#straykids preferences
Bf!skz x reader fake texts ✨💌
(wholesome edition 🥰)
🖤hyung line🖤
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🖤maknae line🖤
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fishyfishhhh · 2 years
~what their favorite thing too do with you is~
Bang Chan- his favorite activity would just be simply cuddling you cause he loved too hold you in his arms or you hold him in his arms. It makes him very calm and takes away any stress he has.
Lee know- he loves too try and practice dancing with you even if your not good at somebody of the stuff. He thinks it’s really fun and he loves too teach you how too do the moves.
Changbin- going for night time walks is his favorite. He loves too walk with you late at night cause it’s calm and quiet and he thinks that when the moon light shines down at you it’s makes you look amazing. And he loves too have long conversations while walking with you.
Hyunjin- he loves painting or drawing with you. He thinks it’s fun and sometimes he likes too draw you while your focused on your own drawing. He thinks it’s fun and he loves too have mini drawing competitions.
Han- watching movies with him makes him really happy and he really enjoys it. He loves watching a really good movie with you while having snacks. He loves too joke around with you even if your supposed to be watching the movie.
Felix- playing videos games with you is is favorite. He loves too play video games with you cause your really fun while playing them. At times you both will get really competitive and he loves that. And anytime you lose in a game he just laughs but says you’ll do better in the next one.
Seungmin- he likes too listen too Day6 with you and just dance and sing too it. He thinks it’s fun and he loves hearing your singing voice. Doing this Is one of his favorite things in the world.
I.N- just simply  watching tv together and just chilling is his favorite. It might not seem like much too a normal person but to him it’s everything. He loves too do it cause it’s relives any stress the two of you have. It makes him smile too see you happy while chilling with him.
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wonuvs · 6 months
hii, i was wondering if you could do ot8 straykids whether they prefer boobs, ass, or thighs ???
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pairing: ot8 skz x afab!reader
genre: smut
note: late, but it's here :3
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ass man, with no doubt in my (and everyone else's) mind. i bet all he can think about while getting off on his own is how perfectly your ass jiggles and bounces and swallows his cock. he has entire folders on his phone of exactly that. and when out in public, with friends, or while cuddling or making out on the couch, his hands always somehow fall on your backside. and he loves loves loves it when you decide to wear short shorts or skirts, always takes up the chance to slide his hand under it to knead at your soft skin. (also, bet he'd try to coerce you into starting to go to sleep naked just like he does just so he can freely grope the swell of your ass as you innocently sleep.)
contrary to popular belief, I strongly believe that he's a thigh man. whenever he fucks you from behind, he always comes all over your ass and thighs—because sure, he loves grabbing and slapping butts whenever he can, but thighs really do something to him. while out on walks, or in the comfort of your own apartment, his eyes always fix on the slight jiggle your thighs make with your every step, and his cock can't help but twitch in his pants at the thought of him fucking them right there against the kitchen counter and covering them with his hot cum. and if you are at an event with an outfit that shows off your perfect thighs to not only him, but everyone else? be good and let him fuck them in the bathroom, let him stain the fabric so everyone knows whose you are~
ohhh, he's OBSESSED with the softness of your thighs and boobs, finding every excuse to palm and grope them even at the most inappropriate of times. whipping a quick breakfast for him and his members at the dorms just before they have to leave for a schedule? you can bet binnie is already behind you, one hand playing with your nipples and soft skin over your (his) shirt as the other palms your squishy thigh. out with both of your families for dinner at a fancy, busy restaurant? his hand has been toying with the sensitive skin of your inner thigh (and underwear) since you left home, leaving you completely flustered and needy. what can he do, though? he's utterly obsessed with them, with you, and he sometimes even begs you to let him suck on your tiddies until he falls asleep. so so cute :(
boobs. abso-fucking-lutely boobs. unless he himself comes out to say he's not a boob man, i stand by my belief that hyunjin is, in fact, a boob man. like—just the fact that during concerts he's always grabbing and squeezing the chests of the most well endowed members is enough proof that he is one. also, i bet that he slides his hands under his s/o's shirt and holds onto their titties to fall asleep, saying that cupping them in his big hands makes him sleep better and have no nightmares. (he'll also suck boobies for hours on end without ever getting tired of it, but that's a story for another time)
thighs—they are just so so perfect. your plush skin is the best thing to dig his nails into when you ride him or sit on his face; and he's obsessed with the intimacy of it. of leaving wet, sloppy kisses all over your thighs, sucking lovebite aver lovebite on your squishy skin until no piece of flesh is left unmarked just before ravaging you for hours on end. and even after you fall asleep next to him, both of you exhausted and sweaty from your multiple orgasms, a glance at your thighs as you lay sideways wakes his soft cock right up.
definitely would love to be fucked by a gorgeous set of boobs everyday. he's bewitched by the sight of hardened nipples peeking through sports bras and tight t-shirts, and all he can think about whenever he sees a pair of bouncy ones is how he'd just love to rip that useless piece of cloth to shreds and let his dick be relentlessly fucked by them. only the thought of cumming on them on a daily basis makes his eyes roll to the back of his head.
i don't think he'd have a set preference, but just be slightly more inclined towards boobs and thighs, and i don't really have an explanation for that. he just gives me the vibes of the type of boyfriend that innocently cups your boobs over your shirt as you watch a movie, or places his hand on your thigh during social gatherings. nothing too telling on what might be his favorite part of yours, until you slowly start noticing just how much he enjoys nibbling at your nipples and the skin around it during sex, start noticing the smug look on his face when he realises he can make you come just by nipping and teasing them—and oop, you may have just found out what he prefers between the three.
i feel like it's so obvious that he is an ass man? like, i'm sorry, but do y'all not see this man as a spanker? as a meanie that just loves leaving handprint after handprint on his s/o's asscheeks? i just know his hands are always on his s/o's ass whenever they are home alone or with close friends, as well as when they are out and about and he notices a few too many people staring at them, kind of unconsciously doing it whenever he feels a bit territorial—though he quickly forgets about any of that when he feels just how soft and squishy their asscheeks are, no matter what they are wearing. i bet he's also the type to grind against them if his s/o is bent over for some reason. might chuckle and move on with his day, or pick them up and bring them to their bedroom to fuck them from the back, and leave some more dark handprints, senseless. (also loves it when his long cock disappears in between their asscheeks and he has to physically spread them. makes him come so hard)
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taglist : @maximumkillshot
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byeolgirl · 14 days
✩ꜝFinding Peace: 5 Tips For Managing Stress And Living A Balance Life
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"You can be happy about anything. You can be happy about life. You can be happy about music. You can be happy about food. You can be happy about sleep. You can be happy about others, and I can be happy about STAYs"
-bangchan straykids.
