#stray kids textos
majortom84 · 7 months
Momento se comenzar con las labores de amo de casa... Le pondré un poco más de Pinol a mi cubeta.
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plcgpensandoenti · 1 year
¿Sabes porque lo mío era realmente sincero?
Porque mientras otras personas te digan que les gustas por tu cuerpo, por tu carita bonita, por lo bien que te ves.
Yo siempre te dire que me encantas por tu idiotez, por esa manera de ser tan sonso y por lo nervioso que te ponías.
Y por eso puedo jurar que lo mío es lo más sincero que encontrarás.
¿Ahora ves la diferencia?
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ueda-kibikino · 2 years
Al chile vengo a chillar aquí que un australiano no me dió abrazo virtual y termino su live de la manera más random posible, hasta me sentí regañada.
Necesito mi abrazo para aguantar está semana que se viene 😔
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innmybook · 2 years
"you're my starlight [chanlix]", de beawall_e, no Wattpad
Chan sempre amou as estrelas.
Então faria sentido ele se apaixonar pelo garoto que as tinha pintadas no rosto.
"— As estrelas sabem guardar segredos, Chris? — ele pergunta baixinho.
— Eu acho que sim, Lix.
— Então, se eu declarasse à elas o meu amor por você, elas manteriam segredo, não é?"
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yutassimp · 5 months
Olá :D
Talvez a maioria de vocês me conheça pelo meu blog do BTS, e se for mesmo o caso oi de novo amorzinho rs, mas para quem não me conhece ainda eu sou a Maka!
Fiz esse blog aqui para poder escrever sobre grupos além do Bangtan, mas deixar separado por questões de organização própria mesmo (lá já escrevo sobre eles há muito tempo e não quero misturar, sou perfeccionista demais pra isso). Não vou abandonar lá, é óbvio, ainda estou seguindo minha lista de pedidos inacabavel, mas também sinto muita vontade de escrever sobre outros grupos dos quais sou stan então cá estamos nós!
Seventeen (♡)
Tomorrow X Togheter (♡)
P1harmony (não escrevo smut com o Soul e o Seob !!) (♡)
Ateez (♡)
NCT127 (♡)
NCT Dream
Monsta X (♡)
Riize (não escrevo smut com o Anton !!)
Stray Kids
Enhypen (não escrevo smut com o Jungwon e o Niki !!)
Black Pink
Além dos grupos posso também escrever sobre essas duas bandas:
The Rose (♡)
Xdinary Heroes
~ Caso tenha mais algum artista que não esteja na lista, me pergunte, talvez eu tenha apenas esquecido mesmo (caso contrario eu lhe aviso que não o conheço o suficiente ^-^)
~ Os meus grupos UTTS estão marcados com (♡), então a qualidade dos posts para estes provavelmente será melhor por eu conhecer os membros melhor!!
~ Eu não escrevo smut com integrantes que são mais novos que eu por não me sentir confortável fazendo isso, mesmo que já sejam maiores de idade :)
𝕋𝕚𝕡𝕠𝕤 𝕕𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥:
Reactions (podem ser mais curtas ou mais desenvolvidas)
Scenarios (feita em tópicos)
Imagines (mais longos e desenvolvidos)
Fake chats (mensagens de texto)
Domestic!grupo escolhido (pequenos imagines de cenários do cotidiano)
~ Caso tenha mais algum tipo de post que não esteja aqui, pode me mandar, e eu farei o meu melhor para cumpri-lo!
~ Ás vezes eu posso acabar mudando o tipo do post caso o tema que pedir não se encaixe bem, sinto muito por isso, mas é para não ficar ruim!
𝓡𝓮𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓼 𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓼:
▪︎ Por favor, seja respeitose !! ~ Eu escrevo tudo aqui de coração, e por hobbie! Então se puder mandar os pedidos de forma educada, é também ser compreensível com minhas possíveis demoras para post, eh agradeço!
▪︎ Alguns temas eu não irei escrever sobre, por não me sentir bem !! ~ Alguns deles são traição, abuso sexual, violência doméstica, entre outros; também posso sempre não aceitar pedidos por não me agradar com o tema!
