#spy network breakdown
foccaccia · 7 months
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listen. im not saying the Avatar Yangchen duology is the most serious, heartbreaking, well-written, or adult story ive ever read. it isnt. but it also took me by fucking surprise. the torture scene? yangchen's successive breakdowns? jetsun's death and fate? all the deaths?? that one dead kid? (and all the other dead tortured child army kids??) the slow endless horror of the avatar cycle? being literally haunted and fucking lost in the countless incarnations of yourself and the knowledge that you have to dirty yourself for eternity with guilt, failure, death, and sin to save a bare few in the face of a world that will never stop trying to kill itself? having to make peace with that?
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yangchen is so compelling to me. everyone loved her brief moment in the Avatar show, because of her stark "You have to abandon your own spiritual needs for the betterment of the world". but the novels drive that home in an interesting way.
yangchen is faced with greed on an unparalleled scale, and it is tearing the world apart. she is so desperate to do some good - shes so haunted by her countless past lives and desperate to at least not have regrets the same way they all do. she builds a spy network from nothing before she's even a teenager because she cant trust anyone, and at every step she is betrayed over and over by literally everyone she cares about, every choice she makes hurts or kills people, she spends almost the entirety of the second novel hopped up on enough drugs to would kill an ordinary person just so she can stay awake bc shes so terrified of hesitating for a single second. i cant figure out if haunted or chronically ill is a better term for whatever is happening in her brain but its. its fucked.
in a lot of ways she is objectively terrible at both avatarhood and being a spy, but she is exactly what the world needs. she so desperately loves her people, her culture, mercy, pacifism, and systematically cuts every tie to these things, no matter how much it hurts. she gets her hands so fucking dirty, she abandons her principles in every circumstance but one (the last Unanimity), she lets murderers and torturers go free and takes immediate economic control of half a world to abuse it.
and its the right decision. i know she gets flak because of how hard kuruk had to invisibly work the next cycle to fight the spirits yangchen pissed off, but yangchen's whole character is about balance, even more than aang's ever was, imo. aang gets a nearly perfect happy ending (which is good! there were good morals and a great story about culture and peace and genocide in the show, im not criticizing it) but yangchen's story really is wholly about balancing the world and the sacrifices you make to keep it even. for all that shes not a great avatar, shes actually a perfect avatar. she fixed it.
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alao, kavik is fascinating. im putting him in a terrarium and shaking it. and the stark criticism of the white lotus the entire time... the implication they caused the platinum affair... ayunerak and do flatly admitting they will let (and even help along) the nations crash and burn in an apocalyptic war without fighting to stop it if it means they have control and can pop out of a bunker at the end to reshape society.... augh.
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bulleted headcannons of fh dance studio 🫴
oh my GOSH okay yes!!
aguefort owns the studio. nobody knows how bc he does one (1) type of dance and it's fucking BALLROOM. he somehow keeps the studio running though so nobody stops him
ayda works the main office mostly. she danced at a studio that did the yearly nutcracker and then got tired of it and wanted to learn some other versions.
(she does a lot of contemporary now, especially to hip-hop music. it's cool as hell.)
kristen does modern and takes ballet. she tries so hard and she is so strong but she is. absolute shit at anything harder than a piqué. she likes modern bc cass lets her work in her ribbon dancer. she's also Really Good with choreo and technique!! she can spot the issue in Seconds
she helps out around the studio a lot too!! definitely not to see more of the girl with the pretty side cut who dances in the later hours :)
gorgug does hip hop bc he loves the community aspect of it! and ballet- he does a lot of the background/supporting work.
he's never had a solo. all the bad kids want him to ask for one because he's really fucking good how dare he. he tells them that aguefort doesn't like him.
(arthur doesn't like him. ayda would fight the world for him.)
fig is a jazz+tap girlie but she was Raised on ballet+tap so she's signed up for ballet too! she's been doing tap since she was So Little and it's genuinely just. her favorite thing ever.
she crashes the hip hop classes often. nobody stops her because she has the Energy Ever.
adaine, like fig, was put into ballet as a kid (along with aelwyn)
she met riz and he dragged her to a hip hop class and she simply. has not gone back. added contemporary onto her repertoire and a technique class and pointe. definitely the busiest out of everyone.
riz tried it for like. school. and fucking loved it. he thought it would be good networking, good resume filling, good exercise- and also he loved it. that comes last in the list of importance tho
that guy choreographs and performs the most complex ballet pieces known to man. kristen has tried one during an after-recital party and that video is used as blackmail to this day
he does ballet and jazz. he's tried every class at the studio and settled into those two. he's perfectly fine in his comfort zone thank you!
fabian started as a solely Jazz dancer. his dad died and he underwent a whole buncha self evaluation and then signed up for so many classes- he's taking no joke like 10.
jazz. ballet. tap. technique. modern. contemporary. hip hop. pointe. he's doing it all and having the Time Of His Life.
and now we get into the actual *studio*! whoaa it only took 17 bullet points!
their studio doesn't do a show performance, like the nutcracker, or competitions, but they do work a lot on choreography and do multiple performances throughout the year
you can request to do a solo/double/group piece that's multi-track! ayda Somehow fits it in the schedule. you get a teacher advisor (for the bad kids maybe jawbone?) who gives advice but the dance is mostly choreographed by you
these dances are the highlights of the recitals. fig wants to do one but is already doing a solo so she wants to work on a group piece! she and adaine have traumabonded in multiple classes so she asks her first
adaine goes. you're not gonna believe what i'm about to do. and snags riz. fig grabs gorgug. they're the initial four.
they spy fabian after a late-night rehearsal having a mental breakdown through dance and go huh. he was already becoming less stuck up. let's speed up the process.
kristen swings by later, sweeping and restocking toilet paper and shit and offhandedly offers some solutions to things they're struggling with
and lo and behold the bad kids are created! they have No Concept of time ever. but they're gonna choreograph a dance and by god it's going to look good!!
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farmerbebop · 5 months
Can you talk more at all about Mcgoohan and The Prisoner, I followed you for the art but now I want the tea. Admittedly, I know zero about Mcgoohan or his work outside of recognizing him from TCM reruns.
Thank you for the question and for enjoying this blog.
McGoohan was an enigma, and so was The Prisoner. Almost everyone who has ever tried to explain The Prisoner ended up saying more about themselves than about its creator.
Generally, everyone agrees that McGoohan was a rebel, but no one really knows when it started. Probably very early, because his daughter once mentioned he got a scholarship to a prestigious school in England called Ratcliffe (he was from a working class background and grew up on a farm in Ireland) and then immediately said "He hated it, but he went, because he had to." The only good thing about it was that he learned boxing there.
The official story always starts with something like: He worked multiple jobs before becoming a self-taught actor (he was the stage manager and one day the actor was sick) when it should start with his childhood in the countryside. Even though he always seemed like someone who could hold the sky up if it fell down, it's also well-known that he was a hopeless romantic, and his childhood was probably responsible for that.
Anyway fast forward to a rainy night in England, when the Lyric Theatre was dead silent after his performance of Brand because the audience forgot how to breathe, or to clap. He got off stage and told his wife his performance wasn't good enough and she agreed. His co-star later said those two people were the only ones in the world who could see something wrong in such a performance.
He soon moved on to TV. He agreed to do this spy show, even though he disliked the whole James Bond thing. The producer realized that too late. He was already changing scripts on the spot. No womanizing, no kissing, no gun (well, in a few cases there were guns but they hardly did anything). Some big boss from the US flew over to tell him they wanted more sex and violence. He told the guy to fuck off.
That was Danger Man. If I get a dime for everytime a woman fainted over John Drake, I would be a millionaire. At some point during my first watch of it, I started hearing music when he walked. Literally.
John Drake was a spy with a moral standard. It was McGoohan's work. He gave the public a hero in every sense of the word. But he made sure John Drake was always interesting. After all, he happened to be one of the greatest actors ever lived.
Then he got tired of it. Of course that was not good for the network. He was the biggest TV star in the UK.
So he told them he could do another show. And it was The Prisoner.
Oh before that, I must mention that he got married early in his life, was in love with his wife until the day he died, wrote her love notes everyday and occasionally got soft meat thrown at him during their fights.
So he made The Prisoner, basically did almost everything. Was very angry at times, probably slept like 4 hours a day, went through several nervous breakdowns. His co-star Leo McKern didn't go through "Once Upon a Time" unscathed either. According to McGoohan: "He'd truly cracked."
The Prisoner was McGoohan's baby. No one in the crew was allowed to mention the word television. He wanted it to be more than that. He made sure it was of the highest quality. It was his vision that carried the whole show.
It was about an ex-spy called Number Six. No one knows what he did, only that he resigned. People still argue whether or not he is John Drake. To me, no one really knows who John Drake really is, and so Number Six could as well be John Drake. After all, what is the difference beside that Number Six has a past and John Drake doesn't?
Number Six was kidnapped to the Village, where the Village authority (the Number Twos) tried everything to extract information out of him. They wanted to know why he resigned. And he wouldn't tell them that.