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In this blog, we will explore various tips and strategies to help you manage stress and live a more balanced life. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by work, school, or personal responsibilities, this blog will provide you with helpful information and resources to help you find the peace and balance you're looking for !:
by: 𖧷´ bყᥱoᥣgιrᥣ 𝅄 ׂׅ
⊹ .ᐟself care !
Taking care of yourself is incredibly important, not only for your physical health, but for your mental health as well. When you prioritize self-care, you're able to better handle stress, have more energy and feel more positive and relaxed.Some examples of self-care activities that can help with stress management include exercise, mindfulness and meditation, spending time with friends and family, journaling, and finding time for hobbies you enjoy. Remember, putting yourself first is not selfish, it is necessary to maintain balance in life.
⊹ .ᐟ mindfulness
Mindfulness involves paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in a non-judgmental way. It's about being present and fully immersed in the moment, without getting lost in thoughts of the future or past.By practicing it you can develop greater clarity and focus, as well as reduce stress and improve emotional balance. It can also help to increase self-awareness, which can be helpful in managing difficult emotions and situations. U can practiced through activities such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying mindful attention to your daily activities.
⊹ .ᐟ healthy coping with mechanism
Healthy coping mechanisms are strategies or activities that help people manage difficult emotions and situations in a healthy way. Some examples : exercising, journaling, spending time in nature, meditating, talking to a friend, engaging in a creative activity, or listening to music, traveling with friends somewhere...By utilizing healthy coping mechanisms, u can be able to manage stress and emotions in a positive and productive way, rather than resorting to unhealthy coping methods such as substance abuse, binging, or self-harm.
⊹ .ᐟstrong relationships
In addition to providing emotional and social support, strong relationships can also help with stress in other ways. For example, they can provide a sense of security and stability, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Relationships can also provide distractions from stressors, which can help to reduce the perception of stress. Furthermore, relationships can provide opportunities for laughter and fun, which can help to regulate stress hormones and reduce physical symptoms of stress. Overall, strong relationships can play a significant role in managing stress and promoting overall well-being.
⊹ .ᐟhealthy boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries is an important skill for managing stress and maintaining overall well-being. They refer to the limits and preferences that individuals set for themselves in their relationships with others. They enable individuals to protect themselves from stress, maintain self-respect, and preserve their energy and timel.involves clearly communicating one's limits, needs, and expectations to others for example Saying no when you need to and not feeling guilty about it,Communicating your needs and desires openly and honestly,Not tolerating disrespectful or harmful behavior from others,Scheduling time for self-care and activities that you enjoy, Protecting your personal space and time It requires a balance between being firm and flexible. Healthy boundaries can help to reduce stress by protecting individuals from harmful or manipulative behaviors, and by ensuring that their needs and desires are respected and acknowledged.
ıllı ⠀ :  In short, managing stress and finding balance in life is key to mental health. Self-care, mindfulness, healthy coping mechanisms, strong relationships, and boundaries + there is a lot of tips.. can help reduce stress and improve well-being.Take care of urself and set healthy limits to live a happier, less stressed life ‹3. ♡ !!
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Secret Secret Chapter 2
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OT8 Straykids x reader, ABO AU
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
He recovered a lot quicker than you did. "Uh, hi! You must be the new translator ... it’s, uh, nice to meet you."
You blinked, unable to take your eyes off his face. Now in broad daylight, you could see that the dark hair you had previously thought black was actually a dark brown, and his smile, although forced, revealed dimples you wouldn’t have been able to see under the mask.
When you introduced yourself, your voice sounded off even to yourself. You coughed, hoping the other two would just think you had something in your throat.
"Right. I'm Bangchan- I mean, my stage name is Bangchan. But you can call me Chan! Or Chris, or Channie, or uh ... whatever you want."
"What do I call you?"
"Hmm, you can call me Alpha."
It seemed that he remembered your past interaction at the same moment you did, because he physically winced. It took every inch of your willpower and having to physically bite down on your tongue to keep yourself from mentioning it.
Jeonhui took a seat next to the manager. "Well, I suppose we should get started."
You pulled your chair out harshly, the metal legs grinding against the tiles with a high-pitched squeak. Chan sat down across from you, but neither one of you looked at the other.
What followed was the most uncomfortable 20 minutes of your life.
The manager, Soojin, talked to you about upcoming activities and the responsibilities you’d be in charge of. Promotional activities, concerts, statements, along with any help that of the other staff members would need with translations. It was a lot of work, but it was doable.
The only thing that stopped you from agreeing immediately-
You lifted your head, meeting Chan’s gaze for the first time since the meeting started. He looked embarrassed at having been caught staring, his eyes flickering to the windows behind you, neck and cheeks slightly flushed. His scent was faint, and it made you want to lean in closer.
You swallowed, forcing yourself to look away.
Soojin took your silence as your answer. "If the schedule doesn’t work, we can put one of the other translators in your place. Youd be in charge of two to three groups at a time, but you’d be working with someone else as well. Our former translators have more experience with the other groups, which is why we would prefer not to move them around, but if it’s too much work-"
"I’ll do it," You cut him off.
You knew their offer had nothing to do with you being an omega. As far as they were aware, you were just a beta. You could take the opportunity, work with another group you’ve never met, never slept with, and have no issues or drama to deal with. But even if it was a logical choice, there was a part of you that hated the thought of running away.
"Are you sure?" Chans eyes were burning a hole in the side of your head.
You met his gaze head on. And you raised your eyebrow. "Will that be a problem?"
His eyes darted down to your lips, then your neck, and they hovered over your clothed body. The smell of tropical fruit got stronger for a split second. You were close enough to smell the hint of arousal in his scent.
Lips pressed against your neck, sucking softly at the skin. You pulled away with a whine.
"No marks, please. I have work."
There was a hand on your stomach, and it pushed your shirt up. His lips disappeared from your still wet neck, reappearing against the tops of your now exposed breasts.
"I assume you mean no marks where they can be seen?"
"Hmm." He pressed a kiss to your skin, tongue darting out to glide from the tops of your breast towards your nipples. He teasingly pulled against them as he passed, moving to press another kiss just to the side. "Is this okay?"
"Yes," You said, voice breathless.
Chan swallowed roughly. "No. No problem."
