#storytelling in branding
dcbatbitches · 5 months
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Consider, Cassandra Cain does lion dance.
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genuinely there are some episodes of doctor who that fuck me up to this day
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forestofsprites · 10 months
humans have been putting their specialest little guys (and animals! and spirits! and gods!) into situations for tens of thousands of years! it is the backbone of storytelling!! just bc yours are posted onto tumblr.com and online collectives doesn't mean you're participating in humanity's funkiest asset any less!!
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shipping-receiving · 8 months
It is endlessly funny to me that Gwen lives her life like a modern AU Jaime and Nik lives his life like a modern AU Brienne.
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joblessquinoa · 4 months
Stayed up until 3am binge watching the first 9 episodes of Last Twilight, and I went into the tag this morning to find out that the majority of people on this site HATED the last 2 episode lmfao. Honestly I don't regret it because the first 9 episodes were GOOD, and the last 2-3 episodes won't change that for me but it is kind of sad when this happens
So much potential once again fallen to the curse of questionable, last-minute narrative decisions
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mxliv-oftheendless · 11 months
I’m watching Glass Onion while making lunch… again lmao… and I just need to say that the masks telling you all you need to know about the characters is my favorite part of the whole damn movie~
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bombshellsandbluebells · 10 months
speaking as someone who really enjoyed Barbie, I just don't think Barbie is deep enough to warrant all the dramatic takes and arguments on it
#like it's a fun movie!#the production design is amazing#i'm all here to gush about the filmmaking and art dept on that film#but I feel like it's getting hyped way beyond what it is#a fun movie that manages to say something and be entertaining despite being another big studio film only made bc it's based on popular IP#like Greta did make something entertaining and worth watching#she did manage to say something and give it personality when so many IP movies are soulless and meaningless#but it's not the big evil manipulative marketing people complain it is#becuase literally.....everything greenlit by studios nowadays is tied to some kind of IP or brand or intended to sell you something#i didn't see these complaints over the lego movies#it's not to blame for launching a big pointless ip franchise bc even if barbie had bombed you KNOW the other mattel movies would have#probably happened bc IP matters way more than what audiences are actually interested in#but it's also not like a revolutionary feminist masterpiece??#it says something yeah but it's not really groundbreaking and it's pretty simple#and it's certainly not like....revolutionary enough for all the negative backlash though we all know something doesn't HAVE#to be truly revolutionary or progressive for that kind of crowd to get all up in arms over the Woke Agenda#it's just like#it is what it is#a movie that would have happened whether competent storytellers and filmmakers got on board or not and at least they made something#worth watching which I can't say of a LOT of IP greenlight decisions#it's jsut like#I enjoyed the movie and it was well made and I'm glad it's doing well but every time I see a new argument about it or take#I just want to be like#it's not that deep lol#that doesn't include just analysis and discussion of the movie#that's different#i mean more discussion like it's bad this movie did well bc it's just an overhyped commercial!!!#anyways got that off my chest lol#i still would have killed to work on set dec for that film
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meradigi · 2 months
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darklight-owl · 1 year
We all know that glass breaking scene in Glass Onion is a visual manifestation of Miles' speech about disrupting at the start of the movie and all but can we appreciate how all the characters who called themselves "disruptors" and claimed to go against the system were the ones that chickened out when shit got serious and Helen was the only one that kept going
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give-soup-please · 1 year
it never fails to crack me up that i'm an english major who's head over heels for a literary device.
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grimrester · 9 months
I think that's what I liked best about your reader insert works, there was always a particular vibe to the reader insert but it was left vague in all the right parts without ever being bland.
aw dude thank you!! i strongly believe reader characters should have personality but otherwise remain largely non-specific unless it's plot important. that's why my readers tend to have a Fun Job as like their primary interest for flavor or plot reasons, and few other details. most everyone could imagine themself being funnier and snarkier, or shyer and quieter, or whatever. but not everyone wants to be a violin playing skater chick with long wavy hair and an amazing singing voice... etc etc. yknow???
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Branding your cosmetics business and developing a solid cosmetics strategy is a must if you want to succeed in today’s beauty market. First stage is logo design.
We are available for new logo & branding projects. Contact: [email protected]
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brijdesignstudio · 6 months
Noraah Jewellery's Unique Identity through Brij Design Studio's Artful Branding
Elevate your jewellery brand with the enchanting touch of Noraah Jewellery Branding by Brij Design Studio. Our comprehensive services, from brand logo design to stationery and photoshoot concept development, encapsulate the essence of timeless elegance. Why choose us? Brij Design Studio seamlessly blends artistic finesse with strategic insight, ensuring your brand story shines uniquely. Visit our website to witness the transformative power of Noraah Jewellery Branding and why clients trust us for unparalleled creativity. Redefine your brand identity with us; your journey to exquisite and impactful jewellery branding starts here.
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concorp · 6 months
oh yeah i realized last night why i got so flustered when ____ said my name a few weeks back…
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ebookporn · 1 year
What’s your story?
The Use and Abuse of Narrative 
by Terry Eagleton
Forty years ago​, Peter Brooks produced a pathbreaking study, Reading for the Plot, which was part of the so-called narrative turn in literary criticism. Narratology, as it became known, spread swiftly to other disciplines: law, psychology, philosophy, religion, anthropology and so on. But a problem arose when it began to seep into the general culture – or, as Brooks puts it, into ‘the orbit of political cant and corporate branding’. Not since the work of Freud, whose concepts of neurosis, the Oedipal and the unconscious quickly became common currency, has a piece of high theory so readily entered everyday language. The narratologists had given birth to a monster: George W. Bush announced that ‘each person has got their own story that is so unique’; ‘We are all virtuoso novelists,’ the philosopher Daniel Dennett wrote. What Brooks glumly calls ‘the narrative takeover of reality’ was complete.
It isn’t just that everyone now has a story; it’s that everyone is a story. Who you are is the narrative you recount about yourself. Whether the life history of someone forced into sex work reflects their true self, or whether self-narration might also be self-deception, are questions that seemingly don’t trouble this line of argument. What if someone tells contradictory stories about themselves? How do you decide which tales are true? You can’t resort to standards of evidence, coherence, plausibility and so on because these, too, are no more than a fable. Facts, Brooks argues, always come to us embedded in a narrative, which makes it hard to see how they can be used to verify or falsify it. The Russian commentator Margarita Simonyan says that all we have by way of truth is a host of competing anecdotes. This wouldn’t matter so much if Simonyan weren’t the director of the Kremlin’s TV channel. Reports that Vladimir Putin murders his opponents, according to this logic, are no more true or false than stories that he is the reincarnation of Peter the Great. If there is no way of adjudicating between conflicting accounts, those that are backed by the greatest muscle are likely to win out. Brooks rejects this ‘that’s just your story’ relativism, insisting on the difference between what actually happened and the way it is represented.
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timmurleyart · 7 months
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Grape and fig Monster. 💜🍇🍇💚🍇🟣
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