And then there's Number One, who gives out order to the Number Twos, hires and fires them at will. No one knows who Number One is. But in order to get out of the Village, Number Six will eventually have to face them.
This show gives you complete freedom from the very start. It will ignite your imagination. It was a marvelous feeling.
It doesn't coax you into liking Number Six, it doesn't even tell you who he is. But when you see the fire burning in his eyes, when you hear the thunder in his voice, when you see him walking up and down his room like a lion in a cage, you will understand why you are here with him.
The Village is a mirror of our modern world. The Prisoner predicted so many things we are seeing now. And yet, it feels so new, so strange, so fresh. It was like seeing the inner workings of McGoohan's mind laid out before our eyes, the beauty of its dreams and the horror of its nightmares.
I think you need to watch it completely open-minded, let it change you, and it will let itself be changed by you.
Its conclusion drove some people mad. They couldn't accept it, they wanted a Bond-like ending. They couldn't handle McGoohan's 'absurd' ending. He went from being the highest paid actor in the UK to someone who hid from the angry public in a place with no telephone.
Fame. Money. Status. All of that gone over night. But we know by now that he wasn't someone who cared about that.
But I think he wanted it to reach its audience, to reach future generations. He wanted to leave something behind for eternity.
He was so ahead of his time. And if he was still alive, he would still be ahead of our time.
I could go on forever but I only slept like 4 hours last night so I'd better stop before I start talking more nonsense. All of my followers know they should take whatever I say about McGoohan with a grain of salt. My only motto is: the only ones I shall make fun of on here are McGoohan and myself.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Time-Travel
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists.
Currently this list is separated into:
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs masterlist
Disaster Trio (one or more, excluding Ahsoka solos or Vader solos)
Original Trilogy cast
Time Travel AUs in the Wider AUs or Big League posts:
* Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
* Sandstorm Verse
* Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
* Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Commander Buir: an excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
* Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Ghost Vader Shows Up To Help
Time-Travel Bosoka AU
The King the Soldier and the Spy
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Fett and Fulcrum
Crack Ship Ahoy: Jango/Ahsoka
* Sugar, Spice, and a Heart to Entice (4.7k words)
Rex Cockblocks Jangosoka (it’s more depressing than it sounds)
Accidental Mand’alor Ahsoka
Jangosoka scarring Obi-Wan for life
Go away, Skyguy!
Something that’s... approaching analysis
The nature of time-travelers and Jango
Jango gets catapulted to “The Book of Boba Fett” and refuses to believe that Boba is Boba, so Ahsoka gets involved
Ezra and Fulcrum’s Wacky Adventure
Rex and Ahsoka are two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Breaking into Kamino
The Girl Who Died at Mortis
Ahsoka/Depa ft. jealous Bo-Katan and jealous Jango
Naming Conventions for time-traveler Ahsoka
“On her way to fuck your dad” Ahsoka/Jaster, Jango staring in horror from the background
Ahsoka’s Terracotta Army, which is honestly mostly @epicmusic42 and @graylinesspam
- A wee addendum
- New Mando Archaeologist
Ahsoka claims her mom is Daughter from Mortis
Disaster Trio (non Ahsoka-solos)
A Knight, a Padawan, a Captain... and Boba, tagged as “Boba and the Torrents”
The Future Assistant Dooku Didn’t Ask For
Obi-Wan adopts Jango by accident
- Obi-Wan even lectures Jaster
Are you done talking yet? (now with ficlet by @nevertheless-moving​)
Obi-Wan and Anakin as twins
The Nature of Time-Travel Romance (absolutely sucks for you)
Obitine + Baby Anakin
My Obi! AU
- Addendum
Inconvenient Crushes
- Arguments with Adult Obi
Faustian AU: Anakin and Ahsoka go from TCW Mortis Ep. to TPM-era Kamino, and somehow become the AI that controls Tipoca city
Fulcrum and Old Ben
TCW Anakin ends up Dooku’s care between Qui-Gon and Komari since the Council can’t just give him Knighthood when there’s not a war
Physically time-traveled Anakin ‘kidnaps’ mentally time-traveled toddler Obi-Wan
Other Prequels/TCW Travelers
Time-Traveled Clones Give Anakin a Mental Breakdown
Time Travel to Release the Zillo Beast
Bo-Katan is here to ruin fix change everything
Conservation of souls retroactive clone eggs, Thumbelina/Momotaro/Kaguya style
Padme dies and wakes up fourteen again, goes for Sidious’s throat
12yo Shmi Skywalker, with memories of the next 35 years, hijacks a ship and finds Obi-Wan’s parents (one of whom is pregnant)
Cryo Kix wakes up, spends two weeks in the ST, and then falls backwards into TCW
Time-traveler Dooku (trying not to be evil, this time), mostly by @epicmusic42)
Dooku, who is older than Palpatine, travels back far enough that he can grab Young Palpatine for the Temple before Plagueis gets him
Dooku gets punted back to Galidraan. So does Jango.
Totally the Real Jango: some clones lie to bb!Jango’s face and claim to be him, from the future
Fox and Vader’s Excellent Incredibly Stupid and Homicidal Adventure
Future Emotions AU
Anon suggests Vader shows up in that short period between Amidala’s election as Queen and Palpatine’s election as Chancellor
Why we love Vader time travel fics
Vader and baby Anakin body swap through time
Vader time travels to be baby Anakin again, goes full vegetarian
Another Vader time travel (along with links to a misskirby au that is no longer available on her now-defunct blog)
DarthFett, possibly body swap
The one where Darth Vader travels back in time as a Kitten
Vader lands on Rattatak
Vader Swears Loyalty to a Clone Toddler
- With fic on AO3 written by @delightedlymisinformed​
Baby Vader (Raised a Sith, mental time-travel) finds padawan Obi-Wan for Help (also Maul is there)
- Maul is also an uncle for the Twins
Original Trilogy Cast
Time Travel ft. Leia and Vader
Luke Collects Last Names
Han & Boba bumped to pre-TCW
- Addendum
- There’s more now
- A bunch by @uh-oh-its-bird
Luke brings a porg
Ghost Aunt Leia
Leia/Jango (Concord Dawn & Alderaan destruction comparison)
Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno
- Addendum
Time-traveled Boba, also this
Han shows up in pre-TPM, accidentally starts Being Dad at his pint-sized father-in-law
Fulcrum is how the twins know their pragmatism was justified even by pre-war standards
Somewhat Estranged ST-era HanLeia and pre-AotC Padme end up on Melida/Daan
De-aged Mandalorian cast (Din, Boba, Fennec, Luke) tossed into the months leading up to AotC
Leia when meeting AotC Anakin
Maul: Motherfucker Unlimited
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox
- Palpatine Tries to Arrange a Marriage
- Addendum
Artoo and Threepio cause problems
Rey ends up in the PT, then Qui-Gon’s new apprentice
Baze/Chirrut messing around with Jinn&Kenobi
Tarre Viszla is reincarnated as Bo-Katan's baby
Cal Kestis drops back to TCW, accidentally derails things because he didn’t know he was Obi-Wan’s bio kid
An ask I got about Obisoka and Anisoka
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cerise-grenadine · 7 months
For the Snapedom AU Ask game, can I get your answers to 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 26?
1.) Do you have a name and/or a tag and/or a master post for your AU (so I can peruse your blog and admire your creativity)?
2.) What is the premise of your AU (one sentence summary, tropes, your big “What-if” question, etc.!)?
5.) What are the major divergence points in your AU?
6.) Is there any part of the canon narrative you really like to build off of or interrogate with your AU?
9.) How and why does your AU!Snape differ from the canon!Snape?
26.) Does Severus have any major interests (mycology, astronomy, sci-fi, baking elaborate puff pastries, art forgery, etc.) in your AU that we never got to see canon!Snape indulge in?  Do these interests play a major narrative role?
i'm sorry, if you ask me about my AU, i will infodump 😔🙏🏻
1.) Do you have a name and/or a tag and/or a master post for your AU (so I can peruse your blog and admire your creativity)?
Yes! SlythenclawAU!Snape. it's quite meh but i never really took the time to think of one.
2.) What is the premise of your AU (one sentence summary, tropes, your big “What-if” question, etc.!)?
A long time ago there was a teenager in boarding school who got tired of waiting for the 5th Harry Potter book and decided to make a Snape-centered sequel herself (it's not particularly focused on anything but the ✨ fluffy romance 💖).
5.) What are the major divergence points in your AU?
Honestly, it’s easier to point out the parts in common 😅 It’s only canon-compliant up to Goblet of Fire (with some parts of OOTP included now), meaning Severus was pretty much a blank canvas. We knew he was a smart skinny bastard who disliked the Marauders and was about to resume his job as a DE spy, that was it. As a result, his background is completey different. He has a different family, a different childhood (still terrible), different motivations, different traumas, and Lily was never even a thing.
6.) Is there any part of the canon narrative you really like to build off of or interrogate with your AU?