He looked away, and with the confirmation from both parties, Soojin and Jeonhui began to set up your workload. While Jeonhui would still be in charge of you at the company, you would report and answer to Soojin for as long as you were working with Stray Kids. You didn’t know how long that would be, but you were determined not to let your special circumstances get in the way of proving yourself.
If you were going to show that omegas could keep up with betas, you couldn’t back out just because it would be hard.
"Well, that seems to be everything for now. I'll have the work sent to you this afternoon so you can get started early tomorrow morning."
The two heads stood up, and began to leave the office room, but Jeonhui paused at the doorway as if suddenly remembering you existed.
"I have to get back to my work now, but if you have any questions, feel free to stop by my office. I suggest getting to know the rest of the Stray Kids staff and members, since you’ll be working closely with them for a while."
And with that she left the two of you in the room alone. The door closed shut behind her with a loud 'click'. There was a moment of silence, before you darted up, trying to make your way to the door as quickly as you could without running.
"Wait!" You paused with your hand on the handle. You didn’t look behind you, but you heard him push his chair back and stand up. "Look, I know this isn’t an idea situation. But I think we should talk about this."
"What’s there to talk about? We slept together, we didn’t know we both worked for the same company, it’s an embarrassing situation, but it was a one-time thing."
He was silent for a moment, and you were tempted to peek at him, to see what expression he was making. His scent didn’t give anything away, which meant he was still next to the table.
When Chan spoke next, his voice was quiet. "What about ... your status?"
"Status? I’m single," You drawled, hand gripping the handle tighter.
"Thats not what I meant."
"Wasn’t it?"
"I’m just trying- Look, can you at least look at me? Please, I’m not trying to get you in trouble or anything."
You spun around, eyes narrowed. "Trouble for what? You know what I am, and if you really wanted to avoid causing any problems, then you should keep your mouth shut and never bring this up again."
"You're pretending to be a beta," he accused, taking a step forward. "You could get fired if they figure it out, or worse, they could sue you for lying on official documents."
"Don’t worry, I have a good lawyer," You shot back.
Chan took a step forward, and you held your breath as his scent wafted toward you. "How did you even do it? How long can you keep it up before they realize? You're wearing, what? A synthetic scent on you?"
"Synthetic scents have a distinct smell,” You said, looking at the windows. "Pheromone based perfumes don’t."
"Pher- You're wearing someone else’s scent? How do you even get that? Actually, forget it, I don’t want to know."
"You really don’t."
"Is this worth it? Faking your presentation to get a job? Risking the chance of getting blacklisted from the entire industry?! What are you going to do when you have a heat!?" Chan exclaimed.
You rushed forward, smacking a hand over his mouth. "Hey! Are you trying to tell the whole world? Keep your voice down." He blinked but didn’t move. "My life and my sub gender are none of your business. You and I both know those stupid company policies are bullshit, and I have every right to work here. I know the risks, I know the dangers, and I decided to do this despite them because it’s my dream. So don’t try and hit me with this fake sympathy of yours, because I’m not going to suddenly realize what a mistake I’ve made a give up. So do us both a favor, and just drop it, okay?"
You both stood there for a moment, the sudden silence deafening. Chan reached up slowly, hand lightly gripping your wrist and pulling your hand away from his mouth. "The rooms are soundproof."
"The room? It’s soundproof. I wasn’t trying to reveal anything about you to the world, nobody would have heard it."
You gave him a deadpan stare. "Seriously? Is that all you took-"
"And you're right," Chan interrupted. "Those rules are borderline illegal with how discriminatory they are."
You narrowed your eyes. "You're agreeing with me."
He tilted his head in confusion. "Did you expect me not to?"
"A minute ago, you were telling me that I was stupid."
"I never said you were stupid," Chan said, squeezing your wrist gently. Then he let you go completely, taking a step back to put space between the both of you. "Just this ... situation."
"And I told you, I know the risks."
Chan’s jaw clenched. "Do you?"
"I wasn’t joking when I said I had a good lawyer," You reassured him.
"It’s not the legal problems that worry me. There are worse things that can happen than just losing your job," Chan said softly, crossing his arms.
You blinked once, then twice, before it dawned on you. "Oh."
"This industry ... it’s a blessing and a curse. Believe me. But there’s a dark side to it. Even though you don’t hear about it, or see it, you know it’s still happening. And there’s nothing we as artists can do about it."
You swallowed. "Thats not legal."
He gave you a 'no shit' look, and you winced, looking away. The sky outside had begun to darken, storm clouds rolling in over the city, and the growing realization was beginning to make your stomach turn.
"Look, it’s not something you have to worry about. Okay? I won’t let them find out about you. I'll protect you."
You found yourself snorting at that. "I can protect myself just fine, Chan."
"I ... I don’t doubt that."
Silence settled over the two of you again, and you awkwardly hugged your middle, rubbing your arms to warm them from the growing chill.
Rain drops began to splatter against the windows.
"So, what now?"
Chan looked away from the windows and met your eyes again, giving you a shy grin. "You do your job. I do mine. We pretend as if today is the first time we ever met."
"And about ..." You gestured to yourself.
"I can keep a secret," he reassured you.
"Just-" Chan hesitated, biting his lip for a second before he regained his composure. "Just promise me you'll be safe."
"I will," You promised.
"And if you need help, come find me." There was a fire in his eyes, a determination to do right, but there was also a lingering worry in the way his lips pressed together.
You nodded your head. "I will."
You took Jeonhui’s suggestion, heading down to the first place she had shown you that morning. There were a handful of offices in the building for staff that dealt with management or advertisement, but the translators themselves only had two rooms, sharing the rest of the floor with the stylists.
You had already met the other translators briefly, but if you would be working directly with Stray Kids, you would be meeting with their personal staff members a lot more than with other translators.
You figured you’d start with the stylists, since you knew where to find them.
The first person you ran into looked like they were in a hurry, carrying a box full of scraps, so you didn’t bother them. Instead, you walked over to a young woman with blonde hair. She was holding up a long-sleeved mesh shirt in one hand, a bright purple fuzzy crop top with the other.
As you walked over to her, she layered the crop top over the mesh shirt, and you saw a vision begin to take place, the combination looking surprisingly good together.
“Who’s that for?” You wondered.
The girl looked up in surprise, giving you a wide-eyed look. “Uh, Lia. For their upcoming comeback.”
You nodded in understanding. “ITZY, right?”
“Yeah.” The girl trailed off with her response, eyes furrowed. “Sorry, who are you?”
“Oh, right. Sorry. I’m the new translator.”
