#stiles can't-control-his-mouth stilinski
wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
Hi! I hope you're doing well. I just shared a gifset of de-aged Derek and present Derek pinning Stiles to the wall and was curious if there are any fics where de-aged Derek maybe sticks around longer than canon, and he and Stiles start dating because it looks like he'll be stuck like that. Then, of course, he gets aged up again at some point ... anything? Thanks!
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Out of the Mouths of Pups by cardel
(1/1 I 1,358 I General)
Everyone smells anxious and that should set off alarms in him but it doesn’t. The human begins walking towards him, slowly, until he’s standing in front of him. Derek looks up at him curiously, not feeling threatened, Derek stays calm.
That is until one of the werewolves takes a step closer to Derek, the human’s heartbeat picks up. This triggers Derek’s instinct to protect, and propel him to stand in front of the human. He flashes his alpha eyes at the approaching werewolf.
You feel like mine too... 🩵☄️🧡 by Eerien_Ent29
(1/1 I 2,681 I General)
Stiles' anger and frustration boiled over as he spoke with Erica on the phone. "What do you mean he's gone? I entrusted him to you guys so you could take care of him! What happened? What did you tell him?" His voice crackled with a mixture of concern and anger.
Of Boundaries and Bedroom Walls by AClosedFicIsNeverRead
(7/7 I 19,015 I Explicit)
Noah eyed the teenage werewolf with barely concealed apprehension, taking in the unhealthy measure of swagger and self-confidence oozing off the kid. He was entirely too good looking and built for 16 years old and it was clear that he damned well knew it.
Derek smiled back at the Sheriff, self-assured and showing off just a few too many teeth to look strictly human.
“Alright. Let me see if I’ve got this straight,” Noah began, rubbing his forehead as he prayed for strength. “You want me to allow a teenaged boy to sleep directly across the hall from my teenaged daughter with zero parental supervision while I’m pulling overnight shifts?”
“Daaaad!” Stiles groaned. “It’s still Derek!”
- OR -
The one where de-aged Derek moves in with the Stilinskis and becomes fixated on the delicious, hyperactive human girl. Sure, she says they won't be more than friends. That doesn't mean he can't try to change her mind, right?
anything that's dead shall be regrown by blueinkedbones
(26/? I 54,176 I Teen)
“Derek,” the guy with the hands says. He's still got his hands out, kind of reaching, kind of catching, kind of dropping to his sides. His voice is calm, but his eyes are too bright to sell it, and his heartbeat is out of control. “Are you—Do you know who we are?”
Derek swallows, thinks. If this is a treaty thing, another pack thing, why would they care about him? He's not even the alpha-in-training, he's nothing. Mom doesn't even bother explaining most werewolf politics to him. He knows most of it from Laura, Peter, from passing packs who used to think it was cute to tell the youngest beta their complicated histories and have it repeated back to them around still-awkward fangs. Now that's Cora, and not recently, either—She says she's too big to play kid games.
“No,” Derek decides. “Should I?”
A Wolf In Wolf's Clothing by alexenglish
(8/8 I 81,325 I Explicit)
The pack of Beacon Hills' past transgressions are about to converge on them, and Derek stumbles out of the forest with no recent memories and straight into a pack he doesn't know, with an alpha and an anchor he can't possibly remember.
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outtoshatter · 8 months
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Today's author spotlight: @dear-massacre! She has lots of ~spicy~ fics to choose from!
One shots:
Tension | E | 3k tags: dubious consent, underage, shower sex, porn without plot Summary: Stiles' bedroom tells the whole story: scattered ship bags, empty cans of soda, the muted starting menu for a video game. Next to Stiles is an xbox controller.
Derek grits his teeth. Fucking brat. "Stiles," he barks out, taking a step forward. Stiles snorts in his sleep, but otherwise doesn't respond. Derek crosses the room and grabs Stiles' shoulder. He shakes the bratty fucker, and says, "Wake up, Stilinski."
Stiles' eyes snap open. "What the -" he starts, staring up at Derek with clear alarm. "Mr. Hale?"
"You're late," Derek growls out.
"So you break into my house?" Stiles scoots up the bed. He's the picture of teenage petulance, all pursed lips and narrowed eyes. "That's fucked up."
It is fucked up. Derek sidesteps that particular detail and says, "Get dressed. You're going to school."
"Pass," Stiles sneers. "I'm sick, can't you see?" He coughs into his hand a few times. "So feel free to let yourself out."
"You have no doctor's excuse, and you look fine. This is your third tardy this week. Get up, now."
Stiles lifts his chin defiantly. "Make me."
In which Derek is an attendance officer at Beacon Hills High School and out of patience for Stiles' truancy.
The Horror of our Love | E | 4k tags: canon divergence, knotting, porn without plot, feral behavior Summary: "I'm not wearing a muzzle," Derek snaps.
"Look, if you wear this then we're golden! There's no way you can bite through this, Deaton said so."
"Oh well, if Deaton says," Derek says snidely. It's a silly argument. Sure, Deaton is shady and enjoys bending the truth on occasion, but unless it's a complex assassination plan he wouldn't lie about this. Something that Stiles knows that Derek is aware of.
"There's really no reason for him to lie," Stiles points out. "What's your real problem with it?"
"It's demeaning," Derek says through gritted teeth.
"What? No! Lots of werewolves have to wear one of these," Stiles says, waving the muzzle around. The leather and clasps jingle.
Derek sneers at him. "Wolves who can't control themselves."
"Pot and kettle, buddy. Wait, wait," Stiles says hurriedly when Derek turns to leave, "let's just... let's try it, okay? Come on, have I steered us wrong before?"
In which Derek can't control himself while having sex with Stiles and needs to be muzzled.
Lace and Cologne | E | 3k tags: light Dom/sub, porn without plot, public sex Summary: Derek leans in close, then, his nose pressed against Stiles’ neck. He inhales slowly, almost like he’s savoring Stiles’ scent. “Did you want me? Like, back in Beacon Hills, did you want me?” Stiles asks, even though he knows the answer already. He just wants to hear it.
“Of course I did,” Derek says, his eyes hooded. The waitress brings their drinks and sets them down on the table before fucking off. “You still wanna be good for me?”
Fuck. He grabs his drink, just an IPA in a frosty glass, and gulps it down. Derek watches, a weird little smile on his face. “Yeah,” Stiles says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “okay.”
“On the floor.”
In which Derek and Stiles meet again in a nightclub.
Bruised Like Violets | E | 3 works tags: magic Stiles, underage, magic Derek, alpha Derek, canon divergence, knotting, horror elements Summary for the first one: Stiles stares at the ceiling, completely flabbergasted. Derek Hale wants him. For real. This isn’t another Lydia situation, where he needs to pine and slowly try to work his way in from the edges of someone’s life.
Derek likes him already. Derek is nice to him. Derek answers his questions and his texts and buys him magical things.
He presses a hand against the spot Derek bit and shivers. That action had felt kind of wolfy, like Derek forgot to pretend to be a human man. Maybe that’s it, then, for Derek. Stiles is someone he doesn’t have to pretend to be human with. Maybe after summer ends, after Boyd and Erica are safely corralled in Beacon Hills, Derek will go back to fucking women like Tina or whatever that chick’s name was.
Stiles isn’t complaining. He’ll take what he can get.
In which Derek is a magical werewolf boy and Stiles becomes his emissary.
Go check out aconitehart's AO3 page, and don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos and maybe even a comment!
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sterekbros · 1 year
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Ficlet for @sterekweekly word prompt #sterekweeklybacon And @warmandfluffybingocards square breakfast in bed
breakfast in bed
Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Eli Hale (Teen Wolf) Tags: Established Relationship, Omega Stiles Stilinski, Alpha Derek Hale, Mpreg, Fluff, Breakfast in Bed
Stiles stretched in bed, sighing softly as his muscles relaxed and his bones cracked like an ancient mummy moving for the first time in centuries.
He smiled as he smelled the delicious scent of bacon wafting in from the kitchen, hearing the constant chatter of Elijah talking away about nothing and everything at the same time, Derek’s soft tones assuring their son that he was listening when Elijah asked if he was paying attention.
Stiles rubbed at his belly when he felt baby Ava moving around as if trying to say she was ready to come out and meet the world. He was just as much ready for her to be born as she was. He’d permanently moved into Derek’s clothes at this point, stealing his sweats, sweaters, and shirts, even if they were stretched out around his belly because they still weren't quite big enough for Stiles being near to term with their second child.
He considered his options. He could lay in bed and wait for Derek to come to check on him once he realized he was awake and Eli gave Derek a moment to breathe or Stiles could struggle bus it out of bed and hope that he didn't fall when he rolled over the edge. If he could get onto his hands and knees he could at least crawl out of bed and waddle his way to the kitchen.
Stiles sighed and rubbed at his face with a yawn. Okay, he had to get up.
Before he could move, a warcry from the kitchen sounded and Elijah came running into the room screaming as if he were being chased. Stiles laughed and then hissed as Elijah collided with him in bed, tucking himself against Stiles’ side.
“Be careful kiddo,” Stiles teased and hugged Elijah close, giving his son a kiss on the head.
“It’s time to get up! We made breakfast! And you know what we made with breakfast? Bacon!”
Stiles laughed. “Is it good? I bet it’s good.”
“Yep!” Elijah half-yelled with a grin. He really didn't know how to control his volume yet, so everything Elijah said was basically yelled with enthusiasm.
“Elijah, what did I say about waking your daddy up?” Derek asked, walking into their bedroom with a tray full of food.
“Sorry, Dad… I wanted him to eat the breakfast we made!” Elijah pouted, even though Stiles knew it was a big show. He chuckled and ran his hand over Elijah’s floppy hair.
“Alright, scoot over kiddo so your dad can help me sit up. I can't eat this yummy breakfast laying like this in bed.” Elijah scooted over to Derek’s side of the bed as Derek put the tray on the nightstand, then circled around the bed to help Stiles.
Stiles tried not to feel like a whale as Derek helped him while he scooted around and propped him sitting up in bed with a ton of pillows propping him up. He sighed with relief and ran his hands over his belly, soothing himself and baby Ava.
“Ready eat, little girl?” Stiles asked his belly with a smile. Derek chuckled and kissed Stiles’ forehead before going back around the bed and climbing in, Elijah crawling to sit between them.
“I think she’s ready to eat all the time.” Derek smiled and grabbed the tray, balancing it on his lap and handing Stiles a plate. Stiles did the only thing he could do, balancing the plate on his belly carefully. He looked at the eggs, bacon, and sausage piled generously on the mismatched plate.
Stiles’ stomach growled and Ava kicked him simultaneously as if telling him he needed to hurry up and start eating.
“Alright, alright,” he grumbled and took the spoon Derek gave him, shoveling first eggs into his mouth and then following it with the tastiest piece of bacon he’d had since at least yesterday. He groaned in satisfaction and smiled as he looked at Derek and Elijah, their son curled in Derek’s lap as Derek helped him eat his breakfast.
Derek was the best mate and husband Stiles could ever wish for and watching him become the best father was something that Stiles had the joy of experiencing.
“Hey, babe?” Stiles smiled at Derek when Derek looked over at him with his questioning eyebrows. “I love you, you know that?”
“I love you too,” Derek said softly, taking Stiles’ hand as he reached out for him.
“I love you too!” Elijah practically squeaked at them.
They both laughed and Stiles was filled with warmth and love as they ate in bed, thinking about how much he couldn't wait to have baby Ava in his arms to share moments like this with her and their little family.
And Stiles knew she’d be beautiful, just like Derek, with his kaleidoscope eyes and dark hair, and hopefully, she’d have a splatter of moles across her skin too.
She was going to be perfect and theirs and Elijah was going to be the best brother he could be. Stiles was so excited for their family to grow.
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green-fifteen · 7 months
Day 7: Kiss it Better
Prompt: Recovery Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Summary: Even a magical dad needs backup sometimes. Word count: 1,793 read on ao3 instead
written for @fluffyfebruary
The McCall house was full of people. They packed in together on the living room rug, leaned against the walls in the hallways, slid around each other in the kitchen to grab this or that. They spilled out of the door to the backyard, where John Stilinski and Chris Argent were not-so -passive aggressively fighting for control of the grilling spatula. Stiles couldn't believe they knew this many people, but he did recognize almost everyone he saw, with a few Argent exceptions.
His favorite (former) Argent was currently scrubbing a horrifically caked-on serving dish, muttering to herself about something he couldn't hear in the all of the party noise. Stiles, his hands and arms full of hot dog and hamburger buns, took pity on her. As Allison held the platter underwater, as if to drown it and be rid of it for good, he focused his gaze. It didn't take long for his magic to find the source of her problem and it scoured the baked-on food in an instant, as if it had never been there. She turned around to face him and almost grabbed him up in a hug before she noticed he was carrying bread. Thank you, you're amazing she mouthed instead.
These days, Stiles' magic was literally the ultimate household problem-solver. It seemed to have changed over the years as he settled and aged and now the things it did best basically amounted to chores. Cooking? Cleaning? Mysterious underwear stains? All he needed was a few seconds of focus and his magic could do it all.
Stiles waved away her thanks and continued outside to the patio, where the grill sat beside a pair of long white tables. There wasn't really any room for all the buns he held, so he just dropped them on top of some of the toppings, trusting the gathering of assorted mythical and/or magical beings to be able to open and use them for themselves. As he stood back, a shape darted out at his legs from beneath the tablecloth. Years of practice had honed his reflexes and he bent down to catch the beast just before it collided with his kneecaps.
"Grargh!" it cried, but its roaring dissolved into laughter as Stiles tucked it under one arm and began walking toward the woods that bordered the house on one side.
"I can't believe these creatures keep getting past my wards," he grumbled, letting out a frustrated huff. "Oh well." He set it down in the grass and nudged it with his foot. "Back to the woods with you, beast."
This time, the little thing jumped to tackle him, and Stiles let himself fall to the ground. "Oh no! Somebody, help!"
"Rarg! Graah!"
"I'm being mauled by a creature of the night!"
He continued wailing and being afraid for several moments, after which he seemed to find a second wind and pinned the little monster.
"I won't let you hurt any more innocent people," he cried, voice desperate and determined. "This is a birthday party!" And he reached down to tickle the creature's belly. It writhed in place, shrieking with laughter until suddenly it stopped. Stiles stopped too, watching its little face.
"Daddy," it said seriously. "I actually need to use the bathroom."
"Oh." Stiles climbed back to his feet and then lifted the little boy into his arms. Dry leaves and bits of grass clippings fell from their hair and clothes as they stood up.
"Do you need any help?" he asked.
"No. I can do it by myself," his son replied and then darted into the house.
"Patrick! No running on the patio," he called after him.
When he turned, his father was standing at his shoulder with a paper plate. "Grub time," he grunted. "Where's your husband? I bought cheddar dogs just for him and they're no good cold."
He shrugged and sighed. "He's supposed to be getting the cake but I think he got held up. He'll be here soon, just keep his food in the grill with the lid closed."
"Like I wasn't gonna do that anyway."
"Yes, yes, thank you, Dad."
At that moment, two things happened at once. Stiles heard glass break and turned his body toward the pool, where everyone seemed to have frozen in shock. Just as they started moving, everyone hurrying out of the water, he heard a second noise, one that kicked up his parental instincts the instant it hit his eardrums. Whirling around, he saw his kid sobbing on the concrete patio just in front of the sliding screen door, knee scraped up and beginning to bleed.
Without hesitation, he strode over to his son and hefted him into his arms. He was almost getting too heavy to be held like this and the screaming crying was happening way too close to his ear, but Stiles held on to him as he walked back over to the pool, trying to comfort him with soft words and rubbing his back.
Melissa McCall was pulling little kids out of the water, reassuring them gently that they'd be able to get back in soon. "You can't see shards of glass in the water," she said, voice gentle but firm. "You might really hurt yourself." As Stiles approached with his son, the kids looked up at him crying in pain and scrambled out as fast as they could.
Melissa met his eyes with a small smile, as if to say, Oh boy, what a mess.
Stiles could get the glass out of the pool. Without calling in a specialist or draining the pool, which would take too long, his magic was the only option if anyone wanted to use it again during the party. He looked at his son, gasping for breath where he was perched on his hip. Maybe he could calm him down and then come back to fix the pool? There was no way he'd be able to focus with him bleeding onto his jeans.
One thing at a time he told himself. He crouched down and pulled the little boy into his lap, rocking and shushing. "Really hurts, huh?" he murmured.
Patrick only wailed, tears and snot dripping down his face. Stiles heard another child start to cry somewhere nearby, likely startled by the glass breaking and only further upset by the sobbing Stiles had brought over the them. He was really starting to think, Those damn wolf powers would be pretty handy right about now and cursing his magic for being selectively useful, when a hand landed on his shoulder.
Derek was crouched on the balls of his feet just next to him, eyes fixed on Patrick's red face. To Stiles, he looked like an angel sent to rescue the both of them. He squeezed Stiles' shoulder lightly and then reached out for the boy.
"Hey, Pat," Derek said, gently. "Look, Pat, Papa's here."
Patrick's eyes flew open and he lunged forward into Derek's arms. Stiles fell back onto his hands and patted his husband's thigh in thanks. He could see black lines tracing their way up Derek's forearms, beginning with the little knee he held in one hand and traveling up under his sleeves. The pained wailing was already dropping off, replaced by Patrick's normal, more familiar fussing. Even that faded into the background as Derek walked them both over to the food table, kissing and soothing the little guy as he went.
Stiles turned back to the pool. It was the work of a few heartbeats to make it safe again-- he stared into the water and imagined he could hear the tinkling of the shards as molecules of water brushed over them. He imagined he saw their jagged edges glinting beneath the brighter gleam of the water's surface. Then-- blink-- suddenly he could see the fragmented pieces and he could hear the barely-there tinkling of water on glass. Focus came easily with something to fix it to and he let his magic free to find the problem. The pieces were gone in seconds.
"Alright!" he shouted. "Open swim!" The splashing started up again immediately and he had to scurry away to avoid being hit. Smiling, he made his way to the grill. His father was holding Patrick while Derek stood at the start of the condiment line with two paper plates, a burger on one and a cheddar-filled hot dog on the other.
Stiles stepped in close to him and kissed his bristly cheek. "You never stop saving my life," he chirped. Then, "Is that for me?"
"Yes." He handed Stiles the plate with the burger. "Sorry I was late, there was an issue at the bakery and then traffic was pretty bad on the way back."
Stiles tsked. "That's what we get for going to the bougie place for a five year old's birthday cake. Grocery store sheet cake next time."
When they finished filling their plates and returned to their son, he was staring raptly at the sheriff, who was telling a story in big, exaggerated motions.
"And that's why you never peel off your band-aids, son," he was saying as they came within earshot.
When Patrick saw them, he squirmed out of John's hold to the ground and ran up to Stiles.
"Daddy," he said. "Papa made my leg feel better, but it still hurts. You have to kiss it so it heals and I don't get a bacterial infection." Stiles shot a bewildered look at his father, who only smiled serenely.
"Of course," he said, smiling when he looked back at his son, then planted a loud kiss to the skin just below the open wound. "Now it will heal all better in no time. No infections."
Patrick stood up and dashed away before Stiles could even process it, screeching and chasing one of his little playmates.
"Has he eaten yet?" Derek asked him. Stiles stood up cracked his back.
"He can eat later. Or maybe he'll just have cake for dinner. It's his birthday, who cares?"
Derek sighed but smiled and tugged Stiles into a hug. "I cares. You cares. We all cares when the birthday boy doesn't fall asleep tonight. And Daddy and Papa and Patrick all stay up doing jigsaw puzzles until midnight again."
"You love family puzzle time," Stiles counters, poking him in the ribs.
"Is there really nothing else you would rather do tonight?" He pushed his nose into the space behind Stiles' ear. "I haven't seen you all day." He breathed in a huge inhale.
"Quit sniffing me, my dad is standing right there." Stiles smacked him and pulled out of the embrace. "Fine, I'll go track down the beast. Make a plate for him?"
Derek hummed an agreement and Stiles took off after their kid.
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taeswolfie · 11 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆
☽︎𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚☾︎
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Ch.02 - Ch.04
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
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Y/n lays asleep in her bed, hair splayed across her pillow and lips slightly parted as slow and steady breaths move her chest. Her sleep is peaceful until a distant howl is heard. Her brows furrow and her breathing picks up a bit as she starts to shift in her sleep. Her hands clench and her legs move, her sheets quickly becoming wrapped around them as her head moves to the side. Another howl rips through the air. Her skin is coated with a thin layer of sweat as she starts to pant, her face conveying the fear from her dream.
