#stanlon fanfic
itnewsletter · 1 year
Issue #6
Thursday, April 6th - missed in Issue #5:
[x] reddie by @death2toby
Friday, April 7th:
[x] reddie by @noodles-and-tea
[x] reddie by @horov
[x] reddy by @horov
[x] reddie by @dollarstoreartsupplies
[x] richie & pennywise by @snowls-yt
[x] reddie by SmshMouthTozier on Twitter
[x] reddie by emokissrr on Twitter
[x] reddie by @death2toby
[you’re more then just my bestfriend] benverly by cherriskye on AO3
[Nursing a Crush] reddie by @vodka-rocks-and-a-piece-of-toast
[x] pennywise bat stuffy by @strangelittlegarden
[x] reddie fic by @the-losers-are-still-losing
Saturday, April 8th:
[x] pennywise Barbie poster by @mashedraw
[x] reddie Barbie posters by @ur-friendly-neighbourhood-queer
[x] the losers club by @alyxdrawsthings
[x] richie tozier by owobergine on Twitter
[x] richie tozier by Garfy_poor on Twitter
[x] reddie by FnofuS on Twitter
[x] reddie by emokissrr on Twitter
[x] richie tozier by HaderSweetie on Twitter
[everything you feel is good] reddie by deanlosechester on AO3
[Kick the bucket] reddie by @xavierlynn1998
[so what am i so afraid of?] reddie by getsalami on AO3
[Everywhere for you.] stenbrough by orphan_account on AO3
[x] the losers club "don't fuck this up" by @reddie-as-ill-ever-be
Roleplay Ads
[x] henpat 18+ by @kaijukomrade
Sunday, April 9th:
[x] richie tozier by @protecttherealmcrystal
[x] pennywise by @jamie-tyndall-ffa
[x] reddie by @lordkalsiferdraws
[x] reddie by @thatonepannoah
[x] stanlon by @meenaisstuck
[x] reddie by @liz-freemen
[x] reddie by @noodles-and-tea
[x] richie tozier by @noodles-and-tea
[x] richie tozier by @p0etic-l0ser
[x] main four by @fruity-cleric
[Ghosts] reddie by @eddiesasspbrak
[Flowers for you 🌹] bichie by I_dont_know_what_am_making on AO3
[Love language] reddie by Tozierzz on AO3
[My inter-dimensional bride] pennyjuice by JackDenbrough on AO3
[When Will You Be Back?] stenbrough by The_Buggs_Brain on AO3
[When I'm with you] reddie by ThePeterForHerGwen on AO3
[I'm With You(Because I Love You)] reddie by iggy1256 on AO3
[Ethics 101] reddie by strangertwentypanic on AO3
[x] Who Would Believe In Santa And The Easter Bunny The Longest? by @antisociallilbrat
Monday, April 10th:
[x] pennywise wallpaper by Spillthecrazy on Twitter
[x] reddie by @von-leg
[x] the losers club by @sm0kingcrack
[x] eddie kaspbrak by @you-are-braver-than-you-think
[x] reddie by @lordkalsiferdraws
[x] twheelzier by @mrhalloween2ficpage
[x] reddie by viagox on Twitter
[x] richie tozier by snaalfoss on Twitter
[x] ben & stanley by @whatthefuckisasweep
[x] reddie by etsukopersonal on Twitter
[x] ben & richie by @noodles-and-tea
[If the World is Still Around Tomorrow] stenbrough by treluvd on AO3
[Unpredicted Soulmates] bichie by Blimmp on AO3
[put your ear on this coochie, hear this ocean sound] reddie by @gigglesnortbangdead
[Summer of Chaos] reddie by Mushroom_ace on AO3
[Friend With Brown Hair] reddie by pinkcash on AO3
[If You Were Here (And I Wish You Were)] reddie by BeepBeepSunny on AO3
[x] reddie by @neibolt-house
[x] pennywise mask by cosplaycrewco on Twitter
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reddiess · 5 years
opening prompts again!
send me literally any prompt for any pairing from IT (i'm not willing to write pennywise x anyone though, because no.)
i do have 2 prompts i'm writing right now, but i'm in the mood for it so send me more!
these are my works from the last time if u want something to read:
One more
Eddie Kaspbrak hates germs but maybe for Richie Tozier he can make an exception.
for the prompt: reddie first kiss
Burnin' For You
for the prompt: Where Richie pathetically attempts to get Eddie to wear his jacket without actually saying 'pls wear my jacket u would look so cute'.
[stan_the_man messaged you]
Stanley Uris has an undying crush on Instagram model Bill Denbrough. Which is fine, until Richie Tozier goes and messages him.
for the prompt: stenbrough social media/college au where person A is an instagram model and person B is a fan who has a friend that forces them to follow and comment, and !! person A notices him!!!
Richie and Eddie kiss on accident. It's somehow still more than Eddie bargained for.
for the prompt: reddie, where they accidentally kiss and realize they have feelings for each other.