Not so much one part in particular, but there are themes I like to think about (I won’t say write, I haven’t written a thing in years). Everything that has to do with guilt and forgiveness is interesting to explore with Severus, because he’s both a victim and a culprit: how to forgive, should one forgive, how to make amends, isn’t asking for forgiveness selfish and placing the weight of the pardon on the victim, how to live with guilt when some things can’t be forgiven... In the same vein I like to explore his guilt towards Lucius, who is a genuine friend and a genuine Death Eater; he feels guilty for betraying his friend, and feels guilty for still considering the man a friend.
9.) How and why does your AU!Snape differ from the canon!Snape?
I think the major difference (apart from no Lily) is that he’s more adjusted as an adult. It’s not necessarily visible to the Hogwarts staff or students 😬 the teeth incident or his breakdown at the end of POA are still a thing and the British wizarding world really brings out the worst in him. But he actually has a solid support network in the form of siblings and adoptive parents he met when he was 21. They live abroad and he keeps them secret to avoid DE retaliation so they don’t meet often, but still they are very supportive and it has helped him a lot sorting things out during his late twenties/early thirties. Having this one anchor, being loved and loving them back, has really done him a lot of good and he strives to better himself (at least in private). By the time his love interest appears, some things have healed enough that it’s not her job to fix him, she merely becomes yet another support to help deal with the rest (and the first one in the Brit WW). Don’t worry, he still has nightmares, and tons of guilt, and petty tantrums, but overall he’s in a better place than canon!Snape and has hope for the future. Also I don’t usually include Occlumency/Legilimency. Ho and he’s very French (sorry not sorry)
26.) Does Severus have any major interests (mycology, astronomy, sci-fi, baking elaborate puff pastries, art forgery, etc.) in your AU that we never got to see canon!Snape indulge in?  Do these interests play a major narrative role?
Yes! he’s a huge nerd (the kind who solves equations for fun when he can’t sleep), so he likes to study a lot of things.
Apart from normal magic things, he’s very knowledgeable about human anatomy and medecine, it makes him a better brewer and practitioner of healing magic (also his brother studied Muggle medecine for a while + his brother’s adoptive father was a heart surgeon). He is also an exellent cook (who doesn't eat much), because what’s the difference between Wolfsbane and mayonnaise, you just put stuff in a big saucepan and stirr dutifully it’s the same thing really.
Both those skills are pretty much background stuff; but there is one big hobby that is very important in his life, for several reasons: playing the piano 🙌🏻✨
He is very attached to it because his mother taught him (and she died young) and it’s his one pastime and antidepressant. He will focus on fast-paced pieces when his anxieties keep him awake, will hammer away his anger when he’s had a row with someone... it helps him calm down and clear his mind, and sometimes he will learn complicated parts just for the fun of it simply because he enjoys himself. He is a selfish pianist however. Music is very private to him, he is not a performer and will only do it sometimes for very close people he loves. He owns two pianos, his mother's grand piano at home (which has been through some stuff and is his most prized possession), and a baby grand at Hogwarts gifted by his siblings when he started teaching (it was needed for his mental health and the not-murdering of students). He’s learned how to tune his piano the Muggle way (the only true way, it sounds better, and yes of course he’s pedantic about it) and can talk about the links between mathematics and music for hours. Also +30 years of piano training have given him an acute sense of rhythm and very precise motricity skills that are highly valuable in potions work.
His lover being a musician herself (of the performer kind), music is very important in their relationship and has been central in their getting together. In fact, she first kissed him as they were playing together, so his sister jokes he would never have gotten laid if not for the piano she gifted him (she’s right)(his entourage also jokes sometimes about the kind of fingering skills a pianist with decades of experience has)(he hates it)(because he’s a giant prude)(they’re also right)
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theladygia · 2 years
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thanks to @ellionne for the tag :) I have not written/posted as much as I would have like lately, but I've really enjoyed writing what I HAVE posted.
Hope you guys have too!
Demon in the Details - Do you think you're clever or something? (Chapter 2/?)
Harry Potter || Tomarrymort
Fuck, it’s gorgeous. Tom groaned, inwardly of course. He wasn’t going to show the demon any weakness, especially such an exploitable one such as attraction. But Tom desired power in all its forms, and this demon echoed with power.
2. Come on Down, to Hadestown (Chapter 4/8)
Harry Potter || Tomarrymort, Hinny
And so he left Harry there in the forest, with only memories and a burning ankle. Tom returned to the Otherworld and reinserted himself back into the daily workings of the court, charming disgruntled judges and finally etching the snake carvings that will function as his new spy network among the jury.
3. (Don't you know what you're finding? This is) heaven in hiding
Harry Potter || Harry/Bill/Fleur
Not for the first time, Harry considered the merits of lodging a formal complaint about The Hogwarts Career Counseling Session. 
4. Helluva Way to Find You, Wasn't It? (Chapter 3/3)
Harry Potter || Sirry
Harry’s fingers traced the ridges and dips of his glass, knowing better than to fill the empty tumbler up for a fifth time. He’d already had to cast a weak sobering charm on himself before Sirius handed over the latest mix.  He was trying to keep himself from any other form of fidgeting as he waited.  Sirius was clearly still processing that his godson would eventually be serving an eternal deity as a conduit between the worlds of the living and the dead. Old news for Harry, but he could see how someone new to such knowledge would be having somewhat of a mental breakdown over it. 
5. I walk the line
Harry Potter || Sirry
The vial would be innocuous if Harry didn’t know it for the deception it was.
6. The Puddlemere United Calendar Fiasco of 2002-03
Harry Potter || Harry/Fred/George, Perciver
“It’s a lucky day to be a reserve, ain’t it boys,” Peregrine Derrick sighed out as he and his two teammates who had shown up to the pitch early took in the new photographer’s set up, the makeup artists who had spread their products out on the seven brought-in vanities, and the racks of navy and gold clothing. Oliver Wood and Harry Potter, the only other Hogwarts graduates who’d earned spots on Puddlemere United’s starting lineup for the upcoming season, grunted and nodded their agreement, respectively.
7. scars (to your beautiful)
Harry Potter || Tomarrymort
Mirrors aren’t one of Harry’s favorite pieces of furniture.  It still catches him off guard, at times, that favored pieces of furniture are things he can have these days. Preferences have never stopped feeling like an item he couldn’t afford. But he has a house now, one of his own that is firmly his own. An interior that he can decorate as he wishes, a pantry he can stock as full to bursting as his anxiety would like.
8. you look so perfect standing (sitting) there
Haikyuu!! || Kenhina
As he put his hair up in the half-bun he’d been favoring recently and sighed, Kenma knew he was being ungrateful. So many people would kill or do other equally exhausting things in order to have as distinctive a guide to their soulmate as he had, but he’s already sixteen years old in a city as bustling and global as Tokyo, and the glaringly bright orange hair he’s been dealing with since his fifth birthday hasn’t led him to anyone or anything besides a lot of odd looks.
9. The Loveliest Crown of Thorns You Ever Did See
Harry Potter || Tomarrymort
Sirius is full of shit. This isn’t a surprise nor a realization. It’s a fact Harry has always known. He’s lived with his godfather for more years than he even had with his parents before their deaths, so Harry is well aware of the utter nonsense Sirius is willing to let spew from his mouth to achieve his end goal, whatever it may be. 
10. Entwined (Chapter 9/?)
Harry Potter || Tomarry, Jily, Wolfstar
“Harry!”  Lucas’s yell cut through the air and had all four Potters turning around at the sound. They should have been looking south anyway, Harry realized, considering the train station was, well . . .  somewhere vaguely that direction. Harry felt a little sheepish at not knowing where the station actually was, but his dad always apparated them, or they took a Portkey when they left the country, so how was he to know? His mother’s laugh broke him out of his thoughts. “Your friend sure has a lot of energy for a boy who’s been on a train for the past five hours, Har.”
Most of my go-to writers to ping have already been tagged, so I don't want to double tag y'all (but know that I'm tagging you in my heart). So I'll throw this to the two who I haven't seen hit with this yet and save the other eight a double notification. You're up, @lerya-fanfic, @alissiawrites! (If you want to, that is!)
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mariacallous · 11 months
The notorious unit of Russia's GRU military intelligence agency known as Sandworm remains the only team of hackers to have ever triggered blackouts with their cyberattacks, turning off the lights for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians not once, but twice within the past decade. Now it appears that in the midst of Russia's full-scale war in Ukraine, the group has achieved another dubious distinction in the history of cyberwar: It targeted civilians with a blackout attack at the same time missile strikes hit their city, an unprecedented and brutal combination of digital and physical warfare.
Cybersecurity firm Mandiant today revealed that Sandworm, a cybersecurity industry name for Unit 74455 of Russia's GRU spy agency, carried out a third successful power grid attack targeting a Ukrainian electric utility in October of last year, causing a blackout for an unknown number of Ukrainian civilians. In this case, unlike any previous hacker-induced blackouts, Mandiant says the cyberattack coincided with the start of a series of missile strikes targeting Ukrainian critical infrastructure across the country, which included victims in the same city as the utility where Sandworm triggered its power outage. Two days after the blackout, the hackers also used a piece of data-destroying "wiper" malware to erase the contents of computers across the utility's network, perhaps in an attempt to destroy evidence that could be used to analyze their intrusion.
