#starlight theory
dawneternal · 7 months
What did Azriel whisper in Eris's ear???
Where is Elain going so early in the morning???
Why is Rhys being so extra???
What did Eris trade to keep Keir out of Velaris???
What are Eris hounds named???
Eris Eris Eris???
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sapchat · 6 months
Ways to add simple little details to Prythian in your stories!
For the Autumn Court this one is basic and many people use it: Males gift their fiancées, wives, mates fox kits as a symbol of their love and good luck with the relationship. To make it sadder, Beron never did this for Lady A, so when Eris found out about this tradition he got his mom one!
For the Dawn Court: Like how the night court Illyrians put the women down, what if the Dawn Court was the opposite and the Peregryn females would put the males down. In the real world male birds are held to a high standard for breeding, I feel like Peregryn instincts would cause this and it just gives more to a story than the females constantly being the abused. Also they’re stomach/side sleepers. I talk more about this below with the night court just to not repeat myself.
Day Court is full of bastards. You can NOT convince me that it isn’t. Helion is laying the fucking pipe like he’s discovered oil. And the reason I feel this is because of @florencemtrash ‘s story “The Shadow and the Inkbird” (also it’s really good go read it if you haven’t) where the MFC is Helions bastard, and meets Lucien and instantly realizes that they’re halfsiblings. And I was like ya know the Day Court is probably like Game of Thrones Dorne. Dorne is know for their bastards almost every persons name in that city is ‘Sand’ because they’re all bastards basically. So I just KNOW that Helion probably has other kids than just Lucien. And everyone in that court is fucking.
Summer Court has mermaids. It’s basic, it’s simple and it’s true. There’s mermaids.
Night Court, listen we already now a lot about the Nigh Court but this pertains to Illyrian’s so I feel it’s different. They’re stomach/side sleepers. They are. You can’t tell me that two massive wing sticking out of your back would allow you to lay on your back. It can’t be comfortable. Like have you ever tried sleeping with like a ponytail/claw clip in? It ain’t nice. Now imagine it with two that sit right beside your shoulder blades and the clips are like 3ft long? Idk how long the base would be but like probably pretty fucking long to allow actual flight capabilities. Also when they sleep on their side they just have their wings straight out, now like laying on one and the other out. They’ve got big ass beds for a reason spread out. (Cassian fully takes up a bed like star fish style just on his stomach. Nesta is sick of it.)
Spring Court, during the Spring Equinox the High Lord chooses someone to dress up and hand out spring gifts to family’s (usually kids). When Tamlin became High Lord he appointed himself to do so. During this time Tamlin also gives many of the less fortunate families something they can later use for the Tithe.
Winter Court puts on a celebration for the children called Three Kings Day. Family’s with children are welcomed to the castle(? Do they have castles…?) and the bakers leave a cake outside the doors of the family, inside the cakes (this is a real thing from Puerto Rico/France/Spain too btw, the cake is called la galette des rois (Kings Cake)) are toys/coins. Whichever children find them get to wear a crown for the day and called Kings/Queens (Kallias started the tradition that all kids get to do this, he’s a softy).
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averytiredchild · 3 months
This might be a bit optimistic of me, but I have a theory that Sage (the smartest person on earth) is secretly not on Homelander's side.
