#steam punk romance
seansmithauthor · 3 months
Your #1 Beach Read?
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Sean Smith reads a section of his newly published science fiction novel The Legendary Magistrate of Zar (script I: Molla's Pebble).
You can find the YouTube video by following the link below:
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biasbuck · 2 months
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
I actually did start drafting this yesterday but then my day got derailed by moustacheddie. Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week! You can find previous rec lists here.
27 July 2024
if you leave the light on by cloudydaisies is a post-canon fic that skips the messy bits and goes straight to a place where Buck and Eddie are free to be with each other. Though of course nothing is ever that straightforward, and here the speedbump comes in the form of an extended jeep engine light metaphor that works so beautifully. A delicious slow burn, in which Buck trusts Eddie when he says he can fix his truck and it's best to just stay with him and carpool until it's ready. Some really really lovely romance.
loves a game, wanna play? by @exhuastedpigeon have I ever seen a single episode of Love Island? No! Did that stop me enjoying the heck out of this wonderfully indulgent and fun fic. Absolutely not. In an effort to get Eddie out of his post-canon summer without Chris funk, Buck convinces him to sign up to Love Island with him. Has Eddie seen Love Island? No. Will that stop him from finding the love that's been right in front of him all along (and get a tan whilst he's at it?) Absolutely not! So funny and playful. A genuine and utter delight.
Drink in Hand by EiraLloyd a Hen POV Eddie coming out fic, with bonus Karen. In which Eddie kisses a guy at a bar and likes it:
She asks, “How bad is this going to be?”
Eddie holds out the bottle he’s carrying so she can read the label. “I brought mezcal.”
Translation: I’m having an existential crisis.
How is Hen supposed to turn him away? He brought mezcal.
so much left in store by @lesbianrobin in which Eddie is a single Dad in college, and Buck is the adhd punk kid at the back of the class, but of course he's an absolute baby whisperer. As they quickly become best friends and each other's support systems, Buck lets Eddie into a way to blow of steam...but a small disaster might accidentally lead to firefighters showing up.
all your letters in the sand (cannot heal me like your hand) by @dadbodbuck ok a sharp left turn into some hard angst here, so heed the trigger warnings and make sure you're safe when reading, this explores an on the page suicide attempt and subsequent recovery. In the wake of his mistakes and struggling with Chris' absence, Eddie's mental health rapidly declines. Buck and Tommy are there to catch him and offer a safe space to land. Not sugarcoated, this is crunchy and painful to read at times, but the love shines through, and though it's not a simple or easy journey, Eddie finds the support he needs to let professionals help him.
With a Friend in the Dark by Uncertainty_Principle and apparently I was in an angsty mood whilst fighting off this stupid cold because I also really loved this S3 post lawsuit, nobody is speaking to him, 'what if Buck found out his clots were lukemia' fic. Poor Buck just can't get the words out when he needs them, stuck in a miscommunication nightmare, and with a childhood secret about to blow up in his face. Maddie and Chim step in and soon the 118 realise just what the price is of holding on to anger. Just so much emotional whiplash. Whilst part one is complete, the follow up fic is a wip in progress now!
Maybe We're Strong by @ponyregrets finally it's time for some buddie meets The Good Place crossover fic, in which Bobby is Michael and Buck and Eddie are trying to figure out how they ended up in the good place when they've barely even lived their lives yet, Eddie's still in the army and Buck has been travelling but was thinking about maybe being a firefighter. Putting the firefam in this dynamic just works so well!
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hanafubukki · 3 months
Otome games what your recommendation for beginner to try out game?
Hello Ladyxtiger 🌺💙💚
This is a bit hard to answer because it depends on what you mean by otome. Do you mean the traditional otome games or romance games in general.
Traditional otome games are dating visual novel games aimed at girls. While romance visual novels in general can be aimed at anyone.
So I’ll add a mix of them.
(Also a warning, you should check for triggers because some of these deal with religion, mature themes, blood, etc.)
For mobile:
Ikémen Sengoku
Ikémen Prince
Ikémen Villain
Mystic Messenger
Court of Darkness
Obey Me (I prefer the original one but you can technically play the second one without playing the first I believe)
These are romance visual novels on mobile so I have to warn you they are gacha based, especially obey me.
Obey me, I always warn more because it’s heavy gacha and events and seems endless, and with the recent rumors of quality lowering…well, I’ll leave that up to you.
In general, mobile games are more of a “daily” ticket gameplay. You can read a chapter a day for free unless you want to pay. If you’re patient, I would say go for these options.
If you’re not patient, I would recommend console/pc visual novels:
Our life series (an absolute fave, very comfort esque.)
Touchstarved (only demo is out but! Very good premise and potential)
Code realize (steam punk and cute! Has many sequels and route, very traditional otome game friendly. This one was my first otome game and has a special place in my heart)
Collar x malice (my favorite, I wasn’t the same after this otome. Everything about it just hits)
Bustfellow (perfect mix of mystery, murder, and romance)
JACKJEANNE (writer of Tokyo ghoul made this and they announced a sequel. Worth every penny. Not only romance esque but so many other wonderful characters and platonic relationships)
Cafe enchante (😌🫶, Lilia’s Va is a side character. I am down on my knees begging for a sequel and for him to get a route!! His aesthetics fits everything I love 😭😭)
And that’s all I have off the top of my head, if I remember more, I’ll add onto this ☺️🌺
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pb-dot · 1 year
Writeblr Introduction
Suppose I should introduce myself per the writeblr Very Friendly Suggestions. I'm PB, or peebs if you prefer. I publish my books under the pen name Victor S. Dale. I'm in my 30's, bisexual, dyspraxic, and as behooves a man of my standing I'm also grappling with considerable depression.