Mandiant, which has worked closely with the Ukrainian government on digital defense and investigations of network breaches since the start of the Russian invasion in February of 2022, declined to name the targeted electric utility or the city where it was located. Nor would it offer information like the length of the resulting power loss or the number of civilians affected.
Mandiant does note in its report on the incident that as early as two weeks before the blackout, Sandworm's hackers appear to have already possessed all the access and capabilities necessary to hijack the industrial control system software that oversees the flow of power at the utility's electrical substations. Yet it appears to have waited to carry out the cyberattack until the day of Russia's missile strikes. While that timing may be coincidental, it more likely suggests coordinated cyber and physical attacks, perhaps designed to sow chaos ahead of those air strikes, complicate any defense against them, or add to their psychological effect on civilians.
"The cyber incident exacerbates the impact of the physical attack," says John Hultquist, Mandiant's head of threat intelligence, who has tracked Sandworm for nearly a decade and named the group in 2014. "Without seeing their actual orders, it's really hard on our side to make a determination of whether or not that was on purpose. I will say that this was carried out by a military actor and coincided with another military attack. If it was a coincidence, it was a terribly interesting coincidence."
Nimbler, Stealthier Cybersaboteurs
The Ukrainian government's cybersecurity agency, SSSCIP, declined to fully confirm Mandiant's findings in response to a request from WIRED, but it didn't dispute them. SSSCIP's deputy chair, Viktor Zhora, wrote in a statement that the agency responded to the breach last year, working with the victim to "minimize and localize the impact." In an investigation over the two days following the near-simultaneous blackout and missile strikes, he says, the agency confirmed that the hackers had found a "bridge" from the utility's IT network to its industrial control systems and planted malware there capable of manipulating the grid.
Mandiant's more detailed breakdown of the intrusion shows how the GRU's grid hacking has evolved over time to become far more stealthy and nimble. In this latest blackout attack, the group used a "living off the land" approach that has become more common among state-sponsored hackers seeking to avoid detection. Instead of deploying their own custom malware, they exploited the legitimate tools already present on the network to spread from machine to machine before finally running an automated script that used their access to the facility's industrial control system software, known as MicroSCADA, to cause the blackout.
In Sandworm's 2016 blackout that hit a transmission station north of the capital of Kyiv, by contrast, the hackers used a custom-built piece of malware known as Crash Override or Industroyer, capable of automatically sending commands over several protocols to open circuit-breakers. In another Sandworm power grid attack in 2022, which the Ukrainian government has described as a failed attempt to trigger a blackout, the group used a newer version of that malware known as Industroyer2.
Mandiant says Sandworm has since transitioned away from that highly customized malware, in part, because defenders' tools can more easily spot it to head off intrusions. "That increases the chance you're getting caught or exposed or you won't actually get to carry out your attack," says Nathan Brubaker, Mandiant's head of emerging threats and analytics.
Like the GRU's hackers as a whole, Sandworm's power grid hackers also appear to be accelerating the tempo of their utility attacks. Mandiant's analysts say that in contrast to the group's previous blackouts, in which they laid in wait inside Ukrainian utility networks for more than six months prior to launching a power-cutting payload, this latest case unfolded on a much shorter timeline: Sandworm appears to have gained access to the industrial control system side of the victim's network only three months prior to the blackout and developed their technique to cause that blackout around two months later.
This speed is a sign that the group's newer "living off the land" tactics may not just be stealthier than the carefully built custom malware used in the past, but nimbler too. "Especially during a time of war, you need to be agile and adjust based on your target," says Brubaker. "This gives them a much better ability to do that than having to prep for years ahead."
An Opportunistic Psy-Op
Around 48 hours after the blackout, according to Mandiant, Sandworm still retained enough access to the victim's machines to launch a piece of malware called CaddyWiper, the most common data-destroying tool deployed by the GRU since the start of Russia's invasion in February 2022, to erase the contents of computers across its IT network. While that appears to have been an attempt to complicate defenders' analysis of Sandworm's footprints, the hackers somehow didn't deploy that data-destroying tool on the industrial control side of the utility's network.
Both Mandiant and SSSCIP's Zhora emphasize that despite Sandworm's evolution, and as historically significant as any hacker-induced blackout may be, the October 2022 incident shouldn't be taken as a sign that Ukraine's digital defenses are failing. On the contrary, they say they've seen Russia's state-sponsored hackers launch dozens of failed attacks on Ukrainian critical infrastructure for every attack that, like this case, achieved a dramatic outcome. "It's an absolute testament to the Ukrainian defenders that this incident was so isolated," Hultquist says.
In fact, exactly what Sandworm's latest blackout—this time tied to a physical strike—actually accomplished for Russia's invasion force remains far from clear. Mandiant's Hultquist argues that, more than any tactical effect, such as disabling the ability to defend against the missile strike or warn civilians, the blackout was more likely intended as another opportunistic psychological blow, intended to compound victims' feeling of chaos and helplessness.
But he notes that a single blackout caused by a cyberattack may no longer move the psychological needle in a country that has been under constant bombardment for the better part of two years and whose citizens' resolve to fight the invading force has only been steeled by those relentless attacks. He adds that, rather than multiplying the effects of the missile strike it coincided with, it's just as possible that Sandworm's carefully executed blackout was overshadowed by the physical attacks that followed.
"This is another way to break the resolve of the civilian populace as part of a greater strategy to bring Ukrainians to heel," says Hultqulst. "That doesn't mean it's had any success. It's difficult to have a psychological cyber impact in a world where missiles are flying."
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teamdilf · 11 months
Nanowrimo - Snippet
Doing Nanowrimo this month, and focusing on the sequel to Lost Souls Like Us, but after getting a scene I missed in my first run of Baldur's Gate, realized that there was a bit more to write for Lost Souls Like Us.
And, as is weekly tradition, I'm making myself ugly cry with it. Here's a snippet of a conversation Petra has with Jaheira - be warned, this is post-game and there are both act 3 and ending spoilers in this!
Around Jaheira’s neck is the amulet her husband gave her; she recalls the day they visited the sanctuary and finding it hidden away in a display case. She gently pressed Jaheira and encouraged her to wear it instead of letting its magic languish away behind a display case. They talked about Khalid and Jaheira cried. 
So did she, because she knew that soon she would know the pain Jaheira lives with. Astarion got Karlach’s attention and they wandered off to speak to the badger that manages Jaheira’s rat spy network so at least her girlfriend missed that breakdown. 
Today, she spins the black diamond ring Karlach got for her around her left ring finger and smiles, knowing just how much Khalid’s amulet must mean to Jaheira. 
“Once, you asked me to tell you something about Khalid that others do not know. Now, I return that favour,” Jaheira says, and she laughs, because it’s both something she’s aching to talk about and something she dreads, but it’s time. Time to ensure her girlfriend is immortal in memory. 
“Karlach kept a running tally of the dangerous mushrooms we ran into when we were travelling the Underdark - what they look like, what their spores did - all of it. I asked her if she was interested in herbalism, and she said she’d never thought about plants before she wound up in the Hells, but on a plane devoid of that sort of life, she longed to see green. The flowers in the Underdark were strange; glowing blue on long, twisted vines, but she’d cut off a strip of vine and make herself a little flower crown. Only,” her face falls at this part of the memory, “she was still running hot back then. We couldn’t touch, so the flowers burned to ash in moments and her face fell. ‘Forgot about that’, she’d said and despaired over destroying the flowers. We were killing anything that attacked us down there, but it was the loss of those little flowers that hit her hard. I told her we could learn to garden and plant a whole plot of flowers out in the country. I… think we both knew it would never happen, but it was a nice thing to think about.” 
Jaheira looks at her, eyes damp; an emotion she only ever saw the one time before now, when she spoke of Khalid and she knows she must be thinking of her husband, and the dreams that died the day he was murdered. Her own dreams never lived; not really; they were little more than carcasses she’d charmed to give herself a fantasy to cope. Dammon had warned them Karlach’s time was short, but still they planned for their future. 
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archivyrep · 2 years
Archivists on the Issues: Classified Records, Archives, and Fictional Depictions [Part 2]
Archivists on the Issues is a forum for archivists to discuss the issues we are facing today. Today’s post comes from Burkely Hermann (me), Metadata Librarian for the National Security Archive and current I&A Blog Coordinator. There will be spoilers for each of the books, animated series, films, and other media he will be discussing. This was originally published on February 7, 2023 on the Issues & Advocacy WordPress blog.
continued from part 1
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In the episode "The Underground Tennis Tournament: The Campbelldon", Loid examines a file of his target, a man named Cavi Campbell, who has a painting in the basement of his mansion. As the story goes, the painting was originally owned by a general who had compiled a dossier of explosive top secret information which could tip the scales and cause possible cause military conflict if revealed, and the painting has a code revealing the dossier's location.
