#Peter Parker x male!stark!reader
weyirn · 1 year
Hello :)) I hope you’re well! could i please ask for a sort of reaction-type thing with marvel men x male reader, where the reader smothers their face and hands in small kisses, especially when they’re in a bad mood?? thank you!!
Hi!! I hope you're doing good as well!! :3
Marvel Men x Male!Reader
Smothering Their Face and Hands With Kisses
☆Steve blushes and smiles every time. He gladly returns the favor by grabbing your waist and kissing you on your lips, as well as giving you forehead kisses. If he's in a bad mood, it probably won't change his mood drastically, but he will appreciate you trying to make him feel better.
❄️Bucky hasn't gotten this kind of affection in a long time, but this is still a pleasant surprise for him. He absolutely just melts underneath your touch and the kisses you give him, especially when you're using this to comfort him when he has nightmares. He's a little shy on returning the favor at first, but when he eventually does, he gives you all the hugs and kisses you desire.
💲Tony teases you about how you just can't get enough of him and then brags about how irresistible he is (ugh lol). He'll probably kiss you in public and have his arm around your waist to show you off. Doing this while he's in a bad mood will cause him to roll his eyes and say something among the lines of, "a kiss can't fix everything." (And then he'll ask for some later lol)
🕸Peter gets flustered every time and just stutters over his words, not sure what to say. There are times when he's too shy to ask for kisses when he wants them, so he uses little hints instead, which may result in him being teased about it. It will give him comfort when you give him kisses when he's in a bad mood.
⌲Sam jokes about you doing this all day long (which you probably would do lol), but admits that he wouldn't mind it. He can always count on you to cheer him up, laughing while you give him kisses, lifting his mood. He loves to give you surprise kisses every now and then.
🐜Scott would immediately cup your cheeks and kiss you all over your face in return. When he's in a bad mood, it catches him off guard and he might just forget what he was mad about.
💚This surprises Bruce and makes him a little flustered at first, but he still appreciates it. It's beneficial if you do this when Bruce is in a good mood; it makes him feel loved and he appreciates the affection.
⚡️Thor gives you just as much kisses (if not way more). But he kisses you anywhere and everywhere, not just your hands and face.
🐍Loki doesn't know what to think about it at first since he's not used to receiving affection. Over time, he slowly just wants more and more of it. When he's in a bad mood, he acts like he doesn't want it or enjoy it (even though he actually loves it).
🖤Eddie definitely needs something like this. With all the stress and how tired out he gets from it, it's good for him to finally wind down, along with you just pressing kisses on his face. Venom on the other hand teases you about it.
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Deadpool, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass."
Deadpool: THERE. Now send it.
Peter: Dude, your handwriting is terrible, are you sure you want to-
Deadpool: JUST DO IT!
Tony: So what does it say?
Y/N, reading the letter: He says he's going to "lick my...."
Tony: Gross-
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supercap2319 · 6 months
Tony: "Y/N, I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this room."
Y/N: "Peter?"
Peter: *Blushes* "Yes, Y/N?"
Y/N: "Move. I need to kiss that mirror behind you."
Peter: "Excuse me?"
Y/N: "You heard me. Move, Spiderbutt."
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A Better Father (Loki X Stark!Son!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Loki X Stark!Son!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Parental negligence, bad relationship with parent, mention of drugs and underage drinking
Request: could you do a tony x son!reader, in their live, tony was always cold to him (but eventually take him in with pepper) and then Peter Parker show up and take that away, Loki see him in reader (like with odin and how he treat Loki and Thor) and decide to adopt him, teach him magic, reader happy again 😊.
Notes: I wrote this and completely forgot it's meant to be male!reader until it came time to post- I think I've corrected it, but if you spot I've accidentally used the wrong pronouns please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
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“I’m going out!” You announced, already at the front door, pulling your shoes on and your jacket, before grabbing your bag, hand on the door handle before you got a response. 
“Where to?” Pepper asked, rounding the corner, arms crossed. 
“My friend is doing a school project and wants my help with it.” You excused yourself, being careful not to go into any details. 
“Do you need a ride?” She asked. 
“No, it’s okay, there’s a bus that takes me right outside their apartment. I don’t know how long I’ll be, since we have a lot to do, if it gets late I’ll call you to let you know I’m okay and I’ll stay over, is that okay?” You asked her. Pepper walked a little closer, her expression clearly troubled.
“I’ll have to ask your father…” She commented, and your shoulders slumped, you turning to face her. 
“You know he’s not going to care, Peps. In fact, I’m going to predict what he’s going to say, something along the lines of ‘yeah, yeah, whatever’.” You mimicked, Pepper frowning, knowing you were right. “I appreciate you actually trying to make up for him, I really do. It’s why I go to you instead of him for permission- because you actually care. Please don’t waste your breath. If he actually wants to know what his son is doing, he’ll do it himself.” You pointed out. 
“I know… he should be better, and I want him to be better for you… and I also know you’re lying to me.” She pointed out. You felt your heart drop into your ass, and you sighed. “I told Peter about one of your prior projects with friends, and he looked into it- wanting to see if he could help as well, but then found out that your friend doesn’t even exist.”
“Has he told Tony?” You asked. 
“No. He hasn’t. I made him promise to wait, told him I’d deal with it.” She explained. “Peter also cares about you, even if he doesn’t have much time to actually spend time with you.” She pointed out, and you just nodded. You’d accepted that even though Peter was Tony’s favourite despite not actually being his kid, when Peter got an idea od the dynamic between you and your father, he tried his hardest not to play into it or make it worst, though he often realised after events that he actually had and had not realised it. He always apologised for it, always tried to spend time with you in school, and on more than one occasion, he’d covered for you or even claimed something you did that your dad didn’t like was his idea, knowing Tony wouldn’t punish him and it would stop your relationship with your dad somehow getting worse. You appreciated him, he was like a brother in a way, and at this point, more like family than your dad, like how Pepper was more of a parent than Tony was, despite you not being related either. Same with Happy. Same with… 
“I’m sorry for lying to you. And Peter… I just…” You fumbled. 
“What’s going on, Y/N? Where are you going?” She asked, her voice soft and welcoming, a silent promise that no matter what, she wasn’t going to yell, turn on you, that she actually cares and just wants to be there for you. 
“I’ve been going to meet someone… not romantically or anything!” You told her quickly. “I’m not doing drugs or anything like that either.” 
“That’s good, so you’re being responsible with this person… why have you been hiding this person from us then?” She asked. You thought for a second on how to break the news, and in that time, Pepper started to pry a little more. “Are they… older?” She asked. You nodded. “So not a teenager? Out of school?” She asked, and you nodded again. “How old are they?” She asked, tilting her head. Another hard question, and you bit your lip, and sensing you weren’t confident answering, she changed her question. “What do you two do? It’s not illegal, so what’s so bad you have to hide it?” She asked. 
“He’s… mentoring me.” You told her. 
“Oh, so he’s like a professor? A teacher? What’s he teaching you?” She asked with a smile, seemingly suddenly relieved, getting the idea that you were getting one on one lessons for something you were interested in as a future career, and she was ready to support you from the jump. 
“Magic. He’s teaching me magic.” You admitted, which made Pepper’s eyebrows press together. “And not the cut a woman in half or pull a rabbit out of a hat kind of magic.” You clarified, and she had a moment of realisation. 
“I know two people who know magic. One is Strange, who your father gets along with and so learning from him wouldn’t be a problem, which means… Loki? You’re going to see Loki? He’s teaching you magic?” She asked, and you nodded. 
“Please don’t tell Tony! I promise, Loki’s been nothing but kind to me! When we’re not doing magic, we just read books together- or go on walks or stuff!” You explained. 
“What kind of magic?” She demanded. 
“How to teleport, how to create an illusion, today he’s teaching me a spell that translates both written and spoken languages!” You explained to her. “He said for a treat for my birthday he’s going to teach me a spell that lets me understand animals because apparently what they say is really funny and cute and he thinks I’ll like it.” You explained to her. She clearly wasn’t convinced, and you sighed. “We do other stuff to.” You told her. 
“Like what?” She asked. 
“You know when Tony’s in a bad mood or I do something he doesn’t like and we get into an argument and I go for a walk to cool off and don’t come back for hours? Loki walks with me. He makes sure I don’t do anything stupid… I feel so safe with him, that I feel comfortable and safe enough to actually cry.” You admitted. You watched Pepper’s concerned expression fall. You never cried- at least not at home. Not at school either, according to Peter. You didn’t cry in front of her, or Peter, or Happy, and sure as hell never in front of Tony, no matter what he said or did. “And he knows what I need when I cry. He hugs me, he just lets me cry, he doesn’t shush me or try to make me stop. If anything bad happens, I go to him first. Like when I went to that party last month and got wasted and realised I didn’t know how to get home- you and dad thought I left with a stranger and stayed with someone who I didn’t know and then came home when sober- instead I called Loki and he looked after me during the night, he rubbed my back when I threw up, hugged me and promised it was gonna be okay when I was crying, he made this really nice tea which instantly made my hangover go away, and promised if this ever happened again he’d do it all over again, and then he took me home when I felt well enough.” You admitted to her. 
“Where do you two hang out, usually?” She asked. 
“He has a little apartment, there’s probably a hefty amount of magic to make it so the other tenants can’t notice the door to it since it defies the floor plan of the entire building, but it’s so cozy, and warm and I have my own bedroom there- which is where I go whenever I have any ‘sleepovers’, though I do make him watch movies, especially bad ones.” You laughed. It felt so good to finally be able to talk about this- about everything you and Loki did, because time with Loki was your happy time. 
