#star wars creator meme
happydragon · 5 months
Before the final episode, I just want to thank everyone for this beautiful experience. I don't think I've ever been in a fandom from the beginning to the end but must I say it's been a beautiful ride. Now I'm sure a lot of us aren't going anywhere but I will miss all the speculations, theories, and so much more that came with watching each season together. Thank you also to the creators, composers, writers, and actors for giving us this wonderful story. I'm both excited and sad to see it come to an end. See everyone on the other side.
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honeymiell · 20 days
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Hey guys! Like Kylo Ren, Rey, Din Djarin, and more? My mother recently opened an Etsy store called Thorn and Thistle Goth. She sells elevated goth- alternative clothing for the whole family including some really cool Star Wars and Disney themed pieces. Come give her store a look! Thanks guys 💕
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peskyimmortals · 1 month
me crafting this summer:
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
Me to myself after complaining about Star Wars not having any Breha and/or Bail Organa stories
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sithfamily · 2 years
A simp I become ~ Creator speaking like Yoda
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the-far-bright-center · 4 months
Can’t stand seeing posts and comments that are like ‘I wish Star Wars were good’ or ‘if only Star Wars were good’ — um, excuse me, it IS good????
The Skywalker saga is a good story.
The six Lucas films form two trilogies that mirror and complement one another.
That’s it, that’s Star Wars.
If you don’t like the real Star Wars, and don’t think it’s worth anything, then what are you even doing in the fandom?
One of the problems is people just passively accepting everything Disney claims as ‘Star Wars’ to be, well, Star Wars. When it’s not. It’s fanfiction that no one is required to consider as canon. So those god-awful sequels that tried to erase the existing storyline and claim a bunch of OOC shit happened to the Original Trio? Not part of the actual story.
Another problem is that a lot of contemporary fans are unable to appreciate the Lucas saga simply for what it is, and instead like to claim they could have done it ‘better’. I realise that fandom in general is largely about building on or ‘fixing’ things in canon to be more to one’s liking, but that is a highly subjective practice, and one person’s ‘improvement’ might not be the same as another’s. The Disney-era perhaps gives the impression that this is just a big soulless franchise with faceless creators churning out ‘content’ that is up for grabs, when the original heart of the story adhered, more or less, to one single creator’s vision.
The jokey meme that ‘Star Wars sucks’ and the constant lamenting that ‘if only it were good’ gets rather old for those of us who legitimately LOVE the Lucas saga exactly as it is.
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ghostedgrim · 2 months
Fandom Etiquette
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It has come to my attention that today's fandoms just keep turning toxic, getting created and ruined within a week, and the etiquette we used to follow like law is vanishing. More and more people, especially minors, are joining fandoms, and they don't know the etiquette or unofficial rules that we once went by.
These "rules" are merely what I have observed through the years.
1) Understand what a fandom is- A fandom is a SAFE SPACE where people can talk about a show/movie/game/book + characters within it that they like. It is a space where people can be free to make headcannons, self-inserts, ocs, memes, shit posts, create and share theories, create fanart and fanfics.
2)Respect - If you don't want something happening to you, then don't do it to others. More directly: don't hate on other people for their preferences of reading, writing, and characters they like. So if someone likes character A because of __ but you like character B, that doesn't give you the right of hating on the other person fit liking character A. If a person sets a boundary: "I won't write _ _ and _," then don't push them to write it.
✨️Jingle Jingle ✨️sparkles✨️lemme keep your attention✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
3) Creators of a fandom (people who created the characters, movie, book etc that you like).- If they request something, respect it. "Please don't sexulize this character" so don't sexualize them. Do not force a creator into a fandom, don't be sending them fanart, graphic contents, threats to get a specific ship you want, etc. They are a person, treat them like one, if they want to be in the fandom and interact with it they will do it in their own time, don't force them.
4) 18+ spaces! 🔞- Now minors, I NEED you to understand this part. A person with 18+, 🔞 or MDNI (minors do not interact), don't interact ESSPECALLY if it's a group chat, discord, and/or rolepay. I emphasize this FOR YOUR SAFETY! As a minor, you can easily get groomed, no matter how safe it seems adult predators are there and will make you feel like they are the safest person to be around before they attack (I did an essay on this just a few months ago, trust me it's bad). Some people make an 18+ space because they fear a they cannot prevent a predator from going after minors who enter that space (predators will often be your friend before they attacked via grooming).
5) 18+ pt2- Many people create an 18+ space so they can talk about more adult related topics, or simply because they find it easier to talk to people their age when speaking about fandom related topics. Also it's weird being like 20 and agreeing with a 12 y/o that a character is hot, it's extremely uncomfortable for us adults when we realize we're having that conversation with a kid.
6) MDNI and 18+ tags!- These are warnings that a topic in a post is NOT CHILD FRIENDLY!! Also us adults can get in trouble if a child interacts with our 18+ content- a parent could see, report us, get us banned and possibly worse scenarios depending on the situation. Also adults don't want children reading 🌽, graphic violence etc.