Wrapped around your finger
How the hell is Eddie not supposed to feel jealous, when Richie is going around chatting up every single female that will spare him a glance?
for the prompt: Can you do a reddie fic where Richie is talking to a girl and realizes that Eddie is jealous?
Take this flower
After graduating from high school, Mike Hanlon starts receiving flowers he thought only he knew the meanings of.
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
A Domestic Mess - Stanlon
Mike Hanlon and Stanley Uris were a power couple; anyone who knew them would tell you such. They were inhumanly good at everything they did, outrageously good-looking, and most of all they were just genuinely good people.
From the outside they seemed perfect, but behind closed doors they weren’t as highly polished.
Stan and Mike were a domestic mess. Cleaning? Piece of cake. Laundry? No problem. Grocery shopping? They’ve got it in the bag. But ask them to put those groceries to good use… and suddenly you’ve got a couple of turkeys running around with their heads chopped off.
It’s not that they were bad at cooking, more just that they didn’t do it very often. They knew how to make the basics. Macaroni and cheese, toast and eggs; they knew enough to get them by. But trying new recipes had never been a topic of discussion within the Hanlon-Uris residence.
Which is why it was so shocking when Stan came home one day with a cook-book in hand and two grocery bags ready to burst.
Mike rushed to the front door, quickly taking the heavy bags from Stan’s arms and carrying them to the kitchen.
“What’s all this?” Mike asked quizzically, peering into the contents of one of the sacks.
“So, I was thinking…” Stan began, toeing off his loafers and setting them on the shoe rack.
“Uh-oh.” Mike teased as he began placing things on the counter.
“We should cook more.” Stan continued, ignoring Mike’s humor. “We need to broaden our horizons, try new things.”
“Since when have you thought that?”
“Since earlier today when Janice told me she’d cooked a three-course meal for her six children and grumpy husband on a whim this weekend, ‘just for fun’.” Stan made air quotes around the last bit, quoting Janice’s own words with a scoff. “Who does that for fun!?”
“Janice does, apparently.” Mike responded smartly.
“Yeah, well as much as I hate Janice’s smug nonchalance, it got me thinking; I want to be able to cook for our family one day. I want to be the one in the office boasting about the ridiculous food I fed my ‘too many children’ and ‘terrible husband’.”
Mike cocked an eyebrow, an amused smile on his face.
“Minus the last part, of course.”
“Mhm, of course.” Mike agreed soundly, nodding along.
“So, I impulsively bought a cook book and all the ingredients for the first recipe.”
“What’s the recipe?” Mike asked, picking up the book from the counter.
Stan shrugged as Mike flipped through it backwards, looking at all the brightly colored pages until he landed on the first page, which featured a large photo of a Green Bean Casserole.
“Baby… you hate green beans.”
“I do not hate them, Michael.”
“Last week when your order from Chow’s arrived with green beans in it, you spent ten minutes picking them all out and individually cursing at each one before you’d eat the stir-fry.”
“That was then, and this is now.”
“And now you love green beans?” Mike asked, cocking his eyebrow playfully.
Stan grabbed a green bean from where he’d begun rinsing them off and brought it to his lips, taking a large bite out of the vegetable while holding eye contact with his boyfriend.
Mike watched as Stan’s face constricted into poorly hidden disgust. Watching his nose wrinkle up was possibly the cutest thing Mike had ever seen, and he couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss Stan’s nose before eating the rest of the green bean from his fingers.
“Alright then, let’s get to cooking.” Mike clapped his hands together, earning an encouraged smile from Stan after he quickly swallowed his regret.
The recipe took all of two hours to finish, and by the end Stan was ready to admit defeat. Sat in front of them was a pile of charred slop that looked vaguely like it might have once contained green beans.
“It’s a disaster.” Stan pouted from where he sat on the counter, refusing to look at his monstrosity.
“It’s not that bad…” Mike offered, poking at the food with a fork. He hit an air pocket and warm grease sprayed his hand. “Yeah okay, it’s bad.” He laughed, reaching for a paper towel to clean himself off.
Stan looked solemn, head hung low and eyes sad.
“Hey, at least now Gordon Ramsey won’t have any competition.” Mike tried to joke.
Stan’s eyebrows shot up as his mouth dropped open in mock offense.
“Mike!” He whined, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.
Mike laughed lightheartedly. “I’m sorry baby. Were you really gunning for his title?”
“Maybe I was.” Stan looked away, his tone stubborn.
“Well then, we’ll keep practicing.” Mike promised, exchanging the humor in his voice for sincerity.
Stan refused to look at him, jutting his lip out farther to exaggerate his pout.
“Hey, it was a joke baby. I swear.” Mike said, stepping between Stan’s legs and tilting his chin up so Stan couldn’t avoid his gaze.
'What can I do to make it up to you?” Mike asked, playing along with Stan’s little fit.
“Eat my casserole.” Stan demanded confidently.
Mike’s eyebrows raised to his hairline, a surprised chuckle escaping his mouth.
Stan shot him a look as if to say ‘yeah, really’.
