#still felt over powered af that she can just... do that
r0semultiverse · 3 months
Hey so Avatar Kyoshi can just physically manifest & take the wheel at any time? That feels kind of over powered??
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We’re just not gonna talk about how Kyoshi possessed Aang? 👀
Also feels like the avatar detection statues in Zuko’s ship got retconned already. Iroh asking how Zuko knows he’s on the right path to find the Avatar but neither of them acknowledge the avatar tracking statues that this adaptation spawned in. 😩 It was a little frustrating to watch. Either leave them in & acknowledge them or just leave them out.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Machiko Kyō (Rashomon, Floating Weeds, Older Brother Younger Sister)— Considered an early sex symbol in Japanese cinema. Also just an ethereal beauty who can also go feral/unhinged in a glorious way.
Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Machiko Kyō:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
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I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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481 notes · View notes
izanazqueen · 1 year
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-cw: oral, making out, handjobs, cursing, suggestive themes, intercorse
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2:57 am-
he was a man of power. a man of influence. someone who you knew you shouldn't be messing around with. izana kurokawa. the name alone left tingles down your spine and not the kind you would expect. they called him the king- which you thought 'how cocky'- in your mind as he came walking through your door way when you noticed the half drawn look across his eyes. " everything alright, darling? " you asked him wide-eyed with your hands already across his shoulders massaging him when you heard him start to groan into your neck. " yea- everything alright.. uhh- can't take. no. more. " he said as he always did while he began undressing you. complaining about toman to his girl was just what izana needed most days for sometimes hours on end. but today was not one of those days.
his hands were rough from tough jobs over the years of climbing his way to top executive of the toman foundation. pulling on your ass and quickly finding his desperate fingers between your panties, izana kissed into you without a second thought. he was rarely home until very late in the evenings and could not help but feel a flutter in his chest whenever he noticed the lights from your main room still glowing from the street pulling up to the small condo that you rent. the instant his tongue made its way inside of you- it felt like honey was dripping inside your mouth. he was so damn sweet- there wasn't much more you could take. grabbing him by the collar you pushed him off of you- thoughtfully as you helped him by guiding his weary body to the living room loveseat, where you placed your body on his resting your thick hips on top of his gaining his full attention and his little ones as well. "mm.. babe-' " ssh-' you put your finger over his lips for him to better understand. in the heat of the moment seeing him donned in black luxury in his work suit from head to toe, your body ran hot with need and his body was what you desire more than anything else. his pretty eyes danced when they saw how horrible your face was begging, pleading for him to be inside of you already. " hm, such a needy- girl i have. gotta give her what she expects or else.."
" or else what, zana?" that was it. challenge accepted- izana grabbed your head and gently by the back of the neck he flipped you over onto the sofa to see your innocent reaction to his startlement. " now what was that for!?' lips pouting- you looked at him for an answer and instead were met with his charming smile. " you're mine baby- gotta remind you of that now, do i? ' he said as he twisted his length of his fingertips deep into your aching mess. " ah- mm..!' you could barely breathe let alone mumble beneath what he was doing. " i can't hear you my love-' hearing his husky sultry voice had you crying out in agony. " ah- zanaa!' fuck don't stop! " but as soon as you replied he took out his fingers. leaving your mind a wreck and shivering from the small stimulating foreplay he was giving you knew that you had to have him-
you watched as he unbuckled his pants and removed his belt flawlessly- so much so you'd think he practiced it. his cock bounced out from his boxers instantly from the weight of how heavy he was- watching while his girth anxiously waiting to please your dripping pussy drenched in your own juices running out of patience but awaiting him ever so timidly. his hands stroking himself left you mesmerized and he had to snap at your attention twice to get you to look at his direction when he tried calling your name to shift up a bit. " you can be cute, sometimes y/n .' "oh, sometimes?' you said towards him amused knowing full well it was more than that. "yea.' he had said, leaning into your face hovering over you with his arms around your head and his warm breathe trickling down, tracing all over your cheeks. " but right now you're not cute. -you're sexy af.'
reaching his one hand finding itself deciding needily to toy at your breast and the other hand in between your lips beneath your skirt- the only remaining clothing he allowed you to wear on your skin. the under garments you adorned were the last thing to go as he watched as your flawless skin with its pearly luster underneath him shining with so much beauty he thought surely he would be exposed- that you notice the extra excitement he had in his smile with how you had him feeling this evening. getting lost at sea from his love, as usual- started to take over until you found your way back to the surface. " baby, please.' you gave him your most pathetic glance and he couldn't help but chuckle at your adorable little face. " of course- my darling. ill give it to you right away.' -
pressing his heat inside of you his body tensed when he felt how tight you swallowed his cock desperately, in turn. " hold up- babe. gotta help you a bit-' diving beneath your legs his tongue dragging lazily across your clit causing you to erupt in sheer pleasure, all you do was could weakly moan when he tried his best to release some of your tension near your wet walls with his mouth. jerking his soft tongue in and out of your folds he had you reeling- unable to take anymore of his ecstasy as you brought his face to meet yours in a kiss drunken off of your own juices.
his cock throbbing at this point found its way back in you, this time a lot more careful to get in with ease. he saw as relief came over your expression when he went and hit your cervix without trying. " good girl- alwys such my good girl for me-' he said almost to himself chanting from how good he had been delivered. "want you to take it all, sweetheart.' he breathed lightly as he spoke quitely while pounding himself into you- endlessly and you loved every second of it. " yes- zana.. ah! please!' " tell me what you want, baby.' he quipped with a smirk that could catch flies. "wan- cum bab- want all of you.. uh- ah!' you cried as he majestically made your insides sing with joy. for what it was worth- izana was your beloved. more than anyone could say or scare you into even thinking. he had his way with you - one that no one else did. this man was the embodiment of your existence and you'd be more than happily do whatever it was he asked of you. no matter- what the request.
as he neared toward his on-going climax, he noticed your fucked out face staring up at him so intimately and precious that he had to hide himself pulling you in close, with his face inside your neck to cover the way the his cheeks grew crimson in anticipation of your release. izana loved to see you cum more than anything- it was a treasure of his that only he knew of. he wanted to make sure he was staring into your eyes the moment of impact when then- he lost it. staring at you normally was enough to get his boner on- full well but having you looking at him as an irl ahegao made his dick empty itself inside your pussy.
" zana- yes!' mmh- ' you whined. " ohmg-d' tears streaming down your face words barely audible as you were entranced by his lavender gaze as he poured the remnants of himself in you. " take it all baby- every drop for you.' squirming in pleasure you found his hand and grabbed it firmly between your legs, riding out your orgasm. his vision met yours as you both fixated yourselves on eachother. turning slightly, you went to grab onto the mattress when you felt his hand on your back tracing small circles on your skin with his thumb.
" -who said i was done w you, love?' you stared at your man. knowing this was going to be a long night. -🌙
@izanazqueen © -all rights reserved
please do not copy / repost.
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 months
First off thank you much for the lovely response to my last thoughts. I was very nervous about posting and got a lot of good replies, notes and reblogs. This fandom is the best. I think it's important to see both sides and I wanted Tim's to be represented in a way that gave insight without condoning what he'd done. (Cause our boy done messed up.) So giving a little of myself achieved that I believe.
I didn't know a ton about this ep cause I’m a square who stays away from spoilers haha So let’s get started.
6x08 Punch Card
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Ugh my heart Tim got a reminder for Lucy’s Bday. Instant heart stomping already….I love that he had a reminder set up though. Making sure he would't forget. I’m crying already. Even though I'm so very sad. I love that he had this setup. When the elevator opens the amount of tension is palpable. Something felt very wrong. Good thing Tim was lost in his Lucy moment or he would've picked up on this sooner.
Poor Tim just wants to explain himself to Mad Dog. To explain what happened. The man is not in a place to receive it and we see later why. That look said it all though when Mad Dog departs. When Dr. London said she just took the wrong elevator my red flag gut was going off.
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Now that I've see the episode as a whole I can see Dr. London's play here. She seems to use flirting as a defense mechanism all her own. To protect herself and manipulate those around her. I mean they brought her flirt fest with Aaron in the recap back for a reason I think. She's worried Tim read into something about her interaction with Mad Dog. I mean Tim is clearly upset about seeing him and she uses that to deflect attention off herself. My off meter definitely was kicking on with her. Especially with how flirty she was being I didn't like it.
Now some may see Tim's response as him flirting back but I think he's investigating her. Also he's being a little sassy because he's not comfortable with her doing therapy outside the office. I mean his face when he leaves that elevator is not of a man who just flirted. It's one who is one still hurting and two his cop gut is going off but he isn't sure why....He seems conflicted by what just went down in that elevator. Just like us he was feeling off about her.
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This scene was very cute with Grey. I loved him anointing her to be a T.O. LOL Also once again showing the faith he has in Lucy. To train Celina and know she would do a good job. I was excited for this opportunity for her. For her to tap into leadership. Honestly it shouldn't have taken this long for Lucy to get to show her chops with this.
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Tim is so busy trying to delete his Lucy reminder he runs into the physical version of it without realizing. Andddddd it’s still awkward af between them. How could It not be? No communication between them so naturally it is. Stilted awkwardness. Lucy got out of there so fast. Even with Tim making the all powerful joke. Trying to make it less awkward. Ow. Couldn't get away fast enough. The way he watches her go. *sigh* Like he's watching his entire heart depart the room.
This hurts you guys. No matter how much I know it’ll be ok at some point this hurts to watch. Grey not pulling any punches noting how very awkward that was. Tim telling him that's actually better than it's been....Makes me wonder how much time has passed between 6x07 and now. Wade not caring that's progress to Tim. He is not messing around....
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Just wants Tim to fix is ASAP cause of the team dynamic. He's not wrong. Man isn't wrong. Rarely if ever is. Saying if Tim can't there’s gonna be a transfer and it won’t be Lucy….I mean I LOVE Grey siding with Lucy on this one. Not a doubt in his mind if it shakes out that way it'll be Tim. That being said just hearing that. Ugh. Deep anxiety pit of my stomach. And of course it would be friggin North Hollywood. That damn station been haunting them since S2. Looming over them ready to take one of them away.
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Lucy being Celina’s T.O .for the day I love it. She is so excited to be her leader even if it's just for this shift. Just wants to 'Invest in her success.' You know Lucy's leadership is pretty damn identical to how I am with my team. While I am mostly Tim there are pieces of Lucy in me as well. I related to her style of leadership quite a bit.
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Aaron and Tim in the surveillance van is hilarious. Their dynamic has always entertained me. I truly adore these two goobers together. Tim is trying so hard to keep his shit together. Aaron dying of ask him if he finds it hard to surveil his old team for an OP? Tim of course gives him the company line. Doing what he is told without complaint. Pulling out some S1 Tim with that reply my love.
Tim then telling him he needs a stronger deodorant LOL It's too funny. What a boring assignment for them both. Tim went from running that entire team. Doing ops and making decisions on the fly to this….Also Aaron being too distracted by his deodorant comment to pay attention is the most Aaron thing ever haha
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What I love the most about Lucy with Celina is her correcting without crushing her confidence. Once again reminding me of myself when I'm correcting my work kids on stuff. She is kind but confident in her assessment of what she did wrong in this moment. Celina receiving it well because she handles it this way. Lucy out here crushing it already with zero T.O. training. Just going off instinct and what she would want if she was a newbie still. Once again her and I very alike.
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Oh Tim getting that reminder again. *heart clutch.* Sigh my boy. Aaron offering to turn it off for him. I love that he was gonna have it remind him through out the day. Pre-breakup Tim clearly didn't want to forget. Wanted to make sure he not only knew it was but to make sure to make a big deal of it. That's just an assumption on my part but man would've wanted to do that. it's the way he has 'TOMORROW.' Wanting to make sure he didn't forget such an important day. *screams into a pillow.* Aaron asking if he’s gonna get her anything? I’m sure he had stuff in mind. But yeah bad form indeed…
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Tim’s sweet smile when he finds out what Aaron got her. Knowing how perfect of a gift that would be for her. That sweet knowing smile makes me wanna weep a bit. He knows his girl so well. Lot of sadness attached to the smile though. 'Can I ask why ya’ll split up?' 'No.' LMAO Took it too far Aaron....You're lucky you got that much good sir.
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This scene with Mad Dog hurt my heart for Tim. No matter how wrong he was for what he did I still hate seeing this. This was what I was worried about with him working with Metro. Picking at the wounds he hasn’t even begun to heal about how he left. I knew him making notes on the OP was going to come back and bite him in the ass. Watching all his repercussions is painful to see I have to say. Knowing what we know about Mad Dog later I think that's part of why he goes off on Tim. Doesn't make it any easier to watch though...
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Friggin Love Lucy being a BAMF in this episode. Especially in this moment. When she once again corrects but doesn't crush Celina about her gun. It's the way she guides Celina and has control over every situation they encounter in this ep. Proving herself a worthy teacher and leader. Also she was a better teacher to Celina in one episode than Nolan has been her entire career. Dude is a stinker of a T.O. It shows in how Celina makes basic mistakes Lucy had down pat long before this time in her rookie year.
Too bad Lucy can't finish out her training and Nolan is booted. But that'll never happen nothing sticks to that man. Not since S3 premiere. The rules and repercussions are rubber and he's glue. What doesn't stick to him does to everyone else... Grey should really evaluate his teaching skills. But that'll never happen. But she deserves a better teacher than him.
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From the minute Tim entered the room something seemed very wrong. From the way Mad Dog was just expecting Tim to flog him. Like he wanted Tim to ream him out for how the OP went down. Also how Mad Dog seemed nervous af to see Dr London. I mean look at that man above. He is scared shitless she is there to see him. The way he watches her though out the scene. Especially when she leaves.
