#sticky note here
Sheldon: “Amy, I thought I would never want to marry anyone, so the fact that I found you is astonishing! It’s like finding dark matter! Except they’re looking for dark matter, I wasn’t even looking for you! So, you are even better than dark matter!” Amy: “Oh, Sheldon…” Sheldon: “Plus you interact with light so I can see you! And also you don’t account for the missing mass in the universe! Oh! And - “ Amy: “I think you are getting caught up on the ways I’m not like dark matter.” Sheldon: “Right. . .but when you make a discovery like this you don’t just take it down to city hall, you tell the whole world! And so I’ll say it in Latin, or Klingon, or smoke signals! But I want to do this right.” Amy: “Me too. Let’s go plan a wedding.” The Big Bang Theory 11x10 The Confidence Erosion
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paper-cities · 4 months
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
 Danny and his haunt are more than a little distressed to find out that Pariah Dark can’t be destroyed and can only be sealed away due to being the Ancient of Darkness. Danny is worried about someone trying to wake him up again, while his friends are more worried about the ghost going after the newborn Ancient of Space again. 
 They scour libraries, search high and low in both the Ghost Zone and the living world for a solution before finally just asking Clockwork. 
 And well, they feel like just a bit of idiots but also elated. 
 Because if Danny can become the new embodiment of space, then what’s to stop them from giving the power of darkness to someone else that’s not Pariah Dark? 
 They make a list of requirements, ask both ghosts and living friends. There’s nothing in their world, no one quite right, but what about other worlds? The realms are supposedly infinite right? So there had to be someone out there. 
 And while it takes a long, long time, they eventually find one when a small bloodied ghost of greens, golds, and reds comes forth shyly, eyes burning with determination. He speaks of heroes and villains- far more than their own world- of a city cloaked in shadow and of a single man trying to help despite it seeming impossible. 
 Who better to become the new Dark besides the dark knight himself after all? 
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infini-tree · 1 year
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8. To safely bring a person out of a trance, just snap your fingers, then give them a hug.
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declamationark · 7 months
Danny gets punted into the DC universe for some reason and proceeds to haunt Gotham because it’s gothic and there’s this hero cave with a bunch of cool tech (he misses Sam and Tucker) and this big family (he misses his mom and his dad and his big sis). He helps the vigilantes there with their battles and writes info he learns from spying on rogues on sticky notes (he misses clockwork) to leave by the files in the batcave. He thinks he’s being slick and stealthy but all the batfam realizes he’s there and basically pspspspspsps him into the family and somehow Danny never catches on
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alexmacc · 5 months
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welcome back to my corner of xfiles brainrot &happy one week and one day since i learned what the xfiles was 🫡
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rjrjrjrjrjrjrjrj · 9 months
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pm1073-b · 6 months
Lobobo heheheheeee
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Sorry for the shitty camera quality, but I did try to make it worse soooo
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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[Transcript under the cut]
Ernest, on sticky note:
dear, i'm out for a walk! ate some of Gunthy's cereal before leaving. tell him i'm sorry love, Ernest.
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anonymous-hopeful · 15 days
Hoon man x Sticky note Steven is good to me!
I say Hoon Man x Sticky Note Steven is good too! Goofy dopplegangers that get into goofy shenanigans. We need more HoonNote
Headcanon below!
Everyone knows Hoon Man is semi-mute, and while Sticky Note can communicate, he's a little lacking in expressions. How do they get past this communication barrier? A roll of tape, a lot of paper and even more crayons.
Whoever's working at the office supplies store absolutely jumps out of their skin after seeing a man with a paper for a face and a man who's only form of talking is "Hooooooon" come in, but hey, they always get the supplies for free! Plus, while they're there, they can get a backpack to carry it all in.
Whenever any other dopple tries to ask Hoon a question or strike up a conversation, he immediately takes out a stack of papers to draw out a comic strip of his response. He's not a bad artist, though Notes sometimes has to explain Hoon's silly doodles to anyone that doesn't understand his goofy little mind.
On the other side, whenever Notes is feeling any new kind of emotion, he takes out a paper and draws whatever face he's feeling. He still doesn't look like Steven in the face at all, but Hoon likes being able to tell what his partner is feeling.
There's also those little occasions where Notes lets Hoon draw his faces for him. Those faces get saved with the comics once Notes decides to change them out- after all, they were drawn by his special guy.
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otrtbs · 1 year
y’all are so weird. if you hate the way i characterized regulus in ahb! then,,, stop reading it? no one is forcing you to read it?? you can just put it down,,, you know that right???? who has the gun to your head making you click next chapter??? you can just stop reading it at any time. no really, trust me!
