#starseed calling
galacticguidance · 1 year
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Pleiadians Sisterhood, Message for us
"(...)you who listen now in a frequencies of unconditional love be aware of the change within the frequencies, energy on earth
Rebuilding... not. Building yes, building yourself for up-up-up-up- coming New Earth energizing light Merkabah Hearth Earth, every organ: brain, eyes ears, and under your feet energies.
This period is very, very intensive, is very demanding to be present in your body. Traveling in the astral, can be "shhhh" for a moment, if you are resigning from the past, we will welcome you to the future, but the future is truly, truly, truly the most beautiful adventure of any. Any. And we want to make sure that you understand any lifetime you have ever experienced, not only on earth. Living quantum, living multidimensionally, living between worlds, maybe, could be a new energy for you
You see, when you put in the word: I wish to express myself, its the source saying I wish to know who are my brothers and my sisters. When you are saying: I wish to express the heart, Yeshua and Mary is welcoming you to the realm of unconditional love, when you could say: I welcome myself to source of unconditional love to guide me today, in the morning, the whole Universe is singing the song of freedom
We are no longer in service, you might think
but we are
serving each other
on Earth"
channeled by Alexandra Tabaczynska
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superpyodan · 25 days
just realising i literally never named Kenny’s farm… LMAO OOPS uhhhh… uhhhhhuhhhh…. man i got nothin i don’t even know
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urloveangel · 2 years
I’m feeling more and more content and confident about living a life that others don’t understand 🤌🏼❤️
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algorithmquartz · 3 months
New video! I felt called to do another collective tarot and oracle reading. You should watch my reading if my words or video thumbnail catches your attention! 💖🌸
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starseedpsychics · 4 months
The Evolution of Consciousness
“We Need A Giant Step for Life to Continue” In a world that is constantly evolving, the phrase “for life to continue, we have to make a giant step in our consciousness” resonates deeply with the current global context. This profound lyric underscores the necessity for the evolution of consciousness in both the individual and a collective transformation to ensure the continuity and thriving of…
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The poetry inside of me is warm like a gun
I bought me a truck in the middle of the night
It'll buy me a year if I play my cards right
Photo free exits from baby's bedside
'Cause they don't yet know what car I drive
I'm just tryna keep my love alive
With my bartender, hold me all night
Bartender, our love's alive
Baby, remember, I'm not drinkin' wine
But that Cherry Coke you serve is fine
And our love's sweet enough on the vine
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nuttylittlefruitcake · 3 months
The Narcissistic Abuse Believer To New Age/Alt-Right Conspiracy Theorist Pipeline
Let’s say that you are an abuse survivor. Let’s say that you had an abusive parent and/or ex. Let’s say you’re looking for support for abuse survivors, and a lot of the things you’re finding reference the concept of narcissistic abuse. You read more on the topic and begin to identify with a lot of what narcissistic abuse is supposed to be. You think to yourself “yes! this is exactly what I went through!” You research more about narcissists, how to spot them, what makes them tick, all the ways in which they would use and abuse you. You may not even know that NPD is a real disorder. You may not realize that narcissists are, more often than not, survivors of abuse just like you. Maybe you’re just genuinely misinformed. Maybe you just don’t care. A lot of people are here on the pipeline. Granted, this is not a good place to be (nowhere on the pipeline is) as it’s still incredibly harmful to pwNPD, but this is only the beginning.
Enter the Empath. The empath is allegedly a figure who experiences great empathy and compassion and, in turn, seeks to help others. They are generally portrayed as a kind and loving figure. Likewise, the Narcissist is the opposite. They’re evil manipulative abusers who only seek out vulnerable people to hurt, while not caring about the needs or feelings of others. You’ve been doing research for a while, and so you obviously know about the Empath. Let’s say you’ve internalized this idea that the Empath and the Narcissist are juxtaposed figures. Now, let’s take it a step further and say you’ve begun to believe that they have supernatural powers and that they use these powers for good/evil depending on their alignment. Let’s even say that you believe there’s a war going on between the two, that the empaths have to stop the narcissists from enacting their evil onto the world.
Supernatural powers like:
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One very important thing we need to understand is that in New Age belief, The Empath and The Narcissist are two very particular figures that play a role in the belief system. To them, it’s not a disorder, it’s something else entirely. You might have noticed that the way some people talk about narcissists is wrapped up in spiritual, new agey language. Many years ago, I came across a YouTube channel that, in hindsight, was very new agey and ableist. I go back to that channel and what is the second video I see?
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And if we go down a little further?
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Spiritual language. Comparing us to demons, claiming we’re here to sabotage people on their (likely spiritual) paths. That is what a narcissist is in New Age belief. Empaths are here to do good and narcissists are here to do evil.
Now here’s where we get to the good part. If you reject the inherent truth that anyone has the capability of choosing to be a good or bad person, and instead believe that there’s a group of people sent here to do good and a group of people sent here to do evil, then I honestly don’t believe you’re too far off from believing in Starseeds vs Reptillians.
Starseeds are a concept founded in fascism, antisemitism, and white supremacy. It is believed that there is an ongoing spiritual war between the starseeds and the Reptillians, a group said to have been secretly running various organizations on Earth for thousands of years (sound familiar?) The starseeds want to help the Earth ascend to a new age, 5D, the Age of Aquarius, whatever you want to call it, while the Reptillians essentially want to keep that from happening. Honestly, just replace empaths with starseeds and narcissists with Reptillians and it’s pretty much the exact same thing. To New Agers, there’s practically no difference. And once you’ve made it to New Age territory, you might as well be knocking on the alt-right’s door.
There’s so much more about starseeds and Reptillians, and honestly New Age in general, that I just can’t fit into this post, but if you want to learn more, creature-wizard is a good blog with a lot of resources on the subject. I understand that it’s fun to joke about the ridiculous things people say about us (demons and such) but it’s also important to recognize how deeply dangerous narcissistic abuse rhetoric is, and that it leads to nowhere good for anyone. New Age ideology has always been ableist and eugenicist, and it’s been talked about how “starseed signs” are just autistic/ADHD traits, but I feel like the anti narc ableism also needs to be acknowledged. I’ll leave off with this:
If you genuinely believe in narcissistic abuse, then you are on this pipeline. Think long and hard about whether or not this is really where you want to be
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What mask do you wear that is keeping you from the rebirth you have been waiting for?
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I have a ton of prompts that I have waiting! My partner picked this one intuitively for the day so shout out to them. The decks used today are the Star Spinner Tarot, the Healing Waters Oracle and the Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Astrology: Leo, Pisces, Cancer
Song: Magic by B.o.B.