Tim's cop gut is going off like crazy when she enters the room. Wondering how the hell she even know about this? He seems to take her answer at face value because honestly its pretty good considering it's a bold faced lie. Tim once again feeling like something is very off but isn't sure why.
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First let me say once again I feel personally attacked by the choice in song once again. lol I couldn't find the song to save my life. The lyrics are *chef kiss.* They're painfully accurate for them both. Think they've been very intentional with their ending music and just in general this season. These lyrics filled me with some hope as well. Jotted down the lyrics since couldn't find the song.
‘When the sun won’t shine and the words don’t rhyme. And there’s mountains you can’t move. Somethings on your mind and it’s been some time-since you felt like you were you. When it all caves in feeling paper thin. And the pain might cut right through.
Oh child, Lift up your head. All this trouble's only gonna last for awhile.’ Yeah we’re gonna be all right oh child. Lift up your head. And the light's gonna find you. When you feel like you ain’t got a friend. And you’re wondering if you ever gonna smile again. Every little thing gonna be ok. I know that you gonna see better days.’ *heart clutch.*
Damn smart of Tim saying happy birthday from Kojo and not him. I’m not crying you are. This was so so sweet. Lucy's reaction to Kojo got me all in my feels. She's so excited to see him. Then that excitement melts into sadness. Because he's an extension of Tim. The way she pet's him and says how much she misses him ugh.
Seems there is a double meaning going on there. We all know despite the hurt how much she misses her person. Tim just standing there only imagining her reaction when Kojo makes his way back. What a way to bring that sweet boy back in. I'm so happy about it. Tim is respecting her space but couldn’t let her bday go without doing something. Had to let her know her was thinking of her still. The fact that it’s happening in the hallway where so many seminal moments have played out for them.... I wanna cry.
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I LOVE that Tim got Kojo to put his little paw in ink for the card. It is so sweet. Their fur baby. He put serious thought and effort into this. This was so well done. Only Melissa and Eric could have chemistry without even seeing each other. This is the first time we've really seen Lucy cry about them. 6x06 she was in complete shock. 6x07 was her processing her thoughts/emotions. She was on the verge of tears but we didn't see her cry. This was first time we've seen her shed tears on screen at least since the break up. Wanna hug her so much. She deserved this card and more. Like a real conversation with him but this is a good start.
She knows this is Tim reaching out without physically doing so. Showing her he still cares. I mean he clearly very much does. You don't put thought and effort in like this if you don't. It's a huge thing for him to do right now. Lucy recognizes the effort in this adorable act. Tim's face after she reads the card. Ripping my damn heart out. The absolute regret splayed all over it. Like it’s finally hitting him what he’s done to her. What he’s lost in the process. He gave up his favorite person. His happy place and just it’s hitting him square in his chest.
Like a freight train that’s run him over. It's the way he shakes his head. Kicking himself. Knowing he hastily threw them away. What a mistake he’s made in his irrational decision making. It’s written all over his beautiful face. He may not fully understand yet why he did it but the regret is evident. Eric be killing me. His face screams all that. Knowing he should’ve been with Lucy for her birthday. Hell probably sharing that bath bomb she brought up with her. Killing me softly. Hurts so good. Damnit writers... This is being handled so well though. So hats off to them. They both needed this moment more than either of them knew.
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Mad dog killing himself....jesus H Christ. Poor Tim the last thing he needs is this. It explains why he was extra nasty to Tim though. Tim saw the flaw in his play and freaked the hell out. Also for Tim to see someone he once trusted with his life compromise themselves. Compromise the safety of their own men. Gut punch. And for what? Money? Power? We won't know till more of this unravels. Whatever it is won't be for a good reason. I know Tim hates himself for his mistakes. But those mistakes always had some form of honor attached to them.
He may not see that but I do. Now the op where he got his men killed no but what he did after was honorable. What he did for Mitch came from a honorable place. I just wonder how seeing Mad Dog doing something so very un-honorable is gonna affect him moving forward...Oh my lord I’m so mad about Dr London not because I liked her. But because I didn’t want it to derail Tim’s therapy in any way. The man needs it. Here’s hoping he continues in s7 with someone better.
Everyone was right she’s a dirty birdy. I was just hoping she wouldn’t be. But my ick and uncomfortable factor went WAY up in this ep with her. I knew it was inevitable. It's not that I didn't want to be wrong about her. It's the fact I didn't want this to hurt Aaron and I definitely I didn’t want her to be dirty for Tim that was it. For his therapy and the progress he's made. I hope this doesn’t affect his therapy journey and he can find someone not compromised in S7.
That promo for next week oh my lord….the hug! The hug! "This doesn't change anything." Then pulls him right in like nothing's changed. I will be living there from now on. Or until next week lol Love the Finale being a 2 parter as well. Phew this is gonna be an intense ending to this season. Gonna be chomping at the bit for S7 once it's done I know it. Like the song stated we're gonna see better days. I truly believe that. We got this my lovely fandom. Thank you for always being so wonderfully receptive of these reviews. Appreciate any likes, comments or reblogs that come my way.
Side notes-non Chenford
Angela shooting Monica down with Wesley. She's an Epic Queen and I adore her.
Dr London is in alliance with Monica. That's super great….cool cool cool……I have a feeling and D and I discussed this earlier. Reminds us of Armstrong. This feels more like a she's been forced into it a situation. Because its obvious she's good at her job.
But the way she freaked out about the cops being hurt clearly shook her. She looked on the verge of tears in Mad Dog's room. So do I think she's a bad person? Unsure at the moment. Do I think she was once a good person who was manipulated into whatever this alliance is? I do. Be interesting to see how her SL unfolds.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 month
/lo·​qua·​cious./ adjective: tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
Whatever the dentist had given Aaron had apparently made her usually stoic, quiet, husband the chattiest man on the planet. 
Hi friends!
Some silly, fluffy, and hopefully funny nonsense for you on this Wednesday evening. I'm gifting this to the lovely @em-prentiss because our Hotchniss brain powers somehow connected and encouraged us to both write Aaron high af at the same time haha
I really hope you like this, please let me know what you think <3
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of dentists/dental work
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She feels nauseous. 
It swirls in her gut, forcing her to press her fingers against her lips to stop her from retching, worried she’d throw up right here in the dentist’s waiting room if she didn’t. She was almost used to the nausea itself, it had been weeks of it now. Everything seemed to trigger it, making her stomach flip and twist as she tried to breathe through it. She was always oddly proud of herself for pushing through when she could, her other palm pressed against her still flat belly as she tries to ignore the scent of antiseptic in the air that had set her off the moment they’d walked into the dentist’s office. 
“Mrs Hotchner?” 
She looks up from where her gaze had firmly been fixed on the ground and she frowns when she sees the small cup of water being held out to her. The knowing look on the receptionist's face only deepens her confusion as she takes the drink from her. 
“You were starting to look at little green,” the receptionist says, uncurling her fist and dropping a couple of individually wrapped mints into Emily’s other hand, “I was the same way when I had my first,” she says, winking, “The mints help.” 
No one other than Aaron and Emily’s OBGYN knew she was pregnant. They hadn’t been trying all that long yet, only a few months had passed since she’d stopped taking her birth control, and she’d been nothing short of overjoyed when the first pregnancy test she took came back positive. Everything else in her life had been so hard to get, so fiercely fought for, that she thought this would be the same. Another thing for her and Aaron to survive together as they tried to grow their family. 
She was 10 weeks along and pregnancy was kicking her ass. She was exhausted all the time. Emotional. Nauseous. And her boobs hurt so much she felt like she could cry. She was surprised no one on the team had figured it out yet, that they hadn’t realised that over the last few weeks, she hadn’t been to any crime scenes, not when the smell of one almost made her throw up, and that she was largely just doing victimology. 
She knew that they’d have to tell everyone soon, and she was excited to share it with the people she loved, but she would miss this just being something between her and Aaron. A secret they shared in the privacy they so rarely had - his hand pressed against her stomach as they talked about everything their baby would and could be.
Emily stutters on a laugh and shakes her head, “How did you…”
The receptionist smiles kindly, “When you know you now,” she says, standing up straight again, “Your husband is all done, so when you’re ready you can go back and get him.” 
Emily sighs in relief and nods gratefully. He’d only had two teeth removed, a hit from an unsub distributing previous dental work to the point where they couldn’t be salvaged, but she’d been worried. She knew it was a simple procedure, that she’d seen him go through worse. She’d sat by and watched him recover from things most people couldn’t even imagine and she’d done since long before they were together. It didn’t make it any easier - and the hour she’d sat in the waiting room with nothing to keep her busy except the rolling nausea in her stomach and the sound of drills from the procedure rooms had been some of the longest of her life. 
She drinks the water, only sipping half of it so she doesn’t get carried away and make herself sick, and pops one of the mints into her mouth before she heads to where the receptionist had directed her, excited to see her husband. 
She hears him talking before she even enters the room, his voice muffled by the wooden door. As she enters the room, her eyes wide as she looks at her husband. The left-hand side of his face was swollen and numb. The grin he was throwing her, one she could only describe as goofy was lopsided, and his eyes were dazed. 
“Hi honey,” she says, walking over and sitting next to him, relief vibrating in her chest when he squeezes her hand back, “How are you feeling?” 
“Mouth hurts,” he replies, his words slurred ever so slightly, a lisp chasing every syllable as his tongue tries to figure out what the hell is going on. He turns to look at the nurse and points at Emily, “Didn’t I tell you she was pretty?” 
The nurse suppresses a smile, her lips pressed together as she talks over him, clearly aware that he simply wasn’t going to stop talking just because she’d started. 
“Yes, Aaron you did,” she says, turning her attention to Emily, “He’s been talking about you a lot, Dr Harris actually had to ask him to stop so he could extract the tooth.”
It was far from the first time she’d ever seen him on painkillers. They usually just made him sleepy, and more than once he’d fallen asleep with his head on her shoulder on the jet home when he’d been hurt on a case. This, she was quickly realising, was different. 
Whatever the dentist had given Aaron had apparently made her usually stoic, quiet, husband the chattiest man on the planet. 
She smiles softly at him and runs her fingers through his hair, “You’ve been bragging about me?”
He nods earnestly before wincing, “Always.” 
She presses her lips together to stop her smile from getting any wider and she looks up at the nurse, “Is there anything I need to know?”
“Here is some gauze and some more pain meds,” she replies, handing Emily a bag, “He can use an ice pack when needed and as from tomorrow I’d recommend salt water rinses-”
“Gross,” Aaron interrupts, his face screwed up as Emily shoots him a look before she turns her attention back to the nurse.
“No food that will require a lot of chewing, and make sure he is careful when brushing.” 
Emily nods, her eyes flicking to her husband when he reaches for her hand, linking his fingers through hers, “Of course.” 
“What about kissing?” Aaron asks, his brow furrowing in frustration at the sound of his own voice, his tongue heavy in his mouth, “Is kissing okay?”
Emily sighs, ignoring how she could feel the nurse's amusement radiating off of her, “Honey-”
“Kissing is needed,” he says, looking earnestly at the nurse, “Have you seen how pretty she is? I need to be able to kiss her.”
The nurse, to her credit, doesn’t laugh, but she does clear her throat as she nods, her eyes sparkling as they meet Emily’s, “Kissing is fine, Aaron. Don’t worry.” 
Emily squeezes his hand as she looks down at him, “Come on, let's get you out of here,” she says, desperate to get him in the car and home before he says anything else. 
She thanks the nurse and then the receptionist as she walks past, her cheeks warming again as the other woman winks at her. Aaron stumbles ever so slightly when they get outside, as if the fresh air knocks him back, reminding him that he’s pumped full of painkillers and whatever sedative they gave him. She wraps her arm around his waist and smiles when his automatically loops around her shoulder, pulling her closer as if he’s the one providing the support. 
“Let’s go home,” she says as they approach the car, but he stops, still able to use his strength against her even in his impaired state, and she furrows her brow when she turns to see him staring at her, “What's wrong?” 
“I can’t go home, I need to go to work.” 
She thinks he’s joking at first and she laughs but it fades when she realises he’s being serious. She places her hands on her hips and shakes her head at him, “Aaron, baby, you’ve just had two teeth removed. You can’t feel half your face.”
“I don’t need my face to do paperwork,” he says, his attempt at a stern expression somewhat lost when half of his face doesn’t comply. “If you take me home I’ll just drive there myself.” 
She sighs because she knows he would. He’d rest for approximately two minutes before he got in the car and drove himself to work. She rolls her eyes and steps closer to him, making sure she stamps a kiss on the cheek he can feel before she pulls back. 
“Fine,” she says, raising her eyebrow at him, “I just had to marry the most stubborn man on the planet,” she says, shaking her head as she unlocks the car and slides into the driver's side, grateful when he at least doesn’t argue and gets in the passenger seat. She clips her seat belt into place and checks his is secure too when he’s done it, and she catches him staring at her, “What?” 
“You’re so good at looking after me,” he says, his smile still wonky and dazed, “Jack and the baby are so lucky to have you.” 
She leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth, “I think you’ve said more to me in the last few minutes than you did the entire first month I knew you.” 
He frowns, “That’s not true.” 
She hums, “Whatever you say, honey.” 
She pulls her phone out of her pocket and sends two quick texts to the BAU group chat before she locks it and puts it down as she starts the engine. 
As predicted he wants to come to work. If any of you say anything about his lisp or his swollen face I will kill you.
We both know I’m talking to you, Derek.
He talks the entire car ride to the office. 
She has to press her lips together to stop herself from laughing more than once, his constant stream of consciousness, mostly about her and how much he loved her, as entertaining as it was embarrassing. 
He’d never been shy about his love for her, not in private anyway. He always told her how much he loved her, how much he appreciated her. But this was something else, unbidden and wild as it spilled out of him without thought, his words slurred slightly by his half-numb face and the pain meds that were making him loopy. 
