#st pirate au
demobatman · 1 year
more pirates of the caribbean au plsss!! pretty please with sugar on top? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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ill think about it.... bwa hahahaha
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finxwrites · 2 years
So I saw some cool fanart and got a craving for an Age of Sail au of Stranger Things, but I kept tripping up on how a proper fancy naval ship has like a hundred guys at least. I do not want a hundred guys. That is way too many guys. Half the point of this show is the secrecy, the “no one would believe me if I told them,” the us-against-the-world isolation that’s inherent to all of its genres.
There are two solutions to this problem. One is to shrug and ignore it, focusing only on the main characters and treating the rest as a faceless crowd with conveniently uniform opinions. This is the standard for writing these stories anyway, so it’s not like it’s even cheating really.
The other is to just…leave the guys behind. At the bottom of the sea. Sorry, guys.
Hopper was a captain of the Royal Navy, on track to be an admiral someday, but that was then. These days he captains a merchantman with a skeleton crew, because despite everything he couldn’t quite let go of the sea. He never takes his eyes off the horizon. That’s not quite the same as never looking back, but it’s the best he’s got.
His crew is the folks he works with in canon. This means they’re going to be apprised of the horrors before we’re done, unlike in canon, but I’m okay with that.
He knows Joyce Byers from the old days, when they were both kids going wild together, and even after he got himself a position as a midshipman, whenever he came into port they’d spend a night going wild together again, for old times’ sake. They remember this fondly, but they haven’t spoken in years – they saw each other once in the time after Lonnie left, and only once.
Hopper takes on passengers sometimes, to make up profits when margins are slim. This time he takes on Joyce and Jonathan, who are traveling to the Americas for a fresh start; and Nancy Wheeler and her companion/lady’s maid Barb, who are going to visit an aunt in the Caribbean. Will and Mike have been friends for years, even before the two of them took service on the same ship a year ago, so Joyce has promised to look after Nancy on her trip.
Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas are midshipmen in the royal navy, all serving on the same ship. Someone’s parents are landed gentry, maybe with a seat in the House of Lords or something, so some strings are pulled to get that ship to escort Hopper’s, or to get Hopper’s ship into the convoy that the boys’ ship is guarding, or however that works. I have not done research :P We’re going to call the boys’ ship the HMS Middlefast, because they’re. um. in middle school. Look I didn’t think too hard about this and neither should you. The Hawkins was already taken, that’s Hopper’s ship.
Also serving on the Middlefast: Steve! He’s a lieutenant, aka one rank below the captain, even though he’s like nineteen and has barely been at sea a full year. (His dad 100% bought his rank.) He starts courting Nancy almost as soon as he lays eyes on her.
Tommy’s also on the Middlefast, because we need him there as a set piece for Steve’s character arc. Unfortunately this means Tommy will not survive this story. Sorry, Tommy.
In my defense there’s no evidence he survived in canon either. It’s not like we ever see him again after his fight with Steve! For all we know he and Carol got eaten in the woods while Steve was cleaning off that marquee.
You know who else is on the Middlefast? A snappish midshipman called Max who keeps to himself and doesn’t seem to want to be friends with anyone. Dustin and Lucas think he’s really cool and spend a lot of time trying to befriend him whenever Will is hanging out with his family on the Hawkins. (Mike does not think Max is cool, he insists, he thinks Max is annoying. The feeling is mutual. They’ll get over it eventually, but not before they almost die a lot.)
We’re going to just smush seasons 1 and 2 together, because I’m the boss and I say so. (Also bc s2 is kind of about Things Festering, and being unable to move on, and PTSD, and that just doesn’t jive for this au. We’re not going to hold still long enough for anything to fester, this is just one really long, really cursed voyage.)
So that’s how things stand for a while. Steve and Will take every excuse they can to get assigned duties on the Hawkins, and after a while the captain of the Middlefast just gives up and makes Steve & the boys the default option for whenever someone needs to go stand watch there or whatever. 
Will hangs out with Jonathan and his mom a lot, and spends the rest of his time playing silly games with his friends. (They should be standing watch, yes, and they do, but also they’re twelve, they goof off a lot. The only people on the Hawkins who ever berate them for it are Hopper and Steve, and Steve’s busy wooing Nancy while Hopper does not actually care that much, so it’s not like they have that big an incentive to stop.)
Steve and Nancy are dancing around each other as she puts up the protest she knows she’s supposed to, while Barb is increasingly done with her nonsense but does her best to be supportive.
The night everything changes, two terrible things occur.
Nancy finally lets Steve into her bed. This is not one of the terrible things, although Nancy will think of it as one for some time to come. It will be a while before she can untangle her guilt from that which she does not actually regret.
Barb decides that there are certain things she doesn’t want to overhear her best friend doing and goes for a walk along the deck. It’s a clouded night, not even stars to keep her company, but she leans on the railing and gazes out into the blackness anyway.
Will is on watch that night. Jonathan usually keeps him company when he’s on watch alone, but he’s been trying to learn all he can about navigation from Hopper’s pilot, both because he believes in picking up useful skills when he can and because if he helps with the calculations the pilot will slip him a bit of money for it. It’s not a salary, it’s not reliable, but it’s extra cash and he knows how deeply his mom dipped into their funds for this gamble on a new life. So Jonathan is too tired to stay up all night with Will. Will sends him off to bed with a laugh and a roll of his eyes—“I’ll be fine, Jonathan, oh my god, I’m not a baby, I’m not going to die of boredom without you.” 
This is not one of the terrible things either, but Jonathan will think of it as one for the rest of his life.
The first terrible thing happens with no witness but one: a good man dies. He dies helping a frightened little girl, who sees his death and flees faster and further than those chasing her had thought possible. She weeps as she runs. Her salt tears drip into the salt waves beneath her feet.
The second terrible thing appears as a glimmer of moonlight on the black waves. The glimmer spreads, slow and viscous as molasses, and brightens as it does. And yet the moon is still hidden behind thick clouds.
The light spreads upward, illuminating the rotted hull of an old, old ship. The ship itself seems to glow in the false moonlight. The light spreads further: the deck, the quarterdeck, the poop deck, the forecastle, all bare of any souls, living or otherwise. A broken bowsprit over a figurehead so encrusted in barnacles it’s impossible to make out what it was once meant to be. Three masts in full square rigging, the sails billowing taut before the wind despite the huge ragged holes torn through the fabric. 
A ghost ship, hollow with haunting. And it sails straight for the Hawkins.
It sails through the Hawkins.
It does not leave empty.
Nancy wakes in the dark before morning. (Steve does not.) She goes outside. She’s not looking for Barb; she hasn’t thought of Barb once that night, with a casual selfishness she has not yet outgrown. But she finds Barb’s shawl, soaked through with seawater, caught on the deck railing. It’s glowing like the still-absent moon. 
The glow disappears in the first weak light of dawn. It does not return. No one believes her the next morning when she insists it was real.
And so, the aftermath. 
In this story, Nancy and Joyce are united in their insistence that something happened. In this story, there is no obvious explanation for the disappearances: yes, they fell overboard, so tragic, it happens, but why both of them? On a calm sea? There’s something wrong here. Neither captain wants to admit it, but they both know it to be true. 
In this story, the boys are convinced Will is hiding somewhere. They know him: they know he’s careful and sensible and has been at sea over a year, and wouldn’t just fall overboard like an idiot. They know he’s dutiful when they’re not dragging him away with games, and wouldn’t leave his post unless he saw something. They think he witnessed something awful—a crime, a murder, maybe Barb’s murder!—and he’s hiding from a scurrilous villain. They steal through every nook and cranny of both ships looking for him. 
They find a girl instead. She is terribly afraid. When they decide they have to tell their captain about her, a huge wave crashes through the nearest porthole and blocks their passage.
They’re far above the waterline. There’s no way for a wave to reach them so high. They all rush to the porthole to confirm it, and then bicker amongst themselves about what’s going on.
It takes another wave before they realize it’s El.
In this story, Joyce dreams of her missing son. She dreams of him at the stern of a ghost ship, reaching for her. She wakes at the railing of the Hawkins, reaching back, about to step overboard into the waves.
