#started to get a bit too sad there but now im Cured
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brainrot cont. via dragon au
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hyperfixat · 6 months
hey!! I really love ur blog so so much rn! If you can, I'd like to request a neurodivergent MC? One that has certain foods they hate and have never told anyone since their family had forced them to try them since they were little? (Ex. Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, blueberries, bananas, carrots) and so, one day, when theyre all eating (at the HoL or just out) and they notice MC eating all but those foods on their plate? Sorry if this is a bit too specific, I just really can't write it properly for myself and i would like to have some form of comfort-
Anyway, have an amazing day!!
anon i am holding you so close rignt now this cured my writers block this is the first ask i’ve got in like two months TT 
i am incapable of writing anything not hurt comfort so there is some ‘oh man im so sad :(‘ at the beginning but yk if u said u like my writing i imagine u kinda expected this
warning for mentions of throw up and actually eating the bad foods :(
and yes yes yes i love writing explicitly nd mcs!! i added in another obstacle to the req; freaky demon food bcs thats always fun to consider. That way u can kinda make the demon food similar to whatever food u want in ur mind, anyhow, the words u wanted;
You push the pile of purple (purple!?) mashed… something from one corner of your plate to the center.  First you had to go to a strange demon school where all of your peers are so much scarier and larger than you and now you’ve been presented with whatever the hell this is for dinner.
You think Leviathan (Levi — it feels so odd referring to him so casually having just met him) was the one that made it.  There was a protein on the plate, you ate that with no issues, but. 
Urgh. This?
It’s your second night sleeping in the House of Lamentation and you don’t feel nearly comfortable or safe enough to get a snack on your own, especially at night. You’ve had such a long day at RAD and your body is dying for some food.
Disguising your disgusted reluctance with a carefully blank face, your grab some of the.  The stuff. 
Ah, nope.  You set your fork down quietly after taking a slow bite / swallow and grab your cup to drown the leftover flavors and textures.  
Luckily all the demon brothers seem pretty into their dinnertime banter and didn’t notice your… less than satisfactory reaction to the food.
Gosh, you don’t want to offend any of them, especially not so early on in the year you’ll have to room with them.  
It’s a good thing that Beelzebub is practically a food vacuum and doesn’t question the nearly untouched pile of. Well you know. Left over on your plate.
…It’s official. You hate Devildom cuisine.  
Is the universe playing one big, cruel joke on you?  What the hell is wrong with demons?  Why must the eat the worst things in the world?  Why… why… why?
Lucifer wouldn’t let you starve under his roof, and provides you with full meals and makes it clear what parts of the kitchen are free to raid (as not to take anything designated to anyone else).  You feel like the most ungrateful human in the whole wide world right now.
It’s been quite a few months since the start of the exchange program and you’ve been… getting by.  Okay, that’s not exactly true, you’ve been having a blast in most aspects of your stay in the Devildom.  Most.
There’s still the teeny tiny issue of the cuisine not quite fitting your tastes.  You’ve tried talking to Solomon about the Devildom cuisine and he tried to cheer you up with some authentic human world cuisine, but as it turns out his cooking is far worse than Devildom-style food.
Not to be dramatic, but you’re suffering in silence.  You get by, as in you’re not hungry – the demons you’ve grown oh so fond of wouldn’t let that happen.  They always seem willing to fetch you anything.  
You’re trying so hard not to hurt any feelings, because you love them and want to support them.  It’s just.  You want to throw up almost every meal.  (Barbatos’ little treats have been your saving grace – he always seems to have some yummy little snack on him.  One that you like and doesn’t make you feel like your throat is crawling out of your mouth.)
Most of the time the brothers don’t pay much thought to what you leave on your plate – as long as you eat some of what was served they seem content.  Even on nights where the meal is more nasty than good, it’s easy to just say you’re not that hungry.
This night was bound to happen at some point.  Your plate is uneatable.  It’s edible, just uneatable.  It’d be more humiliating to choke down a few bites than it is to go to bed hungry.  You wrinkle your nose when you think no one is looking and stab at the meat chunk.
Your eyes are downcast and you drag your knife lazily through the food.  It’s mesmerizing in a way, so much so that you don’t notice at first when Asmo calls your name.
“MC, is something wrong? Are you feeling alright?”  At this point he’s drawn the attention of his brothers as well.
“Yeah, you’re barely eating,” Mammon supplies.
Ah, the moment you’ve been dreading and hoped you would never have to face.
“Oh, I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”  Which certainly isn’t a lie.  
“You didn’t eat much at lunch, hon.” Asmo reaches across the table to put the back of his manicured hand on your forehead to feel for a fever.
You cringe, “uhm, well.  I’m.”  You fail to think of a decent lie quick enough – nothing you say will be believable as you mentally blue screen.
“Honest answer?”  Satan prods.
“I’m not the biggest fan of some Devildom foods.” “Not the biggest fan?”  Beel questions, “you dislike them enough to forgo eating entirely.”  
“I’m trying not to sound like an ungrateful jerk right now.  Give me a moment to word this properly.”
Satan scoffs. “Just say it.  Whatever you have to say can’t be worse than what we’ve put you through.”
“Damn, okay.  The food makes me wanna throw up when I eat it.”
Levi, the chef of the night, folds in on himself, face darkening with shame or embarrassment.
“It’s not a personal gripe, most meals have something that makes me feel that way, hon.” It seems your attempt to comfort him isn’t appreciated though, as Levi shoves his face in his hands.
Lucifer sets his fork down. “And why haven’t you said anything to any of us about this?  We want you to feel at home here.”
“You can’t expect me to be comfortable barging into what was at the time a strangers house and demand they make special accommodations for me, then once I was comfortable enough to say something I felt I put up with it long enough that it’d be odd to bring it up out of nowhere.”
“Fair enough,” Satan nods along.
“No? Not ‘fair enough’!” Mammon scolds.  “You shoulda said something to me!  Do you even like half the snacks I give you?  I spent good Grimm on those!”
Memories of bribing Beelzebub to do certain errands in the earlier days of your Devildom stay flicker through your mind.  “They got eaten.”
“MC,” Lucifer brings the conversation back on track.  “Let us know foods you don’t want to eat, we may be demons, but we’re here to provide you with a comfortable stay.”  You nod under his sincere gaze.  “Now, give your plate to Beel and order some delivery.  I’ll cover the costs, as long as you eat.”  
As you shove your plate across the table you see Lucifer pulling a shiny black card from his coat pocket.  He gestures for you to come and take it.  You walk to the head of the table and he presses the card into your hand. 