First; when they were choosing which HL supporters so kill in order to frame the Starlighters, they "just happened" to choose the guy in a relationship with MM's ex-wife, possibly in order for The Boys to see him there and know what really happened at the rally
Second; I really don't think she'd fall for the evidence Ashley planted in, what, a couple of hours? On Cameron Coleman. He has literally no motive to betray Vaught
Third; Webweaver has had deals with Butcher before. If she knew about them, it means she knew The Boys would infiltrate the party under his guise to plant bugs, which would mean at some point they'd have to go through Tek Knight's library to get to his sex dungeon in order to not blow their cover, which is why she made sure to be there. Then, she knew just what strings to pull to get MM to shoot her specifically in the head (those threads also prove she knows about his family, aka Monique's partner from my first point). This made sure she had an excuse not to help HL with the rich assholes at the party, whom he couldn't have handled without Neuman there. There're two possibilities for this one; either she actually didn't know Neuman would be there, and it didn't go according to her plan, or she knew The Boys would plant bugs, which would give them incriminating evidence for a cupe against her. Regardless, this blunder did buy enough time for them to get the information out of Tek Knight
Perhaps I am completely insane
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zichiwatchesyou · 26 days
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I feel like Brad could’ve pulled the sword if only Wander didn’t push it into the freaking rock
I don’t know how to explain but I think he did that on purpose
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ryoko-san · 11 months
(Cw: gendered listeners)
silly listener designs
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tabooiart · 6 months
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messing aroung with my dinah and electra designs because im going insane. also i cant decide which version of electra i like better so lmk what yall think
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
More Hatchetverse Theory: Sycamore High and the Timberwolves are connected to the Hatchetmen and the Tree-People
Starkid's Hatchetverse has retriggered my hyperfixation, and by golly if you think I'm not gonna share every unhinged theory...you're wrong. I’ll tag them “#hatchetverse theory” to make it easier. So let's dive in.
One thing I haven't seen anyone talking about is the fact that, based on what we know about canon, Sycamore High School likely shouldn't exist.
Hatchetfield is a "tiny town". There doesn't seem to be a reason for them to have two high schools, especially when Sycamore seems to not even have enough staff and students for most extra curriculars and programs (in TGWDLM, Paul mentions they don't have a theater program).
So why does Sycamore High School exist? Well, one thing I noticed was that SYCAMORE High as well as its mascot, the TIMBERwolves, have tree related pun names. And what a coincidence, trees happened to be big in the hatchetfield universe, particularly when it comes to the hatchetmen and their hatred of the LIB and magic/“the gift” in general. They did plant a forest of magic tree people after all. And, since they hate the LIB so much, they likely wouldn't want their children attending high school at one of the black altar locations, which just so happens to be Hatchetfield High. That gives them a motivation to build an alternative school.
Sounds like a pretty solid theory to me, but then there's also the fact that the residents also seem to have an odd attitude towards Sycamore High. It's not hated by Hatchetfield High with the same level of hatred they give the Clivesdale Chemists, but they still don't like Sycamore, and the students hate the idea of transferring there. Which seems odd. You'd think it would be the other way around since Hatchetfield High is the school with the black altar. Unless being around a black altar makes the students hate Sycamore, and I could probably do a whole different rant on how the LIB's influence is messing with the perceptions and behavior of the people of Hatchetfield, particularly at the altar locations or when someone uses or has used the black book, but maybe I'll save that for later.
However, if you really wanted to take this theory to the extreme, it could be part of the reason why Paul "doesn't like musicals." Musicals and music are the primary way Pokey expands his influence in Hatchetfield, at least in TGWDLM. That might be one of the reasons Sycamore doesn't have a choir or theater program: not just due to lack of students, but strategically to keep Pokey's influence out. Paul went to Sycamore High, which isn't a black altar (and indeed, might even be designed to counteract or resist the LIB), therefore he's more put off by music and musical performances in Hatchetfield, though he doesn't really know why.
I also suspect this isn't the only instance where the name of locations around town have significance. This has already been seen several times, particularly with the black altar locations.
For example:
The Starlight Theater: has a star theme similar to "the Church of the Starry Children"
CCRP (COVEN Communication Research and Power): Literally has the word "Coven" in it.
Lakeside Mall: Used to be the old mill (which would be located near water, also "mall" and "mill" are one letter off).
And trust me, I have my theories about Clivesdale as well, but again, maybe that one is better for another time.
I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom!
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lady-arc-art · 7 months
THEORY: “Welcome Home, my son…”
For a while I wondered why puppets are used specifically to help tell the story of this ARG? Then it was brought to my attention from another Welcome Home fan that maybe there are some parallels to the story of Pinocchio. In versions of the story, Geppetto had a real son that passed away and from his grief he created a wooden puppet that looked like his son, who would later become Pinocchio.
I also think it kind of is that way because there’s a big emphasis on family and children/babies in this update. With Howdy’s family coming over for the Homewarming, Julie and Frank trying to get everyone to be quiet so they don’t wake up the flowers and bugs that are hibernating (which is something parents do when they don’t want any loud noises that could wake up a sleeping baby), and the commercials targeted towards children, also Frank singing a lullaby and Wally singing a song about children going to a place called Toy Land and never leaving.
