#square aquarium
beatriceportinari · 1 year
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Origami jellyfish, one square sheet of elephant hide paper. Colors are inspired by Thysanostoma loriferum. Zoom in to see the glitter!
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shiinxart · 1 year
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the beautiful rosa of the monterey bay aquarium <3
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montereybayaquarium · 2 years
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Happy 50th Anniversary, @noaasanctuaries! Thank you for conserving these essential ecosystems—we’re so lucky to call the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary our home 💙
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killerchickadee · 15 days
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Sometimes you gotta look at your (tiny, crowded, messy) space and go yeah. This is alright.
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coyotydave · 1 year
Yellow-footed Tortoise by Coyoty Via Flickr: Chelonoidis denticulata. At the Pittsburgh Zoo in Pittsburgh, PA.
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sweetbabymantykes · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day
Happy valentine's day! For me it was another day of wanting what Steven and Wallace have while watching this week's league battle analyses but that's fine. Maybe next year.
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prompt-heaven · 7 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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jounetyfinder · 1 year
Melbourne Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Melbourne – this much-loved Aussie city has long taken residency atop the ‘world’s most livable cities’ list. Follow our journey … source
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strangestcase · 10 months
tomblr discourse in the monster high universe must be something else.
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💝​ lalalala Follow
What would I do without cherry smoothies... probably die again 💔​
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
Of freaking course the frilly daywalker is a vegan 😒​ bet you do witchcraft too you dirty hippie
💝​ lalalala Follow
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
WTF is that lol
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
i t burns. wh at did you do to me .
💝​ lalalala Follow
17k notes
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🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Ok but Dead Fast: Night of the Living (2002) has no business being considered the worst Dead Fast movie when the MCU (Murder Cinematic Universe) not only retconned his origin story to make him a virus zombie rather than a curse zombie (which throws off his entire arc about being something more than his deeds!) AND made him be allied with B.L.I.G.H.T. of all organizations because Like say what you will about NOTL and the forced heterosexual romantic plot but at least 1) it gets what makes Dead Fast a hero and 2) GIVES HIS LOVE INTEREST A PERSONALITY AND SOMETHING TO DO
🕷️ 8legscomix Follow
Also they made the villain Dr. Igorable's motivations so laughable like..... so his wife got turned into a zombie and he wants to cure her? Ok? Did she ask for it? She doesn't even have any groaning lines. Im not even a zombie but that was offensive as hell. Like in the original comics he wants to straight up undo all forms of zombism forever
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
NO FR LIKE....... so suddenly the eugenics obsessed human is tragic because being a zombie must be such a tragedy you guyyyysssss -_- and wanting to get rid of an entire monster type is ok. I swear that movie has turned monster attitudes towards zombies back into the 80s
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
I am not sure if I'm overstepping here but, furthermore, the addition of Pendulum to the movie was unnecesary. Stereotyping shapeshifters as untrustworthy and traitorous is something of a past era. Either leave the character behind, or change it entirely.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Jackson I love you and I love your takes. but you type like a Victorian in his deathbed ;-;
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
The MCU is so dreadful, it's irrevocably turned me into one.
#It has also substracted years off my lives.
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
^ aquarium!
#lagoona's originals #ocean #sealife #ah-! so refreshing <- aesth tag
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Not to vague anyone but some of you have to shut the freak up about the ocean. You don't see me making little dioramas of the Malebolge because I'm not a little cringelet like you lmao
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
If you don't freaking love the ocean don't follow the ocean tag. Yes that goes for @666firepit666, square up and fight me if you're so brave Heath!!!!
#lagoona's originals #personal #more skulls for my skull collection!!!
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Day 1 no toxic doomed yuri
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
#stop reblogging this
80k notes
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🔩​ stitchez Follow
Got a new arm! Can't wait to try it out!
🐯 ninelives Follow
try it out how 🤨​
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Building a wretched creature out of corpses, of course!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
OH that was a double entendre! You should be ashamed of yourself!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
I would never use my arms for violent purposes!
54 notes
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Lagoona dragged me into the pool and now my hair is out 😡​
🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Skull issue.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
skull issue
👻​ ghostlygossip01 Follow
Skull issue. Take the L
💝​ lalalala Follow
Skull issue ^-^
🐯 ninelives Follow
skull issue lmao
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Skull issue! I dont know what that means but I'm sure it relates to your experience!
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Your own cousin 🥲​
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
105 notes
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💎​ scarab-g1rl Follow
Alright, who stole my sinister amulet?
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momotonescreaming · 1 year
Modern au where Steve is a part time aquarium mermaid.
He's studying to be a marine biologist or something, living in a big city, loves swimming, loves the ocean, and leapt at the chance to work at his local aquarium. Even if most of his job is swimming around in a long, dark blue, mermaid tail. Merman tail? And honestly? He kind of loves it. He gets to swim amongst the tropical fish, gets to wave at kids and do tricks in the water. The aquarium discount is nice too.
Eddie always thought the ocean was cool growing up. It seemed freeing, even if he was never very good at swimming. When he was little, before he moved in with Wayne full time, apparently he had told his uncle he wanted to be a fish when he grew up. And being a poor kid in a landlocked state, he didn't exactly get the opportunity to go to the beach, or visit those big aquariums, and his interest in the ocean sort of stagnated there.
So when he got older, and him and Wayne moved to the city, his uncle got him an annual pass to the aquarium. And Eddie was going to make sure Wayne got his money's worth.
So on weekends off or afternoons after work, he'd go to the aquarium. Watch the penguins being fed, or the keeper talks in the otter enclosure. Walk through the tanks and watch the fish. And then at the end he'd sit on the bench by the huge tank they have with all the different sorts of fish in them. And he'd put on his headphones and listen to music, or pull out a notebook and work on a dnd campaign as he watches the fish.
One day, a gaggle of young kids rush in excitedly, chattering about how excited they are to see the mermaids. Eddie furrows his brow until he sees a person in the tank, peering around the coral and the rocks with his brown hair flowing around his head. He swims closer, and that's when Eddie sees the navy blue merman tail the guy is wearing. Hugging his legs, and blending in seamlessly with his waist. A girl swims out after him, in a matching pink tail and shell bikini top. They wave and blow kisses at the kids, doing twirls and flips and tricks.
And listen, Eddie's got eyes. The dude is hot as hell. Nice toned muscles, tanned skin dotted with moles, square jaw. He's exactly Eddie's type, but he's working, and in a fishtank, so Eddie sits and watches.
Eddie keeps visiting the aquarium in his free time, and by coincidence he keeps ending up in front of the tank when the mermaid and the hot merman is there. And the guy waves at him, and smiles, and Eddie shyly smiles back with a lil wave of his own. And Eddie swears it's almost like the guy is happy to see him. Not just putting on the act.
One day when the hot merman shows up, Eddie has been doodling fish in his sketchbook. And fuck it, he sketches the merman. He's hot and Eddie's an artist. Why not right? Only when he looks up, the merman is right up by the glass, watching him. They lock eyes, and the guy mimes at him in a watery version of charades. Are you drawing?. And Eddie nods, before taking a deep breath and flipping the sketchbook around so the guy can see. The merman squints as he looks before his eyes widen as he points at himself. You drew me?. Eddie nods again, blushing faintly, and watches as the guy gets all flustered and then pretends to swoon in the water. Eddie goes to sit back down and the guy swims off to get some air.
Later, Eddie's still drawing, listening to music on full blast through his headphones, completely in the zone, when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He jumps, startled, and turns to see the merman in front of him, wearing jeans and a polo, looking a little sheepish. He apologizes for startling him, his name's Steve. And fuck, if he isn't prettier up close.
Eddie introduces himself, and the guy - Steve - asks him sort of sheepishly if he actually drew him? It was sort of hard to see through the water and the glass. Eddie says yeah he did, sorry if that's creepy, but drawing and watching the tank makes his brain quiet. It's calming.
And Steve says he get it. He gets Eddie. And they chat, and they flirt, and at the end, Eddie asks Steve if he wants to see the drawing, if he wants to keep it. And Steve light up, and he looks so happy, so before he can think to hard about it - Eddie writes his name and cellphone number on the bottom of the page - and rips it out and hands it to Steve.
And Steve beams.
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captorations · 1 year
okay so re: lobster immortality there's got to be a way to crack this. like, they've done half the work already, yeah? they don't age, they grow until they are no longer able to muster the energy to shed.
i see three issues. the first is the square-cube law. proportional growth becomes exponential for volume and surface area. if allowed to grow indefinitely, a lobster will quickly find itself overly burdened by gravity. this can be fixed by launching it into space. an orbital aquarium, perhaps lunar as a temporary measure.
secondly, as the creature grows larger, it will likely require more nutrients than it can feasibly absorb. this is easily fixable through cybernetic implants, adding new methods of intaking nourishment as necessary.
and finally, the molting. the thing is that you can't just, like, help it molt when it can't do it by itself. it has to initiate the process, form an exoskeleton under its current one, or breaking its shell will kill it. you have to make its metabolism think it has enough energy to molt, then provide at least enough energy for it to actually manage the first part while you handle the second. the solution here is obviously cocaine. or the lobster equivalent of cocaine.
of course, a lobster under these conditions would still very likely take hundreds of years to grow. it would not be a project a single human could see through. unless they did something crazy like transfer their consciousness into the lobster's brain. but that's veering just a bit too far into the hypothetical.
so what i'm saying is that a cocaine-fueled cyborg titan lobster deployable from orbit may not be a benefit of being a marine biologist, but it *may* be a benefit of being a marine biologist's great-great-great-great-great-grandchild.