“Order whatever you’d like.  My treat.”  There’s a glint of humor in his eyes and you look down to see Goldie in your palm.
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mydearlybeloathed · 7 months
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navigator!zoro and swordswoman!nami headcannons
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➥ all gender neutral
[zoro, romantic] "do not kiss me again"
[usopp, romantic] "i once told you i'd kissed a thousand women..."
[zoro, nami, platonic] "they're cheating, you know"
[nami, romantic] “kiss her you fool”
[zoro, romantic] “brazen”
[nami, platonic/romantic] “she’s my friend”
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how zoro, sanji, and luffy deal with a pms-ing reader... f!reader
too sweet
nami, zoro x gn!reader
their mermaid lovers
mermaids and pirates should be sworn enemies by default... but you decide to spin that precedent on its head. various x mermaid!reader
big brothers, little sisters
aka an older sister fulfills her childhood wish for a big brother various x sister!reader
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nothing yet...
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are you still sad?
luffy had always been more observant than you gave him credit for. f!reader, opla!luffy
i remember thinking i had you
you'd always had a feeling luffy's dreams would outgrow you, but when that day finally arrives, you're not as prepared as you'd thought you'd be. now he's willing to take a chance to make his dream come true, fully believing you're right behind him. you have a decision to make: risk everything for the boy who means everything, or set him free of your doubts. gn!reader, multi part fic, opla!luffy
you can talk to me, but you already know
a mission to recover your prized research from your greedy ex-employer goes awry when you, the crew's pacifist, decide to join the fight in the name of saving your beloved captain. when you awake from your near-mortal injuries, luffy demands to know why you put yourself in danger, and you're not sure you can answer him. gn!reader
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flavors of home
in which even though you've been rescued, you're homesick. a certain pirate chef is more than willing to help cure the ailment. f!reader
we are never getting back together (?)
in which you, now a successful singer, and sanji, now a pirate, reunite unexpectedly when you return to baratie for a one night only performance.f!reader
the one where you say no to the cat
your daughter really wants a cat, and you're adamant that the answer is no... until it starts to look like a yes.wife!reader
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get some sleep
you just can't get to sleep thanks to a terrible rainstorm terrorizing the ship. luckily, your tossing and turning inspired nami with an idea: just go sleep with the swordsman. f!reader
got me spinning like a ballerina
in which zoro doesn't dance, but he has no issue in watching you twirl yourself off your feet. so long as you twirl back to him when your feet get tired. f!reader
sail again
once upon a time, you'd weaseled your way into the demon pirate hunter's confidance, and maybe even his heart too. but one bounty gone wrong leads to you being left behind, and you just can't understand why. f!reader, apothecary!reader, multi part fic, opla!zoro
is she divine, is it the wine?
the grace of the sword and the stage come together as the strawhats' swordsman and dancer fall in love. zoro x fem!dancer!reader
quality time
you and zoro train together every morning, so it was only a matter of time till one of you got hurt (spoiler: it's not zoro) gn!artist!reader
once upon a dream
Long ago, you were cursed to one day sleep for an eternity—unless you’re presented with true love. You thought destiny couldn’t find you on the high seas, but when you're sorely mistaken, it's up to a certain swordsman to get his act together and rescue you from eternal sleep. sleeping beauty au, princess!reader
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coming soon...
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im a quilt of all the ones I've loved
nami thinks theres so much of you wrapped up in all of her, that not even distance or time could change the way she feels. or in which three little bits of you now make up the patches of nami's person. f!reader
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ovaryacted · 6 months
Ok ok ok, so…hear me out. (TW: death, and suicide at the end)
Let’s just say Leon’s kids (maybe they’re a teen at this point) ends up captured by some evil bioweapon lab. The ransom note is essentially ‘leave us alone to do our science or we kill your kid’
I can see this playing out two ways.
The first, Leon tears apart the world. He sees red and essentially blacks out until he’s reunited with his child/ren. He’s awake for the entire time it takes to find them. The only time he actually ‘rests’ is when his body physically crashes and passes out. Even then, he gets nightmares. What if they’re too late and his kid/s become twisted creatures? What if they’re already dead? What if he has to put a bullet in his own precious baby because they were reduced to a shambling zombie, just like RC?
He wakes up screaming. Crying. Sobbing.
Even if he gets to them in time, they’re undoubtedly traumatized. They won’t be child/Ren anymore. They would have been exposed to how fucked the world really is. He starts thinking he’s a failure. He’s failed to protect his kid/s. The ones he loved the most in the world have had their innocence ripped away.
But damnit, when he finds them, you bet your ass he’s not letting them go. He hugs them tightly. Almost too tightly. Leon starts sobbing. They’re unharmed. Untouched by evil science.
When it comes to the escape, he holds their hand. It doesn’t matter how old they are, he’s going to hold onto SOMETHING. They aren’t coming out of his sight ever again. Not after this.
Second scenario, Leon IS too late.
He sees what USED to be his kid/s. If he stared hard enough he could see them, under the shambling, the growling. They were still in there somewhere.
But he was too late. Even if they could get a cure, the damage was done. His child/ren were gone.
The world goes quiet for Leon. His only focus would be on them. All he could hear is his own heartbeat. After he ends their pain, I don’t think he’d go home.
The official report be KIA, but anyone else who was on the mission would know the truth. Leon didn’t want to live without his kid/s.
cw: religious imagery, mentions of gore and violence, suicide attempt
Hey, angsty anon, I know you remember sending this to me when I was at work and it fucking upset me but I said I would make it worse...well I'm making it a tad bit worse by adding my thoughts to this. Apologies in advance, and of course if you don't want to read some sad shit, don't read it. (I was half asleep writing this so my bad lolz)
I think Leon's family becoming involved in the horrors of bioterrorism, the very thing he's trying so hard to protect his loved ones from, is one of his biggest fears. In this field, he's seen people he cared about, good people, who were abandoned by those meant to protect them and had to alter their bodies to try to feel control. Although Leon does everything to ensure his family is protected, he still falls short when his child gets taken away by an enemy and is used as collateral.
The entire aspect of finally being able to have a life gets to Leon. To have a chance to settle down and have a family of his own which is now being threatened, turns Leon into this vindictive monster just motivated by revenge. On prior missions, he's usually calculated and knows what to do, where to go, and what to bring. But now that his child is involved, his own flesh and blood, yeah he blacks out for most of the mission and is going off of instinct.
He doesn't give his partner much of an explanation when he just says he's going to leave and that he knows he's going to bring his family back together. He can't promise anything, can't promise if he'll come back in one piece or at all, but he will bring his child back home. If being a federal agent working in bioterrorism has taught him anything, is that not everyone comes back. Sometimes he just gets lucky and the cycle repeats.