✨️✨️💥✨️✨️stay with me now✨️✨️💥✨️✨️
7) Shit posts💕- I have not seen them in ages and I miss them. A shit post is just a funny, likely cringey thing you make at like 3am. They're funny, stupid, meant to make everyone laugh and cringe, they're not meant to be pretty. It can be headcannons like "Thrawn from star wars sucks at painting that's why he only admires art!!" Or self insert x character doing something stupid. Crack fics are some of the funniest things because you can read it and wonder if the person who made it was high in that moment. They're like memes.
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8) Self Insert OCs- Idc if you hate them because guess what, a person has a right to create them, Hell a person has every right to make a fanfic with them. Yes, you're allowed to feel distaste when you see them, but don't give hate, it's stupid to hate on something so harmless. I got maladaptive daydreaming, and while it may be boring in a fanfic, I find may daydreams much more entertaining when I have powers and a backstory that's fictional.
9) Warnings- Put warnings on your post if it contains; violence, sa, abuse, sh, sickness, vomiting, and any other possibily triggering thing even I'd it seems stupid put the warning there please ✨️
10) Pro-shipping- If you do this you're not welcome, and leave the fandom. For those who don't know, these people support minor x adult ships, incest ships, dad/mother x their child ship, abuser x victim ships and likely sa ships too. There is no excuse, if you support them, make art, fanfics, headcannons, get out and leave the fandom. If you're so desperate for it then go make a bot for it on character ai. 👋 bye
10.5) If you make headcannons or stories romanticizing a character 🍇ing, and or sa and or abusing y/n, or another character you ship them with (especially if it's a minor x adult 🤢), get tf out. If you romanticize yourself sa, 🍇ing and/or abusing a character (especially if it's a minor) get tf out. LEAVE THE FANDOM
✨️Almost done, just a little further my friends✨️💕
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11) Help support the people writing fanfics, writing isn't always easy, so leave the author a comment or preferably reblog it, it helps motivate them to write and keeps the fandom alive
12) Don't be toxic, it kills a fandom. Unless a person's opinions or creations are harmful just leave them alone if you don't like it.
13) Don't glorify Ai art, all the faces and smiles look identical babe, go for art created by a person. 100%
14) Don't whitewash
15) be inclusive
✨️ If you wanna read a story with multiple chapters you can find them on whattpad and Ao3. Ao3 is better at filtering out unwanted content and finding certain content you want. Tumblr fanfics are mostly oneshots, but multiple chapter stories do exist.✨️
16) Give support to authors writing multiple chapter stories bc those are hard af to make! Support via: Tumbler: reblog and comment. Ao3: kudos and comment. Whattpad: comment, and vote for it.
17) SUPPORT FANART ARTISTS! With Ai their motivation to create has weakened. Fancfictions and fanart are both vital in keeping fandoms alive, and artists are do much better at art than Ai. And we love the little comics the artists make, so give em some love
18) Cosplay- we all have to start somewhere and cosplay is expensive af. So support rather than critisize, and provide tips to help them (where to find affordable good materials, how to sew, good glues etc)
19) Writing is hard, some people like me are dyslexic and not everyone has English as their native language, ontop of that with grammarly (Ai based autocorrect) it's harder to notice mistakes and the autocorrect will also make incorrect corrections.
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You made it!!!! I'm proud!!! Feel free to reblog, comment, and even copy then repost to spread the word, feel free to add, and summarize. People can't magically learn fandom etiquette, we have to teach them. Especially the minors
Now go be the weird nerds we all are 👋
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luescris · 2 days
Everybody buckle up and to those of you who follow me: I am sorry.
But I have acquired the Images and I must yell about them.
Because there are two things that always gets to me when it comes to shows: Imagery, and symbolism. It is not often where both are done well or right. Sometimes neither even exist. So I would have never expected a "what if" funny haha Lego star wars show that has a million meme refs in it to put such thought and care into how both are EFFORTLESSLY presented. And then slap on a whole layer of emotions and meaning.
Let me show you what I mean.
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This. This was like the second thing that had my jaw drop to the floor. Glass shattering imagery combined with sick as hell lighting and a hint of symbolism in it???? Are you kidding me??? Like look at these; they're gorgeous!! I could stare at the quality for HOURS.
And don't even get me started on Dev and Sig's whole relationship. Cuz I have a MILLION things to say about it. For example.
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Yes. This image is similar to the glass shattering one. But it's also so very much different because of the lighting and position of the two brothers. Dev being high above and Sig looking up from down below. This could also be a clever way to reference the, “I have the high ground” scene, but with that crack on the wall behind them?? Literally separating them apart while the bridge is already physically doing so??? There's so much to look at, so much to inference. The creators of this show paid so much attention to placement and meaning it's actually insane. 
Dev's whole point was to be devastating. He's more than just a villain with a temper, he has been hurt and was alone and was angry. His intro scene had him going, “If I didn't have you..” With a look of despair. He shook, he yelled, he was on the verge of tears. Like.
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This. This? Sig's face. Dev standing over him like that. The freaking. Placement of where the characters are I don't know what the word is but dude. This was on purpose.
