, snapping at the clan for making her son feel so unwelcomed. When Fallenpaw died during a yellowcough epidemic, Spottedtail became even more reserved. By the time Jaggedhawk received his warrior name, she had stopped talking to most of the clan. They dont trust her, and she blames them. She only speaks with the medicine cat, elders, and young cats, sometimes speaking to queens since she refuses to leave the nursery. Ideal Partner: someone to help her heal from twistedfoot, maybe the warrior who mentored Jaggedhawk? Or Jaggedhawk’s bff? Maybe the deputy who took the position from the person that Twistedfoot killed? Position | Clan: Queen | Thrushclan
Jaggedhawk - fluffy dark tabby tom
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Witheredpaw (brother, assumed the name Ouselfleck in Brookclan), Fallenpaw (sister, dead) Gender / Sexuality: super sweet, trying to be independent, not defensive of his past Personality: happy go lucky, happy to help, good mentor, popular with the apprentices, a good young warrior Backstory: Youngest of the litter, Jaggedhawk’s mother tried to protect him, but her fierce protection didnt extend to Jaggedhawk’s social reputation. Known as the kit of a killer, Jaggedhawk did his best to become a good warrior. He wanted to help rebuild the clan that his father had done so much to destroy. With his father exiled, and Spottedtail defensive, Jaggedhawk was quick to separate himself from his family. He became friends with the deputys son, Owlflight, and will serve as his deputy when Owlflight becomes leader.  Jaggedhawk was recent tested by being given an apprentice; Springpaw. Springflame is now an energetic young warrior, who is still learning to follow direction, but does have belief and trust in Jaggedhawk. When a senior warrior wants to assign Springflame a task, they will often give it to Jaggedhawk and tell him to take his once apprentice along with him. When Jaggedhawk is kit sitting the young warrior, he is found hunting with Owlflight, or sharing tongues with his mother.  Ideal Partner: elder apprentice friend of springpaw/springflame, littermate of springflame, or someone who was in the nursery when he was, or someone who knew twistedfoot or the deputy he killed, or the kit of the deputy he killed Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Ouselfleck - deep brown tom with light tortie marks
Family: Twistedfoot (father), Spottedtail (mother), Fallenpaw (sister, dead), Jaggedhawk (brother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / pansexual Personality: determined, loyal, smart, clever, healthily ambitious, just wants to do good, earn his place in starclan, fears he will be dragged to the forgotten forest thanks to his father, and even though he believes that, he will still be the best warrior he can be Backstory: Born Witheredkit, eldest son of the infamous Twistedfoot, Witheredpaw knew that his place would never be among the Thrushclan cats who judged him for his fathers mistakes. With an overprotective mother who made things worse, Witheredpaw left Thrushclan, and found a home within Brookclan. The leader gave him a new name for his new life, Ouselpaw. Now Ouselfleck, he is happy to be given his second chance. A little off-putting at first due to his dark pelt unlike most Brookclan cats, Ouselfleck is a skilled land hunter. He is a surprisingly good swimmer and fisher too, but there’s no doubt his Thrushclan blood makes him fast on dry land.  Smart and ambitious, Ouselfleck has no intention of trying for a leadership position. He just wants to do good for a clan who wont assume the worst of him. He struggles having his brother still in Thrushclan, along with his mother, but his loyalty lies with Brookclan. Ideal Partner: someone who was first to trust him in brookclan, or med cat, or maybe someone who was personally a victim of his father somehow, or someone who knows nothing about it, brookclan leaders kit would be cute too, or ooh interclan relationship maybe he had someone in thrushclan before he left Position | Clan: Warrior | Brookclan
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saffronscales · 4 months
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redtail beam
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cattstep · 2 months
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I’ll just leave this here
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aticketplz · 2 years
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rare-eyeball-hat · 4 months
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shadowclan saga. we've returned. spottedtail and co take the world under the guidance of battlestar
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iti-iskuna · 1 year
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thecreatureinthewoods · 9 months
Lynxstar- pale gray she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice, Opalpaw
Acaciaheart- dark brown tom
Medicine cat:
Finchflower- light brown she-cat
Lavenderstorm- dark gray tom
Shrewtail- dark brown tom
Apprentice, Hailpaw