Leon does not sleep, does not eat, and much less gives a shit about his own safety and health. As far as he knows, he's on a witch hunt to kill the bastard that threatened his family and his happiness. The entire time he's trying to get his child back, his mind goes back to the horrors of all of his missions. He thinks back to the fear he felt in trying to save Sherry, he remembers the way his mind went all hazy on his mission to Spain and saved the president's daughter.
It's all the same. But it has to be different right?
He doesn't consider himself to be a religious person, he used to be back in his youth. But as this rogue mission goes on longer and longer and he spends more time without his child, he starts to silently pray that they're alive, that they haven't been ruined like everything else in this rotten world.
Let's say he does find his kid in one piece, scared and traumatized, probably tucked into a corner in a dingy cell in some run down lab. Leon wrapped his arms around them, apologizing over and over again, looking for forgiveness, and blaming himself for putting his child in danger simply because of the life he was forced to live.
He does get back home in one piece with his child in his arms and eliminates any other possible and future threats so he never has to worry about that again. The people who even think about hurting his family will regret ever doing so. As long as his child is safe and back at home, he thinks he's achieved the impossible and is protecting all that he holds dear.
But let's go on the opposite end of the spectrum. What will happen if Leon doesn't get there in time? If he finds his child turned into some monster as revenge? It would tear him apart, and he will consider this to be his karma for even wanting a better life for himself, a life he doesn't deserve. The person or thing in front of Leon wasn't his child anymore, it was a mess of torn-up limbs and cut skin, and he couldn't feel his child's presence anymore.
His soul is empty as he raises his gun to shoot towards the monster, putting them out of their misery, and the last bit of humanity Leon has left goes with the dead body hitting the ground. He still has a mission to complete, a society to protect, so he focuses on that and refuses to give himself a moment of grieve.
Later he says, I have time later.
He's detached from his reality throughout the remaining time he gives himself to finish off this mission, his last mission. When all the threats are eliminated, he walks around aimlessly, his spirit has run dry and he knows the gaping hole in his chest is too much of a burden to handle. He doesn't cry, he's done enough crying in his life and frankly, he doesn't have any more tears to give.
I've failed. I've failed you. I'm sorry.
The words repeat in his head and he pretends his significant other somehow gets the message that he's not coming back home. He wonders if God will come to save him from this blasphemy, but this is the price he had to pay for having too much blood on his hands, blood he did not want to have.
His hand is steady as he puts the gun to his temple, finger on the trigger and he hears it click, nothingness comes right after. He doesn't feel pain, doesn't feel much of anything, and surprisingly he feels calm...at peace.
Things can't be different. Not this time.
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Hi how are you ❤️? You write amazingly well <3
I was wondering, if you take requests, if you could write a Jack/Ethan fic inspired by "You're Losing Me" by Taylor Swift. (You can decide the ending, line sad or not)
Thanks you 💕
thank you!! yall love being heartbroken, me too!! requests are open, i love doing them :)
you and jack had been dating for a year when he got offered a role in scream vi. you were more than excited for him, even though it meant you would be spending a lot of time apart. you both decided you would do everything in your power to make it work, but lately that was proving to be easier said than done. the last couple of days you could barely get in touch with him. whenever he did reply it was small or dry remarks. you felt lonely in the apartment you once shared. sitting, staring at the walls that were once filled with laughter and love. feeling your phone buzz you are quick to check the notification. 
“hey babe sorry ive had a long day on set” 
“jack we havent talked in days. i don't understand” 
“i know you don't. listen i’ll call you tomorrow” 
crashing on your bed, tears begin to dwell in your eyes.
you say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't"
we thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time
pacing your room with your phone up to your ear you begin to grow anxious. jack broke his empty promise and didn’t call you. so now here you were, trying to piece it back together. as the ringing stops, a smile is cast across your face. 
“jack!! hey, i miss you”
“hey what did you want”
“well you said you were gonna call and i just wanted to check up on you” 
“im a little busy right now” 
“oh okay maybe we can call again later” 
a deep sigh is his only response. 
“is everything okay?” 
“no everythings not okay! i cant get anything done when youre bothering me all day. im working and all you want to do is talk about your day. im sorry but i really don't care right now”
“oh okay. i’ll let you go” 
throwing your phone onto your bed, you break down in sobs. 
do I throw out everything we built or keep it?
i'm getting tired even for a phoenix
always risin' from the ashes
mendin' all her gashes
you might just have dealt the final blow
you spent the evening on your bed, shaking with tears streaming down your eyes. you could only thing about how good things used to be. when you had a boyfriend who absolutely adored you. now it seemed like you had no one at all. your heart was racing a million hours per hour and yet you felt absolutely nothing. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
after that night, that call, you made it a point to stay out of jacks way. he would facetime you every now and then. while he got his hair done, goofing around on set, or just in his trailer. none of these times did he seem to notice that none of your smiles reached your eyes. your replies were empty and solemn. you were happy to see him so excited but apart of you hated him for not realizing what he had done. for not realizing how deep his words had truly affected you. 
“hey you okay” 
biting your nails behind the screen 
“lately not really” you honestly replied. 
“hang on mason's gotta tell me something. i’ll call you later. love you."
every mornin' I glared at you with storms in my eyes
how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?
i sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
my face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
your surprised to hear a knock at your door. you open it to reveal your curly headed boyfriend. he had stopped responding to you completely a few days ago, so saying you were shocked to see him was an understatement. tired of being the only one trying to keep the relationship afloat, you let out your frustration. 
“what are you doing here jack” 
“hey i just wanted to check up on you, i have a few days off” 
he brings you into a hug, but you stay stiff below him. 
“whats wrong?” he asks, picking up on your mood. 
“you ignore me for days and expect me to be excited to see you?” 
“ive been busy you know that” 
“jack we barely talk anymore. and when we do you blow me off in the first 5 minutes. hell you even told me to stop talking to you.” you explain, tears filling your eyes. 
“look im sorry, the movies just been taking up all my time."
“and the movies more important than me right?” you say barely above a whisper.
“no but this is my job, my life” 
“then maybe you should only worry about yourself” finally looking into his eyes.
“what are you trying to say” 
“im saying we’re done jack. i cant keep putting myself through hell only for you not to give a shit” 
“no c'mon we can make this work.”