▪︎ Sempre que possível, especifique o gênero que gostaria que fosse escrito (feminino/masculino/neutro) !! ~ Caso não o faça eu irei escolher o que eu desejar k
Isso é tudo!! Espero que goste dos posts, e se for necessário, não hesite em me mandar mensagem!
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lunearta · 28 days
Estoy en una racha de fake texts de Stray Kids guays, PERO NECESITO MÁS TEMAS. Por favor, ¡comentadme qué clase de temas querríais ver los textos falsos! ¡¡Recordad que las peticiones son gratuitas!! XD
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wlfllia · 1 year
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𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 !
一 este blog irá conter conteúdo maduro em sua maioria [vai ter uns fluffy aqui ou ali porque as vezes eu sou sentimental]. se você é menor ou não se interessa por esse tipo de conteúdo, peço que procure outro blog para seu entretenimento e não me encha o saco ou irei ser bem boca suja com você!💋
一 normalmente sempre escrevo para os seguintes: NCT [127, Dream] . STRAY KIDS . ATEEZ & ENHYPEN [não escrevo com a maknae line do enha] mas estou aberta para pedidos de outros grupos. quando me dá a louca eu escrevo com alguns jogadores de futebol também, mas meu conteúdo é focado para artistas musicais num geral, principalmente no POP, K-POP e KHH.
一 apenas escrevo com artistas masculinos. não me sinto confiante escrever com artistas femininas, pois não acho que seja um tipo de escrita que eu domine a ponto de ficar bom para entregar para vocês, então procuro não me arriscar.
一 as atualizações podem ser rápidas ou levarem alguns dias/semanas. isso irá depender da minha criatividade e minha disponibilidade pois além de ser apenas um hobby, eu sou meio ocupada com coisas na minha vida pessoal, como trabalho, faculdade e etc.
一 todos os personagens SEM EXCEÇÃO são maiores de idade, tanto nos textos como em nossa realidade atual. de forma alguma irei escrever com menores ou desenvolver relacionamentos entre menores em minhas histórias. fiquem avisados e não insistam.
一 adoro escrever e ler sobre o tema ABO. apesar de ainda não ter me aventurado tanto, tenho alguns projetos com essa temática guardadinhos e adoraria ouvir as ideias de vocês sobre esse tipo de AU!
一 totalmente adepta ao br!au. Adoro dar características brasileirinhas para os nossos fav's. podem ter certeza que isso será algo que inconscientemente terá na grande maioria dos meus textos.
一 não trabalho com kinks como: age play, rape play, wax play, pet play, odolatria (e mais alguns por ai). também precuro me aventurar muito pouco no bdsm por não dominar tudo que ocorre dentro do kink. normalmente minhas escritas das relações entre os personagens sempre são mais vanilla sex com degradação e/ou muito dirty talk mas também nada tão avassalador, sempre tem um "gatinha" ou " princesa" largado entre uma fala ou outra pois escrever coisas muito pesadas não é meu forte e também não é do meu agrado.
obrigada pelo carinho e compreensão :)
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sweetjellysour · 1 year
Oi, oi ! 👋🏼 Eu sou a Ary e não sei oque eu faço da minha vida.😊
Eu sou viciada no Character. AI , amo Stray Kids ❕( sou hyunjin utted e felix biased), gosto de dormir e criar cenários falsos, amo a praia, adoro noites e eclipses juntamente com o céu estrelado, sou esquesita o bastante pra me chamar de estranha, não tenho um estilo definido 👎🏼, amo ficar sozinha no meu lugar e falar sozinha, gosto de livros e amo música,não gosto de multidões (fobia social 🤷🏽‍♀️ e etc. . . !