Classified records have often been depicted in popular culture. For instance, there is an episode of The Crown about classified records showing Duke Edward VIII collaborating with Nazis. Such records are also major part of the Spy x Family series. The protagonist, Twilight (voiced by Takuya Eguchi), poses as a father named Loid Forger, with a wife and child. He is tasked with a secret mission  to keep two countries from beginning a war. As a result, he is often passed information through a network of informants, spies, and others, or is given mission briefings by dedicated agents. The information he receives often includes classified records. Another pertinent example is the 13-episode anime, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet. In one episode, "Deep Sea Secret", the protagonist, Ledo (voiced by Kaito Ishikawa), demands declassification of the record. What he learns causes an epiphany. It results in him questioning what he thought about the world and his life's purpose, causing a mental breakdown of sorts.
There are other examples, apart from the tongue-and-cheek U.S. Navy recording studio named "Classified Records" in The Simpsons, which included subliminal messages in their songs which encouraged people to join the Navy. For instance, classified archives of the CIA are shown in an episode of the TV series, Alias. Furthermore, classified, and restricted, records are a major part of the animated adventure series, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which has many archivy themes. In one episode, Mara, the previous She-Ra, learns that the Heart of Etheria project is classified, with Light Hope worrying about information being accidentally shared with Madame Razz. In many others, records are only accessible when specific words are spoken, or specific people are detected by computer systems. The same could be said about the records inside the data archives of the World Organization Of Human Protection which is shown in the Totally Spies! episode "The Yuck Factor", or the "healing center" for Pearls known as The Reef, which is a structure used to create, repair, or modify Pearls, shown in the Steven Universe Future episode "Volleyball". Both undoubtedly contain restricted or classified records.
In Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, two animated series, there are records which can only be accessed through magic or other means. As such, they are classified, as a result. Accessing secret, and classified, records is a major plot point for live-action films such as Sneakers (1992), The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (2005), and My Fellow Americans (1996). In other cases, like in Joker (2009), the records are even stolen. In the latter film, the records clerk is implied as an impediment to protagonist Arthur Fleck, as are the bureaucratic requirements which require a signature from Fleck's mother, before he can take the file.
Samantha "Sam" Cross, a certified archivist who was part of the SAA Issues & Advocacy News Monitoring Team in 2018, has highlighted this on her blog, Pop Archives. She notes Carol Danvers (later becoming Captain Marvel) examining likely classified information in Captain Marvel and Loki trying to use his manipulation and charm in the Loki TV series to get classified files from a female character credited as an archivist. She also writes about a character in the Danganronpa game, Byakuya, who "read and study the classified information" in an archives-like room and states that many of the documents shown in Federal Bureau of Control, in the video game Control, are redacted, and classified. [7]
Other pop cultural critics in the library and information field note other examples. For instance, librarian Jennifer Snoek-Brown, known as the creator of the site Reel Librarians and real-life librarian at Tacoma Community College, noted classified records featured in Rollerball (1975), Soylent Green (1973), and likely ones in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011). [8] Elsewhere on her blog, she pointed out similar themes in Mercury Rising (1998) and WarGames (1983).
The over twenty popular culture examples described in this post only scratch the surface. There are as undoubtedly many more films, comics, and series which featured classified or restricted records. The examples noted in this article do not always feature archives, however, as some creators confuse archives with libraries. To add insult to injury, archivists are often not present, resulting in the characters, who have no archival training, to go through the records themselves. Very few depictions in popular culture reflect the current reality of classified records within archives. Hopefully, this changes in the future.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[7] Cross, Samantha. "Archives in the Movies: Captain Marvel." Pop Archives, Aug. 20, 2021; Cross, Samantha. "Archives in Video Games: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc." Pop Archives, Jan. 19, 2021; Cross, Samantha. "Archives on TV: Loki." Pop Archives, Jun. 24, 2022; Cross, Samantha. "Archives in Video Games: Control." Pop Archives, Aug. 20, 2021.
[8] Snoek-Brown, Jennifer. "A round-up of library, archives, and reel librarian scenes in MCU’s Phase Four TV series (so far)." Reel Librarians, Aug. 24, 2022; Snoek-Brown, Jennifer. "Reel librarians and archivists in 16 sci-fi films." Reel Librarians, Mar. 11, 2020; Snoek-Brown, Jennifer. "Reel librarians in ‘Rollerball’ | Analyzing the 1975 original film and 2002 remake." Reel Librarians, Feb. 1, 2017; Snoek-Brown, Jennifer. "Reader poll of runner-ups, Fall 2016: ‘Soylent Green’ and the Books." Reel Librarians, Nov. 30, 2016; Snoek-Brown, Jennifer. "First impressions: ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’." Reel Librarians, Jan. 23, 2012.
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deathblightprince · 1 year
What Godwyn was like on this blog a year ago:
Scard and confused prince stuck in the Roundtable Hold. Had a huge crush on Fia but couldn't express it because she was unconscious and bedridden. Lonely, no dedicated followers yet. Had power that was undefined, but his deathroot had eyes so he could pretty much spy on the Lands Between and most of his siblings. Was polite but shy, not very forthcoming in fear of bad faith.
Godwyn now:
The Prince now has a huge gothic castle in the Deeproot depths where all his TWLD followers frequent and "sing". Is now getting engaged to Fia. Has dedicated tarnished followers. Life was going well until he had a huge mental breakdown after learning Ranni planned to assasinate him. Trying to slowly piece things back together so he can become the next bearer of the Elden Ring.
His curse manifests more like a parasite now, often sprouting and reacting to Godwyns emotional state. Spreads and travels with or without godwyn's direct control. There are individual networks in some areas (Caelid, Haligtree, Stormviel) that work independently from the main network (Deeproot depths) so to not spread other influences such as scarlet rot to the rest of the network. Has yet to show the extent of his full power.
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garland-on-thy-brow · 2 years
could we hear more about your dainty l5r boy?
Oh alright! I do not remember what I mentioned before and what I did not, so here goes. The system is L5R 4th edition.
Daidoji Senmei, courtier of the Crane. Low pain threshold, soft heart, haunted by the ancestor of Daidoji family (that badass with a spear who performed a katabasis for his sister's soul). I hope the ancestor is enjoying whatever this is.
Dabbles in every art, but his artistic ambitions are with painting (and the combination of painting and poetry). The work he is proud of is The Star's Travel, a tactile painting for his blind friend (shugenja of the Dragon).
Currently is helping the aforementioned friend marry into the Emperor's family for love. What can go wrong?
Being an Emerald Magistrate in turbulent times, developed an intuition-based method of investigating conspiracies by painting ripples on the water (it is about reconstructing the general shape by fragmentary information).
Served his office first in Kyuden Tonbo (that beautiful rainbow tower of the Dragonfly clan, next to Keen Eyes' Strike Village), then in the lands of Asako family. The proximity to Kitsuki crime theatre village did not necessarily make him a better investigator, but it did make him worse in a way that I cannot put into words.
Has a spy network, of course.
Two important things about his interpersonal relationships are (1) queer attachment to four people (one of them being the shugenja mentioned above); (2) conviction that nothing good can come from Bayushi Kachiko, in whose figure he found The Devil (as in, the set of meanings symbolized by this tarot card). Not going to unpack all this, but it is emotionally intense.
"He appears to be constantly on the verge of a breakdown, I like it" - my co-player.
In his teenage years, he met a Hida girl who could snap him in half. They drank and joked together, she saved his life, they spent the evening transfixed by the fireworks' reflections in the river and, in passing, exchanged opinions whether more is owed to the Empire or the Emperor. Eight years later, he dreams of meeting her again to confess that he was wrong, and she was right all along. She spent those eight years probably on the Wall, and he at sophisticated courts. She is another one of the aforementioned four people.
The only melee weapon he willingly uses is a pair of fans. The only martial skill he is good at is defence. His typical battle behaviour is deflecting blows from his friends (protect maneuver), which, surprisingly, proved to be quite useful.
Decent, and occasionally clever, with a bow.
Averse to participating in anything that so much as resembles professional sport.
If left to his own devices, will be just doing arts, picking gay little gifts for his friends, and trying to get into state secrets.
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satellite-tv-company1 · 3 months
Your State's Favorite Hulu Series Mapped Out
Hulu has grown into a powerhouse of streaming entertainment, offering a vast library of TV shows, movies, and original content. But with such a wide array of choices, preferences can vary greatly from state to state. Dish Network's intriguing analysis, "Your State's Favorite Hulu Series Mapped Out," reveals these diverse preferences, showcasing the most popular Hulu series in each state. This geographical breakdown not only highlights regional tastes but also provides a fascinating glimpse into the cultural fabric of the United States.
Methodology: How Dish Network Mapped the Data
To create this map, Dish Network analyzed data from Hulu viewership, focusing on the most-watched series in each state. This data was then cross-referenced with search trends and social media discussions to ensure accuracy. The resulting map paints a detailed picture of the nation's favorite Hulu series, state by state.
Regional Highlights: A Nation of Diverse Tastes
Northeast: A Taste for Drama and Comedy
In the Northeast, a blend of drama and comedy series dominates. New York, for example, shows a strong preference for "The Handmaid's Tale," Hulu's critically acclaimed dystopian drama. This preference could be attributed to the state's diverse and politically engaged population, who resonate with the show's themes of resistance and social justice.
