#stealing a ride
spacizia · 3 months
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he’s just a swinging space age bachelor man!!!!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Pair Admit Placing Railway Tie on Tracks to Stop Train,” Montreal Star. April 22, 1930. Page 3. ---- “They shall not pass" agreed Edond and Roger Desmarteaux, 2678 Drolet street, as they drew a railway tie across the tracks of the Canadian National Railways near St. Eustache. Que., yesterday in the hope that they would cause the train to stop so that they might embark as passengers.
A short while previously they had stolen a handcar belonging to the C. N.R. from their station at St. Eustache: Landed a short distance outside the village. they decided to park the handcar beside the roadbed and await the arrival of the train.
They admitted all these facts when arraigned before Judge Cusson today on charges of stealing the hand car and attempting to derail a train, thu endangering the lives of passengers. Following their pleas of guilty, Judge Cusson ordered that they be submitted to a mental examination with a report to be made returnable within a fortnight.
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egophiliac · 4 months
Where can you play ride kamens? It looks fun looking at your blog but idk where to play
it'll doesn't start until the 30th, but there's some pre-release episodes/character bits that are scattered around the website and twitter! (the links to pre-reg/download are also on the website :D)
honestly I'm really enjoying it just based off of the pre-release stuff, these characters look like they're going to be exactly that blend of ridiculous and emotionally constipated that hits me so right.
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ihaveaweirdidea · 6 months
Where to?
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The original
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An equal exchange.
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
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“Yeah, remember how that one gal in middle school evolved from a pichu? It was the weirdest thing! She didn’t have any friends to let her evolve in the first place… She’s back in town apparently. She keeps asking people if they know about some kid who supposedly used to lived here. In a town this small, though? There’s no way that little boy grew up with us. We’d know if he did. After all…
“… In this town, everybody knows everybody.”
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jacarandaaaas · 2 months
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some drawings based on a headcanon I have that mirabel is a horse rider! I feel like it would feel really freeing for her! to just kinda let go of her emotions and feel a rush of adrenaline as she’s riding off around the mountains! mirabel already has a lot of hobbies in the movie so what’s another one! also she is 100% best friends with her horse (open to name suggestions for him!) this was so much fun to draw! also not good at drawing horses so had to use a lot of refs lmaooo! so here’s mirabel and her horse <333
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nakahras · 2 months
“cross my heart hope to die, to my lover i'd never lie, he said ‘be true’ i swear i'll try, in the end it's him and i”
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the-devil-is-dead · 3 months
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Horses AND the greatest anime of all time, FMA:B? Count me in!
Horseback riding and Fullmetal Alchemist are two of my all-time favorite things, so I decided to combine them into an AU I'm probably not going to do much with.
In this AU, Edward works on a farm with Alphonse (it belongs to the Elric family, and Edward and Alphonse inherited it after Trisha passed away (I actually have no idea how the heritage of possessions and stuff works, can you tell?)) Edward's horse is a 14-year-old AQH mare that he pretty much grew up with. She's his favorite being in the whole world (shares first place with Alphonse)!!
I don't have much to say, but Sundancer's appearance is based on an actual horse at the stable where I work. He's this weird dun-buckskin-roan kind of grulla color that is so ugly it's kind of cute... I couldn't quite capture the real-life horse's ugly-but-cute vibes in my uncanny valley drawings of a horse, but it'll do!
Also, sorry if the equipment (saddle & bridle) is incorrect! I don't ride Western (only English) so I really have no idea where the straps and pieces are supposed to go, and I couldn't find any references to help me... And I think you use snaffles in Western riding as well, but even if you don't I am NOT drawing any curb bit of sorts 🙅‍♂️
I think I'm gonna draw Alphonse and Winry in this AU next, and then we'll see how long my interest in FMA:B lasts...
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cashmerecrow · 4 months
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Whatever happens...
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“THIRD MAN SENTENCED IN SERIES OF FRAUDS,” Toronto Star. February 3, 1933. Page 2.  ---- Charles Sheppard, Salesman for W. S. Pratt, Gets Six Months --- Morris Rosenbaum and Max Beaver, facing two counts, one of burglary and one of wounding, were remanded in custody; further hearing Feb. 8. The two accused men were alleged to have robbed and wounded one Morris Bodler. 