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hitoshitoshi · 1 month
Rafayel at the Aquarium [Rafayel x Reader]
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Rafayel thought he would be able to impress you with all of his knowledge on sea/ocean life since he was a Lemurian who knew anything and everything there was to know about the underwater world... except for the fact that he didn't take into account this one important factor. His jealousy. Rafayel would get jealous of you admiring fish at the aquarium even though it was his idea to take you on a date there.
Rafayel would be all pouty and huffy as he rolls his eyes whenever you compliment a fish. "So what, bodyguard, it can swim around in circles - I can swim. Do you want to see me swim around in circles too?" "Oh you think that fish is pretty? Do you think I'm pretty too, bodyguard?" "Bodyguard, I don't know why you're so mesmerized by some stupid fish with their stupid gills, swimming in their stupid tanks. They're just stupid fat fish - anyone can be a stupid fat fish. Glubglubglub. What's so good about them?"
Rafayel would 100% try to square up a fish if it were to touch you in any way even if you were the one who put your hand in the tank to pet them. You would ask Rafayel to join in on a selfie with you and a fish and he would purposefully stand in the way of the fish so it's just you and him.
Rafayel would glare at the fish in the fish tank if they even swam near you. Then, when you and Rafayel walk away, when you're not looking, he would look back at the fish and give it a smug look because you were his bodyguard. No one else's. The second that the date is over, Rafayel makes sure that he never takes you to the aquarium again.
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If you like otome games, including Love and Deepspace, you should join Linkon Lounge! A discord server that's LGBTQ+ friendly (only serving those who are 18+) where we all can share our interests, talk to roleplaying bots (Caleb, Rafayel, Zayne, Xavier, and Sylus), and have fun game, movie, and stream nights where we stream games and/or cards that we pulled that others want to see. It would be super fun to have you as a member of our server.
Click here to Join Linkon Lounge! Masterlist
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cheolism · 2 years
picture of innocence
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✧ seungcheol x afab reader
✧ summary: you were the picture of innocence to seungcheol, and when you walked around in that robe he just can't help but to try and ruin that picture.
✧ wc is approx 2.6k
✧ warnings: corruption kink, innocence kink. sex without protection, clothed sex. dom! seungcheol. vulgar language, dirty talk. pet names (baby girl, princess, baby). oral sex (seungcheol giving), cumming inside. innocent reader, dirty-minded and possessive seungcheol.
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Seungcheol loved how innocent you were. 
He loved how when you saw stray casts you dropped to your knees, singing out cute little words of praise and beckoning them. He loved watching you giggle with delight at the aquarium as you pet the stingrays, encouraging him to join you. Seungcheol loved it when you came running to him, a random flower in your hand and presenting it to him. 
He loved how you chewed at your lip, unaware of how he watched your tongue run over the corners of your mouth. He loved it when you laced your arm through his and hung onto him, the sense of pride that flooded his heart after. He loved watching you absentmindedly lick at your ice cream spoon, unaware of how he imagined your tongue running over his dick, savoring it like you did the ice cream. 
He loved watching you leave the bathroom wearing that stupid robe he got you for Christmas. 
It came to the back of your knees, brightly colored pink with orange tabby cats printed on it. It had fluff around the collar, which despite how tightly you had tied the robe strings around your waist, gaped. Seungcheol could see the expanse of your collar, the sweet valley between your breasts and the beginning of the gentle curve of a breast. 
You pranced over to him, grinning brightly and oblivious to how his eyes were caught on that space revealed by your robe. You reached out and ran your fingers through his long strands, tilting his head and pressing your lips to his temple. 
“Love you,” you murmured, eyes shining as you pulled away. 
Yes, Seungcheol loved how innocent you were. How you were completely, utterly ignorant to how he looked at you. How his mind filled with images of him shoving the hem of your robe up, fingers burying themselves into your pussy as he fucked you over the couch. 
“Love you, too,” Seungcheol returned. 
He watched as you pulled away, satisfied. You turned your back to him and left for your shared bedroom. The robe did nothing to hide your curves; the shape of your hips. The strings of your robes were tightly wound around his waist, revealing the smallness of it. The fabric of the robe clung to your ass, hugging it, and Seungcheol wished it was his hands so tightly pressed against your ass and not the robe. 
Seungcheol was up and moving from the couch, not really knowing what he was doing. He couldn’t really think, not with his dick swelling against his sweats. 
You were laying on your stomach on the bed, staring at your screen. Your feet dangled off of the bed. The robe was in disarray around your middle, and Seungcheol knew for a fact that if he were to turn you over it would reveal all of you. 
He squared himself to the bed, hands settling on your ankles. You startled, turning and giving him a smile. “Hi, Cheolie!”
“Hi, princess,” he murmured. You tried to turn in his hold, but he tightened his hold on your ankles. “Stay still, baby.”
You tilted your head. 
You had no idea. 
Seungcheol adjusted his grip on your ankles, and then he was yanking you down the bed. You let out a loud breath of laughter as he moved you until your as was on the edge of the bed. “Seungcheol! What are you doing?”
He pressed himself closer, hands settling on your lower hips. Your robe had ridden up, the hem of it hugging the swell of your ass. One shoulder had completely fallen, revealing half of your back to him. Seungcheol’s dick seemed to throb, and he couldn’t help but press forward and grind his dick against your clothed ass. 
“Cheol!” You gasped, eyes wide. You looked like a deer caught in headlights, as if you didn’t expect this. 
Seungcheol couldn’t help the little smirk on his face. He flipped up the skirt of your robe, revealing the swell of your ass. You protested, a little pout on your face. “Be serious, Princess. You knew this was going to happen as soon as you put that little robe on.”
“Seung --”
He pinched the fat of your ass, drawing out a little cry. “You can’t just go around taunting me like this and expect me not to do nothing. Now you’re going to sit here and take it like the good girl you are. Aren’t you, Princess?”
Then his hands -- his large hands that you constantly fawned over -- went to your thighs, his fingers digging in. He pried them apart, revealing the little heaven that laid between your legs. 
A sigh left you, and you relaxed in his hold. You moved your thighs to his will, resting your head against the bed. 
Seungcheol went to his knees, dragging his hands down your skin. The inside of your thighs was warm, and when he brushed his fingers against your pussy he couldn’t help the little groan that escaped him from how hot it felt. He lowered his face, pressing his lips against the inside of your thigh. 
“Cheol,” You sighed. 
Seungcheol began pressing kisses to your thighs, alternating between them both. He couldn’t help but nibble against one, drawing a low groan out of you. He grinned against your skin at the noise. He then stuck his tongue out, running it down the inside of your thigh, breathing in the sweetness of your cunt and the scent of your body wash. 
“Tell me what you want, Babygirl,” he commanded. His voice was deep, coming from his stomach. Seungcheol’s dick still throbbed, angry that he wasn’t shoving it inside of you already. “Use your words.”
“Please,” you gasped. You twisted against the bed. “Can you please -- can you please use your tongue on me? Please?”
Again, Seungcheol loved how innocent you were. How even with him on his knees for you, breathing in the scent of your pussy, innocence and purity dripped from you. 
It always made him feel powerful when you were like this. It made him feel like the strongest man in the world when you were in awe over his muscles; when you so sweetly begged for him.
He settled both of his hands on the insides of your thighs, opening up your lips and presenting your cunt. Seungcheol couldn’t help but appreciate it for a moment, how it glistened and gaped, how both your mouth and cunt seemed to beg for him. 
Then Seungcheol pressed his tongue down on your clit; you squealed. He dragged it up the length of your pussy, collecting juices. When you struggled against him, pleasure sending your body quivering, Seungcheol grabbed the flesh of your thighs and pinched it. 
“Be good or I’ll make you take my cock dry,” he ordered. 
Another gush of fluids left you, a little high-pitched noise escaping your mouth. “Seungcheol, please. I’ll be good.”
“I know you will, Princess.” He ducked down to your cunt once again. He pressed his tongue to your cunt, licking and tasting. Seungcheol ignored your clit, dipping his tongue in and out of your hole, devouring you whole. 
He ate you the only way he knew how to: earnestly. Seungcheol worked his mouth against you quickly, kissing and tonguing your cunt like he would your mouth. You were whining, shifting constantly, trying to grind back on him. 