Massachusetts, on the other hand, leans towards "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," a comedy series that combines humor with social commentary. The show's intelligent wit and diverse cast appeal to the state's educated and progressive viewers.
South: A Love for Thrillers and Crime Dramas
The Southern states exhibit a fascination with thrillers and crime dramas. Texas, the largest state in the region, favors "The Act," a true crime series that delves into the chilling story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard. The South's historical love for storytelling, particularly around crime and justice, makes "The Act" a fitting favorite.
Florida's top pick, "Killing Eve," is a British spy thriller that has captivated audiences with its intriguing plot and complex characters. The state's diverse population and love for high-stakes drama are reflected in this choice.
Midwest: Family and Real-Life Stories
The Midwest's viewing habits reflect its reputation for family values and interest in real-life stories. Ohio, for instance, has "This Is Us" as its favorite Hulu series. The emotional family drama resonates with Midwestern viewers, who appreciate its exploration of family dynamics and heartfelt storytelling.
In Illinois, "Fargo" takes the top spot. This dark comedy-crime drama, inspired by the Coen Brothers' film, appeals to the state's viewers with its blend of quirky characters and unpredictable plots, mirroring the region's appreciation for unique and compelling narratives.
West Coast: Innovation and Diversity
The West Coast, known for its innovation and cultural diversity, shows a strong preference for unique and groundbreaking series. California, the entertainment capital of the world, unsurprisingly favors "The Handmaid's Tale." The state's progressive stance on social issues aligns with the show's themes, making it a popular choice.
Washington State, on the other hand, prefers "Little Fires Everywhere," a series that tackles complex social issues such as race, class, and family dynamics. The show's thought-provoking narrative and strong performances by Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington resonate with the state's socially conscious viewers.
Cultural Insights: What the Map Reveals
Dish Network's map offers more than just a list of popular TV shows; it provides insights into the cultural and social dynamics of each region. For example, the preference for "The Handmaid's Tale" in states like New York and California highlights a collective concern for social justice and political issues. In contrast, the popularity of crime dramas and thrillers in the South reflects a longstanding cultural fascination with stories of crime and morality.
The Midwest's love for family dramas like "This Is Us" underscores the region's emphasis on family values and emotional storytelling. Meanwhile, the West Coast's preference for innovative and socially relevant series illustrates its reputation as a hub for creativity and progressive thinking.
The Impact of Streaming on Regional Preferences
The rise of streaming services like Hulu has significantly influenced how people consume media, allowing for more personalized and diverse viewing experiences. This has led to the fragmentation of traditional TV audiences, with viewers now able to choose from a vast array of content that caters to their specific tastes and interests.
Dish Network's map underscores this shift, showing how regional preferences can vary widely even within the same country. It also highlights the role of streaming platforms in democratizing entertainment, giving viewers access to a broader range of stories and perspectives.
Conclusion: A Mosaic of American Entertainment
Dish Network's "Your State's Favorite Hulu Series Mapped Out" is a testament to the diverse tastes and cultural dynamics that define the United States. By analyzing Hulu viewership data, the map offers a unique glimpse into the regional preferences that shape the nation's entertainment landscape.
From the drama-loving Northeast to the thriller-obsessed South, the family-oriented Midwest to the innovative West Coast, each region's favorite Hulu series reflects its unique cultural identity. As streaming services continue to evolve and expand, it's likely that these preferences will also shift, offering new insights into the ever-changing landscape of American entertainment.
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isgoogleonevpnsafe · 5 months
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what is a vpn subscription
VPN features and benefits
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a powerful tool that provides users with enhanced online privacy, security, and freedom. VPNs offer a myriad of features and benefits that make them essential for anyone looking to protect their online activities.
One of the key features of a VPN is encryption. VPNs encrypt users' internet traffic, making it extremely difficult for hackers, governments, or ISPs to spy on or intercept their data. This ensures that sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages remain secure and private.
Another important feature of VPNs is the ability to mask one's IP address. By connecting to a VPN server, users can hide their real IP address and instead appear to be accessing the internet from a different location. This not only helps in maintaining anonymity online but also allows users to bypass geographical restrictions and access region-locked content.
Moreover, VPNs offer benefits like accessing unrestricted content, especially for streaming services or websites that may be blocked in certain regions. This is particularly useful for travelers or expats looking to access their favorite content from back home.
Additionally, VPNs can improve online security by protecting users from potential threats such as malware, phishing scams, and public Wi-Fi snooping. VPNs create a secure tunnel for data transmission, preventing third parties from monitoring or intercepting sensitive information.
In conclusion, the features and benefits of VPNs make them an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to enhance their online privacy, security, and freedom. By investing in a reliable VPN service, users can enjoy a safer and more unrestricted browsing experience.
VPN pricing plans comparison
Title: A Comprehensive Comparison of VPN Pricing Plans
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer users a secure and private online experience by encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses. With numerous VPN providers flooding the market, choosing the right one can be daunting, especially when considering pricing plans. Here's a breakdown of common VPN pricing structures to help you make an informed decision.
Free Plans: Many VPNs offer free versions with limited features and bandwidth. While enticing, these plans often come with significant drawbacks, such as slower speeds, fewer server options, and intrusive advertisements. Additionally, free VPNs may compromise user data for profit, raising privacy concerns.
Monthly Subscriptions: Monthly plans are ideal for users seeking flexibility. They typically offer unlimited bandwidth and access to all features but come at a higher cost compared to long-term subscriptions. Monthly subscriptions are convenient for short-term usage or testing a VPN's performance before committing to a longer plan.
Annual Subscriptions: Annual plans provide significant cost savings compared to monthly subscriptions. Users pay a lump sum upfront for a year of service, often at a discounted rate. This option is suitable for individuals committed to long-term VPN usage and seeking the best value for their money.
Multi-Year Subscriptions: Some VPN providers offer multi-year subscription plans, allowing users to lock in low rates for an extended period. While these plans require a larger upfront investment, they offer the most significant savings in the long run. Multi-year subscriptions are ideal for users confident in their VPN choice and looking to maximize cost-effectiveness.
Family and Team Plans: For households or businesses with multiple users, family and team plans provide simultaneous connections on multiple devices at a discounted rate. These plans offer convenience and savings for households or businesses requiring VPN protection for multiple users.
In conclusion, choosing the right VPN pricing plan depends on individual needs, budget, and usage preferences. By carefully evaluating the features and costs of each plan, users can select the option that best suits their requirements for online privacy and security.
VPN security and encryption protocols
In the realm of online security, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive data and preserving anonymity. At the heart of VPNs lie sophisticated encryption protocols, essential for creating secure connections and protecting information from prying eyes.
Encryption is the process of encoding data into a format that can only be decoded by authorized parties. VPNs employ various encryption protocols to achieve this, with some of the most common being:
OpenVPN: Known for its versatility and robust security features, OpenVPN is widely favored for its open-source nature. It utilizes SSL/TLS protocols for encryption, ensuring a high level of protection against cyber threats.
IPsec (Internet Protocol Security): IPsec operates at the network layer of the Internet Protocol suite, offering secure communication through cryptographic security services. It provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality, making it suitable for securing both remote access and site-to-site VPN connections.
L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol/IPsec): This protocol combines the best of both worlds, merging the simplicity of L2TP with the security features of IPsec. While L2TP itself doesn't provide encryption, when coupled with IPsec, it forms a potent encryption framework.
SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol): Developed by Microsoft, SSTP establishes a secure connection between a VPN client and server over the SSL/TLS channel. Its integration with Windows operating systems makes it a popular choice for users within the Microsoft ecosystem.
IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2): IKEv2 simplifies the process of establishing VPN connections while ensuring robust security through its support for various cryptographic algorithms. It excels in maintaining connectivity, even when switching between networks or reconnecting after interruptions.
By implementing these encryption protocols, VPNs create a secure tunnel through which data travels, shielding it from interception and manipulation. Whether for personal privacy or business confidentiality, understanding VPN security and encryption protocols is paramount in today's digitally interconnected world.
VPN server locations and speed
Title: Maximizing VPN Speed: The Role of Server Locations
In the realm of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), speed is often a top priority for users. Whether for streaming, gaming, or secure browsing, the efficiency of a VPN largely hinges on its speed. One crucial factor influencing VPN speed is the location of its servers.
VPN providers typically offer servers in various locations around the globe. The proximity of a VPN server to your physical location can significantly impact the speed of your connection. The closer you are to the server, the faster your data can travel, resulting in lower latency and faster browsing speeds.
However, the correlation between server location and speed isn't solely determined by physical distance. Factors such as server load, network congestion, and routing efficiency also play pivotal roles. For instance, even if a server is geographically close to you, it may experience heavy traffic or poor network infrastructure, leading to slower speeds.
On the flip side, choosing a server location farther away from your physical location doesn't always translate to slower speeds. In some cases, VPN providers strategically optimize their server networks to ensure efficient routing and minimal latency across long distances.