He doesn't even have the yellow Sith eyes! Sig knows he's not going to hurt him and he's so right and Dev hates that he's right. 
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How can you sit there and hate after being given a face like that. A face so trusting and open and it's proving what Sig already knows. There is still hope left for Dev. There's still hope for everyone. Sig is just that beacon.
All his life Dev was alone and out of nowhere here Sig comes to ruin everything all because he cared. And the voice acting just sells it. It SELLS it. Sig whining whenever he was scared, Dev's “shut up.”, Jedi Bob being a sarcastic Master. Actually Dev's va work entirely like who IS that guy god-
I loved the chaos and ridiculousness of this entire show, but it combines the elements of Lego humor with the serious and heartbreaking stories of Star Wars and it's been a long time since I've seen that for this franchise. And to top it off???
It's all about grief. About moving on. Jedi Bob lost his whole galaxy, Sig has to learn how to live in this new one, Dev is struggling with the idea of how unfair it all is that he never got to be happy. Like at this point I don't even care if I'm looking way too far into this there's still so much meaning. 
How does Lego nail it in the head so many times. They're plastic toys meant to sell toys and it is working. 
One last honorable mention image that I just find absolutely sick as fuck for the road:
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Another purposeful shot. Absolutely amazing. I'm gonna fall over and die. They're just legos..,,..,..,,,
This all happens in the span of the last episode and it is only four eps long, 26 min each. But it is so worth it.
Tdlr: Go watch Rebuild the Galaxy so we can get More of this please and thank you.
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the-bees-patella · 7 months
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what, I have range.
This is my fourth year doing @fandomtrumpshate, and it's been a ball every time.
You can find my auction post here. The tl;dr is that I mistook the "interested in" section for a grad school paper proposal instead of useful information like "do you write PWPs?" or whatever. (Yes, I do. But I also frequently mistake those for grad school papers).
Generally, my writing tends toward the melancholy and absurd. Lots of navel-gazing about deep questions like, "If you're a lab-grown clone, do you have a navel at all?" Controversial. My approach is, more or less, the "change my mind" meme, so I tend to do better with looser, more conceptual prompts or ideas.
If you're interested in what you might receive, I wrote two Clone Wars fics for FTH last year.
If you have a hot take/prompt and would like to check before bidding if it's something I'd write, feel free to email me through the link on the auction post.
And please check out this post for a full list of Star Wars creators who are participating this year! There are a lot of cool people on that list and you won't want to miss out.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
As immature as this makes me, I giggled to myself when I saw one person reblogging End OTW Racism posts whose blog title is "Lily Orchard Stan". Lily Orchard is the creator of that Steven Universe Is Awful And Here's Why video and is white but claims to be Native despite not being claimed by a tribe or attempting to learn anything about the Cherokee people simply because she "has the Native gene" aka has black hair. Her most popular fanfic is also a Star Wars sequel trilogy fic where Rey, a white girl, was human trafficked and sold by black slavers, and then Rey falls for one of the slavers' daughters, a black woman who mercilessly murders everyone who crosses her path, doesn't feel guilt, remorse or empathy, and who is so violent and unhinged that when Leia says "your mom human trafficking people was bad, actually" she electrocutes the old woman.
Gee sorry we can't all be as "anti-racist" as people who write black slavers who murder and torture white people. Sorry I can't be as progressive as "and then the merciless black sociopath took over the galaxy and ruled as a benevolent dictator and lived happily ever after". My stories contain zero characters of any race who have assaulted the elderly and been praised for it, actually. Maybe I'm racist against all races. /s
In all seriousness I don't know how someone thinks of themselves as anti-racist while supporting a racefaker with a brownface YouTube avatar who writes black slavers that victimize white people. I know this meme phrase is overused but make it make sense please.
Anything that grants power, even in a limited sphere, will be used by people who want power.
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eruditegeek · 3 months
Gay Glup Shitto of the Day #21
Larma D'Acy and Worbie Tyce
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Lesbian resistance operatives.
You know these two.
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Larma D'Acy, a military officer, and Worbie Tyce, a courier pilot, were wives from the independent planet Warlentta. D'Acy was personally recruited by Leia, and her wife happily joined with her. D'Acy became a trusted mid level officer in the resistance, and Tyce became second in command of a fighter squadron.
There is not much I can say about them because D'Acy is only in The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, and Tyce is only in the latter. Though they were the first on screen lesbian kiss in a Star Wars movie. They also kissed before the battle of Exegol in the junior novel adaptation.
Overall, they are a poor attempt at capitalizing on queer representation and claiming support. Though they are a step along the way as Disney trails behind the leaders. Disney's willingness to include queer representation has increased due, in part, to the reaction and memeing of their kiss. This was emphasized by how much of a fiasco Rise of Skywalker was.
Most annoying is how divorced on screen and on page representation has become from each other. D'Acy and Tyce were not the first queer kiss in Star Wars, having been beaten to it almost two years prior in a comic. There have been more and more queer creators being given control of Star Wars, but still much more on page than screen.