Eating your pussy, to Seungcheol, was second only to fucking you open. He loved using his fingers in you, loved stretching you out and watching you face contort in ecstasy. But there was something about making you whine and cry with just his mouth, feeling your juices collect and drip down his chin, smear against his cheeks. 
“Ch --” You struggled to speak, canting your hips back against him. Seungcheol didn’t relent his pace, slurping loudly against you. “Ch -- Cheol!”
He hummed against you. Seungcheol shifted before thrusting his tongue deep inside of you, trying to curling it and collecting. 
“Gotta talk to me,” He murmured, mouth brushing against your pussy. “Gotta use your words for me to know what you want, babygirl.”
He knew what you wanted. Seungcheol always knew. He prided himself on knowing what you wanted before you did. He loved being able to provide for you, whether it be pressing a bottle of water into your hands on a hot day or wrapping his arms around you after a bad dream. 
“Touch me? Please, Seungcheol, touch me.”
Seungcheol hummed again. “Already touching you, baby.” You let out a high whine. “Come on, babygirl. Gotta use your words.”
You whispered something into the blankets. Seungcheol pretended not to hear. “Gotta speak up, babygirl.”
“My clit!” You cried out, voice strained. Your pussy fluttered, clenching. “Please, Seungcheol!”
Seungcheol grinned against your cunt, breathing in your smell. Then he was shifting, one hand moving to open your pussy lips and the other resting on the outside of your pussy. He wiggled his finger against your lip, the very tip of it brushing against your clit. 
You let out a sob. “Seungcheol! Cheol, please, please, please --”
He reattached his mouth to your hole, tongue plunging into you. Seungcheol’s thumb went under your hood, pressing meanly against your clit. You shuddered against him, hips careering back and pressing into him. 
Seungcheol worked his thumb boldly against your clit, rubbing fast and hard, tongue continuing to gather your juices. You were frantically moving your hips, loud noises in the approximation of words escaping you and filling the bedroom. 
Your voice broke, a loud gasp leaving you. Juices gushed out of your pussy, staining his lower face. Seungcheol continued to work you, thumb and tongue relentless. He didn’t stop until you were straining against him, orgasm over and trying to pull away. 
Seungcheol pressed a kiss to your pussy, trailing his lips from your drenched core to your thighs. He stood, hands running up your thighs and smoothing over your ass. He pushed your robe from where it fell, revealing your ass once again. “How was that, babygirl?”
“Good,” you hummed, voice soft. You wiggled, turning your head to look at him out of the corner of your eye. Tears stained your face, eyes red. Still you gave him a shy smile. “Always so good to me, Cheol.”
Seungcheol smoothed his hands over your ass again. “You were so good too, baby. Are you going to keep being good and let me fuck that soaking pussy of yours?”
You nodded. Seungcheol squeezed your ass one last time. Then he settled his hands on your hips, guiding you to turn around. You obediently followed him, letting Seungcheol maneuver you. 
As he had thought, your robe had become undone. The strings of it were loose, revealing your breasts and throat. Your robe was somewhat closed around your middle, but barely. 
Carelessly, Seungcheol reached down and tugged one of your robe strings. He pulled it loose, opening your robe further and revealing your torso. 
You shifted against the bed, hands clenching. Seungcheol couldn’t help the dark chuckle that escaped him. “You embarrassed, baby? Embarrassed about me seeing you naked? Even though I’ve fucked you a hundred times before?”
You breathed out his name breathlessly. Seungcheol pulled you back down the bed, your legs wrapping around his middle. He shoved down his sweats, letting them gather around his knees. His cock immediately slapped against his stomach, furious and red. 
Seungcheol’s hand went to his dick, thumb rubbing against his head and gathering the leaking precum. “You embarrassed, baby, even though I know you dream of my cock when you’re asleep? Even though I’ve fucked your pussy raw before?”
“Please,” You asked, voice sweet and eyes wide. 
He tugged at his cock a handful of times. “God. Should keep you here like this all the time. Keep you wet and open for me, for my cock.”
‘Cheol,” You were pleading. It was sweeter than any honey. “Please, just put it in.”
“Put it in?” Seungcheol smirked, lips twisting. “Want me to stuff your pussy with my cock? Want me to fill your dripping cunt?”
You were nodding frantically, eyes wide and mouth parted. Seungcheol pressed forward, tugging at his dick and pressing the head against your cunt. “You sure, babygirl? Sure you want me to fill your cunt with my dick? Want to feel my dick stretching you out?”
His name was pouring from your lips like a prayer. You were begging, and he couldn’t help the little thrill that that gave him. Knowing that you, beautiful, sweet you, were begging for him to fuck you and fill you, for him to defile you. 
Slowly, Seungcheol began to feed his cock into your pussy. His hands went to your hips, eyes watching as your pussy eagerly took him. You were clenching around him, pussy beating like a heart, ready to milk him. 
He took a few moments for you to adjust to his length. Seungcheol watched your chest heave, eyes shut. 
You bucked your hips against him. Seungcheol took it as the signal it was, his hands gripping your hips and fingers digging in. He withdrew his cock from your pussy, until just the head rested in your hole. Then Seungcheol snapped his hips forward, driving his cock in and sheathing it all at once. 
“Seungcheol!” You cried out, back arching. Your hands scrambled against the bed, collecting the blankets and sheets, trying to grab hold of something. 
“That’s it,” he murmured. He kept his grip on you, the bed creaking as he kept bringing your hips to meet his, snapping into you. 
You took all of his cock like a good girl, pussy clenching around him. Seungcheol shifted, moving to prop one hand against the bed, pushing your leg up higher and letting him reach deeper in you. Your moans were loud, joining his pants as he drove into you, cockhead bruising your g-spot. 
Seungcheol felt the tension in him rising, balls tightening. He reached down and began rubbing at your clit at the same pace as his thrusts, unforgivable. “Gonna cum for me, pretty girl? Gonna soak my cock? Be a good girl and cum for me, and I’ll fill you up. Will fill you up and fuck my cum into you.”
You began sobbing, thrashing on the bed. He pressed down on you, using his weight to keep you from moving too much. Seungcheol watched as tears began to leak from your eyes, mouth going wide as an orgasm ripped through you. 
He continued to fuck you through it, refusing to slow his pace. The sound of his hips slapping against you nearly drowned out your little cries of over stimulation, the soft little mewls escaping your lips and imprinting on his mind. 
Seungcheol thrusted thrice more, and then he was bearing down on you and fill you with as much of his cock as possible. You panted in his ear as Seungcheol filled you with his cum, cock pulsing and your pussy eagerly drinking. 
He didn’t move once finished, keeping you plugged. Eventually Seungcheol gently guided your leg down, letting your body relax. When he withdrew from your cunt, his cum flooded out and leaked from your pussy, mixing with your juices. 
Seungcheol watched as you reached down, tentatively prodding at your hole. He felt bad at the wince that overtook you, but then you scooped up the mixture of his cum and your fluids, bringing it up to your mouth and tasting it. 
Later, after Seungcheol fucked you once more on the bed, in the shower and then on the counter in the bathroom, you would whine and pout at how sore you were. You’d stick out your lip at Seungcheol, calling him a brute, painting yourself as a picture of innocence. 
He’d attend to you, dutiful as ever. He’d get you water and a heating pad, setting it on your lower back. Seungcheol would press kisses to your hair, brushing his fingers over the bruises he left on your neck from his mouth. He’d apologize, believing in your innocence, oblivious as you applauded yourself on a well-executed plan.
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neptuneiris · 1 year
cardigan (epilogue) (1/2)
i knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired, and you'd be standin' in my front porch light.
pairing: modern!aemond × best friend reader!
summary: being in love with your best friend since high school becomes a strong and unavoidable feeling. until it starts to become more difficult when you get to college and the two of you, especially him, meet new people.
word count: 9.9K
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obviously i didn't expect this to be too long hahaha, even i was surprised, i didn't realize it was too much. so i decided to make the epilogue in two parts. thank u all so much por reading❤
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Life in Highgarden could not have exceeded your expectations more.
At first you felt like you were supposed to when you came to live in a new city: terrified, anxious and nervous. You didn't want to feel lonely, but it was inevitable considering you know nothing and no one.
And when you arrive at your new dorm, you immediately loved it. Your room is bigger than the one at King's Landing and you have a beautiful view with lots of trees around and green grass.
Highgarden is well known for the fantastic flora and fauna. Everything is green, there are big trees and beautiful plants, there are even lakes and the weather ¡is perfect.
Yet you didn't have much time to get to know the city, because a week after you arrived, your classes started. And a week after you started your classes, you started your internship.
You met Arthur Winslow, the psychologist responsible of your internship, owner of a mental clinic for children, teenagers and adults.
He explained to you from the beginning that, once you were prepared, you would be present in cases of children and teenagers as well as adults to start your experience.
In addition, you would also support him in administrative things, such as his schedule, phone calls and so on. The pay is at a fair price, so it's perfect.