Bail of $2,000 was demanded of Henry Solfjelt on a charge of criminal negligence. The crown explained that the case should stand over till Feb. 17, as the complainant was confined to hospital from the accident..
What was described by the crown as the last conviction to be asked for in a series of false pretence charges on which W. S. Pratt and a salesman said to have been in his employ, each convicted and sent to the Ontario reformatory was heard to-day when Chas. Shippard was arraigned before Magistrate R. J. Browne, charged with securing a part of the sum of $25.00 from W. Warnock by false pretences with intent to defraud. 
Plea of guilty was accepted by the court. The crown expressed willingness to have sentence set at six months definite.
"I may state that I believe Shippard to have been the least to blame in the activities of the W. S. Prati coterie, and in view of the fact that both Mr. Pratt and the other sales- man have been convicted, and because Mr. Shippard has done all possible to assist me in the clearing up of the cases, I suggest that a short, definite term be applied to Shippard. 
"Six months definite," was the order made. Impersonated Army Men On a charge of impersonating Salvation Army officials in order to obtain money, George Fowler and Leonard Elton were sentenced to serve 6 days in jail each.
Pleas of guilty were made by both men, who admitted having committed a similar offense previously, when they received a warning. 
Percival M. Stafford, out ticket of leave from Kingston penitentiary, came before Magistrate Browne to-day on a charge of fraud, pleaded guilty and received sentence of three months definite and three months indeterminate. 
"I think the best place for him is back at Kingston, where the authorities will have to see to it that he serves the balance of his lengthy term." said the court.
Pleading guilty of breaking and entering and theft of $30 from H. A. Griffin and S. J. Lyle, George Flint and Wm. Costin were remanded one week for sentence.
"I want to make a further investigatlon into this matter" stated the crown.
Harry Some was committed for trial on a charge of criminal negligence arising out of an accident Jan. 6. when serious bodily harm was done to L. Simmons, when, it is said, a horse-drawn wagon driven by accused knocked down Mr. Simmons on St. Clair Ave. 
Ten days in jail was given Arthur Holmes, who pleaded guilty to the theft of auto tools from a car parked on Pembroke St. last night. 
Asks for Deportation Robert Arthur asked to be deported and pleaded guilty to the theft of an auto. 
"Very well. if that's the way he feels about it," agreed the magistrate. "Sixty days in jail, with deportation to follow." 
Cites Edward the Third Precedent Howard Johnson, alias James Beatty, and George Baker, alleged ringleaders of a movement advocating force and violence against the law, were heard in part before Magistrate Browne. Both elected trial by jury and reserved their pleas.
When the crown stated that summary trial could be ordered, defence counsel retorted, "Oh no!. The authority for my clients' right to elect jury trial dates back to King Edward the Third." 
"Perhaps you will contend I have not the right to commit for trial," commented Magistrate Browne. 
"Of course you may commit." 
“Thanks a lot." replied the court. "I'm glad I have some right in the matter."
Detective Nursey said he had arrested the two accused at a meeting December 12, and that he heard Howard Johnson say to those assembled in the room ---- "Go back to your hostels and organize. Demand what you want and, if you don't get it,  take it." 
"What About the Pollce?" Nursey then added. "someone in the audience asked - What about police?" 'Never mind the police," Johnson replied, 'our workless are now ready to smash through their lines and demand what they want." 
"Then, as I was taking Johnson towards the door, he turned and shouted to the assembly, 'carry this on to its ultimate conclusion." 
"It was after we had taken charge. of Johnson and Baker that we arrested the other 42 men who were congregated in the basement room." 
Detective Nursey stated he had overheard Johnson say In effect. "I have organized in other places and we have 500 or 600 men behind us in Toronto."
The case was then adjourned to afternoon court. 
Herbert Applegate was shown to have a record extending back to 1928 when he pleaded guilty to the theft of a pair of gloves from a down- town store. "Jail for 30 days," was the order made. 
Held Over For Rest Djies Lalonde and Sam Pawluckuk, were charged with stealing a ride from Sudbury to Toronto. 
They pleaded guilty when brought before Magistrate Tinker in early police court to-day. Both of accused looked in dire need of a rest. "I think you boys should be held over for a day or two and have a wash up and a feed," opined the court. "Ten dollars or ten days each." 