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Then it hit me, sorry if any of this sounds fanfic-y or if I’m reaching a bit, but this is what think could be going on.
In the early-mid 60s, Ronald Dorelaine was a children’s entertainer, specializing in puppetry. He ran a troupe with some of his other puppeteer friends called “The Playfellow Puppets” and they would put on little puppet shows as part of the children’s theater slot at the local community centers.
The cast of characters included (and in order of creation): Julie Joyful (she was the first created since she’s a simple hand rod puppet), Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, Sally Starlight, Howdy Pillar, and Poppy Partridge.
Since a part of me feels like almost everyone else was created before Wally and Home also it would make sense if Poppy was kind of “new” since she’s the most complex puppet to operate.
Ronald Dorelaine had a young son who would often tag along during his father’s performances, and his son’s named was Walliford, but sometimes his dad would call him “Wally.” Walliford was very fascinated with his father’s work and the characters he created, and one of his favorite things to do was draw and paint, hoping that someday he would create something when he grows up just like his father. Walliford even helped Ronald come up with a new character for “The Playfellow Puppets.” Barnaby B. Beagle. A blue dog that was inspired by one of his son’s drawings.
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Which would explain this.
Ronald’s puppet shows started becoming so popular that it even started gaining attention from producers of a local tv station (sort of similar to PBS) where they offered Ronald the idea to turn his puppet show into a television series. Ronald took up on the offer, and the show began to develop. However a tragedy would soon happen….
Ronald was a heavy smoker (hence why there is a a big emphasis on cigarette ads in the recent update):
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One day when trying to discard a cigarette before Ronald had to leave the house (possibly to go to a last minute meeting with the producers that would be helping him develop his new tv show). However he was unaware that the cigarette was still lit, and it set a fire to his home. Ronald was safe because he wasn’t in the house at the time of the fire, but his son Walliford was nowhere to be found and his body was never recovered so he’s presumed dead.
(Probably hinted at when Home’s eyes turned red in the commercial compilations)
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I also think maybe Eddie’s puppeteer was a witness or somehow involved with this incident (possibly because he agreed to watch Walliford while his dad went out) since I noticed during his breakdown, everything turned bright red and Eddie looks like he feels guilty about something, hence why he’s sweating and Home appears to be starring him down as if he did something.
From his grief and in order to cope with the loss of his son, Ronald created a new character as a tribute to him. Wally Darling, and from there the plot of the show changed. The show would now be about a neighborhood, all of the previous characters would be neighbors with Wally Darling, who would now be the lead of the show. Ronald also added some traits that were present in Walliford, such as his love for art and his friendship with Barnaby (who was Walliford’s favorite of the group) for the new Wally character.
Then for a last minute edition, Ronald included a sentient home for Wally to live in. The Home was meant to keep Wally the puppet safe and to watch out for him, which was something he wasn’t able to do for his son.
Hence why the title of the show changed to “Welcome Home,” since to him he wanted it to feel like his son now has a second chance at life and he’s finally back home where he belongs. Almost like saying “Welcome home, my son.”
However none of this was enough for Ronald, even though he created a new character to keep Walliford’s memory alive, it was hard for him to find a puppeteer to play Wally because it wasn’t the same. All he really wanted was his son back and he would go to whatever means necessary even if it means going to the extreme. He later came across “the entity” and made a wish for Wally Darling to become real (like how Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be real and The Blue Fairy brought him to life). And with that his wish came true. Wally was now sentient without the use of puppeteer.
I kind of believe this to be the case because Wally to me feels like the odd man out, everyone else feels lively and zany since they’re real people, while Wally just feels like a blank slate, with the way he speaks sounding very monotone. Here there was a bit of an innocence to Wally since he’s always learning things for the first time and asking questions about certain concepts and feelings, since he was literally a puppet brought to life and “the baby” of the group. However the producers, and parents watching the show didn’t think it was odd since they thought Wally was like this since he was meant to be a character that children can project themselves onto.
