#stress gone
evilwrongdoer · 1 year
i love weed
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
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itsbansheebitch · 9 months
Insane how "Happy" by Pharrell Williams became a "happy/motivational" anthem song when H.S by Tom Cardy is LITERALLY RIGHT THERE
Sound on, ya'll
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Danny, at 17, did not have the best love life. This is partially because two of his must haves in a partner are " Will protect me with their life" and "Will commit unspeakable acts of violence for me" or at least beat someone up for his honor.
Naturally, this doesn't always result in the most stable of partners.
His first girlfriend, Valerie, became an anti-hero and broke up with him for his safety.
He finally got with Sam in sophomore year only for the feds to come into class one day to arrest her. To his surprise, her crimes had nothing to do with ghosts but rather an incident where she went too far and committed a few acts of economic terrorism. Danny and Tucker never really learned the specifics of the crimes, and her parents hushed up as many news outlets as they could, so there wasn't much info to go around. All they knew was that she saved thousands of lives by doing it.
In the end, she was sentenced to eight years, and she broke up with him so that he wouldn't wait around for her to get out.
His third partner was a guy named David who was really sweet. Unfortunately, Danny got kidnapped one day by David's arch nemesis, who was some villain with a corny edge lord name. Yeah. David had become a a super hero after they started dating.
And if you guessed that he freaked out and dumped Danny for his own protection, you'd deserve a cookie.
Danny was noticing a pattern here. One that continued with everyone he dated. They always became some kind of hero before dumping him for his own protection, and it was infuriating. Sure, danny could defend himself, but he was never deep enough into the relationship to reveal his phantom half, and frankly, his hero career was something he left behind when he left Amity and destroyed the portals.
He met Tim at a skatepark after Tim fell off his board cause of some jerk speeding out in front of him on his own board, forcing Tim to stop or else hit the guy. The guy was unrepentant and Tim calmed him down (this did not stop him from melting the guys wheels with an ectoblast when no one was looking).
Tim then asked him to coffee. Danny, noticing how cute Tim was, agreed.
Danny was up front with his parents being mad scientists in Illinois. He always was with all the people he dated. It was better not to hide these kinds of things or worse, wait until you're already attached and afraid of losing them. So he always told potential partners as early as possible. Tim seemed a bit put off by this but was calmer about it than most, and they continued chatting.
Tim didn't seem like the type to turn to heroism or anti heroism so he felt safe on their later dates. It was only after he had known Tim for a while that he put the pieces together.
Tim was always covered in bruises that he hid with his clothes and make up, he had complained about batman over the phone when he thought danny couldn't hear, he was rich, he knew how to fight as revealed by his stances and footwork dispite trying to pretend he didn't, and lastly he held a lot of political power and influence being Bruce Wayne's son. Power he had no reservations using when it suited him or he was just feeling petty (that pettiness was part of why danny was falling for him harder than he thought he could)
No wonder Tim was so okay with his parents being rouges.
Tim was a villain!
At least Tim wouldn't leave him like all his exes. Danny doesn't think he could handle it if he did. Another good thing about this is now he can talk more freely about the more villainous and morally gray ideas and inventions when he was alone with Tim.
Tim didn't see anything wrong with Danny's idea to use something similar to cloning pods to make synthetic meats like rump roasts and steaks as a way to end world hunger and was eager to add to the conversation.
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
it’s hard for me to feed myself right now (just in terms of physical ability), so my mom drove me and the animals to her place. she carried the cats in first, because I had to butt-scoot up the front stairs, and once inside, Pangur got scared and ran. she’s tucked herself away somewhere, and nobody can find her. I probably could, and I could lure her out and make her feel safe again, except that I’m largely immobile. I keep falling on the crutches and fucking my leg up further, and the likeliest hiding spots are up or down a fleet of stairs. it’s been 4 hours, and it’s killing me not to look for her. I’m so tempted to crawl down the basement stairs, broken leg be damned.
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naturecalls111 · 2 months
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vurelly · 2 months
how am i meant to ha wahoo yippee through life in these conditions
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woozi · 5 months
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first date
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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Oops all codependency
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ryssbelle · 6 months
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N2 Floyd in the first movie
Sad little man got himself captured :(
He also gets punched in the face, but that's neither here nor there lmao
Also sorry for not posting for a fat minute I've been busy XD
Bonus: What John and Branch be doing
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RIP in pieces John Dory, you were a brave troll and will be missed
I've got some more doodles of them going through it in the first movie, maybe we will see them soon teehee .