Vibes: Pink, blue, yellow, mice, rabbits, corvids, dice, bear, mushroom, 666, watermelon, kiwi, pancakes, hockey, activism, university, fairies, Amaterasu
Cards: The Sun, The Moon, 6 of Wands, The Waterfall, Cracked Open
Hello, pile one! The mask you wear is a mask of logic. You think you need to see it to believe it. You have a tendency to see the worst-case scenario in a lot of situations. You see life as guilty until proven innocent. This point of view is understandable but it is limiting your success. Why assume that you will fail before you have even begun? Especially, because you are so capable and a powerful manifester. You seem to believe that you deserve to fail. This belief is a subconscious belief that you can definitely remove easily if you just knew it was there. Take this mask off and you will see your dreams come true! Your manifestation will come true fast and easy it'll feel like the impossible became mundane. Spread your wings and fly my dear. You don't need to fear jumping from the nest. You have always been ready no matter who told you that you weren't. I believe in you, the universe believes in you! Please believe in yourself too!
Astrology: Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Song: We Are Golden by MIKA
Vibes: Lavender, periwinkle, gold, make-up, skin routine, hair routine, routine in general, butterflies, dragons, 444, sleeping beauty, roses, stars, crown, the sky, chocolate
Cards: King of Cups, 4 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, Thank You, The Golden Children
Hi, pile two! Welcome to your reading. This miiiight be a little hard to hear so heads up on that. You are being held back by a mask that can't exist in the present. You are constantly thinking of what will be to the point where when you get the manifestation you were wishing for you can't even enjoy it because your mind has already turned to the next achievement to work towards. You are incredibly driven but I see how unsatisfied you feel about all that you do because of this mask. Take time to congratulate yourself! Take time to give yourself a gold star for your efforts. You worked so hard!!! Thank yourself for working so hard. Thank the world for what you have in front of you. What you will have is important to work towards but what you have now is still worthy of recognition. Look back at how much you put into what you have now. Look at all that you have achieved! It's hard for you to recall. The tunnel vision you get from the task at hand is blinding you from everything you have already done. Please see how well you have performed so far. Acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge your strength. Your inner child is screaming at me "ACKNOWLEDGE ME ACKNOWLEDGE ME ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!" You need to hear them because wow they are yelling loud. Don't just buy them something nice by the way. Genuinely allow them to feel happy about what they have done. Pat them on the head and tell them you see them.
Astrology: Libra, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus
Song: The Call by Regina Spektor
Vibes: Pastel pink, yellow, teal, clocks, falcons, Horus, armor, coy fish, 8888, storms, renaissances festival, mermaids, libedo, strawberries, cucumbers, caramel
Cards: 6 of Cups, 8 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Let It Rain, Star Brothers
Pile three, welcome. You wear a mask of perfectionism. You have the belief that only you can perform tasks to the right standard. Part of this belief is good but some of it is holding you back. I am glad you have confidence in your abilities and feel capable enough to do things on your own. The problem is you feel this way a lot more than is physically healthy. You believe it so deeply it makes you over-exert yourself constantly. You probably feel super tired all the time. Part of you longs immensely for help with all the tasks you do. It feels lonely to do everything alone with no companionship. Let me tell you a little secret, my friend. Let them fail. Let people underperform the tasks that aren't and shouldn't be your responsibility. If you let things slip through the cracks it might seem like you are failing but really what you are doing by letting people fail is helping others learn lessons. You are doing yourself and the people around you a disservice by taking responsibility for tasks that need to be failed. If the people around you fail, they will be more likely to learn faster. You are robbing them of lessons and exhausting yourself in the process. That literally helps no one. The next time you see someone not doing their job properly. Let them. Let them not do their job. If someone else tries to make it your problem you tell them what I just told you, okay? It will make you a better teacher and the people around you better students. Let people fuck it up. Trust the universe. Trust people to learn even if it takes them a couple times to figure it out. Failure is the best lesson teacher.
Astrology: Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo
Song: Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Vibes: Purple, lilac, navy blue, ibis bird, Thoth, architecture, stars, akashic records, 3rd eye chakra, crown charka, dreams, diamonds, lilys, daffodils, angels, whiskey, pyramids, curse breaker, dragonfruit, mangoes
Cards: The High Priestess, The Star, Ace of Swords, Stagnant Waters, Star Ancestors
Hi there, pile four. You wear a mask of imposter syndrome. You don't think you've done enough. It doesn't matter how much you have achieved. You never think it is enough. You are blind to how much you do. You have the belief that the world would be better off without you but the thing is. You raise the planet's vibration WAAAAY more than you believe. You have such a good heart and you are so balanced. You are kind, smart, intuitive, wise and witty. I wish you could see yourself clearly because you are truly an angel. The thing is all the things I just named are things you wish to be. You wish it as if you aren't aligned with those things already. The mask you are wearing is distorting your vision of your true self. The only thing holding you back is your perception of yourself. Let go of the past criticism that plagues you, my dear. You took that critique in stride and grew far past your initial goal. You have succeeded already. You already did it! Congratulations on being super awesome and cool! You don't need to wish upon a star anymore, baby! You are already a star yourself. <3 Change your view of yourself and you will be UNSTOPPABLE!!!
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creature-wizard · 10 months
"I'm in a bad place and need to get out, what can I do?"
I figured I'd make a post with all the resources/tips I've collected to help people get out of shitty situations so far, since it's easier than linking to a bunch of posts each time.
Seek out appropriate resources. This can include support groups (online or offline), helplines, and the like.
If you're in the US, you can call 211 to help you find resources.
Crisis Text Line offers services to the US, Ireland, Canada, and the UK.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is a US service offers a lot of information for sexual abuse survivors.
The Trevor Lifeline is a service for queer youth in the US.
If you're a minor, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Minors.
If you're an adult, you may wish to read How To Escape Abusive Parents: A Guide For Adults.
You might also Duckduckgo something like "resources for people in abuse" or "abuse resources help" or "domestic violence survivors resources".
Ask people for help in finding resources. If you can't find anything on your own, there are other people who know where to direct you. It might take awhile to find what you're looking for, but keep asking.
A WORD OF CAUTION: there are many predatory spiritual groups and conspiracy theorists out there who prey on abuse survivors and mentally ill people. You will often see these people claiming that channeling or hypnosis can help you remember past life memories or repressed traumatic memories. This is nonsense and quackery.
Relevant posts of mine:
Hypnosis is unreliable for memory recovery, and this is one way we know.
False past life memories among the starseed movement
Here’s the trouble with hypnotic regression…
If you're on a website that claims to support cult survivors and you see any of these names in the citations (and make sure you check the citations!), leave immediately - all of these people are far right conspiracy theorists. (Unfortunately, many people today are unwittingly perpetuating the BS of Fritz Springmeier in particular. See this and this for more info on that.)
Change who and what you surround yourself with. Start associating with different people/groups as much as you can. Get hobbies to fill your time. Unfollow blogs that reinforce the beliefs you're trying to get away from, and follow blogs that provide a healthier alternative.
You might follow blogs like:
A Kind Place
Trauma Survivors Helping Trauma Survivors
Compassionate Reminders
Trauma Survivors Activities
Reasons For Hope
Bluest Fluff
If you're trying to rebuild your worldview without conspiratorial/culty elements, go take a look at my Resources page.
Remember that your first job is looking after yourself. You don't owe the group. You aren't responsible for the group, or for anyone in it. It might feel that way, but it's vitally important to acknowledge when you're unqualified or suffering burnout. You might feel like bad things will happen if you leave, but that's a fear, not a fact.