“Okay… I have two questions.” She said, and you nodded, gulping. “Why…Loki? If you wanted to learn magic, why not go to Strange, and why is Loki so willing and…” She didn’t say the word, but you knew what she wanted to say. Fatherly. 
“Because when he looks at me, he sees himself.” You admitted. “He told me himself… Loki didn’t have a good relationship either with his father. Thor's the golden child, Loki was the one pushed to the back, forgotten. He knows how it feels to be unwanted, to not be thought of by the person who is supposed to love you. He knows how it feels to want to be loved and no matter how hard you try, not getting it, because in your dad’s eyes, you’re not worth it. He sees me, and he sees his own childhood, and he hates that, so… he decided to do something about it.” You explained to her. “Loki… Loki’s like a dad to me. He certainly acts more like one than Tony.” You pointed out. Pepper looked devastated, but understood. “What was your other question?”
“Inevitably, Tony’s going to find out about this. I won’t tell him, I’ll feign ignorance, but Peter’s going to find out somehow, and you know that even if he wants to protect you, that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life, especially from Tony.” She pointed out. “What’s your game plan for when he finds out?” She asked. 
“I’ve already got that figured out.” You reassured her. “Loki set up the bedroom for me for the worst case scenario… I graduate next year. I’ll graduate, start going to college, and I’m going to move out and live with Loki- he might move his apartment to be closer to whatever college I want to go to. If he doesn’t know by then, I’ll tell him I just have a roommate and we know he’s not going to come and visit, and after college, I’ll just slowly drop contact, keep my distance, away from him, happy, learning magic, living my own life. I’ll come visit you and Peter and Happy, regular phone calls, if you need me, call me and I’ll be there… and if Tony finds out before then? I’ll go anyway. I’ll be okay, no matter what. Loki has my back.”
“...And so do I.” She added. You two stared at each other. You weren’t sure what she was thinking, what exactly she was going to do. Ban you from seeing Loki? Tell your father? Treat you like a criminal and monster even if you’ve done nothing wrong? Be locked away? Somehow become even more of an outcast? Lose the few people you actually consider family? Lose Loki? “I won’t keep you waiting. Keep me updated on what you’re doing, if you want to stay the night let me know, okay? I’ll tell Peter something that is easier to swallow and then we’ll tell him the full truth after you graduate. I’ll explain to Happy, maybe he can also help you… please just… don’t do anything stupid. Behave. No more secrets from me, okay?” She asked. 
“Okay. Thank you.” You told her, nodding with a grin. “I love you, I’ll see you tomorrow!” You told her, finally opening the door and dashing out. Pepper sighed, wondering what she was going to tell Peter to help keep in calm and not accidentally tell Tony, how she was going to get Happy to go along with this, how she’s going to look Tony in the eyes and feign ignorance, lie to his face about where his son is and who he's with. But then she remembered every time she could recall when she would come to Tony’s place and find you home alone when you were a young child, thinking it was normal, how you used to try to get his attention and him brush you off or even yell at you to go away and then slowly stop trying and instead go to her and Happy who actually cared. She remembered how utterly overjoyed you were when your dad actually came to your birthday after he was kidnapped, seeming to realise how precious life was and wanted to make up for lost time, and things were going well until Peter came into the picture, and he lost his way, his sole focus being Peter, you once again forgotten and neglected. Except this time you weren’t upset, just disappointed. You gave up on him, and instead adjusted, adapted, and found a new family. Pepper was your new mother, Peter was your brother, Happy your uncle, and Loki was your new, and much better father. You were making up for lost time with someone who actually cared and wanted you as a son. If Tony had a problem about it, he should have done something about it a long, long time ago.
You arrived at the apartment complex not long after leaving, heading up to the top floor, going to the door at the end of the hallway and letting yourself in. Loki peeked up from the book he was reading and smiled. “There you are, had me worried.” He joked. You sighed as you kicked your shoes off, dumping your bag on the floor and hanging up your coat. Your lack of an immediate response was weird for Loki, and he placed the book down, standing from the settee, and stepping closer to you. “What happened?” He asked softly, locking his hands behind himself. You turned to look at him finally. 
“Is it that obvious?” You asked, and he smiled sadly. “...Pepper knows. She’s covering for me, so I guess she’s okay with it, it’s just… what if Tony finds out and massively blows everything out of proportion?” You explained to him. 
“Well…” Loki crossed his arms, thinking. “Knowing you, your first thought is to run and start afresh.” He pointed out, and you nodded. “Or… I could talk to Thor. You and Pepper and him talk to the others, explain everything, we lay everything out, and then we tell your father. No secrets and being honest might work more in our favor than just upping and leaving, Y/N.” He pointed out. You squinted at him with suspicion. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be the God of Mischief and Lies?” You asked, making him crack a smile.
“I may be, but it means I also know when’s a good time to actually tell the truth, and I think this might be the time. Pepper knows, she has your back, Thor is, as you describe it, a loyal labrador and will be happy I’m behaving, those two alone can be the brains and the brawl to help keep the situation under control.” He reassured you. 
“Okay, if you think so… but can we do that tomorrow? I want to learn that spell so I can finally read your Asguardian books.” You begged, making him chuckle. 
“Of course we can, go make some tea, then we’ll start.”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @klanceiscannon14 @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress @abbybills22-blogg @mutantjediavenger @theoraekensnotsosecretlover @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic@courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-liess @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
Omg cool I have an angsty request 😈(if you’re comfortable writing it<3)
Kind of Tom!Peter Parker x Male!Stark!reader x Tony Stark(platonic obviously) ??
Reader has a rocky relationship with his dad Tony, just wants his attention, to be seen by Tony etc. but once Peter joins and takes Tonys full attention reader just automatically hates him for ‘stealing his dad from him’. As time goes on reader just gets more hateful and jealous of Peter, maybe getting into fights with Peter on purpose. Suddenly there’s a new villain/anti-hero (??) that’s been interfering with there plans or just wrecking havoc to go after Peter. Plot twist when they finally catch them/they’re too hurt to keep fighting, it’s revealed as reader. You can make it as angsty as u want!
(A.K.A. Reader is Loki, Peter is Thor and Tony is Odin lol)
I love this trope-
So glad you requested this, (and thank you for checking stuff first) and enjoy
Also note that I’m not too fresh on the marvel timeline, if you notice anything that doesn’t exactly align with the movie than I’m sorry just brush past it- this also might be the longest fic I’ve ever written so 
Implied to be set around the start of Peter’s Spider-Man stuff. 
Look What You Made Me Do
Male Stark Reader x Avengers
“If I loved you, was a promise….
Would you break it, if you’re honest?” 
[idontwannabeyouanymore, Billie Eillish, 2017]
Cw: violence/fighting, Tony being a bad dad, slightest mentions of drinking, angst Kind of jumping straight into it too- 
I’ll fix a few things later I’m tired I want this one to be out and about
Named after a Taylor song, starting with a Billie lyric 💪💪 
If you were to ask anyone about the wealthiest men in modern day New York, it’s inevitable for Tony Stark to appear somewhere on that list.
He’s rich, handsome, a superhero. New  York’s knight in shining armor. 
Most believe his life is a dream, somehow oblivious to the fact that maybe a superhero doesn’t live life in the dream house. But when he’s made his brand through money, fancy houses, big parties, and shiny military weapons it’s easy for people to see no further than surface level.
That isn’t the case for his son, though. 
From a wealth aspect of it- the young Stark knows how grateful he is, how grateful he should be, for his father.
If it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t be currently sitting in this large bedroom, with a view most would pay a couple grand for, wouldn’t be surrounded by the various expensive objects linked to his little interests. It doesn’t even matter how much Y/n would insist on paying- he never seems to think much of it. Maybe it’s his way of showing affection.
That’s what Y/n hopes, at least. 
Because if not- there’s not much there. Tony Stark has never been much of an affectionate person, some may blame it on his own father. Others would blame it on the business- no time for distractions on a long days work.
But neither of those reasons matter- for all his son ever wanted is for Tony to love him the way he wants him to.
Static crackles through Y/n’s small speaker, and quickly the boy perks up. A short glance  over and he finds the old Queen record spinning aimlessly, with the tone arm at the end of its songs.
Pushing himself off the bed, he walks over to the stand where Tony’s old record player sits. Taking the arm off- he flips the record over to side b, before returning it to its place. 
The intro of Queen’s “Hammer to Fall” begins ringing from the speaker, and a small, satisfied smile grows on Y/n’s face.
He hums the beat, nodding his head with it while turning back to his bed- but something catches his eye.
Outside, there’s two figures standing out front. One eyebrow raises, Y/n slowly steps closer to the window. 
Recognizing his dad, dressed in his best suit, Y/n leans closer. The other figure isn’t quite as tall as Tony, and looks quite obviously nervous. 
Y/n furrows his eyebrows. 
….That’s Peter Parker.
What the hell is he doing at Stark’s house?
The sound of a backpack falling to the ground echoes through the foyer- and immediately it’s a sigh of relief. The sweet, sweet air conditioning here is heavenly in contrast to the one at school.
Y/n faintly feels a vibration in his pocket- grabbing it only to see multiple notifications coming from a group chat. 
‘What are they on…’ he wonders, scrolling through countless messages worth of nonsense. He goes to reply, when-
His head snaps up at the voice, echoing out from the couch.