Mike sighed, rolling his eyes playfully and stepping to the side so he was face to face with their dish. He grabbed his fork from earlier and began digging into the least burnt area he could find, scooping a healthy portion on to the utensil and bringing it to his mouth.
“If I die, tell my momma I love her.”
Mike heard Stan make a noise of resentment before it was drowned out with the sound of his chewing. He quickly moved the food to the sides of his mouth, trying to avoid his tongue, and by relation, his taste buds.
But his mouth still found the flavor, and in a moment of complete astonishment, it was actually... fucking delicious.
“Holy shit.” Mike spoke with his mouthful.
“Ew, babylove, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Stan chastised.
“Stan- Stan this is actually good!” Mike continued, ignoring his boyfriend’s reprimand.
Stan looked unconvinced, so Mike grabbed another forkful and shoveled it into his mouth as quickly as possible, grinning (with his mouth still full) after a few bites.
“Okay okay, chew your food before you choke, please.” Stan hopped down from the counter, standing beside Mike and staring down at the unappetizing looking meal they’d prepared.
“There’s no way this actually tastes okay.”
“Better than okay.” Mike loaded up his fork once again, but this time raised it to Stan’s mouth, ushering him to take a bite. “I promise, I wouldn’t lie to you.”
And Stan knew that was true. No matter how small or insignificant the fib may be, Mike had never lied. Honesty was one of the key pillars of their relationship.
So with brave uncertainty, Stan took the food into his mouth, getting ready to have to spit it out when-
“HOLY SHIT!” Stan echoed Mike’s earlier reaction, full mouth and all.
“I know! We did it!” Mike shouted excitedly.
“Fuck you, Gordon Ramsey!” Stan shouted along.
Mike laughed as he walked across the kitchen to grab a few plates. As he was reaching up into their cupboards he felt a pair of arms circle around his waist and a soft pressure against his back.
“Thanks for doing this with me.” Stan murmured into Mike’s shirt.
Mike lowered his arms, placing his hands atop Stan’s.
“I’d do anything, as long as it was with you.”
“You sap.” Stan smiled, his heart filling with joy.
Mike’s stomach growled beneath their hands, alerting them to his increasing hunger. Stan laughed and pulled away from Mike, helping him with their plates.
“Okay, let’s eat this delicious abomination so we don’t have to look at it any longer.”
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fairyling · 7 years
can’t stand it // stenbroughlon
summary: bill loves mike, mike loves stan, stan loves bill, bill also loves stan and stan also loves mike and mike loves bill. 
a/n: tagging @stanilyuris as requested and this was a fic written for anonymous !! i hope this is okay, i got the request about a month ago and i put it off for a while because i didn’t know how to write these boys. i’ll probably write more about them later !!
word count: 1358
Mike’s first kiss came with a wave of emotions. It wasn’t who he had hoped his first kiss to be, but he found himself developing feelings for this new boy. It seemed like everyone loved Bill and Mike knew that he did as well, but it wasn’t until they kissed that he really started to realize the weight of his feelings. Two days after his first kiss, Mike saw Bill kissing Stan and he thought it was jealousy bubbling up in his chest, but it was something more. It would be so easy if Mike was jealous of Stan, but he wasn’t. He loved Stan as well and there were so many conflicting emotions that came with his feelings. It wasn’t that Mike wished he was Bill kissing Stan or Stan kissing Bill. He wished he was himself kissing both of them. The thought of either of those boys made his heart swell and Mike was left feeling very conflicted.
Mike had never seen one person dating two people, though. As far as Mike knew, that was cheating. It had never occurred to him that three people could all agree to be together. Instead he watched with a pain in his chest as Bill and Stan grew closer together. He was still close with Stan and Bill on their own and the way they all interacted always left him confused. Bill seemed to always try to involve Mike in their activities and Stan was just as soft with Mike as he was before they started dating. Stan would still pepper Mike’s face in kisses and Bill would still hold Mike’s hand during movie nights. The three would share the bigger couch and all cuddle together while Ben sat with Eddie and Beverly sat with Richie.
Stan loved both Bill and Mike and he didn’t think he’d ever have to choose between the two. Bill was one of his oldest friends and for as long as he could remember he had loved Bill. There wasn’t any one moment where he found out that he was in love with him, it just seemed like something he had known all along. It was as simple to Stan as realizing that the sky was blue or that Eddie’s medication was fake. The way he fell in love with Mike was differently. That was more like a movie in Stan’s opinion. The two were good friends and Stan had always felt safe with Mike. It wasn’t until one of the group’s movie nights where he was cuddled between Mike and Bill that he realized he wouldn’t mind being like this forever. After that, Stan tried to spend all of his time with Mike and Bill. He never wanted to have to divide it between the two boys. Everything felt better when they were together as a group.
Bill never realized how he felt about boys until he kissed one. He thought his feelings towards Mike and Stanley were the way everyone was supposed to feel about their best friends. Granted, he primarily talked to Eddie about this and Eddie had a crush on all of his friends. It wasn’t until Beverly and Bill spoke that he realized his feelings for Mike and Stan ran a bit deeper. It was also that day that Bill realized Eddie was in love with him. The latter was something he chose not to address, not wanting to let the other boy down. Instead, he focused on Mike and Stan. It was something he kept hidden, not wanting the others to know how he felt about the two boys.
