#ssorry for the rant
bipbopdepmop · 8 months
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something something these guys are almost always used as just a sidepiece to grian
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sleepymaus · 2 years
Aghhh so I've had severe trichotillomania for 10+ years (hair loss).
I've been really lucky to have contact with a woman with the same disorder as me who fits extension pieces for other women suffering with hair loss for minimal profit. She can't make the trip down south of the UK anymore because she doesn't have enough customers here now.
So for the first time I'm having to consider shaving my head and it's really strange for me personally. I guess you always want what you can't have which is why I've always had the extensions to cover my baldness really long (like 22" give or take) because it makes me feel super feminine which I identify with a lot.
At the same time though the past few years have been rough I've seen my mum almost die in a hospice been living alone during a pandemic and I've been a couple shitty relationships back to back idk I feel so done with the world that I don't need to cling on to the idea of long hair like some kind of "security blanket" anymore. It's not like I can have it naturally anyway. Why do I feel such a need to fit into a feminine "norm" that's almost physically impossible for me? Why don't I put my mental well-being first for once and just have shaved hair to save myself all this stress??!! I can still be beautiful and feminine!!!!?! Fuck why am I so hard on myself when it comes to this
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nishibai · 1 year
back from school and i am Pissed !
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crienosaur · 2 years
May I requst azul with a s/o that loves octopuses ♡♡♡
SSORRY I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION FOR THIS IM SO SORRY TO THE PERSON WHO WAS IN LINE BEFORE YOU BUT I NEED TO DO THIS. I didn’t write much bc my writing style is weird but I assure you I will be writing more octopus lover fics. Should I write a reader who isn’t Yuu and doesn’t know that Azul is an octo?
Based off the fic by pinkanonwrites
No warnings >:)
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
He’s terrified. He’s shaking. He’s- AN OCTOPUS-!! Well- he’s always been an octopus. But now he’s a full on tiny guy-!!
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Like THIS THING!!! There are many problems with this, but the main issue… is that octopi can’t hear. He has no idea what’s going on. He can’t sense much from the safe yet distancing confines of the pot he’s in. It was previously filled with herbs. Floyd dumped them out onto the floor because Azul needed it more. Floyd is sprinting around the school, jostling poor Azultopus around. Where is Floyd taking him? Imagine his surprise when the lid is opened and he’s greeted by your ecstatic face. He’s nearly relieved. You LOVE octopi. But…. oh no…. you L O V E octopi. How is he supposed to face you when you’re looking at him like that? Maybe he’d prefer the bullying…. Nah- it’ll be ok… you’re so gentle with the big pot he’s in. You look down at him and say something he can’t read off your lips. But your smile is so soft. He can’t even imagine how sweet your words must’ve been. His colors change consistently for a while, displaying his emotions and indecision. Does he want to hide or does he want to hug you with all his arms? You and Floyd set up a big solitary tank for him to sleep in. In… your room……. He’s absolutely terrified again. But, you change clothes outside your room. You do this silly thing where you kiss the tank each night before you fall asleep. You’ve been ranting while you do your homework. He has no clue what you’re saying but DAMN you’re passionate. You’re also struggling with your work- he’ll help you when he can communicate better. Today you transfer him back into the pot and carry him out to the beach. Floyd holds a weird bottle and tells you to get into the water with Azul. Once you’ve gone deep enough, you open the pot and Floyd shoves the bottle to Azul’s beak. He returns to his true form and you scream— Azul looks up at you, startled, and asks if you’re ok with him. He assumed you’d be accepting of his normal form… You assure him you’re MORE than ok. “Sorry— I just- I’m WONDERFUL AHAHA— Floyd just… didn’t tell me that the octopus was you…”
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sasuke-kun0 · 7 months
She looking at me and I’m looking at her~
Adult! Denki kaminari x reader imagines
Summary: just to play it safe for my first try on tumblr imma make a scenario of our pikachu falling in love with our lovely reader
Reader identifies as a girl (I’m sorry to the gender neutral ppl T^T) Pls enjoy <33
- Denki has always been a player like have you seen this guy flirt? Even as one of the top twenty ranking heros in Japan mans does not stop playing the game and he may not be successful but hey- the dude is trying
