#steve tony games
stonyisforever · 11 months
Seasons of Life
Steve never appreciated the seasons until Tony entered his life.
Finding himself captivated by the enchanting sight of Tony's hair gracefully dancing in the gentle, spring breeze. The warm sunlight casting its golden beams upon Tony's eyes, illuminating the mesmerizing copper hues speckled within. His cheeks flushed rosy from the heat of the day and the trek from the rental cabin.
Tony’s hand firmly clasps his own before he’s led to a tranquil spot overlooking the pond, then is guided down to settle onto the damp grass beneath the shelter of an elm tree. The water rippling and shimmering brilliantly as a family of ducks casually swim by.
“Didn’t really have a chance to prepare a proper meal,” Tony admits, subconsciously rubbing the nape of his neck. “Only managed to pack some cold pizza and a couple beers.”
A faint smile tugs at the corners of Steve’s lips at Tony’s dismal attempt towards a romantic gesture. “Sounds perfectly good to me.”
The dazzling grin he receives is well worth the meager meal.
It’s worth anything.
With summer’s arrival, they’re afforded a trip to the beach. Allowing Steve to quietly admire the rivulets of water tracing along the contours of Tony’s body. His skin sun-kissed and shiny from poorly applied sunscreen. The undersized, gold and red speedo clearly chosen to scandalize Rhodey—who’s pointedly moved down shore with Pepper—rather than for the sake of fashion sense.
“I chased Jaws away,” Tony teases as he trudges out of the water. “It’s safe to come in now.”
“Oh, really?” Steve automatically plays along, enjoying the banter they’ve mastered over the years. “Did Iron man show up when I wasn’t looking?”
Feigning offense, Tony theatrically presses his hand to his chest. “Why, Cap, are you insinuating I’m weak and helpless?”
“Of course not,” Steve deadpans. “After such an impressive display of strength, surely carrying a frightened, super soldier without the armor would be a piece of cake for you. Wouldn’t it, Shellhead?”
A spark of challenge fleets across Tony’s face, causing Steve to raise his brows expectantly. “Exactly right.” Tony puffs out his chest in show of his determination. “Allow me to demonstrate.”
Later that night, Tony insists to the team the terrible aches from pulled muscles in his arms are due to jellyfish stings. And by morning, Steve ensures the comical sketch of jellyfish lifting dumbbells is placed strategically on the pillow beside Tony’s head.
Autumn brings an array of color and cooler temperatures. Enticing them to take a walk through the park to admire the changing colors. Leaves crunching underfoot as they stroll along, observing other couples intertwined and lost in their own worlds.
Steve appreciates Tony’s decision to wear the turtleneck sweater he gifted him, but remains concerned by strange discolored veins crawling up Tony’s skin towards his ear.
“Have you ever wondered if this is the only life we get?” Tony asks, apropos nothing, and stops to intently observe the leaves fluttering down.
There’s something oddly melancholy about his demeanor, but Steve’s long since embraced Tony’s vacillating moods.
“Sometimes,” he admits, shifting uncomfortably. “But, who knows?”
Tony swallows, the muscles of his throat visibly straining to do so. “What if we never see each other again?”
Steve blinks, momentarily taken aback by the grim concept. “Then, I guess we’ll have to appreciate it while we have the chance.”
Reaching to cup Tony’s face in his hands, Steve gently rubs a thumb over his cheekbone. Giving Tony a minute to melt into his touch before he leans in, pressing his mouth against slightly chapped lips.
Memorizing the sound of Tony’s appreciative moan as leaves skitter across the ground.
Tony stands by the window, enthralled by the winter storm and seemingly lost in thought as he sips absently at his hot cocoa.
Steve sets his respective mug onto the side table and moves to join Tony, encircling his shoulders with his arms.
“Are you all right?” Steve wonders against the shell of his ear.
“Always,” Tony responds as if on autopilot, but sinks back against him, letting Steve support his weight.
“Then, what’s on your mind?” Steve rephrases.
“Just wondering if Santa received my letter.”
Steve hums in response. Not exactly liking the dismissive tone, but knowing better than to press.
“What make you think you’re on the nice list this year?” Steve strives to lighten the mood, and smirks at Tony’s scoff.
“I’m always on the nice list,” Tony retorts. Then, corrects himself, “Except for that one time.”
Steve chuckles fondly, ducking down to kiss along the curve of Tony’s neck. Feeling the raised veins against his lips.
“What did you ask for?”
He catches the sharp intake of breath before Tony stiffens.
“Tony?” he starts, quelling the rising panic.
“More time…,” Tony answered at length, voice scarcely audible, “with you.”
Without elaboration, Tony turns in Steve’s embrace, and kisses him with a force Steve hasn’t experienced. Just shy of painful as Tony’s tongue dominates his mouth.
They make love passionately—desperately. The feel of Tony beneath him, his legs wrapped around Steve’s hips, delicious and heavenly.
“I love you,” Tony says breathlessly into Steve’s ear for the first time.
Steve can’t shake the feeling it might also be the last.
The world is encompassed by it.
No more sunshine.
No color.
No warmth.
The offerings at Tony’s grave are the only indication of passing time. Flowers withering and dying to be replaced by a fresh batch. The pictures in the frames fading, steadily erasing Tony’s smile.
Steve never hated the seasons until Tony exited his life.
------------------------ For @stevetonygames 2023 Team Past (screen name: ResilientSystem||Theyumenoinu) Square "Seasons"
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malice-kingdom · 2 months
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I know the Marvel’s Avengers game came out years ago and is widely unpopular but I really enjoyed it. I just thought the game was fun and the story was really great.
So here have a bunch of sketches about it
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ramen-flavored · 1 year
I need the characters I love to stop dying.