It’s Hopper who grabs her before she can go over the side. He turns her around to shake her, demand answers, and his words die in his throat.
Her eyes are glowing. They’re filled with eerie light from end to end. Like phosphorescence. Like moonlight.
She blinks awake. The light vanishes. She registers where she is, who’s holding her, and the grief-worn lines on her face harden with determination. “He’s alive,” she swears. “He’s alive, Hop, I know he is.”
This time, he believes her.
Some plot stuff happens. Honestly I’m not too fussed about pinning it down just now; I’d rather leave some wiggle room in case I ever actually write any of this. Here’s the gist + some essential bits:
We’re going to lean hard on the fantasy elements. The whole point of an Age of Sail au is to change the aesthetic, after all, and this story’s aesthetic includes ghost ships and hungry mermaids and ancient curses.
El can walk on water. She can command the waves to some extent. If she strains herself, she can summon a storm. She’s a child of the sea; when she begs the sea for aid, the sea heeds her.
She can find the ghost ship, too. At some point she’ll point them toward it and they’ll sail to its home port. 
Its home port is an island found on no map, because it’s actually a massive sea turtle whose shell is overgrown with greenery. It’s where El grew up, raised—no, more like kept—by a witch (Brenner) who can command the creatures and spirits of the sea. Of which she is one.
I really want to have Brenner work for the East India Trading Company. They’re just such good villains for the setting! Plus the way they operate semi-autonomously, not really answering to any government and without a hugely centralized hierarchy, gives them room for a top-secret laboratory magic island full of experimental sorcery.
But I also like the vibe of a mad witch alone with his monsters, and after all half the fun of an au is changing things around. I don’t need to give the man a laboratory and official funding.
Decisions, decisions…
Anyway, Brenner sent the ghost ship to find El. She managed to hide herself from it, so it scooped up the closest people it found: a kid about her size and shape, and a girl who was acutely alone. (Ghost ships have some rather unusual criteria for what makes two people similar.)
Nancy’s going to go on an expedition onto the turtle island to find Barb and blow shit up. This fic, should it ever exist, will be called Cherry Bomb. Possibly Jonathan (and maybe Steve!) will come along, but the story is hers. She deserves to blow shit up.
Maybe she even gets to Barb in time to save her. Or maybe she doesn’t, but Barb isn’t entirely lost—she might be a ghost, bound to a locket that Nancy wears ever after round her neck; she might have been transformed into a siren, or a selkie, or some stranger creature; she might be cursed with an enchanted sleep. Maybe Nancy gets to carry Barb with her and search for some way to save her. Maybe they both get a second chance.
Steve gets that character arc. He talks shit to Jonathan, gets punched in the face, rows over to the Hawkins on a dinghy to apologize, and then gets caught up in the sudden escalation of plot and is onboard when everyone goes to the turtle island.
The HMS Middlefast sinks. Probably when a kraken eats it. Sorry, Middlefast. Our main cast is conveniently on the Hawkins when it happens.
Possibly the captain of the Middlefast decided that the sensible thing to do when faced with a witch who commands the dark powers of the sea is to arrest him. So now there’s a witch in the brig, laughing at them, and, well, it goes about as you’d expect.
At some point it comes out that Max is a girl who disguised herself as a boy to run away from home and have adventures. Not sure how she became a midshipman, since her family definitely didn’t buy her commission; possibly she started as a ship’s boy and earned the rank for valor in combat.
Possibly she gets tossed in the brig or something and the boys bust her out and smuggle her onto the Hawkins. None of the adults over there really care about the impropriety, they’re too busy dealing with ghosts.
Kali is also a daughter of the sea. A siren, maybe, who beguiles with her song. Or maybe she’s something totally unique, like El—perhaps she commands the winds as El commands the waves, and she and her tiny crew of pirates always have fair skies and a strong tailwind. 
As in canon, she invites El to join her. She promises freedom, agency, and the chance to know herself truly and fully. (If we go with Brenner working for the East India Trading Company, she can promise vengeance, too.)
As in canon, El declines, and chooses instead to go back and save her friends. Possibly from that kraken.
This fic is called A Room Where the Light Won’t Find Us. It’s about finding a place you belong; it’s about hiding, and choosing not to hide anymore despite the risks; it’s about fear, and family, and the struggle between being a wild, glorious, unfettered thing and binding yourself to others through love.
Will gets possessed for a bit. Sorry, Will. Maybe the ghost ship anchors itself in his ribs and keeps trying to steal him away again. Maybe he slowly becomes a siren, eaten away from within until there’s nothing but a coyly smiling monster that wants to draw you in and drown you. Maybe it’s a leviathan of the deep, long buried in slumber, and Brenner planted some seed in Will that’s calling to that creature so that it slowly wakes.
At the end Brenner gets eaten by a kraken, El manages to excise the evil thing from Will, Nancy blows some shit up and maybe sort-of rescues Barb, Joyce gets her son back, they all live happily ever after. (Except for everyone who’s now at the bottom of the sea in the wreck of the Middlefast. Sorry, everyone.) We sail along peacefully for a while, perhaps make it all the way to the Caribbean, and then—ACT TWO!
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calmboyl · 11 months
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rubypasha1 · 6 months
Little sneak peak at the next chapter of Set the Sails.
“Sorry about this, doc,” the unmistakable rumble of Red’s voice, a fake humour laced with tension and anxiety, sounded by your ear.
“Not a doctor,” you gasp, choking as you try and prevent another scream from the excruciating pain in your back. He’s pressing on all the wrong spots, your mind sparking with pain so powerful it felt like everything was turning red.
Unfortunately it was Edge’s stars.
“You said you’d have it under control,” Red huffed, moving back a bit but still keeping an iron hold. Less pain spiked, but you still panted, now awfully aware of the two books held within Edge’s claws, “Wasn’ supposed to scare her.”
“. . . She Wouldn’t Tell Me-”
“Boss,” Red said warningly. You thrashed in his hold, clawing at his arms with a growing madness that swelled throughout the room.
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antilocaprine · 2 years
for the kiss prompts, frenrey, 36, pls?
(Kiss Prompt List)
Once I thought about this prompt in context of @melonsharks' Pirate!AU, I absolutely had to do it. This was supposed to end shortly after the kiss, with only a brief reference to what happens after, but then I wanted to write the cool climactic scene, and then I realized that the part after the kiss had taken up way more space than the part before the kiss. Ah well. Sometimes it's like that.
(Also, a savvy reader may recognize elements of the climax from a Redwall book, though I'll be danged if I can remember which one. I read all of them multiple times as a kid, so just trust me on this. It was a very cool scene.)
36: ...to give up control.
Gordon comes to flat on his back, and he must have only been knocked silly for a moment, because particles of wood and dust are still falling through the new hole in the deck that he’s staring up at. Through the gap, he can see a section of the mast and the sails, tattered at one corner where a cannonball took out a rope and tore the edge loose, sending the cloth fluttering in the breeze.
Overhead, there are pounding footsteps and shouts, but Gordon can’t focus enough to think about that right now - he’s too busy trying to pull air into his deflated lungs. His hook scrapes the planking he’s laying on, but he hasn’t got enough strength yet to haul himself upright. He can’t catch his breath - why can’t he catch his breath?
“Great shot, Bubby!” Coomer bellows from somewhere on the deck above, and Gordon relaxes slightly. He hadn’t realized he was still tensed up, and that movement allows air into his shocked lungs in a painful, burning rush. He wheezes a few breaths in, then kicks his elbows back and manages to push himself up far enough to see that there’s a spar of wood punched through his right calf.
“Where’s the captain?” Tommy’s voice yells, sounding more distant than Coomer’s.
“He’s right - oh. Oh, dear.” Coomer’s voice gets closer, and then his head is silhouetted poking over the edge of the new hole in the deck. “Ah! Hello, Gordon!”
“Is - how is he?” Tommy shouts. “Is he okay?”
“Now, Gordon, I wouldn’t suggest that,” Coomer says, and Gordon looks up from trying to yank the wood out of his leg and waves at him. He still can’t catch his breath enough to shout.