And as a result of Aileen and Sara not making it into the exchange program, you made new friends in your classes.
Although even if your friends had gotten in, Aileen would have chosen to go to Dorne and Sara to Winterfell, so you started talking to the people in your class.
They all came from different parts of the country, only a very few came from King's Landing and you didn't really talk to them much.
And after the first month passed, you just couldn't get any better.
You adjusted perfectly to your internship, to your classes which are wonderful and you also made good friends very quickly with whom you finally had that security to go around Highgarden almost in its entirety.
You went to many places, whether it was squares, parks, museums, lakes and even aquariums. Everything was so beautiful.
You took pictures, videos, made compilations with all your visits to upload to your Instagram, and even went out for fun on weekends to parties and bars with your friends.
You kept in touch with your friends at King's Landing and also let your parents know what you were doing by sending them pictures, videos and also talking to them on the phone.
Even Helaena messaged you by replying to one of your Instagram stories asking how you were doing and how you were doing at Highgarden.
Also her older brother messaged you, Aegon. He asked you how you were doing and also told you that he hasn't seen you in a while.
In truth with Aegon you did not speak much and fortunately neither of the two Targaryen brothers mentioned Aemond and for that you were grateful.
You were not thinking about him, not since you came to Highgarden and that is why you felt so at peace with yourself.
Despite being completely focused on your classes and internships more than anything else, you didn't lie to your friends that you had met and talked to a few guys.
You mostly met them at college parties, but nothing formal, it was all just hanging out.
You didn't have the mindset to really date, you didn't feel like you needed to and really a Highgarden guy didn't suit you if you were six months from now coming back to King's Landing.
You just had fun, experienced new things and officially started your psychology training.
And with the date getting closer and closer to return to King's Landing, you realized you didn't want to leave. Neither did Vhagar. At least not yet.
You grew attached very quickly to everything at Highgarden, even Vhagar with her walks in the parks and the view of the sunset when you took her for a stroll around the lake as well.
Everything was quiet and you felt at peace. However, you admit that you miss your friends and your life at King's Landing.
It's kind of a bittersweet taste to have to leave to go home. You definitely plan to come back because you've even grown quite fond of Dr. Winslow.
Until finally the date arrives and it's time to go back.
It was six months and yet it felt like it all happened in a matter of weeks. Yet you know you enjoyed every second at Highgarden and you don't feel like you wasted any time.
You immediately text your mom that you have landed at King's Landing and you also send a picture of your arrival to the group chat with Aileen, Sara and Ryan.
You call for an Uber and soon you find yourself arriving at the dorm with Vhagar in your arms.
The man driver helps you carry your bags up to your room, which you couldn't feel more grateful for, and as you enter that small space where you started your dependency, you feel nostalgic because you had missed it and happy because you are back.
And not long after you arrived, of course your friends would pay you an unannounced visit to welcome you back.
"You have to tell us everything.”
"And you have to show us the pictures you didn't upload to your Instagram."
"Did you meet cute guys?"
"How was your dorm?"
"How is the food?"
"We have to go to a party to celebrate."
You laugh as you notice the excitement in Aileen and Sara who are the ones asking all the questions while you and Ryan watch them with a small, amused smile.
And even though you didn't answer their questions, they still say they should get something to eat and drag you along with them to tell them everything.
Ryan takes them to a fast food restaurant in the middle of the university and soon the table is filled with fries, sodas, burgers, pizza and so on.
"You have to go one day, the program for the psychology internships are the best. The school is not that big, but the teachers are amazing, they even organize tours to many mental clinics of all kinds for all the students themselves. The only bad thing | could tell you about Highgarden is the food, it's not that good."
"Ugh no, dont tell me that,” says Aileen with a long-suffering face, "Don't make me change my mind about choosing Highgarden over Dorne if | get to go on exchange next year."
"But why would you want to go to a desert?” Ryan asks her confused, "Do you like to get your ass all sweaty?"
"Dorne is a place with incredible wonders and a lot of history, in case you didn't know,” she says seriously, "l've always wanted to see Sunspear."
"Just like any other place, genius. Besides, don't you know the temperatures reported in Dorne? It's like living in hell,” Ryan tells her incredulously. "l'm more supportive of Sara's idea to go to Winterfell where, if she's lucky, she'Il be able to go beyond the North and see the Wall. l'd rather do that than be dying of heat."
"So you'd rather be freezing to death?"
"Yes. A million times yes."
"And what about the parties?"
Sara asks you, picking up the subject and leaving aside for a moment Aileen and Ryan who continue arguing about Dorne and any other place in Westeros where according to Ryan it's better.
“They're not as noisy as here, but you still have a good time," you confess.
"Of course you have a good time,” Sara tells you mischievously, "All those guys you met seemed like they would really show you a good time."
You lower your gaze with a small embarrassed smile.
"It was just for the moment, that's all."
"And you didn't have any luck with any of them?"
You deny, looking at her again.
"I didn't want to. It wasn't...” You let out a sigh, "lt wasn't ideal."
"Oh come on, why not?” she asks incredulously, offended, "Didn't you get a good look at them? They were very handsome, Y/N. And they were just videos you sent us, I'm sure they were really hot in person."
You let out a small laugh, denying again.
"I didn't want to get attached to one of them, let alone start dating because | knew |'d be back here,” you confess, "And the whole long-distance relationships thing... it's not really my thing."
Sara grimaces and gives you a look of understanding at the same time.
"Well," she sighs, "At least you had fun with them."
"Not with all of them,” you clarify amused.
"But you did, so that counts."
After talking some more with Sara, since Aileen and Ryan are still busy debating... or rather fighting, you leave your part of the money for them to pay the bill while you go to the bathroom.
When you return, as you walk towards the table with your friends, a voice you know very well despite not having heard it in a while makes you stop as you hear your name called out.
And when you turn your head, a surprised Aegon Targaryen looks at you with a huge smile, standing with him is Helaena, apparently both of them having just arrived at the restaurant.
For an instant you panic at the thought that he's probably here too, but you're relieved to see that it's just the two of them.
"Is that you? Really?"
Aegon asks you amused, wasting no time in approaching you with Helaena following him and you also smile in his direction and shorten the distance between the two of you.
"It's been a long time since l've seen you too, Egg."
"Oh you little devil, you haven't forgotten how much | hate it when you call me that."
You both laugh and he wraps you in a tight hug that you reciprocate with the same affection, because even though Aemond was your best friend, you are still fond of all his brothers and nephews who have always been very good to you.
"Where have you been hiding? I haven't seen you for years."
He tells you incredulously, separating from you and you shrug your shoulders, already anticipating that you will talk about him. And even if you don't want to, you'll still have to.
"You know... here and there,” you say without much detail, shrugging your shoulders.
"Here and there where?" he asks you amused.
"Well... at school, with my friends and also at my exchange."
“But I dont see you around our house anymore, not even on birthdays, you didn't go to the ball either," he says almost in a sad tone, "You don't talk to my brother anymore, do you?" he asks a little more seriously, "Since the ball happened and he didn't take you, I knew something had happened. It seemed strange to me since you always went together every year."
You let out a long breath, lick your lips and nod, not wanting to give more importance to that matter that already happened many months ago.
"Yeah," you smile a little, affirming, "Yeah, since then."
"Forgive him,” Helaena stands between the two of you, with a smile and a sorry look, "l told him clearly that he won't ask you about him if he sees you when you come back, but his mental capacity is so low that the idiot doesn't understand."
You can't help but laugh at this, while Aegon at her side looks at her offended.
"l only wanted to corroborate what you told me,” he says innocently.
"Corroborate?" Helaena asks him.
"Yes," he says at once, still offendead, "I didn't believe you. At least not much. The two of them were inseparable and to suddenly not be friends anymore... it was like when | found out that Jack and Rose never existed and it was just a fictional story for the Titanic movie, I couldn't believe it and i felt cheated."
"Shut the fuck up."
Helaena says to him with a bad face and then turns to you with the smile and the softest and most pleasant look so characteristic of her.
"l'm so happy you're back. I didn't even know you were back, if i had known i would have texted you and we would have gone for a coffee."
"Thank you, Hel,” you smile softly at her, "And no, i didn't say anything about coming back and i honestly don't know why. I was so sad to leave but at the same time i was desperate to be back home."
"And what about Highgarden?" she asks you excitedly, "l've always been looking forward to going there. The nature there is just wonderful. There are lots of aquariums, isn't there?"
"Yes, yes, everything is amazing," you assure her, "Except the food. That's my only complaint. Everything is too... healthy"
"Oh yes, i knew that already," she says to you in understanding.
"And where do you live now that you don't live with my brother anymore?" Aegon asks interested, "Did you rent an apartment for yourself?"
"No, no, i live in a dorm now,” you clarify, "Because of the scholarship i got a big discount, and with the money i got paid for my internship at Highgarden, i have a chance to look for another job around here for a month."