First, came Mike. The two were sitting in the fields and they were just talking about everything until the talking died down and they fell into a comfortable silence. Bill kept stealing glances at his best friend until he gathered the courage to lean in and press his lips against Mike’s. At first, Bill thought he had made a mistake but then Mike pulled him in closer and everything felt right. Mike tasted like his minty toothpaste and vanilla chapstick. Kissing Mike was everything Bill hoped it would be. For someone who dreamed of being an author, he doesn’t think he could ever put into words what it was like to kiss Mike Hanlon. Second, he kissed Stanley. The two were studying together and Bill was teasing Stan for staring at him. It brought a pink hue to Stan’s cheeks and a bout of bravery took over Bill when he cupped Stan’s cheeks and brushed their lips together. Stan tasted like the cookies they had been eating and his lips were softer than anything he had felt. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind when he kissed the curly haired boy and when he pulled away, Stan was leaning back in for more.
The three of them never defined what any of the relationships were. It wasn’t until the losers had a sleepover several months later that Beverly finally addressed the topic. It wasn’t that any of the boys were avoiding it. They were all very comfortable in whatever they were and they each seemed to understand the relationship between the three of them. It wasn’t something they felt they had to define until the others asked questions.
“Bill, what are you doing? Sometimes I see you kissing Stan and playing with his hair and other days I see you cuddling with Mike and holding his hand.” Beverly had asked him while they put together bowls of popcorn for their friends.
“What d-do you mean?”
“Are you dating one of them? Do they know about each other?”
“We a-all kiss each other. I th-think we all know about each other.” he replied, a bit of humor in his voice. Beverly rolled her eyes and nudged him with her elbow.
“So are all three of you dating?”
“I g-guess?”
“What do you mean you guess?”
“We ne-never talked about it.”
Beverly frowned, but nodded. It wasn’t the answer she was looking for but she at least had more to go off of. She grabbed two bowls and walked out of the room. She handed one to Ben and another to Richie before going and sitting down beside Mike. Mike looked over at her and slung his arm across the couch behind her. “What are you up to, Bev?”
“I’m on a mission.”
“To do what?”
“To figure out what’s going on between you, Stan, and Bill.”
“Nothing is going on.”
“All three of you kiss each other.”
“How do you know that?”
“Everyone knows that.”
“Well, it isn’t a big deal.”
“I think it is. I think you all like each other.”
“So what if we do?”
“Well, are you guys dating?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do any of you guys know?”
“We haven’t talked about it.”
Beverly huffed and she pressed a kiss to Mike’s cheek before getting up in search of Stan. Stan was in the bedroom with Eddie setting up the sleeping bags. Both boys looked up at Beverly when she entered the room and Eddie’s face lit up. “Are you here to help, Bev?”
“No, I’m here to talk to Stan.”
“Well we’re almost done.” he answered, smoothing out his sleeping bag. Beverly sat herself on Bill’s bed and watched. When all the sleeping bags were set up, he grabbed a pill bottle out of his fanny pack and excused himself from the room so he could take his five o’clock medication.
“What do you need to talk to me about?”
“I need to talk to you about your boyfriends.”
“What about them?”
“Oh! So they are your boyfriends?”
“I mean, yeah.”
“Did you guys talk about it?”
“No because we aren’t in middle school. We don’t need to talk about what we are for me to know that I’m dating them.”
“Well, they don’t seem to think that.”
“Of course they don’t.”
“When did you realize you liked them?”
“I’ve always liked Bill. I realized I like Mike last year.”
“Do you love them?”
“What is this? An interrogation?”
“No, it’s a sleepover.”
“Well, yeah. I do love them.”
“Do they know?”
“They will soon enough.”
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Anyone have any IT fics/ideas that they desperately want written? Cause I desperately want to write but have no fucking ideas, like brain go brrrrrr. Just, fucking, empty up there I guess?
It can be like almost anything. Almost.
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cherubface13 · 3 years
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I keep making moodboards for my fanfics and I like these the most for my Stanlon fanfic! In this fanfic, people have a hybrid gene that gives them wings! not all the loser’s have wings Still have so many fanfics I need to finish...
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lluvguts · 3 years
🖤IT pairing hcs 🖤
richie and eddie trying to keep their relationship a secret by doing low key dates on the weekends, except for all the losers know they’re full of shit and sneak up on their dates every time
stanley tried to grow some flowers, by himself, for mike on their anniversary. just because he knew how important the effort and hard work was for him
mike would wait out in his father’s field with a blanket at night for stan, and stanley always brought a flashlight and Harry Potter to read softly to him. 
bev was richie’s wingman, since the trashmouth obviously could not hold an entire conversation with eddie without swearing or insulting him. let alone ask him out
even after the first poem ben wrote, he still wrote haikus to beverly and she loved every single one
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 4 years
few fandoms know the extent and power of fix-it fics like IT stans do
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blxezt · 4 years
Some tropes I found on IT fanfiction that deeply disturb me
1. Richie torture porn
Something I noticed right off the bat is how people seem to enjoy so much to make Richie suffer. Everything that can go wrong for him goes wrong and most of the times these fanfics undermine or invalidate the bad things the rest of the losers are going through.
Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid fan of angst, I'm all here for it, but it comes to a point where it's just weird. All of the sudden, Richie's parents, who by the way were one of the few actual good parents in Derry, are abusive and hate his son, and the losers are turning their backs on him and Richie's barely Richie anymore and just some weird emo edgelord that climbs Eddie's window and wallows in self pity.
I understand that the whole concept of the losers club and the general plot of IT will lead to some inevitable angsty times, and once again, I'm not against it, but they always make it seem like Richie's the only one who suffers and how the losers can "never truly understand his pain 😔" and are just a bunch of privileged assholes or some shit. Richie is literally the punching bag of the fandom at this point.
2. The over sexualization of Eddie
This one makes me uncomfortable to no end. When it comes to smut I understand that sexualization is needed to some degree, but Eddie is so fucking sexualized that it's just plain creepy at this point.
Once again, most fanfics with this trope usually fail to accurately portray his personality, he's always just the innocent uwu soft boy that always wears booty shorts and accidentally sexualizes himself. I usually only read reddie fanfics so I don't know how common this trope is in other ships that involve Eddie, so correct me if this is just some reddie thing.
And the most creepy part, is how in the majority of those fanfics Eddie is literally underage, let's please not sexualize children (which, unfortunately, leads to my next trope).
3. The sexualization of minors
This is honestly such a big problem in this fandom, and that fact disgusts me to no fucking end.
I understand that a lot of the fandom is underage, therefore really might not understand how these types of things are very much wrong, but still, they're underage, practically children!! If you don't want to make smut with their 40 year old selves at least have the decency to age them up to the legal age of consent.
"But teenagers have sex all the time" who fucking cares?! I don't want to see two underage kids having sex, that's fucking weird, and this comes from someone who is underage herself, let's just please stop sexualizing minors, it's disgusting, and I really shouldn't need to be saying this on the internet like it is some hot take or unpopular opinion.
4. Racism and fatphobia
Mike and Ben being the less popular losers between fans is really no fucking surprise.
I really don't need to elaborate on this one that much, it's something that literally everyone knows, Mike and Ben get always left behind and ignored in most fanfics and I refuse to think it's just some cruel coincidence.
I'm not forcing any of you to ship benverly or stanlon or hanbrough, I literally only ship one of those three, but could you guys please not make Mike and Ben some occasional characters with no fucking personality?
Like, I literally see people all the times giving Bill personality traits that actually belong to Mike and then just make Mike this blank slate that occasionally gives good advice and is only there to smile and agree with his friends.
5. Beverly is just Richie's best friend, nothing more.
Oh, this one just infuriates me.
Usually common in Richie torture porn-like fanfics, Beverly is literally just Richie's best friend that has no personality beyond smoking and having daddy issues. She's always there to listen to Richie's problems and feelings but as soon as she tries to speak about hers, the narrator just makes it seem like she's being selfish and trying to "own up" to Richie, like the fact her dad abuses her is some fucking competition.
As soon as she speaks up or calls Richie on his bullshit, she's the bad guy of the story and the narrator goes out of its way to show how Richie is the poor victim of Beverly's selfishness and how she's self-centred and a horrible friend she is for literally just wanting to talk about her problems with someone she loves and trusts, not to talk about the occasional slut-shaming and misogyny this trope carries, I literally read a fanfic (not mentioning names) where everyone just starts shaming Beverly for literally defending herself against her father that was literally trying to rape her and ends up accidentally killing him, let's please not shame abuse victims just for defending their own fucking lives.
Feel free to add any other tropes that disturb you btw
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0kwig · 5 years
full offense but bitches who like soulmate aus are actually very lonely and they desperately want to belive someone is made for them
its me im bitches
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valenschmidt · 5 years
I wanna dedicate this post to fanfic writers
Because without them we would be deep in a void of sorrow and awful headcannons...
So thank you for writing fics about all my fave ships. I really appreciate you. And I'm giving you a lovely virtual hug
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petit-coquelicot · 5 years
So, I was reading this reddie fanfic and I accidentally deleted the tab and don't really remember the name and I really want to read it so like, help????
So like, in the fanfic Richie gets a guitar and Eddie gets like super jealous cause he doesn't spend much time with the losers anymore due to guitar practice, so like, one day he decides to drag Richie to lunch with them and accidentally hears Richie singing a song of being in love with his best friend and he's like "oh, he's in love with bev" and then he like asks him and Richie's like "lol no" and one things leads to another and Eddie ends up finding the song was about him and then they start this whole friends with benefits thing without the rest of the losers knowing and it has this whole thing of Eddie finding his sexuality and shit and I was really liking it and want to read it but forgot the title, guys help
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eddieeatsass · 5 years
Bakery + 25 + stanlon?