“Want to know my favourite thing about being at work?” He says as they get out of the elevator, and nods, regretting it when her stomach rolls a little, “That I get to sit at my desk and look at you.” 
She shakes her head lovingly and she stops them, “Want to know my favourite thing about being at work?” 
“I want to know everything about you.” 
She chuckles and bites her lower lip before she leans in, making sure no one would be able to hear her if they walk past, “That occasionally, my husband will sneak away and make out with me in a supply closet.” 
He attempts to waggle his brows at her but fails, “We can do that later if you want.”
She kisses his cheek before she pulls back, heading for the doors into the bullpen, “Baby, I think making out might be a little beyond you for a couple of days.” 
“But the nurse said we could kiss,” he grumbles as she pushes the door open, and she can see the delight that passes over Derek and Dave’s face as they step into the office, but all it takes is her raising her eyebrow at them for them to clear their throats, tight smiles thrown their way as Derek mumbles under his breath. 
“Looking good Hotch.” 
“Do you need help getting up to your office?” Emily asks Aaron, ignoring Derek and the others completely, and she regrets it the moment she asks. The unfiltered love she’d quickly become used to in the last hour or so flashing across his face before he leans in and kisses her cheek, sloppy and uncoordinated as he presses his lips against her skin. 
“You’re such a good wife,” he says as he pulls back, his smile wide, “You’re such a good mom,” he adds, and she knows what was going to happen a split second before it does, his hand reaching out for her stomach as he carries on talking before she can stop him, “I can’t wait to have this baby with you.” 
She sighs and closes her eyes, the moment of silence that follows what he’s said all too brief for her liking before she hears a gasp from JJ. 
“You’re pregnant?” 
Emily turns and looks at the team, and she nods, clearing her throat as she reaches down and squeezes Aaron’s hand before she removes it from her belly, “Yes. I am.” 
JJ pulls her into a hug, and Emily watches as Derek smiles and pulls his phone out of his pocket, sending a text that she’d bet her trust fund on going to Penelope. 
“Congratulations,” JJ says, squeezing her tightly, “I’m so happy for you.”
Emily hugs her back, wrapping her arm around her briefly before she pulls back, “Thank you,” she says, throwing her husband a look, “We weren’t planning on telling anybody yet. But we’re excited.” 
Dave muscles his way in for a hug, before he pats Aaron on the shoulder, “I’m happy for you both. I assume I get to be god-father.” 
“It makes more sense for someone younger than them to be godfather,” Spencer says, smiling when Dave narrows his eyes at him, and Emily turns to Aaron, shaking her head as he watches everyone else. She slaps his shoulder gently, her eyebrow raised as their eyes meet.
“Now you’re quiet?” She asks, opening her mouth to gently berate him, any attempt to be mad at him pointless when he was looking at her like she hung the moon and the stars herself, but she’s cut off by a delighted squeal as Penelope walks into the bullpen. 
“Peaches, you’re pregnant?” 
Emily groans and pinches the bridge of her nose, “I should have just taken him home.” 
Aaron grumbles as Emily lifts his head up just long enough to slip in underneath, taking her place back on the couch, before lowering him back down onto the cushion on her lap before she holds an icepack against his cheek. “There’s something wrong with this,” he complains and she smiles, running her fingers through his hair with her free hand. 
“What do you mean?” 
He stretches his jaw and then groans in pain, “My pregnant wife looking after me,” he complains, his lisp almost entirely gone, “I should be waiting on you hand and foot. Bringing you water and ginger ale and rubbing your feet.” 
She chuckles and gently runs her knuckles up and down his good cheek, “You can do that tomorrow when you feel better,” she replies, her smile turning into a smirk, “Plus I think you owe me as many foot rubs as I want after telling everyone about the baby.” 
He grimaces and reaches up for her hand, linking their fingers together as he drags her hand to his lips and kisses them, “I am so sorry, sweetheart.” 
“It’s okay, honey,” she replies, “It’s not how I thought they’d find out. But I’m glad they know,” she says, her smile so wide her cheeks ache, “It makes it feel more real, you know?” 
“I know,” he says, and he turns his head and presses a kiss against her belly before he looks back up at her, “I really love you, Em,” he says, the same dopy smile he’d had all day spreading across his face, “More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” 
Emotion she doesn’t understand, something she blames entirely on the baby, builds in her chest and she blows out a slow breath, “I love you too. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” 
He smiles widely at her, but it slowly fades as if something is dawning on him and he groans, “You’re never going to let me live today down are you?” 
She laughs loudly and shakes her head, pushing his hair away from his forehead, “Oh, absolutely not.” 
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sunnybyler · 3 months
i’ve been sitting on my thoughts for so long but i just have to get this off my chest. i don’t like to yuck ppls yum so if you like e/riel pls scroll away nd keep having your fun it’s not my problem. however some of y’all can get mean as HELL and as an elucien i have to get this off my chest. (also warning for gwynriels i’m with y’all i defend y’all here however i do go in a bit on az in this so fair warning). i truly have no idea why e/riels cling so hard to the azriel bonus chapter in acosf because that chapter, more than literally anything else in the series, proved to me that e/riel is absolutely NOT going to be endgame. let me explain:
1. it is explicitly stated that azriel did not think of his relationship with elain outside of a sexual nature. i think some ppl get kinda annoyingly puritanical when trying to make this point when it’s like 100% certain lucien had sexual thoughts of elain too. the point isn’t the thoughts themselves. the difference here is the explicit mention that he didn’t consider anything with her outside of that.
2. the point above ^ is further exacerbated by the fact that az did not give a flying fuck if he killed elain’s MATE. even if elain hasn’t accepted the bond, it would still be extremely painful for her based on what we’ve seen with rhys, feyre, and even rhys’s parents (who weren’t good for each other, yet we saw how rhys’s dad lost it when she died). now of course us lucien lovers know damn well he would never in a million years call a blood duel to try to claim elain (and fuck u rhys for saying that, i usually have your back but come ON you are not the only male who can respect their mate’s autonomy). but az doesn’t know that!? in fact seems to agree with rhys that he could. ppl argue on who would win that fight — my opinion hinges 100% on if powers are fully unleashed but that’s not the point at all. no matter WHO wins, elain is going to feel responsible for someone’s death. of course it wouldn’t be her fault if men decided to be fucking stupid, but with the little we know about elain shows that she would feel so guilty if that happened. but azriel doesn’t seem to give af that anyone fighting to the death over her is the last thing she would ever want. not only did az not think of elain outside his fantasies and therefore not fully care for her, but he doesn’t seem to even KNOW elain in this chapter. now, i could go in on this in acosf as a whole. but i’m keeping it to this chapter alone.
3. and further on THAT point, az doesn’t really give any reasoning on his interest in elain outside of this insane “three brothers/three sisters” thing he fully pulled out of his ass. tbh i almost thing this is sjm’s way of addressing the fan theories on that. now i get it to some extent from az’s pov — seeing his brothers happy with these sisters must fuck with your head after you’d all been bachelors together for 500 years. especially considering how he’s felt unworthy of love his whole life and this seems to support that insecurity of his. i get that it makes him feel ostracized from them, and that he’s now an outlier not being with an archeron. i get that. i do. i sympathize with him here. however that does not change the fact that he isn’t speaking of elain like she’s her own individual here — hell he fully calls her “the other”. i think part of this conversation was him being frazzled, i give him a bit more grace than some do (tho he pissed me off BAD in this scene), but we were fully in this man’s head. did he give us a full reason why he liked elain besides his brother’s mates and his sexual thoughts?? they would’ve at least crossed his mind when rhys was grilling them if sjm was trying to set up her next romance here. as it is, we have literally nothing to imply azriel actually likes elain herself and not the idea of being closer with his brothers.
4. az has kinda a habit of ignoring the reality of the women he’s attracted to in some way. he has his own version of them in his head that he puts on a pedestal. now i could do a whole psych eval on this man and how he thinks he’s unworthy of love and therefore only allows himself to have feelings for women he knows/thinks he can’t have. but to focus on this chapter alone, my points above ^ about how he doesn’t really think of elain outside his fantasies/bringing him closer to his brothers and not really understanding her pretty much wraps it up there. i mean he even talks about how he thinks his scarred hands don’t belong on her because she’s so perfect in his eyes. that’s not love, that’s obsession and it’s unhealthy. he clearly thinks himself below elain and ignores that she has her own flaws too.
5. aaaand i saved the biggest for (almost) last….. GWYN. this is a genuine GENUINE question. why in the fucking hell. would sjm make half the chapter focusing on az & gwyn if she was teasing e/riel. like that makes no sense. not to be annoying and mention chekhov's gun but that idea applies to relationships too. i’m sorry but she couldn’t be more explicit about her future romances. you could argue “oh well it’s because there’s gonna be a love triangle”. y’all. elain has. elain has a mate. there already IS a love triangle. there was absolutely no reason for her to bring gwyn into this chapter other than her preparing us for a future relationship, literally none. especially with all the romantic subtext (hell not even subtext, just TEXT). gwyn getting him to talk about himself so easily when he’s so quiet usually, him taking the idea of making her happy and he “buried the image down deep, where it GLOWED QUIETLY” (which SCREAMS mating bond to me but even if it’s not it’s clearly something he cherishes deeply), the SHADOWSINGERS SHADOWS SANG FOR HER!?
6. the fucking necklace regifting. oh it’s bad. OHHH ITS BAD. when the girls realize it’s gonna be SO messy but im hoping sjm doesn’t go the stupid cat fight route bc neither of them did anything wrong. az did. i’m sorry i’m dunking on him so much in this post i rlly don’t hate him i just think he needs like decades of therapy (which tbf don’t we all) which i unfortunately don’t think sjm is going to give him before giving him his romance. but even the biggest azriel lovers have to admit that this was insanity. a few points on it here. first, if it’s so easily regiftable then it couldn’t have been that well thought out in regards to elain. say what you will about lucien’s gifts, even argue that he gave her jewelry too. but elain was actually shown wearing pearls. az’s gift seemed shallow to me — it was something pretty, and elain’s pretty, and it had a flower, and elain gardens. it’s clear lucien put SO much more thought into his gifts, whether he succeeded or not (which i need to remind y’all — we still don’t know. maybe she liked the gifts maybe she didn’t, but regardless she acted the way she did bc of her feelings about the bond, not the gift). and azriel has spent so much more time with elain than lucien has. if that necklace really felt like elain to him, he could’ve kept it or returned it. but nope. buddy gave it to a whole other girl bc he could easily associate it with someone else. he clearly felt some special pull towards gwyn too, going out of his way to give it to her. he had ONE meaningful conversation with her. i already discussed the quote earlier that makes me think mating bond personally. but no matter what, him giving her the same gift he gave someone he was pursuing romantically is a clear sign of what’s to come (and probably a setup for some sort of drama that i don’t think im mentally ready for).
so there we have it! why i think that the bonus chapter thoroughly proves that e/riel is not going to be endgame. i honestly think it’s possible they might be a thing for a minute (tho i could also see this being the closing of that chapter), but i don’t think it’s going to last. sjm just gave us too many blatant hints that elain and az would NOT work together long term, and that azriel in particular is more suited for someone else. i might’ve missed some points bc there is SO much that goes down in this tiny chapter so lmk if there’s other stuff you picked up on!
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tocomplainfriend · 6 months
Funny thing (not really) I’ve noticed is that Viv has always fetishized m/m relationships. There’s obviously Stolitz, but it goes back way further. There’s Addison from Zoophobia being shipped with a guy who works at his high school, but to mention that Viv has drawn NSFW of them despite Addison canonically being a minor. There’s also Autumn and Rusty, the former whom gets bullied by Rusty cause Rusty is secretly in the closet. Ten years later and she’s still weird about m/m relationships.
TW: fetishizing Queerness
I tried to search a little for Addison's age. In the wiki, that I know Viv did not write it says he is 18, other post say 17- there are people saying the age got changed too? I know almost nothing to zoophobia- if anyone knows about this claim, share your knowledge and importantly evidence of the age thing in specific? I do know about those snake drawings. And also was Viv 19? Have no clue-so I'm not gonna super talk about it without knowledge.
About the Rusty thing, I don't think Viv is a good enough writer (of relationships especially, cause Stolitz mainly) to pull that relationship or story. I don't think she can pull the idea of the closeted bully, purely by the fact that she doesn't understand or acknowledge the problems Stolitz has. If she needs to put down characters to make Stolas seems better and try to justify the power imbalance. I don't think she could write this if she wanted to. This closeted gay bully is such an old trope, too. I think the worst you can do (also as a non-amazing writer) is actually tried to make a romance out of it? Cause a lot of these tropes are more like "HAHA THE BULLY IS GAY HAHAHA", rather than "aww the bully was just sad and gay all along". I don't like it. (also this includes when the bully doesn't bully his romantic interest)
A lot of problems in mlm stuff Vivziepop does is similar to those Yaoi fetishization shit. Where there are also power imbalance. Also, this treatment of the characters like Moxxie? Like he is bi, and with Millie- and his treatment is so shitty. The hole thing of MILLIE PEGS MOXXIE, and that funny cause is less manly of him? Or where the succubus sexually assault them and that is funny??? (that one is not even Blitz being an asshole to him, it's made to act funny). As soon there is something viewed as feminine from him, the show makes fun of him. His feminine appearance in Unhappy campers also leads to make fun of him. Where he is the most vulnerable and insecure is that episode. He is more objectified in a feminine appearance.