She perked up. “Ah, I heard about you! You’re the one they’re assigning to Stray Kids, right? I heard they were going on tour soon, and they needed a personal translator. Something about having issues on the TWICE tour.”
“Yeah, they had a couple scheduling issues in America, almost didn’t get a replacement on time. They didn’t want a repeat of it happening again, so they decided to hire translators to work directly for them, that way they wouldn’t have to rely on finding one in each city.”
The girl smiled. “Well, in that case, welcome to the JYP family. I don’t think we’ll be seeing much of each other though.”
You nodded your head. “I was actually hoping to meet some of the stylists for Stray Kids? I wanted to get to know some of the staff.”
“Oh, I think Maya’s here today. She had to do some re-measurements for Changbin.”
“Don’t even get me started,” Another young woman said as she walked in behind you. Following behind her was a dark-haired man wearing an oversized hoodie, carrying three shirts in his arms. “I mean, two sizes in a month. I can’t keep making adjustments the day before your performances, Changbin!”
“Speak of the devil,” The blonde-haired girl muttered.
She mouthed ‘good luck’ to you and turned away, practically running off into the corner. The newcomer, who you assumed was Maya, had reached one of the many cluttered desks in the room to grab a pen and a piece of paper, angrily writing down numbers. The dark-haired man paused next to her with a pout.
“Sorry noona.”
“Don’t ‘sorry noona’ me. Just do me a favor and take it easy this week, okay? You keep building more muscle and your shirt will rip on stage. Or worse, your pants!”
“Okay, I understand.”
Maya turned back around, grabbing the shirts from Changbin’s arms, and moved to place them onto a pile of clothes stacked haphazardly on a spare chair. She paused as she put them down, eyes meeting your own.
“Um, hi?”
“Hi,” You said, lifting up a hand to wave awkwardly to her. “Maya, right?”
She slowly straightened up, eyeing you up and down. “Who’s asking?”
You introduced yourself to her, giving her a small bow. “I’m the new translator.”
“Right, nice to meet you. Do you need something?”
Her harsh tone threw you off. She had long dark hair that fell in soft curls over her shoulders, her eyes a piercing green that complemented her dark green sweater perfectly, and if it wasn’t for the ugly scowl she wore, you would have considered her beautiful.
You weren’t sure how to deal with this situation. You figured if you told her the truth, that you just wanted to introduce yourself to all of the staff members, she’d probably find it unimpressive. You felt like you had already gotten off on the wrong foot.
You couldn’t find your words, mouth opening and closing twice as you struggled to come up with an excuse that wouldn’t make you look like a total idiot in front of this beautiful woman, and you were thankful for your scent blockers for hiding your distress.
Changbin came to your rescue without even realizing. “You’re the new translator? Hi!”
He distracted Maya enough that you came to your senses, immediately turning to the rapper instead. “Yeah, that’s me. I was told to introduce myself to staff and members, it’s nice to meet you.”
Introducing yourself to a stylist was apparently weird, but introducing yourself to a member of the team you would be working for? Totally logical.
They didn’t need to know that you had no idea one of the members would be here.
Changbin gave you a nod of acknowledgment, but Maya just shrugged. “Right, okay. Nice to meet you, you can go now.”
It was dismissive, and it rubbed you the wrong way. But you weren’t looking for a confrontation, not after your earlier one with Chan, so you reluctantly bowed to the two beta’s and took your leave. The blonde-haired girl gave you a sympathetic look as you passed her.
You made it to the elevator, deciding that maybe you should just give up on introductions and go home at this point, when a voice called out from down the hall.
“Hey, hold the door!”
It was Changbin, and he was running to catch up to you. You threw your hands in between the closing doors at the last second, stopping them from closing and allowing the rapper to make it onto the elevator. He shuffled in with a little huff of laughter, moving to stand next to you. The doors closed properly, and the elevator began to move down, but you noticed he made no moves to press any floor numbers.
“I’m sorry about Maya. She isn’t usually like that, I just left her in a bad mood,” He said, clearing his throat. “I hope you don’t hold it against her.”
You shook your head. “Don’t worry. I don’t mind, really, it’s just been a long day.”
“Have you met any of the other members yet?” He asked you.
The elevator reached the lobby, and the doors opened, but you didn’t move. You thought about Chan, who you had left in the meeting room upstairs less than half an hour ago, and wondered what he was up to now. Had he disappeared off to the studio? Had he gone back home?
Did the thought of you affect him as much as it still affected you?
You took a deep breath, your nose assaulted with the smokey scent of burning wood. It reminded you of summer camp, making smores by the campfire, telling scary stories in the dark, and awkward first kisses with your schoolyard crushes. It was comforting, somehow.
The elevator doors began to move, and you reached out once again to keep them from closing. “Yeah, I met your leader earlier.”
“Nobody else?”
“Haven’t had the chance yet, no.”
The elevator closed on your hand again.
“Hmmm. You should stop by the practice rooms tomorrow. You can meet the other members, and I can introduce you to our makeup noona’s afterwards,” he offered.
You blinked in surprise. “That … that sounds like a great idea, actually. Thank you.”
He smiled at you, and it was cheeky and genius at the same time. “Happy to help.”
The elevator doors hit your hand once more, and you finally moved to leave the elevator. Changbin reached over to press one of the floor numbers, and as the elevator doors finally started to close, he winked at you.
You shook your head in amusement. You said goodbye to the man working the front desk, the same one from the day you had shown up for your interview, but he only glanced at you as you passed.
“No fucking way.”
“Yes way.”
Sooyoung shook her head in amazement. “You fucked your boss. Oh my god, you fucked your boss!”
“He’s not really my boss,” You said with a laugh. “He’s more like my client.”
“Still! I mean, you know what his dick looks like.”
You winced. “Actually, I don’t?”
“Ah, too preoccupied with other stuff, huh? You naughty girl.” Sooyoung gave you an exaggerated wink, and you laughed so hard you snorted.
“Oh my god, shut up. I meant that I didn’t actually see anything because I was blindfolded.”
“What?! Oh my god you kinky bitch, I should have known!” Sooyoung exclaimed.
“It wasn’t my idea!”
“Oh my god, your boss is the kinky bitch?!”
She cackled, and it was contagious, making you join her immediately. The two of you had just finished dinner, a quick meal that Sooyoung had made, and were now sitting on the couch talking over a bottle of wine. You had let her complain about the PE teacher and her harsh comments for about an hour before you finally decided to let her in on your new development, knowing just how much she loved a good drama.
She was reacting just as expected.
“Wait, why were you blindfolded?”