The color yellow.
Bloody claws.
Red eyes.
She sits bolt upright with a gasp, her eyes wide and glowing their violet hue, hands grasping at her chest. She looks down and holds her hands in front of her face. When she sees they're clean she sighs in relief. She rakes a hand through her hair as she takes deep breaths to calm herself. In through the nose, out through the mouth. As she calms down her irises dim to their normal e/c hue. The details from her dream instantly start slipping from her mind and she can't remember anything that happened. All she remembers is the fear when she saw them. The red eyes. They were angry, power hungry, a fire of rage flickering within their depths. She had a feeling she wouldn't be getting back to sleep tonight so she grabbed a blanket and went to the living room to watch TV until it was time for her to get ready for school.
"So you killed her?" Stiles asks as he opens the school door, letting Y/n and Scott through before following himself. Scott had been telling them about his nightmare where he wolfed out and killed Allison on a school bus.
"I don't know." Scott shrugged. "I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."
"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently."
"TMI, Stiles." Y/n gave him a slightly disgusted look, but still chuckled at his blunt delivery.
"A) I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B) never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Scott continued.
"Noted." Stiles nodded. "Let me take a guess here."
"No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."
"No, of course not." Scott looked at Stiles for a moment before he caved. "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right?"
"You know, dreams have a way of showing us our own stresses and desires. We process things through our dreams. That particular one could be your own worries and fears about hurting her." Y/n shared.
"Personally I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly." Stiles complimented. "You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take."
"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher." Scott hinted.
"Who, Derek?" Stiles smacks the back of Scott's head and Y/n promptly returned the gesture to Stiles. He looked at her in offense, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't hit him. He has a point." She scolded.
"You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?"
"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real." Scott said.
"How real?" Y/n asked.
"Like it actually happened." The boys open each door and Y/n trails behind Stiles as they walk out only to take a few steps and pause at the sight of a bloody and damaged school bus.
"I think it did." Scott looked at Stiles shocked.
"She's fine, Scott." Y/n assured as she and Stiles followed the now panicked boy.
"She's not answering my texts, Y/n." He fretted.
"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" Stiles tried to reassure.
"A seriously amazing coincidence. Just help me find her, okay?" Scott frantically looked front and back for any sign of Allison. "Do you see her?"
Y/n could hear his rapidly increasing heartbeat. "Scott, you need to calm down. Allison is just fine." Her words fell on deaf ears as he anxiously raked a hand through his hair and turned a corner. Y/n and Stiles fell back when he leaned against a locker. He gripped it as he breathed harshly before yelling out and punching the locker so hard the door dented and swung crookedly on one hinge. Stiles went to go to him but Y/n stopped him. "Just wait. I've got a good feeling."
"How can you have a good feeling about that?" He flailed an arm loosely in Scott's direction.
She turned to look at him. "Just trust me." He looked between her eyes, his own showing hesitation, before he nodded. They watched as Scott backed away from the locker and into the adjacent hall where he bumped right into Allison, accidentally making her drop her books. Allison smiled and said something they couldn't hear and Y/n could practically see the relief on Scott when he realized it was her. "See? I told you." Y/n smiled at Stiles in triumph and he just huffed a laugh at her. Everyone's attention was then drawn to the PA system as an announcement was made.
"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."
There's a collective groan from the students and Y/n chuckles at their reactions. "Come on, let's get to class." Y/n grabbed Stiles hand and led them down the hall.
In Chemistry, Mr. Harris writes on the chalkboard. Y/n sits in the farthest back corner away from the teacher due to the fact that she wasn't a big fan of him and sitting there, there was less chance of her being called, him being a douche, and her responding in kind resulting in detention. No matter how much she tried to hold her tongue something in her blood made her snark back at him.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door." Y/n's writing pauses as she hears Scott quietly talk to Stiles who was sitting right behind him.
"Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." Stiles speculated.
"And did what?"
"Ate it."
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while." Mr. Harris said snidely. Y/n had to clench her teeth and close her eyes at the ass of a teacher. "I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"
"No." Stiles denied but his mind was set. Mr. Harris gestured to different seats farther apart and the boys obliged.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." Stiles scoffs a laugh and settles in the empty space next to Y/n.
"You guys need to learn how to whisper better." Y/n actually whispered with a teasing smile. Stiles nudged her with a small smile and she quietly snickered until a gasp rang through the room.
"Hey, I think they found something." A girl jumped from her seat and everyone followed her to the window to see a group of EMT's wheeling an injured man on a gurney to an ambulance.
"That's not a rabbit." Scott pointed out. The man sat up and screamed, making everyone in the class jump back and scream. Scott backed up more than others in shock.
"Hey, this is good, right?" Y/n asked when she noticed Scott and followed him, Stiles coming a moment later.
"Yeah," Stiles agreed, "this is good. He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that."
"Guys..." Scott called. "I did that."
The trio grabs their lunch in the cafeteria and goes to an empty table. "But dreams aren't memories." Stiles said.
"Some people dream about their memories." Y/n pointed out.
"Then it wasn't a dream." Scott reasoned as they sat down. "Something happened last night. And I can't remember what."
"What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asked.
"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed. Ask Y/n, she saw him." Stiles looked at the girl who shrugged and nodded. "He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy."
"You don't know that." Y/n denied.
"I don't not know it. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."
"No, you're not canceling, all right?"
"You can't just cancel your entire life." Stiles agreed. "We'll figure it out."
"Figure what out?" Lydia's voice appeared with her sitting her tray down next to Scott and across from Y/n.
Stiles practically choked on a laugh and Scott was caught off guard at the sudden appearance so Y/n rolled her eyes and spoke up. "Just homework." Y/n smiled at her friend.
"Yeah." Stiles agreed and then whispered to his friends. "Why is she sitting with us?" Scott gave him a look that said he didn't know while Danny sat next to Y/n, Allison sat next to Scott, and another boy and girl took the empty spots on either end of the table.
"Hey, Danny boy."
"Hi, Y/n." He smiled in greeting. While Y/n didn't get along with Jackson, his friend Danny wasn't so bad.
"Get up." Jackson ordered the boy sitting at the end next to Lydia and Danny.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" The boy complained.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny sassed back. Jackson practically shoved the boy off the chair and sat down himself. Y/n grimaced at the new addition to the table. "So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar."
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia smartly corrected. Jackson gave her a weird look and she smoothly backpedaled into an unsure look. "Isn't it?" Y/n raised her brow at Lydia's act, shaking her head with a small huffed laugh.
"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."
"Literally no one asked for your thoughts on that, Jack-ass." Y/n glared at Jackson who returned the gesture, but before he could retort Stiles piped up.
"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." He held out his phone so everyone could see the news report being played.
"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."
"I know this guy." Scott realized.
"You do?" Allison asked.
"Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Scott, Stiles and Y/n were slightly stunned by this revelation but it didn't really mean much to anyone else.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia asked. "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Allison looked at Lydia, chewing her food in a surprised manner. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"
Scott looked at Allison and she swallowed. "Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do."
"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun. Y/n, are you coming?"
The h/c raised her brows at Lydia. "Uh, no, I'm not. There'll be enough estrogen with you, Allison, and Jackson there so I'm good." Lydia playfully glared at her while Jackson rolled his eyes.
"Hanging out?" Scott questioned and Allison looked like a fish out of water. "Like, the four of us?" Stiles put a hand over his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut to block out the horror going on. Scott looked at Allison again. "Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Y/n watched this exchange in utter amusement, sipping on her drink to hide her grin.
"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson asked and picked up a fork. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Stiles rolled his eyes as he drank some of his water.
"That does sound fun! Let me do the honors for you." Y/n brandished her own fork with a sickly sweet smile.
Lydia reached over and snatched both of their utensils. Then she gasped. "How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia looked at Jackson. Stiles munched on a fry and desperately tried to signal to Scott with his eyes to get out of this situation.
"Yeah, with actual competition."
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison challenged. "You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott.
"Sort of." He replied not-so convincingly.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson dogged down Scott.
"Yes." This time Scott sounded more sure. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"You're a terrible bowler." Y/n laughed as she and Stiles followed Scott through the halls.
"I know! I'm such an idiot."
"God, it was like watching a car wreck." Stiles observed. "I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Stiles gripped his head in remorse at the dreaded phrase.
"Hang out."
"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death."
"You guys hang out with me. Am I not as pretty as Allison?"
"No." She raised a brow at Stiles like you really just, and he quickly backpedaled. "That- that's not what I mean. It's different with you."
"It just is." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, picking up her pace because now she has to go to the Clinic with Scott today because Stiles kept her from it the other day.
Stiles turned back to Scott. "But once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."
"How is this happening? I either killed a guy or I didn't."
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." The two boys now having very different conversations.
"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"
"I make first line, and the Team Captain wants to destroy me, and now-" Scott looks at the time on his phone, "now I'm gonna be late for work." Scott caught up with Y/n as they left the school.
"Wait, Scott, you didn't- am I attractive to gay guy-" he tried yelling out but stopped himself, "you didn't answer my question." He muttered and walked the other way.
"Don't worry, Scott. It's just a couple minutes." Y/n assured as she and Scott dismounted their bikes outside the Animal Clinic. Scott rushed in while Y/n went at a normal pace.
"Sorry. Sorry." She heard Scott say once he got to the back room.
"You're all of two minutes late." Alan said.
"Told you." Y/n smiled once she also got into the back room.
"I just don't want you to think I'm slacking." Scott explained.
"Scott, I guarantee you, you're one of the least slacking kids in this town." Scott smiled.
"I hope I'm one of the others?" Y/n looked at Alan.
"Of course. When you actually make it in, that is." He joked.
"I said I was sorry for the other day! I can't help Stiles dragging me this way and that." Y/n helped move a box around and Scott smiled at the exchange, but it faded when he saw the Sheriff at the door. He became anxious until the door opened and he saw one of the K-9 police dogs with him. Y/n looked over at the noise and instantly went into doggy voice mode. "Hi there, buddy. Are you ready to get your stitches out? Huh?" She kneeled down to the German Shepherd and petted his fur. "Hiya, Sheriff." Her voice was normal when talking to the humans.
"Hi, Y/n. Hey there, Scott. You staying out of trouble?"
"Yeah." Scott said simply. Alan helped Y/n lift the dog onto the exam table. He whimpers as his bandaged front leg is moved but settles down onto the metal surface.
"Oh, you're such a trooper." Y/n cooed and stroked the dog's fur to calm him more.
"Hey, listen, while I'm here, you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about? Sacramento still can't determine an animal." Noah handed an evidence envelope to Alan.
"I'm not exactly an expert." Alan pulled out the photos and looked at them. "This is the guy who was attacked in the bus?" Scott's head picked up at this and Y/n glanced at him.
"Yeah. And we found wolf hairs on Laura Hale's body."
"A wolf?" Scott asked. "I mean, I think I read somewhere that wolves haven't been in California for, like, 60 years."
"True enough, but wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state driven by impulse or strong enough memory."
"Wolves have memories?"
"Long-term ones, yeah." Y/n informed.
"If associated with a primal drive." Alan added. "See this one here?" Alan showed a picture to Noah.
"Those are claw marks. A wolf would have gone for the throat or the spinal cord with it's teeth." He curled his fingers in front of his neck for demonstration.
"So what do you think, it's a mountain lion?"
"I don't know. A wolf could chase down it's prey, hobbling it by tearing at the ankles. And then the throat."
In the evening it was only Y/n and Alan left in the Clinic. They had finished closing up and they now stood in the back room, Y/n had just told Alan about Scott's 'dream'. "And the weirdest part is I had a dream too. I can't remember what it was but I remember red eyes. And I think I heard howling, but I'm not sure."
"You think it was the Alpha that attacked that man?" Alan asked.
"Yes. Scott isn't like that, he wouldn't attack someone like that. But the Alpha... I feel like he definitely would. And the eyes... It's not a coincidence."
"He must have at least been there to have a dream or memory like that."
"He can't remember. If I wasn't hiding I could try and help him remember but..." Her brows furrow and she frowns.
"It's okay. You're not ready to share who you are and that's perfectly understandable considering your past."
Before she can respond she gets a message from Stiles saying that he was picking her up with Scott. "Looks like I'm going out." She sighs as she puts her phone away and gathers her things.
"I know you're capable, but just be careful, all right?"
She gave him a smile. "Always." She gives him a hug before they part ways, him going home and her waiting for Stiles. Once they arrive she hops in the back and they fill her in on where they're going. Derek had told Scott to go back to the bus and let his senses remember for him.
Stiles pulls up near the closed fence of the school. The three get out, Y/n leaning against the front of the Jeep while the boys walk off. "Hey, no, just me." Scott said to Stiles. "Someone needs to keep watch."
"Y/n's doing that."
"How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"
"Because there's only three of us and the more eyes watching out, the better."
"Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't want to be Robin all the time."
"Nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time."
"Not even some of the time?"
"Just stay here."
"Oh, my God!" Stiles groaned and trudged back to the Jeep. He gets into the driver's side and she gets back into the back.
"What's wrong, Stilinski? You don't like keeping an eye out with me?"
"No, I just don't want to be on the side lines." He pouted.
"You're not. This is just... This is something he needs to do alone. He needs to be absolutely focused on his senses so he can remember." They lapse into silence for a while, watching Scott's figure inside the bus as a light rain started. She glances over at Stiles after a minute and noticed he was still pouting. "Don't pout." She chucked him under the chin. "You're too cute to pout." She smiled and winked. His eyes slightly widened at her actions, and before he can even think of responding lights caught their attention, drawing their eyes away from each other and towards the bus. "Crap." She reached over and started honking to get Scott's attention.
Scott scrambled out of the bus and clambered on top of a red car, somersaulting over the fence. "Come on, come on." Stiles urged as Scott hurried into the Jeep.
"Go! Go! Go! Go!" He yelled and Stiles peeled away from the school.
"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles asked frantically.
"Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood- a lot of it was mine."
"So you did attack him?"
"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."
Y/n perked up at this. "What color were the eyes?"
"Why does that matter?"
"What about the driver?" Stiles cut in.
"I think I was actually trying to protect him."
"Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Y/n tried to reason.
Scott sighed. "That's what I don't get."
"It's got to be a pack thing." Stiles theorized.
"What do you mean?"
"Like an initiation. You do the kill together."
"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?"
"Could be, who knows? But the point is you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer!" Y/n gave him a smile.
"And it also means that-" Scott cut Stiles off.
"I can go out with Allison." Scott smiles with relief.
"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us." Stiles gestured to himself and Y/n.
"Oh, yeah. That too."
Y/n sits in the corner of her room, the corner she has dedicated purely to art. Not many people would guess but Y/n loves to paint. Granted she doesn't do it that often but when she does it's either because she had muse to or because she just needs to get her thoughts and feelings out and a great way to do that is through art. When she's in these moods it usually takes a lot to drag her away from her easel.
With everything going on lately she definitely needed a night to use her favorite outlet. She set up a large-ish canvas, about 18" by 26", on her easel and set her paints on a black card table, speckled with paint from previous works. She has a tall Mason jar filled with water and paper towels to dry and clean her brushes. She ties her hair up, rolls up her sleeves, turns up her music, and gets to work. She goes into a type of trance, the kind where you're so focused on what you're doing the outside world is faded and you don't even really notice what you're doing either. She lays a foundation of black, scarring the inky surface with angry reds and blazing oranges. She pours everything she's been feeling lately into this piece. Her frustrations, her fears, her worries, her nightmares. Everything.
She finally takes a break after a while when her phone starts to ring. She glanced at it and saw it was Lydia. She sighs and puts the brush into the cloudy water, turning down the music before answering. "Hey, Lydie."
"Hey, N/n."
"What's up?" She sat on her bed.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just with Allison getting ready to go out. Are you sure you don't want to come? It'll be fuuun." She added in a sing-song voice.
"I'm sure it will, but as much as I love being a pain in Jackson's ass, I don't really feel like being the fifth wheel tonight."
"Aw, boo." Y/n could practically see Lydia's playful pout now and smiled. "Alright, well if I can't convince you I'll let you go to do whatever weird things you like to do."
"Why, how gracious of you!"
Lydia sighed. "I know. You're so lucky to have me as a friend."
The two laughed. "I sure am. Bye, Lydia. Say hi to Allison for me."
"Will do. Toodles." Y/n laughed to herself again as she hung up with the red head. She set her phone aside and turned her music back up to finish her painting. It would be another few hours before she decided she was done. She put the brush in the jar and stepped back to really see what she had painted.
A black sky was dotted with glowing embers that rose from a raging fire that was taller than a man. A pile of wood was set ablaze and in the middle a woman was tied to a stake. Face tilted to the sky, hair flying upwards from the heat of the flames and slightly obscuring her features. Her eyes are specks of amethyst in the ruby inferno. Her flowing white dress is billowing and charred at the ends. Behind the fire, barely hidden by the flames, are a pair of red eyes, glinting sinisterly in the firelight. The edges of everything were a bit blurred, giving the whole picture a dreamy haze.
She jumped slightly when her phone went off, but this time it was a text from Stiles.
The bus driver succumbed to his injuries.
She frowned at the news and glanced back at the painting, the scarlet orbs holding an extra layer of blood in their depths.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
35 | It's Him
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Kidnapping
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The next day Julia went to Scott's hoping Melissa could help her. She would be with Lydia but she lied saying she was doing better and that she could continue with her plans for the day. "Julia?" Melissa was confused to see her since everyone was told she went through something and needed time
"I need your help."
"With what sweetie?" Melissa lets her in.
"We all know that Stiles isn't him true self, but how do we forget about somethings when we look at him when he's normal again?" She sits down in the couch.
"I guess we have to remember that he had no control. Something evil was in him and the Stiles we know would never do such things." Melissa explains, "Does this have to do with whatever happened yesterday?" She asks.
"Yeah... I feel like when we do get Stiles back it might be weird for a bit." Julia plays with her hands.
"That might be true for you but remember whatever happened Stiles would never do such a thing. I can tell he really cares about you. He could never hurt you intentionally." Melissa smiles, "Don't let this void get the satisfaction of messing up you and Stiles in the future. It's what he feeds off of. Don't show fear. You're a strong girl."
Julia nods her head, "You're right."
Lydia ends up showing up with Aiden carrying an unconscious Stiles into the living room and place him on the couch. Deaton, Melissa, Lydia, and Julia follow behind. Melissa implores them to take Stiles to the hospital but Scott reminds her of the last time he was in the hospital. Deaton checks his wound and says he seems to be healing the way the werewolves do.
Aiden wants to kill Stiles, barring that, he suggests they tie him down with really big chains. Deaton says he has something more effective. He produces a brown bottle of liquid from his doctor's bag. As Scott and Aiden hold Stiles' mouth open, Deaton places a few drops of the liquid on his tongue. Stiles awakes with a start and grabs Aiden around the throat. Slowly his grip loosens and he realizes that Deaton has slipped him paralyzing Kanima venom.
Aiden is pissed growling at Stiles but the Nogitsune just issues a veiled threat about how twins get a feeling when one of them is in pain and says he hopes the twins didn't lose that talent too. He then tells him that Ethan is at the school implying that he is in danger.
Scott tells Aiden to go then Stiles says he likes the twins because of their short tempers and homicidal tendencies. He says they are a lot more fun that Scott, who he calls a bakemono, trying to save the world all the time. Melissa asks if Deaton brought something to paralyze his mouth too so he places black gaffers tape over Stiles mouth.
Void shouts before laughing with the tape on his mouth looking over at Julia, who Lydia was squeezing her hand to comfort her, "Let go into the other room." Lydia tugs her.
"I'm okay here." Julia lets go of her hand so Julia watches him while Deaton talked to Scott and Lydia in the kitchen and Melissa went to get something to clean Stiles cut.
After cleaning his wound Melissa leaves to join the others while Julia stays with Stiles still. He starts to cry but she doesn't fall for it pissing him off, "Can't fool me. I told you I can tell by the eyes and seeing that's all you got..." She chuckles, "Forget it."
He glares at her so she takes the tape off him, "You seem a bit cold today." He smirks, "Did you lose a bit of yourself yesterday?" She slaps him across the face which the whole household heard so they go to check on her.