Before Disney I could count queer representation on both hands. By the time Episode IX released it was about 30, and now there is a wide range of about 300 queer characters.
The executive confidence in Star Wars has been regrowing, and we can't let them stop queer representation or become complacent, but we also can't let the shows trail behind in representation. So keep making your approval and dissatisfaction with how they handle queer representation known.
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shads-shipposts · 28 days
Anachronism Ch 1
We did it chat
We surpassed the "Fandom is six people and a shoelace" meme. We are now seven people and a shoelace!
This calls for celebration.
In the form of another full chapter of my fic Anachronism! Unproofread of course, because this page is still the furthest thing from polished and I am to keep it chaotic.
The prologue is here!
CW: Language
Wordcount: 3086
It’s all fun and games until it happens to you.
Oh, sure, we’ve all laughed at someone else’s misfortune. I’ve done it, even at the most inopportune of moments. Like a kid tripping and eating asphalt.
Or when a character gets sucked into fanfiction and must survive the HorrorsTM.
I’d read my fair share of those fics in my fair share of fandoms. Star Wars, Assassin’s Creed Three and Four, and Tintin seemed to be the main ones.
Speaking of Tintin…
Maybe it was an odd sort of gift, granted by the universe with her oh so funny sense of humor. College had my stories stuck in a rut, so this could be the big breakthrough to jumpstart my creativity once more. Or this could be karma for never finishing my own universe-yeet Tintin fanfiction.
The Day Karma Bit Back.
I figured my habit of never finishing fics all the way through would eventually bite me in the ass.
I just didn’t imagine it’d be in the form of me waking up in a 1950s style apartment in the Tintin movie, something immediately apparent by the realistic yet stylized environment.
Slowly sitting up in confusion, I peered around at the room.
That only left me more confused when I saw my phone charging on the nightstand, and my laptop charging on a dresser.
Not the weirdest dream I’d ever had, because hellfire I’d had some off the wall ones that no amount of backtracking through my day could explain.
Useful for wilder story concepts, though.
Maybe college had finally pushed me to the breaking point. When I say I contemplated dropping out last Fall… damn those fruit flies and their entire lab-grown lineage to hell.
I yelped and flipped out of the bed as a voice sounded right by my ear. Jumping into a right fighting stance, guard up, I found myself staring at a familiar face.
Not a sailor, or a reporter, or even a Tintin character at all.
Instead, I was looking at one of my characters.
Tan skin, shoulder length black hair that fluffed in every direction, mischievous green eyes, and a body built like a brick shithouse.
“T-… Trevor!?” I sputtered, blinking rapidly as if he were merely an illusion and a few resets would make him disappear.
How was he here? Yeah, sure, he originally started showing up in a Tintin fic snippet I had from like 2017 or 2018, so him in Tintin wasn’t too outlandish… but why was he in my room?
He flopped on my bed, rolling onto his back and grinning up at me.
Hell, those teeth are sharp.
“The creator recognizes me!” He flipped back onto his stomach, pointing a finger gun at me. “Ya know, still waitin’ on you to draw me.”
“I mean, come on!” Trevor sat up and gestured to himself. “You only just recently settled on a design! I’ve just be a vague consciousness that plagues your story with no set corporeal form, do you know how hard it is to flirt with people like that?”
I shook my head, waving my hands in a weak attempt to get him to stop talking so I could get a word in. “Hold it! What kind of whack-ass dream am I havin’ that you’re in?” I exclaimed. “You’ve never shown up in my dreams!”
Yeah, college really has driven me past the brink of insanity. I’m really out here arguing with a figment of my imagination asking why he showed up.
Ain’t the weirdest dream we’ve had.
True that, but still!
Trevor’s grin, somehow, got wider. “Dream? My dearest creator, this isn’t a dream!” He frowned, scratching behind his ear like a dog. “Though, suppose it is in a way. Dream come true for your hyperfixated self, gettin’ to roam the Tintin movie from 2011! Ya know, the reason you’re writin’?”
I grimaced. “Ugh, please don’t remind me of that old role-play nightmare.”
“Hey, it was a start!”
“A cringey start at that,” I muttered, then shook my head violently to erase it from my brain like an Etch-A-Sketch. “Hey, stop changin’ the subject!”
“What subject?” Trevor asked, an innocent smile on his face.
“The subject of what the hell you’re doing here, in my dream. I know you’re self aware, you little shit.”
“That I am! Well, since you’re so persistent.” Somehow managing a backflip off the bed, he then raised his arms above his head like a successful gymnast.
“Try hard,” I snorted.
“Ah, but who designed me so?”
“Yourself,” I shot back. “I never even created your dramatic ass, you just started showin’ up. Like the personification of the plot or somethin’.”
“Ah, but you can’t say I ain’t useful!”
“Broken clock is right twice a day.”
“I could boot you back to the ‘waking’.” He used air quotes around the word. “World if you’d prefer!” His teeth flashed in a devious grin. “I’m sure the Spring semester would love to welcome you in.”
Nausea rose up my throat and I felt the beginnings of a tension migraine behind my eyes.
“Ugh hard pass.”