“yeah thats what you said last time. please jack im going to ruin myself if this keeps happening.” 
you both are a crying mess at this point. 
not saying another word, jack leaves. 
and the air is thick with loss and indecision
i know my pain is such an imposition
now, you're running down the hallway
and you know what they all say
"you don't know what you got until it's gone"
the next morning you find a letter left at your front door. 
my love, 
i'm sorry. for absolutely everything. i love you endlessly. when the stars realign, i’ll be there. but for now, be with someone who can give you everything i couldn't. 
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse
my heart won't start anymore... for you
'cause you're losing me
stop 'cause you're losing me
crumpling up the paper you begin to cry. 
i gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy
and all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier
fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
giving up so much of yourself, you were absolutely exhausted. the beautiful relationship you once had is now behind you. 
you're losing me
stop, you're losing me
i can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore
giving up the fight, you were at rest. 
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freaksstar · 3 months
guys. i dont think you understand. i literally watched alien stage the whole time it was going right. i watched round 6 when it came out in april. shed a few tears. not a big deal. moped for an hour.
i decided last night, why not go watch it again?
i get to round 6
i start sobbing
wtf bro
why'd i have to go do that to myself
because now the more that i think about it the more tragic it is. the song, the little details, the eyes, the setting, I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS STOP IT 😭
im not coping very well currently so like idk how this is gonna turn out. might mope for the next WEEK and that isnt good cuz i need to ap bio homework. i cant ap bio homework when cure keeps playing on my spotify playlist because oh look i put it on loop. cure's the type of song that has me staring at a wall and all i can do is think about ivantill and then death.
so maybe i write a bit of alien stage soon!! to heal my broken heart. mizi and sua HURT, but they didn't hurt as bad as ivantill. mostly because it was the first round and i didn't know too much about them. sure, i cried, but i could only care so much.
idk i grew attached to ivantill. i don't even think it's ivan's death im acc sad about. YES, of course im sad about it, but i think im just more worried/scared to see how till reacts to all of this. does he regret it? does he loose in round 7? do ivan's efforts to keep him alive go in vain?
im gonna be fr rn, i actually think it would be better for my mental health if till died in round 7. DONT GET ME WRONG, i love till, he's actually tied with ivan for being my favorite character, but i think it'll hurt me more if in the end, till lives. because that means he can regret. that means he can be sad. and i think if both of them die, at least i can have a little peace of mind knowing that neither can be hurt anymore by the other's death. then again, if till gets saved by hyuna and mizi... not exactly complaining there.
luka... you're gorgeous but like the urge to punch you in the face... im conflicted.
yeah so that's that, stay tuned for other stuff i suppose!
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silentsockfeet · 2 years
tlou hbo s1 ep2 thoughts (w/ spoilers)
the opener for this ep was honestly scarier than the first imo, seeing the woman inspect the dead body and find all the signs of infected were SO creepy, and then the slow dawning of fear in her throughout the scene, the quickness with which she both proposed bombing the city and accepted her death. such a good building of suspense throughout
and then also the way her bomb suggestion was a lead into the later conversation with joel tess and ellie about how the cities were bombed. i love that we don’t actually know if jakarta was bombed or not, the idea that everyone came to the same conclusion without following from example is even more harrowing of a reality
ellie all curled up in the grass comfy and asleep i would kill for her i would die for her i want to hold her in my hands and protect her from the world
“fine i’ll just throw a fuckin sandwich at them” I LOVE THIS GODDAMN KID
joel and ellie’s back and forth throughout the ep is so fun i think it does such a good job of setting up their chemistry without getting them to connect to early
the little giraffe toy in the weeds :’(((
tess basically immediately adopting ellie im obsessed. i love that we get to see a bit more of their dynamic than the game bc it really highlights that tess is a good person at heart even if she says otherwise. she connects with ellie quickly, and the way her empathy and hope slowly starts shining through as the ep progresses (and even as she begins to accept her fate) really says so much about her character
“there’s no boyfriend that’ll come after you?” “…..no.”
the foreshadowing of ellie guessing at the infected types is awesome, i love the fact that she technically got them both right. related but i wonder how they’re gonna do infected types like the shamblers if spores aren’t gonna be a thing
that little frog vibin on the piano what a talented little guy
THE HOTEL SCENE IS TOO EARLY i wonder if they’re gonna have a hotel basement scene now?? probably not which kinda makes sense, it’s a scene better played than watched. but it would’ve been cool to see how they did it
love the expansion of the fungus lore, the interconnected-ness of the tendrils is so cool and so goddamn creepy
the entire clicker sequence was SO GODDAMN GOOD. the way tess and joel don’t tell ellie (or the audience) anything about what’s going on really forces us to put ourselves in ellie’s shoes so that we’re as terrified as her. and the fact that there doesn’t need to be a word of dialogue said to get us to figure out how the clickers work is so goddamn impressive, a shining example of ‘show don’t tell’ i think
am sad that no bricks or bottles were thrown tho
the rooftop scene. i could cry with how faithful this show is
the change in dialogue at the capital building,, “i never asked you for anything… not to feel the way i felt…” i am in so much pain.
on that note it’s scenes like these that really make me love this show bc there really is something for everyone. connecting back to the infected lore from earlier was so fucking cool and felt like such a natural change and the changes to tess’s dialogue make the scene so fresh and still impactful for people that already know the game
i love the specific line “save who you can save” because i feel like it does the perfect job of emphasizing how much tess buys into the cure while also setting the stage for joel’s decision down the road. like at the end of the game, joel really does save who he can save, it just isn’t in the way tess intended. it’s a way for him to still hear her words and connect with them but also have the intention twisted
okay bear with me but i actually liked the inclusion of the cordyceps kiss, it takes something that is so normal and even beautiful to us but then perverts it like that’s textbook horror baby!
general overview: how in the hell was this ep even better than the first
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10 months on low dose Androgel timeline
I think the last one I did of these was at 7 months, oops. I started on 1 pump of 1% androgel, which has 12.5 mg of testosterone in each pump. Since December, I have been on 2 pumps a day. I have yet to have any blood work done, so i don’t know my levels. 
This is a timeline of the most recent, biggest changes. I have other posts about my earlier timeline in my Testosterone gel tag.
The *biggest* change these past few months have been my voice. It’s changed drastically from February to now, but I think it’s actually sort of levelled out recently. It was hard to speak loudly for a most of February and March, because my voice would try to go higher but I just didn’t have that range anymore, so it would crack or just, make no sound at all. I think, for the most part, that is over. I think this was just one voice drop and im sure more will come (I still sound androgynous too, but that could be because of speaking mannerisms rather than voice) but I’ve learned how to talk with my lower voice now, and can speak loudly without the problems i used to have. 
i went from my lowest, median, and highest of my voice being 176hz, 215hz, and 255hz respectively, to 96hz lowest, 137hz median, and 179hz highest, but those numbers do fluctuate a bit depending on day which is normal. It’s strange to see what used to be the lowest my voice went when talking is now the highest it goes. It’s been really great. 