"Oh, great,” he nods, listening to you attentively.
"A friend of mine who works at a boutique nearby recently told me they're looking for female employees. She works part time, maybe you have the same schedule if i pass you her number and she gives you more information."
Helaena tells you with such confidence that you're thankful that the first day you've been back to King's Landing, she's already saved you from looking for a job.
The flower shop where you worked before is already full of employees since your quitting, Sara told you since she went to ask to let you know before returning to King's Landing.
And now Helaena has helped you with that.
"That would help me a lot, Hel. Thank you so much."
"Oh, it's nothing,” she says nonchalantly taking her phone, "I'II tell my friend and then I'll pass you her number, don't worry."
After talking and keeping up with both of you for a few more minutes, your friends call you to leave and that's when the three of you say goodbye.
They both tell you if you want to keep them company, but since you've already eaten and you also have a mess in your room that needs to be cleaned up for your return, you agree to go out to dinner next week.
And just as you say, that's what happens once you're back in your dorm.
Vhagar greets you and keeps you company as you start to get all your clothes, shoes, make-up and all your stuff out of the suitcases. You also get something in and start arranging your few pieces of furniture in different ways in your space, wanting to try something new.
You put all your clothes in your closet, not wanting to leave anything for later, that takes some time, also to sweep and rearrange everything as you had it in your small bathroom.
You even fill a basket with clothes that need to be washed and go down to the laundry room, really not wanting to leave anything for later knowing that you have busy weeks ahead of you because of college and you want to get everything ready.
You wait for the clothes to be washed and also to dry, then go back to your room and continue organizing everything.
Until the sunset starts to show through your window and realizing that you are not missing anything anymore, you can finally lay down on your bed with Vhagar and rest.
You pick up your phone and begin to entertain yourself with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, letting the time pass.
Vhagar settles in next to you and you get more comfortable to start watching Tiktoks, entertaining yourself for another good time.
You think to yourself that maybe later you'll go downstairs to buy something from the vending machine and watch a movie or maybe a series until you fall asleep, sounding like an awesome plan for you.
Then you finally get up, grab your most comfortable clothes and take a bath. It doesn't take you long and you dry your hair, then you feed Vhagar and take money to go buy food and watch the movie or series.
When suddenly there is a knock on your door.
You watch it in silence, thinking confused that you are not expecting anyone. And you have no idea who it could be. You didn't agree with your friends that they would come here later if you've already seen each other in the morning.
You check your messages to see if any of your friends told you they were coming to visit you unexpectedly, but nothing.
So you go to open the door thinking that it must be one of your friends and they decided not to tell you about coming over, but when you open your door you didn't expect it to be your ex-best friend, Aemond.
You freeze the moment you see him, definitely not expecting it.
As his gaze lights up when he sees you and the two of you are face to face after what felt like an eternity of the two of you not seeing each other.
You unconsciously take a step back, surprised and confused, your lips parted, as he watches you intently, almost with a hopeful look, maybe because he's afraid you'll slam the door in his face.
But you don't move from shock because you didn't expect it to be him and you didn't expect to see him so suddenly after so many months.
And he… hasn't changed.
You know it's only been months, there's not much difference, but it's the same appearance since the last time you saw him. His hair is still short to your surprise and his clothing style is the same.
What you do notice are the muscles on his arms are more pronounced and you also get the impression that he is a little taller.
While you… what can you say about yourself? Really nothing.
The only new thing you've done is to start trotting in the mornings, also your hair is short below your shoulders when before you had it down to your waist and you've put more earrings in both ears.
And neither of you say anything.
The two of you are simply inspecting each other after a long time without seeing each other, you mostly feeling just as confused to see him here.
You really don't understand how he is here. Or rather how he knew you were already back.
He certainly couldn't have known, you still have him blocked from all your social media networks.
You ask yourself but the answer comes to you in a second.
You think in affirmative mode. And also probably Helaena because the three of you met at the restaurant. But you know it was Aegon who must have told him everything.
You don't doubt that maybe Hel wanted to kill him.
When after a few more seconds, the two of them not speaking and just watching each other, you finally react, instantly feeling nervous, without really knowing why.
Also that little remorse comes to your chest for everything that happened between you and what happened the last time you saw each other, remembering everything you told him crying.
You hug yourself and bite the inside of your cheek, also as he is looking at you, remembering his girlfriend, the ball and also your birthday.
When he speaks first.
He says to you letting out a sigh afterwards, stirring in front of you, keeping his hands in his jacket pockets, which are movements you know he does when he's nervous.
Also his look tells you he's a bit worried and anxious, but he still stands tall in front of you, his lilac eye watching you intently and having a slight gleam in it.
And his sapphire in your direction… it looks just as beautiful and stunning as ever.
You answer him with your tone of voice a little lower and feeling a little uncomfortable, puzzled, but you also stand firm in front of him, feeling nervous.
You certainly weren't prepared for when this moment happened and you know he wasn't either, yet here he is.
"W-what are you doing here?"
You ask trying not to let your voice sound shaky, holding back.
He swallows hard and looks away from you for a moment while he presses his lips together, to look at you again with those nerves and that certain hope.
"Actually… I wasn't too sure about coming here," he confesses with a soft look in his eyes, just like his voice, "Aegon told me you had returned to King's Landing and I wanted to see it myself."
At this, you lower your gaze for a moment and bite your lips. Yet… strangely… you don't feel upset.
"He told me by accident and got a good punch from Helaena," he adds and you look at him again.
You don't say anything for a few seconds, just look away from him, swallow hard and let out a long breath.
"Well, it's true, I'm back. If that's all, you can go now…
He calls out to you this time hopefully, interrupting you in a quick tone, not wanting to waste the opportunity and clearly not wanting this to be over any faster than he wants it to be.
It's the first time you've seen each other in months and in all these months a lot has happened and he just… wants to try.
It doesn't matter that you in the end don't want to, that you're still upset and don't want to see him, because he will understand and he will finally respect your decision, but he wants to try first.
He doesn't want to leave without trying.
"I know you probably don't want to, because I know you didn't expect to see me and maybe you even want to kick me out…"
He says lowering his gaze for a second, sighing, and then he looks at you again.
"But I want to risk myself," he tells you honestly, "and I'll understand if you say no, truly," he assures you, "I just want to talk to you and after this, if you still don't want me to bother you anymore, then I won't go near you again, I assure you."
He tells you and you remain paralyzed again for a few seconds, listening to him and watching him with your lips parted.
"And if you want me to leave now, I will. But I just want to try…" he lets out a long breath, gathering his courage, "So…. may I come in, please?"
He asks you softly, watching you just the same and almost expectantly, stirring continuously where he stands, knowing full well that he is as nervous as you are, while you have no idea what to do.
Your mind starts thinking fast, considering what you should and shouldn't do.
But the truth is that nothing comes to your mind. You just have a quick, unexpected debate on whether to let him into your room or not.
Vhagar behind you barks twice, watching Aemond very intently, while repeatedly wagging her tail back and forth excitedly and looking very playful.
While Aemond in front of you watches her with excitement and some hope, to again focus on you, ready to face the decision you will make, either yes or no.
And finally after what feels like an eternity, you know that rejecting him is probably the best option, but for some reason… you can't find the courage to do it.
And not because seeing him now in front of you and having heard his words has softened your heart, but because you realize that your heart doesn't hurt like it used to.
Maybe it was all the time you stayed apart and you healed in Highgarden, helped by the change of air, your lifestyle and the new people around you, unconsciously overcoming everything that happened between you, that you don't feel that pain anymore.
However… you do feel a weight. A weight on your shoulders and in your heart.
And it is because of that weight that after considering it in depth, with your soft gaze, you step aside and open the door wider, allowing him the entrance to your room.
Aemond would be lying if at that moment he didn't feel as if he had just received the news that he won the lottery, because surprise overcomes him and also relief.
And not wanting you to take it back, he enters your room, thanking you with his gaze in silence, while you control your nerves and close the door, facing this.
He in an instant is already in Vhagar who eagerly and seemingly happily enjoys being in his arms and licks his hands and cheeks, making him laugh and give her kisses, caressing her.
You can't help but smile a little at the scene, but you are just the same neutral and firm.
When he watches you over Vhagar, he leaves another kiss on her head and sets her back down on your bed, now looking as if he has no idea what to do.
He honestly didn't think it would go this far. He thought you'd slam the door in his face.
But you're both here. Face to face with each other. And certainly with a lot of things to say that you couldn't say to each other before.
"Hmm…" he says, stirring and glancing briefly at your room, "Did I interrupt you with something important?"
He asks and watches you intently, to which you deny, crossing your arms.
"No," you answer softly, "I was just planning to go buy something from the vending machine downstairs and watch something, a movie or a series."
"Oh," he nods, understanding, "well, if you want, I'll go," he offers, "you haven't eaten anything?"
"No. You?"
"I haven't either. But I can go and buy some dinner for both of us, only if you want. There are many restaurants near here."