“Well, I know now it was so I wouldn’t recognize him as an idol, but in the moment I kind of just thought maybe he was shy, or insecure, or something,” You explained.
“It definitely seems obvious to me that he was a celebrity of some kind, but I guess you were a lot more distracted with … other things,” Sooyoung said, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You didn’t have the energy to argue. Especially because she was right.
“Tell me if it’s too tight,” He whispered, a soft cloth brushing against your eyelids.
His scent was heavy, your mind hazy from the arousal. When he finished tying off the blindfold, he leaned against your back, his mouth pressing a soft kiss to the juncture of your neck. You tilted your head to the side, an ache to feel his teeth pressing against the skin running through you and causing slick to drip down your thighs.
You let out a whine.
“Easy baby girl. I got you.”
His warmth disappeared, and you opened your eyes. The blindfold made it so that you could make out the shadows of the dark room, a vague shape of a person as they removed their clothes. You reached down to grab the hem of your own shirt.
“No, don’t,” He said, voice thick. “Let me.”
“So that’s it then? You’re just going to … pretend it never happened?” Sooyoung wondered.
You shook your head to clear your thoughts. “Yeah, I guess.”
Sooyoung downed the rest of her wine in one gulp. “You don’t sound very happy.”
“It’s not like I have a choice. This isn’t just some random one night stand I can call back when I need an itch scratched. We’re going to be working together,” You said, swirling your own wine around your cup.
“Ah, forbidden love. How tragic,” Sooyoung mused.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s not a forbidden love. It’s not even love.”
“Hmm, you sure about that.”
You stuck your tongue out at her.
“What about the rest of your day? Anything interesting happen?”
The two of you continued to talk about your day until you grew tired, deciding to retire to bed early. You got ready for bed, making sure your alarm was set for work the next morning, brushing your teeth, and getting changed into your pajamas. You paused as you grabbed your t-shirt from on top of your dresser, a familiar scent reaching you. You lifted your shirt up to smell it, but the scent was faint.
You leaned down and spotted a stray piece of fabric hidden under your dresser. You pulled it out, revealing a tank top shirt that was much larger than any other you would wear, the smell of it making your chest ache in recognition.
Chan had left his shirt.
You remembered him leaving shortly after you two had finished. He had received a phone call, and whatever was said made him rush to get dressed. He had told you it was a ‘work emergency’.
You remembered him leaving with his sweater on, but you imagined that he had been unable to find his shirt where it had gotten thrown, and probably decided to just leave it.
You closed your eyes with a sigh, and your grip on the shirt tightened. The urge to breathe in his scent was strong, and it took everything in you to open up your bottom dresser drawer, the one where you held old or ripped clothes, and throw the shirt in.
You slammed the drawer shut.
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ravenbloodshot · 24 days
My assumption-
Lee know from straykids has a very pure heart even tho he acts like a total menace on cameras , underneath he can do no wrong to anybody
Dont get it confused. He acts like a menace bc he is. Just like when he acts sweet, that's bc he his. He's one of those ppl that don't show their love blatantly, you would have to know/understand him to figure out that oh when he asks if you've eaten, that's his way of saying "I love you".
He's a complicated guy, feels a lot, but doesn't feel comfortable showing his love in a too obvious way. He prefers teasing and dissing than to say pretty words. I definitely think he enjoys being this way, finds it to be more fun and entertaining.
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astroyongie · 1 month
Please can you do with straykids
Small: Bangchan, Changbin and IN
Big: Minho, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin
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straykids-97 · 1 year
Chan Drabble ✍🏻💭
Laying here watching tv in bed and had a hard thought about Chan being a switch 🥵🥵 while I’d never think he would be a switch just imagine w me for once lol
You have Chan tied to the chair in your room, hands restrained at his sides. His body is mostly bare and he’s utterly exposed to your every whim. The red rope around his wrists was usually on you, but at your bizarre request, he taught you how to tie him up. A request he’d never would have complied with before. But for you, he’d try anything.
You stand in front of Chan, admiring him. His wrists tied tightly behind his back. You bite your lip, running your hands down his arms, “Look at you…” you hum, hands stopping at his thighs. “All tied up just for me.” You giggle and take a few steps back to the bed until your thighs were against the mattress. “I know how to really drive you insane, baby boy.” Chan groans at the nickname, “How’s that, mistress?” He purrs. Though Chan preferred being a Dom, you could see he was genuinely trying to humor you by being the sub for the night. Through much difficulty.
“Someone touching what you can’t.” You sigh, dropping your silk robe to reveal skimpy lingerie in his favorite color; black. You spread your legs, exposing yourself to him. You watch as Chan pulls at the restraint, gritting his teeth; he knows what’s about to happen. You run your hand down your chest to your stomach, “I know how angry it makes you when you can’t have what you want,” you hiss the feeling of your fingers on your soaking core made a chill run up your spine. “Ah, fuck.” You mewl. Chans fingers would have felt better, but for the sake of the night, you wanted to do this. Not just for you, but for him.
You shudder as he growls, a cute grin spreading across your face, “to show you how much you frustrate me by simply existing.” You throw your head back, the warmth spread throughout your body. Chan watching you get off was probably your new favorite thing to experience. “What makes it so frustrating?” He asked. You giggle, “I thought I told you not to speak?” Chan went silent as you pleasured yourself. Or rather tried.
After a few moments of attempting to get yourself close enough to cum, it always seemed so far away. You whine, body becoming flushed with exertion. Biting your lip you focus your face on Chan, who was staring daggers at you. You grin and throw your head back, a haughty moan leaving your throat as you picked up the pace. You were lost in trying to pleasure yourself that you hadn’t seen that Chan was a busy man in his chair.
You hadn’t realized that your words had finally got to Chan and he had had enough of your smart mouth. He had managed to begin to untie his hands, knowing that he the knot he taught you was one he could get out of just in case you couldn’t get him out later. As he watched you struggle to cum, he took the time to wriggle free and was waiting for the perfect moment to bounce on you and show you who really was in charge.
The hot moan that left your mouth as you grew close to your orgasm was the final straw and he launched himself at you. You didn’t realized what was happening until he was wrapping your hands together and essentially made a leash around your wrists. “I know you’re doing so well,” he growled, leaning into your face, “but I’ll take it from here.”
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heartbinn · 2 months
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Straykids nsfw! Hcs + liners
Allsub!Skz x male!r
No warnings listed read by own will
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He's just a desperate little boy
You want to go rough? Sure he can take it
But his favourite is soft, yet longgg sex all through the night.