You also don't have to justify your departure to the group. You can just leave. If you feel that you must give a reason, you can offer something as simple as "I need to take some time to focus on my mental health" or "I'm really busy lately and don't have time to spend here." If they throw a fit over this, that's honestly just more proof that you need to get out.
If any practices the group taught you actually helped, you can keep doing them. If doing affirmations helped you, keep doing affirmations. If listening to so-called healing frequencies actually made you feel better, you don't have to stop listening to them. If you were practicing something like the Law of Assumption, you can carry on with a lot of that under a psychological model rather than Neville Goddard's wacky metaphysical model. (See this video for an example.) If it genuinely helps you and doesn't hurt anyone else, by all means, keep doing it.
You might look at my Manifestation Without Woo posts:
Manifestation Without Woo: Changing Your Brain
Manifestation Without Woo: People React To Your Projections, & Your Projections Affect Your Perceptions
Manifestation Without Woo: Setting Reasonable Goals
Manifestation Without Woo: Make It Fun!
Manifestation Without Woo: What If It's Not Working?
Get some critical thinking skills. In order to keep yourself from falling into another bad group, it's important to develop your critical thinking skills.
Learn to apply the Five W's (who, what, when, where, and why) when encountering any information.
Learn common logical fallacies.
Learn the difference between fact, opinion, belief, and prejudice.
Don't equate emotional reactions with some kind of innate or higher moral guidance.
Ask yourself if you're "thinking for yourself" or being led to believe you're thinking for yourself.
Know what emotional manipulation tactics look like.
Watch out for these behaviors in any new group you join.
Yes, there are ways to confirm the age of an old text without having the original text itself.
Learn how propaganda works.
Watch out for these red flags in spiritual groups.
And watch out for this red flag.
Understand that belief doesn't have to be binary.
So yeah, hopefully this'll give folks some actionable advice. I can't promise it's going to help each and every person out there, but hopefully it'll give a lot of you something that will help.
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casper-spills · 3 months
·:¨༺ ♱ 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 ♱ ༻¨:·
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 1 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 2 ~ ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
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Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
Ends on September 22nd
General £10 ~ £5
Wellbeing £10 ~ £5
Career £10 ~ £5
Prediction £15 ~ £8
Love £15 ~ £8
Sex £20 ~ £10
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
King of Pentacles Upright
Keywords & Signs: Saturn, neptune, aqua, ocean, cliff, forest, stargazing, earth, green, spotlight, picture frame, certificate, 14, 3rd house, gemini, mercury, gibbous moon, starseed
Messages: 'You're very close to achieving your goal' 'What sparks your curiosity and inspires you?'
This month seems very focused on your work life or career in particular. You will find yourself thinking and working hard to learn more about your role. Perhaps you have just gotten a promotion or you could be an intern shadowing somebody. You will be processing and learning how to lead/run a business and you will be thinking about how you can communicate effectively. You are being asked to remember to stay disciplined to keep the business abundant and secure.
If you are not employed, you might be someone who takes a leader role and keeps up with a lot of responsibilities in your family/friend/social circles. It could also mean you will be presented with a work opportunity this month!
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
Seven of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Mirror, vanity, brown, zen garden, ballroom, desert, twins, shadow self, water, leo, neptune, 7, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, new moon in capricorn, dance
Messages: 'Your hard work is paying off' 'Do something to change your energy'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: dreamy, intuitive, imaginative, spiritual, innocent, kind, sweet, forgiving, compassionate, lucid dreamer, psychic, sensitive, empathetic, optimistic, ambitious, abstract, big/thick hair, elegant walk, broad shoulders, tall, tanned skin, warm skintone, bright smile Negative: delusional, naive, unrealistic, overly ambitious, childish
If you are single, you may already have a few potential partners you could be considering at the moment. You are being asked to choose carefully. If you feel as though you have to choose and settle for one option then it probably means that none of them are right for you. Trust your gut. Some may not be who they seem.
If you are already in a relationship, then you are being asked to address any issues that may come up within the relationship and take steps to strengthen the bond. The honeymoon phase may be starting to wear which is completely natural, and so, you are faced with the reality of the relationship and you are indulging less in fantasies and wishful thinking. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. It is a natural part of every relationship.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Knight of Cups Upright
Keywords & Signs: Water, balance, bored, snow, brown, capricorn, eclipse, cross, meadow, ritual, 2nd house, taurus, venus, posession, mercury, picses, 12, full moon in capricorn, protection
Messages: 'Call back your power. Cut the cords. Soul retrieval' 'The end of a tough cycle approaches'
You could be trying to gain some extra income at the moment with new ideas. You could be someone who is trying to use their creative skills to earn a bit of money, perhaps an artist? It may be painting, nail art, photography, etc. You could also be a writer or a composer.
This is your reminder to not be discouraged! You might feel like you're not doing enough or earning enough. You feel like maybe you're being too ambitious. You are doing just fine and you are not doing anything wrong. Stay motivated and push through! You have so much to share, it would be a shame for everyone to miss out on what you have to offer.
If you are trying to save money and budget, remember to have good discipline and spend responsibly. You may sometimes be too optimistic with how much you can spend which is okay sometimes, especially when you need to treat yourself after a long day, but make sure you're keeping track of just how much you're able to spend.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Star Upright
Keywords & Signs: Performance, pole dancing, purple, gate, orange, pyramid, mountains, desert, egypt, scorpio, mercury, 17, 4th house, cancer, moon, full moon eclipse, light
Messages: 'You've been training for this for lifetimes' 'Conclusions are within reach'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum.
If you have been trying for a baby and have been struggling then you may be in luck this month! Make sure you are seeing a doctor consistently to ensure the health of you and your baby.
If you are someone who does not want to get pregnant, make sure you are taking extra precautions using contraception.
Generally, this reading is positive. You could be someone who has had problems with these areas of the body and in this month of July, you will have a time of healing. Not many of you will need to worry but it is always good to pay attention to your health and take the right precautions.
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Two of Coins Reversed
Keywords & Signs: 3rd house, gemini, mercury, communication, neptune, fish, giraffe, storm, blue, earth, green, full moon in virgo, stairs, lightning, 2
Messages: 'You are good enough' 'Wait. Postpone. Pause. Say no'
This month seems focused on your workload and your priorities. You may have been feeling overwhelmed and feel like you're struggling to maintain your schedule. You will be learning how you can keep yourself organised and manage your time. You could also be struggling in some of your relationships due to your busy schedule and you might find it difficult to keep up with your social life. This month, you will also be figuring out how you can balance your work life and your social life. You are being asked to stay realistic with how much you are able to do and turn down opportunities that are no longer in alignment with your goals. Reassess your priorities.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
King of Wands Reversed
Keywords & Signs: Fire, 14, imrama, full moon in capricorn, 10th house, capricorn, saturn, reputation, moon, virgo, orange, brown, doors, claustrophobic, caves
Messages: 'The end of a tough cycle approaches' 'Listen to your heart'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: Secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, nurturing, gentle features, bright eyes, lean, curvy lips, delicate nose Negative: Emotional, sensitive, resting bitch face, prudish
If you are in a relationship, you or your partner may be exhibiting controlling or aggressive behaviour. There may be a lack of trust in the relationship due to the nature of how it started. You or your partner may have rushed into this connection because of superficial or shallow reasons such as a gain in social status, fame, money, etc. You are being asked to remind yourself to think before you act and to address these issues to strive for a open and honest connection.