‘didn’t realize he was home…’ he looks back at the window, finding his father’s car parked in the driveway. 
Deciding the group chat can wait, the teen wanders to where his father sits. 
“What’s up?” Immediately Y/n sees the  scattered papers piling on top of one another on the coffee table, the short crystal glass filled halfway with rum. You’d think he’d wait until at least five, but that’s not the Stark way.
“I found a uh, form on the coffee table,” his voice sounds bored, tired, “something about textbooks for school?”
Y/n notices the forms sitting at the edge farthest from Tony, as if they’d been pushed away as far as they could go. 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” He says awkwardly, looking at the dirty laces of his shoes, “it’s fine, I got it.” 
“Well I can pay for them, if that’s what you’d like.” The eldest Stark shrugs, finally looking at his son from over the rim of his glasses.
Y/n almost feels embarrassed- when had he asked for that? He shakes his head, though it doesn’t hide the surprised look on his face.
“No, no you don’t have to-“
“Oh please, I got it, education is our future or something, right?” Tony shrugs, taking off his glasses and beginning to stand up from his chair, headed for the black leather wallet he’d left on the dining table. 
Y/n isn’t quite sure why he’s now rushing to step in front of his dad- there isn’t much harm in the gesture after all. Maybe he just doesn’t want the weight of depending on his father for everything to lay on his shoulders. Either way, excuses are already falling from his mouth.
“You really don’t have to, dad-“
“You’re acting like I’m handing you the presidents treasury,” Tony deadpans, “besides, you don’t have a job.”
Y/n pauses. 
“Wha- yes, I do-“ does his dad really not know about his job?
“Look, it doesn’t matter, I can get them used anyways-“
Before he can take one step closer, a nervous voice quips up from the doorway and ends the race for the wallet.
“Um, Mr. Stark?”
Curiously, Y/n and his dad snap their heads to see who has just joined them.
Peter Parker stands in the large door way, curled into himself with his backpack strap folded between his fist. His eyes are wide and questioning, looking between his classmate and his idol as if he had walked into the wrong room. 
Suddenly, Tony’s shoulders drop- and he’s no longer interested in any textbook or wallet. 
“Ah, Parker, didn’t think you’d make it.” He says bluntly, strutting away from his son and towards the obviously nervous boy. 
“Here, sit down kid.”
With the man’s hand pressed into his shoulder blade, Peter has no choice but to follow him towards the various seats lining the dining table. And from the side- Y/n watches, absolutely lost.
After he had seen his father and Peter talking, he kept it to himself. Knowing the boy, he had simply assumed Peter was asking for an autograph or a picture, just like half of the city. 
But now, he is in his house. At his table. 
What the hell is this?
“Um,” Y/n’s voice sounds blunt, almost too similar to his father- who’s already sitting down across from Peter with his arms crossed and his eyebrows raised, as if this was a press conference. 
Peter looks at him first, while his father throws a glance over his shoulder. 
“What’s this?” Y/n asks, pointing to the strange teenage boy sitting down in his seat. Tony tiredly leans back in the chair, twisting to the side just slightly so he could look at Y/n head on. 
“Y/n, this is Peter, Peter, this is Y/n.” 
“Uh, yeah, we know each other.” Peter pipes up, giving Y/n the shortest, most awkward smile it seems he could muster. Y/n’s face stays blank.
“Yeah, I meant what is he doing here?”
Tony doesn’t seem at all phased by the rude undertones of Y/n’s question.
“Peter is gonna work as my intern for a little while, I’m training him.”
Y/n’s eyebrows furrow. 
“For what-“
“Hey, quit interrupting, will you?” Tony dismisses him with the wave of his hand, turning around so he’s fully facing Peter. And Y/n lingers there, processing. He doesn’t like feeling like a shadow, not in his own home especially, but that’s the feeling that begins to overtake him.
He tries understanding what that means- there’s many possibilities. Assistant, maybe. But when he looks between his dad and his classmate one last time, seeing that he’s been nearly forgotten in the room (aside from the short glances from Peter’s end) he turns around to retreat, fists clenched. 
His dad has had interns before, Peter likely won’t be much different. Possibly.
It’s been 5 weeks.
And multiple times, for each of those weeks, Peter has been somewhere mixed into the tangle of Tony Stark’s extensive schedule, far more entangled than Y/n has been for the past few years.
He shows up to dinner, trains at the Avenger’s tower. He comes knocking on the door randomly asking for life advice, or something- he’s everywhere.
It wasn’t even until week 4 that Y/n discovered the truth behind his sudden presence, when he saw the suit for the first time.
He has his own suit, god can you believe it?
Y/n watches on as Tony seems to easily bring Peter under his wing- hating how he has to avoid the burning green envy that burns his ears. How has Tony managed to take on the father figure role to Peter, when he barely manages that role with his own son?
‘It shouldn’t hurt this bad,’ y/n will think to himself, ‘you’re independent, relying on him will only make it harder in the long run.’
But he couldn’t help the hardened glare that arose every time he saw his dad, his own dad, bonding with someone else the way he had been wanting for what- 16 years?
Even now, sitting at the table, while the teen stares into the bowl of cereal in front of him, it’s just so irking to think about. 
His spoon scrapes the edges of the bowl, gathering the now soggy cheerios into a cluster in its silver dip. Then, they get lost in his mouth. Rinse and repeat- he does it over and over while staring a blazing hole into the wall. 
What is Peter doing that he can’t?
“Mr. Stark-“ 
Speak of the devil. 
Y/n’s grip on the spoon tightens.
Peter comes stumbling into the room, out of breathe as if he sprinted all the way here. He doesn’t even knock anymore, Y/n thinks, he’s made himself at home.
“Kid? What’re you doing here?” 
The nickname sends a shivering twitch through Y/n’s already sore muscles, tugging his face so he can’t control the annoyed look that comes through. 
They’re talking to each other now, Peter trying to tell a story far too quickly for either of them to follow. Y/n blocks their voices out.
His chair scrapes against the floor, and he grabs his bag to leave. 
“I’m going to school.” He says loudly, cutting off their conversation. 
“Oh, I guess I gotta go too-“ 
“No,” Peter freezes, looking at Y/n curiously, “no, no stay here longer why don’t you? Practically your house.” Venom leaks from his words, the sarcasm so loud it makes Peter flinch. 
“Y/n,” Tony groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose tiredly. Y/n’s stare only hardens.
“What?” He snaps, now looking at his father. 
“Really?” Is all that Tony manages, before Y/n is rolling his eyes and spinning on his heel.
“(F/n) is waiting for me.” He grumbles, snatching his phone and stomping out of the room. 
How does his dad not get it? Is he so blind he can’t even see his own blatant favoritism? 
The look of exhaustion displayed on his face would make you think hes working day and night having to put up with Y/n’s attitude- yet he’s unaware he’s exactly what’s causing it. 
Y/n doesn’t want to blame Peter, in the back of his mind he knows that it’s his dad’s fault. But it feels like his father is being stolen.
But can it really be theft if there wasn’t much of him in the first place?
Y/n knows that he’s picking all the fights, starting all the arguments just so that twisted part of his head gets some satisfaction. 
It shouldn’t be working so well.
The young Stark doesn’t return home until it’s just about dark outside, his backpack hanging loosely off his shoulders. 
He walks the long halls of his home, past the doors that could either be a guest bathroom or a weapon closet. Even if there’s more entryways than doors, his father opting for large empty frames, he walks the length of it with no specific destination in mind. 
He isn’t too sure where he’s headed anyways, considering he’s passed the way to his bedroom already.
Through half lidded eyes he guides himself through this maze of a house, bitter jealousy bubbling in his lungs. It’s such a haunting thought, a looming presence, and he wishes he could push it down the drain but it seems that he can’t. 
“Stupid, stupid Peter…” he mumbles, hand grazing the wall beside him. 
Ned’s voice still rings in his ears, breathy from how he had been exercising for most of the class.
“You don’t know what he looks like- what if he’s like seriously burnt?”
“I wouldn’t care, I would still love him for the person he is on the inside.”
Of course it caught their attention- Peter’s little crush on Liz wasn’t hard for most to notice. 
“Peter knows Spider-Man!”
How horrible. 
Across the room, Y/n’s head snapped to where the pair was on the gym floor- Peter’s jaw slacked. It didn’t matter how much he tried to quickly say otherwise- Flash already had slid down the climbing rope with another remark slick on the edge of his tongue.
And Y/n watched on, eye twitching, feeling how his  friends slapped his arm in amusement. 
“I can’t tell if he’s for real or not-“ F/n mumbled from next to him. Y/n’s eyes never tore away from the scene playing out ahead, tongue poking the inside of his cheek.
“Yeah,” and his eyes squeezed shut, “me neither.”
Y/n’s fists curl together, knuckles scraping the wall for a moment before he’s pulling away.
It’s so frustrating. 
He’s walking further down the corridor, eyes sliding open just in time to catch a door left slightly ajar- and he pauses.
He’s passed the door many times, no doubt, but this time it’s different. There’s something pulling him inside, an unknown source that’s too intriguing to walk past.
Slowly, he pushes open the door. And there it is.
Old bins and cabinets with junk gadgets shoved inside- worn blueprints from his fathers old work. One eyebrow raises, cogs turning and grinding in his head.
There’s some things still in tact, some that have been broken apart and scattered about. Y/n kneels down to observe closer. 
He feels the smooth surface of a metal clasp against his fingertips, grazing the jumbled objects. 