I like to write, like it a lot and I always have. My main WIPs are: a clockpunk love story titled The Clockwork Boy, a Lovecraftian Horror Romance titled His Impossible Brushstrokes and a 30s-punk portal fantasy serial titled Thereafter. I also dabble with smaller projects I won't get into here. Mostly coherent and concise synopses of The Clockwork Boy, His Impossible Brushstrokes, and Thereafter follow below.
The Clockwork Boy
My NaNoWriMo 2022 novel was initially conceived because I couldn't find much fun MLM genre fiction to read, so I decided to get myself good and wedged into that niche. The story follows Jake, who's stuck in a dead-end job of machining gears and sundry parts as well as lifting heavy things until a small, yet deceptively strong young man crashes into his life, and also his arms. The young man is called 13, his entire body from the neck down is made out of impossibly complex clockwork parts, and he's on the run from multiple powerful people and factions.
13 is stronger and faster than anyone has the right to be, but several broken parts hold him back. Jake is immediately smitten by the complex mechanics of 13's clockwork body, not to mention his sad, blue eyes, and so vows to help repair 13. The complexity of the task at hand is only increased by the two being pursued by local goon squads as well as other clockwork-bodied people with numbers for names.
The world of The Clockwork Boy and the Hearts In Clockwork series, provided I get around to writing more of these things, is languishing in a peculiar type of anarchy. The Age of Steam has come and gone and after a series of destructive colonial wars known as The Coal Wars, the power of government and nation has all but eroded. In their place, an alliance of powerful merchants and holders of capital keeps an iron grip on what passes for law from their seat in the massive tower known only as The Spire. Their power is exerted through monopoly and other economic maneuvers, but also by their rowdy Enforcers, who rule through intimidation and sheer brutishness.
13, as it turns out, is part of The Clockmen, a hitherto hidden faction within The Spire, whose acerbic leader is working to create an elite force of clockwork-powered individuals to overthrow The Spire and their enforcers, but even within the clockmen, agendas differ. 13 was originally made to fight and kill rogue clockmen, but so objected to this that he fled, searching for his memories and what freedom could be found.
Jake and 13 eventually find themselves under the auspices of The Northwest, an underground worker-owned coop parts workshop that takes them in and offers them succor in their time of need. In the relative safety of The Northwest's hidden workshop, Jake and 13 get the time they need to perform the sizable number of repairs needed, and perhaps ask the question of what they are becoming to each other and what comes next.
The current status of the project at the moment is going through the old rewrite and editing wringers. I'm currently having the thing beta read and I'll make whatever changes I need after that before attempting to hook an agent to help me get the thing published. In the meantime, I post about it a lot. If you want to be up-to-date on the most recent rambles in the setting, check out the tag list post here
My final goal with this project is to somehow get it published and, provided I am not met with immediate scorn and ridicule, get started on writing one or more sequels. I don't have the entire series planned out or anything, but I have several stories in this universe planned, and I know where and how I want it to end.
His Impossible Brushstrokes
My 2023 NaNoWriMo entry and occasional Lagrange point of my life. Continuing the trend from last year of writing novels that I wish someone else had written already so I could read it, Brushstrokes is a male-led queer horror with a mspec protagonist, exploring the shared points between love and fear, admiration and obsession, and art and madness.
The story follows Oscar Skerry, an obsessive San Fran art critic who goes to progressively more extreme measures to understand the works of his favorite artist, a pan-European enfant terrible by the name Tomasz Gildebrant. Gildebrant is an obscure artist, whose paintings nevertheless go for exorbitant prices on account of his cult appeal.
Following the thread of an art patron going berserk and attempting to destroy a Gildebrant painting by eating it, Tomasz unravels the urban legend of Gildebrant Psychosis. This sickness allegedly drives some who see a Gildebrant painting into acts of brutality, depravity, or the profoundly absurd, and Oscar starts to suspect there is something deeper and darker going on than repeated failures of the mental health system.
Seemingly out of the blue, Oscar gets an invitation to join Gildebrant in his home in the southern Carpathian Mountains. Eager to get to the bottom of things, and share his theories with Gildebrant, Oscar accepts.
Once there, two things become readily apparent. One, Gildebrant is incredibly charming, so much so that Oscar finds himself doubting that Gildebrant could be the man behind the dark, disturbing paintings he obsesses over. Two, there are way too many things not adding up, like how the doors to his guestroom in the Gildebrant household lock automatically at midnight, and how many pairs of shoes fill Gildebrant's hallway.
Per April 2024, the first draft for His Impossible Brushstrokes is complete. The plan remains to seek tradpub or indie publishing once I've edited the thing.
My first self-released project. The first chapters of Thereafter is slated to be released via buttondown starting May 1st 2024. This story follows Michael, a man in his 30s who traveled to, and saved, a magical cave-world populated by kindly molefolk at the tender age of twelve (and a half.) Now, 20 years later, Michael struggles in life and finds himself wishing for those simpler days of adventure again. Life is not without a sense of cruel irony, as the phenomenon that spirited him away all those years ago reoccur. Michael doesn't find himself in the serene caves of the molefolk, however, but in a desperately ramshackle city built from the flotsam and jetsam of thousands upon thousands of worlds.