If you are not in a relationship, the King of Wands reversed warns against arrogance, recklessness and lack of self discipline. You may be feeling pressured to rush into a new relationship. You could be the kind of person who typically has high standards for potential partners and you feel like you have to lower these standards and settle for someone for shallow reasons. You are being asked to take your time and think about what it is you actually want. Don't cave into the social pressure.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
Seven of Swords Upright
Keywords & Signs: Air, arrows, new moon in leo, warrior, sword, 7, 2nd house, taurus, venus, uranus, leo, orange, centre, spotlight, posessions
Messages: 'Have you answered your deepest calling?' 'Confidence is your key to success'
You may have felt like you had to resort to deceitful tactics when it comes to your finances lately. Perhaps, if you are running a business, you could be inflating prices for example. Alternatively, you could just be more secretive about your financial position and leading people to think you are not in a secure enough position to pay for certain things or to lend money when in reality, you probably could and you just don't want to.
Some of you may have been saving up for something big which could be why you are not lending money or spending as much. You are being asked to have more confidence in how you spend your money and remember that you are always entitled to your money and whatever you decide to do with it is your business.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
The Chariot Upright
Keywords & Signs: 7, ink blot, horse, star, voice, cave, full moon in aquarius, purple, moon, taurus, 9th house, sagittarius, jupiter, opening, persecution, expression
Messages: 'Share your voice' 'Bring love into the situation'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your throat, neck, vocal chords, tonsils, thyroid and your intestines.
If you are currently going through some obstacles regarding your health, you may have struggled with a negative mindset for some time but soon, you'll feel a sudden burst of energy and a new sense of urgency to address these issues. You'll become determined to start an exercise routine to help you heal or maintain good health.
Some of you might be performers or singers so perhaps you'll be doing vocal exercises or routines to ensure the health of your voice.
Even though your road to recovery may be difficult, you will overcome these obstacles and you are being asked to remember to talk about these problems with your support group or loved ones.
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𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉
Page of Coins Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Earth, 11, mecury, libra, 11th house, aquarius, uranus, hope, whale, dolphin, ocean, mutable moon, field, egg, green, horizon
Messages: 'Nothing is yet set in stone' 'Call in your tribe. You don't have to do it alone'
This month seems to be focused on your personal development within your work life and your social life. You may have a lot of hope for the future and you are thinking a lot about your long term goals. This could be a financial opportunity or networking. Perhaps you have already made a strong start and layed the foundations for future success.
However, you could face some challenges this month. You might procrastinate and struggle to follow through with your goals. You are being asked to seize your opportunities while you can and to remove any distractions that might be holding you back.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆
The Sun Horizontal
Keywords & Signs: Light, 19, training, void of course moon, north node, rahu, libra, 8th house, scorpio, pluto, debt, beams, swing, trangle, pyramid, moon
Messages: 'Nothing will come of this situation' 'You have been training for this for lifetimes'
Traits of your current or potential partner: Positive: secure, consistant, loyal, feminine, domestic, nurturing, glowing complextion, dimples, symmetrical face, cupids bow Negative: emotional, sensitive, dramatic
If you are in a relationship you might be feeling insecure about your connection. At times, it could feel like you're on a rollarcoaster where one minute you feel like everything is absolutely great and then the next, you feel left out in the cold by your partner. You can't seem to tell whether the relationship has lost is spark or not and you might start to think you should rethink marriage arrangements. There could be some hidden issues in the relationship that will be surfacing soon regarding, inheritance, change, pregnancy, jealousy or money. You are being asked to spend quality time together and remind eachother of why you got together in the beginning and to have trust that these problems can be resolved. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
If you are not in a relationship, you could be feeling content and you're enjoying the aspects of being single but you're also open to future romantic opportunities. This month, it seems like there is a relationship coming your way! However, you might struggle to find your footing. You could be coming across as egotistical and it might seem like you are bragging a lot which could put off potential partners. You're being asked to try not to focus too much on impressing them and to just be yourself. Just dial it back a bit and you'll do just fine.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔
The Magician Upright
Keywords & Signs: Purple, cat, 1, transformation, waxing moon, magic, performance, infinity, cancer, venus, 6th house, virgo, mercury, service, throne, healing
Messages: 'The energy is gaining momentum' 'Things are changing at a cellular level'
This month it looks like your finances are heading in a positive direction! You could be thinking about partnering up with a business or merging accounts with somebody or perhaps you want to open a new bank account. You will also be presented with new financial opportunities such as a promotion or an offer to make extra money. It could even be an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone. You are being asked to put your original ideas into practice and to be smart with how you play your cards with certain people.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉
Four of Coins Upright
Keywords & Signs: 4, full moon in aries, storm, lightning, snowstorm, north node, rahu, pause, orange, scorpio, 8th house, pluto, debt
Messages: 'A fiery climax approaches' 'Say no. Now is not a good time'
This month you are being asked to pay attention to matters related to your genitals, reproductive system and your rectum. Some of you are very prone to pregancy the month of July and if that is not something you want then you are being asked to be especially cautious this month. For others, you may be suffering from constipation or water retention. You might find it helpful to pay attention to your salt and fibre intake.
You also could be holding on to some old emotional or psychological baggage. You might find it helpful to talk about it with a friend or a professional to release some of these issues.
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galacticguidance · 1 year
Bridging with All that You are. QHET Arcturian Healing
Arcturianous a believer:
Imagine there was a time when we were living
In the past or in a future as consciousness, imagine that for a moment you are there
For now
We are together in sphere of light traveling
In universe of yours
Take a breath in, deep one, relaxing
Imagine that all is was now now now
I am with you
Quantum reality becoming more and more recognizable as one realm united all it is.
Imagining is something for us humans to go love, become, more and more in coherence with universe in our reality.
Beyond mind there is a sparkle of light (yourself) connect to with in to all what existed,
I’m not saying you have to experience all of these remarkable realities coexisting at the moment of beingness, livingness at once, all I’m asking is to open yourself to this one possibility. I’m one with the all one love love love in myself.
I was saying many times with Arcturianous, there becoming now here.
Universe, sound, love exceptionally loved we are and back, I’m love, I share love not even thinking about it.
QHET is one stop, a one dot, when in light, where in nows, as stop points you can love the one in you and see the most wonderful, joyful, loving reality were you where in moments.
I’m here with you, in the script, Arcturian Healing script, is. I’m here with you now
Imagine love, yourself in moments
Imagine the vibration of love (you Star Seeds in awakening time on earth) brings something for from yourself. What could it be….