This is his answer.
The backpack slides off his shoulders, thumping on the ground beside him. This room is one that his father doesn’t visit much anymore, now much more caught up in other things such as the Avengers, Peter, the scattered piles of paperwork that seem to constantly consume him.
And in the corner, there’s a bend in the wall partially hidden by a cabinet- if you were to tuck something inside, no one could see from the door frame.
Y/n already feels his mind blooming with ideas as he skims over the various parts and pieces in front of him.
If he can’t live up to his fathers standards, his fathers name, 
then he’ll make his own.
Multiple nights pass, weeks go by and Y/n finds himself spending the time after dinner until midnight cooped up in Tony’s old gear room. 
He likes to think it’s a family trait, something tying him to the Stark name, also known as his skill for parts. He can take a few glances at both his own notes as well as the old blueprints and suddenly have the necessary concept for a retractable weapon, built to strike out of an arm piece. And when he’s done, he simply drags it all into his tucked in corner- hidden until night falls again the next day. 
Time not spent at school, occasionally in his room, or in his new lab- is now spent taking full advantage of the gym on the higher floors. 
The Avengers don’t question it, barely even using it at the same time as him anyways. He’s planned it so no one is around to see the training he does, the work put in to not only muscle- but also skill.
He doesn’t have a vigilante name just yet- but perhaps that’s the fun in it. He’s totally anonymous.
And as the firm punching bag jerks beneath his incoming fist, he feels the creeping joy of power.
Y/n puts lots of thought into the first strike against the city- building an elaborate yet somewhat reckless attack plan, a formula. 
No citizen will get hurt- it’s only the churning, growing need for revenge he wants so badly to be satisfied. Among the jumbled emotions, and new discoveries, he knows what he wants, and he knows just who he wants to be.
Y/n Stark may never be the millionaire superhero his father is- but he will be something. Something that no one will ever expect.
“A new vigilante seems to be on the loose, unidentified. They’ve struck many times already, but police have noticed that, interestingly enough, among the pattern of crime scenes none of the main public areas or citizens have been hit. Could this be the work of an Anti-hero, perhaps? Down at the Avengers Tow-“ 
The anchorman’s voice is cut off, mid sentence, and Tony holds the remote firmly. 
Around him, on the expensive couches sit the Avengers themselves, but their faces are dulled by distress, their knuckles tense from a firm grip. 
“We gotta find this guy,” Bruce sighs, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose tightly. Beside him, Natasha agrees.
“If we don’t catch them soon, people will start doubting us.” She says it like it’s so simple, lips pressed into a thin line. Steve groans.
“They aren’t gonna start doubting us-“ he tries, but no one seems to believe him. 
“Oh really? Sounds like you’ve got some superstar solution then, huh?” Tony, always packed full of sarcasm, looks absolutely exasperated. He’s been looking tirelessly for this new ‘vigilante’ of the sorts - they don’t even seem to have a name. They work quickly and precisely, yet go at it with a powerful vengeance. Their skill- it’s almost something he wants to respect. 
The group begins to speak again, switching between civil turn taking and overlapping words. They don’t even notice the figure standing by the door. 
Y/n peaks his head around the door frame, watching these strong, powerful superheroes stressing over him. Oh, they just have no clue.
As they’re still talking, planning unknowingly within earshot of their own enemy- Y/n takes his notes. He listens, until finally he slips past the door and walks quietly down the hall as the sick, strong feeling of triumph sinks into his stomach. 
He’s got them.
The rumbling fill of chaos echoes from all around- machines jittering, codes breaking, and a light flickers down the hall.
Y/n stands at the center of the room, looking around at one of his father’s many warehouses from all around- this one being stationed north of his own home state- Maine, USA.
His dad brought him here only a few times as a kid, once or twice perhaps. He always hated it- still does, actually, hence the small bombs scattered across the place. 
It would be funny, to think that not even the Avengers have caught on to his pattern- but that may be jinxing it. Plus, he knows the common traits of each area he’s hit so far, the places holding the unjust power. This stop, though, he’s been waiting to finally hit.
“Stark Enterprises” - a sign once strung together in big letters, now laying at Y/n’s feet broken into pieces. The boy crouches down, picking up a chunk from the “E” and crushes it in his hands. 
Under his mask, he grins. 
His suit, not quite as advanced as those made by his father, fits him well. The sleeves are tighter, snugly wrapped around his biceps with streaks of purple running through the black material. Padding, like thin layers of armor, protect his torso and the pants are the most loose- cargo, with big pockets.
A mask is what pulls the whole thing together, though, concealing the entirety of his head underneath its black and purple coloring. 
Littering his hands, and even weaved into the material all across, are the gadgets he’s spent so many hours on. Rings sealed into the gloves have enough sharp metal twisted together inside that when activated, spread into blades. In the pocket around his waist band- is a button, the button, that with one push turns this warehouse into a cloud of orange and yellow. 
Y/n is still watching the crumbling sign fall from his palm, like grains of sand, when the door caves in behind him. 
“Put your hands up, tough guy, we caught you.”
Captain America, confident as ever, bursts in at the front of the group with his shield held high. Behind him, Tony, Peter, Natasha and even Bruce waltz right in after him. For a second- a glimmer of pride washes through Y/n’s body, they brought 5 to a fight against 1- he must be special.
“Yeah, times up buddy.”
Seeing his father, dressed in the famous Ironman suit, reminds Y/n of the whole reason this started- and another twisted feeling knots itself in his stomach.
The moment he’s been waiting for.
They can’t see him as he smirks underneath the mask, deciding to toy with them just a bit. He doesn’t speak- no one’s heard his voice when spoken through the filtered material yet. It seems they’ll be the first.
Y/n’s head cocks to the side, and raises an eyebrow- something the Avengers can see through the imprint of his mask. A challenge. 
Bruce’s battle cry cuts through the air- and suddenly the Hulk is charging. It startles Y/n for a moment, but quickly he steps to the side and lets the green giant crush the ground beside him. As Hulk gets back up, snarling and growling, Y/n is already grabbing a long beam, bent from where it fell with the rest of the Stark Enterprise’s sign, and strikes Hulk right in the gut.
The giant man stumbles slightly, yet still stomps forward. But Y/n isn’t in front of him.
“Hulk!” Natasha yells out, watching from across the room as Y/n comes from behind, mid air, wielding the same beam from before. Hulk is barely able to tilt his head an inch before the metal is crashing down into the area just below his head, and bruising his neck. 
He’s out within a few seconds, stumbling around clumsily while black dots tease his vision. Then, he falls to the floor.
“Well shit.” Steve mutters, bending his knees like a bull preparing to charge. He should’ve known sending in Hulk with no preparations would be a bad an idea.
“Sending the big one in first, huh?” Y/n looks at them cockily, “do you see me as a threat, Ironman?”
Tony raises an eyebrow, “oh look at that, he can talk.”  He doesn’t even skip a beat as his suit begins to whir, the arm unfolding so a mini blaster pokes out from the forearm. 
The vigilante barely has time to react as strings of energy are thrown his way, jumping and dodging each of them narrowly. Tony doesn’t wait for him to regain his footing though, flying straight towards his figure.
Steve eyes Natasha, gesturing for her to move. The woman obliges, creeping around the fight so Y/n’s back is in front of her. 
Ironman grabs Y/n by the shoulders, pushing down with such strong force that the latter is forced back a few steps. He holds the metal sleeves with a firm grip, and at first Tony doesn’t notice as the boy’s rings begin to scrape against the surface. Sparks fly like the touch of a welding torch, grazing the edges of Tony’s mask just in time for him to realize mini blades are beginning to prod at his suit. Y/n doesn’t hesitate to take the opportunity and shove the man away from him. 
Natasha watches closely, seeing how Y/n stumbles from the impact. She jumps at him.
Y/n extends his arm in her direction, not even turning all the way around, and his rings grow from small blades to a sharp spiral of metal pointing right at Black Widow’s chest.
She freezes, he smirks.
Of course, it’s not his intention for someone to die. That’s not what he does. This, well, is simply defense.
“How about we get right to the point.” He says, slipping his free hand into one of the pouches around his waist band. Out with it comes a cylinder- black and sleek with some sort of dial built in, a bright red button on top. 
Steve feels his stomach drop. 
“Pick a number.”
Tony, seemingly unaware of the detonator to have just been introduced, rolls his eyes, he’s growing impatient. 
“Alright, fine, 5- you wanna quit it with the games now?”
Big mistake.
Without skipping a step, Y/n is scrolling through digits on the small screen built into the detonator. It’s almost too quick for any of the Avengers to realize what he’s doing- and it’s far too late by the time they do. 
“Alright, then.” Y/n presses the button.
Steve goes to lunge forward, tries to make a grab for the device, but he waited too long. The whole room rattles, and the section just to the left of them suddenly bursts. Bombs. 
Y/n watches with a special glint in his covered eyes as everyone stumbles, yet his feet stay firmly planted in the ground. They’re startled, bits of the wall flying around and clattering against the floor. Peter snaps his head towards Y/n in shock.
“Who’s next?”
“Oh my god.” Peter mumbles, wide eyed. It’s the sound of his voice, his first time saying a word, that catches Y/n’s attention right away.
His teeth grind together, thumb smoothing over the button’s smooth surface. His mind mumbles, Do it again.
Staring into the large white panels of Peter’s mask, his guard is left fallen for just a moment too long. Tony sends one more blast his way. 