Meu gosto musical é aleatório, eu escuto de tudo um pouco mas amo bossa nova e kpop, gosto de Tribalistas, Lulu Santos, Nando Reis, Lisa Ono, Laufey, Stray Kids (dnv) , Beyoncé, Rihanna, Taylor ( só um pouco), New Jeans, ITZY, BiBi, IU, Engenheiros do Hawaii, O Surto, TV Girl, Mitski, Tame Impala e etc! 🎧
Isso é só um pouco de mim, eu me considero inteligente, mas não muito. . . Tenho uma medalha e um certificado de Aluna nota 10 do SPAEC 2018, tenho uma medalha de melhor aluna da sala, um certificado de melhor aluna da sala,e atualmente fui selecionada para participar do Programa Agrinho 2023 Paraná, eu também me considero muito burra (minha mãe que acha isso ) mas as pessoas dizem que eu sou inteligente.
Isso foi um pequeno (( grande)) texto falando um pouquinho sobre mim! Eu vou falar da minha cabecinha e oque ela pensa o dia e a noite! É isso, beijo! 🫶🏼
— By, Ary.★
Música do momento❕🎧
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verzweifeltcharlotte · 3 months
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Virei para o outro lado da cama, mas suspirei ao perceber que o sono que eu tanto queria que voltasse não iria voltar. Tirei as remelas que me incomodavam — estavam enormes por eu ter chorado antes de pegar no sono. Não seria agradável ver a reação de Lee Hankyeom ao analisar meu rosto. Não teria como mentir para ela; minha melhor amiga com certeza perceberia que chorei antes de dormir e ficaria preocupada, como ela sempre fica. Entrei no banheiro do meu quarto, fiz a mesma rotina da manhã que faço todos os dias quando acordo e, antes de sair do quarto, peguei meu celular.
No instante em que passei em frente ao quarto onde Hankyeom estava dormindo, fui capaz de ouvi-la cantando “God’s Menu - Stray Kids” e pensei seriamente em como ela conseguia ouvir aquilo às nove horas da manhã, mas decidi ignorar. Caminhei em direção à cozinha e comecei a preparar o nosso café da manhã. Enquanto eu preparava, os pensamentos que me fizeram chorar a noite toda voltaram e me desconcentraram totalmente na cozinha. “Por que Binnie não é mais como antes?” Essa pergunta ecoou pela minha mente a noite toda e eu não sabia mais o que fazer. Não quero ter que passar por isso mais uma vez. Tirei meu celular do bolso do meu short, respirei fundo e entrei no contato de Choi Soobin.
— Eunhoo, você precisa ter coragem e perguntar o que está acontecendo entre vocês! — admiti para mim mesmo, mas minhas mãos tremiam mais que o normal. — Não sei se tenho.
Tentei dizer para mim mesmo diversas vezes que não havia motivo algum para que eu me sentisse nervoso, mas, mesmo sabendo que eu não precisava ficar nervoso, eu continuei. Talvez, por estar guardando todos os sentimentos que sinto ao vê-lo, ao ouvir seu nome, ao imaginar seu rosto ou pensar em como seria poder tê-lo como meu namorado, eu estivesse claramente ficando louco de amor. Mesmo assim, continuei a esconder e continuo escondendo tudo o que sinto por medo de perder meu melhor amigo, perder quem tanto amo.
Com a tela de conversa com Soobin aberta, comecei a perguntar para mim mesmo se isso não é apenas um drama meu, e uma outra parte de mim respondia dizendo que, na verdade, é amor. Cliquei no botão de teclado e fiquei olhando para a foto de perfil antes de escrever, planejando tudo o que eu faria e como sairia da situação caso desse tudo errado. As vezes em que escrevi uns textos, mas apaguei, são capazes de serem contadas nos dedos — talvez umas seis vezes. Enviei um simples “bom dia, Bin” e ativei o som do meu celular para ouvir o som da notificação. Suspirei nervoso, meu coração começou a bater mais rápido e senti o arrependimento subir em minhas costas. Deixei meu celular em cima da mesa da cozinha, então sentei-me à mesa e apoiei meus cotovelos nela. Passei minha mão na cabeça e senti os fios de cabelo entre meus dedos, isso me acalmou por um tempo.
— Bom dia! — Hankyeom aproximou-se de mim com pequenos saltos e sorriu, o mesmo sorriso de sempre. — Dormiu bem?