This strange town goes by the name of Thereafter, and it was the surviving population of the cave world, as well as many other worlds, built with what they could salvage after The Calamity. Few who saw the world-destroying catastrophe lived to tell the tale, and the few who have, tell conflicting and surely nonsensical tales of it. Either way, the few that survived being flung into the void between worlds found their way to this nexus of the dispossessed, where the despair of dispossession percolated under the pressure of resource insecurity and a general sense of the world quite literally coming to an end.
To assuage some of these fears, The Council of Thereafter, a hastily assembled collection of wizards, wise men and the occasional cryptic hermit, decided to summon heroes of the old to their side. Due to the way time flows differently in the realms of magic, centuries and even millennia have passed since Michael saved the Molefolk, and the tales of his exploits have only grown in his absence.
Fortunately, Michael will not be alone in his task of portraying a heroic figure far beyond what he is able to actually be. Unfortunately, his colleagues in this endeavor are all messed up to an equal degree to him. Lex, the Polish enby scientist, is cynical on a level that borders on the parodic and worryingly horny. Felipe, the Mexican pro athlete archer, is arrogant, flighty and seems physically unable to take anything seriously. Finally, Alicia, the New York-based fitness influencer, seems restless in a way that either speaks to undiagnosed ADHD or truly world-shaking rage contained under the athletic facade.
Together, this rag-tag band of 30-somethings must unite in their quest to portray the heroes that history have made them, all the while grappling with what it means to be a hero in a desperately imperfect world. The city of Thereafter is full of crime born of desperation, hatred born of fear, and runaway magic, but that is not all. After all, the only thing anyone can agree on about the Calamity is that it is still out there and may one day turn its destruction upon Thereafter.
With Thereafter, I plan to work more with character and group dynamics than I have in my earlier works. The dysfunctional found family of the Heroes is supposed to be a big draw of the story, alongside the mystery of The Calamity and more pressing concerns about survival. As usual for a Peebs story, there will also be rumination, politics and philosophy involved, tigers don't usually change their stripes after all, but we're also getting a fantasy post-apocalyptic tale of love, bravery, and the many obscure pains of growing up.
Thereafter will, as mentioned above, be released on a chapter by chapter basis via Buttondown, with an archive also being kept on Cohost. To subscribe to the release of Thereafter chapters, please see the introductory post or just go straight to my Buttondown site to subscribe.
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quartz-tsw · 2 years
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Demo | Forum
You are a high school student passionate about writing interactive fiction novels. Grammar, story structure, character design, and story design are foreign concepts to you, but that won’t slow you down because you have passion and the power of friendship on your side. A tragic accident sends you into a coma, transporting you into the world you have created.
Explore a world filled with bugs, excessive stats that cancel each other out, and ambiguous choices. Romance one-dimensional characters, overcome poorly designed challenges to escape the hell you’ve created, and become the Strongest Writer!
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The game is primarily narratively driven, even though there will be silly challenges sprinkled here and there. Some random elements are present, but they won’t stonewall your progress. You will never be forced to replay an encounter because you had a bad die roll. Ridiculously difficult or poorly worded mini-games will pop up here and there. But the ones that have “correct” solutions are accompanied by a skip button that can be used without any punishment.
You will have a mobile base of operations, a castle that can fit in your pocket, where you can grow plants, make potions, train with your companions and decorate your rooms. After you reach a certain point in the game, time will advance when you complete quests, making the plants grow. The plants can be used for brewing potions that will add more flavor to future encounters but aren’t a prerequisite for progress.
At the end of each chapter, you will enter a dream-like state where you can communicate with the Real World via a powerful artifact. However, the communication is limited to sending updates to the game you’re trapped in and reading the player’s feedback on the forum.
After the first part of the game, you will get to have a say on how the Empire grows over the course of the story by voting on policies. These policies will get enacted if you and your crew complete quests that will sway the citizens in your favor. You will be free to tackle specific issues from a progressive or conservative lens without having the game punish you for making the wrong choice. Scratch that. Whatever you choose will have catastrophic consequences on the Empire but in different ways. By the end of the story, the Empire will be in crisis.
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The game is split into three parts: Escape from the Underworld, Rise of the Empire, and Fall of the Empire. In the first part, you will escape the Underworld, the hell of your fictive world, with the aid of your fully customizable romanceable companion, Olympia/Olympus. You will gather a party of virtuous souls and traverse the Great Barrier into the surface world. Upon escaping the Underworld and entering the MC’s fictional world, the “Real” World, you and your companions become Immortals, overseeing the fate of the Empire for centuries to come.
At the time of writing the story, the MC was sick of all the medieval fantasy stories that resort to misogyny for the sake of realism, so they wrote an “inclusive” setting that “solves” inequality issues only on a surface, superficial level. The Empire is a mishmash of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece under constant assault by progressive barbarian hordes who enslave and torture citizens equally, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation. Political decisions in the Empire are ultimately made by a supreme ruler, Caesar, but every citizen has a right to express their grievances and opinions in the Forum (an actual roman style forum, not an online one).
As generations pass, you and the Immortals will oversee the Empire grow from antiquity to a steam-punk future near its decline.
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age: unknown/ timeless
race: unknown
gender: player selectable
appearance: custom
Olympia/Olympus is the first immortal that the MC encounters in the Underworld. The self-proclaimed soul mate of the main character, Olympia/Olympus, is the primary romantic option for the player. Kind-hearted, straightforward, overpowered, and with a non-existent sense of personal space, Oly will accompany the MC almost everywhere. The only times when you will be apart is when you have to do challenges alone.
age: 27
race: human
gender: female
appearance: average height, athletic build, olive skin, brown eyes, long brown hair in a high ponytail.