Bakery AU + Accidental Sexual Tension from this prompt list(CW: very mild mention of alcohol)
When Mike had suggested they open a bakery together, Stanley had seen no drawbacks to the idea. They’d been best friends for nearly a decade, had gone to culinary school together and roomed in the college dorms with one another; Running a shop together seemed like a logical next step.
What Stan hadn’t taken into consideration, however, was that working in close quarters late into the night and early each morning would leave room for suppressed feelings to resurface.
Stan had had a crush on his best friend for years. It had always been there, simmering in the back of his mind. Who wouldn’t have a crush on Mike? Though, he’d decided early on that nothing would happen between them, not wanting to jeopardize their friendship.
It had been easier to ignore his feelings when they were in college. There’d been no shortage of attractive people to distract himself with, and his studies took up most of his brain power anyway.
But those simmering feelings always seem to find a way to show themselves, and these particular ones came to a head a month into their new lives as business partners.
They’d found a little shop to rent just off the edge of one of the busiest streets in the city. They’d renovated it pretty quickly thanks to their friend Ben who was a licensed architect, and his wife Beverly, an interior designer. Together, and with the help of a small team, their shop had been ready within two weeks.
The first couple weeks after the opening were too hectic to even get a moment to breathe. Mike and Stan were often up all hours of the night baking things for the next day. But as the buzz of the new bakery settled down, so did the flood of customers, and therefore so did Mike and Stan.
It was a Saturday evening in mid July as Stan was closing up shop that he heard the telltale sound of a cork popping in the other room. He wandered into the back to see Mike standing in the middle of their kitchen, champagne in one hand and champagne flutes in the other, a grin plastered to his face.
“HAPPY ONE MONTH OF BUSINESS!” Mike cheered, grabbing Stan and pulling him into a sloppy hug, the champagne bottle and glasses clanking behind Stan’s back.
Stan relaxed into Mike’s hold, delighting in the momentary warmth and sweet cinnamon smell that Mike always emanated.
“You too, Mikey.” Stan murmured happily.
The hug ended too soon and Stan had to school his features not to show his disappointment. He watched as Mike poured them each a little champagne and then walked over to one of their fridges.
A tray Stan didn’t recognize was pulled out, dollops of chocolate scattered across the surface.
“What’s that?” Stan asked, walking towards the counter where Mike placed the mysterious treats.
“I wanted to make us something special to celebrate, so I tried a new recipe. They’re chocolate caramel crème brûlée truffles.”
Stan could feel himself already salivating, always eager to eat anything Mike made. If Stan was a master at baking, Mike was a God.
Mike picked up one of the truffles and brought it to Stan’s lips, unaware of the intimacy of his action. Stan’s face flushed as he took a bite, his lips grazing Mike’s fingers in the process. As Stan chewed, Mike popped the other half of the truffle into his mouth, making a sinfully loud groan in appreciation.
“Okay, I did good.” Mike boasted.
“You always do good.” Stan responded, catching Mike’s eye and trying to convey sincerity. Mike’s eyes sparkled as he returned the smile Stan was holding, and the sight of warm brown skin curling around pearly whites made Stan’s breath catch.
“I know what these need.” Stan tore his eyes away and walked over to the fridge, rummaging around before he pulled out a batch of left over whip cream from earlier.
Mike chuckled as Stan carried the bowl back over.
“Why am I not surprised. You put whip cream on everything. If I offered you a hot dog right now, you’d use whip cream instead of condiments.”
“Please, I have standards, Mike.” Stan defended before rolling one of the chocolate truffles around in the bowl until it was coated in enough whip cream to drown a small child.
Stan popped it into his mouth with glee, chewing happily and letting his eyes slide shut as he indulged in the blend of flavors.
Mike watched Stan, taking a small sip of his champagne and letting his thoughts wander. Over the past year Mike had taken quite the interest in Stan. It’s not that he hadn’t noticed him before; he’d always thought that Stan was attractive, he’d just been too preoccupied with other things (and other people) to seriously consider his friend as a romantic option.
Since they’d graduated and moved in together, however, Mike had found himself entertaining the idea more and more. Opening the bakery together had been the cherry on-top; If this was what their life could look like together, why not take a leap of faith.
As Stan reached for another truffle, the likes of which had already began melting from the heat of their recently used ovens, Mike noticed a smidgen of whip cream on Stan’s cheek. Without thinking it over, he reached out, thumbing at the spot and bringing the finger to Stan’s lips to suck clean.
Stan froze, his face melting into a crimson palette. Mike realized too late the tension his move had created, the energy already palpating between them. Mike was quick to pull his hand back, an apology blooming on his tongue until he felt Stan’s grip hold him still.
Stan kept his eyes locked with Mike’s as he leaned forward, closing the space between his mouth and Mike’s receding hand. He took Mike’s thumb into his mouth, plush pink lips molding around the digit, soft tongue coming to wrap around the tip. It all happened within seconds, but to Mike it felt like it stretched on for a lifetime.
Was he imagining the sensuality of Stan’s movements, or was Stan really trying to put on a show? Could the exhaustion of the day’s work be playing with his mind?