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trek-tracks · 1 month
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for the next five minutes before there's another crisis
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deoidesign · 1 month
Idk who needs to hear this but time and time again isn't over!!!
Webtoon removed the "time and time again will return!!!" Banner and I don't know why, but it's not over!!! There's still another 1/3 of the comic to go! There's a lot more stuff that I'm working on and it'll be coming back soon!
Please be patient with me, I know it's been a long time... But the stuff I'm making is really good and there's a lot of reasons it's taken this long. I promise I want it back more than anyone.
I'm trying to come back around the end of October. I'm doing my best to get everything ready in time, so no promises, but I'm on track to do so! I'm just one person writing and drawing everything, and my editor was fired so I'm not even getting any notes anymore. It's literally just me. I'm doing my best I promise!
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moo-blogging · 19 days
Nothing in my head but being young, broke college students with Levi in modern Japan.
It has been difficult. I mean you tried to do your hobbies, watch some movies, cook, anything just to get your mind off the stress. But, ugh the stress just can't go away. You just did all of your favourite things with a heavy stone of stress balancing on your head.
And Levi sees it all. He knows you're stressed out. He knows you're doing everything you could think of to destress. But it is obvious that you're not making an progress.
Your head is spinning as you read the same paragraph for the 15th time. You are seeing words but not getting the meaning of it. You tilt your head back, staring at the ceiling as you fight back your tears of frustration. You take several deep breaths.
Levi looms over you. Your eyes lock. His eyes are shadowed by his face and hair but you could still see the beautiful blueish silver that gleams despite the shadow. You give him a sad smile. He closes the space and kisses your forehead. "Let's go out." He breathes onto your skin.
You sign, "I can't, Levi, I have to finish 2 more chapters today. I need to pass this test." You tilt your chin up and is greeted by his lips on yours.
"I'll take care of you, you don't even have to finish college." Levi kisses you again. You giggle. You know he means it. And he knows you are too stubborn to give up. You stare at each other for a moment. You study his face. He's looking at you with all the patience and love you have ever received in your life. He lifts his left eyebrow. You know you couldn't turn him down anymore.
"Ok, let's go out." You nod, and slam the book shut. "Can we get ice cream from the convenience shop?"
"Only the small one, it's late now." Levi pulls you up.
"Maybe a cup of instant noodles too?" You grin as you think of the salty, hot soup in your mouth.
Levi helps you into your jacket and places your shoes by the door, "sure, we can try the new flavour that came out last week."
You slip your palm into his, feeling the warmth of his skin on yours. Levi is always loving like this. Even though you are two broke college students where Levi has to work part time at the coffee shop in the college while you do tutoring for younger children, he is never stingy with you. That's his love. He loves by making sure you are well-fed, warm, safe and happy.
Hand in hand, you walk on the deserted street with the love of your life. You blabber about how you would study twice as hard after you had your noodles at the convenience shop (although Levi knows you will fall asleep as soon as you got home), Levi listens to you, nodding and giving comments here and there, and his thumb gently rubbing the back of your palm, silently showing love in subtle ways.
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runawaymarbles · 21 days
One of the things that frustrates me about some of the Discourse is that obviously it's obnoxious to tell people they'll change their minds about things like having kids, or their identity label or what have you, and people shouldn't do it. But those posts are always full of testimonials of people who never changed their minds and using 'I was right all along' as a reason for why you shouldn't question people. Which is fair!
But also consider: people change their minds all the time. Some people don't want kids until they're 35 and then they want a dozen. Some people really DO 'meet the right person.' Sometimes something really IS just a phase, and that's fine!!! Yelling about how this never happens or acting like other peoples' experience invalidates our own is not perhaps the inclusive and supportive message we think it is.
Don't tell people they'll change their mind because it's obnoxious, don't tell people they'll change their mind because there's a good chance you're wrong, but also don't tell people they'll change their mind because it makes it harder for them to actually do that.
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florent-towers · 3 months
criston cole is the only character on hotd to canonically cut himself struggle bangs from the immense impostor syndrome he feels from his job and the stress of his situationship and this fandom has the nerve to call him unrelatable smh
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wormspoor · 3 months
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scene from “In 100 Years and Time You’ll Know Me” fic which is just. So cute. This picture wouldn’t leave my mind and demanded to be drawn.
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