"Maybe I did? Maybe I didn't but you won't get the satisfaction of knowing shit. You won't get know if you succeed ruining our friendship because you won't be around to see. So fuck you." She puts the tape back on his mouth turning around to see the others, "I'm good." She smiles leaving the room.
When Peter arrives he says Stiles doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face and certainly not the bite of a werewolf. "Actually he did." Julia raises her hand, "The slap part. A hard one at that too."
Peter goes to tell them that they're looking at it wrong; it's a war of the mind not the body. So they come up with going into Stiles mind to find him but someone had to go in with Scott looking at the sisters. Lydia and Julia bicker about who was to go in but Julia wins in the end.
Scott and Julia end up being strapped boing in beds at the Eichen house. Julia knew it was impossible to get out but she huffs seeing Scott struggle, "Dude, you're a werewolf."
"We're in Stiles head."
"And you have supernatural strength so use it." She tells him so he breaks free then helps her.
"What now?" He asks her as he stands up.
"How would I know? I've never been inside someone's head, Scott." She gives him a look.
"Well you normally know things so sorry for asking. Just stay behind me." He walks towards the door and soon as he was out the door slams shut leaving Julia alone but she tries not to freak out.
Turning around the room was completely was empty before it started to snow causing her to look up. As she slowly blinks she finds herself alone in the woods surrounded by pure white trees and ground. The snowfall had already covered up her tracks back towards the cabin. Hearing the sound of snow crunching she turns around to see the Nogitsune slowly approaching her causing her freeze in place.
Back in the real world Lydia points out Julia's nose bleeding so Peter walks over to her, "What's happening?" Melissa asks getting worried.
"What is happing to her?" Lydia asks, "Peter?" She looks at him while he grabs Julia's face
"Julia, can you hear me? Julia, you're stronger than this. Okay, you need to concentrate. Julia, come on." Peter tries, "JULIA!" He shouts which makes her snap out of her fear in Stiles mind.
She covers her ears before running away towards the cliff in the distance as she rushes off she ends up in a complete empty white room seeing Stiles and the Nogitsune sitting on the nemeton in the distance. Scott joins her once he sees her then what she was looking at.
The two run to get to them but no matter how much they ran they never got any closer to the two nor did Stiles hear them yelling for him. As Scott shout Julia thinks of something that might work, "He's part of the pack. He's human but he's still part of the pack."
"How do wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" She smiles looking over at Stiles and Scott catches on letting out a howl that gets Stiles attention.
When Julia and Scott snap back to reality Scott was wondering if it worked but Peter drags Lydia off till Stiles begins to cough. He rips the tape from his mouth and begins to vomit a long strand of gauze bandage until there is a sizable pile on the floor. Suddenly black smoke issues forth and a hand reaches out of the gauze; it appeared to be the bandaged hand of the Nogitsune. Stiles watches in horror as the figure crawls out of the bandage covered floor until it is fully formed. The figure lunges forward and Scott and Peter rush to hold him down but Julia senses something.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Julia shouts before arms are wrapped around her and she's dragged out of the house.
With everyone paying attention to what was going on no one realized Julia was gone until it was too late. "Scott." Deaton says getting everyone's attention to show the front door open.
Scott look around the room, "Where did they go?" He asks before Scott outside shouting Julia's name.
While Stiles sat alone on the couch the others talk about how do they know that this is actually Stiles and not Void.
"It's Stiles, guys. Why would the Nogitsune be here and Stiles kidnap Julia? We all know that he has a thing for kidnapping her." Lydia tells the group before looking over at Stiles.
Stiles ends up in Scott's room laying on the bed waiting for Melissa to check up on him and have Noshiko showed up with the Oni. While laying there everything floods his mind about everything that has happened to Julia. It was burned into his brain. He wish he could've taken control to get through to make sure it didn't happen. He couldn't live with himself knowing what Void did to Julia with his body.
"Stiles?" Lydia knocks on the door so he looks over at her opening the door, "Just wanted to check up on you. I know if Julia was here it's something she would do." She enters the room.
"I'm sorry." He tells her.
"You have nothing to apologize about or for. You didn't do anything to her. Even the last thing that happened before this." She takes a seat at the end of the bed.
"Nothing is going to be the same between us. It was my face each time she saw." He explains to her.
"Nothing is going to change because she knew it wasn't you. She knows you could never do such a thing to her. Trust me."
When Melissa checks him she said he's pretty normal but he was still scared deep down. Then when Noshiko showed up with the Oni, Kira ended up rushing in telling her mom to stop but it was too late. Two Oni appear in the living room and quickly grabbing the back of Stiles' neck. The demon's eyes glow firefly yellow and they let go. The Oni vanish as Stiles falls to the ground with the kanji for self burned into his neck. Noshiko explains that it is too close to dawn now for the Oni to find the Nogitsune and they won't be active until tomorrow night.
"Can they kill him?" Stiles asks her.
"It depends on how strong he is." She tells him.
"What about Julia? Why would he take her again?" Scott asks.
"He would only take her for an advantage."
"I doubt that's they only reason..." Stiles sighs hoping she was okay but in reality she was losing her mind.
Where ever Void had taken them the echo's of past screaming and cries where killing her. They just wouldn't stop as she paced up and down a dark damp walkway.
"Can you hear them?" Void asks walking towards her, "Louder than usual, isn't it? That's because a lot of bad things happened down here." He keeps making his way towards she so she backed away quickly.
"Leave me alone."
"What are the voices telling you? Are they saying that Stiles is dying?" He ask still following her.
"Stop it!" She begs him.
"He is, you know. He's dying."
"SHUT UP!" She runs away hitting a dead end causing her to break down jerking on the bars wanting away. The sound of him chuckling behind her makes her cry more, "What do you want from me?"
"For you to scream."
"No because I know what that means for my friends." She turns around to look at him.
"Oh, but you will unfortunately." He tucks her hair behind her ear,
Later once it was clear Stiles was himself, he Scott and Lydia go to the station. As Noah was looking for his keys, Stiles speaks up telling him where they were. Noah looks at the two and they nod their heads as both embraced each other. Noah wanted to know if it was over and Scott tells him not yet.
"Wait, where is Julia?" Noah takes notice she wasn't there with them so Scott ends up catching Noah up on what happened earlier. Noah was trying to wrap his head around the current situation, wondering what the Nogitsune would need with a Banshee. Stiles speculates that perhaps he needs her talent to find a dead body.
"Okay, if that's the case he could've taken me but no he made sure to take Julia once again. She was the farthest from him while I was closer to him." Lydia points out.
Noah turns to Scott saying he got the whole story from Noshiko. This seemed to trigger Stiles as Lydia sees him think for a minute before telling them about Meredith at Eichen House.
At Scott's place Stiles was getting some rest while the other two keep an eye on him while everyone else did what they were supposed to do. Stiles wakes up panicking startling the two so Scott runs in to reassure him, he won't let him out of his sight. Scott tells him that Noah is questioning everyone at Eichen House about Meredith and everyone else is out looking for Julia.
"Stiles, you look like you're freezing." Lydia says as he puts on his jacket explaining that he just can't seem to get warm.
When Scott touches Stiles hand, his werewolf pain absorption ability kicks in automatically. Stiles says it's not really pain, more like a dull ache all over, but the two knew he was lying. Scott gets a call from Kira and explains that Meredith is at school making them leave the house.
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borntodie-94 · 1 year
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Stiles stilinski xreader
Part 1
"What in the actual fuck, stilinski ." You scolded
"Shit, sorry y/n," Stiles semi closed the door that led into your room, wail still standing outside the door and looking away he said "Scott wanted me to make sure you were ok. I mean are you ok, that cut looks like it's pretty deep. Do you need help."  Stiles asked almost concerned 
"Why are you hiding behind the door? It's nothing you haven't seen before." You said seductively
" Yeah I know, but your brother is down stairs, and I don't think he'd like the fact that I fuck his sister." Stiles whispered so no lingering ears could hear what he said
" OH no, you don't want him to know that you fuck his little sister. Oh please I know for a fact that last time you came over to 'hangout with Scott' it was really so you could get me alone and fuck me till I couldn't walk, am I wrong. Lets think the last time you came over you Knew no one else was home but me. Am I wrong Stiles or am I right?" You asked innocently, wail walking to your bedroom door in nothing but you baby pink lacy bra and panties to match. You fling the door open to pull the boy that looks like he hasn't sleeped in nearly two weeks into your room. As Stiles stumbles into your room, you quickly shut the door and lock it, not wanting any unwanted guests to barge in.
Stiles in shock stands looking at you in awe, he grows harder thinking of all the things he wants to do to you. Stiles chuckled " princess, you can't wait till Scott goes to sleep? Or do you just want to be punished for your earlier actions that led to that cut, hmm."He knew that when he called you princess your knees got weak, and that you'd bend to his will.  But he also knew that you wouldn't give in that easily. Stiles eyes were now filled with lust, you knew what was about to come but you wanted to see how far you could push him until he had to take control.
" I have know idea what you're talking about Stiles,  my earlier actions, oh you mean jumping into battle when both you and Scott were getting your asses handed to you. You mean those actions?" You sassed
" Yes y/n those actions," Stiles said as he started walking towards you. Your back hit the wall. Stiles put both his hands beside your hips as to trap you. Your breathing hitched. "Hmm can't mouth off now can you darling."  Stiles says his voice raspy. His right hand moves to your hip and starts lightly tracing figure eights over you panties. "Stiles if you're going to fuck me get it over with." You whimper out"
Stiles kisses you. He makes his way to your neck slowly leaving wet kisses down you neck, he bites your sweet spot causing a moan to escape you lips. Stiles smirks against you skin, he slowly kisses his way up to your jaw line, and stops so he can whisper in you ear"No I think I'll leave you like this, a whimpering mess."  Stiles starts walking towards your bedroom door, he unlocks it as he's Turing the door knob you shout
" WHAT THE FUCK STILES! You can't just do that them walk away." You explain
Stiles let's go of the handle, turns around and ever so slightly tilts his head to the side. Smiling eyes still full of lust he laughs " well of course I can doll, gotta leave something to the imagination," Stiles still looking at you, winks and he turns back around hand once again on the door knob. " You might want to patch up that cut before you come down, doll." He leaves the room.
Surprised you stand in your room still have naked hanging onto his words. "That bitch." You said to yourself
Hi I'm also on wattpad and I'm making this into a series @KayleeMatson3
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trickster-shi · 2 years
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I posted 10,253 times in 2022
That's 4,193 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (0%)
10,221 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,115 of my posts in 2022
#teen wolf - 289 posts
#stiles stilinski - 236 posts
#sterek - 120 posts
#derek hale - 109 posts
#sheriff stilinski - 109 posts
#teen wolf fic - 78 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 71 posts
#home across the universe - 35 posts
#writing - 29 posts
#sterek slow burn - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#9:40am and i'm excited that i just need to write the last scene of this current chapter and then it will be finished barring edits
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Category: Gen
Chapters: 1/1
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski & Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski & Sheriff Stilinski
Tags: Theo Raeken (Mentioned), Donovan (Mentioned) Dread Doctors AU, Homeless Stiles Stilinski, Runaway Stiles Stilinski, Thief Stiles Stilinski, Under a Spell, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Food Insecurity, Mental Health Issues, Nogitsune Trauma, Post-Nogitsune Stiles Stilinski
As a last ditch, hold on by the fingernails solution, it was inevitable that the tape would fray down to the last thread and break.
Duct tape wasn't meant to last forever. Literally or metaphorically.
After the fight with Scott in the rain, after Stiles nearly gave into the overwhelming impulse to throw that damned wrench at Scott's head, Stiles knows he can't stay in Beacon Hills. He doesn't have a pack now, and if he tells Dad he'll no longer have a parent. So Stiles leaves. He gets as far as the Jeep will take him and then he walks a little farther.
Away from home, from everyone he knows, Stiles grapples with the lingering murderous and violent impulses that haunt him day and night and tries to survive while remaining invisible. But duct tape only holds things together for so long. It was never meant to be a permanent solution.
20 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
"It took me a while to understand the lesson in my choices and the tragedies.  That's the gift time gives you if you manage to live long enough.  You begin to realize that fear is necessary as a warning system, but you can’t let it grow past that into any form of control over your actions.”
Chapter nine is up!
21 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Can someone have a talk with my muse? I literally finished and posted a 20k+ chapter to a teen wolf fic yesterday and now I’ve got 5k written on a teen wolf one shot crossover with Jurassic World.
Like, yes, I binged the dino movies over the weekend due to the snow storm, but I did not need another thing to write. I’m trying to finish the first one.
Is anyone even interested in that kind of a crossover?
23 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Chapter Ten: Beat the Boy
"What happened?"
Mini-Stiles opened his mouth but before any words came out he sensed a high-pitched vibration in the air.  It was like a rubber band pulled tight, then tighter and tighter.  It dug into his head, his chest.  Then it snapped.
Mini-Stiles whipped around toward the gyms.
Stiles was in trouble.
He didn't bother to say anything.  Mini-Stiles just ran, blindly following the magic in the air he knew belonged to his brother.
Chapter Ten has arrived! I think I need a nap, and some chocolate. You're gonna need tissues, though.
24 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fandom: Teen Wolf, Firefly
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Laura Hale, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey
Tags: Accidental Child Acquisition, Accidental Teenager Acquisition, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Firefly Setting, Stilinski Family Feels, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Young Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Not a Firefly Retelling
Summary: John Stilinski used to be a man of the law, a sheriff on his home planet of Beacon 3, and never thought he’d have need to stop off on such a planet as this, but life had long since taught him that what he thought was right or true was usually never what the rest of the ‘verse reflected or practiced.
Much to his everlasting regret and grief.
John finally has his son back after spending seven years trying to free him from the Alliance's Academy, but Stiles did not escape alone and both he and Lydia are harboring deep secrets. With two traumatized kids under his care, a ship in need of repair and extra crew, John goes out on a limb to hire three people on Deaton's recommendation. He sincerely hopes it doesn't bit him in the ass, because these new hires are former Browncoats. John, and his first mate Jordan Parrish, fought under the Alliance.
24 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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scottstiles · 7 years
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As a reminder, it’s an open tryout today. All positions available. This is a rebuilding season, people. Jackson’s gone, Lahey’s gone… Greenberg, the one guy I actually wanted gone… Was held back. Again.
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arosesstorm · 2 years
love elixir -Stiles Stilinski 
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Words count: 1k or so                     reader! x stiles stilinski
Warning: none, just fluff!!
summary: Stiles drank a love potion and it's your job now to take care of him.
English is not my first language, enjoy-
@faithiegirl01 ahhhh hope you love this -----
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As usual Stiles' hands were traveling to places they were forbidden to go: as he carefully made sure to touch every little bottle full of flowers or herbs; he was sure they were of good use even though he knew absolutely nothing about them.
He was carefully reading something Deaton had written on the paper, something about wolfsbane when he felt his throat dry.
With the corner of his eye he caught glimpse of a bottle that seemed half empty: he reasoned Deaton wouldn't have minded if he took a sip, so he did, while his eyes never left the newfound informations written on the page.
Wolfsbane was also used as a- wait.
Was also used as a love- A love elixir?! his eyes instantly glued to the bottle he was holding.
and there it was, hidden behind what looked like a blank label, the unmistakable violet color.
"oh god" he started panicking, "oh god".
He was pacing back and forth now, hands in his hair as he let out a sigh.
"I'm gonna die" he proclaimed as Deaton finally entered the room, way too calm for the teenage boy.
"Stiles? What happened?" he asked.
The boy was on the man in an instant, "I drank it".
"What?" Deaton looked rather confused.
The boy hold the bottle, handing it to the man as he was panting, his forehead sweaty, "I drank it" he complained.
It didn't shock the man though as his lips left a little chuckle.
"Alright" he said, taking his wrist in view "this should take about a couple of minutes" he explained as he checked his watch.
Stiles was clearly lost, "a couple of minutes? for what?"
"Hey" a voice came to their left, "I'm here Stiles, What'd you need?"
"Poor thing" Deaton laughed towards the boy and that was the moment Stiles knew he was screwed.
The secret he had kept for the longest of time, was about to get exposed.
"Hey beautiful" he replied, as a hand went to cover his mouth.
what the f-
Y/N laughed, rather confused, but she let it slide.
"I'm sorry" the boy took a step forward, "what I mean to say is that you are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen"
Again, he stopped in his tracks, dead with embarassement.
He laughed nervously as Y/N held a laugh.
Looking half way towards Deaton Stiles mumbled "what is happening!"
The man sighed, taking a step forward, "Good thing kid, you're not gonna be able to control yourself for a bit"
His eyes found Y/N's "I guess this is your problem now"
"what? what are you talking about? what's wrong with Stiles?"
"Hugh" the boy scoffed, behaving like a child "I just want to be close to you!" he whined, stepping forward and wrapping the girl in a rather tight hug.
This time Y/N was just frozen, her eyes lost as the man got the boy away from her.
"This boy here drank a love potion I was making for a study" he sighed again, half annoyed, half amused "I guess he likes you, that's why he's your problem now"
Y/N scoffed, her heart fluttering for the shortest bit "yeah sure, just take him back".
"I'm afraid I can't dear, we'll have to wait until the potion takes off"
"What?! How long?"
"Normally takes a day or two"
Y/N puffed, turning on her heels.
"wait! love! wait for me!"
Oh yes, that was her problem now.
One thing was bearing the pain of seeing him everyday and not being able to touch him, to be with him, another thing was having him all lovely towards her but knowing it was all an act, all a stupid accident.
"Okay, I think we better get you home" she said, as the boy's hand slipped in hers, holding tight.
"whatever you want love"
"okay new rule: let's quit that word for the day, alright?"
Stiles hummed, smiling lovely as he took the girls' hand to his mouth, kissing softly.
"i want to kiss you so bad" he confessed.
"okay! and that's our clue to go!" she broke the contact, jumping on his jeep as the boy followed closely.
"oh god! I don't think it's human" he scoffed.
"you're growing prettier by the minute!"
"oh god just drive!"
The ride towards the stilinski household was unbearable, Stiles had been throwing lines at her every two seconds and when she didn't respond he felt the need to be touchy, holding her hand, squeezing her thigh from time to time and looking at her for way too much when you're driving a car.
But worst of all, was she enjoyed every moment of it.
Tt was terribly wrong of her, but every time she felt the boy attention on her, her cheeks started to heat up and a smile grow on her face.
He was lovely.
When they pulled on the porch, he made sure to open the door for her, and when they walked to the house his hand was firmly holding hers.
As the door opened, Mr. stilinski looked their way, he was on the kitchen table arranging some papers.
"Guys, you're back"
"dad" he giggled sheepishly "have you ever noticed what an incredible woman this girl is?"
Y/N smiled embarrassed as she pushed the boy towards his room, smiling apologetically to his father.
"she's so intelligent and fierce, she's never scared and she's so kind, really the kindest.." Stiles kept on talking as Mr stilinski eyed the girl: "do I wanna know?"
she shook her head frenetically as the man sighed, "g'night" and with that he was back to his papers again, reading and picturing how everything went that way.
As soon as the door locked behind their shoulders, Y/N let a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Finally" she mumbled, trying to turn around, before two long arms captured her.
"You smell so good" he breathed in her ear, his arms holding her close as she felt like dying.
"Stiles please-" she broke the hug facing the guy.
She was exhausted, really.
The boy was looking at her in a way she knew very well, even though it was the first time she actually realized how he was looking at her.
She took a deep breath.
Stiles' eyes jumping with fear as his hands cupped her cheeks stroking softly.
Y/N was mesmerized, he was there and he was holding her and nothing and I mean nothing ever felt so right in her entire life.
She adored him to the point she wanted to cry.
Releasing a soft breath, Stiles came closer, killing the distance between the two, his lips only inches away from hers as she closed her eyes.
But the feeling never came, as the boy dwelled on his actions, moving away.
She felt herself pout as the boy patted his bed.
"Stay with me tonight?"
That night was the hardest of Y/N's life.
She had slept with the boy before, they had fallen asleep in the strangest positions searching for cases all night long; but never in a million years she had dreamed of finding herself completely surrounded by the boy's perfume.
He was everywhere: in her nose, in her eyes, on her lips the fantom of a missed kiss.
Their nose touching as he fell asleep beside her, securing her in his arms.
She kept on tracing his face with her eyes, his eyebrows, relaxed, he was at ease, his little nose, his soft lips, the way he was softly breathing, how his chest would come up and down slowly, painfully.
She was devastated the least; not that it was easy being the closest of friend to the boy you had fallen in love with, but at least before all this mess she didn't know.