- Mina and you have already been friends since both of your 3rd year internships but have only started publicly hanging out when the two of you became official heros
- She Introduced you to the group during one of the many get togethers the squad has
- And as expected the group was extremely welcoming of you especially boom boom boy himself (he didn’t pay attention to you at all)
- But denki? The moment you walked into the room he could’ve sworn he felt an arrow pierce through his heart if not his soul
- And I’m not talking about a tiny crush like he usually had no- MANS WAS DEEPLY INTO YOU
- He knew his normal pick up lines wouldn’t work on you, he could not mess this one up so he got an idea
- Did you think it would be a smart one? He’s a human charger ffs 🤦‍♀️
- Kami thought that if he drank just enough alcohol to give him the confidence (and the chance to forget whatever stupid choice he made) he would be able to talk to you
- Did it work? Yes and no
- After a couple rounds of drinking (I’m being earnest) he found the courage to talk to you hoping to impress you with a small but cute introduction
- What he didn’t know was that you didn’t need an introduction bc you knew the spark plug from the start I mean cmon he’s a hero just like you are
-He also didn’t know that you’d been crushing on him since the moment Mina had talked about him (Mina loves her boys even if they are a tiny bit chaotic)
- So when he had introduced himself, you had to keep your cool because your crush had started talking to you
- “are you a cheat sheet? Cause you’re the answer to all my problems”
- yeah.. he had too much to drink even for the scale, however, a certain pinky just found it too cute to let go and suggested that you watch over the guy while she calls Shinsou to take him back home
- flustered but determined you promise her he’ll be with you safe and secure (somewhat) but after the many complaints of being “too heavy” he decided to take a tiny nap on your lap
- you’re burning inside but damn girl I gotta give you pointers for your poker face
- after registering that he’s currently laying in your lap and thinks that you’re gonna rant to Mina how of an annoying person he is (bby needs a break) he feels guilty and I think he’s even close to crying
- “I’m.. ssorry for making you uncomfortable if I did, I ffound you sho frickin cute and I dint wanna embarrass myself but it turns out I didn’t need to try.. I apologize.. for my behaviour.. cutie”
- he says slurring a little bit with pink hues on his adorable cheeks
- your felt your heart flip inside of your rib cage and even felt a tiny ache even when you didn’t mind his attempts at flirting with you- hell, you found it the sweetest thing ever
- you chuckle and look down at his sweet adoring eyes that shimmer in the disco light, “it’s okay kami-san I don’t mind it at all.. in fact I loved it” you become shy saying the last part but he still managed to hear you
- Denki thinks he’s dreaming no fuck that he decided that he was so drunk he probably hit his head somewhere and started hallucinating because there is no way this hell of an embarrassment actually worked
- you continue, “I’ve actually liked you for a while now so.. it’s really flattering to see my favourite hero.. find me attractive hehe” you giggle
- he has also decided that your laugh is the most beautiful sound on this planet and that he might wanna record it to just listen to it again
- he sits up straight to look at you in the eyes and yours widen at the close proximity, Denki takes your beauty in and sighs at how lucky he is just by being close to you, breathing the same oxygen as you; but then he registers what you said a minute before
- “wait.. you.. liked..me?” He mutters in syllables trying to fathom the sentence. You laugh at his expression and say yes despite the red burning on your cheeks
- once he finally processed what you said (it took him about 42 seconds) he suddenly stood up and went on his knees in front of your lap, you stay still on the seat in confusion and in shock
- “w-what? Um kami-san what are you-“ he stops you, “once I’m sober can I take you out to dinner?” He says in a determined manner, eyes sparkling with hope
- you think you died at some point and your body is just denying it, you don’t even feel the seat you’re sitting on
- having processed what was asked, you reply with a huge smile despite your blazing red face that could even be compared to Kirishima’s hair
- even when shinsou had taken him home grumbling about how he needs to hold back with the drinks.. denki kaminari couldn’t wait to wake up (with a major hangover but he could really care less) and go on a date with his cutie
I Hope you enjoyed! And pls let me know if there are any suggestions you guys would make about my writing style or maybe even suggest who I will write about next! Next time lovelies
MWAH <333
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yandere-vent · 2 years
Ssorry for the weird last ask I was like half asleep but
Sso my beloved is talking to me currently, and he's asking why I love him.