Bellona is one of the finest warriors of the Empire, who knew no equal on the battlefield until she found her end at the Kālá’s hand, whom she managed to take down with her to the Underworld. Abandoned at a young age by her parents, she had to learn to fend for herself and develop a can-do attitude that no one rivals. Impulsive by nature, she has no regard for diplomacy - her creative swear words are common in any heated discussion. The one thing she hates more than whining and weakness is others picking on her friends, even for the most trivial things.
age: 30
race: human
gender: female
appearance: tall, slim build, fair skin, green eyes, undercut, blonde hair.
Athema is a scholar, politician, and equal rights activist. She died at a banquet where a political adversary poisoned her wine cup. Outspoken and articulate, her opinions have sown the seeds of critical thinking within the Empire, prompting a vocal minority to question whether the Empire will be remembered as a bastion of enlightenment in history or a shameful asterisk. Competent in rhetorical debates, she never backs down from a winning argument, even if it means losing political currency. Although she stands her ground firmly in intellectual standoffs, physical confrontations are a no-go for her, looking for cover at the first sign of danger.
age: 22
race: human
gender: female
appearance: petite, light skin, heterochromia eyes (blue and green), braided, black hair.
Hera is a quiet, reserved young woman whose life ended in mysterious circumstances. She does not remember how she died or does not want to tell anybody. Although she does not enjoy getting involved in politics too much, she is convinced that the best way to organize society is through clearly defined gender roles. Family is the most important thing to her, and she hopes that she will be able to start one as soon as possible. Her cooking and organizing skills are unmatched, which is why she was often employed by wealthy nobles to host their lavish banquettes.
age: 46
race: human
gender: male
appearance: burly, gray hair, groomed silver beard, dark skin 
A respected inventor, this reclusive self-reliant man found his end at the hand of an ambitious experiment to replicate the sun in his forge. Even though he feels more at home with his inventions than with people, he is kind and gentle despite losing his temper from time to time. Vulcan will be the main driving force behind the rapid technological advances that the Empire will go through during the game, and you will have a say in what innovations take priority.
age: 33
race: human
gender: male
appearance: tall, thin, blond messy hair
This neurotic treasurer got on the wrong side of a knife after uncovering a circle of corrupt aristocrats who were siphoning gold out of the treasury. His obsessive compulsion to account for every penny spent makes him an excellent financial advisor for your team. His expertise will be invaluable in growing the Empire over the centuries.
age: unknown
race: unknown
gender: unknown
appearance: short legs, wide hips, elongated torso with thin, long arms, large hands. Dark skin, black eyes, bald. Wears extravagant clothes.
Little is known about them besides their affiliation with the Barbarian hordes and unorthodox fighting style. Before the encounter with Bellona, Kala was undefeated in combat. Has the role of the main antagonist of the story.
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Olympia/ Olympus will be the only RO with which you can have a meaningful, long-term romantic relationship. There will be the possibility of having flings with minor, episodic, one-dimensional characters. But you will not be able to be in a relationship with other immortals (but that does not mean you can’t try). As far as the attraction to Oly is concerned, you have multiple options: regular attraction, no attraction, “platonic” attraction, “asexual” attraction, too much attraction, and attraction once you get to know each other better. There will be no explicit sex scenes, but you can expect bizarre scenes that kind of resemble it.
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I made playlist for hazbin hotel characters
charlie, vaggie, alastor, angel dust, husk, niffty, sir pentious (bonus adam)
❤️ Charlie ❤️
❤️ Humility, gorillaz 
❤️ Lights, ellie goulding 
❤️ Gateway to the stars, skeleton staff
❤️ Cry baby, melody martinez  
❤️ Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows, Lesley gore 
❤️ KK bubblegum, animal crossing 
❤️ Charlie’s inferno, the handsome devil 
❤️ The exorcist, calypso 
❤️ Space unicorns, parry gripp 
❤️ Out of my league, fitz and the tantrums 
❤️ Heathens, 21 pilots 
❤️ Devil town, cavetown 
❤️ Rat, penelope scott 
💜 Vaggie 💜
💜 Saint benard, lincoln 
💜 Angel with a shotgun, the cab 
💜 I wouldn't mind, he is we
💜 Hell’s coming with me, poor man’s poison 
💜 Mary on a cross, ghost
💜 Notion, the rare occasion 
💜 Butch 4 butch, rio romeo 
💜 Training wheels, melody martinez 
💜 All the good girls go to hell, billie eilish 