A cannonball whistles overhead, and Coomer’s head vanishes as another half-dozen gunshots ring out. The hole in the planks is partially obscured by smoke, and Gordon tries to set his left leg and pull himself off the spear of wood. It looks like he fell on a pallet of crated supplies which broke under the combined weight of his body and ten feet of deck, and part of the pallet is what’s currently playing peekaboo with Gordon’s leg muscles. Since the pallets are secured to the floor of the hold to keep their weight from shifting, this means that Gordon is effectively stuck like a bug on a pin.
Joshua collected butterflies like that, Gordon remembers, and the thought is enough to drive another gasp of air from his lungs. Joshua never killed any of the insects, but any time he found dead ones, he picked them up and brought them home cradled in the cup of his hands to add to the little box of wings beneath his bed…
“oh, shit,” a voice says, and Gordon’s head snaps up to see Benrey leaning over the hole in the deck, outlined in smoke and the fading light of sunset.
“Where’s your gun?” Gordon rasps, the words tearing at his throat. “You have to - fight back -”
“yeah, sure, right,” Benrey says, and hops down into the hold.
It’s an eight foot drop if it’s an inch, but the former stowaway doesn’t even seem to notice the impact. They’re immediately hurrying over to Gordon, peering critically at the impaled leg.
“clumsy lil boy, ain’t’cha?”
“Shut up,” Gordon hisses, hauling one of his pistols free. “Shut the fuck up - take this, and get -”
“nope, i gotta - you really fucked up big time,” Benrey says.
“It was a direct shot!” Gordon snaps.
“not direct enough to, uh, t’hit you, though.”
“Benrey,” Gordon barks. “Are there boarders?”
“uhhhh,” Benrey tips their head back and looks straight up. “no. they’re not, uh - not close enough yet.”
“I have to get back up there, then, to make sure they stay that way.” Gordon tries again to set his heel against the floor of the hold, but his boot slips in a mix of blood and what might be whiskey. What a waste.
“that’s probably - hey, you shouldn’t do that!” Benrey’s tone is alarmed enough that Gordon stops and looks at them. They’ve got both hands outstretched, one hovering a foot above Gordon’s pinned leg, and the other at shoulder level, like they’re going to push Gordon back to the deck - or like they’re monitoring another wound.
Gordon glances over and blinks, genuinely surprised to see a six-inch splinter of wood protruding from the meat of his upper chest. Maybe there are multiple reasons why it was so hard to catch his breath after the fall.
“Fuck,” he breathes, and sees Benrey nodding out of the corner of his eye.
Another shot whistles overhead, and Gordon curses again. “I’m the captain,” he says, probably nonsensically. “I have to - no one else can steer the ship.”
“i can - i could do that?” Benrey’s face is smeared with soot and sweat, but their dark headband is still tightly secured over their serious gaze. “i was, uhhhh first mate. first - first mate Benrey? maybe, uh - best mate Benrey?”
Gordon’s spectacles are chipped at one corner, but he still resettles them to stare blankly at Benrey. “...What?”
“i know how to steer the ship,” Benrey says patiently.
“No,” Gordon replies, and tries to haul his leg off the wooden spar again.
“no - wait, don’t -”
Something hits the railing on deck with a splintering crack, sending shards of wood spinning down through the hole in the planks. Gordon flings an arm up to protect his head, and Benrey ducks over Gordon’s legs as wood patters across their back.
Overhead, there’s a brief silence, then Bubby’s voice shouts “YOU MISSED!” This time, Gordon can hear faint voices yelling replies.
“Shit, they’re getting closer.”
“yeah, so - y’gotta let me help.” Benrey sits up and shakes the loose debris from their shoulders, keeping one hand extended to prevent anything from falling onto the wound in Gordon’s leg. Benrey does that a lot - Gordon will turn around and they’ll be standing there, one hand out like Gordon’s a fire and Benrey’s trying to warm up. He’ll admit it’s made him twitchy around the former stowaway, even after he cleared his residual resentment for having missed Benrey smuggling themself aboard. Even if they got Tommy’s help, he still should have noticed.
Sunkist gives a roaring bark, and there are several splashes like bodies falling into the ocean. Sunkist would never attack any of the crew, so that must mean the fucking Navy ship has finally closed the distance and has either sent a dinghy, or tossed lines over to attempt a boarding.
Gordon looks at Benrey. “Tommy said you got him out of Port Royal on a hijacked dinghy. Is that true?”
Benrey shrugs. “yeah, i guess.”
“This isn’t a dinghy. Can you actually take the helm of a ship this big?”
“yeah, i guess,” Benrey says again, which isn’t the most reassuring thing to hear.
Above them, the clatter of grappling hooks filters through the smoky hole in the deck. “Damn it,” Gordon hisses. “I wouldn’t - I don’t even know where to go, besides ‘away’.”
“i do,” Benrey says, and checks the splinter in Gordon’s shoulder in a businesslike manner. They swipe some of Gordon’s mane of hair out of the way to look at his back, then make a muffled sound. “uh…that’s probably fine.”
“What does - fuck it, I don’t care,” Gordon growls, and loops his hook around Benrey’s shoulder to tug them close. “We have to get away from these fucking bootboys, yeah? Just - get us away.”
“uh-huh,” Benrey says faintly, face flushed and eyes very wide. And Gordon’s been holding back a little, because he’s listened to Benrey’s singing at night and watched them play with Tommy and Sunkist and listened to them pester Bubby until he shows them how to pack blasting powders into explosives, and he’s not blind, okay? He’s seen Benrey watching him back.
Lines creak horribly as the wind catches the sail at a bad angle and the ship lists. Gordon huffs out a curse and feels his own breath reflected back at him from Benrey’s proximity. He reaches up and unclasps his locket, tugging it free and slinging it over Benrey’s head, pressing their lips together as he does to keep Benrey from noticing the complicated motion his fingers make to lock the clasp. He can’t lose the locket - it’s far too important, for far too many reasons.
Benrey presses back immediately, one hand cupping Gordon’s good shoulder, the other braced on the floor as they return the kiss with enthusiasm. Gordon pulls back and swallows, then tucks a finger under the locket and picks it up, letting it roll over his fingers to display the heavy back of the case. He flicks the tiny tab that’s hidden near the hinge, and a length of metal slides out with a soft click.
“whuh…that’s a key,” Benrey says, their eyes nearly crossed to focus on the locket. Gordon clicks the tab again and the tiny key folds back into the pendant.
“When you get to the wheel, there’s a slot on the back of the king spoke, where it meets the barrel of the helm.” Gordon lets the locket fall to thump against Benrey’s chest. “Fit the key into that slot and it’ll unlock the wheel.”
“sneaky,” Benrey says appreciatively.
“Cautious,” Gordon replies. “Coomer’s idea. We stole her once. Didn’t want anyone stealing her back.”
Benrey nods and rises to their feet. The shadow of their headband makes their eyes look like tiny pinpricks of reflected light in the darkness of the hold, and for a moment Gordon wonders if he’s made a mistake - but only a moment. Benrey has proved time and again that they’re on the same side as Gordon’s crew, even though they’ve been annoying as hell along the way.
“m’gonna go - do that. with this.” Benrey gestures at the locket, and Gordon realizes with a spike of delight that they’re flustered. That’s hilarious.
“Benrey?” Gordon reaches out and tugs on the trailing end of the sash that’s tied around Benrey’s waist, unable to reach anything higher.
“yeah? huh?”
Gordon smirks up at them and slaps his loaded pistol into their empty palm. “Fuck ‘em up.” 
Benrey’s mouth curls up in a feral grin, their teeth gleaming red in the glow of a sudden explosion from the deck. “on it, boss,” they say, then pause, and carefully add, “captain.”
“Finally,” Gordon snorts. “Knew I could get that out of you eventually.”
“more where that came from,” Benrey says, and then makes a standing leap for the edge of the splintered hole in the deck before Gordon can parse what the hell they meant by that.