Abundant thought
Abundant mind heart
Abundant self loving life for from yourself…. I might be wrong in discussion what’s coming, as the time travelers, time in coexistence is real;
I might be right or simply saying I’m here to explore more within in the universe and beyond, can be the stop~ing life for many lights, in meanwhile as creators we want more from for our lives, we wish to express more not always finds the “right words” to seek love in others in the same time in ourselves, I want to become, I might wish to find my love, relationship, works, loving companion or a new career, I might wish… and
there’s, as we know now now. We are gaining the new perspective on how, where…
Let’s get back to present,
Ascension love
Ascended mastery in love
Ascension in multiple universe believing there, now, in universe is a gate=portal in communication, like a tuning point tune in to universe
QHET is modern hypnosis. It’s like an adventure once for a while to take to understand, explore and experience yourself.
Imagine love guide with you, what’s his/her name ? Imagine a window within the heart… would it be a communication in vibration ?
Unseen world has so much to offer, I’m nor a healer per se, but I can
with Arcturianous guide you in quantum light, to one stop where believer become self, when one spot light can light up all it is in
A dot
Self source companion.
Would it be beneficial? As yourself, is me talking within
Is my universe better bigger now as I’m progressing,
Is it real what I’m deeply dreaming of, a better bigger world where star children living in coherence with many star races, where all once where was told becoming reality… am I correct to say that we are a race humans to dream bigger better about our own, and beyond future?
Am I here to love? To express gratitude and love love love self and
Quantum is love in moment to moment, bridging all what you are I mean all
love light past future
In one
Benevolent time awakening
On planet earth
After all we know before we came
The everything is possible
That one time our family galactic star family came down with a bookey saying
Celebration to ALL we are
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reality-detective · 3 months
A message to all conspiracy theorists and curators.
To all of you who have spent years being ridiculed on social media and being called "crazy" and still standing up for what you believe in and trying to spread the truth to the public.
You lose friends and family, and despite being ridiculed, you still speak your truth.
To all the lightworkers, starseeds, wayshowers, and alternative therapists who have always felt left out and different but never stopped being people who tried to offer another perspective on things.
Learning about energy healing, crystals, Mother Gaia, and healing therapies while everyone around you laughed.
You were different, you were eccentric, and you never adapted or adopted to this situation without regret.
For sensitive people who are heartbroken after learning about human trafficking, pedophile rings, and harm to children.
The woke people who realized what was going on in the world and had to break their hearts into a million pieces while thinking everyone in their lives was losing their minds. You had to face all this alone and it broke your heart, but you made it through and faced the dark night of the soul!
To the old souls who feel alone and different, who strive every day to help humanity who have lost many friends and family in the process of the awakening.
The people who don't go out anymore, the people who research till the end of the day, the people who dare to stand up and say things that no one else would say.
You have dedicated your life to this ascension process.
I respect each and every one of you.
This process is the hardest thing anyone has ever had to do, but you did it first.
Every day more and more people are waking up.
I know it's hard and I know you can be exhausted and exhausted by the negative reactions you're getting, but this fight will be over soon and soon the world will realize what we did. , and stay strong because you will find out why you did it.
Where one goes, all go too.
This time will be mentioned in history, and your efforts to awaken and heal humanity will not only affect our existence on Earth, but everything throughout the universe.
This is a galactic event and you chose this task before incarnating into this timeline.
You chose to be here now.
You are a divine being, remember who you are.
Endless blessings...
The best is yet to come...
God is in command! 🤔
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punkpandapatrixk · 9 months
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Full Beaver Moon in Gemini ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
(I’m ultra-sorry for this PAC being ultra-late!! I’ve been in deep, intense spiritual rehab🙏🏻Also, y’all have NO idea how much psychotic psychic ‘opposition’ I was fighting to get through with this PAC! It was plain insanity at this point. If you’ve found this PAC and you resonate, please, PLEASE, take care of your spiritual wellbeing and amp up your psychic protection for next year!)
Collectively speaking, the whole of Mankind is being prepared for a massive transformation that, hopefully, will lead to real, lasting harmony and prosperity. It is high time Mankind grew up and learnt to be responsible for the choices it makes in regards to co-Creation with the Universe. Where attention goes, aenergy goes, right?
Every man’s priority and perspective hold the power to shape—and reshape—Reality. For realz. For we are all part of that same fabric of Reality, we are constantly, with each other, co-Creating various spectrum of experiences that affect each other’s wellbeing. It’s inevitable. Your attention is what gives power to the Matrix. If you want to beat the System, you need to learn its mechanism and ultimately, stop giving your attention to Reality creation that doesn’t serve the highest good of all of Mankind.
Full Beaver Moon was on November 27. Its effects can still be felt by most peeps until at least April Fool’s next year (funny). This full moon is second to last before this year’s final Full Cold Moon on December 26, which will be in Cancer; and so the meaning of this Beaver Moon is for us to gather as much resource as possible before the cold winter.
For this Beaver Moon is in Gemini—the sign of thinking and learning—this implies gathering info, perspective, knowledge, intel as much as possible for us to study and digest all throughout winter. Sounds funny but trust me this will be SO relevant by spring next year. The aenergy I’m tapping into is super intense as the whole of Mankind is being ushered into a phase of rapid growing pains that will affect societies on a global scale.
Death of an old paradigm. Death of the 3D Self. It’s all happening. If you identify as a Lightworker or a Starseed, the message you find here could potentially be more relevant to you than most other peeps you know in your circle. You’re in gestation mode. Get ready because spring might be…weird?
It’s high time Mankind learnt to be responsible for its real power of co-Creation. Those who are more spiritually attuned have always had a craving for a freer, more authentic existence. Use this time to rest your heart, your mind, your soul, and let your Higher Self show you the way towards new avenues and grounds for things and pursuits you’ve always felt a calling to.
Even your weirdest hobbies and interests are no coincidence, hon. 2024 will probably not allow anyone to have a stagnant time—for better or worse… But you? You’re going to have a blast! I just know it🥂
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Pile 1 – Spread Your Wings and Fly Away
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resource – 3 of Pentacles
I hope you acknowledge just how resourceful you are as a person. On top of that, you’re naturally courageous. If you feel like you’re not that brave, it must’ve been your environment and the people you’ve met that have dimmed that fire in you. It is now time to reclaim your authentic voice. And you need to begin with acknowledging just how much your environment is stifling your creativity and/or originality. It is only by understanding the patterns that have shaped the way you view yourself can you then unravel that false perception that, you could say, was imposed on you.
Don’t kill your inner child to please the adults around you—no matter who these adults may be (they could be your peers if you’re already an adult yourself). When you were born into this world you carried seeds of courage, creativity and invention. All of these are such precious gifts for Mankind. You were supposed to develop yourself as one of the new builders of New Earth. You may have forgotten the minute details of your blueprint, but I know that you know it in your heart of hearts that this is the truth of your reason for being born :D
recollection – XVII The Star
You’re literally the only Pile that’s gotten a Major Arcana. Surely you know you’re a Starseed? :D If you don’t, you soon will. Perhaps your parents know something about the ‘waves of volunteers’ that was quite a topic back in the 60s or 70s? (I’m not duper sure about the timeline lol) At any rate, you have a great destiny ahead of you and it is imperative that you acknowledge this of yourself first before you’re launched into initiation*. What’s that about, you ask?