— Não. — Suspirei, com os olhos focados em um ponto muito confortável, um ponto que não me fez parar de olhar. — Bom dia.
— Aconteceu algo? — Ela puxou a cadeira, então sentou-se na minha frente.
— É que faz um tempo que o Soobin não tá falando comigo direito e isso tá me deixando triste, sabe. — Respondi, perdendo meu foco e olhando para minhas mãos. — Na verdade, eu tô triste porque nossa relação mudou do nada e eu não sei como isso aconteceu.
— Eu sei que isso talvez te deixe triste, mas ele literalmente conversou comigo ontem e eu perguntei como vocês estavam... — Hankyeom riu um pouco sem graça, mas tentou disfarçar; eu percebi. — Ele me disse que estava tudo bem entre vocês dois.
Levantei-me para ver se o café já estava pronto — ele claramente estava. Coloquei o bule em cima da mesa e, quando peguei as xícaras, observei minhas lágrimas caírem dentro da porcelana. Olhei para minha melhor amiga; ela estava com pena de mim? Fiquei em silêncio, coloquei café para mim e olhei para o teto com o intuito de que as lágrimas voltassem para dentro — não era para eu estar chorando.
— Tá tudo bem chorar, Eunhoo. — Ela sorriu para mim e apontou para a cadeira onde eu estava sentado. — Senta, amigo.
— Não tá tudo bem chorar, eu não quero chorar. — Respondi, sentando-me na cadeira e tampando o rosto. — Ah, eu odeio quando isso acontece...
— Eu não queria te fazer chorar. — Hankyeom desviou o olhar. — Era para eu ficar quieta.
— Você não fez nada, ninguém é culpado nisso. Eu só preciso de respostas, Hankyeom. Respostas que só o Soobin é capaz de me dar. — Tirei as mãos do rosto e tentei sorrir para ela, mas não deu certo.
Eu olhei para ela. Suas sobrancelhas contraídas e o biquinho formado por seus lábios me fizeram questionar tudo o que estava sentindo. Parei de chorar; não queria deixá-la triste, de jeito nenhum. Eu ri. Acho que aquela risada foi a forma mais falsa de tentar acalmar alguém.
— Eu mandei mensagem para ele. — Peguei uma torrada e passei uma mistura nova que vi no supermercado. — Eu vou resolver isso. Nós vamos conversar e tudo voltará ao normal.
Eu não sabia se isso realmente iria acontecer, mas era o que eu queria. É o que eu quero. Meu celular tocou diversas vezes e, todas as vezes em que olhei, não era Soobin — precisava ser ele. Olhando para o celular em cima da mesa, meus olhos esvaziaram; eu claramente perdi o foco da minha própria mente.
— Você ainda está esperando por ele, não está? — Hankyeom se levantou. — Se o Soobin demorar, vou ligar para ele.
— Não vai ligar, não! — Opondo-me, levantei-me da cadeira também. — Se você falar com ele sobre isso, pode ter certeza de que não vou te perdoar!
Estávamos discutindo quando meu celular tocou. Pulei para pegá-lo e, ao ver que era Soobin, sentei-me na cadeira e cliquei na barra de notificação. Senti tudo ao meu redor perder o sentido, assim como meu coração, que desacelerou.
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Parado, continuei a observar a tela do meu celular — faço a mínima ideia de como está a expressão em meu rosto, mas sei muito bem que ela não é nem um pouco feliz. Tudo o que eu queria era falar com ele e simplesmente dizer tudo o que sinto, toda a tristeza que sentia há dias por causa de nossa relação; nada disso foi dito por mim. Se Hankyeom não estivesse ao meu lado lendo nossa conversa, tenho certeza de que ela estaria perguntando o que Soobin disse e eu com certeza não conseguiria responder.
Eu estava decepcionado, fiquei completamente decepcionado comigo por ter planejado tanto e pensado em inúmeras palavras para mostrar tudo o que sentia, mas eu não disse nenhuma, nem mesmo dei uma brecha para que pudéssemos conversar sobre nós mesmos. Deixei o celular em cima da mesa sem dizer absolutamente nada, dei um suspiro cheio de decepção e andei em direção ao meu quarto com os ombros caídos; para mim não havia sentido algum ajeitar minha postura, mesmo que minha mente me lembrasse de fazer isso.