In a surprisingly short amount of time, the chaos on deck seems to subside. Gordon can hear water rushing against the hull, so he knows they’re moving, but he’s surprised they managed to fight off the Navy sailors that quickly - unless none of them made it onboard in the first place. Sunkist’s immense head peering over the railing has certainly repelled boarders before, so perhaps it worked again.
Gordon hears footsteps trotting across the wooden planks behind him, but before he has to worry about drawing his other pistol, he hears Coomer’s cheerful voice. “Ah! Hello, Gordon! I see you’re still in a sticky situation!”
With his help, Gordon is able to prise his leg off the spar of wood without tearing too much more muscle, and they make their unsteady way through the hold, Gordon leaning on Coomer, to reach the actual stairs up to the deck. There is debris on the steps, too - the battle left quite a mess, and Gordon winces as his good foot slips on a piece of wood and almost goes out from under him. Coomer catches his weight without appearing to notice, which Gordon is grateful for.
“I’m not sure where young Bipple is taking us, but those dastardly bootboys are having trouble keeping up,” Coomer says as they reach the level of the deck, “and that’s all I care about. Bubby was almost out of bombs!”
“Bite your tongue,” Bubby snaps, holed up near the forecastle and hurriedly pouring dark powder through a paper funnel into a small container tucked between his knees. “I’m never out of bombs.”
“Good to hear,” Gordon rasps, and Bubby glances up sharply, eying the dust on his clothes, the bandage on his leg, and the spear of wood still sticking out of his shoulder, secured tightly with cloth padding. (Coomer had decided it was doing better to block the potential bleeding where it was, but Gordon was hating the fact that it left him with minimal use of his good arm.)
“All right, captain?” Bubby asks cautiously.
“Just fine,” Gordon replies, “as long as these bootboys stay back. Any casualties?”
“Not on our side,” Coomer says brightly, and Gordon leaves it at that.
They make their way across the deck, skirting the edge of the large hole Gordon was thrown through, and head for the quarterdeck. At the helm, Benrey is outlined in an eerie glow. Gordon blinks. The Navy ship is too far back to be casting that light, and anyway, it’s the wrong color, shining a sickly blue that makes Benrey’s skin look wan and washed out. They resemble nothing so much as a corpse, and Gordon stumbles to a halt, staring up at them as they shift the wheel slightly, sending the ship a few degrees to starboard.
“Is…that…?” Gordon starts, and at his shoulder, Coomer nods.
“St. Elmo’s fire,” he says quietly. “None of us have been able to talk to them since they took the helm. But they had the key, so…I assume that was your doing?”
“Yeah,” Gordon says, distracted. “I…gave it to them. Are we - do we trust -”
“Cap’n Freeman, you’re okay!” Tommy appears from behind the mast, and Gordon blinks.
“Do you know where Benrey’s taking us?”
“Oh, I, um…no,” Tommy says, reaching out to scratch Sunkist’s ears as the enormous dog wiggles around some rigging to reach his side. “But we’re in a, um, some kind of current, because they’ve got more sails but they, um, it looks like they can’t catch us.”
Gordon’s gaze follows his pointing finger. The Navy ship does, in fact, have a full set of sails up and belled out in the breeze, visible by lantern light even from this distance. Since Gordon’s ship has at least one damaged sail and is a smaller vessel to boot, there’s no way they should be running ahead of the heavier Navy ship. And yet, here they are.
Gordon looks up at Benrey again, who doesn’t seem to know that anyone else is nearby. “I’m going up,” he decides. “I’ll talk to them.”
“Gordon, I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” Coomer says. Tommy, usually Benrey’s primary advocate, stays conspicuously silent.
Gordon shrugs, then winces when the splinter of wood in his shoulder bites into his flesh at the movement. “Someone has to do it, and I gave them the key. I’ll go alone,” he adds, pulling away from Coomer before he can protest.
The staircase up to the helm has a banister, and Gordon leans on it as hard as he can as he limps his way up the steps. The air begins to feel charged as he nears Benrey, and he can see little sparks of blue light flickering curious fingers out from Benrey’s shoulders, from their clothes, from their hair. The entire wheel is glowing from this side, Gordon notes, and decides it’s probably best not to touch anything.
“Benrey,” he says from the top of the stairs, his hand still on the railing and his hook looped over a rope to keep him steady.
Benrey’s lips are moving, but they’re silent, staring straight ahead, eerie blue light dancing across their features. Gordon doesn’t know what to do. He’s only seen St. Elmo’s fire once before, on the rigging of a sinking ship during a thunderstorm, and they’ve all heard the stories of what it means. The fact that it hasn’t spread to the sails is immaterial - its presence says that one way or another, they’re all doomed.
At a loss, Gordon takes an unsteady step closer and raises his voice. “Benrey?”
That gets a reaction. Benrey turns their head slowly, like they’re underwater, their hair fluttering against the wind above their headband. Their eyebrows gradually come down as they make eye contact with Gordon, and when they open their mouth to speak, the words sound like they’re coming from very far away.
“oh…hey…you’re up. cool,” Benrey says, and starts to turn back to face the wheel. Behind them, the Navy ship fires a single shot - they must have dragged one of the guns around to face forward. Maybe Bubby’s taunting struck a nerve. The shot whistles harmlessly through the night and splashes down well aft of the ship’s stern. Benrey frowns again.
“s’not very…nice,” they say quietly, and Gordon watches a line of bright blue lightning flicker from their shoulder over the railing. He turns and sees it streaking across the water until it reaches the place the cannonball splashed down, where it leaps from the dark sea and follows an arc back toward the Navy ship, as if it’s tracing the shot’s path in reverse.
When it lands, there’s the distant sound of an explosion, and several screams. Benrey smirks, and doesn’t look back.
“What the fuck is going on?” Gordon rasps, dust and smoke still thick in his throat and feeling thicker. This is - this is magic, or religion, or something, and he’s not prepared for it today. Tonight. Whatever.
“don’t worry about it,” Benrey says, and their voice sounds clearer, though they still face forward, both hands on the wheel. Gordon’s locket gleams bright gold on their chest, somehow untouched by the blue-violet glow of the St. Elmo’s fire that wreathes the rest of Benrey’s body.
“Where are we going?” Gordon asks unsteadily.
Benrey’s lips curl up in a smile, their teeth gleaming and sharp. “a trap,” they reply, and raise one hand to point, blue lightning flickering around their wrist and fingers like playful snakes.
Gordon turns to look, squinting his eyes to see through the ambient glow. Far ahead, but getting closer, there is a shadow on the water, what looks like a hole sunk into the sea…
His mouth goes dry. “Is that a maelstrom?”
“...dunno what that is,” Benrey says after a moment. “s’a whirlpool, though.”
“That’s what a maelstrom is, man.” Mesmerized, Gordon steps forward and his leg gives out, sending him crashing toward the railing in front of the helm. He forgets that it’s currently flickering with blue light and reaches out to catch himself, jarring his shoulder and his leg in the act and gritting his teeth to keep from crying out.
Benrey makes an unhappy noise, but Gordon can’t look at him yet - he’s too busy staring at the flickers of blue-violet light that are dancing across his knuckles on the railing. It doesn’t feel like anything, which is a surprise - but this close, he can hear a faint crackling, like a distant fire burning hot pine logs. He stumbles away anyway, and feels Benrey’s hand in the small of his back when he does.
“sorry,” Benrey mumbles, pushing him gently back toward the stair railing. “might wanna…hold on.”
A single thread of blue light stays anchored to Gordon when Benrey pulls their hand away to return it to the wheel and Gordon stares as it flickers around the curve of his hook, the other end jumping between Benrey’s shoulder and their forearm. It looks like a bolt of lightning in miniature, jagged and jolting, but it still doesn’t hurt.
“TOMMY!” Benrey bellows, and Gordon twitches. “HANG ON TO SOMETHING!”
“Aye aye!” Tommy yelps from below, and Gordon can hear him shouting it up to Coomer and Bubby. Benrey does something with the wheel and reaches up - and finally, several fingers of blue light dart up to dance through the rigging and skip along the sails. The ship slows, and Gordon can hear startled shouts from the Navy vessel.