“So stay awhile!” Trevor suggested, spreading his arms wide. “Besides, what do you have to lose?” He winked at me. “Like you said, it’s just a dream.”
Boy, I do not like the way you said that.
But, he had a point. Or, I guess my subconscious did. This wouldn’t be the first time I lucid dreamed, or was self aware in a dream. And what else could it be other than a dream?
People didn’t jump between universes. That just wasn’t a thing.
A dream.
That was it.
Just… just a dream.
Given that it was just a dream, wouldn’t hurt to go rambling. It was odd the scene hadn’t shifted yet, since my dreams were usually pretty chaotic, but maybe this was the time for a scene shift.
May as well make the best of it before I wake up on Winter Break again. Happy New Year to me.
“Alright, fine,” I groaned. “I’ll bite.”
“You sure do!” Trevor looked at his watch-less wrist. “Welp, gotta get goin’! Things to do, places to be.”
What cosmic entity did I piss off to earn this nightmare?
“Hold it!” I barked, following him as he started for the door. “Can’t I get at least a little explanation?”
“Nope!” Trevor turned to face me, grinning ear to ear. “This is not a well-thought-out and carefully crafted type of fanfic, no no! This is a wild ride of a fic where we just take the cards we’re dealt, and we run with them!” He shrugged. “All there is to it!”
“Besides! Explaining things only slows the chaos down, after all no one has time nor patience for exposition dumps. That’s not why they’re here! They’re here for nonsense to fuel their escapism and yearning for found-family that would kill for them!”
“Who the fuck is they?” I exclaimed, gesturing at the empty apartment. “We’re alone.”
“Are we?”
“Hey, don’t pull a Polar Express train hobo,” I said, jabbing a finger into his chest. “Can’t I get a little info?”
“It’s a dream, right? They don’t do info dumped they go straight into the crack!” He held his hand up. “But if you insist.”
The moment he snapped his fingers a wave of images and information slammed into my brain and knocked me off my feet.
Dark alleyways, crowded marketplaces, peaceful courtyards, musty attics, cluttered apartments.
Quick glimpses really, like the faded, hazy memories of dreams. Enough of a visage to distinguish where I was, to feel a sense of familiarity, but not really anything more.
Blurry snapshot rather than a true picture.
Sounds muted and unclear, like hearing things from underwater. Just past the point of deciphering. Voices, lots of those. Gunshots? Yes, those too.
One particular scene came into focus.
The library, its aisles dark and shelves overturned. Books everywhere, some intact some not. Adrenaline pulsing through my veins, something heavy scalding my hand.
A pistol, recently and frequently fired.
Echoes of gunfire, accompanied by yelling. Angry, threatening yelling, the roughness and pitch unmistakably masculine.
Yet there was another above the din, a lighter tone that had yet to really mature into the lower base of a grown adult.
A glance to the side revealed a familiar freckled face and ginger quiff, its owner hunkered down behind an overturned table with me. A flash of white fur near his leg, adding his barks to the cacophony.
Was Tintin shorter than me? No, yes… maybe?
It was always so hard to tell when crouched, as I was all leg and hardly any torso at all.
Height didn’t matter here, but numbers did.
And we were losing.
Tintin grabbed my hand, yanking me towards a fallen shelf as he fired over his shoulder and forced the attackers to take cover.
Were they the sailors? Another faction? Simple thugs?
I didn’t know, and would apparently never know as the scene vanished like a mirage on an old dirt road during a summer heatwave.
In its place came the headache of the century.
“Hellfire,” I groaned, gripping my head. “I know they say to avoid infodumps in stories, but this is a-whole-nother bitch. What the fuck, Trevor?”
I received no answer.
I slowly sat up, cursing as the room spun. “Trevor?”
No one, just me in the room.
One of the windows to the fire escape was open, however, and with great difficulty I got to my feet to see if he’d escaped that way.
You better be gone gone, ‘cause boy if I get my hands on you you’re donezo.
I staggered to the back window, leaning heavily on the windowsill as the low drone of a ship’s horn echoed off the alley walls. A quick scan of the lower street revealed no Trevor, and as I blinked away the spots from my vision I also saw no sign of him along the rooftops.
“Trickster bastard,” I grumbled, rubbing my temple.
Another low drone from a ship caught my attention, and I looked towards the source. Just over the tops of some of the building, I could see the crane arms moving back and forth.
You know you want to.
It’s a dream, right?
My eyes moved to the sketchpad on my nightstand.
What do you have to lose?
My phone chirped, which was quite odd given I’d had that sucker on silent since 2015. The screen brightened, and as I picked it up, I found myself looking at the lockscreen.
My persona Scarlett Bloodsmoke embracing two dear friends, Thatcher Morgan and Skipper Anders, on the enchanted shores of the dreamrealm.
My eyes drifted to the text alert banner, and my nose wrinkled in a scowl as I read Trevor’s name at the top.
The contents of his text only deepened my frown.
“May as well get reference sketches for the Caroline even though you sink her!”