Spottedtail- white she-cat with a dappled tail
Mousecatcher- white tom
Apprentice, Foxpaw
Otterchaser- dark brown she-cat
Braveheart- black she-cat
Littlelily- white she-cat
Runningcloud- white tom
Mintclaw- gray tom
Jasmineheart- black she-cat
Opalpaw- pale orange she-cat
Hailpaw- white tom
Foxpaw- orange and white she-cat
Snowkit- white and black she-cat
Yarrowkit- black tom
Glowkit- light brown tom
Moonstar- dark gray tom
Willowheart- light brown she-cat
Medicine cat:
Longpelt- white tom
Apprentice, Hopepaw
Ratclaw- black tom
Paleshade- very pale brown she-cat
Apprentice, Sparrowpaw
Fernflower- dark brown she-cat
Icepelt- blue gray tom
Apprentice, Sunpaw
Silvereyes- white she-cat with gray eyes
Shadetail- black she-cat
Moorcloud- dark gray tom
Daffodilheart- pale yellow she-cat
Toadchaser- black tom
Hopepaw- pale yellow she-cat
Sparrowpaw- light brown she-cat
Sunpaw- golden tom
Tallkit- black and white Tom
Mistkit- black and white she-cat
Oddkit- black tom
Leafkit- white she-cat
Crowstar- pale gray tom
Apprentice, Quailpaw
Irisheart- black she-cat
Medicine cat:
Tawnyspots- tortoiseshell she-cat
Houndchaser- white she-cat
Apprentice, Adderpaw
Cobrabite- black tom
Sandrunner- pale yellow tom
Apprentice, Darkpaw
Heatherpool- dark brown she-cat
Fireflower- orange she-cat
Brightpath- white she-cat
Doecatcher- light brown she-cat
Rowanscar- dark brown scarred she-cat
Frogtail- black tom
Moonstripe- gray tabby she-cat
Quailpaw- thin gray tom
Adderpaw- white she-cat
Darkpaw- black tom
Songkit- light brown she-cat
Toadkit- light brown tom
Whitekit- white she-cat
Sorrelstar- light brown she-cat
Foxchaser- orange tom
Medicine cat:
Apprentice, Robinpaw
Pipitcatcher- lean black tom
Jasmineflower- white she-cat
Apprentice, Asterpaw
Whitetalon- white tom
Mistletoeheart- blue-gray tom
Apprentice, Pansypaw
The mysterious clans:
Shadestar- black non-binary cat
Oddpool- white she-cat
Medicine cat:
Sheepfur- white fluffy tom
Dreamrunner- black she-cat
Apprentice, Foxglovepaw
Embertail- orange she-cat
Rabbitleap- trans cream colored tom
Songflower- black she-cat
Browntail- dark brown she-cat
Monarchchaser- orange she-cat
Blackpelt- black tom
Silentkit- mute white tom
Moonkit- white tom
Solacekit- gray she-cat
Puffinkit- black and white Tom
Foxglovepaw- black tom
Finchstar- ginger tom
Heatherheart- dark brown she-cat
Medicine cat:
Quietcall- white tom
Apprentice, Mintpaw
Thornheart- black tom
Hornetclaw- black and white Tom
Apprentice, Willowpaw
Glowflower- white she-cat
Cobracatcher- brown she-cat
Apprentice, Fireflypaw
Fallingsong- pale blue-gray she-cat
Tawnytail- brown patchy she-cat
Mintpaw- black tom
Willowpaw- white she-cat with brown patches
Fireflypaw- ginger she-cat
Mudkit- brown tom
Moorkit- brown she-cat
Runningheart- black tom
Quillclaw- black she-cat
Ravenstar- black tom
Redface- white tom with a reddish brown face
Medicine cat-
Sorrelsnow- white she-cat
Fernmask- reserved brown she-cat
Apprentice, Troutpaw
Berrycreek- white tom
Nightrunner- black she-cat
Apprentice, Vulturepaw
Smallfern- light brown striped tom
Sandfur- pale yellow tom
Gooseclaw- black tom
Feathercreek- white she-cat
Leopardpetal- white she-cat
Troutpaw- gray tom
Vulturepaw- black tom
Squidkit- black tom
Twilightkit- black she-cat
Goosestar- white tom
Inkpelt- black non-binary cat
Medicine cat-
Swiftcloud- white she-cat
Bluestorm- blue-gray tom
Ravenfrost- pale gray she-cat
Hornetcatcher- pale yellow tom
Apprentice, Ashpaw
Daffodilheart- golden tom
Tigerflower- light brown she-cat
Peppermintheart- gray she-cat
Mistletoeclaw- black tom
Fogtail- white she-cat
Owlfur- dark brown tom
Ashpaw- dark brown tom
Lavenderkit- dark brown she-cat
Cadencekit- dark brown she-cat
Cats outside the clans-
Athena- a sweet calicokittypet who has begun to have strange dreams 
Yarrow- born a clan kit but exiled at a young age due to their parents breaking the warrior code repeatedly, he resents the clan cats.
Twig- a small dark brown kit who hangs out with the barn cats
Hades- blue-gray tom with no respect for others
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nyan-1233 · 2 years
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Pride cats
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xonerose · 4 years
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[ Horror Clantober: 1. Ambush ]
Busted out some ancient OC’s for this drawing!
Spottedtail was my first Warriors OC I ever made so she’s a pretty old cat. 
I remembered bits and pieces of her story and among those memories I recalled her journey to the Moonstone to receive her nine lives. 
Her littermates, Preciouswing (cream she-cat) and Bluepelt (dark blue-gray tom), attacked Spottedtail as she traveled to Mothermouth because they didn’t have faith in her to lead their Clan. 
I pulled a Tigerheart by giving Spottedtail her nine lives after she was killed by her littermates despite being nowhere near the Moonstone.
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stormeko · 3 years
Can anyone tell me if this is heterochromia? I’ve been told it might be an illusion because her darker eye is by black fur.