However what everyone didn’t know is that the entity that helped bring Wally to life manifested it’s way into the show possessing The Home puppet, and since Wally had no one attached to a real person playing him, the entity used Wally as a vessel to carry out their agenda. Day after day, the show started to go more and more off the rails, but what was really happening was through Wally the entity started to brainwash each of the puppeteers into believing that they were the actual characters, possibly by using the sleeping pills advertised in the commercials, or there was foul play on Ronald’s end and he gave all his puppeteers the sleeping pills to “put them out of their misery.”
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By 1974, Ronald tried to put a stop to the entity, and he had no other choice but to end the show and destroy all the evidence that it ever happened. Ronald himself also began to slowly disappear from the public eye and he hasn’t been seen since then.
For years “Welcome Home” has gone on being a lost media, until now.
That’s not the end of story, because it turns out the real Wally Darling, Walliford Dorelaine, is actually still alive, but he has amenesia from the incident and he was no memories of his previous life. Doesn’t know what his real name is (it probably started with a W) or who his parents were, which is why he was never brought back to Ronald. By the time Walliford grew up, his friends started talking about this mysterious puppet show that was on TV years ago called “Welcome Home” which was kind of like Sesame Street, but they all thought it was some kind of urban legend. Then suddenly Walliford started getting all these tattered artwork and pictures of merchandise from the show they were talking about, and he showed it to his friends and together they formed The Welcome Home Restoration Group to try and uncover the mysterious Welcome Home show.
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Walliford however started experiencing strange feelings both physically and mentally. There were times when he doubted if the show was even real, but whenever he did have any doubt, he had dreams and hallucinations of Wally Darling trying to communicate with him through the phone and he also starts seeing all these strange video clips from the show itself sprinkled throughout the website that he and the team built. The team however started growing concerned for Walliford thinking that he “lost his mind” so they kindly tried to distance themselves from him while they are trying to rebrand the site after seeing that Walliford was trying to communicate with what he believed to be Wally Darling haunting the site, before they shut it down.
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This only caused Walliford to create his own website with his own evidence, since it seems like his own restoration team is starting to mistrust him, and now he’s going to get to the bottom of this all by himself.
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But what they all don’t know is that Walliford’s connection to “Welcome Home” goes much deeper than that, as it’s in his blood.
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jibunbosh · 1 year
me: (watching a new anime) wouldnt it be be crazy if prolific composer TATSUYA KATO worked on the soundtrack for this show haha wouldnt that be crazy
the soundtrack:
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plasticfangtastic · 10 months
okay so i did say I was gonna be annoying here's my first little analysis of the trailer for the boys. this shit is messy but its 8 am over here and i just need to ramble... spoiler talk here...
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i'm a little concerned about Ryan being so down to kill people this early on in his life, like he's straight up just killing or trying to kill a man in front of a small crowd that got a bunch of phones out, he's also with who i assume its Zoe Neuman and at first I thought it was butcher who was getting thrown againts a building bcuz the guys's colour scheme matched but frankly i don't know.
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lowkey feel like the whole arc between Starlight and Homelander will be about him trying to prove to Starlight that she's in the wrong side of history, he just looks so fucking smug when the riot takes place and both his and starlight stans are beating each other up-- frankly both scenes do not seem to be in the same spot... but there's just something in his face that screams "I told you so" to me. its also really interesting how nobody sees him in the middle of the carnage like nobody its stopping their shit when he shows up compare to Gen V where the whole school froze.
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likely to be a parody of the captain america musical scene from the Hawkeye's tv show if i had to take a guess but as some xmas production (as u can see the baby jesus scene in the back)
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I already seen ppl throw cloning theories over these hairs that I bet are Madelyn's but its just his murder shrine which do include Black Noir so I guess Homelander cheated on Maeve with Noir, I would not be surprise if he has a whole wall of ex-gfs and we might see some Becca's stuff but my question is why its A-train in his house, is he stealing something/breaking in to spy or was he invited by Homelander? and where in the apartment is this? like is down mystery hall over here:
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I wasn't sure who this guy its but I'm gonna say Webweaver as he looks like nobody I recognize and his hair its too logn to be Frenchie or Joe and he's according to Vought HQ meant to die by Homelander's hand (maybe he's fucking Anika and Homelander no longer accepts race traitors in his ranks)
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I imagine Splinter over here its connected to Firecracker as he seems to be in the conspiracy theory convention and Firecracker its supposed to be yassified Alex Jones plus the con its called truthcon and her show its called truthbomb...