You stir uncomfortably.
"Only if you want."
"Yeah, no problem," he assures you.
And again he leaves you alone in your room saying he will be back soon, making you sigh and sit on your bed with an almost terrified expression… not expecting or understanding any of this.
The fact that he's gone to buy food helps you mentally prepare yourself for when he comes back, having no idea how they'll start talking about everything that happened.
You don't even know what he will tell you first, but you calm down and use the time he has given you to not feel nervous and terrified.
You take a deep breath, you say that everything will be fine, that this shouldn't be awkward… or at least not too awkward and that if both you and he start to feel like it's too much, you can both say so.
And of course you don't want any of this to lead to a fight. It wouldn't be wise and it's totally unnecessary.
When after a few minutes, Aemond returns with Chinese food, soda and fries from the vending machine.
He actually buys you some of your favorite chips and has also ordered you the Chinese food exactly the way you like it. At this you just thank him and both of you settle into your bed.
You put Vhagar down, give him some of her food and the two of you begin to eat.
At first it did feel a little awkward, but then, as you talk about the food being delicious and ask both of you to pass such things around, the mood begins to lighten and it's like going back to when you both lived together.
The two of them are comfortable, eating, talking about anything and watching a movie, although this time there is no movie.
And he is the first to start a conversation.
"How was Highgarden?" he observes you attentively, his gaze soft, interested.
"Incredible," you answer without hesitation.
He nods, as the two of you put more pieces of food in your mouths and then you take a sip from your bottle of soda.
"You told me that's where the best psychology internship programs are, right?"
"Yes," you affirm, "When I found out I got into the exchange program, it was the first place I applied."
"And you didn't have any problems?"
"No," you observe him softly, "Because of my good grades they didn't deny me anything, they gave me one of the first places in internships for Highgarden and everything was a very fast process. And when I got there and met the psychologist in charge of me and his clinic… it was just amazing."
"Yeah," he murmurs, "yeah, I can imagine. And I'm happy for you."
He tells you honestly, with a small smile that you return. A genuine smile from both of us.
"Thank you."
"And how did it all go? What was that you were doing? Did you get to know all of Highgarden too?"
And you tell him everything.
You tell him how your first weeks were, how was your dorm, the university, the new people you met, your internship, Dr. Arthur, what you had to do and you even told him about some very interesting cases.
You also told him about the places you met, showed him pictures and videos. You tell him that you went out partying on a few weekends, all the while he listens to you and watches you with great attention, looking genuinely interested, and asking you more questions.
Until you have nothing more to tell him about your six months at Highgarden.
"What about you? Haven't you started your internship yet?"
You ask him interestedly.
"Yes, since April," he says, "Obviously it wasn't difficult. I'm going to my father's company and I got some of my friends to do their internships there as well.
"Oh," you nod, understanding, "and what do you say?"
"What do I say?" he repeats, letting out a sigh, "well, it's not as interesting as what you told me," he says with a small smile, "It's all finance, paperwork, computer programs and so on. But that's what I like and I've been doing very well."
"Yes," you murmur, looking at a spot in your room, "But it's interesting," you tell him, "I've always thought you'd end up like one of the characters in Succession, someday running your father's important company as a rich and powerful man.
He smiles softly and then looks at you, to which you also smile in his direction.
"Am I right?" you ask him amused.
"In fact yes, you are absolutely right," he assures you in the same way.
There's no more food except for chips and soda, so he then starts talking to you more about his life and everything he's been doing lately besides college and his internship.
All while you both stare at an unimportant spot in your room, side by side, eating junk food.
And you listen to him with close attention, really interested in wanting to know what his life has been like now that you are no longer a part of it.
He tells you about how he has spent more time with his family, he tells you about Daeron, Rhaenyra, Daemon and even his cousins and nephews, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Baela and Rhaena.
He tells you how they all spent a small part of the summer on Driftmark, an island near Dragonstone where his whole family also has a property right there, but which belongs to his aunt and uncle Rhaenys and Corlys.
You knew about Driftmark, but never in your years of friendship with Aemond did he invite you there because all his family always organized anything in his huge mansion here in King's Landing or in Dragonstone.
He also tells you about upcoming birthdays and everything his mother has planned.
And in everything he talks about, he doesn't mention Alys at all, maybe for fear that you might get upset or uncomfortable and want him to leave, because you don't dare ask him about her either.
You just let him talk to you about the first thing that comes to his mind, both of you comfortable in your bed and still eating junk food.
When Aemond seems to have told you everything and you both stay in a comfortable silence, almost shoulder to shoulder, both of you watching your little room and just letting time pass by.
And that's when Aemond watches you with his soft gaze, while you continue to eat fried food, staring into nothing. He swallows hard and lets out a long breath.
"I owe you an apology."
You freeze for a moment, still looking at everything around you but him, surprised by his words and beginning to understand where this is going.
Unable to help yourself, you look at him and he looks at you with a look that is both serious and gentle, looking honest, only to look away, maybe because of nerves, and continue talking.
"I was a very bad friend to you," he says in a murmur, "what I did to you is something unforgivable, I know, something you didn't deserve," he admits, "I don't expect you to forgive me Y/N, I'm not asking for that, I just want to talk to you and that you listen to me, that….
"I don't want to listen to your apologies only if you say them out of pity, Aemond," you interrupt him, serious.
"What? No, no, this is not for pity, Y/N," he assures you, honest and desperate to clarify, "I never felt pity for you and you know it."
"I don't know," you mutter, "After what happened, you made me doubt if our friendship was genuine or because you wanted and were my friend for pity," you confess.
"Y/N…" he tells you in a sigh, sad, denying, "since you left… since we stopped seeing and talking to each other… you don't know everything I wanted to tell you, everything I wanted to apologize for even if you didn't forgive me."
"Aemond…" you call him cautiously, "you can't apologize to me just to make me forgive you and your girlfriend too, you….
"I broke up with Alys."
He interrupts you with the most honest and quickest sentence he's ever said in all the time you've been together, making you freeze once more and stare at him with your lips parted.
And he watches you with the most honest look, wanting to clarify that point as much as possible and that there is no doubt, even feeling proud to say it.
"I broke up with her days after you left the apartment, and that was the last time we saw each other," he explains, in a low, honest tone.
But even after telling you that, you don't feel entirely confident. That's why you lower your gaze and swallow hard as you consider how strong his relationship was.
"But if you go back with her, I don't….
"No, Y/N," he says to you in denial, "I'm done with her for good," he assures you, "I didn't want to and I don't want to have anything to do with her anymore. I don't care anymore, she's nothing to me and never really was in all the time we were together."
You listen to him surprised, attentive, breathing a little faster than usual, not understanding, while he then starts to tell you everything.
Everything he wanted to tell you since your friendship started to fall apart and the moment it broke.
"Alys managed to get my attention a lot when we first met. She led me to believe on our first few dates that a relationship could be good, healthy and loving. But when we finally formalized everything, she started to show herself as the real person she is when she already had me," he explains, "And I naively gave her everything she asked for, even money, because I was obsessed with her and the way she made me feel. She made me feel so unique, so wanted and so special that I-I just…" he lets out a sigh, "I let her hold me in the palm of her hand."
He brings one of his hands to the nape of his neck, ruffling his short hair with his fingers, feeling strange telling you all this, but also feeling it as a necessity for you to listen and understand him.
And you really don't have any problem, you listen to him carefully and let him tell you everything he wants to tell you, still feeling a little sharp pain in your chest.
"She would even tell me things she didn't agree with or like, either about me or my family, making me feel bad and upset sometimes, but then she would turn them into just a point of view and convince me that I had misunderstood her, when I hadn't," he explains to you, "She told me that my mother was very controlling after she met her, that my siblings, even Helaena, seemed very weird to her, and that Daemon didn't seem like a good person."
You are surprised to hear that and pay more attention, while Aemond feels ashamed of himself for telling you this, but it is the truth.
"In that instant I should have put a stop to her, I know. But like the fucking idiot I am, I kept letting myself be easily manipulated by her, because she kept telling me it was just her first impression and her views," he says in a low, sorrowful whisper, "She just had a long conversation with my father without looking bored. I even noticed she changed her attitude and looked more… kind. But only with him."
He says in a bitter tone, while you understand what he's going on about.
"And of course, how could she not be nicer to him," he says with a smile and a bitter look, "With her about to graduate, she told him about that and also about her internship with the man who owns the most important company in the country. She talked about everything she knows and her skills, almost telling him her entire resume so he would hire her."
Now you let out a long breath, must have imagined it.
You thought Alys had really fallen in love with him. That's what you always thought until today when he gave you the news that he broke up with her months ago and that there was no love in the relationship.
You always thought that no girl could reject Aemond for his personality and his looks, that no one could reject him for being him, for knowing him and in an instant wanting to know more about him.
Because that's how you fell in love with him, you didn't fall in love because of what he had and what he could offer you professionally and economically.