Mike had always considered himself to be quite level-headed, but at that moment his head had flown up into the clouds.
And if anyone asked, that’s what he’d blame his next actions on.
Mike reached a hand around Stan’s back, swiftly pulling him up against his chest. He pulled his thumb out of Stan’s mouth, dragging it down his bottom lip and following the movement with his gaze. When he looked back up into Stan’s eyes, he saw hesitant fire illuminating amber, the flames of which were just beginning to lick at Mike’s reserve.
They stood like that for a few beats, each waiting to see who would move first, letting the tension build and become insufferable.
They ended up moving at the same time, their mouths clashing together. They were quick to get messy, desperate, open mouthed kisses with battling tongues. Both of their minds were swimming through molasses, trying to piece things together but getting lost in the feeling of one another.
From where their bodies were pressed together, Mike could feel Stan’s growing arousal. He wasted no time in dropping to his knees and beginning to unbutton Stan’s pants.
“Woah, Mike you- I- fuck.” Stan stuttered through his whiplash, the stakes rising so fast he had trouble keeping up. A minute ago they hadn’t even been kissing, and now Mike was staring up at him through those chestnut irises.
“Is this okay?” Mike asked, the pause in movement giving room for his nerves to sprout.
Stan nodded furiously, tripping over his own words as he blurted out a yes.
Mike laughed warmly, eyes crinkling at the corners as he reset his sight on the task at hand. With steady fingers he pulled Stan’s pants down along with his underwear, letting them sit around his hips just under his balls.
“Wow…” Mike murmured absentmindedly, appraising Stan’s half-hard cock.
Stan blushed as Mike stared, fidgeting under his gaze.
Mike suddenly grinned wickedly, reaching forward with one hand and beginning to pump Stan’s length to full hardness, his other hand reaching up to the counter and grabbing one of the truffles.
Stan watched in confusion as Mike brought it to his cock, rubbing the melting chocolate along his shaft. It was an odd sensation, but not unpleasant. He watched as the sticky sweet substance coated his cock, making it look like a chocolate drizzled treat.
Then, with concentrated determination, Mike brought his lips to Stan’s tip. He began teasing his slit, collecting the salty pre-cum on his tongue before sinking down the length of Stan’s cock, gathering the light coating of chocolate on his way.
When he pulled off, Stan’s cock was clean, Mike’s tongue having been as thorough as possible. Mike looked back up at him through lidded eyes.
“Salted chocolate has always been one of my favorites.” He joked, winking.
Stan let an incredulous laugh bubble up, the joke was just ludicrous enough to be funny, but it was also incredibly hot to think of himself as providing the salty tang to Mike’s sweetness.
It didn’t take long after that for Stan to cum down Mike’s throat, a lusty groan filling their kitchen. As Mike popped off, Stan’s knees started to buckle, sending him tumbling down on top of Mike.
Mike caught him with a surprised chuckle.
“You okay?” Mike tease, petting Stan’s hair back from his face before re-dressing him, tucking him back inside his pants.
“Sorry, that was just… a lot.” Stan admitted, face flushed fluorescent pink.
“Yeah, agreed… but good a lot, right?” Mike clarified, slight insecurity trickling into his tone.
Stan’s heart bloomed. He leaned forward, capturing Mike’s lips in a much lighter, softer kiss than their exchanges before.
“Good. Definitely good.”
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hypochondriacattack · 4 years
Send Me Prompts
Hey guys! I’m wanting to write some stuff soon but I’m dry on ideas (aside from my fanfics!) I’m comfortable writing just about any ship from It (check tags for exclusions). 
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m6ttsturniolo · 5 years
i can imagine richie playing at the arcade and a boy (possibly eddie or someone richie found attractive) says “hey can i play” and accidentally touches richies hand once it lets go of the joystick. i can picture him getting butterflies, jumping and walking away with his heart racing, not knowing or liking the feeling he felt. he visits the arcade as an adult, replaying the memory.
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reddiestors · 4 years
Road To Vegas - IT (2017)
A preview to a fic I’m working on! The losers find their old bucket lists, and decide to finish them before college. Ships: Reddie, Benverly, Stanlonbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak had every fucking right to be terrified. Every single right. He was about to ask his mother- the pinnacle of a helicopter parent- if he could go on a camping trip with his friends. One with no supervisors, no parents, and a stupid plan. It had started then the losers were sleeping at Beverly’s aunts house.
They were sitting in front of a TV, Richie and Eddie sharing a beanbag chair, Bev leaning against Stan, who’s against the wall. Mike, teaching Bill how to make friendship bracelets, and Ben, sitting next to Bev, watching her smokee. The sun was low, and golden beams of light shone their way through the dust covered windows. The cheap fabric drapes were held apart by pushpins. Bev took a long drag off her cigarette, blowing the smoke towards Richie, who waved the air in front of his face in an attempt to get the smoke away from Eddie, who hated the smell of cigarettes. Eddie laughed a bit, and reminded Richie quietly that he didn’t mind too much anymore. They were going to college, they’d have to get used to the smell. Richie nodded, reaching out and grabbing a cigarette from Bev, lighting it and blowing the smoke away from Eddie nonetheless. The mood was tired. Musty. They sat in a natural and comfortable silence, and the only noise was the sound of Ren and Stimpy screaming. Eddie laughed a little at the TV, and Richie’s heart exploded. Other than that, it was quiet. Fuck, Richie hated the quiet.