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and here's the most spoilery thing and what tells me the Vought HQ spoilers are real... Kimiko will lose her arm to Zoey according to the spoilers and here's she is fighting kimiko and her powers seem to match the description.
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I imagien that they finally decide to take a hit at Neuman and try to kidnap Zoe/Zoey and this is the end result...
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erial-c · 1 month
possible spoilers for the balance, sovereign state, carpe deus, and hush's audios . bare with me because this is horrifically long
tagging @mokozroach hi :3
an amalgamation of theories i have regarding the plot heavy series in the redacted verse :3
so i'm gonna try to discuss 3 different things here :
1. the timeline and how i see it
2. how blake is probably hush's brother
3. what the fuck is hush
1. the timeline (specifically when the fuck hush's audios are set)
we know that when avior and starlight get back to the overworld, + when elliott escapes, the inversion just happened . with that, i think i've found a few things that can set the events in the timeline
- in "deferred judgement" and "reforming a sadism demon", hush says that closeknit's headquarters in dahlia are empty, and that the dept. "came and scared them away" or raided the building.
i assume that what happened in the newest balance audio was also a raid (blake saying the department cut the power in the building) and iirc we're still in dahlia, so this is the same building that hush says is abandoned in his recent audios.
- in "reforming a sadism demon", hush mentions he's only been alive/sentient for "a few weeks"
this wouldn't have given me anything, but if we recall in sovereign state, avior keeps hearing the same sound effect that we hear when hush tries to explain what he is to doc.
since the closest given timeline is "facing a disaster with your demon lover" (40 minutes post-inversion), and the audios after that are probably, at most, a few days after (since avior has to explain the inversion to starlight) we can probably assume that hush has been created at this point.
this would have hush's audios + the 2 most recent carpe deus audios be set a few weeks post inversion at the least.
2. blake is probably hush's brother
so we know hush has mentioned having a "brother" twice now ('there's a stranger in your apartment' and 'deferred judgement')
we can assume hush probably means that they're brothers in the sense that they were made the same way? because obviously they wouldn't actually be blood related ("i have a brother, in a manner of speaking")
- both are also instruments/tools used by the sovereigns. hush having referred to himself as an "instrumental force" many times, and blake being called an instrument by d'deridahn ('a deal with the fallen gods').
- both also "teleport" the same way (parentheses because its technically not that?). normae mentions that hush can "be anywhere" but isn't rifting, and hasn't seen anything like it before ('getting to know your mysterious stranger'). d'deridahn also says that blake can "be anywhere". both also have the same sound effect when " teleporting".
we also know that hush and his "brother" not exactly on good terms. hush's "brother" knows that hush is different, and that scares him. this person has been hunting hush down ever since he was given form, but since hush is stronger and faster, he hasn't been caught.
- blake is an empowered human being used as a vessel by a sovereign. and with hush, all we know is that there's an "echo" of the ones who created him that remain in him (e & m possibly), but he's also neither demon nor human, and has killed several demons. because of this, we can probably assume hush is more powerful than blake.
3. what the fuck is hush
hush is called an egregore by vega, and while there are many different definitions of this, i think he leans more on the concept of an independent entity created by collective thought, because he always refers to himself as an instrumental force with a linear goal.
with this, i think hush is some sort of entity created by e'laetum and min'ara's thoughts and goals becoming sentient. i also think he's going to be the entity to strengthen the meridian.
hush is actively trying to contact avior, hence why i think he's connected to e'laetum and min'ara. he could've been created by them, on purpose or not. maybe the meridian sovereigns realized a demon and a human couldn't possibly help on their own, and created hush. or were so hellbent on their goal that they accidentally gave form to hush, since he is "the silence between the notes" and has technically existed before, but was only given form recently.
hush's focus is likely to strengthen the meridian, but in order to do that he needs another sovereign. he specifically refers to freeing sovereigns trapped in their prison ('getting to know your mysterious stranger') and that applies to the drove (d'deridahn and others, excluding e & m) because they were trapped there as punishment. but i doubt the drove would want to help after being trapped for millennia, so what now?