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gorgynei · 2 years
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midmorninggrey · 2 months
Tagged by @inquisimer to create my OCs in this picrew, and their swords in this picrew. Thank you! I've never done a picrew before - so many choices. Shout out to the artists who put them together!
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Gillian Hawke - If she's going to kill people, Gill figures she might as well use a fancy knife (rubies and gold preferred.)
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Celeste Trevelyan - I think this sword design is something crazy Cece would draw up to show Dagna. She has the tastes of any self-respecting teenage necromancer: bats, purple, and moss. Luckily for an Inquisition that is already struggling with a questionable image, the young Herald decides to stick with her bow and staff.
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Marcus (AKA Cal) - The sword with personal significance! It's supposed to have a carved griffon head on the pommel, but I thought the sunburst was nice. Marcus' silverite arming sword was a gift from Warden-Commander Duncan. Given his status as a mage, Marcus didn't need to learn swordsmanship, but he pursued it with a tenacity that earned him grudging respect from his fellow Wardens. However, his friend Magaleth the Mapmaker wasn't terribly impressed by his skills, so she enchanted a Lightning Rune into the sword.
Tagging onto @samseabxrn (I've been sending a lot your way so no pressure) and whoever else wants to look at all these snazzy character creation choices.
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papers-pamphlet · 16 days
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I am so normal
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 9 months
A sad interaction I imagined with Goldenheart's child and Nimona
This could work with any fanchild but I used mine (Atticus He is just baby comic Ambrosius I ripped off his design and personality I thought he was cute and wanted to give a version of him a family leave me alone) because reasons, but-
We all know Nimona has trauma regarding children seeing her as a monster. Now imagine: Goldenheart baby AKA Nimona's little sibling/nibling/godchild accidentally triggers that trauma when they just wanted to play
Nimona thought things were going perfectly since Atticus was adopted. She loved playing with him no matter how rowdy he got. Ballister went to work during the day, Ambrosius stayed home, kept track of things, watched and cared for Atticus, and sometimes Nimona did her own thing, but sometimes she'd help him out by playing with the boy for a little while. He loved to play with her. Until one occasion, he caught her off guard.
Ambrosius was prepping the vegetables for dinner-- he couldn't cook, but he tried to be of help by having the ingredients ready when Ballister got home-- and Nimona was sitting on the living room floor playing a video game. She heard his excited voice off to the side. "Nimona! I wanna play a game!"
"Sure thing, Sport, what game?" She wasn't really paying attention. She heard his giggles as he ran towards her. "Monster attack!" Her eyes widened, and he jumped on her swinging his wooden sword at her. "Monster attack!"
In a flash and without thinking, she smacked the sword out of his grasp and grabbed his wrist, teeth sharp and eyes narrow and glowing, "Do not call me that! I am not playing that game with you, you get that sword out of my face and you keep it that way, do you understand!?"
Immediately she realized what she'd done when he stared at her with fear and shock in his wide green eyes, and then his face crumpled as he started to cry.
"No, nonono, hey, Kit, it's okay," she softened her appearance and released his wrist, pulling him in for a hug. "Don't be scared of me, I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." She rubbed his back while he sobbed.
Ambrosius ran over, and Nimona winced, ready for him to yell at her or kick her out or do anything for making his child cry, but he just rested a reassuring hand on her shoulder before extracting his son from her arms. "Hey, buddy, hey, it's okay." He sat on the sofa and held him tightly, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry Nimona scared you, I know she didn't mean it. I think you startled her. You can't just run up to people and tackle them with swords, if you ask if they want to play a game with you, you have to tell them what game and wait for them to say yes before you start. I don't think Nimona wanted to play that game with you. We'll just be more careful next time, right?" He stroked his hair while Atticus blubbered.
He wiped his little eyes with his fists, hiccuping. "I– didn't– mean– to!" Ambrosius kissed his forehead. "I know. Where did you hear about that game? Monsters aren't real, baby. There is no such thing as a monster attack."
He sniffled, "I was just playing pretend! I th-thought she could tu- turn into a cool monster and we could play." Nimona looked down. If Atticus believed in monsters, what did he believe she was if not something to be attacked?
Ambrosius kissed his head. "Monster is just a mean word that people use to refer to what they don't understand. There was a time not long ago where people, including me, didn't understand a whole lot. And because of your Papa and Nimona, we do now. We know better than to call people monsters."
Atticus hiccupped again and wiped his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mimona. I didn't mean to call you a mean name!"
"You're good, buddy. I'm sorry I knocked your sword away and yelled at you. We'll play something else next time."
Nimona knew he probably didn't listen much to the lecture. He hadn't meant anything hateful or prejudiced, he just wanted to play a game. But she heard the lecture her once-nemesis gave. And she appreciated it.
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floydsteeth · 6 months
The moon will sing
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A song for me
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I loved you like
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The sun
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