“We should do something dumb!” He announced, his hair bouncing as he perked up with a smile. “We could murder someone. Like in the movies. Then we could run away and start a new life-” He was interrupted by Eddie groaning.
“Shut up! It’s Ren and Stimpy! I love this show,” he said bitterly to Richie, looking back at the TV. He watched closely, a childlike wonder in his eyes. Bev felt bad for the kid. He never had any real freedom. He had a small variety of shows he was allowed to watch, and Ren and Stimpy was not one of them, which was why he would watch shows whenever he got the chance at his friends’ house.
Bev hummed, smiling. Fuck, her friends really are just like children. “Murder could be fun,” she offered sarcastically, laughing as Ben immediately protested and started going on a rant about morals. “Benny- Ben- I’m kidding,” she chuckled, putting a hand on Ben’s shoulder. His frown immediately faded away, and was replaced with a smile as he sighed a soft ‘oh’.
Bill hummed. “It’s our gap year. We don’t have school, and still, we aren’t doing anything reckless like causing trouble or running around town. Isn’t that unlike us?” He asked, holding up his friendship bracelet and turning to Mike. “How’s this?” Mike gave a wide, fake smile. Bill was trying really hard. Even if it was a knotty, tangled mess. “Great, Bill.” Bill grinned, handing it to Mike and holding his wrist out. Mike tied it around his wrist, nodding. “There.” Bev furrowed her brows. Running around town. That could work, but they’d have to expand their area. “We could go camping,” she offered. “And just go on a road trip and drive around places,” she said. She quickly stood up, digging through her bedside drawer past cigarettes, a lighter, and a crumpled postcard that was barely readable. She got another piece of paper, which was folded a bit nicer, and sat back down, spreading it out smooth. “I found this the other day while I was cleaning my room. It’s one of the bucket lists we all made when we were in middle school.” She looked down her list, looking for a potential location. Richie pointed at the paper quickly. 
“Go to Vegas,” he read aloud, smiling. “Damn, Marsh, you trying to gamble?” Eddie peeled his eyes away from the screen, looking back at the paper and turning the TV down. “Hey, Eds,” Richie hummed offhandedly, reading down the list.
Suddenly, Eddie started laughing, covering his mouth with his hand. All the other losers looked over at him, confused and slightly amused. “Punch Bowers!” He wailed happily, pointing at the list and laying back, putting a hand on his stomach and laughing hard. Richie watched him with a grin and started laughing too, air being pulled from his lungs by the contagiousness of Eddie’s laugh. Eddie was on his back next to him, grinning and giggling. He wiped his eyes, and Richie noticed there were tears. 
Bev grinned and rolled her eyes, giving a small laugh and looking at the list. “I think we should try and check our lists off.” Eddie’s laughing calmed down, and he sat up. 
“What?” Eddie asked, an unsure smile settling on his face. “Bev, I don’t even know if I still have that list, and if we leave, my mom would kill me,” he said, furrowing his brows. Bev hummed, grabbing a piece of scrap paper and rewriting the list with a sharpie. A bit of the ash from her cigarette fell onto her hand as she was writing, and she quickly blew it off, wincing a bit. She finished the list, setting it down.
 “There.” She hummed, giving a short nod. “We should find our lists, and if we can’t, we should write new ones.” Bev stood up, pulling a jacket on. “Come on, we’re going.” Eddie’s eyes widened. “Where?” He asked quickly. “We can’t go anywhere that my mom doesn’t know about, Bev.” She groaned, crossing her arms.
“You’re eighteen. You’re legally an adult,” she insisted, giving everyone a look. Stan, Mike, Bill and Ben all stood up, leaving just Richie and Eddie. Richie didn’t want to leave Eddie, so he stayed sitting. Eddie stood up, and Richie followed closely. “Good. I just want food. Let’s go to the pharmacy, they have really good chips.” Stan chuckled and tugged on the collar of his shirt, trying to straighten it a little. Stan had only recently been diagnosed with OCD, and it was a fucking nightmare. Mostly because all of his friends assumed it made him a neat freak. It was the nineties. Of course nobody was properly educated. As they walked out of the house, he flicked the lightswitch thirteen times. Stanley Uris. 13 letters. Mike sighed. “Guys, I don’t know if running away and checking off a bucket list from 7th grade is the best idea,” he said softly, worried that he might hurt the other’s feelings. Bill looked over at Mike, shrugging and smiling.
“Does it matter how good an idea it is? We’re trying to have fun.”
And somehow, that was all it took to convince the group. Bill had a natural leader complex, and where he and Bev went, everybody followed. If Bill and Bev thought it was a good idea, everyone did.
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