Of all the character deaths I concocted, the wreck of the Caroline and all the men who went down with her was probably the one that hit me the hardest. It’d been two years since I drafted the scene, and two years since I’d last read it because it was so painful.
It was also the reason I had my phone thrown at me by two of my friends.
Thatcher and Skipper had perished in the wreck, something that would haunt both Scarlett and me.
And got me yelled at by my therapist, but it was honestly very deserved.
I looked again out towards the distant cranes as yet again a ship’s horn echoed off the brick walls like a siren’s call.
This was a dream. It had to be. So any pictures or sketches would remain in my consciousness only as I couldn’t pull them into the real world . But even so…
Dreams had given me very handy inspiration before.
At the very least, I could update the Caroline’s design.
She had her roots in the Karaboudjan anyways, just like Thatcher had his roots in Allan and Skipper had his in Tom.
“Alright,” I muttered, heading to the closet to find something comfy to wear. “Let’s get some inspiration.”
-Allan pov-
The hair caught Allan’s eye first. 
Dark bluish-purple in the shade, a more vibrant reddish-purple in the sun. 
The owner of the hair only piqued his interest more.
He, or she, looked so out of place it was almost hilarious. At least among the dockworkers. She had enough sense to stay out of the way, sticking close to a large wall where she was cloaked mostly in the long, mid-morning shadows cast by the warehouse. But she wasn’t even trying to blend in with the rest of the men, sitting cross legged atop a crate scribbling furiously in a sketchbook.
The odd sight wasn’t exactly concerning, but the fact she frequently looked at the Karaboudjan was. 
Surely she couldn’t be a reporter or journalist. 
Then again, that ginger nuisance Allan and his men ran across near Egypt also didn’t look like a journalist but had caused a world of hurt for Allan’s operations. Looks could be incredibly deceiving. 
But there was something else.
He couldn’t be sure from this distance, but the kid almost looked… familiar? 
Surely not.
His dream that morning was making him paranoid, that was all. It was embarrassing really, that a simple nightmare had him so rattled he saw Scarlett’s face everywhere now. 
Yet his eyes remained trained on her. 
He had to know. Had to know why the hell she was sketching the ship. 
It was because of her clear fascination and focus on the ship, nothing more. He just needed... needed to keep an eye out. The FBI and Interpol could have spies everywhere. 
It was purely business.
It wasn’t personal.
It wasn’t dire.
It wasn’t Scarlett. 
“Hey, Al, what are ya lookin’ at?” Tom asked, coming up beside him. 
Allan dipped his head towards the kid. “We got a watcher.” 
Another one of Allan’s men, an Australian named Neil, joined them. “Yeah, she’s been there since I started unloadin’.”
Allan glanced at him. “Talk to ‘er?”
Neil shook his head. “Didn’t see a need to. She’s outta the way, and is mindin’ ‘er business. Ain’t botherin’ anyone.” 
Allan turned his attention back to the kid. “Right.” 
“Should I have?” Neil asked. 
“Not sure yet,” Allan replied slowly. 
And he hated that he wasn’t. Uncertainty could put you at risk to be blindsided, and blindsides were a death sentence in Allan’s line of work. 
“Nice hair, though,” Neil commented with a small laugh. “Reminds me of my sister, she always liked dyein’ ‘er hair fancy colors.”
Tom tilted his head as he watched her scribble. “Purple, though? Bit anachronistic, don’t ya think?” 
Neil glanced at Tom and elbowed him with a sly grin. “Didn’t think you could manage big words like that, Tommy.” 
Tom glared at him, clearly fighting down a smile of his own. “Piss off,” he growled, shoving Neil.
“Stow it,” Allan snapped as the pair started going for headlocks and rib shots.
This was just too weird to ignore, too odd to brush off as mere coincidence. 
He had to figure out why exactly she was here, and who exactly she was. 
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked, smacking Neil’s hat off in one last blow.
Tom, you well-meaning but unobservant idiot.
“Look at ‘er face.”
Tom gave him an odd look, but peered across the docks. “Is there… somethin’ I’m lookin’ for?”
“She doesn’t remind you of Scarlett?”
Tom’s eyes widened. “Oh… shit, yeah. I see it now.”
Neil frowned. “Who?”
“Someone we ran across a few months ago. She was…” Allan struggled to find the words to describe her that wouldn’t make him look like a madman spouting about aliens. “Unique.”
“She kinda just vanished without a trace,” Tom added. “We’re still not exactly sure what all happened those few days she was ‘round ‘ere.”
“And you think the sketcher is her?”
Allan shook his head. “Not a chance. Scarlett had some… unmistakable traits.”
“Like what?”
“Not important right now.”
As far as you’re concerned, Neil.
Neil glanced at Tom, clearly hoping the man would shed some light on the First Mate’s statement. When Tom offered nothing, eyes focused on the young woman, Neil looked back at Allan.
“Am I… missin’ somethin’, boss?”
Should he offer a little more information? Neil had proven himself a reliable secretkeeper, and fairly unshakable no matter what Allan threw his way. Harry Hobbs also spoke highly of him, assuring Allan that Neil could be trusted with their… more secretive operation.