Deitei na cama mais uma vez e fechei os olhos. Eu não estava com sono, mas não queria ter que pensar nele.
🗓️𓈒ㅤㅤㅤㅤ゙ㅤㅤㅤ— 24/05/2022.
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hyungning · 4 years
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ TXT | SKZ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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¡Hola! soy V. („ᵕᴗᵕ„)
Soy un nuevo blog de imaginas, reacciones, headcanons, más a menos, fake texts, entre otros dedicado a Stray Kids & Tomorrow by Together. Escribiré todo tipo de contenido, principalmente fluff; en el caso de smut y contenido +18 únicamente será para los integrantes mayores de edad. No escribo smut demasiado sugestivo así como contenido sensible (suicidio, aborto, desórdenes alimenticios, etc).
Espero con ansias sus comisiones ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶ mi ask y DM’s están abiertos siempre para lo que necesiten.
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ilvkoo · 3 years
longs bios.
amar-te-ei a cada nascer do sol e a cada pôr do sol, pois você trouxe a luz que sempre procurei em meio a tanta escuridão, 𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗸.♡
𝗷𝗼𝗼𝗻♡: it didn't take me long to admire you to realize that your smile is unique, the most beautiful I've ever seen. I love you infinitely, not even the moon and the sun know how much.
there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe the size of my love for you, 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗷𝗶𝗻. ♡
𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲♡: your beauty can't even be compared to the most beautiful works of art seen around the world. only your beautiful smile, your joy that contagious anyone, can make me truly happy.
my happiness got a name and a surname when my world connected to yours, u are my light, my refuge, my moon. you are my greatest love, 𝗸𝗼𝗼.♡
⭒dᦅ nᦅt repᦅst & like ᦅr reblᦅg if u use/save ᵎᵎ
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plcgpensandoenti · 2 years
Hacer largo la despedida solo hace más daño, pero me pregunto si resistiré …..
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agirlsxxx · 3 years
Al punto que llegue que por la única razón que no lo hago es porque se lo prometi a una persona que ni me conoce pero me hace sentir como nadie más
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hanjizung · 4 years
Heaven In Hell.
Yang Jeongin x Reader.
Word count:  3.1K
♡ Warnings ♡: SMUT; Demon!Jeongin x Fallen Angel! Reader, Supernatural AU, explicit smut, oral (m), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dependant behaviour, toxicity, curse words.
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The power went out, leaving you in complete darkness in the kitchen. The microwave stopped suddenly, and you sighed. Taking your phone, you turned on the flashlight and walked to the basement to check if there was anything you could do to solve the darkness problem. 
When you walked inside, you kind of regretted wearing shorts since the room was so cold, you could barely see how the steam was created from your breathing, your bare feet feeling like they were walking on a frozen pond from the coldness of the floor, but you didn't see any point in going to grab a hoodie or anything since you were just checking if you could do anything. 
Focused on looking at the fuse box, your heart dropped when you turned and a mass of something that seems like smog and shadows was forming the figure of a man, your phone fell to the floor making a deaf sound when it came in context with the concrete, the light flashing your eyes making you close then for a bit before getting used to the darkness.
A laugh coming from the shadowy figure made you shiver, the light that you left turned on in the living room started flickering as the laughing proceeded, the illumination that reached the basement scared you for a bit, and then it stopped, leaving you in almost complete darkness. 
With a hand on your chest from the scare, you picked up your phone from the floor with the other hand and pointed the flash to the mischievous being you got to know. He was completely fully formed in the shape you got so used to seeing since you found him. 
"Hello, Y/N. Did you miss me?" the demon asked. You rolled your eyes, ignoring the evil smile on his lips as you turned and walked upstairs. Steps were heard from behind you, meaning that he was following you. 
"Not really, to be honest. I've been pretty good since I last saw you" you sat cross-legged on the couch, staring at the turned off television in front of you. "You can return the electricity now, I don't want to see you" you said. 