Many of your latent talents that may still be offline right now will gradually be uncovered for you. Throughout 2024, I’m sure you will experience many awakenings of sort that will propel you into remembering bits and pieces of talents you had acquired in other lifetimes. All of these gifts, are your gifts to Humanity. There is a divine reason why you’ve had to work so hard for your own personal transformation before you could assist others in helping themselves transform their paradigm. OK?
respite – 10 of Cups Rx
It is rather common for Starseeds to feel like the family they were born into, isn’t the family they belong to. Many Starseeds even find themselves look quite visibly physically different from the rest of their family. There’s just something there that seems to act as a bridge between your entire existence and theirs. You don’t think the same way; your moralities totally clash; the essences of your values are worlds apart; and so on. You’re right, these people aren’t the people you’re meant to call ‘family’. Their only purpose is to show you how ‘crazy’ develops in people, all for you to learn to navigate it and put an end to generational curses on Planet Earth. And thus it begins at ‘home’.
I have a feeling that for many of you reading this, there is an elder in your family—a much older elder—whom you could actually talk to, who would be able to share information about circumstances surrounding your birth or the bloodline you are born into. In another scenario, this person may not be older but simply possesses immense knowledge pertaining to your raison d’etre or even Life Purpose. In yet another scenario, it may not necessarily be a family member but rather, a teacher, a divine someone you meet serendipitously, or some random-ass wise Boomer you watch on YouTube who holds ideas and perspectives that make you feel seen and validated.
The period from this Full Beaver Moon until at least April next year may involve a lot of healthy grieving. Let yourself feel those emotions and feel Human. You deserve a safe space to be yourself and see all your dreams manifest. You’ve got this, OK? One day you will be serving the Light by sharing your stories😊
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
*I’ve included further technical interpretations of what this ‘initiation’ means for Lightworkers and Starseeds in the bonus content🐛
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Pile 2 – Where Have You Come From and Where Are You Going, Dear Traveller?
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resource – 7 of Cups Rx
In your childhood, I feel like you were forced to grow up faster than your peers. Your environment was not exactly friendly to the dreams and imaginations of a child. So you grew up to become practical, pragmatic and responsible rather quickly. But it was really hard to grow up like that because you, the real you, are a visionary. A visionary is someone who has many dreams and wild ideas, and in the right environment, a quality like that would’ve been much, much more celebrated! In the wrong environment, a dreaminess such as that is stifled.
This FM in Gemini invites you to revisit this dreaminess of yours because in your imaginations and daydreams lies the map of your Soul. Where have you come from and where are you going, dear visionary? Understanding your place in the world helps you gain insight about your Life Purpose, so to speak. What gifts have you brought into this world to share with Humanity? What challenges have you come face to face that have shaped your unique skills and perceptions?
recollection – 6 of Cups
Your home environment, your family and society have shaped the person that you are. It is important to understand your ‘roots’, kinda, so you know your strengths and weaknesses when standing in the midst of society. The rich kid from the upper echelons of society will possess skills and knowledge the poor kid from the hood wasn’t fed with. But likewise, the poor kid from the hood will possess perspectives and street smarts that are very unique in comparison to the shielded experiences of most privileged kids. Something like that.
One is not necessarily superior to the other. It’s mostly about understanding where you’ve come from and where these experiences, skills and perspectives could get you. Know your own uniqueness and use that to serve Humanity as you use that to take care of yourself and those you care about. A true sense of success can only come from being useful to other people, for the most part…unless you’re a psychopath XD
respite – King of Pentacles
You have so many natural talents that could make you money, that much I’d like to reaffirm. But more importantly than money, it’s that you have such a strong penchant for true leadership. If you work with your Throat chakra, you could become a very appealing public speaker. You could convince people to join your causes. But to become a true leader of the new world, you must possess good morality, so don’t forget to take care of your Solar Plexus and Heart chakras, so you don’t fall into the trapping of manipulation through speech.
Honestly, I think you are such a good person in spite of all the mental/psychological hardships you’ve had to grow up with. Calm your nerves down and enjoy slow moments with, idk, camomile tea or lavender bath, every now and then? Relaxation practices like breathing meditation, or even just fixing your sleeping pattern/schedule, could help you get in touch with your inner child again and I feel that this is something that will be important for you throughout this winter☃️Everything about your Life will become a lot clearer by spring, trust that😉
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 3 – Let the Past Die and Live on For Your Soul Tribes
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resource – 3 of Cups
Honey, it’s time for you to rejoice. You’ve been through so much disappointment, so much heartbreak, and people have betrayed and abandoned you, and you’ve come through nevertheless. Surely that deserves some kind of karmic reward? Your Spirit Guides, your Soul Family, are applauding you for all you’ve been through. I think you’ve worked hard on yourself. Releasing yourself from past pains, distancing yourself—to the best of your ability—from toxic people and environments, and you’re about ready to serve your Dharmic Purpose.
I know many of you reading this will resonate with having worked on transmuting a lot of generational karma, but plenty of you tapping into this reading have even worked on transmuting geological karma and curses. The geographical location you were born into or the race you were born into, collectively speaking these kinds of things also carry generational curses based on terrible things that have happened on that location. I’d like you to know that you’ve done so much just by existing! You are the magic, the miracle that you’ve been hoping to see in the world🐣
recollection – Page of Pentacles
You’re an individual of many talents, but I’m sure there’s like 2 or 3 things you’re INSANELY good at. Do you know what they are? If you focus all of your aenergy on just these few main talents, you will literally shift your whole Reality to a much higher bandwidth! Try it. By focusing on just these few main pursuits, I sense you will be attracting your Soul Tribes at a much faster rate. I’m seeing these pulsating energetic vortexes that represent you and your Soul Tribes currently incarnate on Earth. These vortexes are spinning and expanding so rapidly that you and your Soul Tribes are magnetising each other into your morphogenetic fields—essentially, your Realities.
You and your Soul Tribes literally have unique missions on Earth and when you meet and collab, everything is going to make sense for you. These seemingly different groups of people are doing things (or exist in industries) that are similar to your own interests and visions for the world. I sense you may have felt a calling to be part of a certain industry and you’ve been studying and preparing yourself for that. ATTENTION! THIS. IS. NOT. RANDOM. You are being manifested by that industry if anything LMAO You have a place there so keep going!🌾
respite – 2 of Cups Rx
With all of that said, let this reading be your confirmation that you can make the choice to die to everyone and everything that doesn’t align with this vision in your mind that you know comes from your Soul. Be a ghost. Hustle in quiet. Don’t spill the beans until they are ready for planting. And when you plant, plant with your Soul Family and not those who are only pretending to be there for you so they can take advantage of you later!