He would get home sooner if he knows he's getting your dick
Please please edge him. He prefers it over overstimulation. He wants it to last and come hard for you on the end
He'd cry, not beacuse it hurts, but beacuse he loves you so much
You guys dont fuck, you make love
If you worship him he'd try to stop you until you hold his hands so he cant.
Morning kisses with him lead to either of you being late and a soft half an hour session
Give your soft bf attention he needs it
Worship + aftercare needed
He'll get on your nerves.
On purpose too.
Wants you to put him in place, train him like a pet, just so he can disobey and get rough treatment for it.
If you go soft on him as punishment he'll get annoyed.
Deny him, he hates it
Put him on his knees in front of your cock, and if he doesnt touch it reward him.
Still a brat but can be a good boy
He's not so vocal so if you get moans out of him, just know he's in heaven.
Wants you but takes care of himself.
Set up stupid rules for him like he cant wear underwear when home or he has to grind a pillow while you watch (he loves that), he'll go feral.
Take good care of him though.
And no biting. If you do he might have the ability to top you once or twice a month.
He's so soft.
Please please praise him he'll get hard on the spot
Also in bed kiss his muscles all over his body and tell him how much you love it
He loves to ride you while you're sitting. He imagines himself sinking down on you just to come up and do it again. He always comes faster that way.
If you're big enough and his stomach bulges, press down on it and he'll come that second.
Please take his hand and put it on his stomach while you thrust into him so he can feel everything.
He's so sensitive, his eyes will roll back the second you palm his tip.
Cup his man tits, suck on them, kiss them, anything. It makes him pulse.
Takes it both soft and rough.
Please take a bath with him after.
Diving right in
He loves to suck you off
If he has free time he spends it between your legs, cheek resting against your thigh as his plump lips wrap around you and tease you
He knows his lips are doing things to you
He makes it wet, tight, and his throat feels like heaven.
Also loves to suck on just your tip.
Know those people who always have to suck on something like a lollipop?
He's that but only takes your dick
Will worship you
Please put your fingers in his mouth while you fuck him makes his eyes roll back
Overstim him if you want to hear him whine, its the cutest
The typa guy to pull your zipper down with his teeth
He doesn't need aftercare if he gets to kiss you and suck your tounge after
Please let him
Han jisung!
Sometimes a little fucker
Sometimes just pure hot.
Fuck him dumb if he wears something that shows off his waist he does it for you
Breathy whines and moans, hottest thing ever from his mouth
Please suck him off but deny him after.
Also change paces.
Tease him by starting off fast and slowing down then back up.
Loves cockwarming just whenever. He needs to have something stretching him.
Push your tip in and out of him and watch him twitch and go dumb
For foreplay simply rub your chest against his he goes feral
Expect a lot of drooling
Baby might fall asleep straight after so clean him up and cuddle him
Or fall asleep too while still inside him
Very vocal so please kiss him while doing it
Unless you want everyone to hear.
He wouldnt be into blowjobs but would love if you ate him out
Make him sit on your face
Or dick
Or both.
He'd ride you with his back to you
Instead of going up and down he rolls his hips and dont worry he knows the right angles
You might come faster than him
If you do he'll get off and grind against your knee or thigh
Lovely does not want you or himself to feel any pain
Tell him to moan in his deep voice sometime he gets aroused by his own noises
That way he might last more than two rounds
Another brat
But not as much as minho
He wouldnt think about sex 24/7
Except if he didnt come since two days in a row
He wont be able to function without your cock and would be extra mean
With you too
So give him a lesson
Spank him sometime please
And leave him horny and edged if he said something that pissed you off or made you sad
Dont give him your d for maximum 5 days and he comes crying and begging beacuse he phisically cant do anything.
He apologises and if he gets permission does the work himself. He will ride you or turn you on until you fuck him by will
Please even though he's a brat hes so precious
Take care of him
It always depends on his mood
He might be tired so just be the big spoon and fuck him soft and slow
Or if he's hyped but horny will switch into subtop and tell you how to fuck him
Or he just doesnt give you a choice and ride you until both of your are tired and overstimmed
He also doesnt think about sex a lot
Usually soft and just cuddly
Also loves to fuck while in cuddle position.
But if he's just a tiny bit horny its over
Wont leave you alone until he gets what he wants
And he's good at it
But he's happy after
And you want to make him happy right?
Cuddle him after
Might just become your malewife
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itsvioletthebee · 5 months
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RP Partner Search
- I am looking for a rp partner to rp K-pop. I do many groups, but the most I do is Enhypen, ateez,txt, Xikers, straykids. I assure you I do many, so don't be shy to suggest others.
- I do rp other fandoms besides K-pop, like from movies or even anime and even video games like genshin
- I can do percy Jackson [the show], Maze Runner, Hunger Games [All movies], House of the Dragon, The Originals, Vampire Dairies, Legacies, and many other mkre
- Trying to see if I can rp about xikers with someone [their wrecking me as my biggest group is Enhypen]
- I prefer oc, which is easier for me, but I can try other for you.
- I do FxM since it's more comfortable for me to do
- must be +18, I am super friendly so I bet we would get along.
- I can do any types of AUs I don't mind any.
- I can do NSFW or sfw, I don't mind.
- I don't mind any kind of writing way. I can copy the way you rp if u want a specific type.
- I don't mind anything, but I do have some restrictions, which I can say if you text me.
- I prefer Discord because I can organize things better there and it's easier.
- I hope this gets out and that you won't be shy. Text me or comment that I'm always available.
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taeyeonschild · 10 months
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╰┈➤ ❝ [straykids as fanboys] ❞
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pairing: no pairings. they don’t actually know you
genre: fluff, point form hcs
contains: uhhh…. fanboys!
cw: none
A/N: i like this idea a lot, but i didn’t really now what to write for some of them…. hopefully this is somewhat decent? but i have more stuff coming out soon, which i am a lot more confident with!!!
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➙ he is quite famous in your fandom for his youtube channel, where he records covers of all of your music.
➙ you interact with his covers quite often! he tries his hardest to remain calm, and casual, but internally he is freaking out!
➙ fans constantly request collabs, you’ve seen it requested so much that you’ve actually considered the idea! maybe one day you will work together! (at least he hopes so)
➙ he is a huge supporter of everything you do. fans who don’t know you personally, would probably think that you and chan are friends
➙ he is very active in the community, and he interacts with you on a fairly regular basis
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➙ he doesn’t hesitate to spend money on you
➙ he has many of your albums, and merchandise, but he rarely ever talks about you.
➙ people will go to his house and be stunned by the posters on his walls, since they never even knew he was a fan before.