“There’s a good chance,” Allan began carefully. “Scarlett wasn’t… earthly.”
Neil blinked. “An alien.”
“She had a bloody tail.”
“A fluffy one,” Tom added. “Black and white striped. Furry feet and ears too.”
“Ah.” Neil looked at the sketcher. “That explains the fascination. Really think this kid has a connection?”
“Think I’ll go find out myself.”
Tom looked at him, somewhat alarmed. “What if she bolts?” He gestured to the both of them. “We’re not exactly the most friendly lookin’.”
“Good point,” Allan muttered, then turned to Neil. “Go try and talk to ‘er.”
Neil wasn’t exactly any less physically imposing than Allan or Tom, but him alone may not be as threatening.
“Keep ‘er distracted, but don’t engage. No threats, got it?”
No need to make a scene, not yet. Usually he wouldn’t care, after all if you acted like you had something to hide people got suspicious, but after his nightmare coincided with Tom’s, he was on edge for anything unusual.
Her face, even from this distance…
It was just so damn close to Scarlett. Blood relation close. 
Could Alphians shift into humans? He thought he recalled Scarlett mentioning that once, but he couldn’t be sure. 
Either way, he could not let this kid escape without seeing if she knew the Alphian. 
“Not… gonna do anythin’ to ‘er, right boss?” Neil asked, a new hardness to his tone. 
“No, she’s not in any danger.” Not yet. “I just have questions for ‘er.”
Neil still didn’t seem convinced. 
“Just go,” Allan ordered. 
As Neil left, Allan turned to Tom. “Alert the boys. Get ‘em to block the exits, but discreetly. Wait for my word, this could be nothin’.” 
Tom nodded and left to carry out the order. 
Allan turned back to watch the kid, eyes narrowed. 
Nothing personal. 
I need answers. 
And you’re not goin’ anywhere until I get them.
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Sapphic Ahsoka Tano Week 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
What kinds of content can be submitted? Digital or traditional art, fanfic, poetry, playlists, edits, photos, cosplay, icons, graphics, and/or memes. If you have something in mind that’s not included here, feel free to send us an ask to confirm!
Are trans, nonbinary, and intersex depictions of characters welcome? Always! Any and all characters featured in the content you create for Sapphic Ahsoka Tano Week can be trans, nonbinary, and/or intersex.
Are bisexual/pansexual/polysexual headcanons allowed? Of course! All characters are welcome to be portrayed as any sexual, romantic, or gender identity. Bashing or negativity towards any LGBTQIA+ subgroup will not be tolerated and you will be blocked for interacting with the event.
Are depictions of polycules okay? As long as Sapphic Ahsoka Tano is involved, the more the merrier! For example, JediNiteArmor (Ahsoka/Bo-Katan/Armorer) is allowed, or Kanerasoka (Kanan/Hera/Ahsoka) is allowed.
May I include OCs in my submission? Absolutely, as long as Ahsoka Tano remains the focus of the work.
Can submissions be platonic in nature? Definitely! We only ask that works are Ahsoka-centric, and not sidelining her to focus on other non-Ahsoka ships.
Is content featuring Ahsoka as a kid allowed? No depictions of underage sexual content will be accepted. Light non-explicit romance (i.e. hand-holding, sharing meals, fighting together, hugging, going on dates) is acceptable between TCW era Ahsoka and a peer of her age (i.e. Barriss, Riyo, Steela, Trace). Any sexual content must clearly indicate Ahsoka and her partner are both adults.
Are AUs allowed? Absolutely! You are welcome to create art and stories that do not align with Star Wars canon. 
Is there a word minimum or art completion level required to submit? Nope! Make as much or as little as you like.
Can I use fancasts or character inspirations outside of the actors that play Ahsoka? Yes, but please do not whitewash any of the characters involved. 
Can I post what I create on other social media platforms? Absolutely! While this event week only has an account on Tumblr, you are welcome to share whatever you make to any/all of your other accounts. We may not be there to reblog it formally, but we will be cheering you on!
I don’t like (Sapphic) Ahsoka Tano, some of her ships, or don’t want to see this event! Please blacklist/filter out the tags: #sapphicahsokatano, #sapphicahsokatanoweek, and #sapphicahsokatanoweek2024, and/or any of the ships you don’t want to see to prevent any of the posts related to this event from appearing on your dash. Kindly review Tumblr’s guide on how to do so and refrain from commenting/posting negativity directly on the content creator’s work. We also ask all creators to tag the ships they’re depicting in their works as well.
Are “toxic” or “taboo” elements and themes allowed? The LGBTQIA+ community has a long-interwoven history with the horror genre. Works describing horror and/or traditionally “unpalatable” tropes are absolutely allowed; we simply ask you to clearly tag all possible triggers. Examples: blood, biting, cannibalism, murder, violence, monsters, gore. We ask all consumers of the works created to respect the creators’ tags. If something is tagged “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat”, you have been fairly warned.
I’m late with my submission! Can I still share it? Of course! We completely understand when ‘life’ happens and dates are missed, but you still want to share your work. Remember to tag this blog, tag #sapphicahsokatanoweek2024 and mention your prompts so we can share and archive it appropriately.