Just the entirety of Stolitz is literally a lot of yaoi-sh problems. Also, I do see a lot of red flags in how they wrote Fizz and Asmo'. Because Fizz was insecure af, that he needed the approval of Mammon as an imp. Mammon was using the power that he had over Fizz to use him to get money. He got his approval from Asmo another sin in a higher position of power. (The power imbalance is not the problem vibes). Plus, The Big dominant protector and the sub small uwu cure relationship. Fizz, compared to the first time he appeared, he is so vulnerable and acts so cutesy. Like, the confidence he had during the S1, disappeared so bad. Acting so nice to Glitz and Glam, felt like cutting out all attitude to "uke-fing" him into needing a savior. They make him so powerless
Fizz, a quad amputee, was put in a vulnerable situation related to his trauma and where he lost all his limbs and horns. All to make Blitz "redeem" himself and make them friends again... THAT SUCKS.
Also, there was the fact of how over-sexual all the male mlm characters are, too. Like, Chaz was so much more sexual than Verosika as a succubus.
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madman479r · 3 months
Son Goku X Wonder Woman Gibslythe Ship Table (Updated version)
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Goku at the end of GT.
Wonder Woman from the Justice League / Unlimited animated series.
Goku was suddenly thrown into the DC universe after a training accident in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He realises he's on Earth, just not his Earth and sees it's in trouble from the invading aliens in "Secret Origins" episode.
Big/Little Spoon: Goku isn't a still sleeper, moving all over the bed in an undignified manner but when Diana wishes to cuddle, Goku is always the big spoon, despite being shorter than her.
Lends/Borrows Clothes: Goku is willing to lend Diana some spare Gi for training, doesn't help that he kinda finds it attractive on Diana.
Doesn't/Does Use Pet Names: Goku nor Diana are ones to use pet names, though Diana will say "My love" in private. Goku doesn't really use Pet names because he never really saw the reason for it.
Introverted/Extroverted: Goku is the definition of an extrovert, always happy to see the world and the adventures he may come across. He's spontaneous, loves fun and has the ability to live in the moment. Diana lived most her life on a secluded island so she's eager to see the rest of the world, and she's happy to have Goku be the one to join her.
Awkward AF/Cool as a Cucumber: Both Goku and Diana are experienced warriors, being cool and collected under stressful and dangerous situations, however, in worst case scenarios, both can allow emotions to overcome them and control their actions.
Confesses First/Waits For Confession: Diana doesn't beat around the bush and told Goku her feelings as soon as she was sure what she felt was love. Goku hadn't felt this way about a woman since Chi-Chi and had basically unintentionally told Diana he loved her.
"You know, I kinda feel weird when I'm with you."
"Oh? How so do you mean?"
"It's just that the last time I felt this way with someone was with Chi-Chi."
"Chi-Chi... the woman who was your wife?"
"Yeah. I really loved her, she made my heart beat fast, my skin feel tingly and I was always happy seeing her. So I'm kinda confused on why I'm feeling this way with you."
"Oh?... Oh!"
Screams About/Squashes Bugs: Goku doesn't kill bugs, preferring to just remove them. Diana is the same, especially after seeing Goku's kind heart to all living life.
Drives/Can't Drive: Goku did pass his driving test and can drive a car, but after years of not driving he's gotten rusty. Though he's been forbidden from flying the team's jet used in the Justice League. Diana is a better pilot than driver.
Can't Cook/Makes Dinner: Goku can never hold a candle to Chi-Chi's culinary skills, but he knows how to cook basic stuff like raw meat, and his days as a farmer let him learn what the best fruits and vegetables look and taste like. Diana is similar but was taught by the cooks of Themyscira so she knows more than Goku does at least.
Horny AF/Asexual: Both are natural warriors, whose blood boils in the heat of battle. Saiyan men love strong women, be it in physical strength or will, and Diana certainly has both those. Sparring with Diana can get Goku excited in more ways than one and half the time after a good session Goku is certainly in the mood. Diana also finds herself drawn to Goku, a strong, kind man who doesn't look down on women but instead is amazed and excited by them. Goku is the exact opposite to how men are depicted by her mother and Diana is all to pleased by that.
Top/Bottom: Being from a female dominant island and raised to be a powerful and independent woman, Diana likes being on top but is willing to let Goku take the reins. Goku is a switch, happy and fine with being either top or bottom, as long as he and his partner are happy and feeling good.
Has More/Has No Relationship Experience: Goku was married to Chi-Chi, so he certainly has more experience than Diana.
How it happened:
I like to imagine the romance happened gradually, after all this is a action based show. For Goku, he didn't imagine he'd fall in love with someone other than Chi-Chi, he also didn't realise that he was actually feeling romantic emotions for Diana.
For Diana, she's fascinated by Goku, who he is, his history and wanted to get to know more of the kind yet powerful stranger. Over time, her fascination changes to feelings of love and she wanted to get closer to the Saiyan.
Handling Conflict:
Goku doesn't have a mean bone in his body, nor does he really hold grudges, look at half his friends in the Z fighters, he's also very laid back kind of guy, never really worrying about issues. He never really has any issues with Diana or anything she does.
Diana is closer to the middle when it comes to forgiveness, depending on the scenario. If its something trivial, Diana can brush it off and easily forgive but hates it when Goku risks his life or gets overly carried away in a fight with enemies.
Relationship Attitude:
Diana is the more dedicated of the two (Not to say Goku doesn't care), since she's never been in a relationship before so its exciting for her and she wants to make the most of it. She's also a balance of doing PDA and being reserved, happy to show Goku affection but doesn't feel the need to broadcast it for everyone to see.
Goku certainly wants to put the effort in with Diana, but just like with Chi-Chi, he doesn't feel the need to go on extravagant dates, more of 'go with the flow' kind of guy and he's more comfortable with displaying affection for Diana.
Showing affection:
Goku is a master fighter, a master tactician and master adaptor, but he's no master with words, but he's certainly affectionate with his actions, hugging and kissing Diana, also sparring. With both Goku and Diana being fighters, they display their emotions through action and combat, hell a big reason Goku loves Diana is because she's a warrior as well.
Diana would definitely be the one to initiate acts of affection more and she's a good balance of verbal and non-verbal affection.
Dealing With Jealousy:
Goku doesn't feel jealous, even when he sees other men leer at or try to flirt with Diana, he knows Diana loves him.
Diana on the other hand can't help but get annoyed by how other women, both civilian and heroine, ogle or try their luck with him, but finds it amusing how dumbfounded those women become by Goku's naivety. She also likes it when Goku shows her attention if and when he notices her jealousy.
Goku trusts Diana and her capabilities as a warrior so he isn't overprotective, especially because he knows Diana is prideful and won't interfere unless it's serious or potentially fatal. He's also independent, having been alone quite a few times without issue.
Diana was a part of a warrior society that believed in protecting their own in a fight. She'll respect his desire to fight his opponents on his own but hates when it's against enemies that shouldn't be dealt with alone.
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lespetitesmortsde · 7 months
short hair laudna? it's been making the rounds
It's been a minute since you sent this, but yes, love short-haired Laudna. This takes place circa episode 65 with (apparently) some elements of 77 thrown in. Now, here's the thing. I fully intended this to be a short and fluffy little thing. We're talking like the 1,000 words realm of things, if that.
What happened, you see, is that Laudna went "what if we had a long overdue conversation?" and Imogen laughed at me. So instead, you get this thing which has some light-heartedness and they at least start to discuss some feelings in the kitchen because conversing in the kitchen is domestic AF and I love that for them.
For full disclosure, I haven't seen episode 77 yet, but I have been informed that there are some similar themes/topics happening.
You can read it on AO3 if you prefer: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51582754
Call Me a Midlife Crisis
It was getting late. Imogen craned her neck to see a few extra inches to the left through the window in Zhudanna’s kitchen. Laudna should’ve been back by now.
She’d just gone into the market for a couple of crafting supplies, she’d said. “Oh, just a bit of string, maybe some yarn, and of course I need to see what they have for fabrics now. They were awfully short when we were here last.”
Imogen had offered to accompany her, given how easy navigating the populace was now that she’s got the circlet on, but Laudna had gently rejected her offer. She’d wanted to pick something up for Imogen, too, and didn’t want her spoiling the surprise.
So, knowing Laudna as well as she does, it should’ve taken her two hours, three at most to get caught up in all the market’s offerings and make her way back. She was passing the four and a half hour mark.
“Do you want me to make you some tea, dear?” Zhudanna’s voice floated into the kitchen from the sitting room doorway. Imogen whirled around to meet her knowing eye.
“Oh, no, I’m okay, I’m sure everything’s fine,” Imogen lied, fighting to keep the trembling out of her vowels. Zhudanna didn’t need to know that every passing minute exacerbated her anxiety about Laudna’s safety.
“Well, alright dear, have a nice evening,” Zhudanna said and a few moments later Imogen heard the door to her room click shut.
Imogen looked over to the armchair in the sitting room where she’d been waiting for the first three hours. Her book still lay open on the end table, spine broken, and her glasses were haphazardly tossed beside it. She couldn’t even remember what was in the chapters she’d read.
Her fingers felt empty without Laudna nearby to hold, to reach for. The room felt cold without her constant movement, her fidgeting, the way her fingers moved relentlessly against her skirt, her hair, Imogen.
She reconsidered, for the sixth time, Sending to Laudna. Just to check in, make sure she’s alright. It had worked once over a short distance, even with Ruidus fucking things up. Maybe it would work again. And if it gave her a headache, that was fine, that would be worth it if it could confirm that Laudna was okay. That she was safe and on her way home.
Holding the bloodwell vial in her hand, she felt the prickle of power gathering at the ends of her fingers. Just as she reached to cast the spell, the front door opened and Laudna’s voice sang into the house, “Oh, Imogen!”
The spell fizzled out at her fingertips before she could fully let the magic out to cast it.
Imogen whipped her head over to the door so fast, lightning wavered at the edges of her eyesight. The relief she felt when she finally got her eyes on Laudna was an immediate balm and then her attention was taken instead by the shocking lack of hair against her shoulders.
Her mouth dropped open in a soft, “Oh,” as her eyes raked respectfully over the newly-exposed skin of Laudna’s neck, no longer covered with long black hair. Some of her hair was still pulled back into a loose bun held aloft with her favoured rock chisel, but her hair stopped short just past her chin. The streak of white had place of pride, no longer lost in the ocean of dark hair.
Imogen peeled her eyes away from the change to take in the rest of Laudna. She had one bag of purchases in hand and wore a shy smile on her face as she drank in Imogen’s expressions.
“I see you’ve noticed,” Laudna gestured to the new length with her free hand.
Imogen nodded dumbly, eyes wide, unable to string together any words at all.
Laudna’s expression turned fragile and hesitant. “Do you dislike it?” She entered the kitchen, still several feet from Imogen, and placed her bag on the counter.
And of course that would be Laudna’s automatic assumption, of fuckin’ course she’d automatically assume that Imogen was speechless because she couldn’t find any positive words to say.
It could never be that Laudna looked so gods-damned beautiful with this cute-as-shit new haircut that Imogen was scared she’d melt right into Zhudanna’s floorboards.
“Oh, honey,” Imogen said softly, rushing up to Laudna. “You look gorgeous,” the words tumbled out of her and Laudna lit up like her Dancing Lights. “I mean,” Imogen felt the blush warm her skin from chest to cheek, “you always look beautiful, sweetheart, but this suits you so well.”
Imogen wanted to savour the purple hue that adorned Laudna’s cheeks. “Are you sure? It was kind of an impulsive thing, thought a bit of a change could do me some good, you know?”
Laudna laughed and Imogen wanted to bundle it up around her like a comforting blanket. “Besides, I think I’m overdue for a midlife crisis, don’t you think? I’ve died twice, so I can probably have another one soon, too, if I want to. And everyone suggests buying a fancy new wagon or getting a haircut at that stage.” She gave a little twirl, her skirt swishing gently in the wake. “Maybe I’ll look at vehicles or horses next time.”
Imogen stepped right up to Laudna, holding her hand out. “May I?” she asked, looking from Laudna’s eyes to the hair and back.
Laudna’s pleased smile deepened. “Of course, darling, you can touch anytime. You don’t have to ask.”
“I want to,” Imogen replied. “Ask, I mean. Well, l – the touching, too.” She shrugged. “You know that you having choices is important to me.”
“I do,” Laudna said. “And I hope that you know that I will always choose you whenever I have the option.”
Imogen smiled and then brought her fingers to graze the ends of the hair. She ran her fingers lightly through the ends of the tresses. “Do you like it?”
Laudna considered, tilting her head to the side. “I think I do. It feels… freeing, in a way.”
Imogen slipped her fingers against her neck gently, clearly broadcasting her intentions so Laudna could say no.
Laudna didn’t say no. She leaned into the touch of Imogen’s fingertips, bare, warm against her skin.
“I’d really like to kiss you,” Imogen whispered, tilting her head up towards Laudna’s.
A wide grin spread across Laudna’s face and Imogen, for just a moment, wished that she didn’t have the circlet on. Wished that she could hear Laudna’s thoughts, dive into them like the ocean and drown in the music.
They have shared several kisses since their first, yesterday, beside the bakery stall. Imogen has been the one leaning in for them more often, asking for them. Laudna has been plenty affectionate back to her, of course, but she hasn’t initiated a kiss since their second one.
Not that Imogen’s been keeping track. Laudna tended to deposit kisses to her hair, her forehead, her cheeks. Sometimes, her lips grazed the backs of Imogen’s knuckles.
And she let the little bubble of insecurity float to the surface.
“Do… do you want to kiss me?” Imogen swallowed the at all that felt like too much at the end of the question.
Laudna reeled like she’d been slapped, the smile evaporating from her face. “What?” She blinked aggressively. “Imogen, do you think I don’t want to kiss you?”
Imogen felt her whole body flush. She admonished herself for being foolish, for being weak. Embarrassment filled all the space in her lungs.
Laudna knew how to understand so much more about Imogen with even less. Laudna pulled away, but didn’t let go of her.
“Oh, darling, I am so sorry that I have made you feel like I don’t want to kiss you.” Her focus on Imogen was intense, relentless. Imogen couldn’t do much else aside from stare back into those wide black eyes, reflecting all the love she felt in her heart.