A jolt of pain seers through Y/n’s thigh. The energy was strong enough to surpass the material of his pants, leaving a heavy ache in the area. Y/n glares.
“You asshole,” he grunts, spinning the dial with his thumb before slamming down the button.
Above them, part of the ceiling crumbles.
Bits of concrete come tumbling down, Peter and Natasha diving for cover. But Y/n is no where near finished.
“How many bombs are there-“ Peter asks to no one in particular. His question is soon to be answered.
“Let’s not wait to find out,” Steve grunts, sprinting to where his opponent stands at the opposite side of the room. Y/n feels the previous feeling of confidence, the smooth and cocky facade, slipping away. He wants to win.
Each of Captain America’s hits clang against metal couplets clasped to Y/n’s wrist- chaos ensues around them. Tony firing shots, Peter surrounding the fight, Natasha running for a hit at close combat- and hulk just starting to stir from his little nap. 
But Y/n doesn’t let up- not until it’s too late.
A fiery blaze heads straight for him, straight for his face. It’s beginning to sizzle against his ears, he can feel it coming. But he doesn’t react in time, trying to defend himself from too many things at once. 
The blast, coming from his own father’s hand, hits him.
His mask begins to spark, edges curling into themselves as slowly, Y/n feels the right side of his face being revealed. 
His hand meets the wall, holding him up as he recovers from the impact. They haven’t seen him yet. 
He hears Steve’s heavy breathing from behind him, something so familiar it almost tricks his mind. Then, Tony’s voice.
“It only takes a few hits, huh? If I knew that’s all it took I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.”
More sarcasm, Y/n almost laughs.
“Who are you.” Natasha doesn’t even make it sound like a question, her voice strong and firm. 
Silence ensues, just for a moment, Y/n’s head is swimming. 
Yet, over all the thoughts and noise, one thing screams loudest over the rest. 
“Do. It.”
“Don’t you recognize me?” Y/n’s voice, no longer protected by a filter, is raspy and hoarse. He slowly turns around, head peaking out of the shadows.
“You know me already…”
Holy shit.
A loud clang echoes through the now dead silent room, the red white and silver shield rolling across the floor. 
Tony’s helmet folds into itself, revealing a sweaty face with wide eyes and a slack jaw. 
A bitter smile is what he receives.
Tony looks around, dumbfounded. 
“I-“ he stutters, nearly speechless, “what- what the hell are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Y/n steps forward, voice dry yet dripping with venom. 
Tony chokes, “being an absolute moron, that’s what-“
Y/n barks out a rough, quick laugh. “Ooh, rough.” He rasps. Steve steps forward, putting a hand onto Tony’s shoulder and pulling him back. It’s like a warning, silent communication because next, he’s the one to step forward.
“Y/n…” the words die on the tip of his tongue, throat running dry, but he still tries, “what- I mean, why?”
Y/n has begun to pace slightly, taking slow steps around the shocked group. He peels the mask away from his face.
“Yknow, most people tend to turn to the worst of their options when in a dark time,” he says smoothly, feeling each and every set of eyes watching while he walks. Hulk watches through blurred vision, completely disoriented. 
“I mean, hate to give you the classic origin story and everything, but…” 
“Hold on,” the thoughts are almost visible, loud and heavy in Tony’s head, “is this about something I did?”
So he’s finally getting it.
“What could Tony have possibly done?” Asks Natasha, and Y/n looks at his father directly.
“You don’t care, ok, that’s what-“ his voice is breathy, and he scowls, “You can’t even talk to your own kid, Stark. It’s like you don’t realize what I am, to you- what you are to me!” Anger rises with each word that shoots like poison from Y/n’s mouth. 
Tony gets defensive, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut. “That’s not true, I know damn well you’re my kid-“
“Oh really? Cause you seem to have it a bit mixed up.” Y/n’s eyes flicker to Peter’s frame, and everyone tenses.
“Is…is this about Peter?”
At the mention of his name, Peter tears off his mask, a concerned, heavy look on his face. 
“I, Y/n it’s not like that-“ he tries, only to be interrupted.
“Yknow,” Y/n’s voice sounds so pained, “I always thought maybe you aren’t too upfront with your affection. For years, ok, I would wake up, go to school, come back, and go to bed all without saying more than a few words to you. Years, dad.” A lump is forming in his throat, but it’s too late to turn back now. “But then, out of nowhere, someone else comes into the picture and suddenly you’re taking him to lunch, you’re picking him up from school, basically spending way more time with him, than with me.”
Bold, bitter, and wavering- Y/n doesn’t stop. Even as his father, his classmate, the people he’d grown up with thinking were like family, just watch with feeling burning in their eyes. 
“You made it look so easy with him.”
“Hey, kid, c’mon-“
“Are you serious?!” Y/n yells in disbelief. “Are you gonna tell me I’m wrong? Is that it? I’m just exaggerating, or what-“
Tony straightens his posture, swallowing hard. 
Y/n’s face almost crumbles from the way his fathers face wavers. But he just doesn’t stop. 
“You can be the greatest hero in the world,” Y/n breathes, sweat sparkling around the frame of his face, “you can put on a face for the interviews, and train Peter to perfection,” a step closer, “but don’t forget that I’ve always been here too.” 
Y/n’s voice sounds so dark, unfamiliar and breaking, it’s gone raspy from the pounding drum of his heart beat. 
Ringing silence once more. 6 melting souls standing in the waste of their own troubles. 
Y/n feels budding tears threatening to spill.
“And now look what we’ve done.” 
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river13245 · 11 months
Why couldn't it be me
Navigation / Marvel Masterlist
Warnings: Alcohol, Drinking, reader being mean to Loki,
Pairings: Tony x Stephen strange, Loki x reader, Ned x platonic reader, Peter x reader (past)
pt1, pt2 Pt4
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You are in your room getting ready for this party that Tony Stark was hosting. There was nothing to celebrate he just wanted to throw a party. Him a Pepper had divorced and he's been with Strange for a few years now which is super cute.
As you are in front of the mirror trying to tie this damn tie that you were struggling with you hear Ned's voice come through the door "Come on we are going to be late if you take any longer." Hearing his voice you sigh and just take the tie off getting frustrated. "I'm Trying to do this tie but its not cooperating"
Hearing small voices outside of the room you run a hand through your hair before the door opens and Ned walks in and comes over to you. "give me the tie"
Handing it to him you stand in front of him and let out a sigh. "why cant we just wear normal clothing. Why did he insist on everyone dressing up. Its not like its a wedding or anything"
Ned laughs as he notices the frustration in your voice. Its something he hears often, whether it be from you getting frustrated at yourself or someone else. "well we can never question the great Tony Stark now can we"
Chuckling once more you say "yeah I guess your right." Ned finished the tie and then takes a step back after tightening it. "see there we go. Now we have to leave because this is the first Stark party I've been invited to and i will not be late"
"okay then come on" you say as you grab your wallet before walking out the door with Ned following behind you. However what you weren't expecting was to see Loki there with your jacket draped over his arm. They were wearing a nice black suit, their hair pulled up into a bun with a few strands left down so it shapes his face nicely. He even had put some eyeliner on and some dark eyeshadow. They looked amazing that it took your breath away.
What you didn't know was that while you were admiring Loki he was doing the same to you. He took notice of how the suit you wore fit you perfectly. You had went out with Natasha and Tony last week to go shopping for a new suit. Tony had paid for it when you said you didn't have enough money for everything and they did a hell of a job. He noticed the way your hair was gelled back a bit but still left it in their natural curls.
He was so lost in admiring you that he didn't notice the way Ned was trying to get his attention until he threw a rolled up piece of paper at him. It ends up hitting them in the side of the face causing you to laugh. "Dude I have been trying to get your attention the past two minutes. We have got to leave come on" He begins to walk to the car with the two of you following him.
When you get inside of the car Loki notices that you are a bit cold and grabs your jacket and helps you put it on. "thank you Loki" he just nods and listens to the music.
As Ned drives you cant help but wonder why Loki didn't just use his magic to just apparate there. That's what you call it since you are a harry potter fan. He hates it but you love it. You cant help but wonder why he does sit in this car with you and Ned when he has a much easier way of getting places but you decide that you love having this time with them.
You and Ned sing along to the music quietly and once you get there you get out of the car and begin walking into the building with Loki behind you and Ned beside you.
The inside of the building was not as big as it usually is and its decorated nicely. Natasha seems to be making herself a drink while Tony is controlling the music for a little while.
Your body tenses up even though you try to calm down and breath but big crowds and loud noises bother you. Loki and Ned both notice this and Loki instinctively grabs a hold of your hand silently while Ned asks if you are alright.
"yes I promise I'm okay. The both of you can go have fun. I can figure out something to do in this place" Loki squeezes your hand "ill be right back. I've got to look for my brother"
The both of them walk off leaving you to yourself and you let out a breath and walk over to the bar and get yourself something to drink. A light alcoholic drink since you don't like to drink but need something to loosen the nerves.
You were in a nice conversation with the bartender that Tony had no doubt hired for the night when you hear someone sit in the seat next to you. Not having to question who it was for very long because he spoke. "id like a water" the bartender nods and you close your eyes letting out a sigh.
Not looking at him you stay looking at the drink in front of you. "What do you want?" you wouldn't have been so upset if he was just at the bar, but no he had to sit right beside you when there's a lot of other spots to sit. "I just want to talk. Please"
Turning to finally look at him you notice the outfit he was wearing and its the one he wore on your first date and you almost throw up. "Peter its been months since we have spoken without it being for a mission or in passing. What do you need to say?"