“Benrey, you can’t run us into that,” Gordon says. “It’ll - maelstroms aren’t big enough to eat a ship, but it could tear the hull apart and put us in the water anyway, and that’s basically the same fucking thing.”
“this one’s big enough,” Benrey says, then adds “i made sure of it.”
What? Gordon stares at them. “What? What does that mean?”
Benrey shrugs. “means i made sure of it,” they say, then send the wheel into a rattling spin. The rudder creaks and the ship lists hard to port just as they reach the edge of the vortex’s current.
Gordon looks over the railing at it, and abruptly realizes that what he was looking at was an actual hole in the ocean, still quite distant. He’s never seen a maelstrom this big, and certainly not one in the middle of the sea, with no land to knock about strange currents that might build something like this.
“Holy hell,” he whispers as the hull shudders and settles into the groove of the spinning current, slingshotting them around the edge of the vortex. 
“something like that,” Benrey mutters, and behind them, the Navy ship charges forward in pursuit.
“We’ve got them now!” A posh voice cries. Gordon glances over his shoulder to see that the Navy vessel has closed much of the distance between them. Sailors holding lanterns lean out over their railings, but they seem cautious about firing another shot, and Gordon notices several arms pointing up at the blue glow dancing through his rigging.
“Benrey?” Gordon asks slowly. “What’s the light?”
“it’s, uh…helping,” Benrey says, their voice sounding distant again. “don’t mess with it.”
“How the fuck would I do that?” Gordon starts, then has to slam his hook into the banister as the ship abruptly lists hard to starboard. “What - did we just hit something?”
“no. s’fine. don’t worry about it,” Benrey says quickly. The black hole of the maelstrom’s mouth is getting closer, frothing white water at the edge marked by moonlight and the mix of lantern light and violet witchlight before it drops away into darkness.
“Benrey?” Tommy’s voice quavers from somewhere on the quarterdeck. “We’re getting awfully close…”
“it’s fine!” Benrey calls down. “don’t - it’s okay!”
“Okay!” Tommy replies, and Gordon can hear the relieved smile in his voice. Just like that, huh? But Tommy’s always been trusting. Gordon is less so.
“If you wreck my ship I’ll - I’ll drown you,” he says, which is probably rude in the situation, but tempers are high.
“like t’see you try,” Benrey mutters, then spins the wheel again as the Navy ship pulls broadside across the mouth of the vortex. 
“Oh, shit - TAKE COVER!” Gordon bellows, but it’s too late - he already sees the flashes of light from the Navy guns going off. Fuck, have they even reloaded their own guns? Bubby and Coomer probably took care of that, but -
Gordon’s train of thought screams to a halt, then cataclysmically derails. There is…something…rising out of the black maw of the maelstrom, and it’s caught the cannonballs and flung them back  somehow. He can’t exactly tell how, because the…thing…is as dark as the mouth of the vortex itself, and he can only see it where it blocks the light from the Navy ship. Even then, his mind struggles to perceive what he’s looking at - is it some sort of curtain? A feral whale? Is it a serpent? Is it Scylla herself, rising from the depths of Charybdis to hunt for human blood?
“don’t worry about it,” Benrey says sharply, and the wheel clacks as it spins in its housing and their bowsprit swings away from the whirlpool.
Somehow, the current lets them go. It should be impossible, but the sea clears ahead of them, and Gordon’s pretty sure he sees flickers of green and blue lights along the edges of the still water, like the reflection of lanterns lining an avenue.
“Did they miss again?” Bubby’s voice comes from below, and Gordon realizes with a start that, because he told them to take cover, none of them saw the thing that rose from the maelstrom.
“Oh dear,” Coomer says softly, and Gordon spins to look back beyond the stern just in time to see the lights on the Navy ship go dark one by one, the mast tilting as the vessel begins to drop prow-first into the vortex. The rush of the current seems muted, and the Navy ship is quiet and dark as it slips out of sight beneath the waves with a faint rush of cracking wood and creaking ropes.
Gordon breathes very carefully for a few moments, thinking hard. There’s still witchlight dancing around Benrey, but the flickers of blue that had leapt so energetically into the rigging and sails have returned to the helm and seem rather subdued, as if they’re dogs expecting a scolding. Gordon watches one dart close to his hook before it appears to think better of it and lunges back to Benrey, instead.
Gordon shakes his head. St. Elmo’s fire doesn’t think anything. It’s not alive. No one knows what it is, but they know it’s not that. Although...Gordon thought he knew that maelstroms couldn’t get big enough to destroy a sloop, let alone a Navy man-o-war, yet he just saw it happen in front of him. And he’s starting to rethink his initial dismissal of Benrey’s statement that they aren’t human in light of this…well, light. And everything else, of course.
The thread of blue connecting him to Benrey jitters as Gordon steps toward them. They take a step back, but keep one hand on the wheel, looking worried.
“are we, uh…was that okay?”
“That was brilliant, Benrey!” Coomer shouts from the staircase. Gordon swings around to glare at him, and he hurries back down the stairs with a chortle.
“are we…okay?” This sounds even more hesitant.
Gordon steps up next to them and sets his hand on a spoke opposite to the one Benrey’s holding. Their gaze flicks down, then back up to Gordon’s face, and they swallow. Slowly, Gordon reaches out with his now completely glowing hook and gently taps Benrey’s chest. There’s a bzzt like static discharge, and their hair stands on end for a moment before flopping back into its usual messy sprawl above their headband. Most of the unearthly glow around them goes dark, leaving only a few flickers of light across their shoulders like a glowing stole.
“That was pretty brilliant,” Gordon concedes. “But uh…maybe some warning, next time? I don’t know what the fuck I just saw, but I think -”
“oh shit, you weren’t supposed to see that,” Benrey interrupts.
“What did I see?” Gordon asks stiffly.
“Do not say -”
“don’t worry about it?”
“You fucking -” Gordon lashes the wheel with a practiced sweep of his hand and lunges after Benrey, who takes off, cackling their way down the stairs. Tommy catches them on the quarterdeck, because Gordon can’t move very fast right now and his crew is nothing if not fair. Bubby and Coomer smack Benrey cheerfully on the back, and Tommy squeezes them so tightly that they squeak as Gordon makes his way down the steps toward them. Flickers of blue-violet light dance through the rigging, keeping pace with him as he goes, and he decides that if things like coral can be alive, then maybe light can, too. Especially light that knows better than to touch his locket. He smiles as Coomer steps up to reach for the dressing on his shoulder, now that they finally have time to breathe.
Gordon watches his locket bounce on Benrey’s chest as they laugh at Sunkist pushing Tommy over and sending all three of them sprawling across the deck. Perhaps there will be time for other things, too, if he allows himself that chance. He thinks of Benrey’s eager mouth on his, and figures that maybe he could try that again, to start with. They’ll have to see where it goes from there, afterward. But they’ve got time.
*   *   *
Far behind them and getting farther, where shortly before, a maelstrom devoured a ship whole, moonlight shines on smooth, dark water, broken only by the eddies of natural currents. Nothing lies lurking beneath the waves. If anyone came looking for a sunken Navy ship, they would never find it. The only evidence of strangeness is faint sparkles of green and blue light refracting off the surface of the sea - or maybe it’s just the reflected light of stars, silent and watchful in the vault of the midnight sky.