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velvetvexations · 4 months
The original six Star Wars films (what a strange thing that is to say even ten years after AFA) is an incredible example of a work where the creator has a lot of thematic meaning going on and is really trying to get across big artistic points but also at the same time takes his fictional universe extremely serious as a fictional universe.
Normally I'd praise that balance but sometimes it's a little awkward in Star Wars. Like, that's the reason for the Glup Shitto meme, Lucas came up with all these really stupid alien names that sound like really stupid alien names with understandably zero expectation of how cringe they'd sound to people dissecting his work on the internet decades later. So on one hand, you have "so this is how democracy dies...with thunderous applause", and that's great and weighty and kino, and then you remember what led to that was Jar-Jar Binks saying "MEESA PROPOSE WE GIVE EMERGENCY POWERS TO DA SUPREME CHANCELOR".
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fandom-friday · 7 months
Greedy Bastards are Fox’s Specialty by ByteMe (something_generic). (https://archiveofourown.org/works/32043508) Star Wars, The Hobbit. Fox went to sleep and somehow ended up in a dark cave with a large, talking lizard. He befriends said lizard and after a run in with a short human with no shoes on, ends up back on Coruscant. And somehow Smaug follows him??? I really love this fic! It was silly and and very enjoyable!
Ok so this is a crossover I never would have thought of in my wildest fever dreams, but the more I think about it, the more I turn into the kombucha girl meme and I THINK I'M INTO IT??? LIKE A LOT? This is such a fantastic concept, and I ADORE IT (as someone that's obsessed with crack crossovers haha). Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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doostyaudi · 5 months
❤️‍🔥Hello Everyone!!❤️‍🔥
❤️‍🔥My name is Dusty/Yara/Audi, though most call me Dusty. Idc which one u use
❤️‍🔥Bisexual, genderfluid/genderqueer
❤️‍🔥Any pronouns (masc terms)
❤️‍🔥I draw and animate! I especially love to make animation memes!
❤️‍🔥Im a shadow demon cat irl :3 🐈🔥
❤️‍🔥 Furry (post of my fursonas :3)
❤️‍🔥I love silly kitties!
❤️‍🔥I make lots of oc x canon content lol
❤️‍🔥 ACAB
❤️‍🔥FREE PALESTINE (list of resources to aid Palestine)
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💖Media im obsessed with💖
Madness combat, Warframe, Dead Space, Pikmin, Pokémon, Ultrakill
💖Honorable mentions💖
Lupin the 3rd,dungeon meshi, Monster High, local 58, star wars, what we do in the shadows, mst3k, marine biology, paleontology, repo:the genetic opera, Hamilton, cryptids, the amazing digital circus, bugbo, Steven Universe, the owl house, gravity falls, rock band (the game), tf2, welcome home, doom
{Will update when i remember things}
💖Types of media i enjoy💖
Horror movies/games (YUMMY), violent video games, rpgs, rhythm games, comedy games/movies/tv shows, memes, stories with complex themes and lots of nuance :3 (what i write mostly LOL), hashtag music lover
💖Current kin list💖
❤️‍🔥Auditor (madness combat)❤️‍🔥
🩵Louie (pikmin)🩵
🩷Spinel (Steven universe)🩷
{can you tell which one i have clinged onto the most? LOL}
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❤️‍🔥Common questions that need to be answered❤️‍🔥
Q: "how can I use your works? (art, characters, stories, ect)"
A: however you want! Everything of mine is copyright free! It's all in the public domain! Literally do whatever u want. Hell, you can even put my art on merch and sell it! Dont even have to give credit! Just as long as u don't say the art is yours, we r cool, alr? Also yes u can trace my art too, thought i should say that. U can take inspiration from my art and ocs, unless stated otherwise. Also DONT REDESIGN MY OCS PLEASE u only get to do so if i give u direct permission, though if u do, keep it to urself
Q: "Will you ever open commissions?"
A: im not sure honestly?? Like i said everything of my is public domain, and i would like for that to apply commissions, but idk how that works legally, so i haven't opened them.
Q: "why don't you ever reply to comments?"
A: I cant. Be shadowbanned prevents me from replaying to comments. Granted, this acc isn't, but two of my accs r, and that includes my main, so that has effected my commenting abilities.
Q: "can i draw your ocs?"
A: YES PWEASE i eat any and all fan art up like a starving Victorian child.
Q: "is your drawing requests open?"
A: yes! I am most likely going to draw ones that are abt my ocs or characters im currently obsessed with lol
Q: "is spam liking/reblogging allowed?"
A: allowed and encouraged!
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Transphobs, homophobs, bigots, terfs, maps, zoophiles, pro shippers, nazis, fascists, zenoists, partake in cringe culture, anti furry, exclusionists, redesign ppls ocs (nuances apply), associate urself/interact with yandere content, break the boundaries of content creators, and Narcissistic abuse truthers
Anyways, have fun!
Additional links: YouTube, artfight, old acc, twiddlefinger side blog
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