He looks at you for a moment not knowing what to say and you scoff and get off the seat to walk away when he grabs ahold of your arm. "im sorry okay? For how I treated you and it was wrong of me. I should have stayed with you and not went to her because I was bored."
Listening to his words you look at him and blink "Thank you for taking the time to apologize for what you did. However I don't need it anymore. Its too late I'm finally happy again."
He drops your arm and nods but his eyes travel over to the other side of the room and says "I'm guessing he has something to do with it?" You turn to look where he is looking and see Loki who is sitting with his brother and speaking with him but glaring at Peter.
It causes you to smile but you give him a look and he turns away. Looking back at peter the smile still on your face. "I guess he's part of the reason yes. He's been there for me the past few months and trust me I gave him a hell of a rough time for a while there" You think of the moment that almost cost you your friendship.
It had been a month and you were still sad about how things had ended. You were sitting in the living room watching videos that you and peter had taken of each other and with each other and it was heartbreaking cause the light in both of your eyes were there.
You were sitting there on the couch under a blanket just re watching them. Tears were not forming, you had don't all the crying you could do already now you were just still and staring. However when Loki appears into the living room with food but when he sees you he stops. "woah what's gotten you upset darling? Was it spider boy ill take care of him"
Glaring at him you point to the door "Leave" your voice was full of hurt even though you were trying to force anger. Loki just places the food down and holds up his hands. "look I'm sorry for brining him up but re watching videos of the two of you wont help. So how about we just turn off the tv" He snaps his fingers and it shuts off.
Standing up you grab the remote but he grabs it first and makes it disappear and you scoff and hit his arm. Not wanting to actually hurt him..as if you could hurt a literal god. "Loki you aren't helping. Just leave me alone. Leave, get out"
They just look at you and shake their head "I'm not just going to leave you like this? You are a mess. Its obvious that your not okay" At his words you grab onto his hand and start to pull him to the door and you try shove him out of the door. "God damnit Loki Leave cant you get the hint?!"
They stand there and look at you in silence not wanting to anger you any further. He's never been good at comforting and he things he did it wrong this time. "what hint are you trying to give me?" they ask and you look at them "that I don't want you here! You are always here..taking care of me and I don't want or need you here. I want to be left alone"
Loki nods clearly hurt by your words but you don't notice cause you aren't looking at him. "I am sorry for taking up so much of your time. I wont be coming back to bother you anymore. Goodbye y/n"
Once they leave you shut the door hurriedly and just lay on the couch not turning the tv back on or anything and just eat the food Loki had left you. It was your favorite food and you start to feel bad for how you acted but you needed time alone. Just for one night at least.
Peter laughs softly and nod "you do sometimes have a bit of a rough time with people wanting to help you." You look at him dumbfounded but nod "I do and its something I've been working on" he nods and looks back over at Loki before back at you. "I'm going to go because it seems he isn't so happy with me being around you. Also I think he is overhearing our conversation"
Looking over at Loki you see the way he avoids your gaze and that's a clear sign that he was. "He tends to be a bit protective over me" you laugh softly and Peter places his hand on your shoulder. " I hope we can be friends in the future and you can find it in yourself to forgive me"
You nod and look at him "I'm sure we can be friends, just have to take it day by day. I cant promise anything though." He nods "yeah I get that...I should be going. Ill see you around"
He leaves you there and you finish your drink as you think back to when you apologized to Loki for your outburst and he still cared for you even when he was still upset with you. He always was there for you no matter what and you couldn't understand why.
It had been almost a week after you kicked Loki out and told them to leave and basically not come back and to say that you were sad about it was an understatement.
You had sometimes went onto your phone to contact him but then your pride got the best of you and you decided against it. However tonight was the first night you weren't sad about Peter. You were just sad over the fact that you lost Loki. So instead of just calling you you decided to go get alcohol.
Grabbing your phone and wallet you get into your car and go to the nearest place and get the strongest drinks they have and then bring them back to your place. Then once you were home you turned on some music and decided to just drink while you listened to Loki and yours playlist.
From already being a lightweight it didn't take long for you to feel the affect of the drinks. You felt light on your feet from being very buzzed, almost drunk but you continued to drink because he was still all you could think about.
Eventually you stopped walking around your house and flopped onto the couch and finished the current drink you had. You were drunk by now and it didn't help because you still thought about him. God you hated the taste of this stuff but it was more bearable since you got some fruit to have with it.
After finishing your drink you place the glass onto the table but it falls off the table and rolls on the floor but its the least of your worries because now you grabbed your phone and dialed his number "Hello?" their voice sounded heavenly over the phone even when it was guarded and had a hint of a frustrated tone.
"Loki? Where are you at right now?" you ask, your words slurring together. "y/n are you okay?" they ask but you interrupt them "just please tell me where you are?" He sighs "I'm at my place I have here in town"
Before they could say anything else you hang up and place your phone on the couch. Then you just walk out of the door leaving your jacket, shoes and phone behind. You knew the way to his place like its the back of your hand. So even in your very intoxicated state you were heading the right direction.
You didn't have any worries going through your mind right now except to get to Loki. However with him it was a different story. Loki had kept calling your phone and texting you asking what you were doing and why you sounded so drunk. They knew you never drank so they didn't understand why you sounded like it.
However you weren't answering so he instantly left the house and began walking the street and once he seen you from the far end of the street he instantly teleported himself in front of you. Causing you to gasp and eyes go wide. "Jesus Loki you scared me. Id like a warning next time you do that" you could barely get the words out and he puts his hands on your shoulders. "are you drunk"
Stepping away from him a bit you glare at him. "listen I am an adult I'm allowed to drink however much i want. Tony does it all the time." They just stood there in front of you "well Tony also doesn't ignore someone's phone calls and make someone worry" their tone was snappy and it seems to sober you up for a second and you check your pockets. "I left my phone at home...I just needed you"
Loki looks at you and sighs "come on I'm taking you to my place so you can sleep this off"
You cant remember much else about that night in full detail. The only things you remember was you apologizing as he held you close to him. How they made you drink water and talked with you till you passed out on their couch
Loki was always there and always took care of you with no questions asked. Its gotten to the point where people even ask if you two are a thing. I guess its because he doesn't "flirt" with anyone like he used to.
They had never had a partner but he would always flirt at these events just for fun and he doesn't anymore. It drove you crazy because now you had to think about if you did like him and every time you did you would get this feeling in your gut and an ache in your chest. and as you sit there thinking about this you feel that same feeling. "oh my god do I like them?"
Wanda from across the room couldn't help but hear your thoughts and so she walks over to you taking the seat next to you. "your thoughts are very loud y/n. Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"
You shake your head "why? because I don't even understand everything myself. I feel things for him sure. Yes I do. But its Loki, they don't feel anything for people for very long and whose to say he even feels the same?"
Wanda just shakes her head and then looks at you. "if you really believe that Loki doesn't like you. Then you don't know him at all because everyone else can see the way he looks at you as if the whole world stops and its just you and him in motion" She looks over at Loki and she can tell that he has truly stopped listening into the conversation. "you should ask him to dance when the slow songs start. Just see where it goes. Not everyone is going to hurt you like Peter"
All you can do it sit there and nod. "thank you Wanda and I think I just might"
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skylarinfinity · 1 year
peter: do you ever wonder if you just a mistake that your parents decided to keep...
steve: wha-
m/n stark: [snort] me and tony we don't need to wonder, our sperm donor make sure we know that we just a mistake...
tony: [pat m/n back] true-
steve: [shake his head disagree with m/n] howard is a good guy, he would never do that-
m/n stark: [raised his eyebrows amused by steve statement] how many time he pegged you for you to defending him this much?
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tags lists @sonicqaulan @graysonfriggason @thebettermaximofftwins @sloanalistair @acienthazard @starlinggoldeneyes @ortegaolsen @wednesdaywanda @sandwichmarvel @gardenofmarvel @wanda-cabin-natasha-jacket
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kanataka-san · 2 years
(Y/N): I like people how I like my tea-
Sam: Sugar sweet?
Tony: Like Parker?
(Y/N): In a bag under water-
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male-fictioner · 11 months
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
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Fuck You! (smut)
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Peter B Parker
Miguel O'Hara
Nerdo! Miguel x GN! Reader Headcannons
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
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thealtoduck · 1 year
Upcoming Fics (stuff you can expect in the future):
… (Percy Jackson x Male Reader, title is a suprise)
Unforgiven (Tim Drake x Riddler Sidekick!Male Reader)
Star Wars Rebels Continuation (Ghost Crew x Male Reader)
Undecided continuation (Peter Parker x Male Black Cat!Reader)
Undecided continuation of Band!AU with (Robb Stark x Male Reader)
Maybe another y2k-movie-ish!AU with (Jason Todd x Male Reader)
Also maybe a continuation of the Pokémon fic, we’ll see.
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darksprit06 · 18 days
H! Can I request a fluff platonic kate bishop imagine please where r is her male best friend and superhero partner, and maybe just like snapshots of their friendship (like protective, supportive)
sure! i really dont know how ill go about this but heres my shot at it. I hope you enjoy it!