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buck1eys · 1 year
eddie stowing away on a ship and being taken in by old sea dog wayne who worries that this boy who cannot tie knots and screws his eyes up tight with terror up the rigging won't make it, at least until the quartermaster lends him a lute and eddie learns to play and sing and suddenly he has, if not a job then at least a talent and a use on board and it's all plain sailing until they're boarded by pirates who take the ship and the surviving crew and eddie, well eddie is good at telling tall tales and planning a campaign and finds that piracy suits him better, actually, and so he roves the seas singing songs of adventure and taking as much wealth from the spanish and dutch and english as he can, until one day maybe a merchant vessel refuses to surrender and is put to the guns, and a young sailor with big brown eyes and floppy hair wet with seawater and bloody from a head wound is pulled from the ocean and eddie thinks maybe, maybe it's time to learn to be good again
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whomst-the-hell · 2 years
i might write this out one day but like. probably not so in the meantime: a somewhat steve centric stranger things pirate au that gets less and less canon as it goes, because its me:
steve is the son of someone wealthy (merchant? governor? king? doesn’t matter!) and courting the lady nancy wheeler
nancy’s handmaiden barbara goes missing from a party at steve’s estate, where she was taken from the dock
nancy and jonathan team up to find her and will, who’s missing too
theyve been taken by a cursed ship (a la potc flying dutchman) captained by the legendary no-longer-human henry creel, who’s supposed to ferry the dead but abused his position as immortal psychopomp to rule the seas with an iron fist
(logically the ship would be called the upside down but that sounds fucking dumb so. im leaning towards The Black Widow but idk im taking suggestions ig)
meanwhile el has escaped from this ship, and meets up with a gang of kids
in this au, instead of the canon interest in fantasy, i think the kids are super into like. romanticised pirate legends
instead of “the party” they call themselves “The Crew”
steve follows nancy and jonathan, fearing for nancy’s safety with “that byers creep” and comes in just in time to help nancy and jonathan as they battle aboard The Black Widow
nancy and jon manage to negotiate steve and will’s release (rip barb) in return for their souls, and are trapped on the ship ~forever oOoOO~
except that steve and the kids are not satisfied with this at all, and with the help of merchant’s step-daughter Maxine Mayfield they steal a boat (but not before some weirdly homoerotic (in a rancid way) conflict between steve and billy) and set sail in pursuit of The Black Widow
along the way they pick up navigator Robin Buckley, who initially clashes with steve but bonds with him when they are captured and tortured by The Soviet, another ship chasing The Black Widow for their power
also at this time el is sailing with her sister kali upon The Children’s Revenge, who are hunting Creel bc their family/friends/crewmates have been taken by him in the past
they eventually all reunite upon the deck of the black widow
along with eddie and chrissy, who were captured after eddie helped chrissy flee an arranged marriage to (barf) jason carver, and have been working w nancy and jon to try to mutiny. the issue: the new captain would be forced to Actually stay on the widow ~forever oOoOOo~
with the combined forces of platonic stobin&The Crew, el&kali, and jancy&platonic hellcheer, they are able to carry out the mutiny plan, and steve (coughMartyrcough) makes himself captain so that the others can leave
they refuse to leave
they dismiss all creel’s crewmen/prisoners (the demo-creatures, i think. also, the mind flayer is the kraken, it never came up but its true)
The Crew lives their dream of romantic piracy, ferrying souls instead of pillaging innocents (though they also bust slave ships, and occasionally sink other, crueler ships, be they pirates or navy officers), nancy and jonathan can serve justice (see above) and also be together, which wasnt an option bc jon was poor, and steve&robin and eddie&chrissy are living their platonic soulmate lives, + steddie and buckingham
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love-toxin · 2 years
mmh......i have many wips on the roll rn......but just for the culture......thinkin bout some fruity four aus.....
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jebiknights · 2 years
I don't dislike the fanon that Quinlan is a part of the same creche group as the JA squad (Obi-Wan, Bant, Garen, etc.) but it does sometimes surprise me when I get reviews on fics alluding to this fact when I'm working with the Legends Quinlan backstory, because I'm just like wait what are you talking about before i remember what fandom thinks is canon lol
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louisinart · 1 year
microdosing steddie fic so i don't OD on positive feelings
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uglypastels · 1 year
Not Wholly Evil / Pirate!Eddie au - Series Masterlist
'Do not worry; we shall release you straight back into your father's arms– for a reasonable price, that is,' he looked around at his men, who all once again erupted in a jolly sea of laughter, matching his much softer depiction of humour. 'But for now….' He bend in a bow, dramatically removed his hat as his unbrushed locks grazed the floor. When he rose back up, his grin had spread to the widest corners of his mouth, and his dark eyes were filled with menacing mischief, freezing your core at the thought of what he could possibly be holding back in his mind. 'Welcome aboard the Hellfire.' 
Full ST Masterlist - Inbox - Reviewbox
- keep up to date with NWE -
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"semi dark fic" - READ the warnings:. (gun/sword)violence. blood. mention of severe wounds. minor character death. allusions to suicide. kidnapping. imprisonment. alcohol. open and deep sea. pirates are pigs: mentions of non-con, but it does not actually occur. malnourishment and weight loss. paranoia. mention of poisoning. abuse. manhandling. lying.
Chapter 1: The Death of the Red Tail
Chapter 2: Asphodel
Chapter 3: An Affair of Honor
Chapter 4: Columba
Chapter 5: Flintlock
Chapter 6: Shiver Me, Timbers
Chapter 7: Four Corners of Heaven
Chapter 8: Earthshine
Chapter 9: Paragon - [18+ version]
Chapter 10: Lock and Key
If you want to see any more of pirate Eddie [or Steve] requests for one-off oblurbs are open!!!
Chapter 0.1: The Treasure of Old Man Jim Chapter 0.2: Eddie and Tabitha Chapter 0.3: A Ceremony of Love
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variety-fangirl · 1 month
Multi-faves (ongoing):
A wonderful masterlist for both myself and others (yourself) to explore. Will be continuously updating.
There will be a mix of smut, angst and fluff. I've only just started so bare with!
Also my fave 18+ links 😏. NO MINORS.
The fandoms-
Poly TF141-
Mafia!TF141*F!Reader by @i-am-hungry-24-7
Cherry Bomb (tattoo parlour au) by @swordsandholly
On The Run by @angel-eyes-and-devil-hearts
Soap and Ghost spying on you by @simonbrain
Simon Riley-
Dog Tags by @starstruckmiraclekitty
Riding Simon by @sunsetsimon
Being Protective by @dante-mightdie
Mechanic Simon by @ebodebo
Needy Sleepy Simon by @deunmiu-dessie
Car Sex by @oceantornadoo
Staring at You by @y-ckysstuff
Work Wife by @stargirlrchive
Nightmare in the Daylight by @ghostedbunnie
Mail order Bride by @bi-writes
John Price-
Filling you up good by @dumbbitchgalore
Possessive Over Assistant Reader by @evermoreal
Johnny Mctavish-
Appreciation after you gave birth to his baby by @dumbbitchgalore
Lavender & Whiskey by @staytrueblue
Try Me by @forsworned
Fade Into You by @frudoo
Size Difference by @amaranthinespirit
COD 18+ Links:
Captain John Price by @riddlesweater
Multi by @bigguyenthusiast
Multi and Multi by @mrsparrasblog
Simon Undressing 🥵 by @tassodelmiele
Shirtless Price 🤤 by @tassodelmiele
Price tied up 🥵 by @tassodelmiele
Pirate!Gojo x reader by @nezuscribe
His Moans by @urinejaeger
Virgin by @screampied
Tight Fit by @m-ayo-o
Not Saying I Love You Before Sleeping by @kbwrites
Riding Him by @lxnarphase
You Noticed Me by @lokissweater
Multiple men-
Hot to Go by @tonycries
I-T-G-I-R-L by @tonycries
Sweetest (cream)pie by @screampied
18+ Links:
Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara cuddling by @tikklil
Moon Knight:
Stranger Things:
ST 18+ Links:
Enjoy lovelies!
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 2 months
[TEEN AU] KND Villains Status
Finally! I present you the complete list of all KND villains (courtesy of the KND Wikia) and their current status in the Teen AU!
The statuses are the following:
❤️In Operation 🧡Given Up/Moved On 💛Retired 💚Change of Heart/Sides 💙Decommissioned 💜Deceased 🖤Unknown 🤍Replaced with new members/generation 🤎Still a menace
Let's go!!!