She had no idea he would be this sweet and caring and the way they rested together was something so natural she wondered how she had slept all this nights without him by her side.
That's how she fell asleep, wondering how it was going to end, how she was gonna be able to face the boy and her feelings when the elisir's touch was gone.
As a ray of sunlight hit her face, she felt a groan in her ears.
Slowly opening her eyes, she got a glimpse of a sleepy Stiles stretching himself as he positioned himself closer to the girl, his arms never leaving the body.
That was, when he opened his eyes, a sudden flash of worry crossed his pupils and he quickly stepped back.
She was fully awake now, as she rubbed her eyes.
"Stiles" she muttered.
"Oh my god Y/N!" he was pacing back and forth into his room.
"I'm so sorry you have no idea" he breathed.
"Oh god" he suddenly stopped "was it that bad?" he asked and the girl laughed.
He knew then he never had heard nothing so angelic before.
"it was, oh my god it was" he kept on mumbling.
"hey" she got up, getting closer to the panicked kid.
"it's not that big of a deal Stiles" she caressed his arm "it's fine" she smiled.
A moment of silence crossed the two.
He was looking at her, then her lips, her eyes, her lips again and there he was, removing the distance, crushing his lips onto hers.
It was quick and chaste, but it felt like breathing for the first time in a decade.
He slowly stepped back, "I'm so sorry" he breathed.
Y/N was speechless.
"You didnt want to, I'm sorry" he said, falling onto his bad as he hid his head in his hands.
"I almost died stopping from kissing you yesterday and now that this thing is over I did, I'm sorry"
"what?" she finally moved, sitting close to the boy.
"what do you mean? you wanted to?" she asked.
The boy emerged from his knees, looking confused.
"Of course" he breathed looking at her.
"why?" she asked, genuinely confused.
The boy almost laughed, "Y/N I've been in love with you for the longest of time, I thought I made it very clear yesterday"
"But...I thougt it was the elixir"
"it was me drinking it, it was me feeling it"
She needed no more, as she closed the space again, kissing him, adoring him; honey dripping from their lips as the kiss deepened.
They were in love and nothing, not even a love potion could change that.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
can I ask for 2 and 3 for Scott and Stiles respectively?
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This delightful anonymous request refers to an ask game about the head canons I have for my favorite show. I wanted to mention this at the beginning of the post because both of my answers will address post-canon of the television show, but they will no doubt be completely contradicted by the movie that's being made as we speak.
I also wanted to talk about how these head canons arose. As much as I love the show, and as much as I understand that no show can portray all the moments in a relationship, the production made certain choices and I think those choices lead to certain ends. If the production wanted me to think that these conclusions weren't possible, they should have included different scenes.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
I believe that Scott and Melissa's relationship withered after the end of the television series. Everyone in the audience loved Melissa's 'pep talks' except, in the end, they weren't really pep talks in the sense of emotional support without an agenda. They were either instructional lectures or exhortations to self-sacrifice. Those aren't bad things in themselves, don't get me wrong, but they were never coupled with any focus by Melissa on Scott's intrinsic self-worth.
Think about it. Every single speech from "Be Your Own Anchor" to "You Can Save People's Lives But You Can't Save Them From Life" to "I Wish I Could Be The Type of Mother" to the horrifically egregious "Don't Run, You Fight." Every single one of these scenes in which Melissa helps Scott, she also puts an expectations on him: control yourself, know your limitations, think clearly, sacrifice yourself for everyone else.
And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's quite admirable for her to recognize her son's strengths and promote them, but when the show couples that with Melissa's own behavior, to me, it's a recipe for a strained relationship in the future. When Melissa expresses her own desires, when she stands up for what she thinks is right, it never seems to include doing things for Scott specifically. When she's complaining to Noshiko in the car in Time of Death (4x08), she says "Why are we doing this? Why are we asking them to fight these kinds of fights?" or when she's scolding the Sheriff in Ouroboros (5x08) she only says 'our kids.' It seems the writers made sure that Melissa never lets Scott's name come out of her mouth unless she's scolding him. After all, Melissa leaves Scott at home to go take care of Stiles in The Last Chimera (5x11) when Scott is bleeding from a hole the size of a softball in his chest. Melissa takes actions against Peter Hale in Heartless (6x07) not because of the multiple violations and mutilations he's done to her son but to force him to help his daughter and in retaliation for Peter making a pass at her. Melissa's desires are never specifically about protecting her son.
Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with Melissa putting other people first, but when you compare it with Sheriff Noah "Where The Hell is My Son" Stilinski or Natalie "We're Going to Get You the Best Medical Care" Martin or Noshiko "I Will Do Anything to Save My Daughter Even Give Her Up" Yukimura or Ken "False Confession to Murder" Yukimura or even Dr. "Go Home" Geyer, it's a very distinct and notable difference. And then there's Melissa's fully realized relationship with Chris "Ever Seen A Rabid Dog?" Argent and the fact that his Season 1 & 2 behavior is NEVER addressed between them. Melissa's just fine with that.
Look, there's only so many times that someone can watch their mother put everyone else first and listen to their mother tell them that they have to put everyone else first, too, before they might begin to think that maybe she values him less than everyone else, especially when he remembers the immediate aftermath of Fury (2x10) and the first words she says to him are "I don't know what you are."
Actions have consequences, even when those actions are heroic. Scott will always respect his mother, but I think he will eventually stop looking to her for emotional support and eventually even love. It's a sad head canon, but I have to work with what I saw on the screen.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
On the other hand, I think that the relationship between Stiles and Noah will end as well, but it won't wither. The relationship between these two will eventually suffer a catastrophic breakdown that will estrange them, perhaps forever.
Both of them hold dangerously toxic ideas about devotion that cannot possible survive Stiles's transition into full adulthood. Stiles, for his part, is never disabused of the notion that love equals possession. Even from Virginia or wherever he ends up settling, he will still try to control his father's life and equate his father's refusal to be controlled as rejection until the point when he suddenly can't take it anymore. He will demand his father's submission, demand acknowledgement that Stiles love for his father means that any action he takes is for Noah's own good, and he will issue an ultimatum.
Noah, in a desperation not to be Elias, will tolerate and compensate and cover for his son until he just can't anymore, and he will lack any means to approach it differently. When Stiles makes this final demand, Noah will react emotionally (as we see him do repeatedly in the show) and the whole situation will explode. Only this time, they're not living in the same house and probably not even living in the same state. After the explosive fight, they will both try to ignore the problem until it goes away, and days will become weeks and weeks will become months and then months will become years, and suddenly Noah and Stiles will be a father and son that see each other once a year at Christmas.
These are my head canons, of course, but I believe in them because while these are normal problems parents and children have, these particular conflicts will be exacerbated by persistent and continuing trauma associated with the supernatural, which none of them can escape.
I'm sure they'll be refuted by the movie, because Jeff clings to the very Hollywood idea that love alone is enough to keep people together in the light of terrible things happening, no matter how that love is poorly expressed. And I know that the parent-child relationships was one of the big draws of the show, but the stresses growing up puts on these relationships weren't just neglected by the show, but capitalized by it. Yet, all the cathartic moments we got won't fix things without the hard work that comes after.
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screamxqueenx94 · 3 years
Lunatic/ Teen Wolf Series Rewrite
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Summary: It's the night of the full moon and it'll be up to Stiles and Charli to help keep Scott under control, but it's gonna be harder than they expected, especially for Charli
A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post! I had a lot going on in my personal life that has made it difficult to finish anything, but I finally had time to finish writing the episode! I'm going to do my best to get the episodes out sooner,
Warnings: Mentions of blood; PTSD symptoms
Pairings: Isaac Lahey x OC!Charli Vérszívó; Stiles Stilinski x OC!Charli Vérszívó (eventually)
Italics= inner thoughts; bold=text messages
POV: 1st Person
I'm running through the woods towards my old house in New Jersey. My vision is shaky, as is my breath. No matter how fast I try to run, it feels like I'm running in slow motion with thousand pound weights around my ankles the whole time. I finally reach the house, but I'm too late. All the windows are shattered. Doors and cabinets are ripped off the hinges and broken dishes and framed family photos are riddled all over the floor. Claw marks on the walls and the railing of the stairs is completely splintered off and there was blood everywhere.
"Mom?" I call out, my voice breaking.
No answer. My shaky legs carry me straight into the kitchen. 
"Momma?" I call out again, tears threatening to leave my eyes. 
I step into the doorway and see my mother's lifeless body on the ground. A gaping slash to her throat. Her stomach, now just a gaping hole in the middle of her body with nothing inside anymore. I start to feel sick, like I'm going to throw up. I run my hands through my hair, panicked, then run to her.
"Momma!" I cry out as I hold her, blood soaking into my pajamas. 
I hold her close and sob. "I'm sorry, Momma! I'm so sorry!" I cry repeatedly. 
"This is all your fault, you know." A familiar, yet monotone voice tells me. 
I look up and see Stiles, standing there with an emotionless face. I gently lay her body back down, stand up and start to approach him. 
"Stiles…" he walks away. 
I start to follow him as he walks out the front door. I start to jog to catch up with him, leading into a run until I'm back outside and he is now nowhere in sight. I look around and call for him.
"Stiles? Stiles, wait! I need to explain!" I call out. 
"Stiles! I'm not what you think I am! Please talk to me!" I continue, tears building up again. 
I turn around to face the front door. As soon as I'm fully facing the door, the Alpha runs towards me, lunges, mouth full of razor sharp teeth, dripping with blood, snapped open. Claws aiming for my throat as I scream a blood curdling scream while his claws dig into my throat, making it bleed heavily.
My eyes are squeezed shut and I'm still screaming, sweat dripping down my face, making my hair stick to my forehead and face as I shoot straight up in bed, holding my neck. My dad bursts in and runs over to me. He sits on the edge, facing me, taking my hands off my neck, noticing my claws are retracted out, cutting into the layers of skin on my neck and drawing blood. My fangs showing as I scream and my skin paled over. 
I'm shaking my head, crying so hard that my father can't understand what I'm saying. "Momma's dead! I killed her! I killed Momma!" 
He lets go of my wrists and grabs my face in his hands. "Charli. Charli, honey, look at me." He tells me calmly. 
I squeeze my eyes tighter and continue to mumble through tears, though I'm sure he can hear me this time. "I killed her. Momma's dead 'cause of me…" 
"Charli, please look at me." He insists firmly, pushing my hair out of my face. 
I finally look up at him through red eyes swollen from crying. I sniffle and lick my lips. He looks me in my eyes with an intense look.
"Listen to me. It was a nightmare, okay? Now, what happened to your mother was not your fault. You were vulnerable and he took advantage of that. I know you would never hurt anyone." He tells me as he continues to look into my eyes. 
"You're an amazing kid with a huge heart, Charli. Not a single soul blames you for any of it." He continues, letting go of my face.
"The Council did…" I mutter, looking down, watching my claws slowly retract back to normal. 
"The Council are a bunch of fucking dust bags who want me dethroned. They'll say anything to make that happen." He tells me dryly. 
I chuckle quietly as I play with the loose string on my comforter. He tucks my hair behind my ear and smiles at me half heartedly. "Charli, I understand why you feel that it's your fault. Sometimes I feel like it's my fault too. When people are dealing with loss, they sometimes blame themselves to make sense of things." 
He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around him and hug tight. "I miss her too, honey. Everyday." 
"What about Scar--" I'm about to ask looking up at him, then he cuts me off. 
"That was not what you think it was. I promise I'll explain it to you, but right now…" he lets go of me and stands up, tucking me in like he used to when I was little. "... I want you to try and get back to sleep." 
I settle into bed under the covers. He pushes my hair out the way and kisses my forehead. "You go back to school tomorrow so you need to be well rested." 
He heads towards the door, looks back to me as he grabs the doorknob. "Goodnight, kiddo. I love you." 
"Love you too, Dad." I tell him back sleepily. 
I wake up and get ready for school. After brushing my teeth and changing the gauze on my head, I put on a red beanie to cover my bandages. I throw on my Marvel sweatshirt and ripped jeans and grab my red vans and clumsily put them on as I'm making my way out the front door and to my car.
I get to school and head straight to the bathroom before anyone can see me and check my gauze. Once I realize I'm no longer bleeding, I throw it away and put my beanie back on. As I finish adjusting it, I see two girls walk into the bathroom through my peripheral vision and watch as they walk up to the mirrors as I finish adjusting my hat. 
"Can you believe there was an attack at the school Wednesday night?" The pretty blonde girl questioned her redheaded friend as she put on some lip gloss.
"I know! Six students were there too, and one was apparently injured!" The redhead stated as she applied her mascara. 
"It's a shame that that Derek Hale guy is some psycho serial killer… he's pretty hot." The blonde stated, fixing her hair. 
"Right? Why is it always the hot ones who are fucking psychos?" Her friend added, making both of them giggle. Are these chicks for real????
"You know someone died right?" I insert, getting their attention. "A man lost his life last night and literally all you can talk about is how hot the murderer was?" 
They just stare at me with dead eyes. I pinch the bridge of my nose and just shake my head before turning my attention back to them. 
"You two are unbelievable. I guarantee that if you two were alive during the Ted Bundy era that y'all would've thought he was hot too, right?" They stay quiet.
"How about for once you quit worrying about yours and everyone's looks and just, oh I don't know, use the little bit of common sense that I pray you actually have?" They just drop their jaws. I quickly pick my backpack up off the counter where I had it setting, flung it over my shoulder and just walked out of the bathroom.
I head straight for Mr. Harris's class so I can get this stupid test over with. I sit in the back corner and get ready for the test. I can see Stiles on the opposite side of the room in the back as well. He looks over at me and waves, smiling. I just give him a weak wave and smile in return. Then I turn forward and see Allison walk in, we make eye contact for a moment and just silently nod at each other before she sits down. I take a few minutes to prepare myself for the test when I see Scott approach Allison and Mr. Harris quickly step in. Scott, please don't do this. Don't try to make her feel bad…
The test starts, I am flying through the test and am almost done, until I notice Scott acting weird. Oh crap… Must be a full moon coming…
He quickly jumps up and leaves, then Stiles follows right along. Normally I would follow them to see what's happening, but today… today I just wanna take my test, get through my classes and go home. I'm over all the supernatural bullshit already. I finish my test first and go to hand it in to Mr. Harris. "No surprise you'd be done first Miss Vérszívó. Did you want to go check on your friends? I know you're all very close." He asks. 
"No… I-I just wanna have a normal day." I inform him. He just nods and signals for me to take my seat. 
I go and sit back at my desk, cross my arms over the top and lay my head down, waiting for the bell to ring. As soon I hear the bell, I grab my backpack and nearly sprint out of the classroom.
I step into the hallway after my AP Trigonometry class and see Isaac at his locker. When I smile and wave at him, he barely makes eye contact with me and goes back to getting some books from his locker. What's wrong? He's usually so happy to see me…
I approach him. "Hey. Haven't seen you all week, where've you been?" I ask casually as I tug my sleeves over my hands nervously. 
"Busy." He mumbles. 
"Oh… okay, well if you're not busy this weekend, did you wanna go grab a pizza and come watch movies at my house?" I ask. 
"Not really." He mumbles again.
Oh no. He's mad at me… what did I do? "Hey…" I put a gentle hand on his forearm, "are you okay?" I ask concerned.
"Well, besides the fact that my girlfriend forgot our movie date because she ran off and almost got herself killed with two guys that see her more than I do, I'm great." He exclaims sarcastically, slamming his locker shut and putting his book bag over his shoulder.
"Oh shit…" I sigh as I put my hands over my face in shame. "Isaac, I--I am so, so sorry." He rolls his eyes and starts walking away and I quickly follow behind. 
"You're always sorry, Charli. Every time we make plans, something always comes up with Scott or Stiles and you always rush off to help them." He answers back bitterly. 
"Isaac, they're my friends, I can't just abandon them when they need me." I explained. He stops quickly and turns towards me. 
"And what about me, Charli? In what order do I come?" He asked with a sadness in his eyes. 
I take a deep breath and compose myself. "Isaac, you mean a lot to me…" I start to explain. 
"Just not as much as Scott or Stiles though, right?" He asks bitterly. 
"It's… complicated." I answer with reluctance.
Isaac scoffs and shakes his head. "Yeah? Well then call me when it's not." He walks off, leaving me standing in the hallway alone with onlookers staring and whispering to each other. 
I look down at the ground and speed walk to an empty classroom. I slam the door behind me, put my back against the wall and slide down as I start to cry.
It hasn't even been two months and I'm already fucking up my first real relationship. I want to tell Isaac the truth, but I can't because he'd just think I'm insane. He'll think I belong in a mental institution if I tell him I'm a fucking vampire and that Scott and Derek  are werewolves and that there are hunters and some psycho Alpha trying to recruit Scott.
Shit, even I think I sound absolutely insane. I just continue to cry into my knees. I must've been loud because I suddenly hear footsteps coming up beside me. I didn't even realize how long I've been there because when I looked up, I see Scott standing there in his lacrosse uniform. I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up. "Oh! Scott, h-hey. I uh, I didn't hear you come in." I explain as I sniffle and wipe my tears.
"Are you okay?" He asks in a low voice. 
"Yeah, no. Yeah, I'm-I'm fine. I just uh… just having boy problems." I chuckle nervously while fidgeting with my hands.
"With Isaac?" He asks quietly.
"Yeah." I sigh, putting my head down. There's a moment of complete silence.
 "It's my fault though. I haven't really been that great of a girlfriend to be honest. I get why he would be upset about me hanging out with you and Stiles a lot."
"So he's jealous?" Scott asks, moving closer to me.
"I mean, I guess that's what you'd call it. I think he just might be more uncomfortable than anythi-" he cuts me off by kissing me. 
I quickly push him off and punch him square in the nose. His heads whips back and he's holding his nose. He leans his head forward and I can see the blood dripping from his nose, into his hand and onto the floor. 
"What the fuck, Scott?" I scold him. "You're supposed to be my friend, not some sick fuckin creeper!" I continue.
My eyes well up again and Scott just winces in pain, meanwhile the smell of his blood is getting stronger. Y'know what, forget it, I'm outta here!" I declare, gripping the strap to my backpack and stomping out of the room. 
I slam the door shut and just head straight to my car. I get in, throw my backpack onto the passenger seat, and sit in silence for a moment until the tears just start to flow. I rest my hands on the sides of the steering wheel and rest my head on it and just bawl. All I can hear is the sound of myself crying. I sit there for a good twenty minutes, just crying until I hear the buzzing of my phone. I start wiping my eyes and check to see who it is. I see the same goofy picture of me, Stiles and Scott popping up on my phone with Stiles' name above it anytime he calls.
I quickly pull myself together and answer. "Hey, what's up?" 
"Hey, where are you? Practice is about to start and I'm gonna be on first line!" He asks excitedly. 
"Wow, that's… that's awesome, Stiles! I'm really happy for you." I tell him, trying my best to sound excited. 
"Are you okay? You don't sound like yourself." He points out, clearly concerned. 
"I'll uh, I'll-I'll tell you later. Right now, let's focus on you. First line? That's a huge deal. I'm still in the parking lot so I'll come watch you practice." I change subject. 
"You don't have to, Charli. I don't wanna make you feel like you have to come to practice." He insists gently.
"What, and miss you being first line? No way! I'll be right there." I hang up, quickly pull myself together and head over to the lacrosse field. 
I take my usual seat in the bleachers, scanning the field for Stiles when I see him sitting on the bench. He must be looking for me too because I see him scanning the bleachers until he spots me. I give him a big smile and wave, and he returns the smile and waves back. When he turns back around, Scott is just arriving. The moment I see him, I get chills up my spine and immediately start to feel uncomfortable. I try not to look his way in case he was to say anything. But in my peripheral vision, he seems awkward. Almost guilty. 
Stiles leans over and says something to him, but he doesn't seem fully there. Doesn't matter to me, I just don't wanna deal with him again. At this point, I'm no longer friends with Scott… 
As practice ensues, it seems like I'm not the only one who's pissed off at Scott. Some of the older teammates seem to be being rougher than normal with him. Two of them knocking him down, which clearly pissed him off even more. Once he got up, it was game on. He got rough right back. 
"Yes! That's right! You gotta earn it McCall!" Couch eggs on. 