💜 Soku eye, gorillaz
💜 Spear of justice, toby fox 
💜 Roar, katy perry 
💜 Raincoat, studio killers 
🧡 Alastor 🧡
🧡 Twisted, missio 
🧡 All eyes on me, or3o 
🧡 Our love is god, heathers musical 
🧡 Animals, maroon 5
🧡 Dismemberment song, blue kid
🧡 Animal cannibal, karen skladany 
🧡 We'll meet again, vera lynn 
🧡 Terry's taxidermy, teddy hyde 
🧡 Christmas kids, roar
🧡 Arms tonite, mother mother
🧡 The hunting song, tom lehrer
🧡 Necromancing dancing, bear ghost 
🧡 Happy face, jagwar twin 
🩷 Angel Dust 🩷
🩷 Epoch, the living tombstones
🩷 Say amen (saturday night) panic! At the disco
🩷 Bad romance, lady gaga
🩷 Candy store, heathers musical
🩷 Grrrls, aviva
🩷 Take a hint, victorious cast 
🩷 Bubble gum bit*h, marina and the diamonds
🩷 Baby hotline, jack starbur 
🩷 Weak, AJR
🩷 Bad habits, steve lacy
🩷 Vending machine of love, the stupendium 
🩷 Front street, will wood and the tapeworms
🩷 Control, halsey 
🤎 Husk 🤎
🤎 Let me down slowly, alec benjamin 
🤎 Dirty harry, gorillaz
🤎 Ghosting, mother mother
🤎 Hand me my shovel i am going in, will wood and the tapeworms
🤎 The good, the bad and the dirty, panic! At the disco
🤎 The gambler, kenny rogers
🤎 Let's get this over with, they might be giants 
🤎 Cats, dogs, and rats, rare americans
🤎 Your gonna go far kid, the offsrping
🤎 Pardon me, he is we
🤎 Coffee, jack starbur 
🤎 Look who’s inside again, bo burham 
🤎 Tennessee whiskey, chris stapleton 
🤍 Niffty 🤍
🤍 Girlfriend, hemlock spring 
🤍 Body, mother mother
🤍 Bill waterson, lemon demon
🤍 The masochism tango, tom lehrer
🤍 The red means i love you, madds buckley 
🤍 Cell block tango, Chicago musical
🤍 Runs in the family, amanda palmer 
🤍 Killer queen, queen 
🤍 Hello kitty, avril lavigne 
🤍 Pretty little psycho, theexorcist 
🤍 Cannibal, kesha 
🤍 Barbie girl, aqua 
🤍 Curses, crane wives 
💛 Sir Pentious 💛
💛 Love like you, steven universe 
💛 Give and take, poor man’s poison
💛 Oh klahoma, jack starbar 
💛 I’ll rust with you, steam powered giraffe 
💛 Mr blue sky, electric light orchestra 
💛 Hidden in the sand, tally hall
💛 Egg and soldiers, cosmo sheldrake 
💛 Rhinestone eyes, gorillaz 
💛 Man made objects, lemon demon 
💛 Under my skin, jukebox ghost 
💛 Bang!, AJR
💛 Secrets, one republic 
💛 Savior of the skies, the cog is dead
🩵 Adam 🩵
🩵 Main character, will wood and the tapeworms
🩵 Stick it to the man, school of rock
🩵 Eighth wonder, lemon demon 
🩵 Verbatim, mother mother 
🩵 They’re only human, death note musical 
🩵 American idiot, green day
🩵 5/4, gorillaz 
🩵 Punk tactics, joey valance and brae 
🩵 Kiss me son of god, they might be giants 
🩵 blood//water, grandson
🩵 Another way out, hollywood undead
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m4l0sattic · 4 months
Music ask game
A song you liked as a child
A song that features an element (earth/fire/water/air)
A song you’d choose to introduce someone to your favorite genre
A song you’d put on a playlist for a character you love
A song you think most of your followers won’t have heard before
A song that makes you think of a family member
A song you know every word to
A song from a soundtrack
A song in a language you don’t speak
A song that makes you feel relaxed
A song that makes you dance
A song from the 90s
A song by a performer you’ve seen live
A song you love to sing along to
A song you’d play for a toddler
A song that makes you think of an old (or current) crush
A cover song
A song you’d play to set the mood on a date
A song that makes you emotional
A song you’d put on a playlist for the person who sent you this ask
ok lets gooo
1. Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance
2. Fire Fire - Steam Powered Giraffe
3. Assuming my favorite genre is rock/metal.. anything by Slipknot will do, I guess.
4. For the Jon : Fresh Concrete - Bears In Trees
5. Congratulations Smack + Katie - Reggie and the Full Effect. (it's reeeaalllyyyy good, trust me)
6. The Key - Ou Est Le Swimming Pool. Makes me think of my dad <3
7. Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe. No hesitation.
8. Hunter's Moon - Ghost, from the Halloween Kills soundtrack. My favorite Ghost song in my favorite Halloween movie. Perfect.
9. Wem die Stunde schlägt - OOMPH!
10. On Top of the Universe - Steam Powered Giraffe
11. Dance Macabre - Ghost
12. Around The World - Daft Punk
13. Guys, all of the live shows I saw were french artists.. And I don't even LIKE those artists. But if I really have to do it, then Grand Petit Con - M
14. Cirice - Ghost
15. Ready to Go Steady - The Go! Team (I actually played it for my niece, and she loved it.)
16. Taroko - August Greenwood (we used to go on aquarium dates..)
17. Harder Better Faster Stronger - Steam Powered Giraffe (I love the OG and the cover!)
18. Something About Us - Daft Punk
19. Wired Wrong - Steam Powered Giraffe
20. DEFINITELY Congratulations Smack + Katie - Reggie and the Full Effect. I know I've already put in on the list, but this band is so underrated– I feel like I'm the only person on earth who knows them ! You should definitely give it a try. Their entire album "Under the Tray" is soooo good !!