well, in "getting to know your mysterious stranger", normae talks to doc about hush, and tries to tell them that hush is trying to take the sovereigns' powers for himself. it's possible that e'laetum and min'ara are aware that the drove won't want to help them strengthen the meridian, so they might have tasked hush to making contact with the drove to take their powers for himself, and to aid the meridian himself.
all that or hush is just a little guy wanting to fuck shit up on elegy LMAO
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vellichor01 · 10 months
My take on the 'mates are rare' thing is more that finding them is rare, like the Archerons were on the other side of the wall and a different race entirely to begin with, and Feyre had to die for Rhys to realize. Neither Lucien, Rhys, nor Cassian were in their native courts when their bonds snapped. So the conjunction of major world events that had these main players outside of normal circumstances allowed them to find their mate when, had Feyre not crossed the wall, had Hybern not kidnapped the older Archerons, had Rhys not been Under the Mountain during Amarantha's reign; they would not have met their mates. And when it's only 6 people (hopefully 8; I really do hope Az finds his mate) who are major political/influential players in the story, who probably make up >/=0.001% of Prythian's population, it still is a rare thing. Most of the Fae probably don't leave their home Court much, if at all. And if they can be mated to humans who have not crossed the wall for centuries, of course they never find them. But it does open the narrative to show the importance of choosing love. Sorry for the mini rant. It's all meant in good spirits ☺️
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the-darkestminds · 5 months
“I’ve never once seen an Elucien be able to articulate why they actually want Lucien and Elain together!”
Bro that’s cuz you have the Elucien tag and all the posters blocked 😭💀
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so i just noticed.
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waves of blood at the sea of the cast out
bonus points for tdp s3 viren & claudia parting the wave of lava and aaravos standing in the middle and how it’s associated with the parting of the red sea but its a literal red sea… of lava
i love thinking about this show <3
thinking about how the memories of pain and loss and death were so strong in that location they influenced viren’s fever dreams
it could also be interpreted as claudia getting swallowed up by aaravos’s vengeance and pain
its deep and huge enough to be a sea of pain and shes swept up and just riding the tide
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delightfullyodd · 4 months
Fun thought on Moondancer & Stralight Glimmer (which makes a super fun A.U.)
A textwall below!
So when look at Moon Dancer I can't help but wonder: why isn't she a sister of Twilight Sparkle?
How in the name of Luna are they not sisters?! I mean look at these nerd queens!
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Okay, original Moon Dancer has white coat. However, there is a version from Greece on the left that has pink-lilac-blue mane&tail and white body.
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Hmmm... So the left one works best from genetical point of view if we place her as Twi's sister. So on the other hand no-one ever said that all children must inherit delute genes.
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Okay now how Starlight Glimmer fits in? Well, She can easily be their third sister. Triplets. An extremely rare case for horses. But why not? After Flurry Heart anything is possible.
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Since we don't know what Twi's other relatives look like, let's speculate!
Say, the maternal grandma looked like G1 Galaxy. While grandpa on mom's side will be an ugly ass groom Raincurl (who is a male unicorn here because I said so).
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And, say, a somebody who would look like G1 Glory as parental grandma + gradpa Sunbeam on the side of Night Light.
Note that both grandpas carry genes responsible for yellow colour.
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Now a minute of genetic madness.
So mum is very pale dusty lilac with purple- white mane and light blue eyes.
Dad is blue with dark blue mane& tail with amber eyes.
Twi's brother Shining Armor is white with mane and tail that are several shades of blue. His eyes are blue.
Now, Twilight has purple eyes, lilac body and dark blue mane& tail with purple and dark pink locks.
Moon Dancer is pale yellow (maybe almost white or, more accurately, she would appear ivory) with mane and tail that are of cooler shade of red with purple and lilac locks. Her eyes are dark purple.
Glim is llilac-pink with with dark purple mane with cerulean locks and blue-lilac eyes.
So chances that Twilight might have sisters with such coloration are pretty high.
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w0lfie-drawz · 19 days
So.... now that we know Hush is for sure, not Blake. He's Avior, right?
Like he is definitely Avior and Doc is Starlight.
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