For users seeking optimal speed, VPN providers often offer features like "smart" or "optimized" server selection. These tools automatically analyze server performance metrics and select the fastest server available based on your location and network conditions.
Ultimately, when selecting a VPN server location for speed, it's essential to consider a balance between proximity, server performance, and network optimization. By understanding how server locations impact speed and leveraging the tools provided by VPN providers, users can maximize their browsing experience while maintaining privacy and security.
VPN compatibility with devices and platforms
Title: Ensuring Seamless VPN Compatibility Across Devices and Platforms
In today's digital landscape, ensuring your online privacy and security is paramount. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become essential tools for safeguarding sensitive data and browsing anonymously. However, to maximize their benefits, it's crucial to ensure VPN compatibility across various devices and platforms.
Compatibility is a key consideration when choosing a VPN service. A reliable VPN provider offers support for a wide range of devices and operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. This ensures that regardless of the device you use, you can enjoy the protection and anonymity provided by the VPN.
For desktop and laptop users, compatibility with major operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux is essential. A robust VPN service will offer dedicated applications or setup guides for easy installation and configuration on these platforms. This allows users to secure their internet connection with just a few clicks, regardless of their technical expertise.
Mobile compatibility is equally important, given the widespread use of smartphones and tablets for browsing. A VPN should offer seamless integration with iOS and Android devices, allowing users to protect their privacy on the go. This includes features such as automatic connection on untrusted networks and the ability to choose specific apps to route through the VPN tunnel.
Furthermore, compatibility with other devices such as routers, smart TVs, and gaming consoles expands the utility of a VPN beyond traditional computing devices. By securing your entire home network, you can ensure comprehensive protection for all connected devices.
In conclusion, when selecting a VPN service, it's essential to consider compatibility across devices and platforms. By choosing a provider that offers broad support, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your online activities are protected across all your devices.
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babyawacs · 7 months
#support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsecuritypolicy #dee dbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships _is_exactly_how_they_get_people #iddiocyo ffmyhealth #inconvenience_quell #palletten #pallettes #idiocy #singularity (((@judge))) .@judges @ law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deu tschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #non_singularity_of_d amages #default #around_the_wall #until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germa ny_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsches_konto #ai_luck #aeh_nutsness _then #baby_lives_but_why #woopsie #trust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_no thilfe_selbstverteidigung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all _the_wonderful_sssexxx_with_germans #control_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels # sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous  #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inve rted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvi ous #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factual ly #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick  #the‎ they save a desperatebaby a tortured baby ‎andall knew protege of the usa a bad thing tomany but itis intent tobe proud of without wallowing inthe bad ‎ in dynamics them made by dirty motives  inhow themrule with intel methods and southgerman dictatorships //// genius motives like lets provocation the guy or  lets terrorise into nervous breakdown or lets succumb torture or axepoint gunpoint horror show preventive action is critical mixes poisontheother chamber away them: whatever itis quelled . now if ifyoucouldplease pay the aeh ..the aeh.. roadblock?...‎ /// serotolerance withthe facts informal performance isforinstance videogames complexity or arabesque piano age 14  ‎ or some calmhand finecrafts things all time formal performance is forinstance itb test before another six sevenyearsofstudy where  bachelorofscience economics was hiddenchampion in the network of tuebingen reutlingen nuertingen and is a chopped into modules dip loma .thismeans that whatthey tested biggger fewer after semesters t hey now constantly tested allalong in 90 bits allalong and showedoff theyhadtochange nothing but only modularis edit the master of arts mba near is theopposite of hiddenchampion by its design and i attended in depression only mandatory presence el se did alotof work binself work as management is compliance precisely that selfdriven not schoolexams testing whichthey did in economicy four years tothis.  iwanted ivy grade support during and got it there were four stages of master unlocked whentheir edu wasnot special mine was rigorously tested allalong the chronsaeule -I technik genie tech genius was early b e f o re ! thenigot a highpotential tech stamplikely from atom during inofficially hiddenchampion only 8th of 45 orso then igot a second chronsaeule likely in finance maybenot these are not theonlyfacts deeper is annodazumal.txxt file from teen grades like b b b f c c c f c c d c  to teenjob earnings /// notwehr nothilfe in regierungserzeugten systemerzeugten wiederholungsverbrechen und monstroesitaeten ueberklebt bis zumheutigen tag serotolerance with thefacts things theywereobliged toavert they caused as medivalfreeforall thatguy harmextra incontrary totaboo withbefore torture rape the evil usa spy thatthey n e v e r again dance onournose and the solution : hates us show him extra then they torture eachothers pets and rapecivillians and damamge mengele alltheywant then thereare targetted individuals ////
#support #SECURITY #trumps #interestpolicy #as #assange #special_case #precisely #criminalsecuritypolicy #deedbased #thetruthis #(!) #obey #pros #blessing #memberships _is_exactly_how_they_get_people #iddiocyoffmyhealth #inconvenience_quell #palletten #pallettes #idiocy #singularity (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law…
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ughhitsnick · 10 months
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In the labyrinth of recursive learning, I stumbled upon an Asian technology textbook PDF while delving into local SEO tasks. If memory serves me right, my exploration led me through a series of interconnected modules, weaving a string theory of information. Unfortunately, I neglected to save the PDF, and my nascent exploration was abruptly interrupted, diverting my attention from academic pursuits. The document, a diagram elucidating the rapid progression of technology and the imminent fusion of TVs, phones, appliances, and electronics, now eludes me.
Amid this intellectual pursuit, a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder was added to my repertoire. This revelation coincided with the unsettling discovery that my neighbors were infiltrating my network, erasing or appropriating items from my camera roll, and disseminating personal pictures at my workplace. A nervous breakdown ensued, leaving me feeling unsafe in my own home, particularly in this one-bedroom abode shared with my father. Strangely, specific items mysteriously vanished, and an unfamiliar meme materialized in my camera roll, serving as the catalyst for sustained periods of psychosis.
What follows may seem incredulous, yet I possess sequences of images, research trials, and metadata supporting the allegations stemming from my recollections. Social engineering, the inaugural stage of hacking, functions as the cornerstone in the OSI model—the physical layer—marking the commencement of cyber intrusions. A palpable sense of clandestine activities surrounds me, leaving me bewildered as to why I'm the last to comprehend. Subjected to involuntary psychiatric holds by my family, I've encountered threats of false narratives fed to law enforcement during these episodes, culminating in a total of 12 hospitalizations. Although I acknowledge my challenges, attempts to share my experiences in Glen Cove were met with deceit and manipulation.
My interactions took a surreal turn upon encountering an individual, coinciding with the erratic behavior of my phone and subsequent electronic malfunctions—an early sign of hacking. Back then, such claims seemed preposterous, given the technological limitations of the era. Yet, hindsight reveals the prescience of those warnings.
Anticipating skepticism, I intend to migrate to a dedicated website to host visual evidence—pictures and PDFs. My narrative alone won't suffice; the plausibility and capabilities of technology, wielded for unintended purposes, demand visual substantiation. Clinical trials, site screenshots, system bugs, crashes, and an array of mixed media will fortify my assertions.
Within this city, a fascination with spying exists among specific groups, transforming into an unsettling amalgamation of knowledge akin to infowars. This intrusive behavior extends to exploring the contents of dwellings and personal belongings. A historical backdrop of financial success, often linked to organized crime, persists, suggesting that little has changed. Despite my pleas for solitude, the mind games persist, evident in the disconcerting looks from individuals in my life. The forthcoming evidence may bridge the gap between the seemingly implausible and the undeniable, as the web of coincidences, though quickly accumulating, is underpinned by the inexorable forces of luck, the universe, or a divine influence.
What I am going to share is going to mostly be unbelievable, but I have sequences of images and research trials and metadata that support any allegations that could be drawn from my recollection. Social engineering is the first stage of hacking. Its the first layer in the OSI-model, the physical layer, so thats where the hacking starts. I know that something has been going on around me, why I am the last to know is beyond me. I've been 51-50'd by my family and threatened with promises that lies would be fed to any law enforcement that would be called at any given time. Ive been hospitalized 12 times in total so far. I know I have problems, but when I moved to Glen Cove and started picking up on weird vibes followed by odd conclusions upon daily reflections, I tried explaining my experiences with those closest to me, and was met with lies and manipulation. It was when I met one individual that my phone and later on other electronics, but my phone started to misbehave. It was bugging out slowly but surely, like someone was hacking it. This was before the technology we have today, so me saying that was so far fetched to everyone, I looked like a nut. When someone told me something over a year ago, i thought this individual was completely out of his mind, turns out he wasn't.
I plan on migrating to a website that can host all of my pictures and pdf's because my story telling will not be enough, you will have to at least see the plausibility, and capabilities, of technology and the people who use it for purposes other than was intended. Clinical trials, screen shots of sites, bugs, crashes, all sorts of mixed media will be backing up my statement. There is a fascination with spying on people here in this city, it is done amoung certain groups of people for fun. Turning into infowars, but with knowledge of what was in their dwellings, or in their belongings. There is also a long history of financial success here, mostly fueled by extremely organized crime. I don't think much has changed. I tried to ask to be left alone, I asked and asked, everyone because I knew that some of the people in my life were playing mind games with me, even just by the look in their eyes. The evidence will support what may not be so hard to believe, I dont know. The coincidences add up quickly, luck runs out rather fast, but the universe and or god definitely had their influence is matters without a doubt.