“I can’t imagine it’s easy for you to be with someone like me, like this,” Laudna said softly. Imogen tensed, refutations surging to her lips.
“Please, darling, let me get this out,” Laudna looked at her knowingly and Imogen deflated, letting the retorts ebb back into the crevices around her heart.
“Nothing would make me happier than to kiss you for the rest of your life,” but there was an ancient sadness in the words, the echoes of loneliness that never went away, that waited for Laudna to return. Imogen abruptly frowned as she realised Laudna’s precise language. Your life.
“But I also understand that it can be jarring… to kiss someone like me. And I love that you’re willing to kiss me, love, how could I not? But I will never expect that of you and I will never force it upon you.” She cleared her throat and looked down at her hands on Imogen’s waist.
Imogen had never struggled so hard to keep her mouth shut.
“And I also understand… that it may not always be what you want. That I may not always be what you want.”
She tasted salt and copper on her tongue as she pulled her teeth out from the particularly bruising puncture wound she’d inflicted on herself.
“And that’s okay,” Laudna said, like it should put Imogen at ease, like it shouldn’t rip her heart out of her chest, still beating. “I will always give you everything in my power, my dear. And I hope you take it. Because you deserve to have a life. After all of this, after everything, you deserve a happy ending.”
Laudna tried to hide a sniffle in a watery chuckle. She shook herself out of it, put a smile on her lips two centimetres too wide.
“Which reminds me, I am sorry for not giving you the choice yesterday. I – I found that I was overcome by my emotions, by your belief in me, by your lovely but misguided opinion that I’m not a bad person, and I acted without thought when I kissed you.”
“Please don’t do that,” Imogen begged, voice thick and tears falling in rivulets down her cheeks. Her scars glowed dimly. “Please don’t apologise for kissing me, for showing me that you love me.”
“But Imogen –”
“No ‘but’s, Laudna. I don’t think I could take it if you were sorry about kissin’ me.”
“I – it’s – I’m just sorry I forced it on you!” Laudna spluttered.
Imogen was shaking her head before Laudna even finished. “If that was you forcing something on me, I want you to do that forever,” Imogen declared, eyes bright. “For all of your life.”
“Imogen–” Breathless, sad, maybe a little shocked.
“No, no, you got your turn to say something, now I’m gettin’ mine,” Imogen interrupted. “How do I get it through your thick, beautiful head that I love you?”
Reprimanded, just a little bit, Laudna argued, “I know that you love me.”
Imogen shook her head. “Okay, you know I love you, but I don’t think you understand what that means.”
Imogen ran her hands through Laudna’s shortened hair again and then placed her hands on each of Laudna’s cheeks. “Sweetheart, I love you so much.” She paused, caught herself, because she didn’t want to give Laudna any space to misinterpret what she was saying.
“I am so in love with you that my heart feels like it will burst when we’re this close,” she gestured to the mere inches between them. “Hell, even when we’re just in the same room and we make eye contact.”
Her eyes blazed into Laudna’s who didn’t seem able to move her focus away from Imogen. Imogen placed her hands on Laudna’s waist.
“I am so in love with you that I wish I could crawl into your chest and settle right down beside your hound and make my home within your branches and bones.” Laudna’s eyes were glassy, her jaw tight.
“I didn’t have much of a life before you, Laudna, and I wouldn’t have much of one after you, either – except I’m not going to let there be an after. Do you hear me? I don’t want an after; I won’t accept it. You are not one stop on my road to happiness.” She tried to let that sink in.
“Laudna, you’re the journey and the destination.” Imogen swallowed, soothing her suddenly dry mouth.
“I don’t have a happy ending unless you’re in it. I don’t want anything except for you.” She brought a hand back up to Laudna’s cheek. “So fuck Delilah if she’s back. She can’t have you. I won’t let her. I will do everything in my power – I will find a way to get that bitch out of your head.”
They let her words hang in the air for a moment.
“And what if she’s what’s keeping me… undead?” The fear is whispered into the scant space between them but it fills the entire room with a dull heaviness.
“We’ll find a way,” Imogen’s voice left no room for argument, before turning fierce. “You’re mine, Laudna, for as long as you want to be. And I’m yours, for as long as you’ll have me.”
Ichor ran down Laudna’s cheeks. “Imogen,” the word so soft it barely disturbed the air. “Darling,” her voice was stronger now, she took Imogen’s hands in her own. “I’m already dead.”
A sob tore itself from Imogen’s throat. “No, you’re not!”
Laudna smiled sadly. “I am, Imogen. And I’m worried, as you might suspect, that you don’t really understand that.”
“Laudna, Laudna, Laudna,” her name left Imogen’s lips so quickly, like a fevered prayer. “You have died, I know that. Twice. And I know it was my fault the second time–”
“It wasn’t your fault, dearest, it was Otohan’s. Never yours,” Laudna’s voice was assertive, calm – everything that Imogen’s wasn’t in this moment.
“It was my fault. She knew. She knew I loved you, more than anything. Knew, somehow, that you’re my favourite part about the world.”
Indulgent, that’s the best word Imogen could find to describe Laudna’s face. “That’s very kind of you, Imogen, but that still doesn’t make it your fault. Otohan would’ve killed us all.”
Imogen needed her to understand. “But she killed you to get me to break – and I did Laudna, as soon as she threatened you, I folded like a sheet in the wind. And she killed you anyway.” She couldn’t stop crying.
“Exactly, darling,” Laudna’s voice was soothing. “It wasn’t about you. It was about her. It wasn’t your fault.” Her grip tightened around Imogen’s wrists. “The blame, the guilt you feel is misplaced, dearest.” She laughed, but there was no humour in it. “If you want to talk about fault and endangering the other, I think we both know that crown is mine.”
The mental image of Laudna in a crown, looking regal and – fuck – only distracted Imogen for a moment. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Laudna spoke so gently and her grip on Imogen’s wrists loosened. “Darling, if one of us is guilty of constantly putting the other in danger, surely you see it’s me? With her in my head? I broke your rock because of her.”
There has been enough time and distance since those horrible few days where Imogen was reeling from the betrayal she had never expected that Imogen was now able to see the truth. “Laudna, she broke the rock, not you. And it might’ve been a good thing to get it away from me, I don’t know. But you didn’t do that, sweetheart, she did.”
“Isn’t that worse? To know that I can’t stop her, that at any moment she can come out to play and there’s nothing I can do about it?”
“She needs you, Laudna. Whatever she does in your body, that’s what she does, not you. You’re not to blame for Delilah’s nonsense.” Imogen brought one of Laudna’s hands to her lips and kissed her fingertips. “You’re not the same and we’ll find a way to separate the two of you.”
Imogen wet her lips as Laudna took that all in. She looked at the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life beside and said, “I promise. You’ll get to live a life without her.”
Laudna looked down at her with ichor-welling eyes. Imogen faltered. “If – if you want to, that is, you don’t have to. But I’ll make sure you get the option.”
Imogen reached up and wiped away the ichor from Laudna’s face. Laudna leaned in against the press of her hand and held Imogen’s gaze. “Imogen, there is nothing in the world I could want more than a real, normal lifetime with you.”
“I want to kiss you,” Imogen said, smiling at the way Laudna lit up. “And if you want to kiss me, too, ever, there is nothing I would love more than you takin’ the initiative.”
“Are you sure, darling?” The words were hesitant, but Laudna sounded less convinced now than she’d been earlier that Imogen couldn’t possibly want to kiss a dead person.
“Do you want me to come kiss you? When I want to? Without asking?” Imogen asked instead.
Laudna nodded. “Of course.”
Imogen grinned victoriously. “Right back at’cha, sweetheart.”
She watched as Laudna seemed to go back and forth with herself and Imogen wondered idly, if she didn’t have the circlet, if she would have been able to build her mental walls well enough to stay out of Laudna’s thoughts. If they’d be too loud for her to stay away from.
“You’ll tell me, though? If you ever don’t want that? If you change your mind? I’d understand.” Laudna said, clenching and unclenching her fingers in between them.
“It won’t happen,” Imogen assured her, “but if it’ll make you feel better, then yes, of course I will.”
“You deserve options, Imogen,” Laudna stressed.
“I want you,” Imogen countered. “Gods know I don’t deserve you, but I want you anyway,” she said forcefully. “I don’t need any other options.”
Laudna was too busy sputtering, “You don’t – you don’t deserve me?”
But Imogen was ready for her, expected the response as much as she hoped it wouldn’t come. “Of course not. You coming into my life was the most important thing to happen to me. Ever. You are so kind and generous and wonderful and good, Laudna. I don’t understand how everyone isn’t in love with you, but I am so happy they aren’t.” She chuckled. “I’m so thankful those assholes don’t understand what they’re passin’ up, because it means I get to have more time with you and I am so selfish when it comes to you, honey.”
The flickering candles reflected their light in Laudna’s shimmering eyes and Imogen watched with hope as Laudna’s eyes closed and she rushed forward to kiss Imogen.
Imogen felt those cool lips on hers, felt long fingers slide along her scalp down behind her ear. She gasped at the gentle pressure Laudna exerted to pull Imogen’s mouth more ardently against hers.
She responded in kind, wound her fingers in the new length of Laudna’s hair, pulling her in. Their mouths moved against each other. Imogen nipped softly at Laudna’s lower lip, wrenching a rough hum of delight from that pale throat.
Imogen wondered what other noises she could pull from Laudna, what kind of orchestra she could conduct with this glorious woman as her instrument. She tugged slowly but firmly on the locks of hair still wrapped up in her hand.
A whimper. Imogen pulled back, to check, to make sure Laudna was okay, that she didn’t go too far. Laudna looked down at her, like prey staring down their hunter, as Imogen breathed heavily.
“Was that okay?” Imogen asked, keeping her hand in this new short hair that she loved.
Laudna licked her lips. “Do it again.”
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namitomoon · 7 months
Why Scott Pilgrim dating Knives was WRONG:
(Disclaimer: I assume most people who read the comic/watched the movie/anime DO understand why it was wrong but I still felt like writing this short post because 1) some people still don't get it, 2) I'm bored and on a SP hyperfixation arc so I felt like writing stuff up so here we go)
Scott Pilgrim is kind of a douchebag at the beginning of the comic. It's not exactly hard to perceive it in the way his friends treat him. They don't hate him but they seem to be a little cold to him, as if they're tired of his antics.
For them, Scott dating a teenager while being a 23 years old adult isn't something ground-breaking for his friends that changes the way they perceive him. Rather, it's something they fully expect of him, which is why they are actually quite pissed off but don't really shout or yell at him.
If you notice the early chapters, you can see that most of the people of Scott's social circle dislike him a bit...except for Knives, his teenager girlfriend. And that's the thing. Knives REALLY loves Scott, she idolizes him, her eyes shine when Sex Bob-Omb plays, she tells him everything about her school and so on. Nobody doubts Knives is head over heels for Scott...but it's not the other way around.
You see, there's a reason Scott Pilgrim went specifically for a teenager. Stephen Stills says it out loud on the last volume in case you still missed it (get it, Stills...still, nevermind): It was easy for Scott. It was easy for an immature douchebag like Scott to impress an immature teenager with his whole "cool band dude" schtick. And Scott wasn't stupid. He knew. Which is why he did it. And his friends weren't stupid either, which is why they pressure him to dump Knives.
And you can see the after effects throughout the entirety of the comic: Knives is traumatized. But she is deeply traumatized. Scott dumped her in a pretty cold and abrupt way, then she found out he two-timed her...and yet, she is still deeply in love with him. The fact she becomes a sort of "Scott Evil Ex" serves as a way to warm us to the idea that Ramona is also a bad person by the way.
She finally lets him go of her heart by volume 6, almost a year later. But that won't erase the wounds Scott left there. For Knives, Scott was everything, a cool af boyfriend she enjoyed hanging out with. For Scott, Knives was just "a cute Asian chick" he got because that's literally all he could get. And even if she gets a boyfriend or husband (or well, girlfriend or wife) that actually respects her...she'll probably carry that trauma for the rest of her life.
And that is why it was wrong for Scott to date Knives OR ANY TEENAGER for that matter. Between an adult and a high schooler there is a huge gap in terms of maturity, worldview, objectives... Don't even get me started on power disparity. A high schooler lives with their parents, an adult probably has a full job and salary (although this angle was never explored because Scott is a fucking leech that lives off Wallace's goodwill)
It was never about the age gap (mainly). Yes, perhaps in many jurisdictions it's perfectly legal for a 23 y/o to have sex with a 17 y/o. But you still shouldn't. There is a potential for abuse, manipulation, power imbalance and traumas. O'Maley made Knives a 17 y/o and not a 15 y/o probably to make it less evident and leave it up more to the reader...and then apparently most readers, as O'Maley said in an interview, didn't really caught on. Hell, some people might even argue that the age gap as THE problem itself was a red herring. It was the reasoning. Which is why his final kiss with Knives after she is finally 18 felt so awkward on both sides. Because the age itself was never the main problem, it was the manipulation aspect.
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hairstevington · 1 year
flowers and ink (part 5)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve go on their first date, kind of. Robin is there, but they still manage to find time alone. Especially after Eddie surprises Steve with an ace up his tattooed sleeve.
(part one, part two, part three, part four, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: Florist/Tattoo Artist trope, modern day AU, fluff af, FIRST KISS WOO, not to spoil lmao, first date, Platonic Stobin, Gareth is the moment
A/N: Lmao remember when this was gonna be 2 parts? HA! This one is kind of unhinged but I hope you like it. PS - There is a reference to a Djo song in here. Can you find it? Also, I cannot take credit for the line “clenched fist with hair.” I just rewatched The Haunting of Hill House and that description sends me. Enjoy!