I will say, that I am now at the point where i cannot play it off like im sick or anything when people ask about my voice. I have been specifically asked if i’m on testosterone, and people I haven’t seen in a while are shocked at my voice now. If you are someone thinking about low dose T to hide changes for as ling as you can from unsupportive people, I only got 10 months, and many people get less. you cannot guarentee when you will get what changed.
on to things besides voice. 
My arm and hand veins are,, extremely prominent when I get warm. It’s really interesting, gives me huge euphoria, but is also really weird to look at. 
My period hasn’t stopped yet, still gotten a lot lighter though which has been great.
My face has definitely changed, but in a way where it’s hard to tell what exactly has changed. i just know i look different. I just can’t really place how. My eyebrows are thicker, my skin looks different, but there’s something bigger that is just hard to see. 
I still don’t really pass in public, long hair androgynous voice and no binder will do that, but i’m really liking how everything is going so far. Genuinely I think going on T has just cured my depression??????? I’m only normal sad like once a month, not thinking about offing myself once a day. I didn’t think testosterone would change so much about how I feel, but it’s made me feel so much more calm and rational. I have a good grasp on my emotions, and they don’t consume me anymore. I’m able to think past them and make good decisions without letting my depression or anxiety or anger rule out my rational brain. That won’t be the experience for everyone, but it is mine. and it has been great. 
Also maybe expect a trans tape review soon idk, I’m getting some because my binder fits me on paper, but irritates my arms sooo much that it’s hard to wear. 
Feel free to ask any questions, I’d be happy to answer
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silverynight · 2 years
It has come to the time the pillars, even with their patience, believe it's time to put their feelings for Tanjirou aside..they see how sweet he is and will always love him, but they feel at this point they're maybe just bothering him. So, they try to distance their selves...and Tanjirou, being affectionate, and without knowing, also being in love with them, notices this. But, he can't bring himself to ask why? So one day while training with Zenitsu and Inosuke, he feels really drained and sad, and explaining it to the boys Zenitsu sighs.
"I can hear their hearts Tanjirou. They do love you. But I overheard it as well...they decided to give up on you because they feel you don't love them back...they don't want to bother you " Zenitsu mumbles. Honesty is sometimes the best cure. Immediately Tanjirou jumps up, running to the Hashira, wherever they're at. He finds them in the middle of a meeting, and gasping for breath, tears down his face, he pauses, not wanting to be rude to Ubuyashiki. But this man already knows. He knows and he's been waiting.
"Tanjirou? How great that you're here. But you seem distressed. Why is that?" Ubuyashiki asks, hoping it's what he thinks it is. The pillars look to him worriedly, some already putting their hands on their swords in belief someone upset their Tanjirou, others thinking Tanjirou needs help....
"I love you!" Tanjirou blurts out-, tears going down his face. He blushes, closing his eyes and using his sleeves to wipe his face.
"I-Im sorry I didn't notice....I-I didn't think you could like me back....But I love all of you. I just need to say it, no matter how you feel. A-and..." his lip trembles, but he looks each of them in the eye. "You can ignore me after this..." He takes in a Shakey breath. "But I'm in love with all of you...so..." He mumbles, looking anywhere but them now. He's unsure if Zenitsu was right and that's why they were being distant....or if this was completely wrong and he just ruined his relationship he already built with them....but at least they know now. If only he knew what he just did🤭
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Tanjirou pouring his heart out before bowing in front of them to say goodbye, hoping at least to still have a friendly relationship with them...
But then Mitsuri starts sobbing, Kyojuro is already up, most of them are (they haven't asked Ubuyashiki permission to move, but it's okay, he understands) and Sanemi just pulls Tanjirou in his arms before he can take one step away from them.
"Seriously? After saying all that, after telling us what we've been dreaming of for months you're gonna leave us?" He growls before bitting his cheek affectionately.
Tanjirou is still too confused (he was sure they were going to stop talking to him after that) to say anything, but he doesn't need to, not anymore.
"So... When do you want to get married?" Tengen outright asks before Kyojuro finally takes the opportunity to kiss Tanjirou on the lips.
He's getting showered in affection and kisses, but it's okay because it means they love him back.
"Spring would be nice... But... Are you sure? You don't want to wait a bit before–"
"I won't wait any longer," Giyuu tells him. "I've been in love with you since I met you."
"But it's okay if you want to take it slow," Shinobu assures him.
"No, I don't want that either," Tanjirou admits and is pleasantly surprised when Muichiro kisses his cheek.
"I'm still not sure this is not a dream..." Obanai says and he sounds so sincere and hurt that Tanjirou kisses him in between his eyes.
"What about now?"
"Maybe if you kiss me aga–Ouch! Why did you hit me, Sanemi?"
"See? Not a dream," the wind hashira smirks when Obanai hisses at him in response.
Gyomei quietly steals Tanjirou and carries him back to the butterfly estate after asking Ubuyashiki permission.
"Don't forget to invite me and my family to the wedding."
"We'd be honored to have you there, Oyakata-sama."
"Gyomei-san? Where are we go–"
"We need to tell everyone, Tanjirou."
The redhead thinks the stone hashira is being considerate to Tanjirou's friends and the butterfly girls, but actually... it's because Gyomei is probably as possessive as the rest of the Pillars.
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cowboy-robooty · 8 months
Robooty Reviews: Royal Servant (3/10)
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Read this way back in middle school... shared mangago lists with one of my friends and recognized this one and decided to reread. Lord. Who Likes This. The story is about Kyon and his master Lucaon and theres like some plot bullshit since in this world theres these guys who are royals and got these powers that they never fuckin use and live longer too and are strong n all that. and the only way to kill one tho is to give them this special poison that is completely undetectable and the only way to cure it is if the person who administered it fixes that shit. But yeah Lucaon hates servants and Kyon is a servant and Lucaon is a classic stoic scum gong and falls in love with Kyon but only starts being nice to him once Kyon literally spends 20 chapters on the brink of death lol bro got a fever and slit his wrists and fell into an ice pond and then got a fever again and pneumonia and Lucaon went "..... ok ill be nice to you now"
the art is good for this story dont get me wrong but its really really really stiff expression wise. maybe i'm just a little stupid and i need to see a huge cartoon tear drop to tell a character is sad but for realsies I do think that the art is pretty, but the expressions when bitches are fucking dying and shit could be a little more extreme. its okay to sacrifice their pretty boy looks for one pannel trust me..