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Heavyshade - big boned dark grey/brown tom
Family: Loudstep (father), Marigoldleaf (mother) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: honest, brave, confident Backstory: Even in the harshest of bare-leafs Heavyshade never lost his shape. A big boned tom, Heavyshade has always been an admired warrior. His big body makes him any enemies worst nightmare. He’s not going to go running easily. Often scary to kits at first, Heavyshade’s indifference grows on the clan. Honest and well mannered, Heavyshade isnt overly popular, but no one would say they hate him. Heavyshade often is put on patrols, his presence often soothing to the rest of the patrol when he’s there. Heavyshade just rarely feels scared or frightened since most cats are smaller than him or his size. He hasnt come across an enemy he hasnt been able to take down.  Ideal Partner: the smol one, the pretty one, or gimme the lithe fighter, or the main good hunter, or maybe a fellow big boi Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Shimmerveil - black tabby queen with white undercoat
Family: Wolfwhisper (father, deceased), Brightstream (mother, deceased) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / bisexual - tom leaning  Personality: sweetheart, you just want what’s best for her Backstory: Losing both her parents during her apprentice moons, Shimmerveil had no proud smiling parents at her warrior ceremony. Instead who she had there was her overly proud mentor; Heavyshade. Now as a warrior, Shimmerveil had gotten pregnant seasons ago, but lost her two kits before their third moon to kitten cough. Of course she didn’t blame herself, but threw herself into her warrior work. Distracting herself with hunting and patrolling, she finds herself spending time in the nursery with the kits even though she doesn’t have any.  Shimmerveil would love to have another litter, but worries if she chooses the wrong Tom, Starclan will take her kits again. Her heart feels empty without having kits though, and she’s obviously so good with them. Sometimes one can find her staring longingly at the apprentice den, as kits she slept in the nursery with, become little warriors while hers remain kits hunting in Starclan. Ideal Partner: father of her first litter, or maybe someone who also throws themselves into their work, someone with strong beliefs in starclan Position | Clan: Warrior | Thrushclan
Pricklepelt - very fluffy white tom with pale calico patches
Family: Birchroot (father), Birdscreech (mother), Spottedtail (younger sister) Gender / Sexuality: tom / bisexual Personality: loyal, very pro-thrushclan, distrusting of those with a bad past Backstory: When his predecessor, Halfwhisker, was killed in cold  blood by a fellow warrior Twistedfoot, Pricklepelt was chosen as the next deputy. With big paws to fill, as Halfwhisker had been an ideal leader, Pricklepelt does his best to serve his clan well. An average warrior in his youth, Pricklepelt has always remained loyal to the clan. He was absolutely bewildered when Twistedfoot attacked the clan, and became cautious of those who were friends with Twistedfoot when he was in the clan. He was cautious of his younger sister, and his niece and nephews by extensions. When Witheredpaw left the clan, he thought it was better off that way, let him be another clans problem. Overly cautious of his apprentices relationship with Jaggedhawk, Pricklepelt wants to see Owlflight as the next deputy of the clan, but the dark tabby best friend of his apprentice makes him worry he will have a bad voice in his ear.  Ideal Partner: an equally loyal cat to the clan, like rowanclaw type bitch, or mudclaw, or even gimme like the leaders kit, or leaders apprentice ooh Position | Clan: Deputy | Thrushclan
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evil meds part 4!!!
only read over once
Peregrinesong watched as Graypaw snuck up behind Whitestar, filled with pride.
She knew what happened to Runningstar and Bigclaw - Flightsky told her. She dropped Twistedtail's corpse off near the border, deciding that she'd let Flightsky dispose of it.
She had spent the past moon digging a hole barely outside of ShadowClan's territory - Her plan was to slit Whitestar's throat, then drop him in said hole, leaving him to suffocate as many times as needed. This wouldn't be her murder.
Shortly before Graypaw became an apprentice, one apprentice named Redpaw came to her & He was a frequent visitor, constantly covered in cuts. Peregrinesong worried for him, and sat beside him one day, alone in the comfy medicine den. Feeling secure, Redpaw spit out everything that was happening.
His mentor and uncle, Spottedtail, would train him too roughly, brutually attacking Redpaw until he'd scream and cry, blood running down his pelt, which would cause Spottedtail to laugh, degrade him, and deliver a final slash.
Peregrinesong hated that.
The day after Redpaw told Peregrinesong about what his mentor did to him, Spottedtail was severely wounded by a cat he couldn't quite get the appearance or scent of. The day after, he caught greencough and was quarantined.
He was found dead at sunhigh.
Peregrinesong smiled to herself. Only she knew what truly happened to Spottedtail, and she'd keep it a secret for as long as she lived. That event made her hate leaders, made her hate deputies. Twistedtail and Whitestar noticed Redpaw's wounds, but did nothing, only offering the most pathetic attempt at comfort. She would get revenge on them, for Redpaw. She'd ensure that no one else would ever go through what he did.
She shared those thoughts with Graypaw, who ended up having the same feelings. So, the mentor and apprentice set out to become leader.
Graypaw lunged at Whitestar. As he was pinned down, Peregrinesong padded towards him.
"Nighty-night," She whispered to him, before raking her claws across his throat.
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