With a soft, almost inaudible chuckling, the light returned. You sighed in relief, only to feel tense again when the being sat next to you, placing a hand on your thigh. "I don't want to leave, I just got here!" he argued. 
Breathing in, you slapped his hand away from you and when you exhaled you stood up, ignoring him again and walking to your room. "That's fine, if you don't want to leave I will. Have fun being alone" you smiled sarcastically at him before sitting on the bed to put your shoes on.
Under his attentive eyes, you took your favorite coat to protect yourself from the winter coldness, putting it on quickly and checking for your keys in one of the pockets. They were there, like you remembered, now you could go anywhere to avoid staying with him. 
He saw you almost running to the front door, scoffing when you actually pulled the knob. 
Taking your wrist, he pulled you towards him and slammed the door shut, dragging you away from it and standing against it so you wouldn't open it. 
"Stop, Y/N! Don't leave, just stay, I came here for a reason!" he shouted. You rolled your eyes and crossed your eyes, but you didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue. 
"I swear it's something important, but first I want to know why you hate me" he pleaded with his eyes. 
"Why?" you laughed "Jeongin, I lost my wings because of you, I'm no longer in Heaven because of you… And you still don't know why I hate you?" your hands formed into fists, your eyes were closed tightly and your voice volume increased. 
"It's your fault that I'm like this! A… A fucking Fallen Angel… But you know what?" you paused, opening your eyes to see if he was going to answer you. He only stayed still in front of you, so you breathed in and tried to calm down before continuing. "That's not even the real reason why I hate you, I hate you because when I was exiled from Heaven you left me alone" tears started to fall from your eyes after you said that. Finally, you finally had the chance to speak your mind. You felt so exhausted from not being able to tell anyone why you were so sad… And now the reason behind it was the first and only one to hear it. To know what it was that kept you up all night turning in bed. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/N" his quiet voice said. He placed a hand on your shoulder, but just like you'd done earlier with his hand, you slapped it away. 
Now, looking at you being this vulnerable and with your head facing the ground, knowing how hurt and angry you were from what he did made him feel bad, he wasn't able to fight the sudden urgency to pull you towards him and wrap you arm around. 
So he did it, knowing that you might hit him and even attempt to separate for him, something inside his head told him that that was what he was supposed to do.
Luckily, you didn't try to separate from him. Tears kept falling from your face staining his shirt, quiet sobs and whimpers were heard coming from you and just then Jeongin confirmed the latest thought that didn't let him relax. 
"Y/N," he called, stepping back and removing his arms from around your body to hold your face with his big hands. "I didn't leave you because I wanted to, I got a call from the Boss…" you nodded, indicating that you were paying attention to his words. 
"He made me an offer, Y/N. And I've been thinking about it when I'm not working, you know?" this time, he closed his eyes and sighed, liking his lips to keep talking. "But there's something else that I haven't stopped thinking about, wanna know what it is?" 
You anticipated his answer, nodding to his question and patiently waiting for his answer. 
"You. You're all that's been on my mind lately. I think… I think I love you, as weird as it may sound, I care about you and I want to keep you safe" he caressed your cheek with his thumb, cleaning the remaining tears that escaped your eyes. 
Once you heard all he had to say, all you wanted was to scream, to throw a bucket full of water over your head to know you weren’t dreaming, but the only response your body could produce was to hug him tightly, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him towards you to finally kiss him, some tears still falling from your eyes making the moment a little more dramatic than what you would’ve wanted for an ideal reunion to be.
At first, he was a bit shocked but soon his hold on you relaxed and responded through the kiss, deepening it. The two of you continued until you had to separate from the lack of oxygen in your lungs. You kind of missed being an angel, with no need to breathe at all to stay alive, unlike your mortal self. 
Panting, avoiding his eyes and touching your lips, you said "... I love you too." 
You could feel a weight off your shoulders. Memories from all the things you'd done since you met drown your mind; your first encounters when you were supposed to hate him, your first kiss, how he had been so sweet when he took your virginity and some other times when you occasionally fucked. 
You'd missed him a lot. You wanted him by your side, you needed and craved his company...