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static-errorcode · 10 months
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You can now ask are daughter Monicel questions
Rules down here
What magic anons can't do
No humans
No smut
what magic anons can dk
Meeting you guys
Interacting with characters
asking backstorys
Please follow the rules ok
Who you can ask
Pocket watch
Steam punk hat
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
Modern AU where
Jesper and Nina run a wedding planning service, Jes handles decorations and decor while Nina is in charge of food, flowers, and attire
Kaz is an investment banker, brought up by Per Haskell as his benefactor on the condition Kaz repay every cent invested into him
Inej is a world champion figure skater who meets Kaz by chance through he coach who helps her invest her winnings
Matthias owns a flower shop that Nina frequents while planning weddings, he has a bit of a crush on her but doesn't know what to do about it
Wylan is barista at a steam punk themed coffee house that's renowned for its crazy delicious infusions that Wylan makes himself
Mal and Alina run a children's center, to help at risk kids meet their full potential
Nicolai is a trustfund baby who is working toward his goal of being the best actor on Broadway, and is famous for his leading role in the most grossing musical in years
Zoya is a ballerina who has recently been cast aside Nicolai, highly recommended after her graduation from the Royal Ballet School in Europe
David is a librarian who spends endless time in the stacks and is particularly fond of ancient texts and classics
Genya is a model who often visits the library during her days off to peruse the romance section and to fluster the cute librarian
Aleksander is a master of the criminal underworld (obviously) hellbent on controlling the city
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rainbowchaox · 2 years
This probs have been done before but,
Create! Tango lives in a steampunk world and Tumble town exists there as well
Idk man Jimmy should be hecka hot in steam punk esque flavored cowboy wear and is the sherrif of the town.
Cue Red Stone Machinist! Tango train getting attacked by bandits causing him to be stranded in tumble town
(Tumble Town is that town that the train passes by between two major cities that primarily exists barely because of said train station.)
At this point maybe Tango is poor so he sorta is like welp but then he gets hit by the romance stick and falls in love with Jimmy. And eventually Jimmy retires and inherits his family large ranch and Tango eventually is like this is home now,
The rest of the Red Stone Machinists do eventually find him but by then tango is in full romantic mode and so they sorta wish they didn’t find him because it’s that much pda and affection in front of their salad.
And Yes. Jimmy and Tango adopts a orphan or two.
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8iunie · 2 years
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ALBUM REVIEW: Måneskin feels the ‘Rush!’ on frenetic new album
Rush! is the third album from Italian glam rockers Måneskin, but the first release by the band in, primarily, English. The band’s popularity has surged worldwide following appearances on “Eurovision” and a string of memorable hits. The latest release picks up right where the band left off, filled with high-energy classic rock, glam and lyrical envelope pushing.
The record kicks off in fiery fashion with riff-laden “Own My Mind,” “Timezone” and “Gossip,” the latter with a cameo by Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morrello.
“Do you want to own my own mind?/ Do you want to know what good bad things all feel like?” vocalist Damiano David asks on the opener, hinting at the lyrical theme of the record. Musically, the opener showcases the abilities of each band member—including bassist Victoria De Angelis, guitarist Thomas Raggi and drummer Ethan Torchio—with sharp dynamics that tie everything together.
Despite Morello’s presence, “Gossip” sounds more like Franz Ferdinand than Rage, with some splashy and spacey wah-soaked guitar work by the guest. And mid-tempo power ballad “Timezone” fuses Queen with a Black-Parade-era My Chemical Romance aesthetic. The song rises and falls in tempo and emotion with David acting as the maestro through his lyrical delivery.
“Bla Bla Bla” opens with a bass-heavy, groovy stomp that builds into a lo-fi punk sound built around the lyrical cadence of of the title. The revenge track sees David singing of an encounter with the friend of an ex-lover to get back at them after the breakdown of a relationship. It’s bouncy, fun and a little dangerous. “Baby Said,” meanwhile, is a dance rocker built on the electricity of Raggi’s vibrant licks. The rhythm section of de Angelis and Torchio holds the infectious grove in lockstep.
“I’m not afraid of you being vulgar/ But why are you so vicious ?” David asks before exploding into the explosive chorus.
“Gasoline” again offers the familiar bass drum stomp that builds the energy of many Måneskin songs, but here de Angelis tunes her bass down, down, down with a low sludgy rumble under David’s opening lyrics.
“How are you sleeping at night?/ How do you close both your eyes?/ Living with all of those lies on your hands,” David sings before a chorus of voices join in as the song crescendos.
Måneskin has been performing the track on tour already, and for good reason. “Gasoline” has the sort of energy that feels made for the stage. The band particularly excels with upbeat hard rock with an air of mystery and darkness to it, and that’s all on full display here. Its dynamics shine in the heavy start-and-stop instrumental outro.
Sex, drugs and rock and roll anthem “Feel” has a White Stripes garage rock feel to it. The singalong track features some of David’s most expressive vocals and a solid cohesion between Raggi’s riffs and Torchio’s rhythms.
Rather than lose energy, the album gains steam as it progresses. The band’s firing on all cylinders on “Don’t Wanna Sleep,” a grove-heavy dance rocker soaked in infectious guitar licks. The track has a quick but memorable blistering guitar solo for Raggi. On record, Måneskin tends to dial in the arrangements, as opposed to the extended virtuosic jams fans might see in concert—a choice that ultimately makes for a more cohesive and listenable record.
“Kool Kids,” which speaks to not trying to fit into a box but is not an Echosmith cover, is another concert staple. The song takes on a very different personality from the rest of the record. It’s more of a glam punk rocker with its call-and-response shouted chorus.
One of the few moments of calm arrives on “If Not For You,” a guitar-driven ballad that’s also one of the best showcases of David’s raw vocal prowess. The track is an homage to the vocalists who influenced David along the way, like Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain.