And I definitely can explain why but if I do it will be known that I am very possessive of him and that I am very needy for him. Also because I would go on a rant about how amazing and handsome an-/hj
~ ⏰
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stop-highblood-hate · 6 months
Not much o4 a story just a rant (i4 this truly is a high blood sa4e s?ace)
I (violet, 9 swee?s) am a trained Or?haner who 4eels as though my work goes undera??reciated ^:/ Look I get it, Or?haning isnt the ?re#iest job or the most ?o?ular but it’s a necessary ?art of kee?ing trolls alive. Hell I culled my own lusus 4or my 4inal exam! Sure it sucked but I got over it ?re#y damn 4ast.
Anyways I hear a lot of shit about how “you’re taking away lusii 4rom rusties who need it” and “those lusii cared about their wrigglers” and (my personal 4avorite) “you have to have no blood ?usher to do such a violent job” like hello????? Who’s going to kee? Gobly satis4ied i4 no one 4eeds it????? Sorry I’m taking initiative to kee? us all alive?????? Or?haning is a dying ?ractice that I honestly 4eel needs to come back i4 we want any ho?e of staying alive.
That’s all I really had thanks 4or le#ing me rant more or less ^;) Sometimes you just go#a ?ut your 4eelings out into something other than hunting lusii yknow?
oh sshit anon im sso ssorry - orfanerss get sso much unfair hate when feyre literally keeping every ssingle troll on *and* off planet alive?? like yess maybe a few russty lussii have to die to do fat (and apparently fe orfanerss lussuss, which i never realissed!), but if globglolyb issnt fed, we ALL will!!
honesstly, fiss iss jusst anofer ssymptom of upperhemophobia fat no one talkss about :/ fe increassed sstigma and hatred againsst highbloodss jusst doing feir jobss (which, yess, are ussually more violent fan fe typical low to mid job, but ssomeone hass to do it) iss only going to sscare more and more good trollss away from feir work, and fatss only going to hurt all of uss in fe long run. orfaning iss important! sso iss vivisscerating, laughssssassssinating, archeradicating, and any ofer job fat lowbloodss fink iss "too violent'' and ''pussherlessss" - if we dont do fem, who will? and if no one doess fem, what will become of uss?
dont let fe russtiess get you down, anon. fey may whine about a few lussii dying, but if fey dont, we all die! youre doing good work out fere
(bessidess, lowblood lussii dont live ass long, anyway - if you didnt cull fem, itss not like fey would have been around for much longer 💀 at leasst fiss way feir deafss are helping fe empire)
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fata-carabina · 2 years
Yall I fucked up.. yesterday I had a test & I thought I did good but half an hour after turning the test in I realized that I forgot to do an exercise bc I was tired as fuck & I wasnt thinking.. so obviously I emailed the professor & begged him to let me redo the whole exam/question me on that part of the program.. and that fucking CUNT said that he couldnt do anything abt It bitch of course you can you're the one whos in charge.. so apparently i humiliated myself for nothing.. Plus last week I stayed a while after class to ask a few questions abt the exercises & he kept me for 40 minutes to complain abt his life & talk shit about all the other professors he was literally on the brink of tears.. he told me to come to his office if I had other questions/problems/whatever & was overall super kind and now he has the gall to refuse me? Fucking hypocritical cunt
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hyunfelix · 3 years
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[for @quokki] 🤍💛
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gakuenbbsitters · 3 years
anyway, i hope tokeino trashes the maria/ryuu or yuki/ryuu possible romance plotline soon because what the girls have between them has been so much more meaningful and fun to see develop. like we all know that what yuki feels for ryuu is just a crush (i truly don’t see it going anywhere or becoming substantial) and maria has Barely shown actual interest in ryuu for a while now.
BUT MARIA AND YUKI. they get it right every. single. time.
the development; the awkward first steps into friendship; the bonding over a shared crush; the way they slowly and organically got closer to one another; making it a point to hang out with each other outside of school; experiencing new things together with the babies; being the first person to watch out for the other if they’re not in an ideal situation; pushing each other outside of their comfort zone but being there to hold their hand every step of the way!
like i am absolutely INSANE over these two and their relationship, it’s become one of my favorite parts of the entire manga.
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
the way the druck tag made this whole ghosting/ignoring text messages ten times worse with their explanations than it actually was is so fucking funny to me
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keegn · 4 years
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bane--lightwood · 7 years
Hello guys, sorry for disappearing. Being an adult takes all the time of the fun stuff. I’ve been studying a lot to maybe have a future lmao. 