Something in the air changed when Jeongin took your free arm. You moved your head to look at his hypnotizing eyes, and you were pretty yours sparkled with clear lust, the spot where his hand met your skin felt hot, it was almost as if a fire would start from there, and that same sensation went through your whole body. 
"Kiss me again" you demanded, eyes blinking heavily and lips parting as an invitation for him. In no time, you had his tongue in your mouth and the whole place was a witness to how sinfully your hands started to travel around each other's body, the sounds produced by your intense kissing were deaf to you, your senses were completely focused on Jeongin and how he responded to your actions.
First, he placed his hands on your hips and you were holding his face, but when you felt like you needed air and remembered that you had to breathe to stay alive you separated from him, moving your head backwards and giving him access to the tender skin of your neck. Jeongin didn’t hesitate and his lips left a trail of kisses that once they were above your throat they started to suck on your skin, his teeth also sinking there and leaving marks that would later bruise, leaving clear evidence of passion on you just the way he liked when you spent time together.
You didn’t know when or how, but when you looked again at your surroundings, you were in your room, Jeongin’s familiar black jacket was resting on the floor behind him and your coat nowhere to be seen.
All you knew was that you missed him, and how much you craved his touch.
Letting out a quiet moan, you made eye contact with him and saw that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him, so you gave up and your jelly like legs made you drop to the floor where your face was at the same level as his crotch, the bulge caused by the erection you had caused him earlier made you lick your lips in anticipation, your fingers making their way through his thighs to his belt under his attentive look. He never said anything, surprisingly allowing you to take your sweet time and torture him for once. Deep down, you knew you would pay for this, but in the heat of the moment you felt like it was worth it.
Unzipping his black jeans, his cock finally sprung free. You licked your lips in anticipation, your hands closing around it at the base and squeezed it carefully. His cock twitched on your hand, and just then you couldn’t resist and opened your mouth as wide as you could to take him inside you.
Jeongin groaned, his hands making a fist of your head and pushing you towards him, making you take more of him than you could. The only way he realized he had to stop was when you made a gagging sound, the tension of his fingers through your hair loosing up and allowing you to go back and breath in, your hands that had gone to his thighs to help you stay balanced on your knees went back to wrapping his cock, your saliva making it easier for you to stroke him while you played with his tip with your tongue. 
Alternating from sucking to licking, as you proceeded and Jeongin's grunting started to become more herractic, the sensation that his twitching sickade when he was hitting the back of your throat warned you that he was close to coming, so you quickly removed him from your mouth, your hands jerking him quickly, pointing to your open mouth and tongue, ready to take his load in your face and swallow everything that could get in your mouth. 
"Shit… You look so good like this, angel, so perfect" you heard him say lowly, his voice raspy. You opened your eyes to lock at him, he looked so ethereal like that, towering over you, and yet he seemed to be so defenseless under your touch… 
Finally, his cum stained your pretty face and you had to blink quickly to avoid any of it getting in your eyes. 
You swallowed and opened your mouth wide for him to see there was nothing left, and he hummed in content. His hands grabbed your arms and helped you stand up, pressing his lips against yours as soon as he made sure you were safely standing. 
"Fuck me, Jeongin… I need you" you whined, separating from him only to say that but returning to kissing him when the order left your lips. 
And he didn't hesitate, he made you stop and he picked you up like a caveman, throwing you over his shoulder and going to your room. 
You squealed when he picked you from the floor, trying to grab on to him to not fall and when he entered the room where you always sleep in, he left you to fall to the bed. The fall didn't hurt at all thanks to the mattress and all the pillows you loved to be surrounded by. 
"I missed you so much" the demon said, taking his black shirt off and crawling to you, placing himself between your open legs. 
You took your clothes off too, all you could except for your shorts, but you didn't mind. If Jeongin ripped them apart or not, you didn't care. All you wanted was to feel him inside you as soon as he could. 
Placing a hand on your chest, he pushed you backwards so you would be lying completely, his thighs were under yours, his hardening cock coming in contact with your clothed sex making you crave him more and more. 