“All those crowds/ All the music/ Would just fade out,” David sings.
The energy picks right back up on “Read Your Diary,” a stadium rocker driven by de Angelis’ bouncy opening riff. Måneskin then ventures back to its Italian language rock origins with “Mark Chapman,” presumably about John Lennon’s murderer. The song is upbeat, driving and offers more impressive guitar work by Raggi, especially on its bluesy solo.
On percussive riff rocker “La Fine,” David impressively spits in a wordy lyrical cadence. Even though it’s also in Italian, there’s a universality to it that helps with the translation. With the Italian songs grouped together, this block feels like a bonus EP tacked on to the rest of the album, but it stays cohesive regardless of the language.
Soaring power ballad “Il Dono Della Vita” gives us one of the album’s finest moments, exuding urgency alongside the band’s finest musicianship. Raggi’s fretwork is blisteringly quick here. Just when it reaches its most chaotic point, the music fades to David’s solemn whispered lyrics.
The album then concludes with a trio of previously released songs in”Mammamia,” “Supermodel” and “The Loneliest.” Rush! shows a band squarely on an upward trajectory across the globe.
Writer: Mike DeWald for Riff Magazine
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mihimelolz · 6 months
The pinned post about me Hello hello :3
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★ My name is Neil/mihime/ryan/moon/Andy!
★ I use to they/him/it/its/star/starself pronouns,
★ adhd + autistic, INFP-T, minor (13 y/o)
★ i am from 🇯🇵 and I speak English and Japanese👍
★ agender, acearo, bisexual, xenogenders
★ I love do art, animation, stimboard and founding tally hall or other band or fandom stuff post from 2010s in this app!
★ fandom and Interests I’m in:
tally hall, wordgirl, spooky month, tf2, family guy, Pico school, newgrounds, my little pony, pizza tower, touhou project, your favorite martian, total drama island, splatoon, madness combat, homestar Runner, homestuck, Vocaloid, south park, Friday night Funkin, baldi’s basics, smiling friends, Telly hole, evil hall, lemon demon, super mario, SpongeBob, metalocalypse, the aquabats, they might be giants, happy monster band, hpii, moral orel, roblox, regretevator, the normal elevator, will wood, doctors who, Gorillaz, clone high, scott pilgrim, Parappa the rapper, cuphead, undertale, deltarune, muppets, milky way and the galaxy girls, fandomstuck, Sanrio, andrew kepple’s animation, battle for dream island, fnaf, gravity falls, Pokémon, htf, breaking bad, psychonauts, steam powered giraffe
★ my favorite band or artist:
tally hall, lemon demon, will wood, weezer, blur, insane clown posse, korn, tv girl, jack stauber, the Beatles, kmfdm, mitski, slipknot, they might be giants, devo, System of a Down, the b-52’s, oingo boingo, malice mizer, Gorillaz, the cure, cojum dip, mf doom, limp bizkit, your favorite Martian, that handsome devil, strawberry switchblade, Mr bungle, roar, kitties, mother mother, my chemical romance, radiohead, weird al yankovic, the garden, machine girl, aphex twin, bunk-tick, bôa, chonny jash, creature feature, edu, queen, descendents, fake type, goreshit, ghost, hot freaks, lamp, ludo, miracle musical, plus-tech squeeze box, polusics, s3rl, rob cantor, joe hawley (I don’t support him), rob zombie, self, scary bitches, serain poji, the aquabats, the scary jokes, Toby fox, XTC, Green Day, Tyler the creator, deftones, linkin park, björk, Pink Floyd, nirvana, daft punk, the smiths, steam powered giraffe, a verbal equinox, the stereosexuals, Operation ivy, reel big fish
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★ DNI!:
-Tallyshipper & pro/Darkshipper
-dream smp Stans
-Joe Hawley Supporters
-n$fw artists
-AI “Art” account
-weirdo bot
-lgbtqphobia & fatphobia
-f3tish artist
-zionist person
-dsmp fans
-Alfred playhouse fans
-boyfriends webtoon fans
-weirdo person in the fandom
-furry hater
-z00 and p3d0 person.
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Desert Song (My Chemical Romance)
From the lights to the pavement/From the van to the floor/From backstage to the doctor/From the earth to the morgue
Well after all, we'll lie another day/And through it all, we'll find some other way/To carry on through cartilage and fluid/And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?/Well tonight, well tonight will it ever come?
"It's a song about how much pressure and stress the band is under all the time to create, and how that seems like it's going to kill them. (Sadly relatable). It was also only ever recorded once, when Gerard was at the height of his alcoholism and was really drunk."
"This is one of the most "fuck you up" MCR B-sides. Since everyone's probably submitted the obvious contenders, here's a niche one."
The Doctor's Wife (Clockwork Quartet)
Don't let me go, my darling/Hold me safely 'til the morning/Promise when the lights are fading/You'll save me
"The story of it, this song has lived rent free in my mind for AGES. Like its a full on horror movie in a song, but its a tragedy of love and devotion and obsession and he spirals further and further as his wife slips away. All with an excellent steam punk edge! Just peak art."
Poll Runner: I've never heard a song that so thoroughly creeped me out... the story and the way it just repeats over and over with his failed attempts, the submitter is right, its like a horror movie wrapped up in a song. And the fleeting message his wife left intercutting the strict tempo with her words that haunt him... chills.