On similar charges. Raymond V. Dell and Leo Coulter explained that they wanted to get to their homes in Montreal and since neither had the price of a railroad ticket they were forced, on account of bad weather, to steal a ride on a freight train. "Unfortunately we were caught as we stepped out of an empty car as the train rolled into Toronto," said the elder of the two. "It'll be $10 or five days each." advised the bench. 
One lone inebriate, Edward Bennett, was ordered to pay $10 or serve 10 days.
Robert Gow, accused of criminal negligence in an auto accident of recent occurrence, was bound under bail of $2,000 to appear for hearing, Feb. 8th.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 1 - Western
@wolfstarmicrofic July 1, word count 956
Sirius dropped to the ground. His horse stood still as he knew he would. He may have been the hardest horse he’d ever had to tame, but it had been worth it. They had a bond so close he’d trust his boy with anything. 
He slid the reins over Grim’s head and led him to the small stream beside them. He started unbuckling the girth and removed the saddle and cloth, putting them on the ground near where he intended to light his fire. 
Grim came over to him once he’d drunk his fill and butted at Sirius’s hands until he removed his bridle. Sirius waited for Grim to drop the bit and then patted the majestic black horse on the neck with a loud thwack. The horse snorted as he wandered away to find the sweetest shoots of grass to graze on. 
Sirius walked around his makeshift campsite, picking up as many dry bits of wood as he could find. He dumped them all in a pile beside the saddle and then went scouting for dinner. 
He spotted fish swimming in the stream. He was sweating from the heat, so he decided to strip off and try his hand at fishing. 
He immersed himself in the chilly water, sighing as the day’s dust washed away in brown ribbons into the flowing water. He stood perfectly still, waiting for a fish to go by. 
It took longer than he expected. Those fish were slippery suckers. He heard Grim nicker but didn’t think anything of it. His eyes caught sight of a silvery fish heading straight for him. Just a bit closer, just a bit closer. He chanted internally. His hands wrapped around the fish in a vice-like grip and he tossed it onto the bank. At the same time, Grim screamed. 
Sirius whipped his head in his horse’s direction to see a tall slim man jumping on his back and attempting to ride him away. Unlucky for him, the only person Grim allowed to ride him was Sirius. Grim reared up, his powerful front legs cutting through the air and the man slid from his back with a hard thump. The man stayed low and covered his head as Grim’s back legs kicked out. Sirius watched the man quickly roll away from the steel-clad hooves. One kick from one of those and he’d never get up again. 
Sirius sauntered over to the would-be horse thief and put his hands on his hips, only then realising he was completely bare. Oh well, might shock the idiot into thinking again before he tried to steal another man’s horse. 
“And just what do you think you are doing?” He asked, Grim, coming to stand behind him, his head resting on Sirius’s shoulder, snorting unhappily. Sirius reached up and stroked the disgruntled stallion’s mane. 
The man sat up, keeping a wary eye on Grim. Sirius took in his battered form and his ragged clothes. 
“Sorry,” The man apologised, brushing his unkempt hair out of his face. “I thought you were one of the men who captured me, but I can see now that you’re not. Please accept my apologies, I was only trying to get far enough away that they wouldn’t bother trying to find me.” He looked so pitiful that Sirius took pity on him. Not something he did lightly. 
“Why were you captured? What did you do?” Sirius asked, trying to get a better idea of what kind of man he was. 
“My father owed a debt to a bandit by the name of Fenrir Greyback, and he took me as payment. I’ve been with them for three months. I finally managed to get away when they were ambushed by another gang, but I’m sure they’re hot on my trail.” He dropped his head. “I can’t go back to them, I just can’t.” Sirius fought against himself and groaned as he realised he couldn’t leave this man behind. 
“I’m Sirius, Sirius Black and this here is Grim. He’s the fastest horse in the State. We’ll soon put some distance between us and those bandits of yours, even with the extra weight. What do you say, Grim, up for a bit more riding before the sun sets?” Grim whinnied in answer and Sirius offered his hand to the man on the floor. The man took it and let Sirius help him to his feet. 
“My name is Remus Lupin.” Remus told him, still eyeing Grim. “I’m sorry for trying to steal you, Grim, I promise I won’t do it again.” Grim nickered. He approached Remus and snorted at him when he didn’t raise his hand to pet him. When Remus got what he wanted, he tentatively stroked down his long nose, patting him gently. 