If you ever wonder why stuff never got done around the avengers tower, there would only be one answer. Y/N Parker and Kate Bishop. Any where touble was, you could find these two at the end of it. They have known each other for 5+ years, meeting in middle school and from that time on they stay as best friends. When Y/N found out he had superpowers the first person he told was Kate, thats when he found out she was very good with a bow and arrow. Over time Y/N caught the attention of the Avengers, mostly Tony and Natasha. The two help Y/N out with his powers and new found strength, soon he was added onto the time which is when he mentioned Kate, saying that she was his panther in crime and couldnt be on the team without her. The two adults were a little off with that but decied to let it slide as long a she agreed to train which she did.
On to now the two were walking around NYC and messing around with each othee "Stop pushing me asshole, Tony wont be happy if you kill me!" Kate kept on pushing him around, at one point jumping on his back which caused Y/N to stumble and then push her off his back "Knock it off!" Y/N laughed as he pushed Kate off. The two kept goofing off till the heard the sound of an engine, they turned to find Natasha in her black mustange "Tony needs you back at the tower" The two teens groaned but once they noticed the free seat in the fornt, they pushed and ran to it, leaving Y/N to when and leaving Kate to pout all the way back to the tower
I did this all on my phone without any planning so if it not what you wanted or if theres any spellchecks, please let me know. Have a great day or night guys!
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weyirn · 1 year
Hello!! Hope you’re doing well :)) If you could, could I please ask for a marvel men x male reader where the reader is a pianist and has really pretty hands, and when he’s practicing at home, his brain is just switched off and is only looking at the piano until someone makes a sound, and gets super flustered? It’s sorta like a scenario+headcanon now so sorry :,) thanks if you can and please take your time :))
Hi!! Thank you, I hope you're doing as well!! I hope I did this request right-
Marvel Men x Male!Reader
Pianist Boyfriend Scenarios
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☆Steve leans against the door frame, watching you play, not wanting to interrupt you. When you stop and stare at the piano keys, he says, "need bit of a break from playing?"
You stiff up from hearing his voice, hoping that he didn't see you just stare off into space for a couple of minutes...But you soon relax, remembering that Steve wouldn't judge you. The thought doesn't stop you from getting all flustered, though.
"I...probably," you mumble. Your brain had suddenly switched off, and you couldn't think of anything else to play.
"Hey," his voice is soft, "it's alright to take a break. You played very well. You've earned it," he said with a chuckle.
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❄️Bucky wondered why you stopped playing... He looks at you in worry and steps forward, making you jump a little in the process.
"It's okay, it's just me," Bucky softly reassures you, trying to comfort you, noticing how flustered you are. He's more focused on comforting you and making you feel more comfortable more than anything else.
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💲As soon as you stopped playing, Tony slowly clapped his hands, making you jump a little. "Looks like you need an audience," he teases.
He grabs the nearest chair and takes a seat. "Go on. Play some more for me."
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🕸Peter stared in awe as he watched you play, only to stop and blink when you stopped playing. Maybe Y/N needs some time to think about what to play next? He thought.
He tries to silently leave, only to reiceve a loud creak from the floor boards in return. You turn around, only to see Peter, his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. It seems he's just as flustered as you are.
"Uh...I was-I wasn't trying to spy on you or anything!" He stutters, trying to explain himself. "I just happened to hear you play and it sounded...nice."
"T-thank you," you say, your eyes wandering back to the piano keys.
"I-I play piano too, actually," Peter shyly smiles. "Would you.. like to play together?"
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Sam waited until your fingers were off the piano keys, and you were stuck staring at them. "You take requests?" He asked, smirking.
"Huh?" You questioned.
"If you happen to take any requests, I have a couple of songs for you to play..."
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🐜You weren't staring at the piano keys for very long, since Scott is pretty...loud and clumsy. He was impressed by your talent of playing the piano, but he didn't mean to interrupt like this, even if you stopped playing for just a bit.
"Sorry to interrupt!" He apologizes, getting ready to walk away, "u-uh, keep doing whatever you were doing, I'll just...get some things cleaned up for you..."
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💚 Bruce loves hearing you play piano. He wondered why you suddenly stopped and states blankly at the piano keys. He figured that you just ran out of ideas for the day.
"All burnt out?" He asked. "It's alright, I know how it feels," he reassures you.
You let out a shaky sigh. "I guess I am..."
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⚡️Thor's smile faded into a frown when you stopped playing. You heard him shuffle a bit, and as soon we turn your head, Thor is next to you, his hand on top of yours. "Please, do not stop, my love. You play beautifully."
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🐍You might have been staring at the piano keys for a long time, because Loki is very silent; he was standing there the whole time, wondering if rather or not you were thinking or just staring off into space...
Regardless, he coughs, causing you to whip your head around and look at him. He smiles at how flustered he's made you as he steps forward. "Do you...perhaps need some inspiration?"
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🖤It's difficult to ignore the quiet bickering from behind you. Apparently, Venom wouldn't stop whispering in his ear while Eddie was trying to hear you play. They were so engaged in their argument that they didn't even notice that you were staring at them, all flustered.
It wasn't until Venom told him that you were staring at them, and Eddie felt a little bothered by how he thought he interrupted you.
"We were just..." Eddie began, his gaze switching back and forth towards you and Venom. "Just wanted to see you play, that's all."
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beanxemily · 2 years
*Y/n, Shuri and Peter playing Roblox (doors)*
Tony *In Y/n's ear* : Psst!
*Insert three screams*
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supercap2319 · 4 months
Little Ben is sleeping over Grandpa Tony’s for the weekend. When You and Peter tell Tony not to let Ben have too many sweets, he tells you both to kindly fuck off.
"Okay. Are you sure you can handle Ben this weekend, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked. Peter and Y/N were leaving for a weekend getaway, and Tony volunteered to babysit.
"Relax, Underoos. I'm great at watching kids." Tony said, bouncing Ben up and down.
"Right. Says the man who made Ben a rocket powered stroller when Ben was not even a month old." Y/N said.
"Oh, and make sure you don't give Ben candy. You know what happens when he eats sugar."
"Like his dad." Y/N said. "He gets wild. Don't do it, Tony."
Tony put his hands over Ben's ears. "Would you two kindly fuck off and suck dicks." He flips them off like a manchild and takes Ben inside the house.
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Following Along (Tony Stark X Son!Reader) *PARENTAL
Characters: Tony Stark X Son!Reader, Peter Parker X Male!Reader (Platonic)
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Mention of serial killer, mention of dead body(s) (Both vague)
Request: How about a fic Tony Stark X Son Reader fic, where reader of a Sherlock type when it comes to his deduction, intelligence but also sometimes callous behaviour. Maybe Tony makes him hang out with Peter and his friends and it ends up him then following him around while he handles a case and it ends up with the Avengers tailing him.
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Tony had known ever since his son was just a few months old that he was a little… quirky. He never really interacted with other kids at nursery or on playdates, and while other toddlers played with shapes and blocks, either together or alone, whenever Tony picked up Y/N and asked what he’d gotten up to, the answer was always something that was always… off. Like the time you made a poster detailing different bugs in the garden, drawing them and how they were different, or another day when you spent the entire time investigating and locating a little girl’s lost dinosaur toy, which sounded really sweet until the caretaker had to tell him that when you found it in another kid’s backpack, you dumped it out in front of everyone, pointed to the kid and called him a thief and made the kid cry. 
Now, any normal parent would show at least some concern about their kid’s behaviour, maybe put them in therapy, try and get that behaviour out of them. However, Tony saw something in you that stood out. You liked to investigate. You liked knowing things, you liked to solve puzzles, and as you grew older, this continued and grew, and instead of punishing you for being rather blunt or rude at times, especially when you pointed things out about you, Tony instead set up a simple rule of “You can only do that if the person was being mean in the first place or you have a good reason to” and gave you frequent tasks to keep you occupied. That worked fine for the most part, until you reached middle school. That was when he started getting called into the school because of incidents. 
It switched between you being bullied for being weird and quiet and rude at times, and you pulling stunts that always seemed to blow up and cause drama among the school. Like the time you blasted one of your classmates and bullies in the middle of an assembly for stealing other student’s work to get an award, even providing proof then and there, or the time when a teacher called in Tony about your behaviour, and you pointed out that you had been doing all your work and extra, and also that she was picking on you and suggested she stop unless she wanted her affair with another teacher to be announced over the speakers the next morning. All with a straight face, no mischievous smirk, or a glint of malice in your eye. It was also around that time when Tony suggested that you set up your own amateur detective agency, partially to hopefully help you in the process of pursuing a job you would clearly strive in, and also to stop you from investigating and exposing your teacher’s affairs. 
Well, that amateur detective agency, where you started off with helping students with their own problems, very quickly became far more professional when you started taking on older, paying clients and being an actual private detective in the city, gathering information for people, and in more than one occasion, actually working with the police with it. Needless to say, Tony had to ask Bruce to get in touch with his cousin as an emergency rep in case any of this backfired, though you assured your dad you had been working with another lawyer called Murdock or something on some cases.
Tony had a lot of mixed feelings now about your job that you were doing. On one page he was immensely proud of you, and he knew this was only the start of a successful career and he was already prepared to help you set up an actual office for you when you were old enough, he loved to hear from you about your latest successful case, and when you came to him for his opinion on your cases to look for leads and he got to see your mind at work. On the other side, he was worried about you. You stepped on the cop’s toes often, and your lack of filter frequently got you in trouble with them, and then there were the dangerous cases with high profile crime involved where you were at actual risk of being hurt, and of course, the long standing problem of your lack of social life, and it especially worried him since you just started High School. 