 He knocks all of them down to make it to the goal. He even hits Danny… Danny hasn't done shit and due to his whole werewolf bullshit, he's trying to prove himself and actually hurts Danny. Making everyone stop and run to him as he lies there on the field. Even I rise to my feet to check on Danny's wellbeing. Before I know it, Lydia runs onto the field. Oh God, what's she doing? 
After a quick exchange with Jackson, I see her pull out her compact and notice the look on Stiles' face completely change from worry, to absolute shock. Immediately I know… I know I wasn't the only girl that Scott reached out to today. I actually feel...angry. No, not angry. I feel pissed the fuck off. Why would Scott do this to his friends? Is this whole werewolf thing turning him into an asshole? Or is he really that hurt by Allison that he actually doesn't care about anyone or anything anymore? 
I wait for Stiles to finish up in the locker room so we can walk to our cars together. Once he comes out, I just cross my arms over my chest and look down as I walk. 
"Okay, so what happened?" He asks without skipping a beat.
I just sigh and stop walking and turn towards him. 
"Did something happen?" He asks, this time with concern in his voice. I look up at him and nod. "What happened, Charli? You know you can tell me." He reassures me.
My eyes start tearing up again, "I think Scott tried to force himself on me." 
"What? When?" He asked, completely shocked.
"Before lacrosse. I was in a classroom…" I stop mid sentence because I don't wanna tell him about Isaac. I think of a quick lie.
"I was in a classroom, trying to get some studying in before practice when he found me." I lie.
I wipe a couple of tears away and continue. "He was asking me about some stuff with Isaac and then out of nowhere, he kisses me." Stiles runs a hand over his buzzed hair and just has a look of total disbelief over his face. 
"Then I panicked and I…" I stop and look down, shuffling my feet.
"Then what happened, Charli?" He asked calmly.
"... I punched him." I answer back. 
Stiles is just silent for a while. I start crying again and he just pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms under his pits in an embrace. He has one arm wrapped around my back, the other hand placed on the back of the nape of my neck. He just holds me while I bawl. He doesn't let go until I finally pull away slightly. 
I then let go of him completely. I cross my arms over my chest again, trying to almost hug myself. He takes a moment to think, then speaks up. "I'm gonna get back at him." 
"How?" I ask, curious on what the wheels in his head were turning about.
"Come to Scott's house tonight with me. You'll see exactly what I'm gonna do." He states. "And if he tries anything again, I got it." He adds. 
I think for just a moment, then I nod my head in agreement. "Okay, I'll be there." I answer. 
"Great. But you'll have to climb through Scott's window cuz I don't think his mom would be cool with a girl staying overnight." He informs me.
I shrug. "Fair enough. Just text me when it's safe to do so." 
He nods in agreement and we walk to our cars and head home to pack. 
I sit in my car on Scott's street, waiting for Stiles to text me  when it's okay to start climbing. My phone dings with a text alert. 
Stiles: when Melissa's car leaves, head 2 the back of the house and start climbing
I text back.
Charli: kk
I watch for her car. As soon as I see her little black car pull out. I throw my door open and head straight for the house. I go to the back of the house and start climbing the tree next to the house. I jump from the tree to the roof and walk across the roof to Scott's window where I see Stiles digging through a duffle bag. I knock, making him jump. He then comes to the window and helps me inside. 
Once I'm inside, he closes the window and I brush any dirt  off my clothes. I look up and immediately make eye contact with Scott, who looks absolutely petrifying right now just sitting in his chair, staring at me. 
"Charli." He greets monotoned.
"Scott." I reply back, trying to sound unbothered but my voice is clearly very shaky. 
There's an awkward silence between us until Stiles clears his throat, interjecting. 
"Okay, well let's get this set up. Lemme show you guys what I bought-" Stiles tells us, until Scott cuts him off.
"I'm fine." Bullshit.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Scott states, still monotone with this crazy look in his eye.
"You sure about that? Cuz you got this kinda… serial killer look goin' on in your eyes and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect cuz it's really starting to freak me out." Stiles yips back with a shaky voice.
"I'm fine. You two should go now." Scott replied, more stern. 
"Alright, fine. We'll leave." I answer back, standing up and heading towards the door. 
"Well would you at least look in the bag and see what I bought? Maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" Stiles insists. 
Scott slowly gets up from the chair and walks over to the duffle bag. He gets on his knees and reaches inside. He pulls out a handful of chains and continues to stare Stiles down with his serial killer look. 
"You think I'm gonna let you chain me up like a dog?" He asks in an intimidating tone.
"Actually, no." Stiles answers nonchalantly. 
He quickly grabs Scott's wrist and handcuffs it, then handcuffs him to the radiator. Scott struggles, trying to pull it off.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scott yells as he continues to struggle. 
"Protecting you from yourself… and getting a little payback…." Stiles informs him. 
"...for forcing yourself onto Charli…" he adds. 
I'm sitting on Scott's living room floor at the coffee table, using a permanent marker to write Scott's name on a white dog bowl in a cool font. Stiles comes from the kitchen with a water bottle.
"Almost done with your masterpiece, Di Vinci?" Stiles jokes.
I look at him and chuckle. "Almost." I draw out as I finish on the last T in Scott's name. "Perfect! Here you go!" I hand the bowl to Stiles with a proud smile on my face.
He examines it. "Check you out! Aren't you just a natural artist?" He flatters, making me blush.
I cap the marker and get up from the floor to follow him upstairs. "You sure you're up for this?" Stiles asks.
I let out a calming sigh and nod my head. We head upstairs and I stand in the doorway as Stiles enters Scott's room.
"I brought you some water." He informs him, holding up the bottle. He then proceeds to lift the bowl to show Scott the name I scrawled across it and pours the water into the bowl and places it in front of him.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott screams as he throws the water bowl.
Stiles stops dead in his tracks and turns back around to face him.
"You kissed her, Scott. Okay? You kissed Charli. That's my- the one girl that I- y'know I've been thinking for the past three hours that it's just the full moon, y'know? He doesn't even know what he's doing. Tomorrow he'll be back to normal. He won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a fucking, unbelievable, piece of shit friend!" Stiles tore into him.
"She kissed me." Scott muttered.
"What did you just say?" I asked harshly, stomping into the room next to Stiles.
"I didn't kiss you. You kissed me." He answered back smuggly.
I start balling my fists when Stiles suddenly picks me up and carries me out of the room before Scott starts talking again.
 "You would've done a lot more too. Once you got your hands all over me, you would've done anything I wanted." He continued. 
Stiles held me back from not attacking Scott right then in there, but he could tell… he could tell that I was ready to choose violence. But I knew he wasn't going to be able to hold me back for long… 
 "Anything!" He screamed.
I slipped out of Stiles' hold and ran into the room and started wailing on Scott. I was punching him, and even kicked him as tears streamed down my face and was screaming at him. "You fucking liar! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" 
Stiles ran back in and tried to pull me off of Scott, but I wouldn't budge. Not until he got between us and lifted me over his shoulder while I had a handful of Scott's hair in my hand and was still punching him. Stiles got me to let go before he got me out of the room as I cursed out Scott in Hungarian. 
"Charli, Charli, Charli, hey! Relax!" Stiles tried to calm me.
"Relax, are you fucking kidding me? Did you not hear him in there?" I argue.
"Stiles, I would never do that! Especially if I'm in a relationship!" I insist, still crying.
"I know you wouldn't. I know." 
"Then why did you stop me?" I asked, my eyes still filled with tears.
"Because I know you. Because I know what kind of person you are…" Stiles answers calmly. 
I just look at him. "You are probably one of the most loyal people I've ever met in my life, Charli. Look how loyal you've been to this friendship." He stated. 
"All the times you've defended us and protected us and stood up for us. I know that that's the real you, not this bullshit that Scott's trying to spread right now." He adds, motioning towards Scott's room when he mentions Scott. 
"And I stopped you because I knew you'd severely hurt him if you continued. You're a lot stronger than you look and I wholeheartedly believe that you would've been able to kill him." He adds. 
"You think I'm capable of murder?" Oh fuck! My biggest fear is coming true.
"I think you could if you really wanted to, but to just flat out do it? No way. You're strong, but not a killer." He admits. 
As Stiles and I sit outside Scott's room, we can hear the rattling of the handcuffs against the radiator and him straining to and struggling to get out of them. 
I can see the look on Stiles' face and can tell that this is hard for him and that what Scott did hurt him. I rest a comforting hand on his forearm, making him look at me. He half smiles and takes my hand in his and we both just rest our backs against the wall again. 
"Stiles? Charli? Please let me out…" Scott begs weakly. "... it's not me, it's the full moon, I swear." He adds. 
Stiles' face looks exasperated, so I just squeeze his hand to reassure that we can do this.  "Charli, you know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose…" Scott continues his guilt trip. 
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying not to cry. Stiles must've noticed my frustration because he gave my hand a gentle, comforting squeeze, making me look at him then rest my head on his shoulder. 
"Please guys, let me out. It's starting to hurt. It's not like the first time." Scott insists. "It's the full moon. It's Allison breaking up with me. I know, and it's not just taking a break… she broke up with me." 
Stiles looks at me, I just shake my head because I know what he's thinking. I know he wants to let him out, but he has to be strong. 
"It's killing me. I feel defeated, hopeless… Please just let me out. I can't…" Scott trails off. 
Suddenly we hear the rattling of the handcuffs against the radiator again. Scott straining to slide out of them. This time, he screams in pain. Stiles and I cover our ears, but I can still hear him as clear as day. He continues to scream and struggle with the handcuffs until I hear growling and then… silence. 
"Scott, are you okay?" Stiles asks as we remove our hands from our ears.
"Scott?" I call out. 
We stand up and open the door. There, on the floor, are the handcuffs and spots of blood on the floor and see some spatter on the radiator and see the fully opened window. We look at each other and bolt out of the room and head straight for Roscoe. We climb in and head off to look for Scott. 
Driving down the road, I get a glimpse of the full moon when a sudden sharp shooting pain goes to my head. I wince and hold my head. Stiles looks over at me while also trying to pay attention to the road. "You okay?" He asks, concerned.
"Y-yeah. Just a…just a headache." I answer. 
The pain intensifies and I wince again, holding my head again. I suddenly feel a tingle in my fingertips and a stabbing feeling in my mouth. My mouth starts to water and I feel… hungry. What the hell is happening to me????? 
"Stop the car…" I growl. 
"I said… stop the car!" I reply louder. He quickly pulls over and I throw the car door open before he comes to a complete stop. 
Stiles gets out and gets ready to follow me. "Stay back, Stiles! I'm gonna be sick!" 
He stops dead in his tracks and calls out, "Do you need a doctor?" 
"No, give me just five minutes!" I call back, straining. 
I run far into the woods, looking for something to curb my appetite. My claws out, fangs out, eyes glowing. I stop and listen intently, hearing something running. Suddenly a deer runs past me. I chase after it. Catching up quicker than what my dad would and get a hold of its antlers and drag it to the ground with a grunt and a slide into the dirt. I sit on him and hold him down and bite into him. I drink enough of his blood to conquer my hunger without killing the deer. I let him go, he gets up with wobbly legs and walks in a circle before it catches its balance and runs off. I wipe my mouth and head back over to Stiles. He's leaning against his Jeep with his hands in his pockets, waiting on me. He instantly straightens up when he sees me.
"Are you okay?" He asks, worried.
"Yeah… guess this full moon is making everyone a little crazy." I admit. 
"What happened to your pants?" He asks, pointing at my dirt covered leg.
I look down at it and make up a quick lie. "I slid down a hill while running." 
"You okay now, though? You don't think it has anything to do with your head injury?" He wonders aloud.
"Maybe…" I answer back unsure. "...we should probably go back to looking for Scott." I add. 
He nods and we both get back into Roscoe. We drive for a while, both of us tense from stress of the full moon, Scott being missing, and me hiding almost everything about myself from Stiles, until we pull up on an emergency scene. Ambulances, police cars, a whole crowd of emergency workers. Stiles comes to an abrupt stop and gets out. I get out and follow him. "Dad?" He calls out.
"Stiles, wait up!" I holler to him. 
"Dad?" He calls out again as he turns an officer around, realizing it's his dad. 
"Has-has anyone seen my dad?" He calls out, concerned. 
I catch up with him as he looks at the gurney with a hand hanging out from the sheet.  
"Stiles?" We hear a familiar voice call out. 
"Charli? What are you guys doing here?" He asks us, clearly confused and worried.
Stiles breathes a sigh of relief and runs to his dad and hugs him tight. I just stand and give them some space. As they talk, I notice a familiar SUV, just sitting by the Jeep. I recognize the man in the driver seat as Allison's dad, but I don't recognize the woman. However, I notice she's blonde. That might be the same blonde lady that Scott was talking about… 
"Hey, uh, Sheriff?" I get Noah's attention. "Who's that?" I ask, pointing at the SUV. 
Him and Stiles look over at the red SUV that continues to sit next to Roscoe. Stiles raises an eyebrow to them as Noah walks over to them. He talks to them for only a moment, then they drive off. He comes back over to us as they stare Stiles and I down. What do they know?
"That was your guys' friend, Allison's dad and aunt. They happened to be driving by and saw you two plus all the emergency vehicles and wanted to see if they could be of assistance." Noah informs us. 
"Well, what did you tell them?" I ask, shakily.
"I told them thanks for the help, but as the Sheriff, I have it under control." He answered. 
Stiles and I just look at each other, then back to the direction the Argents drove off in…
@mummybear @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @goddesswritingsmain @stiles-o-dylan24 @ficus-fig @softpeteparker @inschi @wil2space @nicole-lynne @fullangelimagines @hufflepuff-foodie @pure-ghost @blueraindrops @teenwolffan-with-nolife @zenawa
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amatchinwater · 3 years
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Lydia Martin
Warnings: Explicit sexual content (don't know if Tumblr will keep that or not, so I'm posting this on ao3 after this)
Words: 4137 (sorry?)
Writing prompt: Five times Person A thought they were in a relationship with Person B and the one time Person B finally catches on that their own pining is definitely not unrequited.
Part: 6/6
"What do you mean you're not coming?" Stiles shrieks into the phone and he's trying to put his dress pants on. The only reason he's even wearing slacks in the first place is because Lydia insisted he look nice going out to a celebratory dinner with her and Theo. He stares at the black button up on his bed like it personally offended him. Maybe it did. It is Theo's favorite color after all. God, he's really not doing a good job at hiding it anymore. "This whole thing was your idea, you can't just back out."
"I'm not backing out," Lydia groans into his ear, "something came up at work that I have to take care of. I'm sorry, but you'll learn soon that your clients come first." Lydia graduated two years ago and became a lawyer, a very good one.
"Well then I'm not going until you-"
"No!" The banshee yells a little too defensively for Stiles' taste. "No, just," Lydia sighs, "you still deserve a nice dinner for your hard work, Stiles. I'm sure you'll have a good time alone with Theo."
"I already spend time alone with Theo, Lyds." Stiles puts his phone and speaker, setting it in the nightstand so he can put the shirt on. "All the time, actually."
"I'm sorry," she scoffs, "are you complaining? I thought you liked him?"
Stiles groans in frustration, he got halfway through buttoning his shirt to realize he missed one. "I do Lydia. A lot, okay? But that doesn't mean he needs to know that! I'm not going to risk losing my best friend just because I have feelings for him!"
The banshee’s tone softens, "you didn't lose me. Do you really think it's going to be the end of the world if he found out? Theoretically, what's the worst that could happen?"
"Gee, Lydia, I don't know.” Stiles slaps his thighs. “He turns me down, painfully, humiliatingly, and my heart cracks in my chest. Then, he's so disgusted by the fact that a guy likes him- one that he's shared a bed with I might add- that he drops me and I quite literally lose him. Am I painting a vivid enough picture for you?"
"When did you two share a bed?!"
Stiles winces, he had intentionally not told her that. Because he knew this would be her reaction. Damn his rambling mouth! "He spent the night a few weeks ago and I had a pretty bad nightmare. He made my tea and then stayed with me until I fell asleep." He's going to purposefully leave out the fact that they cuddled, he can't handle that talk right now. "When I woke up, he was still there. He was just being a good friend."
"Wow, you really are oblivious." Lydia chuckles dryly. Stiles doesn't like that one bit.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, finally getting the buttons in their proper places. His bedroom door is cracked, so Stiles hears his front door open and close, along with the jingle of keys. "I'm almost ready, Theo, I'll be out in a minute. What's that supposed to mean, Lydia?" He repeats his question.
"Nothing, just go have fun." The banshee says too dismissively.
"What? No, you don't get to say something like that and then not explain, Lydia."
"Call me later, love you!"
His screen lights up from his nightstand showing that the banshee ended the call. "Love you too." Stiles huffs to himself, bending down to put on his shoes. This is so stupid. When he meets Theo in the living room, he's nearly convinced the chimera lives to make Stiles forget how to breathe. How is he supposed to control himself when Theo looks like that? Standing there in dark grey slacks and a deep plum dress shirt, he's resisting the urge to salivate.
"Well, don't you clean up nicely?" Theo smirks, spinning and catching his keys in his hand. Stiles cannot handle this. He can't get through dinner with that picture sitting across from him. His foot is going to be in his mouth repeatedly. He needs a drink. Or five.
Stiles points at the chimera, "don't push it Raeken, Lydia just told me she's not coming and now I'm in these itchy clothes for no reason."
Theo mockingly tsks his teeth, "aww, poor baby." He laughs when the human squints his eyes and tries his best to growl threateningly. "Hey, that's my thing." The chimera jokes and Stiles huffs. "Relax, you look great. We can have a good night without Lydia." Theo puts his hand at the small of Stiles' back and it takes everything in him not to stiffen at the intimate contact as he's ushered out the door.
The restaurant is actually really nice. Candles on the tables, place settings already out if you wanted to do their course by course option. It’s the kind of place that has more than one fork for you to use. The intimate low lighting is doing nothing to help the human keep his shit together. Their menu has all sorts of different food options, but Stiles is simple and is dying to try their steak.
"Hey guys, my name is Natalie, I'll be your server tonight, what can I get you to drink?" The tall blonde asks, and again Stiles wishes he could properly growl at the look she gives Theo. Yeah, with his long hair and shirt clinging to his arms, he looks like a fucking snack. But still. He has no right to be jealous, Stiles knows that. They're not together, but fuck do they have to hit on Theo where he can see it?
"What's your best white wine?" Theo asks, smiling at the expression Stiles gives him for remembering that’s his favorite.
"Are you celebrating something?" Natalie asks as she points to one on the menu Theo's looking at. “This one is really popular.”
The chimera tells her, "we'll take a bottle of that then. And it's a celebration for him passing finals. I thought he could use a nice night out."
Natalie straightens up from her lean towards the chimera, "oh congrats!" She smiles widely, "you guys are too cute together." The waitress quips, and she's off to get their drinks. Stiles wants to die because there's no way Theo didn't see his blush at her comment.
Stiles is pouring his second glass by the time she comes back to get their orders. Something needs to calm his internal freak out, so some wine is exactly what the doctor ordered, thank you very much.
“I’m gonna have the salmon and rice, he’ll have the steak and potatoes, medium rare please, extra mushrooms.” The human can’t contain his giggle that the chimera ordered for him and knew exactly what he wanted too. The waitress scribbles on her pad with a smile, nodding before she takes their menus and leaves.
“Careful, Theo. You keep doing stuff like that and I’m going to think this is a date.” Stiles smirks over his wine glass and Theo blushes hard. Theo just blushed over Stiles, what? “Wait, is this a date?”
The chimera shrugs, trying way too hard to play off the red cheeks Stiles definitely saw. And it’s not the wine because that does nothing to Theo, it’s just to seem normal while the human is drinking. “I kind of figured after everything that I should take you on an actual date, yeah.”
“A-after everything?” Stiles asks, his brain frying as the waitress sets their food on the table. Is he able to shove his face into his steak? That totally wouldn’t make it obvious that Stiles doesn’t know how to deal with what he just heard. Theo just agreed that this is a date! Theo...likes him? Wow, you really are oblivious, Lydia’s voice rings in his head. Holy shit. Holy. Shit. Any chance of controlling his heartbeat went out the window the second he polished off that second glass.
"Stiles, I'm at your apartment so much more than my own that you buy me groceries now. I asked Lydia to tell me how your tea needs to be made so that I can help you whenever I'm there. When you fell asleep on me that night, that was the best night's sleep I had in a really long time, all because I finally got to hold you." Theo sighs, not looking Stiles in the eye. "I also asked Lydia not to come so I could have you to myself." He knew something was fishy with the way she freaked when he said he wasn't going to go. "Stiles, I've been yours for a long time now. Spoken or not. Unless I just imagined literally everything, including your chemosignals, if so put me out of my misery because that'd be really embarrassing."