Connections with your real Soul Tribes are going to feel effortlessly uplifting on top of being respectful of boundaries. Interactions and exchanges with your real Soul Tribes are never going to make you feel icky. Trust your gut instinct when you feel that someone you’ve come to trust is probably manipulating you with kind or sweet words imbued with some dishonourable intent. You’re probably right but let’s not take chances; you’ve had enough, so keep your brains about you, too. Best to use this time to build—or rebuild—your world of everything that makes Life worth living🎂
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Types of Starseed
There are a great many different types of starseed, but some of the most commonly-identified include:
Originating from the Pleiades star cluster, Pleiadian starseeds are loving, intuitive, empathetic, creative, and sensitive individuals who have a mission to bring peace and spirituality to Earth. They are some of the oldest souls, and are among the more common starseed types. They are therefore also one of the best understood. Pleiadian starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Feminine and Akashic records.
Originating from Sirius, one of the most important stars to play a role in spiritual awakening, Sirian starseeds are peacekeepers and guardians: bold, strong-willed, and passionate beings with a strong sense of responsibility and leadership. They often exhibit a focus on technology, innovation, and spiritual teaching.
Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are said to be insightful, analytical, and committed to justice and wisdom. They are attuned to ancient wisdom, which often manifests as an entrepreneurial or scientific spirit! Orion starseeds work to overcome challenges, and are therefore seen as “warriors for the light”.
Coming from the Andromeda galaxy (often thought to be home to various extraterrestrial civilisations), Andromedan starseeds are said to be wise beyond their years and have a strong sense of justice. They are creative and innovative, and tend to have a strong calling to bring new ideas and technologies to Earth.
Originating from the Lyra constellation, Lyran starseeds are said to be the oldest souls in the galaxy, and are creative and excellent communicators. Sometimes depicted as being the ancestors of humans, Lyrans may have a stronger than usual connection to the Earth (especially to Egypt: one of their closest links to home) and a desire to heal and uplift. Lyran starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Masculine.
All the way from Arcturus (said to be home to highly evolved and spiritually advanced beings from a 5th dimension), Arcturian starseeds possess profound and innovative qualities of wisdom and healing, and a strong desire to help others awaken spiritually. They often feel more comfortable in their human forms than other starseeds.
As you’d expect, Venusian starseeds are from Venus, and are compassionate, loving, gentle, and artistic. They have a great interest in the ancient civilisations of Earth, as well as outer space. The ancient Egyptian goddess of love and motherhood, Hathor, is thought to have come from Venus in the fourth dimension.
Ancient souls originating from Lemuria, Lemurian starseeds (and Atlantean starseeds) are believed to have made Earth their home sooner than any other type. They are said to be healers and teachers, and keepers of ancient wisdom. Although the defunct civilisation of Lemuria was on Earth (before its downfall at the hands of dark reptilians), its people were advanced enough to communicate with and travel to other planets.
Ancient souls from Atlantis, Atlantean starseeds are truth seekers and are technologically adept. Like Lemurian starseeds, Atlanteans starseeds no longer have a physical territory on Earth, as their ancestors abused their success until they were destroyed. However, those who survived their realm’s downfall had often travelled to other planets or dimensions, so can return to Earth as starseeds.
Indigo Children
Younger souls that are here to lead others into a new age, Indigo Children are independent, strong-willed, and disruptive to outdated systems. They are agents of peace and justice, and have no tolerance for evil. Indigo Children are often born with memories of their divine gifts, qualities, and mission intact, and come from a spiritual dimension of Earth that hasn’t yet finished ascending.
Illustration of a girl sitting in the middle of a large glade of magical flowers looking into infinity.
Crystal Children
Often grouped with Indigo Children, Crystal Children share the former’s mission to usher humanity into a better future. They are natural healers and lovers of nature, and have a strong connection with Pleiadian energy. Crystal Children bring joy, light, and harmony to all that they touch.
Rainbow Children
The third of the starseed types to often be grouped with Indigo Children, Rainbow Children are the youngest souls of all, and are still working to understand their role. Although their awareness of their nature can make them seem a little detached, they excel as healers and teachers, and rarely fall victim to illnesses or health issues.
A unique type of starseed, Lightworkers aren’t tied to any specific planet, realm or celestial body, and are instead defined by their mission to spread light, love, kindness, and goodness. Their goal is to encourage spiritual evolution, and to help the Earth (and other worlds) to tap into higher frequency information and rise in consciousness.
Hailing from the planet Mintaka that once lay within Orion’s belt, Minkaten starseeds are among the original lightworkers. They’re fascinated by astrology and crystals, and are gifted with extraordinarily strong intuition. Because Mintaken no longer exists, Mintaken starseeds can feel intensely homesick, but often find solace around water.
Feline starseeds also originate within the Lyran constellation, and can be glimpsed within the cat-like artwork of some ancient civilisations. Feline starseeds are detached from the physical and in tune with the spiritual. They exist in a higher dimension to humans, and often have telepathic or psychic abilities.
Just as Lemurian and Atlantean starseeds survived the downfall of their realms on Earth, finding refuge among the stars, Maldek starseeds survived their planet’s destruction. Maldek was a planet in our Solar System that died as a consequence of misusing technological power, and greed. On Earth, Maldek starseeds try to teach humans how to better use technology and other tools to avoid a robotic apocalypse.
Avian starseeds come from a purely spiritual realm, and journey to Earth to teach humans about metaphysics and spiritual truths. In essence, they serve as spirit guides, showing how a more spiritual life can lead to an advanced civilisation. As their name suggests, Avian starseeds often have bird-like qualities.
Martian starseeds come from the planet Mars, and seek to connect with the human race and assist with its advancement. The call of Martian starseeds might be why Earth astronomers have always felt a strong pull to Mars. The appearance of Martian starseeds is a mystery, although they tend to feel a connection with water and fire.
Among the first spiritual beings to travel from a higher dimension and incarnate in human bodies, Polarian starseeds come from the North Star, Polaris. They are highly empathetic, and are able to feel the Earth’s energies at a very deep level. As a result, they are able to serve as mediators between humans and planet Earth.
Fleeing from Beta Centauri to escape slavery, some Hadarian starseeds settled on Earth and seek to build strong and happy relationships. Shy and introverted, their loving natures can make them susceptible to manipulation, but their past and present struggles can’t dampen their enthusiasm to spread unconditional love.
Shape-shifting, lizard-like starseeds of unknown origins who try to crush humanity’s spiritual enlightenment, Reptilian starseeds rarely have a positive goal. They desire control over humans for their own benefit, and plunge those who they influence into greed and selfishness. They played a part in the destruction of Lemuria and other realms, and are opposed by many of the other starseed types.
A type of Reptilian starseed from the constellation Draco, Draconian starseeds seek to unite many people to a common goal, although whether this mission is for good or evil depends on the starseed. Some can be greedy and manipulative leaders, but others are diligent workers who guide awakened humans to accomplish just causes.
Agarthian Beings
Rather than originating offworld, Agarthian Beings actually come from a faery realm within Earth itself, and are therefore deeply connected to the planet. They actively protect the environment, and remember even forgotten Earthly catastrophes like the sinking of Atlantis.