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Eddie wasn’t nervous. Why would he be nervous? He went to these kinds of shows at bars all the time. He was in his element, surrounded by people he knew. He had the power. 
It was just a date. He’d been on a million of those. Well, he’d been on a few. He was less of a date kind of guy and more of a “let’s hang out and eventually we’ll just be in a relationship” kind of guy. Even still, it wasn’t like he had that much experience - especially as an adult. 
“Dude, relax,” Gareth said with a light laugh.
Okay, he was nervous. He didn’t want to be, but it’s not like anybody can control their feelings. It had been a very long time since Eddie had felt so stupidly giddy about someone. And for it to be pretty-boy Steve of all people?? 
Eddie didn’t date people like Steve, generally. He dated, like, red flags in leather jackets. Shockingly, they never seemed to work out. 
“It just feels different,” Eddie muttered, fully embarrassed by this whole thing. 
“Munson,” Gareth deadpanned. “Have you ever considered maybe that’s a good thing?” Eddie chuckled. 
“Yeah, probably,” he agreed. And then, a man and a woman who were absolutely not dating walked through the front door, and Eddie froze. “Oh shit. They’re here.” 
Gareth practically tumbled over his drum set, knocking on a cymbal as he did so. He peered over Eddie’s shoulder so he could see better. They both stared, slack-jawed, at the pair across the room. 
“Holy shit,” Gareth mumbled. “That’s - you - him?” 
“Him,” Eddie confirmed. 
How the fuck did this man make black jeans and a t-shirt look so good? There was a vibrancy and confidence to him that he didn’t usually have at work. Eddie was used to seeing Steve around all sorts of pretty flowers. Now he was surrounded by dark walls, sticky counters, and metalheads, and he somehow looked cool as shit despite being a little different from everyone else. 
“Goddamn, Flower Boy’s a heartbreaker for sure,” Gareth said. He smacked Eddie on the back. “Go get him, tiger.” 
“Are you nervous?” Robin asked as they walked into the bar.
“Actually, no,” Steve answered. “You?”
“Yeah, I’m really nervous to go on your first date with Eddie,” Robin replied sarcastically. “I’m fine, just figuring out my game plan, here.”
“Your game plan?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Like, I’m not going to just be right next to you the whole time, that would be weird. So I’ll have to find someone else to talk to, or pretend I have a UTI and go to the bathroom every five minutes or something.”
“Or you could just get a drink, enjoy the music…” Steve suggested playfully. 
“Whatever,” Robin replied with a laugh. “Here he comes, don’t be an idiot!”
“Being an idiot is part of my charm,” Steve responded. He watched as Eddie weaved through the people at the bar, looking just as he always did. Which was, ya know, insanely hot. 
“Steve, hi!” Eddie greeted him. There was a moment where neither of them knew if this was a handshake or a hug moment, but they recovered quickly (and evidently decided neither was appropriate). “Robin, nice to see you. The show starts in like fifteen minutes. Do you want a drink?” Robin and Steve nodded, and then the three of them were off to the bar. 
Steve paid for all three of them, even though Eddie tried to pick up the tab at first. Steve just thought it was weird to have his date pay for him AND his emotional support lesbian. Once they were served, Robin gasped.
“Oh my god,” she said. “I just forgot I have to call my - my Aunt Shirley. She missed her flight and ended up having to drive in a rental car across the country with a total stranger, and I promised I’d check in.”
“Oooookay…” Eddie said. Robin flitted off, and Steve burst out laughing. “How much of that was a lie?”
“Well, she does have an Aunt Shirley,” Steve replied. “The rest was from a movie we watched last week.”
“Very nice,” Eddie grinned. “And subtle.”
“She’s good like that,” Steve replied, returning the smile. 
They continued chatting about their days, then ended up on a tangent about video games. Talking to Eddie was easy. Fourteen minutes later, Robin came back.
“How’s our gal Shirley?” Eddie asked with a smirk. Robin chuckled. 
“She’s good. The car got set on fire, so that’s a bummer, but she’ll figure it out,” she joked. The three of them laughed, and then the radio cut out, and the lights dimmed. Four men walked onto stage, and people in the crowd clapped. Eddie was cheering, so Steve did too. 
“Hello everyone, we are Corroded Coffin,” the lead singer began. “- and we hope you get good and drunk tonight so that we sound even better.”
Laughter, then more cheering. Steve wasn’t really sure what he was in for, but then the music began, and he figured it out pretty quickly. 
So, it was like, metal. Not Steve’s favorite, but that’s okay. He could practically feel Robin shrinking beside him though. She was really not a fan of the loud, angry stuff. 
But truthfully, Steve didn’t care that much about the music. He cared more about Eddie next to him, and the way he was absolutely beaming. 
“Are you a big fan of these guys or something?” Steve asked between songs.
“Something like that!” Eddie replied. 
“I need to walk my dog!” Robin chimed in, disappearing again. 
Steve finished his drink and felt a need to do something with his hands now that he no longer had a cup to carry. It wasn’t the kind of scene where he could just hold Eddie’s hand or anything, but Steve was all about physical touch. He refrained, just because he didn’t know how to navigate this space. It was all kind of foreign to him. 
The band was good. The crowd loved them. Eddie loved them. Hell, Steve even loved them. They put on a decent show with a nice mix of covers and originals. Some of the covers were even songs that Steve knew well. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back,” Eddie said, ducking away from Steve and disappearing into the bar. Robin swooped in almost immediately.
“Where’s he going?” Robin asked. 
“I dunno, maybe he has a dog too,” Steve teased. “You don’t have to keep making up reasons to leave us alone, you know.”
“Yeah, but it’s fun,” Robin replied, as if it were obvious. “And considering this show is my actual hell, I’ll take fun where I can get it.” Steve chuckled.
“If you wanna head out, that’s okay. I think I can take it from here,” he permitted. 
“Steve,” Robin replied, acting like she was on the verge of tears. “If you weren’t on a date right now I’d propose.”
“I already proposed to you last month, remember?”
Robin had come home with a surprise pizza after Steve had a particularly hard day. He nearly cried with happiness.
“Oh, right. Shit, does Eddie know?” Robin joked. The two of them laughed, and then they were interrupted by the band.
“Alright, you guys,” the lead singer said. “Thank you for being such a great crowd, and for giving us a few minutes to set up here. We have a special treat for you tonight.” 
“Imagine they just start playing Barbie Girl or something,” Steve said.
“God, I wish,” Robin replied with a smirk. The lead singer continued.
“Back when the band first started, we had a different guitarist,” he announced. “And tonight, the original legend himself is here, so we thought we’d save him some spotlight. Everyone, give it up for Eddie Munson!” 
“Um, okay,” Robin said. “Never mind. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve was so shocked, there was a moment where his brain convinced him that the guitarist in question just so happened to have the same name as his date. But then Eddie walked out on stage, grinning from ear to ear, and taking the place of the guy who’d been playing guitar up to that point. Eddie slung it over his shoulder, looking completely comfortable and at home, and then waved to the audience. 
After a minute of adjustment, they started playing Master of Puppets.
Steve’s eyes bugged out of his head. He’d never been more attracted to anyone in his life.
When Gareth offered to have Eddie join the stage for a song, there was no way he could pass it up. Not only was he excited to play with his friends again, but he never felt more confident than he did when he was performing. It was a rush he’d come to miss these last few years. 
Back then, they usually just played for a couple of drunks in dive bars. This time, the bar was packed. It still wasn’t the Garden or anything, but it felt just as good. 
Master of Puppets was a song he’d learned in high school, and they used to close every show with it. Eddie didn’t play guitar as often anymore, but muscle memory is a crazy thing. He also tattooed people for a living, so he was generally pretty precise with his hands. 
He’d ran through it a few times before the show, and was surprised at how quickly it came back to him. He didn’t miss a note. 
After his song, the band took a little break. Eddie still felt high as he stepped off the stage and made his way back to where Steve and Robin had been standing. Gareth trailed behind him, desperate to meet the man who had managed to soften the clenched fist with hair that was Eddie Munson. 
“Dude, what the fuck?” Steve said as they approached him. The blush on his face combined with the playful tone of his voice let Eddie know he’d done what he’d set out to do. 
“What?” Eddie replied, smirking. 
“That was -” Steve stuttered. “- I mean - and you - and you didn’t -”
“Hi, I’m Gareth!” Eddie’s friend extended a hand out to shake with both Robin and Steve. “Eddie and I are old friends, and I had the amazing idea to bring him on stage tonight so that I could be the world’s best wingman. It’s nice to meet you!”
“Come on, dude,” Eddie said to Gareth. “Let me look cool for at least ten seconds before you give me away.”
“That’s okay,” Robin said, glancing at Steve beside her. “I think his brain short-circuited.” 
“Eddie, can we -?” Steve asked. “Uh, go somewhere private?”
Eddie wasn’t sure whether or not that was a good thing. He hoped it was a good thing, obviously, but Steve’s face was completely blank. Maybe Steve hated metal music. He hadn’t asked or prepared the guy when they planned this whole thing. 
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie said, pretending he wasn’t thinking a million things at once. He led Steve back through the crowd and to a backstage area, where he’d been with Gareth and the rest of the band earlier in the night. Once they were alone, the silence around them felt suffocating. “Uh, is everything o-”
And then Steve was kissing him. Eddie was stunned, but only for a brief moment. Steve pulled away.
“This is okay, right?” he asked. 
“Yeahyeahyeah,” Eddie responded, pulling him right back in.
Dating might not have been Eddie’s specialty, but making out sure was. Of course, Steve seemed to be excellent at both. 
“Damn,” Steve muttered, his lips brushing Eddie’s. “Felt like if I didn’t do that I’d explode or something.”
Steve was hot, sensitive, funny, and a great kisser.
Eddie was in deep shit. Welcome back, Heart-Eyes Munson.
“So,” Gareth said, now that he was alone with Robin. “What was that about?”
“Well,” Robin responded. “I know Steve pretty well, and it’s very likely they’re sucking face back there.”
“You think?” Gareth asked, amused. “Wow. Look at our boys go.”
“Took them long enough,” Robin said. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” Gareth asked. Robin froze, unsure how to respond. “I’m kidding. I can tell you hated it, and that’s okay.”
“I didn’t hate it,” Robin clarified. “Like, if it was this or the one-woman show, I’d choose this.”
“One-woman show?” Gareth asked.
“Oh, right. You don’t know me. Ha,” Robin replied. Talking to new people made her kind of nervous. That’s why she loved being around Steve, because he always just kinda knew what she was thinking and had all the context of her madness. “It’s a - Steve and I were talking about it earlier.”
“Okay, well we’ve still got time before I go back on.” Gareth said, urging Robin to continue. 
“Uh, okay,” she began. “So, you’re not from here, right?” Gareth shook his head. “Okay, so basically all over town there’s this flier advertising this mysterious one-woman show. It says nothing about the show or the woman performing it, just that it’s ‘a solid 6 out of 10 experience,’ said by some random reviewer, and apparently the show is called Pot of Gold.”
“Damn,” Gareth replied. “And you’d rather be here than go to that?” Robin chuckled. 
“Yeah, because I don’t trust it. Like, what if it’s secretly a multi-level marketing thing or I get kidnapped or it’s really just a prank show and then my dumb ass is on camera? What if I hate it but I’m too awkward to leave, so then I just have to sit there while a single person talks at me? Oh God, what if I’m the only one in the audience?”
“You have thought about this a lot,” Gareth teased. Robin shrugged. “I get it, but honestly it sounds kinda fun. I’m here for a couple days. I’d go with you, if you want. It would get rid of the possibility of you being alone at least!”
“Oh,” Robin said, blushing. She hated doing this next part. “That’s really nice of you, but uh - I mean, I’m gay.” Gareth laughed, completely unfazed.
“Yeah, Eddie already briefed me,” he joked. “I’m not hitting on you, I swear. I’m just mad curious now, and I live for the chaos.”
“I see why you and Eddie are friends,” Robin said. “Yeah, maybe. I’ve been dying to know what it’s about, honestly.”
“Yeah, I bet,” Gareth agreed. “I could probably get the other guys to join if that helps. Eddie and Steve too, unless they’re gonna be gross.” Robin laughed. 
“Okay,” she said. “Then, I mean - if you want to? It could be fun as a group.”
“And if it’s not, we can make fun of it afterwards over some beers or something.”
Robin realized at that moment that it had been a while since she had made new friends. The band wouldn’t be in town for very long, but the idea of hanging out with them did actually seem fun. 
“Deal,” she confirmed.
The two certified idiots Eddie and Steve came bumbling back moments later, showing all telltale signs that Robin had been correct - flushed faces, mussed hair, and a far more relaxed dynamic between the two of them. 
“Hey guys,” Eddie greeted them casually. “Sorry, Steve just had to kiss me real quick.” Steve somehow became even redder than he had just been. He laughed nervously and ran his fingers through his hair.
“You’re really not discreet, are you?” Steve asked. Eddie leaned over and spoke low enough that only Steve could hear. 
“No, but now you know a good way to get me to shut up.”
Steve’s heart stopped. Lord almighty. Eddie stood straight again, acting as if he hadn’t just said what he’d said. Apparently, he could be discreet when he wanted to be. Eddie nonchalantly reached over and interlocked his fingers with Steve’s, giving his hand a quick squeeze. 
“Well, I guess I better get back up there,” Gareth said, excusing himself. 
“And it looks like my work here is done, too,” Robin said, curtsying before exiting as well. 
Steve felt much better now that they’d crossed that physical barrier. He kept himself attached to Eddie the rest of the night, enjoying the music while barely registering it, feeling like he was on cloud 9. 
“So,” Eddie said once the show was over. “How’d I do?”
They were walking hand in hand down the street, swinging their arms between them like they were silly teenagers. 
“I’d say you crushed it,” Steve replied. “You know what this means, right?”