Delightful Children From Down The Lane ❤️
Grandfather 💙
Teenagers (now adults)
Cree Lincoln 🖤🤎
Chad Dickson 💚
Chuckie Cavallaro 🧡
Stacey 🧡💚
Teen Tornado 💛
The Steve ❤️🤎
Adult Supervillains
Al Sugarh 🧡
Bag-Headed Cashier ❤️
Bucket-Headed Usher 🧡
Cafe Employee 💚
Carny ❤️
Chef Pierre ❤️
Chester ❤️
Chewy and Gooey ❤️
Coach Wetterhahn ❤️
Common Cold ❤️ (let's be real, he's never going away)
Count Spankulot ❤️
Crazy Old Cat Lady 💛🤎
Cuppa Joe ❤️ (on the edge of giving up because of Nigel)
Dodgeball Wizard 💛
Farmer 💛
Gramma Stuffum ❤️
Grandma Lydia 💛🤎
Knightbrace ❤️
Madam Margaret 💜
Mega Mom & Destructo Dad 💛💚
Miss Goodwall 💜
Mr. Boss ❤️
Mr. Fizz ❤️
Mr. Frybingle 💛
Mr. Mogul 🖤
Mr. Wink & Mr. Fibb ❤️
Mr. Washer 💛
Nogoodnik 🧡💚
Nurse Claiborne ❤️
Nurse Jumbo 💛💚
Potty Mouth ❤️
Principal Sauerbraten ❤️
Principal Smelling 💛
Professor Bob 🖤
Professor Triple-Extra Large ❤️
Robin Food ❤️
Soccer Mom ❤️
Stickybeard ❤️
The Big Idea 🧡💚
The Great Puttinski ❤️
The Iguana 🖤
The Sheep Costume 🖤
Toiletnator ❤️
Truck Driver 💛🤎
Child VIllains
Baby Jackson 🧡💚
Ernest ❤️
Heinrich Von Marzipan 💛💚
Interesting Twins From Beneath The Mountain 💙
Jerry Rassic 💙
King Sandy 🖤
Margie 💙
Mushi Sanban ❤️
Negative Numbuh 4 ❤️
Numbuh 12 🖤
Numbuh 206 🖤
Numbuh 48 Flavors 💙
President Jimmy 🧡
Rowdy Hooligans From Across the Square ❤️(💙) 🤍
The Big Badolescent 💛🤎
Valerie 💙
Windsor ❤️
Willard Wallace 🧡
Groups and Organizations
Angry History Teachers 💛🤍
Ankle-Biters 🤍🤎
Candy Pirates ❤️
Cheese Ninjas 🧡
Clownarelli Family 🧡🤎
Couch Daves ❤️
Faculty 4 💛
Father's Ninja Army ❤️(💙)🤍
Gramma Stuffum's Food Army ❤️🤍
Hall Squad ❤️🤍
Ice Cream Men ❤️🤍
Knights of the Round Towel 🧡💚
Licorice Pirates 💚🤎
Nerd Zombies 🤍🤎
Parent Teacher Organization Of Eradicating Youngsters ❤️🤍
Preferred Villains Club ❤️
Professors ❤️🤍
Senior Citizen Squad 💛(💜)🤍🤎
Six-Gum Gang 🧡(💙)
Soda, Snacks and Treats Commission 🤍🤎
Spank-Happy Vampire Army 🖤
St. Rita's Preparatory School ❤️🤍
Teen Ninja Army ❤️🤍
The Bullies ❤️🤍
The Proper Patrol 💛🤎
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rubypasha1 · 5 months
Headcannons for the readers in my fics
Feel free if you have any questions related to them or anything else to do with my fics. Happy to answer!
Stolen Souls
Green thumb
Can cook like a chef it’s so good
Book worm
Socially anxious
Kids: loves em
Shows affection through gift giving and paying attention to small details
Ex-older sibling
Coping mechanism is work and hobbies
Green thumb!
Easily manipulated
Little shy
Cat and dog person, more dog person
Can withdraw herself to try and protect her feelings
Has died before
Wife material
Girlfriend material
Liked watching her friend play video games
Not a party person
Absaloutely terrified but hopeful
A spider in a graveyard
Student of Spiderman, unofficially adopted by he and Deadpool.
The latter gifted her a knife
Can’t bake for shit but cooks okayish. Lasagna is amazing.
Traumatized by experience of being experiment on to aquire powers
Slightly Arachnophobia
Cheats at Uno, doesn’t care if she wins the only worse torture is scrabble
Loves carnival games
Puns are life
Has kissed her nemises
Willing guardian of three crazy super powered kids
Pretty serious but uses jokes as a distraction/to aggravate enemy
Sleeps in odd positions + glows
Kiss under her jaw by the neck and she melts
Odd relationship with symbiote
Can be bashful/shy when genuine and romantic shows of kindness are given.
Workaholic in rehabilitation
Tech savvy
In the very thin line between morally true and an overworked superhero
Has multiple eyes- not good with bright light
Will hang upside down and glow like a disco ball- with bribery
Self conscious and using her superhero identity - Starspider - as a coping mechanism
“Stop flirting with me!”
Rainbow lightning
Set the sails
Half blind and missing half a leg
Grew up in war
Has the skills and experience to be a doctor but doesn’t like to be called one due to respect and . . . stuff
Eats 1 or 2 meals a day
Green thumb- medicine and poison
Numerous war crimes
Body and face heavily scarred but not self conscious. She’s proud of her scars
Subconsciously hates clear skies
Has never killed anyone (they don’t deserve that mercy)
Good fighter, will dislocate your joints
Okay with tying patients down
Will hunt people down so they take their medicine
People on her island live and fear her
A certain marine tries to make her life horrible - regrets if later
Kids: Okay
Makes medicine, ointments, salves, creams.
Carving wood is side hobby
Do not touch her books
Okay cook
Hates marines and the world government
Doesn’t smile, mainly looks neutral or angry
Slight aggressive but mainly when provoked
Deeply traumatized
A victim of war
Is an amazing gambler, it’s just luck she wins 90% of the time even when she doesn’t know how to play
Addicted to weed (but not in the way you think-)
Is kind in a “I will beat/restrain you so that you won’t die” kind of way
Made a deal with the devil and lost, now his brother calls her angel
Fought in a fighting ring
Loves pies
Has lost so many people she’s subconsciously afraid of making connections continuously trying to see new people she makes friendships with as only patients but inevitably fails and becomes so protective to others it’s seems as extremely aggressive but she has to because people DONT BLOODY LISTEN
Okay shooter, not that great but can somewhat hit a target sometimes
Highly respected on her island
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theangrycomet-art · 1 year
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Glamrock Foxy and his Crew
While I don't think I'll have anything with Foxy for my Glamrock Kids- multiplayer au thing, I do have ideas for him.
TLDR: Cap'n Foxy served as the Pizzaplex's unofficial babysitter before the Superstar Daycare was built. Between this and his increasingly popular theater show (Cap'n Foxy's Pirate Adventure), it was decided he would be given two additional crewmates, Bangle and Bitty.
Serving as an extra pair of eyes and ears for Foxy, they help out in the theater show as well as fulfill duties the other animatronics are too large for, such as finding lost kids or helping run scavenger hunts across the Pizzaplex.
The Chaos Twins also live up to their Pirate heritage (much to everyone's chragrin) and have particularly sticky fingers.
I choose to believe that Cap'n Foxy is normally a part of the pizzaplex, but during the events of the game was temporarily moved to a separate location to run shows there.
Cap'n Foxy is in charge of Pirate's Cove in addition to the Pirate Adventure Show.