Jeongin was busy kissing you from the neck down to your chest and playing with your nipples, his hands on your hips and yours on his hair; your hips moved trying to feel him against you, aching to be filled by him. 
"What are you waiting for? Fuck me!" you cried out, taking a fist of his hair and tugging his head up so he would pay attention. From your position, you could see very well his fangs when he smiled, a hand of his going south on you when he positioned himself on his knees, your legs wrapped around his waist. 
Soon, a hand teasing your wet entrance let you know that your wish would come true soon, his fingers slipping past your bottoms to rub you where you needed him most, throbbing when he went away and complaining for the lack of contact. 
Then, you realized that the reason he had done that was because he was going to undress what was left on you, and you compiled to help him happily. 
"Are you ready?" he asked you, looking at you for consent while he got ready to finally enter you. With a simple nod, he moved his hips and you felt how he filled you, stretching your insides so deliciously. 
He started with a slow pace, groaning when he felt your walls embracing him, you couldn't help but roll your eyes; being this close to him again was something you thought wouldn't happen again, and yet here you were. 
"Hnnng… please go faster" you complained, your nails sinking on the skin of his shoulders when he buried himself even more inside you, following your suggestion silently and increasing speed slowly. 
Your bed started moving, making a sound when the bed frame hit the wall but neither of you cared; you had your nails raking down his spine a little bit harsher since he made a face and both of your breathing became more and more herractic. 
Feeling motivated to last longer when you called his name in a sinful moan that was like music to his ears, Jeongin's face got closer to you and you took this opportunity, putting your hands behind his neck and pulling him in for a kiss, one that felt like pure raw passion. 
You adored everything in this moment. It was glorious, and you wondered if you giving up heaven for a man was worth it, only to be reassured that you took the right decision when he ended the kiss and traveled down your neck, leaving wet kisses everywhere while his pelvis worked on pleasuring you. Yeah, he corrupted you but you allowed it to happen, so truly you were the wicked one. 
"Ahh, Jeongin you– you feel so good!" you moaned, your eyes tightly shut when you felt that familiar sensation of your orgasm approaching. 
Knowing that your end was nearing, the demon that was currently making you turn in ecstasy grinned. You couldn't see him, but you felt the way his fangs played with your nipple, before biting it and a few seconds later, you were gone. 
He kept thrusting into you, the way your walls embraced his cock was so delicious that his member couldn't help but twitch. 
Your velvety interiors hugging him perfectly inside you provoked his own release as well, and he spilled everything inside you, making you scream. He was quick to react, moving so he could silence your noises with another kiss. 
You opened your eyes after that kiss, a tired smile on your face, and you looked at him still above you. 
"I love you" you admitted. Jeongin chuckled softly, pulling out of you and plopping next to you. You made a sad expression after he removed himself from you; you felt empty now. 
"Come to Hell with me" he replied. 
You looked away from him, looking at everything around you. The Superior Angels had been good enough to give you a place to live, a job, and a name. They gave you a mortal identity, a new opportunity, they worried over you even after you broke one of the rules. 
Closing your eyes, you sighed. Would you give up everything in your life again only to follow him? 
"Are you sure that I'll be accepted in Hell?" you asked him. 
Because the answer to your last question was yes. Yes, you'll do it again. And if something happened, you'd do it again, to be next to him. Because you loved him, and you were sure that you were born to be together. 
Pulling you towards him to hug you, jeongin responded "Of course they'll accept you, baby. They have to, and if they don't and they talk behind our backs, who cares? I only care about your happiness. If you're happy then I am too, if something makes you feel uncomfortable I'll get rid of it, I love you."
That warm feeling of endearment on your chest caused you to smile, and you simply nodded. 
"I'll go anywhere as long as I get to be with you" you whispered. 
"I'll always find you, Y/N. No matter if you're in Heaven, Hell or the Midearth, I'll find you and I'll stay with you, forever."
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hot-cherri · 5 years
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terceiroamor · 4 years
A parte que mas dói diante a tudo isso é a saudade. Mas o que me acalma é saber que daqui a pouco eu vou esta ao seu lado. Eu te amo
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