“What?” Eddie wondered. 
“Well, you planned this one,” Steve pointed out. “So, I get the next one.”
“Sounds reasonable to me.”
They made it to Steve’s apartment. Eddie walked him to the door like a gentleman.
“Just you wait,” Steve teased. “Now that I know we’re pulling all the stops, get ready to have the best date of your life.”
Eddie gave Steve a quick peck on the lips and smiled.
“I don’t doubt it,” he responded. 
He really didn’t.
(next part)
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
Patsy Kelly (The Countess of Monte Cristo, Merrily We Live, Topper Returns)—patsy kelly was a character actress best known for her brash wisecracking best friend roles, first appearing in a series of comedy shorts with thelma todd and then in a number of feature films. she was openly gay (lovers included tallulah bankhead), even candidly referring to herself as a dyke to the press on occasion and declaring she didn't intend to marry.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Patsy Kelly:
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Oh, that wry little smile! She could sing. She could dance. She could do comedy and drama. Her mother enrolled her in dancing school to distract her from playing baseball and trying to become a firefighter. At the height of her career, she burned the whole thing down (heh) by answering a reporter's softball question about why she never married with "Because I'm a dyke." She became Tallulah Bankhead's "private secretary" and by the 1960s, she was once again a prominent character actress. Remember Laura-Louise in "Rosemary's Baby"?
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Judy Garland:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
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I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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dullweapons · 2 months
okay so since there are a few hylia’s ( i can count about four ? 2 new & 2 from mutuals on side blogs or side muses … im sure there will be more , hell i wanna write a hylia too lol ) so imma write out how ray actually feels about hylia as clear as i can . i don’t really have a problem with hylia myself ? my only problem with her is her being added late into the games but skyward sword is old like me now so im over it . ( i do dislike that we just forgot demise but imma pretend he’s still here hush— @harbingered for my demise 👀 i will pay attention to him i swear )
ray HATES hylia . perhaps the most out of the gods & deities of the world . he curses her & blames her for a lot of things even when she clearly isn’t to blame . he uses her like a scapegoat . someone to point the anger he feels at when there is no one else to blame but himself . he’ll blame her for the troubles zelda goes through , or link or even ganondorf . because he knows hylia . seen her . felt the sting of her magic . saw her bring up the humans to their safe haven in the sky & leave him down there . she didn’t care .
as a child he was taught to worship hylia, as all the children of skyloft settlement were. his family had small statues of her that they gave offerings too . he would pray to her just as his mother told him to . so he was fine with her … maybe a touch annoyed — but that was mostly towards his mother being quite religious & making him repeat hail hylia when he was naughty ( which was often af )
upon being forced into the ancient battle ; his views were forcibly shifted by his father . not by any commands but more due to his father talking about how hylia cares not for him nor any other demons . lamatar believes demise would do right by the demons & monsters ( was that true ? who knows ) . he would beat this idea into ayrin until he began to think it himself .
“ hylia doesn’t care about me. if she did, she would’ve stopped me from joining this war . she wouldn’t have me here …mama says hylia loves us all but no one loves me. she doesn’t either .”
continuing on, ayrin was stuck by the goddess blade causing a horrible scar that glows similarly to TP! ganondorf’s scar. due to it being a holy blade , it couldn’t go away as easily as death or other wounds for the demonic weapon & he was out of battle for weeks. ( visual ref of rays scar here ! ) i have been debating it be hylia who struck him , but it can just be the first link . regardless , he sat there — scared & angry , not just because he failed his father , but hylia hurt . her blade hurts so so much . hylia is pain .
further down the timeline ; he continues to see princesses & queens struggle with their magic or are forced into horrible situations of the cycle born of demise . he sees link , so young forced into battle & losing his childhood only to become a shell . he’s seen ganondorf turned into a monster of anger & greed for what was once a king has become nothing but a pig . if hylia stayed a god perhaps things would be different . perhaps not . regardless, he blames them all : the golden goddesses , hylia & demise . none of them are free from his hate .
but hylia worship has grown strong again by botw & by then — he is a tired , cynical old man . he works hard to make sure his solders are ready for the war that is coming against calamity ganon . he sees the princess struggle to awaken her powers . he scoffs at her & wonders if the blood of the goddess is finally gone from tainting the royal family.
& he prayed to hylia to save them from the calamity when the calamity came & took over all the sheikah technology & his men died trying to get to akkala .
& she did not answer .
so for the hylia rpers i totally understand if you’re like “ damn he a hater idk if i wanna interact “ because he’s never ever gonna warm up to her . also if you wish to discuss what happened between them during the ancient battle please feel free to DM me ! my default does not need to be canon minus 1: ayrin / bby ray going to the war & 2: ray being struck goddess blade . those two are the only requirements — im flexible with anything !
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nightglider124 · 1 year
Titans: Season 4 - Ep 12: Finale, Dickkory + Whole Show - Thoughts
Oof, this is gonna be a long ass post. I'm gonna put into words my thoughts on the finale, my thoughts on dickkory in the finale as well as dickkory in general in the show and lastly a few thoughts on Titans as a whole since it began 4 years ago.
No word of a lie, I just sat and rewatched the finale with a notebook, noting every. single. thought. So... buckle up and good luck if you're gonna try reading to the end. XD
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale)
So, first, I'm just gonna talk about the finale without gushing over Dickkory. I will, obviously but I'm gonna separate them out.
I love that it got straight back into the action with little to no filler. Filler stuff fucks me off when you're so close to the end like in a finale, there should be no filler and for that, Titans got points from me.
I really liked that Rachel did her lil soul self projection - that was cool and not something we've seen her do before in the show (I don't think) so I found that a cool thing to throw in rather than having Kory just blow the door up which let's face it, still would have been boss af.
Lmao, Sebastian continues to be just such a little whiny bitch. XD I've said it every week but he's just so annoying. Don't get me wrong, I think Joseph Morgan did it well and he is a good actor but God, Sebastian is just so unlikeable for me. He fucking sucks and if I was in STAR labs, I would have thrown a punch like FUCK. The only time I was nervous of him was when he had my girl Kory for a hot minute. I did not enjoy that.
LOL. Trigon got like 2 mins of screen time and was then just gone. It was hilarious to me, I gotta be honest. Like Trigon was built up and then just got hacked by his son lmaooo. It had me laughing, ngl. Drinking the blood from his heart was weird af but was in keeping with the rest of the Blood cult and what the show has shown them to be like including Sebastian but still. Grim.
I really loved the title intro; how the images on the TITANS was the core four and then flashed as usual to the four of them from season 1. Idk if that was intentional but it felt like it and I appreciated it a lot.
GAR'S CRYING FACE THROUGHOUT THIS FUCKING EPISODE. MY POOR BABY, GOD DAMN IT. Conner's 'death', Kory's 'death'... like fuck give him a break.
GLAD TO FINALLY SEE GOOD BOI KRYPTO. I was wondering where the heck he had been, honestly. Good to see him there at the end. XD
Lmao, so I get it was to show like Dick was hopeful Conner would be okay but him whipping out his phone to make a dinner reservation had me cackling like bro, pick a better moment pls. Out of context, that would be so fucking funny. XD
I adored Tim's little rejoin with the team. He is such a Robin nerd, I love him. Everyone smirking like the cutie he is was sweet af.
Also really loved Kory and Rachel's power merge. It did fuck all cos he wasn't actually there but it made me happy. My girls. <3
Sebastian riding up to STAR Labs on his little blue bike - bitch, someone should have sniped your fucking ass off of it then & there.
I felt bad for Dr Espenson; I liked her. What a grim way to go too. Screaming, bleeding - ick.
Bernard literally getting up to see everyone getting murdered and was like well shit, fuck, I gotta move. XD
Lmao, Dick literally keeping a secret about a womhole; I was just... this is so on brand for him ffs. XD
Sebastian just being like, 'Fuck your password' and Calliope accepting it made me giggle. Idk why.
I really liked the explanation from Calliope about how powerful Kory really can be - Her strength is always downplayed in every media format, I swear. It fucks me off so badly. The woman can literally go toe to toe with Superman ffs like acknowledge her power, DC, you little bitch. God.
Kory getting controlled was a no no for me. When her eyes went red and she went a' wandering, I was like NOOO KORY! STOPPP! SNAP OUTTA IT!
I really liked the scene with Kory and Sebastian like my heart was racing and in my mouth cos it was like don't fucking touch her, you psycho but the tension was really good in that scene, I thought.
I won't lie, some scenes were weirdly paced however, I think it would work fine if you were binge watching the whole season. I like that it's straight in but it felt a tad all over the place in some parts but again, I don't think it would be an issue if you're just watching all the episodes together.
"You're no God." - Fucking GET HIM, Kory. Get wrecked, Sebastian, you glorified mama's boy.
The team takedown of the metahuman assault squad was rad; I loved the teamwork and the moves and it felt good to watch. I very much enjoyed it.
"I won't help you destroy my home - Either one of them" - Oh, Kory <3 You literally are such a sweetheart and I loved that it wasn't left to be ambiguous like gasp, which did she mean?
Gar & Tim's friendship gives me life. They're just such bros; the shoulder taps and smirks like they are SUCH boys. I love them.
I SNORTED at the way Dick just pops outta nowhere and sucker punches Sebastian. It was so funny. XD
"For the record, that game you made fucking sucks." LOL TIM, my fucking soul mate. I was DYING. XD
Gar almost getting dragged into the wormhole had me on EDGE. Like, not my sweet, cinnamon boy, no thank you.
Rachel waking Kory; I was SOBBING. The flashes of Kory memories. My actual heart hurt.
Nightwing literally fighting until he is deadass on the floor was giving me life. We love to see a determined fool.
Superboy showing up last minute was pretty dope like a secret weapon, I liked it and was wondering like is Conner gonna appear orrr...? XD
LOL Conner with Tim & Gar was cute and great. "Wait, was I dead?" and Tim brushing it off like, "I'll explain later" had me creasing.
My God, Kory's sudden power up and her just soaring straight through the fucking roof had be cheering loudly like it was the best and is a favourite scene by loads. It was so frickin' cool and something I like to see Kory do in shows and movies and shit cos she is just so slept on by DC. She is fucking amazing and yet... we never get to see her like that or very rarely. I loved it.
The kids' sad faces when Kory is like 'No' to throwing Sebastian through the wormhole. I die. Rachel especially - Her face was so sad and if you look closely, you can see Rachel is like sobbing but trying to restrain her emotions after Kory lets go of her hand. She knew. She knew what mama Kory was gonna do.
Honestly, this scene with Kory still making the sacrifice was hard on my emotions and was the one that had me closest to tears - I was full on at the edge of crying ugly ass tears.
Kory's supernova was perfect to me. Like, yes, look at that damn powerhouse goddess.
Ryan's crying face had me wanting to cry this whole episode, omg.
Firstly... the Christmas scene is so weirdly placed, I thought and I have to say it. I don't get, and I've seen others question this too, if it's meant to be a flashback or a future vision. I assume it's the end of S3 cos Kory's hair, Tim isn't yet there, Rachel's hair is purple still... but Dickkory?? EXCUSE ME that is a bit cozy for just friends? Dick's hand on her waist and they are literally standing so close together wtf?? It was so freakin' cute regardless but yeah, it felt randomly placed. I agree, it should have been maybe used as a flash forward instead? Idk.
The float back down from space and the focus on her - Just really made me smile cos like it reminds me why Kory is and will forever be my favourite DC character and just fictional character in general. Thanks to Anna like Titans Kory has joined the roster for my top versions of Kory, idgaf what anyone thinks. I love her.
The dinner scene was so bittersweet like it makes sense for the young ones to go - it was foreshadowed multiple times for each of them really but I was so sad. I not like team splits. I recently watched a new hero movie... hint hint where this is the same ending and I sobbed in the cinema. I hate these endings but I also get it. Like I said, bittersweet.
Gar embracing The Red & doing something for him felt right and a 'Good for him' moment.
Rachel going to college!! I like the Bludhaven Easter egg - it made me smile.
Tim is such a cutie and I really love Jay's portrayal of him.
Conner, we all knew that was coming too. All the babies flying the nest, I am SOBBING.
Love Krypto sat at the fucking table of this fancy ass restaurant lmaooo.
I really loved the finale, I will be honest. I really didn't have issues with it other than the small few I've listed. Like, I wish we had more time with the characters but the episode ending left me on a high but that could be cos it ended on my babies... It felt like an upbeat way to end the series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Episode 12: Titans Forever (Series Finale) - Dickkory & DK Thoughts
So, I'm gonna basically do the same as above. Ima go through the episode and just gush about the DK scenes lmao.
I really did feel like there was Dickkory moments in every scene. There were individual scenes but I felt it was always there in the background. All of Dick's choices and his motivations etc, I felt like he always had Kory in his mind, personally.
The freakin' RV scene with them had me feeling all kinds of ways. It had me giggling and tearing up. The banter about them first meeting and her stealing his car!! I am so happy that that got brought up since we never really had them talk about those things after S1. For a while, it felt like it just got retconned. Glad to see it was not and they reflected on it.
Dick's fucking sad eyes and his broken way of being like, "Please, don't." I die. Brenton expressions especially when Dick is with Kory have always been so top tier, I stg.
LOL, when they learn about Project Icarus, Dick's eyes keep shifting back and forth to Kory as if being like "Fuck, wifey so gon' be big mad."
UGH. The "Kory, wait!" when she leaves the RV and is getting into the porche. The way he calls and runs out after her felt very reminiscent of S1 in Angela's house after she attacks Rachel. Like, mmm, yes. It felt similar and I adored it.
Dick & Kory's continued banter in the porche. Their serious af conversation about what they're going to intermingled with the reference yet again to his car and how they're even for his car and Dick's smirk... I loved it sm.