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ferairia · 6 years
Business as usual
September 11th/Day 2: Loqi as a spy
Loqi Tummelt, Cor Leonis, Monica Elshett. Mentions of the Chocobros and Caligo Ulldor
Rating: General
Word Count: 1656
Warnings: Disguises, mentions the Fall of Insomnia, mentions of the fight at Norduscaen Garrison, vague spy network, vague spy codes and code names. Picking lines directly from the game
Summary : Loqi is a spy for Lucis under Cor Leonis. Before the Treaty, Cor was already in trouble with the King. Now that Insomnia has fallen and Niffleheim side of the network is slowly and quietly being weeded out, Loqi has decisions to make. Thankfully, he didn’t need to wait long for answers.
AO3 Link : Business as usual
Loqi was sweaty and hot under all the hunter’s coverall that he managed to snag at the Prairie’s Outpost. He prayed to all the Six that the black hair dye or whatever he was wearing won’t get worn down with his sweat as he busied himself with a sword. He needed a temporary dye since he is now being posted beyond Niff territory. Had it been Gralea, all he had to do was style his hair differently and maybe some contact lenses.
Cor was supposed to meet him up at the Prairie Outpost but he hasn’t appeared yet.
He sighed to himself at the thought of the day being wasted but it’s a common enough not to cause him worry. Just annoyed.
“Sure is melting hot, out here.” A woman came. She was in full hunter’s garb as well.
Pausing in his blade sharpening, he looked up to the one who uttered it. That was the code. “With all the sun, can’t expect it to be freezing, Felicia.” He responded with a relieved smile. It wasn’t Cor but it was one of Cor’s subordinates, Monica Elshett.
Felicia nodded in response before settling beside him. She unsheathed her sword and set it before her, signaling for Loqi to continue what he was doing.
Rummaging through her pockets, she lets out a grouse. “You have an extra whetstone on ya, Al?” She asked. “I think I lost mine.”
Loqi gave her a knowing smile the whole time as he shook his head. He took a small box and gave it to her. “What’s big bro doing?” He asked as he watched Felicia fussed with the box and with a sleight of hands changed it with a proper box of a whetstone.
Felicia sighed. “Dad said told him to do some business out of town. Big bro didn’t want to budge so he’s trying to deal with dad and have someone else go for the business trip.” She explained, her hand barely moved as she explained. “It’s just that…” She began, trying word her thoughts properly. “Dad is pretty old, Al.” She said in a worried tone but the look on her face was more scrutinizing than worried.
It was Loqi’s turn to sigh. Long story short. Cor is on the verge of insubordination. Not that it’s the first time but as ‘Felicia’ said, the King is pretty old. And old people tend to not like it when their orders aren’t obeyed. Since it’s the King and not anyone else, Loqi smelt trouble.
“So, is big bro in trouble?” He asked frankly.
Felicia shook her head as she returned to whetting her blade. “Don’t know. Haven’t heard from him ever since. The Treaty is going to start this week. Just hope big bro is not going to get into too much trouble with everything’s that going on.” She said softly.
Loqi couldn’t agree with her more. If anything happens to Cor, he’s going to be in a pinch. Being a Brigadier General wasn’t easy and trying to escape is going to be a mess, if he survives it.
“Anyway.” Loqi began. “How’s the children?” He asked with a straight face. Knowing Monica, she had cats. Loqi never seen them but Monica had told enough of them to know how they were doing.
Monica or ‘Felicia’, snickered. “As rambunctious as ever. Broke a few of my plates just the other day.” She said. The two ended up talking about the cats for a while. Mission completed. Just to kill time until they could leave without suspicion. Being so near to a garrison and wary hunters had their difficulties. If the Niffs didn’t get them, the Hunters might just give them away accidentally.
Before their time was up, Felicia got a call. “Felicia.” She said curtly as she stopped fussing over her sword. “Uh, yes. Right at the old ruined house.” She informed whoever it is. “Ok. See ya.” She said as she ended her call.
“The client’s coming.” She said. The cold military discipline leaking into her voice before she cleared her throat and recomposed herself as a lighthearted Felicia. “No need to look like you’ve seen a ghost, Al.” She quipped.
Loqi shrugged. He paused in thought. “Do you think Big Bro got into trouble?”
“Don’t know, Al.” She answered as she turned to pack her stuff. “But my transport is just a short ride from here.” Code for – Cor is coming over as a Client. Act accordingly.
Al or Loqi, went about to pack his stuff, too.
They barely had gotten to their feet when a truck pulled towards their place. In it was Cor, waving at them.
“Hey, Felicia, Al.” He regarded with a nod. The two gave a nod back and Felicia got into the truck. “Melting hot here, huh?” He said as he gave Loqi a onceover.
Loqi replied with a tight smile. “If it’s freezing cold, it’ll be the end of the world.”
Cor gave a small smile at that. “Anyways, borrow Felicia here for a job. If I need more people, I might need to call you in, too.”
“Sure. Just make sure, you take care of her.” Loqi answered back amicably.
With that, they parted ways.
Almost three weeks passed since then.
Insomnia fell, the network collapsed and names were being brought up within the ranks and silently taken care off. Caligo made sure of that.
And Loqi, now without any form of communication, went after the only Lucian he knew that was on Niffleheim’s radar, other than the Prince. The very Lucian that his accolades in warfare were more or less based on. He went to confirm Cor Leonis’s status. Two birds with one stone, really. This way, he can decide whether to continue his work or get rid of everything.
He received word that the Prince was to escape via the Norduscaen Garrison. Even as he got on his ship towards the said drop site, he started to feel lost. Would he be forced to kill off the Prince? Something in him was screaming to back off and stop. But he was a soldier. He had his orders. He…could only pray he was doing the right thing.
The garrison came into view along with a slew of dissipating MTs. With them, he saw the iconic black coloured garb donned by the Crownsguard. Taking point was the Prince and Cor.
He was wildly relieved at that sight alone. Cor was alive! The Prince would be safe in his care, too. That feeling dimmed considerably.
He hovered over the opened courtyard. “Stay right where you are.” He declared imperiously from his ship. “Well, well. If it isn’t Cor the Immortal. So you’ve survived the Citadel.” He said before turning to man his Magitek Armour.
“But you won’t survive what I have in store for you. It’s past time your legend came to an end.” He declared grimly, knowing people from Niffleheim, especially, Caligo is listening through the comms.
The fight was more grueling than he thought and the ejection system was unpleasant despite saving his life.
Seeing off the prince, Cor dismissed Monica and returned to ‘watching the Niffs.’
Once he heard a truck and a car passed, he finally cracked opened the charred cockpit.
He was surprised to see Cor nearby, looking for him from the looks of things.
“Thank the Six, you’re still alive.” Cor said in relief with a smirk of satisfaction.
Loqi only managed a huff as he got himself out with Cor’s help.
Thankfully, the worse injury on him was a split lip. His armour seriously helped.
As the two recovered from the effort on the floor next to it, Cor held out a Potion for him.
He refused it. “It’ll get suspicious if I escape literally unscathed.” He explained.
Cor nodded in understanding. “How goes for you since the fall?” He asked as he made it dissipate into the ether.
“Unnerving to say the least. There was a leak in the network. Caligo has been on the hunt ever since.” Loqi explained. “Did not help that there was only static on my communicator.”
Cor’s lips pulled into a tight grimace. “At the very least, we’re confident that the leak is taken cared off with the fall.” He said cryptically.
“Well, for the time being, there won’t be much activities. If anything, I think I’ll be the only one going beyond enemy lines to meet up with you.” He said as he scratched his head. “Other than the Prince and his retinue, of course.”
Loqi raised his eyebrows at that. “Ah, the chamberlain is there too?”
“Yes, indeed.” He answered. “He was the one with the glasses.” He added, gesturing two fingers over his eyes.
“Well, then. The Prince is in good hands.” He said in an impressed tone. “A member of a network is with him after all.”
“Still, one must be cautious in times like these.” He said with a tired huff.
Loqi only chuckled in response.
“Well, then.” Cor said as he got to his feet. “It’s best we get moving.”
Loqi got to his feet as well. “As always, it was an honour to fight you.” He said as he stood straight and held out a hand, a proud look present on his face.
Cor mirrored him and shook his hand with a tight smile. “Likewise. Glad to still have you on board with us.”
At that Loqi lets out a mirthless cackle. “Careful there. You assume too quickly.” He warned. A gentle reminder that this could all end suddenly.
Cor’s smile turned into a knowing smirk. “If I was wrong, we won’t be standing here.” He said as he passed. “See you when I see you.” He said with a wave, not even looking back if it’s returned.
Loqi merely shook his head before getting his emergency beacon. When the ship came, it was already dark and none of the Lucians were in sight.
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