“I think he likes you, Remus. Could you keep an eye on him while I get packed up and we'll go?” Remus nodded, not looking away from the horse. 
Sirius dressed quickly, he’d spotted a dust cloud in the distance and was afraid it was made by numerous horses thundering towards them. He collected the fish he caught and the firewood he’d collected and stored it in his saddlebags. They might need it depending on where they settled in for the night.
He tacked up Grim and hoisted himself into the saddle. Grim pawed at the ground, eager to be off again. Sirius leant over and helped Remus onto Grim’s back, seating him in front of him.
“Now, lean forward, Remus, we’re going to go fast.” He wrapped his free arm around Remus's waist and kicked Grim on. Grim threw his head back and charged forward. His hooves barely made contact with the ground he galloped so fast. They’d lose those thugs in no time.  
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khawlat · 6 months
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Look, truth is, there are 24 dukes in this country. This seems to be the only one who can navigate both the upper echelons of high society and shoot someone in the head without worrying about it.
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abesetacringe · 1 year
his gender looks so stealable.....
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ywpd-translations · 5 months
Ride 770: Response
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Pag 1
1: Don't give up yet!!
Let's chase Sohoku and Hakogaku who are ahead of us!!
2: It's not “two people” that caught up
3: Who is it
I've never seen that jersey before
There's one more person!!
4: He easily keeps up with us at this speed!!
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Pag 2
1: From now on I'll use my legs
By brute force
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Pag 3
1: Waaaa
The lead if here!
It's three people – do your beest!!
I'll defeat you!!
2: Chicken!!
3: One
4: two
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Pag 4
1: Go!!
3: Uoooooo
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Pag 5
1: He passed me so easily!?
2: “?ill use my legs”....!? I've been pedaling almost at my limit, and yet in one breath, he-!?
3: Don't underestimate Hakogaku's “third years”
4: Sohoku's....
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Pag 6
1: second year boy!!
2: He left me behind in a second!!
3: Dammit
4: Dammit
and then keep going like that and escape!!
5: Get it together!!
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Pag 7
3: Issa is next to me!!
Sorry, I couldn't escape
4: But I'll catch up to him somehow, I'll recover from here.....
What power....
6: I'm sorry, Issa!!
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Pag 8
1: What speed....!!
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Pag 9
1: He's smiling!?
2: That guy's.... so fast...
He's strong....
3: He really is fired up to get revenge for last year!!
4: This is bad, Danchiku!!
5: No wait, Issa, if yous ay it like that it seems that you're the one who won last year....
6: Are you excited!? Issa
7: Ahh, I wanted to let Danchiku escape, but when I see him running.... ahgh!!
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Pag 10
1: Can I go, Danchiku!? To defeat that guy!!
2: Issa's
3: feelings' boiling point
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Pag 11
1: is rising all at once!!
2: He's focused on just that one thing in front of his eyes!!
3: He's holding the handles low and took a crouching stance!!
4: Ohhhhh
In times like this....
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Pag 12
1: Of course you can, Issa!!
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Pag 13
1: uruaaaagh
2: In times like this I have to push his back without hesitating even for a second
4: That's my duty!!
Go, Issa, to your heart's content!!
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Pag 14
1: Hooo
2: oooo
3: raaaagh
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Pag 15
1: I'm going, Danchiku!!
3: What's this explosive sound!?
4: It's getting closer....!?
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Pag 16
1: I'm here, San-na!! In response to your fired up soul!!
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Pag 17
1: So you came!! Orange!!
2: Wasn't I supposed to race against that Danchiku guy? For Sohoku
3: It changed now!! That plan!!
4: Buah!! Seems like it was already decided that I'd fight you!!
5: That's what the cells in my body are telling me!! That there's no enemy other than you!!
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Pag 18
1: It's been a year!!
Have you gained enough experience!?
2: It's already more than enough!!
5: Those two's wave of fighting pressure has reached until here!!
6: What terrific pressure!! It could raise so much? The heat of the Inter High!!
7: They're passing the....
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Pag 19
1: 3km mark until the finish line!!
2: Hooooo
3: Buoooo
4: This is the fight's
5: Hahaha
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Pag 20
1: gong!!
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if the bear finally fucked off could salmon run be done peacefully where instead of stealing the eggs we fight for something else. like for fun, like turf war. i dont know my brains fried the inkfish capitalist overlords are holding me captive
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