➙ he’s not embarrassed by it, he just prefers to fanboy on the inside.
➙ (if you make any asmr content) he seems like the type to listen to it at times when he’s super tense, to help him relax, and sleep.
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➙ he goes to every concert, and somehow, ALWAYS shows up on the dancecam
➙ his face has been seen so many times that fans start to recognize him
➙ if your music ever plays on the radio, or in a store somewhere, he immediately drops what he’s doing and drops the whole routine
➙ does he care if people watch? NO! why should he 🤷‍♀️ it’s only embarrassing if he messes up the choreo, (which NEVER happens)
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➙ he knows EVERY SINGLE ONE of your dances. he might not even know the words to your songs, but you know as soon as he hears that beat drop, bro becomes a dancing machine
➙ he is likely a part of a dance group
➙ attends random play dances, and gets so excited when one of your songs plays
➙ hyunjin totally posts dance videos online, he likely has a youtube channel solely for that purpose
➙ he even posts slowed + mirrored versions, to help teach others the choreo.
➙ he might also be a fan artist, but i feel that he’d be a bit of a perfectionist about his art, and would be too scared to show any of it online… :(
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➙ something about him gives off editor vibes
➙ i think he’d have a tiktok account, solely for edits of you/your group
➙ he spends hours on AE producing mouth watering edits
➙ he’s got quite a decent following aswell
➙ you interacted with his account once, and he FREAKED. he swears it was the best moment of his life
➙ MAYBEEEE secretly writes fan fiction???
➙ but even if he doesn’t write it. he DEFINITELY reads it…. (we’ve all seen the clip where he seemed to understand the term “omega”….. meaning he HAS read fan fiction at least some point in his life.)
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➙ lix is a super fan, and he is proud to be one. he’s not ashamed, why should he be? 🤷‍♀️ he thinks you’re cool, and if other people have a problem with that, that’s not felix’s issue to solve!
➙ he has binders full of your/your group’s pcs
➙ he trades online for rare ones
➙ he has every version of every album you’ve ever released, and he keeps them proudly displayed on his shelf.
➙ his walls are covered in posters of you/your group
➙ he giggles when he hears you mentioned, and would jump on ANY opportunity to talk about you and your music
➙ he is BROKE because of you
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➙ he pretends not to care about you, in fear of being teased by his friends, but secretly he is a HUGE fanboy
➙ he has secret accounts on social media, where he can follow you, and interact with content related to you/your group, while still remaining anonymous
➙ he has a few of your albums, but he keeps them hidden underneath his bed
➙ his pcs are his prized possessions, but when he has people over they hide in his sock drawer
➙ when he hears your music in public he often catches himself accidentally nodding his head, or tapping his foot to the beat.
➙ he is quick to defend himself, before he is even called out for it “i just like the music that’s why i’m dancing. i don’t even know this song.” what a liar
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➙ he goes to EVERY meet and greet. he’d drive hours just to attend
➙ you’ve seen him so many times that you remember his name. it almost feels like you are friends at this point
➙ he’s always super respectful, so it’s exciting when you see him at different events.
➙ he likes to bring you gifts which you always appreciate.
➙ he has gained a large following online for posting about his interactions with you. and you always repost his videos! (which makes him cry tears of happiness).
➙ he also likes to post unboxing videos of all of your albums! (if you are in a group) he gets so excited when he pulls you! his followers love to see his reactions.
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Childhood videos (leeminho)
His laugh hadn't changed one bit. The cute little giggle and shy smile that graced his lips every time he laughed had remained exactly the same. Much like those big sparkly doe eyes and that cute bunny face he made every time he was either amazed or surprised or just plain confused which only added to how irresistible he looked. Baby Minho and adult Minho were the exact same, he just grew taller and stronger. And his arms and hands got veiny. And his thighs grew thick and beautiful and strong. Oh. His thighs. Oh.
You were SNIFFLING at how cute your boyfriend was as a baby a second ago and now you suddenly could not shake the recurring image of him just sitting anywhere with his legs spread apart in that manly, gruffish way from your head. You knew pretty well how nice it felt to randomly sit on him just to get him flustered and also how he secretly loved it since he would sometimes just openly invite you to sit on his lap "just for fun" cause you apparently "looked nice in that skirt".
Something like a mild pang hits your lower abdomen as you feel a little hot rush pervading you but you just shrug and deem it down to you being all wrapped up in the blankie despite it being late March and not too cold at all outside, "it's so hot outside, damn it". Minho barges in, quickly taking off his jacket and breathing heavily as he presses the back of his hand over his sweaty forehead and pinches his shirt away from his chest as if to ventilate himself with the movement. And you just stare at him in awe cause how could you not? Back from practice and clearly bothered and he still looked stunning.
"Well, hello to you too", you mumble as you watch him drop on the couch right next to you, his head resting on your shoulder as an exasperated sigh leaves his lips. He sprawls on the couch and mumbles something incoherent as you gently brush his hair away from his forehead, "long day at dance practice?", you ask softly, looking at the way his eyelids slide down and his long lashes almost touch his cheek underneath his closed eyes, "6 hours. Followed by a jogging session with Chan hyung. I feel like fucking jelly", "oh dear, why didn't you just come straight home? I'm sure Chan would have understood", you coo, loving the way he's just so unfiltered and raw and comfortable with you, even a little cuddly as he tucks himself closer to you on your lap and reaches for your hand and places it on his chest just to pat it gently. "it's alright, he wasn't feeling his best at practice and said he wanted to go outside for a run to clear his head a bit so I figured he needed a running buddy".
Hearing him being so caring and sweet natured tugs at your heart strings and you realise you're once again on and off about your emotional response to anything Minho related today. Which is weird but also is it really? He had this duality to him that made him so hot and so cute and so cool but warm hearted at the same time and you absolutely loved that about him.
"Were you watching my childhood homemade videos again?". Busted. You smile at him sheepishly as he grabs your phone that has been idle and indefinitely paused on his very cute baby face giving the camera a kiss, "uhm... Maybe?", you scratch your arm nervously but Minho just chuckles, "this is the third time this month I need to tell my mom to stop sending you such compromising material", "but you were so adorable. Look at that face!!! You were the cutest little kid ever!", you protest as he locks your phone and places it on the coffee table away from you, "I know. I was born pretty",he smirks and you playfully poke his cheek which makes him giggle IN THAT WAY and you swear he hasn't aged a single year and you literally choke on a strangled noise coming from within you.