“Peter, can I ask you a huge, huge favour, and I’m being completely serious.” Tony asked of his intern on one of the rare times Peter was on base to update his suit. Peter looked up from where he was doing some homework, waiting for the update to be complete to look at Tony. 
“Of course Mr Stark, what can I do?” Peter inquired, admittedly maybe a bit too excitedly.
“As you know, I have a son- Y/N. He’s not the best socially, and he has this private detective work going on outside of school, and it’s actually getting pretty serious. He told me about a new case he’s started, and I feel like he might actually get in trouble- can you just watch him please? Make sure he’s not in any actual danger?” Tony asked. “I don’t want you to feel like this is a babysitting job- it’s really not. Y/N’s cases are usually actual criminal cases, but he’s a year younger than you and I’m genuinely worried his bluntness is gonna get him in serious trouble with the wrong people.” 
“I can do that!” Peter assured him with a smile. He of course knew about Y/N Stark’s private detective work, people talked about it who were in middle school with you as well as the stunts you pulled, and quite often people would ask if you were involved in a recently solved case, and sometimes you answered in the affirmative, so he knew that you were in serious stuff. “Would you like me to be with him or tail behind or..?” 
“Tailing won’t work, he’ll notice immediately. Just tell him you want to follow along and be his back up if anything goes south- he worked out you were Spiderman before I did, you’re not gonna hide anything from him.” Tony explained. Peter didn’t have time to properly process the fact that you knew who he was before he’d already accepted his task and had left the base to prepare for tomorrow.
When Peter arrived to school the next day, as soon as he entered the school, he was greeted by MJ and Ned, who could see he was on a mission and had something on his mind as soon as he came in. “What’s going on?” MJ asked as she watched him look around the hallways, over people’s heads. 
“I might need to skip school today. Mr Stark’s given me the task to follow his son around on a case he’s doing. It’s dealing with some serious crime so he wants me to be there in case things go sideways.” Peter explained to them.
“An actual criminal case?” Ned asked, and Peter nodded. “Any idea what it is?” 
“No, Mr Stark didn’t state, but I’m gonna ask Y/N when I join him.” Peter answered. 
“Can we tag along?” MJ asked, leaning on the line of lockers. 
“Uh… are you sure? It might be dangerous.” Peter asked, wide eyed, getting a nod from the girl, and Ned got an excited grin on his face. “Okay, but if we actually get in trouble, run at the first chance you get, okay? I’ll worry about Y/N.” Peter told them, and after getting the affirmative, the three of them went on the search for you. 
 For Tony, he took no news as good news. He’d not heard anything on the news, Peter hadn’t called or texted, neither had you, and FRIDAY was silent about anything to do with the spider suit. It took that as things were going more than smoothly, you and Peter were playing nice, and hopefully you’ll have a new friend by the end of the day, and so he let himself relax a little bit and actually focus on his work.
It wasn’t until Pepper waltzed into his lab that he realised something was up, since she came in around the same time everyday; 5pm, long after school had finished, when you should be home, when FRIDAY would let him know Peter was using the suit. Something was off. He wasn’t sure if it something was exactly wrong, but it was off at least. His first course of action was to drop a text to Peter, asking how the case had gone, presuming by now it would be over and done with and maybe the kids had lost track of time and maybe were busy just being teenagers and having fun. He watched the screen after sending the message for a few seconds, watching as Peter read it, and started to respond, before the text popped up for him to see. 
We’re still working on it
Now THAT was weird. It was vague with no details, almost like Peter was busy or focussed on something else. Tony didn’t feel great about that, and so immediately called his son, turning to Pepper who had been watching him since she came in, trying to figure out why he was suddenly in a panic with her showing up. After a few rings, you answered. “Dad I’m kind of busy right now.” You answered him 
“Y/N, can you give me an idea of what’s happening? You’re usually home by now and I’ve not heard a peep from you all day.” He asked, glancing at Pepper who immediately understood what was happening. “Is Peter with you?” 
“Yes. And Ned. And MJ. They’re being really helpful, thanks for sending them.” You answered, your voice being slightly muffled with the sound of fabric, and Tony could tell you had the phone pressed between your head and shoulder. “You know how I was hired to track that man’s movements before he went missing?” 
“Yes, it’s in the newspaper, your biggest case- insanely proud- did you find something big?” 
“Oh yeah he’s the victim of a serial killer and I’m working on finding the other victims and the killer.” You answered him far too calmly for your father’s liking. 
“What- how are you doing that? Please tell me you got the police involved and you’re not planning to go body hunting as an after school activity- where’s Peter and the others?” Tony demanded towards you.
“Of course I’ve got the police involved- I sent them to look for the bodies in the places I think they are about… 4 hours ago? Anyway- dad can you get FRIDAY on the call please I need her. Peter forgot his spider suit.” You requested, answering a few questions your father had but adding so many more. FRIDAY, at the mention of her name immediately inserted herself. 
“How can I help Mr Stark? She inquired, her inserting herself immediately putting your call onto speaker. Pepper came to Tony’s desk and stood beside Tony, who put his phone down on the desk and just leant over to put his head in his hands. 
“FRIDAY, I need to narrow down who lives on Gallow Way, New York. We’re looking for a Man, within the 40 to 60 age range, possibly married in the past but now divorced and living alone.” You detailed.
“Y/N Stark you better not be thinking of confronting a killer!” Pepper spoke up, and silence fell over the phone. 
“Does it help if Peter’s here, police are on route and his technique for killing isn’t a gun?” You inquired to her. 
“Absolutely not- stay right there, I’m coming.” Tony ordered, calling his suit and immediately flying out the building to go collect his son and intern. In retrospect, he guessed he should have known that Peter would get caught up in your shenanigans and aid you in them rather than calming you down in these situations. Still, he was just glad that you had Peter with you- that did make him feel a little bit better in the prospect that you did face off against a serial killer. Not a thing he thought he’d be saying to himself when he became a father. 
By the time he got there, the police were already there, having already arrested the man and were searching the house, and he spotted his son talking with an officer who was taking extensive notes, Peter, MJ and Ned not far away. He walked over to them first, and they saw him as soon as he landed and straightened up a little as he walked up to them. “What I’d miss?” He asked, before quickly adding “Please tell me you didn’t see a dead body.” 
“No, we were just following the person’s last movements before I guess Y/N realised he’d seen something similar and quizzed us on some other missing people to see what we knew. We did a bit of googling for more information before Y/N announced it’s a serial killer and sort of just… put together a description of what the guy would be like who did this, looked at a map and picked some spots where the bodies could be then called the cops.” Michelle explained to him in a confused tone, which was understandable. 
“Have they found anything yet?” He asked next. 
“Apparently they did find something at one the spots Y/N highlighted a few minutes ago… which is terrifying.” Ned commented. Tony nodded quietly, before going on his phone, selecting a few things, before looking back at the kids in front of him. 
“Alright, a private car will be here in 5 minutes, it’ll take you home, okay? Peter, do you want to go with them?” Tony asked, getting a rushed nod from the teen, and Tony was starting to regret asking him to tag along with your antics. Maybe he’d been too lenient with you. Maybe he should restrict what cases you can take on…
“Mr Stark?” Tony glanced up from his thoughts at the sound of Peter, humming to tell him he was acknowledged. “If Y/N has any big cases again, can I tag along? Other than the whole serial killer thing… it was kind of fun and interesting. I learnt some things that could help me if I need to do my own investigations.” Peter requested, getting slightly wide eyes in response. 
“Uh… sure, just ask Y/N beforehand to be sure he’s comfortable with it, okay?” Tony responded, and Peter grinned and nodded, before Tony turned and started to make his way over to his son, still rambling to the cop who on close inspection almost looked frazzled. “Y/N.” He called, making you stop and turn to face him. 
“Hi dad, I’m nearly done here, just letting them know what kind of things they need to be looking for in the house and stuff.” 
“I’m sure they can figure it out with the extensive notes you’ve already had them writing. Say anymore and they might thing you’re the killer, not the detective.” He joked with you, giving an apologetic smile to the cop as he took your shoulder to pull you away. “If you have any other questions don’t be afraid to call us- I’m sure he’ll be happy to help.” He excused, starting to lead you away. “Did you go in the house?” 
“No. But I did snoop in the back-” Tony interrupted you with a sigh. He swore you were going to be the death of him one of these days.
Hope you like it! Sorry for the super slow posts, I’ve been overwhelmed recently with things I need to do and it’s making me not want to do anything creative. If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS:  @klanceiscannon14​  @marvelhoeingismyhobby-blog​ @bellamyblakemorley @dummiesshort  @freyathehuntress​ @abbybills22-blog​ @mutantjediavenger​ @theoraekensnotsosecretlover​ @alicedanganh @sleutherclaw @sleepy-coffee-bean @stawwpp  @rebellionofthecattle  @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic   @courtneychicken​  @graysonmalfoy​ @bellero​ @originalpottervengerlock​ @supernatural-pan​ @esoltis280​ @lady-of-lies​ @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980​ @cdwmtjb8​ @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines​ @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe  @petersparkers3
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littlemochix17 · 8 months
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Tony stark
Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Male Wanda Maximoff
Male Natasha Romanoff
Male Pepper Potts
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Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
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Tom Holland
Tobey Maguire
Andrew Garfield
Miles Morales
Miguel O'hara
Peter B Parker
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Miles Morales (Earth 42)
Male Gwen Stacy (Ghost-Spider)
Male Mary jane Watson
Male Michelle Jones Watson
Male Gwen Stacy
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