But that was just what caught Alys' attention, not his personality and his heart.
"It also happened that when I would talk to her about my classes or an important project that I had worked hard on and got an excellent grade, she would say that it wasn't enough and that I needed to work harder to earn my father's company. She discredited everything I did, telling me that I had to do more so that someday I could be the boss and both of us could run the company, talking about those kinds of plans and almost assuring me that it would be like that," he says seriously and bitterly, "She insulted my friends, saying that they only cared about parties, that they were alcoholics and did not care about their studies, that they were useless and did not contribute anything to me now and would not do so in the future. She also said that I should have more serious and professional friends around me."
He lets out a long breath, really at that moment with you by your side realizing more how really bad his relationship was, the kind of very nasty girl he had by his side and how very blinded he was.
"The same thing happened with you," he says to you, saddened, "Clearly you know because you heard that conversation."
You bite your lips, remembering how bad she made you feel with her words. And so does he, corroborating with her.
"I owe you more than an apology for that, Y/N," he tells you honestly, "You were right, a best friend doesn't leave her best friend aside and that time I didn't even defend you. I should have stopped her, I should have put myself firm with her… but I didn't." he says apologetic, sad and disappointed, "and I'm very sorry for that."
Then you realize that you can't accept those apologies, because it really hurt you a lot to hear that conversation and that he didn't stand up for you because of the way you are and what you like to do.
If things had been the other way around, you would have defended Aemond with all your might, because he was your best friend.
"She was the reason why I started to leave you aside on weekends, why I gradually left you living alone and also why I didn't take care of Vhagar anymore, because she doesn't like dogs," he says seriously and sighs, "She was also the one who convinced me to take her to the ball and planned everything so I would forget your birthday," he confesses to you, saddened. "She deleted messages from you that morning, she confessed it to me when I confronted her when I realized that your birthday had already passed and that even weeks later she made me stay with her so I wouldn't see you. She also planned that stupid two hour dinner with her parents to delay me so I wouldn't notice and let the whole one night go by."
You bite your lips again, not watching him, feeling the urge to cry remembering that day, your birthday, because he also made you feel so bad during and still after by not getting any explanation from him.
And all because of her. But also for him, because he wouldn't put a stop to it.
"And yet I was still with her…" he says in a sigh, incredulous and disappointed in himself, "Like I said, she had me exactly the way she wanted me to be, and she would convince me otherwise when she didn't like something or made me behave differently than she wanted me to."
He shakes his head, feeling annoyed with himself for allowing it, for having fallen so low, letting himself be moved by her as she wanted, making him start to think that his friends were less important than her, his girlfriend.
That she was more important than Y/N, his best friend, who had always been there for him in very good and very difficult times, leaving her and throwing away their friendship of years for a relationship of months.
"She knew exactly what to do and what to say to make me stay," he murmurs, "But Alys never loved me and never really cared for me. She only cared about me out of interest and wanted to be with me out of the same interest, which was all she cared about."
"Did you love her?"
You dare to ask him without observing him, with a thread of voice, while Aemond at your side watches you for a few moments in silence and with his eye wide open in surprise.
I didn't expect you to ask him that, in fact I didn't expect any questions at all, but despite that, he knows the answer.
He knows it since the last time they both saw each other.
He respond in a low tone but completely serious and honest, while you dare to observe him surprised, but with an almost expressionless gaze and your lips parted.
"At first I came to have a certain affection for her … but only at first," he confesses, "Then it became that obsession with how she made me feel, but nothing else. I never came to love her and I am very relieved by that."
You take your eyes off him, closing your eyes for a moment, letting go of a long breath.
"And after I didn't see you again and I found out that you had gone on exchange… you don't know how that made me feel, Y/N," he swallows hard, "I had lost one of the most important people in my life. life for a fucking relationship and my own behavior. I wasn't thinking, I was an idiot. And I just wanted to scream and break everything for losing you… for not fixing it sooner."
An ugly and huge lump forms in your throat, observing an unimportant point in your room, your gaze lost and your eyes beginning to fill with tears.
You really didn't want to feel that way, you didn't want his words to soften you up, yet…they did.
But you hold back as much as you can, while Aemond next to you feels the same thing that you are feeling, but he doesn't dare to do anything about it, realizing your state, wanting to give you your space.
When you finally take a deep breath and talk to him even without looking at him.
“I missed you a lot too, Aemond. I missed you throughout your relationship with Alys and after I left to Highgarden. I missed you even when you didn't even deserve it."
You confess in a low and honest murmur, completely drawing his attention, you saying nothing else for a few seconds, swallowing the lump in your throat and completely holding back your tears.
While he listens to you and watches surprised, not expecting that, since he thought that all this time you had been hating him. He even thinks you hate him now.
And yes, if it was something like that, there was hatred, resentment, anger and courage for everything that happened, but even so, you also missed it very much.
You missed him, but you didn't forgive him.
"You also don't know how much I hate myself for ending our friendship, Y/N," he tells you in a sad and regretful whisper.
When you look back at him.
“I cannot forgive you, Aemond. Not yet."
And your words are like a dagger in the heart, a wound that, despite the fact that it hurts, accepts and respects it. He certainly didn't expect you to forgive him, but telling him that you had missed him, too, lit a small spark of hope in him. But it was not like that.
And he really respects it.
He doesn't want to make the same mistakes again, and so he does, feeling less weight on his shoulders, relieved that there aren't all those negative feelings between you anymore.
Nor does he expect that after this, everything will be back to the way it was before, because it won't.. He knows it's impossible. And if everything really ends between you both, then he will respect that too.
That's why he nods in your direction, both of you looking into each other's eyes, a understanding look and a small, soft, closed-mouthed smile on his lips, letting you know he's perfectly fine with that.
"Yes, i know," he assures you softly. “It's alright, I understand."
You nod gently in his direction, also placing a small gentle smile and both of you take your gazes away from each other and immersing in a comfortable silence.
Comfortable because finally neither of you feels that weight anymore and everything seems to be… fine.
Both of you have already said everything you wanted to say.
Or almost.
Because in the middle of that silence, Aemond starts thinking fast, having an indecisive debate in his mind, telling himself that enough has been enough, that everything is fine between you now and he doesn't want to ruin it.
But his heart tells him to do it, that there is still more.
While you by his side take your bottle of soda and take a sip, comfortable, this feeling good, but also knowing that this does not mean that the two will resume their friendship.
But for the moment… you enjoy it. You enjoy the moment.
And that's when he speaks again.
"After you left King's Landing…
He starts and you watch him, getting your attention.
"Helaena told me something," let out a long breath, "Something that made me finally realize my feelings and that made me have a little hope, even though you were already gone."
You are still watching him with attention, not having the slightest idea that it could be that what his sister told him, when Aemond looks up at you and looks into your eyes with his soft and honest gaze.
"She told me that you're in love with me."
Your hands become paralyzed first, you stop drinking soda and then your whole body is the one that is motionless, while you observe it with your lips between open, with your confused, attentive and nervous look at the same time.
You don't understand anything.
It's not like you told Helaena about it, in fact no one knows.
And it only makes you feel more nervous that Aemond is there, right next to you, acting completely normal about it, now that he already knows, continuing to observe you in the same way.
But you can't speak, you're still in shock, starting to feel like your pulse is racing too fast.
"She told me that you didn't tell her anything, that she just… knows," he says to you later, still in a soft tone, still making you panic.
You turn your gaze away from him, blink several times, starting to react from panic and nerves and hold your drink tightly.
"You should go."
It's all you say in a thread of voice, not daring to look him in the eye any more and you quickly get up from your bed, wanting to put as much distance as possible between the two of you.
You take Aemond by surprise, who stands up slightly, watching you worried, desperate and a little confused as you go to your door.
When his next words cause you to become paralyzed again, tensing up completely.
"I'm in love with you, too."
He says to you almost desperately, wanting to clarify as soon as possible, watching you attentively and cautiously, slowly getting out of bed to address you very carefully, not wanting to upset you more.
And he begins to explain to you with his soft tone, waiting for the moment so that he turns to you and can talk to you in the eyes, wanting you to see how very honest he is being with you.
"I don't know since when exactly, Y/N. It was probably before we graduated from high school," he lets you know, "That's why I asked you to live with me, because I certainly wouldn't have asked just anyone, and I-I… wanted to be close to you, almost all the time."
Your pulse continues to race, listening to his words carefully, feeling again the urge to cry, even without daring to look at him face to face.
"And all those dates, all those girls I went out with or flirted with at parties…" he sighs, "I told myself that I didn't get any further with them because it just hadn't worked out, when the truth is that I was fooling myself and it was me who didn't take them any further… because they weren't you."
He confesses to you and that's when you can't take it anymore and the first tears fall, starting to shake and with the realization starting to become clear to you as you hear it.