Stiles' smile shakes, watching one of the strongest people he's ever met turn into a rambling mess like he does. Over him no less. "No, uh. Well, yes. K-kind of. I was trying to hide how I felt because I didn't think you could ever feel that way about me. Much less a guy at all. I tried so hard not to read into the things you did and rationalize that you were just being my best friend."
Theo laughs, "you know when someone hits on me- guy or girl- I tell them that I have a boyfriend already. I think of you every time I say it too." That makes Stiles' heart do flip flops and the chimera definitely heard it. "Stiles, I care about you so much. I-" Theo runs his fingers through his hair, pushing just bangs out of his face with a sigh, "I realized a long time ago that I love you more than a friend should."
Stiles is staring at the chimera with a slack jaw. His brain is working a mile a minute, replaying every single word Theo just said. Going over every interaction they’ve ever had. How could he have been so blind? Wait, wait, wait. Did Theo just say that he loves him? His gaze drops to his third nearly empty glass and then back to Theo. Surely the human just misheard that part from the wine. “You love me?”
“Yeah.” Theo breathes out and his cheeks burn pink again. “The fact that you’re not really saying anything is making me panic a little over here.”
“I love you too, Theo.” Stiles barely gets out until Natalie is back. What is it about servers coming back at literally the worst of times?
“How is everything going?” She asks with a bright smile.
“We’ll take the check.” Theo never takes his eyes off of the human, “and two boxes please.”
The entire ride in the truck back to his apartment, Stiles’ leg was bouncing with nervous energy. Theo was cordial- only holding Stiles' hand as they walked to his car- in public despite the fact that the human really didn’t care. The chimera could’ve dragged him to some dark alley and had his way with him for all he cares. All this time he’d been ignoring everything around him because Stiles thought if he told Theo how he felt that the chimera would drop him like a bag of rocks. And here Theo has been acting like the epitome of boyfriend material and Stiles was an oblivious, pining idiot. Who knows how long he could have been with Theo if he had gotten his head out of his ass.
He follows Theo up the stairs to his front door in silence, waiting patiently for the chimera to open the door. Theo steps to the side letting him walk in first since he has their dinner. They kick off their shoes, Stiles walking to the kitchen to put their food away while Theo tosses his keys on the dining room table. His nerves have returned the second he closes the fridge and turns to see Theo staring at him while unbuttoning his sleeves and then working on the ones on the front of his shirt.
Good god. Such simple things shouldn’t be that hot. “So,” Stiles draws out the word, not really sure what to say. He knows what he wants and that’s to throw himself at the chimera. If Theo has been acting like a boyfriend should for months now, if not longer, Stiles is more than okay with skipping a few steps and dragging the chimera to his bedroom. Stiles runs his fingers through his hair, trying to work out the jitters as he takes a few steps towards Theo.
With a chuckle and his signature smirk, Theo rushes to meet him halfway, his hands find the human’s waist and pull their chests flush. Stiles hums when the chimera crashes their lips together, moving in sync like they’ve been doing this for years. Theo walks them until Stiles’ back hits the wall and the chimera pins him in place, a small gasp punches out of the human and Theo takes advantage to shove his tongue into Stiles’ mouth. Stiles’ fingers fist in Theo’s hair, tugging enough to make the chimera groan into the kiss and grind his hips until Stiles’ legs fall open for him to rest between.
A whimper rips through Stiles when Theo pulls away, panting as he puts his head on the human’s chest. “You keep making sounds like that Stiles, and I’m not going to be able to control myself.”
“Oh no,” Stiles argues, lifting Theo’s head to meet his eyes, seeing the chimera’s are flickering between blue and gold. “I’ve been denying myself you for who knows how long.” His words cause Theo’s eyes to blaze a continuous gold, “so you do whatever the fuck you want. I’m yours, Theo. I-if you want that, of course.” It’s second nature for Stiles to second guess himself.
The chimera growls deep in his throat and that shouldn’t be such a turn on. Except that it is, solely because it’s Theo doing it. The chimera leans into Stiles’ neck, rubbing his nose along the pale skin, placing a kiss right under his ear before whispering, “I’ve wanted you for years, Stiles.” Theo pulls on the lobe with his teeth and the human breathes out a moan, “lets see what other sounds I can get out of you.”
Stiles yelps and then giggles when Theo cups his ass, lifting him up to wrap his legs around the chimera’s waist. Theo licks and nips at the human’s neck and Stiles fumbles to try and get his bedroom door open, moaning when Theo bites the crook of his neck. “You’re gonna kill me.” Stiles whispers.
“Never,” Theo chuckles, laying Stiles on the bed and yanking his shirt off before crawling on top of the human, claiming Stiles’ mouth as his own. “Are you attached to it?” Theo asks, feeling the human trying and failing to unbutton his shirt in his haste. Stiles shakes his head wildly, he’s so not. Theo flicks out his claws and tears the fabric away, “fuck, you’re beautiful.” The chimera whispers, leaning down to pepper kisses along Stiles’ bare chest. “Someone’s sensitive,” Theo teases when Stiles keens from the chimera licking and nibbling his nipples.
Stiles has much more success in undoing their belts than he had with his buttons and he pulls Theo’s pants off. He literally can’t even remember the last time that he had sex. Or maybe Theo is just that skilled and instinctively knows exactly what to do to turn Stiles into putty. “Please, Theo.” Stiles whines because the chimera has made no effort to touch him anywhere else yet and he’s throbbing in his pants right now. “S-stop teasing and get inside me.”
The chimera lets out a breathy laugh along his neck, “sorry, baby. I wanted to take my time with you.” But Theo listens, leaning back to help the human out of his pants.
“Don’t need it.” Stiles shakes his head, trying to wiggle out of his briefs, “you can take your time next time. I need you now.” The fact that he’s talking about there being a next time makes him blush and Theo’s eyes flicker again. The chimera catches Stiles by his wrists removing the restricting fabric himself and pulling to the edge of the bed. Thank god he decided to drink a little- he’s far from drunk- the light buzz helps him not be so nervous about the fact that he’s actually naked in front of Theo.
Theo, who looks like he fell off a swimsuit ad, is staring at him with hungry, lust filled eyes. It’s almost too much, until the chimera bends down, spreading Stiles’ legs, kissing his thighs and all the human can think about is where Theo is touching him. “Tell me again.”
He may not be drunk from the alcohol, but his brain is definitely muddled from Theo’s efforts that Stiles isn’t too sure what the chimera is asking. He was just being needy, that's all. “I need you. Now, Theo, please.”
Stiles feels more than hears the chuckle from the chimera, “it is a very pretty sound to hear you beg, baby.” Theo bites his thigh and Stiles moans, “but that’s not what I meant.” God, why is Theo making him think right now? He went to Lydia for help, surely she told him ways to drive Stiles crazy. The chimera licks his finger, rubbing it against Stiles’ tight hole and thoughts have long since gone out the window. “Come on baby, you know what I want to hear.” Theo’s finger presses inside and the soft burn makes Stiles moan. Every time the name baby falls from his lips, Stiles wants to crumble.
There’s nothing special Stiles has said today that Theo would want repeated. Oblivious, remember? The human chuckles, uncontrollably tightening around the digit inside him, realizing what the chimera’s asking. “I love you, Theo.” Stiles gasps out, the finger hooking and twisting, teasing the bundle of nerves and Stiles can't focus. “Lube. Nightstand.”
Theo reaches over to grab the tube, popping the cap and coating his finger, pressing a second in beside it and Stiles moans loudly. He needs Theo in him, like now. “God, I love that.” The chimera growls hearing another plea from the human. Stiles cries out and bucks his hips when Theo wraps his lips around his cock and he spreads the fingers inside him. Stiles becomes a moaning mess under the chimera when a third finger pushes inside and aims straight for his prostate.
The feeling of Theo swirling his tongue around his cockhead everytime he head comes up makes Stiles shudder. There’s a filthy squelch from his stretched hole and Theo growls around the shaft, the sensation has him flying towards the edge, “T-theo,” Stiles gasps, “I’m gonna-” he moans loudly when Theo hits his prostate with force and sucks harder. “Theo!” Stiles yells and he cums into the chimera’s mouth and Theo sucks down every drop, pulling off with a pop. “You just did that. Holy shit.” Stiles pants.
“And I’ll gladly do it again.” Theo uses his free hand to push his hair out of his face and Stiles has never been more grateful that the chimera kept it long like their senior year. Theo pulls his fingers out and Stiles tries to push his hips to get them back in. “Hold on,” Theo chuckles, pulling his boxers off. If Stiles didn’t want that perfect cock elsewhere, he’d have definitely returned the favor. “Condom?”
“No,” Stiles shakes his head, reaching out for the chimera. “You can’t catch anything and I’m clean. Can’t really get pregnant either.” The human leans up to kiss Theo, “I want to feel you.” Stiles says against the chimera’s lips, when he flops back on the bed, Theo’s eyes bleed gold again.
“Fuck,” Theo says breathlessly and the concept that his words can have that kind of reaction from the chimera is invigorating. Stiles hears the lube pop open again and watches with hooded eyes as Theo coats his hard cock. He can’t help the fact that he licks his lips in anticipation as the chimera spreads his legs and lines himself up to his entrance. Slowly, much to Stiles’ protest, Theo pushes himself inside inch by inch, bottoming out in one thrust. “Finally,” Theo whispers.
It takes a lot less time than Stiles thought he’d need for him to start grinding his hips against the cock inside him, letting Theo know he’s more than ready for him to move. The chimera pulls his hips back and snaps them forward and Stiles keens. The sound makes Theo continue his pace, railing into the human’s prostate with force. “Theo,” Stiles moans the chimera’s name.
Golden eyes lock with his and Theo falls forward to kiss him, the human moans into his mouth. “Fuck, baby. I need you too." Stiles is confused for half a second until Theo pulls out and lays on his back with his legs over the edge of the bed. The chimera grabs Stiles' arm and brings him into his lap, the way he just sinks back onto Theo's cock has his eyes rolling back. "You're so perfect, Stiles." The chimera moans into his mouth, cupping the sides of his face as Stiles rolls his hips..
Every nerve in Stiles’ body is on high alert and screaming for Theo when the chimera kisses the crook of his neck.
"You don't have class for a few months,” Theo’s voice a touch more animalistic than human, and that does things to Stiles. “Can I mark you?"
"Theo," Stiles groans, grinding against the chimera, "if mates were a thing I'd let you use your fangs. Scratch that, you can use them anyway if you want to. I want you Theo."
"God, I love you." Theo growls, with a firm grip in Stiles' hair, he bends the human's neck to suck on the flesh, blunt human teeth grazing up and down the skin. Stiles gasps and shivers when the soft sting of Theo's fangs rake across his neck. All of Theo's control is out the window now being so intune with his instincts and he holds Stiles' shoulders to fuck up into him. "How did I get so lucky?" Theo whispers against his neck.
The idea that Theo thinks he's the lucky one is a novelty to Stiles. He's been pining over the chimera for four years now. If anyone's lucky, it's him. Stiles turns his head to kiss the chimera, it's messy and uncoordinated around Theo's fangs, but Stiles doesn't care, doing his best to meet every one of the chimera’s thrusts. The friction from Stiles rubbing against Theo’s abs is almost enough to send him over the edge of another orgasm. “Theo,” Stiles whispers, running his hands along the chimera’s arms.
Theo snakes his hand between them to take Stiles’ cock in his rough hand. It’s exactly what he needed. The chimera’s thrusts get jagged and his breathing labored as he pumps his fist making Stiles cum with a throaty moan, his head falling slack on Theo’s shoulder. A few breaths later and Theo finds his own release inside the human, painting Stiles’ core. “Look at you,” Theo lifts Stiles’ face to his, “so pretty with me buried inside you,” the chimera thrusts up hard, “with my marks on your neck,” Theo does it again, “perfect.”
Fucking supernatural stamina. But Theo doesn’t do it again, he pulls Stiles in for a passionate kiss, pulling out from him and settling them on the bed. “We should take a shower.” Stiles mumbles, but Theo’s fingers are running along his back and he’s finding it very hard to keep his eyes open.
Theo chuckles into his hair, “you’re seconds away from falling asleep, and you’re thinking about a shower?”
“Sticky’s bad.” Stiles hums, “but comfy.”
“You’re adorable. Come on,” Theo sits up making Stiles groan in protest, but it’s quickly silenced when the chimera scoops him up in his arms and carries him out of the room. “Close your eyes, it’s gonna be bright.”
“No, you can see just fine. No light.”
The chimera breathes out a laugh, “okay, baby.” Theo turns the shower on and waits for the water to warm up before placing Stiles on the tile floor. “I’m gonna grab towels, I’ll be right back.” The linen closet is right outside the bathroom door, so Theo is curling himself behind Stiles in no time.
A cap pops open and Theo starts rubbing soap into Stiles’ back and stomach, “I could get used to this, you know?”
The chimera kisses the side of his neck, “I thought I proved to you that I’d do anything for you, Stiles.” Theo wraps his arms around the human, holding him close, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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doyelikehaggis · 4 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Stira | Stiles Stilinski x Kira Yukimura (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @childofsquidward
"Ok-ay," Stiles says, returning to the living room, trying not to spill the two overflowing mugs of hot chocolate. "One hot chocolate refill for the lady. Free of charge, of course."
Kira grins and takes one of the mugs from him. "Thank you. Sitting through this marathon without hot chocolate would have been a nightmare."
Stiles hums his agreement. He flops back down beside her on the cushion pile they formed. Once he's settled, Kira pulls part of the blanket back over him. 
"Ready?" she then asks, finger hovering over the control.
"Absolutely," Stiles says, waving at the screen, and she presses play. "If we plan on finishing this whole marathon before midnight—which we have to, it's essential—"
"Because Lydia will kill us if we stay up until four AM on Christmas morning, sleep in, and then we're late to meet up with everyone?" Kira fills in for him, hiding a teasing smile behind her cup. 
"Yes, exactly that," Stiles says. "So, to avoid such undesirable scenarios, we can't take any more breaks. We have everything we need."
"Including Captain America."
Stiles rolls his eyes and gives a disapproving shake of his head. "We are not having this conversation again!"
Kira puts a hand up. "You know where I stand."
"On the wrong side, against our lord and saviour, Thor. Next you'll be telling me you're team Liam."
He gives her a sideways, suspicious look, gauging her for a reaction. But Kira makes a face and gives a firm shake of her head.
"Definitely not," she says. "Thor may not be my favourite Avenger, but it's always Team Chris."
Stiles nods slowly, the suspicion not leaving his face. But he accepts the answer and takes a drink of his hot chocolate, focusing back on the movie—Infinity War, the third to last one on their list. 
Kira glances at him from the corner of her eye with a fond smile. She enjoys this. Their movie nights. It started with Kira saying she had the new Spider-Man movie on DVD already, because she likes to have a physical collection of them, and Stiles was so disappointed that he hadn't seen it yet, she just invited him over. From there, they just kept finding things to watch every week. 
Just being in his company gives her a weird happiness. She can't really explain it. But she does know that when he looks at her and realizes she's watching him, and he gives her that mischievous, cheeky little smile, her heart speeds up and she feels like she's swallowed a whole acrobatic performance. And yet it's nice. 
Trying to cover for herself, Kira looks back at the screen, takes a drink. Then tilts her head towards him with a grin and quietly says, "But I do think that Kylo Ren wasn't that bad."
"WHAT?" Stiles turns back to her immediately, in utter disbelief. "Are you—"
When he sees her expression, wide and teasing eyes, biting her lip behind her mug, he catches on. He nods, the corners of his mouth curving.
"Oh, okay. Sure. You're playing me," he says. "I see how it is. But I know how to play, too. And I have to say, The Flash? Not as good as Quicksilver."
Kira mock gasps, playing along. She straightens, trying to keep her own composure as Stiles struggles not to break.
"Yeah, well, Tony Stark is a Bruce Wayne wannabe. They all have their flaws."
"I can't argue with that, you're absolutely right. Batman is superior," Stiles says, shrugging. 
"And The Atom versus Ant-Man?" Kira asks.
Stiles groans. "Oh, do not even get me started, that is just like the Hulk vs The Thing debate!"
"I know, right?! I don't even get how there's a competition!"
At the same time as she says, "The Hulk and Atom!" Stiles says, "The Thing and Ant-Man!"
They stare at each other. Then they're laughing. Kira's heart flutters happily. She was right when she told Stiles that she doesn't mind spending Christmas Eve watching movies with him. This is more fun than she can imagine having doing anything else. 
Stiles nods. "All right, Hulk and Atom do have some good qualities, I can see that."
"And… the Thing and Ant-Man are pretty cool," Kira agrees. "Ant-Man especially, he's such a dork, and so sweet."
"Kinda like the Atom," Stiles points out. 
"Guess they're not totally different," Kira says, softly, and even she can't explain why. 
But it makes Stiles hold her gaze. His lips part a little, as if he wants to say something. He doesn't. Just smiles, and nudges her shoulder gently, and they focus back on the movie. If Kira stays leaned into his side, and Stiles moves an arm to give her more room, neither of them comment on it. 
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the-unshaped · 4 years
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Chapter Text
"How's the first day back?"
Stiles Stilinski grinned as his oldest friend, Scott, slapped a strong hand on his shoulder. After what felt like a million years away from each other, he was back, his best friend standing beside him. It was a fantastic feeling.
Walking into the school was bizarre. He had felt nostalgia in the past but nothing to this extent before. Maybe it was because his last school was so much larger, but it seemed like every year they were making noticeable changes. Beacon Hills, on the other hand, was exactly how he remembered. The same white and black speckled linoleum floors, same painted mascot on the walls, same old lockers, same trophy cases lining the main hall.
Stiles was stoked.
Even the classes he'd taken so far, which would have ordinarily bored him since he'd learned a lot of what they were going over already, left him feeling almost giddy. The teachers didn't seem to share the sentiment, but fuck them. He wasn't going to let Finstock calling him Billinski a million times drag him down today.
Stiles and Scott had met up the day before, his dad surprising him with dinner and his childhood best friend as a gift for finishing all his unpacking, but it was even more exciting to know he was going to see him every day. They had talked at least once a week after Stiles finally broke and got Facebook eighth grade year and even more when they both had online gaming, almost every day. It was like they'd never stopped.
Stiles had been begging his dad to move back since the day they left, and he only got more persistent after his reunion with Scott, but no matter how hard he tried to convince him, no dice. That is until his dad's college friend, Adam Wilder, let him know that the Beacon Hills was offering full ride scholarships to the college of their choice to the top 5 graduates and was in need of a new sheriff. Not even John could refuse that kind of help. Despite his worry that he wouldn't be accepted as a transfer, he took a chance and put in an application. A month later and a million moving boxes later, Stiles was leaving his fancy Sacramento apartment and on his way home.
"Not bad, Scott. I've got Dad, my best bud, and my nightmares of a poorly-aged Lydia can finally be absolved because she is still as much of a goddess as the day I left, dare I say more. All is right with the world," he said, eyeing the lean strawberry blonde haired girl down the hall. Scott winced, and pulled at his lock, freeing it from the metal loop before opening it and shoving his math book inside. "I definitely missed this place. What more could I ask for?”
Scott scoffed and scuffed the toes of his shoes against the floor. "I can't imagine why anyone would miss this place."
Stiles eyed him, unsure if he was playing around or not. Leaving Beacon Hills, for him, felt like tearing off a limb, leaving something messy, jagged and bloody in its place. Sacramento hadn't been bad, per se. He made awesome grades and was in a club or two every year. He had some people that could pass as friends he hung out with occasionally, but it wasn't the same as the life he had in Beacon Hills. Also losing a limb, Stiles had survived the initial pain and adapted, but at the end of the day, he knew that it wasn't there and could feel the ache of its absence.
Stiles knew he was meant to be there. It was where he was born m. Where he learned how to tie his shoes and write his name. Where he and Scott made a terrible mess in the kitchen making treats for a fundraiser, and Melissa made them clean all day after school, scolding them even as she ate the last remaining cupcake. It was home.
The only difference between losing a limb and losing Beacon Hills was that there was always a voice in the back of his mind telling him that he could get it back, if only he could convince his dad. It was only a few hours away, and he would eventually be able to choose where he lived. Luckily he hadn't had to wait that long.