The romance itself is just like whatevs. I will admit I am a fan of how kyon will just take anything like bro does not give a fuck okay cuz hes madly in love with Lucaon and doesnt care what he does to him. Im pretty sure in one chapter Kyon is just walking in the halls and Lucaon lunges at him and bites him until he bleeds and kyon passes the fuck out from the attack and its just like ok lol. LUCAON DOESNT GIVE A FUCK HES SO MEAN TO KYON UNTIL HES SUDDENLY NOT BECAUSE HE HAD HIS SCUM GONG REALIZATION WHEN KYON TRIES TO LEAVE HIM 15 MILLION TIMES AND ALMOST DIES IN EVERY INSTANCE OF TRYING TO LEAVE. the upside to kyon is that hes a simp and a pussy and he is a bit of a little bitch but he isnt a whiny bitch about it. like lucaon is his tormentor and he finds out that THERES A POSSIBILITY that he could be the cause of Lucaon's demise and immediately is like okay ill kill myself i need to get out of here and thats why he almost dies 10 million times trying to leave bc he only tries to leave bc lucaon's blonde ass brother is like dude. you might cause Lucaon to die since you're a secret spy with your memories wiped. AND ITS KINDA FUNNY BECAUSE HE STRAIGHT UP SEES KYON ALMOST DEAD IN BED AND GOES "GOD I WISH THIS BITCH WOULD JUST DIE ALREADY" LOL!!
When i was younger i was a fan of the pink haired guy (lucaons other brother) and his servant who is his boyfriend and treated as an equal and yeah younger me was right tbh kind wish the story focused on them instead. but ngl i hate the entire family drama thing bc like its the plot and all that but im like WHO GIVE A FUCK? this manhwa is just mid. mid as fuck. I'll admit when i was younger i re read the 20 chapters where kyon is on the brink of death like 50000 times over and over again because i loveeee suicide and i lovee when kyon tries to kill himself a million jillion times and Lucaon is like FUCKING STOP. theres like idk tiny hints of goodness. I can enjoy a good scum gong alright and I do like when Lucaon is like "brah... ive seen you cry more times than smile..... thats kinda fucked" MMMMMMM YES. FEEL BAD. FEEL REMORSE. but its just not worf it okay the manhwa sucks and its 100 chapters or some shit like that bruh moment. I also do like how at the end Kyon acknowledges that hes going to die before Lucaon and Lucaon needs to learn how to love other people than him because he doesn't want Lucaon to be stuck on him forever and ever. I think it was a nice bittersweet thing. In short. just not my thing. mid. equivalent to eating spoonfuls of peanut butter for dinner. Like you can... wont be very satisfying tho
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Oooo, I see you started playing MC as well ^.^
My brain has been stuck in the game for a solid 2 months now, I've had so many ideas for building, so it's nice to see you enjoy it too <3
And to be fair, I do use creative mode for some things in my singleplayer world (cuz I wanna skip to the good parts lol). But I think if the potion lab I build in the survival multiplayer I'm in was what I had made in that singleplayer, a sad Grian looking for weakness potions would be delighted to stumble upon it pffttt
I have 2 double chests of finished potions, huge nether wart field, endless water source, 5 brewing stands, a whole double chest of at least 3 of every potion ingredient, pre-prepared awkward potions, 3stacks of bottles, blaze rods for days, you name it and it's there
The only issue is that all weakness potions I have ready are turned into splash potions, cuz I've never really had the desire to chug them myself (besides that one time I tired to get the "have every potion effect on all at once" achievement xdd)
Ive been watching mcyt religiously for abt 2 yrs now (prior to that i had ZERO exposure to minecraft at all) and have joked before that its given me fucking minecraft shingles bc i never got my crafting vaccination as a kid. This thing has DESTROYED my braincells its just all minecraft blocks now, im obsessed
Ive also shamelessly used cheats in my first proper singleplayer world-- pretty much just to teleport to coords bc i get lost real easily and an hour of trying to navigate back with F3 is not my idea of a good time 😭😭😭😭 but with this new 1.20 singleplayer my plan is basically play on peaceful until i can get set up with a house and get a bit more practice with movement, then switch it to easy to practice killing mobs, then slowly ramp up the difficulty until i get to hard so i can cure zombie villagers. I watched p much the entirety of Pixlriffs' Survival Guide S2 around January after getting super sick and needed smth to entertain myself with, and now im following along with his S3 bc he is just the guy ever to me :] its taught me a lot abt the mechanics of minecraft which has been REALLY nice for a late learner 💀💀💀💀
YOUR POTION ROOM SOUNDS SO COOL!!!!! Thats so many ingredients,,,, i love your organization system that sounds so nice. Ive found my favorite thing in minecraft is literally inventory management SKDNEKDJD hermits beware i am the anti-chest monster guy<3 but yeah gods can u imagine if Grian had used splash potions 😭😭😭 he wouldve dropped SO FAST, RIP
How do you usually plan your builds??? I got myself a creative flatworld to make stuff in, but ive found that idea i had with taking a screenshot of the area and drawing on it has REALLY helped me put some concrete visuals to the ideas ive had which has been SUPER helpful. I just finished building the silhouette of my future lakehouse the other day (via the Pixlriffs stone method) so now im just messing around with block palettes to see how i wanna incorporate the cherry wood :] im super excited to build it for real in survival!!!!
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st0l3nlull4bi3s · 1 year
''Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other''
''You say, "I don't understand" and I say, "I know you don't" ''
''November flush, and your flannel cure''
''We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't''
''We could leave the christmas lights up 'til january''
''Remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light''
''Now I see daylight''
''Now, I just sit in the dark and wonder if it's time''
''He built a fire just to keep me warm''
''This is our place, we make the rules''
''Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?''
''You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back,
Just like that''
''I'm getting tired even for a phoenix
Always risin' from the ashes''
''Is this the end of all endings?
My broken bones are mending''
''Mendin' all her gashes
You might just have dealt the final blow''
''I hope I never lose you, I hope this never ends''
''Stop, you're losing me''
''He got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue''
''You have beaten my heart''
''I can't find a pulse
My heart won't start anymore for you''
''Ocean blue eyes, looking in mine''
''Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?''
''Every mornin', I glared at you with storms in my eyes''
''There's many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough''
''How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?''