"And I wanted to repress my feelings for you with them, I wanted to fall in love with someone because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, Y/N," he tells you honestly, "And I know it sounds stupid and it's probably tired of hearing it already… but it's the truth. You don't know how much I was terrified of losing you, of losing our friendship because of feelings that weren't reciprocated… or that I thought weren't reciprocated."
Then slowly, Aemond, dares to raise his hand and gently touch your arm, turning you towards him very carefully and tactfully, needing to see you and needing you to see him.
And you let him.
Shaking, but you let him.
And his heart breaks the moment he sees you, with your sad, surprised face, your teary eyes and red cheeks, watching him as if he can't believe it.
"I wish I had known, Y/N," he says softly, watching you with all the love and gentleness in the world, "Because then Alys came, a girl with a personality I hadn't met before, pretending to be a good person and she made me distract myself from you by falling into her games."
You bite your lips, holding back the tears as much as you can, while he continues talking to you and explaining with all the sincerity in the world.
"And I know I was very selfish with all those girls and also with you when I saw you with that guy at that party, having a good time and having fun without me," he confesses with regret, "You don't know how upset I was and how terribly jealous I felt, Y/N. That was when I thought I had lost you for good and I hated myself not only for having ended our friendship, but also for never having confessed my feelings to you and realizing too late… what I lost for a person who wasn't worth it."
He lets out a long breath, biting the inside of his cheek and watching you with all the sincerity, love and affection as he says his next words.
"I love you, Y/N. I have always loved you. Just in the same way you love me…. or loved me," he corrects with a soft sad tone, "I was just too much of a coward to tell you and I didn't give you a chance to tell me either by going out and pretending with all those girls," he lowers his gaze, "I'm sorry."
Then, it's like you're living in a dream.
You don't know if it's real or not.
But you know it's real because of his touch on your arm and the closeness between the two of you, with him looking at you like that, being so terribly honest that it scares you.
It scares you because this is just what you wanted to hear.
This is everything you wanted to hear from him towards you, being just another one of your most pathetic and impossible dreams. But here you are. He has told you.
And that's exactly why you can't control it anymore and right there, in front of him, you lose it completely and the first sob escapes your lips, just as your tears are rushing down your cheeks.
You cover your face completely ashamed, crying, only you don't know if it's from happiness or sadness… or probably both.
But you know you cry because this is what you have been longing to hear for a very long time and you cry wondering why now, why now that things between you are no longer bad but not quite right either.
But mostly you cry because you feel confused.
Since you left King's Landing, one of your purposes was to leave him behind and forget, to undo those feelings for him. But you couldn't.
You still love him.
You love your best friend just the same way he loves you too, being something that was going on for a long time, simultaneously, but without both of you knowing it.
And you feel confused because you don't know if you should finally take this thing you've always wanted, you don't know because of everything that happened, even though he has already explained and apologized to you.
But you don't feel totally confident because he really hurt you so much.
And you don't know if what happened, will happen again and that's just what you don't want. You don't want him to hurt you again.
And Aemond, surprised by your behavior, yet he understands you and doesn't judge you.
That's why he wastes no time and pulls you into a gentle, firm and comforting embrace, letting himself be carried away by his feelings as well.
And you don't push him away. You let him hold you and lock you in his arms, just like you loved him to do when you lived together or saw each other during the day because his hugs have always comforted you and made you feel safe.
And that's also where you can let out your feelings.
He starts to comfort you too with soft words in your ear, stroking your hair with his hand, telling you that it's okay, that everything is fine, that this shouldn't change anything either, that you are the one who has the last word about the two of you.
As he continues to apologize for everything in soft murmurs, holding you tightly against him, not letting you go until you are well.
Until little by little, your sobs begin to decrease and you begin to calm down, sniffling your nose and still hugging him, taking all the time you need until your whole roller coaster of emotions stops.
Aemond doesn't let go, but does so slowly as you begin to stir, watching you intently and worriedly.
You bring your hands to your cheeks, wiping away your tears and sniffling your nose, to which he quickly runs his thumbs over your cheeks as well, still watching you with all that tenderness, that understanding and that affection.
"Are you all right, my pretty one? Do you need anything?"
You deny, again embarrassed, but at least feeling better and less emotional.
"N-no. I'm just… sorry, it wasn't m-my inte…
"Shh, no, it's okay," he interrupts you softly, "it's okay. This was my fault, I never meant to make you react like this. I should have been more careful with you."
"It wasn't that, Aemond," you confess, sniffling once more, "You took me by surprise, that's all. And I-I c-couldn't control myself, i-it was too much."
"Yes, I know, I know, pretty one. It's all right, everything's all right."
And again he pulls you into a soft, comforting embrace that you allow, now no longer feeling like those earlier hugs where before between the two of you there was the word friendship.
Now it's something more… something more intimate and more… honest.
And that's because both of you finally know each other's true feelings.
But still… after this, what you need is time. And that's exactly what you're asking for.
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i couldn't tag many of you and I apologize if you asked me to tag you and I didn't, I could have missed your user but thank u so much for reading 😢❤
tag list:
@winxschester @namoreno @fan-goddess @lauftivy @bellameshipper @iloveallmyboys @barnes70stark @amazingnerd @yentroucnagol @helaenaluvr @almostpurplelady @lilitheal @targaryenmoony @dangerousstateofmind @summerposie
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
When they say "be there or be square", today's Wet Beast Wednesday subject chose "square". I am referring to boxfish. Also known as cowfish, trunkfish, and cofferfish, these real-life Minecraft fish are bony fish in the family Ostraciidae, sometimes called Ostraciontidae. This makes them close relatives of pufferfish and file fish in the order Tetraodontiformes. While all the Tetraodontiformes are weird-looking fish, the cowfish are easily the strangest, they don't even really look that much like fish.
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(image: the yellow boxfish Ostracion cubicum. They literally named it "cube")
The squarish shape of the boxfish comes from their unique skeleton. They have a carapace made of overlapping, hexagonal plates called dermal scutes that are the equivalent of scales in other fish. Each plate is composed of a soft and bendable collagen layer and mineralized surface layer. This carapace is very sturdy, with holes in it to allow for the eyes, mouth, fins, and cloaca to pass through. In game terminology, the cowfishes are stone walls. Because of the composition of the carapace, boxfish are fully rigid and cannot bend their bodies in any direction. This, combined with their not-overly hydrodynamic shapes, makes them slow and weak swimmers. When they filled out their character sheets they went all-in on defense and neglected speed and offense. A boxfish won't be winning any races, but the carapace is extremely hard to bite through or puncture, giving an effective defense. Despite their small sizes (the largest species can get up to 50 cm/20 in long, and most species are much smaller), adult boxfish have almost no natural predators. It's worth noting that while boxfish are slow swimmers, they are very maneuverable. They have the ability to create small vortices around their bodies to help maneuver.
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(image: a boxfish skeleton)
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(image: a boxfish with its hexagonal carapace visible through its skin)
Not satisfied with having an impenetrable shell, many species of boxfish developed another defense mechanism. When stressed, they can release poison into the water. These poisons are surfactants, substances that break up surface tension, that can damage the cell membranes of other animals. While each species has their own specific chemical and not every species is poisonous, these toxins are collectively called pahutoxins. Poison is a pretty common thing in the Tetraodontiformes. Famously, pufferfish, close relatives of boxfish, are highly poisonous. Most poisonous boxfish species are brightly colored. This is called aposematism and is used as a warning to potential predators that the animal is dangerous. A famous example of aposematism is the brightly-colored poison dart frogs. Young boxfish are typically more colorful than older ones.
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(image: a longhorn cowfish Lactoria cornuta)
Boxfish are voracious omnivores that will eat just about anything that can fit in their tiny mouths. The majority of boxfish species live in coral reefs and their diet consists largely of algae that they scrape off of coral. Additional foods include sponges, tube worms, mollusks, and small fish and invertebrates. Some species can spit out water to blow aside sand and search for buried food.
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(image: Ostracion meleagris, the spotted boxfish)
Boxfish are typically solitary, but occasionally come together in small groups. These groups typically consist of one male and a few females. Scientists speculate these groups are formed for reproduction. They are known to reproduce by swimming to the surface of the water, releasing their gametes, and quickly swimming away.
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(Aracana ornata, the ornate boxfish)
Because of their unique appearances, boxfish are popular in aquariums. They are recommended for experts only because of their ability to release poison. Boxfish are easily stressed and can kill themselves and other tank-mates by releasing toxin. Aquarists usually say they should be kept in solo tanks or with smaller, mild-mannered tank-mates. In addition, they need to be in tanks with minimal water flow as even the current of a decently-sized filter can blow them around uncontrollably. People who keep boxfish have called them shy, but highly inquisitive and even playful. They have been reported spitting water and their handlers, apparently in an attempt to get attention.
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(image: Lactoria forasini, the thornback boxfish)
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coyotydave · 1 year
Eyelash Viper by Coyoty Via Flickr: Bothriechis schlegelii. At the Pittsburgh Zoo in Pittsburgh, PA.
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