Minho studies your face from his upside down perspective for a bit and then immediately sits up straight, "you are on your period", he declares. Just like that. Deadass. "No? No I'm not", you reply firmly though you have a really hard time holding back your giggles, but he ignores you and fishes a hand right underneath your shirt, squeezing at the softness there, making your breath hitch, "you are about to be then. Your boobs are bigger and firmer. One minute you're ogling me like I'm a piece of meat and the next you're choking on your tears over baby me. Clearly your hormones are going haywire. Now the question is: are they the overly emotional kind or the overly horny ones?". It takes you a full minute to register all that and put two and two together along with the fact that you have been experiencing some body temperature fluctuations and your tummy does feel kinda funny:" uh... Both?".
"Okay. Let's go make a baby then",he deadpans and springs to his feet, grabbing your hand in the process so he can pull you upright, "WAIT WHAT? Minho what the fuck", you start laughing just at how random he is and how you wish you could take a peek inside his head sometimes, "come on. I'll be gentle. I don't have much body energy left for today anyway", he grumbles, sighing as his legs ache a bit while he drags your giggly mess upstairs and into your bedroom.
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fishyfishhhh · 2 years
~how they make you feel better when your sick~
Bang Chan- he would make sure you had everything you needed and he would stay by your side even if you wanted him he might get sick as well. He would just simply say “I don’t care if I get sick cause right now I need too help you feel better.” He would say it with the cutest smile too while hugging you gently.
lee know- he would ask you if you needed anything like blankets, extra pillows, water, food,etc. he would make sure that you were comfy and if you ever had too throw up he would make sure your hair was not in your face and he would have water for after. He also would be holding your hand too.
Changbin- he would give you a hoodie of his you were cold and he would get you snacks that you wanted and medicine for any headaches or stomach aches. He would make sure if you got too hot he would turn a fan on or something. And if you have a throat ache he would try and make something too help it.
Hyunjin- he would give you space if you needed it cause he also want you too nap and rest too help but if you wanted him with you he would stay by your side and just quietly lay with you until you fell asleep and once you wake up he would ask if your feeling better and if you needed anything like water or food.
Han- he would try and make you smile while your sick and he would keep you company. If you needed something he would immediately get it even if it might mean going all the way too the store. He would give you kisses and cuddles when you wanted some.
Felix- he would make sure you had everything and he would cuddle you until you both feel asleep and he would have medicine for you. He would spend the whole day making sure you feel better. He would also ask if you were comfy constantly.
Seungmin- he would ask you how you were sick and he would check your temperature. He would give you things that won’t  make you get sick and he would give you water. He would make sure you didn’t have a severe sickness.
I.N- he would try and help you too feel better and he would try and make sure you were alright. He would let you rest. He would give you cuddles too make you feel less bad. And he would be really nice and caring.
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sunboki · 1 year
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🎥 — hi all 2,027 of you(and those that just stop by), i’m here to announce that my 2k event is closed!!
first and foremost, i can’t express in words how grateful i am to everyone that has supported me this far and continues to support me! it’s been a year since i started this blog, i hope we can make lots of good memories together in the future as well :))
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≡ criteria.
・ you do not have to be above 18 to participate, nor do you have to be off anon if that’s preferred<3 this event is a bit messy, so there isn’t a set schedule but rest assured i will post in the case that i close requests/get close to closing the event^^ note that the drabbles/headcanons won’t be more than 750 words, thanks 🤗
⊹ how to participate.
・ this event is easy, simply tell me your love language, a member of straykids, and if you want your ask answered in headcanon format(bullet points) or a short drabble. then, i’ll write based on it!
— lots of hugs, august
⊙ asks.
001. gift giving, quality time & acts of service — kim seungmin
002. quality time & acts of service — christopher bahng
003. physical touch — lee felix
004. quality time & physical touch — kim seungmin
005. quality time, touch & words of affirmation — christopher bahng
006. words of affirmation & physical touch — christopher bahng
007. physical touch & quality time — lee felix
008. quality time — lee minho
009. words of affirmation, physical touch & acts of service — kim seungmin
010. acts of service & quality time — seo changbin
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all rights reserved by @sunboki. repost and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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succubus-hansol · 10 hours
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Since it's pride month I wanted to make a post to properly introduce myself!!
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So hi! Welcome!
I go by Hansol online, it's very nice to meet you 🫡
I'm 21 years old and a February Pisces if you're into that!
In school I was in band, choir, and theatre. So maybe that's a giveaway of my personality type 😅 That being ENFP-T
(For those who don't want to look it up that means Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting, and Turbulent)
If it's not obvious I absolutely love music, not being stuck to any particular genre and the only artists I really religiously follow is Straykids. I'm a singer-songwriter who's a bit out of practice but trying to get back into it 😁✨️
Returning back to the topic of pride month. I'm pansexual!! Legit couldn't care less about the gender I fall for. If I like you, I like you for you, not whatever is between your legs XD
I know this isn't really part of the LGBTQIA+ Community but I'm also polyamorous, currently not in a relationship but the idea of multiple partners is something I wish to pursue 🤗
Now onto gender, not too sure how some of you will react but here we go!
I'm genderfluid and use He/Him They/Them She/Her pronouns. I am afab but prefer to present more masculine. That just feels like me ✨️ And I feel most comfortable reading as a Male Reader, And presenting as male online.
Hope that doesn't change whatever image you have of me 😅 but ya know, can't be helped I guess 💕
Anywayyyy, thanks for taking the time to read this post!
And happy pride month to all 💕💕🥰
Love, Hansol xxx
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rp-partnerfinder · 8 days
🫶🏻hello there lovely people!
I’m coming on here because I am looking for new rp partners, who are preferably 19+! MDNI. this role play will take place on discord!
what I can offer;
* I offer a variety of fandom that we could have an rp about such as animes, K-pop , shows, movies, etc.
* details, I am a semi literate to literate writer but my replies heavily base on the information given in your replies.
* nsfw and dark topics are absolutely on the table! even things like gore/violence!
* semi fast replies! I do work but I get my replies in when I can!
* I do oc x oc and oc x cc !
* I only do mxf, where I can play the female role. (I double sometimes)
* A variety of ocs that you can choose who you’d like to play against!!
looking for;
* someone to play the male role in a mxf rp
* Little to no triggers
* 19+
* Semi literate to literate replies
* Semi quick responses
* Someone who will be just as involved in the plotting as I am!
fandoms I’m willing to do right now;
- demon slayer
- Naruto
- Kpop (bts, straykids, seventeen, txt, ateez, etc..)
like this post and I’ll reach out to you! 🫶🏻
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