I loved that Kory checked his ass about Project Icarus when he got into the porche before she could drive off. He's so quick to be like, "Babe, I didn't even know nothing." XDDD Honestly, it's giving husband and wife. It had me dying.
"We're stronger together; you know we are." - STOP IM SOBBING. I really loved that line.
Dick's eyes are literally trained on Kory so. much. in this episode. He is concerned af and I am so here for it.
Dick's concern in the lab when she is awol is so cute like he is STRESSIN' but we love to see it.
LOL, Dick at the doors like, "BERNARD!" Like fuck man, give him a second! XD He called out like 3 times and was so impatient, it was hilarious. He was really giving, "My wife is in there with a psycho pls open the fucking doors." XD
Dick's fighting was so love fuelled, i don't care what anyone says. He literally fights like not my alien Princess, you don't, you dick! xD I'm probs delusional but all I could think was Dick's more pissed cos Kory is in danger.
Dick was so hopeful after Sebastian went down. He was like woo, yeah, we did it, it's over. Let's throw him into space, no dead Kory today. And she is just like... I'm sorry and dfhjhsdlkh. I was in pain. You can see him crumbling and is still trying to find ways for her not to do this. I had full on tears in my eyes.
The face caress like... it's so painful. He looks so crestfallen. I cannot.
"I don't know how to do that... I can't" - He sounded so broken, my poor dumbass!! I was in pain with this whole sequence.
Dick's tearfilled eyes - I was honestly so emosh; Anna and Brenton did that scene so well.
I really love the pause on Dick whilst they think Kory is dead like it's as if he knows or legit just cannot fathom Kory being gone.
HIS LIL WALK BACK OVER TO HER ONCE SHE COMES DOWN FROM SPACE. IT WAS A WALK WITH PURPOSE. You CANNOT tell me he wasn't instantly like, "Ima kiss her" when she came back to Earth. He had that determination in his eyes. She was getting thoroughly kissed.
THE KISS!!!!! SQUEEEEEE. Guys, I fucking died. I know it was a very long time coming and overdue but it was a good kiss. Dick diving in for a second kiss made me melt. I loved it.
The boys all grinning in the back had me smilinggg. Whether it was cos mom and dad were kissing or cos Kory wasn't dead, Idc it was cute.
Kory's lil 'Whoa' after the kiss was so adorable.
THE HAND ON HER BACK. Dick's hand was glued to her as they went over for the group hug. He was not letting go and it was... so cute.
Honestly, Dick's heart eyes again at Dinner where she's like "Guess you never know what the future holds" and his smile like fuck man, she's yours. Quit it alreadyyy!
Sighhh, the whole conversation when they were alone was great and I espesh loved, "They're not even leaving us Krypto" XD
The 'It's weird' 'What? You and I alone together?' was cute and ughhhhh I was dying.
The damn stroller with the red balloon. We see you, Titans. GOD! I liked that we got the subtle hint without a flashforward to having had Mar'i. I put this in the tags of a reblog and like I would have still sobbed at that but I like the subtle route a lot.
LOL DICK's "Maybe we should get on that" HAD ME CHOKING HAHAHA like BRO, you are leaping ahead. Even Kory took a minute looking at him like is this guy for real rn?? Man went from 'I don't do feelings' to 'I've picked the paint for our baby's nursery' lightning fast XDDD. But, they defo went home after and slept together after those drinks. You can't convince me otherwise.
They were so giddy and cutesy. Like, ugh I'm not over it. I'm on such a dickkory high.
I LOVE the ending on the bridge. Sunshine Kory skipping ahead and holding hands with and dragging her smiley yet grumpy Dick along. It just felt so them and the little bubbly action from Kory felt VERY her. Like it really sang, Kory to me.
I'm so happy they ended with Dickkory in a place so happy and in love - it rarely happens in DC so I am thrilled.
Guys, I know at times, it felt neverending and I'm with other DK fans. I really wish they had done this with Dickkory earlier in the show, I really do. I feel like we could have skipped some exes and other shit and got to this point with them a lot sooner but it is what it is.
I'm actually just so happy that they ended it on such a fluffy, lighthearted note for them. Like, they are so loved up at the end of the show and it just makes me happy that we got that. Could they have done more with them through the whole show? Absolutely. Could they have gotten to this point with them earlier? Also, absolutely.
But, I am grateful for the moments through each season that we got with them. Like, I think if I was to rewatch from S1, bearing in mind that Dick's basically been a goner since the night at the motel in S1, I feel like the seasons and episodes would feel different.
I'm just really grateful that I have another show that gave me dickkory content. I've followed them through multiple versions. TT Cartoon, DCAU, comics, TT Cartoon comics, TTG (in parts), Live action... like I just love them in every universe, including this one even if it's been trying at times.
But, there was nothing ambiguous about this ending for me. The point is to end them on a high all giggly and happy and thoroughly in love. I look forward to the fic writers for live action dickkory to cook up some beautiful fics after this just to keep the joy going.
I WISH there could have been an S5 to see Dick and Kory in an actually established place but that's what imaginations are for and luckily for me, I can imagine dickkory scenarios til the cows come home XD.
I've really enjoyed this version of them. It's been different but I still love them. I love Brenton as Dick and Anna as Kory respectively and I think their chemistry has worked so well in this show and it doesn't hurt that they are so close in real life. It's really sweet.
Idk, I have no issues with how they were ended. I was scared we wouldn't get a kiss but that kiss was adorable and ugh the last scene on the bridge just makes me so smiley, even now after hours of rewatching it XD
Titans - Whole Show - Thoughts
I have always been very back and forth with Titans, I won't lie and tbh, anyone that follows me or knows me, knows that I've dipped in and out of Titans constantly.
However, going into Titans, I have ALWAYS said from day dot one that I was watching it for three specific things. Kory, Gar & Dickkory. That was it, hence I've never really cared for much beyond those things so my opinion will be wildly different from others, I am sure.
Season 1 got me invested. I loved the core four; hated the fucking pigeons and will die on my hill that they were a waste of screen time. But, our core four were the best thing about the first season, it was amazing.
Season 2 I enjoyed greatly but I did pull back a little but there were moments that brought me back in. And, there were some characters like Donna that reeled me back in cos I love her and I enjoyed hers and Kory's friendship as well as her friendship with Dick. I liked the storyline since Slade has always been a Titans douchebag but we love him.
Season 3, lmao, I dropped, I won't lie. I watched pieces from mutuals and sought out scenes and episodes of interest but honestly, it died a little for me in S3. It was based in Gotham and it had a tiny rekindle of another ship which... I saw zero value in doing. I was so anti season 3 lmao.
Season 4 pulled me right back in as it reminded me of S1. We'd lost the annoying af birds and it was back to core four plus Tim and Conner but like I was fully on board for them cos they didn't deter from the team vibe. Whereas, other side characters absolutely did and it was frustrating. Season 4 has definitely been my favourite season in the show.
It probably goes Seasons 4, 1, 2 & 3 tbh.
I've always had issues with Titans in various forms but y'know what? Overall, I've loved watching it. I wish some things had done better but I still loved the show that was given to fans overall.
I'm so sad it's ended but I am glad to have had some fan interactions through the course of the show. Dickkory fans especially know the DK desert is dry af most of the time so this was really nice to have the tag vibing most of the time.
I'm sad to see the show go and I hope we don't have to wait long to get something else Titans related that isn't a fucking backwards af comic from the assholes at DC. The irony, huh? XD
Thanks, Titans. It's been fun.
Dickkory friends, I look forward to forthcoming art and fics to read cos I need them to keep me on the high for the next few weeks. XD
P.S, well done if you actually read this whole thing. You're either amazing or insane. <3
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psychewritesbs · 8 months
Hello, I wonder what do you think of Megumi, Hana and Noritoshi as a trio? I know they're a weird team but tbh I've always wanted Gege to explore Megumi's parallels with these two. Hana representing the childish naivety of Megumi's tendency to put 'good' people like Tsumiki and Yuji on a pedestal (I'm not sure if it was linkspooky or you who pointed this out, or maybe both) and Noritoshi Kamo mirroring Megumi's circumstances as someone whose origins tie him to the big clans (like Naobito tying Megumi down to the Zenin by making him a clown head). And while they both went about this particular circumstance differently, I still believe there's so much similarities to explore between them.
I think if Gege plans on showing us Megumi's progress of growing out of his initially flawed and childish mindset, that seeing him grow alongside Hana and Noritoshi would be really interesting. And personally I just want some love shown to Noritoshi and esp. Hana. Like the hate on her in this fandom is so disheartening to see. The way people mock her for falling to Sukuna's obvious honeytrap and comparing her to Nobara. Like I get it jjk fans like strong, no-nonsense, I don't need no man female personalities, but I feel like it's being over-glorified to the point of absurdity y'know. Like anyone who falls short of that category is immediately a bad character. And in Hana's case it's almost as if character backstory doesn't matter.
Nonetheless, I hope Hana and Noritoshi's continued existence in the manga means Gege still has something planned for them. And I hope Gege will finally explore Megumi's dynamic with other characters more upon his return.
Anon! Love the thoughts! Thanks for sharing them.
To be honest I had never given much thought to them as a trio, but I love what you've written about them as if they existed on a continuum with Nori on one end (responsibility), Megumi in the middle, and Hana at the opposing end (naivety).
I have to say that one of the things I did like about Sakurajima was getting to see Nori more deeply as a character. Especially after he had been kicked out of the clan and how that had affected his sense of self.
As for Hana... le sigh. Tell me about it anon. I think I posted about it before but to me hating on Hana looks like hating on one's own naivety and vulnerability.
I just get the sense that Hana sees herself as a magical girl and was naive enough to think her power of love and friendship had managed to save Megumi. So it's almost like she felt like she had been able to do for him what she had done for her.
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That's not to mention that Sukuna fully intended to fool her, so this literally shows why Sukuna thinks love is useless.
As per usual, I think this might be a case of "people can only see things as deeply as they see themselves".
Also, I so love your comment on how a character that doesn't fit that specific mold (strong, no-nonsense, I don't need no man female personalities) is considered bad writing.
The "bad writing" allegations in this fandom often come back to "I didn't like it or it didn't live up to my expectations, so therefore it's objectively bad".
I can see why the execution might feel sloppy, and why people are tired of the "girl pines for boy" trope in animanga, and she does suffer from side af character syndrome, but Hana is by no means a bad character for having a crush on Megumi.
Anyways! Here's to seeing other characters support Megumi in the future anon! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
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esther-dot · 1 year
For a while, until season 5, when I still thought Tyrion was a good man and never considered Jonsa as a couple, I thought Sansa and Tyrion could be a possible couple. A kind of Beauty and the Beast story. I know that parallel was made for Sandor and Sansa but I always found difficult to think of them as such and in political terms made no sense. Before Jonsa, who did you think Sansa would end up with ?
Oh, I think you are quite right to read some Beauty & the Beast into their dynamic, anon! I've gotten some questions about "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" which is his in-world song along those lines and he’s associated that or B&B to a number of relationships. Finding traces or even direct references to it in a certain dynamic doesn't necessarily mean a mutual romance or an endgame couple, it may simply be one of the facets he wants to explore of a certain idea. So to me, it's certainly valid to find it and talk about it there, especially when there's such a contrast between the beautiful prince who abuses Sansa and the man society has tried to dehumanize who stops him. None of my "anti Tyrion" posts are meant to deny that, they're just written to highlight how he too wronged her, even if Sansa wasn't quite fully cognizant of it.
Tyrion may be a villain only slipping further into his villainy, but he has those moments when, like the Hound, he protects Sansa. The fact that he wanted the North so much, but stopped himself from sleeping with Sansa we can read as a moment that defies the expectations for him who has been stigmatized. On the one hand, well, it's the bare minimum, he isn't exactly a hero for not sleeping with a child who was forced into the marriage and is a prisoner in KL, but many times over, we're being shown that he isn't quite the monster his family/society made him out to be. This is not to say he is a good man, he did marry her because he wanted power, but I think it is meant to criticize society's prejudices.
Anyway, I actually didn't ship Sansa with anyone before Jon! I was a very casual fan who wasn't involved in the fandom, and I was simply happy to enjoy the show as it was. It was during the long hiatus that I become very curious about what the ending would be, found Jonsa, and am now a living testament to the power of smart meta writers, wonderful gif makers, talented artists, fabulous fic writers. The damage is immense. Just say no to fandom, kids, or this may be you! 😂
Even though I enjoyed Tyrion, I could never stomach him (or the Hound) with Sansa. Their interest in her while she's so young, the way Tyrion took advantage of her situation for his own benefit and the Hound threatening her....I couldn't be at peace with that. If say, Tyrion had married her and took her away to safety, or if the Hound had offered to help her escape KL without the frequent insults/threats of death/the assault, then you could imagine that Martin might be planning to have these play out in the fairytale way, but he didn't do that. He might be talking about the trope, is certainly referencing bigger ideas here, but it isn't following the path of the og story.
Also, I don't think Tyrion's choice to marry Sansa is defensible. She was a child bride. She was going to be forced to marry someone. She couldn't really say no, so her agreeing to it isn't meaningful. It's good Tyrion felt bad, but Sansa didn't have good options. I was very disturbed that D&D wanted us to think Tyrion was a great guy in s8 even though he was angry with Sansa for abandoning him and also wanted to reestablish his relationship with his child bride. Creepy AF.
Let’s see….I do think Sansa x Pod is a cute idea, Sansa x Jeyne is sweet, I think you could write aged up Sansa x Willas fics, lots of fans fell in love with the unnamed Prince of Dorne from the finale and started listing the benefits of long distance relationships...but even if Jon didn't exist, I don't think there is a canon option for Sansa that has both the potential of happening and would be good for her which is why a lot of people believe she'll marry a rando post canon. And I could be happy with that if the rando has a long face, a very large dog, and a surprising familiarity with Winterfell!
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