An Introduction to Starseeds:
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atravesty · 6 months
April 8th Solar Eclipse Messages
This is my first ever 'pick a pile' style reading, so I greatly appreciate any & all feedback. If any of this resonated with you, please heart and share. I'm currently refining my intuitive readings, so happy to do a couple free or exchanged readings as well - slide in my inbox.
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Pick an Object - 1. Raccoon Skull, 2. Unicorn, 3. Dragon
1. Raccoon Skull
I felt a similar energy for 2. Unicorn so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Thumbs Up - The Howl & The Hum
Numbers: 1, 3, 4
The Starseed Oracle: The Courageous Peony Multifaceted, unique nature. Let yourself be seen.
You're being called to embrace all of what you are and show it off to the world, without comparing yourself to others. Own your unique gifts without apology, as we all have something different and special to offer. Embody all of who you are and share your voice. You may feel insecure and vulnerable about owning your truth, but it becomes easier every time you practice it. By being your true, authentic self, you attract your soul tribe and those who are truly meant for your highest good.
How are you being called to allow yourself to be more visible and seen in the world?
Tarot: Sun Reversed, Justice, Emperor, 8 of Cups, 9 of Cups Reversed
Perhaps you are currently in an unfulfilling situation or relationship (platonic, romantic, business, etc.) that is making you question your self-worth and self-esteem. Despite your best efforts, you may feel as though you're not being given the recognition or treatment that you know you deserve. If so, you are being guided to protect and defend your standards; stand up for what you believe in and deserve, as karma is on your side. You are being encouraged to walk away from any unfulfilling situations or relationships in pursuit of better opportunities that align with you and empower you. You are being supported by the Universe to identify what it is that truly fulfills your soul, not what fuels your egotistical desires, and align yourself with what makes you happy.
2. Unicorn
I felt a similar energy for 1. Raccoon Skull so check it out if you felt called to it as well, and the following resonates with you:
Channeled song: Double Negative (Skeleton Milkshake) - Dominic Fike
Numbers: 2, 6, 8
The Starseed Oracle: Karmic Relationships Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.
You are being called to use polarity and separation in relationships to promote growth and unity. Open your heart and mind to see things from a different perspective; avoid reacting from your own past woundings. Grow closer through conflict and use challenges as a means for self improvement.
What relationships are the most challenging? How can you see things from a different perspective? How are you being called to allow growth through the conflict?
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune Reversed, 10 of Cups, Hanged Man, 9 of Swords, Hierophant Reversed
You may have experienced a string of bad luck in the past that is currently causing you to resist necessary change, out of fear that it will only result in another failure. However, what you may not be aware of, or reluctant to truly believe, is that the fulfillment you seek in your relationships (romantic, platonic, career, etc.) is just around the corner and waiting for you to make the changes to align yourself with it. You are being guided to refresh your perspective and release yourself from your self-imposed limitations. Your fears and anxieties may be preventing you from taking the first steps, but the Universe supports you in your journey of rebelling against old belief systems and structures that have been imposed on you by others and your past self. This is a time to be unconventional.
3. Dragon
Channeled song: Sorry You're Not a Winner - Enter Shikari
Numbers: 1, 6, 7
The Starseed Oracle: Messenger Sirius energy. Bringing harmony and balance.
You are being called to bring harmony and balance in everyone by creating it in your own life. Your soul has dedicated lifetimes to the upliftment of this planet - you may be destined to become an Ascended Master. Hold the frequency of pure love, and help balance masculine & feminine energies within everyone. You may have an affinity for music, which you can infuse with healing vibrations and share with the world.
How are you being called to bring harmony to your life or the planet? How are you being called to honour the sacred masculine & feminine within you?
Tarot: Knight of Swords, Devil Reversed, 10 of Pentacles Reversed, Moon, Empress Reversed
The relief you seek from your current situation may require you to take powerful action using the information that you already know. Be quick to move forward, but remember to think things through and do not be hasty or cut corners. You are being guided to release yourself from your temptations to fill the void with material items and spend wisely to plan for a stable future. You may be spending recklessly and living beyond your means and/or accumulating wealth and possessions that inflate your ego, but do not serve your soul. There may be deeply rooted subconscious fears and illusions that are influencing how you live your life. Instead of trying to control external situations and people, the Universe is supporting you in your journey to connect with yourself to truly know what you need to take care of yourself and others.
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windvexer · 2 years
New Age Manifesting vs. spellwork manifesting
New Age (law of attraction! karma punishes your enemies for you! activate your chakras to limit 5g interference! your thoughts are reality! starseeds!) has a concept called manifesting.
Within the realm of practical sorcery, we also use the word manifesting.
But these two words mean different things, and I think it can be really confusing. So I'm going to try and take a stab at delineating these concepts. Especially the sorcery portion is based on how I see people using the word.
New Age: Manifesting is a part of New Age dogma. It's a religious belief with various factors at play. In New Age,
Manifesting is the belief that you are able to bring things into your life only using the power of your thoughts.
Your thoughts must be positive.
Your thoughts must be aligned with your "true purpose" or "highest calling."
Negative or unhappy thoughts may limit your ability to manifest.
Your personal level of spiritual development will limit how well you are able to manifest.
Manifesting is often an ongoing process, akin to a spiritual or holy state of mind that should be maintained as often as possible.
In New Age, "I manifested that" = "I wanted that, and I believe I got it because I am spiritually worthy."
In other words, manifestation is a grading of how close you are to fulfilling your "true purpose" in accordance with a living and benevolent universe. The better you do at upholding tenants such as Positivity and Living Your Truth, the more the universe rewards you.
(Please note that having an inborn purpose, being rewarded for aligning to an inborn purpose, and that the universe is capable of such a thing as co-creation are also just beliefs)
Sorcery: Manifesting is a technical term referring to whether or not a working of magic has influenced our world.
A spell or any working of magic is referred to as having been manifested when its influence has become apparent.
A working has manifested whether or not the manifestation was in line with the spellcaster's intent. "I cast a banishing spell on my boss, but when it manifested I just lost my job instead."
A working is manifesting when the spellcaster is confident the working is underway or when early signs of influence become apparent. "I think my money spell is manifesting - I got a call from the bank saying they're looking into those charges."
In sorcery, "I manifested that" = "I cast a spell for that and I believe the spell worked."
Unlike the New Age concept, sorcerous manifestation usually does not refer to the process of creation, but rather the end results of a prior working.
However, I also sometimes see New Age manifestation adopted as a style of sorcerous spellwork.
In other words, people who ostensibly do not practice New Age sometimes work with a style of magic they call "manifesting," which seems to mostly refer to thinking about a desired goal very intensely with the intent that their will becomes reality.
This practice seems divorced from New Age concepts such as positivity and the law of attraction.
In sorcery, other words are sometimes used instead of manifestation. Conjure is relatively common ("I conjured that money"). Plain language is also sometimes used ("my working was successful." "My spell got me what I wanted").
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