''Never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)''
''I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick''
''When the silence came we were shaking blind and hazy''
''And the air is thick with loss and indecision''
''Always taking up too much space or time''
''I know my pain is such an imposition''
''You were standing hollow eyed in the hallway''
''Now, you're running down the hallway''
''I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it''
''And you know what they all say
"You don't know what you got until it's gone"
''Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?''
''How long could we be a sad song
'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life?''
''Use my best colours for your portrait,
Lay the table with the fancy shit''
''I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy''
''Made you my temple, my mural, my sky"
''And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier''
''I'd sit with you in the trenches''
''Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me''
''I searched the party of better bodies''
''I'm the best thing at this party (You're losing me)''
''I'd marry you with paper rings''
''All they keep asking me, is if im gonna be your bride''
''She would've made such a lovely bride''
''And I wouldn't marry me either''
''What a shame she's fucked in the head''
''My covert narcissism I disguise as altruism''
''A pathological people pleaser''
''I'm trying everything, to keep you looking at me''
''Who only wanted you to see her''
''I would die for you in secret''
''And I'm fading, thinkin'''
''Some boys are trying everything, he doesn't try at all''
"Do something, babe, say something" (Say something)
"Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losing me)
''All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing''
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing)
"To believe, unless you're choosing me"
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spookyagentfmulder · 1 year
knowing your partner well can potentially make writing a lot easier, repost, do not reblog. meet the mun.
— basics
name: Herald! Or Hel. Hal's fine too. pronouns: He/they with a leaning towards masculine signifiers preference of communication: Tumblr IMs work just fine but I'm usually found more readily on Discord.
— three facts
I have a connective tissue disorder known as Marfan's Syndrome.
I like to collect magical girl figures and paraphernalia (ie: Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Pretty Cure.)
I don't do it as much anymore, but I like to write poetry. Mostly in prose but I often default to iambic pentameter. (secret fact!: when tired I start to speak in rhyme without realizing it.)
— experience
From what I remember I started rping around age 13 on places like deviantart and on AIM, Yahoo, MSN and the like. I officially started my foray on tumblr RPC by talking with a Professor Layton account on my personal. Eventually I became thetumblrturnabout (yes and back then I didn't have to use v's or anything to have that url) and the rest is sort of history. Through RPing I discovered I was trans and it's been one of the best things of my life. I have primarily written sad, wet, older men the entirety of my RP career(?) and hope to one day be that sad, wet, older man. I have written mostly sci-fi/horror and prefer action and drama over things like slice of life. On tumblr I have written: TXF, Twin Peaks, Gravity Falls, Ace Attorney, X-Men First Class, Dangan Ronpa (a dark time), Homestuck (an even darker time) and even some of my own OCs.
— sub-genres
I love the horrors. Either it be the horror of man, the horror of science, the horror of time/space and the inescapable nature of fate: give me that juicy existentialism baby!!!! But as I have written here on Mulder I have found that another huge component of my writing is my expression of love and wanting to see the world be treated more kindly and with more understanding than we often get. Dale Cooper really opened up my eyes with that, and Mulder now too has reintroduced me to how much people want to love and be loved. Get loved, idiot <3
— plots vs memes
I have Constant Plotter's Disease, and already I have about three or four plots waiting in the wings. Having a rich backdrop in which I can play off of allows me to better write my characters, I feel. Plus, TXF is a sort of a monster-of-the-week type show and each episode hinges on a sort of self contained plot most of the time. Memes are just as good for this as anything else! And in fact I find they are wonderful ways to develop character interaction.
— long or short replies
Listen, sometimes I can go stupid crazy and lose myself in the moment and the writing but I try to keep it under wraps. I always feel bad when I don't at least give a paragraph but I NEVER expect my partners to match my insane ability to extrapolate ad nauseum.
— best time to write
Fuck it, we ball. However I am often more available in the evenings and am a bit of a night owl.
stolen from: @handgiven tagging: whoever wants to do this
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moonyslove78 · 1 year
Need a s&v hangover cure finished re reading it yesterday and now I need a series 😫 to fill the void recs appreciated cause im lazy to find them on my own
I wish I had a cure but I keep rereading it! 😂
But I will give you some recs that I am just as astonished by! 😁
While you’re still on Liz’s work, Heat of the Moment is BEAUTIFUL 😍 And quite sad, so be prepared to cry… a LOT!
Then there’s literally anything and everything on Katie’s/ @blooming-violets masterlist (Pinky Promise is a tear jerker, Forever isn’t Long Enough is the best vampire!au ever and Something Unforgivable is just 😚🤌🏻 for the darker side of Peter and is also a bit of a tear jerker in its own right! Also if you don’t mind the darker stuff, cause I personally LIVE for it, Smitten is utter perfection for that! 😍)
Then any of the ones on @p3mybeloved’s masterlist! All of Kayla’s stuff is perfection as well! I LOVE her two parter about the co-worker enemies/lovers (when her edges soften & she wears me down to bones in bed) 😍😍 as well as her mob!verse mini series! (Starting with the 2 part who is the lamb and who is the knife at the bottom of her one shot masterlist) But really her whole masterlist is amazing as well!
If you need anymore lemme know and I’ll get you a nice long list of Drabbles too! 😂😍👀
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mercuryferns · 2 years
Not to “vent” on main, but i want to speak about pride and autism for a bit
I’m currently in a weird place in my life where im trying to accept many aspects of my identity that i considered ugly for a long long time. one of those being my autism, which i was diagnosed with a little earlier on this year. having that diagnosis fundamentally changed how i viewed myself in ways i struggle to describe to you. i had a brief phase where in desperation to dissociate myself from the stigmatized perception of autistic people that had unconsciously polluted my brain, i swore to use terms like “aspie” and “high functioning” “level one” as if allistic society seeing me as not human but in a slightly more appealing way (that being that instead of being seen as a four year old incapable of original thought i would be a weird carbon copy of albert einstein destined to cure cancer) would somehow make my life easier.
it doesnt, all it does is reinforce the same pseudo scientific eugenic hierarchy of what a clever worthy person is and what a broken unintelligible undeserving one is. realizing that was tough, because i grew up coping with my autistic traits by being whatever people wanted. i was like cheap air dried clay where the more i tried to mould myself into something i wasnt the more i started to crack, smooth over it meticulously with spit and desperation. im still in this spot of fragmented identity, in a liminal space between what i always wished i could be and the disappointing reality of what i actually am.
is it disappointing? is it only disappointing because i’m who i was taught was wrong?
i got what is known as an “unofficial” diagnosis. in other words, we went to a psychiatrist, did an evaluation, and was told hey yeah you’re right. this was because my mother wanted me to be diagnosed with asbergers, which is no longer recognized. i know she meant well. she didnt want me to feel like i was carrying a label too heavy for me. but theres a major part of me - especially after finding out exactly why the label “asbergers” exists - which is in violent opposition to it.
and. upon finding validation in the online autistic community i discovered just how unfounded my shame is. Being autistic is beautiful in so many ways. it makes me so sad that i would ever dismiss it as a part of me. I dont know how i managed to evade diagnosis for so long.