Anyways, I don’t know if people still follow me or even like my blog, but I hate not posting for so long. I really like creating stuff for tumblr, but real life is taking over any time I have. 
Also I’ve been getting pretty annoyed at some blogs that think they have some kind of creativity property over Malec and keep making all these posts and shaming for people for thinking different things than they do. It really ruins the fandom experience for me and many other people. I already blacklisted their url so I won’t be seeing them anymore, but it’s really sad that a lot of people feel sacred to share their opinions about Malec because they fear being harassed for not thinking like some of these popular blogs. So yeah, I’m not enjoying my time here or Malec as much as I used to. Sorry for this little rant, but it’s something that’s been bothering me for a little while now. 
I hope everyone is still enjoying you time here and for anyone that still likes me I’ll try to take better care of this blog. :) 
I missed y’all! <3 
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lannisterdissaster · 5 years
Oh do i love being used like a toy!!!! It sure feels lovely not to trust anyone ever again!!!!
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hongism · 3 years
🍪 anon- hayyy im having a really cute panic attack 😍 ima rant ssorry if things are misspelled, im shaking rn.
my dumass laotip restart for an uodate and it wnars me to lig in and i know i have hmtge oassword but its ar my grandmas house and my mom wount take me and i have a fic in writing and im crying.
xoxo, me and my pacnk attck 🤯
ahhh my darling im so sorry :((( please be sure to drink some water and rest a bit or do some breathing exercises if you have any on hand with you !!! i know how awful and taxing panic attacks can be, so please try to be gentle and kind to yourself alright love 💘💘💘
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vanillachaiii · 4 years
aaa vent,,,
i don’t know why i feel so sad or like not okay,,, it’s just i’ve been really stressed and worked up over a lot of things and i just think i’m overreacting because my period is coming up,,, im so ssorry if i’m annoying you all with my shitty vents, but i never do this often and i’m here to apologize again so i’m really sorry,,,
so a lot of you have online work i think and i have been assigned a lot and i really don’t like it,, it’s hard because i have a difficulty of focusing but i really try and i want to do my best at all of this stuff. im not the best cat some subjects but as i said i still really try and i want to do my best. sometimes it take up a very long time to do my work which causes me to cram everything; which i know is a very irresponsible thing on my part but as i said before i have a difficulty of focusing and paying attention to certain things. online learning has really taken a toll on me in a negative way and honestly it’s driven me to points here i felt really down. again i’m really sorry if i keep going on a rant,,, this may not be something you might not want to read bUt you can always skip this and act like you never saw it and that’s okay!!! im just,,, venting away,,,
anyways i’ve just been feeling so down. im trying really hard to be happy cause my 19th birthday is in 10 days and i don’t want to be a sad sap on my birthday,,,,with all the stress and overworkment i’m getting from everything and not being able to see my friends or get out of the house, it really drew me back. jesus, i love talking tom my internet friends of course, i love supporting all of my friends here on tumblr but there are just days where i feel like i can’t do anything. and whenever someone asks me for help id be so happy to help. but there are days where i can’t help them but i still do. my friends online and in real life. i wish that i could help you all. i may seem like an asshole for wanting to have time to myself but i’m really sorry. i want to help as many people as possible. some of you vent to me and i welcome you with open arms and i want to make you all happy. i don’t really matter. i never saw myself as a high and mighty person in general, i may seem like i have a lot of confidence but in reality it all broken. i try to be as confident as i can by wearing makeup and filters and trying to be pretty but i’m sorry if i made you all think i was a high and mighty woman. im really not.
im so sorry. i know i’m probably just dragging you for making you read this vent and i’m so sorry. i just don’t have anyone else to rant to. i just feel sad. i don’t know how many times i’ve cried in the last week. i’ve been feeling this way ever since quarantine had started (march 13) and it’s really breaking me. i really want to be better for all of you. i wish i could be a better person really. the tears i’ve shed, the words my mother has said to me, the words my brother has said to me, their gestures and looks, the constant need of wanting to talk to someone, the dedication and hard work i put in for my work, the people that confide in me, the multiple breakdowns i have each day, it won’t matter in the end. cause at the end of the day it’s just another day. it’ll just be a repeat of the same day and there’s nothing to do of it just keeps repeating. i just have to move on and not repeat the past.
im sorry once again for making you read this long ass vent, im stupid and overreacting i know but i just had to get that out. im sorry once again.
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