Stiles shrugged off Scott's dismissal. "I'm sure you'd miss it once you left."
Stiles closed his locker, and noticed Scott had gone quiet. He took a peek over his shoulder as he clamped his padlock shut and realized he had his eyes trained on an adorable brunette talking to a fierce looking blonde he had noticed earlier in their math class. Stiles looked between them a dorky smirk spreading across his face.
"You are so obvious, man. Your tail is practically wagging."
Scott's eyes shot up, eyebrows knit together. "What?"
"That girl. The brunette. You have your 'unrequited pining' look on your face," Stiles explained, shutting his locker door. Scott frowned, crossing his arms, even as he snuck another peek at her.
"It's not that obvious," Scott muttered.
"I've literally only been here for," he looked at her phone, then back up at Brennan, "three hours and forty-five minutes and I knew the moment you looked at her."
Stiles looked at Scott's downtrodden face then brightened. "Wait, is that Allison? Like love of your life, scary but amazing, Allison?"
The blonde glanced over at them, smirking at Scott. Stiles didn't seem to notice. Even if he had he would have no reason to suspect that she could hear anything he said, but Scott knew differently. He flushed, wrapping his arm around Stiles shoulder, whipping him around to face the lockers in a huddle.
"Dude," Scott hissed. "Keep it down."
"It is her! Holy crap," Stiles laughed. Scott just pouted, his eyebrows still pulled together.
"Yeah, yeah. You're brilliant. Can you shut up now?"
"Come on. You act like people are listening," Stiles said, craning his head around to look at the near bustling halls. "Trust me, we aren't that interesting."
"Speak for yourself. I'm plenty interesting."
"Oh yeah? Let my go ask how interesting you are," Stiles teased. "Yo, All-!"
Scott clamped a hand over his mouth, and Stiles was quick to retaliate.
"Did you seriously just lick me? How old are you? Stiles. Stop it!"
Scott dropped his hand with a scowl, wiping it on his dark jeans.
"I'll have you know, licking people could solve approximately 80% of the world's problems," Stiles said, hitting Scott suggestively. "Speaking of licking, how the hell did you get so built? I thought you sucked at sports."
Scott's scowl bled into a full blown grin, ignoring Stiles' sexual remark. "That was last year. A lot has changed. Now hurry up or we're going to miss lunch. And please try to control yourself a little, okay?"
Stiles gave him a questioning look, but didn't ask. He followed Scott through the halls, weaving through the people, trying to connect names to old familiar faces. Some people were easier to remember than others. He would catch flashes of memories from t-ball and baseball practices, or stories her dad had told him on the car ride here. He had only ever really been close to Scott before they left, but the familiarity was calming in a way he hadn't expected.
Stiles couldn't help but grin when they pushed through the heavy doors to the cafeteria.
The walls were a less than white white, dull and slightly grimy with age. They had long rectangular tables instead of the faux wood round ones at his old school, but honestly he liked these better, even if it was just a bit too much white all together for his taste. Too much like a hospital.
"Wow it hasn't changed at all," Stiles chirped. "I bet Mrs. Green still has that wild chin hair, too."
As if she could hear him, Mrs. Green looked up at him with a scowl. He waved at her excitedly, a lopsided grin painted on his face, and Scott shook his head in amusement.
"Hi, Mrs. Green!"
As they made their way through the food line, Stiles reminisced over the meatloaf and asked if they still had the breakfast pizza with white gravy and sausage balls he loved so much. Scott couldn't help but get secondhand excitement. It had been so long since he had felt normal like this. Not that he didn't like his life or that he didn't enjoy things the way they were, but having a friend that wasn't constantly caught up in his problems was nicer than he had expected it to be.
Stiles continued chattering excitedly up until the moment Scott sat down. At a table. With people. Very hot people. Stiles looked down at Scott with wide eyes, his mouth agape. Lydia Martin. Scott was friends with Lydia fucking Martin? How had this not made it into their text messages?!
Scott cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed.
"Guys, you remember Stiles, right? Stiles, that's Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Jackson, Boyd, and Erica. Cora normally sits with us but I think she-well, actually I'm not sure where she is today."
Stiles' eyes followed down the line, his face flushing. What the fresh hell? Scott was attractive in a totally platonic, nothing sexual way, and he would be blantantly lying if he said he hadn't noticed how fit he was now, but how the hell did they go from being the lanky dorks in class to Scott having supermodel-esque friends?
He immediately recognized some of the faces. Lydia, obviously. Scary hot blonde and Scott's crush, obviously Allison, from the hallway. Then, if his friends being hot wasn't weird enough, he realized with a start who the thin muscular guy was.
"Jackson. Jackson Whittemore? As in the Jackson Whittemore who shoved my Batman figure down the toilet?"
Stiles shook his head incredulously at Scott, like he had been personally victimized by the very thought of his seating partner, and Scott buried his face in his hands. Allison laughed, a musical sound that he had heard about in many different phone calls.
"You shoved his Batman down the toilet?"
Jackson smirked, shrugging slightly.
"Poor guy. So you were always a dick," Erica teased, peeking over the lip of her glass of water.
"We were like 6. I'm sure he's fine," Jackson said, leveling Stiles with a less than pitying glare.
Stiles muttered the contrary gruffly under his breath.
"You sure look tasty. Why didn't you tell us he was so fine, Scott?"
Stiles flushed at the blonde's words, not knowing how to comment to that. He looked to Scott for help, but he just shrugged as if to say, "she's always like this."
The man beside Erica, Boyd if Stiles recalled correctly, rolled his eyes, a knowing look on his face. He wrapped his arm around her and whispered something to her that made her giggle in delight, and Stiles was kind of scared to know what he said to make that noise come out of her.
Stiles, shifted back and forth on his feet, still standing awkwardly near the table holding his tray. He looked at the spot beside Scott, unsure. Out of everything he had prepared for today, this definitely wasn't it.
"You going to sit down Stilinski?" Jackson sneered.
"Actually I was thinking of enjoying my food standing up," Stiles shot back, biting into his roll dramatically. "I'd hate for anything else I love to end up in the toilet."
Scott grabbed the back of his jacket and pulled him down onto the bench with strength Stiles didn't know he had. He scowled but kept his mouth closed.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Stiles," Allison said. "Scott talks about you a lot. Like a lot a lot."
"Well isn't that a coincidence, because-" Scott jabbed him in the ribs as hard as he could under the table. Allison smiled bashfully and Lydia rolled her eyes.
"Ow! Stupid overnight muscles," Stiles muttered, rubbing his side. "Not fair."
"You know you aren't going to be eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian right?" Lydia asked suddenly, clamping her compact mirror shut. "The policy is that you have to be present for the entirety of your Junior and Senior year to qualify."
Stiles shrugged, trying to keep his overeager inner 9 year old self at bay. "Yeah my dad wasn't thrilled about that, but I told him I didn't care. My GPA is all that really matters. Well, that and my SATs and ACTs."
Lydia gave him an adorable half smile. "Its a shame. It will be nice to have some competition around, regardless. Scott says you're quite the diligent student."
Stiles gave Scott a look that he was too busy ogling to notice. That was strange. That was the second time they mentioned Scott talking about him, yet he knew nothing about any of them. "Is that right?"
Lydia quirked her head, looking between the two, and made a mental note of it.
The rest of lunch went by fairly smoothly, but Stiles couldn't really focus on the various conversations going on around the table, too busy trying to figure everyone out. He could tell that obviously Erica and Boyd were a couple, despite the remark about his attractiveness. Even surrounded by friends, and them frequently chatting with other people instead of each other, he could almost see the personal bubble they had around themselves, so thick it was almost tangible.
From what he could see, Allison and Lydia seemed to be best friends. He wasn't exactly surprised, pretty people always seemed to attract other pretty people, but the vibes they gave off were very different. They were constantly having silent conversations between themselves, checking for opinions as they listened to other people's stories and laughing at inside jokes together. Luckily for Scott, he noticed her eyes would stray over to him frequently, especially when he would start to laugh over something silly.
The most interesting observation seemed to be that while Stiles was away, Scott, Jackson and Isaac had gotten pretty close. Stiles didn't really remember much about Isaac, but he seemed nice enough. He was actually a lot like Stiles in that he was fairly smart, sarcastic, and generally nice to be around, but he had a air of newly self-built confidence around him.
Jackson was the opposite, but to Stiles' surprise, he wasn't as bad as he remembered. Jackson exuded cockiness, that he expected, but he could tell that Jackson was a lot less of a jerk than he used to be when he handed the rest of his food to Isaac before he even had the chance to ask for it. Stiles figured he would be the hardest one to understand, because nothing he said was actually what he meant.
Stiles' thoughts were interrupted when Scott tried to reel Stiles into a conversation about lacrosse, but Stiles was contented to listen to the three guys recap the season so far.
Stiles gradually started feeling a bit more comfortable than he had in the beginning, but something kept nagging at him in the back of his mind: why had Scott told his friends so much about him, yet Stiles was clueless about them? He had heard about Allison, mostly because that was all he talked about, but why hadn't he ever heard of his friendships with the others, especially after Stiles found out he was going to be moving back? They all seemed close. Really, really close. They talked about hanging out on weekends, going to movies, and playing video games all weekend, yet Stiles couldn't remember a single time Scott ever mentioned them.
It was strange. Stiles knew that it was crazy of him to make assumptions from a few passing comments, but something in his gut told him Scott was hiding something.
"Do you have any classes with us?" Isaac asked, holding out his hand expectantly. Stiles shifted so he could pull his schedule from his back pocket and handed it to him. Isaac and Allison looked over it intently, and Jackson snuck a peek, trying and failing to look like he didn't care.
"Chemistry with Scott and Isaac, Math with Scott and Erica, most of the classes with Boyd or Erica if not both, AP classes with Me and Lydia. How did you manage not to have a single class with Jackson?" Allison asked.
"Lucky I guess," Stiles grinned.
Jackson rolled his eyes and Scott elbowed him again. Stiles sucked in air through his teeth and rubbed it until the pain faded. #WorthIt.
"So Scott said your dad is the new Sheriff," Boyd said. It was the first time Boyd had spoken out loud.
"Yeah, he was a deputy here when we lived here before. I guess enough people remembered him from back in the day that when he was nominated, people accepted him."
"Did he tell you how the position opened up?"
Everyone at the table stopped, and eyes were on him. If they were trying to seem subtle, they had definitely failed. Fortunately, though, this Stiles had anticipated. He considered whether he should divulge his true opinions or keep his ideas to himself. After an encouraging nod from Scott, he shrugged.
"Dad told me what they are telling people happened, yeah," he said.
Boyd's flitted to Scott, then he forced a small smile.
"You say that like you don't believe the story."
"I don't."
Boyd looked at him expectantly, as if waiting for him to elaborate. Erica squeezed his arm gently, not tearing her eyes from Stiles, keeping her expression soft. Scott gave him a look and Stiles relented.
Stiles sighed. "My Dad is going to kill me." He looked up to the ceiling as if he were praying for strength to survive. "They are saying it was a mugging or something near the park. That the guy was at the wrong place at the wrong time, got his stuff taken and killed for his trouble."
"That's what I heard too. Sounds reasonable enough, right?" Allison asked, laughing nervously.
Stiles scoffed. "Sure, if he was getting mugged by Wolverine. I haven't seen the crime scene photos yet, but from the conversations I've heard the last few days about the absolute carnage left behind, I don't see how it could be just a simple mugging. They're missing something, they just don't want to admit it yet."
Stiles pretended not to notice Scott tensing beside him. It was no secret Scott wasn't a fan of blood, but he didn't want to embarrass him by pointing it out.
"What does that even mean?" Lydia asked.
"What does what mean?"
"Mugged by Wolverine?"
"Wolverine. You know. X-Men. Wolver-you don't-you don't know who Wolverine is?" Stiles asked, his hands flailing then falling flat on the table, his eyebrows furrowed in distress.
She gave him an incredulous look, her perfect curls bouncing as she shook her head. He ran his hand down his face.
Jackson handed Lydia his phone and her lips turned down. "Man in tights. Not bad."
Allison rolled her eyes and the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
"Nice to meet you, again, Stiles," Allison said again, grabbing her bag and pulling it over her shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, it was truly a pleasure. I need to borrow your calculator so let's go," Jackson said, ushering her away. Scott huffed beside him, and Stiles rolled his eyes. Scott was as oblivious as always.
Everything was messed up.
Cora honestly couldn't decide which was worse, living states away with a bunch of strangers that she couldn't get along with to save her life, or finally being able to come home and dealing with all the frivolous drama that came with it.
Don't get her wrong, she was glad that Derek allowed her to come back home. She loved him and she was really glad that finally someone was starting to treat her like an adult, but having to deal with school and her brother's complicated Pack dynamics was stressful.
Being back home was annoying. Living in South America was worse.
Being away from her home, the last bit of family she had left, it had almost killed her. She didn't want to eat. She couldn't sleep. When she did sleep, it was interrupted by nightmares. Often times she would wake up in the dark, thinking the smoke had enveloped her completely. If that weren't enough, she felt more isolated than she had in her whole life. She was the only human in the Pack, which she was used to, but at least when she was home she was bonded with her family.
She sat in the library, head in her hands, trying not to think about all of the homework assignments that were piling up. Derek had said school was one of the conditions to her moving back in with him, but what exactly did that mean? What was he going to do when she got her grades back? Was he going to ship her back off like Laura had? Would he even feel bad?
She sighed. That wasn't fair. Derek had never wanted her to go, but when Laura decided on something, there wasn't really anything anyone could do to change her mind. As much as Cora didn't want to, she was going to have to talk to him. Good thing talking about feelings was a Hale family specialty.
When the bell rang for lunch, she rolled her eyes. As if her brother and his Pack didn't have enough to argue about, Scott's token human friend was supposed to have his first day today. Not that she wasn't curious what all the hype was about, but she didn't understand why Scott was fighting so hard to let his friend in on all their secrets when he was constantly pointing out how dangerous it was to let Cora stay here.
So, just to spite him, she was here, continuing to work on homework she didn't know how to do, and was too stubborn to ask for help with.
Before she knew it, lunch was over with only a little bit of progress to show for it. She walked begrudgingly to Chemistry, knowing that Harris was probably going to pester her about her revisions from their lab the previous week.
Cora walked to her spot, sitting down, dramatically opening her Chemistry book. Her up and coming best friend, Nina, nudged her with her shoulder has she settled in beside her.
"Did you hear there was a new senior?"
"Unfortunately," She replied icily, pulling a snack from her bag. Nina gave her an odd look. She interpreted it as "what the fuck is up with you?" despite the fact that Nina would never actually use those words. "Apparently he's going to be hanging around my brother's group."
"Oh," Nina smirked, knowingly. "The Hot Hale Harem?"
Cora almost choked on her granola bar, making Nina's smirk grow to a full on grin. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
"You love me."
Cora rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but laugh with her. Nina was different, but she honestly found it kind of refreshing. It was hard for her to remember to think about normal things like boys and shopping, but Nina didn't mind pulling her into her normie girl stuff.
"So, I was thinking," Nina started.
Cora took a deep breath. "No."
"You didn't even hear what I was going to say," she pouted.
"Fine. It'll still be a no, but continue."
"So you know how we have that test on Friday? I was thinking we could invite the guys to study with us."
(Find the rest on AO3 href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/27811303"><strong>The Unshaped</strong></a> (16100 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/Infernal_panda"><strong>Infernal_panda</strong></a><br />Chapters: 2/?<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Teen%20Wolf%20(TV)">Teen Wolf (TV)</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence<br />Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent/Scott McCall, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes<br />Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa McCall, Peter Hale, Cora Hale, Laura Hale<br />Additional Tags: BAMF Stiles, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pining, Underage Drinking, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Romance, Friendship, Humor, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Supernatural Elements, mentions of abuse, eventually, Happy Ending<br />Summary: <p>After leaving Beacon Hills at age 8, Stiles never stopped feeling the indescribable pull, beckoning him back home. A new Sheriff position opening up gives him the chance to move back, and it’s everything Stiles ever wanted. He has his dad, his best friend, and he’s back where he belongs. </p><p>His first day back doesn’t exactly go as planned, and now he is finding that he was even less normal than he thought. </p><p>****</p><p>A Hale Pack fanfic with all of our lovable characters as they try to integrate Stiles into their wolfyhood and crazy monster-filled lives with Stiles as their unknowing magic friend, and a bit of intertwined fates to keep things interesting )
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taeswolfie · 11 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏
☽︎𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍☾︎
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Ch.06 - Ch.08
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 5.5k
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Y/n, Stiles and Scott pull the school doors closed behind them as they hide from the Alpha. "Lock it, lock it!" Scott urges.
"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles snaps.
"We need to grab something." Y/n says.
"I don't know! Anything!" Stiles thinks for a moment and gets an idea. He gets up and looks out of the windows at the bolt cutters left on the ground. Y/n and Scott also look out the window spotting the cutters as well. "No." She shakes her head.
"Stiles, no, don't." Scott tries to stop him but it's too late, Stiles slips out of the doors. He looks around and carefully makes his way towards the cutters. Scott and Y/n keep an eye out and soon enough the Alpha stalks out from behind the Jeep. "Come back, come back!"
"Stiles!" Y/n and Scott bang on the door to warn him. Stiles looks back at them before noticing the Alpha. The Alpha charges and Stiles bolts back towards his friends, slipping back into the school and placing the cutters into the door handles. They all hold the doors for a moment before looking out again, finding the Alpha nowhere in sight.
"Where is it? Where'd it go?" Scott asks. Stiles takes his flashlight and shines it outside. When he doesn't find anything they back away from the door. "That won't hold, will it?"
"Probably not."
"Definitely not." Y/n sighs. They take a moment to breathe, but a howl ripping through the air makes them bolt down the dark halls. They scramble into a classroom.
"The desk." Stiles directs. He and Y/n pull one side and Scott pushes the other. It scrapes against the floor and Stiles stops them. "Shh, stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out."
"I know." Scott sighs.
"I hate your boss."
"What?" Y/n and Scott both asked.
"Deaton, the Alpha?"
"Are you insane?" Y/n glared. "Alan is not the Alpha."
"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."
"That can't be." Scott argues.
"It definitely can't."
"Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?"
"It's not him."
"He killed Derek."
"Alan is not the Alpha!" Y/n growls out. Stiles double takes as he notices her glare and subtly leans away from her. It's never fun being on the receiving end of her anger.
"No, Derek's not dead." Scott denies. "He can't be dead."
"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury." Stiles points out.
"He's a werewolf, you don't know what they can heal from."
Stiles ignores Y/n's comment. "He's dead, and we're next."
"Okay, just... What do we do?" Scott asks.
They all pant from the adrenaline as Stiles thinks. "We get to my Jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?"
"If he's the Alpha what happens to me, huh? Where do I go?" Y/n questions him.
"Uh... You could move in with me." Y/n rolls her eyes at him as they go over to the window. Scott tries to open it, but Stiles suddenly stops him. "No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled."
"Then we break it." Scott suggests.
"Which will make a lot of noise." Y/n points out.
"Then we run really fast." He notices how far the car is. "Really fast." He looks at the Jeep more and furrows his brows. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?"
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong."
"It's bent."
"Dented?" He moves around Scott to look for himself.
"No." Y/n also examines it. "Like bent."
"Wha- what the hell ha-" Stiles is cut off by Y/n's scream and a window shattering. They duck down as an object slides across the floor. Stiles shines his light on it and they can see the scratch marks on the battery to the Jeep. "That's my battery." He goes to get up only for Scott to pull him down.
"We have to move."
"He could be right outside."
"He is right outside." Y/n snaps.
"Just let me take a look." Scott hesitantly peeks his head over the sill to look outside, but doesn't see anything.
"Anything?" Stiles peeks up too.
"Move now?"
"Move now." They get up and go out into the hall, Scott looking both ways before starting to go to the right. "This way."
"No, no, no, no. Somewhere without windows."
"Literally every room has windows." Y/n says.
"Somewhere with less windows."
Scott gets an idea. "The locker room." They make their way to the locker room and close the door. "Call your dad." He orders Stiles.
"And tell him what?"
"I don't know, anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off."
"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad?"
"They have guns."
"Scott, it took a wolfsbane-laced bullet to slow Derek down. Regular bullets are gonna hardly scratch that thing out there." Y/n gestures vaguely outside.
"Then we... We have to... We have to find a way out and just run for it."
"There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." Stiles says.
"What about Derek's car?"