(when i look back on my childhood, i find it riddled with memories of rooms with yoga balls and swings; middle aged ladies with pixie cuts and the same lipstick spending hours trying to teach me how to write the letter C; pulled out of class “where am i going?“ “i think you need to calm down” “i am calm”; my father eyeing my ankles and calling “flat feet” as a reminder to let my heels touch the cold grainy tiles of our stoep, drawing faces on my erasers and sobbing for days when a girl threw penelope in the bin of the afrikaans class; reciting “just think about something else just think about something else just think about something else just-“ while attempting to get myself to eat egg and toast that was too toasted and anything with more than two identifiable textures; seeing someone in my spot in my spot in my spot in my spot in my spot thats my spot thats my spot thats my spot feeling something boil in my stomach; what are you doing i dont like it i dont understand are friends supposed to do this to me?)
Yeah. I have to study for my history exam now. But the point is that im autistic. And thats not only okay thats fucking awesome. Its a huge part of my life and if your idea of normal is what has caused me so much pain and dissociation throughout the years then deal with it when i actually embrace my own brain.
allistics who are cool, this is not intended to shit on you. just some thoughts ive had lately.
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savvythepirate · 2 years
Welcome aboard
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Pairing: Hector Barbossa x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @westwoodholic
The Request:
im so in love with the way you write ! your writing always has me clinging onto every word ! if you re up for it can you write smth wth either james norrington or hector barbossa with a bimbo airheaded type reader ! itd be great if the reader fits the more damsel in distress princess type ! thank you for listening !
In your hometown, you’re known to be a bit of an airhead.
To put it more directly, to them, your own people, would describe you as a damsel in distress type of individual. You were one of the youngest women in your hometown, everyone didn’t seem to care enough to have the decency to get to know you instead of instantly jumping into conclusions before judging for themselves. You had made a few friends over the years, but you were never close and rarely ever saw each other.
You saw each other at least a few times a year, and that lasted up until most recently. Now being back to friendless, you were looking for a way out, longing to step aboard a ship and join the crew in their many adventures while yours awaits. In the back of your mind, you wanted to believe that dream of yours was far out of reach and would never reach you in your life. So, as the antidote to the sadness you were slowly starting to feel, you got yourself a job. Working kept your mind busy and that’s when you really started using it as a cure to at least somewhat fill in the seemingly large hole of emptiness in your life. What you didn’t see coming was that your dream was just literally around the corner when some strange men walk in the bar you worked at. Your job was basic and simple, your responsibilities were to keep things clean and neat for as long as you possibly can while taking care of each costumer that comes inside. The men came in while you were taking care of lobby checks, once you noticed them, you stopped everything you were doing and go over to attend to their orders. Never did it cross your mind that they were pirates, and you were always reminded throughout your childhood, how ruthless pirates are and that they can never be changed and should always be avoided.
But you didn’t have the heart to do that. A pirate’s life seemed so lonely to you, and you, not having been married or without having any man in your hometown take any interest in you, had you feel that loneliness. You greet the two pirates with a friendly smile, asking how you could be of service to them. Upon asking them that, they both seemed to be taken back by surprise as they weren’t used to this kind of treatment from others on land. Seeing that they seemed to have been frozen in time, you asked once more and this time, they responded. But the response wasn’t for any order of drinks at all, but for something seemingly a little unusual for anyone to ask. First they introduced themselves as Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa, followed by them requesting to talk to your manager. Your manager was James Norrington and you were quite surprise when they asked, but unfortunately he wasn’t in at the moment so you were the only one who could really help them out.
“My deepest apologies, but I’m afraid James isn’t here at the moment-“
Jack Sparrow quickly responded, cutting you off in mid sentence.
“James? As in James Norrington?”
“That’s right. Do you know him?”
“All too well.” Barbossa spits in disgust, Jack lightly swinging a hit shoulder.
“Do you know when he’ll be back?”
“I’m afraid not, he left without informing me. But listen, I’m assistant manager of this bar, so whatever it is you’re here for, I’m sure I can help you out.” You offer.
Jack Sparrow then exchanges looks with Barbossa, unsure of how to respond to your offer. Barbossa nods in approval and Jack continues to inform you.
“We’re looking for someone to join our crew, and we were told that James Norrington would know a few who might be interested. Would you happen to know?”
This was your chance, your opportunity to leave the place you longed to leave your whole life. You never thought this door of opportunity would be opened unto you.
Knowing you might not get another chance after this, you seized this opportunity and volunteered yourself. By the looks on their faces, you could tell they were skeptical and at first, didn’t seem interested in giving you a chance.
“I’m not sure who else, but I would be interested for sure!”
But just moments later, a few twists in a turn of events had them made up their minds in accepting you. A customer you didn’t see walk in, started encouraging the two pirates to leave you behind and forget that they ever encountered you, and the insults was what comes next.
You don’t remember when you have felt so embarrassed up to this level, you were about to storm out in the end. When you saw who it was that talked this badly about you, you weren’t surprised to see that it was one of them women who was entitled to be the meanest of all the women in your hometown, being the one to speak out.
“Trust me, you don’t want her to have any part of your life. All she is a airheaded bimbo no one wants to stand next to, that no man would even consider to be married to her. She’s a loner, and that’s all she ever will be.”
The woman’s disgusting statement and claim not only bothered you, but Jack and Barbossa as well. You watch as their faces twist in anger, disgust, until it reached to a sympathetic look. They were offended that someone would ever have the gall to say such things in a twisted, screwed up manner.
Both pirates look at each other, before their eyes flicker back to the woman standing before them. The look on her face suggested that she really believed she had everyone in this room where she wants them, this made her feel powerful as it would for anyone else. What comes next was a very pleasant and much welcome surprise, just not for the old hag. Jack Sparrow was the first to welcome you aboard, recruiting you a place on the Pearl.
“Welcome aboard the Black Pearl.. wait.. what did you say your name was?”
“Welcome aboard, (Y/n).”
Jack shakes your hand while Barbossa gives you his own words of welcome.
“You’re one of us now!”
This was true, as you turned out to be an excellent addition to the crew.
Your new family.
Requests: OPEN
Tags: @princessofthornsandroses @justafairytailofinnocence
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