The Pirate Adventure show's served as entertainment between the Glamrock concerts as well as a draw in for the older audience
shows ranged from thrilling acrobatics feats to comedic high sea adventures
these occasionally would have guest stars, most commonly Monty (this slowed down when he became an official Glamrock as opposed to the understudy)
there was a running joke where Foxy would accuse Monty of eating his hand and Monty would deny it with increasingly absurd alibis
he'd also assist Chica in her water show (Chica of the Sea) before that was shut down, serving as the villain
his hook can be exchanged for a hidden foldable sword hidden in back behind his coat in addition to a regular sword for his hand
he has two functioning eyes, tho the right one is typically only after flash photography (allowing him a quicker recovery time)
despite him being an older model, he is the fastest of the animatronics (excluding perhaps Bonnie)
before the Superstar Daycare was built, Pirates Cove was where parents would leave their younger kids for the day
likes puzzles- has a small stash hidden in his "room" in Pirate's Cove that he'll break out on occasion
HATES Parts and Service with a burning passion
it got to the point where he learned how to repair himself (and the others to a limited extent) just so he didn't have to go
with his increased popularity (and increased children being dropped off at Pirate's Cove, it was decided that Foxy was to be given "crewmates"
no one consulted him on this- Bangle and Bitty were just presented to him one weekend
Bangle and Bitty serve as Foxy's extra eyes in Pirate's Cove in addition to being his assistants in addition to being genia pigs for potential upgrades in the other animatronics
their smaller size allows them to access hiding places kids like to stow away in*
they also can be sent through out the pizzaplex to help out with the other attractions (Fazzerblast, Raceway, Gator Golf, etc) when they get overcrowded with guests
this requires a costume change per area
however, they have a programming bug: the only person (human or animatronic) they have to listen to is Foxy himself. Foxy thinks this is hilarious
the unoffical "bard" of the group, Bangle is the one to provide the extra dramatic music in the middle of a show** when necessary
they can connect their instruments to a small speaker in their chest cavity
their voice box has the most range of vocals (prototype to Chica's), allowing them to fill different roles for the show as well, though they commonly work as Bitty's straight man
this has led to some confusion with guests as to whether or not they are supposed to be a male or a female (the answer is Yes.)
their joints have a unique locking system
any part of their body can be easily removed or reinstalled when unlocked (when locked they are slight less sturdy than a typical endo's joints but serve their purpose)
they can connect to them wirelessly and still have (limited) control
has a running gag on the show of "falling apart" particularly when they are stressed out or worried
occasionally takes off head and makes fun of shakespeare
is not fond of toddlers or infants
outside of shows, is given free roam of the Pizzaplex as a rule (so long as Pirate's Cove isn't too busy)
LOVES photobombing guest's pictures with Bitty
Left eye had to be replaced early on after they lost it mid-show (crashed a touch too hard into the stage set). That eye is far more sensitve to light, being designed for btter night vision
smallest of all the animatronics in the Pizzplex (excluding Mini Musicman and perhaps Helpy if he counts)
they work with Bangle to bring the kids upstage and get them involved
Bitty rarely speaks of their own accord
typically they express themselves through sound effects projected from their chest speaker
Additionally, they can connect to the pizzaplex intercom system and have a microphone that allows stead or security to make impromptu announcements wherever they are out
through this they can make fake impromptu announcements through out the pizzaplex in any of the other Animatronic’s voices
eyes were upgraded to have better night vision and depth perception after crashing into Bangle too many times on a landing during Pirate Adventure's dimmer lit shows. (these were the prototypes for Roxy's eyes)
increases light sensitivity BUT their aim and accuracy has never been better
thinks Roxy is cool and so regularly steals her makeup
the pirate obsessed with treasure, Bitty has a bad habit of stealing things from both their fellow animatronics and the staff
they have hidey-holes across the pizzaplex crammed to the brim with stuff ranging from anywhere to staff badges to Freddy's top hat to enormous bags of Faz tokens
fond of riddles, if answered correctly they give out prizes (usually a large bag of faztokens but if a guest gives a particularly clever/funny answer they'll give them rarer items)
*see? they smol
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**like this guy
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
ST Fics Masterpost Updated 8/18/24
Walking in On Your Parents ONESHOT
Turkey Day ONESHOT
Supernatural Steddie Part 1 AO3 alt (has more parts)
Steve Disappears in the Upside Down: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 COMPLETED
Wingman Nancy: Original Post Pilot post Part 1 Official Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Steve being jealous of a guitar  spicy extra COMPLETED
Older kids and walkie-talkies ONESHOT
Welcome to Hawkins: Primer Main Body (AO3)
Newly Wed Game: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Dustin’s Nature Doc Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Soul Eater ficlet ONESHOT
Steve plays Dnd in secret ONESHOT
Incubus!Steve x Vampire!Eddie ONESHOT
Argyle Babysits ONESHOT
Eddie and his Puppybats Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (COMPLETED)
Ronance Working together Part 1 ONESHOT
Demon!Steve smut ONESHOT Extra
Steve thinks their son takes after Eddie ONESHOT
Steddie vampires ONESHOT
Vampire!Eddie wants Steve ONESHOT
Rock and Rule AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Eddie being jealous of himself ONESHOT
Steve being the grim reaper of sex ONESHOT
Tommy watches Part 1 Part 2 COMPLETED
Eddie being alive ONESHOT
Steve seducing Kas!Eddie ONESHOT
Night at the Museum AU ONESHOT
Thumbelina AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie and Kas body sharing Part 1 Part 2 Part 3A Fluffy Part 3B Smutty  Part 4 Part 5 COMPLETED
Wayne shows the baby photos ONESHOT
X-men au scene
King Eddie and Prince Steve Part A Part B Part C Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28
Reverse Little Mermaid Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Cindereddie Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Steve falling for Eddie's goofiness ONESHOT
Steddathan Fake Dating (Steve/Eddie/Jonathan)  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 COMPLETED
Eddie drinking Steve’s blood ONESHOT
Steddie goes to Action Park ONESHOT
Short a/b/o scene
5 times Eddie singled out Steve at a concert ONESHOT
The Bright Side (sitcom au) E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 AO3 alt E07 E08 E09
Steddie singing when they part ways ONESHOT
Mafia short scenes Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Steve and Eddie break out into song while giving Lucas advice
Steve seduces Eddie to catch some zzzs
Time loop scene
2 Eddies, 1 Steve ONESHOT
Noir detective Eddie on the case of who cut Steve’s hair ONESHOT
Stobin working as burger joint carhops ONESHOT
Steve being an offering to the village god ONESHOT Extra
Steve sacrificed in a cult Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 COMPLETED
Eddie’s search for the treasure between Steve’s legs ONESHOT
Steddie dimension hopping Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Dialogue Prompts Prompt 1 Prompt 2 Prompt 3 Prompt 4 Prompt 5A Prompt 5B Prompt 6 Prompt 7 Prompt 8 Prompt 9 Prompt 10 Prompt 11 Prompt 12 Prompt 13
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version A ONESHOT
Eddie’s guitar turns into a human Version B Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 COMPLETED
Eddie steals a diamond for Steve ONESHOT
Infinity Train AU Ep 1 Ep 2 Ep 3
Barbarella!Steve Part 1 AO3 Steddie chapter
Steve’s Doppelgangers Part 1 AO3
Eddie gets his tonsils removed ONESHOT
Steve’s parents play matchmaker Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Wrong Number au Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 COMPLETED
Random word blurb
Fruity Four Sense8 ficlet
Ask Meme Prompts Prompt 1 Pining co-workers ficlet Tattoo shop ficlet  Artist!Steve Eddie gives some milk Mermaid/Pirate Baby Ollie Loneliness Steve sets up a scavenger hunt  Fantasy outcast sanctuary Grimm/ST crossover Steve had a puppy Bad barista Wayne makes the vest Frat Boy Steve Kiss Prompt Kiss of relief Eddie realizing he’s married w/kids Stobin graduation Stobin wedding dance Paintball date Geocaching
Passenger princess Steve ficlet
Stargyle ficlet
Pregnancy fluff a/b/o
Every Baby Needs a Daddy (sugar baby au) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Epilogue Extra COMPLETED
Pre S4 Rivals (Gift Fic) ONESHOT
Steddie parents think their kid might be fighting monsters ONESHOT
Forest Guardian WIP
Steddie Bingo 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -
Hot for Teacher(s) AO3 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
Trans Eddie smut ONESHOT
Steve goes on a trip and Eddie misses him ONESHOT
Steddie make love in a church before their wedding ONESHOT
Family Planning (a/b/o flour baby au) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Historical omegaverse oneshot
Buckingham oneshot
Merfolk a/b/o / Steddie POV
Demon!Eddie x Priest!Steve Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Eddie travels back in time ONESHOT
Whatever Stevie Wants (sequel to Every Baby) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Messages in a bottle ONESHOT
Dr. Munson assists Steve with omegan hysteria ONESHOT
O!Steve talks A!Eddie through knotting a sex doll ONESHOT
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