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stevetony-quotes · 1 year
Multiverse Husbands
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pockeymcmockey · 2 years
Me watching my comfort character die for the 100th time because I watch the same shows over and over again:
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massivespacewren · 10 months
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An art for the flashbang challenge for the @stevetonygames For the square "helmet". Tony lost his, and while Steve is still wearing his, Tony would know him anywhere. There will also be fic for this! We're calling the project "Fate Turns on a Swordpoint" edit: here's the fic on AO3
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jetblackfeeling · 2 years
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who fucks in the smiths0nian mu$eum on their first date
for @stevetonygames: team fuck, square: first date, challenge: camouflage. full pic on ao3
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sunnysideprincess · 8 months
Tony: Remember when you shot me in my face?
Bucky: Remember when you blew off my arm?
Tony: Remember when you and your bff left me in Siberia?
Bucky: Remember when you asked me to move in with you?
Tony: Remember when you asked me if I could ride you?
Bucky: Remember when you said you loved me?
Tony: Remember when you said you'd marry me?
Bucky: ...
Avengers: ...
Bucky: Okay, you have me there.
Tony: ...
Bucky: Marry me?
Tony: *scoffs* Fine. You win this round. *kisses him*
Steve: Remember when you said I could be the bridesmaid?
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persephonesfill · 3 months
i was tagged by @soliloquent-stark, thank youuu 💖💖
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
i'll be honest, i haven't written in the while so some of these might be a little clunky
deuteronomy 5:21: Steve is going to Hell. Not that he cares anymore.
like smoke rings in the air: Steve has a problem by the name of Tony Stark.
waste no part: Steve wakes up to the sun shining in his face and the smell of smoke, which means one of two things. Either someone has flash-bombed his house, or Tony's trying to cook by himself again.
act of contrition: Before the rest of the guests arrive, and the nave is still blissfully deserted, Steve drags Tony into the confessional.
bad reputation: Tony Stark, Natalie decides, is a goddamn moron.
only over you: When he arrives to Earth-8350 it's already too late; the civil war is in full swing and the superhero community has torn itself apart.
shades of cool: When Tony dies, Steve feels something inside of himself sever, like the fissuring of glass and stone.
perfect stroke: Tony had worn makeup for as long as he could remember. 
this charming man: Steve woke up to a world turned on its head and a bitter taste in his mouth.
early bird: Steve had always been an early riser.
as far as patterns go, it looks like recently i've been here for the short, punchy one-liner to ease the reader into the story, which makes sense given that a lot of these fics are on the shorter side. out of all of them, i think i like bad reputation the most. something about it—the fic as a whole, really—just makes me smile
i'm also tagging @cowboyhorsegirl @meidui @herogers @arabellamonkey @robertdowneyjjr and whoever else wants to play!
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hammah-banana · 9 months
Finnick Odair: *wakes up from being unconscious* What the hell?
Peeta Mellark: …
Johanna Mason: …
Katniss Everdeen: …
Finnick Odair: What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.
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gotlostonmywayhome · 10 months
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I feel like this is a conversation they had a lot when the team would make them sit up front on their own.
Created for @stevetonygames Team Future - Consequences as well as the Way Back Challenge doing the Incorrect Quotes Challenge from 2022
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stark---contrast · 10 months
@stevetonygames team Future | "Money" | 310 words | Avengers Assemble
"Oh, come on!"
Tony grinned. "Pay up, Rogers."
"This is extortion," Steve grumbled.
"Hey now, this is my property," Tony said. "Nobody forced you to be here."
"You're saying that like I had a choice," Steve spat. "But that's just how the world works, isn't it? The rich get richer, the poor get poorer."
Tony snorted. "Well, if you invested earlier…"
"I couldn't afford to because of your stupid taxes—"
"Jesus, Cap, it's just Monopoly," Clint groaned. "Pay the damn fake dollars and get on with it."
"Yes, make haste, friend!" Thor said. "I hope to purchase another railroad!"
"Hulk smash puny board!" the Hulk roared.
Tony saw Steve's neck flush as he turned to their friends.
"Uh…sorry, guys," Steve said.
Natasha looked up from where she'd been intently eyeing the board and smiled. "Don't worry about it."
"Do worry about it," Sam groaned, half-slumped over the coffee table. "We've been playing for two hours. Please just let Tony win and put me out of my misery."
"See? The people have spoken!" Tony said, pointing at Sam.
"Oh, hell no," Clint said. "Tasha and I are just getting started."
"What was our Monopoly record? Fourteen hours?" Natasha said.
"Okay, fine!" Steve said, slapping the remainder of his fake money on the table. "Here's all I have. Enjoy," he said, glaring at Tony.
"Why thank you very much!" Tony grinned victoriously and scooped up the bills.
"Thor, it's your turn," Sam said.
While the round continued, Steve huffed and leaned back against the couch, his shoulder bumping into Tony's. Tony glanced over just to see Captain America pouting like a child.
"It's okay, Cap," Tony said, patting Steve's hand. "I'll build another hotel in your honor."
"You're sleeping on the couch tonight," Steve grumbled.
Tony merely laughed and intertwined their fingers, his thumb rubbing over Steve's wedding band. "Of course, darling."
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marveluniversehero · 4 months
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Original Six Avengers Marvel Ultimate Alliance Video Game Wallpapers
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nakurumok · 1 year
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Somehow Steve finds the Superior™ version of his (yet-to-be boy)friend the most difficult villain he has ever encountered ;)
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Going on mission are always so hard. But if I can get that one good luck kiss then I’ll be alright.
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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (2000) is a skateboarding video game developed by Neversoft and published by Activision
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