"That could work." Stiles perks up at the idea. "We go outside, we get the keys off his body, ugh," he lightly grimaces, "and then we take his car."
"And him."
"Fine. Whatever." They start walking towards the door but Scott, hearing something, stops them.
"I think I heard something."
"Like what?"
"Shh, quiet." Y/n listens and hears shuffling, her and the boys backing away. Stiles' light shines on the door and Y/n snatches it from him, turning the light off and sitting it aside.
"Hide." She orders. Stiles goes for a locker, it rattles as he opens it and gets inside. "Stiles, what-" He shuts the door. Y/n groans as she and Scott also hide in a locker, her being a bit more quieter. She closes her eyes and tries to calm her breathing. There's something she could be doing, there's something she should be doing, but she's too scared. She can't even spark a candle with how rattled her nerves are. She hears the door handle turn, then the door opens. There's a scream and she and Stiles fall out of the lockers. The janitor had discovered them.
"Son of a bitch!" He exclaims and the teens try to shush him. "Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All three of you, get out."
"Just listen for half a second, okay?" Stiles tries.
"Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now." He ushers them out and pushes them out of the locker room.
"Please, just listen to us." Y/n pleads, but it's no use.
"Just shut up and go." He suddenly screams as he's yanked back and the door slams, a growl being heard. The janitor slams against the door with a scream, blood stains the window. He screams more and Scott tries to open the door. It doesn't budge. Stiles and Y/n pull him away and they run.
They make it to another door outside, but when they try it they find it's blocked from the other side. Scott looks through and spots a dumpster blocking the doors. "It's a dumpster."
"He pushed it in front of the door. To block us in." Stiles said.
"At least we know he's sorta organized." Y/n huffed.
"Come on, help me." Stiles tries to push the door open, but Scott pulls him away.
"I'm not dying here." The trio go down the halls. "I'm not dying at school."
"We're not going to die." Y/n tries to assure.
"God, what is he doing? What does he want?"
"Me." Scott snaps. "Derek says it's stronger with a pack."
"Yeah, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's- that's beautiful." Scott stops them as he looks out a window. The Alpha sits on the roof staring at them. Y/n's breath hitches when he starts running along the roof towards them. The teens take off and a moment later the windows shatter as the Alpha bursts through and chases them. They turn and go through the doors to get to the stairwell and go down. They run through the basement area and hide behind some old lockers. Scott looks around the corner and sees the Alpha just down the way and ducks back. The Alpha growls as it looks around for them.
"Go." Scott mouths and they move away and further into the basement.
"All right, we have to do something." Stiles says.
"Like what?" Y/n pants.
"I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it- something." Glass shatters somewhere making them flinch at the sound. Stiles looks over and sees that they're standing in front of a random room with a heavy door. He reaches into his pocket, his keys slightly jangling.
"Stiles, what-"
"Shh, shh, shh." He shushes her. He carefully pulls his keys out and tosses them into the room. He pulls the two back as the Alpha growls, barreling down the hall and into the room. Stiles and Y/n push the door closed. "The desk. Come on, the desk." Scott pushes a heavy desk forward and they position it to block the door. The Alpha tries to open the door, managing to move it a bit, but the door remains closed. They smile at each other for their small victory.
Then they all jump when the Alpha rams the door again. It still doesn't budge. "Come on, Scott." Y/n urges him to hop over the desk.
"Come on." She gestures for him again and, with a nervous glance through the small window, he obliges. Stiles starts inching towards the blocked door making Y/n tap him. "What are you doing?" She whispers.
"I just wanna get a look at it."
"Are you crazy?" Scott asks.
"Idiotic more like it." Y/n bit out.
"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out."
"Which is our chance to leave, don't ya think?"
He ignores her and climbs onto the desk to peek through the window. "Yeah, that's right, we got you."
"Will you shut up!" Scott whisper yelled.
"I'm not scared of this thing."
"You should be." Y/n scolds. A thump against the door and Stiles jumps back, scrambling off the desk.
"I'm not scared of you." He yells at the door. "Right, 'cause you're in there, and we're out here. You're not going any-" There are crashing sounds as the Alpha tears through the ceiling.
"Stiles." Y/n whines, the ceiling starts caving as the Alpha crawls through the vents and they run again.
They're running through the basement when Scott stops them. "Wait. Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Stiles asks. Y/n listens and her eyes widen.
"It sounds like a phone ringing."
"I know that ring. It's Allison's phone. Stiles, I need your phone." Stiles rummages through his pocket and hands Scott his phone. He immediately dials Allison's number.
"Stiles?" She answers.
"It's me, where are you?"
"I'm in the school looking for you, why weren't you at my place?"
"Where are you right now?"
"On the first floor."
"Where? Where are you exactly?"
"The swimming pool."
"Get to the lobby. Go now."
"Okay, okay, I'm coming." Scott gives Stiles his phone back and the three rush to meet up with Allison.
"Why did you come?" Scott asks as soon as he sees her. "What are you doing here?"
"Because you asked me to." She says it as if it's obvious.
"I asked you to?" He glances back at his friends in confusion. She pulls out her phone and shows him a text that she had gotten.
Meet me at the school. URGENT -Scott
"Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?"
"Because I didn't."
"Did you drive here?" Stiles asks.
"Jackson did."
"Jackson's here too?" Scott exclaims.
"And Lydia, what's going on?"
"Lydia? What-" Y/n frowns.
"Who sent this text?" Allison's phone rings and she answers. "Where are you?" A door opens behind her and Lydia and Jackson group together with them.
"Finally." Lydia sighs. "Can we go now?" Heavy thuds sound from above them and Scott grabs Allison's hand.
"Run!" Y/n orders and they all start to sprint just as the Alpha bursts through the ceiling. They run down the hall, the Alpha in hot pursuit, and they crash through the first door they could. Scott locks it right behind them. Y/n backs away and lightly bumps into Stiles as he stares at the wall. When she turns around she realizes why he stopped. "Oh no." She muttered.
The two turn as the other four start to barricade the doors. "Help me get this in front of the door." Scott directs.
"Scott, wait, not here." Stiles tries to warn.
"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison questions.
"What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia sounded scared.
"Will you just help me?" Scott says. "The chairs- stack the chairs."
"Guys- Can we just wait a second? You guys, listen to me, w- can we wait a second? Guys? Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?" Stiles repeatedly tries to get them to stop, but they're too panicked to listen.
"HEY!" Y/n yells and the sound makes the frantic teens stop and actually listen.
"Okay. Thank you." He says to her. "Nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now... What should we do about the 20 foot wall of windows?" He gestures widely to said wall. They're quiet for a moment until Allison breaks the silence.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why." Scoot takes a few steps away to think. "Scott?" She calls after him.
Y/n and Stiles glance between Scott and the waiting teens when Stiles decides to speak up. "Somebody killed the janitor."
"What?" Lydia whimpered.
"Yeah, the janitor's dead."
"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison laughed a bit.
"I wish it was." Y/n frowned.
"What? Who killed him?" Jackson asked.
"No, no, no, no... This was supposed to be over... The mountain lion killed-" Lydia was cut off.
"No, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion."
"Who was it? What does he want? What's happening?" Allison whispered the last part. She then looked at Scott. "Scott!"
"I-I don't know." He stuttered. "I-I just- if- if we go out there, he's gonna kill us."
"Us? He's gonna kill us?" Lydia said.
"Who? Who is it?" Allison demanded.
Y/n and Stiles were at a loss. Scott sighed. "It's Derek. It's Derek Hale." His two friends slightly widen their eyes at him.
"Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson furrowed his brows at Scott.
"Are you sure?" Allison asked.
"I saw him." Scott affirmed.
"The mountain lio-'' Lydia tried to deny it again.
"No, Derek killed them."
"All of them?" Allison's voice seemed to get a bit quieter.
"Yeah. Starting with his own sister."
"The bus driver?"
"And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time. He's in here with us. And if we don't get out now, he's going to kill us, too."
They're all quiet for a minute until Jackson speaks up. "Call the cops."
"No." Stiles shakes his head.
"Wh-what do you mean, 'no'?"
"I mean, no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? Noh. Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with."
"Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him."
"I'm calling." Lydia fished her phone from her purse.
"No, Lydia, would you just hold on a sec-" Stiles tried to stop her, but Jackson pushed him back making Y/n shove Jackson's arm away.
"Don't touch him." She warned, placing herself between them.
"Hey." Scott stepped forward and Jackson backed off.
Lydia perked up a bit when someone answered her. "Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped, and we need you to-" She pauses. "But-" Lydia pulled the phone away from her ear and frowned at it. "She hung up on me."
"The police hung up on you?" Allison asked incredulously.
"She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested."
"Okay, then call again."
"No, they won't trace a cell, and they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." Stiles informed.
"What the- what- what is this? Why does Derek wanna kill us? Why is he killing anyone?"
No one can answer and they all end up looking to Scott for answers. "Why's everyone looking at me?"
"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asked.
"No. I mean, I- I don't know."
"Is he the one that called the police?" Allison questioned next.
"I don't know!" Scott snapped. Allison's mouth went into a thin line and she looked away, upset.
"All right, why don't we just back off the throttle here, yeah?" Stiles gently grabbed Scott and pulled him aside, Y/n following. They began to speak in quiet tones. "Okay, first off, throwing Derek under the bus, nicely done."
"I didn't know what to say. I had to say something. And if he's dead then it doesn't matter, right? Except if he's not." He sighs. "Oh, God, I totally just bit her head off."
"And she'll get over it." Y/n assured. "For right now, we need to focus on how we're getting out of here alive."
"But we are alive. It could've killed us already. It's like it's cornering us or something." Y/n nervously clenched her teeth at this. They were being cornered, trapped, hunted. She's been hunted before, and although the hunter is different, the circumstances are the same.
"So what, he wants to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles asks.
"No! Derek said it wants revenge."
"Against who?"
"Allison's family?"
"Maybe that's what the text was about. Someone had to send it."
"Okay, assheads..." Jackson calls the trio. "New plan. Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and a decent aim. Are we good with that?"
"Can you just shut up for once, Jackson? Or is your head shoved too far up your ass to hear anything but your own voice?" Y/n snapped and the blonde glared at her.
"He's right." Scott agrees with Jackson. "Tell him the truth if you have to, just call him."
"I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive." Stiles glances around and shakes his head, turning his back.
"All right, give me the phone." Jackson rushed at Stiles. As soon as he touched him Stiles whipped around and decked him. Y/n gasped, a little startled at the action as Jackson fell to the ground.
"Jackson!" Allison called and she rushed to check on him. "Are you okay? Hey, are you okay?"
Stiles breathes a bit heavier and he pulls his phone from his pocket to dial his dad. "Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now." There's sudden banging on the barricaded door and everyone backs up together while looking at it. "We're at the school. Dad? We're at the school." He hangs up.
The Alpha keeps pounding at the doors so much the screws holding the locks in place begin falling out. "Oh, God. Oh, my God." Lydia clutches onto Jackson's arm. Allison and Scott hold each other and Y/n unconsciously grabs Stiles' hand.
Y/n's mind races like a trapped animal as she tries to think of a way to get away. "The kitchen." She blurts. "The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell."
"Which only goes up." Scott says.
"Up is better than here." Stiles agrees with her and they all bolt to the doors. There's a crash as the Alpha breaks through the barricade and the teens run up the stairs, into a hall. They try a few doors until Allison finds the Chem room unlocked and they all rush in, Scott putting a chair under the handle to 'lock' it. They all let go of each other and stand as still as possible as low growls are heard in the hall. The Alpha's shadow passes the window of the door.
This isn't right. Y/n thinks to herself. He can hear us, our heartbeats are too erratic to ignore. He knows we're here. What's he doing? What's he planning? Everyone relaxes slightly as the shadow passes, except Y/n. Every single cell in her body is screaming at her 'run, you are being hunted, run!'
"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott whispers.
"Five or six if two people squeeze on someone's lap."
"Six? I barely fit in the back." Allison whispers in protest.
"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles comments.
"What about this?" Scott goes over to the other door in the room, Stiles and Y/n follow. "This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."
"That's a deadbolt."
Scott sighs then perks up again. "The janitor has a key."
"His body has the key." Y/n corrects.
"I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood."
"Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles says.
"I'm getting the key."
"Scott, don't-" Y/n tries to protest, but he brushes past them.
"Are you serious?" Allison asks when he gets to her.
"Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here."
"You can't go out there unarmed."
He looks around and grabs a plastic pointer in the shape of a little pointing hand, everyone just looks at him. "Well, it's better than nothing."
"There's gotta be something else." Stiles says.
"There is." Lydia answers and tilts her head toward the chemicals cabinet.
"What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?"
"No. Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting molotov cocktail."
"Self-igniting..." Stiles trails off.
"Molotov cocktail!" Y/n enunciates excitedly while everyone else just looks at Lydia in question.
"What? I read it somewhere." Lydia brushes off.
"Lydia, you genius!" Y/n gushes and Lydia lets slip a small smile at her friend's praise.
"We don't have a key for that either." Stiles points out.
"Sure we do." Y/n shrugs off her jacket and wraps it around her fist before punching the glass, clearing the shards away with the fabric so they could get things safely. She shakes out her jacket and puts it back on. Pretty soon various bottles are set on a table where Lydia starts mixing things in a conical flask.
"Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid." She asks. He reaches for a bottle, hesitating at the sight of two brown bottles right next to each other. After a moment he picks the one on the right and hands it to her. She pours in some of the liquid, mixes it a bit more, and corks it, handing Scott the completed molotov cocktail.
"No." Allison protests. "No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out there."
"We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles to have to check his messages." Scott says.
"You could die. Don't you get that? He's killed three people."
"And we're next." She sighs and shakes her head at him. "Somebody has to do something." He steps around the table, she steps in front of him.
"Scott, just stop." She starts to tear up and her voice gets watery. "Do you remember- do you remember when you told me you knew whether or not I was lying? That I had a tell. So do you. You're a horrible liar. And you've been lying all night. Just… Just please- please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please." She looks at him pleadingly, but his mind is already set.
"Lock it behind me." He moves away until she pulls him back and kisses him. One more look and Scott leaves the classroom for the dark halls of the school.
Everyone stands in silence, either too scared or too tense to speak. Y/n would hardly be able to hold up a conversation anyway if there was one. They all linger near the door, waiting for Scott's return. Y/n stands across from Allison, Lydia and Jackson, Stiles stands next to her. She can't get that word out of her head. Hunted. The feeling of being stalked and not knowing if these are your last moments is something she hasn't felt in years and never wanted to feel again. She notices her hands shaking slightly and clenches them to try and stop it, stop the fear. I'm not weak, I'm strong. I'm-
She feels a soft hand grab hers to gently unwind her stiff digits, intertwining their fingers with hers. She looks down at the hand and follows the arm up to Stiles' face. He gives her a small comforting smile and she offers a wobbly one in thanks.
"I don't get this." Allison speaks for the first time since Scott left. "I don't get why he's out there, and why he left us. And I can't... I can't stop my hands from shaking." Her voice gets shaky from fear and anxiety.
Jackson gently grabs her hands and comforts her. "It's okay. Okay, it's gonna be okay."
She nods and gives a small smile. "Okay."
Lydia glances over at the chemical bottles nervously. "Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not."
"I gave you exactly what you asked for, didn't I?" He slightly snapped.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure you did." Y/n frowns at him, the sudden pit in her stomach telling her he didn't actually give Lydia what she asked for.
A sudden roar shakes the school, Y/n's breath hitches and she clenches her hands over her ears. She feels her eyes shift and she squeezes them shut to hide the flare of purple. Jackson gasps and grips the back of his neck, grunting in pain. "No, no, no, no." She mutters to herself.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Stiles puts his hands on her shoulders and his brows raise at the few tears making stains on her cheeks.
"I can't." Her voice is barely above a whisper. "I can't- Don't do it." He doesn't understand what she's talking about, but he pulls her to him anyway, wrapping his arms around her to try and ease whatever is happening. It seems to work as her hands fall from her head to hold onto his jacket instead.
Jackson screams in pain as he falls to his knees and Stiles looks at him to notice the claw marks. Allison and Lydia help him up as he lightly pants. "Uh, no, I'm fine." He shrugs their hands off. "Like, seriously, I'm okay."
"That didn't sound okay at all." Allison says.
Y/n loosens her grip on Stiles a bit as she calms. She forces her eyes to become e/c again before she opens them to look at Jackson. "What's on the back of your neck?" Stiles questions as he reaches towards Jackson. He slaps Stiles' hand away.
"I said I'm fine."
"It's been there for days. He won't tell me what happened." Lydia said.
"As if you actually care."
"Don't talk to her like that." Y/n snapped at him. Y/n doesn't care how she's feeling, you don't treat her ginger princess that way. There was a sudden little noise that caught her attention, the faint sound of a key turning drawing her eyes to the door. Scott is right outside, but he's not himself.
"All right, can we not argue for half a second here?" Stiles tries to diffuse the situation.
"Where's Scott?" Allison wonders. "He should be back by now." Y/n can feel him. He wants to kill, but Allison's voice has triggered something in him, he's fighting the Alpha's call. He snaps the key in the door to keep them safe from himself. Everyone turns their head at the sound and Allison spots Scott's silhouette in the window. "Scott!" She rushes to the door, it won't open. "Scott!" She jiggles the handle and bangs on the door, calling for Scott.
"Where is he going?" Lydia asks.
Allison keeps trying to get the door open. "Scott. Scott! Scott!" She calls, but he won't answer.
"Stop. Stop!" Allison turns to look at Lydia. "Do you hear that?" Everyone listens and the sound of approaching sirens greets their ears. "Listen." They rush to the window to see police cars pulling into the lot.
"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Noah asks his son, Y/n and Scott as he leads them into the parking lot.
"Yes." Scott affirms.
"I saw him too." Stiles backs up.
"What about the janitor?"
"We're still looking." Noah responds.
"Did you check under the bleachers? Under them?"
"Yeah, Scott, we looked. We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing."
"I'm not making this up."
"I know, I believe you, I do."
"No, you don't. You have this look like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe me, but I know you don't."
"Listen... We're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him. Okay? I promise."
"Sheriff!" Someone calls.
"Stay. All three of you."
"Well, we survived, dude." Stiles says once the Sheriff walks away. "You know? We outlasted the Alpha. It's still good, right? Being alive?"
"When we were in the Chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Y/n knows he knew where they were, she could feel it.
"Well, then how come we're still alive?"
"It wants me in it's pack." He sighs. "But I think, first... I have to get rid of my old pack."
"What do you mean? What old pack?"
"Allison. Jackson, Lydia. You and Y/n."
Stiles was quiet as he processed this. "The Alpha doesn't wanna kill us."
"It wants me to do it. And that's not even the worst part."
"How in holy hell is that not the worst part, Scott?"
"Because when he made me shift... I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you." He admits and Y/n frowns. She remembers the call, the call to shift, to kill. An Alpha's roar is a powerful thing. Other wolves or similar creatures are compelled by it. She doesn't understand why it affected her at all, she wasn't a werecreature. But she could feel it, the power behind the command, the authority that said obey me. It made her eyes change and she doesn't know why.
They're quiet for a moment. Scott looks at his friends guiltily until his eyes focus on something over her shoulder and his brows furrow. He walks around them and they follow, Y/n lets out a gasp when she sees what caught his attention. "Dad!" She yells and pushes past the boys in a rush. Alan looks up from his spot on the back of an ambulance just in time to see Y/n skid to a stop in front of him, happy tears in her eyes. "You're okay!" She hugs him carefully in case he's hurt.
"I'm okay." He assures. He has a small smile on his face as he pats her back. Once or twice, when he was hurt or she was extremely panicked, she has slipped and called him 'dad' and, while he may not be her father, it still makes him happy that she cares enough to think of him like that. She lets him go, but still stays near him. "There you are." Scott and Stiles catch up to Y/n.
"How..." Scott trails off. "How did you…"
"Get out? Not easily. And from what they tell me, I'm alive because of you. I think I owe you a raise." Alan chuckles.
"Guys, come on, let's let the EMT's do their job. You can talk to him later." Noah directs the teens.
"But-" Y/n panics a little at the thought of leaving her guardians side.
"You can stay with him, Y/n." He allows and she gives a grateful smile. Scott goes to talk to Allison and Stiles glances back at Y/n to make sure she's really okay. He still thinks Deaton is the Alpha, but his conviction dies a bit when he sees how relieved Y/n looks that he's okay.
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