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foxgirlintestines · 1 year
I have to say, I've been enjoying Baldur's Gate 3, but the people hyping it up for the romanceable characters should really be ignored. Your options for romance are all different tropes of conventionally attractive character you'd expect to be in a white girl's romance novel or standard fantasy babe with a tiny bit of paint splashed on them. Even the Teifling Barbarian is just "punk" girlfriend barbie with red skin and horns.
But, lack of diversity in body type aside, the real reason the whole romance stuff sucks is that the relationships just kind of pop up out of nowhere and seem forced. Only one character, Karlach, has any motivation and thought put into why she would want a romance, and only one character, Astarion, has a believable reason to suddenly start a romance. BTW, before you give me weird looks about that second statement, the reason is he is bored and wants to fuck, I said it was a believable reason, not a good or compelling reason. For the others, it just seems like they suddenly break character once you get their approval rating high enough, especially Shadowheart who just seems to completely forget all of her backstory to suddenly stop being a bitch and suddenly be more palatable as a relationship when that is the conversation to doing a complete 180 in all other interactions.
The only thing I can really say in BG3's defense is that if you have played DnD with a bunch of horny people and the DM offers them the ability to go fuck NPCs or other player characters, it goes exactly like this. "Continuity be damned, I am going to try to fuck that pointy eared slut." I do not think this is what the game is actually trying to emulate, but that's the exact vibe I get from this part of the game.
I didn't really play the game with the romance stuff as a goal, though. If you want an automated DnD campaign that trades the full freedom of a real tabletop game for not having to find a DM and spending more effort trying to get people's schedules to match than actual gameplay, I would suggest this game. It's fun, it gives you a lot of room to be creative with how you solve puzzles, and it implements mechanics from the physical game well, even if they had to slim down some of the mechanics. However, if you just want to fuck the bratty white boy, there are actual porn games on Steam, and if you want to be fucked by a bear e621 is the place to go.
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plastic-tulips · 1 year
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@achapnamedtom tagged me to list 6 comfort films, it's also ages since I did one of these and I love listing anything so here we go!
Brief Encounter: what list of comfort films would be complete without a sad film to put on when you're feeling a bit fragile and want to enjoy a beautifully shot doomed romance amongst all the bits and bobs of a bygone era (the steam trains! the repressed emotions! the hats!)
We are the Best!: incredibly sweet and quietly realistic story about a trio of teenage punks in 1980s Stockholm. Wonderful naturalistic performances from the young cast makes me almost (almost!) nostalgic for my own early teens
Fantastic Mr Fox: I find the intentionally creaky handmade-ness of this film inherently comforting, especially the way the puppets' fur moves around like the 1930s King Kong. This was also the first thing I ever saw Jarvis Cocker in, so it's close to my heart for that reason too.
When Harry met Sally: yes the central tenet of this film clearly comes from a very different time but it's nonetheless an absolute treat, from the beautiful shots of autumn in New York to the believability of the relationship between the main characters. It's always on telly and I can never not watch it
Romantics Anonymous: what could possibly be more 'comfort film' than a story of two shy chocolate makers who are meant for each other but too afraid to say how they feel? It does that charming Gallic move of having a little musical number in the middle even though the film isn't really a musical, which I always find irresistible.
The Wicker Man: it's just so 70s and low-budget and unerringly odd that I can't help but be charmed by it. Even Christopher Lee's voice as he's sentencing Edward Woodward to get burned alive sounds soothing. I always give it a watch around springtime (May Day if possible) so it ties in with the general sense of renewal and optimism I think a lot of us feel around that time. RIP to Neil Howie but i'm different.
HONORARY MENTION goes to The Muppet Christmas Carol, not a comfort film in that I can stick it on at any old time of year but that little frog dressed as Tiny Tim makes me believe in the magic of Christmas every single year. Look at him.
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whew this ended up being a lot longer than I planned but anyway I tag @rock-n-rollin-bitch @snookicoin @tautittology @britannia-hospital @iwatch-thebees and @veradune
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
What do you think about the game "A Tale of Other Worlds and Demons"?
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I actually did play this a while ago and it was pretty fun! A Tale of Other Worlds and Demons is kind of like an isekai story except if you had three worlds pushed together. The story is about a girl named Faire who lives in a more medieval world, and meets a steam punk scientist named Astrifer and Leon, from the modern world. Along with the knight Gawain, the four explore the different worlds, and uncover theplot of Lucius, a possessive prince who is hellbent on marrying Faire and destroying the worlds if she does not comply. It's a bit more complicated than that considering the various routes, but they do go to the modern world and go to a renaissance fair (which is actually where I learned about renaissance fairs, go figure) as well as go to the steampunk world while trying to travel through universes.
The artwork in this game is pretty cool, it's done in a fairly painterly style, and as I recall, the backgrounds are fairly different with each other when it goes between worlds, which is pretty neat! I like how when they go to different places, it's watching a small adventure as the four of them bounce off of each other and learn from each other.
Personally I thought it was really interesting and really fun how each character goes through each of the different worlds. The various romances that Faire can have with the other characters are quite nice (from my memory, I think Leon's was pretty interesting) and just seeing the different characters come together and interact is pretty fun to see. The yandere in question is Lucius, since he does basically attempt to get married with Faire, threatening not only her friends but also her world, but as I recall, he also seems to be the type that will hurt Faire and feels more like seeing her as a possession rather than be in love with her than an obsessive type is like. He is the main villain of the game, and a pretty good one.
Like I said though, it's been a while since I played this game, but I do remember it was a good time and very different from other visual novels that I've played.
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